Vill+P.O.- Mathpalsa, P.S- Sainthia, Dist- Birbhum (W.B) Govt. Regd. No. Society Act. 1961 Regd. No. S/1L/64876 of 2009-2010

Office Address: - Vill+P.O- Mathpalsa, P.S- Sainthia, Dist- Birbhum (W.B) Office No. 09732214903, 09476338233 Email No. [email protected]

This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software. To purchase, go to Introduction: - A group of young and social activists translated their dreams of developing Society into the form of an organization- MATHPALSA DISHA SAMAJ KALYAN SOCIETY. Their vision was to build up a society, where men will not be exploited by men and where justice will prevail. Disha to them would represent a new type of social movement in which would work for the downtrodden and exploited sections of rural areas. Started with an education program of Mathpalsa village in Birbhum. Disha today works in about 25 backward villages of Birbhum in West Bengal. Now Disha has concentrated and taken a little initiatives in the following Programs such as education program, formation of self Help Group for B.P.L families for Agricultural Labours and poor marginal farmers, Agriculture training, Women & Child welfare programmes, Youth welfare Training, Sports including training in various fields. Community Health work etc. A significant feature of Disha is its twin approach to development more movement more mobilization and imitational movements go hand in hand with constructive social activities in an effort to build up people’s awareness and people organization. [“If our goal is to help all the people at any time and not the aggrandizement of a few. Our efforts should be directed to reach no- poverty, Non-development affluence Society”. Any alternative theory to rid poverty will have to eschew development and opt for a different type of society and economy. It would have to oppose affluence growth and development and instant plead for progress happiness and liberation from poverty.] -

Directors of the Society

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On the behalf of MATHPALSA DISHA SAMAJ KALYAN SOCIETY I like to place before this August Annual General meeting 2011-2012. The efforts of achievement made over the previous year it is known to our members that our achievements centers round over rural gentry in particulars and the urban sectors in general (Sainthia). We have not distinguished the genders of the rural sectors and tried our best to give equal status to our women folk members in the field of education. Our goal had been to set aside all such decisive forces and defeat them in obtaining full scale development in independent India. Women are being kept in doors by men thus hampering social economic and Health development for the coming generation resulting in a backward class throughout efforts, we seek to achieve women empowerment side by side with men and made activities being undertaken by our society for this. I think our women members in understanding our motives and giving as full support in achievement towards our goal. The Year 2011-2012 had been the year for development at upliftment of poverty stickmen people in rural sectors development of youth and culture, Relief distribution, Agricultural development, Women & Child Development, Education Priority which includes training, Awareness generations to make the villages gentry self- reliant. Our intention had been to up lift the rural people in health education and economic and cultural environment. Now I Place a brief report of work done in 2011-2012

This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software. To purchase, go to Education: - with an eye of development of the educational sphere in the rural sector. We opened Disha Shiksha Niketan 5 nos. 1) MATHPALSA under Mathpalsa Gram Panchayat in sainthia block 2) BATASPUR under Fulur Gram Panchayat in Sainthia Block. 3) KRISHNANAGAR under Jikadda Gram Panchayet 4) KALESWAR under Kaleswar Gram Panchayat in -II Block. 5) under Kutasur Gram Panchayat.

To provide quality education the children of the project area, Mathpalsa, Batashpur, Kalaswer under Sainthia & Mayuraswar block in the of Birbhum. Disha started a Shishu Shikha Niketan school in the year 2008. It was identified by Disha that enrollment of children in primary school in is hardly 70%-80% of the primary school going age group and the rest 20%-30% reaming out of school to swell the rank of adult illiterates . There are two reams for this firstly there is the limitation of Physical fowl ties and lock of predation. Secondly and more importantly the people of lower strata cannot afford to send their children in the school because these every child either join them as helping hand in them wage earning activities as look after the house held chores while they go away from home in search at labour. In such situation the process of bringing the children at the poorer section of society to schools through pre-primary education was an essential requirement. That is why Disha has made use of a portion of its office infrastructure at Mathpalsa, BatasPur & Kaleswar to give quality education to the children of its identified communities and started six classes from lower Nursery to standard IV with enrollment 210 student altogether this program has been designed for the Un schooled children 6-14 years of age group and for school Drop outs of the some age cohort. The duration of the course is to cover up to grade IV allowing one year for each grade. The syllabus like environment, Computer, Health and sanitation, Food and Nutrition, germs and diseases apart from reading writing and numeracy, Equal emphasis is given on the extracurricular activities of the children. The guardians of the students are always encouraged to meet the teachers in charge of the concerned classes to discs the problem and the process of hope upbringing of their wards. Guardians meetings are organizing in periodic intervals for joint assessment of the performance of each child.

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In a male dominated society of ours awareness towards participation at women in any income generation scheme has been our intention. We have already mobilized 30 groups Mathpalsa G.P and Hatora G.P Sainthia block each group consists of 10 members. A few banks accounts have also been opened up to facilitate better financial benefits to the working women class. We have made special emphasis on minorities and SC, ST our women fleet is growing day. By next financial year we expect more then three hundred women whether under B.P.L or A.P.L to be in such self help groups deter mining their our destiny. In this as part of special training programs have been imparted by specialists drawn from various corners to aware the women particularly behind parade to know the present condition of our society.


Each year 8th march in is celebrated as “International Women’s day” and that day we participate and function organized by Mohila Mondal at Mathpalsa about 150 women participated in the said event. B.D.O. Prodhan, school teachers and outsider chairperson explained different aspects of legal protection at women’s causer. In the said function questionnaires were distributed among the participants and a free and frank discussion was held. We are trying to organize barks field women worker child labour, particularly with the girls of SC, ST, minority community.

AIDS / HIV AWARENESS CAMPS- This dangerous disease mainly transmitted through unsafe sex is a social evil is rapidly spreading considering the gravity of the situation and our obligation towards society. We in collaboration with, health dept had condveted a door to door survey in santhia rail bosti are a and under took pragramme for spreading awaiener on HIV and AIDS 5/12/2011 we made simultaneous canpain explaining danger of HIV/AIDS.

This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software. To purchase, go to YOU THWELFARE PROGRAMME – Through our youth welfare youth groups we tried to benefit the welfare activities at the youth. We catered help particularly the youths belonging to SC,ST minorities in the field at sports and games, physical train up in this respect 30 youth have taken part and each at them were given a token at appreciation to encourage them activities. At late it has been observed that youth are getting distracted and thus indulges in various anti-social activities in order to tap the huge human resources embedded in the youth and our organization took the initiative in channeling the resource towards fruitful means. Health care education local problems were some at the spheres where youths were diverted so that there brings about all round development. We stressed the participation of youth in development work with their respective areas. This in the long run will bring about leadership qualities. Also youths were prepared into various auroras campaigns and seminars so that they are exposed to various situations.

CULTURAL PROGRAMME :- I am attempt to improve the cultural activities, we organized a 2 days traditional cultural artists workshop for the SC,ST man women and children the participant were given training on group dance , tribal’s drama , songs and elocution reputable artists imparted training to them monitoring at their program was also done along with the training. Senior and teacher rectified their deficiencies. It was the sound at dramas that reverb rated the evening air. The occasion was two days’ workshop on tribal folk art organized by us. 85 Advise artists’ dancer and musician from the district at Birbhum M.D Bazar, labpur, Sainthia and Mayureswar I&II block participated in the tribal cultural fair NYK Birbhum urged to preserve and develop rich heritage at tribal and culture. I proposed to organize a tribal folk art festival in the coming year.

Sports And Games competition: - Sports and games competition was organized by us this year on the playground at Mathpalsa high school . And the participants come almost from our project village area & our school s,tudent members. Participants rose to almost 350 numbers competitor, football run, long jump, high jump and biscuits race for children were conducted.

This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software. To purchase, go to OBSERVANCE OF NATIONAL DAYS: - As usual have observed Independence Day on 15th august -2011 and republic on 26th January -2012 with due pomp and grandeur to promote national integrity communal harmony.

Science fair :- We organize a seminar com work shop was help on 18th march -2012 at Mathpalsa primary school and padayatra covered main roads at the side ward.

Agriculture on Horticulture A Forestation: - We organize a seminar on sustainable agriculture and Horticulture program to wart land development program. The important factory pointed out is that the environmental to unrations for sustainable agriculture being damaged are in terms of land degradation and crop damage. The production scenario is beset with ecological, technological demographic problem. To make people aware at this problem and to take action for sustainable agriculture which is also known by other name such as alternative farming & use wart land. Natural and organic farming (i) Herbal (ii) Horticulture (iii) Social fares fry (iv) Dry land agriculture programme (v) Integrated part management that reduce the need for pesticides though crop rotation weather monitoring, timing at plantation and biological pert control.

It is pertinent to stale that the from well- wishers, members and participants and hope like previous years our well- wishers members will extend their holding hand so that we can cherish our goal. Further, I also thank various members at Gram Penchants, Panchyet Samities, B.D.O. and his staff and Zilla Parishad in stretching out them best hand for our soccer in every sphere. I also thank all members at agriculture Debit & Health debit officers at their co-operation and help. Also I think all members at school teachers’ Mathpalsa G.P their advice and help to our organization.

This page was created using BCL ALLPDF Converter trial software. To purchase, go to I hope if we get some monetary help from NYK, B.D.O. Gram Ganchayet government of W.B. we will be able to march ahead to the tune at authorities’ satisfaction. Be for close my pen, from my core at hart, I express my gratitude to my president vice president, asst. secretary, treasurer and members at the governing body who worked like village committee and gave teed back to me about our action development day to day. Grate full to my well-wishers, local administrator thanks to my village members for their all-out support and co-operation.

With regards Secretary Mr. Sk. Munsur Rahaman

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