Ameloblastic Fibroma to Complex Composite Odontome – a Continuum? – a Review

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Ameloblastic Fibroma to Complex Composite Odontome – a Continuum? – a Review Medical Research Archives, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Ameloblastic fibroma to complex composite odontome – a continuum? – a review Ameloblastic fibroma to complex composite odontome – a continuum? – a review Authors: Abstract: Sivapathasundharam B. Odontogenic tumours comprise of both hamar- Professor and Head, tomas and true neoplasm and are of great interest to oral pathologists, oral physicians and oral Department of Oral Pathology and surgeons. The classification of odontogenic Microbiology, tumours underwent many modifications from its Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, inception. Mixed odontogenic tumours are Chennai, India composed of neoplastic odontogenic epithelial as well as ectomesenchymal components. The Logeswari Jayamani lesions under this group are ameloblastic fibroma Reader (AF), ameloblastic fibro dentinoma (AFD), ame- Department of Oral Pathology and loblastic fibro odontoma (AFO), odontoma, odon- Microbiology, toameloblastoma, calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour (calcifying odontogenic cyst or COC) and Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, dentinogenic ghost cell tumour. Chennai, India Ameloblastic fibromas are rare tumours and occur most commonly in first and second decade of life and may be associated with an impacted tooth. There are two school of thoughts regarding the nature of ameloblastic fibroma. According to the first view, ameloblastic fibroma is a hamartoma and matures to become complex composite odontoma and according to the latter, it is a neoplasm. In this article, these views and their place in WHO classification of odontogenic tumours, are discussed. Keywords: Odontogenic tumours, Odontogenic apparatus, Ameloblastic fibroma, Ameloblastic fibro odontoma, Ameloblastic fibro dentinoma, Odontoma, India, WHO classification of odontogenic tumours Copyright 2017 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │1 Medical Research Archives, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Ameloblastic fibroma to complex composite odontome – a continuum? – a review 1. Introduction College, Chennai, India), out of 4300 biopsied head and neck specimen reported in Odontogenic tumours are lesions the last twenty years, ameloblastic fibroma, arising from or associated with odontogenic ameloblastic fibro odontoma, ameloblastic apparatus, or their remnants or their 1 fibro dentinoma and odontoma together derivatives. Odontogenic tumours are rare formed only 0.44% (19 cases). heterogeneous group of lesions, accounting for 3-9% of all head and neck biopsied Out of the 19 cases, 16 were odontoma specimens. 1 They range from hamartomas to (6 complex and 10 compound) followed by neoplasms, which in turn may vary from AF, AFO and AFD contributing one each. benign to malignant.2,3,4 The classification of odontogenic tumours is a dynamic one, due Though the occurrence of odontoma to the change in understanding of their appears to be high among the mixed odontogenic tumours in many of the nature and behaviour based on newer 12,13 12,13 molecular and genetic studies.1,4,5 Asian and African studies , it is less when compared to the western litera- Mixed odontogenic tumours are ture9,10,12,13 This could be due to the racial composed of neoplastic odontogenic and genetic variation and/or under reporting, epithelial as well as odontogenic since most of the odontoma, particularly ectomesenchymal components, and compound composite odontoma, do not categorized by WHO in their classification warrant a histopathological confirmation and of Odontogenic tumours (2005) under are diagnosed and treated based solely on “Tumours of odontogenic epithelium with their clinical and radiographic presentation. odontogenic ectomesenchyme”. The lesions under this group are ameloblastic fibroma Though the term odontoma is (AF), ameloblastic fibro dentinoma (AFD), commonly used for the lesions composed of ameloblastic fibro odontoma (AFO), odon- all the tissues of the tooth, there are toma, odontoameloblastoma, calcifying cys- differences in clinical, radiographical and tic odontogenic tumour (calcifying odonto- histological features in their subcategories, namely compound composite and complex genic cyst or COC) and dentinogenic ghost 10,12,14 cell tumor.3, 5, 6 composite odontoma. Further, the important distinction is that both are Among these lesions, ameloblastic pathogenetically different and the patho- fibroma, ameloblastic fibro odontoma, genesis of compound odontoma is more clo- ameloblastic fibro dentinoma and odontoma sely related to the formation of super- are considered to be different points in same numerary tooth.3,6,10,14 spectrum, with ameloblastic fibroma on one end and complex composite odontoma The similar clinical, radiographic (CCO) at the other end as per the view of the features, with few histopathological differ- majority.2,7-9 ences permit us to speculate this spectrum of lesions as continuum of maturation of the Literature reveals that these lesions are same lesion rather than distinct enti- relatively rare 3,4,7,9 -12 except odontomas, but ties.3,8,10,11,15,16 i.e AF matures into AFD, unfortunately both types of odontomas, viz then AFO and finally CCO.6,10,11 The AFs compound composite and complex compos- being true neoplasm with consequent non- ite are grouped together in these studies, neoplastic, hamartomatous lesions does not though they are pathogenetically different.3,9 allow many to accept it as a continuum, as In our institution (Meenakshi Ammal Dental the cases of AF occurring at the higher age Copyright 2017 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │2 Medical Research Archives, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Ameloblastic fibroma to complex composite odontome – a continuum? – a review than its sequential AFO and AFs recurring However, this group of lesions do as AF and not as AFD or AFO . 3,8,10 Hence occur in older age and larger lesions causing the other names, namely immature denti- asymmetry are also reported.11 However, the noma, ameloblastic fibrodentionoma of AFs exact clinical presentation could not be has been discontinued. This unresolved predicted because of their rarity. nature and controversy regarding their pathogenesis inquisited us to analyse their 3. Radiographic features inter-relationship in this article. AF, AFD, AFO and CCO are usually Ameloblastic fibroma, considered to detected as an accidental finding in be the first lesion in this spectrum consists of radiographs taken for unerupted teeth or neoplastic epithelium and connective tissue other reasons. Smaller lesions appear as which resembles ectomesenchyme without unilocular radiolucent lesions15,17 and larger hard tissue formation, whereas other lesions lesions as multilocular.2,10 are characterised by hard tissue formation, due to the interaction of odontogenic AFD and AFO frequently appear as epithelium and ectomesenchyme.3,8,10,11,16-18 unilocular radiolucency with varying amount The type of hard tissue present differentiates of radiopacity demonstrating the hard tissue this further into AFD, AFO and complex formation.2,10,15-17 AF appears as radiolucent composite odontoma.10 When the hard tissue lesion with or without sclerotic margin.2,10 is limited only to dentin it is termed as AFD, The features like resorption of bone and when enamel and dentin is present, it is surrounding roots, expansion of cortical AFO.8,10 If all the hard tissues of a tooth are plates and perforations are not uncommon present but in an unorganized manner, with these larger lesions.10,20 Most of the without any proliferating odontogenic lesions are associated with unerupted or epithelium is called CCO10, the last or the so impacted tooth, especially it is evidenced called matured lesion of this spectrum. that three quarters of AFs are associated with impacted tooth.21 2. Clinical features CCO, the final lesion of the spectrum AF, AFD, AFO and CCO clinically shows varying features ranging from present as a slow growing asymptomatic radiolucency, mixed radiolucency to radiopacity depending on the stage of the swelling, frequently associated with missing 2,10,11,14 tooth. The size of the lesion is usually small, lesion. Thus, it may be difficult to measuring few millimetres; exhibits equal differentiate a developing CCO from AF or gender predilection; 3,4,10,11,14-20 except few other lesions of this group. It may also be case series where male predominance are associated with unerupted tooth. 4,8 reported . Posterior region is the This mixed radiopacities of the lesions commonest site irrespective of maxilla or discussed above bring in more similar mandible. Displacement of teeth, pain, radiographic differential diagnosis including discomfort and paraesthesia are not usually AOT, CEOT and COC.15,16,19,20 present.8,10,11,14-20 These lesions occur in young age, usually less than 20 years,7,15 with mean age of 14.8 years for AF, 13.6 4. Histopathology years for AFD, 9 years for AFO and 19.9 7 Unresolved histogenesis, limited years for complex odontoma. knowledge on clinical behaviour, multivocal radiographic features and its extreme rare Copyright 2017 KEI Journals. All Rights Reserved Page │3 Medical Research Archives, Vol. 5, Issue 7, July 2017 Ameloblastic fibroma to complex composite odontome – a continuum? – a review occurrence perplexes the pathologist to give and strands. Each island resembles cell rests diagnosis based only on their histological consisting of 1-2 layers of cuboidal to evidences. Microscopically, AF, AFD, AFO columnar cells with or without central and CCO demonstrate only minor histo- stellate reticulum like cells.3,7-11 In contrast, logical differences. the AFD and AFO
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