NEWSLETTER –November 2015 Oadby Hillwalking Club (

The next Club Meeting will be on Wednesday 9th December (at 7:30pm) at the Fox Inn, Oadby


Chairman: Roy Batchen 0116-270 7628 [email protected] Secretary/Newsletter: Mike Hinks 0116-259 2144 [email protected] Treasurer: Jenny Fox 0116-291 1491 [email protected] Walks Co-ordinator: John Bastow 0116-243 4176 [email protected] Webmaster & Social: Alison Beckett 07557 199247 [email protected] M’bership Secretary: Carol Hinks 0116-2592144 [email protected]

Next monthly walk – Sunday 6 December – Calver Coach departs Oadby Central Car Park (behind Boots) at 8.00am and Calver at 5.00pm. Coach Route: M1 to J29, A617 to Chesterfield, A619 to Baslow, A623 through Calver and Stoney Middleton, to Wardlow Mires. Coach to be parked in Calver Bridge – outside the Calver Primary School – Post Code: S32 3XA Grid Ref: SK 247 743

Refreshments: Available at the Bridge Inn, and over the bridge at the café adjacent to the Craft Centre.

Bootstop: M1 Tibshelf Services

Walk Leaders: Long Carol Birch Medium John Bastow, Geoff Mattock, & Alison Becket Short Mike Packham

Map: OL 1 Dark Peak & OL24 White Peak.

Routes: To John Bastow before 23rd November, please. to e-mail: [email protected] Phone 0116-2434176 or post to: 14 Bramley Orchard, Bushby, , LE7 9RU.

Walk Route Map Please go onto the News section of the Club website, ( a few days before the monthly walk, to see a map showing the walk routes. Hopefully this will speed up signing up for your walk when on the coach.

Prospective walkers –please contact Carol Hinks to book a seat on the bus: By e-mail to: [email protected] You will receive a reply confirming the availability or otherwise of a seat. Or by telephone on 0116-2592144.

If you wish to be picked up, at other places than the Oadby Car Park, please mention where when booking and please be aware that very occasionally another Woods coach may go past before ours arrives. Members can book for the next month’s walk on the return journey back to Oadby. You don’t have to wait for the Club meeting or the Newsletter.

Page 1 of 5 Cancellations - members and guests - Cancellations up to Tuesday Midnight before the Sunday walk - no penalty. Cancellations thereafter - full cost of the bus fare due. (AGM 2011). Please send fare due to the Treasurer, Jenny Fox, 126 Braunstone Close, Leicester, LE3 2GT

Boot/Toilet Stop Members are urged to keep the time taken at the boot stop to a minimum. At the end of the walk members should change their footwear and place dirty boots and rucksacks in the luggage locker before getting onto the coach, thus avoiding any congestion and mud in the coach. Those getting off the coach at Fosse Park and the Ring Road, may alternatively, put your dirty kit into a “Bin Liner” and then take it onto the coach; thus negating having to search for your kit in the luggage Locker.

Safety Form and Emergency Personal Details Please make sure that you are carrying your completed Club Safety Form in the top of your rucksack - it could help you in a difficult situation. N.B. Don’t forget to keep the form up to date. The form is available on the Club Website (

Essential Wear - N.B. Jeans and, or trainers/sandals are NOT suitable Members and guests must be suitably equipped and as a minimum this must include:  suitable walking boots  waterproof coat and over-trousers  warm clothing  an appropriate rucksack.  food and drink for the whole day  a First Aid Kit is recommended

Note : ‘Registered Assistance Dogs Only” are allowed on club walks

Almoner’s Report If you know of any member that is poorly or unable to walk for any reason, please let one of the committee know.

Forthcoming Sunday Monthly Walks: 2015/16 Proposed programme: 3 January 2016 – Ambergate – 5.00pm 7 February – Litton – 5.00pm 6 March – Hathersage – 5.00pm 3 April - Holmfirth – 5.30pm

Forthcoming Sunday Mid-Month Local Walks:

22 November – Leader: Alison Beckett. Details to be announced.

13 December – Leader: Roy Batchen. Details to be announced.

Mid January – Leader – Steve Sembay (The ex-Chairman’s Xmas Walk). A 8-9 mile circular walk around Market Bosworth; followed by a Pub Lunch. Details to be announced. Page 2 of 5 Interested in being a Walk Leader?

Please speak to any Committee Member, who will gladly arrange this for you – or better still come along to our Club Meetings, which are on the Wednesday after the Sunday walk, at The Fox Inn, Oadby at 7.30pm.

October’s Mid Month Walk Report - Braunston in Rutland:

It was on a somewhat overcast Autumn morning that nine walkers set off through the churchyard of All Saints’ Church, Braunston-in-Rutland, heading west towards Hall. This is undulating country bordering and Rutland, with gently rolling farmland and grassy paths (albeit damp and muddy on an October morning!) and pleasant views. The walk took in as well as Withcote Hall, both properties redolent with history.

In 1586 Mary Queen of Scots stayed at Withcote Hall on her fateful final journey that took her to her death at Fotheringhay Castle. After stops at Ashby Castle and the Angel Inn in Leicester, she made the journey to Withcote then onwards through Manton, Edith Weston, across the River Welland and through Rockingham Forest to Fotheringhay. The current Withcote Hall dates from the 18th century although there is an adjoining Tudor Chapel. The Hall appears to be in a sadly ruinous state.

Not long after passing the Hall we arrived at Launde. An Augustinian was founded at there about 1119 within the of . At the time of the dissolution of the monasteries liked the look of Launde and wished to reserve it for himself; however he was executed for treason before taking possession of it. Instead, his son Gregory lived here with his wife for some 10 years and is buried under a memorial in the chapel, the oldest part of the present building which is largely Elizabethan with extensive later modifications. The Abbey is now a retreat and conference centre serving the dioceses of Leicester and Peterborough. However, the most important feature is a cafe serving tea, coffee and cakes, yum!

Heading east from Launde Abbey we joined Leighfield Way and so returned to Braunston after

a very pleasant walk in excellent company – many thanks to Mike for leading us. Mary Prior

Mary Prior

Page 3 of 5 Church Stretton walk report from Mirtha Wright It was a glorious warm and sunny October day and having travelled from Leicester we alighted in Marshbrook, just south of Church Stretton. Across from the lay-by stood a cafe popular with cyclists - we were all tempted to have coffees and breakfast. These feelings were soon overcome when we found ourselves ascending an overgrown path with brambles and thistles, that led our group of six to Minton. Dotted amongst these brambles we spotted a variety of mushrooms - many different colours, sizes and shapes.

We continued our walk across mixed terrain - downhill and uphill until we reached a large path through a forest; along the edges our eyes focused on a group of red and white spotted fungi which were captured by many a photograph.

On leaving Shooters Knoll the path took an incline, walking on a grassy terrain that was covered by clumps of wild heather. When we looked behind we were rewarded by the beautiful views of Church Stretton, Little Stretton and the hills that surround the Long Mynd.

At the top of the hill, we turned left and continued our walk along the Long Mynd, the sun faced us and we were greeted with a light breeze that served as a refresher.

As we stopped to allow our leader to navigate the route; a mountain cyclist headed towards us; for a moment we thought he wasn't going to stop, as he came closer he slowed and continued cycling downwards us clutching the edge of the Long Mynd. All we could see was the rear of his bike wheel slowly fading from our sight amongst a cloud of dust. We resumed our walk following signs for the Jack Mytton Way and the Shropshire Way leading us to the end of the Long Mynd.

We reached the end and were rewarded by beautiful views of the Clun, we turned back and stopped for lunch admiring the Shropshire views from the top of the Long Mynd as we ate. After lunch we continued our walk back along the foot paths of Jack Mytton Way and the Shropshire Way taking us to Pole Bank, via short paths that lead us to the Midland Gliding Club. The beautiful sunny Sunday had invited people to the outdoors to pursue their own sports; including cycling and horse riding.

When we reached Pole Bank we paused at the view point to admire the view that stretched into the horizon. As we set off once again the foot path diverted us to a gravel path downhill, that led to Cardigan Mill valley. We were able to enjoy the beauty of the Shropshire hills which were covered with gold and green colours and a stream that ran down the hill with the trickle of water echoed amongst this valley.

Once we reached the tea shop in Cardigan valley some of us took the opportunity to use the conveniences and later decided to head towards Church Stretton railway station where our bus was awaiting for us, but not before enjoying a visit to the pub or Tea shop.

A wonderful day was had by all. Thank you Adam for organising a lovely walk.

Mirtha Wright

Diary Dates: Wednesday 10 February 2016 at 7:15 pm - The Leicester College’s Taste Restaurant has been booked for 20 people. The 3 course Silver Service meal will be £16.50 per head and they have a licensed bar.

Friday 14 to 17 October 2016 (3 nights) – K Shoe Hut - An organizer will be needed, please.

Page 4 of 5 The Fenny Bentley walk report Nine walkers joined Jenny Fox for a 12.5 mile exploration of the fine White Peak scenery to the east of Fenny Bentley. There was fog on the outward coach journey, but by the time we started at 10am this had cleared to give a fine day in prospect. The first leg of our route took us along a green lane and over Shining Tor, followed by a descent to the bridge that lead us down into Milldale. We passed a snack kiosk just as it opened and failed to resist buying pasties, sausage rolls etc to sustain us through the day ahead. Many of us took off our jackets etc. as we were getting far warmer than the calendar said we should. We later found out this was the warmest November day for many years. Maybe that was one reason why the usually modest White Peak slopes seemed more challenging than normal. Having passed Alstonefield, we then turned sharp south at Wetton before a lunch stop with fine views at Throwley Hall. Still the sun shone out of a Mediterranean-blue sky as we enjoyed more fine views followed by some level walking on the Manifold Way, converted old railway line. Once at Ilam Hall we obeyed the rule for all National Trust members, i.e. its obligatory to use the NT teashop. Suitably fortified, the final series of ups ‘n’ downs took us over Caldwell Bridge, onto the Limestone Way and across the Tissington Trail to arrive back at Fenny Bentley exactly at the 4:30 sunset time.

Thanks Jenny for an excellent walk and especially for arranging the perfect conditions. Dave Judson

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