Annual Report 2013

Contact Pulling apart

 

Compression after dissociation Pulling apart again the dropletsdroplets

Ugelstad Laboratory

Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013

Founding members

 Akzo Nobel Surface

 Nalco Champion Technologies

 Wärtsilä Oil and Gas Systems

 Institute for Energy Technology

 Paper and Fiber Research Institute

 Shell Technology Norway

 Statoil

 Total

Affiliated members

 Aker Solutions

Photo front page: Stability and interactions of droplets covered by tetrameric acids studied with the Drop-Drop Micromanipulator Apparatus

Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013

Annual report 2013 for Ugelstad Laboratory

Table of Contents:

1.0 From the Head of the Laboratory ...... 1 1.1 From the part-time employees ...... 4 2.0 Some Important Events in 2013 ...... 5 3.0 Description and Organization of the Laboratory ...... 6 3.1 Scope of the Ugelstad Laboratory ...... 7 3.2 Members ...... 8 4.0 Research Programs ...... 9 4.1 Crude Oil Related Research ...... 9 4.1.1 JIP: Improved Mechanisms of Asphaltene Deposition, Precipitation and Fouling to Minimize Irregularities in Production and Transport (NFR PETROMAKS) 2014 – 2017 ...... 9 4.1.2 JIP1: Increased Energy Savings in Water-Oil Separation through Advanced Fundamental Emulsion Paradigms (NFR PETROMAKS) 2011 – 2014 ...... 9 4.1.3 JIP2-4: Prediction of Ca-naphthenate deposition in Water-oil systems (2011-2014) ...... 11 4.1.4 Multiphase Flow Assurance Innovation Centre (FACE) - Centre for Research-Based Innovation (CRI) Application (2006-2014) ...... 12 4.1.5 Produced Water Management – Fundamental Understanding of the Fluids (2010-2014) ...... 13 4.1.6 Shut-in and Restart of Waxy Crude Pipelines: Software Module Development (2010-2013) ...... 13 4.1.7 A Combined Surface-Colloid Chemical and Rock-Fluid Interaction Approach towards more Efficient Enhanced Oil Recovery Strategies (NFR PETROMAKS, 2012 – 2015) ...... 14 4.2 Materials/Nanotechnology Related Projects ...... 14 4.2.1 Interfaces as 2D Folding Templates for Polypeptides 2009-2013 ...... 14 4.2.2 Anisotropic Gold Nanostructure ...... 15 4.2.3 In vitro toxicity of protein-gold nanoparticle constructs and gold coated iron nanoparticles (2012- 2013) ...... 15 4.2.4 Smart and Multifunctional Core-shell Nano-particles (NPs) for Drug Delivery...... 15 4.3 Completed Projects ...... 16 5.0 Contract Work ...... 17 6.0 Research Portfolio ...... 17 7.0 Personnel ...... 18 7.1 Senior Personnel ...... 19 7.2 PhD Students ...... 22 7.3 Project Engineers ...... 23 7.4 Alumni ...... 24 8.0 Instrumentation at Ugelstad Laboratory ...... 27 9.0 Activities emanating from the Ugelstad Laboratory ...... 38 9.1 Courses ...... 38 9.2 Exchange Programs ...... 40 9.2.1 Visiting students ...... 40 9.3 Publications ...... 41 9.3.1 Publications 2014 (by May 2014) ...... 41 9.3.2 Publications 2013 ...... 42 9.3.3 Publications 2012 ...... 44 9.3.4 Publications 2000-2011 ...... 47 9.3.6 Ph.D. Theses ...... 47 9.3.7 M. Sc. (Diploma) Theses ...... 49 9.3.8 Patents ...... 50

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1.0 From the Head of the Laboratory

2013 was in many ways a cross-way for the Ugelstad laboratory. By the end of the year many large programs (JIP:s) came to an end and an intense campaign for new large projects took place during the whole year. This marked a tough start on the second decade of our existence. I am very glad that during this writing process the researchers at UL worked as a team with an excellent result. The campaign was crowned by a large JIP from the research council (NFR) in December, in very hard competition.

The change in the tenured personnel was for Dr. Wilhelm Glomm who resigned from his full-time position to join Sintef as a senior adviser. His position was redefined as a position in Flow assurance/Rheology/Polymers. This means that the UL group can put further emphasis on fundamental aspects of rheological properties of emulsions/dispersions/solid suspensions. The position will also be central in establishing a fundamental center for rheology both with central chemical The major part of the research activity in 2013 was challenges and advanced instrumentation. The organized in large consortia with industrial position attracted 10 applicants, where the most members. central candidates were from UL. The position was finally offered to Dr. Kristofer Paso. We congratulate The research activities within the Centre for Kristofer and wish him welcome on board! Also good Innovation / based Research (SFi) the FACE Centre luck with all challenges that are waiting for you! continued with activities at UL, IFE and Sintef. The Since Wilhelm will be only 20% affiliated with the UL main idea is to couple colloid chemistry and fluid much less focus will be directed bionanotechnology in dynamics within areas like Multiphase Transport / the future. Our laboratory manager Camilla I. Suspensions / Emulsions and Separation. Ugelstad Dagsgård was in maternity leave from February to Laboratory has claimed special responsibility for the October. May Grete Sætran was stand-in for Camilla design of reference fluids mimicking true crude oils as laboratory manager during this period. with regard to flow and separation performance. UL (Johan Sjöblom) is also PI for FACE Academy which In the laboratory activities the Adjunct Professors is the forum for Lattice Boltzmann Modelling on serve as a vital reinforcement to the tenured staff. surfactant systems and emulsions. Here there is Ugelstad Laboratory is very fortunate to have 3 established a near contact between UL and IFE. adjunct professors, Dr. Martin Foss, Hans Oschmann and Roar Skartlien. Roar has specialized in Lattice- The research activities in JIP 1:2 "Increased Energy Boltzmann and Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) Savings in Water / Oil Separation Through simulations of emulsions and brings an exciting Advanced Fundamental Emulsion Paradigms" were complement to the laboratory. Roar works at IFE and started up with financial support from NFR and an is active in the FACE programme. In addition to the international industrial pool consisting of Akzo stuff presented above UL has also access to Prof. Nobel Surface Chemistry, Champion Technologies, (emeritus) Per Steinius, who serves as an BP, ENI, Aker Solution, Wärtsilä, Kemira, Saudi experienced and enthusiastic consultant for us. Aramco, Shell, Statoil and TOTAL. The research work will be a collaboration between UL, University The laboratory facilities remained the same as in the of Alberta, IFE and University of Oslo and Anvendt previous years. Our modern and updated facilities Teknologi AS. are in K5 and in the PFI building at Gløshaugen Campus. All-in-all we estimate our lab space to be Effectively the JIP 2:4 "Prediction of Ca-Naphtenate ~750 m2. Deposition in water oil systems" was started up in June 2011 in at Statoil R D Center. This Our aim is to systematically reduce the risk for programme is supported byindustry (Clariant, people and environment and therefore HSE is top Champion Technologies, Conoco Phillips, REP, priority. Over the past years we have made good Statoil, Shell, Petrobras and ENI. The central progress by focusing on HSE, and this continued in approach is to understand central mechanisms 2013. We have established HSE training programs behind the formation of CaNA depositions. One of and performed risk assessments for all projects in the unique approaches will be a detection of CaNA the laboratory. deposition on a nanogram level.

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The JIP 1:2 and 2:4 were reported to the respective PhD and 1 post.doc started working in the project consortia twice during 2013. The spring meeting was during the summer 2012. The primary objective of organized in May and the fall meeting was in the project is to provide essential knowledge of December in Trondheim (joint event UL and Statoil). how surfactants can improve low salinity water flooding processes by taking all the categories of Research activities in JIP 3: “Shut-in and Restart of indigenous crude oil components into account. The Waxy Crude Pipelines: Software Module approach will range from studies at molecular and Development”, Dr. Kristofer Paso, were started up in interfacial levels to fluid-rock interaction and 2010. Successful shut-in and restart of transport dynamic displacement studies. The project is a pipelines is a central element of flow assurance and collaborative effort between risk abatement strategies for the production of Ugelstad Laboratory, Department of Petroleum complex petroleum fluids containing paraffin wax. A Engineering (NTNU) and SINTEF Petroleum commercial software module will be developed for Research, and is supported by 4 industrial sponsors hydrodynamic simulation of shut-in and restart (Det Norske Oljeselskap, GDF Suez, Lundin and processes in petroleum transportation pipelines. The Statoil). There were two meetings held in software product will serve the needs of the Trondheim in May and November. petroleum industry as a design tool for sub-sea production facilities. The new modelling capability will Within the field of nanomedicine, the project be especially useful for complex production fluids “Interfaces as 2D folding templates for containing paraffin waxes concurrent with emulsified polypeptides”, Assoc. Prof Wilhelm Glomm, has water, gas hydrates, or gas lift components. Accurate resulted in two publications detailing how hydrodynamic modelling of critical pipeline shut-in combining nanoparticles and proteins could result and restart processes will allow petroleum producers in emergent properties, i.e.; properties not seen for to operate confidently within the wax and hydrate either protein or nanoparticles only. Specifically, by formation regimes, without the risk of permanent controllably unfolding proteins onto nanoparticle blockage formation during emergency outages. surfaces, membrane permeation and miscibility is Ultimately, the new process simulation technology enhanced, which offers great promise within will allow production companies to more economically development of drug delivery vectors. In addition develop petroleum reserves in challenging to the existing collaborators at the departments of environments such as deepwater and arctic locales, molecular biology and biomedicine at the University and provide a chemical-free alternative method, of Bergen, we have established a strong utilizing pressurefront propagation phenomena, for partnership with research groups at St. Olav restart of pipelines under moderate gel formation University hospital. conditions. An additional aspect of the program includes the development of a new generation of Among the new projects one should mention JIP environmentally friendly pour point depressant “Improved Mechanisms of Asphaltene Deposition, additives. The partners in the collaboration are Precipitation and Fouling to Minimize Irregularities Ugelstad Laboratory and the Institute for Energy in Production and Transport” (NFR PETROMAKS). Technology (IFE) in Kjeller, Norway. The sponsors are Statoil ASA, Petronas, Champion Technologies Ugelstad Laboratory had 4 Ph.D. defenses during Inc., BASF SE, and The Research Council of Norway. 2013. First out was Sina M. Lystvedt on March 14, Meetings were held in Kuala Lumpur in February, in 2013. Her thesis “Emergent Properties of Proteins- Kjeller in June and in Trondheim in October. Gold Nanoconstructs for Biomedical Applications” was of very high quality and was awarded $ 5,000 The importance of colloid and interfacial chemistry by the Swiss Foundation CHORAFAS for best thesis within treatment of offshore produced water is in 2013. Supervisor was Dr. Wilhelm Glomm. focused on in the JIP “Produced Water Management – Opponents were Professor Emma Sparr, Division of fundamental understanding of the fluids”, Prof. Gisle Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Lund Øye, (2011-2014). The primary objective in this University, and Assistant Professor Daniel Aili, project is to gain fundamental understanding of the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology mechanisms governing removal of dispersed oil and (IFM), Linköping University. solids, particularly targeting the hydrocyclone and flotation processes. The overall approach is to The second thesis was “Interfacial Properties of attempt to link molecular properties given by the oil Dissolved Crude Oil Components in Produced and water compositions, via time dependent Water” by Mona Eftekhardadkhah on September interfacial behavior, to dispersion behavior in lab and 12, 2014. Her supervisor was Professor Gisle Øye. test rig scales. The project is supported by 5 Opponents were Dr.Jean-Francois Argillier, Colloids industrial sponsors: ConocoPhillips, ENI Norge, & Interfaces IFP Expert, EOR R&D project leader Schlumberger-MI EPCON,Statoil and Total. The IFP, and PhD Eilen Arctander Vik, Aquateam AS. spring and fall meetings were held in Trondheim in June and November.

“A Combined Surface-Colloid Chemical and RockFluid Interaction Approach towards more Efficient Enhanced Oil Recovery Strategies”, Prof. Gisle Øye, 2 Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 3 -

Mehdi Benmekhbi defended his thesis Properties of New instrumentation during 2013: Surfactant-stabilized Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and Relation to Emulsion Stability” on October 22, 2013. Ugelstad Laboratory has done substantial His main supervisor has been Dr. Sébastien Simon. investments in order to upgrade our instrument Opponents were Professor Danièle Clausse, park and to meet new requirements from industry Université de Technologie de Compiègne, and and our JIPs. The following instrument has been Professor Ravilya Safieva, Department of Organic purchased: Chemistry and Chemistry in Oil, Gubkin Russian - CORDOUAN nano particle size State Univerrsity of Oil and Gas. analyzer, DLS system VASCO FLEX The Ugelstad simulation lab is a common lab The last candidate to defend his thesis was Yansong housing 3 high performance Linux workstations Zhao. His book “Shut-in and Restart of Waxy Crude with 12-16 processors each. The workstations are Oil Pipelines: Gelation, Rheology, Model Development used for small to medium scale molecular and Application of Polymer/Fomic Liquid Based simulations as well as simulations of emulsion Additives” was defended on December 13 (Friday the separation and gelled pipe-line restart. The 13th), 2013. Yansong Zhao received a prestigious simulation lab was also established in 2012. price of 6000 USD from the Chinese Government for his excellent performance during his PhD project. His More and more people engaged in oil industry see main supervisor was Dr. Kristofer Paso. Opponents the importance of fundamental colloid chemistry for Yansong were Professor Krister Holmberg, and its applications! Chalmers University of Technology, Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Dr. David Harbottle, We are proud to be your collaborative partner! Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta. Johan Sjöblom

The scientific output 2013 followed the traditions of Professor / Head of Laboratory being very satisfactory. In addition to the 4 PhDs and 12 MScs during 2013 we contributed with 35 original articles in refereed journals and 2 book chapters published in Encyclopedia of Colloid and Interface Science 2013 and Oil Spill Remediation: Colloid

Chemistry-Based Principles and Solutions 2014. Johan Sjöblom continued as Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Francis and Taylor, 12 issues and 1950 printed pages per year.

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1.1 From the part-time employees

Adjunct Professor Hans Jörg Oschmann Finally, we have initiated a DPD study where we look at phase inversion phenomena in emulsions Adjuct Professor Hans Jörg Oschmann, from Nalco with surfactant, and aggregation and precipitation of Champion, has been working as Technical Advisor model asphaltenes. The precipitation related work on all aspects of flow assurance related research– will lead up to modeling work in a funded Petromaks He came from the German Petroleum Institute in project lead by prof. Johan Sjøblom. 1998 where his research focused on flow assurance related issues; specifically multiphase transport phenomena caused by the concurrent formation of Adjunct Professor Martin Smedstad Foss gas hydrates and paraffin”. Martin Foss has been working with the Ugelstad In 2013 research on multiphase transport laboratory since 2010 and will continue until 2015. phenomena has continued, specifically pipeline His work is related the multiphase flow assurance restart, and verified the simulation results in praxis innovation Centre (FACE) where he is currently the for a number of pipelines in West Africa and south- center manager. This contributes to the improved east Asia against actual restart behavior. The cooperation between the Ugelstad laboratory and related JIP "Shut-in and Restart of Waxy Crude the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). Pipelines: Software Module Development" has been extended and we are currently engaged in round His position at both NTNU and as center manager robin experiments to define a final approved ensures that the Ugelstad continues to be a central industry standard. partner in the center for research based innovation with close contact to the research institutes. His On the work on establishing a deeper understanding work in 2013 has involved cooperation with Johan of the structure performance relationship between Sjöblom, Serkan Kelesoglu and Galina Rodionova production chemicals such as pour point depressants who were key people in the Ugelstad group in FACE. and paraffin inhibitors the assessments of the The scientific work they are doing on reference influence of polymers on paraffin solubility has been fluids will be continued as part of the center until completed and we will progress to the influence of 2015. From the cooperation several presentations of surfactants. the work on reference fluids at Ugelstad have been held. The latest presentation was done at the Adjunct Professor Roar Skartlien symposium: Flow assurance - design and operation of multiphase systems, Hafjell 2014. Adjuct Professor Roar Skartlien, from IFE, has been working with Ugelstad laboratory since 2007. In addition to project work he published a paper at the conference Oilfield Chemistry Symposium at Computer simulations for emulsion systems with Geilo 2013 and will publis another paper at the 2014 surfactant, have been performed where we use the conference. He was also a co-author on a paper Lattice Boltzmann (LB) and Dissipative Particle presented at NACE2012 in cooperation with the Dynamics (DPD) methods. These activities have Japanese oil company Inpex. In addition to these been carried out under the FACE programme. activities he planned and prepared a 5 hours course on oilfield chemistry held both at the 2012 Oil Field The breakup criteria in turbulent water-in-oil Chemistry Symposium at Geilo and in 2013 as part emulsions were revisited, and we studied the role of of FACE. The course includes topics dealing with the surfactant in such systems, using LB. The results chemistry of components which creates problems in were discussed in J. Chem. Phys. 139, 174901 oil and gas production. The main topics for the (2013): "Droplet size distributions in turbulent course are: Wax, Asphaltenes, Hydrates and emulsions: Breakup criteria and surfactant effects Inorganic Scale. Personnel from oil and gas from direct numerical simulations". Large droplets chemicals vendors and oil companies attended the affect the turbulent flow directly, while droplets that course. are smaller than the Kolmogorov scale affects the effective viscosity of the emulsion. If the turbulent Funding from the Multiphase Flow Assurance flow is sufficiently vigorous, the Marangoni effect for Innovation Centre (FACE – A Centre for Research- the larger droplets can be suppressed, thereby Based Innovation) increasing the coalescence rate between these.

Dr. Geir Sørland, Anvendt Teknologi AS The dynamics of a plane interface between oil and water was studied in a stirred or turbulent system Ugelstad laboratory has cooperated with Anvendt using LB, and a phenomenological model was Teknologi AS in characterizing emulsions by Nuclear developed for the RMS fluctuations (roughness Magnetic Resonance. In this work several scale) of the interface in the presence of surfactant. applications for achieving physicals quantities, as This roughness model can be used in turbulence brine profiles, droplet sizes and viscosities, have models for fluid transport in pipelines where the been developed. As one is often interested in interfacial roughness scale is a central parameter. Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 5 -

following separation processes, e.g. adding demulsifier to an emulsion, it has been focused on The research has been internationally recognized developing applications that can be run on unstable with invited lectures at the ACS National 2013 emulsion. This has not been the state of the art Meeting in San Diego, USA, at Barcelona University, within NMR and emulsions characterization, and Spain and at the Latin American and Iberian thus we are in the frontier of method development Congress on Cosmetologic Chemistry, San Paolo, for these purposes. Brazil as “International Keynote Speaker”.

Professor Stig E. Friberg As a further sign of the international recognition of the research, Professor Friberg was elected “Fellow The research activities during the year 2013 focused of The Royal Society of Chemistry”. on multiple emulsions; specifically Janus emulsions, while the efforts in spontaneous emulsification and personal care emulsions have been reduced or terminated.

2.0 Some Important Events in 2013

JIP 1:2 and 2:4 meetings: Trondheim 21-23.05.2013 and 03-05.12.2012.

FACE meetings: Oslo 4-5 June and Trondheim 26-27 November.

Sina M. Lystvedt successfully defended her PhD thesis “Emergent Properties of Proteins-Gold-Nanostructs for Biomedical Applications”.

Mona Eftekhardadkhah successfully defended her PhD thesis “Interfacial Properties of Dissolved Crude Oil Components in Produced Water”.

Mehdi Benmekhbi successfully defended his PhD thesis “Properties of Surfactant-Stabilized Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and Relation to Emulsion Stability”.

Yansong Zhao successfully defended his PhD thesis “Shut in and Restart of Waxy Crude Oil Pipelines: Gelation, Rheology, Model Development, and Application of Polymer/Ionic Liquid Based Additive”.

Ninth International Chemistry in Industry Conference and Exhibition (ChemIndix 2013), Bharain, 2-6.11 2013. Key note lecture by Professor Johan Sjöblom: “Some Trends in Oil/Water Separation”.

4th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Paris, 10-13.06 2013. Key note lecture by Professor Johan Sjöblom: “Model Molecules Mimicking Properties of Asphaltenes and C80-Tetraacids”.

Sina M. Lystvedt was awarded $ 5,000 for the best PhD in 2013 by the Swiss Foundation CHORAFAS.

Petromaks 2 grant accepted from the Norwegian Research Council. JIP: Improved Mechanisms of Asphaltene Deposition, Precipitation and Fouling to Minimize Irregularities in Production and Transport (NFR PETROMAKS) 2014 – 2017.

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3.0 Description and Organization of the Laboratory

Collaborations with Research Institutes:

 Colloid chemistry and corrosion  FACE (CRI) collaboration with SINTEF and Scientific collaboration with IFE, Kjeller IFE 1 Associate Professor II (Foss) 3 PhDs 1 Post Doc  Colloid chemistry in pulp and paper processing  University of Alberta - NFR Petromaks Scientific collaboration with PFI, Trondheim Prof Zhenghe Xu’s Group 1 Professor emeritus (Stenius) 3 PhDs in Edmonton, Canada 2 PhDs


 Professor Johan Sjöblom, Head of laboratory  Professor Gisle Øye, Materials/Produced Water  Associate Professor/Professor II Wilhelm R. Glomm, Biopolymers/Materials Research  Associate Professor Brian Grimes, Modeling  Professor II Hans-Jörg Oschmann  Professor II, Roar Skartlien  Associate Professor II Martin Smedstad Foss, Center manager – The Multiphase Flow Assurance Innovation Center Researcher  Researcher Bartlomiej Gawel, Colloid Chemistry  Researcher Sébastien Simon, Crude Oils  Researcher Kristofer Paso, Wax/Crude Oils  Researcher Yansong Zhao, Wax/Crude Oils  Guest researcher Enrico Riccardi, Modeling  Guest researcher Jens Norrman, Lund University, Sweden  Guest researcher Fei Yang, China University of Petroleum, Bejing, China Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 7 -

 Consultant Per Stenius, Pulp and Paper  Post Doc Gurvinder Singh  Post Doc Serkan Kelesoglu, Crude Oils  Post Doc Galina Rodionova, Crude Oils  Post Doc Meysam Nourani  Post Doc Duo Wei  Engineer Caterina Lesaint  Engineer Bicheng Gao  Engineer Murside Kes Kelesoglu  Engineer May Grete Sætran (temporary laboratory manager)  Senior engineer Camilla Dagsgård (laboratory manager)

PhD Students:

 PhD Candidate Mehdi Benmekhbi, Colloid Chemistry  PhD Candidate Sina Maria Lystvet , Colloid Polymers  PhD Candidate Mona Eftekhardadkhah, Crude Oils  PhD Candidate Divina Kaombe, Biopolymers/ Materials  PhD Candidate Karina Kovalchuk, Crude Oils/ Modeling  PhD Candidate Lalit Kumar, Crude oils  PhD Candidate Albert Barrabino Ponce, Crude oils  PhD Candidate Yansong Zhao, Crude oils  PhD Candidate Thomas Tichelkamp, Crude oils  PhD Candidate Sulalit Bandyopadhyay , Colloid polymers  PhD Candidate Birgitte McDonagh, Colloid polymers  PhD Candidate Diego C. Pradilla, Crude oils  PhD Candidate Aleksandar Mehandzhyski, Modelling

3.1 Scope of the Ugelstad Laboratory

The Ugelstad Laboratory was founded in honor of research institutes and NTNU. All the members are Professor John Ugelstad at the Norwegian University annually invited to a presentation of the recent of Science and Technology in January 2002 research activities at the laboratory. This is (Department of Chemical Engineering). The purpose combined with the Ugelstad Lecture, where invited was to establish a modern educational, research and scientists lecture within the field of colloid, polymer development laboratory within the field of colloid, and surface chemistry. polymer and surface chemistry. The laboratory specializes in surfactant chemistry Diploma and Ph.D. studies are offered within these and its technical applications, emulsions and topics, often in close collaboration with industrial emulsion technology, preparation of polymers and companies. The aim is to educate highly qualified polymer particles and their technical applications, candidates for industrial positions. In order to attract plasma chemical modification of surfaces and silica- the best and most motivated students and based chemistry. researchers, the laboratory has invested in new and modern instrumentation. The laboratory also Applications include crude oil production and participates in international exchange programs, and processing, pulp and paper, biomedicine, hosts internationally renowned guest researchers and and material science. lecturers. The main purpose is to raise the national level of The Ugelstad Laboratory is sponsored by industrial colloidal science. companies, the Research Council of Norway (NFR),

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In Summary the Ugelstad Laboratory will achieve the Following Goals:

 New and unique experimental and teaching facilities for students and researchers  Promoting highly competitive master students / PhDs in the field of colloid and polymer chemistry combined with chemical engineering  Close collaboration with domestic and international industries  Exchange programs with leading universities worldwide (Currently: University in Alberta (Canada) and University of Pau (France))  Invitation of distinguished visiting professors for longer periods of time  The John Ugelstad lecture in polymer colloids

3.2 Members

Members Industrial companies and research institutes contribute to the research activities at the Ugelstad Laboratory. Members are classified as Founding Members or Affiliated Members. All founding members are represented in the board of the laboratory.

Founding Members Founding members contribute 100 000 Norwegian Kroner (approximately $ 16 500) per year for a period of 3 years. The membership is renegotiated after this period. Founding members have preference to use experimental laboratory facilities and have access to research associates, Ph.D. students and diploma students at the laboratory.

 Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry AB  Nalco Champion Technologies  Wärtsilä Oil and Gas Systems AS  Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)  Norwegian Pulp and Paper Research Institute (PFI)  Statoil AS  Shell  Total

Affiliated Members

Affiliated members contribute 50 000 Norwegian Kroner (approximately $ 8 500 ) per year for a period of 3 years. The membership is renegotiated after this period. Affiliated members are involved in diploma student projects without any additional costs.

 Aker Solutions


 Nicolas Passade-Boupat, TOTAL (chairman)  Hans Oschmann, Nalco Champion Technologies (vice-chairman)  Johan Sjöblom, NTNU (head of laboratory)  Jens Emil Vindstad, Statoil  Erik Bjørklund, Wärtsilä Oil and Gas Systems AS  Arve Erga, TOTAL  Tore Gimse, IFE  Philip Reme, PFI  Hans Osckarsson, Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry AB  Richard Arntzen, Shell  Gisle Øye, NTNU Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 9 -

4.0 Research Programs

4.1 Crude Oil Related Research

4.1.1 JIP: Improved Mechanisms of Asphaltene Deposition, Precipitation and Fouling to Minimize Irregularities in Production and Transport (NFR PETROMAKS) 2014 – 2017

Asphaltenes represent heavy polar colloidal fraction in crude oils. Due to pressure variation, processing and production conditions of different crude oils, asphaltenes can precipitate and form organic deposits in oil reservoirs, in wells and on equipment and pipe walls and induce fouling in general. These deposits can cause serious and costly irregularities in production and transport of oil. Several models have been proposed to explain these irregularities but they all suffer from inaccurate asphaltene chemistry. It is by now evident that in order to fully understand and account for the above-mentioned phenomena, the effect of the polydisperse functionality of the asphaltenes must be understood.

In order to follow up the objective, the project will combine small scale tests both at atmospheric and elevated pressures, modelling and capillary loop tests. Finally based on the accumulated knowledge, chemical modifications together with inhibitors will be developed in order to minimize the molecular affinity to pipe surfaces and their interactions in solution. This project is a collaborative effort between the Ugelstad laboratory, University of Alberta (Canada), University of Pau (France), University of Paraná (Brazil) and several industrial partners.

Participants (tentative): Principal Investigator: • Federal University of Paraná (Brasil) • Prof. J. Sjöblom • University in Alberta (Canada) • University of Pau (France) Researchers: • Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Horizon Oil Sands • Sebastien Simon • Nalco Champion • Petrobras Ph.D. Student: • Total • Sreedhar Subramanian • Statoil

4.1.2 JIP1: Increased Energy Savings in Water-Oil Separation through Advanced Fundamental Emulsion Paradigms (NFR PETROMAKS) 2011 – 2014

The goal of the project is to advance fundamental knowledge of the water-oil separation process in order to make it more energy efficient and energy saving. The focus will be on accelerating the processing of high volumes of water and viscous oil by speeding-up the sub-processes of creaming and sedimentation of existing emulsions in the first stage. The second stage involves the treatment of concentrated w/o or o/w emulsions. This program is a continuation of two previous JIP projects run in the past 6 years which were focused on an improvement of understanding of the stabilizing and destabilizing mechanisms of water-in crude oil emulsions based on heavy and particle-rich crude oils and also on the modeling (start-up, rheology and separation).

Figure Schematic drawing of droplet bubble micro manipulator (see also picture on coverpage). (JIP 1.) This project is a collaborative effort between the Ugelstad laboratory, University of Alberta, University of Bergen, IFE and several international partners.

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Participants: Principal Investigator: • Akzo Nobel • Prof. J. Sjöblom • BP • Champion Technologies Researchers: • Hamworthy • Serkan Kelesoglu • ENI • Brian A. Grimes • Kemira • Sebastien Simon • Saudi Aramco • Statoil Ph.D. Student: • Shell • Andreas L. Nenningsland • Total • Karina Kovalchuk • Albert Barrabino

Figure Snapshot of MD simulations of asphalthene (as C5PE) at oil-water interface. Water is light blue, oil orange, Na+ ions –blue. (JIP 1.)

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4.1.3 JIP2-4: Prediction of Ca-naphthenate deposition in Water-oil systems (2011- 2014)

During the past years, extensive work has focused towards naphthenate precipitation from acidic crude oil. Due to a rise in crude pH, the naphthenic acids dissociate and react with divalent cations, especially calcium. These compounds accumulate at the oil/water interface and might cause costly shutdowns. It has been discovered that the key components responsible for the formation of such deposits is a group of molecules having four carboxylic acid groups named Tetra-acids.

This program is a continuation of two previous JIP projects run in the past 6 years. Several key elements about calcium naphthenate were identified. Procedures and methods were developed as well which give the JIP members a technological lead in the naphthenate treatment. The continuation of the project, JIP2-4, was developed towards the establishment of a model predicting calcium naphthenate deposition in oil/water system based on interfacial conditions together with advanced techniques to detect calcium naphthenate formation in an early stage (on a nanogram scale). To fulfil this goal, techniques developed in the previous JIP:2 programs will be used along with new techniques especially developed for the JIP:2-4 program. We intend to establish critical conditions for gel formation.

This project is a collaborative effort between the Ugelstad laboratory and several international partners.

Participants: • Champion Technologies • Shell Principal Investigator: • ConocoPhilips Inc. • Statoil • Prof. J. Sjöblom • ENI • Talisman • Petrobras • Total Researchers: • REP • Sebastien Simon • Brian A. Grimes

Ph.D. Student: • Karina Kovalchuk

Figure Potentially energy curves of the interaction between one Ca2+ and one carboxylic acid. (JIP 2.) Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 12 -

4.1.4 Multiphase Flow Assurance Innovation Centre (FACE) - Centre for Research- Based Innovation (CRI) Application (2006-2014)

An increasing fraction of hydrocarbon reserves are difficult or impossible to produce and process today mainly due to the complexity of the fluids. Production of these reserves will require new and innovative technologies. FACE will develop the knowledge base for the new predictive tools that will be essential in order to develop the new, innovative production solutions. It is expected that new SMB’s will be generated based on knowledge and technology from the center as well as development of new or improved products in existing companies.

The research is focused on transport and separation aspects of three thematic topics, i.e. heavy crude oils, dispersed systems (emulsions), and solid particulate suspensions (hydrates, wax, sand and fines). Fluid characterization is a central tool to describe complex fluids within the three thematic topics and a necessary input to hydrodynamic modeling. We will use existing laboratories to perform both small-scale and high-pressure, large-scale flow experiments in pipes and separators. These experiments will be accompanied by multidimensional model development and their verification.

Figure 3D reconstruction of a three phase pipeline flow experiments using state-of-the-art x-ray technology. Experimental work using x-ray measurements is a central part of the scientific work done in the FACE center.

Participants: Principal Investigator: • Ugelstad Laboratory • Prof. J. Sjöblom • SINTEF • Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) Researchers: • University of Oslo • Sebastien Simon • Serkan Kelesoglu • Galina Rodionova

Ph.D. Student: • Mehdi Benmekhbi

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4.1.5 Produced Water Management – Fundamental Understanding of the Fluids (2010-2014)

Good practical expertise in PW management exits among the oil and gas producers and in the related vendor industry. However, most of the expertise has been gained through trial-and-error approaches to solve field specific problems. There is a clear lack of fundamental understanding on the microscopic and molecular level with respect to the mechanisms that govern separation efficiency of dispersed components and the injectivity of the PW fluids.

Figure Droplet bubble interactions.

The overall objective in this project is to provide a tool for industrial companies involved in PW management in terms of fundamental knowledge of interaction properties between dispersed components (oil/solids/gas) present in PW streams. The project is currently supported by 5 industrial sponsors.

Participants: Principal Investigator: • Ugelstad Laboratory • Prof. Gisle Øye • ConocoPhillips Inc. • Statoil Personnel: • Total • Mona Eftekhardadkhan • ENI • Dr. Bartlomiej Gawel • Schlumberger Norge AS Division M-I EPCON

4.1.6 Shut-in and Restart of Waxy Crude Pipelines: Software Module Development (2010-2013)

Waxy oil is commonly found on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and elsewhere. Production through sub-sea pipelines must at times be stopped, and these fluids will then tend to form a gel-like structure. It is thus essential to design and operate the pipeline such that restart is possible. It has been observed that when the inlet pressure is increased it can take days for the gel to start moving. No model can accurately predict this process, and it is recognized in the industry that this is a gap in their design tools. In order to address this, a major project is jointly initiated by the Ugelstad Laboratory at NTNU and IFE at Kjeller. They are internationally leading centers on properties of complex fluids and on multiphase pipeline transport, respectively.

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Detailed rheological measurements will be done on gelled oil properties and on the removal of gelled oil from a pipeline. A model will be developed to encapsulate a physical understanding of the gel-breakage process into a simulation tool. It will account for chemicals injected to reduce wax formation, and thus enable optimal use of these. This model will finally be condensed to a useful tool for engineers designing production pipelines. It will fit with the industry standard simulation tool for transport of gas, oil and water in pipelines.

The primary objective is to develop a software module which enables hydrodynamic predictions of shut-in and restart processes in multiphase petroleum pipelines with waxy oil. An additional focus of the project will be to develop new chemical additives, including pour point depressants, yield point depressants, and wax dispersants, for use in gelled pipeline restart applications.

Participants: Principal Investigator: • Ugelstad Laboratory • Dr. Kristofer Paso • Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) • Champion Technologies Researcher: • Statoil • Dr. Brian A. Grimes • BASF • Petronas PhD students: • Yansong Zhou • Lalit Kumar

4.1.7 A Combined Surface-Colloid Chemical and Rock-Fluid Interaction Approach towards more Efficient Enhanced Oil Recovery Strategies (NFR PETROMAKS, 2012 – 2015)

The objective of the project is to provide essential knowledge of how surfactants can improve low salinity water flooding processes by also considering indigenous crude oil components. The studies range from molecular level to fluid-rock interaction and dynamic displacement studies. The project is a collaborative effort between Ugelstad Laboraory, Department of Petroleum Engineering and SINTEF Petroleum Research.

Industrial participants: Prinicipal Investigators: • Det Norske Oljeselskap • Prof. Gisle Øye • GDF Suez • Lundin Norge Personnel: • Statoil • Thomas Tichelkamp • Unger Surfactants • Dr. Meysam Nourani

4.2 Materials/Nanotechnology Related Projects

4.2.1 Interfaces as 2D Folding Templates for Polypeptides (2009-2013)

Interaction of dissolved proteins with nanomaterials and interfaces is essential for a wide range of applications, ranging from reduction of biofouling via biosensing and enzymatic catalysis to targeted intracellular drug delivery. An understanding of the underlying mechanisms and adsorption kinetics is therefore crucial to the design of new smart materials which can be used to control protein deposition and delivery. Protein-surface and protein-protein interactions are determined by chemical and physical factors such as electrostatic forces, curvature, hydrophobic interactions and steric constraints. This in turn leaves an abundance of possibilities for manipulation of these surfaces, enabling interaction studies with biological membrane mimics and various delivery vehicles (e.g., Au nanoparticles, liposomes).

Participants: Principal Investigator: • Ugelstad Laboratory, NTNU • Dr. Wilhelm R. Glomm • Dept. of Biomedicine, UiB • Dept. of Chemistry, F&M College Ph.D. students: • Dept. of Chem. Eng, Osaka Prefecture University • Sina Maria Lystvet • Birgitte Hjelmeland McDonagh

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4.2.2 Anisotropic Gold Nanostructure

Anisotropic noble metal nanostructures have been the focus of intense attention owing to their size-and shape- dependent physical and chemical properties. These properties have driven their numerous applications in areas such as spectroscopy, catalytic, sensor, energy, and biomedicine. In recent years, synthetic routes have been explored for metal nanostructure with high index facets which possess a high density of low-coordinated atoms serving as active sites for breaking and forming chemical bonds. Therefore, such nanostructure significantly enhances catalytic activity and stability than to flat plane nanostructure where the atoms are closed-packed i.e., atoms are saturated. It is, however a great challenge to synthesis such nanostructures with tunable size or geometry because of high surface energies without any size or shape separation. Our group investigate a novel seed mediated method by using binary surfactants to grow a variety of nanostructure including pyramids, tetrahexahedral, elongated tetrahexaderal, nanoprism, and multifaceted nanorods. The aim of this work is to understand the role of different halide ions present in secondary surfactant which acts as structure directing agent in the formation of various shaped nanostructures along with cetylammonium bromide (CTAB) as a primary surfactant. We further measure optical properties and electrochemical catalytic activity of these nanostructures.

4.2.3 In vitro toxicity of protein-gold nanoparticle constructs and gold coated iron nanoparticles (2012-2013)

Proteins, such as bovine serum albumin (blood serum transport protein) and transferrin (transports iron into cells), can reduce aqueous gold (ΙΙΙ). As the gold ions are reduced, they grow on the protein backbone, changing the tertiary structure of the protein. The combination of protein and gold give rise to novel optical properties. Our group has shown that these constructs have high affinity towards lipid membranes. In vitro toxicity of protein-gold nanoparticles on different neural stem cells are currently being performed at the Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging. Recent results show that protein-gold nanoparticle constructs can cause a massive disruption on cell membranes at higher concentrations. At lower concentrations, the disruption of cell membranes is less prominent. However, the constructs have been shown to assemble around the cell body, were they can be visualized by standard immunostaining excitation wavelengths. Nanoparticles that do not disrupt the cell membrane, but is taken up, can possibly be used as vehicle for targeted drug delivery. Synthesis of iron nanoparticles with an outer shell of gold (core-shell nanoparticles) can be modified with poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) for in vitro studies (figure XX). Iron and gold both have magnetic properties that can be used as contrast agents in MRI.

4.2.4 Smart and Multifunctional Core-shell Nano-particles (NPs) for Drug Delivery.

Core-shell nano-particles (NPs) represent a new class of materials, possessing tunable multifunctional properties for which they find wide applications in electronics, catalysis, separations, drug delivery and medical diagnostics. The field of medical diagnostics and drug delivery is one of the most important application fields of such nano- constructs. This comes with the need to unite various functionalities like contrasting, targeting, imaging into a single nanostructured system, integrating the strengths of individual modalities in order to produce multifunctional constructs. The project aims at synthesizing and characterizing core-shell NPs suited to targeted drug delivery applications. The optimized NPs would therefore be screened for surface functionalization with multiresponsive block copolymers, synthesized in-house to target drugs and small molecules. Molecular dynamics studies will be carried out to simulate release kinetics in vitro and then validated against experimental results. These nano- constructs will be tested in regards to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agent, targeted drug delivery and other pertinent applications. These nanomaterials will have multifunctional applications in diagnostic and therapeutic fields.

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4.3 Completed Projects

 Thermoresponsive Polymer Brushes on Nanoparticles and Surfaces (NFR FRINAT) 2007-2010  EEA – Development of Nanostructured microreactor-based reaction technologies (Polish-Norwegian research Fund) 2008-2010  Improved Oil recovery by Low Salinity Waterflooding: Surface Chemistry and SCAL Studies. VISTA 2007 – 2010  Electrocoalescence II - Criteria for an efficient process in real crude oil systems (KMB - NFR), 2006 – 2010  New JIP 1/Flucha IV: Waxy Crude Oils and Emulsions: Start-up and Separation 2008 – 2010  JIP2-3: A Mechanistic Approach to Naphthenate Precipitation 2008 – 2010  Treatment of Produced Water: Characterization and New Treatment Strategies. (Top Water), 2004 – 2009  An Integrated Approach to Interfacial/Surface Processes in Crude Oil Systems (NFR PETROMAKS), 2006 – 2009  JIP2 continuation: Chemistry and Physico-Chemical Behavior of ARN Naphthenic Acids and Corresponding Metal Naphthenates 2007 – 2009  Structure, behavior and reactivity of tetrameric naphthenic acids (ARN) in bulk and at w/o interfaces 2005 – 2008  Surface and Interfacial Properties of Lignosulfonates and Derivatives (2006 – 2008)  Synthesis and characterization of ordered mesoporous Al-materials for Fischer-Tropsch catalysis 2006 – 2008  Development of new bio based materials using nanotechnology  Particle-stabilized emulsions/Heavy crude oils 2003 – 2007

 Effects of Crude Oil on the CO2 Corrosion of Carbon Steel.  Dendritic nanoporous materials with multifunctionality 2004 – 2006  Plugging and Non-plugging Crude Oil Systems, Gas Hydrat Slurries 2003 – 2006  Strategic Reorganization Plan (SRP), 2003 – 2006  Scientific Design and Preparation of New Catalysts and Supports 2002 – 2006  Interfacial Reactions between Naphtenic Acids and Multivalent Cations 2003 –2004  Fundamental Physico-chemical Characterization of Indigenous Naphthenic Acids Corresponding Model Compounds in Systems with Oil and Water 2002 – 2005  Fluid Characterization at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures (FLUCHA II), 1999 –2002  Scientific Design and Preparation of New Catalysts and Supports 2002 – 2006  Interfacial Reactions Between Naphthenic Acids and Multivalent Cations 2003 – 2005  Parasitic Consumption of Corrosion Inhibitors (Administrated by IFE) 2002 – 2005 Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 17 -

5.0 Contract Work

Ugelstad laboratory has done contract work for the following companies:

• ABB • Maersk Oil & Gas AS • Aker Solutions • National Oilwell Varco • Akzo Nobel • Norske Skog • Baker Petrolite • NTNU • Borregaard LignoTech • Petrobras • BP • Petrodrar • Champion Technologies • Petronas • Clariant • Premier Oil • DeepStar • REC ScanWafer • DNO • REP • DuPont Norge AS • RG Mineral AS • Elkem Carbon AS • Roxar • Emerson Process Management • Santos • FMC Technologies • Saudi Aramco • Grenland Group • Shell • Hamworthy/ Wärtsilä Oil & Gas Systems AS • SINTEF Energy Research • Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) • SINTEF Materials Technology • Jotun • SINTEF Polymer Division • Paper and Fibre Research Institute (PFI) • Statoil • Intertek WestLab • Talisman Energy Inc • Kemira • Total • Lundin

6.0 Research Portfolio

UGELSTAD Portefolio


Millions 20 NRC v 3p 15 NRC Industry 10


0 2010 2011 2012 2013

Ugelstad Laboratory is mainly financed by three sources: Projects with direct financial support from The Research Council of Norway (NRC), Projects from NRC where we are partners (NRC v3p) and projects with direct support from Norwegian and International industry. The chart above describes the development of the portfolio the recent years. Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 18 -

7.0 Personnel

Figure 7.1:

Front row: Lalit Kumar (PhD student), Thomas Tichelkamp (PhD student), Gurvinder Singh (Post doc), May Grete Sætran (Engineer)

Second row: Diego Pradilla (PhD student), Sofie Nystrand (Master student), Thu Phuong Bui (Master student), Mona Eftekhardadkhah (Researcher), Birgitte Hjelmeland McDonagh (PhD Student)

Third row: Albert Barrabino (PhD student), Manuel Canelas (Master student), Hieu Trung Mai (Master student), Bicheng Gao (Engineer)

Fourth row: Sebastien Simon (Researcher), Aleksandar Mehandzhiyski (PhD student), Duo Wei (Post doc), Gisle Øye (Professor), Meysam Nourani (Post doc), Bartlomiej Gawel (Researcher)

Fifth row: Karina Kovalchuk (PhD student), Sulalit Bandyopadhyay (PhD student), Camilla Israelsen Dagsgård (Laboratory manager, senior engineer), Anja Johnsen (Master student), Trine Johansen (Master student), Sreedhar Subramanian (Lab assistant)

Sixth row: Marius Espenes (Master student), Anne Årrestad (Master student), Erlend Teigen (Master student), Elisabeth Svoren (Master student), Ingrid Hov (Master student)

Seventh row: Johan Sjöblom (Professor, head of Ugelstad Laboratory), Yansong Zhao (Researcher) Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 19 -

7.1 Senior Personnel

Professor Johan Sjöblom Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State Johan Sjöblom has been Professor in surface and University, under the guidance of Dr. Stefan Franzen colloid chemistry and the Head of the Ugelstad and Dr. Daniel L. Feldheim. His main project Laboratory at the Norwegian University of Science included design, characterization and cellular and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim from January delivery of "intelligent" metallic nanoparticle drug 1st 2002. He was earlier Professor at the University carriers for targeted intracellular/nuclear delivery. of Bergen during the years from 1988-1999, and Chief Researcher at Statoil’s R&D Centre in the Following his defense June 23rd 2004, Dr. Glomm period 1998-2001. Sjöblom has served as Adjunct joined the Ugelstad Laboratory as a post doc., Professor of Colloid Chemistry and Materials Science before transitioning into his position as an Associate at Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, and at Professor. His main research interests are soft the Technical University of Helsinki from 1992-1999. condensed matter on surfaces, plasmonics, targeted drug delivery/diagnostics, photonics and molecular Sjöblom is the editor of 10 books, and the author or spectroscopy. coauthor of more than 300 professional papers. He has educated 50 PhD's and 35 MSc's. Dr. Glomm left Ugelstad laboratory in 2013 and is now working at SINTEF. He is now Adjunct Professor at Ugelstad Laboratory. Sjöblom is Editor-In-Chief (from 2005) for Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, and previous Editorial Board Member of Colloids and Surfaces Associate Professor Brian A. Grimes during the period 1993-2003. Sjöblom is also a Brian Grimes has a background in mathematical member of the Advisory Board of Microporous and modeling of electrochemical transport phenomena Mesoporous Materials. He is a member of the and transport phenomena in porous media. He American Chemical Society, the Norwegian Chemical obtained his Ph.D. in 2002 from the University of Society, and the Finnish Chemical Society. He is also Missouri-Rolla under the supervision of Professor elected Member of the Norwegian Academy of A.I. Liapis. Upon completion of his Ph.D., he Technological Sciences and the Swedish Academy of obtained an Alexander von Humboldt Research Engineering Sciences in Finland. Sjöblom received Fellowship and began his post-doc in Mainz, his PhD degree (1982) in physical chemistry from Germany under the supervision of Professor K.K. the Åbo Akademi, Finland. Unger. In 2007, he joined the Ugelstad laboratory. His current research involves constructing a multi- scale modeling framework for transport processes in Sjöblom has been an industrial consultant in colloid colloidal dispersions which incorporates molecular chemistry since 1980. dynamics simulations along with population balance modeling. Professor Gisle Øye Gisle Øye received his doctoral degree at the Adjunct Professor Hans Jörg Oschmann University of Bergen in 1999. In the period 2000- Hans Oschmann is working at Champion 2002 he worked with plasma chemical modification Technologies as – He came from the German of porous polymers at the University of Durham Petroleum Institute in 1998, where his research (England). focused on flow assurance related issues; specifically multiphase transport phenomena caused Øye started as a research scientist at the Ugelstad by the concurrent formation of gas hydrates and Laboratory March 1st 2002 and was appointed paraffin. Professor in 2009. His research interests are focused on colloid chemistry and interfacial phenomena Associate Professor II Martin Foss within Produced Water Management, Enhanced Oil Martin Foss has been working with the Ugelstad Recovery and synthesis of nanostructured materials. laboratory since 2010. His work is related the multiphase flow assurance innovation Centre (FACE) where he contributed to the improved cooperation Associate Professor Wilhelm Glomm between the Ugelstad laboratory and the Institute Wilhelm Glomm joined the Ugelstad Laboratory as a for Energy Technology (IFE). Ph.D. student May 1st 2003 to participate in the project "Scientific Design and Preparation of New Per Stenius, consultant Catalysts and Supports". His main focus will be on Per Stenius was born in 1938 in Helsinki, Finland. design, synthesis and characterization of He graduated from Åbo Akademi (University), Turku catalytically active particles from colloidal templates. (Åbo), Finland. He received his Ph.D. degree from the same university and worked there as a teacher Wilhelm Glomm has previously worked with phase and acting professor from 1966-1977. He was the behavior of surfactant-polyelectrolyte-cosurfactant director of the Institute for Surface Chemistry (YKI), systems, and he received his Cand. Scient. on this Stockholm 1977-1991, and Professor of Forest subject from the University of Bergen in 2000. He Product Chemistry at Helsinki University of has worked as a graduate student at the Technology (HUT) from 1991 to April 2003. Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 20 -

Professor Stenius was also Associate Professor at Dr. Serkan Kelesoglu the University of Bergen, Norway, from 1997-1999. Serkan Kelesoglu completed his Master of Science He retired as chair at HUT in 2003, but retains degree in Physical Chemistry at Izmir Institute of research activities at HUT in addition to holding an Technology/Turkey in July 2007. The title of his Adjunct Professorship at the Ugelstad Laboratory, thesis was "Comparative Adsorption Studies of Norwegian University of Science and Technology Heavy Metal Ions on Chitin and Chitosan (NTNU) in Trondheim from September 2003. Biopolymers".

Professor Stenius is a member of the Finnish and Serkan Kelesoglu joined the Ugelstad Laboratory as Swedish Academies of Engineering Science as well a PhD student in October 2007, in the project as the Swedish Academy of Science. He has been a preliminary titled “Multiphase Flow Assurance member of the board of several international Centre” (FACE). This project is a joint venture associations in surface and colloid chemistry, and he between SINTEF, IFE, NTNU, Ugelstad Laboratory has also served as President of the International and industrial partners. His contribution to the Association of Colloid and Interface Science (1986- project mainly focused on preparation of model 87), and of the European Colloid and Interface fluids for crude oil emulsions, trying to mimic Society (1993-94). Professor Stenius has published interfacial, rheological, stability, emulsion etc. more than 320 scientific papers and edited several properties of crude oils using synthetic oils, books in the field of applied surface and colloid polymers, surfactants and colloidal particles. science. His present research interests are in the field of surface and colloid science in forest products Dr. Kelesoglu left Ugelstad laboratory in December technology, in particular fiber surface properties, 2013 for a job at IFE. recycling of fibers, adhesion and surfactant/polymer interactions. Dr. Bartlomiej Gawel

Bartlomiej Gawel started as a research scientist at Dr. Sébastien Simon the Ugelstad Laboratory in March 1st 2009. He is Sébastien Simon has joined the Ugelstad Laboratory currently working on interfacial characterization of as a post doc in February 2006. He is now a crude oils/produced water systems and studying researcher currently involved in 3 different research influence of inorganic particles on the interfacial projects: JIP-1 (Study of petroleum emulsions), JIP- properties in the frame of the research project: 2 (determination of formation mechanism of calcium Produced Water Management – fundamental naphthenate deposits) and FACE (de-emulsification understanding of the fluids. of crude oil emulsions).

Dr. Gawel has previously worked at Ugelstad He has previously worked with the study of solution laboratory with preparation and characterization of and interfacial properties of amphiphilic inorganic porous monolithic catalysts for liquid polysaccharides under the guidance of Dr. Guy phase glucose oxidation in the frame of the TE- Muller, Pr. Didier Le Cerf and Dr. Luc Picton and RENE-RES project financed by Polish-Norwegian received his doctoral degree on this subject at the Research Funds. He received his doctoral degree on University of Rouen (France) in 2003. After a structural characterization of the crystalline research assistant position in the University of materials form X-ray powder diffraction at the Rouen, he worked for 16 months in the French Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, in Petroleum Institute (IFP, Rueil Malmaison, France) September 2008. on the determination of rheological, emulsifying and adsorption properties of the higher molecular mass components of crude oils (asphaltenes) under the Dr. Gurvinder Singh guidance of Research Engineer Loïc Barré. Gurvinder Singh has a background in materials science and received Ph.D. from iNANO Center, Dr. Kristofer Paso University of Aarhus, Denmark in 2010. Before Kristofer Paso joined Ugelstad as a Post-Doc in July joining Ugelstad lab in October 2011, he has worked of 2006. His current research interests involve as Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Dr. Rafal Klajn developing an integrated approach to interfacial and at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. The main surface processes in crude oil systems. Example areas of his research are chemical synthesis of systems include emulsions, catalysts, and reservoir metal and metal oxide colloidal nanoparticles, self- minerals. Laboratory techniques of atomic force assembly of nanoparticles into complex structures microscopy (AFM) and thermal gradient quartz and understanding the driving forces behind them, crystal microscopy (TG-QCM) are used in the protein patterning by colloidal lithography and use investigations. Other interests include interfacial of functionalized nanoparticles for biomedical rheology of complex colloidal and polymer systems, applications as well as developing an understanding of flow start-up processes in pipelines filled with gelled fluids such as wax, emulsions, and dispersions.

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Dr. Galina Rodionova Dr. Enrico Riccardi Galina Rodionova completed her master’s degree in Enrico Riccardi started as a visiting researcher at the field of Biotechnology (Wide Profile Chemistry) Ugelstad laboratory in November 2012. He has been from the Arkhangelsk State Technical University, working on study and characterization by Molecular Russia in June 2008. She obtained her PhD in Dynamics of surfactants naturally present in the Chemical Process Technology (NTNU, 2011) under water-oil interfaces. The study should provide the the supervision of Professor Øyvind Gregersen. The parameters required by a recently developed model PhD study was carried out within the scope of the to predict the transport and precipitation rate of the joint project “Fiber based packaging materials: surfactants at different ph. He has a program able Development of innovative and sustainable barrier to perform MD simulations used for study and concepts (SustainBarrier)” initiated by the PFI, characterizations for porous media. SINTEF and NTNU. Galina joined the Ugelstad laboratory as a post- Enrico Riccardi completed his B.S. Degree in Textile doctoral fellow in February 2012. Her research Engineering 2005 and he got a M.S. Degree in focuses on preparation and characterization of the Chemical Engineering 2006 at the, Department of synthetic reference fluids for crude oils and their Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino emulsions. (Technical University of Turin), Italy. .He obtained his PhD in 2009, with a Degree in Chemical Dr. Meysam Nourani Engineering at Department of Chemical and Meysam Nourani has a PhD in petroleum Biological Engineering, Missouri University of engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Science and Technology (Formerly University of Iran, and studied chemical and petroleum Missouri-Rolla). From 2009 – October 2012 he engineering at Sharif University and Tehran worked as a Post Doc in a researcher group at the University. He has been in the oil industry since Theoretical Physical Chemistry department, TUD 1998. Also he was the director of MAPSA's core (Technical University of Darmstadt) analysis laboratory since 2010 before joining Ugelstad laboratory as a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Jens Norrman, October 2012. Visiting Post doc from Coimbra University, Portugal. The title of his PhD thesis was "Investigation of He obtained his PhD from Lund University in 2007. Rheological Behavior of Polymer on EOR in Jens joined Ugelstad laboratory in October 2012 and Carbonate Reservoir" and right now he is involved in is currently working in a joint project with BASF and the project titled "A Combined Surface-Colloid Coimbra University on the deposition of Chemical and Rock-Fluid Interaction Approach polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes." towards more Efficient Enhanced Oil Recovery Strategies" which he is focused more on surfactant- Dr. Duo Wei surface interactions. Duo Wei received her PhD in Physical Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Rong Guo from Dr. Roar Skartlien Yangzhou University in December 2012. The title of Roar Skartlien holds a degree of electrical her thesis was "The interaction between hydrophilic engineering from Gjørvik Ingeniørhøgskole (1991), modified ibuprofen and water-soluble polymer". Her a Master’s degree in Astronomy from University of research was focusing on the Colloid and Interface Oslo (1994) and a PhD in solar physics (with Chemistry. Duo Wei joined the Ugelstad laboratory computer simulations of turbulence and waves in as a post-doctoral fellow in June 2013. the solar atmosphere) from the University of Oslo (1998). After post doctorates at the University of Camilla I. Dagsgård Colorado (JILA), and at the National Center for Camilla I. Dagsgård completed her Cand. Scient Atmospheric Research in Colorado (HAO) on similar degree in Biotechnology in 2001 and has years of subjects, he moved to his present position as Senior experience from laboratory work with analytical Scientist at the Institute for Energy Technology, IFE. chemistry and microbiology. When starting to work He has co-operated in research on emulsion physics as an engineer at Ugelstad Laboratory in 2009 she and chemistry with the Ugelstad Laboratory (UL) at came from the quality control department of GE NTNU since 2007, with focus on computer Healthcare. Senior Engineer Camilla I. Dagsgård is simulations of hydrodynamic systems, including now the Laboratory Manager of the lab. surfactant effects and emulsions.

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7.2 PhD Students

Ph.D. Albert Barrabino Ph. D. Lalit Kumar Albert Barrabino has a background of Chemical Lalit Kumar has done Bachelor and master degree Engineering in the University of Barcelona in 2011. in Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of He wrote his Master Thesis “Synthesis of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) in 2004, on the Mesoporous Silica Particles with Control of both Pore topic ”The Liner stability analysis of single and Diameter and Particle Size” at Chalmers University bilayers fluid flow past a deformable solid”. Lalit has of Technology, Sweden 2011. Albert joined Ugelstad background in Fluid Mechanics, Computational Laboratory in January 2012 as a PhD Student under methods, Non-linear analysis and colloid and the supervision of Johan Sjöblom. His main area of interracial phenomena. Before joining the group in research is the study of emulsions using the low June 2011, He has worked on different places field NMR technique. including IISc Bangalore and Unilever R&D Bangalore. His PhD work is focused on mathematical Ph.D. Mehdi Benmekhbi modeling of restart flow of irreversible thixotropic Mehdi Benmekhbi completed his M.Sc. degree in waxy crude oil. Chemical Engineering from Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI), France in August 2009. Ph. D. Sina Maria Lystvet He started his Ph.D. work at the Ugelstad Sina Maria Lystvet started her PhD work at Ugelstad Laboratory in October 2009 under the supervision of Laboratory in March 2009. The work will consist of Professor Johan Sjöblom. His research focuses on studies of some selected proteins, and their investigating the properties of the interfaces of interaction with some interfaces. Included in the surfactant stabilized emulsion droplets. This work is work will be to observe how these interactions part of the “Multiphase Flow Assurance Centre” change when the proteins are bound to gold (FACE), a joint venture between SINTEF, IFE, NTNU, nanoparticles. The thematic title of the thesis is Ugelstad Laboratory and industrial partners. "Emergent properties of protein-gold Nano constructs for biomedical applications". Her Master Ph.D. Mona Eftekhardadkhah Thesis was about bio catalysis, and was completed Mona Eftekhardadkhah completed her master’s in December 2008. The master work was performed degree in the field of wastewater treatment using at the chemistry department, NTNU. the flotation process (computational fluid dynamic modeling) from Iran University of Science and Ph.D. Sulalit Bandyopadhyay, Technology (IUST), Iran in August2009. She started Sulalit Bandyopadhyay completed his MSc in her Ph.D. work in the Ugelstad Laboratory in June Chemical Engineering from NTNU in August 2012 2010 under supervision of Professor Gisle Øye. The under the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship program. Ph.D. work is conducting on fundamental His master thesis project on "Biodegradable Nano- understanding of fluids in order to use the clusters as Drug Delivery Vehicles" was carried out knowledge in wastewater management filed. The at ETH Zurich in Prof Morbidelli's group and in main focus of the thesis is study the colloidal collaboration with Ugelstad Laboratory. He received interactions between gas/oil/water phases in his BChE(Hons.) degree from Jadavpur University, flotation process. The project is a joint project India in 2010. Recipient of JBNSTS and DAAD initiated by NTNU, Statoil, Total, Conoco Philips, MI- fellowships, Sulalit joined the Ugelstad Laboratory Epcon and Eni norge. as a Doctoral candidate in August 2012. He is currently working under the supervision of Associate Ph.D. Karina Kovalchuck Professor Wilhelm Robert Glomm on "Smart and Karina Kovalchuk obtained her master degree in Multifunctional Core-shell Nano-particles (NPs) for Chemical Engineering at Cape Peninsula University Drug Delivery". His fields of interest include of Technology (Cape Town, South Africa) in 2011. synthesis and characterization of Nano-particles, Dissertation was a part of industrial project drug delivery and molecular dynamics simulation. ”Emulsion Development” sponsored by African Topic of his Thesis : Smart and Multifunctional Core- Explosives Limited Company. Karina has a shell Nano-particles (NPs) for Drug Delivery background in organic, colloid and computational chemistry. She joined the group in March 2011 and started her PhD project under supervision of Professor Brian Grimes. Her PhD work is focused on molecular dynamic simulations of liquid-liquid interfaces and interfacial mass transport in emulsion systems.

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Ph. D. Yansong Zhao Ph. D. Thomas Tichelkamp Yansong Zhao joined Ugelstad Laboratory of NTNU Thomas Tichelkamp studied chemistry and as a PhD student in July 2011. He studied as a completed his master’s degree at the Department of master student in Institute of Process Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Chinese Academy of Sciences from August 2008 to Düsseldorf in May 2012, synthesizing organic dyes June 2011 and received his master degree in for the research on nano electronics. He joined the Chemical Engineering in spring semester of 2011. Ugelstad Laboratory in August 2012 as a Ph.D. He studied for 4 years in Henan University from student under the supervision of Prof. Gisle Øye. In 2004 and received his bachelor degree in Chemical the context of a project on surfactant improved low Engineering in spring semester of 2008. salinity EOR (enhanced oil recovery) he focuses on His research interests are waxy crude oil the physical and chemical properties of crude transportation, oil additives, ionic liquids, CO2 oil/water interfaces. capture and catalysis. He has published 10 papers in Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Energy & Fuels, Int. J. Ph. D. Birgitte McDonagh Greenhouse Gas Control, J. Chem. Eng. Data, Fluid Birgitte finished her master of science in Phase Equilib., Chem. Eng. Technol., Science China Biotechnology at the department of Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computers and Applied Chemistry, NTNU June 2011. The title of her Master's thesis Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology. The was: "Optimalised Carbodiimide Chemistry for RGD- papers have been cited more than 50 times. He has coupled Alginate". She started working as a PhD- applied for 5 patents and attended many scientific candidate at the Ugelstad laboratory August 2011. conferences. The main work on her PhD is nanoparticles and modification of proteins with nanoparticles of gold. Ph.D. Diego Camilo Pradilla Ragua The construct's interaction with membranes will be Diego Pradilla studied Chemical Engineering (2009) studied in vitro and in vivo at the dept. of and completed his masters (2013), also in Chemical Circulation and Medical Imaging. Associate professor Engineering at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Wilhelm Glomm is her supervisor at dept. of Colombia. His work there as part of the Process and Chemical Engineering, and Ioanna and Axel Sandvig Product Design Group, was related to the are her co-supervisors at the dept. of Circulation manufacture of emulsions using a multi-scale and Medical Imaging. approach. He joined Ugelstad laboratory in April 2013 as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Johan Sjöblom and is currently working on the study of chemical demulsification of crude-oil emulsions (Interactions between asphaltenes and model de-emulsifiers).

7.3 Project Engineers

Bicheng Gao Caterina Lesaint Bicheng Gao finished his master’s degree in Caterina Lesaint has been working as a department Chemical Engineering at NTNU in 2010 and has engineer in Ugelstad laboratory since 2006 and is worked as a department engineer at Ugelstad working with routine analyses and research projects. Laboratory since then. He is working on both routine She finished her master’s degree in Chemical analyses and research projects. Engineering at NTNU in 2013.

Mathilde Barriet Murside Kes Dr. Mathilde Barriet has been working as an Dr. Murside Kes has been working as a department engineer in Ugelstad laboratory July 2013. She got engineer since April 2012. She is working on both her PhD degree in organic chemistry and material routine analyses and research projects. science at the university of Huston Texas. She is working with both routine analyses and research projects. May Grete Sætran May Grete Sætran has been working at NTNU for 11 years, and has years of experience with laboratory work. In 2013 she acted as laboratory manager, and is working with both routine analysis and research projects.

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7.4 Alumni

Professors Adjunct Professor Michael Stöcker Professor Emeritus Arvid Berge Dr. Stöcker currently holds two positions; – Professor Emeritus 2004 - Principal Research Scientist at SINTEF in Oslo, - Adjunct Professor (Professor II) in "Materials Professor Emeritus Preben Mørk Science and Catalysis" at the Department of – Professor Emeritus 2007 Chemical Engineering, NTNU (Norway)

Adjunct Professor Jan Genzer Adjunct Professor John Dan Friedeman In the fall of 1998 he joined the faculty of chemical - In the period from August 2004 to August 2007 he engineering at North Carolina State University, was Adjunct professor in the field oil and gas where he is currently an assistant Professor of technology at Department of Chemical Engineering. chemical engineering

Post Docs and Researchers

Serkan Kelesoglu Maria Häger Post doc 2010-2013 – Post Doc 2004-2006 – Career after NTNU: IFE – Career after NTNU: Sandviken, Gävle, Sweden

Iva Kralova Marit-Helen Glomm Ese Researcher/ Lab Manager 2006-2011 – Researcher 2003-2006 – Career after NTNU: ČeMeBo – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research Cederic Lesaint Researcher 2009-2010 Tom-Nils Nilsen – Career after NTNU: SINTEF – Senior Researcher 2005 – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Erland L. Nordgård BYGGFORSK and NTNU – Researcher 2009-2010 – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Resman Gisle Øye – Researcher 2002-2005 Yanru Fan – Career after NTNU: Professor, NTNU - Researcher 2007-2009 - Career after NTNU: Moved back to China Harald Kallevik – Post Doc 2001-2002 Helene K. Magnusson – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, Statoil – Researcher 2005-2008 – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, SINTEF Øystein Sæther Materials and Chemistry, Statoil R&D Centre – Post Doc 2001-2002 – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, Statoil David Arla – Post Doc 2006-2007 Linn Bergflødt – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, SINTEF – Post Doc 2001-2002 Petroleum Research – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Statoil

Pål Viggo Hemmingsen – Researcher 2002-2006 – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, Statoil ASA

Judit Adam – Post Doc 2006 – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research

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Ph.D. Students

Lystvedt, Sina M. Erland Nordgård -Title of thesis: “Emergent Properties of Proteins- – Title of thesis: “Model Compounds for Heavy Gold-Nanostructs for Biomedical Applications” Crude Oil Components and Tetrameric Acids. Characterization and Interfacial Behavior" - Date of defence: 14 March 2013 th - Career after NTNU: Jotun – Defense of thesis: September 7 2009 – Career after NTNU: Resman Mona Eftekhardadkhah - Title of thesis: “Interfacial Properties of Dissolved Martin Smestad Foss CrudeOil Components in Produced Water” – Title of thesis: “The Effect of Oil on Carbon Dioxide - Defense of thesis: 12 September 2013 Corrosion Inhibition on Carbon Steel - Potential for Improved Corrosion Protection" - Career after NTNU: Aquateam th – Defense of thesis: January 30 2009 Mehdi Benmekhbi – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Institute - Title of thesis: “Properties of Surfactant-Stabilized for Energy technology (IFE) Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and Relation to Emulsion Stability” Ann-Mari Dahl Hanneseth - Defense of thesis: 22 October 2013 – Title of thesis: “An Experimental Study of Tetrameric Naphthenic Acids at w/o Interfaces" - Career after NTNU: rd – Defense of thesis: January 23 2009 Yansong Zhao – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Statoil

- Title of thesis: “Shut in and Restart of Waxy Crude Anne Silset Oil Pipelines: Gelation, Rheology, Model – Title of thesis: “Emulsions (w/o and o/w) of Heavy Development, and Application of Polymer/Ionic Crude Oils. characterization, Stabilization, Liquid Based Additive” Destabilization and Produced Water Quality" - Defense of thesis: 13 December 2013 – Defense of thesis: November 13th 2008 - Career after NTNU: Researcher Ugelstad – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Statoil Laboratory Dorota Dudasova Nenningsland, Andreas Lyng – Title of thesis: “Characterization of solid particle - Title of thesis: "Extraction, Quantification and suspensions with organic coatings in oilfield Study of Interfacially Active Petroleum produced water" Components". – Defense of thesis: September 19th 2008 - Defense of thesis: 17 December 2012 – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Statoil - Career after NTNU: Resman Simone Less Nils van der Tuuk Opedal – Title of thesis: “Mechanisms of water-in-crude oil – Title of thesis:"NMR as a tool to follow emulsion formation, stabilization and resolution by destabilization of water-in-oil emulsions" electrostatic means" – Defense of thesis: 30 September 2011 – Defense of thesis: June 25th 2008 – Career after NTNU: SINTEF – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Saudi Aramco Klodian Xhanari – Title of thesis:"Nanosized cellulose fibrils as Ingvild A. Johnsen stabilizers of emulsions – Title of thesis: “The impact of dissolved – Defense of thesis: 28 January 2011 hemicelluloses on adsorption of wood resin to TMP – Career after NTNU: Teaching position in Albania fines" – Defense of thesis: October 12th 2007 Asal Amiri – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, PFI - Title of thesis: «Rheology of silica-based dispersions and Cross-sectional modeling of settling Martin Andresen Slurries” th – Title of thesis: “Surface Modification of Micro - Defense of thesis: October 7 2010 fibrillated Cellulose" - Career after NTNU: Aker Solutions, GE Oil & Gas – Defense of thesis: August 31st 2007 – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Borregaard Umer Farooq Lignotech - Title of thesis: “Dynamic simulation on a thermodynamic conical basis” - Defense of thesis: September 30th 2010 - Career after NTNU: SINTEF Petroleum Research

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Martin Fossen Magne Kawai Knag – Title of thesis: “Aggregation, Interfacial Properties –Title of thesis: “Surfactant Aggregation in Solution and Structural Characteristics of Asphaltene and on Metal Surfaces and the Impact on Corrosion Solubility Fractions" Rate." – Defense of thesis: August 28th 2007 – Defense of thesis: June 23rd 2005 – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, SINTEF – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, Origo- Petroleum Research Process

Sondre Volden Wilhelm Robert Glomm – Title of thesis: “Preparation and Characteristics of – Title of thesis: “Preparation and Characterization Novel Silica-Based Materials and Adsorbed of Nanosized Structures with Applications in Macromolecules" Bioscience and Materials" – Defense of thesis: December 19th 2006 – Defense of thesis: June 23rd 2004 – Career after NTNU: Post Doc, Ugelstad Laboratory – Career after NTNU: Associate Professor, NTNU

Shukun Chen Trond Erik Havre – Title of thesis: “Rheological Properties of Water in – Title of thesis: “Formation of Calcium Naphthenate Oil Emulsions and Particulate Suspensions" in Water/Oil Systems, Naphthenic Acid Chemistry – Defense of thesis: October 6th 2006 and Emulsion Stability" – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, Statoil – Defense of thesis: November 28th 2002 – Career after NTNU: Senior Chemist, Origo-Process Andreas Hannisdal – Title of thesis: “Particle-Stabilized Emulsions and Narve Aske Heavy Crude Oils. Characterization, Stability – Title of thesis: “Characterization of Crude Oil Mechanisms and Interfacial Properties" Components, Asphaltene Aggregation and Emulsion – Defense of thesis: June 15th 2006 Stability by means of Near Infrared Spectroscopy – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, FMC and Multivariate Analysis" – Defense of thesis: September 23rd 2002 Torbjørn Vrålstad – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, Statoil – Title of thesis: “Synthesis and characterization of cobalt-containing mesoporous model catalysts." Inge Harald Auflem – Defense of thesis: December 2nd 2005. – Title of thesis: “Influence of Asphaltene – Career after NTNU: Research Scientist, SINTEF Aggregation and Pressure on Crude Oil Emulsion Petroleum Research Stability” – Defense of thesis: August 15th 2002 Øystein Brandal – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, Statoil – Title of thesis: “Interfacial (o/w) Properties of Naphthenic Acids and Metal Naphthenates, Naphthenic Acid Characterization and Metal Naphthenate Inhibition." – Defense of thesis: June 29th 2005. – Career after NTNU: Senior Engineer, Statoil

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8.0 Instrumentation at Ugelstad Laboratory

NANO ITC 2G (Isothermal Calorimeter) Brewster Angle Microscope

The KSV Optrel BAM300 (KSV Instruments Ltd., Finland) BAM – Brewster Angle Microscopy, is a special technique for investigation of organic thin films – Langmuir films. KSV Optrel BAM 300 is a laser powered, CCD video camera imaging Isothermal Calorimeter (TA Instruments, USA) is a microscope for real-time observation of Langmuir thermodynamic technique that directly measures the films on air/water interfaces or on dielectric heat released or absorbed during a molecular binding substrates. Live video recording to the lateral event. The ITC is used to determine thermodynamic resolution of 1 micron at speed of up to 25 parameters such as enthalpy (∆H) and equilibrium images/sec can be seen on PC screen while data is constant. More particularly the application includes recorded to the hard disk. Compared to other the study of interaction between components and the characterization methods KSV's BAM technique determination of self-association properties of provides more powerful and economical means for different molecules. non-invasive (non-contact) study of your thin films.

Quartz Crystal Microbalance, QCM-Z500 Langmuir-Blodgett Minitrough

The Langmuir-Blodgett Minitrough (KSV Instruments Ltd., Finland) is used to determine film properties of monolayer films at a liquid surface or

interface (Langmuir films) and for deposition of The KSV QCM-Z500 microbalance (KSV Instruments mono- or multilayer onto solid substrates Ltd., Finland) is a computer controlled quartz crystal (Langmuir-Blodgett films). microbalance based on impedance analysis for determining the frequency (f) and the quality of The surface pressure is determined through the resonance (Q) of quartz crystals in a gaseous or Wilhelmy-plate method and the surface area is liquid environment. In other words, it is a mass controlled by two symmetrically moving surface sensing device with the ability to measure very small barriers. Applications are studies of asphaltene- changes in mass on a quartz crystal resonator in resin films, their film structure and strength, and real-time. The technique also determines viscoelastic mixed films composed of proteins and lipids related properties of surface bound layers. The QCM is used to biochemistry. to study molecular interactions and molecular adsorption to solid surfaces in our lab.

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The Fluorescence Microscope (Nikon LV 100D) Digital Video Microscope (DVM)

The Fluorescence Microscope (Nikon LV 100D) acts as a normal microscope, but in addition has the ability to display only fluorescent species in the sample. The technique can be used to directly determine the partitioning and local concentration in an emulsion of fluorescent molecules, for example asphaltenes or resins, and particle - polymer interactions by use of energy transfer (FRET). The microscope is equipped with a MicroPublisher 5 The Digital Video Microscope (Scan Imaging) MP color camera with Firewire connection for image consists of a Nikon Eclipse ME600 microscope fitted capturing." with a CoolSNAP-Pro camera by Media Cybernetics. It is used to study properties of emulsions. Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Parameters of special interest are droplet size distributions, droplet concentration, droplet geometry and droplet interactions (flocculation and coalescence). It can also be used to study wax precipitation and micellar and liquid crystal behavior.

Plasma Chamber

The Veeco diCaliber Atomic Force Microscope is used to map the surface topography of substrates and deposited layers (Å - mm scale). Ugelstad Laboratory has an atomic force microscope (AFM) for imaging The Plasma Chamber (MKS Instruments) is used surface morphology and measuring surface physical for chemical modification of surfaces by means of a properties. Imaging is available in TappingMode glow-discharge. Functional groups can be (PhaseImaging with integrated I/O modulation plus implanted or thin films deposited onto the board) for soft samples and contact mode for hard substrate. samples. Precise adhesion measurements can also be performed with the AFM.

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Malvern Zetasizer 3000HS Critical Electric Field Emulsion Stability Cell

Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern Instruments, UK) is used to study the particle size and zeta This is a method for testing emulsion stability for potential, and molecular weight of dispersions, "stable" water-in-oil emulsions. An electrical field is emulsions, gas hydrates and so on. The connection of applied to an emulsion and the electrical field is a titrator allows automated determination of the iso- steadily increased while the current that passes electric point, pH and conductivity. The software also through the sample is continuously measured. The allows you to program Standard Operating critical electric field is defined as the electric field Procedures and precise temperature control for necessary to achieve a sudden increase in the accurate measurements. current. E-crit has been developed at NTNU.

Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS KF Coulometer 831

The KF Coulometer 831 (Metrohm) is used for

accurately determining of very small amounts of The Zetasizer Nano ZS is a high performance two angle water in petrochemicals. particle and molecular size analyzer for the enhanced detection of aggregates and measurement of small or dilute samples, and samples at very low or high Carbolite - High Temperature Furnace concentration using dynamic light scattering with ‘NIBS’ optics. The connection of a titrator allows automated determination of the iso-electric point, pH and conductivity. The Carbolite BWF 11/13 high temperature The instrument applies a known electrical field and furnace (Carbolite) is measures how fast the particles move in a liquid-i.e. used for calcination and the velocity; using this as well as viscosity and sintering. dielectric constant the software calculates the zeta potential.

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Analytical HPLC Fourier-Transform (Mid) Infrared Spectrophotometer

The high performance liquid chromatograph system The Tensor 27 (Bruker Optics) has a spectral range is mainly used to determine the concentrations of -1 naphthenic acids with methodology developed at from 7,500 to 370 cm with a standard KBr Ugelstad Laboratory. The system is built from the beamsplitter. In order to allow for collection of mid- following modules (Shimadzu): two pumps, IR spectra of non-diluted crude oils as well as solid degasser, a gradient mixer, an auto-injector, a samples, the instrument is equipped with a Bruker column chiller/heater, an UV/vis detector and a Golden Gate diamond ATR (Attenuated Total fluorescence detector. The separation is based on Reflection) cell. The instrument has an interface affinity chromatography. with the HPLC for analysis of crude oil fractions. In addition, the instrument can be operated separately with an ATR or flow cell. TriStar 3000 Gas Adsorption Analyzer

Fourier-Transform (Near) Infrared Spectrophotometer

The TriStar 3000 (Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, USA) provides high-quality surface area and porosimetry measurements on solid materials by using the technique of gas adsorption.

The instrument is used for measuring surface area, pore size, pore volume and the hysteresis loops of The Multi-Purpose Analyzer (MPA) (Bruker Optics) mesoporous catalytic materials, and for adsorbents in has a spectral range from 12,800 to 4,000 cm-1, general. which allows for spectral characterization in the near-infrared regime. The instrument is used for analysis of crude oil components and studies of particle growth.

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UV-vis Spectrophotometer Horiba Jobin Yvon LabRam High Resolution Raman Microscope

The UV-2401PC (Shimadzu) has a single monochromator system with a spectral range from The LabRAM HR800 system provides ultra-high 190-1100 nm, and is equipped with a TCC-240 spectroscopic resolution and a unique wavelength temperature control unit (7-600C), and an ISR-240A range capability that provides both great flexibility Integrating sphere attachment for diffuse and total and high performance. It is an integrated, simple to reflectance measurements from liquids and solids in use, and high stability bench-top instrument the range from 240-800 nm. The low stray light/wide designed to undertake reproducible Raman dynamic range/small beam size combination makes measurements at various spectral resolutions. The this instrument well suited to handle a variety of high resolution mode is uniquely ideal for the practical situations. precise characterization of position and shape of

bands of spectra of crystalline and amorphous

materials e. g. oxide catalysts and carbon Maran 23 MHz PFG NMR nanomaterials. The instrument can be used also for

samples mapping (using confocal microscope and motorized stage) and for liquids analyzing (with remote fiber optic head). (UV, VIS, NIR operation) T

Density/Concentration Meter - DMA 5000 M

The Oxford Instruments Maran Ultra is used to study The DMA 5000 (Anton Paar Ltd.) density meter is self-diffusion, droplet size distributions and emulsion used for measuring the density of solutions. stability of w/o emulsions (o/w inversion Features: phenomenon). Density range - 0 to 3 g/cm3 Permanently stored specific gravity/concentration conversions:

. Alcohol tables . Extract/sugar tables . API functions . Acid/base tables

20 tables/equations for your own concentration conversions. Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 32 -

Vertical Gravity Separator Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3 fluorometer with TCSPC attachment

Features: - World's most sensitive spectrofluorometer - Can detect 50-femtomolar fluorescein - Unique, modular system - Interchange wide range of computer-controlled accessories: spectrometers, detectors, sources, and more! - Totally computer-controlled - All-reflective optics Applications are aggregation state of high- molecular weight components related to crude oil Vertical gravity separator is an approach to precipitation, concentration determination at below investigate the differences between the emulsion ppm levels and protein-lipid-nanoparticle stability found in batch tests and the stability found interactions in aqueous environments. with the same fluids in a continuous system under steady state. Metrohm 809 Titrando titration device(TAN)

Rheometer Physica MCR 301

The Anton Paar Physica MCR 301 rheometer in our The Titrando unit from Metrohm consists of a lab is used to analyze structural properties (i.e. magnetic stirrer, a dosing device and a suitable viscosity, storage and loss modulus) of liquids, electrode. It is used to determine the total dispersions, emulsions and so on. concentration of acids (TAN) or bases (TBN) present in a sample, by titration.

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Turbiscan Lab Expert Inolab Cond Level 2, Conduct Meter

The Turbiscan Lab Expert (Formulaction) measures transmission and backscattering from dispersions (concentrated and dilute) as a function of time and relative vertical (y-axis) sample coordinates. This allows for determination of mean size, stability and The Inolab Cond Level 2, Conduct Meter (WTW shelf-life in real (unmodified) systems. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Werkstätten GmbH) is used to measure conductivity. The analysis based on the ability a solution has to conduct electricity. KSV Interfacial Shear Rheometer ISR 400

Q600 Thermogravimetric Analyzer with DSC

(KSV Instruments Ltd., Finland) Quantitative measurement of shear stress at fluid interfaces has long eluded researchers employing standard TA Instruments Q600 SDT Thermogravimetric rotational rheometers, particularly at very low Analyzer with DSC viscosity or elasticity. Purpose: Materials and Fluids Characterization, With the introduction of the Interfacial Shear Thermal Stability, Film Stability, Oxidation Rheometer (ISR 400), KSV removes the guesswork. Processes, PPD/YPD Stability Qualification, A teflon-coated magnetic needle is floated in a half- Surfactant Stability Assessment, Asphaltene cylinder at the gas/liquid or liquid/liquid interface, Pyrolysis, Demulsifier Stability Analysis, KHI/AA and moved with an applied magnetic field. The stability analysis, PolymerGeneral Usage Areas: movement of the needle is observed microscopically, Polymers, Colloids, and Petroleum. and the difference between applied force and measured position provides phase shift, viscosity, elastic and loss moduli, creep and relaxation times. Since the KSV Interfacial Shear Rheometer (KSV ISR 400) can be integrated with a standard KSV Langmuir trough, these measurements can be applied to both soluble and insoluble films.

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Coldfinger pH Meter

The pH meter (Mettler Toledo) is used to measure pH in solutions. The measurement is based on the activity of hydrogen ions.

Sinterface PAT-1 tensiometer

The coldfinger (developed at NTNU) is used to obtain paraffin deposits on various surfaces from waxy crude oils. The device consists of a temperature controlled cylindrical vessel with rotational flow provided by an overhead rotating motor. Laminar and turbulent mixing conditions are provided by a rotating cylinder or impeller, respectively. Deposits are formed on a coupon mounted on the side wall, in The Drop and Bubble Shape Tensiometer PAT-1 thermal communication with a coolant from Sinterface (Germany) allows measuring the fluid. Currently, the coldfinger is limited to shearing surface and interfacial tension of liquids by the rates less than or equal to 602 inverse seconds. analysis of the shape of pendant and sessile drops Applications include: or buoyant and captive bubbles. By measuring the surface and interfacial tension as a function of 1. The effect of Heat, Mass, and Momentum time, the kinetic of adsorption of surfactants at the Transfer Conditions on Deposition Rates liquid/air or liquid/liquid interfaces can be studied. 2. Micro-crystalline Wax Deposition The rheological properties of the interface 3. Macro-crystalline Wax Deposition (elasticity and viscosity) can also be determined by 4. Polymeric Inhibitor Evaluation subjecting the drop to periodic oscillation of their volume and measuring the induced variations of surface/interface tensions.

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Thermal Gradient Quartz Crystal Microbalance SARA HPLC

The Thermal Gradient Quartz Crystal Microbalance (TG-QCM) was developed jointly by NTNU and KSV Instruments (Helsinki, Finland). The TG-QCM is used to determine the mechanism of incipient wax deposition on various surface materials. The apparatus consists of a quartz crystal which is mounted in direct fluid contact with a flow chamber. The quartz crystal is in thermal communication with a cold mass, and warm waxy oil The high performance liquid chromatograph system is pumped through the chamber. Thereby, the TG- (Shimadzu) is used for fractionation of QCM is able to emulate the heat, mass, and deasphaltenated crude oil into saturates, aromatics momentum transfer conditions associated with wax and resins. The automated procedure can be done deposition in oil transportation pipelines. either analytically or preparative. The instruments setup offers logging of UV-(dual mode) and RI- The apparatus consists of a quartz crystal which is signals as well as fraction collection from these mounted in direct fluid contact with a flow signals. chamber. The quartz crystal is in thermal communication with a cold mass, and warm waxy oil is pumped through the chamber. Thereby, the TG- Laborota 4003 Rotavapor QCM is able to emulate the heat, mass, and momentum transfer conditions associated with wax deposition in oil transportation pipelines. Measured electromechanical oscillation parameters provide information regarding the deposition mechanism. Surface crystallization is evidence by uniform reductions in normalized resonance frequencies associated with the 3rd-11th harmonic overtones. Gel adherence is evidenced by increases in energy dissipation factors associated with the 3rd- 11th harmonic overtones.

Applications include: 1. Investigating the mechanism of wax deposition from macro-crystalline and micro- crystalline wax. 2. Investigating the effect of heat transfer on the wax deposition mechanism. The Laborota 4003 Rotavapor (Heidolph 3. Polymeric inhibitor evaluation Instruments) is used to separate liquids by adding 4. Investigating incipient wax by deposition vacuum and heat. from o/w and w/o emulsions.

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Bubble Pressure Tensiometer BP100 Tensiometer

The Sigma 70 tensiometer (KSV Instruments Ltd., Finland) is used for determination of: • Surface tensions • Interfacial tensions • Contact angles Bubble Pressure Tensiometer BP100 from Krüss • Wettability of powders (Germany) allows measuring the dynamic surface • Critical micelle concentrations tension at constant or variable surface age (from 5 The principle of this instrument is force ms (high dynamic) up to 100 s (almost static)). measurements by an electrobalance as a probe (Du Nouy ring, Wilhelmy plate, sample holder, etc.) is The instrument provides fully automatic measuring immersed and withdrawn from liquids. process by software controlled immersion of the capillary. Thanks to its built-in compressor the instrument does not need an external compressed air connection. A high-precision pressure sensor determines the maximum pressure during bubble formation, from which the surface tension is calculated.

In addition to the time-dependent surface tension, the measurement also supplies the equilibrium value according to Hua & Rosen. Diffusion and adsorption coefficients can be calculated from surfactant concentration series – these are important parameters where the mobility of surfactants is concerned.

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Spin Drop Video tensiometer (SVT 20) Q2000 Differential Scanning Calorimeter

The SVT 20 (DataPhysics Instruments GmbH, Germany) enables us measuring fluid/fluid interfacial tensions down to ultralow values. The method is TA Instruments Q2000 Differential Scanning based on the longitudinal deformation of a fluid Calorimeter bubble inside a heavier liquid in a capillary tube rotated at high velocities. By observation of the drop Materials and Fluid Characterization, Heat Flow shape with a high resolution CCD camera the Measurements, Crystallization, Precipitation, interfacial tension between the two fluids is Protein Folding, Enthalpy Measurements, calculated with high accuracy from mathematical Asphaltene Precipitation Kinetics, Model Hydrate models taking rotation speed, the fluids densities and Formation Kinetics, Paraffin Wax Analysis, temperature into account. At our laboratory this Amorphous/crystallinity determination method is currently used for characterizing General Usage Areas: Polymers, Colloids, and oil/brine/surfactant systems within a project on Petroleum. enhanced oil recovery. The lowest values measured with the SVT 20 at Ugelstad were in the area below 10-5 mN/m, quiet close to the limit of 10-6 mN/m which is given by the producer.

CAM 200 - Optical Surface Tension/Contact Angle Meter equipped with high-speed camera

CAM 200 (KSV Instruments Ltd., Finland) is a video camera-based contact angle meter for measurements of static or dynamic contact angles. Furthermore, surface & interfacial tension measurements can be performed using the pendant drop or raising drop technique. This unit is equipped with a FireWire camera module for measuring 100 images/second.

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9.0 Activities emanating from the Ugelstad Laboratory

9.1 Courses

A complete description of courses at NTNU you will find on:

 TKP4115 – Surface and Colloid Chemistry, 7.5 SP (Professor Gisle Øye)  TKP4130 – Polymer Chemistry, 7.5 SP (Adjunct Professor Wilhelm R. Glomm)  TKP4520/TKP4521/TKP4525 – Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Specialization, 22,5 SP (Professor Gisle Øye)  KP8134 – Surfactants and Polymers in Aqueous Solutions, 9 SP (Professor Johan Sjöblom)  KP8135 – Surface, Colloid and Polymer Chemistry Special Topics, 6 SP (Professor Johan Sjöblom, Professor Gisle Øye)  KP8129 – Colloid Chemistry for Process Industry, 12 SP (Professor Johan Sjöblom, Professor Gisle Øye, Adjunct Professor Wilhelm Glomm, Professor emeritus Per Stenius, Professor Kåre Larsson)

TKP4115 Surface and Colloid Chemistry (7,5 SP)

A general introduction to surface and colloid gas phase adsorption and capillary condensation. chemistry. Topics treated: Classification, preparation Charged interfaces, Gouy-Chapmans and Sterns and kinetic properties of colloidal dispersions. theories. Stability of colloidal systems, kinetics of Surface and interfacial tension, critical surface coagulation and Ostwald ripening. Emulsion and tensions. Surface free energy and application of foams. thermodynamics to the two-dimensional state. Curved interfaces, Young-Laplace, Kelvin and Gibbs Coordinator: equations. Surfactants. Solid surfaces, contact - Professor Gisle Øye, NTNU angels, spreading, wetting and adhesion, Liquid and

TKP4130 Polymer Chemistry (7,5 SP)

Important subjects are polymerization kinetics, step characterization methods, physical properties. growth polymerization, free radical polymerization, ionic polymerization and coordination Lecturer: polymerization, the copolymer equation, polymer - Associate Professor Wilhelm Glomm, NTNU materials, structure, intermolecular forces,

TKP4520/TKP4521 Colloid and Polymer Chemistry, Specialization Projects (15 SP) and TKP4525 Colloid and Polymer Chemistry, Specialization Course (7,5 SP)

The course constitutes a project work (15 sp) and The project work can be experimental or theoretical adjoining course modules (7.5 SP resp). If TKP4521 and will normally be connected to ongoing research (7,5 SP) project is chosen an additional topic of 7.5 projects at the department, and should preferable sp has to be chosen, so that the total credits for the serve as an introduction to the diploma work in the specialization will be 22.5 sp. The modules include 10th semester subjects that are intended to support the project. It is assumed that the specialization topics and the Coordinator: project work should make a thematic homogeneity. - Professor Johan Sjöblom, NTNU

KP8134 Surfactants and Polymers in Aqueous Solutions (7,5 SP)

The course is given every second year, first time surfaces), phase behavior of concentrated surfactant autumn 2005. Course description, English: This systems – including binary and ternary phase course covers the properties of concentrated diagrams, novel surfactants, and micro-emulsions. surfactant systems, simple polymer (including For simple polymer solutions, topics such as protein) systems, and the properties of mixed molecular weight, phase separation, the solubility surfactant-surfactant and surfactant-polymer parameter, theta temperature and Flory-Huggins systems. For simple surfactant systems, topics theory for the phase behavior of polymer solutions covered include mechanisms of self-assembly, are covered. The main emphasis of this course is interfacial behavior (including adsorption at solid given to the properties of mixed systems – Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 39 -

surfactant-surfactant systems and surfactant applications. Examples from current research are polymer (including surfactant-protein) systems, provided throughout the course. including surfactant-polymer interactions, critical Lecturer: association concentrations, phase behavior and - Professor Johan Sjöblom, NTNU rheology of mixed systems, and technical

KP8135 Surface, Colloid and Polymer Chemistry Special Topics (7,5 SP)

The course will first be taught fall 2006, and Part B: Characterization of Colloidal Systems. This thereafter either during the fall or spring semester topic covers theoretical and applied aspects of a when needed. Descriptions of courses and their selection of experimental techniques meant for objectives are divided according to topic. Here, only characterization of colloidal systems (including two topics are listed, however; more topics may be polymers). The main emphasis will be put on added according to the need and accumulated experimental techniques developed specifically for interest. This course consists of two independent characterization of the colloidal domain, however; subjects: Part A and B, which will be taught where conventional techniques such as UV-vis and individually. near-IR are described, the course will focus on aspects and applications unique to colloidal Part A: Soft Condensed Matter on Surfaces. This dispersions, such as colloidochromism. course is intended to provide overview over several outstanding research topics from soft condensed Lecturer: matter that are relevant to nanoscience and - Professor Gisle Øye, NTNU nanotechnology.

KP8129 Colloid Chemistry in the Process Industry (7,5 SP)

• Colloid chemistry in the oil industry (3SP) watering, spreading, wetting and adhesion, surface chemistry at dry strength additives, interactions This course throws light on the important role that between printing inks and paper surfaces, foam colloid chemistry has in oil technology offshore. stabilizers, characterization of paper and fibers by Phenomenon that are described in the course are spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. PVT diagrams, mechanisms for asphaltene precipitation at low pressures (or changed solubility Lecturer: conditions), separation of water / oil / gas, emulsion – Professor emeritus Per Stenius, Helsinki University problems (formation of emulsions, natural of Technology transportability and stabilization of suspensions) as well as functionality of various oil field chemicals • Advanced instrumentation in colloid (inhibitors, demulsifiers, kinetic inhibitors, chemistry (1,5 SP) defoamers, wettability chemicals etc.) This course deals with modern and advanced Lecturers: instrumentation such as AFM (Atomic Force – Professor Johan Sjöblom, NTNU Microscopy), QCM (Quartz Crystal Microbalance), – Dr. NN (from oil industry) Langmuir-Blodgett, NIR (Near Infrared) spectroscopy, FT-IR (Fourier Transformed Infrared) • Colloid chemistry in the pulp and paper spectroscopy, HPLC (High Pressure Liquid industry (3SP) Chromatography), Zeta-sizer, SARA (Saturates, Aromatics, Resins, Asphaltenes) fractionation, high This course throws light on the important role that pressure instrumentation, plasma chemical colloid chemistry has within papermaking. modification, rheology (bulk and interface) NMR Phenomena that are treated in the course are the (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance). solubility properties of polyelectrolyte as well as their adsorption to solid surfaces such as cellulose Lecturer: fibers, dissolved wood substances and colloids in the – Professor Gisle Øye, NTNU circulation water, flocculation, retention and de-

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9.2 Exchange Programs

Students and Researchers at the Ugelstad Laboratory The Ugelstad Laboratory also hosts visiting are encouraged to participate in research at other researchers and lecturers. well renowned laboratories.

9.2.1 Visiting students

Name University/Country Chapon, Maéva National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine, France Engelbeen, Jeroen Ghent University, Belgia Freychet, Guillaume Leon University Pierre and Marie Curie, France Garcia, Vitor Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Kawale, Durgesh Delft University ot Technology, The Netherlands Lemainque, Joseph Francois University Paris Sud Orsay, France Vincent Morán Rico, Elena Universidat Politechnica de Valencia, Spain Nascimento, Priscila Federal University of Paraná, Brazil Negre, Leo Andre University Pierre and Marie Curie, France Orlandi, Ezequiel Federal University of Paraná, Brazil Pattyn, Ibe Ghent University, Belgium Pichler, Birgit Elvira Graz University of Tehcnology, Austria Reynders, Pieter K.H. Kempen University Collegen Belgium Staudinger, Christoph Graz University of Tehcnology, Austria Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 41 -

9.3 Publications

9.3.1 Publications 2014 (by May 2014)

Bandyopadhyay S, Singh G, Sandvig I, Sandvig A, Yang F, Zhao Y, Paso K G, Johan Sjoblom; Mathieu R, Kumar P.A, Glomm W.R; Polymeric Wax Inhibitors and Pour Point Synthesis and in vitro cellular interactions of Depressants for Waxy Crude Oils: A Critical Review. superparamagnetic iron nanoparticles with a Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. crystalline gold shell, Manuscript submitted to Accepted 2014. Applied Surface Science Rodionova G, Keleşoğlu S and Sjöblom J; Barrabino A, Keleşoğlu S, Sørland G H, Simon S, “AC Field Induced Destabilization of Water-in-Oil Sjöblom J; Emulsions Based on North Sea Acidic Crude Oil” Phase inversion in emulsions studied by low field Colloids and Surfaces A: 448: 60–66, DOI: NMR. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2014.01.019 Engineering Aspects 2014. 443, (0), 368-376 Sandnes R, Simon S, Sjöblom J, Sørland G H; Benmekhbi M, Simon S, Sjöblom J; Optimization and Validation of Low Field Nuclear Dynamic and Rheological Properties of Span 80 at Magnetic Resonance Sequences to Determine Low Liquid-Liquid Interfaces. Accepted for publication in Water Contents and Water Profiles in W/O Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2014. Emulsions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2014. 441, 441-448. Benmekhbi M, Simon S; Limitations and Applicability of the Interfacial Shear Sjöblom J, Simon S, Xu Z; Rheology in the Study of Monolayer Films at the Air- The chemistry of tetrameric acids in petroleum. Water Interface. Accepted for publication in Journal Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 2014. of Dispersion Science and Technology 2014 205, (0), 319-338.

Gaweł B, Eftekhardadkhah M, Øye G; Sjöblom J, Simon S; Elemental Composition and Fourier Transform Oil Films: Some Basic Concepts. To be published in Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis of Crude Oils and Oil Spill Remediation: Colloid Chemistry-Based Their Fractions. Energy & Fuels. 2014, 28(2), 997- Principles and Solutions 2014, Somasundaran P. 1003. Ed., John Wiley & Sons.

Nourani M, Tichelkamp T, Gawel B, Øye G; Tichelkamp T, Vu. Y, Nourani M, Øye G; Method for Determining the Amount of Crude Oil Interfacial Tension between Low Salinity Solutions of Desorbed from Silica and Aluminosilica Surfaces Sulfonate Surfactants and Crude and Model Oils, upon Exposure to Combined Low-Salinity Water and Energy Fuels 2014, 28 (4), 2408–2414. Surfactant Solutions, Energy Fuels 2014, 28 (3), 1884–1889. Tchoukov P, Yang F, Xu Z, Dabros T, Czarnecki J, Sjöblom J; Oliveira MB,Haddad do Prado A, Bernegossi J, Sato Role of Asphaltenes in Stabilizing Thin Liquid C S, Brunetti I L, Scarpa M V,1 G Ricci Leonardi, Emulsion Films. Langmuir2014, 30, 3024−3033 Friberg S E and Chorilli M; Topical Application of Retinyl Palmitate-Loaded Yang F, Zhao Y, Sjöblom J, Li C, and Paso K; Nanotechnology-Based Drug Delivery Systems for Polymeric Wax Inhibitors and Pour Point the Treatment of Skin Aging. BioMed Research Depressants for Waxy Crude Oils: A Critical Review. International (In Press) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2014 DOI:10.1080/01932691.2014.901917 (Accepted Paso K, Krückert K K, Oschmann H J, Ali H, and posted on line) Sjöblom J; PPD architecture development via polymer–crystal Zhao Y, Paso K, and Sjöblom J; interaction assessment, Journal of Petroleum Thermal Behavior and Solid Fraction Dependent Gel Science and Engineering, Volume 115, March 2014, Strength Model of Waxy Oils. Journal of Thermal Pages 38-49. Analysis and Calorimetry 2014 DOI: 10.1007/s10973-014-3660-3 (Accepted and posted Paso K, Zhao Y, Sjöblom J; on line). Thermal Behavior and Solid Fraction Dependent Gel Strength Model of Waxy Oils. Journal of Thermal Zhao Y, Paso K, Zhang X, Sjöblom J; Analysis and Calorimetry, 2014, 4, Pages 6463- Utilizing ionic liquids as additives for oil property 6470. Published online 20th of February 2014. modulation. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, Pages 6463- 6470.

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Zhao Y, Ali H, Paso K, G H Sørland, and Sjöblom J; Skartlien R, Hu B, Palmer T.L, Staff G and Sollum E: Utilization of DSC, NIR and NMR for Wax A Statistical Model for the Average Volume Fraction Appearance Temperature Determination and Wax Profile through theMixing Zone in Turbulent Inhibitor Performance Characterization. Journal of Stratified Gas–Liquid Flow. International Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Under Review) Multiphase Flow 59 (2014) 160–172

9.3.2 Publications 2013

Bozeya A, Al-Bawab A, Friberg S E, Ge L and Rong Friberg S E; G; Potential Correlation between Spontaneous Spontaneous emulsification between incompatible Emulsification and the Plait Point in the System aqueous solutions in the water/ethanol/benzene Water/Benzene/Ethanol: A Phase Diagram system. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 418(2013)1-6 Approach. Soft 2(2013)1-6

Eftekhardadkhah M, Øye G; Gawel B, Øye, Gisle; Dynamic Adsorption of Organic Compounds Hierarchical gamma-alumina monoliths with macro- Dissolved in Synthetic Produced Water at Air and meso porosity prepared by using cross-linked Bubbles: The Influence of the Ionic Composition of dextran gel beads as the template. Materials letters Aqueous Solutions, Energy & Fuels 2013; Volume 27 (General ed.). volume 95, 2013. (9), 5128–5134. Hasinovic H, Boggs C, Friberg S E, Kovachc I and Eftekhardadkhah M, Øye G; Koetz J; Correlations between Crude Oil Composition and Janus Emulsions from a One-Step Process; Optical Produced Water Quality: A Multivariate Analysis Microscopy Images. J. Dispersion Sci. Technol. Approach, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry DOI:10.1080/01932691.2013.801019 Research 2013; Volume 52 (48), 17315–17321. Hasinovic H, Friberg S E, Kovachc I and Koetz J; Eftekhardadkhah M, Øye G; Emulsion Drops: Equilibrium Calculations. J. Induction and Coverage Times for Crude Oil Droplets Dispersion Sci. Technol. 34(2013)1683-1689 Spreading on Air Bubbles. Environmental Science and Technology. volume 47, 2013. Kumar L, Zhao Y, Paso K G, Grimes B A, Lawrence C L, Sjöblom J; Eftekhardadkhah M, Reynders P, Øye G; 3 Dimensional and Axi-Symmetric Modeling of Dynamic adsorption of water soluble crude oil Pipeline Resart. 14th International Conference on components at air bubbles, Chemical Engineering Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, 2013; 2013- Science 2013; Volume 101, 359-365. 06-10

Farooq U, Simon S, Tweheyo M T, Øye G, Sjöblom J; Kumar L and Sjöblom J; Interfacial Tension Measurements Between Oil Numerical study of Pipeline restart for weakly Fractions of a Crude Oil and Aqueous Solutions with compressible irreversible thixotropic waxy crude oil Different Ionic Composition and pH. Journal of in non-isothermal condition. Under review in Journal Dispersion Science and Technology 2013; Volume of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 34.(5) s. 701-708 Kumar L, Lawrence C and Sjöblom J; Farooq U, Simon S, Tweheyo M T, Sjöblom J, Øye G; Mechanism of Pressure Propagation and Weakly Electrophoretic Measurements of Crude Oil Fractions Compressible Homogenous and Heterogeneous Dispersed in Aqueous Solutions of Different Ionic Thixotropic Gel Breakage. Accepted for publication Compositions—Evaluation of the Interfacial Charging in RSC Advance Mechanisms. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2013; Volume 34.(10) s. 1376-1381 Kumar L, Lawrence C, Yansong Z, Paso K, Grime B A and Sjöblom J; Friberg S E, Kovach I and Koetz J; Numerical study of pipeline restarts of weakly Equilibrium Topology and Partial Inversion of J anus compressible thixotropy waxy crude oil. Under Drops: A Numerical Analysis. ChemPhysChem review in AICHE Journal 14(2013)3772-3776 Nenningsland A L, Simon S, Sjöblom J; Friberg S E; Influence of Interfacial Rheological Properties on Selective Emulsion Inversion in an Equilibrium Janus Stability of Asphaltene-Stabilized Emulsions. Drop. 1. Unlimited Space. J. Colloid Interface Sci. Accepted for publication in Journal of Dispersion 416(2013)167-171 Science and Technology 2014

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Lesaint C, Simon S, Lesaint C, Glomm W R, Berg G, Sjöblom J, Stenius P, Simon S, Grimes B; Lundgaard L E, Sjöblom J; Emulsion Stabilization. Published in Encyclopedia of Dielectric Properties of Asphaltene Solutions: Colloid and Interface Science 2013, Tadros T. Ed., Solvency Effect on Conductivity. Energy & Fuels Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2013; Volume 27.(1) s. 75-81. Sørland G H, Simon S C, Sjöblom J; Paso K; New Approaches in Development of Nuclear Comprehensive Treatise on the Shut-in and Restart Magnetic Resonance to Study and Follow the of Waxy Crude Pipelines. Journal of Dispersion Separation between Oil and Water. 14th Science and Technology. Accepted July 2013. International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, PETROPHASE; 2013-06-10- Paso K G, Sjöblom J; 2013-06-13 Flow Assurance Strategies for Successful Risk Abatement with Complex Crude Oils. 6th annual Zhao Y, Paso K, Kumar L, Safieva J, Sariman M Z B Pipeline integrity Management Forum; 2013-02-06- S and Sjöblom J; 2013-02-08 Controlled Shear Stress and Controlled Shear Rate Non-Oscillatory Rheological Methodologies for Gel Paso K G, Sjöblom J; Point Determination. Energy & Fuels. 2013, 27 (4), Pipeline Restart with Waxy Crudes and Flow 2025–2032 Assurance Related Risks. Society of Petroleum Engineers; 2013-11-13-2013-11-14 Zhao Y, Paso K, Sariman M Z B S and Sjöblom J; Strain Dependent Rheological Model and Pressure Rodionova G, Kelesoglu S, Sjöblom J; Wave Prediction for Shut in and Restart of Waxy Oil Electrorheological behavior of water in crude oil Pipelines. Journal of Dispersion Science and emulsions. IV International Conference on Colloid Technology 2013, Chemistry and Physicochemical Mechanics (IC- DOI:10.1080/01932691.2013.817315 (Accepted CCPCM 13); 2013-06-30-2013-07-05 and posted on line)

Simon S, Knudsen K D, Nordgård E, Reisen C, Zhao Y, Paso K, Kumar L, Xiangping Z and Sjöblom J; Sjöblom J; Aggregation of tetrameric acids in aqueous media Utilizing Ionic Liquids as Additives for Waxy Oil studied by small-angle neutron scattering. Journal of Property Modulation. 2013 RSC Advances Colloid and Interface Science 2013; Volume 394 s. (Accepted) 277-283 Zhao Y, Paso K and Sjöblom J; Sørland G H, Kelesoglu S, Simon S, Sjöblom J; Thermal Behavior and Solid Fraction Dependent Gel Rapid characterization of emulsions by pulsed field Strength Model of Waxy Oils. Journal of Thermal gradient nuclear magnetic resonance. diffusion- Analysis and Calorimetry 2013 (Under Review). 2013; Volume 18.(1) s. 1-16 Zhao Y, Paso K, Sørland G H and Sjöblom J; Sjöblom J, Simon S C; Utilizing DSC, NIR and NMR for Wax Appearance Fundamental Chemistry of Heavy Crude Oils. tekna Temperature and Wax Inhibitor Performance Separation Technology; 2013-09-25-2013-09-26 Characterization. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2013 Sjöblom J, Simon S C, Xu Z; (Under Review) Conference Contributions Model Molecules Mimiching Properties of Asphaltenes and C80-Tetraacids. 14th International Skartlien R, Sollum E and Schumann H: conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Droplet Size Distributions in Turbulent Emulsions: Fouling; 2013-06-10-2013-06-13 Breakup Criteria and Surfactant Effects from Direct Numerical Simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 139, 174901 Sjöblom J, Simon S C, Xu Z, Bjørklund E; (2013) Some Trends in Oil/Water Separation. 9th International Chemistry in Industry Conference and Exhibition (CHEMINDIX 2013); 2013-11-02-2013- 11-06

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9.3.3 Publications 2012

Al Bawab A, Bozeya A, Friberg Stig E; Gaweł B, Lambrechts K, Øye G; Spontaneous Emulsification and Phase Equilibria in Preparation and Characterization of Au/CeO2–Al2O3 the System Water, Ethanol and Benzene. J Monoliths,Materials Science and Engineering B 177 dispersion Sci. Technol. (2012) 575– 580

Al-Bawab A, Bozey A, Friberg S E, Ge L, Guo R; Gaweł B, Gaweł K, Hobæk T C, Yasuda M, Øye G; Spontaneous Emulsification in the System A Simple Semi Sol-gel Method for Preparation of Water/Benzene/Ethanol: Phase Equilibria and Alumina Monoliths with Hierarchical Pore Structures. Emulsification Mechanism. Colloids Surf Materials Chemistry and Physics;137 (2012), 414- 420 Amiri A, Nuland Sven, Øye G, Sjøblom J; Use of a Cross-Sectional Model for Determining Gaweł B, Lambrechts K, Gawel K, Øye G; Rheology in Settling Slurries: Effect of Solvent One-pot Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle Particle Size, and Density. Journal of Dispersion Functionalised Mesoporous Silica – the Double Role Science and Technology 2012 ;Volum 33.(9) s. of a Tri-block Copolymer and Chitosan. Microporous 1336-1345 and Mesoporous Materials, 164 (2012), 32-37

Amiri A, Øye G, Sjøblom J; Gawel B, Lesaint C, Bandyopadhyay S, Øye G; Stability and Flow-Induced Flocculation of Fumed The mutual influence of brine and crude oil Silica Suspensions in Mixture of Water-Glycerol. composition on interfacial properties of crude Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2012; oil/brine systems. 26th Conference of the European Volum 33.(8) s. 1247-1256 Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS2012); 2012-09- 02 - 2012-09-07 Anthonsen, Henrik W, Sørland G H, Zick K, Sjøblom J, Simon S; Ge L, Vernon M, Simon S, Maham Y, Sjöblom J, Quantitative Recovery Ordered (Q-ROSY) and Xu Z; Diffusion Ordered Spectroscopy using the Spoiler Interactions of divalent cations with tetrameric acid Recovery Approach. Diffusion Fundamentals 2012; aggregates in aqueous solutions. Colloids and Volum 17.(1) s. 1-12 Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 396, 2012, p. 238-245 Bandyopadhyay S, Singh G, Lystvet S M, Volden S, Strand S, Glomm W R; Glomm W; Smart Nanoparticles (NP) for Drug Delivery; 5th Gull for kroppen. Gemini [Avis] 2012-06-01 Asian Particle technology Symposium, 02-07-2012 - Glomm W; 05-07-2012 The Langmuir technique: Solving your problems one monolayer a time. NTNU NanoLab Seminarseries; Baumann A, Gjerde A U, Ying M, Svanborg C, Spring 2012; 2012-04-24 Holmsen H A, Glomm W, Martinez A, Halskau jr Ø; HAMLET forms annular oligomers when deposited Glomm W, Volden S, Lystvet S M; with phoshpolipid monolayers. Journal of Molecular Realfag som grunnlag for medisinsk forskning. Biology 2012 ;Volum 418.(1-2) s. 90-102 Foredrag for Samarbeidsforum, NTNU; 2012-02-14

Bozeya A, Al-Bawab A, Friberg S E, Miller C A; Grimes B; Spontaneous Emulsification and Phase Equilibria in Population Balance Model for Batch Gravity the System Water, Ethanol and Benzene. J Separation of Crude Oil and Water Emulsions. Part Dispersion Sci. Technol. I: Model Formulation. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 33:578–590, 2012 Bozeya A, Al-Bawab A, Friberg S E, Ge L, Rong G; Spontaneous Emulsification Between Incompatible Grimes B A, Sjøblom J; Aqueous Solutions in the Water/Ethanol/Benzene Population balance modeling of batch oil-water System. J Colloid Interface Sci. separations: Prediction of Crude oil separation dynamics measured by low frequency NMR Eftekhardadkhah M, Gawel B, Lesaint C, Øye G; experiments. Thirteenth International Conference on Spreading of crude oil droplets at air/water inter- Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling face: the effect of water ionic composition and oil (PETROPHASE 2012); 2012-06-10 - 2012-06-14 fractions. EUFOAM 2012; 2012-07-08 - 2012-07-11 Hammervik M, Glomm W; Friberg S E, Friberg S H; Dette er bakterien som lager gull. NRK, Vitenskap- Emulsion formation. Encyclopedia colloid Interface og-teknologi [Internett] 2012-10-04 Sci. In Press. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-20665.8 Hasinovic H, Friberg S E, Kovach I, Koetz J; Equilibrium Janus Drops. J Dispersion Sci. Technol.

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Honda H, Foss M, Tomoe Y, Sunaba T, Watanabe T; Kumar Lalit, Zhao Yansong, Safieva Jamilia, Ali Corrosion Behaviors of CRAs Under CO2-H2S Hassan, Grimes Brian Arthur, Sjøblom Johan; Environment with Organic Acids Next-generation pipeline restart modeling: From CORROSION 2012 Conference & Expo theory to commercial application. Thirteenth International Conference on Petroleum Phase Johnsen B B, Stavnes S M, Olsen T, Thorvaldsen T, Behavior and Fouling (PETROPHASE 2012); 2012- Glomm W; 06-10 - 2012-06-14 Preparation and characterisation of epoxy/alumina polymer nanocomposites. 15th European Conference Leino T, Raulio M, Stenius P, Laine J, Salkinoja- on Composite Materials; 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-28 Salonen M; Pseudoxanthomonas bacteria that drive deposit Kaombe D D, Lenes M, Toven K, Hagg M, Glomm W; formation of wood extractives can be flocculated by Turbiscan as a Tool for Studying Phase Separation cationic polyelectrolytes. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotech. Tendency of Pyrolysis Oil. 20th European Biomass 39:1 (2012) 105-114 Conference and Exhibition; 2012-06-22 Lystvet Sina Maria, Volden Sondre, Halskau jr Kelesoglu S, Pettersen B H, Sjøblom J; Øyvind, Glomm Wilhelm; Characterization of Water-in-North Sea Acidic Crude Interactions between BSA-gold nanoparticle Oil Emulsions by Means of Rheology, Droplet Size, constructs and a phospholipid monolayer. French- and Laminar Flow in Pipeline. Journal of Dispersion Norwegian Interdisciplinary Symposium on Nano Science and Technology 2012 ;Volum 33.(4) s. 536- and Micro Frontiers in Biology and Medicine; 2012- 548 08-31 - 2012-09-02

Kelesoglu S, Pettersen B H, Sjöblom J; Nordgård E L, Simon S, Sjöblom J; Flow Properties of Water-in-North Sea Heavy Crude Interfacial Shear Rheology of Calcium Naphthenate Oil emulsions at the Oil/Water Interface and the Influence of pH, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, 100, Calcium and in Presence of a Model Monoacid. pp. 14-23. (2012) Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2012; Volum 33.(7) s. 1083-1092 Kelesoglu S, Volden S, Kes M, Sjøblom J; Adsorption of Naphthenic Acids onto Mineral Nordgård E L, Ahmad J, Simon S, Sjöblom J; Surfaces Studied by Quartz Crystal Microbalance Oil-water partitioning of a synthetic tetracarboxylic with Dissipation Monitoring (QCM-D). Energy & Fuels acid as a function of pH. Journal of Dispersion 2012 ;Volum 26.(8) s. 5060-5068 Science and Technology 2012 ;Volum 33.(6) s. 871- 880 Knudsen Agnethe, Nordgård Erland, Diou Odile, Sjøblom Johan; Safieva Jamilia O, Paso Kristofer G, Safieva Ravilya, Methods to Study Naphthenate Formation in w/o Rustem Z, Syunyaev Z; Emulsions by the Use of a Tetraacid Model Adsorption and Aggregation of Asphaltenes in Compound. Journal of Dispersion Science and Petroleum Dispersed Systems Technology 2012 ;Volum 33.(10) s. 1514-1524 Book Chapter: Crude Oil Emulsions- Composition Stability and Characterization (2012) Kovalchuk K, Grimes B A; Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Water-Oil Skartlien R, Grimes B A, Sjöblom J, Sollum E; Interfaces with adsorbed Naphthenic Acids. Coalescence Kinetics in Surfactant Stabilized Emulsions in Decaying Turbulence: Evolution Kovalchuk Karina, Sjøblom Johan, Grimes Brian Equations from Direct Numerical Simulations. Arthur; Molecular dynamic study of tetra-naphthenic acids Skartlien R, Grimes B, Meakin P, Sjöblom J, at water-oil-interface. Twenty-sixth Conference of Sollum E; the European Colloid and Interface Society; 2012- Coalescence kinetics in surfactant stabilized 09-02 - 2012-09-07 emulsions: evolution equations from direct numerical simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 214701. Kovalchuk Karina, Sjøblom Johan, Grimes Brian doi: 10.1063/1.4768243 (2012) Arthur; Molecular dynamics simulation of tetra-naphthenic Skartlien R, Sollum E, Akselsen A, Meakin P; acids at water/oil interfaces: Adsorption dynamics Direct numerical simulation of surfactant stabilized and interactions with mono-acids. Thirteenth emulsions - Morphology and shear viscosity in International Conference on Petroleum Phase starting shear flow, Rheologica Acta, July 2012, Behavior and Fouling (PETROPHASE 2012); 2012- Volume 51, Issue 7, pp 649-673 06-10 - 2012-06-14 Simon S, Reisen C, Bersås A, Sjöblom J; Reaction between tetrameric acids and Ca2+ in Oil/Water system. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 51, 2012, p. 5669−5676. Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 46 -

Simon S, Knudsen K D, Nordgård E L, Reisen C, Wang J, Lu D, Sjöblom J, Xu Z, Zeng H; Sjöblom J; Molecular Interactions of a Polyaromatic Surfactant Water Phase Association and Aggregation of C5Pe in Aqueous Solutions Studied by Surface Tetrameric Acids by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Forces Apparatus (SFA). J Phys. Chem. 2012. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2013 ; Volum 394.(1) s. 75-81 Wang J, Opedal N, Lu Q, Xu Z, Zeng H, Sjöblom J; Singh G, Sandvig I, Mørch Y A, Glomm W; Probing Molecular Interactions of an Asphaltene Multifunksjonelle nanopartikler skreddersydd til Model Compound in Organic Solvents Using a biomedisin. Divisjon for Innovasjon, Forskningrådet; Surface Forces Apparatus (SFA). Energy & Fuels 2012-06-28 2012 ;Volum 26.(5) s. 2591-2599

Sjöblom J, Aske N, Viitala T, Paso Kristofer; Xhanari K, Syverud K, Chinga-Carrasco G, Paso K, Wax Deposition Prevention by Surface Modifications: Stenius P; Materials Evaluation Reduction of water wettability of nanofibrillated 01/2012; Book Chapter: Encyclopedia of Surface cellulose by adsorption of cationic surfactants and Colloid Science, Publisher: Taylor & Francis Journal: Cellulose, Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 257- 270 (2012) Teklebrhan R B, Ge L, Bhattacharjee S, Xu Z, Sjöblom J; Zhao Y, Kumar L, Paso K G, Ali H, Safieva J, Probing Structure-Nanoaggregation Relations of Sjöblom J; Polyaromatic Surfactants: A Molecular Dynamics Gelation and Breakage Behavior of Model Wax-Oil Simulation and Dynamiv Light Scattering Study. J Systems: Rheological Properties and Model Phys. Chem. 2012 Development. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2012 ;Volum 51.(23) s. 8123-8133 Tsuchiya K, Kozawa D, Sakka T, Øye G, Fukami K, Ogata Y H; Zhao Y, Kumar L, Paso K G, Safieva J, Sariman M, Interparticle interactions and structure formation of Sjöblom J; colloidal particles at oil-water interface. Gelation Behavior of Model Wax-Oil and Crude Oil International Association of Colloid and Interface Systems and Yield Stress Model Development. Scientists (IACIS2012); 2012-05-13 - 2012-05-18 Energy & Fuels 2012 ;Volum 26.(10) s. 6323-6331

Volden S, Eilertsen J L, Singh G, Wang W, Zhu K, Zhao Y, Kumar L, Paso K, Safieva J S, Sreedhar S, Nyström B, Glomm W; Mior Z B, Sjöblom J; Effect of Charge Density Matching on the Controlled Shear Stress and Controlled Shear Rate Temperature Response of PNIPAAM Block Non-Oscillatory Rheological Methodologies for Gel Copolymer-Gold Nanoparticles. The Journal of Point Determination. Energy & Fuels Physical Chemistry C 2012 ;Volum 116.(23) s. 12844-12853 Øye G; Bubbles and drops. How the surroundings and their Volden S, Lystvet S M, Halskau jr Ø, Glomm W; ageing influence their properties - Interfacial Generally applicable procedure for in situ formation properties, coalescence, influence of the chemistry of fluorescent protein-gold nanoconstructs. RSC of water and oil. Produced Water Management Advances 2012 ;Volum 2. s. 11704-11711 2012; 2012-01-24 - 2012-01-25

Volden S, Ese M, Zhu K, Yasuda M, Nyström B, Glomm W; Interactions between bovine serum albumin and Langmuir films composed of charged and uncharged poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) block copolymers. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2012 ;Volum 98. s. 50-57

Ugelstad laboratory Annual report 2013 - 47 -

9.3.4 Publications 2000-2011

A complete list of publications you findon the Ugelstad web-site:








0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure Overview of Ugelstad laboratory publications by May 2014.

9.3.6 Ph.D. Theses

Yansong Zhao Serkan Keleşoğlu Shut in and Restart of Waxy Crude Oil Pipelines: Flow Behavior of Water-in-North Sea Acidic Crude Gelation, Rheology, Model Development, and Emulsions and Preparation of Synthetic Reference Application of Polymer/Ionic Liquid Based Additive. Acidic Oils and Their Emulsions Date of Defense: 13 December 2013 Date of Defense: December 20th 2010

Mona Eftekhardadkhah Asal Amiri Interfacial Properties of Dissolved Crude Rheology of silica-based disperisons and Cross- Oil Components in Produced Water. sectional modeling of settling Slurries Date of Defense: 13 September 2013 Date of Defense: October 7th 2010

Mehdi Benmekbi Umer Farooq Properties of Surfactant-Stabilized Liquid-Liquid Dynamic simulation on a thermodynamic conoical Date of Defense: 22 October 2013 basis Date of Defense: September 30th 2010 Sina M. Lystvedt Emergent Properties of Proteins-Gold-Nanostructs Erland Nordgård for Biomedical Applications. Model Compounds for Heavy Crude Oil Components Date of Defense: 14 March 2013 and Tetrameric Acids. Characterization and Interfacial Behavior Andreas Lyng Nenningsland Date of Defense: September 7th 2009 Extraction, Quantification and Study of Interfacially Active Petroleum Components. Martin Smestad Foss Date of Defense: 17 December 2012 The Effect of Oil on Carbon Dioxide Corrosion Inhibition on Carbon Steel - Potential for Improved Klodian Xhanari Corrosion Protection Nanosized cellulose fibrils as stabilizers of emulsions Date of Defense: January 30th 2009 Date of Defense: 28 January 2011 Ann-Mari Dahl Hanneseth Nils van der Tuuk Opedal An Experimental Study of Tetrameric Naphthenic NMR as a tool to follow destabilization of water-in-oil Acids at w/o Interfaces emulsions Date of Defense: January 23rd 2009 Date of Defense: 30 September 2011

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Anne Silset Torbjørn Vrålstad Emulsions (w/o and o/w) of Heavy Crude Oils. Synthesis and characterization of cobalt-containing characterization, Stabilization, Destabilization and mesoporous model catalysts. Produced Water Quality Date of Defense: December 2nd 2005 Date of Defense: November 13th 2008. Øystein Brandal Dorota Dudasova Interfacial (o/w) Properties of Naphthenic Acids and Characterization of solid particle suspensions with Metal Naphthenates, Naphthenic Acid organic coatings in oilfield produced water Characterization and Metal Naphthenate Inhibition. Date of Defense: September 19th 2008. Date of Defense: June 29th 2005

Simone Less Magne Kawai Knag Mechanisms of water-in-crude oil emulsion Surfactant Aggregation in Solution and on Metal formation, stabilization and resolution by Surfaces and the Impact on Corrosion Rate. electrostatic means Date of Defense: June 23rd 2005 Date of defense: June 25th 2008. Wilhelm Robert Glomm Ingvild A. Johnsen Preparation and Characterization of Nanosized The impact of dissolved hemicelluloses on Structures with Applications in Bioscience and adsorption of wood resin to TMP fines. Materials Date of Defense: October 12th 2007 Date of Defense: June 23rd 2004

Martin Andresen Trond Erik Havre Surface Modification of Microfibrillated Cellulose. Formation of Calcium Naphtenate in Water/Oil Date of Defense: August 31st 2007 Systems, Naphtenic Acid Chemistry and Emulsion Stability Martin Fossen Date of Defense: November 28th 2002 Aggregation, Interfacial Properties and Structural Characteristics of Asphaltene Solubility Fractions. Narve Aske Date of Defense: August 28th 2007 Characterization of Crude Oil Components, Asphaltene Aggregation and Emulsion Stability by Sondre Volden means of Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Preparation and Characteristics of Novel Silica-Based Multivariate Analysis Materials and Adsorbed Macromolecules. Date of Defense: September 23rd 2002 Date of Defense: December 19th 2006 Inge Harald Auflem Shukun Chen Influence of Asphaltene Aggregation and Pressure Rheological Properties of Water in Oil Emulsions and on Crude Oil Emulsion Stability Particulate Suspensions. Date of Defense: August 15th 2002 Date of Defense: October 6th 2006

Andreas Hannisdal Particle-Stabilized Emulsions and Heavy Crude Oils. Characterization, Stability Mechanisms and Interfacial Properties. Date of Defense: June 15th 2006

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9.3.7 M. Sc. (Diploma) Theses

Aleksandersen, Hanne Rekdalsbakken Ali, Hassan Determination of Mass of Tetrameric Acid at the Cloud Pint Depressants, Completed summer 2012 Air/Water Interface by Combining Langmuir- Schaefer with QCM Measurements. 2013. Bandyopadhyay, Sulalit Supervisor: Johan Sjöblom Biodegradable Nano-Clusters as drug delivery vehicles, Completed summer 2012 Behrens, Eivind Joo Investigation of loss of surfactants during enhanced Lesaint, Caterina oil recovery applications - adsorption of surfactants Interfacial characterization of dispersed components onto clay materials. 2013. in produced water, Completed summer 2012 Supervisor: Gisle Øye Naveed Asif Hodneland, Solveig Adsorption/Desorption studies to Enhanced Oil Characterization of gas-liquid interfaces related to Recovery, Completed summer 2010 offshore produced water treatment. 2013. Supervisor: Gisle Øye Bicheng Gao Characterization and Rheological Properties of Model Kjemperud, Jostein Gas hydrate particles, Completed summer 2010 Interaction of different crude oils with model shoreline surfaces. 2013. Carl Marius Roel Supervisor: Gisle Øye Corrosive sulfur in transformer oils, Completed summer 2010 Kløcker, Kaja Neeb Characterization of Gas-Liquid Interfaces related to Xuan-Anh Ton Offshore Produced Water Treatment. 2013. Synthesis and Characterization of Sol-Gel Derived Supervisor: Gisle Øye Organic/Inorganic Hybrid, Completed summer 2010

Lefsaker, Martine Jordi Piella Bagaria Characterization of alkyd emulsions. 2013. Protein-nanoparticle contructs for intracellular Supervisor: Wilhelm R. Glomm delivery, Completed fall 2010

Lindersen, Peter Johan Bergh Jo Aaserud Modelling of Subsurface Releases of Oil and Gas. Alternative systems for wood preservation, 2013. Completed fall 2009 Supervisor: Gisle Øye Andreas L. Nenningsland Olhaye, Omar Extraction and characterization of bases present in Characterization of liquid-liquid interfaces related to crude oil, Completed summer 2009 offshore produced water treatment - interfacial activity of model Components. 2013. Håvard Foss Gran Supervisor: Gisle Øye Aqueous solubility of ARN acids and the effect of pH and counter ion valency, Completed summer 2009 Orlandi, Ezequiel Study of Aggregation of Tetrameric Acid and its Martin Håkon Aulie Interaction with Crude Oil Asphaltenes by Stability of SiC suspensions, Completed summer Isothermal Titration Calorimetry 2009 Supervisor: Johan Sjöblom Nils Opedal Solemslie, Henrik Winther Synthesis of metallic nano structures, Completed Synthesis of Composite Nanoparticles with Magnetic summer 2008 Properties. 2013. Supervisor: Wilhelm R. Glomm Kristin Aarhoug Characterization of oil in produced water, Completed Subramanian, Sreedhar summer 2008 Study of the mechanism of demulsification of petroleum crude oil emulsions by demulsifiers Øyvind Spets Supervisor: Johan Sjöblom Crude oil properties: Relation between viscosity and conductivity, Completed summer 2008 Trapnes, Helle Hofstad Characterisation of gas-liquid interfaces related to Marianne Lie offshore produced water treatment. 2013. Advanced characterization of particles in produced Supervisor: Gisle Øye water, Completed summer 2008

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Agnethe Knudsen Camilla Lundberg Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Nano English: Effect of Adsorption of Various Types of structured Gamma Alumina, Completed summer Lignosulphonates on the Viscosity of Cement Paste. 2008 Completed summer 2005

Gøril Kleppa Hanne Pettersen Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Transport of Gas Hydrates in Oil, Effect of Polar Alumina Materials, Completed summer 2008 Crude Oil Fractions. Completed June 2005

Bjarne Braathen Ahmed Hersi Wax deposition in crude oil systems, Completed Treatment of Produced Water, Completed June 2005 summer 2008 Borja Fernandez de Arlas Bidegain Lars Erik Noreng Formation of Functional Nanostructures from Particle interactions at liquid-gas surfaces and Macromolecular templates, Completed May 2005 adsorption onto particles in bulk solutions, Maren Larsson Completed summer 2007 Foam Problems in Concrete caused by Polymer Based Additives. Completed November 2004 Gunn Heidi Jentoft Adsorption of indigenous crude oil components on Martin Fossen the model surfaces for gas hydrates, as studied by Establishment of Polarity Indices for Polar QCM, Completed summer 2007 Macromolecules in Crude Oils, Completed June 2004

Christian Melby Bjørn Ann-Mari Dahl Hanneseth Water-in-Crude oil emulsions characterized under Interfacial Reactions between naphtenic Acids and flowing conditions, Completed summer 2007 Multivalent Cations, Completed June 2004

Thomas Kompalla Anne Silset A combined QCM-APM-study of waxdepositions on Study of the Relationship between Viscosity and metallic sufaces. Completed summer 2007 Emulsion Stability in Crude Oils, Completed June 2004 Kristin S. Haugbråten English: A multivariate approach to water in oil Kristin Gjerstad Jakobsen emulsion, stabillity and destability. Completed Evaluation study of compact electrostatic coalescer summer 2007 systems for separation of heavy crude oil emulsions, Completed July 2004 Katrine Næsland English: Interpretation of Emulsion Separation Data. Completed summer 2006

9.3.8 Patents

Sjöblom J., Kallevik H., Westvik A., Auflem I.H. Process for separation of oil, water, and gas in a Kelesoglu S., Sjöblom J. separator by breaking of water-in-oil emulsions. PCT Synthetic crude oil. Dec 29, 2011. Int. Appl. (2002), 22 pp. CODEN: PIXXD2 WO Publication number: WO2011161116 A1 0266137 A1 20020829

Edited by Camilla I. Dagsgård and Tom Helmersen

Annual Report for Ugelstad Laboaratory for 2013 Annual Report The Ugelstad Laboratory was founded at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in January 2002 to commemorate the late Professor John Ugelstad.

The laboratory specialises in surfactant chemistry and its technical ­­ applications, emulsions and emulsion technology, preparation of ­polymers and polymer particles and their technical applications, ­plasma chemical modification of surfaces and silica-based chemistry.

Applications include crude oil production and processing, pulp and paper, biomedicine, catalysis and materials science.

The main purpose is to raise the national level of colloidal science.

Edited by: Camilla I. Dagsgård and Tom Helmersen