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The BG News April 8, 1971

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An Bowling Green, Independent Thursday, April 8, 1971 Student Voice ■me BG news Volume 55/Numbtr 105 100,000 more home by December Viet troop pullouts up slightly WHILE THE INCREASE of roughly "IN MV CAMPAIGN for the charges of mass murder at My Lai. sequently tonight - I can report that WASHINGTON (AP) - President and Dec. 1 an additional 100,000 1,500 men a month fell well short of much American troops from South Vietnam - a presidency, I pledged to end American Saying he spoke as commander In chief, Vletnamization has succeeded." Nixon, putting his second-term hopes advance speculation, Nixon said: generally on the line, announced last monthly average of barely over 14,000 as involvement in this war. I am keeping Nixon said: This was when be said that "because of the success of the Cambodian night an only slight increase in monthly compared with the average of 12,900 in that pledge. You should hold me ac- "This will bring the total number of troop withdrawals from South Vietnam effect for the past year. countable if I fall." "I FEEL IT Is my duty to speak up for operation, and because of the the two and a half million fine young achievements of the South Vietnamese American troops withdrawn from South for a seven-month period. This would reduce the troop level to He claimed a success for his disputed Vietnam to 365,000 - over two-thirds of At the same time, Nixon said in an about 184,000. decision to invade enemy bases in Americans who have served in Vietnam. operation in Laos, I am announcing an The atrocity charges in individual cases increase in the rate of American with- the number who were there when I came address prepared for a nationwide Perhaps the most remarkable aspect Cambodia, and said the equally con- Into office." television-radio audience: of Nixon's speech was the fact that, it troversial Laotian Incursion was "even should not and cannot be allowed to drawals." "I can assure you tonight with con- seemed clear, he was not bowing to more damaging to the capability of the reflect on their courage and their self- fidence that American involvement in pressures from many sides to come up North Vietnamese to sustain major of- sacrifice. War Is a terrible and cruel this war is coming to an end." with something dramatic that would fensives in South Vietnam." experience for a nation and particularly promise an early end to American in- He then went on to make an indirect for those who bear the burden of THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE said it is volvement in the Vietnam war. reference to the court-martial conviction fighting." his intention to withdraw between May 1 Instead, he said: of Army Lt. William Calley Jr. on Nixon never mentioned the Calley case but spoke simply of "concerns • *• which have been raised In this country, **• fanned by reports of brutalities in Vietnam." Court gets proposal on war ON ANOTHER SUBJECT much In the public eye, Nixon called on Hanoi for Last year it refused a direct test of a Massachusetts law Immediate and unconditional release of WASHINGTON (AP) - Three antiwar congressmen all prisoners of war in Indochina. yesterday asked the U.S. District Court here to declare the against sending state residents to fight undeclared wars. Questions have been raised about the Vietnamese war illegal and to order it stopped in 60 days •This is something we hope will not be Just another futile performance of the South Vietnamese unless Congress approves it. gesture," said Rep. Michael Harrington (D-Mass.). The suit was filed by Harrington and Reps. Parren J. Mitchell army in Laos - sustained only by Since the Constitution gives Congress the right to (D-Md.), and Benjamin S. Rosenthal (D-N.Y.). American air support and supplies. declare war, they said, the Nixon administration and the Lawrence R. Velvel, one of five young attorneys who Nixon cited Laos, along with Cambodia, Johnson administration before it violated their right as drew up the suit, said recent legal trends make It likely the as "two decisions I have made which congressmen to decide whether the nation should fight. courts will consider the suit. have contributed to the achievement of It Is the first time members of Congress have sought The questions of whether congressmen are being denied our goals in Vietnam." such a court test. The Supreme Court has consistently a right to decide on the war is not political but legal, he said. He went on to argue that both were refused to hear other suits against the war. Courts refuse to hear cases they consider political. successful operations and, "con- Students may be faced with fee hike—Moore "We hear loud and clear the well- President Hollis A. Moore Jr. said of the governor's budget. called for In the governor's proposal. reasoned and responsible voices of students here could be faced with a fee But even the chancellor's proposal is Bowling Green Is making every effort hike if the state legislature approves less than the amount requested by the to keep costs at a mlnumum for its students who expect their university to Gov. Gilligan's proposed budget for the University administration, he added. students, he emphasized. up-date, strengthen and expand tired and out-moded curricula and academic University. Dr. Moore first announced the The president expressed concern Dr. Moore said he was "playing for dilemma at Tuesday's Faculty Senate before the committee over the rising programs. time" before deciding whether to ask the meeting, and then argued his position costs of college for Ohio's young people. "Ability to pay should not be the chief Board of Trustees for the raise. "I'm yesterday in Columbus before the "Now," Dr. Moore told to the waiting to see what the legislature is Education Section of the House Finance issue on which turns the possibility of any Ohioan going to college," he said. legislators, "we are confronted with a going to do," he said. Appropriations Committee. recommended approporatlons level Helpful "And then I'd..." An unidentified The President explained that Gov. The story on the Faculty Senate which offers no choice to the universities demolition expert gives some unsolicited Gilligan's proposed budget of $16.3 meeting in yesterday's BG News inac- "AT BOWLING GREEN, we are redoubling our efforts to be responsive to but to Jump the costs of tuition if any hand? advice to one of the crewmen helping to tear million for BGSU is not enough to see the curately stated that Dr. Moore said he drgree of progress and momentum Is to the needs of our students and of our down the old stadium. University through the next biennium. "plans " to ask the trustees for a fee hike. be maintained." The president said later that he was external publics," Dr. Moore continued. THE GOVERNOR'S PROPOSAL is reluctant to raise fees at all, and it was "We hear parents around the state who 14.4 million less than the budget his hope that the chancellor's budget are worried about whether they can suggested by the chancellor of the Ohio would be the one to gain legislative ap- afford a college education for their Board of Regents. proval. children. Study probes Prout CHANCELLOR JOHN MILLETT'S IN COLUMBUS YESTERDAY, Dr "We hear the ciUiens of Ohio, as well figure of (20.7 million would provide an Moore told the legislators that If BGSU's as elected public officials, who expect the adequate budget. Dr. Moore said, and belt-tightening policies were going to be public universities to look hard at their there would be no need to raise fees if it meaningful to the student, the University own operations with the ultimate aim of were approved by the legislature instead would need more state assistance than holding the line on student costs. -Eco-tip-of-the-day- International facilities]

Prout will be submitted by Dr. Schuck By Patty Bailey THE CENTER'S OFFICES and the 29 Think small! graduate students living there are being and others who are helping to design the Dr. James Bond, vice president of moved out of Johnston Hall to make room graduate student unity. If you plan to buy a new car, buy an auto with a relative small engine. student affairs, said yesterday a com- for department offices of the College of A definite decision on alterations Smaller engines, such as those in Volkswagens, and certain other mittee has been established to decide the Arts and Sciences. should be reached sometime next week, compact cars bum gasoline more efficiently and more completely than best way to accomodate both the In- Dr. Bond stated that a committee Dr. Bond said. larger engines. ternational Center and graduate student consisting of five, or six persons yet to be International Center residents In- Since the gas Is burned more thoroughly, fewer pollutants are emitted housing In Prout Hall's facilities. named, will review suggestions as to how into the air we breathe. best to change the center into the sisted winter quarter that they would not Dr. Bond affirmed that the move into residence hall. accept Prout Hall as a residence, but -Benjamin Marvin Prout by the International Center has according to Jedlinsky, the opposition to been finalized for the upcoming year. PROPOSALS FOR CHANGES in the move has died out. Lt. Calley 'Hymn' sparks success, controversy

demand increases. "I consider it a piece of It is not obscene ana reflects the opinion of By Lisa Boulaager this company's history." Bob Alou, national Randy Gretes said. millions of Americans," he said. country and western promotion manager, said he He denied a report that appeared in the commerical garbage," Navarro said. Arts Editor Jeff Rice, program director at WMGS-Radio in After taking a poll of listener response, the never envisioned anything like the frantic orders Cleveland Plain Dealer, which charged that an Toledo station, WOHO, has continued to play the employee at WAWR was dismissed when he Bowling Green, said they have received many "My name is William Calley, I'm a loidier of he has received. requests for the song, with many callers wanting record. the bad, disagreed with the ban on the song. But at CKLW-radio In Detroit, program "WE HAVE HAD orders for well over a million 'The man was not fired as a direct result of the to know where they can get copies of the record I've vowed to do my duty and to gala the upper and the words. director Alden Diehl said they are not airing the copies in Just five and a half days. It is projected record Incident," Gretes said. recording. to sell eight to 10 million copies," Alou said. He also questioned who benefited from the "We got the record on the Monday before the They've made me out a villain and they've conviction and hesitated on whether to play it or "We are not playing it because it hasn't been stamped me with a brand, "It has done a lot to help the people rally to a profits on the mlllion-oeller. "If some of the established in the Detroit market as a hit, so lt money were going intaa Calley fund, then maybe not. We aired the record on Thursday (after the As we go marching on..." common feeling," be added. conviction) and asked for listener response. We hasn't come up for consideration yet," Diehl said. But area radio stations are not exactly rallying It would be different. Right now, though, the received 170 calls after one playing, all In support "We're Just not in a controversial bag In our around the turntable. people can buy lt if they want to bear lt." "The Battle Hymn of Lt Calley," by Terry of the record," Rice said. music playing," he added. Nelson, has sparked controversy-and wild suc- Alou of Shelby-Singleton, said an album has LOCAL RADIO STATION, WAWR-FM refuses WFAL-AM, the campus station, has not been cess for the record-here and over the rest of the MEL MURRAY, station manager at WFOB- been completed containing the "Hymn" and other country. to play the record. playing the recording regularly. Carl Navarre-, battle songs. "No one has even seen lt yet, but music director, said few requests have been made radlo, Fostoria, said the record Is being played The Sbelby-Singleton Corp., which distributes "We aired the record and banned It because It there. "We treat this record as any other record. we've already had 200,000 orders for It," he aald. the recording, calls it the "fastest selling record in has no value to the public," station manager for the song, but that it would be played If the NMMHHVIIBMMW 9KS^I0lll0SKS0tllllttMIIII0ttlS$fil)U^MHmM Pag* 2 The BG New», Thursday, April 8, 1971 eDIT0RiaLS news Lem female faculty responses to calley... The recent women's liberation movement has been bombarding the American public with male chauvinist Without the benefit of the details of obeying those orders? account of "social determinism". I and no more wars. months of testimony, many news sources The real issue in the Calley case and would also hope that if others were in- Each of us, alone, must decide what accusations for some time now. Much of the struggle's (Including the BG News In ah April 1 simlliar ones is one for which law and volved they will be Judged according to he will do to stop men from unaturally rhetoric has been labeled repetitious and ridiculous by edlttorial) and individuals have made logic can provide no conclusive answers. the extent of their involvement. and illogically killing bis own kind and many bra-wearers and male chauvinists. their own Judgments of Lt. Calley after The issue is the extent to which man Is from developing the instruments of University officials are divided on prejudice charges the official verdict has been given. "free" in his actions and, on the other WE ARE ALL to blame for My Lai destruction with which to achieve selfish, despite the comments by Miss Fayetta Paulsen and Llla Almost all (left, middle and right) agree hand, the extent to which his actions are and Vietnam, ultimately, because we nationalistic goals. As the English Fundaburk who claim there are hints of discrimination In that Calley should not be convicted. The socially determined. have been good "soldiers"-paylng our statesman, Edmund Burke noted: "AH the University. general rationale is: the lieutenant is A third alternative is that the basis for taxes, doing our defense research, never that is necessary for the forces of evil to finding the "right time" to speak out The figures don't lie. The quoted salary range of merely a "scapegoat" for the military actions is situational, changing with toe win in the world is for enough good men system and was arbitrarily selected for moment. If one can even talk about against the inhumanities being com- to do nothing." female faculty is significantly lower than the male punishment (since other soldiers have, "ethics" of war, how responsible is s mitted by our government (and others as salaries. This abuse of women faculty members on this apparently, committed the same wanton soldier for his actions? Or, does well). There will be no more My Lais David Evans campus has the necessary qualities to be quoted as and atrocious deeds); furthermore, be "anything go"? If the "system" is to only when there sre no more Vietnams, Graduate student in sociology another example of "chauvinism". But the situation goes was merely doing his Job well (if he in- blame (as suggested by the BG News deeper than this. Paying one member of the faculty a deed did commit murder) and doing editorial) does the individual have any higher wage than another member with the same what he was trained and paid to do—kill responsibility for his actions? qualifications is unjust. other people. I CANNOT RETURN a verdict on the THe BG news The salaries and other hinted examples of THERE IS NO doubt that the Vietnam Calley case, partly because I have not discrimination on this campus will continue unless women conflict is an unusual one-where anyone heard all the testimony that the Jurors An Independent Student Voice faculty members Investigate these accusations within is a potential enemy. Nonetheless, the heard. But, I believe that, If lt is clear, their respective departments. If the female faculty have specific question in this instance is: did beyond a reasonable doubt that 1) Calley any respect for themselves and their |obs, they will unite the people of My Lai on that day pose a was in full control of himself at the My editor james b. smith and protest this injustice. clear and immediate threat to Lt. Calley Lai incident, 2) the My Lai villagers managing editor glenn d. waggoner The News challenges University officials to thoroughly and his men-were they "enemies"? posed no immediate and clear threat to Another relevant question, in my mind, Calley's or his men's security and 3) he news editor richaia c. bergeman investigate these alleged discriminations and make a is: was Lt. Calley under direct orders to consciously killed those villagers, I editorial editor cynthia a. suoois public report on their findings. destroy all life In My Lai? Further, even would find him guilty and temper the issue editor'. kathlecn m. fra« if he were so ordered, was he Justified In punishment (life rather than death) on sports editor hsrold a. brown photo editor brian I. steffen; copy editor richara w. price business manager nchatd a. rener advertising manager philip a. stickney 'Right On!' more Editorial and Business Offices 106 University Hall Phone 3/2 2710 or 372 2819 Man often profits by his own mistakes ploiting the emotions of the public. I've Th* SC N*w* la publiahod Tu.s4.yi thru Fridoy* during th. rafulflr and by those of others, but, "The Battle already wasted too many words on it. ■chool y*o>, onrj one* o «r**M during th* IUMU «***ion*, und«r (minor- Hymn of Lt. Calley" is only a sick and ity el th. Publication* Commitl** of Bowling Gr**n Sto'o Univo*ally. unfortunate example of this. The song Bob Wages Opini.n* •■p'»t»id m adiional cortoon* or other column* in tho Now* writer hits wav below the belt in ex- d. not n.c***.rily nllrd th* opinion* ol th* Umv.r*ity *trotion 320 Wlnthrop So. Lculty or Holt or th* Slot* .1 Oh.o. Opinion* *»prp**.d by c.lumniata do n.t n*c***o*ily r.fUct th* opinion* of th* BG N*-». Editotiola in th* BG N*«* r*fl*ct th. opinion* of th* mojority ol m*mb*r* ol th* BG N.w* Fdi- ....and more t.riol Bo.rd.

In many ways the public reaction to doing what others have done and not been main barnatorium the trial, conviction, and sentencing of punished for. Lt. Calley for his part in the massacre at Great human tragedies such as a My My Lai stands out in sharper relief as a Lai can often be the occasion for a The writing on the wall near the old .ason, this was the only way that the two condemnation of America than does the country to re-evaluate itself and Its ac- stadium reminds me of s letter that I events could be scheduled. To the par- massacre itself. If we are to believe the tions. But it seems that Americans have should have written over the break, but I ticipants in "Rigoletto", this was grossly news reports, public opinion is almost never been much for introspection. The had too much left over work. unfair. unanimously opposed to the outcome of question to ask in regard to this case is Lsst quarter, the University saw two For one thing, the stage crews should the court-martial. not whether Calley has been made a major productions, both in the Main have had access to the stage earlier than This is an interesting point; why was scapegoat. This is too easily answered: Barnatorium. "Hamlet" was performed they did. Since they didn't, the first there not such a large response against Of course he has. But to stop there and in the ninth week of the quarter, dress rehearsal lasted seven hours! An Calley coming to trial In the first place? then try to make of Calley a hero as it "Rigoletto" in the tenth. For some opera is so involved that for two weeks or Why do we hear the cries of opposition appears we are now doing is a shallow so little else can be done that is not only after the Lt. has been found guilty and disgusting set. Calley is not a hero. directly connected with It and been sentenced to life in prison? His acts at that village are indicative of Participants are faced with a choice Could it be that America felt that a how low human beings can sink. let's hear from you between eating and sleeping on the one military court would not find one of its hand and studying on the other. The own guilty of such a crime or if it did,' 1 AM NOT calling for Calley's death or choice is obvious-did you ever try to take impose only a token punishment? even for his life in prison. Society only The BG News welcomes all letters to the editor and opinion a deep breath on an empty stomach? I determines how much s man will suffer columns. Letters may com- exaggerate. AFTER ALL he was only doing his Job for his punishment; the man himself will ment on any other letter, Most people do a little of everything, as he had been taught. And these are determine how much he suffers for his column or editorial. We ask, but classes are cut and assignments are precisely the same reasons now being act. however, that guest columns not thrown together and handed in late. given to explain why Calley's conviction Release Calley if that Is what Is to be be written in direct response to Everything gets done eventually, but lt and sentence should be overturned. We done. But we must not lower ourselves takes a couple of weeks to recover fully. hear that the man is innocent because he further to the beastiality of murder as any other published editorial Item. This year, since we have only one was only doing what be was told, only has been characterised by both sides in Letters should be a "theater", as the place is called, the every war and as we are now again doing opera was done right before finals week. by excusing Calley on the grounds that maximum of 300 words, typewritten. We ask that Imagine the chaos! Over one hundred wr man hopp* everyone else has done what he did and students' studying suffered because this gotten away with lt. columns be no more than four typed pages triple-spaced university does not have adequate Everyone else then is as guilty as The News maintains the theatrical facilities. (But we do have an Calley. We must instead seriously and ugly fountain.) conscientiously question the acts of right to edit all submissions that exceed these limits, with The music and theater departments murder in war and how this nation and respect to the laws of libel and have the worst facilities on campus- all nations relate to this point. napoleon explains proper taste. maybe even including the language lab! Answering a question wrong is not Letters and columns should We have very strong performance nearly as bad as asking the wrong programs here. Decent facilities are question. include the author's address and phone number, and may be long over-due. This should be number By Arthur Hoppe mailed to the Editor, co BG one priority. He said such a move would sabotage peace talks with the David Loudenslagel National Columnist Russians and the Prussians. Nor, he said, would he 207 Kr. C News. 106 University Hall. David Guion unilaterally withdraw the remaining French troops, "even 750 7th St. Apt 10 Paris, December 19, 1812 (cq) though, politically, there is a great temptation to do it." Reports that France's Grand Army had retreated from "After all of this sacrifice and all of this effort, if France, Moscow in disarray were vigorously denied today by Govern- right at the time we are winding down this war and bringing ment spokesmen. our men home, were to throw in the towel, then we would suffer A War Ministry official said the Army had merely engaged a blow all over the world," he said. in "mobile maneuvers" and that everything was "going ac- Peace, too, would suffer a blow, be added, for France "is cording to plan." He said French troops were "moving swiftly the greatest peacekeeping nation in the world today." westward in orderly fashion" and the enemy was "following in At the same time. Napoleon urged Frenchmen to remain great confusion." confident. He said the "Limited Russian Incursion" bad Meanwhile, Emperor Napoleon, who returned to Paris delayed the enemy "at least six weeks." yesterday weU ahead of his soldiers, remained cheerful and The Emperor decried eye-witness reports that the Grand optimistic. He said he could now see "the end of the tunnel." Army had panicked during the mobile maneuvering. He said The Emperor modestly declined to describe the Russian he had been assured by Marshal Ney that 18 out of every 22 operation as a victory, saying lt could not be assisstd In battalions had maneuvered well. The eye witnesses, he said, "traditional terms." Its purpose be told an interviewer, was Just happened to see the other four. not to conquer territory, nor destroy an army, but simply to "I know what's going on," be said firmly. "We have a plan. disrupt enemy supply lines and thus insure the safety of our It is being implemented." Moreover, be said proudly, the French boys in Central Europe." withdrawal of French troops from Russia 'is proceeding well He said that "considerable progress" had been made ahead of schedule." '"toward achieving those had been captured and burned and "vast quantities of Russian NAPOLEON'S CANDID ASSESSMENT of the Russian arms seised" - "arms that will no longer kill French incursion did much to ease growing French disquietude over soldiers." the seemingly endless war. Moreover, be said, Russian losses were five times French Indeed several of his ministers urged him to begin con- losses "by conservative estimates." struction of a second Arc de Triomphe over the Champs Elysees to commemorate "the brilliant completion" of his THE EMPEROR REFUSED to set a firm date for the Russian campaign. total withdrawal of all French troops from Central Europe With unexpected humility, the Emperor declined. "There "even though it would be very popular for roe to do so." will be many more glorious successes" be pledged, "like this." r The BG Ntws, Thursday, April 8, 1971/Pogt 3 Five 'demands' go to Moore Peace group wants action

A list of five "demands" which has been meeting since -A public statement made not be permitted on campus invasion of Cambodia-with a from "Concerned People of last quarter to discuss means by Dr. Moore condemning the until the end of the war. day of workshops led by BGSU" was placed in the of opposing and ending the Indochina war shall be -All firearms shall be faculty members. hands of President Hollis war in Indochina. presented to the people of this removed from the campus ~ Moore's secretaries yesterday university. police. NATIONALLY,' DEM- morning. ABOUT SEVEN -A public statement made -There will be a formation ONSTRATIONS are The president was out of STUDENTS made the trip to by Dr. Moore condemning of a peace studies curriculum. scheduled to protest the war, ■ town. the tenth floor of the Ad- House Bill 1219 shall be beginning April 24. The five demands are the ministration Bldg. with the presented to the people of this "ON APRIL 28, we request Some national peace action latest fruits of a demands. university. your (Dr. Moore's) presence groups are centering their predominantly student group These demands are: -Military recruiters will at a public rally on the steps of activities on the weekend of Williams Hall in order to May 1, culminating May S In a answer these demands," the "No Business as Usual Day." statement concludes. On this day, the peace "We didn't really want a groups hope those against the Journalists produce large group to see Dr. Moore," war will attempt to shut down one student said. "We Just colleges and business across want them to be thinking the country to emphasize the about the issues." need to end the war. Kent coverage tape The demands were for- mulated at a meeting In Hayes Hall Tuesday evening, and By Donna Kirk pened," he noted, "but we resulting in the Kent were approved by those wanted to show the basic ideas shootings. present. Three months of research, of Kent." He added that other Plans were also discussed for a' commemoration of April Dtnnis Turntr film excerpts, and actual investigators, militarily or THE AKRON BEACON witnesses have formulated a Judicially, would be more JOURNAL The Dayton DaUy 28, 1970-the date of the U.S. Journalistic essay on the qualified to make any value News, Detroit Free Press, media coverage of the Kent judgments. WSPD-TV Toledo, WKSU-FM State tragedy. The producers combined of Kent University and the Playwright to make Produced by University significant, available, on-the- also fur- Help with Housing Journalism faculty and scene, reporting sources of the nished their accounts of the students, "Kent 1970: events of the weekend of May happenings on the Kent State Covering the Confrontation" 4, 1970, he explained. campus. Problems in depicts the various media Hartman said the Last Saturday members of off-Broadway debut coverage of the events which presentation treats the Kent Sigma Delta Chi Journalistic led to the shooting of four episode as it happened, society saw the presentation, Bowling Green! By Richard Price writing "Charlie" in 1986 at favorable. students last spring on the beginning with the Friday while their reactions were Copy Editor Yale," Turner said. "It's a "They're all for it," Turner Kent State campus. march through the downtown videotaped. The viewers Bo ■ mint boosiof os«xtatk>. asserted. "Even if we fold Mark Hartman, assistant area and the breaking of consisted of a panel of black play and this is why I newsmen who helped produce Dennis Turner says he think there was some after the first night, if you producer of the presentation, windows. reprosoatatrto. would like to be "the world's discouragement. They were want to go back to an said the research team Hartman said the film will the presentation, with Ohio greatest playwright." And he saying, 'You're whitey. You educational process, there's wanted to present an objective be used chiefly as a "learning television celebrity Phil tool to demonstrate may have already taken the can't write about black no better place to learn than in view of how the media handled Donahue as narrator. Sign up for an interview "Kent 1970" will also be first step toward fulfillment of people.'" the theater. If it's a hit, I think the developing occurrences at professional Journalistic at 305 S.S. Bldg. Kent and the resulting problems of a newsman shown during Journalism his dream. After two revisions, he took it will mean something to the April 6-9 Turner, a Ph.D. candidate "Charlie" to the same agency department." tragedy. covering an involved Week on April 20 as well as for ievelopment of events. in theater, will soon be taking that handles the works of The playwright said an upcoming Theta Sigma Phi chapter meeting In Cincinnati. an original production, Tennessee Wiliams and Ar- "Charlie" tells the story of a "WE'RE NOT in the WKYC-TV Cleveland and " Charlie Was Here And Now thur Miller. The reaction was couple "who do despicable position to maks value CBS News provided videotape "We'll show It to Just about anybody who wants to see It," He's Gone," to New York for different. things to one another out of Judgments about what hap- excerpts of the main events frustration that you and I Hartman added. an off-Broadway run. "They liked it," Turner Completed April 1,1971, the When he gets there, he'll be said. "Two weeks later, Art would automatically condemn Canterbury Inn greeted by a producer who is if we read about them in the American studies course presentation was produced James picked up the option. through the facilities of also a well-known television And things looked like we headlines. host, a production budget of would go straight into " Charlie is a loser, and WBGU-TV, Channel 70, by open to upperclassmen Journalism faculty members SPECIAL NIGHT $50,000 and the backing of a production." always has been," he con- Dansker and Paul D. production company which tinued, "But when the play short papers required from ends, you realize that he was Upperclassmen may still Ware. THURSDAY has made $43,000,000 from its BUT THERE WERE more register for an American and each student. Class members latest production. difficulties ahead. here and now he's gone, and will be permitted to critique that's tragic because that's all ethnic studies seminar en- "Equity, the actor's union,, titled "An Ethnic Approach to each student's work. 3 FOH 1 there is to that life." CRISIS PHONE FOUR YEARS and 11 went out on strike. The stock Social Change in American Interested upperclassmen revisions in the making, market also went down, and should contact either Dr. AND TURNER DECLARED Culture." "Charlie" was optioned to about $20,000 of the budget The 400 level English Blanchard at 372-2321 or 352- producer Art James, an NBC was in stocks," the playwright that he would like to earn his 2321 or Dr. Perry at the Ethnic 352-PWS 2 FOR 1 living by writing, but he would course is being conducted by quiz show host, and the noted. Studies Center. also like to teach. Dr. Carlene Blanchard and producers of the Broadway Dr. Robert Perry every Now five years later, the "I think there's a great gap hit, "Hair." Tuesday from 6 to 10 p.m. in Turner said that "Charlie" show Is set for its world between education and Fri. aid Sat. Happy Hoars Room 502, Library. is the first play these premiere May 20. theater," he said. "There are hundreds of schools that teach The course is aimed at producers have backed since acquainting students with 2 ta 6 "Hair." "WE GOT THE theater theater out of a textbook. I think it's important that we concepts of anthropology, The playwright admitted last weekend," Turner said. psychology, sociology and start bringing back some of PRIMARY COLORS that the road to New York was "It's a very lucky theater. A social psychology as models to the practical aspects of not an easy one. lot of off-Broadway houses are be used In studying American THURS., FRI., SAT. "I FIRST STARTED dug out of walls and seats are theater." Turner has authored two culture. put in. But the stage, Each student will be Backers consider other plays. His first equipment and location of this required to write a 15-20 page theater are great." production, "The Rapists," Make Reservations For Tea's was presented at the paper on one aspect of public stock issue American life. He added that reaction to University of Washington In FREE JUKE BOX! the play from speech and 1964. "The Early Mourning of CLASS DISCUSSIONS will to develop SST theater faculty at the Jason" was produced in center around the long term University has been very Connecticut in 1969. paper as well as two other WASHINGTON (AP) - Backers of the supersonic TWO WEEK CLASS ENTITLED transport plane are con- sidering financing the plane's POWER FOR ABUNDANT LIVING development by issuing stock to the public. Offered by • <♦ «.' Several persons reportedly have met with Edward G. Uhl, The Way Biblical Research and Teaching Center president of Fairchild Miller Corp. of Germantown, Md. International Headquarters, New Knoxville, Ohio with any PIZZA order Uhl appears to be com- manding efforts to revive the project on a privately sup- WE CONTINUALLY MAKE THE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE from ported basis. STATEMENT THAT THE CLASS WILL ANSWER 98% OF THE QUESTIONS YOU HAVE EVER HAD ABOUT GOD, THE BIBLE, NONE OF THE principals OR LIFE IN GENERAL, BUT ONLY THOSE WHO CHALLENGE would discuss details, but a DOMINO'SH spokesman for Fairchild US TO PROVE WHAT WE SAY FIND OUT THAT IT IS TRUE. Miller, which is the largest Class starts April 12 FOR INFORMATION AND 352-5221 D NEWLGVE APARTMENTS subcontractor of the recently- REGISTRATION CALL: 352-5911 or 372-5249 canceled SST, said the FURNISHED company is serving as a clearing house for proposals. Rep. Dan Kuykendall («- Leasing September 1 to June 15 ... Mr. Mushroom Soys Tenn.l a member of the "Free Surprise $65.PP each student House aviation subcommittee and an SST backer, said TRY SOMETHING NEW Tuesday some Wall Street Leasing September 15 to June 15 ... bankers expressed interest in Package!!! S7C.0C each student a public stock issue to finance the Boeing Co.'s controversial plane. Free Each Apartment Includes: Hot Two bedroom Surprise 55* Carpeted and drapes included Approximately 31 feet of storage Package!!!" Fudge Coppertone stove and matching refrigerator \((- '■ Seperate air-conditioning and heating systems Brownie Gas, water, sewage furnished Purple Mushroom 904 E. Woo..., Four persons each apartment m (NexttoT.O.'s) All buildings are new CHALLENGE Delight Sundae Located three blocks from carnpu* FREE SURPRISE PACKAGE t minus at the Dairy Queen NLWLOVE KCALTY 6 days (Volu.. lo S3.00) 328 South Main Phone 353-73S1 or 352-5161 and counting With Every Purchase 434 E. Woostor St. 10*0 AM to 11*0 PM if Pog, 4/Th. BG Ntw«, Thuradoj. April 8. 1971

4 Affirmative. 25 Scatter: dial. 43 Hard 5 Train. 26 Minute worked one. PUZZLE 0 Rhymers. organism. 44 Renascent. Handicap problems By Frank B. Jackson 7 Deeds. 27 Raise the 46 Power 8 Fern root- Srit source. Save it again ACROSS 58 Resounded. stock. tie 47 Goal. I St mi egem 59 Spinning 9 Not gabby. disease. 48 Asian 5 PlantI brotbroom. fart, 10 Mountain 29 Move side- nation. 10 Womanlessla ortico. climber. wise. 49 Baseball simulated in course 61 Leg joint 11 Kind of 30 Greek team. 14 Tentleler 62 Uncom- balsam. architecture. 50 Religious affection. promising. 12 Sago-like 31 Swelling. ceremony. UAO PRESENTS By Harry Peck health and physical education, Hooley. Students work In 15Chocolaty 63 Yarn starch. 32 Scarecrow. 51 Mitigate. is a part of a program which cooperation with Fellbach in drink. meaaure. 13 Hunted 34 False attack. 52 S. African 16 Gazelle. animals. 37 Stagehanda. BI.nit Student* In ■ course called attempts to modify activities Toledo, a public school for the DOWN ussian 17 Numbing 18 Buck's cry. 38 Otherwise. EUROPEAN Physical Education and so handicapped people may handicapped, and the Toledo agent. 1 Chart. ruler. Recreation for the Han- participate. 2 Solitary. 23 Nobleman. 40 l.imicoline 56 Speck. YWCA, among other schools. 19 Astringent. bird. dicapped have been walking 20 Sawbuck. 3 Baking 24 Abundant 57 Adjective Dr. Hooley said attitudes chamber. source. 41 Supply food. suffix. the campus this week in "YOU HAVE TO BE toward handicapped people 21 List. GRAND TOUR 22 Enlighten. blindfolds and on crutches. dedicated to be bothered," have been Improving. "With 24 Barnyard Visiting: The purpose of the exercise said Dr. Hooley, explaining the increased Individualism in sounds. 1 > 1 1 • i ■ 0 ,0 11 11 13 The Netherlands, Germany is to experience the specific that many phys. ed. programs clothes, manners and ap- 25Put away: var. H problems which accompany are of me "if you can't do it, pearances, among normal u Austria, Italy, Switxerlond 26 Servile. ;; the IS handicapping conditions sit down" variety. Dr. Hooley people, the handicapped 29 Haalens In i France and England among school-age children. is co-author of a book, people don't stand out." briskly. " The students In HPE 432 "Physical Education for the Some problems for han- 33 Fragrant. 34 Northland r~ Jl 1 ror Information Contact: spend 30 of 70 class hours each Handicapped." dicapped students at Bowling " inlet. 1 Jerry Martin, Program Director quarter working in schools The Bowling Green Green, such as steps and doors 35 Complex with handicapped children. program has been in operation poem. too narrow for wheelchairs, is 17 IS r ■ ,0 11 11 Bowling Green Sta'e University The class, conducted by for three years and is unique have also been eliminated, she 36 Not any: w Scot. in this area, according to Dr. it ■ Student Union Building Dr. Agnes Hooley, professor of said. "Bowling Green Is to bo 37 Closed car. •' congratulated In that Its now 38 Enough: Is m ■ ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATERS buildings have no archltectual var. 1 AVAILABLE (Optional) 39 Siamese * 419/372-2343 B.O. opim ai 6:45 barriers," Dr. Hooley pointed It ■ ■ coin. 1 Cortoon. at 7:30 out. 40 Youngster. " 11 ■ ■ Bowling Green, Ohio Opens Weekends Only 41 Region. 1 Fn. Sat. Sun. 42 Fixed limit. ■ ■ Company cancels 44 Til Eulen- w Siiegel, e.g. - II - ■so 52 NOW SHOWING left. 51 1 46 Measure. 01 7l IS ond 9:45 EL dblrMftiM of u b. ■i• ■ 47 Stately Sm. Sun. MAT. « ] .»J 4:<0 dance. - 50 Clothe. is so 2nd Calley record 51 Winged ;; In obeying th* will of Tho lomoui monttor- 11 iK« Prlnc* of Darkntvss, croatar la shown In hit mammal. "A PANORAMA OF TURMOIL and battle 54 Extremely r fh« Cf*puaculor Flyars boot diabolical form NASHVILLE, Term. (AP) - " dry. devastate a church, kill- creating hit monitor with 1 Capitol Records has canceled 55 Leading *> Field Enterprise.. iInc., 1971 ing tavarol of Its occv hilt and plocOB of human scenes, flashing with cannon fire!" distribution of a Tex Ritter newspaper ponti whllo chilling tho ports carefully stitched —ALEX KENEAS. Newsweek articles. spines of this* who dor. together by his dexterous recording of "The Battle 'ENTHRALLING!"-'"^.. watch. finger si Hymn of Lt. Calley" because Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle New Yoffc Megaz/ne it would glorify him. "We felt that It would be CRYPTOGRAM — By Henry Gelman COLUMBIA PICTURES ,,«..u wrong of us to glorify Lt. aa IRVING ALLEN PRODUCTION Calley or to make him seem a martyr through the release of (tamoe-l this song," said Brown Melgs, PRUXTR'T PUCOOT PRUCOOT an executive with the com- TECHNICOLOIl'/PANA VISION" ■ - pany's California offices. Ritter said he couldn't XT. is a understand why Capitol has stnpped distribution. Another smashing victory! recording of the song about Yesterday's cryptogram: Pollutant hodge- Lt. William 1,. Calley Jr., podge is ghost that haunts nation. convicted of killing civilians at Relox in Rocking Chair Comfort! My Lai. has sold more than a Xmemaf million copies.

Bowling Greet ■ T.I. 352-0265 Ends tonlto Held over DRACULfl | fflANKKIEUf "Carry It On" at 7:30, 9:30 MtK-rKCHOS IS) • CMMMl kMMN W CMMW rOM Starts Fri., Apr. 9 9th Record Week! m CLaSSIFIED AT 7:45 AT 9:45 "Best Picture" In the 7 Academy Award Academy Awards Nominations Evo.-7lJ0, »:»- Bve. at • p.m. -— ADMISSION FREE TO THOSE WHO CAN ANSWER try-DMC Corn, desk dresser chair set Sol. & Sun. cant, from 2 p.m. all you psy for enure qtr. pool, Sat. 4 Sun. • 2, 4:50. 8 p.m. THESE QUESTIONS (Limit on. p., cor). CAMPUS CALENDAR Sell to first 125 393-6SM sir cond. walking distance Congrats Lynn Breckinrtdge from campus Wlnthrop "'LOVE STORY' on your engagement. Your Wt, Sailboat. 17V Folboal. Terrace Call Jim at 3524120 Mjy FRI. ° ■"•fee' Iho pod .1 Drocula In th. movie - April I. 1171 Thursday Alpha XI Sisters Surfer, use for fishing, hunt IS A PHENOMENON!' "Brld.s of Dfocula"' r-m»M*a.j..«if canoe, positive flotation, sails, Apt. for summer Grssnvlow 1 Riir ICagHah majors who naod adjustments in thalr pre- Congrats Sally on thai aparkly paddles, car top carrier, man 149 per mo. 352-7710 Who ployed tho port of Frankenefein In th. movl. •• SAT. planned Fall Programs should report to their advisor's now engagement ring! the exceeds any canoe on the "Frankenstein created Woman"? Lady office, Room 114 U.H. before April 14. PHIS market 3534003 FURNISHED HOUSE-for I

Who la d ,h female students available SUN P r* « P°" <■' Wollmon In tho movl. - Women's Recreauoaal Aseortauea will meat In Room 308 Sigma Nu Open House Tonight Red Sunbeam Alpine A-l cond. "Th. Cur., of tho Worowolf"' June 15140 per mo. each plus Women's Building at 4:00 pjn. (or all those girls In- 7;J0-»:10 pjn. 3T3-157S utilities easy walking distance terested in playing intercollegiate Softball. to campus Ph 353-0005 R ■ Restricted Under 17 requires occomponylng QUESTION What is Yamaha V.M Stereo Amp and Turn- Poront or Guardian The Public ReUUoaa Staaeal Society at AawSftea will Uble call 352*110 after 5 p.m. 2 bedroom Modem Apartment meet tonight in 400 Moeely Hall si 7.90 p.m. All Intonated WARNING to big car drivers! for 4 male or female for students invited. You're taking our air-prepare New Psnssonlc FM-AM summer quarter call attar I In Addition To Tho Regular Screen Show, to loss yours. ALF Stereo Table Radio with • 353-3143 BGSU Buslaeaa Cash, Delts Sigma PI, * U.C.F. will meet Track slareo tape player In the Ohio Suite of the Union st 1:00 p.m Quest Sjieaker Congrats Janie on your Delt Tho Super Battle Of Tho Century system Call after 4 354-2201 3 bedrm Varsity Sum sublet rMHtMircwsnaiais wilt be Robart A. Maacotkey. Personnel Consultant, Pinning. Your Alpha XI Slelllle Division. Cabot Corp. His topic is "Humanism and Sisters •80-month local Phone • all AliMKBriw-KyanONeal For Sale: Complete Photo utilities paid air. cond. fur WINNER Of 8 ACADEMY AWARDS FRAZIER VS ALI Business An They Oiiisastihli?" Darkroom. Omega B-l Enl. Mr. Mushroom ses: Free Dryer, etc. Also Panasonic rashed 3524374 surprise package with every AUDREY HEPBURN REX HARRISON Tho Thrilling Highlights of Selected Rounds Rssl to reel Stereo Tspe Available for summer Air Job Research, P.O. Bos 101, purchase. Purple Mushroom. Recorder Call 151-0145 TECHNICOLOR* PAN-VISION' •04 E. Wooster, next to T.O.'s cond. one bedroom, furnished AT 9:30 SUVA, Toronto, Ont Enclose apt three blocks from cam- I Pi »Kn"""r company law IS to cover cost Wanted ! Garage to Rent April 1 Girls Need Ride to Notre ANSWER: BETTER THAN and May. Please cell 371-3305 pus 351-7074 HONDA Dame Fri, Call Jean MIS PERSONALS GREENVIEW APTS now Beautiful Four Man Room renting for SUMMER a FALL Ride needed to O.U. Fit April Ye Old Pbaa Pub stop In and The PHI's say thanks to Air-conditioned apt. for sublet "Jerimlan" and all the Kappa one a two broom Pool, I. Will share I Call Don 171- try our Homemade Piixa this summer Call 3514094 laundry Rec. room Special 5070 Open Thus-., Fri a Sat. Sgs for s whopping good time sfter 4 p m at Saturday's lea! Summer Rates Inquire at THIS nightaS:0M:N (iff ice 214 Napoleon rd 1 pjn.-O Ride Needed-Thls Weekend to Apt. to sublease for summer 1 FOR SALE OR RENT p.m.. Mon-Sat. ChIcago-J-1000 Practice your Turtle Love bdrm Wlnthrop HO mo. per calls for the 17th person Air cond. Pool Gas 1 br. furnished Greanvlew For Sale. Triumph GT-0 IKS IS THE LOST* paid. 353-7005 Apt. summer st. 151-0141 FOUND Tea-toUlers-Handmade Good Snaps It M Bultaco Metralla ISO Call 351-5547 Mappu Tea sets PHILIP One female to sub-let apart- Fsntsstlc Summertime LOST-Wlrerlm glosses In MORTON, CON- men! for summer 3514147 Three bdrm Home (or Sale by Deal!! Only en (or June, July Crush Proof Case. REWARD- TEMPORARY JEWELRY, August Completely Fur- FINEST IN -caU Danny 2-4533 111". Wooster owner on Connesut Ave. Opening for 1 man In apt 311 Avail June. 151-0434 nished apt air conditioned Winthrop South 4-0 p.m 1st within walking distance Call BUSINESS Congrats Rae Lynn on your mo. free Mary or Kathy at OPIXIRTUNiTIES Sigma Chi Pinning, XI Love, For Sale 'N Ponuac Catalina OFF-CAMPUS LIVING Your Slatars Good Shape, call 3537132 Apartments available (or Wanted Female Student to summer rentals only. Very Wanted: 1 girls to share do housework 0-10 hours per Dig Bikes? Thinking about For Saks: 10 Part Estates near campus. Phone 303-7300 Wlnthrop South apartment weak. Il.ssaour Call 351, getting one this Spring' Walt Trailer, 11x00, 1 bedrooms call summer qtr. 352-7370 351-7133 and see what Northwest 1 or 2 male roommates needed Yamaha has to offer Better for summer qtr IS block from Sub-lease (or Wanted Baas Guitar Player House (or sale 1 bedroom near campus. Contact Bill or Jerry Vslenone Apt. Air cond. June Machines are coming to downtown and University for Rock Band 371-574I Bowling Green. 171-4U14 (rae 50 per mo. 3U-0M1 Under 115.0*0 call X1-43S0 after 0 p.m. Reeponstbie pleasant parson Want help? Call WOOL Apl. Sublet Summer Wlnthrop Needed urgently housing Call to he day-time companion (or Counseling Center, ISO South I man air conditioned Gary 371-1701.17S-1SB Cherry Hill Village lovely and lively elderly lady. Student Services For Sale: Mobile Home 1000 351JBS0-Nights No housework duties; Just ltzSO Baddy 3 bedrooms Two Girls needed to share apt eating, chatting, reading etc washer and dryer, porch. Apt. available summer qtr 2 at Winthrop terr Summer call The Brothers of Delta Tea steps, skirting, utility man air. cond. furnished 353- 353*447 WiU consider part-or full ume Delta would like to thank Bill building, all sst up on rental 5055 Call collect IOI41II 47SXS0 or Ralston. Paul Palaygl. and IS NOW BEING BUILT BY PIEDMONT CORP let In Jerry Qty Apt. (or summer lOS-mo (4101 474-0041 for details Bob Mihok (or their graat Sublease Apt. summer person 4 man, air-cond 1 (all Interest In our "Delt Bx- Summer Job opportunity tO VW Bus. Hi.OOO CL 300 people 050 ea. 301-7001 baths pool! June's rent paid! P*oslon-7l". Yew NEWS attractive personable coed ls»»,»S«S17 3514314 sfter 4 p.m. Letter was the Best Possible F. roommate for Sept. needed for cosmetic coun- Publicity our Program could The complex will include — 4-mon opts, comm.rlcol stores seling. May beeln tnts qiialier Far Sals: IS Red .tG Midget Valentine Apt 3544565 2 bedroom modern spartment receive We invite you to visit iilisahssli. radio, tonneau and a recreation center for the use of all its tenants. call 3517100 our house and witness the bras (or 4 male students will rent caver, excellent con.'., beat URGENT F. Roommate (rom Sept 1 call afssr I pjn. Wanted Paid Little League meaning of "Delt Ezpkwson- offer call 33M313 needed Immediately call 351. 35WI43 Umpires will train Phont 35J- 71" 7130 7701 Avail, (or summer NOW 117 Thursun Manor Call **41D "Men of all trades to North Slope, Alaska and the Yukon $65 OBth/Bfr ?•"* up to tSMO a month, far ■ ■ complete information write to 12 Month Lease (Slightly higher for 9 mo.' least) Far farther islsr-ssfiss »d ■ IMJO Bt|lisis| Sost 1

Phone: 352-9378 or 354-7731

Or witch ftr Mr tstls riuiif tfcb wptk mi MI. fr The BG News, Thursdoy, April 8, 1971/Poae 5 'LSD not an hallucinogen' Doctor discusses drug usage By Gale Bogle Colloquium. on the black market Is either subjects who had not. Dr. Start Reporter LSD ia among a group of not LSD or the slxe of the dose Barber said. drugs including meacallne, Is reduced and other drugs are Results showed damage in Facts surrounding the use psilocybin, DET, DMT and mixed with lt. four per cent of each group, and effects of LSD, marijuana STP which produce similar The difference In the which he said discounts the and other drugs were effects when given in amounts degree of reaction In In- idea of the drug damaging discussed Tuesday evening by which are comparable in dividuals is due to the fact that chromosomes. Dr. Theodore Barber, director strength, according to Dr. the dose and quality of the Other common reactions of psychological research at Barber. drug can vary, Dr. Barber were body changes, changes the Medfield State Hospital as He explained that much of said. in body image, dreamy, part of the Psychology the drug which is purchased THE RESULTS of 4,000 detached feelings, changes in laboratory experiments on sensory system, heightened volunteers who were given 200 responsiveness to suggestions, Viet Cong launch micro-grams of LSD were and changes in moods and described by Dr. Barber. emotions, according to Dr. Leas than one per cent of Barber. all those given the drug had The question of the fire base assault either a violent reaction that legalization of marijuana SAIGON (AP) - North been under dally attack since required hospitallsation or means nothing unless the Vietnamese troops launched a March 31. It changed hands what has been described as a specific dose to be ad- heavy assault yesterday on a twice in the first two days of psychedelic or transcendental ministered is defined. Dr. central highlands fire base the fighting. experience, he said. Barber said. that has been under attack for THE SOUTH VIET- According to Dr. Barber, He said when the con- a week. The South Viet- NAMESE still hold the base LSD ia not a hallucinogen centration of the chemical namese rushed up rein- along with a string of others because the subject knows which causes the reaction ia Student and professional journalists engage Ohio Governor John J. forcements. along the frontier, blocking what is going on at all times. high enough, the effects of Gilligan in a question and answer period during the Region Four The fighting swirled some outlets of the Ho Chi He said changes in visual marijuana are similar to those Minn trail. perception result from the of LSD. Gilligan Conference of Sigma Delta Chi in Cincinnati last weekend. Primary around Fire Base 6, near the border Juncture of Laos, Putzel reported that the effect of the drug on the eye. According to Dr. Barber, questions directed at Governor Gilligan involved his proposed "Ohio Cambodia and SouthVietnam North Vietnamese defector Changes In time perception people need to leam what dose speaks Plan" and his ideas for improving National Guard operations to about 300 miles north of told South Vietnamese officers mean that "for awhile the can be used most effectively prevent possible recurrence of the events at Kent State last May. Saigon. A North Vietnamese that not only had air strikes subject is Just not with lt," Dr. and they need to learn to use defector said his battalion was wiped out his unit's food Barber said. the drug properly. low on food and nearly star- supplies, but U.S. air raids He explained nine seems to HE ADDED THAT the ving because * U.S. B52 raid also hit the main North slow down so five minutes questions of regulation such last week wiped out supplies. Vietnamese storage point 10 seems to be 10 or the subject as who can buy it, how it will miles southwest of Fire Base feels changes in the way time be sold, advertising and Emergency airlift completed TWO U.S. COBRA 6. The defector was a private la experienced. governmental regulation will helicopter gunshlps sup- first class in the North Viet- Recent studies of have to be answered. NEW DELHI (AP) • A estimated 750 Americans not Karachi this week. He said tryside." porting the South Vietnamese namese 66th Regiment. chromosome damage in- 'It's very hard to get the chartered Pakistani airliner connected with the U.S. others-he didn't know how Leon Lumsden, an were hit by enemy ground fire Heavy fighting also was cluded subjects with similar facts on these drugs, let alone brought 1(0 more Americans government who were In the many-had left on commercial American engineer working and damaged but made it reported at another South backgrounds who had taken make a value Judgment," Dr. to Karachi today, completing eastern province when the flights and by other transport. on a U.S. aid project, repor- back to their base with no Vietnamese frontier artillery LSD and compared them with Barber said. the emergency airlift of U.S. airlift began Monday. U.S. and other foreign ted : ' 'Soldiers Just walked up casualties. base about SO miles south of citizens from ' ibattled East A U.S. Consulate refugees who arrived in to anyone wearing a lungi, the Associated Press Fire Base 6. Field reports on Pakistan. spokesman said about 450 Calcutta on the British ship, native Bengali dress, and shot correspondent Michael Putzel, the battle had not been Several hundred persons, mostly wives and Clan MacNair, reported an them through the head." He reporting from Pleiku, said received at South Vietnamese missionaries, businessmen children of American orgy of mass murder, burning estimated he had seen 15 the South Vietnamese rushed headquarters in Plieku. and teachers were believed to government workers and aid and looting by West Pakistani Bengalis killed. several battalions of rein- THE NORTH VIET- have remained of an technicians, had been flown to troops and some of the rebels A Briton who was an forcements to the frontier NAMESE offensive in the in Chittagong, East Pakistan's engineer In a Chittagong Jute sector. The outcome of the mountainous central chief port. mill said: battle was not known. highlands, had been expected. Noel O'Toole of New "In my own mill, people The fire base, a moun- The enemy has launched Reprimand and removal Rochelle, N.Y., a CARE were murdered In front of my talntop artillery outpost similar offensives at this time employee in Chittagong, said eyes. Many people were manned by units of the South each year for the past few the army ruled the city the burned In their houses when Vietnamese 22nd Division, has years. past week "by brute force and the army put them to the better solution: Clark terror. There ia in- torch. They seemed to take a By The VICTED by a court-martial of discriminate looting and delight in destruction. PHI PSI'S Associated Press premeditated murder in the burning." He predicted the Machine guns were going day death of 22 My Lai villagers In East Pakistani* would make a and night and there was AFTER DARK Retired Gen. Mark W. 1968 and sentenced to life stand,adding: "Already they shelling from gunboats off- Clark, who commanded U.N. imprisonment. control most of the coun- shore." forces In the Korean War, says "I decry the entire thing," he believes Lt. William L. Clark said in Charleston, S.C. Calley Jr. should have been "I don't think Calley should THIS THURSDAY removed from command and ever have been court- reprimanded-but not court- martialed. STRUCT frori APRIL 8, 1971 martialed-in the My Lai in- "Lt. Calley should have cident. been told in no uncertain 7-12 PM Clark said in an interview terms that what he did was yesterday he was convinced wrong," Clark said. "Then he that no commander ever gave should have been removed REFRESHMENTS an order to go into any village from any sort of troop com- and kill every living thing. mand under official GIRLS "That Just didn't happen, I reprimand." feel sure of that," he said.' SEN. ADLAI STEVENSON FUN CALLEY WAS CON- III (D-m.) said In New York that he was still waiting for President Nixon to "express BOWLING GREEN Merchant support for orderly process of law and the proposition that STATE UNIVERSITY crimes against humanity survey must not go unpunished."

The Distributive Education students of Bowling Green High School are circulating Hager SUB'S- an in-depth survey PLLlfi■ asking students here to SMfbmp- help evaluate Bowling Chwfcpu " ^jeV*- 4 WEEK DELIVERY Green merchants. Studios The surveys will be WIN'S UNO. 10*. YHJ.OW ©OLD E»mi»» OSM E«4 MHO available In the BG SOeevefe, newie^^**oee 47 JO News boxes In the Union Portraits Maw, wiW Chwo 4MS Thursday. On com- Engagements pletion, they should be Weddings WOMEN'S MINIATURE RJN6, IMC YIU.OW 0OU) turned in at the Union ■»■■»?. Opm, Seek UM Passports information desk. jl\ IfpiLmM-Poods. M>». •MCUmi MM Ifcw mWi w v—r *MI of T«oh* Call 353-5885 isstWNc »»■—■» •» Eua our*. Happy BirtWoy! By appointment only For WMteveM AM ME HONEY TURKEY 352-7571 HvMe wawonpiri*)*) |5**efli lie MI wetyj OH SW UMW 1J0 STARS AND STRIPES Let's have a good time To* 9n*k UMan ME ME while you're here, a Tin* wmt Unon happy birthday week- U NMH it|r«4 U«b IN US It's always the 4th of July in Red Eye's red-white knit top of stars and stripes. A bright white zipper front end and many more A «fH> «f $IME k f^alrod. highlights the long pointed collar. In color stripe years and birthdays AM IMo m* Uoal 1m m AUr. MOM. combinations of Admiral Red-White. Color cued to together. white stitched pull-on pant skirts in Admiral Red. Both are cotton-polyester knit. Machine washable and dry I LOVE YOU! MODIFYING FRATERNITY 125 North Main Street cleanable too. &#*, Phon.36MMi Top $10,000 TRADITION BY ORIGINAL Pant Skirt $8.00 THOUGHTS AND DIVERGENT] Individuals, OPNIONS Open Minded, Living Together, Sound Interesting? t minus We OpM Otr Doors to oN litorostod Moo See for Yourself 6 days Tonight, Thursday April 8 8:00 PM SipM No Opt* Hooso Tours. April 8 and counting 7:30 p.m. - casual dress - refreshments Pogt 6/Tht BG News, Thur«doy, April 8, 1971 Kt Falcons huntin' for a high on 'orange juice'

By Jack Carle game. Curtis will be part of Asitotaat Sports Editor the first midfield unit with Dave Ziparo and Rich. The Bowling Green Leiberfarb If Brixendine does lacrosse team faces its not return. toughest game of the season Coach Cochrane Indicated today when it battles the that he will run three middle touring Syracuse Orangemen. units. The second one will The Syracuse team Is have Glamisso, Mike Baex currently on its spring trip and and Terry Cameron. The opened the season yesterday third unit Is Marty Best, BUI against Ohio Wesley an; they Kalbflelsh and Barry Brand- have also had two practice man. games on the trip. The close defense, the The Orangemen are led by attack and the Falcons goalie midfielder Rod Doctor and will be the same as they've Ron Hill. Doctor, senior co- been all season. Laurf captain, is a big scorer for Turevon, who has looked good Syracuse. Hill Is also ex- in the nets all season and who cellent scorer, able to play seems to play better when the both offense and defense. Ken pressure is on, will be the Malloy is the feeder for the goalie. Defense was the difference in last year's 8-6 win at Orangemen's offense from his home over arch enemy Denison. Coach Mickey Greg Ried, Tom Vogt- A stickup attack position, shooting only sberger and Tim Sanders will Cochrane says that today's opponent Syracuse will be occasionally. be on close defense. BG's toughest at home yet. "They're a good all-around team and have real good THE ATTACK WILL have Chix track depth. Their goalie is capable Bruce Correll, Lelf Elsmo and and they have a pretty good Steve Sachse. Elsmo and The Women's track team close defense," said Falcon Correll are the leading scorers has started preparing for iti coach Mickey Cochrane. for the Falcons so far this THEATRE season and invites all In- year, both with five points. terested women to attend FOR THE FALCONS the Elsmo has four goals and one practice sessions on Monday, midfield units are the biggest assist while Correll has three Tuesday and Thursday af- question mark. The problem goals and two assists. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY ONLY ternoons at 3 p.m. In the of John Brizendine's absence by Bill Mclnlyto "This Is the best team ever Wolverine The Falcons played a lousy game against Michigan in Women's Building. due to grades takes away from to come out here and It will be Sunday M 3:30 and 7:00 Monday and Tuaiday at J-.UU their opener, losing 5-3, and were wised up to the To date the gals hive one the stickers a first team Little a real good chance to see a all-American, and most of the Ambush meet scheduled for May 8. fine team," commented fact that they may not be as good a team as last year's midfield offensive punch. From an age of conflict - Competing will be Ohio Cochrane. unbeaten and nationally ranked team. University, Central State Also on the midfield Art a film for the ages. University, Central Michigan, Curtis and Sam Glamisso got I.orain County Community banged up in Saturday's big College, Kent State, Ball State win over the Chicago Lacrosse H is not a story of war, and the College of Wooster. Club, and this could affect their performances in today's but of survival - The meet will be held here. Tommies gun Bee Gees with loss #11 By Harold Brown before he was replaced by Aquinas. No Falcon regular fielder scoring Dave Fox from of a valley and of people Pssst •• Got a tip for all ay friwrds - Sports Editor Mike Frilling. Frilling held started the game. It was the third. the Tommies scoreless for the Falcons' fourth straight loss. The Falcons scored two trying to exist there. Aquinas College got three next five innings, while the Bob Lonchar, Tom Mercer more runs in the eighth and •the place to go for all those runs in the first Inning and Falcons scored three runs. and Dave Meltes also saw finished with three runs in the then battled back after the Jim Meerpohl took over for action on the mound for BG. ninth. The bases were loaded, THE LAST Falcons tied the score to post a the Falcons in the sixth giving Meerpohl took the loss, he Is with two out, when Rich Ar- Easter Goodies b- 13-8 upset victory over the up four runs, two of them now 0-1. blnger ended the game by Falcons yesterday. unearned, while working one- The Falcons scored twice popping out to the first V ALLEY CP Larry Marshall started on third of an inning. in the second inning after Jack baseman. the mound for the Falcons and Head Coach Dick Young Wissman singled, Mike Wood Falcon pitchers gave up 14 The Powder Puff allowed three runs to score started six freshmen against walked and Jim Fosnaugh walks and only four hits while doubled, driving home two striking out five Aquinas Sunday ol 2i00, 5:30, and 9:30 Monday and Tu.tdoy at 9:15 runs. batters. It was the Tommies 525 Ridge St The Brothers of The third BG run came In first game of the season. the third Inning when Julias Meanwhile, the Falcons saw Livaa sacrificed to the center their record d-op to 3-11.

'Easter Baskets Linescore: R H E Grass and trimming 13 'Easter Candies Beta Theta Pi A-300404-6O0 BG-021-OIXWK3 8 'Easter Egg Candles Batteries: 'Easter Stuffed Animals cordially invite Aquinas: Bill Kelly, Steve 'Many small miscellaneous Krynock (7) and Paul gift items Gnepper. all interested men BG: Larry Marshall, Mike