Fossils in Oregon: a Collection of Reprints
BULLETIN 92 FOSSILS IN OREGON A.: C.P L l EC T1 0 N 0 F R-EPR l N T S F..«OM lft� Ol£ Bl N STATE OF OREGON DE PARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 1069 State Office Building, Portland, Oregon 97201 BULLETIN 92 FOSSILS IN OREGON A COLLECTION OF REPRINTS FROM THE ORE BIN Margaret L. Steere, Editor 1977 GOVERNING BOARD R . W. deWeese, Chairman Portland STATE GEOLOGIST Leeanne Mac Co 11 Portland Ralph S. Mason Robert W. Doty Talent PALEONTOLOGICAL TIME CHART FOR OREGON ERA I PERIOD EPOCH CHARACTERISTIC PLANTS AND ANIMALS AGE* HOLOCENE Plant and animal remains: unfossilized. ".11- Mastodons and giant beavers in Willamette Valley. PLEISTOCENE Camels and horses in grasslands east of Cascade Range. >- Fresh-water fish in pl�vial lakes of south-central Oregon. <("" z: ?-3- LU"" Sea shell animals along Curry County coast. >-- <( Horses, camels, antelopes, bears, and mastodons in grass- ::::> 0' PLIOCENE lands and swamps east of Cascade Range. Oaks, maples, willows in Sandy River valley and rhe Dalles area. 12- Sea shell animals, fish, whales, sea lions in coastal bays. Horses ( Merychippus ) , camels, Creodonts, rodents in John u MIOCENE Day valley. � 0 Forests of Metasequoia, ginkgo, sycamore, oak, and sweet N 0 gum in eastern and western Oregon. z: LU u 26- Abundant and varied shell animals in warm seas occupying Willamette Valley. >- "" OLIGOCENE Three-toed horses, camels, giant pigs, saber-tooth cats, Creodonts, tapirs, rhinos in centra Oregon. ;:;>-- 1 Forests of Metasequoia, ginkgo, sycamore, Katsura. LU"" >-- 37- Tiny four-toed horses, rhinos, tapirs, crocodiles, and Brontotherium in central Oregon.
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