Introduction 1 The ancient gods and Humanity of now What's the matter? You will be asked me! There is a need to remember this point Life of the gods is eternal No matter,even how long human history Shorter than the duration of their lives And actually they have became the spark of all human wars and conflicts In fact, the incarnation or intervention Through the delegate it was also a spiritual intervention Among, these are clear exist As Evil spirit who genocide of Humanity and the destruction and as good god who save for mankind and to destroy evil In fact, Mankind had to repeat it To distinguish between good and evil from now Did you Following someone god? Or we should be know that we have follow to some god (“I leave to atheists” this is incorrect calculations, it should be discarded it) Eventually just become a prey of the evil spirit Freedom-will of human that neutrality rather than good and evil If we are without good, It will belong to evil if we are without justice, that is Evil We called conscience ,Our soul is knowing that It is a wrong

Because of these things in the future that successive rise fatal incidents to Earth and humanity From now on it is only the beginning Who are "IS" of the Middle East? And to monitor the Earth's entire human race Monitor whether anyone? And how way can humanity survive ?

Whether it exists?

Indeed How made the salvation of mankind and the Earth's end ? 1

That the future of humanity will be how to proceed? 페이지

keyword of all is Sumerian of the beginning From now , Let's leaving on both religion and Philosophy Please read this book from White paper Because all religious ideologies knowledge of the earth ,of now Most of real intentions are a false or concealed By the need of politicians Operation or Intentionally added to this cheat And May be, It is most of the product of repeated cramming education If is nine that the fact of a small proportion, One is a big lie They put it for blur the judgment of the people Let me give you one example,Darwin's theory of evolution is this Humanity has evolved from a monkey So why now monkeys do exist? Why are they still remain at a monkey? This is the contradicts theory of dawn

Nevertheless, the complete truth exists Be find it But step one step to go slowly walked exactly And when we reach the truth Dare to puke our past and Don't eat picked up it again And if you knew the knowledge of a new truth That knowledge informs guidance of life It should move into action immediately Yes, to do so Knowledge of the truth occurs the real value Otherwise, reading the book In addition, only a waste of time. The truth should be transferred into action It will give life to you Called forever immortal God's life Knowledge of the truth is just light of one The light is shining on the road of life We walked ourselves to go So it can be reached on the end of way Until then, we will finally know Ever who as I have lived ? Who as I live ?

And who as I will live? So this little book will be The book of life. 2


Tablet VI 119 Though the black-heads worship some one, some another god, 120 He is the god of each and every one of us! In Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation 2 This “A Lttle book” is unfinished When it is finished after publishing That time, because of too late. I'm very sorry…! The half of perfection But this moment , people should read my article And I want to that people know to find important of this book God give to us ,only weapon for save Mankind That is here ,through this Your tarnished old long cloth that reincarnation of thousands of years or more Would you wash clean your soul for immaculate by divine soap? So, let’s go our original hometown New Jerusalem or Nibiru or New Earth I do not know exactly I know only that we have to leave Earth Take to the spaceship

Nothing more then important it in this world Do not trust! Governments, politicians, news, Internet Articles, Religious heads Upright mental ! Earth is heading for a black hole, it is the abyss,the bottomless pit

The truth does not exist anywhere Here is only light 3

As this book will open the eyes of the blind 페이지

This will awake you from a deep sleep And you will live forever…

Holy soap of soul -

This “REVELATION” is Language used by Jesus Utilizing the original Aramaic Revelation I was interpreting Revelation Modern revision Revelation is hard to interpreting However, Aramaic Revelation It was possible to interpret


[The Ancient Church of the East was formed during the Apostolic Age. Its scribes copied the Scripture for centuries without changing it. Since it was in their native Aramaic, it never had to be translated. To this day, they have never even translated it to their current vernacular. This is the first authentic translation ever made. I've translated directly into English so that the greatest number of people, especially Christians, may finally have access to an accurate,

idiomatic and true version of this Scripture.] 4 페이지






































6 페이지


1. The Revelation of Eashoa Msheekha, that which Allaha gave to show his servants* those things that were [divinely] destined to occur quickly and he conveyed them as he sent* through his angel his servant John

2. Who testified to the Manifestation of Allaha, and the testimony of Eashoa Msheekha, everything that he saw. 7

3. Blessed is the one who reads and those who listen to the manifestations of this 페이지 prophecy, and who hold* to that which is written through them, for the Age is at hand.**

-Aramaic is the language that Jesus used when survival- God was called “Allaha” in Aramaic

Eashoa=Jesus, Msheekha= Messiah Allaha {Al(The)+ laha(Ra, god)} = The god use-for-god-in-aramaic 4. John [the Apostle] to the seven churches that are in Asia:

May grace be upon you and peace …from the One who Is And the One who Becomes* …and the One who Comes, From the seven spirits …that are before the throne of Allaha, 5. And from Eashoa Msheekha …that Witness, that Faithful, That Communion of the dead …and Head of the Kings of the Earth*, That loves us and releases us …from our sins by his blood

His blood = Seal of the living God , Purification of the soul ,Amrita, water of heaven, purifier of

Soul, Comet ISON, Chakra, Nectar of rejuvenation, Kachina, light of life

8 페이지

6. And makes us a righteous kingdom …for Allaha and his Creator*, (That) for him, glory and supremacy …to [the end of] the universes Of all the universes,


to [the end of] the universes of all the universes, 페이지

…Amen. 7. “Behold, he shall come with the clouds …and shall be seen by all eyes, And all those* who offended him, …and they shall writhe over him All the generations of the earth.” …Yes, indeed, Amen. 8. I am the Alap and Tau*, …says the Maryah Allaha, The One who Is, …and the One who Becomes And the One who Comes, …the One and Only* for all.

Alap : First , The etymology of Elf, Holy spirit, Ox head, Ω Aleph is Aramaic , א Thefirst letter ofthe Semiticabjads ,including Phoenician 'Ālep , Hebrew 'Ālef ا and Arabic Alif , ܐ̄ Ālap , Syriac ʾĀlap In the Sefer Yetzirah , the letter aleph is king over breath, formed air in the universe, temperate in the year, and the chest in the soul. 10 페이지

infinity, on the other hand, is commonly defined as an extreme limit of the real number line (applied to a function or sequencethat " diverges to infinity" or "increases without bound"), or an extreme point of the extended real number line is the cardinality of the set of all countable ordinal numbers , called ω 1 or (sometimes) Ω

Tau : Last, Resurrection, life, unity with God, eternal life.

T= Ti Sumerian: T (Tau)= Ribs=Arrowhead=Life During the creative process of humanity

Record of Sumer


The godgene is extracted from called Tau/Ti that the god’s divine rib 페이지

Instruments that can thrive humanity

According to Zecharia Sitchin in his The Lost Book of Enki, the infamous rib comes into play. Ningishzidda first administered anesthesia to the four bodies of Ninmah, Enki, Adamu, and Tiamat. Then he extracted the life essence (DNA) of Enki from his rib’s bone marrow and grafted it in the rib of Adamu. Similarly, he extracted the DNA of Ninmah from her rib’s bone marrow and grafted it into the rib of Tiamat. The genome (the Tree of Life) of the first couple was thus optimized: this is the third leap in evolution. Says Sitchin, “To their Tree of Life, two branches have been added.” And this is when Tiamat and Adamu start having a sense of self and self-reflective capacities. They are now conscious of their sexuality and adorn (not “cover”) their loins Read more: the anunnaki-creation-of-eve-and-the-alien-battle-for-humanity/#ixzz3nWfFzeBa


Ti (Tau) = divine gene = Everlasting life Tau (Ancient language of the alphabet T) = Symbol of Eternal life, God unity , Resurrection, life

Tau’s shape = The shape of the germ cells & Human’s Mitochondria

12 페이지

Embryos / Phoenician alphabet / Mitochondria

Such as arrowheads pronunciation So the god is the god associated with a bow on human Creation and life and love The god appears that the Sumerian murals and Greek mythology

-Goddess Artemis, Eros, Sumerian god, Apollo(Helios)-

Hieroglyphs of ancient characters

Expression of life is difficult I was just expressing the same pronunciation with the arrow Glyph of Tau 13

In ancient times by displaying on the forehead 페이지

I live the eternal life believed It prevailed in Judea Tau (= Tav,) is a Mark ( Seal)

https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Aleph

Where is Tau/ Tav ’s mark? And what is it? Here, I came here to have an answer Come with me to hold my hand

In the Tutankhamun tomb Egypt's last Pharaoh lineage of "Sun god Ra / laha " ( Moses is also stepson of Egyptian pharaohs by Egyption princess Hatsepsut who Afterwards the queen of Egypt)

Ezekiel 9:4 depicts a vision in which the tav plays a Passover role similar to the blood on the lintel and doorposts of a Hebrew home in Egypt. [1] In Ezekiel’s vision, the Lord has his angels separate the demographic wheat from the chaff by going through Jerusalem, the capital city of ancient Israel, and inscribing a mark, a tav, “upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” at be done in the midst thereof. “

Alep(=Ω)+ Tau(T) = (Ankh cross) = Eternal life.

14 페이지

Maya and Merit Ningishzidda/ Thoth

Maryah Allaha= The god Maya = Ningishzidda/ Thoth = Maitreya / Mitra (Misa in the Catholic from Mitra‘s way) / Kalki / Quetzalcoatl / Melek Tau/ Spirit of truth / Last Paraclete/ Katsina with The Water of Heaven for Purification of humanity

Ningishzidda & Mitra & Maitreya & Kalki 15


He (or she) deported to America with his brother Marduk Ningishzidda(Symbol:Drogon with wings) is Maya, Quetzalcoatl(Symbol: Drogon with wings , feathered serpent ) in Central( Mesoamerica) and South America See: Francisco Hernandez de cordoba(~1517 ) Leading three convoy fleet Arrived in Yucatan Peninsula, that time local people called them to Maya So Maya was not the natives

Nigishzidda Thoth Quetzalcoatl

9. I am the John, that brother and associate of yours in tribulation and in [patient] anticipation* of the anointing by Eashoa, [who] was on the island called Patmos, because of Allaha’s manifestation, and for the sake* of the testimony of Eashoa Msheekha.

10. I was born in the spirit in the Day of the Maryah*, and I heard some distance back of him*, a sound as of a trumpet that said,

16 페이지

December 2012 ,23 is Days of the Maryah This Day known around in the world as a global apocalypse because of the Mayan calendar But this day is God intervened to mankind The day is formally announce for Salvation

Of course, Maryah blew a trumpet in the streets “The world will be purified” As the ear heard from God The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. I n Hopi Prophecy

11. “Whatever you see, write it down* and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamon, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.

Golden Menorah = Shape of Hand Character https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Aleph

12. And I fell back* to see the voice of whom that spoke with me. And as I fell

back I saw seven menorahs of Gold 17 페이지

13. And in the midst* of the menorahs [someone] who resembled the Son of Man, completely attired* and who had tied across his breast a golden harness.* who had tied across his breast a golden harness. Whose breast are connected with the Son of Man Who is be with sadness and joy and the story of his inner.

Judges wore an emblem of Ma'at on their chest, and all Egyptians were urged to seek Ma'at.

14. He whose hair and head glow white like white wool, like snow, and his eyes like flames of fire, 15. And his feet that resemble Lebanese copper, that is forged* in the furnace, and his voice* like the sound of great waters.

16. And he has in his right hand seven stars, and from his mouth emerges the sharpened sword with two edges*, and his face glows like the sun in full force

Safety Harnesses. Face glows like the sun

18 페이지

Feet that resemble Lebanese copper Completely attired

Golden harness : Symbol of Royal lineage Lebanese copper : The god introduced the Bronze Age civilizations

The history of literature begins with the invention of writing, in Bronze Age ... Chinese people, according to legend they are descended from the tribe of Chīyóu.

The sound of great waters : The god associated with water and water is universe

=Universe’s sound

Water’s Initial pronunciation =[Mul]= Universe 19


Spectacular Solar Video and Sounds of the Sun

# Revelation is implied meanings of two kinds and three kinds The gods had a highly intelligent enough to know the whole of humanity Most of humanity hard to as that surpass of Leonardo da Vinci intelligence

17. And as I saw him, I fell at his feet like dead, and he laid his right hand on me as he said, “Do not fear*, I am the Beginning and the End, 18. “The One who Lives …and [yet] was dead And the One who is Alive …to [the end of] the universes Of all the universes, Amen, …and He who has the keys Of death and the netherworld. 19. …”Write thus everything that you see (And) of these things that are coming …and those that are destined to occur After them; 20. “…of the sermon of the seven stars, These that you see in my right [hand]

2 goddesses and 5 gods in Sumer cultural heritage

…and the seven menorahs of Gold. These seven stars …are the angels of the seven churches. And these seven menorahs,

…they are the seven churches.” 20


Churches :State is the God's divinity in our body This church is not a church building on earth Emotional state : Deep sensitivity altruism and compassion in his or her heart Honest, justice, intuition has been developed Ignorant and blind faith are not faith, It will receive repeated training

Human’s divine is born Curiosity and philosophy adout the essence of life and death It includes the intellect that wandering find to the truth Pure passion of Entirely only towards own nature The seven stars; Stars are gods in the myth so, the seven little gods who sent from heaven's planet for assist the sanctification of Earth's humanity or God's children remained earth(Including lost one child) ,a long time ago

Eashoa (Jesus's original name given from God) is the firstborn Son of God You will be know as to know his new name

Of course, we are all God's children genetically God's gene is shining genes in our bodies by mitochondria that is inherited from your mother's blood Their seven angel's name You will be all know Now here is the next one people, one people


*Revelation: A spiritual history of our universe. 1:1*Literal Aramaic idiom (Lit. Ar. id.): “Slaves.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Apostled.” 1:3*Lit. Ar. id. figure of speech: “Protect and obey.” Or: observe. *Lit. Ar. id. expression: “The season is approaching.” *The first three verses comprise a summary of the history of the Old Testament through to the mission of John the Baptist. What follows is the history from the time of Eashoa Msheekha to the end of our universe. 1:4*Linguistic origin of the tithe “Jehovah.” 1:5*The saints. 1:6*Lit. Ar. id.: “Father.”

1:7*Lit. Ar. id.: “Human beings.” 1:8*To use “Omega” here, that is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, is wrong,

since the original utterance is in Aramaic and the title The Maryah gives Himself 21 페이지 must not be changed according to the alphabet of the language in which his title is translated; therefore, “Tau” should be retained in all other languages. Incidentally, in Hebrew it is “Tau” also. However, the original scribal language of Scriptures in neither Greek nor Hebrew, but Ancient Aramaic. *Lit. Ar. id.: Title, “The One and Only,” or “Supreme.” 1:9*Lit. Ar. id.: “Hope.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Because.” 1:10*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “I became by spirit on Maryah’s Day.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “And I heard from falling [away] from him.” 1:11*Lit. Ar. id.: “In the book,” or “in writing.” 1:12*Lit. Ar. id.: “Turned.” 1:13*Lit. Ar. id.: “Balance.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “That wore covering attire.” Or: long robe. *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “Trapped between his breasts.” 1:15*Lit. Ar. id.: “Fired.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Sound.” 1:16*Lit. Ar. id.: “Mouths.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “With its own strength.” 1:17*Lit. Ar. id.: “Succumb.”


1. To the angel of the church of Ephesus, write. These are [the things] the One and Only* says, (and) to the seven stars in his right [hand,] he who maintains*

the balance* of the seven menorahs gold

22 페이지


The goddess artemis {The angel of the church of Ephesus= The goddess Artemis) The Apostle John of Ephesus = Ningishzidda = Thoth, Ma’at, Mitra, Maitreya, Maya ,Mahdi, Melek Tau, Comforter,Spirit of Truth, Jeanne d’Arc etc Repeated reincarnation, = One of the two witnesses = Elijah } see : creation-of-man-the-gods-gene

2. I know of your works, and your labor and your hope*, and that you cannot bear evil-doers, and you counsel those who say of them that [the evil-doers] came as apostles, and they did not come [so,] and [in fact] you found them [to be] liars;

{To collect the angels of the Asia seven churches

Many times”spaceship to rescue humanity Events” 23

with JESUS(Eoshua ChristEmmanuel) 페이지

Economically there was a lot of expenditure Unwillingly It was a lie All gathered ,They are deep altruism, To gather more people active participation,It will take place in reality ,Justannounced in advance Their name Nargal(John the Baptist) , Adapa(Adapa2,Enoch,One of the two witnesses, ) , Titi (N,efertiti), Tutankhaman(Pope_Alexander_I),Ningishzidda (, one of the two witnesses, Elijah) ,Ziusudra ,Dumuzi ( Dumuzi 2,Gandhi)}

Dumuzi and Gandhi

Current A. John( Fisherman) threw the net Then he grabbed a lot of fish And only one left behind, The child (Adapa) was one of Two witnesses He painted a visual hallucinations and dream in picture



Old soul who repeated reincarnation: the visual hallucinations in Rosary prayer Meeting After the Misa {Paint by Adapa (Enoch, Joachim)-One of Two witnesses }

3. And hope, you do possess, and you do accept suffering* for the sake of my name without complaining*.

hope : The last remaining in Pandora’s box “Hope” 4. Except I have something on you, because of your love, that original [one,] which you abandoned*.

{In the beginning The god Ningishzidda (Thoth, Hermes, Dionysus) are men and women with two souls in one body, for the first time Twins born in the soul The time past each other Born split into two bodies The two are now again the 20th century were meet Currently 20th century The apostle John achieved one body with Jesus crist Jesus’ soul know it 2000 years ago, He said to the Apostle John For example Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica} 5. Remember then from where you have fallen, and repent and return to your former works. And if not, I will come upon you quickly and move your menorah from its place, if you do not repent. 6. Except this you have [in your favor,] that you hate the performing of rituals*,

which I also [do.] {The angel of the church of Ephesus dislike the Catholic Mass liturgy Born again as a contemporary the apostle John who Faith is not deep, they are 25

noexisting knowledge and prejudice of religious New bag poured new wine} 페이지

Egyptian Sekhmet ( hatshepsut ) and Sun god Ra

7. Those who have ears, let them listen to what the Spirit is telling the churches.

To the victor …I shall give to eat Of the tree of Life,* …which is in the paradise of Allaha {Al = “El, Eli” pronunciation Middle Eastern or “The” pronunciation Middle Eastern laha(Ra) = Prince, title of sons of God Ex:Sun god:Din gir Ra}

That is mine. {In moon father Enki’s Everything in his Age Pisces and Aquarius “I will offer my firstborn” Appointment to Son Marduk}

8. And to the angel in the church of Smyrna, write. These are [the things] says he who is the First and the Last, the one who was dead and Lives. 9. I know of your works, and the tribulation and poverty, except you have a great treasure* and of the blasphemies of those who say to the others that they are Jews and who are [really] not, except they are followers* of Satan. 10. Do not succumb at all to those from whom you expect persecution.* For, behold, the Devil is prepared to throw some of you in prison* where you will undergo* ten days’ tribulation. Be faithful unto death and I shall give you the wreath of Life. 11. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit is telling the churches.

The victor

…shall not be defiled 26

……by the second* death. 페이지

{Because evil and sin The divine soul as Conscience disappears When the naked flesh The state of his soul is not Existence,Eternal death} 12. And to the angel in the church of Pergamon, write: These are [the things] that the One who has the sharpened sword with two edges, says: 13. I know of your works and where you dwell, where there is a throne* for Satan; however, you held fast my name, and you did not deny* my Faith in those days when my witness appeared, my faithful one, the one you killed, where Satan dwells. Moreover, the Apostle John instructed fellow Christians: "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He (God's Holy Spirit) that is in you, than he (Satan) that is in the world" (I John 4:4). Later, Jesus told Pilate, "My Kingdom is not of this world" (John 18:36) (Satan is monarch of the earth /II Corinthians 4:4 – Ancient Bible)

Lioness Goddess cut of the head of Satan by a feather of truth (double-edged sword) - Egyptian wall painting - 14. Except I have more on you: you have [someone] there who has taken to the teachings of Balaam* that teach Balek*, to provide* excuses before the people of Israel, to eat idol sacrifices and to fornicate. 15. Thus you also have taken to the teaching of rituals. Through them you appear to be pretending,* 16. And if you are not, I will come upon you quickly and will approach them by the sword of my mouth, 17. Whoever has ears listen to what the Spirit is telling the churches. The victor …shall be nourished

By the hidden manna,

…and shall be given 27 페이지

A white tablet* …and on the tablet

A new name written, …that which no one* knows, Except the One …that consecrates*.

A new name written= The Lord Marduk

White tablet = Sumerian tablet A new name written= Marduk Lord Marduk is Lord Enki’s first-born son

Lord god Marduk , he is incarnation to Eashoa

28 페이지

Christ’s New name when the name of the Son of God}

Symbol of the god Marduk : Raven feather, Lion, Lamb, Sun, Bracelet, A pair of lightning, Thunder Dragon, Creation, Valor, justice, love , Knowledge and wisdom

Dragons and lions symbol of Marduk in Hanging Gardens The firstborn of Lord Enki(Prince of Nibiru), 50 Names

Royal god of Nibiru who First marriage Mankind women

Take-off landing area Spaceship, Deported to America Continent, 33 , Ziggurat 29 페이지

18. And to the angel of the church of Thyatira, write: These are [the things] the Son of Allaha, who has eyes like flames of fire and whose feet resemble Lebanese copper says, 19. I know of your works and your love and your faith and your commemoration, and also of your hope* and your labors of last that are even greater than before. 20. Except I have [something] on you, because you have allowed that woman of yours Jezebel, the one who says she is a prophetess and teaches and misleads my servants* into fornication and eating of idol sacrifices. 21. And you gave her time* so that she would repent, and she was not pleased to give up her fornicating. 22. Behold, I shall throw her into [sickbed,] and to those who accompany* her [I shall bring] great suffering, unless* they repent from her practices*. 23. And to her children I shall bring death,* and all churches shall know that I am the guardian of hearts and souls* who* gives each one of you according to your deeds. 24. But to you I say: to those others that are in Thyatira, all those that do not [hold] to these teachings, those people* that do not know the depths of Satanic [deception,*] like they claim: I shall not burden you any further.* 25. Hold fast through the knowledge that you possess until I come.*

26. And the victor(Etymology is Venus) …and the protector, Of my works

…to the very end,(Earth’s last human history ,The following are perhaps god status)

Shall have authority 30

…over the nations. 페이지

27. And I shall shepherd them …with a rod of steel, And like a clay plate …scatter out [your pieces,] Just as I was commissioned …by my Father,* 28. And received the morning star. 29. …Whoever has ears, Listen to what the Spirit …tells the churches. 2:27. with a rod of steel Ankh cross = symbol: The key of Eternal life Egyptian Goddess Ma,at ’s Feather of Truth = Rod of steel

clay plate = People do not know misconception, lying, fictitious, fake, fraudulent, by Satan and the rulers of earth(Lord Enlil and Fallen Angel and their descendants)

2:28 morning star.: Symbol is Venus

31 페이지

Venus: The goddess of beauty, Pearl, Sea foam, Myrtus (myrtle), Rose, Victor, Prostitution, Seashell assimilative and benign, goddess of prostitutes, Lares (household gods), Aphrodite, purification, Bridal crown, the women euphemistically referred to it as “honey”.Sacrificial wine .myrtle crown, perhaps to purify themselves and their armies ofblood-guilt.Venus Victrix (“Victorious Venus”) goddess of female chastity, Venus Caelestis is the earliest known Roman recipient of a taurobolium (a form of bull sacrifice), Prostitution, Greeks had inherited from the East


32 페이지

The fruit of life tree in the hands of The god Marduk

Eternal life = The tree of life’s fruit = The truth of Ma’at

A form of bull sacrifice = Mitra

33 페이지

Mitra the bull as a sacrifice / The Sun-god Helios & Mitra

Graeco-Roman Mithras= The name Mithra was adopted by the Greeks and Romans as Mithras, chief figure in the mystery religion of Mithraism. At first identified with the Sun-god Helios by the Greeks, the syncretic Mithra-Helios was transformed into the figure Mithras during the 2nd century BC, probably at Pergamon. Mitra (Vedic, )= There Mitra appears together with four other Indo-Aryan divinities as witnesses and keepers of the pact Iranian Mithra = In Zoroastrianism, Mithra is a member of the trinity of ahuras, protectors of asha/arta, “truth” or “[that which is] right”. Mithra’s standard appellation is “of wide pastures” suggesting omnipresence. Mithra is “truth- speaking, … with a thousand ears, … with ten thousand eyes, high, with full knowledge, strong, sleepless, and ever awake.” (Yasht 10.7). As preserver of covenants, Mithra is also protector and keeper of all aspects of interpersonal relationships, such as friendship and love. (See: John 15:15 Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.) Maitreya(Buddhism) = “expectations of a heavenly helper, the need to opt for positive righteousness, the future millennium, and universal salvation

<<<<< The salvation of the universe >>>>>

34 페이지

Maitreya(Buddhism) And Moving star such as, Magi followed the star, The Morning star is Chariot of the Spirit of Footnotes: 2:1*Lit. Aramaic: “Supreme Being.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Walks.” *Or: walks among. 2:2*Lit. Ar. id.: [Faithful] anticipation.” 2:3*Lit. Ar. id.: “The burden.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “And you do not lament.” 2:4*Lit. Ar. id.: “Left.” 2:6*In Aramaic: “Niaqleidto.” 2:7*Lit. Ar. id.: “Wood of lives,” or “the living wood.” Or: fruit. 2:9*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “A great deal.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “The synagogue.” 2:10*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “Not a thing [fear you] by those you expect to be saddened.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “House of custody.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Experience and have.” 2:40*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: “Recurring.” 2:12*Lit. Ar. id.: “Chair.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “And took you by my name.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Blaspheme against.” 2:14*Lit. Ar. idiom retained: “Of the past.” *Lit. Ar. idiom retained: “Contradictions.”

*Lit. Ar. id.: “Throw.” 2:15*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “By through their appearance becoming.” 2:17*Lit. Ar. id.: “List.” 35

*Lit. Ar. id.: “Human.” 페이지

*Lit. Ar. id.: “Plants.” 2:19*Lit. Ar. id.: “Faithful anticipation.” 2:20*Lit. Ar. id.: “Slaves.” 2:21*Lit. Ar. id.: “Season.” 2:22*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Drag themselves with her.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “If not.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Works.” 2:23*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Kill by death.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Kidneys and hearts.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “And.” 2:24*Lit. Ar. id.: “Humans.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Depths of Satan.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “I will not throw you more burden.” 2:25*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “The understanding that which you have, unite [through it] until I come [back.]” 2:27*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “With respect to my Father,” or, as figure of speech, “planted” or “consecrated.”

Revelation Chapter 3 Source :

REVELATION CHAPTER 3 1. And to the angel of the church of Sardis, write: These are [the things] that says He who has the Seven Spirits of Allaha, and those seven stars: I know about your works, that you have [made] a name [for yourself] that you are alive, and you were dead.

The Seven Spirits of Allaha the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom, and understanding, the spirit of counsel, and strength, the spirit of knowledge, and the fear of the Lord.(In Isaiah 11:2) The angel of the church of Sardis = The goddess Cybele (The patron goddess ofSardis)/ {}

Cybele = She was partially assimilated to aspects of the Earth-goddess Gaia , herMinoan equivalent Rhea , and the Harvest-Mother goddess Demeter . called the Magna Mater or ‘Great Mother’, from Pergamum. She is enthroned 36

with lions, is a mother, and represents the moon. 페이지

In Phrygian art of the 8th century BCE, the cult attributes of the Phrygian mother-goddess include attendant lions, a bird of prey, and a small vase for her libations or other offerings. 2. Hold the vigil and guide those others who were going* to die. I have not found such* fulfilled* services before my Allaha.**

Dionysos Nonnus, Dionysiaca (14) 291 FF : “[Dionysos prepares to lead his army into battle against the Indians:] Lyaios [Dionysos] kept vigil; all night long heaven thundered, threading fiery streaks among the stars; since Rheia then foretold with witnessing flash the bloodshed of the Indian victory. In the morning the god went forth to war.” { } Strabo notes that Rhea-Cybele’s popular rites in Athens might be held in conjunction with Dionysus’ procession. [ 27 ] Like Dionysus {}

3. Recall then how you were consecrated and received* [the gift of Faith] and [provide]guidance, and repent. And if you do not thus hold the vigil, I shall come upon you like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I shall come upon you. The gift of faith: that follows the moving stars, UFO Appeared and Disappearing new moon,The seal of the living God, Prayer crusades:Prayers to remove evil Guidance: Through the message of the European Messenger, Medjugorje Marian apparition message,

4. Except you have a few names in Sardis, those that did not soil* their garments,

and they walk with me in white [robes] since they came [to me] worthy. 37 페이지

Artemisia_ Prepares_to _Drink_the_ Ashes_of_her_Husband,_ Mausolus

Artemisia300e1420607611521 Artemisia of Caria (also known as Artemisia I) was the queen of the Anatolian region of Caria (north of ancient Lydia , in modern-day Turkey ). Herodotus praises Artemisia I to such an extent that later writers (many of whom criticized Herodotus on a number of points) complain that he focuses on her to the exclusion of other important details regarding the Battle of Salamis.{} I pass over all the other officers [of the Persians] because there is no need for me to mention them, except for Artemisia, because I find it particularly remarkable that a woman should have taken part in the expedition against Greece.She took over the tyranny after her husband’s death, and although she had a grown-up son and did not have to join the expedition, her manly courage impelled her to do so…Hers was the second most famous squadron in the entire navy, after the one from Sidon . . None of Xerxes’ allies gave him better advice than her (VII.99).{} Battle of Salamis helped to Alexander the Great that later attack Greece and Persia Macedonian the Great Alexander A number of changes took place in Sardis after the city surrendered to Alexander

the Great in 334 BCE

38 페이지

The Great Alexander of Macedon

5. Thus the victor …shall be attired in white garments, Purification of the soul And their name …shall not be deleted ……from the book of Life, And they shall be acknowledged …by their names before my Father ……and His angels.” 6. Whoever has ears, …should listen to what the Spirit ……is telling the churches. 7. And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia, write: The year 600 the domed Basilica of St. John was built Philadelphia was a prosperous Byzantine city, called the “little Athens ” in the 6th century AD Athena goddess: she won by creating the olive tree,A large

snake( dragon)accompanied her and she held Nike , the goddess of victory, in

her hand

39 페이지

In history, the citizens of Athens built a statue of Athena as a temple to the goddess, which had piercing eyes, a helmet on her head, attired with an aegis or cuirass , and an extremely long spear. the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, mathematics, strength, war strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill in ancient Greek religion and mythology . Minerva is the Roman goddess identified with Athena The angel of the church of Philadelphia = The goddess Athena

These are [the things] that says He who is Holy, Who is the Truth, Who has the Key of David, The one that opens and no human locks And that which he locks and no human opens:

1. After I saw these [things,] (and) behold, an open door in heaven

{ December 22, 2012 11:00 AM A. John of Current has saw a huge cloud that Nibiru patterns in the sky - No taken}

40 페이지

Nibiru symbol in Sumer Recorded

2.and the first voice that I heard speaking like a trumpet to me, saying to me, “Ascend [up] to here and I will show you [the things] that I have sanctified to occur after these [things.] ”

{A.John heared the god’s voice October 1, 2012 3:30 a.m. “The destruction” The sound of beating wake October 15, 2012 morning at 3:30 “You will ascend” “Who?” “I am Jesus” “When?” Jesus said, “On December 23, 2012” October 30, 2012 4:00 a.m. “The world will be purified You will living and seeing

Shall you announce my Second Coming to the whole world,be able to soon .” 41 페이지

After a while balcony windows from a distance Triangle of red and blue lights flashing alternately watched the UFO}

2. At once I was born * in the Spirit, {Egyptian Goddess “Ma,at” without mother ,She born in the spirit of Sun god “Ra”}

Egyptian goddess Ma’at and goddess Isis and behold, the throne * was consecrated in heaven and on the throne he sat.

3. And he who sat [there] resembled the stone of jasper and carnelian in appearance, and the bow of clouds surrounded his throne, with the brilliance *

of emeralds.



Emerald Tablets of Thoth

The actual taken on September 2014 Cloud of rainbow wing bird holding the bow and clouds of peacock tail shapes(DNA, Dragon with wing) The bow of clouds T = Ti = Tau

Tau – Pleroma

T = Conventions of Arrowheads and rib Sumerian same pronunciation Sumerian Records : Symbol of ribs = God’s gene =God’s life} 4. From around the throne [there stood] twenty-four thrones * and on those thrones [there] sat twenty-four priests * that were dressed in white robes *, and, on their heads, gold wreaths.

5. And from the throne emerged lightning and sounds of thunder, and seven 43

torches * of fire burned before his throne, these that are * the seven Spirits of 페이지

Allaha. 6. And before his throne a sea of glass that resembles crystal and in the balance of the throne and around it and before it, four life forms *, full of eyes in front and back of them.

7. And the first life form resembles a lion and the second life form resembles a calf and the third life form has a face * like a human being and the fourth life form resembles a flying eagle.

Egyptian goddess Ma’at (symbol: Feather of Truth) and Gods of animals with six wing 8. And all four life forms, every one of them, have six wings around themselves and from inside, full of eyes, and they have no rest day and night from saying,

Full of eyes of The god Thoth(Unearthed from the tomb of Tutankhaman) Full of eyes of The god= Hold traps evils “Holy, holy, holy, The Maryah Allaha, Supreme over all.

He who Becomes and He who Is and He who Comes. ” 44

9. And when these life forms gave glory, honor and thanksgiving to the one 페이지 sitting on the throne, to the one who lives to [the end of] the universes of [all] the universes* ; 10. Those twenty-four priests* fell before the one who sat on the throne, and worshipped the one who lives to [the end of the] universes of [all] the universes, and they threw their wreaths before the throne, as they said,

“Worthy are you Our Maryah{Maya} and Allaha{The god,The God} who is holy, To receive glory, honor and power, For you created all And through you they came into being, And because of your will They were born and were created.”

Footnotes: 4:2*Lit. Ar. id.: “Became.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Chair.” 4:3*Lit. Ar. id.: “Appearance.” 4:4*Lit. Ar. id.: “Chairs.” *Lit. Ar. id.: Or: “elders.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Clothing.” 4:5*Lit. Ar. id.: “Lamps.” *Lit. Ar. id.: Or: “represent.” 4:6*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: “Animals.” 4:7*Lit. Ar. id.: “Persona.” 4:9*Lit. Ar. id.: “Infinity.” 4:10*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: “elders.”

Revelation Chapter 5

Revelation chapter 6 1. And I saw as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four life forms saying in a voice like thunder, The god Marduk symbol: Thunder, Alias of A .John: Son of thunder “Come and see.”

2. And I looked and there appeared a white filly, * and the one riding on it has a bow, and a wreath was given him, and he emerged * to conquer wherever he 45

may conquer. 페이지

Joan of Arc ( Jeanne d‘Arc )Symbol :Holding the Arc(bow), Rides a white horse ,

The Apocalyptic white Horse Rider Appearance of Kalki Avatar In , Kalki : Hence, the name translates to the “destroyer of foulness”, “destroyer of darkness”, or “destroyer of ignorance”. Another etymology from Sanskrit is " white horse"

Spirit of Joan of Arc( Jeanne d‘Arc ) is Kalki 46


John the Apostle *John the Apostle : Aramaic name is Yohanan 3. And as he * opened the second seal, I heard the second life form saying, “Come.” 4. And [there] emerged another filly [that was] red, and to the one riding it was given the power * to [eradicate] peace from the earth * Usually these symbols, along with a pentangle representing either the five inhabited continents (in the context of the six-continent model where Eurasia is counted as a single continent) or the five components of communist society (the peasants, the workers, the army, the intellectuals, and the youth), appear in yellow on a red background representing revolution. China Communist Party of the Soviet Union and so that they would slaughter * each other, and he was given great powers *. 5. And as he opened the third seal, I heard the third life form, saying, “Come and see,” and I saw and, behold, a horse [that was] black, and its rider has a balance * in his hand. Wearing black clothes and all credit balances

47 페이지


Egyptian god Anubis

6. And I heard a voice amidst the four life forms saying, that, “A measure of wheat for * one dinar and three measures of barley for one dinar and as for the oil and wine, do not touch them. * ” By separating the people gareunda the pyan Oil: Anointin Christian Wine: Person was drunked Holy blood- God unity, symbolizing the divine descent, those with the seal of the living God 7. And as he opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth life form say, “Come and see.” 8. And I looked and, behold, a [pale] greenish horse, and the one seated on it, his name is Death, and the netherworld clings * to him. And he has been given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill by the sword and by famine and by death and by carnivorous creatures of the earth. The green color that symbolizes Islam Son of God: Green Symbolizing heaven sky:Blue Symbolizing the earth:Yellow Itsu sum: Green symbolizes the Children(green) = women in the land(yellow) + god in 48

sky(blue:Fallen Angel, Nephilim) 페이지

Nephilim are the giants = Fate not get back to heaven = Hades was a hell devil The blood of human beings and animals, they prolong life 9. And as he opened the fifth seal, I saw below the altar * the souls that were slain * because of the Manifestation of Allaha Allaha =Al (The, El, god)+ Laha (The sun god “Ra” or The son of god) =Jesus or Prince of god =Ellaha and because they had the testimony of the Lamb. = Martyr 10. And they cried out in a great voice as they said, “Until when, O Maryah, O Holy, O True, Will you not judge * And seek our revenge * From the inhabitants of the earth? “ 11. And each and every one of them was given a white robe, and were told to rest a while longer, * until the priesthood of those other * brothers of theirs has been completed, those that are destined to be killed just as they [ had been.] Earth has determined the reign of the gods Separated by constellations of the ecliptic Still we (Lord Enki’s Family) have to wait because Lord Enlil’s Family(2th Prince of Nibiru but Royal heir because of The Queen Mother) remains te reign of Prince Nibiru bad laws is The law”ㅡ Socrate

Enki(Appearance resembling Leonardo da Vinci) and Enlil Enlil (God in the Hebrew Genesis) did not create man, but rather, his half-

brother Enki and their sister Ninmah were more so involved in the genetic

manipulation, as evidenced in the Atrahasis, predating the Genesis account by 49

1700 years. Enlil apparently wiped out man because of their incessant noise, 페이지 although this motive seems bleak, and considering the animosity between Enlil and Enki, one must only consider that Enlil’s motive behind wiping out mankind had something to do with the fact that Homo sapiens were seeds of Enki and thus had the potential to rise up against Enlil. Enlil was a ghost writer of the Bible, and consequently the truth was distorted to benefit the latter. link/ 12. And I saw as he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake and the sun was darkened * like the sackcloth of mourning * and the moon [turned red] as blood. The three days of darkness begin 13. And the stars of heaven fell into the earth, as the fig [tree] that sheds its blossoms while shaken by a great wind *. Humanity has that at birth have their the stars The stars(ufo. Angle of will come down to earth to save their humanity friend butDuring the rescue person But Many souls are polluted and Impossibility to rescue

14. And the heaven separated like the written scroll, and all the mountains and islands were moved from their places. As it is written in the scrolls The heaven and separation As it is written in the Nang hammadi,As it is written in the Dead Sea Scrolls Thomas apocalyptic references Perception is moved because of the poles moves

15. And the kings of the earth, the generals and heads of thousands *, and the rich and powerful, and every servant and son of the free, hid themselves in caves and declivities * of the mountains [Alas, storm after storm swept the Land together: the great storm of heaven, the ever-roaring storm, the malicious storm which swept over the Land, the storm which destroyed cities, the storm which destroyed houses, the storm which destroyed cow-pens, the storm which burned sheepfolds, which laid hands on the holy rites, which defiled the weighty counsel, the storm which cut off all that is good from the Land.[13]]

Dead men, not potsherds. Covered the approaches. The walls were gaping, the high gates, the roads, were piled with dead. In the side streets, where feasting crows would gather, scattered they lay. In all the side streets and roadways 50

bodies lay. In the open fields that used to fill with dancers, they lay in heaps. The 페이지 country's blood now filled its holes, like metal in a mould; Bodies dissolved - like fat left in the sun Part of Lament for Ur

Ziggurat of Ur

There was a large-scale war in the ancient Sumerian era Then look at the records bomb is exploded It is recorded in the Bible as a story of Sodom and Gomorrah Then the pretext that separates the righteous and the wicked

The generals or the family of the gods who gave the command to flee The remaining inhabitants were annihilate Prophecy that modern will also be repeated 51

Humanity is the reincarnation repeats almost the same fate 페이지

God also reborn Kings, royal family, also rulers….

Hidden underground shelter

16. And they said to the mountains and the cliffs, “Fall on us! And hide us from the personage of the one seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17. “For the great day of their wrath has arrived and who can [remain] standing?” * Footnotes: 6: 2 * Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “And I saw and there [became] a [young female] horse white.” * Lit. Ar. idiom retained. “Exited.” 6: 3 * The Lamb opens all the seals. 6: 4 * Lit. Ar. id .: “Ability.” * Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “Inhabitants of the earth.” * Lit. Ar. id .: “Cut up.” * Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “Sword.” Or: military power.

6: 5 * Or: “Scale.” 6: 6 * Lit. Ar. id .: “by.” * Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “Do not harm [them,]” or “dare not [regard them 52

similarly.] Or: they are not to be measured or treated the same way [as the wheat 페이지 and barley.] 6: 8 * Lit. Ar. id .: “Clutches for.” 6: 9 * Lit. Ar. id .: “Sacrificial altar.” * Lit. Ar. id .: “Cut up.” 6: 10 * Lit. Ar. id .: “Bring judgment.” * Lit. Ar. id .: “Blood.” 6: 11 * Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “A small season.” * Lit. Ar. id .: “Also.” 6: 12 * Lit. Ar. id .: “Blackened.” * Lit. Ar. id .: “Hair.” 6: 13 * Lit. Ar. id .: “Tormenting spirit.” 6: 15 * Lit. Ar. id .: “Military commanders.” * Lit. Ar. id .: “By cliffs.” 6: 17 * Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “And who can to stand.” Or: who can face it? Revelation chapter 7

Revelation chapter 7

1. And after that I saw four angels that stood at the four corners of the earth and [they were] holding the four spirits* of the earth, so that no spirit* could be found* on the earth and none over the sea or over the trees.

[Inaugural vision ( Ezekiel 1:1–3:27 ): God approaches Ezekiel as the divine warrior, riding in his battle chariot The chariot is drawn by four living creatures,

each having four faces and four wings.

53 페이지

2. And I saw another angel, and he ascended from the east of the sun,* who has the seal of the living Allaha, and he cried in a great voice to the angels, these that were given the [task of] blazing* of the earth and the sea, as he said,

{Aramaic Allaha=Al(The)+Laha(God,god) Another angel from the east of the sun= Oriental who has the seal of the living Allaha, and he cried in a great voice to the angels

{Seal of the living God} Spiritual eyes Open,Pure life, Resurrection, Awakening Godunity, Rejuvenation, The divine light,


5 페이지



Heart and blood of the living God’s imprinted, Cross pattern, Symbol of Nibiru, The first embryo of life}

[And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an are of heaven; the sign and signet of the Son of Man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near.] - Aquarian Gospel 157: 29, 30. - { Destruction Evil , Purification of the soul}

Purification of the soul, God with unity, resurrection, Eternal life, Youth, Light of divine

{ Seal of the Living God }

The seal of the living God



57 페이지

When fitted necklace of Seal ,state of human soul and mind feel expressed as photos

3. “Do not harm* the earth, neither the sea nor the trees, until we stamp the servants* of our Allaha between their eyes.*”

{Those eyes are the soul of those who know the wake of the sacred and to understand the means And discover the true self in union with God ,To find the source and Such phenomena are possible with God’s living seal}

4. And I heard the number of those who were stamped [that was] one hundred and forty and four thousand, stamped from every generation of Israelites.

5. From the generation of Judah, twelve thousand stamped. And from the generation of Ruben, twelve thousand, from the generation of Gad, twelve thousand, 6. From the generation of Asher, twelve thousand, from the generation of Naphtali, twelve thousand, from the generation of Manasseh, twelve thousand. 7. From the generation of Simeon, twelve thousand. From the generation of Levi, twelve thousand. From the generation of Issachar, twelve thousand. 8. From the generation of Zebulun, twelve thousand. From the generation of Joseph, twelve thousand. From the generation of Benjamin, twelve thousand. {The name of the region is not significant Most of humanity has repeatedly reborn and reborn in the whole world Are you a child of God? Are the seeds of fallen angels? Nevertheless, they should recognize that they are children of God Because the body and soul is a child of God} 9. And after these I saw, and behold a great crowd, those whose number no human [being] could count, from every tribe and nation and generation and tongue, that stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, [having been] attired in white robes and with [fruit-laden] palm branches in their hands,

10. And crying out in a great voice, saying,

58 페이지

“Salvation to our Allaha, …to whom sits on the throne ……and to the Lamb!”

Adapa hold palm branches They are descendants of Adapa who hold palm branches of Revelation

Adapa of Sumerian ruins According to Sumerian Records,Adapa was the first human son of God(Enki),

[In his private chamber Anu the tablet’s seal broke open, Into the scanner the tablet he inserted, it,, message from Enki to decipher. Adapa by my seed to an Earthling woman was born! So did the message from Enki


59 페이지

Likewise was Titi by another Earthling woman of my seed conceived.]


Lord Enki, the Lamb soul’child(Marduk=Jesus), born in his living water the souls of dolphin child(Inclusion Soul of Adapa),bird child’s soul of messenger role (Ningishzidda) And Leonardo da Vinci is the incarnation of Prince Enki

11. And all the angels [that] stood around the throne, and those priests and those four life forms, (and they) fell before his throne, over their faces, and they worshipped Allaha, 12. As they said,

“Amen. Blessing and glory and wisdom, And thanksgiving and honor and power And hosanna* to our Allaha, To [the end of] the universes Of all the universes, Amen.

To [the end of] the universes

60 페이지

13. And [there] interjected* one of the priests and said to me, “These who have acquired those white robes, who might they be? And from where did they come?”

14. And I told him, “[My] master, you know best!”* And he said to me,

61 페이지

“These are those who are coming …from great tribulation, And they have washed their robes …and have cleansed* them By the blood of the Lamb.

{ Seal of the living God is blood of JESUS, from his Heart }

15. “This is …they are before the throne of Allaha And serve him …day and night in his temple, And the one …who sits on the throne, ……shelters them.* 16. “They will hunger no more …and thirst no more, And neither shall the sun …beat down upon them, And nor excessive* heat. 17… “For the Lamb Who is in the center of the throne …shall shepherd them, And will nurture* them

…by the springs of Living Waters,

62 페이지

Fragment of a stele, showing part of a lion and vases overflowing. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello (Lagash) Limestone, H: 15,5 cm AO 4584

living water in Heart Egyption The Ab= Heart

{ Words of the Holy Spirit= Epic of Jesus

Like an endless fountain Thus touching people’s souls and the light of Seal regrow soul in human body so, It purifies the polluted soul }

The god Marduk has to listen and look , his Heart and mind and evidence to two witnesses by Voice and visual hallucinations listening one was , but Out of the divine state .The connection with god is often breaks

Knowledge is the same as the water of life from the god Marduk's papyrus scrolls

Papyrus scrolls= Nag hammad’s Gaspel

63 페이지

And Allaha will wash away …every tear drop from their eyes.”

Footnotes: 7:1*Lit. Ar. idiom retained. Also, “winds.” *Lit. Ar. idiom retained. “Wind.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Seen.” 7:2*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression retained. “From the East.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Heating,” or “Lighting.” 7:3*Lit. Ar. id.: “Blaze.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Saves.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression retained. “On their foreheads.” 7:12*Lit. Ar. id.: “The [Life-giving] palm.” 7:13*Lit. Ar. id.: Contemplative response. 7:14*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “You know [it] yourself!” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Whitened.” 7:15*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Leans over them.” 7:16*Lit. Ar. id.: “All.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Endow [them].”

REVELATION CHAPTER 8 1. And as he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.

* My followers must show courage to prepare others for The Warning Tuesday, June 14th, 2011 07:00 pm

My beloved daughter much work needs to be done by My followers to tell people what they must expect during The Warning.

Give them details in advance so that when they see the red sky flare up, a reflection of My Great Mercy, they will know that there is nothing to fear. Instead they must rejoice for here, at last for many of My children around the world, will be the proof they have been seeking all their lives.

Great rejoicing amongst My children is what I yearn for not tears of sadness. When you see My cross you will all know then the passion of My love for all of

you. 64 페이지

Many will weep tears of great joy for they will know I have come to flood their souls with the grace of redemption. For others who don’t know Me they will be frightened for then the true realization of the graveness of their sins will become apparent.

Follows of mine everywhere I call on you to show great courage by telling My children that they must not fear when they witness this divine spectacular display of My Great Mercy for mankind. Bring them back into My fold by preparing them. If they will not listen pray for them.

Your Eternal Saviour and Redeemer of Mankind Jesus

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ

“I saw the four and twenty Cherubim and Seraphim that guard 'the circle of the sun,the mighty ones who were proclaimed by masters long ago 'the four & twenty ancient ones”

"I heard the charges of the Triune God; but these I may not now reveal.

"I heard the history of the Piscean Age from Piscean Cherubim and Seraphim, and when I took my pen to write Ramasa said:

"Not now, my son, not now; but you may write it down for men when men have learned the sacred laws of Brotherhood, of Peace on earth, good-will to every living thing.

"And then I beard the Aquarian Cherubim and Seraphim proclaim the Gospel of the coming Age, the age of Wisdom, of the Son of Man.

"And when the crown was lifted from the head of Ramasa and placed upon the head of Archer of the Aquarian Age; and when the royal sceptre was transferred from Seraphim Vacabiel to Seraphim Sakmaquil there was deep silence in the courts of heaven.

"And then the goddess Wisdom spoke, and with her hands outstretched she poured the benedictions of the Holy Breath upon the rulers of Aquarius.

65 페이지

Sumer Mural Cross in sky

WHAT IS THE WARNING THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE predicted by Our Lady in Garabandal in 1961 will take place soon to save the world. WHY IS THE WARNING TAKING PLACE? . To prove to all that God exists. . To bring everyone back to Jesus and the way of the truth. . To dilute the impact of sin and evil in the world through conversion. . To help save us before the final day of judgement by giving us a chance to ask for forgiveness for the sins we have committed. . To convert non-believers who would have no chance of redemption without this great act of mercy. . To strengthen the faith of believers. . WHAT WILL HAPPEN DURING THE WARNING

. Every one over the age of 7 will experience a private mystical encounter with Jesus Christ . which will last anything up to 15 minutes . It is a gift from God the Father to convert people back to the truth. It is how the Final Day of Judgement will unfold only this time you will not be condemned. Instead you will be given a chance to ask for forgiveness. . Two comets will collide in the sky. . People will believe it to be catastrophic worse than an earthquake But it is not –

it is a sign that Jesus has come. 66 페이지

. The sky will turn red it will look like a fire & then you will see a large cross in the sky to prepare you first. . Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation but there won’t be one. . It will be spectacular and will not hurt us because it comes as an act of Love and Mercy from Jesus. . Our sins will be shown to us and this will make us feel tremendous sorrow and shame when they are revealed to us. Others will be so sickened and shocked by the way in which their sins will be revealed that they will drop dead before they have a chance to ask for forgiveness. . Everyone will see the state of their soul before God – the good they have done in their lives, the grief they have inflicted on others and all that which they failed to do. . Many people will fall down and cry tears of relief. Tears of joy and happiness. Tears of wonder and love. . For, at last, it will be possible to live a new life thereafter when we know the full truth. . Jesus is now asking everyone to pray for those souls who will die of shock who may be in mortal sin. Everyone needs to prepare now. Jesus asks that all ask for the forgiveness of their sins in advance of The Warning.*

67 페이지

2. And I saw the seven angels who stood before Allaha, and they were given seven trumpets.

3. And another angel came and stood over the altar, and he had a golden vessel* and he was given a great deal of incense, so that he may offer it in the prayers of all the saints over the golden altar before the throne. tion-new-song-prayer-purification-of-the-soul-crusade-prayer/

4. There rose the perfume of incense of the saints’ prayers from the hand of the angel before Allaha (Al=The / laha = god, God). 5. And the angel set the vessel and filled it with the fire from the altar and he hurled it on the earth and there followed* thunder and lightening and explosions and earthquake. 6. And the seven angels, who had the seven trumpets, prepared* themselves so as to blow* [the trumpets.]

Sumerian murals Recorded about the Great Flood Enûma Eliš has about a thousand lines and is recorded in Old Babylonian on seven clay tablets , each holding between 115 and 170 lines of Sumero-Akkadian cuneiform script .

Sumerian murals Recorded about the Great Flood : Enûma Eliš 68 페이지

*Your boat from its moorings it shall lift, the boat it shall turn and tumble. Fear not: To a safe haven the boatguide will navigate you, By you shall the seed of Civilized Mankind survive! When Enki’s voice fell silent, agog was Ziusudra(, on his knees prostrate he fell: My lord! My lord! he shouted. Your voice I heard, let me see your face! Not to you, Ziusudra, have I spoken, to the reed wall did I speak! So Enki said. By Enlil’s decision, by an oath upheld am I bound to that all the Anunnaki swore; 168 If my face you shall see, surely like all Earthlings you will die! Now reed hut, to my words pay heed: The purpose of the boat, a secret of the Anunnaki with you must remain! When the townspeople will inquire, to them you will so say: The lord Enlil with my lord Enki has angry been, To Enki’s abode in the Abzu I am sailing, perchance Enlil will be appeased! For a while a silence followed. Ziusudra from behind the reed wall came, A tablet of lapis lazuli, in the moonlight shining, he saw and picked up; The image of a boat upon it was drawn, notches its measurements gave; Wisest of Civilized Men was Ziusudra, what he had heard he understood. In the morning, to the townspeople he so announced: The lord Enlil with the Lord Enki, my master, angry has been, On that account to me the lord Enlil is hostile.*

69 페이지

7. And the first one blew, and there followed hail and fire that are carried* by water, and they were hurled upon the earth, and one third of the earth was burned and one third of all native vegetables were burned. 8. And the second angel blew, and like a great mountain on fire burning was hurled into the sea, and also one third of the sea turned* into blood. 9. And one third of all water creatures* died, those that had life*, and one third of the boats were wrecked. 10. And the third angel blew and a star fell from the sky burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and water springs. 11. And the name of the star is called Absinthus*, and a third of the waters turned to Absinthen* and much of mankind died from the water because they became ill. 12. And the fourth angel blew, and a third of the sun and a third of the moon was destroyed* and a third of the stars, so that one third of them were shrouded in darkness, and one third of their days would not [see] dawn, and their nights would likewise be shortened.* 13. And I saw and heard an angel that flies in the center of the sky, that carries a bloody trail,* as he said in a loud voice, “Woe! Woe to those who dwell on earth, from the sounds of the trumpets of the three angels who are prepared to blow.” bloody trail is Tav(Tau) = Seal of the living God

70 페이지

These are the seven signs the ending of this world. There shall be in all the earth famine and great pestilences and much distress: then shall all men be led captive among all nations and shall fall by the edge of the sword.

*On the sixth day Ninagal, Lord of the Great Waters, to the boat came, A son(4th) of Enki he was, to be the boat’s navigator he was selected. A box of cedarwood in his hands he held, by his side in the boat he kept it; The life essences and life eggs of living creatures it contains, by the lord Enki and Ninmah collected,From the wrath of Enlil to be hidden, to life resurrect if Earth be willing! So did Ninagal to Ziusudra(Lord Enki’s human son & First of white race) explain; thus were all beasts by their twos in the boat hidden. Now Ninagal and Ziusudra in the boat the arrival of the seventh day awaited. In the one hundred and twentieth Shar was the Deluge awaited, In the tenth Shar in the life age of Ziusudra was the Deluge forthcoming, In the station of the Constellation of the Lion was the avalanche looming. Now this is the account of the Deluge that over the Earth swept And how the Anunnaki escaped, and how Ziusudra in the boat survived. For days before the Day of the Deluge the Earth was rumbling, groan as with pain it did; For nights before the calamity struck, in the heavens Nibiru as a glowing star was seen; Then there was darkness in daytime, and at night the Moon as though by a monster was swallowed. The Earth began to shake, by a netforce before unknown it was agitated. In the glow of dawn, a black cloud arose from the horizon,

(Lord = Enlil and Enki = Planet Nibiru royal princes : The Hebrew Bible scholar records without distinction Enlil = Sequence 2 (Queen’s son), younger brother,Hostile to humanity Enki = Sequence 3 (Extramarital Son) & Creator of mankind and the biological father of mankind, Love for humanity

*Utu = The grandson of Enlil , Calf god)

71 페이지

170 The morning’s light to darkness changed, as though by death’s shadow veiled. Then the sound of a rolling thunder boomed, lightnings the skies lit up. Depart! Depart! Utu to the Anunnaki gave the signal. Crouched in the boats of heaven, the Anunnaki heavenward were lofted. In Shurubak, eighteen leagues away, the bright eruptions by Ninagal were seen: Button up! Button up the hatch! Ninagal to Ziusudra shouted. Together the trapdoor that the hatch concealed they pulled down; Watertight, enclosed completely, was the boat; inside riot a ray of light penetrated. On that day, on that unforgettable day, the Deluge with a roar began; In the Whiteland, at the Earth’s bottom, the Earth’s foundations were shaking; Then with a roar to a thousand thunders equal, off its foundations the icesheet slipped, By Nibiru’s unseen netforce it was pulled away, into the south sea crashing. One sheet of ice into another icesheet was smashing, The Whiteland’s surface like a broken eggshell was crumbling. All at once a tidal wave arose, the very skies was the wall of waters reaching. A storm, its ferocity never before seen, at the Earth’s bottom began to howl, Its winds the wall of water were driving, the tidal wave northward was spreading; Northward was the wall of waters onrushing, the Abzu lands it was reaching. Therefrom toward the settled lands it traveled, the Edin it overwhelmed. When the tidal wave, the wall of waters, Shurubak reached, The boat of Ziusudra the tidal wave from its moorings lifted, Tossed it about, like a watery abyss the boat it swallowed. Though completely submerged, the boat held firm, not a drop of water into it did

enter. 72 페이지

No one his fellow man could see, the ground vanished, there was only water. All that once on the ground stood by the mighty waters away was swept; Before day’s end the watery wall, gathering speed, the mountains overwhelmed. In their celestial boats the Anunnaki the Earth were circling. Crowding the compartments, against the outer walls they crouched, What was happening upon the Earth, down below, to see they strained. From the celestial boat in which she was, Ninmah like a woman in travail cried out: My created like drowned dragonflies in a pond the waters fill, All life by the rolling sea wave away was taken! Thus did Ninmah cry and moan. Inaunleashed. For seven days the waters from above with the waters of the Great Below were mingled; Then the wall of water, its limits reaching, its onslaught ceased, But the rains from the skies for forty more days and nights continued.

73 페이지

in The Lost Book of Enki 10 tablet –Awakening,The family of God and humanity *

*On the first day of the judgement will be a great marvel (or, the beginning shall be). At the third hour of the day shall be a great and mighty voice in the

firmament of the heaven, and a great cloud of blood coming down out of the 74

north, and great thunderings and mighty lightnings shall follow that cloud, and 페이지 there shall be a rain of blood upon all the earth. These are the signs of the first day (Monday in the Anglo-Saxon, and so for the other days). And on the second day there shall be a great voice in the firmament of the heaven, and the earth shall be moved out of its place: and the gates of heaven shall be opened in the firmament of heaven toward the east, anda great power shall be sent belched) forth by the gates of heaven and shall cover all the heaven even until evening(al. and there shall be fears and tremblings in the world). These are the signs of the second day. And on the third day, about the second hour, shall be a voice in heaven, and the abysses of the earth shall utter their voice from the four corners of the world. The first heaven shall be rolled up like a book and shall straightway vanish. And because of the smoke and stench of the brimstone of the abyss the days shall be darkened unto the tenth hour. Then shall all men say: I think that the end draweth near, that we shall perish. These are the signs of the third day. And on the fourth day at the first hour, the earth of the east shall speak, the abyss shall roar: then shall all the earth be moved by the strength of an earthquake. In that day shall all the idols of the heathen fall, and all the buildings of the earth. These are the signs of the fourth day. And on the fifth day, at the sixth hour, there shall be great thunderings suddenly in the heaven, and the powers of light and the wheel of the sun shall be caught away, and there shall be great darkness over the world until evening, and the stars shall be turned away from their ministry. In that day all nations shall hate the world and despise the life of this world. These are the signs of the fifth day. And on the sixth day there shall be signs in heaven. At the fourth hour the firmament of heaven shall be cloven from the east unto the west. And the angels of the heavens shall be looking forth upon the earth the opening of the heavens. And all men shall see above the earth the host of the angels looking forth out of heaven. Then shall all men flee. In APOCALYPSE OF THOMAS*

When the earth with Nibiru closest orbital period of Nibiru ? 1 orbital period of Nibiru=3600y 3600y * 3 + 1800y = 12600y In World history & Bible – Flood occurred ago 12000y~13000y This timing when the Earth is closest to Nibiru Footnotes: 8:3*Lit. Ar. id.: “Bell,” or bell-like vessel.

8:4*Lit. Ar. id.: “Became.” 8:6*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “[Made themselves] comfortable [to play.]” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Blow or sound [a wind instrument.]” 75

8:7*Lit. Ar. id.: “Opened,” or “conveyed .” 페이지

8:8*Lit. Ar. id.: “Became.” 8:9*Lit. Ar. id.: “Creation.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Breath.” Or: where living. 8:11*Aramaic name retained. “Wormwood” in English. *Aramaic word retained. “Bitter.” 8:12*Lit. Ar. id.: “Struck.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “Would be likened to it.” 8:13*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “That has a trail of blood.”

Revelation chapter 9

Aramaic Revelation chapter 10

1. And I saw a powerful angel that came down from heaven who was granted* a cloud, and a cloud halo* over his head, and his face* [was] like the sun and his legs like pillars of fire. 2. And he has in his hand a little opened book, and *he set his right leg over the sea, but the left on the earth.

Colossus-of-rhodes-The god Helios

*he set his right leg over the sea, but the left on the earth: Colossus of 76

Rhodes 페이지

The harbour-straddling Colossus was a figment of medieval imaginations based on the dedication text’s mention of “over land and sea” twice and the writings of an Italian visitor who in 1395 noted that local tradition held that the right foot had stood where the church of St John of the Colossus was then located. Many later illustrations show the statue with one foot on either side of the harbour mouth with ships passing under it.

The Colossus of Rhodes is a statue that was built on the Greek island of Rhodes between 292 and 280 BC. The statue was a depiction of the Greek Titan Helios and was meant to celebrate their victory over the ruler of Cyprus in 305 BC. At 98.4 feet high, the Colossus of Rhodes was one of the tallest statues of the ancient world. It only stood for 56 years until it was destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BC. When the ruler of Cyprus was defeated they left behind much of their equipment. The Rhodians sold the equipment and used the money to build the Colossus of Rhodes. es_facts/71/

Helios was described as a handsome titan crowned with the shining aureole of the Sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth- circling Oceanus and through the world-ocean returned to the East at night

3. And he cried out in a great voice, as the lion roars, and as he cried [out,] the 77

seven thunders spoke in their own voices. 페이지

*Lord Marduk took a bow and arrows, his thunder club, his storm net, and his trademark – a lightning dagger – and set out to defeat Tiamat. (his symbol is lion,thunder)

Marduk’s name means ‘son-child’ or ‘son-of-the-sun’ (Sandars 32)

Then he sets out for battle, mounting his storm-chariot drawn by four horses with poison in their mouths. {Not Utu(god Calf) Utu is grandson of Enlil ,Marduk is Son of Enki}

The only serious rival to Marduk after ca. 1750 BC was the god Aššur (Ashur) (who had been the supreme deity in the northern Mesopotamian state of Assyria since the 25th century BC) which was the dominant power in the region between the 14th to the late 7th century BC. In the south, Marduk reigned supreme. He is normally referred to as Bel "Lord", also bel rabim "great lord",bêl bêlim "lord of lords", ab-kal ilâni bêl terêti "leader of the gods", aklu bêl terieti "the wise, lord of oracles", muballit mîte"reviver of the dead", etc.

When Babylon became the principal city of southern Mesopotamia during the reign of Hammurabi in the 18th century BC, the patron deity of Babylon was elevated to the level of supreme god. In order to explain how Marduk seized power, Enûma Elish was written, which tells the story of Marduk's birth, heroic deeds and becoming the ruler of the gods. This can be viewed as a form of Mesopotamian apologetics. Also included in this document are the fifty names of Marduk.

In Enûma Elish, a civil war between the gods was growing to a climactic battle. The Anunnaki gods gathered together to find one god who could defeat the gods rising against them. Marduk, a very young god, answered the call and was promised the position of head god.

To prepare for battle, he makes a bow, fletches arrows, grabs a mace, throws lightning before him, fills his body with flame, makes a net to encircle Tiamat within it, gathers the four winds so that no part of her could escape, creates seven nasty new winds such as the whirlwind and tornado, and raises up his mightiest weapon, the rain-flood. Then he sets out for battle, mounting his storm-chariot drawn by four horses with poison in their mouths. 78

In his lips he holds a spell and in one hand he grasps a herb to counter poison. 페이지

First, he challenges the leader of the Anunnaki gods, the dragon of the primordial sea Tiamat, to single combat and defeats her by trapping her with his net, blowing her up with his winds, and piercing her belly with an arrow.

Then, he proceeds to defeat Kingu, who Tiamat put in charge of the army and wore the Tablets of Destiny on his breast, and "wrested from him the Tablets of Destiny, wrongfully his" and assumed his new position. Under his reign humans were created to bear the burdens of life so the gods could be at leisure.

Marduk was depicted as a human, often with his symbol the snake-dragon which he had taken over from the god Tishpak. Another symbol that stood for Marduk was the spade.


[PDF] ENUMA ELISH – The Epic Of Creation

5. And as the seven thunders spoke, I prepared to write, and I heard a voice

from heaven that said, “Conclude* what the seven thunders spoke and

of that do not write.”5. And that angel that I saw — as he stood over the

sea and over the earth — raised his right hand to heaven, 79 페이지

Sun god Helios and Colossus of Rhodes

6. And *swore by the one who lives to [the end of] the universes of all the universes, the one who created the heaven and those that are in it, and the earth and those that are on it, and the sea and those that are in it–that time* should no longer exist.* 7. Except in the days of *the seventh angel, when he is prepared to blow, (and) God’s sermon shall be fulfilled as it was established for his servants*, the prophets.

*the seventh angel= the 7th son of God =Human son of Lord Enki = Adapa

80 페이지

Crop Circles of ADAPA and Francisco Marto(Fatima)

Three witnesses of the Marian apparition in Fatima, Portugal



*swore by the one who lives to [the end of] the universes of all the universes..=End of the Universe,Earth apocalypse occurs at the same time The days of the seventh angel ,and that time mankind will be excluded His servants so that the fulfillment of God’s prophetic Word, the prophet shall be…Presumably the solar system sucked into huge black hole…Then weightlessness occurs,It may cause the Rapture

[the end of] the universes of all the universes= Black hole



8. And the voice that I heard from heaven, spoke to me again and said, “Go and take the little book that I opened by the hand of the angel who stands over the sea and over the earth.”

*the little book :One of the earliest mentions of Kalki is in the Purana , dated to after the Gupta Empire . [ 5 ] The Agni Purana , one of the earliest to describe Buddha as an avatar, also describes Kalki and the end time

The Kalki Purana , a minor scripture(the little book) by comparison, has the most detailed descriptions of Kalki,Popular images depict him riding a white horse with wings, known as ‘Devadatta’ or God given

जातं jatam (born – brought into existence) + द饃शत ुः dadastu (then) + प त्र ं putram (a son) + पपतरौ pitarau (parents [were]) + �ट hrshta (thrilling with rapture, rejoiced, pleased, glad, merry) + मानसौ manasau (mental feeling).

Parashurama , the sixth avatar of Vishnu is a Chiranjivi (immortal) and in scripture is believed to be alive, waiting for the return of Kalki.He will be a martial preceptor of Kalki, teaching him military science, warfare arts and instructing him in the performance of a severe penance in order to receive celestial weaponry.*

The Apocalyptic white Horse Rider 83

Appearance of Kalki Avatar 페이지

9. And I went to the angel, as I told him to give me the little book, and he said to me, “Take and eat it and it will hurt your stomach, except in your mouth it will be sweet as *honey.”

*honey:In Egyptian mythology , bees grew from the tears of the sun god Ra when they landed on the desert sand 10. And I took the little book from the hand of the angel and I ate it, and in my mouth it became *sweet as honey, and as I ate it *my stomach hurt.

*sweet as honey ,*my stomach hurt : First time little book is Sweet,that is Wisdom of mystery, knowledge of God But that is add loving epic that Grief and sorrow and sad of gods So the apostle John is heartbreaking, and as time passes ,The mission of the Prophet was painfully him in every way

11. And he said to me, “You have been sanctified again to prophesy over nations and over peoples and their heads and [over] great kings.”

He correct straighten that is errors and false and ignorance and right,In the history of mankind Announcing to mankind the true history, so he will be sanctified again with kings

Footnotes: 10:1*Lit. Ar. id.: “Had plucked.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Bow.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Visage.” 10:4*Lit. Ar. id.: “Seal up.” 10:6*Lit. Ar. id.: “Season.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “That season not again be.” 10:7*Lit. Ar. id.: “Slaves.”

Revelation chapter 11

84 페이지

Revelation chapter 11

1. And I was given a [measuring] reed that resembled a staff, and [there] stood the angel as he said, “Rise and measure* the temple of Allaha, and the altar and to those that worship in it. 2. “And the courtyard that is outside the temple, leave it out,* and do not measure it, for it is given to the nations, and the holy city, they shall trample [it down] forty-two months.* 3. “And I shall give two of my witnesses and they will prophesy one thousand, two hundred and sixty days while dressed in sack cloth.( 3 years 6 months- 2012/12 / 23 ~ 2016 / 5)

Simbol of dressed in sack cloth = repentance, the poor, the prophet, death, dead person’s clothes (always attack the evil spirits) and Adapa’s cloth(Sumer)


6.12 He is instructed only to accept the mourning garment and the anointing oil.

4. “These are the two olive [trees] and the two menorahs, those that stood before the master of the world. 5. “And if a human [being] would attempt to harm them,* fire emerges from their mouth and devours their enemies, and if a [human] chooses to do so,* then

he is destined* to be killed [by them.]

85 페이지

Two olive [trees]:

The apostle John wrote of God’s Spirit as an ‘anointing.” = Olive oil is God’s Spirit

Jesus Christ explained, “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever – the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16)

He added, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you

into all truth” (John 16:13)

Oil, therefore, is a type of the Holy Spirit

86 페이지

His entreaty was refused, as it was destined for Adam to die, but the angel Michael told Seth that the oil would be granted to the righteous at the end of days.

Two witnesses = The apostle John(Sumer’s Ningishzidda) + Adam(Sumer’s Adapa)

The two witnesses are responsible for human flourishing Past life of the Apostle John is Ningishzidda (3th of Prince ENKI) Possible human reproduction and thrive Adam (Adapa:7th of Prince ENKI) have provided the human body to mankind

The Sumerian tablets Adapa was wearing sackcloth Until then, no one knew that Adapa is His son, prince Lord Enki

Ningishzidda & Adapa

The menorah in the Tabernacle – with its seven lamps – was lit with “oil for the light” (Exo.25:6).

Two witnesses= such as the presence of light for illuminate to the world

It is first mentioned in Scripture when the dove returned to Noah’s ark carrying 87 페이지 an olive branch in its beak (Gen.8:11).

Two witnesses= First announces about New World

There is an ancient tradition that the “tree of life” in the Garden of Eden was an olive tree

Olive tree = tree of life / Two witnesses’s role : They give eternal life to mankind as God’s representative / Extraction of the extraction of olive oil=Analogy of being pain mission in pouring pressure of Evil spirit

The menorah:

Menorah = Role that provides Light to illuminate in Darkness Darkness = ignorance, sleep, despair, evil, violence, Savage, death Light = Knowledge of God, mankind’s origin,The fate of the world’s rulers and the ruled, divinity, peace, eternal life

Seven Angles of Asia Church= Seven menorah Two witnesses = Belong Seven Angles of Asia Church

6. “They have the power* to seize* the sky so that no rain rains in those days, and they have power over the water to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth by all plagues*, as often as they please.* the power* to seize* the sky so that no rain rains in those days=The prophet Elijah’s actions

The prophet Elijah = Past life of the Apostle John(One of Two witnesses) is Elijah

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” ( Mal. 4:5- 6)

After commanding them to write the words ( 3 Ne. 24:1 ), he explained, “These scriptures, which ye had not with you, the Father commanded that I should give

unto you; for it was wisdom that they should be given unto future generations.”

key of Elijah= key of Heaven = Seal of the living God = Purify the human soul(life) 88 페이지

Key of Elijah Chakra

89 페이지

Seal of life, Resurrection, Youth, Eternal life, Kundalini , Purification of the Soul


7. “And when they have concluded their testimony, and the carnivorous creature that ascends out of the [fiery] abyss shall do battle with them, and conquer* them. 8. “And their corpses [will be] on the wide streets of the great city, that which will be called spiritually Sodom and Egypt, where their own master was also crucified. 9. “And they saw, those* nations and generations and peoples and tongues, their corpses [for] three and a half days, and their corpses were not allowed* to be set* into the grave. 10. “And those who dwell on earth will rejoice over them and make merry and send gifts to each other, since the two prophets condemned* those who dwelled on earth.

Gift of Two witnesses




6.14. and, speaking of men:

When they are hungry they resemble corpses,

When they are sated they rival their god;

In good luck they speak of ascending to heaven,

When they are afflicted they grumble about going down to the underworld.*

11. “And after these three and a half days, the spirit of life from Allaha descended* into them, and they stood on their legs, and total paralysis* fell over all those who saw them. 12. “And they heard a great voice from heaven that said to them, ‘Ascend here,’ and they ascended to heaven on a cloud, and their enemies saw it. 13. “And at that moment*, there was a great earthquake, and one tenth of the city fell, and there were killed in the earthquake seven thousand names of human beings, and the rest were in total submission and gave glory to Allaha.” 14. That second woe went, and behold the third woe came quickly. 15. And the seventh angel blew. And there were voices and thunders that declared*, “May it come, the kingdom of the people of our Maryah and his Anointed One, and may he rule to [the end of] of the universes of all the universes!” 16. And the twenty-four priests, those standing before the throne of Allaha, who sit on their chairs, fell on their faces, and worshipped Allaha, 17. As they said,

“We acknowledged you, Maryah Allaha,

Allaha,= Ellaha’s Middle Eastern expression

Ellaha = El(Eli) + laha(Ra) Meaning: Son of God, Prince

Maryah = Maya = Maitreya …the One and Only Supreme [over] all, He who Is, He who Becomes,

For you have established your power, O, Ruler and King.*”

18. And the nations became angry 91 페이지

…and there came your wrath, And the time* of the dead …to be judged, And to repay the wages …of your servants* To the prophets and the saints, …and to those that submit* To your name, …to the small and to the fortunate*. And to confound …those who disrupted* the earth, 19. And the temple of Allaha …was opened in heaven,

One of the two witnesses (Current Apostle John) He saw a big cloud in the sky on 2012 December 22,(Day of Maya) The wings between Sun and Tail feathers Later he was found that as symbol of Nibiru in Sumerian records

And the ark of the covenant

Ark of the covenant = Ark of Salvation = Mothership spaceship 92 페이지

…was seen in the temple, And there was …lightning and thunder And voices

…and a great earthquake ……and hail.

93 페이지

View of Earth Apocalypse


11:1*Lit. Ar. id.: Also: “anoint.” 94 페이지

11:2*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Exit from to out.” *Length of ministry of Jesus on earth. 11:5*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Was satisfied to lower to demean [or to break or hit] them.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Is satisfied to hit.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “A blessing for him.” 11:6*Lit. Ar. id.: “Authority.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Take.” *Lit. Ar. id.: Or: “Calamities.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “All seasons that (if) they be satisfied.” 11:7*Lit. Ar. id.: “Be victorious [over.]” 11:9*Lit. Ar. id.: “From.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Left.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Consecrated.” 11:10*Lit. Ar. id.: “Executed.” Or: “tormented to death.” 11:11*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “Handled [over them.]” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Great submissiveness.” 11:13*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “Hour.” 11:15*Lit. Ar. id.: “Spoke.” 11:17*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “Your great [power] and you reign in [Kingship.]” 11:18*Lit. Ar. id.: “Season.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Slaves.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Submit in fear.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “Lords of plenty.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “Mix up and whip around.”

Revelation chapter 12 1. And a great sign* was seen in heaven, By means of a cloud in the sky ,she look at enormous symbolic patterns Nibiru Since then, through the Sumerian's god of Nibiru books Studying the related of current religion of God

95 페이지

...a woman adorned* with the sun, And the moon under her feet,

Guadalupe, Mexico (1531) Mary proclaimed herself "the Mother of the true God who gives life" and left her image permanently upon the tilma of St. Juan Diego, a man newly converted to

Christianity. 96 페이지 alupe/ ...and on her head a wreath

...... with twelve stars.

Virgin Mary Apparition in Czeckoslovakia This picture was taken several years ago in Czeckoslovakia. The story behind this picture is that someone went to Czeckoslovakia to a field to witness the Virgin Mary apparition that was regularly taking place there. The person that took this picture never saw the Virgin Mary while he was there but he did smell roses.

Medjugorje Virgin Marie expression On June 24, 1981, young Mirjana Dragicevic [ 4 ] and Ivanka Ivanković [ 5 ] reported seeing an apparition of the Virgin Mary in a village in what is now Bosnia and Herzegovina Our Lady of Medjugorje (also called Queen of Peace) is the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by those who believe that she appeared to six Herzegovinian children in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina (at the time in SFR Yugoslavia).[2] The visionaries often refer to the apparition as the 97 [3]

"Gospa" which is Croatian for "Lady". 페이지

2. And as she is [with child,*] ...she cries out and [undergoes] ...... the throes of childbirth. First, One of the two witnesses, East angel with Seal of the living God, reincarnation of the Apostle John Virgin Marie be One with the mother of his body And for stop attacking troops of demons appeared suddenly in September 2011 She absorb pouring the devil to him December 22, 2012 Maya's Day, For the birth of a child She fought with the demon pouring from hell 3. And another sign is seen in heaven, ...and, behold, a dragon of the great fire, That has seven heads and ten horns, ...and on its head seven crowns. 4. And its tail dragged one third ...of the stars of heaven ...... and threw them on earth, And that dragon ...stood before the woman, Who was prepared to give birth, that when she gave birth, ...... it would eat her child. 5. And she gave birth to a male heir, ...who was destined to shepherd ...... all the nations By the rod of steel, ...and her boy was whisked* ...... to be with Allaha,By his throne. One of the two witnesses Adapa, the reincarnation of Enoch He painted a visual hallucinations and figures And the two witnesses found

The knowledge of God

Right evidence as whisked the shoulder with Allaha ,Adapa is the first human 98

son of God 페이지

God begot him through human woman He is the royal bloodline of Heaven 6. And that woman ...ran to the wilderness, ...... where she had a place, That was set by Allaha, ...where she would be taken care of* One thousand and two hundred ...and sixty days. She is live a tough life with reincarnate several times.She does not reveal Go to the pre-prepared country , 1260 days is 3 years and 6 months 7. And there was a battle in heaven ...and Michael and his angels ...... fought the dragon, And the dragon and his angels ...fought [back.]* 8. And they could neither [fight back,] ...and nor could they regain* ...... their place in heaven.



The gods had a civilization of ultra-high The Space Wars again Perhaps again to recapture their status in heaven Archangel Michael is the commander of the war He has the face of an Asian Mixed White and the mid-30's face with charisma Dressed in a uniform of white. Archangels are the most wear uniforms

El Adon God master of all creations blessed and praised by every soul His greatness and goodness fill the universe knowledge and wisdom surround Him He is exalted above the celestial beings and adorned in honor above the chariot Virtue and honesty stand before His throne grace and mercy are abundant in Him Good are the luminaries created by our God crafted with knowledge, wisdom and insight Strength and might He placed in them to reign over the universe Full of brilliance they radiate brightness beautiful is their brilliance throughout the world 100

They rejoice in their rising and delight in their setting 페이지 performing with reverence the will of their Creator Glory and honor do they give to His name revelry and song for His Majesty He called forth the sun and it shone light He saw fit to regulate the form of the moon All the hosts of heaven give Him praise Serafim, Ophanim and Celestial Beings attribute magnificence and greatness adon/

9. (And) cast [out] was that great dragon, ...that ancient serpent, That is called ...the outcast [maker] and Satan,

In Book of Enoch Some of the fallen angels that are given in 1 Enoch have other names such as Rameel ('morning of God'), who becomes Azazel and is also called Gadriel ('wall of God') in Chapter 68. Another example is that Araqiel ('Earth of God') becomes Aretstikapha ('world of distortion') in Chapter 68. "Azaz" as in Azazel means strength, so the name Azazel can refer to strength of God. But the sense in which it is used most probably means impudent (showing strength towards) which comes out as arrogant to God. This is also a key point to his being Satan in modern thought. Nathaniel Schmidt states "the names of the angels apparently refer to their

condition and functions before the fall," and lists the likely meaning of the angels 101 페이지 names in the book of Enoch, noting that "the great majority of them are Aramaic."[86] The suffix of the names 'el' means 'God' (List of names referring to El) which is used in the names of high ranking angels. The Archangels all include this such as Uriel (Flame of God) or Michael "who is like God?". Another is given as Gadrel, who is said to have tempted Eve; Schmidt lists the name as meaning "the helper of God "Azaz" as in Azazel means strength, so the name Azazel can refer to strength of God. But the sense in which it is used most probably means impudent (showing strength towards) which comes out as arrogant to God. This is also a key point to his being Satan in modern thought. That leads the entire world to oblivion -- ...cast [down] over the earth, And his angels together with him, ...were cast [out.] Fallen angels and Satan and his family(Samyaje and Igigi and Enlil and his family) m

They mankind into oblivion Erased the human ancestors and the history of mankind's past They have continued to reincarnate into human kings and leaders Tablets of Destiny to them They had all the wealth and knowledge,Earth's Monarch is Satan 10. And I heard a great voice in heaven that said, "Now is established* the Salvation ...and the Power and the Kingdom ...... of our Allaha; And the authority of his Anointed One, ...for cast [down] is the false accuser ...... of our brothers, Who [thus] accused them ...before our Allaha, day and night.

11. "And those who were victorious, 102

...[were so] 페이지

...... because of the blood of the Lamb, And through* the manifestation ...of their testimony, As they did not love themselves to death,* Heart and blood of Jesus Christ "The seal of the living God " In other words With the seal of the light of First life, light of God's life They are protected from the devil They were proof God ,Son ,Virgin Mary , Satan and fallen angels 12. "For this, rejoice, O heaven ...and those who inhabit therein. Woe to the earth and sea, ...for the Destroyer* has descended ...... to you, Who has a great anger he knows ...... that his season is short*." 13. And as the dragon saw that he was cast upon the earth, he ejected the woman who had given birth to the Son. 14. And the woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she would fly to the wilderness to her place, where she would be taken care of there for the time and times, and half the time [away] from the face of the serpent.* 15. And the serpent poured* from its mouth waters like a river after that woman, so as to drown her in the river.*

The god Thoth(Unearthed from the tomb of Tutankhaman)



The goddess-maat-fragment-Egyptian

Seal is hands of The sun god "Ra" and God “Aton” , that is supply to human by goddess "Maat" of Truth Serpent poured the devil to Her , Because of the pouring devil,She difficult pain

of daily life

This phenomenon was Jesus' experience

16. And the earth was merciful* to the woman, and the earth opened its mouth 104

and swallowed the river that was poured out by the dragon from its mouth. 페이지

Virgin-Mary Water: a flood of souls (EVILS) Land: Women, Mother symbol, Sumerian Nibiru princess, Mother of human DNA provided with Enki God's creation of humanity Ninhurgsag goddess incarnate, the Virgin Mary She is the Holy Mother to reach out Hand and she know that evil is absorbing by Virgin Mary During almost One year, she was go to Cathedral looking for Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary dranking Evils



So, she survives in the flood of evils

Dragon : Hindu mythology, milk ocean (=Milky Way) To churn the ocean they used the Serpent King, Vasuki , for their churning- string As the gods and demons churned the sea, a terrible poison issued out of its depths which enveloped the universe Virgin Mary is her(Ningishizidda=A.John) Mother

Dragon : Hindu mythology, milk ocean (=Milky Way) To churn the ocean they used the Serpent King, Vasuki , for their churning- string As the gods and demons churned the sea, a terrible poison issued out of its depths which enveloped the universe

Virgin Mary is her(Ningishizidda=A.John) Mother


페이지 sumerian-eblaite-dictionary-tablets This story is the sixteenth tablet of a series called the "Evil Demon Series," of which we have an Assyrian with a parallel Sumerian text. [Raging storms, evil gods are they Ruthless demons, who in heaven's vault were created, are they, Workers of evil are they, They lift up the head to evil, every day to evil Destruction to work. Of these seven the first is the South wind... The second is a dragon, whose mouth is opened... That none can measure. The third is a grim leopard, which carries off the young ... The fourth is a terrible Shibbu ... The fifth is a furious Wolf, who knoweth not to flee, The sixth is a rampant ... which marches against god and king. The seventh is a storm, an evil wind, which takes vengeance, Seven are they, messengers to King Anu are they, From city to city darkness work they, A hurricane, which mightily hunts in the heavens, are they Thick clouds, that bring darkness in heaven, are they, Gusts of wind rising, which cast gloom over the bright day, are they, With the Imkhullu [2] the evil wind, forcing their way, are they, The overflowing of Adad [3] mighty destroyers, are they, At the right of Adad stalking, are they, In the height of heaven, like lightning flashing, are they, To wreak destruction forward go they , In the broad heaven, the home of Anu, the King, evilly do they arise, and none to oppose. When Enlil heard these tidings, a plan in his heart he pondered, With Ea, exalted Massu of the gods, be took counsel. Sin, Shamash, and Ishtar, whom he had set to order the vault of heaven, With Anu he divided the lordship of the whole heaven, To these three gods, his offspring

Day and night, without ceasing, he ordained to stand, 107

When the seven evil gods stormed the vault of heaven, 페이지

Before the gleaming Sin, they set themselves angrily, The mighty Shamash, Adad the warrior, they brought on their side, Ishtar, with Anu the King, moved into a shining dwelling, exercising dominion over the heavens,] tm

17. And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to do battle with the rest of her offspring, those that observed the commandments of Allaha and who possessed the testimony of Eashoa.

SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD =Seal is weapons of Eashoa (Jesus)

They (all follow her) Inform it to the whole wide world

Destroy the devil, There by purifying the human soul 108


Seal purifies the polluted earth with the devil

Footnotes: 12:1*Lit. Ar. id.: "Miracle." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Clothed." 12:2*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "She has in her belly." 12:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "Plucked," or taken. 12:6*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "[Fully] fed." 12:7*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: prevail. 12:8*Lit. Ar. id.: "Find." 12:10*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Become." 12:11*Lit. Ar. id.: "Because." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And not love their own breath [of life] until death." 12:12*Lit. Ar. id.: "Thrower." Or: Oblivionator. *Lit. Ar. id.: "Short." 12:14*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction retained. Or: she would be taken care of the duration, except for half the time, when she would be exposed to the serpent. 12:15*Lit. Ar. id.: "Threw."

*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "So as to her taken by the river he would [make] her disappear."

12:16*Lit. Ar. id.: "Charitable." 109

Revelation chapter 13 페이지

Revelation chapter 13

1. And [the dragon] stood on the sand of the sea, and I saw that demon* rising out of the sea, that has ten horns and seven heads, and on its heads the names of blasphemies. 2. And the demon that I saw resembled a tiger and his feet were like those of a bear and his mouth was like the mouth of lions, and the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority. [the dragon]= Enlil ( One of the Old Testament’ two God, Abraham's God)’s Weapon The lament for Sumer and Urim

Its gaping-mouthed dragons and its awe-inspiring lions were pulled down with ropes like captured wild bulls and carried off to enemy territory. Genesis 6:1-8 (NIV)

When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals,

Enlil (God in the Hebrew Genesis) did not create man, but rather, his half-

brother Enki and their sister Ninmah were more so involved in the genetic 110

manipulation, as evidenced in the Atrahasis, predating the Genesis account by 페이지

1700 years. Enlil apparently wiped out man because of their incessant noise, although this motive seems bleak, and considering the animosity between Enlil and Enki, one must only consider that Enlil’s motive behind wiping out mankind had something to do with the fact that Homo sapiens were seeds of Enki and thus had the potential to rise up against Enlil. Enlil was a ghost writer of the Bible, and consequently the truth was distorted to benefit the latter. link/


200] "It is not for me to do it, the task is Enki's. He it is that cleanses all, let him provide me the clay so I can do the making." Enki made ready to speak,[

210] Let Nintu(=Goddess Ninhursag) mix clay with his flesh and blood. Let that same god and man be thoroughly mixed in the clay. Let us hear the drum for the rest of the time.[

215] From the flesh of the god let a spirit remain, let it make the living know its sign, lest he be allowed to be forgotten, let the spirit remain." The great Anunna- gods, who administer destinies,[ *Sumerian: Clay ,egg ,embryo and blood all same pronunciation at/atrahasis/atrahasis.html

Sign ; Humanity’s DNA and mitochondrial appearance

111 페이지

Symbol of Nibiru, Marduk god hands lightning, Ningishzidda-DNA, Marduk of the shining sword If so, may be the provider of blood is MARDUK We all know that secretly progressed it Marduk, Ningishizidda are Enki's children Then the first of the human race is the lineage of ENKI Humanity is Nibiru's royal family bloodline And MARDUK

Pazuzu Satan

That has ten horns and seven heads ; 112 페이지

Seven heads= Enlil’s 7 children: Ten horns = ten king of 7 citis of Enlil’s children Host god of 7 The citis

Sin( Nanna ) : the son of Enlil and Ninlil, Ningirsu(=Ninurta) : Lagash Inanna(Ishtar) : Daughter of Nannar Shamash(Utu): Son of Nannar Adad (Ishkur) :

10 hornes = 10 king Lugal-Zage-Si King = Umma city Jushur king=Kish city = "After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kish."

Raging storms, evil gods are they

Ruthless demons, who in heaven’s vault were created, are they, Workers of evil are they, They lift up the head to evil, every day to evil Destruction to work. Of these seven the first is the South wind… The second is a dragon, whose mouth is opened… That none can measure. The third is a grim leopard, which carries off the young … The fourth is a terrible Shibbu … The fifth is a furious Wolf, who knoweth not to flee, The sixth is a rampant … which marches against god and king. The seventh is a storm, an evil wind, which takes vengeance, Seven are they, messengers to King Anu are they, From city to city darkness work they, A hurricane, which mightily hunts in the heavens, are they Thick clouds, that bring darkness in heaven, are they, Gusts of wind rising, which cast gloom over the bright day, are they,

With the Imkhullu [2] the evil wind, forcing their way, are they, The overflowing of Adad [3] mighty destroyers, are they,

At the right of Adad stalking, are they, 113

In the height of heaven, like lightning flashing, are they, 페이지

To wreak destruction forward go they , In the broad heaven, the home of Anu, the King, evilly do they arise, and none to oppose. When Enlil heard these tidings, a plan in his heart he pondered, With Ea, exalted Massu of the gods, be took counsel. Sin, Shamash, and Ishtar, whom he had set to order the vault of heaven, With Anu he divided the lordship of the whole heaven, To these three gods, his offspring Day and night, without ceasing, he ordained to stand, When the seven evil gods stormed the vault of heaven, Before the gleaming Sin, they set themselves angrily, [4] The mighty Shamash, Adad the warrior, they brought on their side, Ishtar, with Anu the King, moved into a shining dwelling, exercising dominion over the heavens, [Nearly ten lines here are unreadable.] Day and night he was dark (i.e., Sin), in the dwelling of his dominion he sat not down, The evil gods, the messengers of Anu, the King, are they, Raising their evil heads, in the night shaking themselves, are they, Evil searching out, are they, From the heaven, like a wind, over the land rush they. Enlil saw the darkening of the hero Sin in heaven, The lord spoke to his minister Nusku, O My minister Nusku, my message unto the ocean bring, The tidings of my son Sin, who in heaven has been sadly darkened, Unto Ea, in the ocean, announce it.” Nusku exalted the word of his lord, To Ea, in the ocean, he went quickly, To the prince, the exalted Massu the lord Nudimmud.[5] Nusku, the word of his lord there announced Ea in the ocean heard that word, He bit his lip and filled his mouth with wailing; Ea called his son Marduk, and gave him the message: “Go, my son Marduk, Son of a prince, the gleaming Sin has been sadly darkened in heaven, His darkening is seen in the heavens,

The seven evil gods, death-dealing, fearless are they, 114

The seven evil gods, like a flood, rush on, the land they fall upon, do they, 페이지

Against the land, like a storm, they rise, do they, Before the gleaming Sin, they set themselves angrily; The mighty Shamash, Adad the warrior, they brought on their side.” NOTES:[1] This story is the sixteenth tablet of a series called the “Evil Demon Series,” of which we have an Assyrian with a parallel Sumerian text. Presumably, therefore, it was a very ancient legend. [2] The Imkhullu appears also in the Creation Epic. [3] Adad is god of storm, Anu of heaven, Enlil of storm, Sin of the Moon, Shamash of the Sun, and Ishtar of love and fruitfulness. The meaning of Massu is unknown; but Ea was long the chief ruler. [4] The evil gods darken the moon by an eclipse, Shamash helping them by withdrawing his light from the moon, and Adad by sending cloudy weather. [5] A name for Ea.

The god Adad: He is son of Enlil = Assad (One of Antichrist) god's number 6 6. And they worshipped the dragon, since it gave authority to that demon — and who could do battle with him? 5. And he was given a mouth to utter abominations* and blasphemies, and he was given authority to do so forty-two months.* 6. And he opened his mouth to blaspheme against Allaha, to blaspheme against His name and His Abode, and [against] those who dwell in heaven.

7. And he was given authority over all generations and nations and tongues and peoples* and he was given [authority] to do battle with the saints and

to defeat* them, 115

8. And they worshipped him, all of them who dwelled on earth, those 페이지

whose name is not written in the book of Life, of the Lamb who was sacrificed* from the foundations of the universe. 9. If a human [being] has ears, [then] listen. 10. If a human [being] takes captives, …by captivity he is taken,* If a human [being] kills by the sword, …he is destined to be killed ……by the sword. This is the justification* for the hope …and faithfulness of the saints. 11. And I saw another demon* that rose from the earth, and he had two horns resembling those of a ram, and he spoke as a dragon. 12. And all the powers* of that first demon he performed before them, and he made the world* and those who dwell in it so that they would worship that first demon, the one who became healed from under its own death.* 13. And he performed grandiose* signs, whereas even fire fell* from the sky over the earth before humanity; 14. And he misleads* those who dwell on earth to be the slaves of the image of that demon, the one who had been struck by the sword and had lived. 15. And it was given to him to impart a spirit to the image* of that demon, and to command* that all those who* do not worship the image of that demon to be killed. 16. And he enslaved them all, the small and the famous* and the rich and the poor and the children of the free and the slaves, whereas to be given a mark* on their right hands or between their eyes*, 17. So that no one* could sell or buy, except he who has the mark of that demon or the number of his name. 18. Here there is wisdom, whoever has a mind* should count the number of that demon , for it is the number of a human being. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six. 6 = Hebrew W 666=www 666=world wide web=Big Internet companies

Fallen Angels , Igigi (Lower gods, Mars watcher) wanted to monitor the 116

Earth 페이지

Big Query

Footnotes: 13:1*Lit. Ar. id.: “Inhuman creature,” or : anti-man. 13:3*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Cut to death.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “Pushed out.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Earth.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: “Was amazement after that inhuman creature.” 13:5*Lit. Ar. id.: “Nonsense.” *During the ministry of Jesus. 13:7*Lit. Ar. id.: “Motherlands.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Be victorious [over.]” 13:8*Lit. Ar. id.: “Cut up.” Or: consecrated. 13:10*Lit. Ar. id.: “By highway takes.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: “For this occurs.” 13:11*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: “Carnivorous Creature.” 13:12*Lit. Ar. id.: “Authority.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Earth.” *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression retained. “Who nearly died.” 13:13*Lit. Ar. id.: “Boisterous.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “From below.” 13:14*Lit. Ar. id.: “[Leads] to oblivion.” 13:15*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: “idol.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “Enslave.” *Lit. Ar. id.: “If.” 13:16*Lit. Ar. id.: “Grand.”

*Lit. Ar. id.: “Authorization,” “certification,” “stamp,” “seal,” or “commission.” 117 페이지

*Lit. Ar. id.: “Foreheads.” 13:17*Lit. Ar. id.: “No human [being.]” 13:18*Lit. Ar. id.: “Brain.”

Revelation chapter 14

1.And I saw and, behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him one hundred, forty-four thousand in number, who have his name and the name of his Father that is written between their eyes.*

The Lamb standing on Mount Zion

118 페이지

With him one hundred, forty-four thousand in number (144000) 144,000 people know his name and his father’s name

119 페이지

Post content part informed through SNS Father of mankind, Nibiru Prince Lord Enki’s sculpture and his name His name = Dangoon = Erecting a country where the sun rising in the East Country name is "Chosen [chosen]" 144,000 people on Mount Zion, and with him They his the first people

The first people are the chosen's people who the kingdom of The god and They have reincarnate again, and saw this post Contemporary 120 (=LORD ENKI) 페이지

The name of his Father= LORD ENKI So that His (Lamb) name is Marduk Also, right. Marduk is Lord Enki’s Firstborn Between their eyes.*= S N S(Apostle John saw the vision of a modern SNS pronounced exactly as written in Aramaic, but N is meant for the eyes in Aramaic , So the translation of Revelation is N are the eye)

2.And I heard a voice from heaven, like the sound of great waters, and like the sound of great thunder, and the sound of harp players playing* on their guitars ;

3. And glorifying the glory of the New Testament before the throne, and before the four living forms and those priests . And no one* was able to learn the hymn*, except for those one hundred and forty-four thousand, those redeemed* from the earth.

4. These are the ones who did not fornicate with women , for they were pure*. These were the ones who clung to the Lamb to wherever he went, those who materialized from mankind's finest* for Allaha and for the Lamb. 5. And in their mouth was not found lies, for they were untainted.

聖人間或生 Holy ones were sometimes born 神迹少所示 [but] only a small trace of divinity was shown [by them]. 從者百餘人 Those following numbered as a hundred; 騎鵠紛襂襹 riding swans (鵠), their feathery robes were splendid, 淸樂動鏘洋 [their] clear music was stirring, sonorous and broad. 彩雲浮旖旎 Coloured clouds thickly floated. On his head, he wore a crown (冠) of bird feathers; on his waist a sword of

dragon light (龍光之劍).

Sources: Yi Gyubo’s “Ballad of King Dongmyeong” 東明王篇 – part 1 of 3 121

king-dongmyeong-%E6%9D%B1%E6%98%8E%E7%8E%8B%E7%AF%87-part- 페이지


6. And I saw another angel flying in heaven, who has the evangelizing gospel for [all ages of] the universe,* proffering Hope for those who dwell on earth, for every motherland and generation and tongue and nation, 7. Who declared* in a great voice,

"Work for Allaha and give him glory, For the hour of his judgment has arrived. And worship the one Who created the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs."

8. And another angel, the second one, maintained the rhyme* as he declared:

"There she falls! There she falls! Babylon, that great city*, Of whose wine of the ferment ...of prostitution, It gave all the nations to drink *."

9. And another angel, the third one, maintained the rhyme as he declared in a great voice,

"Whoever* worships that demon ...and his image, And sets his mark between their eyes

SNS (between their eyes) ; Profile Mark Photo of his tweeter


...or on their hand, 페이지

10. "They too shall drink, of the wine ...of the Ferment of Allaha, That which is poured out distilled ...from the cup of his wrath, And they shall be tortured the fire and brimstone Before the holy angels ...and before the throne. 11. "And the smoke of their tortures ...shall rise to [the end of] the universes ...... of all the universes. And neither shall there be rest, or night ...... for those who worship that demon ...... and his image. 12. "This is the justification ...for the hope of the saints, Those who obey ...the commandments of Allaha ...... and the Faith of Eashoa." 123

13. And I heard a voice from heaven declare: write, 페이지

Blessed are those dead ...who die for Allaha from now on. "Indeed," the Spirit says, that they shall rest ...... from their labors. Since these services* are following* ...with them."

14. And I looked and, behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud there sat [one] who looks like the Son of Man, who has on his head a wreath of gold, and in his hand a sharpened scythe.

15. And another angel emerged from the temple, who cried out in a great voice to the one who sat on the cloud. 16. And he wielded* his scythe over the earth and harvested the earth. 17. And another angel emerged from the temple that is in heaven, who also has a sharpened scythe. 18. And another angel emerged from the altar, who has authority over the fire, and he cried out a great cry to the one who had the sharpened scythe, as he declared, "Send that sharpened scythe of yours and pluck the clusters of the earth's vineyard for their grapes are ripe*." 19. And the angel wielded his scythe upon the earth and harvested the earth's vineyard and poured* [the harvest] into that winepress of Allaha's great ferment. 20. And [the grapes] were trodden in that winepress until [the juice] reached the bridles of the horses, for [an area] of one thousand and six hundred furlongs*.

Footnotes: 14:1*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression retained. "On their foreheads." 14:2*Lit. Ar. id.: This form of verb is used for craft and arts, "striking." 14:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "Human [being.]" *Lit. Ar. id.: "Glorification." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Bought." 14:4*Lit. Ar. id.: "Virginal."

*Lit. Ar. id.: "Humanity's uppermost." 14:6*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: " 'His-Revelation' ("Oengelion," or

"Evangelion," or: I-have-revealed-it.) to [the end of] the universe." 124

14:7*Lit. Ar. id.: "Said." 페이지

14:8*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Caught to him," or maintained the verse. City-State, symbol of all world empires. *Lit. Ar. id.: "Irrigated." 14:9*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "If a human [being.]" 14:13*Lit. Ar. id.: "Works," "activities." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Catch to," "rhyme," or: characterize [them,] meaning that their labors are testimony to their faith. 14:16*Lit. Ar. id.: "Threw." 14:18*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Have reached maturity." 14:19*Lit. Ar. id.: "Threw." 14:20*Lit. Ar. id.: "Estadwatah," or stadia.

Revelation chapter 15

Revelation chapter 15 1. And I saw another miracle* in the sky, a great wonder, seven angels that possess the seven plagues*. Those last ones, for through them became fulfilled* Allaha's ferment. 2. And I saw like a sea of glass, mixed with fire, and those who were victorious over* that demon and over his image and over the number of his name, as they stood over the sea of glass, and they possessed the harps of Allaha. sea of glass= Part of the descriptions of those individuals included references to a "glass" or "crystal," and the appearance of a "fiery" atmosphere when reporting their departure from Seraphic Transports on the heavenly world. Water = Cosmos space: Ancient languages such means- pronounce [Mul] [10 And I went into the tongues of fire and drew nigh to a large house which was built of crystals: and the walls of the house were like a tesselated floor made of crystals, and its groundwork was of crystal. 11Its ceiling was like the path of the stars and the lightnings, and between them were fiery cherubim, and their heaven was clear as water. 12A flaming fire surrounded the walls, and its portals blazed with fire..

13And I entered into that house, and it was hot as fire and cold as ice: there were 125

no delights of life therein: fear covered me, and trembling got hold upon me. 페이지

14And as I quaked and trembled, I fell upon my face. there was a second house, greater than the former, and the entire portal stood open before me, and it was built of flames of fire. 17And its floor was of fire, and above it were lightnings and the path of the stars, and its ceiling also was flaming fire] glass-revelation-3.html Hidden portals to the Sun in Earth’s magnetic field Observations by NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft and Europe’s Cluster probes suggest that these magnetic portals open and close dozens of times each day. They’re typically located a few tens of thousands of kilometers from Earth where the geomagnetic field meets the onrushing solar wind. Most portals are small and short-lived; others are yawning, vast, and sustained. Tons of energetic particles can flow through the openings, heating Earth’s upper atmosphere, sparking geomagnetic storms, and igniting bright polar auroras. NASA is planning a mission called “MMS,” short for Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission, due to launch in 2014, to study the phenomenon. Bristling with energetic particle detectors and magnetic sensors, the four spacecraft of MMS will spread out in Earth’s magnetosphere and surround the portals to observe how they wor

126 페이지

Ancient spaceship Ben-ben Sumerian relics's the model of Ben-ben & The actual shooting 2/16/2013 3. And they sang the hymn* of Moses, that servant of Allaha, and the hymn of the Lamb, as they declared, [hymn* of Moses= Deuteronomy 32:1–4 “Give ear, kO heavens, and I will speak, and let lthe earth hear the words of my mouth. 2 May mmy teaching drop as the rain,my speech distill as the dew, like gentle rain upon the tender grass, and nlike showers upon the herb. 3 For I will proclaim the name of the Lord;

ascribe ogreatness to our God! 4 p“The Rock, qhis work is perfect,

for rall his ways are justice.] 127

The hymn of the Lamb 페이지

[The land of Qutu, all the Umman-manda, he cast down at his feet. The black headed people, whom he gave his hands to conquer, he took them in justice and righteousness. Marduk, the great lord, looked joyously on the caring for his people on his pious works and his righteous heart. To his city, Babylon, he caused him to go; he made him take the road to Babylon, going as a friend and companion at his side. His numerous All the kings, dwelling in palaces, of all the quarters of the earth, from the Upper to the Lower sea dwelling […] all the kings of the Westland dwelling in tents brought me their heavy tribute, and in Babylon kissed my feet. From […] to Asshur and Susa, Agade, Eshnunak, Zamban, Meturnu, Deri, with the territory of the land of Qutu, the cities on the other side of the Tigris, whose sites were of ancient foundation – the gods, who resided in them, I brought back to their places, and caused them to dwell in a residence for all time. And the gods of Sumer and Akkad – whom Nabonidus, to the anger of the lord of the gods, had brought into Babylon – by the command of Marduk, the great lord, I caused them to take up their dwelling in residences that gladdened the heart. May all the gods, whom I brought into their cities, pray daily before Bel and Nebo for long life for me, and may they speak a gracious word for me and say to Marduk, my lord, “May Cyrus, the king who worships you, and Cambyses, his son, their […] I permitted all to dwell in peace From The Cyrus Cylinder Translation – (Transcription) *Lord Marduk is Lamb ] A God of faithfulness and swithout iniquity,

just and upright is he.


Anu 페이지

"Great and wondrous are your works, Maryah Allaha, the One and Only for all, Holy and true are your ways, King of the universe. 4. "Who will not submit to you, Maryah, ...and glorify your name? For you alone are immaculate and holy, ...because all the nations Shall come and worship before you, your blessings Become revealed."

5. And after these I looked and there opened the temple of tabernacle* of testimony that is in heaven. 6. And there emerged seven angels, those that possess the seven plagues from the temple, as they were given to wear immaculately clean robes, and they tied on their chest belts of gold.

Sumer’s gods

7. And one of the four life forms gave the seven angels seven chalices of gold that were filled from the ferment of Allaha, who lives to [the end of] the universe

of all the universes.

129 페이지

8. And the temple was filled with the incense* of Allaha's glory and his power, and no one* was able to depart the temple until they were fulfilled, those seven plagues of the seven angels.


15:1*Lit. Ar. id.: "Sign." *Lit. Ar. id.: From the verb "to hit."

*Lit. Ar. id.: "Adhered to." 130

15:2*Lit. Ar. id.: "From." 페이지

15:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "Glorified [with] the glorification." 15:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "Home." 15:8*"Smoking." *Lit. Ar. id.: "No human."

Revelation chapter 16

Revelation chapter 16 1. And I heard a great voice telling those seven angels, go and spill those seven chalices of the ferment* of Allaha on the earth. 2. And the first one went and tossed his chalice on the earth, and a wicked pestilence and boils afflicted humanity, those who possessed the mark of that demon and those who worship his image. Mark of that demon=Mark of Nanner / Sin (Sumer god’s name) (اب ون يدن ,"Nabonidus(/ n æ b ə ˈ n aɪ d ə s / ;Akkadian Nabû-naʾid ,"Nabu is praised was the last king of theNeo-Babylonian Empire , reigning from 556–539 BC.

131 페이지

King Nabonidus & his cylinder

.. so-called “prayer of Nabonidus” (4QOrNab). the text recounts that when Nabonidussuffered from boils for seven years while in teman (the southern lands)

3. And the second angel spilled his chalice over the sea, and it became like the blood of the dead, and every living breath died for those who lived at sea. beats down upon, devours the city's ships, littered the approaches.

4. And the third angel spilled his chalice in the rivers and water springs and [they turned] into blood.

5. And I heard the angel of the waters declare, 132


"Holy are You, He who Is, He who [always] Was, ...and Immaculate, For you have judged them*. An frightened the very dwellings of Sumer , the people were afraid. Enlil blew an evil storm, silence lay upon the city. Nintur bolted the door of the storehouses of the Land. Enki blocked the water in the Tigris and the Euphrates . Utu took away the pronouncement of equity and justice. Inana handed over victory in strife and battle to a rebellious land. Ninĝirsu poured Sumer away like milk to the dogs. Enlil = The god of Air (Sequence 2 ) Enki = The god of Water(Sequence 3 )

Real mind of Lord Enki 1-10. 4 lines missing The roaring storm covered it like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet. It covered Eriduglike a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet. In the city, the furious storm resounded ……. InEridug, the furious storm resounded ……. Its voice was smothered with silence as by a gale. Its people ……. Eridug was smothered with silence as by a gale. Its people ……. 11-18. Its king stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. He wept bitter tears. Father Enki stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. He wept bitter tears. For the sake of his harmed city, he wept bitter tears. In The lament for Eridug

6. "For the blood of the saints ...and the prophets they spilled, And the blood* ...that you gave them to drink, They do deserve it." 7. And I heard the altar cry out,

"Yes, indeed, Maryah Allaha, 133

...who is the One and Only for all, 페이지

True and holy are your judgments."

8. And the fourth one spilled his chalice over the sun, and he was given to scorch humanity with the fire. Alas, storm after storm swept the Land together: the great storm of heaven, the ever-roaring storm, the malicious storm which swept over the Land, the storm which destroyed cities, the storm which destroyed houses, the storm which destroyed cow-pens, the storm which burned sheepfolds, which laid hands on the holy rites, which defiled the weighty counsel, the storm which cut off all that is good from the Land

9. And those people were scorched in the great heat, and people blasphemed against the name of Allaha, who has authority over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give him glory. Dead men, not potsherds. Covered the approaches. “ The walls were gaping, the high gates, the roads, were piled with dead. In the side streets, where feasting crows would gather, scattered they lay. In all the side streets and roadways bodies lay. In the open fields that used to fill with dancers, they lay in heaps. The country's blood now filled its holes, like metal in a mould; Bodies dissolved - like fat left in the sun. Lament for Ur

134 페이지

10. And the fifth one spilled his chalice on the throne of that demon and made 135

his kingdom dark, and they chewed their tongues because of the soreness. 페이지 he called it by the name of Moon It is adorned with a necklace of lapis lazuli, crowned with a tiara, its appearance is that of the eclipsed moon, the gesture of its hand is like that of the god Lugal- [unintelligible], its head of hair reaches to the pedestal, and in front of it are placed the Storm Dragon and the Wild Bull When he worshipped it, its appearance became like that of a demon crowned with a tiara, his face turned hostile [lacuna]. ers_of_Nabonidus

11. And they blasphemed against the Allaha of heaven because of their sores and their pestilence and they did not repent of their works. 12. And the sixth one spilled his chalice on the great river Euphrates, and its waters dried up, so that the way was laid out for those kings from the rising sun.*

kings from the rising sun= King of Persian

136 페이지

The Persian conquest of Babylonia Different accounts of the fall of Babylon survive. According to the Cyrus Cylinder, the people opened their gates for Cyrus and greeted him as their liberator. Isaiah 40-55 prophesied that the Persians would carry off Babylonian women and cultic statues. Herodotus said that Cyrus defeated the Babylonians outside their city, after which a siege began.When this took too long, Cyrus diverted the Euphrates , so that his troops could march into the city through the river bed. [ 16 ] Xenophon had a similar view, but he did not mention the battle. [ 17 ] Finally, Berossus claimed that Cyrus beat the Babylonian army, but this time, Nabonidus was supposed to have fled to nearby Borsippa . There he hid, while Cyrus took Babylon and demolished its outer walls. When Cyrus turned towards Borsippa, Nabonidus soon surrendered.

13. And I saw [emerging] from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of 137

that demon and from the mouth of the false prophet, three filthy spirits like frogs. 페이지

Mouth of the false prophet = According to Daniel's story, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar (634 – 562 BC) was a Chaldean king of the N eo-Babylonian Empire , who reigned c suffers from a mental illness, and lives isolated for seven years, until he acknowledges the power of the one God. From cuneiform texts, nothing is known about Nebuchadnezzar's mental health. The original story must have centered on another royal patient: Nabonidus, about whom rumors like this did circulate (see the Verse account ). cz/cyrus_I/babylon04.html

Both the construction of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the destruction ofJerusalem 's temple are ascribed to him. nezzar Three filthy spirits like frogs = The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children Daniel3:2

[Solo or Choir] O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, angels of the Lord, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, the heavens of the Lord, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, sun and moon, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, stars of the heav'ns, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, showers and rain, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, all breezes and winds, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, cold and heat, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, nighttime and day, bless the Lord: 138

[All] To him be highest glory and praise forever. 페이지

[Solo or choir] And you, mountains and hills, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, all plants of the earth, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, rivers and seas, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, creatures of the sea, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, ev'ry bird in the sky, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, wild beasts and tame, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, children of men, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, priests of the Lord, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever.

[Solo or choir] And you, servants of the Lord, bless the Lord: [All] To him be highest glory and praise forever. n

14. For they are the signs of the demon of oblivion, those that go to all the kings of the world to gather them for battle of that great day of Allaha, who is the One and Only for all. [D]uring the months which preceded the invasion and conquest of Babylonia by the Persians in 539 BC, King Nabonidus ordered a massive gathering of the gods of Sumer and Akkad into the capita

15. "And, behold, I am coming like a thief!

Blessed is the one that observes ...and guards one's clothing*, So as not to flee* naked 139

...and be seen in one's embarrassment." 페이지

That observes=Igigi of Nibiru In the Book of Enoch they were called " The Watchers " and in the Bible Nephilim -Igigi is observers of the Ancient Sumerian city - It acts as a current people who associated Google Earth with such work And God's children ,Demigod, The royal family before they destroy the city They notified Content that being to flee,beforehand So as not to flee* naked-

[On the way, he was able to hold the Festival heads lay scattered (?). Take a walk every street was filmed in the body. Dance of the Earth happened in that place, people were piled up in a heap. They are copper or Tin, and so was the blood of the earth flow down a Wadi. The body is left in the Sun at the same distance in their own fat melting.- The lament for Ur]

[371-377. Then my king, the noble son, became distraught. Lord Ašimbabbar, the noble son, grieved. Nanna who loves his city left his city. Suen took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved Urim. In order to go as an exile from her city to foreign territory, Ningalquickly clothed herself and left the city. The Anuna stepped outside of Urim. the hoe should not attack the fertile fields, that seed should not be planted in the ground,that the melody of the cowherd' songs should not resound in the open country, that butter and cheese should not be made in the cattle-pen, that dung should not be stacked on the ground,that the shepherd should not enclose the sacred sheepfold with a fence, that the song of the churning should not resound in the sheepfold}

(The interpretation of the author -Excluding human, lesser gods and God's lineage of the ruling class have previously known for being a city bombed, Must be pre-escape Same like that bombing was that clothes disappear and skin is exposed it is possible weapons that sonic weapons or atomic bomb, That destroyed the

melted clothing and The skin is exposed 140

Since this represented the destruction of weapons 페이지

Sodom and Gomorrah of Biblical cities as depiction, Sumerian salt and steam = same pronunciation. because of flashes of destruction By eyes seeing People(Lot's wife in the Bible) have been destroyed as a steam pillar)

16. And they gathered to that place, which is called in Hebrew, Armageddon*.

(all these) he gathered at the base of heaven. In lAMENT FOR UR

A ‘mysterious’ object, which was found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

Baltic sea object is only a glacial deposit, experts say

Updated : 2012-08-31 16:36 Spaceship Millennium falcon from the movie ‘Star Wars’

A ‘mysterious’ object, which was found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea last year and aroused far-fetched speculation is just a glacial deposit from thousands of years ago, Swedish scientists said. Volker Brüchert, associate professor of geology at Stockholm University said in a interview with local media that there was nothing mysterious about the object that was discovered by the Ocean X team. “What has been generously ignored by the Ocean X team is that most of the samples they brought up from the sea bottom are granites and gneisses and sandstones,” Brüchert said, after studying the samples he received from Peter Lindberg, the head of the widely Ocean X 141

Team. 페이지

He added that this was exactly what is expected to be in the Baltic Sea as it is a glacial basin. “Because the whole northern Baltic region is so heavily influenced by glacial thawing processes, both the feature and the rock samples are likely to have formed in connection with glacial and postglacial processes,” Brüchert said. The bizarre shape of the Baltic seafloor feature has led many to that it could be a alien spaceship or evidence for Atlantis, a mythological underwater city. After a sonar image taken by the Ocean X team was distributed, some argued that the object resembles spaceship Millennium falcon from the movie ‘Star Wars’. Lindberg had said that the object has “these strange stair formations, and if it is constructed, it must be constructed tens of thousands of years ago before the Ice Age.” He said that it would be quite amazing if the object indeed was from Atlantis. The Ocean X Team has not responded to the glacial deposit theory. From news reports ([email protected])



(Ἁρμαγεδών(Harmagedon · ארמגדון Armageddon = Greeks of Mean: Hill of Megiddo(Hermegiddo) A path leads up through a Solomonic gateway overlooking the excavations of the Oriental Institute. A solid circular stone structure has been interpreted as an altar or a high place from the Canaanite period. Further on is a grain pit from the Israelite period for storing provisions in case of siege; the stables, originally thought to date from the time of Solomon but now dated a century and a half later to the time of Ahab; and a water system consisting of a square shaft 35 metres (115 ft) deep, the bottom of which opens into a tunnel bored through rock for 100 metres (330 ft) to a pool of wate

1 A Psalm of Asaph. {N} God standeth in the congregation of God; in the midst of the judges He judgeth In the Old Babylonian pantheon, Samas (or Shamash) and Adad chair the meetings of the divine council.[4]



Spaceship Millennium falcon from the movie ‘Star Wars’

-A ‘mysterious’ object, which was found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea- A ‘mysterious’ object, which was found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea last year and aroused far-fetched speculation is just a glacial deposit from thousands of years ago, Swedish scientists said. Volker Brüchert, associate professor of geology at Stockholm University said in a interview with local media that there was nothing mysterious about the object that was discovered by the Ocean X team. “What has been generously ignored by the Ocean X team is that most of the

samples they brought up from the sea bottom are granites and gneisses and 144 페이지 sandstones,” Brüchert said, after studying the samples he received from Peter Lindberg, the head of the widely Ocean X Team. He added that this was exactly what is expected to be in the Baltic Sea as it is a glacial basin. “Because the whole northern Baltic region is so heavily influenced by glacial thawing processes, both the feature and the rock samples are likely to have formed in connection with glacial and postglacial processes,” Brüchert said. The bizarre shape of the Baltic seafloor feature has led many to that it could be a alien spaceship or evidence for Atlantis, a mythological underwater city. After a sonar image taken by the Ocean X team was distributed, some argued that the object resembles spaceship Millennium falcon from the movie ‘Star Wars’. Lindberg had said that the object has “these strange stair formations, and if it is constructed, it must be constructed tens of thousands of years ago before the Ice Age.” He said that it would be quite amazing if the object indeed was from Atlantis. The Ocean X Team has not responded to the glacial deposit theory. From news reports ([email protected])

El Adon God master of all creations blessed and praised by every soul His greatness and goodness fill the universe knowledge and wisdom surround Him He is exalted above the celestial beings and adorned in honor above the chariot Virtue and honesty stand before His throne grace and mercy are abundant in Him Good are the luminaries created by our God crafted with knowledge, wisdom and insight

Strength and might He placed in them to reign over the universe

Full of brilliance they radiate brightness 145 페이지 beautiful is their brilliance throughout the world They rejoice in their rising and delight in their setting performing with reverence the will of their Creator Glory and honor do they give to His name revelry and song for His Majesty He called forth the sun and it shone light He saw fit to regulate the form of the moon All the hosts of heaven give Him praise Serafim, Ophanim and Celestial Beings attribute magnificence and greatness Hebrew liturgical hymns

17. And the seventh one spilled his chalice on the air, and a great voice emerged from the temple that declared, "Here it comes!"* 66-73. The minister Isimud ……. Strangers to the house …… its side. Eridug, the shrineAbzu, …… silently. The enemy …… cleansed in a magnificent robe. …… a man …… the people ……. Along with the fluids spilled from his guts, his blood spilled forth. The ……, which like the azure sky was embellished forever, …… grasped ……. In The lament for Eridug

The foolish shall rejoice, they shall exclaim (?): "Let it come -- we shall be seeing war and battle in the city, how the sacred precinct (?) is destroyed, how the walls are battered down, how the city's peace is disrupted, how among the loyal families honest men are transformed into traitors."" 32-40. "But the sensible shall beat their breasts and droop (?) their heads.

In The lament for Unug

18. And there was lightening and thunder and sounds, and [there was] a great earthquake, like there never was since there were human beings on earth, so great an earthquake there occurred.

19. And that great city was split for the three of them,* and the cities of the 146 페이지 nations fell, and Babylon the Great was remembered before Allaha, as it was given the cup of wine of that ferment of Allaha's anger. "As for the gods of Sumer and Akkad which Nabonidus, to the wrath of the lord of the gods, brought to Babylon, at the command of Marduk, the great lord, I (Cyrus) caused them to dwell in peace in their sanctuaries, (in) pleasing dwellings. May all the gods I brought (back) to their sanctuaries plead daily before Bel and Nabu for the lengthening of my days, may they intercede favorably on my behalf." — Cyrus Cylinder, 30-34

BAGHDAD — Iraq's US-led invaders inflicted serious damage on Babylon, driving heavy machinery over sacred paths, bulldozing hilltops and digging trenches through one of the world's greatest archaeological sites, said experts for UNESCO. "The use of Babylon as a military base was a grave encroachment on this internationally known archaeological site," said a report which the UN cultural agency presented Thursday in Paris.

147 페이지

148 페이지

20. And every island ran away and there were no mountains to be found. 21. And a great hail, [heavy] like talents, [fell] from the sky over humanity, and those people blasphemed against Allaha because of the punishment* of that hail*, for great was its striking power indeed.*

The dark time was roasted by hailstones and flames. The bright time was wiped out by a shadow. In The lament for Sumer and Urim bin/etcsl.cgi?text=t.2.2.3#

Footnotes: 16:1*Lit. Ar. idiom retained. "Wrath." 16:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "These." 16:6*Lit. Ar. idiom retained. "The plague in the waters." 16:12*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "From the east [or, rising] of the sun." 16:15*Lit. Ar. id.: "Personal effects." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Stride." 16:16*Lit. Ar. id.: "City of Defilement." Or: Nazi Berlin. 16:17*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "It is happening!" Or: WW II. 16:19*Berlin.

16:21*Lit. Ar. id.: "Plague."


*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Because that was great its beating too much." 149


Revelation chapter 17

Revelation chapter 17 1. And there came one of those seven angels, the ones who have the seven chalices, and spoke with me as he said, "Come, let me show you the judgment* of that great prostitute, who sits over great waters,

2. "With whom fornicated the kings of the earth, and from whose wine of prostitution became drunk the dwellers of the earth." 3. And he took me [back] to the wilderness spiritually*, and I saw the woman as she sat on a red demon*, that was full of blasphemous names, that has seven heads and ten horns. she sat on a red demon = Chīyóu = 2002 World Cup ,Emblem of South Korea

4. And that woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and adorned* with gold, precious stones and pearls, who has a golden cup in her hand which is filled with the filth and uncleanness of her prostitution on earth. 5. And between her eyes,* the disposition that is written: Babylon the Great, mother of prostitution and earthly satisfactions. 6. And I saw the woman that was drunk with the blood of the Saints and the witnesses of Eashoa, and I was amazed as I saw the great wonder. 7. And the angel told me, "Are you amazed because of this? I will tell you about the disposition of the woman and the demon who bears her, the one who has the seven heads and the ten horns. *The seven heads=Seven the gods of Sumerian from Nibiru Sumerian's 4 primary Gods were 150

1. An(Anu) 페이지

2. Ninhursag 3. Enlil 4. Enki

Then there were "The Seven Who Decreed Fate," which included the first 4 primary Gods and three more gods:

1. An(Anu) 2. Ninhursag 3. Enlil 4. Enki 5. Nanna 6. Utu 7. Inanna(the demon who bears her, the one)

*The ten horns = The Kings of the Earth for the first time at the helm of the country when the Ten Kings is They go back and forth between nibiru and alternately ruled for multiple of 3600years Why go back to Nibiru? The difference between of the Earth's orbital cycle and Nibiru's orbital cycle(3600year) That God, the Kings are the aging process They have not been able to stay long term in the district Sumerian King List The last two sources (WB) are a part of the "Weld-Blundell collection", by Herbert Weld Blundell to the Ashmolean Museum. WB 62 is a small clay tablet, inscribed only on the obverse, unearthed from Larsa. It is the oldest dated source (c. 2000 BC) containing the list.[6] WB 444 in contrast is a unique inscribed vertical prism, dated c. 1817 BC, although some scholars prefer c. 1827 BC.[10] The Kish Tablet or Scheil dynastic tablet is an early 2nd millennium BC tablet which came into possession of Jean-Vincent Scheil; dit only contains king list entries for four Sumerian cities.[11] UCBC 9-1819 is a clay tablet housed in the collection of the Museum of Anthropology at theUniversity of California.[12] The tablet was inscribed during the reign of the Babylonian King Samsu-iluna, or slightly earlier, with a minimum date of 1712 BC.[13] The Dynastic Chronicle (ABC 18) is a Babylonian king list written on six columns, beginning with entries for the antideluvian Sumerian rulers. K 11261+[14] is one of the copies of this chronicle, consisting of three joined Neo-Assyrian fragments discovered at the Library of 151 [15]

Ashurbanipal. K 12054 is another of the Neo-Assyrian fragments from Uruk (c. 페이지

640 BC) but contains a variant form of the antediluvians on the list. The later Babylonian and Assyrian king lists, preserved the earliest portions of the list well into the 3rd century BC, when Berossus' Babyloniaca popularized fragments of the list in the Hellenic world. In 1960, the Apkullu-list (Tablet No. W.20030, 7) or “Uruk List of Kings and Sages” (ULKS) was discovered by German archaeologists at an ancient temple at Uruk. The list, dating to c. 165 BC, contains a series of kings, equivalent to the Sumerian antediluvians called "Apkullu".[16]

152 페이지 real timeline of Mesopotamia

8. "The demon* that you saw was going to be and he was destined to rise out of the abyss and go to oblivion, the dwellers of the earth will be amazed, those whose name is not written in the book of Life from the foundation of the universe, as they see that demon who was going to be and he was not going to be, 153

(and) [as] he fought. 페이지

9. "This is where the mind that has wisdom [manifests itself.]* These seven heads are seven mountains, over which that woman sits.

From the foot of the mountains, through the high mountains, into the flat land, from the edge of Ancan to the top of Ancan, he crossed five, six, seven mountains. 345-356By midnight, but before they had brought the offering-table to Inana the pure, he set foot joyfully in brick-built Kulaba. His lady, Inana the pure, sat there on her cushion. LUGALBANDA AND THE ANZU BIRD

Seven heads = Seven gods Seven mountains = Seven hill : The first appearance of the ancient city's excavations is appearance of a hill or small mountain The first Sumerian cities began with seven cities 1.Eridu : In Sumerian mythology, Eridu was originally the home of Enki , later known by the Akkadians as Ea, who was considered to have founded the city. 2.Shuruppak(Tell Abu Habba ) : Sippar was the cult site of the sun god (Sumerian Utu , Akkadian Shamash ) and the home of his temple E-babbara Latitude 33° 3' 32.9184" Ancient spaceship rocket launchers ’s city 3.Uruk(Ubaid) : The Stone-Cone Temple, named for the mosaic of colored stone cones driven into the adobe brick façade, may be the earliest water cult in Mesopotamia. It is also believed Uruk is the biblical Erech ( Genesis 10:10), the second city founded by Nimrod in Shinar relief on the front of the Inanna temple of Karaindash from Uruk

4.Nippur : ( Sumerian : Nibru , often logographically recorded as � � � , EN.LÍL KI , 154

"Enlil City;" [ 1 ] Akkadian : Nibbur ) was among the most ancient 페이지 of Sumerian cities. [ citation needed ] It was the special seat of the worship of the Sumerian god Enlil, the "Lord Wind," ruler of the cosmos, subject to An alone. Ancient spaceship rocket launchers ’s city 5.Lagash: / ˈ l eɪ ɡ æ ʃ / is an ancient city located northwest of the junction of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and east ofUruk , about 22 kilometres (14 mi) east of the modern town of Ash Shatrah , Iraq .

Lagash people Ziggurat of Lagash

6.Girsu: Ningirsu ,Ninurta was a Sumerian and the Akkadian god of hunting and war. He was worshipped in Babylonia and Assyria and in Lagash he was identified with the city god Ningirsu.(=Ninurta)

The god Ninurta/Son of Enlil ( His Mother is the goddess NinhugSag )

Ur : The city's patron deity was Nanna (in Akkadian , Sin ), the Sumerian and

Akkadian ( Assyrian - Babylonian ) moon god , and the name of the city is in origin

derived from the god's name, URIM 2 KI being the classical Sumerian spelling 155

of LAK , literally "the abode of Nanna " 페이지

10 King;s Names The First Dynasty on Earth

Antiquity of Ur Nanna (Sin) / Son of Enlil 10. "And the kings are seven, five of which have fallen, one of them is, and the last one is yet to come, and when he comes he will have little desire to rule.* 11. "And the demon who was going to be and was not going to be, and this one is the eight, but* comes from the seven and is a destroyer*. 12. "And the ten horns that you saw, are ten kings, those people* who have not yet been crowned*, except authority as kings is given* to them [for] one hour with that demon.* 13. "They [only] have one desire and their power and authority they give to that demon. 14. "These will fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall be victorious over them, for he is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, and those with him [are]

the called and the chosen and the faithful." 156

15. And he told me, "The waters that you saw, where that prostitute sits, they 페이지 are the nations and peoples, and motherlands and tongues. 16. "And the ten horns that you saw and that demon, they hate that prostitute, and they will lay* her to waste and [leave her] naked, and they will eat her flesh and set her aflame.* 17. "For Allaha has put* it in their hearts to do His will only,* and give their kingship to that demon, until these words of Allaha are fulfilled. 18. "And the woman that you saw, is that great city* which rules* the kings of the world.*

Footnotes: 17:1*Lit. Ar. id.: "Sentence," or: condemnation. 17:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "By the spirit." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Carnivorous creature," or: demonic beast. 17:4*Lit. Ar. id.: "Gilded." 17:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "On her forehead." 17:9*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "This is where the mind that has wisdom." 17:10*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Little blessed is he to [hold] them together." 17:11*Lit. Ar. id.: "And." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Oblivionator." 17:12*Lit. Ar. id.: "Human [beings.]" *Lit. Ar. id.: "Placed," or "set up." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Set." *The Soviet Union and its satellite states. 17:16*Lit. Ar. id.: "Make." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Burn her with fire." 17:17*Lit. Ar. id.: "Give." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "And to do one will." 17:18*World Empire. *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Has kingship upon." *... approximately present day at this point of the vision.

Revelation chapter 18 157


Revelation chapter 18 1. After these I saw another angel who came down from heaven, who has great authority, and the earth glowed with his glory. 2. And he cried out in a powerful voice, as he said,

"There she falls! There she falls!

The lament for Sumer and Urim

403-410. The people took refuge (?) behind the city walls. They were united in fear. {The palace that was destroyed by onrushing water was defiled, its doorbolts were torn out}{(1 ms. has instead:) At its main gate the bolts were opened, the storm disloged its door}.Elam, like a swelling flood wave, left (?) only the ghosts. In Urim weapons smashed heads like clay pots. Its refugees were unable to flee, they were trapped inside the walls. {(1 ms. adds 3 lines:) Like fish living in a pond, they tried to escape. The enemy seized the E-kiš-nu-ĝal of Nanna. They ripped out its heavy …….} The statues that were in the shrine were cut down. The great stewardess Ninigara ran away from the storehouse. Its throne was cast down before it, she threw herself down into the dust. She=Inanna goddess

The lament for Eridug A composite version from Nibru Segment B 10 ~ 15.? She tore out her hair like rushes, uttering a bitter lament: "You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her -- where is a lament uttered bitterly for you? Eridug! You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her -- where are tears wept for you? I fall like a bull in your lofty …… falls ……. I am ……. My heart …… queen ……."


Babylon the Great! 페이지

The dwelling place of demons,* And the haunt* of every evil spirit And of every flying and hated spirit,* He consents, and allows her to "fly across the sky like a rainbow" Inanna and Shukaletuda

And of every filthy and hated demon. Inanna, displeased, decrees that the demons shall take him, using language which echoes the speech Ereshkigal gave while condemning her. Inanna's descent to the underworld 3. "For of the wine of her ferment Sacred prostitution , temple prostitution, or religious prostitution is a sexual ritual consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship , perhaps as a form of fertility rite and divine marriage ( hieros gamos ).

...drank all the nations, And the kings of the earth According to the 5th-century BC historian Herodotus , the rites performed at these temples included sexual intercourse, or what scholars later called sacred prostitution: The foulest Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land to sit in the temple of Aphrodite and have intercourse with some stranger at least once in her life.

...fornicated with her, "After she had crouched down and had her clothes removed, they were carried away. Then she made her sister Erec-ki-gala rise from her throne, and instead she sat on her throne. The Anna, the seven judges, rendered their decision against her. They looked at her – it was the look of death. They spoke to her – it was the speech of anger. They shouted at her – it was the shout of heavy guilt. The

afflicted woman was turned into a corpse. And the corpse was hung on a hook." 159

And the merchants of the earth, 페이지

...from the strength Of her inner [frills*], ...became rich."

4. And I heard another voice from heaven that said,

"Flee* from her, my people, as not to be a partaker* ...... of her sins. And from her punishments* ...that you may not be ...... a recipient*. 5. "For her sins have ...stacked up to heaven, And Allaha has recalled ...her abominations. 6. "So*, pay her as she paid out, ...and repay* her double ...... like her works, Of the cup that she mixed for you, ...mix her a double [portion.] 7. "How she swaggers in her gait,* ...all these shall give her ...... pain and grief, For in her heart she says that,

...'I preside a Queen,* Neither am I a widow, ...nor will I see sorrow.'

8. "Because of this, one day ...her punishment* will come: Death and travail and famine,

...and by fire she will burn, 160

For Omnipotent is the Allaha 페이지

...who judges her. 9. "And they shall weep and wail ...and writhe over her ...... the kings of the world, Those who fornicated ...and showed off* with her, When they see the smoke ...of her pyre, 10. "As they stand from afar, ...from the fear of her agonies, As they say, 'Woe, woe, that great city, ...Babylon, That powerful city, ...for in one hour There came ...your judgment.' 11. "And the merchants of the earth ...wail over her, For their cargo one will buy. 12. "And never again, ...cargo of gold and silver, And precious stones ...and pearls and fine linen and ...... purple and red silk And every [type] of incense wood ...and every [type] of ivory plate And every wooden plate of great worth,* And of bronze and steel and marble. 13. "And cinnamon and ommamon* ...and perfumes* And myrrh and frankincense,

...and wine and oil 161

And flour and wheat, 페이지

...and cattle and sheep And horses and wagons ...and hides And even human beings* 14. "And the craving for your own fruit ...has left you,* And all those divine and pure ...have disappeared from you, and Never again their merchants* ...are to be found, 15. "Those who became rich ...from her, stood from afar, Because of her fearsome punishment,* ...and they cried and they wailed. 16. "As they said, 'Woe, woe, that great city, Dressed in fine linen, ...and purple and scarlet, And gilded in gold, ...and in precious stones and pearls, For in one hour ...was your wealth here destroyed.' 17. "And every ship's captain* ...and every traveler* and seafarers* And every merchant marine*, ...stood from afar, 18. "And cried out, as they saw ...the smoke of her pyre, saying, 'What resembles that great city?'* 19. "And they threw dust ...over their heads, And they shouted as they cried, ...and wailed, saying,

'Woe, woe, that great city, 162 whom enriched themselves, 페이지

All those who had ships at sea, ...from her preciousness, For in one hour ...she lay* in ruins.' 20. "Rejoice over her, O heaven, ...angels, apostles and prophets,* For Allaha shall extract judgment ...on your behalf from her."*

21. And an angel took a stone like that of a great mill and threw it in the sea, while saying,

"With such force* ...shall great Babylon be thrown, And never again ...will it be found. 22. And the sound of the harp players ...and the musicians And the singers ...and trumpets, Will not be heard you again, And every artist ...of every art Will not be you again. 23. "And the light of the lamp ...will not be found ...... in you again, And the sound of milling ...and wheat [grinding]* ...... will not be heard ...... in you again,

Because your merchants 163

...were such great [ones] 페이지

...... of the earth, Since through your sorcery ...all the nations ...... were lost. 24. "And in her the blood ...of the prophets and saints ...... will be found, And all those ...who were slaughtered ...... on the earth."

Footnotes: 18:2*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And [she] becomes the dwelling place of demons." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Prison," or "protectorate." *Male and female evil spirits mentioned separately. 18:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "Lining," or: luxuries. 18:4*Lit. Ar. id.: "Exit." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Be associated with." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Plagues." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Eat your fill." 18:6*Lit. Ar. id.: "And." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Double [her.]" 18:7*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "How much that she pretties herself in her showing off." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Sit a Queen." 18:8*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "plagues." 18:9*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Pride and making fun." 18:12*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Worth preciously." 18:13*A Chinese spice. *Lit. Ar. id.: "Of incense." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Souls of human beings."

18:14*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And the desire of the fruit of self went 164

[away] from you." 페이지

*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Their merchandising [or value] is not to be found." Or: no one will appreciate them anymore. 18:15*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Because of submission [to] her execution." Or: crushed by her defeat. 18:17*Lit. Ar. id.: "Nautical governor." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Goer-to-a-place." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Nauticals." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Worker-with-water." 18:18*The World Empire which will be in the process of forming as we commence the twenty-first century. 18:19*Lit. Ar. id.: "Became." 18:20*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Rejoice over her: heaven and angels and apostles and prophets." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "For Allaha shall judge your judgment from her." 18:21*Lit. Ar. id.: "Actual force," or "effective force." 18:23*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "bridegroom and bride."

Revelation chapter 19 Revelation chapter 19 1. After this I heard a great voice of a huge crowd in heaven, saying,

"Halleluiah!* Salvation and power ...and glory and honor to our Allaha, 2. "For just* and righteous ...are his judgments, Because he has judged ...that great prostitute, That one who corrupted ...the earth with her fornication, And who brought the blood ...of her own servants Against herself."


3. And a second time they said, 페이지

"Halleluiah!" And the smoke of her [pyre] was rising forever*. 4. And the twenty-four priests fell, and the four life forms, and they worshipped the Allaha who sits on the throne, as they said, "Halleluiah!" 5. And a voice emerged from the throne that said,

"Glorify our Allaha, ...all [you] his servants*, And those who submit to him the small and the great."

6. And I heard like the sound of a great crowd, and like the sound of great waters, and like the sound of powerful thunders, saying,

"Halleluiah! Since he reigns [in Kingship,] Our Maryah Allaha, ...the One and Only for all. 7. "Let us be happy and rejoice*, ...and give him glory, For it has arrived ...the wedding of that Lamb, And his bride* ...loves* him. 8. "And he has given her therefore be dressed in fine linens, Pure and clean, ...for those fine linens Are the blessings ...of the saints."* 9. And he told me, write, "Blessed are they ...who are called To the wedding feast

...of the Lamb." 166


And he told me, "These words* of mine are Allaha's truth*." 10. And I fell at his feet to worship him, and he said to me, "Look! No! I am your companion [in service] and of your brothers, those who possess* the testimony of Eashoa. Worship Allaha, for that testimony of Eashoa is the spirit* of prophecy."

11. And I saw heaven opened ...and behold the white horse, And the one seated on it, ...[who is] called: "Faithful and True," And [who] judges and wages war ...through his righteousness. 12. And his eyes are like ...the flames of fire, And on his head, ...a tiara of crowns, Who has the titles that are written*, ...and the name that is written, That which no human [being] knows, ...except for him. 13. And he wore the robe ...that is drenched in blood, And who calls his name, The Allaha Manifest. 14. And the armies in heaven, ...follow him on white horses, And they are dressed clothes of white ...... and clean linen. 15. And from his mouth ...emerges the sharpened sword, with the two edges, With which he strikes

...the nations, 167

And he shall shepherd the nations 페이지 the rod of iron, And he squeezes the winepress ...of the vine, ...... of the ferment of Allaha, The One and Only for all. 16. And he has on his robe ...and on his thigh ...... the titles written, "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords."

17. And I saw an angel as he rose in heaven and cried out in a great voice, as he said:

To all birds in the midst of heaven, Come, gather to the Great feast of Allaha, 18. So as to eat the flesh of kings, And the flesh of generals*, And the flesh of warriors*, And the flesh of horses and their riders, And the flesh of all the children of the free And the slaves and the small and great.

19. And I saw that demon and the kings of the world and their armies, as they gathered to do battle with the one on the horse and his armies. 20. And the demon was hunted down and the false prophet with him, the one who performed those miracles before him, by which were lost those who took on the mark of the demon and the ones who worshipped his image. And while alive they were both thrown into the sea of fire that burns like* brimstone. 21. And all the others were killed by the sword of the one who sat on the horse, by that which emerges from his mouth, and all the birds [of prey] ate their fill of their flesh.

Footnotes: 168

19:1*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Give him praise!" 페이지

19:2*Lit. Ar. id.: "True." 19:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "To [the end of] the universes of all the universes." 19:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "Slaves." 19:7*Lit. Ar. id.: "Brighten up." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Woman," or : wife. *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Is pleased she." 19:8*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction retained. Or: "Are the rewards of sainthood." 19:9*Lit. Ar. id.: "Manifestations." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Truths." 19:10*Lit. Ar. id.: "Have." *Lit. Ar. idiom retained. Or: "Essence." 19:12*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction retained. Or: "He holds [is famous for] many titles [written names], but has one name." 19:18*Lit. Ar. id.: "Heads of thousands." *Lit. Ar. id.: "The powerful." 19:20*Lit. Ar. id.: "With."

Revelation chapter 20

Revelation chapter 20 1. And I saw the angel that came down from heaven, who has the key to the abyss and a great chain in his hand. 2. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent*, who became the devil* and Satan, who misleads* the whole world, and he tied him for a thousand years. 3. And he threw him into the abyss, and he took and sealed him from above, so that he could not mislead the nations again until those thousand years come to their conclusion. After this [time,] however, he will be unchained for a short while*. 4. And I saw the chairs and those sitting on them. And judgment was given to them and to those souls who were killed* because of the testimony of Eashoa and because of the Allaha Manifest, and to those people* who neither*

worshipped that demon, nor* his image, and neither took on the mark over their 169

foreheads*, nor over their hand, and they lived and reigned with their Anointed 페이지

One these thousand years. 5. This is the first resurrection. 6. Blessed is that one and saintly is that one who has a share in this first resurrection. Over them the recurring* death has no authority, except they shall become high priests of Allaha and his Anointed One, and they will reign with him these thousand years. 7. And when the thousand years are completed, that Satan is unchained from his prison*. 8. And he emerges to mislead* the nations, to those who are in the four corners of the earth, to incite and mobilize,* to gather them to [do] battle, those whose number is like the sand of the sea. 9. And they ascended over the breath of the earth, and they searched for the dwelling* places of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven, from Allaha, and consumed them. 10. And the devil who misled* them was thrown in the sea of fire and brimstone, where also [was thrown] that demon and the false prophet, and they shall be tormented day and night to [the end of] the universes of all the universes. 11. And I saw a very white throne, and the one who sat above it, from whose face ran the earth and the heaven and because of this no place was found for them. 12. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, as they stood before the throne. And the books were opened, and another book was opened, that is* [the book] of Life, and the dead, from the ones written of in the books, are judged according to their works*. 13. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and Death and Sheol gave up the dead in them, and everyone was judged according to their works. 14. And Death and Sheol were thrown into that sea of fire. This is where the recurring* death happens, that fiery sea. Black hole Quiescence and advection-dominated accretion flow The faintness of the accretion disc during quiescence is suspected to be caused by the flow entering a mode called an advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). In this mode, almost all the energy generated by friction in the disc

is swept along with the flow instead of radiated away. If this model is correct, 170

then it forms strong qualitative evidence for the presence of an event 페이지 horizon.[107] Because, if the object at the center of the disc had a solid surface, it would emit large amounts of radiation as the highly energetic gas hits the surface, an effect that is observed for neutron stars in a similar state. ackHole_Lensing.gif

15. And if a human [being] is not found written of in the book of Life, they are thrown into that sea of fire. In the book of life , “Seal of the Living God” It purifies the human soul,completely clear spirits Like a little child, pure cell state That seals should give the light of the birth of the first life So it can be switched to the divine body So the book is the book of life because of the seal and the truth to save mankind forever. So the contents of the book of life, all human beings should know Acts to spread the book is so important

Footnotes: 20:2*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "That serpent, that ancient." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Thrower," or "Ouster." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Loses." Or: causes to be lost. 20:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "Season." 20:4*Lit. Ar. id.: "Slaughtered," or "beheaded." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Human [beings.]" *Lit. Ar. id.: "And not." *Lit. Ar. id.: "And not." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Between their eyes." 20:6*Lit. Ar. idiom retained. Or: "final." 20:7*Lit. Ar. id.: "House of protection." 20:8*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Cause them to be lost."

*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Gog and Megog." 171

20:9*Lit. Ar. id.: "Resting." 페이지

20:10*Lit. Ar. id.: "Lost." 20:12*Lit. Ar. id.: "Becomes." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Actions." 20:14*Lit. Ar. id.: "Final."

Revelation chapter 21

Revelation chapter 21 1. And I saw the new heaven and the new earth. For that first heaven, and the first earth went [away], and there was no sea again. 2. And I saw the holy city New Jerusalem as it came down from Allaha, as pleasing as a rightful wife for her husband. 3. And I heard a great voice from heaven, saying,

"Behold, the home of Allaha ...with human beings, And his dwelling* ...with them! They shall be his people, ...and the Allaha with them, Shall be their Allaha. 4. "And he shall wipe every tear ...from their eyes, And death will no longer exist, mourning or crying. And there will no longer be ...any wounds*, For the first [order of things] ...will have passed." 5. And there said the one ...who sat on the throne, "And, behold, I am ...renewing everything!"

And he said to me, 172

"Write, for these manifestations 페이지

...are the faith and the truth of Allaha." 6. And he said to me, "I have accomplished ...the Alap and the Tau*, The start and the conclusion.* To those* who thirst I shall give freely ...of the spring of Living Waters*. 7. "Those* who are victorious, ...shall inherit these, And I shall be their Allaha ...and they shall be my child. 8. "As for the traitors* ...and the unfaithful, And sinners and the corrupt, And the killers and the fornicators, And the witches and the idol makers*, And all the liars--their portion in the sea that burns With fire and brimstone, which is that final* death."

9. And there came one of the seven angels, those who have the seven chalices, those that were filled with the last seven plagues, and he spoke to me, as he said, "Come, let me show you the bride, the wife of that Lamb." 10. And he took me in spirit to a great and high mountain, and he showed me that great city Jerusalem, as it came down from heaven, from Allaha. 11. That which has the glory of Allaha, like the radiance of a gem, that resembles a great precious stone, like Jasper and like a crystal,* 12. [The city] has a great, tall wall, that has twelve gates, and the names that are written on them, are the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. 13. From the east, three gates; and from the north, three gates; and from the south, three gates; and from the west, three gates.

14. And on the wall of the city, that has twelve foundations, and on them [are 173

written] the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. 페이지

15. And the one who spoke with me, had a measuring reed of gold, so that he would measure the city and its gates and its walls. 16. And the city was laid out* foursquare, and its length as its width, and he measured the city with the reed, over the twelve furlongs of twelve thousand, and its length and its width and its height were the same.

Strabo (ca. 64 BC – 21 AD) described of the Hanging Gardens as follows, in a passage that was thought to be based on the lost account of Onesicritus from the 4th century BC: Babylon, too, lies in a plain; and the circuit of its wall is three hundred and eighty-five stadia. The thickness of its wall is thirty-two feet; the height thereof between the towers is fifty cubits; that of the towers is sixty cubits; and the passage on top of the wall is such that four-horse chariots can easily pass one another; and it is on this account that this and the hanging garden are called one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The garden is quadrangular in shape, and each side is four plethra in length. It consists of arched vaults, which are situated, one after another, on checkered, cube-like foundations. The checkered foundations, which are hollowed out, are covered so deep with earth that they admit of the largest of trees, having been constructed of baked brick and asphalt – the foundations themselves and the vaults and the arches. The ascent to the uppermost terrace-roofs is made by a stairway; and alongside these stairs there were screws, through which the water was continually conducted up into the garden from the Euphrates by those appointed for this purpose, for the river, a stadium in width, flows through the middle of the city; and the garden is on the [12] bank of the river." In Hanging Gardens of Babylon 17. And he measured its wall, one hundred and forty-four measures of human right arms, which is the same as the angel's. 18. And the material* of its wall [was] Jasper. And that city of pure gold, like a gem, [was] immaculate! 19. And the foundations of the city's wall, were embossed* with every precious

stone. The first foundation [was] jasper, the second sapphire. The third [was] chalcedony, the fourth emerald.

20. The fifth one [was] sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, 174

the eight beryl. The ninth [was] topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh 페이지 hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst. 21. And the twelve doors [were] twelve pearls, one [by] one, each of the doors, and every one of them a unique* pearl, and the broad avenue of the city [was] of pure gold, like a mirror*. 22. And I saw no temple in it. For that Maryah, the One and Only for all, is its temple and that Lamb.

The Dedicatory Inscription on the Ishtar Gate reads: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, the faithful prince appointed by the will of Marduk, the highest of princely princes, beloved of Nabu, of prudent counsel, who has learned to embrace wisdom, who fathomed their divine being and reveres their majesty, the untiring governor, who always takes to heart the care of the cult of Esagila and Ezida and is constantly concerned with the well-being of Babylon and Borsippa, the wise, the humble, the caretaker of Esagila and Ezida, the firstborn son of Nabopolassar, the King of Babylon. Both gate entrances of Imgur-Ellil and Nemetti-Ellil following the filling of the street from Babylon had become increasingly lower. Therefore, I pulled down these gates and laid their foundations at the water table with asphalt and bricks and had them made of bricks with blue stone on which wonderful bulls and dragons were depicted. I covered their roofs by laying

majestic cedars length-wise over them. I hung doors of cedar adorned with bronze at all the gate openings. I placed wild bulls and ferocious dragons in the gateways and thus adorned them with luxurious splendor so that people might gaze on them in wonder 175

I let the temple of Esiskursiskur (the highest festival house of Markduk, the Lord of the Gods a 페이지 place of joy and celebration for the major and minor gods) be built firm like a mountain in the precinct of Babylon of asphalt and fired bricks. Lamb = The god Marduk -Hanging Gardens of Babylon-

176 페이지

177 페이지

178 페이지


23. And that city has no need of a sun, or a moon, so as to give it light. For the 페이지

glory of Allaha makes it glow* and the Lamb is its light*. 24. And there will walk the nations who are saved in the light that he is, and the kings of the earth, as they bring their glorification through him and the honor of the nations for him. 25. And the doors [of the city] are not secured in the day. And* there is no night there. 26. And the glory and honor of the nations are expressed* in it. 27. And no one corrupt shall enter abomination into [the city,] nor the performer of demonic acts or falsehood,* except [there enter] those who are written in the book of Life of that Lamb.

Footnotes: 21:1*Lit. Ar. id.: "Resting." 21:4*Lit. Ar. id.: "Afflictions," or "sicknesses." 21:6*Not "Omega," since Aramaic is the only scribal language of Scriptures, and "Tau" is the last letter of the alphabet. *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "The head and the peaceful [end.]" *Lit. Ar. id.: "The one." *Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "Water of Life." 21:7*Lit. Ar. id.: "The one." 21:8*Lit. Ar. id.: "Fearful for their own safety." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Workers with." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Recurring." 21:11*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Like the stone of Jasper, that resembles crystal." 21:16*Lit. Ar. id.: "Placed." 21:18*Lit. Ar. id.: "Structure," or "style." 21:19*Lit. Ar. id.: "Decorated." 21:21*Lit. Ar. id.: "One." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Reflecting glass." 21:23*Lit. Ar. id.: "Brighten." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Torch," "lamp."

21:25*Lit. Ar. id.: "For." 180

21:26*Lit. Ar. id.: "Brought." 페이지

21:27*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And nor [enters] abomination into her the corrupt, and the doer of demonic [acts] and falsehood."

Revelation chapter 22 1. And he showed me the river of the Living Waters, immaculate as crystal, that emerges from the throne of Allaha and that Lamb.

The river of the Living Waters in Sumerian cylinder From left to Lord god Enki's seventh son , the first son of man "Adapa" Third Son of Lord god Enki "Ningishzidda" Lord god "Enki" (Nibiru's frist prince Enki / Ea) Living Waters flowing the Throne of the Lord Enki It comees form the heart of Lord god Enki and It comes from the heart of the Trinity And It go to human heart

181 페이지

Lamb in the middle of Legs of Enki

2. In the middle of its wide way and on the river from this side and that, [there is] the Tree of Life, that brings forth* twelve [kinds] of fruit, in every month every one of its fruits, and the leaves of the Tree for the wisdom of the nations

The middle of its wide way = Internet The river from this side and that = One of Internet SNS is Youtube The Tree of Life = YouTube accounts Twelve [kinds] of fruit = Two witnesses's monthly make that Youtube videos about

"The true of God and humanity"

182 페이지

Twelve [kinds] of fruit =

Tree of Wisdom = Web site & tweeter The leaves of the Tree for the wisdom = Posts of web site & tweeter’s tweet The wisdom of the nations = The Myth of each nations and True of the gods and the human

3. And nothing shall ever wither,* and the throne of Allaha and that Lamb shall be in it, and his servants* shall serve him. His spirit must remain pure state without withering Soul of The god Enki and the Lamb(The god Marduk) shall be in messenger's heart and mind His servant = Adapa : Adapa was always with him(Ningishzidda). Thoth and baboons/Dionysus and the young boy/Hatshepsut and stepson /Elijah and Elisha/Jacinta and Francisco Marto :Two children get drunk holy blood in Fatima Portugal (Marian apparition) Francisco Marto ... Feastday of Blessed Jacinta and Francisco: February 20 ... and the Angel shared the Blood of the Chalice between Francisco and Jacinta.

183 페이지

4. And they shall see his face, and their name shall be on their forehead*. People will see the face of Ningishzidda ( in his tweeter account) His name will be the name of his SNS profile(=their forehead)

Other accounts is actual profile picture Here , his(her) account will not be published

5. And night shall not occur again, and neither shall they need the light of the lamp, nor* the light of the sun,

for Maryah Allaha shall be their light,* Light of Maryah Allaha= Knowledge of God and God's divine soul,The light of eternal , The lightof Seal of the living God, 184

It is human beings each have a glowing body put itself 페이지

Eternal youth, no sickness, no death, no pain, fullness complete Night= darkness/ignorance / Evil/ Evil spirits of world/false / Satan's World / black soul and they shall reign to [the end of] the universes of all the universes. Mankind will be The last ruler of the universe Their royal bloodline come from highest god of all gods They took over the lineage of the king of the gods

6. And he said to me, "These manifestations are faithful and true."* And Maryah Allaha of the spirit of the saints sent me his angel to show his servants* these [things] that are destined to occur soon. 7. "And, behold, I am coming soon." Blessed is the one who upholds the manifestations of the prophecy of this book." 8. And I too, John, the one who heard and saw these [things,] and as I heard and saw, The Apostle John is one of two witnesses I fell at his feet, to worship before the angel, who showed me these [things.] 9. And he said to me, "Look, no! I am your companion, and [of] your brothers the prophets, and of those who uphold the manifestations of this book. Worship Allaha." 10. And he said to me, "Do not close the manifestations of the prophecy of this book for that age* is soon approaching*.

Do not close little book with the interpretation of Revelation , why? that age is now

11. "The [worker] of abomination will be abominable still, and the depraved shall be depraved still, and the righteous shall do righteous acts still and the saint will be sainted still.

Most peoples are getting into the disgusting pop culture enthusiasts Religious people fall into ignorance losing discernment of good and evil

The growing increasingly brutal crime Slaughter in the Middle East is left to stand

Nevertheless, the righteous shall proceed without stopping his mission 185

Saint was born again, most 페이지

The last time the ground is still sacred status should be maintained So that they would finally be the entry into heaven

12. " 'Behold, I am coming soon, ...and my recompense with me, To repay everyone ...according to their works. 13. 'I am the Alap and the Tau*, The god/ First/ king/ and Eternal life/ ...the First and the Last, The Beginning* and the End*.' The beginning of human civilization and Present age 14. "Blessed are they who perform ...according to his commandments,

So as they may have claim* ...over the Tree of Life, And [so that] they may enter ...through the gates of the City.

{Ultra high-tech City appeared in the sky from the dream and vision of

Yoachim} 186


15. "Outside -- dogs and witches, ...and prostitutes and murderers, And idol makers* ...and every lying hypocrite.*" 16. "I Eashoa sent my angel witness to you, Who [stand] before the churches. ...I am that root And genesis of David, Genesis of David =Enuma Elish , David is Incarnation of The god Marduk

Star of David(Seal of Solomon) & The god Marduk dressed cloth of stars that immaculate star, That morning [star.] immaculate star= Star of Pure, purification, pure white= the Spirit “Seal of the living God” resembles a “Comet Ison”

187 페이지

Seal of the living God Comet Ison

-Hopi prophecy- Purification of mankind, By Blue and Red Star Katsina ( purifier) The bow in his left hand represents his instructions to the Hopi to lay down their weapons Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World. {87 He kissed the bow, saying, "It is my daughter!" 88 Thus he called the names of the bow: 89 "Long Stick" was the first;

." 90 With the third name, "Bow Star", he made it to shine in the sky, 91 He fixed its heavenly position along with its divine brothers (=Asia’s 7 church Angels).

EnumaElish-TheBabylonianEpicofCreation 188 페이지 }

The Hopi also have prophesied that "Turtle Island could turn over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky.”

Hindu mythology also contains a story about the churning of the Cosmic Ocean in order to obtain Amrita - the nectar of immortal life. A bas-relief at the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia includes a depiction of devas and asuras working together to stir up the Ocean of Milk in an attempt to free the precious objects lost within, including the elixir of immortality called amrita . The scheme, masterminded by Vishnu , was to wrap the serpent Vasuki around and then to rotate the mountain and to churn the surrounding sea in the manner of a gigantic food processor, by alternately pulling on the serpent's head and then on his tail The supreme planet in that ocean of Truth is Goloka , though only a few persons out of thousands and thousands may come to the conclusion of Absolute Truth and may subsequently live on this planet of cows, where the milk ocean exists.

The Hopi believe Kachinas (Kat'sinas) are the spirits of nature and the 189

messengers and teachers sent by the Great Spirit. The Sumerians believed 페이지

KAT.SI.NA were righteous ones sent of God. red-dragon-red-sun/

That morning [star.] is Venus and the Bride

17. "And the Spirit and the Bride The Spirit(=SoulofJesus/EashoafromGodthroughhis Mother) ,Bride(disciples of Jesus among one people, Mary Magdalene does not belong to his 12 disciples,Most people can be reincarnated alternately women and men, she is the Apostle John has potential)

The English translation of the fragmentary lines is, for the recto line 1: ... not [to] me. My mother gave me life ... line 2: ... The disciples said to Jesus, ... line 3: ... deny. Mary is (not?) worthy of it. ... line 4: ... Jesus said to them, "My wife ... line 5: ... she is able to be my disciple ... line 6: ... Let wicked people swell up ... line 7: ... As for me, I am with her in order to ... line 1: ... not [to] me. My mother gave me life ... 190

Mitochondria make up an estimated 31,000 of the nearly 50,000 cells in each 페이지 human body. During intercourse and conception, male mitochondria are stored in the tail of the male sperm cells;female mitochondria are stored inside the female ova (egg) . A sperm cell resembles a tiny tadpole and the tail of the sperm cell is where mitochondrial DNA is located. During the process of insemination hundreds of tiny sperm cells swim down the woman's fallopian tubes in hopes of finding fertile an ova (egg) to penetrate. Once the head of the sperm cell penetrates the outer wall of the ova, the tail of the male sperm breaks off and along with it all the male mitochondria dies.

I was told it was “Esu Immanuel”. This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference between him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between him and his hearers with their black beards and tawny complexions

I am your most obedient servant,

191 페이지

from “Pontius Pilote” From official documents of Historical Records made in the Days of Jesus Christ (the Arckko Volume in the Congressional Library in Washington D.C.). "The Archko Volume" Another description of Jesus is found in "The Archko Volume" which contains official court documents from the days of Jesus. He is the picture of his mother, only he has not her smooth, round face. His hair is a little more golden than hers, though it is as much from sunburn as anything else. He is tall, and his shoulders are a little drooped; his visage is thin and of a swarthy complexion, though this is from exposure. His eyes are large and a soft blue, and rather dull and heavy.... Nation with blue eyes and blonde in the Middle East : Yazidi tribe and the Syrians And Jesus used the Aramaic (Syriac) His mother Mary was a descendant of Aram tribe she lived in Galilee where the area lived Aram tribe

Medjugorje Marian apparition now ,First to speak Aramaic, and then says Bosnian Bride : 192

line 3: ... deny. Mary is (not?) worthy of it. ... 페이지 line 4: ... Jesus said to them, "My wife ... line 5: ... she is able to be my disciple ...

Disciples of Jesus among one people, Mary Magdalene does not belong to his 12 disciples, Most people can be reincarnated alternately women and men, she is the Apostle John who has potential

Apostle John & Sun God "Ra / Lah" Holding the hand of the goddess dressed red and blue clothes

...are saying, 'Come!' And the one who hears [all,] saying, 'Come!'( Share "Seal of the living God" by human’s SNS) And whoever thirsts, shall come ...and whoever is willing*, Shall be granted* ...the Living Waters* free." The Living Waters ("Seal of the living God" and Truth) is God's free gift to help yourself If you do not help yourself

Heaven can not help you Free, the keys of eternal life does not pay

Divide and many people, this is an endless fountain 193 페이지

It is a way of saving lives and The act of great worth

18. "I am witnessing to everyone who hears the manifestations of prophecy of this book. If a human being augments* their [message,] Allaha will bring over them the plagues that are written of in this book. 19. "And if a human being reduces from the manifestations of this book of prophecy, Allaha will reduce their share of the Tree of Life, and of that holy city, these that are written of in this book."

Winged dragon, and in his cups {His cup is the Holy Grail of Elijah/ So Jesus was saying that Elijah came here}

[It was to be sure, Eashoa Msheekha's Revelation of the whole mystery of the universe to John in a magnificent vision. The Ancient Church of the East was formed during the Apostolic Age. Its scribes copied the Scripture for centuries without changing it. Since it was in their native Aramaic, it never had to be translated. To this day, they have never even translated it to their current vernacular. This is the first authentic translation ever made. I've translated directly into English so that the greatest number of

people, especially Christians, may finally have access to an accurate, idiomatic and true version of this Scripture. In http://www.v- ] 194


Thank you so much dear Victor Alexander I was able to interpret the Revelation because of your honest translation This book is Previous life and Presence evidence of God and Eashoa Also humanity's true ,Eternal life and the value of the current time It was like a puzzle,I have a piece and a piece to match So it was become to the perfect truth of immortality From Anakim(=Anunaki)

20. Says the one who witnesses to these, "Indeed, I am coming soon! Amen." Come, Maran Eashoa! 21. The blessing of Eashoa Msheekha to all* the saints, Amen. Maran is Syriac Christians , who use the Syriac variety of Aramaic , make reference to Jesus using exactly the same title (see Mar ). Maran is a title for exceptionally respected rabbis aran

Footnotes: 22:2*Lit. Ar. id.: "Makes." 22:3*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And all withering shall not be again." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Slaves." 22:4*Lit. Ar. id.: "Between their eyes." 22:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "And." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Light them," or: enlighten them. 22:6*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Faithfuls and truths." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Slaves." 22:10*Lit. Ar. id.: "Season." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Nearing." 22:13*The last letter of the Aramaic alphabet. *Lit. Ar. id.: "Head." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Conclusion."

22:14*Lit. Ar. id.: "Authority." 22:15*Lit. Ar. id.: "Workers [in,]" or: idolators.

*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Show mercy and [yet] do falsehood." 195 페이지

22:17*Lit. Ar. id.: "Satisfied." *Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Shall receive satisfaction of." *Lit. Ar. id.: "Water of Life." 22:21*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "With all of."

151 Drive the storm chariot without delay 159 After Qingu was elevated and had acquired the power of Anuship

125 When Lah(ha and Lah),amu heard, they cried aloud Tablet V 129 I shall call its name 'Babylon', "The Homes of the Great Gods", 130 Truly, the Son of the Sun, most radiant of gods is he. In his brilliant light may they walk forever! On the people he brought forth, endowed with life,

Tablet VI 119 Though the black-heads worship some one, some another god, 120 He is the god of each and every one of us! In Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation ticle/225

196 페이지

The god gene

In the clay, god and Man shall be bound, to a unity brought together; So that to the end of days the Flesh and the Soul which in a god have ripened - that Soul in a blood-kingship be bound; As its Sign life shall proclaim. So that this not be forgotten, Let the "Soul" in a blood-kingship be bound

Sumer tablet written by Nibiru Prince father ENKI In The 12th Planet - Zecharia sichin


19 페이지


Conversation of God and secret's prophet

Even walking pace late Ok if you come safely Even heavy footsteps walking If you are returning I am satisfied with it Your every step I give blessing Have you ever, you come to the road Even if you stumble Also wither back in bloom Like Rose of Sharon Get up again You do not stop its pace I walked the road It comes along You and I meet each other again We smiled a happy smile We will love each other again I know So please my dear sirs Do not stop its pace Come The road coming to me Even harder

By your brilliant soul Brightly dark road at night

Come to me so 198

My eyes are always delighted watching 페이지

Shining you I'm looking at the lady's laugh I am light, too In thy pain Grief is like with you It appears on, in my eyes,in my heart I want to see,Oh my lover Unchanged Pine Come back to me Thou thy rest , your head leaning on my chest oh,I write a letter yearn for you from this luminous place

June 19, 2015... Your Jesus through the soul of Joachim (one of the two witnesses)

Like a stone being washed out as rain falls in summer Wash like it On incessantly rain Such as stones that washed away dirty things Constantly washed away by rain

Lonely,wet your body The wind will dry The wind is me So the wind is coming only Washed waiting

Be the stone June 12, 2015


Your Yeshua through Joachim 페이지

My SEAL has also the power of the resurrection

If you leave it on the heart of the just deceased My Seal will bring back his soul to his body

Pain is lower Come new skin will be healed A little old Dead While 7-10 days My SEAL leave with his and her corpse They will rise again They would be resurrected Very old body is Complete recovery of the body, even though Recovery of the soul They will have a brilliant spiritual body It is true "I am the resurrection and the life called"

So I will keeping promises

May 01, 2015 9:00 a.m. 200

Son, Jesus Christ and me in the dialog 페이지

My child Do you know where life comes from , mankind? Do you know that your parents gave birth to you? It is not If leave the soul in the body of you Life is disappear and just flesh Giving life to your parents is My father, who is God the Father He is Michaeli Archangel

Yes, you are the God kids The soul of my father's sacred Born into this world through your parents It's your own pure, Soul of the unsalted The beauty of the soul So lovely shine There is nothing compared with the pure beauty of your soul born in this world

Soul of the Holy He is Melted in such a clean conscience, feelings of compassion Then the soul when hurt and black stain Occurs time to you are act of sin Even if do not know any other person Your conscience is, that the soul is so going tinged black In the end the soul is completely charred That any ruthless act That any shameless action Execute that some evil Does not react to anything that the soul Solidifies as stone soul Life is a divine completely lost and only remaining wild Soul is become black That would be the devil Sin will not let you breathe of the spirit Prevent impressed living Let not love living each other Prevent satisfactory living Will be the same as those that inhabit dead 201


That soul If you sincerely regrets your sins So , to my father and me All the sins caused black soul if you have Confession. that sincerely regrets his sins

Forgive him Even if tear one flow by contrite heart I will embrace you. As the soul of my divinity My holy blood My holy body I wipe and wipe you When my father sent you to this world for the first time The kind and lovely soul pure and beautiful then I will be find, again My child This is my desire My noble will Oh! Father ! Through me

Give the eternal life to your children and my children! So Please let me forever and ever and ever to live with them!

Father! Illuminating the world burned me Like a candle It burned me, O save the humanity!

The value is in the act of awakening

You are wise and Discretion

Wisdom of Mankind 're Not just coming out in the knowledge and thinking

It is that 202 페이지

He has an old soul The life of the times Product In experience Like ripe fruit ripened Of ripe soul In memories Will come

Discretion One of the propensity that have such a soul Each and every moment is open Free spirit With characteristic This Discretion is Save the lives of many people in the moment of crisis, sometimes

Thus awakening In addition, the snags are alone Will not have any value Value of awakening the The behavior in that awakening of the behavior of all There should be impressive to others It's not even led teaching, the Giving out that my Also bring to give attention Sympathy with each other and Around the person's Will stay So you also to those who Such interest and Sympathy And when together Your soul is worth Will emit the true light awakening of the value of your There will However it is the child's Getting to the heart of man Than any awakening 203

Hard hard 페이지

Above all, The value is in Knowledge and wisdom This two goes beyond Given out to Mine The gain the love of one soul's heart So Enough to share their lives with each other What is the value It is Also give life to bring you The most important is all of value No more, no less and nothing That is all September 24, 2014 From Jesus Holy Priest of you

Our Lady of Fatima expression

You are Illuminate the each other The light of the heart Looking at each other Mirror reflects Please do not fight or argue Two witnesses of divine expression of my mother Fatima Little children born JACINTA and Francis You had accepted my holy blood So with my spirit in the spirit of you Your tears are blood for me Towards each of your remark Numerous barbed sticks the blade in my heart because you are each a shining light From each other as to get rid of one Light is off 204

You are just like darkness as 페이지

The submerged in desolation There's no more you no one can instead You are so important to each other and It is precious just like life

We have sent down to you the world To fulfill the will of my Father How much time and love that poured carefully Would not imagine you two Please serious time on this holy and important Consumption should not be wasted by their emotional

The will of Heaven This magnificent and sacred moment by moment You are without a pause Done must go Thus sanctification of mankind shall be made So should have to live with my father and my eternal immortality in mankind Your Will achieve tomorrow with my miserable bloody absolute value of the last ditch Your have done a great love should My father's inheritance shall be made in my life and Your great effort Oh my children You are born It's my father's bittersweet love you Been sent to the world Poured into each life of every of Your The same mother and father and my love and my devotion and love that the world should be filled So It means that love of my father's endless, To Mankind who is my brethren and my children Giving love of father mixed with tears From in the beginning, and now, and will continue forever.

August 25, 2014

From Your Christ Jesus to Children of My Soul who Anna and Yoachim

205 페이지

My child Shall the many confession So clear the stain of your conscience Reviver your soul again

My child many Visit to the Blessed Sacrament Then you will have my full soft divine pea My child Many shall Eucharist Then you will be like me, this goes to the light of the divine body

My body, Body of divine light Eucharist is my divine will give all of you Made in the light of the Holy My body is The indwelling in Eucharist So you are eating take my divine Like me A body of light

To create a foundation to be a body of divinity


My divinity is will be with source of your soul 206

In addition, 페이지

Gift of This time generations Seal of the living God is My body My heart bit you will feel in The Seal

Soul of you I was supported in the holy sacrifice of me The Basilica of the Holy Blood and Eucharist Going to be like me

Mankind was that Same as the original birth of me As a parent born of God, Son of God, Daughter of God It is same that was again born such as me

Charity and Eternal My father's children My brothers and sisters My Children Humanity For you I will give a life of immortality So ,you and I Forever and ever forever and ever With you Will share the freedom, peace and love to live

Oh! How much Wait wait We are the nation of brothers and sisters? Also How much I to tease wanted Is the country of my children ? To fulfill my father and my a long desire For your soul love your soul. Erase the stain Awaken the conscience Make a sincere mind unfeigned 207

Then 페이지

Your soul The innocent as a little child Also Transparent light so shine so clear eyes

John, my child You are my soul's shelter The refuge of my soul Interest shall retain the integrity of your soul Stop the hate, hatred and indifference and laziness Also, should not bother my Holy Eucharist Love me I only in the presence of your love

August 12, 2014 7:30 Eucharist immediately after the evening Mass

from came as the Son of Man ,Jesus Son of God

[Israeli =Mean is Trinity:Name of the nation of Hebrew is not]

=Ihsou(Egyptian Coptic version of Jesus) + Ra(Egyptian The sun god Ra =Sumerian god Marduk) + Eli(God) = Ihsou(Jesus) + Ra(Egyptian Sun god) + Eli(God)

As a result 12 The tribe are The descendants of God and Jesus Christ (Human father Creator nibiru prince ENKI is God and father Enki's firstborn The god Marduk = Sun god Ra is Jesus. Marduk is name when son of God )

I am the Prince of Righteousness I'm Your is a fountain of life, I am Shining like the sun Hot like the sun

I have a love of the Sacred Heart

Comes to complete this holy vows

so please 208

My brothers and sisters,and my children 페이지

Please follow me to believe Do not deny my lead sound To give you a gift Eternal life and Shining paradise Pay my blood Surge up my all Please My the holy and ardent love Be hug in your arms July 24, 2014 19:30 Mass after Holy Communion Your Jesus


Walk, walk, walk again Then the light will be seen If your pace is too heavy Even if hard to breathe Look at the sky, my sorrowful love Remember that moment so sad and drastic Look My sighs are dearest love of me,father The tears of your father When even walking difficult Think of me Love is flowers are blooming one that in between the numerous stones

June 11, 2015 from your father through Joachim

The sound is heard through the sky rain The sound is not heard by ear In Flooring

Falling The sadness in the Rain

Bury sadness, depending on Rain 209

It Impart to the chest through the eyes 페이지

Listen to the soul Do you know Noisy silence of the Rain Look at the sun It's shaking my eyes Watching you My sad eyes Listen sound of rain My tears are a song to listen to your soul In dry and your heart Shed my soul. I want to hear me I want to seep into you I want to shout it

Father, why do you throw me hard world? Why are you sent me? Why??? My child He is me I am wanted You are a child born in my heart You know my heart My heart's mourning one Who knows better than you? The only kid can deliver I am a heavenly Prince but , I did not have a permission of the prince I was the children of concubines I am the firstborn But, I was no authoritative power as the firstborn But so unfair and deplorable It is destined to me Fate was My children

Oh now, without sin For no reason

Drastic miserably dying from Hebrews,IS 210

Your numerous Syria, Palestine, 페이지

Look at the Middle East's brothers and sisters How much poor and poor! I ripped my heart is yet Kill,Devil kills so My lineage My blood Although the devil twisting your head, squeezing the chest Your feet, poked every step,poked the whole body, again Their heart is should beating by My blood of purification Life's blood, The blood of divinity in this world must be sent

The world is going to die without life The blood of my divine again The blood of life should be supper to human body and soul It should give flowed So the children of heart and the my heart beats together; in their dry life, Their souls My divinity water of life The only instill vitality Otherwise They lost soul This will be the beast back into the pouring devil And before the time of destruction No one will be unable to get

Father! No one should believe Nobody believed this, But this world to go somewhere Awaited this moment. No Take a drop too much No into a deep sleep Obviously existence child who has a clear spirit To the child Blessed my blood of the heart, Fruit of love Shall deliver shinning the seal 211

My children 페이지

When your tears flow on two cheek I am sad as new moon in the night sky You know that i have seen look at you Your grief It flows through my chest This was my tears So even your sadness Even chagrin

You take comfort Peace in your heart The calm and gentle love The flowing years will be offer the comfort to you The flowing time will come End day So when it comes time to eternity stay Then again, I hold you in my heart I will shed hot tears Let's go, yeah let's not far-length July 6, 2015 23:00 Your father from God the Father Ea

My children Why do you live? Little John to be happy? Did most happy when some days in your life?

I felt complete peace in the long eucharistic adoration Or Shining with God's living seal I have felt The evening sun in the warm sea Sea is full fill of red light My whole body feels Absolute comfort and a warm softness, wavy wave It came up to my body to be fluffy At that moment I wanted this forever.

Have you felt ,then what? Completely alone, or While all of the world as disconnected felt my own,only 212

In me 페이지

Full myself

It is your soul, and you first pure, noble soul is the deity The child, shall grow again The child, should be a wake up again The child is pure and you separate the world You will be happiest when you The child is not shaken The child is not an error in judgment And you can have the happiness that a child You must have a child Finally to you, the world is worthwhile to live

July 06, 2015 at 11:00

long dialogue with God the Father,

My Eucharist become consists of my heart My child You stay in a place inside of me Anywhere you Nothing to protect people know as much as All people infected with the devil Hatred and contempt You will be hard to bear is so You stayed in front of the Eucharist when I consolation your wound And I love you your eternal Consists of the flesh of my heart in my Eucharist The sanctity of my Sacred Heart. When take me to eat Tongue will feel my heart beating You know now My Eucharist is like a heart beating It is live Repeat the movement without pause Be know As such you will take my heart to eat of the Sacred Heart Washed out your soul 213

Pouring out the Sacred Heart to your heart 페이지

Love and Rich mercy My children and brothers were all great mercy I'm hoping to look You must be born again of the spirit of the Holy Beautiful flowers seem to bloom You are precious in my Father's lurking in your divinity My soul in flesh of my heart Reminds me who like a flame in full bloom The faint scent of gentle Full fill in the world I am prayer pray you,too

6.1. 2014 in Eucharistic adoration room


Nag Hammadi - Gospel of Thomas's decryption & etc



The Nag Hammadi Library The Gospel of Thomas

Translated by Marvin Meyer This original translation by Marvin Meyer of The Gospel of Thomas is presented in the Gnostic Society Library by permission and under license from the copyright holder. It is reproduced in The Gnostic Bible, © 2003, Willis Barnstone & Marvin Meyer. (Visit the Gospel of Thomas Collection for other translations and additional information) ______


These are the hidden sayings that the living Yeshua spoke and Yehuda Toma the twin recorded.

(1) And he said, Whoever discovers what these sayings mean will not taste death.

(2) Yeshua said, Seek and do not stop seeking until you find. When you find, you will be troubled. When you are troubled, you will marvel and rule over all. [Remember Forwarders two witnesses It does not stop to find the knowledge of God The troubled to know the end is near for mankind But they are surprised by the discovery of knowledge And mankind's salvation and help He is the ruler of his era]

(3) Yeshua said, If your leaders tell you, “Look, the kingdom is in heaven,” then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, “It’s in the sea,” 215

then the fish will precede you. 페이지

But the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you. When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty and you are poverty. [Than birds and fish Humanity is precious Ln divine spirit of human blood There is a God gene The body is that of humanity And the God-shaped mitochondria So God in human body Then the Earth is humanity lives Upcoming God's planet This would be heaven] (4) Yeshua said, A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and the person will live. For many of the first will be last and become a single one. [Gods and demigods are the beginning Reborn again by the end times Repeat the life of their first time The gods of hell ENLIL lineage They will slaughter the human race The gods Enki lineage of Heaven They will help to save mankind]

(5) Yeshua said, Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden from you will be disclosed. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.

(6) His students asked him and said to him, Do you want us to fast? 216

How should we pray? 페이지

Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?

Yeshua said, Do not lie and do not do what you hate. All things are disclosed before heaven. There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nothing covered that will remain undisclosed.

(7) Yeshua said, Blessings on the lion if a human eats it, making the lion human. Foul is the human if a lion eats it, making the lion human.

(8) And he said, Humankind is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of little fish. Among the fish he found a fine large fish. He threw all the little fish back into the sea and easily chose the large fish. Whoever has ears to hear should hear.

(9) Yeshua said, Look, the sower went out, took a handful of seeds, and scattered them. Some fell on the road and the birds came and pecked them up. Others fell on rock and they did not take root in the soil and did not produce heads of grain. Others fell on thorns and they choked the seeds and worms devoured them. And others fell on good soil and it brought forth a good crop, yielding sixty per measure and one hundred twenty per measure. 217


(10) Yeshua said, I have thrown fire upon the world, and look, I am watching till it blazes.

(11) Yeshua said, This heaven will pass away and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive and the living will not die. During the days when you ate what is dead you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?

(12) The students said to Yeshua, We know you will leave us. Who will be our leader?

Yeshua said to them, Wherever you are, seek out Yaakov the just. For his sake heaven and earth came into being.

(13) Yeshua said to his students, Compare me to something and tell me what I am like.

Shimon Kefa said to him, You are like a just messenger.

Matai said to him, You are like a wise philosopher.

Toma said to him, Rabbi, my mouth is utterly unable to say 218

what you are like. 페이지

Yeshua said, I am not your rabbi. Because you have drunk, you are intoxicated from the bubbling spring I tended.

And he took him and withdrew, and spoke three sayings to him.

When Toma came back to his friends, they asked him, What did Yeshua say to you?

Toma said to them, If I tell you one of the sayings he spoke to me, you will pick up rocks and stone me and fire will come out of the rocks and consume you.

(14) Yeshua said to them, If you fast you will bring sin upon yourselves, and if you pray you will be condemned, and if you give to charity you will harm your spirits. When you go into any region and walk through the countryside, and people receive you, eat what they serve you and heal the sick among them. What goes into your mouth will not defile you, but what comes out of your mouth will defile you.

(15) Yeshua said, When you see one not born of woman, fall on your faces and worship. That is your father.

(16) Yeshua said, People may think I have come to impose peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to impose conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war. For there will be five in a house. There will be three against two and two against three, 219

father against son and son against father, 페이지 and they will stand alone.

(17) Yeshua said, I shall give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, what has not arisen in the human heart.

(18) The students said to Yeshua, Tell us how our end will be.

Yeshua said, Have you discovered the beginning and now are seeking the end? Where the beginning is, the end will be. Blessings on you who stand at the beginning. You will know the end and not taste death.

(19) Yeshua said, Blessings on you who came into being before coming into being. If you become my students and hear my sayings, these stones will serve you. For there are five trees in paradise for you. Summer or winter they do not change and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows them will not taste death.

(20) The students said to Yeshua, Tell us what the kingdom of heaven is like.

He said to them, It is like a mustard seed, the tiniest of seeds, but when it falls on prepared soil, it produces a great plant and becomes a shelter for the birds of heaven.

(21) Miryam said to Yeshua, 220

What are your students like? 페이지

He said, They are like little children living in a field that is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say, “Give our field back to us.” The children take off their clothes in front of them to give it back, and they return their field to them. So I say, if the owner of a house knows that a thief is coming, he will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into the house of his estate and steal his possessions. As for you, be on guard against the world. Arm yourselves with great strength, or the robbers will find a way to reach you, for the trouble you expect will come. Let someone among you understand. When the crop ripened, the reaper came quickly with sickle in hand and harvested it. Whoever has ears to hear should hear.

(22) Yeshua saw some babies nursing. He said to his students, These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom. They said to him, Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?

Yeshua said to them, When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, 221

then you will enter the kingdom. 페이지

(23) Yeshua said, I shall choose you as one from a thousand and as two from ten thousand and they will stand as a single one.

(24) His students said, Show us the place where you are. We must seek it.

He said to them, Whoever has ears should hear. There is light within a person of light and it shines on the whole world. If it does not shine it is dark.

(25) Yeshua said, Love your brother like your soul. Protect that person like the pupil of your eye.

(26) Yeshua said, You see the speck in your brother’s eye but not the beam in your own eye. When you take the beam out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

(27) If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Shabbat as Shabbat, you will not see the father.

(28) Yeshua said, I took my stand in the midst of the world, and I appeared to them in flesh. I found them all drunk 222

yet none of them thirsty. 페이지

My soul ached for the human children because they are blind in their hearts and do not see. They came into the world empty and seek to depart from the world empty. But now they are drunk. When they shake off their wine, they will repent.

(29) Yeshua said, If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of body, it is a marvel of marvels. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.

(30) Yeshua said, Where there are three deities, they are divine. Where there are two or one, I am with that one.

(31) Yeshua said, A prophet is not accepted in the hometown. A doctor does not heal those who know the doctor.

(32) Yeshua said, A city built upon a high hill and fortified cannot fall, nor can it be hidden.

(33) Yeshua said, What you will hear in your ear in the other ear proclaim from your rooftops. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, nor in a hidden place. 223

You put it on a stand 페이지 so that all who come and go will see its light.

(34) Yeshua said, If a blind person leads a blind person, both will fall in a hole.

(35) Yeshua said, You cannot enter the house of the strong and take it by force without binding the owner’s hands. Then you can loot the house.

(36) Yeshua said, From morning to evening and from evening to morning, do not worry about what you will wear.

(37) His students said, When will you appear to us and when shall we see you?

Yeshua said, When you strip naked without being ashamed and take your clothes and put them under your feet like small children and trample them, then you will see the child of the living one and you will not be afraid.

(38) Yeshua said, Often you wanted to hear these sayings I am telling you, and you have no one else from whom to hear them. There will be days when you will seek me and you will not find me.

(39) Yeshua said, The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge 224

and have hidden them. 페이지

They have not entered, nor have they allowed those who want to enter to go inside. You should be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves.

(40) Yeshua said, A grapevine has been planted far from the father. Since it is not strong it will be pulled up by the root and perish.

(41) Yeshua said, Whoever has something in hand will be given more and whoever has nothing will be deprived of the paltry things possessed.

(42) Yeshua said, Be passersby.

(43) His students said to him, Who are you to say these things to us?

Yeshua said, From what I tell you, you do not know who I am, but you have become like the Jews. They love the tree but hate its fruit or love the fruit but hate the tree.

(44) Yeshua said, Whoever blasphemes against the father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven. 225


(45) Yeshua said, Grapes are not harvested from thorn trees, nor are figs gathered from thistles. They yield no fruit. A good person brings forth good from the storehouse. A bad person brings forth evil things from the corrupt storehouse in the heart and says evil things. From the abundance of the heart such a person brings forth evil.

(46) Yeshua said, From Adam to Yohanan the baptizer, among those born of women, no one of you is so much greater than Yohanan that your eyes should not be averted. But I have said that whoever among you becomes a child will know the kingdom and become greater than Yohanan.

(47) Yeshua said, A person cannot mount two horses or bend two bows, and a servant cannot serve two masters, or the servant will honor one and offend the other. No one who drinks aged wine suddenly wants to drink new wine. New wine is not poured into aged wineskins or they may break, and aged wine is not poured into a new wineskin or it may spoil. An old patch is not sewn onto a new garment or it may tear.

(48) Yeshua said, If two make peace with each other in one house, they will tell the mountain, “Move,” 226

and the mountain will move. 페이지

(49) Yeshua said, Blessings on you who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. You have come from it and will return there again.

(50) Yeshua said, If they say to you, “Where have you come from?” say to them, “We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established itself, and appeared in their image.” If they say to you, “Is it you?” say, “We are its children and the chosen of the living father.” If they ask you, “What is the evidence of your father in you?” say to them, “It is motion and rest.”

(51) His students said to him, When will the dead rest? When will the new world come? He said to them, What you look for has come but you do not know it.

(52) His students said to him, Twenty-four prophets have spoken in Israel and they all spoke of you.

He said to them, You have disregarded the living one among you and have spoken of the dead.

(53) His students said to him, Is circumcision useful or not? 227

He said to them, 페이지

If it were useful, fathers would produce their children already circumcised from their mothers. But the true circumcision in spirit is altogether valuable.

(54) Yeshua said, Blessings on you the poor, for yours is the kingdom of heaven.

(55) Yeshua said, Those who do not hate their father and mother cannot be my students, and those who do not hate their brothers and sisters and bear the cross as I do will not be worthy of me.

(56) Yeshua said, Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass, and whoever has discovered a carcass, of that person the world is not worthy.

(57) Yeshua said, The father’s kingdom is like someone with good seed. His enemy came at night and sowed weeds among the good seed. He did not let them pull up the weeds but said to them, “No, or you might go to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.” On harvest day the weeds will be conspicuous and will be pulled up and burned.

(58) Yeshua said, Blessings on the person who has labored and found life. 228


(59) Yeshua said, Look to the living one as long as you live or you may die and try to see the living one and you will not be able to see.

(60) He saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb as he was going to the land of Yehuda.

He said to his students, That person is carrying the lamb around.

They said to him, Then he may kill it and eat it.

He said to them, He will not eat it while it is alive but only after he has killed it and it has become a carcass.

They said, Otherwise he cannot do it.

He said to them, So with you. Seek a place of rest or you may become a carcass and be eaten.

(61) Yeshua said, Two will rest on a couch. One will die, one will live.

Salome said, Who are you, mister? You have climbed on my couch and eaten from my table as if you are from someone.

Yeshua said to her, I am the one who comes from what is whole. I was given from the things of my father. 229


Salome said, I am your student.

Yeshua said, I say, if you are whole, you will be filled with light, but if divided, you will be filled with darkness.

(62) Yeshua said, I disclose my mysteries to those who are worthy of my mysteries. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

(63) Yeshua said, There was a rich person who was very wealthy. He said, “I shall invest my money so I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouses with produce. Then I shall lack nothing.” This is what he was thinking in his heart, but that very night he died. Whoever has ears should hear.

(64) Yeshua said, A person was receiving guests. When he prepared the dinner he sent his servant to invite the guests. The servant went to the first and said, “My master invites you.”

That person said, “Some merchants owe me money. They are coming tonight. I must go and give them instructions. Please excuse me from dinner.”

The servant went to another and said, “My master invites you.” 230

He said to the servant, 페이지

“I have bought a house and I’ve been called away for a day. I have no time.”

The servant went to another and said, “My master invites you.”

He said to the servant, “My friend is to be married and I am to arrange the banquet. I can’t come. Please excuse me from dinner.”

The servant went to another and said, “My master invites you.”

He said to the servant, “I have bought an estate and I am going to collect rent. I shall not be able to come. Please excuse me.”

The servant returned and said to his master, “Those you invited to dinner have asked to be excused.”

The master said to his servant, “Go out into the streets and invite whomever you find for the dinner. Buyers and merchants will not enter the places of my father.”

(65) He said, A usurer owned a vineyard and rented it to some farmers to work it and from them he would collect its produce. He sent his servant for the farmers to give him the produce of the vineyard. They seized, beat, and almost killed his servant, who returned and told his master. His master said, “Perhaps he did not know them.” And he sent another servant, but they beat him as well. Then the master sent his son and said, “Perhaps they will respect my son.” 231

Since the farmers knew the son was the heir 페이지 of the vineyard, they seized him and killed him. Whoever has ears should hear.

(66) Yeshua said, Show me the stone that the builders rejected. That is the cornerstone.

(67) Yeshua said, One who knows all but lacks within is utterly lacking.

(68) Yeshua said, Blessings on you when you are hated and persecuted, and no place will be found, wherever you are persecuted.

(69) Yeshua said, Blessings on you who have been persecuted in your hearts. Only you truly know the father. Blessings on you who are hungry that the stomach of someone else in want may be filled.

(70) Yeshua said, If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you have nothing within you, what you do not have within you will kill you.

(71) Yeshua said, I shall destroy this house and no one will be able to rebuild it.

(72) Someone said to him, Tell my brothers to divide my father’s possessions with me. 232


He said to the person, Mister, who made me a divider?

He turned to his students and said to them, I am not a divider, am I?

(73) Yeshua said, The harvest is large but the workers are few. Beg the master to send out workers to the harvest.

(74) He said, Master, there are many around the drinking trough but nothing in the well.

(75) Yeshua said, There are many standing at the door but those who are alone will enter the wedding chamber.

(76) Yeshua said, The father’s kingdom is like a merchant who owned a supply of merchandise and found a pearl. The merchant was prudent. He sold his goods and bought the single pearl for himself. So with you. Seek his treasure that is unfailing and enduring, where no moth comes to devour and no worm destroys.

(77) Yeshua said, I am the light over all things. I am all. From me all has come forth, and to me all has reached. Split a piece of wood. I am there. 233

Lift up the stone 페이지 and you will find me there.

(78) Yeshua said, Why have you come out to the countryside? To see a reed shaken by the wind? Or to see a person dressed in soft clothes like your rulers and your people of power? They are dressed in soft clothes and cannot understand truth.

(79) A woman in the crowd said to him, Blessings on the womb that bore you and the breasts that fed you.

He said to her, Blessings on those who have heard the word of the father and have truly kept it. Days will come when you will say, “Blessings on the womb that has not conceived and the breasts that have not given milk.”

(80) Yeshua said, Whoever has come to know the world has discovered the body, and whoever has discovered the body, of that person the world is not worthy.

(81) Yeshua said, Let a person of wealth rule, and a person of power renounce it.

(82) Yeshua said, Whoever is near me is near fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the kingdom.

(83) 234

Yeshua said, 페이지

You see images, but the light within them is hidden in the image of the father’s light. He will be disclosed, but his image is hidden by his light.

(84) Yeshua said, When you see your likeness you are happy. But when you see your images that came into being before you and that neither die nor become visible, how much you will bear!

(85) Yeshua said, Adam came from great power and great wealth, but he was not worthy of you. Had he been worthy, he would not have tasted death.

(86) Yeshua said, Foxes have their dens and birds have their nests, but the human child has no place to lay his head and rest.

(87) Yeshua said, How miserable is the body that depends on a body, and how miserable is the soul that depends on both.

(88) Yeshua said, The messengers and the prophets will come to you and give you what is yours. You give them what you have and wonder, “When will they come and take what is theirs?”

(89) Yeshua said, Why do you wash the outside of the cup? 235

Don’t you understand that the one who made the inside 페이지 also made the outside?

(90) Yeshua said, Come to me, for my yoke is easy and my mastery gentle, and you will find rest for yourselves.

(91) They said to him, Tell us who you are so that we may believe in you.

He said to them, You examine the face of heaven and earth but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine this moment.

(92) Yeshua said, Seek and you will find. In the past I did not tell you the things about which you asked me. Now I am willing to tell you, but you do not seek them.

(93) Do not give what is holy to dogs. They might throw them upon the manure pile. Do not throw pearls to swine. They might make mud of it.

(94) Yeshua said, One who seeks will find. For one who knocks it will be opened.

(95) Yeshua said, If you have money, do not lend it at interest, but give it to someone from whom you will not get it back.

(96) 236

Yeshua said, 페이지

The father’s kingdom is like a woman who took a little yeast, hid it in dough, and made large loaves of bread. Whoever has ears should hear.

(97) Yeshua said, The father’s kingdom is like a woman who was carrying a jar full of meal. While she was walking along a distant road, the handle of the jar broke and the meal spilled behind her along the road. She did not know it. She noticed no problem. When she reached her house she put the jar down and found it empty.

(98) Yeshua said, The father’s kingdom is like a person who wanted to put someone powerful to death. While at home he drew his sword and thrust it into the wall to find out whether his hand would go in. Then he killed the powerful person.

(99) The students said to him, Your brothers and your mother are standing outside.

He said to them, Those here who do the will of my father are my brothers and my mother. They will enter my father’s kingdom.

(100) They showed Yeshua a gold coin and said to him, Caesar’s people demand taxes from us.

He said to them, 237

Give Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, 페이지 give god the things that are god’s, and give me what is mine.

(101) Those who do not hate their father and mother as I do cannot be my students, and those who do not love their father and mother as I do cannot be my students. For my mother gave me falsehood, but my true mother gave me life.

(102) Yeshua said, Shame on the Pharisees. They are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger. It does not eat or let the cattle eat.

(103) Yeshua said, Blessings on you if you know where the robbers will enter so you can wake up, rouse your estate, and arm yourself before they break in.

(104) They said to Yeshua, Come let us pray today and fast.

Yeshua said, What sin have I committed or how have I been undone?

When the bridegroom leaves the wedding chamber, then let the people fast and pray.

(105) Yeshua said, Whoever knows the father and the mother will be called the child of a whore.

(106) 238

Yeshua said, 페이지

When you make two into one, you will become human children. When you say, “Mountain, move,” the mountain will move.

(107) Yeshua said, The kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine and looked for the one until he found it. After so much trouble he said to the sheep, “I love you more than the ninety-nine.”

(108) Yeshua said, Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to that one.

(109) Yeshua said, The kingdom is like a person who had a treasure hidden in his field. He did not know it, and when he died, he left it to his son. The son did not know about it. He took over the field and sold it. The buyer was plowing and found the treasure, and began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished.

(110) Yeshua said, You who have found the world and become wealthy, renounce the world.

(111) Yeshua said, The heavens and earth will roll up in your presence and you who live from the living one will not see death. 239

Doesn’t Yeshua say this? 페이지

Whoever has found oneself, of that person the world is not worthy.

(112) Yeshua said, Shame on the flesh that depends on the soul. Shame on the soul that depends on the flesh.

(113) His students said to him, When will the kingdom come?

Yeshua said, It will not come because you are watching for it. No one will announce, “Look, here it is,” or “Look, there it is.” The father’s kingdom is spread out upon the earth and people do not see it.

(114) Shimon Kefa said to them, Miryam should leave us. Females are not worthy of life.

Yeshua said, Look, I shall guide her to make her male, so she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.

| Nag Hammadi Library | Gnostic Society Library | Gnosis Archive |

240 페이지

Estimated by the British government declassified UFO documents and photos It included multiple paintings. Photo of Royal Air Force officer Taken over Sri Lanka in 2004 Donut-shaped UFO. 201306200500009_1.html Introduction

The emergence of this book has been recent. The Gelasian Decree condemns the book 'called the Revelation of Thomas' as apocryphal, and that was all that was known of it. In 1908 a quotation in the Berlin MS. (eighth-ninth century) of Jerome's Chronicle was noticed by Dr. Frick. At the eighteenth year of Tiberius, the manuscript has this note:

In a certain apocryphal book, said to be of Thomas the apostle it is written that the Lord Jesus told him that from his ascension into heaven to his second advent the time comprised is nine jubilees.

This does not appear in any of the published texts. Already in 1907 F. Wilhelm had printed, in his Deutsche Legenden und Legendare, a text from a Munich MS.

which attracted little attention, but was in fact the lost Apocalypse, or part of it.

241 페이지

In the same year E. Hauler showed that a leaf of a fifth-century palimpsest at Vienna -the same that contains a leaf of the Epistle of the Apostles- was a fragment of this book. Professor E. von Dobschutz had, before this, begun making preparation for an edition of the Apocalypse based on manuscripts at Munich and Rome which has not yet appeared. In the Journal of Theological Studies for 1910 I printed the beginning of the book from a Verona MS. (of eighth century). Maffei had noticed this, and in 1755 Dionisi had printed it in a forgotten volume. In 1911 Dom Bihlmeyer printed another 'uninterpolated' text from Munich in the Revue Benedictine. Yet more: in 1913 Max Forster (Studien z. engl. Phlilol.: Der Vercelli-Codex) showed that the fifteenth sermon in the famous Anglo-Saxon MS. at Vercelli is an Old English version of this Revelation; that a Hatton MS. and the Blickling Homilies also contain matter drawn from it: and that a shortened Latin form is to be found in a dialogue printed by Suchier (L'Enfant sage, 1910, p. 272). Lastly, there are quotations from it in some odd -I think Irish- homilies in a Reichenau MS. at Carlsruhe, printed by Domde Bruyneas 'Apocryphes Priscillianistes' in the Revue Bened., 1907.

There is, then, a quantity of material which we shall look to Professor Dohschutz to co-ordinate. Latin appears to have been the original language, and the data of the fuller text point to the days of Arcadius and Honorius. How much earlier the shorter text may be it is not easy to say: and I would not commit myself to the

assertion that there is not a Greek document at the back of that.

242 페이지


A. Verona fragment (eighth century) and Wilhelm's text (Munich Clm. 4585, ninth century).

Here beginneth the epistle of the Lord unto Thomas.

Hear thou, Thomas, the things which must come to pass in the last times: there shall be famine and war and earthquakes in divers places, snow and ice and great drought shall there be and many dissensions among the peoples, blasphemy, iniquity, envy and villainy, indolence, pride and intemperance, so that every man shall speak that which pleaseth him. And my priests shall not have peace among themselves, but shall sacrifice unto me with deceitful mind: therefore will I not look upon them. Then shall the priests behold the people departing from the house of the Lord and turning unto the world (?) and setting up (or, transgressing) landmarks in the house of God. And they shall claim (vindicate) for themselves many [things and] places that were lost and that shall be subject unto Caesar (?) as also they were aforetime: giving poll-taxes of (for) the cities, even gold and silver and the chief men of the cities shall be condemned (here

Verona ends: Munich continues) and their substance brought into the treasury of the kings, and they shall be filled.


For there shall be great disturbance throughout all the people, and death. The 페이지 house of the Lord shall be desolate, and their altars shall be abhorred, so that spiders weave their webs therein. The place of holiness shall be corrupted, the priesthood polluted, distress (agony) shall increase, virtue shall be overcome, joy perish, and gladness depart. In those days evil shall abound: there shall be respecters of persons, hymns shall cease out of the house of the Lord, truth shall be no more, covetousness shall abound among the priests; an upright man (al. an upright priesthood) shall not be found.

On a sudden there shall arise near the last time a king, a lover of the law, who shall hold rule not for long: he shall leave two sons. The first is named of the first letter (A, Arcadius), the second of the eighth (H, Honorius). The first shall die before the second (Arcadius died in 408- Honorius in 423).

Thereafter shall arise two princes to oppress the nations under whose hands there shall be a very great famine in the right-hand part of the east, so that nation shall rise up against nation and be driven out from their own borders.

Again another king shall arise, a crafty man (?), and shall command a golden image of Caesar (?) to be made (al. to be worshipped in the house of God), wherefore (?) martyrdoms shall abound. Then shall faith return unto the servants of the Lord, and holiness shall be multiplied and distress (agony) increase. The mountains shall the comforted and shall drop down sweetness of fire from the facet, that the number of the saints may be accomplished.

After a little space there shall arise a king out of the east, a lover of the law, who shall cause all good things and necessary to abound in the house of the Lord: he shall show mercy unto the widows and to the needy, and command a royal gift to be given unto the priests: in his days shall be abundance of all things.

And after that again a king shall arise in the south part of the world, and shall hold rule a little space: in whose days the treasury shall fail because of the wages of the Roman soldiers so that the substance of all the aged shall be commanded (to be taken) and given to the king to distribute.

Thereafter shall be plenty of corn and wine and oil, but great dearness of money, so that the substance of gold and silver shall be given for corn, and there shall be great dearth.

At that time shall be very great rising (?) of the sea, so that no man shall tell news to any man. The kings of the earth and the princes and the captains shall be 244

troubled, and no man shall speak freely (boldly). Grey hairs shall be seen upon 페이지 boys, and the young (?) shall not give place unto the aged.

After that shall arise another king, a crafty man, who shall hold rule for a short space: in whose days there shall be all manner of evils, even the death of the race of men from the east even unto Babylon. And thereafter death and famine and sword in the land of Chanaan even unto . Then shall all the fountains of waters and wells boil over (?) and be turned into blood (or, into dust and blood). The heaven shall be moved, the stars shall fall upon the earth, the sun shall be cut in half like the moon, and the moon shall not give her light. There shall be great signs and wonders in those days when Antichrist draweth near. These are the signs unto them that dwell in the earth. In those days the pains of great travail shall come upon them. (al. In those days, when Antichrist now draweth near, these are the signs. Woe unto them that dwell on the earth; in those days great pains of travail shall come upon them.) Woe unto them that build, for they shall not inhabit. Woe unto them that break up the fallow, for they shall labour without cause. Woe unto them that make marriages, for unto famine and need shall they beget sons. Woe unto them that join house to house or field to field, for all things shall be consumed with fire. Woe unto them that look not unto (?) themselves while time alloweth, for hereafter shall they be condemned for ever. Woe unto them that turn away from the poor when he asketh.

[Here is a break: the text goes on: For I am of the high and powerful: I am the Father of all. (al. And know ye: I am the Father most high: I am the Father of all spirits.) This, as we shall see, is the beginning of the older(?) and shorter text, and of the Vienna fragment: only, in the latter, some words now unintelligible precede it: not the words, however, which are in Wilhelm's text. I will continue with Wilhelm.]

These are the seven signs the ending of this world. There shall be in all the earth famine and great pestilences and much distress: then shall all men be led captive among all nations and shall fall by the edge of the sword.

On the first day of the judgement will be a great marvel (or, the beginning shall be). At the third hour of the day shall be a great and mighty voice in the firmament of the heaven, and a great cloud of blood coming down out of the north, and great thunderings and mighty lightnings shall follow that cloud, and there shall be a rain of blood upon all the earth. These are the signs of the first day (Monday in the Anglo-Saxon, and so for the other days).

And on the second day there shall be a great voice in the firmament of the heaven, 245

and the earth shall be moved out of its place: and the gates of heaven shall be 페이지 opened in the firmament of heaven toward the east, and a great power shall be sent belched) forth by the gates of heaven and shall cover all the heaven even until evening (al. and there shall be fears and tremblings in the world). These are the signs of the second day.

And on the third day, about the second hour, shall be a voice in heaven, and the abysses of the earth shall utter their voice from the four corners of the world. The first heaven shall be rolled up like a book and shall straightway vanish. And because of the smoke and stench of the brimstone of the abyss the days shall be darkened unto the tenth hour. Then shall all men say: I think that the end draweth near, that we shall perish. These are the signs of the third day.

And on the fourth day at the first hour, the earth of the east shall speak, the abyss shall roar: then shall all the earth be moved by the strength of an earthquake. In that day shall all the idols of the heathen fall, and all the buildings of the earth. These are the signs of the fourth day.

And on the fifth day, at the sixth hour, there shall be great thunderings suddenly in the heaven, and the powers of light and the wheel of the sun shall be caught away, and there shall be great darkness over the world until evening, and the stars shall be turned away from their ministry. In that day all nations shall hate the world and despise the life of this world. These are the signs of the fifth day.

And on the sixth day there shall be signs in heaven. At the fourth hour the firmament of heaven shall be cloven from the east unto the west. And the angels of the heavens shall be looking forth upon the earth the opening of the heavens. And all men shall see above the earth the host of the angels looking forth out of heaven. Then shall all men flee.

(Here Wilhelm's text ends abruptly.)

B. Bihlmeyer's text, from Munich Clm. 4563 (eleventh to twelfth century, from Benedictbeuren): and the Vienna fragment.

Hear thou, O Thomas, for I am the Son of God the Father and I am the father of all spirits. Hear thou of me the signs which shall come to pass at the end of this world, when the end of the world shall be fulfilled (Vienna: that it pass away) before mine elect depart out of the world. I will tell thee that which shall come to pass openly unto men (or, will tell thee openly, &c.): but when these things shall be the princes of the angels know not, seeing it is now hidden from before 246


Then shall there be in the world sharings (participations) between king and king, and in all the earth shall be great famine great pestilences, and many distresses, and the sons of men shall be led captive among all nations and shall fall by the edge of the sword (and there shall be great commotion in the world: Vienna omits). Then after that when the hour of the end draweth nigh there shall be for seven days great signs in heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be moved.

Then shall there be on the first day the beginning: at the third hour of the day a great and mighty voice in the firmament of heaven and a bloody cloud coming up (down, Vienna) out of the north, and great thunderings and mighty lightnings shall follow it, and it shall cover the whole heaven, and there shall be a rain of blood upon all the earth. These are the signs of the first day.

And on the second day there shall be a great voice in the firmament of heaven, and the earth shall be moved out of its place, and the gates of heaven shall be opened in the firmament of heaven toward the east, and the (smoke of a great fire shall break forth through the gates of heaven and shall cover all the heaven until evening. In that day there shall be fears and great terrors in the world. These are the signs of the second day. Vienna is defective here).

But on the third day about the third hour shall be a great voice in heaven, and the abysses of the earth (Vienna ends) shall roar from the four corners of the world; the pinnacles (so) of the firmament of heaven shall be opened, and all the air shall be filled with pillars of smoke. There shall be a stench of brimstone, very evil, until the tenth hour, and men shall say: We think the time draweth nigh that we perish. These are the signs of the third day.

And on the fourth day at the first hour, from the land of the east the abyss shall melt (so) and roar. Then shall all the earth be shaken by the might of an earthquake. In that day shall the ornaments of the heathen fall, and all the buildings of the earth, before the might of the earthquake. These are the signs of the fourth day.

But on the fifth day at the sixth hour, suddenly there shall be a great thunder in heaven, and the powers of light and the wheel of the sun shall be caught away (MS. opened), and there shall be great darkness in the world until evening, and the air shall be gloomy (sad) without sun or moon, and the stars shall cease from their ministry. In that day shall all nations behold as in a mirror (?) (or, behold it as sackcloth) and shall despise the life of this world. These are the signs of the fifth day. 247


And on the sixth day at the fourth hour there shall be a great voice in heaven, and the firmament of the heaven shall be cloven from the east unto the west, and the angels of the heavens shall be looking forth upon the earth by the openings of the heavens, and all these that are on the earth shall behold the host of the angels looking forth out of heaven. Then shall all men flee unto the monuments (mountains ?) and hide themselves from the face of the righteous angels, and say: Would that the earth would open and swallow us up! And such things shall come to pass as never were since this world was created.

Then shall they behold me coming from above in the light of my Father with the power and honour of the holy angels. Then at my coming shall the fence of fire of paradise be done away -because paradise is girt round about with fire. And this shall be that perpetual fire that shall consume the earth and all the elements of the world.

Then shall the spirits and souls of all men come forth from paradise and shall come upon all the earth: and every one of them shall go unto his own body, where it is laid up, and every one of them shall say: Here lieth my body. And when the great voice of those spirits shall be heard, then shall there be a great earthquake over all the world, and by the might thereof the mountains shall be cloven from above and the rocks from beneath. Then shall every spirit return into his own vessel and the bodies of the saints which have fallen asleep shall arise.

Then shall their bodies be changed into the image and likeness and the honour of the holy angels, and into the power of the image of mine holy Father. Then shall they be clothed with the vesture of life eternal, out of the cloud of light which hath never been seen in this world; for that cloud cometh down out

of the highest realm of the heaven from the power of my Father. And that cloud shall compass about with the beauty thereof all the spirits that have

believed in me.

248 페이지

Then shall they be clothed, and shall be borne by the hand of the holy angels like as I have told you aforetime. Then also shall they be lifted up into the air upon a cloud of light, and shall go with me rejoicing unto heaven, and then shall they continue in the light and honour of my Father. Then shall there be unto them great gladness with my Father and before the holy angels These are the signs of the sixth day.

And on the seventh day at the eighth hour there shall be voices in the four corners of the heaven. And all the air shall be shaken, and filled with holy angels, and they shall make war among them all the day long. And in that day shall mine elect be sought out by the holy angels from the destruction of the world. Then shall all men see that the hour of their destruction draweth near. These are the signs of the seventh day.

249 페이지

And when the seven days are passed by, on the eighth day at the sixth hour there shall be a sweet and tender voice in heaven from the east. Then shall that angel be revealed which hath power over the holy angels: and all the angels shall go forth with him, sitting upon chariots of the clouds of mine holy Father (so) rejoicing and running upon the air beneath the heaven to deliver the elect that have believed in me. And they shall rejoice that the destruction of this world hath come.

The words of the Saviour unto Thomas are ended, concerning the end of this world.

None of the Latin texts seem to be complete. But we see that Wilhelm's text is a blend of two sorts of Apocalypse -that akin to Daniel which, under the form of 250

prophecy, describes events contemporary with the author and continues them 페이지 into the future: and that which is more akin to John and describes the signs of the end.

Bihlmeyer's text has only the latter element, and as it agrees pretty closely with our oldest authority, the Vienna fragment (though in that, as I have said, something did precede Bihlmeyer's opening) I judge it to be the older of the two forms. The first part of Wilhelm's text with its clumsy indication of Arcadius and Honorius by means of their initials is much in the manner of the later Sibyllines, in which this particular trick is pushed to an absurd length, and used for quite imaginary personages as well as historic ones. In the second part Wilhelm's text departs widely from the Vienna fragment, and here again shows itself as probably inferior.

The Apocalypse, we see, was known in England in the ninth century at least: and I think it must probably be regarded as the ultimate parent of a little piece which is found in innumerable manuscripts and has often been printed: I mean Jerome on the Fifteen Signs of the last days before the judgement. The beginning of this states that Jerome found it 'in the annals of the Hebrews'. Its popularity was very

great. Illustrations of the Fifteen Signs are occasionally to be found in manuscripts, and I have seen them on the alabaster tablets carved at Nottingham

in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, but the best-known representation of 251

them is in a window at All Saints', North Street, York, where they are 페이지 accompanied by mottoes taken from the 'Prick of Conscience',which used to be attributed to Richard of Hampole.

The Anglo-Saxon version in the Vercelli Book (no. xv) begins thus:

We are told in this book how Saint Thomas the apostle of God asked our Lord when the time of Antichrist should be. Then the Lord spake unto him and said thus:

It behoveth that it be in the next days. Then shall be hunger and war, &c.:

The text conforms, generally speaking, to the longer recensions. The signs of the fifth day are omitted. The conclusion diverges from the Latin and tells how the Virgin, Michael, and Peter successively intercede with the Judge, and he forgives a third part of the sinners at the prayer of each. But not all are pardoned: for we then have the sentences: Venite benedicti and Discedite maledicti as in Matt. xxv.

Quite recently (in Proc. R.I.A.) the Rev. St. J. Seymour has pointed out the probable dependence of the Saltair na Rann (eleventh century) on our apocalypse in its description of the Signs of the End.




Lamentations of the Sumerians -stone 1. The Lament for Sumer and Urim 2. The Lament for Nippur 3. The Lament for Eridu 4. The Lament for Uruk 5. The Lament for Ur 6. Cylinder of cyrus



ETCSLtranslation : t.2.2.3

1.The lament for Sumer and Urim 1-2. To overturn the appointed times, to obliterate the divine plans, the storms gather to strike like a flood. 3-11. An, Enlil, Enki and {Ninḫursaĝa} {(2 mss. have instead:) Ninmaḫ} have decided its fate -- to overturn the divine powers of Sumer, to lock up the favourable reign in its home, to destroy the city, to destroy the house, to destroy the cattle-pen, to level the sheepfold; that the cattle should not stand in the pen, that the sheep should not multiply in the fold, that watercourses should carry brackish water, that weeds should grow in the fertile fields, that mourning plants should grow in the open country, 12-21. that the mother should not seek out her child, that the father should not say "O my dear wife!", that the junior wife should take no joy in his embrace, that the young child should not grow vigorous on his knee, that the wet-nurse should not sing lullabies; to change the location of kingship, to defile the seeking of oracles, to take kingship away from the Land, to cast the eye of the storm on all the land, to obliterate the divine plans by the order of An and Enlil; 22-26. after An had frowned upon all the lands, after Enlil had looked favourably on an enemy land, after Nintur had scattered the creatures that she had created, after Enki had altered the course of the Tigris and Euphrates,

after Utu had cast his curse on the roads and highways; 27-37. so as to obliterate the divine powers of Sumer, to change its preordained plans, to alienate the divine powers of the reign of kingship of Urim, to humiliate the princely son in his house E-kiš-nu-ĝal, to break up the unity of the people of Nanna, numerous as ewes; to change the food offerings of Urim, the shrine of magnificent food offerings; that its people should no longer dwell in their quarters, that they should be given over to live in an inimical place; that Šimaški and Elam, the enemy, should dwell in their place; that its shepherd, in his own palace, should be captured by the enemy, that Ibbi-Suen should be taken to the land Elam in fetters, that from Mount Zabu on the edge of the sea to the borders of Anšan, like a swallow that has flown from its house, he should never return to his city; 38-46. that on the two parallel banks of the Tigris and of the Euphrates bad weeds should grow, that no one should set out on the road, that no one should seek out the highway, that the city and its settled surroundings should be razed to ruin-mounds; that its numerous black-headed people should be slaughtered; that the hoe should not attack the fertile fields, that 254

seed should not be planted in the ground, that the melody of the cowherds' 페이지 songs should not resound in the open country, that butter and cheese should not be made in the cattle-pen, that dung should not be stacked on the ground, that the shepherd should not enclose the sacred sheepfold with a fence, that the song of the churning should not resound in the sheepfold; 47-55. to decimate the animals of the open country, to finish off all living things, that the four-legged creatures of Šakkan should lay no more dung on the ground, that the marshes should be so dry as to be full of cracks and have no new seed, that sickly-headed reeds should grow in the reedbeds and come to an end in a stinking morass, that there should be no new growth in the orchards, that it should all collapse by itself -- so as quickly to subdue Urim like a roped ox, to bow its neck to the ground: the great charging wild bull, confident in its own strength, the primeval city of lordship and kingship, built on sacred ground. 56-57. Its fate cannot be changed. Who can overturn it? It is the command of An and Enlil. Who can oppose it? 58-68. An frightened the very dwellings of Sumer, the people were afraid. Enlil blew an evil storm, silence lay upon the city. Nintur bolted the door of the storehouses of the Land.Enki blocked the water in the Tigris and the Euphrates. Utu took away the pronouncement of equity and justice. Inana handed over victory in strife and battle to a rebellious land.Ninĝirsu poured Sumer away like milk to the dogs. Turmoil descended upon the Land, something that no one had ever known, something unseen, which had no name, something that could not be fathomed. The lands were confused in their fear. The god of the city turned away, its shepherd vanished. 69-78. The people, in their fear, breathed only with difficulty. The storm immobilised them, the storm did not let them return. There was no return for them, the storm did not retreat. This is what Enlil, the shepherd of the black- headed people, did: Enlil, to destroy the loyal households, to decimate the loyal men, to put the evil eye on the sons of the loyal men, on the first- born, Enlil then sent down Gutium from the mountains. Their advance was as the flood of Enlil that cannot be withstood. The great wind of the countryside filled the countryside, it advanced before them. The extensive countryside was destroyed, no one moved about there. 79-92. The dark time was roasted by hailstones and flames. The bright time was wiped out by a shadow. {(2 mss. add 2 lines:) In the darkness, noses were heaped up, heads were smashed. The storm was a harrow coming from above,

the city was struck by a hoe.} On that day, heaven rumbled, the earth trembled, the storm worked without respite. Heaven was darkened, it was

covered by a shadow; the mountains roared. Utu lay down at the horizon, 255

dust passed over the mountains. Nanna lay at the zenith, the people were 페이지 afraid. The city's god left his dwelling and stood aside. The foreigners in the city even chased away its dead. Large trees were uprooted, the forest growth was ripped out. The orchards were stripped of their fruit, they were cleaned of their offshoots. The crop drowned while it was still on the stalk, the yield of the grain diminished. 3 lines fragmentary 93-103. They piled …… up in heaps, they spread …… out like sheaves. There were corpses floating in the Euphrates, weapons smashed heads. The father turned away from his wife saying "This is not my wife!" The mother turned away from her child saying "This is not my child!" He who had a productive estate neglected his estate saying "This is not my estate!" The rich man took an unfamiliar path away from his possessions. In those days the kingship of the Land was defiled. The tiara and crown that had been on the king's head were both spoiled. The lands that had followed the same path were split into disunity. The food offerings of Urim, the shrine of magnificent food offerings, were changed for the worse. Nanna traded away his people, numerous as ewes. 104-111. Its king sat immobilised in his own palace. Ibbi-Suen was sitting in anguish in his own palace. In E-namtila, his place of delight, he wept bitterly. The flood dashing a hoe on the ground was levelling everything. Like a great storm it roared over the earth -- who could escape it? -- to destroy the city, to destroy the house, so that traitors would lie on top of loyal men and the blood of traitors flow upon loyal men. 112. 1st kirugu. 113. The storms gather to strike like a flood. 114. Ĝišgiĝal to the kirugu. 115-122. The house of Kiš, Ḫursaĝ-kalama, was destroyed. Zababa took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling. Mother Bau was lamenting bitterly in her E-Iri-kug. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. 1 line fragmentary 2 lines missing "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. 123-132. Kazallu, the city of teeming multitudes, was cast into confusion. Numušda took an unfamiliar path away from the city, his beloved dwelling. His wife Namrat, the beautiful lady, was lamenting bitterly. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. Its river bed was empty, no water flowed. Like a river cursed by Enki its opening channel was dammed up. On the fields fine grains grew no more, people had nothing to 256

eat. The orchards were scorched like an oven, its open country was scattered. 페이지

The four-legged wild animals did not run about. The four-legged creatures of Šakkan could find no rest. 133-142. Lugal-Marda stepped outside his city. Ninzuana took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters. Ninisina, the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. Enlil smote Dur- an-ki with a mace. Enlil made lamentation in his city, the shrine Nibru. Mother Ninlil, the lady of the Ki-ur shrine, wept bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. 143-154. Keš, built all alone on the high open country, was haunted. Adab, the settlement which stretches out along the river, {was treated as a rebellious land.} {(1 ms. has instead:) was deprived of water.} The snake of the mountains made his lair there, it became a rebellious land. The Gutians bred there, issued their seed. Nintur wept bitter tears over her creatures. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. In Zabalam the sacred Giguna was haunted. Inana abandoned Unug and went off to enemy territory. In the E-ana the enemy set eyes upon the sacred Ĝipar shrine. The sacred Ĝipar of enpriesthood was defiled. Its en priest was snatched from the Ĝipar and carried off to enemy territory. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. 155-162. A violent storm blew over Umma and the Šeg-kuršaga. Šara took an unfamiliar path away from the E-maḫ, his beloved dwelling. Ninmul cried bitter tears over her destroyed city. "Oh my city, whose charms can no longer satisfy me," she cried bitterly.Ĝirsu, the city of heroes, was afflicted with a lightning storm. Ninĝirsu took an unfamiliar path away from the E-ninnu. Mother Bau wept bitter tears in her E-Iri-kug. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. 163-173. On that day the word of Enlil was an attacking storm. Who could fathom it? The word of Enlil was destruction on the right, was …… on the left. This is what Enlil, the one who determines destinies, did: Enlil brought down the Elamites, the enemy, from the highlands. Nanše, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city. Fire approachedNinmarki in the shrine Gu-aba. Large boats were carrying off its silver and lapis lazuli. The lady, sacred Ninmarki, was despondent because of her perished goods. On that day he decreed a storm blazing like the mouth of a fire. The province of Lagaš was handed over to Elam. And then the queen also reached the end of her time. 174-184. Bau, as if she were human, also reached the end of her time: "Woe is me! Enlilhas handed over the city to the storm. He has handed it over to the 257

storm that destroys cities. He has handed it over to the storm that destroys 페이지 houses." Dumuzid-abzu was full of fear in the house of Kinirša. Kinirša, the city to which she belongs, was ordered to be plundered. The city of Nanše, Niĝin, was delivered to the foreigners. Sirara, her beloved dwelling, was handed over to the evil ones. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. Its sacred Ĝipar of en priesthood was defiled. Its en priest was snatched from the Ĝipar and carried off to enemy territory. 185-192. Mighty strength was set against the banks of the Id-nuna- Nanna canal. The settlements of the E-danna of Nanna, like substantial cattle- pens, were destroyed. Their refugees, like stampeding goats, were chased (?) by dogs. They destroyed Gaeš like milk poured out to dogs, and shattered its finely fashioned statues. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. Its sacred Ĝipar of en priesthood was defiled. Itsen priestess was snatched from the Ĝipar and carried off to enemy territory. 193-205. A lament was raised at the dais that stretches out toward heaven. Its heavenly throne was not set up, was not fit to be crowned (?). It was cut down as if it were a date palm and tied together. Aššu, the settlement that stretches out along the river, was deprived of water. At the place of Nanna where evil had never walked, the enemy walked. How was the house treated thus? The E-puḫruma was emptied. Ki-abrig, which used to be filled with numerous cows and numerous calves, was destroyed like a mighty cattle-pen.Ningublaga took an unfamiliar path away from the Ĝa- bura. Ninigara wept bitter tears all alone. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. Its sacred Ĝipar ofen priesthood was defiled. Its en priestess was snatched from the Ĝipar and carried off to enemy territory. 206-213. Ninazu deposited his weapon in a corner in the E-gida. An evil storm swept overNinḫursaĝa at the E-nutura. Like a pigeon she flew from the window, she stood apart in the open country. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. As forĜišbanda, the house filled with lamentation was destroyed among the weeping reeds.Ninĝišzida took an unfamiliar path away from Ĝišbanda. Azimua, the queen of the city, wept bitter tears. "Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. 214-220. On that day, the storm forced people to live in darkness. In order to destroyKuara, it forced people to live in darkness. Nineḫama in her fear wept bitter tears. "Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried

bitterly. Asarluḫi put his robes on with haste and ……. Lugalbanda took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved dwelling. {(1 ms. adds:) Ninsumun …….}

"Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. 258

221-224. Eridug, floating on great waters, was deprived (?) of drinking water. 페이지

In its outer environs, which had turned into haunted plains, ……. The loyal man in a place of treachery ……. Ka-ḫeĝala and Igi-ḫeĝala ……. 225-234. "I, a young man whom the storm has not destroyed, ……. I, not destroyed by the storm, my attractiveness not brought to an end, ……. We have been struck down like beautiful boxwood trees. We have been struck down like …… with coloured eyes. We have been struck down like statues being cast in moulds. The Gutians, the vandals, are wiping us out. We turned to Father Enki in the abzu of Eridug. …… whatever we shall say, whatever we shall add, …… whatever we shall say, whatever we shall add, we came out from the …… of Eridug." 235-242. "While were in charge of …… during the day, the shadows ……. While we were in charge of …… during the night, the storm ……. What do we receive trembling on duty during the day? What do we lose not sleeping on duty during the night? Enki, your city has been cursed, it has been given to an enemy land. Why do they reckon us among those who have been displaced from Eridug? Why do they destroy us like palm trees which we have not tended? Why do they break us up like new boats we have not caulked?" 243-250. After Enki had cast his eyes on a foreign land, 1 line unclear …… have risen up, have called on their cohorts. Enki took an unfamiliar path away fromEridug. Damgalnuna, the mother of the E-maḫ, wept bitter tears. "Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. Its sacred Ĝipar of en priesthood was defiled. Itsen priestess was snatched from the Ĝipar and carried off to enemy territory. 251-259. In Urim no one went to fetch food, no one went to fetch water. Those who went to fetch food, went away from the food and will not return. Those who went to fetch water, went away from the water and will not return. To the south, the Elamites stepped in, slaughtering ……. In the uplands, the vandals, the enemy, ……. The Tidnum daily strapped the mace to their loins. To the south, the Elamites, like an onrushing wave, were ……. In the uplands, like chaff blowing in the wind, they …… over the open country. Urim, like a great charging wild bull, bowed its neck to the ground. 260-271. This is what Enlil, who decides the fates, did: Again he sent down the Elamites, the enemy, from the mountains. The foremost house, firmly founded, ……. In order to destroy Kisiga, 10 men, even five men ……. Three days and three nights did not pass, …… the city was raked by a hoe. Dumuzid left Kisiga like a prisoner of war, his hands were fettered. 5 lines fragmentary

271-280. She rode away from her possessions, she went to the mountains. She 259

loudly sang out a lament over those untravelled mountains: "I am queen, but I 페이지 shall have to ride away from my possessions, and now I shall be a slave in those parts. I shall have to ride away from my silver and lapis lazuli, and now I shall be a slave in those parts. There, slavery, …… people, who can …… it? There, slavery, Elam ……, who can …… it? Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house," she cried bitterly. My queen, though not the enemy, went to enemy land. Ama-ušumgal-ana …… Kisiga. Like a city ……. 281. 2nd kirugu. x. 1 line fragmentary 1 line missing 284. Ĝišgiĝal to the kirugu.

7 lines missing or fragmentary 292-302. Enlil threw open the door of the grand gate to the wind. In Urim no one went to fetch food, no one went to fetch water. Its people rushed around like water being poured from a well. Their strength ebbed away, they could not even go on their way. Enlil afflicted the city with an evil famine. He afflicted the city with that which destroys cities, that which destroys houses. He afflicted the city with that which cannot be withstood with weapons. He afflicted the city with dissatisfaction and treachery. In Urim, which was like a solitary reed, there was not even fear. Its people, like fish being grabbed in a pond, sought to escape. Its young and old lay spread about, no one could rise. 303-317. At the royal station (?) there was no food on top of the platform (?). The king who used to eat marvellous food grabbed at a mere ration. As the day grew dark, the eye of the sun was eclipsing, the people experienced hunger. There was no beer in the beer-hall, there was no more malt for it. There was no food for him in his palace, it was unsuitable to live in. Grain did not fill his lofty storehouse, he could not save his life. The grain-piles and granaries of Nanna held no grain. The evening meal in the great dining hall of the gods was defiled. Wine and syrup ceased to flow in the great dining hall. The butcher's knife that used to slay oxen and sheep lay hungry. Its mighty oven no longer cooked oxen and sheep, it no longer emitted the aroma of roasting meat. The sounds of the bursaĝ building, the pure …… of Nanna, were stilled. The house which used to bellow like a bull was silenced. Its holy deliveries were no longer fulfilled, its …… were alienated. The mortar, pestle and grinding stone lay idle; no one bent down over them.

318-327. The Shining Quay of Nanna was silted up. The sound of water against the boat's prow ceased, there was no rejoicing. Dust piled up in the unuribanda of Nanna. The rushes grew, the rushes grew, the mourning 260

reeds grew. Boats and barges ceased docking at the Shining Quay. Nothing 페이지 moved on your watercourse which was fit for barges. The plans of the festivals at the place of the divine rituals were altered. The boat with first- fruit offerings of the father who begot Nanna no longer brought first-fruit offerings. Its food offerings could not be taken to Enlil in Nibru. Its watercourse was empty, barges could not travel. 328-339. There were no paths on either of its banks, long grass grew there. The reed fence of the well-stocked cattle-pen of Nanna was split open. The garden's fence was vioilated and breached. The cows and their young were captured and carried off to enemy territory. The munzer-fed cows took an unfamiliar path in an open country that they did not know.Gayau, who loves cows, dropped his weapon in the dung. Šuni-dug, who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese. Those who are unfamiliar with butter were churning the butter. Those who are unfamiliar with milk were curdling (?) the milk. The sound of the churning vat did not resound in the cattle-pen. Like mighty coals that once burnt, its smoke is extinguished. The great dining hall of Nanna ……. 340-349. Suen wept to his father Enlil: "O father who begot me, why have you turned away from my city which was built (?) for you? O Enlil, why have you turned away from myUrim which was built (?) for you? The boat with first- fruit offerings no longer brings first-fruit offerings to the father who begot him. Your food offerings can no longer be brought to Enlil in Nibru. The en priests of the countryside and city have been carried off by phantoms. Urim, like a city raked by a hoe, is to be counted as a ruin-mound. The Du-ur,Enlil's resting-place, has become a haunted shrine. O Enlil, gaze upon your city, an empty wasteland. Gaze upon your city Nibru, an empty wasteland." 350-356. "The dogs of Urim no longer sniff at the base of the city wall. The man who used to drill large wells scratches the ground in the market place. My father who begot me, enclose in your embrace my city which is all alone. Enlil, return to your embrace my Urimwhich is all alone. Enclose in your embrace my E-kiš-nu-ĝal which is all alone. May you bring forth offspring in Urim, may you multiply its people. May you restore the divine powers of Sumer that have been forgotten." 357. 3rd kirugu. 358. O good house, good house! O its people, its people!

359. Ĝišgiĝal. 360-370. Enlil then answered his son Suen: "There is lamentation in the haunted city, reeds of mourning grow there. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) In its midst 261

there is lamentation, reeds of mourning grow there.} In its midst the people 페이지 pass their days in sighing. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) My son, the noble son ……, why do you concern yourself with crying?} Oh Nanna, the noble son ……, why do you concern yourself with crying? The judgment uttered by the assembly cannot be reversed. The word of An and Enlil knows no overturning. Urim was indeed given kingship but it was not given an eternal reign. From time immemorial, since the Land was founded, until people multiplied, who has ever seen a reign of kingship that would take precedence for ever? The reign of its kingship had been long indeed but had to exhaust itself. O my Nanna, do not exert yourself in vain, abandon your city." 371-377. Then my king, the noble son, became distraught. Lord Ašimbabbar, the noble son, grieved. Nanna who loves his city left his city. Suen took an unfamiliar path away from his beloved Urim. In order to go as an exile from her city to foreign territory, Ningalquickly clothed herself and left the city. The Anuna stepped outside of Urim. 378-388. …… approached Urim. The trees of Urim were sick, its reeds were sick. Laments sounded all along its city wall. Daily there was slaughter before it. Large axes were sharpened in front of Urim. The spears, the arms of battle, were prepared. The large bows, throw-sticks and shields gathered together to strike. The barbed arrows covered its outer side like a raining cloud. Large stones fell toegether with great thuds. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) Daily the evil wind returned in the city.} Urim, confident in its own strength, stood ready for the murderers. Its people, oppressed by the enemy, could not withstand their weapons. 389-402. In the city, those who had not been felled by weapons succumbed to hunger. Hunger filled the city like water, it would not cease. This hunger contorted people's faces, twisted their muscles. Its people were as if drowning in a pond, they gasped for breath. Its king breathed heavily in his own palace. Its people dropped their weapons, their weapons hit the ground. They struck their necks with their hands and cried. They sought counsel with each other, they searched for clarification: "Alas, what can we say about it? What more can we add to it? How long until we are finished off by this catastrophe? Inside Urimthere is death, outside it there is death. Inside it we are to be finished off by famine. Outside it we are to be finished off by Elamite weapons. In Urim the enemy oppresses us, oh, we are finished." 403-410. The people took refuge (?) behind the city walls. They were united in fear. {The palace that was destroyed by onrushing water was defiled, its

doorbolts were torn out}{(1 ms. has instead:) At its main gate the bolts were opened, the storm disloged its door}.Elam, like a swelling flood wave, left (?)

only the ghosts. In Urim weapons smashed heads like clay pots. Its refugees 262

were unable to flee, they were trapped inside the walls. {(1 ms. adds 3 lines:) 페이지

Like fish living in a pond, they tried to escape. The enemy seized the E-kiš- nu-ĝal of Nanna. They ripped out its heavy …….} The statues that were in the shrine were cut down. The great stewardess Ninigara ran away from the storehouse. Its throne was cast down before it, she threw herself down into the dust. 411-419. Its mighty cows with shining horns were captured, their horns were cut off. Its unblemished oxen and grass-fed sheep were slaughtered. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) They were cut down as date palms and were tied together.} The palm-trees, strong as mighty copper, the heroic strength, were torn out like rushes, were plucked like rushes, their trunks were turned sideways. Their tops lay in the dust, there was no one to raise them. The midribs of their palm fronds were cut off and their tops were burnt off. Their date spadices that used to fall (?) on the well were torn out. The fertile reeds, which grew in the sacred ……, were defiled. The great tribute that they had collected was hauled off to the mountains. 420-434. The house's great door ornament fell down, its parapet was destroyed. The wild animals that were intertwined on its left and right lay before it like heroes smitten by heroes. Its gaping-mouthed dragons and its awe-inspiring lions were pulled down with ropes like captured wild bulls and carried off to enemy territory. The fragrance of the sacred seat of Nanna, formerly like a fragrant cedar grove, was destroyed. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) Its architrave …… gold and lapis lazuli.} The glory of the house, whose glory was once so lovely, was extinguished. Like a storm that fills all the lands, it was built there like twilight in the heavens; its doors adorned with the heavenly stars, its ……. Great bronze latches …… were torn out. Its hinges ……. Together with its door fittings it (?) wept bitterly like a fugitive. The bolt, the holy lock and the great door were not fastened for it. The noise of the door being fastened had ceased; there was no one to fasten it. The …… and was put out in the square. 435-448. The food offerings …… of his royal dining place were altered. In its sacred place (?) the tigi, šem and ala instruments did not sound. Its mighty tigi …… did not perform its sacred song. There was no eloquence in the Dubla-maḫ, the place where oaths used to be taken. The throne was not set up at its place of judgment, justice was not administered.Alamuš threw down his sceptre, his hands trembling. In the sacred bedchamber of Nannamusicians no longer played the balaĝ drum. The sacred box that no one had set eyes upon was seen by the enemy. The divine bed was not set up, it was not spread with clean hay. The statues that were in the shrine were cut down. The cook, the dream interpreter, and the seal keeper did not perform 263

the ceremonies properly. They stood by submissively and were carried off by 페이지 the foreigners. The priests of the holy uzga shrine and the sacred lustrations, the linen-clad priests, forsook the divine plans and sacred divine powers, they went off to a foreign city. 449-459. In his grief Suen approached his father. He went down on his knee in front ofEnlil, the father who begot him: "O father who begot me, how long will the enemy eye be cast upon my account, how long ……? The lordship and the kingship that you bestowed ……, Father Enlil, the one who advises with just words, the wise words of the Land ……, your inimical judgment ……, look into your darkened heart, terrifying like waves. O Father Enlil, the fate that you have decreed cannot be explained, as for my hairstyle (?) of lordship and the diadem with which I was crowned." …… he put on a garment of mourning. 460-474. Enlil then provided a favourable response to his son Suen: "My son, the city built for you in joy and prosperity was given to you as your reign. Destroying the city, overthrowing its great wall and battlements: all this too is part of that reign. …… the black, black days of the reign that has been your lot. As for dwelling in your home, the E-temen-ni-guru, that was properly built -- indeed Urim shall be rebuilt in splendour, the people shall bow down to you. There is to be bounty at its base, there is to be grain. There is to be splendour at its top, the sun shall rejoice there. Let an abundance of grain embrace its table. May Urim, the city whose fate was pronounced by An, be restored for you." Having pronounced his blessing, Enlil raised his head toward the heavens: "May the land, south and highland, be organised for Nanna. May the roads of the mountains be set in order forSuen. Like a cloud hugging the earth, they shall submit to him. By order of An and Enlil it shall be conferred." 475-477A. Father Nanna came into his city of Urim with head raised high. The youth Suencould enter again into the E-kiš-nu-ĝal. Ningal refreshed herself in her sacred living quarters. {(1 ms. adds 1 line:) In Urim she could enter again into her E-kiš-nu-ĝal.} 478. 4th kirugu. 479-481. There is lamentation in the haunted city, mourning reeds grew there. In its midst there is lamentation, mourning reeds grew there. Its people spend their days in moaning. 482. Ĝišgiĝal. 483-492. O bitter storm, retreat, O storm, storm return to your home. O storm that destroys cities, retreat, O storm, storm return to your home. O storm that destroys houses, retreat, O storm, storm return to your home. Indeed the storm that blew on Sumer, blew also on the foreign lands. Indeed the storm that blew on the land, blew on the foreign lands. It has blown on Tidnum, it 264

has blown on the foreign lands. It has blown on Gutium, it has blown on the 페이지

foreign lands. It has blown on Anšan, it has blown on the foreign lands. It levelled Anšan like a blowing evil wind. Famine has overwhelmed the evildoer; those people will have to submit. 493-504. May An not change the divine powers of heaven, the divine plans for treating the people with justice. May An not change the decisions and judgments to lead the people properly. To travel on the roads of the Land: may An not change it. May An and Enlil not change it, may An not change it. May Enki and Ninmaḫ not change it, may An not change it. That the Tigris and Euphrates should again carry water: may An not change it. That there should be rain in the skies and on the ground speckled barley: may An not change it. That there should be watercourses with water and fields with grain: may An not change it. That the marshes should support fish and fowl: may An not change it. That old reeds and fresh reeds should grow in the reedbeds: may An not change it. May An and Enlil not change it. May Enki and Ninmaḫ not change it. 505-518. That the orchards should bear syrup and grapes, that the high plain should bear the mašgurum tree, that there should be long life in the palace, that the sea should bring forth every abundance: may An not change it. The land densely populated from south to uplands: may An not change it. May An and Enlil not change it, may An not change it. May Enki and Ninmaḫ not change it, may An not change it. That cities should be rebuilt, that people should be numerous, that in the whole universe the people should be cared for; O Nanna, your kingship is sweet, return to your place. May a good abundant reign be long-lasting in Urim. Let its people lie down in safe pastures, let them reproduce. O mankind ……, princess overcome by lamentation and crying! O Nanna! O your city! O your house! O your people! 519. 5th kirugu.

Revision history 24.v.1998-15.v.1998: GC, editor: adapting translation JAB, editor: proofreading 10.xi.1999: GC, editor: SGML tagging 15.xii.1999: ER, editor: proofreading SGML

15.xii.1999: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion




ETCSLtranslation: t.2.2.4 ______The lament for Nibru

1-11. After the cattle pen had been built for the foremost divine powers - how did it become a haunted place? When will it be restored? Where once the brick of fate had been laid - who scattered its divine powers? The lamentation is reprised: how did the storeroom of Nibru, the shrine Dur-an-ki, become a haunted place? When will it be restored? After Ki-ur, the great place, had been built, after the brickwork of E-kur had been built, after Ubšu-unkena had been built, after the shrine Egal-maḫ had been built - how did they become haunted? When will it be restored? 12-21. How did the true city become empty? Its precious designs have been defiled! How were the city's festivals neglected? Its magnificent rites have been thrown into disorder! In the heart of Nibru, where the divine powers were allotted and the black-headed people prolificly multiplied, the city's heart no longer revealed any sign of intelligence - there where the Anuna used to give advice! In Ubšu-unkena, the place for making great judgments, they no longer impart decisions or justice! 22-31. Where its gods had established their dwellings, where their daily rations were offered, their daises erected, where the sacred royal offering (?) And the evening meal in their great banquet hall were destined for the pouring out of choice beer and syrup --Nibru , the city where the black-headed people used to cool themselves in its spreading shade - in their dwellings Enlil fell upon them as if they were criminals. It was he who sent them scattering, like a scattered herd of cattle. How long until its lady, the goddessNinlil, would ask after the inner city, whose bitter tears were overwhelming? 32-41. As though it were empty wasteland, no one enters that great temple whose bustle of activity was famous. As for all the great rulers who increased the wealth of the city ofNibru - why did they disappear? For how long would Enlil neglect the Land, where the black-headed {people} {(1 ms. Has instead :) Land}

{(another ms. Has instead :) city} ate rich grass like sheep? Tears, lamentation, depression and despair! How long would his spirit burn and his heart not be

placated? Why were those who once played the šem and aladrums spending 266

their time in bitter lamenting? Why were the lamenters sitting in its brick 페이지 buildings? They were bewailing the hardship which beset them. 42-49. The men whose wives had fallen, whose children had fallen, were singing "Oh our destroyed city!". Their city gone, their homes abandoned - as those who were singing for the brick buildings of the good city, as the lamenters of wailing, like the foster-children of an ecstatic no longer knowing their own intelligence, the people were smitten, their minds thrown into disorder. The true temple wails bitterly. 50. 1st kirugu 51...... built the temple, Ninlil ...... 52. Its ĝišgiĝal 53-61. The true temple gave you only tears and lamentation - it sings a bitter song of the proper cleansing-rites that are forgotten! The brickwork of E-kur gave you only tears and lamentation - it sings a bitter song of the proper cleansing-rites that are forgotten! It weeps bitter tears over the splendid rites and most precious plans which are desecrated - "! Alas" its most sacred food rations neglected and ...... into funeral offerings, it cries. The temple despairs of its divine powers, utterly cleansed, pure, hallowed, which are now defiled! The true temple, which it is bitter to enter on one's own, passes the time renewing its tears. 62-67. Because the sealings of the abundant materials stored in the temple have been broken open, they have placed the loads on the ground. Because the property in its well-tended storehouses has been sent back, it says "What will they weigh out for me now?"; because the enemies who do not know good from evil have cut off all good things, it sings a bitter dirge; because they have finished off its populace there like animals, it cries "Oh my Land!". Because they have piled up the young women, young men and their little children like heaps of grain, it cries "Woe!" for them. Because they have splashed their blood on the ground like a rain-storm, there is no restraint to its crying. 68-75. The temple, like a cow whose calf is cut off, groans bitterly to itself; it is grief-stricken, and the sweet-voiced lamenters, like nursemaids singing a lullaby, respond tearfully with its name. In anguish they bewail the fact that the city's lord has smashed heads there, that he has looked away from it and toward a foreign land instead. The true temple of all the countries, which had come before him - what have the black-headed people, who had taken a true path, done regarding what have they forsaken, that their lord has become enraged with them and walks in anger? 76. 2nd kirugu 77. It voices bitter cries because he has removed the great divine powers from within it.

78. Its ĝišgiĝal 267

79-85. How long will the city's lord who became angry with it not turn to it, not 페이지 say "Alas!" for it? Why did he cut off the road to its brickwork? He made the noisy pigeons fly away from their windows. Why did he transform the appearance of the temple which knew voices, where they used to while away the days in sweet playing of tigi drums in the brick buildings? The temple, once a place to offer salutations in humility, is now as deathly silent as a temple which no one reveres! 86-94. As though its purification priest's equipment were not utterly sacred, as though its cleansing-rites did not bring calm in all countries, he has abandoned it, turned his breast away from it, among dejection and lamentation he has made it a sacrilege. After its fate, how long till his face would be streaked with teardrops? He rejected it thus as though it were a blasphemy! Why has joy left its brickwork? Night and day he has filled its heart with tears! Even now, he has made it foreign and a sacrilege! 95-102. Its lord, who has despoiled it like an evil wind, has destroyed that city and its temples! He has ripped out their foundations, struck them with the adze, killed wives and their children within it, he has turned that city into a deserted city - when would he restore its ancient property? Its possessions have been carried off by the wind! Enlil turned the city which used to be there into a city no longer! 103-112. He made its mind wander! He threw its intelligence into disorder and made it haunted! He took away its food and its water! He brought to an end its days of familiarity with milk and with beer! The temple which he has made a sacrilege utters bitter lamentations; he has made its eyes blurred with tears. The lamenters who perform the dirges respond to it sorrowfully. No one touches the arm of the city's lord who has removed its divine powers! No one intercedes!

113. 3rd kirugu 114-115. How did Enlil make all his greatest divine powers fly away! No one ever touches his arm! No one ever intercedes!

116. Its ĝišgiĝal 117-126. I am going down to my dirge singer of bitter fates and I shall weep tearfully to him. Even now the lamenters who are expert in song make ululating wails over me! Now my people who are overcome by hardship voice laments for me one by one! Even now the places of refuge of my people whose hearts are burning in dark distress have been made known to me! My people whose hearts have been broken on the bitter way perform the lullabies of my young ones for me in tears! 127-135. The well-built houses, ladies' dwellings, were falsely founded, and they have been eroded by the winds! They are making a lament for me of how the foe 268

has finished off my Land! They are addressing the cries of my heart, overwhelmed 페이지 with bitterness, in order to soothe it! They are beginning their laments about my lord Enlil! He will have mercy and compassion on me - Enlil, father of the black- headed people, he who will give the order to restore me! 136. 4th kirugu 137. My heart is dark, I am destroyed, I am in chaos, I have been devastated! 138. Its ĝišgiĝal 139-149. In the foremost brick buildings they sing that your fate is bitter! Even now, toEnlil who will accept your tears for you, weeping bitter tears of your own accord, speak supplications to your lord himself concerning what he did to you, concerning that fate! Say to him "My lord, how long? Look upon me with favour, my lord!" Say "Why ...... ?" Say "May your heart be soothed for me - overturn this sacrilege for your own good! The day is ...... !" Say "Re-enter for me your dwelling in my darkened shrines!" Say "Like a bright, cleansed, sacred day, give ...... for your own good!" Say "...... !" Say "Your misfortunes ...... will rebuild it!" 150-153. Perhaps by this means I can make him have compassion and mercy for you. Depression has weakened your heart, but I am the one who has established good cheer for you. He will fix it forever as your lot that you shall lift your head high, he will make good again the hostilities he is directing against you. 154. 5th kirugu 155. In the city which does not know freedom he struck them down thus. 156. Its ĝišgiĝal 157-166. Even now your lord has smitten the enemy fury for you! He has had mercy on you and decreed your fate! He has said "Enough", so that he has removed lamentation from your brick buildings! In good mood and with a joyful heart he has entered in there again for you! Ninurta, the mighty commissioner, has looked after things! He stood there before the hero, his provider Išme-Dagan, and issued the command to him to completely rebuild the E-kur, the most precious shrine! He has restored its ancient property! Enlil has ordered Išme- Dagan to restore its ziggurat temple, to make it shine like the day, to make fitting the dais upon its platform! 167-177. He has put back in their place the rites which the enemy disordered and desecrated, along with the scattered divine powers! He has given him his sacred unchangeable decision that they should sanctify and purify again the cleansing- rites which the enemy had put a stop to! He has told Išme-Dagan, his beloved shepherd, that faultless bulls and faultless bucks should be slaughtered! When decrees the fate of the sacred royal offering place (?), He will offer salutations

and stand there daily in supplication and prayer.

2 lines fragmentary

178. 6th kirugu 269

179. How long before you will rest at ease? 페이지

180. Its ĝišgiĝal 181-183. How long will the brickwork strain its eyes upwards in tears and lamentations? Even now your lord, the Great Mountain Enlil, supreme in the universe, has removed lamentation from your brick buildings and made favourable your humour! 184-192. Now, city, your lord who has had compassion and mercy for you, Father Enlil, lord of all countries, who has commanded that you be restored, and the great motherNinlil, who entreated him in prayer there, and the brickwork itself which said to him "Steady the trembling of Nibru!" and said to him "Rebuild my women's quarters for me! Re-establish my temples for me!" - He who mulled things over so that he came to a decision about them, Enlil, who found agreeable his command of true words, who beneficently entered the true temple which had suffered destruction - he himself is removing what he turned upon you in distress. 193-200. Just as he silenced you, when he made joy enter again he decreed as your fate the sound of choice beer and syrup being poured out to overflowing. "Enough! It is time to stifle the lament" he said to you himself. Because you have been living in a state of neglect, Enlil who has decreed your fate has said "My city, you have placated my sacred heart towards you." He has returned to you! "Nibru, you have placated my sacred heart towards you." He has returned to you! True city, he has decreed your great fate and made your reign long! Nibru, he has decreed your great fate and made your reign long! 201-210. Enlil himself has commanded Išme-Dagan that the E-kur should shine like the day! Steady sunlight shines into the Ki-ur; he has brought daylight in there again for you! Ninlil has decreed your fate in the Ĝaĝiššua! Enlil and Ninlil together founded daises in theE-kur! They dined there and enjoyed choice beer! They deliberated how to make the black-headed people secure in their dwellings! They have brought back to you the people who had been completely devastated! They have gathered back together the children whom they turned away from their mothers! The populace goes with you in their strongholds! Shrine Nibru, the Great Mountain Enlil has returned to you! 211. 7th kirugu 212. How you suffer! How depression exhausts you!

213. Its ĝišgiĝal 214-219. Even now, they command Išme-Dagan that Sumer and Akkad should be

restored at your feet, that their scattered people should be returned to their nests!

They have brought the news that the magnificent rites of Eridug would not be

forgotten, its heart sending forth wisdom, so that good sense should be allotted! 270

The Anuna, the lords who decree fates, order that Adab should be rebuilt, the 페이지 city whose lady fashions living things, who promotes birthing! 220-227. An and Enlil have advised that Urim should be restored, founded in a pasture, its divine powers distinct from the rest! They command the prince of the city Larsam, the herald of the universe, the judge of the numerous people, to secure its foundations, to follow the proper path! They have taken a decision concerning Unug-Kulaba, the sacred city, the handiwork of the gods, and restored it. They have brought news of the removal of all foes and enemies from the region of Zabalam, the city where the mistress of heaven concentrated her forces. 228-235. An and Enlil have looked with their beneficent gaze on Lagaš, the mooring-pole of heaven, and the shrine Ĝirsu, established long ago. They have removed the treacherousTidnum from that temple in Umma, Šeg-kuršaga, which had been ill treated! It is the great gods who have commanded that the foundations of Kiš should be secured, at the edge ofSumer and Akkad, its dominion superlative! Marda, the city in whose river water flows, in whose fields is fine grain - the Anuna who took those things away from it returned them to it again! 236-243. Isin, the provisioner of the Anuna, rising high since times of old - An, Enlil, Enkiand Ninmaḫ have made its reign long! By their command they have handed it over and expressed their approval! They have entrusted it to Ninurta, the champion, the strong hero! They have told Ninisina, the exalted child of An, the incantation priest of the Land, to rest calmly in her sacred dwelling, Egal- maḫ! They have told Damu, the chief barber ofNunamnir, healer of the living, to make the foreign countries bow at the feet of his father and mother!

244. 8th kirugu 245. An, Enlil, Enki and Ninmaḫ have given their orders!

246. Its ĝišgiĝal 247-254. Now see! Enlil has fixed a good day in the land! He has even now ordered the day for Nibru to raise its neck to heaven! He himself has provided a good day for the E-kur to shine! He himself has raised up the day for the Ki-ur's magnificent manifestation! He himself has restored the day for Sumer and Akkad to expand! He himself has set aside the day for houses to be built and storerooms to be enclosed! He himself has brought out the day for seeds to sprout and living things to be born! He has brought out the day for building cattle pens and

founding sheepfolds! 255-261. {The ewes which bore lambs have filled the pens!} {(1 ms. Has instead

the line :) Ewes have given birth in the folds, their lambs have filled the pens!} 271

The goats which bore kids have filled the folds! The ewes which flocked with 페이지 their lambs have swelled the sheepfold! The goats which flocked with their kids have caused the pens to be widened! He himself has set the day for turning destruction to the good! He has ...... the day ...... evil! He has brought in Išme- Dagan as assistance for the day for establishing justice in the land!

262. 9th kirugu 263-274. Although Sumer and Akkad had been desecrated by the foe, afterwards hearts were appeased, spirits soothed! All the great gods thus had compassion! They looked upon those sunk in exhaustion and brought them up out of it! They restored your city which had been razed to ruins! Enlil, king of all countries, restored its shining property which had been scattered, which had been devastated! There where the populace rested in the cool after building their nests, in Nibru, the mountain of the greatest divine powers, from where they had taken an unfamiliar path - at Enlil's word the Anuna, those very lords who determine the fates, ordered that the temples which they had forsaken and the jewels, put there long ago, which had been carried off by the wind, should all be restored! 275-282. He has established there dining in joy within! Enlil has given the command toIšme-Dagan, his joyous, reverent sacral officiant, who daily serves, to sanctify its food, to purify its water! He has commanded him to purify its defiled divine powers! He has put in order its disordered and scattered rites, he has put back in their place the most sacred things, neglected and defiled. He decrees as a fate the offering of daily rations and the grinding up of fine meal and flour. He has decided to make bread plentiful on the table, to make loaves numerous!

283. 10th kirugu 284-295. Father Enlil, the lord whose command can not be altered, prince of all countries, has fixed among the black-headed people, and commanded for their benefit, a time when no one is to speak hostile words to another, when a son is to respect his father, a time to establish humility in the Land, for the inferior to be as important as the mighty, a time when the younger brother, fearing his big brother, is to show humility, a time when the elder child is to treat the younger child reasonably and to pay heed to his words, a time to take neither weak nor strong away into captivity, but to serve with great acts of good, a time to travel the disordered roadways, to extirpate evil growths, {a time when anyone is to go where they will, to hurl no insults at one's fellow,} {(1 ms. has instead the line :) a time when anyone is to go where they will, to carry oneself humbly in the plain, to perform no sacrilege ,} {a time no one is to speak hostile words to another, to perform no sacrilege,} {(1 ms. has instead the line :) a time to go from one's own city to a foreign city, to have no fear on the plain, to perform no sacrilege,} a time to remove bitterness from the Land, to establish light therein, a time when 272

darkness is to be lifted in the Land, so that living things should rejoice. 페이지

296. 11th kirugu 297-303. Now, see! After that time, Enlil, the prince who is full of pity, has been beneficent to his hero who had laid the ...... brick! He put in order again for him the divine powers which had been desecrated by the enemy! He sanctified again the defiled rites for him! He purified its ziggurat temple and made it resplendent for him! Within he made abundance plentiful, he filled it with choice beer and syrup! He established there at that time the pleasing of hearts, the appeasing of spirits, the ameliorating of moods! 304-314. Išme-Dagan himself stood in prayer to Enlil and offered salutations! When he had begun the lament and spoken the supplication, the prince of all countries treated his body with oil of abundance as if it were the sweetest syrup! And his prayer was heard - Enlillooked upon him with favour, Išme-Dagan whose words bring Enlil pleasure! Enlil'sconstant attendant, with whose thoughts he agrees! Because the humble one prostrated himself in his devotions and served there, because he will entreat him in supplication and will do obeisance, because he will complete and honour the royal offering and will return, because he will keep watch over everything and will not be negligent , Enlil has promised to Išme-Dagan his dominion of extended years! 315-322. He promised him that he will be a man of pre-eminent kingship! He promised him that he will be a king whose reign is good! He promised him that he shall have the people inhabit safe dwellings! Enlil found agreement in what he had said to the numerous people! On the day for decreeing fates, every part of Sumer and Akkad, among the black-headed people flocking like sheep, among their well-tended people, will praise forever the majesty of the Great Mountain Nunamnir, enkar weapon of the universe! It is his awe-inspiring way!

323. 12th kirugu

______Revision history 19.xi.1998-20.xi.1998: GC, editor: adapting translation 12.i.1999: JAB, editor: proofreading GZ, editor: minor corrections GZ, editor: SGML tagging 23.vii.1999: ER, editor: proofreading SGML 24.vii.1999: ER, editor: web publication GC / JE, editor / technical developer: XML / TEI conversion ______© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental 273

Studies, University of Oxford 페이지

Updated 2006-12-19 by JE The lament for Eridug A composite version from Nibru Segment A (beginning of 1st kirugu) 1-10. 4 lines missing The roaring storm covered it like a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet. It covered Eriduglike a cloak, was spread over it like a sheet. In the city, the furious storm resounded ……. InEridug, the furious storm resounded ……. Its voice was smothered with silence as by a gale. Its people ……. Eridug was smothered with silence as by a gale. Its people ……. 11-18. Its king stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. He wept bitter tears. FatherEnki stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. He wept bitter tears. For the sake of his harmed city, he wept bitter tears. Its lady, like a flying bird, left her city. The mother ofE-maḫ, holy Damgalnuna, left her city. The divine powers of the city of holiest divine powers were overturned.

The divine powers of the rites of the greatest divine powers were altered. In Eridug everything was reduced to ruin, was wrought with confusion. 19-26. The evil-bearing storm went out from the city. It swept across the Land -- a storm which possessses neither kindness nor malice, does not distinguish between good and evil.Subir came down like rain. It struck hard. In the city where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened. In Eridug where bright daylight used to shine forth, the day darkened. As if the sun had set below the horizon, it turned into twilight. As if An had cursed the city, alone he destroyed it. As if Enlil had frowned upon it, Eridug, the shrineAbzu, bowed low. 27. 1st kirugu. 28. It cried out bitterly: "O the destruction of the city! The destruction of the

house!" 29. Its ĝišgiĝal.

30-37. A second time the storm destroyed the city -- its song was plaintive. … 274 페이지

… was trampled (?). …… intensified the lament. It cut the lock from its main gate. The storm dislodged its door. …… It stacked the people up in heaps. …… on its own destroyed it. It turned …… into tears. …… defiled …… 1 line missing 39-47. …… It distorted its appearance. …… It distorted its appearance. It circled its …… wall. It overturned its foundations. Throughout his city, the pure, radiant (?) place, the foundations were filled with dust. It cast down its ziggurat, the shrine which reaches up to heaven, into a heap of debris. The loftiness of its elevated door-ornament, befitting a house, was stripped down (?). It cut down the gate, its Great-Ziggurat-of-Heaven-and-Earth-Covered- with-Terrible-Awesomeness, its shining door, and it broke through its bolt. It ripped out its doorframe. The house was defaced. 48. 2nd kirugu. 49. The destruction of Eridug! Its destruction was grievous. 50. Its ĝišgiĝal. 51-57. At its lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined, it mutilated the copse (?) forming the ornament of the house ……. Ka-ḫeĝala and Igi- ḫeĝala, the doorkeepers of the house, ……. Prematurely they destroyed it utterly. They completely altered ……. At the gate of the uzga precinct, the animal-fattener …… the great offerings. Its birds and fish were neglected there. Destruction ……. Throughout his house, radiant (?) in silver and lapis lazuli, tears ……. 58-65. The hired man and the governor ……. The festivals …… grandly ……. Holy songs, songs of all kinds ……. The šem drum and ala drum ……. The great divine powers, all the divine powers ……. The place of the gods of heaven and earth ……. The judgment by the king, the holy sceptre at his right side, …….

The en priestess, lumaḫ priest and nindiĝirpriestess …….

66-73. The minister Isimud ……. Strangers to the house …… its side. Eridug, 275

the shrineAbzu, …… silently. The enemy …… cleansed in a magnificent 페이지 robe. …… a man …… the people ……. Along with the fluids spilled from his guts, his blood spilled forth. The ……, which like the azure sky was embellished forever, …… grasped ……. 74. 3rd kirugu. 75-76. 2 lines fragmentary 77. Its ĝišgiĝal. 78-99. …… distressed and anxious …… like a pigeon ……. 1 line fragmentary The birds of the destroyed city …… a nest. The ukuku bird, bird of heart's sorrow, …… the place. Pain ……. The area became entangled in wild thornbushes. It …… wild thornbushes. The Šimaškians and Elamites, the destroyers, looked at the holy kettles which no one may look at. In the House of Nisaba's Wisdom, the house of understanding, …… covered over … …. The divine powers which embellish the Abzu ……. When the holy treasures stored in the treasury were put ……, when, like a mist lying heavily on the earth, ……, they went like small birds shooed from their hiding places. 7 lines fragmentary unknown no. of lines missing Segment B (continuation of 4th kirugu) 1. Father Enki uttered a lament for himself ……. 2. 4th kirugu. 3. Bitterly Father Enki uttered a lament for himself. 4. Its ĝišgiĝal. 5-9. Because of this, Enki, king of the abzu, stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. It bowed its neck down to the ground. Eridu's lady, holy Damgalnuna, the faithful cow, the compassionate one, clawed at her breast, clawed at her eyes. She uttered a frenzied cry. She held a dagger and a sword in her two hands -- they clashed together.

10-15. She tore out her hair like rushes, uttering a bitter lament: "You, my city whose woman does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her --

where is a lament uttered bitterly for you? Eridug! You, my city whose woman 276

does not dwell there, whose charms do not satisfy her -- where are tears wept 페이지 for you? I fall like a bull in your lofty …… falls ……. I am ……. My heart …… queen ……." (incorporating end of 5th kirugu) Segment C (continuation of 6th kirugu) 1-8. 1 line fragmentary …… far away …… the great gods. Lord Enlil, king of the lands, looked maliciously at Sumer. He demolished it. He destroyed the Ki-ur, the great place. He razed with the pickaxe all of the shining E-kur. He destroyed it but did not abandon it -- at the lunches, in his great dining hall, they call his name. 9-20. Aruru, the sister of Enlil, destroyed her city Iri-saĝ-rig. In Keš, the creation place of the Land, the people saw inside its holy sanctuary where daylight had been unknown. She destroyed it but did not abandon it -- at the lunches, in her great dining hall, they call her name. Lord Nanna, Lord Ašimbabbar, destroyed his city Urim. He decimated the Land with famine. He committed a sacrilege against the E-kiš-nu-ĝal. He struck at its heart. He destroyed it but did not abandon it -- at the lunches, in his great dining hall, they call his name. 21-25. Inana, the queen of heaven and earth, destroyed her city Unug. Fleeing from the E-ana, the house of seven corners and seven fires ……, she destroyed it but did not abandon it -- at the lunches, in her great dining hall, they call her name. 26. (Damgalnuna speaks:) "My beloved, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug!" 27. 6th kirugu. 28. "My beloved, for how long was it built? For how long is it destroyed? …… adornment of the Abzu." 29. Its ĝišgiĝal. 30-36. "Lord Enki, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug? Who has ever seen such a misfortune as that of the shrine Abzu, your house?" No one goes up to his offering terrace. At the lunches, in his great dining hall, they do not call his name.Enki, king of the abzu, felt distressed, felt anxious. At the words of his spouse, he himself began to wail.

He lay down and fasted.

37-44. My king, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious.

Father Enki, you must not be distressed, you must not be anxious. Son of An, 277

return your heart to your Ki-ur and your attention to your city. Living in an 페이지 alien city is miserable -- return your attention to your city. Living in an alien house is miserable -- return your attention to your house. What can anyone compare with this city? -- Return your attention to your city. What can anyone compare with this house? -- Return your attention to your house.Eridug's day is long. Its night is over. 45-52. May your throne say to you "Sit down". May your bed say to you "Lie down". May your house say to you "Be rested". May your holy dais also say joyfully to you "Sit down". May your father An, the king of the gods, satisfy your heart. A person, a humble man, brings you a lament over your wife's faithful house. When he sings it before you, may that person soothe your heart. When he recites a prayer, look kindly upon him. 53. 7th kirugu. 54. It destroyed your …… and struck against your house. 55. Its ĝišgiĝal. 56-59. …… and may he restore it for you. 2 lines fragmentary Do not hide like a criminal …….

A version from Urim (UET 6 142) Segment A 1-5. House of princely powers, standing in mighty water -- the waters have receded from it ……. one can walk on its wide swamp. Within it grow wild thornbushes. The delightful boat Wild goat of the abzu -- the waters have receded from it; …… its sheepfold …… the wharf. They were Sirsir, the tutelary deity, and the man who rides the boat. At the prow …… was hurled down in front of them. Evildoers destroyed the house, and its rites were disturbed. 6-7. At the giguna shrine, the sacred house, evildoers ……. The E-unir -- the shrine raises its head as high as heaven. Its shadow ……. 8-14. At the great gate, the lion-faced gate, the place where fates are determined, evildoers ……. They set fire to its door. Ka-ḫeĝala and Igi-ḫeĝala, the doorkeepers of the house, ……. …… Enki, at the …… place, …… its people. …… the destroyed place, the Abzu …… the powers of

the Anuna gods. 278

3 lines fragmentary (continuation of 3rd kirugu) 페이지

Segment B 1-6. Eridug ……. City in the reedbeds ……. In Eridug, young bulls ……. Without being a marsh boar ……. Eridug, like a bull ……. The lady of the city cried, "My city ……!" 7. 3rd kirugu. 8. Father Enki! O your house, O your city, O your people …… the mountains. 9. Its ĝišgiĝal.

Revision history GC, editor: adapting translation 22.vii.1998: JAB, editor: proofreading 17.xi.1999: GC, editor: SGML tagging 16.xii.1999: ER, editor: proofreading SGML 16.xii.1999: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion

ETCSLtranslation : t.2.2.5

3.The lament for Unug

Segment A 1-3. The …… which had developed -- its wiping clean (?) was to be accomplished (?). The …… of heaven and earth put their divine powers …… to sleep (?). 1 line fragmentary

4-8. …… mortal man multiplied to become as numerous as the gods. When together …… had achieved a momentous decision, the …… of the gods ……. Enki and Ninki determined the consensus -- deemed worthless. Enul and Ninul assigned the fate, …….

9-14. When together An and Enlil had created it, that one resembled ……. When Ninlil had given it features, that one was fit for ……. When together Aruru, Suen 279

and Enki had fashioned its limbs, that one turned pitch black, as at night, 페이지 halfway through the watch, ……. All the great gods paled at its immensity and …… was brought about. Like a great wild bull which bellows mightily, that one filled the world with its roar.

15-20. As its gigantic horns reached up to heaven, who trembled in his very core? As it was piled up over the mountains like a battle-net, who turned away? Who caused wailing and lamenting in those streets and ……? Unug, like a loyal citizen in terror, set up an alarm (and exclaimed) "Rise up!" Why did its hand seize Unug? Why did the benevolent eye look away? Who brought about such worry and lamenting and ……?

21-27. That one drew nearer. That one settled upon the ground. Why would he withdraw? Who distorted Unug's good sense and deranged its good counsel? Who smashed its goodudug deity? Who struck its good lamma deity too? Who desecrated the fearsome radiance which crowned it? Who brought about mob panic in Unug? Who …… sickness too? Along with the city, the foreign lands ……, who …… in the temple of Unug? That one ……. small no. of lines missing

Segment B 1-8. 1 line fragmentary Who made ……? Why was …… expanded? Who made the black- headed people become so numerous? Who overthrew ……? …… was destroyed -- who restored ……? Who confronted ……? That one crushed ……. That one ……. small no. of lines missing

Segment C 1-9. 1 line fragmentary …… and Utu, who in human form renders judgment at the law court of heaven, set and did not rise again. …… bore a heavy burden of sin. …… the altered verdicts of Lord Nunamnir. …… who can smite ……? …… and they approach (?). …… he brings …… forth. …… of Enlil ……. He …… and puts an end to ……. small no. of lines missing

Segment D

1-9. 280

1 line fragmentary …… each and every one ……. …… its ways were ……. …… its 페이지 destruction and demolition, ……. The …… of the gods …… attention. ……, who neglected ……, …… the city watched as the evil ghost approached. …… breathed painfully, he wept bitterly. …… there was no nodding of the head.

10-20. He consoled himself with tears and laments -- the city trembled. A defiled hand smote him and flattened his skull -- the city collapsed. The fearsome radiance overwhelmed like ……. The proud city of all the lands became like one who spreads havoc. The faithful cowherds themselves overturned every single cattlepen. The chief shepherds themselves burned (?) every sheepfold. They built them up like grain heaps, they spread them out like grain piles, they were convulsed. …… they drenched the fields with water, they turned the city into a swamp. They did all that. Like reeds in a wasteland, life could not be revived. They brought ruination. Evil things menaced (?) the city. A hush settled over the awed hearts of its people like a cloak.

21-33. Its good udug deities went away, its lamma deities ran off. Its lamma deity (said) "Hide in the open country" and they took foreign paths. The city's patron god turned against it and its shepherd abandoned it. Its guardian spirit, though not an enemy, was exiled (?) to a foreign place. Thus all its most important gods evacuated Unug, they kept away from it. They hid out in the hills and wandered (?) about in the haunted plains. In the city built upon peace, food and drink were overturned like a saman vessel. In the pasture lands a tumultuous noise arose, the asses and sheep were driven away. Elderly people and babies, taking their rest, …… in front ……. They saw …… and slaughtered (?) ……. 3 lines fragmentary small no. of lines missing

Segment E 1-7. He …… and opened his clenched fist. He …… and reached out his hand. The …… ofSumer, the city whose king crossed over to an enemy land, to ……. -- he smote it with the might of his weapon. He …… and turned the place into dust. He …… and piled the people up in heaps. ……, how long until its charms are restored? 8. 2nd kirugu.

9. The …… of heaven …… and the people …… to the limits of heaven. 10. Its ĝišgiĝal.

11-20. He ……, stretched forth his hand and induced terror in the land. Enlil struck 281

out with great ferocity. He announced: "A deluge dashing the hoe on the ground 페이지 shall be invoked. At its front war shall be a …… axe, at its rear it shall be a ……. Its overgrown hair shall be a harrow, its back shall be flames. Its countenance shall be a malevolent storm that enshrouds heaven and earth. The glint of its eyes shall be lightning that flashes far like the Anzud bird. Its mouth shall rage -- a blazing fire that extends as far as the nether world. Its tongue shall be an inferno, raining embers, that sunders the Land. Its arms shall be the majestic Anzud bird that nothing can escape when it spreads wide its talons."

21-31. "Its ribs shall be crowbars that let light pass inside like the sun's rays. Knotted at both its hips shall be city-destroying slingstones. Its great haunches shall be dripping knives, covered with gore, that make blood flow. Its muscles shall be saws that slash, its feet those of an eagle. It shall make the Tigris and Euphrates quaver, it shall make the mountains rumble. At its reverberation the hills shall be uprooted, the people shall be pitched about like sheaves, Sumer and Akkad shall shiver, they shall be flooded like a harvest crop. The foolish shall rejoice, they shall exclaim (?): "Let it come -- we shall be seeing war and battle in the city, how the sacred precinct (?) is destroyed, how the walls are battered down, how the city's peace is disrupted, how among the loyal families honest men are transformed into traitors.""

32-40. "But the sensible shall beat their breasts and droop (?) their heads. At midnight they shall be afraid and tearful, and suffer insomnia. In bed, under the covers, they shall be unable to sleep soundly, they shall wander about the city. They shall be immobilised, their courage shall run out: "May our allies serving in times of war raise their forces for peace. May the word of Enlil be sent back, may it turn tail. May the venom of Nunamnir's anger become exhausted. May those vicious men who have seized the E-kur be punished. May those who have set their sight upon Nibru be swept away."" 41. 3rd kirugu.

42. My heart is filled with sorrow, I am tear-stricken. 43. Its ĝišgiĝal.

44-50. Oh, Sumer! Alas -- your spirit! Alas -- your structure! Alas -- your people! The word of An, having been assigned its place, has destroyed the sacred precinct (?). The pronouncement of Enlil, having been set in motion, ……. The deluge dashing the hoe to the ground ……. The great and fierce ……, Lord Nergal ……. …… like Gibil, Nergal ……. 1 line fragmentary 282


51-65. War …… enemy lands …… echoed. Like arrows in a quiver ……. Evildoers in Sumer……. Gutium, the enemy, overturned ……. Sumer, caught in a trap, ……. Its people were thrown into turmoil ……. The mighty heroes of Sumer ……. …… the heart of a hurricane ……. They advanced like the front rank of troops, ……. Like …… they were crushed, every one of them ……. Their war veterans gave up, their brains were muddled. The troop leaders, the most outstanding of the men, were viciously hewn down. Gutium, the enemy, …… weapons ……. Not looking at each other …… Like a swelling flood, like ……, Subir poured into Sumer.

66-74. They …… like stampeding goats, they tore apart the corpses of the population. They mutilated Sumer and Akkad, they pulverised it as with a pestle. They destroyed its settlements and habitations, they razed them to ruin mounds. The best of Sumer they scattered like dust, they heaped up ……. They massacred its populace, they finished off young and old alike. They destroyed the city of the Anuna gods, they set it aflame. They put out both Unug's eyes, they uprooted its young shoots. They wandered all through the libation places of the Anuna gods. And even Kulaba, which is the primeval city, they turned into a place of murder. 75. 4th kirugu.

76. Alas -- Sumer! Alas -- its people! 77. Its ĝišgiĝal.

78-88. Unug! They seized your wharf and your borders and ……. At Unug shouts rang out, screams reverberated, its captured men ……. The noise reached to the south. The south was destroyed and ……. The impact forced its way to the uplands. The uplands were struck and ……. To the right and left no people moved about, no habitations were built. There was no …… and the mobilisation of troops did not ……. …… rose up to heaven. Heaven perished and its strength did not ……. …… upon the earth. The earth was scattered, and it did not ……. All the settlements were dispersed -- Unug stood all alone. It was a bull, it was a champion, it was immense with pride, but it …… to the weapons. All night and even until midday battle was waged, and afterwards it did not …….

89-99. Battering rams and shields were set up, they rent its walls. They breached its buttresses, they hewed the city with axes. They set fire to its stations, they

…… the city's dwellings. They destroyed it, they demolished it. Unug, the good place, was …… with dust. Like a great wild bull wounded with an arrow, …….

Like a wild cow pierced with a spear, ……. The mighty one rushed with his 283

weapons and …… implements of war. Subir, rising up like a swelling floodwave, 페이지

……. They trampled (?) through the streets and ……. They let the blood of the people flow like that of a sacrificial cow, they tore out everything that had been built.

100-111. The citizens of Unug ……. They …… and threw down ……. They …… and put an end to ……. They seized ……. They struck ……. They destroyed ……. They …… They demolished ……. They set up ……. They heaped up ……. They put an end to …… and did not leave behind ……. …… Subir entered ……. 112. 5th kirugu.

113. …… cried out "…… has been created" and he smeared dust ……. 114. Its ĝišgiĝal.

115. …… reached …… 19 fragmentary lines unknown no. of lines missing

Segment F 1-5. The enemy land ……. Zabalam ……. In Urim, the E-kiš-nu-ĝal ……. Cattlepen and sheepfold ……, evil ……. The land of Subir ……. 200-300 lines missing

Segment G (part of 11th kirugu) 1-5. All the great gods ……. The Anuna gods ……. 1 line fragmentary Sovereigns ……. 1 line fragmentary unknown no. of lines missing

Segment H (beginning of 12th kirugu)

1-8. Lady Inana whose greatness is vaster than the mountains, hovering like An, vested with grandeur like Enlil, like her father, perfect by night and in the heat of the day, likeUtu, surpassing in vigour, singularly exalted in all the four regions -- 284

let Išme-Dagan take pleasure in relaxing in your temple, let him murmer to you 페이지 in your temple, let him raise his head to you in your E-ana.

9-19. Let Išme-Dagan serve you as your steward. Let him prepare great bulls for you. Let him dedicate great offerings to you. Let him make the beer, fat and oil plentiful for you. Let him make syrup and wine flow for you as from stone jars. Let Išme-Dagan, son of Enlilon the king's pedestal, bow in homage to you. May he make the ub and ala drums resound grandly for you. May the tigi sound sweetly for you, and may the zamzam play for you. May they play …… on the tigi for you, expressing your prayers and supplications before you.

20-27. In bringing forth ……, all that there are, at your E-ĝipar in Unug, as a humble man who has grasped your feet, as a reverent man who has experienced your exaltedness, he has brought a lament as offering to you and will ……. As for everything that happened toSumer and Akkad, which he has witnessed in Unug, the aggrieved place, may the best singers perform songs there.

28-38. If the Anuna gods emerge tearfully, let them promise to us that as it was when heaven and earth came about, nothing of that time shall be changed. If An looks kindly upon that man and at the well-built city, the place of determining fate, proclaim "Man and city! Life and well-being!" for him. Let praise ring out. Let him be made surpassing above all, to his right or left. Tireless lamma deity, take hold of his head, pronounce his fate in charitable words -- by the command of An and Enlil it will remain unaltered for a long time. 39. 12th kirugu.

Revision history

15.v.1998-28.v.1998: GC, editor: adapting translation JAB, editor: proofreading 16.xi.1999: GC, editor: SGML tagging 16.xii.1999: ER, editor: proofreading SGML 16.xii.1999: ER, editor: web publication GC/JE, editor/technical developer: XML/TEI conversion



© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The ETCSL project, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford Updated 2006-12-19 by JE


~ lAMENT FOR UR ~ 1.-

THE GODS AND HUMAN DESTINY Mesopotamians and Egyptians believed that their destinies were determined by the gods. Drought, hurricanes, sickness, law, and foreign invasion were all attributed to divine intervention. In the "Lament for Ur," the assembly of the gods decides to punish the Sumerian city-state of Ur. Enlil called the storm. He called the storm that annihilates the land. cTfiep;;j-;~. '\ The people mourn. ~ ~fibunda~ce -t;; took from the land. He called disastrous winds. The people mourn. The people mourn. Good winds he took away from Sumer. Enlil - choosing Gibil (fire god) as his The people mourn. helper - Deputed [assigned] evil winds. called the (great) hurricane of heaven. The people mourn. The people mourn. Entrusted them to Kingaluda, tender of The (blinding) hurricane howling across the storms. skies - . i . , --'-._1--- the people mourn - . 0 father Nanna (the moon god), that town the storm that annihilates the land roaring was left a ruin. over the earth - The people mourn. the people mourn - On that day did the storm leave the country. ~ the tempest unsubduable like breaks through The people mourn. levees, I~ people ('s corps~, not potsherds, beats down upon, devours the city's ships, littered the approaches. (all these) he gathered at the base of heaven. The walls were gaping;

The people mourn. the high gates, the roads, ~ ~~ . were piled with dead. ( (Great) fires he lit that heralded the storm. I h .

, -- 1 - n t e WI de streets, :: 286

, Ine people mourn. " 페이지

( A d 1. ' h fl k f fu . . d where feasting crowds (once) gathered, J: ::. n It on elt er an 0 nous wm s . bl d h ~ '. Jum e t ey lay. , I the searIng heat of desert. ; c/' I Like flaming heat of noon this fire In all the streets and roadways bodies lay. \ . \ scorched...... In open fields that used to fill with dancers, ;Q- \ The storm ordered by Enlll m hate, the people lay in heaps. {'i- ! -the storm which wears away the countty, ; i covere d Ur lI ' ke a c 1ot h, The .. countty's blood now filled its holes. ;, 'I d . l.k 1. h like metal m a mold; 1\ vel e It I e a men s eet...... '\ bodies dissolved - like butter left in the sun. On that day did the storm leave the city; that city was a ruin.

6.Cyrus Cylinder

Translation of the text on the Cyrus Cylinder Translation by Irving Finkel, Assistant Keeper, Department of the Middle East Read this in Persian (Translated from the original text by Shahrokh Razmjou, curator, Department of the Middle East) Explore more Cyrus Cylinder Cyrus, King of Persia Share this page

1. [When ... Mar]duk, king of the whole of heaven and earth, the ...... who, in his ..., lays waste his...... 2. [...... ] broad? in intelligence, ...... who

inspects (?) the wor]ld quarters (regions) 3. [...... …] his [first]born (=Belshazzar), a low

person, was put in charge of his country, 287

4. but [...... ] he set [a (…) counter]feit 페이지

over them. 5. He ma[de] a counterfeit of Esagil, [and .....…...... ]... for Ur and the rest of the cult-cities. 6. Rites inappropriate to them, [impure] fo[od-offerings …...... ] disrespectful […] were daily gabbled, and, as an insult, 7. he brought the daily offerings to a halt; he inter[fered with the rites and] instituted […....] within the sanctuaries. In his mind, reverential fear of Marduk, king of the gods, came to an end. 8. He did yet more evil to his city every day; … his [people ...... …], he brought ruin on them all by a yoke without relief. 9. Enlil-of-the-gods became extremely angry at their complaints, and […] their territory. The gods who lived within them left their shrines, 10. angry that he had made (them) enter into Shuanna (Babylon). Ex[alted Marduk, Enlil-of-the-Go]ds, relented. He changed his mind about all the settlements whose sanctuaries were in ruins, 11. and the population of the land of Sumer and Akkad who had become like corpses, and took pity on them. He inspected and checked all the countries, 12. seeking for the upright king of his choice. He took the hand of Cyrus, king of the city of Anshan, and called him by his name, proclaiming him aloud for the kingship over all of everything. 13. He made the land of Guti and all the Median troops prostrate themselves at his feet, while he shepherded in justice and righteousness the black-headed people 14. whom he had put under his care. Marduk, the great lord, who nurtures his people, saw with pleasure his fine deeds and true heart, 15. and ordered that he should go to Babylon. He had him take the road to Tintir (Babylon), and, like a friend and companion, he walked at his side. 16. His vast troops whose number, like the water in a river, could not be counted, were marching fully-armed at his side. 17. He had him enter without fighting or battle right into Shuanna; he saved his city Babylon from hardship. He handed over to him Nabonidus, the king who did not fear him. 18. All the people of Tintir, of all Sumer and Akkad, nobles and governors, bowed down before him and kissed his feet, rejoicing over his kingship and their faces shone. 19. The lord through whose help all were rescued from death and who saved them all from distress and hardship, they blessed him sweetly and praised his name. 20. I am Cyrus, king of the universe, the great king, the powerful king, king of 288

Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, 페이지

21. son of Cambyses, the great king, king of the city of Anshan, grandson of Cyrus, the great king, ki[ng of the ci]ty of Anshan, descendant of Teispes, the great king, king of the city of Anshan, 22. the perpetual seed of kingship, whose reign Bel (Marduk)and Nabu love, and with whose kingship, to their joy, they concern themselves. When I went as harbinger of peace i[nt]o Babylon 23. I founded my sovereign residence within the palace amid celebration and rejoicing. Marduk, the great lord, bestowed on me as my destiny the great magnanimity of one who loves Babylon, and I every day sought him out in awe. 24. My vast troops were marching peaceably in Babylon, and the whole of [Sumer] and Akkad had nothing to fear. 25. I sought the safety of the city of Babylon and all its sanctuaries. As for the population of Babylon […, w]ho as if without div[ine intention] had endured a yoke not decreed for them, 26. I soothed their weariness; I freed them from their bonds(?). Marduk, the great lord, rejoiced at [my good] deeds, 27. and he pronounced a sweet blessing over me, Cyrus, the king who fears him, and over Cambyses, the son [my] issue, [and over] my all my troops, 28. that we might live happily in his presence, in well-being. At his exalted command, all kings who sit on thrones, 29. from every quarter, from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, those who inhabit [remote distric]ts (and) the kings of the land of Amurru who live in tents, all of them, 30. brought their weighty tribute into Shuanna, and kissed my feet. From [Shuanna] I sent back to their places to the city of Ashur and Susa, 31. Akkad, the land of Eshnunna, the city of Zamban, the city of Meturnu, Der, as far as the border of the land of Guti - the sanctuaries across the river Tigris - whose shrines had earlier become dilapidated, 32. the gods who lived therein, and made permanent sanctuaries for them. I collected together all of their people and returned them to their settlements, 33. and the gods of the land of Sumer and Akkad which Nabonidus – to the fury of the lord of the gods – had brought into Shuanna, at the command of Marduk, the great lord, 34. I returned them unharmed to their cells, in the sanctuaries that make them happy. May all the gods that I returned to their sanctuaries, 35. every day before Bel and Nabu, ask for a long life for me, and mention my good deeds, and say to Marduk, my lord, this: “Cyrus, the king who fears you, and Cambyses his son, 289

36. may they be the provisioners of our shrines until distant (?) days, and the 페이지

population of Babylon call blessings on my kingship. I have enabled all the lands to live in peace.” 37. Every day I increased by [… ge]ese, two ducks and ten pigeons the [former offerings] of geese, ducks and pigeons. 38. I strove to strengthen the defences of the wall Imgur-Enlil, the great wall of Babylon, 39. and [I completed] the quay of baked brick on the bank of the moat which an earlier king had bu[ilt but not com]pleted its work. 40. [I …… which did not surround the city] outside, which no earlier king had built, his workforce, the levee [from his land, in/int]o Shuanna. 41. [… ...... with bitum]en and baked brick I built anew, and [completed] its [work]. 42. […...... ] great [doors of cedar wood] with bronze cladding, 43. [and I installed] all their doors, threshold slabs and door fittings with copper parts. […...... ]. I saw within it an inscription of Ashurbanipal, a king who preceded me; 44. […...... ] in its place. May Marduk, the great lord, present to me as a gift a long life and the fullness of age, 45. [a secure throne and an enduring rei]gn, [and may I …... in] your heart forever. a. [Written and check]ed [from a…]; (this) tablet (is) of b. Qishti-Marduk, son of […]. Lines 1-2, and 44-5 are restored on the basis of two clay fragments from a Late Babylonian tablet, inscribed with text which duplicates that of the Cyrus Cylinder. _translation.aspx



5 Seal of the living God -Purification of the soul

Chakra /Amrita / Divine Nectar /Katsina / Seal of Melek Tau / ISON / Water of heaven / Immortality / Resurrection / rejuvenation / Shattering the devil /Divine Body / Key of eternal life and salvation

291 페이지



Seal of the living God

My “SEAL” has also power of the ResurrectionIf Leave “Seal” on the heart of the just deceasedMy Seal will bring back his soul to

his body

Pain is lower Come new skin will be healed

A little old Dead While 7-10 days

Leave My SEAL with his and her corpse 293

They will rise again 페이지

They would be resurrected Very old body is Complete recovery of the body, even though Recovery of the soul They will have a brilliant spiritual body

It is true “I am the resurrection and the life called” So I will keeping promises Purification of the soul, God and unity, resurrection, eternal life, eternal youth Cover of Light



Traces of Holy Blood

May 1, 2015 a.m 9 in the conversation with Son of God

How many children will be killed Do you believe this?If too late,You can not even PS:This seal is January 11, 2013 Holy priest gave to us through the believer December 2013 Comet ISON We know that Comet ISON resemble our the Seal 295


And in June 2014 This is “Seal of the living God” We found that God said through Joachim (One of the two witnesses 21 years old) He had no religion He had never belonged them who are Cathedral, church, Muslims So we almost no knowledge of the Bible Of course we don’t know the hymn Now we have to get protection from the devil The Eucharist in the Latin tradition Catholic (2013~)

Revelation Chapter 7 Section 2 “And I saw another angel ascending from the east, havingThe seal of the living God”

We like to the Revelation Angel of The East, Asian is So English is difficult Please understand it

Simbol of Nibiru Sumerian ruins It looks like a cross of seal

296 페이지

The origin of the necklace Ankh Cross that symbol of eternal life

Ancient Sumer and Egypt, and closer to the Earth every 3600 years Nibiru planet Incoming The gods and kings are all who wear Necklace on the cross in Sumerian symbol of Nibiru’cross with the same seal photo And wearing in Egypti Ankh cross They prepared to Shining Immortal

The god’s body In the seal of the King

There is my name, Children learned my name.

The child will know the true meaning of eternal life.

The child knew me, It is also the same as knowing the beginning, 297

So Receiving a Seal 페이지

They will know my name. It seems also the keys of the heaven

“Tell us how will our end come? ” YASHA(Jesus) saith “Where you look at the beginning of the end “ “You are beginning to realize the end do you want to find?” “Blessed is the person who is standing in the beginning he will know the end taste of death would not” “Nag Hammadi Gospel of Thomas *in the beginning = sumer


Amrita (IAST: amṛta) is a Sanskrit word that literally means "immortality" and is often referred to in texts as nectar. Amṛta is etymologically related to the Greek ambrosia[1]and carries the same meaning.[2] The word's earliest occurrence is in the Rigveda, where it is one of several synonyms for soma, the drink which confers immortality upon the gods. Amrita has varying significance in different Indian religions. Amrit is also a common first name for Hindus; the feminine form is "Amritā".


The" The water flows through this creek, much like the energy flows through your body. As you see, there are several pools where the water swirls around before flowing on. These pools are like our chakras. " — Guru Pathik using the analogy of a stream to explain how chakras work to Aang . body. There are Chakras are nexuses of metaphysical or biophysical energy within the seven chakras, each situated at a different location in the body, albeit all located

on a central vertical axis.Each chakra has a purpose and deals with a different 298

emotion. As such, each one can be opened and closed depending on a given 페이지 individual's state of mind. When a chakra is open, energy is free to flow about the body, whereas the flow is restricted when the chakra is sealed. The chakras must be opened in a specific order, or the energy will not be able to flow.[1] Guru Pathik used a series of connected pools as an analogy to illustrate the concept of chakras. These pools, representing the chakras, were connected by waterfalls and channels, and were initially blocked by algae or muck, representing an individual's own emotional debris.Due to this, the water, representing energy, stagnated and could no longer pass through the channels. When the clogs of algae were removed, symbolizing the opening of the chakras, it allowed the water to flow through the channels again, streaming through each pool fresh and clear.

Kundalini (Sanskrit kuṇḍalinī, कु 赍डलिनी, pronunciation (help·info), "coiled one"), in yogic theory, is a primal energy, or shakti, located at the base of the spine. Different spiritual traditions teach methods of "awakening" kundalini for the purpose of reaching spiritual enlightenment.[1] Kundalini is described as lying "coiled" at the base of the spine, represented as either a goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened. In modern commentaries, Kundalini has been called an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force, or "mother energy or intelligence of complete maturation". Kundalini awakening is said to result in deep meditation, enlightenment and bliss.[6] This awakening involves the Kundalini physically moving up the central channel to reach within the Sahasrara Chakra at the top of the head. Many systems of yoga focus on the awakening of Kundalini through meditation, pranayama breathing, the practice of asana and chanting of mantras.[6] In physical terms, one commonly reports the Kundalini experience to be a feeling of electric current running along the spine. Ramana Maharshi mentioned that Kundalini is nothing but the natural energy of the Self, where Self is the universal consciousness (Paramatma) present in every being, and that the individual mind of thoughts cloaks this natural energy from unadulterated expression. Advaita teaches self-realization, enlightenment, God- consciousness, and nirvana. But, initial Kundalini awakening is just the beginning of actual spiritual experience. Self-inquiry meditation is considered a very natural and simple means of reaching this goal

Water of heaven 299 페이지

Indra, the King of Devas (gods), while riding on the elephant Airavata, came across Sage Durvasa who offered him a special garland given to him by the God Shiva. Indra accepted the garland and placed it on the trunk of the elephant as a test to prove that he was not an egoistic god. The elephant, knowing that Indra had no control over his own ego, threw the garland to the ground. This enraged the sage as the garland was a dwelling of Sri (fortune) and was to be treated as a prasada or religious offering. Durvasa cursed Indra and all devas to be bereft of all strength, energy, and fortune.[1] In battles that following the incident, the Devas were defeated and Asuras (demons) led by King Bali, gained control of the universe. Devas sought help from the Supreme God Vishnu who advised them to treat asuras in a diplomatic manner. Devas formed an alliance with asuras to jointly churn the ocean for the nectar of immortality and to share it among them. However, Vishnu told Devas that he would arrange that they alone obtain the nectar. The churning of the Ocean of Milk was an elaborate process. Mount Mandara or Mandar Parvat was used as the churning rod, and Vasuki, the king of serpents, who abides on Shiva's neck, became the churning rope. The demons demanded to hold the head of the snake, while the gods, taking advice from Vishnu, agreed to hold its tail. As a result the demons were poisoned by fumes emitted by Vasuki. Despite this, the gods and demons pulled back and forth on the snake's body alternately, causing the mountain to rotate, which in turn churned the ocean. However, once the mountain was placed on the ocean, it began to sink. Vishnu, in the form of a turtle Kurma, came to their rescue and supported the mountain on his back. The Samudra Manthan process released a number of things from the Ocean of Milk. One was the lethal poison known as Halahala, which in some versions of the story, escaped from the mouth of the serpent king as the demons and gods churned. This terrified the gods and demons because the poison was so powerful that it could destroy all of creation. Then the gods approached Shiva for protection. Shiva consumed the poison in an act to protect the universe, and his wife Parvati pressed her hand on Shiva's throat to save the universe. As a result, Shiva's neck turned blue. For this reason, Lord Shiva is also called Neelakanta (the blue-throated one; "neela" = "blue", "kantha" = "throat" in Sanskrit).

The nectar of immortality

300 페이지

Various scenes from the samudra manthan episode Finally, Dhanvantari, the heavenly physician, emerged with a pot containing Amrita, the heavenly nectar of immortality. Fierce fighting ensued between Devas and Asuras for the nectar. To protect the nectar from Asuras, the divine Garuda took the pot, and flew away from the battle-scene. While Garuda was in his flight over planetEarth, it is believed that four drops of nectar fell at four places - Prayag (Allahabad), Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik. This legend is the basis for the belief that these places acquired a certain mystical power and spirituality. A Kumbh Mela is celebrated at the four places every twelve years for this reason. People believe that after bathing there during the Kumbha mela, one can get the primeval heaven and moksha(Sanskrit:mokṣha). devas (demigods)appealed to Vishnu, who then took the form of Mohini and as a beautiful and enchanting damsel, Mohini distracted the asuras, took the amrita, and distributed it among the Devas, who drank it. Asura RahuKetu, disguised himself as a deva and drank some nectar. Due to their luminous nature, the sun god Surya and the moon godChandra noticed the switching of sides. They informed Mohini. But before the nectar could pass his throat, Mohinicut off his head with her divine discus, the Sudarshana Chakra.But as the nectar had gone down his throat he did not die. From that day, his head was called Rahu and body was called Ketu. Later Rahu and Ketu became planets. The story ends with the rejuvenated Devas defeating the asuras.

Purifier of Katsina(Hopi)

"No, I saw a hole in the Man, deep like a hunger he will never fill. It is what 301

makes him sad and what makes him want. He will go on taking and taking, until 페이지 one day the World will say, 'I am no more and I have nothing left to give.'" The late Robert Ghost Wolf, of mixed Hopi, Iroquois, and Lakota descent, speaks about star prophecy in relation to the conclusion of Gaias current cycle: "The story of the Blue Kachina is an old story, very old. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. It was told to me that the first Blue Kachina would be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. The event would tell us that the end times are very near. The Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we are in the end times."

"But there will be a purification day where all those who have done wrong or committed great sins will be punished at that time. The Hopi only knows of these great wars to take place. The third war will be the one to take place at purification time upon this land."

"We were instructed that we are all moving towards the day of purification when the Purifier himself will come. He will have the tool, but if we continue to follow this pattern that he has set up for us, the tool will not be able to be used. He will not have any use for it."

Emergence to the Fifth World

"The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a Kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children. For a while there will be no more ceremonies, no more faith. Then Oraibi will be rejuvenated with its faith and ceremonies, marking the start of a new cycle of Hopi life.

"World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa). The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy. "It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are 302

all one, brothers. 페이지

"The war will be 'a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.'

"That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. He represents a blue star, far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon. [Some Hopi spokespersons suggest that Hale-Bopp is the Blue Star.] The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony. It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II, describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world. This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

"The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun. It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities. 'You can read this in the earth itself. Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds. This could start a new study of botany if people were wise enough to read them. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars. The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts. All these are the same, depending how you look at them. That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.' "These comprise the nine most important prophecies of the Hopis, connected with the creation of the nine worlds: the three previous worlds on which we lived, the present Fourth World, the three future worlds we have yet to experience, and the world of Taiowa, the Creator, and his nephew, Sotuknang."

[From The Book of the Hopi by Frank Waters]

The Star Tetrahedron

Sacred geometry involves the sacred patterns used in the design of everything in our reality, most often seen in sacred architecture and sacred art. Geometry and mathematical ratios, harmonics and proportion are also found in music, light and


The Flower of Life

303 페이지

TheFlower of Life contains Metatron’s Cube and, within it, all five Platonic Solids. The Flower of Life is a geometrical figure composed of evenly-spaced overlapping circles, arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a six- fold symmetry like a hexagon. The inner circles are surrounded by two outer circles.

The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, contains the oldest example of The Flower of Life found to date, and it appears to have been ‘laser-burned’ into granite. The Flower of Life pattern contains the basis of Metatron's Cube, and from this pattern all five of the Platonic solids can be derived. The Flower of Life is a ‘female’ shape – all the lines are curved.

Metatron's Cube

By joining together with straight lines the centres of the flowers in the Flower of Life, the equivalent angular ‘male’ shape is achieved.

This shape contains all the Platonic Solids, including the two tetrahedrons 304

which form the Star Tetrahedron, and each of these shapes fits inside a sphere 페이지 with its points touching the inside of the sphere.

The Five Platonic Solids and the Sphere

There are five geometric shapes which each have faces, edges and angles of the same shape and size:

Tetrahedron (4 faces: fire) Cube (6 faces: earth), Octahedron (8 faces: air) Dodecahedron (12 faces: cosmos/zodiac ) Icosahedron (20 faces: water).

Revered by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, each of these Platonic Solids produces specific energetic effects.

The basic form of matter – the three-dimensional world – is the cube. By cutting off all four corners of the cube in a particular way, a tetrahedron is formed, the faces of which are four equilateral triangles (ie a pyramid with three sides plus base).

The tetrahedron symbolises harmony and equilibrium. Since each of its corner points is equally distant from each of the others, there is no strain or tension in a

tetrahedron, but rather a condition of rest in equilibrium. By contrast, the 305

corner points of the cube lie at different distances from each other, which results 페이지 in a condition of everlasting stress.

Tetrahedron within Cube

The matter in our three-dimensional world is built up in cubic form, but hidden within itself it contains the form of the tetrahedron based on Divine equilibrium.

Matter cannot exist without the Divine content.

A great mathematician speaks to us across the ages through crop circles :lessons in cubic geometry from elsewhere in space or time

What might be the volume of that small pyramidal cross-section, relative to the volume of the entire cube itself? After some lengthy calculations, using trigonometry in three dimensions, we find that the answer is one-sixth. 306


As if to confirm that answer, the crop artist drew a long tube of square cross-section around the entire pyramid and cube at Horton, then divided it into six equal parts (see crop circle image on the upper left).

Star Tetrahedron

By cutting off the remaining four corners of the cube (after forming the tetrahedron) we find that the cube contains not one tetrahedron but two, one within the other, each an exact reflection of the other.

These two tetrahedrons – the star tetrahedron (also known as the merkaba vehicle of light) – represent the innermost law of the physical world: the inseparable relationship between the two complementary halves – the positive and negative, the manifest and the unmanifest – which form a perfect equilibrium. In creation they rule as two opposite laws: the law of spirit and the law of matter.

Spirit is life: The law of the spirit is radiation, giving, selflessness. Matter is resistance: The law of matter is drawing inward, cooling off, solidification.

The First Cells of Life

307 페이지

After fertilisation occurs in a living being, the fertilised egg divides to form two cells, then the cells divide again, going from two to four in a binary sequence - 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. The first four cells form a tetrahedron in a sphere and the apex of this tetrahedron points either to the north pole or the south pole, which probably determines the gender. Next, the cells divide into eight; they now form one tetrahedron facing up and one tetrahedron facing down; a star tetrahedron in a sphere. This is called the Egg of Life. Every single life on Earth must pass through the Egg of Life stage. Science has recognized that this particular stage of development is different from any other, and it has many unique qualities that don’t occur at any other time in its development.

The most important quality of these original eight cells is that they appear to be identical—there appear to be no differences in them at all. Researchers have tried to find differences, but they couldn’t. Scientists have found that they can split the egg of life in two at this point, with four cells in one part and four in the other, and two identical people—or rabbits, or dogs, or anything else—will be created. They’ve gone as far as dividing it once more, making four identical life forms.

These original eight cells are closer to your true nature than your physical body is. You get a brand-new body every seven years; every cell in your body dies within a seven-year period and is replaced with a new one, except for the original eight cells. They remain alive from the time you’re conceived until the time you die and leave the body. All the rest go through their life cycles, but not these eight. These cells are centred in the precise geometric centre of your body, which is slightly above the perineum. There’s a little piece of skin there, and even though there’s not a physical opening, there is actually an energetic opening. That’s where the central tube runs through your body, coming out through 308

the crown chakra at the top of your head. 페이지

The Star Tetrahedron also models the energetic body of the human being, the blending of Heaven and Earth, Male and Female, and was known in the esoteric knowledge of Ancient Egypt as the ‘Mer-Ka-Ba’. The two tetrahedrons contained within each other represent the two poles of creation in complete equilibrium; spirit and matter. All of creation is based on this divine equilibrium, whether the form concerned is considered to be inanimate matter or a living creature. It is the inner law operating through all forms. Whether a given form is that of a plant, an animal or a human, the body of each of these is subject to the laws of the three-dimensional world. Hidden and invisible within this body, however, is the higher, Divine Self – Life – Eternal Being!

There is only one creature which is able consciously to combine the two laws: man. He is the connecting link between the world of the spirit and that of matter. He is able to live at one and the same time by the laws of both worlds. His thoughts, words and deeds can be an act of giving, radiating selflessness and universal love. On the other hand, his body belongs to the material world and lives by the laws of matter.

Only man is able to manifest his higher Self – that is, God – through his thoughts, words and deeds, when he identifies his consciousness not with his body, but with its spiritual content, with his Self. As long as a person identifies himself only with his body he is like an opaque cube, in that he reveals only the characteristics of matter, crowding the Divine creative principle into a latent, unmanifested state. No-one suspects that the tetrahedron – the Divine Self – is dwelling within.

As the primordial form of matter, the cube, is built up around the Divine tetrahedron, man too, in his inner being, has contact with the Divine Self. That is why he can only find his own Divine being within himself, never by directing his attention towards the outside world.

Star of David

309 페이지

The Star Tetrahedron is also known as the Star of David. The Star of David is the symbol of Judaism, a set of religious beliefs and practices that originated from the Hebrew Bible. It is interesting to note that, when drawn on top of one another, the 24 letters in the ancient language of Hebrew together form the Star Tetrahedron.

The most common arrangement of the Water molecule is in the geometric shape of the Tetrahedron. The molecule of Silicon is also in this geometric shape and, although it is currently Water that gives us life, Silicon can also support life. But what is most interesting is that the Star Tetrahedron is the geometric shape of a Silicon micro-computer chip. As we move toward 2012, the molecules of our cells are being alchemically shifted into those of multi-dimensional Silicon.

The Star Tetrahedron is the electric balance to magnetism. This is how data is stored so efficiently within a computer. It is this geometric shape that provides for memory. And the word memory takes its origins from the ancient Hebrew words mem, which means Water and ohr, which means Spirit.

No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of Water and the Spirit…. You must be born again. John 3:5-7

The Star Tetrahedron has also been known since ancient times as the ‘Mer-Ka- Ba’ (Merkaba), the divine light vehicle (light body) allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the 310

spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light (wheels within wheels; 페이지 the two tetrahedrons rotating in opposite directions) which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another, as in the process of ‘ascension’.

What actually is the Mer-Ka-Ba? Technically, it is an electro-magnetic field that is geometric in nature. The Mer-Ka-Ba field is extremely complex, involving the five Platonic solids and other sacred polyhedrons. It is believed to extend through all possible dimensional and parallel universes, and can possibly change its nature from electro-magnetic to whatever is appropriate.

One of the functions of the Mer-Ka-Ba is to act as the vehicle to take the spirit and the body into the next world. However, this function - and most of the other possibilities - is impossible to obtain until something changes within the person. The Mer-Ka-Ba is situated around the human body like a three-dimensional geometric web that is dormant and non-functional, waiting for the right moment. When the spirit that inhabits the body remembers that it is there and begins to change certain aspects of itself, an incredible transformation begins to occur.

Spinning Mer-Ka-Ba - Vehicle of Light

At a certain and specific moment (not necessarily in this lifetime), a person's Mer-Ka-Ba field can become alive. When this happens, an electro-magnetic change occurs which results in a disc of energy that comes out from a tiny place near the base of the spine and quickly expands to a diameter of 50 to 60 feet around the body.

This disc can easily be perceived by scientific means, and if the United States Air Force is correct it can be seen on their computer screens via satellite. In other words, the military can see people who activate their Mer-Ka-Bas, and can watch as they move around the surface of the Earth.

Since the number of people who have done this is now in the millions, it is a fairly common sight. It is the enormous magnetic burst that results from the disc 311

expanding that brings attention to itself. 페이지

The remembering of the Mer-Ka-Ba is unfolding all over the world. This unfoldment is all part of the evolving cosmic DNA. The Mer-Ka-Ba is being remembered now because this is the time to remember.

Most of the ancient civilizations believed that there are specific moments in the history of mankind when great jumps in human understanding take place, as in the ancient Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations. It may be that we have arrived at another one of these grand moments of human history where brilliant light expands around the world and another huge leap occurs in human consciousness. It is possible that the Mer-Ka-Ba is a doorway or a dimensional window into a higher level of consciousness that could be the catalyst for this great change called ‘ascension’.

The Merkaba is alive; it is a living field, not a purely mechanical field of energy. Because it is a living field, it responds to human thought and feeling, which is the way to connect to the field. So the ‘computer’ that guides the Merkaba is the human mind and heart. The possibilities are endless.

The Star Tetrahedron/Merkaba is an amazing and powerful tool, especially during these current times of shifts and transitions. It can assist in the connection between the physical and ethereal bodies, allow us to see the psychological patterns and programs that may limit us, and is a constant reminder to remember our true, loving and Divine nature. By meditating on the Merkaba we are able to merge with Source, the Divine, All That Is.

Merkaba - Vehicle of Light

The Star Tetrahedron, better known as the Merkaba, is comprised of 2 opposing tetrahedrons that are spinning in opposite directions. 312


In ancient Egypt the word Merkaba referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world into another. In Hebrew it means chariot of God. In the bible it is the way Ezekiel ascended into Heaven.

The word Merkaba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, and is considered to be a light vehicle for space/time/dimensional travel. It is the vehicle of Ascension designed to transition you to light body; to assist in the attainment of higher levels of conscious awareness; and to travel or transition between dimensions and realities.

Once activated this shape creates an energy field that spreads out in a saucer shape about 55 feet wide. This energy field is capable of carrying one’s consciousness directly to higher dimensions.

This (saucer shape) image of our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, was taken with NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer's (COBE) Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment (DIRBE). This never-before-seen view shows the Milky Way from an edge-on perspective with the galactic north pole at the top, the south pole at the bottom and the galactic centre at the centre.

Planetary Merkaba

Everything in our reality possesses a star tetrahedral energy field, and planets are no exception. The points of the bases of the two tetrahedrons in the star tetrahedron touch an enclosing sphere at 19.47 degrees. At each planet’s

19.47 degree latitudes we have the intersection between the light body of the 313

planet and its surface, and since light-bodies have the ability to connect us to 페이지 other dimensions, at these latitudes we have an energetic predisposition for inter-dimensional experience.

Hence at these latitudes we find the massive volcanoes on Mars, the great red spot of Jupiter, two volcanoes on Venus, a dark spot on Neptune, dark cloud bands on Saturn, sun spots on the sun, and the volcanoes of Hawaii.

The Star Tetrahedral form of the Merkaba is an immense science that is being studied everywhere throughout the world. From various sources - Messenger Spirit

Melek Tau

Melek Taus , or the Peacock Angel , is the Yazidi name for the central figure of their faith. In the Yazidi belief system, God created the world and it is now in the care of a Heptad of seven Holy Beings, often known as Angels or heft sirr (the Seven Mysteries).Preeminent among these is Tawûsê Melek (frequently known as "Melek Taus" in English publications), the Peacock Angel. According to the Encyclopedia of the Orient, The reason for the Yazidis reputation of being devil worshipers is connected to the other name of Melek Taus, Shaytan, the same name the Koran has for Satan.

Furthermore, the Yazidi story regarding Tawûsê Melek's rise to favor with God is almost identical to the story of the jinn Iblis in Islam, except that Yazidis revere Tawûsê Melek for refusing to submit to Adam, while Muslims believe that 314

Iblis' refusal to submit caused him to fall out of Grace with God, and to later 페이지 become Satan himself. Tawûsê Melek is often identified by Muslims and Christians with Shaitan (Satan). Yazidis, however, believe Tawûsê Melek is not a source of evil or wickedness. They consider him to be the leader of the archangels, not a fallen angel. They are forbidden from speaking the name Shaitan. They also hold that the source of evil is in the heart and spirit of humans themselves, not in Tawûsê Melek. The active forces in their religion are Tawûsê Melek and Sheik Adî. Religious significance The Yazidi consider Tawûsê Melek an emanation of God and a benevolent angel who has redeemed himself from his fall and has become a demiurge who created the cosmos from the Cosmic egg. After he repented, he wept for 7,000 years, his tears filling seven jars, which then quenched the fires of hell. Tawûsê Melek is sometimes transliterated Malak Ta'us, Malak Tawus, or Malik Taws. Melek was borrowed from the Arabic term "king" or "angel". Tawûs is uncontroversially translated "peacock"; in art and sculpture, Tawûsê Melek is depicted as peacock.However, peacocks are not native to the lands where Tawûsê Melek is worshipped. The Kitêba Cilwe "Book of Illumination", which claims to be the words of Tawûsê Melek, and which presumably represents Yazidi belief, states that he allocates responsibilities, blessings and misfortunes as he sees fit and that it is not for the race of Adam to question him. Sheikh Adî believed that the spirit of Tawûsê Melek is the same as his own, perhaps as a reincarnation. He is believed to have said: I was present when Adam was living in Paradise, and also when Nemrud threw Abraham in fire. I was present when God said to me: 'You are the ruler and Lord on the Earth'. God, the compassionate, gave me seven earths and throne of the heaven. Yazidi accounts of creation differ from that of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They believe that God first created Tawûsê Melek from his own illumination (Ronahî) and the other six archangels were created later. God ordered Tawûsê Melek not to bow to other beings. Then God created the other archangels and ordered them to bring him dust (Ax) from the Earth (Erd) and build the body of Adam. Then God gave life to Adam from his own breath and instructed all archangels to bow to Adam. The archangels obeyed except for Tawûsê Melek. In answer to God, Tawûsê Melek replied, "How can I submit to another being! I am from your illumination while Adam is made of dust." Then God praised him and made him the leader of all angels and his deputy on the Earth. (This likely furthers what some see as a connection to the Islamic Shaytan, as according to the Quran he too refused to bow to Adam at God's command, though in this case it is seen as being a sign of Shaytan's sinful pride.) Hence the 315

Yazidis believe that Tawûsê Melek is the representative of God on the face of the 페이지

Earth, and comes down to the Earth on the first Wednesday of Nisan (April). Yazidis hold that God created Tawûsê Melek on this day, and celebrate it as New Year's Day. Yazidis argue that the order to bow to Adam was only a test for Tawûsê Melek, since if God commands anything then it must happen.(Bibe, dibe). In other words, God could have made him submit to Adam, but gave Tawûsê Melek the choice as a test. They believe that their respect and praise for Tawûsê Melek is a way to acknowledge his majestic and sublime nature. This idea is called "Knowledge of the Sublime" (Zanista Ciwaniyê). Şêx Adî has observed the story of Tawûsê Melek and believed in him. Yazidis believe that good and evil both exist in the mind and spirit of human beings. It depends on the humans, themselves, as to which they choose. In this process, their devotion to Tawûsê Melek is essential, since it was he who was given the same choice between good and evil by God, and chose the good. The Yazidi believe that the founder of their religion, Sheikh Adi Ibn Musafir, was an incarnation of Tawûsê Melek.

How to use the Seal -Youth,Light, Life, Juvenescence and Resurrection

316 페이지 and-resurrection/

A4 color copy

1. Folded in Card Holder Necklace or In your pocket 317


2. Leave over your heart , Below the belly button, forehead Then you will feel that Kundalini and the Heart rate of the seal 3. Attach to the house, Pillows under

4. Please share Godsend the Seal- lifesaving, It would be most valuable in your life \

7. 7 th son – ADAPA

318 페이지

Adapa is First Human son of Lord ENKI(Ea) and 7th son of ENKI(Ea)


Assyrian Warrior

Lishtar´s Note: Unfortunately, I don´t have the author´s name for this brilliant article. Please let me know who you are and all credit will be given to you! Thanks for writing it. It was first found in Shem´s Babyloniaca ca. 1997. I´ve kept it since then.


Both the myth and the discipline of Adapa can be argued to have been of central cultural importance in the Sargonid period; the evidence for this is particularly strong in the textual remains of the later kings, Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal. This aspect of the kingship illuminates the self-perception of the Sargonids perhaps more clearly and concisely than any other single form of evidence, and may even constitute the backbone of that self-perception, providing the order about which the other types of evidence ought to be arranged. We have two principal sources concerning the myth and discipline of Adapa:

1. The myth is known to us principally from a document found in two locations: the library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh, and an earlier text from the Amarna archive in Egypt 319

2. The Annals of Ashurbanipal, in which he describes the discipline of the Adapa, 페이지 which formed part of his training for the kingship while crown prince

The myth of the Adapa is currently understood to have provided a contemporary explanation of the convention that Assyrian kings were not divine, and also a justification of their right to rule. The account given by Ashurbanipal of his training gives us something of the context in which the myth functioned, and the way Assyrian kings understood their role. His description breaks down naturally into three categories of instruction

1. Scholarship and inquiry 2. Military Skills 3. Emulation of the King's administrative function

The importance of this pattern of training for the later functioning of the king may be illustrated by analytical comparison with the royal correspondence. It may be broken down into roughly parallel groupings:

A) Religion, including Magic and Medicine, Astronomy, Astrology and Divination B) War C) Provincial administration, including Agriculture and Commerce, Court and Officials, Property and Revenue of the Temples


2.1. Adapa is instructed in the ways of heaven by Ea, the "broad eared one" (signifying wisdom) [1]. Dalley remarks that "Adapa was also known as Uan, which is the name given as Oannes by Berossus to the first sage; the name Uan also forms a pun on the Sumero-Akkadian word for a craftsman... as the first sage, Adapa-Oannes introduced the correct rites of religious observance to mankind, and was the priest of Ea in his temple in Eridu

2.2 The precise meaning of the story is unclear, but it appears to explain why Adapa was not granted immortality and remained as a mortal sage (apkallum). According to the fourth fragment of the text, lines 10-11, Anu decreed freedom from compulsory service for the city of Ea (Eridu). To glorify his high priesthood "until faraway days [he decreed] as (his) destiny.

Lishtar´s Note 2: The meaning of this great myth is not so difficult to get, if one dives in depth into its inner fabric. For now, it is enough to say that Adapa 320

ascended to the heavens, but did not mean from the start to stay remain there. In 페이지 other words, Adapa ascended to apologize to Anu, the Skyfather, for having broken the wing of the South Wind. This is one of the riddles of this myth: Adapa never intended to leave the Physical World and abide with the Great Gods ahead of his time. See more details in the forthcoming Adapa, the wise priest, in Lords of Passion, Courage, Magick and Joy. 3. THE DISCIPLINE OF THE ADAPA

3.1 The text which tells of Ashurbanipal's training for the role of king proclaims that: "Marduk], master of the gods, granted me as a gift a receptive mind (lit., wide-ear) and ample power of thought". This is a deliberate allusion to the granting of divine wisdom by Ea (the broad-eared) to Adapa. He further tells us that:" the art (lit., work) of the Master Adapa I learned (lit., acquired), the hidden treasure of all scribal knowledge, the [signs] of heaven and earth.

3.2 The scribal training was the most important part of the education of the crown prince. Since the future Assyrian king was understood to stand in the same relation to the gods as Adapa stood in relation to Ea, we are also told by Ashurbanipal that he participated (to some degree, impossible to quantify) in the life of artisans: "in the assembly of the artisans I received orders. " This would appear to suggest that not only was it part of his training for kingship that he know something of other social groups but that he should also know how to take instruction. He continues: " I have studied (lit., struggled with) the heavens with the learned masters of oil divination". He also tells us that he had "solved the laborious (problems of) division and multiplication, which were not clear". He had also read the " artistic script of Sumer (and) the dark (obscure) Akkadian, which is hard to master, (now) taking pleasure in the reading of the stones (i.e.,steles) (coming) from before the flood, (now) being angered (because I was) stupid (and) addled (?) by the beautiful script.

3.3 The foregoing requirements of the discipline of the Adapa fall under the heading of scholarship and inquiry. Next follow details of military skills. He tells us that he rode a horse, went hunting, was skilled as an archer and as the thrower of heavy lances. He could handle the aritu and kababu shields; in addition to these skills he could drive a chariot (he is depicted as a chariot driver in the palace reliefs.

3.4 All these appear to have been understood as crafts, for he concludes these remarks by saying that "I wished to be the great lord (?) of all the craftsmen" (i.e., to be the best of them all). Given the nature of the coronation ceremony, for which we have an invaluable text, it would seem that he required the 321

acclamation of his inferiors, to be perceived to merit the honor of occupying a 페이지 transcendent office.

3.5 Ashurbanipal then passes on to a description of his preparation for the highest office: "At the same time I was learning royal decorum, walking in the kingly ways. He says that he "stood before the king, my begetter, giving commands to the nobles. Without my (consent) (lit., without me) no governor was appointed, no prefect was installed in my absence" Thus the role of the crown prince is to emulate the king as it is the role of the king to emulate Adapa

3.6 Though the office of king must be merited, the merit of the candidate for the crown prince-ship was understood to be conferred through the favor of the gods: "The father, my begetter, saw for himself the bravery which the great gods decreed as my (portion The king conceived a great love for this particular son, but, it is explicitly stated that this love is the command of the great gods. The particular son was chosen from the assembly of brothers by divine will; that he might rule depended upon the king imploring the gods, addressing his prayers "to Nabu and Marduk, who give throne and sceptre, who establish kingship.

3.7. Ashurbanipal describes his installation as king in the bit-riduti: at the command of Assur, father of the Gods, Marduk lord of lords, king of the gods,he raised (exalted) me above the (other) king's sons.This installation is represented as causing peace in the land: the four regions (of the world) were in perfect order, like the finest oil* He also says that in his first year of rule "I laid hold of the hem of the garment of his great godhead, I gave my attention to his sanctuaries* That is, the chain of connection between the world of the gods and that of man was his first priority.


4.1. Throughout the texts and inscriptions and iconography we are presented with images of the king as a kind of perfection. He is at the apex of the social structure of Assyria and is its principal priest (in terms of his symbolic participation in the key rituals). Thus he is the most excellent of human beings and holds his position because of his theoretical excellence in all aspects of Assyrian life: exercising the virtues of kingship, justice, statecraft, warfare, divination, administration, etc.

4.2. It would be easy to argue that the king was understood to have the privilege 322

of contact with the divine on account of his pre-eminence in human society; 페이지 almost that the king arrogated this privilege to himself on account of his power to do so. However this would be to retroject a secularism into Assyrian society which the evidence does not warrant.

4.3 Instead, much of the evidence is explained if we infer that the king owed his privileges of contact with the gods and his rulership over mankind to the fact that he was perceived as a paragon of excellence and perfection: he was rewarded according to his merits within the framework of a gift economy. In other words, that his wisdom and power came to him as corollaries by virtue of his perfection, not only in eminence among men, but among all men. From the Assyrian point of view, the reason for the existence of a point of contact between the king and the gods at all is that they have something in common, and that the point of contact is precisely the pre-eminence, the excellence, and the perfection of the king in all his roles. It is this commonality which establishes the harmony between the world of man and that of the gods.

4.4 It was widely held in antiquity that perfection was a characteristic of completion: the perfect is that which is complete, and that which is complete is perfect. Thus the king is also complete, in his attainments, his power, his wisdom and his capacity. In this the king emulates the divine, all aspects of which must be complete in their own natures.Thus, in acting as "apkallum" (in effect standing in for Ea) in rituals necessary for the continuation of the Assyrian state (as illustrated in the throne room relief where the king is shown apparently engaged in the business of fertilizing the date palm represented as a sacred tree) the ritual is brought closer to the divine creation, and the consonance of the act with the divine will is emphasized.

4.5. The king is the agent of the divine in the fight against chaos and the maintenance of order in his realm (which struggle might be characterized as war with the imperfect and the incomplete: cf. the Enuma Elish and the strange creatures which were made in the first creation. The divine is understood as a place on the other side of the limit of the world which the king rules, from which he is excluded except in terms of priestly contact*. He is near to the divine, but not so proximate to qualify as divine himself*

4.6 As the most perfect individual in his state the king nearly emulated the divine in containing all things: he is complete. It is a short step from such a view to the notion that the completion of his nature and that of Assur can be made concrete by its literal realization. The king is "king of kings", and the concept is rendered emphatic by means of conquest and the subjection of surrounding 323

states from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea. Hence also his description as "king 페이지 of countries" and "king of the four quarters (lit., edges) of the world". It is possible that the king's embodiment of the idea of the divine extended so far that his "official" moods were in imitation of the gods, understood to be manifest in the motions of the planets: the evidence which suggests this as a possibility is the fact that the Crown Prince was excluded from the presence of the King when Mars was in opposition to the Sun and hence subject to retrograde motions (which exclusion is itself an interesting reflection of the Adapa myth: Ea knew that Adapa was not fit to appear in the presence of Anu without some schooling in what to say)

4.7. It is difficult to specify exactly what is going on here, but it would appear that there is some kind of transactive relationship understood to exist between the abstract (gods) and the concrete (the earthly responsibilities of the king): the character of some of the acts for which we have evidence is best explained by presuming that the principal point of the actions of the king was to create a harmony between heaven and earth - literally to join them together; to act as agent of the divine, not to supplant its position, or to exploit it for personal ends


5.1. The concept of totality, a feature of both the Adapa (myth and discipline) and Assyrian theology, is the logical corollary of the association of the king with completed action: it is another way of framing the idea that the universe is structured according to degrees of participation in the ultimate completion (the realm of the divine). This ultimate completion is necessarily transcendent - the completion of completions - in that we can have no commerce with it except via certain special individuals in auspicious circumstances. However, the essential characteristic of the divine, if it cannot be said to exist in the world, can be emulated within the limitations imposed by the nature of earthly reality. Hence we find the king engaged in conquest and empire building, attempting to take hold of the known universe and to subject it to his will (which is naturally the will of the divine). This ambition (if not necessarily the reality) is reflected in the style of the kings inscriptions, whether addressed to a human or divine audience. Client kings make sense within this emulatory system: a king need not rule directly, just as Marduk need not. A proxy representative (bound by oaths to the Assyrian king, just as the king is bound by oath to the god) is not only satisfactory, but fits harmoniously into the Assyrian model of the world. 324



6.1 Several key concepts are brought together in the myth, or rather appear to be spun out of one central idea, related to the problem of man's connection with the divine: in the poem Anu is the supreme god: Ea knows the mind and the plans of Heaven and Earth. Adapa has connection with Ea on two counts: 1. he is his son, and 2. he has been initiated into the ways of heaven and earth by him.

6.2 Men in general have connection with the divine through the kingship of Adapa, and latterly through the kingship of those who have studied the discipline of the Adapa.

6.3 Adapa breaks the wing of the southwind (a wind favourable for kingship) while at sea fishing for the temple of Ea at Eridu. He is on the wide sea (described as "like a mirror"); Ea's wisdom is explicitly compared with the wide sea, and Adapa is both in the place of Ea and clearly identified with it at the time when kingship is destroyed (note also that since the occurrence takes place at night the sea must be like a black mirror, with the same characteristics as the liver at the moment it is removed from the body of a sheep. This parallel is probably deliberate, since the point of divination is to know the mind of the gods.

6.4 Wide understanding was associated with the power to make decrees, and both were characteristics of kingship. The first fragment tells us that Adapa possessed wisdom and that "his command was like the command of [Anu] [...] (line 2); "with wide understanding he had perfected him to expound (?) the decrees of the land" (line 3). His power to give decrees comes from his perfection, his completion, which is like that of the gods; but, naturally, it is not the same completion. His connection with the divine is to be understood AS functioning through his completion: see Plato's "greatness is"the participation in the great". But, though he had been given wisdom by Ea, he had not granted Adapa eternal life (line 4). Ea had however created him as a leader among mankind (line 6) and: "no one treated his command lightly" (line 7) *

6.5 Thus Adapa is in the place of kingship, in that he has been placed in the realm of his father; because he is in that place he has the power to make decrees

and he breaks the wing of the South wind with the utterance of his command.

He in effect has usurped kingship, because he was cast deep into the realm of his 5 father. 32

Lishtar´s Note 3: To me, Adapa had the right to kingship because he was Ea´s son 페이지 and chosen, although I agree that as a priest he should have shown more self- control not to feel challenged by the treacherous South Wind and risk Anu´s rage.

6.6. Why did the south wind bring Adapa into the realm of his father? To answer this we should ask why it is that the south wind should be associated with kingship in the first place. It is partly because in Mesopotamia the south wind is associated with storms and unpredictability. Thus the south wind connotes power, and power which transcends our capacity to predict its behaviour. As the gods are powerful and transcendently unpredictable, so the kings as their representatives (and emulators) are likewise powerful and unpredictable.

6.7 There is a two way process involved here: standing in the place of wide understanding promotes the power to make decrees and kingship, and kingship itself promotes wide understanding, expressed by Adapa's immersion in Ea's kingdom, the Apsu. Thus the southwind, emblematic of kingship, is responsible for conferring the power on another entity to break its wing.

6.8 This aspect of the myth is probably significant for the understanding of how the Sargonids understood royal succession. The kings had institutionalised the transfer of power from the king to the crown prince (possibly as the result of numerous occurrences of factional infighting in the royal court). His education prepared him to stand in the place of his father. While his education continued, he was not allowed to live in the same place as his father (the royal palace), but instead lived in a separate establishment which mirrored its character and functions. The crown prince was given an entourage like that of the king, drawn from the sons of the nobles forming his own court. Thus, as the king is the image of the god, so the crown prince is the image of the king. The crown prince was chosen by the king from amongst his sons and the decision was confirmed by omens and divination. That is, the kingship of the crown prince was legitimate only if confirmed by the gods.

6.9. Note that Adapa was engaged in fishing out of sight of the sun god (i.e., at night) at the time he encountered the south wind, and that therefore the sun god could not see what was happening and give his sanction. Therefore the arrogation of kingship, even divinity, by Adapa, is illegitimate.

Lishtar´s Note 4: This passage can be interpreted as follows: Adapa was fishing at night, thus the light of the Sun God Utu was not protecting him. Adapa then failed in his judgement about how to behave towards the South Wind. 326

Judgement is a royal premise that Adapa did not use wisely in this passage. This 페이지 interpretation is more faithful to the context and Mesopotamian in spirit.

Dumuzi & Ningizzida & Adapa on the Space ship to Nibiru

6.10. Adapa is hauled before the gods to answer for his crime. He is instructed by Ea as to what to say. He expresses dismay that two gods are missing from the land, Dumuzi and Gizzida. The meaning of the first name is 'faithful son', and the second (translated by Dalley as 'trusty timber') may be translated as 'legitimizing throne' (GIS.ZI.DA). As the destroyer of the kingship belonging to his father he has failed to be a faithful son, and has usurped the throne.

Lishtar´s Note 5: Here is another crucial element to understand the depth of this myth which is overlooked by many. Both Dumuzi and Gizzida are gods that belong to the Mesopotamian tradition of the Eternal Return. This is what Enki aimed at from the start: Adapa would ascend and apologize to Anu, the Skyfather, and with the intercession of Dumuzi and Gizzida, who returned every year to the Physical Planes, would also return to Earth.

6.11. His father however, being wiser than Adapa, knowing the plans of the gods, instructs him to refuse the food and water offered to him, saying that he will be offered the food and water of death: "...... As though standest before Anu, They will offer thee the food of death;Do not eat (it). The water of death they will offer thee; Do not drink (it). A garment they will offer thee; Clothe thyself (with it). Oil they will offer thee; anoint thyself (with it).. The instruction which I have given thee do not forget; the words. Which I have spoken unto thee, hold fast.

6.12 He is instructed only to accept the mourning garment and the anointing oil. But in fact Anu instructs that he be offered the food and water of eternal life (which is in effect Adapa's due, since he has emulated the gods). He refuses, perhaps because he trusts his father, which is, according to this kind of world 327

view, a mistake, since the ways of the gods are forever beyond our capacity to 페이지 understand. According to Dalley, the actual words used in the text to denote the food and water of life involve wordplay which renders the sense confusing and ambiguous, which is appropriate for the circumstances in which Adapa finds himself. Dalley comments that the verb chosen to alliterate with the words for "food" and "eat" is unusual [akalu, kalu, and akalu (different stress)]. Also that "an unusual plural form of the word "heaven" produces a pun, "bread of heaven/bread of death" [shamuti/sha muti]

Lishtar´s Note 6: Adapa of the Twin Rivers Rising interpreted this myth the way it should have been understood by our ancient Soul Ancestors of Sumer: Adapa the sage had to refuse the food and water of eternal life offered by the gods if he wanted to come back to the Physical Planes and continue carrying out his vow of service to the community and to Enki. This is why Adapa trusted his personal god from the start: it had never been his intention to stay in the Heights Above.

6.13 It is worth comparing the following neo-Babylonian text for the purposes of illustration of the Mesopotamian perplexity at the nature of the gods:

I taught my land to observe the divine ordinances, To honor the name of the goddess I instructed my people. The king's majesty I equated to that of a god, And reverence for the royal palace I inculcated in the troops. Oh that I only knew that these things are well pleasing to a god! What is good in one's sight is evil for a god. what is bad in one's own mind is good for his god. Who can understand the counsel of the gods in the midst of heaven? The plan of a god is deep waters, who can comprehend it? Where has befuddled mankind ever learned what a god's conduct is?

6.14. and, speaking of men: When they are hungry they resemble corpses, When they are sated they rival their god; In good luck they speak of ascending to heaven, When they are afflicted they grumble about going down to the underworld.*

6.15. Adapa's unreasonable response confirms to the gods the accidental nature of Adapa's emulation: if he had truly understood the ways of heaven and earth (like his father) he would not have refused the offer of food and water. It is probably for this reason that Anu orders that Adapa be brought back to Earth: Adapa did not merit the corollary of a complete emulation of the gods. It was 328

always Ea's intention that Adapa be a leader among mankind [I. 6-14] and Ea 페이지 seems to have made sure that Adapa returned to fulfill the role for which he, like the crown prince, was chosen.

Lishtar´s Note 7: In the light of previous notes, it is clear that Adapa´s response was reasonable and confirmed to the gods his great wisdom. The same pattern is repeated later by Gilgamesh, whom we know became a great king after having discovered that immortality is a gift of the Spirit at service of Nature in all worlds.


7.1 The character of Ea and its associations with wisdom appears problematic, but probably the difficulty is more apparent than real. Wisdom to those without it is necessarily mysterious - its order is glimpsed on occasion, but mostly it appears like chaos, for which water is an excellent metaphor. In the Mesopotamian cosmology the entire world is surrounded by water, which simultaneously represents both its limitation and its foundation. The inhabited world is a world of relative order separated out of the waters of chaos; the king, as agent of the gods has as one of his functions the maintenance and increase of the available order within the limits of his rule.

7.2 Hence the representation of the battle between Ashur (or Marduk) and Tiamat in the Akitu festival. As W.G. Lambert points out, Sennacherib instituted an Assyrian Akitu festival as part of his attempt to substitute Ashur for Marduk "the 'High God' of the land..."*. The festival took place in the Akitu house of the city, and: a well known inscription describes the door of this house on which was portayed Ashur advancing to do battle with Tiamat, escorted by ten gods in front and fifteen behind. A slightly broken list of the same ten gods occurs on a Late Assyrian ritual fragment... which describes them as "preceding [Ashur] to the Akitu house"... A combination of these two items of information suggests, if it does not prove, that the procession of gods from the city to the Akitu house was construed as a setting out for battle with Tiamat

7.3 The battle, Lambert presumes, took place inside the Akitu house. If there is a parallel here with Adapa's breaking of the wing of the south wind while on the sea we should expect that at some point in the Akitu festival that either the king or a statue of the 'High God' should be represented as on the sea; literally standing in the place of Tiamat. Three pieces of related evidence from Babylonia 329

are offered by Lambert: the first he describes as a comment on a late magical text, 페이지 quoting the line: this refers to Bel, who sits in the middle of the Sea (Tiamat) in the Akitu."

7.5 The second piece of evidence comes from the text called "the topography of Babylon" which gives us information about small cultic structures in the city:Tiamat (Sea) is the seat of Bel on which Bel sits.

7.6 The third piece of evidence comes from a "hitherto unidentified epic which appears to describe Nabu's exaltation to equality with his father Marduk". This passage is interesting in itself as reflecting ideas present in the myth of Adapa, since, "if the text has been correctly understood, Nabu went with his father, as usual, to the Akitu, but then insisted on "performing the rites which properly should have been done by his father" (my emphasis). The line quoted by Lambert is:" He set his feet on the rolling sea (Tiamat)

7.7 Note that the sea is described as "rolling" - that is, the sea is not calm and is in the condition in which it most resembles chaos, paralleling the struggle between Adapa and the south wind. Lambert argues that "the Sea (Tiamat) was no doubt a small cultic structure in the Akitu house (probably a dais) and when the statue of Marduk was taken there, it was set on the dais to symbolise victory over Tiamat". Further, "the presence of the gods there and their heaping up of gifts for Marduk is entirely consistent with the idea that Marduk delivered them from danger by taking their part in fighting with Tiamat


8.1 Clearly the myth of Adapa explains a great deal about the character of Sargonid kingship. The myth embraces a number of themes, including the importance of wisdom for kingship, the order and power of the gods (and the corollary: their inscrutability to mere mortals); the significance of rational arrangement, shown by the fact that Adapa is also the name of a musical instrument; the conquest of chaos by the forces of order; the transfer of power from one legitimate authority to another (i.e., the succession); that all aspects of Assyrian society were understood to be embraced in the meaning of kingship, from artisan to soldier, from scribe to priest. Much of the nature of Sargonid kingship can be related to the myth of Adapa: this is already known to us because Ashurbanipal informs us of the discipline of kingship which bears his name (Adapa). Close examination of the myth (alluded to by the other Sargonid 330

kings) shows that aspects of the Neo-Assyrian Empire not referred to in royal 페이지 documents and inscriptions in connection with the myth, can be explained on the basis of the themes which it contains.

8.2 In drawing these themes together, the myth reflects the Assyrian concept of the symbolic function of the king, which was to embody the various aspects of the Assyrian state, and to be, emblematically at least, the totality of the world, the embodiment of all earthly power, wisdom, learning, justice, valor, skill, etc. Assyria itself likewise should contain within itself the best of what the rest of the universe had to offer: hence the botanical gardens, the zoological collection, and, from our point of view most significant of all, the library at Nineveh, collected by Ashurbanipal and intended to embrace important documents and texts from all over Mesopotamia, and from all periods of its history.

8.3 Since occupation of the throne of Ashur implies an emulation of the divine, (the king embodying some of the characteristics of the gods, in particular their unpredictability), the king is standing in the place of the divine. By being like the gods, the gods are present in the land. In sitting on a throne mounted on a dais representing the "rolling" sea, the king acquires the character of the abyss (which is unpredictable and unknowable). This way of looking at things is, at first sight, consistent with J.G. Frazer's analysis of the principle of sympathetic magic, and ties the image of the king into the pattern of ideas which made the exaltation of statues and the sacrifice of animals "rational" acts

8.4 If the character of the divine can be acquired by the performance of the appropriate actions and the collection of its attributes, then it might be reasonable to expect to find some kind of iconographic representation which depicts aspects of the Adapa myth gathered together in one place. Such a representation may exist: a sculpture found lining the processional route to the Ishtar temple at Nineveh shows a shaven figure (a "priest")wearing a peculiar cap, looking for all the world like the body of a fish with its tail in the air. The garments of the priest are of a design which suggests water, and he is playing a musical instrument (not an "adapa" however, but a form of dulcimer, with strings stretched from a wooden post in the form of a hand).

8.5 If these details are intelligible as part of an attempt to draw together aspects of the divine by means of their likenesses, what has the iconography of the myth of Adapa got to do with a procession to the temple of Ishtar? There is no reference to the goddess in the myth itself, but we can perhaps detect a connection with the ideas in the myth in the Akkadian version of "The Descent of Ishtar to the Nether world". As Ishtar stands at the entrance to the 331

Netherworld, the gatekeeper announces her to her sister, the queen of the 페이지

Netherworld (Ereshkigal), describing her with the words: "She who upholds the festivals, Who stirs up the deep before Ea, the k[ing]" (my emphasis) . Thus it is possible that what we see in this sculpture is a 'priest' of Adapa, perhaps based at Eridu, participating in a procession to the Ishtar temple, acting symbolically and cultically "as" Adapa; bringing to the temple a complex of notions regarded as essential for the completion of the ritual; drawing together the pattern of ideas in the myth, and making present the required divine powers. If so, then he is standing in for the king; standing in his stead, in his place; just as the king stands in the place of Adapa, and Adapa, (temporarily, like the Assyrian Kings) in the place of Ea.

Lishtar´s Note 8: Another frequently overlooked fact is that during the Akitu Inanna/Ishtar represented the sorrow of the community for the period the king (representing Marduk) was lost to the Underworld (or ritually enprisoned in the "mountain" - see my article on the Akitu in Mesopotamian Religion and Magick). While the king was lost to the worlds above, the high priestess mourned in public for him, until the arrival of the avenger, the beloved son, Nabu.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: ◦Aristotle Politics; Nicomachean Ethics ◦Borger, R. Die Inschriften Asarhaddons (AfO Beiheft 9) 1959 ◦Chicago Assyrian Dictionary ◦Cornford, F.M. Plato's Cosmology, 1937; Plato's Theory of Knowledge, 1935 ◦Dalley, S. Myths from Mesopotamia, 1989 ◦Fales, F.M. Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: new horizons in literary,ideological and historical analysis, 1981 ◦Finley, M.I. Ancient Evidence, 1985 ◦Frankfort, H. (Mr & Mrs); Jacobsen, T.; Wilson, J.A., Before Philosophy, 1946 [original title: The Intellectual Adventure of AncientMan] ◦Frankfort, H. Kingship and the Gods, 1948 ◦Griaule, M. Conversations with Ogotemeli, 1948 [English edn 1965]

◦Harper, R.F. Assyrian and Babylonian Letters, 1892-1914 ◦Heidel, A. The Babylonian Genesis, [2nd edn.] 1951 ◦Herodotos Histories Knudtzon, J. Die El. Amarna Tafeln, 1915 332

◦Lambert, W.G. "Part of the ritual for the substitute king" AfO 18 페이지

◦Lambert, W.G. "The great battle of the Mesopotamian religious year: the conflict in the Akitu House", in IRAQ 25, 1963 ◦Larsen, M.T. Power and Propaganda: a symposium on ancient empires,1979 ◦Livingstone, A. State Archives of Assyria, vol. III: Court Poetryand Literary Miscellanea, 1989 ◦Luckenbill, D. Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, 2 vols.,1926; 1927 ◦Oded, B. Mass Deportations and Deportees in the Neo-Assyrian Empire,1979 ◦Oppenheim, A.L. Ancient Mesopotamia, 1963 ◦Parpola, S. "A letter from Shamash-shumu-ukin to Esarhaddon"IRAQ 34,1972 ◦Parpola, S. Letters of Assyrian Scholars to Ashurbanipal and Esarhaddon, [1970] and II [1983]; pt. 2a LAS (Doctoral Thesis),1971 ◦Pfeiffer, R. H. State letters of Assyria, 1935 ◦Picchioni, S.A. Il poemetto di Adapa, 1981 ◦Plato, Republic; Timaeus; Sophist; Phaedo Pritchard, J.B. "I will praise the lord of wisdom", ANET, 1951 ◦Reade, J. Assyrian Sculpture, 1983 ◦Reade, J. "The Neo-Assyrian Court and Army: evidence from the sculptures,"IRAQ 34, 1972 ◦Roaf, M. Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia, 1990 ◦Roux, G. Ancient Iraq, [2nd edn] 1980 ◦Saggs, H.W.F. "Historical Texts and Fragments of Sargon II of Assyria", I. "TheAssur Charter", in IRAQ 37, 1975 ◦Starr, I. State Archives of Assyria, vol. IV: Queries to the Sungod,1989 ◦Stevenson, J.G. 'Aristotle as a Historian of Philosophy', JHS 94, 1974 ◦Temple, R.K.G. Conversations with Eternity, 1984 Waterman, L. Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire, 1930 [3vols.]

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Assyrian Warrior

Lishtar´s Note: Unfortunately, I don´t have the author´s name for this brilliant article. Please let me know who you are and all credit will be given to you! Thanks for writing it. It was first found in Shem´s Babyloniaca ca. 1997. I´ve kept it since then.


Both the myth and the discipline of Adapa can be argued to have been of central cultural importance in the Sargonid period; the evidence for this is particularly strong in the textual remains of the later kings, Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal. This aspect of the kingship illuminates the self-perception of the Sargonids perhaps more clearly and concisely than any other single form of evidence, and may even constitute the backbone of that self-perception, providing the order about which the other types of evidence ought to be arranged. We have two principal sources concerning the myth and discipline of Adapa:

1. The myth is known to us principally from a document found in two locations: the library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh, and an earlier text from the Amarna archive in Egypt

2. The Annals of Ashurbanipal, in which he describes the discipline of the Adapa, which formed part of his training for the kingship while crown prince

The myth of the Adapa is currently understood to have provided a contemporary explanation of the convention that Assyrian kings were not divine, and also a justification of their right to rule. The account given by Ashurbanipal of his training gives us something of the context in which the myth functioned, and the way Assyrian kings understood their role. His description breaks down naturally into three categories of instruction

1. Scholarship and inquiry

2. Military Skills

3. Emulation of the King's administrative function

The importance of this pattern of training for the later functioning of the king 334

may be illustrated by analytical comparison with the royal correspondence. It 페이지 may be broken down into roughly parallel groupings:

A) Religion, including Magic and Medicine, Astronomy, Astrology and Divination

B) War

C) Provincial administration, including Agriculture and Commerce, Court and Officials, Property and Revenue of the Temples


2.1. Adapa is instructed in the ways of heaven by Ea, the "broad eared one" (signifying wisdom) [1]. Dalley remarks that "Adapa was also known as Uan, which is the name given as Oannes by Berossus to the first sage; the name Uan also forms a pun on the Sumero-Akkadian word for a craftsman... as the first sage, Adapa-Oannes introduced the correct rites of religious observance to mankind, and was the priest of Ea in his temple in Eridu

2.2 The precise meaning of the story is unclear, but it appears to explain why Adapa was not granted immortality and remained as a mortal sage (apkallum). According to the fourth fragment of the text, lines 10-11, Anu decreed freedom from compulsory service for the city of Ea (Eridu). To glorify his high priesthood "until faraway days [he decreed] as (his) destiny.

Lishtar´s Note 2: The meaning of this great myth is not so difficult to get, if one dives in depth into its inner fabric. For now, it is enough to say that Adapa ascended to the heavens, but did not mean from the start to stay remain there. In other words, Adapa ascended to apologize to Anu, the Skyfather, for having broken the wing of the South Wind. This is one of the riddles of this myth: Adapa never intended to leave the Physical World and abide with the Great Gods ahead of his time. See more details in the forthcoming Adapa, the wise priest, in Lords of Passion, Courage, Magick and Joy.


3.1 The text which tells of Ashurbanipal's training for the role of king proclaims 페이지 that: "Marduk], master of the gods, granted me as a gift a receptive mind (lit., wide-ear) and ample power of thought". This is a deliberate allusion to the granting of divine wisdom by Ea (the broad-eared) to Adapa. He further tells us that:" the art (lit., work) of the Master Adapa I learned (lit., acquired), the hidden treasure of all scribal knowledge, the [signs] of heaven and earth.

3.2 The scribal training was the most important part of the education of the crown prince. Since the future Assyrian king was understood to stand in the same relation to the gods as Adapa stood in relation to Ea, we are also told by Ashurbanipal that he participated (to some degree, impossible to quantify) in the life of artisans: "in the assembly of the artisans I received orders. " This would appear to suggest that not only was it part of his training for kingship that he know something of other social groups but that he should also know how to take instruction. He continues: " I have studied (lit., struggled with) the heavens with the learned masters of oil divination". He also tells us that he had "solved the laborious (problems of) division and multiplication, which were not clear". He had also read the " artistic script of Sumer (and) the dark (obscure) Akkadian, which is hard to master, (now) taking pleasure in the reading of the stones (i.e.,steles) (coming) from before the flood, (now) being angered (because I was) stupid (and) addled (?) by the beautiful script.

3.3 The foregoing requirements of the discipline of the Adapa fall under the heading of scholarship and inquiry. Next follow details of military skills. He tells us that he rode a horse, went hunting, was skilled as an archer and as the thrower of heavy lances. He could handle the aritu and kababu shields; in addition to these skills he could drive a chariot (he is depicted as a chariot driver in the palace reliefs.

3.4 All these appear to have been understood as crafts, for he concludes these remarks by saying that "I wished to be the great lord (?) of all the craftsmen" (i.e., to be the best of them all). Given the nature of the coronation ceremony, for which we have an invaluable text, it would seem that he required the acclamation of his inferiors, to be perceived to merit the honor of occupying a transcendent office.

3.5 Ashurbanipal then passes on to a description of his preparation for the highest office: "At the same time I was learning royal decorum, walking in the kingly ways. He says that he "stood before the king, my begetter, giving commands to the nobles. Without my (consent) (lit., without me) no governor was appointed, no prefect was installed in my absence" Thus the role of the 336

crown prince is to emulate the king as it is the role of the king to emulate Adapa 페이지

3.6 Though the office of king must be merited, the merit of the candidate for the crown prince-ship was understood to be conferred through the favor of the gods: "The father, my begetter, saw for himself the bravery which the great gods decreed as my (portion The king conceived a great love for this particular son, but, it is explicitly stated that this love is the command of the great gods. The particular son was chosen from the assembly of brothers by divine will; that he might rule depended upon the king imploring the gods, addressing his prayers "to Nabu and Marduk, who give throne and sceptre, who establish kingship.

3.7. Ashurbanipal describes his installation as king in the bit-riduti: at the command of Assur, father of the Gods, Marduk lord of lords, king of the gods,he raised (exalted) me above the (other) king's sons.This installation is represented as causing peace in the land: the four regions (of the world) were in perfect order, like the finest oil* He also says that in his first year of rule "I laid hold of the hem of the garment of his great godhead, I gave my attention to his sanctuaries* That is, the chain of connection between the world of the gods and that of man was his first priority.


4.1. Throughout the texts and inscriptions and iconography we are presented with images of the king as a kind of perfection. He is at the apex of the social structure of Assyria and is its principal priest (in terms of his symbolic participation in the key rituals). Thus he is the most excellent of human beings and holds his position because of his theoretical excellence in all aspects of Assyrian life: exercising the virtues of kingship, justice, statecraft, warfare, divination, administration, etc.

4.2. It would be easy to argue that the king was understood to have the privilege of contact with the divine on account of his pre-eminence in human society; almost that the king arrogated this privilege to himself on account of his power to do so. However this would be to retroject a secularism into Assyrian society which the evidence does not warrant.

4.3 Instead, much of the evidence is explained if we infer that the king owed his privileges of contact with the gods and his rulership over mankind to the fact that he was perceived as a paragon of excellence and perfection: he was 337

rewarded according to his merits within the framework of a gift economy. In 페이지 other words, that his wisdom and power came to him as corollaries by virtue of his perfection, not only in eminence among men, but among all men. From the Assyrian point of view, the reason for the existence of a point of contact between the king and the gods at all is that they have something in common, and that the point of contact is precisely the pre-eminence, the excellence, and the perfection of the king in all his roles. It is this commonality which establishes the harmony between the world of man and that of the gods.

4.4 It was widely held in antiquity that perfection was a characteristic of completion: the perfect is that which is complete, and that which is complete is perfect. Thus the king is also complete, in his attainments, his power, his wisdom and his capacity. In this the king emulates the divine, all aspects of which must be complete in their own natures.Thus, in acting as "apkallum" (in effect standing in for Ea) in rituals necessary for the continuation of the Assyrian state (as illustrated in the throne room relief where the king is shown apparently engaged in the business of fertilizing the date palm represented as a sacred tree) the ritual is brought closer to the divine creation, and the consonance of the act with the divine will is emphasized.

4.5. The king is the agent of the divine in the fight against chaos and the maintenance of order in his realm (which struggle might be characterized as war with the imperfect and the incomplete: cf. the Enuma Elish and the strange creatures which were made in the first creation. The divine is understood as a place on the other side of the limit of the world which the king rules, from which he is excluded except in terms of priestly contact*. He is near to the divine, but not so proximate to qualify as divine himself*

4.6 As the most perfect individual in his state the king nearly emulated the divine in containing all things: he is complete. It is a short step from such a view to the notion that the completion of his nature and that of Assur can be made concrete by its literal realization. The king is "king of kings", and the concept is rendered emphatic by means of conquest and the subjection of surrounding states from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea. Hence also his description as "king of countries" and "king of the four quarters (lit., edges) of the world". It is possible that the king's embodiment of the idea of the divine extended so far that his "official" moods were in imitation of the gods, understood to be manifest in the motions of the planets: the evidence which suggests this as a possibility is the fact that the Crown Prince was excluded from the presence of the King when Mars was in opposition to the Sun and hence subject to retrograde motions (which exclusion is itself an interesting reflection of the Adapa myth: Ea knew 338

that Adapa was not fit to appear in the presence of Anu without some schooling 페이지 in what to say)

4.7. It is difficult to specify exactly what is going on here, but it would appear that there is some kind of transactive relationship understood to exist between the abstract (gods) and the concrete (the earthly responsibilities of the king): the character of some of the acts for which we have evidence is best explained by presuming that the principal point of the actions of the king was to create a harmony between heaven and earth - literally to join them together; to act as agent of the divine, not to supplant its position, or to exploit it for personal ends


5.1. The concept of totality, a feature of both the Adapa (myth and discipline) and Assyrian theology, is the logical corollary of the association of the king with completed action: it is another way of framing the idea that the universe is structured according to degrees of participation in the ultimate completion (the realm of the divine). This ultimate completion is necessarily transcendent - the completion of completions - in that we can have no commerce with it except via certain special individuals in auspicious circumstances. However, the essential characteristic of the divine, if it cannot be said to exist in the world, can be emulated within the limitations imposed by the nature of earthly reality. Hence we find the king engaged in conquest and empire building, attempting to take hold of the known universe and to subject it to his will (which is naturally the will of the divine). This ambition (if not necessarily the reality) is reflected in the style of the kings inscriptions, whether addressed to a human or divine audience. Client kings make sense within this emulatory system: a king need not rule directly, just as Marduk need not. A proxy representative (bound by oaths to the Assyrian king, just as the king is bound by oath to the god) is not only satisfactory, but fits harmoniously into the Assyrian model of the world.


6.1 Several key concepts are brought together in the myth, or rather appear to be spun out of one central idea, related to the problem of man's connection with the divine: in the poem Anu is the supreme god: Ea knows the mind and the plans of Heaven and Earth. Adapa has connection with Ea on two counts: 1. he is his son, 339

and 2. he has been initiated into the ways of heaven and earth by him. 페이지

6.2 Men in general have connection with the divine through the kingship of Adapa, and latterly through the kingship of those who have studied the discipline of the Adapa.

6.3 Adapa breaks the wing of the southwind (a wind favourable for kingship) while at sea fishing for the temple of Ea at Eridu. He is on the wide sea (described as "like a mirror"); Ea's wisdom is explicitly compared with the wide sea, and Adapa is both in the place of Ea and clearly identified with it at the time when kingship is destroyed (note also that since the occurrence takes place at night the sea must be like a black mirror, with the same characteristics as the liver at the moment it is removed from the body of a sheep. This parallel is probably deliberate, since the point of divination is to know the mind of the gods.

6.4 Wide understanding was associated with the power to make decrees, and both were characteristics of kingship. The first fragment tells us that Adapa possessed wisdom and that "his command was like the command of [Anu] [...] (line 2); "with wide understanding he had perfected him to expound (?) the decrees of the land" (line 3). His power to give decrees comes from his perfection, his completion, which is like that of the gods; but, naturally, it is not the same completion. His connection with the divine is to be understood AS functioning through his completion: see Plato's "greatness is"the participation in the great". But, though he had been given wisdom by Ea, he had not granted Adapa eternal life (line 4). Ea had however created him as a leader among mankind (line 6) and: "no one treated his command lightly" (line 7) *

6.5 Thus Adapa is in the place of kingship, in that he has been placed in the realm of his father; because he is in that place he has the power to make decrees and he breaks the wing of the South wind with the utterance of his command. He in effect has usurped kingship, because he was cast deep into the realm of his father.

Lishtar´s Note 3: To me, Adapa had the right to kingship because he was Ea´s son and chosen, although I agree that as a priest he should have shown more self- control not to feel challenged by the treacherous South Wind and risk Anu´s rage.

6.6. Why did the south wind bring Adapa into the realm of his father? To answer this we should ask why it is that the south wind should be associated with kingship in the first place. It is partly because in Mesopotamia the south wind is 340

associated with storms and unpredictability. Thus the south wind connotes 페이지 power, and power which transcends our capacity to predict its behaviour. As the gods are powerful and transcendently unpredictable, so the kings as their representatives (and emulators) are likewise powerful and unpredictable.

6.7 There is a two way process involved here: standing in the place of wide understanding promotes the power to make decrees and kingship, and kingship itself promotes wide understanding, expressed by Adapa's immersion in Ea's kingdom, the Apsu. Thus the southwind, emblematic of kingship, is responsible for conferring the power on another entity to break its wing.

6.8 This aspect of the myth is probably significant for the understanding of how the Sargonids understood royal succession. The kings had institutionalised the transfer of power from the king to the crown prince (possibly as the result of numerous occurrences of factional infighting in the royal court). His education prepared him to stand in the place of his father. While his education continued, he was not allowed to live in the same place as his father (the royal palace), but instead lived in a separate establishment which mirrored its character and functions. The crown prince was given an entourage like that of the king, drawn from the sons of the nobles forming his own court. Thus, as the king is the image of the god, so the crown prince is the image of the king. The crown prince was chosen by the king from amongst his sons and the decision was confirmed by omens and divination. That is, the kingship of the crown prince was legitimate only if confirmed by the gods.

6.9. Note that Adapa was engaged in fishing out of sight of the sun god (i.e., at night) at the time he encountered the south wind, and that therefore the sun god could not see what was happening and give his sanction. Therefore the arrogation of kingship, even divinity, by Adapa, is illegitimate.

Lishtar´s Note 4: This passage can be interpreted as follows: Adapa was fishing at night, thus the light of the Sun God Utu was not protecting him. Adapa then failed in his judgement about how to behave towards the South Wind. Judgement is a royal premise that Adapa did not use wisely in this passage. This interpretation is more faithful to the context and Mesopotamian in spirit.

6.10. Adapa is hauled before the gods to answer for his crime. He is instructed by Ea as to what to say. He expresses dismay that two gods are missing from the land, Dumuzi and Gizzida. The meaning of the first name is 'faithful son', and the second (translated by Dalley as 'trusty timber') may be translated as 'legitimizing throne' (GIS.ZI.DA). As the destroyer of the kingship belonging to 341

his father he has failed to be a faithful son, and has usurped the throne. 페이지

Lishtar´s Note 5: Here is another crucial element to understand the depth of this myth which is overlooked by many. Both Dumuzi and Gizzida are gods that belong to the Mesopotamian tradition of the Eternal Return. This is what Enki aimed at from the start: Adapa would ascend and apologize to Anu, the Skyfather, and with the intercession of Dumuzi and Gizzida, who returned every year to the Physical Planes, would also return to Earth.

6.11. His father however, being wiser than Adapa, knowing the plans of the gods, instructs him to refuse the food and water offered to him, saying that he will be offered the food and water of death: "...... As though standest before Anu, They will offer thee the food of death;Do not eat (it). The water of death they will offer thee; Do not drink (it). A garment they will offer thee; Clothe thyself (with it). Oil they will offer thee; anoint thyself (with it).. The instruction which I have given thee do not forget; the words. Which I have spoken unto thee, hold fast.

6.12 He is instructed only to accept the mourning garment and the anointing oil. But in fact Anu instructs that he be offered the food and water of eternal life (which is in effect Adapa's due, since he has emulated the gods). He refuses, perhaps because he trusts his father, which is, according to this kind of world view, a mistake, since the ways of the gods are forever beyond our capacity to understand. According to Dalley, the actual words used in the text to denote the food and water of life involve wordplay which renders the sense confusing and ambiguous, which is appropriate for the circumstances in which Adapa finds himself. Dalley comments that the verb chosen to alliterate with the words for "food" and "eat" is unusual [akalu, kalu, and akalu (different stress)]. Also that "an unusual plural form of the word "heaven" produces a pun, "bread of heaven/bread of death" [shamuti/sha muti]

Lishtar´s Note 6: Adapa of the Twin Rivers Rising interpreted this myth the way it should have been understood by our ancient Soul Ancestors of Sumer: Adapa the sage had to refuse the food and water of eternal life offered by the gods if he wanted to come back to the Physical Planes and continue carrying out his vow of service to the community and to Enki. This is why Adapa trusted his personal god from the start: it had never been his intention to stay in the Heights Above.

6.13 It is worth comparing the following neo-Babylonian text for the purposes of illustration of the Mesopotamian perplexity at the nature of the gods:

I taught my land to observe the divine ordinances, 342


To honor the name of the goddess I instructed my people.

The king's majesty I equated to that of a god,

And reverence for the royal palace I inculcated in the troops.

Oh that I only knew that these things are well pleasing to a god!

What is good in one's sight is evil for a god. what is bad in one's own mind is good for his god.

Who can understand the counsel of the gods in the midst of heaven?

The plan of a god is deep waters, who can comprehend it?

Where has befuddled mankind ever learned what a god's conduct is?

6.14. and, speaking of men:

When they are hungry they resemble corpses,

When they are sated they rival their god;

In good luck they speak of ascending to heaven,

When they are afflicted they grumble about going down to the underworld.*

6.15. Adapa's unreasonable response confirms to the gods the accidental nature of Adapa's emulation: if he had truly understood the ways of heaven and earth (like his father) he would not have refused the offer of food and water. It is probably for this reason that Anu orders that Adapa be brought back to Earth: Adapa did not merit the corollary of a complete emulation of the gods. It was always Ea's intention that Adapa be a leader among mankind [I. 6-14] and Ea seems to have made sure that Adapa returned to fulfill the role for which he, like the crown prince, was chosen.

Lishtar´s Note 7: In the light of previous notes, it is clear that Adapa´s response was reasonable and confirmed to the gods his great wisdom. The same pattern is repeated later by Gilgamesh, whom we know became a great king after having 343

discovered that immortality is a gift of the Spirit at service of Nature in all 페이지 worlds.


7.1 The character of Ea and its associations with wisdom appears problematic, but probably the difficulty is more apparent than real. Wisdom to those without it is necessarily mysterious - its order is glimpsed on occasion, but mostly it appears like chaos, for which water is an excellent metaphor. In the Mesopotamian cosmology the entire world is surrounded by water, which simultaneously represents both its limitation and its foundation. The inhabited world is a world of relative order separated out of the waters of chaos; the king, as agent of the gods has as one of his functions the maintenance and increase of the available order within the limits of his rule.

7.2 Hence the representation of the battle between Ashur (or Marduk) and Tiamat in the Akitu festival. As W.G. Lambert points out, Sennacherib instituted an Assyrian Akitu festival as part of his attempt to substitute Ashur for Marduk "the 'High God' of the land..."*. The festival took place in the Akitu house of the city, and: a well known inscription describes the door of this house on which was portayed Ashur advancing to do battle with Tiamat, escorted by ten gods in front and fifteen behind. A slightly broken list of the same ten gods occurs on a Late Assyrian ritual fragment... which describes them as "preceding [Ashur] to the Akitu house"... A combination of these two items of information suggests, if it does not prove, that the procession of gods from the city to the Akitu house was construed as a setting out for battle with Tiamat

7.3 The battle, Lambert presumes, took place inside the Akitu house. If there is a parallel here with Adapa's breaking of the wing of the south wind while on the sea we should expect that at some point in the Akitu festival that either the king or a statue of the 'High God' should be represented as on the sea; literally standing in the place of Tiamat. Three pieces of related evidence from Babylonia are offered by Lambert: the first he describes as a comment on a late magical text, quoting the line: this refers to Bel, who sits in the middle of the Sea (Tiamat) in the Akitu."

7.5 The second piece of evidence comes from the text called "the topography of Babylon" which gives us information about small cultic structures in the city:Tiamat (Sea) is the seat of Bel on which Bel sits. 344


7.6 The third piece of evidence comes from a "hitherto unidentified epic which appears to describe Nabu's exaltation to equality with his father Marduk". This passage is interesting in itself as reflecting ideas present in the myth of Adapa, since, "if the text has been correctly understood, Nabu went with his father, as usual, to the Akitu, but then insisted on "performing the rites which properly should have been done by his father" (my emphasis). The line quoted by Lambert is:" He set his feet on the rolling sea (Tiamat)

7.7 Note that the sea is described as "rolling" - that is, the sea is not calm and is in the condition in which it most resembles chaos, paralleling the struggle between Adapa and the south wind. Lambert argues that "the Sea (Tiamat) was no doubt a small cultic structure in the Akitu house (probably a dais) and when the statue of Marduk was taken there, it was set on the dais to symbolise victory over Tiamat". Further, "the presence of the gods there and their heaping up of gifts for Marduk is entirely consistent with the idea that Marduk delivered them from danger by taking their part in fighting with Tiamat


8.1 Clearly the myth of Adapa explains a great deal about the character of Sargonid kingship. The myth embraces a number of themes, including the importance of wisdom for kingship, the order and power of the gods (and the corollary: their inscrutability to mere mortals); the significance of rational arrangement, shown by the fact that Adapa is also the name of a musical instrument; the conquest of chaos by the forces of order; the transfer of power from one legitimate authority to another (i.e., the succession); that all aspects of Assyrian society were understood to be embraced in the meaning of kingship, from artisan to soldier, from scribe to priest. Much of the nature of Sargonid kingship can be related to the myth of Adapa: this is already known to us because Ashurbanipal informs us of the discipline of kingship which bears his name (Adapa). Close examination of the myth (alluded to by the other Sargonid kings) shows that aspects of the Neo-Assyrian Empire not referred to in royal documents and inscriptions in connection with the myth, can be explained on the basis of the themes which it contains.

8.2 In drawing these themes together, the myth reflects the Assyrian concept of the symbolic function of the king, which was to embody the various aspects of the Assyrian state, and to be, emblematically at least, the totality of the world, 345

the embodiment of all earthly power, wisdom, learning, justice, valor, skill, etc. 페이지

Assyria itself likewise should contain within itself the best of what the rest of the universe had to offer: hence the botanical gardens, the zoological collection, and, from our point of view most significant of all, the library at Nineveh, collected by Ashurbanipal and intended to embrace important documents and texts from all over Mesopotamia, and from all periods of its history.

8.3 Since occupation of the throne of Ashur implies an emulation of the divine, (the king embodying some of the characteristics of the gods, in particular their unpredictability), the king is standing in the place of the divine. By being like the gods, the gods are present in the land. In sitting on a throne mounted on a dais representing the "rolling" sea, the king acquires the character of the abyss (which is unpredictable and unknowable). This way of looking at things is, at first sight, consistent with J.G. Frazer's analysis of the principle of sympathetic magic, and ties the image of the king into the pattern of ideas which made the exaltation of statues and the sacrifice of animals "rational" acts

8.4 If the character of the divine can be acquired by the performance of the appropriate actions and the collection of its attributes, then it might be reasonable to expect to find some kind of iconographic representation which depicts aspects of the Adapa myth gathered together in one place. Such a representation may exist: a sculpture found lining the processional route to the Ishtar temple at Nineveh shows a shaven figure (a "priest")wearing a peculiar cap, looking for all the world like the body of a fish with its tail in the air. The garments of the priest are of a design which suggests water, and he is playing a musical instrument (not an "adapa" however, but a form of dulcimer, with strings stretched from a wooden post in the form of a hand).

8.5 If these details are intelligible as part of an attempt to draw together aspects of the divine by means of their likenesses, what has the iconography of the myth of Adapa got to do with a procession to the temple of Ishtar? There is no reference to the goddess in the myth itself, but we can perhaps detect a connection with the ideas in the myth in the Akkadian version of "The Descent of Ishtar to the Nether world". As Ishtar stands at the entrance to the Netherworld, the gatekeeper announces her to her sister, the queen of the Netherworld (Ereshkigal), describing her with the words: "She who upholds the festivals, Who stirs up the deep before Ea, the k[ing]" (my emphasis) . Thus it is possible that what we see in this sculpture is a 'priest' of Adapa, perhaps based at Eridu, participating in a procession to the Ishtar temple, acting symbolically and cultically "as" Adapa; bringing to the temple a complex of notions regarded as essential for the completion of the ritual; drawing together the pattern of 346

ideas in the myth, and making present the required divine powers. If so, then he 페이지 is standing in for the king; standing in his stead, in his place; just as the king stands in the place of Adapa, and Adapa, (temporarily, like the Assyrian Kings) in the place of Ea. Lishtar´s Note 8: Another frequently overlooked fact is that during the Akitu Inanna/Ishtar represented the sorrow of the community for the period the king (representing Marduk) was lost to the Underworld (or ritually enprisoned in the "mountain" - see my article on the Akitu in Mesopotamian Religion and Magick). While the king was lost to the worlds above, the high priestess mourned in public for him, until the arrival of the avenger, the beloved son, Nabu.

Samuel Noah Kramer (September 28, 1897 – November 26, 1990) was one of the world's leading Assyriologists and a world-renowned expert in Sumerian history and Sumerian language.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: ◦Aristotle Politics; Nicomachean Ethics ◦Borger, R. Die Inschriften Asarhaddons (AfO Beiheft 9) 1959 ◦Chicago Assyrian Dictionary ◦Cornford, F.M. Plato's Cosmology, 1937; Plato's Theory of Knowledge, 1935 ◦Dalley, S. Myths from Mesopotamia, 1989 ◦Fales, F.M. Assyrian Royal Inscriptions: new horizons in literary,ideological and historical analysis, 1981 ◦Finley, M.I. Ancient Evidence, 1985 ◦Frankfort, H. (Mr & Mrs); Jacobsen, T.; Wilson, J.A., Before Philosophy, 1946 [original title: The Intellectual Adventure of AncientMan] ◦Frankfort, H. Kingship and the Gods, 1948 ◦Griaule, M. Conversations with Ogotemeli, 1948 [English edn 1965] ◦Harper, R.F. Assyrian and Babylonian Letters, 1892-1914 ◦Heidel, A. The Babylonian Genesis, [2nd edn.] 1951 ◦Herodotos Histories Knudtzon, J. Die El. Amarna Tafeln, 1915 ◦Lambert, W.G. "Part of the ritual for the substitute king" AfO 18 ◦Lambert, W.G. "The great battle of the Mesopotamian religious year: the conflict in the Akitu House", in IRAQ 25, 1963 ◦Larsen, M.T. Power and Propaganda: a symposium on ancient empires,1979 ◦Livingstone, A. State Archives of Assyria, vol. III: Court Poetryand Literary Miscellanea, 1989 ◦Luckenbill, D. Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia, 2 vols.,1926; 1927 ◦Oded, B. Mass Deportations and Deportees in the Neo-Assyrian Empire,1979 ◦Oppenheim, A.L. Ancient Mesopotamia, 1963 ◦ Parpola, S. "A letter from Shamash-shumu-ukin to Esarhaddon"IRAQ 34,1972 347 ◦Parpola, S. Letters of Assyrian Scholars to Ashurbanipal and Esarhaddon, [1970] and II [1983]; pt. 2a LAS (Doctoral

Thesis),1971 페이지

◦Pfeiffer, R. H. State letters of Assyria, 1935 ◦Picchioni, S.A. Il poemetto di Adapa, 1981 ◦Plato, Republic; Timaeus; Sophist; Phaedo Pritchard, J.B. "I will praise the lord of wisdom", ANET, 1951 ◦Reade, J. Assyrian Sculpture, 1983 ◦Reade, J. "The Neo-Assyrian Court and Army: evidence from the sculptures,"IRAQ 34, 1972 ◦Roaf, M. Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia, 1990 ◦Roux, G. Ancient Iraq, [2nd edn] 1980 ◦Saggs, H.W.F. "Historical Texts and Fragments of Sargon II of Assyria", I. "TheAssur Charter", in IRAQ 37, 1975 ◦Starr, I. State Archives of Assyria, vol. IV: Queries to the Sungod,1989 ◦Stevenson, J.G. 'Aristotle as a Historian of Philosophy', JHS 94, 1974 ◦Temple, R.K.G. Conversations with Eternity, 1984 Waterman, L. Royal Correspondence of the Assyrian Empire, 1930 [3vols.]

In The lost Book of Enki / Part of the Birth of Adapa

THE EIGHTH TABLET (Anu is The father of prince Enki as King of Nibiru )

Let Adapa the Earthling to Nibiru be brought! So did Anu his decision declare.

By the decision Enlil was not pleased: Whoever of this would have thought, That by a Primitive Worker fashioning, like us the being would become, With knowledge, endowed, between Heaven and Earth will travel! On Nibiru the waters of long life he will drink, the food of long life eat, Like one of us Anunnaki shall the one of Earth become! So was Enlil to Enki and the other leaders saying. By the decision of Anu Enki too was not pleased; sullen was his face after Anu had spoken. After Enlil had spoken, with Enlil his brother Enki agreed: Indeed, who of this would have thought! So to the others did Enki say. The brothers sat and contemplated; Ninmah with them was also deliberating. The command of Anu cannot be avoided! to them she said. Let Adapa by our young ones to Nibiru be accompanied, his fright to diminish, to Anu things explain! So did Enki to the others say. Let Ningishzidda and Dumuzi his companions be, By the way, Nibiru for the first time with their eyes also see! By Ninmah was the suggestion favored: Our young ones, on Earth born, Of Nibiru are forgetting, its life cycles by those of Earth are overwhelmed;

Let the two sons of Enki, as yet unmarried, to Nibiru also travel, Perchance brides there for themselves they shall find!

When the next celestial chamber from Nibiru did arrive in Sippar, 348

Ilabrat, a vizier of Anu, from the chamber stepped off. I have come to fetch the 페이지

Earthling Adapa! So to the leaders he said. The leaders to Ilabrat Adapa presented; Titi and her sons to him they also showed. Indeed, in our image and after our likeness they are! So did Ilabrat say. To Ilabrat Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, sons of Enki, were presented. To accompany Adapa on his journey they have been selected! to him Enki said. Anu his grandchildren to see will be pleased! So did Ilabrat say. To hear instructions, Enki Adapa to him summoned. To Adapa thus he said: Adapa, to Nibiru, the planet whence we had come, you will be going, Before Anu our king you will come, to his majesty you will be presented; Before him you shall bow. Speak only when asked, to questions short answers give! New clothing you will be given; the new garments put on. A bread on Earth not found they to you will give; the bread is death, do not eat! In a chalice an elixir to drink they to you will give; the elixir is death, do not drink! With you Ningishzidda and Dumuzi my sons will journey, to their words hearken, and you shall live! So did Enki Adapa instruct. This I shall remember! Adapa said. Enki Ningishzidda and Dumuzi summoned, to them a blessing and advice he gave. Before Anu the king, my father, you are coming, to him you shall bow and homage pay;

By princes and nobles do not be cowered, of them you are the equals. To bring Adapa back to Earth is your mission, by Nibiru's delights be not charmed! This we shall remember! Ningishzidda and Dumuzi said. His young one, Dumuzi, Enki embraced, on the forehead he kissed him; The wise one Ningishzidda Enki embraced, on the forehead he kissed him. A sealed tablet in the hand of Ningishzidda unseen he placed, To my father Anu this tablet in secret you shall give! So did Enki to Ningishzidda say. Then the two with Adapa to Sippar departed, to the Place of the Celestial Chariots they went, To Ilabrat, Anu's vizier, the three of them themselves presented. To Ningishzidda and Dumuzi the garb of Igigi was given, like celestial eagles they were dressed. As for Adapa, his unkept hair was shaven, a helmet as that of an Eagle he was given, 349

Instead of his loincloth a tight-fitting vestment he was made to wear, 페이지

Between Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, inside That Which Ascends he was placed. When the signal was given, the Celestial Chariot roared and shuddered; In fright did Adapa cower and cry out: The Eagle without wings is soaring! Upon his sides Ningishzidda and Dumuzi their arms placed, with soothing words they him calmed. When one league aloft they were borne, upon the Earth they glanced Out; its lands they saw, by seas and oceans into parts separated. When two leagues aloft they were, the ocean to a tub grew smaller. the land was the size of a basket. When three leagues aloft they were, again they cast a glance whence they had departed; The Earth was now as a small ball, by a sea of darkness in the vastness swallowed. Once again Adapa agitated was; he cowered and cried Out: Take me back! he shouted. Ningishzidda his hand on the neck of Adapa put; in an instant was Adapa quiet. When they on Nibiru landed, there was much curiosity, The children of Enki, on Earth born, to see, even more so an Earthling to encounter: A being from another world on Nibiru has arrived! So were the crowds shouting. With Ilabrat to the palace they were taken to be washed and with perfumed oils anointed. Fresh and befitting garments they were given; Heeding Enki's words, Adapa the new clothing did put on. In the palace nobles and heroes milled about, in the throne room, princes and counselors gathered. To the throne room by Ilabrat they were led, Adapa behind him, then the two sons of Enki. In the throne room before Anu the king they bowed; from his throne Anu stepped forward. My grandsons! My grandsons! he cried out. He hugged Dumuzi, he hugged Ningishzidda, With tears in his eyes he embraced them, he kissed them. To his right Dumuzi he bade to be seated, on his left Ningishzidda sat. Then llabrat to Anu the Earthling Adapa presented. Does he our speech understand? Anu the king of Ilabrat inquired. Indeed he does, by the lord Enki was he taught! Ilabrat so answered. Come hither! Anu to Adapa said. What is your name and your occupation? Forward Adapa stepped, again he bowed: Adapa is my name, of the lord Enki a servant! So did Adapa in words speak; his speaking great amazement was causing. 350

A wonder of wonders on Earth has been attained! Anu declared. 페이지

A wonder of wonders on Earth has been attained! all the assembled shouted. Let there a celebration be, let us our guests thus welcome! Anu was saying. To the banquet room Anu all who were assembled led, to the laden tables he happily gestured. At the laden table bread of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not eat it. At the laded tables elixir of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not drinnk it. By this Anu the king was puzzled, was offended: Why has Enki to Nibiru this ill-mannered Earthling sent, to him the celestial ways reveal? Come now, Adapa! to Adapa Anu said. Why did you neither eat nor drink, our hospitality rejected? My master the lord Enki commanded me: The bread do not eat, the elixir do not drink!

So did Adapa the king Anu answer. He asked Ningishzidda. Perchance in this lies the answer! Ningishzidda to Anu said. The secret tablet that he carried hidden to Anu the king he then gave Puzzled was Anu, Anu was concerned; to his private chamber he went the tablet to decipher. Now this is the account of Adapa, of Civilized Mankind the progenitor, And how by his Sons Ka-in and Abael satiation on Earth was started. In his private chamber Anu the tablet's seal broke open, Into the scanner the tablet he inserted, it,, message from Enki to decipher. Adapa by my seed to an Earthling woman was born! So did the message from Enki say. Likewise was Titi by another Earthling woman of my seed conceived.

Aadapa and Titi married to begets Cain and Abel

The Lost Book of Enki ATTESTATION The words of Endubsar, master scribe, son of Eridu city, servant of the lord Enki, great god. In the seventh year after the Great Calamity, in the second month, on the

seventeenth day, I was summoned by my master the Lord Enki, great god, benevolent fashioner of

Mankind, 351

omnipotent and merciful. 페이지

I was among the remnants of Eridu who had escaped to the arid steppe just as the Evil Wind was nearing the city. And I wandered off into the wilderness to seek withered twigs for firewood. And I looked up and to and behold, a Whirlwind came out of the south. There was a reddish brilliance about it and it made no sound. And as it reached the ground, four straight feet spread out from its belly and the brilliance disappeared. And I threw myself to the ground and prostrated myself, for I knew that it was a divine vision. And when I lifted my eyes, there were two divine emissaries standing near me. And they had the faces of men, and their garments were sparkling like burnished brass. And they called me by name and spoke to me, saying: You are summoned by the great god the lord Enki. Fear not, for you are blessed. And we are here to take you aloft, and carry you unto his retreat in the

Land of Magan, on the island amidst the River of Magan, where the sluices are. And as they spoke, the Whirlwind lifted itself as a fiery chariot and was gone. And they took me by my hands, each one grasping me by one hand. And they lifted me and carried me swiftly between the Earth and the heavens, as the eagle soars. And I could see the land and the waters, and the plains and the mountains. And they let me down on the island at the gateway of the great god's abode. And the moment they let go of my hands, a brilliance as I had never seen before engulfed and overwhelmed me, and I collapsed on the ground as though voided of the spirit of life. My life senses returned to me, as if awakened from the deepest sleep, by the sound of the calling of my name. I was in some kind of an enclosure. It was dark but there was also an aura. Then my name was called again, by the deepest of voices. And although I could hear it, I could not tell whence the voice came, nor could I see whoever it was that spoke. And I said, Here I am. Then the voice said to me: Endubsar, offspring of Adapa, I have chosen you to be my scribe, that you write down my words on the tablets. And all at once there appeared a glowing in one part of the enclosure. And I saw 352

a place arranged like a scribal workplace: a scribe's table and a scribe's stool, and 페이지 there were finely shaped stones upon the table. But I saw no clay tablets nor containers of wet clay. And there lay upon the table only one stylus, and it glistened in the glowing as no reed stylus ever did. And the voice spoke up again, saying: Endubsar, son of Eridu city, my faithful servant. I am your lord Enki, I have summoned you to write down my words, for I am much distraught by what has befallen 7 Mankind by the Great Calamity. It is my wish to record the true course of the events, to let gods and men alike know that my hands are clean. Not since the Great Deluge had such a calamity befallen the Earth and the gods and the Earthlings. But the Great Deluge was destined to happen, not so the great calamity. This one, seven years ago, need not have happened.

It could have been prevented, and I, Enki, did all I could to prevent it; alas, I failed. And was it fate or was it destiny? In the future shall it be judged, for at the end of days a Day of judgment there shall be. On that day the Earth shall quake and the rivers shall change course, and there shall be darkness at noon and a fire in the heavens in the night, the day of the returning celestial god will it be. And who shall survive and who would perish, who shall be rewarded and who will be punished, gods and men alike, on that day shall it be discovered; for what shall come to pass by what had passed shall be determined; and what was destined shall in a cycle be repeated, and what was fated and only by the heart's will occurring for good or ill shall for judgment come. The voice fell silent; then the great lord spoke up again, saying: It is for this reason that I will tell the true account of the Beginnings and of the Prior Times and of the Olden Times, for in the past the future lies hidden. For forty days and forty nights shall I speak and you will write; forty shall be the count of the days and the nights of your task here, for forty is my sacred number among the gods.

For forty days and forty nights you shall neither eat nor drink; only this once of bread and water you shall partake, and it shall sustain you for the duration of your task. And the voice paused, and all at once there appeared a glowing in another part of the enclosure.

And I saw a table and upon it a plate and a cup. And I rose up thereto, and there was bread on the plate and water in the cup. 353

And the voice of the great lord Enki spoke up again, saying: Endubsar, eat the 페이지 bread and drink the water, and be sustained for forty days and forty nights. And I did as directed. And there after the voice directed me to sit myself at the scribal table, and the glowing there intensified. I could see neither door nor aperture where I was, yet the glowing was as strong as the midday sun. And the voice said: Endubsar the scribe, what do you see? And I looked and saw the glowing rayed upon the table and the stones and the stylus, and I said: I see stone tablets, and their hue is blue as pure as the sky. And I see a stylus as I have never seen before, its stem unlike any reed and its tip shaped like an eagle's talon. And the voice said: These are the tablets upon which you shall inscribe my words. By my wish they have been cut of the finest lapis lazuli, each with two smooth faces provided. And the stylus you see is a god's handiwork, its handle made of electrum and its tip of divine crystal. It shall firmly fit in your hand and what you shall engrave with it shall be as easy as marking upon wet clay. In two columns you shall inscribe the front face, in two columns you shall inscribe the back of each stone tablet. Do not deviate from my words and utterances! And there was a pausing, and I touched one of the stones, and the surface thereof felt like a smooth skin, soft to the touch. And I picked up the holy stylus, and it felt like a feather in my hand. And then the great god Enki began to speak, and 1 began to write down his words, exactly as he had 8 spoken them. At times his voice was strong, at times almost a whisper. At times there was joy or pride in his voice, at times pain or agony. And as one tablet was inscribed on all its faces, I took another to continue. And when the final words were spoken, the great god paused and I could hear a great sigh. And he said: Endubsar my servant, for forty days and forty nights you have faithfully recorded my words.

Your task here is completed. Now take hold of another tablet, and on it you shall write your own attestation, and at the end thereof as a witness mark it with your seal, and take the tablet and put it together with the other tablets in the divine chest; for at a designated time chosen ones shall come hither and they shall find the chest and the tablets, and they shall learn all that I have dictated to you; and that true account of the Beginnings and the Prior Times and the Olden Times and the Great Calamity shall henceforth be known as The Words of the Lord Enki. 354


And it shall be a Book of Witnessing of the past, and a Book of Foretelling the future, for the future in the past lies and the first things shall also be the last things.

And there was a pause, and I took the tablets, and put them one by one in their correct order in the chest. And the chest was made of acacia wood and it was inlaid with gold on the outside.

And the voice of my lord said: Now close the chest's cover and fasten its lock. And I did as directed. And there was another pause, and my lord Enki said: And as for you, Endubsar, with a great god you have spoken, and though you have not seen me, in my presence you have been.

Therefore you are blessed, and my spokesman to the people you shall be. You shall admonish them to be righteous, for in that lies a good and long life. And you shall comfort them, for in seventy years the cities will be rebuilt and the crops shall sprout again. There will be peace but there will also be wars. New nations will become mighty, kingdoms shall rise and fall. The olden gods shall step aside and new gods shall decree the fates. But at the end of days destiny shall prevail, and of that future it is foretold in my words about the past. Of all that, Endubsar, to the people you shall tell.

And there was a pause and a silence. And I, Endubsar, bowed to the ground and said: But how will I know what to say? And the voice of the lord Enki said: The signs will be in the heavens, and the words to utter shall come to you in dreams and in visions. And after you there will be other chosen prophets. And in the end there will be a New Earth and a New Heaven, and for prophets there will be no more need. And then there was silence, and the auras were extinguished, and the spirit left me. And when I regained my senses, I was in the fields outside Eridu. Seal of Endubsar, master scribe

THE WORDS OF LORD ENKI Synopsis of the First Tablet Lamentation over the desolation of Sumer How the gods fled their cities as the nuclear cloud spread The debates in the council of the gods The fateful decision to unleash the Weapons of Terror 355

The origin of the gods and the awesome weapons on Nibiru 페이지

Nibiru's north-south wars, unification, and dynastic rules Nibiru's place in the solar system A dwindling atmosphere causes climate changes Efforts to obtain gold to shield the atmosphere fail Alalu, a usurper, uses nuclear weapons to stir volcanic gases Anu, a dynastic heir, deposes Alalu Alalu steals a spacecraft and escapes from Nibiru


The words of the lord Enki, firstborn son of Anu, who reigns on Nibiru. With heavy spirit I utter laments; laments that are bitter fill my heart. How smitten is the land, its people delivered to the Evil Wind, its stables abandoned, its sheepfolds emptied. How smitten are the cities, their people piled up as dead corpses, afflicted by the Evil Wind. How smitten are the fields, their vegetation withered, touched by the Evil Wind. How smitten are the rivers, nothing swims anymore, pure sparkling waters turned into poison. 10 Of its black-headed people, Shumer is emptied, gone is all life; Of its cattle and sheep Shumer is emptied, silent is the hum of churning milk. In its glorious cities, only the wind howls; death is the only smell. The temples whose heads to heaven arose by their gods have been abandoned. Of lordship and kingship command there is none; scepter and tiara are gone. On the banks of the two great rivers, once lush and life-giving, only weeds grow. No one treads the highways, no one seeks out the roads; flourishing Shumer is like an abandoned desert. How smitten is the land, home of gods and men! On that land a calamity fell, one unknown to man. A calamity that Mankind had never before seen, one that could not be withstood. On all the lands, from west to east, a disruptive hand of terror was placed. The gods, in their cities, were helpless as men! An Evil Wind, a storm born in a distant plain, a Great Calamity wrought in its path. A death-dealing wind born in the west its way to the east has made, its course set by fate. A storm devouring as the deluge, by wind and not by water a destroyer; by poisoned air, not 356

tidal waves, overwhelming. 페이지

By fate, not destiny, was it engendered; the great gods, in their council, the Great Calamity had caused. By Enlil and Ninharsag it was permitted; I alone for a halt was beseeching. Day and night to accept what the heavens decree I argued, to no avail! Ninurta, Enlil's warrior son, and Nergal, my very own son, poisoned weapons in the great plain then unleashed. That an Evil Wind shall follow the brilliance we knew not! they now cry in agony. That the death-dealing storm, born in the west, its course to the east shall make, who could foretell! the gods now bemoan. In their holy cities, the gods stood disbelieving as the Evil Wind toward Shumer made its way.

Adapa’s Collection of visual hallucinations

7 chakras are connected to God and Divine knowledge - it's a double-edged sword

357 페이지

Satan's eyes dominated the green earth/" Mantra " ( / ˈ m æ n t r ə , ˈ m ɑː n - , ˈ m ʌ n - / ; [ 2 ] ) means a sacred utterance, numinous sound, or a syllable, word, phonemes, or group of words believed by some to have psychological and spiritual power in Sanskrit . [ 3 ] [ 4 ] A mantra may or may not have syntactic structure or literal meaning;- Truth of Buddhism

The human of purified soul or the gods who through the wormhole/Butterflies (Nabi) is other names of Nabu who son of Marduk

Nabu is possibility of Adapa’s reincarnation

358 페이지

Burning Jesus implies the incarnation of the sun god / Gilgamesh finds Aquatic plant of eternal life. It resembled a human mitochondrial

359 페이지

In great one light of the spirits of God the Father, human heart (soul) derived from God father,Everyone attached to one of the divine soul/ A little book is the book of life

North American Indians are descendants of the Sun God"Ra(Marduk)"/

Messiah is two who coming on the shining clouds God & Jesus

360 페이지

Through a Warm hole / Confrontational between Enki and Enlil, their Children

Nibiru-stars of gold is purified state / Jesus came from Nibiru

361 페이지

Earth may also purifying history is reversed

362 페이지

363 페이지

7. Tales of Incarnated gods convey to mankind

Leonardo da Vinci(God Enki), Bruce Lee(Jesus)

Leonardo da Vinci(God Father /Enki)


Leonardo da Vinci / The savior of the world /Eugenia Sister’s God expressed 페이지

Leonardo da Vinci’sprofile born in Vinci, Republic of Florence, Italy March 19, 1452 died March 03, 1519 gender male website genre Science, Arts & Photography, Professional & Technical influences Michelangelo

It was on April 15, 1452, that Leonardo was born in the town of Vinci, Republic of Florence, in what is now in Italy, the illegitimate son of a notary and a barmaid. It is from his birthplace that he is known as Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo seemed to master every subject to which he turned his attention: he was a painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer, wrote poetry and stories: the prototype Renaissance man! His Last Supper (1495-97) and Mona Lisa (La Gioconda, 1503-06) are among the most popular paintings from the Renaissance. He and his rival Michelangelo did great service to the medical arts by accurate paintings of dissections, which were only occasionally allowed by the Church. Yet, his artistry appeared to be an afterthought, as he frequently left his works unfinished, and only about fifteen of his paintings survive. His notebooks reveal that he was centuries ahead of his time in mechanics and physic, fortifications, bridges, weapons, and river diversions to flood the enemy, which aided Italian city-states in their many wars. Leonardo was an early evolutionist regarding fossils. Through his careful

observations he noted that “if the shells had been carried by the muddy deluge they would have been mixed up, and separated from each other amidst the mud, and not

in regular steps and layers — as we see them now in our time.” Leonardo reasoned 365 페이지 that what is now dry land, where these aquatic fossils were found, must once have been covered by seawater.

He was for a short time accused of homosexuality: there is no evidence Leonardo had any sexual interest in women. As he wrote in his notebooks, “The act of procreation and anything that has any relation to it is so disgusting that human beings would soon die out if there were no pretty faces and sensuous dispositions.” And what of his religion? It is significant that at the end of his life he felt he had much spiritual negligence to atone for. His first biographer, Giorgio Vasari, wrote in 1550:"Finally, …feeling himself near to death, [he] asked to have himself diligently informed of the teaching of the Catholic faith, and of the good way and holy Christian religion; and then, with many moans, he confessed and was penitent; and … was pleased to take devoutly the most holy Sacrament, out of his bed. The King, who was wont often and lovingly to visit him, then came into the room; wherefore he, out of reverence … showed withal how much he had offended God and mankind in not having worked at his art as he should have done." There was much skepticism in Renaissance Italy at the time, and Leonardo was an intellectual genius, not just an artistic genius. While there was great intellectual freedom during the Italian Renaissance, there were limits as long as the Dominicans, the “Hounds of the Lord,” were active. This semblance of a deathbed conversion, by so critical a thinker and so great a genius as Leonardo, who would have nothing to lose by professing piety all his life, can only mean that during his prime years he was a secret freethinker. Leonardo died quietly on the 2 of May, 1519, a few weeks following his 67th


“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned

skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” ― 366 페이지

Leonardo da Vinci

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

“Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first understood.” ― Leonardo da Vinci “I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

“The smallest feline is a masterpiece.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

-Feline cut the snake's head with a feather of truth Egyptian wall painting- “I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death” ― Leonardo da Vinci “There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.” ― Leonardo da Vinci “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

“The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.” ― Leonardo

da Vinci

367 페이지

“All sciences are vain and full of errors that are not born of Experience, the mother of all Knowledge.” ― Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo's Notebooks “Our life is made by the death of others.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

“Once you have tasted the taste of sky, you will forever look up” ― Leonardo da Vinci “The acquisition of knowledge is always of use to the intellect, because it may thus drive out useless things and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known.” ― Leonardo da Vinci “Many have made a trade of delusions and false miracles, deceiving the stupid multitudes.” ― Leonardo da Vinci 28 likes Like

“He who truly knows has no occasion to shout.” ― Leonardo da Vinci “Truth at last cannot be hidden. Dissimulation is of no avail. Dissimulation is to no purpose before so great a judge. Falsehood puts on a mask. Nothing is hidden under the sun.” ― Leonardo da Vinci “Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. So we must stretch ourselves to the very limits of human possibility. Anything less is a sin against both God and man.” ― Leonardo da Vinci “If you find from your own experience that something is a fact and it contradicts what some authority has written down, then you must abandon

the authority and base your reasoning on your own findings.” ― Leonardo da


“We must doubt the certainty of everything which passes through the 368 페이지 senses, but how much more ought we to doubt things contrary to the senses, such as the existence of God and the soul.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

“Der Augenblick ist zeitlos.” "The moment is timeless." ― Leonardo da Vinci

“The human bird shall take his first flight,filling the words with amazement,all writings with his fame,and bringing eternal glory to those whose nest whence he sprang.” ― Leonardo da Vinci

Human bird who both feet holding an Ankh cross,with full eyes, were found in the tomb of

Tutankhamen (The god Thoth)

“I abhor the supreme folly of those who blame the disciples of nature in defiance of

those masters who were themselves her pupils” 369 페이지

― Leonardo da Vinci, Thoughts on Art and Life The characteristics of the Eye of “Ra” were an important part of the Egyptian conception of female divinity in general, and the Eye was equated with many goddesses, ranging from very prominent deities like Hathor to obscure ones like Mestjet, a lion goddess who appears in only one known inscription

“They will say that I, having no literary skill, cannot properly express that which I desire to treat of, but they do not know that my subjects are to be dealt with by experience rather than by words. And [experience] has been the mistress of those who wrote well. And so, as mistress, I will cite her in all cases. Though I may not, like them, be able to quote other authors, I shall rely on that which is much greater and more worthy: on experience, the mistress of their masters.” ― Leonardo da Vinci Blinding ignorance does mislead us. O! Wretched mortals, open your eyes! Experience does not err. Only your judgments err by expecting from her what is not in her power. He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a

rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast.

370 페이지

UFO in “The Last Supper”

371 페이지

Leonardo da Vinci's painting [ The Last Supper] in UFO ... The moving star with the Magi (Zoroastrian priests) Since Son Jesus’s birth be continuation , It was with him The moving star (UFO) send everything to The God Father for Jesus Jesus knew this Son Jesus of the crucifixion thought that Father forsake him Because Invisible of His UFO

The God Father, He can't see at son's image that gruesome death of son from UFO

so that God Father command that stop perform transmission the crucifixion’s

372 페이지 scene and leave to there

Egyptian Goddess Hathor (= the Sumerian goddess Ninhursag created humankind) Ninhursag

In Sumerian mythology , Ninhursag ( Ninḫursag) or Ninkharsag was a mother goddess of the mountains, and one of the seven great deities of Sumer .

Worship 373 페이지

Her symbol, resembling the Greek letter omega Ω, has been depicted in art from around 3000 BC, though more generally from the early second millennium. It appears on some boundary stones — on the upper tier, indicating her importance. The omega symbol is associated with the Egyptian cow goddess Hathor, and may represent a stylized womb.[10] Hathor is at times depicted on a mountain, so it may be that the two goddesses are connected. Her temple, the Esagila (from Sumerian E (temple) + SAG (head) + ILA (lofty)) was located on the KUR of Eridu, although she also had a temple at Kish.

Mona - Lisa

374 페이지

Names Nin-hursag means "lady of the sacred mountain" (from Sumerian NIN "lady" and ḪAR.SAG "sacred mountain, foothill",[9] possibly a reference to the site of her temple, the E-Kur (House of mountain deeps) at Eridu. She had many names including Ninmah ("Great Queen");[9] Nintu ("Lady of Birth");[9] Mamma or Mami (mother);[9] Aruru,[9] Belet-Ili(lady of the gods, Akkadian)[9] According to legend her name was changed from Ninmah to Ninhursag by her son Ninurta in order to commemorate his creation of the mountains. As Ninmenna, according to a Babylonian investiture ritual, she placed the golden crown on the king in the Eanna temple.[citation needed] Some of the names above were once associated with independent goddesses (such as Ninmah and Ninmenna), who later became identified and merged with Ninhursag, and myths exist in which the name Ninhursag is not mentioned. As the wife and consort of Enki she was also referred to as Damgulanna (great wife of heaven) or Damkina (faithful wife). She had many epithets including shassuru or 'womb goddess', tabsut ili 'midwife of the gods', 'mother of all children' and 'mother of the gods'. In this role she is identified with Ki in the Enuma Elish. She had shrines in both Eridu and Kish.

Many people have been affirm. Without sufficient evidence Logical person called too about me I certainly did testing and demonstration, it was highest reverence Only believe in their immature judgment obvious authority and contrary to the will;

Their immature judgment 375 페이지

My work is experience and the creation's pure From having a true beauty goddess That was born You would not be considered ,Simple rules that you believe To discover the truth from the lies in you Do you think enough? And if you believe in the natural gentleness You can look at the essence of things, so Do you help by it? Do not be wrapped in ignorance, Only natural to believe that the authority and the rules Can not get good results, Such ignorance is You leave yourself Depression The reason for despair. Although the engagement of a variety of mechanical devices Felt it was moving one of human inventions, Than the invention of nature The not beautiful, Not even simpler, It is also not suitable for more purposes; It is not because of her lack of inventions, And also because of overflow, And she has the body for movement of animals When properly created wings and limbs She is no equilibrium memorial Compass design is also ,she does not require any tools. when make physical body,she breathed into the soul,

First, her shape, constitute the soul of the mother, 376 페이지

Deep inside of her Constitutes the image of the human When he wakes up, she quiet awakens his soul. from Leonardo da Vinci's note book

Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee (Chinese: 李小龍; born Lee Jun-fan, Chinese: 李振藩; November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973) was a Hong Kong Americanmartial artist, Hong Kong action film actor, martial arts instructor, philosopher, filmmaker,[3] and the founder of Jeet Kune Do. Lee was the son of Cantonese opera star Lee Hoi-Chuen. He is widely considered by commentators, critics, media and other martial artists to be one of the most influential martial artists of all time,and a pop culture icon of the 20th century.He is often credited with helping to change the way Asians were presented in American films. Lee was born in Chinatown, San Francisco on November 27, 1940 to parents from Hong Kong and was raised in Kowloon with his family until his late teens. He was introduced to the film industry by his father and appeared in several films as a child actor. Lee moved to the United States at the age of 18 to receive his higher education, at the University of Washington, at Seattle[8] and it was during this time that he began teaching martial arts. His Hong Kong and Hollywood-produced films elevated the traditionalHong

Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, sparking a

surge of interest in Chinese martial arts in the West in the 1970s. The

377 페이지 direction and tone of his films changed and influenced martial arts and martial arts films in the United States, Hong Kong and the rest of the world. He is noted for his roles in five feature-length films: Lo Wei's The Big Boss (1971) and Fist of Fury (1972); Golden Harvest's Way of the Dragon (1972), directed and written by Lee; Golden Harvest and Warner Brothers' Enter the Dragon (1973) and The Game of Death (1978), both directed by Robert Clouse.[10] Lee became an iconic figure known throughout the world, particularly among theChinese, as he portrayed Chinese nationalism in his films.[11] He trained in the art of Wing Chun and later combined his other influences from various sources, in the spirit of his personal martial arts philosophy, which he dubbed Jeet Kune Do (The Way of the Intercepting Fist). Lee held dual nationality of Hong Kong and the United States.He died in Kowloon Tong on July 20, 1973 at the age of 32

“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the

object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays

rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. ― Bruce Lee 378 페이지

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” ― Bruce Lee “Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” ― Bruce Lee

“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.”



― Bruce Lee “The doubters said,"Man can not fly," The doers said,"Maybe, but we'll try," And finally soared,In the morning glow While non-believers,Watched from below.” ― Bruce Lee

“If there is a God, he is within. You don't ask God to give you things, you depend on God for your inner theme.” “Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.” “Real living is living for others.” “Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. Dont concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.”

The mind must be emancipated from old habits, prejudices, restrictive thought

processes and even ordinary thought itself.” ― Bruce Lee 380


“Not being tense but ready.Not thinking but not dreaming.Not being set but flexible.Liberation from the uneasy sense of confinement.It is being wholly and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come.” ― Bruce Lee “Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.” “Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.”

“There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-

381 페이지 classical. The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune-Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way.” “...good technique includes quick changes, great variety and speed. It may be a system of reversals much like a concept of God and the Devil. In the speed of events, which one is really in charge? put the heart of martial arts inyour own heart and have it be a part of you means total comprehension and the use of a free style. When you have that you will know that there are no limits.”

“The perfect way is only difficult for those who pick and choose. Do not like, do not dislike; all will then be clear. Make a hairbreadth difference and heaven and earth are set apart; if you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between “for” and “against” is the mind’s worst disease.”

“Seriously, if you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else;

it'll spread over into the rest of your life. It'll spread into your work, into your 382

morality, into your entire being... There are NO limits. There are plateus, but you 페이지 must not stay there, you must go beyond them. If it kills you, it kills you. A man must constantly exceed his level.” “If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done. Make at least one definite move daily toward you goal.” “To express one self honestly, not lying to oneself—that, my friend, is very hard to do.”

“A conditioned mind is never a free mind.” “Living exists when life lives through us … life is a living now!”

“The second-hand artist blindly following his sensei or sifu accepts his pattern. As a result, his action is and, more importantly, his thinking become mechanical. His responses become automatic, according to set patterns, making him narrow and limited.” Bruce Lee quotes on simplicity:

“It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”

“Simplicity is the key to brilliance.”

383 페이지

“To spend time is to pass it in a specified manner. To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly. We all have time to spend or waste, and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever.”

Bruce Lee & The god Marduk “What you must not do now is to worry and think of the Nationals that is now of the past. What you HABITUALLY THINK largely determines what you will become. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. I have faith in your ability. You will do just fine.”

“The ideal is unnatural naturalness, or natural unnaturalness. I mean it is a combination of both. I mean here is natural instinct and here is control. You are to combine the two in harmony.

Not if you have one to the extreme, you'll be very unscientific.

384 페이지

If you have another to the extreme, you become, all of a sudden, a mechanical man No longer a human being. It is a successful combination of both. That way it is a process of continuing growth. Be water, my friend.”

“Flow in the living moment. — We are always in a process of becoming and nothing is fixed. Have no rigid system in you, and you’ll be flexible to change with the ever changing. Open yourself and flow, my friend. Flow in the total openness of the living moment. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo.”

One of the two witnesses Joachim met Bruce Lee in a dream He had a conversation with Joachim and gentle smile As such, he already know for a long time

And we found out that he died at 33 years of age

The same age as Jesus' death

The fate of mankind and the Gods 385 페이지

Birthday and date of death are due Tablets of Destiny Almost the same period previous life We found that to maintain His sayings are content with our own know this His appearance resembles a god Marduk He dialogue back to us "I came back to Earth, because of mind is anxiety To remind them again that you need to do "

John 15:15-17New International Version (NIV) 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.

Youkhanna (John 15) Aramaic Gospel

15. “From the beginning I did not call you servants*, because the servants do not know what the master does; I called you relatives*, because everything I heard from my Father I made known to you. 16. “It was not you who chose me, except it was I who chose you, and invited* you, so that you should also go and bring fruits, and that your fruit be continuous.* So that

whatever you ask of my Father in my name, He shall give you. 17. “This I command

you, that you love one another.

386 페이지

8. epilogue

This book will be continued upgrade The keys is still much left I find the correct key to the door of truth will be opened one by one Come, follow me, I locked with a key to hide the mystery long ago, and I thrown away key in the woods I found the key Now let's begin to explore its mysteries with me You will taste the true living water of eternal life.

All animals are also brothers and sisters of humanity Their souls are sometimes comes from mankind I found it

All living life is precious Even though not say each other

Humans and animals can be sympathetic 387


Animals will sanctification Humanity is also will sanctification by love, heart, soul ,eyes looking at each other So that will be One.

If you know that this book is a true one based on the fact You can also knew would be deployed in the future Love is not all just mind Take action Share this It will also true love If you buy a book that costs for poor people For poor people would be delivered in paper books This book is the book of life You will have to act as a life saved….

So the contents of the book is be understood to all of humanity Acts to spread the book is so important.

Thank you I'll meet you at the brilliant ship God had blessed you!

Testament of Luke 11:31. "The Queen of the South shall rise in judgment of these human beings,

of this generation, and will find them accountable, since she came from 388

the sunset of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, 페이지

someone greater than Solomon is here.

389 페이지