SSAANN DDIIEEGGOO PPOOEETTRRYY AANNNNUUAALL 22002200--2211 SAN DIEGO ENTERTAINMENT + ARTS GUILD GARDEN OAK PRESS RAINBOW, CALIFORNIA San Diego Entertainment & Arts Guild (SDEAG) in association with the San Diego Poetry Annual and Garden Oak Press 1953 Huffstatler St., Suite A Rainbow, CA 92028
[email protected] (760) 728-2088 © San Diego Entertainment + Arts Guild (SDEAG) All rights reserved SDEAG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the express written consent of the Publisher. First published by Garden Oak Press on March 1, 2021 ISBN-13: 9798592861581 Printed in the United States of America The views expressed in this anthology of poems are solely those of the respective poets and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher and the Publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. ii CONTENTS • POEMS 1• WILLIAM SCOTT GALASSO The Year We Never Saw Coming 4 KATH ABELA WILSON Mary Blue 5 SUSAN D. WALTER How Touching 6 D’ELLEN the sea gives 7 BONA M. SANTOS dandelions 7 ELIZABETH YAHN WILLIAMS I Have Loved Mornings 8 ANN TWEEDY Blueberries 9 MAJA TROCHIMCZYK Da Capo al Fine 10 WALT STEPAHIN Dream Jobs 11 JAN BEATTY Dream Highway: Quarantine 12 SARAH Z SLEEPER BTS World 13 SONYA SCHNEIDER The Sea 14 NANCY SANDWEISS The Arbiters of Rectitude 15 SANDRA ANFANG Ode to a Deer Carcass at Rush Creek 16 LORRAINE A. PADDEN a faultless