Recipient: , , , and

Letter: Greetings,

Albertans deserve timely access to high-quality healthcare close to home. Nurse Practitioners want to help, but can't! Develop funding model for NPs. Comments

Name Location Date Comment

April Boddy Slave Lake, Canada 2016-11-13 Every citizen deserves expert value laden care from Nurse Practitioners

Jennie King Slave Lake, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm signing because I am a family nurse practitioner who is limited in where I can work. All albertans should have access to primary care delivered by NPs and I should be able to practice anywhere in the province, particularly in communities that are in need of providers.

Lucie Lapierre Fort McMurray, Canada 2016-11-13 The lack of access to care for women can be solved by NPs. Women and families deserve to choose which caregiver they want.

Jeremy Wiens , Canada 2016-11-13 Many albertans are unable to find a healthcare providers. There are many nurse practitioners who are wanting to provide expert medical care, but are unemployed because no funding model exists for them.

Gwen Moncayo Strathmore, Canada 2016-11-13 Because Master's prepared clinicians can bring cost effective primary health care to many different populations. But especially those with chronic disease or in need of a holistic approach (i.e. comorbidities of mental health, addiction or poverty)

Sandi Carmichael Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a front line nurse. I see everyday the way that nurse practitioners should be utilized and respected. They are a vital part of our health care system that deserve to practice to their full potential.

Roseanne Vanhoof Bowmanville, Canada 2016-11-13 I think there needs to be a national strategy for NP funding! We are definitely a significant part of the solution to improving access to quality healthcare.

Nicole Onusko Fort Saskatchewan, 2016-11-13 I am proud to be a nurse practitioner, who is providing FREE healthcare, within Canada a team of fantastic supportive physicians, whom are all hoping for change soon!

Daris Klemmer , Canada 2016-11-13 Albertans deserve access to the exceptional and holistic NP care.

Mary Dee Thompson Cold Lake, Canada 2016-11-13 Using a nurse practitioner now in Cold Lake. I get excellent health care, easy access to appointments and no long wait times.

Robin Lamoureux Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I support the role of NPs in Alberta.

Maryann Friesen Carstairs, Canada 2016-11-13 Many physicians are hired from other countries at a huge cost to our health care system.Our own NPs from Alberta could do the same job at a much lower cost.From my experience during complex open heart surgery at the U of A ,I was taken back at the care I recieved from the cardiac N.P.She even gave me her phone number to call anytime.Can you imagine that.I know more N.Ps that have high given care.Hire N.P.s Alberta,for your own good!

Cody Ziegler Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 Competent and expert medical care is available, can fill in the gaps and is available immediately with Nurse Practitioner care. Proper funding and integration is necessary for these hard working and dedicated professionals!

Betty Ann Thibodeau Parkland County, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and I would like to see a funding model that will allow us to work in the community outside of AHS.

Cheryl Craigie Red deer, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm a future NP!!

Michelle Shewchuk Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 It's about time!

,Miriam Fox Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 The value of nurse practisers is not being realized because of the current funding structure within AHS and the lack of structure outside AHS.

June Trevoy Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 Lack of suitable funding for Nurse Practitioners in the community has inappropriatly limited this cost effective service to Albertans. Name Location Date Comment

Cherinne Banister Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm signing this petition to support the hard working and talented NPs that I work alongside.

Lynette Wohlgemuth Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a NP who would like to be able to provide expert can to families independent of physicians and without having to charge families money for my services.

Debra Vermunt Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a Nurse Practitioner. We give excellent care to patients and support their families. We are small in numbers in Alberta, but strong in experience and leadership, providing an essential service, that is grossly unsupported by our province.

Judith Lasslop Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 Because the best care I have ever received is from a Nurse Practicioner

Raelene Marceau Peace River, Canada 2016-11-13 NPs need a sustainable funding model. Despite evidence which supports role cost effectiveness, improved access and quality patient care, Alberta NPs are underemployed and under-utilized christine oleary calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm a retired NP (24 years!) The role will never benefit as many people as it needs to until it can move beyond the limits imposed by the current funding model.

Jessica Wakeford Spruce Grove, Canada 2016-11-13 Nurse Practitioners provide comprehensive, holistic care to patients across the lifespan in all areas of the health care spectrum. With a funding model, Alberta's would have access to cost effective quality care!

Michael Lee Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 As an NP student I've seen NPs fill gaps in our health care system to benefit the patient and the communities they work for. The very least the government can do is provide opportunities of equality in an evolving healthcare system.

Marlee Parker Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 NP's are an essential part of care to all Albertans and deserve to have a funding model. They provide high quality care across the spectrum.

Michelle Williams Leduc, Canada 2016-11-13 Albertans deserve access to quality medical care, especially in the rural areas where physician services are limited.

Erica Kalke Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a NP and I see the need NP's can meet.

Jessica Kaiser Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-13 I am currently working towards my NP and strongly believe in the grade asset NPs can be to our health care system!

Tammy Surbey Sundre, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a NP in a small community with a lack of physicians which in turn causes a lack of accessibility to many Albertans. We need a proper funding model so NPs can improve accessability for albertans and provide quality healthcare for less money than physicians

Nelizer Tumampos Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 nelizer Tumampos

Alf Melmac Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 Viable healthcare options are the only way to sustainable healthcare fundung. Its our rights to have options. Its not the government's right to suppress our needs or desires of optional care.

Jude Spiers Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 NP Are an accessible, viable option in primary health care!

Kate Carmichael Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm signing because I'm a nurse and NP's are absolutely essential to medical teams. We have 2 on our unit and our unit could not function without them.

Anra Lee Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a Nurse Practitioner and would like to finally see some long awaited change for our profession. This would significantly improve patient access to quality health care.

Natalie Mercy Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 The cost savings to Alberta taxpayers with a NP model has not been realized. This is one area of health care where the USA vastly surpasses Canada. I've precepted NP students who do not even have job options!!! Name Location Date Comment

Bernice Reurink Coaldale, Canada 2016-11-13 I would like funding to work more hours as an NP to provide healthcare to my community

Marion Molesky Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 The true value of NP to the healthcare system is not realized because physicians and NP are paid out of different funding systems. NPs provide more consistent care to their clients at a reduced cost.

Tracey Orr Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm signing to support and help Nurse Practitioners be valued in our healthcare system.

Celeste Nicholson Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I believe Nurse Practitioner's add value to our system.

Oksana Dacko Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm a pharmacist and I support my nursing friends.

Jason Ings Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I am tired of the government ignoring NPs and not including them into the healthcare system

Tara Reber Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I have seen an excellent system in the states, , and Ontario. They utilize Nurse Practitioners to hold medic centres, and family clinics, so patients are seen in a timely manner. They help reduce wait times, but also time spent in hospitals because they follow up on primary prevention measures. They reduce ER times because they provide clinics where people can go for coughs and colds and be seen without taking up an emergency spot. They have the same skills as a resident, for a lesser price, and allow doctors to specialize in the hospitals and communities. They are the future, and Alberta needs to embrace this excellent resource if we are going to help improve our health care and reduce healthcare costs. With the increase of LPNs and the changing role of the RN, the NP is the next steps to making it all work. Please help NPs have a spot in the system.

Brenda Oselies Lacombe, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm signing because I think nurse practitioners are a beneficial team member in many aspect of the healthcare system. They are amazing resources of knowledge and skill to offload weight times for certain patients as inpatients and outpatients when doctors are not able to the see patients nurse practitioners are there to assist. They are very great resources in cardiology and ICU with my nursing experience and it would be 100 step in the wrong direction to get rid of nurse practitioners in Alberta. Our system has enough demand on the healthcare system already, let's not make it worse.

Amanda Moe Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I believe in quality health care

Teddie Tanguay Spruce Grove, Canada 2016-11-13 Nurse Practitioners provide quality, cost effective care to Albertans and we need a funding model/human resource strategy to implement this cost effective solution to the provision of health care in Alberta

Kari Leiper Cold Lake, Canada 2016-11-13 I went to a NP for years when there were no family doctors available and she was amazing.

Megan Arndt Pemberton, Canada 2016-11-13 I support my friends who are nurses

Jack Meyer Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I am signing because while my mom was in Seton south Calgary hospital we had a lot of Nurse Practioners who did exactly as trained and made mom comfortable.

Marsha MacDonald Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a nurse practitioner working in the geriatric field. I engage with many specialty areas that want an NP to support their service but have been unable to effectively get funding.

Teresa Ruston Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 Alberta needs to realize the right provider for the right patients- the NP role is a cost effective role perfectly suited to fill many gaps in health care. Physicians are costly and their roles should be used appropriately.

Lynda Antoniuk Sturgeon County AB, 2016-11-13 Need the expertise for more access. Especially in rural areas. Personal Canada interaction with a nurse practioner was terrific. Name Location Date Comment

Barbara Sambrooke Rocky Mountain House, 2016-11-13 I have a niece who has just become a Nurses Practitioner and living in rural Canada Alberta have a hard time obtaining an appointment at our local medical office. Sometimes I cannot wait 4 to 6 weeks for an appointment.

Hisham Sultan Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I believe in better quality health care and that entails sufficient time with patients and attention to detail as well as consideration of coping/planning for returning home.

Megan Gleddie Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 Timely and cost effective access is important for all. If given the choice I would choose an NP as my primary care provider if the option was available.

Lloyd Tapper Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 Nos are cost effective high quality comprehensive health care providers. Albertans want and need to be able to access their care.

Lana Kuzyk Fort Saskatchewan, 2016-11-13 I'm an RN who believes in the quality of care NPs can provide and believe they Canada can help fill a gap in our healthcare system.

Jodi Dewynter Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 Nurse practitioners are a valuable asset to health care in Alberta

Kristen Dykalski Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I am a NP and I believe there is so much more we can do for health care. Breakdown the barriers!

Rachel Mcconachy Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 I intend on continuing my education beyond a registered nurse to become a Nurse Practitioner, this petition is detrimental to our provinces ability to provide the best care to everyone.

Jennyleen Souza Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 We want a better health services.

Samantha Ledger Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I believe nurse practitioners greatly improve the quality of care provided within the health care systems.

Lloyd Tapper Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 98% of nurses are women. Could this be why they are having difficult getting their voices heard and obtaining a funding model?

Lloyd Tapper Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 98% of nurses are women. Could this be why they are having difficult getting their voices heard and obtaining a funding model?

Lora Zawada Airdrie, Canada 2016-11-13 We do not have a hospital in our community. NPs would improve our quality of care

Mary Zhang Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 This role is necessary to fill in the gaps within our healthcare system and ensure positive patient outcomes.

Jessica Graves Calgary, Canada 2016-11-13 Nurse Practitioners are highly valuable for this economy and for shifting patient care to the most appropriate health care professionals.

Tema Frank Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 Let's be more effective in how we use health care dollars

Larissa Zuk Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I'm signing because NPs will ultimately save the tax payers in healthcare costs. A Nurse Practitioners can treat non-complex patients and cost the healthcare system less. Nurse Practitioners are also valuable resources in the ever growing need for chronic disease management.

Tamas Hugyi Spruce Grove, Canada 2016-11-13 I agree

Sherry Pysyk Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-13 I agree with the information!!!

Steve Boudreau Sydney, Canada 2016-11-13 Nurses are over worked and under payed

Jim Taylor Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 I have seen first hand how NPs, working with MDs or independently, can improve the cost efficiency of the health care system.

Kevin Welwood Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-13 Because Nurse Practioners are a vital part of the healthcare system.

Meg McDonagh Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-13 I believe that Albertans should have the opportunity to choose to receive health care by a NP that is publically funded.

Marilyn Howlett Berwick, Canada 2016-11-13 NP'S have lots to contribute and can Iimprove the health of people living in Alberta. I put the first NP in LTC in Alberta and it made a big difference Name Location Date Comment

Glenn Lounsbury Peace River, Canada 2016-11-14 NP's can help reduce wait times and costs to tax payers.

Colleen Van Damme Wainfleet, Canada 2016-11-14 NPs need to have more options and need to be recognized and paid as their positions are very important. They need to have more of a say and have a union.

Gregg Trueman Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 Changes in population characteristics challenge the suitability of traditional care systems, dominated by medicine and the prescription pad. NPs can lead in both medical and healthcare environments at a cost the community can afford

Faisal Kassam Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 NPs are an efficient and cost-effective option to bring primary health care to those who need it the most and/or have the least access to it including marginalized groups, those with chronic conditions and rural Albertans. Alberta is the only province that has more NPs in acute care than primary care simply because there is no funding model.

Marcia Ergezinger Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 The government needs to improve our healthcare by providing sustainable funding for NP and save healthcare dollars and improve care.

Marcus Ergezinger Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 NP's save lives and money!

Kurtis Arsenault Fort Saskatchewan, 2016-11-14 I believe this is important Canada

Amanda Burger Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 The province will greatly benefit from better funding and greater access to the care of nurse practitioners from a financial standpoint and by improving the quality of life of Albertans through quicker, easier access the the medical care they need.

Dan Fedechko Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 I support this

Patricia Peckham Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-14 I work closely with Nurse Practitioners who demonstrate expert knowledge for their chosen field. In an emergency, I am always thankful that a Nurse Practitioner is managing the situation.

Heather Leslie Leduc County, Canada 2016-11-14 We need this

Clare Howland-Langill Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 My children and I deserve access to high quality care!!

Joanna Everson Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-14 I am an acute care NP who has started a valuable out patient clinic. I have won awards for my mentorship and patient care. I WILL lose my job this year for no other reason than a lack of designated funding. I am coded as management out of scope! Cuts that affect that designation WILL affect front line providers until the funding for NP's changes!

Virginia Wheeler Airdrie, Canada 2016-11-14 They are professionals that provide great service, but current funding structure does not work. cynthia Timinski Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 I am a nurse practitioner and believe my services have value and I should be remunerated for the medical care i provide an an nurse practitioner working in private practice,

Mark Poechman Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 NP's are the only viable solution for fixing the financial troubles associated with health care in Alberta.

Valerie Fonseca Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse practioners fill a void in the health-care system and are an asset especially for persons who are not mobile.

Marcia McLeod Leduc, Canada 2016-11-14 The NP need our help

Delaine Urquhart Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse practitioners are cost effective and understand bed side nursing and patient care more than anyone!

Jessica Halpern Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe Nurse Practitioners are part of the solution providing comprehensive, person-centered, high quality and cost-effective healthcare in Alberta. Name Location Date Comment

Penny Levy Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse practitioners are invaluable. It's time for the Government of Alberta to step up and provide essential funding to develop funding models that would increase access to healthcare for all Albertans, create innovative team-based care, and diversify our province's health workforce, which would ensure a balanced approach to healthcare delivery and governance.

Sandi Schaefer Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 I am a nurse practitioner who wants to see my profession succeed and flourish.

Nicole Doblanko Spruce Grove, Canada 2016-11-14 NP's can make a difference

Valerie Rioux Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 Because it makes sense and it isabout time thing change, our health care system if falling apart and we need NPs! They acually do a much better assessment and personal approch than physicians.

Roberta Salter Cold Lake, Canada 2016-11-14 Access to healthcare is limited in rural areas and NP's could provide the added services.

Cindy Dziwenko- Cox Fort Saskatchewan, 2016-11-14 It's about time we use our NP's !!! Just do it! Canada

Nurin Dhanji Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse practitioners are the solution to strengthening Alberta's health care system. I am a firm believer in preventative care, access to care, and management of disease. Lets keep Albertan's healthy by giving them the opportunity to be cared for by NPs!

Lisa Tkachuk Onoway, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe in nps

Anna Barkman Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe there is a very important role for NPs in AB's health care system. More NPs could improve health outcomes and it could reduce the overall cost of delivering care. I would like to see changes to the health care funding models so that this could be better appreciated.

Janelle Ostby Spruce Grove, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse practitioners are a vital resource to our health care system

Lorraine Way Ponoka, Canada 2016-11-14 NP are well educated and prepared to provide comprehensive care as part of a health team. We are not using this resource in Alberta. The current funding model for funding health care is a major barrier.

Lisette Lockyer Canmore, Canada 2016-11-14 Albertan's need access to quality care. NPs provide cost effective care with great patient satisfaction. More then ever in Alberta we need to have a good look at how we are spending our health care dollars. NP care is needed in many areas of our health care system. I am signing this because as a NP I want to be able to provide the care that is needed and at present I am unable to do so because there is no funding available for me to do so.

HEATHERINGTON Consort, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse Practitioners are a vital part of our Health Care system. CAROLE Heatherington

Tammy Killeen Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I work with Nurse Practitioners and they complete the healthcare system and are NEEDED

Natalie Huck Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I fully believe this individial would make a exceptional practioner

Bev Moore Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe this is one way to lower the cost of health care in this province. Physicians appear to have a monopoly on health care treatment and this is wrong.

MaryAnn Wiebe Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 NPS àre proven to be effective primary health care providers and, therefore, should be funded to provide primary health care to Albertans. They are a cost effective alternative to physician care and in this time of fiscal constraint the government must consider alternative approaches to publicly funded health care. NPs are the solution. They provide effective primary health care at a fraction of the cost of physicians.

Jane Graff Stony Plain, Canada 2016-11-14 I support the role NPs bring to the Health Care Team. Name Location Date Comment

Shawn Kosowan Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe in the idea

Kirsten Deemer Windsor, Canada 2016-11-14 NPs need sustainable funding models. NPs are cost effective to health care systems and their jobs should not be threatened, rather they should be the solution to budget constraints and become a common collaborative with MDs and the rest of the health care team.

Christine Huget Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 My sister is a np

Jacquie DuVal Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 My sister is a nurse practitioner

Madeline Jones Mills Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse Practioners are very safe and very economical.

Moncia Johnson Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-14 I work in LTC and work with a NP and can see the value they bring to our care setting

Ben Trahan Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse practitioner save time and money to the health care system

Treena Rogers Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse Practitioners are essential for our health care system in so many ways. They keep the quality of care at a high standard and help doctors tremendously.

Paul Jeannotte Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 Np's deserve better pay and more flexibility to do their work.

Liza Pye Canmore, Canada 2016-11-14 NPs will give easier access to health care for Albertans!

John Tatton Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 NPs are a cost effective, capable & compassionate resource currently undervalued in our medical system.

Kelli Gariepy Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 I currently work in primary and urgent care with NPs. They are a wonderful and much needed team member. Our patients love them.

Belynda White Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe that we need to utilize our NP way more than we are currently doing.

Cheryl Meyer Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 We need more of these highly educated people in our health care system

Laurene Storr Hinton AN, Canada 2016-11-14 I feel rural communities could benefit greatly from the o fluency if a greater number ofNPs

Ashley Dalrymple Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 We need to better support our healthcare workers by having more Nurse Practitioners employed and available.

Marcia Tyerman Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse Practitioners have a specialized role in providing a team approach to health care for Albertans. They are cost-effective and provide educated high quality care as part of the health team.

Denise G. Root Peace River, Canada 2016-11-14 As an Albertan access to timely health care is essential. The government is responsible for a independent funding model to support NPs across our health system. Sustainable funding is a barrier at this time and should be addressed. I am fortunate to have a NP practicing in my community and know first hand how great an asset she is. Now is the time to act. Thank you.

Becky Friesen Okotoks, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe we could truly benefit our health care system with the promotion of nurse practitioners


Lori Browne Grande Prairie, Canada 2016-11-14 The same level of respect needs to be shown to NPs as Doctors. Especially as NPs are highly advanced /experienced RNs. They are an essential service.

Lorian Taylor , Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse Practitioners would be a valuable asset in Alberta and help to decrease health care costs.

Noreen Antonishyn Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 NP's need sustainable funding in Alberta to develop and secure more NP positions within the province.

Denise Clark Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I'm signing because I am a nurse practitioner and I care about Alberta Healthcare. Name Location Date Comment

Dawn Gammon Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 NPs are essential for ageing in place. As the Alberta/Canadian population ages, we need to offer comprehensive health care options including end of life care that enables people to maintain independence in their own homes. Dying in an emergency department or a hospital does not offer the type of dignity that I want for myself, my family, or my clients. Nurse Practitioners are essential for assisting clients with advance care planning and maintaining independence in their own homes.

Stephen Ward Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 Specified funding for NP's will meet patients where they're at and shorten delays to see a doctor.

Karena Apps Eccles Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-14 NP's are a more cost effective way to deliver care than doctors.

Stacey Jorgensen Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 NP intergration into primary care is imperative for cost effective , high quality care for all Alberta!

Debbie Strand Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe that Nurse Practitioners would help the wait times for proper health care. They would also take the strain off the doctors freeing time up for the cases the demand their expertize.

Christine Jorritsma Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 I have used Nurse Practitioners in the past thank God, she saved my leg I had knee replacement and she was the only one that noticed I had Cellulitis no doctors or other nurses saw my infection. That sure tells you something. They do the best care especially one to one. Very happy with great service had with the Nurse Practitioners. I would in a heart beat use them again

Denise Clark Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 Nurse Practitioners work collaboratively with members of the healthcare team AND their clients. Collectively, we strive to provide expert, holistic, and cost- effective care to ALL Albertans. We do not simply treat disease and illness. Nurse Practioners OPTIMIZE WELLNESS. Our common goal is to partner with our patients on their wellness journey; to share our superb navigational skills while simultaneously saving health care dollars and advocating for EVERY individual. And doing THIS is extremely important. Why? To ensure the future sustainability of our Canadian healthcare system. Please, help us make a difference, sign this petition. Together, we CAN make a difference!

Carol Jeannotte Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-14 NP's are a very important piece of Healthcare in Alberta. As our population ages they will be in demand.

Cindy Linton Fort Saskatchewan, 2016-11-14 I work in healthcare and would like to see more NPs in the hospital and Canada community for quicker patient care and continuing if care.

Karen Parker Calgary, Canada 2016-11-14 I believe Nurse Practitioners offer exceptional quality cost effective health care and are an added value to any interdisciplinary or independent health care setting.

Jim Rankin Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 NPs can really make a difference. The video is very informative and demonstrates how NPs can contribute to the healthcare system by providing timely primary care. Please do not forget about the contributions that NPs who work in acute care and specialty clinics can make too. We need sustainable and predictable funding models.

Leisha Naphin Calgary, AB, Canada 2016-11-15 I am a Nurse Practitioner who believes that this petition captures one of the most pressing issues for NP practice and access to care in Alberta paula Dobbin Mount Pearl, Canada 2016-11-15 Everyone deserve proper health care

Elizabeth Wylie Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 Patients love the care they get from NPs. We are really good at what we do. It is an anomaly that there is no funding model here compared to other jurisdictions who have very successful integration into health care systems. Those of us newly graduated can hardly find work which is such a shame. We all took the extra training because of what we wanted to give back to patients. It would be great if we could do that work. Name Location Date Comment marc trahan Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 this is just what the healthcare system needs to cut wait times and give qualified care

Karen Andres Okotoks, Canada 2016-11-15 It is interesting with a female premier, a female health minister, and initiatives within government at Gender Based Analysis being mandatory why the obvious physician patriarchal influence within health care is allowed to continue. The words of "evidenced-based" health care are spoken and not endorsed with over 45+ years of research in Canada and USA noting the benefit of NPs in health care, yet the Gov't of AB listens to physicians claims/words instead of reading and following the research/evidence. I think asking patients who are fortunate enough to be cared for by NPs to speak up will be crucial to moving the NP agenda forward. As well, getting our RN colleagues of which there are over 35,000 in Alberta to support and speak up could potentially assist. The reality is the federal minister is looking for ways of providing more effective, efficient healthcare as part of the health transfer and NPs should be part of the plan in ALL provinces.

Cherie McRae Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 I support nurse practitioners!

Wes Heatherington Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 A great nurse practitioner who also happens to be my sister is looking for support in being able to provide aid to numerous patients seeking health care.

Sandra Kehler Dugald, Canada 2016-11-15 I support Alberta NPs!

Rochelle Young Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 I am an NP who has an independent practice but feels professionally marginalized under the current fee structure.

Beverley Baltimore Stettler, Canada 2016-11-15 I'm signing because we can use NP's to help our health care system'

Meghan Benn Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 Healthcare is very important in everyday for many. WIth more positions created for more nurses people will be able to receive the care that is needed. heather gillard edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 Heather Gillarf

Nellie Smith Viking, Canada 2016-11-15 NPs provide a vital role, and should be available to those with chronic health conditions in the primary care setting.

Gwen Regehr Sundre Ab, Canada 2016-11-15 I want to support Nurse Practitioners Because it would open up more less urgent care spots with Dr's

Jennifer Schroeder Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 NPs are a cost effective solution for the horrendous physician shortage in Alberta. They are an underutilized profession that could do great things if given the opportunity.

Troy Carmichael Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 Nurse Practitioners can make a difference. We need to support any change that can optimize our access to healthcare!!

Tamara Dorfman Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 Without NPs the healthcare system would fall apart. Suppport quality care.

Paula Whynot Cold Lake, Canada 2016-11-15 I work with some awesome NPs.

Dawn Ansell Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-15 I faced a significant health challenge over the last year. The NP's at the U of A and the Cross Cancer Institute provided me with collaborative and comprehensive care that was focused on the best for me. We need these highly skilled professionals on all of our health care teams. jordan rutt calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 I work with amazing nurse practitioners. there profession is extremely important to health care servives Name Location Date Comment

Bonny Graham Wetaskiwin, Canada 2016-11-15 NP's are an investment to providing services to underserved populations...rural, remote, and long term care settings. Organizations must use operational dollars to hire NP's...taking away from program funding. Having a pay structure similar to physicians would be more cost effective for communities and would help overworked physicians take care of clients including the underserved. NP's provide comprehensive, effective health services. We need to keep them here in our province to help with the overburdened and poorly serviced clients.

Joasa Yeung Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 joasa

GAIL HARDOCK Cocharne, AB, Canada 2016-11-15 We need to utilize the resouce of Nurse Practitioners to help relieve the burden on the health care system.

Sandra Shaw Carstairs, Canada 2016-11-15 I firmly believe that NP's should be a major part of our health care team and should be funded accordingly. They are very well trained and this training should be recognized, appreciated and supported by our government.

Jacinta Cooke Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 Jacinta Cooke

Haley Bent Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 I want to see an improvement in primary care provision in . I think the increased use of NPs would be helpful in regards to our fiscal use of resources and client access.

Kyla Murray Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 I believe NP's are part of the solution

Angela Shewchuk Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 There needs to be a funding program in place for NPs. Currently they are seen as a luxury and not cost savings in the hospitals as they don't decreae bedside positions. In the community there is no way for them to be paid unless there is a physician shadow billing for the patients who are seen.

Laura Bird Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 I work with NP's. They are a highly skilled and very knowledgeable profession. I think we would benefit by having access to them more available to the public.

Sarah Hutchings Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 I am almost a Nurse Practitioner and I want to see change so we as NP can work to full scope, be compensated accordingly, and provide high quality care to the public.

Heather Deans Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 I believe in the value of nurse practitioners

Vivien Overall Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 I believe that there should be more NPs and that there should be a program for Psychiatric NPs in this province as care for the mentally ill depends on insufficient Psychiatrists who do not prvide timely care and who are not part of community treatment teams and who do not work on prevention and education. GPs are ill equipped to manage these patients.

Alanna ash calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 np's are an asset and we need more!

Tambrey Sanregret Cohcrane, Canada 2016-11-15 People ask me all the time where they can receive health care by a NP and I have to tell them that it usually is not possible.

Christine Bullen Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 Without my NP I would have had many more trips to my GP for just questions...... tying up care for those that needed it more.

Tim Galvon Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 These healthcare providers can do much to alleviate problems with access to day-to-day health concerns.

Cheryl MacIntosh Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 Nurse Practitioners are amazing and deserve to be an integral part of the health care system ! brian kim calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 First Nation community needs NP's help all the time!!!

Eugene Landsbergen Sundre, Canada 2016-11-15 I believe that Primary Care will make our health care system affordable and improved: Nurse Practitioners will be a step towards a better quality and more affordable care, closer to home. Name Location Date Comment

Denise Van Weelden Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 I know first hand the exceptional, professional and thorough care that NPs provide, at an affordable price. Care for Albertans, care for the budget.

Roger Scott Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-15 It is time to end the monopoly in primary care.

Jacqueline Mann Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 It is 2016, get with the program. NPs are more than capable of looking after medication renewals and non life threatening issues.

Kathryn Crooks Medicine Hat, Canada 2016-11-15 I want quality health care provided by someone who has the time and desire to listen to my concerns. Not a business person who is worried about the overhead and needs to push a patient through every 6 minutes.

Karen Harrison Black Diamond, Canada 2016-11-15 I personally know a couple of NP's and know how hard they worked to achieve their goals and how much they care about their patients.

Susanne Pereira Calgary, Canada 2016-11-15 Susanne pereira

Karen Kalke-Furgala Okotoks, Canada 2016-11-15 My health practioner was a NP and funding ran out so she had to close her practice. She was an incredible practitioner. Can't find a better doctor to replace her martin klis Sundre, Canada 2016-11-15 People in need deserve proper care, no conditions, and no butt's

Andrea Walker Regina, Canada 2016-11-16 We need to change funding models to support increased integration of NPs into health care.

Avril Beckon Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-16 Nurse practitioners are cometent service providers that can reduce the shortage of medical providers in a cost effective way.

Cheryl Semrau Edmonton, Alberta, 2016-11-16 My Dad had Parkinsons and would have benefited greatly with more home Canada care.

Nora Copithorn Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 I believe this is a solution to relieving the stress on doctors in all areas.

Christipher Macintyre Fort Saskatchewan, 2016-11-16 I live with an NP Canada

Elizabeth McAfee Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-16 I really believe nurse practitioners can help make the health care system work more effectively.

Jackie Jenkins Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 I work with NPs and they are awesome! vincent p goodman Bruderheim, Canada 2016-11-16 we need more nurses

Glenna Jenkins Lunenburg, Canada 2016-11-16 My healthcare provider is an NP and she is terrific. My husband is a family doc and he respects her so much. If we had more NPs in Canada, healthcare costs would be lower and more people would have ready access to primary care.

Blain Fuller Wetaskiwin, Canada 2016-11-16 More options promote better health care

Sharon Knopp Stony Plain, Canada 2016-11-16 I'm signing because there are many reasons to utilize a NP services as opposed to a GP when the health care system of GP's is so back logged and wait lists are long and many practices are closed. It's more cost effective in many cases too.

Betty Maloney Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 I'm signing because I have a mother who can't get out of the house easily to go see the doctor and having a nurse practitioner come to her house has been a god sent.

Karen Campbell Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 Health care funding models need to change to meet the demands of patients/citizens.

Miranda Shannon Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 All Albertans deserve timely and equal access to quality health care. NPs are a valuable resource for Alberta and deserve our support.

Brenda Beath Duncan, Canada 2016-11-16 It's time to look at other ways to improve health care in Canada.

Peter Beaulieu Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 I agree we need more NP in Alberta. Name Location Date Comment

Kim Menzies Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 I am an NP and am a very valuable member of our health care team. Since I have started working, my job has been at risk of being cut (all because of financial reasons given we are management/out of scope) and it is completely backwards, because I get paid less to do the same/if not better job than a physician that covers my shifts. I bring more to the table for nursing education and support.

Denise Ladouceur Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 Fully support the need that NPs fill for comprehensive patient care at affordable rates. They need their own funding model.

Shannan Frey Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-16 This would be a cost effective alternative to meet the demands of our healthcare system.

Keith Miller Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-16 Nurse practitioners have a vital role in health care systems around the globe. It is time Alberta recognizes nurse prationoners for the incredible asset they are.

Janice Giles High River, Canada 2016-11-16 Nurse Practitioner provide cost effective care for clients. They need a funding model so they can work independently in primary care any where in the province.

Margie Yellowega Airdrie, Canada 2016-11-16 I think NPs are very valuable and under utilized at present

Renee Ruse Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 NP's could solve a big part of our health care crisis. I see an NP as my family practitioner and she is amazing. I feel that if the NP role were mostly men it would have been done a long time ago.

Julie Franz Big Valley, Canada 2016-11-16 High quality care for many! Nurse practitioners are a strong and qualified group that are essential to our health care system!

Nalin Fernando Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-16 NPs can increase access to needed medical services and services provided are most cost effective for Albertans. There are rare situations where optimal care and savings to the healthcare system align and this is one of them. I hope the government of Alberta will be a model for other provinces by developing a sustainable funding model for NPs.

Bob Golding Calgary, Canada 2016-11-16 The system is broke. GPs need time freed up to deal with significant health issues, much of their time goes to prescription renewal, requisitioning tests, referrals to other healthcare professionals such as specialists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, etc. Tasks that an NP could do.

Elish Andrews Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-17 All Albertans independent of location and socioeconomic status deserve the right to access care. Nurse Practitioners are pivotal in releiving the pressures of patient demands in the community and the acute care setting. NPs are integral to multi-disciplinary teams and have the training, knowledge and ability to care for their own case load. NPs are essential to Alberta's Healthy Future.

Donna Marcy-Edwards Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 I believe in the value of nurse practitioners to our health care system and the need to remunerate them appropriately!

MaryAnn Schneider Daysland, Canada 2016-11-17 I see it as a big need in the medical field. Especially in rural places. NP are very well educated and trained. They need to be utilized to their full captivity

Jaime Caswell Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 Nurse Practioners in Alberta deserve sustainable funding to continue providing high-quality care. They are an integral part of our health care system and deserve increased support from the Government of Alberta.

Hilda Royer Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-17 We need more NP's to help the Dr's/

Roy Yee Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-17 As an ER nurse with limited space and higher acuity of patients, Nurse Practioners offer a high level of care. It is efficient and cost effective within the high cost and unsustainable healthcare spending.

Kevin Cummings Slave Lake, Canada 2016-11-17 It's the right thing to do! Name Location Date Comment

William Callaway Cochane, Canada 2016-11-17 NP are under utilized, could be more cost effective that Doctors and could provide a very useful role in our healthcare.

Renee Paul Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-17 I am a NP I haven't had a raise in about five years and today I heard today that we Will be losing one of our holiday days per year Another cut back to a already overworked, underpaid and undervalued NP

PETERSON SHARON County of Grande Prairie, 2016-11-17 Nurse practitioners can improve our health care system and make it more Canada affordable.

Jorgia Robinson Siksika, Canada 2016-11-17 We need a different approach to health care system.

Amanda Peterson Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-17 I recognize the value of a Nurse Practitioner.

Niki Bone Kamloops, Canada 2016-11-17 NP's are worth having! With healthcare the way it is, why not make it more accessible and with our doctor shortage they can provide perfectly where the gap is that the doctors are not! anthony wttewaall Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 I want to support Tambrey Sanregret.

Grace Stewart Stettler, Canada 2016-11-17 Grace Steeart

Pat Tempro Sundre, Canada 2016-11-17 I believe Nurse Practitioners are the answer to ensuring everyone has access to Health Care. They are well trained and competent so why not allow them to serve the community as physicians do? They have an important role to play in the medical field.

Faiza Ahmed Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 I want access to high quality healthcare

Sylvia Smith Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-17 I believe patients deserve timely access to health care which nurse practitioners can and would provide. Let's get this going!!

Jenise Bidulock Devon, Canada 2016-11-17 Nurse Practioners are the answer to the stranglehold that Doctors have on the funding model skyrocketing costs and the long wait times.

Candace Szabadi Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-17 I work with NPs at my work and they are essential to our pediatric intensive care unit team and other areas of medicine.

Quinn Boulet Okotoks, Canada 2016-11-17 NPs are able to provide comprehensive, biopsychosocial care to their clients, with a focus on education and individual needs.

Tara Spenrath Canmore, Canada 2016-11-17 As an MS patient, NPs could deal with many of my relapses and deal with most of my symptoms. Quickly and accurately as most treatments are pretty standard. This would free up neurologists to deal with unexpected and unusual problems more quickly and even free up research time for them. Long term, this could help fast track potential cures. (I know - pie in the sky, but you never know!)

Robert Raposo Wood Buffalo, Canada 2016-11-17 This is important!

Candace Lind Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 NPs are cost-effective, safe, competent, licenced, quality, comprehensive healthcare providers; a key component of primary health care for populations. Why is this critical healthcare resource not funded and underutilized? Name Location Date Comment

Claire Mills Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 I believe Nurse Practitioners are underutilized in Alberta. I have been in health Care and nursing education for over forty (40) years and even as a young nursing student I understood that Nurse Practitioners were intended to be a 'solution to ensuring citizens received the right care by the right care provider'. Fast forward forty years to the present and unfortunately there have been too many barriers to Nurse Practtioners participating in fulling actualizing this policy goa. The government has to step up and remove these legislated and 'billing' barriers to allow Nurse Practictioners to practice at full scope of practice. The citizens of Alberta will benefit from these actions and from this level of Care Provider in our system. Claire

Jeffrey Zidichouski Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 For a better and a more inclusive Professional Health System that enables all trained and accredited Health Professionals to deliver services that they are trained and approved to provide to patients.

Cheryl Deckert Nanoose Bay, Canada 2016-11-17 I feel that NP are highly qualified and can improve primary health care while reducing overall healthcare costs.

Karen Hough Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-17 I know nurse practitioners are needed in health care. They take a great burden off our physicians. Physicians can rely on them. Physicians have to learn to turn over some control they have in the clinical situation which would see less wait times for family doctors offices being so backed up. NP'S can write prescriptions except narcotics. They can do everything a doctor can do because of the medical training they have had. They would take a great pay burden off health care by not having to pay huge Dr. ' s fees for the same services. But they still need to be paid g heir worth! They have had much training. Much of it under physicians. Keep this in mind. Convince doctors to give up some control in their practices. Hire more NP'S. They are worth their weight in gold. I worked with many in the Cancer field before retirement. The doctors there appreciate their work and they are treated as a team member and are truly respected. Alberta needs them!

Hamid Arzanipour Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-17 I am signing this in support of all nurse practitioners are most needed as we need their expertise to save lives! muna ali high level, Canada 2016-11-17 Im signing up because NPs are needed in canada

Shahirose Premji Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 Former Nurse Practitioner - value the role, aware of the contribution we can make in providing quality care, and transforming the way we offer care to ensure quality, effectiveness, efficiency and cost savings.

Jennifer Taylor Calgary, Canada 2016-11-17 I work with NP's and they are highly skilled, competent, caring and kind.

Michelle Jones Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-18 I'm a nurse training to be a nurse practitioner. I want to see funding for NPs in their full scope of practice.

Anne Sicard Millet, Canada 2016-11-18 I am getting up in age, and will be needing help in dying right

Shelley McDonald Calgary, Canada 2016-11-18 Shelley I believe NP's are an asset to our health care system.

Barb McKee Red Deer, Canada 2016-11-18 I've believe that we could better use Nurse Practitioners in Alberta. They are a missing link from the delivery of health services in Alberta. I want my government to find a funding structure that supports the use of these professionals in the continuum of health service delivery.

Donna Meier Stony Plain, Canada 2016-11-18 I work in health care and know how fabulous NPs are - they get a tremendous amount done and help shorten hospital stays at my site

Brenda Raboud Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-18 I believe that more NP's will mean quicker access to health care for all Albertans. Name Location Date Comment

Veronika Kierzek Cochrane,AB, Canada 2016-11-18 I'm signing this petition because NP's are a highly trained and cost effective way of providing quality health care.

Ami Deku Calgary, Canada 2016-11-18 I am signing because un great society is the one that takes care of its population to be healthy first of all priorities.

Cindy Schumlick Cochrane, Canada 2016-11-18 I am an RN in Alberta and I am completing my masters, but due to poor regulations I have withheld from completing my NP. I am a strong believer in the service that they ca provide to all Albertans, but it is very discouraging to take more school to maybe or maybe not get a job that pays less than a full time RN with my seniority.

Jill Hynes Blackfalds Alberta, 2016-11-18 I'm signing because I think Nurse practitioners are an asset to our communities Canada in helping contribute to a more functional healthcare for everyone

Nichola Hudson St. Albert, Canada 2016-11-18 Having worked with many nurse practitioners in my nursing career I've seen what an asset they are to the healthcare system and patient care

Barbara Wysocki Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-18 Improve access to health care, lower costs, and expand nursing profession. donna paradowski edmonton, Canada 2016-11-18 To enable NP"S to work to their full scope of practice and enhance access to primary care

Navin Sookram Toronto, Canada 2016-11-18 Access to good and timely care is often challenging but it can ALWAYS be improved. This would be a big step in the right direction

Matt Sibbald Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-18 It makes complete sense.

Eleanor Miclette Manning, Canada 2016-11-18 I'm signing this because I have seen first hand what happens to a community when Nurse Practitioners are not able to operate. When there were no doctors and EMT's did intake, which meant sending people to the closes town 1 hour away. A nurse practitioner would have been able to help, and prevent people from having to travel long distances. Secondly they could help alleviate the high pressure on rural doctors when the demand gets to high.

Donald Kenyon DEVON, Canada 2016-11-18 These highly trained practitioners have a great deal to offer within a system that has far to long wait lists for needed procedures and could save valuable health care dollars by coordinating with physicians to work with patients who could be seen and worked through with on many of their health issues that do not require those of a physician, freeing up physician time for the health issues that truly need the next level of consultation and care. janet B Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-19 NPs are highly trained and extremely knowledgeable. We need many more.

Karen Calver Fort Saskatchewan, 2016-11-19 I believe NP's are important and necessary to improve health care in AB. Canada

Anna Abells Kitimat, Canada 2016-11-19 I am an RN and can see the benefit or NPs.

Christine Gibson Calgary, Canada 2016-11-19 I believe that NP can add greatly to a primary care team!

Brian Smith Calgary, Canada 2016-11-19 NP's provide an economical means of providing exceptional care as part of a multidisciplinary team at a much lower cost than doctors for many procedures. It's basic financial management; just as you wouldn't use a architect to do drafting work neither should you use a highly paid physician to provide services that can be done just as well by a lower cost health professional. And often the care is better since they can provide more time with each patient since they don't have the financial pressure to see as many people as possible.

Judy Skanderup Tilley, Canada 2016-11-19 I am a registered Nurse Practitioner working in a family practice clinic temporarily as funding is an ongoing issue. I feel we need to get past this long- standing and antiquated barrier which prevents qualified health care providers (NPs) from contributing effectively in the current health care system which is struggling to meet budget restraints. Name Location Date Comment

Natallia Shynkarova Calgary, Canada 2016-11-20 NPs have time to listen to their patients. ceilidh summach edmonton, Canada 2016-11-20 My mother is a nurse practitioner and I can feel her frustration every day when it comes to her job. All she wants to be able to do is preform her profession the way she should be able to. Right now she feels useless and she shouldn't feel that way when she's trying to help people.

Duncan Kenyon Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-20 I'm signing because I believe that NPs can dramatically improve the health care Albertans receive

Michael Wilson Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-20 I work with a number of NPs and have found them to provide quality healthcare within their scopes of paractice.

Crystal Howell Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-20 I am a graduating NP, and unfortunately, there is no funding or funding model available to my future role in any of primary care networks in Beaumont or North Edmonton. We are such a practical, economical, and sustainable solution to increasing access to primary care providers to client's all over Alberta.

Shannon Robertson Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-20 NPs should be practicing to the full limit of their scope of practise. They represent cost effective flexible care of a kind our system desperately needs. We have already subsidized their training, so now we should let them work!

Karen Cline Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-21 Karen Cline

Valerie Sasso Calgary, Canada 2016-11-21 I support collaborative NP-MD collaborative practice

Judy Millar Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-21 I am signing this because of the expert help given to me by a Nurse Practioner in private practice. The government should be paying for the services like they pay Doctors as the Nurse Practitioner are performing the same duties.

Kim Ruether Faieview, Canada 2016-11-21 It's past time to get moving on this issue!!!!

Debbie Bloom Calgary, Canada 2016-11-21 I believe in healthcare options.

Mark Obstfeld Grande Prairie, Canada 2016-11-21 Because I feel NP have a valuable part TCP play in our health care system. They really should have their own funding model.

Elizabeth's Stacey Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-21 I believe that Nurse Practitioners are the solution to our health care system, especially in times of aging population and financial difficulties

Carol Tang Calgary, Canada 2016-11-21 I believe this is the way to better our health care

Roberta Connauton Brooks, Canada 2016-11-21 These nurses could fill some of the gaps in our medical system.

Tanya Kurich Calgary, Canada 2016-11-21 Healthcare should be affordable and accessible to all. As nurse practitioners, we are able to deliver quality care to many Albertans at a fraction of the cost. In this over-spent, reactive Healthcare system, nurse practitioners must be considered as part of the solution.

Stuart Root Peace River, Canada 2016-11-21 I believe that Nurse Practitioners provide a unique, established, efficient and worthwhile standard of care that is needed when describing medical CARE in Alberta! We really need them as a part of the health care system! gloria hallett Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-11-21 We need caring competent, affordable care providers to care for the increasing number of "unhealthy" people in Alberta. The NP are better at pt teaching, prevention strategies and are able to communicate on a level the patients actually understand.

Cheryl Grindle Calgary., Canada 2016-11-21 Everyone deserves prompt medical attention

Marna Woollard Rocky Mountain House, 2016-11-21 We have a nurse practitioner in our area and she is amazing. It is too hard to Canada get in to see a regular Doctor.

Lincoln Taylor St. Albert, Canada 2016-11-21 I believe that all Albertans should be able to access an NP if they choose this provider as their primary care provider. It's time for the government to stop talking about NP utilization & DO something about it! Name Location Date Comment

Terri Woytkiw Onoway, Canada 2016-11-22 Nurse practitioners are well positioned to provide holistic care to Albertans in a variety of care settings, and should be a choice for those seeking care.

Shannon Hutchins Calgary, Canada 2016-11-22 I am a nurse practitioner!

Jenn Woods St. Albert, Canada 2016-11-22 The NP role is critical to provide primary care and reduced wait times for our public!

Cheryl Balay Athabasca, Canada 2016-11-22 I am signing this because health care is one of the highest priorities for me and Albertans. Nurse Practitioners can be a valuable asset to patients who need certain levels of medical attention and care. This is especially important in rural and isolated communities. Thank you for considering this request. catherine kathuri calgary, Canada 2016-11-22 The petition is valid

Kyle O'Reilly Calgary, Canada 2016-11-23 Alberta needs NPs

Ethan Schlote Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-24 I don't appreciate waiting in lines for sometimes hours at a time and I don't appreciate my wasted time being politicized when there are people who are capable and willing to remedy the issue. sara graham Edmonton, Canada 2016-11-24 NP ARE AWESOME AND THEY DESERVE TO BE COMPENSATED AS SUCH

Catherine Burt Calgary, Canada 2016-11-25 I am a future NP

Yunchao Cao Richmond, Canada 2016-11-25 I am newly graduated nurse, and I am ware of the need for nurse practitioners to play an important role in primary care.

Nurse Practitioner Canada 2016-11-25 Research over several decades has supported broad integration of Nurse Association of Alberta - Practitioners as an essential and cost effective healthcare solution. To see just a few, go to:

Anita Thomas Red Deer, Canada 2016-11-25 I would prefer to see an NP myself for primary care but can not because NPs are not allowed to set up an independent practice. As well, NPs should be providing primary care in all long term care settings as seniors would receive better and more appropriate chronic disease management. paul fuller WETASKIWIN, Canada 2016-11-25 My sister is a Nurse Practitioner, I Know how hard her and the rest of our health care providers work. They take care of us, we should take care of them.

Sarah Stephens Calgary, Canada 2016-11-25 To support the health and wellness of Albertans. We need to focus on Primary Care!!

Gary Yewell Calgary, Canada 2016-11-26 Good idea

Klaas Vanden Beld , Canada 2016-11-26 let's work smarter, not harder.

Rosaline Mei Ning Brooks, Canada 2016-11-26 I am a strong advocate for the care provided by Nurse Practitioners.

Cheryl Berggren Worsley, Canada 2016-11-28 I'm signing because our community has had nurse for as long as I can remember and now we are with out . Our community needs these nurses here

Catherine Puhl Calgary, Canada 2016-11-28 I am a practicing NP in Alberta. I originally was an NP in Ontario. There is a significant divide between NP practice from province to province. Alberta is lagging behind compared to Ontario with NP working as an independent practitioner. It is a failure on the Alberta government not to utilize NP's to work to full scope to provide comprehensive, high quality, cost-effective medical care to Albertans.

Paige Doering-Giffen Calgary, Canada 2016-11-28 Alberta deserves the right to be able to have more NP's.

Ellen Lupick Fairview, Canada 2016-11-29 makes more sense to have help close-seniors don't like to have to travel away and it becomes more difficult for them and they don't get the attention they need

Dana Tigner Calgary, Canada 2016-11-30 I am in school to become an NP. Name Location Date Comment

Barb Szulczewski Calgary, Canada 2016-11-30 I strongly support the role of Nurse Practitioner in the community as well as in hospital.

Angela Steele Reserve Mines, Canada 2016-12-01 It is right and just to do so.

Deb Simpson Edmonton, Canada 2016-12-01 It's the right was to go using NP's in Healthcare

Margot Zemrau Sherwood Park, Canada 2016-12-01 I believe that nurse practitioners should be given the credence they deserve. Government needs to acknowledge that health prevention will result in a cost savings overall. Nurse Practitioners are a key to health system sustainability and timely access to health care.

Elizabeth Reich Calgary, Canada 2016-12-02 There is a vital need to incorporate efficient, cost-effective methods to alleviate the burdens of healthcare. NPs are in a key position to provide excellent patient care that improves quality of life and is at a cost that is affordable.

Cathy Scofield-Singh Ste Rose-du-lac, MB, 2016-12-03 To many Canadians do not have access to a Primary Care Provider. NPs have Canada the knowledge and skills set to help meet these needs

Megan Newton Beaverlodge, Canada 2016-12-10 NPs are an effective and efficient way to complement the healthcare system and can deliver healthcare to the thousands of Albertans who are struggling to even get a primary family care provider

Brenda Giourmetakis Edmonton, Canada 2016-12-10 These qualified individuals could provide cost effective care and more timely care.

Geoff Oslund Camrose, Canada 2016-12-10 This is a cost effective way to improve care and reduce wait times

Susan Willox-Hidson Onoway, Canada 2016-12-10 I do believe that this is a much needed option in our healthcare system!

Rhonda Hamilton Edmonton AB, Canada 2016-12-10 I am a nurse practitioner and want barriers removed from practicing in Alberta. I have worked for cash at Medical Centres in Alberta and physicians bill for the care I give; I fact they would leave the medical centre all together and let me work alone all day. Why can't NPs run their own clinics ?

Kerri Clarkson Saint Albert, Canada 2016-12-10 Albertans, and Canadians deserve accessible, efficient and sustainable health care.


Lurline Wytsma Calgary, Canada 2016-12-11 Albertans deserve the best care we can provide. NPs can provide some of that care!!

Kristopher Friesen Okotoks, AB, Canada 2016-12-14 I believe Nurse Practitoners are an essential profession in further advancing Alberta Healthcare delivery. Developing a funding model is an obvious need and the absence of this is a significant barrier for access to patient care by NPs.

Dr. Diane Billay Edmonton, Canada 2016-12-15 It is time to recognize that NPs provide a valuable health service for Albertan's, and as such they need to be paid as a professional: use the same pay model as for physicians.

Tracy Pelgrim Grande prairie, Canada 2016-12-26 We need more health care providers and this is the answer . Nurses with years of experience and knowledge . Taking an interest in doing not e

Barbara Cavers Monarch, Canada 2017-01-03 I'm signing because I believe that delivery of services in our province would be enhanced by increasing use of Nurse Practitioners. They are able to do much for patients, allowing doctors to deal with more complex diagnoses and treatments. I do not need to see my doctor to simply get routine lab tests approved and regular meds renewed. NPs would also be able to establish relationships with patients.

Suzanne Evans Lethbridge, Canada 2017-01-04 I have lived in areas where nurse practitioners were an option; I chose that option and was always grateful for the care I received.

Randy Pickering Lethbridge, Canada 2017-01-08 Our doctors are not meeting my basic needs Name Location Date Comment

Robyn Homulos Edmonton, Canada 2017-01-09 I'm an NP student

Derek Pyne Sherwood Park, Canada 2017-01-10 NP can deliver quality services at a fraction of the cost of a MD. A great place to start when looking at out of control health care costs.