Annex A


1. MSP is a member of the Party and MSP for South Scotland.

2. and Galloway Council made a preliminary decision in 2017 to confirm the proposed Whitesands flood protection scheme (“the Scheme”) as required by the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 (“the Act”). However, as there were outstanding objections to the Scheme, which met the relevant conditions as set out in the Act, the Council was required to refer it to the Scottish Ministers before making a final decision.

3. Scottish Ministers decided to call in the Scheme for their consideration due to the large number of objections and the issues raised. Two Reporters were appointed to consider the proposed plans and a Public Local Inquiry was held in November/December 2018.

4. The Reporters submitted their report and recommendation to the Scottish Ministers on 13 September 2019. The Act requires that Ministers must notify the local authority of their decision as soon as reasonably practicable after making it. Officials are currently considering the report and its recommendation and will put up advice to Ministers regarding the decision as soon as possible.

Contact Name: redacted Ext: redacted

Annex B


1. MSP is a member of the Scottish Conservative Party and MSP for Dumfrieshire and has asked when Scottish Ministers will make a decision in relation the Whitesands Flood Protection Scheme. Colin Smythe MSP asked a similar question in October and the answer given on 29 October was:-

The Reporters submitted their report and recommendation to the Scottish Ministers on 13 September 2019. Ministers are giving full consideration to the issue and will notify the local authority of their decision as soon as possible.

2. Council made a preliminary decision in 2017 to confirm the proposed Whitesands flood protection scheme (“the Scheme”) as required by the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 (“the Act”). However, as there were outstanding objections to the Scheme, which met the relevant conditions as set out in the Act, the Council was required to refer it to the Scottish Ministers before making a final decision.

3. Scottish Ministers decided to call in the Scheme for their consideration due to the large number of objections and the issues raised. Two Reporters were appointed to consider the proposed plans and a Public Local Inquiry was held in November/December 2018.

4. The Act requires that Ministers must notify the local authority of their decision as soon as reasonably practicable after making it. Officials are currently considering the report and its recommendation and will put up advice to Ministers regarding the decision as soon as possible.

Contact Name: redacted Ext: redacted