Baccalaureate Program in Nursing

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Baccalaureate Program in Nursing BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM IN NURSING STUDENT HANDBOOK Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Nursing Alumni Hall Edwardsville, IL 62026-1066 (618) 650-3956 FAX: (618) 650-3854 All nursing programs are fully accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) Undergraduate Program approved by Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to prepare for RN Licensure Academic Year 2014-2015 Handbook revisions – June, 2014 1 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY EDWARDSVILLE SCHOOL OF NURSING STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Academic Year 2014-2015 I have received a link on the SIUE SON website to the Student Handbook for the School of Nursing. I know that I am responsible for accessing the link and reviewing and following all Student Policies included in this handbook. I have been informed that this form will become a part of my student file. ______________________________ PRINTED NAME Student Level: Sophomore RN/BS Accelerated Baccalaureate (please circle one) ______________________________ (Signature) ______________________________ (Date) Return this signature sheet to the Office of the Assistant Dean. Handbook revisions – June, 2014 2 INTRODUCTION This handbook is an important document. Please read it carefully. It has been designed to provide supplemental information about policies and regulations in the School of Nursing to students enrolled in the program. Only information that is not available in other appropriate University bulletins is included here. Therefore, students should obtain the information in other University publications regarding policy and regulations, including the Student Academic Code (SIUE, 1998) online at, the Student Conduct Code, (SIUE, 1998) online at, and the Student Grievance Code, (SIUE, 1998), online at These documents can also be obtained from the offices of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, the Graduate School, or Admissions and Records. IMPORTANT Policy changes regarding class-related information and other new information in the School of Nursing is available on the School of Nursing webpage or from your advisor. It is the responsibility of students to keep themselves informed by checking your email and handbook at least weekly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH STUDENT TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE POLICIES OF THE SCHOOL OF NURSING AND TO COMPLY WITH THEM. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This publication is not a contract or offer to contract. The Board of Trustees, Executive Officers, and their agents reserve the right to change information contained herein without notice. Handbook revisions – June, 2014 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 SECTION I. MISSION AND GOVERNANCE University Mission, Vision & Values ..............................................................................................8 SIUE Long-Term Goals ...................................................................................................................9 School of Nursing Statement on Diversity ......................................................................................9 School of Nursing Mission ............................................................................................................10 School of Nursing Goals ................................................................................................................10 Philosophy ................................................................................................................................11 Nursing Paradigm ..........................................................................................................................11 Learning .........................................................................................................................................12 SECTION II. FACULTY Faculty contact information ...........................................................................................................14 SECTION III. RESOURCES Administrative Structure ................................................................................................................18 Important Names and Contact Information ...................................................................................19 SECTION IV. UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL OF NURSING POLICIES Intellectual Property Information Process .....................................................................................27 Professional Behavior Guidelines ..................................................................................................27 Students’ Right of Access to Records ............................................................................................30 Informal Student Grievance Procedure ..........................................................................................30 Student Dismissal Appeal Process .................................................................................................31 Retention and Progression Standards .............................................................................................31 Academic Improvement ................................................................................................................32 Transfer Policy ...............................................................................................................................33 Leave of Absence Policy (LOA) ....................................................................................................33 Undergraduate Readmission Policies ............................................................................................34 Attendance .....................................................................................................................................34 Internet Courses .............................................................................................................................38 Independent Study .........................................................................................................................38 Student Work Policy ......................................................................................................................38 Patient Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................38 Health Mandates ............................................................................................................................40 Temporary Disability/Pregnancy Policy ........................................................................................44 Malpractice Insurance ....................................................................................................................44 Transportation ................................................................................................................................44 Technology and Internet Standards of Conduct.............................................................................45 Handbook revisions – June, 2014 4 Student Uniform Policy .................................................................................................................48 Student Participation on School of Nursing Committees ..............................................................50 Graduation Information .................................................................................................................51 License (for RN/BS students) ........................................................................................................52 SECTION V. CURRICULUM Curricular Themes .........................................................................................................................54 Baccalaureate Student Outcomes ...................................................................................................55 Evaluation Policy ...........................................................................................................................55 Standardized Examination Policy ..................................................................................................56 Grade Reports ................................................................................................................................58 Credit and Clock Hours .................................................................................................................59 Assignment to Clinical Experiences ..............................................................................................59 Drug Dosage Calculations .............................................................................................................59 SECTION VI. GENERAL INFORMATION Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action ...................................................................................61 Student-Advisor Conferences ........................................................................................................61 Student-Faculty Conferences .........................................................................................................61 Bulletin Boards and Email .............................................................................................................61

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