WILSDEN PARISH COUNCIL the Village Hall, Wilsden, Bradford, BD15 0HT
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WILSDEN PARISH COUNCIL The Village Hall, Wilsden, Bradford, BD15 0HT. West Yorkshire. www.wilsdenparishcouncil.gov.uk MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF WILSDEN NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING WORKING GROUP HELD ON MONDAY 10th NOVEMBER 2014 . START: 7.00 pm FINISH: 9.15 p.m. Present: Cllr. Allison, Cllr. Callaghan, Cllr. Graham, Cllr. Dickerson, Cllr. Dufton, Cllr Caunt, Cllr Ketley, Glynn Jones, Chris Moore, David Overend, David Coe, Andrew Dennison, David Holmes. Public: Nil Bradford MDC: Nil Press: Nil In Attendance: Ruth Batterley, Clerk, Maria Sutcliffe, Assistant Clerk and Andrew Towlerton, Yourlocale 2014/39 Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interest for items on the agenda. To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interest. There were none to declare. 2014/40 To receive and consider apologies for absence. There were none. 2014/41 To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting from the Neighbourhood Planning Working Group meeting held on 8th September 2014. Resolved to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting from the Neighbourhood Planning Working Group meeting held on 8th September 2014. All were in favour. Page 1 of 4 2014/42 To discuss working with Wilsden Parish Council The Chair and Clerk advised that as the group is a Working Group it will make recommendations to the parish council for its approval. With new members joining the Working Group there was a short discussion about declarations of interest and the need for members of the group to declare any interest that they may have. If there is any doubt as to whether a member of the group has an interest they were advised to declare this. If any member of the group has concerns about whether they have an interest they should get in touch with the Clerk who can give contact details of a member of staff at Bradford Council who is able to advise individuals on declarations of interest. 2014/43 To discuss policies from other Neighbourhood Plan that analyse the scope and nature of policies from these areas. To discuss how these policies fit with Wilsden Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan. Andrew Towlerton, Consultant from YourLocale advised that there are approximately 1,000 Neighbourhood Plans being prepared across the country. Thirty plans have been approved 2014/44 To receive the following reports: 1. The meeting held on 15th September with Bill Caulfield and Wendy Brown, Planning Officers from Bradford Council. Councillor Allison updated the group on the meeting held with Bill Caulfield, Wendy Brown, Andrew Towlerton, the Clerk Councillor Ketley and himself. The meeting was held at Jacob’s well and involved looking at the process for producing a Neighbourhood Plan. Concern was expressed by Wilsden’s representatives about the speed with which the Area Designation is progressing. Mr Towlerton noted that the Government is trying to speed Area Designation up. Mr Towlerton advised that Bill Caulfield has asked for a further meeting with himself and the Clerk, following Wilsden’s successful Area Designation. 2. The Shipley Area Committee meeting held on 29th October 2014 that considered the applications for Neighbourhood Area Designation from Wilsden and Menston. Councillor Allison noted that both plans were approved by Shipley Area Committee and will go before the Bradford’s Executive Committee on 2nd December. 3. The consultation meeting held on 24th September 2014. It was noted that 65 residents attended the meeting. The clerk then went through the document Wilsden Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Community Consultation Event. Housing and Built Environment. Councillors Graham and Dickerson left the meeting at 7:25pm and returned at 7:30pm. The clerk drew out some of the themes that residents raised in their nine discussion groups: The need for affordable starter homes for young families. No high rise. Traditional construction materials Bungalows/ accommodation for the elderly Mr Towlerton noted that the above are all legitimate design issues. Any developments need to be viable and a synergy needs to be developed with developers otherwise the plan could recommend a style of development or housing that could be rejected. Page 2 of 4 Economy and Employment Shop local Lack of car parking Poor Broadband and mobile phone connectivity Mr Towlerton noted that employment land and car parks can be protected. Shops can be included in a Neighbourhood Plan. Natural Environment and Open Spaces. The clerk noted the following areas that came from the discussion groups as possible areas for development: Laneside Field next to Birkshead Ling Bob Crack Lane and Shay Lane Area below Bents Lane. The Clerk noted that most groups would like to see smaller developments but one group wanted the development in one area. There was discussion about the Greenbelt and how best to protect it. It was felt that some development would come from the Greenbelt. A list of criteria to be developed was suggested for any Greenbelt application. Mr Towlerton noted that the Neighbourhood Plan can be agreed before the Local Plan. The Inspector will then assess on the available evidence at the time. He further advised that important Green Spaces can be protected through the Neighbourhood Plan. Local services. Concern expressed about the primary school and whether it is oversubscribed. Concern was expressed about children being drive to school with the subsequent parking problems. Several suggestions were made to re-site the primary school elsewhere. More allotments. The doctors’ surgery was generally felt to be sufficient. Transport The service was generally seen to be good but it needs more routes, different types of buses and better co-ordination between bus companies. More parking. There was wide discussion about next steps. Mr Towlerton is to look at themes and bring policy options to the next meeting of the Working Group. There is to be a report back to the residents who attended the meeting on 24th September of progress made. 2014/45 To consider the draft project plan. The Working Group meeting pencilled in for May needs to be changed to early March. The survey needs to be earlier than the proposed start date in February 2015. Resolved that the project plan with the above alterations should be approved by the full parish council. All were in favour. Page 3 of 4 2014/46 To discuss options for using social media to promote the Wilsden Neighbourhood Plan. Andrew Dennison advised that a Facebook page had been set up. There is also a Twitter account. Regular updates are to be put on Facebook. 2014/47 To consider the revised Greenbelt Protection policy announced by the Government This had been dealt with under item 2014/44, point 3. 2014/38 To set future meeting dates for next year. The following dates are to be set for meetings next year. Mondays 19/01/15, 16/03/15,18/05/15 and 13/07/15. Page 4 of 4 .