2 0 - EVENING HERALD. Mon., Nov. 26,1»» Schools, Society Blamed For Stereotyping Women iMaitrliratrr Officials Blasted, VERNON - "Schools and society Ms. Onacki charges that the ly changed in the past few years. She have brainwashed generations of "brainwashing" of generations of said "Dick” will now be shown young people Into accepting the con- young people is done in many subtle baking cookies, for example, and c ^ t of women being best suited to be ways. She said textbooks have shown grandmother is shown using a Trip Defended nurses, secretaries, teachers and men as the doctors, engineers and calculator helping her grandaughter such,” Joann Onacki, education such but never women. She said boys with math. "The school board WASHINGTON (UPI) - Con­ people,” Hansen said. director of the Connecticut Womens in school were encouraged to go into members feel very good about the troversial Rep. George Hansen read On the CBS Morning News, Hansen many changes that are being made,” • i ' i Education and Legal Fund said. math, science, and skilled trades from a top secret document on televi­ said, “The statements that I am Mrs. Worthen said. Ms, Onacki will be the guest while girls were directed into home Eupntng Mpralft sion today and angrily accused U.S. ’negotiating’ are absolutely absurd. ■ t f speaker at the meeting of the Com­ economics, business education and Along with her talk, ’Thursday, Ms. officials of covering up a “tragic I’m here as a private citizen. I don’t mittee on Public Education (COPE) such. Onacki will show slides. She was a Voi. XCIX, No. 49 — Manchester. Conn., Tueaday, Hovetinbef i? , 1979 • Since 1881 • 20c Single Copy • 1S« tlome bolivered I decision” to admit the deposed shah think these cheap shots really ad­ Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Vernon She also charged the television and traditional "housewife” for 15 years of Iran to the United States. dress the issues.” before becoming active in politics ,fS*- Center Middle School. toy industries with sharply differen­ Hansen, R-Idaho, was interviewed "There are a lot of people who Dr. Bernard Sidman, superinten­ tiating between men’s and women’s and recognizing, first-hand, the via satellite from Tehran by the seem to have something to cover,” dent of schools in Vernon, agrees roles. problems women face. She returned three major television networks he added. with Ms. Onacki that stereotyping of "Teachers and parents have had to the University of Connecticut to following sharp criticism by the He read directly from a document obtain a master’s degree in com­ Khomeini Labels U.N. roles for girls and boys has been a this role concept strongly implanted White House and congressional which he said was among papers he problem in most school systems. But in their subconscious. However, ef­ munity affairs and now travels leaders Monday of his trip to Iran to obtained from sources in Washington he said that many changes are being forts by womens groups, the govern­ throughout the state helping to break free 49 U.S. hostages. and Iran. The document was dated made to help this problem in the Ver­ ment, and better school systems down the barriers women face. Part of the criticism was also due Aug. 2 and marked "Top Secret, non Schools. have started to produce changes in Teachers, parents and students are to Hansen’s proposal for a con­ Eyes Only," Hansen said. He said non-sexist career informa­ the way society views women,” she invited to attend the meeting which As U.S. Influenced gressional investigation into the “It says here; 'The danger of tion is now being given from primary said. was arranged by James Moore, shah’s actions in Iran in order to free hostages being taken in Tehran will grades through high school and Ver­ JoAnn Worthen, a long-time chairman of COPE and Rosemary the captives. persist. We should make no move Belcher, board member. Beligerent Bikers non teachers have had two in-service member of the local Board of Educa­ TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) — Ayatollah Khomeini said the U.N. session: said they had placed mines and his countrymen to torge together and Today, he defended his trip and toward admitting the shah until we days on the subject. tion, said that the texbooks have real­ Ruhollah Khomeini today rejected “Formation of any court or cpuncil explosives in their prisoners’ rooms create an army to fight the "satanic" read from a secret document which have obtained and tested a new and United States. he said showed the United States Independent motorcycle riders who met in G ainesville, suffle with riot-equipped The "Z" Club at the high school, any action by the United Nations contrary to judicial principles is in an effort to thwart any rescue substantially more effective guard sponsored by the Zonta Professional Security Council on Iran, declaring rejected by our nation. attempt. Khomeini's spurning of U.N. knew three months ago there was a force from the embassy.' Gainesville, Fla., Sunday, to heckle a pro- Gainesville police. (UPI photo) Womens Club, provides students with Police Probe Shooting his Islamic regime could not accept "Our beloved people should know Iran’s military banned all air traf­ mediation efforts came as U.N. good chance of hostages being taken “And it goes on. My point is that Iranian group that marched in' downtown direct contacts with successful TORRINGTON (UPI) - Police shooting appeared accidental but an the verdict of "any council or court that they would be victorious in this fic over the religious city of Qom, Secretary General Kurt Waldheim if the shah was admitted to the there are apparently a few in­ women in a wide range of oc­ today were investigating the shooting investigation was continuing. formed under direct influence of the field by the will of God and reliance Khomeini's headquarters, and announc^ the 15-member Security United States. dividuals in our government that cupations. death of a 15-year-old boy in the A resident, Andrew Schlbi, said a United States.” upon Isimaic faith and would thwart reportedly was considering an Council would meet today. “I think what we need to do if we made a tragic decision that At a recent Board of Education Taugnut State Forest. youth had run from the woods The Islamic leader also renewed the ominous plots of the powerful one emergency plan to mobilize ail Khomeini, in his statement issued are going to persist in the hostage precipitated a criminal action.” Cyclists Enter Scuffle meeting Dr. Sidman said that new The body of Anthony Rapsilber of shouting that his brother had been his threht to put the remaining after another,” he said. regular and irregular armed forces. from Qom, said “There are murmurs game is let Mr. Rockefeller, the Hansen is expected to return to the textbooks, in all subjects, are Torrington was found Sunday after­ shot, ^ e n police were summoned hostages on trial as spies and said At the besieged U.S. Embassy. Scores of Iranian paratroopers these days proposing a meeting of the banker in New York, and Mr. United* States this week, but no carefully checked to be sure women, noon in the forest located in the youth led police to Rapsilber’s their trial will be held at the occupied Moslem students holding 49 lined up to board C130 Hercules air­ U.N. Security Council to investigate Kissinger, who seems to be so in­ matter how the trip turns out, he is minorities, and men are shown Torrington’s rural Burrville section. body. U.S. Emba.ssy. American hostages for the 24th day craft a day after Khomeini called on the case of the hostages, whose act of volved in this business, come over unlikely to receive a hero’s welcome With Pro-Iran Forces equally. Police said late Sunday the espionage has been proven to the Ira­ and replace the hostages." Hansen in Washington. He received sharp nian nation. said on the NBC "Today” program. criticism on the editorial pages of "After embarking on political and GAINESVILLE, Fla. started when a marcher been advertised for several arrived in pickup trucks I***! im He referred to reports that The New York Times and several military maneuvers, (President) (UPI) — Forty pro-Iran attempted to seize an days in a Gainesville retorted, “America, love it Hebron PZC Sets Hearing pressure by former Secretary of other newspapers. newspaper, to the Com­ Carter has now agreed to the forma­ Criticism from the White House, demonstrators, most of American flag from a or leave it." preliminary plans and reports from State Henry Kissinger and banker munity Plaza. Sponsors HEBRONHRRRON — The Planning and preliminary plans and reports from wetlands annlication.application, a and the Rowley tion of the U.N, Security Council the State Department and his con­ them black, clashed with motorcyclist. A march leader, iden­ officers, the zoning agent and David Rockefeller was instrumental had obtained a parade per­ Zoning Commission will conduct a complaint concerning NuTek- meeting to study the case. about 30 American flag- The cyclists managed to tifying himself as Olatunji Recreation and Conservation Com­ in getting the shah brought into the gressional colleagues Monday hold on to their American mit and some 20 police of­ public hearing Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Scribner. "But he ignores that our nation country from Mexico for cancer greeted Hansen's unauthorized trip waving motorcyclists Sun­ Lumumba of the African the Town Office Building on a plan of mission and Water Pollution Control Tbe building official will comment flag after a scuffle with the ficers escorted the blacks. People's Socialists, said, knows that if any council or court is treatment. and his call for a congressional in­ day at a downtown plaza. development submitted by Ruth and Authority members. concerning the issuance of a cease bldcks. But the demonstrators, “We feel the Iranian formed under direct influence of the “Let innocent people go home and vestigation of the shah. There were no serious in­ Frank LaChapelle, Church Street, Under old business the commission Morris Gilbert White, 23, shouting, "Long live Iran" people's struggle is a just and desist order. United States, its verdict would be let us sweat it out over these juries and police arrested Amston. will consider the August Bonola dictated in advance leading to con­ one member of each group. of Gainesville, was were confronted by struggle. We support the wetlands application, annual report hecklers at the end of their The commission will convene its demnation of our oppressed nation. There were conflicting charged with battery. actions they have taken so for the Board of Finance, the Mill march in a plaza in the regular meeting after the hearing. "Our nation does not agree with accounts of how the scuffle Thomas R. Dukas. 24, far.” The agenda includes submission of Farm Estates subdivision and Gainesville, was charged dow ntow n se c tio n of the formation of this so-called began. Security Council, whose task has Some witnesses said it with assault. Police issued Gainesville, location of the University of Florida. already been set." Honor at Stake citations to both and started when cyclists Khomeini insisted that the shah's grabbed the black released them. A verbal battle ensued. The marchers chanted, i case must be investigated in Iran Neither was identified as r nationalist flag carried by to his race or political af­ "Two Four Six Eight Who because ail evidence against him was the members of the in Iran and could not be sent abroad. African People's Socialist filiation. do we really hate? Carter "There are millions of witnesses, in­ Carter Says Party, sponsors of the There had been no trou­ and the shah!" ^ r ' cluding over lOO.IXK) people crippled march, and began ripping ble during the two-mile The bikers and a group of march itself, which had about 20 people who (by the shah’s regime), whose it apart. Others said it transfer outside Iran to report to the WASHINGTON (UPI) - President restraint posture on Capitol Hill" un­ court is not possible," he added. Carter told Demcratic congressional til they are released, Brademas said. Khomeini called on Iranians to leaders today the honor of the United “I don't think anyone around this Coventry PZC To Air "assume a hostile position against in­ States is at stake in the Iranian place is being intimidated,” Johnston numerable crim es of the U.S. crisis. said. "He (Carter) said his first con­ cern Is the honor otMiit coontry.’’ government and refrain from Sen. J. Bennett Johnson, D-La., creating trouble and lowing discord quoted Carter as saying at an hour- Long conceded what military which wduW only serve the interest Proposed Zone Change long breakfast session at the White experts have been saying: “There is % of the enemies of our country.” no way we can go in there and get the the Sabrina Pools operation on Boston House: COVENTRY - The Planning and Ground forces commander Gen. hostages out." 1 Turnpike (Route44A), John Bagnall’ssub­ Zoning Commission will discuss several This week: Preliminary Proceedings Valiollah Falla.hi said in an interview “We are not going to do anything to division application for a site on Merrow $10,000phis with the Jomhouri Isiami (Islamic Brademas said that the mission of proposed zone changes at its meeting sully the honor of this country.” tonight at 7:30 in the Town Hall Board Road and Goose Lane, and an application With this uncertain economy, few investments can Service, Lynn Sonfield an attorney for the Republic) newspaper, "In case of "I think we made clear that the Rep. George Hansen, R-fdaho. to of the Savings Bank of Tolland to allow a Deportation proceedings began Monday Room. Legal Aid Society talks with two Iranians, n e^ . a moblization order will be release of the hostages" will not Iran and his request of a con­ second identity sign for its branch at the offer the advantages of our 6-Month CD. You earn a before a federal judge in San Francisco, issued.” gressional airing of charges against Plans for all three areas are scheduled scheduled for appearance before the judge. suddenly clear up relations with Iran, to be aired at a public hearing on Dec. 10, intersection of Routes 31 and 44A. guaranteed rate of return. Your money is safe and Calff., for dozens of Iranian students accused Fallahi said the armed forces had said Johnson. Snah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi "was A commercial expansion zone is being At a recent public hearing, Bagnall’s of violating their status. Here, at the district The Iranians refused to furnish their names. prepared a plan in response to discussed, and there was some ap­ secure, insured by FDIC.’’’ And you don’t have to "He will take other actions, not idered for Armstrong Road at application was supported by Mth Padick Omonths office of the Immigration and Naturalization (UPI photo) Khomeini's call to Iranians to prehension ... that it would not be a the Eric Trailers site for conversion to a and Town Engineer Donald Holmes. The tie it up forever. become armed and raise an “army of necessarily military, " Johnson good idea. It would not put the safety light industrial zone. Another expansion Conservation Commission also expressed And consider this. If you’re waiting for an even 20 million." added. of the hostages as a first priority. It approval of the nine-lot subdivision. Failahi said helicopters, usually would play into the hands of zone on Boston Turnpike at the former higher rate before you invest in this CD, you could be taking Sen. Russell Long, D-La., emerged Gasland site may become a permanent The PZC will continue its discussion of taking clerical and government from the meeting to call the taking of Ayatollah Knomeini.” commercial tract. The former site of a the subdivision application of William and a real risk. Because there’s no guarantee that next week’s leaders to meet with Khomeini, could hostages in the U.S. Embassy in Penny-Lupien Clash “Many of us are less than proposed development called Coventry Julie Menzel for seven lots on Dunn Road. rate will be higher. The longer you wait, the more money not land without clearance well Tehran more than three weeks ago A public bearing earlier this month drew equals beforehand. an act of war. enthusiastic about Mr. Hansen's mis­ III, off Merror Road, is slated to become sion," Brademas said. an RU-40 (lake-residential) area. criticism from neighbors who feared in­ you could be losing. “The Islamic Republican Army, creased water runoff from a new develop­ while expressing thanks for (public) "I personally think it ought to The leaders indicated that the Ira­ The commission will also continue its We believe the advantages of our 6-Month CD far regard it as an act of war, " Long review of local regulations, especially ment there. The public hearing is offers to defend the country’s nian crisis has given a new impetus scheduled to be continued on Dec. 10 at 9 outweigh the risks of other more glamorous investments. Is Not Yet Resolved borders against attack, assures all said. "To seize our embassies is an to congressional passage of the those pertaining to sanitary waste act of war. I would treat it as an act systems, water table requirements, and p.m. And no other bank will pay you a higher rate of interest Iranians that all ground, air and sea president’s comprehensive energy The Conservation Commission also has attacks will be beaten back with full of war. package. Bennett said that Congress subdivision standards. Other subjects of than we do. Because those rates are Federally established $ Irish blames much of the con­ "That doesn't mean you ought to expressed concern about the Dunn 10,608 MANCHESTER -F rank Lupien is million to 6 million Jews. At the time force,” an armed forces com­ is "moving to show we’re not energy exploration will be forestry requirements, troversy on the amount of news bomb them, but in due course we application, citing the danger of hazar­ every week. ready to forget his remarks about the the board was considering a $150 munique said. junkies dependent on foreign oil." driveway standards, mink farming, and coverage it has received. ought to take military action.” dous driving conditions that could be If you have $10,000 or more you want to see holocaust that caused him severe grant for holocaust studies at chimney setbacks. Manchester High School, Long said he thought that the presi­ "I think we'll get a windfall profits Under new business, the group will hold created by water, flowing onto the road. criticism. But Mayor Steve Penny, "Penny and Lupien have not seen tax," he added, saying his reason for Padick suggested the combination of at grow— and grow safely— come see us today. Six months who called for his resignation from "I don’t know why this had to go on eye to eye a number of times and it dent was “doing the best he can,” but an election of officers. Current "in due course. I think he ought to do optimism is that "the Democratic Chairwoman Marilyn Richardson who has least two lots adjacent to a wetlands area. from now, you’ll be glad you did. the Capitol Region Council of the agenda anyway," Lupien said. has never been carried to this leadership is uniting ... and coming The planners must make a decision on a If s t h a t Governments, is not. "The money is a donation and could extreme, he noted. Weiss was rightly Pope Hopes more." served two terms in that slot, is a long­ Carter briefed the lawmakers on together as I haven't seen in a long Town Council referral regarding the This week’s annual interest rate is 12.035% for Thurs., N ov . 22 have been forwarded without all the incensed, but Lupien has the right to time member of the commission, and has "This whole thing has been blown the hostage situation, now in its 24th time. There is a consensus and a total proposed municipal garage behind the out of proportion," Lupien said. ‘Tm fuss. I didn’t try to block the dona­ free speech,” he said. been a candidate for the 21oning Board of through Wed., N ov. 28. The maturity o f the certificate is 26 To Unite day. togetherness.'■ Town Hall. Residents of the area and certain that some would like to see tion; I just want to see both sides Appeals. The annual review of the PZC weeks, and the rate is subject to change at renewal. Federal sim ple. However Penny said he believes Rep. John Brademas, D-lnd., said During Carter's first full day at the school officials have opposed the reloca­ present^." bylaws will follow the elections, and then this thing continued; it’s up to them. that as a public official Lupien should the leaders "strongly support" White House in 10 days Monday, regulations prohibit compounding o f interest on this account. Churches Town Planner Gregory Padick will give a tion of the town garage to that area, which However a per^n can’t spend his life Wallace Irish Jr., who is also a not have called "our community Carter's demand for immediate press secretary Jody Powell spoke in feedback report on a recent solar energy would slice into middle and high school W e have eased the early withdrawal penalties on new or renewed on one thing” member of the GOP town com­ school a communist institution.” low and strained tones about the grounds and skirt the new elderly housing release of the hostages. conference. mittee, has defended Lupien from at­ But Irish also has some reser­ "Everyone felt we should take a lengthening crisis project. term accounts. W l^ w a it? But he still defends his belief that VATICAN CITY (UPI) - Pope Other agenda items involve a review of both sides of the Nazi genocide of tacks by Town Manager Robert vations about Weiss’ remarks. John Paul II embarks on a three-day Eacb^depohitor is insured up lo S40,000 by M )K - Jews should be told. And Penny in­ Weiss, Merwin Meridy, president of During the meeting Weiss requested trip to Turkey Wednesday to seek Goldman Suggests Letter tends to discuss Lupien’s comments the Temple Beth Sholom, and Penny. his remarks, calling Lupien's com­ progress in uniting the two oldest at the next Board of Directors “This is not doing the Jewish com­ ments “contemptible” be made as a branches of Christianity that have meeting Dec, 4, munity or Lupien any good,” he said, private individual and not as a public been split for 925 years. About Sehool Bus Rules At the meeting last Tuesday Lu­ "I have nothing but admiration for official. John Paul will begin his trip aimed Home Searched pien had suggested schools use a the Jewish community; they’ve At the board’s Dec. 4 meeting it at healing the rift between Roman Continued violation of the rules may will decide whether to pursue the SOUTH WINDSOR — School Superinten­ Savings Bank book by Arthur Butz, an associate been through enough. But this has to Catholicism and the Orthodox mean permanent withdrawal of riding matter further. dent Robert Goldman has proposed that a professor of electrical engineering at be looked at in a political vein. churches of the East by meeting in privileged). "If this is a method of punishment letter be sent to all parents of local school Northwestern University. The book Frank has to be judged solely on his Ankara with political leaders of In Gaming Raid Acceptable student conduct, according for me speaking my opinion. I’m not children, outlining policies on bus claims Uie holocaust during World activities and on his commitment to modem Turkey, a nation that is 98 to rules established by the Board of of Manchester the community." going to submit to it," Lupien stated. transportation to and from school. War II was exaggerated from 1.5 percent Moslem. Education, include students riding only on ties with organized crime, according The sending of the letter was prompted But the central point of the 54-hour GLASTONBURY - A Glastonbury assigned buses, waiting in assigned areas to State Police officials. by recent problems both on the buses and Manchester: Mam Street (Main OfTice); Purnell Place (Drive In); Burr G im ers stay will come the following day in home was searched shortly after 8 for the school buses, as well as observing Two men were arrested when they at bus stops, and numerous complaints Shopping Cenia; East Center Street; Manchester Parkade; Hartford Road at McKce. Istanbul when the pope confers with p.m. Monday in connection with what basic safety rules. tried to destroy evidence. They were from parents and bus drivers regarding Shoprite Plaza u Spencer; Top Notch Shopping Center at North End. ' Orthodox Patriarch Diraitrios I of State Police are calling a $20 million- East Hartford:Burnside Avenue; Pfitnam B n d ^ Plaza. B ohon:B olton Notch at Route 44A. Constantinople, the ancient capital a-year sports betting operation identified as Paul Seiser, 42, of New behavior on the buses. Andover:Andover Shopping Plaza. South Windsor: Sullivan Avenue Shopping Center. Two Students Given ’ that defied Rome and sought its own linked to organized crime. Hartford and Edward Malinowski, The purpose of the letter, according to Ashford: Junction Routes 44 6r 44A. Member F.D .I.C . Telephone 646-1700. 51, of Hartford. Goldman, is to notify parents that failure path to Christianity. The home, located at 20 Cedar Awards in Olympics John Paul also will attend an Ridge Terrace, was one of several Seiser was arrested in a Torrington to comply with busing rules will mean residence and Malinowsky was in a suspension of the busing privileges. VERNON -Two Vernon students tuesdoy Orth^ox communion service, tL. residences searched throughout the Hartford residence. Both were Violations of the rules will prompt a received awards as the best female and first ever witnessed by a Roman state Monday as more than 85 state male track and field athletes who par­ The Weather Fuel Bank cathouc pontiff. and local police served 20 loc^ons released on a $1,000 bond and Seiser letter sent to the students’ parents which Aumony Ruling is scheduled for a Monday hearing. will specify the exact nature of the viola­ ticipated in the town’s special Olympics . Officials of the Manchester The pope, making his fourth with warrants for taking place in'the The studenU were Craig Cousins and S u ^ and breezy today with The State Supreme Court has joumey^outoide Italy since his elec- gambling operation. Malinowski's case will be continu^ tion. The first offense will be handled by continued high temperatures. Area Conference of Churches- to Dec. 17. use of the form letter and a warning to the Diana Anderson. sponsored Fuel Bank are predic­ ruled periodic alimony payments ^on to October 1978, concludes his According to the State Police Cooling tonight with n chance of Public Information Office, the raids The locations raided were mostly student. The warning notice will be The ceremonies for the presentation to ting difficulty to mewUng winter may be extended by tbe courts un- p^day with a symbolic prayer Miss Anderson were held at the Talcott- ihow in Wedneaday. Page 2. der certain conditions. Page 6. senrice at the shrine of St. Mary at to several area towns resulted to con­ residential dwellings in Hartford, returned to the principal or vice principal needs despite some tough choices West Hartford, Newington, Rocky ville School and those for Cousins were a • I fn J E ^esus to western Turkey, a site fiscation of $30,000 and gambUng on the next school day following the viola­ Food Costs made to get needed funds. Page 5. Hill, G lastonb^, Wethersfield, New held at the Center Road School. Inside loaay venerated by both Roman records. Police would not release the tion. Britain, Southington, Torrington and The school offense may mean More than 200 special athletes partic- Records show the percenUge of In Sports Caholicism and the Orthodox names of the persons involved, but pated in this year’s track and field com­ expenditures for food was jiigher Business...... • }• churches of the East, said that arrrests are expected. New Haven. withdrawal of tbe students’ riding The raids were conducted by the pri^eges pending a meeting with tbe stu­ petition, held in the spring. in the past. For example, to U75 Classified ...... *»■« John Paul’s visit will be only the During the raids, police in­ Parents of both athletes attended the Our 6-Month CD. It really adds up. Comics...... 1' second by a pope to the center of tercepted calls by persons trying to State Organized Crime Investigation tbe expenidlture for food ac­ dent, parents and school administration. Task Force and local police after a ceremonies, along with classmates, and counted for 57 percent of a E ditor^ ...... Eastern Orthodoxy since the two place bets on the Monday night foot­ The result of the meeting will determine Jets to NFl. game...AmNican two-month investigation with Hart­ town and school officials. family’s total expenditures as Eatertatoment ...... « major branches of Christianity split ball game between Seattle and the what decision will be made as to when League names Rookie»

(j v'WV*W^--«W'*e' ■r^ i

2 - EVENING HERALD. Tues., Nov. 27, i m — EVENING HERALD, Tues., Nov. ” , 1979 — 3 i Lbclote $640 Voted to Fight Arbitration By BARBARA RICHMOND fight legislation the local state didn’t refer to Mrs. Duley’s request prove the CABE request. munities, is central to the concept of Herald Reporter gained and much is to be lost. Once it representatives and state senator but board member Lee Belanger Robert Schwartz, another board local governance. goes to arbitration it’s out of our con­ For the students it will be a lesson The geologist said rock glaciers graduate students John Hassinger of Biggest Lemon Cold Rocks Perfect Gift VEIRNON —Despite a plea from an had voted for last spring. said, while approving the challenge, member, agreed the money should be Another Vernon board member, trol. They are going to tell us what they would never learn In a may help scientists understand the Chatham, N .J., and Peter Jescnke of that she thought she would question VERNON, Vt. (UPI) - Anti­ ex-board member, the Board of “There is something wrong when paid. “I think we have to fight it Devra Baum, concurred with we can do. This is a mandatory ar­ DURHAM, N.H. (UPI) - A classroom. world’s‘ more “recent” climate Durham. All are enrolled In the NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. the representatives as to why they nuclear forces will present a lemon Elducation voted unanimously Mon­ our representatives vote yes and our because it would put tremendous Schwartz and Prouty but said she bitrary clause. It’s something we University of New Hampshire Their work will take them to the changes — those taking place in the department of earth sciences. (UPI) — An Arkansas businessman is voted in favor of the bill. day night to give the Connecticut Board of Eklucation is being asked for limitations on the way we operate. - would like it recorded the Vernon don’t like and we don’t want,” he geology professor and four students dry valleys of southern Victoria past few hundred thousand years. manufacturing what could be the birthday cake Friday to their biggest Association of Boards of Education money to fight it. I ’m not in favor of Ronald Paullo, a resident of the It would force our negotiations to go board is committing itself, now, only The team plans to return in said. CREC officials, in making the are going to spend their winter in An­ Land, which are relatively free of Ice Skater Scolded perfect Christmas gift for anyone enemy — the Vermont Yankee (CASE) $840 to help finance a suit paying an outside organization to Lake Street area, said in. effect he along certain paths,” he said. to the $640 and not committing itself and snow. February, brining back sampies for request of the board, forwaraed that tarctica's summer, charting move­ frustrated at Iran's hold on the Unitivl atomic power plant in Vernon which against legislation concerning last challenge a law our representatives would agree with Mrs. Duley because CABE officials said they feel the to any further expenditures. organized labor is expected to fight Mayewski estimated 300 other per­ more study in New Hampshire. The LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Hearing ment of rock glaciers to learn more began commercial operation Nov. best offer binding arbitration for voted for,” Mrs. Duley said. he questioned the feasibility of issues involved are of profound im­ Mrs. Belanger added it seems as hard to keep binding arbitration as sons will be scattered across Antarc­ expedition was funded with a $18,000 Officer Kay Cutteii scoided a 33- States — an Ayaollah Khomeini dart about world climate changes. 30, 1972. teachers. Mrs. Duley asked the board, during fighting a law that hasn’t yet been portance to every /School district in clear to her the legislation would be it did to get the law passed. TTiey said' tica on research expeditions, but they grant from the Nationai Science year-old man arrested for skating at board. The UNH team left last week on Janet Duley, who had filled a the citizen’s forum portion of the tried. the state noting that the question of detrimental. “I don’t like power at stake is the ability of a local board, Foundation. high speeds through do>4ntown their three-month far southern trek, will be few and far between. "We “We call it the cock-omaniac dart­ Spokesmen for the Vermont vacancy on the school board for a meeting, to table action on the CABE Board member Dr. George Prouty whether local education issues will taken away from the board,” she The Antarctic is weli-suited for crowds, then returned his skates. and the school district it represents, where they will work under a 24- might encounter other men five days board,” John Gorman said Monday. Yankee Decommissioning Alliance short time, but lost her seat in the request until It asked town residents Sr. said the board has known right be decided by outside parties, said. study because things change very Doug McClure was arrested Sep. 25 to make fundamental decisions con­ hour-a-day sun in winds that out of the three months.” It is designed to help Americans said Monday they will also sing Nov. 6 elections, questioned why the how they feel about the request. along it would be approached on this responsible to neither the local Prouty also said, “Arbitration is a slowly. Mayewski said he once arid booked on suspicion of en­ cerning the management of the sometimes gust up to 120 mph. Although IS species of penguin in­ vent the anger they may feel at Iran, board was spending tax money to During its discussion the board matter and he made the motion to ap­ school boards, nor to the com­ procedure by which very little can be school district. returned to a study site to find a foot­ dangering public safety. “Happy Birthday” to the plant in a But it will be relatively warm by habit Antarctica, the largest land- where Moslem students have held “I admonished him to be con­ mock party. Antarctica standards. Summertime based creatures the students are like­ print he had left a year earlier. Americans hostage for more than cerned for the good of others, and not temperatures average about 21 ly to see are flea-like mites, “Extremely high mountains shoot three weeks with the Ayatollah’s to go skating through crowds at 20 “Seven years of bad luck is degrees Fahrenheit on the world’s P^yewski said. up out of the ice and there’s no blessing. mph,” the City Attorney’s hearing of­ enough,” alliance spokeswoman southernmost continent. liie students will try to find stakes civilization or vegetation to round it Firefighters Michelle Starr said. “Seven years of off,” he said. ficer said Monday. “It would give people a way to say For Paul Mayewski, glacier placed on rock glaciers by Mayewski radioactive leaks, faulty designs, the Accompanying Mayewski are un­ Miss Cuttell, following the repri­ something — even if it’s just hanging specialist leading the expedition, it is during his last trip south. They will potential of catastrophe and even dergraduate students David mand. ordered police to return a picture of the guy up on the wall his seventh trip since 19M to what he check thickness of ice floes, and the bumped monitoring panels is more To Go Co-Ed Yohalem of New York City and McClure’s skates, which were con­ with a thousand darts in it,” Gorman describes as the “stark and spec­ glaciers' reactions to climactic than enough" COVENTRY — The Coventry Volunteer Fire Associa­ Roger Goldenberg of Berlin, and fiscated at the time of his arrest. said. tacular" Antarctic. changes. tion has pul out a call to women and youth as well as to the traditional male cadre that have dominated the 1041 . , J»77 firefighters’ group for so many years. President Jeff Vannais said the volunteers are seeking BALLOON 2 Peopletalk residents "who are interested in helping their neighbors" Energy Seminar Theme and that both men and women are welcome to join. HARTFORD -The Regional discussed and debated. The theme of tion by Richard Ostler, director of Moreover, a junior member section is being opened for Forum of the Capitol Region Council the workshop will be “Getting public relations for Atlantic persons between the ages of 14 and 16. "These persons The Best Plans of Governments will sponsor a There.” Richfield Co. of Connecticut; presen­ may join with parental consent to assist the fire depart­ ment in non-hazardous activity and to begin learning workshop Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 The presentations will feature a tation by Len Bruckman, director of Sometimes Fail p.m. at the Hartford Graduate demonstration by Solargen of Bloom­ about firefighting and first aid. " Vannais explained. \*A1UMTA air compliance for the Department Center’s seminar hall, 275 Windsor field, an electric car distributor: dis­ The fire department in the southern part of the town of Environmental Protection 7 A CLASSIC STORY: The trouble with garage St. cussions by Roy Coughlin, en­ runs the ambulance service and the diving squad in addi­ (D EP ); and one by Jam es Sullivan, sales is that sometimes a person goes intending to Electric cars, efficient driving vironmental affairs specialist, a tion to its regular activities. Training classes and drills director of environmental planning for new members are scheduled to begin soon. “Our FESTnALOB f f seH and ends up buying. 'That’s the problem. techniques, and carpooling, im­ member of the governor's Ride- Richard Carpenter, of the singing (jiarpenters, ran proved air quality, and energy Sharing Task Force and the National for the Department of Transporta­ greatest need is for persons available during the weekday into at the fifth annual Newport Beach Auto Auction savings and consumer tips will be Ride-Sharing Task force; a presenta­ tion; and one by Sharon Francis. hours. " the president noted in California Sunday. Cleaning out his garage, Volunteers may receive further information by calling Vannais at 742-9049 or CHIEF Robert Breault at 742-7722. UAI VtAIMin POTOCAtl • Carpenter brought 18 of his 92 classic autos to get Applications also will be accepted at the association's ALL DAY rid of the “excess." But before a one of them sold. »/ Carpenter bought a 1966 Mustang convertible for a PZC Approves Amendment "open house " slated for Dec 2 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the For period ending 7 a m, EST ll/28'79 Tuesday night record$49,2(X).He finally managed to sell four of his firehouse on Main Street near the Town Garage. will find snow in the vicinity of the Great Lakes region own cars, including a 1958 Chrysler Imperial for a The open house ceremonies will include a dedication at while rain and showers over most of the Atlantic coastal record $414,000. The Doobie Brothers also were at 3 p m. A new ambulance will be on display along with the mESDA] states. Fair to partly cloudy skies are forecast eLsewhere the auction, and buying. To Allow Relocation rest of the association's equipment. across the nation Literature will be available on smoke detectors and MANCHESTER —An amendment Carllin and Roy Roundsville, will be Sion can only control developments wood stoves. Vannais. who is also the town's fire Nov. 28 Sharing passed last night by the Planning and part of a new road. larger than four acres. marshal, claims that many of the fire problems recently Zoning Commission allows The M The amendment also slates that a The regulations would establish encountered have stem m ^ from ignorance about alter­ The Leakey family is as much a dynasty in Weather Forecast and R Package Store on Tolland package store cannot relocate within minimal requirements for all native methods of heating “Nothing is safe if used im­ anthropology as the Kennedys in politics and the - Turnpike to relocate about 2,(XX) feet 1,000 feet of a another one. developments regardless of size. properly.” he warned 19 :0 0 Wallendas in the circus. This week one of the Mostly sunny, breezy and and tonight and 40 Wednesday from the present store. The relocation had been debated in “This won’t add a lot of respon­ "Many residents are trying to beat the fuel crunch by mild today. High 58 to 63.16 C. Southwest winds 15 to 25 mph family's scions. Richard Leakey, director of It’s relocation near Taylor Street last October when owners of the Dry sibility, just establish the minimal iustl installing wood stoves, using kerosene heaters, and Kenya's National Museums, is in a London Hospital Fair tonight. Lows 40 to 45. diminishing to 10 to 20 mph had been blocked by a state law Gulch Package Store on Rt. 83 in requirements such as stablizing an buying quartz heaters or other devices. Wood stoves are Wednesday mostly clody and this afternoon Southerly for test that might lead to a kidney transplant. limiting relocation to within 750 feet Vernon claimed a new store would area with seeding to control erosion, by far the biggest problem. These necessarily involve windy with chance of showers. winds 10 to 15 mph tonight in­ Hospital sources say the do^ior would be younger of the original. However the law hurt their business. etc.” Town Planner Alan Lamson some sort of structural changes, and therefore should be Highs 55 to 60. Probability of easing to 20 to 30 mph brother. Philip. 30. Philip calls the matter “a fami­ allows for local zoning adjustments. In other business the board also said. covered in the planning and installation stages by a precipitaion 10 percent today Wednesday ly affair" and won't talk about it, but is waiting in The commission’s amendment voted to ask the Capitol Region We don’t want a complicated docu­ building permit. " N Nairobi for word of whether the operation is on. The allows package stores to relocate Council of Governments in ment. he noted, but we do want to Such permits are granted by John Willnauer, the town's two are soha of Louis and Mary Leakey, whose within 2,500 feet of their existing developing regulations for erosion know what other towns have done. building inspector, who can offer information on installa­ Long Island Sound Extended Forecast excavations at Olduvai Gorge in East Africa locations in cases of eminent domain. and setiment control and acquifer The board also decided to schedule tion. Insurance companies have withheld payments for Point, N.Y.; Westerly flow of Mats., R.I. it Conn.: reshaped scientists’ views of early man. cooler drier air over area Chance of showers Thursday. The M and R, owned by Mrs. Joseph protection. Presently, the commis- a January public hearing on a fire damage resulting from stoves which were improper­ today. Low in Oklahoma will Fair weather Friday and specific inland wetlands project of ly installed. move northeast into the Ohio Saturday. Daytime highs Fishy Story trie Mancfa«ster Community College. For electric devices. Vannais suggests that the circuit valley tonight. West to mostly in the Overnight The college, preparing for con­ be checked to assure that it can handle the additional southwest winds 15 to 25 knots lows in the 30s and lower 40s Have you heard the about the boat that got away? Retrial for Asherman struction, asked to build a dike at the load. The unit should be used in a place where it will not today, gradually decreasing to Thursday morning falling to Country singer Merle east end of a pond. Also the college is come into contact with combustible materials. The | 3

m ___ Is » - EVENING HERALD. T«es.. Nov. 27, 1979 EVENING IIKHAU). Tufs . Nov 27 1979 - iHaudirslpr Euruimji Hrralft Tough Choices Made to Get Fuel Funds Manchester — A City of VIHage Charm Rv I. VI REN D IMS SHEA facilities since the summer, the local interfaith aid agen­ perspective. Some people have not had a cooking source cy has been able to squirrel away some funds to provide Mrs. Nancy Carr, executive director of the conference” Test of Arbitration Founded O ct 1, 1881 lleriilil Ki'iiiirlcr in the summer so people wouldn’t freeze in the winter. said, "If Manchester people send money to Hartford, we fuel In the working poor this winter. The funds are that limited." Ms. Joanne Mikoleit. who coordinates the Manchester have to chase our money and prove the need. It pulls our Publlahed by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, MANCHESTER -At the expense of some of this town's Area Conference of Churches Fuel Bank said Monday. fuel money out of here. The money will be distributed on Manchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. The town’s emergency fuel aid program, passed by the families wim have gone without hot water and cooking "We've made some tough decisions that have to be put in a state basis and we’ll have to compete for our own Two Manchester public will earn (or what taxpayers tested both sides of the Audit BurMu of CIrcutatton Mombor, Untttd Prom lntomatk>n«] Board of Directors this autumn, is a loan program. Thus, money." employee bargaining unions must pay) won’t be in a posi­ negotiating process are if the recipient is unable to pay back the loatfyand all Stavan Harry, Exacutiva Editor extensions of the loan are exhausted, a lien would be Mrs. Carr said 900 people who attended an interfaith may be the first to test the tion to know what the com­ taking a chance in letting Cuttomor Sorvloo — 647-M46 Frank A. Burbank, Managing Editor placed against the loan recipient's property. Raymond F. RotMnaon, Edltor-Publiahar Harold £■ Turkington, Editor Emaritua Thanksgiving service collected $914 for fuel. "We’ve also workings of Connecticut’s munity is capable of raising vital wage and benefit issues been helping people for some years with their fuel bills Ms. Mikoleit .said this knowledge scares many elderly new binding arbitration law. without undue hardship. go to the point of no return ... a damaging public employee challenge to the law on bin­ from our human needs fund. " Mrs. Carr said. Binding arbitration is not a binding arbitration. away from participation in the program. She said for School administrators and strike. ding arbitration on the local many, their home is all they have and they see even a $150 Mr. Mikoleit said usually half the money people donate teachers are facing the cure-all to public wage dis­ We hope government labor Meanwhile, we hope both control issue. lien against thur property as the beginning of losing all is directed to the human needs fund and half to fuel. She prospect of wage and benefit putes. unions and management sides of public labor Perhaps an alternative to they have said it is likely that if fuel costs are greater than half the It takes out of local hands teams don’t rely on arbitra­ funds, then the whole human needs resources would be settlements determined by negotiations continue to work binding arbitration would be Ms. Mikoleit said in contrast to the town's loan used for fuel. those who do not have an in­ those decisions the elected tion as a crutch to avoid real­ toward a locally agreed to put both labor’s and program, the MACC fuel program is a flat grant. The MACC program concentrates on aiding the elderly, the "If we have to drain human needs its bad because from terest either in the communi­ officials in a community are ly tough, nail-biting, table­ settlement of contracts management’s positions - in in the best position to make. thumping, tooth jaring sick and those with small children. this fund we deal with paying rent, paying rent securities, ty or the individual's well­ keeping in mind fairness and deadlocked negotiations to medicine, buying blankets or dishes for the elderly com­ being. Those on both sides of the bargaining. the ability of the taxpayer to the voters and let those who Ms. Mikoleit said she often finds these people have in­ ing out of convalescent homes who have nothing,” come that is just a few dollars above poverty guidelines In theory binding arbitra­ bargaining table have had the It will prove to be a mis­ absorb increases. pay the bills decide whether Mikoleit said. take if Hartford dictates and thus they do not qualify for any existing state or tion for public employees is a pressure to reach a hard- Negotiation is the art of or not they are willing to pay federal programs. Added to this, she said, is reluctance fought negotiated settlement what Manchester must pay "We have $2,000 in the lilel bank now. We've spent over noble recourse circumven­ compromise. It has worked the price of educating the to ask for aid. $1,000 since September and that’s really bad. " she added. ting the prospect of a strike removed with the new taw or what Manchester’s public in the past and there is no community’s children. l,ast year the MACC program provided 38 families with by public employees. giving the state the right to employees will earn. reason to think it will not con­ Such a proposal has at least $2,200 in fuel aid Due to the increase in the cost of fuel, But the wisdom of ar­ accept one or Uie other’s last We urge all those involved tinue to work. as much wisdom as letting and the demands being made by oil companies that homeowners pay C.O D.. Ms. Mikoleit said she is con­ bitration’s theory may be lost best offer. in public-sector negotiations The Manchester Board of the state force a contract on Since Connecticut’s binding to use binding arbitration cerned the MACC program will not even be able to help when it is realized those who Education last night con­ the unions or the manage­ as many as were helped last year open every nlto 'til will decide what employees arbitration process is un­ only as a last resort averting sidered helping fund a ment team. "The MACC office has received 25 requests in the past (except sat. - closed sun.) two months totalling $5,500. As our greatest concern has SCOOPS kfDwilSa^fd been for the cold months ahead we have refused the majority of these reque.sts. paying only $350 in cases felt squares Letters I m M lHVC5TlQAnoN IHTOIR/UTS yViPIWAKriTPItOvEN PROVE IT NO m a t t e r WHAT W E where there was a health problem or very young THAT THERE l i n o • all colors ( x m m . iNPifiiKY! COST? children iXlRRUPnON ’ # "I would say that the need for money for emergency Holocaust Retort /WYWHERC! Student Protest energy will be at least $10,000 and pos.sibly $20-25.000.'' pier> Ms Mikoleit said To the editor: who has written a thoroughly dis­ Utile A howling and screaming mob of sabre shah. Inside the building 49 Americans are While the state also has a program that aids the ^ the m’tfocU of moi» U n i | ihiiifi! This is in response to the ill-chosen credited and biased version of the rattling young men in front of the U.S. Em­ working poor called "Warm Thy Neighbor " any money f# dovontown monchertep^ and misinformed comments of Mr. entered their 24th day of captivity. (UFI Holocaust. sent to this state program by Manchester residents is not Frank Lupien concerning about bassy in Tehran. Monday, demanding the photo) The story is told that Hitler, in automatically returned to the needy in this community. Holocaust at last week's meeting of response to a concern expressed by death of President Carter and the former the Manchester Board of Directors. Goering about the political im­ What is most distressing is the con­ plications of destroying the Jews tinued efforts by various individuals said, "Who still remembers the to disprove the wanton destruction of Armenians," a reference to the Eyej^lass Fund six million Jews by Nazi Germany, killing of approximately two million not as an act of war. but under the Americans by the Turks under the Congressional Quarterly cover of World War II. The destruc­ cover of World War I. And the truth Gets Gnder Way* tion of the European Jewish civili­ is. few. but the Armenians •MANCHESTER —The Lion’s Club of Manchester and zation is so well documented by so remember. McDonald s Restaurant on W. Center Street. many eminent historians and records The lesson. I guess, is that if people A Look at Candidate Brown Manchester, are co-sponsoring an "Eyes for the Needy of that it is hard to believe the event is will not come to grips with the reali­ By WARDEN MOXLEY nor, Brown saw his name immediate­ the son of Eldmund G. Brown Sr., one the World, eyeglass collection The campaign .started still a question in anyone's mind. ty of the Holocaust and the moral im­ this week and will continue through Dec 2 WASHINGTON - California Gov. ly enter speculation for the 1980 of the best-known names in Califor­ I also resent his efforts to equate plications of the destruction of Anyone who drops off eyeglasses at McDonald’s will Edmund G. Brown Jr. has piqued presidential race. His espousal in his nia politics. The senior Brown was the wartime actions of the American receive a coupon for one free regular hamburger. The millions of people for religious, more curiosity and caused more con­ inaugural address of a national con­ California governor for eight years armed forces, whether by bombing eyeglasses will be collected . packed and shipped to an racial or other differences, then sternation than almost any other stitutional convention to propose a until he was defeated by Republican or otherwise, with the intentional history will repeat itself again and agency for distribution by members of the Lion’s Clubs. political personality in recent years. federal balanced budget amendment Ronald Reagan in 1966. This program is only one of the ways the Lions assist BAGABAIKAHI destruction of millions of Jew and again. The danger is that the views of Like his native California, Brown captured national attention and has If bargains are your bag, you’ll love these rugged Grand non-Jews because of their “racial in­ Brown won the California Thoughts the visually handicapped. Grants, from the Lions Clubs, Mr. Lupien and like-minded in­ is a mixture of the traditional and the formed a major theme of his secretary of state's office in 1970 and to the Yale University School of Medicine made possible Tour bags by Airway. Because they’re free— or at bargain feriority." If Mr. Lupien cannot see dividuals will make this possible. unortliodox, the practical and the presidential campaign. gained immediate popularity by en­ the development of a powerful new drug for the treat­ the differences, then I can only feel One would hope Mr. Lupien would The following are inspirational prices— when you save at Heritage. Just deposit the idealistic, the contemplative and the Often Brown’s approach to the forcing stringently the state's cam­ ment of glaucoma sorry for him. stick to the area of municipal govern­ thoughts that have blessed me. restless. And also like California, issues Involves seeking a synthesis of paign law, suing iMtb individual can­ Through the concerted efforts of Lions Clubs and qualifying amount and make your choice from the As "authority" for his statements, ment, where perhaps he is better in­ Pray as if everything depends upon that sometimes makes him hard for seemingly conflicting ideas. He at­ didates and companies for allegedly McDonald’s Restaurants, the Lions hope to set new Mr. Lupien cites a Mr. Bates, a God. but work as if it all depends records in the collection of eyeglasses, and reach new chart below. formed? the rest of the nation to understand. tacks federal regulations and receiving and making illegal con­ midwestem historian. I assume he upon you. goals in helping the visually handicapped of the world Ronald Jacobs Brown's questioning of traditional bureaucratic language as utter tributions. And while our bags take you traveling in style, we’ll was referring to a Professor Butz, a 148 Main St., The high cost of living is nothing professor of metallurgy, not history. American politics is what dis­ gibberish but envisages a prominent Winning the governor’s office in compared to the high cost of sinning. make your money go a long way too. Because we pay Manchester tinguishes him from other presiden­ role for government in such fields as 1974, Brown probed the complexities When God stops a man in his the highest savings interest you’ll find anywhere. tial aspirants and most other energy, mass transit and new of the state’s bureaucracy, delighting tracks. He is usually trying to turn a Streets Named politicians in general. His often bold, technology. But he is strongly op­ people by such actions as wondering PRODIGAL son into a profitable one. So visit any Heritage office. Make your deposit in any posed to the expansion of nuclear sometimes startling, ideas have aloud why educational administrators The final test of a Christian is the power. savings account— including 6 month certificates. And brought the 41-year-old Brown both were paid more than teachers when love he shows for those who can be of Like many conservatives, he For Survey praise and scorn. teachers were carrying out the basic no possible service to him. bag yourself a bargain today. Po YOU Detractors claim he flits from one champions the old-fashioned virtues task of education. A little of the oil of Christlike love MANCHESTER -Fourteen streets will be involved in new idea to another, some of them of discipline and individual respon­ Brpwn also has had some solid will save a lot of friction! VJANT YOUR r e b a t e contradictory. Critics also charge the Water and Sewer Department’s watershed survey W ith W itb w rn i W ith ta c b sibility and deplores the self­ legislative accomplishments as He who cannot forgive others 14 a » » u iiiu i to Oa$kot>i d a p o tii dapoati aaaiitonat IN CA&H? OR &HALL W£ that he challenges institutions for the gratification ethic. But he also works governor. By far the most heralded that begins Wednesday. cboOM Irom at bargain 0> el ol atpoait ol breaks the bridge over which he The survey will provide information about conditions of grtett or FREE tTSO SI 000 ISOOO SSO o< mora hard to bring minorities and women was the passage in 1975 of farm labor WAVE IT sake of the challenge and is himself must pass. the Globe Hollow Reservoir watershed area Uie better w ay into the mainstream of American legislation. Brown's personal in­ FREE FREE $ 4 95 sometimes arrogant and insensitive If you want the world to HEED, It consists of on-site inspection for classification of Utility Travel Kit FREE De d u c t e d &trai6HT life. volvement secured enactment of FREE FREE $ 4 95 in the process. put your CREED into your DEED! potential hazards such as septic systems, farm and or Roll Tote FREE In this way. Brown apparently is $ 6 95 FROM YOURTAVEg)? But supporters argue that Brown is legislation designed to end violence G ^ loves us, not for what WE refuse washing into a watercourse, soil erosion problems Carry All Tote 5 3 00 FREE FREE zeroing in on some of the basic trying to create a new consensus, in the farm areas. Farm laborers ARE, but because of what HE IS! Club Bag S 3 00 FREE FREE $ 6 95 problems facing America in the combining traditional conservative won the right to secret-ballot elec­ Think less of the power of things Officials conducting the survey will carry Town of Brief Baq S 300 FREE FREE $ 6 95 1980s, warning Americans of what and liberal values. He seemingly tions to choose whether they wanted OVER and you and more of the Manchester identification. Questions may be directed to Add-A-Wheel Kit S 300 FREE FREE $ 6 95 Heritage Savings must be done to ensure the country's hopes to transcend current political to be represented by a union. the Water and Sewer Department. Garment Carrier SIOOO S 700 FREE $1395 power of Christ IN you! The streets involved are: Arvine Place. Carriage security and stability. In the prac­ divisions and gather a new coalition Brown also has made an effort to 16 Tote $1000 S 700 FREE $1395 &I/HIH. hm iatioH ■ Sim v IS^I Kathleen Sanborn Drive. Comstock Road. Country Clup Drive. Dartmouth tical sphere he has a solid record of for the 1980s. appoint large numbers of women and Attache Case $1000 S 7 00 FREE $1395 Parishoner, Road. Fern Street Gardner Street. Hillcrest Road. accomplishment as governor of But the distance between endorse­ minority group members to Shoulder Tote $1300 $1000 $ 500 $1695 Calvary Church, Lakewood Circle North and South. South Farm Drive. Main Office: 1007 Mam Street. Manchester 649-4586 California, Brown's backers say. ment of a balanced budget con­ judgeships, boards, commissions and 21 Carry On $1800 SISOO $1000 $21 95 Manchester South Main Street. Sunny Brook Drive, and Wyneding Hill K-Mart Office: Spencer Street. Manchester 649-3007 Brown burst onto the national stitutional amendment and his other offices under his jurisdiction. 24 Pullman $23 00 $20 00 $1500 $26 95 Road Coventry Office: Route 31. 742-7321 political stage in 1974 when he was closeness to left-wing activists Tom Last year. Brown scored a master 26 Wardrobe $26 00 $23 00 $1000 $29 95 Tolland Office: Route 195. ’ < mile south of 1-86. Exit 99 872-7387 elected governor of the nation's Hayden and Jane Fonda, whom political stroke in his handling of 29 Overseas $28 00 $25 00 $20 00 $31 95 Moneymarkets: Inside Crispino’s. E Middle Turnpike Manchester largest state. Brown recently has cultivated, may P roposition 13, an in itia tiv e Manchester Fire Calls Deluxe Attache Case $30 00 $27 00 $22 00 $33 95 and Food Mart. W Middle Turnpike in the Manchester Parkade Two years later, he made a be too great. providing for a sharp rollback in All item s isubject to availability Prices shown do not include sales tax sporadic though highly appealing run How long he can satisfy his dis­ property taxes. At first opposed to Funds must remain on deposit one year Sorry deposits to NOW for the Democratic presidential parate allies depends on whether old the measure. Brown seized the issue Mondav 9 35 a m —Car — Unnecessary call at 70 checking accounts do not qualify political reactions can be overcome. Space limitations prohibit distribution of gifts at our Money- nomination, winning three primaries as his own after its overwhelming lire at .320 East Middle Hazel St iTowni market offices inside Food Mart and Cnspmos and backing two winning uncom­ If they cannot, each end of the passage and began speaking of the Turnpike iTowm Monday. 4 12 pm Depositors a* these offices will receive Gift Redemption mitted delegate slates. But his entry political speetrum may be alienated opportunities the proposition Mondav. 12 45 p m —Wires down at '272 Oak St Certificates valid a! any of our other offices ^ into the contest was too late to stop by Brown's actions toward the other. provided for better government. His -Oven I re at 176 I Town I § itiN 7 7 - Monday. 6 01 pm. foaew the momentum Jimmy Carter had Brown, however, did not get to the handling of the issue was so adroit Homestead St. (Eighth -Wires down at 423 East NEWS N€A « built up in earlier primaries. governor's office primarily by the that public opinion polls found that District M n d a y 3 06 p m Middle Turnpike iTown' Re-elected by a landslide margip force of his new ideas or actions. voters thought he had supported the 0 last year to a second term as gover­ His main asset was that the was proposition ail along. Kask«‘ll)ull Conlfsl Washington Merry~Go~Round BOLTON -The Knights mu.st have an application of Columbus will sponsor a signed by a parent or guar­ basketball free throw dian. Applications may be championship Saturday at obtained at the office of noon at Bolton High School. f)r. Gil Boisoneau. 229 East Khomeini's War Cries Moblize U.S. Action Competition is open to boys Center Street. Manchester By JACK ANDERSON island of Kharg in the Persian Gulf. needed by the industrial West. Bri­ proved the takeover of the U.S. em­ concluded that the ayatollah is an im­ staging area. This would put our and girls between the ages or at the high school on the WASHINGTON - Ayatollah This is Iran’s great oil port, which tain imports 23 percent of its oil from bassy, deliberately precipitating the placable fanatic who might even paratroopers within easy striking of 11 and 14 All entrants day of competition. Ruhollah Khomeini, part in hot em- pumps precious petroleum into world Iran; the average for all Western present crisis, to distract his people welcome a U.S. attack and the mar­ distance of Iran. bitterment, part in cold calculation, commerce. The task force has the Europe is 16 percent. from their problems. tyrdom it could bring him. The Air Force has also perfected a has taken the world into a new and firepower to knock it out for six But the strangling of Iranian oil It will up to the ayatollah But the failure to strike back, the "Bare-base” operation, complete worse era. He has brought the Middle months or for six years. exports would hurt Iran more than whether to bring American bombs council now fears, could encourage with airlifted fuel and water tanka, liulitlav Bazaar Thrift Table Elast to a boil, which could have As a precaution, the planes the West. Analysts estimate that down upon his oil works. If be goes militants around the world to join in repair shops and communications SOUTH WINDSOR - SOUTH WINDSOR - scalding consequences. probably would also hit Iran's air Ayatollah Khomeini must ship out ahead with his announced threat to the fun. The council cited the oil port facilities. The Eli Terry Elementary The South Windsor Even now, a U.S. naval task force, bases to prevent retaliation against between 2.5 and 3.5 million barrels of put American diplomats on trial. as the most appropriate target liot Sen. Richard Stone, D-Fla., chair­ School will sponsor its Women's Club will sponsor operating under wartime conditions, the carriers. But Iran hasn’t enough crude a day to avert an economic President Carter may interpret this only to plug up the ayatollah's oil man of the Senate Middle Blast sub­ Holiday Glitter Bazaar, its annual “Trim-A-Tree is steaming trained pilots nor spare parts to collapse. as an act of war. revenue but to dramatize that the committee, has urged the Pentagon Dec. 5 at the school. The Table” at the Thrift Shop within air-strike v seriously challenge the naval force. Without the cash flow from oil In fact, the capture of the embassy United States will not submit to oil to utilize the three Israeli bases as a festivities will start at 7 on Sullivan Avenue, star­ distance of Iran.*. i The order to launch the attacks experts, he couldn't hope to solve the and the seizure of American hostages blackmail. The bombing of Kharg loud and clear warning that the p.m. with a musical ting today and running un­ Soon two nuclear . ^ ' must come from Jimmy Carter, a social and economic problems that already gives him ail the Justifica­ island should impress upon the oil United States Intends to defend its program to be presented til Dec. 22. by the Grades 5 and 6 carriers will be t \ patient man, who suddenly has b^n now plague his country. Close to 3.1 tion he needs for military interven­ powers that the United States is overseas oil source. chorus. The table will feature ready to launch caught in a series of crises and million people — about a third of the tion. But the president rightly is prepared to destroy vital oil facilities The Pentagon quietly sounded out Santa's Secret Shop will threats reverberating throughout the workforce — are already jobless. exercising restraint as long as there if it is sufficiently provoked. Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia about Christmas items such as fighterbomber at­ be open for children to shop wreaths, tree ornaments, Middle Blast oil region. The president During the first year of the is a chance to save the lives of the Some military advisers, in fact, the idea. Only Egypt raised any tacks against Ira­ for Christmas gifts for indoor and outdoor ayatollah’s reign, his government hostages. wanted to take over Iran’s oil fields objections, which might now be nian targets. is not disposed to use military force their parents. No parents decorations, candles, There has been speculation in the unless his patience is strained beyond, has been in s«ich,a state of paralysis At first, the National Security by force, thus depriving the ayatollah withdrawn after the Iranian crisis. will be allowed in the shop. of the source of Iran's wealth and novelty items, indoor and press about the possible targets. But endurance. that it has been u m le to appropriate Council recommended against a The next move belongs to A hake sale and free outdoor lights. the secret contingency plans call for The bombing of Kharg would bottle public funds or spend public money. military response even if the power. Hie bases that Israel is aban­ Ayatollah Khomeini. Then it will be refreshments will be available in the cafeteria. a precision strike upon the Iranian up Iran's oil, which is critically Indeed, the ayatollah may have ap­ hostages were killed. The council doning in the Sinai are available as a Jimmy Carter’s move. — EVENING HERALD, Tues., Nov. 27, 1979 — 7 ti - EVENING HERALD. T uei, Nov. 27, 1»7» Open House Set At East Catholic Top Court W ill Review BOLTON — There will be an open house for student! interested in Union Leaders Blasts Rival Groups attending East Catholic H i^ School in Manchester, and their parents, Abortion Funding Issue WETHERSFIELD (UPI) - The District 1199 of the New England organising purposes. behind us because they know there’s up the rear. It really is sour grapes organizing support for an electioa! .Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at East Ferruccio claims the three rival president of Connecticut’s second Health Care Employees Union will nothing for them in a percentage for him (Ferruccio) to carp at what ‘"The workers’ rights are protected -^thollc. unions only are interested in dues. under the law, not Sal Ferruccio’s," The program will provide an oppor­ largest state employee union has ac­ decide at a delegates’ meeting raise,’’ he said. ’’They’re (competing we got in the contract. We’re very WASHINGTON (UFI) - The its challenge of rulings that the tached an amendment — originally His union’s dues are $S a month. Of­ tunity for parents and students to cused rival groups of a "money grab­ Tuesday whether to try to move In on unions) trying to power play us into a proud of It.” he said. Supreme Court agreed Monday to sponsored by Rep. Henry Hyde, R-IIl. ficials at District 1199 said most of .gxplore the total educational church may be sued as a single entity bing" takeover scheme to get substandard contract.”' again review the emotional issue of Ferruccio, whose union represents the maintenance workers would pay Ferruccio said he was prepared to Ferruccio said he thought the ^^perience offered by the school. in disputes over the financial condi­ — to appropriations bills to curb federal funding of medically Medicaid funding for abortions. millions of dollars in union dues. maintenance workers. Including about |10 or 111 a month if they Jerome Brown, president of go to court to fight any attempt to maintenance workers’ contract The entrance exam for in-coming tion of church-sponsored retirement necessary abortions for poor women. homes in California, Arizona and The latest version further narrows highway snowplow crews. changed unions. District 1199, said ’’upwards of 200” call an election while negotiations would wind up in fact finding. He freshmen will be Dec. 15 from 8 a.m. "We believe there’s a power play The court accepted challenges to Hawaii. coverage for needy women; permit­ Ferruccio said the maintenance maintenance workers have called to are in progress. State labor officials declined to say whether employees, In 12:45 p.m. at the school. A $3 fee by three big unions trying to sabotage The health care group has banded an Illinois federal court ruling that The court also rejected an effort by ting federal funding only when the workers, many of whom rank at the tell his union they want new have said they’re reluctant to have specifically the snowplow crews, jvill be charged to defray the cost of together with the Hotel and the stringent congressional the United Fresbj^rian (Hiurch to mother’s life is endangered or in our negotiations with the state of bottom of the pay scale, couldn’t live representation because their con­ any changeover while bargaining might not show up for work if 'fa the exam. It is payable at the time of limitations on funding for medical cases of rape or incest. Connecticut,” Salvatore Ferruccio, Restaurant Employees Union and the with the average 7 percent raises tract has not yet been settled. continues. settlement is not reached. ” the exam. reclaim property lost when a Falm president of the 8,500-member Services Employees International that have been negotiated in other ’’They’ve (maintenance) had a abortions is unconstitutional. Springs, Calif., church split away. The abortion case arose in 1977 Connecticut Employes Union Union under the name Public state employee contracts. year to negotiate,” he said. ’’Instead But Brown said that legally there is "That’s a rumor. I don’t deal with -^lide Show Slated Once the court hears oral In the abortion case, the court con­ when two Illinois doctors, David Independent, said Monday. Employees Federation for “I believe niir rank and file are still of setting the pace, they’re bringing nothing to stop the unions from rumors,” he said. GLASTONBURY - Ross C. Fowell arguments, it will decide whether it sidered (Congress’ power to control Zbaraz and Martin Motew, Jr. of South Glastonbury will present has jurisdiction to rule. federal spending on abortions in 1977. challenged a state law amending the a slide, show entitled "Birding the Returning from a two-week recess, It ruled the government did not have Medicaid program to permit funding Sompau” at a Hartford Audobon the court acted in several church- to fund abortions not medically only for abortions necessary to save Periodic Alim ony Extended by State Suprem e Court Society meeting on Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. related cases — refusing to bar necessary, but left open whether a woman’s life. at the Hartford College for Women, members of the Hari Krishna such funding if the mother’s health Although they won in federal dis­ -Cheney Auditorium. religious sect from distributing was in danger. trict court, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court change in circumstances warranting lump sum alimony is a specific change in circumstances intervenes literature and soliciting con­ The court returned the case to New of Appeals ruled the Hyde Amend­ Homer V, Scoville was ordered to Middlesex Superior Court, A social hour will follow Fowell’s IIAHTKORI) (HIM) - The ('onnee- modification," it said. amount of money payable in in­ within three years of the date of the tributions. York Judge John Dooling, who had ment permitted “states to limit fun­ ticul Supreme Court ruled in a split pay his former wife. Diane. $100 a The majority opinion, written by presentation. While the high court ruled periodic stallments.” order. I cannot agree that the order The justices rejected an appeal by ruled earlier that Congress’ Hyde ding to the categories of abortions week for three years after they were Associate Justice John A. .Speziale, decision today that periodic alimony alimony orders could be modified, it In the dissenting opinion. Associate may be modified so as to extepd ”D A R S a le Mass for Laymen Indiana’s attorney general of a ruling Amendment was unconstitutional specified” divorced .luly 12. 1976 M s .Scoville said the original order implicitly In­ payments scheduled to terminate on said lump sum alimony decisions Ju stice A rthur H. Healey said alimony payments beyond its three- that the sect’s religious freedom was and enjoined its enforcement. However, a U.S. district judge then entered law school as a full-time stu­ dicated modification could be man­ TOLLAND — The Captain Noah Pope John Paul II waves as he arrives to celebrate a mass a given date may be extended by the were final. monthly alimony payments could be year life," he said. .Grant (Chapter, Daughters of the violated by barring the distribution Dooling’s new ruling is expected found the amendment un­ dent in 1977 and filed a motion Oct dated for 10,000 laymen at Vatican City. In his speech, the pope con­ courts under certain circumstances ■'Lump sum alimony, unlike increased under some circumstances "The langauge of an order must be and sale of religious literature at the shortly. constitutional and barred Illinois 24. 1978 to have alimony payments We conclude that in that part of ..American Revolution, will sponsor The high court, in a 4-1 decision, periodic alimony, is a finai judg­ given its ordinary meaning unless a demned abortion and divorce. (UPI photo) Indiana state fair. Congress is at an impasse over from denying funding for medically continued until she passed a bar the instant order stating at the end but the length of payments could not “-"More Than a Bake Sale," Friday ruled that periodic alimony can be ment which cannot be modified even be altered. technical or special meaning is clear­ In a major blow to the United Medicaid funding of abortions. In necessary abortions. examination of the three-year peritKl, the payment .irom 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the extended if an intervening m aterial should there be substantial change in "While I do agree that this order ly intended." he said. "The three- Methodist (jhurch, the court rebuffed The basis for the motion was ap­ order of alimony shall terminate,’ it Savings Bank of Tolland, Tolland each of the past four years it has at­ change in circumstances ' occurs circumstances," the majority opi­ clearly permits a modification in year limitation of the order is clear; Green. after the original judgment was proved by the state Supreme Court IS implicit that during that period there be no intervening m aterial nion said "This is true even if the amount in the event that a material it is mentioned not once, but twice." been made after the request had been rejected in


M. H«y« 1 1 1 ) . PEARL a'K S O N (i l ‘ » MAIN S I . M \M Ml ^11 It

John Hoborom HOLIDAY ceiia(s \i shell ,\S 7 ’, ' H f e s f t w i j SPECIALS DIAMONDRING I an v ; . ] always / from ^Ttffmacy treasure I $799 { O M H E « 4U IMtirW M, MOESTD TWIN OAKS I WEEK nSKM^NW MANCHESTER PARKADE • 84S-0012 IT OUR UNIQUE 8IR CalHomia Wine ■ C N H S n U S T S DEPT. NOW. TOR Tr»e» W. OREAT IDEAS CABERNET O F o n s Kissing • m u s T s is 2 3 Q B B SAUVIBNON 2S«Sb 1977-750 ml. FORDID M oSrI 710 QALS 1 Angels RIEEK Rag. SPECIAL T O R O 20” I * 4 t « T h e l U H T E *3.69 *2.99 SNOW THROWER H r s t L o d y . PRIC88 START AT LEVI CORDS S23S.0S a Mereue Hi. MemlWon SAVE CA Pim I 0m from '24" and ’26" HARVEST EquiniEirr MMNCQtNBa m M MAIN ST. WMCNEtTBI • MU I S4»14St I $200'"’ MXMCHtSTIINS41-mt LO'» PMXME STORE CAKE MANCHESTER. I B Z 2 . SEWINO d S S ta m CENTER S Flo for 249 IROAD ST. BRAYS tko$0 special MANCHESTER Christmas Happy n u E u r f S T O K holiday eakas FIRST ALERT M»li4 BAHERY SMOKE ALARM , tWi. I / r r MAIN STREET ...Candy too! UlUdsensilive No Holiday DOWNTOWN eiessM fas j ^ ' Wiring (uM MANCHESTER , screw into ceiling 3ofi OPEN MONDAVt FOR .MO 19.95 YOUR XMAi SHOPPINO ’’^pRia''12.M GIFT CERTIFICATES MsncAsilSf t OWssl f i lsAMiAeN Jswelrr tlsfehi Less Rebsts from NOW AVAILABLE PON CHMSTMAt Plrsl Alert ...... 5 .0 0 Wf tUOOflT; Mrs. Oeorge Hammer Your Actual Cost...... 7 .0 8 TO FOR THAT SPECIAL • CNANIII • PIN! 20%. Wint Thit Ceupen Ai W C Gi«ra« ’i j •WATCHilw CLOCK! 7 PERSON ON YOUR LIST •M A C E LK T t W.G.GLOIIYCO. • DIAMONO EN O A C IM irr J ^ M M O N S SM N . MAIN ST. 5 0 % NINO! m4 I X ^ 's K I m c k a g S LIGGETT ^ • VtOOWO SAIIOt 649-5253 nOmOSTOFTS r s IgKffliS PARKADE PHARMACY aCOUMTTWE-N RAY’S M NMIMlfMTm a m OH WITW NOW- Mlcheal N. HeN L ® OICTRONC mmmnsnmmmmmB MS'STWEST MPORTS MERRY • ContMCt L

8 - EVENING HERALD, Tim., Nov. 27, 1979 - EVENING HERALD, Tues., Nov. 27, 1979 - 9

Betty’s Notebook Citizens Offer Input on School Budget SOUTH WINDSOR - A Otizens’ Ad­ Goldman said that he believed the tative, that he would recommend sending over the school intercom would alert visory Committee is expected to offer in­ Citizens Advisory Committee should at­ a one time invitation to each organization. teachers to the need to evacuate their put when the Board of Education begins tend all regularly scheduled budget He said that those that do not respond or classrooms. The call would be indicated meetings on the 1980-81 school budget. workshops held by the Board of Elduca- indicate that they are not Interested in by the term “storm alert” according to School Superintendent Robert Goldman tion. He also said that the school ad­ having a representative, would be Goldman. has presented a list of various civic, ministrators would make themselves eliminated from consideration. Following the call over the school’s in­ By BETTY RYDER recreational, cultural and social groups to available to the committee in one Goldman said that from those who do tercom system, teachers would line up the the Board of Education, from which the scheduled worksession, so that they can respond, a manageable-sized committee students and they would proceed to the list of representatives to the Citizens’ Ad­ answer questions of the commlttM or will oe formed. It all groups respond, the nearest central corridor in the school The kitchen of the historic cookbooks and manuscript sources. Don’t eat snow. Melt it first and visory Board will be drawn. assist them in their deliberations. size of the committee will be 55 members. building. Each student would be required Buckingham House will be the site of Classes will be offer^ Tuesday, then drink it, because eating snow Goldman said that the committee Goldman said that he would recommend Invitations will be sent to local PTOs, as to take material to read or work to finish Mystic Seaport Museum's Fireplace Jan. 15 from 10 a.m. to noon; causes body temperatures to drop would be informed that its recommen­ that the group submit recommendations well as each civic organization in South in the corridor. Students would sit on the Cookery Course, to take place in mid- Wednesday, Jan. 16, from 7 to 9 p.m.; dangerously. dations are advisory only and the Board of to the board, based upon the budget Windsor. floor next to the corridor walls, staying as January. or Thursday, Jan. 17, from 1 to 3 p.m. Don’t drink any alcohol. It may Elducatlon is free to accept, modify or presented. The recommendations must be Emergency Procedures far from any glassed areas as possible. With the energy crisis in mind, this Class size is lim it^ to insure in­ dilate blood vessels, speeding heat reject new recommendations made by the received by the Board of Eklucation no The recent tornado in Windsor Locks Goldman said that particular areas of might be a good course in which to dividual participation. Class reser­ loss. group. Goldman said that the board would later than February 15, 1980. and Windsor has prompted the formation the building would be designated as become involved, vations are being taken by contacting Don’t let anyone stand behind the provide secretarial assistance to the (joldman said that since the list includes of emergency storm procedures to be used shelters, depending on the direction of the many organizations, and since it is dif­ Ms. Sandra Oliver of the Seaport’s the Public Affairs Office, Mystic rear wheels of the car if you are group so that its recommendations could in South Windsor public schools. storm’s approach. ficult to determine which organizations education department will teach Seaport Musuem, Mystic. attempting to push it out of a snow­ be recorded and prepared in a report to According to the proposed plan, a call 20th-century adaptations of the drift. ’ the board. may be interested in sending a represen­ techniques she developed for use in the daily 19th-century fireplace Do It Yourself cookery demonstrations. Symphony When it comes to price, fast food In each two-hour class, she will dis­ For a holiday gift, how about a chains still can’t compete for cuss the selection of wood, making subscription to the Manchester economy with home cooking. Accor­ and keeping a fire, proper utensils Symphony Orchestra and Chorale ding to a survey conducted by the and equipment, cooking times and 1979-1980 concert season? Opening Department of Argiculture, it’s temperatures. Broiling, roasting, night is Dec. 2 with talented violinist, cheaper to prepare low-cost chain Restoring Statue ‘.f"' frying, stewing, baking and boiling, Kurt Nikkanen at 4 p.m. at restaurant food at home. For exam­ Art conservator Phoebe Dent Weil goes all techniques used in the 1800s will Manchester High School. For ticket ple, the survey cites, french fries, about her work of restoring John Quincy be demonstrated, using century-oid information. Call Betty Brown at 633- hamburger and a soft drink costs recipes and modern-day packaged 2419. Contributions are tax deducti­ about 31.70 at a fast-food restaurant, Adam Award's statue, “The Pilgrim,” in mixes. ble. and the same meal can be made at Laotians, Americans Observe Homong New York City’s Central Park. She uses her The use of both modern kitchen home for under $1. Laotian dancers dressed in traditional Manchestel^kThe dinner, arranged by Lao own technique of blasting bronze with minute equipment and proper 19th-century Might be hard to convince the kids beads of glass and coats the restored surface •1 ■•'-'•/'ip! i*...’'- , ' ' ■ utensils (cranes, heavy iron spiders, Khaub Neauws costumes performed at Toua Lo, was in celebration of Laotian Snowbound (who have their favorite name brand with acrylic resin. She says “there isn’t a portable iron bake ovens and spits) burgers and fries) but economically- dinner Nov. 24 for more than SIX) Laotians and Homong which is similar to our New Year’s will be discussed and demonstrated. If you’re snowbound in an auto, speaking—it’s worth a try. American guests at Mama Mia’s in observance! (Herald photo by Adamson) statue in New York in good shape, and that Take-home information wiil include what should you do? An article in the goes for almost every statue in the country.” instructions on how to build a reflec­ December 11 Family Circle listed (UPl photo) tor oven, proper fire wood, and some some helpful tips: Beauty 19th century recipes which Ms. Don't walk for help. Wait in the Oliver has transcribed from car. Notes Vernon Schools Set NEW YORK (UPl) - Closing Procedures Shive-Pavan Someone who uses over- the counter bleaching VERNON — When schools have to be closed due to creams may be trading storms, or for other emergency reasons, or if students Pamela Gail Pavan of Manchester and Steven Gerard freckles or age spots for Shive of Fayetteville, N.C., were married Nov. 24 at the have to be let out early, the announcements will be made new skin problems, says over area radio stations. Church of the Assumption in Manchster. Dr. Fredric Haberman, a The school system has announced procedures for time- dermatologist. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aldo Pavan delayed openings and early closings, as follows: Starting Haberman says the use times and closings for schools, under a one-hour delayed of 376 Keeney St,, Manchester. The bridegroom is the son of such preparations opening schedule will be Rockville High School, 8:45 a.m. of Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Shive of 14 Huckleberry Road, exposes the skin to severe to 1:29 p.m.. Middle School, 8:45 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.; St. East Hartford. sun damage and untimely Joseph’s and St. Bernard’s schools, 9r30 a.m. to 2 p.m.; The Rev. George Laliberte of the Church of the dryness. Assumption performed the doubie-ring ceremony. Howell Cheney Tech, 9 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.; Center Road To prevent such damage, The bride was given in marriage by her father. and Sykes, 9:05 a m. to 2:20 p.m.; Northeast, Skinner he recommends the use of Road, Lake Street, Maple Street, and Vernon Elemen­ sunscreens when you’re Deborah Stez of Manchester, the bride’s sister, was tary schools, 9:25 a.m. to 2:40 p.m. going skiing or to the matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Barbara Shive of TTie pre-school session at Talcottville School, 9:10 to beach. A sunscreen 11:45 a.m.; Center Road morning kindergarten, 9:05 to East Hartford, the bridegroom’s sister; Barbara Lan- preparation should become dolina of Manchester; and Laura Pavan of Manchester, 11:05 a.m.; and afternoon session, 12:20 to 1:50 p.m.; Patricia M. Cormier Sharon D. Murano a regular part of your the bride's sister. beauty regimen, Haber­ other school morning kindergartens, 9:25 to 11:25 a.m. man says. He also recom­ and afternoon sessions, 12:40 to 2:40 p.m. Daniei Roberts of Manchester, the bridegroom’s mends reading the use When school openings have to be delayed by two hours, the closing times will be: High school, 1:45 p.m.; Middle brother, was best man. Gary Pike and Daniel Vegiard, and care brochures that both of East Hartford, were ushers. En g a g e d School, 2:10 p.m.; St. Joseph’s and St. Bernard’s, 2:30 come with the products. A reception was held at the Garden Grove in p.m.; Howell Cheney, 2:20 p.m.; Center Road and Sykes, Ideally, Haberman says, 2:35 p.m.; othe'' elementary schools, 2:55 p.m.; Talcott­ Manchester, after which the couple left for Vermont. all such products should be They wlU reside In FayettevlUc, N £ . ville morning preschool, 12:10 p.m.; Talcottville regular Cormier-DeSocio Murano-Burbelo u se d w ith a d e r ­ wn Mrs. Shive was employed by the Savings Bank of matologist’s supervision to classes, 2:10 p.m, ; Center Road morning kindergarten, Mrs. Steven G. Shive Manchester. Mr. Shive is serving in the U. S. Army and The engagement of Miss Patricia The engagement of Miss Sharon prevent overtreating the 11:45 a.m. attending Campbeli College, N.C. (Bolton photo) Mary Cormier of Manchester to Dwyer Murano of Glastonbury to skin. Also; Center Road, afternoon kindergarten, 2:35 p.m.; Peter A. DeSocio of Waterbury has Mark Justin Burbelo of Westerly, Haberman is a clinical and other schools morning kindergartens, 12:05 p.m. and been announced by her parents. Mr. R.I., has been announced by her instructor of dermatologist afternoon sessions, 2:55 p.m. Births and Mrs, Earl W. Cormier of 41 Fair- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester M. at the Albert Einstein view St., Manchester. Murano Jr. of Grist Mill Road, College of Medicine in New Fashon Show Slated Glastonbury. York City.______ItaHhuH. McliHAa, paternal grandparents are Mr and Mr, DeSocio is the son of Mr. and Mr, Burbelo is the son of Dr. Mrs. Raymond F. DeSocio of Water- Gregory M. Burbelo of Westerly and NEW YORK (UPl) - By Suburban Women daughter of Paul A. and Sandra Mrs. Edward J. Foy of Hartford. She Teen-age girls are wearing Bu'kwald Rashaw of 53 Indian Drive. hury. the late Elsa Burbelo. has three brothers, Edward. 5, Allen, their hair longer than last VERNON — The Suburban Women’s Club of Vernon, M ichester She was born Nov. 8 at 2*'2, and Jeremy, 2*^. Miss Murano graduated from Blast y e a r, says a re c e n t Ellington and Tolland will host a “Holiday Fashions r ^....Chester Memorial Hospital. Her Miss Cormier graduated from Catholic High School in 1974 and Manchester High School and magazine survey. Sixty- Extravaganza" at Willie’s Steak House in Manchester, maternal grandparents are Mr and Bell. l.uriiH Frederirk, son of received a bachelor’s degree in nur­ Creative School of Hairdressing in five percent prefer it Saturday. . ^ Mrs Frederick Buckwald of Frederick M and Suzanne Sherman sing from Marymount College of , Manchester. She is employed in the Virginia. She was formerly employed shoulder length or below. The show will sUrt with a chicken cordon bleu Manchester Her paternal grand­ Bell of Avon. He was born Nov. 14 at luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Fashions will be coordinated by Ar- mother IS Mrs Mary Rashaw of West account department at Power as a registered nurse at the George Clean hair is also a high Manchester Memorial Hospital. His priority with this age noldeen’s of Manchester and will be modeled by club Hartford maternal grandparents are Mr. and System in Bloomfield. Washington University Medical Center in Washington, D.C. group, the study show^. members. Mrs. William Sherman of South Forty-five percent said Tickets may be obtained by calling Anita Ream, 35 tjuinn. Joel Jeffrey, son of Jef­ Mr. DeSocio graduated from Mr. Burbelo graduated from Moses Windsor. His paternal grandparents they shampooed their hair Haylin Drive or Terry Price, 6 Ridgewood Drive. frey J and Michele Ginolfi Quinn of Crosby High School in Waterbury. He Brown in Providence, R.I., in 1974 are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bell of The club will have its monthly meeting on Dec. 4 at 7:15 54 Baker Road. Vernon. He was born is an apprentice tool maker at P.T.G. and received a bachelor’s degree in daily or more often. South Windsor. He has a brother, pm at the Northeast School. After the business meeting Nov. 11 at Manchester Memorial Company in Glastonbury. zoology from George Washington Almost 42 percent also use Nolan Michael, 3. ttere will be a “Dutch Auction” which will feature Hospital. His maternal grandparents University in Washington. He is hair spray, compared with Robbins, Ricky Allen Jr., son of The couple is planning an April 26, employed by the CJiemical Depart­ 28 p e rc e n t in th e homemade craft items and baked goods. . . are Mr and Mrs. Michael Ginolfi of A Christmas tree will be set up and decorated with Vernon His paternal grandparents Ricky A. and Robin A. Petit Robbins 1980 wedding at St. James Church in ment at. Electric Boat. Groton. magazine's 1977 hair care mittens made by members or with |1 donations. The are Mr and Mrs. Francis Quinn of of 105 High St., Rockville. He was Manchester. (Village photo) A May 31,1980 wedding is planned. survey. East Hartford born Nov. 6 at Rockville General mittens and money will be forwarded to the Hockanura Hospital. His maternal grandparents President Calorie /r Valley Day Care Center. I.eilwilli. Brooke .Anne, daughter are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strogoff of The club is also assisting the Rockville Fire Depart­ of Brian and Denise Tellier Ledwith Rockville. His paternal grand­ Intake ment with its project of restoring used dolls for C l^ t- The Syrian Lebanese American mas giving. Club members have repaired and outfitted of 234 Long Hill Road, South Windsor. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Warren Women's Association of Greater Dropped the dolls and will bring them lo the meeting. She was born Nov. 12 at Manchester Robbins of Portland. Maine. Hartford installed new officers at a Memorial Hospital. Her maternal dinner meeting at Casa Nova WASHINGTON (UPl) - EVER WISH grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kibbr, Hurry Arlbur, son of Restaurant, Talcottville, recently. Americans’ burgeoning in­ Senior Citizens To Meet George Tellier of South Windsor Her Arthur G. and Karen V. Kuehl Kibbe Mrs. Ann Reherman of Windsor terest in good nutrition is SOUTH WINDSOR — The Senior Citizens Club will paternal grandparents are Mr and of Staffordville. He was bom Nov. 20 was installed as president. Other of­ paying off. Preliminary YOU WERE meet Wednesday at the Community Center on Ayers Mrs Gerald Ledwith of Ellsworth. at Rockville General Hospital. His ficers installed are: Mrs. Morris data from a 1977 food con­ Road. Maine. maternal grandparents are Mr. and Miller of Hartford, vice president; sumption survey indicates Janice McFerran, nutritionist from CRI will visit the Mrs. Raymond Kuehl of Stafford­ Mrs. Mary Dowaliby of Hartford, Americans’ diet today is GETTING nutrition program E)ec. 3 at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Gaudelle, Ruth .Ann. daughter of ville. His paternal grandparents are secretary; Mrs. Martin Aroian of lower in calories and Hall. . . a W-. , Elias F. and Rose Cardini Gaudette Mr. and Mrs. Alison Kibbe of Manchester, treasurer; and Mrs. higher in nutritional quali­ Reservations for lunch should be made m advance by of 77D Rachel Road. Manchester. Somers. His great-grandparents are Fred Powlishen of Elast Hartford, ty than it was in 1965. T H E GIFT YOU calling Pat Cheever, 646-2618. Mini-bus reservations for She was born Nov. 12 at Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kuehl of sergeant-at-arms. The Nationwide Food transportation to the luncheons may be made by calling Consumption Survey, Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Stafford and Mrs. Thelma Holland of Mrs. Amelia Battalino of Vernon, a the Social Service Department, 644-2571. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Manchester. He has a sister, Karen guest, presented movies on various which is still under way, WERE GIVING? The Nutrition Program group is planning its annual covers 12 years. The sur­ Joseph Cardini of Manchester. Her Marie. trips she has taken to Indonesia, the Christmas party for Dec. 20. Reservations may be made • itTf B. J. KtynoMs TetfKce Co Middle East and also a trip down the vey is comparing food (SEE SPECIAL OFFER BELOW) Colorado River. expenditures, amounts of by calling Mrs. Cheever, 644-2818. Plans for future fundraising ac­ food eaten and nutrient College Notes tivities were initiated and will in­ content with a similar sur­ "the IhnMi Mlu" AARP Units Sets Meeting clude projects for the scholarship vey conducted by the U.S. MANCHESTER - The December meeting of the Only Winstons Sun-RicK“ Blend Belinda Welti, daughter of Dr. and Educational Policy at Swarthmore Department of Agriculture Ugomon/mpfUi ConnecUcut Northeast Chapter 604, American Associa­ Mrs. Clarence Welti of Manchester, College, where she is currently a Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. (Nassiff almost 15 years ago. tion of Retired Persons, will be held Dec. 5 at the K of C has been awarded a letter for her photo) Among preliminary con­ h e o lth / p o / of the choicest, richest tobaccos junior. Hall 138 Main St., Manchester, at 1:30 p.m. participation on the 1979 Bate College clusions reached by the O^gpoauMB Ntw fkm l FtmOf oi Spas Smtng 50 CommunOim tennis team. p^fessor Robert Kennedy of the University of Connec­ tastes this full and satisfying. Carolyn J. Kozuch. daughter of Mr. current researchers: ticut. will speak on “How to exercise wisely.” There will The Bobcats completed a 5-5 — aoo»ii»oai)i)ii(iiiiiii()(j(’oyi)iiniiiiiiiiii^Hi()i)()t)(joooooiji.ii)iii!i)oooooii!Hiiji,i»i‘(,i.ii):iiitfOu^ and Mrs. Ronald A. Kozuch of 509 — Calorie intake dropped be a carol sing and special refreshments at the m e e ^ . season with a third-place finish in the An The Servicn about 10 percent, probably Spring St., Manchester, is spending FTMMit tlita cottpen to woman's worM Moottn ipo Members are remiSed that the annual Yuletide Party W inston after Winston. Maine intercollegiate championship. the fall semester in Rome studying because of decreased con­ will be held at Willie’s, 444 Center St., Manchester, Dec. Navy Elnsign Michael T. Feltman, sumption of milk and other WITH EACH OFT MEMBERSHIP YOU at the Intercollegiate Center for 14 at 12:30 p.m. , . , .u Winston PURCHASE FOR A FRIEND OR RELATIVE ig Kathleen M. Callahan of Classical Studies. son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Felt- dairy products, bread and In caiM* of any meeting cancellations during the coming T he B ox. Manchester has been elected vice man of Route 83, Vernon, has been cereals, fats and oils and po YOU WILL RECEIVE FREE ONE 6 WEEK ^ FILTEH-CI0ARETTE8 She is a junior at Brown University WEIGHT LOSS & NUTRITION PROGRAM winter months, President A1 Christensen wishes to notify president of the freshman class at and a 1977 graduate of East Catholic commissioned in his present rank most sweets. WITH USE OF ALL SPA FACIUTIES. everyone that they will be announced over the WINF and Merrimack College, North Andover, High School. Course work for upon graduation from Officer Can­ —Fewer empty calories SAVE GAS! CAU AND CHARGE TO t2WI1» w n c. Mass. She is the daughter of studying ancient cities includes a didate School (OCS). or junk food is being con­ YOUR MASTER CHARGE OR VISA Catherine Callahan, 27 Scarborough stay in Sicily and Pompeii. OCS, located at the Naval Educa­ sumed. HUKW' Road. tion and Training Center, Newport, The greatest dietary im- Reserve Your Programs Now and Start After tfie First of the Yean Club Sells Light Bulbs CRUSH-PROOF BOX At East Catholic High School, she Marliane Coulombe of Manchester, R.I., is designed to prepare stu^nts irovements are in lowest BOLTON — The Bolton Lions Club will sell light bulbs Warning: The Surgeon General Has Oeiermined was a member of the executive board a sophomore at Mount Ida Junior to assume the duties and respon­ fncome households, the __ CUP TMS COUPON.. on Saturday. The sale will be conducted on a door-to-door That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health of the student council and was active College in Newton Centre, Mass., sibilities of commissioned officers. report says. basis. 19 mg. "tai", 1.3 mg. nicotine av. pei cigaieiie, FTC Repoii MAY ’ 78. The 1977 survey covers in swimming and track. will be listed in the 1979-80 edition of A 1970 graduate of Rockville H M Marshall's Mall ’The club is working on plans for a pavllUon at Indian Who’s Who Among Students in School, and a 1974 graduate of the 15,000 households in 48 Notch Park. The first set of blueprints were not what the Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of American Junior Colleges. University of New Mexico, sta te s, and 34,000 in­ club wanted so a new set is being drawn, said Elmer Mr. and. Mrs. Olof Anderson of Miss Coulombe is earning her Albuquerque, N.M., with a bachelor dividuals who consumed Wilson, club president. Kennedy Road, Manchester, has associate in arts degree in the Early science degree, he joined the Navy upwards of 20,000 different Other officers for the club are Dick Jones, vice- been appointed to the Council on Childhood Education Program. •>* July 1977. products. president, Loren Otter, secretary, Billy Hoar, treasurer. 1 0 - EVENING HERALD, Tue*., Nov. J7, 1«7» — EVENINGlUTcaivinKj ncjn/iiaLf,HERALD, Tues., lues., noNov. 27, 1979— 1 1 O b It u a r iM Syracuse Choice in Big East Walter Tomkunas Mary CIpolla of Blast Hartford; five Gordon F. Gale officiating Burial EAST HARTFORD -W alter S. grandchildren will be in Grove Hill Cemetery, Ver­ Tomkunaa, 88, of 117 Penney Drive, Funeral services will be non. There are no calling hours. BOSTON (UPI) - New likely champion. In Division III, Boston College was 21-9 last ECAC North Wednesday, 8:30 a.m., from the John Clark looms as a solid choice to season, but lost guard Ernie Cobb. Ivy League East Hartford, formerly of England launches another Holy Cross has Ronnie Perry and Manchester, husband of the late F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 West college basketball season this repeat as titlist. Coach Tom Davis is hoping guards Dartmouth has a new coach, Tim John Perkins Dwane Chandler, Mike Bennett and that’s a lot. How mobile he’ll be after Katherine (Bush) Tomkunas, died Center St., Manchester, with a mass week with a new conference Cohane (ex-Manhattanville) and in of Christian burial at St. James EAST HARTFORD-John Griffith The Big East Jim Sweeney can fill the void. Up summer knee surgery is Larry Lawrence, perhaps the this morning at a local convalescent questionable. But with Perry, Church at 9 a.m. Burial in St. James Perkins, 91, of 168 Ridgewood Road, and a rearranged ECAC North front, he’ll have Joe Beaulieu, Rich league’s premier player. Guard Jim home. Syracuse is the choice of the con­ passing whiz Bob Kelly and Charlie Cemetery. Friends may call at the which includes 10 teams, three Shrigley and Vin Caraner back. Pannagio defect^ to Providence He was bom in Lithuania Dec. 2, East Hartford, died Sunday at a local ference’s coaches to win tne initial Browne in the middle, the Crusaders funeral home today, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 convalescent home from upstate New York, eight Connecticut, last year's surprise along with Walters. The Big Green 1890, and was a re sid e n t of Big Eas{ title, a crown that should ECAC winner, returns super sophs look like the class of the ECAC. Manchester most of his life. Prior to p.m. Bom In Aberdeen, South Wales, he of whom will make the carry an NCAA berth with it. Gavitt should challenge for the title. Corny Thompson and Mike McKay. Rhode Island lost Sly Williams to Harvard was 8-21 last year, and his retirement in 1960, he was . had been a resident of Blast Hartford playoffs. ^ . even predicts three teams from the the Knicks, and guard John Nelson employed at Case Bros. Paper Louis Geaski for the last 10 years. He was a They’ll' have to replace Randy faces Texas on Dec. 4. But with no ’The new conference is the Big league may make the NCAAs. Lavigne and Jeff Carr, and Jim and center Irv Chapman to gradua­ Mill, East Hartford. He was a EAST HARTFORD -L ouis F. member of the Conimunlty Baptist ITie Orangemen have four starters starter above 6-foot-5, they’ll have to Blast, the brainchild of FTovidence tion. They will need a big lift from rely on speed and shooting. member of St. John’s the Evangelist Geaski, 44, of 210 Main St., East Church, Manchester and the Masonic returning, including 6-foot-ll sky Hartfoi^, died Sunday at Manchester Athletic Director Dave Gavitt. ’The forward Jimmy Wright and Brown was 8-18 under Joe Society of Hartford. Lodge of New Haven. scraper Roosevelt Bouie and 6-foot-8 Memorial Hospital. league consists of seven teams; freshman Horace Owens and may Mullaney last year - and this year He is survived by a son, Alexander He is survived by a son, Robert E. 1/Ouis Orr. Several preseason polls New England surprise. Bom in Hartford, he had lived in Perkins of Hamden; two daughters, Boston College. Connecticut, could be worse. Four players have Tomkunas of Manchester; a Providence. Georgetown. St. John's, rate Syracuse in the top 10. They Boston University had a 17-9 record this area all his life. He was Mrs. Clarice P; Carlson of Blast Hart­ iloop Roundup decided to shuck the sport for various daughter, Mrs. Josephine Uzupes of Syracuse and Seton Hall. have been in eight straight NCAA J last year, but lost their best player in Manchester: a grandson, Alex (Bud) employed by Half Constmction Co. ford and Miss Jean C. Perkins of tournaments. reasons. Senior Peter Moss will be Prompted by the Big East, the Tom Channel. Steve Wright, a 6-foot- relied upon to score. Tomkunas Jr. of EUist Hartford; 10 for The last 18 years. He was an Kansas City; eight grandchildren and Georgetown was 24-5 last year and Abromaitis should help up front. ECAC realign^ its Division I North 8 forward returns, and he averaged Yale hasn’t had a winning record in grandchildren and 20 great­ Army veteran and a member of the 13^eat-grandchildren. returns all five starters. Their Providence has a new coach in lineup. Canisius. Colgate and 21 points a game. BU has some easy 11 years, but this season could end grandchildren. Team sters Union Local 559 of Funeral services will be backcourt of John Duren and Eric Gary Walters (ex-Dartmouth), but Niagara join seven New England opponents which may build up con­ that string. They have seven of their Newington. Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Com­ Floyd is excellent. Craig Shelton is a little else. The Friars lost Chuck Funeral services will be Thursday, teams. Eight will qualify for the fidence if nothing else. top eight scorers back and all five He leaves two daughters. Linda munity Baptist Church, Manchester. .solid forward. Aleksinas to UConn. but couldn't use 9:15 a.m., from the John F. Tierney postseason championships, as op­ Northeastern has a brutal rebounders. Geaski of Hartford and Wendy Burial services will be in the St. John’s returns all five starters him this year anyway due to in­ Funeral Home, 219 West Center St., posed to four last year. schedule, with Alabama. Massachusetts is in the Eastern with a mass of Christian burial at St. Geaski of Rockville; a sister, Mrs. Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven, from last year's team which narrow­ eligibility. And guard John Nolan Penn looks like the best bet in the broke his hand in practice, ft will be Georgetown and Princeton, but Eight and the pickings are slim in Rose Church, East Hartford at 10 Joan Anderson of Enfield, and Wednesday at 2 p.m. Friends may ly missed the final four. Guard should make the top eight. So should ■ several aunts and uncles. Ivy League, with Yale, Dartmouth another long year, but Seton Hall, Amherst. New Coach Ray Wilson in­ am. call at the Newkirk & Whitney Reggie Carter is one of the best in the Canisius and Maine The other snot is Funeral services will be Thursday, and Princeton in hot pursuit. In Divi­ who lost guard Nick Galis (a Celtics herits a 5-22 team and lost its four top Burial will be in St. James Funeral Home, 318 Burnside Ave., sion II. Bentley, with eight lettermen East and St. John's has added 6-foot-7 up for grabs between Vermont. 8:15 a.m., from Callahan Funeral East Hartford, today from 7 to 9 p.m. draft pick), will be just as thin. scorers And to make matters worse, Cemetery, Manchester. Calling back, is rated by the coaches as the Curtis Redding. Niagara. New Hampshire and Home, 1602 Main St., East Hartford, The Masonic Lodge No. 73 of two promising freshmen suffered hours are Wednesday from 2 to 4 and Colgate preseason injuries. 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial contributions with a mass of Christian burial, 9 Manchester will conduct a service at a.m., at St. Rose Church. Burial will may be made to the American Heart the funeral home today at 7 p.m. Con­ IM SKIM t —V O littte * -' Association of Greater Hartford, 310 be in Veterans Memorial Field, tributions in his memory may be Poquonock School Collins St., Hartford. Hillside Cemetery. Calling hours are made to the Memorial Fund of the today from 7 to 9 p.m. and Community Baptist Church, These Waddell School students donated collected by the children. Pictured left to Herald Griffin^ Castino Share Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Manchester, Stephen Frey pennies Monday to be given to the Poquonock right are Kathleen O’Marra, Brian Hart, MANCHESTER -Stephen Frey, Richard Twible Seniors Meeting School in the tornado devastated Windsor Colin Ebdon, Michelle Minor, Regina Mis­ Angle 69, of 149 Summit St., Manchester, DANIELSON -Richard A. Twible, BOLTON — The Bolton senior area. 'The children collected $151.05 which sion, Amber Truwax, and Suzanne Desautell. died Monday at Manchester 42, of 54 Main St., Danielson, former­ Rookie Honors in AL citizens will meet Wednesday at 1 will be used for the school’s media center. (Helad photo by Pinto) Earl Yost Memorial Hospital. He was the hus­ ly of Manchester, died Wednesday at p.m. at the Community Hall. Blood The Manchester PTA matched the amount his home. Sports Editor band of Anne (Tivnan) Frey. pressures will be taken. A program NEW YORK (UPI) - prove." Griffin said. have no profound words of wisdom. Bom in New York City, Nov. 27. Bom in Hartford, he had lived in will be conducted by Winifred Cun­ Alfredo Griffin, one of the few Toronto acquired Griffin from Just work hard." the Hartford area most of his life. He 1909, he was the son of the late ningham at 1:45 p.m. The business bright spots in the three-year Cleveland on Dec. 6, 1978. with third A right-handed hitter. Castino was Stephen and Mary (Pongratz) Frey. was employed by Realie Plumbing meeting and reservations for the baseman Phil Lansford in exchange platooned a third for most of the Prior to his retirement in 1973, he Co. of Brooklyn, Conn. group’s Christmas party will follow School Rodgers Unrecognised history of the Toronto Blue for reliever Victor Cruz. Report Says season with left-handed hitting Mike He leaves a son, Richard D. Twi­ was employed for a period of 24 years the program. Billy Rodgers will long remember his visit to Manchester for jays, says he expects to im­ "A tip of the hat should also go to Cubbage. but his defense .%2 was so ble ; two daughters, Sandra L. Twible at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group of the 1979 Five Mile Road Race Thanksgiving morning. prove as he grows older. the scouting staff that recommended exceptional he managed to get into United Technologies Corp., East and Laura J. Twible, all of Coventry; Poliee To Speak America’s No. 1 marathon runner, by 'T m looking forward to next we acquire Griffin, " said Toronto 148 games — many of them in the late Hartford. He was a member of the his parents, Robert and Edith MANCHESTER —Detective Sue the numbers and times of all president Peter Bavasi. "It's nice to virtue of three triumphs in the finishers. season. " Griffin said Monday, upon innings. During the last two months National Guard for 15 years, retiring (Bowers) Twible of Manchester; a Gibbons and Patrolman James Needs Major Facelift learning he was co-winner of the know their hard work has paid off on of the season. Twins' Manager Gene Boston Marathon, four in the New as first lieutenant. brother, Raymond Twible of McCooe of the Manchester Police The complete tabulation is now this and other trades we've made. " York City Marathon and one in American League Rookie-of-the- Mauch began using Castino more Besides his wife, he leaves a sOn, Manchester, and three sisters, Department will speak at the MANCHESTER - A 68page in- calls for restoration of the high needs. being matched with the numbers and Castino, a 25-year-old third Japan, didn't win in Manchester and names of all runners who registere- Year award with John Castino of the regularly. Gregory S. Frey of Ellington; a Marilyn Worlund of Vernon, Barbara November meeting of the St. James depth report calling for extensive school roof. Plans call for the roof to The proposal includes replacing 25 Minnesota Twins. "I know I can steal baseman, was also a standout defen­ the episode involving him took place dand may be released on the Griffin and Castino each received SCOREBOARD daughter, Mrs. Leonard (Camilla) Bignone of Manchester and Elizabeth Home and School Association renovations to Manchester High be improved in a manner and design percent of the student locker more bases and hit for a better sive player and contributed a .285 seven votes from the 28-member Nelson of Manchester; two brothers, Krause of Niantic. tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the school which will afford a maintenance facilities, providing or reconstruc­ several hours after die holiday run. weekend. School was presented to the Board of Rodgers was among several par­ average than last year. " batting average with 52 RBI. He is BBWAA committee to edge Califor­ Henry J. Frey of Manchester and Funeral services will be cafeteria. ’They will speak on home free, fuel efficient structure immune ting display areas, installing a NFL Education Monday night by Dr. ticipants and friends at the home of Salazar Tops A 22-year-old switch-hitting the third Twins' player to gain top nia relief ace Mark Clear by two William E. Frey of Norwood, Mass.; Wednesday, 1 p.m.. at Newkirk i security and on women's protective to the swift changes of New England passenger elevator, replacing tiles James Kennedy, school superinten­ Blamon Flanagan in Manchester. The Alberto Salazar, the former shortstop, Griffin batted .287 and set rookie honors, joining outfielder votes. Relief pitcher Ron Davis of American Conference two sisters, Mrs. Eugene (Anna) Whitney Funeral Home, 318 Burnside techiques. The meeting is open to the dent. weather. and or installing carpeting, inspec­ Utter served as coordinator for the Manchester resident, now living in club records with 179 hits and 20 Tony Oliva (19641 and second New York, first baseman Pat Put­ F^axl Magnan of Manchester and Mrs. Ave., ^ s t Hartford, with the Rev. public. Dr. Kennedy said, “After 25 years The Art Department which ting windows and doors, recon­ baseman Rod Carew (1967). Five Mile Road Race the past two Wayland, Mass., copped the Amateur stolen bases. In addition, he is a nam of Texas and left-handed pitcher W L T !Pet. of use the building faces the same currently has five classrooms in ditioning lavortories, and equipping years. Athletic Union Cross Country Cham­ shortstop of remarkable range and is "I feel very fortunate to achieve Ross Baumgai ten of Chicago each New England 8 5 0 615 things a homeowner faces, you must widely separated parts of the classrooms with draperies. such a prestigious award. " Castino During a social hour. Rodgers, still pionship last Saturday in Raleight. considered one of the best defensive received three votes. Miami 8 5 0 .615 renew and secure your investment so building is asking for all its rooms to 'The current heating and cooling said "Fm very excited, very decked out in the running suit that he N.C., and led the Greater Boston players at his position. It marked the first deadlock in the Buffalo 7 6 0 .538 Minimal Public Support it will last another 25 years.” be relocated neared to each other. system and classroom lighting honored and very fortunate. I guess I 31-year history of the AL Rookie-of- NY Jets 5 8 0 .385 has endorsed and is available at his Track Club to the team title. Salazar. "I know the artificial turf better ’The new location should be adja­ should be analyzed to ensure its best got it for playing defense and Dr. Kennedy said today that a store in Boston, was cornered by 21, is a student at the University of now so I think my fielding will im­ the-Year voting by the Baseball Baltimore 4 9 0 .308 efficiency. Plans also call for a new hustling I’ve improved quite a lot. I ballpark figure on the costs would be cent to the Industrial Arts Depart­ Judy Krupp. Oregon. The previous week he was Writers Association of America Central ment to permit the sharing of tools public address system with two-way available in one month. He said no The local woman, seeing Rodgers runner-up in the NCAA Cross Coun­ W L T Pet. May Doom Holiday Meal Plan and teacher expertise. communications to be installed in estimates can be made at this point in his running gear, asked if he had try run in California. Several runners Pittsburgh 10 3 0 .769 ’The Business Blducation Depart­ every room. By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA dinate the food basket program for ’Thanksgiving. However, this year,^ by bis office because the town started and finished the race. pawed up the Manchester Five Mile Houston 10 3 0 .789 ment includes in its needs new fur­ The electrical facilities should be Qeveland 8 5 0 .615 Herald Reporter MACC, said Monday the baskets are Mrs. Carr said the demand for the' building committee and the architect Rodgers nodded that he did. Race to compete at North Carolina Jets’ Punting Game made up by churches or individuals. aid required using some food donated must meet to consider the proposals. niture and equipment. studied and a master antenna for State including Greg Meyer, Don Cincinnati 3 10 0 .231 MANCHESTER — The interfaith "How long did it take you,?” she The people also distribute the for distribution at Christmas. He added, “Any estimate I gave The Cooperative Occupational color television reception should be U ef*l aid agency met with lack of public asked. Hodge and Dan Dillon... Patti Lyons, baskets sometimes. Not only is the Christmas basket today could be wildly wrong. As an Education Program is asking for provided. W L T Pet support at their food collection held "About 45 minutes,” came the rep­ the first female finisher in the Five "Stuffing, cranberry sauce, program short because it was dipped example, just for the roof repairs walls to be removed and partitions The report asks for the investiga­ San Diego 10 3 0 .769 at the Manchester Parkade this year ly Miler in Manchester, holds two potatoes, fruits, vegetables, some into for Thanksgiving, but the C3irist- alone, cost estimates range between built as well as new equipment. tion of a sealing or walerproofing national distance titles, the 20 Added to Problems Denver 9 4 0 .692 The questioneer added,” That’s not and thus the area's needy families exteior wails in the auditorium as canned goods, a ham or turkey, mas toy program is also in trouble. $500,000 -$900,000. New equipment and moving walls bad because it's an awfully long way kilometer and the half-marathon, Oakland 7 6 0 .538 may not be able to enjoy a holiday' is also being requested by the Home well as replacing womout lawn sec­ whatever the person donating the The report entitled “Educational to run.” both set earlier this year. Women are Seattle 7 6 0 .538 meal this Christmas. Blconomics Department to better tions with loam and seed. SEATTLE (U P I)-A s if the meal feels would be a good holiday Ms. Mikoleit said while the Specifications for the Manchester Little did she know at the time that pushing for the marathon to be an Kansas City 5 8 0 .385 Nancy Carr, executive director of meet the needs of students. The report must be approved by leaky pass coverage and place- dinner." is in the baskets, according churches donate toys when they give High School Renovation” was com­ Olympic event but it won't happen in .National Conference the Manchester Area Conference of Construction of a new wall along the school board before costs can be she was Ulking with the man who has kicking problems weren't to Ms. Mikoleit. She said the food baskets, the individuals often simply piled by high school teachers and 1980. Churches said Monday. "We had the entire west section of the In­ estimated by an architect. It is an­ esUblished records at his best dis­ costs between $50-75. cannot, thus they, only give the fool. department heads, the administra­ enough, now you can add a relied on the Parkade collection but dustrial Arts wing is being requested ticipated the school board will have tance - the marathon - which Hutt to Be Cited W L T Pet. She said the food is supposed to "We need toys to go along with the tion and school specialists. measures 26 miles, 385 yards. breakdown in the New York it didn't work out. We're having in order to bring the sub-standard at least one public hearing on the Bill Hutt, one of Blast Hartford's Philadelphia 9 4 0 .692 carry a family for one week. "A total food baskets donated by individuals. By the end of 1980 school officials Rodgers, who appeared here Jets’ punting game to Walt problems with Christmas baskets” shop labs up to State Department of proposed changes before it takes any all-time top athletes, has been Dallas 8 5 0 .615 of 100 baskets will come from You can see the problem if some are hopeful a complete plan for through the efforts of Connecticut Mrs. Carr said 2(X) needy families Blducation guidelines. New equip­ action. selected to receive the 11th annual Michaels' list of woes. Washington 8 5 0 .615 churches and 100 from individuals." families get food and toys and others rehabilitation can be prepared for a Mutual Life Insurance Company and NY Giants 6 7 0 462 are on a list to receive food baskets Ms. Mikoleit said. get just food, while boty are in equal ment is also being requested. East Hartford Explorers’ Sports Seattle's Jim Zorn threw for three at Christmas. While some of the bond referendum. It is hoped the its "Run for Life" program, ran just Awards Sunday night at East Hart­ touchdowns and hit a club-record 14 St Louis 3 10 0 .231 The conference distributed 120 need." Ms. Mikoleit said. renovations can be completed by the Most of the school's 15 recipients are on welfare, others are “for fun.” ford High prior to the Explorers’ straight completions in the Crnlral baskets this Thanksgiving but that is She added a hope that the high cost early 1980s. departments are asking for ad­ not. A MACC officials said quite a ditional or renovated space and new He jogged the first two miles with basketball game against West Hart­ Seahawks' 30-7 thrashing of New W L T Pet. taking care of "only a fraction of the of food and toys wouldn’t deter peo­ According to the report the few of the baskets are given to elder­ equipment. Denis Mullane, Connecticut Mutual ford. Hutt, is a former Manchester York Monday night. But it was a Tampa Bay 9 4 0 .892 people who are needy," Mrs. Carr ple from giving. "In the past we’ve renovations and additions to ly residents. Life Insurance Company, and then Twilight League batting champ in the blocked punt attempt leading to Chicago 7 6 0 .538 said. Previously, food for the baskets raised $5,000. Our this year is at Manchester High School are Renovations are also being sought Joanne Mikoleit. who helps coor­ MANCHBISTER — Police charged joined the pack finished in 46 minutes mid 1940s ... All-time New England Seattle's first touchdown the New Minnesota 6 7 0 .462 was donated specifically for least that much,” Ms. Mikoleit said. for the outside of the building in­ necessary in order to “provide for a 24-year-old Manchester man with and in 3,009th place among the 4,100 Patriots' football team, selected by York head coach pointed to as the Green Bay 4 9 0 .308 adequate space and facilities in the cluding repaving driveways and second-degree assault and reckless runners who were recorded by Steve the fans, placed Babe Parilli at turning point. Detroit 2 11 0 .154 vocational areas, adequate science parking areas, refurbishing athletic driving Monday morning for alleged­ March's computerized system. quarterback. Running backs named "After the hobbled punt, it wasn't laboratory facilities, needed up­ facilities, installing handrails and re­ Marek is the gentleman from ly driving his car toward a were Sam Cunningham and Andy much of a game.” said Michaels, W L T Pet. Futtner Backing Mixed grading of the physical appearance of designing the school entrance that pedestrian on Highland Street. Millwood, N.Y., who wore the Super­ Johnson. Eleven members of the referring to punter Chuck Ramsey's New Orleans 7 6 0 538 the building and grounds, upgrading leads to the cafeteria-gymnasium. Guy J, Lebrun of 108 Carter St., man outfit and heads the Super Race current squad were named to the 22- handling of the snap. "This is the Los Angeles 7 6 0 .538 of ail instructional areas, storage of Consideration should be given to MANCHESTER — Support for Irish said. “But the party needs politics. However he notes only state was released on a $500 non-surety- System which was used to tabulate man squad. first time our punter failed. Before, Atlanta 4 9 0 .308 instructional materials, books and the architecture of the building to Fenton Futtner as chairman of someone who is not identified with committee members will count, bond, police said for a Dec. 10 it was our (place) kicking. " San Francisco 1 12 0 .077 Connecticut’s Republican party the old leadership.” when the vote is taken. equipment, major repairs to areas of reifect tasteful design and a pleasing appearance in East Hartford Road Race Countdown Midway through the second period, • seems to be mixed among “’The two-party system in Connec­ Another mentioned for the position high school facility which have blend with the existing structure. Superior Court. Cornell Webster smothered the foot­ NBA deteriorated over the past 25 years The basic design should be as open Manchester party leaders. ticut is somewhat of a fraud for the is James Irwin. “I’d be interested in The victim was identified as Philip ball before Ramsey could get his kick Eastern Conferenee Ellie Swensson, temporary chair­ voters. As far as I’m concerned we hearing from Irwin,” Irish said. “He and updating the buil(ling to comply and flexible as possible within the Gagon, 38, of Windham. Gagon told away and the Seanawks fook over on Allantir Ditision man of the state central committee, really only have a 1.5 party system impressed me as being able to offer with state fire and safety codes. existing structure to provide for easy police that he was walking on the 4,100 Took Part the New York 14-yard line. After two W L Pet. GB supports him at the present time. here. Biebiel didn’t help the party and some new hope.” A big part of the overall project modification to suit educational south side of the road with his dog. plays gained no yards, a scambling 15 4 .789 “He was always my right hand,” 1 don’t think Futtner can either.” Zorn fired to Steve Largent deep in Boston she says. “He was the one I counted Irish said, however, Biebel the end zone to make it 13-0 with 6:03 Philadelphia 16 7 .696 9 9 500 S'-! on. As far as I’m concerned 1 have shouidn’t have fired Futtner. Computer Shows left in the half. Washington 476 6 nothing but good to say. Nathan Agostineili, who is active in SEIKO "Walt seems to think my punting New York 10 11 New Jersey 7 15 318 9‘2 "H e’s a good Republican. His Republican politics, agrees that By EARL YOST cost us the game," said Ramsey. “At Futtner would not be chairman. “1 Central l)i\i!>ion firing must have been political; he Sports Editor least that's what he told the team. At certainly knows his way around.” just won’t support Jiim,” he said. least now I know that he knows my W L Pet, GB Swensson notes Wallace Irish will “You should be loyal to anybody who SEIKO. LADY SEIKO. Believe-it-or-not, there were 4,100 runners who crossed the name. When I kicked a 64-yarder or San Antonio 12 9 .571 have to be convinced to support signs your paycheck, until he finish line and were tabulated on the Super Race System of kicked one out at the three, I never Atlanta 13 10 565 - THE ONLY THING NICER THAN Houston 10 10 . 500 14 Futtner. leaves.” Superman Steve Marek in last Thursday’s Five Mile Road Race heard from him." Irish, a state central committee Ramsey also shanked a 19-yard Indiana 10 14 .417 34 But as some believe Futtner’s member, has some reservations GIVING ONE IS GETTING ONE. in Manchester. punt earlier in the second period that Cleveland 10 14 .417 34 experience might be a handicap, about Futtner, saying the party is in Jim Balcome, race director, said went out of bounds on the Jets' 49 and Detroit 7 13 .350 44 Adler Dobkin, former Republican the Marek system showed that 351 Seahawk on the Run a situation that only a break with the town chairman says it is an asset. helped put Seattle in position for the past can solve. runners were recorded during a one- second of three Efren Herrera first- Seattle running back Sherman Smith cradles football as he Western Conference “Futtner has the experience to do minute span - 32 and 33 minutes Midwesl DitiHinn “I have a great deal of respect for it,” he said. He has bwn involved in Come see an exciting collection half field goals. gains yardage on end run against Jets last night. New York which is the highest ever for any race Zorn completed scoring passes of W L Pet. GB him as a man and a Republican,” central committee and active of the world's most dazzling defender Marty Lyons made tackle. (UPI Photo) precision timepieces. From in the United States. 16 yards to Sherman Smith and 11 Milwaukee 16 6 .727 — Seiko, of course. For men. For FOR OVER 50 YEARS He said than between 750 and 800 yards to Sam McCullum in the third The Jets missed a pair of oppor­ through the uprights, but the kick Kansas City 11 13 .458 6 women. And each style combines runners ran unofficially, those who quarter to account for the rest of tunities to score on field goals in the was nullified by a holding . Denver 8 15 .348 84 Nixon Nixes Seiko's traditionally superb failed to register and were not issued Seattle's scoring. Just one week after first half. Dave Jacobs, the rookie Herrera, now 17-of-21 for the Chicago 6 17 .261 104 TNUKSOVIK quality and beautiful design. In our work as funeral dlrep- numbers. setting a team-record with 384 yards free agent signed by the Jets last season, hit on all three of his Utah 2 18 .100 13 attempts from 49, 42 and 45 yards, NOVDMto Automatic chro,. jgraphs, wrist The Marek computer showed that pass. Zorn followed up against the week to replace Toni Linhart, pulled Parifie Diviaiim J Force In Iran Infants tf Pmw alarms, sports models, elegant tors, each of us tries to deserve when the race started it took the last Jets with a 25-of-32 night, good for 285 a 42-yard effort to the left after New “ I feel a lot stronger, " said W L Pet. GB g•3 classic styles, colorful day/date person at the back of the pack 62 yards. York drove to Seattle's 25-yard line Herrera. "1 feel I can make more Portland 16 8 .667 — 1 ( T U a N090mm U u b * »mUI • ! th» calendar watches, deep-sea the trust that has been placed In seconds to cross the starting line, so ' "We were beating people deep last with the opening kickoff. pressure kicks and I might be in the Phoenix 16 8 .667 — LOS ANGELES (U P I)- the United Staes maintains MUM lifiM 090ry hour for NUto ... big was the field. race for the ," Former President Richard its strong position. He said eom$oemUo* hour* diving s'pecials, and more. us. It's our goal to serve with week and that made them respect us Later, with 1:57 left in the second Seattle 14 7 .667 4 The number of starters and quarter, Jacobs kicked a 45-yarder .652 4 Nixon said using military the U nit^ States should no M i« m M Look over the entire collection. long," said Zorn. Los Angeles 15 8 I force in Iran a this time extradite Shah Mohammed Mt ai !■ M W M Bi • honesty and Integrity at all times. finishers was a record in both cases. TTie victory was Seattle's third Golden State 10 12 .455 5 . $ You’re certain to find one that’s Balcome said that approximately (■ 'll would jeopardize the lives Reza Pahlavi to Iran, as just right for someone especially straight and kept the Seahawks, 7-6, Denver Fans Showed ISo Class San Diego 9 14 .391 6‘f m A I la M ar piair ii f« M 700 runners crossed the finish line but just barely alive in the race for a of the American hostages the Moslem students (Mmka yomr nmmmli \ H '" . \ important. Perhaps...yourself. being held at the U.S. Blm- bolding the hostages have were not recorded because they \ wild-card playoff berth in the AFC, DENVER (UPI) - Oakland linebacker Phil Villapiano says Denver fans •• ha* h nr tan b rfl M >■ No. JtWiaiM - l i l t . bassy in Tehran, but he demanded. failed to continue through the chutes. J The Jets finally got on the who hurled obscenities and snowballs at the Raiders as they headed to the 17j. yollow topy«talnlot's 17J, stainlM s ataol. More than ISO volunteers played a B alco m e scoreboard with 6:49 left in the third locker room following a 14-10 victory over the Broncos Sunday are "the pits ' said if any of them are He said he has not «t««l back, burnt umbar biua dial. major pari In the success of the race period when Kevin Long capped a 77- “I think the fans were the pits," Villapiano said. "Those fans were dis­ r Sportssiito harmed, then the United requested a briefing about (Mukm y*ur rmmmi) dial. • tan ta W aik tam which started on time to delight the available for publication. Balcome yard drive with a 1-yard run, making gusting. One or two snowballs are fine, but when we were coming off it was Staes should retaliate. Iran because he feels the Piaca Your TRUST n HOLMES M aa aa M lb art M at aa,' (ht 0«noA4 SoaoMi large field and the 30,000 spectators said a complete list of registered it 23-7. The Jets, who dropped to 5-8, ridiculous. The fans showed no class and you know, it carries over to the team KaHio Tonl|ilit Nixon said he believes situation is too delicate. i n * i T S U i a ^ l t a lb lill 400 MAIN S n U T • MANCHUnt.CONN that lined the route. runners with their tim es and the 49 hostages being held have managed to score a total of just sometimes. " The Oakland victory knocked Denver out of a first-place tie with 8 - Wlialent v*. Elyer*. WTIC ’The shah, he said, "was a HOWARD L. HOLMES ARTHUR G. HOLMES Following the race, a list of only placements would be ready in (Mmho yomr roqmo$q MANCHUmi PAMUM • M M IIt iNa 32 points in three consecutive losses. the San Diego Chargers in the AFC West. at the U.S. Embassy in friend of the United VMtMM, MMTOL HAXA, WIITVAMM, IMMUIIV NORMAN M. HOLMES HOWARD M. HOLMES the top 25 finishers was made several days. Tehran will be released if S ta te s.” 12 - EVENINO HERALD. Tbm.. Nov, t l , v m ~_®'.y?N.lNGJlERAI^^ Nov. 27. 1979— 13 u se Moves Up to No.2 Whiteface Ski Area NEW YORK (UPI) - State on New Year's Day. Oklahoma Saturday and the which blanked Baylor, 13-0, Satur­ Southern Cal, the new No. 2 USC, 10-0-1, clinched the Pac 10 ^m huskers' first loss cost them six day, remained sixth with 337 points. conference last weekend with a rout notches in the standings. Arkansas, 10-1, moved up a notch team in the UPI Board of of UCLA, to vault past idle Ohio State Ohio State stayed in the No. 3 spot to No. 7 after crushing SMU, 31-7. the Coaches top 20 college football and plummeting Nebraska. The with three first-place votes and 433 Razorbacks received 275 points. The Ready for Olympics racings, will be watching Trojans trounced the Bruins, 49-14, points. Oklahoma, 10-1, relied on Bil­ Comhuskers are No. 8 with 267 points closely Saturday when No. 1 Saturday behind the 194 yard, four ly Sims’ darting runs for a victory and Houston, 9-1, beat Texas Tech, Alabama meets Auburn. touchdown performance of tailback which gave the Sooners the Big Eight 14-10, on Friday to remain No. 9 with Charles White. Southern Cal received championsnip and a spot in the 247 points. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - America — an industry built around which skyrocketed to 662 ski areas in the sport of snow skiing. Alabama has won 19 games in a four first-place votes and 447 points Orange Bowl against Florida State. Brigham Young, 11-0, captured the There were no ski lifts in the the next decade. As we go into this The ski resort business officially row and earned 25 first-place votes overall from the 33 coaches par- Sims ran for 247 yards against the Western Athletic Conference title United States in 1932 when this Olympic winter, “The White Book of from the coaches, but all that will ticipaing. nation's best rushing defense and the Saturday with a 63-14 trouncing of got under way when the first uphill Ski Areas,’’ published by Inter-Ski mean nothing if the Crimson Tide is country first hosted the winter transportation device, a crude rope Services, Wa^lngton D.C., shows a Alabama, 104), was idle but had no Sooners moved from seventh to No. 4 San Diego State — as Marc Wilson Olympic Games in Lake unable to defeat its intrastate rival. trouble retaining the top spot with with 358 points. > threw four touchdown passes and ran tow, was installed on a small hill tally of 938 North American ski If that happens, USC will be all too 480 points. Florida State, 11-0, stayed No. 5 for another — and the Cougars stayed Placid, N.Y. near Woodstock, Vt. in 1934. By 1940, areas, 707 of them in 39 U.S. states. happy to assume the top spot and de­ Nebraska, second-ranked a week with 338 points after a 27-16 victory No. 10 with the final first-place vote Alpine skiing events were not even the infant ski industry was marked The skier population reflects even by new ski lift construction from fend it in the Rose Bowl against Ohio ago, dropp^ a 17-14 decision to over Florida on Friday and Texas, and 237 overall points. on the Olympic calendar. There was more dynamic growth, rising from scarcely any snow in New York’s New Hampshire to the Rocky Moun­ less than a quarter of a million in Adirondack Mountains that winter. tains, from Illinois to the mountains 1950, says Rowan, to its present 14 But when the Games return to that of the Far West. million adult participants, resort community this winter, there It was following World War II, said Cal Conniff, executive director Lockwood to GetWish^ Football Ratings will be Alpine skiing events, good however, that this winter activity got of the ski operators’ association, “on­ snow cover is practically guaranteed a firm toehold and began to climb to ly the number of new ski areas in the NEW YORK (UPI) - The United by modem snowmaking machinery, its present position of significance on last decade has not kept pace. There P ress International Board of and host of ski lifts and special over- the athletic and economic scene. are more skiers each year, a number Coaches top 20 college football the-snow vehicles will carry com­ Members of the U.S. Army’s famed of new lifts are installed and new Pitching for Red Sox ratings, with first-place votes and petitors and spectators high up on the 10th Mountain Division ski troops terrain opened up at existing ski won-loss records in parentheses slopes of Whiteface Ski Area. returned to civilian life and became areas every summer. But during the BOSTON (UPI) - He came over the winter and only time will The first two years of Lockwood's (twelfth week): ’The 1932 Winter Olympics gave a the founding fathers of the American 1970s, the number of new facilities out of high school in suburban tell. It’s a gamble, we know that, contract are guaranteed, the last two 1. Alabama (25) (10-0) 480 new emphasis to winter recreation in ski industry. GIs returning from built can be readily counted on two West Roxbury in 1964, a $100,- anytime you sign someone with a partially guaranteed. Sullivan views 2, Sou, Calif. (4) (10-0-1) 447 this country. The Games helped fan tours of duty in Germany where they hands and very few of these are of f sT history of soreness it’s a gamble. But 000 Charlie Finley bonus-baby. Lockwood as a valuable addition to 3. Ohio State (3) (11-0) 433 an interest in winter sports which had sampled the sport, became major resort status. It is to this if you don’t take a chance, you'll be the bullpen, especially if Bill 4. Oklahoma (10-1) 358 Bills^ Tying Touchdown Against New England gave impetus to a new industry in skiing’s early supporters. In the late dilemma — adequately meeting skier But like any local baseball left by the wayside,” Campbell can't bounce back from 5. Florida State (H-0) 338 1940s, our Army’s war surplus of demand — that the ski area industry prospect, Skip Lockwood longed Lockwood spent much of Monday arm troubles. 6. Texas (9-1) 337 Elated with the catch in end zone for time, 16-13. New England’s Doug Beaudoin some 100,000 skis, bindings, boots and will address itself in the approaching John Garrett for the chance to play before Christmas shopping with his wife and “With Campbell's condition, and 7. Arkansas (10-1) 275 touchdown, Buffalo’s Lou Piccone holds up lies in front of Piccone after missing tackle, Dee Rowe poles were put on the open market decade.” his home folks as a member of could not be reached for comment. we know it's no 100 percent, this 8. Nebraska (10-1) 267 ball for officials to see. Score came in final (UPI Photo) and brought skiing within the reach the Boston Red Sox. He said last week pitching for the gives us someone capable of doing 9. Houston (9-1) 247 seconds of regulation time. Bills won in over- of thousands of Americans. The post­ Battles for Life Red Sox would fulfill a boyhood the job. Should Campbell be okay, 10. Brig. Young (11-0) 237 war business of skiing snowballed. Fifteen years, four teams and To Assist Garrett Enjoys dream and added he was exhilarated that gives us three (right-handed) 11. Pittsburgh (9-1) 168 North American lift construction NEW YORK (UPI) - countless sore arms later, Lockwood by the prospect of hurling before bodies (Dick Drago the other) in the 12. Fhirdue (9-2) 120 figures compiled by David Rowan, today signed a $1.2 million four-year Middleweight boxer Willie Classen friends and family. bullpen and gives us added strength 13. Washington (9-2) publisher. Ski Area Management deal with Boston. The formal signing 80 continued to battle for his life and Lockwood was examined on a Ci- there," Sullivan said. 14. Michigan (8-3) 60 Catholic Swimmers U.S. Team Magazine, tell the story of a rapidly was scheduled at a noon news con­ was listed as critical Sunday, two Busy Schedule Bex machine, which tests muscle Lockwood was signed by Oakland 15. Tulane (9-2) 28 Rowing sport: 29 new lifts in 1954,51 days after brain surgery that ference a Fenway Park. strength using a computer. The arm in 1964 as a $100,000 third-baseman. 16. South Carolina (8-3) STORRS (UPI) — Former basket­ in 1957, 76 the following year, 97 in Lockwood, who signed as a free 24 resulted from a lOth-round knockout SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (UPI) — Hartford Whalers’ goalie is strapped to the machine and the He stayed with the A’s through 1968, 17. Clemson (8-3) 13 ball coaches at the University of 1960 (year of the Olympics in Squaw agent after pitching for the New Connecticut and Yale University will suffered Friday night at the hands of John Garrett enjoys playing in a lot of games. He’s gotten the patient then initiates motion. The then went to the Seattle Pilots in the 18 Baylor (7-4) 10 Valley (Calif.), to the industry’s all- Wilford Scypion. York Mets last year, actually agreed computer interprets the muscle Lived Up to Promise share assistant coaching duties for time high, 239 in 1964. Those figures expansion draft. He became a 19. Temple (9-2) Classen, who required over two chance in his team’s inaugural season to terms last Wednesday night with 8 the U.S. Team at the 1980 Olympics. strength and measures it against the pitcher for Seattle and stayed with 20. Penn State (7-3) 4 have since grown steadily but not at hours of surgery for a subdural — being the only netminder for most of the first quarter of the Boston General Manager Haywood Former UConn Coach Dee Rowe other shoulder and arm. Dr. Arthur them for four years after the By LEN AUSTER the "boom" level of the early '60s. hemorrhage, was badly battered in and former Yale mentor Joseph Van- season. Sullivan. But the signing was con­ Pappas conducted the exam. franchise shifted to Milwaukee in Herald .Sporlswriler The total number of ski lifts in North the ninth round of the bout, which tingent on the 33-year-old cisin were appointed as assistant Garrett was forced to play the first been impressed with Garett but that “Art related to me that he was 1970. There were very few sur­ America now stands at 4,150, of took place in Madison Square gar­ righthanded reliever’s ability to pass coaches for the U.S. squad at the 13 games while A1 Smith recovered the two — roommates on the road - pleased with the exam and that which 3,402 are in the United States. den's Felt Forum. A meeting of the a physical testing his pitching arm. prises for the East Catholic Summer Olympics in Moscow, head from a knee injury. While many will maintain a "friendly com­ everything came out fine,” said team Comparatively, there were 78 lift- New York State Athletic Commission The exam was conducted Monday girls’ swimming team in 1979. teams rotate two goalies, the petition." physician Dr. William Southmayd, Olympic Basketball Coach Dave served ski areas in 1955-56, according Saturday determined the fight was at the Sports Medicine Clinic in near­ The Eaglette tankers compiled Gavitt said Monday. Whalers have depended on their iron "John's played excellent goal for who was scheduled to assist on the Multi Circuits to Rowan' calculations, a figure "promptly and capably handled.” man. us, " he says. "I think he's one of the by Brookline and the Norwood, exam but was held up by surgery. a 7-4 mark and secured third Gavitt, Providence College's ‘Tve always liked to play a lot.” best in the league.” Mass., native passed with flying ■'They were looking for anything, place in the team standings at director of athletics, said UCLA Garrett says. "If you play in a lot of Garrett admits he's been surprised colors. chips, deformities, muscle abnor­ the state Class M Meet. basketball Coach Larry Brown, a games and play well, you begin to by the start of the Whalers' season. "The exam was quite extensive,” malities," Sullivan said. “They put To Back Relays former Olympic basketball player, Sullivan said. "We could not find “Last year we were 7-3, this year 7- also has been chosen as an assistant feel you can do it. It takes the The team, which plays its home him through the whole rigamarole. 4. We came out about on schedule," pressure off me. Since I get the games in Springfield, Mass., while anything adverse. They’re going to They said everything came out By EARL YOST coach. put him on a strengthening program viewed East Coach Ralph Viola, momentum going, it's easier to get the Hartford Civic Center undergoes positive." Sports editor Rowe, who is presently associate “The team did about what I director of athletic development a up for playing every night. " repairs, was picked by many to finish Six weeks ago the three-year-old Manchester Community expected.” Whalers' Coach Don Blackburn UConn, compiled a 120-88 record last in the expanded league. But the College-sponsored New England Relays wasn’t sure the fourth Sheehan High took the Class M title says Garrett's play hasn't surprised Whalers played .500 hockey through during eight years of coaching at the edition in June would be staged. with 218 points followed by Weston university. him. He saw the moustachioed mind the first 20 games. Mix on Target 202 points and the Eaglettes 109 Vancisin is now executive director the nets in two WHA All-Star games. "If anybody told me at the start of Financial help was needed from reported that due to budget cuts they points. Viola sees that gap greatly of the National Association of "Garrett hasn't done anything we training camp we'd be doing so well the outside after college officials would no longer be able to cover any decreasing. Basketball Coaches. knew he wasn't capable of doing," at this point. I'd have told him he was deficits. "Next year I anticipate if the Blackburn says. “I don’t think he crazy," Garrett says. “It’s a tribute To Pace 76ers The fourth annual relavs will be youngsters come to us, who we Hall of Fame played as well in the WHA, but he's to a team that was only able to staged as planned June 28-29 thanks expect, to have our best team ever," GREENDALE, Wise. (UPI) — come well prepared for the challenge protect two skaters and two goalies. PHILADELPHIA (UPI) — At the start of the season, Steve to the generosity of Multi Circuits of he cited. Dotty Fothergill of Lincoln, R.I., has of playing in the NHL "I think we should make the Manchester, and its president Beth Negri will be a senior on the been elected to the Hall of Fame of "It was tougher to play goal in the Mix couldn’t miss a hoop and the Philadelphia 76ers couldn’t Merrill Whiston. playoffs," Garrett says. “I believe lose. Then they both cooled off. '80 squad and expected to join her is Kelli Dakin Karin MoCaffrey the Women’s Intemaional Bowling WHA because it was more wide we can finish with the 12th best Whiston has agreed to underwrite sister Laura Negri "She is a state Congress in the superior perfor­ open," Garrett says. record in the league. " But on Monday night the reserve decision to start rookie guard Clint any bills not covered by receipts quality swimmer right now," Viola record at 1:10.92. She has two more Mayhew and Tuller were 10th and mance category for 1980. "I think he's playing as well as any As for himself, he’d like to play in forward had the hot hand again, Richardson. from the two-day meet. Formal an­ voiced of the current eighth grader. campaigns. 11th respectively this past year and An arm injury in 1976 effectively goalie in the league No one's played 25 wins, but that's as far as he'll go scoring a season-high 25 points and “I was surprised and shocked," nouncement of Multi Circuits’ involv- Meg Dakin, whose sisters Kelli and "I expect a closer point score next could move up. Harvey, who just ended Fothergill’s competitive better," Blackburn adds. for setting personal goals. giving Philadelphia a 113-112 victory said Bibby. who had scored 17 points ment will be made Thursday at a Lynne are two of the best on the pre­ year,” offered Viola of the battle failed to qualify for the final rounds, career that began in 1963 after she G arrect. 28. who joined the "Naturally, I’d like to become an over the Indiana Pacers. The on Saturday and pumped in a season- meeting of the MCC Relays' Board of sent team, is another eighth grader between his squad and Sheehan and also could gamer some points in '80. graduated from high school. Her Whalers at the beginning of last All-Star in the NHL,” Garrett says. triumph was the Sixers’ third high 21 Monday night. “But he's the Directors. expected to add quality to the Weston. “If not all the way up, at Freshman Joanne Swanson, records in pro bowling include a season, credits Blackburn for in­ "But for a to be an All- straight and pulled them to within coach. I just go out and do the job Last year's relays resulted in a Elaglettes. least to second. To score in the state sophomores Mary McCarthy and lifetime 199 average for 10 WIBC stalling a concept of team defense. Star in this league, it has to be a team one game of the Atlantic Division­ whatever the situation." deficit of $6,000 and it was projected Meeghan (Uark is a third youngster meet, you need top-notch Kathy Patria and junior Leila Championship Tournaments. "We're the best coached of all the thing.” leading Boston Celtics. The victory didn’t come easy for that $8,000 was needed to insure nP Viola believes will be joining his swimmers” Bradley are among the top returning new teams. " says the 5-foot-8, 165 The Trenton, Ontario, native was “To have a streak like I had before the Sixers, who struggled through the red ink would be necessary for the roster in ‘80 and will greatly help. Divers Chris Harvey, Anne Tuller East tankers. The Eaglettes will be Player of Week pound goalie. "Blackie has drafted by by the St. Louis Blues in was phenomenal.” said Mix, who at first half. But Philadelphia outscored 1980 promotion. "I anticipate next year we should and Mary Mayhew. the former pair touchly lightly be graduation as only NEW YORK (UPI) - Walter everybody, even the forwards, con- 1971 and played in their minor league one point during a five-game stretch Indiana, 15-2, to open the final The directors, headed by Bruce be considered as a contender for juniors and Mayhew a sophomore, tri-captains Jane Price, Karin Davis, who averaged 26.6 points over -^centrating on defense" system for two years before joining a few weeks ago was 26-for-39. “You quarter, and led, 98-91, on a Mix field Watkins as chairman, were elated Gass M (honors)," Viola stated. "I will be back and could add to the McCaffrey and Kelli Dakin depart. five games to help the Phoenix Suns Face-Lifting Experience Blackburn isn't sure what he'll do the WHA Minnesota Fighting ^ints. have about one of goal with 8:19 remaining. with the financial backing offered by sat down recently and figure we can Eagle total in state competition. They, however, will be missed. grab a share of the Pacific Division about goaltending now that Smith is When Minnesota folded. Garrett those in a Darryl Dawkins' free throw with Whiston. score anywhere between 150 and 180 lead, was named Monday the NBA s Wes Chandier of the grabs pass for com­ becoming healthier — he had the joined Toronto, which moved to Bir­ lifetime.” 2:36 left gave the 76ers a 111-104 points. We should be in there for Sign Free Agent Player of the Week. pletion despite efforts of Atlanta’s Bob Glaze who also had a It was in the se­ Surgery Planned team's first shutout recently. Last mingham in 1976. When the Whalers edge, but Johnny Davis scored six several first places." Davis scored 133 points with 30 piece of the face mask in Sunday’s game. (UPI Photo) season both men shared the goalten­ cond half, par­ straight points and Indiana trailed by DENVER (UPI) - The Denver LANDOVER, Md. (UPI) - assists. 25 rebounds and 12 steals. He goaltending situation became Punt Returner Transactlons In addition to the expected in­ Nuggets have signed free-agent ding duties equally. desperate in 1978. Garrett was ticularly the third just one with 57 seconds remaining. Veteran hit .625 from the field including 16- New York Jets’ wide coming talented youngsters, Viola forward Glen Gondrezick, a two-year Smith, a 14-year veteran of both quarter. Mix and Dawkins hit two free throws with defenseman Yvon Labre will undergo for-22 against Denver when he scored acquired for "future con­ retains some quality tankers. Junior NBA veteran cut by the New York the WHA and NHL. says he's also siderations ' the Sixers began IU »1 26 seconds left, his 19th and 20th receiver Bobby Jones breaks Kanrhall surgery Tuesday to remove torn car- 40 points, two short of his career high. Claire Viola is three-time Class M Knicks before the start of this closing in on Indiana. With the Sixers points. Johnson, who had 30 points on into the open after returning Cleveland — Dropped relief pitcher champ in the 106-yard butterfly, set­ tilege from his right knee, team of­ trailing. 83-74, with 2:21 left in the the night, scored with 12 seconds punt last night against Seattle. Larry Anderson from major-league season. ficials announced Monday. ting a school and state record with a Nuggets’ President and General period. Mix ran off nine straight remaining to bring Indiana to within roster. Labre was injured on Nov. 20 in Jones failed to go all the way 1; 00.03 clocking in annexing Uie ‘79 Manager Carl Scheer said Gon­ Bowling points. 113-112, buc the Pacers never got San Diego — Signed free-agent Washington’s 3-3 tie with the as Seahawks won. (UPI Photo) crown. She later lowered the school drezick, 6-foot-6, 218. probably would “In the third period we came back another shot. pitcher John Curtis to a five-year mark with a :59.62 clocking in the Colorado Rockies. Team physician Grass and Glitter and played excellent basketball," contract. take the place of forward Anthony Dr. Palumbo will perform the sur­ EA.STERN BUSINESS - FRIENDSHIP- Butch state open where she took second Roberts on the Denver roster. liumutnrknilMii c i agreed Coach Billy Cunningham. llaHkelliall gery at Arlington Hospital in subur­ Tom Harrison 165-418, Ray McQuade 200. Reggie place. Roberts was removed from the Smith 508, Dave Nelson “Mix, (Henry) Bibby, (Maurice) Denver — Signed free-agent Sophomore Lynne Dakin is two- ban Virginia. The Capitals also an­ Dawson 157-437, Hank Communist China roster, although his future status was 502. Tana Pointer 176, San­ Cheeks. Caldwell Jones and Bobby forward Glen Gondrezick. time Gass M champ in the 100-yard nounced right wing Bob Sirois is Grzyb 156-393, Dorn vCAinER'S Await Patriots Jones were in there and did a helluva Horkey unresolved, Scheer said. expected to return to the lineup. DeDominicis 155-376, Dave dy Kershaw 178-192520. Liz breaststroke and holds the school job during Uiat stretch. They really Boston — Announced the retire­ Dynes 154-150402. Bill Zwick 468, Ellie Cappa 456, FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) — Grass and glitter, two roadblocks turned it around." In Winter Games ment of defenseman Dennis O'Brien, Zwick, 151-393. Bill Munroe Sue Lane 451. Ruth VVood- NEW 1979 CHEVROLET q. How miay oporstlooi hai OJ. Simpson had on Us knee? 151, Cliff Jones 150-392, Ted burv 479 in the New England Pariots rush to the playoffs, again pose Bibby, who had been starting in LAUSANNE, Switzerland (UPI) — Whatever the outcome of who had been playing at Binghamton. Haw’s he doing now? Does he have a chance to catch Jim Q. Exactly what kUid of money dcMhe television networks obstacles when the unpredictable AFC East co-leaders meet place of the injured Doug Ckillins, NY Rangers — Assigned goalie Brown as the NFL rushing leader of all time? — Jack pay to televise professional fooftall? nie heard that all the Kowzun 149-148-428, Pat wasn't too pleased at Cunningham's next February’s Winter Olympics, the New York ski resort of Callahan, Tnisa, Okla. pro teams could let everyone free Into their gotnos and still Duggan 147-147-423, Sandy Miami Thursday night in a division showdown. Doug Soetaert to New Haven of the make money. Is that tme? — James Borg, Santa Barbara, Lake Placid is assured a footnote in Olympic history and called Calif. Hanna 147, Gabe Szabo 145- At^st^e is sole possession of the three days to heal the wounded.” 375, Howie Peters 370, Alan y For it will be there Communist IOC's recognition of Taiwan. China's up goalie Steve Waker from the In round figures, each of tbe 28 teams in the NFL will col­ AFC East with two games 'The only questionable starter for Chinese athletes will compete in the formal request for readmission came Nighthawks. lect $5 million for TV rights this season (the^et a couple of Grzyb 394, Giff Jones 392, remaining. And the loser is almost the Pats against the Dolphins is B asketball hundred thousand more the next two years). That amounts to WIINTED St. Louis — Sent left wing Floyd Mickey Holmes 391, Emile assured of spending the holidays a Olympics for the first time. in 1975, but at that time it demanded defensive end Richard Bishop, who Thomson to Salt Lake City. a nice kitty of $140 million from the three networks. At one Roux 391, Bruce Lavery home. At the moment, Peking sports of­ the expulsion of Taiwan. time, theyJxiuld meet their operating budget with such booty. suffered a twisted knee against Buf­ BUSINESSMEN ficials are planning only a nine- Washington — Returned right wing 386, Pete Scott 378. New England allowed Miami back For the past four years, IOC Presi­ But now tbe Oakland Raiders, for Instance, have a player sal­ falo. Fullback Sam Cunningham, who Action in the Manchester Rec member team to compete in speed Tim Coulis to Hershey farm club. TO BUY dent Lord Killanin has been trying to ary payroll of $4 million alone. The average team budget is into he race by losing a 16-13 over­ couldn't even run Sunday due to a Department-sponsored league began College , • about $8 million. Don't cry for ’em — they also finre to take time decision Sunday to the im­ skating and figure skaing only. But find a formula tha would allow sprained ankle, is expected back. So last n i^ t at Illing with One Hour from that small start there could William & Mary — Fired football in $6 million at the gate, leaving a round profit before taxes of proving . The loss left are comerback Mike Haynes and Taiwan and Peking to compete side $3 million. 'ANKEE Martinizing nipping Fuss & O’Neill, come a total realignment of sporting by side and Monday’s vote endorsed Coach Jim Root. CLEAN the Pats and Dolphins tied with 8-5 offensive tackle Shelby Jordan. 63-62; Westown Pharmacy routing balance in the world. clutks records. "Everyone should be ready," his plan to do that. But while Peking Q. I noticed that In the starting line on offense for the Dallas Manchester Police, 83-49; Moriarty At Moscow in July, for example, officials were delighted at the result, Trio Injured USED CARS 1/k TON VAN The Pariots have never beaten a Erhardt said. “They're just going to Cowboys, all five players wore nnmerals In the 88’s on their WIMMIIKHIUCflUt Equipped with 305 V-8 engine, standard trans., Fuel clubbing B.A. (Hub, 96-62; and the Chinese are already planning a Taiwan sports officials indicated DENVER (UPI) - Denver Bronco jerseys — Pat DoMvaa 87, Jim Cooper 81, tackles; Tom Raf­ Don Shula-coached team in the have to suck it up and play the » L ESTATE CIOSIKS gauges, rear door glass, auxiliary seat, heavy duty Farr’s overwhelming Hi^land Park 300-strong team. they would refuse to accept any new Coach Red Miller Monday said three Simpson’s left knee has been under tbe knife three Umes in ferty 84; Herbert Scott 88, guards; John Fitzgerald 82, center. Orange Bowl. They have yet to win game." Market, 79-52. Uie last two years. "And that's a lot of trauma," he says. The I thonrtt tbe NFL had a rale that tackles bad to be nambered hiwnSdhi M» shocks, front end 2nd springs, stabilizer bar, on grass (0-3) this season. And they China’s appearance at Lake Placid name and would rather go out of the key players suffered injuries in the Erhardt preferred not to refer to Jack Hull netted 16 points and Bob was assured Monday wnen the Inter- first surgery was for tom cartilage in November 1977. Almost In the 78s, guards In the 88s, centers In the 59s. Please explain nkionliidiaM <78 CARTER power steering, QR78 tires. Carter Care. Stock club's 14-10 loss to the Oakland usually save their the Miami contest as “the big game. Olympics than compromise their a year later to Uie day, Uie doctors cut into the same knee to this. — Amos R., Corpus Chrlstl, Tex. Gorman and Marty McCabe 13 and 10 naional Olympic Committee an­ political principles. Raiders Sunday. remove six pieces of carUlage. In follow-up surgery a few Centers do have to wear numerals in tbe 50s. But Fitzger­ i|i3SeO biggest flops for That was yesterday (Buffalo) and we respectively for Martinizing. Jay IsdIwaueU >18 the pomp and nounced the result of its postal ballot ’The Taiwan officials said they Linebacker Randy Gradishar suf­ days later they excised a tumor from behind the knee. The ald, a nine-year veteran, gets a special dispensation because SPECIAL lost it." Had New England won, the Howroyd popped in 14 markers and hinge will never be Uie same. Though be looked good carrying be played before tbe mandate went into effect. And ^ rd s Iw Mn II In lai" tM pageantry of over the issue of the membership for planned to take the IOC to court in fered a bruised right kneee, running PSICE could have afforded a loss at Miami Ken Coraerford, Norm Daignault and Peking and Taiwan. back Otis Armstrong, bruised left Uie naU in his first 1979 outing against Dallas, there's a noUce- and tackles are considered interchangeable, so they can oe 80s |.1229 Main 8L, Manchoitor *5292 national television. and still made the playoffs by win­ Lausanne over the decision, which able drag to his gait and he plays in pain — just lUie a sore- or 70s. Dick Bowman 10 apiece for F&O. ’The IOC voted, 62-17, to accept they said violated the IOC’s own ribs; and fullback Jim Jensen, a •43-0800 TEL 848-8484 All of which ning their final two games. Paul Quey had 18 points and Craig armed pitcher — using Ice after every workout. He started doesn’t bode well China as a member and co require rules. But IOC officials said they bruised left thigh. Miller said none of the season needing 1,537 yards to surpass Brown's career Q. Has aay major league pitcher ever thrown 27 strikeouts *■4 GOOD i^LACE TO BUY A 7RU9K" “The team has put the Bills game Phillips 16, Tom Vaughn 12 and Bob Taiwan to change its name, flag and the injuries appeared serious.The record on the ground (12,312 yards). I doubt he’ll come close. for the Patriots, were confident of winning any legal la a row — the p^ect natter? — Jim Dickiasou, Reyaolds- o v e n BO YCARS OF DCPtNDABLt StRVICtf behind them and is concentrating on Hartnett 10 for Westown. Sandy anthem to avoid a political clash with Broncos also announced General unless they follow a bad game with a batle. ville,Pa. Miami. I don’t know what happens in Ficara had a game-high 21 points for Peking. Manager Fred Gehrke was released Q. On a televised Oklahema game. It was suted that the No. The record for most strikeouts in a nine-inniiw game is good one, as has been their curious GARTER Miami, we just have trouble winning the Police with Bill Muzin and Russ Taiwan sports officials indicated Anderson Dropped from the hospital during the weekend SesMfs’Billy Sims aid DavU Overstreet were the No. 2 and 3 19, shared by Steve Carlton, Tom Seaver and Nolan Ryan. And tendency. aU-Ume Icadiag rashers la Texas prep foothaU hislery. We are none of those efforts were even no-hitters. In Don Larsen’s there," Erhardt said. Wood adding 10 apiece. they would not comply with the IOC CLEVELAND (UPI) - The after being treated for a lung blood clot. atlas (lantlq “We are an up and down team and curtaus as Is whs the Ns. 1 rasher Is. — Geoff Brsch, Jeff ‘^perfect” game for tbe Yankees over the Dodgers in tbe 1958 Tight-end Russ Francis offered a Joe Tancredi had 31 points. Bob ruling which gave them a deadline of Cleveland Indians announced Mon­ we are inconsistent," Coach Ron Dsalel, KasxvUle, Teas. world Serim, he fanned only seven batters. • 24 Hour Emergency Service simpler explanation for the Pariots Stoddard 18 and Dave F rm tte 12 for Jan. 1 to agree or be expelled from day they have dropped relief pitcher Surgery Planned The all-time Texas Ugh school ground-gainer remains Ken­ Erhardt said Monday. "I don’t know failure in the Orange Bowl. Moriarty’s. Rich Gustafson had 17 the Olympics. Although Chinese Larry Anderson from their major INGLEWOOD. Calif. (UPI) - Los neth HaU of Sugarland, Texas, known as "The Sugarland Q. Has aay woman play^ la profemieaal football or base­ • Burner Sales & Service what to do about it or why. It has “ We’ve never played well in points, A1 Wiley 16 and Kevin athletes have competed in the Olym­ league roster. Angeles Lakers' Coach Jack Express.” From 1950 to 1953, he gained 11,232 yards. That's ball with men? — Jaalor Wilesxoa, Brownwood, Tex. • Clean Heating Oils nows N STNK j mmma ‘ simmm been a tough 8-5. We’ve struggled in Miami, but we never had to. Every Kravontka 14 for B.A. Ken Shoppman over two miles more than Heisman Tro^y winner Sims Not that I’m aware of. If the football barrier's ever broken. AutkoHud fbktr Fbm Malkrl pics, no Peking representalves have Anderson’s.contract was assigned McKinney, who sustained severe gained at Hooks, Texas, where he resbed for 7,738 yards. every game but two. It seems that time we go here, we’ve either won poured in 22 points, Steve Rascher 13 I’d say it would be by a woman . Of course, you taken part since the communist to Geveland’s Class AAA farm club head injuries in a bicycle accident had the spectacle of Ann Meyers trying out with tbe Indiaua 649-4595 1229 lUi St MuKlmlir (488484 when we have adversity, we struggle the division or been out of the race,” and Pat Collet 12 for Farr’s. Jerry government took power 30 years ago. Nov. 8. was transferred to Centinela Overstreet, from Big Sandy, picked up 7,852 yards as a prep- Call Us For Your Home Hentinq in Tacoma, Wash., of the Pacific UteUiinktffriaH at AI.H u A ha/short Utches as Pacers in pro basketball, with a guaranteed contract for with the problem. Our biggest Francis said. Cosgrove and Steve DiBattisto each China withdrew from the Olympics Coast League. Monday's action Hospital Monday and will undergo $50,000. But that wu just a stunt. Slie didn’t have a chance And Air Conditioni ;q Noeds •B aauB It i • anil • m 1Z s problem with Miami is that we have a on with the C Uc^ Cardinals and Houston Oilers. But he had 11 tallies for the Market. movement in 1958 to protest the reduced Cleveland's roster to 39 players . surgery later this week. never made much Impact alter Ugh school. competing with the big guys. 3 ( 1 4 - EVENING HERALD, Tues., Nov. 27, 1»79_ Seaweed Connectiicut Opera Plans - EVENING HERALD, Tues., Nov. ?7, 1979- 15 Insulates Cities May Face Fund Cut BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - Gov. Ella The governor, in one of a series of Expand 1980-81 Season reduced spending and new or higher ly 100 reported surpluses. Grasso, forced to choose between public hearings on the 1980-1981 taxes. Very Well State aid to towns and cities, in­ which will mark the Hartford debut using a scalpel or raising taxes to pay budget, noted Monday she already “It is clear that a long, hard look HARTFORD — George Osborne, the return of the international stars cluding the newly mandated school HYANNIS, Mass. (UPI) - British to Connecticut Opera productions, of international superstar Danica for next year’s budget, says the state had rejected the first budget draft must be taken at our budget during expiorer Robert F. Scott took it with general director of the Connecticut equalization grants, which will total signaling our efforts to bring the Mastilovich in the title role. may have to haul in the reins on aid submitted by Anthony Milano, the next two-and-a-half months,” she him when he probed the Antarctic. Opera, has announced plans for an $40 million next year, came up to finest opera possible to the stage of In his Connecticut Opera debut, as to municipalities. secretary of the Office of Policy and said in an address at Bullard Havens It was put it into the walis of Radio expanded 1980-81 season which in­ Management. nearly $502 million in 1979-1980, she Bushnell Memorial Hall,” he said. the unscrupulous chief of police Scar- “When the state’s revenues were Regional Vocational Technical City Music Hall to keep the clude two new productions, a Hart­ sufficient, the state increased finan­ said. ______The 1980-81 season will open Oct. 23 pia, will be Justino Diaz, star of the Milano cut $2.9 billion in agency School. Rdckettes from drowning out Gary ford’s premiere, an American Music cial assistance to cities and towfis. requesU to $2.7 billion, but it still left “The area- of payments to local Theater work, and a cooperative and 25 with a lavish production of Metropolitan Opera, La Scala, the The governor said none of the 116 of governments, as well as all areas of Cooper. Now that state revenues are a deficit of $149 million. Mrs. Grasso Connecticut’s 169 towns and cities project with the Cincinnati and Bizet’s "Carmen” produced in con­ Hamburg, Munich and Vienna Staat- state spending, will be studied It keeps the weathermen on top of burdened, the rate of increase in said in turning down the proposed that filed financial statements this Pittsburgh Opera companies. sortium with the Pittsburgh and Cin­ soper and Cbvent Garden. carefully in the months ahead,” Mrs. Mount Washington, New Hampshire cinnati Opera companies, and Connecticut Opera’s first perfor­ state grants to local governments budget that it would mandate year reported deficits and that near­ warm. And it can be found in abun­ In revealing the schedule for the bp reviewed,” she said. Grasso said. first season under his directorship, directed by James de Blasis. Cast in mance of Verdi’s "Macbeth” on dance on Cape Cod. April 2 and 4 will also mark the Hart­ Eelgrass— the U.S. Department of Osborne said, “We have endeavor^ the title role and making her Hart­ X ford debut of the internationally Energy recently gave a New Jersey to put together a balanced season ford dabut will be the Chilean mezzo- soprano Victoria Vergara. celebrated Greek baritone Kostas OSHA Cites man a $1,500 grant to research it. which will suit the tastes of our James de Blasis, general director Paskalis in the title role. A leading Biologists call it zostera marina. large, new opera audience in Connec­ of the Cincinnati Opera and artistic baritone in opera houses throughout Sub Maker This commonest of saltwater ticut and western Massachusetts. The season includes two traditional adviser for the Pittsburgh Opera, the world, his credits include the plants is being examined for possible returns to Hartford to direct Metropolitan Opera, the Vienna GROTON (UPI) — A federal agen­ use as home insulation and from a master works, the revival of a lesser “Carmen.” Staatsoper, the Royal Opera House, cy has charged the Electric Boat preliminary reports, eelgrass performed master work in Verdi’s Macbeth, and an American Music Second in the schedule for 1980-81 Covent Garden and La ^ ala. Division of General Dynamics with appears to show definite promise. willfully contributing to the acciden­ Grant recipient Matthew L. Rue, a Theater piece yet to be chosen. will be blockbuster production of Puccini’s “Tosca” on Jan. 29 and 31 tal death of a machinist two months Trenton, N.J., architect and solar “The 1980-81 season will also mark ago. home designer, hit on the idea of put­ Edward N. Smith, 41, of Groton, ting seaweed to insulation uses after died Sept. 18 when a hatch on the years of watching it wash up on the nuclear attack submarine he was shore by his summer home in Drama To Open at MCC working on dropped and crushed his Barnegat Bay, N.J, chest. The hatch weighed several T’d been bothered by it for 20 The story concerns an eccentric Small. MANCHESTER - “Ramshackle hundred pounds. years,” said Rue, 52, chairman of the librarian who buys an old hotel to ob­ The director is Albert Tarquinio of Smith, a retired Navy petty officer New Jersey Society of Architects Inn” by (Jeorge Batson will launch tain peace and quiet. However, the Ellington. The producer is Richard this year's theater season at who was married and had four energy task force. mysterious inn is a meeting place for Dana of Manchester, director of children, had worked at EB for about T found out from the mayor that Manchester (immunity College. It gangsters. Laughter and suspense theater at MCC. 15 months. will be given at the Auditorium on they used to collect it. dry it in the alternate in the story. “Ramshackle Inn" is being The Occupational Safety and Thursday through Saturday at 8 p.m., sun and ship it to Boston — an outfit Other characters include Marne presented in coordination with Health Administration charg^ Elec­ with a matinee Sunday at 2 p.m. called Cabot's — and sell it for in­ Phillips, an imbibing former owner; MCC's Theater Program, offering a tric Boat failed to take proper safe­ sulation." Advanced admission is $1 for season of varied entertainment. Late students and $2 for general public, Constable Small, hard-bitten ty precautions to prevent the acci­ Samuel Cabot Inc., a well-known Yankee; Mr. Tample, a mysterious in March, “A Night of Im­ dent when it knew the dafety haz­ prices at the door are 50 cents more. paint and stainmaker in Boston, once handyman. provisation: 4th Edition” will be ard existed. The play is presented by the Cultural did a thriving business in this The cast includes Claire Ackerman seen, to be followed in April by the The company Monday denied it Programs Committee of Manchester seaweed — purchasing it from of Manchester as Belinda; Louise Arthur Miller classic. "Death of A was responsible and it will challenge Community College. coastal areas and stitching it Reynolds Robert, also of Salesman.” Ticket information may the citation that calls for a $10,000 This Broadwav success in comedv- between sheets of paper to make Manchester, as Marne; Robyn Reilly be obtained by phoning 646-49(X), fine. mystery style is laid in the 1840s, in a what was called Cabot's Quilt. of Glastonbury as Joyce; and Danny extension 258. rundown inn at Gloucester. Mass. The firm contended there were not The product was invented by Svirk of Ellington as Constable Wagon Train necessarily any foreseeable steps Samuel Cabot, who in the 1890s that could have been taken to avoid began experimenting with eelgrass A wagon train, carrying 43 ounces of gold to replate the the accident. Solemn Moment that washed up near his Chatham Hanukkah Fair at Temple dome atop the Georgia capitol, circles the capitol building OSHA last month cited EB for 246 summer home. A delegation of six U.S. governors pays Temple Beth Sholom in Manchester will conduct its annual Hartt Sets Youth Concert Monday. The wagon train ended a trek across the state at the federal health and safety violations and Bruce E. Babbitt (D-Ariz.). The gover­ The inventor's grandson Samuel, and proposed a $259,710 penalty. The silent tribute during wreath-laying ceremony Orchestra. capitol when Gov. George Busbee held the wooden box aloft nors and their wives are in the Soviet Union who recently retired as head of the Hanukkah Fair on Sunday from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the tem­ HARTFORD - Four youth “Bouree" by Johann Adolph Hasse, citation and the penalty, the second Erskine holds bachelor's and holding the gold, (UPI photo) at the Soviet Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, at on an eight-day tour. During a meeting with family company, recalled. ‘‘He dug ple, 400 E. Middle Turnpike. Looking over gift shop items tp be orchestras will give the first of two and “All Through the Night" and largest penalty issued by OSHA, are master's degrees in music education Kremlin Hall, Moscow, Monday,. They are, Soviet officials, the governors discussed the several big pits in the ground and major concerts this season at the “Peg-Leg Pete,” arranged by also being contested by EB. featured are, from left, Diane Weinbaum, gift shop chairman; from Boston University and Hartt at right, from left to right. Govs. John V. filled them with eelgrass, then stuck University of Hartford's Lincoln Richard Stephan. The Junior The violations, including 62 serious situation in Iran and suggested some and Roxanne Davis, cochairman. The event is a Sisterhood Orchestra will follow, playing College of Music respectively. An thermometers in them. He had my Theater on Saturday. and 50 repeat offenses, were found in Evans (D-Idaho), partially obscured; Robert strategic diplomatic assistance by the father run around and give him fun-raiser and will include games, a talent show, a magician to The Elmentary, Junior, Concert “Firework Music” by G.F, Handel. award winning percussionist, she is a Gourmet Society D . Ray (R-Iowa), chairman of the group ; Jay Kremlin could indirectly win support for the member of the Julius Hartt School a month-long investigation by OSHA readings from different ther­ entertain the children, a bake sale and refreshments. The and Concert Chamber Orchestras “Dalton Set” by Robert Starer, S. Hemmon (R-Alaska): Richard I. Thorn­ faculty in the shipyard last spring. SALT II pact in the United States, (UPI mometers." Temple Gift Shop and Book Shop will be open for holiday shop­ will be conducted by Ruth Erskine “Sonatina” by Franz Schubert, and burgh (R-Pa.l; J. Joseph Garrahy (D-R.I ); photo) His grandfather s thermal insula­ ping. (Herald photo by Pinto) and Charles Palmer. “Farandole ‘from L'Arlesienne — Charles Palmer is conducting the Feasts on Buffalo tion paid off. and by the late lS90s, More than 150 young student Suite No. 2” by George Bizet. Concert and Concert Chamber Charles Palmer will lead the Orchestras for the 16th year. He is in­ Samuel Cabot Inc. was putting out musicians in Grades 2 to 10 are HARTFORD 1 UPI I — Once a year engaged in orchestral study and per­ Concert Orchestra for Mozart's strumental music teacher at the "escargot en cocotte " to "buffalo a miles of Cabot s Quilt in different members of a Connecticut gourmet formance under the auspices of the "Allegro in C from Church Sonata King Philip Junior High School in la Baron Longueville ' Chad^s Parents Deny Profiteering thickness and sizes, stitched and society sit down for their traditional Cheney Site non-credit division of Hartt College No. 12,” Virgil Thomson’s “Fugue West Hartford where he also teaches The society dines to honor George packaged at the firm's Chelsea fac­ dinner, and this year none of the of Music. Children participating in and Chorale on Yankee Doodle,” and classes in electronic music. Auguste Escoffier. an innovative HASTINGS, Neb. (UPI) - The tory. menu's 10 courses would have done from one publisher competing for we think it is important to the public tray us as profiting from our son’s the program represent Hartford and Aaron Copland’s “John Henry.” Since 1967 Palmer has been con- French chef who revolutionalized father of leukemia victim Chad Though the venture began with much for fast food addicts. book rights because "it's worth a — they need to know what's going death." some 30 neighboring communities. The concluding works are certmaster and concert manager of menu planning and preparation at the Green, treated with the controversial Chatham seaweed, Cabot said, the The annual dinner Monday for the million” . on,” Green said. Green said he and his wife began Event Dec, 2 Prokofieff’s “March from the opera the Connecticut String Orchestra. turn of the century. drug Laetrile before his death, has company began obtaining its supply Ruth Erskine will conduct the first Green acknowledged he and his “So I said to the newspaper as far their book months before C ^d ’s Oct. ‘The Love of the Three Oranges”' Tickets for the 7:30 p.m concert all-male society. Les Amis D- The 10 courses complemented by denied a newspaper report he and his from Nova Scotia. half of the program with The Escoffier. was about as far off the wife had been approached by a as we’re concerned, Chad’s life was 12 death in Tijuana, Mexico. Elementary Orchestra performing and Meyerbeer's “Ckironation March are available at the door or through eight wines were placed before about wife want $1 million for book rights publishing agent about the book, but The material was used in some MANCHESTER - The historic since 1780. Seth Cheney, a grandson rubber chicken circuit as one can go. worth more than a $1 million to us,” Chad died after his parents "Choral and Canon” by Praitorius, from the Opera ‘The Prophet,” per­ members of the orchestras. 100 society members, who sat sur­ to the story of Chad's fight for life. noteworthy locations, according to 18th century Cheney homestead will of Timothy, and one of the eight It demanded culinary wizardry from he said no monetary amount was dis­ Green said. “So money doesn't really reportedly decided to cut .'' formed by the Concert Chamber rounding a piano player to enhance Gerald Green, now in his cussed. Green said the Globe's story matter.” Cabot. be open for its twelfth annual holiday brothers who founded the silk mills, 10 hotel chefs p itt^ against their chemotherapy treatments he was the atmosphere. hometown of Hastings with his wife was “grossly misconstrued.” In another interview in the San Captain Scott used it in walls of his open house. Sunday Dec. 2 from noon became a famous painter and main­ In 1927, a 10,000-square- toughest challengers. receiving at a Tijuana clinic, Diana, labeled “a bunch of garbage” "As far as we’re concerned we’re Diego (Calif.) Tribune. Green said he hut at his Antarctic base camp in the to 4 p.m. tained his studio here and it is in­ mile iceberg eight tiines as The kitchens were filled with preferring to treat their son with Sunday's Boston Globe story quoting not interested in any money. We was "very irritated” because it early 1900s. ‘‘He mentions it in his "Holiday at the Homestead " is fast cluded in the tour. TV Tonight large in area as Rhode eccentric dishes ranging from iaetrille and a special diet. journal," Cabot said, ‘‘and speaks Island, drifted past the Falk­ him saying they had rejected $100,000 want Chad’s story to be told b^ause appeared the Globe "wants to por- becoming a tradition in Manchester The building and grounds remained land Islands on Argentina. highly of it.” through the sponsorship of the in the family until 1968 when it was 6:00 11:30 2:50 The fact Scott later froze to death Historical Society which will again donated to the Manchester Historical (I)(S328N «n d ) Mary Tyler Moore 0 Movie "Force 01 E v il" WESTSlOE should not reflect ill on Cabot's Quilt. offers tours through the ten rooms of Society for preservation and (SILovsLucy d lK o ta k (1948) John Garfield. Marie (DJokar'iVm (CaBanisyMISer Windsor Iran Deadlock Frustration The British explorer was in a tent at the large farmhouse specially maintenance. The holiday open house 0 B s n iy H M 5 TV Community CoScM 3:00 SHOE REPAIR the time. decorated in a style of the earlier has been held every year since. 61 AdMn-19 a a a Tonight 0 Movla "The Model And The Pine Shopping Plaza The product also has sound- Mulled cider and cookies will be 6 S tT M ti Of 8 , -r ^ ^ ^ ^ members. Prospective members Driving with an eye on the tide delicately glazed on a lovely should be aged 10 and up for the a a a T h s Mlaadvanturaa Of and expensive — problem .^ First Lady chart is commonplace in this village ShSftffUtbo porcelain dinner bell. And it's musicians and age 18 and up for the of 120 on the 23-mlle-long Currituck a a U v s From Ttw Matroix)ll- So he searched for a com-1 yours free—just (or opening a tan Makes Plans other units. Families are especially Banks. It is one of the east coast’s pany that could devise a I Christmas Club account of S3 welcome. most secluded spots, a 2,000-footwide 0'3O solar heating system. He I or more. So open your 1980 0 Fat Albart Chrtatmaa Spsdal For Yuletide “Open House” will be on Sunday, strand with all the stark, fragile 0 MervOrtfftn BNsoN found one in his owni Christmas Club (or $3, $5 or Dec. 2, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Coventry beauty for which North Carolina’s directed^ backyard, GGM Solar! WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rosalynn S a Angis $10.’ You'll get the Currier High School, Riply Hill Road. Infor­ outer banks dunelands are famous. Enteiprlse of South Lake! .Carter has planned “very different” 9:00 n m / m o and Ives dinner bell for this mation and applications may be ob­ Corolla isn't for the drop-in visitor. d) Movie "High Midnight" Tahoe. I Christmas decoraions for the White Christmas. Plus an extra tained and a corps practice may be A private road snaking up from the (Pramisre) M ke Connors. David Ranchouse Lodge,! payment free—just in time House this year, her press secretary seen. BIrnay. A construction workar overlooking Lake Tahoe ini says, but traditional parties and south was paved a few years ago, but whose wile and chMd ware killed lor next Christmas. It's the In a mistaken drug raid sets out the El Dorado Natlonall candlelight tours are still on the Musical instruction, instruments a guard blocks it at start, turning best Christmas Club around. and uniforms are provided to alone to lake on the lawlass nar­ TO® OECl' forest, is heated on sunny away all but Corolla residents, their And at First Federal Savings, yuletide agenda. cotics squad responsible. I Whether you're looking to buy or looking to members. The corps is self- days by 24 solar collectors that's always had a familiar ring. The White House Christinas season invited guests and the few people X a TNas'a Company I sell...whether you have merchandise to trade or a supporting and non-competitive, who have huilt beach cottages in the a O a Baggarman, ThM warming water stored in a! service to offer...there's one place where you're CUib« with ««*hl)r paymonli 0> SI or t2 00 not Qualify officially begins Dec. 6 with the though the Rangers do attend black 2,000-gallon tank and piped! lor fra# bail oHar area. 9-M TICIterSAWABL£*T sure to get the results you want. The Classified! arrival of a 19-foot Douglas fir from powder matches. The only other way to get close to X a T a x I through the 14,000-square-1 0 Nbta On Maw Jersey STUtNTAOTITlEi ■Rhawnas jump right in and check out the Classified today I the tree farm of Eric Sundback of During the past spring and summer Corolla’s lighthouse is by boat. •wss foot building. I Cumer and Ives Dinner BeH lOM OFFICE Shepardstown, W.Va. the corps traveled 2,686 miles, par­ Tough as it is for Corolla’s When the sun doesn’t! The decorations in the State Rooms ticipated in 17 events and marched residents to reach their home now, it ^ a M T o H w t shine, the lodge can con-| plus 5lsl paym ent-f^ will be unveiled Dec. 10. on the sludsfe »1 I6V4 miles. Locations ranged from might soon'become even more dif­ 0 M y Qriham Cruaads bo. (ftict »I“ vert a wind generator con-| following days, the President and a Bruins Wtsp-Up Philadelphia, to Haverhill, N.H. and ficult. atnniaJik sisting of three 11-footl Site Kerali! Mrs. Carter will give a Christmas 10:30 included the Pitkin Glass Works in Every coastline trip north takes fekJtci »ZK> wooden blades on a 100-footl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ball for members of Congress and aoiokVanDyfes Manchester and the Rededication of them through the back bay National 11.-00 H ist Federal Savings their families, a party for the press the Old State House parade in Hart­ Wildlife refuge. But on Jan. 1 the x t s a a a N s M ISPEMLGKIUP •When we first decided! 643*2711 643*2718 Dec. IS, and a staff pairty on Dec. 14. ford. federal government will close off the 0 M*A*B*H MSCOl/JTS f t M M to build the Ranchouse, w e l East Hartford, Glastonbury. South Glastonbury. Manchester. Vernon. Rockville and South Windsor On Dec. 17, the Carters will hold a More information may be obtained area to beach traffic on the gounds it JtOktoOlMMM knew we were going t o l N tW N fl S f tS f state dinner in honor of British a Our Mks Brooks have problems," SprockP by attending the Open House or by is hazardous to the environment. aCMooAndTIiaMan 046 4900 EXT253 PLEASE CAUTHEArnE Prime Mihister Margaret Thatcher mmm said. writing to the corps at Box 1776, 11:15 FOR SCREEN TBUES amid the festive Christmas decor. Coventry, 06238. 82) News 16 - EVENING HERALD. T u« m N o y .^ . - EVEWNG HERALD, Tues., Nov. 27 1979- 17

Htip Wantad f t Halp Wantad f t Halp Wantad f t Halp Wantad IS Halp Wanlad f t Computer Elevatoi HOMEWORKERS - Earn NURSES AIDE - 7 AM to 3 PERSON TO WRITE ■ m.OO/hundred securing, stuf­ PM. Full time. Laurel Manor, ESTIMaI’^ , schedule work, COOKS & KITCHEN fing Envelopes. Free s ta lls . 91 C h e s tn u t S tr e e t, order parts aiid paint for body CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING PART TIME EVENINGS- HELPERS- Available Reply; TIUn V15X, Box 94485, Manchester. shop. Ezcelleni wages. For Manchester. Light duty Schaumberg, III. 60194. appointment call 688-7596. weekends and evenings. janitor cleaner. 5 evenings per When you Experienced preferred. WAITRESSES - P art time week. Ideal for re tir^ or TRUCK 'ORE SHOP needs lunch and evening. BOOKKEEPER- Part time need another Drivers license. Mature in­ semi-retired. Call 649-5334. dividuals. Apply in person: dependable man to train in its Experience preferred. No needed in Greater Hartford Unveiled by Otis pair of hands Retread & Service area office. Applicant must Garden Grove Caterers, Sundays. Davis Family in your place WANT Keeney Street, Manchester. Departments. Call Mr. Wood, Restaurant. 649-5487. have experience with working of business, B e r g ^ Company, Ellington. with figures and the skill to FARMINGTON (UPI) - The Otis Fairfax, Va. it is expected that the high-rise 872-7729. use a calculator for trust a AD RN r 11 to 7. Part time. Enjoy LAUNDRY AND DIAPER PART 'HME MAID - Apply w IS m MTE The new system relies on what is elevator market will maintain its working with an excellent sup­ between 9 AM and 4:30 r a . mathematical functions. Elevator Co. Monday unveiled a fully Want Ad for SERVICE needs folderess computerized elevator for high-rise actually happening in a building, current respectable level of ac­ CAN porting staff. Very pleasant full or part time, AM and PM. AUTO BODY REPAIR - Full Connecticut Motor Lodge, 400 Bookkeeping experience m i M B S ) } , rather than operating on predeter­ tivity.” fast results! MY DEAR atmosphere. Good wages and Call 2^1527. time. Experienced. Must have Tolland Tpke., Manchester. meferred but not essential. buiidings which it said can use 30 per­ own tools. $7.00 per hour. All Flexible schedule with 5 hours mined traffic patterns can alter its benefils. Please call Doris cent iess energy than conventional Robert L. Cole, president of North HANDLE SWEETIE Blain, RN, Director of SALESMAN- Opportunity for company benefits. For ap- RNORLPN-11 PM to 7 AM, daily Monday thru Friday, pattern as traffic flow patterns poiniment call 688-7596. Salary'ary commensurate with elevators. American operations, said, “The ef­ CARRIE AND Nurses, 646-0129. exciting position. Knowledge One night a week. Laurel change. Lord said. of stoves helpful. Base plus Manor, 91 Chestnut Street, experience.erlei Reply by writing ficiency of our new dispatching IT! Herald Box BB. The company called the new For example, he said, it can thwart MICHAEL LATHE OPERATORS - With commission. Full medical PRODUCTION WORKERS Manchester. 51 *’ ' ^ ’ 61 system "the elevator technology of system will reduce energy use found 2 years’ experience. Good benefits. Paid vacation. Call FOR SOFT DRINK bottling practical jokers who push buttons to 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 S:S0-8:00 company. Physical work in­ SNOW SHOVELBRS the 80s” and predicted it will help in current systems.” benefits. Salary negotiable. Mrs. Gray 525-1931 RN OR LPN - Part time. 3 PM make cars stop at every floor of a HERE IS THE Hawk Precision Co., 303 volved. Must be 18 or older. to 11 PM. Laurel Manor, 91 NEEDED- Must be depen­ strengthen the future of high-rise By using a converter to switch AC Apply: The Pop Shoppe. 249 dable. Need own transporta­ building by sensing how many The term "meat packing" comet to ui from early American Burnham Street, Blast Hart­ PART TIME JANITOR for Chestnut Street, Manchester. buildings in the United States. passengers it is carrying. If too many current to DC current, energy use b ig g e s t ford. telephone 528-9845. medium size office complex. S^ncer Street, Manchester, tion. Good pay. Apply in per­ could be cut as much as 30 percent, coloniiti, who salted their pork end pecked it in berreli between 10 AM and 4 PM. SALES PERSON - MEN’S son: Manchester Cycle, 178 buttons are pushed, a special device for use during the winter. Hours: 5 p,m. to 10 p.m., 3 The new Elevonic 101 computer is he said. UNDERSTATE­ BUS BOYS - Full time lunch nights a week. Phone Mr. CLOTHING. Full time oppor­ West Middle liimpike. cancels all calls. tunity in quality men's shop. the first to control all elevator func­ MENT OF and dinner shifts. Apply at Whitney at 568-2020 for ap­ “The future of high-rise buildings “It is the most advanced system of Cavey’s Restaurant, 4s East pointment. PRODUCTION CONTROL Excellent working conditions COOK FOR tions — car speed, position and direc­ COORDINATOR on Aircraft CONVALESCENT HOME in appears to be very strong,” said its kind and has significant im­ THE CENTURY... Center Street, Manchester. plus paid benefits. Apply in tion, passenger waiting and travel NOTICE parts. All company paid person to: Bernie ApteiIter, Glastonbury. This is a full time, door operation, call Lord. plications for today’s building RARE OPPORTUNITY - benefits. Interviewing 9:30 Regal Men's Shop. 903 w in time, 4 day week, with Otis, the world's largest elevator a.m.m. to 4:00 p.m. D ^am ic • V r assignments, energy use and system technology while creating a strong PUBLIC HEARING 1 LOVE YOU! OWN YOUR OWN Street, Manchester. benefits, for a dependable per­ builder, is a subsidiary of the foundation for future growth,” Cole BUSINESS. Distributor for MACHINISTS FOR Metal Products Co., Inc., 422 son. Call 6S3-89I4 for inter­ diagnostics, said John Lord, vice Hartford-based United Technologies ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS Kodak film. Duracell AIRCRAFT PARTS - North Main Street, view. said. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Manchester, 646-4048. president of marketing for Otis' (lorp. Batteries. G.E., Sylvania and Experimental and short run. North American operations. Lord said as the concern for energy TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT other photo products needed Must be able to set-up and Lord said the demand for high-rise and resources grows, the “back-to- work from blueprints. GRIT BLASTERS WANTED- SNOW REMOVAL HELP Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of in your area. No selling. Ser­ NEEDED FOR WINTER JOHN HANCOCK IS NOW ' ■' r ' V ’ t , , ^ 0 , elevators has been increasing at a the-city” movement will accelerate vice top Retailers under Miminum 5 years experience. Experienced Preferred. Call It is being installed at the Public Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing in the for appointment 633-9474. SEASON - Must be over 16 INTERVIEWING in the rate of 34 percent a year and during Announcamanit exclusive contract established Excellent opportunity for Manchester area. Salary $170 Service Electric and Gas Co. and its dependence on high-rise: Hearing Room at the Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, qualified individuals. Apply Connecticut Hardface, Si years of age and have own the next five to 10 years “even in the business and living space will also in-' by us. High immediate in­ transportation. Manchester - $250. commensurate with headquarters in Newark, N.J., and Manchester, Connecticut, Tuesday, December 4, 1979, at 8:00 ATTENTION TOTALPHONE come minimum required in­ at: Paragon Tool Co. Inc., 121 Metalizing Corp.. Glaston­ ability and commission. the new Mobil Oil headquarters in face of a general predicted recession. crease. P.M. to consider and act on the following: Adams Street, Manchester. bury. area. On call basis. Good pay. SUBSCRIBERS! Do you need vestment $9,975. 100% profit Call weekdays. 528-9885. FREE Fringe Benefits. Dollar Gains Ground help receiving your calls? structure. Call between 8 AM 647-9935. Established accounts, Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget HOMEWORKERS - Earn 19794)0. TRANSFER to Capital Improvement Reserve Fund Temporary or permanent. & 5 PM, 1-800833-6367. Or SERVICE MAN TO INSTALL training Program. Please A Tokyo bank clerk puts up an exchange 251 50 yen. the highest since Oct. 27, 1977 Personal Attention... Very write: American Film COCKTAIL WAITRESSES - $50.00/hundred securing, stuf­ ...... $17,725.00 fing Envelopes. Free Details, Si REPAIR equipment in contact- Sylvester Murano at board showing new U.S. dollar rate as a when it was traded at the same price. (UPI Reasonable. 233-8991 or 247- P ro c e ssin g , Inc.. 1935R Earn up to $200 a week. 643-1124, or after 4:00 p.m., to be financed by a Federal Grant. Title III, Older American’s 8623. Experienced or will train. Reply: TiUn - X72, Box 94485, homes. Must have mechanical :ion Hoover Court, B'ham, AL aptitude or some plumbing 633-7334. EOE. Power Cut Hurts Schaumberg, III. 60194. foreigner looks on at the Bank of Tokyo. The photo' Act through N o ^ Central Area Agency on Aging. 35226. Apply 330 Ledyard Street, PROVIDENCE, R.l. (UPI) - hold down fuel adjustment charges ‘1 think it's understandable in air Hartford. experience. Will train. U.S. dollar closed out the day Tuesday at Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget NURSES AIDES - Full time. References 528-9748, between EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. Public Utilities Commission Chair­ on consumer utility bills. age of rising energy costs for various* 197940 to Human Services Department □ EMPLOYMENT SWITCHBOARD 9 and 10 a.m. or between 3 and Men and women 17 - 35 team a OPERATOR- 4 nights ner PLASTIC INSPECTOR Experienced preferred, but man Edward F. Burke says a “My concern is that any efforts by states and localities to think of poten­ ...... $600.00 nignis per „ _ ...... « « training will be given. Apply 4 p.m. career skill. Guaranteed part- •••••••••••••••••••••••••• week. Thursday 11:30 p.i Opening for first shift Q C per­ time job. $60 per weekend to proposal to cut hydroelectricity that any state to keep power within their tial cost-saving vehicles,” he said. to be financed by unanticipated unclassified revenue. son to take over a small in­ in person: East Hartford Con­ Halp Wantad 13 7:30 a m. Friday, Saturday & MORNING or AFTERNOON start. Veterans earn more. New Hampshire supplies to other borders could have an injurious James R. McCavanagh Sunday, midnight to 8:00 a.m. spection department in valescent Home, 745 Main “However, there has been a greaC Street, East Hartford. NURSERY SCHOOL Join the Connecticut Army Costle Sees Problem Secretary. Board of Directors Edwards Answering Service. busy, growing, molding and National Guard. Call Sergeant states could hurt New England's effect on the New England power deal of work done within the New TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. ■ TEACHER Wanted im­ Dated at Manchester, Connecticut this 26th day of November. 646-5406. mold making company, a' regional power supply efforts. pool system," Burke said Monday. Apply 81 Commerce Street. RESTAURANT Si BANQUET mediately. Call 649-5531. Hanna at 6498423 or 566-7900 England region by the electriq; 1979 Glastonbury. PTG good general knowledge of Collect. The New Hampshire PUC will Burke said if necessary he will TYPISTS AND CLERK plastics, measuring in­ WAITERS Si WAITRESSES- utilities to develop a comprehensive^ 1^11 COMPANY Telephone 633- Experienced only. Also - Bus begin hearings in late January on the testify against any ban on interstate 7631. TYPISTS are needed to work struments. gauges, and proposal, which backers say would transmission of hydro power. and cohesive system." in the Hartford area. Call blueprint reading required. help. Apply in person at: The With Chemical Wastes Capable of checking work Colony, between 2:30 and 4 today. TAC/TEMPS, 727-8430. CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC p.m., Monday thru Friday. MOTHERS AND HOUSEWIVES • Experienced only. Top within close tolerences. filling NOTICE EXPERIENCED SANDWICH out inspection reports, CRANSTON. R 1. i I'PI i — Douglas said It s a terrible legacy ' It would have cost $4 1 2 million to She Hcralii wages, /^ply: Atlas Tile, 1862 LEGAL SECRETARY - If you are looking for part time work while the children Berlin Tpke.. Wethersfield, MAKERS wanted for cocktail customer liaison and exer­ Costle. head of the I' S Environmen­ We can't keep shuttling this stuff dispose of the chemicals properly in Butinett INDEX PUBLIC HEARING cising good judgement. Please Immediate opening in the are in school, we have just what you want. We have i«r---ar*aK3t*se3WSB 5634)151. lounge. Call 644-9637 between tal Protection Agency, says chemical around " Costle said "We don't have the first place 9 a.m. and 12 noon. call Mr. Silver at 563-1475 for Rockville area. Typing and recently expanded our Nurse Aide hours to include an 8 ADDmONAL APPROPRIATIONS appointment. dictation essential. Send AM to 1 PM shift, 5 days per week. We provide a complete companies are quickly running out of In this country the capacity to handle Costle said it was "absolutely Noncit BOARD OF DIRECTORS RN-LPN wanted for 3 p.m.-11 PART TIME. Want cash for resume to Box B, c/o aide training pro^am so you can earn while you learn. places to dump their hazardous this waste "The generators of this critical " for Congress to appropriate 1 — Lo«t Pound TOWN OF MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT p.m and 11 p.m-7 a m. shifts. Manchester Herald. Credit Crunch, Inflation 2 — Pertonalt the holidays? For every day? AVOID COMMUTING- Work Starting salary is $3.07/hour which will increase to wastes and must find other ways to waste are going to have to develop more money for water pollution Apply director of nursing. 3 — Announcamonlt flotlce is hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of Salmonbrook Convalescent It's easy with the phone in in Manchester. Stock Clerk. $3.27/hour December 1, 1979 and increase again to dispose of them on-site capacity to handle this waste cleanup efforts such as the 4 Enl«rtBinm«nl your own home. Call 249-7773. Drivers License for Van. Full LUBE PERSONS Squeeze Farmers, Banks Banebester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing in the Home, off House Street, Experienced and reliable. For n.37/hour after your probation period. Excellent benefits stream Providence plant. 5 — Auctioni Hearing Room at the Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Glastonbury. Please call 633- or part tune. Apply in person: Costle. in Rhode Island Monday to Marlow’s IncorporatM, 867 lubricating trucks and include uniform allowance, paid holidays, sick time and "It IS a cost our society can af­ ■‘Were still dealing nationwide farmers might find it most difficult to FINAMCIAL fanchester, Connecticut, Tuesday, December 4, 1979, at 8:00 5244 DIETARY AIDES - Full time vacations. inspect the newly renovated By I nited Prens International positions available in our Main Street, Manchester. trailers. Openings for part ford even though it will with a $100 billion problem in water 8 — Bond»-Stoct(»-Morto«o«« F.M. to consider and act on the following: For further information or personal interview call Providence sewage treatment plant New Federal Reserve Board restric­ meet the repayment of loans. They may dietary dy>artment. Apply in time. 8 hours on Mturday. and 9 — Portontl Lo«nt NURSES AIDES wanted for full time 40 hours weekly Patricia Soucier. dramatically change the way these quality and a $50 billion pot to solve tions on the supply of money and credit have gotten themselves a little 10 — lnftur«r>c« proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget person: East Hartford Con­ ACCOUNTANT- Public local said the city appeared to be making a full time on all shifts. Apply Certified Public Accounting $5.25 per hour. For appoint­ companies do business. " he said it," Costle said "We are seeing, are putting a tight squeeze on farmers, es­ overextended and as interest rates and BMPtOYMENT WT980, TANSFER to Capital Improvement Reserve Fund director of nursing. Salmon- valescent Home. 745 Main ■ good faitli" effort to meet a court Street. East Hartford. firm is seeking experienced ment call: 688-7596. Costle said the cost of proper finally, some dramatic gains " pecially those already overextended on fuel costs get higher, some are going to 13 — Help Winter ! ...... $19.997 00 brook Convalescent Home, off Public Accountant. Familiar- order to solve its pollution problems 14 — BuiineM Opportunitiee MEADOWS COm AHSCENT HOME hazardous waste disposal would add Over the next year, Costle land and machinery, bankers and find it that much harder to come up with be financed from General Fund — Fund Balance (Surplus) — House Street, Glastonbury ty with ‘Small Firm Clients " PART TIME TELEPHONE Costle lobbied for approval of his 15 — Situation Wanted Please call 633-5244. STATION ATTENDENT 333 BldwMI SIrbM about two percent onto the predicted 20 states will have more the net money, find themselves in a dif­ Kserved for Industrial Guidelines. NEEDED- Full time. Apply in preferable, but not necessary. SOLICITORS- 20 hours per proposal to make chemical com­ economists say. EDUCATION ManchMtof • 647-01B4 chemicals' cost — a price he said is cleanup projects on the drawing ficult position and have to sell out,” % Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget person to Gorin's Sports Car Our staff is aware of this ad. week. 6 to 10 p m, evenings, panies underwrite a fund to ciean up Farmers, who often must make large 18 — Private Inatructiont BABYSITTER NEEDED- Please send resume to: Box and/or Saturdays. Call Jerry far cheaper than cleaning up wastes board than money to pay lor them. I97IF80, Recreation Department — Arts and Crafts Center. Route 83, Vernon. illegal dump sites, and he added com­ capital expenditures to stay in business, Walker said. 19 — Schooia-Claaaea Monday through Thursday, 3 AA, c/o The Herald. Polvay 522-9616. dumped illegally Prices for fertilizer and chemicals, fair­ 20 — Inatriictiona Wanted f ...... $2,000.00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Own transpor­ panies must find new ways to dispose also use credit to purchase fuel, fertilizer, (b be financed by fees collected for Arts and Crafts Programs. At Love Canal in N iagara Falls, REAL ESTATE tation. Call 649-6022. Friday: of hazardous wastes on their own seed and chemicals. ly stable the past year, are expected to weekends anytime. N.Y., federal and slate governments jump significantly next spring, putting a 23 — Homes lor Sale Proposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget land. Partly because of inflation, outstanding 24 — Lota-Land tor Sele {$7980, Police Department — Special Detail Services are spending 38 million for a tem­ Nike Site 25 — inyatment Property w SEWERS- Experienced on In­ farm debt is Increasing every year. As of further cost-price squeeze on the farmer » ...... , R N S o r L P N S “If there is a single environmental porary cleanup of improperly Jan. 1, 1978, farm debt naUonwIde was who cannot pass On bis costs like other 26 — Buelneee Property 120 000.00 dustrial Sewing Machines. problem, an environmental legacy dumpwi hazardous chemicals, and Checked for $119.3 billion; on Jan. 1,1979, it was $137,5 businesses can, he said. 7 7 — Neaoft Property 6) be financed by charges made for these services. Will train if necessary. Good TYPIST 28 — Real Eitats Wanted 3 to 11 that scares me the most, it's the officials say they'll need more money ^roposed additional appropriation to General Fund Budget starting pay for the right peo- billion, and the estimate for Jan. 1.1980, is One bright spot, however, is the bumper Monday Experienced in newspaper ad hazardous waste problem. ' Costle for a permanent solution Costle said Explosives com and soybean crops harvested this HIEC. EERVICEE (97980, Police Department — Signs and Signals s i i n $157.8 billion. 31 — Services Offered ...... $5,375.00 :hru Friday. Apply in person at: Pillowtex CorpL 49 Regent Full time, part time, and composition. Knowiedge of AKI Faced with expensive credit, farmers fall. In terms of net income, Harshbarger 32 — Pamting-Papering be financed by Insurance payment for damaged traffic con­ anytime. Several openings 33 — Building-Contracting Street. Manchester Equal should watch their cash flow very careful­ said, farmers in the Midwest have had two available. Call Mrs. Keyboards and Photon Typesetters COVENTRY. R.I. lU PI)-A state 34 — Roofing-Siding trol equipment. Opportunity Employer M,l/F. fine years back-to-back, Ferguson DNS, at Food Took Bigger Bite environmental engineer has toured ly and delay any large machinery 35 — Heating.Plumbing Proposed Ordinance — to consider the purchase of 91 Harlan heipfui. 36 — Flooring an abandoned Nike missile site purchases for the time being, economists Lonnie Doan, senior vice president for S tn ^ for the sum of $809.72. SHEET METAL WORKER - NMSKCOMIHIStariOIC 37 — Movmg-Trucking-Slorage Experienced. Soldering etc. (3ood benefit^ package, 5-day where explosive chemicals are advise. the Olney Trust and Banking Co., said he 38 — Servtcea Wanted 2 S » « 8 7 1 “Since farming is a business with higher has advised farmers who have a good cash proposed Ordinance — to consider the purchase of land on the Call 528-2101. week. Of Yesteryear’s Budget reportedly buried, and a U.S. MIEC. FOR SALS loutberly side of Burnham Street for the sum of $15,000.00 In General Services Administration of­ operational costs than most, they have to flow because of the large crop to delay big 40 — Houaeffoid Goods conjunction with the reconstruction of Burnham Street and ficial says he'll do the same. be cautious about how much cash flow capital purchases if possible and save the 41 — Artidea for Sale 42 — Building Supplies Buckland Street. Caii Sheidon Cohen BOSTON I UPI I — If you're ear­ In 1875 less than one percent of Allen Bestwick Sr. has told the they can take on," said Folke Dovring, a money for spring planting needs. PUBLIC NOTICE The big questions for farmers and 43 — Peta-Birda-O^t hoposed Ordinance — to authorize the sale of Parcel No. 7 in for appointment ning more but enjoying it less, take families reported any spending on government he buried six cannisters University of Illinois agricultural 44 — Musical Instruments B>e Buckland Industrial Park to General Electric Company, for AH eharttabi* and non-profll organtiatloM wishing to MANCHESTER CENTURY 21 solace in the fact that a century ago recreational and personal education, of chemicals used in making rocket economist. bankers now are whether interest rates 45 — Boats A Acoeasoriet ^ sum of $825,000.00. havs their PubHe Aimoiineefnante puhBehed tree In 643-2711 — Ext. 91 have peaked and how soon credit costs 46 — Sporting Goods all the necessities of life look a much but the figure had risen to 17 percent fuel while he was an Army private in C. Eidward Harshbargft", an economist 47 — Garden Products Amendment to Supplemental Pension Ordinances to provide for this specs are urged to eonteei Joe MeCavanaugh, Full time positions available for experienced or Equal Opportunltf EmpHtjar tt/F bigger slice of the family budget by the 1972-73 survey the mid-1950s. He tourwl the site with the Federal Reserve Bank in I^nsas will begin to come down. 48 — Antiques normal retirement age benefits for Ernest J. Tureck. Oenaral Meoeger at Regal Mufliert at Manchoatar. new real estate salesperson. Busy Main Street In 1875 almost 57 percent of total The survey noted several other City on loan to the Farm Credit Ad­ “It's anybody's guess what's going to 49 — Wanted to Buy •p a c e will be aHotod on a flrat coma, flrti tanrad baaia. Century 21 office offers beautiful working at­ Monday with Department of En­ topics of the Proposed Ordinances may be seen in the Town family expenditures went for food — shifts in consumer spending vironmental Protection engineer ministration in Washington, said it happen on interest rates," said Dale Stin- RENTALS mosphere. Fantastic commission schedule and a 52 — Rooms for Rent Clerk's Office during business hours. compared to only 25 percent in the patterns John Leo appears funds are available — at a cost. ton, director of farm management for the proven training program. 53 — Apartments for Rent r James R. McCavanagh Regal APPLICATIONS 1970s. according to figures released — In 1875, two-thirds of the fam ilies The environmental agency will Fanners, however, may have to seek out Illinois Agricultural Association. 54 — Homes for Rent • Secretary, Board of Directors We offer convenience along tcUh a superior product. Call MIKE KAPROVE, by the U.S. Bureau of Labor relied on earnings of children for one- decide by the end of the week what to a few more sources than usual, such as in­ “I expected them to peak before now. 55 — Busmeas for Rent 56 — Resort Property for Rent bated at Manchester, (^nnectlcut this 21st day of November, NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR: Statistics. third to one-half of the family in­ do about the chemicals. surance companies or the farm credit Last winter, we thought we would be on Q U O 646-2112 Salesmanagar 57 — Wanted to Rent 1979 vUV lAMIaalML The spending profile for a Boston come, but today child labor has the downslide by now. I don’t know any 56 — Miac lor Rent Inside Sales J.W. O'Connell, head of the real systqm. 837-11 MAIN tT. M i I ^ in I ta. • 1 ml 646-1316 family showed much more spent on almost disappeared property division of the GSA's Boston Homrd Walker, vice president of the economists who are making any projec­ AUTOMOTIVE Accounting clerk Purchasing clerk luxuries today and much less on the —Family size has declined from 5.1 office, will also visit the site by the First National Bank in Metamora, III., is tions when they are going to peak this 61 — Autos for Sale persons to 3.2 persons. winter, but it should be before spring plan­ 62 — Trucks for Sale necessities of life end of the week with an Army worriM the credit crunch along with 63 — Heavy Equipment lor Sale Expediting clerk Shipping clerks For example. Boston working —The percent of homeowners has representative. soaring fuel and fertilizer costs will force ting season." 64 — Moiorcydea-Bicyclea NURSE AIDES families spent about 94 percent of risen from one percent to 48 percent a small segment of farmers out of Harshbarger said he expects the rates 65 — Campera-Traikera-Mobile THE FOLLOWING LOCAL AGENCIES DEPEND Immediate openings Kardex clerk Stock clerks GSA owns the land Local officials Homes their money on necessities in 1875 — Expenditures for clothing say they want the federal govern­ business. to stay high the first half of 1980 but available on all shifts. WANTED 66 — Automotive Service ON THE UNITED WAYs Pleasant working con­ Accountant That compares with 62 percent in a dropped during the century from 14 1 “When it comes to refinancing, some possibly begin to decline the second half of 67 — Autos lor Rent-Leaae LUT2 JUNIOR MUSEUM noio ment to clean it up if the chemicals l2SC«da'SI 06040 643-0W9 ditions, new wage scale in 1972-73 survey — a drop of about one- percent in 1875 to 8.2 percent in 1972- are dangerous the vear 1*ct*bg*. prog'ami andairvtxlidesigriM to irUfoOuca naiura art and soenc# force. Located on bus line. Apply in person 8 AM to 11 AM and 1 PM third 73 lOChMran RN or LPN Contact Mrs. Ferguson Regardless of last employment date, I.e. 1692. It you are to 4 PM. Dentist Joins Firm MANCHESTER ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CITIZENS (MARC) ^ DNS at Burnside Convales­ 494MaaiSl MancrwilPt.06040 b4&-bne cent Home, 28^9571. currently holding a valid Connecticut Nursing License, VERNON —Dr. Bruce Tandy has joined Dr. HaroW Workihep program for adufti itcrtaiionai programs tor aPuni ar«t laanaggrs we are eager to get you back Into the swing of things. ADAMS INDUSTRIES, Inc. Radish, Dr. Nathan Marcus, and Dr. Paul Bush in MANCHESTER RUtLIC HEALTH NURSES ASSOCUTION Come In and see what we're about. Pleasant environ­ 150 North Mam S t . Martcnonar 06040 647 1481 ment, good benefits, revised salary program for the 3 340 ProgrbM Drivb general dental practice in their offices in Vernon and Homo hMttticaro. nufimgguKJarw*. pftvanttvt ttr vicai. arOfUChM cor<«»artca, «t»- Rockville. mimiraaoncaoic*. vwtonand hggrtng losto-nurimg njivodlaiKO tor irig gtda'ty pm to 11 pm and 11 pm to 7 am shifts. Become one ol ManchMtbr Iniluttrlal Park Dr. Tandy received his bachelor of arts degree from RfVfR CAST HOMCMAMR-HOMC HEALTH AIDE SERVICE. INC. HNITIME our family. Apply In person. Full and part time positions Manchaatar, CL 353C*nlor St .M»Kh*llO». 06040 643-9511 fiftisy M siii available. Contact Martin B eqln the University of Rochester and his dental education M.. Pfovtool larytcot in th# homg to familgi with chM 'tn. ih# convaiaKanl. aged, Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. ( acutely or cr»on MomehoNIhcar# tndudingiadiedfHrrimg healtngutoancaarvJpreYentrveiervtcei Betien Notch Roosevelt St. 6 DAYS ...ISfMamMT SOUTH W nS s O R PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING ASSOCIATION Lincoln St. ENFIELD — CTiannel Home Centers, a W.R. Grace So WtndaorConwTHinity Cnif , 91 Ayers Rd South Windsor. 06074 6 44-2545 20DAYS ...IV ivnin PtowMS tamJy hoaflhnuamg servtce in the home and health counseling lor chddrtn Trumbull St. Company, will open its fourth unit in Connecticut 1IWORD,»2.10aHi and the etoarty Thursday. HAPPY ADS *2,00 H GMI THE UNITED WAY DEPEND ON YOU? L ocate in the State Line Plaza at Fresh Water WANTED Boulevard in Enfield, the store will be staffed 6IVE TO THE UNITED W AY OF 6REATER HARTFORD EAST HARTFORD CARRIERS WANTED aaoNaoNio av n s rouowiwa c o n c im m o a u tw e a a e s COMPANION predominantly by lodal residents. To stay nights with elderly ToHand 8t. 525-651 Channel's other Connecticut outlets are located in KiaiiTOia AZTEC CNMNEY SWEEPS GANMDS by CAROL lady in her home. No DIL BURNER Henmer St. Manchester in the Manchester Parkade, in Waterbury in * r a f f Cldmnar InapaeUon •yauCaSlha Shota" housework. Will be able to the Mattituck Plaza, and on Frontage Road in East rOr ■VWfINIW Photos make an excallent continue if working days. William St. Haven. Christmas QlftI Must be able to drive. Bumelde St. 727-735 PLEASE READ 378 WIndior Street, Manchester This is Channel’s 80th home center, with outlets located 6 4 I-6 1 M • 4 S -M 1 I References required. TECHNICIAN Wages open for discussion. Qrlswold 8L Dr. Bruce Tandy throughout a seven-state marketing territory. YOUR AD SAVMSIAMffNIViGMESIER MASSIF ARMS COMPANY Write P.O. Box 248, Ranney St. CiBMifiBd BdB $T9 taken ov«r U omaat To Sana You; "Your Hauat at Sparta Slnot1S44" Manchester, Conn. 06040. Must b * Hoanaad or gjqMrionood In reolden- pN>n« as a convanianca Mtnchartar. Eart Hartford, Bumalda. 991 Main Strsat, Manchoatar Woodbridge Ave. Th « t« rMpootibt* tor South WIndaor, Andovar S Ashford tlal eod Ught oommerdoJ Anaconda Sets Expansion only ono incorroci mtortion tnd • 4 7 - i m Webster St.. Ihon only to tho • (» of •M -1 7 N •orvldfig Qrootor Monefioitor only- WATERBURY (UPI) - Anaconda $1.75 million and “was a major factor in oriotnat mtortion Errort wtttch OPTICAL STVIEIAR MANCNESTER MEMORIAL CO. ComfMny protridoo vohtolo, uni tor me, CMS, Bhio BeMon St. d o not lowon mo vaiuo of m# ta iga at SahoSan ol Sattar $Om SMataily b Qaaiab. Ni our decision to expand in Waterbury.” •dvoniMmoni wiH not bo cor- Brass Division, the world’s largest "CaoliFW CoMiecffoifii LaadMe Manumanla In TIM ttsta* Prooo, Motor Modicol, olo. Linden 81. * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ producer of metal hose products, has an­ Chamberlain said Anaconda has roettd by an Mditiorkai moor- PMf Rorvloe OpMawi* tion (OrardS Ysars Stpartanaa) art bOabW Bwtats. I s ms4 $ Apply in porooK nounced a $6 million modernization and experienced a loss of jobs in the Water- Mancheater a Mansfield 167 Blasall 8 t, Manchoatar Burnside 8t. 222-200 expansion of its Waterbury facilities. Bwt HMh ailk • antpM obs buiy brass mill for “several years as a 6 4 S -1 I H — Opposite East Comotory — tartgriBit b baa m mW a Westbrook St. Work on the metal hose facility will result of industry overcapacity and sharp­ aSiREirAPPlJCAIIGI,TV-AIIIO • 4 M W 7 ■rawa papam ad b dmag a Ralph Rd. begin next spring and by 1981 the 16-acre ly Increased foreign com p^tion.” He □ NOTICES b n mt auktha tsaab Mibiii. F0BAimrill0S.INC. Energy Talks site will be converted into a mini- said the project at Anaconda Metal Hose 446 Hartford Rd., Manchoatar PARKER S TK E T USED tSMaa MbMal. $1MM pw Myrtle 8t. “marks a beginning of reversing that •4 7 -1 1 1 7 |Mr b baa das oaaabbai art *1t Brogtf Mrool ■t industrial park, Willard Chamberlain, Lott and found , f AITO PARTS. MC. aiMi haaa II |ta 4i art tinl Latimer St. Treasury Secretary G. William Miller, left, visiting the Middle East oil producing nations president of Anaconda Brass Division, trend.” TKEVEHGIIALI 776 Parker StrsaL Manchester $2t4N la M rtir, lai asat Kenyon St. to urge steady production in return for in­ said. The Waterbury facility employs 350 LOST- Gold Antique Bracelet *4 f antStHttHfaptr Maos IM I* MMMI kawb am , Wadi la itcart. meets United Arab Emirate Vice President Chamberlain said financing of the workers and is the world headquarters for last Friday vicintiy of down­ Harold Squara, Manchoatar "Par AS Year Auto Parts Maada, ■riw Hnmi Omim. rA im. creased American efforts to cut use of town Main Street. Reward. TawtU tMw. a n S j . as «!«: It CALL CHRIS 647-9946 and Prime Minister Sheikh Kashid Bin project was possible in part through the Anaconda Metal Hose. 649-ZSI2. or 843-7316. M 0 4 7 1 1 Coma Saa Ua." Maktoum in Abu Dhabi Monday. Miller is energy. (UPI photo) city of Waterbury and state funds totaling

J l*.r,E V E N IN G HERALD, Tpet„ Nov. 27, ICT —jlj^ N lN G HERALD, Tueg., Nov. 27, 1979 — 19 P m i w I* CharlM M. Ochulx ★ ■k-k-k-k*-k-k^K-k-k-k-kir'k'k-k-k-k-kititifk-kifkiririr*-k’kirir^ ACROSS 46 Vice-president (•M 1 Norstm tn 47 Over (prefix) WHAT'S V THIS (5 THERE MUCH CALL 7 Purple (lowar SO Actor Romero D«ar Abby 13 Light inventor 52 Nercotic THAT IS A FOR 5MUP6EP CIRCLES? 14 Put into 55 Refer .THIN6? yVeOMPASS, cipher 56 Lifting By Abigail Van Buren 15 Led y(Sp i machine* 16 Oplicel 57 Oversha­ membrane dowed I ^ 17 M a o ____ SB Truthful tuna 18 W hiik DOWN 20 Actor ►*inao 21 Elemant DEAR ABBY: While putting underwear in my son's 1 Sleeveless 24 la e ictsiiv e ly garment drawer, hidden far back I found several pages of sexy nudes, fond of 2 Roman data 23 Moor Fhmk & Ernest torn from a girlie magazine. To say I was shocked is putting 27 Aftarthoughi 3 Cows 24 Tan cants (abbr) it mildly, since he is an upright 14-year-old Christian boy of 4 Same (prafix) 25 Units 28 Brilliance 5 Con)unction 26 Paving BUSINESS & SERVICE I H E PtBR^C4tOUP PKtSSu^ PPOoNO high ideals. His father died when he was 12, and We have Pritellla’* Pop - Ed Sullivan 32 Idiotic 5 Munches always discussed everything openly. I thought we had a 33 Cane Tierney 7 Agsinst substance (pi) good relationship. role 8 Awkward 79 Ancient IF VOU NEEP ME GOSH.' IS CARLYLE HE HAS TO PICK UP A U T ^ 34 Come 9 Month (abbr) stringed I took the pictures from his hiding place and taped them FOR ANYTHING, MOM, PRIVING ALREAPV, YDUR FATHER'S TOOLS together 10 Superman's instrument on the door of his room. When he came home from school I 35 Fur.bearihg girl 30 Section ILL BE o u r TOOLING, MOMT ^ THAT HE LEFT OUTSPE animal told him I had cleaned his room and put his "art pictures” 11 Authoress 3 1 Aromatic __ , AROUNP.', 36 Weather Ferber Ointment where he could see them and enjoy them. He said thanks, NO.DEAR.' bureau (abbr) 12 Duck and three minutes later he took them down and put them in 37 Old Dominion 19 Scamp 33 Amount D m E C T O R Y the trash. i I ' •tata (abbr) 21 Tiger country earned 39 Leading 37 Turned Was there a tetter way to handle this? 22 Words of un­ 40 Ogled derstanding (2 36 Exist ROCKY MOUNTAIN MOM 43 Subtle wdt I 41 Quibble S arvfcu Ottand 31 S w v/cM Ottand 31 Palntlng-Paparlng 32 Bunding Contneting 33 D EA R MOM: I suppose because your son disposed of the ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 C iM TREE SERVICE ■ Free DAY CARE / NURSERY pktures, yon feel you "w on ." Yon could be wrong. J.P. LEWIS & SON- Custom LEON CIESZYNSKI 13 16 estimates, discount senior PROGRAM. State Licensed. 2 It is important for young people to know that their Decorating, Interior & BUILDER- New Homes, Ad­ citizens. Company understanding teachers. privacy will not he violated. I am not accusing you of 15 16 Exterior Painting. ditions, Remodeling, Rec Manchester-owned and Enclosed play-yard, play­ deiiherateiy snooping, hut h a v iu come across that which Panerhanging & Remodeling, Rooms, Garages, iGtchens operated Call 646-1327. room, lunches. Learning Houaahold G oods 40 Musfcaf Inatrumanta 44 Apartmanta For Bant S3 Autos For Sala was obviousiy hidden, yon shonidhave left it alone. 17 19 20 Kitchens, Recreation Rooms. Remodeled, Ceilings, Bath SI \_____S lUlIU experiences. Keeney School All your son will learn from this incident is that next time ■■ ■ Call 649-9658. Tiie, Dormers, Roofing. 21 B&M TREE SERVICE- District. Immediate openings. REFRIGERATORS DRUM SET- Excellent condi­ 1973 TORINO - 302. Runs be wants to hide something, hell have to find a better hiding Residential or Commercial. MANCHESTER- Cozy 3 1/2 Captafn Emy — Crooks A Lswrenco Specialist in tree and stump 6464864 Washers / Ranges, used, tion. 4 piece blue sparkle excellent. Must sell, !L LEE PAINTING - Interior & 6494291. rooms, utilities paid. place. 24 25 26 2 . 28 30 31 removal Free estimates. guaranteed and clean. New Slingerland; Zildjian Cym- Exterior. "Check My Rate Complete kitchen. Open til 9. sacrificing! Any reasonable 9 0 WHAT IF I PIP m u i r -BRieiTTE 0ARDOT?! 1 ■ Senior citizen discount 24 shipment damaged, G.E & bils; cover and case included. 3? WATERPROOFING Before You Decorate". Red Giant, 6830753. (M 12-5). offer over $1450. Call after DEAR ABBY: Although I have been reading your column t h a t FRENCH FRUMPf] WHO TRVIWO T’VAMP O APPy 33 PROFESSIONAL BUILDERS FIHGIDAIRE. Low prices Call 649-7761. hour, year round service. 643- Hatchways, foundation Dependable Fully Insured. 3:30 p m.. 6431150. 5286063. 0 0 B 9 9HB THINK 5HE 15— WITH THAT ARTI5T'5 1 11 - Complete Construction. Ad­ B.D. Pearl St Son, 649 Main religiously for years. I never dreamed I’d be writing to you. J4 7285. cracks, tile lines, sump 646-1653. 5 ROOM TOWNHOUSE - With MODEL r o u t i n e ; ditions. Remodeling. Free Street, 643-2171. VENTURA SEMI However. I do not know to whom I should turn to settle this pumps, gravity feeds, window garage. $380 monthly. Heat 1 11 Estimates. Fully insured. issue. You may think I'm a bit crazy, but it seems I get 36 3 . 3 , REWEAVING burn holes wells. 30 years’ experience. JACK INKEL PAINTING PROFESSIONAL ELECTRIC and air conditioners included. Call 6464879. GUITAR- Excellent condi­ moody and irritable when there is a full moon. Zippers, umbrellas repaired 643-4953 , 872-8413. CO - Quality Interior Painting ABSOLUTE BARGAINS! Available December 15th . 1 1 Window shades. Venetian Custom made draperies, slip­ tion. Hard case included. 649- WANTED JUNK AND LATE Does the moon affect human behavior'.^ h Paperhanging! Also: Paper CARPENTRY - All types of 1979. Call 6432469. blinds Keys. TV FOR RENT covers and upholstery. Budget 2062. MODEL WRECKS - Cash ROSEMARIE IN BROOKLYN 43 44 Removal Si Wall Preparation. repairs. Porches, Decks, Tool 47 46 49 Marlow s. 867 Main St 649- Custom Coloring St Con­ Terms Arranged. Call 289-2331 T H R E E R O O M Paid. Call Parker Street Used 1 Sheds, and Gutters. Doors and or 646-1000. Antiquas 50 51 5221 sulting Call 6 4 9 4 ^ . Visa St 4S APARTMENT - Carpeting, Auto Parts. Inc 6433391. DEAR ROSEMARIE: Those who have studied astrolof)' 52 53 54 BABYSITTING DONE in my Windows Hung. Ceiling Master Charge Accepted. appliances, fireplace. Must be cUlm it does. And Fve read statistics indicatiog that the M l South Windsor home, while RepairM and Painted, 55 56 E X P E R T PAINTING and Articlat tor Sala 41 seen! $255. Call 6435671. 1967 TEMPEST- 326. Func­ moon activates the “crazies.** (The word lunatic support# you Christmas shop or work. anytime, 6434130. tionally sound, good for parts LANDSCAPING Specializing this loony theory.) 57 Any age Call 528-2590 Asking $125.00. Call anytime. 56 in Exterior House Painting. Building Contracting 33 AN ASH TRAY FROM AVAILABLE 6431758. Tree pruning, spraying, PARIS’S FABULOUS IMMEDIATELY- 4 room DEAR ABBY: My brother, at whose home our annual mowing, weeding Call 742- LET ME HELP YOU “ MAKE WES ROBBINS Carpentry ALUMINUM Sheets used as MAXINE’S outrageous hats modem duplex. Wall to wall family reunion was held this year, invited Steve, my ex- 7947, CHRISTMAS "- I will address remodeling specialist. Ad­ 1970 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN- printing plates, .007 thick marvelous 1930 silk clothing in carpeting. 2 bedrooms. husband. without telling me about it. We've been divorced your cards, buy or wrap ditions, rec rooms, dormers, 428. 4 barrel. $500. or best Win at bridga BootIng-SIdIng-ChImnaf 34 23x28 Vi , 25 cents each or 5 mint condition boxes of all Finished rec room. I 1/2 for 20 years, and communicate only when absolutely Allay Oop — Dava Qraua BRICK. BLOCK. STONE presents - whatever you need built-ins. bathrooms, offer Call 6436410, anytime. for$I. Phone 6432711. Must be shapes and sizes. All kinds of baths. Private driveway. Fireplaces, concrete done Call Joanne, 528-5576 kitchens. 649-3446 necessary. I had not seen him in the last 18 years. BIDWELL .HOME improve­ picked up before 11 a m. linens and lace, glassware, Excellent location. Adults. Chimney repairs No job too HIGH PERFORMANCE AND I left Steve when I learned he was having an affair with THA,T'S THE CABIN ..BUT WHERE'S W E'RE S TAN D IN G ment Co. Expert installation ONLY. furniture and very strange $350 6436297, 643-7023 "I would have let dummy's small Save' Call 644-8356 for Palming-Paparing 32 CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. ECONOMY. Modified 1/6 For­ another woman. He obtained a divorce on the grounds of UP THERE.' TO U R N E W O N IT.' NORTH of aluminum siding gutters collectibles are all waiting for UkB? jack win. but I ruffed my own estimates Additions, Repairs, Cabinets mula Ford Pinto. 0-60 6 desertion, which I did not contest. There was no alimony, no and trim. Roofing installation CHAIN FALLS, tap and dye you at Red Goose Farm An­ EAST HARTFORD - Elegant 4A108t trick. I had noted a look of dis­ PAINTING - Interior and Call Gary Cushing 345-2009.. seconds, 30 mpg., suspension child support and no property settlement. We both VK97 and repairs 649-M9S, 871-2323. set, electric welder, acetylene tiques. Goose Lane Coventry. 6 rooms, 1 1/2 baths. Only gust on East's face when the exterior, paperhanging, radial spoilers. Excellent con­ remarried. ♦ J5 outfit, aluminum ladder, Open Friday Saturday, Sun­ $200. (585-41. Rental club was led back and decided CUSTOM DRAPERIES- excellent work references TIMOTHY J CONNELLY dition. 6437536. When Steve showed up at the reunion, you could have 6J63 SPECIALIZING cleaning and trailer tires, new electric day 135. 742-9137. Assistors, small fee. 2335646. that East was sitting with Made very reasonably Work Free estimates. Fully in­ Carpentry and general con­ repairing chimneys, roofs, generator, electric lawn- knocked me over with a feather! I was so shocked to see him WEST EAST both the ace and queen of guaranteed Call anytime til sured. Martin Matson. 649- tracting Residential and 1971 FORD VAN- Excellent new roofs. Free estimates. 30 mower. Evenings. 633-7060. A N T IQ U E S 4 MANCHESTER • Magnifi­ there I didn’t know what to do. I certainly didn’t want to 6 K 943 hearts I wanted two discards 9:00 p m . 6494266 4431 motor Standard shift. Priced commercial Whether it be a years Experience. Howley, C O L L E C T IB L E S - W ill cent, lovely apartment. Won’t speak to him. so 1 just left without saying a word to anyone. V » 3 VAQ542 of hearts and planned to take small repair job. a custom for quick sale, $650 Also: 1971 643-5361. BLACK 4 WHITE purchase outrights, or sell on last. $195. (559-21. Rental Did I do the right thing'.^ If not, what should I have done? ♦ 10 7 4 ♦ 986 3 them on dummy's long AiW PAINTING Contrac­ built home or anything in AUCTIN- Automatic, air con­ PORTABLE TELEVISION commission. Houselot or Assistors, small fee 2335646. And why would my brother do something like this? We’ve ♦ K754 ♦ A 10 8 2 trumps. tors Quality painting and between, call 6461379 ditioned. 48.000 original miles paper hanging at reasonable ROOFER WILL Install roof, SET- $30 Call 528-7212 single piece. Telephone 644- had our differences in the past, but I love my brother, and SOl'TH "I led my queen of spades BOLTON NOTCH - Furnished $900 Both can be seen at 24 rales Fuliv insured. Free siding or gutter for low dis­ anytime. thought he loved me. ♦ Q J 72 and let it ride after West CARPENTRY St MASONRY - studio apartment, including North Street. SNOW PLOWING - Residen­ Estimates Call Wavne 649- count price Call Ken at 647- HURT VJ 108 ducked. He then covered my Additions and Remodeling 1566 all utilities. Private entrance, tial and commercial 7696 DELIVERING DARK LOAM A N T IQ U E S 4 ♦ A K Q 2 jack of trumps with his king Free estimates Call Anthony C O L L E C T IB L E S - W ill parking, near stores. Mature 1976 PLYMOUTH PREMIER 6 Q 9 Manchester area - 5 yards. $40 plus tax Also VOLARE WAGON - Slant 6 D EAR HURT: Why your brother would do tneh a thing, 1 and I had to play a diamond to Squillacote 649-0811. sand, gravel and stone. 643- purchase outrights, or sell on person desired Call after 4 Reasonable, Free Estimates PERSONAL Paperhanging cylinder. 20 mpg. deluxe up­ only HE knowi. Aak him. I think you acted wiaely under the Vulnerable: East-West my queen to get back to my 9504 commission. Houselot or PM, 6439093. hand to finesse against West’s 646-5489 or 646-5747 for particular people, by Dick FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY holstery. power steering, cireumataoeei. However, it’s (utile to worry about what you Tha Flintatonaa — Hanna Barbara Pror*r FIREWOOD- Clean A-1 ROOM- For a working or way Several excellent friend­ 9637 weekend openings in the kitchen. 2 car garage, oil heat, Wagoneer. 4 wheel drive you're Involved in something Hardwood. Fresh cut, split. retired lady Completely fur­ PROFESSIONAL / ships will be established because Manchester area Work 16 lovely quiet setting on dead­ $2995: 1973 Buick Le Sabre where another appears to be too HMthclin — G«org« Qatoly end street, deeded beach Free Delivery. $85 00 per cor- nished. Central Call 647-1193 BUSINESS OFFICE $895. 1972 MG Model B/GT. 2 of your outgoing attitude greedy, don't waste time fretting SERVICE STATION hours Must have phone, car, or 6430307 BANK TELLER TRAINEE rights. $79,900. Call exclusive d. Call 5232950. BUILDING - Approximately door coupe, low mileage, test SAOfTTAmuS (Nov. 23-Oec. 21) over it. You'll come out far ahead ATTENDANT WANTED - clear police record Appiv in It isn't what you have that OR EXPERIENCE- Full­ agent, Carol Cable-W^ner, 2600 square feet, with ample offer; 1972 Audi $8K The in the long run. Day and night shift. Apply in person to Northeast Securitv. KITCHEN PRIVILEGES, parking. Close to Center, Impresses others today, so don't CANCER (JufW 21-July 22) Hold time For main office South Beazley Co. Realtors, Equal above may be seen at the r p person Silver Lane Shell, 252 61 Willard Street, Hartford free parking. Security and hospital and new court try to be anything you're not. It's your tongue when others are Windsor Bank 4 Trust Com- housing opportunity. 4434470. Savings Bank of Manchester. your friendliness and warmth WInthrop — Dick Cavalll Spencer Street, Manchester references required. 14 Arch building. For info, call 5 ^ asking everybody to choose up panv Call Nancy Morline, 289- Main Street. Manchester that draw people to you Find out AMBITIOUS PERSON 2 1974 TNT’S with double tilt Street, Manchester sides in an issue defying solu­ 6061 MANCHESTER- Two Family 7658 or 87I-040I. more of what lies ahead for you CUSTODIAN - Part time, WILLING to work full or part swivel trailer. $1200. Please tion. You’ll be the one hetd In PIDW7/SPIRIT/AT 44. Very nice condition. New DATSUN 1974 HATCHBACK- in the romance department in CON’r FEELElAD... experienced References Call time Make own hours No in­ call: 1-429-4408 Keep trying high esteem for wisely waiting. HOW COME ro o f. 200 foot treed lot. ROOM FOR MATURE OFFICE FOR RENT - B210 4 speed. Economical! the year following your birthday /V N iy W A V / LEAST ^ETA 643-4466 mornings or vestment Please call 646- PART TIME OFFICE LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Taking a INVITEOTO Immediate occupancy. $54,- WOMAN - 2 rooms, private E x cellen t loca tion . $125 New tires. Mags $1700 643 by sending for your copy of little flak and turning the other TCILI WERE THERE PIBCEOFCAKB'? evenings 8689 CLEANING- 3 to 5 nights per MAPLE DINING TABLE - KHsINVS PIRTHRAV 900. Hayes Corp., 646-0I3I. entrance. Mature male and monthly. Heat, janitorial, 7827. alter 6:00 p m Astro-Graph Latter. MaH t l lor cheek pays off In the long run. IN SPIRIT, week. Excellent working con­ Banquet size. 289-2571. each to Astro-Graph. Box 480. F y k R T V ? female One with license for parking. 500 or 1,000 sq ft. 643 You'U win on the first ballot when NURSES AIDE- 7 a m to 3 BOY TO SHOVEL SNOW ditions Own transportation. Radio City Station. N Y. 10019. GLASTONBURY VICINITY- 1978 PLYMOUTH - 9 pals start voting on who they like p.m. Enjoy working in a very FOR WINTER SEASON- 649-6737, or 649-8506 after 3:30 errands and meals. Call 643 Be sure to specify birth date New Salt Boxes. Capes and Passenger Wagon. Power best. pleasant and home like at­ V alley Street area, 5459. • CAPmeOAN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) VtRQO (Aug. 23>8epL 22) An Colonials, in rustic country MANCHESTER - Retail, steering, power brakes, air mosphere, helping our elderly Manchester Call 649-4864 WANTED DRIVER for auto You may not think anybody outside influence might st first setting. Custom built on large FIREWOOD storage and/or manufacturing conditioned. 18.000 original patients Good wages and body supply distributor in Guaranteed Apartments For Bant 53 cares about you. but you're in for create a dilemma as to where lots featuring quality SMce. 2.000 sq. ft. to 50.000sq miles. Sacrifice $3500 Call a big surprise when someone to benefits Please call Pauline HOUSEWIVES- Earn extra $ Manchester Able to do stock seasoned 4/5 of a cord,. split,spli your loyalties lie. Once you get throughout Convenient loca­ ft Very reasonable. Brokers 684-5414. whom you've been kind comes Le Blanc RN, 646-0129 and have fun learning to make work, and paint mixing. 5 1/2 and delivered. $85. Pickedked upt LOOKING for anything in real your emotions in order, you’ll tion Generous allowances and protected. Call Heyman through In a big way. Manchester Manor Rest h ors deorves and catering lor day week with benefits. Call amounts and special lengths estate rental - apartments, know which flag to fty- choice selections make an at- available. 64391: Properties. 1-2231206. 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK AQUAMU8 (Jan. 20-feb. 19) UBRA (Sept 2S-Oct 23) Allow Home, 385 West Center Street. year round holidays. Part 649-5211, ask for Tony 139 or 643-1110. homes, multiple dwellings? Daydreaming is for children. tractive package. Visit our AUTOMA’nC - 40,000 miles reasonii^ to overrule hud feel­ Manchester time No experience No fees. Call J.D. Real Estate Your hopes, when based on real­ sight at Hillstown Road and NEW shopping center space $500. 644-0149. ings and you'll quickly discover necessary Apply in person: BOOKKEEPER - Full charge POSTUREPEDIC EXTRA Associates, Inc. 6431980. ity. will manifest themselves cMilU Barnwood Drive, or call for for lease - The Convenience there Is no cause for dlscomforl. CLERK TYPIST for small ac­ Ryan s N Y Style Dell thru trial balance Familiar FIRM Queen size box spring quickly the minute you set to additional details. Peterman Center. Route 71. just south of Trucks lor Sala 62 The motive behind the action wiH tive office Excellent benefits Restaurant. Route 30. El with one write system, typing and mattress and frame. $3M. PANELED CARPETED 4 work on them. justify the behavior. Agency 6439404.6431171,643 the West Farms Mall ... L.M Gill Welding 4 Manufac­ Calimo Plaza, Vernon Only required 30 hours per week Excellent condition. New. room apartment. Stove, PISCES (Feb. 204iarch 20) SCORPIO (O ct 24-Nov. 22) 4844 specially store space still GMC 1972 1 TON UTILITY Ignore superficial pwsons who Short Rib* — Frank Hill turing. Division of B H S Inc., requirement, you enjoy great Send resume to Fuss 4 Call after 5 PM. 6438526 refrigerator. Adults. Instead of blaming others for available ... Spring 1980 oc­ TRUCK- Has the reading place importance only on 647-9931. food! O ’N eill. 210 Main Street, References. No pets. $^.00. financial problems (even If you're , AVPOVO?* -HE MOOKTHE-/ u s e d MANCHESTER - NEW cupancy. Join K-hfairt. Wald- enclosed b o ^ , with side com ­ appearances. Those with real WOULD V(DU LIKE -TD Manchester E.O E. 6433167 or 2233M . right), concentrate your atforts ..JSiai.EVa.ES? ITUERB W E P fN T TO VANK >OU OFF THE STA6^ k LISTING. 8 room raised baums St other fine stores. partments. Excellent for con­ depth are the ones with whom on ways to add to your HEAR WHAT THE Call Heyman Properties, 1- you'H find lasting happiness. a z m e s WAD - p SAt/_ hNCE w a s a pull ANY P R O i^ IN Ranch in prestige area For­ M A N C H E S T E R - M AIN tractor. 7:30a.m. to5:30p.m. reaourcea. Something good can BOOKKEEPER- Part time. OPEN HOUSE - Wednesday, 2231206. 633-0249. AfOES (March 21-Apr« 19) It occur. ABOUT NOUR! OP T B T E OLD mal dining room. 3 - 4 STREE7T. 3 room apartment, won't be simply because you're a jOKES.HiscaS'TyME, Must have good knowledge of November 28th at 7:30 PM. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) NEWLY LISTED bedrooms, family room, 2 1/2 heated, hot water, appliances. VSAS SHABBV -t h e ONLY Bookkeeping procedures. 1-8 Houseware and cleaning OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT- 1974 F-250 PICKUP - Runs on hour day per week only, $5.00 baths. 2 fireplaces. 2 car gar- No pels. Parking, security. BReWTSPOTiN THE supplies, whole line of Amway Carpeted. Heat and electricity regular gas. Good mileage, no B«rry*t WorM — Jim B«rry Me. much more. The Hayes 5237047. d i s m a l a f f a i r w a s per hour to start. Call Mr. products. Free included. Main Street loca­ rust. Call 871-9094. Corp., 6430131. t h e WELL-DESISNEP Howland at 6431108. demonstrations Coffee and tion. $125 monthly. Call Mrs. Buga Bunny — Halmdahl ft Stoffal COVENTRY LAKE- Third Jackston, 6431316. BOLTON - New 3 bedroom donuts. 65 O liv er R oad, 1971 FORD F-250 PICKUP- CLEANING HELP NEEDED floor. 2 bedrooms. Appliances Ranch to be built. 8% Manchester. Excellent condition. Power ii-i? one day a week. References - heat included. No pets. $225. I U I ♦« 0* HUNTER raDBOTS PC06B^MMEC> LET ME ACUUST mortgage possible. $53,900. MANCHESTER - Retail, steering and brakes. required. Own transportation. Responsible adults. 742-7419. ID CAPTURE EARTH 0ABSiT. THOSE RABBIT Country lot, ERA Miller St storage ai^ /or manufacturing Automatic transmission. Will 646^6258; keep trying. space. 2,0()0 sq. ft. to 50,000 sq. trade for four wheel drive d o c Piera, 2233518, eves, 6424294. 74 WELLS STREET- First ^ ------^ EAES, . ft. Very reasonable. Brokers $1995.6430557, after 6:00 p.m. Our Boarding HouM ThI* Funny World Businass Opportunity 14 Dogs-BIrds-Pats 43 floor. 4 rooms. No appliances. protected. Call Heyman ANDOVER - New 3 bedroom No utilities. No pets. Tenant Properties, 1-2231206. Ranch to be built. 8% Haayy Equipment e itn u.Nw^i ,rW- te BEAUTY PARLOR- 2 booths, HOME SWEET HOME - insurance required. $200 HARP HAT AVENUE ANP th e ^ A nice situation for the times we're entering — mortgage Dosiible. Call now. tor Sala S3 1 more could be added; with 4 Complete health-g^uard monthly. Security $300. Call JUbTHAiTOBETME MAtloW* ONLY " ' ((' $51,9W. ERA MiUer St Piera, MANCHESTER- Next to handy to bus and full neighborhood shopping, or 5 room apartment. facilities. Cats also. Canine 6432" 9 - to• 5■ weekdays. PROTECTION 2233518, eves., 6424294. Cavey’s. Office space. 300 SECURITY SYSTEM for \M7R L» TDIMHEST I V 1 13 A CONE economical gas heaf/hot water, (gas stove and Reasonable. 8754141. square feet and up. Warehouse, Factory or Out­ STREET,'A CAMAR7' Road, Maiinchester. 6435971. MANCHESTER- Spacious 4 OF HOT dryer Included). Reasonable rate. Good finish. door Use, with fenced in yard, 6 0 T Looee a n d rooms. Modem utilities, large Immediate occupancy. AmoM 500 fool range. Never u s^ CHA3EP A CAT M R I kitchen, kids OK. Now $2IW. Aluminum sided Cape with a cheerful eat-ln * EDUCATION Lota-Land tor Sala 6 MONTH OLD MALE IRISH Grant, Dow St Condon, 2 ^ Retails over $2000. Asking 24 Open til 9. Red Giant, 683 OUT Of TOWN! SETTER - Only to good subur­ 652). $800. Call 2939643. kitchen (dishwasher), fireplaced living room, 4 ban home. Call 242-06S6 or 563 0753. (M 139). Privata Instructions IS GLASTONBURY- LEVEL O o - c S bedrooms (one could bo a dining room,etc.), town TREED LOTS avaiUble for 6604. EAST HARTFORD- BeautHul Uotorcfcha-Blcyclas 64 water/aewer, I ’A baths, oversl^d single car gar­ custom building vour new RIDING LESSONS indoor 6 rooms, wall-to-wall home. Indian Hills Trail, BOX STALLS, TRAILS- Blue 1978 HARLEY DAVIDSON - I COULD mate t h a t age, full basement with roc room and utility area, riding ring. Western stock carpeting, complete kitchen. □ AUTOMOTIVE located between 2 golf Seal Feeding Program. Ring LOW RIDER. 2500 miles, seat, saddle seat and hunt Just $2IW. Ow n Ul 9. Red b a b b i t )F I FELT 100-amp electrical service, and extra Insulation. courses. Call Peterman, 643 with lights. Pastures. Daily 100% stock and In excellent seat. All levels 228-9617. GUnt, 6nj>753. 9404, 6431171, 6434644. turaouts. Rockville. Call Vli- Autoa For Bala SI shape. H500. 742-8786. E M O r i O N . This Is a well-built house with a nice yard — 9964, or 8730272', 742-9653. (M 11-23). VOICE, PIANO Instructions. what we consider to be a very good value at $53,- WE PAY TOP PRICES, for 1975 HONDA SUPER SPORT Former faculty' New York RED GIANT has hundreds of 900. Muateal Inatrumanta 44 wrecked and junk cars. A 4i B 753 Kerker headers. KNN Music and Art High School. vacancies available. All Baal estate Wantad 2S Auto Salvage, used auto parts. filters. Oil cooler. Much Professional Singer/Pianist. HOLTOrJ TRUMPET - Good areas, sizes and with option to Call Tony 6436223. MINbg Mf* Ktc 6438597. more! $1500. 643-4076 before 2 SELLING your bouse? Call us condition. $90 or best offer. buy. Call and see if they have p.m. ODEGARD REALTY first and we'll make you a 6431032. what you're looking for. Call DATSUN 710 (1974) - 4 door Sehoola-Claases IS 64*4$6B isr cash offer! T.J. Crockett, 68347753. Open 7 Days. sedan. Ehtcellent condition. Canmara-Trallars Ulllan Emeraon Realtor, 6431577. 1/2 PRICE ON GUITARS in­ Radio, air coudillonlng, UobBa Homes as ' "... Now, than — If we REALLY want lo blow FOR THE BEST - Manchester cluding Ovations, plus free EAST CENTER STREET- Se­ Mlcbellns. CaU 6337612. ie s OUT 646-1716 (homo #) Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 MAY WE BUY your home? case with this ad. Carlos cond floor, 4 room apartment, 1967 SHASTA TRAILER - our cool, wa could..." JSTINO HIS Barbara MeConvIlle pupils per teacher. FREE in­ Quick, fair, all cash and no guj)Itars 60% off. Rivers Music, over office. Adults only. No 1969 C H E V R O L E T VAN- Good to excellent coodlUoo. POS REPCLLAN dD n -rr troductory lesson with this ad. 7 hMain Street, New Britain. pets. Security and references m.' a t problem. Call Warren E. Automatlc. Good running coo- S l ^ 6. Asking 6675. Call 643 "I AM hurrying!" Call 643006, or 6433549. Howland, Realtors, 6431106. 2231977. Christmas layaways. required. 6431189. dlUon. Call 6439156. 19U after 4 PM


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