APRIL 28, 1967 !Sf PER COPY Jederal Police on the Extradition of Him

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APRIL 28, 1967 !Sf PER COPY Jederal Police on the Extradition of Him ) S_tang.l Case May .End Unless Brazil Gets Evidence_ RIO DE JANEIRO-Specula­ Another. Item of Interest was tion mounted las~ week In major the question of who was financing Brazilian cities concerning the at­ Stangl's · costly corps of defense THE ONLY ENGLISH JEW!S >-1 WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOU THEAST MASS. titude of Brazil's new Government attorneys. The Volkswagen plant and new heads of Brazil's Foreign at Sao Paulo, where Stangl worked, named a leading jurist to defend 16 PAGES Ministry, Justice Ministry and VOL, LI, NO, 9 FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1967 !Sf PER COPY Jederal police on the extradition of him. The three attorneys who Franz Stangl, the former com­ later took over Stangl's defense mandant of the Nazi Treblinka. and are among Brazil's leading Soviet Jew Protests Soblbor death camps. lawyers. · Tbe Brazilian press has Rhode Island Passover Celebrations All the key officials Involved speculated on the "mystery" of Ben-Gurion's Letter In Stangl's arrest on March 2have Stangl' s defense. JERUSALEM - ASovletJew­ been replaced. The Foreign Mln­ The case continued to attract To End With Memorial Services lsh general has sent an "open let­ lstry' s position Is crucial because attention In other COWltrles. A Services for the final days of TEMPLE BETH AM ter" · to former Premier David three countries - Austria, West Polish Nazi war crimes Investi­ Pass'over will be held. throughout Rabbi Noach Valley will preach Ben-Gurlon protesting_ Ben-Gurl­ Germ~ny and Poland, where the gator Insisted In Warsaw that Rhode Island. Many synagogues a sermon on Pesach at 8:15 p.m. on' s statements on the plight of death camps were located - have Stangl should be extradited to and temples have requested that all today at Temple Beth Am, War­ Soviet Jewry. asked Stangl's extradition. The Poland for trial In the coW!try children and youth remain home wick. Services for the final days The Soviet letter-writer, who prior Chief Justice had declared where his ''horrible crimes" were from public school on the last two of Passover will be held at 6:15 signed his name In a 'flowing He­ that Stangl could not be extradfted committed. Dz:, Czeslaw Plllchow­ days of the holiday, · Monday and p.m. on Sunday and Monday, and brew handwriting, declared that because Brazlllan law puts a 20- skl, director of the Polish State · Tuesday, May I and 2. Ylzkor at 6:45 a.m. on Monday. The only Soviet authorities succeeded In year statute of limitations on Commission to Investigate Nazi services on Tuesday morning will • Ylzkor service will be at 6:45 wl thdrawlng hWldreds of tbousands prosecution of such crimes. The Crimes, said Stangl was active In be the final special Passover serv­ a.m. on Tuesday, May 2. Junior of Jews from World War 11 com­ reorganized Supreme Court denied Belzec, as well as the other two ices In.most congregations. congregation services will com­ bat zones threatened by the ad­ a bid for a writ of habeas corpus death camps, and that at least mence at 10:30• a.m. on Monday vancing German troops In the In- to release Stangl, who has been 1,500,000 victims were murdered CONGREGATION and Tuesday. vasion of Russia, ' under maximum security detention In the three camps. He asserted AGUDATH ACHIM He said that he was born In since his arrest. Stangl was responsible for the Services today at Congregation TEMPLE BETH DAVID Minsk and had studied at a yeshiva The Nazi's attorneys have com­ slaughter of at least 700,000 per­ Agudath Achlm, Tauntori, Mass., Services for Sabbaih Chol­ because his father wanted him to plained that none of.. the foreign sons, most of them Jews, but also wlU be conducted at 8:30 p.m. Hamoed will be held at 6:30 p,m. be a rabbi but that he had chosen governments has provided ·Brazil Poles and other nationals, Services on Sunday will be held at today and at 9 a ,m. on Saturday to become a soldier. He added that with documentary evidence on In Toronto a deputation of the 6:30 p.m., and on Monday at9 a.m. • at Temple Beth David. Cantor "my son also Is an officer In the Stangl and concern was reported Polish Political Ex-Prisoners J\s­ and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday services Charles Ros s will conduct evening · Soviet Army." He said Ben-Gur­ that If the required documents were soclatlon of Canada and of the will be conducted at 9 a.m. and services at 6:30 o'clock on SWl­ ion's statements were a ''gross not provided soon, the case agains t Canadian Jewish Congress met i' Ylzkor services, at which Cantor day and Monday, and morning serv­ slander." Stangl might collapse, with Senora Ibis Bengston, Bra­ Stanley LlpP wlll officiate, at 9:45 ices on Monday at 9 a.m. Services z!llan consul In Toronto, to ex­ a.m. on Tuesday will be held at 9 a.m,, press the concern of the organiza­ and Ylzkor ·services at 10:15 a,m, tions and to urge that Brazll extra­ B'NAI ISRAEL Ivy League Colleges Enroll dite._ Stangl for trial. Services at Congregation B'nal TEMPLE BETH EL Israel, Woonsocket, will begin at "Passover Motifs" will be the I 7 a.m. today with the morning title of Rabbi William G. Braude's High Jewish Percentage Poland Pledges mlnyan. The sunset service will sermon at the service at 8:15 p.m. • be held at 6:15 p.m. Mlricha and today at Temple Beth El. Sarur­ NEW HAVEN...:...Laylng riewand never before considered. may also Maarlv on Sunday wlU be held at day services will be held at 9:45 heavier emphasis on student di­ be responsible for some of the Life For Stangl rise In Jewish admissions. 7:30 p.m. a.m. for the junior congregation, versity, the Ivy League colleges RIO DE JANEIRO-The Polish Services for the seventh day ' and at II a.m, A seventh-day are enrolling more Jewish Yale has said over the years ~ Government pledged not to sen­ of Passover are ·a1 9 a.m., the evening service will be held at studen ~s , rejecting more from like the · othe r Ivy League tence Franz Paul Stangl to death junior congregation at IO a.m. and . 5:45 o'clock on SW!day, and Rabbi preparatory schools and moving schools-that It never had any if Brazil permits his extradition Mlncha and Maarlv at 7:30 p.m. .Braude' s sermori topic will be away from geographical distribu­ religious _quotas, al though the to Poland for trial as a war _ Services on TUesday wlU com­ "All of Life" at the Ylzkor me­ tion as a major factor In admis­ number of Jews In each class In criminal, It was ann0W!Ced . by mence at 7 a.m., 9 a.m. and, morial service on Monday at IQ sions. the fate 1950s tended to be be­ Franclzek Rafalowskl, the Polish for the junior congregation, IO a.m. Since metropolitan New York Is tween 103 and 109, according to Attorney General's official repre­ the home of 40 per cent of the Rabbi Richard J . Israel , the Jew­ a.m. The memorial service will ' TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL sentative here. be held at 10:30 a.m. nation's 5,600,000 Jews, the new ish chaplain. Rafalowskl came here from Rabbi Jacob Hand\er will con­ policy has been cited as a possible He based his estimates on I duct Ylzkor services at Temple Warsaw tol)res s his Government~s MISHKON TFILOH reason why Jewish enrollment In questionnaires which each Incom­ petition for Stangl's extradition, Evening services at Congrega­ Beth Israel at 7:15 a.m. and IO some Ivy League colleges has In­ ing freshm·an fills out for religious a.m. on Tuesday. The ex-Nazi, former commandant tion Mlshkon Tflloh will be held on creased sharply, The previous guidance, after he has been ac­ of the concentration camps at Tre­ / geographical element dlscrlml~ Sunday and Monday at 6:15 p.m. cepted, The original application blinka and Soblbor, has been under and morning servi~es. Monday and TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM nated . against the big Eastern blanks do not have ques tions about Sabbath Chol- Hamoed services arrest since his apprehension as T uesday at 9 a.m. Ylzkor service cities, particularly New York. religion, a war criminal at Sao Paulo on will take place Tuesday morning. at Temple Beth Sholom wlU be held I The figures are Inexact, partly at 6:15 p.m. today, and at 9 a.m. More than 20 per cent of the March 2. Rabbi Emanuel Lazar's sermon because Jews cannot be precisely Petetlons for his extradition topic will be "Things to Re­ and 6:15 p.m. (Mlncha) on Sarur­ freshmen this year .are Jewish. ldentltled, but they Indicate sub­ Ten years ago the figure was 10 have also been filed here by Aus­ member, Things t? Forget." day. SW1day services wlU begin stantial enrollment Increases per cent. The new recruiting ef- tria and West Germany, wh!le at 6:15 p.m., and services on since World War II In most of the SONS OF ABRAHAM Monday will be conducted by Rabbi - forts , with Ivy League officers several countries, Including Is­ Eastern prestige· schools. ·About rael, have requested that Brazll Mlncha-Maarlv services at (Continued on page 15) and alumni visiting schools they 20 to 25 per cent of the under­ Congregation Sons of Abraham will · permit his extradition to , face graduates at Yale, Harvard and charges .
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