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Ahnentafel of Marguerite d'Alsace --- 1st Generation --- 1. Marguerite1 d'Alsace (André Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL research. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 118, 169.) (Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 97, Line 132-28.). Married Name: de Hainaut. AKA: Marguerite, Comtesse de Flandre (P.D. Abbott, Provinces, Pays and Seigneuries of France in ISBN: 0-9593773-0-1 (Author at 266 Myrtleford, 3737, Australia: Priries Printers Pty. Ltd, Canberra A.C.T., Australia, November, 1981), Page 292.). AKA: Marguerite de Lorraine. Married Name: de Vermandois. Born: in 1145 at Alsace, France, daughter of Thierry I, Count de Flandre and Sibylle d'Anjou. Married circa 1160: Raoul II, Count de Vermandois,, son of Raoul I, Count de Vermandois and Alise=Pétronelle de Poitou (Raoul II was Marguerite's first husband). Note - in 1168: Marguerite was the heiress of Flanders. Married on 12 Apr 1169: Baudouin V, Count de Hainaut,, son of Baudouin IV, Comte de Hainaut and Alice=Ermesende de Namur (By virtue of this marriage Flandre was rejoined to the House of Hainaut and Baudouin V, Comte de Hainaut became also Baudouin VIII, Comte de Flandre [in 1191]). Died: on 15 Nov 1194 Marguerite is burried in Bruges (Brugge), capital of occidental Flanders, Belgium. --- 2nd Generation --- 2. Thierry I, Count2 de Flandre (André Roux: Scrolls, 169.) (Stuart, Page 97, Line 132-29.). AKA: Thierry, Count de Flandre Thierry became Comte de Flandre in 1128 (Abbott, Page 292.).
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