FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 34 • NUMBER 164 Wednesday, August 27, 1969 • Washington, D.C. Pages 13693-13723

Agencies in this issue— Atomic Energy Commission Business and Defense Services Administration Civil Aeronautics Board Consumer and Marketing Service Customs Bureau Federal Aviation Administration Federal Highway Administration Federal M aritim e Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Reserve System Food and Drug Administration General Services Administration Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau State Department Tariff Commission Wage and Hour Division Announcing First 10-Year Cumulation

TABLES OF LAWS AFFECTED in Volumes 70-79 of the


Lists all prior laws and ether Federal in­ public laws enacted during the years 1956- struments which were amended, repealed, 1965. Includes index of popular name or otherwise affected by the provisions of acts affected in Volumes 70-79.

Price: $2.50

Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration

Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402

* T^l Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FERERAy*REGISTER on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, ap­ proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money carder, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code of F ederal Regulations. Contents

AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT PEDERAl HIGHWAY INTERIOR DEPARTMENT See Consumer and Marketing ADMINISTRATION See Land Management Bureau. Service. Rules and Regulations INTERSTATE COMMERCE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Federal motor vehicle safety standards: COMMISSION Proposed Rule Making New pneumatic tires; passenger Licensing of production and util­ ca rs______13701 Notices ization facilities; extension of Tire selection and ririis; passen­ Fourth section applications for time for filing comments------13704 ger cars------13792 r e l i e f ______13713 Notices Motor carrier : Jersey Central Power and Light FEDERAL MARITIME A ltern ate route deviation Co., and Metropolitan Edison COMMISSION n otices______13713 Co.; notice of hearing on ap­ Applications and certain other plication for provisional con­ Proposed Rule Making proceedings______13715 struction permit------13708 Mandatory provision to be in­ Intrastate applications______13720 cluded in self-policing systems; Temporary authority applica­ BUSINESS A N D DEFENSE rescheduling of filing dates------13704 tions ______13713 SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Notices Transfer proceedings (2 docu­ Notices m ents) ______13719,13720 Agreements filed for approval: Rerouting or diversion of traffic : Kendall School for the Deaf et Evans Products Co., and Retla al.; duty-free entry of scien­ Steamship Co______.— ------13711 Chesapeake and Ohio Railway tific articles------13706 Oceanic Steamship Co., et al— 13711 C o ______13713 Sea-Land Service, Inc., and Sea­ Norfolk and Western Railway CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD way Lines, Inc______13711 C o ______13713 Notices Ghezzi Trucking, Inc.; cancella­ tion of inactive tariff; order to LABOR DEPARTMENT Hearings, etc.: show cause______13711 Jet Air Freight, et al------13710 See Wage and Hour Division. Transatlantic and Transpacific Priority Mail______13710 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION LAND M ANAGEM ENT BUREAU Rules and Regulations COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Reliability and adequacy of elec­ Notices See Business and Defense Services tric service; reporting of data; California; opening of lands from Administration. participation of regulatory per­ waterpower withdrawals______13705 sonnel in regional councils_____ 13699 CONSUMER AND MARKETING Colorado; proposed classification of public lands______13706 SERVICE Notices Rules and Regulations Lands withdrawn in Project No. 1487; order vacating w ith ­ STATE DEPARTMENT Dried prunes produced in Cali­ drawal ______13712 fornia; salable and reserve per­ Notices centages and handler reserve obligation fo r 1969-70 crop FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Certain nonimmigrant visas; year ______13697 Notices va lid ity ______- _____ 13705 Proposed Rule Making Bank Securities, Inc. (N SL); no­ Domestic dates produced or tice of application for approval TARIFF COMMISSION of acquisition of shares of bank. 13712 packed in designated area of Notices California; proposed expenses and rate of assessment______13704 FOOD AND DRUG Potassium chloride from Canada, France and West Germany; CUSTOMS BUREAU ADMINISTRATION notice of investigation and joint hearing ______13712 Notices Notices Aminoacetic acid (glycine) from Petitions regarding food additives: France; withholding of ap­ Chemagro Corp______13708 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT praisement notice______13705 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co__ 13708 See Federal Aviation Administra­ Patterson, C. J. Co______13708 tion; Federal Highway Adminis­ Whitmoyer Laboratories, Inc__ 13708 FEDERAL A V IATIO N tration. ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SERVICES TREASURY DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION Airworthiness directives: See Customs Bureau. Fairchild Hiller aircraft______13697 Rules and Regulations General Electric engines______13698 Small business, and labor surplus Control zone; revocation______13698 area set-asides------13700 WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION Federal aid to airports; U.S. share Rules and Regulations of project costs; in-runway HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND lighting systems______13699 Homeworkers in certain Industries Restricted area; alteration ______13698 WELFARE DEPARTMENT in Puerto Rico; minimum piece Transition area; designation____ 13698 See Food and Drug Administration. rate increases______13699 13695 13696 CONTENTS List of CFR Parts Affected The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end. of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1969, and specifies how they are affected.

7 CFR 14 CFR 41 CFR 993______- 13697 39 (2 documents)______13697,13698 1-1______13700 P roposed R u l e s : 71 (2 documents)______13698 73______13698 46 CFR 987______13704 151______13699 P roposed R u l e s : 528______13704 10 CFR 18 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 2______13699 CFR 50______13704 371 (2 documents)______13701,13702 29 CFR 681...... 13699 13697 Rules and Regulations

tice, the comments submitted pursuant ing the crop year by handlers from pro­ Title 7— AGRICULTURE to the notice, in form ation from the Prune ducers and dehydrators, excluding the Administrative Committee, and other weight obligation of § 993.49(c); and (2) Chapter IX— Consumer and Market­ available information, it is found that to the current crop year began on August 1, ing Service (Marketing Agreements establish the salable and reserve per­ 1969, and the percentages established and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, centages and the required composition of herein will apply automatically to such Nuts), Department of Agriculture each handler’s reserve obligation, as prunes beginning with such date. hereinafter set forth, will tend to effec-, (Secs. 1-19, 48 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 U.S.C. PART 993— DRIED PRUNES tuate the declared policy of the act. 601-674) PRODUCED IN CALIFORNIA Therefore, the salable and reserve per­ Dated: August 22,1969. Salable and Reserve Percentages and centages for prunes and handler re­ serve obligation fo r the 1969-70 crop A r t h u r E. B r o w n e , Handler Reserve Obligation for the year shall be as follow s: Acting Director, 1969-70 Crop Year Fruit and Vegetable Division. § 993.205 Salable and reserve percent­ Notice was published in the August 7, ages for prunes and handler reserve [F.R. Doe. 69-10238; Filed, *Aug. 26, 1969; 1969, issue of the F ederal R e g ist e r (34 obligation for the 1969—70 crop year. 8:48 a.m.] F.R. 12834) regarding a proposal to estab­ The salable and reserve percentages lish, fo r the 1969-70 crop year, salable fo r the 1969-70 crop year shall be 80 and reserve percentages for California dried prunes of 80 percent and 20 percent, percent and 20 percent, respectively, or Title 14— AERONAUTICS AND respectively, and in connection therewith, such increased salable percentage and the required composition of each han­ decreased reserve percentage as may be SPACE dler’s reserve obligation. The proposal established upon delivery of the 1969 crop was pursuant to the provisions of the to provide a supply of salable prunes ade­ Chapter I— Federal Aviation Adminis­ marketing agreement, as amended, and quate to meet the estimated trade de­ tration, Department of Transportation mand and a desirable carryover. The Order No. 993, as amended (7 CFR Part (Docket No. 69-EA-94; Arndt. 39-821] 993), regulating the handling of dried reserve obligation of each handler shall primes produced in California. The be a weight of natural condition prunes, PART 39— AIRWORTHINESS amended agreement and order, herein­ by variety and standard or substandard DIRECTIVE grade, equal to the sum of the results of after collectively referred to as the Fairchild Hiller Aircraft “order”, are effective under the Agricul­ applying the reserve percentage to the tural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, natural condition weight of each lot of Th e Federal A viation Adm inistration is as amended (7 U.S.C. 601-674). prunes received by him from producers amending § 39.13 of Part 39 of the Fed­ The notice afforded interested persons and dehydrators, excluding the weight eral Aviation Regulations so as to amend an opportunity to submit written data, obligation of § 993.49(c). Such reserve AD 66-28-3 as applicable to Fairchild views, or arguments with respect to the obligation as to standard prunes and as Hiller Type F-27 airplanes. proposal. to substandard prunes, of each variety, Since promulgation of AD 66-28-3 it During the period for filing comments, shall be consistent with the receipt by has been determined that F-27 airplanes views were submitted by two persons. field pricing size categories, and the ob­ which have been fitted with the FH—227 One person supported the proposal con­ ligation shall be the weighted average horizontal stabilizer may have the repeti­ tained in the notice. The other did not count per pound of all such lots within tive inspection relaxed from 150 hours take issue with the proposed percentages, each such category, as computed from in­ to 1,200 hours time in service. so long as the reserve prunes are handled spection analysis. The field pricing size Since the regulation is relaxatory and as a “true reserve.” However, the han­ categories, by variety and grade, ex­ imposes no burden on any person, notice dling and disposition of prunes in the re­ pressed in minimum and maximum num­ and public procedure are unnecessary serve pool are the subject of provisions of bers of prunes per pound for each, are and the regulation may be made effective the order and the administrative rules as follow s: in less than 30 days. and regulations, and no proposal to Standard French prunes— 33 or less, 34/50, In view of the foregoing and pursuant change those provisions was contained in 51/60, 61/70, 71/81, 82/101, 102/111, 112/121, the notice on this rule making which is to the authority delegated to me by the and 122 or more. Administrator, 14 CFR 11.85 (31 F.R. pursuant to § 993.54. Moreover, it is not Substandard French prunes— 70 or less, 13697), § 39.13 of Part 39 of the Federal evident, either from the comments of the 70/101, and 102 or more. person or other information, that the Standard Non-French prunes (except Robe A via tio n Regulations is amended by add­ ing the following paragraphs to AD 66- disposition of reserve prunes w ill in fact de Sargent)—£4 or less, 25/29, 30/33, 34/50, be inconsistent with that favored. Har­ and 51 or more. 28-3 as follows: Substandard Non-French prunes (except vest of the 1969 crop is in progress and 1. Delete presently lettered para­ Robe de Sargent)— 51 or less and 52 or more. graph id ). handlers will be receiving primes in vol­ Standard Robe de Sargent— 33 or less, 34/ ume soon. Hence, in the interest of pro­ 50, 51/60, and 61


with an unused part of the same part num­ lished in the F ederal R e g ister as an proposed rule making which would ber, or an equivalent part. amendment to section 39.13 of Part 39 amend section 71.181 of Part 71 of the (f) Upon request with substantiating data of the Federal Aviation Regulations to submitted through an FAA maintenance in­ Federal Aviation Regulations so as to spector, the compliance times specified in make it effective as to all persons. designate a transition area at Jackson­ this AD may be increased by the Chief, En­ This amendment becomes effective ville, 111. gineering and Manufacturing Branch, FAA upon publication in the F ederal R eg ister Interested persons were given 45 days Eastern Region. Equivalent inspections, parts for all persons except those to whom it to submit written comments, suggestions, and revisions to service bulletins must be ap­ was made effective immediately by tele­ or objections regarding the proposed proved by the Chief, Engineering and Manu­ gram dated August 12, 1969. amendment. facturing Branch, FAA Eastern Region. (Sec. 313(a), 601, and 603, Federal Aviation No objections have been received and This amendment is effective Sep Act of 1958, 49 U.S.C. 1354(a), 1421, and the proposed amendment is hereby tember 1,1969. 1423, sec. 6 (c), Department of Transporta­ adopted without change and is set forth tion Act, 49 U.S.C. 1655(c)) below. (Secs. 3 1 3 (a ), 601, and 603, Federal Aviation Act of 1958, 49 U.S.C. 1 3 5 4 (a ), 1421, and 1423, Issued in Jamaica, N.Y., on August 15, Th is amendment shall be effective 0901 sec. 6(c), Department of Transportation Act, 1969. G.m.t., October 16, 1969. 49 U.S.C. 1 6 5 5 (C )) G eorge M . G a r y , (Sec. 307(a), Federal Aviation Act of 1958, Issued in Jamaica, N.Y., on August 14, Director, Eastern Region. 49 U.S.C. 1348, sec. 6 (c ), Department of Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. 1655(c)) 1969. [F.R. Doc. 69-10206; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; G eorge M . G a r y , 8:46 a.m.] Issued in Kansas City, Mo., on Director, Eastern Region. August 11, 1969.

[F.R. Doc. 69-10205; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; [ Airspace Docket No. 69-CE-82] E d w a r d C. M a r s h , 8:46 am .] Director, Central Region. PART 71 — DESIGNATION OF FEDERAL In § 71.181 (34 F.R. 4637), the follow­ [Docket No. 69—EA-1Q2; Arndt. 39-824] AIRWAYS, CONTROLLED AIRSPACE, AND REPORTING POINTS ing transition area is added: PART 39— AIRWORTHINESS Jacksonville, III. DIRECTIVES Revocation of Control Zone That airspace extending upward from 700 The purpose of this amendment to feet above the surface within a 5-mile radius General Electric Engines of Jacksonville Municipal Airport (latitude Part 71 of the Federal Aviation Regula­ 39°46'30" N„ longitude 90°14'30" W .); and Pursuant to the authority delegated to tions is to revoke the Stevens Point, Wis., within 3 miles each side of the 309° bearing me by the Adm inistrator (14 C FR 11.89; control zone. from Jacksonville Municipal Airport, extend­ 31 F.R. 13697), an airworthiness direc­ On October 26,1969, the North Central ing from the 5-mile radius area to 8 miles tive was adopted on August 12, 1969, and Office on the Stevens Point northwest of the airport, excluding the par- made effective immediately as to all Municipal Airport will be closed with the extending upward from 1,200 feet above the known U.S. Operators of Boeing Vertol result that on and after this date no surface within 4% miles southwest and 9 % miles northeast of the 129° and 309° bearings 107 and Sikorsky S61 and S62 a ircra ft weather reporting services will be avail­ from Jacksonville Municipal Airport, extend­ with General Electric Engine Models able at this airport. Since weather re­ ing from 6 miles southeast to 18% miles CT58-100-1, CT58-100-2, CT58-110-1, porting service is required for the northwest of the airport, excluding the por­ CT58—110-2, CT58-140-2, T58-GE-1, and designation of a control zone, it is neces­ tion which overlies the Springfield, 111., T58-GE-5. The directive is as follows: sary to revoke the Stevens Point control transition area. Applies to General Electric Models CT58- zone designation effective upon closing [F.R. Doc. 69-10208; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; 100-1, CT58—100-2, CT58—110—1, CT58-110-2, o f the airlin e office. 8:46 a.m.] CT58-140—1, CT58-140—2, T58-GE-1, and T58- Since the revocation will reduce the GE—5 engines, installed in Boeing Vertol 107 existing designated Stevens Point con­ and Sikorsky S61 and S62 aircraft. trol zone, it will not impose any addi­ [ Airspace Docket No. 69-WE-61 ] To prevent failures of first and second tional burden on any person. Therefore, stage turbine rotor discs remove from service PART 73— SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE General Electric part numbers listed below notice and public procedure hereon are with more than 10,100 cycles at the time of unnecessary. Alteration of Restricted Areas receipt of this telegram, unless already In consideration of the foregoing, Part The purpose of these amendments to accomplished. 71 of the Federal Aviation Regulations Part 73 of the Federal Aviation Regula­ Stage 1 Discs Stage 2 Discs is amended effective 0901 G.m.t., Octo­ tions is to change the name and using 278D978P002 278D979P002 ber 26, 1969, as hereinafter set forth: agency of restricted areas R-6402 and 37D400498P101 37D400499P101 In § 71.171 (34 F.R. 4557), the follow­ R-6407. 37D400010P101 37D400004P102 ing control zone is deleted: In the description of R-6402, the name 37D400227P101 37D400228P102 Stevens Point, Wis. 37D400307P101 4002T96P01 would be changed from Dugway, Utah, 4002T17P01 (Sec. 307(a), Federal Aviation Act of 1958, to Deseret Test Center, Dugway, Utah, For the purposes of this airworthiness di­ 49 U.S.C. 1348, sec. 6 (c ), Department of and the Using Agency from Commanding rective a cycle is considered as any engine Transportation Act, 49 U.S.O. 1655(c)) Officer, Dugway Proving Ground, Dug­ way, Utah, to Commanding General, operating sequence involving engine start, Issued in Kansas City, Mo., on at least one acceleration to a power required August 11, 1969. Deseret Test Center, Dugway, Utah. for takeoff and shutdown. E d w ar d C. M a r s h , In the description of R-6407, the name Since it was found that im m ediate cor­ Director, Central Region. would be changed from Dugway West, rective action was required, notice and Utah, to Deseret Test Center, Dugway, [F.R. Doc. 69-10209; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; Utah, and the Using Agency from Com­ public procedure thereon was imprac­ ** 8:46 a.m.] ticable and contrary to the public interest manding Officer, Dugway Proving and good cause existed for making the Ground, Dugway, Utah, to Commanding airworthiness directive effective im­ [Airspace Docket No. 69-CE-23] General, Deseret Test Center, Dugway, Utah. mediately as to all known U.S. operators PART 71— DESIGNATION OF FEDERAL of Boeing Vertol 107 and Sikorsky S61 Since these amendments are minor in AIRWAYS, CONTROLLED AIRSPACE, and S62 aircraft with General Electric nature and no substantive change in the AND REPORTING POINTS Engine Models CT68-100-1, CT58-100-2, regulation is effected, notice and public CT58-110—1, CT58-110-2, CT-58-140-1, CT58-140—2, T58-GE-1, and T58-GE-5, Designation of Transition Area procedure hereon are unnecessary. How­ by individual telegrams dated August 12, On page 7976 of the F ederal R e g ister ever, since it is necessary to allow suf­ 1969. These conditions still exist and dated May 21, 1969, the Federal Aviation ficient time to make the appropriate the airworthiness directive is hereby pub­ Administration published a notice of changes to aeronautical charts, these

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 RULES AND REGULATIONS 13699 amendments will become effective more Exit taxiway lighting is no longer re­ (c) * * * They are not hearings for than 30 days after publication. quired as part of the in-runway lighting the purposes of 5 U.S.C. § § 554, 556, and In consideration of the foregoing, Part system, therefore the basis for 75 per­ 557, and do not term inate in an adjudica­ 73 of the Federal Aviation Regulations is cent participation no longer exists. The tion as defined in that Act. amended, effective 0901 G.m.t., Octo­ reason exit taxiway lighting is no * * * * * ber 16,1969, as hereinafter set forth. longer required is that the benefit (Secs. 1-15 and 17-21, Federal Airport Act, In § 73.64 (34 F.R. 4847) the following originally anticipated was not achieved— 49 UJS.C. 1101-1114, lllfi-1120, sec. 6 (c ), De­ changes are made: that is, as stated in the notice, it is no partment of Transportation Act, 49 IT.S.C. 1. “R-6402 Dugway, Utah” is deleted longer regarded as necessary to Cate­ 1655(c), § 1.4(b)(1), Reg. Office of the Sec­ and “R-6402 Deseret Center Test Cen­ gory n operations. retary of Transportation) ter, Dugway, Utah” is substituted FAA now considers exit taxiway light­ Issued in Washington, D.C., on Au­ therefor. ing to be a part of the taxiway center- gust 20, 1969. 2. In R-6402 Using Agency, “Com­ line lighting system, eligible for 50 D. D. T h o m a s , manding Officer, Dugway Proving percent Federal participation. These Acting Administrator. amendments therefore delete the item Ground, Dugway, Utah.” is deleted and [F.R. Doc. 69-10210; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; “Commanding General, Desert Test from the parenthetical expressions de­ 8:46 a.m.] Center, Dugway, Utah.” is substituted fining “in-runway lighting” in §§ 151.43 therefor. (d)(2) and 151.87(e), and in item 2 3. “R-6407 Dugway West, Utah” is de­ under the heading “Typical Eligible leted and “R-6407 Deseret Test Center, Items” in Appendix F to Part 151, and Title 18— CONSERVATION OF Dugway, Utah” is substituted therefor. it is considered to be taxiway lighting 4. In R-6407 Using Agency, “Com­ under § 151.87(f) and item 3 under that manding Officer, Dugway P rovin g heading of Appendix F. POWER AND WATER RESOURCES Ground, Dugway, Utah.” is deleted and Interested persons have been af­ “Commanding General, Deseret Test forded an opportunity to participate in Chapter I— Federal Power Center Dugway, Utah.” is substituted the making of these amendments, and Commission therefor. due consideration has been given to all [Docket No. R-362] (Sec. 307(a), Federal Aviation Act of 1958, relevant matter presented. 49 U.S.C. 1348, sec. 6 (c ), Department of These amendments also change PART 2— GENERAL POLICY AND Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. 1655 (c )) § 151.65(c) to substitute references to 5 INTERPRETATIONS U.S.C. 554, 556, and 557 fo r the p rior Issued in Washington, D.C., on Au­ references to sections of the Admini­ Notice of Extension of Time gust 21, 1969. strative Procedure Act that have been A u g u s t 20,1969. T . M cC o r m a c k , repealed and superseded. Notice and Reliability and adequacy of electric Acting Chief, Airspace and public procedure thereon are unneces­ Air Traffic Rules Division. service—reporting of data,’participation sary since in this respect these amend­ of regulatory personnel in Regional [F.R. Doc. 69-10207; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; ments merely reflect changes of law. 8:46 a.m.] Councils. In consideration of the foregoing, A number of comments, and petitions Part 151 of the Federal Aviation Regu­ for rehearing, reconsideration, or clari­ [Docket No. 9257; Amdt. 151-35] lations is amended, effective Septem­ fication, have been filed by various inter­ ber 26, 1969, as follows: PART 151— FEDERAL AID TO ested parties with respect to the Com­ 1. By amending paragraph (d) (2) of mission’s order issued June 25, 1969, in AIRPORTS § 151.43 to read as follows: the above-designated matter asking, U.S. Share of Project Costs; In-Runway §151.43 U.S. share of project costs. inter alia, that the Commission consider Lighting Systems ***** various modifications of the several re­ quests set forth therein. The purpose of these amendments to (d ) * * * In order to provide an opportunity to Part 151 of the Federal Aviation Regu­ ( 2) The costs of installing in-runway evaluate these suggestions in an orderly lations is to (1) delete exit taxiway lighting (touchdown zone lighting sys­ manner, the Commission is hereby ex­ lighting systems, in § 151.43(d) (2), as tem, and centerline lighting system). tending until October 9, 1969, the time part of in-runway lighting that is eligi­ ***** specified by paragraph (B) of the order ble for 75 percent Federal participation 2. By amending paragraph (e) of issued June 25,1969, within which inter­ under the Federal-Aid Airport Program; § 151.87 to read as follows: ested parties are invited to submit any and (2) substitute references to 5 U.S.C., comments or proposals as to the mate­ 554, 556, and 557 in § 151.65(c) for prior § 151.87 Lighting and electrical work. rial set out in the proposed informational references to sections of the Administra­ ***** report in Appendix A of that order. tive Procedure Act, that has been re­ (e) In-runway lighting (touchdown By direction of the Commission. pealed and superseded. zone lighting system, and centerline Deletion of the exit taxiway lighting lighting system) is eligible on the des­ G o r d o n M. G r a n t , systems as part of in-runway lighting ignated instrument landing runway. Secretary. was proposed in Notice 68-31 and pub­ * * * * * [F.R. Doc. 69-10195; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; lished in the F ederal R e g ister on N o­ 8:45 a.m.] vember 22, 1968 (33 F.R. 17315). The two 3. By amending item 2 under the public comments received on the notice heading “Typical Eligible Items” in Ap­ objected to the proposal because they pendix F to Part 151 to read as follows: considered exit taxiway lighting systems, A ppendix F Title 29— LABOR as a useful tool and essential fo r safe and ***** Chapter V— Wage and Hour Division, efficient operations during adverse T ypical Eligible I tems weather, to be properly eligible for Fed­ Department of Labor ***** eral funds on the same basis as is in- runway centerline lighting. 2. In-runway lighting (touchdown zone PART 681— HOMEWORKERS IN CER­ lighting system, and centerline lighting TAIN INDUSTRIES IN PUERTO RICO Basically, the reason for 75 percent system ). Federal participation is because the Minimum Piece Rate Increases sponsor is required to include the in­ 4. By amending the third sentence in stallation of in-runway lighting in its paragraph (c) of § 151.65 to read as Pursuant to authority in section 6 of next FAAP project when the FAA de­ follow s: the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 termines it is needed for the safe and § 151.65 Memoranda and hearings. (29 U.S.C. 206), Reorganization Plan efficient use of the airport by aircraft. ***** No. 6 o f 1950 (3 C FR 1949-53 Comp.,


p. 1004), and Order No. 19-67 of the on the set-aside portion. Such procedure fair portion of Government procurement is Secretary of Labor (32 P.R. 12980), shall be applied in circumstances where placed with small business concerns. § 681.9(c) of Title 29 of the Code of Fed­ the recipient of the award on the non­ • * * * * eral Regulations is amended as set out set-aside portion of the procurement is Subpart 1—1.8— Labor Surplus Area below. a foreign bidder or the supplier of a This amendment merely articulates foreign product. In addition, this amend­ Concerns proportional increases in the m inim um ment liberalizes the limitation regard­ Section 1-1.804-2 (b) is amended by the piece rates which § 681.9(a) requires to ing eligibility for participation in a par­ revision of paragraph (a) of the “Notice be paid by reason of increases in hourly tial small business or labor surplus area rates recommended by Industry Com­ set-aside by providing that the bid on of Labor Surplus Area Set-Aside” set mittee No. 83-C for the Leather, Leather the non-set-aside portion of the pro­ forth therein. As amended, the section Goods, and Related Products Industry curement by a small business or labor reads as follow s: in Puerto Rico, which are effective surplus area concern must be within August 10, 1969. For this reason, it is 130 percent (formerly 120 percent) of § 1—1.804—2 Notice to bidders or offer­ hereby found that notice and public pro­ the highest award price on the non-set- ors. cedure thereon are unnecessary. In addi­ aside portion to qualify for negotiation ♦ * * * * tion, and for the same reason, good cause for award on the set-aside portion. (b) * * * is found to curtail the customary delay Subpart T—1.7—Small Business N otice of L abor Surplus Area Set-Aside in the effective date. This amendment shall be effective August 10, 1969. Concerns (a ) General. A portion of this procure­ ment, as identified elsewhere in the Sched­ As amended, 29 CFR 681.9(c) reads as Section l-1.706-6(c) is amended by ule, has been set aside for award only to follow s: the revision of paragraph (a) of the one or more labor surplus area concerns and, “Notice of Partial Small Business Set- to a limited extent, to small business con­ § 681.9 Minimum piece rates prescribed Aside” set forth therein. As amended, cerns which do not qualify as labor sutplus by the Administrator. the section reads as follows: area concerns. Negotiations for award of the ***** set-aside portion will be conducted only with (c) Piece rates for the hand-lacing of § 1—1.706—6 Partial set-asides. responsible labor surplus area concerns (and leather wallets, leather wallet covers and ***** small business concerns to the extent indi­ plastic wallets. A minimum piece rate of (C) * * * cated below) which have submitted respon­ sive bids or proposals on the non-set-aside $1.50 cents per dozen stitches shall be Notice op Partial Small Business Set-A side portion at a unit price no greater than 130 paid to homeworkers in Puerto Rico en­ percent of the highest award made on the (a) General. A portion of this procure­ gaged in the hand-lacing, single stitch, non-set-aside portion. (For the purpose of ment, as identified elsewhere in the Sched­ this paragraph ( a ) , such “unit price” in the with plastic lacing material, of leather ule, has been set aside for award only to case of award of the non-set-aside portion wallets and leather wallet covers; a min­ one or more small business concerns. Negoti­ to a foreign bidder or the supplier of a for- imum piece rate of 3.68 cents per dozen ations for award of this set-aside portion eign product shall be the evaluated unit stitches shall be paid to homeworkers in will be conducted only with responsible price established under applicable Buy Amer­ small business concerns who have submitted Puerto Rico engaged in the hand-lacing, ican Act procedures. See 41 CFR 1-6.104-4.) responsive bids on the non-set-aside portion double stitch, with plastic lacing mate­ Negotiations for the set-aside portion will be at a unit price within 130 percent of the rial, of leather wallets and leather wal­ conducted with such bidders in the following highest award made on the non-set-aside order of priority: let covers; and a minimum piece rate of portion. (For the purpose of this paragraph 4.57 cents per dozen stitches shall be (a ), such “unit price” in the case of award Group 1. Certified-eligible concerns which paid to homeworkers in Puerto Rico en­ of the non-set-aside portion to a foreign are also small business concerns; gaged in hand-lacing, double stitch, with bidder or the supplier of a foreign product Group 2. Other certified-eligible concerns; plastic lacing material, of plastic wallets. shall be the evaluated unit price established Group 3. Persistent labor surplus area con­ under applicable Buy American Act pro­ cerns which are also small business concerns; (29 U.S.C. 206) cedures. See 41 CFR l-6.104r-4.) Negotiations Group 4. Other persistent labor surplus Signed at Washington, D.C., this 9th shall be conducted with such small business area concerns. day of August 1969. concerns in the following order of priority: Group 5. Substantial labor surplus area Group 1. Small business concerns which concerns which are also small business concerns; R o bert D. M o r a n , are also certified-eligible concerns; Administrator, Wage and Hour Group 2. Small business concerns which Group 6. Other substantial labor surplus area concerns; and and Public Contracts Division. are also persistent labor surplus area concerns; Group 7. Small business concerns which [F.R. Doc. 69-10234; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; Group 3. Small business concerns which are not labor surplus area concerns. 8:48 a.m.] are also substantial labor surplus area con­ Within each of the above groups, negotia­ cerns; and tions with such concerns will be hi the order Group 4. Small business concerns which of their bids on the non-set-aside portion, are not labor surplus area concerns. beginning with the lowest responsive bid. Title 41— PUBLIC CONTRACTS Within each of the above groups, negoti­ The set-aside portion shall be awarded at ations with such concerns will be in the the highest unit price awarded on the non- order of their bids on the non-set-aside por­ set-aside portion, adjusted to reflect trans­ AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT tion, beginning with the lowest responsive portation and other cost factors which were bid. The set-aside shall be awarded at the considered in evaluating bids on the non-set- Chapter T— Federal Procurement highest unit price awarded on the non-set- aside portion. However, the Government re­ Regulations aside portion, adjusted to reflect transporta­ serves the right not to consider token bids tion and other cost factors which were con­ or other devices designed to secure an unfair PART 1-1— GENERAL sidered in evaluating bids on the non-set- advantage over other bidders eligible for the aside portion. However, the Government set-aside portion. Small Business and Labor Surplus reserves the right not to consider token ***** Area Set-Asides bids or other devices designed to secure an (Sec. 205(c), 63 Stat. 390; 40 U.S.C. 486(c)) unfair advantage over other bidders eligible This amendment provides that under for the set-aside portion. The partial set- Effective date. This regulation is effec­ certain circumstances a special procedure aside of this procurement for small business tive September 1, 1969, but may be ob­ shall be applied in determining (a) the concerns is based on a determination by served earlier. eligibility of a small business or labor the Contracting Officer, alone or in con­ surplus area concern to participate in junction with a representative of the Small Dated: August 20,1969. Business Administration, that it is in the the set-aside portion of a procurement R obert L. K ttnzig, containing a partial small business or interest of maintaining or mobilizing the Nation’s full productive capacity, or in the Administrator of General Services. labor surplus area set-aside and (b) the interest of war or national defense pro­ price at which the award will be made [F.R. Doc. 69-10200; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; grams, or in the interest of ensuring that a 8:45 a.m.]


in g o f the T ire and R im Association. This m ak in g this amendment effective upon Title 49— TRANSPORTATION change now allows the B78-14 tire size issuance. Interested parties are advised designation to have an identical load that, should they object to the actions Chapter III— Federal Highway Admin­ capacity to other tire sizes bearing the being taken in this amendment, they istration, Department of Trans­ “ B ” prefix. should forward their comments, setting portation Additionally, the European Tyre and forth any reasons they may have why Rim Technical Organisation has sub­ these changes should not be made, to SUBCHAPTER A— MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY mitted a petition for rule making re­ the National Highway Safety Bureau, STANDARDS questing the change of Table I-F of Rules Docket, Room 512, Federal H igh ­ PART 371— FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE Appendix A from a “dash” radial table way Administration, Washington, D.C. SAFETY STANDARDS to an “R ” radial table and to change the 20591. I f comments objecting to this footnote of Table I-G of Appendix A to amendment warrant, the Administration Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. include “SR”, “HR”, or “VR”. E.T.R.T.O. will provide additional rule making pur­ 109; New Pneumatic Tires— states in its petition that the re­ suant to the Rule Making Procedures for Passenger Cars quested title change for Tablé I-F is Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (49 CFR needed because: (1) The original sub­ P a rt 353). The Rubber Manufacturers Associa­ mission by ETRTO on July 31, 1968, In consideration of the foregoing, tion has submitted a petition for rule showing the “R ” in the tire size designa­ § 371.21 o f P a rt 371 (fo rm erly § 255.21 o f making requesting amendments to Table tions was an “unfortunate negligence Part 255), Tables I-A and I-B of Ap­ I-J of Appendix A of Federal Motor in the typing of the tables” and (2) pendix A of Federal Motor Vehicle Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109, “New that the tires within Table I-F are,, in Safety Standard No. 109 as amended (33 Pneumatic Tires—Passenger Cars”. fact, predominantly European tire sizes F.R . 19714) is amended effective Au­ The petition requests the following in radial construction, which have been gust 20, 1969, as set forth below. changes: replaced by more recent tire series, but (Secs. 103, 119, National Traffic and Motor 1. In Table I-J for tire size designa­ are still in use on a number of vehicle Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (15 U.S.O. 1392, tion B78-14 change the minimum size types. 1407); delegation of authority contained in factor from 30.92 inches to 31.04 inches. E.T.R.T.O. also requested the change § 1.4(c) of Part 1 of the regulations of the 2. In Table I-J for tire size designa­ of the footnote of Table I-G to allow Office of the Secretary (49 CFR 1 .4 (c ))) tion B78-14 change the section width the letter symbol “R” to be used in the Issued in Washington, D.C., August 20, from 6.60 Inches to 6.65 inches. combinations with “S”, “H”, and “V” as prescribed in Europe for reasons of 1969. 3. In Table I-J for tire size designation E. H . H o l m e s , B78-14 correct the present load/inflation safety. Acting table to read as follows: 20-p.s.i., 890-lbs.; The Administrator believes that the Federal Highway Administrator. 22-p.s.i., 930-lbs.; 24-p.s.i., 980-lbs.; 26 granting of both petitions is warranted. p.s.i., 1030-lbs.; 28-p.s.i., 1070-lbs.; 30- Since these amendments, to the extent A p p e n d ix A— F ederal M otor V e h ic l e p.s.i., 1110-lbs.; 32-p.s.i., 1150-lbs.; 34- they are other than corrective, make S a f e t y S tandard N o . 109 p.s.1., 1190-lbs.; 36-p.s.i., 1230-lbs.; 38- only minor technical changes and are Appendix A of Standard No. 109 (33 p.s.i., 1270-lbs.; 40-p.s.i., 1300-lbs. RM A made at the request of the affected in­ F.R . 19714) is changed as follow s: dustry, the Administrator finds that, for states that the requested changes are 1. The existing Table I-F is deleted based on the official change in the dimen­ good cause, notice of public procedure sional and load properties of this tire as thereon is impracticable and unneces­ and in its place the following revised established at the January 31,1969 meet­ sary. In addition, good cause exists for Table I-F is inserted:

T a b l e I-F

tibe lo ad ea tin gs, test, bim s, m in im u m size factors, a n d section w idth s fo b type “b ” r a d ia l ply tibes

Maximum tire loads (pounds) at various cold inflation pressures (p.s.i.) Test rim Minimum Section Tire size designation > width size factor width * 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 (inches) (inches) (inches)

6.20R10 ______43S 460 485 510 535 560 585 615 635 660 685 710 735 3)4 24.84 5.20 5.00R12______480 495 515 535 555 675 595 615 635 650 670 690 710 3)4 25.62 5.04 6.20R12______—_ _ 616 540 565 590 615 640 665 695 715 740 765 790 815 3)4 26.79 5.20 6.50R12______620 545 570 595 620 650 670 705 725 750 775 800 825 4 26.93 5.59 E.60R12. ______600 630 655 685 715 740 770 800 825 850 875 905 930 4 27.83 5.71 E.00R13 . . ______535 555 575 590 615 630 650 670 690 705 725 745 765 3/4 26.64 5.04 5.20R13______570 595 620 645 670 695 720 750 770 795 820 845 870 3)4 27.72 5.20 5.50R13 _____ - ______575 600 625 650 675 695 725 750 775 796 825 850 875 4 27.95 5.59 E.60R13 ______655 685 710 740 765 795 825 855 880 905 935 960 990 4 28.92 5.71 6.00R13 _ ... . . 675 705 735 760 790 815 845 875 900 925 950 975 1,005 4 29.37 6.00 B.90R13 705 780 805 830 860 885 915 940 965 990 1,015 1,045 1,070 4 29.74 5.91 6.40R13 . . 810 840 870 905 940 -970 1,005 1,040 1,070 1,100 1,135 1,165 1,200 4)4 31.26 6.42 6.E0R13 _____ 800 830 860 890 925 960 995 1,030 1,060 1,090 1,120 1,150 1,180 4J4 30.75 6.60 6.70R13...... 690 775 860 935 1,000 1,045 1,090 1,135 1,175 1,220 1,260 1,305 1,340 4)4 32.14 6.09 7.00R13...... 870 910 950 985 1,025 1,060 1,100 1,145 1,175 1,215 1,255 1,295 1,335 5 31.88 7.10 7.25R13___ 940 980 1,020 1,060 1,100 L 135 1,175 1,215 1,255 1,290 1,330 1,370 1,410 5 32.51 7.24 6.20R14 605 640 670 700 730 760 795 830 855 885 915 950 980 3)4 28.89 5.20 6.90R14 750 785 815 845 875 906 935 970 995 1,025 1,055 1,085 1,115 4 30.76 5.91 7.00R14___ 925 960 1,000 1,040 1,075 1,115 1,155 1,195 1,235 1,270 1,320 1,350 1,380 5 32.88 7.10 7.50R14 1,065 1,100 1,140 1,180 lj 220 1,260 1,300 1,340 1,380 1,415 1,460 1,500 1,540 5)4 34.19 7.65 6.60R15 705 '780 '805 830 860 885 916 940 965 990 1,015 1,045 1,070 4 30.87 6.71 6.40R15 885 925 965 1,005 1,040 1,080 1,120 1,160 1,200 1,235 1,275 1,310 1,350 4)4 33.26 6.42 6.70R15 975 1,015 1,055 1,095 1,130 1,170 1,215 1,255 1,290 1,325 1,365 1,405 1,445 4)4 33» 96 7.00 7.60R1S______1,160 1,200 1,245 1,285 1,325 1,370 L415 1,465 1,500 1,535 1,676 1,610 1,655 8)4 36.00 7.90

i The letter “H”, “8” or “V ” may be included in any specified tire size designation » Actual section width and overall width shall not exceed the specified width by adjacent to the “R”. more than 7 percent.


2. The existing Table I-G is deleted and in its place the following revised Table I-G is inserted: T a b l e I-G


Maximum tireloads (pounds) at various cold inflation pressures (p.s.i.) Test rim Minimum Section Tire size designation > width size factor width2 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 (inches) (inches) (inches)

D It 70-4...... 1,010 1,070 1,120 1,170 1,220 1,270 1,320 1,360 1,410 1,450 1,490 * . 5 y2 32.78 7.90 E It 70-14...... 1,070 1,130 1,190 1,240 1,300 1,350 1,400 1,440 1,490 1,540 1,580 6Yt 33.42 8.10 FR70-14...... — v___ 1,160 1,220 1,280 1,340 1,400 1,450 1,500 1,550 1,610 1,650 1,700 6 34.34 8.55 G It 70-14...... ______1,250 1,310 1,380 1,440 1,500 1,560 1,620 1,680 1,730 1,780 1,830 6 35.12 8.85 HR70-14...... 1,360 1,440 1,510 1,580 1,65O 1,710 1,770 1,830 1,890 1,950 2,010 6 V t 36.31 9.40 JR70-14______...... 1,430 1,500 1,580 1,650 1,720 1,790 1,860 1,920 1,980 2,040 2,100 6)4 36.86 9.55 LR70-14______...... 1,520 1,600 1,680 1,750 1,830 1,900 1,970 2,040 2,100 2,170 2,230 6)4 37.59 9.80 DR70-15...... -...... - ______1,010 1,070 1,120 1,170 1,220 1,270 1,320 1,360 1,410 1,450 1,490 5)4 33.34 7.75 ER70-15...... !.. 1,070 1,130 1,190 1,240 1,300 1,350 1,400 1,440 1,490 1,540 1,580 5)4 33.91 7.95 FR70-15...... -...... 1,160 1,220 1,280 1,340 1,400 1,450 1,500 1,550 1,610 1,650 1,700 6 34.87 8.40 GR70-15______...... 1,250 1,310 1,380 1,440 1,500 1,560 1,620 1,680 1,730 1,780 1,830 6 35.65 8.65 HR70-15...... ______1,360 1,440 1,510 1,580 1,650 1,710 1,770 1,830 1,890 1,950 2,010 6)4 36.83 9.20 JR70-15...... 1,430 1,500 1,580 1,650 1,720 1,790 1,860 1,920 1,980 2,040 2,100 6Vi 37.31 9.40 KR70-15-...... 1,460 1,540 1,620 1,690 1,770 1,830 1,900 1,970 2,030 2,090 2,150 6)4 37.62 9.50 LR70-15...... 1,520 1,600 1,680 1,750 1,830 1,900 1,970 2,040 2,100 2,170 2,230 6)4 38.06 9.66

i The letters “ H R ” , “ SR” , or “ V R ” may be included in any specified tire size 1 Actual section width and overall width shall not exceed the specified section width designation adjacent to or in place of the “ dash” . by more than 7 percent. 3. The existing Table i-J is deleted and in its place the following revised Table I-J is inserted:

. T a b l e I-J


Maximum tire loads (pounds) at various cold inflation pressures (p.s.i.) Test rim Minimum Section Tire size designation 1 ------:—:------width size factor width 2 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 (inches) (inches) (inches)

C78-13...... -...... -...... 960 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,140 1,190 1,230 1,270 1,320 1,360 1,400 5)4 31.56 7.45 B 78-14...... -----...... -...... 890 930 980 1,030 1,070 1,110 1,150 1,190 1,230 1,270 1,300 *)4 31.04 6.65 C78-14...... -...... — ...... 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,140 1,190 1,230 1,270 1,320 1,360 1,400 6 31.95 7.05 D 78-14...... 1,010 1,070 1,120 1,170 i,220 1,270 1,320 1,360 1,410 1,450 1,490 5 32.52 7.36 E 78-14...... -...... — — .,1,070 1,130 1,190 1,240 1,300 1,350 1,400 1,440 1,490 1,540 1,580 5)4 33.29 7.65 F78-14...... -...... - ...... -...... ----- 1,160 1,220 1,280 1,340 1,400 1,450 1,500 1,550 1,610 1,650 1,700 5)4 34.04 7.90 G 78-14— ;...... — -...... 1,250 1,310 1,380 1,440 1,500 1,560 1,620 1,680 1,730 1,780 1,830 6 35.02 8.35 H78-14 ...... -...... 1,360 1,440 1,510 1,580 1,650 1,710 1,770 1,830 1,890 1,950 2,010 6 36.06 8.70 J78-14 ...... -...... 1,430 1,500 1,580 1,650 1,720 1,790 1,860 1,920 1,980 2,040 2,100 6 36.58 8.80 C 78-15 - ...... -___ -...... 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,140 1,190 1,230 1,270 1,320 1,360 1,400 5 32.45 6.95 D 78-15* ...... -...... 1,010 1,070 1,120 1,170 1,220 1,270 1,320 1,360 1,410 1,450 1,490 5 33.05 7.15 E78-15 - - ...... -...... 1,070 1,130 1,190 1,240 1,300 1,350 1,400 1,440 1,490 1,540 1,580 5 33.65 7.35 F 78-15 ...... -...... 1,160 1,220 1,280 1,340 1,400 1,450 1,500 1,550 1,61Ó 1,650 1,700 5)4 34.56 7.70 G 78-15 ...... 1,250 1,310 1,380 1,440 1,500 1,560 1,620 1,680 1,730 1,780 1,830 5)4 35.36 8.05 H 7 8 -1 5 ""...... -...... 1,360 1,440 1,510 1,580 1,'650 1,710 1,770 1,830 1,890 1,950 2,010 6 36.50 8.55 J78-15 ...... - 1,430 1,500 1,580 1,650 1,720 1,790 1,860 1,920 1,980 2,040 2,100 6 37.02 8.70 L78-15 * ...... — ...... 1,520 1,600 1,680 1,750 1,830 1,900 1,970 2,040 2,100 2,170 2,230 6 37.73 8.85

1 The letter “ H ” , “ S” , or “ V ” may be included in any specified tire size designation adjacent to or in place of the “ dash” . 2 Actual section width and overall width shall not exceed the specified section width by more than 7 percent. [F.R. Doc. 69-10101; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; 8:45 a.m.]

[Docket No. 69-28; Notice No. 1] The Rubber Manufacturers Associa­ In consideration of the foregoing, sec­ tion has petitioned for the addition of tion 371.21 of Part 371 Federal Motor PART 371— FEDERAL MOTOR the 5V2-J, 5V2-JJ, 5y2-JK, 6-J, 6-JJ, Vehicle Safety Standards, Appendix A VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS and 6-JK alternative rim sizes for the o f Standard No. 110 (34 F.R. 16102) is D78-14 tire size designation to Table I amended as set forth below effective 30 Motor Vehicle Safety Standards No. of Appendix A of Standard No. 110. days from date of publication in the 110, Tire Selection and Rims— Pas­ Two alternative rim sizes were inad­ F ederal R e g ist e r . senger Cars vertently deleted from Table I of Appen­ These amendments are issued under On October 5, 1968, the Federal High­ dix A of Standard No. 110 when pub­ authority of sections 103 and 119 of the way Administration published guidelines lished in F.R . Doc. 69-8035, dated National Traffic and Motor Vehicle in the F ederal R egister (33 F.R . 14964) Thursday, July 10,1969. To correct these Safety Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. 1932, by which routine additions could be omissions, the 7-JJ alternative rim size 1407), the delegation from the Secre­ added to Appendix A of Standard No. for the G70-14 tire size designation and tary of Transportation contained in 109 and the Appendix A of Standard No. the 5 V2-JJ alternative rim size for the § 1.4(c) of Part I of the Regulations of 110. These guidelines provided an ab­ C78-13 tire size designation are being the Office of the Secretary (49 CFR 1.4 breviated rule making procedure for reinserted within Table I of Appendix A (c )), and the delegation from the Fed­ of Standard No. 110. adding tire sizes to Standard No. 109 and eral Highway Administrator of October alternative rim sizes to Standard No. On the basis of the data submitted by 5, 1968 (33 F.R. 14964). 110, whereby the addition becomes ef­ the Rubber Manufacturers Association fective 30 days from date of publication indicating compliance with the require­ Issued on August 22,1969. in the F ederal R eg ister if no objections ments of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety H. M. Ja c k l in , Jr., to the proposed additions are received. Standard No. 109 and No. 110 and other Acting Director, Motor Vehicle If comments objecting to the amend­ Safety Performance Service. ment warrant, rule making pursuant to information submitted in accordance the rule making procedures for motor with the procedural guidelines set forth, 1. Delete Table I of Appendix A and vehicle safety standards (49 C F R P a rt Table I of Appendix A of Standard No. insert the following new Table I of Ap­ 353) w ill be followed. 110 is being amended. pendix A.


FMVSS No. 110 Tire size R im 1 Tire size R im 1 APPENDIX A—TABLE I 145-10______3.50B. F78-15 _____ 41/2-K , 5-JJ, 5-K, 51/2-JJ, 145-13______3%-JJ, 4 ^ —JJ. K, 6-JJ. (Alternative Bims) 165-13______4y2-JJ. G78-15______5JJ, 5-K, 51/2-JJ, 5i/2-K , Tire size Rim 1 185-15____ 41/2-JJ. 6-K, 6-L. 4.80-10_____ 3.50D. 5.20-13______41/2-JJ. H78—15__ 51/2-JJ, 51/2-K , 6-JJ, 6-K, 6 40-15______4—J J t 4y2-JJ, 4y2-K , 4.50E, 5.60- 13___ 31/2-JJ. 4-JJ- 6i^-K . 5.00E, 5—JJ, 5—K, 51/2-JJ. 6.00-13______4-JJ. J78-15 ____ 6-JJ, 6-K, 6-L, 61/,-JJ. 7.00- 15-__ 5.00F, 5—K. 5.60- 15___ 5—K. L78-15 _____ 6-JJ, 6-K, 6-L, 6y2—JJ. 8.25-15______5 ^ -J J , 6-JJ, 6-K, 6-L. 155R13— ____ 5—JJ. BR78-13____ 4y2-JJ. 8.55-15_ ____ 5 % -JJ, 6-JJ, 6-K, 6-L. 155-13/ CR78-14____ 5-JJ. 8.90-15______6-JJ, 6y2-L , 7-L. 6.15-13____ 5—JJ. DR78-14____ 5-JJ. 9.15-15------5 ^ —JJ. C78-13______5y2-JJ. FR78-14____ _ 5y2-JJ. E50C—16------3y2. B78—14______41/2-JJ, 4y2-K , 5-JJ, 5-K. GR78-14____ 6-JJ. F50O-16------3y2. C78—14______4%-JJ, 5-JJ, 5-K, 5i/2-JJ, HR78-14____ 6-JJ. H50C-17----- 3%. 6—JJ. JR78-14_____ 6%-JJ. E60-15______6-JJ, 7—JJ. D78-14______5-JJ, 5-K, 51/2-JJ, 6-JJ. FR78-15_____ 5y2-JJ. F60-15______ey2-j j , 7—JJ. E78-14______41/2-JJ, 5-JJ, 5-K, 5i/a-JJ, 5 % - GR78-15____ 6-JJ. K, 6-JJ, 6 I/2-JJ. G60—15_____ 7-JJ. HR78-15____ 6-JJ. D70-13______sy2-j j , 5y2-K . F78-14______5-JJ, 5-K, 5^-JJ, 5y2-K , 6-JJ, 6y2-j j . E70-14------7—JJ. 6- K, 6 %-JJ. JR78-15_____ F70-14______7-JJ. G78-14______5-JJ, 51/2-JJ, 5V6—K, 6-JJ, 6-K, LR78-15_____ 6y2-j j . 7- JJ. G70-14_____ 7-JJ. N ote: Where JJ rims are specified in the H78-14______5y2-JJ, 6-JJ, 6-K, 6 i/2-JJ, C70-15______sy2-j j . above table, J and JK rim contours are 6 I/2-K. E70-15______7-JJ. permissible. F70-15______8—JJ. J78-14______6-JJ, 6-K, 61/2-JJ. G70-15-____ 7—JJ. C78-15_____ - 41/2-JJ, 41/2-K , 5-JJ, 5—K. [F.R. Doc. 69-10214; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; 5.0- 15-__ 3.50B, 3.50D, 3^-JJ, 4-JJ, D78-15...... 5-JJ, 5—K. 8:45 a.m.) 4.00C. E78-15------4i/2-K , 5-JJ, 5-K, 5%-JJ, 5i/2- 5.5-15...... 3.50D, 3 i/2-JJ, 4r-JJ, 4 ^ -J J . K,6-JJ. 1 Italicized designations denote Test Rims.

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 13704 Proposed Rule Making

be given except as to comments filed item—marketing promotion and adver­ FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION within the period specified. Copies of tising) and an assessment rate of 40 comments received by the Commission cents per hundredweight of assessable [ 46 CFR Part 528 ] may be examined at the Commission’s dates. The assessable poundage is esti­ [Docket No. 69-38] Public Document Room, 1717 H Street mated by the Committee at 33.5 million NW., Washington, D.C. pounds. MANDATORY PROVISIONS TO BE (Sec. 161, 68 Stat. 948; 42 U.S.C. 2201) All persons who desire to submit INCLUDED IN SELF-POLICING SYS­ written data, views, or arguments in con­ TEMS UNDER GENERAL ORDER 7 Dated at Germantown, Md., this 21st nection with the aforesaid proposal day o f August 1969. should file the same, in quadruplicate, Rescheduling of Filing Dates For the Atomic Energy Commission. with the Hearing Clerk, U.S. Department A u g u s t 22, 1969. of Agriculture, Room 112, Administration w r B . M cC o o l , Building, W ashington, D.C. 20250, not At the request of counsel for same of Secretary, later than 8 days after publication of the inbound conferences, and good cause [F.R. Doc. 69-10193; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; this notice in the F ederal R e g ist e r . A ll appearing, time within which comments 8:45 a.m.] written submissions made pursuant to on proposed rules in this proceeding may this notice will be made available for be filed is enlarged to and including public inspection at the office p i the October 1, 1969. Reply of Hearing Coun­ Hearing Clerk during regular business sel shall be filed on or before October 20, hours (7 CFR 1.21( b ) ) . , 1969. Answers to Hearing Counsel’s reply DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The proposal is as follows; may be filed on or before November 3, Consumer and Marketing Service 1969. § 987.314 Expenses of the Date Admin­ T h o m a s L i s i , [ 7 CFR Part 987 1 istrative Committee and rate of as­ Secretary. DOMESTIC DATES PRODUCED OR sessment for the 1969—70 crop year. [F.R. Doc. 69-10219; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; PACKED IN DESIGNATED AREA OF (a ) Expenses. Expenses in the amount 8:46 ajn .] CALIFORNIA of $127,600 are reasonable and likely to be incurred by the Date Administrative Notice of Proposed Expenses of the Committee during the 1969-70 crop year ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Date Administrative Committee and beginning August 1, 1969, for its mainte­ Rate of Assessment for the 1969-70 nance and functioning and for such [ 10 CFR Part 50 1 other purposes as the Secretary may, Crop Year pursuant to the applicable provisions of LICENSING OF PRODUCTION AND Notice is hereby given of a proposal this part, determine to be appropriate. UTILIZATION FACILITIES regarding expenses of the Date Admin­ (b ) Rate of assessment. The rate of assessment for that crop year which each Extension of Time for Filing Comments istrative Committee for the 1969-70 crop year and rate of assessment for that crop handler is required, pursuant to § 987.72, By notice of proposed rule making pub­ year. This notice is pursuant to §§ 987.71 to pay to the Date Administrative Com­ lished June 3, .1969 (34 F.R. 8712) the and 987.72 of the marketing agreement, mittee at his pro rata share of the Atomic Energy Commission gave notice as amended, and O rder No. 987, as expenses is fixed a t 40 cents per hundred­ that it was considering the establishment amended (7 CFR Part 987). The weight on all assessable dates. Assessable o f a policy dealing w ith the siting o f com ­ amended marketing agreement and dates are dates which the^ handler has mercial fuel reprocessing plants and order regulate the handling of domestic certified during the crop year as meeting related waste management facilities. dates produced or packed in a desig­ the requirements for marketable dates, Interested persons were invited to file nated area of California, and are effec­ including the eligible portion of any comments or suggestions within sixty tive under the Agricultural Marketing field-run dates certified and set aside or (60) days after publication of the notice Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7 disposed of pursuant to § 987.45(f). in the F ederal R eg ist e r . U.S.C. 601-674). Dated: August 22,1969. The Commission is hereby extending The Date Administrative Committee the time for filing comments to Sep­ has unanimously recommended for the A r t h u r E . B r o w n e , tem ber 15, 1969. 1969-70 crop year, and the h erein after Acting Director, Comments received after that period proposal sets forth, a budget of adminis­ Fruit and Vegetable Division. will be considered if it is practicable to do trative expenses in the total amount of [F R . Doc. 69-10239; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; so, but assurance of consideration cannot $127,600 (including $100,000 fo r a new 8:48 a.m.]

FEDERAL REGISTER, V O L 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 13705 Notices

the Treasury afford an opportunity to Public Notice 261 of April 6, 1967, is­ DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY present oral views. sued at 32 FJR. 5643 and amendments Any such written views or arguments, thereto are hereby superseded. Bureau of Customs or requests should'be addressed to the Dated: August 21, 1969. AMINOACETIC ACID (GLYCINE) Commissioner of Customs, 2100 K Street NW., Washington,' D.C. 20226, in time to [ s e a l ] F r e d e r ic k S m it h , Jr., FROM FRANCE be received by his office not later than Acting Administrator, Bureau of Withholding of Appraisement Notice 14 days from the date of publication of Security and Consular Affairs. this notice in the F ederal R e g ister . [F.R. Doc. 69-10235; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; A u g u s t 20,1969. This notice, which is published pur­ 8:48 a.m.] Information was received on March 1, suant to §53.34(b), Customs Regulations, 1968, that Aminoacetic Acid (Glycine) shall become effective upon publication from Prance was being sold at less than in the F ederal R eg ist e r . It shall cease fair value within the meaning of the to be effective at the expiration of 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Antidumping Act, 1921, as amended (19 months from the date of such publica­ U.S.C. 160 et seq.) (referred to in this tion, unless previously revoked. Bureau of Land Management notice as “the Act”). This information [Sacramento 2370] was the subject of an “Antidumping [ s e a l ] M y l e s J. A m b r o s e , Proceeding Notice” which was published Commissioner of Customs. CALIFORNIA in the F ederal R eg ister of September [F.R. Doc. 69-10215; Piled, Aug. 26, 1969; Opening of Lands From Waterpower 17, 1968, on page 14079. Th e “ Antidum p­ 8:46 am..] ing Proceeding Notice” indicated that Withdrawals there was evidence on record concerning A u g u s t 18, 1969. injury to or likelihood o f in ju ry to or pre­ DEPARTMENT OF STATE By virtue of the authority contained in vention of establishment of an industry section 24 of the Federal Power Act of in the United States. Office of the Secretary June 10, 1920 (41 S tat. 1075; 16 U.S.C. Pursuant to section 201(b) of the Act [312] 818), as amended, and pursuant to Bu­ (19 U.S.C. 160(b)) notice is hereby given reau Order No. 701 of July 23, 1964, as that there are reasonable grounds to be­ CERTAIN NONIMMIGRANT VISAS amended, and pursuant to the authority lieve or suspect that the purchase price Validity redelegated to me by the Acting Man­ (section 203 of the Act; 19 U.S.C. i62) ager, November 18, 1965 (30 FJR. 14444), of such Aminoacetic Acid (Glycine) Notice is hereby given that consular it is ordered as follows: from Prance is less, or likely to be less, officers are authorized to issue, in their 1. In an order issued June 30, 1969, than the foreign market value (section discretion, nonimmigrant visas under the Federal Power Commission vacated 205 of the Act; 19 U.S.C. 164). section 101(a) (15) (B) of the Immigra­ the withdrawal created pursuant to the Statement of Reasons: tion and Nationality Act (temporary filing on March 14, 1921, of an applica­ The information currently before the Bu­ visitors for business or pleasure) valid tion for preliminary permit for Power reau tends to indicate that the probable for an indefinite period of time to other­ Project No. 187 of the following described basis of comparison will be between pur­ wise eligible nationals of the following land: chase price and home market price. countries, inclusive of British subjects M ount Diablo Meridian Preliminary analysis suggests that pur­ resident in the Bahamas and Nether­ chase price will probably be calculated by lands nationals resident in Surinam, T. 20 N., R. 10 E., deducting ocean freight, insurance and sell­ Sec. 35, lot 5. ing commission from the ci.f. price to the which offer reciprocal or more liberal United States and by adding an amount for treatment to nationals of the United The area described contains approxi­ impart duty and TVA taxes not collected or States who are hi a similar class. This mately 0.76 acre in the Tahoe National refunded upon exportation of the merchan­ order will be amended from time to time Forest in S ierra County. dise to the United States. to include other countries which have 2. At 10 a.m„ on September 17, 1969, It appears that home market price will agreed to accord similar privileges to the land described herein shall be open probably be based on the weighted-average U.S. citizens. to such forms of disposition as may by price in the country of exportation. Probable Austria. Malta. law be made of national forest land sub­ adjustments to be made to this price will Bahamas. Monaco. ject to valid existing rights, the provi­ be for inland freight, a selling commission Barbados. Morocco. included in the price, and packing cost sions of existing withdrawals, the Belgium. Netherlands. differential. An adjustment for difference in Botswana. Netherlands Antilles. requirements of applicable law, rules, cost of assay certificates between the product British Honduras. Norway. and regulations. sold in the home market and that sold to the CbUe. Paraguay. The State of California has waived the United States appears on the basis of present Cyprus. Portugal. evidence to be warranted. Denmark. Saint Pierre & preference right allowed it under section Using the above criteria, there are reason­ Fiji. Miquelon. 24 of the Federal Power Act of June 10, able grounds to believe or suspect that pur­ Finland. San Marino. 1920, supra. chase price will be lower than home market France. Singapore. price. Germany. Spain. The lands have been open to applica­ Customs officers are being directed to Greece. Surinam. tion and offers under the mineral leas­ Guyana. Sweden. ing laws. Inquiries concerning the land withhold appraisement of Aminoacetic Iceland. Switzerland. Acid (Glycine) from Prance in accord- Ireland. Thailand. should be addressed to the Manager, ance w ith § 53.48, Customs Regulations . Trinidad and Land Office, Bureau of Land Manage­ (19 CFR 53.48). Italy. Tobago. ment, Sacramento, Calif. In accordance with §§ 53.32(b) and Jamaica. Tunisia. 53.37, Customs Regulations (19 CFR Liechtenstein. Turkey. E l iz a b e t h H . M id t b y , Luxembourg. United Kingdom. Chief, Lands Adjudication Section. 53.32(b), 53.37), Interested parties may Malawi. Uruguay. present written views or arguments, or Maldives, [ F A Doc. 69-10198; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; request in writing that the Secretary of Republic of 8:45 am .]


[C-3658] T. 13 S., R. 90 W., A copy of each comment filed with the COLORADO Sec. 20, lots 7 and 8. Director of the Scientific Instrument T. 13 S., R. 91 W., Evaluation Division must also be mailed Sec. 22, lots 2 and 3. Notice of Proposed Classification of T. 13 S., R. 94 W., or delivered to the applicant, or its au­ Public Lands Sec. 15, Nw y4N w y4. thorized agent, if any, to whose appli­ T. 14 S., R. 91 W., cation the comment pertains; and the A u g u s t 18, 1969. Sec. 17, Ni/2S W ^ . comment filed with the Director must 1. Notice is hereby given of a pro­ T. 14 S., R. 92 W., certify that, such copy has been mailed posal to classify the public lands de­ Sec. 18, lot 4; or delivered to the applicant. scribed below for disposal through ex­ Sec. 28, N SE 14, W ^ N E % ; change under section, 8 of the Taylor Sec. 31, SE% SW % , Sy2SEi4; Docket No. 70-00069-33-01200. Appli­ Grazing Act (43 U.S.C. 315g) for lands Sec. 32, NWy4SWy4, SE^SEy4; cant: Kendall School for the Deaf, Gal- Sec. 33, SW%SWy4. laudet College, Seventh Street and within the Bureau of Land Management T. 14 S., R. 93 W., Montrose District, Colo., or through pub­ Florida Avenue NE., Washington, D.C. Sec. 16, E ^ S W % , W % SE}4; 20002. Article: Acoustic apparatus (pitch lic sale under Revised Statute 2455. This Sec. 31, SE 14SE 14. publication is made pursuant to the Act T. 14 S., R. 94 W., intonation indicator). Manufacturer: of September 19, 1964 (78 Stat. 986; 43 Sec. 16, NWy4SWy4; Special Instrument AB, Sweden. In­ U.S.C. 1412). As used herein “public Sec. 17, N E 14 SE 14, S ^ S E ^ ; tended use of article: The article will lands” means any lands withdrawn or Sec. 20, SE 14 SE % ; be used to stimulate and improve the Sec. 21, Wy2SW % . reserved by Executive Order No. 6910 of quality and quantity of speech produc­ T. 15 S., R; 91 W., tion in deaf school age children. Appli­ November 26, 1934, as amended, or Sec. 21, Wy2NE%, NWy4SWÌ4; within a grazing district established cation received by Commissioner of Sec. 22, NW % NE}4, N E ^ N W 1^; Customs: July 24, 1969. pursuant to the Act of June 28, 1934 (48 Sec. 23, NWy4NWy4 ; Stat. 1269) as amended, which are not Sec. 26, Ei/2NW % , S W ^ . Docket No. 70-00070-33-01200. Appli­ otherwise withdrawn or reserved for T. 15 S., R. 92 W., cant: Kendall School for the Deaf, Gal- Federal use or purpose. Sec. 4, lot 4, SW }4N W }4; laudet College, Seventh Street -and Sec. 5, lots 1 and 2, S W ^ N E ^ , SE % N W }4; 2. Publication of this notice has the Sec. 6, lots 1, 2, and 5, Sy2NEi4, SE&NWJ4; Florida Avenue NE., Washington, D.C. effect of segregating the public lands de­ Sec. 23, SE 14s W 14, S W 14SE 14; 20002. Article: Acoustic apparatus scribed from all forms of appropriation Sec. 26, NE%NW^4. (visual spectrum indicator). Manufac­ except exchanges under section 8 of the turer: Special Instrument AB, Sweden. Taylor Grazing Act, 43 U.S.C. 315g, pub­ The tracts described aggregate approx­ Intended use of article: The article will lic sale under 2455 Revised Statutes 43 imately 2,593 acres of public land. be used to stimulate and improve the U.S.C. 1171 and leasing under the min­ E. I. R o w l a n d , quality and quantity of speech produc­ eral leasing laws. State Director. tion in deaf school age children. Appli­ 3. This proposal has been discussed [F.R. Doc. 69-10199; Piled, Aug. 26, 1969; cation received by Commissioner of with the District Advisory Board, local 8:45 a.m.] Customs: July 24, 1969. governmental officials and other inter­ Docket No. 70-00071-33-01200. Appli­ ested parties. Information derived from cant: Kendall School for the Deaf, Gal- field data, discussions with the public laudet College, Seventh Street and and from other sources indicates that DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Florida Avenue NE., Washington, D.C. these lands meet the criterion of 43 CFR Business and Defense Services 20002. A rtic le : Acoustic apparatus (vis­ 2410.1-3 which authorized classification Administration ual intonation indicators). Manufac­ of lands for disposal under appropriate turer: Special Instrument AB, Sweden. authority where they are found to be KENDALL SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Intended use of article: The article will chiefly valuable for exchange or public Notice of Applications for Duty-Free be used to stimulate and improve the sale for grazing use and other values quality and quantity of speech produc­ and which lands are not needed for the Entry of Scientific Articles tion in deaf school age children. Appli­ support of a Federal program. The following are notices of the receipt cation received by Commissioner of 4. Information concerning the lands, of applications for duty-free entry of Customs: July 24, 1969. including the record of public discus­ scientific articles pursuant to section Docket No. 70-00072-33-01200. Appli­ sions, is available for inspection and 6(c) of the Educational, Scientific, and cant: Kendall School for the Deaf, Gal- study at the Montrose District Office, Cultural Materials Importation Act of laudet College, Seventh Street and Bureau of Land Management, Highway 1966 (Public Law 89-651; 80 Stat. 897). Florida Avenue NE., Washington, D.C. 550 South, Montrose, Colo. For a period Interested persons may present their 20002. A rtic le : Acoustic apparatus (S of 60 days from the date of this publica­ views with respect to the question of indicators). Manufacturer: Special In­ tion, interested parties may submit whether an instrument or apparatus of strument AB, Sweden. Intended use of comments to the District Manager of the equivalent scientific value for the pur­ article: The article will be used to stimu­ Montrose, Colo., district. poses for which the article is-intended to late and improve the quality and 5. Lands affected by this proposal are be used is being manufactured in the quantity of speech production in deaf located in Delta and Gunnison Coun­ United States. Such comments must be school age. children. Application received ties, Colo., and are described as follows: filed in triplicate with the Director, Sci­ by Commissioner of Customs: July 24, Sixth Principal Meridian, Colorado entific Instrument Evaluation Division, 1969. Business and Defense Services Adminis­ T. 12 S., R. 89 W. tration, W ashington, D.C. 20230, w ithin Docket No. 70-00073-88-46040. Appli­ Sec. 28, SE1/4NWV4; 20 calendar days after date on which this cant: Univeristy of California at Santa Sec. 29, SE1/4NE1/4. Barbara, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93106. T. 12 S„ R. 90 W., notice of application is published in the Sec. 7, NE%NE»4; F ederal R e g ist e r . Article: Electron microscope, Model Sec. 11, SWV4NWi,4; Regulations issued under cited Act, JEM-100U. Manufacturer: Japan Elec­ Sec. 12, S W 14SW&. published in the February 4, 1967, issue tron Optics Laboratory Co., Ltd., Japan. T. 12 S., R. 91 W., o f the F ederal R e g ist e r , prescribe the Intended use of article: The article will Sec. 3, lot 5; requirements applicable to comments. be used for the instruction and thesis Sec. 12, N E % N E ^ . research of graduate and qualified T. 12 S., R. 94 W., A copy of each application is on file, and may be examined during ordinary undergraduate geology majors, and for Sec. 32, lot 14; postdoctoral fellows. Geology faculty re­ Sec. 34, lot 17; Commerce Department business hours at Sec. 35, lot 4. the Scientific Instrument Evaluation Di­ search projects include: T. 13 S., R. 89 W., vision, Department of Commerce, Wash­ 1. Studies of the ultrastructure of the Sec. 11, lot 3. ington, D.C. microbiotas of the primitive earth.


2. Study the morphological relationship and conjugated cytochemical and anti­ and spare parts. Manufacturer: Carl of these fossil organisms with the present body labels. Since a budding particle is Zeiss, West Germany. Intended use of living genera and families at the molecular indicative of a replicating virus, it is article: The article will be utilized in level. very important that the investigator three major areas: 3. Search for still smaller fossil remains than have yet been found In the sediments demonstrates this in the serial ultrathin 1. It will serve as a teaching Instrument of the sediments of the primitive earth and sections. Application received by Com­ In graduate courses and undergraduate for connections between them, the viruses, missioner o f Customs: July 25,1969. courses involving structures at a subcellular and possible pre-biotic structures. level. Docket No. 70-00078-33-46500. Appli­ 2. It will be used to demonstrate such cel­ Application received by Commissioner cant: Vanderbilt University, 21st Ave­ lular structures to noncollege associated of Customs: July 24, 1969. nue South, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Arti­ audiences In the Mobile area. There is no cle: Ultramicrotome, LKB 8800A Ultro­ other EM In the area. Docket No. 70-00075-33-46500. Appli­ tome ILL Manufacturer: LKB Produkter 3. It will he used in Individual research by cant: Harbor General Hospital, 1000 AB, Sweden. Intended use of article: The members of the Department of Biological West Carson Street, Torrance, Calif. article will be used to produce ultrathin Sciences. The areas of research win be (a) algalogy, (b) vascular morphology, (c) em­ 90509. Article: Ultramicrotome, LKB sections of plastic embedded tissue, cells, 8800 Ultrotome HI. Manufacturer: LKB bryology (d ) parasitology, (e) protozoology, or fractions of cells for electron micro­ (f) microbiology and (g) physiology. Produkter AB, Sweden. Intended use of scopic examination. Certain of the stud­ article: The article will be used to pro­ ies will entail examination of cells for Application received by Commissioner of duce ultrathin sections for electron mi­ the presence of small viruses and will Customs: July 28,1969. croscopic examination. Liver, heart, and require extremely thin sections for the Docket No. 70-00083-01-77030. Appli­ skeletal muscle will be examined, as well highest resolution possible. In addition, cant: University of Virginia, Charlottes­ as pellets of centrifuged homogenates of in order to study the relationship of virus subcellular fractions. These will be em­ ville, Va. 22901. A rtic le : N M R Spec­ production to various cell organelles, it trom eter, M odel Rr-20. M anufacturer: bedded in various resin mixtures to alter will be necessary to cut long series of Hitachi-Perkin-Elmer, Japan. Intended block hardness to match the hardness or equal thickness serial sections which use of article: The article will be used for toughness of the specimen. In studies should be varied by the operator between of pellets, it is necessary to be able to cut research and teaching. Teaching pur— 50 angstroms and 2 microns. Application poses include the following courses: samples in three directions. T h e reason is received by Commissioner of Customs: Chem 14a Organic Laboratory, Chem that the pellets of subcellular organelles July 25, 1969. 101a Advanced Organic Laboratory, are not homogenous but are rather stra­ Chem 104 Modem Organic Techniques, tified because of the different densities Docket No. 70-00079-33-46500. Appli­ and Chem 207 Instrumental Theory and of centrifugated homogenate organelles. cant: University of Alabama in Bir­ Techniques In Organic Chemistry. Re­ Application received by Commissioner of mingham, 1919 Seventh Avenue, South, search will include structure determina­ Customs: July 25, 1969. Birmingham, Ala. 35233. Article: Ultra­ microtome, LKB 8800 Ultrotome HI. tion of natural products, proof of struc­ Docket No. 70-00076-33-46500. Appli­ Manufacturer: LKB Produkter AB, ture of new compounds, conformational cant: Veterans Administration Hospital, Sweden. Intended use of article: The analysis, determination of equilibrium 113 Holland Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12208. article will be used for morphological constants of charge transfer complexes, Article: Ultramicrotome, LKB 8800 Ul­ and histochemical study of hard tissue. interaction of proteins with small mole­ trotome 3H. Manufacturer: LKB Pro­ In this study, a major emphasis in the cules, kinetics of reactions in fused salts, dukter AB, Sweden. Intended use of morphological study is on cellular inter­ studies in silicon, phosphorus, boron and article: The article will be used to pro­ relationships. Because of the close topo­ fluorine chemistry. Application received duce ultrathin sections for electron mi­ graphical continuity between some of by Commissioner of Customs: July 28, croscopic examination. The primary uses the cellular elements, there is a need for 1969. are for the investigation of arterial extremely thin sections, between 50 ang­ Docket No. 70-00084-33-46040. Appli­ disease and the ultrastructure of the stroms and 2 microns, to determine their cant: Albert Einstein College of Medi­ components of the normal and diseased specific relationship. Application received cine, 1300 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx, arteries under experimental conditions. by Commissioner of Customs: July 25, N.Y. 10461. Article: Electron microscope, Low magnification electron microscopy 1969. Model Elmiskop 101. Manufacturer: Sie­ has so far revealed no changes which mens AG, West Germany. Intended use can indubitably be linked with the initial Docket No. 70-00081-33-46500. Appli­ of article: The article will be used to in­ alterations of arterial disease and more cant: Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Inc., Belvedere Avenue at Greenspring, Balti­ vestigate ultrastructural changes occur­ detailed examination of the interrela­ ring within diseased nervous tissues and tionships of endothelium and muscle more, Md. 21215. A rticle: U ltram icro­ within cultures of mammalian nervous fibers on one hand and collagen, elastic tome, Model LKB 8800A Ultrotome tissue. Essentially, the latter involves the tissue, basement membrane and m icro­ IH. Manufacturer: LKB Produkter AB, exposure of healthy organized cultures to fibrils on the other, are required includ­ Sweden. Intended use of article: The sera, cells, cell fractions, viruses and fer­ ing the use of several sections of selected article will be used to develop new histo­ ritin or isotope-labeled material from parts and cells of the arterial wall. Ap­ chemical methods for a variety of en­ diseased tissue. The early changes occur­ plication received by Commissioner of zymes and functional groups of macro­ ring within the myelin sheath, the plas­ Customs: July 25, 1969. molecules that can be used with the electron microscope. It is hoped to de­ ma membrane, ribosomes, microtubules, Docket No. 70-00077-33-46500. Appli­ velop methods that will enable scientists extracellular space and synaptic com­ cant: University of Southern California, to relate enzymatic activity to the ultra­ plexes will be ohserved. These changes School of Medicine, 2025 Zonal Avenue, structure of tissue, thus creating new will be compared with those known to Los Angeles, Calif. 90033. Article: Ultra­ tools for biological science. Since some occur in the central nervous system of microtome, LKB 8800A Ultrotome m . of the methods under investigation re­ man and animals in several neurological Manufacturer: LKB Produkter AB, Swe­ quire evaluation of the location of the disorders. Application received by Com­ den. Intended use o f article: T h e a rticle product of enzyme action on the surface will be used to produce both serial ul­ of the membranes, section thickness less missioner of Customs: July 28,1969. trathin sections and 1 micron thick sec­ than 100 angstroms will be required. Ap­ C h a r l e y M . D e n t o n , tions of a wide variety of human, animal, plication received by Commissioner of Assistant Administrator, for In ­ and avian tumors and tissues. The in­ Customs: July 28, 1969. dustry Operations, Business vestigator will make electron microscopic Docket No. 70-00082-33-46040. Appli­ and Defense Services Admin- " examination of the serial ultrathin sec­ cant: University of South Alabama, 307 istration. tions fo r 110 m illim icron diam eter C type Gaillard Drive, Mobile, Ala. 36609. Arti­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10194; Filed, Aug. 20, 1969; virus particles, budding C type particles cle: Electron microscope, Model EM 98 8:45 a.m.]


C. J. PATTERSON CO. School Auditorium, 1155 North Union DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDU­ Street, Middletown, Dauphin County, Notice of Filing of Petition for Food Pa., to consider the application filed un­ CATION, AND WELFARE Additives der § 104b. of the Act by Jersey Central Food and Drug Administration Pursuant to the provisions of the Fed­ Power and Light Co. and Metropolitan eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (sec. Edison Co. (Three Mile Island Nuclear CHEMAGRO CORP. 4 0 9 (b )(5 ), 72 Stat. 1786; 21 U.S.C. 348 Station, Unit 2) (the applicants), for a (b) (5) ), notice is given that a petition provisional construction permit for a Notice of Withdrawal of Petition for (FAP OA2448) has been filed by C. J. pressurized water nuclear reactor de­ Food Additive Naphthalophos Patterson Co., 3947 Broadway, Kansas signed to operate initially at 2,452 mega­ watts (thermal) located on the appli­ Pursuant to the provisions of the Fed­ C ity, Mo. 64111, proposing th at § 121.1211 Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate (21 CFR cants’ site on Three Mile Island, an eral Pood, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (sec. island in the Susquehanna River, in 409(b), 72 Stat. 1786; 21 U.S.C. 348(b)), 121.1211) be amended to provide fo r the safe use of sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate as Londonderry Township, Dauphin the following notice ¿ .issued: County, Pa., about 10 miles southeast of In accordance with § 121.52 W ith- a stabilizer, texturizing agent, viscosity- controlling agent, or processing aid in Harrisburg, Pa. dravxil of petitions mthout prejudice o f starch-thickened or flour-thickened The hearing will be conducted by the the procedural food additive regulations Atomic Safety and Licensing Board des­ (21 CFR 121.52), Chemagro Corp., Post foods, processed cereals, and prepared mixes thereof. ignated by the Atomic Energy Commis­ Office Box 4913, Hawthorn Road, Kansas sion, consisting of Dr. Clarke Williams, City, Mo. 64120, has withdrawn its peti­ D ated: August 20,1969. Upton, Long Island, N.Y.; Dr. Abel Wol- tion (33-928V), notice of which was pub­ J. K . K i r k , man, Baltimore, Md.; and J. D. Bond, lished in the F ederal R e g ister o f Febru­ Associate Commissioner Esq., Chairman, Washington, D.C. Mr. ary 21, 1968 (33 F.R. 3239), proposing for Compliance. R. B. Briggs, Oak Ridge, Tenn., has been the issuance of a food additive regulation designated as a technically qualified al­ to provide for the safe use of naphthalo­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10203; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; 8:45 a.m.] ternate, and Jack M . Campbell, Esq., phos ( N -hydroxynaphthalimide diethyl Santa Fe, N. Mex., has been designated phosphate) as an oral drench for the as an alternate qualified in the conduct control of certain stomach and intestinal WHITMOYER LABORATORIES, INC. o f adm inistrative proceedings. roundworms of cattle and sheep. Notice of Withdrawal of Petition for A prehearing conference will be held Dated: August 20,1969. by the Board in Room 2008, Federal Of­ Food Additive Carbarsone (Not fice Building No. 7, 17th and H Streets J. K . K ir k , U.S.P.) NW „ Washington, D.C., September 19, Associate Commissioner 1969, at 1:30 p.m., local time, to con­ for Compliance. ^ Pursuant to the provisions of the Fed­ eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (sec. sider the matters provided for considera­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10201; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; tion by § 2.752 of 10 CFR Part 2 and 8:45 a.m.] 409(b), 72 Stat. 1786; 21 U.S.C. 348(b)), the following notice is issued: section II of Appendix A to 10 CFR In accordance with § 121.52 W ith­ P a rt 2. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. drawal of petitions without prejudice o f The Director of Regulation proposes vto make affirmative findings of Item Notice of Filing of Petition for Food the procedural food additive regulations n o s . 1-3 and a negative finding on Item 4 Additives (21 CFR 121.52), Whitmoyer Laborator­ ies, Inc., 19 North Railroad Street, Myers- specified below as the basis for the issu­ Pursuant to the provisions of the Fed­ town, Pa. 17067, has withdrawn its peti­ ance of a provisional construction per­ eral Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (sec. tion (10-285V), notice of which was pub­ mit to the applicants substantially in the form proposed in Appendix A hereto. 4 0 9 (b )(5 ), 72 Stat. 1786; 21 U.S.C. 348 lished in the F ederal R e g ister o f June 25, (b) (5 )), notice is given that a petition 1968 (33 F.R. 9313), proposing that 1. Whether in accordance with the (FAP 9B2417) has been filed by The § 121.310 Carbarsone (not U.S.P.) (21 provisions of 10 CFR § 50.35(a): G oodyear T ire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio C FR 121.310) be amended to provide fo r (a) The applicants have described the 44316, proposing th at paragraph (b ) o f the safe use of carbarsone (not U.S.P.) proposed design of the facility includ­ § 121.2566 Antioxidants and/or sta­ in the feed of chickens as an aid in the ing, but not limited to, the principal bilizers for polymers (21 C FR 121.2566 prevention of blackhead. architectural and engineering criteria (b )), be amended to revise the identifica­ for the design, and have identified the tion and specifications for the item D ated: August 20, 1969. major features or components incorpo­ rated therein for the protection of the “Butylated, styrenated cresols produced J. K . K ir k , when * * *” to read as follows: “Butyl­ Associate Commissioner health and safety o f the public; ated, styrenated cresols produced when for Compliance. (b) Such further technical or design equal moles of isobutylene, styrene, and information as may be required to com­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10204; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; plete the safety analysis and which can a metacresol-paracresol mixture having 8:46 a.m.] a no more than 3° C. distillation range reasonably be left for later consideration, including 202° C. are made to react so will be supplied in the final safety analy­ that the final product meets the follow­ sis report; ing specifications: Not less than 95 per­ ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION (c) Safety features or components, if cent by weight of total alkylated phenols any, which require research and de­ consisting of 13-25 percent by weight of [Docket No. 50-320] velopment have been described by the butylated cresols, 26-38 percent by weight JERSEY CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT applicants and the applicants have iden­ of styrenated cresols, 37-49 percent by CO. AND METROPOLITAN EDISON tified, and there will be conducted, a weight of butylated, styrenated cresols, research and development program rea­ and not more than 10 percent by weight CO. sonably designed to resolve any safety tota l o f a ll o th er alkylated phenols; acid­ Notice of Hearing on Application for questions associated with such features ity not more than 0.003 percent; and Provisional Construction Permit or components; and refra ctive index at 25° C. o f 1.5550- (d) On the basis of the foregoing, 1.5650, as determined by ASTM Method Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of there is reasonable assurance that (i) D 1218-61.” 1954, as amended (the Act) and the reg­ such safety questions will be satisfac­ Dated: August 20,1969. ulations In Title 10, Code of Federal torily resolved at or before the latest Regulations, Part 50, “Licensing of Pro­ dates stated in the application for com­ J. K . K ir k , duction and Utilization Facilities,” and pletion of construction of the proposed Associate Commissioner Part 2, “Rules of Practice,” notice is facility, and (ii) taking into considera­ for Compliance. hereby given that a hearing will be held tion the site criteria contained in 10 CFR [FJt. Doc. 69-10202; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; at 10 a.m., local time, on October 6, Part 100, the proposed facility can be 8:45 a.m.] 1969, in the Middletown Area High constructed and operated at the proposed FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 NOTICES 13709

location without undue risk to the health wish to make a limited appearance and is composed of the Chairman and Vice and safety o f the public; who wishes to participate as a party in Chairman of the Atomic Safety and 2. Whether the applicants are tech­ the proceeding must file a petition for Licensing Board Panel and a third mem­ nically qualified to design and construct leave to intervene. ber who is technically qualified and the proposed facility; Petitions for leave to intervene, pur­ designated by the Commission. The 3. Whether the applicants are finan­ suant to the provisions of § 2.714 of the Commission has designated Dr. Law­ cially qualified to design and construct Commission’s “Rules of Practice,” must rence Quarles, Dean of the School of the proposed facility; and be received in the Office of the Secretary, Engineering and Applied Science, The 4. Whether the issuance of a permit U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Wash­ University of Virginia, as this third ington, D.C. 20545, A tten tion : C hief, for the construction of the facility will member. be inimical to the common defense and Public Proceedings Branch, or the Com­ security or to the health and. safety of mission’s Public Document Room, 1717 Dated at Germantown, Md. this 22d the public. H Street NW., Washington, D.C., not day of August 1969. In the event that this proceeding is not later than September 16, 1969, or in the U n it e d S tates A t o m ic a contested proceeding, as defined by event of a postponement of the prehear­ E n e r g y C o m m is s io n , § 2.4 of the Commission’s “Rules of ing conference, at such time as the Board [ s e a l ] W . B. M cC o o l , Practice,” 10 CPU Part 2, the Board will, may specify. The petition shall set forth Secretary. without conducting a de novo evaluation the interest of the petitioner in the pro­ of the application, consider the issues ceeding, how that interest may be af­ Provisional Construction Permit of whether the application and the rec­ fected by Commission action, and the Construction Permit N o.______ord of the proceeding contain sufficient contentions of the petitioner in reason­ 1. Pursuant to § 104b. of the Atomic En­ information, and the review by the Com­ ably specific detail. A petition which sets ergy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and mission’s regulatory staff has been ade­ fo rth contentions relatin g only to m atters Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regula­ quate, to support the findings proposed outside the Commission’s jurisdiction tions, Part 50, “Licensing of Production and to be made and the provisional construc­ will be denied. A petition for leave to Utilization Facilities,” and pursuant to the tion permit proposed to be issued by the intervene which is not timely filed will order of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Director of Regulation. Board, the Atomic Energy Commission (the be denied unless the petitioner shows Commission) hereby issues a provisional con­ In the event that this proceeding be­ good cause for failure to file it on time. struction permit to Jersey Central Power and comes a contested proceeding, the Board A person permitted to intervene be­ Light Co. and Metropolitan Edison Co. (the will consider and initially decide, as the comes a party to the proceeding, and applicants) for a utilization facility (the issues in this proceeding, Item Nos. 1 has all the rights of the applicants and facility), designed to operate at 2,452 mega­ through 4 above as the basis for deter­ the regulatory staff to participate fully watts (thermal) described in the application mining whether a provisional construc­ in the conduct of the hearing. For ex­ and amendments thereto (the application) tion permit should be issued to the ample, he may examine and cross- filed in this matter by the applicants and as applicants. more fully described in the evidence received examine witnesses. A person permitted at the public hearing upon that application. As they become available, the applica­ to make a limited appearance does not The facility, known as Three Mile Island tion, the applicants’ summary of the ap­ become a party, but may state his posi­ Nuclear Station, Unit 2, will be located at the plication, the report of the Commission’s tion and raise questions which he would applicants’ site on Three Mile Island, an Advisory Committee oh Reactor Safe­ like to have answered to the extent that island in the Susquehanna River, in Lon­ guards (ACRS) and the Safety Evalua­ the questions are within the scope of the donderry Township, Dauphin County, Pa., tion by the Commission’s regulatory staff hearing as specified in the issues set out about 10 miles southeast of Harrisburg, Pa. will be placed in the Commission’s Public above. A member of the public does not 2. This permit shall be deemed to contain Document Room, 1717 H Street NW., and be subject to the conditions specified in have the right to participate unless he § § 50.54 and 50.55 of said regulations; is sub­ Washington, D.C., where they will be has been granted the right to intervene ject to all applicable provisions of the Act, available for inspection by members of as a party or the right of limited and rules, regulations, and orders of the the public. Copies of this notice of hear­ appearance. Commission now or hereafter in effect; and ing, the ACRS report, the applicants’ An answer to this notice, pursuant to is subject to the conditions specified or summary of the application and the the provisions of § 2.705 of the Commis­ incorporated below: regulatory staff’s Safety Evaluation will sion’s “Rules of Practice,” must be filed A. The earliest date for the completion of also be available at the Middletown by the applicants on or before Septem­ the facility is December 1, 1972, and the lat­ Borough Community Building, 60 West est date for completion of the facility is ber 16, 1969. December 1,1973. Emaus Street, M iddletown, Pa., fo r in ­ Papers required to be filed in this pro­ B. The facility shall be constructed and spection by members of the public each ceeding may be filed by mail or telegram located at the site as described in the appli­ weekday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. addressed to the Secretary, U.S. Atomic cation on Three Mile Island, Londonderry to 4:30 p.m. Copies of the ACRS report Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. Township, Dauphin County, Pa. and the regulatory staff’s Safety Evalua­ 20545, Attention: Chief, Public Proceed­ C. This construction permit authorizes the tion may be obtained by request to the ings Branch, or may be filed by delivery applicants to construct the facility described Director of the Division of Reactor to the Commission’s Public Document in the application and the hearing record in Licensing, U.S. Atomic Energy Commis­ accordance with the principal architectural Room, 1717 H Street NW., Washington, and engineering criteria set forth therein. sion, W ashington, D.C. 20545. D.C. 3. This permit is provisional to the extent Any person who wishes to make an Pending further order of the Board, that a license authorizing operation of the oral or written statement in this pro­ parties are required to file, pursuant- to facility will not be issued by the Commission ceeding setting forth his position on the the provisions of § 2.708 of the Commis­ unless (a) the applicants submit to the issues specified, but who does not wish sion’s “Rules of Practice,” an original Commission, by amendment to the applica­ to file a petition for leave to intervene. and 20 conformed copies of each such tion, the complete final safety analysis re­ jnay request permission to make a lim­ paper with the Commission. port, portions of which may be submitted ited appearance pursuant to the pro­ With respect to this proceeding, the and evaluated from time to time; (b) the visions of § 2.715 of the Commission’s Commission finds that the final design pro­ Commission has delegated to the Atomic vides reasonable assurance that the health Rules of Practice.” Limited appearances Safety and Licensing Appeal Board the and safety of the public will not be endan­ will be permitted at the time of the hear­ authority and the review function which gered by the operation of the facility in ac­ ing in the discretion of the Board, within would otherwise be exercised and per­ cordance with procedures approved by it in such lim its and on such conditions as formed by the Commission. The Com­ connection with the issuance of said license; inay be fixed by the Board. Persons de­ mission has established the Appeal and (c) the applicants submit proof of siring to make a limited appearance are Board pursuant to § 2.785, 10 C FR P a rt financial protection and the execution otf an requested to inform the Secretary, U.S. 2, which will become effective 30 days indemnity agreement as required by § 170 of the Act. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, after publication in the F ederal R egis­ D-C. 20545, by September 16, 1969. ter on August 19, 1969, and has made For the Atomic Energy Commission. Any person whose interest may be the delegation pursuant to subparagraph [F.R. Doc. 69-10240; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; affected by the proceeding who does not (a) (1) of this section. The Appeal Board 8:49 a.m.]

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 No. 164------3 13710 NOTICES

the Attorney General not later than 1 day filed, or the Board gives notice that it will CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD following such publication, both in accord­ review this order on its own motion. ance with section 408(a) of the Act. [ seal] H arold R. Sanderson, JET AIR FREIGHT ET A L Upon consideration of the application, it is Secretary, concluded that Jet is an air carrier, Accurate, Notice of Proposed Approval of Royal and Jet-PR are common carriers with­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10236; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; in the meaning of section 408 of the Act, 8:48 a.m.] Application and the control by Jet of Accurate, Royal and Application of Jet Air Freight et aL Jet-PR is subject to that section of the Act. [Docket No. 18078; Order 69-8-110] for approval of certain control relation­ However, it has been further concluded that such control relationships do not affect the TRANSATLANTIC AND TRANSPACIFIC ships pursuant to section 408 of the Fed­ control of an air carrier directly engaged in PRIORITY MAIL eral Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, the operation of aircraft in air transporta­ Docket 20990. tion, do not result in creating a monopoly Mail Rates; Order Fixing Standard Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the and do not tend to restrain competition. Mileages Furthermore, no person disclosing a substan­ statutory requirements of section 408(b) Issued under delegated authority Au­ of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as tial interest in the proceeding is currently requesting a hearing and it is concluded that gust 19, 1969. amended, that the undersigned intends the public interest does not require a hear­ By Order 69-8-27, dated August 5, to issue the attached order under dele­ ing. The control relationships are similar to 1969, the Board directed all Interested gated authority. Interested persons are others which have been approved by the persons to show cause why the Board hereby afforded a period of 10 days Board and do not essentially present any new should not adopt the additional standard substantive issues.1 It therefore appears that mileages proposed therein for Northwest from the date of service within which to approval of the control relationships would file comments or request a hearing with be consistent with the public interest.* How­ Airlines, Inc. ever, should Accurate’s intrastate trucking The time designated for filing notice respect to the action proposed in the of objection has elapsed, and no notice order. authority be expanded, new issues would be raised which could only be resolved upon the of objection or answer to the order has Dated at Washington, D.C., August 21, filing of a further application for prior Board been filed by any party.1 A ll parties have 1969. approval. Accordingly, approval of the in­ therefore waived the right to a hearing A . M . A n d r e w s , stant relationships will be conditioned so and all other procedural steps short of Director, that it will be effective only so long as the a final decision. operation of motor vehicles by Accurate is Bureau of Operating Rights. limited to the state of California. For the reasons stated in the order to [Docket No. 20990] We also find that interlocking relationships show cause it has been decided to adopt within the meaning of section 409(a) will the proposed findings and conclusions. Order Approving Control R elationships result from the holdings by Julius Wagner, Accordingly, pursuant to the Federal Issued under delegated authority. Gertrude MSoldave and Gary L. Zimmerman Aviation Act of 1958, and particularly Application of Jet Air Freight et al. for of positions as officers and/or directors in sections 204(a) and 406 thereof, the approval of certain control relationships pur­ Jet, and one or more of them in the three Board’s procedural regulations, 14 CFR suant to section 408 of the Federal Aviation proposed subsidiary corporations. However, Part 302, and the authority duly dele­ Act of 1958, as amended. we have concluded that such relationships gated by the Board in its Organization By application filed May 12, 1969, as come within the scope of tjie exemption from amended on June 26, 1969, Jet Air Freight the provisions of section 409 of the Act Regulations, 14 CFR 385.15(g), (Jet) -requests approval without hearing pur­ afforded by § 287.2 of the Board’s regulations. I t is ordered, T h a t: suant to section 408 of the Federal Aviation Thus, to the extent that the application 1. Effective August 1, 1969, Order Act of 1958, as amended (the Act), of its requests approval of the aforementioned in­ 68-9-9, as amended by Order 69-7-11, is proposed acquisition of Accurate Cartage & terlocking relationships, it will be dismissed. further amended by adding to page 11 Warehousing, Inc. (Accurate) and of its con­ Pursuant to authority duly delegated by of Appendix A of Order 69-7-11 the summated acquisitions of Royal Air Freight the Board in the Board’s regulations, 14 standard mileages for Northwest Air­ CFR 385.13 and 385.3, it is found that the Service, Inc. (Royal), a Hawaii corporation, lines, Inc., which are appended to this on November 1, 1968, and Jet Air Freight of foregoing control relationships should be Puerto Rico, Inc. (Jet-PR), incorporated in approved under section 408(b) of the Act, order.* Puerto Rico by Jet and Jose A. Fernandez on and that the application, to the extent that 2. This order shall be served on the September 19, 1968. it requests approval of the aforementioned Postmaster General, , Jet is a domestic and international air interlocking relationships, should be Inp., , Inc., The Flying freight forwarder. Accurate is a California dismissed. Tiger Line, Inc., Pan American World intrastate trucking corporation, and an op­ Accordingly, it is ordered: Airways, Inc., and , 1. That the control by Jet of Accurate, erator, on a private contractual basis, in Los Inc. Angeles and San Francisco of warehousing Royal and Jet-PR be and it hereby is facilities and associated services. Jet proposes approved; and Persons entitled to petition the Board to acquire all the outstanding shares of Ac­ 2. That, to the extent that approval of for review of this order pursuant to the curate’s stock in exchange for a minimum interlocking relationships is sought under Board’s regulations, 14 C FR 385.50, may of 19,250 shares of previously unissued Jet section 409 of the Act, the amended applica­ file such petitions within 10 days after common stock. Royal performed local pickup tion be and it hereby is dismissed; and the date of service of this order. and delivery by truck in the State of Hawaii 3. That the approval herein shall remain This order shall be effective and be­ for air freight forwarders, and prior to its effective as to Accurate only so long as the operation of motor vehicles by Accurate is come the action of the Civil Aeronautics acquisition by Jet, operated as Jet’s agent in Board upon expiration of the above Hawaii. In a transaction consummated limited to the State of California. November 1, 1968, Jet acquired Royal by Persons entitled to petition the Board for period unless within such period a peti­ means of an exchange of 5000 shares of Jet review of this order pursuant to the Board’s tion for review thereof is filed or the stock for all outstanding shares of Royal’s regulations, 14 CFR 385.50, may file such Board gives notice that it will review this stock. Also, Jet, holding a 75 percent inter­ petitions within 3 days after the date of order on its own motion. service of this order. est, participated with Mr. Fernandez in the This order will be published in the incorporation on September 19, 1968 of Jet- This order shall be effective and become PR. Both Royal and Jet-PR now operate as the action of the Civil Aeronautics Board F ederal R e g ister . upon expiration of the above period unless subsidiaries of Jet, acting as its agents in [ s e a l ] H arold R . S a n d e r s o n , within such period a petition for review is the pickup and delivery of air freight and in Secretary. the origination and receipt, in Hawaii and Puerto Rico, respectively, of air freight in the [F.R. Doc. 69-10237; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; 1 See, W TC Air Freight et al., Order 69-2- 8:48 a.m.1 name and at the tariffs of Jet. 74, Feb. 14, 1969; and Proflt-By-Air et al., No comments relative to the application or Order 69-7-113, July 22, 1969. 1A letter bas been received from the Post­ requests for a hearing have been received. »With regard to Royal and Jet-PR, it has master General pointing out a typographical Notice of Intent to dispose of the applica­ been decided pot to enforce the doctrine ex­ error in one of the proposed standard tion without a hearing has been published in pressed in Sherman, Control and Interlock­ mileages. That mileage has been corrected the Federal R egister and a copy of such ing Relationships, 15 CAB 876 (1952), and in the appendix to the Instant order. notice has been furnished by the Board to to consider the application on its merits. »Filed as part of the original document.


no further voyages have been made to of the Commission’s rules of practice and FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION date. procedure. Further, the carrier’s tariff contains B y the Commission. EVANS PRODUCTS CO. AND certain deficiencies which tend to indi­ RETLA STEAMSHIP CO. cate lack of current activity. For [ s e a l ] T h o m a s L i s i , Secretary. Notice of Agreement Filed exam ple: 1. The FMB-F number has not been [F.R. Doc. 69-10221; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; Notice is hereby given that the follow­ changed to FMC-F as required by Com­ 8:47 a.m.] ing agreement has been filed with the mission rules since 1961; and Commission for approval pursuant to 2. Ghezzi’s address as tariff issuing section 15 of the Shipping Act, 1916,_as officer is incorrect. According to Com­ THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.r PA­ amended (39 Stat. 733, 75 Stat. 763, 46 mission records, Ghezzi has changed his CIFIC ISLANDS TRANSPORT LINE, U.S.C. 814). address several times since 1961, and AND POLYNESIA LINE, LTD. Interested parties may inspect and ob­ as a result, official papers and corre­ tain a copy of the agreement at the spondence have been returned to the Notice of Agreement Filed Washington office of the Federal Mari­ Commission stamped "Addressee Un­ Notice is hereby given that the follow­ time Commission, 1405 I Street NW., known”. Shippers are not able to ing agreement has been filed with the properly deal with a carrier of unknown Room 1202; or m ay inspect agreements Commission for approval pursuant to at the offices of the District Managers, address. section 15 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as New York, N.Y., New Orleans, La., and Rule 18(g) of the Commission’s Do­ amended (39 Stat. 733, 75 Stat. 763, 46 San Francisco, Calif. Comments with mestic Tariff Circular No. 3, as amended, U.S.C. 814). reference to an agreement including a re­ requires a carrier to cancel its tariff if quest for hearing, if desired, may be sub­ it is not performing any services Interested parties may inspect and ob­ mitted to the Secretary, Federal Mari­ thereunder. tain a copy of the agreement at the time Commission, Washington, D.C. Now, therefore it is . ordered, T h a t Washington office of the Federal Mari­ 20573, within 20 days after publication of pursuant to section 22 of the Shipping time Commission, 1405 I Street NW.,' Room 1202; or m ay inspect agreements this notice in the F ederal R e g ist e r . A Act, 1916, and section 2 of the Inter- copy o f any such statem ent should also be coastal Shipping Act, 1933, Ghezzi at the offices of the District Managers, forwarded to the party filing the agree­ Trucking, Inc., show cause Why the Com­ New York, N.Y., New Orleans, La., and ment (as indicated hereinafter) and the mission should not, in accordance with San Francisco, Calif. Comments with reference to an agreement including a comments should indicate that this has Rule 18(g) of Domestic Tariff Circular been done. No. 3, as amended, direct the said carrier request for hearing, if desired, may be submitted to the Secretary, Federal Notice of agreement filed by: to cancel its inactive tariff, or in the alternative, cancel the said tariff. Maritime Commission, Washington, D.C. Amy Scupi, Esq., Galland, Kharasch, Cal­ It is further ordered, That this pro­ 20573, within 20 days after publication kins & Lippman, 1824 R Street NW., Wash­ of this notice in the F ederal R e g ist e r . ington, D .C .20009. ceeding shall be limited to the submis­ sion of affidavits of fact, memoranda of A copy of any such statement should also Agreement Number 9549-4 between law, replies, and oral argument. Should be forwarded to the party filing the Retla Steamship Co. and Evans Products the carrier feel that an evidentiary hear­ agreement (as indicated hereinafter) Co. restates in its entirety the basic ing be required, the carrier must accom­ and the comments should indicate that agreement, as amended, and adds an in­ pany any request for such hearing with this has been done. demnity clause as a new paragraph 18 a statement setting forth, in detail the Notice of agreement filed by: thereto. facts to be proven, their relevance to Mr. David F. Anderson, Senior Counsel, Mat- the issues in this proceeding, and why son Lines, 100 Mission Street, San Fran­ Dated: August 22,1969. such proof cannot be submitted through cisco, Calif. 94105. By order of the Federal Maritime affidavit. Request for hearing shall be Agreement No. 9811, between The Commission. filed on or before September 15, 1969. Oceanic Steamship Co., Pacific Islands T h o m a s L i s i , Affidavits of fact and memoranda of Transport Line, and Polynesia Line, Ltd., Secretary. law shall be filed by the respondent, provides for the establishment of a rate unless otherwise ordered by the Commis­ ' [P.R. Doc. 69-10220; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; agreement between the parties in the 8:47 a.m.] sion, no later than close of business trade between Pacific coast ports of Can­ September 15, 1969. Replies thereto shall ada and American Samoa, and between be filed by Hearing Counsel and inter- [Docket No. 69-44] Pacific coast ports of Canada and the venors, if any, no later than the close of United States, including Hawaii, on the GHEZZI TRUCKING, INC., CANCELLA­ business September 29, 1969. An original one hand, and Tahiti, on the other. and 15 copies of affidavits of fact, TION OF INACTIVE TARIFF memoranda of law, and replies are re­ Dated: August 21, 1969. Order To Show Cause quired to be filed with the Secretary, By order of the Federal Maritime Federal Maritime Commission, Washing­ Commission. On June 27, 1969, the Commission ton, D.C. 20573. Copies of any papers T h o m a s L i s i , Published in the F ederal R eg ister a filed with the Secretary should also be Secretary. notice of intent to cancel the inactive served upon all parties hereto. Time and tariff of Ghezzi Trucking, Inc. TGhezzi), date of oral argument will be announced [F.R. Doc. 69-10222; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; among others. In response to the said at a la ter date. 8:47 a.m.] notice, the carrier advised the Commis­ I t is further ordered, That Ghezzi sion that it did not want its tariff can- Trucking, Inc., be, and it is hereby made SEA-LAND SERVICE, INC., AND celed because it has held itself out to respondent in this proceeding; Perform service under the tariff should I t is further ordered, That this order SEAWAY LINES, INC. the need exist; and that in late years, be published in the F ederal R eg ister Notice of Agreement Filed uue to changing traffic patterns, freight and served upon Alfred J. Ghezzi, Jr., has not been available in large enough President, Ghezzi Trucking, Inc., 2200 Notice is hereby given that the follow­ quantities to justify operation. 6th Avenue, Room 941, Seattle, Wash. ing agreement has been filed with the The carrier’s Tariff, FMB-F No. 1, be­ 98121. Commission for approval pursuant to came effective June 28, 1961, and has Persons other than respondents and section 15 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as Pever been amended. The Commission’s Hearing Counsel who desire to become amended (39 Stat. 733, 75 Stat. 763, 46 records contain correspondence from a party to this proceeding shall file a U.S.C. 814). Ghezzi advising us that only one voyage petition for leave to intervene in accord­ Interested parties may inspect and ob­ was completed in A p ril 1962; and that ance with Rule 5(1) (46 CFR §502.72) tain a copy of the agreement at the


Washington office of the Federal Mari­ T. 23 N., R. 9 W., Section 3(c) of the Act provides that time Commission, 1405 I Street NW„ Sec. 10, E ^SE »4SE % ; the Board shall not approve (1) any Sec. 11, S W ^ S W & S W ^ , unsurveyed; acquisition or merger or consolidation Room 1202; or m ay inspect agreements Sec. 14, N w y4N w y4, n & n e & s w & n w ^ » at the offices of the District Managers, unsurveyed. under this section which would result in New York, N.Y., New Orleans, La., and a monopoly, or which would be in fur­ San Francisco, Calif. Comments with Approximately 2.26 acres. therance of any combination or con­ reference to an agreement including a The lands lie within the Olympic Na­ spiracy to monopolize or to attempt to 4 request for hearing, if desired, may be tional Forest and are located along or monopolize the business of banking in submitted to the Secretary, Federal near Ziegler Creek, a small tributary of any part of the United States, or (2) Maritime Commission, Washington, D.C. the Quinault River, which drains into any other proposed acquisition or merger 20573, w ithin 20 days a fte r publication the Pacific Ocean in Grays Harbor or consolidation under this section whose of this notice in the F ederal R eg ist e r . A County, Wash. effect in any section of the country may copy of any such statement should also The subject lands are withdrawn pur­ be substantially to lessen competition, or be forwarded to the party filing the suant to the filing, on March 19, 1938, to tend to create a monopoly, or which in agreement (as indicated hereinafter) of an application for license for Project any other manner would be in restraint and the comments should indicate that No. 1487. The project consisted of a low of trade, unless it finds that the anti­ this has been done. diversion dam across Ziegler Creek, ap­ competitive effects of the proposed Notice of agreement filed by: proximately 4,000 feet of conduit, and a transaction are clearly outweighed in the public interest by the probable effect of Mr. F. Hiljer, Jr., Commerce Manager, Sea- powerhouse with installed capacity of Land. Service, Inc., Post Office Box 1050, 375 horsepower. Quinault Light Co., the transaction in meeting the con­ Elizabeth, N.J. 07207. licensee for the project, operated it until venience and needs of the community 1957 when it began purchasing power to be served. Agreement No. 9814, between Sea- from the Bonneville Power Administra­ Section 3(c) further provides that, in Land Service, Inc., and Seaway Lines, tion. The project works were later re­ every case, the Board shall take into Inc., establishes a through billing ar­ moved and surrender of the license for consideration the financial and man­ rangem ent fo r the transportation o f gen­ the project was accepted by Commission agerial resources and future prospects of eral cargo from ports of call of Sea-Land order issued January 17,1966. the company or companies and the Service, Inc. on the U.S. Pacific coast to Ziegler Creek is about 4 miles long and banks concerned, and the convenience ports of call of Seaway Lines, Inc., in the has a drainage area of about 3 square and needs of the community to be served. Leeward and Windward Islands, the miles. Project No. 1487 utilized a flow of Not later than thirty (30) days after British Virgin Islands, Tobago and Trini­ 4.65 c.f.s. through a static head of 876.5 the publication of this notice in the F ed­ dad, French Guiana, Guayana, Surinam, feet. The growth of electric power re­ eral R eg ister , comments and views re­ and Venezuela, with transshipment at quirements, the trend toward intercon­ garding the proposed acquisition may be San Juan, P.R. nected transmission systems, and the filed with the Board. Communications D ated: August 22, 1969. economic advantages of larger gener­ should be addressed to the Secretary, ating units render the power value o f the Board of Governors of the Federal Re­ By order of the Federal Maritime Ziegler Creek site negligible. Vacation of serve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. Commission. the power withdrawal will enable Appli­ The application may be inspected at the T h o m a s L i s i , cant to bring the subject lands under office of the Board of Governors or the Secretary. full multiple-use management. Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. [F.R. Doc. 69-10223; Piled, Aug. 26, 1969; The Commission finds: The with­ Dated at Washington, D.C., this 20th 8:47 a.m.] drawal for Project No. 1487 serves no day of August, 1969. useful purpose and should be vacated in its entirety. By order of the Board of Governors. The Commission orders: The with­ [ s e a l ] K e n n e t h A . K e n y o n , FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION drawal of the subject lands pursuant Deputy Secretary. [Lands Withdrawn in Project No. 1487] to the application for Project No. 1487 [P.R. Doc. 69-10197; Piled, Aug. 26, 1969; is hereby vacated. OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST 8:45 a.m.] By the Commission. Order Vacating Withdrawal Under the [ s e a l ] G o r d o n M . G r a n t , Federal Power Act Secretary. TARIFF COMMISSION A u g u s t 20, 1969. [P.R. Doc. 69-10196; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; [AA1921-58/60] Application has been filed by the U.S. 8:45 a.m.] Forest Service (Applicant) for vacation POTASSIUM CHLORIDE FROM CAN­ of the power withdrawal pertaining to ADA, FRANCE, AND WEST GER­ the following described lands of the MANY United States: FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM W illamette Meridian, W ashington BANK SECURITIES, INC. (NSL) Notice of Investigation and Joint Hearing T. 23 N., R. 9 W., Notice of Application for Approval of Sec. 14, SE% NE% SW ^4NW%, N E & S E ^ Acquisition of Shares of Bank Having received advice from the Treas­ SWy4NW*/4, unsurveyed. ury Department on August 22,1969, that 5 acres. Notice is hereby given that application potassium chloride, otherwise known as has been made to the Board of Gov­ muriate of potash, from Canada, France, All portions of the following described ernors of the Federal Reserve System and West Germany is being, and is likely subdivisions lying within 15 feet of the pursuant to section 3(a) of the Bank to be, sold In the United States at less center line of the proposed pipe line Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. than fair value, the U.S. Tariff Commis­ location as shown on a map designated 1842(a)), by Bank Securities, Inc. sion has instituted three investigations “Exhibit C & F” and entitled “Quinault (NSL), which is a bank holding com­ under section 201(a) of the Antidumping Light Company, R.E.A. Project, Wash­ pany located in Alamogordo, N. Mex., for Act, 1921, as amended (19 UJ3.C. 160(a)), ington— 23—Grays Harbor; Map of 250 the prior approval of the Board of the to determine whether an industry in the kw. Hydro-electric Project,” and filed In acquisition by Applicant of 77 percent United States is being or is likely to be the office of the Federal Power Commis­ or more of the voting shares of American injured, or is prevented from being es­ sion on M arch 19,1938. Bank of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, N. Mex. tablished, by reason of the importation

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 NOTICES 13713 of such merchandise into the United shall be, during the time this order re­ contracts, agreements, or arrangements States. Imports from Canada shall be mains in force, those voluntarily agreed now exist between them with reference considered under investigation AA1921- upon by and between said carriers; or to the divisions of the rates of transpor­ 58, from France under AA1921-59, and upon failure of the carriers to so agree, tation applicable to said traffic; divisions from West Germany under AA1921-60. said divisions shall be those hereafter, shall be, during the time this order re­ Hearing. A joint public hearing in con­ fixed by the Commission in accordance mains in force, those voluntarily agreed nection with these investigations will be with pertinent authority conferred upon upon by and between said carriers; or held in the Tariff Commission’s Hear­ it by the Interstate Commerce Act. upon failure of the carriers to so agree, ing Room, Tariff Commission Building, (f) Effective date: This order shall said divisions shall be those hereafter Eighth and E Streets NW., Washington, become effective at 12:01 a.m., August 21, fixed by the Commission in accordance D.C. beginning at 10 a.m. e.d.s.t., on 1969. ^ with pertinent authority conferred upon October 7, 1969. All parties will be given (g) Expiration date: This order shall it by the In terstate Commerce Act. opportunity to be present, to produce expire at 11:59 p.m., August 28, 1969, (f) Effective date: This order shall evidence, and to be heard at such hear­ unless otherwise modified, changed, or become effective at 12:01 a.m., August 21, ing. Interested parties desiring to appear suspended. 1969. at the public hearing should notify the I t is further ordered, That this order (g) Expiration date: This order shall Secretary of the Tariff Commission, in shall be served upon the Association of expire at 11:59 p.m., August 28, 1969, writing, at its offices in Washington, D.C., American Railroads, Car Service Divi­ unless otherwise modified, changed, or at least 5 days in advance of the date set sion, as agent of all railroads subscribing suspended. for the hearing. to the car service and per diem agree­ It is further ordered, That this order By order of the Commission. m ent under the term s o f th at agreem ent; shall be served upon the Association of and that it be filed with the Director, American Railroads, Car Service Divi­ [ seal] W illa r d W . K a n e , Office of the Federal Register. sion, as agent of all railroads subscribing Acting Secretary. Issued at Washington, D.C., August 21, to the car service and per diem agree­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10217; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; ment under the terms of that agreement; 1969. 8:46 a.m.] and that it be filed with the Director, I n t e r st a t e C o m m e r c e Office of the Federal Register. C o m m is s io n , [ s e a l ] R . D. P f a h le r , Issued at Washington, D.C., Au­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE Agent. gust 21, 1969. [F.R. Doc. 69-10224, Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; I nt e r st a t e C o m m e r c e 8:47 a.m.] C o m m is s io n , COMMISSION [ s e a l ] r . d . P f a h l e r , [S.O. 994; ICC Order No. 33] Agent. [S.O. 994; IOO Order No. 34] CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY [F.R. Doc. 69-10225; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY 8:47 a.m.] CO. CO. Rerouting or Diversion of Traffic Rerouting or Diversion of Traffic FOURTH SECTION APPLICATION FOR In the opinion of R. D. Pfahler, agent, RELIEF The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. In the opinion of R. D. Pfahler, agent, is unable to transport traffic over certain the Norfolk and Western Railway Co. is A u g u s t 22,1969. of its lines in Virginia, because of floods unable to transport traffic over certain Protests to the granting of an applica­ and track damage. of its lines in Virginia, because of floods tion must be prepared in accordance It is ordered, T h a t: and track damage. with Rule 1100.40 of the general rules (a) The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway I t is ordered, T h a t: o f practice (49 CFR 1100.40) and filed Co., being unable to transport traffic over (a) The Norfolk and Western Railway within 15 days from the date of pub­ certain of its lines in Virginia, because Co., being unable to transport traffic lication of this notice in the F ederal of floods and track damage, that line is over certain of its lines in Virginia, be­ R e g ist e r . hereby authorized to reroute or divert cause of floods and track damage, that L o n g - a n d -S h o r t H a u l such traffic over any available route to line is hereby authorized to reroute or expedite the movement. divert such traffic over any available FS A No. 41725— Chlorine from (b) Concurrence of receiving road to route to expedite the movement. Billing Charleston, Tenn. Filed by O. W. South, he obtained: The Chesapeake and Ohio covering all such cars rerouted shall Jr., agent (No. A6124), for interested rail Railway Co. shall receive the concur­ carry a reference to this order as author­ carriers. Rates on chlorine, in tank car­ rence of other railroads to which such ity fo r rerouting. loads, as described in the application, traffic is to be diverted or rerouted before (b) Concurrence of receiving road to from Charleston, Tenn., to Alton, East the rerouting or diversion is ordered. be obtained: The Norfolk and Western Alton, Federal, and Wood River, 111. (c) Notification to shippers: Each Railway Co. shall receive the concurrence Grounds for relief—Market carrier rerouting cars in accordance with of other railroads to which such traffic competition. this order shall notify each shipper at is to be diverted or rerouted before the Tariff—Supplement 41 to Southern the time each car is rerouted or diverted rerouting or diversion is ordered. Freight Association, Agent, tariff ICC and shall furnish to such shipper the (c) Notification to shippers: Each car­ S-800. rier rerouting cars in accordance with new routing provided under this order. By the Commission. id) Inasmuch as the diversion or re­ this order shall n o tify each shipper at the routing of traffic by said agent is deemed time- each car is rerouted or diverted and [ s e a l ] A n d r e w A n t h o n y , Jr., to be due to carrier’s disability, the rates shall furnish to such shipper the new Acting Secretary. routing provided under this order. applicable to traffic diverted or rerouted [F.R. Doc. 69-10226; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; by said agent shall be the rates which (d) Inasmuch as the diversion or re­ 8:47 a.m.] were applicable at the time of shipment routing of traffic by said Agent is deemed on the shipments as originally routed. to be due to carrier’s disability, the rates In executing the directions of the applicable to traffic diverted or rerouted [Notice 565] Commission and of such agent provided by said agent shall be the rates which MOTOR CARRIER ALTERNATE ROUTE for in this order, the common carriers were applicable at the time of shipment involved shall proceed even though no on the shipments as originally routed. DEVIATION NOTICES contracts, agreements, or arrangements (e) In executing the directions of the A u g u s t 22, 1969. now exist between them with reference Commission and of such agent provided The following letter-notices of pro­ Jo the divisions of the rates of transpor­ for in this order, the common carriers posals to operate over deviation routes tation applicable to said traffic; divisions involved shall proceed even though no for operating convenience only have


been filed with the Interstate Commerce 68 to junction Interstate , tion must be filed with the field official Commission, under the Commission's and return over the same routes, for named in the F ederal R e g ister publica­ Deviation Rules Revised, 1957 (49 CFR operating convenience only. The notice tion, within 15 calendar days after the Part 1042.1(c) (8 )) and notice thereof to indicates that the carrier is presently date of notice of the filing of the appli­ all interested persons is hereby given as authorized to transport passengers and cation is published in the F ederal R e g is­ provided in such rules (49 CFR Part the same property, over pertinent service ter . One copy of such protests must be 1042.1(d) (4 )). routes as follows; (1) From junction U.S. served on the applicant, or its authorized Protests against the use of any pro­ Highways 422 and 19 at a point approxi­ representative, if any, and the protests posed deviation route herein described mately 11 miles east of New Castle, Pa., must certify that such service has been may be filed with the Interstate Com­ over U.S. Highway 19 via Portersville and made. The protests must be specific as merce Commission in the manner and Zelienople, Pa., to Pittsburgh, Pa.; (2) to the service which such protestant can form provided in such rules (49 CFR from Erie, Pa., over U.S. Highway 19 to and will offer, and must consist of a Part 1042.1(e)) at any time, but will not Kearsarge, Pa., thence over Pennsylvania signed original and six copies. operate to stay commencement of the Highway 99 to Cambridge Springs, Pa., A copy of the application is on file, proposed operations unless filed within thence over U.S. to Conneaut and can be examined at the Office of the 30 days from the date of publication. Lake, Pa.; (3) from Pittsburgh, Pa., over Secretary, Interstate Commerce Com­ Successively filed letter-notices of the U.S. Highway 19 to junction Pennsyl­ mission, Washington, D.C., and also in same carrier under the Commission’s vania Turnpike, at the Perry Highway field office to which protests are to be Deviation Rules Revised, 1957, will be Interchange near Warrendale, Pa.; and transmitted. numbered consecutively for convenience (4) from junction U.S. Highways 19 and in identification and protests if any 422 approximately 11 miles east of New M o to r C arriers o f P r o p e r t y should refer to such letter-notices by Castle, Pa., over U.S. Highway 19 to No. MC 30887 (Sub-No. 162 T A ), filed number. junction U.S. Highway 6, thence over August 18, 1969. Applicant: SHIPLEY M otor C arriers o f P assengers combined U.S. Highways 19 and 6 to TRANSFER, INC., 49 Main Street, Reis- junction U.S. Highway 322 approxi­ terstown, Md. 21136. Applicant’s repre­ No. MC 1515 (Deviation No. 530) mately 4 miles west of Meadville, Pa., sentative: W. Wilson Corrbum (same (Cancels Deviation No. 398) GREY­ and return over the same routes. address as above). Authority sought to HOUND LINES, INC. (Eastern Division), No. MC 89037 (Deviation No. 8), CON­ operate as a common carrier, by motor 1400 West Third Street, Cleveland, Ohio vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ 44113, filed August 12, 1969. Carrier pro­ TINENTAL PACIFIC LINES, INC., 1501 South Central Avenue, Los Angeles, in g: Natural latex, in bulk, from Balti­ poses to operate as a common carrier, by more, Md., to Dothan, Ala., and West­ motor vehicle, of passengers, and their Calif. 90021, filed August 11,1969. Carrier proposes to operate as a common carrier, minster, S.C., for 150 days. Supporting baggage, and express and newspapers in by motor vehicles, of passengers and shipper: The Firestone Tire & Rubber the same vehicle with passengers, over Co., Akron, O hio 44317, A tten tion : Mr. deviation routes as follows: (1) From their baggage, and express and news­ papers in the same vehicle with passen­ W. B. Inman, Assistant GTM. Send pro­ Erie, Pa., over Interstate Highway 79 to tests to: William L. Hughes, District junction Pennsylvania Highway 198 gers, over deviation routes as follows: (1) Between Arbuckle Junction, Calif., and Supervisor, Interstate Commerce Com­ thence over Pennsylvania Highway 198 mission, Bureau o f Operations, 1125 Fed­ to junction Pennsylvania Highway 98 at Dunnigan Junction, Calif., over Inter­ state Highway 5; with the following ac­ eral Building, Baltimore, Md. 21201. Little Comers, Pa., thence over Pennsyl­ No. MC 66121 (Sub-No. 14 T A ), filed vania Highway 98 to junction U.S. High­ cess routes, from junction Interstate Highway 5 and access road, over access August 15, 1969. Applicant: INDIAN way 6; (2) from junction U.S. Highway road to Dunnigan, Calif.; and (2) be­ B O W T R U C K LIN E S , LTD ., 103 H arvard 19 and access road, near Cutsard, Pa., Avenue, Smithtown, N.Y. 11787. Appli­ over access road to junction Interstate tween Woodland, Calif., and Sacramento, cant’s representative: Morton E. Keil, H ighw ay 79, thence over In terstate H igh ­ Calif., over Interstate Highway 5, for operating convenience only. The notice 140 Cedar Street, New York, N.Y. Au­ way 79 to junction Pennsylvania Legis­ thority sought to operate as a common lative Route 10901 (Mars Road), thence indicates that the carrier is presently carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular over Pennsylvania Legislative Route authorized to transport passengers and routes, transporting: Refuse containers, 10001 to junction U.S. Highway 19; (3) the same property, over a pertinent serv­ from Deer Park and Copiague, N.Y., to from Edinboro, Pa., over U.S. Highway ice route as follows: From San Fran­ points in Maine, New Hampshire, Ver­ 6N to junction In terstate H ighw ay 79; cisco, Calif., over U.S. to (4) from junction Pennsylvania High­ Sacramento, Calif., thence over Califor­ mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con­ necticut, New York , New Jersey, Pennsyl­ way 358 and U.S. Highway 19, over nia Highway 16 to Woodland, Calif., vania, Maryland, Delaware, the District Pennsylvania Highway 358 to junc­ thence over U.S. Highway 99W to Red tion Interstate Highway 79; (5) from Bluff, Calif., thence over U.S. Highway of Columbia, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, 99 to Seattle, Wash., and return over the Illinois, Michigan, Florida, Louisiana, Mercer, Pa., over U.S. Highway 62 same route. and Oklahoma, returned shipments in to junction Interstate Highway 79; (6) the opposite direction, for 150 days. Sup­ from junction U.S. Highway 19 and In­ By the Commission. porting shipper: New York Sani-Can terstate (approximately 2 [ s e a l ] A n d r e w A n t h o n y , Jr., Corp., 225 Marcus Boulevard, Deer Park, miles south of Mercer, Pa.), over Inter­ Acting Secretary. state Highway 80 to junction Interstate N.Y. 11729. Send protests to: District Highway 79; (7) from junction U.S. [F.R. Doc. 69-10227; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; Supervisor Anthony Chiusano, Interstate Highway 19 and Pennsylvania Highway 8:47 a.m.] Commerce Commission, Bureau of Oper­ 208 (at Leesburg, Pa.), over Pennsyl­ ations, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10007. vania Highway 208 to junction Interstate [Notice 893] Highway 79; (8) from junction U.S. No. MC 102982 (Sub-No. 18 T A ), filed Highway 19 and Pennsylvania Highway MOTOR CARRIER TEMPORARY August 15,1969. Applicant: GEORGE W. KUGLER, INC., 2800 East Waterloo 108 (at Harlansburg, P a .), over Pennsyl­ AUTHORITY APPLICATIONS vania Highway 108 to junction Interstate Road, Akron, Ohio 44312. Applicant’s Highway 79; (9) froip junction U.S. A u g u s t 22, 1969. representative: John P. McMahon, 100 Highways 19 and 422 over U.S. Highway The following are notices of filing of East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 422 to junction Interstate Highway 79; applications for temporary authority un­ 43215. A u th ority sought to operate as a (10) from junction U.S. Highway 19 and der section 210a(a) of the Interstate contract carrier, by motor vehicle, over Pennsylvania Highway 488 (at Porters- Commerce Act provided for under the irregular routes, transporting: Clay and ville, Pa.), over Pennsylvania Highway new rules of Ex Parte No. MC-67 (49 refractory products and materials and 488 to junction In terstate H ighw ay 79; CFR 1131) published in the F ederal and (11) from junction U.S. Highway 19 R eg ist e r , issue of April 27,1965, effective supplies used in the installation thereof and Pennsylvania Highway 68 (at Zelie- July 1, 1965. These rules provide that (except commodities in bulk), from Carol nople, Pa.), over Pennsylvania Highway protests to the granting of an applica­ Stream and Streator, HI., and the com-

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 NOTICES 13715 mercial zones thereof, to points in In­ A u th ority sought to operate as a common N. Mex., for 180 days. Supporting ship­ diana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, and carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular pers: Philmont Scout Ranch and Ex­ Wisconsin, for 180 days. Supporting routes, transporting: Fly ash, from Echo, plorer Base, Cimarron, N. Mex.; Stein’s shipper: Clow Corp., 300 South Gary Tex., to points in Louisiana, for 180 days. W holesale Frozen Foods, 115 East Fourth Avenue, Carol Stream, HI., Post Office Note: A pplicant does not intend to tack Street, Pueblo, Colo.; Gus’ Wholesale Box 825, Wheaton, HI. Send protests to: with its existing authority. Supporting Meat & Foods Co., Post Office Box 314, G. J. Baccei, District Supervisor, Inter­ shipper: Alpha Portland Cement Co., 300 Pueblo, Colo.; Joseph Macaron & Sons, state Commerce Commission, Bureau of West Washington Street, Chicago, 111. 311 Maxwell Avenue, Springer, N. Mex.; Operations, 181 Federal Office Building, 60606. Send protests to: E. K. Willis, Jr., City Market, 907 South Second Street, 1240 East Ninth Street, Cleveland, Ohio District Supervisor, Interstate Commerce Raton, N. Mex.; Keeps Wholesale, 400 44199. Commission, Bureau of Operations, 513 South First Street, Raton, N. Mex.; No. MC 103494 (Sub-No. 16 T A ), filed Thomas Building, 1314 Wood Street, Plaza Super Market, 505 North First August 18, 1969. Applicant: EASLEY Dallas, T ex. 75202. Street, Raton, N. Mex. Send protests to: HAULING SERVICE, INC., 902 North No. MC 129766 (Sub-No. 2 T A ), filed District Supervisor Herbert C. Ruoff, First Avenue, Yakima, Wash. 98902. Ap­ August 14, 1969. Applicant: EDWARD Interstate Commerce Commission, Bu­ plicant’s representative: Norman Rich­ ZEILINGA, 31 North Irvington Avenue, reau of Operations, 2022 Federal Build­ ardson (same address as above). Author­ Indianapolis, Ind. 46219. A pplicant’s ing, Denver, Colo. 80202. ity sought to operate as a contract representative: Kirkwood Yockey, Suite No. MC 133888 (Sub-No. 1 T A ), filed carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular 501, Union Federal Building, Indianap­ August 15, 1969. Applicant: GEORGE routes, transporting: Paper shipping olis, Ind. 46204. Authority sought to op­ EBERLE, Ivan Star Route, Breckenridge, containers, corrugated and not corru­ erate as a contract carrier, by m otor Tex. 76024. Authority sought to operate gated, from Yakima, Wash., to points in vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ as a contract carrier, by motor vehicle, Nez Perce County, Idaho, under a con­ in g: Contractors’ machinery and equip­ over irregular routes, transporting: Fin­ tinuing contract with Longview Fibre ment, and contractors’ machinery and ished lumber, for mobile home construc­ Co. of Longview, Wash., for 90 days. equipment parts and accessories in con­ tion, from Cisco, Tex., to Breckenridge, Supporting shipper: Erwin S. Rosen- nection therewith; from Chicago, Mel­ Tex., and is a continuation of interstate zweig, Traffic Manager, Longview Fibre rose Park, and Libertyville, 111., and shipment of lumber (rail service has Co., Longview, Wash. 98632. Send pro­ Galion, Bucyrus, and Sidney, Ohio, to terminated to Breckenridge); and from tests to: District Supervisor W. J. Huetig, points in Indiana, for 180 days. Support­ Breckenridge, Tex., to Hutchinson, Interstate Commerce Commission, Bu­ ing shipper: Indiana Equipment Co., Kans., for 180 days. Supporting shipper: reau of Operations, 450 Multnomah lnc. , 1244 West 16th Street, Indianapolis, Breckenridge Lumber Co., Breckenridge, Building, 120 Southwest Fourth Avenue, lnd. Send protests to: James W. Haber- Tex. 76024. Send protests to: Billy R. Portland, Oreg. 97204. mehl, District Supervisor, Interstate Reid, District Supervisor, Interstate No. MC 112854 (Sub-No. 27 T Ä ), filed Commerce Commission, Bureau of Op­ Commerce Commission, Bureau of Op­ August 18, 1969. Applicant: HOLLE- erations, 36 South Pennsylvania Street, erations, 9A27 Federal Building, 819 BRAND TRUCKING, INC., Post Office 802 Century Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Taylor Street, Fort Worth, Tex. 76102. Box 164, Ontario Center, N.Y. 14520. 46204. No. MC 133960 TA, filed August 19, Applicant’s representative: Raymond A. No. MC 133162 (Sub-No. 2 TA ), filed 1969. Applicant: GEORGE J. RIEDER, Richards, 23 West Main Street, Post August 7, 1969. Applicant: PABIAN doing business as RIEDER TRANSPOR­ Office Box 25, W ebster, N .Y. 14580. TRANSPORTATION, INC., Schuyler, TATION COMPANY, 34 Champion Authority sought to operate as a com­ Nebr. 68661. A pplicant’s representative: Road, Gloucester, N.J. 08030. Applicant’s mon earner, by m otor vehicle, over irre g ­ Donn K. Bieber, 220 East 11th Street, representative: V. Baker Smith, 123 ular routes, transporting: Bananas, Schuyler, Nebr. 68661. Authority sought South Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Plantains, pineapples, and coconuts, to operate as a contract carrier, by m otor 19109. Authority sought to operate as a from Wilmington, Del., to points in New vehicle, over irregular routes, transport­ common carrier, by motor vehicle, over York, for 180 days. Supporting shipper: in g: Showers, bathtub enclosures, parts, irregular routes, transporting: Kitchen Samuel Gordon, Vice President, West and accessories therefor, from Columbus, appliances and fixtures, from Camden, Indies Fruit Co., Post Office Box 1940, Nebr., to Boise, Idaho; Indianapolis, N.J., to points in Pennsylvania and Dela­ Miami, Fla. 33101. Send protests to: Dis­ Ind.; Albuquerque, N. Mex.; Dayton, ware and return of refused or damaged trict Supervisor Morris H. Gross, Inter­ Ohio; Corvallis, Portland, and Salem, shipments or used appliances to point of state Commerce Commission, Bureau of Oreg.; Austin, Dallas, and Houston, origin, for 150 days. Supporting shipper: Operations, Room 104, O’Donnell Build­ Tex.; Seattle, Spokane, and Tacoma, Tappan, 250 Wayne Street, Mansfield, ing, 301 Erie Boulevard W., Syracuse, Wash.; and ports of entry on the inter­ Ohio 44902. Send protests to: Raym ond N.Y. 13202. national boundary line between the T. Jones, District Supervisor, Interstate No. MC 119777 (Sub-No. 159 T A ), filed United States and Canada, in Washing­ Commerce Commission, Bureau of Op­ August 19,1969. A pplican t: U G O N SPE ­ ton, Idaho, and Montana, and rough erations, 410 Post Office Building, Tren­ CIALIZED HAULER, INC., Post Office rolled glass, in packages or crates, from ton, N.J. 08608. box l , Madisonville, Ky. 42431. Appli­ Erwin, Tenn., to Columbus, Nebr., for B y the Commission. cant’s representative: William G. the account of Loup Engineering Co., (same address as above). Au­ Columbus, Nebr., for 150 days. Support­ [ s e a l ] A n d r e w A n t h o n y , Jr., thority sought to operate as a common ing shipper: Loup Engineering Co., Acting Secretary. carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular Columbus, Nebr. Send protests to: Dis­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10228; Filed, Aug 26, 1969; routes, transporting: Wood chips, from trict Supervisor Johnston, Bureau of Op­ 8:47 a.m.] Pomts in Allen County, Ky., to pojints in erations, Interstate Commerce Commis­ P W Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee, sion, 315 Post Office Building, Lincoln, a tv180 days- Supporting shipper: John Nebr. 68508. [Notice 1324] a . Mobley, president, Kentucky Pallet No. MC 133316 (Sub-No. 1 TA ), filed corp., post Office Box 461, Scottsville, Ky. MOTOR CARRIER APPLICATIONS AND August 18, 1969. Applicant: FRANK R. oend protests to: Wayne L. Merilatt, CERTAIN OTHER PROCEEDINGS GIVIGLIANO, doing business as GIVIG- istnet Supervisor, Interstate Commerce LIANO TRANSPORT, 1513 San Pedro, August 22, 1969. commission, Bureau of Operations, 426 Post Office Box 22, Trinidad, Colo. 81082. rost Office Building, Louisville, Ky. 40202. The following publications are gov­ Authority sought to operate as a common erned by the new Special Rule 247 of No. MC 124236 (Sub-No. 33 T A ), filed carrier, by motor vehicle, over irregular the Commission’s rules of practice, pub­ 2B&nst 19, 1969. A pplican t: CEM ENT routes, transporting: Perishable com­ lished in the Federal Register, issue o f EXPRESS, INC., 1200 Simons Building, modities’, which require refrigeration in December 3,1963, which became effective alias, Tex. 75202. Applicant’s represent- transit, from Denver and Pueblo, Colo., January 1, 1964. K P ; D- White. 2505 Republic Na­ to points in Colfax, Union, Harding, tional Bank Tower, Dallas, Tex. 75201, The publications hereinafter set forth Mora, San Miguel, and Taos Counties, reflect the scope of the applications as

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 13716 NOTICES filed by applicant, and may include de­ in F ederal R eg ister issue of May 16, Suite 301, Tavern Square, 421 King scriptions, restrictions, or limitations 1968, and republished this issue. Appli­ S treet, A lexandria, Va. 22314. B y petition which are not in a form acceptable to the cant: SIOUX TRANSPORTATION filed August 14, 1969, petitioners request Commission. Authority which ultimately COMPANY, INC., 1619 11th Street, Sioux that the exemption order served Decem­ may be granted as a result of the appli­ City, Iowa 51102. Applicant’s representa­ ber 22, 1961, effective January 22, 1962, cations here noticed will not necessarily tives: W allace W . H uff, 314 Security in the above-entitled proceeding, under reflect the phraseology set forth in the Bank Building, Sioux City, Iowa 51101, section 302(e) of Part in of the Inter­ application as filed, but also will elimi­ and Einar Viren, 904 City National Bank state Commerce Act, in the name of nate any restrictions which are not ac­ Building, Omaha, Nebr. 68102. By appli­ Baton Rouge Coal & Towing Co. be can­ ceptable to the Commission. cation filed April 25, 1968, applicant celed and reissued in the name of Hen­ seeks a certificate of public convenience nepin Towing Co. Said order exempts A pplications A s sig n e d fo r O ral and necessity authorizing operation, in from the provisions of Part H I of the H ea r in g interstate or foreign commerce, as a Act the furnishing of vessels by Baton MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY common carrier by m otor vehicle, o f gen­ Rouge Coal & Towing Co. to persons en­ No. MC 133253 (Sub-No. 1) (Amend­ eral commodities (except those of un­ gaged in marine construction to be used ment), filed September 13, 1968, pub- usual value, dangerous explosives not by such persons in the transportation including small arms ammunition, of their own property in Interstate or lished in F ederal R e g ister issue of No­ vember 7, 1968, and republished as household goods as defined in Practices foreign commerce, between ports and amended this issue. Applicant: W IL­ of Motor Carriers of Household Goods, points in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, LIAM LOUIS DAMON, Tse Bonito, N. 17 M.C.C. 467, comm odities in bulk, Alabama, and Florida along the Gulf of Mex., c/o Window Rock, Ariz. 86515. commodities requiring special equip­ Mexico and tributary and connecting Applicant’s representative: Donald E. ment, and those injurious or contami­ waterways, except ports and points along the Mississippi River and its tributaries Femaays, 4114A North 20th Street, nating to other lading), between Sioux Phoenix, Ariz. 85016. Authority sought City, Iowa, Omaha, Nebr., and Elk above Baton Rouge, La. to operate as a common carrier, by mo­ Grove Village, 111., as an off-route point No. MC 98707 (Sub-No. 10) (Notice tor vehicle, over irregular routes, trans­ to presently held regular route author­ of Filing of Petition for Removal of Re­ p ortin g: General commodities, including ity. A report and order by the Examiner striction), filed August 4, 1969. Peti­ household goods, but excluding com­ served April 17, 1969, recommended that tioner: MILES MOTOR TRANSPORT modities of unusual value, classes A and the application be denied. A report and SYSTEM, Stockton, Calif. Petitioner’s B explosives and commodities in bulk, order of the Commission, Review Board representative: Marshall G. Berol, 100 between (1) Flagstaff, Ariz., the Navajo No. 2, decided July 31, 1969, and served Bush Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94104. Tnrila.n R eservation in Arizona, the H opi August 7,1969, finds that the present and Petitioner holds authority in MC 98707 Indian Reservation in Arizona, Gallup, future public convenience and necessity (Sub-No. 10) to transport general com­ Gamerco, and Farmington, N. Mex., on require operation by applicant, in inter­ modities, with certain exceptions, over the one hand, and, on the other, the state or foreign commerce, as a com­ specified regular routes in California, Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona, mon carrier by motor vehicle, of general subject to the following restrictions: New Mexico, and Utah, the Hopi Indian commodities (except those of unusual “The authority granted herein shall not Reservation in Arizona, McKinley, and value, dangerous explosives, not includ­ be severable by sale or otherwise from San Juan Counties, N. Mex., and the ing small arms ammunition, household the authority heretofore granted carrier Zuni Indian Reservation in New Mex­ goods as defined in Practices of Motor to transport cement. Service herein­ ico; (2) the Navajo Indian Reservation Carriers of Household Goods, 17 M.C.C. above is limited in point of time to that in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, the 467, comm odities in bulk, commodities period during which carrier is engaged Hopi Indian Reservation in Arizona, requiring special equipment, and those in continuous or regular seasonal bona Gallup, Canonicito, and Gamerco, N. injurious or contaminating to other fide movement in multiple State inter­ Mex.; McKinley and San Juan Counties, lading), serving Elk Grove Village, 111., state transportation of cement under the N. Mex., and the Zuni Indian Reserva­ as an off-route point in connection with authority heretofore granted.” Peti­ tion in New Mexico, on the one hand, applicant’s regular-route operations be­ tioner is also authorized to transport and, on the other, Albuquerque and Can- tween Chicago, HI., and Omaha, Nebr., cement between specified points in the oncito, N. Mex. Restriction: No service and Sioux City, Iowa; that applicant is States of California, Oregon, and is authorized between (1) Farmington, fit, willing, and able properly to perform Nevada. By the instant petition, peti­ N. Mex., on the one hand, and, Albu­ such service and to conform to the re­ tioner requests that the above referred querque, Gallup, and Gamerco, N. Mex., quirements of the Interstate Commerce to restriction be removed from its cer­ on the other; and (2) Flagstaff, Ariz., Act and the Commission’s rules and reg­ tificate. Any interested person desiring on the one hand, and, Gallup, Gamerco, ulations thereunder. Because it is pos­ to participate, may file an original and Farmington, and Albuquerque, N. Mex., sible that other persons, who have relied six copies of his written representations, upon the notice of the application as on the other. N o t e : The purpose of this views, or argument in support of or republication is to eliminate the State published, may have an interest In and against the petition within 30 days from would be prejudiced by the lack of of Colorado, to be specific with the de­ the date of publication in the F ederal proper notice of the authority actually scription “Navajo Country” by adding R e g ist e r . granted will be published in the F ed ­ McKinley and San Juan Counties, N. No. MC 112989 and Sub Nos. 3, 5, and Mex., thereby eliminating the wording eral R eg ister and issuance of a certifi­ cate in this proceeding will be withheld 12 (Notice of Filing of Petition To Tra­ “Navajo Country,” and to eliminate the for a period of 30 days from the date of verse Alternate Routes To Provide specific points of Ignacio, Colo., and such publication, during which period Direct Line Service From Certain Ore­ Snowflake, Ariz. The commodity de­ gon Counties to California), filed July 25, scription is also amended by further re­ any proper party in interest may file a petition to reopen or for other appro­ 1969. Petitioner: JOHNSON TRUCK stricting the general commodity descrip­ SERVICE, INC., Coos Bay, Oreg. 97420. tion to exclude all commodities in bulk priate relief setting forth in detail the precise manner in which it has been so Petitioner’s representative: Norman E. instead of just petroleum products in prejudiced. Sutherland, 1200 Jackson Tower, Port­ bulk. “Unless otherwise hereafter speci­ land, Oreg. 97205. Petitioner states it fied, the hearing now scheduled on the N o tic e o f F il i n g o f P e t it io n s holds authority in MC 112989, the part 29th day of September A.D. 1969, at here pertinent, to transport lumber, be­ 9:30 a.m„ d.s.t. (or 9:30 a.m.t U.S.s.t., No. W-536 (Sub-No. 7) (Notice of tween points in Clatsop, Coos, Douglas, if that time is observed), at Albuquerque, Filing of Petition), filed August 14, 1969. Lane, Lincoln, and Tillamook Counties, N. Mex., in Room 5011, Federal Building Petitioners: BATON ROUGE COAL & Oreg. In MC 112989 (Sub-No. 3), lum­ and U.S. Courthouse, 500 Gold Avenue TOWING CO., 1901 North Front Street, ber, from points in Coos and Curry Baton Rouge, La. 70821, and H E N N E PIN SW., will proceed as scheduled”. TOWING COMPANY, 7703 Normandale Counties, Oreg., to points in California No. MC 22301 (Sub-No. 10) (Repub­ Road, Minneapolis, Minn. 55424. Peti­ with no transportation for compensa­ lication), filed April 25, 1968, published tioners’ representative: L. C. Major, Jr., tion on return except as otherwise au-

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 NOTICES 13717 thorized. In MC 112989 (Sub-No. 5), tract-carrier authority primarily because of the local representatives of the Com­ lumber, from points in Benton and Linn at that time no one connected with the mission. Petitioner further states on Counties, Oreg., to points in Coos Petitioners organization was certain as January 3, 1958, the Commission, pur­ County, Oreg., with no transportation to the exact meaning of the term “con­ suant to a change in the statute, insti­ for compensation on return except as tract carrier.” On December 9, 1941, Pe­ tuted a conversion proceeding to deter­ otherwise authorized. A pending appli­ titioner was issued a permit in No. MC- mine whether or not the operations of cation in MC 112989 (Sub-No. 12) to 18124 authorizing it to operate as a con­ Petitioner were those of a common or transport lumber mill products, from tract carrier, among other things, of contract carrier. This conversion hear­ points in Curry, Josephine, Jackson, meats, packinghouse produets, and sup­ ing was not opposed. On March 31, 1961, Linn, Marion, Washington, Columbia, plies, and vegetable oils and animal fats, Petitioner was issued a certificate in No. Benton, Wasco, Polk, Yamhill, Jefferson, and compounds and products thereof, MC-123069 authorizing the same hereto­ Clackamas, Multnomah, Hood River, and between Chicago and points in Ohio and fore described authority as a common Deschutes Counties, Oreg., to * * * of canned fruits and vegetables between carrier. In other words, in accordance Coos Bay, Oreg. (in Coos County). By Chicago and Columbus. Petitioner states with the statute, petitioner was issued the instant petition, petitioner requests that sometime after the then Division 5 common carrier authority to perform its a grant of authority to transport lum­ announced its decision in Ex Parte No. operations not as a contract carrier but ber, from points in Oregon (including MC-38, Modification of Permits— Pack­ as a common carrier, and Petitioner thus those points within petitioner’s present inghouse Products, 46 M.C.C. 23, P e ti­ continued its pattern o f operations which operating authority granted it in the tioner became aware of that decision. Ex started prior to July 1,1935, openly with future) to points in California via Inter­ Parte No. MC-38 was instituted as a re­ the knowledge of competing carriers and state Highway 5 or U.S. Highway 97 sult of a petition filed by the American local officials of the Commission. without the necessity of transporting Meat Institute seeking amendment of Petitioner states that in the early days said lumber through Coos or Curry all outstanding permits of contract car­ of Federal motor carrier regulation, Counties,. Oreg. A ny interested person riers serving the meatpacking industry various types of commodity descriptions desiring to participate, may file an origi­ so as to enable those contract carriers to were set forth in permits and certificates nal and six copies of his written repre­ provide a com plete service fo r m eat pack­ and there was no uniformity as concerns sentations, views, or argument in sup­ inghouses. The then-held permit No. motor carrier commodity descriptions to port of or against the petition within 30 MC-18124 did not contain any limita­ those m otor carriers who served the m eat days from the date of publication in the tions as to the parties w ith whom it could packinghouse industry and to those car­ Federal R e g ist e r . contract because the evidence submitted riers such as Petitioner who served that No. MC 123069 (Notice of Piling of Pe­ in support of the “grandfather” applica­ industry and other industries in the tition for Interpretation or Modification tion had established that it transported transportation of similar and identical of Petitioner’s Certificate in No. MC for anyone who would use its services products. If the converted certificate is and, so far as its Chicago-Ohio opera­ 123069 and for Reopening of Petitioner’s now interpreted as limiting the trans­ tions were concerned, it never was a car­ “Grandfather” Application No. M C 18124 portation of meats and packinghouse rier serving only the meatpacking indus­ in Which the Predecessor Permit was products to those commodities only try but always had served other shippers. Issued, filed July 3, 1969. P etition er: when produced or distributed by a meat ALLER & SHARP, INC., Columbus, Ohio. For these reasons and because it desired packinghouse then its “grandfather” Petitioner’s representative: Thomas P. to continue its long-established practice contract carrier authority and its con­ Kilroy, 2111 Jefferson Davis Highway, of serving all types of consignors and verted common carrier authority were consignees, it did not tender its permit in Arlington, Va. 22202. Petitioner, as here improperly framed and rights to which it No. MC-18124 for cancellation and the pertinent, states that its presently held is entitled are being taken away without certificate No. MC 123069, authorizes, issuance of a more restrictive permit in due process of law. Petitioner states that lieu thereof. among other things, the transportation permit was issued to it in 1938, a grant of of (1) meats, packinghouse products and Sometime after service of the report of authority to transport the named com­ supplies, and vegetable oils and animal the then Division 5 of the Commission on modities for anyone was intended be­ fats and compounds and products reconsideration in Ex Parte No. MC-38, cause this was the type of proof pre­ thereof, between Chicago, 111., and all 48 M.C.C. 628, decided Septem ber 20,1948. sented; and it necessarily follows that points in Ohio; and (2) canned fruits Petitioner became aware of this decision. the evidence upon which this initial and vegetables between Chicago and Co­ In this report on reconsideration, Divi­ permit was issued should be reviewed lumbus. C ertificate No. M C -123069 was sion 5 agreed that it had no power to and Petitioner should be permitted to issued as the result o f a statutory con­ enlarge any operating authority except supplement this evidence with additional version proceeding instituted by the in keeping with the standards estab­ evidence in view of the circumstances Commission, in lieu o f the perm it held by lished in sections 206 and 209 of the Act here presented. By the instant petition, it in No. MC-18124. Petitioner further but stated that it was merely interpret­ petitioner requests that the Commission states that for many years has trans­ ing permits and not enlarging or extend­ interpret its Chicago-Ohio authority as ported first under its contract carrier ing any operating authority for those authorizing transportation for any con­ Permit in No. MC-18124 and next under contract carriers serving the meatpack­ signor or consignee regardless of by its common carrier certificate in No. MC- ing industry. Upon reconsideration, Di­ 123069, a variety of commodities includ­ whom the commodity was produced or vision 5 found that meat packinghouse distributed, or in the alternative that ing butter, oleo, cheese, horseradish, and products, packinghouse products, and salad dressing fo r various m eat packing­ the Commission waive the requirements merchandise dealt in by meatpacking of Rule 101(e) of its general rules of houses and other consignors between companies were those commodities Chicago and points in Ohio. Petitioner practice and reopen its “grandfather” named in the appendix to the report on application No. MC 18124 to receive evi­ states that it received a letter from the reconsideration which are the same as Commission’s Bureau of Enforcement dence of the kind and type heretofore contained in its initial report in Ex Parte set forth in the form of verified state­ dated M arch 4, 1969, stating c ivil fo r- No. MC-38. Again because it had long miture claims had been made aganst ments to show that the “grandfather” been transporting the commodities here authority should be redescribed. Any per­ Petitioner based on claimed violations of involved for meat packinghouses and section 206(a) o f the Act, however, agree- son or persons desiring to participate, other shippers, between Chicago and may file an original and six copies of his nient was made to hold the matter in points in Ohio, and because its com­ abeyance to enable Petitioner to file the written representations, views, or argu­ modity authorizations were not the ments in support of, or against the peti­ uistaixt petition w ith the Commission. same, petitioner considered this report of Petitioner states that it always has per- Division 5 on reconsideration as not tion with 30 days from the date of publi­ iormed transportation for anyone de­ tacking away any of its authorities. Peti­ cation in the F ederal R e g ist e r . siring to utilize its services. tioner states it therefor continued its No. MC 129620 (Notice of Filing of The seasonably-filed “grandfather” previously described Chicago-Ohio op­ Petition for Modification of Perm it), filed application of Petitioner requested con­ erations openly and with the knowledge August 11, 1969. Petitioner; PEDEN

No. 164— -4 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 13718 NOTICES

BROS., INC., Smithton, Pa. 15479. Peti­ A pplications fo r C ertificates o f P er ­ NW., Washington, D.C. 20001. Authority tioner’s representative: Jerome Solomon, m it s W h ic h A re T o B e P rocessed C o n ­ sought to operate as a common carrier, 704 Grant Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. c u r r e n t l y W i t h A pplications U n d e r by motor vehicle, over irregular routes, 15219. Petitioner holds a Permit in No. S e c t io n 5 G o ver n ed b y S p e c ia l R u l e transporting: General commodities (e x ­ MC 129620 authorizing the transporta­ 240 to t h e E x t e n t A p p l ic a b l e cept those of unusual value, classes A and B explosives, household goods as de­ tion by motor vehicle, over irregular No. MC 2401 (Sub-No. 47), filed fined by the Commission, commodities routes, of roof trusses, from the plantsite August 4, 1969. Applicant: MOTOR in bulk, those requiring special equip­ of Lincoln Homes Co. and Swift Indus­ FREIGHT CORPORATION, 2345 South tries, Inc., at Elizabeth, Pa., to points in 13th Street, T e rre Haute, Ind. 47802. ment, unmanufactured leaf tobacco, and Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, West Virginia, Applicant’s representative: John P. Mc­ containers, materials, supplies, and equipment used in the manufacturing, Maryland, Virginia, New York, New Mahon, 100 East Broad Street, Colum­ processing, and marketing of tobacco), Jersey, and Kentucky, with no transpor­ bus, Ohio 43215. A u th ority sought to op­ between points in North Carolina within tation for compensation on return except erate as a common carrier, by m otor a radius of 50 miles of Salisbury, N.C. as otherwise authorized. Precut and pre­ vehicle, over regular routes, transport­ N o t e ; Applicant indicates tacking pos­ fabricated building sections and com­ in g: General commodities; (1) between sibilities with presently held authority, ponents and materials used in the con­ Columbus and Cleveland, Ohio: From wherein applicant is authorized to serve struction of prefabricated . buildings, Columbus over Interstate to points in the States of Tennessee, North from the plantsite of Lincoln Homes Co. Cleveland, and return over the same and Swift Industries, Inc., at Belle Ver­ route, serving all intermediate points; Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, New non, Pa., to points in Ohio, Indiana, (2) between Columbus and Youngstown, York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Michigan, West Virginia, Maryland, Vir­ Ohio: From Columbus over Interstate West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and ginia, New York, New Jersey, and Ken­ Highway 71 to its junction with Inter­ Rhode Island. This application is a mat­ tucky, with no transportation for com­ state Highway 80S (U.S. Highway 224), ter directly related to MC-F-10576, pub­ pensation on return except as otherwise thence east over Interstate Highway 80S lished in the F ederal R egister issue of authorized. “Restriction: The operations (U.S. Highway 224 and Ohio Highway August 13, 1969. Applicant seeks to con­ authorized herein are limited to a trans­ 18) to Youngstown, and return over the vert the certificate of registration of portation service to be performed, under same route serving all intermediate a continuing contract, or contracts, with points; (3) between Columbus and Can­ Shaw Motor Freight, Inc., under MC 99552, in to a certificate o f public con­ Swift Industries, Inc., and its corporate ton, Ohio: From Columbus over Inter­ affiliate, Lincoln Homes Co.” Petitioner state Highway 71 to its junction with venience and necessity. If a hearing is deemed necessary, applicant requests it states that it has been advised by the U.S. H ighw ay 30, thence east over UJS. shippers that all operations at Belle Highway 30 to Canton, and return over be held at Washington, D.C. Vernon, Pa., are being phased out and the same routes, serving all intermediate A pplications U nd er S e c t io n s 5 and w ill be discontinued on or about Septem­ points; (4) between Columbus and 210a (b )- ber 1, 1969, and that all operations now Toledo, Ohio: From Columbus over UJS. being provided at Belle Vernon, Pa., will The following applications are gov­ Highway 23 to junction Ohio Highway erned by the Interstate Commerce Com­ be consolidated at Elizabeth, Pa.; that 15 near Carey, Ohio; thence west over the manufacture of roof trusses at Eliza­ mission’s special rules governing notice Ohio Highway 15 to junction Interstate of filing of applications by motor carriers beth, Pa., and the manufacture of precut near Findlay, Ohio; thence and prefabricated building sections and of property or passengers under sections north over Interstate Highway 75 to 5(a) and 210a(b) of the Interstate Com­ components and materials used in the Toledo, and return over the same routes, construction of prefabricated buildings merce Act and certain other proceedings serving all intermediate points; (5) be­ with respect thereto. (49 CFR 240). at Belle Vernon, Pa., will be consolidated tween Columbus and Portsmouth, Ohio: and the manufacture of all the described From Columbus over U.S. Highway 23 to MOTOR CARRIERS OF PROPERTY commodities will be done at Elizabeth, Portsmouth, and return over the same No. MC-F-10585. Authority sought for Pa.; and that the roof trusses now au­ route, serving all intermediate points; control and merger by CAMPBELL thorized to be transported by it from and (6) between Columbus and Steuben­ SIXTY-SIX EXPRESS, INC., 2333 East Elizabeth, Pa., are a part of and included ville, Ohio: From Columbus over Inter­ Trafficway, Post Office Box 807, Spring- in the commodity description of precut state to junction Ohio High­ field, Mo. 65801, of the operating rights and prefabricated building sections and way 7 at Bridgeport, thence north over and property of UNITED MOTOR components and materials. Ohio to Steubenville, and re-. FREIGHT TERMINAL, INC., 3700 First By the instant petition, petitioner re­ turn over the same routes, serving all Avenue South, Birmingham, Ala. 35222, quests that its permit be modified to read intermediate points; serving all points in and for acquisition by FRANK G. CAMP­ as follows: Precut and prefabricated Ohio as off-route points in connection BELL, Post Office Box 807, Springfield, building sections and components and with the above-described six routes. Re­ Mo., of control of such rights and p rop ­ materials used in the construction of striction: All service is restricted to traffic erty through the transaction. Applicants’ prefabricated buildings, from the plant- moving from, to or through Columbus, attorney and representative: Ph in eas site of Lincoln Homes Co. and Swift In­ Ohio, and is further restricted against Stevens, Post Office Box 22567, Jackson dustries, Inc., at Elizabeth, Pa., to points service to any commercial zone point Miss. 39205, and Samuel Tenenbaum, 933 in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, West Vir­ located outside of Ohio. N o t e : T h is.a p ­ Bank for Savings Building, Birmingham, ginia, Maryland, Virginia, New York, New plication is to convert the certificate of A la. 35203. O perating rights sought to be Jersey, and Kentucky, with no transpor­ registration No. MC-123825 Sub 2, to controlled and merged: General com­ tation for compensation on return except a certificate of public convenience and modities, excepting, among others, house­ as otherwise authorized. Restriction: The necessity. This is a matter directly re­ hold goods and commodities in bulk, as operations authorized herein are limited lated to MC-F-10571 published in the a common carrier, over regular routes, to a transportation service to be per­ F ederal R eg ister issue of August 13, between Birmingham, Ala., and Atlanta, formed under a continuing contract, or 1969. If a hearing is deemed necessary, Ga., and all intermediate points and contracts, with Swift Industries, Inc., applicant requests it be held at Colum­ the off-rou te point o f Bessemer, Ala., and its corporate affiliate, Lincoln Homes bus, Ohio, or Indianapolis, Ind. and those within 5 miles of Birmingham Co. Any interested person desiring to par­ No. MC 13123 (Sub-No. 57), filed and Atlanta, between Atlanta, Ga., and ticipate, may file an original and six August 5, 1969. A pplican t: W ILS O N the U.S. Army Depot, near Conley, copies of his written representations, FREIGHT COMPANY, a corporation, Ga > views, or argument in support of or 3636 Follett Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio serving no intermediate points; over one against the petition within 30 days from 45223. A pplican t’s representatives: M il- alternate route for operating convenience the date of publication in the F ederal ton H. Bortz (same address as applicant), only. CAMPBELL SIXTY-SIX EX­ PRESS, INC., is authorized to operate R e g ist e r . and Harry C. Ames, Jr., 666 11th Street


as a common carrier in Missouri, Kan-, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vir­ [Notice 398] sas, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Illi­ ginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyo­ nois, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, ming, Delaware, Maryland, Idaho, Mon­ MOTOR CARRIER TRANSFER and Arkansas. Application has been hied tana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and the PROCEEDINGS for temporary authority under section District of Columbia. Application has A v g u s t 19, 1969. 210a(b). not been filed for temporary authority Synopses of orders entered pursuant to No. M C-F-10586. Authority sought for under section 210a (b ). N o t e : I f a hear­ purchase by T E R M IN A L T R A N S P O R T ing is deemed necessary it is requested section 212(b) of the Interstate Com­ COMPANY, INC., 248 Chester Avenue that the hearing be set for Salt Lake merce Act, and rules and regulations pre­ SE., Atlanta, Ga. 30316, of a portion of City, Utah, or Washington, D.C. scribed thereunder (49 CFR Part 1132), appear below: the operating rights of CAUDELL No. MC-F-10588. Authority sought for As provided in the Commission’s spe­ TRANSPORT, INC., 30 Thames Road, purchase by FUNK’S HAULING SERV­ Forest Park, Ga. 30050, and fo r acquisi­ ICE, INC., 2750 Grant Avenue, Philadel­ cial rules of practice any interested per­ son may file a petition seeking reconsid­ tion by AMERICAN COMMERCIAL phia, Pa. 19114, of a portion of the eration of the following numbered pro­ LINES, INC., 2919 Allen Parkway, Hous­ operating rights and certain property of ceedings within 20 days from the date of ton, Tex. 77019, and in turn by T E X A S DANIEL H. McCOLLISTER, doing busi­ publication of this notice. Pursuant to GAS TR A N S M IS S IO N C O R PO R A ­ ness as McCOLLISTER’S EXPRESS, section 17(8) of the Interestate Com­ TION, 3800 Frederica Street, Owensboro, Logan and Mitchell Avenues, Burlington, Ky. 42301, of control of such rights merce Act, the filing of such a petition N.J. 08016, and for acquisition by CLIN­ will postpone the effective date of the through the purchase. Applicants’ at­ TON C. FUNK, JR., and ANNA FUNK, torneys: Carl L. Steiner, 39 South La order in that proceeding pending its dis­ both also of Philadelphia, Pa., of control position. The matters relied upon by peti­ Salle Street, Chicago, 111. 60603; T . of such rights and certain property Randolph Buck, 2919 Allen Parkway, tioners must be specified in their peti­ through the purchase. Applicants’ rep­ tions with particularity. Houston, Tex. 77019; H arold H. Clokey, resentative: Abraham J. Brem Levy, 1328 248 Chester Avenue SE., Atlanta, Ga. Land Title Building, Philadelphia, Pa. No. MC-FC-71449. By order of August 30316; and Guy H. Postell, 1273 West 19110. Operating rights sought to be 14, 1969, the Motor Carrier Board ap­ proved the transfer to B & D Transfer Peachtree Street NW., Atlanta, Ga. transferred: General commodities, ex­ 30309. Operating rights sought to be cept those of unusual value, liquors, Inc., Box 133, Liberty, Pa., 16930, of the transferred: General commodities, ex­ classes A and B explosives, household certificates in Nos. MC-107110, MC- cepting among others household goods, goods as defined by the Commission, 107110 (Sub-No. 1), MC-107110 (Sub- but not excepting commodities in bulk, commodities in bulk, commodities re­ No. 3), MC-107110 (Sub-No. 4), and MC- as a common carrier over regular routes quiring special equipment, and those 107110 (Sub-No. 5), issued November 1, between Atlanta, Ga., and Savannah, injurious or contaminating to other lad­ 1950, December 20, 1946, M arch 4, 1968, February 25, 1949, and January 23, 1968, Ga., serving no intermediate points, ex­ ing, as a common carrier over regular cept serving the interm ediate points o f routes between Burlington, N.J., and respectively, to Gerald L. Dinnison, Law­ Swainsboro, Macon, and Forsyth, Ga., Philadelphia, Pa., serving all intermedi­ rence E. Black, F. A. Brion, and R. H. Good all, a limited partnership, doing and junction U.S. Highway 1 and Inter­ ate points; and the off-route points of state Highway 16, between Savannah, Bordentown, Roebling, and Florence, N.J. business as B & D Transfer, Box 133, Lib­ Ga., and Savannah Beach, Ga., serving Vendee is authorized to operate as a erty, Pa. 16930, authorizing the trans­ portation of general commodities, with all intermediate points, and the off-route common carrier in New York, Pennsyl­ points o f W ilm ington Island, Ga., over vania, Maryland, Delaware, and New exception, and specified commodities three alternate routes for operating con­ Jersey. Application has not been filed from, to, and between specified points venience only. Vendee is authorized to for temporary authority under section and described areas in Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and points and areas in the operate as a common carrier in K en ­ 2 1 0 a(b ). tucky, Indiana, Illin ois, G eorgia, T en ­ States of Maryland, Delaware, New York, nessee, Alabama, Florida, and Ohio. No. MC-F-10589. Authority sought for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Application has not been filed for tem­ purchase by CLARKSON BROS. MA­ Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Ohio, and porary authority under section 210a(b). CHINERY HAULERS, INC., Post Office the District of Columbia. Box 25, Cowpens, S.C. 29330, o f a portion No. MC-F-10587. Authority sought for No. MC-FC-71455. By order of August of the operating rights of MACON purchase by AND RE W S V A N LIN E S , 14, 1969, the Motor Carrier Board ap­ TRADING POST, INC., doing business INC., Seventh Street and Park Avenue, proved the transfer to Clifton Bus Co., Norfolk, Nebr. 68701, of a portion of the as TRADING POST, Post Office Box Inc. Brooklyn, N.Y., of the operating 4032, M acon, Ga. 31208. Applicants’ a t­ operating rights o f A S H W O R TH rights in certificate No. MC-19835, issued TRANSFER, INC., 1526 South Sixth torney: Paul F. Sullivan, 701 Washington Building, W ashington, D.C. 20005. O per­ May 23, 1957, to Clifton W. Francis, West, Salt Lake C ity, U tah 84104, and Brooklyn, N.Y., authorizing the transpor­ ating rights sought to be transferred: for acquisition by CLAYTON L. AN­ tation of passengers and their baggage, Textile machinery, as a common carrier DREWS also of Norfolk, Nebr., of con­ restricted to traffic originating at the over irregular routes, between Columbus, trol of such rights through the purchase. point indicated, in charter operations, Ga., on the one hand, and, on the other, Applicants’ attorney: Donald E. Leon­ from New York, N.Y., to Philadelphia, points in Alabama, Georgia, North Caro­ ard, Box 2028, 605 South 14th Street, Pa., points in New Jersey and the Dis­ lina, and South Carolina. Vendee is au­ Lincoln, Nebr. 68501. O perating rights trict of Columbia, points in that part of sought to be transferred: Household thorized to operate as a common carrier Connecticut on and west of U.S. Highway Goods as defined by the Commission, as in North Carolina, Georgia, South Caro­ 5, and points in Orange, Sullivan, Rock­ a common carrier over irregular routes lina, and Virginia. Application has not land, and Onondaga Counties, N.Y., and between Salt Lake C ity, Utah, and points been filed for temporary authority un­ return. Sidney Leshin, 501 Madison Ave­ within 25 miles thereof, on the one hand, der section 210a(b). N o t e : If a hearing nue, New York, N.Y. 10022, Edward F. on °ther, points in Nevada and is deemed necessary, it is requested that Bowes, 744 Broad Street, Newark, N.J. Wyoming, and points in that part of it be held in Washington, D.C., or 07102, attorneys for transferee and Idaho south of, but not including, Idaho Atlanta, Ga. transferor. County, Idaho. Vendee is authorized to By the Commission. No. MC-FC-71477. By order of August operate as a common carrier in Colorado, 13, 1969, the Motor Carrier Board ap­ Jjhnois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Ken- [ s e a l ] A n d r e w A n t h o n y , Jr. proved the transfer to GoodhaU’s Ga­ Wcky, M ichigan, M innesota, Missouri, Acting Secretary. rage, Inc., Stafford Springs, Conn., of Nebraska, New Jersey, New York , N orth [F.R. Doc. 69-10229; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; certificate in No. MC-116726, issued No­ Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, 8:47 a.m.] vember 15, 1957, to Wallace I. Goodhall,


Jr., Stafford Springs, Conn., authorizing merce Act, the filing of such a petition approved the transfer to Haywood the transportation of: Repossessed or will postpone the effective date of the Trucking Co., Inc., Wallins Creek, Ky., disabled vehicles in truckaway service, by order in that proceeding pending its dis­ o f certificates in Nos. MC-118768 and use of vehicles equipped as wreckers, be­ position. The matters relied upon by pe­ MC-118768 (Sub-No. 2), issued April 19, tween points in Connecticut on the one titioners must be specified in their peti­ 1960, and July 12, 1965, to Charles hand, and, on the other, points in Rhode tions with particularity. Greene, doing business as Greene Trans­ Island and Massachusetts. Reubin Kam­ Finance Docket No. 25815. By order of fer Co.; Pineville, Ky., authorizing the insky, 410 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. August 21,1969, the Motor Carrier Board transportation of; Lumber, from points 06103, attorney for applicants. approved the transfer to William W. in Bell and Knox Counties, Ky., to points No. MC-FC-71523. By order of August Stender, Bay City, Mich., of the oper­ in Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, 14, 1969, the Motor Carrier Board ap­ ating rights in water carrier certificate North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennes­ proved the transfer to James D. Wole- No. W-732 issued August 11, 1944, to see, Virginia, Wisconsin, and a specified slagel, doing business as Woleslagel Mov­ Nicholson Transit Co., Ecorse, Mich., au­ p art o f O hio; and, fertilizer, in bags, from ing Co., Fremont, Ohio, of the certificate thorizing the operation as a common Bristol, Va., to points in Bell and Harlan in No. MC-30098, issued June 20, 1955, carrier by self-propelled vessels and by Counties, Ky., and, lumber (except ply­ to Neven I. Woleslagel, doing business as non-self-propelled vessels with the use wood and veneers), from the plantsite N. JL Woleslagel Moving Co., Fremont, of separate towing vessels, in the trans­ of the Georgia-Pacific Corp. at or near Ohio, authorizing the transportation of portation of commodities generally, in Evarts, Ky., to points in Georgia, Mary­ household goods, office furniture and interstate or foreign commerce, between land, New York, North Carolina, Penn­ equipment and store fixtures between ports and points on the Great Lakes and sylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vir­ Fremont, Ohio, and points within 20 interconnecting tributary waterways, in­ ginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, and miles thereof, on the one hand, and, on cluding the St. Lawrence River as far returned shipments on the return. Robert the other, points in the Southern Penin­ east as Ogdensburg, N.Y., but not includ­ R. R. Boone, Post Office Box 294, Pine­ sula of Michigan. Harvey A. Rosenzweig, ing the New York State Canal System. ville, Ky. 40977, attorney for transferor, Columbus Center, 100 East Broad Street, Marlin F. Scholl, 1051 Penobscot Build­ and, O llie L . M erchant, Suite 202, 140 Columbus, Ohio 43215, attorney fo r ing, D etroit, M ich. 48226, attorney fo r South Fifth Street, Louisville, Ky. 40202, applicants. applicants. attorney for transferee. No. MC-FC-71534. By order of Au­ No. MC-FC-71533. By order of August No. MC-FC-71563. By order of gust 14, 1969, the Motor Carrier Board 18, 1969, the Motor Carrier Board ap­ August 18,1969, the Motor Carrier Board, approved the transfer to Airborne proved the transfer to Liner Moving & approved the tran sfer to F a rrell Barnes, Freight Corp., 620 Colman Building, Storage Corp., Newburgh, N.Y., of the doing business as Farrell’s Trucking, Seattle, W ash. 98104, o f the certificate operating rights in certificate No. MC- Mount Sterling, Ky., of certificate No, in No. MC-123343, issued August 13,1968, 89301 issued June 27, 1966, to Loth ar MC-127391, issued March 13, 1968, to to Pacific Air Freight, Inc., 620 Colman Neumetzger, doing business as Liner Whisman Auto Sales, Inc., Hope, Ky., Building, Seattle, Wash. 98104, author­ Moving & Storage Co., Newburg, N.Y., authorizing the transportation of: Used izing the transportation of general com­ authorizing the transportation, over automobiles, in truckaway service in modities, with exceptions, between points irregular routes, of used household goods secondary movements, from Dayton and in Alaska within 25 miles of Anchorage, from Newburgh, N.Y., to points in Fair- Cleveland, O hio; South Bend and Dyer, including Anchorage. field, Hartford, Litchfield, and New Ind.; and Detroit, Mich., to points in No. MC-FC-71538. By order of August Haven Counties, Conn., and Essex Coun­ Montgomery County, Ky. James S. Wil­ 14, 1969, the M otor C arrier Board ap­ ty, N.J., and household goods, as defined son, 226 Main Street, Post Office Box 151, Paris, Ky. 40361, attorney for applicants. proved the transfer to Robert F Clemens, by the Commission, from Newburgh, doing business as R. F. Clemens, Put­ N.Y., and points within 20 -miles of New­ [ s e a l ] A n d r e w A n t h o n y , Jr., nam, Conn., of permit No. MC-29674, burgh, N.Y. (except Maybrook, Mont­ Acting Secretary. issued July 25, 1941, to George 1». Place, gomery, Walden, Pine Bush, and W allkill, N .Y.), to points in Connecticut (except [F.R. Doc. 69-10231; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; Thompson, Conn., authorizing the trans­ 8:47 a.m.] portation of: Liquid petroleum products those in Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, and greases, from Putnam, Conn., Provi­ and New Haven Counties, Conn.), Mas­ dence and East Providence, R .I., to points sachusetts, New Jersey (except those in NOTICE OF FILING OF MOTOR in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Mas­ Essex County, N.J.), New York, and CARRIER INTRASTATE APPLICATIONS sachusetts within 30 miles of Putnam. Pennsylvania; from points in Connecti­ Arthur A. Wentzell, Post Office Box 720, cut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New A u g u s t 22,1969. Worcester, Mass. 01601, applicants York, and Pennsylvania, to Newburgh, The following applications for motor representative. N.Y., and points within 20 miles of New­ common carrier authority to operate in burgh, N.Y. (except Maybrook, Mont­ intrastate commerce seek con curren t [ se al] H. N e il G a r s o n , gomery, Walden, Pine Bush, and W allkill, motor carrier authorization in inter­ Secretary. N .Y.); and between Newburgh, N.Y., on state or foreign commerce within the {F.R. Doc. 69-10230; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; the one hand, and, on the other, May­ limits of the intrastate authority sought, 8:47 a.m.J brook, Montgomery, Walden, Pine Bush, pursuant to section 206(a) ( 6) of the In­ and Wallkill, N.Y., points in Fairfield, terstate Commerce Act, as amended Oc­ Hartford, Litchfield, and New Haven are I Notice 400] tober 15, 1962. These applications Counties, Conn.,. and points in Essex governed by special rule 245 (49 CFR MOTOR CARRIER TRANSFER County, N.J. John J. Brady, Jr., 75 State 1100.245) o f th e Commission’s rules of PROCEEDINGS Street, Albany, N.Y. 12207, attorney for practice, published in the F ederal R eg­ applicants. is t e r , issue of April 11, 1963, page 3533, A u g u s t 22, 1969. No. MC-FC-71539. By order of which provides, among other things, that Synposes of orders entered pursuant August 18,1969, the Motor Carrier Board protests and requests for information to section 212(b) of the Interstate Com­ approved the transfer to T & R Transit concerning the time and place of State m erce A ct, and rules and regulations pre­ Co., a corporation, Decatur, 111., of the Commission hearings or other p roceed ­ scribed thereunder (49 CFR Part 1132), certificate of registration in No. MC- ings, any subsequent changes therein, appear below : 104392 (Sub-No. 3), issued February 10, any other related matters shall be di­ As provided in the Commission’s spe­ 1964, to Enoch Trusner, doing business as rected to the State Commission with cial rules of practice any interested per­ T & R Cartage Co., Decatur, HL, author­ which the application is filed and shall son may file a petition seeking recon­ izing the transportation of general not be addressed to or filed with the sideration of the following numbered commodities between points in the State Interstate Commerce Commission. proceedings w ithin 20 days from the date of Illinois. State Docket No. H-5019, filed May 21, of publication of this notice. Pursuant No. MC-FC-71551. By order o f 1969. Applicant: VAN W YK FREIGHT to section 17(8) of the Interstate Com­ August 18,1969, the Motor Carrier Board LINES, INC., Sully, Iowa. Applicants

FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 34, NO. 164— WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 NOTICES 13721 representative: Russell W ilson, 3829 steel and steel products, between the a freight service as follows: Transporta­ Merle Hay Road, Des Moines, Iowa. Cer­ United States Steel Plant at Geneva, tion o f general commodities, between tificate of Public convenience and neces­ Utah, and applicant’s yard at Pleasant points within a 10-mile radius of Seward, sity sought to operate a freight service Grove, Utah; and cast iron pipe from Alaska; and between Seward, Alaska, as follows: Transportation of general Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Cô. at its and points within 10 miles thereof, on commodities, between Des Moines, Mon­ plantsite located between Provo and the one hand, and, on the other, points tezuma, Malcom, Brooklyn, Grinnell, Springville, Utah, to applicant’s yard at within 100 miles. Both intrastate Gilman, Laurel, Le Grand, Montour, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Both intrastate and interstate authority sought. Dunbar, and Newburg. Both intrastate and interstate authority sought. HEARING: Not yet assigned. Any per­ and interstate authority sought. HEARING: Tuesday, Septem ber 23, son having interest in, or objection to the HEARING: Tuesday, October 28,1969, 1969, 10 a.m., 330 East Fourth South application may file a statement in at 10 a.m., Office of the Commission, Des Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Requests writing with the Alaska Transportation Moines, Iowa. Requests for procedural for procedural information including the Commission, 750 MacKay Building, 338 information including the time for filing time for filing protests concerning this Denali Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. protests concerning this application application should be addressed to the Said statement (in duplicate) shall be should be addressed to the Iow a State Utah Public Service Commission, 330 delivered to the Commission’s office or Commerce Commission, State Capitol, East Fourth South Street, Salt Lake postmarked not later than fifteen (15) Des Moines, Iowa 50319, and should not City, U tah 84111, and should not be days after the last date of publication of be directed to the Interstate Commerce directed to the Interstate Commerce this notice, and the person filing the Commission. Commission. statement must furnish an affidavit of State Docket No. 6103, filed July 8, State Docket No. 69-260-MF/A, filed service of a copy of such statement on 1969. Applicant: GENEVA CARTAGE, July 18, 1969. Applicant: JOHN W. AND the applicant’s attorney: Roger McShea, INCORPORATED, Post Office, Box 284, JOANNE C. HOOGLAND, doing business 1503 K Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Pleasant Grove, U tah 84062. A p p lican t’s as C ITY EXPRESS, Box 305, Fourth and B y the Commission. representative: Miss Irene Warr, 419 Washington Streets, Seward, Alaska Judge Building, S alt Lake City, U tah 99664. Applicant's representative: Roger [ s e a l ] A n d r e w A n t h o n y , Jr., 84111. Certificate of public convenience McShea, 1503 K Street, Anchorage, Acting Secretary. and necessity sought to operate a freight Alaska 99501. Certificate of public con­ [F.R. Doc. 69-10232; Filed, Aug. 26, 1969; service as follows: Transportation of venience and necessity sought to operate 8:48 a.m.]


The following numerical guide is a list of parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published to date during August

3 CFR Pae® 7 CFR— Continued h * 7 CFR—Continued page

P roclamations: 402------13654 P roposed R u l e s : 403__------13654 3920 ______12819 404_ ------13654 70------12948 3921 ------13145 406------13654 81------13035 3922 13261 408 ------13654 101------13110 3923 ______13355 409 ------13654 722______13662 3924 ______13357 410 ------13654 729______13373 908______12833 Executive O rd er s: 411 ______13654 413------13655 921------12949 11246 (superseded in part by 717------12940 923 ______12833 EO 11478)______12985 724------13521 924 ------12950 11375 (superseded in part by 728------13316 926------13157 EO 11478)______12985 777 13599 932------12891 11477 ______12937 811------13319 948______12833 11478 ______12985 891______12657 980 ------12950 908----- 12659, 12821, 12941, 13149, 13463 981 ------13035, 13601 987------12633, 13280, 13704 5 CFR 910 ------12624, 12941, 13359, 13585 912------12881 991______13035 919 13268 12964 993------12834, 13478 12832, 12987, 13077, 13407, 13408,' 925______13655 1001 ------12705, 13601 13585 927------—______12821 1002 ------12705, 13601 931 19660 1003 ------12705, 13601 958 19*770 1004------12705, 13601 967_ 133.6Q 1013------13280 550------1060? 13147 980______13320 1015 _ 19705 13601 987 ' 13408 1916 19796 18691 993 ___ __ 13697 1036------__ 13419 1013------13585 1060------13325 7 CFR 1036------12659 1125 12463 1103------12710 1407 1966Q 1124______12744, 13421 1421 _ _ 12822 13077 13078 1139 19788 19669 1427 19660 1138...... 13478 1443 19087 13964 1479 13078 1490 13464 8 CFR 1601______:_____ 12822


8 CFR— Continued Page 14 CFR— Continued Page 21 CFR Page P roposed R u l e s : 241______13541 I _ 12884 103______„___ 12598 1204______12624 3______13413 204______- 12598 P roposed R u l e s : 8______12576 242______12598 ; 21______13036, 13329, 13421 29______13658 334______12598 25______13036 31______13542 341______-______12598 37______13036 120______12782, 13313, 13367 39__ .____ 12594, 12951, 13423, 13424 121 ______12662, 9 CFR 45_____ ;______13421 12885, 13100, 13153, 13154, 13273, 56______13360 61______12713,13329 13274,13414,13592,13659 74______13586 63______12713 135c______13592 76______12780, 12823 , 71______12594-12597, 13 5g______13592 78______13586 12715, 12716, 12951, 12952, 13330, , 141______13154 83______.______12561 13331,13424,13425,13608 148n____ 13469 97______12561 73______12791 191______13154 75______12597, 13373, 13425 P roposed R u l e s : P roposed R u l e s : 91 ______12713,13329 1______12717 101______— ______13323 121______12713, 13036 5______13552 108 ______13323123______12713 27______13157 109 ______127 13323______12713, 12716 130______:______13552 114______13323 135______12713133______13553 116 ______13323 288______13610141______13109 117 ______13323 298______13157 146______13109 118 ______13323 399______13610 119 ______13323 120 ___ 13323 15 CFR 22 CFR 121 ______13323 301-330______13194 370______12883 I I ______12623 374______13272 121_____ 13274 10 CFR 377______12883 123 ______13276 386______13272 124 ______13276 1 ______13360 1000______12884201______5______13593 2______- ______13360 50______13360 16 CFR 115______;______13360 2 4 CFR 2______- ______12992 12625 P roposed R u l e s : 13______12823, 12824 o______200 ______13029,13469, 13593 50______15______13704 12824, 13272, 13273 12886 247______13468 201______207______12886, 13594 12 CFR 419______13302 __ 12886 500______12944 221______1______13149 222______12887 503______12944 204______13409, 13524 235______12888 207______13524 P roposed R u l e s : 236______12889, 13594 210______13645 245______12836 237______BS 12889 213______13409 253______13281 241______. 12889 217______13524 1914______13543 221______— ______13525 17 CFR 1915______f____ _ 13543 226______13301, 13410 531______230______13362 ;______13019 P roposed R u les: 545______12661, 13272 270______12695, 13019 1665______13110 556______12661, 13587 274______13024 571______13588 P roposed R u l e s : 2 5 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 240______12952 153______13594 845______13115, 13481 2 2 1 ______13543 555______1348118 CFR 9. 13024,13413, 13699 2 9 CFR 13 CFR _ _ 13024, 13413 14______526______13101 121______13078 5 0 ______12825 602______12826,12946 1R4 _ 13591 P roposed R u l e s : 603______12826 12825 121______12837 160— ______681______13699 _ _ 13468 301______687______1 12826 14 CFR Proposed Rules: fsnn __ 12946 23______- ______13078 __ 13367 2 ...... ______12718 1604______39______12562, 4 ______12718 roposed u les 12563, 12781, 12941, 12942, 13099, P R : 141______13280, 13481 13607 13100, 13265, 13467, 13697, 13698 260 13481 727______71 12564- 850______13666 12567, 12662, 12781, 12882, 12943, 1500______12892 1 9 C F R 12944, 13152, 13153, 13301, 13363- 13312 13365, 13411, 13412, 13467, 13525- 3 0 CFR 13527, 13589, 13590, 13657, 13698 4 ______12945 13413 56 _ 12947 73______— 12566, 12567, 13412, 13698 16______12947 75______13412, 13467, 13589 Proposed Rules: 57___* ______250______13544,13548 91______12882, 13467 24______12891 93______13590 95______— — 13528 2 0 C F R 31 CFR 97______12663, 12993, 13266, 13531 12577 404______—_ _ 12568, 13312, 13366 4 121______12781, 13468 13030 Proposed Rules: 257______141______13657 13277 151______12883, 13699 602______12954 500______FEDERAL REGISTER 13723

32 CFR Page 41 CFR— Continued Page 47 CFR— Continued Page 43______12580 101-26______12697 93______13595 43a______12627 101-42______12783 P roposed R u l e s : 1453______12582 109-35______12582 - 0 ______12634 1712______13314 1______12634 42 CFR 43______12717 32A CFR 57______13032 63______12718 BDSA (Ch. V I ) : 74_____ 13277 73______12634, BSDA Reg. 2, Dir. 12 ______13315 81______z ______13316 12893, 13111, 13112, 13158, 13159, M-11A______13031, 13368 P roposed R u l e s : 13668,13669 81 ______13109 81_____ 12952 83------12952 33 CFR 43 CFR 85------12952 11T______12629, 12826, 12827 89------13112 207______— _____ - _____ 13265 3380______13548, 13550 91______13113 P u b l ic L a n d O r d e r s: 95------13114 36 CFR 82 (see PLO 4674)______12632 97______13429 7______13595 1621 (amended by PLO 4674) _ 12632 221______12827 2632 (revoked in part by PLO 49 CFR 326______- 13470 4675X______12698 510______13276 3521 (amended by PLO 4674) _ 12632 71------13106, 13415 4582 (modified by PLO 4676) _ 13415 172 ______12589 Proposed R u l e s : 4674 ______12632 173 ------12589 7______12833 4675 ______12698 177 ------12592 4676 ______13415 178 ------12592 371------12834, 13369 37 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 1______12629 1033______13278 417— ______13157 1300______12593, 12837 38 CFR 1307______12593, 12837 45 CFR P roposed R u l e s : l ...... 13368 173______6...... 12827 12829 172------13426 205______13595 8______12827 173- ______13374, 13426-13428 220_____ 13595 177 ------13427 1068____ 12784 39 CFR 178 ______13374, 13428 P roposed R u l e s : Ch. I l l ______13480 155-...... 13101 85______12633 371______12717, 171_____ 13414 13608,13609,13701,13702 P roposed R u l e s : 46 CFR 391______13610 132______„ _____ 1048______13283 ______12948 281______135 ______12633 13369 1056______13482 308______13278 153 ______13601 1300_____ 13283 310______12632 1307______13283 41 CFR 375______13105 401______12583 l - i ______50 CFR P roposed R u l e s : 5-30______10______12785 7- 1_ 503— ______13558 32------12704, 8- 1_ 510______13558 12786, 12830-12832, 13032, 13107, 8-3______514______13332 13108, 13155, 13369-13371, 13416, 8-7...... 528______12835,13704 13417, 13470-13477, 13550, 13600, 8-12___ 13645 8-16_____ 47 CFR 33------12787, 13600 9-3____ 2------13542 215------13371 9-7____ 73------12698, 12702, 13542 280------13551 12B-3__ 81------12584 P roposed R u l e s : 14-2— 83------12584 13— ------13373 14H-1 __ 87------13105 32 ------12705, 13661 101-17___ 89------13595 33 ------12705