RS wty vsr fa '"'ITS V' 'AUGUST1 1921 u , . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THUKSi)AY, i J f.riS in ..,.. j- - .. . lal expected pcrsonnlly to sec if this growth uai the biggest promotion of his it,. -.. A.,1.1 In, ntpimnefl. 110 wherever possible nnd extra,, "dwisil 0 MAN KILLED, GIRL HURT IN CRASH career. HYLANDIDNTTRY said he had so mnn.V other things to liendltures generally eliminated "l "' ' ZR-- I CATTS IS SUED FOR do he had to reiy nn cumuh.-.-sloner- STARTING OF 2 thnt ex- records of iPlillndelphln Ileal sure, kept N IP " The the who, he felt 32,000-TO- LINER BE1NQ Estnte Hoard show that n llobcrt M. penses ns low ns possible. operator, with of- Belfast, Aug. 1TIL Catts, n real cstnt Mr. Hylan ndmltted that annual ex- the Belfast ifl V f fices In the Land Title Hulldlng. ap- CUTEXPENSES street cleaning de- filpbi.JWwTR,.' H " U LOSS OF In 10 penditures- of the gun the construction BE DELAYED aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEl aaaas S's B 2 mm plied for membership In that board $7,tJ0tMHJU of MAY partment amounting to passenger liner for the v;',?10' March, 1008, nnd that In Mnrch, 1000. 0, New P-w- ,wu, he took office had grown to HollntuI-Aine-ri- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav aaM,Mwt.'itf wns from the when of the M w P-- aaaaaac Cntts' name stricken exclusive of the cost of snow $ "", M aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 t membership roll. Cnlts in his applica- naino of the steamer will be '.. o. i Ma- York Rocall No removal. dnm, nnd it will be complied Philadelphlan tion gave his address ns the Hotel New Mayor Can In ad Weather Has Interfered Former Accused jestic. Coat of personal service, salaries nnd 'X At the l.nnd Title Hulldlng It was Suggestions Toward final disposition of garbage hnd soared, j of Mismanaging Now York he With Final Tests of Big Dir-- stnted thnt n Itobert M. Cntts occupied ho explained. 116 reiterated that Is' of lowering the pny of it. Grand Palace n suite of offices for several onrs, nnd Economy was not In favor TRUNKS REPAIRED igible in England thnt ns fnr ns wns known conducted his citv cmplocs. In a perfectly legitlmnto man- The principles of economy to be ob- business of the city ner. oHIGH COST OF GOVERNMENT served In the Administration DENY BANKRUPTCY CHARGE ns set forth In Mnyor Hylnn's Inaugural and Aii Kindt TraniiTniSi'Jg TENTATIVE DATE AUGUST 25, address of January 1, 1018, were read Bult Cam Made ti ofl.,'4 CALIFORNIA COMMISSIONED Into the record. At that time, he snld. VICTOR VALISE CO... By the Associated Press city government must be put New Yorli, Aug. 11. The remark- costs the 48 N. 7th St. K tho Asoelntl I'rws New Yorlt, Aug. 11. Incrensed on a wnrtlme basis, economics effected i .. ., JnZ In 1916 Goes . H- - .. mhi Washington, Auc While the able cntcer of Ttobert Dreadnought Started of conducting the rious depnrtmentu ';;"'t It In- l. , M. Catts. foimerlv of Phllndelnhla. on Active List In the city of New York were under tentative ilnte of AuKUt weather Mayor John well-know- n clubman, operator Vftlledo, Aug. 11. A. vestigation today when r. permitting, for depnrtiire of the great realtv Calif., (y TfM1 A..MA.t I.a afnml llfifnr was ollnnea nlr-hl- nnd husband of the former California British built nnw n 'R-- 2 from beautiful P.) The battleship the legislative committee Investigating nctress, Dorothv Tennnnt, the famous placed In commission nt the Mnre the city ndmlnlstrntlon. England for the I'nlted SthtM lpmnhn to "College Widow," renehrs another Nnvy Yard .vestcrday In the rnvor Hylnn admitted Inability unchanged, there it n postlhllltv thnt IMltfBjffiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaFWfcaV H Islnnd In which a saving I'xOft of n large gathering of naval recall any instnnco trip will be delated. It wn leurned MMRrayMPHHHCia& t flH milestone in n suit Involving millions presence suggestions in the the officials and visitors. could be traced to What You Know filed .vesterdav in the of Accounts. today at the Nnw Department The Federal Court. Die keel of the ship, which is the first reports of the Comptroller ship ha" ill to pnss her full speed The clubman Is accused of wasting out by this His only explanation of the growing ex- ft dreadnought to be turned due to nccoptanre trials ami had weather In S2 000 was latd October 2,1. 1010. penditures wns salary Increases some 000 through profligate navj ard, grentcr main-tennn- Is Best held up the test for ten it nni on the California was sus- the high cost of living nnd dn. management of New York's great show All work preec costs. ttnld. pended during the war to give never Most men recommend their own doctor, their own The AiiRimt 2." date was set on the place, the firnnd Central Palace, the of Hhe The Ma or conceded he hnd dence to the building "Mtroveis. special investigation architect, their engineers, their haberdasher wumptlon that the ZIl-'- J would M lease of which has been b.v launched November 20. 1010. The made or ordered n or controlled was savings could be ef- her teti and be formallv neeepted well Mr Ctlts for almost eleven months' Cnllfornln carries 1100 enlisted men, to determine if their barber. prior to that time On nreliininiu? The plaintiff In notion is George men. fected In nnv depattment. the all California for charitable Insti- builders' trlnln. however, minor defects Hurt, or New Appropriations Why? F. Atlanta, ua.. nnd tutions Increased from S.",50().000 the were developed which have dnec been York. Through his counsel Mr. Hurt Mayor to corrected in preparation tor the full npplied BALKAN STATES SEE LIGHT year Mr. Hvlan became vesterdnv for the appointment he was reminded. Most men assume that what they know .maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa S.S. 100.000 car, about is peed ncceptnnec Might. No opportunity ft.ffflSSygwH-- - " iMg this Jlir ii of n receiver for Catts nnd the latter's "- - -- or nc comu uui for thnt flight has been presented ulnec controlled comnnnles, the Catts' Ttcnltv Constitutional Government Firmly The via insisted better than what they do not know about. then, the department ha" been hiIvImmI. Compnn nnd the Merchants; and Says owing to weather conditions Officers Established, Bulgarian Envoy Manufacturers' l'xchnnge. 11. They prefer to go to a play they have heard about here still are hopeful. however, that Above Is shown 11 photograph of Charles W. Sloan, IH.'O .Main Wnilatitstimn. Mass.. Aug. Lake-hurs- t, Hearing it even if they have forgotten had been the big ship will get nn for stieel, Mann unit, who was hilled In a train and motorcar crash near Set for Today (P.v A. P.) "Constitutional Koyf"-mei- what said .1 firmly established N . on schedule Ope Mn cstcrday, and Keglna lliitln, Jll'.a Crcsson street, .Manaunlt, A henring will be held toda.v b.v Fed hns become so of it. Judge Manton. his voluminous thnt no pcnonnl Science To Aid Flight who was Injured in the same accident rral In In the Balkan Stntes complaint Hurt alleges, on Informa- or arbitrary regime can supplant it. Isn't this true in the case of some of your friends? Science will be called upon to do its tion nnd belief, thnt Catts (rnted n declined M. Stephen Pnnaretoff. re- utmost to protect the Zlt-- on her flight to "FLORADORA" GIRL WEDS OFFICER'S WILL ATTACKED In realtv circles less cently nppolnted Bulgarian Minister Good Will rests common knowledge While no string of dentroycrs wlli n .venr ago) Ih bus Stati-- , In his lecture before on of merit. ready than "insolvent nnd he i'nlted be flung neross the Atlantic foi nlreadv placed ceitaln of his rii nt Williams G. to valuable Institute of Politics possible rescue work, as waa done Frances Halllday First of Second Major A. Arms' Children Sue assets in the names of others." College today. Advertising can create this common knowledge. when the three American naval sea- Series Sextet to Become Bride Deprive Third Wife of $100,000 Catts' attornc.v last night branded M. Panaretoff asserted that the Bal- planes hopped off for the Old World In tint New Yorlt. Aug 11 Uroadwnv tlanttc Cit, Aug 11 Contending Hurt's (barges ns "spite action," kan Statcn have emerged from the Has your line the requisite merit? 1010. four battleships, a cruiser and a "preposterous" and adding Inexperience of their special bureau vessel will be been waiting a long time for It to come thllt jij()r (jCOrge A Arms, vvrulthv "absurd." in which the weather wedding of thnt his client was by no means bank- inters nnd the ignorance of their peo- Advertising space in the Butterick publications compile meteoro- the announcement of the .,,. ,iip,i 0,,t-girl- s. pressed into service to retlr(, mcor- - ,i, in on way logical which one of it modern "Florodora" sextet rupt. ples plunged thtm. and nrc their is for sale by accredited advertising agencies. data nnd furnish forecasts two ngo. was mentally In- hns had n government. guide the gas bag in dodging Vcstvday the news arrived. nor. .venrs Cntts picturesque career. to pence nnd stable will zinnt fix Ai.unut :t.'lt w.m lenrned. Frances (Oiiilietent to mnke a will, his eliil- - At nineteen he was n drummer helling 4? storms. decision of the mm noth- Ilallldiy. one of the mot btautlful girls dren are nttaiking the putures une ot ins customers was Storms nt which mean Olo n iNSV. modern battleship are In lnst'.venr's "Florodora" revival al Probate Court in admitting the last Miss McWhorter. Man land Si .X ing to a and was in of dead army ofbeer, In b he di Publisher bravelv weathered bv destrovers, may the Ontury Theatre, married testament the lie. whom mairled and later Butteric k crew of balloon Columbus. O . to Hovtl Cherr.v. n which he left his entire estate, valued vorced llieir daughter Ethel, now mean death to the h of that citv 100,000. his wife. was born flying the Atlantic. Hven should the wealth steel manufacturer t to third Iwentv one. while Catts was XAiBLEMISH The Delineator The Designer might Mr. Cherry is a graduate of Ohio The appellant appeal ed this morning in the real estate business in Phila- ONE LITTLE aircraft escape dtstruetion. It he was a varsltv roof- - ($2.50 a Year) ($2.00 a Year) be hundreds of miles off Unlversit. where hefore Judge Ingersoll. in the Orphans' delphia blown its pla.ver for three venis, having bten Court far-flun- g bystera ball The llrst witness was Mrs. course. Therefore, a the team .Secretl.v Married Actress Will Mar Your Beauty scanning the skies will be put selected for i4,., n Arms, the majoi's nrst wife, for into MUs Hallidnv was a school teacher of nine ihildreii, Ten .venrs ngo he secretly man led'- 2 puts from ,) the mother the No how perfect tho features operation when the out O . going on the matter .'1500-mil- fiallipolis. befoie ,is tilr(M, marriages, Doroth.v Tennnnt, who had acquired com- - Howden, Kngland. on her e In 0ij lssut. 0f or how prettily gowned, If your stage. She made her debut in the Shu- -' jirSi testified fame as leading woman to John Uriw. 13 by a plmplo or ugly ncn-sto- p flight to Lnkehurst - rms thnt her husband marred revival, understnd ,0urt-mar- - 1012, Sloxlon possess complete Along her proposed path from a point hert's "Florodora imi bflpn trP(1 nn rm, In March. Catts' Japaiiesi you cannot ing for Eleanor Fainter and appearing tIu, ol(1n limcs T,M worp (livorcCll valet won a judgment of $3S0 for serv- beauty. 300 miles off the coast to another - Irish r...- . . - Little facial blemlshca can bo eas- 100 miles from the Jersey sands will as h memoer oi too mm iuc in 1H0S Cmlrt ln,,0nK the pay- ices. In City Court examination Cutis first member of the 10'JO sextet to mnrry declared his only asset wns n SU0 gold ily removed by tho uso of. Blaolt and be stationed the six weathei vessels, mint of sioo per month nlimony. Whlto Beauty Blench. Mrs accepted wutch, stnting his business also ns flesh-tinte- with a special staff of forecasters. Iater Aims Si000 iu Thta delightful d cream Book lit of an thing op Columnar "FOUND IT ON THE BEACH" ii of further nlimonv The release "the promotion that forms nn invisible coating which will Itadlo Reports Each Hour was executed in March, 100- - prnlK to me clear tho sltln of tan. freckles, pim- Each hour the radio will bring re- The Grand Central Palate venture ples, unsightly blotches, liver opots 2 to 36 Columns ports of wind, barometer and tempera- Popular Excuse at Atlantic City for FARMER ADMITS ATTACK and similar blemishes. ture from us south as Juan, Black and Whlto Soap should bo far San Illegal Possession of Liquor used in connection with Bcnuty Porto Itico, to as north ns New WA I ue-- you far City. Aug 11. "We found a1 Bleach. It la a puro soap nna a I Times of business depression give a chance to look over foundlnnd. Out In Nebraska, too, a Atlantic Beat Comrade With Iron Bar Aftsr llghtful old in keeping the skin clear, Government will be It on the beach" Is the newest "wet" your accounting system and sec where you can save time anJ weather station charged Quarrel Over Auto I eoft and youthful. collecting by means of cap- song featuring hearings of men ueauvy ;an money by short cuts. similar data " S.vrjcuse. Aug 11 A iiiacti ana ivuiiu .divuuii tive balloon and kites and transmit- with lugging "something on the hip N. Y., iBv ho found at your drug or department I Posting is simplified by the use of Columnar books, as the ting them eastward by land wire. Vrn.l Vitrei nnd Daniel I.cnnntil. I' Mieets, uneirin tanner, nr store; Bleach COc tho package. Soap nrrotivl hr n" nollremnti jesterday for rested after the finding nt Frank S. cake. Freo and various charges posted end of the From the si aboard the lnei will Ik - 1 T.l-- . 1 ... 25c tho literature arc at the month. LUluillttillg .. I. -ll I.1..I.- - wirelessed to the maritime observers. nprfconnllv four quart bot .lariuiii. ui iiiiiiio i an, iimiiu. immuch samples of Black and White Faco Get illustrating them. rail-loa- d sent upon re- a circular weathermen themselves will be ties of aromatic spirits of Barlejcorn into uneonsclousness beside the Powder nnd Talcum Thoe Atlantic avenue, two near Oneida quest to Itlta Muray, PlouGh Chem- making observations, testing wind ts from the bcaeh to traiks vesterda, ( ical Co., Memphis, Tcnn. 'iui Loose-Lea- at sea level and at nn altitude of hloeks distant, swunir into a vigorous made a sworn statement to aptain S Also f Columnar Books chorus of the new witrrile, but tnev hod J. Murntli, of the State police, ad- - Mveral thousand feet. Merchant ves- liquid sels will he asked by radio for supple- gargled too man notes. There mltting that it was he who nttnikul mental data. was a decided discord when thev were Jiiimln. KNIGHT were brought befoie .Judge Ingersoll. The crime wns lommitted with To a selected vessel, finally, will come tin.' reports will be The Court listened to then alibi anil iron hnr and en me at the end of an Yeo & Lukens Co. all and aboard her a ' - Quality First, Price Next IMPIBTYBLEACH JuM charted a map showing disturbances hen told (hem it sounded lllte steal 'automobile tup almost across the eon- xw advancing and receding The warnings from the PocomoUe nirs. tlnent It resulted from a quaitel bi Stearns' Principle will be flashed to the dirigible. s() that tween the two men over panients on Stationers Printers the two had pun ' he may shift her course If neeessarv to BERLIN HOISTS NEW FLAG the ar whiili based. The added improvements on dodg? storm clouds .Inrinln is in mi Oneid.i hospital, hover- - I ff N. i - the new Stearns are equiva- 12 13th Street 719 Walnut Street ' The airship in that event could be ing hetweeu lift- iiuil death, with twent.v S Emblem Ordered Raised to Mark jugged cuts in his lent to a S400 reduction. warned in time to change her course This car will not appeal to and go the storm That would 'Anniversary of Republic i WjmmmmtmKmammimmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmttmmmmmmmKaammimmmmmmMKmjmmL around Second Scott Motor Company the prospect who is lookinp sn"" be in line with the procedure of ur ( -The Berlin. Auc 11 Bv A I only price. which Ti for face ships, frequently shift their Ouniililtrnii flnf i ti h. Him fi rim nil till' WHY DO YOU 908 North Broad Street helm to avoid running into the heart ROV,.rnment ofh ers lodav the second1 IE of a storm anniveisarv of tin' turning into tout CODDLE CORNS? rtfll rhone, TopUr 3JU Open cars $2750 delivered. of the new (in man constitution flu CI DENY KU KLUX GUILT Hint was ordered How n with the view to A Simple Touch Can End Thtm popularizing it use. n it is seldom and At Onct How to Know Good Muslin Crimes Wrongly Attributed to Klan, lispiim'd. Ilie Old mouiili llicill ioiois it? hnilni- - rptnino,! llnir lmnr ninonir Why pare a corn and keep Leader ' remain? Declares gcm.nii nublii Why pad it and let it 11 a I A 1 I Hag It If you could look at muslin through OItl.1.. Aug II Bv The new nun lesenibles the old. Or why treat it in old ways, ! I i ' (ffl in Closed e "" Store Saturdays Manv crimes hnve been hv the consisting of mser-th- 1 Irif111 tommltted alteration the harsh, crude and uncertain? ll'olJI nr I I microscope, as a scientist would, you eowardh. in the mime of the Ku tiou of the Uepubllmn iolors. hhuk, Millions have found a new way. A "" III During August but the order, of which he and gold, upper left tor-I- s could judge the quality almost at a Klux Klan. in the hand Blue-ja- y lu is plaster or the ""-sit- e: a member, N composed of law abiding j ner of the black trii e It the I liquid. A touch applies it, and the glance. citizens. rr Caleb A. Hidlev . Atlanta. on TfmrSluMf IfI mk . aOM2F m in an address instantly. Then the whole u a narnnU Ga . minister, deelnnd pain stops it&yattr&t IIIIff MM Coarsely muslin is filled on the alms nnd organization of the "In- - DISCUSS MOVIE TARIFF corn quickly loosens and comes out. - EMM mWm woven often Tlsible emiiire" here list night The way is gentle, scientific, sure. with chalk to make it appear fine and The purpose of Ku Klux the'speaker producers Fear Retaliation If Rates A famous expert evolved it. A said, is three-fol- to protect the weak, smooth when new. It looks better than world-fame- d dressing nnd defenseless from the out-- , Are Higher surgical innocent it. it really is, because of this adulteration. rages of the violent, the lawless and Washington, Aug 11 (Bv A V -the house produces ; motion-pictur- of people i brutal to protect und defend the Foreign and domestic e In it freeing thousands But after it is laundered it looks as thin Constitution of the t nited State, and moducrs were given a Hearing tochiv why not ou Try it on one corn AlAr - - ft to aid in the execution of all consltu- bv the Comment- Depaitment on na- and you will always let it end yours. Once- - as cheesecloth, because the chalk washes tional law question of an lmic.ised tiirifT on hints - Start tonight proviso of Its menihf rhlp, bar- v out. The entering this lounti Your druggist has ring Negroes, .lews and Catholics, lias Spokesmen for the producers opposed Sometimes the chalk is added so cun- led many peop'e to belli ve according to ,iK, tnrju motion putures on the Liquid or Piaster Dr. Uidlev. that the Klan is negative1 Rron, ,ini foreign countrli-- s would nd ningly that washing is the only test. not positive In its aims tajut) to ,. detriment of tlie Ameruau Ciecuxmce markets abroad, while It was ussi-rt- i d Bluejay Jk At other times it is done so crudely Blue Law Going West ,the linpmtation of foreign photopl.n Stops Pain Instantly ,otin-Be- you can make this simple Hatldonlleld. N. .1.. Aug 11 - The was helpful to the industrv in this Endi Corn Quickly that test at Dr Itobert Hugh Moirls pator tr the counter: Rumple the muslin briskly of the First 1'icsovterinn t nurcn ami leader of the chinch element which is Women 's Smart between your fingers the fine white fighting vlgorouslv against the borough powder will fall out. commissioners for a strli t observance of the State Sundav dosing laws will Footwear Try any test with Fruit of the Loom. leave toda.v for the West r 9 P ' ' rf, V Q ' ; Vi i You can see for yourself it is muslin ..'-';- ''V ' that ftsHit ' - ?..&&Km of high quality. For it is all cotton. No McCIees Galleries Vit chalk is used. 1307 WAINTT ST. WMfa.Zr " FAINTIMIN CLEANED mMfflmrffVt! ' , & , nit ItERTOnEII lTirjSBarSSfcrVl v.A ' ', ,Wl.rAWl?W,i' c AM. KINDt OK FHWttVO 'iJ 1)D Ettlmala Cbmrfullr 1Itb

If )nur II ilr Una IVrrn of Loom IIItDKI.N Fruit in the Permanent Waving let u win it bv our imprnvfd Vft Values up to .$12.50 r rocnt! Hair u i fi n prfe on dltinn rrt thr turt hiT I KUaran teed t M H n l PF Muslia A grouping of highest-grad- e For three generations Fruit of the Dalsimer Pumps Loom has proved its durability and the WEfim and Oxfords also Sports fact that it keeps its whiteness and fine Pumps and Oxfords on texture after repeated washings. For that thirst Whenever you buy muslin, ask for Sale at this low price. Fruit of the Loom. You will also find Cream Buttermilk Over a hundred styles the label in pajamas, sheets, and other : Xfrft-- articles made up by leading manu- all leathers all heels. facturers. Cooling refreshing and at the All sizes, but not a complete range Almost every good dry goods store in a tonic is good for m each style. However, same time that of sixet America has Fruit of the Loom. for Sprains the whole system. Just the drink you unll be fitted correctly. for just this season. CONSOLIDATED TEXTILE CORPORATION Alio Makeri of Wlndior Crepe and OuWFlaeCottonFabcka and Strains Specially Priced for This Sale Athletes everywhere know Convene & Company, Silllnt Atti 88 Worth Street, New York that Sloan's quickly takessore-nes-a vWsmsDh out of muscles, and brings quick, comforting relief Order by phone or ask your driver. THE BIG STORE to all external aches and pains. I H MILK $W Fottr Floors With Seating Capacity for GOO P5lliR ft 4 Mik Men, Women, Misses, Hoys and Children rts -- -- 1204-06-0- 8 Market Street - ?- Linimentloa Supplee Wills Jones 'rf ''f.AiV.'! . ". fj;v ,vYi,, V.. .tW1 Wn i't ,, V nu