Prep Workshop 2

Fiqh of Zakah اة

Thursday, April 16, 2020 What we’ll cover

1. Definition 2. Wisdom 3. History 4. Obligation 5. Consequences of not fulfilling it 6. Glossary of necessary terms 1. Definition Literal Definition

- Growth, increase, flourish ZAKAH - اة Qur’anic: purification

Zaki: Piety, purity, and innocence in character Legal Definition

- ● ZAKAH To transfer ownership of a specified portion of wealth to a - اة specified person, subject to the conditions specified by the shariah, for the sake of Allah

● The wealth taken out for the payment of Zakah is also called Zakah

It is also called sadaqah, There are 2 types of derived from sidq - it Sadaqah: indicates the person’s 1) Wajibah (mandatory) truthfulness in fulfilling the 2) Nafilah (optional) command of Allah Sadaqat Wajibah (Mandatory)

1. 2. Sadaqah al-Fitr a. Also known as: Fitrah & Zakat al-Fitr 3. Udhiyah: the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha 4. Kaffaraat: for the sake of expiation Sadaqat Nafilah (Voluntary)

Any optional charity given for beneficial causes such as:

● Construction of Masajid, schools, hospitals, etc.

Any charity beyond the mandatory amount of zakat and other sadaqat wajibah 2. Wisdom ● Decrease the difference between the wealthy and the rich ● Protect one’s wealth from all types of calamities ● Help those in need ● Purify the self of miserliness ● Create generosity ● Demonstrate gratitude to Allah for the wealth provided by Him 3. History ● Previous nations had to give zakat ● Three opinions for when zakat was obligated in our legislation: 1. Before Hijrah 2. 2nd Year of Hijrah, in the month of Shawwal 3. 9th Year of Hijrah Reconciliation of the Three Opinions

1. Before Hijrah: Zakat as a general form of charity was obligated 2. 2nd Year of Hijrah: Zakat was obligated with details 3. 9th Year of Hijrah: Zakat was implemented by the state with appointed agents sent to collect it 4. Obligation Its Obligation is Proven By: ● Pillar of ● Sunnah ● Ijma’ (Consensus) Quran ● There are 32 places in the Quran where we have been ordered to give zakah along with the command of offering Sunnah ● All books of mention the obligation of giving zakat Ijma’ (Consensus) ● There was agreement among all of the companions to fight those who reject the obligation of zakat If someone denies the obligation of zakat.. This person will have left the fold of Islam 5. Consequences for not Fulfilling Zakat Quran O you who have believed, indeed many of the scholars and the monks devour the wealth of people unjustly and avert [them] from the way of Allah. And those who hoard gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah - give them tidings of a painful punishment. (34) The Day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell and seared therewith will be their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, [it will be said], "This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard." (35) (Surah Tawbah 9) Hadith ,said (ﷺ) Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger "Anyone whom Allah has given wealth but he does not pay its Zakat, then, on the Day of Resurrection, his wealth will be presented to him in the shape of a bald-headed poisonous male snake with two poisonous glands in its mouth and it will encircle itself round his neck and bite him over his cheeks and say, "I am your (ﷺ) wealth; I am your treasure." Then the Prophet recited this Divine Verse:-- "And let not those who covetously withhold of that which Allah has bestowed upon them of His Bounty." (Surah Aali-Imran 3:180) (Sahih Bukhari) 6. Glossary of Necessary Terms Possessions are of 3 types:

1. Zakatable 2. Non-Zakatable & part of basic necessities 3. Non-Zakatable, but beyond one’s basic necessities 7 Zakatable Items

1. Gold 2. Silver 3. Currency (in use) 4. Business goods or stock in trade 5. Agricultural produce 6. Livestock grazing on unowned open pasture 7. Treasure troves People are of 3 types:

1. Obligated to give Zakah 2. Those who are not obligated to give Zakah and they are eligible to receive Zakah 3. Those who are not obligated to give Zakah, but they are not eligible to receive Zakah Sahib/Malik

1. Obligated to give Zakah 2. Possessor of Nisab 3. Nisab: The threshold for Zakatable assets at which Zakah becomes due Nisab is of 2 types:


= a gold coin = 4.374 g/0.141oz ● = a silver coin = 3.0618 g/0.108oz ● Nisab = 20 / ● Nisab = 200 ● ● ● Nisab on 4/20 = $4770.28 ● Nisab on 4/20 = $330.48 We go with the Gold Standard! Part 2: An Explanation of its Conditions in Detail

اة | of Zakah What we’ll cover

1. Who: Conditions of the one giving Zakah 2. What: Conditions of Wealth 3. How: Conditions of Giving Zakah 4. To whom: Conditions for the eligibility of receiving Zakah 1. Conditions for the one giving Zakah Who Has to Give Zakah

1. Freedom 2. Islam 3. Adult* 4. Sanity 5. Ownership of Nisab a. Debts? Debts Payable

- ASAP Payment Scheduled Payment

- deduct full amount - deduct amount you from assets owe for that year Debts

- - Price of goods - owed to wife purchased - due - Rent due - Personal debts - Utility bills of units - Commercial loans already consumed minus interest - Wages due to - Mortgages & student employees loans minus interest 2. Conditions for the Wealth 1. Wealth must be Zakatable 2. Zakatable wealth must be greater than or equal to amount 3. Lapse of a lunar year 7 Zakatable Categories

1. Gold 2. Silver 3. Currency (in use) a. Debts receivable 4. Business goods or stock in trade 5. Agricultural produce 6. Livestock grazing on unowned open pasture 7. Treasure troves Pension Funds

- - ZAKATABLE: - NON-ZAKATABLE: Optionally deducted without Deducted consent - 401Ks, IRAs, etc. - Pension plans, etc - Taxable amount may be deducted Lapse of a Lunar Year

Imam : Imam Malik, Shafi’i, & Ahmad: - 1. Year starts when your total 1. Year starts when you first hit wealth first hits nisab. nisab for each category 2. After one year, total wealth individually. must be at or over nisab in 2. The year is calculated order to pay zakat. Zakat paid separately for each zakatable on total amount. category. 3. Doesn’t matter what happens 3. Year restarts every time a during the year unless you hit category dips below nisab. 0. Then go back to Step 1. 3. Conditions for Giving Zakah How do you give Zakah

1. Intention 2. Tamleek: Transfer of Ownership 3. Quantity over quality 4. Can be given on your behalf Part 3: Those :ﻣﺻﺎرف اﻟزﻛوة eligible to receive Zakah اة | Fiqh of Zakah Eligibility Criteria What we’ll cover

1. The Criteria 2. The Categories To whom do we give our Zakah: General Criteria 1. A person capable of owning things 2. Muslim 3. Cannot be in exchange for anything 4. Cannot be from the family of Banu Hashim To whom do we give our Zakah: Specific Criteria 1. CANNOT give to your own family up or down 2. CAN give to your relatives on the sides 3. A child of a wealthy family CANNOT be given Zakah The 8 Categories Quran

إِإ نَّمَا الصَّ دَقَاتُ لِلْفُقَرَاءِ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَالْعَامِلِينَ عَلَيْهَا

وَالْمَُلَّفَِ قُُُهُْ وَِ ا ِّقَابِ وَالَْارِمِينَ وَِ َِِ اللَِّ

وَاِْ السَّ ِِ ۖ َرًَِ مَِّ اللَِّ ۗ وَاللَُّ عَلٌِ ٌَِ ﴿٦٠ ﴾ Quran Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise. (Surah Tawbah 9:60) 1. Poor 2. Needy 3. Zakat Collectors 4. Those whose hearts need to be reconciled 5. Slaves 6. Debtors 7. In the path of Allah 8. Traveler Part 4: Treasure Troves, Agricultural Produce & Livestock

اة | Fiqh of Zakah We’ll talk. :) ُْ ِْ أَْاِِْ ًَََ َُُُِّْ وََُِِّ َِ وََِّ ََِْْ ۖ إ نّ

ََََ ٌََ ُّْ ۗ وَاُّ ٌَِ ٌَِ ﴿١٠٣ ﴾

Take, [O, ], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase, and invoke [Allah 's blessings] upon them. Indeed, your invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing. (Surah Tawbah 9:103)