Package ‘gWidgetsWWW’ July 2, 2014 Version 0.0-23 Title Toolkit implementation of the gWidgets API for use with web pages Author John Verzani Maintainer John Verzani <
[email protected]> Depends R (>= 2.11.0), methods, proto, filehash, digest, rjson Suggests Extends canvas, RSVGTipsDevice, SVGAnnotation, webvis Description Port of the gWidgets API to program dynamic websites. Can be used with R's dynamic help web server to serve local files. This provides a convenient means to make local GUIs for users without concern for external GUI toolkits. Also, in combination with RApache,, this framework can be used to make public websites powered by R. The Ext JavaScript libararies ( are used to create and manipulate the widgets dynamically. License GPL (>= 3) URL LazyLoad FALSE Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2012-06-09 10:18:19 NeedsCompilation no 1 2 gWidgetsWWW-package R topics documented: gWidgetsWWW-package . .2 gcanvas . 11 ggooglemaps . 13 gprocessingjs . 15 gsvg............................................. 18 gwebvis . 20 gWidgetsWWW-helpers . 21 gWidgetsWWW-undocumented . 22 gw_browseEnv . 22 gw_package . 22 localServerStart . 23 Index 25 gWidgetsWWW-package Toolkit implementation of gWidgets for WWW Description Port of gWidgets API to WWW using RApache and the ExtJS javascript libraries. Details This package ports the gWidgets API to WWW, allowing the authoring of interactive webpages within R commands. The webpages can be seen locally through a local server or viewed through the internet:The local version is installed with the package and uses R’s internal web server for serving help pages.