JCV 8 - February 2, 2002 round 3

Virginia Tech packet


1. It results from the enzymatic oxidation of phenolic compounds when cellular disruption allows enzyme and substrate molecules to react. It can be prevented or delayed by removing oxygen from the system, by chilling, by the use of various sulfur­ containing food additives and through the use of food acids such as ascorbic acid. FTP, name this scientific term for the browning commonly seen on the freshly exposed cut surfaces of foods such as peaches, potatoes, apples and bananas. Answer: Enzymatic Browning

2. A member of a wealthy and politically powerful family, he rose quickly in Philippine politics: mayor of Concepcion, vice-governor of Tarlac province, governor, secretary general of the Liberal party, and senator. He was assassinated while disembarking a plane upon his return to the Philippines from three years of self-imposed exile in the United States. FTP name this political opposition leader whose widow became President in 1986. Answer: Benigno Simeon Aquino

3. Its origins date back to around 1650BC as 'a solution to the problem on the Rhind Papyrus. Diophantus of Alexandria wrote the first treatise on it in the 3rd century AD. The term derives from the Arabic to literally mean "the reunion of broken parts." As well as its mathematical meaning, the word also means the surgical treatment of fractures. FTP, give this branch of mathematics that was brought from ancient Babylon, Egypt and India to Europe via Italy by the Arabs. Answer: Algebra

4. As the main character, a dance critic, is leaving the titular location for the last time, a fire breaks out in the warehouse where Y oko is watching a movie. Shinamura makes just three trips to the hot springs in two years, and Komako falls in love with him even though she realizes that their relationship will never extend beyond that of a geisha and her client. FTP, name this novel by Yasunari Kawabata. Answer: Snow Country (Yukigum)

5. The mathematical basis of this economics concept was given by William Stanley Jevons and Leon Walras. Due to his 1871 publication, Principles, Carl Menger and the Vienna School are more closely associated with this concept that can also be used to describe the law of demand. FTP name this concept which is defined as the additional satisfaction obtained by a consumer from consuming one more unit of a good or service. A: Marginal Utility

6. As the son of the noble family of Ephesus he held a sharp disdain towards the mass of mankind. Hence, it is no surprise that when the Persians conquered his homeland and installed a democratic government he retreated to his country estate and dedicated himself to his studies. For 10 points name this pre-Socratic philosopher, writer of "On Nature," who held that up and down are the same and everything is in constant turmoil. Answer: Heraclitus

7. It traces its begiImings to the enigmatic figure of Wallace D. Fard, known as "Prophet Fard," "The Great Mahdi," or "The Savior," who attracted 8,000 followers between his appearance in Detroit in 1930 and his disappearance in June 1934. The community, gained significant ground under Fard's successor, Elijah Muhammad. FTP, name this Black Nationalist organization currently led by Louis Farrakhan. Answer: Nation of Islam

8. This opera gives the story of a prince who must save a princess from the priest Sarastro. The princess Pamina and prince Tamino fall in love and have to prove their love through a series of trials in the Temple of Ordeal before they can be worthy of entering the Temple of Light to be wed. FTP identify this favorite Mozart Opera of the Salzburg Marionette Theatre, named for the title object given to Tamino by the Queen of the Night. A: The Magic Flute

9. The main character travels to California after graduating from Yale University to learn costume and set design. In Hollywood, he finds a group of misfits he finds appalling for their lives of monotony and boredom, and deems them, "an exact model for the kind of person who comes to California to die." FTP, name this character who meets Homer Simpson in The Day ofthe Locust. Answer: Tod Hackett

10. Born in Madrid, his family moved to the U.S. when he was nine. He despised idealism, and his materialist and Platonist system is described in the collection REALMS OF BEING. An accomplished writer and devoted Catholic, his best known novel describes the story of Oliver Alden in The Last Puritan. FTP give the name of this founder of skepticism whose works include The Life of Reason and Scepticism and Animal Faith. A: George Santayana

11. Sensitive to electromagnetic fields, in birds it contains magnetic material used for navigation. About the size of a grain of rice, Galen thought it was a valve to regulate the flow of thought from the lateral ventricles of the brain. Ancients referred to it as the third eye. FTP identify this gland which regulates the body clock by producing melatonin which Descartes thought was the home of the human soul. A: pineal gland

12. He attended University of Krakow, studied liberal arts at Bologna, medicine at Padua, and law at the University of Ferrara. He emerged from Ferrara in 1503 with the doctorate in canon law. Elected a canon of the church, he not only faithfully performed his ecclesiastical duties, but also practiced medicine, wrote a treatise on monetary reform, and turned his attention to a subject in which he had long been interested-astronomy. FTP, name this man, through the publication of his heliocentric theory 70 years later, became one of the seminal figures in the history of scientific thought. Answer: Nicolaus Copernicus

13. It began when the offer of Frederick II to support the new Habsburg ruler if she would cede a contested province was rejected. He then enlisted the support of France, Spain, Bavaria, and Saxony after a victory at Mollwitz. An armistice was achieved, but it only allowed Austria to regroup before fighting broke out again. After the Austrians seized Prague from the Bavarians, FTP, this war was finally ended when peace was achieved between Prussia and Maria Theresa of Austria with the Treaty of Berlin, and the handover of the contested province to Prussia. Answer: First Silesian War (prompt on War of the Austrian Succession)

14. Since taking his post in July, he has faced demands for a "living wage" for janitors and other low-paid employees and received criticism for a well-publicized row with Afro-American Studies professors Cornel West and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. FTP, name this man who replaced Neil Rudenstine as the President of Harvard University. Answer: Lawrence Summers

15. In 130, Ptolemy depicted a settlement there on a map under the name of Eblana. Vikings set up the first permanent town there with a name meaning "black pool" and established near modem day College Green their Thingmote, or Hill of assembly. FTP name this city on the river Liffey which, the home of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, James Joyce and Guinness. A: Dublin

16. He invented a submarine battery used in harbor defense and a submarine telegraph cable, though he came up with the idea for his most well known patent while noting the spinning ofthe wheel of a ship. He founded a company based in Paterson, N.J. to sell his new device, which failed until the U.S. government bought 1,000 pieces in 1847. FTP, name this man, whose second company is based out of Hartford, CT, who allowed men to shoot six times without reloading. Answer: Samuel Colt

17. This man offended the Greek Gods when he stole ambrosia fruit from them. His punishment in the Underworld was to stand in the pool of Tartarus where he could reach neither fruit nor water because the water would drain away every time he bent down to drink, and the fruit would rise every time he tried to reach it. FTP, name this man from whose name we get a word meaning, "to tempt." Answer: Tantalus

18. It was the first big hit for the magical team of Lerner and Loewe. Inspired by Germelshausen, a German story by Friedrich Gerstacker. The story revolves around two American tourists, Tommy Albright and Jeff Douglas, who stumble upon a misty little Scottish town. FTP, name this musical, in which this mysterious little town only reawakens for one day every hundred years. Answer: Brigadoon

19. Published in 1900, its author was paid only $209 for the initial release. Perhaps this was justified, as it took eight years to sell the first 600 copies. Primarily the product of self-analysis and a few case studies of hysterics, this seminal work in psychology went on to have eight editions in the author's lifetime. FTP identify this book which laid the foundation for modern psychotherapy through its analysis of wish fulfillment in the manifest and latent content of dreams written by Sigmund Freud. A: The Interpretation of Dreams

20. This novel follows the son of an Indian Brahmin who, inspired by Gandhi's abhorrence of caste, had married an Indian "backward." In an attempt to escape and to find himself, the son moves to London and falls in with the literary bohemians of the 1950's. There he meets and falls in love with Ana, a woman of mixed African background and they eventually move to a Portuguese colony in Africa. FTP name this novel about the life of Willie Chandran written by V.S. Naipul. A: Half a Life

21. In a defiant act toward his father he purposely flunked his college entrance exam to pursue his dream of acting. Recently, his rebellious nature has had him protesting the existence of The School of the Americas for purportedly training Latin insurgents. For 10 points name this actor who has starred in the Shakespearean remake "0" but who is more recognizable as playing the US President on a TV drama. Answer: Martin Sheen (prompt on Sheen)

22. The majority opinion, written by Justice Henry Billings Brown, stated that in determining whether the statute passed by Louisiana in 1890 was reasonable, the court was "at liberty to act with reference to the established usages, customs, and traditions of the people." The only dissenter, Justice John Marshall Harlan, argued that "our Constitution is colorblind." FTP, identify the Supreme Court decision which was overturned in 1954 by Brown v. Board of Education. A: Plessy versus Ferguson

23. This German used Darwin's recently published ideas on evolution to support his social philosophies about Nationalism. He claimed that the overthrow of those who stood in the way of progress was justified because man and nature were one. This philosophy was the basis for his idea of a super-race of Germans. FTP, name this "monist" follower of Hegel. Answer: Ernst Haeckel

24. Komi, Ural, Kamchatka, Karelia, student uprising, and Vi atka are some of the places where players can compete for influence tokens. The Mafia can steal money from another player during his trading phase, and one of the communist's representative may attack a token with one die in its territory for free during the challenge phase. FTP, give this board game produced by Red Storm Entertairunent and later a Tom Clancy novel. Answer: Politika

25. One was born in San Martino, Italy, the other was born in Plymouth England. They met at St. Martin's art school where they were both studying sculpture. Their early work's only goal may have been to annoy their teacher Anthony Caro. Their work may now be intended to annoy the general public as they address taboos in works entitled "Our Sweat", "Bloody Mooning", "Sperm Eaters", "Bum Holes", "New Horny Pictures", and "Fuck." FTP name this duo that assert that they are "living sculpture" as they often depict themselves together in conservative suits and ties .. A: Gilbert Proesch and George Passmore

26. Her mother was forbidden to give birth in any month of the year so Thoth added five extra days to the year by gambling with the moon so Nut gave birth to her on the fourth of those five days. Usually represented with a throne on her head, FTP, identify this Egyptian goddess of fertility who married her brother, Osiris. A: Isis

27. The subject of U.S. Patent 6,302,230, it occupies an area of 19 by 25 inches on a sidewalk, contains two electronic controller circuit boards with a total of 10 microprocessors, and five solid-state angular rate sensors that act as gyroscopes in order to travel at a maximum speed of 12 miles per hour over an approximate 11 mile radius. FTP identify this heavily anticipated creation of Dean Kamen, code named Ginger, that looks a lot like a scooter. A: Segway Human Transporter, prompt on early Ginger or IT

28. The story involves a family that must transport a body to Jefferson, Miss., for burial. The relationships among the family members are explored through a series of interior monologues as a series of catastrophes, grim in themselves but frequently perceived in a comic manner. FTP, name this Pulitzer Prize winning book by William Faulkner about transporting the body of Addie Bundren. Answer: As I Lay Dying

29. The work of many artists, its last addition, a modem fac;:ade executed by Emilio de Fabri, occurred between 1867 and 1887, almost 600 years after it was begun by Arnolfo di Cambio. It later had a campanile contributed by Giotto and its baptistery doors were made by Ghiberti. FTP what is the name of this cathedral whose most famous contribution was made by Brunelleschi and was sketched from memory by Hannibal Lector in The Silence a/the Lambs. A: Duomo of Florence, or Cathedral of Florence, or Santa Maria del Fiore

30. Political leaders in its capital attempted to break away from the rest of the country in 1960 with backing by its former colonial masters, until the United Nations stepped in, finally ending the secession in 1963. Its name was changed to Shaba before its former name was reinstated in 1997. It is known around the world for large mineral deposits of copper, uranium and diamonds, as well as supplying much of the world's supply of cobalt. FTP, name this former Belgian controlled province once lead by Moise Tshombe (mo-_s' ch_m'b~. Answer: Katanga

31. He provided political commentary for CNN in 1988 and in 1992. His literary contributions include an account of a fictitious presidency in which the president appoints Sandy Koufax to his cabinet and also clones himself with the help of Anne Heche. FTP name this member of the original writing staff of , who feels that Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot even though his Stuart Smalley character encouraged everyone to say "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me." A: JCV 8 - February 2, 2002 round 3

Virginia Tech packet


1. It is perhaps with good reason that Groundskeeper Willie calls the French "cheese eating surrender monkeys." For the stated number of points, identify the decisive battle lost by the French. a. (5) This battle spelled the end of Napoleon, after which he was banished to St Helena. A: Waterloo b. (5) It was General Giap's decisive victory over the French at this mountain fort that led to the French withdrawal from Vietnam. A: Dien Bien Phu c. (10) This decisive battle in the Franco-Prussian war saw the surrender of Napoleon III and 83,000 French troops. A: Sedan d. (10) In this 1701 battle in Lombardy during the War of Spanish Succession, Francois de Villeroi led the French against Austrian Prince Eugene. France lost 3000 soldiers. Austria lost 150. A: Chiari

2. FTP each, answer the following relating to the Japanese submarines of WWI1. The I-58 sunk this ship as it was heading to the Philippines after delivering its secret payload to the island of Tinian. Answer: Indianapolis This is the sub that sunk the U.S. Carrier Yorktown at the battle of Midway. Answer: 1-168 The 1-400 class of submarines, designed to hold a dive-bomber in each sub, were built to attack this militarily strategic American site. Answer: Panama Canal

3. Name these novels by Willa Cather, FTP each: a) Cather's second novel, it deals with Swedish immigrant Alexandra Bergson and her family'S life on a Nebraska farm. Answer: 0 Pioneers! b) This novel features Thea Kronberg, a Nebraska-born girl who develops into an opera star. Answer: The Song ofthe Lark c) This novel deals with Claude Wheeler, who is obliged to leave college for the sake of the famil farm but then finds direction after enlisting to fight in World War 1. Answer: One of Ours

4. 30-20-10 Identify the term from the world of sculpture. (30) - Some sculptures that implement of this type include "Boomerangs", "Blue Feather", and "Red Lily Pads" (20) - The term was coined by Marcel Duchamp, and it was inspired by a visit to Mondrian's studio where there were "experimental stunts with colored rectangles of cardboard tacked on." (10) - "Lobster Trap and Fish Tail" is one of Alexander Calder's most famous versions of this type of sculpture. A: mobile

5. For the stated number of points, identify the following figures in Greek mythology who saw goddesses bathing and suffered as a result. a. (5) This legendary hunter was turned into a stag and then ripped apart by his own hounds when he came upon Artemis bathing. A: Actaeon b. (10) This prophet was blinded when he saw Athena bathing. A: Teiresias c. (15) This son of Apollo was blinded when he saw Aphrodite bathing after she had made love to Adonis. A: Erymanthus

6. Wireless local area networks are being deployed all over college campuses. For ten points apiece, identify three of the most popular wireless LAN standards from their descriptions. a. (10) This numerically named standard is actually a family of standards and comes in a, b, and g varieties which may be implemented in either the 2.4 or 5 gigahertz band. A: 802.11 b. (10) Named after a Viking, this WLAN standard operates over 79 frequency hopped channels in North America. Its elusive $5 target chip price is supposed to make wireless device connectivity ubiquitous and allow the interconnection of computers, mobile phones, and PDAs. A: Bluetooth c. (10) This wireless LAN standard comes in two forms designated 1 and 2. Developed in the mid 90's by the Europeans as an alternative to 802.11, it uses Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying and operates in the 5 gigahertz band. A: HiperLAN

7. Identify the actress from clues on a 30-20-10 basis. (30) Born in New York in 1970, she started modeling at the age of 10 and this led to her getting her fust movie role in "Once Upon a Time in America." (20) In 1991 she was the lead actress in "Career Opportunities" and "The Rocketeer" and Sarah in "The Labyrinth" (10) She played Emma Murdoch in "Dark City", and Alicia Nash in "A Beautiful Mind" A: Jennifer Connelly

8. In Plato's Republic, Socrates advocates an "Aristocracy" or rule by the wise. FTPE, name these lesser forms of government. a. Fatally flawed by its reliance on popularity contests is this "rule of the many." A: democracy b. This government, today synonymous with aristocracy, puts power in the hands of a few individuals selected by wealth rather than wisdom. A: oligarchy or plutocracy c. This is a form of government in which the military holds power. A: timocracy

9. Identify the disputed region in the world for the stated number of points. a. (5) A recurring flashpoint between nuclear powers, this region claimed by India, Pakistan, and China has been in dispute since the partition of India. A: Kashmir b. (10) This large, long island to the north of Japan continues to be a source of contention with Russia. Under Japanese rule its capital was named Toyohara. A: Sakhalin Island or Karafuto Island (the Japanese version) c. (15) Since1972, Libya has stationed troops in this 100,000-square-kilometer portion of northern Chad named for a small town in the region. A: Azou Strip

10. Identify the French realist painter for the stated number of points. a. (5) "The Quarry", "The Painter's Studio", "Burial at Omans" A: Gustave Courbet nr b. (10) "The Print Collector", "Don Quixote and the Dead Mule/ , "Third Class Carriage" A: Honore Daumier c. (15) "The Bridge at Nantes", "Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld", "Agostina" A: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

11. For the stated number of points, identify the leaders of these nations that have taken on a secondary, though important, role in the U.S. led war on terrorism. a. (5) She is the President ofIndonesia, the most populous Muslim nation in the world. A: Megawati Sukamoputri b: (10) She is the President of the Phillipines, where Abu Sayyaf, a militant Islamic group with ties to Al Queda operates. A: Gloria Macapagal -Arroyo c. (15) He is the President of Uzbekistan, which links to Afghanistan over the Friendship Bridge. A: Isolm Karimov

12. The Leakey family has contributed much to the study of early humans. Answer the following associated with the Leakeys for the stated number of points. 5 - The Leaky who found several sets of footprints dating back to 3.5 million years at Laetoli. Answer: Mary Leakey 10 - 1978 book by Richard Leakey that presented his idea that three hominid species, two Australopithecine and Homo Habilis, coexisted with each other. Answer: People oUlte Lake 15 - A 3.5 million year old skull found on a 1998-99 expedition by Meave Leakey is a member of this species of hominid. Answer: Kenyanthropus platyops

13. Identify the following Shakespeare play from characters for five points each and a bonus five for all correct. a. Demetrius, Lysander, Oberon, Titania A: Midsummer Night's Dream b. Portia, Lancelot, Shylock A: Merchant of Venice c. Touchstone Orlando Rosalind A: As You Like It d. Viola, Sebastian, Orsino, and Olivia A: Twelfth Night or What You Will e. Vincentio, Angelo, Elbow, Froth A: Measure for Measure

14. Identify the following meteorological scales for ten points each. a. This scale for wind speed was originally developed for sailors and ranges from calm (0-1 mph) to hurricane (above 73 mph). A: Beaufort wind scale b. This scale for tornadoes is actually based on the amount of damaged caused by the tornado rather than simply the wind speed, since it is extremely difficult to measure the wind speed inside a tornado. A: Fujita-Pearson scale c. This scale for hurricanes picks up where the Beaufort scale leaves off and ranges from category 1 (at least 73 mph) to category 5 (above 155 mph). A: Saffir-Simpson scale

15. Identify the following people identified in famous kidnapping cases for the stated number of points. a. (5) This daughter of a publisher was kidnapped in 1974 by the Symbionese Liberation army in 1974. A: Patricia "Patty" Hearst b. (10) This son of a famous singer was kidnapped from a hotel room in Lake Tahoe December of 1963 by Barry Keenan. It prompted offers of help from President Kennedy and mobster Sam Giancana. A: Frank Sinatra Jr. c. (15) The 1981 abduction of this six year old from a Hollywood, Florida Sears led to the "Code Adam" security protocol at department stores. A: Adam Walsh

16. In the early 1800's a new so-called science developed in reaction to industrialization and the exclusion of the merchant class from places of power. Two German physicians founded the discipline that claims that studying bumps and hollows in one's skull reveals his personality. FTPE, name this discipline and the city in which it got the most attention. Answer: Phrenology, Edinburgh FTP, all or nothing, name the two physicians who developed phrenology. Answer: Gall and Spurzheim

17. For five points a piece and a bonus five for getting all parts right, specify the brightest star of the given constellation. a. Ursa Minor A: Polaris b. Gemini A: Pollux c. Orion A: Rigel d. Taurus A: Alderbaran e. Leo A: Regulus

18. Identify the man on a 30-20-10 basis. (30) In the 1930's he joined Hitler Youth, and in the 50's he was a sculptor and writer in Paris. One of his later works was The Flounder. (20)He was a ghost-writer for Willy Brandt. Cat and Mouse is the title of the second installment in his Danzig Trilogy. (10) The first book of his Danzig Trilogy was The Tin Drum. He went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1999. A: Gunter Grass

19. Answer these questions about American art, FTPE. Born in 1882 in Columbus, Ohio, this painter frequented and drew inspiration from Tom Sharkey'S Athletic Club in New York during the height of his career. Name this member of the Ash Can School who died of acute appendicitis in 1925. Answer: George Bellows Even though Bellows claimed to know little of boxing, one of his more well-known works depicts two prize fighters in a bout at the previously mentioned athletic club. Name this 1909 painting which now resides in the Cleveland Museum of Art. Answer: Stag at Sharkey's The son of a riverboat gambler and a native of Nebraska, this painter taught in Philadelphia before moving to New York in 1900. Name this contemporary of Bellows and member of "The Eight," regarded to be the leader ofthe Ash Can School. Answer: Robert Henri (pronounced Hen-rye)

20. For the stated number of points, identify the musician with political aspirations. a. (5) This 70's icon and former Republican mayor of palm springs served in congress before dying in a skiing accident A: Sonny Bono b. (10) This lead singer ofthe Dead Kennedy's was nominated for the Green Party's presidential nomination in 2000. A: lello Biafra c. (15) This leader of the Smoky Mountain Boys was a staple on the Grand Ole Opry, was known as the Caruso of Mountain Music, and campaigned in 1948 to be the governor of Tennessee. A: Roy Acuff

21. Identify the following relating to aircraft FTPE. An altimeter is one of these calibrated to read feet or meters. Answer: barometer This device measures the differences in pressure at different points on an aircraft to determine velocity. Answer: Pitot-Static Tube (p_t_-static) This is a movable surface that controls the roll of the airframe. Answer: aileron

22. Name the American for thirty points on the fIrst clue, twenty on the second, and ten on the last. 30 - He was the fIrst man to fly over the Andes Mountains with two broken ankles. 20 - He became commanding general of the North African Strategic Air Forces in 1943. 10 - He lead a morale boosting raid on Tokyo in 1942. Answer: James Harold "Jimmy" Doolittle

23. Answer the following questions related to ancient Indian History for ten points each. a. (10) Established in 322 BC in Magadha, its fIrst king was Chandra Gupta. A : Maurya Empire. b. (10) This Greek ambassador from Seleucus I to the court of the Chandra Gupta. His book, Indica, served as the primary basis of Western knowledge of India for nearly a century. A: Megasthenes c. (10)The grandson of Chandra Gupta, he brought nearly all of India, Baluchistan and Afghanistan under the Maurya (moury) Empire. After his conquest of Kalinga, he converted to Buddhism. A: Asoka

24. Answer the following about Dante's Inferno for the stated number of points. 5 - This poet is Dante's guide through Hell. Answer: Virgil 10 - These beings are the guardians of the City of Dis. Answer: The Furies 15 - This is the sin of the souls that lie in the sixth pouch of the eighth circle. Answer: Hypocrisy (accept hypocrites)

25. In mid-December, a cease-fIre in Israel was called that lasted three weeks. Answer the following about the renewed violence following that cease-fIre FTPE. Israeli tanks and troops destroyed this radio station's building after surrounding the headquarters of Yasser Arafat. Answer: Voice of Palestine The advance on Arafat's headquarters was in response to a Palestinian attack on a banquet hall housing a celebration for what event for a 12-year-old girl? Answer: Bat Mitzvah (do NOT accept Bar Mitzvah, which is for males) The attack on the banquet hall happened in this town. Answer: Hadera

26. Identify the author based on his or her body of work for thirty points on the first clue, twenty on the second, and ten on the last. 30 - The Proud Tower 20 - A Distant Mirror 10 - The Guns ofAugust Answer: Barbara Tuchman

27. For the stated number of points identify the incarnation of Vishnu from his description. a. (5) The eighth incarnation of Vishnu, he dictated the bhagavad gita (bah - gah - vadth geeta) to Arjuna. A: Krishna b. (5)The seventh incarnation of Vishnu, he killed Ravana (Rah - vah - nah), after his wife Sita (See -tah) had been kidnapped by Ravana. A: Rama c. (10) The fourth incarnation of Vishnu, he had the face of a lion and body of a man, A : N ara Simha d. (10) Yet to appear, this 10th incarnation of Vishnu will appear as a machine man on a horse back to protect the world and fight against evil A: Kalki

28. For 10 points each, answer the following questions about the roles of actor Tom Hanks. a. (10) Hanks got his television start in 1980 on this sitcom where he and a friend chose to dress up as women in order to live in an apartment building. A: Bosom Buddies b. (10) This 1996 movie, which he also wrote and directed, had Hanks managing a band called the The Wonders. A: That Thing You Do! c. (10) This movie was Hank's first movie collaboration with Ron Howard. In it, Hanks falls in love with the Mermaid played by Daryl Hannah. A: Splash