WEATHER FORECASTS .♦ ♦ WHERE TO GO TONIGHT For 26 hours ending 5 p m Wednesday: . Victoria and vk.tnlty—Light to moder­ ate winds, fair and warm to-day and on *1 : Vantages—The Sawdust Ring. Wednesday Romano—Beauty in Chaîna. •Lower Mainland-Light to moderate Royal Victoria—The Blue Bird. winds, flue apd .warni to-day and on Variety—The Whlf«i»erlngX.*horue. Wednesday. Columbia—The Divorcee. Dominion—The Heart of a Lion.

■—=555— VOL. 52. NO. 142 VICTORIA, B. €., TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918 FOURTEEN PAGES GREAT BATTLE GOES ON WITH BUT LITTLE CHANGE IN LINE Enemy Long-Distance GERMAN ATTACKS IN FRANCE ARE Cans Again Shelled FRENCH REGAIN VILLAGE ON LEFT, City of Paris To-Day MOVES BY ARMY LEADERS FORCED Paris, June 11.—The German long­ RE-ESTABLISHED LINE IN CENTRE distance bombardment of Parts was re­ sumed this morning. Two persons were killed and nine were wounded during yesterday's bom­ BY BAD CONDITIONS IN GERMANY bardment. according to The. Eelair. AND LOSE GROUND ON THE RIGHT

British Ministry of Information Says Offensive Due to Merry Retaken by Foch’s Men; Enemy Advances in State of Affairs in Enemy Country; Austria-Hungary AUSTRALIANS MOVE AHEAD EFFORT IS WEARING Centre But is Hurled Back by French; Withdrawal by IsjReported to Be Tottering ON MILE-AND-HALF FRONT D( French Troops on Right Wing of Front \Paris, June 11.—The German drive between the Montdidier and Ottawa, June 11.—A summary of the war situation for the past IN AREA EAST OF AMIENS Noyon regions continued unremittingly last night, says to-day’s offi­ week, cabled to Canada by the British Ministry of Information and Huge Wastage Being Suffered . by Germans in New cial report. issued here as official news, says: On their left the French offered effective resistance. They re­ “The conditions in Germany are less critical than those in Aus­ London, .Tune 11.—Australian troops last night carried out an Battle operation in the region east of Amiens by which the British line captured the village of Merry. tria-Hungary, but sufficiently bad to force the military authorities to south of Morlancourt wan advanced a half mile on a front of !» mile The principal German effort' was directed against the centre. seek an immediate decision in the field. and a half, the War Office announced to-day. Two hundred and Paris. June 11.—All the advices from Attacking with heavy forces, the enemy drove back the French as far “Reports from all sources prove that but for German control Aus­ thirty-three prisoner# were taken. , the battlefront show that the enemy as the region of the Aronde River, but by a brilliant counter-attack The statement reads : is putting every p*ie.«tbte effort in his tria would collapse because of economic bankruptcy and the disinte­ design to push toward Paris, throwing French troops hurled back the enemy all along this front and re-es­ gration of the divers Rationalities under the Hapsburg dominion. In “Last night another minor operation was undertaken with com­ division after division Into the conflict. plete success by Australian troops in the region of Morlancourt. The In the first two days of fighting yester­ tablished their lines south of Belloy, at St. Maur, south of Marque- HoU due to labor troubles and food shortage near Prague, in Bohemia, day and Sunday, he succeeded in line south of the village was advanced carrying forward his line at the maxi­ glise and at Vandelicourt. 300 persons recently were arrested. The Arbeiter Zeitung’s report of to a depth of nearly half a mile on a mum point of advance, at Vig'nemont. On their right the French engaged in violent combats with large front of more than a mile and a half a distance of six miles. In this he was the trial describes thirty-seven of these persons as lean, hungry and and 2SS prisoner*, twenty-one machine Reassuring News Is materially aided by a considerable num- forces concentrated by the enemy, who weak, with weeping children on their laps and half-grown lads and guns and a trench mortar were cap­ !>er of tanka which the French artillery was able to gain ground. The French tured by us.” at first was unable to demolish. girls. "Successful raids. In which we cap­ Brought From Front withdrew their line to the west and The enemy further succeeded In wid­ south of RibecourC “Growing fear of revolution has driven the Austrian Emperor tured several prisoners and two ma­ ening the point of his wedge by bring­ chine guns and inflicted numerous by French Premier ing up two divisions of the Guards and The statement follows: more and more into the power of Germany.” casualties upon the enemy were car­ two Bavarian divisions borrbwed from “Yesterday and last night Ger-( ried out by us during the night north- the army of Crown Prince Kupprecht. muns continued to exert pressure In weal- of Morlam ourt. south of the the direction of Kstress, tit. Denis and Paris, June 11.—Premier Clemencesu These troops captured the villages of Scarpe and east of Dieppe Forest. Merry. Ht. Maur and Belloy, giving the Ribevourt. Hnemy troops raided one of our posts conferred with seversl of the genersle enemy a plateau-behind which he eon "On our left our resistance was ef­ in Aveluy Wood. One man is missing. at the front yesterday and brought mas* troops, (tartly sheltered from fective. The Germans were able to “Hostile artillery was active during back with him, it ia declared, very re­ observation by the French. capture neither Le Ployron nefr Cour- SOMME OFFENSIVE JUNKERS' IDEA OF the night with gas shells to the west Terrible Losses. Former Victorian is Made of Lens."" assuring news on the situation. The in­ “The village of Merry was recap­ Along Ridge. . .. formation which he gathered confirmed ir the danger to the French Is In tured by French troops at fen o'etodt the report» of the enormous tosses be­ loring grmmd that Is valuable as room Companion of Order of Bath"; last night. With the British Army In France, for manoeuvring, the x rmana are im- June 11.—(By the Associated Press» — ing suffered by the Germans. Others Honored “The greatest effort of the Germans I>ertlltng their lines by the human was exerted along the front of Belloy Further improvement In the British wastage which i* in progress. The Ger­ battlefront Just north ef the river man army as a whole has been en­ and Marquegllse. By a powerful at- Homme, between Hailly-Laurette and gaged for the last three months with tack. delivered with a great number British Ministry of Information Morlancourt, was achieved last night slight facilities for renewal. The balance London, June 11.—The following or effectives; the enemy succeeded in Vice-Chancellor Von Payer by a comparatively small bat highly WILSON URGES BEST seems to be Jn favor of the French. driving back our forces in th* vicinity successful attack made by soldiers Canadian offUifl are gazetted Com­ of the Aronde River, but by a magnifi­ Talks of Getman-Domin- The .resistance .that ia being offered panions of tSe Offtr «.f the Bath Compares It With Lys and from Australia. L>rB mg forward along by the French troops In this battle has cent return offensive French troops âted Central Europe the ridge <»f high ground which runs not been surpassed for determination Major-General Garnet B. Hughes. hurled the enemy back all along the Aisne Attacks east and west below Morlancourt, the during the whole war. Thus one little Major-General W. A. Logie and Colonel front, re-establishing their positions Australians foiyed the enemy back for EFFORTS OF WORKERS group of dismounted cavalry at Pie- on a line south of Belloy. at St. Maur, a distance of about 76» yards « Alex. Primrose. Sourt °f Mar,,ue*,i"* and at Vandell- considerable front. mint was almost surrounded, but beat off fourteen (ierman attacks, contri­ The following are gasetted Com pan Ottawa. June 11.—“It Is Interesting to Amsterdam. June 11.—A report of the Two German officers and 231 of other ions of #he Order of St. Michael and “On the right our troops engaged in ranks were made prisoners. Twenty- buting largely to the hindrance of the compare the three enemy offensives of speech made in the German Reichstag Sends Telegram to Great Labor advance. violent struggles In the wood north of by Von Payer, the Vice-Chancellor, on one machine guns and a trench mortar Ht. George: Major-General Thomas the Somme, th^e Lys and the Aisne,” Melted Away. Dreslincourt. The Germans, who had the new alliance between Germany and ere captured. Convention in Session Benson, Major-General Willoughby concentrated very heavy forces In this says a summary of the war situation Austria-Hungary, ways that after ex­ British troops also carried out sev­ In a summary of *e Paris news­ Gwatkin. Major-General W M. Hod- region. - were able to reach Antovai, eral satisfactory raid* at various points paper comment on the battle the Havas for the past week issued by the British plaining why such a union offered at St. Paul gins. Brigadier-General Donald Ho­ compelling our troops to withdraw Ministry of Information, cabled to Can­ bright prospects. Von Payer said that along the line. Agency refers to the small progress their line of resistance to the ada and Issued here as official news. all the advantages would he increased made by the Germans in comi>arlson garth. Colonel George Armstrong and south of Rlbecourt." "The Somme offensive opened March If Poland and the northern border with the price they had to pay. Le (Medical Service), Brigadier-General 21. reached its zenith by April 1, nnd states would join economically with Washington, June II—President Petit Journal observes that after an James Blggar, Major Harry Elliott, stability was re-established by April 7. Wilson to-day telephoned to the extremely costly day for them in the Brigadier-General Richard Helmer, tiltL.Central Empires. They would he way of casualties, the Germans yester­ —less than three weeks In all The enhanced, enormously if. in ;i loose GERMANS GAMBLE AmerU an Federation uf Labor and Henry ftsborine. Colonel (’has. day realized smaller gams than on the Lys offensive opened April 9, reached form. Russia and Bulgaria, and perhaps American Alliance for Labor and Perreau. Vnfnnrt f-Yank Reid. Lieut. pervious day. “The divisions engaged ;e its zenith by April 18. and broke Turkey, also participated. The Vice- I>emocracy, In convention at St. Paul, Colonel George Badgerow, Colonel out afresh on April 25. and the situ­ ^ urging renewed efforts of labor In sup­ melted away as in a crucible." it says. Chancellor continued: The Echo de Paris says that Gen­ Harold Bickford. Colonel Malcolm Col- ation reached stability by April 29— All must Anally hfcome a great port of the war programme. quhvun. Colonel Stanley Gardener, threé weeks in all. Excluding the "The war van be lost in America as erate Foeh and Petal»» km>w the united region of intercourse, with uni­ enemy's limitations—how far he can go. Colonel John A. Gunn, Lieut. Colonel Kemmel attack, the ertemy used thirty- well as on the fields of France, and Charles Me Ear hern. Colonel Alyn U. S. ARMYjN FRANCE form interests. Concurrently with the and beyond which positions he can not seven divisions In this operation. Ths. fatlnal disappearance of custom* Ill-considered and unjustified interrup- Palmer, Colonel John Rattray. Briga­ nn of the essential labor of the advance farther, while Le Matin argues Aisne operation opened May 17. reached Ï dier-General Henry Ruttan, Brigadier- ht les and frontiers there must be uni­ Throwing Men forward 3$ country may make It impossible to win that an offensive conducted at such a Its- zenith by May SI, and apparenf" rat Ion of a far-reaching order In Genera! Lewis Shannon, MaJùr Ever­ stability was re-established by June 3 IV said the President’s telegram to price can not be long continued. Americans Even Are. Con-...: economic legislation, especially trade Though This Would Be Robert Malsel. of the American Alli­ ett Bristol. Major Furry Montagu and —exactly one week, during which the and industrial tariffs and the care of Colonel Frank Morrison. enemy used between forty and fifty ance for Labor and Democracy. A PORT TOWNSEND DEATH. structing Whole Ports, Says labor. Certain forms of indirect tax Last Battle Order of Empire. divisions ation must be outlined similarly and “The comparison suggests that the U. 8. RAILWAY CHANGES. Port Townsend. Juno 11.—Alfred I. The following Canadians are gazet­ British Writer railways, waterways and other means Smith, a pioneer millman of the North­ main enemy offensive for 1918 was the of communication must be made tp west, who h;«d resided here more than ted members of the Order of the Brit­ attack in the Somme area, while those Washington. June 11.—Howard El­ ish Empire: Colonel O. Kingsley Gib serve the Interests. liott. of the New Haven, and F. D. fifty years, died Monday at the age of of the Lys ahd the Aisne were exploit­ French Headquarters in France, June son, l>eputy Director of the- Dental “Such co-operation, however, is only Underwood, of the Erie, are among the ninety-five. For many years he was in ations of unexpected opportunities. 11.—(Via Reuter’s Ottawa Agency) — Wervlce; Major Bruce "Caldwell, of the London. June 11.—What the Ameri­ to be thought of in conjunction with It is estimated that the Germans used railroad presidents removed to-day a* charge of the Port Discovery mill. In can forces have accomplished In Perhaps these will cause the enemy to chief operating officers of their roads point of years he was the oldest mi Postal Service; Major Ernest Fen­ modify his original Intentions, but the the maintenance of the political in­ between twenty and thirty divisions France during the first eleven months dependence of the empires concerned, up to last night in their new attack be­ by appointment of federal managers to in Jefferson County and was one of the wick. of the Remount Commission of their participation in the war is de­ disposition of his reserves suggests operate lines for the railway adminis­ wealthiest. He was ho 171 In Maine. He Captain Harry Fox. of the Medical that he is not so .far committed to such while mutual consideration and united tween Noyon and Montdidier. As the scribed in an authorized dispatch from tration. never married. Service, and Captain T Colley, of the a special corresjiondent of The Times. a change. action In connection with questions of enemy’s advance Is slow-, he is able to foreign policy are necessary. bring up hie light artillery while the Physical Training branch. The Americans, the writer says, are rapidly completing the longest and Military Alliance. heavies are still firing from the old Maj.-Gen. (then Bright ten.) Hughes greatest scheme of communication ever "Political co-o|*eration must be sup­ positions. The artillery strength .of used in warfare. British Vessel Made « the two sides accordingly is practically received the C. M. G. at the New' Year ported by an understanding on mili­ In 1917. He came to this island In “After a fortnight of solid travel." he tary questions. If the state* are bound equal, although the French artillery is REFUGEE FROM PETROGRAD, continues. “I am convinced that what Clean Hit on U Boat more effective, the gunners t>eing fa­ the service of the Canadian Northern together by a treaty of protection they Pacific Railway, land in 1911 he sev­ the Americans have accomplished will must hear proportionately the .burden miliar with the ground. rank in history as one of the greatest The fierceness of the fighting and the ered his connection with the C. N. R. achlevementseof the war. Near British Port of this protection, and all would then to become resident engineer for the have the same interest In the simplifi­ inflexible determination with which the RUSSIAN MINISTER WILL "For instance, on the waste lands enemy accepts his shocking losses B-. Ç. Electric Railway. adjacent to an ojd Freneh port they cation and appropriate extension of As major of the 50th Gordon High­ military institutions. show that he is determined to con­ have constructed a- splendid line of An Atlantic' Port of the United tinue until victory or complete t*r- landers he left the capital with the States. June 11.- A German submarine modern docks where ships now are ’ The experiences of the present war haustion In the decisive battle of the first overseas draft on August 27, 1914, daily discharging men. war materials, was-attacked and apparently sunk by a have shown what similar training In year is attained. URGE ACTION BY ALLIES and his rise since that time has been curs and machinery. A huge new ware­ British ship a week ago Sunday morn arming, equipment and supply systems Yesterday’s Attack. very rapid. He became a divisional house system at this point Is nearing ing off a British port, according to means in facilitating the conduct of a commander consequent upon Major- completion. In addition to motor parks, passengers on the ship, which arrived The enemy yesterday at Immense war. and what difficulties their absence General Turner’s promotion to the en­ cold storage plants and railway vards here to-day. A United States army has entailed. cost puccèêded in pushing his advance with tracks aggregating 200 miles In froth a mile to three miles deep on Into Escaping from the clutches of the Bolsheviks to tfiis continent tire charge of Canadian troops in officer who saw the single shot fired at “The military authorities undoubted­ length. In the car assembling shops the submarine, which was only 150 our front. At Marques!Ise. the south­ after a secret flight from the interior of Russia, A. Konovaloff, twice England. steel cars are being put together at the ly would come to an understanding ernmost point of his salient, he was yards away, expressed the opinion that to what is necessary |n this direction. Minister of Commerce, fifst in the cabinet of Prince Lvoff and later rate of a complete train each day. about seven miles from his starting “There also are an Immense artil­ a clean hit had bfeen made. Two de It would be fine, indeed, if General stroyers which hccortipanied the liner with Premier Kerensky, accompanied by his wife, a lady of French Germans Get Into lery camp and a remount camp where world disarmament would be reached Yesterday morning the fighting was I saw several thouaand horses. closed In after this one-sided combat, with the conclusion of peace. Let us birth, reached Victoria to-day aboard the Nippon Y use 11 Kaisha liner and dropped depth charges at the spot almost unprecedented In fury. Unlimited Expansion. take a stand for the present, however, |}uwa Maru. M. Konovaloff is on a mission to Washington. London Difficult Country where the U boat had disappeared. on facts and make the* alliance com­ Enormous Losses. “These port schemes are being eo- The British vessel was met some dis plete. With Germany atid Austria- With the French Armies In France, mid Paris to impress upon the Allied Governments the urgency of well worked out that they are capable tance from this port by a scout sea Hungary standing economically and June 11.—(By Reuter's)—The Ger imn^diate intervention in Siberia to prevent the entire Russian Em­ as Result of Drive of almost unlimited expansion, which plane, which escorted her here. The mans continue to attack In compact will be most Important in pooling the politically united, who in the world pire from being completely dominated in control of Moscow, but under an as "l allied efforts, for the American base liner carried 176 passengers. She is a would have the courage, whether alone masses which are mowed down by our vessel which several times has been by the T.-utonie enemy. sumed name the former Russian Min ports may easily become the main re­ or with others, to run against this bloc, guns. Others and still others follow, inter of Commerce, together with his With the French Army In France, serve centres for distributing supplies subjected .to unsuccsesful torpedo at especially when the war preparations and when a position finally Is taken by Although M. Konovaloff refused to June 11.—(By the Associated Press)— tacks, and oncp was shelled by wife, succeeded in making his escape to railheads everywhere on the front U of the allied empires are unified, when the enemy, as often as not it is prompt­ discuss the nature of his mission, he from the undent capital of Russia on a The difficulties confronting the enemy boat The conditions were the same along France Is weakened to such a degree ly retaken by the French. In these did not denv that this was one of his French mission train. are very great as a result of the nature the hundreds of miles of American counter-attacks the French invariably as she appears to have no Idea of. to­ main objects in visiting the American The trfin Journey through Russia of (he country' he has now entered in communications I visited.” day, when czariatio Russia can neither find the ground littered with German his new drive. The terrain comprises In an accompanying editorial The continent and Europe. was most exciting, as the former Min­ Americans Improved be a menace to its enemies nor a pny dead, often lying In heaps. The little ister was in constant fear of hie life. sharp hills, deep valleys and thick Times says: “The German knows his tectlon for political states which play height called Piémont, south of l^as- He stated that he hoped to consult He admits that had his identity been woods. Where his most pronounced doom Is drawing near. He is well the role of perpetual disturbers of the signy. must be paved with enemy dead. with President Wjlson and members of made known to the Bolshevik! troop* progress has been made, In the centre aware of what the Intervention of the Positions Northwest peace and Intriguers, when the north­ It was held by dismounted French his Cabinet on jiis arrival in Washing­ who 1 >oarde<1 the train at intervals of the battlefield, the ground forms a United States means for him. When ern border states are the military fol­ cavalry. The last dispatch runners ton and would then make his way to along the route. Very little value would sort of hollow through which runs the the American preparation* in France who got through from Piémont before France to place his services at the dis­ have been placed upon his life. main road from Nenlis to Roye and the are complete, the superiority of -num­ of Chateau Thierry lowers of Germany, when Poland Is posal of the Allies. allied to the Central Empires, and when Its fall, said they had seen fourteen Fearing that he might be discovered Compiegne-Roye railroad. bers. the enemy's only advantage in neither starvation In the Central Pow­ unsuccessful German attacks on the Following the fall of the Kerensky If he attempted to pass through Vladi­ the field, will be gone and the world Washington, June 11. —General ers nor dissension between them can hill and there were others after they Government. Mr. Konovaloff, together vostok, the political refugee made his will be In sight of a real peace." Pershing’s communique for yesterday longer be counted u|#*n by their ene­ left. with the other members of the Cab­ way to Dairen by a circuitous route ANOTHER AMERICAN mies. x inet, were confined to the fortress of and ultimately reached Japan, where austrianfined ~r ■- “Northwest of <’bateau Thierry our BIG FOREST FIRE. tit. Peter and 8L Paul at Petrograd he booked passage to this noast. AVIATOR IS KILLED In Teuton's Hands! The Kerensky ministers werp held In He declined to discuss the Russian troops. Co-operating with the French, •The peace of Europe will then rest Port Townsend. Wash., June 11.—A the great Russian fortress „ for four situation from any aspect, claiming FOR N0J REPORTING again improved their positions and in­ In the hands of united Germany and months, when they were released and that as he had been imprisoned for East Greenwich. R. I.. June 11.—Jack flicted upon the enemy losses in killed, forest fire Is raging on the Olympic placed under police surveillance. several months he. was not in touch McGee, of -Pawtucket, R. !.. an aviator New Weetmtmlrr, June 11.—John prisoners and material. Austria-Hungary, and will be In good Peninsula. It originated in the vicinity hands. With every economic and poli­ The release of the political prisoners with developments. He also refuged to who had given many exhibition flights Buchko. an Austrian from Lethbridge^ “There was .moderate artillery activ­ of the Dungenesa Logging Company's tical agreement that takes place be­ from the fortress took place in Febru­ talk, of his experiences following his in this country, was killed in an aero­ Alta., who confessed that -he had not ity In the Woevre ,and on the .Marne clearing for a new camp. A strong ary last and M. Konovaloff finally suc­ thrilling escafê from Petrograd. *T plane accident here to-day. The ma- reported to the police for nearly two front Hoir» of our pat o‘s crossed the tween the new alHance and the Balkan wind caused the fire to spread rapidly, states, or even with Turkey, the im- ceeded In eluding the Bolshevik! police shall have nothing to say until I reach chine In which he was flying over Nar- years, was fined 1’ 1f>0$56 in pojice court Marne and successful!-.' reconnoitred and it is now burning in the holdings sleuths and made his way as best he Washington.” ie said when pressed for mgansett Bay fell Into the water after this morning for failure to report, and hostile positions ” (Concluded on page 4.) of the Dose Wallipe Timber Company. could to Moscow. The Bolshevik! were further Information. an explosion. paid his fine. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918


TOILET At Annual Convention of Fed- Dominion Body Will Investi­ Germans Got Into Several Vil­ oiatlon Compels Declares gate Fuel and Power Re­ lages, Paris Reported SOAP Allies Must Win sources of Canada Last flight Co-operate Yl? Canada Food Board Per Box “T fij Si Paul. June 11—The workingmen Ottawa. June 11.—With a view to Faria, June 11.—The following official of 3 Cakes OOC Investigating the fuel and power re» % of the United Stale» will be satisfied report was issued here last night: sources of Canada. the "Dominion "On the second day of the offensive ■ Tin* Susy is eu usually good value. only with a peace brought about by an the Noyon- Montdldler sector the the complete overthrow of the Ger­ Power Board" has been created, under enemy sought by powerful attacks in Bv<*ry home i* relied upon to do ita share these days to man military machine, according to the chairmanship of lion. Arthur large force without cessation by new conserve wheat flour in every way possible uutil the next Vreaideiit Samuel Oompers, who made Melghan. Minister of the Interior. Thé effectives to advance in the direction of the principal address yesterday at the members of the Btmrd are: ijA. St. Retrees, Ht. Denis and RibecourL Our harvest. You can do this with no real sacrifice on your opening eeeaion here of the annual con­ Laurent, vice-chairman. Assistant troops fulfilled with tenacity their mis­ part by blending such wholesome and appetizing substi­ Campbell’s Prescription Drug Store vent Ion of the American Federation of Deputy Minister of Pubhc Works: C. N. sion of resistance. tutes as UtNtr. Calling upon the Monsseratt. consulting engineer of the "The enemy was able to take suc­ WE ABE PROMPT. WE ARE CAREFUL. !»• prepared to make untiring sacrifice* l>epariment of Railways and Canals; cessfully by repeated assaults and at the cost of heavy sacrifices the vil­ ROYAL STANDARD RYE FLOUR 6 WE USE THE REST IN OUR WORK., and urging maximum production of W. J. Stewart, consulting engineer of war materials. President Gompers de­ lage of Merry, Belloy and St. Man, on the Department of External Affairs, the -centre. The plateau of Belloy was ROYAL STANDARD CORNMEAL clared that success of the Allied cause regarding international waters : John was Imperative to preserve the freedom. the theatre of heroic engagements. Murphy, electrical engineer of the Do­ "South of Reseons-sur-Mats the and Justice and Utterly of the world. minion Railway Commission; H.Q. "The struggle means so much tor Germans gained a h>oting in M arque- ROYAL STANDARD OATMEAL Acres* chief hydraulic engineer of the giise, and further east the battle <*on- the world that If we should* lose, the Hydro-Electric Commission of 'On 1 lyht of freedom in. Ihe-world-would, ln tfaft southern -dutakirta of tario; O. mgman, chief eTeèfrfcsT ér» Ellneourt. with your " go out.'* he said. “Men and woman of glneer of the Department of Island "On our right the enemy succeeded labor are heart and soul In this strug­ Revenue : D. B. Dowling, geologist -of in debouching from Thiescourt Wood. gle, making common cause with the ROYAL STANDARD | the Department of Mines;, R. F. llaa- "On our left, between Vourcelot and JAMESON, ROLFE & WILLIS people of the Allied countries." neh chief engineer of the fuel testing Rube* court, we broke down the enemy WHEAT FLOUR |_ After pledging labor's support that division of the î>e part ment of Mines, attacks and held our positions. the cause of freedom. Justice and hap­ Distributors I ■ and J. B. Chai lies, seeretary, chief en­ "Earn of the Oise a German attempt Sold by All Grocers. =§ piness may be maintained, the Speaker gineer and superintendent of the Do­ to retake Agor failed. declared: "For the republic of the In th» Air. | 8TUDEBAKKR MOTOR CARS United States and her cause we are minion water power branch of the De­ Food will win the War— eady to give everything, but for pro partment of the Interior. Aviation—On June 9 our pursuit lon’t waste it.—Canada Food DIAMOND TIRES The Board regards the co-operation escadrilles destroyed or put out of com­ Board. lit. nothing. mission eleven plane*. Our bombing WILLARD STORAOE BATTERIES r "New Is the time that tries men’s of the provinces, particularly 'of On­ tario. Quebec and British Columbia, as aeroplanes attacked - without respite MOTOR ACCESSORIES souls If we he craven Or fail to do troops massed behind the front of the our whole duty our boys over there will essential. The Premiers of the In­ terested provinces will be communi­ attack. VANCOUVER MIUIIC l CHAIR CIMPAIY, LIMITER g lose -courage, because men can not “On thg-day of June 8 and the Bil­ Corner Courtney and Gordon Streets. Phone 2246 tight under such circumstances. Know­ cated with and a conference of pro­ Vancouver, Victoria, New Weetmlnster, Nanaimo and Miaalon. B. C. 1 vincial representatives will M held in lowing night, in bad weather, eighteen ing the enemy we have to deal with tons of projectiles were dropped on con­ we may well repeat 'Let us have liberty Ottawa In the course of a month or centration points, convoys and rail­ or let us have dwlfc.* * way stations, particularly the station Down to Business. at Ruye, where a great fire, followed the list loses distinction and that the St. Paul, June 11.—With the prelim by explosions, broke out NEWEST HONOR LIST honor of the deserving is diminished by inary details of the opening day dis "During the month of May twenty- the inclusion of mediocrities. posed of the delegate» attend­ CASUALTIES AMONG eight German aeroplanes were brought CAUSES CRITICISM ing the annual convention of down by means of our anti-aircraft the American Federation of La-j CANADIAN SOLDIERS gun*, three of them at night. Twenty No Need to Worry About the IN BRITISH PAPERS REPORT SAYS U BOAT bor here to-day got down to r other machines were damaged by our buaincM», which will probably keep fire and were obliged to abandon their Fuel Supply London, June 11.— The new list of OFF AMERICAN COAST th. m in session for two weeks. The ottawal June 11 —the following cas­ missions." honore of the Order of the British Em­ various committee* appointed yester­ ualties have been announced: HAS A MOTHER SHIP day began preparing reports and re<- London. June 11.—Field - Marshal if you ' pire has brought opt another burst of omrnondations. The Federation now Infantry. Haig reported last night: criticism. The Evening Standard has' a membership of more than 2,700.- Killed in actiqn—Pte. D. II. Mac "Beyond artillery activity on both » Norfolk, Va., June H,—Survivors of Lean. Elmsdale. N.&; Pte. J Cran­ sides In different sector* there is noth­ again draws attention to the inclusion the American steamship Pinar del Rio, 000, according to the annual report of in the British lint of a number of Do­ 1-Yank Morrison, secretary: During ston. South Barre. Mass.. U.8.A.; Cpl. ing to report from l .e British front. who arrived here yesterday from Man- the hist year 355,044 members were <’. C. Park. England; Pte. J. D. War­ "Aviation — On Sunday our flying minion recipients, remarking that It teo, N. C„ asserted that the enemy in most unfair that a few folk' from added. Then' are 27,735 local unions ren. Halifax. N.B. ; Pte. W. Wood. squadrons, co-operating with the submarine which sank their vessel off overseas who happen to be on the in the federation, the report said. Wales; Pte R. R Abbott. Detroit. French on the Noyon Montdldler front, COOK BY WIRE the Virginia Capes Saturday was ac­ doorsteps, namely. In London. should Mich.. V.8.A.; Pte E. Pulring. Alex worked continually from dawn until companied by a mother ship, a vessel Hundreds of people are doing all their cooking and water- be rewarded in advance of their fel­ ndrinu, N.B.; Pte. C. L Bury. High dark. of about «.000 tons, painted grey, with River. Alta.; Pte. K. G. Elliot. Souris-, "Our bombing aeroplanes impeded heating l,y electricity. It will be a pleasure to have you /all at / lows. "This slovenly method of doing one funnel amidships. SUCCESSES WON BY things," The Evening Standard com­ ford. Man.; Lance-Corpl. H. W Mortis, the enemy's advance and harassed Mis our show rooms and insect the latest models in /Electric / ments, is likely to be especially re­ BRITISH AND ARABS ('anmore. Alta.; Pte. J. Brown, Tor­ :room* and transport with machine sented in <’anada, for Sir Robert Bor­ onto, Pte. J. Peroutn. Calgary; Pte. J, gunfire. Ranges now on display. / / STATES HAS SENT Green. Saskatoon, Bask.; Pte. J. E "Strong patrols of scout machine* den half said that he has had no time tç swept the battle area throughout the prepare a list of Canadian recipients. London, June 11. —The following of MeVlellan. C&ndlac, 8a*.Î Pte. 8. J. OVER 700,000 MEN ficiaJ statement dealing with oper­ Grtvn. Hatherlelgh. Haak.; Pte. P. day. Among the targets hit were an The Saturday Review says: ‘•The aerodrome near Roye, where hostile ma­ more democratic we become the more ations in Palestine was issued here last Francis, Milton, N.8.; Pte. E. Gromett, England; Pte. J. Angus, England. chines on the ground were set on fire; B. C. ELECTRI Insatiable grows the appetite for titles. ACROSS TO FRANCE "On Saturday morning our troops In Died of wounds —Pte. P. J. Casse)- an ammunition dump at Montdldler. Sales Dept. ri The sterner and more logical Cana­ man, Boundary Falls. B. C.; Pte. J which went up In flames; cantonment* Phone 123 dians frown on these weaknesses, but the coastal sector, by a successful local Washington. June 11.—More than operation, captured a portion «-f an Lake, Monk Road, uni: Pte. J. Gilart. and wagons at Couchy. lorries at we are afraid some of their most suc­ 700,000 American soldiers have been France ; Hcrgt. W. Burgees, England. Lagny and Vlllleres and Infantry In cessful will slip over to the Old Coun­ enemy trench system and several ob­ sent to France. Secretary Baker said servation posts on a mile frontage. Pte. C. E- Dixon, Woodstock, Ont. ; Pte trenches and on roads along and behind try to end their dkye." yesterday In a speech to the French A Boutin. Be I lev basse. P.Q. is whole fighting line. The Daily News nays: ‘The thin Counter-attack* were repulsed and the 11.—-Aw official statement Issued here mk "Blue Devil»," who came to the United new Une is being consolidated. Wounded— Pte. T>. 8 tee le. Scotland; "On the British front there was stream of titles under the new order this evening say*: State» to'aid in the Third Liberty Igw* ‘‘In the Hedjas region Arab forcée Pte. W. Grant. Baker Hell lenient. little activity in the air. but our ma­ has become a raging torrent, hi the chines carried out a good deal of "Southwest of Noyon we have made campaign. raided the railway in the vicinity of N.H.; Pte. J. C. Bryan Manltoulln Isl­ progress in fighting with newly- noise of which It is impossible to hear artillery observation work until stop­ Mr. Baker's last official announce­ Toweira. A train and cuhrsrfs were ands. Oat.; Pte. Q. Yuli. Bault Hie. brought wp French force*." - oneself speak." ment some weeks ago was that more Marie. Ont.; Corpl. T. W. lladdow. ped by rain. One of our artillery The destroyed and the track and telegraph In a statement Issued yesterday af­ Daily Chronicle declares that than half a million had gone over. Toronto; Pte. 8. 8 Woosey, Medicine machines forced a German three ternoon the Berlin War Office claimed line demolished." •eater machine to land. Fourteen Hat, Alta.; Pte. T. Brown, Chatham, about 8,000 prisoners and some guns Ont. ; Pte. II. H. Crosier, Chicago ; Pie. other German plane* were downed A hostile balloon was shot down in had been taken by the Gorman in their T. Lob law. Blind Oeak. Alta.; Pte. W. new offensive on the Noyon-Montdldler STOP! F C. Lit tie wood, ('«injuring Creek. flames. Four of our machines are Alta.; Pte. J. Kerr. Scotland;. Pte. J. Near Chateau Thierry. Arbuthnott. Scotland; Pte. C. V. Hoop American Success. With the American Army in France, Parla June 11.—An official statement er. England; Pte. !>. McLean, England issued here last night gives a summary Pte. W. K. Peden, Gadsley, Alta. : Pte. June 10.—Via Mbndon. June 11.—By If you live in the out­ the Associated Press.—United States of the operations last week northwest II. Radford, Bassano. Alta. ; Pte. J of Chateau Thierry. Bannister. Weir House, N S. ; Pte. C. marines attacked the Germans after skirts of Victoria we want daybreak this morning and penetrated "The operations on June 6 in advanc­ Whitlock, Charlottetown. P.E.I : Sergt. ing our line." the statement says, "gave F. Tanner, Boharm, Sunk.; Pte. J B. man lines for about two-thirds you to give the fuel question of a mile on a 600-yard front In tlje us a view of the enemy which permit­ Malone, Toronto; Pte. E. Shortt, Red- ted us to exploit the situation. Also tn serious consitleEatiou. We «Mffe, AMa.; Pte. T. O. Johnson. G1mh, ■Bellu Wood, northw-eet of Chateau Thierry. The Germans now hold only the evening American troopa pushing Man.; Lence-Corpl. R. Burgess, Mon­ forward toward Bruseleres and Torvy warn you that there is every treal;. Pte. O. Saastad. Holt, Minn.. the northern fringe of the wtood. The Americans captured two mlnnenwerfer, and continuing to clean up Bel lean U. 8.A. ; Pte A, G. Beck, Toronto Wood from local opposition, ' advanced indication of prices going Lance-Corpl. R. M. Shaw. Pelly, 8ask.. which are the largest pieces yet taken by them. their line for more than a mile. still higher, and furthermore, Pte. Q|. A. Palmer. England; Plie. G. F, ‘Finally toward 6 o’clock in the even­ Taylor. England; Pte. W. W. Wtngmve. Dominate Enemy Yroope. ing some of our troops penetrated Into if the roads in your neigh­ C&Y ADVERTISE France; Pte. J. <'ummtngs. Edmonton. I^arls, June 11.—The French Govern Bou reaches. Alta.; Pte. V. Ford. England; Pte. F. ment last night issued the following "The American infantry showed Itself borhood are unpavèd it will N. Stevenson. North River, P.E.I. ; Pte. statement respecting the American very skilful in manoeuvring. The cour­ W. R. Reid, Ireland ; Pte. II. ShullLs. age of the officer* and men bordered .on be impossible for us to trans­ STANDARD BRANDS Toronto; Pte. H. Gough, England; Pte. "With strong will and irresistible tern. rity. one lieutenant, hindered in port fuel to your residence at P. Harbut. England: Pte. A. Trist* Pry- activity. Ihe American troops continue hts tHlvBHo- by a machine.gun. threw dei». Ont.; Pte. J. €*. leader, Stockton, absolutely to dominate the adversnr himself almost alone into the wood çll in winter. Not a Brand You Know Nothing of With a High Price Attached. Buy Reli­ Man. ; Pte. C. Eason. Montreal; Pte. J. les they oppose Detailed operations where it was established arid having Klnnell, Saskatoon. Bask.; Pte. Ç* were frequent northwest of Chateau killed its crew, ri’turncd with the gun This is no catch-biniiuess able Goods, AND THEY ARE ALWAYS OBTAINABLE AT Moyce. Montreal: Pte. L. Dore, Mon­ Thierry, and have an Importance which, over his shoulder. treal; Pte. J. R. 1 »avev, Rstevan. Saak.; thank* to the liaison existing between Extended Gain. advertisement. It is a aéri­ Pte. J. R. Stewart, Oak River, Man.; the two armies, is of the highest de ‘Operating in connection a^lth the Pte. B. V. Callow. Brampton, Ont.; Pte. free and the results of which already ons warning to many Vic­ L. G. Ottensen. Winnipeg; Pte. D. Americans, cur troops the next day have been felt." widened considerably the area gained torians to begin preparing Sharp, Scotland: Pte. K. Qullbeult. German Statement. COPAS & YOUNG'S Norwood. Man.; laince-CorpL J. Boyd, the day before, whllç the division on Berlin, June 10.-7-VL London. June the right progressed northward. Both for next winter’s fuel fam­ Scotland; Pte. P. Burrows, Barrie, thus effected very skilful manoeuvres. Ont.; Pte. A. Oarneau. Prince Albert, PRICES THE LOWEST POSSIBLE During the morning our troops captured ine. It’s coming—aa sure aa Saak.; Pte. K. Stockley. England ; Pte. the VeuiIly-la-Poterie cemetery and winter itself I P. D. Sharpe, address not elated; Pte. finally they «carried the heights south­ C. Calley, England, Gaining Weight west of lianteveenes. Our troops met SELECTED PICNIC NICE PINK with stubborn opposition, which they MEAT INVESTIGATION Feeling Fine broke down completely. HAM, per lb...... SALMON, 2 small cans “The Germans suffered irreparable 34c sees. t)ne of the companies opposed to J. L PAINTER ASKED IN VANCOUVER us Which counted 100 bayonets at the CBISCO, per pkg. ENO’S FRUIT SALTS, War Tax Wu All Bun Down, Tired snd beginning yesterday, only mustered $2.10, $1.05 and. Vancouver. June 11. Following Exhausted Before Beginning thirty-seven, five of whom belong to paid. tour of Inspection of the wholesale another company and five to the regi­ & SONS PURE LARD, 5s, per Sfcf la­ Per bottle- ...... meat plants in Vancouver, Alderman the Use of the Great mental reserves." Phone 636. 617 Cormorant Hoekln proposes to move at %he first Food Cure ' tin, $1.85,3s, per tin^p lei opportunity that the City Council pro­ ROBIN HOOD ROLLED OATS, ceed under the powers of the Order- PEACH CROP IN THE in-Council respecting the prices of INDEPENDENT CREAMERY large carton SexFmith. Alta., June 11.—This is NIAGARA BELT WILL foodstuff*, for an investigation of the the cheering sort of letter that come* BUTTER, fresh made for...... causes of the high cost of meats in from people who have weed Dr. BE POOR TW9-YEAR 30c Vancouver. Chase'* Nerve Food This treatment "On Saturday in one establishment Save—the boys ever there need Butter. Per lb...... forms new. rich blood and rich blood Niagara Falls. Ont-, June 11.—A can­ we found 1I0.OS0 pound» of fresh meat PASTRY FLOUR builds up the depleted nerve cells un­ vass made of leading fruit growers of hanging in cold storage. This would til the thrill of new life and energy is this section Indicates that- the peach FANCY ONTARIO 10 lbs...... § V/C not indicate -a shortage of meat, yet felt In every organ and member of the beef increased seven cents a pound human body. crop this year will not be more than CHEESE, per lb.v. n quarter crop This Is largely owing 30 c 0. & Y BREAD FLOUR, per wholesale In the month of May," de­ Because Mr. Edwards was also hav­ clared Alderman Hoskins. ing some trouble with the liver and to the severe winter. wh«m most of NICE RICH FLAVORY TEA, War 49-lb. kidneys he also used Dr. Chase's Kid­ the wood was killed by the frost. This POSED AS MAN. ney-Liver Pill* to awaken the action applies to orchards all over the Niagara Tax paid. sack .. of these filtering organs. The com­ fruit belt. Other fruits, particularly $2.85 bined use of these medicines usually apples, promise a fine crop. 3 lbs. for ... Ottawa, June 11.—The case of $1.30 produces most excellent results, even APEX PURE FRUIT "Venus’* Cote has been submitted to n the mnet complicated cases. ANTI-COMBINE TEA, equal to any the Department of Justice and action Mr. Stephen D. Edwards, Bexamtth, VANCOUVER Air.MAN JAM, 4-lb. tin ..../.. by the Government Is expected soon. Alt*., writes: HAVE YOU TEIED MY packet Tea on the market. War "Venus" was sentenced to two years In "My nervous system was all run IS KILLED IN TEXAS the penitentiary for posing as a man. down, and I also suffered with my GUARANTEES? Tax paid. EMPRESS SODA BIS At the time she was logdriving at hver and kidneys. I could not sleep Per lb... .t>,WVC CUITS, large carton. Rest I gouche. at night, and got up in the morning Vancouver. June 11.—News of the Pit Guaranteed 30c feeling tired and unrefreshed. I used Mtih of Flight-LleuL Harry Dodds at MINIMUM WAGE FOR WOMEN. to feet as if 1 waited to die. In read­ Camp Houston, Ban , Texas, Style Guaranteed I ing Dr. Chase's Almanac I noticed the waa received last night by his father- Workmanship Guaranteed Winnipeg, June 11.—The first mini­ number of letters from people who in-law, Dr. W. D. Brydone-Jack, of this EVERYTHING FRESH AND BOUGHT FROM ALL-BRITISH FIRMS mum wage for women Hi Industry in had been benefltted by the Woe of Dr. city. He succumbed, as a result of Men’s and Women’s Suits Manitoba has been set by the Manitoba Chase's Nerve Food and Kidney-Urer injuries sustained lost Saturday. Minimum Wage Board at $9.50 a week, PUls, so I commenced using this Lieut. Dodds praa well known in to Order for experienced women workers In the combined treatment It has done me Vancouver, having been in the engin­ All English Goods laundry trade. a great deal ef good, for I can now eering department of the C. P. R. tor sleep well and do not have that horrid feeling 1 used to have in the. mornings. some time before enlisting. He went to KILLED IN ACTION. I am gaining In weight and feel much" Camp Houston for aviation training Copas & Young shortly before last Christmas. His better generally." Seattle. June 11.—Lieut. Albert R. Dr. Chase'» Nerve Food. IS cents mother, who resides in Detroit, Mich., AHTI-OOMBIHB OROOEBS Bo lay. a member of the British Royal a box. a full treatment of « boxes Is en route from that city to San An­ x Air Forces, formerly a Seattle resident, for IX». Dr. Chase’s KMner-Ltver tonio. has been killed in action in France, ac­ Pills, 16 cents a box. at all dealers, In addition to his mother he Is sur^ Charlie Hope Phones 94 end 96. Corner Fort and Brond Streets. Ï i 94 and 96 cording to word received here. Bolgy or Bdmanson, Bates * On.. Ltd., To­ vfved by his widow, formerly Miss LICENSE NO. t-TMt. left here ten months ago. He was a rente,ronto. Do not be talked Into accept­ Gladys Bry done-Jack of this city, a son 1484 Government SL deportment manager 1n a local fiirril- —ing Ga substitute. Imitations only aged eighteen months, Two profilers lure store before he Joined the arftoy. disappoint* and two sisters. Phone 2689 Victoria, B. Q VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918

way a little, bfct they fought tenacious­ C.+C ly for every Inch of gipund. MACHINERY EXPORTS INTESTINAL LOSSES Near. Pigment. UNDER LICENSE NOW I II. S. PRESIDENT SPOKE An epic struggle occurred in the vi­ “The Fashion Centre" cinity of Piémont, Where the small 5^88 INFLICTED ON ENEMY garrison of dismounted cavalrymen Ottawa, June IL—In furtherance of | PARALYSIS possibly mayJ still hold out. French the restriction of exports, the export | FRANKLY soldiers who managed to get through of machinery and metal of every kind to all destinations outside Canada has | the German line late yesterday de­ clared that before they left the Oer* been prohibited except under indi­ a mans had delivered terrific assaults, vidual license. Applications for ap­ . “Fruit-a-tives” Quickly French Have Taken Huge Toll all of which had been repulsed with proval of individual licenses mult be, Told Group of Visiting Editors 1008-10 Government St Relieved This Chronic Trouble on the Noyon-Montdidier heavy losses for the enemy. made to the War Trade Board. Several small villages changed hands at Washington df His - 6S» C nag rain Street, Montreal. Sector number of times, but this evening ! Friendship Ing were in German hands. TRYING TO REDUCE { “In my opinion, no other medicine is At no moment is It possible to say positively that this or that place is •o curative for Constipation and Indi­ London. June 1L—The Germans, ac­ occupied by the Allies or the enemy, gestion as ‘Fruit-a-tives.* cording to-advicee from the batthefront, Havana, June 11.—President Wlleon such is the terrific nature of the fight FRENCH SALIENT! In hie to the group of Mexican "I was a sufferer from these com­ threw in upwards .of 200,000 men in the ing Ebbs and flows qcrur everywhere. newspaper «IItore who visited Wash­ plaints for five years, and my seden­ first two days' fighting, yesterday and On the Beiloy plateau fighting went on ington last Kriduy expressed sincere the day before, on the Nuyon-Mont continuously for several hours, man friends hip Odor M.'Xico. His address tary -occupation, Music, brought about tackling man frequently in single com a kind of intestinal Paralysis; with didier sector in France. bat. / „ . The German leaders kncAr when Germans Attacked Desperate-1 il,7Jrinn%n,!w’: nasty Headaches, belchlfig gas, drowsl The artillery is engaged more active­ “I have never received a group of ness after eating, atid pain in the back. they opened the attack that their task ly than in. Any other battle in a long ly Yesterday but Had Small ! meJP who were more welcome than you. would be difficult. Therefore they while. The Germans have been able because it has been one of my dis­ “I was induced to try ‘Fruit-a-tives* to brltig forward field guns in con­ Results to Show sent into the fray only chosen troops tresses during my presidency that the hnd now for six months I h$.ve been siderable numbers. The French artil­ Mexican people did not more thorough­ which had been specially trained for entirely well.” A. ROSBNBURQ lery fire Is most violent and very de- ly understand the attitude of the Unit­ the assault. It is estimated that they uctive, especially when turned ed States toward Mexico. I think I can 60c. a box. « for $2.50. triil sise 25c. engaged approximately twentytreaty dl-dl^ against attacking enémy troops. Paris, June II.—Through a lavish use assure you that that attitude is one of At all dealers or sent postpaid by visions on the front line forr the first —:------of men and material the Germans sincere friendship. sought all day Monday to widen the Fruit-a-fives, Limited, Ottawa. shock, while behind these, ready Ip The policy of my administration to APPOINTMENTS AT g.-ùtis of Sunday in the centre of the ward Mexico was in every point based take the place of the exhausted di­ Montdidier-Noyon sector. The total on the principle that the Internal set­ visions. there probably wvre-A similar result was a slight advance on the left tlement of the affairs of Mexico was CANADIAN TRAINING centre which nowhere exceeded u mile. number,, perhaps even more. none of our business that we had - SEAPLANE ESCORTED Terrific Fighting. CENTRES IN ENGLAND The primary objective of the present rlgih to interfere with or dictate to German operations is to reduce the BRITISH LINER INTO With the French Army in France; salient left standing between the gains Mexico in any particular with regard June 10—Via London. June 11.—Undl- London, June 11.—Recent appoint­ made in the March and May offensives. to her own affairs. When we sent U. S. ATLANTIC PORT minlshed severity marks the fighting ments at Canadian camps and depots I'ntil that is effected the enemy cannot troops into Mexico, our sincere desire between Montdidier and Noypn. The include: ('apt. E. Michel more, of the proceed with his plan for a march on was nothing else than to assist you to situation to-night is rather satisfactory Manitoba Regiment to be cadet com- 1 Paris. get rid of a man who was making the An Atlantic Port of the United for the Allies, whose stubborn resist­ pan y com man.1er at the Canadian Both the strenuous and. on the whole, settlement of your affairs for the time Practical Styles in New States, June 11.—A lifrge British- pas­ ance and frequent counter-attacks have training school; Capt. W. H Adams, effective resistance of the French and being Impossible We had no desire to British Columbia, to be adjutant of the use our troops for any. other purpose, senger liner"which arrived here to-day caused great consternation among the the furious efforts of the Germans are Germans. British >Coiumbta Regiment depot; explained by the fact that an enemy and I was In hopes that by assisting in was warned to look out for German The enemy's losses under the direct Lieut. H. O. Slade to be adjutant of the success would involve the retirement that way and thereupon immediately House Dresses at submarines and Was escorted into port fire of the French artillery have been Canadian trench warfare school; Lieut. of the French forces defending the line withdrawing I might give substantial by a scout seaplane which met the horrible. Every time the Allies coun­ A. G. Cockertll, of the machine gun between the Aisne and the Marne, proof of the truth of assurance that I ter-attacked they found the ground corps, to be adjutant at the general thrbaten both flanks with envelopment had • giv.-n y.ur

I Irish Presbyterian General As Vancouver. June 11.—A party of in­ Every Woman - valided soldiers returning from the Someone Took sembly Says Scheme Should front arrived at an early hour this On June 22nd, every woman of sixteen years and over must attend at one of the places provided morning. Those from island points in­ Be Applied cluded: Victoria—F. Woodbum, F. C. for registration between the hours of 7 am. and 10 pm. and there truthfully answer all questions Fryêr, T. W. Milligan, U. V. Jarvis, G. a Picture of Callow, H. EL Davis. G. D. Thompson. set forth upon the registration card. Failure to register means heavy penalties—as Registration H. Hedley, 8. Bardsley, J. Uarrod, A. is law. Toronto. June 11.—The Toronto Tele Hamilton, J. Pitman. W. E. ­ | gram’s Belfast correspondent cables: son, J;* Jaundraw, D. McLeod, G. 8. Our Fatiory "At the General Assembly of the Allen, and H. Hack wood, Nanaimo, and They are doing quite a little I Irish Presbyterian Church, with Mod- K. Grover. Duncan. Volunteer Workers Needed v I era tor McGranahan presiding, a reso educational work along food I lution of the standing committee was The registering of 5,000,000 people in one day woman and to the pride which every locality I submitted and* passed to the effect that NO GERMAN MUSIC. lines and as an aid to visualize is a stupendous tarit, and voluntary helpers arc must take in doing its own work well, to I the war must be prosecuted until the the utility and cheapness of I safety and freedom of the world have Toronto. June 11.—William Ranks, urgently needed. Individuals, women's I been secured. chief theatrical censor here, has warn­ tinned milk an arrangement furnish the necessary number of volunteer ed the Canadian National Exhibition societies, dubs, fraternal societies, church deputies and assistants. "Another resolution passed says that authorities against allowing the play­ was made with our company I conscription, which the Government ing of any German music at the exhi­ to take a motion picture of organizations and municipal organizations are I declared necessary to secure victory, bition this year. The censor says that a asked to help. The Board appeals with con­ Those willing to offer their services should J ought In Justice be applied to Ireland. number of clergymen have banned the different processes of pul­ apply to the Registrar in their district. "Another resolution says that con- Mendelssohn’s Wedding March in their ing up Pacific Milk. 1 fidence to the patriotism of every Canadian I scription. being solely a measure ne- churches. Issued by authority of I cessary for tUfi defence of the Empire. I haven’t heard if it is to I has no connection with the question A Welshman, who was very proud be shown here, but I do hope I of Home Rule, and ought not to be of his deep bass voice, dreaiht that he I mixed up with it. especially as It is Canada Registration Board was in heaven and, of course, in the it will be. I know more I certain that the granting of Home choir. But even he had not Imagined people would use Pacifie I Rule, far from removing the National- what a fine voice he had. 11st opposition to conscription, would There were millions of sopranos, „if they could aec it put-up. I only intensify and strengthen If contraltos and tenors, but he was the l. J. only bass present. ;. SüPBÏhlTBNDENT Of REGI8TRARS- If. e. bill:, Danish During a chorus Gabriel, who was c. x. MAHON, 46 13th Avenue, W., Vancouver, B.C. conducting, waved a hand to the REOISTRARS DIPLOMAT, IS DEAD Welshman and whispered: "Not quite Pacific Milk Co„ Limited For Skeens District—Orlando H. Nelson, Prince Rupert, B.C. so much base, please." Factory at Ladner, B. C. For Burr&rd District—Capt. Edward C. Dingman, 1020 Melville For Vancouver Centre District—Sergt. Thomas W. Nall as, 1933 I London, June 11.—Frank Ernest Bille, Street, Vancouver, B.C. * Georgia Street, E., Vancouver, B.C. la well-known Danish diplomat, died in J London yesterday. For Comox-Alberai District—W. N. Carty, Vancouver, B.C. For Vancouver South District—F. 0. Hodgson, 1276 20th Avenue, East, South Vancouver, B.C. M. Bille, who was chamberlain to the For Nanaimo District—Fred. O. Feto, Nanaimo, B.C. For Victoria City District—William O. Oaunce, Victoria, B.C. King of Denmark, was born in Copen­ UTILIZE TIMES WANT ADS hagen in 1832. .. ——:------i U VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1918 The Daily Times meut policy. After that vote was taken some mem bers predicted that the matter would come before COURT OF APPEAL Published •very afternoon (except Sunday) by Parliament next year when those who voted against THE TIMES PRINTING 4 PUBLISHING COMPANY, their convictions to avert the resignation of the Why Blame the Here Are Some Unbeatable LIMITED Government will take a much stronger stand. The RESERVES DECISION Offices: Cerner Broad and Fort Streets Gcxxl for the Bad? Bwrtneas Office (Advertising)...... Phone 1610 present copious stream of titles, flowing into the Circulation...... Phone M45 most unexpected places, makes the prediction ECAUSE thin. Editorial Office ...... Phone 46 Appeal is One Affecting Affai.s skim milk Will not SUBSCRIPTION RATES: foregone conclusion. EXTRA VALUES of Dominion Trust nourish a baby; City Delivery ...... 60c per month As long as thé title system exists it should be By mail (exclusive of city) Canada and Company has nothing to do Great Britain ...... $4 00 per annum confined to those who have earned them by dis­ With milk frssh Exceptional values are offered in the Furniture Store. To U. 8. A...... t...... $6.00 per annum tinguished service to the state, mainly, at the pres­ from a registered Bedroom, Living-Room and Dining-Room pieces are priced To France. Belgium. Greece, etc...... $1.00 per month cow. ent time, to soldiers who have acquitted themselves The Court of Appeal has reserved Its at most attractive prices. with conspicuous ability and valor. But no such decision In the appeal brought before it BECAUSE some If you have been contemplating the purchase of any PAYING THE PRICE in connection with the affairs of the furniture for these rooms it will pay you well to investigate restriction has governed the latest award of orders Dominion Trust Company. Mr. Justice coffee develops a Murphy made an order on February 12 bitter tang —and these values. of various kinds. Political and social consider for the winding up of the old company, No stretch of the imagination is called for in is not satisfactory—has nothing Come in and sec the offerings—plain figures. ations have played a large part in the selection of expressly for the purpose of making picturing the terrible price the enemy is paying for the seventy odd shareholders who es­ to do ■With p , o . • II A beautifully made Bedroom Suite In "light the recipients, while in the distribution of com caped llubilfty In the former contribu­ txtra opecial ! o*k. m*h grade in every way. There are his progress in the angle between the Amiens and tory proceedings in connection with the panionships in' the new Order among the army there liquidation of the new company liable S pieces—Dresser, Chlffoniere, Dressing Table, Somnoe, Bed, Small Marne salients, the fighting in which is described is a suggestion that before the war is over they tor the balance wlUch they owed SEAL BRAND Table and two Chairs. Regular price $475.00. by correspondents as exceeding in violence and de­ their stock. Offered at only ^...... $295.00 will be showered in such plenitude as to make The only way lht« could be done /was COFFEE struction cf human life any other struggle in the by directing the 'winding up of tbe-old Easy Chair—Upholstered style. Chiffonier»—Bird's Eye Maple. them of doubtful distinction. Company. This was done by the order of war. For three days before he began -his attack the February 12. “Seal Brand" is coffee that Has Reg $22.50, Reg. $70.00, The Ordcr-in-Council adopted by Parliament An appeal from the order Is now been selected from the world's for ...... $15.75 for ...... $45.00 whole front from Montdidier to No.von was swept taken, and there are two main points provided that no titles should be awarded to Cana- best plantations b>> coffee ex­ by French artillery, and into that hell the Germans in the appeal, one Is that Petitioner Easy Chair—Fumed oak, Spanish Dresser — Mahogany. Regular ng in Canada on the recommendation of Tilly Boyce, of Nanaimo, was consider­ perts, roasted and blended b? leather. Reg. £0*1 CA $90.00, - ed an a contributory of the new com­ already -have poured over 2CO,000 men in dense those who ha^e gWen a life­ $45.00, for ...... tPUleOU for ...... $59.50 . masses. The enemy ia using his best troops, for he Prime Minister. Did Sir Robert Borden re pany, and that he Is therefore no longer t a member of the old company, and has time to the study of coffee. Parlor Settee- ■Mahogany finish. Buffet—Satin Walnut. Regular commend the latest list! He is reported to haveno status to ask for the winding up of Keg. $18.00, $40.00. knew he would encounter powerful resistance from the old company. stated that he did not have time to have them in only, in three-quarter size, question, is clearly against this multiplication of a case the enemy will have to reckon with the full size and three-quarter. slightly damaged. Regular titles in the Dominion and the latest flood undoubt­ Regular value (£Q C'A $12.00. British, French and Americai) forces who, we may $5.50, for only ...... tpOeOU edly is in direct defiance of. it. Whatever merit MAY BE EXTENDED DEPOT BATTALIONS for $8.25 be sure, would strike heavily with the first opening. exists in the system is given to it by those who As in all the other enemy offensives this year have won such awards for signal services to their the greatest progress made by the attacking forces country, and who in recemyg titles honor them as Deputation to Premier Oliver :urther Announcements Are has been in the centre, the farthest point pene­ WEILER BROS. much as they are honored by them. Common de­ Made at Divisional Government 8k LIMITED Near Post Office trated there by them being seven miles from the Forecasts Important De­ cency and respect for what these men have done Headquarters starting place, over ground literally pa Veil with velopments Here demand that as long as the pi act ice of bestowing their dead and wounded. On the flanks the Germans such distinctions prevails they should be awarded \ have been generally .held, although on the French Announcement is made by Major- know and thoroughly . understand sparingly and with wise discrimination. For the purpose of inquiring an to General R. G. E. Deckle. G. O. C., this food values. She should know that the right our Allies have had to rectify their front by the ixwalblltty of letuiing a site for the excessive *use of white bread, butter . building of wooden ships on the Hong» morning dealing with the disposition and sugar, all heat-producing foods, withdrawing it to the south of Hi hr court, six miles bee* Reserve, parties Interested in of various returned officers afiff thefr is the cause of roqch deficient blood A FRANTIC APPEAL. what may develop Intp substantial appointments for further service with and weak nervous systems. northwest of Compiegne. In the Aisne offensive the local project, waited upon ITemlt-r the two British Columbia Depot Bat­ Oliver this morning Whole wheat again contains all the enemy centre covered twelve miles in the first two Although not In a position to dis­ talions. body requires, and it has been proved, t The appeals made by the German authorities on close the character of plans already Of interest to the members of the so say well-known authorities, that it days ; in Flanders it penetrated nearly ten miles, fighting seventh" will be the appoint­ behalf of the recent war loan—the eighth—throw tentatively made, it is altogether likely WHY NOT PRIVATES? will sustain life Indefinitely, because a and in the first great rush in March the third day that arrangements will be possible of ment of Major W. L. Ford to the First grain of wheat contains all the ele­ schoc light on the desperation with which the Her­ comptetlUfY fading to action in Che de- -Depot nartanon stationed tn Vancou­ To the «tfltnr,—Wit! you kindly spare ments needed in the body and, wRh found the head of the advance fourteen or fifteen Hired direction at no very distant date. ver. Major Ford will henceforward me a space in your paper, as 1 should milk. Is a perfect food. man armies have been fighting since March to gain In accordance wRA the policy of the deal with special cases of exemption like to ask a few questions. 1 have no­ Barley flour contains more muscle miles from the original line. In those advances, Provincial Government to do everjr- and hie ability as a barrister will etaad ticed .lately that In the list of awards making power than any other grain a decisive victory this year. The following by Ru­ and should be eaten for laboring power. however, the enemy either had effected breaches in Heing that lies in its power to suceur him in good stead. officers and non-commissioned officer» dolph Strata, which was printed in all the German age the establishment of industries on When war broke out Major Ford was are well represented, but there seem to Buckwheat is a heat-producer and the Allies’ front or his great superiority in men per­ the Sung been Reserve, the Premier engaged tn the law firm of which be very few privates. Can anyone ex­ causes eruptions and should not be newspapers, Js typical of the frantic exhortations stated that satisfaction; of bona fides Fredk. J. Fulton. K. C.. M. P.,.*f Kam­ plain ? Surely of all the privates there eaten In hot weather. mitted the infiltration of hia troops .through places and the agreement to ordinary business loops, is the head. He left the interior are a few who deserve to be men­ Rye flour is not food for those of where there was no opposition, thus accelerating with which the Germali Empire was deluged a few conditions is the only obstacles--etand city on August 28, 1914, for ValCartler tioned. 1 should also like to ask why delicate stomachs nor for children, as weeka ago : Ing in the way of further expansion in and went through the earlier battle» ot the majority of patriotic songs appear it may cause Irritation of the intes­ the retirement of the defending forces. this section of the community. 1915. He has been twice wounded and to be of American origin, for I think tines. It is understood that time is the es­ promoted successively to captain, and all countries are doing their bits—not Now. with these facts In mind, no “He who wants to make Wilson happy—he who sence of the undertaking In this par­ his majority more than a year ago. one any more than an<-th»r. You can mother, however patriotic and willing In the present instance the greater part of the ticular Instance and that a further con­ wants to give Lloyd George courage—he who wants With the exception of one or two short hardly expect our boys that hav> been to do her best at the present time, ference between the parties Interested in France to be as strong and able to would be wise to discard her home­ German advance represents the inevitable progress and the Premier will take place almost spells of leave he saw over two years to strengthen Clemenceau—he who wants to of continuous service in Frances do as the Americans can. when thfry made whole wheat bread and be per­ Immediately Tracings of the location suaded to substitute any of the above- of superior forces over positions wrecked by artil­ Other appointments to the First De­ have been living In comfort. Perhaps desired are now t*dng prepared by the mentioned flour. Wheat is needed for strengthen all the war inciters of the Entente in pot Battalion are Lieut. D. E. John­ they will think the same If they have lery and held by cohering troops in accordance Department of Railways. to stand there four years as our boys Aie growing boys and girls of the their lust for murder ; he will keep away from the son, late of the 72nd Battalion; Lieut. country, and surely some provision with well-known French military practice. Since Frank Sevan, late of the 14th Bat­ here had to do. Our neighbors must not eighth war loan I forget what our boys have done before should be made whereby it can be the Germans have reached the battle positions their ARRIVED YESTERDAY talion; and Lieut. A. W. Hunt, late of ved for them from the fields of n the Royal Canadian Regiment. Lieut. - —A SOLDIER'S WIFE. wheat -growing country like -Canada, progress has been much smaller, and they frequent­ “He who wants to act- in the spirit of Hinden Stsnsfield, Metallurgical Expert. L. A. Grogan, Hite of the Hth Reserve even if the most of it has to go over- Has Reached City. burg—he who wants to maintain Germany uncon- Battalion, has been a pointed to duty FOOD VALUES. ly lose their gains to counter-attacks. On the other with the 2nd l»ep t Battalions- sta­ 11. H. C. querahle—he who thus wants to break the domin­ Dr. Alfred Stansfleld, the best known tioned at the Willows. hand, it is not necessary for them to advance as far authority on electric iron smelting- on To the Editor.—In The Times of Vcuflrmation of the appointment of June 7 we read: "Canada dally is In- "What sort of a man ts Brown?** ation of the wholesale murderers in Paris and Lon­ the American continent, arrived In the Major U Pup to -tbe-lUfc-Gwi **Ftnc. TtiP t»est ever."— in the present operattmts as they did in their other efts vrstentar ttmmtK-n from t«. traum* TU,' tnaTiSfncIure or' don ; hc-subscribea to the eighth war loan ! Garrison Regiment has also been re­ Tufee Tor wheat and consumers are Ts lie fftistWorthyT* -offensives to obtain important strategical objectives, and waited u|xm the lion. William ceived at headquarters from Ottawa "Very." ------r~- - Sloan. Minister of Mines, this morning urgently requested tq make use of “Let ho one say T have subscribed to war loans this mdrnlng. Major Le Due has until these substitutes to the limit of their "Would you lend money to him?” the most valued of which is Compiegne and the for the purpose of discussing plans in recently been in command of the -SOtn "As to that, I can t say. I’ve nevet connection with his official duties abtmy." wooded ground between the Oise and the Aisne before. Now, when peace is approaching, it is not B. C. Horfte. He saw service in France Now, every intelligent human being, lent him any. I’ve only borrowed from which have brought him into the ser­ with the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. and especially every mother, should him ” on their left. But none of these objectives is worth necessary any morel’ No, just now is when it is vice of the Provincial* Government. It will, be recalled that Dr. Stanstleld the price t’ne.f are paying any more than their necessary 1 It never was more necessary than now, will occupy himself during the next few months with an examination 4nto gains in Flanders were worth the sacrifice they in the last hour of the decision, in the midst of the the possibility -of adopting the iron most extreme exe’rtion of every force out there and ores of British Columbia to the latest made for them, as the sequel already has shown. known methods of electro-smelting. at home for the final victory 1 It is being won not At the request of Dr. Htanstield The nature of tl • French dvfenee naturally im­ made some time ago fo the Minister poses heavy losses upon on- t\. •. hut relati/elv only by the hero in the trenches who takes the cart­ of Mines, a great deal of data relative ridge from llis pocket, but also by the citizen in the to the Iron ores of the Province has few prisoners are ani"--» them fee TWIli - ' been assembled, and for the basis of Fatherland, who takes the money from his purse. his investigations and ultimate report fo have taken only 8,000, and Berlin includes the expert will « xamine this compre­ wounded in its prisoner total. Undoubtedly, how- “He, too, hurls his shot into the very heart of hensive Information at once. fver, the enemy is suffering much more heavily our mortal enemy, Anglo-Saxon world capitalism ! JUNKERS’ IDEA OF For he is helping to mow down the dollar kings than the French, and as long as this margin is be­ NEW GERMAN GROUP ing maintained without vital strategical losses the and the Croesuses of the city, the trust robbers and pvvfvrrr situation is regarded by the Allied military au­ grain extortioners, the servants of mammon of Lon­ (Continued from- page 1.) thorities’as satisfactory. There are now over don and New York, all the evil spirit of bloodshed ! pOLEMAN ANd CO. ‘‘CANADA’» LIMITED, 700,000 American troops in France, and consider­ “So, open thy heart—better to-day than to­ portance of the bloc, and consequently Its guarantee of peace, still further lu L Proprietors of “Wincarni»” the famous English able more in England. Within a few wee kit 1 h is morrow ! Open thy' purse—better now than an creases. "That is the road by which we In Tonic, beg to announce that they have decided to market figure will be increased to a million, the monthly hour from now ! Go and subscribe your bit ! Give ! Germany, with Austria-Hungary, Give ! ring out the peace bells of the east. Give I eventually will arrive. If not at an im­ a new and improved combination, which contains, in reinforcement of man power from that source gen­ mediate disarmament, nevertheless addition to the Extracts of Beef and Malt, other valuable erally exceeding the Allies’ losses. Man power is Give ! that Ve may soon be able to ring in the peace a substantial lessening of our arrni ment burdens.” medicaments, namely, Glycerophosphates of Calcium, , Hie determining factor on the West Front ; the in the west, too! Give! Give! You surely have Poland. money for that! The Vice-Chancellor said the Polish Potassium, Iron and Manganese. Allies have superior resources in this respect, and question would be solved only In con­ their duty is to devote all their energies to placing “The world conflagration is being extinguished. nection with the German - Austro - H un - This splendid formula has been compounded on the advice of gnrian question. at Foch's disposal everything he needs for the final A victorious war loan will be a cold douche upon In whatever form Poland might in eminent Medical authorities and it is the desire of, the the war lust of our remaining enemies. He who the future-seek and find its attachment manufacturers to advise their numerous customers throughout blow he is preparing to deliver. with the Central Powers, one thing a carries his money to the subscription place is carry­ certain, that the attachment "would be Canada that the additional medication has been approved of easier If Germany and Austria-Hun­ ANOTHER FLOOD OF TITLES. ing a pail of water to the burning house of human­ gary are politically, economically, mili­ and recommended by the Medical Profession. ity; through a long chain of many hands it be­ tarily and permanently united than if the present state of affairs Is retained, London newspapers, no doubt recalling a recent comes the quenching flood and the saving peace. or even if there is a possibility that in '‘Wincarnis’’ cannot be equalled in the treatment of Anaemia, fyture complete separation should he Brain-Fag, Exhaustion. Lassitude, Nervous Disorders, discussion in thé Canadian Parliament, severely “The eighth war loan L a war-shortening threatened." Sleeplessness and Convalescence from any illness, etc. He maintained that the solution of criticize the torrent of titles with which the over­ loan!” the whole matter must be oe broad Your own Physician will tell you that the medicaments seas Dominions are being flooded, particularly in By sacrificing the flower of their country’s lines and effected quickly. He con­ contained in ‘'Wincarnis" are the actual elements of the cluded : "The fateful hour has struck healthy human body in the most assimilative form. connectiift with the new Order of the British Em­ manhood in hundreds of thousands, bombing hos­ for Germany and Austria-Hungary and. therefore, assuredly also for pire. The Evening Standard says the pro­ pitals, bombarding Paris, and by piracy, the Ger­ Europe." Try m Bottlo To-day. Obtainable at the following: Druggists only : ceeding is likely to be resented in Canada, man authorities are trying to make good the assur­ A London. "Tommy," lying In hos­ and in this it is well within the mark. ance they gave when they launched that loan. When pital, beside him a watch of curious Bowes’ Drug Store, D. E. Campbell, Dean & Hiscock, Hall 4 Co., and foreign design. The attending doc­ Until recently the title question was regarded these have failed they will resume their peace offen­ tor was Interested* Williams’ Drug Store. "Where did your watch come from T generally as a subject for academic dis­ sive. But the only way in which they can avoid a - cw>—» *• &» ui. *■„»». he ask« <1. AV Of*., tn zww it.. Tmnl. , cussion only, but last Session Sir Robert Borden, ninth loan and others after that is by getting rid "A German glv It me," he answered. JVn, 5. B.n, KrrnJvt S^rt Agrmt. for tk. The doctor Inquired how the foe had Ana.' *##» J. Amu *• C., /v SUg , Aak by an. extraordinary interpretation of the motion of the “Intolerable Thing” which- makes them a come to convey hie token of esteem and of W. F. Nickle and R. L. Richardson, converted menace to the security of the world. How they affection. “ *E ’ad to " was the laconic reply.— it into e concrete issue affecting Govern- will explain the next loan .will be intezéetiqg, I ■ V-r-g f , U J VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918 :{^DAVip SPENCER, LIMITENT News of Special Savings for Wednesday Morning Shoppers To-moîrow Morning We Will Continue and to Dispose of These Exceptional Coat Values at Women’s Children’s Shoe Specials for Wednesday $5.00, $14.90, $17.50 and $22.50 Morning Only —and it will not take very long to clean up the entire lot, for the prices are so low and the values so good. To encourage brisk selling in the Women’s and Children’s Shoe Section to­ This is a splendid opportunity for women to bhy new Coats—for present and morrow morning we have marked down several lines of women’s and chil­ even early fall wear. Represented are: dren’s footwear. These are worth while values and will help many to decide on buying their summer footwear now. At $5.00 At $17.50 Women’s White Canvas Pickford Pumps, with rubber soles and There are serviceable Coats in neat Stylish garments of good serviceable Cuban heels. Wednesday morning only, a pair ...... $2.35 tweeds in various styles, also models in cheeks. These are exceptional bar­ fancy, cheeks and cheviots. These are ex­ Children’s Brown and Black 1 Strap Slippers, with leather soles gains fur so low a price. ceptional values yovi will thoroughly appreciate. and heels; sizes 4 to 10. Wednesday morning, a pair $1.45 At $22.50 Children’s Brown Canvas Sandals, with leather soles; all sizes to 2. At $14.90 Special, Wednesday morning, a pair...... ,T...... Costa of superior grade coverts, tweeds 95c Good serviceable models of mixed and serges. Each model a .most desirable -Shoes, First Floor garment, appropriate for present cool eve­ tweeds, in various shades'. Styles ning wear, also for early tall. The styles are smart and attractive—all made are most attractively finished with big col­ V lars and belts. Splendid range to choose for this season’s business. from. —Mantles, First Floor Latent War Books “Face to Face With Kaiseriim.’’ By Jas. W. “First Call." By Arthur Guy Empey, author Superior Sports Women’s Bathing Suits Gerard (former United State* Ambassador to of “Over the Top.” A copy...... $1.50 the German Imperial Court). A copy, $2.00 “Captured." By Lieut. J. Harvey Douglas. Waists at $2.90 Four Good Values “Holding the Line." By Sergeant Harold Bald­ Sixteen months as a prisoner of war. A win...... $1.50 copy ...... '...... ,..$1.40 Maile from a nice quality white voile, finished with the new There’s more interest “Private Feat” (His Own Soldier Story). “Beit o’ Lack’’ (A Fighting Canadian in . Gipsy tie of plaid gingham or blue and white curded voile. Front being -shown in swimming Every word true. Two years in hell and back Flanders) ...... $1.00 of waist features yoke effect, trimmed with double rows of hem­ this year than ever before, with a smile...... $1.50 stitching. The turnover cuffs are finished to match collars. hence the big demand for “Germany at Bay. By Major Haldane Mac- “Winged Warfare.” By Major W. A. Bishop, Another style is of white voile, finished with roll collar with fall, with an Introduction by Field-Marahal V.C., D.S.O., M.C. A copy...... $1.50 Rathing Costumes. Here’s the Viscount French. A copy ...... $1.75 wide revere of poplin and trimmed with pearl buttons and but­ news of—four specially “Under Fire.” By Henri Barbusse. What the tonholes. In all white or white with French blue or rose collars. good values in serviceable “To Bagdad With the British.’’ By Arthur T. gallant French are suffering without dosing Others of novelty stripe marquisette in pink and white com­ garments: Clark. The Mesopotamia Campaign. A heart or hope. A copy...... $1.50 copy ...... $1.50 —Books, Main Floor bination effect. Made in one-button style, with shawl collar and Bathing Suit of navy blue revers of French pique; turnback cuffs, trimmed to match collar. stockinette, fi n i s h e d All superior values at .|.. j ... .w...... $58.90 with short sleeves. Spe- —Wajgts, First Floor -cial at ...... 1 $1.25 Boys’ Men’s Heavy Cape Driv­ Bathing Suits of navy blue with trimmings of Durable Newest in Ladies’ Silk orange, red and white. ing Gloves $3.00 Special at ...... $1.50 Bathing Suit in black, Cord Knee Bathing Suit in navy blue with black and white a Pair Sweaters cashmere finish. Speci­ trimmings. Pants An exceptionally attractive assortment of the newest models ally good value, $1.75 —Selling First Floor A special offering for Wednesday morning’s selling. This is a so appropriate fo.- holiday and vacation wear. Specially genuine Fownes’ make, hand-stitched, and a must durable qual­ ity cape akin in tan shade. Specially suited for motorists. Sixes, Silk Fibre Sweater, finished with sailor collar, pockets and girdle. Good "Vi- 8 and 8*4 only. A glove that is difficult to procure to-day. White trimmed with Copenhagen and paddy trimmed with Values .kEIte. Special value at ...... $7.50 25 Doz. White Turkish Towels Men * Tin Kid Driving or Auto Gloves, finished with gauntlet JSilk Sweaters in a neat fancy weave and in gold shade with large The best l’»nt»“fOT school or wrist and fringed ends. Special, a pair...... $2.25 collar aild cuffs trimmed ' black. Smartly' finished with girdle Worth 50 Cents holiday wear.” Strong, durable Men « Black Kid Gauntlet Gloves, lined. Small sixes only. Clear- and pockets. Superior value at ...... $128.50 grades of corduroy that will at, a pair ...... $3.00 outlast several pairs of cheap Silk Sweater in plain weave, finished with double collar, novelty —Men’s Gloves, Main Floor Selling at 40c Each cotton fabric ones. pockets and girdle with. tassel ends. This model is trimmed in tobed effect. In shades gold, paddy- with grey, purple with gold, One of the best Towel S|>eeials offered this sea­ Natural Color Corduroy Pants, robin egg blue with white and champagne with paddy. Prices son, and when you see them you will agree with in plain knee style. Sixes I White Fancy Cambric Shirt range $17.50 to ...... $585.00 our statement. to 8 years. A pair. $1.75 . —Sweaters, First Floor Woven from heavy cotton yarns, in a tight Brown Cord Bloomer Pants, Waists for Boys weavfc to stand hard wear. Towels that will give made with inverted side every satisfaction. All white with plain and fring­ pleats. .Well made and well 6 to 16 Years < ed ends and measuring 20 x 49 and 20 x 44. lined. Sizes to 16 years. A Children’s Diredtoire pair, $1.95, $2.585 and Buy in your supply Wednesday morning while at ...... $2.50 £= 75c Each ~—i the price holds good. —Staples, Main Floor —Boys’ Clothing, Knickers. 50c V. Cor. View and Broad Sts. This is a smartly cut and well tailored Shirt Waist in a style that all boys appreciate. Made from a Harvey Knit, of fine rib eotton. finished with elastie at good quality fancy cambric in plain white and waist and knee. AM sizes. Special value at... 50^ New Range of Good Shade in Ratines finished with turndown collar, pocket and band Children’s W«**r*th Waists, good quality, eachV. 25# A nice fabric for cool^ummer suits, coats, separate skirts and coats. Very smart cuffs; adjustable draw-string at waist. Special —Knit Underwear, First Floor and splendid wearing and will launder beautifully. The shades are old rose, value at ...... ivory, saxe bjue and mid brown; 40 inches wide. À yard...... $1.75 —Shirts, Main Floor 50 Washable Rugs Priced Special­ Woolen Serges ly for Wednesday Morning at Unique values in Woolen Serges are being offered in our Dress Goods Section. 100 Large Size Grass Rugs Qualities that cannot he repeated under an advance of 50 per cent. Women will. >2.45-, ■ be wise in considering their needs well ahead of time and by buying now, for the Selling at $1.39 stock is limited. The shades arc navy, Copenhagen, brown, saxe, reseda, grey, A saving of 45c on each Rug if you buy one to­ mole and bottle green; 40 inches wide. A yard ...... $1.25 This is a most durable quality Grass Rug and morrow morning, for the regular value is $2.90. •—Dross Goods, Main Floor one that our customers know well. Can be had in\ We shall only sell 50 of these Rugs at this price, mixed colors, also greens, blues and browns. To­ ami this offer is for Wednesday morning only. It’s day’s price should he $1.75. Wo have 100 for dis­ a very smart Rug, finished in colors blue, tan, 15 Tapestry Rugs to Clear at $11.90 posal at the special figure, $1.39. Size 36 x 72 green and rose, all fast and washable. Size 30 x 60 A very low price for a Wool Surface Rug these days. We consider this the best inches, and we would suggest early shopping as inches. Just the Rug for bedrooms and summer Rug value at the price being offered to-day. A nice selection of designs and color­ there will be a big demand for these for summer homes. —Carpets, Third Floor ings to choose from; size 6 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft. Worth while investigating. camps and cottages. -^Carpets, Third Floor —Carpets, Third Floor 1 DAVID SPENCER,TjMITCpI :



Hours !.*• ass. to I p m. the Ladies Sodol^letsoiral COST Of FISH AND ur. 1 o'clock: Saturday 8.SO p oa By Dealing it the Big Cash Store You Will Haye More Pin Money—Try It Out \ Mrs. James Peter*, of Esquimau, has crossed to Vancouver to visit friend* In CEREALS TOO 0100 the mainland city. A A ☆ Sport Blouses in Cotton WEDNESDAY SPECIAL IN GROCERY DEPT. Mrs. A. A. Cleaver-Cox, of Vancou­ ver, entertained at dinner on Saturday Holbrook's Sweet Gherkin Pickles. Regular night In honor of Col. Appleton, wno is Local Council of Women Dis­ 30c per bottle. Special, per bottle...... spending a few day* In the mainland June’s Blrthstons 23c city. * >■ The/ Pearl, which Voiles at A A tr means Purity. cuss Manv Problems; Hear Mr*. J. Slxsmith, of Victoria, «pent some time In Vancouver en route to Interesting Speakers FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPT. Halifax, where she has gone to Join her “Potatoes Save Wheat" SPECIAL TO-MORROW—Fine Yellow husband. She was accompanied to the —Canada Food Board $1.95 Each Bananas. Per doxen ...... mainland by Misa Hale and Mies 30c Abbott An Illuminating account of the work , The smart styles, Local Green Peas I Local Tomatoes AAA undertaken by the Council of Women The King and Queen will celebrate and the Civic League, of Winnipeg, wqa the quality and low Local Head Lettuce I Local Gooseberries the silver anniversary of their wedding WATCH given before the Local Council at the Gordon Head Strawberries I Local New Potatoes on July 4, when their Majesties will price arc features attend a service at Ht. Paul’s Cathedral, —to-morrow'^ regular meeting yesterday afternoon by that will immediately and will visit the Guildhall to receive (Wednesday) Paper Mrs. A. A. Perry, of Winnipeg, a prom an address from the Lord Mayor and inent club woman, of Winnipeg, who Is appeal to those inter­ PROVISION DEPT. Corporation of London. AAA on® of the moving spirits in the above ested in Blouses of Finest Ontario Cheese. Per lb...... 21)<* Mrs. H. G. Barber, with her mother, organisations. ^ Peanut Butter. Per lb...... 30< Mrs. A. Blair, of Kitaiiano. arrived In Special The housing problem—a vital one In moderate cost. The Finest Old Ripe Ontario Cheese. Per lb...... 35C Victoria" yesterday afternoon to attend Winnipeg, which suffers somewhat from the ITovincial W. C T. U. convention, congesiIon In certain area*- had been models are in plain Flake White. Per lb...... 32< which le In session here this week. Mrs. Announcement of receiving considerable attention, with white and neat stripes Blair will remain here for about two a view to solving the question of the and are trimmed with white or colored collars, GROCERY DEPT. weeks visiting with friends. Influx of population which would be AAA aftermath of the war. and by providing some of whicE are in the new effects. These Good Tea and Coffee Values Nursing Sister M. McBride, daughter Dollar Day adequate workmen's dwelling* help to of the lateuSamuel McBride, of Che- ■tamp out the various dlseaaes which Blouses arc specially attractive and suitable fur Reception Tee. Per lb. 60#. or Golden Star Tea. Per lb. 50^, malnus, le hdth a party of veterans largely result from overcrowded dwell­ 3 Iba. for ...... #1.75 or 3 lbs. for ...... #1.45 who afe returning from overseas, and Bargains ings. Another matter which had ben summer wear—$1.95. English Breakfast Tea. Per 1b. Reception Coffee, „ whole or is expected In Victoria on Thursday. engaging the attention of the women of the prairie city wan the ever-prees 55#, or 3 lbs. for...... #1.60 ground. Per lb...... 60# Miss McBride haa been nursing in Don’t Fail to See the France and England for over two years ing problem of domestic help. Mrs. Special Ad. Rotary Coffee, whole or ground, per. lb...... 45# past. Perry expressed the opijiion that the White Wash Skirts .., -w- * * chaotic condition of domestic service Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Coiling*. of Chi­ was largely due to the present lax sys­ Vantoria Strawberry Janft, 2a. Per Holbrook's Custard Powder. M itchell A Duncan tem wherein the housewive* Kxpc ted FOR WOMEN cago, have returned to Seattle after LTD. Per packet ...... 16# spending the week-end as the guests of teo much' and the majority, of the girls tin ...... 38# JEWELERS lacked training. The stronger attrac ­ SHOWN hrre in a very extensive range of popular styles Shredded Wheat Biscuit. Per Lieut, and Mrs. Ewart Gee, of Gon­ Kkovah Lemonade Powder. Per zales HUL Dr. Ceilings Is a graduate Central Building tions of the various branches df war- in cotton gabardines, twills, poplins, Bedford cords, reppe, packet ...... 12# work open to women with definite hours tin ...... 25# of the Northwestern University Dental View end Bread Sta. etc. The models have pockets, are belted and arc finished Poet Toeteee. Per packet.. 12# College, of Chicago and Is taking up and big wage* had lured girls away ShirrifTe Jelly Powder, assorted C.F.R. and B.C. Elec trie from domestic service and It was un­ Robin Hood Porridge Oats. Per his residence In Seattle. Watch Inspectors. with pearl buttons, at $1.75, $1.95, $2.25 to $3.50 large drum ...... 29# AAA likely that they would ever return un­ flavors, 3 packets for ... 25# less radical changes were made in the each. Mrs. A. A. Perry, president of the present system. The situation, de­ Women's Civic league, of Winnipeg, 4(e)xxv//(#)T(e)W^(o)X1 clared Mrs. Perry, would not be met who Is a visitor In the city addressed until Institutes were established for a meeting cf the South Sagnleh Wo­ the proper training In domestic Ser­ Phone 1876 Sayward Building H. 0. K1RKHAM & CO., LTD. men's Institute, at the Temperance vice of girls as they left school, and on Victoris snd Vancouver. Hall, on Saturday night. She took the other hartd employers of domestic First Floor, 1877 1211 Douglas Street her subject the problems confronting help would have to give adequate re­ Grocery, 178 snd 178 Delivery, 6528 the Canadian women, and the women’s muneration and stated hours of labor. franchise, and at the close 6f her in­ war garc::: bulletin PHONES: Fish and Provisions, 6820. Meat, 6621 teresting and Instructive address was Food Matters Discussed. warmly thanked by her hearers. The question of food conservation 3- AAA Celery Trenches. had been pre-eminent in the pro To-morrow at the Gorge Park, a "jit­ Where the cut worms have de­ gramme of work carried out by the ney" dance will be held in aid of Whe stroyed the first crop celery may Women's Council of Winnipeg, contin­ funds of the Comrades of the Great ued Mrs. Perry, and she expressed her War. The event has been arranged b# yet be planted. A good many ama­ astonishment that "home-grown" pro­ BISHOP ALLEN an energetic committee of ladles who teur gardeners , shy at this-veg­ duct* should cost so much in this prov­ of Pasadena, Cal., will speak here again on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A BEDTIME STORY : ired no pains to ensure the etable, thinking It too troublesome ince, particularly with such commodl Hie subjects will be: pleasure and entertainment of all who to handle but thoae who go in for It ties as Asti, and "sugar which Is refined 2. The Approaching Downfall of Turkey. attend this novel affair. One of the usually feel that their labor has in Vancouver." Khe stated that con S. The “Two Witnesses." mat W1CCILÏ AND THE SCOTCH HOP most attractive features will be the been well repaid before the season Is tinued agitation to the proper aùthori 4. The Return of lereel In the Atonement. fim i n gramme of dame music to be out. To prepare the trenches, set ties had been largely Instrumental In FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, • P. M. a line the length desired. Mark keeping down the cost of many food­ /> right. ISIS, by McClure Newspaper Syndicates furnished by a Filipino band, which Is You can't afford to miss these lectures if you are Interested In Bible (By Howard R Garte.) In town at the present time, The dance along this line with a spade and stuffs In Winnipeg and bringing about Prophecies or the stirring events that are taking place In Europe. ITT continue throughout afternoon and move the Hne'fifteen Inches. Mark much-needed reforms. J Come and bring your friends and make this à week of special Bible study. Mrs. V. H. Maclachlan made a pro­ evening, and the ladles hope for a big thle also. Dig out the space be­ test against the abnormal price of rice Out In front of the hollow stump twinkle of his pink nose, tossed the attendance of the public. The ex­ tween the lines to a depth of nine bungalow, where Uncle Wiggily Long- stone into the triangle place marked inches, piling the soil on either side and other cereals and pointed out that penses, thanks to the efficient organi­ the high cost of such "substitutes" ears. the rabbit gentleman, lived with thirteen. zation, have been kept down to a mini­ of the trench. If more than one row forced many patriotic, but poor, peu inmates of the penitentiary at New Is worth noting that In spite of a com­ Nurse Jane Fussy Wuzsy. his musk "Oh, that's unlucky?" quacked Lulu, mum. and the proceeds will be used 1» required, the space between should be not leas than three feet. pie to use wheat bread because of the Westminster. On the motion of Mrs. plete change In organization since rat lady housekeeper, some of the ani­ the duck, shinery like. towards the furnishing of the recently- J. D. Gordon, seconded by Mrs. Grant, October of last year the number of in­ mal children were playing a game on "Thirteen was always my lucky acquired club premises of the Com­ Thle apace can be utilized for the comparative cheapness of the latter. In this view she was supported by Mrs. the secretary was Instructed to write stitutes has Increased from 237 to 460 the. sidewalk. numl»er." said the bunny. "Watch me rades above the Fit-Rite store. growing of lettuce. cauliflower, and that all of these Institutes are self- radishes or other early crops that J. D. Gordon and the latter sponrored to the Women’s Councils of Vancouver ‘•Let's ask Uncle Wiggily if he get there," and he did. In exactly thir­ and New Westminster to ascertain if supporting* The number of mem­ doesn't want to come out. too. and teen hs, and not a hop more, and It -will be possible to clear off be­ the following resolution which was bers In each village variés from thirty THEY NEVER GET THAT LENGTH. fore the celery is ready for earth­ carried unanimously; "That Inquiry they had instituted any inquiry into play,'1 spoke Nannie Wagtail, the goat none of his paws stuck, over the chalk the alk*gatir "He can’t come—he’s asleep,** said birds," answered the stranger. pound, two dozen eggs at ZS a dozen, men's Institute was started In this Wiggily. "This I» a Scotch hop game, support of the Council for a resolution the Forage Department of ' the War Nurse Jane. ' Impossible?" cried the vegetarian. and one pint of milk at la a gallon. country, under the auspices of the "No. I’m not. Ï just woke up?" cried ana If you want to catch me you’ve appealing for the establishment of a Office, the Institutes extend a cordial *What kind of figg* do you eat ?” What does it all make?" Agricultural Organisation tiooiaty, •farltartorr tp- tim -wometr t

PREMIER OLIVER WANTS THESE RAILS FOR VANCOUVER ISLAND ! MAYOR WELCOMES IS GREATEST OF AL DELEGATES TO W.C.T.U. MEETING States and Canada Will Do Anything to "Lick the Damn Kaiser" I Provincial Convention is in Session in Victoria To-day; Inaugural Luncheon Use That Day-Light Saving Soap DR. BRASHEAR CHARMS THÇ OLD RELIABLE CANADIAN CLUB MEMBERS Nearly seventy-five women gathered ipp» In the First Congregational Church this ROYAL CROWN SOAP morning for the opening session of the * Manufactured In JÇritlsh Columbia by B. C. Labor. If any member of the Canadian Club thirty-first annual convention of the It takes the drudgery out of Wash-Day and is a expected to find in Dr. John A. Brae Provincial W. C. T. U.. and the first REAL DAYLIGHT SAVER. hear an aftcr-dinner-dry-aa-dust since the advent of prohibition in the ^speaker clinging close to rigid aclentiflc province. PI0?? he °r «he who had the pleasure SPRUXTEX REMOVABLE POLISH MOP, as above. Pad can be re­ 9f. listening td this eminent scientist The early part of the morning was moved to wash or a new one attached at a small cost We carry the fhi* afternoon went away convinced taken up with' the welcoming of dele­ extra pads. that he who has achieved world-wide gates and usual routine business. Mrs. rame in aclentiflc research -may yet be ÜSS»» THIS PREMIUM IS FREE FOR 250 ROYAL CROWN COUPONS perfectly human. F. Lanning, the provincial correspond­ Bras hear was . introduced by ing secretary gave a resume of the *r 25 Coupon» and 75 Cento. President John Cochrane as “Uncle work for the past year showing the l Polish OIL Oust Killer, a bottle, 71 Coupon». . John" from Pennsylvania, and just as progress which had been made by the y one would associate good humor with Thousands other presents all FREE for such an appellation so did the guest of organization, whose membership was ROYAL CROWN honor infuse a brand of mirth into his steadily increasing. COUPONS. lie for complete list of premium* thirty-minute speech that will remain Financial Statement. a pleasant memory in the annals of The financial statement presented by Coupon» on irai Canadian Club gatherings. The emln- inent scientist was, however, mindful Mrs. H. A. Edgett showed that, despite Royal Crown Seep of the times through which the world is - the financial stringency arising out of SAVE , Royal Crown Waehlng Powder passing any symbolical of the coming the war, the organization was in a THEM Royal Crown Neptho sound financial condition, the total re­ together of the two great Anglo-Saxon ALL x Reyol Crown Cleaneer peoples In common cause, he declared ceipts from various sources, including that the United States and Canada affiliation fees, sale of year-book, con­ Royal Crown Lye would work together in science and In tributions, etc., amounted to $2,166.02. everything else in a determination to The total disbursements, general fund, "lick the damn Kaiser." were $1,931.17 leaving a balance on Bowed to Wrong Man. June 8, 1918. of $224.86. The total re­ THE ROYAL GROWN SOAPS Limited The greater part of Dr. Brashear’s ceipts at the W. C. T. U. homes were VANCOUVER, B.C. address was In excellent anecdotal vein $1,980.97, and expenses, $1,274.93. The and he possesses the happy faculty of treasurer drew attention to the splen­ intertwining the outstanding discover­ did amount of $829 raised by the or­ ies of modern science with those ganization for their Cocoa fund for the i ?%*&, touches of human Interest which were -mp? :-é- men at the front, which Is run In con­ and Its conservation; and the need for so characteristic of the great men df junction with the Y. M. C A. the past. While scarcely in the cate­ Mrs. Barber reporting for the com- Dominion legislation in the matter of gory of great men the speaker alluded ^ , mlttee on "Press Work," gave an ac- prohibition. to his meeting with the Kaiser, when Reference has already been made in Dr. Reid, however, replied with the Govemment has already acquired, or I count of the excellent work accom- Appealing to the women to make these columns to the several Interviews . by some chance fate instead of bowing suggestion that they were required for shortly will do ,o. the rail» In queetlon, U>H»hed through the medium of the sacrifices at home commensurate with The Fruit Specialist to “that short armed man" he bowed between Premier Oliver and the Hon. on oil . I newspapers, and sponsored a résolu- branch lines of the C. N. R. and which are 20,933 ton» In quantity, | _.Rnd llw Congregational, From the Daguerretype to the pres I the large building. Mr. 8imp- estimated it* distance from the earth. which is assuming alarming propor­ rnt day wonder of photography. In prove entertaining A ohnotlng h<*fcd by Mr"- Rmney. A number of caped by rushinff through the He identified the position of the star in tions. and social disease, are alone which it had been ma le possible V the astronomical atlas, and reached the sufficient cause for the W. C. T. U. to "snap" the shell on Its progress fron which Tilled the garage and g Into a barrel of water, which conclusion that “Nova" or new star the crowd may show its skill or luck continue as an organization. True, the gun, aqd determine the rate of iti the delwates on behalf of the city; these are not popular questions to deal ttelr was close by. which term has been applied to the Is another good idea of the officials. Rev. H. T. Archbold, representing the DanW.Poupard travel, he took his hearers to the won new body Is a misnomer. His decision The crowning , however, with, but they are vital to the nation ders of celestial picturing. The photo e were no witnesses of the oc- Social Service Committee; Rev. H. 8. and afford an opportunity for national FRUIT SPECIALIST *• though the sound of the ex- wall arrived at because the star ap­ Will be a baby show in which the com­ Osborne, and representatives of the graph of the new star taken from th< peared in an almost identical position petitors must not have reached the service of a high order." Saanich Mountain establishment hat i startled residents within various women's organizations of the Balmoral Block. Phone 3321 ftdius. Mr. Simpson, who was in four plates photographed at Harv venerable age of three and must be city. required only the exposure of seconds *rd some time ago. while the Daguerreotype of still life had to the St. Joseph’s Hospital, resident in Esquimau. A small en Presidential Address. A benevolent old gentleman was Also Beach House Tea Rooms conscious last night could give On the other hand a nova Is a faint trance fee will be charged for the required f rty minutes of absolute still or dark star whose brightness Is sud­ At the afternoon session Mrs. Spof stopped by a tramp who asked for ness. very vague description of the petition and the ballots will also I ford read her presidential* address to money to get a night's lodging. Cadboro Bay it He is the son of Mrs. Marv denly increased perhaps ten-thousand be purchased on the grou.ide or during the convention, reviewing the work of "Well, look here, my man," the old A Good Mother. fold by a contact with resistance on the n. the proprietress of the Coach the course of the week at the school. I the organisation during the past year. gentleman said, “what would you say. He lifted the veil of the personal side >rses. The force of the explo- part of some meteoric or gaseous roe- £U«>I«ther the affair wiU.„fiLuùàë-uuf.Llji. the .CttUMf pf her remarks she dwelt If I offered you work?" of his nature and made no for fw the front of the gar^eJnta tert*| -^y^n. ATie star!&*, p*assl"*'?ng* thTrnigh the most popular ever held in the mu- | upon the conditions arising outof "BJess ycr JJIc. jsIx." came Ibe retfiy. his confession that any little fame he m^re*. ‘ ran fmm P*C*' rotels m,lh th,e resistance the 1 war. and its effect upon the women of might have axrhTeved' Th" "KTe labors he "PFOlSJe “ran from all nlcipallty. "I wouldn't mind a bit 1 can take a the neighborhood attracted by energy of motion is suddenly trans­ Ithe Empire; the vital matters of food Joke same as most people!" owed to a good mother' and, tf such, a formed into another form of energy, UTILIZE TIMES WANT ADS se. The flames • leaped high in thing were possible," to a still better heat. The surface of the body Is thus Smoke filled the district wife. Hie only regret for Caroline heated to a tremendous degree of incan­ Herschell, whose researches for OBITUARY RECORD c Ijedingham, who was the first descence. but this condition Is only famous husband were universally superficial, and the star quickly cools cognised, was that in her memoirs she to arrive on the scene, found However, if the nebulous matter The aeath occurred at the Jubilee had said that an educated puppy dog tpson in a barrel of water with through which It passed is of a consid­ t still on fire.) He was rushed could have done the same. Sir William erable extent, It Is quite possible that Hospital yesterday of Mrs. Agness lospital and the fire was extin- Huggins, he was glad to aay, had recog the nova may remain bright for a long Roberts, aged tweny-eight, who was by Chief of Police Palmer, and nized in all his writinga the- value of time. But as a rule the cloud is rela­ the help from the gentler sex. of volunteers from the munlcl- born in Nanaimo bur who for the past Above all, however, the speaker tively small and the life of the nova is igineering department. Some correspondingly short. three years has lived in Victoria. She wished to leave the reminder that turled by thé explosion, were leaves to mourn her loss besides her there was no science like the science of red about fifty feet across the Position Finally Located. extracting some light from behind the The street car trolley wires The new star rises about nine husband.' three brothers on sctlve ser­ clouds of darkness and of throwing apped by the heat of the blaze o clock and can be seen af about eleven vice, a mother, two brothers and two that light on to the paths of those ffle was suspended for nearly in the southeast part of the heavens sisters In Ladysmith. The funeral will whose way was dark. Unless the peo­ The total loss on account of some thirty degrees above the horleon. take place to-morrow afternoon at two ple# of the earth understood the science ^estimated at $4.000, the cars It is of about the same magnitude as clock from the Sands Funeral Chapel. of humanity every life work was a d being a Ford, a Russell and a Vega and of about the same degree of failure. The kindly word to the little brightness. Further observations to­ The funeral occurred to-day of Ivy paper seller, and to the little chap who Dr. B. W. Boak, who Is attending night will reveal additional facts con­ Margaret Cliff, two-year-old daughter cerning the phenomenon. wore a red hat in a hotel, were never Mr. Simpson, says that hi* patient, The spectrum photographed last of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cliff, of Es­ lost. With a final reference to the though severely burned in the face and quimau, who was recently drowned. world's condition he looked to the day night records hydrogen helium and cal­ Announcement ! hands. Is doing as well as can be ex­ cium and many other lines whose or­ The Reverend Robert Hughes,offici­ when the Kaiser would be forsaken by pected. bot£ God and the Devil alike. igin weré not determined. A peculiar ated, and three of the pall-bearers, circumstance is that the hydrogen lines Wilfred, Regie and Percy were broth­ We beg to announce to the Citizens of Vic­ Dr. Swasey. seen last night are quite different from ers of the deceased. The fourth was Dr. Andrew Swasey, of Cleveland, MAKING INVESTIGATIONS those usually apparent in other new Rex Goldsmith. The hymns sung were toria and District, that wc have opened an up- said he would not attempt to compete stars. Ordinarily these are alternately Mr. Hawtjiepithwsite Understands "Safe in the Arms oL Jesus," and ..... to-date music store, carrying a full line of -Mth hie friend Brashear in the telling dark and bright appearing side by side, "There Is a Home fbr Little Children." of anecdotes. He drew upon his stock, That General Lsckis is Inves­ but in the present case the same char­ however, and told of the farm hand tigating Charges. acteristics are present, but the bright The funeral of Mrs. Jane, A. Sprink­ who could flick a fly from a horse’s and dark bands Are of such width that back with precision, but who bucked II- Hawthomthwaite, labor mem­ they give the spectrum a somewhat ling took place yesterday afternoon at a hornet's nest because they were ber for the provincial riding of New­ fluted appearance. The helium lines from the residence, 430 Lux ton Avenue Pianos, Organs, Player-Pianos "organised." He used the simile in castle. Informed The Times this after­ are dark and somewhat diffused and and later from the James Bay Metho­ connection with the Anglo-American noon that he conferred with Major- calcium Is also present. Narrow dark dist Church. Rev. 8. Cook, assisted by alliance whose boys were in Europe General Leckie yesterday and he un­ lines, characteristic of many large Rev. C. M. Tate, officiated at the ser Vidrolas and Records smoking out the German hornets, In­ derstands that the G. O. C. la making stars, are also apparent. vices. The service at the graveside tending to smash the nest. an Investigation into the matter which The velocity of the star as deter­ af conducted by Rev. 8. Cook and Also a complote stock of popular and classical Touching science very briefly he formed the subject of charges at a mined by the calcium,lines appears to ReV. P. Hughes. The pall-bearers were music. •aid that it had now to be considered meeting of returned soldiers on Satur-' be about sixteen miles to the second W. Webster, P. O. Lamb, J. Lewis, F. •how science could be made safe for day night last. with reference to the earth, which it W. Davey, J. Gilbert and H. J. Wayne. humanity. In the light of war's won­ In these columns yesterday there ap­ Is approaching slowly. By taking into We solicit a share of your patronage. Trust­ derful Inventions he could sec only one peared a report of the proceedings of consideration the rate of speed at the meeting referred to, as well as a which light travels it is calculated that VETERANS HOME ing that we may be favored by a visit to our way that that was to make the world complete story from Mr. Ha wthomth- the star is several hundred light year» safe for democracy. He believed the new showrooms at 1013 Government Street, himself of all his transactions away from the earth and outbursts may Lance-Corporal Pitman, ef Thia. City, world was passing through a great with one Bodo von Alveneleben. in have occurred several times during the near corner of Fort. revolution and that people would suf­ Led Charmed Life 'in which the Labor member explained period since It obtained light. In Danger Zone. fer, and actually want to suffer, if by Just how the power of attorney given simple rough figures the new star Is their suffering humanity would come to him-by the Teuton was used to the estimated to be about 600.000,000,000.- advantage of British subjects. 000,000 miles from the earth at present. Among soldiers for Victoria who out of It all on the higher plane. reached Vancouver ,to-day from Premier Oliver. France, is Lance-Corporal J. Pitman. The Irishman and the Scotsman are Passing through a military hospital, He escaped shrapnel, machine gun THE MORRIS MUSIC STORE The Hon. John Oliver, who followed, usually very good chums In the a distinguished visitor noticed a pri­ contrasted the science of which pr. trenches, although they are miles apart bullets and every other conceivable vate in one of the Irish regimen* who war missile for ten months before be B. D. MORRIS, Prop. Brashear was so eminent an exponent, In the matter of temperament. The had been terribly Injured/ collapsed and complications set In, with the science now being put to such Irishman Is all for the present and let To the orderly the visitor said: diabolical uses on the battlefields of the future take care of Itself, but the causing him to lose the use of both “That's a bad case. What are you go- legs, temporarily at least. This was the world. To him It was good to hear Scotsman is full of care for the future ink to do with him?" of this Éther science, the science meant on January 28th this year. He went and In every way cautious and canny. "He's going back, sir!" replied the away with the 88th Battalion from this for the education and the uplifting < Î Fat and Sandy, reconnoitring round city. ' mankind and not for the wanton de­ an old farm house, found a war-weary 'Going back!" said the visitor In Another capital city soldier to return struction of men's bodies. ' chicken. Pat was overjoyed. He was surprised tones was Pte. W. A. Williamson, a member The Two “Jehna.* sick of bully and biscuits. -** “Ye* ’ said the orderly. “He thinks of thé same battalion. He was en the "Thais' a Mt of luck,” said Pat “Sure he knows who done it"—Tit-Bits. The gathering was well attended, Western Front seven months, anti was we'R have a decent supper to-night." wounded at Lens In January, 1917. and President Cochrane, the personifi­ “No, no." said Sandy. “Let’s keep It, Net Tes Late—Feed Centre! Licences cation of a good host, could r.ot re­ <111 to-morrow. It may lay an egg.* prepared correctly by W. H. Price, no­ frain from the. reference of the two Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. tary public, next Bank of Men treat • hive. 1 [YICTORIA DAILY TIMER, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918 AMUSEMENTS c$> -fVICTODIALSySOBTHWEST BATHING SUITS THE Ladin’ Cotton Batting Suita, aisorted colon. Suit...... $2.00 Ladi,,' All-Wool Bathing Suit». Suit ...... *5.00 Conta’ Cotton Bathing Suita, navy blue ...... If 1.75 Johnson days when Tommy was the Conti’ Cotton Bathing Suite, assorted colors. Suit ...... $2.00 acknowledged of the world Gants’ Wool Bathing Suita, assorted colors. Suit, *5.00, *4.00, I BURNS CHALLENOES irnd the idol of the European aristo­ BOUNDING OVER SEA cracy. What will Willard say? That fS.TB and ...... $5.50 is the question. A bout*sbetween two Ladies' Bathing Capa, all colors. Each, $1.00, 85*. 50* and.. .35# TO-DAY’S AMUSEMENTS big men in the pugilistic Yfrorld would Bathing Shoes, pair ...... 6tq WILLARD TO BATTLE be a huge drawing Card. CHOCOLATE CHAMPION 1321 C,v,rnm,nt St PEDEN BROS. Phan, *17 Meets Local Fans. Rdyal -Victoria—“The Blue Bird.” Tommy fiad a talk with the fistic PAN fans of the city and an interview with Variety—“The Whispering Chorus." IN SQUIRED CIRCLE the military authorities; and he nays KILLS TIME KNITTING =!= Domjnion—“The Heart ef a Lien.** there wilj be no difficulty getting box­ VAUDEVILLE Columbia—-“The Divorcee.** ing talent he needs to compete in the Romano—"Beauty in Chaîna." Vancouver stunt. He has already se­ Pantagee—“The Sawduet Ring." cured seven en ut ries, and expects the Mazuma Willard’s Passion Wed., Thurs., Pri., Sat. Will Stage Big Boxing Tour­ soldiers and Jack tars will take a large part. "We want," he says, “a bantam Kahanamoku Makes Mufflers; o-f-o o-*-o o-*-o o-*-o o-$-o o-*~o neys in Vancouver and Vic­ weight, a featherweight, welterweight Comrades Play Ukulele as ROYAL VICTORIA and a heavyweight, representing the re­ H. PETER TAYLOR, . “The Blue Illrd." an Art era ft picture, toria for Red Cross spective military units to compete." W. They Sail Purple Seas H. Davies, bf the V. I. A. A., who has will he shown at the Royal* Victoria Is Not Loved by Fight Fans had large experience in promoting box­ Theatre all this week. It Is an adapta­ Famous African Big Game ing bouts, says he will be glad to co­ Hunter, tion. ha Charles Malgne. from Maeter­ operate with Tommy If the latter linck's masterpiece. which hae attract­ WILL TAKE ON FULTON wishes to have any civilian competi­ It must have been a pleasant trip. • 4> ed wide attention in the dramatic and tors. There are some pretty nifty Duke Kghanamoku, champion swRn- Cow-punching Jens Willard is at present existing under the gloom will present his literary world. While it dealt with sub­ fighters In the towfti, says Billy, and mer of t|*c world, knitted mufflers for jects of great profundity in an alleg­ DEMPSEY OR CHAMPION they could add much to the stunt. the Red (/rose and his pals. Land and of the public's eondemnatiou if one may judge by the opinions voided orical manner. It was easily understood. Probably Burns will take advantage of Kruger, played the ukulele as the ship, by the foremost fistic authorities across the line. Listen to what The great author took for his central this offer. which bore them from the southern figures a little boy and girl, and for If these plans mature It will be some seas to the Golden Gate, steamed on Kdgren, perhaps the most reliable sporting scribe in the States, has to them he drew aside the curtain of life, My ambition is to raise ten thou­ stunt. If any man can pull It off suc­ Add to this the fact that Fanny Dur- say on the subject : delved Into the past Wnd touched elo­ sand dollars for the Red Cross." said cessfully it Is Tommy Burn* Fistic ack. the fickle mermaid who has defied quently upon the Great Beyond. Tommy Burns ex-heavyweight cham- fans and patriotic sporting enthusiasts the authorities and failed to meet the One of the strangest chapters in the long history of pugilism has In the form of a -play, -w- as—■ produced------— in | pion of the world while in the city on generally will all say "go ahead as engagements made fiy her manager, London and later In Nrw York the Sunday. He ram. over from Vancouver»,long as It Is for the Red Cross." was also s passenger, and one gets an been furnished by the career of the giant world’s champion, Jess JUNGLE story teemed with dramatic interest, for the purpose of arranging a huge ^ idea of what the captain of that boat Willard. A Real Tommy New. and instead of a heavy preachment or triangular boxing contest S be held *n was up against. a dry sermon it developed into a virile | Hastings Park on July 8. In which he Tommy's second name is Atkins now. He looks fine in his uniform, Out at Sea. "" Only, three year, ago Willard leaped streets In closed cabs People who presentation, sparkling with vivacity will compete. In fact he say* which on account of hly extraordinary At least these are the statements In a moment Into the greatest popular­ called on him found locked doors and vigilant managers guarding against a i 1” adapting this work to motion pic­ that he hereby issues an open challenge dimensions had to be specially made for voiced in a letter written by Owen ity ever achieved In the ring. tures, director Maurice Tourneur, who free glimpse of Jess. Everything to Jess Willard.------Fred------Fulton... or*Jack Jack him. He fills out every- inch of if too. He Merrick, who is managing the tour of To-day. almost forgotten by the pub­ staged the production for Artcraft. has is holding down thé job of physical In the three celebrated swimmers to W. everywhere was figured to get money. Dempsey, having alre.ady wired the lic that formerly Idolized him, he has LIONS carried out the idea of the author in present champion. A similar show will structor to the first Depot Battalion in H. Davies of the V.I.A.A., under the Public’s Growing Disapproval* making the photoplay understandable. also be staged In Victoria at a time Vancouver, and he certainly looks the auspices of which club the merman retired to the quiet seclusion of his The war was on and the sailors of I H* <>'«<-iJ»<"-d the scenes With the tiny suited to the military authorities. part. But he is a regular soldier now, will splash In Victoria on June 27. Kansas farm. Few In America have the French fleet were given a boxing actors, who are theoretically the lead­ and everything is for the Red Cross. When the letter was written the ship show at Madison Square Garden. They in A Big Stunt. ai^y Interest In hie future movements, ing characters, believing that if these was three days out from Hawaii. arid, although he is unbeaten and still all wanted- to see the rival of their 1 children can grasp the story, the aver­ According to Tommy the show Is go­ However. Mr. Merrick, who Is the holds his hard-won title, few care champion, Carpentier. Willard was ad­ "“The Unwelcome Visitor. ’’ age patron of a moving-picture theatre, ing to be a tremendous affair, and he is sport scriiN' of one of Honolulu’i whether or not hé evel* defends It vertised to appear at the Garden dur­ with the aid of the lucid titles which going to the limit for the cause The V.l. A. A. WILL STAGE largest papers still had a faithful type again. ing the show. He didn't appear. It embellish the film, should easily follow tourney will be staged under military writer with him, but it was otM -*f Willard seems to possess all of the was something he wasn’t paid to do. the play and understand the allegory. auspices, and the competitors will be those portable ones And the writer qualities that would make a great and The French .sailors went away dis­ International Comedian, The result Is a unique play, of stu­ for the most part military men. The seemed to .consider it in the light of heroic figure among the champions. appointed. Willard’s popularity slump­ pendous magnitude, in which is incor­ smallest fighter who ever held heavy PLEASANT FEATURES a Ford. However, in spite of a few When he first came out of the West ed. locally. porated the highest tecjinfque of photo­ weight world honors feels a big patrio­ typographical errors, he said some and began challenging the big men who Jess was clrcusing in a New York graphic art. with multiple film expos­ tic sense and he is enthusiastic over things of considerable interest to the aspired to become white hopes and per town. A few blocks away was a Red Herbert ures requiring infinite care ami patt- hi* job as physical instructor to the swimming fraternity of the city. haps at' some dim and distant future Cross drive. In full swing. A commit­ I ence. troops in Vancouver. The Manly Art of Knitting. time fight and beat ‘Johnson, he was tee waited on Jess “arid asked him to i LloytL Settings of colossal size and en- Tommy himself will be chief figure Membership of Club Increasing Knitting mufflers is a peculiar pas an open-faced, smiling giant of a man. appear—not to box—just to lie intro­ semblés of hundreds of people make I *n the tourney, and he Is busy looking time for the greatest swimmer of the He climl>ed Into New ' York rings to duced from the platform in the public It his photoplay -a mighty spectacular aruund for somebody to fight with. challenge and the crowds laughed at square—to help the raising of the fund. In Enormously; Fix Swimming universe, but the Duke enjoys it. It a Screaming Burlesque ou offering in which the artistic details According to an epistle addressed to is said he used to sit on the deck of him and with him. Hé became popular, Jess didn't appear. Vaudeville. have been carefully looked after. the sporting editor the navy has a dark Nights for Summer the ship gazing upon the sad sea waves In a way, even without fighting. Soldiers Didn't Like Him. horse to do battle with him : "But my musing on the beauties of nature and Walloped the Mahogany. own choice." says Tommy, .“would be Plattsburg, with 6.000 men training keeping his needles going overtime, When Willard was mairhed against for commissions, wanted Jess to box. DOMINION Willard. Fttlten or Dempsey." Which like a ladles' aid meeting. A muffler Johnson at last few thought he would is ambitious. “It Is quite possible." lie As officers, these men would have sol­ Two years ago, when motion pictures built by Kahanamoku should, when win the fight, but these few were sure diers under them who would be trained continues that one of these men will The membership of Victoria and raffled, bring a neat little sum for the had reached nothing like the state of Island Athletic Association has in­ of 1L A*id he made good. He made in boxing. Jess reached Plattsburg magnificence which they now enjoy, take part In the tourney in which Red Cross. good in true championship style, meet­ Fannie Simpson prizes will he given to ail the winners. creased to.such an extent of late that with his circus. He boxed—for just William J-’arnum and Mary Martin the club has been obliged to raise Its On thé other hand the tastes of Har­ ing the crafjty negro at his own game two minutes—and left. The soldiers played together in William Fox pic-' If one of these three fighters will ac­ and proving himself cooler, more de­ cept this a* an open challenge 1 am entrance fee and establish a rule that old Kruger and Clarence lanr are had been waiting several hours to see tores. They worked with each other in âtt prospective members must be voted purely musical and they found that liberate and more sure and confident him. Jess wasn't popular at .Plalts- such productions as "The Broken law" sure the Red Cross will profit greatly. strumming the ukulele, and using their than Johnson himself. Johnson had burg after that. and Earl Dean I and The Wonderful Adventure." A dispatch from Vancouver this morn­ on b. they can enroll. This decis rich Hawaiian voices kept them in fine always been able to use his own pow­ "He licked Johnson." said the public: Then Big Bill went to California, and ing says that Danny has wired Willard ion and several other important ones was arrived at during the course of a shape The three of them got together erful arms to drag down the arms of grtnnifig. “That was enough' for a Broadway Musical Comedy I tittle Mary stayed in New Vork, grid inviting him to participate in a four every night en route, and entertained his opponents, tiring and worrying while.” j they didn't See each other for a long roùjid exhibition bout. An early reply general meeting held last night at the them Int» defeat. He tried It on Wll Favorites. Gorge Club House the ship's company with the latest “Money First" With Jsst. I Uni.-. Is e’xpMRed Wé will give a similar ex­ songe hits from Honolulu. It must lard and Willard laughed at him and Finally Mr Fatnum came -back to hibition in Victoria when ft is satisfac­ Monday. Wednesday and Friday were dragged Johnson’s arms down. Rut | always Wtttard seemed to be have been a cheerful party. That the reaching for money—the kind of money j New Turk. Miss Martin was selected tory t° the officer commanding. My finally fixée* upon as the nights swimmers lost none of their pep dur­ And at last, having worn the bulky I to play the leading role in his new pro- I ambition Is to raise $10. for the Red which the club will swim together, gained without taking risks. He de­ ing the voyage was strongly evidenced negro down, he deliberately crossed manded preposterous sums when asked duction. “The Heart of a Lion," pro- Cross on the‘ first show.‘ ” though members may use the club bj their record breaking aquatic per­ his right In a driving knockout punch duced at the Dominion to-night and to­ That talk of Tommy'S about mixing house at any time.*' Thursday will be to fight anyone. It was evident he Three formances on the Coast after landing that laid the victor of Reno flat on his didn't intend to fight. A story was morrow evening. Now Miss Martin tells up with Fulton or Willard is ambitious the "stunt evening,' and something big the other day. shoulder blades long after the ten- ]the story : and It certainly sounds like the pre- will be pullet, off once a w*»ek on that given out that' Willard would fight Mr. Merrick promises that his boys second count had been finished. Fulton or anyone else selected—all "After not seeing Mr. Farnum for day. In addition there will be swim will play for the fans here and he says Caesar Returning After Victory. Gibson I nearly two years l was surely anxious ming classes for the non-swimmers of money to g<» to the Red Cross. But they are bringing their music and I to meet him when he went to Fa* the club conducted regularly Coming back from Cuba, Willard met Jess wouldn t. after all He signed for aacred ukulele for the purpose, a match with Fulton, a fat percentage Harbor for the first scenes of the new Features, with an ovation that followed him ROMANO torta, says Mr Merrick, can coni from Key West to New York. Every­ of the gate money to go to Jess. His Girls picture. We had been’ there for two ly expect to get the vreal inside; Emory Johnson, who plays opposite The V. I. A. A. Is adopting a wise where crowds gathered to -batch a manager haunted places where the days and I had not seen him. I was on Hawaiian music, for the husk- Singera, Dancers and Instru­ I beginning to get rather anxious—no I Ella Hall in the Klla Hall production. policy of keeping things going by stag­ glimpse of him. He was forced to ap­ short no-decision bout was the rule. letes are experts even among _...... mentalists. I sign of Mr. Farnum. I "Beauty1 In Chains," which is shown at ing special stunts once a week. The pear on the steps of the train, which No risk was to be taken. I the Romano Theatre to-day and to- Canoe Club will be in action about singing countrymen and will put our ran far behind schedule time because "Then on the third morning, as I own popular songs about those sunny John L. Sullivan used to give his I was.JH tearing______along____ in ____the____ car._ _I spied___I morrow, ha* been playing in pictures. every fortnight, and the Initial cruise of delays at every station One would bank roll to old women on street cor­ M>, Farnum’» Packard coming toward I for three years. Johnson is a straight ill take placé next Thursday. In fact islands down there In the shade. have thought that Jess Willard would They must he clever boys. ners. Jess put his in a dogen banks. With a yell I Jumped up. com- | unhyphenated Aemrican of the best It is planned to have these watery be popular forever—that week. Thousands of America's best athletes manded the chauffeur to stop, an I type, born in San Francisco in im. In Jaunts constantly every two weeks Their Speeds. Then came the first sign of a change. enlisted for the war. Jess only leased I bounded out and up the ro#td to Mr. "Beauty in Chains" Johnson play* the alternated with dances. Thus the more Kahanamoku. says his manager, will In New York the big champion was his circus horses to the Government Sol 1 Farnum'* car. Spanish sweetheart of Rosarito. "the role serious side of the club's athletic en­ guarded with the greatest caution. It appear, while visiting this city in the and went west. Chicago is no place for 'By that time he was out of his enacted by Klla Hail. deavors will not be allowed to lag. and fifty and hundred yards events, and became understood that he must be the world’s champion fighting man this I machine, and then well, it's hard to the members will be given a good time in the two hundred and twenty. How­ paid for being seen and admire*!. He year. So. after the Fulton match fell I tell Just what followed. I only know ^att^summer. ever. he Is afraid that the water will appeared at theatres and was spirited through. Jess loaded up an automobile Berns I that both my hands ached from his VAF.ETY The officials of the club aim to take be pretty cold for him above the one out by back doors and taken through and drove out to Kansas. I powerful grip and/1 kept saying, over Words are inadequate to describe the good care of their swimmer* and the hundred and fifty mark. Lane will go Famous flebrew “Train I and over again : latest De Mille picture, "The Whisper­ boat house will l»e kept constantly \ln In the fifty, hundred, and perhaps the Announcer." “ Tm so glad to be back with you. ing Chorus." which is showing at the order. Every afternoon two lady mem­ backstroke. Kruger can swim In any V. I. FREE SWIMMING I I’m so glad. So glad.' ** Variety Theatre to-day and to-morrow. bers will have charge of the building old kind of a race. He la the world It is a picture with a story never before and will see that everything is pro­ champion backstroke swimmer, but he INSTRUCTION MEETING LEAGUE BASEBALL COLUMBIA seen on the screen, a picture with a ceeding satisfactorily. In this way the also Is expert In the breast stroke mighty message to the masses con members can swim In comfort every sprints and long distances. The Duke WITH GREAT SUCCESS Mistaken for a stage robber a yotmgjeealed within the drama, yet visible to day of the week if they feel so dis­ ought to make good time in the fifty, ...... Matlmt -League. 1 minister of Reno risks his life racing all who will think. Those who wltnees- posed. To add to this comfort hot tea. says Mr. Merrick. His best was At Philadelphia— R H. E Walsh and tfrnrrr a stierrff w -poae -to. jkKiety' l ed its presentations yesterday thought coffee and refreshments will be served twenty-three, made under ideal condi- The endeavors of the Victoria and Chicago ...... g 10 9 Philadelphia ...... i 7 2 girl he thinks is a .divorcee hemg purVprttmrt-lF-fwt-.tmlxuR bi 1^ in the theatre, by a committee especially___ ÀUUeLic, Association Lu teach liiifd by an angry husband This as- I but after they left. Seldom Mai Hh* purpose. The " expense" tut 4a|a«4 - leettwti»—V*ti*hri smf KTflîTefr Oéscft-' tonishing story of mistaken Identities ] been seen such wonderful ability and provisions will be paid out of a re­ twvnty-tlv. Thr speed tor thr thrrr the young ides of Victoria the art of ger. Main. Davis and Adams lis cleverly and-thrtllingty told in “The I such splendid acting as shown by the freshment fund which was founded at •hould hr about ftfly.ltve, fifty-seven swimming are meeting with greater At Brooklyn— E. Divorcee" the Grealer Vltagaph Blue | principals in this drama of life. the meeting last night. and fifty-eight. success at each lewson. On Saturday Pittsburg ...... ;...... 0 H 9 Ribbon feature, which Is the attraction some hundred and fifty hoys and girls Brooklyn ...... 2 2 3 Astonishing Athletic Another Picnic.* I in the Columbia Theatre to-day and to- were ready at the Gorge for their first Batterie»—Cooper and Schmidt; Grimes Entertainers. ! morrow. PANTAGES Another dub picnic will be held on DOOBTS AS TO FIGHT watery instruction and their general and Miller Sunday and a similar affair will take enthusiasm showed that they had come At Boston— R. h. b Comedy will be a prominent feature place- every two weeks. The last pic­ BETWEEN DEMPSEY AND of their own free will and were en­ Cincinnati ...... ft 1 j of the n«*w bill of Pantagee vaudeville nic was an unqualifleV success and the joying the experience. It took the Boston ...... 1 g 0 which will open with the matinee per ones in the future'will he looked for­ FULTON MOOTED ABOUT greatest efficiency and patience to put Batteries—Bresaler and Allen; Rudolph and Wilson forraance on Wednesday Into that ward to with the greatest pleasure. all the kiddies through the prescribed comedy will l>e introduced, however, In order that the clerical work of New York. June It—With Jess Will­ exercises but under the management Louis-New York game po*t|>oned. Pantagesenpn novel sort of thrill when H Peter the club may not all fall to the lot of ard. world's heavyweight boxing cham­ of Mr and Mrs. .Shotbolt. Mrs. Me- the hard-working superintendent American League. Taylor presents his half-dozen Jungle pion. in the seclusion of his Lawrence. Kittrick, Messrs A. Davies. W. H. Da­ Charles de Macedo was appointed to lions in a sketch he calls "The Vnwel Kan., home, following the failure of the vies, Braden and Lord the entire mulr At Chicago— r. h. E A Riot of Screen Comedy. the position of club secretary. Boston ...... ill come Visitor." bout In which he was to defend his titude received its preliminary land TO-DAY Taking all these elaborate plans Into Chicago ...... 0 2 2 Wilson has an uncommonly well title, attention is now turning to the training before tuktag the water. trained animal troupe in his three male consideration, the V. I. A. A. will be proposed bout between Fred Fulton, of Batteries—Bush and Sehang; Schellen- “The Whispering Chorus” busy this summer and certainly the It has l»een decïiPR$>J»y the officials bach and Schalk. and two female lions said to have been Minnesota, and Jack Dempsey, of Salt of the V. I. A. A. that on account of" members are in for a good time. Lake City. According to reports from At Detroit — R H K VARIETY ORCHESTRA taken full grown from the African for the large number of children already Philadelphia ...... ests. They are handsome specimens Connecticut, Joe Mulvihlll, a New ...... 4 10 1 enrolled it will be impossible to take, Detroit ...... 6 and the big cage in which they per­ Haven promoter, has signed both box­ 7 - 2 SPECIAL ALEXANDER HAS ALL any more pupils until those already At St. Louis— R. H K ers for a twenty-round contest to take form is camouflaged .n such a way under instruction have learned to take Washington ...... 3 as to make the enactment of his Jungle place at Danbury, Conn.. July 4. AIMUKEMEIT HE CAN DO HURLING Whether the contest will go the way care of themselves in the sea. It will St flouts ...... 2 pantomime seem realistic and thrill­ not be long before there will be room Fourteen innings. ing. the Wiliard-Fulton encounter went re­ For the I’anfages Screen ROMANO FOR MILITARY FANS mains to be seen. Mulvthill was among fqr others. This is probably the finest collection Next Monday and Tuesday the bidders for the Willard-Fulton con­ This movement of teaching the CLUB STANDINGS. TODAY of animals of the cat family ever ex­ Seattle—The alleged Intentions of test whefi Colonel J. C. Miller was in youngsters to swim deserves all the f National. ELLA HALL 4 hibited on the vaudeville stage, and for the Chicago Cuba to nave Grover Alex­ this city some time ago looking for » encouragement It is getting and the A Woman, Lawless and Free that reason the theatre management W L. Pet ander given brief furlough* so that he place for that bdUL When ths Western support of att those who have the Ch icago ...... 30 is making arrangements that the pub­ 12 .714 from Love—Ablaze with Un­ can pitch games for his old team­ promoter asked for a display of fin­ good of the country at heart. The V. New York ...... 28 15 In “BEAUTY IN CHAINS” lic may make the most of their ap­ 651 tamed Spirit—Until She mates in the National League is not ances to balance the bids made by L*s unique free offer Is doing wonders Cincinnati ...... 23 21 523 pearance here. After the Saturday likely to be realised, according to re­ Mulvihill the Connecticut promoter along these lines. . . 20 24 ports received from Camp Funston. 455 Meets “The Stranger.” I PEARL WHITE in 4th Chapter matinee ;»erformance those of, the au withdrew from the field. The gover­ Pittsburg ...... 18 25 .419 dlence who wish will be invited to The athletic directors of the camp nor of Connecticut later took a defin­ Philadelphia ...... of "THE HOUSE OP HATE” have arranged for a number of ball WALKER THROWS ARTHURS. .. 18 25 419 have a closer view of the handsome ite stand against holding the bout be­ 8t. Louis ...... 18 25 .419 lion* and they will be served with their games In Lincoln and other places tween Willard and Fulton in Connect!- Brooklyn ...... for the benefit of their athletic fimd Fort William, Ont., June 11.—George .. 17 28 .377 “The Flame of evening meal in full view of everyone cut and it is problematical whether he Walker at 169 pounds, defeated Ernie American. and in each case it is guaranteed that will recede from this attitude in the in the house. This will be a memor Alexander will pitch These • game* Arthurs at 160 in a wrestling match W L Pet. able experience for those present. case of the proposed Fulton-Dempsey here last night. Incidentally. Walker Boston ...... 30 probably will take all of the big pitch contest. 20 600 the Yukon” Herbert Lloyd, known all over the er*s spare time. won a side bet by throwing him twice New York ...... 25 19 568 A Drama of the Gold-Mad ROYAL VICTORIA world as premier comedian and king within twenty-five minutes. The first .- 22 21 .511 of burlesque, has a panorama of sur­ "-••'••i w*n ij<--omleS fall was gpt by a crotch hold and half­ Cleveland ...... 25 24 .510 Days of ’98, featuring TO-DAY prises which nobody would attempt to BENNY LEONARD WILL nelson in fourteen minutes fifty-seven St Louis ...... 22 22 see imitate. From sublime, to ridiculous, seconds, and the second with a ham­ Washington ...... DOROTHY DALTON. TRAPSHOOTING.TROPHY mer lock in eight minutes and forty- with one thing after another coming FIGHT JACK Bill i iv Philadelphia-1...... 17 27 386 one seconds. I>etrolt ...... 16 26 thick and fast for twenty minutes, this Peoria. III., June II.—J. R. Graham, .366 Coast. “The Blue feature act is brimful of action all the Philadelphia. June 11.—Articles of of Long Lake. lit. won the Hercules p—-■ ■ " ■■ ■■ _im ■ 1 ■■ at—■ way through. agreement have been signed by Repre­ Cup, carrying with it the world's trap­ W L. Pet The musical comedy favorites, Fan­ sentatives of Benny Leonard, light­ Los Angeles ...... 39 SO 565 shooting championship from Bart K. I "Contour”™ Salt Lake City ...... 99 nie Simpson and Rarl Dean, will pre­ weight champion of the world, and Lewis, of Auburn, in a special 200-bird . 38 28 563 PANTAGES \ernon ...... 36 33 522 sent "Honky-Tonky Town." a potpourri Jack Britton, claimant of the welter­ match on the opening day's programme San Francisco ...... 30 Bird of nonsense that has the one big thing weight title, for a six-round fight be­ of the Illinois state trapshooters’ tour­ 32 .484 Sacramento ...... 30 34 tween the two men in this city on the nament Here yesterday. It Included Arrow .469 to recommend it, and that is Its laugh- takland ...... 29 38 AN ARTGRAFT PICTURE provoking qualities. night of June 26. 160 birds at 19, 20 and 22 yards and 25 r O R M - F I T 433 »»1 Berns. "The Train Announcer," pairs of doubles. will amuse with his line of comedy pat­ WINS BICYCLE RACE. COLLAR OURAY ENTERS AUTO RACE. ter md clever stories. REFUSED £28,000 FOR JESTER. CiV«TT,WA»Q»Y VCM$«,JI$»W COLUMBIA THEATRE New York. June 11.—Arthur Spencer, The Thr.-.- OibflOS Olrle will offer a Chicago. June 11—Arthur Durayfthe TO-DAY number composed of singing, dancing the Toronto boy, and present American London. June 11.—(British Admiralty DOMINION THEATRE bicycle champion, won the. quarter- noted French driver, last night en­ and instrumental music; their offering per Wireless Press).—J. B. Joel, the tered the 100-mile automobile Derby MAST ANDERSON mile titular race, the first of a series TO-DAY Is presented In a special tropical set­ racehorse owner, has. refused an offer to be raced over the Speedway course In 'THE DIVORCEE ting that is very1 effective. ’ of races which will decide the national of £ 25,000 for Black Jester, which won WILLIAM FARNUM champion for 1918, Sunday after­ on June. 22. Ouray holds the world's Walsh and Bentley are acrobats who the 8t. Leger in 1914. The action was =* fE3 record for speeding, having driven a 2nd Chapter noon at the Volodrome in Newark. taken by Mr. Joel on the ground that mix a neat turn of athletic feafs with Spencer beat Bob Spears, Frank Kra­ rar 147 miles an hour In a race at Oe- “THE FIGHTING TRAIL” In "The Heart of a Lion" it would be against the national in­ tend. Belgium— He recently arrived In some bright chatter A comedy, film mer and Reggie McNamara, these three terest to allow the horse to leave the ' will complete an attractive bilL riders finishing in that order. country. this country to engrtge In several race, end the Chicago event will be hie drat. VICTORIA DAILY TiAiKH, füfîSDÂY, JLLNK it, I'JiS

lOZa CORRECTLY t PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN WILL BECOME AIRMAN RETURNED SOLDIERS Put One of These GIVES GOOD RESULTS Will 60 LUMBERING Dance Records on .Louis Heel Your Grafonola Victoria and Island Develop­ Submit Scheme to Premier ment Association Adver­ Oliver Asking for and You’H Start tises District $15,000 Loan Something Oxfords* -3 Ivory, Brown, Talent—AA -to D. Good res tilts are being obtained The local branch of the Great War through the publicity campaign recent Veterans' Association through Its President, Major T. B. Monk, hak sub-, You’ll M loose ------ly authorised by the Victoria. St Island milted to Premier Oliver for the con­ Development Associât lot) and numer sideration of the* Provincial Govern­ the merriest ous inquiries are coming In from varl ment a scheme which hua for Its object Maynard’s Shoe Store a two fold purpose: aaslHtance in the flood of dauee music you ous quarters from .people who are 649 Yates thinking of visiting this city during the recovery of spruce log» fo* aeroplanes Phone 1232 and a mean* of employment for aome; ever heard. You’ll get summer months. The treasurer of the forty returned men. It is planned to your guests up on their ■WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADI Greets' Guide of Seattle writes that btcerporaU ;I company purely for the Victoria la getting a good deal of pub­ benefit of returned soldiers Irrespective toes and dancing almost in spite of them­ licity across the border in connection of particular affiliation with OM or selves. Come in to-day and hear these. Ml. Douglas Assessment. Vhe Coun­ with the folders which are being cir­ any Association and to go Into the cil last evening decided to lodge an ap­ culated by that society. ber business. While aeroplane peal against the assessment continued 2363—The Rag-Time Volunteers Are Off to War. One-Step. NEWS IN BRIEF Communications have been received 'ce will form the Immediate Incen­ of sive.vot) an,the land valuation of tive for bu*in«W by. reason of its ready Barbers' Jazz Band. Mount Douglas Park, recently set by from Manitoba and from the orient indicating that Victor!* and Van­ sale such a company would carry on a You Can Get Hose by the Foot In the SaanicV Court of Revision, in spite EDWARD MICHAEL M’CABE couver Island will not be overlooked general lumbering and logging enter­ 2414—There’s Always Something Doing Down in Dixie. Fox-. any length required. The l*est made of an appeal by city officials. The Fin­ who left the city yesterday en route prise with prospects. If in any way suc­ the kind that won'f'lffnk nor crack: in this season's tourist traffic. The for Toronto, where he will commence Trot. Prince’s Band. ance Committee termed the assessment business manager of The Winnipeg cessful. of expansion Into the manufac­ 26c. per JoUi * Other brands, 16c and an exorbitant one. his training for service In the Royal turing branches allied with the indus­ 14c. It. A. Brown St Co., 1302 Douglas Grain Trade News writes: “Î antici­ Air Force. He is a son of Mr. and 2317—Pack AU Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag. One- A A A pate a big movement in tourist traffic try. St. • Insurance of Soldiers. — The City Mrs. H. H. McCalie. of this city; Thirty Thousand Dollars. . Step. Prince’s Band. — ■&•&<( westward this year and from conver­ native son and nineteen years of age. Council endorsed last evening a move­ sation with the general passenger “Quebec Bridge"—Illustrated lecture A brother. Matthew James McCabe, is As will readily be understood o ment. which is t<> lie expressed by peti­ agents of the city, learn that,this feel 6985—Where «Do We Oo From Here. One-Step. Prince’s vn erection of “Quebec Bridge," by already in France with the United scheme of this character needs a fair tion. Inaugurated by the Council of ing is generally held." amount of finance and $30.000 is set Bund. Qeorge K. Porter. M, K. 1. <*., Engineer London, Ontario, In favor of the Insur­ The secretary and general manager States engineer*. 6 vf <’oust ruction. Ht. lawrenre Bridge down in the G. W. V. A. proposal us the ance of soldiers overseas by the Dom­ of The North China Daily News and figure Judged as adequate to provide 6003—So Long, Mother. One-Step. Prince’s Band. . <*«»., at the auditorium of the new Itign inion Government in the same way as Herald. Ltd., Shanghai, writes that the S. htmt. on Wednesday, June 12, at S thq-necessary equipment and working the United States already does. The advertising campaign carried on there capital. Major Monk has already ap­ 2266—Huckleberry Finn. One-Step. Prince’s Band.* p. m.. auapicea Victoria Branch, Kngt- Mayor will sign the petition on tie ha If by the Victoria association should have ELECTRICAL WORKERS proached the British Columbia repre­ neering Institute of Canada. Admis­ 5996—Cheer Up! Lixa. Fox-Trot. Prince’s Band. of the city. very tangible results. "We frequently sentative ,of the Department of Aero­ sion free. • ' A. A A receive inquiries regarding.British <’o- nautical Supplies, one of the branches tir Ù tr To Help Fund.—Tin* drop curtain lumbla and the possibilities of sj>end- of thé Imperial Munitions hoard, nod which was added- to the stage equip­ "Why Pay High Bate, for Fire in­ ing the summer holidays there,” hr SEEK INCREASES Major Taylor—4he responsible official surance f Boo the Anti-Combine ment of the \\ 1116*11 Y. M. C» A. hut by writes. “1 shall be glad to receive tian Kndeavor Union is decor­ his definitely stated that he is ready Agents and save money. Duck A copies of your special pamphlet and to place contracts for the standard ated by red triangle scenes that sur­ will distribute them fo the best ad van- FLETCHER BROS. Johnston. • rounded the following lines of greeting quality of aeroplane spruce. It Is also •s * A 6 tgv.” represented to the Government by the to the men: “Welcome to the Red Tri­ The manager states that he has ask­ B. C. Electric Railway Com­ Western Canada's Largest Music House J Let the Lawn Mewer Hosoltal cure angle hut. From training camp to 1’resident of the G. W. V. A. that the ed the editor to draw spevlal attention Munitions Board is agreeable to extend 1121 GOVERNMENT STREET and 607 VIEW STREET tint a ivmlc mower. «11 Cormorant trench it will serve you all along the to the attractions offered by Victoria pany Will Submit Case to BtreoL • way." The entertainment given by the financial assistance for the launching In the New Spencer Bldg. Also at Vancouver and Vancouver island for toufiNts Wax - of the project up to fifty per cent, of A » » Young People to-morrow evening in Ing the Orient ftyr the Pacific Coast. Conciliation BoaT^J the Congregational Church school- the required amount. Lawn Mo wore Sharpened, latent pro­ room is In aid of tUg fund out of Fifty-Fifty Assistance. cess. Jack's Stove store. «05 Yates. Meets This AMp'noon.—A meeting yf which the curtain in question was pur- the finance committee of the Victoria With this conditional understanding Phone «719. * Negotiation!» arc In progress with re­ ' AAA and Island Development Association gard to the other phase of the expiry with the Btaird the O. W. V. A. I •resi­ .+ •> A was held at the headquarters, Belmont of agreements on June 10 by its em- lient asks the IToVincla! authorities to Water Coaler for Your Camp.— Who billed the hen that Building, this afternoon. Joshua King- pioyeee with thé i: C. Ptctrifl Rail­ lend the other hand with fifteen thou­ ------F— Made of heavy gul\ anized Iron, nicely laid tne goldeYl egg? The ham presiding, when account* were way. Yesterday allusion was made to sand dollars. The returned men :ire The Store painted and titled with a lap. Keep man who gets his printing done in the passed and regular business of the the street railwaymen’s case, and a sim­ not asking f»»r a straight grant for the Where Yoj the water nice ami cool. Regular |K.50; Laat. Ask for this label. • v.-mmittee transavu-d. ilar position applfck t<» fB8 electrical simple reason that they are- hopeful of Wait an That Saves slightly denied. $4,50, ut R. A. Brown A A A workers, whose agreement expires sim­ making a financial success of the en­ The People’s & Co’s.. 1302 Douglas Ht. • Home Economic Association. — The Would Settle Here.—The Victoria A ultaneously. terprise with prospecta of being able to Yeurself Both Year AAA citizens of Victoria are once again In­ Island Development Asstniatlon is in repay any liability within three years Provincial W. C. T. U. Convention, debted to Miss A. K Juniper for de­ receipt of further inquiries from An electrical workers' deputation and Share Time and wiiite<| upon General Manager (ieorge of commencement. It Is pointed out to First Congregational Church, June II. veloping another Branch of Household prospective residents in Victoria as to the Premier that the first essential wHI 11 and 13. • housing and schooling acc ommodations, Kidd yesterday morning in Vancouver the taring Yaur Monty Science III Victoria. Although she Is with their demands. Unable to meet the he a couple of donkey engines, and it is A A A busy making preparations to leave the one writer from the prairies stating quite likely that the Public Works De­ Grocerteria Midsummer Market. — The City that he ha* decided permanently tu conditions require*!, Mr. Kithl submit­ city, she took time to call a meeting of ted an alternat I v«- profioeition embody­ partment will be able to spare two. Council last evening granted leave for 'those women trained In Household settle in the city with his family. which may chance to be- on hand and a midsummer market day on June 20 ft A A ing a ten per cent, increase in the ag­ Robin Hood Oats. Victoria Brand Marmalade. Science to form a Home Kconomlc As­ gregate. His proposal was turned doing nothing. At the. commencement ,*m. behalf of the Red Cross fund. sociation. The Association was fortun­ Beautiful Roses—With the. Court of It Is estimated by Major Monk that six "•Large Drums . . lti-ouncu V. __ A A A Appeal sitting on vases w here coifhs» l lown, and when the conference termi­ 29c ate in securing for it* President. Miss nated it was tacitly understood that teen men may be set to work with pro­ jars...... ^ v V Adepts List—The City Council tost L. tienne, of the Victoria Normal from outside points are engaged, there vision for an additional twenty-four evening adopted a list of stret-ts to i*e application would be made for a con­ School. Mrs. Gee, of Chicago Univer­ are a good many visitors to the Court men In a very short space of time. inferred to the Lova! Improvement House who have expressed admiration ciliation board. B&K Wheat Flakes sity. f»r Corresponding Secretary; Miss The enterprise Is to'he solely for re­ Commissioners for adjustment of the of the beautiful rose*, grown in Vic­ The linemen are now getting $4.90 .’J pounds fur -__ M, ' Brown,»$f the Public School Staff, and by Mr. KIdd’n proposition were turned men and to equip the former assessments. ~ : —- for Secretary-Treasurer. The first toria, a Tresh bouquet being displayed grottntl. A A A offered $5.40. Their demands, how­ warriors with the necessary expert regular meeting will l»e held in the dally in the elevator by .C. Mlnckler, knowledge H Is pointed out to Mr Is Reported Improving.—Mr. and Mrs the attendant. ever. are for $6. Mr. Kidd was of the Wild Rose Pastry Flour. pure j...... 30c North Ward Domestic Science School opinion the tea pee cent, offer was Oliver that men versed in the logging C. H. French, (kmroae Crescent, have at 4.15 p. m. to-morr<»w afternoon. A, A A . receivedeceived wroraword matthat theirtueir son.son, i-ieui.IJeid Bishop Allen'» Lecture advertised fair fo meet the increased cost of liv­ .n i will he required for a time. While ID pounds 65C fïïu-TëS-ST FFench. who was Injured Alfred ^nrmtehart ’ * * thr ing, but the delegates remained stead - the concern will be moMSfear less shrp- Gold Seal Milk. „ an a,r..„h,n, a, In Rn«laml •"«‘"S.” JS£LC,55SSn.Y ÎTX. for to-night i* cancelled In favor or for In the Armenian lecture. He will -q>eak fast in their demands. henlefi by the Great War X eterana* Aa- lVr tin ...... ______jetting along well, tire." Miss Hubbard. Dietitian at the Mr. Kidd said that the company ion a separate company will be 20c May 18 Is Jubilee Hospital, uivl Mrs. Gee will on Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, at letter fmm the young officer himself the First Presbyterian Church, 6 p m. • would be ready to abide by the decis­ formed to take over the rea|a>mubilitv Whole Wheat Flour. Laving been received by .the parents i each give a paper. All those Interested ions of the conciliation boards, believ­ of the venture and through whom all arc cordially InvTTCd. admission free. -,— --- —r- ■ - ■' A—A—A—------——:— HE potttHk for. . Grace Nuts. A to that • fTect. Bishop Allen Arrives.- Bishop Allen ing «hut the men will do the same The transactions will he conducted. AAA arrived from the Sound this afiernu<»n. ompany. he said, is going into arbi­ Government Considering It. Per jMcketl :... 14C Both Sides Successful—Judgment J The meeting arranged on his behalf tration on these matters in an endeavor While Premier Oliver was not in n for $ 100 for the plaintiff and $200 for , to keep the cost of service to the public Royal City Plums heavy this evening has t»een. postponed until position to give any definite reply to the defendant on his counterclaim, was . to-morrow, when his series of lectures as low ns possible. No matter how the Flake White. „ service is continued, he said, the cteii- the proposal this morning he hua pro­ syrup. 9 An the way Judge laitnpman settled the will commence at the First Presby­ dispute which has been aired In his , pany.can never avoid the necessity of mis. -i Major M"f.k to place Um matter |xir tin ...... ürf je V IVr pound ..... 31c court for rhfee fuH days in the case of terian Church. sealing wage* on a reasonable and just before the Provincial Executive 1 A AA once. . Smith vs. Davies. Smith sold |>avles J Garden City Institute.—Tlie Garden a s« atrengir-' buslm--s. but all sorts of "We are really arbitrating the cost Golden Star Tea Bananas. IVr do/.. i ay Women’s IhatRef* will MM it» of street car service to the car-rider," things . Topped up to make the tran­ Bungalow monthly meeting to-morrow - at 2 3 |xmtuls for. $1.45 •45r and ...... 38c he added. *• STILL DOING IT saction a most Intricate one, and o'clock. Miss Helen Hiewart will ad­ neither party could offer u solution so The Western Power Company of dress the members on "Book* as Tools Canada gave- out a statement yester­ Hen. John Hart Has Received Another Our Non-Wrap System sawn von an extra 4 per «pent. they went io Court. Davies was ask­ for ^rebuilding." Arrangements for Letter Addressed to Hie De­ ing $5,000 damages for breach of cove­ day morning to the effect jjiat it would nant and other things. C. L. Harrison the July picnic are also to he dls- apply to Ottawa for a conciliation partment in Vancouver. appeared for plaintilY, and R. C. Ia>wefl hoard. The B. C. Telephone Com­ A A ' For the third time the Department for defendant. Aprons pany. which was presented with iden- Exemption Appeals.—Next week will n. ii mm of pey of Militia and Defence is the offender. tu» a busy one for the local tribunal and changes in working conditions is The Hon. John Hart. Minister of Fi­ hearing exemption appeals under the still negotiating with the union. nance. has received another letter ad­ The People’s Grocerteria Military Service Act. on Tuesday dressed to the Provincial Treasurer of 90c there will he eighteen ap|H*als up for British Columbia. Vancouver. There 749-761- -YATES STREET- -749-751 Leaf mg. on Wednesday there will La REGULATE MILK SALES « .«tevms to be a rm.ted objection to re­ USED CAR um\ -on Thursday fifteen ap- cognising the fact that there w such *- SATISFACTION UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED Exf-plii iii qnalitii'g of print pellant* will lay their utse before the Esquimelt By-tsw Fgwer TWed INsxf s-rry'£* Uimim a-nt» rtrat-rt h* ^he* e«H^w» ing; Dealers Must Have Proper f the Pro\ ince of British Columbia. fabric in n good variety of COUr‘ - -, I Liceneee. While m Ottawa recently the .Min­ GARAGE Couqty Ceurt Trtaish—There are no ister of Finnn<-e went out of his way (■Iilurtl. Tliev are made wit It more Cagmty < 'ourt trieiaon tnild Frt- The Milk By-law designed to keep =tàràbwwwrnftfe the information to *< v - 1717 Cook Street «Sort 4eevêC~tv,-ir ft! “hack (fftmrak Bay Interests of the Food Board. They oiV CHEVROLET, 1916, in good onkr, looks l.i* ut Findlay fias many friends In due in this city on July 4. in the course of a tour. In each city the especial like new ...... • • ...... $650.00 •Victoria. He was employed in the of­ fices of the £ C. Fleetrlc Railway attention of retail merchants is called, chief1 crop for sale on the prairies, are Pacific Transfer Sc. HUPMOBILE ROADSTER, good lire» Company forVour years, and resigned and thbse person* actively Interested APPEALS TO PATRIOTISM nul Included on the list. British Col­ M. CAL WILL $350.00 to Join up. He left Victoria ne a trooper in the cultivation of Vacant lotttf and umbia can grow’ all the fruit that the ami running line...... in the 2nd C. M. K. In June. 1815. but the hack garden movement will find J. A. Grant, Prairie Merkel» Cemmie- prairies can consume and would make valued ’assistance. It Is the intention Heavy Teaming ef Every early in 1917 he transferred to the 7th • loner. Urges Albertans to Use an effort to do so if this market de­ CLEMENT TALBOT, a fine of Messrs. Htewart and Abraham to at - OeacH ptfen a BpeelaHy Hcottish Infantry. Imperials, taking hie B. C. Fruit. pended on them and Eastern Canadian English ear ...... $375.00 commission ss Lieutenant. He was tend the annual convention of the As- supplies. aoclated Advertising Clubs of the Phenes 248-249. BUICK ROADSTER, tires nearly new, and wounded in one of the big actions on Prairie Markets Ùommlsslonar J. A. "However, there la a time when those the Western front early in May. and World to be held In Sun Francisco In $425.00 Grant, of Calgary, ha* i**ued. hi* first who can afford luxuries can get fruits Express, Furniture Removed. a very quiet engine ...... according to word received by hie July. ahead of our season f«*om août hern prairie fruit» market bulletin for the Beegage Checked end Sts red STODDARD DAŸTON bçrfther. was later admitted to the points, There Is no competition on this Wandsworth Military Hospital. It was SAANICH OBSERVATORY *ea*on~ and much valuable information stuff and seldom do wejienr a com­ Our Mette: Prompt ead emi Tire* all good...... j $475.00 for bravery shown in this instance to the fruit grower^» containe-d in the plaint about the high price it sells for. service. Complaints will be deelt ,, that he was awarded the Military « 'roe*. Initial number. •There in much data a* It has u bad effect on British Columbia with without delay. OAKLAND SIX, in good Lieutenant - Gavernar to Preside at In­ formal Opening To-night; Invita­ to market condltlona on the prairie*, fruits when they come in as the taste 717 Cermerent St. Vleterle, B. C. running order ...... $650.00 In Wrong Court.—The case of Olan- tions Sent Out for Event. jam factory price», crop pro«q>ects on of many of the consumera is already Meter Trucks, Deliver lea. RUSSELL KNIGHT, Daimler Engine, nini (Respondent) vs. Cooper tAppel­ raapberrieH *outh of the line and eratA satisfied. It would be a good thing for lant). which is an appeal from the de­ To-night at the A atrophy sical Ob­ prices. It |K»tnt* out that the damage everybody ibut the trade) if this prac­ cost $.Y7.Vi new, a beautiful ear...... $900.00 cision of County Court Judge Rugglee, servatory. Saanich Hill. Lieutenant- by front to the Okanagan Valley wa* 20 tice of early fruit shipments from the ONE TON ORAMM, in first elas* whs heard In the Court of Appeal yes­ Governor Sir Frank Barnard will in­ par cent, pf the crop. Tomatoes suffer­ south were discontinued while the Iml* terday. Although the action was tried formally open the observatory, and a ed 30 per cent., thi* vegetable being the ance of trade is against us." order ...... $850.00 in the County Court, it was not dis­ reception will be held in honor of the worst wufferer. The valley Increase In covered apparently until the appeal dfctingulshfd astronomers who are here tomato acreage this year is estimated Fined for Speeding.—Mrs. Will lump, Fir Cordwoed ONE TON GRAMM was taken that the subject matter was from the United States. Invitations to at 20 per cent. wa* fined ten dolâra by Magistrate Jay $550.00 not within the Jurisdiction of the Dealing with the question of the re­ AND BANK Thi* is a good buy...... the affair have been sent |o a number In the Police Court thi* . morning for ONE TON KELLY, covered body, County Court, and this question was of prominent citlxens and leading cent fruit embargo, the bulletin says: t»ei'ng the owner of a motor car which ABSOLUTELY DRY raised on the appeal. The Court of "The embargo placed on fresh fruits scientists who will thus be afforded an was speeding on Gorge Road recently. $550.00 Appeal felt that there g-as no alterna­ coming from the V. 8. is a great sur­ A tu.l yeu e.n enraye aep.r.d good shape ...... opportunity of observing the heavens «6 ☆ ------unj------Twi 1 '■------:------11------1------—11—■■■------1—Ul------(Copyright, 1918. lly H.'ti. Fisher, Trnile 1 MUTT AND JEFF Five Days Out-—Following the Captain's Example Is Not Enough for Jeff Mark Hhg. in Canada.)

fARDOfu ITRANten, voulue ver» see a iteavuMt I TAk« tr you" Re NOT AWASe sek-PAeiM6 lieNrueMAN what: Me pur THe IMA OP A Futt Blood»$> ÏKySè-u. s*o ..W Xu that we'Re in THe »u|- on sAlton weeny Akur on oNe op "mes* MAN 60IN6 APOUNb IM ON* MARiue ÎON6 eise Vou FunnV toeriN& suck a nnptime mat re» r OF mose TWN6S. IT'S ALL. weutte Se vueARi«6 y»uK -TMlNOS? NOT ON WUR CAN YOU IMA6IN* TH* meur for Wi timio, lik Life PWitwre. J ujOULb UM. "Wev MW Be * l*%T MATe W|TK that- ABuise you To Our IT oM ALL feltHT Fdt VUeMtR VUON.IM ANO CHILbneN, Rur you NCueR bee A Fighting Wunch OF CORK A»OUNb AT CNC» anO CHitoeeN, bur MAN on A SAILOR WHO CROÎS*t HlX N€CK ? IT'S 4usr NOT FOR ABie-Borneo neet eueRy oav op hh Like a aw Futtinô on MAM. I SubM'ie MF» PUTTIN6 "Wese SACKS Skib CHAINS bCPoRe ir vou aRr Timb 6P CORK OAJ STARTS To *AIM. OP UJATtR D'splav at cowARoice C CALL* ir.

FOR SAL£—MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENT» UNFURNISHED HOU8E3 PERSONAL AUTOMOBILE» ••DELICIOUS. APPHTIBINO." GENUINE PHONE 117». VICTORIA BRAND MARMALADE Vidoria Daily Times CHEMAINUS FERRIS. ••VICTORIA BRAND'* CKNI'INK aEVIUI.C ORAMIK MAR- “COOPERS BOMBAY CHUTNEY" EVERYBODY'S EATING IT, DRY FIR SOLE AGENT* __ IS A GUARANTEE OF PT7RTTT ___ MAI-ADB. " VICTORIA BRAND" *c. AT ALL GROCERS •TOOPER'S BOMBAY CHUTNEY ” TIME»' SPECIAL TUITION MILLWOOD. 141# DOUGLAS ST MISS KINNEY AND MISS COOPBR. UNKI'RNISHRD HOUSER TO RIÇNT. RICH FURNITURE et moderate COLUMN. ADVERTOGltMC No. 1090 A,!! first growth fir, no second *i* Y*®™' experience with Madam A T-ROOM. MODERN ROMI-:. Chimber- •ure to plea*». Victoria Furniture Co.. MOTOR TRTTCIT' for hire by the day. gr«*wth; equal. If not superior to Watts, have opened drentmaklng 720 Yale* Street E hour or contract: nricae reasonable. lain Street, with garage aud large lot. EDUCATIONAL cordwood or coal, and at hair the rdom* at 1722 Bank Street. Orders at $2;. per month Kirk Si Co, Ltd. 12:3 Broad Street *Dn taken at 710 Helton Ave. Phone PRIZES FOR PICTURES Phone 11». Jy»-Sl hlK fer Ciisilfd Advertiftmeeh Play safe by ordering At once. A 6-ROOM BV^NGALOW, Fairfield, with IIS 66, $5 66 and a box of chocolate* are ST MIC HAEL'S SCHOOL FOR None genuine unless accompanied large ifeenlng i-m-h. $22 56 per month. the I |,r ■ for-the heat picture i toga An. Oak Bay. Kyrie fir* our receipt Ask for it THERE S A REASON why Tonifoam Bl'RDICK BROS. 4k BRETT. LTD Illustrating our "Kewpie Pool'' rhyme*, FOR SALE—1»I3 Studehakcr. $256. look a. M A.' (Ogon“ l L assisted by C. V. ■tow* hair ft kill* the dandruff and 823 Fort Street Phone 112-113 this over. 1912 Bulck. 45 It p.. $350, Situation* Verent. Situation* Wanted. which wifi apjwar in the personal column Milton. A C P Phone 526R. L7ITT MART. 7* Fort Street. If yoi lecve* the aralp soft and healthy. 66c ...X. eight r«x»nie«l house, corner Mitchell truck. $566 Metropolitan To Rent. Articles for Sale, Lost or Found, bargain* In eecond- ■* 1 $1 »». druggMtrt and barber». One a week « IN-JCK'it* tnatriivi — l tar «fWi -*, dollar. exchanges made aide Avenue. Apply 1126. Phone 43*4R tion the above prises will be doubled marine, atationary. Dteeel. W. O. win­ NOT1CB—Aehton ft Farrow, plumber*. ------■" ii''« hvk-Daksksokh TOVRINO. ll*lit but ter bum. 221 Central Pldg. Phone» M74. tn rompiitthg the nnmher of words In For the convenience of customer* re­ HAlfSTLRLKY FARM STORE. 4211T, an advertisement, estimate grout»» of IITÎONS accurately filled, lit ADMIRAL"» ROAD—Mw KEWPIE POO!,. roomy, will make a fine family car. ha* eat fa Drug Store. siding In Oak Bar we h*\-e opened â had the best of care; owner will .sacri­ three or lea* flruree as one word. Dollar branch attuate a* 2205 Oak Bav Avenue, R-md. f>-room. modem house, vacant on Government Street. Victoria. merles and all abbreviations count as on* 15th inat Ap|»l> T H Slater, 42» fice for cash; term* arranged for re­ word. MODERN DANCINO property taught opposite Oak Bav Municipal Hall. M Igmiwon street Phor.e 3216L ml5-18 KEWPIE 1*001, (Nf#, 4). sponsible party I'art 1er Bros , 724 Phone IIOfT, ““ COME A NI» SEE Ui^ltedSlerk Mi net ret» Kewpiea in the failing light Johnson. J10tf-31 MANDOLIN. UKULELI Advertiser* who no drelre mit hav» Creep around the nlore at night. GARDEN TOOLS nharpened and repair at the Princes# Tbeamr June 19. 8.16 TO LET—Mix room,h< collage, 436 Sprmg- _ PTvOWBTGHT'F MUFTC SCHOOL renlfp* addressed to a box at The Time* ■. - • fleld Ave ,\ppl> 511 Mary St Jll-18 And select from off the ahelvee Olhre and forwarded to their private ad­ cd keys made to fit any lock Prlrt Good* they think would nuit themyelvcs. ARTHUR DANDRIIX1K. Fera »pwi«llat Brown Block 1118 Broad Ft. 1«*$ locksmith. <31 F'irt. Phone 448., 1 sercandn* fan'er- Come, laugh, Tate* Ft rest. SI Hoora: I to 6.S» p.m., except Wedpeadav* ore** A charge of We. la made for this and help the boy* along Proceed* In TO LET—Seven-room. m<*b-ru house. $15 And not alone themselves ,to please. month, 1124 Empre** Ave Apply 112» They often send them overwear .MR AUTO OWNER. If you wt*h to dis- Other hours by appointmen^^S aid of Cïre.i XVar A'eteran#. Ti< ket* North Parte.______>11-1$ Rlrth. marrlare de*th and fnnerwl $20; Parker coffee-mill. $1*. cash rogl* jll-50 “HAMSTER LEY." 35 2Î your car. get In touch with BANJO. OTHTAR. notices, lc. per word per Insertion. ters, St. flair range*, with gas rang 44» GORtii; ROAD, near Government, five IF YOU WANT the best printing at rea ua. We have hover* awaiting car* ol n«F«lflH Advertisement* may be tele­ attached. $86; 1Î oak. swivel, counte RISHOl* AM.EN will speak on Never*» rtu.wn>. unfurnifdicd J12-18 the right sort. Cartier Bro#. 724 John- THE B C ACADEMY OF Ml'Fir. i " ■ v ■ . sonahiê twice*, call up The Quality w»n St.. ra$ttf-Sl Vocal teacher* R T. Fteele. Mr». phoned to The Time* Office. btit such dining chairs; line gas range, re-vnlvku a nee to The A ligîd-Na it» 11 " ruUonn' and ■O I.-EASTT-rTve acres and 5 roo.n-d Prefr* Phone 477»______globe of the world. Majestic ranges and JAMES BAY UARAOE. ID Ft John St. Ma/-Donald Fahey. Mre. I W Nwsmith. adrertlsementR should afterwards he con the world, from a BrltiQi Israel polut hou>.- garage, fine well, 476 fruit tree*, NOTICE—Dr Jeaale Corw'ay'*,™1 M TV. Ml«s K McGregor. Plano tearhenr firmed tn writing Office open from I thou.-and* of lots of general furniture ttf view, on \\ .drH-ntl.ix Thursday and land all cultivated. 1» minute» off B <*. Phone 4144 Reiwlra specialty Care ■ m t > l n m les* than half-price Select Auction plasters supplied from 7<>» Dunrinulr etored. Gasoline and oil*. Bitterly X D. A Tripp. Mrs M D White. Misa les- than half-price. We are selling oft Friday evening-. * o'clock. In Fir*t E By.; allow lease $l* |icr month 11. Street. Vancouver, hereafte*. a5-35 Charged. n F R. Stewart. French; Miss D. Prewbytefian Church Hail Jll-56 Gi Daiby St Co., 616 Fort (upstairs). at/our Government Street etore at hi* Ft-»It COOL AND <*OMI-*oRT in sleeping Rodçr»^ Italian. Mme^VIvenct reductions. Select Auction Rooms. 72$ ; Jio-i# FDR SALE—Six-cylinder Cole, thorough- and Fort Ft Phone 2647 41 ««HELP WANJED—MALE DAZHTNG TAUGHT privately Phone gartnetU*. see oyr aplendtil lirte of *ilk lyc<\erhauled *nd In first-class running Fort St and 1411 Government St. Phone 21681» , 86 *0 RENT—Collage, close t*» car and tii^htdre;xe- Kwong TSi Yunc, 1622 THE RANTf.T FCHOOf. OF wr«ir- 2272 and 81*8. JÎ0-11 cond»tio?i. or will exchange for light rar i d to b«*««-h Apply 1616 Fairfield Road Jll-18 lU*vwr»menl Kt reel . * 3e Anidy H. "if.""Brown. 730 Fort Street, or HELP WANTEO-J'SMAil Phone HIT. J12-S1 Ftreet, Victoria Ü. CL " Violin piano, FOR SALE—Good, cheap, cedar wood", FOR RKNT- Hcuaea. fumut. TOURISTS visiting Vancouver IMand. •rgen. vocal and theory of music taught plain, everyday fault-find- good for kindling good for cook move furnished. Lloyd-Young f ' the Great Central Lake district, should r" The Diggon Printing Ft^R SALE -Two Ford ear*, late models. hr rnwretMt InetmetoTB Delivered Vity limits, |1.75. Phone WANTED—Afternoon nurae girt for boy Breed Street Phone 401 cal! at Don Watson1* motor garage, ,ln good condition. $326 and $350 Cam.- 2545 and 4542. J22-1J of three Apply 2044 Granite St J12-9 Albernl. and havo their car* over- DANCING ...... ______'• fcàüied. Every oonventence for attend­ üfifl.-Ml- tiuperior Mtreet. J1 |.^i V-t f<> outing JÏÏ- FT'Y CAMflSlri*>l<*XLfcE vlnTT OIRTJt W \NT$7D Apirfy Vicloria Fleam f UrtNISHED MOUSE» Idiuodry Co . 947 North Park J15-9 ing breakdown* Phone Albernl 62M * V*ZR8 ok $10 AND $5 are offered for DANCE every Saturday evening. Alex gar*. n.arma.adf* sr.d Woreeaf the beat illustration of any of our andra Ballroom. __ 26c . gent* R6c. cropwns ROMRkT •"inTTNET eauee*. Ther're the best. Th* West* EXPERIENCED hemstitching operator T15-16 ATTTO FT AND. comer Tate* and Doug­ changed twice a week and are num- tV \ A'TEt'-" First-dar* chauffeur for pri­ UNHEARD OF SNAPS Ihla week In las. Phone 12246. Day and night ser­ ! to* 8 Send sketches to Ham- LATEST DANCER TAUGHT—Mm. Bord, vate fjtmih state experience and sal­ ladle*" and gentlemen"* second-hand WA *TED—Two i>ainterx Apply Mr WANTED—-F)ir two months, well fur- Meriev Farm Store, where the boats go teacher Alexandra Ballroom (all iee-r ai.' -lr.-ireil. Apply Jameson. Rolfe A clothing Shaw A Co.. 7# Tort Street. Vina 11. Heintsman Piano (V, or Phone niehed tottuge, not more than 6 room*; vice. Also p.caiure tripe arranged eon* private) To arrange dste* Phone will pay good price for suitable place; a tee reasonable. # Q, Blanchard P round in the w indow" on Government \\ illias, corner Courtrïey and Gordon Sts "They're Lar-ashtre folks.” II 56461. after 6 o'clock. . Jll-S Street. : A,;’ • irl-31 Studio. 61» Campbell Bldg., » to 16 36 «V. J12-S mu*t l>e good i'H.Ality and in good con­ Surlck. «7 am. *i ktiR SALE -Two 50 ft. lengths one Inch GENERAL SERVANT, two children, $2V dition. Box 231, Time-1 Jll-16 WANTItir —Twm-Ppaaaen____ ger Ford. In good hose. 718 Johnson Street Jll-12 Magnet Auction Room*, furniture bar- condition, from* owner*; ispbi cash. MODERN BALLROOM DANCINO pro­ W \ XT Els—First « •lass blacksmith, steady galna ______* 21.., Times. ______J15-31 perly taught Private leeeona only. jk»b ai:-l good w, ges. John McKay, 72.1 FOR SALE—Enterprise Majestic range, XN ANTED—Competent lady l»ookkeeper. TO LET-MISCELLANEOUS Phone 216*7, « J12-» good as new 718 Johnson Street Jll-12 must write good hand and know type­ SWLET BUT MUGARLKNS- Ilamstcrley writing, Apply. *t*ting experience and honey-fig chocolate* Rfie lh J*tf WINDOWS, door*. lr.;eDor finish rough GARAGE, on leUhwn Road. S3 PIANO TUNING UKIVKH WANTED, one who can drive a salary expected, with reference*, to B**x 1627 Amt.hum Street g problem» to Funl car preferred. Apply In person, or dressed lumber, shingles, etc. City 276». Times Office J12-9 C V COX. 159 South Turner. or country order* receive careful at­ firm that "understanda” printing. It 1SI2L Victoria Stvam laundry Co., 947 North tention. E. W Whittington Lumber GIRL OR WOMAN*, for light house, work, MOTOR CŸCLES AND CYCLES Isn’t everyone that doe»1 Consult the Park Street Jll-8 sleep at home Apply 32261. J17-9 ~ Ltd.. View Street. Phone NEW FORDS FOR HIRB WITHO" Co . Ltd . Bridge and Hillside. _ It DRIVER. SHORTHAND FISHING BOAT F« »K SALÉ. 2fl fT X I. SALESWOMEN wanted for Itollar Day DIAMOND RING, valu,- $75, vuehi«>« 2-cyllnder. 1-vycle. 8-1» h p ; also 2 Gordons, Limited J12-9 frame Perfect bicycle, coat $63. as part no YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT For your holiday* and week-end», take PHORTHAND SCHOOL 16U Uvvern- nets Apply 919 Pandora Ave 514-12 payment for motorcycle, Douglas f»re- TEA? I do I can convince you af your friends to the beach. ment Street fihur'hand. typewriting, WOMAN to t.tke charge of home, rare ferred B<>« 31», Time*. * JI7-32 The Fern. Ri» Tttee Street. a bookkeeping thoroughly taught. S. A. ALMOST. NKB Majc. tic six-hole range. • 6387R J14-9 Macmillan, principal. Phone 17L $40 less than present cost. Apply 711 E XCKLBIOR MOTORCYCLE. MS Dur^ 7 Phone tl#T. We Never Close. f*ar|N ter. pipe-fitter», lathe hand. XX'ANTED—<ïirl for general house work muir Street Apply «veuinga Jll-32 CHINESE Instrumenta. * Upper», etc Pandora Tel 68 Wlag Hong Tims, 16» Govern meat St. MMPRESF ALTO ft TAXI CO. LTD. Apply t7$ fWve Street Jll-9 GENT S ENGLISH WHEEL S-Fpeed. JvlS-35 CANADIAN FXPLG8FVB*, LTD., FOR SALE—Full bred toy Pomeranian, XV< iXI A N il fgLP. country tea jpicm. **- FURNISHED ROOMS uAn-ade. itldg., Victoria. ___ _ pedigree, cheap • Phone 4284T jlr»-l* «aw Urea, Sne coridHiah; a snap, only Garage, Cor View gpd Vancoueer. SU, ftrat iStwini, $46. food and cottage l»6 T»Tg FcTTBIrggr.JI$-T?JIT-IT------Atmr tfvrRv Bland. IZ24 Broad SÎ7 FURNISHED or unfurnfahed housekeep­ FOR SALE—Crdumhla grafonola. quite •The Chalet." Deep Bay JI$-$ G PTT YOUR CYCLE pul In order for ing room», 1631 Quadra, two blocks from new. value $115. Offers' ieuuesled. t- GIRL OR WOMAN,.for light house woKc. ■prtng riding. We have good men who City Hall. Phone 926L.______JK-1W sleep at home. Apply 1729 North will give you a good fob._Jt $1.0» WEEK—Two roomed cabine fob' i ■■ v th knot :• Ik• oif Hampshire Road Phone 55191,. Jll-9 A FORD CAR FOR $1 66 AN HOUR. batching 846 Johnson Street,. *1815 4..UIM6.JLugisuu tirua-L WAvnrri - tiWlMM #»w.-|»rier- i ■ iarf Sti-evt jU-8 banraw.1 Tiw»r mtt BEV.G MOTOR CO.. LTD.. 9T View and fi'RM aim, kohxS od and clean It feel*. corner r*»ugla* and Fort Phone 3114. WANTED— Immediately, skirt and bodice .See Harris » Smith room*, near beach, moderate rent, cost $».»V0; Will take $400 cash each A guaranteed curé for dandruff. 60c 12 worker*: also talloreeeea. Apply "We do all kinds re|tair* about July 15. for one month Apply to WANTED Motor car. 1$1S model, road­ Phone 4955R jll-46 ant: 11 no. druggt-ts and barbera 1 Madame Watts. 1175 Fort 8L mlftf-» We carry- a full line of arce.ssorlee. Weir. 4866 Holt* St.. Seattle. Jll-23 ster. stale price for cash: no Fords, STATIONERY, china, toys, hardware See our $16 Bicycle* ACREAGE MEN AND WOMEN wanted to eell Dr. WANTED— Furnished house. 7 or 8 roadster or 5-iuisFenger. 1 Box 226. end notions. 163 Cook BL T. J. Adeney SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. Also Fishing Tackle, etc. room*. Oak Bay or Shoal Bay di*trtct Time* J17 - 31 Chase s Receipt Book and Household Phene 3466. 11 -HARRIS * SMITH, WANTBD—Farm, about three-mile circle, preferred, for 4 month* from June 16; CAMERON MOTOR CO. Belals. Gwra*<. Physician. Largest ea’.e of any book WE BUY AND SELL any kind second­ EXPERIENCED GIRL wishes poeltlon In 1226 Broad St. will pay reasonable rent 1 Joy'd-Young for occupation end September, except the Bible. Food will win the war confectionery or ice cream parlor. Box Cook Street. Auto machinist and cylin­ with opfion purchase Newton, P. O hand good*, false teeth, Call anywhere, * Russell. 1013 Broad Street. Phone der grinding. Tel Mt Box 272. 46 end Dr. Chhse'e book earca food a* welt anytime. Phone 2216. Evening*. 6841L H 211, Times. $6-11 «M3. J12-21 as lives. 60 per cent, commieelon and ARTHUR DANDRIDGB. Ford apeclallat. WERE NOT WITTY, but “When you THE DOUGLA# CYCLE St MOTOR CO.. SHAWNIGAN LAKI-J—Two acre*, on e fifty-dollar Victory Bond free with eale WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS 2646 Douglas Ft Phone $71. LIVESTOCK Yatee Street. 81 of *00 books. Fin.- opportunity foi re­ can't get It. Lane A- Son will make IL” road, near station and lake, price $125 Try us for that next order of printing New and Fecond-hand Motorcycles. KOTOR I ATION. 7* View c*>ih. Currie A Power, 1214 Douglas turned soldier». No experience neces­ Accessories. Ga*. OIL street. 1*11000 i486 J13-IS sary for people are anxious to get this Phone 6241 *25 Cor-rtney St. U CAST OFF Clothln? of any. description Repairs Specialty. FOR RALE—Full bred toy Pomeranians, mSTt well-known book. Write for term» and LARGE MOULDED DOOMS, $1 Box ■bought end beat price* paid. Fenton, 641 Thoroughly Equipped Machine Fbeg tl splendid pedigree, cheap Apply Mr* £Tv 4V6 mile# from City Hall, exclusive .territory. Edmanson. Bates Johnson. Phone 2215. Evening. 634R. 13 Or rick. 2810 JYior Street Phone 391 IR 8HEÎ.I, OARAGE. T.TD , *86 View Street J12-12 THREE LADIES* and one gent'* second­ .______Its-tt four-acre ranch, with two roomed cot­ * Co., Ltd.. Dr. Chase Bldg., Toronto, WANTIfil»—- By carpenter, repair work of expert repair*,Ira. all auto work guaran­ tage «rid bare, three acres in garden, CALI, and get otir prices before deciding hand wheel* for eale. Hub Cycle Store, teed. National rubber tireflller end* all Ont aStf-1 Funrumlturw " . Co..- Ltd. any kind; fence building a wpeclAlly; 1119 Dougina. FOR SALE—Milch cow.- Apply Mm. M. crop valuation $125 ca#h, rent per .screen door# and windows put on. Tele­ Blatchford. Happy Valley, Me It* ho* In tire trouble. Tel 8*L ni«»nth. Apply A. Hemingway, Phone TO DANCE7' properly. Phone MALLEABLE and et*»! rangea. $1 per phone 16941. JyS-13 9RAPEST FTORB In town JI3-28 2484. „ JI4-46 week Phone 4Ê& 3691 Government St. i and supplies. M ARTHUR DANDRIDGE.' Ford epectallet. WANTED—To purchase, old English and and Supply Btorg WE WISH to contract to purchase Italian T*te* Street. # TEN ACRES, very choice land, all under HOP ALE. in* nearest yet.DRINK Roman coins, also good stamp collec­ prune* this Fall in half-ton lota or up­ cultivation. 3«- miles out. $5,666. good Navigation course Phone 6S2 If tion; no rubbish. C B . Room 34$, Do­ ward*. Haiti; terley Farm, Victoria. FURNISHED SUITES. terms; 4% acre#, all cleared.' and cot­ i: minion Hotel. J13-1$ POULTRY AND EGGS B. G. Jlltf-2» tage, clone In. $1,250, very good term*. international Correspondence Schools, 16 "FEET, carvel Killlt. centre-hoard sail­ Box 2756, Time».J1G-4S 1222 Douglas Street. ing boat, in g*s*l condition. $I -Farm.— - FURNISHED, 2-mom auite, ge*. Fair- THREE ACRES, close to I»ngford Sta­ LOST alone, $3*. Can b«‘ seen at < »ak Bay Victoria. field Phone 2807X J14-41 tion. city water, Junt the place Ibe1 Boat House, or Phone 3854L1 between ______JStf MISCELLANEOUS « and 7 p m J17-12 GROWERS—We will contract to buy cu­ F1EÎ.D APARTMENTS—Furnished suite» poultry and small fruit; only $650. LDST -Lady a Waltham watch In brown cumber». cauliflower, red cabbage and FOR SALE—Six White Rock year old to let. Phone 13856. J29-14 ONE AGUE, planted to full bearing cher» leather case. Return to II H Smith, FOR SALE—12 h p . 4-cycle engine, eteklln* onion*. The Western Pickling hen*, fine large bird», Ju#t started lay­ Magnet ▲Uctlen Room*. furniture bar­ rie-, fairly high, ovcrltykirig Univer­ Rank -•{ B. N. A. Reward______J17-87 complete. $250; work boat. 12 h, p., 4- Work». Ltd Victoria. B.C U ing. .$2 each. Phone 52391,. J17-29 il A I" A RTM ENTS- I'urni.-hrd or UJH-14 sity and Normal School; price $1,690 *• cycle engine. $700 ; 36 ft. speed boat hull, DEATH TO DANDRUFF when vou nlahed. Phone 4566 or 961 View. good buy. wlt^i fitting1-, cheap Phone $448 WANTED—Te adopt, * baby boy, not LOWE'S New lealend Leghorn», world'* THREE ACRES, Cedar Hill Cross Road, over three month*, good home Box contest winner, *evep diplomas, official Tonifoam Try It. 56c. and $i.0< FURNISHED, 2-room, front apartment, head, good talker and anawera to name GALVANIZED ROOF SHEETS, half- drug store* and barber*. light and water, from $16; perfectly near Quadra, .splendid south elope tor <»f H..b Rhone 1787L Reward. JI2-37 26». Time*. J12-1S weight of hen*. 6 lb*.; hatching eggs, loganberries ami other fruit*; $3,206. price. Box 321. Time* J12-12 116 hundred; alao Wyandottea. breeding ZETLAND LUNCH AND TEA ROOMS. clean; adults only. 11TS Tate». a2S-14 1 .OST— Rank book, on Friday morning. WANTED TO BUY good raneee. etore* •Sock, for eale. Inspection Invited. Lake FOURTEEN ACRES In Saanich, «even JUNE BRIDES should see the selection and heater» for «pot cash. Jack' Stove 647 Fort street UPSTAIRS, entrance MOTELS mile* out. small house, barn, all fenced, ltd urn Box 307. Times.______Jll-37 of exclusive wedding announcement» Hill 'hue te place. Phone MR Setting. t to Terry*». Catertning to private Store. 664 Yete* »t.. Phone 1719. Will SUS delivered. fc i from U to 7. home young fruit tree*, strawberries, LOST—Raincoat. f\#tricia Rav. May 3f and Invitations at the Acme Pres*, 76$ call. S specialty. about 6 acre* under crop; price for Pruvey, Experimental Farm. Sidney! View Street Phone 2001. 11 EVERYONE.. — --,------INTERESTED------In poultry quick *ale $4,560 V V' ^ MEN—We pay the highest price* for dis­ should read Pu ______JU-37 OCR Rod lot In garden, only $1,466. ing* or. evening», or bring them to 5S5, Watch Improvement* JAMES BAT. close to Parliament Buiid- as keepsake. Reward. Phone 129SL. STONE GINGER BEER in gallon jare Johnson Street. 18 1BTTINO »ooe — ri.onea, at Spengle Hamburg*, Leghorn*. Buff WANT TO EXCHANGE Ford engine, ^*0.. tivC r00mi m<*ern bung;ilow; J11-S7 fitted with tape. Botanic Beverage Co. ODDY'fi Second-hand Furniture Store* complete, suitable for launch, for row- Phone <22.______11 107 Douglas. Opm to buy good furni­ Cochin Bantam», first prise «train, Sar- HOTEL WBSTHOLMB. *lat »7 Tennyson Ays. julS-36 boat and Kvinrude motor. Box 254. BCkNSPDE—Good «tore and four living Timp* Building, taken in mistake or When You Need Good Furniture f^y a ture, carpet*. •«. 1$ Time*.~ J12-41 roonm, on largo corner lot; this is a stolen. Suitable reward for Informa­ Everything new—even th* electric alga. Visit to the GOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO wanted; BUY YOUR HATCH,Itry^Farm, Si*. good tocatioh f„r a general btore busi­ tion lending to recovery. Times ClrcU- ISLAND EXCHANGE AND MART. from Beavlcw Poultr Dalle* ness; price only $1,806. latlon Dept m30tf-S7' will pay cash. P. O. Drawer 1*. IS Road. Phone 4682L 789 to 743 Fort Street my 31-2$ rê5ïPhonee Fjsjrvnjsjr&s$118 ____ DUNFORD'R. LIMITED, FOUND (The Big Second-hand Furniture Store). Ousca sis Tate* St (opposite De- 1222 Government St. W.e have a large selection of GOOD ndnton Theatre), always op* to buy HOUSEKEEPING ROOM» ■WAPS—Acreage for motor car, shotgun Second-hand Furniture at half th* cost good else* and antique furniture, car- II pairs roller •UNFURNISHED SUITES. Magnet Auction Rooms, furniture bar­ FurnishedURNISIIKD housekeeping roon . IS WANTJ5I>. ------Farpi about three-mile circle get*. . eta Phone HIS. M*$k*** minute» from City Hall, 660 Gorge Phono m for occupation end September, l.«*o gain*. M We do not give credit, but we eave you with option purchase. Newton, V. o money for cash WANTBD—Any etaae of old metal* or Phone 1607R. m p!<’ ______junk; good price* paid for bottle*, earka, fcli apartment, best locality, all convent Box 273. 4g MONEY TO LOAN Always open to. buy good Furniture for STLVKHTER APARTMENTS — Double cash, or wlli exchange. auto tern carpenter** tool*, etc. Ring encee. Phone 53680. J1S-17 up 1236. City Junk C*. B. Aaron eon, m and alngle suite*: alao a few room* for ROOMS WANTED. MR RETURN SfiLDIER—Some business­ Phone $408. lodger». 715 Yale*. Phone 66830. J22-41 $£

►MONK MUMPERS VOU SHOULD CHIROPODISTS HAIR AND KCALK SPECIALIST SODA WATER WHOLESALE IMPORTERS ' KNOW RADIANT MSAT BATHS, maaaage and HAIR DIKING,. Shampoo tag, Mares R H. Barker, from the ray treatments, wig and FOR FIRST-CLASS dry DIRECT SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, c____ CAPTAIN MARPM.E IS National " Hoe pi tu j< Hanson, 214 Jones lemonade, ginger beer, elder, syphon I Fort and Langley. Fireleaa cooker*. «TMES WANT AD DEPT. .... 1W Rulldtng Phor feds, eta., crystal Spring Water Supply, Red Cross chemical closets, eh ssr, Phone 71, 1*4 Richardson Street Vic­ lamps, fancy good*. Phone 4621. flRB DEPARTMENT ...... - **• CHIROPRACTORS MAT WORKS toria, B. C. IMPORT WOOLEN CO., 606$ Cornw...., CÎTT HALL...... MM LADIES* STR St., near Fire Hall. Direct Importer* BACK FROM FRANCE KKLLIY ft KELLEY. Rhone 4146 and STRAW SECOND-HAND DEALERS of high-grade suitings for men and Red cross sochett ...... SOU 6464R Office. n-S Sarward Block. Panamas ■blesbsCbio. Hat Factory. Fort and Broad LADIES, CALL—Mrs. Hunt wardrobe I JUBILEE HOSPITAL ...... «HI dealer. Of Winnipeg and Calgary, Is open ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL...... SMI to buy and sell, high-cLaea ladies'. WINDOW CLEANING gents’ and children’s clothing, evening EMPRESS AUTO AND TAXI .. S1S7 KIRK'S AMERICAN HAT WORKS, " and party dresses; special offers for ISLAND WINDOW CLEANING CO — HI £ || IIPQ0 Popular Officer, Returns on Old WeiFallingt Coni Leeds 4M Yates Street. Phone gentlemen’s clothes. We pay spot cash Phone 1816. Pioneer window del BALMORAL AUTO STAND. 1711 Why? to any amount. Business done strictly and Janitors. 16 Moss. Ifl E Ifl' DCIlO Month's Furlough; His Ask the woman who (rami It. Our motto Is promptness. It means suc­ Private. Mrs. Hunt will call herself to cess. We clean and block your old Into any address, or call at 111 Johnson Impressions CLEANING AND PRESSING the latest style. We do the best Panama Street, second house up from Btansh- .LODGES work. Try us and be sure. We will ard. Phone 4021. JyV *' ri« ACREAGE. NATHAN ft LEVY. )4M Governn F.—Court Northern Llgni.Ligm. No.i WH LOCK HIN—Suite cleaned and prei call at your office for your bet and re­ ------do----- at-- Pen jresters' ------Halt Broad----- Street (Continued.) MH Store 8L turn It the earns day. Jewelry, moelesi and nautical Instru­ ments. tool*, etc. Tel. 6446. led and 4th Wednesdays. W. F. Fuller ton. secretary. Having been away on active service r waves, ossuicn uisinci, iKAD THIS--Best prices given tor WAWTIl since December, 1915, Ckpt Clarence close to B. C- E. Ry., 476 fruit trees, & COMMERCIAL PRINTING IRON WOIKS CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS roomed house, garage, stables, chicken ladles* end gents’ cast-off clothing. Marpolv. who is well-known here, re­ VICTORIA PHINTING ft l*U BLUSHING Phone MOT. or call 704 Yates Street. Meets 4th Monday, ip. m., W» YStc* St. houses, good well; Immediate gale price R. L. Cox. 5$8 Central Block. Phone 1IU. The objects of the NAVY LEAGUE turned to Vancouver yesterday for a •4,600; cash $1.750, balancée easy. H. O. CO.—Manufacturing elation ere. Legal B. C. IRON WORKS—Boilermaker* and LOUIS. Bag and wastemetal merchant. month’s furlough. He left with Gen. end commercial prating at short notion ieral Ironworkers. Government and DAl’nHTF*l!3 OF ENGLAND R OF CANADA wt-fe explained at the Dalt.y ft Co.. 616 Fort tit. (upstairs). 46 Phones 2511 and 2829X. *23-47 467 7th Ave. East, Vancouver.______47 Stewart’s original 239th Railway Con­ Publications and edition work a spe­ HalfI»dge 8 Primrose,p ti 4th Thursday, A.O F. Mass Meeting of June S at the Royal RANCH for rent, Albert Read. 16 acres cialty. in Yetee Street. Victoria, B. C. SHAW ft CO. (the Lancashire firm) posi­ ' ~gfi| A. L. Harrison, secy., 912 struction Corps and hag been attached cleared, fenced, new buildings, orchard. Jut-47 HOR8E8HOER tively pay top cash prices for gentle­ Fairfield. Victoria Theatre, and have been pub­ to the 3rd Canadian Railway Transport men's and ladles' cast-off clothing. Apply Arlsto Studio, 1326 Douglas, Vic­ COLUMBIA LODGE. No. 1. 1. O. O. F\ lished In the press. If these meet with in France. Although he left Vancouver toria. 114*»" CONTRACTORS Me DON A LD* NÎCOL. *2* Penfiora Tel W boats. ••w ~Phone 461,— or call------736 Fort as a lieutenant, the young officer was Street. Night phone 729R. 47 meets Wednesdays. Odd Fellows’ Hall the approval of the citizens of Victoria Wood ft TODD. 723 Johnson Street. made captain and adjutant of the light PROPERTIES FOR SALE. VANCOUVER ISLAND PILE DRIVING VICTORIA JUNK AGENC1 CO.-Buy­ DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND B. S they are Invited to become members railway section last July. CO. Wharf building, brldgen pile ing sacks and rags; best prices paid ; ABOUT 5 ACRES, close to Cordova Bay foundations, diving, ete. 707 B. CL Per­ KINDLING AND MILLWOOD Prinees* Alexandra. 2nd Thursday. 1 and may do so by making application Capt. Marpole declined good-natured­ and Elk Lake, very convenient to C. order* qulx'kly attended to. Phqna of P HaD. Mrs. F. Bridges. Bec.,1 and le.-wRig their fee at the following N. ft. station.- all good land; price manent lx)an Bidg. e»-47 1314 Wharf end 1466 Store Street* Cowlchan. ly to discuss his personal adventured •1.600. terms. PHONE 4130R. Price 14, cltj limits; Places: The office of Arthur Coles, further than to admit that he had en­ CORSET)RSET SHOP cord. $1. Oi Ids city limit . 14.26; „ DIAMONDS, antiques, old gold bought K. OP P.—Far West Victoria Lodge No cord. MIL Street. Topas and sold. :Mrs Aaron eon, 1667 Cloven 1206 Broad Street; at the Union Bank countered some "narrow squeaks.” VICTORIA WEST^Cottage, 4 large 1. tnd and 4th Thure.. K. of P.a Hall of Canada, corner Government and 8PIHKLLA CORSET SHOP, 1026 Camp­ ‘aul-47 ment St nmcrite Angus Campbell’s. A. O. H. 1 larding, K.R.8.. KP6 Govern Golhg back- to the departure gI the rooms. telephone, electric light, lot bell Building Phone 4466 for appoint­ View Streets; the offices of the Navy Railway Corps, Capt Marpole recalled 40s 120, high elevation; price $1.650, ment M. Godson mgr. 67 LAWN MOVyfca HOSPITAL BEST PRICES paid lor gents terms; $1,000 can remain on mortgage. clothing. Give me e trial. A. La League, 204 Stobart-Pease Block, at Ufat on arrival in England the battalion I bn NS np ENGLAND ft. # -Priue of xr\ was quarantined for three months, hav­ THE LAWN MOWER HOSPITAL Ml Store Street Phone MV- TBlehd Lodge, No 111, meets 2nd and Connaught Seamen’s Institute or the MICHIGAN STREET—Seven roomed, 4th Tuesdays In the A. O. F Hall. Broad ing contracted cases of mumps and DEA VILLE. JOHN T„ 71S Fort Cormorant Street- Phene 3213 L. JL Naval Institute at Esquimau. modern dwelling, basement, furnace, be lance will call. $7 SEWER PIPE AND TILE MFGRS. Street. President. Griffith» Donne. Ill» measles. The manner in which the let 13x160; price $2.500; $600 will handle, furniture and beoka. TeL 1717. Pandora Ave. Secretary, A B Brtnd Membership Fees—Life members, traffic Is handled in France, with long, balance can remain on mortgage. LAWNMOWER SPECIALIST B. U. POTTERY CO.. LTD—City office. 1er. 1*17 Pembroke Street. City. $100; ordinary members. $2.00 annu­ DYEING AND CLEANING continuous trains of supplies and am­ M0 Pemberton Building. Factonr be­ OHDKH OF THE EASTERN UTAH ally; junior members, eighteen* years munition going up to the front, was OALIA NO IFLAN1W102 acres, email LAWN MOWERS ground, collected. de- hind St George’s Inn. nsoulineit Read. chard. S roomed cottage, % mile » CITY DYE WORKS—The moet up-to-date llvered.* “$1 . Walter Dand.andrldge. maehln Victoria Chanter. No. 17, meets on 2nd and under, 25c. Membership buttons very impressive when viewed for the front, good outbuildings. 6 miles from dyeing end cleaning works in the Pro­ ML Phone 4665L ill-47 end 4th Mondays at I ». m. In tha K. of issued free. P. Hall. North Park St Visiting mem first time, said the officer, In describing main wharf. <14 miles from Post Office; vince. We call and dejlver. Oeo. Mc­ SHIP CHANDLERS F. A. McDIARMlO. the various railroad systems utilized. price $3,500. any terms; might enter­ Cann. proprietor. *44 Fort St TeL *. 67 f»er* cordfgllv Invited. LAUNDRIES SHIP CHANDLERS. LIMITE^, formerly Both steam locomotives and petrol mo­ tain suitable trade. B. C. STEAM DYE WORKS—The largest ORDER OK THE EASTERN UTAH President Victoria Branch Navy League B-C. LAND ft INVESTMENT AGENCY, Peter McQuadeh ft Son. Ltd. Ship, i Queen City Chapter, Ne. 6, meets of Canada. tors are used, he said, the steam trains dyeing and cleaning works In the pro- NEW METHOD LAUNDRY, LTIX. M going up on the trunk lines and the •22 Government St. vinca Country orders solicited. Phone 17 North Park. L. D McLean. 4xp 2nd and 4tn Wednesdays at I o'clock In MO J, C. Renfrew, proprietor. St Phone 41. K Of P Hall. North Park St Vtaftlng smaller gasoline motors continuing on. lennderers. Tel. MM. member* eordlallv invited HOUSES FUK SALE VICTORIA DTE WORKS for servies MARVIN ft CO., E it., 1*3 Wharf. the “branch” lines which sometimes go and satisfaction. Mata office and works. LEADING GRILLES -handler* and loggers* supplies. up within à few hundred yards of the FOR SAI.B—Ontario Street, near Mont JIM View; TeL Tit. Branch office. 841 enemy. The Railway Construction treat street, a very pretty and com­ Pert: Tel- B4T ÏÏ. A fie Miner, prop ff «T JAMES HOTEL GRILL Eventually, Corps men engaged In pushing these why not now 7 On parle Français. 47 LEGAL AND OFFICIAL fortable bungalow, splendid lot and TOGO CLEANERS. 676 Y*, titrât SHOE REPAIRING lines of transport up to the front rnd garden, 60x120; only $2,950, on easy Phone 4ML Suite called for and deliv­ NOTICES repairing truckage blown to bits by . terms. This property cost $5.Sou ered. 47 LEGAL DEPARTMENT OF THE NA1 enemy shells are constantly in danger, Owner has removed to Alberta. Box RICHMOND ELECTRIC SHOE STOP.K. * SERVICE. 322. Times ~ J17-25 O. I8E. cleaning and pressing, tetlorln BRADSHAW ft 8TACPOOLR. barruter» corner Fort and Richmond. Personal he said, but their spirit Is grand and attention. Work guaranteed. J19-47 | they stay with the Job like Trojans. OAK HAY—Five rooms, new and modern, end repairing. Phone 2794. M. 4 St-law. M0 Union Bank Building. TENDERS FOR WHARF. basement, lot 41x128, clore to car and M A vninii ’ ! <1* Tmunce Aliev Appeal Against the SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the The majority of the casualties in the school; price $2,100, terms. Currie ft DENTISTS LIFE INSURANCE undervigned. and endorsed “Tender for Railway Corps result from long-range Power, 1214 Douglas tit. Phone 1466 PHASER. DR. W. F.. Ml-1 Stobart-Pease ! Assessment Ro'l of 191f Coaling Jetty," will be received up to shells constituting the continuai bom­ . ______■ ______J13-25 Block Phone 4 ML Office hours. I » NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSI’RANCK noon on the 15th July. 1918, for the re­ bardments which find their objectives CO^— • (Home Voffice,1HVV, • Toronto,, VlUlliV, V_ construction of the Coaling Wharf at back of the actual front lint s. HOUSES FOR SALE. ». m. to 6 p m. W. Hudson, Vancouver IslandnilBUB. man/­ promptly NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the H. M. C Dockyard. Esqulmalt, H. C. Capt. Marpole was enthusiastic over A 4-ROOM HOUSE, modern” and re­ HALL. DR. LEWIS, dental surgeon. •ger.ier. 104-6-7 Sarward Block. 47 ltU "Blanehard $$.. H. White. Assessment Commissioners appointed un­ decorated. lawn front and back, close Jewel Block, cor. Tetee end Douglas der the provisions of the "Victoria City Tenders should be accompanied by cer- the splendid treatment accorded to to car; $200 cash, balance easy ; price SUN LIFE ABffURANCE CÔ. OF CAN Telerbone Offic ifled cheque for Ten Per Cent, of the Streets. Victoria. B. C, Telephones; ADA-F. M. Kliner, city manager, B. C Relief Act. 1918 (No. 2). will consider any. Canadian officers in London. The Royal $!.«0o Office. B7: Residence. ML and all, complaints against the assess­ amount of the tender. Automobile Club there has been con­ BURDICK BROS, ft BRETT, LTD.. Permanent Loan Building. J. R. Simp­ NORTH. SOUTH. BAST OR WEST, our son and C. F. Foxall. city agents. „*47 repairs are the heat West Electrical ment a* made by the City Assessor, Plans, specifications and permission to verted into the Overseas Officers Ciuu. 623 Fort Street Phone 132-138 Shoe Shop, m View Street which are made in writing, stating view the site may be obtained from the DAIRY grounds of complaint, addressed to the undersigned or from the Captain Super­ be said, and a. Canadian officer ifi FOR SALE—Victoria West. Hereward St., L ME undersigned, and delivered at the offlcS •’Blighty" has only to drop in at any two fine lots, cultivated, and a two BREADIN DAIRY—Cream, milk, butter, SEWING MACHINES intendent, H. M. C. Dockyard, Eaquiroalt, roomed house; price $1.000 A. H. egg**, delivered dally. 1701 Cook Street of the Assessment Commissioners, City time to get a warm welcome and find Harman. 704 Fprt Street. Phones 868 Phone 3134 47 cent; $?60 per ton In sacks. Rose bank liait, on or before the 22nd day of June, O. J. DESBARATS, tickets for theatres, the best of dances, and 3956R. J13-25 Lime Co.. Victoria. Bos 1104. Kilns. MACHINES FOR RENT by wee 11918. Deputy Minister of the Naval Service. inspection of London s manufacturing DETECTIVE agency month. Singer Sewing Machina, 1211 Dated at Victoria, B. C. this 29th day Department Naval Service, Esquimau Harbor. Phone Belmont 8X Broad Street # of May. 1911. plants and Other Interesting and pleas­ bungalow, with good surroundings and *1-47 A M BANNERMAN. Ottawa. May 31, 191». urable excitements. The| finest homes high situation, targe Tight rooms and PRIVATE L>ETKCTIVB OFFICE. MJ *tlgh situation. v — .... -- - - * Hibben-Bone Bldg. Day and night LEATHER GOODS STENOGRAPHER I Chairman of the Assessment Commls- Unauthorised publication of this adver­ of England are opened to Canadian offi­ halfMuf block from- a treat car. Price $1.260, Phone MM tisement will not be paid for. cers convalescing or on leave, and the THUNKS, bag*, automobile ruga etc. Mltig (C. EX HAM. puoilc etenograpner. hospitality is of the good, open-handed BURDICK BROTHERS ft BREFT. LTD. ELECTROLYSIS G. Bakery Co.. Ltd.. 601 Tatea 47 T Central Building Phone 3*32. 47 621 Fort Street. Phono 112-133 sort which leaves no doubt as to its MltS. L J. SEYMOUR, public steno- COURTS OF REVISION sincerity. Enlisted men and officers ELECTRICITY 1a the only safe and per­ LIVERY STABLES SITE FOR A IEW CEMETERY alike have the name to say of their FOR SALE—Snap, 4-room house, good manent method of removing superflu­ ETe.PÏ1*r *8 B. C, Pcmar.ent Loan w-w*: fl.two. terme. Billancourt’* Auction BRAYS STABLES, I Johnsoh. Building Phone >4*6. Offers will be received until Monday, treatment In England, the officer. Room. 1307 Broad Street. Phone 267$. ous hair; absolute cure guaranteed boarding^ hack* e the 17th Inst . at 1 p. m . at the office of ESQUIMALT. VICTORIA CITY, Miss Harman, mi a It fled London speclal- the undersigned, of areas of land suitable CORPORATIONS. 1st. 22 Winch Bulldlng. Office hoursourjjl . St oh art- for a site for a new cemetery, tn or near MAKE OFFER—For sale, large. IS 11 till 4 M. R« 443EL roomed house, 1114 Fort Street, pro­ MACARuNr FACTORY Victoria, such offers to state price and perty 98x232; fine site for hospital or ELE<'TROLY8IS—Fourteen vear»’ prac- terms of payment A Court 0/ Revision and Appeal, under CHEAP SUBSTITUTE garage; double entrance Fort and View. tlcal___ experience______In removing «eu per flu- LIBERTY It RAND Naples macaroni, a SPORTING GOODS Preference will be given, if land offered the provisions of the “Taxation Act.” For full particulars see H. O. Dalby ft on* halra Mrs. Barker. Phoee 606. ?U most economical and wholesome food. Is suitable, to owner who will accept Cor­ and “Taxation- Act Amendment Act, Co, 615 Fort (upstairs). 26 A*k your grocer for It. or at 611 Cor­ JAMP.S URKKN. gunmsker. Air kinds of poration bonds in payment therefor. morant. _ 47 repalro and alterations. Make stocke tv The Corporation reserves the right to 1917,” and “Taxation Act Amendment FOR SALE—Six . roomed, modern house, ENGRAVERS fit the shoulder: bore barrels to Improve 3set Any, or all, offers received. Act, 1918," and “Public Schools Act,” FOR BREAD FLOUR good locality, cement walks' and base­ MERCHANT TAILORS tos shooting, ta» Government upstair» WELLINGTON J. DOWLHIL ^ respecting the supplementary assessment ment, furnace. Apply owner, Box 161, rolls for the year 19*1. will be held for the GENERAL ENGRAVER, Stencil Cutter City Clerk’s Office, Victoria, B C, June Times. J15-25 end Real Engraver Oeo. Crowther. AH HOY—Fit guaranteed. 1000 Govt «7 assessment districts, as follows, vis.: Wherf Street, behind Pont Offica 8AM LOÏ, 1412 Government. Finest ma­ SURVEYORS. 6. 1*H.------;---- FOR RALE—166 acres. 40 acres hay land, terials, expert workmanship; first-claw* For Esquimau District—At Price’s half-mile' sea front and some good tlm HALF-TONE AND LINE ENGRAVING M DEVEREUX. C E., British Colum­ Hotel, Parson’s Bridge, Bnqulmalt, B. C, Canada Food Board Makes Ar­ her. price $6,5V6; good terms can tx Commercial work a specialty Design* fit, trial solicited ...... ' :M bia land surveyor. Office. 614 Brough- THE CORPORATION OF THE ton Street Mineral claims and timber on Thursday, the 20th day of June, 1918, arranged. for advertising and business stationery NOTARY PUBLIC rangement for White • 2.19 ACRES at Cowlchan Lake, with four B. C. Magi a rag Co.. Times Building surveys. Phone 62*. Jll CITY OP VICTO», B. C. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon. roomed house, can be reached by road Order* received TODD,| For Victoria City and Corporations—At or launch, good summer home; price forme supplied and prepared. TEA AND COFFEE the Provincial Assessor's Vf flee. Parlia­ Corn Flour $700; this is a oargaln. | DEBENTURES ON HAND 2Sth MAY, ment Buildings, Victoria, B. C., on Friday, OAÜNCB. W. O., notary publie and la the 21st day of June, 1918, at 11 o clock FOUR ROOMED HOUSE on Vine Street, ELECTRICIANS. euranee agent Room lût Hlbben- Boo* 101S. close to Douglas Street car terminus; In the forenoon. Bldg CHy. suburban end fa.-m land* J. H. Hill, local representative of the price $f50; $50 cash and balance on first COX ft DOUGAL. electricians. Motors Dated at Victoria, B. C-, this 28th day mortgage at 6 per cent. PASSPORTS PREPARED. I orme sup- The Corporation of the City of Vlc- May. 1918- _ Canada Food Board, has been notified bought, sold, repaired Estimates H. Lloyd-Young, notary public. FOUR ROOMED BUNGALOW, on Clover given for re -winding motors, armatures Pint» I toria offers for sale the following De­ TII08. F. FVTCHER, by J. D. McGregor, Western Repre­ Stre«t. Fairfield ’.istrict; price $2.606; tir*. *ed Street. Phone tUI and Ml. SPICES. end coils; elevator repairs. Phones: EXTRACTS. bentures: Judge of ^ the Court of Revision 1 sentative with headquarters at Winni­ cash $126. balance arrange, good terme. Office. 6361; private. 3762R. S419IL 41 Amount. peg, that the Board has made arrange­ TWO LOTS on Fairfield Road; we will C. J. CAREY. Due Date. 15th Sept. 191» .. ...,$ 2.500 00 ments with the several milling and sell these for $500 for the two, on- EMPLOYMENi AGENCY. MRS. ESTES. 304 TIRkrum Phone 6016ft ...... elevator companies, through the West­ terms A real bargain. 47 DIRECT IMPORTER. ... 20.000 00 16th Oct. 1919 ... IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ern Provinces for the distribution’ of FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, Just off Haul- TIM KBK Ar f<> . IMS Government Vhon» 15th Sept. 1920 .. ... 1.500 00 tain Street; price $1.760; easy terms HI. All heir mipnlled at short notfee 47 PLUMBING AND HEATING TEAS AND COFFEES. COLUMBIA. x white corn flour at prices practically 15th Oct. 1920 ...... 25.000 00 i a basis with Standard Flour. can be arranged. ON LfNO BHD., employment agency. 662 THACKER ...... HOLT, 600 Speed Avenue 1116 DOUGLAS ST. In the Matter of an Act respecting con­ LOTS on the 2%-mlle circle for $160 Ftsgard Street )etS-47 Plumbing and heating. Tel 2922. Jy6-47 15th OcL 1921 ...... 17,000 00 tracte relating to lands, being Chap­ The Board has been unable to set a each, terms If desired. WHY NOT WE DELIVER 115th May 1922 ...... 2,000 00 price for this corn fR>ur as the market NOTICE— ft Farrow,, plumbers. PHONE 1662? ...... ter 36 of the Statut*» of British Col­ 142 ACRES in the Otter district; price EXPRESS AND TRANSFER. For the convenience of customers re­ TO ALL PARTS OF CITY. 15th Sept. 1925 .. 500 00 pricèxfor com varies from day to day. 614 per acre, terms can be arranged. umbia, 1916; siding In Oak Bay we have opened 116th Oct. 1927 ... ..« 384 11 The nHlling and elevator companies WISE ft CO , I Discovery. Stables to let 47 branch situate at 220$ Oak Bay Avenu* ...... And In the Matter of the Title to Lot 6, have, however, agreed to import and 109 Pemberton Bldg. 15 opposite Oak Bay Municipal Hall. 4 Bfdck 8. Subdivision of Sections 31 distributexat all central points at a 68,884 18 and M, Victoria City, Map kill ACCIDENT INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE DO NOT let the so-called “handy man profit of 25C\jw»r barrel; 12Hc per 98- create expense. -Cat! - a- competent These- Debenture», are A direct ofrU- BURNED OUT end only TEA ROOMS And^M,Tiv,r/.?.dAK:*sfhn,d.”; >c. per 49~potmd bag? — plumber. Allan Macdonald. 1309 Esqui­ I ration of the City of Victoria, are In 3%c per 24-poopd bar , $fco per 10- MERCHANTS’ CASUALTY CO., «01 Cost of' everything nearly doubled. I mau Road. Pholte MM. 67 of July. 1912, wherein Gideon Skinner Union Bank Bldg.; Victoria, B. C. 47 sent first-clase companies. Phone TEA ROOMS—Exclusive homelike, j denomination* of $560, bear Interest at Is Vendor and Cora Kline, Purchaser. pound bag. ThlsXis oB ^ itesia of two Arthur Coles, 1106 Broad Street. Phone HAYWARD ft DOT* LTD.. *27 Fort feront; Montrose Tea Rooms, 1124 j the rate of 6% per annum, payable per cent, cost of production. “ AGENTS 66. — «7 Plumbing end heating Tel. 1*4. Blanshard Street.Jyl-47 TAKE NOTICE that one month after half-yearly, and are payable aa to both the service of this notice upon you In It Is believed jfciy the Board that this VICTORIA PLUMBING CO. 1063 Pan TAILORS. accordance with the.Order of the Honor­ ill gii’e the public thcKbest substitute W. MA RLE, 717 Johnioh SL Agents for FISH dors Street Ptamee 34* I interest and principal- at the office of able Mr Justice tfnrrlsoTt; dated the nth available At the mlnlmutn price, I the Bank of British North America In Cockshutt Implements, plough parts, ete^ HASENFRATZ. A- HL. successor TIBI11TTS ft KEYS. 623 Trounce i_. -March, 494*.- proceedings will be* taken to wHl.enable a large saving of Standard D. K. CHI TNG RAN ES. LTD.-Fish, Cooksoe Plumbing Co.. I0tf Yates St either London. New York*. Montreal, cancel the agreement dated the 26th July. Flour. High-class ladles’ and gentlemen’s 1912, made between Gideon Skinner and fruit and vegetables. 666 Phones *74 end 4T17X. tailor. JeSS-47 Toronto or Victoria at holder’s option. In addition to the corn antique DEALERS irouetVton Street Phone 342. you, Cora Kline, with respect to the above » Board has also arranged for a R. J NOTT CO.. LTD.. 6.» Yale* St TRANSFEnb These Debentures are free from tax­ described lands, and forfeit any moneys a*> i iwui-.S at ye sign of ye Old Curl- MEATLESS DAYS. Wednesdays and Plumbing end 'nesting 67 ►aid thereunder, by the undersigned, supply of oat meal flour at the prt Friday a Wrtglceworth for fresh fish. ation as Personal Property by the Pro­ eeity tihoppe. 614 Fort Street Furni­ HOCKING—James Bay, 626 Toronto 8L ESTES. Gorge transfer. Kee. Phone 6016P lerbert Matthew Fullerton, to whom the $9.80 per barrel; $4,90 per bag; ture, pictures, old china and silver *81 Johnson. Pnone 661. Phone 377L Ranges connected, coils vince of British Columbia, and they said lands were conveyed and the said 4T hbear the certificate of the Inspector of per forty-nine-pound bag; $1.20 ... boueht and sold. Phone Benin. 6421. 47 CENTRAL FISH MARK ET» 613 Jotineon. made 47 agreement and moneys due thereunder twenty-four-pound bag; this price Is'” Tel MM. W T Miller. TAXlbERMISTS were assigned by two several Indentures AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS SUE R FT. ANDREW. 1»14 lllanshard Municipalities for British Columbia. executed by the said Gideon Skinner and based on the present price of oats. The Plumbing end be*ting etir-blfes T*l (R3 Official permission for the iftsue of dated the 28th July, 1913. Ogilvie Company an* now grinding 150 FOOT bPtCIALlSTS Rill GAME ti EADS. •uas a specially, Mu ill.1.1* GEO. T., 610-tl Pandora. E. F. GEIGER, plumbing and heating, 741 these Debentures as required by Dated- at Victoria. 13. C . the 29th day bags per day and by the end of June All desses taxidermy. wheiry ft Tow, April. 1918 that company expects to be turning out •ry, hardware and dairy supplies. 47 Pandora Street Phone 4596L. 47 CM Pandora Phone SI Order-in-Council ($439) of the 22nd JOSKPHE.Corns permanently MADAM. cured.foot Consulta- KRBEKT MATTHEW FULLERTON, 300 bags per day PAINTING December, 1917, baa been duly ob­ By his Solicitors, The two commodities should fairly BABY CARRIAGE SPECIALISTS . done fr_*e. Rooms 407-431 Campbell TRUNK AND HARNESS , MFGRS. tained. HALL ft O'HALLO RAN, Building. Phone 3*64. ti ‘•d^^tag! palnt,ne and Central Bldg., Victoria, B. C. well supply the people with the re­ 1UN Ed ft. CO., T. H.. Tie Kurt 4L Te*. F. NORRIS SONS. 13» Government «L This issue Is offered to the public at To Cora Kline, formerly of Haselton, B. quired substitutes. We would say low All repairs executed. Wholesale ftand retail dealers In 1 FRENC I POLISHER |k rate to yield the Investor 7% per an­ that from our inquiries they are the PLASTERER eases, begs end leather goods TeL €14 C.. and Victoria, B. C. num, interest to commence from date best substitutes available,” states Mr. BATHS BEST WORK—Permanent McGregor. polish. 719 FRANK '1HOMA&,___ plasterer Repairing. TYPEWRITERS of purchase. BATHS—Vapor and elecirio. Jlght, mas­ Fort Street fyl-47 eta ; prices------reasonable.---- — M 3311 f CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF sage and chiropody. Mra Barker. Re*. 1750 Albert Avenue. These Debentures may be obtained SAANICH. I FLORISTS T Y PK WRITERS—New and second-hand, either at the City Treasury or through NOTIcàtr-I will sell at the Pound, PLAN TO REGISTER Phone 6625 711 View Street. PHOTOGRAPHERS repaire, rentals; ribbons for ail ma- chines. United Typewriter Co.. Ltd., any financial or real - estate agent in Glanford Ave.. 1 dark bay horse, with 1 BROKERS CUT FLOWERS and floral designs, bed­ BHAW il Hob., commercial photograph IS Fort Street. Victoria. Pti one 473k Victoria. white feet, scarred knees, white star on Civil Servants Will Be Enumerated ding and pot plant*. Wllkeison ft ere, 304 Government St. Phone 19M. face, on Saturday, June 15, 191*. at 11 During Present Week. MrTAv:SH SHOS.. 1218 Government tit. Brown. 611 Fort Street Phone 100L 47 TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE ' JAS. L. RAYMVR, , If not redeemed before that date. Custom brokers, shipping and forward­ MKUGKNB. Arcade Bldg. Portraiture Comptroller. ing agents. TeL 261». American Express and enlargements Special attention to ALLAN RANKIN, Instead of following the plan first FRUITS AND VEGETABLES children’s portrait* Tel. Hflg «T ALL KIND» of typewriters repaired, at City Hall, Victoria. B. C„ May 2* 1918- represexfcatlve. 0. Box 1524. Justed, bought, sold, exchanged. Soit Pound Keeper. proposed and setting aside one <-f (he IA)W SIN CO »I6 Douglas St E. 1L BROWNING—Commercial photo­ ■nape In used machinée. Phone M2 large Committee Rooms at the Parlia­ BOTTLES b- graphy, amateur finishing, cameras re-, 745 Yates St. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF ment Buildings for the purpose of paired. Room I, Mahon Blk., over 16o. Bldo received until neon, June 20, 1918. BELL ME YOU It BOTTLES or let me FUI -HAU directors VICTORIA, B. C. registering all Civil Servants under the sell you some. Phone 1229. City Junk UPHOLSTERERS Canadian \fnn Power Scheme on June Co., Aaronson. 666 Johnson. B C. FUNERAL CO. (Hayward’s), LTD., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE FALSE CREEK TERMINALS 22 next it has been decided by the Gov­ 714 Brough ton. Motor or horse drawn F. KHOKGKP. 11» Fo.t tit. Special as­ ernment to place the head of each De­ «. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTONS equipment as required. Km bel mere. CAMERON INVESTMENT ft Securities signs carried out. Tel. 114k 47 Tel 2236. •— Company—Fire, «.narine, automobile nnd Victory Loan Bonds CANADIAN NORTHERN AND CANA-* partment in possession of instructions A. LOCKLKY, builder and contractor. life Insurance. New offices. Moody VACUUM CLEANERS DIAN NORTHERN PACIFIC RAIL­ to register the whole of his staff. HANDS FUNERAL FURNISHING CO ■ nurcha WAYS. The Hon. "J. D. MacLean, Provincial Alterations and repairs, store and office LTD I451X One-1rs St Tel. HOt. Block, Cor. Tates and Broad Sts. 47 I public Victory Loann Honda at par, plus flttlnc." 1*8* Réanimait Road. Have the auto Secretary, has already Instructed his THOMSON. FRANK L, «TÎ Pandora DUN FORD S; LTD.. 1223 Government M ,r yoof iu< rued intereat, conditional that in Shell CAKPLNTKIt AND BUILDER—T. Thlr- Insurance brokers and exchange spe- carpets. Phone I and every Instance, and as a part of the Sealed tenders addressed to the' General deputy to arrange for the whole of the Are. Fine funeral furnishings. Oradu delist* Tel. 4641 same transaction, the seller immediately Manager wlH be received until noon, June kell. Alterations. repairs. Jobbing, ate of U. 8. College of Embalming 20, 1918. at Room 817 Vancouver Block, work of registration to be carried out , leaky roofs repaired and guaranteed. pays into the City the entire amount re­ at the Parliament Buildings during the Office Tel 4M Open dsr end night. B C. LAND ft INVESTMENT AGENCY. ceived by him for the sale of hi* bonds, Vancouver, B. C., for certain filling to be Phone 17*3 Estimate* free. 322 Government Tel. 1M VULCANIZING AND REPAIRERS done in above terminals. Full particulars present week so that so far as the Pro­ FURRIER the said sums paid In by the seller to he CARPENTER AND JOB1SINO-J, W. DAY ft FICWHIS. 6» Fort. Real estate. used to pay. In whole or In part, amounts of the class of work to be done and ap­ vincial Civil Servants are concerned Bolden. 1*16 Cook St. Telephone 1304; THE TYRE SHOP—Vulcanising and re due to the City by him on any or all of proximate quantities may be obtained at the process of registration will be com­ FOSTER, FRED. Highest price for raw Insoranre-end f*n»nol»l broker* Tel JS. pairs. 1016 Blnnsherd Street. 47 residence. 44S9L 67 fur. 1216 Government St Phone IS2T. the following accounts, namely: he above office A marked cheque equal plete well before the day stipulated by GILLESPIE, HART ft TODD. LTD - FEDERAL TIRE AGENCY—A. McOavIn. 11918^ Instalments Local ^ Improvement to 6 per cent, of the bid must accompany TUB I.ENZttJ CO.. 1217 Broad Street. Fire, auto, plate glawe. bonds, accident, tender The lowest or any bid not neces­ the Dominion order. CARPENTER AND JOBBING marine, burglary insurance. Til Fort 16U Blanshard Street. Phone 1869. Fur sets, fur coats and leather coats. Federal and Goodrich tiros and vulcan- I Commuting Local Improvement Taxes, sarily accepted. ___ Civil servants In the employ of the C. A. MeOKKdOR, Jobbing carpenter 1 . J6-19-47 Street. Phone MM. rp h , WHITE I Arrears of both General and Local Im­ Chief Engineer,' C. N. P. Railway. Provincial Government throughout the Established 1903, still in business and LKKM1NU llKt.'S . LTD.. MI run ill provement Taxes. Province will be accounted for in their prepared to do small work. 837 Cale­ FURNITURE MOVERS Fire andid life In eu anew Renta collect JAS. L. RAYMUR, donia Ave. Phones 1763L. 14». it WATCHMAKERS AND REPAIRERS own particular districts by the local MOVB^ YDUR FURNITURE by motor. ed Tel. TM 1 City Comptroller. City Hall, Victoria, B. C., June 7, 1918. machinery set up for the purpose. Cheeper and qub-ker; prices reason- SCAVENGING F. L. HA YNB8 for high-class watch and CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS able. J. D. Williams Phone MS Jewelry repairs 1114 Government St. 4T Lectures on Seamen’s Institute.— CRICKET TEAM CHOSEN. VII TORI A SCAVENGING CO.. II MINERAL ACT. On Monday evening at the meeting of RAW DEN. KIDD ft CO—< .bartered Ao- •rament Street. Phone 98k A el WBNUEiL J-, Ml Yates Street. The beet «ountant*. Assignera etc.. 4SI and 423 FURNITURE wrist watches on the market at whole­ the Metropolitan Young People’s So­ sartmge/retaovuft sale prices. Certificate of Improvements, The following will represent Copas l , Central Building. Victoria. SL C. Phone OPENING ANNOUNCiEMENT-The R. ciety T. Wright Hill, of the Connaught SEWER AND CEMENT WORK c NOTICE. Seamen’s Institute, gave a very inter­ A Young In their game with Reception H. Stewart Co., Ltd., have opened a LITTLE ft TAYLOR, 617 Fort tit. Expert C. C. at Beacon Hill on Wednesday at branch store at Ml Tatea Selling new BUTt^HER. sewer and cement wetchmskere. Jewellers and opticians Iron Prince Fraction Mineral Claim, esting illustrated lecture on the work furniture on easy payments. 67 wo'lf eltuatè In the Victoria Mining Division of of the Seamen’s Institute. During the 2.30 A. B. Laurence, E. Adams, CHIMNEY SWEEPING 2180 Lee Avenue. Phone 52S6L. Renfrew District Where located: Buga­ WHITE. 64.. watchmaker and manufac­ evening the Misses A. Willis and E. P. Cowman, E. Evans. J. Barton, E. GARDENING boo Creek. Cull. C. McConnell, H. Wylee, A. Cuth- CHIMNEYS CLEANED-Defective One* SILKS AND CURIOS. turing Jeweller. AH work guarante Take notice that H. O. Rose, Free Johns contributed an instrumental Entrance Hlhben-Bons BMC.______duet and Mrs. Locke Sang a solo. bert, R. McLachlan and J. Donaldson. fixed, etc. Wm. Neal. I0M Quadra St LANDSCAPE I ION Kit, all work In NOVELTY BEADS AND TASSELS are Miner’s Certificate No. 17021C, Intends, Phone 101J. gardens and estates very popular Ju*t now. We have a . B RTMOK. 66» Johnson Street. sixty days from the date hereof, to apply ☆ ☆ ☆ carried out In eSctaBt full line In stock. Kwong Tai Yune. to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate Saanich Liberal Association.—The Public Market—The midweek mar­ O'VON NELI„ chimney ‘ntr-ov manner. ProftProf SMlcmaT 0aîfvl cs H. BILLINGSLEY. I of Improvements, for the purpose of ob* cleaned. Phone MM* y*ce given m 1611 Government. watchmaker ana Saanich Liberal Association will hold ket to-morrow will witness a good at­ lot cultivation. W. H W-r^tbr. P*o~. I tabling a Crown Grant of the above clatifi. meeting on Friday evening at the tendance of producers and A»ll lines of 176SR. LEE DYE ft pfi, TM View Street. I And further take notice that action, CHILDREN'S OUTFITTERS I under Section 11, must be commenced be- rooms. Arcade Building, when J. C. all seasonable produce. A good suplpy UKNERAL GARDEN 1 NO—Small SHOW CARDS VETERINARY- J fore the Issuance of such Certificate oi McIntosh, M.P., and F. A. Pauline. of local strawberries and fresh vege­ CHILDREN’S end Ladles* Outfitters tracta a I Improvements.improvements. M.P.P., will speak on the work of the tables. chickens, eggs, meats, fish, See brook Young. corner Broad and A. BLAKE, 677 Yetee SL Phone I VETERINARIAN—Canine ami* Dated this list day of< May. A. D, 1911. House of Commons and the B. C. s and plants will be exhibited for ■how cards, cotton signa, postera. Ju 16-471 ML O. ROSS. Legislature. 12 VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918

GERMAN EFFORT IS Colonial Institute HOLD ON TO YOTJB AUSTRIAN EMPEROR Against Return of WILSON'S ATTITUDE RACE AGAINST TIE Colonies to Germany VICTORY LOAN BONDS WROTE TO FEIN) THE PMCB HAS ALREADY BISEN London, Jijne It.—(Via Reuter’s Ot­ Trying Desperately for De­ tawa'Agency)—The council of the.Col­ Any information you may want given by Authorized Nml Told Roumanian King This Was onial Institute ha* resolved, with a London Papers Gratified by cision Before Full Weight view to the coming Imperial Confer­ BURDICK BROS. & BRETT, Limited sud Military Time for Kings "to ence, to express In the strongest terms His World Outlook as J-.t of States Felt its view, which it believe* Is shared STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Contractors , Stick Together" ' throughout the Empire, that" none of Expressed the former German pos*e**lons over­ Telephones 3724-3726 620 Broughton Street Lady tn Attendance seas should be restored to Germany. Vancouver. June 11.—Yn„ a special London. June 11.—The address de­ lA>ndon. June 11.—A private and sec­ dlsiMitch to The Vancouver Fro vine# livered by President Wilson to a group ret letter written to King Ferdinand, of dated "With the French Armies In the of Mexican editors In Washington. In Oatmeal .helped many a Scotc hman to reach manhood. Try more of It Hntimaitln. by Ktnperor Charles, of Field. June ll,"eHenry Wood says. Austria-Hungary in the latter part of SAYS U. S. SHOULD which the President expressed hts In CanadaU-l**ued by the Canada Food Board. "The new German drive between February marked the turning point In friendly attitude towards Mexico, is Montdidier and Noyon is rapidly be­ One>f the beet AUTHORIZED Inveetment* 1er TRUST FUNDS is our Koumania’e participation In the war. commented upon with high apprecia­ and wa* one of the deciding factors In coming the fiercest and most efuel bat­ the Ion* series of intrigues which tle of the war Into it the Germans ap­ tion by the newspapers here. The 5*/,% DEBENTURE eventually broke the spirit of the Rou­ parently are determined to throw their Times com pares the President’s speech manian King. Under this outside pres­ last reserves, in a supreme effort to with the recent statement of Von Ask fee Booklet “About Debentures" sure King- Ferdinand changed from an separate the Allied armies and reach Paid-up Capital ...... ë...... $2.412.56641 Faria Iwfore the full participation of Payer, the German Vice-Chancellor, ardent supporter of the war against and says: "No contrast cduld be Reserve» f66,560.13 Germany Into a lukewarm and vaccin­ the United States wrests from them Taft Declares Establishment of their last hope* of victory. ® Aseete ...... 7,168,537^9 ating opportunist, and, finally Into a stronger. The • President talks of lib­ distinct pe^tce advocate, "The Germans had engaged between an Eastern Front Not Too erty, Justice and law. The German •"This is a time when kings must twenty an,d thirty divisions (240.000 to. Vice-Chancellor look* forward to a The Great West Permanent 360.ovo men) in the new drive up to stick together." Great Task world In which the unified armies of midnight, feeding In battalion after Germany and Austria-Hungary would Thïs l» the most striking sentence of battalion With a prodigality unequalled the litter of Emperor Charles. The still impo*e their orders on a submis­ Loan Company In any previous phase of the offensive. WINNIPEG. TORONTO, REGINA, CALGARY. EDMONTON, letter never has been published, and “The heroic French resistance, which sive Europe" Newark, Ikd., June 11.—"We tnu*t go SASKATOON. VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, EDINBURGH, See» Its existence up to this time had been necessitated this constant feeding in. The Daily News warmly eulogizes known only to a few persons outside Into Russia and make an eastern President Wilson and the disinterest­ VICTORIA BRANCH, 616 View SL R. W. PERRY, Manage* changed completely the entire charac­ front." declared W. H Taftf' farmer the highest 'circles in Ron mania. A ter of the German tactics from those ed at-** of the United States in the war. summary of its contents was communi­ which largely Insured the success of President of the United Htates, in an hich, it says, is testified to not by cated to the American Minister and to previous drives. By counter-attacking addres* at fhe annual commencement words, but by acts. The paper men­ of Delaware College to-day. tions the American loyalty to the the Associated Pres* correspondent In locally at every jtoint on the entire cause of Russia, which it describes as Jassy by a high official, who is one of front from Montdidier to Ndyon. almost "The Easiern from,’’ he continued, "ha* been lost through the treachery of one of the redeeming episodes of the the most steadfast friends» of thp Allies .every minute the French kept the Ger- whole war. and urges other countries B.C. FUNERAL CU. at the Roumanian court. man first line troop* almost constantly Germany. It is said that to establish an Eastern front would be a great tank, which have been less faithful and less (Heyward*!) Ltd. Wave of Socialism, engaged, thus preventing them from wise "to recognise the sagacity as well being sui^erseded by recurring waves but there is no task that is too great Phone 2238 in intimate tones, the Aùstrian Km- for the United States. a* the Justice of President Wilson’* of fresh troofie. In every counter-at­ I>oUcy in making the redemption of 55» T34 Broughton Street peror directed the attention of King tack the French succeeded In taking “We hax> got to whip the Germans. Ferdinand to the great danger for all Russia a fixe.! and unalterable purpose M«t*r er Horse-Drews prisoners along the entire battlefront. We *have more money and more mun­ of the war " Etl monarchical institutions from the wave who unanimously declare the German itions, and we can and will soon have The Dally Graphic declares that Equipment of Socialism which was sweeping oast - Established 1SS7 j.uo..»» ry frightful. French troops par­ mure man-power than any other coun­ upon such altruism can an enduring ern Europe. He drew a heartfelt pic­ ticipating in these counter-attacks also try in the world, for the purpose of tid­ peace be founded. The Texas Company .149 148 148 ture of the danger to Austria from the find heaps of dead Germans every- ing the world of this serpent of miiitar- Important Utterance. Union Pacific ...... 121% 120% 121 spread of Bolsheviklsm across the Utah Copper ...... 80% 79% 80 Washington, June 11. — President LIGHT TRADING IN Russian border and declared the Rou­ “French cavalrymen, fighting afoot U. H Ind Alcohol .. 121% 121% 121% manian dynasty was In equal danger Wllsoq’* addres* here last Friday to a U. « Rubber ...... 59% 57 57% on the summit of Le Fiemont Plateau, party of Mexican newspaper editor*, from the same source. who succeeded in escaping after their ALIENS INTO ARMY U. H. Steel/ com...... 98% 97% 98 Emperor Charles pleaded with the which was given out here to-day for lk>.. pref...... 110 no 110 Answers to Times ixisition had been entirely surrounded, publication in the United State*, is ex­ NEW YORK STOCKS Roumanian King to Join with the other FOR NON-COMBATANT Virginia Chem ...... 49% 49% 48% declared that previous to tlielr depart- pected to be recognized a* one of his monarchies In Europe in the death -ore they had repulsed nineteen infan­ Western Union ...... - 90% 90% 90% Want Ads. grapple with democracy, and promised SERVICE FOR ALLIES moal important1 war utterances. It \N illy * Overland ... . 19% 19% 19% that if Ferdinand would abandon the try assaults. , dealt almost wholly with Pan-Amen- W est Elec. . "The battle Is accompanied by one. Of . 42% 41% 41% Allies, Germany and Austria would anism by agreement among the Pan- Market Marks Time, Awaiting An Fr Loan ...... 92% 91% 92% 48. 59, 101. 184. 208.' 234. 275. 278. 341. support him In retail.I g his throne. the! fiercest artillery duels of the war. Winnipeg. June 11.—Aliens of American*. and It wa* obvious the Amer. Sumatra . .v .144% no 143% Owing to the Germans slow advance, military age are being put into 2?-\ 297. 681. fl6. 919. 1940, 1945. 1963. 1985. After portraying Roumanie as abandon­ resident took the opportunity to *ena flpfinltp News Frnm Cuban Cane Sugar .. . 30% 29% 30 2425. 2601. 265.1 ed by the Allies and hoi*e4ess before they ha\e Iteen able to bring up their non-combatant service in the Can­ »*nck to the Mexican people a personal Col. Ga*...... 32% 32% 32% light guns, but their heavies are still the power of the Ventral Power*. Em­ adian army. The War-Time Elec­ message to emphasixe the disinterest­ War Zone (Jen. Motor* ...... 127% 126 127 peror Charles closed his letter with the firing from their original positions, tion Act. according to statements edness of the United States In the fight Int Paper ...... 30% 30% 30% sentence quoted above. which are constantly under French made here to-day, does not exempt for world democracy « fhio Gas ...... 37% 37% 37% 111.US, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS King Ferdinand’s letter to Alexander bombardment. them from non-combatant service. It was the President* wish that his —- Tenn. Copper...... 19% 19 19% Marghiloman. the Roumanian Premier, "TIM1 Cr.-in h airmen continue to As a result a large number of them speech should l>e published in Mexico Sin. Oil ...... 28% 28 28 maintain an Incontestihle superiority, Tpb. Prod. :»...... 63% 61% 62% DIED. thanking him for the conclusion of are being put Into khaki because find. , (By Burdick Bros. A Brett. Ltd > constantly Ixmihlng and using machine Un Cigar Store ...... 96 92% 95% peace, marked the tin-'-! step in the of the calling of Category B men The moat important portion* of. the —The stock market . TtOBSON—On June 9. 1J18. at 1319 Stan­ King s surrender to the dogma of Em­ guns on German columns and Inflict­ New York. June 11 Lib Loan ...... 99 78 99 78 99.78 ley, Avenue, Susan Robson, relict of and a number of aliens’ exemp­ speech were cabled to the United here opened thlw morning with mo*t of peror Charles that kings must stick to­ ing the heaviest losses, which the .. 94 90 91 62 94 64 tin- late Hon. John Hobson. In her 86th tions have been cancelled by local States from Havana last, night by th> the VRi 1er* arrayed *ld*| gether. aviators themselves are able to see. draft Judges Associated Pres*. advanced The Striking Contrast. and quotation* were The funeraCwtll take place from her The railway station at Roye was ob­ l»er wtockw were In evidence for their T0-DAw,S TRADINÊVn latv residency as above. Wednesday, at The earlier attitude of King Ferdin­ served In flames following a bombard- strength The New York American pub- 11 a m and toward the war offer* u striking CATHOLIC FORESTERS fished a report that the adinjniatratton WINNIPEG MARKET VAV1N— Sunday, night. May 9. at T.ady- contrast to the subservient tone of his "It i* certain that If the ATTtps hold CASUALTIES AMONG ,-tnith. Guy* Huston Cavin. a native of letter this month to Premier Marghilo­ out two months longer the American*, CONVENE AT TACOMA the near future If true, this no doubt Vi.-?or.a>Jt C. - ',0 yean man. As late as mid-February the King at the present rate of arrival, will give CANADIAN SOLDIERS would mean very much for commodities Winnipeg, June 11.—Cash graia rircle* expressed to the Astotaled Press corre­ thehn an Incompatible and crushing su­ and material* The question of profits. continue extremely quiet on the local Interment will take place in Io»d> smith spondent at Jassy a desire that an in­ periority Already the steady floty q< Tacoma. June 11.—The district con­ Cemetery Wednesday afternoon vention of the Catholic Order of For-1 <>f course would he regulated through market. The offering* of coarse grains terview or statement showing his loyal American. Italian and British reserve* Ottawa. June 1L-—The following mean* of ex< e»* profit* and income taxes. B.YKNK— Mrs Roue Byrne, of 925 FIs- adherence to the Alllame with the En­ into France, coupled with the terrill • casualties have been announced: esters is ,being held here The district When the buying power was withdrawn are light and the demand is not strong tente should lie published in the United rimprisea Washington, Idaho and Hrit- K.ird Street, wife of J I' Byrne, of losse* inflicted on the Germans slip** Infantry. fmifi the market it became dull, Oats closed 1% higher for July and % ‘Province Cigar Vo . died at St. States. March 21. practically l * wiped out the Ish Columbia. The convention opened while recession* were seen in some stocks. higher for October Flax closed 1% ...... Joseph* Hospital tht# morning at Seriously 111—Lieut. F. G. Detonnan- numerical superiority with which the to-day in si I^eo * Church -yrlth hign as a whole the market acted in a higher for July and October closed at 336 . * court, Montreal. mass, conducted by Bishop (VDea. of Germans opened the offehatve."------orderly manner A* has become usual of Oats— Open. High. Low Close. Funeral . arrangements will be an- 9,000 MORE MEN! FOR On both wing*, where the French are Wounded—Lieut. J. E. Knott. Clyde, Seattle, district chaplain. At ten late in dull markets. the opportunity dogged*v holding out, village* like Alta., Fte. J. H. Bruwnlèe, Nanaimo. o’clock the'cnnventifm began its busi­ July ...x...... 84% 85% 83% 85% .nounced later. taken to advanee owe or two specialties. Oct ...... 76 70 88% 78 AEROPLANE WORK IN Courceiles have changed hands every Artillery. ness Herndon* in 8t. Leo’s school. This High Istw Last —Flag—— ...... —------few hnuf* day and ntgtit since the Wounded —Lieut. À. Ë. Burke. Tlg- afternoon officers will he elected for 32% 83 IN MEMORIAM. THE AMERICAN ARMY Allis Chalmers ...... 33 July ...... 374% 375 % 373% 375% battle began. The last earlier pigeons niàh. P E I. the next three year* and delegate* to Am Beet Sugar . . . 65 65 65 Oct ...... 334 336 334 336 BAKMR—In loving memory of our dearly from Le Fiemont, which was com­ Prisoner-of-War— Lieut. A. H. Cope­ the national convention chosen, and In Am. Can Co . com .. 45% 44% 44% Cash prices: Oats—2 C W . 85%; 3 C lieloved husband and father, Cpl H. Washington. June 11.—Nine thou­ pletely encircled, brought word that the land. Toronto. the evening a banquet will l»e held. The 79% 80 Baker, who died at. Vamp Borden, Am Car Foundry . . . 80% W.. 82%; extra 1 feed. 82%; 1 feed. 79%; sand white draft registrants-qualified French there were still holding out. al­ district hold* a convention but once Am. Cotton oil ... . . 40 40 40 2 feed. 76% June 11. 1917 though they now poasibty have been “Gone but not forgotten " for special limited military service, in three years. Am- Locomotive .. 63 62% 62% Barley—3 C. W . 127; 4 C. W . 122; re­ - —Inserted by hi* wife and son. were called for to-day by provost - submerged. JURORS AT TORONTO Am Smelt * Ref. . .. 76% 74% 75 jected. 109; feed. 1<>5 Marshal-General Crowder. They will "The Germans still are making their Am T A Tel...... 99% 99, 99% Flax—l N W. C.. 376%; 2 C. W , 373%; greatest effort in the Mets Valley for^ SAY SOLDIERS SHOULD GRAIN MARKET WILD Am Wool, com 56% 55% 56% be put to work In the military aeronau­ the purl*;»* of reaching the Oise above 3 C. W . 347%. tical corps of the army and will be Am Steel Foundry . 66 66 66 % % % Curopiegne. which would force evacua­ NOT HAVE LIQUOR AT CHICAGO TO-DAY Anaconda Mining . 63% 62% 63% sent to Vancouver. Wash., to get out tion by the Allies of the entire Noyon NEW YORK BOND MARKET. SOLDIERS OF SOIL materials for aeroplane production. Atchison ...... 81 84 64 salient, where, at the extreme northern 101 107 107 (By Burdick Broe 41 Brett, Md ) Toronto, June 11 —Jurymen at the (By Burdick Bros 6 Brett. Ltd ) Atlantic Gulf ...... LEADERS MEET IN iwlnt, Carlepont Wood, on the east able Baldwin I«oco 88% 85% 86% Bid. AskM. of the Oise, and Mount Renaud, on the inquest here Into the death of Cadet REORGANIZATION OF Chicago. June 11 —The market wa* fea- Baltimore A Ohio 54% 54% 54% Anglo-Fr 5 ...... 91% 92 VANCOUVER T0-ÛAY west side, have to date barred the Ger­ Lloyd Carter, of the Royal Air Force, iureles* ly the first hour end prices U- K. 6. .1919 — 99% 99% called upon Goeoner Young to address man advance into the Oise Valley." .sagged lower Corn* had the appearance 21% 21% U K 5%. 1919 ...... 97% 97% FOOD BOARD URGED the Imperial authorities at London, llutte Sup Mining . .. 21 % North Vancouver, June 11.—A con­ of welling very much lower A. sudden Brooklyn Tranfltt .. .. 42 42 «2 U. K 5%. sec. cnv. .. 99 !*:•% Farts. June 11.—Summing up the war Eng., requesting them to enforce string­ hange in the trend came about In the 147% U. K 6%. 1921 ...... 94 94% ference of superintendents of the 8ol- ent measures against soldiers in train­ Canadian Pacific .147% 147% situation. The Echo de Paris says: afternoon and there was a wild scramble 64% 64% Am For. Sec. 5 ...... 97 97% Winnipeg. June 11—A complete re­ ing in Canada being allowed to have Ventral leather .. 65 diers of the Soil movement is going organization of the Canada Food “The enemy is striving to attain a among the abort* to cover. Bidding was Crucible Steel 62% 61% 61% Fr Oovt. 6 ...... ____ 13D 145 on here to-day. The policy for the re­ Hoard, including a change in personnel, decisive success at all costs, expecting more lively than had been ween in iponth* 45% Paris 6 ...... 83 85 Cadet, Varier was.kUlul .in a nild-Air Chesapeake A Ohio 66% 56% ta being uegwl Ly the. Winnlpe* Coil- 4o end tbe^ war -Before-th* end arf-tbe- • end- peW‘ee we«a up -with a Jump. The h-fifC . Wit A* St “P ~--4A - mainder-of the sertmm if* >o be-deter­ collision between two machine* near ^losing figure* were the best of the day...... »» »• sumers' Protective Association: At Its month all the German forces will have Chic . R 1 A Pac. . .. 22% 22% 22% Russ. QovC5%. i9zi .. fj 3»----- mined Up to the present 1.660 boys Invitation the executive of a number of Leaeide. <>ata acted m sympathy with the corn Do. 1926 ...... 85 90 have been enrolled in the movement, been brought into action. In- this su­ Colo Fuel A IrOn . . 49 47% 47% local organizations. Including the O. W. preme moment it would not be A Jiur.-. Dum. Can. 6. 1919 98% 94% and 800 of these already have been V. A. and the Army * Navy Veterans* Open. High I*»w Le*4 Horn. Can 5. 1921 .... 94%___ 97 placed In employment prise if he should shortly attempt a Git Petroleum .... Association, will attend a meeting to­ ii.iv,i! action with his full Mval for. -*, July , 119% 142% 131% U2% Chile Copper ...... Dora Can. 6. 1911 ....11 - - Attending the conference are: C. M- morrow evening to arrange for a mass Aug ...... 140% 143% 139% 143% 40% I mm Can. 5. 1926 . .. . 91% 94 Wright, territorial superintendent for combined with a new effort on the WHO ARE IN HOSPITALS Com Product* ...... 41% 40%

meeting of citizens in the near future rtatw—— i Argentine GovU 6 96. . 9.7% 57% British Columbia and Alberta. James 5 8 j Distiller® Sec- ... 61% 57% to discuss the food and coal problems. British front. July TOt «7% 70% 15% 15% Chinese Rep. 6 ...... 87 92 H Beatty, of Victoria; E. Scott Eaton. The military correspondent of The * * Krie . . .’...... 15% London. Jyne 11—Following la a Hat Aug ...... «5 63% 66 .. 32% 32% 32% Dorn. Can 5. 1937 .... 90 93

* Do . 1st pref...... >f Vancouver; Rev. R. M. Thompson. Journal says: "The enemy’s effort is a Fr Republic 5% ...... 97% 91% of Canadian officer* an l.4hv extent of 142% 142% •Vancouver Island; A. H. Sovereign. gigantic one. but it cannot last forever. % Gen Klectric ...... 142% BALL MOGULS STAND their wounds: ..-45% 44 45 A . T A S. F (Jen. ..80% 81 Okanagan Valley; W. W. Peck. He Is now bringing into action about NEW YORK CURB. Goodrich ro»ecution of war young and vigorous American army. At Portsmouth—Lieut. H. OUSTS. 27% 31% 28% C. A N. W. Gen., ,... 80% 81% H Miller, of Cedar Cottage. Aetna Kxplowive* ... . .14 Int’l Mer Marine .. 29% Impatient f<5r action, wil: have been Alberta, foot, severely. 14 % .105% 102% 102% L A N. Ulfif. ..?...... 83 86% comes befort baseball. formed. Experience show* that an of­ Houston Oil ...... 67 68 l>o , pref Here are a few expressions from the At Buxton—Nursing Misters B Mac­ Kennecott Copper . .. 31% 31% 31% N Y. Railways 7>.... 22 23 BALL SEASON ENDS JUNE 23. fensive is bound to play Itself out in Sapulpa Refining . . .. . *% 9 59% N P Prior Lien .... 79% 80% higher lights: . Kinnon. tl.igh and bad;; I. K. Wlehart. Northwest Oil ...... 61 I.ehigh Valley .. 59% 69% not more than three and a half months. forearm, contusions and sh-H’k 63 86 86 Reading Co Gen. ...r. 82% 83% ltan Johnson—*‘The American Lea­ "Our command Is allowing the enemy Mid. West Oil ...... 114 116 lawk Steel ...... 86 . Ala.. June 11— Direct­ gue will offer no obstacle to the player At Bath—Capt. F. C. Turner. Mani­ Maxwell Motors ...... 26% 26% 26% U. P. 1st Railroad .... 85 86 ors of the Southern Association of Pro­ to weaken his forces in attacks which Do., Refining ...... 109 110 U. S. Steel 97% 97% donning khaki! to beat the Hun If It toba, wrist and legs. Cosden Oil ...... Midvale Steel ...... 49 48% 48% fessional Baseball Clubs yesterday are inevitably costly, and is awaiting • 6% 7 94% V P. 1st Lien ...... 77% 80 costa every player we have." Merritt Oil ...... 27% Met. Petroleum .... -.94% 93% voted unanimously to end the present the moment when the enemy’s fatigue . 27% 23 23 S. P. CO. 6 ...... 90 91% John K. Tener—"Everything must he Hevla Mining . 4% 4% Missouri Pacific ...... 23% reason on June 28. will permit our reserves to be engaged CODY TO RUN IN Mo.. Kas A Texn* .. 5% 5% 6% DO.. 4 ...... 79% 79% done to win the war. If baseball Is with every probability of success,* Howe Sound ...... 3%. 4% Penn. Ry Co. Cons...... 97% nonesaentlal there Is a possibility our Submarine Boat ...... 16 17 N Y . N H & Hart .. 42% 41% 41% writes military critic of The Temps in northe:.:? torontj New York Central . 71% 71% 71% Do., 4% .. 88 parks will have to be closed." dealing with to-day’s statement from Curtiw* Aeroplane ... . 40% 40% C. A O Conv...... 80 81 RHEUMATISM A MYSTERY Col. Jacob Ruppert—"The war first. . 10% - 10% Norfolk A Western . . .102% 102% 102% the War Office. "That we have rel Wnght-Martin Aero. 86% 126 128 Northern Pacific . 86% 86% % % % iMMteball last." tired is indisputable." he writes, "but a Toronto. June 11.—Hon. Dr. Cody. Chevrolet. Motor* ... 20% 20% CoL C. H. Ebbetts—"Whatever action « ’aledonta ...... 39 40 N Y , Ont A Western 20% NEW YORK COTTON. Some diseases give immunity from favorable reaction executed In the cen­ Minister of Education, will be the can­ 20 20 the government seen fit to take will be New Cornelia ...... 18% 18% Nevada Cons, Copper. . 20% (By Burdick Bros. A Brett. Ltd.) another attack, but rheumatism works tre of the battlefield give* proof of the didate of the Liberal-Conservatives of Pennsylvania R R. . 43% 43% 43% Indorsed by the National League." Northeast Toronto; Seat A-2, lin the Con* Copper ...... «% 6% Open Nigh just the other way. Every attack of resolution and valor of our troops." People s Gas ...... 45 45 45 Harry N. Hempstead—"We will glad­ event of a by-election as a result of hts Kerr Lake ...... 5% 5% 60% 61 July ...... 25 75 26.07 25 48 25.94 With the French Army in France. . 8 9 1 Tossed Steel Car . .. 61 rheumatism invites another: worse ly -adjust ourselves to any order the appointment to the Ontario Cabinet Nipiwwing ...... 88% 87% 67% Oct...... a.. 24 36 24.70 23 80 23 98 June 11.—Noon)—The strongest ef­ Success Mining1...... 8 10 Reading ...... than that. It reduces the body's power government may find It necessary to fort made by the Germans In the through the resignation of Hon. Dr. Ry Steel Spring . .. 53 53 53 Dec...... 23 92 24 39 23.50 23 69 ...... 23 80 24.25 so that each attack is worse than thp Issue." ' courm- of last night and this morning PjrM He area the unanimous choies of Ray Cons. Mining .. 23% 23% 23% 23 35 23.65 William F. Baker—“If our players % %% March ...... 23.85 24 00 23 50 23.75 one before, in their offensive was in the direction the convention held last night. Republic Steel ...... 84% 83% 83% are needed to perform Important duties MONTREAL STOCKS Southern Pacific . . . .. 82% 82% 82% Spot .... 29 95 If any disease needs curing early It of the railroad connecting Eetrees, 8t. we will gladly give them up." Denis and Montdidier. The Germans (By Burdick Broe. A Brett. Ltd.) Southern Ry.. com. .. 24% 23% 23% % % % 1 NEW YORK SUGAR. is rheumatism, but there is scarcely met with such reulstance that they re­ CROP CONDITIONS High Low Last .. 61% 61% 61% THE KAISER'S JIG. any disease that physicians find more nounced for the moment their attempts GOOD ON PRAIRIES Ames Holden, pref. .. 59 59 69 Studebaker Corpn. . .. 44% 43% 44 , New York, June 11.—Raw sugar steady; difficult to treat successfully. When a in this region. Bell Telephone ...... 180 A Sloas Sheffield ...... 65 65 65 centrifugal, 96 005; fine granulated, $7 46. The belief that the Kaiser is either 33% B medicine «does cure rheumatism there­ French African troops, supported by Brazilian Traction ... mad or on the verge of madness will Winnipeg. "June 11.—The Canadiafi Can. Cement, com .. 60% A fore It is worthy of special notice be confirmed by the account which Allied tanka, which did great execu­ 90 B tion. delivered a brilliant attack In this Northern Railway to-day issued its Medical authorities agree that the Mr. Carl Ackermann gives of a young 32 A vicinity and recaptured the forest run­ weekly crop report, which Is virtually Can Car Fdy . com.. German moving picture operator’s ex­ l>o.. pref...... n blood becomes thin with alarming ning southwest of MarqUeglise. optimistic. With, the advent of warm rapidity as rheumatism develops. perience with that versatile monarch. weather, condition* would seem to be Can. S. ’S . com...... 39 % B Fires Break Out Not long ago. it appears, he was excellent all along the lines of the Do., pref ...... 76 %B Maintaining the quality of the blood ordered to Belgium' to follow and TOWED TO SAFETY. railway. Every- district In the terri­ Can. Ixxmmotlve .... «1 A and thieves break in. Don’t risk the is therefore a reasonable way pf pre­ photograph HI* Majesty. At ostend tory served by the C. N. R. on the prai­ Can. Gen. Klee ...... 103 A Washington. June 11.—The Star of venting and combatting rheumatism. the Kaiser was walking along the ries has reported and the general ver­ Civic Inv. A Ind...... 75% B Chile, another of the Alaskan fleet dict is that a more than average good Cons. M AS...... 25 25 25 first, or invite the second, by keeping That it works out In- fact Is shown by beach with Admiral von Sehroeder, who Is In command of the German de­ which got stuck in the Ice In Bering crop is assured. Wheat is reported as Dom. Bridge ...... 1*3 A the beneficial effects which follow the fence* there. The movie operator fol­ Sea. ha* been towed to safety by the standing from two to seven Inches high I >om IAS ...... 59% B money in the house. Government steamer Roosevelt, ac­ treatment of rheumatism, acute, mus­ lowed him. and stooling well, and where frost had Dom. Textile ...... 91% A cording to word received to-day by cular jyid articular, with that great The man had been following the damaged the grain. It Is all coming up Lake of Wood* Mlg... 133 B the Bureau of Fisheries. again. Laurentlde Co...... 167 A Put it in The Merchants Bank» blood tonic. Dr. Williams’s Pink Pills, Kaiser for several days, so His Ma­ jesty recognised him and ordered him The survivors of the Tacoma, which Oats and barley also are all seeded Maple Leaf Milling .. 102 B That thousands of people who have to put up his camera and prepare to was sunk, will be landed at the salmon and doing well. Mackay Co...... 74 74 74 where it will be safe from loss— taken Dr Williams’s Pink Pills for make a special film. When the camera canneries on Bristol Bay. N. 8. Steel, com. .... 61 A their rheumatism have been cured Is was ready Ills Majesty danced a Jig. Do., pref...... 160 H always available—and earn interest TO A FINISH. PROMINENT RAILROAD Ogilvie Milling Co. .. 164 B a fact beyond dispute That rheuma­ waved the baton he was carrying and then his helmet, smjied, and shouted MAN DIES IN STATES Penman*. Ltd...... 74 B at highest current rates. tism does not return as long as the greetings to the camera man—then Seattle, June 11.—The working Quebec Railway ...... 19% B blood Is kept rich and red is equally went on along the beach. classes of Britain and France are de­ Riorddn Caper ...... 118 118 118 112% 112% true. If. therefore you are suffering When the photographer reached Ber­ termined to fight on to a finish, assert­ Chicago. June 11.—George R. Harris, Hhawlnigan ...... 112% ed William Shortt, Seattle, president of chairman of the directorate of the Chi­ Spanish River Pulp.. .. 15 A from rheumatism In any form you lin and showed the film to the cen TH€ MERCHANTS BANK the Washington State Federation of cago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad, Do., pref...... 61 A should lose go time in giving Dr. Wil sors of the General Staff* they were shocked by the action of the Kaiser at Labor, on hts return here from Europe, died last night at hi* residence here. Steel, of Can...... 63% A Hud Office : Montrai OF CANADA Established 1864 llamas Pink Pills a fair trial. Ostehd. They ordered It to be cut out where he went as a member of an Stricken on May 15 with a blood clot Do., pref...... 91 A You can get these pill» through any American,Labor Commission. In Paris at the base of the brain, he jrecovered Toronto Railway ...... 60 A VICTORIA BRANCH, A. C. FRASER, Manager dealer in medicine, or by mall at 60 of the film because they did not think It advisable to show the German and London the American copimisslon- in a few days, but fell unconscious on Dorn War Loan (old) .. S5WB cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from OAK BAY BRANCH, h SHBRRATT, Acting Manager. people how much their emperor was ers conferred with French and British the steps of his residence on June 6. Do., 1931 .. ^r!\ -The Dr Willlafns Medical Co.v Bhock- from which attack he did not recover. Do., 1937 ...... X M*A 1 ville, Ont enjoying the war.—Til-Bits. labor représenta lives «£=. VICi'TOÎÎJA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, .TUNE 11, 1918 IS

IN PORT TO-DAY FROM ORIENT “War-Time Cookery” Holiday Tours i - HOW ABOUT WOOD? Most people are getting in their winter supply as dry FREE Te Edmonton and Cilgary wood is1 scarce. We strongly advise you to order now. Send bum and address for ■ew “War-time Ceofcery" fliis book contains recipes,'cbesea $60 r° Including N,.l. and Berta at Bw mt the Mackay & Gillespie Ltd. by tbe jadges u tk best and T38 Fort St. Phone 149 and 623 most practical recipe* suL nut­ o Grand Trie! Pacific Itcanships ted ia oer recent cash prise On sale daily to September 16. Good to return until October 81. •top-overs allowed at any point on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. It is intended to Tickets will be valid going In one direction via the Grand Trunk Pacific 1118 Steamships to Prince Rupert and the Grand Trunk Pad lie Railway, OVER FOUR Z' ..:VN assist in tbe coasenration of returning via the Canadian Northern Railway to starting point or vice Buy food with » thought ef I [the Alllee.—Canada Ptood Board. I feed and to effect savings in PASSE» REACHED borne coating and bating. $40 * Alaska » $40 LOVELY BUILDING 81TB Apprwd by Csanada Food Board Holders of these special excursion ticket* will be furnished with a aide trip to Skagway, Alaska, at additional low cost of 640 06 for the Round Trip from HERE ON SUVA MARU Prince KuiM-rt Thi» la an exceptional opportunity for tourists t<> visit the "Land of the Midnight Sun" at a ONE ACRE E.W.GiUett Co. Ltd. minimum of expense. ZSMU Reservations and full Informât!»» at City Passenger People of the Orient and Occi­ TORONTO, CANADA and------Tickst------Office,------1 I Wharf- ' *-St. -Telepi bphone 1242. In Oak Bay dent Mingle on Decks of •*■. Ate 'Gif " "*« Offered at a blr snap. N. Y. K. Liner HAS THREE FRONTAGES. ------CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY It James, fit.^David and Brighten NO APPLICATION FOR Terminating .a run of twelve days C. P. *. LINER EMPRESS OF JAPAN Summer Tours Property la thickly timbered with from Yokohama the Nippon Yus*-» oak trees. Kuisha liner Suva Maru. Capt T. Se- Vseewver te Edseeteo er Calgary SECURE THIS kin<. warped alongside her berth at the PROSECUTION TO BATE and later build for yourself a boms Outer Dock* about 10 o’clock this In this choice location. morning, bringing In the l.irgeft list of YARROWS, LIMED, EXPECT TREATY TO 550 fletum Fare $50 passengers ever carried nor oh the Pa­ cific by a.vessel flying the Japanese flag. Tickets on sale dally until September 3#th, and firfST return limit Octobefl Only $3,000 Enforcement of Lord's Day Act Slat. 1918. The Suwa Maru brought !r a total of 426 passengers, there being 103 In the TO EXTEND PLANT REGULATE SOCKEVES Slumbers in the City of Through Traîne leave Vancouver 9 a. to. Sunday, Wednesday, FrldayO" saloon, fifty-three second cabin and SWIIERTOI S MOSIIAÏE 270 In the steerage. i Victoria Travel the "New Route” far Interest, Comfort and Convenience. Among the passengers disembarking Full particulars and literature on application. ,/ here were Dr A. Lx all. Miss ,\J Dark­ ness,- H. Hall. H Hanish. Mrs Boch- Local Concern Will Add to Puget Sound Interests Hope for 628 Fort SC BURDICK BROS. A BRETT. LTD. Phone 111 inger, R. Strongman. Miss L. Strang- Three months have now elopsed since mgp, F. Croix. T. Burke. A. Best. H Present Foundry Provision in International r. il H Jardsn, Mr ami Mrs HaiTif there was any attempt—half-hearted son and A Curlill. » Facilities Agreement or otherwise—to tighten up the en OTARU MARU NOW Mr. Carlill. who has been associated forcement of the Lord's Day Act In HISTORY Of SUBMARINE WAR The Union Sleamehlp with the directorate of the shipping thle city. Since that tine there have From The Toronto Globe. firm of Ikxlwell A Co., was met at the been a number of deputation» before Co., of B. C. Lid. wharf by H. 11. Davenport, local man­ Yarrows, Limited, are about to ex Statlle, June 11.—Thoagh no Intima­ the Attorney-General soliciting his TEN RAÏS OVERDUE ager for the company. The through tend their founry plant at Kequimalt, tion has been given of the time when The present Interest In the German first-claas passengers included Mar­ the fisheries treaty between the United viewpoint on the whole question. Upon submarine efforts, together with Ihe an application having been made to the quis Halgo. son of the famous General Stale* and Canada will be agreed to, each occasion he has Invariably told remarkable success of the Allies In Kaigo. When General Kurokl' toured Esquimau Council lust night fur a per Puget Sound fisheries Interests are In­ meeting them, gives.special value to a this «mtWient several years ago he' was them that Just as soon as the Police mit to erect an addition to the existing creasingly confident that the proposal <*omroirslt>ner» placed any case pamphlet Just Issued by that well- accompanied by Marquis Saigo aw mili­ fcnown poet and writer. Sir Henry Alert Bay Campbell River tary attache. is en building at a cost of 12.006 The fact made by Wnehington representatives cases before him ih which action was Much Anxiety Felt in Shipping for the'regulation of the sockeye run New bolt, who provides some Informa­ Bkeena eafl Maas River Canaeriea route to Hu rope on war service. of this application being made denotes deelrefl and accompany tbe informa will be incepted by both sides. tioh with the request for permission to tion which will be altogether novel to Vancouver te Powell River (dally). Circles Regaroing Safety M. Konovaloff. former Minister of the confidence placed In the develop most reader*. The first surprise will Commerce In the Lvoff and Kerensky At the time the members of the joint proceed against any recalcitrant be meni of local operati<«ns by thla firm. conference came to the Coast it Wp would grant the request. come from being told that the history of Ship Cabinets, and his wife, were routed of submarine war begins ns far back OEO. M'QREOOR, AGENT through to Seattle direct, but on find­ Already about five hundred men are peared that the British Columbia con­ Mr Farris made It clear tipon each < mi !• ved at Yarrows, and the average tention* were better known In the Ea»t Occasion, however, that all such re­ as the second half of the sixteenth ing that they could make better train century, when Ils two main principles connections to >Vasiiington. they dis­ monthly payroll amounts t«- something than were those of the Washington quests would have to be made by the ere first formulated by English sea­ Seattle, JttSe H. — ceMiSmtbi# embarked here and took the afternoon like 146,000 Extension* to the U88 fisheries representative». The first pre­ Police Commissioners in their official boat for the Sound. Inge* would natamity entail iters work liminary conference held in Victoria capacities, and he would also have to men. Sir William Munson, one of anxiety In being felt In waterfront Indicated that Washington had com­ be satisfied that action desired was en­ Queen Elizabeth’s admimls, was re­ Splendid Voyage. more employees and a btggvr payroll sponsible for the germinal Idea from circles over the non-appearance of the The establishment Is equipped to paratively little chance of winning. tirely free from any possible shade off Capt Sekine reported summer loiter, »« It developed that tbe old discrimination. which sprang the submarine mine and Japanese steamship Otaru Xlaru No. 2, Weather throughout the trip, some fog handle every branch of marine engin chargee of law violations made against When asked this morning If any such torpedo, aqd the first design for a sub­ now over ten days overdue from Kobe being encountered ui>on nearing the eering, and alnce the business of Yar­ marine boat was also produced by the for Heattle, with a general cargo con­ rows, Limited, was commenced here la Washington fishermen were no longer request* had been made to him recent­ Straits. No material delay was exper­ true and that the British Columbia English navy in Ihe same generation R P. KUbrt » Co LIB.. Puoontor signed to the A. M. Gillespie Camp any. ienced in negotiating the entrance and 1914 the concern has haadiod some ly—and rumor alleged such to be the flatting inter*»*» ooukl net agree on a ‘ f a gunner who had served under Blr MMt mitu as.uu. ini viu< ut The Otaru Maru Is one of the Osaka the big steamship arrived off William very important work Ter the Admiralty eae*—Mr, Farr*» staled emphatically programme of their own. Nome via- at: Mlctnurtr str Krrrtrtkan. reser -Hirer. ------meiy la the simpler patient heart of June 11, • a.m. It Is proposed to provide for a half children. The lesson of how to live British Admiralty have enjoyed during for Koythwestern Alaska ports; str the War what the German naval ad- Richmond, towing barge No. 94, for Ban closed season beginning next year and nobly and how to die nobly Is what Point qrcv--Clear, calm, 30.09; <0 t#ey team ceaselessly, and «1* tototi*ratio* has* ~t* huit fnqiieat JttËê FHBKBëo? .tr" P-.rtfiuiC F.t Smith- 13tng indefinitely while a com­ : opportunities of doing, vis., "Inspecting western Alaska: str. Nankal Marti, for Guild,, which organization embrace* mission studies the effects. On the heritage they are leaving to their May. 4.15 a.m , off Cape Mudge, south­ the details of their enemies’ submarine Fm E- ALACK WOOD, Agent RTOrV' ,.y n VIOMl. VI tnlOTMtnm m. .. I .. .1,rti r . Ii practically every mariner holding mas­ American side would be a eommt*- children, and to the world’s children, bound1 ; «poke str* Princess Ena, ffcOfr construction ’ W Government fit. Phone 4M ters' and mates' papers In Brtish Co­ * loner chosen by the President ând one tbe value of which can never be as a.m., off Cape Mudge, 4.36 a.m , south oleum; str. Ynserolte, for Tacoma; str. lumbia, has made application to the named by the President upon the re­ sessed. As a sergeant said to me yes­ But it is in the domain of policy and bound> A'hoiral Dewey. f..r Tacma. Juneau. June 11.—Hailed yesterday Federal Government for the appoint­ commendation of the Governor of thle terday, 'It’s In the blood,’ and It is. International mo r a Ur y that the con­ Pachena—Cloudy; N.W. light; 30.04; ment of a conciliation board to deter­ State. The Canadian repreaentatlves They laugh, they curse, they sing, they trast is now seen, for the new problems 65; light swell; thick seaward. Btr. Alaska, . aouthbound, Jerreoh, been a regular German patrol in the southbound. mine on a new scale of wages for of­ would have the authority of the Do­ play, and when each crisis comes they have been dealt With by the British Este van—Fog; calm; 29.91; 47; thick ficers of coastwise vessels plying In minion behind them. rise as one man to attain a grandeur •long tbe lines of humanity, while the North Sea British submarine* would seaward. Ketchikan, June 11 —Sailed yester­ have given a splendid account cf day: Btr. Cordova, northbound; str. and out of British Columbia ports. An Cloee Season. of sacrifice almost undreamed of.“ Germans have practically not observed Alert Bay—Overcast ; N. W.; 29.92; Increase averaging fifteen per cent, It Is one man’s testimony, and yet these principles, but have scouted the themselves. Even now It is hardly 65; sea smooth. Passed out str Prin At£p«*l;i, northbound. It is proposed that no sockeye be realized that our submarine* have Ban Francisco, June 11.—Railed above the existing schedule of pay Is now many lime* since the German former ide^k which were supposed to cess Beatrice, 6.20 a.m^ southbound. sought by tli^' coastwise officers. For caught to American waters between beast set out to rob them of their dcfnlnate all modern nations. Very been responsible for as many as forty Triangle—Cloudy; calm: 30.28; 48; terday: Tug-Daniel Kern, for Coos Bay. July 20 and August 1 of each year, and Arrived yesterday: Str. Governor, from slme time past negotiations have been country has its truthfulness been truly dors Blr Henry Newbolt remark warships of the enemy, though, ot sea smooth- Spoke str Admiral Nich­ conducted between the employers and on the Canadian side of the line be­ that the U boat's methods have not «ourse, most of these have been de­ Beattie: str. Arctic from Fort Bragg; tween July 25 and August 6. It la eeti- proven by the acta of the men of olson, 9 p.m., Queen Charlotte Sound, representatives of the mariners and France. It was that spirit of the only brought successive defeats oi stroyers and other light craft. In one northbound; spoke motorshlp Apex. »tr. Ta ma) pa Is, .from Aberdeen; str. mated that this plan would , let half new schedule* have been submitted by superman In the heart of the child Germany and will cripple her com case a submarine actually went Into 11.10 p.m.. entering MWlbunk Sound. Johan Paulsen, from Astoria. the sockeye run get up to the natural Portland. Ore.. June 11 —Arrived Htr. both sides without any sati «factory that saved Verdun. It waa that èrce for many years, but. far more the harbor of Heligoland and tor­ 8 p.m., southbound agreement being arrived at. The of­ spawning beds without interference of rlous, "she will suffer the bitter con- pedoed a returned U-boat. Dead Tree Point—Cloudy; calm;. Rose City," for Rah Francisco. .Sailed fishermen. /This plan, It Is proposed, Whirl, insplrrd . S Str Shasta, for San Francisco. ficers' maintain that they are not mak­ STS? ot Umthe‘ aro|armyy of Trmnrr.Tr»nü n, •*ÿ$S!cee "f moral outlawry." And yet with all this efficiency the 30.S6; 50; sea smooth. ing exorbitant demands in view of the shall be put into effect next year, if r'hile » good deal ha* become known splendid tradition of the British navy Tacoma, June 11.—Arrived yesterday does not work successfully, a com­ heweled, lo bold Kep,. Ikeda Bay—Cloudy; calm; 30.02; 63; phenlomençl Increase In the cost of liv­ mel >1111 until the lust man waa wlnrd’FV duringdur! the war about the general effi­ ha* been followed by the observance sea smooth. ♦ Str. Bkugway. from Southwestern plete close down Is proposed. Alaska: str Yosemite, from Seattle; ing, the long hour* worked ami respon­ ciency of German submarines, wÀare of the principles of law |accepted by Prince Rupert—Rain; calm; 30.09; Washington fishing Intereets would ,hal dlvl*lun Ww str. Admiral Dewey, from California, sibility for the safety of passengers and i"**"*. cerl*ln *»!h for him. gradually learning that the British all civilized nations The commande» 49; sea smooth. ships under ell kinds of weather con not object If provision was mode for bul each made of himeeif a wtuinr service Is able to record work which, of a submarine has to face difficulties ports; str. Fulton, from British Colum­ a fund to be raised by a tax on fish bia. Sailed yesterday: Str- Admiral (Etions. sacrifice In order ihal ihe line behind Judging by the evidence available, là which do not trouble the captains of, Fever Registration, on the American side to raise a fund cruller*-. But, m>tw!th«tand!ng all STEAMSHIP VICTORIA Dewey, from Seattle; str. Valdes, for to be contributed toward the support and* fifn? might be made elrong— not only better, but has been performed Seattle. Under the new organisation the skip ro?b,Her2lek>ry * under more difficult and dangeroua these problems, our submarines bava of Canadian hatcheries on tbe Fraser avoided all tbe cruelty and brutality BATTLING HER WAY Tatoosh Island. June 11-—8-60 p.m. per* and mate* of coastwise craft ore River, the Canadian* to have control circumstance» Amidst the mine­ JuneUdP^-Cloudy. wind northwest, Ms now in e strong position to enforce fields of the North Sea Briftkh sub­ which have marked so much of the of the hatcheries. Thle proposal was German action In connection with h* *«* THROUGH ICE TO NOME miles. Imased In fishing me hoc nor Mabel their demands, but the universal feel­ made by Washington fishing interests, A rolored Bapllel waa Mhortln* marine* have done their part, and Ihe A. str. Imperoyal, two-masted freight ing among the men is opposed to Now l.reddem and si*tern, come up only two German dreadnoughts which pltaF ships, women and children unfli but was opposed byThe British Colum­ have risked themselves outside Kiel the grounded. This Is how Blr Henry; steamer, str W. 8. Porter. Passed out; strike*, arbitration being strongly fa­ bia men. Whether It has been consid­ to de altar* and have»ve ■yo* sins washed Seattle, June 11.—Battling her way 8tr. Oleum. vored to bring about tbe settlement of away." e / since the Jutland flight were both Newbolt closes this fascinating ac» through thick k*e the Alaska H8. ered has not been disclosed. count, which will be reed with Im­ any grievance that may arise. The whole flsheriew dispute between All came up but one man. torpedoed on the same day. British Company's liner Victoria is slowly ap­ TIDE TABLE. This is the spirit that baa Influenced "Why, Bruclder Jones, don’t yo’ want submarine* have also done remarkable mense satisfaction by all who rejoice proaching the vicinity of Nome, but ad­ the two countries Is to be covered In In courage dominated by conscience^ < the seamen, through the Canadian the proposed treaty, and It le likely no yo sins washed away?" werk in the Baltic, creating a com­ vices received from ('apt: John A. June. Merchant Service Guild, to request the '1 done bad my sins washed away.” plete panic by torpedoing * number of "Empty or full, it Is inconceivable announcement will be made until every that the British navy should make war O’Brien, master of the vessel, and from trimeHtlTImeHt ITtmellt ITImeHt appointment of a board of conciliation •To’ b*i? Where yo’ had yo* sine German war vessels and cargo ships. ,affl< ials of the Northern Lighterage point Is cleared up. But It Is a fact upon hospital ship*. Victory It will de­ ~|h.m ft.jh. m. ft.|h. m. m. ft. to establish a Just scale. that the Puget Bound fishing interests washed away ?" But it was gt Gallipoli that the con­ Company at Nome, it may be several "Obpf at de Methodist church. dition* were most trying and novel. sire, but not by villainy; defeat It wilà 36 6 5 6.68 6 13.47 2 7121.4# fj now feel that the sockeye Issue will be avoid strenuously, but not by the de­ days before the big ship will be able to 44 6 6 7.56 14 10 17 21.6# 8.1 The British submarines had to face reach her destination. settled satisfactorily. Brudder Jones, yo* ain’t been struction of the first law of human 4.49 4.5 16 94 6.6 16.16 4.7121.26 8.4 NAVAL COLLEGE WILL jo’ Je*’ been dry-cleaned.” difficulties of currents as well as vari­ <*dpt. O’Brien, in a message to R. R. 5 43 3 3 12 12 5.8 15 06 6 7122.45 8 7 ous Instruments of defences on and hfc. The result Is none rhe less cer­ Pierson, superintendent of the Alaska 6» 21-H 8 ...... 7|...... 128.18 9.1 FIND A TEMPORARY SUNRISE AND_#UN#ET. under the surfticc. Yet from the very tain; In the hiitory of submarine war, SS. Company, said that the Victoria, 7 18 1.8 first they were successful, and boat as In that of all naval war, it will In­ after passing Nunivak Island Sunday M 02 0 6 set (Pacific evitably be seen thftt piracy and murd­ 0.15 9/ • 44 6.1 HOME AT ESQUIMALT after boat went up without a failure noon, commenced encountering Ice ren­ standard time) at Victoria, B. C., for the er are not the methods pf the strong.* 0 48 9*4 9.25 0 0 19.82 8 1 21 06 8.0 month of June. 1918: / and maintained herself for weeks at dit tons which rendered progress slow. 1.26 9.1 10.05 0 1 20.02 1.3 *3.98 7.9 a time without a base, returning with Nunivak Island is half-way between 10 «5 0 5 That the decision has be* n practical­ 1 66 8 7 20 30 * 1 23.16 7.7 ly reached to transfer the Royal Naval Sunrise an astonishing record of losses In­ BIGGEST ON EARTH. Unimak Pass and Nome Roudstead. and 2 1!) 8 1 11.26 11 96.62 8 01...... Hour Min. flicted on the enemy. 6.42 7.3 2.41 7.4 13 04 1.9 21.01 7.9 College from Kingston, Ont, to Ksqui- Æ,. under ordinary conditions the Victoria 12.41 2.7)5#.S9 8.6 June 1 ...... 4 17 / 1 ' One Instance out of several Is the The railway wystem of the Unitea would reach Nome early to-day. malt, is the announcement made this 06 13 15 Mjili# 8.1 morning through the office of the June 3 ...... 4 16 Z 8 05 boat E-14, under Lieutenant-Com­ Btatee of America Is the biggest thing 6.66 6*.i 8 46 6.2 13.42 4.4121.42 8.2 Captain-Superintendent of the Esqui­ June 3 ...... 4 16 / • 06 mander Boyle, and the difficulty of the of the kind in the world. 6.10 4.4 .7122 03 8 8 mau Dockyard. The naval college, ...... 4 u/ 8 07 issage of the Narrows through the Approximately, It is equal to that of WAR EDENSAW MAY 4.26 S.8 14 Europe and Asia combined, and the 6.46 3 1 which was removed to temporary June 6 ...... « 1 08 Çurkish mine-field may be judged by BE HELD ON WAYS 7.1# 2 5 mil quarters at Kingston following the June 6 ...... 4 V» 8 09 the fact that during the first sixty- tracks. If strung out in a continuous 8 " 17 1 b I 27 8 | Halifax disaster Inst December, is to ...... « 13 8 10 four hours of the voyage the boat was line, would suffice to run a girdle oi v BY LOGS AT STERN h #7 l 1.46 9.0 be transferred here temporarily pending June 8 ...... 4 11 8 11 diving for neaily forty-five hours ■teel eleven times round our globe at 6.46 6.7 June 9 ...... « 11 8 11 After some thrilling experiences, suc- the Equator. >.i 9.16 0.3 the erection of nqy college buildings at Halifax. It was announced to-day that June 10 ...... 4 11 • 11 hair-breadth escapes, The sixty-five thousand locomotive» (. 47 M I ft 0.3 36.08 7 8 21 11 7.8 11 S New Westnflneter, June 11.—A diver „1 IS I.. Sj i#.$iMl |.i... 19.46 7.7121.41 7 « the naval students will be accommo­ June 11 ...... 4 18 .me began her return voyage after possessed by the system would. If Jane 12 ...... 4 11 • 18 to-day Is at work under the stern of •i n“ 8.3e.i 11.11______9.9 19 14 7 7121.66 6.9 dated In one of the large buildings 222£,"iwr K*y8* patrolling, and was placed end to end, extend In a continu­ June 11 IS • 16 the wooden steamer War Edensaw to 1.82 " "ll e51* 'm1.6 19.69 7.M.. available In the EsquiwfaJt Dockyard, ...... « shepherded by a Turkish gunboat, a ous unbroken line from Haris to l*etro- the hope of ascertaining what condi­ 13.36 2.6 20. l; Jane 14 ...... « 11 • 14 H______a which can easily be converted for the ...... n 11 8 ^T.r0.lrt ‘,n,, “ t»r. o„« grad; while if the freight cars were tions prevent her stiteceesful launching. *8 iî 13.09 1.7 “rj ‘ $; purpose. June 16 16 June 16 ...... « 11 S 16 *n? one astern, nil hoping to, similarly placed they would dtretch A boom of logs rey deep and foot, shove the average level of. lower June 17 ...... « 11 1 16 continuously for over twenty thousand the vicinity of the yard, and It Ik low water. will be installed at by June 18 ...... « 11 1 16 «Mgtrt diving *. rnonpni th,m „nd miles —that Is ten times the distance thought some logs may be ja mined The time used Is Psctfk «tandnrd, for August. June 19 ...... « 11 1 16 separating London from Constantin­ under the stern. No plans have been the ligth merhllnn wee). It l. counted Juse 20 11 1 16 "" """'-rt'"- ople. Roughly, the systimt handles two made for further attempts to launch from 0 to at hour», from midnight to “The Borner» ng," Few! Bey Beach— June 21 ...... 4 11 1 Other similar achievement» are re- thousand million tone of freight a year, ‘ midnight. The flguree for height serve 16 her pending the report of tHe diver and to distinguish high water from low water The finest picnic and tc.thlng pavilion June 22 ...... « It • 16 lated by Sir Henry Newbolt and «how sufficient to fill Trafalgar Square^ instructions of the underwriter* who Where Wanks eccar In the table the tide on Victoria's roost popular beach. June 21 ...... « 11 • 16 what our treats were capable of doing twice a day throughout the year, to are carrying the risk of the vessel and rleee or fell, oontineoueljr during two Phone 4369R. Mrs. P. R. Pike for In­ June 24 ...... 4 14 1 16 amldet almost Insunarabla difficulties. over twice the height of the Neleoa' are In charge ------tidal periods without turning. formation. • June 28 ...... 4 16 s There Is no doubt that If there had Column.—nt-Bfta. ; H VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1018 AGREES TO BE BOUND RIPE BANANAS » x 35c BY BOARD’S AWARD Wednesday Morning Specials LOCAL ASPARAGUS 15c Council Brings All Employees, Except Police and Firemen, LOCAL RHUBARB 25c Under Conciliation Inquiry 4V4 Hours to Do a Day’s Business

Four resolutions dealing with the See Window Display NEW POTATOES prop«teed Hoard of Conciliation to re­ Brisk Selling Items view civic salaries were adopted by the 2 lint, for ... 25c Ity Council lust evening. They were: z------—------"k 1. The principle of an appeal to the ■ 1 Hoard. Ladies' Women’s Lisle LOCAL FRESH EGOS 3. The decision to accept any award 30 Inch White Silk Taffeta made to organised employees, and ap­ Handkerchiefs Thread Gloves 50c ply It to unorganised ones in readjust­ Crepe at 29c Yard Ribbon 19c Yard ing salaries. . 63c 3. To name K. F, Taylor, of the Col­ Children's Cslsrsd Silk Tsf- at 9c Each A .perle! Wln» at ao lnrh »0 Ladies' White Lawn Women's Lisle Thread Gloves onial Trust Company us city arbitra­ White aLrstuker Crepe. feta Hair Ribbon, 4*4 Inches in black,1 white and grey; a AUBURN CREAMERY BUTTER tor. ‘ This motion was carried by five Handkerchiefs, hemstitched otea to four votes for Ex-Mayor Alex­ suitable fof%Djerweer end wide. In a good range of with embroidered corners. neat fitting glove with two Per lb...... 55c ander HtewarL A host of dainty designs: dome fasteners at wrist children', dresses- Regular wanted colors. Regular 25c 4. To agree to be bound by the arbi­ 26c values. Wednesday Regular 76c values. Wed­ Me value. Wetf- OQ„ values. Wednesday -| Q tration award. morning, 0^» nesday morning, fl^C *A resolution was passed by the nesday morning, yard**'*' morning, yard.. ... H A. OLEOMARGARINE Council that the employees should be 75c Immediately notified that this course —Basement —Main Floor —Main Floor —Main Floor had been taken. “Has the Council given up all hope V of adjusting this matter Itaelf? asked Aid. 1‘eden, after the ultimatum of the Protective Association had been read announcing a proposed walk out at DIXI ROSS noon to-day unless the Council agreed White Turkish 1 to the terms requested. Stamped Boudoir Regular to 75c Curtain • • i The Mayor did hot hold out any hop» Quality G racers" Canada Food Board License S-17610 1317 Government t1 Towels, 60c Pair of a settlement, and then the statement Caps at 19c Materials. Special at, Yard 37c was made by Alderman Sargent that White Turkish Towels, with the Council had been under a misund­ Stamped Boudoir Caps, made Dozens of pretty .styles to choose from. Fine two-thread mercerized hemmed ends, heavy qual- erstanding In proposing to extend the of good quality lawn, with Ribbon-edge Marquisette; Ribbon-edge Voile; fine Lace-edge Voile - Ity; size 20 x 42 Inches. A principle to all employee». The Ibxard and Mercerized Marquisette. All In shades of white, cream and GASOLINE AND OILS rather would limit Itself to the union­ pretty designs for solid, limited quantity only on ised men who made the formal applica­ eyelet and loop stitch em­ ecru. Hi- h firum oir-.p. d and double-bordered < ream and white sale. Two pairs only to Auto Owner»! Leek fer the Red Sign. Get Yeur Supplied tion. he said. broidery. Regular 85c val­ Mudn# Muslins. .Styles suitable for any room and values that are each customer. Regular 45c **Personally." he added. "I am In ues. Wednesday 2.9C Impossible to duplicate again. Values to 75c, old price». Wednes­ each. Wednesday flavor of submitting the question to day morning, yard ...... »•••••...... ;...... 37f morning, pair ...... VVV DRAKE HARDWARE CO., LTD. arbitration, not because 1 am loyal to morning, each '• 1418 Donfflss Street Phone 1648 the union which threatened to strike —Main Floor - - —Second Floor —Basement and by this sort of thing to hold up the city, but that I would soonér stand Up for the non-union men who are work­ ing loyally for the city. He objected VANCOUVER ISLAND FRUIT LANDS, LIMITED to being held up repeatedly by strike Belmont Building, Vlcterle. B. C„ Phene «600 threats. He believed the situation had EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT been organised by a few agitators! Women’s Tweed desiring to pull the wool over the eyes Children’s Women’s Cotton Dtetrlbutore for British Columble. for THE CLEVELAND TRACTOR, HOME Women’s Muslin of the others. to Coats. Special, AND COMMERCIAL CANNING OUTFITS. DYNETO ISOLATED In passing the resolutions the Coun­ Gowns at 69c Knickers, Reg. Hose at 28c Pair LIGHTING PLANTS cil declined to leave the police and fire­ $1.LOO, for 49c Woman's Black and White $7.95 men within the terms of the proposed Women's Muslin Nightgowns, Women’s Tweed Coats In award, so that It will not affect them. Children's Stockinette Knick­ Cotton Hose, In medium with high neck. Mng sleeves black and white mixtures, ers, bloomer style, in white, weight, with reinforced summer weight. Smart and open front; embroidery heels- and toes; sises 8*4 to black and navy; ages 2 to 12 styles In \ length. Five GOOD POTATOES trimmed. Only a limited 10. Regular 36c value. Wed­ TO EXAMINE POWERS years. Regular 65c to $1.00. only. In sizes 16, 18. 36 and We have a fine local-grown Potato, guaranteed good and sound. Per quantity. Wednes- nesday morning. 28C 38. Wednesday 100 lbs...... fa.25 Wednesday morning. day morning pair morning ...... - $7.95 Tel 41S SYLVESTER FEED CO. 70S Yates TO SUPPRESS MEETINGS —First Floor —Main Floor —Main Floor —First Floor

MAYNARD & SONS FIRST REPORT ON Council is Urged to Stop inter­ national Bible Students1 As­ Aucticneers -— Reg. $1.75 H. & *1 IQ Women’s Suits 1A AA sociation Meetings Miller Corsets Instructed by owners w;e will W. Waists, for. Special at .... vl v.UV •ell at salesroom. 726 View Street," TUBERCULOSIS HERE Special...... $1.19 Woman', Corset, of the “Miller" Won't HAW Corset Waists, made of strong 6 Only, Women’s Smart Suits of^navy all- Friday. 1.30 The Mayor will investigate what Rust Moke—Made of flesh eolured cou­ coutil, lightly boned and well corded; wool serge, In sizes 16 and 18; also 1 powers exist to stop the International High Grade and til in medlimt Lust style. Ion* hlpe with hooked front and four hose supports. only, black, in sise 42. This season’s Or, Pricè is at Length in Posi­ Bible Students' Association holding elastic Inset over thlüh; four good hose These are suitable for berry pickers and public meetings In halls in this city. farmerettes; all sizes. Regular $1.76 styles. All tha^ remains of our special On the motion of Alderman Andros, supports. A well-made, reliable corset. Almost New Furniture tion to State values. Wednesday dJT OQ $17.50 range. Wednesday jjJJQ QQ \ seconded by Alderman Sangster. the In all size*. Special, Wednes- . JQ morning ...... tP-leOs/ morning Situation City Council went on record last even­ day morning, pair and Furnishiigs ing at the request of the Great War —First Floor —First Floor —First Floor eoneiulhurln psrt Very massive and Veterans’ Association to ascertain what powers it has to preVent such meet­ Ccstly Mahogany Be 'ora Suite, com- ings as Vancouver and Toronto have priamg Bedstead with coll erring and The situation with regard to preval­ ence of tuberculosis was reported to the already done. felt mattress, large P-esser. Dressing City Council last evening by the City An amendment to refer the matter to Table, Chiffonier. Commode and t hoe Health Officer (Dr. A. G. Price). the Health and Morals Committee for Cabinet ; also . aim new Hum wood The doctor being now n a position to report only secured two votes, and the above resolution was adopted by a ma­ Silks and Silk 1 -id Bedroom Suite consisting of twin report with regard to pulmonary tuber­ Women’s Summer Reg. $1.25 Nurse’s $1.50 Values Skirt culosis in the city, stated that “twenty- jority of five votes to two votes, th» bedstead* with eptlnfs and Ostermoor eight cases were registered during the minority being composed of Aldermen Coats, Special, Aprons for 79c Tweeds for 95c Yd. Crepes, 89c Yard mattresse» Cheval Mirror. Dresser and Fullerton and Porter. month as being in the city. There were An odd lot of Habutai Silk Triple Mirror Drawing Table. Brass probably mon» caaes which have not yet Alderman Andros declared that the Nurses' Aprons of good qual­ Skirt Tweeds In broken $5.00 and Silk' Crepes in plain Bedstead. et< YerJ fine Golden Oak been reported. Several cases have Council should do what they could to checks, black, brown or 4 Only, Women's Summer ity Indian Head. Gored shades of Nile, strawberry, and Kumpd Oak Dmi - Room Suites, come from outside the city. One death check these meetings, which had a occurred from the disease during the tendency to stop recruiting, and stir Coats, In black and white style, with large bib and navy, with white mixtures; sand, mauve, navy and very handsome mahogany Parlor brokeh checks; sixes 16, IS month, that of a patient who had come up feeling He claimed as a member one pocket; generous eixe. 2*4 yards makes the skirt. black; 36 inches wide. Reg­ . and 2ft. If you want to get TnuwiuUU- om. -week, -before.". of the -trtbonul that this agitation WXfl Regular $T21 values. Wed­ Ikftrl«r $ti4 Yxhrc. Wed­ ular fr 28' value. Wednesday arch Range. Full particulars will ap derogatory to the cause, and therefore one of the coate shop early. Infectious Disease. nesday morning. nesday morning. pe r later. the meetings should not be allowed, He report* » cm* of emellpog. the other cities, he said, bftff found the As­ WKto i ...... e v | >ard -...... — - ..95 c -yard MAYNARD * SON6,™ _ source of infection being undetermlep, Wrdn*^ $5.00 morn,nei ...... 89c sociation propaganda a menace —First Floor " - —Main Floor —-Main Floor Auctioneers. Phone 837 prtbably imported from outside. Three — First Floor rases of scarlet fever were notified, all Alderman Fullerton asked why did t>>ése eases being under treatment at the not the military step In. if neeeaaary? Isolation Hospital. Three eases of The Mayor had not heard of com­ AUCTIONEER’S NOTICE measles are reported, and sixteen of plaints of trouble from the meetings. Removal of Bale (ierman measles In the last named Alderman Cameron wanted official instance the doctor says the epidemic data before action was taken. "We seems to have almost subsided. \ should know something more about It." Pretty New Welworth he said, "as to whether it is political, That Large Auction Sale of Forty Vital Statistic*. Smart New "Kandy" Stripe *Ttead of Dairy Cows, Sixty Head ef religious or military, and whether the There* were forty males and thirty Waists in Many Styles Oxford Down Yearling Ewes, etc- aa Council, is able to âct 1 think we Silk Waists five females registered in May, of should obtain some data from the So­ advertised to be held at Cobble Hill, whom sixty-three were bora in the licitor." He believed the proper month. Thirty-eighty deaths and at $2.95 June 26th, for J. Lock & Sons, will be course would be to refer the subject $6.00 and $6.75 held at the twenty-seven marriages took place. Foodstuffs and premises where food to the police commissioners. JZ» Yat* St, Phone 6610 Ranch, Craigflower Road, Es­ is sold. Hanitary Inspector Lancaster Alderman Andros—They will do reported, have had very good atten­ nothing. quimau, same time, same day, tion and little fault was found during Alderman g»eden also urged obtain­ the month either with the food or ing additional Information. ARTHUR HEMINGWAY premises. The food condemned com­ Alderman Andros said these Were prised 99.5 pounds ct salmon and one not ordinary persons, holding ordinary Ish Columbia as they actually exist Phone 2484 City Market Auction meetings In the ordinary ways. The way of made-up Interest charges will of the line. It Is espected that Informa­ dressed fowl. The foodstuffs brought tion concerning the matter will reach aldermen were thinking too much of reach $>31,111. This figure does not in­ and. like the members of the Cabinet to the market were Invariably of good the Government from the Baat at an quality. the vote next January, instead of act­ NAKUSP AND SLOGAN clude any sum over and above forty per who saw the wisdom of following a early date. Condition of Dairies. ing. Other places were dealing with cent of the gross earning* of the com­ similar programme many months ago, He reports the dairies in the city are these people and long sentences were pany payable to the Government by will now be able, to take his seat in the in good order. While some outside the l»elng Imposed by the authorities on .way of rental for the line under the Legislature with that Information be­ city are satisfactory, he says that other those who accepted their teachings. FINANCIAL AFFAIRS agreement. The payments made by the OPPOSITION LEADER hind him. EGGS proprietors must make drastic changea The motion was then carried on a Company in this connection amount to Mr. Bowser speaks enthusiastically in their habits or their licenses will division. « $324.959.98. Last year the Government of general conditions and is warm In have to be refused. He reports an paid out the sum of $26.734.98 as Inter­ his compliments of the manner in est on the bonds now falling due. of improved condition with the samples ‘ZSfWEATHER Premier Oliver Supplied With BACK FROM HOLIDAY which the agricultural communities of Are Now About of fhllk taken, which were tested for which amount only $2.608 was met by the Interior are responding to the na­ the Company or a net loss to the Prov­ butterfat and sediment. Further pro- Dally Bulletin burnished tion wide exhortation for more pro­ Statement Showing Finan­ ince for the year 1917 of $23.126.9$. gress has been made in bringing the by the Victoria Meteor­ duction At a later date it Is the in­ laundries up to requirement. Cempany’e Expenditure. At Their Lowest ological DeparoaenL cial State of Line Mr. Bowser Went to Study tention of the Leader of the Oppo*P~ In a communication covering the tion to complete hia tour of the Pro­ To prevent a door banging back conversation between *lafon Hhaugb- vince for the purpose of acquiring more Householders are advised against a wall fasten an old rubber Victoria. June 11—6 a. m —The baro­ British Columbia's Condi- meter Is high over this Province and fine, nessy, Mr. Hart and the Premier In information and of securing the differ­ to buy their supplies for put­ li eel - pad on to the floor at such a dis­ Montreal, the former points out that the tance from the wall aa to break the warm weather is general, except heavy Premier Oliver hu now been supplied - tion for Himself ent points of view. rains have occurred en the Northern railway Company has also gone in the ting down. force of the jar. with » complete enancial statement hole to* the extent of $916,000, added to coast. Fine hot weather Mao pr*vails let Insurance Men to Meet.—The annual the prairie provinces. regarding the affairs of the Nakuep and which Is $318.762 paid out by the Company In respect of additions, im­ meeting of the Insurance Federation Slucan Railway the bonds In respect of of British Columbia will be held in provements and extensions as quite Wearing a coat of tan and looking Victoria—Barometer. 30 16; tempera­ which fall due on July l nert. It will apart from the amount involved In Vancouver to-morrow afternoon at- 1. ROCKSIDE Short Notice Sale ture. maximum yesterday, 66; minimum, be remembered that Mr. Oliver and ordinary maintenance. Baron Shaugto- remarkably well. W. J. Bowser. Leader o’clock and a large attendance of mem­ 50; wind, 4 miles W.; weather, fair. the Minister of Finance waited upon nessÿ>al»o points out that the line has of the Opposition In the British Co­ bers is espected. -The organisation was SALE NO. 1429. Vancouver—Barometer. 30.14; tempera­ formed to educate the public through POULTRY raw— Baron Shaughneasy In Montreal re­ never pkid operating expenses. There lumbia Legislature, returned to the ture. maximum yesterday. 70; minimum. is another Important phase of this situ­ the press on Insurance matters; to be cently anil obtained the very aatlafac- city during the week after an absence 50; wind, calm; weather, clear. tory promise from the head of the ation. and why it is so desirable that prepared with statistics in all their Before Buying Your Messrs. Stewart Williams & Co. Kamloops—Barometer. 10.06; tempera­ Canadian Pacific Railway system that thé Province be relieved either of tnjp of more than a month. Three sittings bearings on insurance activities and to ture* maximum yesterday, 82; minimum, he would recommend I Is Board to re­ necessity to renew or to take up the a day and one or two memorable early scrutinize legislation relating to In­ 52; wind, calm; weather, clear. lieve the Province of British Columbia bonds and that Is the state of the surance. The.federation has branches Teiteis, 6eese, Ducks Duly instructed will sell by Public Auc­ morning discourses left their mark on Prince Rupert—Barometer, 30.16; tem­ of the bonds in question and secure money market. The bonds In connec­ at Victoria, New Westminster. Kam­ tion at the Ht. Francis Hotel. Tates perature. maximum yesterday. 66; mini­ tion with the Nakusp A Slocan Rail­ and Chickcus Streets, on the road in consideration of the Gov­ the ex-Premier and as soon as the loops and Nelson, and its propaganda mum. 46; wind, calm; rain, .76; weather. ernment agreeing to forego Its claim way bear Interest at the rate of four per Legislature rose Mr. Bowser betook is being energetically conducted by See our display at the PUBLIC on the company for repayment of in­ cent., while a renewal would entail at himself towards the Interior, accom­ the executive comriütfSes at those MARKET Thursday Morning Temperature. terest charges advanced from year to least h> and a half per cent cost for panied by ex-Reeve M. P. Gordon of points. The president of the federation Max Min. Ducks, Turkeys» Geese, Chickens year. It Is expected that the suggestion the accommodation and increase the Oak Bay. . Is F W. Bonn Hefei I. with William ■ June 13 Cran brook ...... 84 of Baron Hhaughnessy will be accept­ yearly loss to the Province to some- Many of the districts contiguous to Thompson, vice-president, and on the Ducks» Turkeys, Geese, Chlekene ...... 84 at 11 o'clock sharp: 87 ft. Mahogany Penticton ...... ée to his Board, while this solution of where In the region of |«0,000: unless, the Kamloops *ectlotv,hgvé been visited executive are Messrs. Klderton. Twist, Grand Forks...... 86 Bar Fitting, with three large Plate the problem so far aa the Province Is of course. It were decided to take them by the ex-»Premier and he has invari­ Campbell. Gray, framer. Falconer and Nelson ...... ,m.. 86 Glass Mirrors; >43 ft. Mahogany Coun­ concerned would be very acceptable to UP' Would Be Clear: ably found opportunity to minister to Lewis. The secretary Is À. H Oood- ter with turn end; Nickel Silver Work <*Ug»ry ...... 90 the Government...... 79 46 the faithful members of his flock and Boards and Sinks, Long Brass Foot Edmonton ...... à...... All Round “Frost" If Barbn’Shaughnessy’i suggestion Is '☆ _ 6