Great Battle Goes on with but Little Change in Line
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WEATHER FORECASTS .♦ ♦ WHERE TO GO TONIGHT For 26 hours ending 5 p m Wednesday: . Victoria and vk.tnlty—Light to moder ate winds, fair and warm to-day and on *1 : Vantages—The Sawdust Ring. Wednesday Romano—Beauty in Chaîna. •Lower Mainland-Light to moderate Royal Victoria—The Blue Bird. winds, flue apd .warni to-day and on Variety—The Whlf«i»erlngX.*horue. Wednesday. Columbia—The Divorcee. Dominion—The Heart of a Lion. ■—=555— VOL. 52. NO. 142 VICTORIA, B. €., TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918 FOURTEEN PAGES GREAT BATTLE GOES ON WITH BUT LITTLE CHANGE IN LINE Enemy Long-Distance GERMAN ATTACKS IN FRANCE ARE Cans Again Shelled FRENCH REGAIN VILLAGE ON LEFT, City of Paris To-Day MOVES BY ARMY LEADERS FORCED Paris, June 11.—The German long RE-ESTABLISHED LINE IN CENTRE distance bombardment of Parts was re sumed this morning. Two persons were killed and nine were wounded during yesterday's bom BY BAD CONDITIONS IN GERMANY bardment. according to The. Eelair. AND LOSE GROUND ON THE RIGHT British Ministry of Information Says Offensive Due to Merry Retaken by Foch’s Men; Enemy Advances in State of Affairs in Enemy Country; Austria-Hungary AUSTRALIANS MOVE AHEAD EFFORT IS WEARING Centre But is Hurled Back by French; Withdrawal by IsjReported to Be Tottering ON MILE-AND-HALF FRONT D( French Troops on Right Wing of Front \Paris, June 11.—The German drive between the Montdidier and Ottawa, June 11.—A summary of the war situation for the past IN AREA EAST OF AMIENS Noyon regions continued unremittingly last night, says to-day’s offi week, cabled to Canada by the British Ministry of Information and Huge Wastage Being Suffered . by Germans in New cial report. issued here as official news, says: On their left the French offered effective resistance. They re “The conditions in Germany are less critical than those in Aus London, .Tune 11.—Australian troops last night carried out an Battle operation in the region east of Amiens by which the British line captured the village of Merry. tria-Hungary, but sufficiently bad to force the military authorities to south of Morlancourt wan advanced a half mile on a front of !» mile The principal German effort' was directed against the centre. seek an immediate decision in the field. and a half, the War Office announced to-day. Two hundred and Paris. June 11.—All the advices from Attacking with heavy forces, the enemy drove back the French as far “Reports from all sources prove that but for German control Aus thirty-three prisoner# were taken. , the battlefront show that the enemy as the region of the Aronde River, but by a brilliant counter-attack The statement reads : is putting every p*ie.«tbte effort in his tria would collapse because of economic bankruptcy and the disinte design to push toward Paris, throwing French troops hurled back the enemy all along this front and re-es gration of the divers Rationalities under the Hapsburg dominion. In “Last night another minor operation was undertaken with com division after division Into the conflict. plete success by Australian troops in the region of Morlancourt. The In the first two days of fighting yester tablished their lines south of Belloy, at St. Maur, south of Marque- HoU due to labor troubles and food shortage near Prague, in Bohemia, day and Sunday, he succeeded in line south of the village was advanced carrying forward his line at the maxi glise and at Vandelicourt. 300 persons recently were arrested. The Arbeiter Zeitung’s report of to a depth of nearly half a mile on a mum point of advance, at Vig'nemont. On their right the French engaged in violent combats with large front of more than a mile and a half a distance of six miles. In this he was the trial describes thirty-seven of these persons as lean, hungry and and 2SS prisoner*, twenty-one machine Reassuring News Is materially aided by a considerable num- forces concentrated by the enemy, who weak, with weeping children on their laps and half-grown lads and guns and a trench mortar were cap !>er of tanka which the French artillery was able to gain ground. The French tured by us.” at first was unable to demolish. girls. "Successful raids. In which we cap Brought From Front withdrew their line to the west and The enemy further succeeded In wid south of RibecourC tured several prisoners and two ma ening the point of his wedge by bring “Growing fear of revolution has driven the Austrian Emperor chine guns and inflicted numerous ing up two divisions of the Guards and The statement follows: casualties upon the enemy were car by French Premier “Yesterday and last night Ger-( more and more into the power of Germany.” two Bavarian divisions borrbwed from ried out by us during the night north- the army of Crown Prince Kupprecht. muns continued to exert pressure In weal- of Morlam ourt. south of the the direction of Kstress, tit. Denis and Paris, June 11.—Premier Clemencesu These troops captured the villages of Scarpe and east of Dieppe Forest. Merry. Ht. Maur and Belloy, giving the Ribevourt. Hnemy troops raided one of our posts conferred with seversl of the genersle enemy a plateau-behind which he eon "On our left our resistance was ef in Aveluy Wood. One man is missing. at the front yesterday and brought mas* troops, (tartly sheltered from fective. The Germans were able to “Hostile artillery was active during back with him, it ia declared, very re observation by the French. capture neither Le Ployron nefr Cour- SOMME OFFENSIVE JUNKERS' IDEA OF the night with gas shells to the west Terrible Losses. Former Victorian is Made of Lens."" assuring news on the situation. The in “The village of Merry was recap Along Ridge. .. formation which he gathered confirmed ir the danger to the French Is In tured by French troops at fen o'etodt the report» of the enormous tosses be loring grmmd that Is valuable as room Companion of Order of Bath"; last night. With the British Army In France, for manoeuvring, the x rmana are im- June 11.—(By the Associated Press» — ing suffered by the Germans. Others Honored “The greatest effort of the Germans I>ertlltng their lines by the human was exerted along the front of Belloy Further improvement In the British wastage which i* in progress. The Ger battlefront Just north ef the river man army as a whole has been en and Marquegllse. By a powerful at- Homme, between Hailly-Laurette and gaged for the last three months with tack. delivered with a great number British Ministry of Information Morlancourt, was achieved last night slight facilities for renewal. The balance London, June 11.—The following or effectives; the enemy succeeded in Vice-Chancellor Von Payer by a comparatively small bat highly WILSON URGES BEST seems to be Jn favor of the French. driving back our forces in th* vicinity successful attack made by soldiers Canadian offUifl are gazetted Com of the Aronde River, but by a magnifi Talks of Getman-Domin- The .resistance .that ia being offered panions of tSe Offtr «.f the Bath Compares It With Lys and from Australia. L>rB mg forward along by the French troops In this battle has cent return offensive French troops âted Central Europe the ridge <»f high ground which runs not been surpassed for determination Major-General Garnet B. Hughes. hurled the enemy back all along the Aisne Attacks east and west below Morlancourt, the during the whole war. Thus one little Major-General W. A. Logie and Colonel front, re-establishing their positions Australians foiyed the enemy back for EFFORTS OF WORKERS group of dismounted cavalry at Pie- on a line south of Belloy. at St. Maur, a distance of about 76» yards « Alex. Primrose. Sourt °f Mar,,ue*,i"* and at Vandell- considerable front. mint was almost surrounded, but beat off fourteen (ierman attacks, contri The following are gasetted Com pan Ottawa. June 11.—“It Is Interesting to Amsterdam. June 11.—A report of the Two German officers and 231 of other ions of #he Order of St. Michael and “On the right our troops engaged in ranks were made prisoners. Twenty- buting largely to the hindrance of the compare the three enemy offensives of speech made in the German Reichstag Sends Telegram to Great Labor advance. violent struggles In the wood north of by Von Payer, the Vice-Chancellor, on one machine guns and a trench mortar Ht. George: Major-General Thomas the Somme, th^e Lys and the Aisne,” Melted Away. Dreslincourt. The Germans, who had the new alliance between Germany and ere captured. Convention in Session Benson, Major-General Willoughby concentrated very heavy forces In this says a summary of the war situation Austria-Hungary, ways that after ex British troops also carried out sev In a summary of *e Paris news Gwatkin. Major-General W M. Hod- region. - were able to reach Antovai, eral satisfactory raid* at various points paper comment on the battle the Havas for the past week issued by the British plaining why such a union offered at St. Paul gins. Brigadier-General Donald Ho compelling our troops to withdraw Ministry of Information, cabled to Can bright prospects. Von Payer said that along the line. Agency refers to the small progress their line of resistance to the ada and Issued here as official news. all the advantages would he increased made by the Germans in comi>arlson garth. Colonel George Armstrong and south of Rlbecourt." "The Somme offensive opened March If Poland and the northern border with the price they had to pay.