Week/Wythnos 3 January/Ionawr 14-20, 2012


2 Weatherman Walking 3 Welsh Greats: Margaret John 4 Rhys to the Rescue 5 Pawb a’i Farn 6

Places of interest/Llefydd o ddiddordeb:

Abertridwr 4 Amlwch 5 Anglesey 5 Barry 3 Montgomery 2 Pembrokeshire 2 4

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NOTE TO EDITORS: All details correct at time of going to press, but programmes are liable to change. Please check with BBC Cymru Wales Communications before publishing.

NODYN I OLYGYDDION: Mae’r manylion hyn yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg, ond mae rhaglenni yn gallu newid. Cyn cyhoeddi gwybodaeth, cysylltwch â’r Adran Gyfathrebu.

WEATHERMAN WALKING Monday, January 16, BBC One Wales, 7.30pm .co.uk/weathermanwalking 2

This week we see forecaster Derek Brockway take two fascinating walks on long distance paths in Weatherman Walking - along one of the best sections of the Pembrokeshire coastal path, and then following a little explored stretch of the Offa's Dyke path through the Welsh marches.

Singer, actor, television and radio presenter Gwenno Dafydd takes Derek to the rugged coastline of north Pembrokeshire. With an array of beautiful beaches and wonderful views, they begin at Trefin and end their 10 ½ mile walk at Pwll Deri youth hostel.

The weatherman then heads for a hike on the Dyke, beginning in the hamlet of Churchtown. Writer and photographer Jim Saunders guides Derek along the eight mile route - following the Dyke as it criss-crosses the border between England and Wales. The rolling countryside rewards them with wonderful views before they finally reach their destination, the picturesque town of Montgomery - one of Wales’ hidden gems.

Ceri Mears

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WELSH GREATS: MARGARET JOHN Monday, January 16, BBC One Wales, 11.05pm

This week’s Welsh Greats looks back at the long and distinguished career of a national treasure and Welsh icon, the much loved actress Margaret John, who died in 2011.

She achieved the peak of her fame at the end of her career when she had the opportunity to show off her sense of humour in the BBC Wales comedy High Hopes, where her character, Mam, was known for her outrageous comments. But the award-winning actress was best known in the UK for her role as Doris, Gwen’s flirtatious and elderly neighbour, in the Barry-based hit comedy-drama Gavin and Stacey.

Born in Swansea in 1926, John spent years learning her craft on stage and it paid off when she began making regular appearances in popular programmes such as Z Cars and the Troubleshooters.

Vivacious Margaret was engaged six times before she met the love of her life, violinist Ben Evans. But in 1978, as she found stability in her professional life, her personal life fell apart when Ben died of cancer.

Ceri Mears

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RHYS TO THE RESCUE Wednesday, January 18, BBC One Wales, 7.30pm

Having travelled around the world as a biologist, licensed wildlife handler and an animal behaviourist, Dr Jones handles some of the country’s rarest and most dangerous animals.

In the opening episode of the new series of Rhys to the Rescue, there’s a squatter in an Abertridwr bathroom - a live corn snake 36 inches long. Rhys finds the snake skin, but will he be able to safely rescue the North American snake without injury?

In a south Wales forest, eye witnesses believe they’ve sighted a large panther or some sort of big cat, but can Rhys capture the cat on camera? He then heads to Wales Ape and Monkey Sanctuary in the Swansea valley - home to around 300 unwanted animals. When Billy the chimpanzee arrives, following a journey from a Bulgarian zoo, Rhys is on hand to see he settles down well. After 15 years alone in a small cage, how will Billy react when he meets the two other resident chimps at his new home?

Ceri Mears

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PAWB A’I FARN Dydd Iau, Ionawr 19, BBC Cymru ar , 8.25pm Thursday, January 19, BBC Cymru Wales on S4C, 8.25pm

Daw Pawb a’i Farn, rhaglen BBC Cymru sy’n rhoi llwyfan i holi a thrafod pynciau a materion y dydd, o Fôn yr wythnos hon. Dewi Llwyd sydd wrth y llyw unwaith eto, ac yn rhoi cyfle i banel o bedwar ffigwr cyhoeddus a chynulleidfa fyw geisio a lleisio barn.

Canolfan Hamdden Amlwch fydd y gyrchfan, wrth i gynulleidfa o bobol yr ynys holi'r panel. Yn ymuno â Dewi Llwyd bydd Guto Bebb AS, Elfyn Llwyd AS, Branwen Niclas o elusen Cymorth Cristnogol a’r Parchedig Geraint Tudur. Mae’n siŵr o fod yn drafodaeth fywiog a phynciau fel Gorsaf Bŵer yr Wylfa a chyfeiriad polisi economaidd y Llywodraeth yn siŵr o godi pen.

Pawb a’i Farn, BBC Cymru Wales’ debate programme, is in Anglesey this week. Presented by Dewi Llwyd, the programme gives the public the chance to voice their opinions and put questions to a panel of well known faces. The panel at Amlwch’s Leisure Centre includes Guto Bebb MP, Elfyn Llwyd MP, Branwen Niclas from Christian Aid and the Reverend Geraint Tudur.

Mari Williams

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POBOL Y CWM Llun-Gwener, Ionawr 16-20, BBC Cymru ar S4C, 8pm Monday-Friday, January 16-20, BBC Wales on S4C, 8pm bbc.co.uk/pobolycwm

Yn fuan iawn wedi dathliadau diweddar Siôn a Britt, mae awyrgylch llawer mwy difrifol yn y pentref wrth i nifer o drigolion Cwmderi gael eu taro’n wael ac i gorff Gwilym Tacsi gael ei ddarganfod yn swyddfa Deri Deithio. Ai’r cig rhad brynodd Andy neu dwrcwn Penrhewl sydd ar fai?

Mae Siôn yn troi at Dduw i ateb ei weddi tra mae Cadno ac Eifion yn ceisio ffoi o Gwmderi i ddiogelu’r babi a chaiff Denzil ei daro’n wael. Nid oes neb yn fodlon camu dros drothwy eu tai, gymaint yw difrifoldeb y sefyllfa.

Un peth sy’n sicr, bydd digwyddiadau trasig yr wythnos hon yn gadael eu hôl ar y Cwm am byth - a bydd pawb yn teimlo’r effaith.

Soon after celebrating Siôn and Britt’s wedding, there is a much more sombre mood in the village. Many of Cwmderi’s residents are seriously ill, and Gwilym Taxi’s body is found in the Deri Deithio office. Could it be the cheap meat Andy bought to cater for the party or are Penrhewl’s turkeys at fault? No one is sure why so many people are ill or what’s causing it.

Siôn turns to God to answer his prayers. Cadno and Eifion flee from Cwmderi to keep the baby safe and Denzil is under the weather. People are panicking and staying indoors, such is the seriousness of the situation.

But one thing is for certain, this week’s tragic events will leave their legacy in the valley - and everyone will feel the effect.

Meleri Thomas