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Xavier University Newswire Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2016-04-27 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2016). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 769. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/769 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Campus News Op-Ed Sports 7DNHDORRNDWWKH\HDU·VPRVW Outgoing Sports Editor Brent The sports section takes astounding Police Notes along Raines shares an interesting an- a look back at the suc- ZLWKWKH1RWHRIWKH<HDU ecdote about his roommate from FHVV RI WKLV \HDU·V DWK- KLVÀUVW\HDUDW;DYLHU OHWLFWHDPV page 4 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIPDLQHVSRUWVEORJFRP page 3 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIPHQWDOÁRVVFRP 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIIDFHERRNFRP page 6 Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat coelum Volume CI Issue 30 April 27, 2016 ‘Pig Roast’ gains ocial sponsor BY MAX BRUNS IRUPDO LQYROYHPHQW LQ WKH PL[HGWRSRVLWLYHDQGFXUUHQWVH- Staff Writer HYHQW niors hope to see it continue into ´3LJ 5RDVWµ D VWDSOH LQ WKH 7KH LQYROYHPHQW ZLWK WKHIXWXUH “Pig Roast” mounted ;DYLHU FRPPXQLW\ GHVSLWH 'DQD·V LQFOXGHG DQ HIIRUW WR ´,W ZDVQ·W TXLWH DV IXQ EH- QRW RIÀFLDOO\ EHLQJ VSRQVRUHG UDLVH PRQH\ WR JLYH EDFN WR FDXVH LW ZDV PDMRULW\ VHQLRUVµ a comeback under the E\ WKH XQLYHUVLW\ ZDV UHYLYHG WKH;DYLHUFRPPXQLW\EHFDXVH MXQLRU /HD (LGHQVKLQN VDLG 6DWXUGD\ DIWHU D \HDUORQJ KLD- WKHHYHQWLVJHDUHGWRZDUGVWX- ´1RWKLQJ ZLOO HYHU WRS RXU sponsorship of Dana Gardens WXV DW WKH ORFDO ZDWHULQJ KROH GHQWV GHVSLWH QRW KDYLQJ DQ IUHVKPDQ\HDUµ 'DQD*DUGHQV official sponsorship from the ´,WZDVEHWWHUWKDQH[SHFWHGµ ĂŌĞƌďĞŝŶŐŽĸĐŝĂůůLJĐĂŶĐĞůĞĚ ,Q WKH SDVW ´3LJ 5RDVWµ XQLYHUVLW\ MXQLRU/RXLV'HYLWRVDLG´EXWLW has taken place on a prede- ´7KLV \HDU ZH GHFLGHG ZDVQ·WDVJUHDWDVLWZDVLQSUHYL- termined block of student to keep the donation in the RXV\HDUVµ ůĂƐƚLJĞĂƌ͘ƵƚĚŝĚŝƚŵĞĂƐƵƌĞ housing in the Norwood area ;DYLHUIDPLO\E\GRQDWLQJRYHU “It was seen as a great last LQWKHIRUPRI DPDVVLYH\HDU WR $PDQGD·V $UP\ D KRRUDK IRU WKH &ODVV RI µ ƵƉƚŽƉĂƐƚLJĞĂƌƐ͍ HQGSDUW\ FKDULW\IRUFXUUHQWVRSKRPRUH *ROLDWKVDLG +RZHYHU OHJDO FRQFHUQV HI- $PDQGD 0RUJXHODQµ *ROLDWK IHFWLYHO\ FDQFHOHG WKH RUJDQL]HG VDLG HYHQWODVW\HDU 7KH PRYH PHDQW WKDW PDQ\ 7KLV\HDUVHYHUDOVWXGHQWVDS- VWXGHQWV ZKR ZRXOG QRUPDOO\ proached the owners of Dana KRVW XQRIÀFLDO SDUWLHV DW WKHLU Gardens and proposed that Pig KRXVHV ZRXOG KDYH D OHJLWLPDWH Roast be held at and sponsored place to hang out with peers and E\WKHEDUWRDYRLGWKHLVVXHVWKDW KDYHDJRRGWLPHZLWKRXWEHLQJ DURVHODVW\HDU OLDEOH IRU DQ\ GDPDJH WR WKHLU 'DQD *DUGHQV DJUHHG DQG SURSHUW\ PDQ\ ;DYLHU VWXGHQWV RYHU WKH ´7KH UHDVRQLQJ EHKLQG PRY- DJH RI ÁRFNHG WR WKH HVWDE- LQJ ¶3LJ 5RDVW· IURP KRXVHV WR OLVKPHQW IRU WKH ÀUVW RIÀFLDO Danas was the fact that we did 'DQD·VVSRQVRUHG ´3LJ 5RDVWµ QRW ZDQW WKH OLDELOLW\ WR IDOO RQ RQ6DWXUGD\ RQHLQGLYLGXDORUKRXVHKROGHV- ´7KLV HYHQW LV QRW DIÀOLDWHG SHFLDOO\ ZLWK WKH HYHQW EHLQJ VR ZLWK WKH VFKRROµ VHQLRU 1LFN close to graduation and/or in- *ROLDWK RQH RI VWXGHQWV ZKR WHUQVKLS RSSRUWXQLWLHVµ *ROLDWK IDFLOLWDWHG WKH 'DQD·V WDNHRYHU VDLG VDLG´7KDWEHLQJVDLGZHWU\WR $ORQJ WKRVH OLQHV WKH QHZ WDSLQWRWKH;DYLHUFRPPXQLW\ HYHQWORFDWLRQNHSWEHWWHUFRQWURO DQGDOXPVIRUKHOSµ RYHU WKH SRSXODWLRQ RI XQGHU- 6HQLRUV -DFN &DUH\ 'DYLG DJH VWXGHQWV ZKR DUHQ·W OHJDOO\ Wietlisbach and Michelle allowed to be at parties or con- Klueppelberg were also in- VXPHDOFRKRO YROYHG ZLWK RUJDQL]LQJ 'DQD·V 5HFHSWLRQ WR WKH HYHQW ZDV Williams College of Business selects new dean BY MICAH PRICE +DLOVWRQHV WKH ÀUVW YLVLWV E\ ORFDO OHDGHUV thoughts that seem to further MRUVVHYHQPLQRUVDQGÀYH0%$ Staff Writer 7KRXJKKRPHJURZQ+D\HV· VLQFH UHODWLRQV KDYH EHHQ VRPH- LGHDVDOUHDG\LQSODFHDWWKHEXVL- SURJUDPV7KHVFKRRODOVRRIIHUV The Williams College of UHVXPH GRHV QRW GLVDSSRLQW what normalized following the QHVVVFKRROVXFKDVH[SHULHQWLDO JUDGXDWHGHJUHHVLQDFFRXQWDQF\ Business has found itself a new :LWK D GHJUHH LQ SV\FKRORJ\ QHDUO\\HDUORQJ86HPEDUJR OHDUQLQJ DQGFRVWXPHUDQDO\WLFV dean as the 2015-2016 school DQ 0%$ DQG D 3K' IURP WKH DJDLQVW&XED “I am looking forward to +D\HVZLOOEHDWWKHVSHDUKHDG \HDUFRPHVWRDFORVH 8QLYHUVLW\RI &LQFLQQDWLLQ 2II FDPSXV +D\HV VKDULQJP\SDVVLRQDQGORYHIRU of all these programs beginning 7RP +D\HV FXUUHQWO\ D SUR- +D\HVFRPHVKLJKO\TXDOLÀHG is known for co-found- WKH EXVLQHVVVFKRRO DQG;DYLHU RQ-XO\ZKHQKLVDSSRLQWPHQW IHVVRU DQG FKDLU RI WKH ;DYLHU $PHPEHURI WKH;DYLHUIDF- LQJ 6LPSVRQ6FDUERURXJK D with the Cincinnati business RIÀFLDOO\ WDNHV SODFH 2Q WKDW 0DUNHWLQJ'HSDUWPHQWZDVFKR- XOW\ VLQFH +D\HV VWHSV LQ :DVKLQJWRQ '& EDVHG KLJKHU FRPPXQLW\ DQG ZRUNLQJ FROODE- GD\DVHFRQGJHQHUDWLRQIDFXOW\ sen for the position after an ex- IRU%ULDQ7LOOZKROHIW;DYLHULQ HGXFDWLRQUHVHDUFKEUDQGLQJDQG RUDWLYHO\ZLWKDOORI RXULQWHUQDO PHPEHU ZLOO PRYH XS 3HUKDSV WHQVLYH QDWLRQZLGH VHDUFK ZDV ODVW-XO\IRUWKHEXVLQHVVVFKRRODW PDUNHWLQJFRPSDQ\ DQG H[WHUQDO SDUWQHUVµ +D\HV WKHUHLVDWKLUG+D\HVWREHFRPH FRPSOHWHG 0DUTXHWWH “I am both honored and excit- VDLG President down the line? +D\HV KDV GHHSVHHGHG FRQ- +D\HVLVNQRZQDURXQGFDP- ed to begin work as the Williams The Williams College of +D\HV DQG KLV ZLIH 0DJ QHFWLRQV WR ;DYLHU +LV IDWKHU SXV IRU KLV VWXG\ DEURDG LQLWLD- &ROOHJHRI %XVLQHVVGHDQµ+D\HV %XVLQHVV RIÀFLDOO\ RIIHUV D ZLGH KDYHWKUHHJURZQFKLOGUHQDQG .DQH\+D\HVVHUYHGDVDQHFR- WLYHV LQFOXGLQJ KLV UHFHQW WULSV VDLGLQDSUHVVUHOHDVH UDQJH RI GHJUHH SURJUDPV LQ- OLYHLQ+\GH3DUNQRWIDUIURP nomics professor under Thomas ZLWK VWXGHQWV WR &XED RQH RI +D\HV DOVR H[SUHVVHG cluding 11 undergraduate ma- FDPSXV 2 Xavier Newswire Edited by: Henry Eden April 27, 2016 Campus News [email protected] On Campus This Week: Former Kroger Executives Compiled by Henry Eden Xavier Music Series: to speak to Xavier Grads - Spring Choral Concert, (April 27, 7:30 p.m.) an organization which encouraged In addition to the guest speak- BY CHARLOTTE CHEEK Staff Writer supermarkets to donate food which er, the Xavier Commencement The Music Series opens in concert, featuring the XU Handbell can’t be sold but is still perfectly is known for a number of other Ensemble, Women’s Chorus, Edgecliff Vocal Ensemble, Men’s As the school year comes to good to eat to food banks. factors. Chorus and Concert Choir a close the class of 2016 is pre- “She’s been a strong sup- After the graduates process in paring for the 178th Annual porter of Xavier for a long and the stage party enters, Father Commencement. Graham is the last to - XU Symphonic Wind and Percussion Ensembles The undergradu- enter. (April 28, 7:30 p.m.) ate ceremony will “He does a tre- take place on May mendous job at - Classical Piano: Polina Bespalko 14 at 9 a.m., and ramping up the (May 1, 2:30 p.m.) the graduate cer- crowd. I’ve been emony will follow to a lot of universi- Polina Bespalko, Coordinator for the Xavier Music Series per- at 3 p.m. ties, and I’ve never IRUPVDWWKHVHULHVIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHVLQFH Each year, a seen someone who distinguished pro- gets everyone in the - XU Opera Workshop fessional is invited mood as well as he (May 3, 8 p.m.) to speak at the does,” Chadwick Commencement said. The Xavier Opera Workshop presents several moments from and awarded an In the eyes of Mozart’s Così fan tutte. Honorary Degree. the administration, Past speakers have this is a class to included Adobe remember. DIFT Senior Film Screening: creator Charles Photo courtesy of gannet-cdn.com “I think the class XavierFest will take place April 29th on the Xavier Green. The even will (Friday, April 29, 7 p.m.) Geschke and of 2016 have done astronaut Neil a really good job of Seniors in the Digital Innovation Film & Television program Armstrong. time”Scott Chadwick, Provost understanding what the mission SUHVHQWWKHLUVKRUW¿OPV This year’s undergraduate and Chief Academic Advisor of the university is and what the speaker will be Lynn Marmer, VDLG´,ÀQGKHUWREHDPD]LQJ student commitment is and really XavierFest: I’ve known her for a number integrating it into what they’re do- the former Vice President of (Friday, April 29) Corporate Affairs of Kroger. of years. She really cares about ing,” Chadwick said. “It’s been an Marmer, a University of people, and she cares about appropriately productive class.” 4 p.m.- Lauren Eid (Acoustic Singer/Songwriter) Cincinnati grad, retired early this helping people have better lives. 7KH FHUHPRQ\·V ÀQDOH LV H[- year after 18 years at Kroger. She She tries to empower them, un- pected to impress. However, the 5 p.m. - The Filharmonic (A Capella Group) is still active in the Cincinnati derstand the systems they live in, details wont be disclosed. 6 p.m. - DNK (Pop/Rap Duo) community and has made strives and educate people all around “We never say what the ending to reduce hunger worldwide. One KHU VSKHUH RI LQÁXHQFH WR WU\ will be. You’ve got to see it to be- 7:15 p.m. - My Body Sings Electric (Alt./Indie Rock) of her biggest projects was the to come up with workable solu- lieve it.”” There are slight twists Perishable Donations Partnership, tions with people and cities.” every year,” Chadwick said. 8:15 p.m. - Magic! (Canadian Reggae, ‘known for ‘Rude’) A Year in Review: XU Student Involvement BY ERICA LAMPERT “American Marketing Association this year growing their followers the amount of rookies we have Mystery Bus series, the Powerful Staff Writer and Accounting Society have also and fan base on social media by are almost equal to the number Women Lecture series and a num- done well with drawing students producing original content geared of our returning players—but we EHURI WULSVRII FDPSXVWRH[FLW- ;DYLHU·V 2IÀFH RI 6WXGHQW to their activities.” toward the women here on cam- have also improved quickly too,” ing concerts,” Lewis said. Involvement has been busy this Several major events re- pus,” Lewis said.
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