West Wolds Slow the Flow Case Study: Parish - Issues Parish boundary River issues Surface Water (SW) issues Base mapping is OS 25k with EA Flood Zones 2/3 (River) and Surface Water Connected issue: water from Newbald / Hotham Beck ows into NC Beck and affects centre of NC village

Hotham Park (west): SW from drains Nordham: SW from elds + Hotham Park (east): woodland to north inow from Hotham Beck + drains to west

Fishponds/Church Ln / Connected issue: water from Blanshards Ln+ centre of village: from North Cave Beck / Dale ows into Drewton Beck / NC Beck Church St: from and affects centre of NC village NC Beck + SW from Nordham / Littlemoor Littlemoor Drain Drain

Townend Ln: from NC Beck Westgate: SW For an overview of from car park West Wolds Slow the and highway High Rd: Flow, please see the SW from elds to north website and, in Everthorpe Lane: particular, the Position Newport Rd: SW from elds to Statement available from NC Beck Finkle St: from north+east from the home page: Littlemoor Drain www.WestWoldsSlow + Westgate TheFlow.org.uk

This document is one Station Rd/ Everthorpe Low Rd: South Ings Ln: of five proposed School: SW from SW from High Rd and SW + ground water WWSTF Parish Case Littlemoor Drain Everthorpe Rd to east from NC Beck Studies: Newbald, Hotham, North Cave, , Ellerker + . Low Mill Ln / Mires Beck Connected issue: Each Parish Case Study Nursery: water from south of will link to individual from North Cave Everthorpe ows into site/area Case Studies Beck Ferry Beck and affects to show the issues and Connected issue: Flooding issues West End proposals in more reported in this area? water from Mires Beck affects Ellerker detail.

Crown Copyright and database right 2021. Ordnance Survey 100023383. East Riding of Council. [email protected]