April 1, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E605 ‘‘Chris was a comedian when you needed a parents, teachers and classmates who pro- TRIBUTE HONORING BISHOP laugh, a strong voice of reason when you vided support and guidance to all the players. DANIEL ALEXANDER PAYNE couldn’t focus and mighty force to be reck- The Rocks finished their season with a re- oned with when he had your back. His light will forever shine and anyone who ever had markable record of 30–3. Their success was HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN any contact with him knew right away that driven by incredible work ethic and devotion to OF he was special.’’ Dena Craig team. For the nine graduating seniors, this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Chris put simply, was a great guy. I ad- memorable championship run will serve as the Friday, April 1, 2011 mired and respected his knowledge of polit- perfect conclusion to their high school careers. ical issues and the process. He had a zest for Again, congratulations to the Rock Island Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to life and it was evident in his every action High School Varsity Boys’ Basketball team pay tribute to a legendary theological educator which impacted many. I know I am a better and go Rocks! who helped found the person to have met and worked with such an and was a driving force in bringing the African amazing person. He will be dearly missed by Methodist Episcopal Church to the South. The us all, however, he will live on through every f person he interacted with.’’ Eric Hammond 200th anniversary of Bishop Daniel Alexander ‘‘Chris was a colleague that was easy to IN RECOGNITION OF Payne’s birth is being celebrated on April 1, work with and always willing to help. He en- MEMORIALCARE HEALTH SYSTEM 2011, by the Seventh Episcopal District of the joyed life and we (my wife & I) will surely African Methodist Episcopal Church. I join with miss him. RIP my brother!’’ Rod Givens HON. LAURA RICHARDSON them in commemorating the remarkable life of ‘‘Chris had the ability to light up a room this South Carolina native who was an instru- OF CALIFORNIA wherever he went. I was always amazed at mental figure in the education and develop- how many people he knew and was friends IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with. People could tell what a special indi- ment of a uniquely African-American church in vidual he was and were drawn to him. He Friday, April 1, 2011 communities of color. Daniel Alexander Payne was born in didn’t believe in letting life, opportunity or Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise fun pass him by. He lived more in his 29 Charleston, South Carolina, on February 24, years than some people experience in a life- today to recognize and celebrate an innovator 1811. He was born free, and was of African, time. I believe all the lives he touched and in the health care delivery industry: European, and Native American descent. He inspired will be his legacy.’’ Jennifer MemorialCare Health System. A not-for-profit had a thirst for knowledge and was educated Stiddard integrated delivery system, MemorialCare by the Minor’s Moralist Society school when ‘‘Chris beamed life!’’ Nanette Spencer serves the health care needs of individuals ‘‘Chris Crowe was a friend to everyone he he was eight and nine. He also received in- and families throughout southern California. struction for three years from a private tutor. met and always had a smile on his face. His Two of MemorialCare’s flagship facilities, the bright presence, good humor, and friendship Because there was a lack of quality schools will be sorely missed and remembered fondly Long Beach Memorial Medical Center and Mil- for black students, he continued to educate by many.’’ Chris Kelley ler Children’s Hospital Long Beach, play a himself at home in mathematics, physical ‘‘Rarely do you meet a human who is ray major role in promoting the health and science, and classical languages. of sunshine that is coupled with a warm, ra- wellness of my district. MemorialCare’s other In 1829, when he was just 18 years old, diant smile. And, when this unique person facilities—Orange Coast Memorial Medical Daniel Payne opened his own school in comes along, you never forget the impact on Center in Fountain Valley, CA and Saddleback your life. For me, that is who Christopher Charleston to teach black children how to read Memorial Medical Center in Laguna Hills, CA and write. Six years later, the South Carolina Crowe is and will always be.’’ Kwamme An- and San Clemente, CA—are also vitally impor- derson General Assembly out of fear of a slave revolt ‘‘Elif and I are shocked and saddened by tant to the wellbeing of the populations that passed legislation that restricted the rights of Chris’s passing and we share the Crowe fam- they serve. people of color and slaves. Among those laws ily and friend’s grief and deep sadness. Chris In addition to its already impressive list of was a prohibition on teaching free blacks and was an exceptional individual, friend and a recognitions and accolades, MemorialCare slaves to be literate. The penalty carried fines global citizen. He will be missed by all of us was recently honored with the Gallup 2011 and imprisonment. This forced Daniel Payne privileged to have known and worked with Great Workplace Award. The Gallup Great him.’’ Murat Gokcigdem to close his school, and he ultimately chose to Workplace Award is based on what is being leave South Carolina. f called ‘‘the most rigorous workplace research In 1835, he traveled to where CONGRATULATING ROCK ISLAND ever conducted.’’ This year only 28 other com- he enrolled in the Lutheran Theological Semi- HIGH SCHOOL VARSITY BOYS’ panies received this honor, which is reserved nary. He was unable to finish his studies due BASKETBALL TEAM for the most productive and engaged to failing eyesight, and did not complete his workforces in the world. According to Gallup, ordination. In 1842, he joined the African HON. ROBERT T. SCHILLING employees at MemorialCare and other hon- Methodist Episcopal Church, because he be- ored companies are twice as likely as employ- OF ILLINOIS lieved that a strong black denomination could ees elsewhere to agree that: they receive rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES play a significant role in combating ognition for their good work; they feel like their and racism. He worked within the church to Friday, April 1, 2011 opinions count; their colleagues encourage improve the education of ministers, so they Mr. SCHILLING. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to their professional development; they have co- would have a broad base of knowledge that congratulate the Rock Island High School Var- workers who are committed to quality work; would help them more effectively lead their sity Boys’ Basketball team for their victory in and they work for a company whose mission congregations. the Illinois Class 3A State Championship. On and purpose make them feel like their job is He was still passionate about teaching, Saturday, March 19, the Rock Island Rocks important. opening a new school in 1840 for the edu- defeated Centralia High School 50–40 in a MemorialCare Health System has recog- cation of young blacks. By 1845, he estab- double overtime victory to clinch their first ever nized something that is critical to our future lished an AME seminary to help teach his phi- State Championship. prosperity: productive and enlightened man- losophy about ministers’ educational pursuits. I would like to commend each player’s com- agement that respects and empowers workers While the seminary didn’t last long, his stature mitment, hard work and dedication to their leads to economic success and strong com- in the church led him to new opportunities. team. Royce Muskeyvalley, Cameron Ruiz, munities. I am proud that the Long Beach Me- In 1848, Daniel Payne was named as the Romal Davis, Chasson Randle, DaShawn morial Medical Center and Miller Children’s historiographer of the AME Church. That was Banks, Marquel Beasley, Devon Jones, Hospital Long Beach stand as shining exam- followed in 1852 by his election and consecra- Darquez Bonner, Denzel McCauley, Greg ples of this approach in my district. As we tion as the sixth bishop of the AME denomina- Henderson, Keith Keesy, and Shaquille Jalloh. continue working as a nation to create good- tion. Just four years later, he joined with two In addition, I would like to extend my con- paying jobs and strengthen our economic re- other AMEs and 18 white representatives of gratulations to the head coach, Thom Sigel, to covery, I hope that employers across the the Methodist Episcopal Church in founding the assistant coaches, Dan Coyne-Logan, country will take note of MemorialCare’s lead- Wilberforce University in . Bishop Payne Tony Hickman, Chad Baker, Damon and Bran- ership in this area. was selected as its first president, which also don Colvin, Rod Leatherman, and Keith Beck, Mr. Speaker, I extend my sincere congratu- earned him the designation as the first Afri- and to the athletic trainer, Tim Mangold. Fi- lations to MemorialCare Health System for this can-American college president in America. nally, I wish to extend a special thanks to the honor. He led the college from 1856 until 1877. In

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