4927 Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012 ISSN 1819-544X This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed


Effect of dung , sacer (: ) on certain biochemical contents of leaves and fruits of tomato and squash plants

Hamdy E.M. Hanafy

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Shoubra El-Kheima , Cairo, Egypt


Nutrient elements and total proteins content in leaves and fruits of tomato and squash plants as affected by the activity of dung beetles, (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were determined. Two sizes of dung beetles were considered, large and small beetles measuring 35 mm and 20 mm in length, respectively, as well as the number of beetles included in the soil mixed with dung. Generally, the activity of dung beetles in the soil mixed with dung increased nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium or total proteins content in dry leaves and fruits. These contents were always higher in the presence of dung beetles as compared to the control (where no beetles were introduced in the soil). Also, large dung beetles were more effective than small beetles in increasing plant elements or total proteins and the fewer number of pairs in the tested soil led to the higher level of nutrients and total proteins. Furthermore, elements of plant content and total proteins were the highest when one pair of large was considered followed by two large beetles and then gradually decreased in the following investigation.

Key words: Dung beetles, Scarabaeus sacer, Tomato plants, Squash plants, Element nutrients, Total proteins


Since the time of the ancient Egyptians, dung beetles have been revered as a representation of rebirth and rejuvenation(Hanski and Cambefort, 1991) Dung beetles were as a symbol of the sun-god Ra and it was believed that they rolled the sun across the sky each day and buried it in the evening, only to emerge again the following morning (Walters, 2008). Dung beetles are extremely important ecologically and are a major component of the biological removal of dung and control of pests and parasites which use dung for breeding (Fincher, 1973). Ecological contributions to the pasture ecosystem by dung beetles have been studied from numerous angles including pest and parasite control (Bornemissza, 1970; Bryan, 1973 and 1976; Waghorn et al., 2002; Chirico et al., 2003), nutrient cycling (Lindquist, 1933; Harris et al., 1980; Gittings et al., 1994). Dung beetles are important to healthy cattle pasture ecosystems as they provide for nutrient recycling, removal of waste products from the soil surface and assist in the reduction of pestiferous flies (Phillip and Lois, 2012). Dung beetles inadvertently help to remove dung from pastures and return it to the soil by burying dung in large quantities to feed their young. This process provides many benefits to agriculture and ecosystems, including making nutrients available for use by plants (Tyndale-Biscoe, 1994). Dung beetles significantly increase the rate of dung decomposition (Wratten and Forbes, 1996), with larvae being able to consume up to 100% of their body weight per day until pupation (Holter, 1974). In addition, burial of dung by the beetles increases soil aeration and the eventual leaching of water and nutrients into the soil (Bornemissza, 1960, Bang et al. 2005). Soil aeration resulting from dung burial (Mittal, 1993) enhances the role dung beetles play in nutrient cycling (Halffter and Matthews, 1966; Mittal; 1993 and Estrada et al. 1998). Soil aeration lowers runoff of surface wastes and aid in reduction of water contamination and algal blooms (Walters, 2008). Two processes transfer nutrients from cattle dung into soil. Nutrients are transferred in a water-soluble state from the dung by rainwater that infiltrates into the dung, along with moisture in the dung. In addition, nutrients are carried into the soil as dung pellets by soil fauna. Regarding transportation by soil , the role of dung beetles is considered to be important (Nakamura, 1975; Holter, 1979; Lumaret and Kadiri, 1995). The present study was carried out to determine, the effect of dung beetles, S. sacer activity on element contents (N, P, Ca, K and Mg) and total proteins in tomato and squash plant leaves and fruits.

Corresponding Author: Hamdy E.M. Hanafy, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Shoubra El-Kheima , Cairo, Egypt E-mail:[email protected] 4928 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012

Material and Methods

The present study was conducted at the Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University.

Maintenance of the Scarabaeus sacer: The stock culture of S. sacer adult beetles were collected from Abo-Rawash region at Giza Governorate, the beetles were placed in plastic boxes filled with soil composed of an equal ratio of sand and clay, which was kept always moist. Fresh cattle dung obtained from the farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, at Shalakan, Qualyobia Governorate was placed on the surface of the soil.

Effect of S. sacer on the percentage of elements and total proteins in dry weight of tomato and squash plants:

For each plant, 15 cages measured 2.0 x 1.2 x 1.8 m and 60 cm in depth and covered on all sides with wire mesh to prevent the escape of beetles were divided each by a vertical parrier to two equal parts (Fig. 1). Each part of the cages was provided with soil at a ratio of 1: 1 (sand: clay). The first part of each cage was planted with five seedling of tomato (Fayrouz, variety) and the second part was planted with 5 seeds of squash (Mabroka, variety) in a depth of 5cm. After germination, three seedling of squash plant were removed. Fresh cattle dung weighing 1000g was added to the soil of each part of the cages. Young adult S. sacer beetles were collected from the stock culture. The collected beetles were divided according to their size into two groups. The first group contained large beetles with approximately 35mm in length and the second one contained small beetles with approximately 20mm in length. 12 of the prepared cages were divided to 4 groups (treatments), each group contained 3 replicates. Each part of the cages was planted with tomato and the other part with squash as mentioned before. One pair or two pairs (male and female) each large or small of beetles were introduced to the cages as follows: one pair of large beetles; two pairs of large beetles; one pair of small beetles or two pairs of small beetles were introduced to each part of the cages and each treatment was triplicate. The other three cages were left without beetles as control. Then the cages were exposed to the sun, for 48 hours where the beetles mixed the added freshly deposited dung with the soil (Fig. 2, A and B).

Fig. 1: Cage of agriculture contains soil and added fresh dung on the surface.

A B Fig. 2: The freshly dung mixed with the soil by dung beetles, S. sacer. . Analysis of plants:

After four weeks of plantation date, three samples of tomato and squash leaves were taken from each treatment and three months later, three samples of tomato and squash fruits were taken. Samples were analyzed

4929 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012 in Arid land plant, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture to determine certain biochemical contents (total protein and the elements of N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in leaves and fruits according to the method described by Page et al. (1982). Data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using F test and means were compared by Tukey's Standardized Range Test at 0. 05 probability level. Results:

1. Effect of dung beetles, S. sacer activity on elements content in tomato and squash plants:

1.1. Nutrient elements in tomato and squash leaves:

Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium contents in dry weight of tomato and squash leaves were always higher in the presence of S. sacer beetles than the control. Furthermore, the inclusion of a fewer number of beetles led to a higher increase in nutrient elements contents than the higher number of beetles. In addition, activity of larger beetles had a stronger impact on nutrient elements contents in the leaves of tomato and squash plants than smaller sized beetles (Table 1 and Fig.3). Nitrogen content when no dung beetles were added in the soil mixed with dung represented only 2.5% of dry weight of tomato and squash leaves. As seen in Table 1, the presence of S. sacer in the soil mixed with dung led to an increase in nitrogen leave content. This increase level was higher when one large pair of S. sacer was introduced than small one. Furthermore, the lower number of beetles had stronger impact in increasing soil nitrogen content. The highest mean percentage of nitrogen content in dry weight of tomato and squash leaves was 3.2 % and 3.1% when one larger pair of S. sacer beetles were considered, which was reduced to 2.7 % and 2.8 % , respectively in the small one. This value was slightly decreased to 2.9 % and 2.6 % in leaves of tomato and 2.9 and 2.7 % in leaves of squash, respectively when two large or small pairs of beetles were considered.

Tomato Squash

3.5 ) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Nitrogen elementNitrogen (% 0 One pair One pair Two pairs Tw o pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 3: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of nitrogen element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant Leaves.

As shown in Table 1 and Fig.4, the presence of S.sacer in the tested soil increased phosphorous content in tomato and squash leaves than in the soil mixed with dung only (control ) and this level of phosphorous was higher in case of large beetles than small one. The highest recorded mean percentage of phosphorous content was 0.33 % and 0.36 % in leaves of tomato and squash, respectively when one pair of large beetles was placed in the soil mixed with dung as compared to 0.13 % and 0.26 % in the control followed by 0.26%, 0.23% and 0.16 % in tomato leaves and 0.33, 0.30 and 0.26 % in squash leaves when two large pairs, one small pair and two small pairs of beetles were considered, respectively. In addition, potassium content showed the same pattern as shown in nitrogen and phosphorous content (Table 1 and Fig.5). Potassium content in leaves of tomato and squash were 2.3% and 3.8 % in the control while the presence of one pair of S. sacer large beetles in soil mixed with dung increased potassium content to 3.1% and 4.5 % in leaves of tomato and squash, respectively. This content gradually decreased to reach 2.6% and 4.1% when two pairs of smaller beetles were considered, respectively. Potassium content in leaves of tomato and squash was 3.0 % and 2.8 % and 4.2 and 4.2 %, respectively in the presence of 2 pairs of large or one pair of small beetles.

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Tomato Squash








0.05 Phosphorous element (%)

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 4: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of phosphorous element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant leaves. Tomato Squash









Potassium element (%) 0.5

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 5: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of potassium element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant leaves.

Again, mean percentage of calcium content in tomato and squash leaves was higher in the presence of one pair of S. sacer large beetles in the soil mixed dung and decreased with the increase of number of S. sacer pairs larger or smaller size of beetles. As seen in Table 1 and Fig.6, calcium content percentage in leaves of tomato and squash leaves were 1.8, 1.7, 1.6 and 1.5 % and 1.4, 1.2, 1.1 and 1.1 % when one pair large, two pairs large, one pair small and two pairs small were considered , respectively compared with 1.4 % and 0.9 % in control, respectively. Tomato Squash








0.4 Calcium element (%) 0.2

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 6: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of calcium element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant Leaves.

4931 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012

The highest mean percentage of magnesium content in tomato and squash leaves was1.4 % and 0.96 % in the presence of one pair of S. scaer large beetles followed by 1.3 % and 0.86 %, respectively in the occurrence of two large pairs of beetles in the soil treated with dung. This content was reduced to 1.0 % and 0.73% when two pairs of small beetles were considered, respectively (Table 1 and Fig.7). The activity of two pairs of small beetles did not affect magnesium content in the soil mixed with dung when compared with the control (0.9 %).

Tomato Squash







0.2 Magnesium elementMagnesium (%)

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 7: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of magnesium element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant leaves.

1.2. Nutrient elements in tomato and squash fruits:

As seen in Table 2 and Fig.8, nitrogen content in dry weight of tomato and squash fruits was 1.9 and 1.5 %, respectively in the control. Generally, large beetles had a stronger effect in increasing nitrogen content than small beetles. The highest mean of nitrogen soil content was recorded when one pair of S. sacer large beetles were considered, being 2.7 and 2.2 % in dry weight of tomato and squash fruits, respectively which was reduced to 2.1 and 1.7% in case of one small pair of beetles. On the other hand, when two large pairs beetles were considered, nitrogen content increased to 2.1 and 1.9 % in fruits of tomato and squash, respectively. These percentages were slightly decreased to 1.8 and 1.5 % in fruits of tomato and squash plants, respectively when two small pairs were considered.

Tomato Squash


) 2.5

2 ent (%



Nitrogen elem 0.5

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 8: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of nitrogen element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant Fruits.

The presence of S.sacer in the tested soil increased phosphorous content in dry weight of tomato and squash fruits than in the soil mixed with dung in the absence of beetles. Large beetles had higher effect than small beetles. The highest recorded mean percentage of phosphorous content in tomato and squash fruits was 0.85 and 1.3 %, respectively when one pair of large beetles was placed in the soil mixed with dung as compared to 0.32 and 0.81 % in the control. While, when considered one small pair, phosphorus content in tomato and squash

4932 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012 fruits was 0.61 and o.99 %, respectively. It is of interest to note that the presence of 2 small pairs had a similar effect on phosphorous content, as it was 0.34 and 0.86 % in fruits of tomato and squash, respectively (Table 2 and Fig 9).

Tomato Squash

1.4 ) 1.2

ent (% 1




0.2 Phosphorous elem

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 9: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of phosphorous element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant fruits.

In the control, potassium content reached 3.8 and 3.4 % in fruits of tomato and squash. The presence of one large pair of S. sacer beetles in soil mixed with dung increased potassium content to 4.7 and 4.4 % in fruits, respectively. Potassium content decreased gradually to reach 3.7 and 3.5 in fruits of tomato and squash, respectively when two small pairs were considered. Potassium content in fruits of tomato and squash was 4.2 and 3.8 % and 4.0 and 3.6 % in the presence of 2 large pairs and one small pair, respectively(Table 2 and Fig.10). Mean percentage of calcium content in fruits of tomato and squash fruits was higher in the presence of one large pair of S. sacer beetles in the soil mixed with dung and gradually decreased with the increase in the number of pairs or size of S. sacer beetles included in the soil. As seen in Table 2 and Fig.11, when considered one large pair of beetles, calcium content in fruits was 2.5 and 2.7 % compared with 1.8 and 1.6 % in the control, respectively. Calcium content in fruits was decreased to reach 1.8 and 1.7 % when two small pairs of beetles were considered, respectively. While, when two large pairs were considered the percentage of calcium content was 2.2 and 2.3 % in fruits, respectively and decreased to reach 1.9 and 2.0 % when considered one small pair of beetles, respectively.

Tomato Squash

5 4.5 ) 4 3.5 ent (% ent 3

elem 2.5 2 1.5 1 Potassium 0.5

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 10: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of potassium element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant fruits.

4933 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012

Tomato Squash






calcium element (%) 0.5

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 11: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of calcium element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant Fruits.

Mean percentage of magnesium content in fruits of tomato and squash was 0.91 and 0.81 %, respectively when one pair of large beetles was considered compared with o.61 and 0.41%, respectively in the control. Magnesium content in dry weight of tomato and squash fruits was reduced to 0.76 and 0.70 % and 0.67 and 0.58 % when two large pairs beetles and one small pair beetles were considered, respectively. The lowest mean percentage of magnesium content in fruits of tomato and squash was 0.65 and 0.46 % , respectively when two small pairs beetles was considered (Table 2 and Fig.12) .

Tomato Squash

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2

Magnesium element Magnesium (%) 0.1 0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 12: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of magnesium element in dry weight of tomato and squash plant fruits 2. Effect of dung beetles, S. sacer activity on total proteins content in tomato and squash plants:

2.1. Total proteins in tomato and squash leaves:

As shown in Table1 and Fig.13, the presence of S.sacer in the tested soil increased total proteins content in leaves of tomato and squash than in the soil mixed with dung in the absence of beetles. This increase was more apparent when large beetles were found than small beetles. The highest recorded mean of total proteins content was 20.3 and 19.0 % in dry weight of tomato and squash leaves, respectively when one pair of large beetles was placed in the soil mixed with dung followed by 19.5 and 18.8 % when two pairs of large beetles was considered, respectively .The presence of two small pairs beetles had a similar effect on total proteins content, as it was 18.7 and 17.9 %, respectively. In the control when no dung beetles were included in the soil mixed with dung, total proteins in tomato and squash leaves were 17.9 and 17.2 %, respectively.

4934 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012

Tomato Squash

20.5 20 19.5 19 18.5 18 17.5 17 Total protein(%) 16.5 16

15.5 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 13: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of total protein in dry weight of tomato and squash plant leaves

2.2. Total proteins in tomato and squash fruits:

As seen in Table 2 and Fig.14, the presence of S.sacer in the tested soil increased also total proteins content in tomato and squash fruits than in the soil mixed with dung in the absence of beetles. The highest mean recorded percentage mean of total proteins content was 13.1 and 11.6 % in fruits of tomato and squash, respectively when one pair of large beetles was placed in the soil mixed with dung as compared to 12.1 and 9.6 % in the control. The lowest recorded percentage mean of total proteins content was 12.2 and 9.9 % when two small pairs were considered, respectively. When two large pairs beetles and one small pair beetle were introduced, the mean percentage of total proteins was 12.8 and 11.0 % and 12.6 and 10.5 %, respectively.

Tomato Squash 14





4 Total protein (%) 2

0 One pair One pair Two pairs Two pairs Control (large) (small) (large) (small)

Fig. 14: Effect of Scarabaeus sacer on percentage of total protein in dry weight of tomato and squash plant fruits


Statistical analysis of the present work exhibited significant differences between interactions of dung beetles size (large and small), the host plant (tomato and squash) and number of beetles considered in the soil mixed with dung. Studies have reported that dung manipulated by dung beetles resulted in significant increases in plant height (Macqueen and Beirne, 1975; Kabir et al., 1985; Galbiati et al., 1995; Bang et al., 2005 and Lastro, 2006), above-ground biomass, grain production, protein levels and nitrogen content. Galbiati et al. (1995) also reported that dung beetle activities had positive effects on corncob diameter and below ground biomass. Borghesio (1999) found that dung beetle mixing significantly increased net primary productivity (NPP) of the heath land plants in over dung without beetle activity, or dung-free controls. Number of studies has demonstrated improved plant growth in response to dung beetle activities. Japanese millet ,Echinochloa frumentacea Link, grown in the absence of beetle activity yielded 17.3 g in the tops and 12.7 g in the roots .When 20 pairs of the dung beetle ,Onthophagus australis Guérin ,were allowed to bury equal

4935 J. Appl. Sci. Res., 8(10): 4927-4936, 2012 amounts of dung, plant yield was increased to 31.3 g in the tops and 14.7 g in the roots (Bornemissza, 1970) .In another study ,Macqueen and Beirne (1975) found that the amount of crude protein in beardless wheatgrass increased 38% over the control through dung beetle activity, compared to a 17% increase for dung added alone.In addition, Fincher (1981) recorded that plots of coastal Bermuda grass that received dung beetle activity had significantly higher yield over the season than those without dung. Few reports have described the effect of dung beetles’ decomposition of cattle dung on herbage growth . Bornemissza and Williams (1970) ;Macqueen and Beirne (1975) and Hosogi (1985) demonstrated that the plant yield was improved by the tunneler beetles’ cattle dung burial activity. Additionally, Hosogi (1985) showed that millet production increased as more beetles were released. Fincher et al. (1981) reported that the dry matter yield of Coastal Bermuda grass in a pasture was higher in a plot where the placed cattle dung received dung burial beetles than in a plot with intact dung and dung beetle activity significantly elevated the yield of wheat plants relative to chemical fertilizers and unmixed dung in one of three trials, though results in the other two trials were equivocal.

Table 1: Effect of dung beetles, Scarabaeus sacer on nutrient elements and total proteins/ dry weight of tomato and squash plant leaves % Nutrient elements ± SD % total proteins±SD Treatments N P K Ca Mg Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash One pair 3.2±0.1a 3.1±0.15ab 0.33±0.05a 0.36±0.05a 3.1±0.05d 4.5±0.1a 1.8±0.05a 1.4±0.1cd 1.4±0.1a 0.96±0.05cd 20.3±0.15a 19.0±0.15bc (large)

One pair 2.7±0.1cde 2.8±0.05bcd 0.23±0.05abc 0.30±0.0ab 2.8±0.1ef 4.2±0.26ab 1.6±0.1bc 1.1±0.05ef 1.1±0.5bc 0.76±0.05efg 19.0±0.2bc 18.7±0.05c (small) Two pairs 2.9±0.1bcd 2.9±0.05bc 0.26±0.05abc 0.33±0.05a 3.0±0.05ed 4.2±0.05ab 1.7±0.1ab 1.2±0.05de 1.3±0.05ab 0.86±0.05def 19.5±0.2b 18.8±0.1c (large) Two pairs 2.6±0.05e 2.7±0.05de 0.16±0.05bc 0.26±0.05abc 2.6±0.1fg 4.1±0.05b 1.5±0.05bc 1.1±0.05ef 1.0±0.05cd 0.73±0.05fg 18.7±0.15c 17.9±0.26d (small) Control (dung without 2.5±0.05e 2.5±0.1e 0.13±0.05c 0.26±0.05abc 2.3±0.05g 3.8±0.1c 1.4±0.05cd 0.9±0.05f 0.9±0.05de 0.63±0.05g 17.9±0.2d 17.2±0.1e beetles) F value 22.52 5.54 147.1 43.93 38.37 77.96 (interactions) Means with the same letter are not significantly different

Table 2: Effect of dung beetles, Scarabaeus sacer on nutrient elements and total proteins/ dry weight of tomato and squash plant fruits % Nutrient elements ± SD % total proteins ±SD Treatments N P K Ca Mg Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash Tomato Squash One pair (large) 2.7±0.25a 2.2±0.1b 0.85±0.04c 1.3±0.05a 4.7±0.2a 4.4±0.15b 2.5±0.15ab 2.7±0.1a 0.91±0.02a 0.81±0.02ab 13.1±0.15a 11.6±0.1d One pair (small) 2.1±0.1bc 1.7±0.1def 0.61±0.02d 0.99±0.01b 4.0±0.1cd 3.6±0.05efg 1.9±0.05ef 2.0±0.05de 0.67±0.03cde 0.58±0.03e 12.6±0.1b 10.5±0.15f Two pairs (large) 2.1±0.1b 1.9±0.05bcd 0.68±0.04d 1.00±0.05b 4.2±0.1bc 3.8±0.05de 2.2±0.1cd 2.3±0.1bc 0.76±0.02bc 0.70±0.04cd 12.8±0.1ab 11.0±0.1e Two pairs (small) 1.8±0.05cdef 1.5±0.15ef 0.34±0.05e 0.86±0.03c 3.7±0.05efg 3.5±0.05fg 1.8±0.06efg 1.7±0.1fg 0.65±0.05de 0.46±0.03f 12. 2±0.1c 9.9±0.2g Control (dung 1.9±0.05bcde 1.5±0.1f 0.32±0.01e 0.81±0.07c 3.8±0.05def 3.4±0.05g 1.8±0.04efg 1.6±0.05g 0.61±0.04de 0.41±0.02f 12.1±0.1c 9.6±0.05g without beetles) F value 23.14 144.34 47.03 48.13 54. 51 86..3 (interactions) Means with the same letter are not significantly different

Results of the present investigation showed that mean percentage of elements nutrient and total proteins content in dry weight of tomato and squash leaves and fruits in the soil mixed with dung was higher by S. sacer activity as compared to soil mixed with dung in the absence of dung beetles. In several studies, the effects of nutrient mobilization by dung beetles on elements contents and proteins in the plant rival that of chemical fertilizers. Macqueen and Beirne (1975) found that burial of an average 37% of the available dung by beetles caused a 38% increase in crude protein over that of the control, while crude protein production of grass treated with 67 kg N/ha was 95% higher than the control.


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