Situation Overview: Awerial, Yirol East and Yirol West Counties, , January - March 2019

Introduction quarter of 2019 (January to March). The first and deteriorating food security across the section highlights key findings across different region have continued to drive a small-scale Methodology In the past year, several episodes of inter- sectors followed by analysis of displacement displacement toward Yirol Town as well as To provide an overview of the situation in communal violence and unreliable rains have trends and population movement in the region. toward Mingkaman. Many of these IDPs were hard-to-reach areas of Lakes State, REACH sustained large-scale humanitarian needs in The second section evaluates access to food reportedly motivated by a desire for better uses primary data from key informants who Awerial, Yirol East and Yirol West Counties in and basic services for both displaced and non- livelihood opportunities, including access to have recently arrived from, recently visited, or the eastern Lakes region. Underscoring the displaced populations. basic services, humanitarian food assistance receive regular information from a settlement or “Area of Knowledge” (AoK). Information for scale of the humanitarian crisis in the region, the and security in both Yirol and Mingkaman2. January 2019 Integrated Food Security Phase Summary of Key Findings this report was collected from Key Informants in Classification (IPC) projected that populations Protection concerns were driven by insecurity Mingkaman, Lakes State in January, February Food insecurity and inter-communal in these three counties would face emergency across the region. Nearly half (49%) of and March 2019. conflict have continued to drive population levels of food insecurity between February and assessed settlements across eastern Lakes In-depth interviews on humanitarian needs movements into Yirol Town and Mingkaman. April 2019 (IPC phase 4).1 in March reported that most residents were were conducted throughout the month using Whilst most of the internally displaced persons feeling unsafe. In particular, fear of cattle a structured survey tool. After data collection To inform the response of humanitarian actors (IDPs) population from Jonglei remained raiding appear to have increased in Yirol East was completed, all data was aggregated at working outside of formal displacement sites, concentrated in Mingkaman, in Awerial County, County, where the percentage of assessed settlement level, and settlements were assigned REACH has been conducting an assessment of persistent insecurity in Yirol West County settlements reporting cattle raiding as the main the modal or most credible response. When no hard-to-reach areas in South Sudan since 2015 protection concern for men and boys rose from consensus could be found for a settlement, across Greater Upper Nile, Greater Equatoria Map 1: Assessment coverage in Lakes State in 8% in January to 37% in March. that settlement was not included in reporting. and Greater Bahr el Ghazal regions, collecting March 2019 Only counties with interview coverage of at data on a monthly basis. Data collection for Access to food was low across the region. least 5% of all settlements3 in a given month Lakes State was launched in eastern Lakes North There has been a deterioration in Yirol East were included in analysis. Due to access and in June 2018, covering Awerial, Yirol East and County which saw a decrease in the proportion operational constraints, the specific settlements Cueibet Rumbek of assessed settlements reporting adequate assessed within each county each month vary. Yirol West Counties. Centre Yirol East access to food from 52% in December 2018 In order to reduce the likelihood that variations This Situation Overview outlines displacement Rumbek East to 22% in March 2019. The main contributing in data are attributable to coverage differences, and population movements, and access to Yirol West factors to limited access to food across the over time analyses were only conducted for basic services in eastern Lakes during the first Wulu Awerial region were conflict and unreliable rainfall, counties with at least 70% consistent payam which both resulted in a poor harvest in the coverage over the period. # of key informant interviews conducted: 364 fourth quarter of 2018. Quantitative findings were triangulated with # of assessed settlements: 247 0 - .9 21 - 50 FGDs and secondary sources. More details of # of counties covered: 3 (of 8) Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) 5 - 10 51 - 100 the methodology can be found in the AoK ToRs. # of focus group discussions conducted: 3 continued to be limited by poor access to 11 - 20 Assessed settlement latrines and limited hygiene awareness

1. IPC, South Sudan: Acute Food Insecurity and Malnutrition Situation January 2019 and Projections for February - April 2019 and May - July 2019. 2. REACH, Notes on the Area of Knowledge Focus Group Discussion for Yirol West County, March 1, 2019. 3. To calculate the percentage of AoK coverage, the total number of settlements per county is based on OCHA settlement lists in addition to new settlements mapped by KIs reached each month. across the region. Access to improved water reporting distribution in March 2019. However, there has been a deterioration in Figure 1: Percentage of assessed settlements sources remained relatively stable with 82% Yirol East where the proportion of assessed reporting inadequate access to food, eastern of assessed settlements reporting access to Population Movement and settlements reporting adequate access to food Lakes, January - March 2019 functional boreholes in March 2019. However, Displacement declined from 52% in December to 22% in Awerial Yirol East Yirol West distance from water points remained a source March 2019. of protection concerns for women and girls who Inter-communal violence and food insecurity January 64% 64% 70% The proportion of assessed settlements that often have to walk long distances to fetch water. have continued to drive population movements reported adequate access to food in Yirol West Access to latrines remained a challenge with in the first quarter of 2019. FGD participants increased from 19% in December 2018 to 38% February 68 73% 65% 83% of assessed settlements reporting that reported a small-scale migration from Yirol West to Yirol Town, Aluak-Luak and Mingkaman in March 2019. This slight improvement may be people were not using latrines. March between December 2018 and January 2019. attributed to increased access to markets in the 58% 78% 62% Overall, 95% of assessed settlements reported Most of those who moved to Aluak-Luak dry season. However, Yirol West County is still access to healthcare services in March reportedly originated from Machar, Mayom- projected to face emergency-level (IPC phase (51%) of assessments in eastern Lakes reported 2019. However, these facilities were likely not Chuei, Pandit Makur-Agar and Palouch areas 4) of food insecurity between February-April. cultivation as their main source of food with accessible to everyone because of distance. in Yirol West. According to FGD participants, The proportion of assessed settlements 93% of assessed settlements reporting having The proportion of assessed settlements in the main pull factors to Aluak-Luak and reporting adequate access to food in Awerial access to land. FGD participants reported that Awerial County reporting malaria as the main Yirol Town were better security, access to was 43% in March, comparable to 47% in lack of rains and insecurity affected farming health problem has nearly doubled (from 37% basic services, business opportunities and December 2018. Food assistance appeared activities in Yirol East and Yirol West Counties, in December 2018 to 60% in March 2019). presence of humanitarian food assistance.4 to have contributed to maintaining access to especially in areas neighbouring Panyijar and The proportion of assessed settlements Most of the IDP population remained food in Awerial. In March, the proportion of Rumbek East Counties.6 reporting access to education services concentrated in Awerial County with 17% of assessed settlements that reported access Continuing outbreaks of livestock diseases remained comparable to the fourth quarter assessed settlements reporting that IDPs to food assistance in Awerial was 80%, the threatened the second most common source of of 2018. In March 2019, 71% of assessed were living in the settlement in March 2019. highest in the region. Meanwhile in Yirol West food - livestock. As reported by FGD participants, settlements reported access to education FGD participants reported that the presence and Yirol East Counties, the proportion of cattle, sheep and goats provided food in the services. However, 95% of assessed of humanitarian assistance especially general assessed settlements that reported receiving form of milk or meat and could be sold for cash settlements without access to education food distribution was the main pull factor for food assistance during the same period was to pay for other basic necessities such medical reported lack of facilities. IDPs who are currently in Mingkaman. low (4% and 11% respectively) in March 2019. care, clothing and education.7 However, in Shelter conditions remained unchanged, with Situation in Assessed Reasons for lack of food March, 78% of assessed settlements reported nearly all assessed settlements (99%) reporting Unreliable rainfall was the primary cause for livestock diseases outbreaks in eastern Lakes, tukuls as the main shelter type for the host Settlements lack of food, reported in 46% of assessed and 60% of assessed settlements reported that community in March 2019. Improvised shelters Food Security and Livelihoods settlements with inadequate access to food in such outbreaks had at least a small impact on were reported as the main shelter type for IDPs March 2019 across eastern Lakes. Lack of rain their access to food. in 60% of assessed settlements with IDPs in The proportion of assessed settlements that was particularly disruptive because populations Awerial County. Access to Non-Food Item reported adequate access to food in eastern Coping Strategies in this region are dependent on crops such as (NFI) distributions remained limited across the Lakes region remained at 35% in March 2019, sorghum, millet and groundnuts which require Despite the moderate reduction in the adoption region with only 8% of assessed settlements similar to 37% in December 2018. seasonal rainfall.5 For instance, in March, half of extreme coping strategies, stressed

2 4. REACH, Notes on the Area of Knowledge FGD for Yirol West County, March 1, 6. REACH, Notes on Area Knowledge FGD for Awerial County, February 25, 2019. 2019. 7. REACH, Notes on Area Knowledge FGD for Yirol East County, March 1, 2019. 5.Ibid. conditions remained widespread across the Map 2: Percentage of assessed settlements However, there was a decrease in the Figure 3: Most commonly reported protection region. Reflective of the increased access to having received food assistance in the last 3 proportion of assessed settlements reporting concerns for men and women in assessed months, eastern Lakes, March 2019 settlements, eastern Lakes, March 2019 food in Yirol West, the proportion of assessed fatal incidents. The proportion of assessed 40+20+16 settlements that reported skipping meals for settlements reporting incidents of fatal conflict None 40% entire days declined from 61% in December Rumbek North involving death of at least one civilian decreased Cattle raiding 20% 2018 to 27% in March in 2019. In Yirol East Cueibet from 57% in December to 30% in March 2019 Rumbek Centre County, the proportion of assessed settlements Yirol East in Yirol East County, and in Yirol West County Communal violence 16% that reported skipping meals for entire days Rumbek from 45% to 27% during the same period. 41+11+6 East None8 41 declined from 43% in December 2019 to 19% Yirol West Across the eastern Lakes region, cattle raiding in March 2019. Meanwhile, the proportions for Wulu Awerial remained the main protection concern for Violence between neigbours 11% assessed settlements that reported skipping men. The proportion of assessed settlements Sexual violence 6% meals for entire days in Awerial remained the reporting cattle raiding as the main protection same during the same period. In addition, the concern for girls was early marriage, reported 0 - .9 21 - 50 concern for men increased slightly from 10% overall proportion of assessed settlements in 29% of assessed settlements in March. 5 - 10 51 - 100 in December 2018 to 20% in March 2019. This where adults did not eat so that children could For women, violence between neigbours was 11 - 20 Assessed settlement slight increase may be attributed to dry season have enough food to eat declined from 30% in reported in 11% of assessed settlements as the cattle raiding which occurs when herds of cattle December 2018 to just 1% in March 2019. main protection concern. 30% in March 2019, comparable to 38% in from different parts of the region congregate On the other hand, proportion of assessed December 2018. at the swamps or along the key rivers to Water, Hygiene and Sanitation settlements that reported that people had However, the proportion of assessed access grazing pastures and water, leading Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) moved to cattle camps increased from 35% settlements that reported reducing number of to increased tensions among cattle keepers. continued to be limited by lack of infrastructure in December 2018 to 60% in March 2019. meals remained high as reported in the last Yirol East County saw an increase from 8% in (especially latrines) and poor hygiene However, this movement may be attributed quarter – 61% in March 2019 compared to January to 37% in March in the proportion of awareness across the region. to the onset of the dry season, when people 70% in December 2018. The reported decline assessed settlements reporting cattle raiding often move to cattle camps after seasonal in extreme coping strategies and sustained as the main protection concern for men. The proportion of assessed settlements harvest. Meanwhile, the proportion of assessed reliance on various coping strategies suggests Several fatal incidents involving killings and reporting having functional boreholes increased settlements reporting selling of livestock was that extreme food insecurity may have wounding civilians as a result of cattle raiding from 67% in December 2018 to 82% in March 2019 in eastern Lakes region. In March, Figure 2: Percentage of assessed settlements reduced but overall food insecurity remained or retaliatory attacks were reported in the first reporting people skip meals for entire days, widespread. quarter. Meanwhile, in Awerial County the boreholes were reported as the main sources of drinking water in 78% of assessed settlements eastern Lakes, March 2019 Protection proportion of assessed settlements reporting cattle raiding as protection concern for men across the region. Insecurity and protection concerns persisted was 7% in March 2019, comparable to 11% Despite the high proportion of assessed in the first quarter of 2019. Nearly half (49%) reported in December 2018. settlements reporting access to boreholes, data of assessed settlements in March reported 17+83+A As for women and girls, protection challenges suggest that some sections of the population 19+81+A 27+73+A that population were feeling unsafe in March, have continued to rely on unimproved water Awerial Yirol West often originated from within their communities. Yirol East comparable to 53% in December 2018. sources. For instance, in March, 11% of 17% 19% 27% The most commonly reported main protection

8. Note: To ensure data quality, “harassment for information” was removed from the 3 analysis after consultation with field team as this variable was oftern misunderstood by Key Informants. assessed settlements reported pond as their and ponds. The sanitation problems are Map 3: physical access to healthcare in assessed Figure 5: Percentage of assessed source of drinking water. Yirol West County further compounded by limited use of hygiene settlments, eastern lakes, March 2019 settlements reporting that malaria was had the highest proportion (15%) of assessed practices like hand washing with soap. For main health concern, eastern Lakes, settlements reporting pond as their main instance, only 4% of assessed settlements March 2019 source of drinking water. Continued reliance reported washing hands using soap in March Rumbek North on unimproved water sources may expose 2019. Cueibet Rumbek Centre populations to water-borne diseases (see Yirol East Health Rumbek health section below). East 60+40+A 22+78+A 19+81+A The overall proportion of assessed settlements Yirol West Distance from water points remained a source Wulu that reported access to healthcare services Awerial Yirol East Yirol West of protection concerns for women and girls Awerial remained high at 95% in March 2019. However, 60% 22% 19% who often have to walk long distances to fetch health services may not be available to water. Across the region, 65% of assessed everyone due to an inaccessibility of health (from December through May), a period where settlements reported accessing water within an facilities to populations in remote areas. In 0 - .9 21 - 50 diarrhoea diseases become less common. hour walking distance, and 27% of assessed March, only 14% of assessed settlements 5 - 10 51 - 100 Shelter and NFIs settlements reported that water points were with access to health services reported having 11 - 20 Assessed settlement half a day away in March. The proportion of such facilities within an hour-walking distance Shelter conditions remained unchanged, with assessed settlements that reported that some the first quarter of 2019. While the proportion of and 32% reported that people walked for a nearly all assessed settlements (99%) reporting residents were unable to access their preferred assessed settlements that reported diarrhoea full day to access healthcare services. In Yirol tukul as the main shelter type for the host water sources due to safety reasons was 12% as the main health problem has decreased 10 East County, health centres were reported community in March 2019. Moreover 99% of in March. These access problems may explain slightly between December 2018 and March to be furthest away, with 46% of assessed assessed settlements reported that the majority why some assessed settlements may continue 2019, the proportion of assessed settlements settlements reporting that most people had to of the host community lived in their own homes to report relying on unimproved sources of reporting malaria cases remained high. Overall, walk for a full day to access health services. in March 2019. As compared to both Yirol West water. Consumption of unsafe water may 35% of assessed settlements reported malaria and Yirol East counties, improvised shelter expose populations to risks of both waterborne The region remained prone to malaria, as the leading health problem in March 2019. was reported in 60% of assessed settlements and water-washed diseases.9 diarrhoea and typhoid which were the most Awerial county appears to be the most affected in Awerial county as the main shelter type commonly reported primary health problems in when compared to the two counties of Yirol 11 Lack of latrines and poor hygiene practices for IDPs. A decline in the proportion of IDP East and Yirol West. In March, the proportion continued to persist across the region. In Figure 4: Percentage of assessed populations reportedly using improvised or of assessed settlements that reported malaria March, only 17% of assessed settlements in settlements without latrine usage, eastern as the main health problem in Awerial County Figure 6: Tukuls as main shelter type of eastern Lakes reported using latrines. The Lakes, March 2019 increased from 37% in December 2018 to 60% host communities in assessed settlements, vast majority of assessed settlements (91%) in March 2019. eastern Lakes, March 2019 without latrines in March reported that latrines were not being used because such facilities The proportion of assessed settlements were unavailable. The reported lack of latrines reporting diarrhoea as the main health 99% of assessed 80+20+A 81+19+A 88+12+A settlements reported tukuls suggests that populations are practising open problem has declined minimally from 18% in defecation, which could result in contamination Awerial Yirol East Yirol West December 2018 to 7% in March 2019. This as main shelter type for the host community of unprotected water sources such as rivers 80% 81% 88% decline coincided with the onset of dry season 991+A

4 9. WHO, “Water-borne diseases: infections spread through contaminated drinking water; Water-washed diseases: diseases due to the lack of proper sanitation and hygiene”. 10. A tukul is grass-thatched roofed shelter commonly found in South Sudan. 11. A temporary shelter is made of plastic sheetings and poles. temporary shelters may indicate that IDPs Figure 7: Primary reason reported for lack of of health facilities because of being far away, have built tukuls which are made using local school attendance for girls and boys in assessed means that populations in remote areas are settlements, eastern Lakes, March 2019 materials. The most commonly available 20+8+7 at risk of dying of these preventable diseases. building materials in assessed settlements Need to work outside home 20% Access to services such as education were poles (100%), mud (95%) and grass continued to be limited by lack of infrastructure Lack of school fees 8% (100%) in March. Access to NFI distributions and inaccessibility in some parts of the region. remained limited across the region with only 8% No school supplies 7% of assessed settlements reporting accessing 12+12+8 a distribution in March 2019. At the county Need to work outside home 12% level, Awerial County had a high proportion of Need to work at home 12% assessed settlements reporting having access Menstruation 8% to a distribution in the last 3 months (20%) as compared to Yirol East (4%) and Yirol West reason for boys not attending school in March. (0%) Counties. While the need to work in the household was Education the most frequently reported reason for girls not attending school. The proportion of assessed settlements reporting access to education services Conclusion remained comparable to the fourth quarter Overall, needs remained high but stable in of 2018. In March 2019, 71% of assessed assessed settlements across the region. The settlements reported access to education proportion of assessed settlements reporting services. Indicative of infrastructure challenges, About REACH adequate access to food has remained low in lack of facilities was reported as the main most of the region and deteriorated in Yirol East REACH facilitates the development reason for unavailability of education services County. The high food security and livelihoods of information tools and products that in all (100%) assessed settlements without needs are largely attributable to persistent enhance the capacity of aid actors to make access. insecurity and low rainfall in the past year, evidence-based decisions in emergency, Gender disparities in school attendance between which resulted in a poor harvest. recovery and development contexts. All girls and boys continued to persist across the REACH activities are conducted through WASH condition are particularly concerning region. The proportion of assessed settlements inter-agency aid coordination mechanisms. with a high proportion of assessed settlements reporting that at least half of the girls attended For more information, you can write reporting lacking latrines. Lack of latrines school was 44% in March 2019 as compared to our in-country office: southsudan@ infrastructure combined with inaccessibility of to 64% for boys. The most commonly reported or to our global office: improved water sources may put populations at reason for school non-attendance for both boys [email protected]. risk of waterborne diseases. As for health, the and girls was the need to work, either at home Visit and prevalence of malaria, diarrhoea and typhoid or outside home. Across the region, the need to follow us @REACH_info. across the region combined with inaccessibility work outside home was reported as the main