
archi-news 1 | 2010 6 € Today in

Last year in the exhibition “Inside the Chinese city, views on the mutations of an empire” (Paris), the President of the ‘Cité de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine’, Francois de Mazière discussed the dynamic Chinese construction industry, which is unprecedented in modern times for its extent and rapidity. “We don’t know what to prioritize, the apprehension, the jubilation confronted with the capacity for transformation, the quality of the innovations, the pain in the face of the widespread destruction and pollution …” Subject to all the contradictions, China fascinates and intrigues the western world. For Josep Romeneda, director of Barcelona’s Centre of Contemporary Culture, no one dares judge the destiny of this model which has changed the face of the country in fifteen years, applying the principle of creative demolitions at a breakneck speed. “Subject to intense political, economic and social pressure, the city landscapes are changing at a prodigious speed. Towns in China are unrecognizable for those who saw them 15 or 20 years ago.” From , a megalopolis as big as the Benelux countries combined, to , the mushrooming city, the Chinese urban world is emerging without limits. Each large city is proud of its development and has infrastructures that are destined to attract attention. The 2008 Olympic Games were the catalyst for a powerful groundswell which has led to the development of some ambitious projects. However, like the most symbolic architectural visions, these monuments dedicated to the emergence of China reflect more the fantastic visions of the future than practical considerations. After , planners have got their sights on Shanghai with the 2010 Universal Expo. These two cities have been subject to an architectural and urban metamorphosis that has affected the whole of China. As a counterpart to the grand achievements entrusted to super star international architects, some remarkable achievements bear Chinese signatures. These live forces bring a new approach to urban problems. The Exhibition “Heart-made / The Cutting-Edge of Chinese Contemporary Architecture”, now on view in Brussels as part of Europalia China bears witness to this dynamism with a band of young architects, largely influenced by Rem Koolhaas and Steven Holl. But is this architecture also not based on the desire to express traditional principles and know how to live in perfect harmony with nature? Reconciling the “deed” and the principles of ecology… Skyscrapers viewed as urban micro developments to new towns intended to contain migratory flows, the second emerging wave of buildings reflects all of China’s top aspirations.

Marie-Claire Regniers

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Ma Yansong

archi-news MAD › p. 04

Urban Forest - Chongqing Photo © MAD Architects Sommaire

02 Editorial 04 Portrait : Ma Yansong (Pékin) 06 Belgian/Europe pavilion - Expo Shanghai 2010 08 Portrait: LAN (Paris) 10 Portrait: Mario Cucinella (Bologne) 12 SAIE 2009 Competition 14 Portrait: Art & Build (Brussels) 16 Portrait: Daoust Lestage (Montréal) 18 Books 19 Ars Electronica Center - Linz 20 Kraanspoor - Amsterdam 21 Competitions 23 Products

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© 2010 Archi-News®, Archi-Students®, Archiworld® and Archi-Europe® are Registered Trademarks. 3 MA YANSONG www.i-mad.com

1 Photo © Daniel J.Allen 2 Photo © Daniel J.Allen 3 Photo © MAD Architects

A young architect from Beijing, Ma Yansong is an emblem tong – a project of eight houses planted in the grandiose landscape of of the new wave of Chinese experimental architecture. His Mongolia was to respect and respond to the landscape. Rather than visionary, sometimes humorous approach gives everyone the imposing a unique plan, it was decided that the topography of the freedom to develop their own experience of the city. site and seasonal climatic contrasts would determine the structures.

After studying in the Yale School of Architecture in 2002, Ma Yansong About ten large projects in progress follow. Behind each one, a big worked with Zaha Hadid Architects in London and Eisenham Architects idea. The agency is running in the fast lane. The Erdos museum in in- in New York before forming MAD (Ma Design) in 2004. He was well ner Mongolia should open in July 2010 in the new town centre in the aware that he was participating in the arrival of a new architectural middle of the Gobi desert. Enclosed in an envelope of polished metal era. The MAD office has three partners and about thirty associates. which provides a natural ventilation, the new museum has an organic Surfing on the wave of success, Yansong has distinguished himself sensitivity and an echo of the environment’s arid beauty. On the inside, in many international competitions and in particular in Canada with its irregular and expressive form reflects the sunlight captured by the his Absolute Towers in Mississauga, near Toronto, a rapidly growing glass roof into the centre of the space. In , now in full econo- Canadian town, like many others in China. The two residential towers mic expansion, the Sinosteel international Plaza tower (a 358 m high are almost human sculptures. The two curvy forms have earned office tower and a 88 m high hotel) also aims at texture effects. Five the nickname “Marilyn Monroe”. In fact the rotation of the whole types of hexagonal windows, a traditional part of Chinese architecture, building by levels and degrees puts the inhabitants in contact with recall the cells of a beehive. Although the motive of the facade seems nature and light. The purpose of the Meadow Clubhouse in Ulan Bu- arbitrary it is intended to adapt itself to the conditions of the site.

4 A IT | P O RTR 1 | 10 archi-news

4 Photo © MAD Architects 5 Photo © MAD Architects

In China, having seen the demographic explosion and the exodus to three scenarios: a large green space in Tiananmen, a series of floating the cities, residential developments often take the form of a sky scra- islands connecting business horizontally over the Central Business Dis- per. Again, determined not to follow standards, Ma Yansong stretches trict rather than isolating them in towers and metallic bubbles spread volumes in size with the Fake Hills project. MAD also conceives the over the oldest areas, the “hutongs”, those back streets to the old resi- Conrad Hotel in Beijing, the Taichung Convention Center in dences that are threatened with demolition. This project may be seen and the vacation centre “Tokyo Island”, a collection of islands off the as the very essence of Ma Yansong’s thought. “The project is not an ex- coast of Dubai inspired by the form of a piece of coral on the beach. pression of revolt or a radical ideology. On the contrary it symbolises a The building was admired at the Heart Made exhibition in Brussels is desire to recognise our history and the realities of today. We believe that presented as a vertical city with parks and trees. “Urban forest” is a 385 our visions will become reality in 2050.” m mixed tower (residence and commercial), made up of unequal su- perimposed blocks under construction in Chongqing (Inner Mongolia). 1 / Ma Yansong Ma Yansong’s audacious proposals made a big impression at pres- 2 / Meadow Clubhouse, Ulanbutong, Mongolie (2006) tigious exhibitions. These projects originated in the architectural 3 / Absolute Towers, Toronto (Canada)

exploration of contemporary art and the integration of digital media in 4 / Erdos Museum (2007-2010)

the design of contemporary Chinese cities. His futuristic urban visions 5 / Hutong Bubble 32 (projet) reflect a sharpened observation of nature mixed with high technology. China is a huge urban laboratory at this time. Ma Yansong visualizes Beijing in half a century. The Beijing 2050 project reconfigures the city in

5 Expo Shanghai 2010 The Belgian/European pavilion

Placed under the sign of hope of better cities for a better life, Expo Shanghai 2010 promises to be the largest universal expo of all time, with 167 participants and 70 million expected visitors. A little curtain raiser on the Belgian Pavilion currently under construction, with architect Christine Conix.

The call for tender for the design, building, maintenance and de- “In a constantly changing world everything happens with passion,” molition of the Belgian/European pavilion was won last spring by Christine Conix says. It is more true than ever in this project that the JV Shanghai 2010.be made up of Interbuild and Realys Group. it is the building as such or the public space created round it. Our As a building company established in Belgium, specialising in non architectural task is continuously guided by passion because we residential buildings, Interbuild also made the Belgian pavilion in want to go beyond the pure and simple planning of the building." Hanover. The Realys Group project manager is guarantor for lo- The architect speaks of the very particular thought which underlies cal involvement thanks to his experience on the Chinese market the concept of the Belgian/European pavilion, 5000 m2 destined to and his department in Shanghai. In JV Shanghai 2010.be. including a collection of images and shows. How to place it on the scale among others Jan Hoet Jr and Virtualis (scenography) and CJI of Shanghai, its 19 million inhabitants, its energy, its lights, its (local entrepreneur), Conix Architects is responsible for the archi- tentacle like motorways? How to translate Belgian’s central geo- tectural design of the pavilion. graphical position in Europe and its historical position at the cross roads of Latin, Germanic, and Anglo Saxon influences, its cultural openness and its diversity? And how to remain attentive to the no- tion of durability? “The fact that the building is ephemeral posed a big problem for us. It is important that it should open onto another life after the Expo. This is why we have designed it like a meccano set which can be dismounted and reconstructed somewhere else. In China, I hope. We have made up a simple shell corresponding to the image of the Belgians, firstly discrete towards the outer world but then they surprise with their talent, creativity and high techno- logy." The building is integrated into the landscape with a garden sprinkled with trees, created to entice strolling around and to ac- commodate the waiting lines. Enclosed on three sides to adapt to Shanghai’s hot and humid climate, its parallepipedal form covered in aluminium mesh opens to the north through a long glass facade onto the large esplanade.

1 Photo © J. Allard

6 2 | PR O JE c T Photo © Conix A rchitects 1 | 10 archi-news

In a wide 12 m high interior empty space, visible through the glass will shelter the two floors of friendly meeting places. Speaking wall, the form of a gigantic neuron is a strong and intriguing si- about sustainable development, social environment, national gnal in a country which traditionally thinks in terms of symbols. values and cultures, this projects confirm that Conix Architects “Seen as a symbol of today's complex and interconnected world, are not just interested in creating iconic buildings for their own this textile neuron in changing colours above all reflects Belgium's sake. Impassioned by the diversity of architectural operations, the connectivity with all the surrounding countries, its innovative office always displays the human scale as a reference in this work power, its open spirit, its dialogue between different cultures and strategy. See you in Shanghai next 1st of May! communities." Beyond the Belgian exhibition spaces, the pavilion will also reserve an important space for the European Union and 1 / Christine Conix in her office (Antwerp)

3 Photo © Conix Architects 4 Photo © Conix Architects

7 LAN ARCHITECTURE www.lan-paris.com

1 Photo © Benoit Linero, Paris 2 Photo © LAN Architecture, RSI studio, Paris 3 Photo © LAN Architecture, RSI studio, Paris

The EDF Archives building in Bure (France), the winning in the context and the environment. Far from being merely aesthetic or a project of the Archi-Bau Awards 2009 in the Green Building desperate quest for identity this approach is directed towards observa- category, showed the talent of a Franco Italian duo: tion, strategic analysis and thereby reaches sensitive and appropriate Benoit Jallon and Umberto Napolitano. responses to the problems posed. “The point of departure is the search for joy of the location - the details which give an architectural design its In 2004 NAJA [new albums of young architecture] rewarded LAN Archi- environment and individuality. Only afterwards do the first spatial stra- tecture created two years earlier by Benoit Jallon (1972) and Umberto tegies and improvement of the location develop.” Each is born from the Napolitano (1975) both freshly graduated with the congratulations of need to respect the environment when inserting a newly built object. the jury of the Villette Paris Architecture School. Genuine national re- Now run by twenty or so dynamic professionals, LAN Architecture is cognition is saving them from anonymity. Many young architects are broadening the volume of its activities, winning many competitions in often isolated with their first projects and clients, so the two friends are France and elsewhere. 15 designs are currently in progress. Benoit immediately opening themselves to the interdisciplinary nature of archi- Jallon and Umberto Napolitano plan to develop their activity in seve- tecture. The name LAN – Local Architecture Network clearly reflects the ral countries while respecting the programs and to continue exploring permanent presence of the network concept. Each project has a vital role new fields of action for a strong social and urban image.

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4 Photo © Jean Marie Monthiers

5 Photo © LAN Architecture, RSI studio, Paris 1 / Benoît Jallon and Umberto Napolitano

2 / Neue Hamburger Terrassen (Hambourg, en cours) The challenge was to supply individual domestic quality, heat conservation and energy performances linked to collective projects.

3 / Résidence étudiante (Paris, completion 2010) A double project (street and the heart of the block) extends the views of the urban network, this future student residence matches the image of LAN's strategy: never interfere with the light of the neighborhood.

4 / Siège social Marchesini France (Saint Mesmes, 2008) Located in Seine and Marne, the building was studied in terms of situation and morphology to mark a close relationship with the countryside.

5 / Public housing (Paris, completion 2010) Born from the challenge of responding at the time to the need for urban integration and the design of a pioneer unit in the context of sustainable development, this design minimizes the impact on the street by setting up a facade system with a minimum of openings.

9 MARIO CUCINELLA www.mcarchitectsgate.it

1 Photo © MC Regniers 2 Photo © Jean de Calan 3 Photo © Daniele Domenicali

The Italian Mario Cucinella has always based his architectural at MIPIM 2009 in the Ecological Construction category. The building process on a rigorous approach on themes linked to envelope plays an essential role in Mario Cucinella’s environmental balancing natural resources. strategies to obtain an internal environment capable of minimising energy consumption. His research is very advanced in terms of tech- A former collaborator of Renzo Piano, Mario Cucinella (1960) founded nology and aesthetics. His credo “More with less” puts forward the his own agency in Paris in 1992, then in Bologna seven years later. idea of greater comfort with less energy, less waste and less pollution. His major urban projects and his many completed projects across “From a historical point of view, architecture has always had close links Italy and the world all share the same basic factor: their low environ- with the climate, culture, materials and aesthetics. We have clearly lost mental impact. Chief among these are the Regional Agency for the this attitude – a way of thinking that has lasted for thousands of years. I Protection of the Environment in Ferrara, the headquarters of iGuz- don’t like the definition of a purely ecological architecture, because that zini Illuminazione in Recanati, SIEEB in Beijing ( a Sino-Italian centre risks confining us to a particular sector – as if architecture was made for training and research for the protection of the environment and up of several different architectures. Good quality architecture can only energy conservation. There is also obviously the “Centre for Sustai- be unique. And in new architecture, I believe the theme of sustainable nable Energy Technologies” in Ningbo, China – a prizewinning project development must be part of its DNA.”

10 A IT | P O RTR 1 | 10 archi-news

4 Photo © Daniele Domenicali 5 Photo © MC Regniers

1 / Mario Cucinella 4 / Centre for Sustainable Energy Technologies, Ningbo, Chine 2006-2008 This project is a result of international collaboration for sustainability. 2 / Siège social iGuzzini, Recanato 1997 Inspired in its design by Chinese lantern and traditional wooden Solar protection and natural ventilation thanks to a light covering of screens, the 22 m high building is covered by a double-skin of glass, slats ensure maximum environmental comfort and minimize energy playing a key role in environmental control strategies. consumption. A central atrium allows light to filter through and opens out onto a garden, which helps to underscore the connection between 5 / Una casa per sognare

2 architecture and nature. The 100 m house priced at 100,000 euros with zero CO2 emissions represents the new link between architecture and energy consumption. 3 / SIEB - Sino Italian Ecological Building, Pékin 2003-2006 The concept includes solar panels, solar collectors, good air circulation The optimal shape of the building envelope, the extreme transparency of and other passive environmental strategies that make for a bioclimatic the facade, the sunlight control and the concentration of seeking light and residence. brightness were fundamental to ensuring that this ecological building gains maximum heat in winter and a dispersal of heat in summer.

11 SAIE Selection 2009

The purpose of this architecture competition organized by the Bologna Fiere and Archi-Europe.com was to select 24 projects on Solutions for low cost houses with low energy consumption. All the projects (12 in the Young Architects Category and 12 the Students Category) were presented in a special section of the SAIE (Bologna International Building Fair) in October 2009.

Brick Category Metal & Glass Category

Architects 1 Architects 5 The jury has appreciated the work on the urban density, the pleasant The project won an award for its interesting approach to the traditional approach on interior courtyards and the contrast very dense/very light. typology and the concept of repetitivity. The building refers to The whole presentation was quite strong and rich in its composition of environmental strategies modifying the language of architecture. volumes with a good interpretation for materials and colours (polychrome

interpretation of the buildings) Students 6 It refers to a complete school project with methodological approach and

Students 2 environmental analysis, therefore quite consistent with the study and the This project presents a methodological approach, a research to integrate conceptual methodologies. A metallic structure becoming a big habitable technical elements in the construction without penalizing the message. This box is interesting from the mobility approach as well as the environmental building is very simple but has a strong and efficient expression thanks to and climatic analysis. its sobriety.

Wood Category Concrete Category

Architects 3 Architects 7 This joint ownership building is interesting as it proves that the use of wood The final result of these stacked volumes convinced the jury. can create a sophisticated interpretation for the angles and the inside It’s a well conceived project where the shutter subject is intelligently spaces. treated. It is a very complete project regarding costs as well as the technical integration and the environmental analysis.

Students 4 Studied for a development zone in Nicaragua, this project is simple but Students 8 functional and consistent from the architectural and aesthetic point of view. Technologically well studied, the project combines very informally open There is a pleasant technological integration with the idea of the wooden and closed spaces. pergola nicely underlining the full function of this material.

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6 8

13 ART&BUILD www.artbuild.eu

1 Photo © Art Maniac Production 2 Photo © Yvan Glavie 3 Photo © Serge Brison

Based in Brussels, Luxembourg and Toulouse, a sensitivity, preferably strong and individual is the simplest testimony the architecture office Art & Build celebrated end of 2009 to the personality of the various protagonists in Art & Build. But as well its 20th anniversary. It is an opportunity to review a route as the planning they are aware that their effort must give these projects rich in projects and to discover a multifaceted desire permanence beyond the purpose they are intended for. Build without for more sustainable architecture. polluting materials, consider how to save energy, consider the comfort and health of the occupants, Art & Build takes a line that accounts for all Born in 1989 from the association of the three architects Pierre, Lal- these complex factors. So the Covent Garden complex (2000-2008) with lemand, Marc Thil, Isidore Zielonka and the civil engineer Philip Van its elliptical form is the first Brussels office building with a water purifi- Halteren, Art & Build is based from the outset on a desire for opening cation unit to recycle water for sanitary, maintenance and watering. For out. The four founding members complement each other with their indivi- the extensive renovation of Berlaymont seat of the European Commission dual experience so that they can diversify their activities and fulfil all the (1996-2004), the architects commissioned for the concept and design functions connected with the multiple aspects of architecture. This multi have deliberately chosen the lowest energy consumption as the pro- disciplinary initiative is converted into numerous projects from town ject’s guideline. The old curtain walls have been replaced by insulating planning to engineering and product design. Hospital centres, the deve- glass facades, sheltered by an articulated heat absorbing glass system. lopment of grouped residences, banks, tertiary buildings, renovation of An efficient and lasting envelope, this is still the case with the general cultural centres, casinos, schools, large company headquarters, nothing building of the Council of Europe building in Strasbourg which has re- escapes the architect’s drawing board. In each project the expression of ceived many prizes. For buildings intended for the European Directorate

14 A IT | P O RTR 1 | 10 archi-news

4 Photo © Serge Brison 5 Photo © Serge Brison

for the Quality of Medicines and Health Care (EDQM), while reflecting the man. Both containers and places of true freedom, towns only have mea- prestige of the institution, a technical language linked to the laboratory ning through densification. These reflect what we create. It is certainly and office functions highlights comfort and quality of life. Today, at the difficult to reinvent yourself all the time, it is a continual task, but also a time of balances while realizing their thoughts, desires and aspirations, pleasure and a raison d’être.” architects are redefining their future objectives.A much more humanis- Partners : Pierre Lallemand – Marc Thill – Philippe Van Halteren – Isidore tic view of architecture beyond globalization. Confronted with the new Zielonka - Steven Beckers – Luc Deleuze – Philippe Bultot – Alain Wouters standards of a society in constant evolution they think in advance to stay – Charlotte Pijcke – Alexander de Haes – Bruno Caballé – Gilles Bourgeois ahead on the architectural scene. From now on innovative buildings will – Kervyn da Silva Lucas – Christian Likassi – David Roulin. be in demand with the requirements of the HQE, LEED or BREAAM stan- dards for the environmental performance of buildings. Knowing that 1 / The for founding members Pierre Lallemand - Isidore Zielonka - Marc Thill - Philippe Van Halteren these standards are essential for the future, Art & Build keeps to the 2 / ULB Human Sciences Library, Brussels 1990-1994 “C2C in Architecture” manifesto, united movement for buildings which 3 / Covent Garden, Brussels 2000-2008 carry the flag for the principles of the Cradle to Cradle industrial ecology. In two decades Art & Build has developed (about a hundred collabora- 4 / Council of Europe EDQM, Strasbourg 2002-2007 tors, including fifteen partners) and diversified in terms of geography 5 / Council of Europe “New General Building”, Strasbourg 2002-2007 and types of projects. Town planning has a privileged position. Pierre Lallemand proclaims that “the town is the most wonderful invention of

15 Daoust Lestage, Montréal www.daoustlestage.com

1 Photo © Daoust Lestage 2 Photo © A. Laforêt 3 Photo © M. Cramer

Used to prizes and honours, the agency founded by urban ding strides across the urban motorway with a parking area and planner Real Lestage and the architect Renee Daoust has underground metro. The designers had countless technical chal- made some spectacular urban productions. lenges to consolidate the urban fabric. Innovating project and exemplary work place, the CDP wanted to keep to the most recent Since 1991 the refurbishment of the site of the Moulins (Montreal) trends in energy efficiency while promoting social communication. contributes to laying the base of an approach which characterizes the Recently the “Quartier des Spectacles” in Montreal, one of the most work of the Daoust Lesage today. This project relies on the potential important urban renewal operations in Canada involves significant evocation of existing ruins and the narrative capacity of contemporary operations on traffic routes and develops four major public places for interventions. A little later in Quebec, the Parliament Hill project re-de- holding festivals or other events. signates an important traffic axis as well as the Parliament esplanade. The famous Promenade Samuel-De Champlain was created to give At the end of the 1990s, the Daoust Lesage architects got down to a back access to the Saint Lawrence river while revitalizing 2.5 km of large scale urban project: The International District. A Montreal urban costal landscape. It ripples delicately in a sequence of atmospheres, sector disintegrated in the 1960s because of the Ville-Marie motorway going from an infinite vision of the river to a more tactile and sensory and the existence of many vague landscapes, they reconfigure public experience for the user. Note that the” Station des Cageux” is an im- places, build underground pedestrian links, recover the motorway portant landmark with its observation tower and interpretation kiosk. and intervene on traffic routes. A new friendly district then emerges. All the large renewal operations of the urban environment discussed Erected in the heart of the district the CDP Capital offices stand here, and others are characterized by the sobriety of the architectural out for durable development and quality of life. This bridge buil- operations. For each project the approach is based on an attentive rea- 16 A IT | P O RTR 1 | 10 Photo © M. Cramer 4

5 archi-news Photo © M. Cramer

ding of the historical characteristics, current conditions and the spirit Visit your website of place in order to formulate works in harmony with the specific cha- www.archi-europe.com every day! racter of the site. This approach enhances realization of projects which while based on proven archetypes present a completely contemporary You will find:

technique. news headlines, original videos, press releases, exclusive portraits, monthly archi-news online, international contests and competitions, 1 / Renée Daoust and Réal Lestage agenda of all events and exhibitions, job and traineeship offers, 2 / CDP Capital Centre, Montreal 2000-2003 new products and innovations, directory of the building industry 3 / Square of the Quartier des Spectacles, Montreal 2007-2009 suppliers etc. 4 & 5 / Promenade Samuel-De Champlain - Phase 1, Québec 2005-2008 Fumihiko Maki Centres Culturels. books Fumihiko Maki, Kenneth Frampton, Mark Mulligan, Architectures 1990 – 2011 David Stewart Cecilia Bione

Fumihiko Maki, Kenneth Frampton, Mark Mulligan, David The greatest architects of our times like to confront the Infill - New houses for urban sites Stewart new architectural theme which is the cultural centre, Annabel Biles & Adam Mornement This work covers one of the most influential architects of a reception point to the various functions defending the end of the twentieth century and offers a large range creation under all its forms. The book gives a visual The availability of land is more and more precious in the of his projects over a period of 50 years, illustrated and commented repertoire of the most important centre of large cities. For architects, the challenge is to by photographs, drawings, models, diagrams and achievements throughout the world (plans, photographs optimize these very small, inaccessible or difficult urban computer renderings. This selection of over 40 projects and detailed technical sheet). sites. This is why the authors of the book show the spirit of the Kyoto National Art Museum at the Massachusetts of invention of the designers who use these difficult sites: Institute of Technology includes a description of each Editions Actes Sud Collection Architecture | French corner land parcels, partially submerged, on a sharp project and thoughts on its role in architectural € incline, etc. development. 282 pages | 69.00 ISBN 978 2742784493 Editions Laurence King | English Editions Phaidon | English www.actes-sud.fr 240 pages | € 29.03 320 pages | € 75.00 ISBN 978-1856695589 ISBN 978-0714849560 www.laurenceking.com www.phaidon.com

Hadid, Complete Works 1979 - 2009 Living for the Elderly Philip Jodidio Eckard Feddersen, Insa Lüdtke

Born in Baghdad and living in London, Zaha Hadid is an Architects and constructors can develop these types of often controversial architect who has designed a number accommodation and intelligent concepts for the elderly of futuristic buildings over the past ten years. She now and frail. This work has come from a series of design ranks among the world elite architects. Covering her guides provided with detailed information on design, complete works to date, particularly her recent works energy management and durability. Forty or so projects in Dubai and Guangzhou, this oversize book provides a give exemplary solutions of buildings for elderly and frail comprehensive look at the progression of her career people. in architecture and design, with the help of spectacular photographs and artwork. Editions Birkhauser | English 248 pages | € 89.90 Tashen | English / French / German ISBN 978-3764388713 600 pages | € 100.00 www.springer.com ISBN 978-3836502948 www.taschen.com Heart-Made. Brazil Contemporary A Cutting-edge of Chinese Paul Meurs, Frits Gierstberg, Jaap Guldemond & Bregje Contemporary Architecture. van Woensel, Ineke Holtwijk, Luciano Figueredo Fang Zhenning, Christophe Pourtois, Marcelle Rabinowicz

Richly illustrated, this publication – published to coincide Richly illustrated, this work presents the changes and with exhibitions currently on show in Rotterdam – different architectural trends which have emerged during provides a study of contemporary architecture, visual the last ten years through a large range of remarkable culture and the art of Brazil. It shows, for example, the recent projects. This book mainly covers the young urban development overpowering the great metropolis generation of Chinese architects who are shaping a of São Paulo, and shows a particularly fascinating society in full change. glimpse of Rio de Janeiro. Editions Fonds Mercator – NAI | English / Dutch Editions CIVA – Europalia | English 320 pages | € 35.00 216 pages | € 44.95 ISBN 978-9056626778 ISBN 978-9061538943 www.naipublishers.nl www.fondsmercator.be

18 | PR O JE c T 1 | 10 archi-news

Ars Electronica Center, Linz, Treusch architecture www.treusch.at

Photo © Treusch Architecture

A culture space to develop new procedures for the process of design, are seen as a homogenous unit. To do this, the architects have united production and representation, the Ars Electronica centre has the most them in a structural steel and glass "shell." Everything seems askew. important archive of computer art over the last 25 years. The different elements seem to separate and join at the same time. The A new wing has just been created next to the first building opened in structure is constantly unveiling new forms according to the viewpoint. 1996 to give a useable area of 6500 m2. Surfaces, part in transparent and part in mat glass, can be back lit in On the town planning level, the concept is based on the principle of dia- the interstice between the wall and the shell. The structure is specta- logue with the environment to maintain a free view over the Danube and cular at night. The 5000 m2 façade is built with 1100 high power LED to try to preserve the historical town fabric. The guiding idea of the pro- light bands (red, green, blue and white). This daring architectural rela- ject was to include an architectural sculpture so that the two edifices tionship represents the culminating point of the Linz urban landscape.

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Kraanspoor archi-news OTH Ontwerpgroep Trude Hooykaas,

Amsterdam www.oth.nl

Photo © Christiaan de Bruijne Photo © Rob Hoekstra

Abandoned in an old industrial zone near the town centre of Amster- achievement was able to reinvigorate the area. Reusing an existing dam, this witness of the past dating from 1952, consisting of docks, structure often imposes significant constraints. The challenge was hangars and port equipment was earmarked for demolition. to construct a three storey building on an old base designed with a In 1997, Trude Hooykass was fascinated by this huge concrete struc- cantilever over the water. This is a light building, simply designed like ture and she saw real chances to create new urban activities. She a large transparent rectangular box, separated from the concrete decided to make it live again by creating a new building on the water. structure and resting on the steel posts which respect the structural This work has lasted ten years. The project she developed together framework. Today, thanks to the conservation and improvement of an with her office OTH Ontwerpgroep Trude Hooykaas is implanted on the existing structure and the careful use of materials and resources, the imposing concrete structure (270m long, 8.7m wide and 13.5 m high) "Kraanspoor" shows that an environmental approach is compatible which used to be the track for the loading cranes (kraanspoor). Her with real architectural quality.

The Archi-Europe/Archi-Students Premium Partners are:

20 Competitions | Co mpetiti o ns A FRESH LOOK AT 20TH CENTURY STUDENTS CONTEST CONCERNING SCHINDLER AWARD 2010 ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE NEW NOMAD HABITATS Students of architecture are invited to put forward visionary The International Union of Architects announces the launch design ideas for developing an area of the grounds that were Develop a home for a nomad family taking into account that 1 | 10 of an international competition that will invite architecture 80% of the construction must be natural and renewable. used for ’s 1936 Olympic Games. students from around the world to create imagemodels of The accent is put on the project’s realistic dimension. The Submission deadline: July 30, 2010 examples of significant architectural creativity realised during winning projects will need to be integrated in the 360 www.schindleraward.com the 20th century.This competition is an opportunity for the CAMP during the main stops in France, China, USA, etc. This architects of tomorrow to enrich the web index www.archi.fr/ work dedicated to nomad populations could also lead to THE WORLD HABITAT AWARDS UIA with their own expression of an architectural realisation provide solutions and equipments for the tourism industry The World Habitat Awards were established in 1985 by archi-news from the last century, using today's design tools. , especially for people involved in sustainable issues. This the Building and Social Housing Foundation as part of its The image models to be designed for this competition need type of work could also be used in case of human or natural contribution to the United Nations International Year of to be based on digital photographs created using Autodesk® disasters. Shelter for the Homeless. ImageModeler® and Autodesk® Stitcher® Unlimited software. Pre-entries until June 30, 2011 Two awards are given annually to projects from the global This software will be made available by Autodesk® to the www.habitatnomade.com/concours.html North as well as the South that provide practical and competitors for use free of charge for the duration of the innovative solutions to current housing needs and problems. competition.All phases of the competition will be conducted on-line. ARCHITECTURE OF NECESSITY Every year an award of £10,000 is presented to each of the Students are free to choose the structure they wish to Virserum Art Museum is releasing an international call two winners at the annual United Nations global celebration represent, from a major laandmark to an unknown building, for an Architecture of Necessity. The call is a demand for a of World Habitat Day. Travel and accommodation costs are with the condition that it was built between 1901 and 2000. new approach to architecture and construction based on also met for one representative of each winning project to www.3d20th.archi.fr sustainability, equality and responsibility. It is distributed attend the awards ceremony. Deadline: March 26, 2010 to some 200 architectural publications worldwide, from Deadline: June 01, 2010 Submissions may be transmitted on-line from April 5, Damascus to New York, as well as to various architecture www.worldhabitatawards.org to April 26, 2010. organisations. Architects from all over the world are invited to submit examples of Architecture of Necessity. THE EUROPEAN ALUMINIUMAWARD 2010 EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Deadline: May 08, 2010 Companies with an innovative product that incorporates COMPETITION IN ECO AND AGRO-MATERIALS www.virserumskonsthall.com aluminium can win an important prize by taking part in the The competition is open to students and professionals wishing 2010 European Aluminium Award competition. 6 Awards and to submit creative and innovative architectural and design WHO’S NEXT 2 special prizes are at stake. NEW is the Young Designers projects that use eco- and agro-materials. The best projects Freegreen.com is challenging you to develop affordable Prize. The Overall Jury Award will be given to the entry with will be awarded financial prizes and prototype development green home designs that fit contemporary lifestyles. There the most striking contribution to “Environment, Sustainability grants, and will afford winners the opportunity to foster are a lot of people who want a new home but don’t want a & Energy Efficiency”.Winning a prestigious prize such as contacts in the scientific and economic fields. generic suburban McMansion. The American dream is not this European Aluminium Award not only recognises your Deadline: April 18, 2010 / projects for phase I one size fits all. Our dreams are changing, and FreeGreen innovative approach to business, but is also an important adream-thueringen.picardie.fr is challenging, you, the residential design community, to stimulus that helps to promote your company. develop new ideas for people who don’t dream of the generic. Deadline: July 01, 2010 Deadline: March 01, 2010 www.aluminium-award.eu/2010 www.freegreen.com/whosnext

The Archi-Europe/Archi-Students Partners are:


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