Educating Professional Musicians in a Global Context Proceedings of the 19th International Seminar of the Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician (CEPROM) International Society for Music Education edited by Janis Weller Philippos Nakas Conservatory, Athens, Greece July 10-13, 2012 Published by the International Society for Music Education 1 The full papers submitted to the 2012 International Seminar of ISME’s Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician were double blind refereed by a panel of international authorities before inclusion in the Seminar Program and Seminar Proceedings. Membership of the Commission for 2010-2012: Janis Weller, USA (Chair) Kaija Huhtanen, Finland Eddy K.M. Chong, Singapore Glen Carruthers, Canada Rosie Perkins, U.K. Don Lebler, Australia © 2012 International Society for Music Education (ISME) email:
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