Attacking the New Nonsense Needed No Outside Help
TIME DECEMBER 12. 1977 - --Science------- Mathematician Maria Reiche has dem onstrated that the Nazcans would have Attacking the New Nonsense needed no outside help. Still another pro gram showed pictures made by a process A committee ofskeptics challenges paranormal claims called Kirlian photography and explained that they showed the psychic "auras" of merica has been saturated in recent people and plants. Scientists have report Ayears by tales of the paranormal and ed that the auras are a common electri claims of the pseudo scientists. The list cal phenomenon called coronal discharge. seems endless: Uri Geller, the Bermuda NBC is not the committee's only tar Triangle, E.S.P., levitation, Jeane Dixon, get. It has challenged the claims by Psy Kirlian photography, the Loch Ness mon chiatrist-Writer Immanuel Velikovsky ster, psychic surgery, Immanuel Velikov that the planet Venus was once a comet sky, thinking ivy plants and now-again that swept close to the earth, causing -flying saucers. flood , plague and other catastrophes in Undoubtedly stimulated by the mov biblical times; his scenario violates a num ie Close Encounters ofthe Third Kind, UFO ber of physical laws. In the committee's freaks have been deluging the White magazine, a twice-yearly publication House with mail. Most demand that Pres called the Zetetic (Greek for skeptic), ident-.Cartei:...rnke good on a campaign - committee-membet=s-have also knocked promise that if there were any secrets UFOiogy, biorhythms and astrology. about the UFOs he would flush them out, One member, Magician James ('The if elected. Carter reported in 1973, while Amazing") Randi, has publicly duplicated Governor of Georgia, that several years Uri Geller's feat~ such as key and earlier he had seen a UFO in the form of spoon bending, without invoking para a "glowing light" in the night sky.
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