Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports

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Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports WILDLIFE HAZARD MANAGEMENT AT AIRPORTS AIRPORT PRACTICE NOTE 9 Yes WILDLIFE HAZARD MANAGEMENT AT AIRPORTS i This airport practice note is intended as an information document for airport members, providing useful information regarding wildlife hazard management at Australian aerodromes. The airport practice note is for general information purposes only and is not intended to be prescriptive or be an exhaustive set of information on matters that should be taken into account for wildlife hazard management at airports. Before making any commitment of a financial nature or otherwise, airports should consider their own specific needs and circumstances and seek advice from appropriately qualified advisers. No material contained within this guideline should be construed or relied upon as providing recommendations in relation to any particular development or planning outcome or decision. The Australian Airports Association and the authors of this airport practice note do not give any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information which is contained herein. Except insofar as any liability under statute cannot be excluded, the Australian Airport Association Ltd and the authors of the airport practice note and their employees do not accept any liability for any error or omission in this publication or for any resulting loss or damage suffered by the user or any other person. The Australian Airports Association and the authors of this airport practice note, and their employees, do not guarantee that the publication is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and, to the extent allowed by law, disclaim all liability for any loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information from these publications. MARCH 2016 ii WILDLIFE HAZARD MANAGEMENT AT AIRPORTS ABOUT THE AUSTRALIAN AIRPORTS ASSOCIATION The Australian Airports Association (AAA) is the The AAA is the leading advocate for appropriate national industry voice for airports in Australia. national policy relating to airport activities and The AAA represents the interests of more than 260 operates to ensure regular transport passengers, airports and aerodromes Australia wide – from freight, and the community enjoy the full benefits local country community landing strips to major of a progressive and sustainable airport industry. international gateway airports. These Airport Practice Notes are prepared on There are a further 130 corporate partners behalf of industry to promote ‘best practice’ across representing aviation stakeholders and airport operations. organisations that provide goods and services to the airport sector. The AAA facilitates co-operation If you have any questions regarding this document among all member airports and their many and please contact the AAA on 02 6230 1110. varied partners in Australian aviation, whilst contributing to an air transport system that is safe, secure, environmentally responsible and efficient for the benefit of all Australians and visitors. The AAA facilitates co-operation among all member airports and their many and varied partners in Australian aviation whilst contributing to an air transport system that is safe, secure, environmentally responsible and efficient for the benefit of all Australians and visitors. This Airport Practice Note has been prepared on behalf of the AAA by: PO Box 404 West Burleigh Qld 4219 W: www.avisure.com P: 07 5508 2046 F: 07 5508 2544 WILDLIFE HAZARD MANAGEMENT AT AIRPORTS 1 CONTENTS Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 7 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... 10 Section 1: Background .................................................................................................................. 11 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................11 Why are airports concerned about wildlife? .......................................................................................11 Wildlife strike consequences ................................................................................................................ 11 What can airports do about wildlife? ...................................................................................................12 Airport Practice Note Number 9 – Wildlife hazard management .........................................................12 Case studies .........................................................................................................................................13 Section 2: The regulatory environment ......................................................................................... 17 International legislation, practices and agreements ............................................................................17 National legislation and guidelines.......................................................................................................17 State and territory legislation and guidance ........................................................................................18 Section 3: Wildlife hazard management plan ................................................................................ 20 Documentation ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Developing a WHMP ............................................................................................................................ 20 Wildlife hazard management plan contents .........................................................................................21 Roles and responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 21 Reviewing the WHMP ........................................................................................................................... 23 Case studies .........................................................................................................................................23 Section 4: Wildlife hazard assessment .......................................................................................... 26 Habitats and activities .......................................................................................................................... 26 Wildlife hazards .................................................................................................................................... 27 Section 5: Wildlife risk assessment ............................................................................................... 28 Assessing operational risks ................................................................................................................... 28 Detailed wildlife risk assessments ........................................................................................................28 Strike risk assessment .......................................................................................................................... 28 Survey risk assessment (Shaw, 2004) ...................................................................................................29 Bird risk assessment model for airports and aerodromes (Paton, 2010) .............................................30 Case studies .........................................................................................................................................30 Section 6: Monitoring and detecting wildlife hazards .................................................................... 32 On-airport monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 32 Wildlife detection technology .............................................................................................................. 33 Off-airport monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 33 Collecting data ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Storing data .........................................................................................................................................33 Case studies .........................................................................................................................................35 WILDLIFE HAZARD MANAGEMENT AT AIRPORTS 3 Section 7: Managing wildlife hazards ............................................................................................ 38 Active management: dispersal ............................................................................................................. 38 Active management: lethal control ......................................................................................................41 Active management: trapping and relocation ......................................................................................41 Active management: egg and nest removal .........................................................................................42
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