A Defamation Action
ELECTRONICALLY FILED 1/2/2018 5:20 PM 2018-L-000044 CALENDAR: R PAGE 1 of 51 CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISLAW DIVISION COUNTY DEPARTMENT, LAW DIVISIONCLERK DOROTHY BROWN ______________________________________________________________________________ ) PAUL J. CIOLINO, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) Case No. ) v. ) ) ALSTORY SIMON, JAMES DELORTO, ) TERRY A. EKL, JAMES G. SOTOS, ) MARTIN PREIB, WILLIAM B. CRAWFORD, ) ANITA ALVAREZ, ANDREW M. HALE and ) WHOLE TRUTH FILMS, LLC, ) ) Defendants. ) COMPLAINT Paul J. Ciolino (“Ciolino”) brings this lawsuit against Alstory Simon, James Delorto, Terry A. Ekl, James G. Sotos, Martin Preib, William B. Crawford, Anita Alvarez, Andrew M. Hale, and Whole Truth Films, LLC (collectively, the “Defendants”). NATURE OF THE ACTION 1. Plaintiff Ciolino brings Complaint, alleging defamation (of the per se and per quod varities), false light, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and civil conspiracy against the named defendants. 2. In July, 2015, a self-proclaimed documentary entitled “Murder in the Park,” (“MIP”) produced and funded by Defendant HALE and his production company WHOLE TRUTH FILMS, LLC, (“WTF”) premiered before a small audience in Chicago at the Gene Siskel Film Center. The documentary, featuring Defendants SIMON, HALE, EKL, SOTOS, DELORTO, CRAWFORD, and ALVAREZ advances an outrageous and demonstrably false claim that with the blessing of Northwestern University, David Protess and Plaintiff Paul Ciolino framed an innocent man [SIMON] so that death row inmate Anthony Porter could become a ‘poster boy’ for the bid to end executions in Illinois. In February, 2016, the documentary aired on Showtime and is still widely through a myriad of on-line streaming services.
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