
amurense - Amur Corktree () ------ is a relatively tough, USAGE functional, low maintenance tree characterized by corky Function bark and interesting form. A male cultivar of the Amur -shade tree for large areas, parks, golf courses Corktree is preferable in some situations as the fruit -has been used as a street tree litter may be a nuisance. -need space for broad spread Texture FEATURES -medium texture in foliage and coarse when bare Form -moderate density - tree Assets -broad spreading vase -good winter character (bark & form) -30-45' tall with equal -pest-free spread -tolerates adverse conditions except limited root space -open rounded crown -attracts ( feeding on fruit) delineated by a few large Liabilities branches -shallow root system -irregular when young, -fruits on female may be messy symmetrical at maturity -may seed itself into the landscape -moderate to rapid growth rate Habitat -long-lived -Zones 4 to 7 Culture -Native to , Japan -tolerates many types of soils, including compacted ones, but is not as urban tolerant as previously thought; SELECTIONS especially with restricted root spaces Alternates -tolerates drought -other trees with showy bark (e.g. Ulmus parvifolia) -pest- and disease-free -vased-shaped trees (e.g. Zelkova serrata) -relatively easily transplanted Cultivars - Variants - Related species Foliage -P. amurense 'Macho' is a male (fruitless) cultivar, -opposite selected in Illinois in 1985 that should be planted -odd pinnately instead of the straight species in any urban situation. It compound has more upright, uniform branching than the species -10-15" long and stronger growth -5-11 leaflets -P. amurense Shademaster'®- A vigorous male cultivar -each leaflet ovate, becoming narrow at the tip -entire margins -transparently dotted (like chlorotic spots) -autumn color is yellow -dioecious (male and female plants) -in panicles -not showy -May to June Fruits -on female plants only -black, 1/2" drupe, in clusters -strong odor when bruised -Oct., persistent into winter Twigs -stout -light to yellow gray, becoming brown -lenticels white, apparent Trunk -bark gray -deeply fissured, ridged, becoming corklike -showy