270 THE GAZETTE, MARCH 25, 1927.





County of . Record No. N.I. 86.

WHEREAS the above-mentioned Viscount Bangor claims to be the Owner of laud in the Townlands of Audleys- town, Ballyhosset, Ballyhosset Milltown, Coney Island, Ballyalton, Ballycultra Upper, Lower, Ballylenagh, , Ballyorgan, Ballinarry, Ballyrenan, , Ballywoodan, Carrintaggart, Carrownacaw, Carrow- carlin, Castlemahon, Corbally, Castleward, Loughkeelan. Loughmoney, Raholp, Russell's Quarter North, Russell's Quarter South, Launches Long. Launches Little, Green Island, Jackdaw Island, Chapel Island, Salt Island and Acre McCricket, Barony of Lower ; in the Townlands of Ballycam. Kilbride, Ballylig. Clogher. Commonreagh, , Island Henry, Strand, Rathmullan Lower and Saint John's Point, Barony of Upper Lecale ; in the Town- land of Drumena, Barony of Upper (Lower Half), and in the Townlands of Bally varnet and Corporation, Barony of Lower Ards—all in the County of Down : Now in pursuance of the provisions of Section 17, Sub-section 2, of the above Act the Land Purchase Commission, Northern Ireland, hereby publish the following Provisional List of all land in the said Townlands of which the said Viscount Bangor claims to be the Owner, which will become vested in the said Commission by virtue, of Part II of the Northern Ireland Land Act, 1925. on the Appointed Day to be hereafter fixed.

Reference No. on . Purchase Standard Beg. Map filed „ 'Annuity Price No. Name of Tenant. Postal Address. Barony. Townland. in Land Area Rent if land if land Purchase becomes becomes Commis- vested. sion. vested. A. R. r. £ s. d.£ s. d. £ s. d

Holding subject to a Judicial Rent fixed before the 16th August, 189G.

John Mcllherron Tobberdoney, | Lower Lecale Audleystown 3 10 0 -2 9 10 52 9 1 Raholp, i Do\vnpatrick Holdings subject to Judicial Rents fixed between the 15th August, 1896, and the 16th August, 1911.

2 Mary Chambers Ballycam, Upper Lecale Ballycam 7 16 3 0 12 0 0 9 17 6 207 17 11 (widow) Killough, Co. Down 3 , Henry Spiers St.John'sPoint do. do. 6 16 0 36 13 10 0 1122 233 17 2 Killough 4 Margaret Ann Smith Ballycam, do. do. S 15 3 27 11 7 6 972 (97 0 4 ( and Caroline Smith, Killough ( (spinsters) 5 / Norah Anderson Ballyhosset, Lower Lecale Ballyhosset 1 35 1 20 27 0 0 22 4 C 467 17 IT 1 (widow), Bright, 1 George Turner Harley Do wnpa trick I Alexander Napier 6 William Braiiiff do. do. do. o 72 2 25 42 6 6 34 16 8 733 6 8 7 Do. do. do. do. 3 7 1 0 4 16 6 3 19 6 83 13 8 8 Alexander McDowell Harbour View, do. do. 4 38 0 20 20 0 0 16 9 2 346 9 10 Munce Killough 9 James Alexander Ballylig, Upper Lecale Ballylig 1 66 0 21 50 19 0 41 18 8 882 16 2- Montgomery Killough 10 J James Moore and do. do. do. 2 64 3 25 43 19 0 36 3 6 761 11 7 1 John Moore 11 J James Moore and do. do. do. 4 20 3 10 15 12 0 12 16 10 270 7 0 1 John Moore 12 f William Moore and do. do. do. 6 40 1 6 34 0 0 27 19 8 589 2 f> Mary Anne. Moore ( (spinster) 13 Do. do. do. do. 5 43 1 10 35 10 0 29 4 4 615 1 9 14 William McCuIlen do do. do. 3 20 3 10 15 10 0 12 15 2 268 11 11 15 ( Sarah Rourke (widow ) Tyre's Brae, do. Clogher 1 60 0 26 49 9 0 40 14 0 856 16 10 J and William James Downpatriek ( Ronrke 16 ( Ellen Martin (widow) Tobbermoney, do. do. 4, 4A 60 0 0 43 7 6 35 14 0 751 IT 7 and William Angus'/us I Frederick Martin 17 William Augustus do. do. do. 5, 5A 28 3 20 22 12 6 18 12 4 391 18 7 Frederick Martin 18 Teresa Russell Clogher House .. do. do. 2, 2 A 36 1 29 x McNabb (widow) Downpatrick undivided 30 0 0 24 13 10 51 9 l(:i (f iof 3, ! containing ..'i> 0v 9« \ in all 21 Hugh Don nan Coney Island. Lower Lecale Coney Island 1A 6 1 36 5 12 6 4 12 8 97 10 1.1 25 Anna Bella O'Keill do. do. do. 4 3 1 24 2 15 0 2-5 4 47 14 f> (widoM }