DECEMBER FEBRUARY I 2 2 , , + 5 6 7 8 9 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 Q ~ 1+ ~ 16 Januar 11 12 1, 1+ 15 16 17 V ~ ~W n II ~ 18 19 20 21 II 2, 2+ M~~~M~~ 25 26 27 M 29 ~

1885 1993 1994 1993 Reglna recorded lis lowesl Aslight thaw, followed 2 The third malor snowfall of 1994Some residenl1 01 Happy + Strong weslerly winds and lemperafure ever: -50'. On Ihls 1 by plummeting sub·zero Ihe season paralysed Brilish Valley and Goose Bay, NF, blizzard conditions on Ihe west lines dale In 1914, Ihe city also reported lemperalures, turned Nova Scotla Columbia's Lower Mainland. 3 suffered aserious waler shortage coasl 01 Newfoundland created Island. ils hlghesl sea-level air pressure: roads and sidewalks Inlo sheels of Vancouver Airport was forced to close, aller leaving Iheir waler running to prevenl problems lor travellers. A passenger poles fell, and some 106.40 kPa. ice, making travel dangerous and which meant Ihe hockey game between pipes .rom freezing in ·30' lemperatures. ferry Ihallen North , NS. took 40 6 months before power was re$lored. resulling In 3 deaths. the Canucks and Ihe Tampa Bay hours to reach Cbannel-Port aux Lightning had 10 be cancelled. Basques, NF-a crllSsing thal normally lakes 6 hours.

New Vear's Day Full Moon

1989 1981 1994 Weather Qlliz This was Ihe start 01 an 8-day The sudden arrival 01 warm 1992Planners of a specllll1-day fele 9 While Easterners were NlpltalJlepsll/ Is wIIl/t lorm 11 A1984 local snow squall creafed 12 1918 13 deep freeze in Ihe . wealher, along wllh heavy rain 8 des neiges, held the year 01 digging oul 01 yet another 10 ot weatller malady? a massive 2OIl-car plleup on Minimum lemperalures al and high winds, caused Ihe Ice 's 350th birthday basb, snowslorm, Calgarians were (a) snowbllndnass the Queen Elizabeth Highway a huge lire In Ihe c 7 Dawson dipped 10 -50.3 • 10 break up on Lake Slmcoe near Barrle, breathed a collecllve sigh of relief mowing their lawns, riding their bikes, (b) trllStblfIJ near Burllnglon, ON. Injuring lown of Listowel. Anumber of trains Plslon-engine aircrall were unable 10 ON. Hundreds of people ice-fishing were when the cily received a 12·cm snowfall. and sunning Ihemselves in ouldoor cafes. (c) tllllllderstrvck 89 people. were stranded throughoulthe region In 5·m service Ihe city, and road Iravel was nol caughl by surprise, and 14 had 10 be The temperalure soared to 11'. aboul2' (d) weather mlgrana snowdrllls and lemperafures cold enough to recommended due 10 Ihe extreme wind rescued by hellcopler. higher Ihan al Las Vegas. Skiers were (e) pricklY lIeat Ireeze the wheels 10 the tracks. chill. lamenling the JulY'like wealher. (See Inside Iront cover lor answer.)

Last Quarter

1611 1153 1982 1982 1994 1935 Quebec Cily received Ihe A Hudson's Bay explorer, Aweek-long cold spelllhal 1914Cana~a's greatestl-day 17 High winds cut power to Ihe Between 31 December 1993 In Vancouver, temperatures season's IIrst snowfall, slalioned at Vork Faclory, had taken the lives of more 16 snowfall, 118.1 cm was electrically heated houses of 18 and 19 January 1994, dipped to -15.6' and 20 would onen fill a hogshead 15 than 260 people in the United recorded al Lakelse Lake, BC. City, causing water Vellowknile endured a record Snowfall exceede~ 40 cm. marking whal was probably 1+ 19 111 shortesl winler ever. By mid-March, with water from the river when he gol up Slates, continued to hold Ontario In Its pipes to freeze. and forcing more than 20 consecutive days when the minimum Aquick thaw, lollowed by 2fi1 mm of rain spring had sellled in. The absence 01 In the morning, Ihen leave it on the ice 10 icy grip. Asnowstorm near London, ON, 2,000 people from their homes. The temperalure was less than or equal 10 ·31' over Ihe next 4 days, caused extensive rool cold wealher caused lood spoilage, see how long 11 look to freeze. On Ihls len 2 candidates lor Ihe Onlarlo NDP Newfoundland government declared Ihe damage across Ihe city including the resulling In considerable hardship. day. his journal indlcales the hogshead leadership campaign lemporarlly clly a disaster area. collapse 01 the Forum, Vancouver's main was solid by 10 AM. slranded afler their car's accelerator hockey and curling rink. pedallroze.

New Moon

1989 1995 1958 1815 1994 A Maritime slorm, Warm southerly air walled Along1981 Quebec's North Shore, 23 An unusual mild The RCMP's commanding How cold was It? It was so 1995Soulhern Ontario finally saw 27 accompanied by high winds, 21 across the Vukon and 22 lierce 130 kmlh winds spell occurred, wllh onlcer at Swan River, MB, cold that ,leam log rising the sun aner 11 consecutive O.O~ 26 dumped as much as 3D cm 01 weslern Arctic, pushing whipped more Ihan 30 cm temperatures of at 2+ requested asupply 01 25 from Halifax Harbour turne 11 fumed out ID snow on Ihe region, disrupting temperalures 15~ to 25' above normal, of snow into huge drills. At 8ale-Comeau Alert, -1.1" at Eureka. -3.9" at reliable thermometers for Ihe barrack the bridges linking Halifax'Dartmouth Iransportalion and power. Several lust when the Ford Molor Company and Sept·lles. Ihe storm blew down signs !sachsen, and ·5.0' at Resolule. rooms, re.soning Ihal "When Ihe men go to ice, causing havoc to commulers. residenls 01 Bavsid8. NS. alono wllh arrived In Veltowknlle for cold·weather and TV antenna•. damaoed a hosoltal. These were hioher than any to bed Ilhinklhev should knolll if it is ...autn IntArnallnnal Almnrt SAt a nllw ~~---r------'--- -.--".-~------

New Year's Day Full Moon

1994 1909 1987 1992 Weather Quiz This was the start 01 an 8·day The sudden arrival of warm Planners III a special 17·day 'ete 9 While Easterners were Nlpllall/IJ/lSla Is what form 11 1984Alocal snow squall created 12 1918During a brulal snowstorm, 1) deep freeze in Ibe Yuklln. weather, along with heavy rain 8 des neiges, held the year 0' digging out 01 yet anolber 10 ot weather ma/ally? a massive 200'car pileup on strong winds hi! soulhweslem Minimum temperatures at 7 and high winds, caused Ibe Ice Monfnlal's 350th birthday bash, snowstorm, Calgarians were (a) snowll/lndness the Queen Elizabeth Highway Onlario, fanning a huge lire In Ihe Dawson dipped to ·50.3'. to break up on Lake Simcoe near Barrie, brealbed a collective sigh 01 relief mowing Ihelr lawns, riding their bikes, (Il) IrosI/Jlte near Burllnglon, ON, Injuring town 0' LislOwel. Anumber of trains Piston'engine aircrall were unable to ON. Hundreds 0' people ice·flshing were when Ihe city received a 12·cm snowfall. and sunning Ibemseives In outdoor caMs. (c) thunders/ruck 89 people. were stranded Ihroughout Ibe region in 5·m senrlce the city, and road trawl was not caught by surprise, and 14 had 10 be The lemperature soared 10 17', aboul2<> (d) weather mlgrane snowdrills and temperatures cold enough to recommended due to Ibe extreme wind rescued by helicopter. higher than al Las Vegas. Skiers were (e) fJrick/y heat freeze Ihe wheels to Ibe lracks, chill. lamenting the July·llke wealber. (See Inside front cover for answer.)

Last Quarter

1671 1753 1982 1974 1982 1994 1935 Qu6bec City received Ibe AHudson's Bay explorer, Aweek·long cold spelllbal 's greatest l·day High winds cui power to the Between 31 December 1993 In Vancouver, lemperatures season's first snOWfall, stationed at York Factory, had laken Ihe lives of more 16 snowfall, 118.1 cm was electrically heated houses of 18 and 19 January 1994, dipped 10 -15.6° and 20 would ollen 1111 a hogshead 15 than 260 people in Ihe United recorded at lakelse lake, BC. Labrador City, causing water Yellowknite endured a record marking what was probably 1+ 17 19 snowfall exceeded 40 cm. its shortesl wlnler eYer. By mid-March, with water from Ihe river when he Stales, continued 10 hold Onlario in its pipes to Ireeze, and forcing more Ihan 20 consecutiw days when Ihe minimum Aquick Ihaw, followed by 267 mm of rain spring had sellled in. The absence 01 in the morning, then leaye it on th Icy grip. Asnowstorm near London, ON, 2,000 people from Ihelr homes. The lemperature was less than or equal 10 ·37'. owr the next 4 days, caused extensive roof cold weather caused food spoilage, see how long it took 10 freeze. On ibis left 2candidates lor Ihe Ontario NDP Newfoundland governmenl declared the damage across Ihe city including Ihe resulting in considerable hardship. day, his journal indicates Ibe hogshead leadership campaign temporarity city adisaster area. collapse 01 the Forum, Vancouver's main was solid by 10 AM. slranded allar Ibelr car's acceterator hockey and curling pedal froze.

New Moon

1989 1995 1958 1875 1995 AMaritime storm, Warm soulherly air walled Along1987 Quebec's North Shore, 23 An unusual Arctic mild The RCMP's commanding 1994How cold was it? 11 was so 26 Southern Ontario finally saw accompanied by high winds, 21 across Ihe Yukon and 22 fierce 130 kmJh winds spell occurred, with oHicer at Swan Riwr, MB, cold that steam log rising Ihe sun after 17 consecutive dumped as much as 30 cm of weSlern Arctic, pushing whipped more Ihan 30 cm temperatures of 0.0' al 2+ requested a supply 0' 25 from Halifax Harbour turned days 01 cloud. 11 tumed oullo 27 snow on the region, disrupling temperalures 15' to 25' abow normal, 01 snow Into huge drills. AI Baie-Comeau Alert, -1.1' al Eureka, ·3.9" al reliable thermometers for the barrack the bridges linking Halilax-Dartmouth be Ihe cloudlesl January In transportation and power. Several lust when the Ford Molor Company and Sept·iles, Ihe slorm blew down lsachsen, and -5.0" al Resolute. rooms, reasoning thal "When the men go 10 ice, causing havoc to commuters. since 1949. Wlarton recorded only 30 hours residenls ot Bayside, NS, along with arrived in Yellowkllife lor cold-wealher and TV antennas, damaged a hos These were higher Ihan any to bed I think Ibey should know if It Is Halifax International Airport sel a new 01 sunshlne-Ihe lowesl number In its Lands and Forests Department officers, lesting of vehicles. They were looking lor and overturned atransport Iruck. temperatures eYer reported in the high cold enough 10 Ireeze their ears If lell all·time record-Iow minimum 23-year hislory. 0 0 braved the snow and wind to rescue a -30 mornings, bullnslead temperalures Arctic Irom November to April. exposed, as was Ihe case with lemperature 01 -28.5 • 295-kg moose from abog. hovered around ·10' . Sub-Constable MeCrum.'

Flrsl Quarter

1870 1985 1867 1987 The ship City ot Bos/on Western Canada was in the AI Fort Chimo, PQ, a Afierce winter storm buried sailed from Halifax and 28 midst 01 a cold snap. In a Hudson's Bay Company )0 the Maritimes under up to )1 disappeared during astorm 24-hour period, 21 29 faclor recorded: "The 67 cm of snow. The storm cut with 191 passengers aboard. watermains broke In Edmonton. river frozen over allast and well it might all transportation links 10 Prince tn Regina, leller-carrlers were given Ihe wllb the thermometer 42"F below zero Edward Island. Moncton was the hardest nof discontinuing their walks as this morning. Men hauling home fire hit, and Ihe emergency was aggravated chills reached _65' or 2650 Wlm'. wood and all gotlrosl billen." when the city's snow-clearing crews reported


JANUARY MARCH 2 ) 4- 5 6 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 J) ) 4- 5 6 7 8 9 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fe_ ruar 10 11 Q ~ 14- 0 16 21 22 2) 24 25 26 V ~ ~W n 22 ~ 28 29 )0 )1 24~26~28~~ ~

1916 1992 1 lN7 ) In Ihe midst ollbe worsl blizzard Victoria's greatest 1-day Snag, YT, had the lowest In decades to hit Ihe Maritimes, snowfalllotalled 53.3 cm. 2 temperature ever recorded in lire ripped Ibrough 5 businesses In Snowdrifts exceeded 115 cm Canada, -63'. The troezlng 01 Charlotletown's downtown core, leavln9 along the coast 01 Vancouver Island up one's brealb produced hissing, and almost an entira city block in ruins. 10 Nanalmo. Cars and SIlIlIed transit denlallllllngs popped oul. A layer 01 Charlollelown Airport received arecord vehicles clogged Ihe streets, and Ihe fire fog hovered abovelbe dog leams. lor Ihls day 01 38 cm 01 snow. Winds departmenl had 10 resort to horse-drawn gusted 10 111 km/h. wagons.

Groundhog Day

1916 1792 1978 1987 lN7 The centre block 01 the A Hudson's Bay Company faclor Regina's 4-day blizzard was Mild 16° temperatures and dry 7 Soutllern Saskalchewan was 8 193411 was blllerly cold In soulhern 9 1987Rick Hansen's "Man in 10 Parliament buildings was at Volt Factory wrote In his underway with btowlng snow 6 wealher contrlbuled 10 a hUge raellng Irom aseries 01 blizzards Ontario and lor only tile second Motion" lour was travelling an Ice-encrusled ruin aller + journal: "They [Indians) also 5 and 100 kmlb gusts. By tile 9th, range lire tIIa! killed cattle and Ibat began on 30 January and time in recorded history, 100 km a day across being destroved by fire during the night. Inform me Ibalthe winter set in snowdrills reached Ihe roollops and destroyed 1,600 ha 01 9rassland continued to Ihis day. For 10 days, Lake Ontario troze over completely. Saskalchewan. Ratller lban Ibe frigid Firelighters' coats were Irozen sllll, and so early upwards that many swans and many livestock perished. Though the soulb 01 Calgary. all highways Into Regina were blocked. The IIrst was in February 1875. Even In landscape typical of winter here, Ibetour soldiers' uniforms were white with other walerfowl were Irole In the lakes city was snOWbound, Ihere was only Railway olliclals declared conditions the severe winters, Lake Ontario Is normally was mel by sunny sides, above-zero lromn spray as they lought the blaze and they found many 01 the lormer not a trace of snowfall al the airport. worst in Canadian reil history. One Irain less Iban one-quarter Ice coverad. temperalures, and no wind. Snowless in _13° temperatures and brisk winds_ !ledged, likewise they say that the snow lay buried in a snowdrill 1 km long lields, grazing call1e, and T-shlrted is remarkable deep." and 8 m deep. spectators were typical sights on the Prairies In Ibe El Nino winter 011987.

Full Moon

1993 1995 1988 1993 1851The brig Scienee 01 SI. John's, 11 tn southern Ouubec, ice log 1993An ice jam formed on the 1) 1982The world's largest offshore 1+ Up to 30 cm 01 snow fell on Ablizzard brought 20 cm 01 The second slorm in less tIIan NF, went down oil Sable Island made roads slippery and 12 SI. Lawrence River, 40 km 011 rig, Dce.n Ranger, sank Victoria and Vancouver on Ihe snow 10 , NT, on Ibe 16 a week pounded Ibe Marltlmes with Its cargo 01 molasses. reduced visibility 10 zero, east 01 Montrtlal, causing on Ibe coast 01 Newfoundland, 13t11 and 14th. On Vancouver 15 14th and 15th. Winds gustlng with heavy rein, snow, and 17 causing anumber 01 car accidents waler levels 10 rise 3 10 4 m above rasulling In 84 deaths and at a Island, strong winds downed 10 over 100 kmlb had caused enormous hurrlcane-Iorce winds. Halifax and 1 dealh. normallrom near Sorello Montreal. cosl 01 $60 M. Maximum wind speed severellrees and thousands 01 homes drilling by the 16th. "I knew I was In International Allllort set a new 24-hour Five icebreakers wolted 10 clear Ihe jam, was estimated at 145 kmlb and were without eleclricity. In Vlcloria, Ibe trouble," one resident said, "when I saw precipitation record of 74.1 mm lor Ihe which was quile severe as Ihe Ice was highest waves al21 m. storm was responsible lor 4 deaths and a my neighbour walk past my second­ monlh of February. Winds guSling 10 135 plied up from Ihe bollom. record number 01 broken bones. Tralllc storey window." kmlb toppled fuel storage lanks in was snarted lor hours In Vancouver, Ch6licamp, NS, spilling 70,000 L of ruining Valentine's Oay plans lor many gasoline into asalety dyke. commuters. Pari 01 tile problem was the lenglh 01 time it look 10 convert city trucks Irom sailing to ploughing.

Last Ouarter Valentine's Day

1843 1987 1982 1990 1868 Wellther OIIiz 1988Chinooks continued to hamper 18 Wllalweather phenomenon 19 Asudden storm overtook Unseasonably warm Aseries 01 severe winter The worslllre lire in In southwestern Onlario, a the Winter Olympics aller kills more people In the Prince Edward Island's 20 temperalllres prevailed 21 storms crippled Prince 22 Canadian history began 2) severe 2-day snowstorm they opened at Calgary on developed world Ihan any ice boats during their across Vancouver Island and Edward Island and the burning at Hagersville, ended, leaving drillS up 10 2+ the 131b. On 13 and 18 February, wind OIl/er nalJJral phenomenon? regular crossing belw8en "the Capes." Ibe soulbern British Columbia mainland Madelelne Islands, PO, lrom Ihe 22nd ON, on Ibe 12th, involving 14 million 4 m deep. 01 particular Inlereallo residents speeds 81coeded 200 km/h al the 2,200­ ill) IIghlnlng Passengers and crew spent Ihe night for mosl 01 February. Anlious to the 26th. Winds .reacbing 80 km/hr llres on a 3.ll-ha site. Heavy rains was Ibat the snow contained a hIgh 1'1'1 IAUAI nl Unllnt .&11." Oft tha ?1Df !A:t Ihi "rnllllh' hutldlAd IInd., thAir hnJlht nn thA lelA enmmltrr.ialllfhllAr nrOWAnl: rA~nrh'tI tn whlnnAtllhA £iD em nf SftmAl' intn 7-tn hJlmnAMd flrA flnhtinn on thp. om"nd r.nnr.AntrJltinn of hJadr ftSlrllr:IH_ thnunhtln _...... ,... _"".""-""------­

Groundhog Day

1916 1192 1918 The centre bloet< 01 the AHudson's Bay Company laclor Reglna's 4-day blizzard was 1987Mild 16° temperatures and dry 7 193411 was billerly cold In southern 9 1981Rick Hansen's "Man In 10 Parliament buildings was al York Faclory wrote in his underway with blowing snow 6 weather contributed to a huge 8 Onlario and lor only the second Mollon" tour was travelling an ice-encrusled ruin aHer + journal: "They !Indians] also 5 and 100 kmlh gusts. By the 9th, range fire thal killed canle and time in recorded hislory, 100 km a day across being deslroyed by fire during the nighl. intorm me that the winter set In snowdriffs reached the rooHops and destroyed 1,600 ha 01 grassland day. Lake Ontario lroze over completely. Sastalchewan. Ralher than Ihe frigid Firelighters' coals were Irozen slln, and so early upwards that many swans and many livestock perished. Though Ihe sOUlh 01 Calgary. all highways inlo Reglna The lirst was In February 1875. Even In landscape typical 01 winter here, Ihe tour soldiers' unilorms were while with other waterfowl were froze in the lakes city was snowbound, there was only Railway of1lclals declared conditions Ihe severe winters, Lake Ontario is normally was mel by sunny skies, above-zero lrozen spray as Ibey loughllhe blaze and they found many of Ihe former not aIrace of snow1a1l at the airport. worst In Canadian rail history. One Iraln less than one-quarter iee covered. temperatures, and no wind. Snowless In -13" lemperalures and brisk winds. fledged, likewise they say that the snow lay buried in asnowdrlH 1 km long fields, grazing call1e, and T·shlrted Is remarkable deep." and 8 m deep. spectalors were typical sighls on the Prairies In the El Nifio winter 011981.

Full Moon

1993 1982 f2d-. 1995 1988 1993 1851The brig Sc/ence 01 SI. John's, 11 1993In southern Quebec, Ice log 12 An iee jam lormed on the The world's largesl offshore 1+ Up 10 30 cm 01 snow lell on Ablizzard brought 20 cm 01 The second slorm In less Ihan NF, went down on Sable Island made roads Slippery and SI. Lawrence River, 40 km 1) 011 rig, Ocean Ranger, sank Vlclorla and Vancouver on the snow 10 tqalult, NT, on the 16 a week pounded the Marltlmes with ils cargo 01 molams. reduced visibility to zero, of1 the coast 01 Newloundland, 131h and 141h. On Vancouver 15 14th and 15th. Winds gusting with heavy rain, snow, and 17 causing a number 01 car accidents water 18,elslo rise 3to 4 m above resulling In 84 deaths and al a Island, strong winds downed to over 100 kmlh had caused enormous hurrlcane·force winds. Halll81 and 1 death. normallrom near Sorello Monlreal. cost 01 $60 M. Maximum wind speed severallrees and thousands 01 homes driHlng by the 16th. "I knew I was In International Airport set a new 24·hour Five Icebreakers worked 10 clear Ihe jam, was estimated 11145 kmlh and were without electricity. In Victoria, Ihe trouble," one residenl said, "when I saw precipitation record 0174.1 mm for the which was qulle severe as Ihe ice was highest wavesal21 m. slorm was responSible lor 4 deaths and a my neighbour walk past my second· monlh 01 February. Winds gustlng to 135 plied up Irom Ihe bonom. record number 01 broken bones. fraHlc slorey window." kmlh loppled luel storage lanks in was snarled lor hours In Vancouver, Chetlcamp, NS, spilling 70,000 l 01 gasoline Into a safety dyke.

length 01 lime illoH to convert city lruet

Last Quarter Valentine's Day

Wealher Quiz 1843 1987 1982 1990 1866 1988ChlnoOD conlinued 10 hamper 18 What weather phenomenon A sudden storm overtook Unseasonably warm Aseries 01 SllYere winter The worsllire lire In In southwestern OntariO, a Ihe Wlnler Olympics aHer kills more people in the Prince Edward Island's 20 temperalures prevailed 21 storms crippled Prince 22 Canadian history began 2) severe 2-day snowstorm Ibey opened al Calgary on developed world than an, 19 ice boats during their across Vancouver Island and Edward Island and the burning al Hagersville, ended, leaving drills up 10 2+ Ibe 13th. On 13 and 18 February, wind other oatural phenomenon? regular crossing between "the Capes. H Ihe southern British Columbia malntand Madeleine Islands, PQ, from the 22nd ON, on Ihe 12th, Involving 14 million 4 m deep. 01 particular inlerestlo residents speeds eGeeded 200 km/h althe 2,200­ (a) lightning Passengers and crew spenllhe night lor most 01 February. Anxious 10 the 26th. Winds reaching 80 kmlhr tires on a3.6·ha sUe. Heavy rains was that Ihe snow contained a mlevel 01 Mount Allan. On the 21st, al (b) droughl huddled under Iheir boats on the ice. commercial rtower growers resorted to whipped the 60 cm of snow into 7·m hampered fire lighting on the ground, concentration 01 black particles, Canada Olympic Park, winds In IIlcess (c) hurricanes spraying growth retardants on daHodlls driffs, leaving residents marooned and and pOOl' visibility kepi water bombers, be volcanic in origin. 01100 kmlh whipped dust, sand, and (d) tomadoes 10 delay blooming until Easter. transportallon links with the maintand loaded with fire retardanl, grounded. IIny pebbles from nearby hills onto Ihe (e) floods savered. Freezing temperatures lollowed, lurtber ski-jumping course and bobsled run, (See inside front cover for answer.) hindering firelighters' eHorts. lorclng cancellation ollhese events lor the day.

New Moon Famlty Day - Alberta

1958 1992 1952 1989 1905In Donaldston, PE, a 25 Thousands 01 Manitoba Abnormally warm AUnited Stales Air Force British Columbia fish larmer bad to dig a 20·m residents between 26 temperatures (some 21l" C-41 was lorced to crash 28 larms suHered an tunnel to reach livestock Winnipeg and the United above normal) brought 27 land In Sydney, NS, aHer estimated $4 Mdamage; 29 trapped in the barn by States border were thrust into darkness about avery early breakup 01 the 40 kg 01 Ice built up behind each Ihe result 01 cold Arctic outbreaks during heavy snowiat!. aHer one 01 the region's biggest power Peace River during Ihe evening. propeller during allightlhrough awild Ihe month. The coast experienced blackouts. Many customers were without The resulting ice jams caused serious blizzard In zero visibility. All 22 lemperatures 01-10" to ·15°, and the utilities lor more than 8 hours when flooding in the town 01 Peace River, A8. passengers and crew parachuted to mainland Inlets reported winds in tbe freezing rain, Icing, and slrong winds Aslate of emergency and an evacuation safety. range 0190 to 190 kmlh. loppled transmission lines. were declared on the 28th.


FEBRUARY APRIL 2 ') 2 ') + 5 6 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 12 I') !I 12 I') 1+ 15 16 17 Marc 1+ 15 16 17 18 19 20 18 19 20 21 22 2,) 2+ 21 22 2,) 2+ 25 26 27 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 ')0

1777 Aller a mild Winter, a4-day 1~5Lucien Rivard, convicted drug 2 blizzard struck Prince 01 1 smuggler, escaped from a Wales's Fort (ChurChill). Samuel Montreal jail alier obtaining a Hearne wrote to aIrlend: "The snow was garden hose, supposedly to !lood the higher than the house, consequently all penitentiary skating rink. The weather was the windows 01 the upper storey as well cloudy, with light winds Irom the southeast, as lower storey were entirely blocked and lemperatures 5· above lreezlng. I1 up ". The depth 01 drlH in the yard Is seems Rivard used the hose to scale Ihe about 22 leel." wall.

1868 1991 1910 1987 1942 1988 1970 The Sarnia Observer reported Exactly 20 yurs to the day 01 An avalanche in Rogers Pass, For the second day in a row, The S.S. Independence Hall, Alierce storm wilh snow, rain, The lirst Arctic Winter Games on afire that destroyed the ) Montr~al:s 'Srorm 01 the 4 BC, killed 62 railway workers runs for the women's 6 with tins 01 sodium as cargo, freezing rain, and wind speeds 8 were held under normal weather Barnum & Van Amburgh's Century," southern Qu6bec was who had been using picks and 5 downhill event grounded on Sable Island, NS. 7 exceeding 100 km/h struck the conditions at Yellowknlfe Irom 9 museum and menagerie. hit with 15 to 25 cm 01 snow, ice pellels, shovels to clear snow Irom an 011 at Mount Allan. Within hours, massive ocean Atlantic provinces. Gander's 2-day the 9th to the 14th, AHernoon and Strong northwesterly winds spread the and Ireezing precipitation. For the first earlier slide across the CPR main line. waves broke the ship In two, sending 9 snowfalt of 63 cm loreed the ctosing 01 nighftlme temperatures averaged -10" flames rapidly. Some of the museum's lime in 10 years, Qu~bec City's public As a resull, the CPR authorized the men overboard. 1\110 years later, as gales schools, businesses, and highways. and -20", respectively. Snow on the animals were rescued, others, like the transport syslem was brought to a hall. drilling 01 the a-km Connaught Tunnel continuously uncovered the IIns, they High seas sank a21·m Ilshing boat just ground amounted to 33 cm. giraffe that tumbled down near the straight through the granite core 01 the would rise to the surtace and wash east 01 Sable Island. All 5 aboard doorway, and a liger that exited from a mountain to avoid the pass altogether. ashore. Curious beachcombers were perished. basement window and was shot by oHen inlured alter aCCidentally causing police, were not so lucky. explode.

Full Moon

1905 1857 1993 1973 1936 1989Soon affer takeoff Irom 10 An express Iraln reached Atrain approaching the The "Storm 01 the Century" 1986Freezing rain and rain 14 Across southern Ontario the Two days 01 high temperatures the Dryden Airport, an Air SI. John's aller taking 5 weeks 11 swing bridge over the 12 paralysed the eastern United 1) whipped across the Marltlmes temperature rose to 21', but and heavy rains caused an 16 Ontario jet, with snow- to make the round trip to Desjardins's Canal, connecting Stales and Canada. In Canada, on 14 and 15 Mareh. At one lell rapidly as a storm brougl unusually eariy spring breakup, and ice-encrusted wings, crashed in Channel·Port aux Basques. AI times, Burlingron 8ay to Dundas, ON, the hardest hit areas were pOint, aimost hall 01 Haiilax was wilhout 38 cm 01 snow, accompanied ice jams, and nooding In most 01 New dense bush. 01 the 69 people aboard, snowdrifts covered the train and were accidentally teH the track. lis wheels eastern Ontario, southern Quebec, and power. Firelighters and police were kept winds. Flood waters inundatl Brunswick. An ice jam downstream caused 24 died. Rescuers had to plough through piled higher than the telegraph poles. quickly chewed through the wooden the Marltimes, where hurricane-Iorn busy responding to maltunctioning lire Lake SI. Clair. Several the Saint John River 10 rise 8.9 m above 1 m of snow to reach the survivors. Workers managed to keep railway beams, sending the train 12 m below into winds caused blizzard conditions. The alarms and motor vehicle accidents. occurred. normal at Frederlclon. At the height 01 the snowploughs operating by tearing up the ice-covered canal. 01 the 93 wind at Grand-Elang, Cape Breton Island, flood, ice entered downlown Fredericton railway ties and using them tor luel. passengers, only12 survived. reached 211 km/h. In Nova Scolla, wind­ and took out the railway bridge. driven snow followed by heavy rains caused extensive flooding, power outages, flight delays, and cancellations

1991 1993 1983 1993 1985 1961 1984An Ice storm lell a dozen 17 Three fishermen died when Between the 19th and the Iqaluil, HT, established a Astorm over Frosbisher Bay Asnowstorm that caused The United Nations World rural communities, between a Canadian Coast Guard vessel 18 21st, a series 01 storms hit record low lor this day 20 trapped 7 students and a 21 extremely poor driving 22 Meteorologicat Organization 2) CharloHetown and Summerside, rammed Inro their trawler in the British Columbia coast, 19 when the temperature teacher trom Iqaluil, NT, conditions was responsible in Geneva, SWitzerland, without electrical power lor as rain and thick log 20 km 011 Port north 01 Vancouver Island. Winds plummeted to -40.2'. over the weekend. Erratic winds lor at least 1 death and the ctosure 01 deSignated this date each year long as 5 days. About 100 Ice-coated Dover on lake Erie. of 90 kmll1 generated Irom the IifSt storm hampered rescue ptanes and blew the Trans-Canada Highway between Swift 10 promote the science and ..Ina...... 1...... 1..01 ...... ~ ...... a..... ,....nt..ih..t ..rI In th.. ".

1868 1991 1910 1987 1988 1970 The Sarnla Observer reponed Exaclly 20 years 10 the day 01 An avalanche in Rogers Pass, For the second day in a row, The first Arcllc Winter Games on a fire Ihal destroyed the ) Montres!:s "Storm 01 the BC, killed 62 railway workers training runs for the women's 6 8 were held under normal weather Barnum & Van Amburgh's Cenlury," southern Quebec was + who had been using picks and 5 World Cup downhill event on Sable 7 conditions at Yellowknlfe Irom 9 museum and menagerie. hit with 15to 25 cm of snow, ice pellets, shovels to clear snow from an were called oH at Mount Allan. hours, massive ocean the 91b to the 14th. Anernoon and Strong nonhwesterly winds spread the and freezIng precipllation. For the lirsl earlier slide across the CPR main line. Achinook bringing 120temperatures and waves broke the ship in two, sending 9 temperatures averaged -10" flames rapidly. Some 011118 museum's time In 10 years, Quebec City's public As a result, Ihe CPR authorized the high winds melted much of the snow men overboard. Two years laler, as gales respectively. Snow on Ibe animals were rescued, others, like Ihe transpon system was brought to a hall. drilling 01 the 8-km Connaught Tunnel base, leaving slush and water in the continuously uncovered the tins, Ihey giraHe Ihallumbled down near the slraighlll1rough the granile core of the finish area. Though conditions improved would rise to the sunate and wash doorway, and a Ilger that exiled from a mountain to avoid Ihe pass altogether. lor the race on Ihe 81h, journalists ashore. Curious beachcombers were basemenl window and was shol by dubbed the course "Mount Mushmore." oMen injured aMer accldenlally causing police, were nol so lucky. the tins to explode.

Fult Moon

1905 1857 1993 1973 1936 1989Soon after takeoH from 10 An express lrain reached The "Storm of the Century" 1986Freezing rain and rain 1+ Across southern Ontario the Two days 01 high lemperatures Ihe Oryden Airport, an Air SI. John's after laking 5 weeks 11 12 paralysed the easlern United 1) whipped across the Marlllmes temperature rose to 21", but and heavy rains caused an 16 Ontario jel, wilh snow- 10 make Ihe round trip to Slates and Canada. In Canada, on 14 and 15 March. At one fell rapidly as a storm brought 15 unusually early spring breakup, and ice-encrusled wings, crashed in Channel-Pan aux Basques. AI limes, the hardest hit areas were pOint, elmosl half 01 Halifax was without 38 cm of snow, accompanied by 130 km/h Ice jams, and lIoodlng In most parts 01 New dense bush. Ollhe 69 people aboard, snowdrifts covered the Irain and were Its wheels eastern OntariO, southern Quebec, and power. Firelighters and police were kept winds. Flood waters inundated shore Brunswick. An Ice jam downstream caused 24 died. Rescuers had 10 plough through plied higher than the telegraph poles. chewed Ihrough the wooden Ihe Maritimes, where hurricane-force busy responding to malfunctioning lire propenies along lake SI. Clair. Several the Saint John River 10 rise 8.9 m above 1 m 01 snow 10 reach the survivors. Workers managed 10 keep railway sending Ihe lraln 12 mbelow Inlo winds caused blizzard conditions. The alarms and motor vehicle accidents. storm-related trallic fatalities occurred. normal at Fredericton. Allbe height of the snowploughs operating by tearing up the Ice-covered canal. 01 the 93 wind al Grand-Elang, Cape Brelon Island, lIood, ice entered downtown Frederlcton railway lies and using them lor luel. passengers, only 12 survived. reached 211 km/h. In Nova Scotla, wind­ and took oulthe railway bridge. driven snow lollowed by heavy rains caused eIlensive !loodlng, power oulages, flight delays, and cancellations / ~, / last Quarter '-­

1991 1993 1983 1993 1985 1961 Three fishermen died when Between the 19th and the Iqalult, NT, established a Aslorm over Frosblsher Bay Asnowstorm that caused The United Nations World a Canadian Coast Guard vessel 18 21st, a series 01 storms hit record low for this day 20 trapped 7 sludents and a 21 extremely poor driving 22 2) rammed into their trawler in Ihe Brlllsh Columbia coast, 19 when Ihe temperature leacher from Iqalult, NT, conditions was responsible in Geneva, lSwnZ8nano, rain and thick Iou 20 km oH Port nonh 01 Vancouver Island. Winds plummeted to -40.20. overlhe weekend, Erratic winds lor atlea811 death and the closure 01 designated this date each year Dover on lake 0190 km/h generated from Ihe first storm hampered rescue planes and blew the Trans-Canada Highway between Swift to promote Ihe science and contribuled 10 Ihe capsizing 01 an ll-m snowmoblles and sleds around. Currenl and Maple Creek, SK, lor about 6 service 01 meteorology. fishing boal near Calvenlsland. One of All were lound unharmed. hours. The storm forced SIeve Fonyo to the 3 crew members aboard died. take the day oH from his run across Canada in aid 01 cancer research.

SI. Patrick's Day New Moon Spring Equinox oa:oa EST World Meteorology Day

1988 1991 1993 1848 1876 1904 Weather Quiz Following a severe + Afierce blizzard struck AMer weeks 01 mild Which cloud is ollen 29 As a result 01 a wind- snowstorm in Hamilton, 2 southern Manitoba on the weather, a vicious blizzard mlslaken tor a UFO? driven Ice jam near Bullalo, )0 the Spectalorreported: 26 24th and 25th. Winnipeg 25 paralysed Alberta between 27 allocuma!us tent/ca/arls Nlagara Falls ran dry, "One ollh. mosl unpleasant storms 01 the reponed 30 cm of snow, lDD-krn/h Ponoka and Calgary, closing major buried The sudden silence stanled season commenced llIis morning and I.sted winds, and -18" lemperatures. highways tor 2 days. Nakiska, located In the north. Central Ontario hydro lailures hundreds trom their sleep and tilled all day, The con.equence Islhat our local leH thousands without electricity for up to columns are rather unlnleresling loday, and Five transcontinental trains were the loothllls west 01 Calgary and host 01 churches with those who teared the end 01 would nol induce our snowbound between Winnipeg and the Winter Olympics just a few weeks 3 days. Saroia was hit with winds 01159 the world. Others walked out onto the river Calgary. Hundreds 01 stranded prior, was buried under 45 cm 01 snow. km/h; a record lor the area. Tornadoes bed 10 huntlor anilacts, By 1 April, Ihe immigrants overtlowed the Immigration were reponed around Sarnia and river and Ihe tails had returned to norma I. )1 1974 building. Belleville.


First Quarter

",. APRil SHOWERS I HANS BlOHM I MASTERFllE MARCH " 2 2 ) 4 ) 4 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 ~ 14 ~ ~ ADrJI 12 I) 14 15 16 17 18 V ~ ~W n II ~ 19 20 21 II 2) M 25 M~~~~~~ 26 27 ~ 29 )0 )1 ~

1975 1873 1987 1989 Weather Quiz The While St.r steamer Allanlic 1 Flood waters and ice took out 2 Alale-wlnter storm Inrced A1995spring snowstorm Ihal + While floods and Ice jams 5 What plac, has more rainbows 6 struck Moris Rock. near Halifax. railway bridges al ·Andover, 200 employees 01 Canada's created white out conditions occurred along the Red River than any IIlherplace i. the More than 500 people lost lIIeir lives. NB, on the 2nd and on Ibe wealber serviu to stay 3 and black Ice resulted in aseries In Mlnnesola and North Dakola, wllrld? The temperature that day ranged lrom Sle·Anne River east 01 Trois'Rlyj~res, overnight allts headquar!ersln 01 specfacular chaln·reaction collisions Manlloba larmers prepared for (a) a high 01 3.3' to a low of ·1.3" wllll PQ, on the lsl. In 1986. the covered Downsvlew, ON. BlOwing and drilling on Highway 400 at Barrle, ON. Within a Ihe worst flooding since 1979. However, (b) Tamps snow flurries. bridge al Anse·St·Jean on Ihe Saguenay snow, plus stalled and abandoned span 014 minutes. more than 70 thanks to abnormally dry April weather. (c) GI.sgllw (the one on Ihe $1000 bill) mel a vehicles, blocked all exits lrom lIIe crumpled vehicles lay scaHered across Ihe floods did not materialize. (d) Hllnolulu similar fale. parking lot. both north and soulh lanes 01 the highway (e) Katmandu just 300 mapart. Four people, Including (See Inside fronl col'ltrfor ••swer.) a baby, were killed; 35 were hospitalized.

Full Moon Passover Good Friday

1917 1867 1606 1985 1092 1858 The Toronto Blue Jays played From the Ollaw. Times, As Nova Scotla's early French An early April snowstorm A snere storm slruck southern A1865ga le passed IlIrough 12 Toronto Island was formed their Inaugural home game "In Montreal some excit seHlefll set salt in search Of a blanketed Onlarlo and 10 and central Onlarlo. Freezing 11 Monlr6al, blowing down when strong lake winds before 44,649 fans, At the 7 was created yeslerday by warmer and more southerly 9 paralysed Quebec and the rain lell easl of Toronto, fences, chimneys, and homes. breached Ihe narrow Isthmus 13 start of the game. there wn several sleighs crossing the site lor apermanent senlement, Marltlmes. Several snowlall marble·sized hail to Ihe west, In the raging SI. Lawrence River, connecllng the harbour's ouler light, continuous snow, winds were from SI. Lambert's. The Ice Is they encountered log and strong records were sel: 44.4 cm al Sepl·lles, and as much as 30 cm 01 snow to the the Iron Duke. anchored al Longueull. peninsula 10 Ihe mainland. Winds were southeast at 22 km/ll, and there was ronen state, and lIIe leat was ralher northeasterly winds. When the vessel PQ, and 75 cm at Charlo, NB. SI. John's, north. Aportion 01 the downlown was drlfled lrom lis moorings and sank. easl·northeast 0140 km/h over the city a ·10< wind chill, Blue Jays 9, lool·hardy. Nevertheless, It succeeded. ran aground, Ihe men went ashore and NF, received 70 mm of rain, flooding closed when chunks 01 Ice lelltrom the Earlier, Ihe wind had similar deslrucllve bul were much stronger over Ihe water. White Sex 5. Alarge crowd lined the wharves to walched 11 disintegrate on Ihe rocks. parts 01 the city and causing short· CN Tower. Lighlnlng caused fires and eflects across southern OntariO, where witness the performance." cln:uiling to many homes and schools. power outages. Pearson 100ernallonal Irees were uprooled. Airport sel2 new preclpltallon records for April: a l·hour lotal 0124 mm and a l·day total 0155.8 mm.

Easter Sunday Daylight Saving Time Begins last Quarter

1912 1981 1967 1865 i:aPEllslander newspaper 1 On Ihe night 01 the 14th to Dust storms generaled by Continuous snowfall across 1976Montreal had one 01 Its 18 1992Snowlalls up 10 42 cm 19 "The wel weather seems printed a pedestrian's + 15th,lhe TitaniC collided 100·km/h winds created 16 southern Alberta lell a warmest April days ever as and as much as 85 mm 01 10 keep drunkards oul 20 recommendation lor with an Iceberg 700 km 15 near·zero visibility on record depth ot 70 cm at 17 Ihe lemperature climbed to precipitation caused of slghl 01 the police, sldewalks: "It was ludicrous soulheasl 01 Newfoundland. Highway 11 at Craik, SK, Lethbrldge by Ihe 20th. Wllh a3-day 28'. The HOlel Bonavenlure widespread disruption in so thai, saVe alew 'old oIIenders,' as well as paintul to see on last AI least 1,500 of the 2,200 aboard leading to 2 mulll·vehicle accidents. snowstorm lollowlng on the 27th, southern started its Great EaSIer Balloon southeastern Saskalthewan and soulhern to whom drunkenness is 01 daily Sabballl, ladles of all ages ... drowned In Ihe worsl accident ever In Reglna, the wall 01 a building under Alberta was declared a disaster area as Race early offer balloons began 10 Manitoba. Power lines were downed, occurrence, nobody was so unlucky floundering about in the mud caused by an iceberg. SI. John's had construction collapsed onlo the street, thousands ot callle starved to dealh on Ihe pop In Ihe heot. In Ottawa, Ihe IIIghts delayed, and lraflic snarled. At as to be In the cells last night.» like swine In a hog sty." clear skies wilh light winds. snarling rush·hour Irafflc. open range, unable to lorage for lood in temperature reached 30° least 4lraffic deaths were attributed to The Dally Globe. Toroolo. the deep snow. Army units were -an April record. Ihe Easter Sunday storm. dispalthed 10 assislln snow clearing. There was some good news-lhe revenue minister announced that the Income 181 deadline lor residents 01 southern Alberta was extended 2 weeks to 15 May. New Moon

f985 1932 1947 1934 1866 1991 The worst April snowstorm During an electrical The 5,000'lonne Greek Several days of Af854tornadic whirlwind 25 Three Indians, bringing A2·day, lale·wloler slorm in 30 years struck Alberta, 21 storm, 52 wild geese 22 frelghler Allios ran conllnuous rainfalllrom oboul250 m In diameler supplies lrom Soda lell more Ihan 80 cm 01 were slruck by IIghlning aground on Sable Island's 16 to 24 April led 10 was observed In downtown Creek 10 Fort AI"andra, 26 snow in Ihe area of dumping 40 10 SO cm 01 23 2+ 27 snow on the province. At least 5 dealhs as they flew over Elgin, MR. The joll onshore bars during Ihick tog. flooding Ihroughoul New Brunswick. Toronlo, "about 1/2 mile northwesl BC, were Ihrown into Ihe Icy walers lIoydmlnsler, SK. Transportation near Ca,!!!ary were atirlbUled!? Ihe High winds and huge waves slammed and hydro ~~I!!~ '.h.~.b~~ds!!~~~~!..!"!",!!_~~hl~..u_•• ...... ""1 ...... If ...... II. AH...... ! ..... _ ~..a..S..h~~~S ~?~Io~~!:d ~e:!~O~~f ~:~~~y ?!~.e ~~~!~:~~~~.::~~_e~!.~!~ ~~~_~ ~~~~..~~~r~e!~~~~~ !:o_a!~n! ~:e..~~ck ~~~ ~~~~~~~I~_a,!H'lt. slmllar1at8. parkin. 101. IHith nortJI and soutfi lann Of Die fifiliWiY-"-­ -­ - lIlTfi1iiiaiii!iJ'" lust 300 mapart. Four pe.ple, Inoludlllll (StItI IMld. front cOIIer for IIMwer.) a baby, were killed; 35 were hospitalized.

Full Moon Passover Good Friday

... I(('~ 1977 1867 1606 1992 1858 1985 1865 The Toronto 8tue Jays played From Ihe Ottawa Times, As Nova Scolia's early French An early April snowstorm 10 Asevere storm struck soulllem Agale passed through 12 Toronto Island was lormed their inaugural home game "In Montreal some excitementl5. 8 settlers set sail in search 01 a blanketed Ontario and and central Ontario. Freezing 11 Montr6al, blowing down when strong take winds betore 44,649 lans. At lIIe 7 was crealed yesterday by warmer and more southerty 9 paralysed Qu6bec and the rain lell east 01 Toronto, tences, chimneys, and homes. breached the narrow isthmus 13 start 01 the game, lIIere was several sleighs crossing !be ic slle for a permanent settlement, Marilimes. Saveral snowfall marble-sized hall 10 the west, In the raging SI. lawrence River, connecting the harbour's outer light, continuous snow, winds were Irom SI. Lambert's. The ice is in sry they encounfered fog and strong records were sel: 44.4 cm al Sept-lles, and as much as 3D cm 01 snow to the tile Iron Duke, anchored at Longueuil, peninsula 10 the mainland. Winds were southeast at 22 km/h, and there was rotten Slale, and Ihe feal was ralher northeaslerly winds. When the vessel PD, and 75 cm at Charlo, NB. SI. John's, north. Aportion of the downtown was drilled trom Its moorings and sank. i easl-northeast 8t4O km/ll over the city a -10< wind chill. Blue Jays 9, fool-hardy. Nevertlleless, It succeeded. r3n aground, the men went ashore and NF, received 70 mm 01 rain, flooding closed when chunks 01 Ice lelllrom !be Earlier, the wind had similar destructive but were much stronger over the water. While 8015. Alarge crowd lined lIIe wharves 10 watched it diSintegrate on the rocks. parts 01 the city and causing short­ CN Tower. Lightning caused IIres and ellects across southern Ontario, where witness the pertormance." clrcuitlng to many homes and schools. power outages. Pears on International trees were uprooted. Airport set 2 new precipitation records lor April: a l-hour total of 24 mm and a !-day IotaI 0155,8 mm.

Easter Sunday Daylight Saving Time Begins Last Duarter

1912 1981 1967 1865 1863The PEllslander newspaper 1+ On the nighl 01 tile 14t1l to Dust storms generated by Continuous snowfall across 1976Montreal had one 01 its 18 1992Snowfalls up to 42 cm 19 "The wet weather seems prlnled a pedestrian's 15th, the Tilaniccolllded l00-km/ll winds created 16 southern Alberta leH a warmest April days ever as and as much as 85 mm 01 to keep drunkards oul 20 recommendalion lor with an iceberg 700 km 15 near-zero visibility on record dep!b 01 70 cm at 17 the temperature climbed to precipitation caused 01 sight olthe police, 0 sldewalks: "11 was ludicrous southeast 01 Newloundland. Highway 11 at Craik, SI, Lethbridge by Ihe 20th. With a3-day 28 , The Holel Bonaventure widHpread disruption In so that, save alew 'old ollenders,' as well as palnlulto see on last AI least 1.500 01 the 2,200 aboard leading 10 2multi-vehicle accldenls. snowslllrm lollowing on the 27th, southern started III Great Easter Balloon southeastern Saskatchewan and soulllern to whom drunkenness is 01 dally Sabbath, ladies of all ages ... drowned in the worst accident ever In Reglna, Ihe wall 01 a building under Alberta was declared a disaster area as Race early aller balloons began to Manitoba. Power lines were downed, occurrence, nobody was so unlucky floundering about in the mud caused by an iceberg. SI. John's had construction collapsed onto the street, thousands 01 callle starved to deatll on the pop in the heat. In OHawa, the flights delayed, and trallic snarled. AI as to be in the cells last night." like swine in a hog sty. " clear skies with light winds. snarling rush-hour Irallic. n range, unable to lorage lor lood in temperalure reached 30· least 4 trattic dealhs were attributed to The Daily Globe, Toronto. deep snow, Army unilll were -an April record. the Easter Sunday storm. dispatched to assist in snow clearing. There was some good news-the revenue minister announced !bal!be income tax deadline for residenlll 01 southern Alberta was eltended 2 weeks to 15 May. New Moon

1985 1932 1947 1934 1866 1991 The worst April snowstorm During an electrical The 5,000-tonne Greek Several days 01 A1854tornadic whirlWind 25 Three Indians, bringing A2-day, lale-winler storm in 30 years struck Alberta, 21 storm, 52 wild geese 22 Ireighter Alflos ran 2) continuous rainlall from about 250 m in diameter supplies Irom Soda lell more than 80 cm 01 were struck by lightning aground on Sable Island's 16 to 24 April led to was observed In downtown Creek 10 Fort Alexandra, 26 snow In lIIe area 01 dumping 40 to 50 cm 01 2+ 27 snow on the province. At least 5 dealhs as Ihey lIew over Elgin, MB. The loll ollshore bars during tIllck log. flooding tIlroughout New Brunswick. Toronto, "about 1/2 mile northwest BC, were tIlrown into the icy waters Lioydmlnsler, SI. Transportation near Calgary were attribuled 10 tile kitled !be birds, sending them crashing High winds and huge waves slammed Washouis Inundated sections ot railway ollhe lunatic asylum." Nearly 6 hours when a targe piece ollloating ice struck was brought to a halt, and hydro storm. The snow was unusually wet, the to the ground. Alter being collected, they the vessel until It sank, After awild storm lines and highways. In the flats below later, two fishermen were swept away their canoe. One man made it ashore, was out lor 2 days. temperatures were near Ireezing, and were distributed to townspeople lor In the summer 011955, the Alllos rose Fredericton, hundreds ot lamities were at Nlagara-on-Ihe-Lake, by waves but a father and his 12-year-old son tile winds were 30 to 50 km/h. goose dinners. but vanished again 6 months later. lorced 10 vacate their flooded homH. 2 to 3 m high. succumbed to the frigid water.

Earth Day First Quarter

1992 19T3 1993 Ice jams in Hay River, Atwister at Thunder Lobster season was NT, caused waler levels 28 Bay caused severe delayed In parts 01 )0 to rise aver 5 m above damage 10 asmall house 29 northern Nova Scolia, normal, llooding low-lying and scattered lis debris as lar Prince Edward Island, and areas. Residents ollhe west channel as 500 maway. Adoghouse, complete New Brunswick due to the worst ice were evacuated for a day. On the east with dog. was lifted about 5 m all the conditions In more than 20 years. channel, a coast guard vessel was ground then slammed back down Although Ihe 1.3-m thick ice 1I0e across lorced over lis dock by ice, and an ashort distance away. Ihe Northumberland Strail moved back aeroplane, buildings, and stored and lorth in Ihe wind, It did nol break up cargo were damaged. lor 2 weeks.


APRIL JUNE 2 ) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I) 2 ) 456 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Ma 9 10 11 12 I) 14 15 21 22 2) 24 25 27 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 )0 2) 24 25 26 28 29 )0

1871 1886 1971 1979 An order-in-council authorized the Aspectacular iale-season An ice lam on Ihe Yukon River 3 Heavy rains led 10 an earth minister 01 marine and lisheries 1 snowlall 0138.1 cm at 2 caused severe "ODding In cave-In al SI-Jean-Vlanney, to spend $5,000 lor meleorologlcal Edmonlon, AB, remains the Dawson, Yr. Flood waters 2 m 200 km north 01 Qu6bec City. + observations. This was Ihe beginning area's greatest May snowfall high submerged several hiS!orlc Abus, several cars, and 35 homes were ollhe Meleorological Service 01 Canada. on record. siles and damaged 80% 01 the dumped Inlo a crater 600 mwide and Initially, IIll lunctlons were limited to town's buildings. 30 mdeep, killing 31 people. making selected weather and magnetic observallons; in 1876 the service issued weather forecasls.

Full Moon

1990 1715 1991 1990 1904 1926 A1990seasonally rare windslorm 5 The Toronto Blue Jays and Manlloba's Hayes River Ihawed 8randon suUered lis worst 8 Very warm temperatures 9 Aslrong dust devil formed In Toronlo, strong winds brought along Ihe Pacific coast capsized TIgers sel a SkyDome Inland belore Its mouth was Ilood since 1882 as a result 01 prevailed lor Ihe past 2months near Bridgewater, NS, under 10 down Irees, branches, and power 11 small boalll and downed trees record of 10 home runs-one 6 clear 01 Ice. causing a flash 7 heavy lale-winter snows and a over the VIIkon and Mackenzie sunny, dry conditions. lines. Winds were so powerlulthal and power lines in Ihe Vicloria area. shorl of malching the malor-Ieague flood al Yo!l< Factory. Governor sudden thaw. Downlown streelll Valley. The Porcupine River, The vigorous wind caused elevalors 10 the observation deck al Inland, winds gusting 10 100 kmJ1l record. Some thoughllhalthe almosl James Knighl and his entire garrison were under 1 m 01 water and flowing WeSllhrough northern Yukon, considerable damage 10 a llIe CN Tower had 10 be slowed from a brought down more Ihan 350 spans 50,000 warm bodies benealh Ihe were forced "10 leave Ihe lactory & 10 several houses were washed away. jammed wilh broken Ice and rose camper Irailer and uprooted 58-second ride 10 a4-minute ride. (35 km) 01 power lines and lanned a closed roof on Ihls warm day raised lake our selves to ye woods and geU on almost 10 mabove normal al Old Crow, anearby tree. The elevator 10 lbe space deck brush fire out of conlrol in the Prince Ihe humidity, and Ihat Ihe moisl air Irees ... the walerrlslng above nine IDOl inundaling Ihe village and airport and (447 m) was closed. Geof1je area. made Ihe balls fly farther. upon the land and continued up lor six cuHing oU power and communications. days ... The ice lay heap'd and crowded In the Mackenzie Valley, temperatures alleasltwenty 1001 higher than Ihe were in the 205, and a thunderstorm factory ... " wilh hail passed over Fori Simpson.

Las! auarter

1992 1838 1864 1868 1986 1991 People leared lor Ihe salety From Ihe diary of Jane Ellice Severe flooding occurred "Dislress in P.E.I.­ Melting snow and heavy fn Annapotis Valley, NS, The1950 highest Red River flood In 18 01 a buHalo herd when Ihe 12 (wile 01 the private secretary in Cobourg, ON, when In consequence 01 the long precipitation caused Ihe 16 temperatures in the high 205 modern times crested al 9.2 m Telhul River, easl 01 Fort Smith, 10 John Lambton, governor­ 13 Perry's Mill was unable 10 1+ and severe winter on Ihe 15 Winl. River 10 flood. About caused Iruit blossoms 10 open 17 above normal near Winnipeg, NT, flooded. Isolating many ollhe general 01 British North America) keep the waste gales open along Island, Ihere is greal distress 140 01 the 170 Inhabltanlll 01 rapidly on Ihe 17th. Wherr Irosl lorcing Ihe evacuation 01100,000 animals. The area was a popular while nearing the Banks 01 Factory Creek during a heavy rain. among Ihe farmers •.. hundreds Of Winisk, ON, were evacuated. occurred on the 19th, 10·60% 01 people. Oamage 10 5,000 homes and calving ground, and since il was Newloundland: "So loggy Ihallhe deck~ As Ihe waler rushed over the broken farmers are wilhoul seed grain or Two people died, and only 701 60 Ihe apple blossoms suHered severe buildings was esllmaled al $100 M. calving season, there were concerns Wll$ quite wel all day-very, very col/l \ banks, iltore trees up by Ihe roots and potaloes, having given il all to their buildings remained inlacl. The entire damage, and another 25-30% were about geUing leed to the animals. too. We must be near some ice bergs .. senl fences. bridges, and rails towards cattle. This being all expended, Ihe caUle community was desfroyed and had ruined lollowlng Irost on Ihe 23rd. Ihe cabins were like dripping wells; b~"­ Lake Ontario. The surging walers are dying In large numbers every day, 10 be reestablished 30 km soulh of Other soH Iruit crops were also & every Ihing else dripping wet." .~ carried away 3 unlorlllnale people. and starvalion is staring Ihe poor larmers its originallocalion. injured by llIe freeze. I'(J and Iheir families in Ihe face ..... Sarnla Ollserver

Mother's Day -i New Moon

1898 1992 1992 1933 1990 1803 1896 In London, ON, lighlnlng AI Edmonlon, a record In northern New Brunswick, Alornado at Ceylon, Aburst beaver dam Quole from Alexander Atornado carved a path 01 slruck Ihe home of J.B. snowlall 017.2 cm allhe 20 May's hot, dry weather 21 SK, lIt1ed a garage and 22 senl a 2 1/2 m-high by Henry's Ioumal, "Set oH destruction through aportion Allenby. The family awoke 19 MuniCipal Airport and allowed loresl fires to thrive. depOSited 11 on Ihe roOf 100 m-wide wall 01 waler 23 lor Portage la Prairie. 2+ of Windsor, ON. Timber 25 and hastened to his room and 11 cm atlbe Internallonal Near Kedgwick, Ilres Ignlled by of a house. through downtown Haliburton, ON, We ,ound much waler on Ihe several melres long was observed were horrllled to find him lying in bed Airport broke Ihe previous records lighlning on lIle 21s1 and nourished by at about 1 PM. The waves laSled nearly ns. Mosquitoes by to travel horizonlally along Ihe ground with his whiskers and hair ablaze. lor the day. Up to 15 cm of snow strong winds destroyed 3,035 ha 01 an hour, overturning cars, washing away milliOns." lor a distance of 200 m. Ahorse, ----_._­ ------_._--_._--_._--­ wsattler forecasts.

______LFUIl Moon

1990 1715 1904 1926 1991 1990 1990 Aseasonally rare windstorm 5 The Toronlo Blue Jays and Manitoba's Hayes River thawed Brandon suffered its worst Very warm temperaillres Astrong dust devil formed In Toronlo, strong winds brought along Ihe Pacific coast capsized Detroil Tigers sel a SqDome inland belore its moulh was flood since 1882 as aresult 01 8 prevailed lor the past 2 months near Bridgewater, NS. under 10 down trees, branches, and power 11 small boats and downed trees record 0110 home runs-one 6 clear 01 ice, causing alIash 7 heavy late-wlnler snows and a over Ihe Yukon and Mackenzie 9 sunny, dry conditions. lines. Winds were so powertullhat and power lines In the Victoria area. short 01 malching the major-league flood at York Faclory. Governor sudden thaw. Oowntown streets Valley. The Porcupine River, The vigorous wind taused elevators 10 the observation deck al winds gusling to 100 kmll1 record. Some thoughllhallbe almost James Knight and his enllre garrison were under 1 m of water and flowing westlhrough northern Yukon, considerable damage to a the CN Tower had to be slowed from a down more Ihan 350 spans 50,000 warm bodies benealh Ihe were forced "to leave the faclory & 10 several houses were waShed away. Jammed with broken Ice and rose camper Iralier and uprooted 58-second ride 10 a 4-mlnule ride. 01 power lines and fanned a closed roof on this warm day raised take our selves to ye woods and geH on almost 10 m above normal at Old Crow, a nearby tree. The elevator to the space deck 'e out 01 control in Ihe Prince the humidity, and that the mOist air trees ... Ihe water rising above nine loot inundating the village and airport and (447 m) was closed. George area. made the balls Ily farther. upon Ibe land and continued up lor six coUing oH power and communications. days •.. The Ice lay heap'd and crowded In the Mackenzie Valley, temperaillres at leastlwenty foot higher than the were in the 20s, and a thunderslorm factDry ... with hail passed over Fort Simpson.

Last QUarter

1864 1868 1966 1991 1950 1992People feared for the satety 12 1838From Ihe diary of Jane Ellice 1) Severe !loading occurred "Distress in P.E.I.­ Melling snow and heavy In Annapolls Valley, NS, The highest Red River flood in of a buffalo herd when Ihe (wife of the private secretary In Cobourg, ON, when In consequence of the long precipifalion caused the 16 temperalures in the high 20s modern times cresled at9.2 m 18 Tethul River, easl 01 Fort Smilh. to John Lambton, governor- ~ Perry'S MIII was unable to 1+ and severe winter on the 15 Winisk River to flood. About caused fruil blossoms 10 open 17 above normal near Winnipeg, NT, flooded, isolating many of Ihe of British North America) keep Ihe waste gates open along Island. Ihere is great distress 140 01 the 170 inhabitants 01 rapidly on Ihe 17th. Wherr frost forcing Ihe evacuation of 100.000 animals. The area was a popular nearing the Banks of . • Factory Creek during a heavy rain. among Ihe larmers ... hundreds of Wlnisk, ON, were evacualed. occurred on the 19th, 10-60% ot people. Damage to 5,000 homes and calving ground. and since it was New1oundland: "So foggy thalthe deck" "­ As the water rushed over the broken farmers are without seed grain Or lWo people died, and only 7 of 60 the apple blossoms suHered severe buildings was eslimaled at $100 M. calving season. there were concerns was quite wet all daY-'lery, very cold l banks, it tore Irees up by the roots and potatoes, having given it all to their buildings remained iotat\. The entire damage, and another 25·311"k were aboul gelling feed to the animals. loo. We musl be near some ice bergs .. sent lences, bridges. and rails lowards caUle. This being all expended, the caHle community was destroyed and had ruined following frost on the 23rd. Ihe cabins were like dripping wells; b~' Lake OntariO. The surging waters are dying In large numbers every day, to be reestabiished 30 km south 01 Other soft fruit crops were also 8. every thing else dripping we!." '::\, carried away 3 unfortunate people. and starvation is staring Ihe poor farmers its orlglnallocalion. injured by the freeze. "n and their families in Ihe face ... Sarnia Observer

Molher's Oay -:f New Moon

1992 1933 1990 1803 1896 1898In London, ON, lightning 19 1992At Edmonton, a record 20 In northern New Brunswick, Alornado al Ceylon. Aburst beaver dam Quole from Alexander Atornado tarved a palh 01 struck the home of J.B. snowfall of 7.2 cm at Ihe May's hot. dry weather 21 SK, lifted a garage and 22 sent a 21/2 m-high by 2) Henry's Journal, "Sel oH destrucllon through a portion Allenby. The family awoke Municipal Airport and allowed forest fires to thrive. deposited it on the roof 100 m-wide wait of water for Portage la Prairie. 2+ 01 Windsor, ON. Timber 25 and hastened to his room and 11 cm at the fnlernational Near Kedgwick, fires ignlied 01 a house. through downlown Haiiburton, ON, We found much water on Ihe several metres long was observed were horrified to find him Iylno In bed Airport broke Ihe previous records lightning on the 21st and nourished by at about 1 PM. The waves lasted nearly plains. Mosqulloes by 10 travel horizontally along the ground with his whiskers and lor the day. Up to 15 cm of snow strong winds destroyed 3,035 ha of an hour, overturning cars, washing away Ihe millions." for a dislance 01200 m. Ahorse. fell just outside the clly, and some woodland and required 350 volunleers, small buildings, and flooding homes. rolled and pushed 250 mthrough Iwo forestry slations in west-central 10 water bombers, 4 helicopters, 32 fences and over a large dllch, survived Alberta reported up to 30 cm. bulldozers. and numerous mobile water uninjured. tankers to bring them under control.

Victoria Day First Quarter

1992 Weather Quiz 1991 1894 1990 1880 Temperalures dipped TIre wind speed produced At least 9 tornadoes Flooding along Ihe Fraser An amateur sailor, Atornado in the vicinity of as low as _6 0 In the by the average sneeze is: touched down in soulbern 28 River washed oul bridges aHemptlng 10 row )0 Florence, QN (east of )1 Annapolis valley, NS, 26 (a) S kmJh-lIght air 27 Saskatchewan as and railroad beds above 29 5,000 km across the Wallaceburg), uprooled trees, destroying UP to 90% of the (b) 16 km/h-genlle breeze thunderstorms rolled through. Yale, BC. In tbe days following, Atlantic Ocean in a unrooted buildings, and carried apple buds In Iow-lying areas. (c) 63 km/ll-gale force Fortunalely, there was no loss of life or the flooding became severe, homemade boat, gave up the idea cows inlo adjoining fields, leaving One grower successfully warded of! Ihe (d) 120 knrJh-llurricane torce significanl damage. West 01 Swill as lowlands throughoutlhe entire aner travelling only 3 or 4 km and Ihem with broken legs and their frosl by drawing warmer air down (e) 200 kmlh-/ornado force Current, the ground was covered with Pacific Northwest were inundated. funning inlo 4-m swells in the moulh horns knocked oH. among his trees from agianlfan he had (See Inside Ironl cOVllr lor answer.) hailstones 10 a depth of 14 cm. The waters did not begin to recede of Halifal harbour. installed In his orchard earlier in tbe unlH 10 June. The CPR estimated monlh. a IDSS of $1 M.



2 I 2 ) 4- 5 6 5 6 7 8 -9 10 11 7 8 9 10 Il 12 I) 12 I) 1+ 15 16 17 18 June 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 2) 24 25 21 22 2) 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 )0 )1 28 29 )0 )1

1 across Ihe North Pole lrom the USSR. Stall at the Eureka weather stallon hosted a reception. Wealher at Eureka was sunny with light winds and a lale allernoon 0 temperature 014 •

Full Moon

1989 1961 1956 1859 1941 1836 Alow·flying RCAF bomber 2 11 was opening night at the A10·day heat wave with Atornado hit Westlock, AB, 1988Regina imposed rationing aller 7 From Ihe journal 01 Alexander 8 was on a patrol sweep in new SkyDome in Toronto. ) allernoon temperatures destrOying farm buildings and an selling a daily waler consumption Ross, allhe Red River selllement: above 32° began In Reglna. uprooting trees. The tornado 6 foguy weather when it struck Ontario Premier Oavid Peterson 4 5 east 01 St. John's. Water rushed record of 245 million lilres the "On the 71h 01 June we had a one Of Sable Island's radio beacon pointed a laser beam skyward and Across western Canada, June 1961 lilted a stable, complete with a in through a gash In Ihe forward heavy la 11 01 snow and on Ihe lollowlng poles, shearing olllhe plane's wing. opened the sladlum's retractable rool­ Is remembered as one 01 the holiest, 63S-kg bull, and sel It down 20 m away. plates. With all hands baling and day the ice was the thickness 01 a penny All 5 men aboard died when Ihe lelllng In a deluge of waler (rom a drlesl months In history. By Ihe end of The bull survived Ihe ordeal unharmed. working continuously atlhe pumps, piece In the waler. " bomber crasbed aboul150 m 011 shore. rainstorm. Performers were drenched, June, gralnllrowlng areas were the ship made 1110 land. and many 01 the 50,000 speclators locked Into aserious drought. abandoned their sealS in searcb olsbeller.

Wo~d Environmenl Week World Environment Day Last Quarter

1816 At Ouebec City, temperatures 1880Near Lislowel, ON, a 10 1991Violent Ihundeg;torms caused 11 The1990 province declared states 12 Vancouver,1686 the lasl smp lor 1) 1984Six vessels from the tall 14 A1988hot spell In Ou6bec 15 lell below freezing every night lornado 200 m in widlh extensive damage throughout of emergency In several the new CPR railroad, grew ships Ileel were lorced contrlbuled to the dealhs of from the 6th 10 the 101t1 and 9 levelled everything In lis soulhern Saskatchewan. northern Alberta towns and rapidly. Workers cleared Inlo Prince Edward 1St and 77 elderly people In Monlr6al snow lell(requently, "Ihe whole Irack. It lilted 1 man and At Reglna, winds gustlng 10 counties aner more Ihan foreslS, leaving heaps Of ports during a slorm. on the 15th, aday In which new ollhe surrounding counlry •.. carried him along al a"2.40 gall." 140 kmlb kicked up so much dust 150 mm 01 rain In 3 days caused branches and stumps to dry In the The ships were among 50 Ihallell ail-time June maximum temperatures haYlng, within twelve days ollhe As he came to a bridge, he caught hold that visibility was reduced 10 zero. extensive 1I00ding Irom Grande Prairie to hot sun al the edge of every road Halllll on the 12th on their way 10 were established al anumber 01 summer solstice, the appearance and held on for dear life. He said "the Toroadoes were reported at Assinlbola, Fort Vermilion. Hundreds of people had and clearing. On 13 June, a lire that 01 the 6 forced stations in the province. 01 the middle 01 December." sensation Is mosl peculiar when being Gravelbourg, and Regina. 10 be evacualed Irom IOW-lying areas as started In the woods burnl down Qutll1ec Gazelle rushed helplessly along at so leartul a swollen rivers and creeks caused the Ihe city, taking many lives. States and 2 trom Holland. rate" and Ihoughl "it was the nearesl worsllloodlng ever recorded In northern he had come across to a bad a1iack Alberta. In Ihe British Columbia Interior, dmare." He was reported "glad he rains sel on more floods and over 200 his bacon. mudslldes, claiming 9 lives and causing over $10 M In damages.

1923 1991 1686 1992 1874 Wealher Qu/z 21 AI Rosetown, SK, aboy Ice conditions along Ihe The J,nttls P. /(1111/, a 45-m 1962IhServers photographed An 8-hour slorm, 20 CBllada holds Ihe world Severe thunderstorms barque, sailed Lake Erie 19 described as Ihe grealesl recorti fOf which of /he fell to his death when a 16 north coasl of Newfoundland 18 well·developed lunnel crOSSing southern Manimba thunderstorm that foJ/owlng? 22 tornado carried the house were Ihe worslln 25 years. 17 from Toledo for Bullalo with ~Ioud southwest Of Yellowtnlle, produced numerous lunnel he was in through the air. The pack Ice was 3 to 5 m a load of oak. The vessel ran the most northeriy Canadian Manitoba had ever seen, (allhe mosl flnow In one year clouds and at least 3 tornadoes, ~~~~~~r_~o~~_~~!~~~~~.~~":,~!eleIY ~h~~~~~~~~~~~_a!~.h~~ ',~c~.~,::!~__ ~~I? !_~I:~~~! s~~~.~~~~.~~~~~~~ ~!.~~s location where Ihls unusual rain and terrlllc {~~ ~~ ~~'!!~~te."!!!~~'!!! ~auSI~~Lbe!Ween,$l M.and ~2 ~.damage._ with.faht winds and a late afternoon 0 temperature of 4 •

Full Moon

1989 1961 1859 lMl 1956 1836 Alow-Ilying RCAF bomber 2 11 was opening night al the A10-day heat wave with Atornado hit Westlock, AB, 5 The steamship Edinburgh 1988Regina imposed rationing aHer 7 From the journal 01 Alexander was on a palrol sweep in new SkyDome in Toronlo. aHernoon temperatures destroying larm buildings and collided with an iceberg 300 km 6 senlng a dally water consumption Ross, at the Red River senlement: 8 loggy wealher when it struck Dnlario Premier David Pelerson 3 above 32" began in Regina. + uprooting trees. The tornado east 01 SI. John's. Water rushed record 01245 million litres the "On the 7th 01 June wa had a one 01 Sable Island's radio beacon pOinted a laser beam skyward and Across western Canada, June 1961 liHed a stable, complete with a In through a gash In the lorward previous day. Temperatures heavy la 11 01 snow and on the lollowing poles, shearing oH the plane's wing. opened the stadium's relraclable rool­ is remembered as one 01 the honest, 635-kg bull, and set it down 20 m away. plates. Wilh all hands baling and hovered above 35" lor 4 days. day the ice was the thickness 01 a penny All 5 men aboard died when the leHing in a deluge 01 water Irom a driest months in history. By the end 01 The bull survived the ordeal unharmed. working continuously at the pumps, piece in Ihe water." bomber crashed about 150 m oH shore. rainstorm. Pertormers were drenched, June, grain-growing areas were the ship made it to land. and many 01 the 50,000 spectators locked into a serious droughl. abandoned their seats in search 01 sheller.

World Environment Week World Environment Day Last Quarter

1816 1880 1991 1990 1886 1984 1988 At Quebec City, temperatures Near Listowel, ON, a Violent thundelStorms caused The province declared states Vancouver, the last stop lor Six vessels Irom the tall Ahot spell in Quebec letl below Ireezing every night tornado 200 m In width 10 extensive damage throughout 11 01 emergency in several 12 the new CPR raitroad, grew ships lIeet were lorced contributed to the deaths 01 Irom the 6th to the 10th and 9 levelled everything in its southern Saskatchewan. northern Alberta towns and rapidly. Workers cleared 13 Into Prince Edward Island 1+ 17 elderly people in Montreal 15 snow tetllrequently, "the whole track. IlIiHed 1 man and At Regina, winds gusting to counties aHer more than lorests, leaving heaps 01 ports during a storm. on the 15th, a day in which new 01 the surrounding country ... carried him along at a "2.40 gail." 140 km/h kicked up so much dust 150 mm 01 rain in 3 days caused branches and stumps to dry in the The ships were among 50 that left all-time June maximum temperatures having, within twelve days 01 the As he came to a bridge, he caught hold that visibility was reduced to zero. extensive lIooding Irom Grande Prairie to hot sun at the edge 01 every road Halifax on the 12th on their way to were established at a number 01 summer solstice, the appearance and held on lor dear life. He said "the Tornadoes were reported at Assiniboia, Fort Vermilion. Hundreds 01 people had and clearing. On 13 June, a fire that Gaspe and Quebec City. 01 the 610rced stations in the prOvince. 01 the middle 01 December." sensation is most peculiar when being Gravelbourg, and Regina. to be evacuated Irom low-lying areas as started in the woods burnt down to shore, 4 were Irom the United Quebec Gazene rushed helplessly along at so leartul a swollen rivers and creeks caused the the city, taking many lives. States and 21rom Holland. rate" and thought "it was the nearest worst lIooding ever recorded In northern thing he had come across to a bad anack Alberta. In the British Columbia interior, 01 nightmare." He was reported "glad he rains set oH more lIoods and over 200 saved his bacon." mudslldes, claiming 9 lives and causing over $10 M In damages.

1923 1991 Wealher Quiz 1992 At Rosetown, SK, a boy Ice conditions along the The1866 Jennie P. King, a 45-m 18 1962Observers photographed 19 An1874 8-hour storm, 20 Canada holds Ihe world 21 Severe thunderstorms fell to his death when a 16 north coast 01 Newfoundland barque, saited Lake Erie a well-developed lunnel described as the greatest record lor which ollhe crossing southern Manitoba 22 tornado carried the house were the worst in 25 years. 17 Irom Toledo lor BuHalo with cloud southwest 01 Yellowknile, thunderstorm that following? produced numerous lunnel he was in through the air. The pack Ice was 3 to 5 m a load 01 oak. The vessel ran the most northerly Canadian Manitoba had ever seen, (a) Ihe mosl snow in one year clouds and at least 3 tornadoes, Another house was turned completely thick and unusually hard. Icebergs into a violent storm with gale-Iorce winds location where this unusual brought torrential rain and terrilic (b) Ihe lowesllemperalure causing between $1 M and $2 M damage. around on its loundation with the and ice lIows up to 3 km in diameter at Long Poinl. Giant waves crashed over phenomenon has ever been lightning. The lightning killed 7 people, (c) Ihe highesl wind speed One 01 the tornadoes stayed on the ground lamlly still inside. were common. The sait Irom SI. John's the decks and eventually turned the boat reported. and 250 mounted police horses (d) Ihe lowesl rainlall lor 26 km. Near Stonewall, 120 mm 01 rain to Botwood, which normally took 1 to 2 completely over. Of the 14 passengers stampeded. (e) none ollhe above lell in less than 30 minutes. days, took 3 weeks, and coastallerry and crew aboard, 13 were losl. (See inside Ironl cover lor answer.) services were severely aHected.

New Moon Father's Day Summer Solstice 22:24 EDT

1993 1992 1964 1959 1988 1993 Moncton, NB, received a record Heavy rains 01 between Huge haitstones, most the Afierce storm with high Heavy rain in the Yukon As a 2-day heavy rainlall A1963 remarkable l-day snowlall 29 2-day rainlalllor June totalling 70 and 140 mm lelllrom size 01 baseballs but some tides and heavy rainlall caused highway closures. was tapering oH, a beaver 01111.8 cm occurred at 84.6 mm over the 22nd and 23 28 the 19th to the 23rd in as large as grapelruit, lell struck the Northumberland 26 Repairs to some roads 2+ 25 27 dam laited on a plateau Llvingston Ranger Station, 23rd. Wind gus.. up to 100 km/hr in an area stretching Irom along a narrow path about area 01 New Brunswick. took as long as 3 weeks. above Prince George, BC, AB. For 11 years, this stood as southeastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward La Pocatl~re to Mont-JolI, PQ. 8 km in length near Keewatin, ON, Flood waters were 0.6 m deep on the Three years belore, Whitehorse recorded tsland, and central Nova Scotia knocked releasing about 3500 m' 01 water. the greatest all-time l-day snowfall During the night 01 the 23rd, the Rivi~re causing minor damage to automobiles. Newcastle watertronl. At Escuminac, its all-time one-day rainlall record­ down trees and caused power outages. The ftood spewed mud, logs, and ever recorded in Canada. du Loup overtlowed its banks, flooding One hour prior to the haitstorm, a small many lishermen died aHer the storm 45 mm-iln this day. other debris onto residential the countryside. Close to 1 m 01 water tornado uprooted trees about 80 km wrecked their boats. streets and lawns. 1990 inundated some larmland, causing west 01 Keewatin. Athunderstonn with severe crop damage. 30 powerful winds, heavy rain, and loonie-sized hail struck London, uprooting huge trees and downing powerlines; 450 tenants were evacuated from 3 apartment buildings after winds ripped oH huge chunks ollhe roofs. First Quarter SI. Jean Baptiste Day Discovery Day - Newfoundland 1 CAVENDISH BEACH, PE / E. OTTO I COMSTOCK

JUNE AUGUST I 2 ) 2 ) + 5 6 7 8 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 I) 1+ 15 Ju 11 12 1) l+ 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 2) 2+ 2) 2+ 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 28 29 )0 )1 )0

1986 1990 1947 ) 1974 In Edmonton. rainfall of 110 mm 2 Atornado at Windygales, MB, More than 250 Icebergs + A1989tree branch Ihal broke oH 5 Oppressively hol and humid air 1 over 24 hours caused slonn destroyed all buildings on 2 ' drilled ashore along easlern during asevere Ihunderstorm sel new daily femperature sewers to blow their lids and farms and demolished a school. Newfoundland. a record number in soulhern Manitoba impaled 6 records in Toronto and area. extensive flood damage III roads, IIlhen moved into North Dakota lor so late In Ihe year. In 1974, a 21·year-old man, He was A"ernoon readings reached 34,3', bridges, and larmland. Five rivers in where it caused 11 deaths and nearly 1,400 Icebergs entered the sleeping in atenl al Grand Beach and the humldn was 41'. Nighllime central Alberta recorded their highest· 30 injuries, Grand Banks, one as lar soulh as 42'N. when Ihe 12·cm-thick branch lemperatures slayed above an ever peak flow, including the Bllndman penelraled his stomach and uncomlortable 20°. The Intense beat River, which peaked at 410 m' per protruded Irom his back, caused roads III buckle, resulting in second. The previous high was 180. Miraculously, Ihe wood splinters numerous traffic accidenls, This day was missed all his villll organs, the 50th anniversary ollhe infamous beat and he survived. wave thallett 458 dead across Onlllrio,

Full Moon Canada Day

1978 1896 1994 1988 1927 100 mm of rain fell The barque Raffs%, lrom Alornado destroyed a number 9 Severe thunderstorms 1972Heavy ralnlall over the lower 11 Thunderstorms1988 knocked out 12 Mud and rock slides, broughl on , SK, causing Long Genoa, Italy, bound lor 8 01 buildings al Kerroberl, SK. spawned lornadoes over 10 Fraser Valley caused flash more Ihan 20lranslonners by heavy rains, closed the 1) Creek 10 overflow ifs banks. 7 Bathurst, NB, struck one of The ha 11 that fOllowed cui western Manitoba, flooding. washouts, and flooded in and around Yarmoulh, NS. Highway at several locations in Hundreds of haclllres 01 Sable Island's bars during dense across the province devastallng An F3 (severe) lornado touched basements along the mountains Atlillle Bay, basemenls and northern British Columbia and fannland were flooded, and basements log and slrong winds, Five men, 350,000 ha of crop Irom Eyebrow down lor 30 mlnules near Blrtle, north 01 Vancouver. Hollyburn Ridge streels were flooded, and 1 house Ihe Yukon, Continuing heavy rainlall collapsed from the pressure of the Including Ihe caplain, hung on 10 Ihe (northwest 01 Moose Jawlthrough 100 km norlhwest 01 Brandon, recorded a new daily rainlall record lor burned after being struck by lightning. prevented the reopening ollhe highway water. overturned wreck while seven others Indian Head to Moosomln, leaving a path 01 destruction over July, 167,4 mm, and the third wettest day unlll early on Ihe 17th. made II to shore lor help. The men were The hailstones ranged In size Irom 10 km long, Crops, larm In lis history. On 12 July, the climate rescued wllh the use 01 a rocket beans to teacups, equipment, and buildings suflered slllllon received an addillonal94 mm lor apparatus-Ihe lirsltime such an lIem extensive damage. a 48-hour tolal of 261 mm. was used by Sable's rescue crew to save lives.

Last Quarter

1987 1928 1950 1923 1991 1867 Alerocious 2·hour Near Constance, SK, The highest temperalure Atornado deslroyed homes Severe thunderstonns Alerrific thunderstorm wllh 1962A13,000-lonne British 20 Ihunderstorm lashed hailstones as big as teacups ever recorded al Eureka, 16 and barns causing an across norlhwestern Ontario 18 heavy rain passed over ore-carrier COllided with a Monlr~a I with 102 mm 01 1+ lashed a ranch, killing more 15 NT, 19,4', occurred on estimaled $1 M damage in 17 produced torrenllal rains Kingslon, ON, When lighlnlng 19 6,000·tonne vessel In heavy rain. Aflash lIood caused Ihan 750 animals, Including Ihls date, Tullord and Lumsden, SK. and winds gustlng 10 160 kmlh. struck the chimney of a home, fog on the SI. Lawrence scores of accidenfS, killing 2 people and 3 horses. Ashepherd escaped injury by The Iwlsler carried a woman nearly In 15 minutes, Ihe slorm ripped down II moved Ihe cook slove Irom its position, about 90 km downslream Irom Quebec, inllicling widespread property damage. covering his head with a saddle. 1 km and left her unconscious. Aman 165,000 ha of mature lorest south of Red rolled up Ihe floor 01 the garret like a The ore-carrier and ils crew 0149 sank The storm knocked out electricily and who losl his Irousers later discovered Lake, learing belween 20 and 30 million scroll, lore a hole In the bedroom wail, quickly, leaving only Ihe loremasl and hatted subway and commuter trains, Ihem swinging from a Ire. 2 km away. trees out 01 the ground or snapping them and seltbe house on lire, Oulside, slack above water. slranding hundreds downtown overnighl. oH at the base. Never before had an lightning spill a large slone, hurling a Onlario storm deslroyed so many trees, piece of it 10 maway.

New Moon

1819 1993 1986 1867 1993 1578 Wea/her Quiz Arclic explorer Sir Edward Abrief Ihunderslonn with A Ihin. white lunnel cloud, Avlolenl thunderslorm Hay larmers in British From the )ournal 01 Marlin Wllicll country has tile highest 27 Parry sailed from England 21 heavy rain, very slrong 22 with winds up to 116 km/h, 2) al St-Pierre, easlol Columbia's southern Frobisher: "In Ihis slorm, parlicipation rat. lor goll in In May of 1819 in search winds, lighlning and touched down al SI. Malo, Qu~bec City, senl a bolt inlerlor were waiting lor the re lell much snow with 26 2+ 25 1110 world? ollhe Northwesl Passage. pea-sized hail hi! Kings MB. Damage was confined 01 lightning through a house, prolonged dry wealher so such blller cold air Ihat we (s) Uniled Slales to a welding shop, 2 garages. and COUld scarce see one another ... ?~_~!~.~~~~O~!~~~_~:~,!!~d.I~:,!"!~ ~~~..n.!!~rE~~~!~~~~~~"~~h~~_~e ~ &._ "' ...... P<>, ...... in ...... T .... f" ...... 1 ... n ...... "'_d ~~a:'i~!..!.~~: ~?~~!~~~~I~~~.~:~S if by ~h_e! .~~~~~,:~~~h~~,~~ ~~~~;_~.~.~~~a ~~! ~~~~~~~-. -.mIlIIJl'II_ .1I1191e, __g'Tn . "unwea trUrn MS "cc. __ m second. Tb. previous high was 180. Miraculously, Ih. wood splin!8rs numerous lralllc accldenls. This day was missed all his vlIDI organs, Ihe 5011! anniversary 0' Ihe infamous heal and he survived. wave that lell458 dead across OnIDrio.

Full Moon Canada Day

1978 1896 1927 1994 1972 1988 198B In 9 hours, 100 mm 01 rain fell The barque Raftaefe, lrom Atornado a number Severe thunderstorms Heavy rainfall over the lower Thunderstorms knocked oul Mud and rock slides, brought on al Radville, SK, causing Long Genoa, Haly, bound lor 8 SK. spawned tornadoes over 10 Fraser Valley caused flash 11 more than 20 translormers 12 by heavy rains, closed the Alaska Creek 10 overllow ils banks. 7 Bathum, NB, slruck one 01 The hail that followed cut 9 weslern Manitoba. lIooding, washouls, and flooded in and around Yarmouth, NS. Highway at several locations in 13 Hundreds 01 hectares 01 Sable Island's bars during dense across the province devastating An F3 (severe) lomado touched basements along the mountains Atliltle Bay, basements and northern Brlllsh Columbia and farmland were lIooded, and basements log and strong winds. Five men, 350,000 ha of crop from Eyebrow down lor 30 minutes near Birlle, norlh ot Vancouver. Hollyburn Ridge streets were flooded, and 1 house the Yukon. Continuing heavy rainlall collapsed lrom the pressure ollhe including Ihe captain, hung on to Ihe (northwest 01 Moose Jaw) through 100 km norlhwest 01 Brandon. recorded anew da ily ra inlall record lor burned alter being struck by lightning. prevented the reopening olth. highway water. overturned wreck while seven others Indian Head to Moosomin. leaving apath 01 destruction over July, 167.4 mm, and the third wettest day unlll early on the 17th. made it 10 shore lor help. The men were The hailstones ranged In size Irom 10 km long. Crops, larm in its history. On 12 July, the climate rescued with the use of a rockel beans to leacups. equipment, and buildings suffered stalion received an additional 94 mm lor apparatus-the first lime such an item extensive damage. a 48-hour total 01261 mm. was used by Sable's rescue Crew to save lives.

Last Quarler

1987 1928 1950 1923 1991 1867 1962 Alerocious 2-hour Near Constance, SK, The hlgnest ulmperawre Atornado deslfoyed homes Severe thunderstorms A terrific thunderstorm with A13,ooO-lonne British thunderstorm lashed hailslones as big as teacups ever recorded at Eurek 16 and barns causing an across nOrlhwestern Ontario 18 heavy rain passed over ore·carrier collided with a 20 Montreal with 102 mm of 1+ lashed a ranch, killing more 15 19.4°, occurred on estimated $1 M damage in 17 produced torrential rains Kingston, ON. When lightning 19 6,OOO·tonne vessel In heavy rain. AIlash lIood caused than 750 animals, including date. Tuxford and Lumsden, SK. and winds gusling to 160 km/h. struck the chimney 01 a home. log on the SI. Lawrence scores 01 aCCidents, killing 2 people and 3 horses. Ashepherd escaped Injury by The twister carried a woman nearly In 15 minutes, the storm ripped down I1 moved the cook stove from its position, about 90 km downstream from Ouebec. inllicting widespread properly damage. covering his head with a saddle. 1 km and lell her unconscious. A man 165.000 ha 01 mature lorest south of Red rolled up the lIoor 01 the garrellike a The ore·carrler and Its crew 0149 sank The storm knocked out electricity and who lost his Irousers later discovered Lake. tearing between 20 and 3D million scroll, tore a hole In Ihe bedroom wall, quickly, leaving only the loremast and hailed subway and commuter trains, them swinging from a tree 2 km away. trees out olthe ground or snapping them and set the house on lire. Ol stack above water. stranding hundreds downtown overnight. 011 at the base. Never belore had an large stone. Ontario storm deslfoyed so many trees. maway.

New Moon

1819 1993 1986 1867 1993 1578 Weather Quiz Arctic explorer Sir Edward Abrielthunderstorm with Athin. while funnel cloud, Aviolent thunderstorm Hay farmers in British From the journal of Martin Which country has the hIghest Parry sailed lrom England 21 heavy rain, very strong 22 with winds up to 116 km/h. at St·Plerre, east 01 Columbia's southern Froblsher: "In this storm. pat1ieipation rate for golf In in May 011819 in search winds, lightning and touched down at SI. Malo. Ou6bec City, sent a boil interior were wailing lor there fell much snow with 26 23 2+ 25 thewortd1 27 01 the Norlhwest Passage. pea-sized hail hit Kings MB. Damage was confined 01 lightning through a house, prolonged dry weather so such biller cold air that we (a) United States On 21 July, looking westward toward Counly, PE. lightning struck the to a welding shop. 2 garages, and tearing up the solid loundation "as if by they could cut their lirst crop. Kelowna could scarce see one another ... (b) Scottand Lancaster Sound from 8altin Bay, he Caledonia Presbyterian Church, 3 km several grain bins. The funnel appeared an earthquake." The storm blew a had received 21 days 01 precipitation Every man persuaded hlmsell that the (c) Switzerland saw 130 km 01 heavy ice and norlheast of Mount Vernon, shattering the white because 01 the way the sunlight woman out of her house. tearing oH her during the Iirst25 days 01 July, breaking winter must be extreme where there be (d) Canada treacherous "middle pack," and around steeple tower and demolishing the hil it. boots and cutting her feel. The house lis record 01 17 set In 1983. The weekly lound so unseasonable a summer. " (e) Japan him he counted 88 lOwering icebergs. church's sound system. was a complete wreck. rainlalltolal 0135.8 mm was greater (See Inside front cover fur answer.) He managed 10 force his way through Ihan the usual monthly average the treacherous ice successlully. 0133.7 mm.

First Ouarter

1975 1916 1834 1987 Hurricane Blanche moved Aforest !Ire in norlhern A 15-minute storm In 1 hour 01 rage and across the Atlantic region 28 OntariO. ignited by alThunder Bay, ON, fury, a series 01 tornadoes after a prolonged dry spell. lightning, engulfed the 29 dumped torrents 01 30 struck Edmonton, killing 27, 31 bringing rainlalltolals to lawns 01 Cochrane and rain and hail. Violent winds drove injuring more than 200, and near normal. In a6-hour period almost Matheson, killing at least the hail through several panes of glass leaving 400 homeless. The storm. half of the month's total rainfall (158 233 persons. and blew ladders oH the rools at the the most destructive in Canadian history mm). lell at Chatham. NB. In Nova Hudson's Bay Company posl. (to that date). toppled transmission Scolla, winds up to 115·km/h downed a towers and blew apart a giant oil tank. number 01 power lines and trees. Damage was estimated at $250 M.



I 2 ) + 5 6 2 ) + 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 I) 8 9 10 11 12 I) 1+ 1+ 15 16 17 18 19 20 August 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 2) 2+ 25 26 27 22 2) 2+ 25 26 27 28 28 29 )0 )1 29 )0

1857 1992 1991 An accounl from Ihe papers 01 Ahailslorm banered Ihe Cenlral areas 01 the Yukon the Palliser expedilion: "While 1 lowns 01 Noblelord and Monarch. 2 received l·day rainlall totals ) encamped lor dinner [al Pembina near Lelhbridge. AB. The hail be!ween 30 and 70 mm over Ihe River. ABI a violenl wind sprang up knocked birds oul 01 trees and 3rd and 4th. The storm washed oul Irom soulh·wesl. bringing wilh It dense caused extensive damage to property the at the upper Peel clouds. among which Ihe lighlning and crops. Hail the size 01 goll balls lay River. The highway remained closed to played vividly ... Along wllh this wind as deep as 30 cm on area highways. IraHic lor several days. came ... myriads 01 grasshoppers ... Ollicials called out snowploughs suddenly Ihe insects began 10 lall as to clear roads. thickly as snow ... the lall 01 grasshoppers was ... sunicienllo cause us much dlscomlort Irom the blows Ihey gave us on Ihe lace. as they came down with great rapidlly belore the wind."

1994 1879 Weather Quiz 1901 1981 1993 As players allhe Canadian Low snow pack and a dry summer 5 The Bouctouche tornado slruck Which province is the leading Cylindrical hail. like pieces 01 According 10 a newspaper The1973 mosl northerly lunnel 10 IInle league championship resulled in 450 lorest lires in the SI. Mary·s. NB. ravaging the 6 consumer. per capita. 01 ice round lead pencils measuring 8 report. a lightning viclim near cloud sighling in Canada was game in Ancasler. ON. + Northwest Terrilories since village and demolishing cream? 7 9.5 mm long. lell on the London survived because 01 9 made on Upper Garry Lake. relurned 10 lIeld aner a 10·minule 1January. On 4 August. 851ires conlinued everything in its path. The Iwisler (a) Prince Edward Island SI. Lawrence River. Ihe religious chain he wore NT. just soulh 01 the Arclic Circle. rain delay. lighlning slruck. killing 10 burn. Northwesterly winds transported killed 7 people. injured several. and len (b) Quebec around his neck. The blast hurled Ihe 1 alhlele inslanlly. The lorce shredded Ihe smoke Irom the lires over most 01 many others homeless. Losses amounted (c) Manitoba man 2 m in the air. shredding his clolhes Ihe 19·year·old·s cap. The olher 23 Alberta. In some areas. Ihe combinalion 01 to $100.000. (d) British Columbia and blowing 011 his righl running shoe. players were treated lor shock. log and smoke reduced visibilily 10 less (e) Ontario Ihan 1 km. Later. on the 191h. 2 new IIres (See inside Iront cover lor answer.) slarted when game wardens and Nalive people burned Ihe carcasses 01 more than 100 bison Ihal had died 01 anlhrax in Ihe Mackenzie Bison Sancluary. Civic Holiday I Herilage Day - Alberta Brilish Columbia Day - BC Last Quarter

1986 1993 1990 1989 1973 1990 1980 Canadian lishermen rescued Children were turning up al Torrenlial rains. up 10 Tornadoes are an Residents and campers al Approlimalely $5 M in Heavy rains and winds 152 Tamil relugees who had 11 Winnipeg health clinics with 12 135 mm. lell on the Beauce 1) extremely rare event in the Fort SI. John. BC. endured flood and structural damage above 100 km/h lashed Ihe Iheir eyes swollen shullrom region. PQ. Slreams over· 16 endured heavy rain. log. and Marilimes. so iI was quile 1+ 3 days 01 snow when more 15 resulled Irom severe thunder· Marilimes. causing power 17 rough seas 011 10 2 m 011 mosquilo biles. Heavy rains during the Ilowed Iheir banks. flooding a surprise when 3 lunnels Ihan 20 cm fell during a storms thal dumped over oulages. disrupting lerry SI. Sholls. NF. week caused Ihe mosquilo populalion streets and basements and washing touched down in New Brunswick. mid·monlh slorm. Temperatures during 100 mm 01 rain at Calgary over Ihe services. and damaging Ihe to explode to 6limes Ihe average. away bridges. In St·Georges. a mudslide In Carlisle. 25 km east 01 Hartland. a Ihe surprise storm hovered near Ireezing. 16th and 17Ih. The rool 01 one shopping Prince Edward Island tobacco crop. flooded a hospilal basement. lornado uprooled trees and ripped a barn cenlre collapsed. and lightning lore a apart but cracked only 2 ollhe 24 glass hole in the rool 01 anolher mall. storm windows stored inside.

New Moon

1860 1984 1852 1992 1990 1873 11 was an oppressively hol Aslorm al Prince Albert. The Greal Lakes sleamer Snow began 10 lall in Around 8 PM. according 1993Alornado al Hoodoo Lakes. 23 Acalamilous hurricane and humid day in Quebec 18 SK. with winds gusling 10 AI/antic sank 011 Long 20 soulhern and cenlral Alberta 21 10 hundreds 01 Islanders. 22 BC. carved oul a palh swept Cape Brelon Island Cily as Canadian minislers 163 km/h. damaged homes. 19 Poinl in Lake Erie. ON. on the 21sl. leaving as much a UFO flashed across Ihe 1 km long and 60 m wide. deslroying 1.200 lishing 2+ awailed Ihe arrival ollhe lIipped 7 lighl planes. and aner colliding in dense log as 60 cm by Ihe lime il ended Prince Edward Island sky. The !wisler lined heavy vessels. Ihousands ollrees. Prince 01 Wales on Ihe lirsl royal lour in downed Irees and power lines. on Ihe 23rd. 11 was Edmonlon's earliesl larm equipment. moved buildings and and damaging countless bridges. ft ___ ... , __ L'_& ___ ft _____ ... , ______,_. •••___, ..rnl _. & ... __...... __ 01 ~1a.m~ltin ~~~~ezer C!~i~ecd Ihe objecl ~!~ .~~~!r~~~h1~~,!I!~~n:b~~~~ ~!?!~I ...... L .". • -----~~-~- ::d~y'::':::::="i'::~~--1-=-:=:.' 1lUlIiIlIWjiI

1994 1~3 1879 Weather Quiz 1901 1981 1973 As players althe Canadian low snow pack and a dry summer 5 The Bouclouche lornado struck Which province is fhe leading Cylindrical hall, like pieces of According to a newspaper The most northerly funnel IIUle league championship resulled In 450 lores! fires In the SI. Mary's, NB, ravaging the 6 consumer, per capita, of ice round lead pencils measuring 8 report, a lightning victim near cloud sighting in Canada was 10 game In Ancaster, ON, + NOrlhwest Terrllorles since village and demolishing cream? -7 9.5 mm long, lell on the London survived because 01 9 made on Upper Garry Lake, relurned to field aller a 10-mlnule 1 January. On 4 August, 85 fires continued everylhlng In lIS path. The twister (a) Prince Edward Island SI. Lawrence River. Ihe religious chain he wore NT, just south ollhe . rain delay, lightning struck, killing 10 burn. Norlhweslerly winds Iransported killed 7 people, Injured several, and lell (b) Qu6bec around his neck. The blast hurled the 1 alhlele inslantly. The force shredded Ihe smoke from the Ilres lIVer most 01 many olhen homeless. losses amounted (c) Manl/oba man 2 m In the air, shredding his clothes the t9'year-old's cap. The other 23 Alberta. In some areas, the combination 01 to $100,000. (d) Brlllsh Columbia and blowing off his rlghl running shoe. players were treated lor shock. log and smoke reduced visibility to less (e) On/ariD than 1km. Later, on the lU1h, 2 new IIres (See inside fronl cover for answer.) started when game wardens and Native people burned Ihe carcasses 01 more than 100 bison that had died 01 anthrax In the Mackenzie Bison Sancluary.

Lasl Quarter

1986 1989 1973 1990 1980 Canadian II$hermen rescued Residenls and campen at Approximately $5 M in Heavy rains and winds 152 Tamil relugees who had 11 Winnipeg health 12 Fori SI. John, BC, endured Itood and structural damage 16 above 100 km/h lashed the endured heavy rain, log, and Ihelr eyes swollen shultrom 1+ 3 days of snow when more 15 resulted from severe thunder­ Maritimes, causing power 17 rough seas 011 to 2 m oil mosquito biles. Heavy rain than 20 cm fell during a slorms that dumped over outages, disrupting ferry SI. Sholls, NF. week caused the mosquilo mid-month storm. Temperatures during 100 mm of rain at Calgary over the services, and damaging the 10 explode to 6 times Ihe average. the surprise storm hovered near freezing. 16th and 17th. The rool of one shopping Prince Edward Island lobacco crop. centre collapsed, and lightning tore a hole In the roOl 01 anolber mall.

New Moon

1860 1852 1992 1~0 1873 11 was an oppressively hot A1984slorm al Prince Albert, 19 The Greal Lakes steamer Snow began to fall in Around 8 PM, according 1993Atornado at Hoodoo Lakes, 23 and humid day in Quebec 18 SK, with winds gusllng to AI/anllc sank 011 Long 20 soulhern and cenlral Alberta 21 to hundreds of Islanders, 22 BC, carved out a palh 2+ City as Canadian ministers 163 km/h, damaged homes, Point in Lake Erte, ON, on the 21st, leaving as much a UFO flashed across the 1 km long and 60 mwide. awailed llle arrival of Ihe flipped 7 light planes, and aller colliding In dense fog as 60 cm by the time it ended Prince Edward Island sky. The twister lilled heavy Prince of Wales on the IIrst royal tour In downed trees and power lines. with Ihe frelghler Ogdensburg. Atotal 01 on the 23rd. 11 was Edmonton's earliesl Afamily in Ebenezer claimed the object farm equipment, moved and damaging countless Canadian hislory. Dressed in ceremonial AI least 75% of Ihe city was 300 lives and $250,000 In gold coins snowlail since record-keeping began in landed in a lield near Ihelr home. fences, damaged trees, and breakwaters, wharves, and 900 buildings. uniforms for Ibe occasion, they pel1lplred withoul power. (worth $60 M in 1991) were lost. 1884. The weight ollhe snow broke tree I-m high stack 01 lumber. The storm also claimed 500 lives. Downed profusely, looking (as one newspaper branches, which downed power lines, telegraph lines between Toronto and reporter put it) "as uncomforlable as so and caused severe crop damage. Halifax had prevented storm warnings many pigs in armour." from gelling Ibrough.

Discovery Day - Yukon Firsl Quarter

1928 1845 1973 1980 1991 1988 1881 Alexander Muir's accounl Ahailstone weighing 290 9 Atorrential downpour Exlensive lIoodlng forced Vlckl Kellh compleled The hot, dry wealber prevalent 01 astorm ofl Cape 26 and measuring 114 mm produced a record Z4-hour 28 hundreds 01 people to a51-km swim 01 Lake in Onlario during August caused a Ford Trimolor lIew inlo 25 Drmon Island: "A perlect In dlameter-lhe largest 27 rainfail of 83.5 mm in lIee their homes along 29 Ontario, setting a new 30 the earth to harden and streams 31 Puget Sound in bad weather. hurricane with torrents of l3in ... ever documented In Canada­ £dmonlon. South of Ihe city the British Columbia coasl, women's world-dlslance and wells 10 dry up. The heat Seven people died. did not tast above two houl1l the teil al Cedoux, SK. lis mass on impact al Leduc, Ihe rain 1I0oded hundreds 01 north 01 Vancouver, after 50 to record for Ihe buttertly slroke (38 km) ruined pastures and severely damaged was estimated at 450 g. basements and stl3nded dozens of 15 mm of rain fell during the 29th and and becoming the firsl person 10 swim rool, 'ruil, and corn crops. Smoke, motorists, prompting officials to declare 30th. AI Howe Sound, lIood walers and across all 5 of the Great Lakes. exlremely dense at times, filled the air lor a stale 01 emergency. mudslides caused an estimated $4 M Conditions were ideal, with calm walers, weeks as brush lires moved destruclively damage. Squamish received 126.9 mm light winds, and water temperatures In Ihrough the southern part 01 the province. of I3ln on Ibe 29th alone, sending a the 17' to 19' range. torrent olllood water righl through the centre of fown and resulling in $500,000 damage.


AUGUST OCTOBER 2 ) I 2 '5 + 5 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 I) 1+ 15 16 17 Se tern er 1) 1+ 15 16 17 18 19 IS 19 20 21 22 2) 2+ 20 21 22 2) 2+ 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 )0 )1 27 28 29)0 )1

1860 Weather Quiz 1994 1990 1839 In OHawa, the Prince 01 Wales WhIch is the driest continent? An American fishing vessel sank Atornado touched down near Anew Slagecoach was established (the future King Edward VIII laid (a) Asis jusl oulside 01 Canadian waters the hamlet 01 McGregor, 15 km on the line between CharloHelown the cornerstone 01 the Parliament (D) Africa + during a severe Maritime slorm 5 south of Windsor. as severe 6 and Georgelown. PE. It could carry 7 buildings. Dignitaries undoubtedly (c) Australia as winds gusted to near hurricane' thunderstorms moved across 8 to 10 passengers and was appreCiated the day's line weather (d) North America force. Four crew men ware lost. In southwaslern OntariO, dumping 75 to 110 equipped with an awning, "which can be let considering they and the prince had been cave-Ins on most 01 the claims at (e) Antarctica southern New Brunswick, damage to mm of rain. The slorm uprooted trees. down or rolled up, according 10 Ibe stale 01 drenched during the oUicial welcoming Hatierville and Cameronlon. The 1I0oding (See inside front cover for answer.) herring-fishing equipment exceeded caused minor lIoodlng, and knocked Dui the weather." ceremony Ihe previous evening. also destroyed homes and $2 M, and several pleasure boats sank. power to thousands of homes In Essex Mining operations ware lIT County. months, and In some cases abandoned altogether.

Labour Day Last Quar1er

1919 1976 1818 1759 Weather lorced General Wolle 8 Alexander Graham Bell's 1942Atornado struck nor1h of 10 AM·year·old American canoeist 1993Officials declared a stale of 12 The first recorded wreck at 10 cancel his plans to land an experimental hydrofoil boat, Klllarney, MB. It sucked a was stranded 18 days on the 11 emergency for larmers in east 1) Long POint, ON, was the army 013,600 men on the nor1h the clgar-shaped HD·4, set a 9 woman out of a window, tore northern coast 01 Somerset Island. central Saskatchewan aHer a schooner Young Phoenix. 1+ shore above Quebec City. Heavy rain world water·speed record of clothes off chitdren, and dug up a NI, aHer his plane failed to show up heavy snowfall on the 11th and Bound lor Por1 Talbo!, ON, from Buffalo, and gale-Iorce winds continued through 114.04 kmJh on Cape Breton's Bras d'Or farmer's potato crop. Near Boissevain, as planned. Aner his rescue he 12th lIattened crops. On the morning 01 New Yoti, the schooner took on water the night. Lake. Cape Breton waather was cool and MB, the tornado cleared 011 a lield 01 remarked, "You feel so darn good you'd the 13th. the Porcupine Plain area bad weather. The large group of Irish cloudy with light nor1herly winds and stooked grain. Later in the day, straw tell like to sneak up on a polar bear, kick him repor1ed 30 cm 01 snow on the ground. ants aboard made It salely to shore, calm water. The high at Sydney was 13'. from the clouds during a heavy rainfall at In the lall, and outrun him." boat sank with their onty ear1hly Belmont and Baldur. possessions.

New Moon Rash Hasbanah

mo 1868 1932 1984 1583 1942 The lirst instrumented Barkerville, BC, the centre 01 Dense log prevenled Pope Sir Humphrey Gllber1, A1955hurricane that 20 A massive rallTStorm hllthe reading 01 air temperature one 01 the greatesl gold rushes 16 John Paul tllrom landing 18 the founding lalher of orlg Inaled In the tropics Marltlmes on Ihe 20th. By Ihe 21 lor Newloundland was taken 15 in history al that lime. was in barrels 01 apples 17 al For1 Simpson, NI. Newfoundland, was travelling 19 and moved nor1heastward 21st, Halilax had received by George Car1wrlght at Ranger the midst 01 a dry spell when fire Scolia's Annapolis Valley and This deepty disappolnled home 10 England from along the Atlantic broughl 239 mm o! rain. a 1-day record Lodge near BaHle Harbour on Ihe broke oulln one of the buildings. smashing counlless lobster traps about 3,000 Indians and Inuil who bad Newfoundland aboard the Squirrel when 48 hours of rain to western Newfound· for eastern Canada. On the 22nd, southern Labrador Coast. Car1wrlght's The blaze destroyed Ihe selllement; in Prince Edward Island. been awaiting his arrival. However, true a raging storm struck. Huge waves look land. Ingonlsh BeaCh, NS, received a Charlollelown received 164 mm. Its new thermometer reglslered 84'F proper1y losses were estimated al to his word, Pope Jobn returned 3 years the Irlgate and her crew down. tolal of 127.5 mm, and Slephenvllle, NF, greatest1·day ralntall ever. Aller 4 days. (29'C) at noon. $670,000. By late October. Batiervllle later on 20 September 1987 and recorded 100 mm. totals exceeded 350 mm at Stellar1on, NS, had been completely rebuilt. celebrated mass with a brilliant rainbow and 275 mm at CharloHetown. serving as a backdrop.

First Quar1er

1865 1988 1883 1986 1985 1990 1985 "For Ihree weeks past AI Whllehorse, YT, nearly The schooner Wllliam SOIlthwestern Saskalchewan Rain in Toronto An inlense Slorm, with Welcome rains from more rain has lallen In 22 7 cm 01 snow fell on Ihis 2) H. Vanderbill was was in Ihe midst 01 a the star1 01 the winds of 100 kmlh, moved Hurricane Glorla helped British Columbia Ihan day. 16 cm on the next, travelling on Lake Erie 2+ 3·day storm that dumped 25 game between the Red Sox 26 rapidly up the British 27 douse foresllires In Nova 28 has ever been known In any and 9 cm on Ihe third. with a hull full of iron ore more Ihan 150 mm of rain on and Ihe Blue Jays for 3 hours and COlumbia coast. Two lishlng Stolla and replenished wells, previous season ... (there werel serious !.~.e.~:day t~tal of 32 c?, surpa_~se~ w.h,en a ~O!~ h!~: d!I.!!ng t~e.~hip asho!! the area. Consul was swamped with !8.1111nute~:-::-o~e.~!!h.elongest boats were unable 10 reach salely in lime slream.s, an~.wat~~in.g holes le~ dry by • #. • • UH ••• ri.6mUIi, m6 P'6"UUS 6.6IiiffD. ------~ dtaU .6• .,0,60 IIGiii6. dUO IUdCIIIU.I,.-­ ------R m. dna 8 •••ldl D16d.016 OGIItS AM. -lImnrt"lU~lfIl:!1Sft- - Mining operations were Impeded .or county. months, and in some cases abandDned allogether.

Labour Day Last Quarter

1759 1919 1942 1976 1993 1759 1818 Weather forced General Wo lie Alexander Graham Bell's Atornado struck north of A64-year-old American canoeist Ollicials declared a state 01 Wolle defeated Montcalm on The first recorded wreck at to cancel his plans to land an 8 experimental hydrofoil boat, Killarney, MB. It sucked a 10 was stranded 18 days on the 11 emergency for farmers in east 12 the Plains of Abraham at Long POint, ON, was the army of 3,600 men on the north the cigar-shaped HD-4, set a 9 woman out of a window, tore northern coast of Somerset Island, central Saskatchewan after a Ouebec City. His torces had 13 schooner Young Phoenix. 1+ shore above Quebec City. Heavy rain world water-speed record of clothes off children, and dug up a NT, after his plane failed to show up heavy snowfall on the 11th and ascended the clills at Bound for Port Talbot, ON, from Buffalo, and gale-Iorce winds continued through 114.04 km/h on Cape Breton's Bras d'Or farmer's potato crop. Near Boissevain, as planned. After his rescue he 12th flallened crops. On the morning of Anse-au-Foulon during the night under New York, the schooner took on water the night. Lake. Cape Breton weather was cool and MB, the tornado cleared 011 a lield of remarked, "You feel so darn good you'd the 13th, the Porcupine Plain area clear but dark skies, while the moon was during bad weather. The large group of Irish cloudy with light northerly winds and stooked grain. Later in the day, straw fell like to sneak up on apolar bear, kick him reported 3D cm of snow on the ground. in ils last quarter. Aparticipant reported immigrants aboard made it safely to shore, calm water. The high at Sydney was 13'. from the clouds during a heavy rainlall at in the tail, and outrun him." "fine weather, the night calm, and but the boat sank with their only earthly Belmont and Baldur. silence over all" at the beginning of the possessions. operation.

New Moon Rosh Hashanah

1770 1868 1932 1984 1583 1955 1942 The first instrumented Barkerville, BC, the centre of Atropical storm struck the Dense fog prevented Pope Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Ahurricane that Amassive rainstorm hil the reading of air temperature one of the greatest gold rushes 16 Maritimes, destroying 300,000 John Paul 11 from landing 18 the founding father of originated in the tropics 20 Maritimes on the 20th. By the 21 for Newfoundland was taken 15 in history at that time, was in barrels 01 apples in Nova 17 at Fort Slmpson, NT. Newfoundland, was travelling 19 and moved northeastward 21st, Halifax had received by George Cartwright at Ranger the midst of a dry spell when fire Scotia's Annapotis Valley and This deeply disappointed home to England from along the Allantic brought 239 mm of rain, a l-day record Lodge near Bailie Harbour on the broke out in one of the buildings. smashing countless lobster traps about 3,000 Indians and who had Newfoundland aboard the Squirrel when 48 hours of rain to western Newfound­ for eastern Canada. On the 22nd, southern Labrador Coast. Cartwright's The blaze destroyed the settlement; in Prince Edward Island. been awaiting his arrival. However, true a raging storm struck. Huge waves took land. Ingonish Beach, NS, received a Charlolletown received 164 mm, its new thermometer registered 84'F property losses were estimated at to his word, Pope John returned 3 years the frigate and her crew down. total of 127.5 mm, and Stephenville, NF, greatest l-day rainfalt ever. After 4 days, (29'C) at noon. $670,000. By late October, Barkerville later on 20 September 1987 and recorded 100 mm. totals exceeded 350 mm at Stellarton, NS, had been completely rebuilt. celebrated mass with a brilliant rainbow and 275 mm at Charlolletown. serving as a backdrop.

First Quarter

1865 1986 1883 1986 1985 1990 1985 "For three weeks past At Whilehorse, YT, nearly The schooner William Southwestern Saskatchewan Rain in Toronto delayed An intense storm, with Welcome rains from more rain has fallen in 22 7 cm of snow fell on this H. Vanderbiltwas was in the midst of a the start of the baseball winds of 100 km/h, moved Hurricane Gloria helped 28 day, 16 cm on the next, travelling on Lake Erie 3-day storm that dumped game between the Red Sox 26 rapidly up the Brilish douse forest fires in Nova British Columbia than 23 2+ 25 27 has ever been known in any and 9 cm on the third. with a hull full of iron ore more than 150 mm of rain on and the Blue Jays for 3 hours and Columbia coast. Two fishing Scotia and replenished welts, previous season ... [there were] serious The 3-d ay total of 32 cm surpassed when a storm hil, driving the ship ashore the area. Consul was swamped with 18 minutes-one of the longest boats were unable to reach safety in time streams, and watering holes left dry by apprehensions ... that cereals as well as Whitehorse's average for any given at Long POint, ON. Although the crew of 9 157.5 mm in a48-hour period delays in baseball history. and floundered 011 Vancouver Island. several months of below-normal the hay crops would be entirely month and was a quarter of the was rescued, the schooner was not as ending on the 26th. Several lives were lost, and one person precipitation. In northern New Brunswick, destroyed, and ranch owners became normal winter total. lucky. Salvagers managed to remove 300 was rescued. Afreighter was forced to rainfalls were between 30 and 75 mm, and very uneasy. Fortunately the weather tonnes of iron ore over the next 4 years. dump its cargo of logs after developing a peak winds ranged from 90 to 100 km/h. cleared up yesterday." The Cariboo severe list. Sentinel, Barkerville, 23 September 1865

Autumnal Equinox 14:00 EOT Yom Kippur Fult Moon

1983 1981 Heavy fog on the Trans­ Saint John, NB, received Canada Highway east of a trace of snow, its first Montreal resulled in a 29 September snowfall since 30 fiery accident that claimed records began in 1871. five lives.


SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 2 ) 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 1) 14 ) 4 5 6 789 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Octo er 10 11 12 1) 14 15 16 22 2) 24 25 26 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 2) )0 24 25 26 27 28 )0

1890 1994 1900 1994 The sun shone on Sir John Astorm downed power lines, AI Olympic Stadium, rain Environment Canada set up a A. Macdonald as he spoke 10 2 clogged roads, forced schools ) postponed the start of Ihe "Roiling Stones Weather Line." crowds al a picnic In Halifax, MS. 10 close, and dumped up to National League pennant­ + The service, sponsored by 5 11 was a cool but olherwlse line day lor 50 cm 01 snow on parts of southern clinching game between the Expos and The Edmonton Journal, provided picnicking and politicking. There were Alberta. Drills near Milk River were Ihe Phillies lor 3 hours and 10 minutes­ forecasts to over 2,600 01 the 120,000 fans clear skies, with light winds and an 1.5 mhigh. The blizzard also Ibe second-tongest rain delay in baseball attending Ihe outdoor concerts on 4and allernoon high 0114.4°. hislory. 5 October in Edmonton. Both Ihe lorecasls and the weather were near perfecl on concert nIghts.


1992 1825 1905 1900 Along, dry summer conlrlbuted An early snowstorm struck An unusually long and severe 9 1980Temperatures plunged Irom 10 1741Captain Chrislopher Middleton, 11 The1934 temperature in Regina 12 10 Ihe oulbreak ollhe Mlramichl Manitoba and northwestern 8 rainstorm, beginning on the 18° to 4· In a mere explorer, recorded Ibe following soared 10 31.1°. an October Newloundland, Hardesl hll 6 lire, which demolished 7 Ontario. Snowlall ranged trom 8th and lasting until Ibe 12th, 10 minutes as avicious while at Churchill, MB: "The record until it was broken on was Ihe Avalon Peninsula, where 15,500 km' 01 land north of Ibe Mlramlchl 101030 cm, Following the blizzard, caused extensive flooding in windstorm swept through wine with which the ollicers drank 1 October 1992 (32.0·). The line 0 downed power lines left hundreds of River and destroyed Ibe temperatures plunged to -15 • southwestern New Brunswick. central Alberta flipping trailers and the aloresaid healths, and which was weather drew many people Irom their resldenls wllhoul electriCity, Buildings, towns 01 Douglastown and Newcastle, The 5-ilay ralnlalltotals were 212 mm at planes, and lelling trees and power good port wine, Iroze in the glass as oHices. With IIHle else but line weather on boats, and wharves sunered exlenslve NB. Casualty estimates ranged Frederlcton and 213 mm at Saint John. lines. Awoman was thrown into the sink soon as poured out 01 the boHle ... people's minds, the YMCA decided to damage, Alerry and a large cruise ship Irom 200 to 500. 8ridges and railway property suHered and her head jammed inside acupboard. By the end ollhe month, the snow was postpone its $7,500-lundralslng drive 10 Ibe were loroed 10 drop anchor and ride out ellensiYe damage. Catamarans could be Her 10 dogs lIew upside·down through 121eet deep and the men had to use 22nd, when they hoped lor "heavier' the storm. Gander receiYed a record seen on Fredericton roads, which were the air as the wind toppled her mobile axes to hack ice oH the inside walls 01 wealber. snowlall 0119.4 cm on Ihe 7th. covered by as much as 1 m of waler. home. Near Bassano, zero visibility lrom the Factor's house." wind-blown dust caused a 14-vehlcle plleup.

New Moon

1984 1989 1954 1991 1992 Weather Quiz In southern Onlarlo, offlciats AmasslYe updrall carried Hurricane Hazel made Its way Strong winds caused wide­ temperature reading 1990Aportion of King Street was 18 Which 01 the tollowlng moves issued a health warning when askydiyer near Fort Erie, across the Lake OntariO basin spread damage and power .50 at Old Crow set a closed and Slreetears diverted the laslesl? 1) 16 0 stagnanl alrllow pushed ON, 450 m upwards, above 1+ on the 151h and 16th. Toronto 15 outages in much 01 southern record lor Ihe earliest -30 17 aller strong winds blew metal (a) snowflakes In a &Ilzzard 19 the pollution index to 49, ahuge, lighlning-filled, received 214 mm 01 rain during British Columbia, In the reading ever recorded In Ibe brackets 011 the rool ollhe First (&) ahu"icane In Monlreal, dense morning log grey slorm cloud, Fearing that he 72 hours. Eighty people lost their lives, Vancouver area, 2 docked lrelghters Yukon. The daytime high 01-20.40 set a Canadian Place, Toronlo's tallest (c) a large haltstllne reduced visibility to near zero, wouldn'l be able to breathe In the cloud, and wind and flood damage exceeded collided. The wind also pushed aparked new low maximum temperature record. building. Repair crews had to wait lor (d}lhe wlnnsr IItlhe Queen's Plate resulting in numerous accidents. he cut his chute and Iree-fell 600 m $25 M, commercial passenger aircraH Inlo the During Ihe nell2 days, the lemperature winds to subside belore fixing Ibe roof. (e}lce pellels before opening his second chute. Atter side 01 a terminal building al Vancouver dipped 10 '82.0°. (See Inside tronl cllrer lor answer.) he sullered some broken bones Airport. Temperalures plunged lrom 140 ,wind reinllaled his chute and to 4° in 10 minutes at Kamloops, and dragged him 60 mIhrough a lence and wind guslS reached 156 km/11 at Vernon. some saplings,

Thanksgiving First Ouarler

1987 1D03 1D18 1989 1994 1825September and October 20 Kejimkujlk weather stall on Residents 01 southern and The Princess S/lphla 1933An early storm surprised 2+ Mild weather in soulhern Arare tornado occurrence at 1825 were unusually in southern Nova Scotla 21 central OntariO were 22 grounded on Vanderbltt 2) OfIawa and Montreal with and central Ontario brought 4:30 AM In Prince George, cleaning up aHer alierce Reel olllhe British a record 21 cm 01 snow. heavy log and ellreme BC, caused nearly $1 M 26 rainy and cold In southern recorded 25 mm 01 acid rain 25 Manitoba. Two days 01 with a pH 013,2-hallway between the windstorm the previous day. Columbia coast and sank The snowstorm downed pollution to Toronto. Soulh damage. Striking only 3 blockS ~IH~rly. COld.wl~d.:s_a~d. h~avy ~n~w,..• a~i~i!y.ol apple~ .and weak YI~egar. _A'p~ ~1~ds_d~~n~.~.~!!S ~~~ P_O~!~lIn~.~,. ~_d!!! I~"'~ H!~~seas, low visibility. ~e~~~~d_I~~e!,~~n! ~~t!~_~~~.!ravel by Etoblcoke was hardest hit, with a Irom Ihe cenlre ollhe City, and carving a --~ ...... _-- ._-- .... - ,,----"------" ----­ ------~------T "pacta." hara hit, ft _IhVi Ujiftitiiia Htilllng smnl. ConCln In Edmomon.------~ ­ -liiiflIIe -we.flfar wBre nBar perie-et-on -~-­ trees, downed power lines, damaged concert nights. buildings, llipped aplane over, swamped boats, and left 210ngliners in distress.

Last Quarter

1992 1825 1985 1900 1989 1934 Avicious 2-day wind- and A long, dry summer contributed An early snowstorm struck An unusually long and severe Temperatures plunged Irom 1741Captain Christopher Middleton, 11 The temperature in Reglna rainstorm struck eastern 6 to the outbreak ot the Miramichi Manitoba and northwestern 8 rainstorm, beginning on the 18° to 4° in a mere 10 explorer, recorded the 1011 owing soared to 31 Y, an October 12 Newloundland. Hardest hit lire, which demolished 7 Ontario. Snowfall ranged Irom 8th and lasting until the 12th, 9 10 minutes as a vicious while at Churchill, MB: "The record until It was broken on was the Avalon Peninsula, where 15,500 km' 01 land north 01 the Miramichi 10 to 30 cm. Following the blizzard, caused extensive tlooding in windstorm swept through wine with which the oHlcers drank 1 October 1992 (32.0°). The line downed power lines left hundreds 01 River and destroyed the temperatures plunged to -15°. southwestern New Brunswick. central Alberta llipping trailers and the aloresaid healths, and which was weather drew many people Irom their residents wllhout electricity. Buildings, towns ot Douglastown and Newcastle, The 5-day rainlall totals were 212 mm at planes, and lelling trees and power good port wine, Irole in the glass as oHices. With IIHle else but fine weather on boats, and wharves suHered extensive NB. Casualty estimates ranged Fredericton and 213 mm at Saint John. lines. Awoman was thrown into the sink soon as poured out 01 the boHle ... people's minds, the YMCA decided to damage. A lerry and a large cruise ship Irom 200 to 500. Bridges and railway property suHered and her head jammed inside a cupboard. By the end 01 the month, the snow was postpone ils $7,500-lundraislng drive to the were lorced to drop anchor and ride out extensive damage. Catamarans could be Her 10 dogs Ilew upside-down through 121eet deep and the men had to use 22nd, when they hoped lor "heavier" the storm. Gander received a record seen on Fredericton roads, which were the air as lhe wind toppled her mobile axes to hack Ice oH the inside wailS 01 weather. snowlall 0119.4 cm on the 7th. covered by as much as 1 m 01 water. home. Near Bassano, lero visibility Irom the Factor's house." wind-blown dust caused a 14-vehicle pileup.

New Moon

1984 1989 1954 1991 1992 1990 Weather Ouiz In southern Ontario, oHlcials Amassive updraH carried Hurricane Hazefmade its way Strong winds caused wide­ Alow temperature reading Aportion 01 King Street was Which of the following moves 19 issued a health warning when 1) a skydiver near Fort Erie, across the Lake Ontario basin spread damage and power 16 01-30.5° at Did Crow set a closed and streetcars diverted 18 the fastest? stagnant airflow pushed ON, 450 mupwards, above 1+ on the 15th and 16th. Toronto 15 outages in much 01 southern record lor the earliest -30° 17 after strong winds blew metal (a) snowflakes in a blizzard the pollution index to 49. a huge, lightning-lilled, received 214 mm 01 rain during British Columbia. In the reading ever recorded in the brackets oH the rool 01 the First (b) a hurricane In Montreal, dense morning log grey storm cloud. Fearing that he 72 hours. Eighty people lost their lives, Vancouver area, 2 docked Ireighters Yukon. The daytime high 01-20.4° set a Canadian Place, Toronto's tallest (c) a farge hailstone reduced visibility to near lero, wouldn't be able to breathe in the cloud, and wind and lIood damage exceeded collided. The wind also pushed a parked new low maximum temperature record. building. Repair crews had to wait lor (d) /he winner of/he Oueen's Plate resulting In numerous accidents. he cut his chute and Iree-Iell 600 m $25 M. commercial passenger aircraH Into the During the next 2 days, the temperature winds to subside belore fixing the rool. (e) Ice pellets belore opening his second chute. After side 01 a terminal building at Vancouver dipped to -32.0°. (See Inside front cover tor answer.) landing, he suHered some broken bones Airport. Temperatures plunged Irom 14° when the wind reinllated his chute and to 4° in 10 minutes at Kamloops, and dragged him 60 mthrough alence and wind gusts reached 156 km/h at Vernon. some saplings.

Thanksgiving First Quarter

1825 1987 1993 1918 1933 1989 1994 September and October Kejimkujik weather station Residents 01 southern and The Princess Sophia An early storm surprised Mild weather In southern Arare tornado occurrence at 1825 were unusually 20 in southern Nova Scotia 21 central Ontario were 22 grounded on Vanderbilt 2) OHawa and Montrbl with and central Ontario brought 4:30 AM in Prince George, rainy and cold in southern recorded 25 mm 01 acid rain cleaning up after alierce Reel oH the British a record 21 cm 01 snow. 2+ heavy log and extreme 25 BC, caused nearly $1 M 26 Manitoba. Two days 01 wilh a pH 01 3.2-haltway between the windstorm the previous day. Columbia coast and sank The snowstorm downed pollution to Toronto. South damage. Striking only 3 blocks biHerly cold winds and heavy snow, acidity 01 apples and weak vinegar. A pH Winds downed trees and power lines, 2 days later. High seas, low visibility, trees and telephone poles, and travel by Etobicoke was hardest hil, with a Irom the centre 01 the city, and carving a beginning about 20 October, choked the 014.7 is enough to cause environmental damaged buildings, and caused water and 90-km/h winds prevented rescuers bus between OHawa and Toronto pollution index 01 73 on the morning 01 path 4 km long, the tornado snapped trees water in the rivers. Ice lormed rapidly, damage. A pH 01 less than 4.0 is levels to rise rapidly along the eastern Irom reaching the Ship. All 343 people on increased Irom about 4 hours to 111/2 the 26th. POllution levels between 50 and damaged buitdings, vehicles, lences, even on the large lakes. The soggy considered very serious. end 01 Lake Erie. At Gore Bay (Manitoulin board perished. The only survivor was an hours. On a positive note, the snowmell and 99 are considered poor. On the 25th, and hydro lines. ground and excessive snow contributed Island), winds gusted to 102 km/il--the English seHer that managed to swim to replenished water levels 01 the OHawa, dense log reduced visibility to less than to record lIooding the 101l0wing spring. strongest ever recorded at that location shore. Gatineau, and Rideau Rivers. MiII- and 200 m at Pearson International Airport, in October. power-plant operators appreciated the paralysing Toronto's air and automobile increase in river lIows. traHic.

Full Moon

1984 1991 1984 1991 1851 Asection 01 the Trans­ Amajor windstorm Acold spell across the The Canadian Forces Five days olllooding Canada Highway west 01 developed over the 28 Yukon, Northwest C-130 Hercules, with 18 )0 commenced along New )1 Winnipeg had to be closed 27 southern Maritimes and Territories, Alberta, and 29 aboard, crashed on its Brunswick's Saint John River. lor a lew hours aHer a storm oHshore waters. The hurricane-Iorce 8ritish Columbia shaHered final approach to the runway Rapidly rising water at Grand left 4.6 cm 01 snow and 10 mm 01 rain in winds lasted over 48 hours. Extraordinary previous October cold temperature near Alert, NT. Forty-eight hours later, Falls prompted oHicials to telegraph the city. Blowing snow, icy roads, and waves generated by the winds reached a records. The mercury at Ogilvie, YT, 12 paramedics parachuted into the crash Fredericton, warning 01 the 110 od danger. poor visibility caused ~ number 01 cars maximum height 0130.7 m-the highest dipped to -42°, the lowest ever recorded sile 10 rescue the 13 survivors. The The warning allowed many residents to to slide oH the highways in Brandon and ever recorded by an instrument anywhere in Canada lor October. Dlher records: _6° paramedics baHled Arctic darkness, save personal belongings by stacking Dauphin. in the world-and averaged 17.4 m oH at Vancouver, -36° at High Level, AB, and constant cloud cover, and blinding snow. them on wharves, but residential damage Nova Scotia. The lerry Caribou became -31° at Red Deer. They also braved temperatures 01 -23°, and the loss 01 lumber could not be stranded in Sydney harbour and was 46 km/h winds, and a windchill 01-60°. prevented. unable to dock lor 2 nights.



2 ) "1- 5 2 ) "1- 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 I} 14 I} 14 15 16 17 18 19 Novem er 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 2} 24 25 26 22 2) 24 25 26 27 2.8 27 2.8 29)0 }I 29 )0 )1

1993 1918 Monlrealers awoke 10 13 cm 01 1 AS·day rainlall, lolalling 300 10 2 snow after astorm dumped 400 mm, linally ended, bul nol 15 10 26 cm Ihroughout Ibe belore produtlng serious flooding st. Lawrence River Valley. Areas along Ihe northern British Columbia coast. lrom Monlreallo Gasp6 reported power AI Terrace, mudslides oufages and fraHic accidents. The slorm salmon caused 1lraftlc'related death,

1991 1004 1994 1819 The Edmonlon Eskimos 1994Astorm dumped 5 to 10 cm + 1000Heavy snowfall In northern and 5 Ofiicials al Toronto's Woodbine 1004New Brunswick's worsl windstorm 7 Over 50,000 homes were 8 From Klngslon, ON, 10 Quebec 9 grabbed lirst place In the CFl's 01 snow on greater Vancouver cenlrat Onlario leH a 1·day record Racetrack had ID cancellhe in 25 years, with gusts up 10 wllhoul hydro aller a windstorm City, noon skies were as dark t 6 Western Division with a 3 and downed trees and power lines. lor November: 50 cm al Gore linal 6 races oIl11e 100 km/ll, tore up huoe sections baHered boats and brought down as nlgbt because 01 immense 28·18 victory over the Winnipeg Three people died on a snowy Bay. Near Georgian Bay, up 10 winds up 10 90 km/ll trees and power lines along Ihe fires in Ontario and Micbigan. Blue Bombers, The game, held In highway near Hope, BC. 2 cm ollreezing rain coaled orchard Irees and power lines and pushed horses Brilish Columbia coas!. Vancouver Island During Ihe aHernoon, aIhunderstorm Winnipeg, took place on a field that had causing them to snap under Ihe weight. sideways. In Ofiawa, up 10 10,000 elperiented wind gusts up 10 165 km/h, showered soot and soapy rain on Montreal. been reduced in size due to Ice leH over In several areas, power oulages lasted 2 customers were withoul power when the pulp mill going lor a year, and waves as hlgb as 4.5 m high were Irom an earlier glaze storm. Instead 01 days. wind blew trees on to power lines. about $10 ~ere damaged. Winds reported In Ihe Strait 01 Georgia. the usual 110 by 65 yards, the field were responsible lor power oulages measured 90 by 59.5 yards, with and Interrupllons Ihroughoullhe smaller 10'yard end zones. To make province. lI1ings worse. Ihe temperalure at game 0 lime was '13 , and winds gusled 10 50 km/ll. lasl Quarter

1986 1912 1990 1915 1981 Winnipeg dug oullrom 1940An Armistice Day storm on Ihe 11 The paddlewheel Heavy rain along Ihe British Saint John, NB, experienced Astorm with snow and winds Thunderslorms1989 spawned a 16 beneall135.8 cm 01 snow 10 Greal lakes caused Ihe wreck 01 12 Columbia coasllrom the 81h Its worstllood ever alter 10100 km/h developed oft series 01 uncommon, lale·season lell by a monsler 32·bour 3 large ships and several small to the 13th caused extensive 13 heavy rain from the 131h 10 1+ the coast 01 Newfoundland. 15 tornadoes in southern Quebec. slorm thal dumped 30 to 50 cm craft, resulting In 69 deaths. been washouls, and mudslldes. Ihe 11th clogged sewers and On Ihe 11th, Ihe lrawler Hosanna I Nearly $2 Mdamage occurred In ollhe white sluH and created 2·m drills Sustained winds reached 130 km/h. . body 01 a dead man 10 IIn hall olll1e Fraser Valley and drainage ditches. backing up water onlo disappeared withoul a trace aboul SI·Hllaire as a lornado, packing winds OYer In soull1ern Manitoba and northwestern Combermere. Three survivors clung 10 northern Vancouver Island were hardesl roads and Inlo basemenlll. An all·time, 400 km soulheasl of Cape Race. 200 km/ll, cut aswalh 500 mwide and over Onlarlo. In Winnipeg, oftlcials pulled Ihe coftin in the icy waters and floaled hit. Seven people died, and damage 24·hour rainlall record 01154.4 mm was High winds and seas hampered Ihe 1 km long, tearing rools oH buildings and buses and ploughs oft the roads and ashore. Nine olhers aboard lI1e steamer estimates were over $10 M. Hope received sel during Ihis period. search lor Ihe 34 crew members. overturning cars. High winds knocked out closed Ihe airport, Clean·up costs were died. an Incredible 6·day tolal 01442 mm. None ollhe crew survived. power 10 100,000 cuslomers in Montreal $2.5 M-a quarter ollhe city's annual and weslern Quebec. snow·removal budge!.

New Moon Remembrance Day

1922 1929 1813 1989 1981 1994 1915 The steamer City of Dresden A hurricane, the earliest High winds, snow, and Astorm with gale·lorce winds TwO monlhs 01 unusually The Grey Cup look place In broke up in 15·m waves 18 known 10 have enlered freezing rain disrupled 20 swepllnto the Marltlmes, 21 warm fall temperatures 22 a deep freeze at Calgary. encountered during astorm 17 Canadian waters, crossed 19 power and Iransportation capsizing 21ishing vessels. caused spring 1I0wers to Alemperature 01-11" and 23 on lake Erie alLong Point. Nova Scolla. across southern Onlarlo. High, "confused" seas oft Wesl bloom and birds to delay migration winds over 20 km/ll produced In Toronto, winds gusllng 10 91 km/ll Dover, NS, ctaimed the lives of 3 in southern and centrat Ontario. Snow ~~~~.~..e~~ !:.?~~l~~~, d..a~:.~~~~h4e ftAft ...... _ ....t Aft ....J_•••_ .....I_~.. _I n ..... _ .._ ~.w!! ~I~~~!,~~o._~~~~,~~~'!.~~~~ .i_.U.._W.i• ...... -~-

1991 1994 1994 1990 The Edmonton Eskimos Astonn dumped 5 to 10 cm + Heavy snowfall in northern and 5 Officials at Toronto's Woodbine 1994New Brunswick's WOl1lt windstorm 7 1994OVer 50,000 homes were 8 1819From Kingston, ON, to Ouebec 9 grabbed lil1lt place in the CFl's ) 01 snow on greater Vancouyer central Qntario lelt a I-day record Racetrack had to cancel the 6 In 25 yeal1l, with gusts up to without hydro alter awlndstonn City, noon skies were as dark Western Division with a and downed trees and power lines. lor November: 50 cm at Gore final 6 races 01 the day when 100 km/ll, lore up huge sections baHered boats and brought down as night because of Immense 28-18 victory oyer the Winnipeg Three people died on asnowy Bay. Near Georgian Bay, up to winds up to 90 km/h toppled trees of foresls, leaving the downed trees and power lines atong the fires in Ontario and Michigan. Blue Bombers. The game, held in highway near Hope, BC. 2 cm ollreezlng rain coated orchard trees and power lines and pushed horses trees in atangled mess. One million British Columbia coast. Vancouver Island During the afternoon, athundel1llorm took place on a lield that had causing them 10 snap under the weight. sideways. In OHawa, up to 10,000 cords of wood-enough to keep a large experienced wind gusts up to 165 km/h, showered soot and soapy rain on Montreal. in size due to ice lelt DYer In several areas, power outages lasted 2 customers were without power when the pulp mill going for a year, and worth and waYes as high as 4.5 m high were I. Instead 01 days. wind blew trees on to power lines. about $10 M-were damaged. Winds reported in the Strait ot Georgia. the lield were responsible for power outages with and interruptions throughout the end zones. To make province. things WOl1le, the temperature at game lime was -13", and winds gusted to 50 km/I!. last Quarter

1986 1990 1975 1987 Winnipeg dug oul from 1940An Armistice Day storm on the 11 The1912 paddlewheel steamer 12 Heavy rain along the British Saint John, NB, experienced Astorm with snow and winds Thundel1ltorms1989 spawned a 16 beneath 35.8 cm of snow 10 Greal lakes caused the wreck 01 May/lowersank in lake Columbia coastlrom the 81h 1) ils WOl1lt lIood ever aller to 1DD km/ll developed 011 series 01 uncommon, late-season lell by a monster 32-hour 3 large ships and several small Kamaniskeg, ON, during a to Ihe 13th caused ellensiYe heavy rain Irom Ihe 131h to 1+ the coast 01 Newfoundland. 15 tornadoes In southern Quebec. slorm Ihat dumped 30 10 50 cm crall, resulting in 69 deaths. blinding snowstorm. It had been flooding, washouls, and mudslides. the 171h clogged sewel1l and On the 17th, the trawler Hosanna / Nearly $2 Mdamage occurred in ollhe while slull and created 2-m driHs Sustained winds reached 130 km/h. transporting the body 01 a dead man to The eastern hall 01 the Fraser Valley and drainage ditches, backing up water onlo disappeared without a trace about SI·HUaire as a tornado, packing winds over In soulhern Manitoba and northwestern Combermere. Three survivol1l clung to northern Vancouver Island were hardesl roads and Into basements. An ail-lime, 400 km soulheast 01 Cape Race. 200 km/h, cui aswalh 500 mwide and over Onlarlo. In Winnipeg. officials pulled Ihe coffin in Ihe icy watel1l and floated hit. SeYen people died, and damage 24-hour rainfall record 01154.4 mm was High winds and seas hampered the 1 km long, tearing rools oH buildings and buses and ploughs ofllhe roads and ashore. Nine olhel1l aboard Ihe steamer estimates were over $10 M. Hope received set during this period. search lor tile 34 crew membel1l. overturning calli. High winds knocked out closed Ihe airport. Clean-up costs were died. an incredible 6-day IotaI 01442 mm. None 01 the crew surviYed. power to 100,000 customers In Monlreal $2.5 M-a quarter ollhe city's annual and weslern Quebec. snow-removal budget.

New Moon Remembrance Day

1922 1813 1989 1987 1994 The steamer City of Oresden Ahurricane, IIle earliest High winds, snow, and Astorm with gale-Iorce winds Two months of unusually broke uo in 15·m waves 18 known to have entered Ireezing rain disrupted 20 swept into the Maritimes, 21 warm la 11 temperatures 22 2) Canadian watel1l, crossed 19 power and transportation capsizing 2fishing vessels. caused spring flowers 10 Nova Scotia. across southern Ontario. High, "conlused" seas off West bloom and birds 10 delay migration In Toronlo, winds gusting to 91 km/h Dover, NS, claimed the lives 013 in southern and central Onlario. Snow 01 caused 90-minute delays at Pearson fishermen in 1 ollhe boats. Five olhers, finally lell on this day. It was the latest 33,000 spectators, alemale inlruder International Airport, blew the rool 011 a returning from a shopping Irlp In Prince date for a illS! snowfall in Toronto since provided pre-game entertainment when she building, and caused 2o-minule power Edward Island, losltheir lives alter 28 November 1849. AI the same lime, cavorted shoeless and topless: the cold est outages throughoullhe city. waves swamped Iheir boal oH Ihe Vancouver's north shore ski areas were streaker in North American history! Magdalen Islands. experiencing IAbulous skiing conditions wilh asnow base over 120 cm deep.

Fil1lt Quarter

1988 Weather Quiz 1988 1867 At1890 Charlotlelown, there 2+ An earthquake measuring The1854 750-tonne ship Arcadla 26 Of the following, who did In southwestern Yukon, The ship Stag dropped was only a trace 01 snow. 6.2 on Ihe Richter scale, was headed lor New York nof begin their career as 28 2 days 01 heavy snowfall anchor in the SI. lawrence, )0 11 was Ihe city's coldest with an epicentre 35 km 25 with a cargo 01 glass, lead, 27 a wea/hereas/er? lollowed by rain created 29 near Trols-Pistoles. during day ollhe month so lar. south 01 Chicoulimi, shook Iron, and silks when it struck (a) Saunne Sommers havoc when it froze on the highways. a gale. Ice surrounded Ihe ship, with a low 01-8.3 0 and a high 01-2.2°. Quebec and parts 01 eastern Canada the northeast bar of Sable Island, (0) Bavld Lettennan The Alaska Highway and Haines Road cuHing its bow Ihe lollowing day. It sank Earlier Ihat day, aconsulting engineer and Ihe United Slates as lar wesl as NS, during thick 10g. All 147 passengers (c) Pat So/ak were closed Ihrough Haines Junction due two days later, laking with It a load 01 grain had reported favourably on the proposed Michigan. Some areas 01 Quebec and 21 crew were rescued. (d) Biallll Sawyer 10 a record, 24·hour snowlalllor and 300 tonnes 01 government rifles. tunnel 10 Ihe mainland' and was suffered power outages, while west 01 (e) Oanny Oe Vito November 0150 cm. Avalanches closed conlldenl it could be built "al Montreal a cave-in occurred on a main (See Inside tront coVllr for answer.) Ihe Klondlke Highway soulh 01 moderale cosl." rail line. Total damage was under $2 M. Whllehol1le to Skagway lor 3 days.


NOVEMBER JANUARY I 2 2 ) + ) + 5 6 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 I) I+ 15 16 Decem er 12 I) H- 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 2) 19 20 21 22 2) 2+ 25 2+ 25 26 27 28 29 )0 26 27 28 29 )0 )1

11144 1799 Wealher Quiz 1993 1867 1867 1985 ) ne first heavy storm 01 winter The last shipwreck 01 the Southern districts of Onlario In Nova Seo/la, a fungy Is: Cross-border shoppers were Asevere windstorm in "A poor unlortunate man ... struck much 01 southern Ontario. 1 18th century to occur on Sable 2 and Qu~bec cleaned up lollowing (a) a Ilsh slew slranded in North Dakota as a southwestern Ontario sank the was aSSisting in the slaughtering Winds created snowdrills lto Island was the Francls. While a violent windstorm that bulleted (b) afoggy, windy day + storm with snow and treezing 5 steamer Hero and grounded the 6 01 some hogs ... and on his way 7 1.5 m high and turned highways Into carrying 40 people from England to central Canada on the 1st and 2nd. (c) an old, unseaworthy ship drizzle caused the closure 01 Hirer Kinllln the SI. Clair River. home wllh a butcher's knife In sheets 01 ice. For the first time in ils Halifax, a "hurricane" drova the ship Winds piled up water althe eastern end (d) a deep blueberry pie highway 1-29. The wind caused considerable damage to his pockel be slipped on the ice on the history, tbe london Street Railway bus onto one of Sable's Shoals and broke of lake Erie and this, combined with 4-m (e) aday wilh freezlllfl rain buildings in london, Hamilton, and street and tell, the knife entering his side service had to quit operating due to It up. All perished. waves, caused extensive flooding. The (See inside tronl cowr for answer.) Toronto. In london, a large tree crashed and causing death in hall an bour ... " snow. slorm swepl inlo Quebec on election day, into a school shortly aller the teacher The Woods/oct Sentinel, Ontario bringing a wave 01 bad weather. dismissed the children early.

last Quarter Hanukl

1994 1931 1993 1927 1983 1867 The first major storm ollbe Paris ollondon and lambton At Vicloria, winds over A1992near-record snowfall 01 up 11 The worst snowstorm In a The worst ice storm in "11 is now all but certain winler season slr1Jck eastern 8 County, QN, were lell isolated, 90 km/h disrupted island 10 to 60 cm burled southern Ontario decade hit the Vancouver area 12 22 years struCk soulhern 1) that the good and benevolent Newfoundland beginning the tollowing 7consecutive days 9 lerry service lor the second between london and Ollawa on on the 11th. Between the 7th Quebec. Hydro lines collapsed people 01 Ihe Nlagara 1+ night 017 December. SI. John's received with snow, amounting to 23 cm. time in a week. The wind also blew the 10th and 11th. Trees and power and Ibe 15th, a series 013 storms under the weight 01 ice, leaving Peninsula, as well as the scallywags and 24 cm ot snow and 39 mm of rain, with Mail couriers and doclors were in need building malerials Irom a rool onto lines were downed, schools and plastered the city with almost 65 cm hall a million customers without sinners, and those who take, read, and wind gusts up 10 126 km/h. Sagona at horse-drawn cullers, and wort!ers were pedestrians below and caused abrick businesses closed, and transportation of snow. Six snowsweepers used over electricity lor 36 hours or more in appropriate newspapers without paying Island in Fortune Bay recorded the peak being oflered as much as $1 an hour to wall under construction to collapse severely disrupted. The Metro loo closed 4tonnes 01 Java swamp cane to clean Montreal. Surtaces were covered with for them, will soon be lavoured with gust at 158 km/h. Wet snow combined clear the roads. onto partced cars. local power lorthe first lime In Its 18-year history. the streetcar tracks. slush, ice, and water lrom a deluge some good sleighing ... 11 has also been with slrong winds brought down power outages were common. and the Ontario Science Centre closed 0167 mm. snowing since Salurday, one flake every and telephone lines. For a while, 50,000 early lor the lirsltime In Us 23-year minute, and it It keeps on will certainly homes were without power, most 01 history. cover the ground belore spring ... " which was not restored for 48 hours. The Evenlnll Journal, SI. Calbarlnes

New Moon

1964 1990 1990 1993 1973 The "Great Blizzard" slruck 1876From Ihe Winnipeg Free Press: 16 The 20-m longllner, Amalar winter storm swept The average temperature 1985During the last 2 weeks 20 High winds, warm parts of the PraIrie provinces "Travelling on Ihe plains was S/ral/s Pride 11, sank about across northeastern British 18 in the Yukon was 15 to 20' 011985. log blanketed temperatures, and over 50 mm 21 with heavy snow. sustained 15 impossible and in the city was 75 km northeast 01 SI. John's. 17 Columbia and most of Alberta above normal over the 19 Ibe western hall of 01 rain from the 20th to the winds 0150 to 90 km/h, and billerly allended wllh Ihe very greatest difficulty. Winds were Irom Ihe soulheast over the 17th and 18th. On the 19th, 18th and 19th. Record dally high British Columbia, disrupting 22nd caused Ice jams and flooding cold -34' temperatures. lost livestock The fine snow was so blinding that even at 83 km/h, and seas were rough. Three Grande Prairie set adaily record low temperatures were set at Halnes Junction transportation and lorclng thousands to throughout New Brunswick. In soutbwestem numbered over 1,000, and 3 people in the city clllzens lost their way. " ollbe 6 Crew members were rescued_ of -45'. Blizzard conditions lasted up to (10.7'). and Burwash landing (8.1°), and cancel holiday travel plans. Vancouver areas, strong winds caused power lallures froze to death. Eight other seamen died aller the Nadlne, 8 hours In northern regions. Wind chill tied at Whilehorse (4.5'). Halnes had 16 days 01 log in December; the and downed Irees. a30-m dragger, sank In the Gull 01 SI. warnings were in enecllor central Junction was actually the warmest spot normal number Is 6. lawrence near the Magdalen Islands. Alberta as temperatures hovered around in Canada on Ibe 191h. -30'_ Edmonton sel new I-hour and 1-day recordS lor electrical consumption.

First Quarter Winter Solstice OU6 EST

1993 1939 1931 1990 1969 Above-normal1994 22 1853Beginning shortly aller dart!, 23 White horse received Winnipeg experienced ilS The lower Fraser VaHey 01 Avicious blizzard worked Montnlat experienced a temperatures prevailed a southeast gale slr1Jck 12 cm 01 snow and second "green" Christmas British Columbia was In its way down Imm the record snowla 11 from the 28 across all of Norlll America Prince Edward Island with temperatures hovered 2+ this century; the IIrst one 25 the midst 01 a3-day 26 Peace River district 10 the 27 26th 10 the 28th. During a on the II!SI day 01 winter. Ills very hurrlcane-Iorce winds, leUing near the Ireezlng mart! on Chrislmas Eve. being in 1913. Under warm sunshine, snowstorm that crippled the area. Atberta-Unlted States border 60-bour storm, 70 cm 01 snow lell, snarling ~~...~al~~!_a~I.~a~o!..~~I!.,:"_in Canada to trees and bulldln\l1 by the score. While not a record, Ibe timing was the thermometer was 111" above zero, tralllc tor days. Storm-related deaths y ..... 1_1...... ___..... "w... _ ....1 .... 1.._An... r ..... H ..... h. Ill...... I ...a. • ...... 1...... 11__ ...... ,"-1... _ ...... h .. ~~~~~~l.?!'!.~~~~~~..~~~e ~~ml~~!.s !!~_~~~.~..~In~~.: ~~!tr.!! :~t~.. T .... _ ••_ ..__01 ...:: ._.....___ .. "1_,"",, '- ...... - brlniiftiiiWiive Of Dd weallter. -- .T dlsml...d Ill.... tldra. HrIy. -,---- •

Last Quarter Hanukkah

1937 1993 1927 1983 1867 The1994 li!$l major storm ollhe 8 Pans 01 London and Lambton AI Victoria, winds over 1992Anear-record snowfall of up 11 The WOl1t snowstorm in a The worsl ice storm in "It is now all but cenain winter season struck easlern County, Oil, were leH isolated, 90 km/h dlsrupled island 10 10 60 cm buried southern Ontario decade hit the Vancouver area 12 22 years struck soulhern thal the good and benevolent lIewioundland beginning the following 7 consecutive days 9 lerry servIce 'or the second between London and Dnawa on on the 11th. Between the 7th Qu6bec. Hydro lines collapsed 13 people of the lIiagara 1+ nighl of 7 December. SI. John's received with snow, amounting to 23 cm. lime In a week. The wind also blew the 10th and 11th. Trees and power and the 15th, aseries 013 storms under the weighl of ice, leaving Peninsula, as well as the scallywags and 24 cm of snow and 39 mm of rain, with Mail couriers and doctors were in need building malerials from a rool onlo lines were downed, schools and plastered the city with almost 65 cm hall a million customers withoul slnnel1, and those who take, read, and wind guSls up to 126 km/h. Sag Dna 01 horse-drawn cullers, and workel1 were pedestrians beiow and caused a brick businesses closed, and transponatlon of snow. Sil snowsweepers used over eleclricity 'or 36 houl1 or more in appropriate newspapers wlthoul paying Island in Fonune Bay recorded Ihe peak being offered as much as $1 an hour to wall under construction 10 collapse severely disrupted. The Metro Zoo closed 4 tonnes 01 Java swamp cane to clean Montrllal. Sunaces were covered with lor them, will soon be favoured with gusl al158 km/h. We.1 snow combined clear the roads. onto parked cars. Local power lor the I1l1ttime in its 18-year history, the streelear lracks. slush, ice, and waler from a deluge some good sleighing ... 11 has also been with strong winds broughl down power outages were common. and the Ontario Science Centre closed of 67 mm. snowIng since Salurday, one lIake every and telephone lines. For a while, 50,000 early lor the lil1ttime in its 23-year minute, and if it keepS on will cenalnly homes were wllhoul power, most of history. cover Ihe ground before spring... " which was not restored for 48 hours. The Evening JOIIrnal, SI. Catharlnes

lIew Moon ----

1984 1990 1990 1993 1985 The "Great Blizzard" struck 1876From the Winnipeg Free Press: 16 The 20-m longliner, Amajor winter storm swepl The average temperature During Ihe last 2 weeks 1973High winds, warm 21 pans of the Prairie provinces "Travelling on the plains was Slralls Pride 11, sank about across northeaslern British 18 in the Yukon was 15 to 20" 011985, fog blanketed temperalures, and over 50 mm with heavy snow, sustained 15 impossible and In Ihe city was 75 km nor1heast of SI. John's. 17 Columbia and most of Albena above normal over Ihe 19 Ihe weslern hall of 20 of rain Irom the 20th to the winds of SO to 90 km/h, and bitterly attended with the very grealesl difficulty, Winds were lrom Ihe southeasl DYer the 17th and 181h. On the 19th, 181h and 19th. Record daily high British Columbia, disrupting 22nd caused ice jams and flooding cold -34° temperatures. Lostliveslock The fine snow was so blinding Ihat even at 83 km/h, and seas were rough. Three Grande Prairie set a daily record low temperatures were sel al Haines Junclion transportation and forcing thousands to throughout IIsw Brunswick. In soulhweslern numbered over 1,000, and 3 people in the city cilizens loslthelr way." oflhe 6 crew members were rescued, of -45'. Blizzard conditions lasled up to (10.7"), and Burwash Landing (8.1"), and cancel holiday Iravel plans. Vancouver areas, strong winds caused power failures frole 10 death. Eight other seamen died aHer the Had/lie, 8 hours in nonhem regions. Wind chill lied al Whitehol1e (4.5'). Haines had 16 days of log in December; Ihe and downed Irees. a 3D-m dragger, sank in the Gull of SI. warnings were In effect tor central Junction was actually Ihe warmest spol normal number is 6. Lawrence near the Magdalen Islands. Albena as lemperatures hovered around in Canada on Ihe 19th. -30'. Edmonton sel new I-hour and 1-day records for eleclrical consumption.

Firsl Quarter Winter Solstice 09:06 EST

1994 1993 1939 1937 1990 1969 Above-normal 1853Beginning shortly alter dark, 23 Whilehorse received Winnipeg experienced Us The lower Fraser Valley 01 Avicious blizzard worked Montrbl8lperienced a temperatures prevailed 22 asoutheasl gale slruck 12 cm of snow and second "green" Christmas British Columbia was in lis way down from the record snmaUfrom the 28 Prince Edward tsland with lemperatures hovered this cenlury; Ihe first one the midsl 01 a a-day 26 across all olllorth America 2+ 25 Peace River district 10 Ihe 27 28lh to the 281h. During a on the firsl day of winter. It is very hurricane-Iorce winds, felling near Ihe freezing mark on Chrislmas Eve. being in 1913. Under warm sunshine, snowstorm Ihal crippled Ihe area. Albena-United Stales border SO-hour storm, 70 cm of snow lell, snarling unusuallor all major cllles in Canada to Irees and buildings by Ihe score. While nol a record, Ihe timing was Ihe thermometer was 10' above lIro, Electric power outages were common as wllh strong winds, bitterly cold trattic lor days. Slorm-related deaths be reponing above-lreezing The Islallderreponed, "We regret 10 incredible. Earlier in the week, the lack lempting golfers and bowlers 10 the distribution substations and hydro lines temperatures, and driHing snow. The numbered 15. Apanlrom 311ights to Ihe lemperalures on the same winter day. have 10 record Ihe most dlsaslrous storm ot snow in the area had caused fhe greens and lennis players to Ihe couns. were knocked DUI or damaged. blizzard lasted 14 10 17 hours in the Caribbean, no aircralt depaned lrom For residents 01 southern Onlario, balmy ever 8Iperienced In the Colony. poslponement of Ihe official opening 01 a The unseasonable wealher did nol Chilliwack received 76 cm 01 snow. Coronation and Medicine Hal regions. Montreal Dorval. High winds, drilling temperatures removed any hope of a new downhill ski-litt near Ihe City. dampen the yuletide spirit The city The storm stranded thousands ot snow, and freezing temperalures hampered while Christmas. sparkled with Chrislmas lights, and Ihe motorists across Ihe province. Road­ flrelighlers as they battled arash olllres. mild wealher broughl aIhrong of counlry clearing crews battled against driHing visitors inlo Winnipeg. snow and extreme cold. At -40", 11 was so cold that pieces chipped ofllhe blades of Ihe road graders. Full Moon BOling Day ---~~~~------~------~~~~~~~~~.~~

1992 1n5 1794Peler Fidler, a Hudson's Acold snap since In a howling snowslorm, Bay Company employee 29 Christmas Day lell defenders at Quebec City repulsed a predawn affeck 31 and one 01 the IIrsl weather Edmonton enveloped in 30 observers in Canada, recorded thal a thick, grey fog lormed when waler by a force 01 nearly 2,000 Americans Holland gin Ireells solid al-17'F, vapour Irom healing syslems lurned inlo led by Benedicl Arnold. English brandy ai-25°F, and rum at ice cryslals in the frigid air. The Ice fog -31'F jthal's -27'C, -32'C, and was so Ihick in parts of Ihe city thal -35'C, respectively). Edmonlonians rarely saw Ihe sun. One woman claimed, "II's so cold my hair spray trole on the way 10 work."

..­ nment all'y , he has been associated with the World Meteoro­ ment logical Organization For 18 'years. ):0 is the D avid phillips's Fascination with the weather w~f1~ Hiswork began man'yyear-s ago when he studied geograph.LJ Id pro­ and ciimatolo&y at the universities of Toronto and ~~ Neather Windsor. H e has since spent decades collecting Quiz appears in calendar g rids ­ Iseverell weather inFormation and anecdotes From a variet~ o t a diftere nt day each month. e L-J sources, including newspapers, proFessionaljournals, r! (P) - Jd 9LU d')dCJ 1I1 c naj­ and histor~ books. From this wealth ot material, he ~) Id h~LI~~9dnI9 d~)~)p r,-:da, ~nd began to rp r-oduce the annuell Canadian weather 0 -=11/\ dCJ (JUUP.CJ (d) - Jd9LU ~)AON ~) UO-=lSI1 8 lj d'3JE?Il! (J) - J;)90PO ~/15 Ran Trivia Calendar in 1984. It 9uiclkl.LJ became a po pular !?JLf)JC-=lUV (d) - J;:lCjLU;)id;lS' dioand Favourite ;·md Canadian bestseller. His goal with the F:C1 0 :\iuqI\J (J) - i sn'3nv xpert on catendar, and his other prOJects, is to provide a litde l?pt? U C~) cP) - hlnr Feature, Fun and entertainment whil~ also communicating dA09P dlji:t0 dUOU Cd) - ;;Junr :ove r~ accurate inFormation about the science and service d:JJ0:t 0PCUJOi - lj/ LU1-OOI (;))- ht?V\j ler-wrse,, " dweather. ll\n IOUOH (P) - \udV I-nation­ David has received numerous awards, including SUCIIl:JqUdl snIIlLUIl .:)('):'1P (l?) - lj')JP-V\j the A ndrew Thompson Prize in Applied MeteoroloR! '3uIU-=llj'3lI (P) - hJt?IlJ9~)J From the Canadian Meteordogical and O ceano­ sSdupuq9MOUS (l?) - hJr!IlUlW graphic Societ.Y, the C amsell Award For Outstanding Service to the RO~Jal Canadian Geographical Socid.LJ, and the Patterson Med al For Distinguished Service to AuthorJs Acknowledgements Meteordog,y in Canada. A live l.LJ and enthusiastic scientist) David's out­ special thanks to Annette Goess'), who spent a .LJea r­ standing accomplishment is his talent For pr-esenting organizing m~J 10 ,000 weather stories and contin­ scientiFic knowledge in an inFormative and appealing ued to research w e;~ ther event s while her Ilew son, wa~J For the enjoyment of a mass audience. R~an , was napping.

David lives in Auror-a, Ontario, with his wiFe, 1am also grateFul to the hig hl.LJ proFeSSional Darlene, and their dog, Winston. The.LJ have two staFF at Fifth House publishers, Particular thanks grown daughter-s, Kelle.LJ and JenniFer. He likes to Fill go to c harlene Dobmeier, who edited the his leisure hours with acting, gardening, and writing. manuscript, and to Caroline w,~lker -, who garnered national markets ;md publicit~J- To my coHeelgues at E nvironm ent Canada: 5arr.LJ (,reen managed the b usiness side and left me to do the Fun stuFF, and David Grimes encouraged me to get involved again and Found me the time. 5ut special thanks go to the man'y C anadians David phi/lips with Winston who wanted the Weather Calendar back.