Ann. Bot. Fennici 40: 317–329 ISSN 0003-3847 Helsinki 29 October 2003 © Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board 2003

Phylogenetic relationships of the generic complex Chiloscyphus – –Heteroscyphus (Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae): Insights from three chloroplast genes and morphology

Xiaolan He-Nygrén & Sinikka Piippo

Botanical Museum, P.O. Box 47, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

Received 5 Dec. 2002, revised version received 13 Feb. 2003, accepted 18 Feb. 2003

He-Nygrén, X. & Piippo, S. 2003: Phylogenetic relationships of the generic complex Chiloscy- phus –Lophocolea –Heteroscyphus (Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae): Insights from three chloroplast genes and morphology. — Ann. Bot. Fennici 40: 317–329.

We attempted to reconstruct the phylogeny of the generic complex Chiloscyphus– Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus (Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae) by using sequence data from three regions of the chloroplast genome, rbcL, trnL-trnF and psbT-psbH, and 17 mor- phological characters, and to explore character evolution. Twenty-one taxa exemplars were selected and 2141 characters from both sequence and morphology were applied for parsimony-based analyses. The combined molecular data set, the morphological data set and the combined molecular and morphological data set were analysed. Our results identify the monophyly of the Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus complex and support combining Chiloscyphus and Lophocolea into a single genus, Chiloscyphus. Our results also reveal that Chiloscyphus s. lato forms a sister group to the genus Heteroscyphus. Chiloscyphus s. stricto is closely allied to both subgenus Lophocolea section Heterophyllae and section Lophocolea, although morphologi- cally section Lophocolea has a very different leaf form, leaf insertion and male and female infl orescences. The analyses compiled from the combined morphological and sequence data suggest that Heteroscyphus is the most derived group among the com- plex. The generic complex here includes the genus Chiloscyphus, consisting of sub- genera Chiloscyphus and Lophocolea, and the genus Heteroscyphus. Heteroscyphus section Connatus is synonymized as section Heteroscyphus based on both morphologi- cal and molecular data. The analysis of morphological variation in combination with molecular data reveals that the individual morphological characters of the Chiloscy- phus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus complex vary in their utility for classifi cation.

Key words: Chiloscyphus, chloroplast genome, DNA sequence, Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae, Heteroscyphus, Lophocolea, Lophocoleoideae, morphology, parsimony, phylogeny, psbT-psbH, rbcL, trnL-trnF 318 He-Nygrén & Piippo • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40

Introduction male bracts, often toothed ventral leaf margins, well-developed trigones in leaf cells, and under- Chiloscyphus, Lophocolea and Heteroscyphus leaves often connate with both sides of lateral are closely allied hepatic genera in the family leaves. Only the Chiloscyphus polyanthos/C. Geocalycaceae, subfamily Lophocoleoideae. pallescens complex with a strictly Laurasian Approximately 500 species have been described distribution remains in Chiloscyphus s. stricto. for the three groups, with the majority of species While questioned or rejected by some authors occurring in the tropics, especially in antipodal (Stephani 1917–1924, Hodgson 1943, Kuwahara regions. The classifi cation of three generic enti- & Hattori 1953), Heteroscyphus has been gener- ties has stirred up controversy for a long time ally accepted as an independent genus (Fulford due to the complex morphology and inadequate 1976, Grolle 1978, Piippo 1985, Srivastava & taxonomic study of these genera. Historically, Srivastava 1990, Schumacker & Váœa 2000, Chiloscyphus and Lophocolea were already Gradstein et al. 2001). However, separation of recognized when the bulk of “modern” segre- sterile of Heteroscyphus from Lophocolea gate genera were still placed in the single genus may be diffi cult in some taxa. Jungermannia. Chiloscyphus was described by Engel and Schuster (1984) evaluated genera of Corda (1829) and included C. polyanthos and C. the subfamily Lophocoleoideae, and concluded helferi (nom. nud.). Lophocolea was treated as that no basis exists for a generic separation of an independent genus by Dumortier (1835) and Chiloscyphus and Lophocolea and redefi ned the elevated from section Lophocolea of Junger- Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus com- mannia. The species Jungermannia bidentata plex. They merged Lophocolea with Chiloscy- and J. heterophylla placed in section Lophocolea phus, and recognized the genus Chiloscyphus to were then assigned to genus Lophocolea. Both include the subgenera Fragilifolia, Lophocolea, genera were established based on European Notholophocolea, Phaeochiloscyphus and Chilo- taxa, and the generic concepts were mainly scyphus, with the majority of species occurring developed by Nees (1833–1838), Gottsche et in Lophocolea and Chiloscyphus. They described al. (1844–1847), Montagne (1845) and Spruce the genus Heteroscyphus as including subgenera (1885). At the time, the two genera were distin- Heteroscyphus and Tetracymbaliella. However, guished mostly on the basis of position of female the merging of Chiloscyphus and Lophocolea by infl orescences and perianth shape: on very short Engel and Schuster (1984) has not been accepted lateral branches and short and infl ated perianths by a number of authors, particularly those work- in Chiloscyphus; on long leafy branches and ing on the European and local fl oras (Grolle elongate and frequently triangular-prismatic 1995, Paton 1999, Grolle & Long 2000, Grad- perianths in Lophocolea. The early workersʼ stein et al. 2001, Srivastava & Srivastava 2002). accurate observations and thorough diagnoses, Grolle (1995) stated that the treatment by Engel especially on fertility structures for both genera, and Schuster (1984) hardly made progress in the allowed these generic concepts to withstand the of the Lophocoleoideae, but rather test of time. However, these generic distinctions obscured the isolated morphological and ecolog- became questionable and ambiguous when spe- ical position of the Chiloscyphus polyanthos/C. cies of the group from the Southern Hemisphere pallensces complex in this subfamily. He drew were taken into account (Mitten 1854–1855, support from the lack of evidence of chemical 1873) and when taxonomic works were con- affi nity between , Chi- ducted on a world-wide basis (Schuster 1980, loscyphus and Heteroscyphus noted by Asakawa Engel & Schuster 1984). et al. (1990). Heteroscyphus is a segregate of Chiloscy- In the present study, we undertook a phylo- phus. Schiffner (1910) transferred those taxa genetic study of the generic complex Chiloscy- previously described under Chiloscyphus with phus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus using both spicate androecia on short abbreviated normally molecular and morphological characters. Our lateral branches to Heteroscyphus. The genus is primary goal was to clarify phylogenetic rela- also characterized by ventral branches, small tionships of the three “genera”, to test previous ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Generic complex in Geocalycaceae 319 phylogenetic hypotheses inferred from morpho- Pedinophyllum, previously also assigned to logical data and to provide a framework for fur- Leptoscyphoideae, is now in Plagiochilaceae, ther taxonomic and phylogenetic studies on the a close relative of Geocalycaceae. All trees are family Geocalycaceae, which are polymorphic rooted with Jungermannia leiantha because the at different taxonomic levels. We address the node from which Jungermannia is derived, as following questions: (1) Is the generic complex a terminal taxon, is considered the most basal a monophyletic group? (2) Are Chiloscyphus, among the sampled taxa according to studies on Lophocolea and Heteroscyphus monophyletic? morphological characters (see Crandall-Stotler (3) What is the evolutionary trend of morpho- & Stotler 2000). Within the ingroup, taxonomi- logical characters within the generic complex? cal treatment for lower-level Lophocolea follows Three regions of the cpDNA genome were Schuster (1980), all sampled taxa belonging to sequenced for molecular characters, together the subgenus Lophocolea, which is the group with 17 morphological characters to address the most taxonomically problematic in the genus. above questions. All three regions are located Species from three of the four sections of the in the large single-copy region of the genome: subgenus Lophocolea were sampled (Table 1). (1) the protein-coding rbcL; (2) the psbT-psbH Section Microlophocolea was not included in region, which consists of partial psbT gene, the this study because we were unable to obtain non-coding intergenic spacer between psbT and sequence data. Lophocolea japonica is treated psbN, psbN gene, the non-coding intergenic as belonging to section Bicornutae based on its spacer between psbN and psbH, and partial psbH underleaves often being connate with both sides gene. The tandemly arranged psbT, psbN and of lateral leaves and with the broad sinus. All psbH are protein-coding genes of the photosys- specimens studied and sequenced in the present tem II subunit; (3) the trnL-trnF region, which study are deposited in H. comprises the non-coding tRNA L (leucine, UAA) intron, tRNA L 3´exon and non-coding intergenic spacer between tRNA L and partial DNA extraction, PCR-amplifi cation and tRNA F (phenylalanine, GAA). Morphological sequencing characters were selected from both gametophyte and sporophyte anatomy and structure. Total genomic DNA was extracted from apical portions of herbarium specimens. Voucher speci- men information and GenBank accession num- Materials and methods bers are provided in Table 1. DNA was extracted using the modifi ed CTAB protocols (see Rogers Taxon sampling & Bendich 1994) or NucleoSpin Kits (Macherey-Nagel). Manufacturersʼ instructions A total of 21 species were studied (Table 1). were followed, except that water was used for Sixteen ingroup taxa were selected based on fi nal elution and long-term storage. Double- available material to represent the morphological stranded DNA templates were amplifi ed using and geographical diversity of each “genus”. Two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers species are from Chiloscyphus, including the from rbcL, trnL-trnF and psbT-psbH regions. generitype C. polyanthos, seven from Lophoc- The primers were referred from Ahonen et al. olea, including the generitype L. bidentata, and (2003) for rbcL, Taberlet et al. (1991) for trnL- seven from Heteroscyphus, including the generi- trnF and Hong et al. (1995) for psbT-psbH. type H. aselliformis. Five outgroup taxa, all from Each PCR reaction mixture contained 10.7 µl the , are Jungermannia leian- of distilled sterile water, 2.5 µl of 10X Biotaq™ –1 tha from Jungermanniaceae; Pedinophyllopsis reaction buffer, 1 µl of 25 mM l MgCl2, 1.5 µl abditus from the subfamily Leptoscyphoideae of of a mix of each dNTP at 5 mM mix, 1 µl of Geocalycaceae; Pedinophyllum truncatum and each primer of 10 pmol, 0.3 µl of Biotaq™ DNA Plagiochila asplenioides from Plagiochilaceae; polymerase 5000 µ ml–1 and 7 µl of the template and Scapania undulata from Scapaniaceae. DNA. Amplifi cation was conducted in a PTC- 320 He-Nygrén & Piippo • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40

100 thermocycler. PCR cycle parameters were fi nal extension of 7 min at 72 °C was added to set as follows: initial denaturation step 10 min allow completion of unfi nished strands. Amplifi - at 95 °C, denaturation of template DNA 1 min at cation products were checked by electrophoresis 95 °C, primer annealing 1 min at 49 °C, primer of 5 µl of the product through an agarose gel. extension for 1 min at 72 °C. After 35 cycles, a The remaining products were purifi ed with the

Table 1. List of taxa sampled for molecular sequences with GenBank accession numbers.

Taxon Collection rbcL psbT-H trnL-F

Outgroup Jungermannia leiantha Finland, Nuuksio National Park, AY149838 AY149816 AY149857 2000 He-Nygrén & Piippo 1466 Pedinophyllopsis abditus Chile, Osorno Prov., Parque Nacional AY149819 AY149860 Puyehue, 1992 Hyvönen 5839 Pedinophyllum truncatum China, NW Sichuan, Minshan Range, AY149855 AY149836 AY149878 1991 Koponen 46768 Plagiochila asplenioides Finland, Nuuksio National Park, AY149839 AY149817 AY149858 2000 He-Nygrén & Piippo 1467 Scapania undulata Finland, Nuuksio National Park, AY149840 AY149818 AY149859 2000 He-Nygrén & Piippo 1468

Ingroup Chiloscyphus pallescens Poland, Silesian upland, AY149849 AY149832 AY149871 1993 A. Stenel (W-4) Chiloscyphus polyanthos Finland, Nuuksio National Park, AY149851 AY149833 AY149873 2000 He-Nygrén & Piippo 1469 Heteroscyphus argutus Nepal, Sankhuwasabha district, AY149820 AY149861 D. G. Long 30333 Heteroscyphus aselliformis Borneo, Sabah, 1986 Menzel et al. 3109 AY149841 AY149821 Heteroscyphus coalitus Nepal, Sankhuwasabha district, AY149844 AY149825 AY149865 D. G. Long 30316 Heteroscyphus infl atus Nepal, Sankhuwasabha district, AY149853 AY149835 AY149875 D. G. Long 30457 Heteroscyphus planus Japan, Honshu, Gifu-ken, AY149850 AY149872 1992 Mizutani 15828 Heteroscyphus splendens Papua New Guinea, E de Mom Prov., AY149854 AY149876 1989 Hoffmann 89-749 Heteroscyphus zollingeri China, Hunan Prov., Yan-Ling Co., AY149856 AY149837 AY149879 1998 Koponen et al. 57927 Lophocolea sect. Lophocolea: Lophocolea bidentata Poland, Silesian upland, AY149842 AY149823 AY149862 (Chiloscyphus latifolius) 1994 K. Jedrzejko & A. Stenel (W-58) Lophocolea cuspidata China, Hunan Prov., Sang-Zhi Co., AY149845 AY149826 AY149866 (Chiloscyphus cuspidatus) 1998 Koponen et al. 48430 Lophocolea sect. Heterophllyae: Lophocolea heterophylla Finland, Nuuksio National Park, AY149852 AY149834 AY149874 (Chiloscyphus profundus) 2000 He-Nygrén & Piippo 1470 Lophocolea itoana China, Hunan Prov., Jiangyong Co., AY149846 AY149828 AY149868 (Chiloscyphus itoanus) 1999 Piippo 60709 Lophocolea minor China, Hunan Prov., Zhangjiajie, AY149843 AY149824 AY149864 (Chiloscyphus minor) 1999 Rao 58428 Lophocolea sect. Bicornutae: Lophocolea japonica China, Hunan Prov., Sang-Zhi Co., AY149847 AY149829 AY149869 (Chiloscyphus japonicus) 1998 Koponen et al. 50238 Lophocolea martiana French Guiana, Kourou, Mt. des Singes, AY149848 AY149870 (Chiloscyphus martianus) 1986 Gradstein 6265 ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Generic complex in Geocalycaceae 321

QIA™Quick PCR Purifi cation Kit (Qiagen). delimit Chiloscyphus, Lophocolea and Het- Purifi ed DNA products were sequenced with eroscyphus in previous studies (Schuster 1980, both forward and reverse primers using the Big Schuster & Engel 1982, Engel & Schuster 1984, Dye Terminator Sequencing Kit (Perkin Elmer) Piippo 1985, Srivastava & Srivastava 2002). on an ABI 377 automated sequencer (PE Biosys- The characters were coded into discrete states tems). according to these studies and our own obser- vations from herbarium specimens (Appendix). The character state was coded as a question mark Sequence manipulation and alignment when information for the taxon was unknown. All characters were treated as unordered and Electropherograms were edited and forward and equally weighted. The characters and character reverse sequences were assembled for each DNA states are listed below. region using SeqMan II (LaserGene System Software, DNAStar Inc.) and aligned using 1. Secondary pigmentation: 0 = present, 1 = ClustalX version 1.8 (Thompson et al. 1997). absent. All three genomic regions, the coding rbcL, the 2. Rhizoid: 0 = scattered, 1 = restricted to intron, the exon, the intergenic spacer and par- underleaf base. tial exon of the trnL-trnF region, and the partial 3. Lateral leaf arrangement: 0 = alternate, 1 = psbT gene, the intergenic spacer, the psbN gene, opposite or subopposite. another intergenic spacer and the partial psbH 4. Dorsal connation of lateral leaves: 0 = free, 1 gene of the psbT-psbH region were delimited = connate dorsally. by comparing the sequences with available Gen- 5. Leaf apex: 0 = entire, 1 = lobed or dentate. Bank accessions. All sequences obtained in this 6. Trigones in leaf cells: 0 = indistinct, 1 = dis- study were submitted to GenBank (see Table 1). tinct, 2 = coarse. 7. Underleaf connation to lateral leaves: 0 = free from lateral leaves, 1 = connate at one Sequence variation side, 2 = connate at both sides. 8. Gynoecia position: 0 = on apex of main Sequence data of rbcL, trnL-trnF and psbT-psbH shoot, 1 = on apex of main shoot and also on were assembled for 21 taxa. rbcL sequences of short lateral-intercalary branches, 2 = termi- Pedinophyllopsis abditus and Heteroscyphus nal on abbreviate lateral branches. argutus, trnL-trnF sequence of Heteroscyphus 9. Vegetative leaves of gynoecia branch: 0 = aselliformis, and psbT-psbH sequences of present, 1 = absent. Lophocolea martiana, Heteroscyphus planus and 10. Size of female bracts: 0 = similar or larger H. splendens were not obtained and therefore than vegetative leaves, 1 = considerably were not included in the analyses. Fifty-eight smaller than vegetative leaves. sequences were used in this study. Following 11. Female bracteoles: 0 = absent, 1 = present. alignment, 2124 characters were included in the 12. Number of the perianth keel: 0 = 0 keel, 1 = 2 analyses, among which 1045 were from the rbcL keels, 2 = 3 keels. gene, 565 from the trnL-trnF region and 524 13. Shape of the perianth: 0 = nontrigonous, 1 = from the psbT-iH region. Among included sites, trigonous. there were 319 informative positions, of which 14. Androecia position: 0 = on leading branches, 157 were from the rbcL gene, 55 from the psbT- 1 = on specialized short branches. psbH region and 107 from the trnL-trnF region. 15. Size of male bracts: 0 = similar to leaves in size and shape, 1 = much smaller than leaves. Morphological data 16. Thickness of the antheridial stalks: 0 = 2(4)- seriate, 1 = 1-seriate. Seventeen morphological characters were selected. 17. Thickness of the capsule wall: 0 = more than Some of these characters have been used to 4 layers, 1 = 2–4 layers. 322 He-Nygrén & Piippo • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40

Fig. 1. Strict consensus topology of three equally most-parsimonious trees (L = 813, CI = 0.54, RI = 0.57) compiled from the combined rbcL, psbT-psbH and trnL-trnF sequences. Jackknife values are indi- cated below the branch and Bremer-support values above.

Phylogenetic analyses 1996). The second set included only morpho- logical data. The purpose of these analyses was Parsimony-based phylogenetic analyses were con- to investigate whether the result obtained from ducted with NONA (Goloboff 1994) spawned molecular data corresponds with the result com- from WinClada (Nixon 1999). The following piled from morphological data and to test the search strategy was applied: 1000 random addi- hypotheses raised by Engel and Schuster (1984) tion sequences using tree bisection and recon- based on morphological studies. The third data nection (TBR) holding 100 trees per replication, set combined both molecular and morphological followed by swapping to completion (h/100; data to obtain the most corroborated phyloge- mult*1000; max*). One hundred strict consen- netic hypothesis. In addition, an analysis based sus jackknife replications for each matrix were on combined molecular and morphological data spawned from WinClada into NONA with each was conducted using more weight (weight 2, replicate, including the following parameters: instead of 1) on the morphological data set. ten random addition sequences holding 1000 trees (h/1000; mult*10). The Bremer-support values were also calculated with the following Results commands: suboptimal 50; hold 25 000; hold/ 20; mult*300; fi nd; bsupport. Combined molecular data set Three data sets were analysed using the same search strategy. The fi rst set included the com- Parsimony analysis of 319 potentially informa- bined molecular data. The three molecular data tive characters identifi es three equally most-par- matrices were fused into a single matrix for a simonious trees (L = 813, CI = 0.54, RI = 0.57). combined data set. Each species was represented Within the ingroup, the tree topologies of the fi rst as a single terminal by fusing multiple species two trees are the same, and the third tree differs accessions to represent all the known variation. only slightly within the Heteroscyphus clade. Therefore, all the data can be evaluated simul- In the strict consensus tree (L = 828, CI = 0.53, taneously to produce the most corroborated RI = 0.55; Fig. 1), two nodes collapse, but the phylogenetic hypothesis (Nixon & Carpenter topology does not change fundamentally. In all ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Generic complex in Geocalycaceae 323 four trees, the Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea topol- the ingroup, the Heteroscyphus clade is resolved ogy remains unchanged. All four trees support as a monophyletic group, and it is the most the monophyly of the Chiloscyphus–Lophoc- derived among the generic complex, supported olea–Heteroscyphus complex. All species of by non-homoplasious characters, such as lateral Heteroscyphus form a monophyletic group with leaf arrangement, androecia position and the size relatively high jackknife support and a sister of male bracts. Within the Heteroscyphus clade, relationship to the Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea H. aselliformis, H. infl atus and H. splendens form clade. The Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea clade is a further evolved clade supported by the well- also a monophyletic group and is divided into developed trigones in leaf cells and the lateral two major clades. The Chiloscyphus clade is leaves being dorsally connate. This group of taxa positioned among the Lophocoleas and forms also differs from other members of Heteroscy- a sister group to sections Lophocolea and phus by the entire or slightly lobed lateral leaves Heterophyllae. The Chiloscyphus clade is not and the enlarged underleaves. The Chiloscyphus clustered with Heteroscyphus although they clade is weakly supported by gynoecia position, share female infl orescence characters. This vegetative leaves of gynoecia branches and size may indicate that the short gynoecial branches of the female bracts. The species relationships have evolved twice independently. Lophocolea of Lophocolea are poorly resolved. Based on japonica and L. martiana of section Bicornutae the morphological data, the resolutions of the are grouped together with weak support, and they generic complex and the Heteroscyphus clade become a sister group of the Chiloscyphus clade are worse than those obtained from the sequence and the rest of the Lophocolea species. Therefore, data, although the jackknife and Bremer support our results based on molecular characters show values are higher. The unresolved relationship of that Chiloscyphus s. stricto is closely related to the Lophocolea clade is, however, not surprising both Lophocolea section Lophocolea and sec- since various homoplasious characters, such as tion Heterophyllae, and the generic delimitation the trigones in leaf cells, the leaf apex, the dorsal between Chiloscyphus and Lophocolea is dis- connation of lateral leaves, the gynoecia posi- solvable. Our results also suggest that Heteroscy- tion, the size of female bracts and the thickness phus should retain its independent generic status. of antheridial stalks, exist. Some of these char- These suggestions are in agreement with Engel acters occur repeatedly throughout the generic and Schuster (1984), who united two genera to complex, making its phylogenetic relationships form the single genus Chiloscyphus and treated intricate. Chiloscyphus shares female infl ores- Heteroscyphus at the generic level. However, the cence characters with Heteroscyphus but differs conclusions by Engel and Schuster (1984) that clearly from Lophocolea. However, its system- Chiloscyphus is evolved from a common ances- atic position cannot be fully clarifi ed based on tral type with the section Heterophyllae and that the weak branch support, and its relations to both Heteroscyphus is the most derived group among Lophocolea and Heteroscyphus remain uncertain the generic complex are not fully supported by on the basis of a badly resolved result. Conse- the molecular data alone in our study. quently, combining Chiloscyphus and Lophoc- olea based on morphological data alone seems insuffi ciently grounded. On the other hand, in Morphological data set the light of evidence obtained from molecular data, the monophyletic entity, and the high jack- Analysis of the 17 morphological characters knife and Bremer-support values, we would be identifi es six equally most-parsimonious trees prone to give Heteroscyphus a generic status. (L = 35, CI = 0.60, RI = 0.87). In the strict con- Furthermore, whether Heteroscyphus is evolved sensus (L = 43, CI = 0.48, RI = 0.79; Fig. 2), from section Bicornutae of Lophocolea, as spec- the Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus ulated by Engel and Schuster (1984), is unknown complex is supported strongly as a monophyletic because of the poor resolution in the Lophocolea group by the female bracteole, number of the clade. Heteroscyphus shares more characters perianth keel and shape of the perianth. Within with section Lophocolea and also with section 324 He-Nygrén & Piippo • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40

Fig. 2. Strict consensus topology of six equally most-parsimonious trees (L = 35, CI = 0.60, RI = 0.87) compiled from morphologi- cal characters. Character numbers are indicated above the branch, non- homoplasious characters are shown as solid black circles, and homoplasious characters as hollow cir- cles. Jackknife values are indicated below the branch on the right and Bremer- support values are shown in grey on the left.

Bicornutae, including such characters as trigones with only a slight clade alteration from the strict in leaf cells, the leaf apex, underleaf connation consensus tree obtained from the sequence data. and antheridial stalks. Morphologically, Hetero- The Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea clade remains scyphus is indeed more allied with Lophocolea basically the same as in the trees obtained from than with Chiloscyphus. the sequence data. The Heteroscyphus clade and the Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea clade form a sister group. An analysis with a higher weight Combined sequence and morphological on morphological data (weight 2) concludes the data set same result. Our results based on the combined sequence and morphology data sets further sup- Analysis of the combined sequence and morpho- port monophyletic origins of the Chiloscyphus– logical data set identifi es one most-parsimonious Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus complex, the Het- tree (L = 857, CI = 0.54, RI = 0.59; Fig. 3). The eroscyphus clade and Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea topology strongly resembles that resulting from clade. Heteroscyphus with high jackknife and the sequence data set alone, but the jackknife Bremer supports can be treated as an independ- and Bremer-support values are much higher at ent genus. The Chiloscyphus clade forms a sister the Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus group with Lophocolea section Lophocolea and clade and at the Heteroscyphus clade. The section Heterophyllae. However, the inference generic complex is resolved as a well-supported by Engel and Schuster (1984) that Chiloscyphus monophyletic group. The Heteroscyphus clade s. stricto is evolved from near section Hetero- is supported fully as a monophyletic group, phyllae is not supported. Our results also show ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Generic complex in Geocalycaceae 325

Fig. 3. The most-parsimonious topology (L = 857, CI = 0.54, RI = 0.59) compiled from combining three sequence data sets and a morphological data set. Jack- knife values are indicated below the branch and Bremer support values above. that Chiloscyphus s. stricto should be united On Geocalycaceae and Plagiochilaceae with Lophocolea to form a single genus Chilo- scyphus. The result compiled from the sequence data set identifi es a close relationship between Pedino- phyllopsis abditus of Geocalycaceae subfamily Discussion Leptoscyphoideae and Plagiochila asplenioides of Plagiochilaceae. Morphologically, Leptoscy- On molecular and morphological phoideae share with Plagiochilaceae the follow- characters ing characters: the bilabiate perianths, the vestig- ial female bracteoles and the rhizoids scattered The results based on both morphological and over ventral merophytes. This morphological molecular data sets clearly show that the affi nity had also been identifi ed by Schuster and sequence data not only provided many more Engel (1982) in their study on the Leptoscyphoi- characters but also played an important role deae: “some of the genera with bilabiate peri- in determining relationships within the Chilo- anths fall so close to the Plagiochilaceae that one scyphus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus complex. is almost forced to draw arbitrary distinctions Furthermore, sequence data have provoked new between Geocalycaceae and Plagiochilaceae”. discoveries and questions, which are addressed However, Schuster and Engel (1982) maintained in the following sections. the distinctions between these two groups and Although morphology offered little resolu- assumed that they evolved independently from tion among terminals of Lophocolea, it had an common ancestors, but they did not foot on overall stabilizing effect on the results. This can retention of common criteria inherited from the be seen from the higher branch support values on ancestral types. The similarities between them the clade of the generic complex and on the clade were mainly due to identical tendencies towards Heteroscyphus in the morphology-molecular tree. alterations in bilateral symmetry. The present Together with the sequence data, our results sug- study, however, raises again the question: where gest that Heteroscyphus is the most derived group do the Leptoscyphoideae end and the Plagiochi- among the generic complex and that it could have laceae begin? Taking both results obtained from evolved from the lophocoleoid ancestors. the morphological and molecular data sets into 326 He-Nygrén & Piippo • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40 consideration, we assume that Pedinophyllopsis in essence, from other members of Lophocolea fi ts better into the Plagiochilaceae. in their nearly opposed leaves, widely united Surprisingly, Pedinophyllum truncatum, gen- with the underleaves. The results compiled from erally considered to belong in Plagiochilaceae, molecular data also show that section Bicornutae was not clustered together with Plagiochila may not be allied strongly to other members of asplenioides. Morphologically, it shares a later- Lophocolea. However, the taxonomic position of ally compressed perianth and thick capsule wall section Bicornutae cannot be clarifi ed based on with members of Plagiochilaceae, but it stands weak branch support and too few taxa. Here we out in various aspects: the autoecious infl o- tentatively treat this group of species as belong- rescence, the stem with a barely differentiated ing in subgenus Lophocolea. The taxonomic cortex, the leaf insertion not attaining stem mid- position of the Bicornutae needs to be further line, the rounded or shallowly bilobed leaf apex tested by adding more taxa. and the lack of a primary rhizogenous stem from Morphologically closely related species of which the leafy or aerial stem arises. The results Chiloscyphus s. lato, such as C. polyanthos and obtained from the molecular data led us to the C. pallescens, C. latifolius and C. cuspidatus and hypothesis that Pedinophyllum is related to Pla- C. minor and C. profundus, are also shown to be giochila remotely. Schuster and Engel (1982) closely allied molecularly. However, the taxo- considered Pedinophyllum better placed into the nomic identity of each species based on molecular Leptoscyphoideae; however, that placement is data can only be known after various population not supported by our study. samples are examined. Taxonomically, Chilo- scyphus s. lato, especially of those species from the Southern Hemisphere, are less studied, and On Chiloscyphus and Lophocolea generic revision on a world-wide basis is lacking.

Engel and Schuster (1984) merged the two genera based mainly on similarities between Chilo- On Heteroscyphus scyphus s. stricto and Lophocolea section Het- erophyllae. In the present study, both sequence Genus Heteroscyphus can be readily recognized data and combined sequence and morphological by androecial structure: the androecia are spi- data reveal that Chiloscyphus s. stricto is closely cate, slender, on abbreviated branches and of allied to section Heterophyllae and, as well, sec- ventral-lateral or postical origin. The abbreviated tion Lophocolea, although morphologically the gynoecial branches common to both Chiloscy- latter has some different aspects in leaf form, leaf phus s. stricto and Heteroscyphus are the major insertion and male and female infl orescences. reason that these two groups have been assigned Consequently, Chiloscyphus s. stricto could have to the “genus” Chiloscyphus. However, results evolved from lophocoleoid ancestors from either compiled from the sequence data suggest that near section Lophocolea or near section Hetero- the short gynoecial branches could have evolved phyllae. Engel and Schuster (1984) postulated that independently. Therefore, Heteroscyphus would the nearest extant taxon of the generic complex not be derived from chiloscyphoid ancestors is Gondwanalandic Chiloscyphus subgenus Not- but rather from lophocoleoid ancestors. Engel holophocolea (type Lophocolea boveana), from and Schuster (1984) assumed that ancestors of which section Bicornutae is evolved. Unfortu- Heteroscyphus were not strongly differentiated nately we could not include Lophocolea boveana from subgenus Lophocolea section Bicornutae. in the present study to test this hypothesis. Their hypothesis, however, is rejected in this Within Chiloscyphus s. lato, taxa are divided study since Heteroscyphus presents features that into a dichotomy, the Lophocolea section Bicor- occur in both section Bicornutae and section nutae and a clade which consists of Chiloscyphus Lophocolea and could therefore have evolved s. stricto, Lophocolea section Lophocolea and from ancestors near both sections. section Heterophyllae. Morphologically, section Taxonomically, Heteroscyphus was treated Bicornutae includes a series of taxa differing, as having two subgenera by Engel and Schuster ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40 • Generic complex in Geocalycaceae 327

(1984), subgenus Heteroscyphus and subgenus phological characters on the equally most-parsi- Tetracymbaliella. The latter was previously monious trees. Of the 17 potentially informative treated as a genus by Grolle (1961) in the sub- characters, nine show no homoplasy (secondary family Lophocoleoideae, a close relative of Chi- pigmentation, lateral leaf arrangement, dorsal loscyphus, but was transferred to Heteroscyphus connation of lateral leaves, androecia position, by Engel and Schuster (1984) based on its heter- size of male bracts, vegetative leaves of female oscyphoid androecia. Subgenus Tetracymbaliella bracts, female bracteoles, number of perianth is distinct from subgenus Heteroscyphus by keel and shape of perianth), and four others having pouches or concavities along lateral leaf provide at least some support for the grouping and underleaf margins. In the present analyses, of taxa. The remaining four characters do not we were, however, unable to include molecular provide unambiguous support for any group data on this group. of taxa (rhizoid, leaf apex, underleaf connation Srivastava and Srivastava (2002) treated and thickness of antheridial stalks). Because Indian Heteroscyphus in two sections. Section the potential for characters to provide support is Connatus (type Heteroscyphus infl atus) has linked to taxon sampling, the four homoplasious entire or shortly bifi d lateral leaves and large characters should not be used in future studies on underleaves, lateral leaves that are dorsally Chiloscyphus and Heteroscyphus. connate, and coarse trigones in leaf cells, while Three of the morphological characters, the section Metaheteroscyphus (type Heteroscyphus presence of female bracteoles, the 3-keeled and argutus) has dentate lateral leaves, lateral leaves trigonous perianth, represent features of the that are never dorsally connate, small under- Chiloscyphus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus com- leaves and small trigones in leaf cells. Our study plex, as well as of the subfamily Lophocoleoi- shows that both the molecular and morphologi- deae, except for the genus Clasmatocolea, which cal characters of the generitype Heteroscyphus has reduced female bracteoles. aselliformis fi t in section Connatus. Therefore, Within the Chiloscyphus subgenus Lophoc- section Connatus should be synonymized with olea, there appears to be no unambiguous section Heteroscyphus as follows: character to address species relationships; con- sequently, taxonomic problems of this group Heteroscyphus section Heteroscyphus Table 2. Length, consistency and retention indices for TYPE: Heteroscyphus aselliformis (Nees) Schiffn., Oesterr. morphological characters optimized onto the analysis Bot. Zeitschr. 60: 172, 1910. — Heteroscyphus sect. Con- of equally most-parsimonious trees. natus A. Srivastava & S.C. Srivastava, Indian Geocalycaceae (Hepaticae): 77. 2002, syn. nov. — Type: Heteroscyphus Characters L CI RI infl atus (Steph.) S.C. Srivastava & A. Srivastava, Geophytol- ogy 16(1): 129–132. 1986. 01. Secondary pigmentation 1 1.0 1.00 02. Rhizoid 3 0.33 0.00 We place Heteroscyphus aselliformis, H. 03. Lateral leaf arrangement 1 1.0 1.00 infl atus and H. splendens in section Heteroscyphus, 04. Dorsal connation of lateral leaves 1 1.0 1.00 and the rest, H. argutus, H. coalitus, H. planus and 05. Leaf apex 7 0.14 0.33 06. Trigones in leaf cells 5 0.40 0.62 H. zollingeri, in section Metaheteroscyphus. 07. Underleaf connation with lateral 7 0.28 0.61 Although Heteroscyphus is a large genus 07. leaves with major species diversity in the tropics and 08. Gynoecia position 4 0.50 0.88 more than 100 valid names, a thorough taxo- 09. Vegetative leaf of gynoecia branch 1 1.0 1.00 nomical study on the genus is still lacking. 10. Size of female bract 2 0.50 0.85 11. Female bracteole 1 1.0 1.00 12. Number of perianth keel 2 1.0 1.00 13. Shape of perianth 1 1.0 1.00 On character evolution 14. Androecia position 1 1.0 1.00 15. Size of male bract 1 1.0 1.00 Table 2 summarizes the length and the indices 16. Thickness of antheridial stalk 3 0.33 0.75 17. Thickness of capsule wall 2 0.50 0.50 of consistency and retention for each of the mor- 328 He-Nygrén & Piippo • ANN. BOT. FENNICI Vol. 40 cannot be resolved based on morphological gesch. 12: 643–655. characters alone. Subgenus Chiloscyphus differs Crandall-Stotler, B. & Stotler, R. E. 2000: Morphology and classifi cation of the . — In: Shaw, A. J. from subgenus Lophocolea by three non-homo- & Goffi net, B. (eds.), Bryophyte biology: 21–70. Cam- plasious characters, the gynoecia position, the bridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. size of female bract and the absence of vegeta- Dumortier, B. C. 1835: Recueil dʼobservations sur les Junger- tive leaves on female branches. These characters mannicées. Fasc. I: 3–27. — Imprimerie De J.-A. Blan- quart, Tournay. have been used intensively in the classifi cation Engel, J. J. & Schuster, R. M. 1984: An overview and evalua- of Chiloscyphus s. stricto. tion of the genera of Geocalycaceae subfamily Lophoco- The genus Heteroscyphus is unambiguously leoideae (Hepaticae). — Nova Hedwigia 39: 385–463. distinct by the characters of lateral leaf arrange- Fulford, M. 1976: Manual of the leafy Hepaticae of Latin ment, androecia position and abbreviated male America. Part IV. — Mem. New York Bot. Garden 11: 393–535. branch. Heteroscyphus section Heteroscyphus Goloboff, P. 1994: NONA: a tree searching program. — Pro- can be recognized by unambiguous characters gramme and documentation available on the web at http: of dorsal connation of lateral leaves and coarse // trigones in leaf cells. The ambiguous characters Gottsche, C. M., Lindenberg, J. B. G. & Nees von Esenbeck, of Heteroscyphus are also present in subgenus C. G. 1844–1847: Synopsis Hepaticarum. — Sumtibus Meissnerianis, Hamburg. Lophocolea sections Lophocolea and Bicornu- Gradstein, S. R., Churchill, S. P. & Salazar-Allen, N. 2001: tae, which indicates that Heteroscyphus could Guide to the bryophytes of tropical America. — Mem. have evolved from lophocoleoid ancestors. New York Bot. Garden 86: i–viii, 1–577. The analysis of morphological variation in Grolle, R. 1961: Tetracymbaliella, eine neue Lebermoosgat- combination with molecular data reveals that the tung. — Nova Hedwigia 3: 47–53. Grolle, R. 1978: Heteroscyphus Schiffn. nomen conservan- individual morphological characters of the Chi- dum propositum. — Taxon 27: 127–128. loscyphus–Lophocolea–Heteroscyphus complex Grolle, R. 1995: The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of the East vary in their utility for classifi cation. However, African Islands. An annotated catalogue. — Bryophyt. the majority of the characters provided some Biblioth. 48: 1–178. level of grouping information within the generic Grolle, R. & Long, D. 2000: An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Europe and Macaronesia. complex. 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Appendix. Morphological character matrix. Character descriptions are provided in the Materials and methods sec- tion.

Taxon Characters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Jungermannia leiantha 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pedinophyllopsis abditus 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 ? Pedinophyllum truncatum 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Plagiochila asplenioides 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Scapania undulata 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Chiloscyphus pallescens 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Chiloscyphus polyanthos 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Heteroscyphus argutus 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Heteroscyphus aselliformis 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Heteroscyphus coalitus 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Heteroscyphus infl atus 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Heteroscyphus planus 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Heteroscyphus splendens 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Heteroscyphus zollingeri 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Lophocolea bidentata 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 Lophocolea cuspidata 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Lophocolea heterophylla 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Lophocolea itoana 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Lophocolea japonica 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Lophocolea martiana 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 Lophocolea minor 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1