July 2009 Ensign

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July 2009 Ensign with Elijah and saw the living. “Self-reliance is taking Stakes Receive Training fulfillment of his promise. responsibility for our own “This is the faith that has spiritual and temporal welfare on Welfare and Self-Reliance ever motivated and inspired and for those whom Heavenly the welfare plan of the Lord,” Father has entrusted to our new DVD and booklet prophet Elijah during a President Monson says. “To all care,” he says. are being shipped to famine. The widow was within the sound of my voice Provident living means Astake and district presi- preparing to make a final I declare that the welfare plan “joyfully living within our dents around the world to meal for herself and her son of The Church of Jesus Christ means and preparing for the train local priesthood and before they died. Elijah asked of Latter-day Saints is inspired ups and downs of life so that Relief Society leaders on how the widow for food and of Almighty God.” we can be ready for the rainy- to apply Church welfare prin- promised that if she shared Elder Hales defines self- day emergencies when ciples to today’s challenges. with him, her family would reliance and provident they come into our The DVD, titled Basic have food until the famine lives,” Elder Hales Principles of Welfare and ended. She shared her food says. Self-Reliance, is accompanied “How, then, by a transcription of the DVD do we obtain and a new booklet, Providing Heavenly Father’s in the Lord’s Way: Summary help so that we of a Leader’s Guide to have enough Welfare. for our own Bishop H. David Burton, Presiding Bishop, says, “The training will help stake and ward leaders be better pre- pared to teach and encour- age Church members to live principles of provident living and self-reliance.” The DVD The DVD features four speakers: President Thomas S. Monson; Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Bishop Burton; and Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general presi- dent. Each speaker focuses on different aspects of wel- fare: how the welfare pro- gram is the Lord’s program; the gospel vision of welfare as faith in action; bishops’ and branch presidents’ wel- fare responsibilities; and Relief Society presidents’ welfare responsibilities. President Monson shares the scriptural account from 1 Kings 17 of the widow from A welfare training DVD and related materials are being shipped to stakes and districts Zarephath, who met the around the world. 74 needs and also enough to manual is called Providing in that the Lord Himself has helpful in teaching members serve others?” he asks. “One the Lord’s Way: A Leader’s established.” self-reliance. of the fundamental principles Guide to Welfare and is still As leaders apply what “It’s going to help us pro- of welfare is the payment of available to leaders as an in- they have learned, they will vide guidance and encourage tithes and offerings.” depth guide on welfare receive the inspiration and people to take more respon- Bishop Burton lists five management. blessings of the Lord to move sibility for their personal wel- basic and time-tested welfare The DVD, transcription, forward the sacred work of fare,” President John said. principles for priesthood and Providing in the Lord’s providing in the Lord’s way, Craig Ruesch, president leaders. First, seek out the Way booklet do not replace Bishop Burton added. of the Rose Park Stake in Salt poor; second, promote per- the manual, but are a sum- After reviewing the materi- Lake City, Utah, USA, said, “I sonal responsibility; third, mary of and a supplement als, W. Wynn John, president appreciated the attention to sustain life, not lifestyle; to it. of the Wilmington Delaware the responsibilities of key fourth, provide commodities The Church released the Stake in Delaware, USA, said people—bishops, Relief before cash; and fifth, pro- English version of the DVD, the training information was Society presidents, and other vide work and service transcription, and booklet in “extremely timely,” as a rising priesthood leaders—helping opportunities. February 2009. Translations number of members in his everyone realize they have Sister Beck says as she in Cantonese, Cebuano, stake have lost their jobs. He a part to play in helping has studied the histories of Chinese, French, German, said the materials would be others.” ■ the Relief Society general Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, presidents, she has been Portuguese, Russian, Samoan, reminded that the organiza- Spanish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Working to Fulfill tion has accomplished its and Tongan are being sent as work in times of growth and the translation process is Spiritual Needs prosperity and in times of completed. Many have By Lisa Barton war, famine, epidemic, and already been distributed. depression. She says a paint- atti Stanley searched affect their ability to serve in ing in her office of a pioneer The Training for a job for a month the Lord’s kingdom. If they midwife reminds her that one The First Presidency has Pand a half. She had cannot serve, he said, they sister with one skill can be a requested that when stake been out of the job market miss out on essential oppor- blessing to many. and district presidents for a couple of years and felt tunities for spiritual growth. The Relief Society presi- receive the training packet, overwhelmed looking for em- dent fulfills an important part they go over the information ployment. She had stayed at Organizing a Job Fair of providing aid, Sister Beck with stake or district and home raising her children, In the Mesa, Arizona, says—helping the bishop ward or branch leaders. A but because of her family’s USA, area, President Willis assess the needs of mem- letter included with the economic situation, she and said, the unemployment rate bers. Because this is “a divine packet suggests an agenda her husband, who was self- has risen in the past few years work and because a Relief for a training meeting that employed, decided she among Church members. Society president has a includes watching the 52- needed to work to help sup- Concerned about the divine call, she is entitled to minute DVD or reading the port their family. trend, leaders of several stakes divine help,” Sister Beck transcription and counseling Throughout the world, in Mesa began organizing free adds. together on how to apply the the economic downturn has careers fairs to help address principles taught. left many in need of jobs and unemployment in the area. Additional Materials “Although many mem- many with financial stress. The fairs bring together mem- The eight-page booklet bers face challenges as a Dale Willis, president of bers of the community who included with the DVD, result of today’s difficult the Mesa Arizona Alta Mesa are searching for jobs and Providing in the Lord’s Way: economic times, the new Stake, said he is concerned employers who need to fill Summary of a Leader’s training helps reassure ward not only for the members’ job vacancies. Guide to Welfare, summa- and stake leaders that there temporal needs but also for The Mesa stakes, in rizes a 34-page manual that are ways to address all their spiritual needs. He said cooperation with the Mesa the Church has used to teach welfare needs,” Bishop if the members in his stake Employment Center, have the principles of welfare and Burton said. “This training cannot provide adequately for held the annual Career Expo self-reliance in the past. The reinforces proven principles their families, it can negatively since 2006. The one-day event ENSIGN JULY 2009 75 she met with a national business publication. PHOTOGRAPH BY PAUL SANDERS PAUL BY PHOTOGRAPH That meeting led to a series of interviews and a new job. It was in a similar field as her previous job but had better benefits. She said her new job also brought her peace of mind because it would help her be better prepared for retirement. “We all have something to offer,” Sister Kirkham said. “Work on the assumption that your Heavenly Father loves you, He knows your situation, Job seekers in Mesa, Arizona, USA, meet with potential employers at a career expo and at some point in sponsored by stakes in Mesa. time, something different will happen. Don’t be has grown to attract from 500 attended workshops in class- unemployed. They also afraid to ask for help from to 800 people and dozens of rooms. They also walked provide an opportunity for God and from others in companies. through aisles of booths in employed people to consider your ward.” The organizing committee the gym, where they met other career options. invites companies in a variety with potential employers and The bishop in Caroline Defining Success of fields to the expo. They distributed their résumés. Kirkham’s ward in the Mesa Organizers feel that the also send out invitations to Sister Stanley talked to area recommended she career expos have been a Church members and the employers and gave them attend the employment cen- wonderful success on many community. copies of her résumé and let- ter classes even though she levels, not just helping peo- As part of the expo, the ters of recommendation. already had a job. The com- ple find employment. committee plans workshops There were many types of pany she worked for did not Scott Farmer, a manager to teach ward and commu- businesses at the expo, she offer the medical benefits she of Employment Resources nity members how to said, but it was not until she wanted, and she was con- in Mesa, said, regarding improve their résumés and visited the last booth that she cerned about retirement.
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