Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2007 A History of the Japan Choral Association Mihoko Tsutsumi Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERISTY COLLEGE OF MUSIC A HISTORY OF THE JAPAN CHORAL ASSOCIATION By MIHOKO TSUTSUMI A Dissertatio submitted to the College of Music I partial fulfillme t of the Requireme ts for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree A,arded- Summer Semester. 2001 Copyright 2001 Miho2o Tsutsumi All Rights Reser3ed The members of the Committee appro3e the Dissertatio of Miho2o Tsutsumi defe ded o April 18. 2001. A dr7 J. Thomas Professor Directi g Dissertatio Matthe, Shaftel Outside Committee Member Ke3i Fe to Committee Member Alice8A Darro, Committee Member The Office of Graduate Studies has 3erified a d appro3ed the abo3e amed committee members. ii ACKNO9LEGEMENTS I ,ould li2e to e:press my appreciatio to the follo,i g perso s for their assista t i this project- Dr. A dr7 J. Thomas. my major professor. for his percepti3e guida ce. his co ti ui g patie ce. a d his musical passio —all of ,hich ha3e i spired a d moti3ated me; Dr. Charlotte Pfeiffer. my editor. for offeri g her time. patie ce. a d e courageme t a d for bei g my frie d. teacher. a dAmerica sister si ce I came to the U ited States i 2000; Yoshihiro Ega,a a d Masayu2i Ta abe. Deputy Secretary8Ge eral a d Secretary Ge eral of the Japa Choral Associatio .