9/17/2021 Life Sciences Glossary: Fields of Biology: Science and - Examrace

Examrace Life Sciences Glossary: Fields of Biology: Science and Zoology

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Fields of Biology Science (Latin- Scire- to known) : Organized form of knowledge or systematic knowledge i.e.. , knowledge through process.

Biology (Gr. Bios-life) : The branch of science which deals with the study of living beings.

Zoology (Gr. Zoon-animal) : The branch of science which deals with the study of animals.

Morphology (Gr. Morphea- form) : The branch of science which deals with the study of total general structures and forms including shape, and appearance. 5. (Gr. Ana-up, tome-cut) : The branch of science which deals with the study of internal structures after cutting or dissection.

Histology (Gr. Histos-Tissue) : The branch of science which deals with the study of tissue i.e.. microscopic anatomy.

Cytology (Gr. Kyton-hollow vesicle) : The branch of science which deals with the study of cells and their organells.

Acarology: Study of ticks and mites.

Actinobiology: The branch of science which deals with the study of radiation effects on organism.

Aerobiology: Study of flying organisms.

Agroforestry: This branch deals with form of land used on which herbaceous crops and tree crops are cultivated.

Agronomy: Is the science which deals with the crop plants.

Agrostology: Study of grasses.

Angiology: The branch of science which deals with the study of blood vascular system.

Anthology: Study of flowers.

Anthropology: Study of apes and man.

Apiculture: Honey industry (Bee keeping) .

Araneology: Study of spiders.

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Arthrology: Study of joints.

As : Study of round worms.

Bacteriology: The branch of science which deals with the study of bacteria.

Batrachology: Study of .

Biochemistry: The branch of science Which deals with the study of chemical reactions in relation to life activities.

Biometrics: Statistical analysis of different results of biological experiments.

Biotechnology: Biotechnology deals with use of micro- organisms in commercial processes for producing fine chemicals such as drugs, vaccines and hormones etc. , on a large scale and at reasonable cost.

Bryology: Study of bryophytes.

Carcinology: Study of crabs and crustaceans.

Cardiology: Study of heart.

Chondriology: Study of cartilage.

Chromatology: Study of pigments.

Cindology: Study of colenterata.

Conchology: Study of shells.

Craniology: Study of skulls.

Cryobiology: The branch of science which deals with the study of effects on life at very lower temperature.

Dendrology: Study of shrubs and trees.

Dermatology: Study of skin.

Eco biology: Study of problems of existence of life in the outer space.

Ecology (Gr. Oikos-house) : The study of relationship between organisms and environment.

Embryology (Gr. Embryony-Embryo) : The branch of science which deals with the study of embryo i.e.. developmental stages after fertilization till hatching or birth of young ones.

Endocrinology (Gr. Endon- within) : The study of endocrine giants and Their secretions.

Entomology: Study of insects.

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Enzymology: Study of enzymes.

Ethnology: Study of man kinds.

Ethology: Study of conditions of animals or behavior of animals, in a natural context.

Etiology: Study of cause of disease.

Eugenics: Study of improvement of human race by applying laws of heredity. It applies before birth. Eugenics is related with future generation.

Euphonies: Study of improvement of human race by drug treatment or Gene Engineering i.e.. Medical Engineering of genetic disorders.

Euthenics: Study of improvement of human race by improving environment. It applies after birth and is related with present generation.

Evolution (Latin evolver-unroll) : The branch of science which deals with the study of origin of new from old i.e.. origin, variation, inter-relationship between organisms of past and present clays.

Exobiology: Space biology is also known as exobiology.

Floriculture: The study of flower yielding plants.

Genetics (Gr. Genesis origin) : The study of heredity and variations.

Gerontology: Study of growing old.

Gynecology: Study of female reproductive organs.

Hematology: Study of blood.

Helminthology: Study of Helminthes (parasitic worms) .

Hepatology: Study of liver.

Herpetology: Study of .

Histochemistry: Study of chemical nature of tissues.

Horticulture is the science which deals with the study of flowering and fruiting plants.

Hypnology: Study which deals with sleep.

Ichnology: Study of fossils footprints.

Immunology (Latin-immunes-free) : The branch of science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection.

Kalology: Study of human body.

Karyology (Gr. Karyon-nucleus) : The branch of science which deals with the study of nucleus.

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Lepidopterology: Study of moths and butterflies.

Lichenology: Study of Lichens.

Limnology (Gr. Limne-lake) : The study which deals with the freshwater lakes, ponds and streams in relation with animals and plants.

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