18 April 2019 No. 3951

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guard their operations with greater se- crecy than HBO is guarding the ending of Game of Thrones.” Nonetheless, pharma still took a lot of heat. As Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI, spelled out, only $23bn of the $480bn the US spends on drugs, or 5%, goes to PBMs, while $323bn goes to phar- maceutical companies. “It has to be interesting to you all to wit- ness how the pharmaceutical industry has been able to take pressure on their pricing and turn it into, with political jiu-jitzu of almost magical variety, pressure on their greatest adversary, the most powerful force for pushing prices down,” White- house said. “I hope you at least respect what they have been able to pull off here.” Indeed, industry has been quite suc- cessful turning attention to PBMs in the debate over drug pricing and highlighting PBMs Were On Capitol Hill, the growing rebates drug makers pay off list prices to negotiate formulary access But Pharma Still Took Some Heat with payers. One of the pivotal changes being proposed by the Trump Administra- JESSICA MERRILL [email protected] tion to lower drug prices is a proposal to eliminate rebates or pass them on directly harmacy benefit managers had their officer Steve Miller and Prime Therapeu- to consumers at the point of sale. Drug turn on Capitol Hill, called into testify tics Interim CEO Mike Kolar. makers are broadly supportive of the plan, Pon drug pricing before the Senate Fi- The hearing went off without any big but payers argue that the proposal will re- nance Committee April 9, but drug makers surprises, with the PBMs pushing back sult in higher insurance premiums. got a lot of the blame for high drug prices. on pharma’s main lobbying message, Leaders from five PBMs testified in that high list prices are powered by PBMs, MAKING THE CASE FOR REBATES the third hearing held by the Senate who benefit financially through rebates That sentiment was one echoed by the Finance Committee on drug pricing, charged as a percent of list price. PBM representatives during the roughly about six weeks after seven pharmaceu- Senators appeared to be going through three hours of testimony at the hearing. tical leaders similarly testified. Among the motions, pressing the pharmacy dis- Humana’s Fleming gave some of the the PBM participants were United tributors on the role of rebates and fees more powerful testimony against the De- Healthcare Services Inc.’s OptumRx and how they relate to drug costs, but partment of Health and Human Services’s CEO John Prince, CVS Health Corp. Exec without a lot of specificity. Perhaps con- rebate proposal, pointing to the potential VP and CVS Caremark President Derica gressional leaders were as befuddled by impact on overall health care costs. Rice, Humana Inc. Healthcare Services the pharmacy middleman as the general “All beneficiaries will pay higher premi- Segment President William Fleming, public. As Ranking Member Ron Wyden, ums, while 12% will see savings of greater Cigna Corp. Exec VP and Chief Clinical D-OR, quipped, “I’m of the view that PBMs CONTINUED ON PAGE 4


Liver Disease Fervor Glimins In Diabetes Coming Soon Finding A Winning Strategy (p13-15) New Drug Class Approaches (p19) Key R&D Catalysts In Second Quarter (p11-12) IN THIS ISSUE

from the executive editor [email protected]

US drug pricing is once again to the fore in this week’s Celgene. The next big step will be the combination of issue, with the Senate Finance Committee’s third hear- their commercial product portfolios and drug develop- ing on the thorny subject, and this time it was the phar- ment pipelines, with the new Bristol-Myers Squibb mak- macy benefit managers in the spotlight. It was no sur- ing a claim to have the top biopharma oncology and car- prise that they pushed back on pharma’s main lobbying diovascular franchises. See p4 for all the details. message, that high list prices are powered by PBMs, who Other deal developments saw Alnylam team up with benefit financially through rebates charged as a percent Regeneron in a $800m multi-disease deal on the same of list price. Jessica Merrill has the full story on p1, and day the RNAi specialist and Sanofi announced that the also reports on how HHS, the Centers for Medicare and research portion of their longstanding R&D collabora- Medcaid Services and others who are working to elimi- tion had ended, but development work continues. Joe nate rebates will try to lessen the impact on Medicare Haas has all the details on p6. Part D insurance premiums (see p3). Meanwhile, we take a look at the upcoming catalysts M&A news was dominated by the shareholder go- for this quarter; turn to p11 to see what you can expect ahead for Bristol-Myers Squibb’s $74bn acquisition of to happen in the next few months.

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2 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 Cheaper Drug Plans

20 8 HIV Two-Drug Combos 12 Manufacturing Agility 21

exclusive online content inside: COVER / PBMs Were On Capitol Hill, But Pharma Still Took Rebate Reshuffle: Could Pharma Foot Some Heat The Bill To Offset Higher Premiums? 3 Rebate Reshuffle: Could Pharma Foot The Bill To Offset JESSICA MERRILL [email protected] Higher Premiums? 4 As Expected: Shareholders Back Bristol’s $74bn Celgene Buy

6 Alnylam Replaces Sanofi Partnership With Second Regeneron Tie-Up For RNAi Drugs

7 South Korea’s ADEL Innovates With Anti-Tau Antibody For Alzheimer’s Disease

8 Insulin Assistance Programs: Big Help Or Just A Band-Aid?

10 Dainippon Pursues Organ Generation In New Alliance With Japan Partners

11 ‘Pharma Fireworks’: Pipeline Catalysts To Watch Out For In Q2

12 ViiV’s Dovato: Treatment-Naive HIV Is Earmarked For The A big challenge facing HHS, the Centers for Medicare and “Complete Regimen” Medicaid Services (CMS) and other stakeholders working to eliminate rebates from the drug distribution system is how 13 Intercept’s OCA Data Bolster NASH Efficacy, But Pruritus to blunt the impact on Medicare Part D insurance premi- Worries Worsen ums, which are expected to increase as a result of changes. Some industry watchers expect pharma could be asked 15 Novartis’s NASH Chief: Our Strategy Is Combos With to step in and pick up the tab, or some of it, given that drug Tropifexor As ‘Backbone’ makers are poised to benefit financially from the proposal 16 Defusing US Opioid Crisis Offers Orexo “Strong Growth that’s in development. Potential” Says CEO Bernstein Research analysts Luke Wilkes and Ronny Gal speculated in an April 8 research note that one solution to 18 Cyclerion Readies For Readouts In Sickle Cell, Other Rare, the issue would be for the Administration to charge the Serious Diseases This Year drug industry a fee and use it to “buy down” premiums. “The fee could be a direct payment to the plan spon- 19 Positive Phase III Data Set Stage For Japan Imeglimin Filing sor, or it could be a reduction in prices or take some other 20 GSK Forms New Commercial Trade Channel Team In India form,” Wilkes and Gal speculated. “The intent would be to utilize some of the drug companies’ benefits from the plan 21 Cipla COO On Joining The Revolution In Manufacturing to reduce net cost for the plan sponsors back toward the original net cost.” 22 Pipeline Watch There is still a lot to work out about how rebates will be removed from the system or given directly at point-of- 23 Appointments sale. The industry is still awaiting a final rule from HHS. A proposed rule was issued by the HHS Office of Inspector General in January with an effective date of Jan. 1, 2020. @PharmaScrip /scripintelligence Published online 8 April 2019 To read the rest of this story go to: https://bit.ly/2IFOgR4 /scripintelligence /scripintelligence

scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 3 HEADLINE NEWS/M&A

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The PBM representatives generally He advocated in favor of more target- than $70 per year; 5% will see savings of highlighted other areas where improve- ed approaches that could address spe- less than $70 per year,” he said. Meanwhile, ments could be made, with a focus on cific groups of patients. “If you look at “83% will pay higher total costs given the limiting out-of-pocket costs for patients, the category of drugs that are creating premium increases.” supporting value-based reimbursement the pain for patients at the pharmacy Cigna’s Miller, who joined the insurer initiatives and developing more biosimilar counter, they fall into several buckets. with the acquisition of Express Scripts, competition in the US. It’s diabetic agents. It’s hepatitis C. It’s said he supports the sentiment behind asthma,” he said. “If you had a targeted the rule but believes the current proposal HIGH-PRICED SPECIALTY DRUGS solution for those, you would actually poses problems. ARE A THORN FOR PHARMA relieve most of the patients that have “When you make the rebates publicly The pharma industry also took hits for the the problem.” known it will make our ability to negotiate high price of specialty drugs – including Express Scripts recently announced a for discounts that much less effective,” he cancer drugs – that can cost more than new program that would cap cost shar- said. “You will decrease our negotiations, $100,000 and for which rebates usually ing for a 30-day supply of insulin at $25, you will take pressure off pharmaceutical don’t even come into play. a program Miller mentioned several times companies, you will raise premiums for As Prime’s Kolar pointed out, “The fact during the hearing, as the PBM leaders 100% of the beneficiaries while only help- that rebates are not offered on many of sought to put their best foot forward. ing a minority of the beneficiaries.” the highest cost drugs and that studies While there appears to be bipartisan The potential impact on premiums show no correlation between prices and support for legislation lowering drug has been one of the big challenges with rebates underscore that rebates are a key prices, it’s still unclear what, if any, legisla- changing the current rebate model. Ber- to mitigating rather than causing high tion will come out of the Senate Finance nstein Research analysts Luke Wilkes and drug prices.” Committee hearings on drug pricing. Hav- Ronny Gal speculated in a recent research Humana’s Fleming discussed the in- ing heard from patients and pharmaco- note that the pharmaceutical industry creasingly common practice of pricing economists, pharmaceutical manufac- could be asked to pick up some of the tab drugs from $50,000 to $100,000. “Nearly tures, and now PBMs, the next move is in to buy down premiums, based on discus- one of every two specialty drugs results in Congress’ court. sions with pharma leaders negotiating in members entering catastrophic coverage But with the 2020 election already on the area. on their very first fill,” he said. the horizon, it seems unlikely anything The proposed rule was released in Cigna’s Miller pointed to expensive controversial will get done. Even the Ad- January and industry is now awaiting a cancer treatments. “If you think about pa- ministration’s rebate rule may not be fi- final proposal from HHS after the formal tients with cancer who have an enormous nalized for next year, in part because of comment period closed April. 8. (Also burden at the counter, because there are concern that the reg’s potential to raise see “No More Rebates: HHS Proposed no rebates on those products, they don’t premiums could hand a talking point to Rule Revises Anti-Kickback Safe Harbor” - benefit at all from moving the rebate to the opposition. Scrip, 31 Jan, 2019.) the point of sale.” Published online 9 April 2019 As Expected: Shareholders Back Bristol’s $74bn Celgene Buy

MANDY JACKSON [email protected]

he shareholders of both compa- ule, especially when Starboard said on transaction, while 98% of the votes cast by nies have voted in favor of Bristol- March 29 that it would no longer stand Celgene shareholders – representing more T Myers Squibb Co.’s $74bn acquisi- in the way of the transaction. The activist than 70% of its stock – voted for the deal. tion of Celgene Corp., which is on track to shareholder determined that, despite its Both companies closed slightly down, close in the third quarter of this year – an own objections, it would be difficult to however, on April 12 with Bristol’s stock outcome that was expected ahead of both convince other Bristol investors to vote declining 1.1% to $45.57 per share and drug makers’ April 12 shareholder meet- against the Celgene purchase after the Celgene dipping 0.1% to $94.14. ings, since activist investor Starboard Value independent proxy advisory firms Institu- With the shareholder votes behind LP recently dropped its campaign to sway tional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass them, Bristol and Celgene can focus on other Bristol stock owners against the deal. Lewis & Co. recommended that share- closing the transaction, after obtaining Analysts generally anticipated that holders vote in favor of the deal. sign-offs from regulators globally. Then, shareholders would eventually support Holders of more than 75% of Bristol’s they’ll have to combine their large com- the deal and that it would close on sched- outstanding shares voted in favor of the mercial product portfolios and drug de-

4 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 M&A

velopment pipelines. Bristol claims that the companies’ merged pipelines that reach peak sales of ~$10bn, below Cel- it will have the top biopharma oncology Bristol expects to generate $15bn in com- gene/Bristol’s $12bn-$14bn guidance.” and cardiovascular franchises – topped bined revenue at their peak. BMS-986165 Sticking to established timelines for the by its own immuno-oncology blockbuster is the only drug candidate of the six that ozanimod, liso-cel and bb2121 submis- Opdivo (nivolumab) and Celgene’s mul- comes from Bristol. sions is essential for Celgene investors to tiple myeloma market leader Revlimid (le- The other five potential blockbusters realize the full value of Bristol’s purchase nalidomide), plus Bristol’s anticoagulant include: of the company. In addition to $50 in cash Eliquis (apixaban). ● The S1P receptor modulator ozani- and a share of Bristol stock, Celgene inves- The combined immunology and inflam- mod, which recently was resubmitted tors will receive a contingent value right mation franchise will rank in the top 5 glob- to the US FDA for approval to treat re- (CVR) worth $9 per share of Celgene stock ally, according to Bristol’s estimates, includ- lapsing and remitting multiple sclero- they own if the FDA grants approval for ing Bristol’s selective T-cell co-stimulation sis after the agency issued a refuse-to- ozanimod and liso-cel by Dec. 31, 2020, modulator Orencia (abatacept) for rheu- file letter last year (Also see “More Bad and for bb2121 by March 31, 2021. matoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis (PsA), News: Celgene Reveals Refuse-To-File The biggest risk of the Bristol-Celgene among other indications, and the Celgene Letter For Ozanimod In MS” - Scrip, 27 combination for Bristol shareholders, phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitor Ote- Feb, 2018.); however, could be a drastic decline in rev- zla (apremilast) for psoriasis and PsA. ● The erythroid maturation agent luspa- enue when Revlimid generics hit the mar- “We think that the combined company tercept, for which Celgene and part- ket. Both companies have downplayed has clear therapeutic area overlap in on- ner Acceleron Pharma Inc. submitted that risk, since the first generics in 2022 cology and immunology and that Cel- a biologic license application (BLA) to will be limited-release copies of the mul- gene’s strong cash flow from operations the FDA earlier this month for myelo- tiple myeloma backbone therapy. Also, over the next few years – growing north of dysplastic syndrome (MDS)-associated Celgene continues to reduce that risk by $10 billion a year in 2021-22 in our model anemia and beta-thalassemia-associat- settling outstanding patent challenges; it – will help Bristol reduce leverage and pre- ed anemia (Also see “’Totality Of Data’ won a reprieve in March when the US Pat- pare for commercialization of Celgene’s Make A Case For Luspatercept In Beta- ent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Patent late-stage pipeline, as several launches Thalassemia, MDS” - Scrip, 3 Dec, 2018.); Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) denied the are on tap through the end of 2020,” Morn- ● The CD19-targeting chimeric antigen last remaining request for an inter partes ingstar analyst Karen Andersen said in an receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy JCAR017 review (IPR). (Also see “Celgene/Bristol’s April 12 note. (lisocabtagene maraleucel, or liso-cel) Revlimid Patent Risk Incrementally Lower However, the companies’ combined that is said to be on track for submis- After PTAB Denies Alvogen IPR” - Scrip, 14 immunology and inflammation franchise sion to the FDA in 2019 for third-line or Mar, 2019.) could be a problem for regulators re- greater diffuse large B-cell The late-stage assets that Bristol is so viewing the Bristol-Celgene deal for anti- (DLBCL) (Also see “CAR-T Forecast: Cel- keen to buy are essential to diversifying competitive concerns. Bristol informed gene Follows, But Also Leads As Next the Celgene portfolio, regardless of how shareholders on March 26 that the Federal Batch Of T-Cell Therapies Near Market” long it takes for Revlimid to realize full Trade Commission in the US requested - Scrip, 3 Jan, 2019.); generic competition (expected in 2026, more information from both companies ● The bluebird bio inc.-partnered bb2121, under various patent litigation settle- about their marketed and pipeline assets a B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)- ments). However, Celgene has endured for psoriasis. targeting CAR-T therapy for multiple several setbacks in its attempts to diver- In addition to Celgene’s only approved myeloma, which also is expected to be sify, including the RTF for ozanimod, that immunology and inflammation asset, the submitted for FDA approval in 2019 have decreased its stock value and made oral drug Otezla, for which psoriasis is an (Also see “Poseida, Legend/Janssen Look the company a relative bargain compared important indication, Bristol has initiated To Snag Celgene/Bluebird’s BCMA Crown” to when Bristol first made a bid to merge a Phase III program in psoriasis for its own - Scrip, 4 Dec, 2018.); and in 2017. (Also see “Bristol Approached Cel- small molecule, the TYK2 inhibitor BMS- ● Fedratinib, a JAK2 inhibitor under pri- gene Nearly Two Years Ago, Got A Better 986165, after promising Phase II results. ority review at the FDA for myelofibro- Deal Later” - Scrip, 1 Feb, 2019.) (Also see “Bristol Engineers An Oral TYK2 sis that Celgene bought a year ago for When the Bristol-Celgene transaction Inhibitor With Biologic-Like Efficacy That more than $1bn. (Also see “Celgene’s closes in the third quarter, it will be the Rivals JAK Safety” - Scrip, 12 Sep, 2018.) $1.1bn Impact Buy Is First Of More Deals third-largest mega-merger in biopharma Otezla has been a key product for Cel- To Come In 2018 And Beyond” - Scrip, 9 history, behind Pfizer Inc.’s $84.1bn deal gene because it helped the company di- Jan, 2018.) with Warner-Lambert Co. in 2000 and the versify its revenue, which comes primar- “To break even, we estimate that Bristol $78bn combination of Glaxo Wellcome ily from hematology and oncology drugs; needs only $6bn-$7bn cumulative peak Inc. and SmithKline Beecham Corp., also Revlimid still comprises about two-thirds sales from Celgene’s ‘Big Five’ pipeline as- in 2000. (Also see “Bristol/Celgene A Re- of its total revenue. sets,” BMO Capital Markets analyst Alex cord-Setting Merger, If It Happens” - Scrip, Meanwhile, Bristol’s TYK2 inhibitor is Arfaei said in an April 12 note. “In our base 3 Jan, 2019.) one of six late-stage pipeline assets from case, we forecast that the ‘Big Five’ can Published online 12 April 2019 scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 5 DEALS

Alnylam Replaces Sanofi Partnership With Second Regeneron Tie-Up For RNAi Drugs

JOSEPH HAAS [email protected]

ong a partner of choice in the RNA- large number of opportunities, including companies’ goal is to advance programs interference arena, Alnylam Pharma- both wet and dry forms of age-related against 30 targets – not all of which are Lceuticals Inc. added and subtracted macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma pre-specified – into the clinic over the R&D partners on April 8, announcing a and a number of genetic diseases.” next five years. Alnylam will earn $2.5m at five-year, multi-disease pact with Regen- program initiation and $2.5m at candidate eron Pharmaceuticals Inc. that will bring FIRST CANDIDATE MAY BE PNH identification for each asset, which it says it $800m up front, split between cash and COMBO THERAPY could generate additional revenue of up equity. That same day, the RNAi pioneer The liver-focused part of the work will ad- to $30m annually. and Sanofi announced that the research dress complement-mediated diseases. Regeneron will lead development and portion of their longstanding R&D col- Possibly first into the clinic from the col- commercialization for eye indications, laboration has ended, but development laboration will be a combination therapy while advancement and leadership of the work continues. testing Regeneron’s Phase I antibody programs in CNS and liver diseases will The new deal combines Alnylam’s tech- candidate pozelimab (REGN3918) with alternate between the two companies. Al- nological expertise with Regeneron’s Alnylam Phase II candidate cemdisiran in nylam can earn milestone fees and royalty clinical development and commercial paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria payments for the eye disease programs. In heft, while offering diversification to Re- (PNH). Regeneron will lead the combina- CNS, at candidate selection, the party not generon, which gets to pursue targets tion work, while Alnylam will retain rights leading development and commercializa- not ideally suited for its usual antibody to cemdisiran monotherapy in atypical tion has the option to participate in future approach. The companies will partner hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). profits under a cost-sharing arrangement. to discover, develop and commercialize “The combination product could al- RNAi therapies for ocular disease, central low more complete C5 inhibition than GOOD TERMS FOR ALNYLAM, nervous system (CNS) disorders and liver either approach alone and could also en- EYE DIVERSIFICATION FOR indications, beyond the scope of the part- able subcutaneous administration of the REGENERON nership in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis monoclonal antibody with infrequent Analysts generally agreed that the deal (NASH) that the pair signed in 2018. (Also dose regimens,” Alnylam President of Re- terms are advantageous for Alnylam, see “Alnylam and Regeneron Plan 50/50 search and Development Akshay Vaish- while offering Regeneron diversification Gene R&D Pact To Find NASH RNAi Drugs” naw told the call. “We and our colleagues beyond antibody therapies, but at a high - Scrip, 22 Mar, 2018.) at Regeneron believe that there’ll be other price for early-stage research. That partnership is expected to enter sRNA-antibody combination opportuni- Baird Equity Research analyst Brian clinical development next year, with an ties in the future, and we will explore these Skorney said in an April 8 note that “the RNAi therapy candidate that targets the as they emerge from collaborative efforts.” size of the upfront and the relatively early liver-expressed protein HSD17B13. The The deal commits Alnylam to work ex- nature of the programs is unlikely to gen- two firms also say they’ll expand their clusively with Regeneron in the ocular and erate investor enthusiasm, on [Regener- work in NASH under the new agreement. CNS spaces. The Cambridge, Mass.-based on’s] side of the deal.” Alnylam CEO John Maraganore pre- firm, which recently brought its first com- The partnership should benefit from dicted during a same-day investor call mercial product Onpattro (patisiran) to Regeneron’s experience in ophthalmol- that the collaboration could yield “indus- market, gets $400m in upfront cash from ogy with Eylea (aflibercept), which has try-leading” drug development efforts Regeneron along with a $400m equity US label indications for AMD, macular for RNA-directed therapies in eye and investment comprising 4.44m Alnylam edema and diabetic retinopathy, the CNS indications. shares at $90 apiece. analyst added. “Successful candidates “We believe that the scope of this new Onpattro obtained US FDA approval to in this space may help diversify Regen- opportunity with Regeneron is substantial treat transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis eron’s highly concentrated reliance on with a large number of diseases that could in August, the first approval for an RNAi Eylea sales, which are expected to come be addressed with RNAi therapeutics,” he therapeutic. (Also see “Alnylam Offers Flex- under fire as competitors enter the mar- said. “In the CNS, this opportunity includes ible Value-Based Deals For Breakthrough ket in coming years,” he wrote. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia: RNAi Drug Onpattro” - Scrip, 11 Aug, 2018.) Eylea obtained a supplemental approv- Huntington’s; Parkinson’s and ALS, where Alnylam also can earn up to $200m in al from the FDA in August for less-frequent there are clear human genetic data that near-term milestones under the agree- dosing, which Regeneron hopes will help we believe create opportunities for RNAi ment, pegged to early clinical develop- it compete against late-stage candidates therapeutics. In the eye, there are also a ment in eye and CNS indications. The in the vascular endothelial growth factor

6 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 DEALS/EMERGING COMPANY PROFILE

(VEGF) inhibitor space that may offer lon- ger duration of therapeutic effect. (Also South Korea’s ADEL Innovates see “Regeneron’s Less Frequent Eylea Dos- ing Makes Late Sprint Across FDA Finish With Anti-Tau Antibody For Line” - Scrip, 17 Aug, 2018.) One such candidate, a new formulation of Allergan PLC’s abicipar, recently dem- Alzheimer’s Disease onstrated a better safety profile than the JUNG WON SHIN [email protected] candidate’s original version, but the early consensus was that abicipar still would s clinical trials of beta-amyloid- not be greatly competitive against Eylea targeting therapies continue to fail or Roche/Novartis AG’s Lucentis (ranibi- Ain the treatment of Alzheimer’s dis- zumab). (Also see “Allergan Improves Safe- ease, the global biopharmaceutical indus- ty Of Abicipar, But Not Enough Compared try increasingly is shifting its attention to To Lucentis, Eylea” - Scrip, 2 Apr, 2019.) tau pathology, which is more proportion- BMO Capital Markets analyst Do Kim ally correlated with disease progression praised the deal from Anylam’s standpoint and severity. in an April 8 note, saying “we believe the South Korea’s Alzheimer’s Disease Ex- deal has favorable economics, as Alnylam perts Lab (ADEL) Inc. is one of those pur- has the option to co-promote CNS pro- suing the tau hypothesis. grams at 50/50 economics.” Its founder and CEO Seung-Yong Yoon, SVB Leerink analyst Geoffrey Porges who is also an associate professor in the said the deal shows that Regeneron un- Department of Brain Science, Asan Medi- ADEL Inc. CEO Seung-Yong Yoon derstands the limitations of its antibody cal Center, University of Ulsan College Of technology and that it needs to diversify Medicine, began to develop an anti-tau amyloid monoclonal antibody was unlike- in both therapeutic areas and modalities antibody several years ago when anti-am- ly to meet the studies’ primary endpoints. for future growth. yloid beta antibodies were in the spotlight (Also see “AC Immune/Roche Drop Cren- “Regeneron’s Genetics Center is able and very few Alzheimer’s disease (AD) drug ezumab After Phase III CREAD Alzheimer’s to identify a nearly unlimited number developers focused on anti-tau antibodies. Failure” - Scrip, 30 Jan, 2019.) of potential drug targets; however only “Based on our research, we believed Anti-tau antibodies currently under those expressed on the surface of cells tau was a better target for AD therapy, development include RG-6100, which is are addressable with an antibody ap- although anti-amyloid antibodies were being developed by AC Immune SA and proach,” he wrote. at the center of the focus at that time,” the Roche’s Genentech Inc., with the results The companies’ combined technolo- CEO said in an interview with Scrip. of a Phase II study expected to read out in gies “should be able to identify and in- 2020. (Also see “Interview: AC Immune CEO vestigate novel treatments toward intra- AS AMYLOID THERAPIES FAIL, TAU Reflects On Alzheimer’s R&D Post-CREAD” - cellular targets,” Porges continued. “We ANTIBODIES NEAR DATA EVENTS Scrip, 14 Feb, 2019.) view RNAi as a promising and recently As most of the amyloid-targeting thera- Also, Axon Neuroscience completed validated technology, particularly in ar- pies, including Eisai Co. Ltd. and Biogen recruitment for its Phase II clinical trial of eas such as neurology and ophthalmol- Inc.’s aducanumab, have failed in clinical AADvac1, an active vaccine targeting Al- ogy where local administration can miti- trials, interest in AD therapies with other zheimer tau. Top-line data from the Phase gate any potential safety liabilities for targets such as the tau protein has been II study are expected to be available in this therapeutic modality.” rising. At present, there are about 20 clini- mid-2019. Eisai’s E2814, an anti-tau mono- Like Baird analyst Skorney though, cal stage antibodies targeting beta amy- clonal antibody jointly developed with Porges predicted that Regeneron inves- loid and about seven clinical stage anti- University College London, is set to enter tors would be cautious about the new tau antibodies. Phase I trials early this year. Alnylam partnership until it yields a few Biogen and Eisai said in March that they In addition, Merck & Co. Inc. has clinical candidates. will discontinue the Phase III trials testing reached a worldwide license agreement The Sanofi/Alnylam R&D partnership aducanumab in patients with mild cog- to bring in Teijin Pharma Ltd.’s preclinical signed in 2014 is beginning to wind down, nitive impairment due to AD and those antibody targeting tau protein. but it yielded Onpattro and the compa- with mild AD dementia. (Also see “Why nies said they’ll continue working jointly Biogen/Eisai’s Aducanumab Failure Is Not ADEL CANDIDATE’S NOVEL on vutrisiran for TTR amyloidosis and fi- The End Of Amyloid Hypothesis” - Scrip, 21 MOA, UNIQUE TARGET tusiran for hemophilia A and B, while also Mar, 2019.) This follows Roche’s decision in While beta amyloid is about 42 amino ac- advancing one undisclosed rare disease January to discontinue two Phase III stud- ids in length, tau protein is much longer candidate toward Phase I. ies of crenezumab after an independent with 441 amino acids. As a result, it is much Published online 8 April 2019 interim analysis concluded the anti-beta harder to choose the right epitope in tau scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 7 EMERGING COMPANY PROFILE/US INSULIN PRICES

proteins for therapeutic effects. In addition, it is unclear which of the various post-translational modifications – such as phosphory- ADEL Inc. At a Glance lation, O-GlcNAcylation, ubiquitination, acetylation, methylation, glycation and cleavage – are related to AD and which modifica- Founded: 2016 tions should be targeted to gain therapeutic effects. Founder: Seung-Yong Yoon As a result, it is crucial to select and target the right location Location: Seoul, South Korea and modification of tau to successfully develop an AD therapy, R&D Focus: Antibodies, proteins and peptides Yoon noted. Disease Area: Neurology Among the several tau antibodies in clinical development, the Financing: Raised KRW2bn in Series A venture capital from initial group mainly target N-terminal, while second movers target Korean VC investors mid-region. Meanwhile, ADEL’s lead asset ADEL-Y01 – a tau anti- body/vaccine – targets a different location and different modifica- Employees: 9 tions of tau to inhibit propagation and aggregation of tau. It targets a unique epitope different to that of competitors, and the epitope has disease-specific, post-translational modification. development of tau-targeting therapies for AD, but they are likely In this respect, the company’s anti-tau antibody has a novel mech- to be substantially behind others in this area, Yoon noted. anism of action. “In terms of epitope, ADEL-Y01 is seen as a first-in-class tau anti- OPEN FOR TIMING OF LICENSING, SERIES B EYED body,” Yoon commented. As amyloid-targeting therapies continue to fail, global pharmas ADEL’s first R&D strategy was to decide the best therapeutic epi- and biotechs have been keen to bring in preclinical or even earlier tope by directly comparing the in vivo therapeutic efficacy in tau stage tau-targeting therapies from smaller companies. transgenic mice among the putative epitopes. ADEL is seeking partners that have strong manufacturing facili- “We confirmed that our antibody had greater efficacy versus a ties for antibody therapies, but it is flexible in regard to the timing rival antibody in inhibiting tau propagation,” said the CEO. of the licensing as it is essential to find the right partner. The company is developing cell lines and processes and se- Going forward, the company aims to further progress its lead as- lecting an overseas contract research organization to conduct set and find licensing partners to expand its pipeline into additional non-clinical studies overseas this year. It aims to receive an in- antibodies, proteins and peptide therapeutics in neurological dis- vestigational new drug (IND) application approval by the end eases, including AD. Its pipeline already includes the tau vaccine/ of next year in an overseas market, including the US, to enable antibody ADEL-Y01, an early-stage companion diagnostic for plas- future clinical trials. ma biomarkers, and novel target-based antibodies and peptides. So far, ADEL is the sole company in South Korea pioneering in So far, ADEL has raised KRW2bn ($1.8m) in Series A financing and the tau antibody field. KRW800m from angel investors. The company also received finan- “In South Korea, no one is developing tau antibodies at our cial support from the state-run Korea Drug Development Fund in level. This could be our strength. When global firms focused on 2017. It is considering raising additional funds in a Series B financing researching amyloids, we started to develop a tau antibody,” he late this year or early next year to further progress its pipeline. said. Some South Korean companies may be internally discussing Published online 10 April 2019 Insulin Assistance Programs: Big Help Or Just A Band-Aid?

JESSICA MERRILL [email protected]

s scrutiny on insulin prices continues to grow, drug makers and other stakeholders are looking for ways to address the Aproblem for patients, while also having concrete initiatives to show legislators investigating pricing practices. Sanofi was the latest to announce an expanded cost-savings program April 10 that will allow diabetics in the US to pay $99 for up to 10 boxes of pens and or 10mL vials per month. The French pharma’s new program is aligned with a growing push to cap pa- tient out-of-pocket costs. Sanofi’s initiative follows a plan from the pharmacy benefit manager Express Scripts Holding Co. and parent Cigna Corp. an- nounced April 3 to cap cost sharing at $25 for a 30-day supply

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of insulin. The program is being funded with additional manufac- the program has resulted in approximately $10m in patient savings, turer discounts. (Also see “Express Scripts Insulin Program Lowers Sanofi said. It is not available to patients under Medicare, Medicaid Cost Sharing With Supplemental Manufacturer Discounts” - Pink or other state or federal programs due to government regulations. Sheet, 3 Apr, 2019.) Meanwhile, Mike Mason, the senior VP overseeing Lilly’s insulins Insulin costs are a big burden to patients, with news reports cit- global business unit, outlined in written testimony to Congress ing incidences of patients skipping their insulin to ration doses the company’s savings program for insulins that caps costs at the and triage costs – further spotlighting a potentially dangerous pharmacy at $95 for patients in the high-deductible phase of their predicament for patients. The high prices are getting specific scru- coverage, with Lilly picking up the remainder of the costs. tiny from legislators on Capitol Hill amid the broader outcry over Lilly also recently announced the launch of an authorized ge- the high cost of drugs. neric version of its short-acting insulin Humalog (insulin lispro) in But the new wave of savings programs may be too little too late the US at a 50% discount to the list price of the brand. The high- to appease legislators. As Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO) er-priced product is still available to patients, meaning Lilly has said of the savings initiatives during a Congressional hearing on the same drug available in two different versions at two different insulin prices April 10, “It’s not a solution to the problem. It’s just a prices to address some of the complexities for reimbursing drugs temporary band-aid, and it’s one that we have to stop.” in the US. This strategy, which some other drug makers are also DeGette is the chair of the House Energy and Commerce Com- testing, can be used to assist Medicare Part D patients, who aren’t mittee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, which held able to use many other forms of assistance programs. the hearing. Representatives from the three big insulin makers, Legislators and the public are confounded by the growing list Sanofi,Eli Lilly & Co. and Novo Nordisk AS, were called into testify. price of insulins, but drug makers argue the list prices do not re- Three pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) – Express Scripts, Unit- flect the hit they’ve absorbed on net prices as a result of growing ed Healthcare Services Inc..’s OptumRx and CVS Health Corp. – rebates. also testified at the hearing. Sanofi, for example, in its testimony said that while the list price As DeGette closed the hearing she warned that the bipartisan of its insulins has grown 125% from 2012 to 2018, the aggregate investigation into high insulin costs will continue. “We are pre- net price fell 25%. The net price of Lantus has fallen 30%, and is in pared to talk to you now and we are prepared to bring you back in fact less than it was in 2006. July or September to talk about the progress that has been made,” One policy proposal drug makers are advocating as a longer- she said. term fix to the patient affordability issue is to have insulin added The House hearing was the second one on Capitol Hill in as to preventative medications lists, which would exempt insulin many days to discuss drug prices. On April 9, the Senate Finance from deductibles. Committee brought in five PBMs to discuss the issue, where the Published online 11 April 2019 PBM representatives tried to counter pharma’s lobbying push for rebate reform. (Also see “PBMs Were On Capitol Hill, But Pharma Still Took Some Heat “ - Scrip, 9 Apr, 2019.)

SANOFI EXPANDS ACCESS PROGRAM Sanofi Exec VP-External Affairs Kathleen Tregoning highlighted Sanofi’s savings program for insulins during her opening testimo- ny at the House hearing. The Insulin Valyou Savings Program was created in 2018 to help cash-paying patients in the US who don’t qualify for other assistance programs. The program includes all LET’S GET of Sanofi’s insulins, including its two long-acting insulin glargine products Lantus and Toujeo. The program originally set a price of $99 for one 10mL vial or $149 for a box of SoloSTAR pens, but un- SOCIAL der the newly announced expansion, patients can get up to 10 boxes of pens and/or 10mL vials for $99 per month. “We believe the up to 10 vials and/or boxes of pens will cast We are tweeting, liking and sharing the latest the widest net of helping the people who need it,” Sanofi said. industry news and insights from our global How big of an impact the expanded program depends on how team of editors and analysts, join us! much insulin a patient needs, which is highly variable. The com- pany noted that some people may need two vials a month and one box of pens (which is usually three pens for Toujeo and five for the other insulins). Even that amount would represent a welcome savings of around $200 a month for patients, and the expanded program appears more aligned with a trend to cap patient out-of-pocket costs. @PharmaScrip Sanofi estimates that about 10% of its patients pay cash and would be eligible for the program. Since it was launched a year ago, scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 9 RESEARCH ALLIANCE

Dainippon Pursues Organ Generation In New Alliance With Japan Partners

IAN HAYDOCK [email protected]

hy treat the symptoms of a dis- renal areas of Parkinson’s disease and age- for application to human renal regenera- ease when you can replace a related macular degeneration, for which tive medicine, using techniques based on Wwhole organ? That appears to the company is again pursuing academic the research of Professor Hiroshi Nagashi- be the fundamental question being asked and corporate alliances, working respec- ma at Meiji University’s International Insti- by Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. tively with Kyoto University’s CiRA (Center tute for Bio-Resource Research, and pro- Ltd. (SDP) in a new basic research alliance for iPS Cell Research and Application), and vided commercially through PorMedTec. that goes a step further than the cell and the national research institute Riken and The placing of a target organ from an- approaches now becoming Japanese venture Healios KK. other animal onto a site where an embry- increasingly common in the global phar- onic organ develops in an animal’s early ma industry. ORGANOGENIC NICHE fetus – inducing the development of the Rather than pursuing the development APPROACH target organ in the host animal – is known of treatments for renal disorders, immu- New alliance partner Bios was established as the organogenic niche. nosuppressants to support organ trans- to develop and apply the technologies re- In the case of SDP’s renal program, the plants, or the partial regeneration of com- quired for the organogenic niche method, organ bud would be transplanted into promised organs, the mid-sized Japanese and a differentiation-inducing technique the patient to initiate early organ devel- pharma company is taking a more direct built upon the findings of research origi- opment, and urinary tract surgery would and holistic approach. It is linking with nally conducted by Professor Takashi Yo- be performed on the patient who has a group of partners in Japan to progress koo and team at Japan’s Jikei University undergone renal anlagen transplanta- basic research into regenerative medicine School of Medicine. tion to facilitate its development into a techniques for renal disorders, with a fo- SDP said that the renal regeneration functional kidney. cus on an induced pluripotent stem cell method it is investigating is intended to (iPSC)-based organogenic niche method regenerate a complete functional kidney OUTSTANDING NEED for the generation of whole organs, in this by using human iPSC-derived, differentia- While the program is still at a very early case kidneys. tion-induced nephron progenitor (“bud”) stage, SDP points out that, according The aim of the initiative, with four oth- cells that are then injected into a renal an- to International Society of Nephrology er academic and venture partners, is “to lagen, a fetal-stage kidney. data, the number of patients requiring achieve commercialization in the 2020s,” This will involve the early fetus of a ge- kidney transplantation and similar pro- the company said. Under the alliance, SDP netically engineered pig bred specifically cedures worldwide was estimated to be will be responsible for selling any renal 5.3-10.5 million. regenerative medicine developed as part The figure includes around 1,750 kidney of the collaboration, but other detailed transplants conducted in Japan in 2017, terms were not disclosed. although this was only a fraction of the The firm will conduct the joint R&D with total of around 12,500 patients applying the Jikei University School of Medicine and to undergo this procedure, indicating a Meiji University in Tokyo, along with two severe shortage of organs for transplant. Japanese regenerative medicine bioven- The approach is therefore one way of ful- tures, Tokyo-based Bios and PorMedTec It is linking with a filling outstanding medical need in situa- based in Kawasaki City near Tokyo. group of partners tions where there is no real alternative to a SDP’s main commercial therapeutic full transplant. presence is in diabetes and hypertension, in Japan to progress Some other companies in Japan, nota- along with neurology, and most of its cur- bly Healios, are also pursuing organ bud rent pipeline is in various CNS indications basic research into programs derived from iPSCs, in its case and oncology. So the move appears to in- regenerative medicine using technology licensed from Yokoha- dicate something of a shift in both thera- ma University for liver failure. The venture peutic and strategic focus, although the techniques for renal is hoping to begin a clinical program this company is already active in the regen- year for urea cycle defects which currently erative medicine research space through disorders require expensive enzyme replacement several pipeline projects. therapy or organ transplant. At present, these include two cell-based Published online 9 April 2019 therapies derived from iPSCs, in the non- From the editors of PharmAsia News.

10 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 DRUG PIPELINE

‘Pharma Fireworks’: Pipeline Catalysts To Watch Out For In Q2

STEN STOVALL [email protected]

laxoSmithKline’s multiple myeloma candidate, Scynexis’s scription Drug User Fee Act action date of May 1, 2019. Biomed- treatment for invasive candidiasis caused by the emerg- tracker notes that while Dengvaxia’s demonstrated efficacy Ging global health threat Candida auris, and Takeda/Shire’s and safety in individuals aged over nine years is expected to be maribavir for cytomegalovirus in transplant patients are among enough for it to gain US approval, an FDA advisory panel meet- pipeline drugs expected to report important clinical data before ing in March 2019 proposed a narrower label for the vaccine – of the end of June, according to Biomedtracker’s latest quarterly 9-17 years – than that which Sanofi was pursuing (9-45 years), be- overview of coming key catalysts in the next three months for cause of a lack of bridging safety data in adults. The panel also novel therapies. raised concerns over the lack of a commercially available test to Highlighted drugs awaiting an approval decision in the quarter identify patients who are seronegative at baseline and therefore include AMAG’s bremelanotide for female sexual arousal disorder should not be vaccinated. Thus there is a risk that the FDA will not and Nektar Therapeutics’ NKTR-181 for chronic back pain. approve the vaccine until such a test becomes available, which Key pharma catalysts identified in the Biomedtracker Q2 2019 Sanofi hopes will occur in 2020. Outlook Report include: MITOTECH’S VISOMITIN FOR DRY EYE NKTR-181 FOR CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN Mitotech SA’s Visomitin is a topical ophthalmic formulation As the FDA continues efforts to combat the opioid epidemic, Nek- of SkQ1, a small molecule which efficiently brings the active tar Therapeutics’ NKTR-181 holds the potential to be a new treat- antioxidant plastoquinone into mitochondria to prevent dam- ment option for individuals with chronic low back pain. Although age from reactive oxygen species (ROS). Mitotech is develop- still targeting opioid receptors, NKTR-181’s small molecule-poly- ing Visomitin for the treatment of dry eye syndrome. Top-line mer conjugate technology slows entry of the drug to the central results from the pivotal Phase III trial VISTA-1 are expected in nervous system, thus preventing the euphoria often associated the second quarter of 2019. Mitotech anticipates seeing simi- with common opioids. Results from a human abuse liability study lar positive results as with the previous Phase II trial and clini- confirmed that NKTR-181’s abuse potential was similar to placebo cal studies in Russia, Biomedtracker says in its report. VISTA-1 and significantly lower than oxycodone’s, thus demonstrating was begun across the US in October 2018, with an expected that NKTR-181 could be a safe, non-addictive treatment option, enrollment of 450 patients with moderate to severe dry eye. Biomedtracker said. It notes that in a pre-NDA meeting with the The trial will feature three arms: high dose Visomitin, low dose FDA, the regulator confirmed that Nektar had an adequate abuse of Visomitin, and a placebo. Primary endpoints include central potential assessment data package, and that together with the corneal staining change and grittiness change from baseline safety results, the data appeared to be adequate to warrant a to day 57. discussion of a less restrictive scheduling than Schedule 2. The PDUFA decision for NKTR-181 should occur on May 31, 2019, the HUMACYL IN END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE report notes. Pivotal data for Humacyte Inc.’s Humacyl are expected in com- ing months from a Phase III trial for hemodialysis access in pa- MARIBAVIR FOR CMV tients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In May 2016, Huma- Maribavir, a key Phase III asset at Shire PLC for cytomegalovirus cyte began a Phase III open-label, randomized, two-arm trial (CMV), is an oral benzimidazole riboside to treat CMV infection in comparing the efficacy of Humacyl with expanded polytetra- transplant recipients. The pivotal Phase III SHP620-303 trial com- fluoroethylene (ePTFE) grafts as a conduit for hemodialysis in paring the efficacy of maribavir to investigator-assigned treat- ESRD patients who are not candidates for an autologous AV ment in transplant recipients with CMV infections resistant or fistula. The Phase III study’s primary objective is the time to loss refractory to prior CMV treatment was begun in December 2016. of secondary patency from implantation. The rate of access- Shire expects top-line data from the Phase III SHP620-303 trial in related infections will also be assessed. Humacyte expects to the second quarter of 2019. Originally, maribavir was developed announce 18-month top-line results from the pivotal Phase III by GlaxoSmithKline PLC and licensed to ViroPharma Inc. world- trial during the first half of 2019. wide, excluding Japan, in 2003. ViroPharma later merged with Shire in 2014 and was acquired by Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. VYLEESI (BREMELANOTIDE) FOR FEMAL SEXUAL Ltd. in 2019. AROUSAL DISORDER Biomedtracker forecasts a late June PDUFA decision for AMAG DENGVAXIA FOR DENGUE FEVER Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s hypoactive sexual desire disorder Sanofi’s vaccine for dengue fever is up for FDA review. In October (HSDD) drug Vyleesi (bremelanotide), a novel melanocortin 4 2018, the FDA granted Dengvaxia priority review and set a Pre- (MC4) receptor agonist thought to impact the excitatory neural

scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 11 DRUG PIPELINE/US LAUNCH

pathways in the brain to restore sexual desire. Vyleesi is being Diseases (ECCMID) on April 13, 2019 from CARES, a pivotal, developed for the treatment of HSDD in pre-menopausal wom- single-arm, Phase III trial evaluating oral ibrexafungerp as an en and is given by subcutaneous injection using a single use au- emergency use treatment for hospitalized patients with in- toinjector pen only as needed prior to anticipated sexual activ- vasive candidiasis caused by Candida auris, an emerging fun- ity. FDA in November delayed the user fee goal date for Vyleesi gus that has been identified by the Centers for Disease Con- with a request for data from a frequent-dosing study. The PDU- trol and Prevention (CDC) as a serious global health threat. FA date for completion of FDA review of the Vyleesi NDA is now Biomedtracker says preliminary results from the CARES trial June 23, but as this date falls on a Sunday, the PDUFA decision is will be the first indication of ibrexafungerp efficacy against C. expected the Friday before, the report says. auris. Scynexis has indicated that positive results in the CARE and FURI studies may lead to toward a future NDA submission PALOVAROTENE FOR TREATMENT OF FOP and potential approval through the Limited Population Path- Top-line results from the pivotal Phase III MOVE study of Clemen- way for Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs (LPAD), Biomed- tia Pharmaceuticals Inc.’s palovarotene for treating fibrodysplasia tracker notes. ossificans progressive (FOP) are expected in the second quarter of 2019. Overall, top-line data from the Phase III MOVE study will DREAMM-6 FOR GSK2857916 be instrumental in palovarotene’s approvability with the FDA, GlaxoSmithKline PLC expects to have preliminary data from the Biomedtracker says. Pending these results, the company plans to DREAMM-6 study of GSK2857916 combined with standard-of- submit an NDA for palovarotene in the second half of 2019. Due to care in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma in the rare nature of FOP and the lack of treatment options, positive the first half of 2019, BMT notes. DREAMM-6 comprises two arms, results from the MOVE study could go a long way to sealing first each testing GSK2857916 in combination with different standard approved therapy for this disease, Biomedtracker’s report says. of care regimens in part 1 of the study. In Arm A, GSK2857916 Palovarotene is a retinoic acid receptor gamma selective agonist. will be evaluated in combination with lenalidomide plus dexa- Canada-based Clementia is being acquired by Ipsen. methasone, while in Arm B GSK2857916 is being testing in com- bination with bortezomib and dexamethasone. (Also see “Good IBREXAFUNGERP FOR FUNGAL INFECTIONS DREAMM-1 Data Keeps GSK On Track For Multiple Myeloma Filing Scynexis Inc. expects to report preliminary results at the 29th This Year “ - Scrip, 25 Mar, 2019.) European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Published online 8 April 2019 ViiV’s Dovato: Treatment-Naive HIV Is Earmarked For The “Complete Regimen”

JOHN DAVIS [email protected]

blockbuster future has been forecast for ViiV Healthcare Dovato combines the integrase inhibitor Tivicay (dolutegra- ’s Dovato, the first once-daily, single-tablet, two-drug regi- vir, 50 mg) and the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor Amen just approved in the US for patients who have never (NRTI) Epivir (lamivudine, 300 mg) in a single tablet. The potential received antiretroviral treatment, which is expected to challenge benefits of a simplified single-tablet, two-drug regimen was high- widely used three-drug combination HIV therapies, particularly lighted by the US FDA in the approval announcement on 8 April those marketed by key competitor, Gilead Sciences Inc. 2019, which tagged the product as a “complete regimen.” Dovato could also be a less expensive option for the treatment The HIV virus has of HIV/AIDS, thereby driving sales – the US price for Dovato is cur- proven difficult to rently likely to be around $27,500 annually, which is 26% below eradicate completely the price for Gilead’s triple combination, Biktarvy, priced at around $37,000 per annum, according to Evercore ISI analysts. Biktarvy was approved for US marketing in February 2018, and in the fourth quarter had revenues of $551m in the US, becoming the “number one prescribed regimen for both treatment-naïve and switch patients.” However, a Boxed Warning in the US labeling cautions about the use of Dovato in patients co-infected with HIV and hepatitis B. “All patients with HIV-1 should be tested for the presence of HBV prior to or when initiating Dovato,” the boxed warning says. “Emergence of lamivudine-resistant HBV variants associated with lamivudine-containing antiretroviral regimens has been reported.

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If Dovato is used in patients co-infected with HIV-1 and HBV, addi- from a third drug.” She also noted that having a “drug-sparing tional treatment should be considered for appropriate treatment treatment available that uses fewer drugs is beneficial to pa- of chronic HBV; otherwise, consider an alternative regimen.” tients who may have issues taking multiple medications over The benefits of Dovato are expected to include a low propensity a period of time.” to be associated with side effects, and good patient compliance, Dovato has been submitted for approval in the EU, Canada, Aus- and Datamonitor Healthcare has forecast Dovato sales to increase tralia, Switzerland and South Africa, and Viiv, the company owned gradually to $1.1bn in 2026 in the five major EU markets and the by GlaxoSmithKline PLC, Pfizer Inc. and Shionogi & Co. Ltd., not- US. However, there may be residual physician concerns about the ed that additional submissions are planned during 2019. potential emergence of resistance after long-term use, particular- Dovato’s approval was based on the GEMINI 1 and 2 Phase ly in non-compliant patients, and the need of the new therapy to III studies, which found that HIV did not develop resistance af- gain recommended status in treatment guidelines, which could ter 48 weeks of therapy and indicated that it was non-inferior mute its uptake, say Biomedtracker analysts. to a dolutegravir-based three-drug regimen, also containing A two-drug regimen, Juluca (dolutegravir/rilpivirine), is already tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine, in control- marketed in the US and EU by ViiV, but it is indicated for use in ling HIV-1. adults who are virologically suppressed on a stable antiretrovial The US indication for Dovato states that the product is ap- regimen for at least six months, with no history of treatment fail- proved as a “complete regimen for the treatment of HIV-1 infec- ure and no known substitutions associated with resistance to do- tion in adults with no known antiretroviral treatment history and lutegravir or rilpivirine. with no know substitutions associated with resistance to either dolutegravir or lamivudine.” In a statement on the approval, the UNTREATED PATIENT OPTION CEO of ViiV, Deborah Waterhouse, said the company was deliver- The US FDA’s director of antiviral products, Debra Birnkrant, re- ing what patients had been requesting: “a chance to treat their marked that “patients who have never been treated have the HIV-1 infection with as few drugs as possible, marking a significant option of taking a two-drug regimen in a single tablet while step in HIV treatment.” eliminating additional toxicity and potential drug interactions Published online 9 April 2019 Intercept’s OCA Data Bolster NASH Efficacy, But Pruritus Worries Worsen

JOSEPH HAAS [email protected]

more comprehensive look at Intercept Pharmaceuticals In this subgroup, Intercept reported that Inc.’s Phase III REGENERATE study of obeticholic acid (OCA) Ain non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) seemed to bolster three times as many patients who received the drug’s efficacy case, but investors drove the company’s stock the 25 mg dose of OCA (13.3%) achieved price down April 11, perhaps due to increasing concerns about discontinuation rates seen in the study due to pruritus. a two-stage or greater fibrosis score Intercept presented supportive data from REGENERATE at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) meeting improvement compared to placebo April 11 in Vienna, revealing that more patients on the higher dose (4.5%) (p=0.0008). of OCA were showing a greater improvement in fibrosis scores. JMP Securities analyst Liisa Bayko concluded in a same day note that the “incremental new efficacy [data] cuts support OCA’s fibrotic effects and hint at NASH improvements which may continue over the primary endpoint – 17.6% achieved a one-stage or greater time,” reiterating a “market outperform” rating for Intercept’s stock. improvement in fibrosis – and the study also missed a co-primary But investors did not respond positively, as the firm’s stock price endpoint of resolution of NASH without worsening of fibrosis. finished the trading day down 13% at $104.75. Eight days earlier, competitor Gilead Sciences Inc. had been On Feb. 19, Intercept became the first company to report posi- the first company to report Phase III NASH data, but its apopto- tive Phase III data in NASH, with top-line data from REGENERATE sis-signaling kinase 1 (ASK1) inhibitor selonsertib failed to meet showing that 23.1% of patients who received a 25 mg daily dose a primary endpoint of a one-stage or greater improvement in fi- of the farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist saw at least a one-stage brosis score in patients with F4 fibrosis scores and cirrhosis due to improvement in their fibrosis scores at 18 months, compared to NASH. (Also see “In NASH, Gilead Swung For The Fences And Struck 11.9% who received placebo. (Also see “Intercept Retakes The Lead Out Again” - Scrip, 12 Feb, 2019.) While Gilead attempted to meet In NASH” - Scrip, 19 Feb, 2019.) However, the lower 10 mg daily a tougher endpoint than used in Intercept’s study, the trial none- dose tested in the study did not meet statistical significance for theless was not the company’s first setback in NASH – in 2016 it scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 13 EASL MEETING

suspended development of simtuzumab in NASH after no indica- drug dose who had elevated levels at baseline achieved normal- tion of efficacy in two Phase II trials. ization, compared to 29.3% of placebo recipients. Gilead, however, enjoyed positive news at EASL April 11 as it In an interview prior to EASL, Intercept Senior VP-Medical Af- outlined 12-week, proof-of-concept data for a two-drug combina- fairs, Safety and Pharmacovigilance Gail Cawkwell said improve- tion of its FXR agonist cilofexor (GS-9674) and acetyl-CoA-carbox- ment in fibrosis score offers the best correlation to positive long- ylase (ACC) inhibitor firsocostat (GS-0976). (Also see “Gilead Data term outcomes in liver disease. However, researcher Vlad Ratziu Suggest Role For ACC Inhibition In NASH” - Scrip, 24 Oct, 2017.) The of France’s Curie University, presenting the REGENERATE report at combo, now being investigated as part of a three-drug regimen EASL, said that the data on underlying causes of NASH suggest with selonsertib in the Phase II ATLAS study, showed potential to OCA might offer a broader benefit to NASH patients. “The -ef improve hepatic steatosis, liver stiffness, liver biochemistry and fect again on inflammation and ballooning is very encouraging; serum fibrosis markers, without the pruritus issues that have per- there’s something going on,” he said. sisted for Intercept’s OCA. Intercept also argued for OCA’s safety profile, based on findings from 1,968 randomized patients who received at least one dose PER PROTOCOL COHORT DATA DETAILED of the drug, with exposure up to 37 months. It noted that serious During its EASL presentation, Intercept went beyond the top- adverse event (SAE) frequency was 14% among patients receiv- line data previously released (which was based on results from ing 25 mg of OCA, 11% receiving the 10 mg dose and 11% in the 931 intent-to-treat (ITT) patients) with data from a 668-patient placebo arm. per protocol cohort. These patients were a subset of the ITT OCA, which is approved to treat primary biliary cholangitis population who had completed 15 months of treatment or under the brand name Ocaliva, has been troubled with safety more with OCA, had an end-of-treatment or 18-month liver and tolerability concerns, however, around increased levels biopsy, had been on OCA treatment for at least 30 days prior of LDL cholesterol and pruritus. (Also see “Intercept Makes to that biopsy, and had no major protocol deviations during No Changes To Ocaliva NASH Study Despite PBC Safety Issues” their treatment. - Scrip, 25 Sep, 2017.) The company said the LDL level findings Intercept CEO Mark Pruzanski told the EASL audience that the in REGENERATE were consistent with previous OCA trials and rationale for presenting data from a per protocol cohort is “be- that the drug was associated with an increase in LDL peaking cause that as a standard is the best way to understand the true at 22.6 mg/dL at four weeks, but that LDL levels typically re- effect that the drug is having … in patients who are appropriately versed and approached baseline levels at month 18 (4 mg/dL compliant in the context of the trial with treatment.” increase from baseline). In this subgroup, Intercept reported that three times as many Intercept noted that dose-related pruritus remains the most patients who received the 25 mg dose of OCA (13.3%) achieved common adverse event reported in OCA studies. In REGENERATE, a two-stage or greater fibrosis score improvement compared to 51% of patients getting the 25 mg dose reported pruritus, com- placebo (4.5%) (p=0.0008). For a standard of one-stage or greater pared to 28% getting the 10 mg dose and 19% in the placebo arm. fibrosis score improvement, three times as many patients receiv- The vast majority of pruritus incidents in the 25 mg cohort were ing 25 mg of OCA improved rather than worsened (38% versus mild to moderate, the company said, and incidence of pruritus 13.1%), whereas those proportions were nearly level in the control was highest during the first three months of treatment across the group (23.2% vs. 20.9%). full study, and then decreased. However, 9% of patients getting Credit Suisse analyst Michael Morabito said in an April 11 note the 25 mg dose discontinued therapy due to pruritus – compared that these fibrosis data increase OCA’s argument for approval. “We to less than 1% for the 10 mg OCA cohort and the placebo group. see this two-stage improvement as very positive for OCA’s efficacy Cawkwell indicated that the 25 mg dose was likely to be the profile for regulatory approval,” he concluded. “The FDA has indi- dose recommended in the planned US and EU filings for approval cated a one-stage improvement would be necessary for approval, later this year as it is “the dose that met the regulatory hurdle in while the EMA has leaned toward requiring a two-stage improve- statistical testing.” ment to show a benefit.” Pruzanski said the company will have to “dig into the pruritus Beyond fibrosis, the per protocol data showed benefits in key data to also understand the predictors of pruritus.” However, from underlying aspects of NASH. For hepatocellular ballooning, 43.6% its treatment experience with Ocaliva in PBC patients, Intercept of patients getting the 25 mg dose showed an improvement of knows how to treat patients with pruritus, he added. one point or greater, compared to 28.6% of placebo patients “There are some patients who just won’t tolerate the drug … (p=0.0008). For lobular inflammation, 52.3% of patients receiving hopefully one day there will be other [treatment] options for 25 mg of OCA showed a one-point or greater improvement, com- them,” Pruzanski said. “But in the large majority of cases, we really pared to 42% of patients receiving placebo (p=0.03). do believe that we can manage this. It does seem to attenuate over time; we know that in the PBC population.” IMPROVEMENTS IN NASH’S UNDERLYING CAUSE Jefferies analyst Michael Yee said in an April 11 note on the OCA 25 mg also showed rapid and sustained reductions in liver data that OCA’s “safety continues to look good.” He added biochemistry, as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels achieved that the deeper dive into the REGENERATE data also indicated normalization in 65.6% of patients who had elevated ALT at base- more fibrosis improvement and greater stabilization of dis- line compared to 37.3% getting placebo. For aspartate amino- ease in NASH patients. transferase (AST) levels, 54.7% of patients getting the 25 mg study Published online 11 April 2019

14 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 NASH

Novartis’s NASH Chief: Our Strategy Is Combos With Tropifexor As ‘Backbone’

STEN STOVALL [email protected]

ovartis AG’s NASH strategy can be endpoint in the ENCORE-PH trial in com- summed up in one word: “combi- pensated NASH cirrhosis patients at high Nnations.” risk of decompensation. (Also see “In NASH That’s how the Swiss pharma’s NASH Race, Bad News For Conatus, Good News program head, in an interview with Scrip, For Genfit In PBC” - Scrip, 10 Dec, 2018.) described his approach to developing Those setbacks have fuelled specula- therapies to treat non-alcoholic steato- tion that the collaboration won’t be a hepatitis (NASH). “Those will require long one. Eric Hughes said that, although not yet Hughes said an overall decision would a leading contender in NASH, Novartis collaboration, and need to wait at least until the end of this had already built a broad, early pipeline of we’re already leaders year. “We’re waiting for the totality of the therapies for the condition, and would use data. The third study, which is in very its highly potent and selective multimodal in collaborating over advanced patients, will be reading out FXR agonist tropifexor as a backbone in towards the end of this year. So once all combination therapies. combination therapies three of these studies have been com- “We had from the outset the strategy of in NASH” pleted, we’ll then decide where to go from developing monotherapies while assum- there,” he told Scrip. ing that the future is going to be driven by combination therapy,” Hughes said, speak- NLRP3 PROMISE ing from Vienna where he was attending The other key component in Novartis’s this year’s European Association for the NASH strategy is the broad portfolio of Study of the Liver (EASL) meeting. immunomodulatory medicines brought “NASH is very complex. It involves liver via the planned acquisition of IFM Tre tar- fat accumulation, inflammation and fibro- trial collaboration with Allergan for the geting the NLRP3 inflammasome. sis. What we’ve seen so far in monothera- treatment of NASH combining tropifexor The acquisition will give Novartis full py has been encouraging, but the result and cenicriviroc (CVC). rights to IFM Tre’s portfolio of NLRP3 in- are modest at best.” “As these collaborations show, we are hibitors. Novartis expects the deal to close He said any real transformational working to make tropifexor available in as this quarter. (Also see “Novartis Dives change for successfully treating NASH many combinations as possible because Into Inflammasome Pool With IFM Tre Pur- patients would need to come from com- we believe that’s a very important compo- chase” - Scrip, 1 Apr, 2019.) binations. “Those will require collabora- nent for future treatments,” Hughes said. “The path to finding an effective treat- tion, and we’re already leaders in collab- ment in NASH may take years – with in- orating over combination therapies in CONATUS EMRICASAN DRAMA cremental efficacy gains over time, but it’s NASH,” said Hughes, who heads global Novartis’s NASH plans are also heavily our belief treating NASH will likely require development in immunology and der- banking on its commercial alliance with combination therapy to achieve transfor- matology at Novartis. Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc. for the mative outcomes for patients – we believe clinical development and commercializa- collaboration is key to advancement and PFIZER/ALLERGAN tion of the US-based small cap’s lead drug faster development of the most effective COLLABORATIONS candidate, emricasan, currently in three treatments for NASH,” Hughes said. Novartis has clinical agreements with trials for late-phase NASH. “NASH is going to be a roller coaster ride Allergan PLC and Pfizer Inc. for combi- Emricasan is a dual anti-apoptotic and for us all. And you’ll see continued deal nation NASH trials with their respective anti-inflammatory hepatic drug candidate. making in the area. So we are willing to drug candidates. The duo’s partnership has had a shaky talk to anyone that’s interested in bringing Novartis’ collaboration with Pfizer, en- start, though. Emricasan last March posted our and their compounds together.” tered in October 2018, includes research its second Phase IIb miss in four months. Summing up, Hughes said: “This is to evaluate a combination of tropifexor (Also see “Conatus Endures Another NASH really the beginning of a long process and up to three Pfizer compounds for the Setback With Failure To Hit Fibrosis End- of developing drugs for NASH, and it is treatment of NASH. point” - Scrip, 21 Mar, 2019.) certain to be a focus of discussions at Its program with Allergan, announced That setback came after emricasan in this year’s EASL conference.” in March 2017, is for a Phase IIb clinical December 2017 failed to meet its primary Published online 13 April 2019

scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 15 COMPANIES

Defusing US Opioid Crisis Offers Orexo “Strong Growth Potential” Says CEO

STEN STOVALL [email protected]

rexo AB’s leading product Zub- “The US market for treating opioid de- Suboxone pill generics that launched at solv, for opioid dependence, will pendency is bound to increase signifi- risk in late February, but these launches Oenjoy strong sales in the US as the cantly, because the number of patients have not had any impact yet on Zubsolv. healthcare system copes with the growing who are not receiving treatment vastly “One of the reasons for that resilience is crisis of addiction there, giving the Swed- outnumber those who are, and that repre- that the price we are offering to insurance ish specialty pharma the solid platform to sents a good growth opportunity for Zub- companies in the US for Zubsolv is already expand its pipeline while pursuing M&A solv,” Orexo’s CEO said. at par and sometimes better than what possibilities, its CEO predicted in an inter- Nordea analysts in a recent report said they can get for the generics that have view with Scrip. the US opioid dependency market is con- been available since 2013,” he explained. The Swedish-listed speciality pharma centrated, with around 5,000 physicians He noted that Indivior’s sales of Subox- was founded 1995 to use its drug delivery representing about 90% of all prescrip- one film had also shown strong resilience technologies to develop and market prod- tions. “This means it is possible to address to the new generic competition. ucts to treat addiction and pain. the market with a limited sales force,” the Orexo’s head office is in Sweden. But analysts said, adding that that offered PIPELINE PROSPECTS its commercial base is in the US state of promise for Orexo’s commercial opera- With Zubsolv revenues presumed to offer New Jersey from where it has built a na- tions there. stability, Orexo can focus on its pipeline’s tional sales infrastructure for its opioid most advanced assets: OX124 and OX125, dependence therapy Zubsolv, which it CASH COW ZUBSOLV spray formulations of either naloxone or sells there directly. Orexo’s key cash cow, Zubsolv is a mixture nalmefene, respectively, which are de- It also has three other clinical assets for of buprenorphine and naloxone, which signed to offer improvements to the exist- treating addiction, the most advanced are commonly used to treat narcotic ad- ing products for opioid overdose reversal. of which should be on the market within diction. It was launched on the US market In January, Orexo announced encourag- four years, Nikolaj Sørensen said. in mid-September 2013. ing results from a 20-person pharmacoki- “Our strategy going forward is to focus Zubsolv was approved in the EU in the netic Phase I study of its OX124 naloxone on improving and enhancing the treat- second quarter of 2018 but the ex-US nasal spray in which Orexo compared its ment of opoid dependence ... focusing our rights are being re-partnered. drug with Narcan, the market-leading nal- R&D and business development activities Sørensen’s Zubsolv strategy was rein- oxone rescue medication. to broaden our pipeline, both through forced in January when the US District All formulations of OX124 in the study internal R&D programs and through busi- Court for the District of Delaware ruled were well-tolerated by trial participants ness development if we can find attrac- that Actavis’s generic version of opioid- and showed ‘substantially higher’ plasma tive assets, and thus leverage our US sales addiction medicine Zubsolv infringed on concentrations of naloxone compared force further,” Sørensen said. Orexo’s patent. with Narcan. OX124 also had sustained du- The court’s decision stops Actavis from ration of elevated plasma concentrations US OPIOID CRISIS SET TO WORSEN marketing its Zubsolv generic products in and equivalent or superior onset time The US market for opioid dependency all dosage strengths in the US until after 18 compared to Narcan, the company said. treatment is growing in low double-digit September 2032. Actavis was acquired by “So, with that we have a product that’s figures and is currently worth about Allergan PLC in March 2015 and renamed proven to be much more bioavailable $1.5bn each year, analysts said. as Allergan Inc. Actavis was then bought with a higher and more extended effect Of the 47,600 deaths due to opioid by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. in than products that are currently in the overdose in the US in 2017, 60% were August 2016. market,” Sørensen said, adding: “OX124 due to synthetic opioids. The situation is One uncertainty clouding Zubsolv’s and OX125 are both very promising. We set to worsen, with annual opioid over- prospects is the extent to which it will be have proven that they work in humans. dose deaths in the US predicted to climb impacted by generic versions of Indivior That’s a major milestone, and it makes to 81,700 in 2025, according to a study by PLC’s Suboxone (buprenorphine/nalox- those assets the second most valuable the Massachusetts General Hospital Insti- one) tablets and sublingual film in the US. assets for us after Zubsolv.” tute of Technology Assessment. Sørensen played down any likely gener- The company is also developing OX382 In response, states, counties and cities ic repercussions on Zubsolv sales, though. an oral, swallowable formulation contain- in the US are suing drug makers and dis- “There’s already 10 generic products ing buprenorphine and naloxone for the tributors to recover billions in human and out there based on an older formulations treatment of opioid dependence. financial costs. of Suboxone. And you now have three Published online 11 April 2019

16 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 HEADLINE NEWS

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Cyclerion Readies For Readouts In Sickle Cell, Other Rare, Serious Diseases This Year

JOSEPH HAAS [email protected]

fficially spun out of Ironwood Pharmaceuticals Inc., Cy- The hiring of Busch seems like an ideal fit for Cyclerion, as the clerion Therapeutics Inc. is recruiting new management new addition led R&D at Bayer for 13 years and then moved to Oexperienced in both rare diseases and large indications, Shire as its chief scientific officer and R&D head in early 2018. At and gearing up for readouts from key programs in sickle cell dis- Bayer, Busch directed the pharma’s efforts in sGC stimulator com- ease, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and pounds through proof-of-concept, work that eventually led to the diabetic nephropathy. approval of Adempas (riociguat) for pulmonary hypertension. Cambridge, Mass.-based Cyclerion officially launched opera- “It’s not [merely] fortuitous,” Hecht said of Busch’s arrival. “Andy tions April 1 when its tax-exempt spinout from Ironwood – to is one the world leaders in this area; we tend to identify awesome develop a pipeline of soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) stimulators talent and go after it, sometimes for months or years.” – was finalized. The firm also named former Bayer AG and Shire He noted that Cyclerion benefitted from good timing, since PLC exec Andreas Busch as its Chief Innovation Officer on April 9. Busch was looking for another opportunity in the wake of the rare Cyclerion CEO Peter Hecht explained that the time was right to disease-focused specialty pharma’s acquisition by Takeda Phar- separate the sGC stimulator pipeline from Ironwood, which had maceutical Co. Ltd., which closed earlier this year. more than enough to focus on with its commercial drug Linzess Busch’s title is Chief Innovation Officer, Hecht explained, be- (linaclotide) for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS- cause calling him the R&D chief would understate all of the re- C) and chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) plus its own late- sponsibilities he will have. stage pipeline in the gastrointestinal (GI) space. “We’re trying to innovate not only in medicines, but in organi- Hecht didn’t say whether the split into two companies was re- zation, and bring together from the very earliest stages of R&D lated to the motivations of activist investor Alex Denner and his not only discovery and development, which I think biotech does Saprissa Capital Management, which acquired more than 1.6m pretty well now, but the voice of the patient and the partners, so shares in Ironwood in late 2017 and was expected to try to drive a we’ve got what we call the innovation center,” Hecht explained. new direction for the company. “It’s the nucleus where we’ll do nearly all the decision-making in Hecht said the spinout occurred because the sGC stimulator the company. Calling Busch head of R&D would be selling him candidates needed to be in a research and development com- short, frankly; he’s got R&D experience, but he’s also got commer- pany focused specifically on these specific assets, while allowing cial strategy and consumer insights, corporate development – the Ironwood to be a commercial, GI-focused entity. voice of the partner, the patient, the payer –and the idea is to have “It’s sort of trite to say, but companies when they do these that involved every step of the way from the very beginning.” spinouts always talk about unlocking shareholder value and One of the key differences between Ironwood and Cyclerion, sometimes that’s just a code for something,” he told Scrip. “But in the CEO noted, is that while his former company has a global fo- this case, I think it was very clear that the R&D programs we have cus on primary care indications, the new firm will focus on serious, were, at best, being sort of ignored. [Ironwood] was too big and life-threatening conditions, often in orphan populations. Cycle- complicated a story.” rion will try to offer a clear advancement in the standard of care. Whereas the sGC pipeline assets were perhaps viewed by some shareholders as a drag on Ironwood’s core focus, those candidates SEVERAL DATA MILESTONES AHEAD now are part of a biotech “focused on fewer priorities with smaller, Sickle cell disease historically is underserved and the current pri- tighter teams and where there’s no choice but to focus and suc- mary therapy, hydroxyurea, has drug-drug interaction issues and ceed to drive success,” Hecht said. offers a lot of room for improvement, Hecht said. Cyclerion will That’s not to say that Cyclerion is a typical start-up. Hecht refers pursue sickle cell therapy by targeting the nitric oxide receptor, to Cyclerion as a “turbo-charged” new company with about 140 which he called a “very important, fundamental mechanism” in employees, $175m in financing that is expected to provide two sickle cell disease and other disorders. years-plus of runway, and a pipeline comprised of three clinical “What’s exciting about our drug olinciguat, it’s being developed candidates being investigated in four indications, with a pair of as a once-daily therapy that really targets the critical element of preclinical programs right behind. the mechanism in the disease,” Hecht said. “The disease is caused The financing was a private placement backed by existing by a genetic mutation and leads to hemolysis, to red blood cells Ironwood shareholders, new investors and some of the Cyclerion popping open, and when they pop open, they expose the vas- management team. Ironwood, however, will not hold a stake in cular region both to an enzyme called arginase, which chews up the new company, and the split was orchestrated so that it could the key factory for making nitric oxide, and it also exposes heme, be a tax-exempt transaction. Hecht and President and Chief Scien- the iron-containing piece of hemoglobin. … Our approach is to tific Officer Mark Currie both moved over to Cyclerion from Iron- restore normal nitric oxide signaling, to restore homeostasis of wood in the spinout. that pathway.” Published online 9 April 2019

18 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 CLINICAL TRIALS

Positive Phase III Data Set Stage For Japan Imeglimin Filing

IAN HAYDOCK [email protected]

rench metabolic disorders com- cebo-corrected mean change of -19mg/ be allowable under Japanese diabe- pany Poxel SA and Asia partner dL. Overall safety and tolerability was tes guidelines). However, a more likely FSumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. comparable to placebo, and the adverse scenario is combination use with other Ltd. (SDP) say they remain on track for a event profile was similar to that seen in standard agents of choice, including planned Japanese approval submission earlier clinical studies. DPP4 inhibitors, which the chief medical sometime in 2020 for imeglimin, follow- The TIMES Japanese Phase III program, officer noted are prescribed in more than ing new top-line Phase III results for the being run jointly with SDP, started in late 50% of diabetes patients in the country. novel antidiabetic. 2017 and comprises three pivotal trials The plan could potentially lead to a in over 1,100 patients. The TIMES 3 study, COMBINATION THERAPY 2021 launch for the oral glimin class mol- looking at a 36-week open label exten- “We expect imeglimin will be first pre- ecule in what may become the first mar- sion in combination with insulin in pa- scribed mostly in combination therapy” un- ket worldwide for the Merck Serono spin- tients with inadequate glycemic control til physicians get used to the new drug, and out’s lead asset. on insulin alone, is expected to report then gradually gain first-line share, he said. In a conference call on the new data, around the middle of this year, including Another setting might be in elderly and Poxel’s chief medical officer Christophe a randomized, 16-week placebo-con- immuno-compromised patients. 15-20% Arbet-Engels described the results as a trolled component. of those enrolled in the TIMES 1 study “significant milestone” and major step Data from TIMES 2, a 52-week, 714-pa- have Stage IIIa chronic kidney disease, towards the submission, saying the com- tient open label trial assessing mono- which should help build the package of pany was “extremely pleased”. therapy or combinations with various data in this population. Poxel and SDP noted forecasts that other agents, and full results from TIMES Poxel also noted that SDP may use the the total Japanese diabetes sector is ex- 3, are both expected at the end of 2019. Japanese TIMES results to support activi- pected to reach around $6bn by 2020, ties elsewhere in Asia, including China. making it the second-largest single mar- IMPORTANCE, POSITIONING “China could represent a very significant ket globally for type 2 disease. “Japan is Under the October 2017 deal in which opportunity for us,” the CEO said, Arbet- a key focus and an integral part of our SDP picked up rights in Japan and most Engels adding that “we are very seriously business strategy,” Poxel CEO Thomas of the rest of Asia, Poxel and the Japa- looking at it in great detail.” Kuhn said on the call. nese firm are conducting joint develop- SDP is currently in discussions to clarify ment, although the latter is responsible the best regulatory pathway for the drug ‘ROBUST EFFICACY’ for costs and commercialization. In its in this market. The Phase III TIMES 1 placebo-controlled other Asian markets, SDP will be solely monotherapy study in 213 Japanese pa- responsible for all development and NEW NOVEL CLASS tients with type 2 diabetes met both its commercialization activities. Imeglimin is a pioneer in the glimin class, primary and main secondary endpoints, Diabetes is already positioned as a ma- and is thought to act on mitochondrial with other secondary endpoints still be- jor commercial and pipeline pillar for the bioenergetics to activate AMP-activated ing evaluated. company, with Drug Development Divi- protein kinase, increase insulin secretion, At 1,000mg twice daily, imeglimin sion senior executive officer Nobuhiko reverse insulin resistance and preserve showed what the companies said was Tamura saying that imeglimin “will be a pancreatic beta-cell function. The mol- “robust efficacy”, achieving statistical sig- very important addition to our existing ecule might also work to improve diastolic nificance (p<0.0001) in terms of change in diabetes franchise.” dysfunction. glycated hemoglobin A1c versus placebo Kuhn told the call that future potential It was licensed last year to Roivant Sci- at week 24. milestones and sales-based payments ences GmbH globally outside Asia, includ- The placebo-corrected HbA1c mean from SDP could total up to around $257m, ing in the US and Europe. change from baseline was -0.87%, from with escalating royalties in the double- With major licensing deals for imegli- what Arbet-Engels noted was a baseline digit range. min in the bag, Lyon-based Poxel is turn- of 7.93 in the placebo group and 7.99 in As to likely market positioning in Ja- ing more attention to its mid-stage pipe- the imeglimin group. pan, Arbet-Engels said that the Japa- line, which includes several candidates for The trial also reached significance nese development program is being non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. against the main secondary endpoint designed to support multiple options, Published online 11 April 2019 of decrease from baseline in fasting including potential immediate use as plasma glucose (p<0.0001), with a pla- first-line monotherapy (which would From the editors of PharmAsia News.

scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 19 MARKETING IN INDIA

GSK Forms New Commercial Trade Channel Team In India ANJU GHANGURDE [email protected]

arge drug firms are pursuing structured efforts to engage Industry experts noted that that the push towards generic with retail channels in emerging markets in recognition of name prescriptions in India may have also necessitated a greater Ltheir growing influence over actual prescription outcomes. focus on trade channels, though dispensing (and bargaining) GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has put in place a 250- power is already very high with pharmacy chains that are con- plus strong commercial trade channel team to engage with phar- solidated in other countries. macists in India as part of efforts to gear its commercial model to “Also these countries already have well-established INN [inter- deal in a systematized manner with this key partner group. national nonproprietary name] prescribing rules applicable for GSK’s commercial trade channel team is expected to ensure generic drugs. In a fragmented retail market like India, any oppor- that there are no gaps in availability and inventory of core brands tunity to develop better relationships with pharmacies is welcome at the retail level and also improve engagement with pharmacists. and companies would be happy to pursue them,” the expert said, Over 100,000 retailers are expected to be covered as the British adding that this becomes only more applicable with the “possible multinational also aims to limit prescription switches, especially advent of INN prescribing coming up.” for a group of core brands in India. According to some industry estimates, around a quarter of prescription switches occur at the PHARMACISTS CONTROL SCRIPT OUTCOMES trade channel level in markets like India. GSK’s new targeted plans to engage retail channels is also inter- Non-availability of products at the retailer’s end could translate esting in the backdrop of the significant influence and control into sales loss, with a study by the Organization of Pharmaceutical pharmacists tend to have over script outcomes in largely self-pay Producers of India (OPPI) and Ernst & Young some years ago not- markets like India and Brazil. ing that the extent of sales loss could vary from up to 1% in metros “In India, for example, some two-thirds of drugs are sold by a (across product categories) to up to 5% in Tier 2 and rural geog- recommending pharmacist or bought by a self-prescribing pa- raphies and even as high as 20% in the case of small OTX brands. tient with little input from a physician. In Brazil, on the other hand, OTX are mature, late life cycle, acute therapy brands that are essen- pharmacists often prompt switching,” a McKinsey paper, “Unlock- tially prescription-based but have a bulk of non-prescription sales. ing pharma growth - Navigating the intricacies of emerging mar- “The variation in loss of sales across geographies and product kets”, has noted. categories can be attributed to supply chain aspects such as the Among the early steps to kick-start the retail journey, the McK- reach and service levels, working capital constraints, awareness insey paper suggests that by profiling the needs, capabilities and amongst customers and net margins to stakeholders,” the OPPI- economics of target retail segments, pharmaceutical firms can EY study said. identify the value propositions and products that will resonate Besides, with the high rate of self-medication in markets like In- most with their priority customers. “Value-added services such as dia – an IQVIA report highlighted a study in rural Bengaluru that marketing support, logistics, and account management are pow- found that 40% of people self-medicate – trade channels are seen erful tools for developing long-lasting retail relationships,” the as pivotal influencers and hence a key partner for pharma. management consultancy said. IQVIA also notes how ‘hub-chemists’ in India are emerging as key GSK INCREASING INDIA FIELD FORCE influencers of physicians, patients and smaller chemists in driving GSK did not respond to specific queries on the commercial trade purchase decisions in smaller towns and rural areas. Large hub- channel team or its current activities but underscored that India chemists – based in towns and with limited access to stockists – is a very important market for the company where it has a “strong could service 20-25 rural medical practitioners for drug purchases. heritage and ambitious plans” for patient access to its world lead- “Typically, given the size and legacy of the chemist, they be- ing medicines and vaccines. come key influencers and purchase points for smaller chemists, “We are focusing on key brands to drive growth in identified dispensing doctors as well as patients in the town. For some leg- therapy areas where there is significant unmet patient need. We acy brands, hub-chemist driven Rx sales contribute up to 20% of are also increasing our field force by a third, and are committed to value,” IQVIA noted in a 2018 report. India and its patients for the long term,” GSK India told Scrip. GSK’s Indian arm, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Limited, HELPING PHARMACIES BECOME MORE THAN which has been “evolving” its commercial operating model in “MERE PILL DISPENSARIES” India, expects to focus on around 20 key brands in identified But commercial trade channel teams are not uncommon. The in- therapy areas, down from around 70 brands previously. Much of dustry expert quoted previously explained that such commercial the streamlining in India has generally been geared towards ac- trade channel rep teams have generally been used by multination- celerating sustained profitable growth to create “enduring value” al firms in several international markets like the UK, US and Italy, for shareholders. GSK’s CEO Emma Walmsley has previously em- where pharmacies and distributors are consolidated and therefore phasized the need to be more competitive in emerging markets, are large organizations with much higher bargaining power as where returns in some cases have been hit by competition and compared to markets with a more fragmented distribution pattern evolving regulations. such as India, Egypt, and Turkey. Published online 5 April 2019

20 | Scrip | 18 April 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW

Cipla COO On Joining The Revolution In Manufacturing ANJU GHANGURDE [email protected]

harma manufacturing is no longer just about large ca- on raw materials, finished product and packing material and pacities and efficient supplies. It’s all about the “agility, therefore “how much of material can be made available as close Psecurity and assurance” of supplies and operational ex- to the customer as possible.” cellence, says Cipla Ltd.’s new global chief operating officer “Another dimension is all about operational excellence. Can we Dr R Ananthanarayanan. squeeze out waste/non-value-added activity from the system so that they are not a drain on the manufacturing and supply chain continuum?” Ananthanarayanan noted. Providing an example of a product that goes from API to fin- ished dose, he explained how Cipla is looking at “unit operations” all through that chain. “If there are, say for example, 15 unit operations involved, which are the ones that go in sequence or in parallel or which are the ones where you have time gaps between one unit operation to the other that are needed or can be eliminated? Can you look at 5S in the manufacturing shop floor?” he said. The initiatives, Ananthanarayanan said, had helped unlock “huge amounts of waste reduction” and there are products where we have been able to cut down cycle time for conversion by 30%. Cipla COO R Ananthanarayanan “And that means I have 30% excess capacity available and can manufacture more number of batches at the same time. If I can manufacture more number of batches at the same time, agility “Industry has had the luxury in the past of not having too and ability to supply significantly goes up,” said the executive, who much of price pressure and limited number of competitors. took charge as Cipla’s COO in August 2018. We were operating, in a sense, in a pseudo complacent en- The 5S management approach, where 5S essentially denotes vironment and therefore it was easy to use regulation as an ‘sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain’, is said to have excuse rather than trying to do what’s right from the supply been originally implemented by manufacturing firms in Japan. It chain and manufacturing point,” Ananthanarayanan said in an is a systematic method for workplace organization, so that pro- interview with Scrip. cesses run efficiently. But with the operating environment evolving rapidly – increas- ing product complexity, shorter periods of exclusivity, heightened AI, PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS AND competition and growing regulatory demands are all now par for DIGITIZATION EFFORTS the course – pharma, which has lagged several industries in man- Cipla also appears to be laying the building blocks to deploy digi- ufacturing innovation, will need to rethink its approach towards tization and artificial intelligence on the operations side to drive production, the executive indicated. efficiencies, though Ananthanarayanan emphasized that these Ananthanarayanan, a former president and CEO of Teva API and new approaches need to be used for the “right reason and used Biologics, noted that the days where a company like Cipla would, in the right way.” for several products, be “one among two or three competitors” are The much talked about transformation of Bayer’s site in Italy rare and moreover, customers too are far more aware of “what the into a digital plant, he noted, was seemingly driven by an urgent entire supply chain in pharma manufacturing means.” need to create capacity in a very short time without investing ca- “We’ll always be one among a few [competitors] so you need to pex, which therefore became the nucleus for driving the change. have some differentiation. It’s all about supply – agility, security Cipla, he explained, was taking a more measured, broader view, and assurance of supplies. These are dimensions that make a dif- with the aim to ensure that its manufacturing is a “backbone” for ferentiation even if there are multiple players out there,” the ex- creating an agile, flexible, secure and assured supply network. ecutive, who has also held leadership positions in companies like “That is the first fundamental. What we are doing first is to cre- Galpharm International and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., said. ate that capability very strongly. The next dimension is using the data that we have and have generated in manufacturing over the OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE last several years,” he said. Cipla, he said, was prioritizing several initiatives to ensure that its Internally, the company has a data pool and significant data manufacturing keeps pace with the changing environment in the access that it expects to exploit, It will “use the Data Historian [a sector. This includes addressing product turnaround times – cycle software program] first” to assess itself in terms of “where have times, lead times, right level of inventory (balance between right we been performing and do we have predictive indicators based inventory and the ability to respond to the market) and a contin- on our past performance to say that if we were to run a product ued focus on security and assurance of supply including controls TURN TO PAGE 23

scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 21 Pipeline Watch - 5-11 April 2019 Phase II


Change Lead LOA Event Stage Drug Name Indication Comments To LOA Company/Partner (%) (%) Phase IIb SM04690-OA-04; Updated Samumed, LLC SM04690 Knee Osteoarthritis 0 27 Improved Symptoms Results cilofexor (GS- Phase IIb Top- Gilead Sciences, Non-Alcoholic 0976)/�rsocostat (GS- Improved Symptoms 0 25 Line Results Inc. Steatohepatitis 0976) Phase IIa Top- Oryzon Genomics Borderline Personality REIMAGINE; va�demstat 00 Line Results S.A. Disorder Encouraging Results Phase II Madrigal resmetirom (MGL- Non-Alcoholic MGL-3196-05; Clinical Updated Pharmaceuticals, 0 65 3196) Steatohepatitis Responses Results Inc. Phase II Viking Therapeutics, Non-Alcoholic Reduced Liver Fat Updated VK2809 0 27 Inc. Steatohepatitis Content Results Phase II GSN000300; Reduced Updated GenKyoTex S.A. GKT831 Primary Biliary Cholangitis 0 23 Disease Activity Results Phase II Eiger Pegylated Interferon Durable Virologic Updated BioPharmaceuticals, Hepatitis D 0 28 Lambda Responses Results Inc. Phase Ib/II w/cytarabine or Updated Trovagene, Inc. onvansertib Acute Myeloid Leukemia decitabine; Promising 0 10 Results Data Phase I/II Aeglea Updated BioTherapeutics, pegzilarginase Arginase 1 De�ciency 101A; Positive Data 1 26 Results Inc. Phase II Top- Mirum Non-Alcoholic Study 201; Symptoms volixibat 00 Line Results Pharma/Takeda Steatohepatitis Not Improved Phase I/II Top- Frequency SSHL; Encouraging FX-322 Hearing Loss 0 24 PIPELINELine Results WATCHTherapeutics, Inc. Effects On Hearing Phase I/II Trial SymBio/Eagle bendamustine Rapid Diffuse Large B-Cell A 10 minute Injection 00 Initiation Pharmaceuticals Infusion Solution Lymphoma Time Scrip’sPhase I/II weekly Trial Pipeline Watch tabulates the most recently reported NMDA Receptor Otonomy, Inc. gacyclidine (OTO-313) Tinnitus 8 24 late-stageInitiation clinical trial and regulatory developments from the more Antagonist Click here for the entire pipeline with added commentary: thanPhase 10,000 II Trial drugOncolytics candidates Biotech, currently under active research worldwide. AWARE-1; Window Of pelareorep Breast Cancer http://bit.ly/2mx4jY30 14 Initiation Inc. Opportunity Study Chronic In�ammatory Phase II Trial My CIDP Choice; UCB SA rozanolixizumab Demyelinating 17 17 Initiation Placebo Controlled Polyneuropathy Phase II w/Avastin; in US, PharmAbcine tanibirumab Brain Cancer 10 10 Initiation Australia Phase III


Change Event Lead LOA Drug Name Indication Comments To LOA Stage Company/Partner (%) (%) Phase III Aesthetic Surgery Published Evolus, Inc. Jeuveau (prabotulinumtoxinA) Wrinkles 0 100 Journal, April 2019 Results ALESIA; The Lancet Phase III Non-Small Cell Respiratory Published Roche Holding AG Alecensa (alectinib) 0 100 Lung Cancer Medicine, Apr 10, Results 2019 Phase III Alzheimer's APECS; NEJM, 11 Published Merck & Co., Inc. verubecestat 00 Disease April 2019 Results Pulmonary Phase III United esuberaprost Arterial BEAT; Missed -43 0 Suspension Therapeutics Corp. Hypertension Primary Endpoint Phase III Intercept Non-Alcoholic Updated Pharmaceuticals, Ocaliva (obeticholic acid) Steatohepatitis REGENERATE; 0 63 Results Inc. (NASH) Positive Data Phase III Substance Use Updated Indivior plc Sublocade (buprenorphine) sc Durable Responses 0 100 Disorder Results Phase III Symtuza Johnson & HIV/AIDS, Rapid DIAMOND; Positive Updated (darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir 0 100 Johnson/Gilead Initiation Data Results alafenamide) CheckMate-451 Phase III Bristol-Myers Small Cell Lung (Maintenance); Updated Opdivo (nivolumab) 0 100 Squibb Company Cancer Survival Not Results Improved Phase IIIb Initiation In ALPINE (vs. Invega Top-Line Alkermes plc Aristada Initio (aripiprazole lauroxil) Schizophrenia Sustenna); Positive 0 100 Results Exacerbations Data Phase III Poxel/Sumitomo Diabetes Top-Line imeglimin TIMES 1; Achieved 0 22 Dainippon/Roivant Mellitus, Type II Results Primary Endpoint Phase III PROTECT; In Diabetes Trial Provention Bio, Inc. teplizumab (PRV-031) Recent-Onset 60 60 Mellitus, Type I Initiation Patients Approvals

Search Source: Biomedtracker | Informa, 2019

Lead Event Type Drug Name Indication Market Comments 22 | Scrip | 18 AprilCompany/Partner 2019 © Informa UK Ltd 2019 Dovato Approval ViiV Healthcare HIV/AIDS US Once-Daily Single Tablet (dolutegravir/lamivudine) Evenity (romosozumab- Osteoporosis, Women At High-Risk For Approval Amgen/UCB US aqqg) Postmenopausal Fractures Supplemental AstraZeneca/Merck Breast Cancer, HER2- Lynparza (olaparib) EU Germline BRCA-Mutated Approval & Co Negative Approval for Keytruda Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, First-Line Monotherapy In Merck & Co., Inc. US sNDA/sBLA (pembrolizumab) Stage III Certain Patients

Source = Informa plc's Biomedtracker; LOA = Biomedtracker's opinion on likelihood of approval. EXECUTIVE INTERVIEW

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 major blemishes, the firm’s Kurkumbh plant recently did not make of this nature then what is the predictive analysis based on past the compliance cut following a US FDA inspection there in March. performance telling me”. The FDA had conducted a product-specific pre-approval (PAI) “Based on that can I leverage my manufacturing equipment and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) inspection which cov- and unit processes to the right optimum level of efficiency. That’s ered three units at the Kurkumbh plant. The company received the step we are working towards. At some point along that jour- eight GMP observations and 10 observations pertaining to the PAI ney curve, we will certainly bring in dimensions of digitalization for a novel technology product slated for approval beyond 2024. and some AI elements,” Ananthanarayanan said. Ananthanarayanan clarified with reference to the PAI that it was Cipla, he added, was in the early days of that journey but was the first time ever that Cipla had put the new technology for the excited about it. product into the filing. “We will work to move along that path, but the core basis will be “It’s a new technology and Cipla is doing it for the first time. first to eliminate waste, to bring in efficiency, use our past data to Maybe we are among the first generic companies to have filed bring in more predictive analytics, bring in PAT [Process Analytical this technology for a product. Though it is for a potential 2024/25 Technology] tools and then get to the digital part,” he said. launch because it’s a new technology we would want to do it early Cipla is also looking at how to integrate AI, predictive analysis enough because we anticipate that there are learnings in that pro- and some amount of digitization in the manufacturing space. cess and we’ll keep having interactions with the FDA,” he explained. “This is something that we want to experiment with. With the While quite a few of the observations during the PAI were re- kind of work that Google does including elements around Google lated to the specific product and technology and marks a learn- Glass, how do I create augmented reality for training personnel ing for Cipla, the COO said that it was “not something that puts a on complex machines, where they can get to the heart of the ma- question mark on our system or facility”. chine and understand it much better, which can then bring my “It’s just that FDA wants some more details/information on that down time to minimal,” Ananthanarayanan added. technology. And this could form the basis for us to use the tech- nology for many other products because we are far more well un- PLANT COMPLIANCE derstood in terms of applying that technology now,” he said. But alongside operational excellence and incorporating new The general GMP observations are procedural in nature and the technologies, firms also need to align with evolving regulatory company is working to respond to the FDA within the stipulated expectations. And while Cipla’s manufacturing sites – it has over time period, he said, also underscoring that there were no data 40C facilitiesomp -a haveny generally Mov hade a manufacturing record free of integrity concerns. Published online 9 April 2019 APPOINTMENTS Search

Effective Executive To Company New Role From Company Previous Role Date Alder Chief Commercial Vice President, Global Specialty Nadia Dac Biopharmaceuticals AbbVie 8-Apr-19 O�cer Commercial Development Inc Senior Vice Vice President, Head, Medical, Zhonghong Astellas Pharma US President, Head, P�zer In�ammation and Immunology, North 3-Apr-19 Eric Guan Inc Medical Affairs America Michael A. Chief Executive Chimerix Inc Endocyte Inc Chief Executive O�cer 8-Apr-19 Sherman O�cer John Crown Laboratories Chief Commercial Sandoz Head, Consumer Dermatology 8-Apr-19 Petersen Inc O�cer Executive Vice President, Global Simon Chief Executive Kymab Ltd Merck KGaA Strategy, Business Development and 1-May-19 Sturge O�cer Global Operations Gokhan Chief Commercial Executive Director, Global Brand Leader, Polyphor Ltd Merck & Co Ltd 3-Jun-19 Batur O�cer Antibiotics Janssen Chief Scienti�c Scott Plevy Synlogic Research & Vice President, Gastroenterology 9-Apr-19 O�cer Development LLC

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Search scrip.pharmaintelligence.informa.com 18 April 2019 | Scrip | 23 Effective Executive To Company New Role Previous Role Date Andrew Astellas Pharma Senior Vice President, Head, Oncology Vice President, Medical Science, 3-Apr-19 Krivoshik US Inc Therapeutic Area Oncology Steven Astellas Pharma Senior Vice President, Oncology President and Head, Development 3-Apr-19 Benner US Inc Therapeutic Area Head Moberg Pharma Anna Ljung Chief Executive O�cer Chief Financial O�cer 16-May-19 AB Director


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