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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-28-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 04-28-1906 T. Hughes

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unless tn the moment of artels the OontcIL during the ysnrs IIM savd heart rises level with the crlnla. The AMERICA HAS 1SN, will be tha gnosis of honor Tha REMAINS aavy whose will r OF GREATEST nantalns not snrraad-- speaks will he Oavernor Stokes of ARE are anra in 0m long ran to whip Now jrey. Mrs. irrednrktk Nathan, CONDITIONS MUCH the ,y whose rnptnlns will snr-rene- NEW KIND prsslilont of the rtoasnmere' Ieague aalaa the tnaajnalky of skill OF of Ntw York; C ttMrathtn Counsel AMERICAN NAVAL HERO or force h ardtgl3u. The ntrag Osora BKrd of Jersey OHy, whi h navar yields can not take the John Moody, pmstdont of the new BETTER IN DESTROYED pines th posssssi'm of good ship insanity! NOW same nemocrsHc organisation of new; and good weapons sad the ability Jersey; Mrs Philip Carpenter, pwawit-- ' skillfully to nee these ships and these dam of the Now York mane reoc-- ! ENTOMBED WITH POMP weapons, hw its prosants Will often Uon of Womn riubi; Prank H CITY BY atone for mar ar shortcomings, It's Called SpeetMjfrmily, Bomer. sbsritr ot Saerx nounty, and WESTERN SEA and If with it are oOMainnd the otter Mark A. rngan. mayor of Jersey Olty. military qualities, the tartans owner tMnner wflt be served at 7 o'clock, - becomes HtersUjr Amwpolls. Md., April 24. The cMy ) the presldsnt and the other dletUtr inmtMe. And Has Appeared and copies of Aldon Freemsu'c booh. Ban Kraoclsoo, Cal.. April St. pot finance ( AIM With thOOSSOd of visitors utahod enportod by "A Tear kt PVHttlee,'' jaat pablwbed. MHti worn United ALABAMA PED1BRATI0N OF lwlmx the rain whh twit Sunday trests. who have teem attracted by Vir ira 3infers MftilMK and the AOMUny Mnu 5 will bo pro sired to Urn guests as ntgnt and ysurday, whhm fraatly uousl will LASOR NOW IN SSMION. in Court snnvteara of tha i.nvtl efrtncl whleh takef to the Amory helWIr where the tTA-Tk- e occasion intenstfted the misery aad ssjfortngs STATE MILITIA - j. BlrmlngiMm. Am.. AnrU PKJrVIMfl pise- today In with i wtN n hro wnniMt D memorial eneretsw he Mdd. snnusl evetttl'n of the Alabama of the hornet m pcopls of this strien-- NurtmemiW too pkbh. Uh- f th body of Admiral) The Hfoffnun ANOTHER AMIftlOAN olty, .net night was ana of com- of exercise inrlndes State of Labor opans a i San irrnadsnao. Psl.. April SL-- MM Paul (raw temporary reraehm 9IRL JOINS NOBILITY. Im- Jne the tomb) tddrsiiiss by Prethimt Kooseve;:. two days' session Coo USED AS AN WHY parative earn fort and of greatly of Police Diana aatMraw4 IhtamWa-n- g In hf AcjwlPHty ground a room, lHwrter, at the Tradna AKGUMT t?K4atlt A tivtt S.f MMUIa to flaert Iloraee the former U hell thm afternoon. The attend- Ulu proved coaditlons. The Blast was that ths reports of anwtra : aanghtar Mrs, oil bi la Memorial Ml ot Bancroft hall. Usited States nmheosndor to Prunee, ance unttatMlIr mrge srsry of tlsnry ftlegel clear and warm. The cow.attton of twven the police nnd Sntlttg jpnrMV It t on is and dis new DonhMe ha.i intended t Brst to deposit wlrse bfferts broMht shout the trtot tn the state Is well rnnrasented. WK. and count Oario the people hi ennttaatly growtnf bet- men warn greatly enafnamaM, Ql body tn cryt ttw , do Fimntn warn Bromp-- Hie the in basement of the remslM ot A4nHra Many matters of wtU Company Should Insur married at tha ter and ths dbHribjntJan of pMTstoaa wm f Um ar mUrtc i tu now lmsorunas M ta dviarlanlfit of chapel bulMtaff of fh John Im1 Jones. M. Jmsarahd, the asms p tor coactderttUOH, Among l oratory yasterday. Father mntnrd beoondng more systsmatlc sml atr raMBSir aavhBn Iswn tiw Karsi Academy, but the latter ooold. Pretteh ambassador. Otmtmir Vfw-W- l Life Vtmnbaa, brother of tha mb catdhMl. mathodhML While tba heavy rains t U m AlL. ' m.mmw. .,utL them meaahres to ha MibniUetl to t ance on otian aAsJnlmtL mm Mgbor ofm Hut b complete In time. Rather than ot MnrylMwd. and gnerehiry tata lenisUture at the neat saseiniL TiHoal. IsaMan for the time bting. dM much to the MMt.hM iMhnt.MUinty is ponpoai th date of tba mwwBrtti j Ronapart. who wIN pmntot e ambaaatihir to gmglaml, was tha beet misery of inmaHas, msah at the Tli ntMejsu mw and th wlaws-'strik- Killed in the ft aid fnaruen WKh th lanwhtra. cwroniony. Secretary mm ma. Tha wdthmg was one of naprovtag s th of the Mat' mes. Tae rreneh nevsmmuwt In (Ms state will aleo be tkor-- tha towards the sanitary ihrran Otat bafsra etnas , mom aodtM sat-son- . fit i deposit the body tampar-- will be rsnressnUd hr M. Jwessrtuvd. oaghly awwsssd. brtlrhtnt nvants of the thiwuglinnt the mty. var mitltlmnan WnhMsiniaN arMy tn Hsnrroft hall, and to bar R Hear Admiral Qwnnton, Ms TS honeymoon wttl be : w mat atpnt aa stntf ot Hew Orleans, La.. Jakii snat frail dnty as the cRr ntmt. eat!ifirrd wRhont cwmwoay to the nve oMoera. hrailsd hr CRntate Bst-eth- , OOO SHOW AT ST. COUIS si. on the eeatlnant, and after that the antmnane anoe wna rait throognont hav been a eamber He n Speclshate on - af ftaatrasn rpt. wh-- tho tatter will be fitrtnbed.1 ohief of the naval staff of the HAS MANY Insanity Tsrwmhon roeng enMph wtll dlrhfe than- ttme a KNTHItS m ocjoctt greatly m incsaawa. ana as nwfaral iti French Bovernmenf had Ministry CnpUin Mo.. W-- The are between Rome and thetr Auetrlnn a nsldernbie wwrbut no damage ins Prenoh of llnrlne. 8t Lonla, April Mg taw qusaalon "spaed slam, cs.lons the mllltltmed na Brad on r crntaer nqufMlrn to tab pert Ottspratt. aod twwty oflkera the iNnch sLow by Mtastss-ipp- of unahuRf," a estate at Krapskl. wae dooe. a of arranged the l - the police ror disobeytag soon order 1 rs-- - new torsi of haaanlty nllap bo- tn and the MaraetlwUe. t)aptam Huget. late Valley Kotlowlng the unfortunate killing ran-so- Prnch Kennel Club and approved iiwrec to aavo LIBERAL tN issued by a guardsman. For this n hi!'' arrlvnt hstv a day ago. naval Me-d-cii- to former Presi- by the Amerlamu Kaaae) Club, opens bosa e' PARTY of Titdea by some It fw eavaaslrely an-- la deatrabie that tha mllNfa ba Th,. wm.sdrou consisted of the Iter dent lnitwt, seventeen otHeers of today mm Igasonttlon habit of saaamB by ENSLISH HISTORY. vlgllaat, It is aM that sM city petrols sad hrr at bnHdmi. romoniiMKS. withdrawn. nbtp Mars-- ! liaise, and th first claw the Ooade, and Captain LPvre and on Itourtventh and Olive streets. Tae Londtm, April Sd. It was exactly aad all guards will bs disarmed, nnd Admiral Aubc and Ooode. twenty oMcera from The HNtttar flret canto tlkJUe a twvntyahc years yesterday since Mr. the troops, both regulars and militia EXODUS HAS rnilni the Admiral number of entrtea is greater than at jjAgBH U tsamnaf SISUN Attbe. any provteu tloo 'AronsN a suit ymjnnnnnnn r Olsontane want to Windsor nnd will be I not escept POR EASTERN Tho o'liMftrm la under tho command dog show held In thU ItmimnSnmmHghm netmeted to snoot POINTS sought it oJIBSBamujjmmF ffmamSlai r n-- r Admiral Onmpon. Admiral At of city, to eompei nn sJFWI nawaad o form a mMstry. The gen- In case of necessity, Ogdon, the eoaelueton the exetelnns and the quality of dogs shown is paay pay UUe&ttjlt estreats UUh, April It. A. It Moss- t'nnpbn the of hi ataff,. la tho Armory, which wilt be witness- fsr superior to that of any previous to the fttll of the eral station baa rwnhwd Is the re- Tha general conditions of the city ier, central naaaeocor smart at ths when insurance cans of PSn cy bold SO mm tn. officers or French ed V more show. Many tro- in the turn of 349 liberatA. Irish bom are Iniproving rapidly- - Ifundrada of the cruisers than fire thousand laritad valuable prises and ar. who Karriman Unas at this joJsl mU, v-r- i ftmf received ttpou their (.rrlvsl gneats hoMere of phies was killed In aH accident rulers, and 941 tariea. The quean men are at rncrk clearing p the IBJISt and other tMteta hare been offered for thai while speeding his antsatdblle. mala that 1M00 to Kit Vm- - H'Rr Admiral lira (Iron!, of the of ndmlaston, the body of Admiral rent natl it Is expected It will in The ant for Iml Harrington on April SS, streets nnd dynamiting tottering dsen tafinmaa will pa UtrwHisk 0t- - that Ocean Aoatdant c1 ipAav eitc-ces- s. lnsunnaa and bo to Wvhdnr una 1,000 Mmrican eruteer squadron, l Jones will be ranssred from Ha tem- prove a nreat social and aporung - itiM with Lord watlt. The water oomntny dan beforn tho end at the oxMun, A olt-- ratal1 ba pay a large QfAUQ- on the fol- tng f the flagship CdympM, the Clete-- i porary rastlnc plaoo in the toli of the Oranvllla on the morning of the men at work repairing ha broken apaaMl train due at noo phjW lib to Stan-ero- death of M. L. Hanooalt, Who was lowing iaTi lwnver and Do McHttsH, and Academy irouaaa, and earrted to ft day. 1h the afternoon the two water mains, ana many sections of be fad by the relief eomttflUot) &M ry Ucwr AdittJral of retrnMn IMMORTAL DRAMATIST silled in aa automobile aeatdent in returmd and drove off from Padding-to- n the resldenea dtatrtct are abundantly frtjm lar Dvl, the hall .where it wtll until Cat., other trains the aaast are battleship dlviMtHt. oonelstlng or the' the permanent rtMllit piaos in HONORED WORLD OVER. Ln Attgl. sefarhi monttui station o I faxley atreot, whore supallod with wnlar. SaveNl car nrowdaa with hatpins psnpht. ths ago, on rompaas-oanno- t fie ittlrnbip Atab&nwt (flagship), town. crynt Aoademy oospol wHI h IxHidOH, April 36. SbakeaeBanra the ground tlwt Olndstons lived. About S o'clock, linns are ready to aommtnee opera- - SenUtarn tmhl psMangnr of tae pny utolm on moatobUlst, I'aoilc Uaffls UHcois end MeuMAOhuxeut. upon oowuletad. The body wilt be rarrtim fesUvnl week it hoing celebrated at a an that satm day, ahMlstftna, in his turn, tlon lust am wxm as It is s to turn haa Unn damamlitod between 0ak Undine. Uiey were received by Super-- by pHiy offleern , wirorfKmAen in the cratomar) a most of tbetn are tnenomaniaes on went to nee the queen hnti returned in on the power. bind and Ogden by the railroad's pen of the American and qHesttan-- titcKjfi)t Naval Aaad-- ' warships ttte manner nntt wttfi uiihsuai snint. The the of speeding their town n prime minister, Oranvllle, nHlty of osrxylnn rrfugses irse. Un Bands of the end marines of and, thorefore, company pisv an.1 htit staff of offleen. Yter--, two limit wilt form tbe esoort of town is deaorqted wtttt ftaas nud hunt- - lh lender of the party In alia lords, and ESTIMATk OF '::,;DEATHS one seaaml train yestorday time, wan tjav mg ana pictures or tue nreat dramat- Is net responsible. HartwgtoR, leader in the commons, Wfc9t Admiral Oampton and the mem' honor. An adntiral's aatnle will In pott, Wa.h.n8bNTnlm0L,V ATp?i? " U uf hi ataff were escort? to, fired during the transfer of the body. ist, whose birthday u being observed. In its nnswor to sho , which both reconalftmt that the popular what St, was Hied, ounpany ofBchtl rwport nrealty, BURNED ARE UVsttinaioD. where they ware eater- - The o(Seers of the Piwwh aqHad-ra- n are displayed eTeryher. Today there tha anMfhd that was that OMdetaae thOHhl be the head from Oanaral 0ISTRI0TS nill return to Washington, tomor- was tho usual process to ot deorate the man who was killed wnn practic- of the govummoat That govarnfflent as to ths extant of Urn toss of life Ini OLEARLY DEFINED. lnnewo qtisetton 01 speed, fuflown: - . on. tn the Hove Thtty row iHorning, wtll ha anterfeiiuftd the poet's grave with countless ally on tho rewsjnoti in power live yearn and a San Pflmcmao an Mew York. April JI.-- Vice PraeJ- tiw nHe ami It IMblo InvesMgaUoM (Secretary Navy wreaths of flowers. At the Memorial and that should not naif, and Mfranahmed the ansfent-tur- n! "From vary tstroful dent Calrm of the Heutbsrn PnaiHs munirxi last nlht and epent the at lunsheon by of the bJfldiM$ nJffh oiio&rd m In Theater fUtaen of Shahaspeare's for deaths resulting from settona laborers. But Ms Irish parley made by finatain Winn today, so far railroad today denned 1 bannnarteN thetr ships, to tnarte. In the afternoon thnr - plays of a person temporarily kesane. In -" o IntonnaUmt U obtalaabw, the on- oTfean Pmn-tlr- e i .'SOiiiceM for the oeremoMles . attend a omvalry and drill wtll .be jwfiermed durlnft the fnilure. and the hMct ehMtton. as of the bunted dwtrfc todef attlttetr same com gavw pv death list from a mm-m- i from Myer, nd In evening they fsstlvsu mask. Plorsl trtbntei have the aawr tha in lass, wta Ntterou i Praaawco clsco In thp faltopdjf nBBJteh ra- train WaeWnawn. Alton the If It be nebj ln'HMn)t HooMvatt ' he Wi M. JtMkerand, arrived from aH mtrts of the world. that nhobkl handful of a majortry. the iota dtsastar Is reanoed to m ceied at the wnnnV asacti. Tba resMent Hi' m mtasu of should only hah Of Stty. oon- - M. Juseerand, Prr-ne- hasen dor, and several thnuannd visitors, aaonx be for victims. thaw, about burned district la aaBerai. Is Inside of F emuaseador. tkn ant st a dtanar company WINS NOTORIETY r dlffnttMriM, a nnmoer ot given in their bonor Franah them many Americans, are in town Tha aleo holds IN IstutK of unknown, gathered fram tha foltowlsg limits: tortirn at the la the AUTOMOBILE RACE. baan i ni;. si HtAtee aewttora and mentbera amhany. On Thnrsdaj. th oninatt to Rtiettd the ceiehrnum, bilitr nmsonad if various part of thn cjtv, have Dssdnnlnc at the float of the fatty AStrN m-- Ju Mluw Ufcporarlly bnrb- -i 1)aahwston and t 'h Houne of MfwetiU!iT0h wtM he takag) e Mottat Tvtaon, cm tfat Fteya by Shulnenanra are vteal boildmi and ruSulng apath )uat - noon today. Dolphin, wUI In several of ths Ltadmt theaters aad anTlhbi. It Is asMlf; Unchi. fa tha darn davit Una. has saonras." ;etd of tfcp ewth b? w eoraar af here- sheetiy after They retum to their - '. in- - s - StinmiF uu.-- la, Haaw , aaut itJM Sjra'ajIsg'Bft oUgnti evasst lS'niBtnfci IWSlrt aNni Tii.- dhrtlngnlshud gw-at- wore re- any wttt she nttaadaMae auipshnnnly htrnw. has j r W 'wo V.WWW rr aatal Mm on the following and asunton JP'mm NUMBER OP lr.iv at the suiiiin by Admiral probably sail on Saturday. attnad ho aharw the that Jt is w ui w mw av mug irvnm KILLjW Uraanon to Snooad. smjtb to Tow d- - null NATIONAL 00NPKREN0E really a form of uwmfttt)'. whtch Is in in rrenett Qrnnd mm-te- yJBhLNSy,,,R,51 . wast to the corner of MaJtik and other urate m of the Naral Among those who have come here crab's rrtx Sl.--T- he ttail OF MUNICIPAL LKASUIC volopsd autonKM:ist( Sun n,TMHOIl, v!-my, and esoorted to the omottu to attead the exercises In honor of in sddlatH to Two of the can will be pitoted mthwimt on OMmm snpertntendent, Atlsntlc City, K. J., April 3a. the speeding. by Lancia and Nnaurro. Dr. Well to Hsmson. south to Twentieth, west uitue of the where A4lrai Jones represaatatlm of nnnal conference S0"""?' JLiLIS"1 fthey enterWltKnt at an tnforMsf amsy patriot lo from all of the National sobott. who will be at the wheel of wr aaalatloas Municipal Laagtm. which opened OF TO i iiMshron Shortly efore 1 o'etoeh. parts of the country here TEST PISTOLS the third, is the new dare devil. Ha wul 5w mwt Jnckaoa nam of yasteraay, promises to be the moat In SE MADE BY THE ARMY, is one of the dt rectos f tha Fiat naval Cfitir found, to Bay. resso It ea-- tarastlng and important whleh that Washington. D. 0., April 2 i. There company, nnd was a witness af the h. tCshorT'to th. ZLlTZ organisation ever held. Secretary hwt Vaaderbilt rasa. Tha net number of dead will never be naosmo, Usnce along Mnnt street to will be a teat of revolvers aaL.pbXol doctor has reported van-- Charlas J. Bonaparte wtll preside. at national armory in Spriniifleld invariably tahoa part in the Mont BBWWsl. Coroner Wwiah tho point of bejriunlng. PRESnHlNT'S SPEECH the that hHt deputies had eared for wnanever his duties in oannseslen Ir Septombar. The oidsf of ordnaneo Conis hill ollmb. fit nun of those sou- - terdnr with the Jones Memorial eserelses testa dashes' by wKh MS bodies tab from the rains, but Partial List af Dead. of the amy is aajttu arritnaamenta be Oedrtae one thbj Inolwde thane In Annapolis ami bis other official thM MHMnetMWH, Is ox nweei over tH ad of a ollff, winning number daw not Charles Aadurmia. Fannie Banett, STIRS EVERY HEART for and he by palloe Bad naval mil- ittHtna will ptffmtt him to do so. peotsd thoro wilt bo some interastsnB the eHmb. buried the Bank. r. O. jfuraa. Anna Sutler. Antang the prominent pahrn wlto only condHleu itia. Atraman, P. leatuio. Pat Bradlnlt. derekfHHflU!. The Ini BnnaisBL fJewtjn wtM address tlut eonfereneo, will be upon competitors be CHURCH CLU88 HOLD Prask Bawea, 0. V i n behalf Am erica tteopt, pot! the that FERRY BVILDlNflTlO BE Prank K. Hardwali. Lysn. Hnnry of the h than ma liatorfas thefttsainw, but tits asoriM w cuthrle, who was they shall two aervica ammunition. ANNUAL MSETINO TODAY. BnL flisn to tnonit our anwant any. me amy aarnais to wmm tuts matsa oan elected mayor IMltsburK; Mayor Itoehestar. N. V., April RESTORED IMMEDIATELY. Urammh, Oaarso Brawn, Hobt. Hvad- - of tnlHdinjr tlio aartridae deigned by z Mam Krunoh nation, that prond nod . le given are those w4tere, weaver Mayer from Hpisoopsi ohursm snn Anrii too eriek, Wm. OsrrWt, J. K Orapar. aatlnat of rattadelpuls: Dim the ordaanee dopartment. The teat clubs w ra- - Kaliiint natkm, to wttose hftln we onoel heavy odda, men nave stoott to jtf mlek or Soranion, Pa.; Mayor Cutler throughout the aountry are assem- coodamned fariy buIWing wll be Loina Orowdar, jTjl. Oan way, mm. will lie oonduettHt by board of army uilt it was aeaaji - r bled moved aod Immediately. The Maocurran. Spatly fjnrtM owea sunt jonn rata jonec in nonaieiHi batu. It Is Wall Of Hoaneetor. N. .: Thomaa Itae- ofileers, to meet on 8spVomber IS, nt here to attend tha fourteenth aad ohiW. ; win for atari (tax avery - tower was dawssad by 'he earthquake MjRtti Dabicchl. ahl. the Stars and for Amertean olfioer to ramem- burn Wnthe, nouns uf the OomniHtao Hprlngftakl. TJie com posit Ion national onnferonan of Ohnroh Olnbs fsaimsao Delnrchl. Hi.' denMIl of the pnncipniiy ib lower svwice, MftfM H. wrtory that baa fltven lilm bor thai while r. surrender may or or seventy. inttMdolnhla: X. IS. will designated by of the United hHntos, whleh opened ia utrsa xrs. I7httraar, P. Imlarn w--k board bo the ohtaf . ay is mo, autl to whose oourtesy we mnt not on naiensiMS, me tnstf wno ChaaseborouMli, searotary of Onb here this morning at St. Paul's son win nsvs to an strengtRenea alalia, Mary Domvsr, Lsslg itmjnr, the af staff soma Urns before th date of rods and timbers before tba actual Pwy, JeswshlWv now it that body of the long resuses - church. KnftJm Mu Pennor , uf the to surrender need nevw vaston Otty Olub: 2Tnry tsintook. moeUAK. and aertaln rub- for tha The cOHfsreos was opened ) sag Tha ti. lias been aeflt hither, and mahe a defease. The o not must praaaweni of OamnwawaaMh with a coiabraifcM of the Italy Com- work of ratmml be dona lasher, acta, Oeorg Otaan, Mas. the of oBmpethinn roa-oret- ( vara meat th will be new tower wttl ba Ony, Km-ti- e, t1 t oonimsHursta the reception of always be explained: the other needs Club, San "raneuwo; MUett It. Pen-- munion. The Right Rev. Wluhun D. af reiaforoed Oraas, C. Mr Ida Haamtlp, - fermuhMea at that tmo. Tnaro win . ., tiit- illustrious dead a squadron of no exntaiMtioh. Moreover, he who dmson, leader of reform foraes Walker, hiebop of waatarn Now York, V, BXnUa: Mattry lfMavMB uts tie several now weapons itwaatad, tuTMSSBoQAa. Jpnl' Jparmrfip sNffsf i. warships Af-- SpBBy-- sWmPnWeu l''tic has come to our would win glory asd honor for the In Oineimiael. O.; and Prof, u S. types doiiverad an Mdress of welcnpje. r Tt) BB and already a numbar f IWk CHINATOWN IS Xam-no- n, nstttou and tor bitasctr, wttat too Howe University Ps&nayl the service tho ion nlag. Jatonon nasi ahIM, Waltar not of tho of ordtMweo "(fored businsss sou Jbis-iaw- M. !li navy an-- Ut of have been tor brnan, REBUILT MILSS AWAV. Ksdtdph Kroneer. innais of the French closely count odds: If be does, waswilnation. A wwflsntna nan Praaldent Seorge c. San Prsacbmo, Cal.. April All v. saalltNt II. lender, Kraoi, H Lm4, Atftad Lou-dal-e. iih the name of brave andihs wUI never see sneti a day as Hoger axprl-mant- s Thomas of PMtsdsdpila, whfely mit that Clinton Woonrnff of phttoi. with which type wsao of the Chlnesd the city are being y, i.ui.- - Ithv is L LssjhjL ansrlao aWasra, Maro-ne- tV:inen, eah of counted 'when CnsMne aan the Aiberrmrlc. detpms. etwomry of the Inaana, in his known as a philanthropist and tras-nr- r have bean In our - gathered in and pinetd near Fort im ii ,n & enndnct4 Mrs. MajQesn. Oswnattun and Mab- - mistress when the honor in hit ngnt with the Sempis, report, win deal with the advance army, and which has mot lth h cer- of tho Board- of Missions, deliv- Maaoa. The saw Chinatown will be m tilt, i lag was at stake; and among ship wns so badly - ered his "rt Mscartlur, 'Jones' menlsd that daring the last year tn every import- tain amount of wnsawi a i road, wtll annual address. Several located at. Hunter's Point, in the Meyers. Myertte n.. flBures of these brave men there .his opponent hallod him. on m re- other addresses were delivered, among Muse. John Muthn. sarin, "Use t center aha eaootry. tm probably bo taatai. aithouirb H hi not southern witromitv of the county, on it JB. p. loom th larger shapes of those 'your atrin strwehT' To whhm Jonan port wtll show seat one ny Qeonjre Wharton Popper 0. Nssmaa. J. Lvne. that Jn no preceding sxpooled hhaA there hay been any imc nay soor. tin is sevsrai miiea Ooorge Nieaotas, Blshard Nsssa, child, iik Tourrille. Duquesene and the, ansrer4, "I have not yet begun to year have there so many rlcter saoh dsvslopmssa ta that type of of Phllaoalplila, rum the old Chinnliowa. ImIIIi i Suffntn, who won teaown M nght " The spirit wa tn many AftHr the morning Prank Nana, Pnclo O'Weil, 6'Nill. which Inspired that ror good governmeat and so waapen as would wad to i' adopUon session luncheon Tho. O'TJrtso, Pnoloaane. ?ii admirals Inferior to none of sny answsr upbore the wan wtto gave K cnbatnntsnl tmatovemeats ts meTtraH was servw! In tha camiwh. In ths af VERY FOOLISH ACTION i Stgni Reaa, Mrs. IBlhsabeth Rrcs; ttavy f thrlr day In martial prowess, and the crew who served him through as dnrlng the hwt year. The confer- trauo aosslou tha annual reports of i CAUSES MUCH LOSS, dlp-lui- Joanna Ratohe. Rjasnbolg, woman; In addition to welcoming the e fnry battle, w4U the secretary Han , of the wblefc Snany ence atone with n dinner to the THEATRICAL RMNKFIT FOR and treasurer wilt be; Praacisco, Csl April Prank Rlodan, Sshsmdah, Miistir and olncial repreeentatlves ended In triumph. dsssgatos read and several important commit-- upper vault soaur--t Jsetaase; their It was the an Friday evening THE VRSUVIUS SUFPBRERS. of the Firemen's Sblosis A aad mm; L jlisnsMI. H present, let me also same spirM eom- - will report. Krau'e here which marked the New York, April U Y the bene In the evening thsjsnoo company wns opened strday Henry Bchmaohar, my acknowledge-- 1 S WOMKN WOKKtRS sns dtflcgatas will gueata Oarrollna smpaSn. xitfuss heartiest ntnnders the t'umbertitnd and the Bt of the psoaio who ra made be at a banquet sfternoos By the In rush of air, a Tempernace Sherry, baby; i MMHMONg. t Stanhm. nnnts to ttr former ambassador to Congress, when they met an equally rOHSIOM . --upUon ths Genesee Valley Club Th: blase was started aad all the record hnmalsas by taw reeow of Hiwtng Btolgaroa, Ulilan Shermaa, D. V. Part, dnera! Horaco Iortir, o slniott, though less fortoaute. fata. Harrtahun m Xmrii as htonnt Vesnvtnm ' wtty session will bs held tomorrow tnd other papers were burnd No wlMN,t partleu-- , 'f1i a Brand morning. Sttlllvan, ire chief, dwd fro IsJurias: seakms devotion we Cumberland sank, her flag flying, eeami seeaton of he Woman's ror- - more suits will be opened for two V. ( under one Mwum ot , C'hss Taggart, Los Ansabts; M. , Urly wr It that the body John and her guns drtng with the deehs etoa HliiAiiiMB ISnniti j wwhs tfseatrteal msnsK r of this NEW BNOLAND CATTON Lloan, ahs yeetcrday ; Mary an BUe, t'Kut .i4im hss been brought to our awash, while, wbtru summonad to sur-"lior'- bytarian ehurah will open hero this ehy will be gtva at th MropotitM Van JsjSa MANUFACTURERS MEET. ! Kordtnsnd Seteht. Ward, ronder, Morris roplled. "Mover! I'll anemeon at soMmat sanare Prea as toaignt. CAN LIMES AND STREET Annie Whalea, W'li-- ia My of the Boston, Mass., April . Ths eight Annie Webster. John th(. body was thus bnnight lnk aJongsldc !" and made good his bvtarlsn ahuenli. ft lamina moat in olty LIGHT READY TO BEOIN. pminhsent ncmpani the loth Bng-lan- d Wrtr. Phut Mans - Cam-f-- r annual meotlng of the Now on r tin- rttrtentatlvs ut many tllf words, immediately after the seating every section af hha soantry. wui gtva ananas or thoii plays, n Ban Francisco, Cal.. April St Unknown men. If. m ntties to me, each ask- - borhuut was sunk the Oongrosa was are la anwadance, m nil nearly paw Cotton Mannfactarsrs' Aasocls Within twenty-fou- r hours probably number of dtattngntaheit otors and tt n will open Unknown vomen. it) i'iil t at it should find its Ik( rest s;ackd. and her oomtnnnawr, Llan-iii- aunarM, itaotaomg gnasm hat this aftemeon in f ur street cat llu.-- s will be in utwra--; tho of She natvosaan will prodnos sketcbic - Unknown children, c l shrt Huotlngton haU. Masuaebusetts I tl-- In hU city. But I that twusnt Joe mith, was Wiled. Altar eonferonre During the throe days nwya. swore uf last turn, and thn atrvcus of two estenslve; . nnd n tho beat tute of Tschnowgw. Unknown rmJsmw, plso. of al! others tn which thr drhting until she was helntess, and of the convontloa Che ddagaias will Addresses wll dit ric- - win he lighted by ebx-- vaudeville pernarnium (. volun in- delivered bv Lieutenant Qovcrnor ' Unknown sa, 11 memory or the dead Hero win most neiiig uaabtn to bring her guns tn oa enamntnan by r,e ynratgn Mts-sions- toarad. nm? bastdas that m trk Twain iriulty. AlthongB thht report wry material- - ) In B. Draper, the Hon. James Wll- - Mini) a living force Is bore bear, the 'dip was surrendered; but oatety. wall ba naa : Bn Ther;! a wilt mshs one of his .mctorhWk i nwtnees the death list of Ban ! AfinaixiHs. wher, yeer by year, we when ihnlth's father, old Oonmwdote aanmJl mpJtl 'npVnMnallfr'i jftMaMWtaWWf "'fcflsjlsj' F HmVithnm Ot """" SnS&.SS HtrJLo-- H " mkno,S k t out Sho midshipmen who sre to Smith, who was on duty wttl I n- "S nrii at Wash ba nsasions ts tba marnhtg. FroricT P mTTJm increases' by tsolntmt tip. Did i In the fntare th navy among t Ington. saw by the dlspaiehae from and spaaing, and aa tba oaa-In-g BIRTHDAY OP AVOaPS vT1Lt !fy Amoricai Telephone Talegraph I "W v i.u. i rounders (he dead man stands mn Monroe that the Ootnrran had thaws wtt ba two sessions. CHEAT BAMD OBSERVED. asd usTTof Tde ii KocVa yw" of-- nrs' Mtweover, the future naval hoisted the whHe flag, he said nuletlr. Tomorrow majsus. Mshati Smssr, sac-rew- ry Aprt, AJ. Yas n. who live withiu Mtase wails, "Then Joe's tfarnl." Surely, no father ot rnmeinna. Maw nv iust are in ue nr - .,, foreln of teraay was sBmbispiaiw irthday. It u:. f Taohnatofy.j"". Besldas ik tn . wii mid in the career of the man omild wish to feel a pfeoder certainty York, wfll oaflocr an sddrses. On. nay ramam- - ths WOMKIhNI FOR SAITAXlUM ts sate to tnat v i many j apart OS lOChnlcsl itihlortsl I u i. i we not of his boy's ng two n REMARKABLE COMOITION rtt IflSarssisin life this day cel,..t lhfrvlor than tba old ran teat days of the eonren-tlo- bored la every pert of civilised uiM t . read. OF HEALTH IS SHOWN, i; s subisct for admiration and 'tHnmodore showed he posnssnd. tttneheon will hs served to tba Stobe. ThU etty. ssunally, The work of Cofcmni DwMbW to stUl . ob j Ens PrsmshnMi, Cal., A pill sous, i i , hut an object lesson to when he thus spoke; no of owing ahl ' sod naval evateo tha hlrthaav of th,, Boat SMOOTEBS WlfM RIFLE, reo. tf.A couw enl- - lag. rsavas or amtrtct i. including a News. Now that lb bis lit ho Into tbelr Innermost hearu. ficer hooa to win a torn The bMnl smmhsss te a moss eMnaswe mnnn r rtthan any ftUN Wf0L MEET ; AJff twrttas of Qoieca Oats park, lC.ry omcet In our nsvy should taph. every safari ta nmSa Hbm pj world Hsrrlsburg. April made tiariom Is loohtSsT ft a InSBtUW. It gVhsanthnnnnBVHas The oel Pa, 4. Ksperts by Major Kiton ;.j hosrt th deeds of John W haw met today t do honor to mstfltm ismV LnVab aas Melver. of the United nlfl head that way first bvaanso Pul Inst niaiii with a with the rltie to ifeptSdn n,l the iaabM army, la oharge of the district, .loiifx Kvpry ohVier In our navy th mighty dead Remember that nut m poatdhle, and have sean geymtnl parnnisaainte f aMch a1o Ahont iftol. from nil parta of the I'ntted uoionei imMter nsnl W. R. I.. ! be-- 1 - bowed bat two deaths iinee th tn close .ui,i In every fibre of hi words of admiration are but an wiw era Ivesjhlng." wtll emnimt- for three SUfrt. sre as ttfes guests r the toaoh os ina; th- - Lg?r Mounding tinkling oyabahi hrt eeRhquautt Tha Informatl o tumvu Colonol PaMiar w a kslrr to emulate the, brass and i, aad anil ehm on May 11. with tfarrieburg Bp r'smas's Asawlation. we not, by HIBLLY sVOthW rsports every person within the ami goes stoat Us with vii. rg. tb prafM4lotal tatmcity, the if do jieadr pnmarathM THE nVuvMpsnpaM Ot "A nBPalWsW'f (o part tn tsmr-nima- at task that take the Mf nMMg sheltered either Is s or la bnaaO n, imi miisUi, determlaatlok. and daunt and tr tho oujtlvallon of soul TOWNS OF AflUNHNA. Thmnm.' imrins tha threv which tnkes plans oo that ' uitrsss aad a ths wooden bouaea. Clothing and pro-- 1 conwnnsd soKrn of death which marked mind and body St w reel vet so that w J. H. tVMHUr. at Albn4nemaa,sm. grsaSjsW. natontlon. iii dlfferant idsars af Ninataastb street ttaShy. . . loti ii fellawc. praps rlslona ar nwatifsl. The selnw1tten Jones above all his time of need we shati he red reeeataUve af taw Southwestern Ufa will be produen)- - Among many etperts wno are war navy, every tha no longer pernsH espreosnea to SATTLINf HBLSON A NO riir him try of our like the to emulate their deeds. IM iMaraoa omnpnny, was hi sawn em to take part in ths contmtt are Win-la- charge hMory our nation, twnds mldsMpmsn who paesve through this Tharsday. Ttee coespaay HEW more than stty seats for a HlRRIRA MILL TONMsHT. of ol? that Mr SOhtETHINC IN R. Crosby of O Pllcn. 0) , tha -- - trunk aad twentylve cenu tor' Bnafastoa, Pa. April M. Bnttlteg i a century a guar institution, remecnler, as be looks O'MaHy now reprassnts WAY OP iicriod of a aad is one that SOUVDNIRS. rbftmpkw clay pigeon sbootor of the tmallur baavage any part Nsdaas Anrelio ' i t many - upon Pan'. Jones, eseanM n -- to of the and Herrvcs are to t already have mai- the tomh of John has haea aa.. Otange, N. J., April s The an- world; Adoiph Topperwins t Snn My. maanNe etaPalgJ(pan WoSgSKfcT ifht twenty rounds before tha Tnnedo i. of pride to thrill us as we read that white no courage stone lor a enpnfinalttsny anas ortic dhsaor of ths (irampa wiU tot., the rssrsssnutlve of tba dob this evening ami sport s-- r boarof what done by oar ths tank iialWgfey gap aejs-paa- y. has been of that bp tills evening st ttia nw Wtnolmntor sUnjsmhm; Rifle HOW TO SCN0 RILIIF man from all parto oTtha east are ttghtlns men of the aea, f."tn WrfT comes oaMy throng careful hemh) sf tha Wnmasa Clut of Otanssi who dona tha mom wonderfsl MaottoasjMfh tt: tn thvctlnth and to Pnrrasul aaf arivaaee. ItBWhhT arnwagt tMby win t ng tha feaM Is nhpottng with tde rifle and ewm -, ua mmn u mwan. awts mss samt brll-llai- u nts, nM my. rowasi- afS to he Is Uiwey Thoaa inssaorlea tedlaoa traiatae of the mu, and oaraml at and tta eSnrte toward wrpang wiJRsm H IJOM aad the jSasat ar raroltv; j. btorrsll Of rouer and contrunttans of snsallsat sandilhsn. Bhaum ta vlotorlsa, and aleo. now sad ting ont of the enginas of war, yet insnrnhop wfH be owBned t the sat-- B. Msrrls. TTnaan HawUtw af BaHhstore; SSy shonht hmu . OHlnt Lttaar Bntam bp aMrasaan to . bo thw . Taw Ssmt ht for a tht-n- defento only less 'aeuorabi that none of these things ess avail tsr ( of tha Bast )rtaa City qulats, gam fttwrar and many othurs. P. Fshui, chtstrnuii ot thai ,te of mm. (From Thursday's Daily Citizen,) CATARRH RECORDS BROKEN AT MESILLA PARK IFIC COAST CITY IS A MASS OF SMOULDERING RUINS heat m Field. Siwrts at College Bring Ofit New Territorial THE MOST APPALLING DISASTER IN PEOPLE ARE NOW mm Records. THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN CITIES! JOHN G. MiLLCR WINS MEDAL CITY tO FAR A POM I RLE, TO RIMAJtt IHOOOR REALIZING CONDITIONS BLOWING UP RESIDENCES AT NIGHT. AT LEAtT THOCR WHO HAVE HOMES Special CorroapxmH a city i ligiit dan. TO STOP THE FLAMES ", the without ab Mealllai Park. N. M.. April j Fri- 0W LURK EVERYWHERE. ihoo. CftU April 18. bard lh rollr ct ion of la rit day waa 4ke beat day for flld ttportt ARMY OFFICERS LATE THIS AFTERNOON COM- lying M FRANCISCO, APRIL IT WA Oft upon tboaaeade of alone tie of Vu Nmi Ely On KAMI f&ALfft that tho college ha hag in tho lent AN OAU It PELLED MANY CITIZENS WHO WERE IOLE TO awnui from OoldMet Oate avran to throe or yaara. CIQBB MOOM TODAY TO BLOW UP ALU THE RE r fleeta from th ire today TiMRf Romociy to n four The wither AT IN RELIEF WORK, AT THE POINT OF Pacific YBmip, (Utattn blorka In all, fhia SpaoIRo, waa Ideal In every N OF VAN HUM AVE are ftookluK to Sure to Qivo reaper! and there IB INC ft THE RAST SIOI A NUMBER OF OHOULS WERE SHOT. ONI the ferriee aaa path, ooa talcing tn honaa of many million otiofaotlon. waa a mrge AVE OIVKO AT ONCS. aad eaehualaatlc crowd NUB, BETWEEN SATE AND PACIFIC A It tb mi. miry reeorvatiou km to th alraa and apartment gll MINN MAN FOUND ROBBING THE RUINS OF JEWELRY bona. I, , t wk.i hm. OmIx, proterHi th on tho ami to wRnee the broakinz NUB. DtOTAMCE OF ONE MILE, AS IT WAS HOPES . -- I c- -I 'I, al A aVm- tubarba. The military waa act fled of ihla i tut-A- r l! t of aa many reoorda aa poaaibln i.; J ton, i.l ',lirrli l T m2LMI,. ! CHM,T3C TONIOHT ISSUED AN APPEAL Reahtent ..f hlllatdea la tlM na-tr- il anil barrala of gunpowdar. th tioiil tn II.-h- iI uiiHtklr. Had theio bMi no recorO .ittR.u! T!f . IN'-- "A THE FAIRMONT HOTEL, IS n n imh ta iinu Tft Mtu p r th. city, aeemiagly, ootf rWBaialng axploaiv tn the city, n"im the boya would probably nevn .,Tiu nni weic aaf frum th roaring furnace warn takm from tb Praldio, Fort " w,.hL.i,'!?',AB.l"J "21 , SAN ONCE, THREE MORNINO francico at the MaOmrall, Aloatrat and otaar naarby Im" iImi ii.Mlril. M.MirbM. frtiitieaa, aad crowd of loyal roni BE SERIOUSLY "J61.DAM AO ED, AS IT IS NEARLY . CITy TH EXAMINER ANO A'' 4til the Th.':" poata hun- h(j ca ! In PROOF. ,"'ion. Maadrada of aildlarx and LtK t t lramrtpt or by r the grmad ataad and carriag'M fiHKANICLl. HAVI COMGINKD. ANB WILL ISSUE '.ann.'..." nail) Trial it, n.ounM 1 ilitm and aaoenlatad aa to dred of rolunteen wars aant Into Rise, M!uyau:L would have been much .1! t1appln''l. TOMORROW FROM THE OFF.CB OF THE OAKLAND th r territory waa doom- ta UoociH dlatrlct to warn th pao-pl- a tlY BWrrpfKa aa St.. YmM but thi wee not the caee. Thr CITIES FOR "SLm.?n. iBUi HA- - ftxtoat that Hm rORNIA TRIBUNE ed. Soddviuy, Ummwim a wbbtoor-o- d to flaa. Taaaa itoloally rwnoadad bowd i.f.., . tBNT '",0W great velocity a wave of a amafl frre-- iwwJ hHu up to um of tnu law, waat proud wearer , THE ESTIMATED LOSS OF PROPERTY IN SAN elsrsi and down the km Una of dmand aad Inch may tho of tho crimen AJi&SiVtSIJSbL on way, tradgbig pate-fa- ll tloa of aa wreck building JC FRANCISCO IS MSSAftMOO. IT IS NOW ESTIMATED watoaore nt tkoy barrtod away to bravaly tnolr xaa or an namely, running high )umi, won i'v COHPU8IOH COCKRN- - oJothinH, oooWag over the pavamaaia with laa oxtaat eartbgaaa ahock Barl Oraaam, who hi ' ILLV,Mi'CH THAT BETWggN mo AND 1.8t DEAD BODIES ARE drag atoaotla aad HHWda uaoa tha foro of it. The broke T""? weM Sfovmiona taroach the strvota-Fto- IKtla titer dM r'R togathar. Kvatr record of & feat, three Inch, by i HOW IN THE CITY. THE NUMBER OF DEAD Ih THE Charleatoa, 8. Cs oanhgaaka of Au '"T!J5 ' fho nd of Oraat areoo uw arallaole vagoa waa takati by tho cleartag the bar at 8 feet H hi JC2S-r25."2-TrM- aSMt TAT AT THOUSANDS. gnat, igga, whwh did aearlr aa mueh h.; "5? elm "TIMATED pmeamlBn movad Man MUlKury to esrrr powdor. Jay 'T-I,.t- waatwanl. Btoaoalag followed a cloae w J.'ilT.MByL:! TENTS ARE BEINS ERECTED IN GOLDEN SATE daaMga there aa tala on In Baa A"i ... aiMl wesaaii draggH troakt, oackaJ Ckiiaml VmmRos la wag oad to Orwham; f. Kcaniov brokn wnana in inc. unr wuiw ,. rn pboplk TONIGHT. Mayor FrMto, fH a far waat aa tub momelim tom of Uaakaia, Tlwrth SabwKs. whuia to hi old record 88 on STREETS. THE DEATH LIST MAJY REACH ONE hmm onion Arkaueau aad Mtatourl. It travawd of feet tho dlscu THE OLD MEOHANIOV PAVILION, THE SCENE FrcrrtBtaaa.!) cTerytaiag. Wagstta could j att eftteara am u kill, wttiunit warn-M- R throw, making the new 7 THOUSAND. vaatwaN Wf a Mlataao of 888 mllaa rocoi.i OF MANY POLITICAL AND SPORTING EVENTS, WAS Im axaopt Hr Utalr lug, all ttwIoMetora. 7 laehea; MM A PUR- - Wrl, mlg Wa mn hare and foR aa Maine fet Heddlag jtu: the AT NOON TODAY CHINATOWN WAS driver x mlag. j twan carry tfc oC wa Jar aorth a DESTROYED LATE THIS AFTERNOON. THIS HAD rbltaat naadad to oat pfeM aad aa far eouth a Ptorlda. ahot 88 feet, tn NAOK. BEEN USED AS A TEMPORARY HOSPITAL. THE Eat iter la ae paale. Taa pnepJo i roacua taoy bavo boon aroma Into oatri LreaMag that 8 laebea. b. VAN AVENUE, ro emMi, Taoy aoaaa ow Ia nteuralac otMe for earth SHOULD THE FIRE OROSS NE PATIENTS IT CONTAINED WERE ALL REMOVED TO iunao. to aonrieo. la calv n fow inataaeaa waa quakaa, many The work rrdby the collage ath CONTINUE TOWARD THE WEST, ran Una tb oitoat of the aaraaaary to raaort otwkod thera ar raaaoaa. but let year waa AND THE VIND PLACES OF SAFETY THIS AFTERNOON. it to too tha main oa m voloaal aetloa. tht very good In a WILL BE Tkoy bear that too olty M deatrored, rovolvor an aword, alter whloh general way. w probably r THE OBSTRUCTION OF SAN FRAN0I800 THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WENT TO OAKLAND wrawii Among Hratrabl earttMuah of aad hnu inaowr aa bacteaM u eesoentd; there wu no katilUaay. than that of met year, notwfehniand-la- g PRACTICALLY COMPLETE. BE-IN- th wraaaat lima may TODAY TO PLACES OF SAFETY, THE NUMBER thoy Ku"k Ui moat aat-an- il PraoWla bo aotd that BULK OF THE HOMELESS ARE SEEKING tell other la Tin roaamtloa. tka vaat UfttMa, 1T78, th fast that moat all were en- THE ESTIMATED AT 60,000. tnafi that Umm ratHegoea war illMriot of ttHMaroda of at la wkih daatrayerf IN SUBURBS. Xlaaiaotid Uvea tered for the all around meoeJ, of SAFETY THE doatrayod by Ja Rawaa. hot there la aoroa, Ooloatl Qaf Park And tao HM9 and left tho oHr a haao by of rain; Cambria, la 1788; Oaraoaa, farad Mr. Oscar Bnow, a gradu- ao Ryaaoria. ao ooiery. ao nrrttotafa kHk. raaoaibio oao vaat m ate of l. Tbla MMdal waa won by Oi-Jtl- Agfa Mtaor, lagss OharMwum, t Mayor ao4 a of Polleo oloni Improviaod mi; ORGAN-f- c FOUR SHOCKS DO NO Ichmlu froaa. lMita aad 1888: Maalla, 1888; Japaa, John Oeorge Miller, who aerurod ?s MAYOR SCHMITZ Diaaon bow foroad from alaoa oorarlaga tiavo boon erooted atary-t-o ltti; point 16d H.mi hv Metthm, 1881; Ouatamala, 1B08, ML oat of a poaoible ioi. DAMAGE TO LOS ANGELES ntaoa by too oamablng flawaa. wttora, flro ajaoaa kellt la th atroata. dtag and Bart Oraham foUowlna wuu IZES FINANCE COMMITTEE Dayltght fomtd thorn diroetlog the bade mattreaaae down all Pw. 1808, whoa over 4000 lives and thrown by IS point for aeoaad place. whti. $ coaj-raltt- d war eartbouaa aad voloanie mualolppU ' oaaelL whieh la a ovor th i eettoa. Th people thaa !ot Mata aecured third place, with liv, TO THE EVENING CITIZEN. S. L. BEAN. SUPERINTENDENT OF MAOHINBRY xtfaty. ftroot the FWraaMt ar phHoeopMoal. aotlon. SPECIAL of - point FRANCISCO, APRLI ItWTHE COMMITTEE ON THE SANTA FE COAST LINES WHO IS STOP-PI- Hotel. t beaatlfttl tractera that Thar la oaly one danger, and that Tho graalaat earthnuake ever auf- SAN i fared hy United Btataa aa to In tralatng for the oil ground nrk SAFETY, CONSISTINO OF FIFTY PROMINENT IN THE CITY, THIS AFTERNOON RECEIVED A atood on th tog of Nob HIM. Rat that ta that the f od aopply wilt run abort. the taia man n ON oa waa at Ohorleatoa, a. O., oa An- - a muet mtnaaarliy neglect MAYOR SCHMITZ THIS DISPATCH FROM THE SANTA FE COAST LINES OF- caught nr . and tby rotrwated to tba Bvery grocery in Sm FYanelaoo ha om extoat h OIWENS, MET WITH 81. --eight the oveat that w.vU AT LOS ANBELES, SAYINB: Caablag, at iJMrkla aad Batter atroata, been taken by the aothorttlea aad 188. wba avaty In, aymaathiaura MQRNIN AND ORGANIZED A FINANCE COMMIS- FICERS bulldlnga were w peo-p-w aad hi must thou to i h north end police etatloa each family la being aold oaly oaa rooked aad 88 way SION. THE LAST OF FOUR SHOCKS RCCEIVED HERE Tho with him ia a general In htlle. daamc amounted to n SINCE YESTERDAY MORNINO, OCCURRED AT ?'M Ir Baoraaionto atraot. Hon thoy articie at a tine. anay place th For that reeeon the record brokt-- OLAUS SPRBOKLES CAVE 10,090; RUDOLPH ooaaafl, compogod of the rtnaaelal pjllco aad artillery prohibit Hfittjm, Vat a Htll ma tha th CORDON O'CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON. VIBRATIONS WLRE or of tho Baa FitUMtaee hall. were fw, but tb Beat two wtw. SPREQKLSS.S10.S00; HARRY TEVI8,S1,e00; laajara of tba lty, met thle morn- chargtag. ettr wilt be devoted to tralatng for ap BLANDIN8, $10,000; ELEANOR MARTIN, $1000; J. L. MILD AND DID LITTLE DAMAGE, THOUGH CAUSING ing, nttd to raaort to tba moat Oenoral Fnnaton thM wtttb waa daatroyaU WMnaguay llded snnnncd noniMigatiakfelAii dial work, aad eada, man on tbo track FLOOD, 88,000, WITH PROMISES OF MORE. GREAT ANXIETY." aentla xtoantiree yat aadartakau atntw , momlag t hat ratlona woaid aoeg taaai will b oapecied to train only MR. BEAN SAYS THAT GENERAL MANAGER A. G. path de-- ! ctty paoal MAYOR SCHMITZ ANNOUNCED THAT THE that etty has boon In tba of reach the aad thro tho A DANQBROUS MISTAKE. la th event that he excel in. "WATER COMPANY PROMISED A SUPPLY OF WELLS AND GENERAL MANAGER I. L. HIBBARD, OF agtatlM. Tbla doclalOR waa to boat- - will b avpltad from taa preeldto. It ia very protmbte that on May 4 GONE TO - JWATER THIS AFTERNOON IN THE WESTERN ADD- THE SANTA FE COAST LINES, HAVE Albuquerquo Methtra Should Not Nag- tha territory will be well ITION, AND IN THE'MIBSION BY TOMORROW. POINT RICHMOND, BUT NOTHING HAS BEEN HEARD teat Kidney weaxneat in eg, ror oi that date the Inter - COMMITTEES WERE APPOINTED TO TAKE FROM THfJM BY HIM. Children. gfata traek meet will be held here nr BOUNDARY OF THE FIRE LIMITS. the ooUege. aad there will probably OHARQE OF THE RELIEF OF THE DESTITUTE, AND )ESCRIPTION M children nave Irktneya. 19 POSTAL TELEORAPH A OF THE weak be men entered from Albuquerque ALREADY )SEN BEGUN WITH SOME OHICACO, APRIL THE bad-otthi- s. WORK HAS Th earllaat waralag u 'VHjeity; So-eor- ro COMPANY, S O'CLOCK P. Mm RECEIVED THE alto the DuRaae and the AT Later some hawk aaa. head neb. mboo) of Mma. For thlatnoet FOR FOLLOWING MBGSAGE FROM OAKLAND, OAL.I lag GOLDEN OATE PARK IS THE MAIN REFUGE an . n. IB mimjvud bvuhi um i to MARSHAL OF SAN FRAN0IS0O "Fie umv, THE HOMELESS, AND SUPPLIES WILL SOON BE "THE FIRE CHIEF SAN a mlatafce to aeaiact Otaaa I rou otjar a oup. Oo-- ill and TWO-THIRD- S CITY FRANC CO SENT THERE. ADVISES THAT MORE THAN OF THE OF ble. wht It. io To Maate for tta owa BOATS ARE BEINQ PROVIDED TO TAKE PEOPLE AREA OF THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO HAS BEEN the child dla l'lN4HWgfMf Weaag tfejr yi9 ratii jm OF tree. AOWOS6 THE BAY, AND THOUSANDS ARE AVAIL-IN- C DESTROYED, AND THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY Oae hundred yard daah, won to cure the 4 .. ..-- , SAVING THE BALANCE OF THE CITY. THE FOL- la on a poaln-- 1 Chronicle ktdat. joaa Oeorge Miller; time Id THEMSELVES OF THE PRIVILEGE. Baa Jfaineleoo btltlt rooted a aMdcra Gave8k the child from deadly kidney CALIFORNIA, BERKE-LE- LOWING IS THE DISTRICT NORTH OF MARKET aala, water of th Paoifie ocean fireproof bntldrag. Mao than that oara. THE UNIVERSITY OF AT tho lllat Twelve-pcua- DEVASTATED: bay of Ban Praneieoo waah Ka have bona NMay eight, ton, aad d gaot, won by lUxl VOLUNTEERED TO TAKE CARE OF TWO STREET NOW aad th twaive Kidney alok kid- - even mgnteoo-ator- y owwaga. rioan'a Pill cut ding; 4 feet ISaMehe- - THOUSAND REFUGEES. "SANSON E TO MARKET STREET, TO SACRA- aeya. Wkk at. of 4? aauar mllea. the ORy Hall Ofilef Ruaalng blgb Jump, K. Crahuin. j HIS COMMITTEE MENTO. TO BUCHANAN, THBNOE TO CALIFORNIA, ire Bultdtaf. .1. A. MAYOR SCHMITZ APPOINTED - Bklancr. denier in ttaate aad feet. 1 COUCH, Ha ef Ok- dty la largely hilly. Along Tho city hall at Baa Franelaoo, laehea. TO HYDE, TO EDDY, TO LARKIN. TO AND -- fancy arooarleH. OF FIFTY CITIZENS AS SPECIAL OFFICERS, ALSO tho ahjor of the bay, where th whteh waa daatroyod by tho earth- ait Weal Railroad Two hundred aad twenty-yar- d SOUTH SIDE OF MARKET avenue, "Borne ago i WITH FULL POWER TO REPRESENT HIM AND AU- TO MARKBT. ON THE nierolal u t'ltot of ib city (a located, quake, waa tho moat ooaapleuoui aa: time ther daah. won by Miller; time 24 13 THORITY TO ISSUE REQUISITIONS FOR MEN, SUP- THE FIRE EXTENDS ALONG MARKBT STREET TO country la level, but farther inlaw luilldlng la h city. It waa rnmu to my notlcn raae of a child the boa. control, over kidney eeoro- - PLIES, VEHICLES AND BOATS FOR USE. FOURTEENTH AMD BELOW THE SOUTHERN PA .n the rthmenee dlatrtct. the ground by a dome of 312 feet In the Dlacua, woa by P. Kierocy .tla tiimn a limit. (I The parent pro- - T UNLESS SUPPLIES ARE RUSHED HERE ANO CIFIC TRACKS TO THE BOUNDARY." ia elm all a, pre41ng a plctureague height. Tho coat waa between taore, 97 feet laehea. eurM for It Dona' Kidney Pill at a twaty-yar- i - MADE FOR THEIR aspeaniitro from tha harbor. and 17.00,009. Two hundred aad bur- SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT drug torv, the treatment, accord - tho moat faahloaable More twemv-fl- a waa and UU. wo by Miller; Umis 30 sec- PROPER DISTRIBUTION, TROUBLE I FEARED IN A "Nob HUT ia than ware ing children, waa oaarttM the patetan noma in tta It waa to direction! for oad. FEW DAYS. ONLY A SMALL There conaaaiod coaetructlon. conimrncnl, la addition to the limit- FOOD EVEN MEN OF WEALTH CANNOT OBTAIN SECTION TO SAVE Aroun' them the iaabtoaahlo home bnlldtnga la tha city. Ita walla were ed control there wa caaalderabN ler; oleUoce, U feet i inch. back ache, llcatleaa fully twaty-yart- AT ANY PRICE. WITH ALL THEIR MONEY. of ih . ity hare beaa built of brick, ooverod with ctoment. Archl- - the comt One baadred and t bur proving In way tha kidney w- O ENSEALS PUNSTON AND SUMNER, IN COM Tbe KNMtMt elevation within the iratarjiy, It wiu compoette. Wltnln that itno dlo. woa by C. All; timo lt i 5 - IS OF POS- were or over-eaclte- d. MAND OF THE FEDERAL TROOPS, ARE RENDERINGS NEW YORK, APRIL OFFICIALS THE city ar Nob Mill." 88 feat above tba the dome native marble waa need in cither wcaknetl ond. IN CITY, AT SlSS -- Tho treatment if l)oan Kldavy 1111 Twelve-poun- d 8 ft BAT SERVICE, TAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY THW h level ; raeiao jaauana, v . .htborate doeorat vo vcheme. All hammer, won in Vl EVENING, RBCEIVEO THE FOLLOWING MES- foot, WaiOn mm o trngthened tb- - kidney that the Heddlag; diataaoe. 180 feut. I RBFUOBE3, WHO OO TO THE PRESIDIO, ARB THIS ami "Twin Peek. aJmlalatntlva AaneftiBMl of the annoyance U MR. STORBR, SUPERINTENDENT OF MahgroaNd M taa jUramlty CRy civil ceaaed." laehea. TAKEN CARE OF, BUT A NUMBER HEATER SAGE FROM up in t'i aovMaat aad vral BO REINS 3 For aalt by all Prloe forty-yar- d SERVICE IN SAN FRANOI8CO: of the tboroaghfara, m feoL kgod Hi th baHdhuc. dealer. Four buadred aad run. THEIR Ftoeter-Mlllxir- THAN OAN BE ACCOMMODATED ARE COINS ia4tt lt9t9 eaau. B no.. Eangalo. M. aft n Raatelmed Bay. A Bother of duWIc build wop hy Miller; Mate i conl THERE. "THE FIRE IS STILL GOING ON AND WILL PROB- frm th lane V aolo ageata the Btataa. Pan ia eM ofMa nrnaeweo, H tB j0atlce. In U for United Pole vault, woa by K. Billot hoiubt EXCEPT FOR AN OCCASIONAL ACCIDENT, ABLY CONSUME THE WHOLE CITY, EXCEPT nay. aj, Rmmbor tha nam Doaa'a aad feet laches. GOLD- waa migiaiea irarn ut moelara AIHj criminal courts THOSE STRELTS SITUATED BETWEEN THE take no other. R7 eighty-yar- THERE HAS BEEN NO ADDITIONAL LOSS OF LIFE driven t H roex tnrotaja maaw aAli th police datnKmem. it la cow naaored mm run. EN OATE PARK AND WEBSTER STREET, IN WHIOH by 8, time, a REPORTED SINCE YESTERDAY. ground, , la iiata; irmut. WATER, mmm RttWHN m atructed of briek aad atone aad PEOPLE HAVE NOW HAD TIME TO LEAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD THERE IS AND WHERE galot atntgwag f tae ettegatamm a-- ivrmofiatod hy a lofty otoek tower BURNINC OISTfliOTS, THOUGH MOST OF THEM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CAN WORK WITH SOME Ta Simon dander, hla heir, admin Siateea-iHHu- m ahot. won bv Bri K CHANCE OF SU0CES8." to bWWWW dtag; dfatane, 88 feet, 6 incb- - LOST ALL THEIR BRJLONatNSS, th ife. aw-- A regeatly aMtatod halMlag la latralora aad aaalgna: 'Marki atiaat, aa of the atR ,t,. mia. T.. u. ttuJri . Yon are hereby otUid that I have oathfaraa, 00988. It la of maarlve conatnwtbw igaar aaa imaroeoHnata FIRE STILL RABINS, SUB-TREASU- saaad AID THE RY llfl. upog the Agug lod, attuataa la th OPPEttS OP ;w rRrw ajtalMg eoaaty D. 19 DE- dlit. STILL COMING IN WASHINGTON. O, APRIL THE WAR HAS BEEN DESTROYED of Saata.?raF. TatrRctr of 5fow Mx-- PARTMENT HAS REOEIVED THE FOLLOWlNfl TELE-ORA- u2S Ibt taSdlat Th? leo, for th year oa aaaaraa FROM GENERAL FUNSTONl fat il.ww gaawir ay TO A liSfi wTie mar than 888 la tWIara (iiecag), a EVERYBODY WANTS ASSIST 18 TO MRS Uflt, NIW YORK. APRIL ACCORDING PMAN-OI80- . "FIRE IS STILL PRQQRE6SIN0. rtZLTZETJZST bnUt NBfet vOorM aaHthrUHl oerUieato filed June tha, 1884. la THE SUFFERERS IN SAN SACK TO THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COM .JX of ft T, atraHgara 8triag th etty re obliged th oe of the IbMercer of atid RELIEF FUND WILL BE PANY, THE Y HAS BEEN DESTROYED. v 53ad oaaty. mr year ige oae TO RED CROSS SPREADING OVER NOB HIW- - 7,7, o paaa tbfwuflt taw - aad th SENT THE IS NOT CONNECTED WITH Street. Prevail. tnm- haadrad oeUar (fieoM), aa will ao THE WM? . Tere ar Vaarir flRy haaokala, THE UNITED STATES MINT, WHIOH IS STILL LEFT Ban Kraaiaoa-- airaota nr. wTiiM,bHr aad orlvaia. it baa boa tba near hv oertMoat AmnI Jalr lata. NEW YORK, APRIL 18, FIRE HAS SPREAD OVER raw 1881. of A a roporta com STANDING. . goept roc toonwo in ""TV' ctty fear la th o1e of th Reordnr the continue to in TO A .f laoaet of the tlm the r THE OR EST OF NOB HILL, ACCORDING area trow, w w o siualeipallUaa a wall aeaJppad to aald county, in order to hold the aahl from the itrieketi and davaatattd RECEIVED HERE BY THE WESTERN UHWN 'rEw r WaU arnatae under provlaloaa of Beetioa otty of th leek of food and aupptle. ,Ii MMtR j TELEGRAPH COMPANY LATE THIS AFTERNOON. NO SHOCK TONIGHT "1.1. atfeet, Leadlna Hetala. 8884. Revised Statute of the VaRed the people of Albuquerque reupoada IT WAS DATED O'CLOCK, BAN FRANCISCO TIME. jtrnt State, being amount rooulrod to bold beat thay can. till etty. - - FLAMES) WERE TRAVELING IN A NORTHERLY AT LOS ANGELES It dlrw im the ar th, Palaoe and tho Occidental. the eame for the year ending Deeoat- At yeateroay'H mating of the worn AND DENSE SMOKE ENVELOPES THE .ffiSSL iff-tTt Tb 'rwcla, a modern lttory 81t, 1804, aad December 8lt, aa'a club, $80 waa voted to i aent SLTlf y I reapaetively. OUOe to Croaa aocloty In CITY. bulUHag of atal and atoa. locatod t0R, at the Red ... ,m SPECIAL TO THE EVENING CITIZEN. btockK might have Mteeton atreet, ;7 And If within ninety day after tni Baa Fraaelaco, for the nllef f the highway, doatirthe LO ANGELES. OAU APRIL 1 (BUS P. MO otbar.hW ar. the Co- - notice by publication you fall or refua eertheiwke attflaeeM. longtii' nag gro- - rJ2ZSSEm your proportion of aueb m TWO-THIRD- THS POSTAL TATE THAT THERE HA BEEN NO !lumhla. California, Aloaaar and the to contribute in aofliiun to xne onum aamnr S er, your OF HOCK FROM EARTHQUAKE IN THl OITY THIS Oraad opra Th. OrpUeumand expenditure aa Internet ano already men aaa cnronic.HdL atreetH ip to traveli hou.. In aald najm win neeomt. tac prop QTY DESTROYED EVENINGS THEREFORE. NO DAMAGE WHATBVBR. giaahgr-- are dedicated to vaudeville. Buuninga ero u u . erty of under aald Bee tram w j aaaaa m mnA the ubcrlbr for of aaltauce are pouring in. mo (THE LOCAL OFFICE BEND THE FOLLOWING m . . -- ran-- " omuiku'i Kaci .t notour i uuawwva...KA , w,-- .n- ion :324. little chthlreo of Neator Montoy. I - Mirniu.-- T FECIAL TO THE SVENINC CITIXEN. TO THE CITIZEN "OUR HOME OFFICE HERE HA popiii.i ellofaaaiieen taat taa rreaw " W1U.IAM U)K1NCK of L Bandera Americano it u CAL., APRIL 18 FOUR MEN WORKING WITH LO ANGELES. AT THIS . i. IdiMn, mAmttma In thA Me. MV OHIO. Prut publication April II, 1808. underatood, ootributed 83 ot BAN FRANCISCO. AT 8:8 , are well have AND THE MEN AT THE LO ANGELES END nr rnntem tkan Ban Franclaatri club mooey" rellt-- O'CLOCK THIS AFTERNOON THE ACTING FIRE HOUR. ibk.. aaa a meav toelr "pin toward tho CLAIM TKY HAVE FELT NO SHOCK THIS EVEN atom' Flgur gathord iBihooaad. Th Bohmalaa of the auBarer. CHIEF SAID: , hniMtaiia literary paonie ING.) 1800 a aaaai tniu ticrehln of art ata and Many dIKerent Mgea In tb city TWO-THIRD- S OF THE CITY HAS BEEN OB - of To Wilbur Dunlavy. hU beirx admla and Ifll atone and brick build- Th wealthy cltlaena are membora have made offere of aaaltanr which STROYEB AMD IT IS UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE TO log the Pacific tin Ion. Jew form tba Utratore aad aaaign: 1 will be Included In a fund win j have tat SAVE THM REMAINDER." Afraid ef Barthajtiakaa. wmabwahtp of tb Concordia and You are hereby aotlfion that Oroaa ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM In Improvement be forwarded to the Red THE FLAMES WERE BATING ... i Voroln. Of the women cluba. tha expended labor and I y AT THAT TIME Of .,.t nMa upon neruge ae aa W!!l the moaewa donated THROUCH THE HBAST OF THE ARIS 1111 iiA.l.t mora aa- - ,nB tba lxxie. aituatao in THEIR WAY TELEGRAPH COMPANIES conm mo ku New Mining Uietnci, i.onnty IndtviiiualB. SECTION, ON HILL. Placer nompnnle of TOCRAT1C RESIDENCE NOB ralh nd , of Santa To. Terrlborr of New Meaioo, Thn are Inauranee WITH ITS hainK plated by mar' aubatanttal roe Beeva tww iwwr" world are oomlar to tho n-ll- of THE HOPKINS ART INSTITUTE. March waa for the year 108, Oae Hunareo the T. E. OARGAN. MANAGER OF THE LOCAL OFFICE COnmr ii t l. oaea la rrinoo. w. PRICELESS TREASURES; THE MANSION OF THE tta. 'ilia ooDukatioulo. haahi,.")grown rapidly (Stoo.00 Dollar, aa will appar by the atrleken r OF THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Ban tremotN have boon unknown 1806, Motcair, local manager o th North STANFORD, AND THE FLOOD, anh-qua- k. 1800. Of filed December SSth. LATE MR. JAMES In tb. Oeeaalonal mild roaehlna 848.M8 in that ttertlfleate ptru Inaur SUBMITTED THE FOLLOWING TO THE EVENING !aet wer-- , of of eeid BritUh aad Mercantile HUNTINGTON AND CROCKER MANSION. ALL HAD - fay yggfrahMd the propaaalty number, the natlOBaJltlM ar In the oalee th Recorder company, naa a me CITWEN. WITH THE R ECU BET THAT IT BE PUB- 18.81; RnglUh county. In older to hold Mid nremlae anoe received SUCCUMBED TO THE FIRE. i Bjamfgaara. man, S(,l4: Irwh, to bui Jta-vlu- aagja from tit united Hatea manag!' AS DARKNESS CAME ON TONIGHT, THE SCENES LISHED: Th. to the rule waa Bcotoh and WWah, 11.111; Italian under provtolon of aVeetioa EU4, -- UNION TELEGRAPH COM lira 18,864. Statute the WBloh bay raat pvu naa "era WBRI MONK DBBPERATE. MORE HOPELESS ANB THE WESTERN the s.nt yraGaBoaatlaDally Chraawie. 7.801. aad Chlneec. Tbaae la of UaKd Btati. relief the trlckwi DOMESTIC MESSAGE auKMtnt required to hold the for the of MORE DISCOURAOIHG THAN EVER. PANY WILL TRANSMIT FREE Orown mora ventureaotae, Ua live la a lilatlart quarter btlng gad aulrering poopin of Ban Fran AT BAN eame ft- - th year ending December TWO HUNORD THOUSAND PEOPLE ARB NOW BKLATIMG TO THE RELIEF OF SUFFERERS eleea. BY DULY CONSTITUT slat. 1808. HOMELESS AND THOUSAND ARE HUNGRY. THE FRANCISCO, WHEN OFFERED ninety day Th aeopie aad friend of the OR PUBLIC Xnt if within after tarn FOOD SUPPLY BRING PRACTICALLY EXHAUSTED. ED RELIEF ORGANIZATION BW1GRR by publication you fall or re- oburvo are aoadlag two WHEN OBBTINRB Tft notice FIRES ARE RACING IN A DO EN DIFFERENT Dl IN THEIR OFFICIAL CAPACITY to contribute your proportion oasea of blanket from the HtoOr!.C GREATEST fute woolek mill titforlng ueopm RECTIONS. EATINO THEIR WAY WITHOUT HIN SAN FRANOlBCO SUCH MESSAGE WILL IS Utt SOME OF THE ena itinandMur aa a cowar. TOOT lo the DELAY, AT of Baa PYaaelaeo. Mr J, H. Boarrup, MtAMCE OF ANY KIND. JECT TO SUCH ANO THE C9NIMTI3 lateroat la aald claim will beeome th THAT POINT IbtPOGBD." property of the aubacriber uaaer bmo a truatoe of thu church, givo TON OF DYNAMITE HAVE BEEN USED TO DE owe, which will leave tonight, and BUILDINGS IN PATH OF FLAMES, geouon ii4-- BTROY THE THE OEOROR AJJUUWD1SR the other caee will go oa Monday. An HAS BEEN STAYED, THE DE REQUEST RROM POSTAL. RTHOUAKES IN HISTORY given all to BUT THE FIRE NOT rirat publlcatioa Jag. 87. 1808. opportunity will be for BHI BURNING ALL THE MORE FREELY. help lu ihla rauae by as offering, NtVtn WAS THERE SUCH UTTER RUIN. EVEN MANAGER HAWKINS. OF THE POGTAL TELE- a. t.ukw Peatmletreee. which will be taken oa Sunday night. THE STOUTEST HEARTS ARE BEGINNING TO GRAPH ANO CABLE COMPANY, SEN EG THE FOL- Th , agva haen many aartho,uakM fotkiwod br aver ahock. la Mr. Aleaaader of Gary, hie., who Th tot'U eoet of the bleake i i vca with gradually WEAKEN. ANO THE QUESTION ISt "WILL ANY LOWING TO THIS UFFICE, AMD IT I LIKEWISE In a i.'rllMbioo, bat noa of tgual Tut wt baa found Dr. Klng'a New Ufa Him U over $300. Tha tromble dltainte'.ilng energy In every direr tried of BJagla at their THING BE LEFT L'Sl CAN WE RECOVER FROM OIVEN PUBLICITY: prop.t Otta ea, be tha beat remedy the ever for The local Aerie tlli- - , aSfe by Hon from aaato oa point. Boh bow- &U "IN ORDER THAT THE ANXIETY OF OUR Of baa oRa bao felt htwslng the tomaoh, liver aad moetlua Mt night donated for TKI AWFUL OATAETROPHEf" vtaltoi havva hawa ia the city, biu daiermBd that notata t nertect You'll agree with the nrtliat of th aRrrera, which waa ANSWERING PATRON EVERYWHERE MAY BE RELIEVED, WE el order. THOUSAND ARE THESE OUBS anil raawrkabl aathgnake of vary from eight to ta mllaa down In bar If yo try the paiahWMi partSar wired to the treasurer of the 'Friaoo MESSAGES COMING - TIONS IN THE NEGATIVE. ARE GIVING RRRCCBBNCM TO W. y amratag haa been aome- tha terth. In rar caaaa It hag beau that Infua aew Ufa. Oaaraataad by Sagtaa Iodg today. U AT I v MAYOR CHM!TT 1S6UCD A PROCLAMATION TO THI WAY. THAT ARK BEING FILED WITH iiat was eapected found to a deep aa tweaty-fi- druggteta. Prlee 88. thliu ...... , alt NIGHT OIVING AUTHORITY TO ALL OFFICER OF SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND AND OAKLAND, AND Kui; H, ii.. Cbamhariala'a Salve la good for Tb d rouadaoue of the Oulf. Colo- any dlaeaa of tba aklg. allay to THE LAW TO SHOOT 9R KILL ALL PERSON BEEN WE ARB DOINO OUR ET TO GET THE OTHER u)ii i ...m ahnoi, surf trevei la of a uak The It upon It than A twmta P at Ponro.. Ten . was itching and burning an nation in- - ROBBING DEAD SCJBI1 OR RUIN OF RUILPIHGS THROUGH AS RAPIDLY AS THE CHAOTIC CONDI wavi Tktv are. aenarallv tirooodad pend velocity mor rado ,.r ih., r.a upon iht amnlltudv of tbu war With deatroyed by ftr etaatly. Kor bv ail itrgguua. ME ALSO CALLED BJN ALL RESIDENTS OF TH TION OF AFFAIRS WILL PERMIT." b, ..hMM and then SAN FRANCISCO WILL MAN IS A PIGMY MUCH MARRIED ENGLISH BE REBUILT AS SOON MAN ISJ)N TRIAL AS IT IS POSSIBLE In Eleven Years lie Took Mayor Sdimitz Sends Message to President Roose- Unto Himself Pour velt and Issues Proclamation to Different Wives


' , i i auciaro '1 . April to. calmaeys have been lni-riw- l Md Viu, Mchmltg n th following .repaired properly. All cttlsens are All the Time Was Ytry De- i ".nil ti Presldt nt Roosevelt : urged to discountenance th building -- hi r.aoclaoo, Cl., April lO.To f fires. vout Atttfltiint on Re- ur I it.. in!rfent the United States. i congratulate the Rig of San W '.uhniKton. I). C: acnerous Ooatrt Francisco upcm l ha fortitude they hav ligious Services. l.:t i n of $l,Hio,om) from th federal (.displayed and I urge anon them the ', rn,iK,i f0t relief "f deetrtet Jneoasaliy of aiding tea authorities In cl'iTttM revived and deeply agtpre- - Mi ware of relieving the destitute Jtrtil.lii.i). April 11 Thn p src overwhelmed swffertag. 'liie crimiael and Por tka relief of those tea,, agalaat A llcnrv Capeer. a to ig. All money lean ir nerrtKltv of this . peraoM who are encamped In the or n- fot- iifitti maay aHasea. which will eoan wi need ri'll'f imrnoees various sections or the city, every- num. np fur trial lHfor Wilto I'roi.i ny owner are determined thing ta Doing a ' dona. la attracting i I . riirs, considerable at i l m wnti u tht Are cease. la (toldea Oate park, where there SAN tec lion throughout Rngtaag. Oappet Tit- - liv will pro- - FRANCISCO Immediately itr pprotooaety SSO.000 hometoss is pBrged witn trtpio bgjgay, to i provlit. - i. raptrMl for tle lHC- perenaa, relief etattoea have been last, it waa staled during in ar taoltabed. HAD MANY llmlaary hearing, he married Story The Spring Valley Water cotniMuiy mien rook, a stogie women, la Chat-tewha- haa mtotteed mmi tkat the mlaaton with aa IlieglttlenPto oklhi. dmtrtot win be supplied wttJi water After the marriage Oapear Maek-malto- d thi afternoon, betw n 10,000,000 and BEFORE THIS the alleged father of the entid 1J,00,00 aalwas dally being avails.-bl- . out o. a baadeome sum of laaasy, and Lahe Merced will b take by disappeared, leaving hu wife) and her th federal troop and that aujaiy child dwUtat. protected k H, OTIJhITX, Fifty-On- e Shocks During Per Pour years later Capper married Mayor Lillian Mary Watte, a bantouMto wa-m- iod of Pourteen Years and la Waatitotoae, Mtddieaag, wam Tba majwr alao aaat tba fa'towlng he deewrted after etfbt; mantha. talagraw to Loala M. 0&k, f M Sixteen in One Year. Sine than eh discovered tkat at taw waat Thlrty fOttrth atiwat. Xw York am time Capper had lma eetwttng Oratafa: for your gauarom taia-- another woman la Houthgatg, ta yaw. whom he had promised marriage. grain, ouiromla nanrair mtmta BuT Wa aaad taarta, beddtag and food anp fM WERE VMY MfUOUS in 1M4 Capper married Attoe Ututaa niiaa. wa raauira comiBwara mm Nobla, a girl of ll. at Hi TrlaHy btaakata in bu-g-a nurnbar. Tbooaaada fhurch, Strondgreen. Io her, aa to of onr paopl ar alaaplng taaopau bia other victims, capper profesaed air vMboat anfllolaM covartM. wa atiwiutitttitiiPONMIR 'PRISC0 DISAS hlnmalf to be a maa of deep reltotoua particularly noad aapollaa of dlate-fortant- TtRi, i 'eallag, He was a regular attendant to oatatbllab aaaHarr amm: I at the missInn church. Bhcrtly after alao dntga mm boaprtal MWtatiivU. A I IS4t H flre. he marrhme he stole th aeree . t -r commiuaa k arty baa baaa MjwaMit-d- J ltSU Two bla fleaa. X which haa wife kept und- her pillow KldHNM K. 8CHMITSC. Tba aftalmaa of tha MttHtoMtaU-te- a ? 1S1 Two more bto grea. ? aad d sorted her. Mayor of Han Ptaactaeo. ara: e IMS Earthquake, ta which In ISM. Capper came to Sattahury. CotMirtaaiury OommKiaa HMhW Var-aaaga- r. several were killed. ? aad at ate took an active part la the .. of reconstructing public bulM- - Tka aeavalftlor of satur that haa aH but wipad out a city )aa cnt a thrill of henar arvund the world. Man's Own Mretbarheod, a, redtgtou ui'hnnla lalla Una natal ImttMuttoH Wes-lam- iwtrt lwwrfng Owamlttaff W. J. Womatt. Whatvm Ut haml of efTiliaaUon ha tottalied there ar mm tM woman with btanaMI fkeaa who aoaroely had aouaeetod wNh the an. i frtwh water systems. Tka) Q. Pile-Ia- etojroh. salt and KIrahc Oiwwlttaa Jamaa raoorarad from th horror of Vaauvtita In ttm to learn of th awful rragadr of tha Otty at th CleMaH Oate. California haa had rnaey earth- - He beoaiae a member h- - (wa BJiwroh. to pia nope uhm nm isuvrai but MAN IS A PIC1MY. quejma. The Mnrt dhjturb-- f and Aumtet of laet i raeordad umcnt will at oaea mahe aatlrf n rear wadded to a mack All talagrawa addraaaaii to Prank-l- ww owurreg Sum Praa-etos- g wsi raptii Uolkl-m- c Ha haaeia ha hfta Uta He glAttM to ih Rod-wal- provteion lo rebuild oil fadaml that eonHerd tmii4a. )m tha earth whit akMtrfal.; h !w learned itw. wato th anagragaUaa, Mra. i. Kallaf Sun Praa-ctoa- i aMght af new nail, Commltt. talk thro iwih apaee; He haa natlatl Ut mHeul ran with grvat mifjfai ha has proaeaad to mitator tit air. In Ma jjit li iMMim mi on a aoala befltttos the San will hava prompt aUantten hj to 1491. In Deeamhar he daserted her. I'lrtncUco. We t'atenHlnatl U re-'r- arid ha Ima hftHavaC hlmaalf mora than mag. And in th ffitSSf tha tarrora or attrttiftwOHM. fira, antntMHa. it being wa ar Ui chairman of tha proper aowralU StaMea time waa the oity shaken and a warrant tsHd, he lo tha fWtkJM ahlaf part mi yoar lalagram you la mast that ha ahattld humWa hlmtajf bafsra hi ftod ami r4!Mt that In Ute fa of Um natUtHI tev. tha rich arrested ktot week at Carmarthea. (Mgawl) Maa. In apeak of la IKS, to flrat itueke oemtrrlug t'v raciflr. randy eaah. I would Btiggaat Ihnt and th poor; th high and th tow; tU wak and tka ttMH t aqual la thalr uttor trtdDlawiiuaa. uaauwry , 8. SC1IMITK. aa lAauag aveH heura; DISTRIBUTINQ atHMHdarabla enrnmcy of amall MAN IS A PIGMY. to hut oeesrrlag Kovmahar DIFFERENT Mayor. U, and KIND OF GUN TO ARMY. ba tmt. Tkla la Impo Ha la the ily en th window pane; th atom to h t4l stif torn and armhiM a th Ptrwar that ralaa th coattoalag three hour aad M tela- - ant, aa all our banking qu&rtara ara world for etna Oraat Parpota. hidden from m all. tha!! dlrL , WhaMaatan. P. C. April ll.The rwp MAvnn'H priiiilama nun daatrojrad. Wa naM graatly afipre-elat- a MAN IS A PIQMY. TlMt ' iAftia luu.W nf UtM War Departmeat haa ghaut etmt-fdete- d PEOPLE, ISSUED TO THE if Naw York baftkar woHld "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. aalUl the Lard, whlah la, and whteh was, and wfiieh akw Pntactaee'g hattaer arthquak the new Issue of rifkra to the san rYaaelaeo, 0a)., April 86. --Tha tu wlUt Onlitornla It to tome, the Almighty." year- - aeturrnd Ootcber I aad laetml troop la the United Stotoa. Thht f Mowing proclawatloa waa lame bankara with a rlaw of aaeuring tm-powu- ewalva Jmar mm 41 mtoatoa. Ma marks the peseta of th aarkia, ao ivi trnlay: rattaf no that natal oparatlMa Hve ware wet. aaa Joae. StoeMfl. long i weapon of ibe i ivatry iinn h To i ho Clilaana of Saji Praactaao. may U rawmad at tha aarilaat tiata may Seat Craa aad Saerameato felt of the service Roth infant rv ajit alder:' tbeae dayvlls who throat BRAWLEY AND IM- - ENCOURAGING the Th fir l now undar oontrol and aoaatM. law PranclMo will rabalM. people. REPORT shack. cavalry are new Icing stag' "t thMalva oa th Meraott the model nf Hfle, a modi flea all lansrr la paaaad. TH ealy faar Wa waat to laamaa tha traniaaetloM ma stands tor a lot of th vlleet Bat California, earthquakes have eatic 1 . i PERIAL ALL RIGHT BRQUHT BY ATTORNEY Hon mod .'I of 1PM. Thla Is hat other flraa may atari afcmiM of oar aaaal baaiaaaa la tha akortaat things out of hall.' SENERAL been more frequeat thaa total. Thirty of the - gtWDRSE abtui'. ih.- ixh)i build ftroa in tbalr atoraa, tiina poaaiblo. loin other ollveaque expreasions W. PRIOHARD. PROM oars ago eeveaal men la Sea Praa-clac- o ir laches birtr than the ; JIOARILLA MIHIMtt Krag, about two loager thercfora warn all ctttaaaa not aUOHKM IRMITK, are: ua malt It Impoaaint tor DISTRI0T. were kilted by a falling brick ard luetier ' Mwyor. "Im THE TOWN SUPPOSED TO HAVE ttiet carMae now beiag dlarardcd n( nr In tM4r honaa until tha a liar to live here." well .lurlkif a bIIbIh .wit rwtia the 11 W. by cavalry- - "Money, SEEN RUINED, ONLY LOST A Mtoraey General Pritchard of this, tb tixal number of vtetlma the Por the present the Bne ctothae, esbanalr being rod high living will PEW BRICKS, haa returned to Satila re from or aaa rraacisco earth quaiota aiaee rifles are used with the furniture and take week'a White Oaka tha bayonet, but later thin will be re- any man woman to the dayvll." trip to aad the dtooovery of gold in 1K4T, la said tr Jlearilia Placar mining district, where to be Ave. placed with the new bayonet, recent- CURIOUS VERIFICATION OF PROPHESIES "I no for a who - have use aaa he haa been at I endtag t:- buslneaa ly decided on. The loves filthy lucre, do not uae it lor try) California earthquake frequently Issue to tk l e itiiImperialittTtitJunction, Cel., April mattera. The news be from th troops In the Philippines will IMtow. my own family, eirept for food, abet- br"a occur simultaneously with voteaate V 30. Pew brick buildings are mining district which he visited Is en eruptions oa to Sandwich aad, when that is don, all the aal 1 beginning ter and raiment." Islands. 1' re ara flpanglar'i propbaala or 1N, pabltahad at tha IV dams Bmwtay; noe oth--I couraging. In spoahlng of the work dlers ot army will AtasMMter Dowt bagan to ie4 at 3,aou mile awAy. Thla soleattato the ffa!d Bistre . f ilit yar la th Haw York Wot .J: , .. "John era. Mo being done there he said : be HiM. dayvU ltOO." damage at imaarml. term "sympathy." armed ThP dlaaolutlon of Ruaata ,,lt,t jo to the la i Y Ho eae hurt. The ranM not "At the plaeer toiaea th greatest Tbt- - Turkoy. Develnp-me- nt ovcnhrow of THIS IS AB9UT THE LIMIT. 7 aamagad. Sverythiria graetly activity Is kUf tMiNtoined INQUIRIES POR NUMBER Thi aaaaaalnatlon at tha caar of mwala. itagajarntiid. work la beimt deae aa rapidly OP CIVIL WAR DESERTERS. Tiio aaaaaalnatlon of tha anltaa of THrkay. Mas Stolon en a t aa possible, a Otoreagh teat of the liiiifYtniiitittSOME NOTABLE Twlaa Statlan taan - Washings. D. C. April Th prfvmitton of wart Praatdaat Wewavalt a- vatae of plaaar la befag EARTHQUAKES, tt - The thra ly New Jersey MOTTh above Jtgyatoh the dirt made t War Dftpartasmn cool In use to raea war In UiaHwHth. Una. ' so TS A nnrtmctail la from th Southern IfeoJfle ana rar its reauiu nave acen w i inquiries caeaatBing the guiaberrcl of aprlng flooda In th Ualtad Stataa e" cfiieot. I'lace. Date, pauittiea. ihtructira Aoeerdhig to the Mew York Herald agent at IwperMi June tie, end desertions Mg the federal army dur A OBSTftUCTIVE ERUPTION OF MOUNT VESUVIUS. " waa reaorreij her this meriting "Th mlblng activity naturaUy has Judea B.C.II MMNJO T two ttottgg buildtogs bava baett stolen . lag the Civlt War. Tbeae mantrtea Th activity of Mount paiaa ani. PBfegnaw. V by WIMmm pun-- The latter, H its enect upon tb conmwMty in I'eauviaa, Pompell ti from th OnHtral railway of New Jer- - tome la nertotJeal bateaea. aad mw VOLCANI0 ERUPTIONS IN ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD. r-- whleh the etalma are aitoatod. Pur e Raretima- sey, 3. readliHC Urn iMfmtoh la tfe 7 aad evidently beaed uewapaper eruption of many voieanoM how mppoaad to ba ajfttaet. at Iwrwkp . K. AVeut k year waa "' 79 f oa stalls The (kam JgtJkllgMI gVtoBSaltmVJr Smt eetug Ottwen Hrawiey several months hualnaa dull Ir euto. Italy 4349 ajanapsg BWP limWfSSMkIggffM JgjBajaragfB that bad Uea, to this ar that effect, arlaelsaUy loaa of Ufa at aaa by atorau. SSVrHISB the vkdntty JicarlllH, It wad e" Aattoch A. SftO.OvO t nreat djg4MMwrd torgtariauaty. wtoed off the map bV th of but D.SM attogtag that aertaln per tags of Deatruetion of two wefiarn clttaa bf apakHMe. that imto f bn simply beoauae there wtm laek of 4' An loch fti.OM t' a gg4 mo it ? earthquake, tutd waa the o!y a is; taarters were of (hi Karthqtiakea In all parti of tha Wt1d. trao f haa aver hcn push and energy, with the opening tUlr lOiT 11.000 or that r, H town In switharn Oaiirursfa to War DESTRUCTIVE EARTHQUAKE IN CALIFORNIA AND THE PHIL- toeed. The ewitmyir then reeto and development of tb rich Held this Stotly HIT IIAUO t Tie record la the 0 hut one night a MMth of tateyea reoeive aevanu shocks, tle-- T t Mrtawat havs not been to kant that IPPINES. c t. J gmfdied tor tofamaUon. awl in coudltkm haa uiMtrteed. and there la mwiea . . 14M W,9B Rebellion in Spain, toll upuM H and aarrkMl It atf. Th now nraoh nativity aaoet the mtetoic f tha atlvtty of deewrtora la nacartola maawar thereto tm receivw tiia v umtoa tsti njm v gjhto, perneat-Sf- nrmtt dlaturbaueaa all ovar Kwropo. rsflMwd ha a flagaMiu Mid atfttten camps. ..14Sg and any aaaertioet af v Udagram mtUWiad abovej Ollalaria. Rajr IM9 oa feat la The summer of ItH will ba hot awl aultry throughout the tawparate aM at ana pttot dtirtot tk day, "The sgrtoeHwral nroaeeca of th V Wtotoa, Italy baaed that are aheo la at ....!& T,00 tntafar natraatwartby. having no poal-aw- a with eatenalra tlaatk Ml. bat at abint titer M e the vtolntti 1 ThMtod lu I.laooin eoaaty ontom igf legjeso V tw. hla aplrtt fait ftMAag tHMMM of Mataa ttotleg, Havattlialaaa th aompaay la ara haate. Makady knew In aatoal chriat wli make tlw tha United TO eatlwt and th farmers mm t stetiy ... uati-lrf- ii a TEXAS HAVE 2ft CENT PARE. ifst mjmt aamhar of ammrtkn during ta civil and Kngland, In which oowRtriaa tbara ar to be fanraet rnHgiam and dtmln4 that a win malaiaia atoehnwti are well pleased Th grain Teddo, Jaipaa ... 17 BMM ? which ar to In a graat dagrva praaaat atatloa butldiag, mm haa reached the aa a Urn War. aad Oanaral P c Ataaworth, tncrment oww tha tfrrlt Cemmieelan There Makinu Plena io result of recent ralaa it x itojuag xTit mm army, 1,1 H military aaeitary of jf mft ft it ooBMnrc .hIIsmi. deeiakHt that will bow ooaatract abumiMK, mm this la ear to be a - leaptoa th of th cewtlnu a twenty-fe- e Order a Reduction. year Ith t.n who keeps the records, eattnmtoe that The United SUtoa will a wcttd nawr and th toattor. af om of retaforeed eoerto eeaarai tor rflnramen." Urn and Oalhw 1TW Igjm t1 other natkma. feat square, and ae whether It will the number of aetnal deeertora at the - j The Oairo e fK a nan even- railroad comniasion of Twtaa W Twib k H mi atosa of th war wa UTJ47, aad Penuaylvaaht la to hut mi adMtotaaraltoa of tha paaata and that likewise "dbmppaar" tee W Villi II.m with Mahna. Pes. .ITII T0.Mim 2 wlU lUaoavwad wtiwk has taken preliminary en ii towards at. tot makaa an allowaaee far those of oorrupthm ba will dMt aatae of tha guttty Praak. two mlieaVeat of Xoawell, wa t Ouatamnhi V mlrlde. Issuing an order reducing he paesan-ge- r strtPKen witn ? im MM lacorreetly togartod s deserters to on paralysis the other V Uaiy ITU M.OOO Ood will wraak terrible Tan ! npaa th Nnaalana for th maaaaera Devtfa laiand Tarturc. rate all rJlrode 'nMgtteg In night at o'clock while at hla home. t mil-- ' 5 We South 1 PEOPLE COMPLAIN AT of th la Bo wore tha the terrible rase of Teaa to t(ft oeata a A aotlce Oae effect of the stroke la that he wa atom Jw. piiea that afdleted me year. Than signed by all the mem of th Ajnertea im 0.000 ti HEAVY SUN PlttlMO. tu speerblee. The following of hi V Naples ISM 1.000 I wa sad vised ta apply Bueklen'a Ar-ile- a commission was Issuer! uat eventag Waahingtoa. D. April tl.-T- he children arrived to be with htm: Job Caracas C. Salve and leas thaa a box citing the lailroada to ppear and lork, of Memphis, Tesas; Albert gad 111 ll.oon War Dvpsnmeat coatlauea to receive S-l- MalSa, la southern cured me, writes I. S. r show cause, before them n May IB, Alien lock, of Maagum. O T.; aire, t appeaU for relief from twrsea who Italy . JAOOB WALDEGK AT ZIQN QITV SIZES of Rustaa, Ky. Heals all wound. why the proDaaed redu tern aitould IJHIk Htcveuaon. of Uumim n T Calabria. list to live in the Immediate vicinity of the i V Itoly boras mm aeree like magle. 16c at all not be mad. The present at of far and efiaa Myrtle lx--k ,f Roswoll, who lift M,t0 1 coast forts. They eomolaln that tow druggtats. ,1a S per IWota fYeai ITU V VOL VA UP HEW BOSS OF THE OAMP canto mile. nas ttcum vtaniag in Msngum g peace vol quiet of their iMWtHtkma to IMT, Naples 9 are disturbed, and that tb gfcaah or THAT OOWIE DKOE RULED I ctt) and coua I tar that atteada the Bring of the Mg I try. lost an av t bubs contributes lo the diei'tmfort of LELAND STANFORD, JR., UNIVERSITY '$ crag of 1Jn a $ the aalgbbora of th const defeat" z April at. th ooal black and anap year. I S works The War Department Mwayt city. Ill, Out of ad aparkla with V . ti.ip hex came the dcolaratton tha flr that la la them When hl falaaeta. Italy. Itu m.wi take ibex. xna platath under advin-mea- t a Napttw almojt ii- - i hn yj,,... to turmed, naedi u caar or seal or hla eager is arouaad thar and ubtotta them to the ar aen C Us7 g t ii hi. r limplratlon niul that Vollva to bura with th iataatalty of hla feel siroyd tlllery omotr locally Interested In . Matiil.1 im lu.uuo g - ir it. it. ii i it was ti )injudlced atata-iii- Ing. Hla voir baa the ring of au ... i trt- it baa been shown that Chile, Reus a" mi. ! 'hi K'ntknixn who made It thortty. Wben ha aaaalla t'ne onorey I iv.u. iht comoiaitita have come from il i1 r hk t'l.utm .1 ih a. i., wtll arquainted with Vollva. hli words atrlko the auditors tike a -- li, who have taken advantage of inn i - a anan, ih. .ii- who hav bad s cttoae raoge ihower of rocka Veauvlan hoi lock Railwav iuraama ofii rod la real 'Sit. Iwated SSBfltmBJ X . .f ih ui'W oMIon figure at that. ESml t rmrtiy I'eattoytd el noon oae fort riii get th a - Dim) in- - h queluixo itroag anough Ilia adtiifCH arc .f iln !owi. aad towns de 9 Kn.i ihiap Uiraui- wt'hia the , iiiitki-- him on. of tti moat eaarteb t)le. H Ii not quite o vltupc-ntlvo- rotombia t7fi H.i00 3 oii. of nubtntloc. so lo Husak, of th .. a mollsh. ti 111 i.irn that ruliil otttald th na-iU- but ta aa bitter and rutbleaa In nttack .... tm 9 ld cuns whtoi the ar flrtit. fn irr I be- Mpaln , 2,000 9 guns nractJe and llimnlafl home f the autocmta. aa th .rt apoet o rould dream of g. list must he kt' in I'robalily he would hi) aa ing. Political rampalgns do m nro f'hrls!on. C. III! It X there mo) trlog u' target M nvr Ua) I 7 !' aa unleea 1u iirdared dure plainer Hpocoh or more iirictlral s 8,00 9 th preiods iireacrlh hr tag War !wlt a m I'teriK, Hi lacu factory U turn oi.t for him method than arc mployM , Vol Martin I Itottartmt-n- i luthoritina, aad cant iqito lent 41,000 9 -- ii t of vthlaknra, to match ibt flrat tva. plaint vk. rii difference In th a Tuikey . Itnis ifiw) eatotoacy miowy Jungle. But then Ilia nuemlos ar. nosaeaacd of t hi iatlc 9 whm. of n.tataiuia th I - iNtlal.ria. Italy 400 iiiitli. i any doubt right nun R tn (o duvll, pronounce. in- VoIIvh 'ii t i05 9 uf artll"t rlr. IM6 470 vW.o'h In ZI'Xi. They ar io . plain, India 9, who liar, g g ii-M- . th In the tahed and Infernal Human W Marks-- a l tmi TotRt l,WI.41i - ate running orratiilH for V- - live In talLlag to a rrwd of a,u v. I tai- ot horror waa told uy mark ' r i.Iood In W in. I tln y're running 'em with alacrity, lu the taliemeele on th. l.lll iiuiuan the heme of I too iwncona mlle ami atnrt oo the Vollva criticised a matoimn' mat MitiMtf itrtttitj William, a w kaowa merohant f n r IIjii, Ky year lmii. hi-- they get word fwtu him IumI beon leauod ovtr that nli;tmtnit-- te toe Mean mhabltedf lie writM "Twenty olive could not have founded of u small squad of DowMtcH ',mtr Hclence baa proven hat the laoun ao I bnd vre hemorrbagea of the Juioi-- . was when I 7 1.. n. uoop: imy. liut of rouree t'uare tii"! with thn aKH(le in ("hlran lias an a! motpb ere, which make life and nnr death begun N Dtawiv-cr- y .in- - f.. men In the world who could "Thai old lit ban been toid n un) .ii some form poaaiMo mi that aateiltte uhlag IV King's m I Quite trick limes," h- - shoalt'd "It i s - in ut not tor kumati tieings. who have U emplily ured aad i;.. done that. It'a a It (Olivine a m.-- thoMtanda of peo lor. i.l lv all the infernal ulio t bard eaetmh tlinr on thl earth of have remained well taee." io " beatorrhages. oher cottgha, ut.. laying oa ut band will lisvi. (.Ikik ill lull namea to ii ours, eepeobuly Iboae who doo't know cures ionic that the t t colds hronrhitu la iriv- - away ncnraiala. for iutane of I'K rtcon f'ttliTH who Jolio-r- IXmlf list Weerrfo wtttm cure headache, settled and and ' ! Olllouaaess, tb only kno n cur.- f r iang. .iii.i .ai li in a uloita tttiK for tueea In ald giHux e can get wind miiUrlii. chill nd ferer, wk . torpid r5vry bottle guarnnti-.- tiv all drug- i hoimuudH to over ouo-tnH- ' if noiigti If he haa left Zton Of Isuadbe, dyaaani. disniness. turn de- gist &ttc am) t rial earning or tneome to the m. other 1.4. kslldor: "I belifve he h liter, kidney tagaplatets. gearat H txtlc fre. mm bility and female weakaernee t(MilidT. ba a aneak all the time." B. Muaaeia. vie nrawilimt aad : aa a general Male and J. ion having Uen foundod. however. Here la another oairar-t- "Dr. TKiwU. general couaeel ta p.llgsav. earn Voltvm - for weak pcraang and fr Ho t U strong i.i'llef that ayf h av- taught polygamy. Of , i. a I'hls Orcel Ualverettj, t u I til Mtlli.tti .smiet.-.- l paay. was ' the city hetweea tratae ! H wa i:m..i i; Ihilia. th Itfi. Htanrord t' PM ciaijr for tin aged. II todaoaa aoaad It grfag If ho retalaa poajt oourae. It'a a piwintng , . ' .u Alto "al Thirty Ii,. i , Han i'rui.i .. I 1,, V.llli ileep. Pally by mg-iist- a. laet aigat, while a rout from Santa Mnalouip over the estaU to throw thhi people into polygamy I ii Vlw 'orl ..f t4tin.liB!i):i. searanteed all and tan tide I.OIIK I .1 Lu- I Hi Bee. P to the Oraad Oa roe Mr Put' IU Cm li. r .'in rn .in In.ttu i i ' W'..ii.l, VVltli Price oaiy ln money atvingeary. think Joaeph tnl.h waa a propbw of III rfii rful Mt'lit'itlai liui'ti aeW wee arowtpantod by hi family ll Hulking ili).-u- 'i, i II I . I V Vol.-a'- ya and bU olre ar the dayvti. I aay to the neoplw uf lull' t'iilnriii ItuHillogs, Nearly All of Wlilili it" Ha Both, of the Arm of Quick! and a few friends, and traveled to niimng U chlf "U Ml eyaa r Eton you are fools u aarboi Mannon Ituibb. la ea the sick Ht. th private car, "OoaatRiriion " "SSSsanaaBnnm "rough" well 4" it generally. They are matador of the sees ion. Tna prinei MARKET LETTER armed and aspect to do some shooting pat town wblet wilt he rapiessnted ; of ducks and rabbits in the Rio 0 mo- la Ola nrcHbytary a saata Fa, Las I de Valley ami oa the plains and In the Vegan and Raton. Tba Santa nw Sper.iei Oorrexpaadenae. Local Happenings J hills to ba terete and tobon. ajwaiy is mada btrsaiy of mv kaaaaa City, Its, AgrU td-- Of tbe The fnHowlttg wara released yes- tlra dfjrebaa, aad a aajsjgnr at aamfl tMOS cattle regatta hare la week, MOST ANYTHING ' terday mornfng from the territorial St ma nertsers part of ska ter- att hot IMS baad anlb Is Mandar eSVy fW AptR . this'' moraMg" ftnm" las' ARlea, penitentiary as ggssaat at expiration ritory, will also be nopiassuted. m Taeiia iaasaafRy of (Tuesday, , of sentence: Negater lava, Jaaa Terae, Man, X. MmM sad ttotnjbtor, Mhw nllsd here by the death of narmotn-er- (ThnrsavTAiirll bad a bad estaet oa the mar- atom to PhtladeiBfcl. A Seng f Spring. Mrs. Bdwnrd sentenced from lee aaaaty tar one H.) ket, Wednesday's satos being igwM A number of oar tntmspiajls waat Bring Mrmtelte, maraed lest night from Utfttt. year M. Fhilllpa, the good old ladder, Jane tha Mrs. yrrati Murray, at PMnttah, for larceny from a dwelling, R. of Rato, M rtltlnE oaata tataw Moaday, ut the light to "Tit Lmsd of Nod" tost twnreday eaap. mop lkr OeRforni. Number Samuel Lather, sen- the metiopolts. th and broom. J. W. Akers, the saloon keeper, la Ki-- , arrived in Urn elty Mud evening, ltTt. is supply the mat of the Wek oaablea eventoJt. Stenbaa aorreas (dance, Orab tb hammer nnd axe Bernatllw county "for li i, P. Oortdlnndar, who represents mimmim Norwalk the and frost Seats Fe hobnobbing with and will remain for aora 'ima, the tenced from to eeeare a comolet re (O.) Chronicm. rip up every room. mm wltfe a daad Wawm, on the JPeynrn lrug company, of St. oorery lose. sporting gaeat of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Trimble. of tbe The mpaty toany Ihja "I taenl me. year. LwaW, In ih southwest, was "Making some Improvement on 0t sarpei beater and wo make Sheridan California pea-- The New Mettean snys: WWiam P. here ii.vue naaa, ana taa mar at ta make add pktoa Je m non-cer- t your boat the boom Alba-qnerqu- e, IMA algbt during tba besteflt yesterday iotrvlewrac the proprie- ataady nnd active. Packers were lit- this spring?" immt teat night. Ha will view the Metealf. an tasnraaea man of "Yea, For we oar storied house iean- - Fraxwloeo before re-- wbo ban been on a visit to at the K)k' onant aoase, Rar. tors of th- - local drug store?. erally cleaned out at th close of last a few; giving R a cent of ruiaa of San per- W. Dowea, fresh paint " ttMKtng. w. H . Wise Ttanaae, returned J. C RolllRa was oalled apon to S. general agaat for the week, and bad to buy liberally today at baa hxral sen "Humph, Man Was cm Devise, an expert to tba Dnke City. form a marriage, and aooa thereafter, table Life A ranee company la Country grade sold about steady Inst what other kind could you Humb, hurrah Han-In- g New Mexico, hag Ulve itT" well acatter things iilonagrnphT, la asslstlag Deputy Dto Mrs. William Kelaer, whe has been t bla realdeacv. No. SH Went returned to Ms week,' end the movement was heavy. about! aveaaa, had In mnrring hndjusit here from business I txtot Clark MM Hohnautst a few the gwaat .if her brother. William he Jtlaed a the number held over nt tb end of Senator Hurrah, hurrah, we'll kick the ot.i mas N.ill JO. Wills Miss Com- trip to th. northern part of tb Piatt has aaaowaced he stag, wall District Clark Dame is Dold. proprietor of the Cash grocery. end Nell.e terri the weak being reduced to ljaa bead, will not be a out! worn nt fort, both of this nty. Mr. Will is tory. tba amatteet for several moa' hi. candidate for ivlcthm. absent la Mxiao. left thla Ins for her home ' Cbauncey M. Dopw baa mada no an- Dora wlto peace and quietude for Mr. Sblalek nolo this evening at wen aiwwn hi pomux cirrm. Mrs. S Suptee aad daasbter, Speculators were good bnyera today.) i nouncement, turmoil let us and frienda today are extending Miss Rnt .ft on No. lam night bavtaar on hand, bnt there la a suspicion shout. th great twncflt concert will ba A bell, who bas been small atocka nnd tlte, Till wo g. nttuaatla accent-uple- thn he won't mn again, have ftataaed the Snre Raenlft," tn of th flnaat the gaeat of her unci and aunt. Mr. for Dmtgta, Arts. They will e Nberal supply Is being handled satis- either. peny Mr. -- Okiaga wrkten to music. Hdsugh-er- , and Mra. J. R. Beaven, the past non-pi- e Dr. and Mra. James H Wroth are out to bis mines hs factorily, rtereint from a distance' Did you Met loo, :o will read what th president BcaUer verytotog aroaad and w the Artolda. will ba bar of weak, left thla morning for expected to arrlv In th? city tonlsnt tbey spend the bar been searoe for two weeks or had to say about the msn with tbe old mast roar, von-ta- g from Berkeley, Cn'., where Mrs mimrmr. more, William Ruby leave thu her borne at Pueblo. there being not bias from Idaho, muck rake?" Ihmg ." Mr. ! tb bade out la to yard il a W C. nnril. To postoejk Is balding Wrnth hsa been vlsl.lna her son. nf AevnlM. la ' tar Loe Aagwlea, wo ere sho The aanta tM t'tab. or went of CetorSdo. flood Col "No. I have absolutely Interest need them aever tnuro two a Albnqaar-qo- e .linn, n. and for which pise Dr speadtag daya In the olty. look t o)d to remain permenontly. Her addressed to ire orsdo ckers al i.M to In making garden. I suppose my wife Throw tba dtntag tobte out. w n iwe hasbaad, been very propta, tba writers falltng to put Wrrrh left a day or two after nt hng after hu many Albuquerque real last Mk. and llBo-ponn- d fed steers whose heelth bas -- read It" tb kitchen ftonr, upon ; rarM.iuakp. estate In;- - ts. Year ago. he waa floor tie paat year, will accompany ttaoipft the envelopes, nnmely. Mr. Wroth and 'n aold at tft.lo, from Brash. Medium For we have started houaeivlcwniii, iMf to (tu there California. O. L. Rice an, Mhw Josephine imlth. wert- - unharmed, and Jtunc Jr.. will ic eneted with Bj. L. Waabburn, la to common stock rattle from the Mark Twain any hi rellrament ss! Camptex out and living m food The Hoi l) n. ok Argns snys: A. A. Van remain at Berkeley, tka college boys tna ciotainx uusiaesa nor. plains country sold at to $8 60. a lecturer la only partial, that be will "That" all rot!" cried tho man who an eked In tbe opea air la tha life A. dewort and son have pure baaed and having volunteered for relief work Mrs. J. w Parrrn and daughter, and a few Panhandle and New Mexloo not talk ttt nar hot will nrnillnu. tn stood not many feat from the ,f , 'td M. Moorobead la golag to llv this ablppad 100. 006 pounds of wool thla in Qaa Francisco. Mia Mandc of Fort Wayne, lad., ar- atocker at $S.tO to $1.40. Oowa ana talk free until he die. Mark never orator. rived i ho oily - nummer. Xr. Morohand has taken u week. Tbls wool will be scoured at hntglneer J. R. furwell anya tbnt la yeeterday to jotn heifers art it to 15 cents tower than talla beMad tbe time. II knows talk "Oh. it ta, la Itr shouted Uir- man Ma reaoasvous tn soar canyon, ana Albuquerque. The price pntd was It the new map of Albuquerque will be Mr. Perrin. who for aoma time paat tb highest time tie moath. and waa never cheap baa tt is today. ok aba stand. "You are probaiiiy a axmeet to remain war until (all. cent. completed. Americar Lumber com- baa bee inserted with the Morning range from It H t at; aaaaare aad mtlnVnwsire. to pmeMent of a life Pre Juan Jo in Rsaawro la In A brand new engine, freak from pany's log; pead nad nil, within tame Journal. tock oowa and heifers, ffjt to It.M; An Early Mernlna flay. company, or an agent of the e pr-tact- Sanitary Hay reeup of a larg number of garden the tbopa, passed tbrongb AHmeuer-qu- weeks. The moat dtatcvlt part of the David Armlfo. son of Sheriff bulls, ft to It; a few grnse belle from Omeer Atlatoa waa on taaatdard Oil company, who baa 1 I duty aa 6 mni tnm tba at Waah-km- i, yesterday, ea mate to Toeopab, dmwrne; naUmail. The new map Arm jo, returned to the elty the Texas at UW to M.PO; graau steer, early aa o'clock, Saturttoy her to totorrupt meeting.' dprUnet morning, havtag reported olty this & 0., and aaa that any oa Nevada, where H will be pat In com- will be twice aa mrga a the obt one. other day from Meutao. David baa tt ) to U U: common one. UK nt tha "Me, air, I am ft worhtofrman. jiMit aoextd-Inj- building anrtag for mi of them may have aam mission on tha Tfiaanab ft Tidewater nad it shown that the olty now cov been ainwnt abcat Ave years, r Lambs advanced to U oanu met at that tun. CtillMcothe a oammo 81,71 n dajr worklncinau " - f (O.) New. u V at bla atora la QM Albs- railroad. ers aJmeet twice r maah ground nc moat tha time in tba City af weak, altaougb the run of abaep wns "You x woritlnsmaa? Y-- Let Mr and Mra. M. F. VMnhy. of Can- - ndiea the old mao waa made. The Mesiee, bit bas aeaa moat nH toe Il.Ooo bead, containing to M per me a s A San Ftetoatoae' man has UveMed yew bande." Tite tantted pacecagcr train from do, North Dokato, wbo spent the wig aid Map was mads in ltig. fHHJl rules af Mexico. 'ent of iambs, gbep xainad from Th man hatd tatem up. exmet many ' aa tamramaat by wbtoh R wM be (he teat night, whtoh arrived ter in Fnoeaix, are in in any, nwi Tnmae; na n hmw, levels made by Tka friends at Mr. Fraacla in to u, hat mmae teemedto be posetbla "And yu ctatet o bo workmg-av- . f, to lienr votoa sixty peesoa-jesn- vIbK Rev. Mngiaeer Rose, Alba-qnarnu- a CrueanH will 4 from a tar 4.000 about M tlm, carried will nad Mm. W. W. Hnvsa City Pttt tba be relieve to Itim vhst were needed. Th run toany la mHea telephone, a man wRh baada Mke UwaeT mat ntajortty of for few weeks, Mrs. PMahy la a TracUog company has raised letters received here that lurid orar a Same day 1t Met than wra a taa ice tnas Head, aad bnyera are tale-pttaa- a aaJttH place on them, follow 1W will hm poselbl to Imar over a a wpto wt wart iftopetag la fan of Mra. Ildeana. its tracks on Ftrat si set several aewaagaer account of her losing her iunions tar aspaUas. The prinalpal cRIwaas, K n mark of honest toil." 1 the voice of a man around the KraiHNava, bat goto to their eaatcrn Max M. Fiteh. the mininc hMr. In Inches utaelnt tkam on a level with mind was not to. any aeaae trna. ska akjpment today was eomason grade oarner. 0aafctalr na, on my hands," ta tall snpsrieace to the elty from feeorro. Mr. fiteh la tha aldewnJk arada. The company is Is In aarfect boalth and spirits, aad eftapad Meetoan lambs, which sold at ratsihaj Hta ismn warn had Inttrrupt-ed- . ttr ganera managar Hheiy posses mmghs ear. for the toathweatarn also devoting a greet deal of taker to remain In tba full ftJC. A bayar altered $T tar wooied "Do yon think there anything In "I aatrf toe alana on my feet. Tha asm or window at tba Phoenix Land and Ooay aniwpnny, opsroUng just mow to leyetrac Ha tmehn nil atos at brr taeNlttoa. lambs, to arrlva, but nobody tmd any toleaautyr I'm a mlrrand tnudt walker dry gtnti atora has been torn ow aad Unas in tna Oeeaao mountniiw Abaat along the line, tha wlrk tagtantax; at Tl4s .fMlfr City Independent saya; ta sight. Fair to abate wooied lambs "Do IT I gnee yes," he roaltod, it earner entrance la betus ant la. Sftaen mllat from nrnata. tb car barn in OM Atbmisaraua nad MM. Msnnie K. Miller, the grand ma- are quotaed at Ills to $7; eMveei hmMag at hi watch. "I was dn nt Wtten you're in th gold brl Mra. K. D. WMbaeb. th- - e, When tot entrance la comploted. wMo who for some progrseaing toward taa soatn Tnrrn tron f order of Mnetarn Star, lamb at W IS to; dipped weth-er- horn aa hoar ago, and I'll bet 10 1 tost to K windows will embrace It on pit bar time past bas been engaged la the ca- street ternxtaal. tor her noma la Albaauanraa, af- 4.T to M.N; ewaa. f LBd to 9; I caa tell juat what' been going on In You oan never wark righ aMo, flvleg tba store a decided) yq ed pacity of aalealndy la tb Ulobe store, William Pean Clark, the ter beinx 'he gaast of Mra. O. S. wootsd wethara and yoerltnga, g.TI to vHla'tt ma. . If roar too la not MihatataevKi .IhJ - appearance aa wall aa Increea-to- g has R'e to Blaeee. Arts., where she agent of the Santa Fe Central Warren fr a week, white paying na f.M: awse. $1.40 to .TI. Tha altaa-tto- a wltk ome wtdakers lorn.- and tha wtadjw display room will join her husband, who Is em- and later eonaected with tbe Mexican oeaotol viu to Silver City Cmapter Is extremely strong, as compered Tb meek anbui'baaale wMto. Mra. T. J. Topham of tbia city baa ployed with the Copper Queen com Central road, m la tbe city, Mr. Clark Mo. , Order namtoim Star. Mrs. Mil- with a couple of weeks ago. an pack- Becoming how more devoat. Yog wIM never Sad tb ay pany. roesived word from a relative, Lyman Informs The Srealng Cltlsen that be ler's giaaslna It v has made er admit that It 1 maim easier to Ohaarvtog taom bla towa Marks wbo tatk a wild Mlh-I- Mrowar, at Paso Robtoa, OaJ., atatlag Pour brothers of Herbert Homaro, baa Just returned from a trip along far net n boat of friend her, wtw dtapne of the product now. Tttc ataaa af sortac about presentine; you their shockel rat bla town aaeaoad any dama detmty aaeaaeor of Bernalillo county the upper nad lower Rio Pecos valley, era atomy delighted to welcome her He gaaaa on to tree Till you've vrhtoker long ana white wfealorar from aartwmko, altboaMi who wer In Trteon tha day of company a W. to Silver City. At the in with friend. r. STOCK SALES dawn end dunk anch day SaHaaa and Laa AaIomm, naarbr towns earthquake, will leave that elty nt h ennRnllet from New York. Karl A. Woodward, assistant in- Aad warn a weary nigh Whan yam try-- to work tb public yt aontldarablr dawngad. Mr. once, and are exoected to nam Mr. Clark reports tbe valley of east- spector of the gorammeat forest serv- It murmurs. "Let as pray. Try to make Its pocket light Straw M tkroagb ,' ar u affont at Pitao JtoMaa Albaqnarnaa Friday night. ern New Mexico known na tha lower ice, arrived la Albtiraeraaa mat even-in- Kaaaaa Olty. M. April . Fol- Yon will never be seeeeeeful far in Vwlla Karao ftxpraae oom- - en rouie to OMonKO, ftw Pease, a set Mine; up veey fast from th JaatOK taraat reserve, lowing were aoma saiee of (parade "Waant that a moat reMmrkable If vour beard'a nut anst am! white. I oy uawtay let-to- r talng about fjlnllergl" The Central Labor unlen, with P' is in recerpt of a wibere be baa bean aba nam tan dare cattle nt Kaaaaa Oily thla weak: th , There ar fokatora by the thousands AUan lit-W- JJab and famllr. of' Cbleaao. President Stewart In the etalr. held from Ma stater. Mrs. Mae Mur- conducting an tavsaUantltm relative If. W. Moor. Rraah, Ooio., SI ktU-ar- "I daan imww. wt was who at any bak will bite Sfi tha city, the iniaata of Captain n meeting Monday night, and vated ray, of fan Francisco. Mm. Murray to tun selling of umber from sir tee 1J0I pmnda, $U0; 16 feeders. they sailed for Burope a If tn man wbn tries to land them - ami MM, Horrln. Thay earn In from l nsnd ISO td rha Sno Fraaehwo sat-farer- s. writes that b lost sJI aha had, and reserve; it is understood that he will Ml pounds, UM; 41 feaden, 8ii month or ata veaks Una aome whlskwrs long ttndi tna Vnatfle e eoaat. wttra they rltHad The money has gone forward that aha spent one night steeping tn reoommenr! tba seta of certain por-tiea- ponnds, "Wall, what's remarkable neoti 'WHIt. for & mm. faw waaka, and left Sen to the proper official of 8n Fran- - Ute park, with tw covering but the of timber from tha reserve, n Following were erne sates or west- thatr PranaJa eottpie of daya they wer batarotbai Eitl of smoke that skroadaj the full Recount of the partleuhra of the ern hep and bit nt Kanea Cny "Aad not near Vuauvluc Do not trust, to rod or brown ones. olty waj vlattad by aartniiHalM and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. glteJlon. reeXd-la- c etty. She had been ttkan in by apptleaUon to puranase nad other tbia week: during the eraptton." Thougn thy heap yonr shin from I Are. m rtsltora will remain bara at No. nit loath Mttfc street, inanaa, however, name wriUag, nnd matter pertalalae; to the sale ot the Monday, April 16. aunt: faw on "Ha, ha! araan aad ORynor con-vtoto- d! n and tkan contlnna are enjoying a visit from Qeorga V. waa taainK huh battar than the timber bring publmhad elsewhere In Collin Bros., Vtota, Onto.. Black ones, too, ar mom uncertain, !, ClmpMMn Meat NW I wondar If Oourk tbair wr fima. and R. H. Obase. friandH taauaaads of homehmi naoass wbo tbbt faeue. clipped 7S Mr it snro by rntalug white Ml lamb, netted. fMO. Oticbran baa chanajed hta . In W mttB tMDlny th Paaa City from Jneksonvllle, Florida, Tho vlelt ana w rents in ta tna pants, Saortly after l oaleek tbia mtodr Da net go around smootu-ehavea- U, wteMH after a. W. Teraealng. Prowara. Colo, "About wtattT" 01 amMif aw anaWad ore will leave tomorrow nlattt for Ran Members of (1. K. Wwfran Post No. noon tlte Are alarm wMeti called the too lambs. M poaads. HM. That will ail yoar chance biigh' watt pUyars aa y S, "He eaid no nana with a mNttao away mtk Mown tba Fmnclseo. Oraad Army of taa rtepabllc, are department to Ml A mo street, In Uie Sullivan & Mh Las Animas, Com., Itaat tar fertiliser. brotiitfa. Inawraon Harry I. arannlag daftora oonM bo sent to prtosn m thai aome and Robert Steea, rearatentlnc .a San themselves in tmtaeratton IIISbtondH, where an authonee tn the MO lambs. TO poeads, S8J0, Raise whiskers kmt andl Hftrinti. wnra walMpad by - conasrr." tba Intar- Francisco whotaaaio honae, left last to si tend the annual aaaampmaut, rear w dlaoovered to be on Sra. Tba A. T. Ualaea, OMftoa; Taxaa. 74! white. nauonnla, n taam from neroaa tna night etty, expects una 111 "He'll probably ciaira they haven't for that where be wnieoaeaa at Craees. aad the reside nt South A me la occu- eltepad, wethers, X) peunda, got riwar, by A acorn of It to 7. Nearly to accent R position with soma other Ladies of the Oread Army of the Re- pied by A. MriaVtoa, n on it. mlatan." To ehang. or not to change, thai is 0 a reman F. J. Itoeltley, Mneinal, Tagaa, 7M thrqueetlon:-- - m tnna anw tba mm, and 'ba SIM Arm, as the house be represented, public are aleo preparing to attend, tha Santa Pe, and family, but waa clipped 7( ajnta rrvatpta Ura wethara, poauda, HM. "No 3H, Mm Hyshowi, you nre Wttotber 'Us wiser for a msn to suf- wro donatad to which we entirely destroyed by na the soemtlea will held annual not damaged by tka Are, which de- April 17, oa van ralhrf fund. dynamite will Tusedsy, nlraadf at work the solution of tbe fer rranclio Rtordan. and 8re, not be rebuilt meetings at the aame time. Tbe rail- stroyed tbe out hoaae aad contents, W. B. Bishop, Moate Vista, Goto, problems which demand the Urn Ht "ao, pltobod for the Juarat or the road man a very coaatoMag of Tba Itok and terttire of tS heavy n bualnesa baa enticing mte of several bales of hay. 1713 reeding tombs, 71 pounds, $M1. very stustoat for few month be- vaun. Mrs for A a neaael, W. W. McDonald thla morning tbe enoaaepiueat and It is expect- horaa and taro goats ttiat warn la P. S. Maam, Qraaada, Com.. fore commtmcamont ?" wtuuua Olatunnr, OolU ave-tra- o Ill Or to dig ap wttat'a leh tn rvrelved a letter from her sister and ed that it will be largely attended. the ahad, were reseutd with much iambs. 71 pounds, HM. "Not yet," a replied. Papa says ' tailor. im Rnndny B'pWws, aiexejajia. it amons two of Sun Praudeon. Their Mrs. J. B. Mayo of thla city hsa Just dlvculty, at Jiey bad to be dragged Oregory Oordoa, ColoM It'll b tigs attaugh triandw Balen, Oraaada, to talk about And by end t hfm at wbara be bad a Una home property, a brick house near received word from San Francisco from tbe burning abed. The damage 167 ro pay the transfer ' T HMO. lambs, pouada, tt.o. thorn after he for mamma'a shed to cbaag-e- and wltnaaaad aavarai noad Golden Oate perk, was damaged Judge Barton nnd hta wife. Mra. waa about t&o. Collin Colo., neater nowllns pMnea. Tba boys of by tatMaya's Broa.. Meat Vista, clothes." No laore; and, by the cbanxc. to ny that the Mithqueke. but nit smter. nnd family have es- There was a special meeting of tbe M clipped tombs, 71 pounds, M.SO. town bava one of tb flnaat bowling escaped uninjured. caped aerkms Injury Tbe Samoa came old school board held last night, for Everything Flewrtohlnn, we end Klett A Spear, Lag Animas, Colo.. Tli lurniag nd thu nJlafn In tha territory, and Mr. Harry Cooper, deputy I'nlted Stales within six blocks of their home In tha purpose of settling up all old ac- Our little town I nourishing, as thousand natural Ontannar anya aoma blgb wara S17 lambs, 78 pouada,, tlvj Ills aoaraa marshal, hna returned from Roawetl, Peru View avenue. At tbnt point the counts, and a large number of bills lambs, 71 Nay Forrest is erecting n new store. mndo hwt Sunday. wara planty pounds, td.M. Tbnt rtosh is heir to. 'ti a conanm-ma- t Tbara where he bas been attending tba ses- wind changed and saved their home. were audited and ordered paid, so Oregory A Oordoa, Qraaada, Colo., Old man Prater seeme to be In high of good Oormnn on Stater) ton rarmahnants sion of the Ualtad district The chimneys tall nnd did noma dam- that tha new cbool board will haw MS lambs, TS .pounds, M.90; spirits slaee Widow Form baa re- Hand nil anjoyad Tall-mada- e niUdn tit Devoutly to be wished. To shod to: and tba oalabratlon roan the peat two weeka. Tha age to their horn. They bad to walk a (a tmt wk, it tombs, pouada, turned from Waat Virginia. -i-mk in Ana style. six N ji.10. Changs : - f land fraud case was being miles of blocked up streets to sand aomen into omce next Monday night. F. M. llareoH. Rocky Ford. Goto., Jack Lambwrt and John litoalt - Deputy Cooper a dispatch. "Chave-crnft'a.- To change! perebaac to snrexo sy, Mnyonrd Ounaal tats morning ra- triad when left. roe resnrnation of Miae Margaret ITt tombs, 81 poaada, still maks their usual cells at " Mf Harry O. manager H. M. tbere'a th rab; a tatagrmii rrom im v. nan Swnln. assistant Porter passed through the Ilartnma, a. taaeber In tbe Central C. B. rtoUas. Hoeto Ford. Colo., WhAt's the attraction, boys? att formarty tbls city, but now of tk llocby Mountain Fire Under city yesterday, returning to bis Malt school, wbo tendered same DeWverett porreepondence, Orayeon Uv with that saaex what kind ot the 191 lambs, tt poaMs, ?i.6u. may haatiflHAr-ter- a borne at Denver Ragle-Heral- d. grip cost. f Sanaar, Cal. wnlnh anya: "jay writers' saaoclntlon. with from it visit to We soma time ago. was aoeepted, and X. Thornton, Lea Aaatmas, Colo.. (Ky.) Denver, In cattle aub-atltul- Wlten we have shuffled off th hosvy Noma orar aundnr. No duMMt dona. at la tho city today on rsneh in Socorro county. Mr. Miss Rosa T. Dee appointed aa n Mg tomufl, 7 pattads, (CM. AM bj baabteaa, Porter says Ne sum Beam. wn. Jy Mr. Uoofiatt't son, and la being Intradtiaed that Socorro county oat ta fill out bar unexpired term. T. J. Huekiay, IvtitritMil, Ticaa, 1181 mat. won by P. F. Mr. men htv every Th nam Pttot Mock sswuld not be Must give us pause. There the 'wtie it n ttawant at Dark'ley. Tna ad McCcnm. Swain tie reason to feel Miss ilartmnn Intends to return to lipped owes, eT ponwH, HM. llftnnaUR hnv a largo nuratw of will return to his headquarter from preeperous this spring. Cattle are Iter old Items in New York. oontauaded v,dth that of Qaatta ltok, apeet Srlonaa in AlbKiaarjH, wno will be ante ottj. fat, prions aru good, range feed is Wednesday, April 18. Thar i go njManpi being made to That avasvag us cling to them till fat Manced ta lanrn mat mtffam Mra. Fanny Rons Miles, of Van platMai and water is to be toand hangFngsTn"" J. Arreguy. Prowara, Ootow 4M mil Ptmt Itook. In faot, tow that nr in tty: - tnr two wbo weigh neiUter kmw of IKo imk- proparty aa a Nana avenne. Stn Frauobiaa, raeorin everywhere in abundance. Mr. Por- toMbe, Tl potinda, ft.Tt. ansaaaed at fl anoh ar not tor gale. For weald boar tb of rewa of the uallforam Mrtaqnana. frotfi owa on the hill, that oh wae ter prenatal this to be the beat X. Marlmnn, IlemnaBii, Onto., , MIT Pttot Meek I not esperienoiuK a heavy wool. Mte Mora C. Maty, dnugfatar of Dr. tmrat oat well. Mrs. MSag la the year for cattle in thu his- colfax couiw ktmbe, 7 imnnda, 8.Tt. boom, ntdther it on Urn SUM. It U Ttt Marine's haaL the deep utar ot lntrt - and Mrs. A. H. Mnly, and J. D. Jor-k-n, youngest daaabter of tory of taa oouatry. R Saraetit, I Animas, Oeto., M8 ImMlas; Ma own, ttmnk you.- Pilot enmetohatr, . OHIEF S When com- warn nnltod 1 nutrringo at Kins-man- Urns, of this elty. Her hajband was Vferd comes from Darning that Mra. JUSTIOS W. J. MILLS lambs, 76 pounds, 86.7H. Honk (Of) Maaard. ke himself might bis own Arku. on Wtedntedar. Anrll 18. awy from borne at tn tAa of Us Massta MaOammea, of Socorro eoan-ty- , SENTENOE UPON THOSE C. DelxHig, itoekjr Ford, Ooto.. Sit fort make 'Witt gnoom In tba general manager dtfitgtar. aad Matt O. Williams, a mining CONVldfTED AT RATON LAST lambs, 84 pouada, 16.78. new o usarn anui unia, With lisle or linen? Wbo would flan-na- and awnrttrtaaitent of tba Mocking R. P. Jabamm, tha time keeper tar man, ware united In mnrrlage in that WEEK. Oregory & ttontoa, QrnwiMla Co'i, 3. J. Rrowa arrived horn Tneeday wear, m towa hwt Thursday night, w. R. lamba, 08 pounds, 6.f8. from an exteadad visit Is Indiana, To earntolt and aweat under a warn litrd Ml nans omnjiy. Tba brtdtrl wa AmerteftH Mimner oeatannr ftv In the court Colfax ttt tot woods, ansae ronum. pastor of the district for Ing sun. unranii rantdod in Atbnanwuuo tba la from ThareatttMht Methodist uni). bald Thursday, April 19. tm IT. dnys tootfe tavnttttg, will aaamans ohureh, wiformltu: the ceremony. at Rntin, as announced MtM,. lliifiirilnlll But that the dread of eomethin after. tna anitr of tbta cir. and and trsaamct in Th S. II. Gregory. Ornnada, Cow., Tniltonssrnslln atonlrkj old-- barn today, probably to Tbey will mnke Dewing their kreeaing Cittaea yesterday. tit to by Una, and ward--TIi hto tbereiore wetl known to tb rmnraias the future Chief tuattae W. Mills lambs. 14 pouada, be' OlUnaa woods UrngM. Mr. Johnson Is a son houw. Mrs. McCammon. now Mra. J. on Satur- .. thence to Aidowoa. where bad too uneartala weather of tbia mmn. Tba utenda day iniiKMmd the fallowing saateaeee: W. A. Wight. Lag Animas, Onto., nearly fifty coaatos, MtnlatJoMa to Mr. nod Mrs. Jordan. of W. P. Johnson, vice president of William, was tbe widow of MoOam-mo- a who entertained none, John M"dtock. to be banned on May 141 lambs. Tt pouads, ban wall. Mr. Brown well re- no man cn puixllng A, llaaa, of the firm of tba Hna tha ppmninsi wbo waa shot and killed by a M fH Which forototl 6. f tha murder of Cnrrto Boyd, Cunnlnaaam & . Lee Animas, paid for the time spent on hi vlatt, will MmeJ ootapany, owners of on ef Dent target tba union tampetnaea neighboring ranchman over a cattle Colo.. lamba, Tt $6 68; th dmputa, la Socorro county, couple nae Carrie MaKlnney on January 4. i7 nouade, IN learning mere, a nays, about thai And make ua rather bear those nl wfl tba kwaant wholaanle nooaoa of Inn prayer meeting at the Baptist uburca a 1PS1. Arguolto. ewes 92 pounds, $4.80. paaaad tbrongb elty of rears age. lvld to be banged state of Onto, than b could have done have wanalaeo, tno twisat nt t:w tfemra. Alter hair an on Msy Ml, J. p. MarI man, Las Animas, Colo., In , Th cmaa for the marder of Deputy fifty year of reading. Madison Than fly to others that wc know not fans Morning on ib CnlWornln hoar spent In prayer servlee, Rev. annual track meat of toe 44i wen, pounds, ra.aH. students university New Sheriff Ptonctaoo Oareia at an Floyd to Uk (Mian.) Tribune. of? bam ward bound, from an ex Havens will tell of the aroareas of of the of Meea, Friday, April SO. to Burope. Mr. saloon league work la New Mex- Mexico, was fcold tola afternoon, be- ranch "n Johnson on Ootober tended trip Mnaabad antl Springer, In II (I Fuikwreoa, Colo., atwripad from ico Art sons. tn ginning at s:S0 o'clock, on the uni- 1. !!": Fred ono yoar irowere, Inst aboard tba boat t and Iat all those the initenUary tor burglary, having 44 ismbs, 88 pounds, td.M. REV. W. E. FOULKS aad started up towa on Cent r versity campus . swob ht Mew York, wtm tha drat pnpera to sympathy with the movement attend. event in the ), HAD A NARROW v meet wns robl.r,i drag store of Mark Urlndle O W RllKy. iMinr, Colo., 74t ESCAPE. and in front of tb alley at ttIt ff nMmmneo the Cnllforain aartbquaka Mra. L. M. Martin, of 101 Mountain hotly contested, aa strong i at it.uon. William SmtiA. two lambs. 78 pound. S6.M. Rev. W. & Poulka aa-ca- o tesuma restaurant two men ara ware H la rlvslry ban been existing between the kad a narrow uih ocerod for tela. atatad tbnt road, ininu a Jersey cow. which i, Qormon, . 4M went Classen In ear. the penitentlsry for tbe snnu Udward Lamar. Colo laat Monday, aya tha Deainz and hld him and thrnur.'i ills Ma Irm would rwbatld lnndlately, dit'i) )at night us a rasult of founder- track athletics Tbe best 78 pounds, 1M ewes. pockets and $18, f talent, from crltu, ltotb ro young men. Bailey lambs, M75; Oraphlc. Ha waa riding a bronco imd secured or nil thi anw tbnt their balldtng would ing on rwu alfalfa. Oreen judging the showings 4 t in-- nw alfalfa Mr i una year In tho penltentlnry, VI pounds. 88.75. yuaillnga, 85 when ho bad money be had with htm. Th v b banger and floor than The usually proves to not niade tbtii afternoon, will bo oat reached the neater of evir fatal animals for 1. Into pound, M25 Denting the aalmal to give turned him loose and as it i)tiit carrlod a ntraiber of Baa to It, against a team from the AslcuHural iktnx rosldence of decided a tesllad 'rain accuatonird eating and owners flhiitrr Marion l.ittrell, at Raton, Ponton. lAinsr. Colo., fi.M clipped free exhibit ion of bla un- dark and h was n strnnar was IVaaoaieaaa rvturnlng bomr, ( college at M callta Perk, on May 1, for capacity to If and all of milk cowi unoulil careful and & , the ,u i mm of larceny. Charles D. lamb. pound. V.1&. load anything human that dared to unable to roeognit either of ib mon. sanguine of 'Frlaco a t allow them t freely when a team from tbe university will One Wr areiv ipo Roix r palntvr, one year In the pea-Ite- gat aatrida Ma back. Rev. Foulka at- of his pockets was lathd off IIIKJII II. go there to take part in the meet. yon Mm i ateailng railroad tickets If haven't tb to aaerclse tempted to dismount, but was thrown by tho thlevea. 'I'he aged Kt'ntittman Tbe members of the party of n. for pre-- ; lilflro Sandoval, ilif Houtb 8rond bridal fro oSloe the sys- Mgamriy, Doan's Hegulets will to the ground jumped on was given assistance by tlu imiiin'it tTnenday, April 34 ) tbe WMte-Slron- g nuptials, of Saata Fa aad then irw! Keneral merchant and sheep which are vent constipation. They Induce a d men went , tem u Raton. Roptr has a fsmlly by the vicious brute. He luckily of the sido. WHl Ihraon. Denver agent tba rulxi-r- t on tha onleadar for the May, enay. tor will leave day after uiorrow month of and minerty nt Canadian City, Tex. mild. healthrni aetloa of the serious injury, from which we & typawriur. in the oltv for wore tbe guests of the unbare a REPUOEES ARE POUR I WO U fmltk hit sbep rants, locatod about at Conn! I'aJdwall, six months in the bowels without griping. Ask yourj draw the sago conclusion that man thirty Ave miles nouthwitut dinner at the Alvnrado em Monday druggist a INTO LOS ANGELES frtnnthls ciiiihn jail a fine of ISOO aad for them. fte. may be a power la tbe pulpit, a e atd K. K. DonnAurty, the Socorro at ! twenty-lv- evening. Those composing the party , R 'iiy. has oni men to r carrrylag concealed weapon. winner of souls, who John Burton. eecrota r,r iho tomey, rhtttlng In Albuauerquf ht were Mrs. D. A. Maepbaraon, matron Short tdmptom from tho life f M. wrt c was rfinch, and on hi arrival there In i.i' of Abe Adams, tried for man and women from tbe grasp of Oran Bros. Conatraotlons mtany, yenterday on ktaal buetnraa. will superintend the lamb- of honor; Miss Mabel Strong, the Qadty: srrlvod In ti.e city yesterday mm,:, i Jury tailed to agree after Satan, but whoa a tack I an out- fim M. T. Ben tan, of Waablngn, I ing of bride-to-b- e, aad Misses Helen Rodey, the faunagratioa. Angolee, in ui anil shearing the Bocks. being fartf-elg- hi and conversation ;th a Far-guas- .nt hours, alx stand. law broaeo. nine timea out of ton be C. wag n rtattan to the motropolU Ulllaa Spits, taa Oobeoa. Krmn r Ovation. repreaaatatlve of tbe pre Thos. P. Xeleber, Jr., one of Albu- Ing i ooevlotlon ami six for will mm bla Waterloo. uta'eu and May brides-mald- e; refugees yeatardny tnweaeuaa onataaaa querque's popular young men. has re- Haseldine. has been sent to the that from San Franclm ar Mra. P. gona Cmaa. Whit, groom-to-be- ; Will Adams Angelev. Harry Owen baa to turned to the city from a buniaase and penlt, i;Marr safe keeping until A NEW HOTEL pouring into loi wiu; ho Los Angalea. to ba goeat of rata Wlte, beet man; Dr. M. J. Algov, Fred for left, at the rate of 600 per daj I.ut the pleasure trip to southern California. the s i Bather term q court. PLANNED POR R0SWBLL. Uvea n few waeba. Nlebow, Louis Uualag, Samuel Wek-ar- d Irritation, tbnt h did not anticlpat It was reported here that Thomas waa The nw hotel to b built near muc', of aad Harry Wetller, ledignettou the an toareaae In jmipuIs-tto- a At tba Baptist church tonight at nt sen rraaemoo during earth uahar. THE FATES ARC CRUEL Carnegie library, In well, lm Angeles' o'clock, ine Lvtby. ffffpos lalai ton 'Ho by U C. aa a TiM a union temperance quake and Are, but be relieved the J. F. wj' returned taa other TO RAILROAD MSN. Walker, Is to cost $80,000. It (a to result of the dlsr.xtiT, as nmrer tuwttknx win ba bald. All are day from bis m-por-ta hniplaaatton. most of the refugees were )y anxiety of friends uv showing up thla visit to Oillterala, Hvi ii fate, or the myatarioe bava a two story porch, twelve feet iiiir aardUlly inrltMd to attend. Ms health in very goad eoarn-tkm- . ntif i Angeie temporsni'. morning. He was not nt Frisco bat power i hat rales our lives, has not ftopwtonkmTr) wide on north front. There er to main " Mies Orrel Hlghbargain loft thla nt I.os Angeles. ha having mad the trip to been ot to be thirty rooms, and that tbe coaeeaeu of opinio" High- - kind late Joss Tarietta, nteeping of whtoh MMuneo ntarnlna for Buraka. Kau. Mlas A train of twenty-on- e enrs from avoid tha usual March and Amil wind sect iun tar the Sativa Fe five will have baths. la io do mat woe whu wit iMHtnta foreman at RELIEF TRAINS ARE Tha kltehea afvaid to aiixiou to be absent from the Kansas City passed through the city and ssnd storms hare, whlea geaer In unarge I I MABJilM b themsihM on - KBerr Matins, and of tbe ST! TMBflllOU to floored with cement, aad aa anr eonnie or weeka. morntag an- brinx with theai the hay fever. the paninsula would move to OnUand t this post haate ea route to section thla ettr Sad latota toag rattgf loaded! electric bail system will reach all ' Wanes Black, fomnaa of Mi. Lathy waa at San Pronet sou but tawia Another tram, "in thockn in Los Angvles, wont an Fraaettma. From its tide floated Two wagfeg ago AnWe anatiier dma. with provisions and supplies, tor the! roomc. J. M. Oilkesou, sow living nt on Mr. Hompanlag naom of th Morning Jon foltowlnn fortunately left that eUy n coapl of Burton, "were very ellgtu and a banner Marias the in after ilgssj'lgg lllnese, then a few sufferers la Sun Frnactaeo, passed j Amarlllo, Teaaa, and formerly a man- nni, la raponod sorKniaiy ill with aid-n- asys stop , probably would not hnve 1mu iinticed script ion: "Relief from Kaaaaa Oily to tbe sertMuexs He day i.u.-r- wMIe playing la the yard, harry-u- p ager Fred Harvey of trouhla. tbrongb tha cRy today, In of tbe ntm at all had not the people bevn , vi ry San rvanetsco aufferara." A seeded ped at th Palace not el. now anone: gas wounded hlm-sl- f, Mftynnrd on his ut'i" eeverelF time, aaroato tram Kaaaaa Olty, Mo.,; hotels and eating bouses, is to bav excltad from reading account r Oanaul left the limited train of an equal number of oars will ruins, aaa staiec tmi morning a nasty scar for life, by atoag char of ttt bote). iba Imta tday tor Oallup. Mr. (tuttaul pass a nsi splendid construev lriii aad other town tha line of the disaster at n Francisco. Kor awhile through tao el"A,bewen and tbls aniidlttit. 'runniiiK mto a barbed wire feaca. Santa Fe. The reliai tretee, accord- Los reaaatly purobnaed the Oallup oieetrle In earUl-quaka- a Auxolw was pretty well f o'clock this cveni ed tbe TO's. aa proof against Ist Hiiudsr Tortotta's heme was ing to Manager lawrtap, amva atraet SOLB ROSSllRS AT WVRK though." vritd. Itabt plant. Rdward T. Maaaaa aad W F. Bro- - and other dlaaatera. waa again taa acwee of mmfortaae, in IN LAS VESIAS Vfed OotdamKb. old orders to "whoop 'er na" and as a re tba time base gan, former reporters oa the Saata Fa among taa Irat to, be SbHed by fir. that h'H wita passed to tbe great be- gotes A bold robbery waa aupreme courTof The ball nttaner and nawue. ! now day salt some of the "red bRs" are committed Tbe I'm tad New Mexican, left the territorial cap- The Praatartary of Santa Fa wUI yond rord-brakln- g wdanfnalat Wkiw Kenbent, toroash ta time, and Monday sight oa Ceator atreet aad so State bv diamiaalas fur warn ,.r i.., at the ital yesterday for a trip aa far south hold aneetiag In tlte Presbyterian But van yet the fntoa were not !a sway taataaeee running ahead of far all attempt to apprehend tba ladtotton a caa agalaat wae warn, as Demlag, church, Fe, thla evening, the atala of jreattnad Luna eouaty, nnd probably Saata aad thrcuiih wRh Joae. Last Tuesday tbe Umltsd's time, avaa. aerpstratora have bees futile, saga Georgia, practically upheld the law of farther waat. They will make the die the sermon will bo preached by tha night a peesiag engine Veajaa Optic Romw Mouth MarM from the Las Hcrrara, proBiounxut ta running of )xc been Staved from First tone In easy stages, traveling about retiring moderator, Rev Deorge S fir, big two-sto- ry sect I Mrs. Fraab Madtg has returned to aged yanrs, ajrrived to nveave, set to the in abaat M the frstant trains on Snaday. A superln-toade- at street to 1M Bllver under the twenty mile per day They have a Sevier At tbe meeting tooiglrt it house, asattasajis it and nil of tlia her home nt Saata after a abort any from Ma hoaM at Wagon Maaad Seat Mil rowHlag Bajkt wagon F. af the barn railway had bua aad a fmed 'earn, wttt wtd ataa be decided what form aba emttont. wlsaVbalflasad to Jaaa. and vtort la ta etty to bar pa rotas, Mr. that plgtrt ou datayed Mo. 7, to vtoR baea triad aad aaavtatod of vioistlng MMn Lrdla ML Uapltt nrrlrrd la the eawp out, do their own cooking nad eervtota will aaaume during tha re-- wblrh woi nat Insured. aad Mrs. W. H. Haha, with Masaal Yaldea. He left the depot that law.

1 1

land aTMttta, mad by the Ipaatoh bomg blocks4 and the eurfnee olsiig gsoBaBBBBaaaaaaapn THE FAMOUS CUFF HOUSE otown Bwairssa of years ago la ffovr BASE arsd nod eyoud recosjsHhm tbfatvtaiaa ssiaUl awa aasl BALL auabsd to e rsact form that marked R bo-mr- r San Francisco It was dtaturncd. The water, I MANY SHAKES HAS SM and etortrtc pwtpia have th otty OPINED pretty Territorial Topic naosraround well nsapped oat, IN CALIFORNIA ajtd tnsy seldom make moth of a TWWIII WWasillPilllilWIIIIIBI I S Ill mi Wimaliiii on kmoilna ths iron bis, bat PNMPARINdi POM AN always knows thsy haw been cossatsored the eslenslon and SIKOK 1N7 AND A thsre AROHABOLOSICAL largeansBt NUMBER OF 1NJ0THAM frm the dkMurbAd anrfnee. It srcmld 1NIP of the ortglonl diteh, go Profsssor L. -r TOWN SADLY DAM AS ID. pay the city to bay ths atdswalk B Kewltt. oonascteii that tha gonoral rarrying t- acfty. front alt with the Bureau of Klhaology, in not only of th mala line, hut jf tho Tfasrs are only rmpsrfsct data aos mots in J the business Washington In an Important capacity, eernlng SWdtSgs. and ley galleiius there lower exisnsion nee, ths tows of th earth qnab e of the About Old Women Who la In Santa Pc for ths purpose ot pre Pruitland and sown shore ARhongh It was toward the town oamN Kallrssd at lis OM TrtsHs. paring for an archaeological aad o.' of Jewett, waa greatly ntorgl Th Pled at a few paints by JeenH mm-do- nntogyicnl eipwra'.lon trip through th canal now traverses 4 mltttsryfstationa aa eart Sell Fruit and News The New York Central has bcoa southwest. several aoritoa baying up Mn land on both at htnd, and Is spprontasataly twen aa KtS, thsrs are no racortf of th aides ty c four miles long. It pmvides eartnqnaitsn of aa earlier than Of th ity ot rmkskUI. on the Hud FAMILY ARRIvitO lrrl dais Papers. Mm, so today that city got Ion for thousands of asms of Issd. that cant PROM LKAVBNWORTH which Irslld a dock lor public use. Ths Mrs. Arthur wife otherwlav wonht h of little tinned In the archives of the Jeetilt Trslford. of um for agricultural purposes. fathera OdenrRsd Anrla tit imutk itt railroad company has on nrmy of men Trslford of the tsrritorwl t Imrsirng. RUB up, patting th Attorney rjrsnvlli Pnnn1tos ptemhor, t:, and was of estrem STREET PIPG GALLERIES and penitentiary snd her little son. have compaay ra vioipore. property Is jood snaps. This Is dons arrived at Santn Ps from their former rsosntod th la th mettor it ovsrwmaiBton the bull by coaspany Md Dim run Attorney Bead appaannj ln Can-itra-no th rMtrood In to horns at Leavenworth, Kansas, and f the minslon at Man Jnaa wdr for Shn June county and Santa Inss, saw SteUt control all th kuidlag ninora on th have taken up their raatdenre In the New Hudson front Is superintendent's qnsrtem ter- Barbara. IN miles ream uh iW York Central Preparing rtvr This actios st the TNI KINO WBLL AT In the former evening services war taksn io view of thv treat siposlUon ritorial penitentiary that Is for year 1PO0. TAJAldJUS PINISHSB. neia. m rrom corny to forty-Bv- - Tor 1909 ExpoiIflonMirK nnnonnesd the persona, Very HMe. If anything, has hson said SNOW STORM AND H B. Hawkins and W. Wyatt aeoordtna to different BLItSARD AT CHAMA wevs In Basam is, J eimatss. war burled In the rains In ths New York nopal about this the other day. bas- Twain is (fetal. huge enterprise, coun- It has been snowing north of Trs ing cogpMd the well Wlllmss Krom ltM proper, eart no rec-rd-a but tho river nans Piedras. around .'hama and in the Klag. asnr Tnjnlins. Thistt wall hi !irln. Not a year but ham a not tries sre full of H; papers and people talking about M constant ly. a. larg Cumbree Psae for seveml day, the tT feet deep, sa l through INno or mdu kind, varying fraat a alight April tfr-T- Ned York, h "prain shK-vet- anew being henry wet Around vtono quart t snaaaa-hai- e immoer uf atasun sre working and and itu most of lis lMth rumble to a smart haah Aatonlto, C dorado, regular It in of the baas bail mcd to on ths but pVnlnsula. entsndlnn into a bltasard haa a flow of splaaaK watsr, ami, the mta. la Dr. noidsn'a voiama, raged Monday. If a quick fol while "Ostalogaa VanaqaaJtM Mart spring Heesf. pooiHe actrnt the Kaonott river, and cnllsd s thaw not as strong aa a great many, of on the Iowa there will he fluids along the Hlo Mill auaadsM for Mr. King's Pacitia Coast," tabsesaspt to 1H0, as if thsy nad at laken off that Point Ths ground is being nssso. mvamps up, Orande. The drill is now on ranch Me. Which was reported tn have slid off Into the mean, but I atlll aven eatirgslrta are otsased aa oa-- Incubus of winter. tfrWV la no deny swats, ailed aad th th ratnoua ing the last that XvW York and ths what aarfam mod raaaV lor bnlkf VETERAfTfi Tabet. near Monntninntr. where In. Th rock shown are the el rack. where hundred of OLD OP AHtZONA well is being deport thsasslvs. every ty. to in emussmont of visitors. 1 27 Jannarv a. at van Tulare. country at mras aa wail, u craned togs. A grsat army or laborsrs la si, ILSCT NSW 6PPIBIRS assk. with ball fswar. The newa-Wiat- n work, aad ny ars fairly transform-In- sj Tayan, at. ths base Ths nlnoisonth annual ssOMmnmsnt A SADDLK POHOlirUsTlWJ. 1H OetobST a, ar HUad with fhs norda of tho place tw the tnilHoas who of th Grand Amy of the RspuhHc. at San rmwUtoo. saaapto IB AT MOUNtAINAIH. Uta iriaysfa, ths r writing ar snotad to visit th festivRtsa dsoartownt of Arisona, eosvensd tm on The Government's Defenses of up Mm harass of ikt diamond as that will mark tho grsat event, oe PiMmnln last week. Th attandaaoa hmt Sunsas sfteriHHm ouRs k - s amwatbMi was sprung nt Maontainofr lHf Oettwtr at San though tfcay were hrM of great bat- of th prtnoipaJ fantorao will be a was rsprs-mntailv- bst not bus, for, it. fcaNfcssW Xlaa Olsdya B. Motat-a-d San Francisco, ftMo. INMiWrMHI 8HPH SK sSrMStr CaTHMitArt fnasiavsamu Asaaeniy ot sihsiv, nuns whll iker ar a grant may of whn OsmaaL ths by lbs Nov. J. O. Konff, Mtl Mas oh M, m Inyo eofi5r. Kmnw, in Mlnana, at Mn, snd srsn will Us a permanent InstRnttoa. atMl old boys in Ariaoan. ags ma'.;ss tsv-s- t ekrtstonsd lMt-AHg- Wilt snoonr-agams- ot bar saont pmy. saya Mst Mono at citursh, ar mlklNS base ball, and h used tor h apedcl dMeult for thstn. amLfor othor rea- ths Bniaosia II, at Lnka. Wow pony Mi 1X41 aw. ifoMot with suck tesknecal htxrwiedgs that of Amsrlcai music sod sons many am nnrkt to a! load. Th Th qnastkra at n eakiu, mum K hi svldoiR thsy ar Hosted att Aanisiaaii musts produce rs. It rhows most Important rcsNre of bsMMIM saia a gait to Ohj yonac uurinf tha ni uh Si tn th IMy from 6. Umbo, sarthflMahM are ehteioA aa 4ltr6M tha dslla. Mwapaf writ em ars what a pucuHnr a4 of newspaper H' was the annual election of Robert who w n mnas op pnrasss, Miatstspolls has, that the anbjsct has department for aosns thnc la charms of has Snots tf avrvre aaoeas, msso setaK aa tot-Iow- iirretwme Metis .crs, whloh resulted and mulisulyiag tha hMgusce in n fOMOCiy bson mentioned here, and It as Mlown: P osjno at MonntaimUr. pj mm Vn-ke- r kla 1SS1 most fsacfal way. ft Is Is doabtfnl whsahsr one New (mpartinent H horn wtth Mr. Corbart TH pony Mar 1, at Stw mmcfseo, Ihaewi. commander, James was given ohsrgsable to baa ban that bs gams out of homlrod hsn ever heard f It. CrstnUtos. Phonal 4; Senior Vice De ths Utahtr appwndats of eta. Robert Corbett. ItsS Novwmbsr s, at San Dieno, has bssn isjatpoonlbl fa thn intsotHs-tle- c whilo th whole upper part the partment Commander. A. J. Doras. lmbs Ttiraa. eto. of mors slang words into Um stat 4s aflame over oo it . 4 i Prssoutt; Junior Vice Department IV -- LOOKIHO OVRR LOVVKR IMS Ksbrnary i, at San Lula Obis hMMraag than any other on, la ths certain that millions of man sre Commander, WlnOeld Bcott. Srotta-dale- ; world. iti be ntodo that ii.tsry tna Msillsal Dtrector, N. S. MSSILLA VALLSY. po o&uaty. Bat the "fas" ao In 00 Fulmar Otmsral vnyosn. lit--Octo- I), Benhwiln I ber U, At Burska. randtag th games sad ar happier Vsndaack Point In iwvi. and n Tucson: Chaplain. P. Kyis Phoe- un- cnmtnnnosr gwnnml of tho 18S January tl. In Sierra county fehsst thsy hove bean m msnr months, that Mm, it has min practical: nix. Council of Administration a P. parimps they healthier, used ever sines Hendriek Hi Mm Wftsdom, Tucson, I) V. Skspsrd. Borgber forcwa m the Besr war. and me January.! At San Fmnclaeo and ara as member wto. ' ahsy gat ptsnty of freak sir on tha uaimd pant It tn the Half Mam Jul Prcsoott, Marion Clark, PUgsts". j. for Jrmaaassbnrg tn ta suoh appsndago Colllna. Olobe: J. W. Yu- Transvaal votkaraa. k In the tovmr iB Jannary 10, la Sierra oottnty. Moshsfrss, and whdn titay opsa thatr bus bson a assies Drnriiiatan, vaBsy of th grsat which washes Its ma; dslsgats ti-- fortieth National this wek near OnoinbariBo. i860 in the fall, In Tatars county. mouths wide to shoat ami yell th river whsm pur shots, people wondered why K. H. nt he is comptathsg wraanosmwits lass December, in San Oeami esker rusher down and faahsn that hare arssn. Phosnii: tor countp. all tha dost of wtutsr out of Mtotr It bssnX bson cartad away to nil up adjutast general and ahslstsnt th solonisnttoH of assinrnnts fnmr p. MHh Afrion In fow Maaono, 1R8 OTSmber M, thraacn. Thsy also gat OKorrtes, and somo noalotia territory aeneral, W. R. aajNt at San Joss, SuartsrmaatsrI Um Hlo Oman KsjmtMoM. l Ml JHiy 3, at Amador. the Wis la thrown off thatr livers, ami fnu without doubt they Happy and Useful Old Age. Hasra will be wuaguina lu Dona Am iieiMnrtJii , at 1'staJnmft. ara much bettor M. E. OONPSRENOe eoanty. 1S May SR. at hh mhctooo. la wind ami body, ami prhsssi rujttr-rttmt-ly Marx fwalh is Ispsnding hto"de aa thsy yonrs In a, mannsr CHOOSES DELE3ATE8. let Ifafttuary IT. at Klarrtath. fai bsttar toward Utsir dining that ntras The session of dm Bl Pnso district YOUNQ HOWELL A00BPT3 lSS-atsi- nber fellow msn. Nobody h JC, t UktHb. arar heard of tn grsat comfort aad suabhM bki .trvr. are of the M. church, MINING POSITION IN MEXIOO. llBf-Oot- nlwr 8, at tJklkh, K man cuttluR another utan s throat to k n araat deal ot hsaoAt to nil on south, waa rontlnnad at Las Crvcsa, Ilnyhsa Howail. who rsssntiy wfK 18W Decsraiter S6, at Sacramento tka bass ball flsM. ami no crAat tlBsaes of humanity. It la bsoamhtg with unabated Interest, to Marrsrihs. eta. orlmas have Invadod tho diamond. qulto ths thing, nowadnys, to read of ths rasmbsrt Aatasoallsnlas, Mexico, has aa present taking eeptml n posRton atnt-pan- y It M our nams, long may Mr prssMiHg pubNe a keen latsrsst in tk with a Mrnlng This to "Ths rarepst," gtro Height, im NovsnAsr , In Oregon and natkmsl ami Clemsna at some discussion or ths different questions Aonpuhw, on on ovwlooklnfc th PaclUc UlaafeJHBiOfi R endure. NattiraUy, New Yorksrg functkm lu aid of soma spactally at th sstfsfne ocn, and located near the Cliff House. I ert ar part of the torrfterisa. semlng up bsfhr th onrhsm coast of mpuMta. mounted lSts--Janu- ary fssl daMaht Qlanta won poor, stiftk as bttml, tku euafrns. ths Ha Mr artillery jfuns duTmU th In 10, In Honey Lak that the the ths Tbs prsasners delsgnto am lowd win b km ways that riy Wm nut ta least disturbed by vaiiay. first gam. Thess Qlaats are erlHidss, ths ophsjiia, and ami a from taHnat pat earthquake or flr. ml In their prals of ths rospitable en- ho oan Snd a Ifttle csmmmUoh 111 ih IW9 AnrM 1. at Pajaro. fin fallows, and ar ayldently going as har for ttislr obst the lively tertainment thsy am rscolvlng, la tho toot that meetvus 1100 e, mm, 1W1 Oatoksr U, at gonomav to sat a paea this .sssmh). but llRhtsninR of hs burnsns of the af of gnoJ MoxJoan, U HM, fllotod. bowse the people of m for hit asrvhws. IkMf m 181 April 8, at Hswhall. was Coi cms sidsd season, and Mr. Clsnisn i sseily ths Cmees. findrng, many R is H be om wMI most) man m as aaotbar TWffe WM OLD GERONSMO SEBASTIAN MARTIN The above la a eomnMo list. It honsd that clubs nonlar the cstv. and at The following are fh nasass hag ftmnd, IraJkilaW wtll be work up suom a aosrs b to put the asm tima, the bast known. of tbs that bis lit Ba seen from the list ttntt n num- th delegates ernfbr-enc- e m GHsnts on Rvsrykody elected to ths anunal none of Mines standi hhB Ht ber of Severs lltwtlra inr im. Ana In. Sisir mettle. knows Mark Twain, and In Sspttralisr- - O. W. Preetnan, REPORTED DYING LAND GRANT nolliy. In when Ma kindly teems up in a ragion sJtUNMlRfr over fas a N 8. West. O. D. Wornock. Rev J. C. inaav thottssad miles, quits Thsy Wanted Her Business. public masting jront intorsnt Is al- TWO Muar fa ways Osge, local preacher. LABISS WBRK mail. Thus at San I'mnelsoo, there Ths ctty has a number ill old women fall, that atolMK toward ths J. II. D. INJURED IN A RUNAWAY. have bean tam great author being extremely cordial. Altrats Derrick. Settle-iment-Near- oalv at all MmtninHn whom It tores to cotarftljf wards. The Apache Chief Who Ter- Partition Suit Near ly its Ballard Mra. a. T UcOalflaa aiut Ula nsw. shocks (up They and is nlwofn a good spoMn e to Wsdneeday) and four stand on th temfW corners. ttire The nest aeeslon of the dlatrlrl nlo Onhtwoll were throws from a bs nepuuawiy aeavy in and sail applss nad ottMr frutt, amt coming that pleases . todeoJ, Country Twenty-Fiv- e aanminaae Mark will bs held at Hagorman neat sy while driving on Booth Ktrhbso, rorized a Thousand half a rsatnry, although shew have bav dona R for mnnr 4eara. Twain is a sort of ever ready year RoswMI. Mm. uu Sanaa Clhua. wWv MrOulliaa was brninmi been ver ssaaiv--T m )Mii- warnam of thstn hmHng grown n sn satromely ktod ww'mt wi.o dl their way an ons shonldsr nad Miss Calswil Years Ago. Recognized Ciaimnants. tremors. posm. Thsy am know' to many hmrt, and a of nutttos thins ADORBSSIS SONS OF THS raeslvsd s p that doss his auditor good. Could number of braisss, bath hoosnnda of twain who nana thm t REVOLUTION AT SANTA PI womsn being dragged some distance MRS. L. ths morning on thsir any nicer way be found to illuminate Hon. L. Bradford Prince, while In BRADFORD tebustnees. or by (be overt urnsd buggy. Th buggy SOME VERY IWTERESMG FACTS A, B. WILL GET iLICE and mpaa thesa at nlghtfMl, on thsir the path him who la walklnc to Denver last we, nand aa address aP Struck a aala Thai McMLEN ths heavenly Mad. helping as tia PRINCE OF NEW MEXICO V mr nom. som o tkssc old bs doss the banquet given by th Sons of tho horse broke loose from it, to whisk laalaa squattsd ail wtth whom he corses ta contact? Amer- at the KfMona ubey Revolution aad the Bona of tha mot tnsy possibly owe thslr lives. amntrad, and Mr. Clemens luu th ocnabtiity of ican Revolution o eommssnomtion of ( Ucronlmo. lb chlsf of the Chimes-hu- a Tb suit to ascertain and quiet the A FORTUNATE SANTA stood thatr around PC against all comers, until kksrw ennw Suing In, as a. prcatamar oMosr. with ths annlvoraary of tha battle of Los- ROSYVBLL IS APTBR Apaches, who terrorrlssd to to IbhU DAUQHTI2R - 1 Nw tit tlio Sebastian Martin OF THE AMERICAN a Bwona aounlssosnet- irVlMir oocu- - all tho m who spank, and at th ing! on, Friday svntnc last. Tha ban- OATTLgMBNS 0ONV8NTI0N the border oc- RSVOUUTION. rmmmg psacas same time eyinpatmatng with quet was ad-dm- Mexico and Arlxooa and grant a almost concluded aftnr oi uanr as 1ST ngM. of his largely attsndsd aad th Roawsll is to ham th mm conv mats of Mexico for a ion period of pnsssBston. On womsn a bearare. Ma la a. nnliMu nkamuvtae Ueins; eloquent nod Istsmstlng, cupylag mot than three year. hS Mm. I go of th Oaorajs SS. iweiity-ftr- s years, la reported by tele- Savsral veara asn. M ? pnpsr gtaMen non othor Ilka asm in ostHrtry was wKh great by csuisrssn. Th grant vraa nrhjdaatty mad In u.m at Nnssau Mi Pulton this recivd favor the SrAngMer and Bob Insoraafl had He graph to be dying at Wort fill military nrmlfrd tfiaos iouRdad the Stephen Mrsats; sn stands in the snuar or any outer. WHk hi kamins head, members of th two aoatati present. watts y by Cap-u-Ut and allow ribbon hsHnos print reservation, Indian Territory. Walla lTIt a Spanish Jtorernor, to Kanray U. a. 1L. of with Iter baakat aaabia! his Madly vtwsa, Ma tend?, though Tvaa unstsr. a iaiBat ATTEMPTED JAIL d, "RowM wants yon. laor aa. far from using aa pirtumrqua a char- Sebastian Ulartln, who wua tbo ssiys waanington, 8 wsnsgse to have her un- - kssa spas, ha riswt ItHd of one. r, ins u hasla tk DGLIV8RY AT CLAYTON taotc thorn to the PaalmndeO srori- - acter aa Chief Jeesnh of tke IlaHnosks moat important nmn In tke reesnnueat C. POSL momststl by Ch trurkn. ami an smj k llv. AaaaialUi a tmu I) U is An attempt of jail man'a aanvaaUiia at who ravo Oeneral O. O. Howard a by Vargas and ambrae the Hlo Stephen Kearny Chapter haa much ahe owner h.kH. jw flsottgh OLD TIMkTH la break out at ago, mtta of the Claytun, Union citwrty. by prismi-- r 4ya ami that, icnathsr with an merry chase through two or litre 0ramie THlley on both r'.iles of tbo uFfi umincuoti or poseessttts me most n- im bssb wHattt to nar in fas tke f) oft onnJnml lltam wan almost sues ass-- 1 iiiiuMwn irw um prasniont sr m states before he was beaded ths river, from the bu Hilary of the San hietoric room In the country. Thoujsh aimpis. Ail tha otbir sI(mi of INDIAN SCHOOL ROTES Mosweii slHh by u fnl on last Thursday ovenlng, Ths ami ttw went doss sat time toon to in wnrpniu. uvr jusn tmsaio gram on me souw, to w the kindly latarsst of Nsw (sxl's papara reoosniaa har rishta. sul bsostsrs on Ihs arousd. sssmssmI any prisonsrs worn In ritn-aron- tak- ta. ontmo waa mom btootlthlrsiy tbau eml of La Joya on the north and oaM dslststs In osHirrsas, W. II. Andrews. sttsmpt to soil any psp--rg vriiW ths ombls action. AI- ths (Tuesday, April SM.) ing sxsrets anil wnahing nml wktis of the Indian chiefs who made the aa far aa um Trntntwa. inca dl - Mrs. Prince, aa regent of the state, circis trrwhHw hsi, aonstRu- - - U Snpsrinhtntlasjl A Man U) tbom dug a hot llv ot ssUlsrs and Hroapsoiors In naldo, l.oa LMoarna, Lm Vllltla anil Ia was enabled to obtain ,,t wn har turahisy. Another aid lativ want Thor throuah th snob AUTOMOBILE LINE BETWEEN i can Sunday svoRlmfi IT will wall. Ons of prmenora had eravrU the outhwft lncura for tha first Joya ar all wHhln the original grunt, the great rsosntwti In nhs old aqnattad tims pti St. sosml the AHTCatA AND . ,OPff. oeoupatlou by to iom .a tm s ... as some tkm Is tM Lsmtut, district, d through aa far as hla hand ami forty years of Its but of oourw the ooeunlad land gorsrnmsnt palaoa at Santa. Pa. uniming, mn me nang jtwt so at Dr. Wade, of I fops. kwt Ho was a greater terror to not uffoeted by the iHlt. wkleh only whloli tendtfig to Impoftani hnalnsaa. shoulders when dbwoyorad by Deputy aMvott whits. she rwnovatad and furnished many ovary day, bscaus wmk from Hoaweil. Hor-ehas-ml Now Mexico and do tmtm of Sheriff Lutkor Qaonw and J. ClnmUo rvhsm a tlie white settlers of bad to with the eowtnon land that and present eil at a sift to the aswsaoys son Papers t, nsopls be-- a largs Chihuahua atid Honors, than have novor rodueotl to Quitac Ansnt.OaaHStie gosnt Ssn Mnrilns who nave th alarm. WUk tonrist aniimanfla Arizona. been actual DuHShtsrs of New Muxlon. K Me wre rsaon WOT. Aiiosnsr na a freiH Mr. Stnekard aad ta " uven Cochise, who always R troll poaoaaaioa, in Unliad iy ay and Monday at ths aehosL and ths help of other dspuUss the prison- lft ths States haa ksan tke mamt m h at. paui ahHrehyord Yntna, Monday ers were agnln kxlged htnsMne daily hstwson Artsam aM blood deaalatoa farms una The grttat oontnDw over 40,000 his-torl- stmrtsd for Aria., on in thatr celt. of and scans of events of varied o mr. The nhureh ithorlxsa her mum, to mark tka aerea of whloh, perhaiM, sveaing. He says twenty miles weei, asm hq burning nuseu bouses ar tfc build-ln- r d that ths Interest lha wallath of to do this, and hav Ih soil rny-oheeke- RAN9KH8 tUARDSNS Ataonln A4vosal. The ear Wmenrry ft vjK)u ,- hr hoys course of bta rnida. AeoordlUK lu oooHiHCd, iearlHK from to - - who ar st work on the milread er Mami tn isav u. apple ihar r ysar after AiAlNST PORSST PIRBS tear persona isomftertahry. hmPs k'-n- t by Herman Khranbsrgsr. 000 aa tubjnet of litigation. The ars doing well giving sd mcord the apartmsnt. now controlled by ths ysor. end shs stoatfj th. rs in th hot- - snd The atmraja If nacesaary. A a mining uglaser, awoalmo cult waa begun by A. . MeMltlen of tion. auttorittaa la of forsat umber of Arteefe a elvtl aitd una teat sun whwi, pm-v- nt elaugk-toro- d umianvsrs, sasitersa th rulers of or rhf coklsst and ex reserve am doiag aU nan to Mha bam taken a4vniita of and hla renegade Apache baud A I oHtMratM, a consider Jky Ills rreentltK four successive governments h chang her applna, whi h WM always forest gros within tk HmKa of msy sod eomtortaMt msnaa of vfljU-la- g and scalped its person la able nHmfaer of the helm and many Spnnlah, The school has rspsived plana and be-tw- the ahoHctaal (Pueblo), the Uie very best, for or the New Mexico ar- thslr aetghbom up southern New Mexico and Arlxonn other are represented by slim iiiniiui specifications for n nsw war nones, rsoorvss. and am th Posseso. Msakan sad the United Statse. Osn-era- i The St. sil peoph) - rerr nansr- - resting all psrsona who am charged and conunamhu msn will Snd It an year and lWt. At U 8- - Prince, and it Is the 1M and other at tornera. WhUace, inanm-bsnc- y many expected that thla much -- daring his ous and nlktw :.)asrvinc wRh not having put Mm imnssnss It thla momsanted one half Aa nearly two oenturies have etaneod lw uid needed building will be In th ost properly dvsmn. is hepef t that tin ss govamor of Msxioo, I use UM S emoted on r ulthnateiy population In Art-soo- grant waa Nsw oc io HI s nortion of th asm res after nslng them, or run ths ear on throng le ..f the American allies the originally made, cupird the old government paJace. their property ma living. near future. who ClotMlcroft, yoan 1W8 and 1110. 1M tka anmber of haira la naturally vary to The arc found camions is ths matter thus making otmaoethnji in lha and here a greater part of "Ban Hur" government hos ahw u o vary kind, I .sat wesk two moa worn by lib Pnso. were warde.'ed b;- hint and hla band, large and those beat tufcrmed believe Yesterday was a day of great Inter-ta- l arrestsd n was written. aad - (Hla waa reeponalbte for the killing they really a la has allowed quam for making raagrrs on tha forest reserve and and he that eseaod thouaand Mrs. Prince corns of distinguished sales to many ')i woman and exeKsmsnt for the pupils of brought to Stiver Otty on PIRE AND WATSR evuty-ai- x white men. women and anmber abont 6w bave been proved as until Reboot. wns ease th churn of ancestry, in a4dMloa to her D. A. B naoH) haa bsrorm houaohold the The cAuse the of building a Sm on tho f.irest reserve uhlldron on hla but. great raid In 1M6, In the genealogy and the remainder br a tl n or s "Msy Queen," and it was pin. she la entitled to wear th insig- word wtth busin man doing aad leaving asms before was 00m-plstsi- y Ptnce th rejection of ths when Oenaral Mltwa. aecompanled by are ao Mattered from Colorado to ths oonducted In strict accordance with a pso? nia of the Colonial Danes of Massa- busineas near, and times for si I and properly xtlasutshed. Th water franchla to BoynoMs CnlP-- Lawton and Leonard Wood, rongbt California that they will probably the Australian ballot system Ths ISV. bv tlim chusetts, and that of tat laughters ths city. But somstliiiv-b- e two man over Unl the voters of StaiaM hia murderous career to a close, and nerer b heard from. thsy have 10 wfcobj matter was thoroughly ex wm hound to the worn out of Founders aaii PaSrtnta Mf-c- tm ! displarsd, as Aunn, Nuonan ted States grand Jury for the third of how to provid adequat he and the eighteen slek, The evidence has bean taken by B. V mined to the children by their Snswion "No. 31." In ths patrMttc soriSAy was, ths other day. w - Judicial district which meat la ss fur tho town haa been and wounded aunrtvora of the band a. Johnaton at Santa tto aa referee under- teachers, and was carried to the ons pa- - anown as uto uamso or Unvote-tion- . ling, at tbn order of Hi Bbaw, oat Crurea in October next. of consuming isxamst Ths most kurronriil Ueronlmo and bis a end he made a report soma time ago, ths strict few. Jndg admission to which Is within the toid her U move on from the en letter of tho Th praetkable piaa sitsmaeiad so far Is ch i toitowerv were than sailed toilfe haa reosatlr been taking more of election snd other oMesrs were re PILtlNO THE to 10 reach of but a very limited number. trance the barge nfl Thtn In a PtNITtNTtARY law six r slghtlgh sjatos along Ktoifda ano arterwara rsmovea uuHimooy to bring me iiat of heirs quired promise-th-a Miles Standlsh to on Mrs. vary pleci UNI to make a solemn WITH MORS CONVICTS main atmst from Alsjasda avonus anving , - of Prison's cmwdod "A untie to Fort Mil iT aafektepuif, tt down to late. Mr. Catron haa Intro- thsy would do their work faithfully Ptve convicts wsm takes to the atmst. Ms Oan-th- a forbners, and she furUMrmore traces Jaat" waa in the win She thinks rtfth biosks, god ronnscr. beeu touud uxpoaalbla to herd them at dnood a claim on behalf of the and honestly. Ail entered fully Inks territorial penitentiary Monday by , her deeceat from John aM the want mi It wltR tho ten or twelve army and reaervatlona In ches family, who allege that the whole Bus k. authorities hr busineas. the spirit election, great arlsaisa male child bom in Plymouth Bay and so swept her stann wy. "I just of ths and a Merit: Marion Laitmll of cotrax ooun wells eu stther elds of Main street Arlaona. I WM ""'d tbatr anosatora by of - ,J colony. almblv cant underatan.i H, ssya iai elsctionesrlng wns done- by ly. Th met; nra near! all short I arm aod km ahaa a Mock from it, with (Jensml Crook, who, up to that Urns ft1Sebaaflan Martin: and also a claim Site norai, for their (avortt prisoners, a - Her busbaad. Jndite PVIbm on do th- - want - candidates. their Mstaooa ranging Sm hydrant nt each had the reputation of being the great- that a large tract was given by the What earth nw rnu- Pullowing waa rorsw. This chief jastloa afterwarda governorsu. ror- - great many th form of ballot from 00 to two years on ctwrge ot would gfv a plentiful supply Indian Ilghtsr in ins army, 'nesea onuorea ol caputn Sebastian Martin aad iwue uusinsss used: mmsny nnrgmry. of waisr ft usrauad- - who waa nww mssico. is prwmoasK of tsm poWttduns are work In, to rimrtat-Aunti- e ass xas list 00m aad with the porehas of a ascend ftir resra and then in Salvador Uarcla, a fa prises Ballsy Brows, os year: aharx etaaen In to surrender But this moua man In bIk day, for aervlces tor nimonoai society or Santa, and Noonna In her id asscc, and . Sm nln, twhieh oosaf be .t him lei's P.i laron;-- nan nass-ni- BALLOT, ed with aged S4; asmbar aor aa son olrenm-atans- es iiuin buhi fiua wiram bm nr sh has hees" loisawt Uum had ths thai tn aH mmts accompMshsd under which ihsy could not pay in money, nisny 1BTBK ' (vanskWidhst BB7 SBdhrOaShs tm.s- m Per May Queen. wsssnsesm ana, --yews g vrgpes Wsjm . sam-- whloh east a cloud on Crook'a A curious festuru of the case was of srehhasokHry- - At their beau- - a puhiic man would b. ' t bat had to pay each year for aanhts; I aa omy. nged 40. wffibMa by I mimo IB rpjua lsTSlanT si sMffas sSse. number iPM: wo syoraats uuder th dsfeatmi imnU&r fame. At the time of hia unai the claim mads tb Indiana ot tha x of mmiin. en ymr. kKtrgtary, r have NoleMsrk thus sgd m. ruri-Mda- in a raussnm which is mecca Street Kulosd by to (Isneral Miles lMVPusblo of San Juan, who proved by th ftspslrs. cirel for the you am aum Prod tfertasar. two studSHts sso- - ' candidate kr lta; th town oould be SMrly well pro-taot- tbu lstter deaorlbed him "aa one of iradHioM that la consideration of tha ipr aad Murtsta from all Pips atkariaa, und a hwrtmrg votiaar yean, de- tMNua r Ska nauatrr Aa, for. bsraiarv. used tl. number 1MI at aa inRlsJ th hrlghtaat, most rrs.duts and Servians of the Indians In the building bill, now anBsBtlajt the ntOfor's sig m oast of lass Ann Jessl 0o . o Adams, who la imtnc held for wmfmm, BOW termined man I aver met. with the of the Srst great assnakt which runa cavumally iMersstlnf tasrrsa of a --a ptarwi Mt iDciuaisg a StOMB SfeSV varied aMata ajf, so tlb Maria .0 trial to aaawer ta aa latartiaaat for gioe. nharpttst, clearest dark eyes. Mvery uown tan east aide ot toe river, cap aaanrLBseat a k.4. anbwnv.. 'nhgt Is an 'toihMK Pasaswt' energy. ' a spaclal appsal to tho Mabel murder at th coming term of ths If ths cost of shout toot movemnnt showed oower and tain ssnastlan Martin gave 'hew a student of aaawfu inwamsiictivo ,.t aww mons Heftier .0 dtatrint court for Cotftut aonatv. was t a frost Oaronlnio. aitbongh sailed piece of land In tbo vallsy. which thsy antiquities, hi ths oothmrias) af i.two to ctty, ind 0 for that portion of tho mats abetting Since than spasimeos ths great!) rsofithMo work Hlahdettan Tolsdo O also taken to tbs pssltsotiary tor aaf on from hla natlvs wilds, has been more have ever since possessed. Thsy are of atnaa ktela. upon Um .Mpaa. ft ta a gran ths Mats street lots wr boms pRy that ksspisi, as tho county Jail at Raton is hv the iHVsmes teaaaMa of a pensioner than a prisoner, for represtmiwd by Judge A. 4. Abbott tham am not awlkaricK m tnaosW aaS t kuiuu HSUrt A iAMPLt OP for hissns i lasaeurs (tnussa, only mrpuaws to etty lie baa bona enrolled as a "(lovers Some of the families mom ths a similar purpose Th asUisrjea f 9 JVetsrvi the ths mem scout." drawing pay at the rale heirs and eepsdally tha Luaeros art NONPARTISAN TICK ST ahottM b tai fa sverv JUDOR MILLS BRANTS wuw vm wsi isr ins sseoss atmM. naosr This ass a praetlonl lassos In tOSaasr. m mnm per month- - from numerous will be Ths Laa Veaaa rtail. Ajh. mm. Thla ala. la ot faC Ilia removal so that their iharm th etdssralka, as galts am lo- ImwUaa AN INJUNCTION. uiluna. loud nM-mMia- and the ahowsd thai sMSretkm. SsMSsthlna: I. likalv w brought the Apaches under very amall. while Is which the bartons a tickst an mot-t- or Arisona otbsrs in Pott, At preasjet, so they ma bs worked up sscftewMtnt Chief Justice William J. Mills, sit was uw au. tas ta - to done beaor long oLatrot and peace and eueurlty td the children have bean few. will bav osi is ais iht how aorsllsnt th- tmfopastt laid (lag Is tbs Ftmt Judicial dts'riet neopta of territory made the targe fractions Uadsr the practice of ctty at as spring eieethm. sdKi, of and intsreat In such OBaRoats. There the sad down. It is ao sooner in phMs than worn girl as court at Raton. th abacase of PATH BR AND SON saplottatto of Its vast resources the court to give the plaintiff's attor- otmrss. won oni, but this week gives gangs r, Pre tmnulostas. bat ths tbs it of werkawi dSglng tnio was gtrl Jungs John R. McPts. umt wee, 0HARORO WITH possible. ney one-thir- d uf all vsot to He fssllngs in rase between a Pashm ind SURBLARY. unrepresented la. this msnnsr it to.gsi at scsns sips granted the applloation of QaMaaa Mr. McMlthm dtflbrssiowi among l.f.'fm n Mnvnjo atri. Ths Pnonto girl was th Aaima. Sain Harden and KsiameS, wtll become a "Av ths inauamsrs atearn, water, gas. ,.er mk th La Plata aad Baa I com- tin etty - clsetsd 'jjt lb smaH msJority of Jia Cans father aad bob. wars hsAara Jswtlda of Most dlangiiring akin eruption, large owner Governor Prince haa of council should ba aamos- Rko. V thsss wsm laid to) gotleries paay six hMSiy adiastad. mmJ th. ,.,,,,. ssvaa vote. Th Pueblo gtri, Bather for a years' exemption of th Poans lisrrlngtoa yvstevday on a scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc. era due sfMatht eoasidsrsbis Interests from M. subways, ,.akl noeas-Mar- in ail that ho taass, ksgisaiag wRb yaar charge PUg-sta- to Impure blood. Burdock Wood Bit- heirs la Mora, James S. Smith, of ahonli wm Utestbsr for tho Utamssn. moslved 101 rut nod th the tata. of bsrgisry. ssya ths whoa rwptini w mamtmd, Navajo girt, Btohdsb ToUnJo, m-- ImaUna 1T of tk eonjpBsa Bun. They worn ters la a elsanslsg blood toalc. Makss Colorsao ssd Urn Western Union tb Ky On ont ths pslitisslrB(.w u lam accused of wonht to saoslo the lsa, and ths New Uaaiae, 1 dear-aklans- v for wmalrtng rjaar-sye- d, elear-braiae- d, d. pooues twivinst ar t awidss aft into ths rasleSm of Harry yon Lam! eosnpany, an sastera cornora ever mt mm mm hts maojm acnaf ha don- - ao ah SOUnaM Im .JmeuM a- least jsors' saaptien of toss la ens J BMson. known go Bill," In Una, also hsvs asarac, which will ap- - asaJsfa passible Minimi. R wuobf snaaJra iltrfkiiiriss ernottona, "wild -- ..,, shin whore uaaai and irrigation rompnaiw SavUs VSJIaw. asil aavewlaar a o pear among tbo of the heirs in tha ins non oanisaa mnviMinai tm MRing vegas iy tm of a i.a. WiUo if th etc.. am da to im- - ham Sen sattamsive aad mlargomsnl tot of anods sad ehstteis Iwlonftagj ffpntsrbis wranki. nal roport was sam aa sswryvbers pn-r- ths pas war naoer the cssvhpr of tbs Bwvsoatt Bsood Btttota ht work, ah time af semap ton from to Klpson. Th nsiil fssalBlfi Las will saddle nsrfums THsrs disputed ,w - - bts. rmrdena nom nttssuons Woatty party or rest It vweitf dtfJB&s- uauUu- )- - begin M tapsfsst ourn. msibv JPf rfcetjoa tabs a liassjsjai btooi toahi. Mnhsa Oaam to woon satwnmis unesr aet sou to fcmnr to this mummer whR not stUl to alapnssd of by Mc a minority to rfo clar-araine- !ar-ski- a- leaser at latoofcs. assamlt thmngh wood, cinjiojl ntons clonpoyod. d, work la fsaaguraiod. mtat Javy. Oanvlton (O ) Press. rt and then one more of Jmthe new Metless. p gtoo sgam, maul ajmto dotooR of rss Urn sad amass tk atrssu aed. On January tl. loot, the sompaay bail thsy wsm sent to Jail. Sret mswttoMiHi plaoe tba wiHtry NEW YORK'S MODEL CITY OF SAN JOSE, CAL., WHICH baiiraaka. totsMsptau br e. of Oitrkos, wwro ktM la rui 1 most of the oexmpaata kttievL it COLLEGE BUILDINGS SUFFERED NEXT TO FRISCO estimated that aaarly MAM yen pie J Local Happenings tost tbalr avaa la the emire dsstnot affected by tbo esTsbtioako. ViWiiiiiMiiiBiHiMiinin iweiai iiamu .mtnanrarrrri i " r """ on th morwug nf wept ems er 8, Cost Four and Half Millions 1906. scores of towns aad vtrhMas la ttwt QrwNteM, who la making Toe Wfiw Mestoaa aya: Mr, Otfu'whv hair, wore damaged or de and Will Accomodate toutwm trip through th territory, rroet, who la eaet oa a rlstt to bar stroyed by a, severe aartluaae. Poor wm la tfc ty laat aight. pateafta, apent two deya tble week hojsaad and sis aaasirad tmiwmgs 6,000 Students. A. J Abbott, attorney for th Fe-t- la CMaago, with Mr. aad Mm, I. B were wrecked, tammM&g tot ladlane, arrived ta the cittjr let OofhB. She will likely retura homo aad ninety ohmrebea. roar ovealng from Santa F on local boat- - peotdo wer MlteA aad ?tMKa Tba aaad and wind atorm of today homeinss. Aastmg tb larger Ptaeog GREATEST OF ALL HER .iEX Mr Dan of Nona a was ta great ooatraat to tbe pleaaaat- - whsr. ioms of life ownrrd were PIS- - Scntf. Fin Ore-gori- street, ik enjoying visit from her neas of yesterday, aad many were tbe so. Monteleooe, Ptaospto and San tanthir. Mr. Agnes James, of mattermga beard aa pedeetralna War Any chased their headgear, aad tbe laJ lea Th whots of Vb Oalahrlan penw DejMftmcnt Dbfmrs P. stmutaaaaoaaly Probate Clerk Walker today graatad elvtahad their skirts tightly, while tba atsoted. aad Material Change in the Ucmm Ui marry to Howard Clarke wad Mew --aad uma blew aoma more. wtth tbe essbmaMts tbe volcanoes of Veenvius Stromboli sMnerad and A tab H Oampfmid, both of Al Rav. J, A. nakard. of Beiea. speat aad Present Uniform. Imquerque. the forattotm la Sbo city. Mr. Ptekard marked activity, Dr. aorce W. Harrktcn went to nays thai ajdeWMmal Inform at ton baa ins Vegas this morass on privste bean bad from Joba Becker, wbo la VIVID DESCRIPTION New Yorkj April 83 New York buaiaH. with tn wspeeteiion f Itv Ban FranHaeo, aad H has been will soon 'have the most eni to tb city toalght learned that be and Mrs. Becker list OF EARTHQUAKE eg hullidings ever constrweted The Pted V. Maddtsoa. of Kaaasa nty. all of their baggage la the earth group of tv building, now near inn a friend of Chadwtck Bro., of the ojoaho disaster SISTSR OP MRS. A. . HARRISON. completion, on Waahtagton Height, company, ar- wagon In C'aadwtek Commlaatoa A horse attached to a AT KSNWOOO, WRITIS INTSR- - will be th fatal home of the Col lego rived in th city hart night which was a slot machine and other ISTINa LSTTaR OOMCKRHIMS of th Ctty of New York. It has rmi Mrt 1.. Kamdebr sad aim Marshall. fixtures, created some esettment ua RPPKOTS OP QUAKE. 84,809,009. and vill afford acconinxi ."MMi ;;irouah th ilu tewterday. Railroad avenue today by running dattoa for nearly ,ooo studenu an root froia R1 Peso ta bar home away, dnmplas: out the slot maohine Mrs. A. 0. Harrison, wife of the Th nsw batldlags prtseat a t ry Mir CWcago, Th lady aad son had! aad being Anally brought to a halt ia paator of St. Jean aaamupal obere handsome aad substaattal appeatame iie a ta Pass CMy oo a visit to bar front of fUebard'a plaoe . Th rig was In this oity, is In reoetpt of letter and ar attraetlag much attcntl n parent x tbe paet fww meat not damaged to aay great estont. from her smter. wno ramdaa in Ron Uniformity of design and ayminTv Mm. Susaa Ilaa aad daughter, Miss It. L. Dodeoa. of tin Albaqttceqne MAKY ARM RBlHiRTBI) IHSAD I.N SN JOSK. S )l'TH OP TRlHC'tl TH8 PICTUHK. rHOTOORAPHIBl) PKOM wood, Cat., twelve ulla amttb of of grouping are capectally noticeable. gflisebeth. rrom - Rosa, a arrived laat night OyHe and Aram eomaaiur. baa re- TttS CITY HA IX. IM,AXA. SHOWS fits? MEW POSTOPPtCal ON THfcS FRONT. WITH ST. JOSMPH'8 Bant which suffered so This la da to tbe fact that the em Ire Maryavlll, Ka., aad wltt via Mr. fsmfid from a bawtaasa visit to Dea varal Iron tb earth nake aaoek group was daalgaed planned nu X). CATHEDRAL ADJOINIMO. aad od Mr, r. baaay. tike tatter b rer. Watts at Denver be peramaid Tb letter waa dated April II. aad at tmce under thr direction of tag a daaiMar a4 alatar. Ta via-itn- eOt fltf IfOOPsl sCNT seassT Jps5aflHNs sa aawwl gives a vary vivid daseMatkm of Urn architect, laeteed of being the result will raasslu durlag th summer. asao attended the nalomoeile allow. THE YEAR 1902 WAS effect or m rartaqutk ia umt my. of a gradual growth, as baa been the D. BaaJajajM, aystom, Ma PsAuaaat-esade- pan of tba frvy Davtag aasansa. Marry i Ia the letter say: oaa wltb maay of onr collage nark la la th Htt toanjr, kartag arrhwi to m loeal store bt goad ' W were awakensd yosteroay gray atoa, omained on ta sue. has from lb wast Una morning, and wli; Nsyw. i MOST DISASTROUS ONE moratag a liotl after o'clock with been used for tbe wall, and pressed go ta Paw totdght tor tie purpose Associate Jawtme loba R. MrPle. suck a roarlag notae, aad abaa for a white terra cotta for tbe eo.aers. win- of opeaieg tit Hurray bti to wbo baa baeti la Ana Atbor, Mleb.. ntinnu-- or two w bad b meat tr-r- i dow frames and oaolaa. This rIvch a aay tit turn W Uaa tJalou depot. far tba aat two weeks on a vMt to tying xprieOs w ever want gara effect of granite aad whits At th Ftiw Method aaoenl his damsbler, Mtaa Maada Marl, aad In the Annals of History For saaa. tv kens met asaiaoii to barbie. cirarch Stutday vonrini, Hv. o. K. bla yotMgar son and dnuflbtor. who lamp up aad down aad the notse was The alts Is aa Ideal one. It Aver Mllkr of ttnshtmtto. s. C. will ore atuaMms; aehoot in toe Mieatsaw I Earthquakes and Volca- - awful. Ta aorvaats of the ablktrea, looks tbe Hudson on oae side and att "od ttdmga mm tfe Hiriveratty town, baa rstarned to tbe oraantag of gktas atid anwiaa. the lng Maud Soutid oa tb "thnr. and Mrtteaai OafChM. In u vmng, Santa Fe. having greatly asujopad bla nic Eruptions, eraatrtag aad aroaalab of the timbers, commaada a view of tee city for many Urn pastor, Dr. Molliae, will preach vacation. aad the paartag. rashing notes, wttn miles. TH pabllg k cordially invited. Hon. P. A. Habbot! seat oat tbla tb roeklag of tbp boose, was some-tbin- g Owing to the large number or Habbs, waa cawhUsr BMrntng from tbla city aad OU Town, that win live in my memory cceuay It J. W. wbo at iQREAT LOSS OF LIVE THAT TEAR dent who are to them. " th Alvared al motuha ago. bat r- - 110 mn to bla shesp rentes Is west forever. Wben we got down stairs. determtaed that these building oaaMiy wltb tba Harvay paoaki at era Socorro connty. aad twenty man we found everything twRer-akeite-r, should represent th atnei advanxit mo . oay last ftaturdey. Mr. Hanoau aays tea with broken si aaa and dbavsa, the proof 1' SmiBCflaid. ia aroidiag ia year form of fire eoaatructlon In Albuqaaritta. Mr. Habba taavra huMbiag season Is now oa, awd la a The lli wtll loog bo ram am plastMing all crack od broken , aad waa resolved that the danger of fin tbla rala for Hinoon . taka tba few days shemrlag will be com-meace- , hcred la tb aaasis of bisiory aa a alt ol us looking white and abakea, starting In or destroy lag any pru nuuMtanwat of th IBanroy bouiu at hence tbe aerviee of this year of satiwordlaary setamlc noavul out an Uuafctul to he alive aad an-ha- rt alar structure should be reduced to a small army of men will be needed for Thank (tod we were la Ken- minimum, possibility of h that placa. i sbms. hoth in ta nature of earth aad the Laat aigbt. M. U Alban was too Next raw weeks. wood, (aad not la Santa Rosa), aad spreading to be eliminated altogether at bla koine l baa oM town by J. V. Keys, ehf engineer for tbe quakes oad voloaala eraptlnos, Taers ia a fresAft Ma. Tbare Is hardly a This baa been effected by the uae of bla trtende atUN Santa re on tbe Mow Meaten Ban- as never beast a ttme la the Watnrr boas that th chimneys are not all proofing, from tii. abort fortfHwe of many bellow tile fir and iabiits faaaaaakw of tdba boma. ter, railway, wbo la ia tbe oily, rnya or in worm woa so disturb rn. '''Here hi aa immawss hotel haseoettit to tbe roof of evsry build- H WM Mt Mribday. Mia. Atbwa. tbat work on that part of the cat-o- of ta aaoaN'a oraat oewrrad bore wber tb noMoKie, store and ing In tbe group. Special attention a4 so extsmelv PM wiataaad by M-r- Om Wolft and Mlaa between Helen and IKo Puereo, will thr hotel vi?ni(Mk AND A x . a vTKi M.I..TH4S.VHAR. orsf an area. The tricher sbon ar. It M almost a was paid to the chemistry building, May ni n Luay WaaiarfaKl. utaRttad tba '-- be commaaeed on 1. mtd that ROUND RbWORT AT SAN JOSK. V. '"II COI.l ATSRI) DUR1M0 TIW towing eanawwaaee were raooraeain wrrMft. Tb window aad window As the danger from ftr or xpl-t- tbls nineteen miles of road wlH be XARTHQUAKH ANIk Kll.t.KI MAN V OP 138TB 1PPI: sasbea are ssmely tiaashcd to plsees. la aa experimental laboratory was liw, 0aar LaSarlHg, wifa of tba ttOHtpJeted to tbo extent of carrying April 18 a severe earthquake hock and tit phurtaring all down, la tb aoastdered greater than In any rtiir MHanti iiwraMm. of aaWHai. ana - unine by getHeraber. Mr. ivejrs cat was rait ta SeittMorn .Mck. Cwrtkul Mors tit ahalvNs of aooda ware aM emas of modern building. The "alia two eelBa, Itta Hot vmmt aeots to return to Itelcn tonight. Amoriea and a pattkM of tho Wast on the floor, bat no one was hurt. You ar of hollow tile, the floors of kIas ut San Francisco's $7,000,000 City Hall 1 nrrtrijl from Maraball, Taxaa, ar Physlaps and sureeoBe of Albu- - wilt as. wnas mora than 1400 pamons can Imaatne wba the iarriag mwet tile, snd tbs tops of the table either in the territorial metrotoit today, qnentHe. conversing on the attMaiiou war mum. over jm lajHred nad have beatt, when heavy pieces of far stone or marble so that If a fire or - - wrg Mtd lHhMs vtattlfig frlanda. ara do- at mn ltanoiseo state that tits great-- K N,ag readerad twine- atture. Hke pmhos ami btwek aa extiloskm did occur the domagt Is cases Riled with (tonka, ware iiHC mm aaoppMs. Ty return danger now lisa In the fear of an pHbd suiting would be confined to one area aoutb (atilgbt. epldemls tlmt may break out owing to Juao 8 tbare waa an asrttKiHabalfi two (set from tb wall and awaag aad easily controlled. (btrda are out aaaeuaatug tba the nfloaeelarlly unsanitary aondkloM OnatemaM, Caatrai Aaieriea, wiaeh half way ratnd, Saata Rosa la In Mxperts say that tbs grest assent marriage of Jotu noaker, prevaiiiHg tiiare at the present time. diiatroyatl sereret lowas aad MHed rulas. Tb mat a atoa MMMiaR bly ball of th main building, whii-t- t Jr.. of HdttvtUHl Mtaa Mid SmHIi of ) more rbaa 1JM parsnaa, Injartag baft ataadlwg gnd scores of eopl will imat 8,48 pMHtnle, la th finest e Trinidad, Qef&, wblch will taba plaoa rate would, in ail probability he tea manv othard. wr kilted. To add to tbe honor, ample in tbe world of an Wbdaaaday. May . In Trlalty obureb ttmea greater than waa oeeaatoned by June IS a fttteotc rartbajtmha shoetc Sr broke oat. and tbos who were Sr nroof ball. So completely ta this at Trtotdad. YmtRg llaekar la aoo eartbaaake and fire, was reii in MOOT not named to death wrrc burned to ball kedged H on all aides by hollow of Oat. John Meebar OS Me. 0. ftaoeer aad J. It. Sennit, mining June It disnetrotu akocks were felt tile and porous terra cotta blocks that Uh brldo-b-b la tba riagbter of Mr. man from tbe Coppertoa district, are througboiit the Tyrol la southern Aaa W bavM no uaprrs snd are simply It would be imposstBi ror a nre to and Mr. W. M. wltb. la the ctty hayhtg snpplbm. Mr. trta. cut off from eommaatcatkm with the! burn Into It from th outside, while TratH 2to. S of butt Might, waa moat llaasor says Umt things are very jtinr 21, earthquake shocks wore outside wotM. All day yeetsroay we lb danger of a fire ta the hsll Itself likely ibe llibtettt traHscoHtlnaiiUI qukt In the Copperton district, wlm felt in Uautbra. ia tb south of Italy rr having sllaht shucks, aad wbea is so remote tkat aa auaienr woum tmla ever outdo up by tbe Santa. K to lh. heavy saowfail of tb wlntor, July 7. nropean Turkey waa vis InmI tlms ram wore so all to have littls tear of aarfocation It waa made tip of tb oaoal uumbar hut now tha, spring baa oponiM and ited by aa earthquake, which par pieewt we wvr sfmld of ur abad- - of beavse aad paaaanaer oari, but tba aaow la going on fast, be ccptya t tally deetroyed two towns owe. MADS BARONKSS FOR few paaaeaircra, wblcb waa work in tbe mines to be resenwd at July v a sever shock wee felt at 'I ilropii'Hl off to siKp shout mid- - HER PHILANTHROPY. aanted Abbas, imly b immediateiy awak 4u to tbe dlaacier at Saa onoa. 'me uoopanon proapot are Huada Persia, which did r.lcht. to l4mdon. April IS Banicea liiis - much on asm day roar that tsrri- - nwwhwo, aa No. naiutlly carrlam it ffiostly gold aad oopper. damage, and the ened by anotbar and deit-Couu- probably the world btrge aaunbar of San VtaactMo pad Oontraota httv basit let for th con tore sever, shocks wnro felt at Bt bl rocking aad a way tag or Ue aouae. nsdgbboring 'i(ck out a greatest woman pkilantfeopiat. eeii aeagera. Utat night ft earned so Baa etractkrti of tbe new U. N. M. donul Vincent and tb bnaads Fortunatl, that mted brat ad ker nmetyseconu ninnoay At but 1 Upt no more, and Franclaoo panaengara. tory, aa foliown: Oeaerai contract. tbo sam time occurred violent few four-sco- re night would aevcr Saturday. During the and Tba fttaeral of tbe lato "Mort" Doa- - Wallaos lisaaolden, Jli.0; plumb- shocks throughout Vanesules, it aeenisd end twelve year or ner lire, ana nas given vnta, wbo Miidad at bla boaie la ing. 'Wbitiiay company, I.S7. The aginj many towns, sepwlally Valen H. has Ju taken thi. train for Saata away more than $18,000,000 for Cnar I aome men Oayota caayoa pntttug tbe barrel plena for tbo now dormitory were rl. lM Ouarra aad Ooaveaaa Rosa. wanted a. hut pur:oae many or moni br np told H. not to let ttahls and in er bkt NKMtut drawn by Antaitaot B. H Urtety. and Toward the oioae of tbe month wbo had hern in of a revolver to I important charitable institutions and palilag Uia trigger, btowtac catl for buttdlas; of the faaoinaUng nuke severe sbooka were felt in Call me go, as ton sights wrr so awful. hr United Kingdom owe their m-ve-r aay xlt blood mi bratna all over tbe wall, mlsasan style, with broad verandas. tornia, oauelag oonstderahla damage think I abell feel aaf here enco snd prosperous condition to her piaee tbla aftamooa fraM Work oa tbo domMory I. to begin at property in Iaa Alamo, aan m more." Is tn only woman tok Btmattaa-"itui- y munificence. She StraiMj'a ehaplain Oow-tta- av lie and Santa Barbara, aad who waa ever raised to tbe peerage obdaal. be of With Kidney a. Neihmal auarde. eondHetlnK SwPOrMeisaeiit of Public fnstruc shocks toeurred In Mebraaka, Suffered far Plvs Years In raooawKton of er maay ads or Um aarvtaaii. iHtenneat too plaoe tton IIIratH IfatXey, who ia on a two ;.i.. iMtkotMS aaa Iowa, and Llvtsr Trouble. charity and ber public spirit. 8h.- - I PblMppine tal-- auffarad Ave vsura with kid- - 1H Falrvlew eeMatary, weake' trip to a number or tbe tow Knim Japan aad tb l for the daughter of Sir Frtnels Burden - caoswd Mo. la eastern .Wow- Mexico, waa in Ml ,tmia) wm tlaiiisM that dnriac ta nay and tlvr troHbl, wbleu M. P., granddaughter ii A PMlbaaa eoHdaater m tfala a nad the " SHiHrdny. He wi'1 go to Santa ntonth of AugHSt tbe small island of vr imlaa Aerate th back aad m t'rtaa sPtbdSfr lutlllrAP 3 thta akaralBg told a frtaad at u Iao t bad dyspepsia eiMa. atfjllan 1 Diego Moss, nasbu. and from that nWce to TnrMiima. ooatalalag lao lanaatt bHadlag haadasns. rrom looal tiat be waa law a osfUtjaatad I aantd Ilsr vat fortan is derived tne ttme of tbe Pranetoco TuoHBteewt. Doriag tbe week ba will ant dkmppeared, aad aa eartsHiMaka aad was that Ooatts bank, In which she ia still a at tba tan in tut, more my iHrwabi wttboat a-- ly speat a day at Clayton, wrist ba wlH iiiippiNas killed sixty sot partner, kite declined all orrers or eartkatMbe. Tba atioek wet Mt thaitia. i nsa ecraa ar uaitmaer ia Saa Diego. was aleep-;- maba an address oa educatlowtl mat- ivis. marriage until she wss 88 years old. lie August SO waa vts-- lala's Stomaak M Uver Tablet and on th It Kb jor of a tell ItwIW-Um- . ters Mere tbe public schools of that Vtneaueht again when ah mamd hit wtiitam asu town. und !y an eartbnaHke, aaoobpanied havn bwi wail naw for atx raofltbs. years wblak roehed like a abln at aaa. ArUiHr S. Strialrmad of matd. who was then only 30 ' Word raaonaa tbe ctty of dettoate a trsmeadotM note, vHtUk w aava Mr. oW, strong Tkoaali eererel aboakad. ian Diego a ir Chattanooga, Taan. For sal by all Tb marriage, which was vary proportton to ogaratfoit performed Satardar on tbe hard atoag tit eattr ooast of tba ly disapproved of by Qusen Victoria, aalTared tittle la sea. drugglMa. Praaeteea aad ho loan of life. son of C. V. OoMn, u Oarlbbeaa proved a vary aapyy one, contrary Bn tomoy for tine Inanreoee Sepirtober SS shook wore sim pec The aron will pretiably b new aUga-laa- Stats Ufa IT WAS DKSTHOYKD HV : VltTIiyi' AKK AND FIRK. ttt to general e tattoo. Tbero a su-pia- g I'RAfTlfAU.Y ultaneously "THE HYiTERY OF COD'S ) ta omHaay of Iadataa, wtsa Is sow in Jatmuea aad antaador. eaa was rabmd to tbe pera throusit of tbe of be lnwn Pe. Tb island of Omua xpar:sacad no toittorrow' and a more oven at Santa Doctors Hbmwa PROVIDENTIAL DEALINGS" tb forts of CHadstune. gtn, and Xmtop performed the operation, POISONOUS BUS CAUSED Caught Cold Whits Hunting a Burg less than 180 acne, dotng nuian omtaat tbaa Utat f bujt Saaday may ' wfetok waa done aa r test resort to A BOY Jar. damag to life aad property, and Jap ARMY UNIPORM t 8KB noted. Hoy MoDoolad may be DEATH Or HARRISON'S SUB' PRESENT . . .g rfft- wave wawn THIS WAS REV. mtva tba boy's Ufa. aad there are now u l . If... Ha Hakfkarln an agpssssaeed a tKiai SUITS THE DEPARTMENT. een bebiad tba Hat on the aide of tba anbaiort Monaco, n nppnffi " v tbtiLoaaar JS0T YKSTSRDAY MORN.iitl, bones chat ho will ba able to staad nrt oi D. It Is fegabwa, aad Wtlaoa will da tbe mm. Slrlauns. Ayima. dhaj t Waablaatoa. C. Amit It tbo trip to His home In irtdwnapoiis, rimon. n O. gratification twtrltac. Ftrat will be beM nlgbt. 'T LliZTfc Tb sabieot of the Rev A. Harri s aouree of ooaalderabk tM Yaatardar, aa woH aa today, waa a suddenly laat under ln( , m (h, ,oml All yesterday morning was oaloarg the rVar Depart- down by Neber. aeoond by Kaaa, aad ' Trt son's sermon to army that polaoa. mm (bird will be given over to a couple typtaal aw aimer day, aad wear psople coadltlons which Mat to It.iant fall Haaring of Cbambsrlala rm"JJ.V1!'' "Tb Mystery of oods froviaeatiai ment has refused to consider any It- - OT mafc-ia- at- Cough I triad It. after " aew oaea, woo ere dealrova of g wore oat w spring aad summer Is believed by his physician that Os taady, sad Dealings." la closing, lu connection material changes In their uniform It of Tj- .. u,.. I , STty" Ml. S! WIS VIQInl SiL tba regaUr team. The Barelae tire, sfttaajdlag the ball gasne at Trac- ... i .t.ik ualio IiiIm waa ma. i in wrlk aa aaaounoement of tbe benefit la realised In tbe department no ComopomochTlnaeot " tni. MbartMUHtea will liae up the aoma aa tion oark. tbe aUraotioos at the Ca are tbe dadly pliely curST Tbla remedy ' aoojiort ta ha aiven tomorrow, be said matter what the uniform may t - Mt Bkenkburn and Qailegoa wtll sino or the istad omwart at aohtasrsi He had lien 'mt In tbe country pick- tendwl neolally for cmigha aad LJZm "Aad aioac wun our oaering o there ar those wbo will And an "i In laat HoMlay'a gaine. isvaM-wi- dl- -. .lASMfali Ittsa fMlItlsT rftlieVSl- Bi III injtn - avows! park. The eoaoaxt waa exrsptkxally tBts1. .lk wa.lKi n iv n tw umnav a w ' - - Willw Ihfti. Btlil . asa, . . . prayers, the Lord calla on ua for an port unity to suggast ohaagea. be la tbe pitabar'a box aad Pettua iivwrrs wiu by any wtai wr nj tbe bat ThU fact alone, auod and tb park waa crowded. The arave of a dead relatlvo and upon bta severe r.. d ta less tlms tnaa wnr iwin vowanir Vw offertna ef alma; free alma, loving more or leas eapeastv to the officer, the right kind of opposition on work of too "strong man" oa the return waa seised with convulsions, a omer sh alms, liberal alma. The need is great. who must furnish their own apparel. rings aad Hying trapese at the Ca doctor wss railed but after working whsrev. ia innarior excel ihiic oaa wwinmiwi'''" in itoi. far beyond any supplies mat nave yet Oeaerai Chaffee, while cftlef of staff, iim aide of Barelaa. own. !Ar by all drug- - April t. 1905, nearly tbe vbole of sino, won tbo applamse of tbe crowd. for Svr bourn waa unable to save the becow upper been gathered. For bar ar thous- bsld that th uniform waa on a prac- od the orebeeUwl music and daaelag Child' life. It was at Brat thought gtats ladta we ebaben br aa earth ands various ranka aad condition basis, his sucressor, OeueraJ Oovernor tisinnaa ta uiHftid lu - o qaahe. early morning. Dbarm-- !f tical and afn-r- - was good. the pnisououa but la tbe life who have lost tbi lr all. We htm. There ia ratora to Santa. K txonorrow also that fiowra wr cry A are, ia Bates, agreed with Mrs. J. Magee. accompanied by her uport lnvt laation this waa f.mnd to ftiifrr iks a cem scsndal. aaia, Kan palaapar. Daawaa aad cannot restore tbe dead; but we may every reason to aspect that the new . in Buffalo most many other towas aad vttbwjpm were t'hUago. Hills son, and ber mother, Mrs. be untrno The Insect theory Ia thw mt caaaal do something, by His mercy, toward rulvf of staff, Oeaerai Bell, will ad- Mte. KeancHi Karris, of tsAc l i. whole town imaa completely destroyed. At tb by waa hero vlaltiag frloadx. liw rv Whltneid, of Boston, Mass, or la only tmatU' one now. building up tbo broken hearts, here to this view tf anything In done Santa Fe, tbe city tb guests of Mrs. John le wardtag off from them the additional with the unborn It wtll he to eltm-Inat- to vory sore evil of want and doetl- - Of Mr. fgjd Mr Barnallllo il.tirrmi Clarke, 609 West Roma 'avenue. Tbe and mie of tin aiyles dreas O, us not be found wast- d i of riarkaa are also enteruinlag their for tntton. let whlCn are cunalrtnu-- uaslena. but ara NfMaing ovct tb' rrt a Three Prominent Men Dobg All They Can Stricken San loving or our ww. aunts, tbe Misses Clarke, of Chicago. ing either in our ninn la whlob are used for show purpose earja inaay. penitential prayers. Tblnk what yoa full Drj w. a. gsavdracb, tbo ere. The entire patty will remain for the only. Tbs only reason that the w. and Vicinity. would wish, deer brethren, for your le n ma tbfeax epadellat, U uf ClartooOampBeid wedding nuptials Fmnciseo dress has been retained ttiat in aim oa' those nearest and dearest srmy offl he city n bnaiaeaa whloh wtll be soistt&lsed Wednesday selves and public gatherings, wber evening at tbe Camptetd home on IN CHARGE to you. were you among those suffer cars come In contact with represent-atlv- s Miaa Helim 0!fera la alnglng tu IN COMMAND AT 'FRISCO CALIFORMIA GOVERNOR OF RELicF Ask your own heart In earnest - North SevorMh street. ers. of other count rle. It ia desir- tin- oboir at tba OJtogrtgatknai follow counsel, for In this ease or Mlaa Cttrnp V. aad Its able to matatnln a proper proportion church, in the place Traveling Auditor charlea saf It wilt surely b the counsel of th Held. ford, of Seats. Fe, woe a vUltor In of display. It Is considered that th" Utrd Josus rlt." field h the Tlio meeting ttt WVod-me- yaateiday. Mr. Ratford. ttatiorm worn for ths riviisr of moat comfort Cin !lt bv held tomorrow who, oa acoount of Out travel tag he fheTw'a 6rr7 American army Is the beat aultc.--. wht"h could be . : 3d dues, Is close touch with tbo affaire Mast, Judg-'n- g abl aad afternoon lock bt Odd Ftl la our aaloon is la full and surpass, j in those Iuwn' ba l r territory, states that conditions work out, tbto ta devised, and the from the turned qualities the military of all Ziiii. ttt.i (,i j. H. are better today than ever before, end to ! a year for our aa-- award air. ffiiuur. etretucH countries. Sngse.u i inn of well klKIAl! I COUKltiVW gtnix.4', sheepmen former wi.l reap naually ctilet-v!ilR- ' other db thai aad On Saturday, two In ilia intl'nvMft f, - Inna t, la hero I n. ru-anr- i iiting Mr. and a harvest this year. CattW sr itnif iricii driving a ' ,v throOgn iiawld be received, hut although ibey art-- retini't well, also aays Mr. iind all In In- - Kuiit-i-- and airiMK the at rests SO Mr, ard. eaamtavd snd carefully (lied, uo fur- Two NavjH nun, Ut Uxal ourlo all, tbe prosperity omlook U lirliiiitcr iii'l of boor,- - that tlit-- wore scarcely - ther attention Is paid to them. The roogaa wr- ,( t tuo Qraad today for man a year ir,.Miui t Re.; or corporation sint than tthiv dim the only change aay Importance, aytai onr waa wun more of nirtti a oik tin si made ani sboaM which been oa during the weaver uitlit ulh-- i n;U made, has decided and rtiullh. uw hein Mlddlefleid the adoption of a A aaMit flro Willi th. last fw days, la iu the vitcloaure nnw the Nlnd, new kind of leggtagt, recommended lain uih ih, city and s, rtt onr eli-- March iaattnilhi dii ' II. for In army by tbe quarter Han ; ,at waa niK u Minefield rhagrin ue tbe ia Fe mu! and OURst LUWOi' corrvRindenre ar' m i leggtar tis'fori an) .lam hud n aimaiaaBii ii j i nr'li KjIIh master funeral. Thsee aew i'ilniiltii J K!ienl few tbo- - t m ikaiv are a Inches shorter lhaa .1 ws a vth lioa lu use at the present time and J. f. I,4li to th i l(y Dr. Kings w fi.illni', i i laced ta front Instead of on the vfartt SanKran-- 4 in oH'i yenterday. thu atoraieg from a to side. It Is not exported any laco, Ceil XMnau, Aria. Mr. that and more changes ta iin I l.uifcy left Kan Fraawaci) taai Hundey Nsw atatertal the DiseoYiry form or equipment of tba soldi wtll arwalag, iin tly before the earth-ajaaj- Price be mads this yoer. nKer for home UM oad Mcftll.OO office us nor for aa la ta tropic. Ford llarv.) and K. Reniamin, o fdrO mi uAru (be Jfrry vyetMm of boiia, arrived M. CwtwrigM, anaetal ontoer of i U eoo-tlgaa- d fruta p Paau ult nwralaf aad iarsst dUutckset Oar fW aJT BBLi saw oo, OSOME C. PARSES. I R JA8. D. PHELAN, th Saata Pa, waa hi th ctty oa new M j w north. Tbe Pa) VMM OAT aad T.UMO TROtTS OEN, FR8.0 PUNSTON. U. S. A. Who v Direst tht Relief Week! Chsrga of ths Rsssue VVsrk In Ssn fraat bin aoadejaartera In Ijt Harrey bam will be opened on Tues , or MONMX MACK. tomtit mm Juata. . I In Chft yt of Ocvei nntnt Troop. ougheot th Stste. Francisto. IT3C-IT- S tawreaee St.. Beaver. Cete day. ilJUi 9M

gstggkk. JUL. iLiu. - IH of the pre.lrtenf progwmi in t , ywajpiiaaaMaB bat th r hence are th- - t wilt M THE PlOTUflESQUE U. S, SENATOR WHOM In JHtK open , There rotiree km the 1 "ARKANSAW JEFF WHOM STATE OF ARKANSAS SELECTED hooae, by which It U xav. itself YORK FASHION from (he fall measure of puidir LETTER BY A POPULAR VOTE, die lNEW m approval. That la to refit., t,, ron- - rar in the wmmi'i raoMiiix (.r tint rat Mil. thu kliHag (a he-- Now York. April 1 Tb nan SUMMER MAUVE PRETTY FROCK FOR A i t Rock. Ark., April bore it reach e tbe kSStop hii of warm and i.riaht uh Palm Sun- - MISi I h prmMoat. Ipthtrm how-:'r- , many In1 fcoiog te send to t United It k 4yo of tho naw a tyl BROADCLOTH If woajtd Aral I KisifM thl ht t tiraaaca ami hht iMfatt to aiakn what renal Oovernor ttavle. ! Jff (or lh purfeoar-- of tho itnn nrllnst might Im trrniod trial trip" In prep- who Ik. Ilk Tillman, a "cornfield oampalgn. fit would awaMi ix- - hoiuv aration tor thf iraat Bar paraaa iwy-- ," an1 proud of It fJlald oM to ahovldcr aon of tha Mans" ,n (into down Fifth avenue, at which tlmt at eZl "Mtnr JuiM H. Barry hjcti dp ho aaaiMo, ktH th puMttt nm tha faabltmahlc churehen all tha draaa hit raarh ?iit tMMUt v whoa maJcra, rn than the creators, were fVated In MM primary . - the and tha public atari nl to I" k a Uerf In cumpaay with a f"- other lai nomination by the democrat!! victim H la Rtitna o aaiattt - ms.'r(m to take note. party U oaotvalsnt to election. Jta wImnb it can rwach. Haasc would Truly, It watt the "rpiiat of riowera" 4 ! !!.). ( .. Js;flk ,: ,m Saa-t- er h j.isiMirinn who flourishes close ni, 44lto elj a to froai the bat. at prowrani trom usptdoa ' Kumlay In "The coathag rungi- with ft constituency ttiAt de-- Ana." It la popularly MlwraO thv .' iH ri any lure from two to Ihra flanr upon oral, not printed, cam faoilt. practlcn of tha hone- pan total, over to Hum itreet. where a mm nign arguments. He be been at hlita nnl tf-o- d thtnn ap to tmtc I5-- r nt atraw waa decoratMt with a Mif? general one and thrift- gov to be lfliifhtcri. and r o reieerate would lniHt an I K. Amu Ui U (ustai were mar- - He la 44 t!" 'hat ima dvih tnor , cirt year old. vel.-tia- tho rate Mil Ntl only m iire- - hut In different aenaes. a Ik in familiarly known, leattoOfJ doom ntyloa have now taken detnltet hat turn will please th ria The argument would w mhanred ,orm M1 raahlon han eat heri - '"" i voters which bo by demoi raiic orators M nir- nrwsl-- 1 uaott. rertaln mntr:ala. model wishes to reach. ! i" abtencu of an lasus la aa bar to Tm a o proiram In ' cortilal j aoceirl. Veils, a light weight I a He ! the Issue himself. Ha deiimcbatir upion. tlmt having caa. moat perf'atent favorite ! ,or inay Iiah appealed to lb "back failed of eaeetmont by a itMlean n"" Place for aprlng costume to majority, logical v w,,m s all of which "....i'y" totmor. aad tka laborer, , the fstoi aid lie:" witht playing upon tii-- lr to give him a deawcrgeM tnnj'rtty to inmtumes ahould bo made un over a ayupatkiee and, lining, 'ii)r prejudices. He li a good story carry ont hi polleiat. silk which l often of a con- - r trastng r and a man of great personal voters who are eoxAusAattlr Riipport-e- color. iagneuni, which ha knows bow to! of Mr Roowvell WfMld ilen to Another favorlts material la the sueh argumoats, and r them cheeked Silks: and as attract! muloy to hit advantage, la his sa-- ; fonl ample ".leff" devoted the greater nertottsiy; n goeti many of tb'-- would of a drean made op la this ma iina, th'-- j wag on pai t of bis aot upon the advice wmla went terial eaaiMttoa mat week. tin t tka smaller Imtm A email grey " ! to the country districts, tor here to the nolle on nicotine my teif eheeked dove silk It will he seen, therefor- - waa mad un over aa old rem taffeta uenth lies. ; that the dnya of tr--e repubtioait members art Natog. The shirt was circular la cut Mtrtotts oaes, end flHd With troabh?. with a front pans) of triple Inverted Annotated Hlmaelf. j Unfulfilled promises of tariff revision Marl, on the left side of which was in hM drat oaarpalgn governor, i the closing. The waist was for rise up to plague meaw if those who of the A pretty (rook Itavla devised an appeal ta synt I aeek Tsstnotlen to the Sixtieth con- wrpiKw oreer, out itnet I with two for tho mlas of 14 pathy which I cot smelly proved it gress. They aad ooumai on going to bands of mirror velvet and ru ea of groat s4vrtlemeni for a pnwMttrr tw4r eoaeieiaejttT and "granting with the stilt, opening over a vest of cream j medicine, and he went thrwah aatiea. pride" to the enact moat if a rate bill mee, ungeriaid with pink silk. The acm r ptUTsd that a street fakir coehj wail haw JHrnutsoH imvik aa an offset to broke tgny-if- pleJges. eaert sleeves were turned back , copied as aa aid t settrng I rrosg at the elbow with a cuff of velvet and' th If this to he taken th..m. thena ' Charges of trickery audi fraud fMeMMd dtattWMllr aereea hM ahtrnM' ELfcCT THE It net mooh left In the way of laee. The gloves worn with this co w-- i being hurled klm, trow be a alitKle wnptnttUr atrjp. SENATORS, mine rare MMtg gray glace; the pe t whleh njriM achievement calculated to make a The bodice la mlA . Uinied waa T"He Ky felha. w thare, , aaot waa oovered same ma-- , 4i l' he nadet crest Br wMt WRITES GOV. voter evckWm "Well done, ihmi good wlihthe ' vriim strain. Ha would alito t to me." b wouu "I'm Mt1 DAVIS ' tertol as the gown, over pink " d aarrtrv at tha aad teithfal servant silk Ji.ih.,"'ld,Upon , V thaw," ; "boulders i!'ii of a vtRoroaa awdreaa, tho pw-- ''"i aogfc for and off 12? ttu ,," handle, A. ! pi ooat would coma y MetMtar-Ble- at Jef ferae Oavts. .J?' handsome mauve broadcloth, of rat Ion vowffur from hta aad and eapoM tha But Net Abi. while this dramatically aneorh bottle and pour "gallM." Te the JMttor of HvaHlng CI tlean: is used In beraaawiu..a. (letting bark to dBeetkMi liana from the im - thi, down hi boe-- I am a auotut bellarar la tha nrtn. the of s .tintcn'a back and work. Th. ..losr-atU- - Saufht Vlnwlaatian. ciple that United Statea aoaatora third term for Mr Rgnsi vel;. Another rtt. meket ha. w,th r tie waa eharged by bin oppoa- hla material k.i i again to...i the raaab.MM k....-- w. ImenU hw," cut with apewrtlnit mote motty for Before hla third term aa goremor, ahouU ha aieoted, aa they are In thla motives In th matter nsaet remain a be front Is Foulard, especially the "' Datrta toy paanlar rwte. variety cutaway in rront reveal a tlay waist - inedletee than tor bla railroad Oovernor made a oMaaabm far ' matter of Individual onuWm called Radiant Itaeae "' eo itylad It. The pecnle osght to aelact the of- - The aaefni t.i. coat bar sharp points and I atltcbed In n contrail frt in the campalKu. riadlcctloa ha He bad president continues atarn! by "ro ntnterlat for eml4res or tii fredeg oahr or white. wMhow to hm opcons -- atso the lavender satin. bow ahargwd with approorbMlac part '! the Mdalature aad la has yet lo bit r.Mi...i i away election aight dscmr4hM that he The heavy head work m this Bat f must teU you about same of of hta eoatttt fund, allewed by do with tha fraud and t. - the the I "Hlfh Oallared Reeaters," Mmtm Mm umm mmm iH would not he a nanihwejtg for a thhrd the hand whloh r tnii wore ai in oaMnu.l II OtirrHOUaa aaoMtarlal UUttara TUU t'oaal eMgW, pin dots, sbndow outline the fronts Mton ll la recent Moa fov lornt Mtd would not aosopt a third-ter- m snots and open throat Is don with Rmh Bnotm iaet week The UMtad Mataa amlgited baton a apeotal eotttMlttae ve tha poor man a chance. wore atuMor waa dwold of maay of the of In ihm statea whore nomloMloti iMoant for a few oord. The Uittons unon this enat are hHe a aoft ( llngwtg rebe of lib- the logielature, and ImpaaalimaHt thla oAea la who er are more erty anttn getiajieii ZtfiT . 1I - are aota)rieMy dull jrMjn ptaya which iadeilbir lw- waa bought ami pa. . ta only - Hemes of unfair of brunt. a. mueh talkix! of. but It failed. for It a Hind, no qoeatton tga than I can VeXr T.i.Med hi jteraonallty upon tha Datrta )mt had dosed all gam- - tton amount of momy ona ta of preetteat'a f Hit 'UCked skin hsa a nlain tmnt the r'neevttr la the matter tutke. A groai brcsfffh and rtcop gad the pom oi ni mm re unng nouaea, pool rooma and mm- - apeau 10 gat uio oraoe by eor- - jointed yoke. were .ffhjoe .loeve. ,ni" peo- - mar people nneathm hta abiMtv to A Jaunty leghorn I of tail- - fall nee onr thur aalooae at Hot Bprtagn. an- - lglalatur Bad tha oaittgojl IT. nnTgraen. het the ro yuu know what la the matter potntati pmecuttng attorney,ad no oholea Ih matter, ilcoa ovonta. CbwS or variety. whu a draped veil a on tha J'9 the Koosevett. etonlton ownge with thoee fellow dowa there lit LH- - rftoommeadatton of Uta mtnletera of de not alwttrs reflooi Mt. au blossom, , 'llHrea JtJa Un ta ?J&"t tie 1' wouM beUot-es- WMillFoent Kmia stMetaem to Amertoan awhte he hk. "I oau toll that elty, who. e wilt en UWI or tha wMtlmeat at one hag me el- - The dres made of cb vkii, linen or MNrte, Mmi ekd If (he he-T- you They're mad. They're mail aa foroa the law. Thli tottowed h lti. Tkaee ami if By dUtar he would m accent a hew sleeve will narJn mohair Is asneetallv bhMmi tn thai SSo J'Wl h eofrl!8 i reaeft-atn- he worn thm ST th y can be, they're Not te( aa between htm ana Bpriftaa! raaemts time that tha oWy rtftot war wmi tonn, Bjanhtattoa. It e wwter. j win omee. hsae the Hot to believe Utet it u universally gowal?J?of the "fflff any mora. I M w tllreot tha nrseeaaleMt l l matron nf honor turned the whow aWomla, who were tor ny In tie1 ro at IM ,h" The aepnrttt waist again to Wha act of high collared rooster when W. TeHm rery sea m us SfBBVneil a chiefly ton? Si1!!!SSm rintof worn; gnd aanatrlMtad of a doK oft shgde out imtatArwl race. tntlr, give trt of silk or slice tbe shoes art' hewm of blue emth i s nrai elected your goverNor, una 13vbi' polltleal pirmilios always to fores to kin d ration that numbers of beautiful one for an aorta deeorafed with wbtto put men ne would not he a en MdMa te A "hlrt trailed ibrhtiy the from the pkra handlos hare been made good after etecUcm. for r of embroidery, or of wear: hand embroidered lliuauL 15 snd 'n their plaoee." haw third term. To have sal M merely that an three laee ftouaoM laid on Sat. and ho ma4e tactful hm of hta taohed MIT of the same ma-ttj- laee inaertlons and ribbons, Victoria all that, he had a well ottod, appointive power- .- fe la qulak lo few he would ant beaaino n at nifiete H to o. awn, Sfw "Mate wHh a coat !r third would laaerted for morning mois linens. Peralan bten of which 'in. lent political machine. a goeeptle, a master of detail, a term not ha had mneh bet let ee sad orgnndles. which all majr fhlrta were abont r;ve, imcaoa hla second campaign for gevortK httow "ererybody it ir a Pgl(ir ttctton rworn a one-htrtt- be very "p lt la ArkiHUM." ami abort glove Is made plain or elnborate by sIs..",e,,all round. wore an old. white hat, almOar la ooocoded te bo a good lawyer. that no man ever Is a eatMidate for the Inch or addition of The sleeve were the trimming, ta of elbow length, gnlvhed in i thoa worn by the reaidente of the Those who claim to know htm beat. ' tirceidential oalee It la l.mbtrnl While speaking aonuennx flat howevfw. ff Mr. of gloves, j mua( ineso waist, do not put flonaoe effect, slightly poffmf which he visited. A Mir of ay that hla methods will be more re--' Roeeerelt ever con lava inrotign a heavy The templated himself me k! "1 ehown march whwh hat w.rn wild this costume wss of 'ii.' knit white eoeke snuld he Bneri after a few aaimtba' naairfoiuie In la ta poettioa of will give them a laundered unnatural usrrow the plainly aecn above hi ahoe Urns, WlasMagtOu. refusing to accept the aMglnatlo af- roiled brim and pointed front while '' iooa at onre, nut put them through S yl.- - trimmed with great ter It bad been tendered Mm tr a con- ached by tlnv "V tain starch water, let drv. than flat chous vention of hla patty. f.;.:j.. ihr of chiffon tulle and blue plume The ougniy dampen; flrat iron on tbe two little flower It is equally doubtful If Mr. Koose-ve- lt wrong girl were dressed In J- w sine snd then on therlgbt, aad would thin he had tbT. -I'. ... "1"T.. covered in over yeiiew silk made in ALL ABOUT stttUfled ittmwinq m place tne t nina waists should be Ironed Bniplr, alyl himself By accepting aa unsought immedisteoly after through wih lace yokes and LET THE BOY HAVE KIS FUN noromauon lsog. dtupito .VCl" "I"" "wy" note.1 putting bertha, nnil yellow usshea gate for hi - the March water a thla glvoa a : T",c" ww,l thank- hm pretty of 104. it not for n r ;ZL.iJ look of for oomplellon to the simple continued newness. gown The - THAT MAN moment ta be btMcvef Hist the conn too neeby to bear much Dnflineaa The newest skirt ts of the circular brldemald wor- light fire-gore- blue Ktiwns of iry wouia nave any iiiaaoaitioR t ner wat.t line, d chiffon broadcloth and n. variety. It la lacking in laatead of botipneta old Mr. Rooaneett u. his ejection trlm,edl.0rn.mlw any fullnoas around tho hip carried blue par ntgat aa tbe asola to match I he gown. ROOSEVELT promise mw"?" aao eroohe; fnltne. begins only a tittle way Th- - -- buttons above The gowns hart skirts that barely iZr" T " se pnff, to tbe knees and Is thus a lioon to the the -- escaped the ground Preeieeat ss PeiitiaMn. depth of f0lr inchoa aa the full hipped woman, and by the way arid Rtoa coats. below J !! PW' President itoonuvett n has this anil Zw. the : arrow wMth .1 Hi Is -- ".klft mu decorated ben slaeW ?of the better oredited wete betwg an Httfeit poilUc the under 7ZSL materiel to seek as It cats to Foreigner Might Have rttti.. new better Th skirts had three or four Ian. Tho meeahtg of tb, gmrd "poli- i.-- ". sleeve, ead advantage It has a seam at the Ota. luett tician- is so tha- - Ire la eiioiet to beneath th hin. seand charge haVT 1ri. . oarraw braid front which nrnmW maw line. Btoas eame may dis-crre- '" tu the ton of Doubt Which watt be true with at any , " one a nwa- - Plaits and M closed at the back tha to Party ,Zr , straight flare oen son Jen s little of Mous to the abiaf ce uttog. it the eprmeo noa-pai- t. the In 5? to made of motivsu Httrtbnted to blm la the rait The new "Oetlv flonse" will with He Now Belongs. ter of Um eaal raadH In atlgajtioa a Jabot of the aame showlasj are liked for warm ettmmer days. U ig openea true, bewever, be has msd a move ataoe wita two tnoks on sack aide of at the newk. that might weil tweptrt the earn of the front, stttehed to the bust. njpieY iuuta a riett or Qmur. 1!'"leghornf with ban. tulle boa. FREE SEEDS FOR FARMERS tbe seewnd of which there are darts 81 SBg (rimmed la Democfet who are f' llswrs and fl!"dJ."g aWrt wen an en- - which take up uaaeceesary discinies Mr. the fan. iftUf of Henrx' dmposed aoss. three-gear--- tr The sleeves are of wlngn. The bride's mother wore a to conspiaia Umt when the nretideot length hgrtag pointed or rogaaad grey H iKhag, dreas of chiffon annee Rate Bill N6t aeieeted Obeflea & Mm auffa and low tnraed-ove- r entlgr Satisfactory mm a blank tne. .nedal? laautaHut. to the rniwta OUUIde Of that. wtut rounded or pointed tail mm aeal sg adMing fronta iwtth whleh she war g whttThat to Will faMtieM. he a maicB tne egnjs. The waist Is closed tttakkaWwRh Meek President be Maw dtroashr at Mr. amhi-hma- . sad white tin. Hl,k LITTLE at two rront with button kelea aad At gown oaan at a aad tney show u taeBesMlon GIRL'S SPRING DRESS lata reeioi was Vetoed by Him. near! button. A faney Windsor tin ofwldt battlste cloth with to arMetae tho nresideni far having omnptetes ute waist. I saw en. taken part in a purely notttloal a number Jot embroidery over sink taffeta. vsta of these weiets made up of different T contest. Mr. rfnaaaa ha ham amm Princess robe fried; fo eeciai Owreewmdeac: tagnfly nvettttoned as a iihaif repub SXJ0 mS M ,0 . a w pink2 bow decoratingitit. awrlastoa, O. April HL llean camdtdatc for co-.- rao? of New BLACK OVER PALE the C, There . BLUE of bust York, and k Is ooaceib--- that should fw&i the at the center. Is a growing eef In Wawtlngtsn fma this haw streamer were car- he duc a sttccewfii grosseattuw ried round that If agrees Anally enacts a rail of the coal trust his ix'ioaj fortune under the anae and up to L.!wVL?of ,b d there tied road rate hill watch has the attest of would be greatly oahan d. Proeeru a how w f aad allowed to in vsmtsag the real rate making power tion of the coal trnet a been un-o- fail greet streamer. The elbow aleaves la the oanres kuetead of la the eom-miesin- h pei itotleies of M Hearst and were of the puffed President leooserett will ju hi cannot be'n at feel that variety with capes frlni of embroidery falling over them at tho the measure. be president has trl.ii steel awa shoeIdem H Such a neembUlty is so ahiming W thunder. Uattorfleld a little picture doesn't latt. Ton ottos weador if It w worth f'AVHJSniNB MANN-PAYSAN- T be-- In many quarter that b overshadows A geatlentaii who I ry dost- - t make an ache In your breast, It Is while. That la because you still have lw. you nave forgotten, nave a heart, alxeost every other aubjeot of inter- the adnilntmrt4un. an.i ho has talk Rhcunutism 1deke-LhT"MIra- ue aad a est, miatalun idea that your life began But there la a way to live the old in the first place. It la almost ed with the prealdeni hat the pa A happy borne is the ajeet ygltiahle itay two, - when you were II. aad your whtstters day over. There Is the boy gome-wer- e universally agreed that sueh a course or is authoilt r the possession that Is within the mu budding, and you began to talk times wtiaa you are cross and yon would mean tha elnctton of e demo- mmt that polKlcal rf.- - ,jf th ptlet of mankind, but you ceanat anmv it about -- nty office," and "our buatneaa," say "don't aad "no" for no reason cratic majority to ttte aeirt house. Hon of Mr Hughes lt: not oceur to oomfort if you are cedfertug from The country Mr Roosevelt - and criticise the policy of the mayor, except your liver, he wonder if you demaads rate legltbttka. until alt tho appoint rbenmaiiam You throw eirtde buai-nes- s ir you don't get ran before you pees have forguUes onco upon time Mare aen that, tt demand tie presi- inetM bad i.ct anantiix by Attorney care ln-- vou eatar our home that a l mtA - . . jo. you might aa well Join the "down-- you were as he la now. dent's raxn keg'auuloa; or. at kaaet, Oenti-a- Moody. The it. Iring motive " reusveg iromJ tho tlx- - i - and out" club. You eaa do a lot of Let him have hla fun. htm live rate tagisbuioo acceptlble to the M public - whtctt Mi , fheumatb- pains stso by applirg provident. j thingH that produce temporary pleas- - tu his dreams. Make himltgo Baking, Paradoilcal though It may Huichea won n fouo r the Arm chamberlain I'aln lialct ( B. , seem, it I executive, not atnmg inting c-- Plication it if. but the real, care-free- Jubilant, and If he wants to sit on tho bank, the aad Ineuraacu invr will give you relief und Ha laughing fun romes at a time when or dock, or an old pool their t'iocU'4 representatives In . mlHw Plkrwing Mi bloody m un Mitlnned n for n short time will the beside hrlng you wouldn't wap an alder pole and a until duak come aad the frog rrohe whom the people trust. nouncement, the ugK on that j about a permanent eurc ror can of worms for Charlie gjehwafc' aad the night birds shriek, you Any rate, hill to which Mr. Rotate ailght make Hughes u mor of N- - tain by nil rtniggtet sad t , S6.(Mkj,ooo are aure that the air ia full of pDea velc gave his approval, would aU' York was made In Rooacvt-l- bom. i OKATH ll- son- - the country; at least, the ooontry preeeoce, 0 PAUL ST. lt t youth that does - The monls. sud you wonder why a led ' ir-- as ' VRAIN IN shine la the aame now. The sklee are should want to endure all sorts of would be willing to give it a working "All rithi. the nt la ijiiolexl MISSOURI. as blue aa they were in the old day, hardanip aad call ll fun trial. But should mmgreas enact a having imid. 'I an. ilng to make Word wa r.f-e!- i t at Springer ,rh sweeps over the bill of which Mr. Roosevelt coukl not a governor for every 'ate in thi-- i Thursday by .Wr. n i fieviae gad her bresce thai RBhUBtlBint! approve, " apple orchard la still laden with won- - For his day of sunshine are n. congmea would hove to rnion, under tn. oadtt:tu mother, Mr. t. vraiu. that Paul wt. perintme, the wild flower long. grow up and go ut intc reckon wRh the ooontry, and h would Vraln had died the day before at his lerfui and Hell be borne till grow In the wcoda. even while tfee world quickly, so give him as a wnathfnl reckoning. Rules for Demeeratic erlmarlea. st Clinton. Missouri, bat no par yon toll at a desk aad grow round-- many good times aa you can, and That te the situation as It appear The democratic count) central com- tlcular of hi deaih were aeajtloaed gray to wejse day, Ood you. you'll be ta observer in wnohlngton, whetW mittee, of phaves has Issufrf in the dlapatrh. says tie Swiiager Hhouldered sad trying make blots they friendly cot.'y, flockman The reniajM a tew per cent more than you did la gM4. be or unfriendly to the snd published Iron clsii rnlgg govern- passed prastdont' mi making doctrine. R ing tbe voting at the (' ii'ty arlmaries thruugh gpringur f ir Mat where fun- yond a doubt, it will influence Baal ac- Ko fsr three candidu - bav eral service were held Sander snd tion In the matter, jpmr of the veto for " !ntrinat take plane. Mrs. Sevlae aad NEW ICK rUAMT FOR for nay quarantine agalaat that town. hnff, tlir for assessor forco Intu I tiling her mother weat to Mora the CITY OF The only cases there were two men hthkiuu sod three for probat wear, for a littlo girl of to attend ROiWltL k. t:s froeh Is of cbefked aad funeral of the brother aad son- Paul tleorge P. fjlasbeok. who owns a from the Indian Territory. One of !.!" St. Vraia was until a few years ago them was employed as a mall driver plain it-i whtta voile. The broad grist mil! and water power at Roswell eollsr mid the plain panel of tbe s lesldent of Mora, where he had to Roewelt aad was placed la quaran- aJI - and has bean at work tor some time fal-il- c of hi ltto fi was Dromi- here, while other waa qoar made $rom ilected maierial.s hrt urf out of the simpler ,u plant, tine the - installing machinery for aa lee while tbi- heek I t ht ,!tmMr " behlad making aatiaeO. at bra sola. effected by alter f?1 ays he will be ready to begla Qat lag bar r warm browa and deep Vnst "dVU 'v lee in three or tow weeks. He will Kreticb blue beSSLmCsummers JZTvZ -- TH8 OOVIRNwiKreT WILL ponulnrlty, if?JZ nuke six tons s day at ftret aad Maltese lace gH.i u dressy to rv.e envfdre 4 ,0ur to eight CONSTRUCT DAM ir shirt end be. i be sre of neeta In be able iaerease to THI i hi childish fruclt. hands of It being benvy black Cluay day. Megeond Ire factory over hm taffeta. Ameriean 01 ri Weds Oipiemet. tana a The No bid were received for the woiK uHd on ibt edg- th.- - wide collar port It Is not running and km ha to be shlp-- p IrrlgatluK p,. l..wr tf the klrt Is Coppeohagen. April S.i Mis Csth-dee- p of rebuilding the Oarhjhad and also as dut upon tsje noun. ., r con-tim- er a ruiou circular The under U'lne tl Nrton. dsucbtt-- of tha Anwrt ft Is from AmarUlo, sagging the dam aad the United Statea govern- - ('ami of the Skirt. 'Odice from 71 easts te $1.80 per hun- and double twffed sleeves are n mtaimer rnnmajt i. ODrluu. anl will hat to do the work through The gill nope aad lower portions of of embroidered tot of a deep ecru Hmry dred. reslamattoa service. gne O cbUtou secretary of the he sleeves sr if PYMach btwa toe. This has a gold thread aad Hi British ligation fn thla ely were B- .tn broidery. set off with Hay brae cheneile tannery. NO aWALt "OX Mr. aad Wrs - J. XeOaire, well mm sm aVaamffXflaalSJaaiaaBJaaaaW married Saturday at the HrlUsh NOW AT LINCOLN known aad popster Vustaee patmtg a Wi o( color la given the froth Baaos of black satin erase at the leaatHw. In the of a large by I araaics Dr. having beea to of Baton, are in city slMpfianAajkt the belt aad rosettes, whleh aiw Nsjt Mae aad pass over tke ahouJdera. naaiber or roretga dtakHnats ami a H. IklewtUi tae Of .lull raws TMg UNteom county, aaya kt vttfUag Mend. They ll pTogaMy oil velvet aad Sowers of effect te again repeated at tho of the two famUiee. Tho Uaonta. there the Max, ton the floppies efet. ho mmmJ pes tberr and no necessity return home tonight. surround These heads are dswerated young couple wttt abake a tour of with thw rosettf of gold sad blue urope m their w44vm trip. Snn FramciiiQO ADDITIONAL LIST GOOD CIVIL aa telegraph operator. Kb eeueatlonal TERRITORY OP NEW MKXKJO. Albuquerque Weekly Citizen Nw teat will be givee, and tt win not be Aooordtng to tke Denver Kwa, tke CalUornla natiaaary tor ppmmnt te appear nt Oftee ef Mm Seeretory. ' who realde In New York City are expected to OF TICKET SELLERS SERVICE SITUATIONS owf pease iw eaaniinniion. eat tka pane in rebuilding tka metrapelta of On Pkolne OERTIFIOATE OF OOMPAHISON. WNMr OHtoM, per year HM weet. la Tae United Stntea civil eervtos ft etntod In tkla oonneatlfln that the San FMa 1. J. VP. jto.vaetoii.a sei ato e at the Daily token, per rear iM eieeo bank win reeover from thafr vanlta fleu,- - DOMiiUsslun nnnouc" an etnmlnn-tto- n abont an May t, mt, to secure Tnrrilory nt Mew Maetoa, do hereby MIN, all In gold ooln and bqlHoR. Tka kummnea on And Those Purchasing Tickets A Large Number' of Govern entity that there wag glad tor reoord from wbtoh to make certlfte. t 41 . la & m -- a . . a. property daatroyad ky lire and by akooka. n raw oeitce, a n avooa. m on Mctr In Alluwrqu tka earUke tton to gn two vneanetott In the pnel-tto- n m n. tee - R being extremely dlnJcolt separate agencnw Pot Grand Benefit ment Jobs For Fnergetic 10th day of April, A. D. 1001, Agriculture, commerce. mumfMtrra- gad mintog to tka two the at nauttonl expert In the hydre-grnpri-M In Articles ef Ineerperatton ef Univer- r the tour cnlet of nativity by wliteli value tka vMnlty of tke grant bnalneea bluaka, la eetlmated ollee of the navy depart - mmhn Concert Last American Men. a- - sity Heights Imprsvament Cem-Patt- nre gniiaj. at tUMOOoa. Too bank reeervea and lk menranoe Nfjht. Waeklagton, tt. d, nt nonay will all be invented In bott omenta, nrnant aaaHm, nnd the ether at (Na. 4070.), As tor aa at preeoMt evident Albuquerque ana depend the And I anil ffcat Eene O., at $1400 per nanurn, alao tknt have compared the upon uttotog m m tadtrest etoeient or her growth. for arckltecta abowteg the motewant t.i net foltowtnr cob at the aaaaa wlla (he Mir ready for bnelneaa will cotemono at onoe. ALSO A LIST UP THE SUBSCRIBERS SBCURE APf LIGATION BLANKS nnd vacancies m they may ocenr In ftomntoroe tea slay ad, thus tor, the chief part la the any branch of aervlee requiring original thereof, now on tie, aad de- con- an rmnoleoo wna tattled in tke middle of tke tke clare development rf New Menico't metropolis, end nwet ahglkv qimllflcattoaa. Aa the n it to be a aerrect Iranveript be-mi- eentnry (tTM), ton yanra tinue to play important pun for all time m and for over bad net has experienced coaaldernble taererrom and of the whole taereof. u mater lolly lajnrod by eartnanakea nntil btet woeka (Tuesday. April .) The VRttad Statet ctril aendao Olvaa mv bend a J k. of kmattou of tkla city. Bat to hejmgggrjBkSsM AoWgnMgamNenannl BnM ghj gg t dtatonlty In accnrlng ellgiblee for this niter tbe central The etttMoa uommetUie having In eavnrsvntasvanBBgpnjg sjgem gemawwewsrawe-- ' of Tkla ttfforda gronml lor nope tkat, nt ewnaainn peettlaa. but two having been obtained seal of the Territory et New Mexico. develop tbta breach of netlvttrwhich tattoo, charge the heaegt eawaart far strick- than an Mar 11 IM0. ta eerare alW at tnr t.Tiy or aaau re, ton capita:, with tke capiui city of Portagnt, It will etease Injcry ng h alt the result of the enaminatkm course, the bniKlltng of prodnets la stores aa well an en Snn Prnnrieoo rag art tke gtMee turn whtak to make oeriHacn-Uo- on this April. A. D. In aa - en 1PM. sixteenth day of by railroads Albunnwsigu aaoat increase bar railroad from that eonroe for a long period tka fatare, nnjnea and amnnnta.- ta gtt caaoiee m tlmyjBtoyoe-ea- r he Pebrunry II. e,uallfled anrtkejunkkn, are urged to enter ei- - m. ronaaettoaa. Chief of these exteaetoes la tko nnllke voloanoaa, afclft tbeir poettlon from nm Knttonai Beak MnXM la aha paeOUoa at forest awti sfi pareonf tele (Seal) mm place to place, bain eeldom dnnnorona In to H KsearaMMft romptottou of tbe e MMtorn. Tkla ettr eowM the eame Bank of Omnmeree er in the gaiieftaiggt af aartonttnre. (Signed) J. W. RATNOLDg. well gator to ha oo of tit largcet contributors to tkla ealHy twlaa. Amarlonjt Lomber Co IM6 Thn United Statea civil service Secretary of New Meslm. apart architect- - to Now York eaetern Oroaa, Xaily Oo M.M Tea Patted jtajaa civil aervtoe sntorprtos. completion tkla and other O04(asnansanaVaa9gjft oommleskn announcea tins postpone- meek assdsd With ike of Crab Sloe eanaaaMsMJaesJeJ As) nanafiftgaaon ARTICLES eUlea, who kave boon oonanltod by Cniltorala capkaHtta, mm - ment to Mny ipiuj, OP INOOR. ORATION road Sot oary womM aommeioa b laarawaai, but mining, State Mftttonal Bank lien aa Map 10, 100a, to seenrn all- at the advlae an of Otmay attABna gkjtnnftai etaBgai jaanunganVgaal. Mny or would bo directly tributary to nvotdaoeo and eombnetlble ntatertala !. oVIOTggei nVaM WMVal asfMSV WWWWQfV acaeduled for sueeteUr of mI, wad Munleaagis Truat Oo 10 UNIVERSITY HKInUiTS IMPROVE- - In San Prnnotero'a now batkUnge. Tkey ndvanoe the may aa-on- r to secure ellgiblee tram wkieh to tka ettyn prospoitty. Ornhnm Brothers 1M0 tton to Sit vnsnaalsi na they MENT 00 MP ANY. opinion -- make eertlSeatton to 011 a vacancy In Tbora h a movement at increased activity la tka di- tkM tke type of balMta wblek will prove moot Kurgan ft v la the nealtten at mngnstoo Know All Men try a: ake-pro- poaitlou mechnn-toa- l Tbeae Present on arthe of will alao be largely of e tre-pto- of Wkttney Company wnaaat. t per diem, under the the of structural and rect ton of agriculture. Albuquerque lt.M aa-nn- That we, Harvey B. yergnsssn, M. it tumaiaded " hnanMpen sftdMldaggtBSOanalftg-snajai- drauglMamaa, at per cbnmeter. Tke mnaelve mnaonry nnlveratty. Ben van TgfgaTBBnsajgagraga I14M all tides by an agrieultnrul section tka poasthtllMea ot at Manford oani la the engineer depamneat nt W. Plonmoy nnd D X. B, Settora. all among tke Knoat atone etrnetnrea on tko ooaat, eoltaii M Albueuaruue Lumber Co iO.OO of the cttv of Albwtnerqne. County of which om scarcely be computed. Water la tk ua initial The fravted fltatea civil service htrgn, mtieeling, W Vs , two vacan- under tke akoeka. Struct urea nittnar. SUu.m A Co 1040 , Bernalillo, Territory New Mexico, la la tbta dlreetton. Water Mrtkauake of toot nature cies In tbe position or engineer-iMagtamma- of and attention Mag directed L. . Pfttmy 10.M an whom allow nothing tor pMy la no give and nnd. 9-- t. ot are ettlsens of the uederltee tkla entire section and Ota eoM4Mkaa la tkla there take W. M. Una am May 100a, to secure at fi.MO to t400 per If dknnrbnd poreoutlbly. meat tumble la mho Ift4f certHroa-tto- n aervtoe, United Statea of America, kave thi city enable Ha develesejient. by electric pewer, M a Mat into rnln. "It D. A. Xaegnmm lfcM tram which to make amjvm, in tbe rachunatton anya wide-jotnt- day voluntarily nanocatted oeraelv' ng a,!te tree," one nrafctteat. "tknt In ta Sit vatnneiat na they may and vaeaacteu aa tkey may occur la avrartalMfly mail. Tka vulleys and tka msaas The Xotitanix rK gektoea Ctgnr any together tor the purpose of terming fruitful-aa- a, ntnannry thorn la, with or witkont the Intention of tke occur tn tbo astttton. at alayg toaeher eraaoa of the serrtoe requiring Albwqt Mrnna can ba ma Mm of Commuur 10JO - a corporation nader the laws ef the bntklera, often tawk an allnwnnao, Ineomnah tknt certain O. A In the taatoe servlee, prnbsgly at a Maallar gunllSenttona. An the com- ouKrvmeg latonatoalj, end tkr etty neede to work W. Mrnnn onn agaattOjaggUba haaat - J - - a Territory ef New Mexico, and we lM eahnry af $0f0 per annum eaan. ewsaaaWawSJ Ifggal WgPITWfHTVfl" rtfmMWflkW9 tor HamfcJMIkm. Tka psoalt enu ba gottaa1 m seen m Oatklo vanlta bavw nndergona ttrange nnd almaet r a. Prntt a co ltjt nereey certity: J. A. WWnuisu dMDenHy in fraearing eilaiblea for tbta It la towwn 1ktrt Albunaafcm mt .la give martinets to dattortloa. dna to Hnenual aettleiiunt. seek na an UM Tke Catted IskMn dvH aervtoe paattion, pereuaa urged might ooltapatmi." TbU Of it Dtajmaian IQM nuamied are Items itfOWM products to alt tuu tad arttoto . tMiikttaka tndnee. wltnont oonmhialon natmaniaa an asamina to enter trie Mnvmination. nrsbnMy aeoownU tor tke toot tknt tko Ronton Catholic T. It Kant 1640 ttojt en May IMT, Ittli, to leaara Tknt tke name ef said corporation W P. MJMal( n tit k. antii d In Frnnokwo. while - wtOea mahe eerthtoa-tto- Applicant! poatttona mnttotoctursm; eeater. Tka raaoaraai Imve Mt ml fan Injured by the earth- from to tur the vartoua - aalnral J. fifwne) iMt Ml! naaatton nt UNTYWMITY KJSjpUTS IMPROVE- ym A, gkNtgaM to vnranalaa In tke aamed above aneaM et once apply bean swmtaed. All kind of clay abound In tUt 1' may In ner- The need of ull bnlMlnga of the rkyaernner" clea- Qttkmel taw rlerti at tkey occur the either to the United Statea civil vtotogy. Tka ftoert Kinds of send ara almauant, If k rhKitke iloanreiggMtal aorvkm. aa entrnnee vine commission, Wnentogton, ts not urgent in nan Prnnetoso, na tka atty la not limited K. rfgger H at a C, Arttolc II. cement reek ennnovke ftiettd. tka nrntd lima togtedlant 0. eke toant la apnea prtee Van & Hon er to eeerurr et tke board Tkat the principal plane af hunt-ne- st aan ka ofceapiy Iwpefted, nnd tktta tka LUuatry nnd tke of ran! eette not pnrtlenbtriy 1. li ef enamlnera, at tke Albuquerque wc'di "nky-aarape- r" A. W. of said cervnmttoR tkall be ait a heme hare. ArtllMU atoHa ami brWfc ba high. Tka nwy torefore be omitted in AMeon II Tke United Stats ervti aerrtot peatenlee. tor apprlcatiou torma. No tad r M. L. anbiira Co II at Me. Seeik gaeond ntreet. maao kara. Many ra4rtr4n, yat HMkmgbt at, m ba proetnt enlmbitlotta. Yet tber la ao evidence tknt tke oommleMen naaoggera an examlna niaMicntton will be aocepted unleaa lit "Yank Merit e II all- - la the City la Albuqiietqne, Ouunty f daflaBftaa. HHt oonaltloM of all tkaaa thin la Oil bntkHHK. aomo tonttaan atorlaa nt beight. annored tlen an May 100S. to ame property executed and Sled wtta the BernnMlto. tka tkl Menkem Indian Trad Co II ttfbtajgl ffwvW MM&LI (MstiaUNalV Terrtterr f New Mexlro. Uhi morn keenly from last weak'a akoeka than did tower WMMI n enminlaeton at Waesilagton. In apply yaoflt of Albaqnarnna, hi atory laataHc mmt ifhw Qeo. Hggsia) kt peatttoa and the anme et the agent In chorge bwtMloga In anme Iccatlty. aoetrnatton le attrl-bnt- ed tton to iM vntoanr the tag tor tke various, eaamlaattoaa the litamagat to kama anaJiMU. Lat tkla ba tka kattlo cry the lu Moaarak Orocery Oo - la D. K. B Sailers SO0 per an- nee-me- Rre ejMkee. ateet of engineer nnd MtMr, enact tKle aa given In the anuou tor a nagtor AJbaawirowa: "Albaaaarqu orodaata. of to rather than to tke Aiwtner A. Hveratt num, agency. Aria., frarno bnlldlng. at the Han Cartoa should be used tn tke npplton-tto- n ovary kind ekeractar, lor Alboquvrquv paopl." atrnctnre. tke Crocker la aald to have Weltler A Benjamin nnd vacaneiaa na they amy occur In Artteie III. wKketood the shock), mnaonry betiding la its Peach A Co t he objects and euraeaes tor whi while aay braaen of the aervloe regnlrlng As etuunl aat Ion pepcrs are sfclpeed BOtghborkaod fell into fragments, go tur na lire la ran-oern- lamard A Undermnn qualifications. aid corporation Is formed urn and simitar direct froaa coram km e R. W. Uapklna the ta to th hall be ike acquiring by pur-chas- Vry Poor Ariafuinaiikt the steel frame, wftk oamant or stone tilling. Is ptocee ta title Hanry Clowa. the Now York wbo aaada oat a Harry W. Jayne BI of examination, It necea or donation; selling, lfj balaar na near fireproof bnlldlng ann be made, whll at the Thn United States civil service anry the weekly atatomont of financial oondltloaa in Amartoa'a Mcllai A KM In an that appltcetlons be received In tog, mortgaging, possessing, holding anme time convenient end algbtly. commiaaioa announce examina- aatoto to ex Haa aay MoomtoK'b Roy McDonald on May 1000. secure thus arnwae for tbe and owning toad and real estate of iroatoat dty. tkla to about I'raaldaat tion tt. to amination desired the place indi oongraaa M. K. Hle' from wktok to make oartteeH-Uo- a at every kind, nature nnd description, lo- groat aaaaefc at ko mntorstoMc laying for tko by oommw-ato- a J. A. arodcrick. Belea All vacancy peetttoa cated tae applicant. Thn cated in the Territory ot New Mex looal ofltee kitlMlM; to a in the wHI nrrnage to exam- Kfft Cast Cherhm P. Vorhea. Helen of poultry aeetentat. at 1UM par an- taeretore ico or elsewhere, aad tor the further "Asotkor Mow to tko atock markat waa tka draatte i ine nay applicant whose application Rent era ignornnca of the groat Warn bnpptly A. Bert num, toduf-tr- y. purpose of Improving the same in mado tot "nraolt in ike bureau of animal ramnrka Praatdaat Koaaarak kla fallows todehed of ny tko Denver Hopnbllcan In tke fo I lowing Christian rhureb Departtnent at AgeieuHure, ik4 is reemved In time to permit the any nnd nil ways lawful, deemed x ratea" aeeaak iaat wk. Tka proaldaafa anggoKlow to kumowwaly aarcnatle way: J. Korker AC i vacancies a tkey may occur In Utet pedlent. end also for all other pur abra W. mtatt-flentlon- t. poses tax liirb fortHHaa aftar raaaklnic a oartatit limit, to On neHnrdny there earn to Mayor Spaer a meannge I Trimble ft oo gjj departtuftM reunlrinK ntaflkir The United State civil aervtoe and objects na may be htwiul tax en tranaror, wohW Ihs W. under tbe Acts or the Legislative As kaary tkalr a ra aaylHg that New Tork wes aaftdlng a wkale grant UK J. Johnson M oommleoleH announces the pontpone-men- t itlat vlrttMlly oon- - J. C. lleUlns sembly, and said corporation claims to thrift, aa it wouM ametiHt to a tminloail ot tweiro Mg earn nt pravielam lo Han Fran-clce- o fM to May 0041. 188, In view f - Imperial Laundry all the right, privileges and powi-r- s in ot property thua aosHlrod tt maaattro too da- and that if Denrar wantnd to and would he good 100 The United Stolen civil tervtee tn arnau nHmber of apeneuiHHw Williams' Drug Co. SJHj epmmleetnn an examine, which It may lawfully claim under npo(f for eur form of Rovarnmant. fnrttiBM bavo get bwty enough pi ok up car- anwinnsea tied, of the examination tahtuJuled tor lt& and te a oartoad er half a , aad by virtue of said nets. Hftf $H yet raaebPd a point to 1m rieHar dasnittHH. AlbtinHoruc lisrdwarn On. Mi lien on May 18. 1000. ta tenure April M-M- t3 ecu re engibtoa fram load by the time their big train got kre, we oowtd tag oh M. n V Maadell .... IM ftm whtak to mahe eertinea-tto- walea to rnuke to All bM(r mi Jamp that faae unttt w got ta K. To anm-pan- y oertiflcatton Article IV. behind Its big bandwagon and go through In prowl WeHtman ft lwfrnten . M to Mil vaaanoy In tke peeUlen tax large fortune wwM toad to drlre money out of a In the tiosMon ef aeetotoat, Tkat the amount et onpital stock of and grant atyle. D. A. PorterneM Co 1 1.2S9 per g, (bo 6M af kardboofi nsatoinnt. rt qnaMfled In beerhvHmlng or account-In- fperettoa m Uie sonify for bamtfll of otkar HaUena and to the ear-loa- In-a- said twenty thousand Wbutdn't that rnalw yon grin? Twelve whole Kent, Hehloen On $M annum, In the Dureau of Animal an entrnnee aaktry I1.M0 detrlfflent of our own. It la a fact In D. II. at of tlc!:rs. from New York, pliewl That'a gelng Mme. you Cnrns iM DeparMfiaat of AgrtouHHre, and per annum vaeflR-al- e P. eaeh, and similar tkla etHintry that people wbo make largo fortunes are bet you! or eoHree Denver would like le travel In audi 0. Comlah iM "neaneiea na tney may oeeur In tnt an they may occur la the Philip- Arttela V. ggaeraua In apeadtaK away. Large for-- Minnie Oorrall gualttt-entien- a. both and rIvIdk company; New York knew R would! The twelve anrtoada tM uerarunmt mint ring similar pine aervtoe. Women wilt not be nav Tke capital stock of said corpora tunoa Rre tlfprivet) of aorkHttt tkngor In tkla oeuatry W. W. HRvena MO will be almost a week Retting to Denver, and Ik thai weak J. mMtod to tUia examination, uxeent tton snail be divided Into two bun-i-re- to Ida fnet tkey MNnat be willed provide if. QlfMelly Co MO Mmt wires, retoitves, owIbr that te surely Denver might matin a oartoad' Not Wall, then U B. g.00 civil service the Immediate Jhares ef the par value nf One mo. a tkey Rosenneld The United States ot Mneeea men owemlned at DoMurg for tkM two saitmttoaa, walla In NuRiand half a car, and New York will atili be generous and take H. Ynnew mo onmmlaalen announces an enamina- of tke Hundred eattt. MapaHenee anme time tor. appointed to. or al- ara Barpatuetad by tke antall law. tkaa tor It ateag. TheHn 1km km tkm on May It. 1000. to secure eli- kaa prom (NMt third goaaratlomi lumtakly dlaburea mage ready employed in the Philippine aer- ArtletoVI. Whet mnut the sender of tkat telegram have thought P. J. WHeon B.00 gible from wkleh to certlamv vtoe amy examined; they Tke amount aaprlel with, whh rapidity mkatltaitoe aeon attar obulMlHK poa gf. B. S.a vacancy In ponRlon be and if of stock tnw whan ke got tke polite reply tltet Mayor Sneer aanf Ilnrarh tton to ail a tke pace, will ap- wktok said eerperatton com- nupertof Mill. nt $1,000 per they he preferred In shall buck? Do you suppose It phaeod kirn In tke least to be Jlanlng 1.00 of linotype meohtnlat. point meats, provided men through mence business Is tke sum of Twenty of Mr. Clewa la eontrary W. vV. Strong 0.00 annum (to Increased to 1.000 per the Tka anrtmiewt as to fact told tknt Denvar m aturtod seventeen enrtoada two be f WBom is Thousand Dollars. B. Mayetu sou annum nt expiration of proaaton-nr- y examination albiwed kave ad to ojwwoN aonae. that tta ooatntventac eNeet, aa far day a New i'o the been selected, of auoh aonll- - ahead of tke York train, nnd another train lees' P. Knlpk It taOnatc-tory- ), met praabiewt'a to period. services are sfe.-v.l-d Article VII. ae tke apeeck eoaoartted, will kardly ke randy to atari oat and tknt before tke New York big eaata state definitely In her aapraalabla kbjbfwt Manlfyint powera Borradalle Co e.00 la the nillpatoe aervtoe. and application, name, Tke full names rt the person form- under tko it tka akow got on the road Colorado towns and cities ail Den- tneuK Stern JO requiring the address and vary beat mleroecopa vacancies in that aervlee of the person through ing tbb) eerporattoa together with ver In New York's geogrwphy bad nfty enrtonda. or tour O. A. Mstaon ft Co g.00 similar gnnllScntlons. portontoe address nnd number of A w&om eaatninatton Is claimed. In or such trains aa tknt of New York speeding on tketr way Trotter Ik wklns M0 mny shares subscribed by each is us fol- Denver Kafwbllean : Some people aeem to b wonder J. A. Thirlen Tbe United Statea civil service der that there be no tola? In tc the stricken city? 4.M rating lows; lag wnetker tkare will be a diMNrbMoe aomo day In CUM CbHitWteu Co 1 ooanmteaion announoea an examina- certiSeatloti when tbe of the Nome Do you Imagine tkat tke reply will at all disturb the papers is considered. The time allow- Posteflk Number of Denvar Hatliar u that at flan rraaelaco. Tkey may San Joiv Market M0 tion oa May U, 1000. to secure Address. equanimity of oocawltttec that bad emetouely conde-scen- t) ed for the regular eubjeeto of this Mhares tkat mil Maun 0.00 from wkieh to make certtSca-tto- 11 abandon tkalr faara, for everytklng tkat neulagr can ra Harvev FVrgussoo, Albe uerqu. . ed to let Denver tag on to then measly litUt old 111 as they nmy oc- examination is two days of eeven veal on tke abieot moa to akow tkat tke Kooky mona-- Stove Bailing t.00 to vaeaacles N. M.. 50. twelve-ea- r train? Not on your life. It never touched A. J. RlrlmrAa M0 cur la the position of bookkeeper, at bonra eaeh. The drat tore subjects taiM are ao old tkat tkey Hgo eante owt of tka ' will be given flrst M. W KVurnoy, Albuquerque. N. ltns khu; be had nrwnya heard tkey were awful liars out In Lean Stern g.00 ueo to si is ner mantn. under tae 00 the day. and M., Tt. anitlatnakr atnaje. Harth novemanta oeear whore moon-tai- n taw remaialog subjects vn tbe aoeoad the Went. Bueh a town aa Denver send forty S. U. RosenwaJd M0 lathmlnn Oaani aoesmlaatoa, oa the D K. B. SK3.UCMS. ayatom- - or forma d- - ,rnw! enamtoa-tto- g any. Age limit. to 10 years oa tke Albequerqii. otber of tko irfeee are etlll Jar nfty ann wl'en New York sent only twelve? Why, It onaaor Uranne M0 totbmne of Panama. Tkla II N. M.. 71. veleptHg. elaaa balong Haneja Age Sato ef esaminatton. To tkla tka Ooaat and mare la rMletttoaa; tkay eonMn't; In the first plane, there Prank Xlrtter ., 1.00 u open only to men. limit, or leea taw wwrte of Oallfomki want of inonntaintt, Oito Beriw S.W M to 40 years, aa of eaaav tboae wouldn't be tke tblnge to Nil that MgRy cars to be had tke date WQM BN'b WHIST LEAOU E Artttle VIII. In oonneotieft with otber vtdwe tke doap aanyana Albert Palier M0 law Ion. MECTINQ That the time tor wtihtli eulotde of New York, you know! Thy may lie great A. J. Maloy MO IN ST. LOUIS. uU Mr. throttgh wkwn ao many Kooky tnountitln rtvarg m prove Mo , April M.-- The notation ta ta urim u rtfi Ilnrs, but they "cant gheve no sunk atory as tknt onto j. hj. Bell S.00 The United Mtotee civil tervtoo St. Lents. ninth that ffeotegiOHtly tbta part f tke world la very oM, for to naaoal caaareas of tbe Wameala tram aad after the date of (la Ineor- - little old New York;" not en your life! 3. A. Mlllr MO commlaawa MHonaces an examlan-tto- n pernuen. a targe esstwK tkeae by - whtot tongue Is now an nt the oanroiw w made Ike notion WMuKlck.- MO on May 1000. to seenre w aartli-tiNtb- it, SJWeknrn ITotei of water swj lee. in mak a roNion tletmiaHra a it will last fanr Peter auiilton M0 ftetn whtofc te make eerttggg-,tle- IX. tnay alMwet be said to be ImpwHdWa. prtwl-tv- e W. dass, and pnHmeen to be an unusually Arilde The To Lay bm Dust J. Abbott M0 to ffl roar vaeaaetoi la the pat) Ihtareetlitg roolia form tke fmndntkm of oor monnUta ayatem. Jan. McCorrietoti jM ttou saddler, per event. Tke nktylng berni) Tbe number of directors shall not Ootorado aHrfnga la to have an importune experi- of at tilO annum this Byomlag, tke being be lean than rranh Tutnle 11 ro each, In the aaurtarmaetor'i depart- enniaat for three nor more than five, ment In duet taring; which Albuquerque way wall watch the Washington trophy. aa may nlock-heWe- rs foUovtog story Ym. Morrle XM ment torge, Among the be determined by tbe Tko ahewa the folly of nay town'a with Internet Tka experiment la to be fnade by n con- at Jeffereoayllle, lad.. vnlentilu trapMua 40 be eonleeted for from time to time, making an upon W. P. Switaar M0 and si (Hilar tejeanelm aa aner may and the Invnatment wktok they v4H h rnaulmii engaged In pargwiiaMt duat-laytn- g In are tan oavamrm. we ikaadeipriia names and ranldeneeti sent the knelneas of Atkntic tialoan XO0 In department. & eduea-ttoaa- l ef those who to pay IntareM far any length of time: Ijfmajt JPHnlnmt that Cup. tbe Telede New Am- - are appelated many iMtin at the world. Mgynard Ouneul 240 ten will be given, and It will tieimr. thn for tke first three of Atbol, Mane woa years Ofty rr-!',- n getting to bo an oM mail thirty What tka Javaning Telegraph af tknt atty anyg of aa net appiteanta ap- eterdem trephy, the Quaker months, are Harvey a. Parguason. ago rn im be neeeneary for to trophy, Brooklyn trophy, Atouquarque, and beettae wna bad health. At tkat time the town Ootormlo gpringa, may be aald with equal force and hik MO pear at any ptaee 0or esajnlaatton. the nnd New Mexico; needed ;t,00o to make some ImproveexeHhj nnd Mr. Jan-nlng- a Cfiah M8 outers. M. W. Ptoamor. raakUng at Albu-anergH- e, trutntulnnK of Albuquergue. Tlveee ara the words em- New ed J. gdntea civil Mexloo; nnd D. K. D. offered to farelek the money preiCd ke wna ployed: "The problem keeping on a. Mcgiuute mo The United aervtrc AUTOMOBILE SHOW of tin duet down the W. Rnlgk an agnnslna-tlo- Mlere, raeidlag at Albuqucrquo, an annuity of 840. It did not mmb noaatnU) tkat prnntom Mt rouwnlaalori atmocmoes IN streets of tkla dty u the meet important that X B. on Mny 10. 1000. to seen ell- THE OPEN AIR. New Mesleu. be and more tkna a couple of year to Uve, nn kht oCer Rtiihefevrd MO re New York. April was to be towed before conilstlene note ann be made imrtoet U A. Riuitgaynnt giblee oertiloa-Ue- n Yeatardftr It Wltren Whereof, we have here- wna noespled with alaerity. From tknt tUna Lyman (Cklneae) iM from which to make open auto- Thar hi bo drawback to raabiaaea In Ontorado Sprtnga j. Moutewn to nil vacancy In tke position oponing day of tke air unto set our band and aaals, this seamed to improve In though now, really f. MS a mobile show, whleh will be held under health and an uksent the duet antennae, ami If there hi any way by cnaa. mkv 2M mnndryman. 7I0 per naaam. la the 1Mb ear of AtHil, ISM. old man he aenma to be good tor tow yaara yet. Up the aoaptoas of Cite New York Attts-nroM- le riARVBT B. a wktok tkl prablam can be snrred tka atttaaee of tkla San Joae Heetourant (Cklneae) . M0 ttamlgrntion aervtoe. Mil UMnd. N. mJ3UtKN. U "Vade AgaooiaUoa, at Mm ann-p- i to data has drawn 1UJM from tke town tranenry and community want to know of It nnd want to apply tke and similar vaoaaolea na they may (Seal.) the tnxpnyera are beglnnbig to anepeot tkey did not .- :::::- IS eeenr in nay of nerrtoe. re City Track. Tenkern, far .ke neat m. w. vijounmr, tknt remedy- branch the days. Among make enek x Ann bargain alter all. n.wl:::0nh M0 No edueationm teat will be gtvee. and three the Matures of (Seal.) Another point in this expertment It tknt the owners the show will be aa aoonomy tost, a D. K. B. XA. Skinner Mo k will not be asanas ry for nppll-na- n SMXaBM, of tke proBaaa risk their reputation and one pad their own W. J. - high gear taw. a starting nnd stop- (Seal.) The Jtoawell Jtogtoter-Trlbnn- e makes the following Klrhut 1.00 la to appear at aay place for ea- money in giving Urn people of Colorado Springs what Alexander Suadoval MO bmIiiiI l&u ping test, tire tests nnd gyatkaaah atrong points in anpport of the atatement people I New that tka tke owners any will be a deeaonat rattan that their prepar R. 1.00 events. In add thn there will be a Territory of Mexico County of of New ve- Bernalillo . the territory of Motion ire prosperous nnd that ation la the vary thing Colorado Springs needs. Union Market 140 The United Statea civil anrvtce number of teals for oommerntn! ss 1 . teles, Oa day be-- business oonttttlou are eaoeUaat when it anya: No bat- Sam Ho Kaa 1.00 n 1. fi ruMinitM, mn .m(fi.. il a long Incline will be built, tkla ltth of April, IOM ter proof of the prosperity of the Hecoa Valley pan ba A. c. . I . m .aji. a ... I ooatalnlng graawa of various percent-age- , fore me, a Notary Public, within .nil liiir'ieaa 140 for county, toand than Ike condition of Its bank, whlok appears Mfft3cicoa Mnvrcb, 1.00 giblea from which to make eertiaca-tto- n 00 whlok cars will be tested aad aald personally appeared Nw Harvey B. Psrmeaoa, M. Plonrnay from the Quarterly sUtemenU published tkla week. The The March report of the New Mealeo weather John Rollins 1.00 to Oil a vacancy la tke pantttoa demonet rated. W. Kaiph af wheelwright bhteksmltk, at aad D. K. B. Sellers, to me known to First Natkwnl bank of tkla eMy, tor esnutpte. akowa a mat received tram Okas. Unney of Sunu Pe, sec liiiina 140 and CHAMPION I Seen per annum, tae gmuterawa-tar- a SWIMMIRS the persons described In and who totni bnalneea ot over n million dollars, a volume that tion director, sbowa that daring March tka monthly mean in OONTBSTINS IN OHIOASO. foregoing depnrtaneat fln--t Mac-kenal- e, executed the Instrument, would appear wall nay temperature, 14 In TICKET SOLD. at large, Ckicago, III.. April Cen- In town of tMOO people, in determined from records of atntiona Wyo, nnd na they St. Thn aad ae know ted grit that they execu- vacancies Aaeoolatton, A. A. swimming atone It sbowa a mass of lisl.mJO, a mngnlnoeat the territory, wna 44.1 or pmetioauy normal Precipita o. A. Mm Co may occur In any anr- tral U.. ted the name as their free net aad ton ft 10' brancli of tbe chnavploBSbtoa will open nere today showing la every way." tion, from records of Tt atntiona, wna .71 of aa inch, or O. J. Da 10! vtce deed. Mir requiring atmlmr quallflcattoaa. natntorium, .It of an Inch above normal. About vwo-tbir- of the Door No ednoattonnl tent will be given, nnd at the north aide under la witness whereof I have hereunto riw.ime H the auspices of Barry Beach my my The Jilagaiea to n synod of Prosbyterlaaa out In In- territory lens than n half-lac- k of precipitation during D. T. Do. kwall. It will not be aooeaanry to appear nt tke sttbaertbed name aad atiimd had Jr Swlnuulag Aeoooattoe. The program diana, other day ways IT days, cloudy J. C. it'i.iiua .'. any place for a andnation. notarial seal the day aad year last the discussed various nnd nteaaa the month. There were clear partly St Inoludce fereuidable number of above written. for getting man to attend divine worship mora regularly, nnd t cloudy. J. i" hay M at. c. n. The United Statea civil aervloe ekamptonaklp events, Including con- PKANX A. ST0RT2. saya an egahange. No eouoluatou wna March wna by dry, windy over (letea - renehad aa to how characterised weather I esamlaa-tto- n tests for dlLtaaoea from 100 yards to (Seal- Nntory Pitbllc. Wmon ra 1 rsmtm teuton aanoaaeaa an the attumten wna to be reformed, a moot of territory- - Vary precipitation occurred mile, polo, but formal resolution the little li-.i- t on May 0, 1000, to secure one water relay moot and r. U. ft Oo gmdoraed: No! 4370. Oar. declared tfwt "anleea something affective Is noon done over tka Kle Grande valley, and the aouthem sad eastern fptobe from which to make certlnon-tio- n a 100 yard swtot tor women. 4oma ef Hee'd, Hire y Vol. there will not be enough man In heaven sing counties, but In north weet and north, an tor eastward to a vaeaaor In tke noaitton the swiftest swimmers of the conn-tr- t. page Ott. to baas." the Monarch aweary Co til laearptratton, It la doubtful tf any large number of American men would aa tke gnngra do Ohrtoto range, mnah more than normal Sanger tvwtag of Interpreter (male, at $1400 peri have been entered tor the vartoua Aril! ef University Machme Oo le eageeted aeme Hetohts Imprevemsftt Oempany. be pnrtlcnlarly attracted by aa offer of a mare chorns precipitation occurred, the nHtmtoU being espeehUly J. B. Ki nnnum. In the lmmlgfattoa service at events and tt that irT - Piled to the office at Secretory ot imttlon. heavy near the Colorado border. TPntor wna abundant Foetal T. leemtgfc Co Boatoa, Mma nan other similar va- reeords will be broken. awmlea aa they ma oeenr in that! i.ew Mexico, April it, 10M, a. m. and streams Mowed treaty, nomawnnt above normal eon- - J. P. ii..ayVr BOY HAS HIS LBS J. W. RATNOLSS. L- errtoa, iraaaiidag aMNty to nag.! Ogling Republican: Wkh great banks of high grade dKMae. gevere froaw ware of fragttont oceurreaoe, tnosa I. - Wu.hbtarg Co.... e e e e ne a BROKEN ABOVE KNEE. Secretary. mnwmy. . n nan wette and apeak Bymn, Qreefc gad Pre stay at very city Itgttta of Onllup nnd ta of ITU to Mth attending to southern border. oomar Last Sunday while riding after ent- Oompd. O. to W. lU Urge the the wminm Kaawladits of the mm-- ! of knotlae in sight, ftoiiup has a natural reaource Yiddish ltortogaae la alao ile, Lawrence Muaaer, lyeareM-ae- it 0 " Wkltaon Mueto Co and a Maaaor, broke his leg ANNUAL TEXAS that may at some bring great Industries to Denver baa aeat of auppiles to the people A pref-area- ee of Job above STATE 4 tine the dir. three trains S. B. N. w.ner desired. far as practtoalda, anya lUngman Knotino ta a very proBtnble nroduot, wbo wt.l Baa Pmnclnoo. The gg Pnao Timet urged people will be given to penman who the knee, tke Miner. SHOOTINS TOURNAMENT. be the tret of the L. K. Pt. soge The eaddle turned, aad In noma war l o Onllup product on reeponded of 11 attain eligibility In the Aoatle. Tea.. April 14. Tbe annual ant the the market? of tke Pass city, who liberally to tke call Sidney .ugMcw kin stirup became w tangled In It, may Major Charley Davis, they tka 11 MngtMgea. State Saootiag tonrnamuM their or. that "take n w MsJaa eaunlag the accident, it fiapaennd at opened Dally Ontir Kvery effort la being nuwe to aannra n money rained, buy ocmnis of of ptrovlatotuv, nnd M. Man Mi here yesterday nader ausptrs a earhwdt Morgan Jonre', on the May well raaak, v. - of the Austin Qua club, vrith the pit large attandnac.- here for tke Bret OampecM naoaalntlan hip them." B. Rupp. Tke MtUe fellow 1 now raatiag easy AJvnrndo ntwwc anorxtag eapert. Wallace R. oonvaagtog aver held la New Mealeo. Mvery aewapaper fkotmair) .. at the Oonsmarnltl hotel, rUagmaa, Miller, na Boriern.'1 Oo Hon oa Mv 10. 1000. to secure all Dr. miaagsr ef the tournament. In the lerrtttiry is urged to invite In Olobe Detnocrnt: Accord lug a report leaned some ft n boieg under the treatment ot A tboae latereeted the to - oertlnca-Uo- conaiSarahto sum moaegr 8. Vnnn 4- Qg,, Slides fiats wbtoh to make et bna reclamation of eeml-erl- regions to coma to Ve- time ago by tka Unlveraliy of CnlttwnH, Bna rrnnclaoo. Oowle. been the Laa J. Boyd OS to til a vaoaacy In the posUtoa nootribnted. to be drvtded aawtg gan May 4 ft and since Its settlement in KM, bna bag an average of seven I) H. II. (if repairman. If 00 per annum, In the !n minutes; th wtooere of the vartoua matehna, right Stona earache two In acccrdageja earthquakes a year,, and ail California double that num- .ootton Keyera ... wenther bureau, tor aervtoe on tae toothache or pain nt hum or scttid In ' with the percent go Thn Port Tato-- j sytem. kVtsieea that there are num- New York World: upnmtort amy reject the ber. By the reooide kept since the lgeniah settlement AJ. Nash ,., Crescent Tatoesa tolaad nee minutes: koareeaesa. oae aauri a vlbwivtogsea. ber of valuable trepatot 10 ron-teste- d iPenjanU, Until in itW, years Una eleven wootton & trap, Una, state at tad sore threat, be miners' arbitration thn surplna stock of Onlttomla ta the but If? had mm gay mneoleMhe, two hours; tor. anthmcite coal bnaa now to the nnbUe twenty-fou- r severe vncsaatss an they mar oeaar m twelve hours Dr Thomas niectrlc kaa nt anorhltant feetnative nnd enrtimunkea The ,stnv vio- Itehlnv pikVt Wawasa prcanKy, bnt hraieh of the service feenhrag OU, monarch over prieea it la not likely gnat work will be renamed the an Pvnnoiaeo earthguahe at itdg, one at the moat Tsylor-Ooodma- n la prafanin anre iiar quailneexiona. The person ta jmia. In and Mint Stew-'l- l Tke periodic atenautng ot production gives lent, a woek, not caana It let In city, wii them. Dana'a ralaaa. the continued for the the )latn . ' rugeh bteedtng er to the seeesfic veeai Mrs. U U Brackett la eatoying a loft last night for sesiaam C nana operators an- whlck ISO.aM, only thirty No stohlnc . Minora n vaentlan, earl the and adds bad a population ot were nrotrn ' ilUm after years of anger-la-g meatkwed must have had espertoaes lelt from Mrs. W. M. Ooftou. of They xpect te ThnX tan other wrung to the public's Ilet. shock was felt that year lu souther? California " v drag Uw both aa telegraph line repalmmn and Maton, an oM friend. PYanctero betore r turn lag.