VOi.rME XXV—NO. 7 li, 1913. QmXKXAS A TBAB

VRLE■ - ___ A toini «Miih Mvrr kas aayi E8CIPE ^ WkB HLEUirH ^ nodUac ffir hi» lawa la iMipl 'ibr gwva. A BMa atia^ai |towa fatalitaa tiba earfitt ■•TAnL ■o mHMi aa to kava aa tiaa bttalaa» la ghm la tka aitr Mt^Al. PMPLI WILL LIW WL &om aal athwitlBa la artrtaa tka ______baaraa. Tka aaM oko la palltaa haak Arlalaa oa tka pakUn aatarprlaa tkrowa kaa- MaTTMT to tka ^ "Ma arka la Our ‘*Whu k MU SKUHiaiHH I « M I MB ^ (0 bowllaa kaailtaMa priatkii tka fka- tkto Mmm fm M yauru smd Mr. aial I tkiia. tka II to I UMra light. bMug bOTU aad Juaia* aU Hu wsm k» oMMt tka eania^ U1 U fours oM. iW k lik i Ikn Taa 1 M Tb tkraara lalo wurkluc fkr his tti aueb a paaltiaa tkat It waa uaaMa to CMM to 9L luova wklek «paa aary laaky for tka oarupaata af kM oaavlaaa. Tkay wara aad tbsn cams ta Mrt Bbiub . Wtak., ■ loda^ In tka top of tka raklcla ua* Tks oaateot will DMPLAT WIHMIW. Saturday algkt, ak t abla to oooapa. Tka wkola tkrae la* Trsisuvaa. Hs waa la Wmt Haiua tPi* W. R. Oagood. uadsrtaksr aad fu^ calved badly brolaai a ko aldara aad atx ysurs aad tkaa mm ta Tala. MMk. P. 0L nltuiw daalar of tkla city, haa rsraodsl- made auak aa tka aalartloa of jaipp^ elbowa The aaoMaat oc curred tka where be srorksd ter HaMni Biwu. sd bis display wtadow lato a rsry otbar aide of OaboraHi oocaara. N.IML fAIPWLL Am lAMU etc. Tka Jiidgas will ba tkrae la Notbittc but bad waatber atop for I& ysara. Wklls at Tals ka taak modem affair. It haa three auMll ^ CllDUm afSj of®IIUlowlII^*but "Sie ^ fwit hlu clUsaaaklp papora. her. They will be mea at tka mp BtHflB THB HAPTr mOFLB. Preach wladows aad Is llshted with s beet ataadlac. men who are ab osu ra> being the inoel eucceaaful «ae in tka ______...___ i . Prom Yale, he nast Jauraspa d to Al­ prism shower. It Is very ftae and w. . — « .k ____ * little dlnerant tboa tbe animal proach. and whose dadaloa la tkla ^b a cJS tr '“*• ‘* “‘' ma. where hs stafod tor tear yaars. has the desired effect aad does not tsad working for Will MllkaaB. la ibireh race will be accepted wftkout qaaM jin the leaat to destroy the light In tlon.__ The rootestnnts______should muiU. loaa and apace aa ibere la tkla ThI “J* *?? ^ Camp- 1909. Mr. Zsvitc aad (lao. Stasrek so- ithe furniture room. The Ides fw thei^ the cMtest'otece aa early'as year. Krom every aectlon of the coun- **•* ' *** ' Harold Bower were united tered Into i>artnersklp aad bars alaoe window was an original one of *** ’• I «»’clock Saturday .pight. so that you m ramtf aaaurancea of splendid o*bi- i "wirrlago laat eveninc at tbe eouductrd the Sanitary Maat Maikst. Osgood's. Mia c>l stM-a. grain, vegetablee. fruit “‘"P . ***^ i bride s borne three miles north of thin may have time to deposit jrour vuO- Mr. Zavlu Is a ssif-mads BMa sad HUB PAuT^irW' PIAIMM* Ii^Ld^'S^^Inro'clII'k. doom will bs has risen by his own skorts. Hs has ______If you do not florai Mail »lll be filled to overflow- ““ l««*>b'^- i-rformad the reremooy. The wed- never asked for s job aad haa asrer lias arrived, and we are now prepar- )rour eertlftcates before hosr loa ------'ding waa s quiet home affair only tbe been Idle. ed to show yxvu the very newest de- The free attractions. conslaUng of HlTri’klM* TO WHOOPI!V4« I’OrOH.. liiimedisic relatives being present. signs in artistic, high grade Instru ­ Isid sway any special reoelpu yon aa«i eels dally by Capt. Pickard's xhc Infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. Ross I dainty refreshments were served af- ments We have seven different bad iNMit be looking them up at ones. Tralncd Seals and Sea Laona and two <-omell died at the home of the lat- •'*»' ceremony. The borne was RK'nrRNN Til PROFENHIMN. inakee to select from and our prices Make sure they are where you can ter acta dally by Itoi'hetta and Wilson, ter's sister. Mrs. Herman Moon-. The Ix'nutlful with Its decorations of as- Dr. Fredeiirk Howard Geland. who are tbe lowest offered hy any iiuslc yo„r hand on them, make doubly arrf>bat*. arc very high class. haby had been Hck for some time ***d ferns. The bride was very SI.JOWBCniZEl gave up the prartlre of dentistry be ­ house we know of. If you pay More,,b„, j^^y box at the WidncMiay sill be a big day for the whooping rough and .Sept. 1» the ' ••*-<'«mlngly gowned In white. They cause of ill-health a tew years ag«) eiiu-wiiere. you are simply wasting uetor- nine o'clock Sat- Mii.dnii and tor lue old pioneers. All lutie one surrumhed to the disease, ^ere unattended. returned to hie profession and m..ne>. for we know that our gooite |>o not mla- •f the M h«Mils of the county will be fj,,. fimentl ^er^lcea wen- held Frl- Miss <’nmpl>e|I ia a very fine young ewlng machines. In- will all hav. free tickets on that day. rest In the linplaln cemetery. Rev. st. Johns and vicinity ithe graduut- '♦♦■king health ti> niiidoor work. Dr. Tim Jmlges will commence their Th. i u-ne. r- .in urged to bring or Kandall oUM-lailng The tloral offer- .-d from the .qt. Johns high school ♦ luding tin 'New Home" ind new work imtiu-diately after the last coo- MI'V tiKOKMM IHHAPPKtBS YBIIl l>-lan«l wtts engageil in the iheairlcul Si III! in an> olu relics they may have, mgs wer- l•eaul^ful. The little one with high honors In the class of '«'• and news|tu|M ‘r busin#‘ss. traveling 'Fr^-^-. ' <’ who iiaxe relics which they can- ii-avi to otim for It a father, it-oth- The past four yi*ars she has b»en ;i HYSTIIKIIM'MLT. ahead ♦if s^-v^>ral high-clasf' Ihi-alrical vou thi- superior quality of our >.o«ids and the liallot Mox has been closed a«:*> ii-| ty th« ►•trciurv und an cfTort will be which Were ^pt•nt In her h<»me dis­ later iM'comiiig a Detroit new.H|»a|H-r prettiest It would |>ossible lo im­ UiMd* to < oiii«' after them. trict. T j-ortcr His muiiv n•■w^pM|♦er and agine and it is certain that among AH xtr.i • !t<»rt i^ being made Lo se- Y.II.Ci. eWES PLIY-IMY .Mr. Mower Is a very estimable FOUL PLAY IS SOSPICKIIIED' lh♦■atrical tri^ tids an- wishing him suc­ till* leaders then- will Iw r^*doiiblliig • iiri .t iar».- bsl ot ♦nines for the young man. and only son of Mr. and cess on his return to profe-sional m omHNS SILO of ♦•fforts lo hold fast to their posi ­ kor.-t rat ♦•^ which will be held on Mrs. F. .M. Mower residing about two practice. — Detroit Journal. tions. Dn th^- other hand there is s T1. ntia> and Friday afternoons. The KTCLIlinWCflmiTYFIW miles north of .St. Johns. He obtain ­ Mr i>*land is the -cn ♦♦f Mr. and ^ great activity .imoog those who are owner- td mall} (net uuett have prom- ed hih itdiicstion in the St. Johns MIHHlKt; MA^ I.IHT HEEN IN DE- Mrs. Wm. I>*laiifl of this city. OF SEPT. not .at the top and who are ambitious is<-(i to l< here with their horses and CHIM>Ki:]« »P nirYTY Wll.l. hive Hchrsils, attending high school for TBIHT HKPT. wTII. to catch up No safe pn-dlrtion Is SO’. t >> r.' t xcitliig racing - an be de- three years after which he remained PINE BEAN CRIIP. fLINTIlN AND IONIA BR.1IN f'OH. possible at this writing as to whether pendiil ii|«>n FINE PBIIHRAH. at home to assist his father on the Fhiyd Durkee se|ect#-d a stalk of ■INMIlkMHItM MAKP MIMkH dAI F priie and tbe proud title of I hi fair i^ u Clinton <-oanty inatl- farm. Mr. Mower has purchased the ■ IfWIOlfBNk MAHB WNfD JIAGt. ‘ Mtist Popular Child" will go to Sutton aueans. ______. September 10. at the farm resldance tnnamyh ka ^ er»' Mutual Insurance Company of- They escaped their enemies by nin- morning for s short trip to Detroit ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OPBNHKI. !of <»vorge Felghtllng in Bengal town- f**'^*'^®* k*^ •!! «kl^ keeon Hsturday aad Monday precedtag nine. Jumping the ravlnse and swim- Mmmra Palls after which they urgffiivw. commlankmw L. P. Giwan niain-«nd making good rsmiRa Ike fair and at the ofkee on the ming the streams. They obtained spend a few weeks with the !♦ ^ fiur second akowlng of fall nillll-, Pelghtling drain. The drain *«*>—»»u cki» Pick the winner If grounds ten Mull tBT N: nenttan 5—00 m day hundreds of games which make flay Georgia, a mamker of the Irm to JmnnB Bm ite $l«tJi; aan- ^ for character are baaed upon thaae of Meorgin A CarpMMer Rmplra gBr-| JanMh Snow tor ------race iaharttaacea. There is thus aa ______age ownava. West Sute atresc. went! $•0.62; aaetkm 7—6« i to Detroit Monds). Kept. sth. ex-| Snow tor $$2. A ______■ reUc«l games of volley, baeket aad ! VRH. HAMIT PLOWBMl l»F HBBBN- pecting to return Tuesday morning. j| NrHBBR OF NBW NAHBS ABB- The contract tor fumlaklng tils wns < fNnn.Mf lAI. TEAf HEM, BMDB. foot hall are an popular. 1 uraH mun MA*FtTnntv I'p to the present time, he has not re- ' let to the Amsrlcan Sower Pipe Cow, ------Play properly supervised tends to-1 BIBB NATTMIAT. turned sad no trace of his where- BB TO LINT. Jackeon. for $1200.42. The contract a BDI^ I TOIJNAi PBOPLB PI aimiits has as yet l>een found. ------for contrucUng the rmnining wall and I'll*- marriage of .Miss Kunice Glaaa wards cooperation, honesty, self-re-1 ------AFFAIR. and Harry P. C, Gent was celebrated llance and other desired virtues. I Hf* Harry Flowers, who has been The firm wa" anxious for the Patrons of the Clinton Telephone apron was let lo H. McQuown for $6 KNT TO ENJ4IT oa Tuesday evening. August 21. at cities and school boards are reslix- MH elth pneumonia for the past four car and os tienrgis did not .ipfiear with ,,-o^ requested lo make the fol- per cubic yard. The contract for ------Herktley. Cal., Rev. Dr. Mrtggs of- ing the value of supervised play and !’"**^*- P*****l «»*>■ xt her home In ll by Wednesday his partner, Mr t!ar- > lowing rorrectlont- and additions to drawing tile was let to II. Bowles for The banquet given the ChrlstMm Ariatlng. The bride wore a beautiful the rapid growth 1>f the play ground j^*^*^**^***** Saturday noon. Hhe penter, went down to get it While qinvtory ■ 1171.96. Taxea to be paid In two equal Kndeavorera by the CongregaUonal to- gowr. of white creis- chiffon over movement in our larger places is one i I»een conflned to her l>ed for the there, he saw Mr. Day and tin- Wall Halley. J. H.. H-te 122 ins^llments. _ dies was held In the church pnr- srhile charnteuse and carried a show- of the healthiest signs of the times. I l‘••l t»o months. Punersl services Motor Co. and trscrvl t;e<.rgla's move- Klsernian, W.’J., Farm Res. ,. 249 Y Nnyder Brain. i lorv last Friday evening. About 100 er b«Mjquet of bnde- poses and lilies Hmall towns aad rural communities ►were held at the home Tuesday afler- ment to the hotel. l-niintt. D. M.. Farm Res. HHM Sraiember 11. at the Fogle Hotel, young people were presenL Orant of th* vaile>. Her «iiily ornament waa generally lack both means for egten- ** 1;30. Rev. K. Willard, of hhire- .Sheriff Cramer. .«4en. Wm M. .Smith j>ot>. G. ,N.. Farm Res. 1020 DrolM'onimissiooer L. F. c.reen sold cr«llt Is due Mrs. E. I. Hull, hand of tht gnatm - gift, a beautiful necklace. h Itc play apparatus and qualified play offlclaiing. Interment was made In and G J. Carpent-r went to Detroit Harris. H H. Res 352 the Myder drain, located in Eagle the committee of arrangements, and with a diamond iiendant. The house leaders. There are however In all I’* ’*' Kureka cemetery, last Tuesday and trac.«d-4;e.irgia'B lloule. F^snii Res. loao townohlp. It la to be a tile drain and her assistants. Mrs. Vaughan. Mrs. was Oecorated with pink rooebuds, i-ommunltles day scho«»l and ilunday Miss .Nellie Davies, daughter of Mr. movement Sept v. the dsv of his dis- |^y„o s7o R was sold In five secUons. Section 1— .mi*biir). Mrs Mummery. Miss Nellie pink ramatloiis and i»epper greens, school teachers who can and should i^^bd Mrs. Robert Davies, was Itorn in Hpt>earan Msnv «if thoac present girls and .voung men and women |om. he itossing away abniil lb years ing. Gis>rgla requeso-d Day to come Vaughan .iohn. Farm Res. 900 -G let to the American Sewer I*lpe Co.. , rommlngllng of old members of the W Hough and Mrs. John T. Lydon. games. Too l>ad that the singing and fxo. Mr Marshall dietl with typhoid to the warehnus« the next morning at Walker. Willis. Creamery 109 for l7iG. The contract for drawing ; •oriety with young people who have Mr Ia*ni is a w^-ll kimwn ♦■♦lu«ator of <<|telling school and husking bees have fever in the year 1H94 The deceased 7 o'cbK-k and turn the mj.< hln^ ♦vver to Wallaee. ttra. Farm Rev 1147 was given to A. J, McCnimb for $31.54 recently ♦■ome to our city. The ro ­ Anah«'im. Calif., wlo r# h#- .md his gone. Wc have too much maniifactiir- '*■* united In marriage to Harry Plow- him Ml that he might get an early Adv. und for f'uostrurttng the retaining reptlon was s fitting prelude lo the brid* will r^-sld«- Mis- Ghves was a tMl play nowadays. In this city, October |h 9*». Right start f<»r St. Johns. wall und apron to John Hloman for program which was given later on Comti.t rrial teacher in tlu- rtt. Johns The County Y M C A. has held a'<'blldren wer»* Imm to this union lire At the factory that ♦■venlng ('♦♦'♦ttgia Jl9*»o. Taxes to be paid In two jn the dining room. high s» htsil for u number of >ear- niimiter of rommiinlty play days when dying in Infancy. Hhe is survived by told Itav that tiki not have much HARRIED. ♦s|ual installmenu. The colors of the Fbideavorers are schools and business places elosed husband three children, Florence, n one.v und lt«- wish^sl to get a 170 Al»e| Hill of Wttiert€»wn township C'ltalag agd laaia Bralaa. red and white and that color scheme PK41NPEK .IKIMIK. and |>eople came together for a half-l" ’nhur and Hartxell; one -isier. Mrs. ch«-«k cash.sl. Th«- ch.-ck was fprmi r\^ra Peterson at Fualervllle Septemlier 12 at the farm reeidence was very effeeilvely carried out in .Saturdav evening, qejii. 1", 1913: holiday. .Now It is suT>ervistog a play Jnne Hfevens. of Greenhush: and one William Winfield ..f Sh^ panisvllle sad marrtml hv Judg^ Charles M. of .Matt -Cook. Gyon township. Ionia the decoratloas In the dining room, Violin solo by Georgt- Serviss, rvnui- day at the I'oiinty Fair when different brother. James Daviea. who resides on was drawn to Mr Gcirgla's order As .M,.rrill at the Probst.- offlri- Monday county. G F. Green and Elijah Strong, They were planned by Mrs. Bdaa Ing hy Mrs. Ada Arthur, dwuaslon by teachers will hsve pupils from their'the old homesleail, besides s host of Day dW not haxe so luurh m«>ne> on aftenumn. Mr. Hill is well known drain commisslonera of Clinton and Frink Mummery, who sklllfuRy dl- members. "Whst is tlo best healing schools demonstrale games, drills, etc. frl<*i>ds. hand, h.- went with G.-orgls to the sokller veteran of the civil toniu i-ouniles. let the contract for reeled affairs in the dining room, ike systen. for a dwelling house"; reclta- The county fair itosTd through the Mrs. Flowers was .t good ('hristian Wall Motor to., wher^- ih^- latter had ajir. The couple will reside u|ion his constructing the Clinton and Ionia was assisted by an alert band of tlon hv i. later invlti-d him to dinner fax wii.ma. Hectlon 1— 12u rods, to Wra. Cord-!which several toasts were given. Mine np-n will furnish m watermelon feast is hoped that the largest gathering of The following out-of-town relatives •with him and the\ dlne«l at the Gris- Wilds, who was arrested last ray for |29u: section 2—12 rods to | Rianche Keeney and Harley Sekamek after Irolg* then will alM> t»e s inus- '-chool teachers and children ever were present at the fuaersC Her sls- woW House. After dinner he was fm* breaking Into two homes In Wm. Cordray for $732; section 2—| rendered two violin and piano dneta icsl «on«en after lodge by orchestra, brought together in Clinton Cotinty ler-ln-lsw. Mrs. Roy Wilcox, of Al­ ••bed by Mr Day to go os his guest Watertown about two months ago but 120 rods to Wm. Coidrny for $292; which were unuennlly tine. will be on hand for the play day. The legan; Mr. aad Mrs J. Kneelaad of to the Miles Theatre that evening. ; eludvd the police up until that jMK-tloii 4—120 rode to J. KMiidge for iTof. Hnck gave the welcome aff- MIEH Ttl URAND LKBHB. program la aa followa; Dwoeso. and Mrs Ed. Richards of They weat. After the theatre Georgia . has his examination sot for to- $570; aectlon 5—120 rods to H. Little idreoa. His talk waa a eknra ctUBtlc Willloti) Schavey. former sheriff of County Relay race, different towns Ovid. aald that he would return to his ht>- |||^y arraigned before Jua- for $492; sectkms 2. 190 rods to Jas. one sad fliled with splendid aaggae- Ciuilon count), has maae a bustaeas to fair ground. More than lOo boys; lel, the Franklin House. He wan Flynn Cordray for $d92; sectio n 7. 120 rodn tlone both tor the yonag panple and deal with a firm in Grand l^edge. He may pole, DeWitt Olrts; game demon- taken thore by Mr. Day in the car that to J. RMrldgr for 92M; ssctlon I— alao tor tko ckureh. Ho esprarate becomes owner of an Implement, coal, stratlon. flreaabuah glrla: folk daaea. th«y had with them. Mr. Day noticed Ilk rods to H. Little for $t22Jt; aee- his apprsetetlon of tke ckureh and garage and real t-siate bustaaas tBiKt Johan girls; game damo nstration, niinTiic. that they arrived there at 9:30. Mr. tlon 9—120 rods to H. Little tor $T90.- wkat It amant to hlat. parttenlnrly that cit). The family left for Grand Ovid boya; huttarfly drill. Rath girls; Georgia went la aad registered aad Mi; seetloB 10. 129 rode to H. Me- wkeo ke flrat came to tkte ettj oa a lisdge Bsturisy. Mr. Mchavey hss game dsmosstrstkm. Oresnbush boys; paid for a room All trace of him Is Quown for $6M.4P; ssstion 11—1B9 ■ta dent. Ho partlealaffy ssM his I2S acre farm on serttoa II.. club swlsglng. 8t. Johns pupils; mmhwm losi since that time. He had room 90 rode to H. MiQnumn tor $990; seetten tke grunt neaeaatty of Ovid, to James r. Walsh. .gnase dsmonatrstlon. Nt. Johns bofn; In the balcl they have no record 12—119 rode to A. ffoknoldpr tor $4$«; and of mintetering to tka —------•— ^Bo-Bu drill. RIsle boya; nhginele mss. AMMMHtHBNTS RARE IB RAHB troatlauad on page 7.i sretten 12—190 roda to H. MeQaomn HIND BBA RITTRIMIE HARHIBB for $690; sertlnn 14—4d rodn to H. PHteTB* —NTnBHBHf. different towns; song. ‘'AoMrlen** all RBPAIM OR cm HALL. Bmeet W. Fsnte and Hveltne Msni- ackSBin Mllllaory opening at MRS. K. N RtfHR« TBntel PHTNHTAR. Little tor $112.d9. C. C. Vi gomery were mnrrted by Juatlee J. Thaae evenm wlU be supsrvkmd hy flTHVENS' on Fttday aad Saturday. • Tke contraet for fnrnlaklag sioel B. Hart t'harles Flyna Moaday evening ahnat different teaehars fpam over the conn- Hugh Morrte Kent Moss and H. G Septetkber 19-tO. 1912 for bridgan wan let to tke Mkteignn llkonny. 7 ‘M Mr. Fkiote Is employed aa am- ty. llBhnaa, tke oammluee choora hy tke Annouacemenin were received Itridgv A Pipe 00. of I nratag 9m> 9U7. Mm HH chMUst la A. T. Smith's auto ssrags.i ------— fouarll to eelect an engineer to In- Friday of the nmnisge ef Mlea Oin Wllllnni Cordray te to draw tke steel Hm ras ptv will make their homi la ' OUTB MMRMU Bgeet our etectrlc llgkt and water Klttrtdgr of I apBBT and Dr. HnraM tor $6. Tka Mtek. BtedRa A PIpn Co. LBRT mm BTB. at. Jahss. Frogram ter Olive Onange, Bspt. t7. plant and to rseBrnman d oa to nd- IJIIIe of Ana Affknr. Tkoy vUI Itvn wlir nten faratek a tnkn. a eulvsvt tor B. 8. Aaspaaw of Baraka waa fnv- by nraggi by vIonMlIty of the teitnllntlon of a new ta Ana Arknr wkore Dr. LilRo Is a $$4. Tke eontraet tor nangtrartteg ed to have kla left eye remouad Tkna- LMIAR PAVrtHB. A. E HkgneliN: by Sleter U holler, hired ti. W. Meeell. Deea of pkydclna In tke ralvorelty hooplinl. the rofc crete work waa let tn H. At- dny In order to retain tke algkt of Me The St Johns Seeinl (Nub will give, Myers the Kng la seeing <»ept. M A C to do Mtee KIttridge has many friends tn engaakangk. Tke sottemnad cost of rigkt eye* He reoeivod an Inlary s series of Ave Imgan pertles this i reeds mem tke work. He wae here two days last Ht. Jokne. having been s klnisrgn rien Ithe sencrete wnrfc was $199. Taaee are akaat two weeha ago from a bnrk-wtra p wsswa They have them Mlled tor ithe farm?” led by Sleter week end thoroughly examiaed tke teacher In the SI. Johns ('entrni jio he paM la two yearly InoUllments. fence. Tke unfortunate rasa was a the followtag dele* September M. Rmily VaaVleet. plant Hla report will h# moiled from »• hool for the post two years patient of Dr Gregory of Eureka but Dcioher 14 .November 2s. Decemb er leasing to the ron nril today He will BiRim the operation wae performed by Dr. Ibtrti In Mr sad Mrs Wllllani Rry- R. (' Ruck, eye. ear sad threat spec- >4 sell Jansarv 2' fTHBH HAHINM. I meet the city rouacll and board of HAIITBB. Kx.'r> Friday aad Halurday of Sep |public works si the arlleet pr>*»ihh sni. Wednesday, Sept Id. s son. lellet of this city l»r Gregory seelet- IDVBRTtNBD I.ETTFHN, ti riiher New whlakey barrels f«»r date Msmmoib Red and Alalke Clover Horn to Mr aad Mrs Kmeet Moore-ed la the operation Sept IK IBia sale AI4IKItT MflTR, Fbwler. 2wt > At lli<* meetiag last M«>ucU\ exeuing oerd at Glllloon's Feed Stove c of Ml Clemeae, Sunday. August 31, s. MsrrHk Mr* f K. ivrter Mies • — IsrrauB*m^ats wer» mwdv !♦» make re- mmi Mrs Mwncr wee fnrtuerly Miss; Mr sad Mrs. R ti risrh. Mr sad tpae lli ti Mvw If S Holmeu. Mrs R. Goeftc. Mo r- Vaaderlee Mis« Fraorsltr I'se Fly Spray to lid your live sinaklpsirs oa the cti> Halt a iaxrtiou of How about letting Awsiin Crowner WlU. il nR< NSt)N r M . r those pesky Stas. tItt It at t}||||-|the brick In tmmt cef the balMtug will WINNKB OF THI UPKI I %|. FRIdF ,4,^ rour psiattng* I'nlmi phone *•? ------Mva tl G Steel, Mra H K Wal- sou * FemI Store c [be repla ced s*v? iBtcr’er de* . f^ied. ON RgHFRINm TfIkITtk. Mtf DANTBB BVBRT BAV. I bridge tieorgr aad Gayum Judd. Inn IMAIIRI I liMtNYFD. tK diPT. fTH. creum, eggs and poultry. Aoeuraie {Ituri aad Roy Tremper ana RIanoku V '•s* graatcft tn sve«-Ttmaai of log Hands for T;fK- ptw. i-ir Ik< .,ber ♦♦t x wwi gw tests of evwa m aad prieea gwaraaieud iRlag in 'DTkea Claadla Smilua ” at 1lerr«« Alla lur*! «*4i A-^r i*! 29 c 'Hr) S»-'f-feeders, etc Jssi reeetv- Dll.n AND HHIPD, f'-Ss - ,'*r! e-cr* «aai • inint-c- .**• ' vrl-pn. 4Mf ItYRtte DANIJCY 1 ibr iGadmer lont Wednesday even- tftr *!*-*• I I a! GIUJftix.Nlll Fk KD STORK « waai ) I t> tr* our oupeetor ‘by Miss lloeet t'>ww*(i ^ ikt» t„% |i 1 I s.*. jar reude b* take Ir some ------itag • . roam w.'^rator and mnehtns mmw out tatenilesi 1. i.-sk* ibt« sw- .!—Ik aouad apf4«w tram wagon s, com- Steel Hotel nuaday dtaaer U Amcw> t lars a l)em-K''S FbH AlteM I lark A txeueh « Foil «44a aioit . f cent rswkida whips r -jni.i men* la Inal week • 9te«i^ ^ it •• encl&g eep* 1^0* prbrs iln per Idd 'Sc b«^t saewer tn the Sua da* dta<| All elevators uill ke cloaed Tkura- ilnerx opontng ihm week lUtery Opening this week St M eenu DTHxiN DANLdnr If I il was wvetieiiksd twj K K PMMriNB Ircf prukiem IRaaer ibv If day of Fktr W »ok iw PAGE 2

4 A

VfllEP tlMVMf M I l» hto fanlaai with iMlr aU. A Rtonr af Pkfiias firta aOMt a kaM aai oair a unto whlla aga a ui laa atpla. artiatle la a aaftala I II tttl TMa all It la a la m iMik ftaai tko ilitoeaitlaa at lb fiiil. It ttaa liMt a elaar aai flaw f Da oat RMllMto, mg tor tkaai I kaao wrttlac la ilM kaat paa> t tka I It wUI m tMo aoeaaat af a^r aMikaiA aa It p na tfbtly aor tkat 1 toea aiy atop alMa bjr vlilak to gtvo a ap. aad tkay lava ato; aai aar of laoM or to la as Uapggr aa If tkay wore aqr clunaetar. aair > af It to Oflaa a tiaatrol. aatf rapacity tor airtilai tot. aito tiM ___ ^ .j*I^JTks ^2*1 ^^ *• ^ ef fralt la work. It wlaa frtoatotop ky toalli- 1 4a aat to taka umr Utlac tko lakar of all «ko nuaat WM mlSSi It ___ •till fartkar tka I toaia it an Omm oftm h rood it The toacher who atriraa pa* retollar kaa kosa i i la allU gBlMF galraa a vary asMtIaa to alaas ** taat mmmmm ■oaMPjr **W«U. I ki life at aU." tteotly for this oad la opulpplns kor of ekaiplag prtaaa I tko agptoa toio tka Tsttnir of vHtot. 1^ stop ohl idrsa arw Unas bays, W« ORd avar ptoM^ tasigtoiU la .w-a.lk4sa. wkaa I cobm to ^ II. tkla ktad ofa I pupils with oae of the aaiot valuaMe •t tkat la esarkitaat la tkla laaC itoi A nUA ■attar it auiot ha raataihirsd kaa* fatly aai aa aalakly aa 114 tka abUfty to of the ovary day baalaoos gifts. to Um llttla at kto evar tkat hseaaae of tko psritoahls la Uto aid MiH wn I ■ ■ ■■ w *mm liuiv 019* Ram. Ha la OM of tka Rrlftova who ml aatare of tka fmlt aad vwpataktaa Tka plol aaok wtthoat Aaad kat* 2?'.^ «*Yaa kar Ufa ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Is toily tka koot tktag la ^ »R«rtally Oppartaaliy daaa mat eamm to tko mb or w« tSa tko rotoUar hftaa oaRkrs laao kkaoolf, ♦ hoa oe the aeed tor relatlrely triple wkleh to piek aatoaa. Tks brnlatog 1 kar, aad It was a laap wklla aot hava aa ayo oa tko fatara. flppaitaallj is ♦ RTATB PIMS RfmM. proflto oa these goods. tkai lavarlaklyr kaaMas wkan a baa-'^®*^ ^ ‘‘Motoar.** ■UM tor plaoty oT kard work aad bvalao: aaac ♦ Tkay ware aever to give lae tka tmt PAPCll RCPRCSENTCO FOR FOROMI Aftor all thsao loaaas havo bsoa kat or pall la m pnad oa a i for the word haaUo. The BMa who aMo aftor a taak wftk all ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tabla Is aroMai tke botuan It doably door to an A0VCRTISIN6 lY TMt allowed for howevor the fact rcaalas ky his might flada Opportaalty comiog dowa tbo highway to amoC that a very heavy loac Is cauaed by sack Is qalckly tkey bapaa to call aaok lifted oP tka applea. depoaittog ,*"^*'*®***^ . . hka. The pure foiid inipeciora agree stupidly careisas haadllng la the or* that jelly colored artlflclsljy Is shady. chard. thorn oa tke table without any reaaoa , Their mother a name la a dally word Tbo smployor of today sisos up tho young nmn In bis employ, for Injury at all M ** them how plaaaed she would be — Detroit Tlmeo. The apple marhot la at preseat in The* .A .....k... or ^ dyii-H ***•*" nrogiwaa at school or to aad If he is a man of good habits and industry, he will promote very bad shape because of the large ... *.? t**^**" business life. I aak them, him when a vacancy occurs, ao we see that Opportunity comas NSW YOmC AHO CHfCAOO Thle. the month of ‘‘falllna leal quantity of worthless stuff that has packers have a habit of shoving the of such m and fadtna flower.'* brinas also the to the young man who had those qualities that make for ad- •RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIFAL CITIES l»een poured In to It In every market “’^•l^-holcer And in evi^ihliig we under- surnilent tiysfer - and the roal bill.— center. The early varlelleii of apples eral buahela are there. This nseans u ..; vaocement. Jarkeoii ('ItUen-l^ree*. ihMt <.v*ev t^ wooder How oof little moth> arc very easily bruised, more no than that Apples receives more would have liked It." Many business Opportunities require u certain aiaouat of the lanter -Iones. U becaus4I. ‘ they, arek. I /“P; ‘fk Ifyouareastepmother. neverbeao, cash. We cannot take advantage of this kind of an Opportunity ('onrreitatnan I’al Kelley of this nearer maturity when taken from the'are pul into the barrel, empty them . . .. that arhat. t».« ■ - 1 state la Kolnx t ‘be boyS unless we have the necessary funds at our eomroan as |>usBible. Kurther atten come home, t^ich with his own ac­ 4'Mmu **-. which will Milt Sum Smith too »4Min. especially In this the case tIon I* tailed to the fact that appit's business chance may come our way to-mormw and (laas away 4 Our readers and friends of 41 jun as w»‘ll as thonrh I'ai made count of the day's pleasure or work, with I>uch« s8 apples and an limna -1 suffer much leas when barreled In without l>elng taken advantage of simply Itecausc we did not 4 The Bt. Johns New* who have 4 .jM , , ji, MUhiKaii. t’lraml llapida you cannot . njoy all they tell you.! 4 probate notlres to publish or 4 tiire l>uch«‘*s .ipple, badly bniiseti is tarri-ls luylns down than when ‘land- \."\cr have your home so in order save u itart of our earnings. .tboiM the most worthless pr'iiositloll inx up. hen< i- a hii>-nik» In bolster 4 oho control them. o-lU confer 4 that. If they want their friends in to The Key to D|)|iortiinltv {k provided through one of our Sav­ i jin the .ippi line that tan be iniagin* prings Is the iHwt intHjc of hauling. or .-Ing. you are 4 a fa\or u|>on the piiblliher by 4 lariiier w rio is con •si. ■ mis ;■ . s|tef lul racK liar le-en ings Hank IkMtks. t'oriie and gel one of our bank luioks tomor ­ 4 .'ef|i;e«ttna tudre Merrill to 4 l.ilf'y *»f lid. and .ifr.'ld of having th:iigs turiicfi topsy- I h T* r* t»II't essential.- to be *•■ the iarre's ^itttotl In the wagon row , add to it vvht-n t*vfrvtiu ,;,ii .uui whcti ()p|>ortuuity comes ♦ hax*> the printing done in The 4 ''t(*Ti.i>i*i ;>• III lov - iiir\>. Italhcr make It u part of your IK'; ?i iiitnti in handling appler Th*- Il fV witht). * -j ring? th< r.is-t o“f- aioiig, she will not Mnd you vanl.ng. ^ .S< Wk. If such request Is luade 4 tli. for;;;# r n < i f, i.uiii *' rr»‘l< .. ai»- ^ ni.rul to >nt}; c.;| pi*-.. ':r< * r w h. n tme ,,f rny step, itMi providing 'here Is no un.i: m- i{egan1lng tf.arket prt»sp«-rii the ♦ Pf’HU.SMKH. ♦ » t(. wor- t ill \|e!li«-'i j oms hriUKh a m-w fr!*n«l anti say- to ^Jitrv Some p* fple .i.indb thtir .tp- ..ark:“i Is .‘1 pri r# nt flcvd-'tl wtlh 4 4 il .'111 j.iHipj.- wou'd him. '"I hi- t my Mother." : P’.--. will; let-. cereTnolIV that! .lliv I l:; ap ic uaturc ami highly pcrish- ♦ ♦•♦♦444404444444 ’T ■ (1 i| l*r<> -■ III Wilson i \l*.\a>» It - to tires* .IS attractively •■1 IK prtMluc: ’s given, ami 'h: ;n .itil*- "ita-k It will be well for to as ytui Cal. .Never aiipcar tptwtly t»r State Bak if St ’« K!i' T H *• -.ml to eariy a ' >f the fat I that no fruit is mtire holtl o ir apple s .i.« Iting .is laisslbb . M \I.K. ix- t-. lit e-ta I'orf H'lro., : M'ii car*-o>r,. i.,.t theni know you dress >.i ilv injured l»y hruisiiig 'ban tht • very tliiv n:*-:ins tliut tinp h more •>! J. W. FITZQRflALO. Cashier. Then .iTe !*.• ' i (if j)**opie. i ]( .eS'lliTald t-|ccialiy ftir tht ni l>‘urn the ev­ iiliplt Tht ttraiigc unti lemon arc tar t;.- t heap •oiitherti >tutT tint of th'* ery-il.iy fAprt'Skitiiis. anti some times M:•lker^ .«iul nd« p>. It--a sust ••ptibic lt» injury from hruis- wny Wlnicr sirs k Is .iiitituiblttlly them • then they know- ytm are Karlj reiiinis from tin Maln« el.e- t- than the appb and vet the :iver-j ;;t>ing tti be high. l-Iarly fall apple.H lie a A.i|k»‘r tiniis Hake .ill thi M.or* pronounce*! ntit* ttf tht ‘lr chutiis. Don't nag at >4s4«4< '4sto«4»4«4>4«4s4<■4*4« ag- fartiK-r while thinking of thesei will bring a m«dium hut probably imt them. Il dot—n t |io>, and only Irrl-, Acetinllm: to ,i • of huvlnx the U*-- trulls as tender, handles his apples as ' a high prti * la*! tht Diilcht ss hung you Imth. We iiM-il to iM monkevs and use*! our puhluans ttockliiK to »he !*n>rres=;iveii If they wi-re bricks or ct>bblesiones. j cs long us they can with safety , thes* And. alHiVf all. don't lie Jealous of tails to hanx fn.m the branches We ' «*nimeiide*| by Uo*.sevelt. From the rime of placing the iiarkage | ttugoi to be jdrkcd ovt r at least t" li'v.' jo^,. was given to their own •luekeon 1‘airint. didn't want to b«» mnnkevn anymor*> mot her. la*t the memory of her be and de<-ided to become mor«- resint-t- .AuditorAuditor Cenerai Fuller says the like that of a sister, so that when the mention of her nsme Is a pleasure, Smith the FloriM able. So we didn t use our tails. The »l«te tnay go broke before the year Is tails dlsapi>eare*| from lack of usage ’»»e Michigan govem- not a Jealous pain. Don't remove her ... . , ment seems to have all the little csre'« af Aerm af picture from the wall; don't ridicule Me want to retain our legs. The automobile. Unsing her way of doing ihinas. for remem­ best ws) to do so is to use them. Htate Journal. ber she waa the srife of the maa jrou In all sertousnesa. however, there love, aad she loved him aa much aa you do. Remember, too. that your are imny people in every community There is a suspicion In the air. Makes a specialty of however, that Montreal thought the hushand's love for you will be tea who have forgotten how to use their little border towns had gotten more times greater If you show jmir rwv- legs. M'hether be robbed bis baby's than Ipeir share of advertising aad ereace for the mocbar of his chlldraa. I should not advlas aayoae lo bw> Funeral Work. De»gn to)' bsnk to buy an auto or purchased that it was time the big city got some Valuable aa are Michigan's many huge Jasra. aad put through various of IL—Muskegon ('hronlcle. come a stapnaothor ualooa ahe can do s bicycle from his hooest earnings, large manufacturing Institutions processes of disilllatlon until there Is BO lovingly an drevereatly. kaowiag the man who rides is not a natural there ar»- many people who queMlon produced an oil of turpeatlne, leas that the only rule to follow for gen ­ The l>onea of a mastodon, which expensive In the production than the Work put up in an man. If Ihcv are worth more to ua than uine succeaa is the oaly rule: "Do Yale scientists ssy are lO.ntHi years the bit of practical conservation that I southern turpentine, but Just as pure iKt not merely walk to your work oW. are l>elng unearthed In Fonnecfl- uatn others aa ye would that they has lieen In progress In various parts I In quality. The process Is jret a secret should do unto you." and from It. Hut early In the mom* cul. In spite of Connecticut's reputa* of the state for a number of yearn. ' with half a doxen men in the state, Artistic manner ... , ,, ... I tlon for nutmegs this may he ao. ai- Inc .nd in th- ..«.(»« ..Ik until you ... and which is sure to In - more and, Stumps are pulled from a man's mure valuable as the years (isss on. j land at such a low figure that the (tot BM ef Ike T« are tireil The riders do not get tired. Itists can be sure almiit the age of the Fs|Mcially do we wish to call .vtlen-j cleerlng of the land coau him next They don't know how. It is an ex-'animal when s»im«* of Its tt-efh are lion tti the clearing up of old pinejio nothing. Farners pulling their That you can do by ridding your cellent thing to get r«‘al tired. It |s * "**^*' ‘***- Bagliiaw .\«>ws hinds in the northern i»arf of the state tiwn -iiiiiips to the plant get 14..'*0 a of •**<* cause. M’eak aad inactive then that one realiz* .. the comfort t>f .Norway stiiiiips and the converting Mon for fhetu. and he ran easily draw j kidneys allow uric acid poisons to AI Wgrii • if them Into tiirt*entlne. together with a it>n. u Ihuii four slumps. j remain In the blood and rheumatic and relief of sleep. Th« 14444444444444 riders dr* am the enriching •*! fht* -oil thnoigh the With th*- land dearetl t»f slumps. ' P*ihs swollen and aching Joints fol- and talk In ih'ir sl«"«*p The walkers 4 KIMTIIHI.il romiENTH. ♦ growtng of alfalfa. the scctmi! step ot the eonservallon low. Take Foley Kidney Pills to esse it Ir th. rnon ot the 4 4 mute the earlv .iav^ In iiorfhert. »**•'-'> -• •< t^ a fact, as many Too of the pain and torment They |4 444444444444444 MU hIc iti when nine w .i- rtr^^t cut ami “ fountl to hie sorrtiw.j'•HI |K>sitlvely and permanently build v:5f (Mtssihly can. ’akei I'm- ficmitbd larti wa- 1*11 tt» rt'vcrt •*"' plto- land In northern 'op fht kidneys, restore their normal proxiMoi) for the arm> now . tl l “ a ..r h Michigan ir almost worthless as If Is -etton and keep the uric acid crys- .I long a «-«»iinir\ roa«l. sn all**r p* nflon list hcre- l.t"■ Vt I r,... no... ui;!.?,?’- \\ hen they stop sing .ilPT W .tsiungtoii Ihist .• of th 1 md pine l .iKl- hav. be**n !•- if tally late and . lli**ni. \ nnSlrkb A- (tlasple. tt, r;i|ers fitrge* rn ' ii-. les. i.i.tl ft.r i.iiiiv ’!'• early, so that with .i I — I onsitb r.-tl ii< I e e e e e e e e e e e e When ih< \ r rgi t h' to :(•; : i.iftl Usik will repel the \«ars n.i'hing wa .Ion. to g. i the HfI'* ^>il '!'• «hunc-s of win- ^ . a hard-liMikcr usually | • ;or*. ! iiow to iilthv I. nd- oii the market I.andsh.irks "ot the b- m when followliM •'IfVcI.itld l.<.itiiT V(tirkf • tiiir* rvatlon tn j | began iny himlnt'Ch career as a y '-irgotti-n imw •> i g* Ttinc rcatly iti ►••ttb' «it)v«n to bit*l nc*' ainl before they w. r* l•btvvii Intti th- soil t .itch on to the business, to learn the 1- '•tv tiian We lio In ihe jj.,,, tilvorr.tl her ninth husband over pliie .inu hatdwtNKl lanti- .f»**v- ral ftale,- tht* flu of l{h<>d« Island, froii. tht air. :i , in fin- c.i- tif r-Tow- j stock It was in my sei-ond year Wf have a mmlcrn shop and are always ready to In Mit city th*-ri ar*- to.> .New ^ tirk WUrhl liig ' lover anti after tht cr oi- have ; Umt | sas sent lo look tiver a ncs t'onne* n. ui eoultl b" •* down In It .ill) ritl- rt. been pltiw.ti Ii.ler a few *lo,«-s a rich • hom* Whlcb the tlmi had received makr the kind of monument you want. The rnciimbcr sings and the water- the cut-ovi.r land region In lower soil I* wtui from th- barren lai'ds v»ifh order- to decorate U « ellcve :ii aiilfiii itbile*. intUor- .Michigan, wherein, experts •‘ay. there i melon anti the green apple Join glee­ the h.-lti of iht eleiiients As tn other j || woe a rush lime with us and the You art; invited tn call and ins|>ect our full and cvc!t-s and air>itlp> too. if wc ran fully In th. rhons "We are craiiip- will Millie tl.l> he the nn**St ttf .Xgrt- lot a lit lee untI In tl other states, men tlecorattirs were all busy with ‘ rlflt without breaking .nir necks Hut , ing lunlght on thi ttid erampgrounds " • ultiiral land. farm* r. h- r* have nad d:d . iiliy In mure lrii|iortanl orders. .Never hav-| complete line at any time. use yoiir legs loti, tosi gave you your , llrownlng'^ Monthly. A ver.v i racfb al c«inservallon srill getting alfalfa to e.itch." but cfier mg taken a drawing lesson, you can legs Ht did not givt* y-nu your IlD" II*- Iht- salvation of that vast tract of j^rtiiitc has tinr«* si'iricd there imoata** the sketches 1 mode of those > ^ WE EXCEL ON SPECIAL DESIGNS. I (*hlcag<»* ‘- health otlirer says klso- apparentlys| useless land. Two fscttirs oe«*tl be no effort ;o k* cp tht crt*ps rooms, llecause I hod mastered tht* ♦ Model t'«c your IblH Mtslel hut give Ing Is harmless "If kept within tlsun In it The prntiiirilon of lur- rnining annually . and ••‘t*st oft-n Ihrt-e question of exposures learned Cod'? gifts their proffer resiMct j iMMinds aBd any divorce Judge t«n lientlnc from .Ntirway pine slumps, four times a year. Isboul llic combination of colors and Ivevelop walking legs, legs of the 1*11 what the i|iioie<| fiortlun of the anti tht* growing of alfalfa. It Is no- The gtivt*rnmcnt i? loing great'the lilffi rent styles ot fiimllurc, the ♦ rH4 niotlel j ofilnlon means 4’leveland IMain- agricultural trick lo produce crt>ps ofij^imj^ with alfalfa i'u••ure and is gtv- head of the firm let me go ahead. * St 'tlcaler. alfalfa on hard wood land, for much help to the ntl th i* annual-1 Mt- tlltln l have t«t make many • C J. Sovp Ib, j. P. Hy all :i —;ins. walk. ____ quality of the soil Is not the worst no | |y th«>ua«nut , 4 ------#It a rtrhiiesa it could ut»i otherwise i j,.- that th*- faimeri* will again. I had been working nearly'® Opposite Post Office St. Johns, MichigBii THE IBPftBTiNCK (IK PE?IBA>. 4 BBAIPI LE.IBH. ♦ ||co* tc that crop tor a few years at two years and waa gsttlng only I* • The production of iur|«entlne Is'lesit as the most v.iluable tme that a week. Within six months after; ba NBir. 4 ♦ 4444444444444444 merely an Incident In the Impmve-Mhev ran put In. esn- ‘Isliy in ih«»se nmhplettng that tlrst house my salary I — When doctors of philosophy send ment of northern MIchigrn loads, but years that they are try.ng tn get more wna doubled. I on* letters scarcely dtsitnguishabie There Is no gre«i consolation In It iiuikes |•oaa4ble the Improvement. t>f their acres under *hc plo*.. I'arnil I had Iteroiiie a aort of ronsulllng j The ii'aniifMcliire of i :r{tentlne by a lands In the northern part of the | decorsior of homen with tke firm. ? from bird trseka. It Is not surprising * ‘*>* “F ** a la ^ivelter tvff dead. destructive distlllailon | rocens was state have iteen selling rapidly, the Whenever there was a home to hejn that many children write liodly. ' under dog oomeilmes deserves tlrst tried out In (‘odlllsc. Now after, tur|»entlnc plant and the alfalfa quos-'furnished 1 was sent with the man i ( .Many f-eople. however, still believe despite the sympathy shoved his five years' experlmep Ing there are linn iteing two of the factors that decomtor lo look the IMd over nad | * that penmanship is worth th* moai .way five such plants In the northern part wield ronslderabk- Influence in set- advise with him about the trsatmoat. • of the state. Stump pulling machines tllng the t|uesiion as to whether or I didn't have the techalcal kaowl-1 ^ careful attention. The Iveglnnlog of lou want your self-con lidenre to are a common sight In that section not farmers shall locate there. This mlae to be eatnintsd with the whole f the fall lerni of the schools Is s tin help you much, you must get other Norway stumps are drasm tn the mills season has lieen oae of the banner work, but beii when parents and others may well to share It. where the) are ground to a pulp by seasons in many years. iquently a natural boom maker, myl^ express Mieir feeling on this matter. | _'suggestions were consMerod vnlushle Formerly seekers for work were t'slnes Imoks would sell hel ­ 11 began lo take leoaoaa at a night ler If he wovild shed his Ihree-cor- I school I had lo help keep up our Wetk! very ro.rmonly expected to apply In whiskers. 0 home, so couldn't afford the charges their own handwriting, which was, 4 t>f a large sch«N>l of artistic design. rarefullv examin'd ns expressive of ’ When a woman Is left to hustle TMt took me longer, perhapn twice aa tharseter and quallflratUHts ^r a large family H btmms life In- - A.G. • •long, but I finally got srhst I wa» .. .. «nraiice buflnsoa a little. I i aiming for. a salary of ISO a week | 4 Nos an appllcsni la likely In have ^ ^ ? with two month's vocation. ! * 1,1. letter tvpe-wrRten. Me perhaps dimru|t) U to inslntilp a • | Two years' savings took me|^ that penntanship l« ;:tot|^ ttf atdtby v*|ihofit lelting ' interfereswIth ^labrc-d. to 1‘aris and Itondon. Twol ♦ less .»b-ts!3-!* isefni lo boftkkeer.ers, your regular work^ yeasr later I was «>ffered a 1*0x11100 ' ^ and Tailore. iIn atuiiit the heat known Arm of ln-l« •• i.t r.-" fifci’i^ary for *Mtrr* —.c m isrs- Thcr* flovi'lil ,’ior. vnwrtitei, Fur the t finveniencc t»f our patri>ns in St. I«»hns .intl It rh>r derorsiors In this country. II ♦ . r tlrbif I egan at I.'**! a week and had a raisej* i.ai.:tie: a tlf seyina there are vicinity, we have rstablishetl a 1.1teal .\j»Miry. 1 he Vet •least c' lb- Ttc^sHimn^s of tir tfwi 1 se. rilten ls« t.i 110 a we,-k for the seemd year.;* excellence of t dt»ii I T hree >n sec I had become pretty j ff*-*ls nclt.i s?^ltr'« latfik o! ( ‘ct that dt'-lwt ! s-i* - ('LEANING .and STI'.AM .SCOl klNG. Prirts ia, rli nown and look s number ofj^ mMcmlsr fjwl »!-- > forp*. 4 reaHonable. Work called f«»r and tleliverrtl, ^ good ■ ustoniera with me. Indeed I bad bouki-tl n.ore than -vO orders be ­ •« nEt^TssalPo o* th srP*r asrk- Mali t- lial.irai - ■ ;v i s.niW rather tost III Me siorhloa (esi Ihoa fore I guts up my posltloa with that biModvrtaa. ood perhaiM M.L. tsoar slippetw I arm. We

A SHOE nor T«»

IMVItt im. ifis. Ivaa. Two when It hi srarut fN t. tlth, ini- Optical Dto ’L Ihla time any of Tm W po riant ba«la« !• Etad. OAtflV POIMTSSE I’lMtrtr ■ Kverj’ membsr Is raqiiastsd to .'hiitss win do Kood mMl m • C - s^* F s ' presaat. Tha let and toA daprsaa the iMiitsr fat MO ch A paad way to aau the low Is v€ry sjumcvQfjrs WK MAIM I will be conferad upon a laipa claaa. iMd wo^. writes I •t of to kesfi a plentiful supply bafum wr KM> calf lb* bMl i Uacb slater Tt raquustod to biinp the* |o«vn iioiut*e(snA Anstksr hnpor her and trust to her Jndpnisat In «r llMl «•»•) tmm kaf. •« cake or t-ookii and ulso the recipe iHi.t lolnt In M'luimtlUH lu lo hsvu the* uslliff what she usads. •^wlrk wUI wear twtar a* laa« m Him for iudl.lux them. The Mrothers will lino biiM* ii.ifesiMl as that tbs cruum . Tbe liest pnittts In dairyltit; funusU the coffee. come from itie lieat farms sud uarti «*n joar ara Bliwa. wi'll !'.• ib.-'k imI rlHi. csotolnluff frum ! Mr. Allison has devoted roost of bis time for the post M herd. takes urare than n gutsl :iu to 40 I* -r > nt fat. l>Mm asparated years to tbe fitting of Brrors of itefrsrtion and Presbyopia (Old Mr> \Mlli- .Mcl^outh returned buiiie in lbi» luiin : • * wMI i-liHrti mure m|»t«l , i emaiiiery tu make a larpe milk fruii Kouleau. t anada. Friday iy. and 1. f:tl will remain In the Imi- che. k Age Sight). Kev. and .Mrs. C. T. KUber ullcnd- Peed is mi luiiMirtant factor in DOTY & REED I'd the i.unnlMiiivlIio M. K. Aid laat tenuUk: U- d. h tbe work c*an l*e ilone| We carry nll'rspular Spherical l.*uw prolllntile. bnl the *TIm Star* tlut S*v*s You UoMr** 9l. Jo Imm, kliridgaa Wf^lneaday. :it II lower ll•m|H'nllure. The itn*at se | Lanaea ran be replaced In a few minutes. We recommend the erel Is lu b:iic ‘ tlie cieani csoled as liesi toed <*auiiul urall unless •Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kobrer went use of atih-tlte Kye Glsssss. tbe best flnper piece Bye Glass made. , lu f^piiiiiifleld, O.. last Haturda) to MM.n :o> |MMt<*il*le after It la aspamtsil to ipMMl care Is xlven also. visit Mrs. Kobrer'a brother. at lei'i>l .'Ml de^irees aud boldlas it them Dues sllacr fed to the dairy I Mrs. Matilda butt went to visit her until a few buurs bsfore It Is wanned cow taint the milk? .No. But the ,aou. Lee laMt, near (Mare this week. up to liiaHi odor of Hie sil.iui* If nllowafl tu Rev. and Mra. (L T. Fisher are at- Now . cmiee tlie quiwtlBii of rtpsnlmi. pet into the milk In open palls • a a a • a a a a tendlnc the M. E. conference nt Bat­ for ns a ireiieral It Is hssi no4 lo arlll taint It. ♦ ♦a a tle Creak this weak. ihv cream in an unrtpsMd ctm A ration fur a dairy cow toanid SMISrAKMflLLK ♦ • HiiriMMFITL MILLAB BOMT • I Mr. aad Mrs. Fantoa Brink aad dMoo. You will pst pMfl hpnsr. but fnlflll tha foHowiup rsqnlrs ♦ ♦ • • lAnupktaiw of tkla pla ce. Mr. and Mra. manta: It shnnM ha bninaead. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦••••••••••••••••• 'Oao. BlUnrd of Oliva vIMtod Mr. aad 11 palataMa. horns prowa as aanr ------Almoat «verr ttajr oaa haara of a Mra. R. Brink la St Jokaa Sunday. Waar Hdwarda and aon. Albart. of new way to maka a llataa. If oaa Mr. aad Mra Fred Tucker of I aa psaaihls. and ilnnlly It akanM (Ma. Ark., haa bean rtaltlna hla fatb- haa the lacenulty aad Aatamlaatloa Pratrla Creak vlaltad Mr. aad Mra. wnn omiml. ar. and oUier relatlvaa here. there Is no raaaoa wlijr tbay rfioaM Charles Bsyaalda In Oliva Sunday, •-#4 A. C. VanOradoIl la Tta4tlBic rala- not win In ihalr qaaat tor Um aUcMy i Mrs. Buaan Roblaaoa. Mrs. Will Ursa and fiienda In the atata of New dollar. Hare, for laataara. la an tin* jcole, Mrs. John Adaaui and dauphtar York. trained woman, wko waa thrown oa visited Mr. aad Mra. Wm. H. H. PASTURE FOR Mia. UMira Colanan apeat a faw her own reaourooa. The oaly anaaC Knapp laat wssk. dajra laat week in St. Johaa as the ahe bad waa tha fumltafa la a flat of I The campHre drla mat with Mlaa In tka anaat of her daushtar. Mrs. John six rooms, for which aha paid a r«at- I Apnea Lawla laat Saturday. Mlaa walker. al of $46 monthly, flbe waa tortuaata I Lelah VanFlaat waa appolatod Whlls clover Is tks vsry I Mlao Vlolat Owen canM Monday In letunc It fnralabad tor $7$ par puardlan. Mra. Mabel Stblay aaslatapt tor pipa and hops. I pst ■ aranloh to visit bar slatar, Mfw. Dar- month. Than aha took loflgliiMi , puardlan, Mlaa Apaas Lewis ssers by Isttlnp tham run on i win Hattlnaer, and other fiianda bare elsewherr^ and aat down to fnea the tary aad Mlaa Almira Sloan traamrsr Mra. F. D. Cleveland waa In flt. problem of her aalatanea. While [ Mr. aad Mrs. Thao Martshe of Sllay praas. wrttas a Mlonssof I Johan anturday on hnatnaaa xtrlvlnc tor manna of a IHrallhood tha •vlsltod at tha hoain of Mr. aad Mra. In tSs Ovnapt Jadfl Fwm Mia. Fred Bird and dau«hlar. fumlahad flat Man appoalad to bar. M. D. BBMth Saa^. arktos clover aad Hamfliy ■Mih. of at. Johaa. Imm bean vlaltlas Stralchtwny aha bontht tamltare on I Mr. aad Mra. Charlaa Webb aad Gfxxi Judgment''and|Taste is evinced by tlie*stock of bar pananta. Mr. aad Mra. Daniel the In etallnwnt plan, hired a flat tor tks aprtop. thao hnvo laoi] Idaushtara ware aatartalaad to dlaaor of oats, barley and rape to Id family. tl& monthly. totnMhad It aad anhlet at the home Of Mr. aad Mrs. Safi retumad bona fran Oor- It tor tM. After aha had anted a lit­ VaaFlaat Sunday. Dstah BsHsd satlls srs s asmpar- aa tka laat nf May aai a i FURNITURE epaadlng IT neabn theta. tle raeaay Mw weal to anetloa.aaloa Mn. Frank Hurd Msiatsd by Mia. stlvsly yiiy bessf Is thW dSuo- tka iattor part of July aai N. ffotann aad little aaa hlrad^a^ ■an Lawrsass. will satartoia the M. Mly In pnMte Csvsr. TlwrMnwifvn la atoa a paad ptoa to ka I am showing at my stote. Call and be convinced. S AM at kor koam Tknvuday. Sape s psni anpplr af mUh sf vsty pMd tt, Ifllfl. Cordial lavltatlaa lo all. nnsllty and ate vsry hardy, snsr W at It tor m par hnflrsw Tfasar atanad tor FlarMa Ussp and of pood Mas. Thalr dto ala flata that M lata tamlahed wkare ha sspaa to to make hla par- Uaotiv* tssrh. a Ursad hsM sf whMs Id vtalt a U t boaM Mat Monday. Ha wlU shsat a body of Mark, iwsksaa hard in WllMn of UMo brood a vary ottraolteaMphl. I ^atannapa tor a tow dayw Tha anils are aowilo sad rarsir avs Mr. Md Mrs. M. tL Oartiar and wiM ar virlows Tlio baad sf dM aaeaaaaaaa dauphtar of Inaalap vlaltad Mr. and Dsicb BoHsd iMiU sUswa barswilh Mrs. E D. WllUanas Saaday. ladloatas to th# .ibssretim ays dairy Into la tka toa TABLE Mrs. E D. WUHams of DaWltt. and qualHir Oaa of tks aivaalaaas Tofksklfe work of flUtos ap the tUOm la a craat Mrs. Ruth HuPamn of Oliva vlaltod hfasis have ovsr otkar typas la tkat planoaie, aad aoMi that oae can do Mrs. 8. M. Knapp laai wash Wedasi tkay ena be marketnd at alUMat nay vHthoat aaalalaaee If oae baa to. To day In Olive. tber* are dlffleiiitlsa la ehumlnp that apt. With assd. llbafni tiaatmaat thsy Aap diMi from which a peaaaa at aeocead la thio bnalaaoa oaa muat Mr. aad Mrs. Carl VaaFlaat wara SMks It vary luirlc*ale work and unde ranch prime wetahta at sis aad aevsn taMa helps hetea lf shoe Id be oMared hate a little capital, pood taste In entertained at tbe home of Mr. aad stmble for nii> luit an ex) ert to under months, wolpblng 146 to 9 B0 po onds or at tha left. Whan It la oMaied It funilahlnaB aad a hand for datall.** Lot w SsHriir Mrs. Charlaa Inpalla la Watertown take, lu li|N*iilntt tlie .Team It is iiee bsttor. They <*00 he held a little lonper alwehl be placed contealanUy near, Sunday. sasary that we take itn-iit .-ape to nvol.' mth the aervinir-spoon or fork on the MUd tunml off m tu ‘jr4i imunds to Mr. and Mrs. Kmeraoa Oiiaold oi aa much as |H.-«llile all ImcI .slorw mi. udvnninite. If lodd s .rear they can iw aMa convenient for handllnn. Larpa Nearly every woman needs a pood ' Grand l.edite and Mr. aad Mra. Wm. flavors HlraMiinv . resin ii.eiitm ho..I laxative. Dr. Kina's New Life Pills made to tip the s«*til«*M «t 400 iionnds dlshaa are held on the pnlm of the White were entertainad at the home Inp It al a leni|M>n'ture ihni i* pni|e.| bead, with a napkin between, dsnall are aocal Itecauae they are prompt, ;of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams Sun- With extm .utre tliey ran he made to diahee. like bonbon dlahea, nut dish ­ safe and do not cause pain. Mrs. M. antll tlie viirioiiM kind* .>f Im. tetiu Iwiv. do twtter thun that There are romiv ,d*). time to devedu)) lartie a. Id. wbl* h nkl- We alway.s have a nice, es. suaar bowls, cream pitchers, ate., IT. Dunlap of I.«adlII, Tan. mfm: I Mr. and .Mrs. John Lott of lauisina kinks in the hog liustnees. Dne thsi I are paaaed on a smal tray. Above "Ur. Kina's .New life Pills helpsd la chiimlii); an.I gives tbe cbam. ’ter consider ImiH.rtant Is to know nnd like visited Mr. and Mrs. James Truaa- latlc flavor i.. the lH*«t laitter Keep clean stock of fresh meats all thiaita. the waltreas muat be very her troubles irreatly.’* Get a box to- jdell Tuesday. your hoc** If you like them snd stn.R oulet. IHahes must never be piled., day. !*Hre. 26c. RecoBomendad by ! Mra. Calderwood of Baplnaw. Mr. the cremn iitilll tliere is enoiixh t.. them thU kink will let ynu on to nil and fioaltry. Our market is eltbar on tbe table or In the baoda of I VanSickle A (llasple and Travis I>mc m.akr II c-huniliig. nil t.. and Mrs. Prank Rouse and daiiirhtet I tbe other kinks In time clean and sanitaiA ’. A trial the waitress, ^lien one course la I t'o ; were entertained at the home of Mr. almat HT. or 7o and keep oen I Select icvMNt stock nnd use .tnly n flalahad. In peneral family service. ------' nnd .Mrs. James Truesdeil laat Wsd- this tempemrure until almiit lifie am I pure breil liosr of your favorite *1 order will be appreciated. the toad Is removed first, the meat If vour Karden ne*>de humus, and Uesday. then .-ool liefon* chiimlnir Well ripen platter, then the vrttetables, and after table inaniir** is hant to obtsdn. sow Then triwt this foundation loTtl well i Mrs. Ira Wetherell la home fmm ed crenin shuuld tbit ken mu! nin like I Pot them on pasture nml irive tliem these, the Individual plates, peppers a rombtnatlan of rye and winter vetch oil and have a k 1o »i* .mi a fp.*Mh Miirfa.>* \lasuu for a few dsvs. plenty of piin> water nml provide coni and salts eti Harper llazar. sn<*ti ns the crops are off. Rom to Rev. and Mrs. Thonipaoo If tlM* rlfienii ’t; pr.» e-» haH vi iic to.. I tortahle Mle«>pinc qUMrters ree«l n v:i | • SofaU Heat Midst In latUsiiiK Tuesday. Hept. ittb. Dtl2, j far it lni|«»*«ll>ie f» make tlnely I liety nf fiMsIs. I.ul .1.. iH»t ..lerf.*.-.! j* Phone 173 a dauahter. I \iiriil taitter fr**!;; it Neii*r tuix I IM-Iuf.—t fciMiffli' milt «sliH.f»*nc Theo. Martxke in Riley sweet ere:iiii 1 liiiriied iis». It vrli..|' »wwwwwnw»#wewwneeeenneeeenenewe ■ool. stKwu 'o .TOit ; nre I ' the ttrsi of the w«*4*s. |M*rf.»**tl\ f!."»li I itrlnk of t)|lie, who wm so | fMnps to W."e»* iTfure 111.* ti>»c^ Tile I'hurtiliig .if w.*ll rttM-ne«l .•r.v.m > Uadi) Injured by u binder nine woeKf* 111 toi-etlte- !• • • e ■ tnded at this revelation. Last Chance Is one of tlie ►liiiole nrts Ilf butl>*rin;ik |H>t klH’...ll loo til ! O ' aao hiii u|> lor the nrst it;::: Inst If \(iii object to ualng cold creMH. Inc I.-w. hum_ at. «»i' Iti >1 .tcin'HTntnre - . .Lthit . Thc4.iin Montll iti M 'siilisi ri|»- last .Minda:. . .•ome- tiM.iv* nipi Tli(* follow Ihu retmirk- 3<.n tlie e. ..n Kv«ry aJrl mirht have n good akin 't h« gave It the proper car* , and by * r* am. for a dally acrub with a com- .'dr How. und famll.i of LaKle vli;- ?■?»(• wiifcr lit icr..furc of 4 without any other aaaiatunr. nflrr .it ih»* price .iilvt-rti-* <1. I In not ri .k \ nur in*'n«*y 1 tlior»*uchl\ witii I WiMkIeti •tiM*..;! umioiiu =•! •’ Perhap* aome renders will turn iiul Mr' V II I'li n ' In Haii- j Thole U l:<*l».:- »' * i|i'tl lilt In in .i I I. -eii ;■ *► HATH. t in the mails nr with stnn mt.s, \Vr - '%»• ynu m l»-;isi away Ir. dingtutt al Ihla i>oini, think ­ i:3.> nicb> I tllC lf> e HI • . M iniitiT tlr T ti. slbltfe ft-1 It-n-ll • nil henf- wrhi' n ' Mr .ri" ■ I ,• ( K.. • • • .ii-il 1 ing that their compbrxlona an- far ♦ ♦ the pn.«taL^f .imi p'm r.'J'’ ninr**. j !.'•>! .'I nni i.'*-"! ..ii - If III dr ••f ' ed i , ■ : '.^e froo' *■ .i.itifii and yet they think •s. V. .\orrii. -it Mj it.-: M- Jn ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i eni • liuni f fh.- -:It P « The •■l i'.'r la-l 'is-t'l- W hb'h W th* -ejvr- err.ip.iiouaiy clean. Tba W. : r. fakltis s • •ill .!^ ut .1 n;' s froiv your .\orri^ .MciiilH.- te-(etl t*»l ft ilk fir d »aiM(*r fi l pl-'C ..i. Hi ij '>|r.- fr <1 ' r <». Hralr- mlX(-3 with tlie I •• • It e 111 m.-t*. l, t la jf.ai th* : Ini, howe\er. Ar*' y*..; n lr hfHir for yur ^, iirii: . v** . ’ \V!iy Tt'd you ti*o'' ; little w ' **' ...... It 111=31 h cl tl.'f; Wetf ’v.-'lve III rfliillM»r 'It'd (Man ' t.. Mciirntb , .1 .,r, .. ( i'l'k .Jid Mi aiul -Mr V.irncy tor tlMir hoiue In Fb.nda Tue-day I’ciiii , ■■-r i ll! ria;?i;d t!*.: ho' ' (•noiich o»i II I "" i tvorker to Wf'l. I'illtb-I 'Jl*' TIm- 'ivee!;.-#. Do 7..11 hi.'>w "hen '.*1; ar*' cle.in" ' out the siir’ : ' ' ' .Itiil give tl • firotlt In tb- f(«d te-fd- "n- * “ • I It ti pntbuUb' that To peremt o* . f .'time the er In thia T; I ; ftTAnl •. t'M will nd- Tt- ■ eKl' :.ow 12'.0 yr (if ..If ..n* \l*> F«nioii HriiiK 'r :• ila> j . (Mi)!*'> ‘ rev»nr( ' Ver:<*."Hi nile :• fi-'r ^»w f; t reauem are laboring tinder fh** H r f -'hcr. George Pook. will cl. t, ' - N. 1* I'r * * . It- lew R. V. in.ftfl ' i tl.' hL d M^hter .4o.ith thia Fiovil '‘birk of r»i . ) -1 ; j Is pr*'/. •• * *. »• ff"m the ehi;"T There we-. -Ixteer; h(»nl-, wb ■ i (I••||^‘^«•^ ihiif they arc clean and T.- mu , ..tit Will Kiay with his Itolh for .:-•«( to Oniiila on a in !-•« Miit four,' to lire Wf*rl.».r ' • *••11 laick 3!t oil ... total <*f tS?-' ■•W-. wh)i. b did lait re>'< wrn..i(l Im highly tin i'liettl if any on*' M. t liif 't *; r.d were to tell them that not (tnly ar*- , . r V here. ■ .;uil. rUI ■Mil ; .M .lUK* ! * -* ; • i* Ti» - j .'♦int iir '-M -ir- ^ - “ utter Tbe l>iM -liatfe. :tni'. the net |*r*>tlf of the-o- low l„l (1 :i! xl.t* h Icior • crt*t:t,tcr - tinla** for bill' iniil- wu- Sd* Ici per ■ ow the.' not eban. but ihni the dirt of ■jil Dryer, who la teaching .»l tail ill i r.md l>'-MMI It Is ' :..='l eiioii}-h III nxiiMl Milliliters Hie fows re.vsVIlia (lav*. I prc'>.<«(i|y itnbe'id«re tb -ii fhecviwj whrcy did Mill «.lw. ill'- iai Mt'iiu.r 1(1 the ul ((wp and water, oa a<..io- peraon.- '. ; ,r G ima Iik ': and fon, tiordon, of . - . \* r,i> t'> \ii - tl A trend m.nn !l«*'-ieiii |trople lire not reedv*' wllacit !' *• r i»r:: . SL^tt after. \nf i ttJto. hoii.*- oi Mr I .»rr;’ Alien, .•'•b • b ?• ••m u» think. It la true that up Piiid bia pnrenta. Mr. aad ii.«i( h iiiiprovxl in limitb le-'filni: verj -t 'l'::- V tow:inl the co|o' and water remove the aiirfai*- dirt, ' t , li'HsIrirh, .dtindn.' P(w4H In Herwa Halalnc. .Mi •Ui.i lilU .11*1 i- r: itort'-d to *ni/e It lim* e»,v for Hie tunment and Ibis counta for a great al the iio-plini m thnt wh'»e l« ;’ie f till>11;!till* CotOT 110(1 G‘v-1 CM.f are alKwM pa.lmr fitij,,... aoti.elbing wi ;I' place laat w*.ek on hiialnead. 2yr. Coupon Offers Etc- leinslng. effi'fts nre ‘ e*-' n .u|(. to breed the-i* offrerH—mewt as a fiirm.e- can h.iv,. than soap and wal?r. It re- Th. (M al club of Hath waa entrr- cattle a- iw ri' wlitte nn |we<«fhle. <•( anrl ..lie of th. stn.npest Incentive- f.. I(|ulrea aomcthlng which will go be- •* “' Mr. and Mm. \V(” ..ii - Hotiie fompanlor V.TV body ’s Farina a .Herloss PiwposHlen. ('our*w, ttiU I- MO retr n fnd whe h ward irettlnx ««M«I folta Is a rteftwmlni ;low the surface and carry away the ''‘•''try. Friday 2 ycH-r 2 yr-ar- iUh will ntii Its • otir-e In ilin**, hut It mut tlofi to show them at the cringe fair idiiat which la lurking there, .Mrs. .Martha Pfark hoa -old her re#- i 'oMiioiKiIttan The man or woman who haa kld- work Inlur' .w liPe ^l••lllc ao The (v»l the Crtunrv fair or tbe atnte fair .my- j The skepilci who do not b. llevc Idcnc- on .Main atreet to Frank Smith. 2 year- flLM Harper • Bactir ne> trouble Jo faring a crlous pro- Mo>(I .-^milh w..nt north Sunday cv- ixiaitlon, 'vhcti* xm\e romplicatlona or of Hie hnir on ;iii Animal ongtit not thr Kan-as Farmer Tills defemiliia ihaj H(utp and water ar. inauihclent G.Mid Houaek( • ping 2 'ear' fUfl to tw -o liiipon ltd .i- It liaii lieen made tirt*. results In Increased Interest Hi the .for fh. cleaning of th.- skin an ask.sl rning Cc vialt hla bmiher. Frank, for riodily follow noglecl Foley Kidney a oou- of days. 2 year? MjN tn other breed- In the past Quality ladK-nlit.sl animal and lietter care uml - to try thia .‘Xperlmenl Wash the Mrf'iir. - Magniinc IMIli* are tn honest • iratlvc medicine Mr A Welwf.T went to Markm Delineator that our? taken into your ayateni atwmWl s|*e..k ftrsi and >i:(l( llichardaon will -lay with tlw Breeder Haxette flIJt Mrf\virs str'tigtb VanSickI* Ar Giaaple. or aa a flrst *iunMh ttilon at the cx re4«»p a prixe colt He ahould knew *11 over th. ’ surface (*f the akin, fa llv while sht* la away. ! >o-i»ncr peoae'of «|u.il*t' lod thia In turn U that lal(* f(ails or flirts«» in inor (v.u.l. , working It in with the finger tipa, _____ King itoU. neck and fat. until L - W«irld. flkefT to res» 4* to »•*♦• (tetertonitlon n1 Hon are not likely fe show well along they are ooaked In the cr... .. Then "r LtimrwJ^r 5r M«' til's ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ til S. fleet. ♦ ♦ the liMiB i.ii.s* K.Fsmter aide of (Sirly ...••w ..•• H»ose which hare M.-dt rn I’r;-. 11a. h«s*n Well cat.si f.tr The llrat alx take a of abwtrhen, cotton and i.*, Vt^fTr";;.. Hoik $LI0i trier Yn«. It. tt.6t ♦ KAHT nr Min. ♦ Kfk ov^r fh* whoir Rkiii. r'*n.4ivinic thi ♦ ♦ p*r -a of La'*tvti0n. m..ntha nf a .•.•If- life la not cxpen-ly* I'll.' 1. \ M of Ho llai list church * »r ;.l H' . lew (rca; and ln(idr>nil) th. foundation f|(-re l« II 1 r HI ip,i=(ttim t»v tli.' t(* the rtwiKty and sth'li colts find n H hold fh.'lr regular '. .•ciing ood .nioi! r I'rt celU nd dr.- I.o rmdi sale at gtasl figures hut. of , ^ •UPP’T at their hall M.dnrgday >< .lb f ■-u Iof ' World I»d’ 't* ' TTow ir t Si!Dda> with Mr. and Mr*? rg. .\b (^ir-u* the lltllf* addcil ev pr nac tn It "111 found thi. th.* aboorbent afternoon. o*t> 4. 24 !io ;iu'.i:l»ern ■ Ir' |(*t* • T If* (oftoij la cnlfe gri: ' w.ft, rh. erroae arc .ill requeated to tM> pr«'r(ml «s It til .*) di.r.'.t after >•*«. ft. aad laiiilly Of Ro;^. '. :lb ■ dnirytn ’ll tirlftr him to a ycariliu: m-tm than pay- Mi.. .''temnx Po--** fni liaeir Mid (li • .mibincd. and !h gir: who will the Ust m.ct.ng iw.f uidr • H c Joi.riiAl 'iM . laity " tii( gill her lac quit. . w ;; fair. r.iU?. d I ? o- * 31 ‘i ' It TJmos f . rtf I’ pii #s1 It «v1i hljfh .,iv,Mt !*'• cell Salt the Cosvw. in) i, «MMI. flfliSJ ‘.V(^n Gows should lie salted regularly, wit IP- \ . .in • bs* l- j -feitr'd icr fnd ->n»i't»er Hn:; - an cBa«*nil taolwTtsss osssajooo .Sn ir*-.ibl 1(1 "|tt»« 'Sit rtf the pwn nf Hm* mtlon .•x.m Hnwigh It in-' Yoa Are Wanted in Detroit ic of • ‘ .' OapartsMs* SafTTjr Johna. I. ,,1 n io=>n*=' ”tt>tt' or !•*'** hc ’ • much (tS»vet fntwt raltie Hundrwda of buainaes tm-r, .vont just • .... r I • ’O' li.nzevlonger rimeHme I '•■f' rnroicr- wh.. nlherwtae are (wr. •urn •'■Twica aa \au wi,. he sola to Thv be.vl offer on ihl» Fade HI Juhnw •" i.ool If-' 'o tj ,( ,td -imple f»*e.|»T.. l|.'^rle^'t tn.* wsliing of their r«.ndar if you pursu# a SoatooM or Sharttomd coot — at C'.olllrni Weekly nnd the Hi, Johns Newp her erKk otori,-. .-spe.In winter The heat . I? H-! ____ _ 1 plan Is to mix n certain perventagr of Aoth for S2.75 - d • s-lii’, It tamil’ ~ Mit to the gnin feed when tt hi nrixod. here. |»ourMl and a half of Mlt par Iflh ♦ ♦ —.-iMS*' ' ■ u-.n al th- !>»'■ loa* Tiie— IMHtnds nf grain i« alwnt IfglM. Tha day with Mlaa Flnrancc Hweet of Hath ♦ MisrBorfiMi. ♦ IC5. ft 7, im Cwrv Am, ♦ # oalt will make the grain more flahita i| bafs Drtd Stores lowngiilp as taoeber. Me. ami .Mie will nnt be m ipl to oap* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ S flsJohaB Ihn pHHlMi^lMpnn RnWli The MIopea FeM'l Wilhelm of Loa- laet toedhig any It la a atoto ptoh to otog aad Gnoc riogMOa of St. Jokm hnp ■ oogpiT of oMf vhMV iSi wMto MtoSi SntaiddY aai SMtoag wttS Mf«. MMlr pmto to UMo vHtoMy. ttU m

SILVEK MOON Go whcK 3^'^^ Wh L Mra. Klliabeth < n«iii.or«' wa* botn Look m fmr m jtm 13k . lu JUwktna rounty. iHiio. May M. 'H.N. and dinJ at hrr hoii.« !• NartS SJiuUi-. Cratlot r^untjr. Mich.. Sapu 9, Ik IS, aa«d 79 yAara. ihrr** Rtontba by Hi daya. In aarly llfn ahi* roinovaS to Walla t«iuily, iKilatia. atiarr ate grwm to womaaboad and «aa marrtfd at tte •B** of IK to H«*nry <*Haantore of tte aaai«- plaoo. Thay raaidad In Indlatts .\u And' tor aoma yaara and ramov*^ lu Miclil- lean lo IHd€ and aattlad on a .i«v farm, Hac. 14. .North Mbada, wh-rr they ^ raaMtad untH lJi*-y imrrhaaad a homa I In Mtddlati'U acd r«'aidad tbara until Mr (’rtaamori* > d)-ath Auituat 1, 19«S, o. F. Dimond (SI Co. Kuppenheimer .when 'ha «'air«* to th** h «»ra «tf i,ai k.iiK. i;»<»rit»', NVni. and Mia .\n>i«nda < arro-r of .Nonh Shiida. Gothes •■ih* and Ji r hi;».|««n; Kr:i*'*t HARRY E, MAC3C Better let us prove it ■ «=' -Milan . Dint ;* r and Expert shoe Fitter • *••*1 t Ile- hall an. l ie o'^ic r.-* *1 ‘ - — • *<' n*!ary and OLD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. r ; ’ Mr- d-M-p ■ »»dd M I >1111 ST. JOHNS MICH. R. J. MerriH 'D < i • nd «'htlilr**n of i *1 r .. tiv**- and fri nd r* • • V ; t w-**ek il Jewel Rang'e: v'r .1 '■!: ^i.* tlro*- of Ithaca w r*- W’Id -r you Iniy a raiigt;. i^ei |, v. h, iter v ; oi - A . dio'-day Th**y > 'll* ir . .itid wlf** to th *' stove is Hot made. W’e h.i\e other kinds of stoves r . • * ji so conn* m and talk over your stove pro|K.^itioii today. • ##••• as ##••• dt . : • «)r i.rand lar I’toorKUi, Mr .iiul *! t!;. * • f of Mj*. .and .Mr I. K. ♦ ♦ Mr- .l*aa|ib t*an|Hr, Mr and Mr.* •b 'Vi.t . i:r. J. J I.AW of DeWItL vetenlnary rrow lanrer and larner every year, the Junk-dealer* knew more about tte Lanter Wilcox of Dtngkam waa «a- value of scrap metal than the rail­ relatives and friends In this rlclnlty held xvlth Oramel Hiker and manta Mr*. Vern Walker nstta,! Mias * owing to the ateady ospanelon of the past we«k. Heed Friday evening. damea were tertnlaod Sunday In tte teaMB of Martha Tl«ll laM .Sunday Miller* last Monday. business. They an* romposed of road men The dealer- liought craft­ KlUworth Mclntyra and Augoac Laifh* ily anil at l<*w pri* e*. because the Kdward Foote spent Sunday with played and refreehments of lee crenm The Ml**«w Bessie Myer*, Mary "llllani Workman .ind fantlly were u»«i|-up loronuNJves. machinery snd Igivcrn ** timom. hnm scrap tea* •orted lnt«» only a few and cake were served. It waa voted lacht. Fred Kpkey and (’arl IJcbt ••nt»rtaine«l at W. L. Hunt ’* at Wat- material of every sort and doaenj*- .Mr. and Mr*. John I'arr of St. to change the date of meeting from spent Siinds) .it the home of Mr. »nd •■rtoan Center Ia*t .Sunday. rion. ^>en at the small price* i>er class*-- when It was off* red tor sale. tel h daya digging of potniooa After buyInK th** material the deal­ Johns .iod Mr .ind .Mrs. O. D ('aster- .Monday to Friday, following the con- Mn .. John Fatter*on Mrs Adiiltne Fat»* of IteWItt visited ton or p«'r |ioun<] at which this meinl Hn * ’ of .'b * uihea*it Kssex K|»ent Sunday s4‘crallon meeting. should be taken off the ground or put wa»t«' is -old It biinrs in million* of ers* resort***! it ami made big profits. in bags .as the effect of daylight or Mr and Mrs. t’harley Mrl'rangle .it Henr > U .Shultz ~ here laat week, '1an> <»f th**m gr* w v.-ry rich. with F, i; <'iist** rHn *> and wife. loixt .-iaturday the ball tcHim played and - hlldren ^p*•nt Sunday with Mr <;i»ods*'ll k |{ed*.ir after >**ar and dls- K. T .May of .St John;* w.i* in ihi* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ heap. In no other bur-ln***r .in* Un .'-oiifh Me'id Iml.. r* ‘iumed home villas*. Thursday making arrunge- oean- .horMy bavins purrhaiad a *"ij*'inr It at thi'.r ann^.a! m**eting». -ill .r* l.iv ,if** r -tM-nding a week with ♦ ♦ •levk lean tlir«'*h. ♦ -••r. iei-.ibl* eoI|e- **'il w'th inurh * i* . It. r r..fh.*r .Mr. IMItr. < ouniv fair. H . -eL DriTiold of DeWItt spent TTion th >0 ;i hiiti*|r> *1 *1 ll•■rent grade* Mr*- I.>*in r* ti.ni ***! from ('adlllHC ♦ ♦ ar*'. i;\**n thine froni th** frnme* «»f Mr*. VA. ( *>x and lw>i < bil«ir**u were .".iirurtl.i;. at J • farm here and and vr*r - :i<'r lli* re n«» longer a Sh I' rilsii. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a fin lantern* to th*- i*ond*ro r driviiiK- in town and vu-lnlly .-iat.inlay ***cur- ' .irejiariiif? lo iiiak* -(onte impmv**- ••hanc< 'or -p.* daiiori or gue—mg. Ml- \ H Mu!!**r .md Hti|* , ••mis. ''?!• -I- *»f l*e'*inioti\*'^ r*a« ti** “ th*' lug voles for Tlb-oru < <>\ in th*- .St. • nt?- on th* ..line T* i-ji; . ar- gi t ng mor*' ff»r . liu l.;ml*-ii. are visiting r** l- ‘I ;?l. .S*-.=»ioii' - .'p• ’mlllle ’ll* r: n-do« k III tii * n«i. •h ‘.r w..*; *' at* rii*t tonti> r.iiid le-«lK* .ilid Mr Karl ValiFI*-**! ! ' .1! «i .Mr F K. Lut.-n ami dait- if fiati i«> !>•- i>.«*s<'d i|M>n h> aliout a .md . W oi all liijii ( an b( d(Ui«- lor h. r. .I'din J.»<|i:i'|, .. riant i.r I**\\ ti i..nt Siiiidav at Charles H. .Ml*.- Marie Uolwri* wa the ,;uea* Itiitall here .lo7* n evp'Tt* Th* ) look It over to Mil'H Iht «.ir-».*tr*>lt liefote petura- .'Ir .loiiii Him r and Mr MiK ‘**d in ..iiv **th'r wa;. n -n’r* If r- ighi' rAir**-*! it? ilnal sorting and Saiunluy .md Sunday. ini 'X Fr.iiiK l..imph >T<- vr-.ii.-d .Mr . .„;T‘ .1 last .Suiid.iv in th* vlllaite of Mr. ;m*l .Mr*, f. K llu-at .md .Mrs old to the Jutikti-.'in. Dn «*ni- of ia-mtK. ..Ml o«r .r- Mloti :r n-aches ■^n '.* lohn Merrlhew and •foi |»,j, Av.-r.v .Sind .iv. vV .11 oum Iu . th* Ka*'i* m nii'aav *> --t**Mi'- a few I.iy \\«'bai«'r w.-n- in l‘**rnnton and Keqtt Toiur SCkfe Fai\*'r har |eas..»l the Ilu»»e|t th '■•■r.ip It** ! .• ‘f !i, *tiHtiUHl lulsir Mill. w'«'r*' callers nt H- • ri Kle«- .jI F"» n r aorkinir >**iir* aao. a ..trk'‘ 'luaiillty of steel of iiiiloaiflng an*l h-miling tin* ma- MldJI’ toii on ba*lnea# kh ’iiday. for tr-j..., '.riiiold farm Inr* and will mov* on •f F F Mw,* n . SV*<< lne * s|uy Ufv. t;. \V. I'b'w* will start f*»r fr*'*ht-c.ir le»l*ter* w*t*- fo .nd f*» b** • *na! 11*. d f*» ht- a v:ry luavy it.-m of Miv.-n of IUv** nlab ' *' X- *-■* ’^.11 lliiiter 1' .iti= ndlnj: srho-il •o if shortlv (■«»n(*'rcni • W •■db*'**lay , inavalianl* for tli** ty|M of • .ir for *'\|H n-*-. .No* liig * .ec’r*»-:iiagn**tt p .-* tfc ti r* ii.rn t** her home the last A bright, cle.in, g/osn stove is the Jow •** M.ipl* H.ipuL Millard IMlchfonl visltiil at Samuel V hich tlo-y w«*re originally iniend**d. .Mr. and .Mr*, (b-org*- Archer and I•!l^hf•»^l^ in l-aiKle lowni^hlp last Sun- .itia<-h***l to tiou.ihlf- «'mn*-s save ■ f th * Wf. k Nh ** tia* Iwen caring anil pride of everv houMkeeper. Bat It Ja' and 'Mf« are alt* nd- line by on*' the m**-hantcal enwrt* aim'll '111. aiid »i.on**> One of the*** .Ml* .N**va \\« t>eter wen ;a .Middle- is hard to Icc/i a stove nice and shinY — lor ii. r 1 areiits .Mr. and .Mr* U S. init t • 'air at Detroit. • bonk llo'ir lo-ad* asu .oted that th«‘y crams vilH tin th* '«rk of fifty men .\bJri * li ton .Saturday evening. unless Black Silk Stove Polish it used. Charli- S liiKull*^ and family and .MU# ll«‘riha Hoxh sp*-iit Sunday at Itd.t; lbnn*-ii ha* been u’llie HI th Mu.. I'.iti* rson of Mwo* a«i was a Here is the reason; Black Silk Stowe |tasr ‘ •■•■I but Ir iH-Mfr .it pr ** i>*'nt Mrr .Nellie Mllllams of In-Wltt spent J NV Smith *. Loll Saliinlav -it Ginhina and atteiid- * ilb-r on F F Mwen and wife Wed- Polish shfJtt nfkt to the trow. It doesn't wrttiii” tien . of her Sunday w'houl clasa Mr and : : Mr- F. T. N*'wton and d.ttighier . titmes longer than the shine of any o/Asr .•.ii'.irday aftem«*Mi. iLtiiiea were Ml*' M.iidi*. an*l It. Hlank nn*l ^iati. You only oeetl to pollto } > «l on the i.iwii .ind a goo ** Urn ** 'uf*' n .JMor.-tl to Mv Id ar r* iirttl** last w*-**#. Mr#. Bichiior and daughlar-in-law, , .I.-i I.I und .1 K J** n *** start­ Kvery MU*' agre^ that It *'«»tta m«»rr la n«it always ej,,iy (o ddi) yourself; Mr- Frank Uob*'rt#, hav*- been spend- . 'd f*>r < ba ap *>* gi*. Tenn .. .'(atiirdav tn live Ibaii It did 20 year* agu. but .but t *1* ny tlio-e «i«-iir lo you is al­ ing th* wi*ek with relativ*.# In Sagi­ HAS SIX wh < re they will att* nd the .Nalbmal nplnbm* differ aa to the raua**. There most itii|Mieslbl*' A man «loes not llk«* •'t;«'ami'm*»nt of th ** tl. A It. naw and ('oleman. .Mr. and Mr*. J. M. an* many cauaee. but one of the nioet I lo *•'* hi* w lfi- tiresa l*"•a handaome-| Bobert# took them to Ithaca In their STOVE KaJ9H Mr and Mra. t.uy Si I v email of Important la that our (*xpcaa«*a have ly than the wive- of bl* asaoclates. auto \Vf*dn«‘iMlay. •!re<'nbu*h were guests nt tleorg*- Fox •a veer porW Mnv*. kitrlwe stove evoassMwa grown with our ne«-la. Invention bee He ev*n tells himself that her good .Mr- Klixa .Neal had a severe at­ and l iiighter . Vera. Sunday (let a rae troei voer bantwar# or saew# daate. auppHed all aorta of new focllltlea for , ap|*eranr*- he||ia his bu*inesa repu- ■ tack of the siimtner grip last week. If yoM d« eet Sad it kwtr* tbae aev otSar aseea living that have become neceoaltlea to Mr-i. VanV«Jorhees of New York re- S*»ilah r«Hi have *#rr u«#d Ar*ar*. rear daate ta taiion. .Mtlll harder la It to refuse liim**d to Mr k\>x .Sunday after via- Mr. and Mrs Frank Kolch reiurn- •elSotWs il In relowt rear aiaaev bet sre tel iiioai of u*. and they all t'oel money. thing* that seem to l»e necessary for • not gn|w, Irrilato with his living to earn and bla way ♦ ♦ to make should sav*- every fwnny, live keep a mile liehtnd th* rush. Inaleo*! ofiwoBra "«lni*lui! .. : (♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ 4^ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « 4 *»f a lilt'* in fr«*nt «tf .1. Then when Hrveimf*! ‘i* 1 iri-”:;;vwit inn that they vm HBuRLCOyW *tei narrowly, and avoid display, if he weri. sBCrnwwr# nrSta-s. Itsvork seataSI wishes to succeed Yet the fashions ;i l»a*l day cnmei oib* r* 111 wish thev can In ' t.. • 'iiii* :.<*tt with any * .\lb* rt l’hinn* y is • unvaleacing eaaav. aad Iravv* a b#tll«##t •evtoev. It kas i of -xp«-ndlluree aliout him -In dress, had «b*n* a- vou dlti. If voi:r nelghlior oilier iin-u i t;'>( iiiitapllalaxa* from a very #ev* re atiui k of apfien- oeaei te as# ow I in am i-ement. In social relation* - reiji .xn a ii*»!c«*bil. iml >«»iir clill'l- tivm. A * f .it iM-iii with tticm *it< ill- th* r;ctf*n*l ill '<.ia bail thl» nr*- such that It take- exceptional ren ’..m** or lor th* ik* , get a anil t!*' * • t * I rrrmlar hsNta •ummer. is Ifte L : t . I'hnvulc uuoaU * sireugth of character to refuse to runabij; ' .n*t«*afi o; a lotring car. Mrs. Arth •• '.’lark an«l .nfant dau­ ffuiipiv with them. If vxii, r ighter* . v. i* wer fr*>* ks pet:**!). ln« v " T . ; . A simple, aafa ghter. Marion, wrbo han i>r**n visiting The ilHhriilty I* even greater when ;m«i * !i» .|*r no.ii ;. s#, f,. than their n the boll-. *vf her father. A Mer- im-li* .!•*• . I 1;.. : an* liny, man marnea and haa a family It ^Jrlcti ’• r. ■ nd iH « !«f: ■ tfial Is l»rl- Tllo'W. \.eir to Sentt?!.; Monday to leoaon* at all ti-r than * ’ III t M > I’m’ ‘ . ;v»* f'r )ia*l f •nwth, J Mrrrlliew, wh.t ha* been with, will I nir ... >11, atel an* r>-<-oni- hir x'li 111 Ml. I'leasHiit a greater* III- - I* I »r I It':' >uanen,h*w>l* part of the -umtio-r '^rvii to Flint ■ i ^ B* ';^. i*-^ - * 1! ao-i wteaerarngeutto Tue»*Li> HI* ron. Vernon Merrlhew,' liMie Newt 1 inrrt Big Results laxativu 1;. ri ,u. .J. •tttenily n;ov*'«l itierr from laiiteng. WHOA! HAW! GEE! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •*••*••••••• “'••••^^^^••••••••^••••••••••••••••••••* *******•*••***••••*••**************************'*******••*••••••••••••*••••••••*************•*******-•*** ••*••••••••••••••• Clinton County Fair, Sept 30, OcLl, 2 and 3 w m • • The Fair Association have made greater preparations then evei. This JJ • • •• • • year will see more splendid stock exhibits, greater vegetable, fruit and grain ZZ •• •• •• displays. The educational work greatly extended. Free tickets for school •• •• children. Excellent free attractions and good horse racing. You ’ll meet peo- •• ZZ pic you haven ’t seen for a whole year. COME and have the time of your life. •• •• •• Ci^ Pickard’s Scab and Sealioiis Doa ’t m s

Thursday, October 2. Free Acb MttsTys 2:14 Face ...... $300.00 2:27 Trot ...... $200.00 •• 2:18 Pace ...... $300.a) Friday, October 3. 2:25 Pace ...... $200.00 Rache tta ft Wlsoa 2:18 Trot ...... $300.a) Gwm 2 Frmn Act* Daily Free-for-all Trot <»r Pace ...... $400.00

Every Clinton County school child in the grades and their teachers will be furnished with a FREE TICKET for this day. Plans for special attractions, games, etc., are under way. Don ’t let CHILDRENS’ DAY your child miss it. WED., oa. 1st

I brilliant tiBhi asain«t the men in con* townahl|i, near Howell. Jan. 12. IkdZ. S\II> |,\KK> YK\KS MHII.F EDITOR iOOIIIELL OF 'trol of tho lowi'r branch of the leBin- He wii.- educated in the Howell ^ITS HIM oiiuri xchiHda and the Fenton .\ormal. anil • Hdl'INIIK HKT HF INITTKn l.> I.HMHIS. H>TVKIA. Vltlio Bh Mr .Mriilly held nmn> pub- lauBht in the (tftcoda county M-hools • MI’M. TUST1N SAYS TMNT SO Hc offleoa. he neently said to a friend intil ho laiiio to Ionia uml enten'd a Heindt. Dextiny ai.il Ho will-o'- MICHIGAN STATE NEWS I .m iiti, for p'lidii- oftlce. It the law olTlee of A. A. Kllla. Ho wa^ aaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaa ...sp of for!:iiO' iiiade a pl.iythliiB of ae«ma, howevor. that my Intoreat In admilK'd to the Ionia bar and in IMfb fharUw Kow. It held for him a for ­ MMN|»\|'KK M\> l(l(\M»*t \KKO* publb aniitrv haa drnxx'n tm into jioli* foniieil th* law partnerahlp with tune of but sent him up and An exoeeiHnKly dainty Itoudoir down Ho- lak*">, • tlloiisinB hie hand* i 1m ri' aiwny.- ha: lH*en a tlpht Joiin H. 1 iiadiiiK-k. now of l>etroit. In net, conaislinK of thr**e artirlea, I'l. \l. HFIIIHNt; F%i..Hi:. and I enjoy H.” Ik!M Mr. ('huddook, withdrew and tho with hard lalmr in thi t*unkcr> .lOd nauiely. eap. alipperx and uarti'm. In on the dccK. of h.iB' ft* auo'rv and Mriu war Haxui a - .Si-iillx until last drxoii,|Mil in dottiHl n* t. and einliol- I rBid III HitB fnr Imierawr. .s*-|»t,mlMr XXhen K. M. Havix ti,ovod fri'lBhier.** hoiiFinir him in malodor ­ THE NEICHeORS WORK FARMERS MAY GET THEIR Ih IiciI M'lth Imi •' rfblfuii and a deli­ 1 !»; ::ii Will Mi'lioweli. idltor of Mr ,, iilly rould (lav* had the dem- to Cr.iiid Uapidx unit F. H KldriHl be- ous. cheap waterfront lodpiiiB housnx cate ribbon x'in** of tiny pink rof.* — ami hllndiiiK bt:t ‘ H>' meBMiBrii of til I'li-tin Turn*, ix hoiii r llo a*- daya ♦M-rat nomination for Bo^ernor In IHIZ oaise a member of the itrm. .Mr. .'(cul­ bud- and l«•.•lXl-,. for lesa Iban thi aekitiK. Hta fneiiUa ly we .ill Mlk iiml Knirht of t'olum- Ho wialth iiwaitim; b.m. carried in ON SLIND MAN'S FARM MAIL AT THE DOOR than h* d Iw if ^ uiiai rllwr l alliil to Th* l ap lx coiiatrui lod • niir* lx (if |ia> n -uhrrruillon while lo waa out. ' lirviil him to HI • fit .mil deir.urrat bu> th* i: .xf»ai-rr f,*r nior*' ihun flee i lo.iiior> who Batb»re,| in lietrrxH to tlw dotted net liiifxl with whit* rhif- '••at ,. FIKT^ 11(11 M»*« 01 n.|| IIFIt l.t. I U MW illKMlM Ills CHOI'S. tOI |0 riCKl 1 \HM llO| tho run. Hut Mr. Si ullx waiitid Hnx*. , • tni* r* **t ' xt iiru'**! at titorc Hun Mclaiwi,|l w.u. to In iiarriod in .id Forrif to «,•! in tho rai o. WHO’S LMBLE FOR • •n inch and a half wid*-. r«»vcrfs| with heavy lai i* iiixerticm and ouf- $.*,o.ii4>o, fa known a- th» KHpip ♦••- .l«■roflian• .it ihi .Xonl ’M, ti-m Mlrh- Mr Forrix. I b»-ii, vo. oaij be elei-t- talc and wa left to How,- in car> ol liiofl with till maobiid vin«'. This Ka''*i- l{-;

  • r Til* I'oiOma t r )i axuo Ti.t-n, at ('atiilim Th* *• r. i-ro follow. then: WOOING ACCIDENT :::ilid csleadh tialfw'ux .ifoiilid the forlun* \l<" r t . n. n of Mil tiii^nt. anil - h< id a i onfi-n Oi • «a|. and ..- m* t ix a frill of th* nc: I .-ntlofi 'Ui H! ,,:n '■ T wam a. trli f, s4iii(hM< : • tl: , i,il ti> o!hi rt. srivinj: Iti;*' Kiiitor Mi H* Had held m:in> oltiror of publb' r- iV •slni--'da> .ido|ii>-d a r^aolu- I,-,,,.!!,, I'rid*' ri‘iiix«ii ii, murriid • diO'd with lac*, xxiuch Miiix Iu -h the sailor aiol Tr;,x* r-«il lit, jr.-at If irr n.: .1 fr' tiM . . «|n I '! rii oitii! ••ndme ih* r* arraiiK***- iruM lb -'rxid proa,cutini: at- l.O.wIM, (tINtCHN UHll.H II V I K wit), !{(<.« *>. m *'ii;\ kto'wn relative. oil th- fouther> •dir* • loud forrio' loll!.I < "unty ono l♦•rm. and of th*' lap aiiii ' ,xor' ilt) olhio from Tio'x .iImix , iH'ek» now l». |ow. In th«x ?;.-!= i. -o liw I arri' f' alll i*a-!> • nK and de l.«iiiili' wiMil kill*' form ill*' foiin ihtic! .ii.i • iio i». .iiiij nol !>iri'< ►oaii- riM- '■l•:n^: that i,.a>,ir (h^wn lUd " m ho leBb :a- ,11,., r r •> . xt. A ,-ilore, i-,-- daiJon lor Ihe .,,lip|e'rF Tho ii|>|M'r !.ik* ..ir> of h t ro|.» w«- >'ii at tio rery. m» to t -ri t ,,<> torn ployeil In III- 'hi \...,r- a; .i .ii|,,r w th i- 111 • !i ,'inn ■ fin ir n.i,'! f»ox=-- at i..in till; Whether .n eniploy r piirtB ar* maiir of bln, 'lu, «o'- r*-*l Ml .iii. r ■ ' !m,|| ,,a a* iir*-.« ni H* " .11111*11111:1 to the Hiati' mil- ‘'f!' «■; hi? ' * , F I’l.w.-r;' would havi i„ pax •-orii|>ef*^lion lo a with th* n<'i imt ♦luixii.<«i wiih a r*.^ lO'arly ex. rx op r., iHn immis mail i iiui.’;.!; SUM, 1. tiox Warner in •p 'll frl* nfC • ' lo . nf , l-Vt.!;, . , ; (;i-. Mil -li a:- - fo ,';,i-ir i ol, ..••iJiB lady who. , to* ardotii w oins ,*m* of bin. -.itir r‘ble,i, m h ,. loan il- h- t‘11'.* a» I!, ' OHiaHTiit Itoitlle-r Ho .illtl >f|0< I < I, ,,; r • ;; .inii I. .i . r a! .■*i.aln:i« anil 1 II ' -'i r . Ml rix wllh' r= iult*^l in lo r liaxint; h. r «,ni ,.i xxim b u* ki U a arc ..f p dk for miB- -rX'-l I), two-.'* .r !orii. H«' % ue ^‘i:: loir Hox', n-x-r i >1 T;i - ' nf, . • '. a ' in ;o' ■ iflK olfii -"ii * ' t< i:..i!'oi! -i'- Kdit* - Mi'linw. iroxoti by o r loxer. iiictilt-ntallx a rox* t idh. w a )Mp4'r , >M < *'•«l•^ iiD ih' ."*.irxl li> l.xiw'ioi: T. coniainiiiK til* towx. wnlli «‘ll. u:«: w.o. ir-o .’•ii|,l\ af an I'xtra- follow otilpMixo in the l»etroil Kir,- Tho Hurt .*■ ir pi *1 r* iid .•tui i.4 |MIK1 041 i.!'. \ .1. pr- idi II . \\ 11 .Vti.ifi Hon..me. lo . <« rii <,p|H>nont of tbjx'. ’ I'l t|,- -..i.-x Id ii,. tiX* ■•!, m I V .. ;ni. i I'lit , |1 sjOi- ilill- •n‘.t>=.r' ,'.i> .1 jurtKinx th* fair trii Appllauo- roiuiuuiy. is a tiueaiiun narrow i,.,d* **1 Id..* .iioi lo-t rf-xl I lehi.riiT his; ii.at*-« of Ho les;*- iiwaiiink a ■• o!ii. .n< -1. •‘•idi-lil, F. 1.. KiBhler fur Juxtirr. Ilia, lx Isiibi'rtnK .1 Hetriuj tnaiiraiM'*' "iih nci, aiul oriiaii.-'i>i*--,! '‘.Ith Ih' * • • :.4!;i ..-or \\ i,;i i; , r r; ; If! tar'. ib-iuix-ral laUill* lola trial ao tdent board for adxa* w .i.iiia <»!. H* a*' piiMldtsl ilati* for I ir< '.lit JwcU:i' lo xureoeii F 1). III tlw ii.allor It that the two K«»icx Kidro'x I'lllx , up, olctiuat, '■X, rk. |t*'in>it his .1 to ib< n.!': »naj i-on- JAMES SCOLLY DIES AT •ri. h.t'iiwr I,, lilUO-mo*red • O' I ! '< t •<.;tirii . • tkiii M iMxix in iitll. >V)ib Mr .Seiilly and ' -r* • iiBalH'd in a M iiffUtiK I> atrip of KWti, y .ind hlHd*!, r trouble, ' .hi*li:i 1>axi wi-ri r, -.Miont- of lonki. wlon III womr manner or otlo-r tlic rheumatism and luinnaBo, bn-aus. ■" ' >,•■• I ii|r ti nimx4'lf !,i' i: !l* vxiff: 4'ompan- «n»i :i.- iri». f' -Jr! . I ' HIS HOME IN IONIA H« inado a viBorou*. caiiipaiKti. but Kirl I- mil xxas tw laosi. rt .-'iHihb in a lho> rrmoxe Ho cauxo. You can nut •si hli i-riii h< Ipl'-' >:;r .1 MIM.sII.H Ol \l(\MFK.s JIIHS w,i- •l•'(o,lll'«l by ..iMi xotew, in a du- (racluro The employer wixiusl for a lak*- this honext ciir.xtlx* meilictno in trirt normally .i...oi n'luiblk'aii Ih* • 111'.: iji .iM fdd ii* >-i»M|>er lo-ro iH-m;. to lio ;iir\ .vofK 'h; full IF lOH 1(01 S n IIO H \ M TO H>f HI MH. IKS I K\HU> hFMH. -• iilciix'nt with the Inxiit.iiic,' com- to your Hysicm without Ketlinit the I njH ••rn*^! l<-urrtiii ioiiiJi rouni' but .oat in Mont P*n> rivht rooilfx Try th-m. Van.-ticklw *< J, nt U4ix- • lll^ V'T *1 that he nollh \MI OO Ml N. \. ( . CU\ l\ M \TK. I .nil; k tilaxpie. ' ■ r •*• ., t .n* wti:c:. would Ka-^^t l^iiialiiK H♦•r*'nll»»r no Mk hl- j .Mr Si iilly loiik a prominent |»art in • ••••••••••••••••• pis*, hin. bcvt-ml ..rth*T toil, and ho Kiili yoiilli n> in*! fco aillio.il a <‘uil*-a«* Mill uiiupaiBn of ilil2. After refuaina haxt't; i| III iauidon Htill .ittinsi In DMIML HE SHOOTS HIS WIFE dm .ition. |iro'I'iiM In* i» wtlllnn t*> Ionia. lami'- Siull>. runtr rallniad tho tuuninutbin for Kovomor he took \ NKW ■K.^l'TY Hm !»l'- xi-.ii, all r iot Ilea, w fh a xrxi-ral wor> for it. Ail in- ha« to do l» coino •iiiiiiiiiaaloni r. dtiil at hi- home hi re lihi- aiiiiup in behalf of Mr. Ferrlx and l.HM IIKFl.s FHK ( • day* prow Hi of sriziily itray te'anl 4>n to laai l.aiii.iiix. •iitor thi .Mirhiaaji at , /o - of M:.- . I;,! .inO*«*!i to do till r**at .\uBi>*t. I’lioiinMaila doveioiieil and , I epiod iiie that If I brushed her hair the nieti s xhie-x 4irrer 14>i>oH4tn patent an*! j he look to hla l>ed on Sept. 1. For i.n I liiiHr ;to 4 tb.'r bux ha# all llohrvinx Ihiii Iho taut ah > In help Mr. .Seaiiy. ax a lawyer, alwayra wnuik way It would nxnk* It curly. 4tiill U-aiht r shix x with narr 4>w tiwa <'h«^or«*r. lo kill an>l>ixl> tx to ll••ip him to hw|p him* : xoiiBbt lo eorr»'<*t an inJuMice. rathrr If I'axtoi siif’itaiiia aiiarati(«^«w lit I b) the iix» of oxyren Hi waa .iZ I do iMd kn4»w, but her hair, while it town order# m» far specify bn>ad toe# hi,, will .^nd •♦•n-yi ar-old ►«fi t-inK ' yewre oW. I Ilian to obtain a rax«> He enjoyexl a rtnij work ot aom*' ktmi In xnlflrlent larso law pracib • and it ia aald be never really curled, has siwayx stood . nd lower Iieelx cotnldnisl with the n -•’ulltu r r* volT**T Thi bnllri r-ii iway fpotii her head in a ix4ift. pretty u id* KnBH#h xbsnk 4'nl4»hiai eflef iv »iT«‘«l Mil- tfti iiaii ^ l*•fl »id» .ind On- ir.aiillt. lo i-naidi aii> llvi- lad to At hi' bi-daidi when the end ••.mir MTer turned a man away becauae hr ••nrii Miioiixh u on, > to lait hi- laalti. Wore Ilia w|(: .ind bte brotlier An jliad no (i;i.d‘ Ho eoniialed a auH way. Msnimy*# Instructinnx •et me and pum|>a. with narrxtw iia-x and TIm h—ty MMl Tlftw at immm won. Frank. «*ak alao *l.ol m lii. .*ff lo ihinkiiiB- I realised that all farrx ixini--* iitian lo'el* i,-ad 4 orrent #ell- ata ■npsria r to the virtar amd baMrtyoC aiil*' n li.‘ . m id*- ii On .11 whii, takinr a loor*** tliotiy lb-able,- iiieni. «iirvlrlnr him .I roiirhi b.. a ,'al«*r*'r with the aame of hi*n fall as they BTow old. snd I wsimler- iub Hlsh xhoex m<>«t railed for n 4)w ■Ma. b«t BO aaa asB ha ti i ■tifsl wh«i hoina of John Kiikll-i«. Ihrio it**- are hia paronia. Mr ami Mrs. A; 'hotiy* I axil a*- h'- ilM that of ■ client w ho to tha throes a iHm ssatsJ baahlM rb till) .Mr and thr*** aiato Mrw. ♦xl why H wouldn t l»e wist to wash arc lulent leathers hax ms Bray. brow n at ♦s* wivri- ’t . wortiir hmi i.-iroti Mr .' •• n ),.a ha,^ for;.‘d a Iraam- atui drx Ih* face up ln#l«ad t>f n Ha I.yon. of iiowell, wif, of th pntiu — which probably throw# much liabi on oror half a raaiaiy. fkatoraad hy thana 1 iltnB aflornoy of Ijx ins'ii.ii » uiif' |4» 4b» (hie "he .liwuxx wi|»'x iipwanl wpii, • ,.t p j , »j.,a .i >rd ,<■. f .. I *-■>• t . .«'V .rfAi, All rill£«-na m th',. ‘^ town If H r .Hail I liNik place |n l»a- I t I beann on myself. T4>ds.x at 'ind ■wi.U, 4'if .rd'i #* :i Pe«t for mev,- whoasBil. He., Mo tl4»l :i' !i.t j> ■ lo on, r (roHi trndlna ami .Mra. Mary IfefBllii. alait of llnw- -ar»* r> 'll - fill If I* |iil;>! triil a ' ' ' • ..X ai,o .V wofi !. >i4*t .1 mi»»4 lc in my fa*> Iia# i.ili- "ortRs mi nr: tf r wsfir Ian h'rk, T I .1-' t,n *■•- .-rt.iii fiirnan ano whovallnK ^mow to drl\- ♦■II Funoriil M-rx irs " "Vere .jj Tto e- li rs-r »n ppr-inrhed Mr. M^ully .Fow dax foreman I , Hicrc an no dn>opx iim- in it >!hijex .irf Ho* xpccted icaiirrx fur ■ k • Under r„r 'Ill Ite mtkett o ‘ lio' 'fi. rr .ijj; r.i- hand Mr .iti'i no -MBBina xhows at chin en < f:ii; • iiiiif' III, Imrt-Nii. rh*-n thi paator roittweai \‘*>» #f»»ex wilt Mr S< il ' “ ?» i r: < ! jM,a1 .*■« ill', Hid no . , -I hi .1, .m .xt- -> ex l4#hi-x are ,i|wax - noli,-,.' t), ax wbii t0•-^ ij..l ‘.,x : •bout • i t ■ ii will |iN nl<- yttuna 't>>- known d«-tiiorra= :v M.i 'rrr He I* * !,<• tiad h* Mill i.i ;iB r :h* X , -rl upwao.i i*» f.j, 'ii, !irr ii Mrnnrw l« ( liliMmi, !! '■ ii»«—, txNtitlon- refwai'd ail tdii-r of the n'wutaatiiMi Well, I hare rt-axott to remeiuli* •• 4 ' ■ > didn ( bi'forr I l*eBan tb, up t aa‘l (herd la Hate KWae.i Irwakle. \io'ni^k*j "nfl a -“-i t r.-ntor I lx ptaii ^ hirh prwv,,ii,; in mrrrf for Bovernor i>n the iienaN'rat tickei * roplt* U It r.iiiBer Yfxu kept want ircaimenii, and •iauBk’ ~ ■ oiit-K' town in Iio land with lh>' on- No isn wi*' ., familx t«> xupimrt of rohfs In l;c ..iai- iiToI yoanr < hll- ill Ikl*. aiiitpuriinB tHtx. Fern* He ! ‘ ’ j,.ll ori , and I m ver hax, sr*- Ju«t ilk, them ■ an atlord to Have kidney Iroubl' dr»*n. T!ir> >pnii ihi ntantal and , tion «»l in»- cuaraiiiw, .Many oth- Waa appointed railriwMl ♦■•rmroiastower i, rBoiit ,. II. I tot into aofite trouble • r iidni*ier> are daily maaBed In aw. Bor iw-ed he fear H wiih swch a rwn:,- phjrpical llf« of a rhild. TIh ' rrmdi- by th* latter Jan < for a aix-jraar In loota. in my younBer day» I had HHMIY I'H^HIIIO INJIHIII • lo. |•o•dt«o}a for atiidi na. Hut Mr. dy Bl hBod sx FVxfex Kklney fills An tion that term Many of hix friendx already j tio 'ii«m*'x roiildr't Bel any hut yon >4| I- 'ph Mrx llsltic A Kehwen honest loedtclae. safe and reltahle avoldMl hy I arefal parano Quickly Htrt-nama ha* takati thr real advanr,- were biHMiiinB him for Ihi damorral |w||lln«i> helped m, imH I hare a dewer. oar of the beat kaoaii women ieoatlim ilHle iH'**Hao in fiirniahlnB the xuaranlee but doing mi.rti good, aad thomiichly nirw all isiMa aad noniinatlon for Boveninr in IflC ifooil Job BOV with the city of iMUroti. iriviiiianx In xouiheaaiem Michigan F«*(ex Kidney nila eliminate bae-h- throat irritailofoi hjr thw umo at Wot- Ho drat altrartad xtato-wMe ttten. tnad 1 want yon to eoroe out to dlii»« r sad pnmtineally tdeailhad with #oe.laebe and rheaawiHsax. too# nix tho «y’a Hoawjr and Tar ('imipiMmi. aat AntonB the other horroiw ot war lUoa Ip lit*, whea aa a araawher of the I with OM' aowir day | o||| (iva yon 1 hil weiiari' work wa# •tntek by an|«xr«taas sad roBtora aanwai arito* of nSanotda will nM davHo^. VnaSIrkla lare aonie of Ihe anuga wiitlao ahowt {(dStalalure he wa«ad a battle for pm- |tbe bawl dinner you ever bad** Iniecurban car naar thia rlty today I kidiiev# aod hoMdrr. Vanfllrlile A| d (UMT(«. •iL gW Btre loptaiauoa aad rarrMi aa a Mr Mrully wna ban in UwwSn' sod fat illy iBlwpad Hlaapla. Wt - * '4

    iOomUmmtd tnm tMl nnimni ad the hi tali is Um racc> •« tlUa wtMtea* Smm NEWS •aaMdlaaljr active work la balas doaa yonns. Many a naad beroe has far Boni* at the cblldraa who hava baan maimed ar eean'sd far life a i. Otiaag. wrMag in tha laws to and many •uhara killed i^ earn ­ aai always been at the top at the llat Baamnlaad aa the ■taanmy of dairy aad It U .ipiiarwt that there will be Dbtoict Na. 1 -l,Mt Urn Kalau ■uidajr arlth Kirby In Um: ing In cnnlnet writb Isiliied wire aoti^e Nurpriae in ature. Some dark Tha Hlf af M. Jataa. Master Roaald laUtii -S,1S0 baa. Twiea bafora tbls aaaaon Pa-t In msn> plscaa the tmll Is com fhanmaa ralalag hrlfar roivsa. anyo: i WANT horse ii^a) knni. up at any minute and —— Mlaa Marsiurata flMa liar _.1,000 waaMt baa dafaatad tiM loeala with pelied III •'urn his keef* by tsMni; had a long talk with one uf the lead snatch the c-ovltid priie, Mlaa -iladya M. 1C. Kelley 4i.m MMa IWlotaa Roc Jmmi > 00.S05 Hud Clarfc dolac Uu. twIrllBC* Kirby set to w»iur Imr w<»rk for y«»ur dar- ills- Fern .stead inlstukc. Is,wever to think that part of li|» HU. e*ui lo the flirt IImI ht- line or ^ iipunyuur > rturtB as •!- '.iiltiiu K. t;re«n 02 720 ^1** Uamatta Wamar —. ...1,000 men. as well a. heldlnit hla |iosl|lon 34!dla, FIMiLKM KOl'TK U, faulUeaely and aerutiiiK three hits. it ti«*« . luu';,** him iiion* ralsevl tbe I* tr*-r .nlvi« from Itir Ih -’ y, a.ttv r> V lnf'«* for riCormqric< «i| ' ir . .. t *■; who ro'r Step;; 'la 31.143 Mnrter Franrl» Sohn .... al.lStu appear here and Kirby will pilch for the dairy ||i. it-'v Ih |o do l* , 1 St. Johns. Ih. .voun;; v'#:ts In the dsytime .X xXA... b .1. (.J .; . ■ ■ ill* -.1. iiuw. -ud •M; i"r Ueliuore Flint ...... la 603 .Mlaa .Unia WerOer -...... -1.000 rause r\ ! vei> h-tr w* .'M* •1 'h- *• ’ <'1 ; e V -y do ■ '! 1)1 II,oat diairi;atlog thins about l,et thfiii out to ;itii| |i!.: Mart r Uaynioud ■!. K. Uunc' !t7,3V3 I 7.ti. .»« 1 helen l.taM) to buy uih I ' I 1 III 5.- |iri '* s ••■r* - ■ ' III ’ . 7.Silt Master Klwuod Harris...... 34.000 * ’‘**'' “■** Ibe large number of You ;|i»e t lie oX »*. k'* ■ ; ’ l- ■ t po** u.'e * ■ to bring it u|i .^t tl' all b e.*^ 1 M ’ .! . ,a. - li - rlpt m \ij .Mury VunKlia 24.4- , FtIMI.KK HIM TK »4- pikers, cheap akate^ and mush neck- siitmiilM tbilt \«»ur iit'iv'hlMir ciiii LOST for ; \ 1 ontlib ! •• V the •aus of .V,. .—1,230 ii. *ter l^ala John Magley_31.3tNi tliat < oiiirresate In the road and vlo.* ■lot ulTiird to Ih ‘ without way he lliluki* a •tulr.v iiilf h Ihoiu I fr. Flossie U. Harris — I ^ ibe same without pay;ns. .\rrangre. Winn"'* h. fi» 1 riz 'or .;.;f little V l.'iatiu I'arSb ______.lO.itttO il.,^I.T Uuit'uu Hufnaael In-ev-ulsr Xiliil t>**orl.v fed .k ____ 1.000 (>rn.;ii • i-ter 11, Ijike 2.4 0. KOMLKK HtllTTK S3 .■«napabota for souvenir iioat carda. A uud hsvf ^aTlle idrntlfted and re­ cninmltlee has also volunteered to ability as tuilk i.rtMiurcrs do not iiiiaiii ceive reward. 7wl than you have. Thl^ ahould only apur n aert Fierce ___ „.1.523 I .Mira Hertrude Simon ______3410 look llieni over securing th<- names •thetr iMwt I ie< .lUHe tliiO \*ere not liro|i you un to greater ertort < ?f>r there ■« s i>onald May ----- ...1,515 Mias Ueaina Tbelen . 1.000 arly canil for when ilei<'loping. Miirh no on* mire of Metory yei. nor will —1,510..Mias Faullne Martin ______. 2,150 and a llat will be ptibllabed letting .\i;- Ulllan Uradner ------the loyal fans know who the cheap THE SHROPSHIRE SHEEP. af thr* filtliri' Worth of Hw row Is de anyone he until the last word has Mlaa Uertrude Blahop .1,375 Mlaa Ruth McFransle .... 1,000 ones are. tarmliieil In the Qrxt yeur or two of Its barn Mid The rontest othrially la at Mlaa liunna Taliuadge FOUND .-1,745 j Miss Barbara Schaffer ___ __1,000 SawM Advantapsa It Paaae Ovs* Ufa. If iimlerfed it will Im* stiiiiteil an end. Waste no time with \'sin re> -1,173 Hiss Gertrude Radenaachar Mil liorria Alberta AH tbs Larpar Braada and undarslxerl. sod If dirty or lousy grata alxiut what >v>u did or did not i Master Jack Uanley 21.I0U th hii Twins __ ~"5-550'51,550 ^•*"**" “ Bll R K The f|iM*Mii4iu •»fleii arises .-is to whl«-h tt will be nervous and daplated. A FINTIiE—A oouatg do earlier In the contest. The tide of ...... Master Theodore Ash l«Sli raWABO. Weaver, a. pruvaa Itseir the more prolttable to Hie prlau all tha aarn a avarg taMfe, battle Is not turned against you by Miss Luclla Balllngar ——. 5MW calf, no matter bow gsatle by natare. Sama oas ba oMalaai hjr mriltag g| Master Richard Hlffbaa _ —4.010 dhawhan. 2iid breeder ami feeder of sbae|> —a big. wlli dovehip Into a vary vtctsus cour if any means, work aa bard as you can Miss Ida Hleka ...... l.flt Master Imuiin Dunn ______thla oBea aad paglag fl.M. B —1.000 Kirby, p. haavy sheefi or a somil but batter aonaCantly whnalmd aad earsad uphan and you will Ond your friends only Master Paul Moos ------1415 Mlaa Irena Price______—AJiO Rikar. r. quality one. saya tbe Rural .New York young. A vtctona. unrsllahit cost , no too willing to looaao their purae MMs Ruth Mnllaa ___ Mias Irene Treeatar ...... 20400 ('ramar. 1. ... ar. Thera Is a great teadancy among matter bow larga a paa dn ear. Is aat autmm for year lltUa ana. now that Mias Kvaljm Putnam ------&1,1S0 —i4M A. Wilson. 3d tbair aaalstaoce maana an much to farmers nowadays la all dlatrlrta wbare morth keeping la the dairy haai. Mnatar Rohsrt SnoU ..... I Mias DoitMhy Wicks ...... {tt,900 ('antaal. I. growin g tha aateas aad rseaaMsnda It WAETIB- 100 raltahla ama af gaai queat to make of you aad that la not Maatar Stawait Ward Ml« Mary Fog ______J.71t lag that when tbe two-yaar^dda enme highly. Ha aaan saya that whan tha Miss Halaa DaWIU — - IMSO moral eharaciar la aahacriha fir to wait until the last mooiaot Satur­ Maatar Clarsnea Fog ______l.OM Into tbe market the bigger aad haavlar milk la sold tt pays to hasp anangb Ec. Johna Nawa fpmn Juaa lal 2a day night before making your roport. Master Elsworth MaM ____ 1J15 Mlaa Irena Simon ______l.OtO Pewamo oasa raallae more than snuiller ones tat tha calvaa. WhUa ha lusammanda Sapt. 1. Baport Ui him aa early as you poosl- Maaur Paul WHoos . Master Laonard Schmidt .1.000 ({ilHscda. 2ad That Is quite true, and tbara la s bly can. It will make It easier for all Master WUIIford Rnhl Mlaa Laona Thalcn ------4.115 Bnaaon. 3d goud deal to be said on tbe alda at a WANTED- To rant II h ooncemed. You can turn In all that Maatar DBwrrr. I Gee. m. Mg sheep, bgt when all the proa amt wtth ntadaw you have aad then no out and work Mlaa Gertruda Brink . - 44TI Fog, a. — -.. coas are cavaftolly taken Into canaldsr laqulra at sad gat what you can before 9 o'cloek. Mias Margaurata Moinat Mlaa Marloa Santa ------.l.OM Miller, c. .- . atlon It la a grant ntMmtton If a amallar. Jnst because you turn In your sub- Mlaa Barbara Glaoa ----- Mtaa Lola Webb ------.1.0M Holly. Ist .... batlar quality sbeefi will not prove fur serlptioDs does not mean that you Mlaa Hatan Tripp ------Mlaa Margie Pannall ----- .2,110 Brunn. left mors profftsMe to the brsadar In the will have to atop work. Wie aeeapt Mlaa Gwendolyn KaUap BBWITT BOOTB «. i Davem. r —. loag ran. Lac ua. tor Inotanca. take aubacrlptiona until 9 o ’clock. Do Mlaa Rohartn EnhirtB ... P...... FOR SALE or woer beat. Miss IKmMhy Alllaon ----- Mlaa Barths RUub ______4.1M the Ogford sad llampahlra evoas as u Mlaa Doma Gall ..... l.OMj typa of Mg aheap. It balag a favurtte 32 8 6 5 Maatar Dnnald Chapanaa -. Mlaa Eva Bryr______1.0M1 croaa. sad the ShropaMre aa an exam RENT BBCHAKTH WHO AW PLBA8n> Maater Parey Pattaraon - Mlaa Eva Barkar ...... pla of a aomllar sad. It may bs saM TO AOMOT m cnLDnmt Mlaa Marffoarlta Fowler -. Master Donald BrlnkhoE ------440i| OROGBRnO Mlaa Gwanavire Root ____ AB H Av. with all daa rsnurt to tha bstorsmaa Mlaa Mlldr.d Hollay ______IT.TM Claaad ctaas. a bsttar qnattty aheap IhSalra af « C A. Pott Psrr A Dexter Master Fradarlck Boaday BBWITT B0I7TB «...... A 8 750 B J. Pierce; Smith A Rocha. Maater Ward Parr ...... — Miss Hatberr Pong ______54,700 ^ Wllaon It la wall haewn that Mg ahasp ate Bngina Parr. Maatar R. B. Daatar...... — WMPBAUi IW. Uraan J. D. Havens. Master Henry Waahbum Mlaa .Nettle Hlyar _____ -ivwo OAflOUHE ENGINES A FARM POW­ aap*^ Graana can. and. tor laataaea. Mlaa Floranea Smith ----- Mlaa Mnapmrata Loahar J3So Weaver WllMama^ ER MACmNBRT Mlaa Clara Schavay ____ Mlaa Dora Hang aab ach . lag aama of tha OaR amVaStoma WL 8. Hark Miss Ila Balia Worrall Mlaa Marlon ArsM ...... ___ ^1 aap Rlhar ___ ST8 DRUGS FOR DALE—A ' Maater Kuaaell D. Frank Mlaa Mrnmi Koatar ...... —4418 8 Co. 15 H. P. "—t*-i ar OU Boat's Drug Stors I Mlaa Hasel Crowell ...... Mlaa Caell Thome ------___ 14S0 ~ HARDWARE and tmo gwataiora all la gm fThe Bradley Twins _____ Mlaa Bamlca Lanes ----- __ l,gM P*®ch ...... dltkm. lagalra of C. A. Spaulding A Co. j Mlaa Grace Parvis ------Mlaa Margvarlta Traea '!_4475 JuOd ...... DRY GOODS Elaia. Bleh. ; Matter l. Mils Kthel Mygranu ______4425 MIm Theo Parr ______-IJKM) numerable lot .f Ihlngs to be done. a a a a a a a Tbe calf in tun-hf to drluk. swwt IMltB FOE HALE—120 acres, 80 «m a a a a a Mips Ivn nilllnger _3,10«'Master Tomy Cook ______3475 "'•*»> J*** 1® MIPS Ir*'ne Cook 4.22*' whole milk t>elug given for tin* tlr^t .Section 7. Riley, 40 acres on Saa- 1.Mailer Myrie Slater ______l.OtMi '»»'» “» rtaal ruab. 0An «My way week, after vviil<-ti Hwcei skluiuiilk is tion 6 Olive. O. Muggett, St. Johga fM’CrP.ITIIlMv Mlllf’H I TKK • .Ml- Ihrnlce niake*lcc .... 29.710 ‘Mips Thelma Han ...... -l.OOrt '‘uin^ge L to l.ave u tablet upon Miss Lens ('rowley ___ 3,100 which you have nuted all the ueces- gradually auloiUtutevl Cun* Is taken R F. 1). 4. 4tf .MIsp Helen l*oi>e „ 241o M.IPLK K5PIDH ROITTB Sk . sur> errands Th* n revise It by ar­ that tbe milk when given |h not mure MIm lleatrlcc Rung 2.225 Alvin Moss .10. Did ranging In the order each must be Dor ieivs Iluiti the exnrt tem|*eni(ure of | WtNin FGK H.4LK-Kasy spllUl^ ftccupntlonai db**a» ‘**s. « ovcrylMKly M' Ib-b-n Shafley 3’2iu Miss Anna Krouse l.OdO lierlunnevl. You all] tlnd that this I the ruirs iMNly . 'I'lii.*. fie miyi*. is very - woo«i Rhone J. W. Snyder, both know't. .ire dlr; a.“'« < aured by onc'i. >1. JtlllNh UtirTK NO. 8. Miss Lula .lolls 1 OOu will .-iiv*- II.any i*ie|ia and insure that Imimrtunl In aboil tw.* ur threi* ' lihones. tf work Thii> th'- ,.iiha|)i>.N |dins|thi>rur .Mil ter Ix*slb t'. .'<«-verance 23.020 .Miss Hasel Wagner l.'i'O nothing will l»e forgotten. The re­ week*, the eiilf will liegln to nibble i lirRH-tKIMYrGN. iiialrh inakcr get fhr diiieuse «tf ■M. l^ls Woo.lh.iry .1.2!»0 vision ina> go as l.ir as tu indicate aud the lieet gr*T Pasture for horses or phossy Jaw. and th> unhappy house Mr . Uiibv t' Ib'nn ....4.10O ’'luster Clayton Cussiek ____ ...2.180 jus' what day r«-riain things will be • Hs Ralph Wiggins, East Walker Muster DonalJ Hopkins l.tn.o place sh'oihl In * given to ••m'ournge I painter icud poisoning. Ml-- Hraliici- Kunter 3.18** done and by frc4|.i*-nt revision you 1 her .-ilr •.iin«him' smi eien-b*. ' -vtre-t. itf Ml ? (;rac«- Cooper 4.76 'Ilss .Marie K* ’lly r____ ..l.OOfi will k*<-p iun. ‘.taot!y before you the ,Hh^>-,.»hlrH ).).p|- ■ ,;.t>ral Hut f*w |M-opb ;»r. aware that ar,- )..{ Ih- H .,t n.i ' are excellent tM'ulth protm^ier'. and '';;s'rr Hnn>ld C»>fTman .. ...2.100 Muster Donald Fay l.cOO ItFIM'l'KI) I'Rirrs 05 rARBIAHER ther' .ir<- ^rupation that bring thii* at your dlt|**'*al irnsti. .IH f..'1. ..f II,. •• alionld I*** nMiihtl.le for all st.M-k hciiHh j‘-; ' .1- tho-* ii.hrrs bring <11 Ml r- Ltr.vlne Marlin .....1.000 .Master Bruno Cook 3.260 .\*-dinK the rot»u I have reducad HA.NNIKTER. Ai»o 111 the i|u* stkun uf checktiig IV r- ...rn,- .. •* - (ill, 11 e kl'M-^ mil iM-lieVf III t>re«'«llug Ui* ’ ••as.- Ill th. ir train Th r*- is. for In- .Mls« Kdna Martin ...... 3.200 It. r. r ..f \rr a*.-Hl cti vi, 'll.- prices on any job In stock 15 Master Wllford Cordray .... 3.193 thl^ will be found go*Hl .isivlce to heifer iiiilli two y**iir» ••1*1. for If t*r>tl : etam th. o»l tnr « iftatlon ^ll^- lyivettn Ir*T 4.2:*. lollow. 1«(u will almost sure tu Ihrtiig' of i .iur'. Ut. I per rent, styles all good and fullT' ■ aster Frank Cox l.OiH) »l..| ■ i- .HH, lit I r M. r • Itefore lUMtur*' the r.^iilt b an under j Ml* .\i.dra Ilirvl 4.12:. IV rbsik sou. -tiling that you will re- giiaranietHl. .Xct quick If you srant Tnr - itii „ tri-iig, i lean odor, '.latter Flovd Molton .1.000 Tti le - I c.m.-.l . I. ; aUcI vwlf ami (h«‘ isiw ll••"'.elf b stiiiil .iri i« . r .ini = )^-';>t. ..ml thoji, who Mavt* r Caylord lb-gel Tiiierr S.’.O i|uiii' w'h* It awa) With a l>sd and a high i-lsxs < srriagip at a low M. JtlllYh KlM'Ti: .Ml. 1. IIWMNTFN MOrTK I. • I . .»Ik 1 r.l.^*.|ttli ilid •- '■ ad. .\^ e****i! a>* a h*-lf.'" ♦-'.iii:.-. to b* w<>rk in '..r .ir. Mhmiine to epidemic 3 890 H^**'^* down those v*ssentlaU you .-r..l «):h w)*.). it>- i'-lf Oniy u few jobs left. HT- .MLs Margiiaret, Fn-dey ____ ..fter I*ai:l Simpson pmdiieing m*rniiillT h.-r etn«-l«'m’y b | di-'.'irii- Th* .,r. -*■- r' lui 1. Th*- will iii-evi Ah v «>u think of them I.) Clai'l.a .l.el..|p HO.\ DA.N’I.KY M..si*-r Willard Kn-bel Mai-trr I’larenie Harks LOOO wi.lltil Mi-U .11.1 II;. .1 tesfe«l. and If ••h*. falls l*elow «tnmlnni ; fc«-‘ #• aiid uiiH*-mi ’ iking u|) this ll.l.NMKTKM KOrTK S. muk* u not* ol it. and then t-onsuU trull* .11 I' rio.iv :iin!. “ th*- ntuk- M.istcr ! Inr*-m-. Strong 1 000 u.'-inoninda wn*n itackiug your < . h->11' g*in>l )-).,! li-'l; . . she b <*apriflce«| at on.-e By thi**..- I Ul.-> Iturei Ilt llanl Master Hay Martin ...... ■ r. . ►.-•I -.1 II '.iri;. ."•'■ri I =r FGK SILK GR TRADE. ing of *1'- III i*r par. ’ilton of dlsln- ...1,000 D’dllk. w.-«k..t s-.iitir.^ .inh-irrii.; meth.Nb tie <*m-«-et.il> In maintaining a Ma<>t.r l.vlr Stlv«.s Master Haul Murray ...... dairy h.-nl " an n the habit of inaklug ; if 2.0o(i inhabltania Will sell at a 4.11.5 joum*')H . : lompact little box «d ; Hlid f>* 1 u, 11 „ - ; / ’ It Psys to Raise Csiv4a j ^ii.' t’ r V* p. ' Tike molten .Must< r IxMJii Wultnn 30.’.*:..'. •Miss Marion Ibuieh ...... Viariit... h;.!-.,.:. |.- . ».» , ... bart..')in .»r will Dade for St. Johna 1.000 lie* .-.-.i-ari*Ui slip into her sachel.l As It b almost liii|H.«*il»h. to boy ' I. - that hnvr jjjgg Katherine lx>aey 73,14*. Miss Florence Bnte« a t'lis* wli.'.ri Ihi I >.>ai • 1 real estitie. Inquire at fit. Johna *. .:igi and ^ iU./ti ^,'nVb-*-l 30.:;" Miss Liirlle \\k*rulnrd 1.000 Take a strung hsll-j*ound candy box j nalionMl »h..» go«Hl «v*vvn at rcHs<»iial*l«* firuvs th** N. ws .ilTlc*- 4ltt I- «- -i; J <-fed to » I .issl*- Hhinnev .*.,180 Mi«« Mny Kninmns 3,110 ••over it with taiteta of any pre-1 dairy furm*'r • aim**: I*»'tt»*r tlian of 1, • 1 worJ. rs tira* - I fh.-j DeHr*-/ 1.000 M=i*ter Hirh.'V 1,000 f*rr.-d cobir. Fit into tt a ntuall but-; raise hlf own III r;i:iliig rows tluT* • fkli.in or cii- \ Hernu-.- tJurdner .1,01 Mi Mm ter Frank Clark l.tHiO ion hook, a uail hi* , little *< issom, j whin* I.; !**• .-jjj ta* K.-! ouM !*»• r .1, Oi,. ...nt,. rlvi'n and tin- owner know> wlinl kind h<- .:ir'.' I..- - alflif ’ M -c lb rnlr. Hrl« ‘- l.'iMHi ■ 3li T Xlgiirthu Munson l.uOO • ring .1 lour .n< h ^qur*- of i>ai*U ’-|nv ,,f and I' I )****. tli*- ‘v SAVINGS BANK l,0Or- m I '-1. C.27.- Fran* IS Ibirk 1,000 iiiniainiiu . .vk * ui ui<* soup, a box' -III,- f*"::t tl . 1 per c ; ar:- 'i.yx : '.nti'r'-: ‘ m. i)^t*oalu. I-mna 2.175 ‘d a-*-or 'd liair pit. and a m-at llt- selling the!.. t«t tin* l.ul*her, n f. l.fi. • • V. r .• ' « on- ) ption. si. .Dims lltM'TK N4I. 7. M;.?ter Alm*-r Cowdry • •.1 * 1*--.. .1 -.1 .. ri ....-i.i--.- ii, r.ry oK u . rtgug.-n, .•ond<> and othsi l.OiM) tic m.t* ■ will* an attach'd iM*n- thlnniug uiit the *lairy mws of s... i’.iK*-r.- t -h.-T ....k •ri. .-.re clean M . r J.'hn MitteiMvn, Jr 7,2 lu vlij - Mirth Dodge • tlaiiipPiif*--i**.-x s nl •‘hoiiUI Is' ke|*t **f the pr ail* x It l..i <*l asaurted pin*., salety «*li** l** ‘ If’ ir»' -jiiilc **irirfi«.ii i..f ..1 C(M)L^*Y E HALU Vice Praa f r !i- : r • d'f 'o'l build. Ml- -’a 't*»*r« ry ♦;,7! FI.SIF KIM'TI, 22. diii'tloii Ilf •■ai-h eow, aiiJ none Nlioimt ' R. C. DKXTKR. Treas 91.000 pill 1. ami ‘ r w.r*-*d»d n* dies. III:! 'dir fi 'f liw ii.i-. -Uf be iuii-rirt»v**l that will prislin'e *0.- ______tl-.-'v ir. • Mo ' r ...jiilr;', to ah- Mu; t r b hii Taft l.OOO M‘ss lluldn Hchenck .**hr*ips|ilre ■'<* 3.970 • itti .... .'lilt- ..numb of milk uml itot.* |N*iin - - . k*!) »i !*t. n .tn- V v.-vi; R t ington i.wd>jMbs , Atriiti )* It'll t*>* ti;;M' i-«iiiir*> for f -cn; I)- nml SI JGIISS RGrTF .Ml. la. ' FI.SIF IIGl TE ! of butter |*«-r year A- heller «*m1v *- H v -f to 'hunk o.ir friends aad e • e • e e • eeeeeea i«iiil*’« to i.-i. .11 uriiin tlien- 1 u** 1- ann.-r ar*- vlisH Wanda Beg.-l ____ 87,690 Zad.".h Day 19.tHH'' from nil siieh *-«iwH should b* s:iv*-i n*-ls!. ; <>rv- for their kindnsas In our folk -Ml. • I* . I Bond 26,72.1 N'G*** lbli»T ...l.OOit I*;^rt^'^rl la Mi.-ii 'i,e :im,>iiiit t' -t 1 and properly mlweil When mature. If j•■l• b renv. • t-nt for th*' iieautlful HGni'.R PRIMIPLF .NEVER Il'VW It ! .illnt. wax Th»ora Cox 115,410 Mnrgaurete Manrosa 1.000 (*Xf*'t' II a will • ttIpiUUl. the.v «b» ti**t giv«' proini*** of Ivelnr g.>.*-l ' ***'«. 1 r- r: sb- n!fn> ft>r the kind 1.000 UIEH ag.iltist tin Shrt.i --hire t lue und *•.- ' fur enn*- -nptlon Si. .MMI>S KliriF YG. II. .Master R H .SutllfT prn«lmcf=«. flH*.v «*sn Iw >e>kl for be**f *v(inb n( the fm*f'-*r. half p tiimb -tf ur ill I**-*- *1 1 .-vre uls> inrlpi t;f ' I T.ii)in It )s ■' ’-'dnii Irene llanratta 37.24-** I.AINGHlirRG. eeeeaeeeeeeeeee A heifer calf can be bmtight to niH Mr ami Mrs. |{«ias Cornell, M.803 the aver ;.-i .tiamtltv gt- . 1** flie fir- '• ;oM u 1 - naln nirr All Miss Pearl Weaver .... 169.990 1 •'I****'*" Gilbert Austin tnrlty for nne thlr*! to one-half what Mr and Mrs. J. Cornell and family MaMer J t»llf tllMl S: vrtv f.t-; ?-rle ; nv. <»n thetr It will cost to buy a gisHl eow on the Mr and Mrs H. and family HT JGI15H ItOrTF .NIL a. ! Master K. G. Galligan l.OOo There is « mother principle alive lowsiiee b .:in|»le ami ail liiat b ve Ul .1 niimber «if onstimp- market and usuallv when mstnrr will i - ‘ to try thr < rc< imtional Ml- Kllxabth Both 2110 .Maater Laurence Gtffler 1,000 In all nature which never dies. This cenllr altnvv*Ml to n Slir**t*shlre LAlNGHRrNG HOTTE 1. b diOerent Irom the inotiicr Instinct, • • • Master Amos F Htevens ...... -8.150 Also a K4in»|islilre will clift as great prove In l>e a lietter *-ow. espet'iallv if a a a a a Miss Gale Boron 1.000 the mother (laasioa. The oak and Otte Is ont of a good *ow ami sire*! hr Master Roland Hsnkey ...... -.10,050 a Weight «*f w*s»i its aii.t idhcr sb*r' • eeseoeeeeeeo HT. JGIINH K4I|*TK .NO. OR Mlaa Vera Furgaoon ______00,100 th«- amo*-im respond to the mother a go>Ht ball WEDDING ETIDITKTTE 89 34.** I Mbs Margie I4aach ...... 1.000 principle. It is a law of Ufa; U is wtM>lre i«. Ih * FGR I.ITTI.F 141 EHTH • I MIb<* Iva Mae Tilter 34061 Hiss Pnlce Vanbsrger ...... 1,000 oBe of ths cunstania of being. Th*- aaaaaaaaanaaaaaana LAIN«MRrBIL DDirrs t. mother instinct nr passlou, on ths Mihl In th** niitiitnii tl*.*-*- *>f tin- .Hhr*>|' Pig Suogsv4»*as. OVID. Ilsmlle the hn-wl wvws that the | „ , wedding *1 • aaaaaaaeaaaaeaaae Mis* Oltv* Motsinger Mias Beatrice Kunter ..4.070 othsr hand, occurs *»oly aatoag IhS 1 shire *»r mure r».mpa«-l t t**-arc far b't Miss Kleanor Ibvyd Mlaa Floaalc Himpaon ...... 1,000 higher animals; occurs not apuradl- - ter to sell «s a|*)'«*ari«ii *• **ff»«»i c***- young pigs will iH*rln to grow fiom , distanre and r.innot accept tttn l»- Tlier* 1; ay lie no rhlblr*-n in vo'>r Master Fred Dengle Miss Mary lamas ...... l.OOO'cally quits, lor It la coutiuun aaough. against tti*' hm I«> i>r a t ig un-iinpetv **'-I tbn time of their birth Ivltallon. you should write a letter la household, but It Is wise tn save, nev Miss- Mary Hoag __ Master Glen Bmifh ...... 1.0001y»t whlls gsnerall) fiHiad, and while ^we Th* mutton nl*. is ,.f bn* The pig** sbottid lie kept gmwiag amt'due time, expreaaing jrour mgrnte . II erthelews. thos* trifle* that rhlldrr!'. j Master Robert .McGililruddy HATH. oas of the strungsst, most Inisrsatlng, .guaiiit -hh I tiiak'e« *' t»re i*er !e**u**l i* devePvfdng s«> that af eight months of 'in not sbanliitcly nscesaary to aaad a like nnd when VO*, itwvf Eiaiu' Ilf**- ■ Mis* M.xegiturete Hqitlar HIM Mary Aldrich ______11.45:* imost bMutlful of -nimal tralla. It mirkci t>«:in hm the S...iib age they will b' flt for market [gift, hut If von do. ths present shoald guests >o?i will 1 'e to produce ' Master Merrill I4lreaaburgar Master John C Master John Cowan Master Maurice (kmk IJOO-HBd the Isasi *aoslai>l. rarmth- ibelf hlef , .ent tie. In tb* . seonontbsl n*eth*w|, s*i well as pmdn*- jlbough she should he a stranger. TEa ft ♦* surpri* ug '*«. * • I ■**• ' Mias Beth Morse Master Flame CBse l.OOOj This * «>w u| my nelghb'r s that I m n,,|| ii,.rp tht*y •!*• n*»i ev lag the t.e-( fmwl material I attached raril will Indicate to ttta fakes fn giv. ple.s ire to child Miss (P.adys Jarvis RATE RfirTK SR Ihsar lowing (the ’Dig Hi.i* e*-w or 1 el "“•* t 1. not app ffir i *c youngrnon* are very tm,fat ami r, ___‘•***..v «*** Came ftomi., .wone ,at Mias Margaret .Hwagart __ ...... ^ bb lefeonal friends. Hhould the la- Odds sn»l er-';- of T‘U*^r pr* t*T Xlis* Wilpa laiwb 79AI5iUM hsrdi la aa entirely gruGe * rsa- want t*» star In th*' oe«t get them *Mr • srd S'*- - ’ re . It fro* #ala- Miss Jennie Wibtnsan Mlto Agnes Harris I04.190j Dire oTxtlnartl), Uut wifh a (slf at, vltation bet seceptsd. the guest shoaM llis< Istnaa Car’ ! on the groiiml nr von will have ca* ar:'I "I- th* w.d*ilng day or tbn ngues ' . ai red -friBg tinfoil, Mast-r Ataxwell ia>wla tti -^Idc fhe wlli pltrh ml anyims ' thum**' Master Maur*'"' f'l*-)>-oae T • Hssfs et ntgM '■* for** and depovt Immediately A P '*f » ' - will l-e a|>i»reeiatcd A Mias Mahr, Wh)'- **»*«:• api>ruac-h> r her And Iherc is I l•♦♦V k**l r »»• T’'*nwa#. la which Miss Thelma lurhsr KITH KGI Tl tl* no row of ths herd who mourns so ‘ fei ' 'f the , Rxeet-be o** flie ground wilt pce*enl .after »he reremon*. liuests may go h T re- iiay b* stored Ms* ’ef .Shlrlev f^Touf Mias Erma L ('ttadwich e-ag when her t.U - laseti away. and rwre tt; r** 'to t •' hotel If I er*- art- many In- ih'' - . e,- Sed p ffVMI; tlTT* '<* Master Sage R^fem I v«*l I RGI Tl ft. Tbe utother msilert in fc- r 1- sir^ing- • ' he ic* . !; fer*li-,ff -kit*. vlte*i guest- friiTj ...If of tovm. They - n !-.rtp and when oe. Masfw l*«»as—1 FTvltt Mlaa Vera Trisrwslltr tr won viteuriag. 'baa ;t» say af the **■ milk It • -••*1 he r**,! -weef and sEould |«ay their own hotel egp sanes f -lii .malh-r It Is safe iiiOB K'v-!'*e, , .■\Dv*|. ttFRl.l HI AI N RGITI lA ..live- f* in ihr barti la my .'wo) »e** wne* t<* ttet i.f r, ..ht ^ j Ibren when distant frisads attend a ‘■ivi «-.ir friands wIP r Mis. i* . J n«., Mlaa Man riAwmsp 4 185 tow. It la hardly laore than bltad 1 Farm Jmlfto J**-e.iJtBg th* > ■h*.!tld send their gifte her thetr visits Irmg after vmi Mas‘rf MUIsixl lleCrwerv Mb* ledtas lUtoaavd 4 81. prtntiple, hardly sdvsBeed bsyoad |ahea*i of the**- fo arrive before tho 'wnddiag day. f >rgn(ie« them OVID RG| Tl 10. M»*(er Rayri oad D Sperry ’.a #45 the oak Iran's tosltog f«*t Ite aeeraa,, IKdsv KMaev Ptils cure ohnGBals or tbe amashs a far lb divided toll Th^cs b * bind at liar who will M:;aCer VIvlaa Hcatt MHRI.I: Itr ICE Rfit'TE It. bases (vf hidnsw sad hlsddsr trair. I Rubbtoai lyuteia waa Immm rmaa uir siiioklii* h**UBe but fur the darkles j I.rftaalna to apeod Buaday. turasd borne last Friday after a 31 r*. Theron Fbnver. wbo baa beea w«^‘s rialt with her »‘sler. Mr*. ■ ' l*'l»liip h- ‘r dnuitbi'^, Mrs. Clean Twlxi the one au«l t'l’ttiar Pni drlv sttmr table silver is the deljL'ht t/f HuU«r npant Sundny In Orld. j William Pearl araa ta Am Arkar a James IL Ileartrracin. : . In nini and titter, Mrs. Dr. few days the first of tb» weak, ell l<* cut ('oou aU'l |•o••-ual taeiit iilo-t evi r^' liGusewife when she -,«•» . ii B. H. IKmllna spent Sunday in borne fron. dal-1 retiirasd of the nine buwg gone ti’ars aisl i Mis« Heulah Sowle returned 'o 0|* C. M. Devries srs' decttratiiiL^' her laMe or hullei. Oaroaao. .urday until Tuesda> He returned hO! O |^»t Her mother, Mrs. dav IT witie •larkii-al * Iret Himday to attead coHeffe. i d id Mlaa Ida Dnuahton spent Sunday In ^ , , I hi* w»»rk In How«rd <'lt Tti*i»Ga*jl,nry tM' 1 8he|uirdsville. re. | 'i'le Arkfittmiih -fiUAtrer. having dcMv You an* . .tdiii.ly iDvii«*vl - ti:mi*d lio' - rh her for a visit. I^natng Khonit* and Tyler Oeorala weal to „ven|nt<. i coul hiiD-eif of tl.c alvove. filled hi* sped Gur line .ii ..ny liim. r troll iSiJt Sati^rdey on buslacM. lilt'!' Florenrc I»^xtl» ;i!iew. drew severul lon« puff*- visltitiit .SI. Johns friends, Ml Lanaina. } I, J. (Tirv'-nter was In imrolt <« and Mrs. K. fi. Hulse Kt>ent Hunday h«\«- :.jal r*»iillnt ’i'»l: ! sln< ‘.« the latter part of last week. rt! mod to th< lr home In flmndi Don Kinney nea In lamalna thf first with Mrs. Ilulte'f par«'nta. Mr and "Ev (TV tM*»l.v kiiovv's what a ta-te tb* MU. J*- iu> ('aaleet, spent Sunday .Mrs. Ilertiert Holme#. le-dko Hunday. .Mrs. W. 11. Lyon went ' Walter Emmcma of tin- week. . ,.. ..rand N-fiv with thorn. Pho wpi dark.v ha* fttr !i:i*-ori. but you will ioe* ’l Maeutsetorine jswalar and sngravar Swell hats for l?.r.u niid <»0 at Miia aith fiit-nds In l.AnsinK and Mertclan. Myron Kelley retunod to PhlrsKOj^^,,^ ^ „„ «.-y.unt of n,> illnesa U}* with iiiiuhtv few |»e«>ple wbo know 8. C. DurVee'a. c U. H. i'haptn wont to Detroit the the latter part of last week ufter of her brother. Houston Fcter*on. til I a b'ar will fn<-e moat any odds tf* Mra. (*arl Hearh was in latnaina <>» latter luirr of last week on biisloeee. B|>endtnK six weeks with St. Johns ipt bold of fresh {-trk relatives and ffieada. Mm. A. M. n arsta of Lowell and buatneae Monday. { A fine now aeeortment of leutem her daughter. Mr*, i*. J. McDougall. "Aslile from the (lurk quealWm. the hats at Mlaa S. C. IKirkee’a tbit week. R. J. Merrill was In PewaiJio on Mrs. M. Jackway returned home .md little daughter, Luclle. at Leth- b'nr I* niMi siunrt In bevtn* a aan ag of c buatneaa Monday. last Friday from Aekley where ske •ridge. An*eriu. Canada, wem ta St. humor I never heard one go haw, which waited upon him. But they we( haa been speadlnp a week with her timid mea and didn't any It Harry llradley was In an ‘ ***•• C’*rri^ UUley wept to Gmad, Johns last Friday to apend tke day. haw. haw. but I've seen 'em srearla* a busineaa Wedne^ay. 1 Rapids Wednesday to attead tke U. B. sister, Mrs. M. Beeb. They were on thair way to Ovid to grin and feeltn' tickled. RBV. C. U. BRADT. roafmmce. Sheriff aad Mm Joseph Craaaer aad **11 was one night aboat 8ve yearn Mr. and Mrs. !•:. J. Pierre were in vlait Mm. iSamea* sister. Mm C. Lu k is CkMchta Dr. and Mrs. H. U. 9iaair. Mr little aoa Claude, aad Mr. aad Mm. L. SutRn. ago that a b'ar canw aleag at alght RArnor omurom mmm, L«aalnK iaat Friday. ^ ^ , Mm A. D. Lorcm aad MMa Mapo J. Carpenter were ta Detroit aereml and took ay pig obh of the pan. I waa A free harveat aoatal will be gtai Mine Ireae Schemer of Fowler waa apmt Sunday ta LHtalas. days the Aral of the week. lyin' flick at the titoe and eotadaH git Friday night by the Raaday aihi ta St, Johaa Wtataeoday. ____ j ^ DataMt Mr. aad Mm M. A. HuMa relumed ont to Btooet titah bat I mebanad he'd aad yotiac pagple ta the haaoaMBd Qraee Mask waa home fr««. wedaeaday to apaai two waala with hoarn Friday from aaeeml daya’ stay BnnfiVTilMEI toaag arwai tni I gta a ahnw to git the chareh. Rveryba iy earitailr I (Continued from trot 1.) Lowell to spaad Saaday. her sister. Mm. Ptaak DaspiaB. ta Put-ln-Bay aad Dattolt wham they man. Mtaaea BtBc Priee aad Neva Glllnoa Dm W. A. SeoCt I W. a. Gale attaadad the Perry Mamorlal BaamMaa **tt arne a man tti bato* I was ont. apBat Buaday ta Laaalas. Mm. Lao Vaaeoaanat aad two ehll- as to whether he the paotar at 1A:S0 a. oaS 7:« teem In Detroit aad lapaa and than agrtag had eatau, and tar m. Saaday aehaal at IS ttata Mlaa Trem Merrill aeaa the tatter part of last drea. Marloa aad Maom, of Detroit that night. waa aa gaoi. Ail I canid do was to When Gaorgla did ant appanr aast Taaag paapleta Tuatlag at •:!§ r Damad to epead Saaday. ». L. StuiMla af fhiarler waa ta St are spaadtag two woaka with Mr. and piny a Jahe an that vann tat and anhe Mm. L. C. DeWttt ntomlng for the oar, Mr. Day thanSht Weekly prayer aad MMe aM W. W. Webb of l.aaetas waa ta I m Wedaaaday. tte aaa oa har that he had decided hot to retam no hia tael bad. I gat oBaa hvhad wtm Tharaday at 7:S0 pi. aa. Johaa oa buataeaa Saturday. to Detaalt to attaad tha tair. Mr. sad Mm R. S. AllMoa tmat to aoon. gnd atnng It armw tha pan. and sBhMi A cordial wetootae to egtaadad Foattae Taaaday to spaad tha day. F. J. Wleks haa reiuraad fmai h ra. J. B. Chapin want to Oiand They went throngh tlto anr* all wna mady I killed a weadehark all. Cooto aad brtag yoar frtaadi auto uip to Foa-Du-Lac. Wla. to oaaad a week Mr. Alllaoa arlll go fiaai tham to De­ aad itmsiBd btai amnai the pa aad troit tor a tow dayW kustaias trip. gaea, hoepltals aad tha llonaa C. O. Dubola waa la Petoahay oa ' wtth aor aiator. Bra. k . BataPMd. of Cotreetioo. 'The Banmh won nan- thwmad hlB mrmaa la. The aM sea- buataeaa the Oral of the weak. ) Geopse P. Olllst waa to Owoaao G ot Peteraoa waa eallad to Oiaad ttaued yesterday by HMrtff CfStaar to ara haM Attaad the grand mllltaery diaplay Tuesday taaahla g mlea euitore. Mrery Lodge Moaday oa aoooaat of tha and L. J. Carpaater. tm. fltaith m- ***Jla, am yb* gwlne to taagta taut at lt:M ad I at Mtaa 8. C. Dprkee'a thta wash, c t Thursday he apaads ta laaalag. illaaaa of hia braiha f. lioaatoa Fetar- turned Wedneaday. Oeorga's dnnnlg- Mar tto la that harhai wtmf haU ta tha soa. Clyda Heoderahott and GrBafvlIta Mr. aad Mrs. B. M: Lane of Har- tlon has baao reportad to aeary poMnn- ** TImFb wfart ITb tar.* aaM L PMOilBS aa Hormtot were ta Owoaao Moaday. ipar. Kaa., am rlalttas M the hoaae of MMa Mllaa RIehartoon retaraad man la the city aad Taaaday kla pla- ‘**Wtaat yo* gat aRta hhnT a V. 7;4i. W. T. Kelley waa hem fraai Chi- «» La*»«»s« t^rmi S. houM last Ptiisi from CoMwatsr tum was given to all of tha Datralt ** *Be carvtod off oar hawis' itarafttgff.B. where she has been ependlng semrsl WHwm. rago the latter part of last week. ' Mr. aad Mm E. B. Fardae aad tane> ** That waa bahaoa yb* waa tan tagy > weeks. Hia mlatlroB and friando are anahta It:i0 a. ah MhhnlR ^ wm a opoht Saaday at tha hoata of hta to maf tha iwa In. I wanMaiT da aay Mr. sad Mm AaMww Ossak of to expMto his dMappaamnaa. An- tmda' wiih that b'ar. On aata taaSn* lt:ih to. Pwgrhtaff 7:tt Saaday gaaat of Mtaa Alloa ftowoU. Goatsa Paidoe. ta Owoaao. oofdlng to tham., be hod no coma or Owosso spMU ■aadai adih thsir mani yam the othar day wMta yn* ...... Will Slid aad Mra. worrlaa that mlgbt bane lad htaa to daughter aad haahaad. Mr. aad Hm. was awty. and ha leak ad Mighty on- 7:M. Rta tta Hat Sunday with Owoaao mlatl I Joaaph tae Prlaa wem Sunday guaata Glean Daalsy. laase hoMe. Hia wito la aonriy prao the gahtte to ^ ■ >ad Mr. aad Mm Jaek Hay, at Oarlaad. Hbbo and aetoma Be ain ’t an cBMtor Mlaa Myrtle Radd of Fean Mr. aad Mm O. C. OaMi aad dan- tmtod with anstaly agi hnn ahant gle­ Mlaa Mayo LamUe of Grand Lads* an up hops of hia rtawn. Thof tonr to toha arlth.' Saaday gas at of MMa Mallto ghtcr, MMa Raaa. MM »*RBt he'll her to otand tt'ltat tha la apaadlas tha sraak with har uaela Deaaaa aad Hhto MM ha ban amt with foul gtoy. aad aaat. Dr. aad Mm H. D. Sawdr. Oanagta la tt yearn A and thp to- waa ta St Johaa oa in sir Maaitor. r. J. -A. Mr. and Mrs. Geors* MHaa rataraad thar of thraa anmll rMItiin. Ba ta haru taai tlrhled to daalh.* Mr. aad Mm Atai to Dr. aad Mm J. R tee faet 10 taehea ta htdght. ** *Waal.* mid ohe. *yo ‘ go ahaad. bat this wash froto Cryatal whara Mrs. B. MsflMsa md Dacpolt to spaad a tow the tair. spaadtag llM soiamar. ItO paandB, aad la I I’ta tolllB' yo' that If y«* Jahe with that Hr. aad Mm motored to Cryatal I b'ar he'll cam oat ahetid ThaFa b'am ^ y- I *». D B. Meoeray aad daughter, the day wtth Mr. aa daaiStom speat toMaay m itoBaMg.||||^ ^ Golemaa. spaat■p eat Saturday aad b'am. some gne* In fur tan. aad ta ifea Mat R B. Saaday ae guests of Mlaa Ida aaMdaa’t’ tar iogk SL la MMa Kathryn. _____ Mm. C. I* Sotta of OsM ta 8L Vfhat alglit about 'leven o'etoek that **~.T**~ „ « . ^ IJohaa taai FrMay. She W-- ... **Ham to < , ***'^,J?'_^****!,^^ mturaed bame,,ray home from Maple RapMa whem b ’ar cam MMokiir ruawl. 1 waa awnkc Mr. aad Mm Will Jolto left Wed* ^ SatoiMy fttw Wequttataalv tae had been attending the Crook m- aad hmrd blia antflta*. bat I kcfit natet to I ap a aehoal aeaitay for Allegan for a few daya* I srkem ahe haa been spending the uq Iqq till be climbed up the logs of the |ien The eventaffa toadtor. ta I tag at the baaae of Attorney aita HM. rtalt. auBimer. ^ Mrs. Nlel Tomy and family, ami dropfwvl liown iii-ltle lie knowed Plownmn. All Dean W. Kelley. Mlaa Della Rom of Laaeiag wns a Mlaa Hattie MYight and Mr*. Hen- jgr. and Mm. Frank Jenklaaoa UM wnotlcbiKk from li.nwg. of co'se. but Saaday gueet of Mr. and Mrs. fOdward ry McFarlan of Maple Rapids were Mrs. Rurhaace of Portland wem Sua- wuudcUuvk was gotsl 'iiuff fur him jest MmoRMT niiTRf^H naras W. IL C. ROTML tVirkln. lin Ht John* Inst .Safurdav to spend ^av guests of Attorney and Mm. E J then If be siiw tlu*ni iMIiied wlr*-- he There will' be no preaching aervloc The next W. R C. thimble party Mr. aad Mrs Arthur Wooley of Laa> <*«>• Moinet. There will be a special ineeUag of took 'ent fur atnuga Lcus Ivv Imc Ik - oa Sunday but the Sunday echool. ! ^-m ^tertalnad at Mra etna were la 8t. John* on buslaess f-hila Marshall rau.e home from De- ( mi,, prancer Reynold*, who haa MengnI Grange Saturday eeaaiag, leaped tight dowu. ami next intuit he Bpworth Laague. Rrotherhood aad Wyckoff ’s on Swetgle St.. Septeasbar Tueeday. troll the latter part of last to spending a week at the home of .^pt. 2ft, ]!tl3. to elect delegatee to I waa makin* fuse 'null fur three dog Woman'# Bible study claaa will all 24th. Harold Martin left Monday tnom- vtaii her parent .. Mr and Mr*, hd. sister, Mrs. W. T. rhiirrh. re­ the county eoaventlen and ouch oth ­ I Bghta 'I'ltry bannl him howlin' wny Bwet aa usual. Mito Clara Putaam Thirty-eight of the ladles were very tag on a week's trip up the Morthem Marshall. er bu*iaess as may come befom the I over to JItn Tanner's place. 1 jiwti. win lead the Bpworth League and ; pieeeantly eniertamed last Wedaaa turn'd to her home in l*ocfcport. N. C. C. Warner the Brotherhood. l*enlneula. W J .Mullen of ('■rand Rapid- re- Y.. Monday. meeting, ala© a watermelon faaat and sah. but It lumle toy ba'r stnad up to day hr Mr*. Ellxabeth Tremper ia program. All bring watermeloa. Attorney (1. (1. Hunter of Ovid was Dimivl hoti'** last ' beer him tnke ua! Bat I got on my ' Mrs James Leroy, Frtdaj • .Mr. and Mr* J. D. Haven* mturaed I lion ' forget the spldrrwebb social here on hurtnese thi* latter pert of ti>»»ntJi'* visit with his sister, Mrs. R. the first of the week from Clerelaad eluthes ami went out to nib It into him r»R«RB«ATiORAL Rirrvs. All the regular aervlce* of the eeeeeeee e e e a la*t week J. F'‘rgu*on. and .New York City wliere they have a little lomkln' night. Sept. 21. RRI Id other miiiirs. ami ever) time he net cm! the evening service at 7:30 the minis­ 1> Haven*. WH on *|ient om* «ln> the latter part Mr. and Mrs. 8. I) Smith of Flint ____ 1 iaugberi in hi* fam. I Jest tveked Cun eeeeeeea of lost aw-ek In Film. ter of the church will preach. Sunday Several of your friend* are eating are exiwrted here the latter par of j r© West Blngbatn Udle*' Aid So- I at that « rltier till I was tired. Ili»w achool at noon. a<.nda) dinner nt the Steel Hotel. I'ros Att> K J Motnei. who was the week to attend Hundny with Mr.,rlei) will meet with Mr* .Veison H. the rnrmial got free nml get «>iit of The topic of the Christian Endeavor When bv^lng ii trunk, first decMa IMnner 2.'» rents c caii'vl til I'leveiand lust wi^.-k on *C- and Mr^- H. T l**rT and Mr. and Mr*, paifiirr, Thiir?ula) aflemoeu. Sept. K. . tiM* pen I dniirw. hut hr was gone In BOeetlag at f».3» will be. "How to get what Is to be pa<-ked In It and wh e1h» iiiunt of the «!• ath of an uncle, re­ Miniam M I>M’ltl, who has been J It McCollum. jj-:»er\onr is cordially lnv|t*d. Goldie the iuuwuiii Ttiar wu* blood .um I fur the moat from Ihl* echoo! yi ar.” The er It I* to l»e uaed for jouracys over turned linine .-iaturday. spending a tuonth hen , left FYifiny on Mrs. Henrt |*ost and two children I P' rn I'alirer chairman *iipt>er mm- all over IIh - i*eu. and th.ir was fur -* .11 meeting will b«- led by a I* of .M spi-dand or for saillnir over the sea*. It hi- routhem trl|> .Mb Mnb''l McKinley, who has been of lios .\ngeles. Calif., arrived here |'*>111©- temi ail r>*elru|t W«« h'-r \l* and Mr* \V A Cnw»k IMtta- by I'd clean him when I cum m. Morning i>myer and sermon fc«eil, who have beet> \tfcitln>. hi- br»»-! ------IU..JO S. S. Ii 1'*. Evening pnvyor roll* of ti-*ue paper umter u skirt murning for P«-troU t© spend a w*wk hunp* in Allegan U ■«in*after at- home <»u ils) ami tlie *»•«) woman s.'il*l there at the fair t«n«Hnr the futo ral •»f u r «i*ter-ln- th. r:. I>nvld .md Robert t'rcK>k. went ’ Follow,hav. ar- and sermon 7 o'clo<*W. v.huh mav have to he fold*-! over, to l*w, Mrs Harry Flowers I to tuc In Detroit tr* tied Wcdne-Kla) i© vDit hi- ,.i*ter i'’’■-"****^ '*''*• •'’I.'Hryor. Shcil Denial—What U I*' 1 know itufT the sleeve* of u gown with tissue tJeorge H. t’hatmian ^ar Mr- t L .Stilfln ' • i,»r i.tlo.ulat. at th*- MenrrI (.'range ' “ 'Jim, c*ni|i ineetlii' •»e,;lu- tonevrrer a v'.wtrv eonnnittee which called on and to stuff n little patter into Ihe on bufine** »e\ernl da>* fh* latter bYaiik F«>otit hoi;i<- *h<- latter nt I'teUi ('pe*-U. and well tote tuirselvew part of last »«H-k fror J.u k^■'t, for n Mr nd Mr. T H Clar r.-,,. ““ *^ ’**»>' I a matt ami aeke-i him If he could not v. atsts of dre**»-* An troponam pre- part of last week. ' over tbiir few day*' visit s’.th hb iw«r« iil' tM-for*- ..r..ml la..lre the latter pur ,>f f -lomtHon. give llv* lenio a s*ek onside o 'caution In th*- :irt of packinc Is to* I' Holland and daughi<-r Mildred, In- returns to Aibiou **oll«'g* w-,-k to e,»end , few daw with fh-(r j ‘ ' and^ re, - ** TtM* U!ii- ti -hoiitin ' NMld I. the duplex ejivelop. The m.in said he . put the hcnvlesf clothe- at the hot- of Ovid wen* in .St John* the latter n-v'er iiiIik I t;*e -iNMitln*. tiut Mrs WilUaii) (>nl.»a> returcevl to »i;iughter ati-! htisbsmd. Mr f.nd Mrs had !iiet finatirlal reverses which was, ion ’ Tissue pit|>er shotild also be part of last w«*ek. The Kuigs Daughter.- wRi hold gtt rviolv Imr In Munrelon.t th* latter Arthur Hotrhkls* itrue; that idckne** and other demand* ; fobb-d l)*-fvv.-en dark and light ciothee le-on rdori arm day evcTiIng. S r-t-’mt-er 23. at the Mfvlt With Mrs. .Sarnh Fowler want to fU'o, .iitU -<* be lifXt Utuvt,..n' jwh ’- h waa also true; therefore he mriebable evening dresses, sapeeially Ian ^Urtlnee* * oIlesre. 'li!- 'lll«lr»-«l <*regv- “v , • F r' lervlll.t 1,0..I* itf "Mrs. K. H lAon. A report could not Afford to ple-lge himself ev- n:>nRb-d or headed on*- ahoulS 'MP iijr-(or*. Wi lier who ha b« an ' ’tflr. ".M-n Iro;,. th' ■'•-ptef:- r co;.i)iiltt< *- will be !eu biT .* cent* .X week on < ach side of ps. ki-d in thin ?*-rp The mo*t* de- Cha* T. Ilabcock. J<*hii H Flld' W -i < iidiiig the ai.tnuM*r with her sister. to -pend S’ nday with tl^ fo' till)*. i«ut t*n the *«-'oitil ilav tlie-otl r. siven .ii* inink-- are made In wardrobe end J. T Mlllinan were In itwi.**© 'Ui Mn. l*ttb ao*! Mr. : jeJcetl wltli';* jtcreHtlng feaiitr* ’ of fh* inif rvl*-w was tn t 'ed to hold .'T?n nrticb- of wr.ir- Mr and Mr* A H l*r«> - xi- ■ t to liim.iiighain. ,viu wim ;ir»' visiting thta: He wfc» stnokln. « |t*-eent * i- end Mr K K Saatn *je Dt Hucday •• *1 rc»'k*>ii' -ng appan-l and k.'cp n p rfeel coa- .. on •3=‘t Sf.M- street to the Ivdltb » nt i«> I in- • Mrindav eveulnii ttt I will he held FrM.n .S* pt. !!tth. Th«! " 'Ever -.*-•# tiin* ^-uceF three every da), probnhlv i,*ore It • I H Treadw II of Oetroti viatteenn "'U'n.M r'e hsil a vtsion. I w;u u nr. i- . :.|x,|or> for taking up a Fr^iit- .Si- vi ne of .'»ti>c‘xbr(di!e and Mr. nd Mr F (; Gdsll of Flit: ( ! art*-' ! e rin. Twlpd up one rignr ii tla) for Ihl* purtiosc u an'v tirr ?. only take* up a lU- the first of the Week I pvittlli' the l-VM'ti- *»'er to -ook while { Ia *-.is Steven* mm goeabi ^ .Ml-- Mav J'i lle D-jrk^' gav* g hand- although It did ocr ir to (h< committee •b ;iori time. .Mr Th< :v.r.- Harn* .Mn -oi ; raiue >• - «t of tb»tr aunt, Mr* Marv stev • Mr t.il Mr }i. T I'arr ;irid Mr ii«tcned to the iirenrhiti' when that Tii« v '! *i to I * nd tin • a with Mr. t. HI** I »<**iii Ml-' ' ath-rfne .Stev- .M- J II Met *, Hum n.* y re- i-errulef rhower Tuesda) • '•viing at b'ar -ceno-l t’ rise tight up l*efo' me and Mrt II M k>te* cliA ’ m*-, • -■ .Mondi*; !.rr bone- *>n Fast W ilk'.r street In ami he w.v- irrinniii' ' Mrf W " HeM’llt :« reii Mr ,i.,i Mr- \ It Miillarxi -iiHl vm. ihuuor of .Mis* Kathryi, Knv-elaad. The '* *>Vh/f1 U**. ':e*»r*»- H'twio-r. th* ne* pas ­ MUvsU wvre r. •■-dved l'\ Mlaa Gwen- ill with .’iron' hill* Mr> S< hiield*r- tor of th*- Fr** M«-tJiodiat ehurrh, Mnrt>h; wer,- -.indey gu«wi> of his ••'I cewhifi'f sfiT. iHIt he wa« feeltn wtnd 1.' caring for lo-f : *ith*T. Mry M i; liullard; brt'ti.-r. idoline KeJley, n* euptd. Refreshmen ’- |Nt Water* )• ft last i-iaii He I* making i>:anv friends M K. l-'i.'llard and »otj‘t ,re re 'koii we «1 lietter gn tiouieT Ha>wst. ml dHV* « harl* J Stiwlc anti C. 8. Clark at- -Mr. V. D l*i'-r«* ’ who has !»een fre-hments. the gifts, which were in U. \l. AllUttn returned hoim |a*t I- ndetj fh* ‘ .Saginaw rac*** ihe latter vDtitng relative* in limnd Rapid* re- a pareol prettily trimmed with hearts I tip to -iinthln' fie may bev got the week from Senev where hi had been IMirt of laat week In the Interest of ihe lurne,! h«>me last week. Her niece. were thrown out on Ml** Kaenland. ' caNn d*«.nh «*j*«-m * Itt ftur Shntriutj spending aevernl day* i'llntofi i-ounty fair. The) secured a Mis* Myrtle Cobb, rettimed horn* She oirened each one aad reed aloud "I lsujrbe Sal­ wonderf .1 efrect of Electric Btttem t'hlc Darisloo creatloas dU- » fT*>m fart* Modlstaa. dsiiii; r, Ha/el, vir* Mark Georgia vllie l..-t Sat irda) lo spend d.*v and asketl le with Mr* Corbit *» iir'Mh* D :. prorifta mw to write, it cured my Model Hat* that are aAapvuMon- of hat- b) the fa and deughter. Isns and son Glenn, wife when all else fallrd.** Goad for ~ 'Arc this .Itfc ffopr* of .Irfcannn-F Mts* *'|v|e Ke||*:i of Heniilster, j,w<-ph Drown were Sunday Shej ard mou* fariaDn Modlateo. d ' ,odr»* that were wto'. ’ • n •j-endltt m day* I the liver as well .Nothing better for •• ’Fhe are.' f sa’d prt-duced by our osra exp n .miner, lafact * very gtie-t. rt Mr and Mra Foster KI- 'M-* hVrn Itaaer. wht» •*.-» i-*--*r Inlo j jndtg-"-':nf» or i.iilouinees Price tde ••‘Wt-hl Jim llooe* she said a* she with **• frleedv r-i ;med h*M»*i* Ilot in I eitr . r:u iwsvr health for over « year w.* cjc- new atyle is here awaiting .-our *< «ctioa Fttaed at -iir-jniia tt **0 at VanSlAiile A Glaspie'e p'lntcd to the *le«tr*o'tlon |i*«*de and fmai Re fe gtt Mofidt . Mr sii-t Mr* J T Millnwin spent ..---fiil' o|ierate«t u|ion n IlarttBiid Trarl* r>Tug Store Ml' Ma.'* '.I.t r»l »r»i»h *»f *•*•»* and git tag the twot weak at I'rv - .d rstfirn- yir -nd Ml* F J Ward - *u -Hew I **#** ’ -*•»* >1 « li*fc*-*«*' ** htrsf Fail Opc*iif:^ Mr Mr* tirtvt left hmwr with ttoem. little daughter. Jaaet. Mr- 1 Maude > Tremtag for v two weak** liilltp Hnbherd and Donald Flldew T Horten. Hov loke, Mr aad Mr* A. •itesissu TkurmtUt*; AWifov oavf Noteribit.-«i/IA4a »r*eA trtolt witi- hi* brother « harle* ttood- wrre here fmoi Peattec to apawd K. Wilma and aon Rndaey, Mr* C K ■iuiimuii* September 7S. 7.0 attri /ff toga, and mead* ta l*ift*bttrg. Fma George P. Glllel ratantoi tha taltor Swaday wtth Mr sad Mr- J T Mill- Nell. Mr and Mrs i.eurg* || chop- part af laat wggh tnm 9^ CRT Mlaa Aaaa H t'kapiu *>f t'kiraga, moa smi Mr and lira. Jnha II F1I- man and soas. George aad Donald, H Wha kn* t.|itBUliag •everal weeks daw. Mrs Flldew end dnaghlem, Mr. end Mm H K, Meeh and tlaergn tato ftwto J. D. MMtaN, tha aaMtaMI CLJRK Itataa aoal Anae wui ga ihia week to Dntonla kpant Saaday la Satatonw. :0 REACH J IL di^sa wmt to Deiratt tknir new tonme In Itaatier. The ana. < They were eoHers at the hnuBoa ef ■WMW SMS tamd two waiito> wHh her IMh MI. wsait a weta ago an eeBnant ' Mr and Mm itag^ ^Mjh ^ ta CyS w. R. M fligto af athgta Mr. and Mik r. R. 1>» mmti iaaiari Mila at tlUa aa Wedf* Qpfmrimmlfy •aa It la aaaaatlal to cbaaaa tba 41at aaafaabai. Npi quite ao mucb rai n>r ttopt. Slat. I aukiania. ' cartalaJy not ao much porb. j jMd avMtns by tb** paab aad bacoa ahould be ealeo aa In' Morniaa. * ‘Thr ('locii of Tima. the winter nnatnn for one thlna, and «-nlnic. **Th<' PIrat Aproaa. ’* All are Wm Yom Grwp k? piafity of rreen vi-aeittble*. which are ««■!< ome. In the market. < brlsttAti Kixlcatur toplr, "How to Mpinaih, rarrot' >intnn> ^hi WING to the expenie of getting our work to and from the Fair GroundN g^t tb»* rno«i Ironi th«* ■><*h«*ol year." and (^bbnae aae pan vularl) b«*nfn< • ; Ttm. 2.ir.-2»; I.A‘a(l4-r. 11. J. Mflda. lal In tht Ir . if»x?i«»« ai- lUer and t'- n- and the risk incurred in transportation, we have decided not to make an Hi.iiua) r« h will |i .(iidifHl at exhibit there, but will instead mp.ke a reduction of 10 per cent on anything in r Th -P'da^ linn, bru.' kale, h ‘ irooi, j.nlrlioik-. ■I'laab, toiiiiio*--. our show room during Fair week trom our usual prices which are always low *k *d l»‘tt <•* r*- nil when quality of material and work is omsidered. It is said “Opportunity Op£A4dion40 knocks or^c at everyone ’s door ” and this is ce.u^inly your opportunity to se­ Wl. n a • ■ - ^ '"f cure an : i tistic monument in mnrbh* or ■ ranite at a savin;; which will pav

    di- : i • • ' ‘ Fan cxpt.rses of your entire family andlcave you a tidy sum besides. Our 35

    I. •! Tt,= . ‘ n- •iit'i '^i Uit ii»-' sm- ■ > let. ' •• •' ' itl' ’*- ;»i! > r li- ir ii< n. ;? lal i'lif ■T> I f Ip ai .uKii i ll ' • • icr • • m Ha- It mjil * trui-1 na' . • - in'ui;!* > itui; r .u »> u ■ .< >1 II TiO' Clay Uit vttr and • ‘.rit’’. "ti.ili at llif tal\<' .■if" (.orUt'ti Je •=iifT< ru.i: with a ..r.U all >■ h I* f.irniiih flu- ^pb * of life whert* an iipt'raimii i.x the tdily ri*'« .trc**, but nt bin li thf naiiit u( a < Aifii th* women liavi* avitiiictl the ns*r ‘*»ity ot an opeiation b\ lakinii b»i" n r KUlff. Strenrlben Heak kidneya. Lydia H. PinUham ’s \’.^etablc Compound. 'I hi^ fact i.s .'''•Hilnit u»{*m Terry har reiuni*-d Inii. nth VMiatluii. I»on’t -iiffor l«»ng»*r with weak kid­ attested by the grateful letters they write to us after their ney-. You rao gfl pn>u»pt relief by Mr and Mra. K. N. Waltt eulertatn- health has been restored. LaklOK Kh-rtrlc liltu-ra. that wonder ­ •d Mr. and Mr" U. Hoidarich and ful remedy pralstd by women every-' ProT« Omt KM.r > hlldren of M<-dtna. .N. Y.. Mr. Hhere. Start with u botUe lo«lay, TImm Two Wamc and Mra. K li. Vtior« all nulferiutr women to tell dauKhter of nvld one evening last Dowling of San what Lydia K. Pinkham ’a Vegetable my jfo*** heulth U» your medirine." Compound did for roe. t»ne \*eara|p» —Mru. Hatwakp Howmam, Cary, Ma. FrancUro, wrltea- "Uratitude for the 1 found mynelf a terrible autferer. I Mra. Henry hlatchniih had her fate wonderful effect of Klettric lllttere ] had patnn in laith aidea and aocli a rharintte. N. C—"I waa in b^ butlly burned Sunday niurniiig by a prompts me ti» write. It cured my •oreneaa 1 could aearoely ataifrhten health f«»r two yeara. with palna in |a»t of iMtlilng hot coffee She trlp|»e«l alfp, when all elee failed " flood for op at tiaea. Mv l>aek ached, 1 ha«i Itot h aidea and waa eery nerroua. If on .« rug and fell while carrying the the liver ua well. .N’olhlng better for BO appetite ami waa no tterrtiua 1 1 even lifted a chair it would oauae coffee fnuii the kitchen, Indlgt'atlon or tdliouaneaa. Price 50c could not aleep. then 1 would be ao a hrmcirrhape. 1 had a growth which j .Mu lllanche S^Stenngton returned iiDd SI IN) at VnnSichle A tllaaple ’s tliwd mominiP' that 1 eould nearcely the dt^iur aaid waa a tumor and 1 and Trnvla Drug .Store. nerer would get well unleaa 1 had to Detroit Monday after attending • fOt around. It neeroed almoat im- fortnight with her parenta here. poqaible to more or do a bit of work an operation. A friend adrlaed mu years* experience in the monument business has given us a good many poiiit- and I tbuuirht I neeer would be any to take Lydia B. IMnkbam ’a Veguta- ! Rev. la-ininger of the F. M. churrh better until 1 aubmitted to an operm ble Componnd. and 1 gladly mr that haa b«.en returned here for th • eom- ers which you are welcome to whether you buy from us or not. We want 3rou ttim. 1 comcaenoed takiofT Lydia B. I am now enjoying fine h^tn aad Ing year. BSHT, iCKST, KKHT! to call and see how monuments are made in a modem marble and granite nakham'a Veifetable Compou n d and am the mother of a nice baby girl. I Chaa. Morae la under the care of eooa felt like a new woman. 1 bad You can uau thia latter to help other a doctor. '•••••••••••••••••• works. The carving and lettering are done by skilled artisans with pneu ­ ■o palna. elepC well, bad ifmd appe ­ Bufferlog wooMn.*' —Mru. Boaa SUM, I (llenn t>ren la leaving for I>etroU ------lA Wyoaa St., Charlotte, N. C tite and wae fat and could do almoat the firat of the nmnth to study l*w. j A practical plan for biinglog back matic tools and every order we receive is carried out with fidelity to every Now answer this question if you Why should a wo­ Thoae A ho know him beat believe be health la toM by the woman who dla- detail. . .Our monuments may be seen in every cemetery in this region and man submit to a surgical c^ration without first giving Lydia haa chuaen bM profemlon wisely. |covefwd it. She calla her anlrle"Tak- E. Pinkham's Vegetable (iompound a trial ? You know that I Claud nark returned to bla work forking." observers who know them have remarked that the cutting and aetting do in Detroit the Srat of the week. ‘‘••crlblng It the aaya: much to give the artiadc touch to our work. it kpa saved many others —why should it fail in your caae? I Ijem Carpenter haa been a vtcthn of' *^«“**1 'lawriiMie for a week * unfair domaada upon the weary self mmn B. i*aT4 i , I. I by tho«. trivial eon versa-j Cm llMMbMMlIl I <■. M. Sheldon and family were In tlOBa aad simple evening i>aaiiniea at DO US THE FAVOR TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR PLANT AND Mo .Flint on Sunday. |bome. It aeoiiied that a ilttle social I Mra. .N'oah Pock la enter tain ing her i diversion would i>e needed, .tnyway. BEAUTIFUL SPECIMENS OF FINISHED WOBSL aunt from Ovid. iTlred-ouL, nerxoux i>eoplc do not need I .Mlaa llertha Tumelty haa taken a dlveralooe or atimulanu or exerciseti bSoLTPU g.FlllMUBl loa. school in Iowa. |nr drugs- unlem the latter be necea- ■mirtUL) LTWH,— i Rev. and Mr*. K. J. l.antnger left on W for eoncomllant rondltloiu The wm Wn ooiii wl, mt ncrv**ii ’wom to a KoimiMlilMbtrlet Monday for a visit with bla relallvea .**^*** .“*•** Water A Hodge bro' fratilc' i> rrot, revt, rwxt. in Suntleld. MONUMENTAL WORKS. I Mr and Mra. Elmer Fuller of Aah- The drgi thing ncoemiary is a .Mrs .lennle Olger hae cloaed out |e> spent Sunday with hla alator. place to rent in; a MUiciuar.v when- W. Highani Street St. Johns, Michigan. her bualneah her*- .ind Kureka ta .Mm. Ida l*age. none may ever Intrude, where wllh- . , . , _ , . in the walU may l»e found the balm I without a bakery agkln. l.weph .soinera Sundayed In Toledo „„rufll.M jH-a.-e uu,l unbroken »l- EUREU j .Mr .iiid Mra. J«ihn ('outer viatt«d I at ih»- borne of iheir non. lien (’outer, Itorn to Mr. and Mra drover lenee. If you have ;« Tif“r*' ‘**l--. | iiri -i---- ...... ---iiiii iii and raiiiilv In St. John» the latter ’.Veanherby In Saginaw on Sunday, w«.||.venlllat«Ml r«M»ni. reinovwl front j ------I part «if luht wcfk Sept. a. a hoO. the atlr of tin honachold life, which DR (JHKdDRV, Physician and Sur- .Maxine Davia la vlattlng her a»tnt, Mr. and .Mre. hlarl Janiea of Lan- yon ran 1*^ apart for your own u*e, ;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ vourlng," u*-.:ch Tn-ana thatat it tnkoo I aomewhnt lean luator asd morea opt to geon, KureAu. .Mich. Office hours Mra !{<»-«' Troop, in (Jr»‘enbuah. ring are gueaia of .Mra. Klaie Wal- vvtih the uadorxtamling that, once ^ e out evi-ry' trace of the •torch iSdiw rough. — 1 lo ;! 2.'>-yr Th« relualn^ of Mra. Harry Flow- ter». acroiih Ita fhiv-'hold, ther*- will b< n<» ♦ tll.NFV. ♦ l•••.,ve nothing hut the rleair *nk. but *. r> Ilttl.‘ *»f thi flnda iu way Into the »’f nge. •Ilk in uwed In China for ol- • rr of South t;re,-nbiiah wert- Internil Rev. S. H IHirferm i.l .ind family ’» 'aKrant ...... IW»ni or :b to Mr and Mr- n rl: Kiiri*».a f•••llll•t,•r> Tii**Mla> nave gone to l>ana\iUe wtier*- he la ralla to reach roti and ke.p you in + ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1nll* ‘d Stati-F. a- most all of hla out- together different piiriMtuee than «l«e- <'I'- Siorii.l' It . a !h*> to havf , harge of a F M church. loach With II" affair> ouletd*- } eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee re-tinir ;”riodr vour retreat 1: at ' Mr*-. Joe .Somer- boa r* < M..P|Rl'i: FIMIPK • tend the funeral of bli- niec. . .Mr^. Dr. H 'lie eaniu ' i •• :..id within your tdl* II Illtri r .St ’ll of ttvld • • own h*»ii.o. go e .1 Ad*- i wifi Friday ! to he genuine; th***,- uierely Indicate worn, hut uf It wears ao well some U « i> tigan. The Dim i|*l* ,\id will nu-F*! with ' |KM>r workmanship If wovep by •killed uorn for eyeryday dress; •tone ma- r . ..rr.tif.l. nt «aj. ••##•#•##•#•##••# 'rh* ! faki- < r* fill couni:'-l with for'i" 1 t wi..,^ Ill T.'iMirtine the tlr .atcl .Mra. d»*o Hurt of < ».ik M < ilfi Hi-ii Th irs*lay, Sept 25 workmen having been prepared prop- _. • ;ro^< .tri giH-ata ot her pureata. .Mi youte< ll Kiln nai* from vour *lail\ . son* •• arr ■ - of Mi- K.ii. St^ r i;?'!t i,. \ ...-on .•( th. .\.ar i|*h *» th.- Ml are nvited t*. a.f nd. erly b. f.ir*- It rh*.uld b* a. H.mmlh aa miiMii* of liviiii: •virvthlng lei-slbl*- *• u kind *rf < Ictih*-!* uac it on account of Mr ..ii\. all - A! ».. to • outr:. ■ jifepiai. n la • i.d Ml^^ V>rna laicniieiu of (ivld rent It you wu; give the inatii-r ai- wife. knot- ift wh*n tin niling «ir warp '•t tlon of China and pDnclpally Man- ■I \\ fn • M M v M.irri .n.i v • ii\.u.;r u « ■.(ton cr« i»»- - T-itni th« v\c»>K • nd with tlieir ;>ar'tiii- ■.■iiiiv,...jniv -■.lb.*;. , th-.'.ight. aal v»>..r Alxii rio t *t th* hoi: of Royal . r* *k and mn^i t>e li**d tog* ‘ther, and H<*ii1. ii Frulay t-vi-nlng to surprise »>( «oure* 'his h-.iive- a little rough huria province, is the only place in Iv. r f i:r •-.-tirtilL'- las’ ain i i. jnin.int ingr.ili. i l.oMi in Mr and .n Df K‘rtunliler. .My hliti R* fr*-htio'iits w**re »d. All pla* <■ In th* rllk w^en finlsh'-d. th) world where thla silk is made, and f ' ' " • It .1M. r .ii ! iilr- I ht .ltd* I - . II i .Mr l>-ti .Vurtin .ittd .Mr and idi-ii, ,,of r. : lug ‘-for* I ,iiid<- a i^lud.' very little is '•een outside of that ’■ . . . Mr M\r:i I’.-.iri. of ii.. si< • .mwn mi. J o thi» .'•Ir-. la ale Swnrthout h.Ml an Imrenee ■' ’'”*• Pong* >iIk runii in th* natural rol- s i*T tt row mye*lf *l<*wn uiv- Th*- t'hiirii. •*! th*- Ilrethrcn her* frt*!', a light buff to a verv tlark iirovlric* in t'hlna The proper way S r. I ■ -..I to ...-.ar thill ' • ri 1> r.iiiun - waabl!:. .-.d dr'lir: .1’ il;« T (Htiilly daring luel w«-ck. ^ * ’ 1*1 •••I**ct a plec*- with as mucb of a lua- -t - riri’ ! < \ froo It - p!I.|. to •! » ■ » in a wrlt- ' wti! all my garii;.*ni- “it. will tiold ih.ir *oinniunlon meeting j. ,.«,,»*•*! by th* time of .In« < «tclia I'ollin 1 again afeiai '* h* *T (»cf*>i ‘ r I and ■*. All ar*- In- ■ ,.j,r that th** worm- are fetl on the ler. *•• is>,.*»lble, fre*- from dust whan o).. iiM-T fi.p .I|>|--nd;< ’i at tb. Hiir' '• ti .|. . r;;iuiii tbi « »iai .J a whit. ng .Mr., .lohn latte oi Hannint-r. wnl: .ling *■ .1 propp.-*! up with I \ tn atlt flll IfV.v*- In th* spring when the leave** struck with the hand, and the lean ! I.i ■ 'I ■!, r.|. .tli-in-ouc r I -.«• II r - M:--- l*t«rl .Scb.iHdc ntti, r>*iurn« ’d to pillow lid a, chi g b*dy h*-ld to-1 |.*,o|de .md ■ amiiy of Dval b* gin to eon * out and are young and p* .gh ^.p*»ts and knots the better. " i..tn- - ,KC -tT ,i.d 'III!' fl». akirt .if ai... w,s„ .it- Flint .ifl* r \Uiting .'.•■r other, Mr? ) r 1= fl t ly . ifti h* aritig wearily .p nt Sunday with M Randall i«-iul<*r it «ilk very light In eohjr with a Mr ' ;! \l«.r? -HI It, i dioighti-r r inK.d .*llb s!i.-^|.ic;..n oi f illn.- a at Ida I'agi w. r- c ’ - • (’.ir'.i?: ' r-lativ. -. Mo ai;d fh*- ledii • - ‘ft '-nul b> to * .itch wh.tt -•uitids might h*-. and wife. high iuHtr !• priMlii*o-*!, and I.- railed After .« man has s[»ent ten minutes It and .Mr S Wight !• ft TuexUy Mlf A-hbaugh «if (th;** ■*|i**nt a few > 'r-' ('• f» H .It, fUt wbif. n-^t. It glV ( I* ' !•< nan • if < all*d >.;iring < octnin fllk, while the worms 'tMiKinc up a nunilNT, and then found i*'! I h.rago where they exp,-,! to r*-- *lii' h*-r*' with .Mlae Ruth Neff They th* lin* h:i»). it is hanl to convince ::.k ! . .iri.tl -. r • li- •"iiidp noiiniii: • • fclllni: ’iri lie remaind' r oi 'be month, that ar*- fe«f on the leaves later In tin n .-it .Icofi- • worn !.> th« right .;ri .aid ^'.r i t'oih Went to Dhli* wher*- th*- lntt**r .-ea-ion prod IK ilitrker silk with Mu ’h* t<-l*'|th*ui*- F a time saver. pF. dr^ la/ ;■ Ma rer an«I duugnter, ■will att:-n*l high F*-huol. w...... fi'id tv , r.jiv plttiir* hat Mn ilti .'•« I.nmli i«-ff ••'atiinlay for tiani •i -.iri.i.. III.nr n* a mor< • C. 'f R.tmlall mIh I »;*■*> fh*- ds c.vihd ,4 I --.0 we; ...•5 visit in Dcinut. .1 Frank Raiidaii nwtr Ashl* > .'tun- ».*«—e-»e-»e-»e-ee—e—e-*e--#-—o<«*e—e—e-»e.*«** ■ •: I' ler lolleti. I 1. A = a ’ ■ t m*-!! fro'ii ,l 'll);, 'A; i . liay • • in* »e trii lo l>*-iri>ii I I.1//1* !’• I**' .. wiirklng lor Mf> • •••emmemeeeeme >irr •.*»l«lie flare lU IUmUd wae ,1 a jCha- t;. f,*j I of r*-.iaiv*e ler' la*i w. -a . I i:i \KS III Ml MIIRV. • i Rov '‘.“rriil**!! ::id wif. 01 t*vlu Mr.- f *-*>rK- II It, .1. Mr» L * ■ ap**n' .-^’inuav with Raltd, W. .• slar*' ii "Hr '^r.'iHlpar.'ur nine Aalk*t. \lr^ r I 1, pi'turi t.'ikiui; • a • •aaaaaaaaaaaaa t, .iIn ; -. If. • i..i. amt K* uii.iii’ li'ii:; iniu!'**- with •uc c' ..Kvavs otlg 'll* Mr? M ".rrj Walter an«l < hihir *f >1' Mark .m all I Mr Young of (tvid ti*l Mr- ( 11 N "I* 1 iu ilouht. A f t,ti| . . ' • pi i< I- W hi : ■ ft-rr*-! iiinl etii Th '•■*hi H ih)‘?i fl;i\•'the pe«*ph li;itl :iu \’u>e M. *1 t . .rr* nf an«l Horn Molida : Ml .iiiii .Mr * at • .M R.indaHV ! .II.--' ti • ■ Mis ppi riy*'r ll.tan ( • !*•! n*M li.ixitiu tht ir meture? i.tkeii »*rt 'U. ” r*' .1 i -, ,. . gf' i-n .oiiltl Mrs- N eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Hut ' "1. \ .'U v'.iu li.tx'c v"ur piciuf: l.'ik I r* • 1. r .I 1,. .id had for «if Mr iirainant K • t' :Ubfa-' I’foliitbl' iiio-- li:* n ori---> e • Malt* a pari ot la • INI 'vIHRI (tr rtlMlLI Sll.k. e ell in .1 "111!*irt;il»l** ttuli*'. ver\ MUiekls. .it. it* * III.*' i»n* MiHli I kn* w h,-,- a Roii...*l III*- tbr**- y*ar-*»!** ^-**11 *•' ■* *!i t’ tii.i' .p|>.ir*-uti.v ■on*-<-li* only e • Mr ..lal Mr« ‘‘h.is WHI-t*' liM*l 'll e e e e e e e e e e e e e e The I Npi'i ieuce 1 re;ill\ a pleasure. Mr t'.g r**-. H* * an liwuyi* reni*-tnh-'r i.ii hi- tiiig* r •.*i 4*-n *»ff hy .t r .l;t ,ghl' ■ • r ,g. .v. ti if fitrgr’r mur name flountig ..li' on* *1.1 las.; w*-ey \Ven\«-r it. .S*)r!.we-t f,r*-='tifi-sh H* will meiuorlr* **n»ll> the tlm* - of l!ur*>lrms an- f*Hl In ,\li-n. ifijTtdav ‘ III* ii ’hey atart Re*>| off to him a fh* general enrolln *-nt snd •■*iulp-' *vn hatnlusi leave? instead *>f th* inul THE HOME OF GOOD PHOTOS. Mr and Mr^. <»f. .\llll. r and WdlJcoiuinn of sfatlsiirs ami h** will recite 'nient of onr •ch*tni look.* pro-iiennis. 1 ‘ herry The r*»eoons are handhsl In , Kirtiv vi-ttMl Ml* l«tf**r> pareniK in ' th*-ii. agatn tt» y*»M a month later wlth- Several rural graduntee from the nth ! 1 liiltlffii arc intcii"*l ‘the ••.II* wgv MS the others When the, WanbingKin < enter mdav 'on « mistak*-. Imvlng In th* meantim* grade, wh*» stayed at horn*- Iasi year |(ncoon- iin* reedy for us*- they are m. lied this year | itiU in each "i.'iuc t*!* jdlptmd Into liolllng wai*'r to *|esiroy, * fmI and .ii' *> a i-.arioad of -*«*ft c«>al Hut then h* l« a l»orn tnathemallclan, Harry Johnson vt*n*-*l relattvcH In | their tlcvcl'*|»MicHt. , th** worm, then fron three to eight, *t liannteier dur'hg th** t'asi n*-**: Kvldeiiily tnemory is largely a dueie* iSintia* last *»feek. lar* ’ usnd to mak* a fbreail, acr*inHng Mr an*l Mr- '' < r> Sk'iit and ‘*11 'ion *>f «tvmpaihy \V*- remenil»er the ho th*- slse of fhreed required. For a| Mlse Mlidre*! t all of DetntH wa*- a l.cT picture- keep Ro\ !ia\*- r''-;rn*«l h*>nf from thing*- w*- are really interested In.— r*Tenl gu*«l of h*-r |>ar*-iita. ' j light thr*ad dree», three • ocisin? ar** | /f= iw>rth- ‘TT. t«rt of th* ?iat* | lamdon Ci.ronicl* I Mis- Margaret Mclkougall is i*)M>nd- ’ them .a*, ihe'. are D»ila\ I taken and th*» ends found, which are Ing sola*- ilm* with fri«*n*l» Iti Mar- j HHach»'d i»» a spool, p'volving on a 1 ion. I picture- full '•> imetm .'PltMlI*' ih.li ntaket* on*- Ihreail of the, V i>r‘V .Sheldon h=[- a n*'W Kxct'lsnr ' '•CH»U'. unaltt'Cted ‘4r c*e ihre*' After this th* warp F put on tHings to emt • , ; ; lo.»ni and I1lle«l In with a shniMe mot**r*-)* I*- .imi the imiix ffhi.'lit N •>! I \N \ lant all ha- p*tn-haaa«l ., new Just as iiny sltV F w*»vrn. with th*- ex I* i>v*rtanti fourinv * *r iht cl,ihl :«-ep*K»n that l*ongee silk must be swl- y//r// j< n ?•* <>'•*-10 :rn»*l r’ » '-nll;: |K-T* .,t «ith a thin Tire starch while I Lifi’t a-vk liie *.;*km | ln»u~i'\sile tt» fro d. W .ill *11** T D « Dv -r- .Mlki .1’ .IppiMUt 'lit* pr*v* rf ; of weaving F g*»lng on. a ■* 1* rmg t ar. jM -i; ' kinkv 't'al ‘ wlH no- m.ik* 1 *km 1 hrt .h 1 aud p.tstry with rVf-HMvd r - . •n-y f l tSeir •*]!>* fdi'»st.— FVmnass iren reet, • r> , rrad« I'M; t I *ir t 1 tn Di lu stand weaving dry. Thin rice -larch thn . pft.t 170 dava over tOO students tr* m t- i •■! )>sve t««n se- Is ;*P!.|| '*I until th* -ilk ft* int wove* pM.tr ih ’ur. hut keep lier tipplied with te I I- hustiiess rnen , I Kri He.* ot MllRI l»\MI I vlH'w M'I'l \l- •' 1 •» t . ;'ir 1 -i I V i < • the * si»-*^»sl preo-srslfon I «< »i’)i:aiii> dripping \f? r i: , vv.it,.e c • »lrl*d i.nil 1.,* sreairr Fir GOLDEN RULE FLOUR 10 ARU iKonniaoits. 1? COWMFf'T’fH LECrrURUlS. M ots ot th*- starrii u-aten .iml -bak'-n \ _ |..« e—u'l* I***- T*i*» f*as«»l »f*nrM t t . —-.he m pimgm !*;!ll of it Coflgee Is U-'iailv tllMII'- id il’.- li.vkiUL' will .ilw.iv 1* “ jj.Mid. atnre v-rvos *»»,» •*-* i., v ->*»*»-,•**' -.-* vWm . thmm Plunkett’s J' i*-n iir^t ixoigltt an*l reuuiir? s,> un cm* *•» itniatnmam xt.o.Os r..»niu ••.* « U ’ •*'*. * •.:4w I .fjci • \ i\' ly ■'*vii.r *ud 'i'< the surfi' '» a'l I Ml :ilc 1»\ all i^rMcer . I rx a sack i«* eifc,*. ’Ol. I - <*«e, - 4 IMA' IF AtALCMg ih- i 1 removed j \\ ith Mur n» \t tirder. I t 1* v Th*' m«**»t '*f the silk i- mad*' l»> fa*> - 1 feldtshrl Studio tfii**a a' siHir. llni*«s when fh**v • annot ^ I t roil tt,e •-iFv.s*** ttiiwt |w*irk at snvihlng e|s**. aad Is 5.*ld hy | ItTt*- 1st vVlv*»Fi rwv I, the et-vve ITrone llw, hi . .lelms VMi. weight. Therefore, the weaver does M-:: M I*: lad Fivr Nl >»■»> inoi want all th*- starch shaken out Yews f egleel Valas fllvTOi wINl and will laavw in all that hr can to Mitts M) sifle ilww la mreei • make II watgti aa m«ch •• poaalhla. FBMU. GKAND A !•( of lime I* loc- on tiM* dranm ' (Hro iMM wlto g«u 4Mt all Uro •UrcA that »M‘l true wma a wfmrem callwd Th—ilro lty dw- ’•1 . «►•• * i 1

    ^ cf 'tF t j bcL

    ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ > ♦ ^ Ail »p*m'ImI votes must Ih* it«nt ^ ^ Who will i>e the one* to wear ^ ♦ to th*- ruiitest office lH*fore nine ♦ ♦ the c rown Saturdaf niicht? That ♦ 4 ocinrk Saturda) ntaht aitd |»ut la ^ *( ’ I. the question that haa tx^n # ♦ the itallot Imix If they in* counted ♦ 4* (nizzc llita the county for the past ^ ^ lletiieinber this. ^ ♦ elKht weeka aa everyone la in* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ tc rest Ml. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


    ♦ When flu- ronie>%t Ih over and you dlnciver that )iiat a v»>ry few Niih- ♦ ' nrcttoti- Would of meant t;ic»rv and tiold for \our little HWeeth>arf ♦ voii win l»e .-«»rry that ycnj didn t art a llti|. extra huath- on and jt' t ♦ Ii tlM- Vole Thi is the last wariilnit and it h imt text lut.. Uemc-tn- 4* - r that th.. eonte*i will e|os« Satnnlav nljrht and that rh- pn/*^ 4* ;.i CMC |\ MH.id M 11 It. awar<:ed '* t!!e*'t ' • ;n • .i . -.o r !iit|.- 4" .rii. «il|.. .fid toil ar not -r ■ ■ -»dd . .n ,if at - tlrr;. + * Tn»1«


    A «• /

    In St. Jolins Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kli llrwuMmao »»»*« •••••••sssssssss# Miaa Bsrtba Hufnacol of loola eame C>rtai|i peach bloom ebsska wsra lowed to rbaaae no more. I Albert Martin and family and Arnold • s of Mr. aad Mm (T m. Hinlth M [Friday to rtalt »olatlr«o aad frtsods made to be shadsd by tbs soft duak lb cbpoalng tbs individual note Id TbHsn. mto Kiss. AofftMt Hafksr. Ar- • FBMitBTriHi fininn»rALiTT • of blask eurls. juat m esrtaUi hsMto ford laat wssk. itn town. Shs ivturaod McMiday eren- lUiur iMnitti aad Frank Pink attsndsd iMoold be trer,d*.*i a funeral of a friend Mratid Hn|>ids last week Tm-day. He •Mrs. t’aniss ha* ot>ened the Hurkee Kovi-rns i-loihes, a law for which 'lr*-SH. .IS If should be the aim of life, amiier beads and amber shirtbelt* th* r» HetiiH to he no a<«od reason .Mr* Whitman .-f*ent a few dgya It) I f H*' 'v*-nt lust Thursday and was .11 rompaniMi hv a llltl.- nl*-ce \ <'n»Hn millinery store and is show- • not to stunt «’haract*-r or destroy in- *dlMduulit) Th*-re should he a thous- with her daughter. Mr* M F'^ Hatha- a«fMl .. [icillle ar.-r at th*- fune'ai last and n« ph*'w who will visit th* ir erand MK a h*-autlful line of fall and wln- What p<-rs4>n with any f*-ellnir for w.i>. on h*-r return fr*»m .Saginaw and Maii.r*!. •• I ;ind fashions, w here now- theri- are ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ luir.’iu a f*.w w«.ek- '•■r Tnlllln*-ry. i- clothe has ransacki-d some old worm ♦ ^Ray City. 'I' ..ii*l Mr- Tony A Mlll*-r and H n Th*»rntun .narti-d W«-dni-j*avlly M.'W«r*d iir lav- ious a* *-;d*-nt last rip-nlay night. Th*- her . th. r ttr- ><..|.h!,i Ihija-h, last Thornton .tiiil ramlly. at Royal (>,xk * ridi-r color rowri all mad* in ih*- 'll* .line iim* And every womai. vi-ltini: her jiunf. Mrs H* tir> S< hii. hn-ild tnic to h*rs*-lf and her ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦J In*- ianip- r*'fijr«d to l*urn and In d<-r. a w*.ek • dill attind the- fair .it lu-froit fa-hi ’-ne of years .iSo -vllti.iiil . \p. r- 'iMiig th.'ii.. h aril got i.-o clos* to f - Reft,. ' .ir • iii in*r Muiu .11 -atuif.- < * r*-ar ' .ir,-!- ter of Is aijty Sb*- should ■ .line Moniiuy. !’• f r Kdirir. r vi; "..d m f-r.-.nd Ii;t; : n- r.if'T iiMng him to h* I f'*' . I. I; • ; T'. '! 1,1 iLi I*.irk. . A- I? w.ii. of our*. . -hi-Til a! iny 1 ’ .inir*- io-r fii^hlon^ * very hour of Mis.^ Pl.irin..- Is.iIh -I!* -..uher in ourti*.; *:*>* t*ir wa- i.ill ■'I- l.ist .*^afirda>. Mail Hnlcr IIonvc *. tl f day f -h* wor* s" i11;-|h >s*-iJ until » in. r^ Hi I.I-! A m«*n to V ar r liil* ' » r .* h ill Mice .i|*-«l in flndlnu th*- •-<- till .-‘iinday with h* r par* nt.-- m .m ' '•. .i.i tn • n.; Mr !! K<»\ ar.ij ^on. \!: I< r. .Ir owr .*iiifid.i> : ui • utii|=T-<-!I i;.-i ,..r iir;< •- .-j: f , In -n which mad* her u Ihlni: Johns. I* .. ..Id A.. II.': r nd A M .\i> piviti^ ill .ii|v,tti>- .s,i rink whaf- jusf .IS ah-.unl for ti.- '"iu*ti .».-ar R 1* n A V|.>lt.-f his TiiHchtn*- Th*- front »!• . • . r. 'Ir i .1 .'}»*.'■ .tfitl ..IH- o . -1 Jj 1 Kiilloii III I. A- .M. paint • ••eeeeeeeeewee as eeeeeeeessesesess Frank Howar*i ,-;pi nt a f*-w ilays of r Mth . O M. Riihs .till! f.-iiiiii. I.<1 o Ir ak* , aalloiiH ol ffi. f»eji| l.i?! w.M.k with fn* n*ls in Ionia wll*.-I stru-r-k til.- .log *-.i;; = ing th*' ina- I. r V;: .^< ett l(. !f. ri; .ii.d f.in iv m I. I.a *• Ode^Ma i.istas.'i'k \V<-i|n.*S4t.i> r. Illy for u .- pur*- l» ad. 7At\i and finil Rciijamln .in*l Mr Vickory chin*- i*» turn <>ver *>n* an«l a half <>. , . = ° SilldH' 't. ' !'■ .irl Ihtlduin .md slx*er. \lr« l-if..-*-*-.1 ■ »j Pajfr ,it .1 i-OHi 1*1 o/r' from ('nrslt and from th. r> re- ***eaeessssees«eesee l*lnn*-r will ti*- --.'-rv*.*!. F>'.-ry«»n*» in- h*-«-ii taking th* harti<>rs ••xamtnailuu. 'i' r? 'i ;..; i.a ..; l*.'W.iiiii> vi^^ii t .rn to h*-r home in Souihixir:. N t vlt*-*l at Isin^ing. e*: .r ■ «»» II r. MT' 'Ian I-.n* . . Mr- iri-irs. Italdwin went Thurv ♦ ♦ •lak- Malik.-y ir; th* n*-w pnijirk-tor aim 'rtiii i> last Triur>d.i>. Mr. and .\lr- Hi-rsi-hel H’.-ffer v-l^lt- d-.x to visit h*r dauKhter. 'Irs Krn- ♦ siM rii ♦ III*- oUl profi*F;^loli o; • -.iKilliT 'n Ii'- tirst pill* c, tht opiMirtunIty *«l Mr un*l .Mrs. ('harli-y Hurch In of Ilf. .Salter l»ak*-ry ■Mr. Anna \\hittik«.r m roiiitiatil*-i .ill plain sailiiiK Wherein marily t*i th* m<»ih*-r. Houghton l.ikf-. lh«-r- f. w d.»>- iH-en sick for the past w.-ek is heti«-r. Kd l*un»: .in*l w|fi- »»f pewumo visit- li* - th*- irotihl*-' ’ If 11*-' ill th- fall- H* r- bas n.-en ii valiialtl*- e\|»*-rt- She WHS threatene*! with th*- fever. 'll;* I..IIII. Aid m.-f at th* h'»n.. of Wii . Mullins and sister, Maym* r. - * .rii.*l frrun Harbor Sprin«- where •«d at A J Hi-rtmn, - la-t .*«iindav «*v- ii* y of thinkinK that whll* .>*ikK-*-| - I !.. . itv.ring a p*-rt*al **f V(-ara. and ( «»rn.-lliis C.rov. of .*tt John** vlsltf-u ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mr :ir.« .Mr « h.» < ol. Th.-r* s.^e • niiiK *-rs. tea«-h*-rs .iii«l liiirariati- r> i|uir*- ,.o T- b.'it* r .lid*' til pass iin this ac- Stiturd.Ty and .Sunday .it th*- homes ot ♦ ♦ at'i>..i i\*« iii\ riv. i>ri -eni. Th..se Willi,Itn ha.- Iieen with the hall team P '1 l’lirr*>ft rais.ii hi^ silo last s|-** ial instrunion abrnr ift, partp - -n ;,-!|Vi' \vis*loTii tbaii sh* ' It may his hroih*-rs, Milo and Johnathan ♦ i:\Ml ♦ frim. •osii .».r. :a»<«.n out ther.- in some tim*. MIm Mamie vlsiti^i in tJmnd Rapids before I’oniinK horn* w.-*-k Pnd ay liar lit)*' *-a* h lias « h**s* ii ,.n\ airl ..11*1 pr*dial*ly will. re*|iiir*' iwtiencc, t ;r*»v*- ♦ ♦ 111* ai:li'' of tile followiiiK W. M. ^IIsp laiia Matt«-rs reiiirn*'d home l•*-*■olll. a sui-< *-s#f-i| ,'i*ii*s<-w If*- t*ar*tul ov*.rsighi and * ontlnual <-fTort. Mr and Mr> H< rman Caddy and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sn* llinr Wrii. Hii-hanl. J K lialdwtn. Mr- t’has Fox retumi'd fnuu n* ar Mr and .Mrs F'rank luenk*»r and |t*-\NTit Saliirdn) where sh» had Iteen last w«-««k Thursday .ifter ependina th*>Ui:>i *h*- scarcely kimw^ th. nam*- It is a *lui> sh*' *tw*-s her girl* Mr and .Mrs. t'harley W* -ufall from aiid In Khieher A tin* tlim a«• en ­ Rcicr .N'uffer, Mr. an*l Mrs Ccurge TPdtlnK her daurhter, Mrw. (tria l«aw two w<-eks at the home of her brother, an*l ;§-* «if ordluarv kltcloti ii*.n.*ils Thos* wh*» .If*- at work in the of- ^^•rmlngton vlslt*-d frt.-nds In licbanon joy *-*1 t>y all. in St Johns. tt* •- or .*-h*s»lr*»om will, of coarse, S'lnday. Rehr* ‘n* and family. Mr. .ind Mrs. Wti. ^liillln.- and Merman Pox as­ and husliand. th*- imsl week .Sh* is l*.ft to KU*-«H at n . thi>,*ortunliy for practical Mrs. AII*h » F'vans from I’liiegrove Waller *»f FA»wler Mrs C. Hturgts sisted th* PewaitM* hoy> In the ball Tyler (;*orf(iH was In Itetrol on*- work until sh* stumbles *.n th*- cor wer*- .Sunday ten* at- at the hom* of r*-<'t *>n**ii, or she is tobl !*• trurit h*-r w*irk -hail the stay-at-hoine Uaugh- Mills visited her bn>th«r. Jay .Sessions Mr. and Mrs F'retl .N'uffer and son. Kart * last .Miiiiday at Ml Johns. day Iasi w*-ek. <1*. R. Townsend. , t* r iiaturdays, holidav* and va- and faii.il>, last w*.ek and also visited iisrar, and Mr ami Mrs. ('buries Prin O II. Clllett vistleii his hotiie Jt«fcm*-iit w hen she has no* iw <-n siv- Rev. W W <’hall)*-ld pr'-ached his Mr and .Mrw. NV J. Talt and dau­ l*-ati*.ns Tii.iy Ih - iitllit**! it- giving *h*'iii friends In Maple Hapkia. .Shrader spent Sunday at Chrts Be­ In H«df from Prtday eveninir until *11 th* sliKhi*-si opportunity to «-xer- farewell sermon last .Siitulny erenin*. ghter Uxxie. visited at Pr*-.| ilrown s • I*. If befon-hand* .*11 Insight into the ho'ise ’iotd ma- VVlIhur M'h*>rl from Ionia vlaited at hrens. 8 nday evenina H Raymond Meyer. In his friends ;ln Watertown Usi .Sunday ! chiio-rv . the h*>nH- of Will Harris lout w«>«k Kre||v to bisiiie Most girls .tre dom*-***. .if heart, Mr and Mrs <’ X. Alexander from phtn*. ami Mrs Wm. sk-haefer. were |!-‘> to -.how their apprec iation of his iw*-ek Saturday from his trip to Wis­ j an*t the hom* tasks will appeal to Clyde, O.. la visiting at the h*>mes of Aunt Susan Robson has been vis work here consin, tor this depbtnible state of affairs. r”fhVs i lainslng. How often Is she tllscouraK**! In the fhcrii If Ih* mother go*s .ttioiit her .M. M. .Messer aad Orvis M Hr French re*|uested to announce I .Mrs Msry .Sash. wh«i has lieen I* aching .*y siemstltuilly .md Interesi- week. I Kd IRsoell has trixited bis hocue that there would h«- servio's a week attempt to add to her fund of prac- with a nt-w root *if paint. s|H-ndlnic the summer with her aon. tb'al kiiowledc*' by re<*e|viiiK an Im- •-dly If IS M g*w>*l plsi. i«»r her to •Mr and Mr*. J*>hn Miller attended from next Sunday at the M K. church Krfonl, and family reiurn«'d to her |fhr»»w th*' girls upon tli*-ir own re- the hom* -coming at lainsing last week Tllll*' Rehrens has returned to I^ao- Mi 4 l^-na Mankey is at Middleton iwileni answer fr»>m her ...nth. r in sing to resuiii* her work there. When in need of a I home in IMyrmnuth last week Thur«- t h IS w ls«- j 1**11 rc*- ocr.isionall) . and on their way hom*- visited a bro ­ visuetl her stater. Mrs Km**s* .Shin dsy .Sh»- was accompanied home h> la-nv* them, let us say, for a week ther In l*nrtland. .Mrs. Will .Slim was taken to laui- biotxl medicine rrinem- lln«‘. and family last week. She rc- .Mr* Krfonl .Sash, who will vHit rela- f>h. I can do it In half th* tim*- |t I at a lime f*» meet every |»r*>b|c'rn of Mr. and Mrs Jay Sess|*Mis and .Mr • lug FVlday i<- underg** an oiwratlon ber Dr. VV’illiams’ Pink turne«l Mondsy afternoon llv*n for M few Weeks. wll! tak* to shr aplieiidb ills. Mrs M Morltr .*nd .Mrs. Wm. Klse- Mark l^fch, wife an*l dauahter know w h* r* ihlnss belonc ann | can ' for If lat**r cn trip f*» fietrolt this week where they X llsrnhan an«l tiscar N'uffer mo- Fills—not a patent |er w*«re at Stewart's |»each orchard .\tla. and !• I^^tch of Iteldina s|*ent hav.- everything uiwet Walt till you Th* «l.-tii«-siu **»urses In our high will attend Ih* slate fair and from tor«H| lu lainstng F'rkiay night medicine luit atl ictor’s last Thursitay .:*unduy at Charles Howards hale a home of vi>ur own I tiiH.ls an«| euli. g«*s r* ’fisl|{ t*- an ­ Iherr will visit frlen*ls In F'urmington prescription, now used Mr- IJiiii fl^rmanH from St Johns lay .*«*-ssion* and »» Skutt and N*>t for a mom*-nf d- • •l*l**r other ' **urt-*- from which cirls i ay F'enton and ,N*>rthvl||e. v»wti*d her I other. Mr* Mary lamn-. wives ar* s|>endlnK th* w*-**k at the v.omnn r*-iMix* h«>w gn Iv ir.fair i*f d' h*.*ii* I uktng Th*-*. ht= - - be -o F'rank .Si*»n* vva ■ in .st Johns on the worltl over because last Th .nuts ' *ijii*- fair .it |w»»n>lt sl>. IS !*> her .laiighler It t aV b*' ' Itiplvlng with rapHitt' last busl^e^- Tufwdav. Knees Became Stiff of their recognized Fr*-d I .';mon snd family vlsU*il • harl*-- Howiird and 'l.irk h * nfrn*le*| many **f our * ng 111. II o * V- '.-ar* Th* fH-si *»f them *-.>m- KHro Voare of laeare Bhaumatiam lotiii W Bds-li anil us-iBh ’ -r Miss • |K=r,i ln«i -7 .,nday .(ficr*»«'ori at Or- i tr arrl.-ia* a**l. ag* *' p. i t*. . .niiloy .11. : -r- <«|lh l-rsctlce ll< nry J value as a househttid .Amelia -.xsl rtimlay l -t'xOk n -hf 11 ha* a •n* *»r tw*» Mi*fe '*• t I i|.' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ H. S! ! I? ■•I.'ll M.v- .1? .\,ll find ,11 th«- sitra-live t.' II ! metiirinc. A tonic for Th* . : filial .. . • .'la *»f th* f ju h- i n'*--li* t.iinb-n; fr«*i tb. wile, rc.olabi. l»o.>ks on household siihj***'ls ♦ ♦ the blood and m-rves and diref-topt. --f t: f- wi* hi|i was •lo'ilit.-rs H.ich r* v* . ju , ?!»*! '‘<''ng p-i .'-li-f;-!-! l*vii.!.' ♦ IIF M* II. f'F ^nT{. ♦ ;.f the p ibli* *700! houst l.,4t .Mon - for talisitc* bnv h*-''.!. th; 1' sour* * **f fo Ip and iBspira) !.i *» ; i or ig**ut ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A liv V. pre**>nt •*Xf =^i»i the on*- in H> Tic N- HtM. srs *• sisoa aMMS- e ir ’ oiinirv do th*«lr *o*ii ! ; rk »»i». •{"’h I ■% tv f, ppi.-*- nt 'bis and u- cases caused by thin l.ifr r=;»*nea - law■■ -ar- w .i«j» saiwiM r -ailing is to * nil practtcsl h* ’lp* fp*n- s T**-. o To% ns**ni1 wa- «•#•» pr- - wita lal* |~4> .M knees No ur'in. s 1 saoiKa; I Rt.' . .. 0 if Ih* gr* .. r .. , t>. r *>l Ih* iic:nlh M; and Mr?- sn,-er wifiii to tpank I I 11 blood. -^nt nnd three of the direriors, namsH - -aSiriMII |n w - •■.arrle.l e-upl*, - r. dna.i* I ftennsn Miller. A I- Slow and M.-nry **€»»-• ■ - ' Nsiiwte Biao . .srk- tiv nmnlh Tbs'*-. « an Ih - pr**s*.rv.«l in thrir m.in) friend f*>r th* .'.enijHful !; lit - rief. fh •' At sii ImiwrWti 1-0 I ti.Sr- »*srkA rs! w-e* awl It r l» Bww ally able lo llinuig* in rv nta this r«*lMlllloo ?f pasted In -cral* pf'** ’ f . jrd show.T that w as given « l-ifli'.a. MMVI. f. Schafer e'->*»4 R*an*tas:*f«Hi •wuiw ta vMT vk-iaiM W*iiild eoOBllliile no arr>.!;ieii| nsalnst insider n** ■f P A Rr*»wn from n-isr imM'itv \v rtt- taiiji ts bm-ks. Th-d» the brid* tan start In lh*wji lAsl Maturla) Ttiev will leave ;vrnmsT-.1 H*' WKbVTKR I'isTlTt'Tk isiir girls tw*lng i>n>n*ir«; .ti hou#. her new life -ith ready• refer'-s* e :.T*: was a calliir In town d S^durds) nrrrAuo. h t for their home In lainstng^ next week.»»»• *««iivvfII t..J.iv -a>i V f It.■. lausxm waves s I g lUiuldi f-*rs< |kc«plai^ mailers bn«>hs •! band. \lrv Rov 1‘ofie vlaltrd at the home* ch —alaled tsMeis «.•UcJ Jtr.M

    ABTHim a MAVr-ift tpriw wumt tom: l:lt to 4:M p. ■ r. C. PMk la •tiiMUrB Otiwr lUMin fegr NoUea to CmpibBl Qtf Prop erty mat only. Oat U an Mra. Mm WItor, Ow |of Bay City tbia waifc. of took SMtoar. toaaaai, wlU ■v ARTHUR W. R- tow abaiy Mi m. A. Ht mtT. )*by«iriaa and hMird by 4k« Jaice of Proiala___ __ r. H. nallop of Pataabay — tf -w«i »*• »• u■ ■ w rJ3lw caller Id town oo l^fday. H»-mom n inda n i hotiaa. lot 4xt aad bnok aai at adRdntag lot iat O.tic. hn. I to t. 7 to a p. m. Otbar •rouoty, at tba Probata ORoa lb tba. and wife eatartalaadj Twoaiy y«m after tba eirU war I May wore walbloa la a 8ar«W«i Tb® with bam. Kolamaaoo m. W. 93IM. wwtb Hto. lkuur& and by appolotmaat-U iiy «! »i. Johna oo tb® 23rd day irilni over tf jnday. j *0041* wIili m iMrty to look ov .t loaaa wore lit full Iduea; coaoetiueatly LffifU. . , ^ •February, A. I». 19M. a«d that m and Mr* 11 II lit rr art ■!—** I lb® liatllagrnmiili f »-i— Two larw east front lota. luuat be noM at unea, close to Frank ­ r?: I. r »«« ‘^r «»* »*••• Mto*i«uaTuidit®. A youuu tomu ar . you muat____ buow that It waa June. lin Ave., rnduced for quick sale to *45ti. I r .t aiaf»ri«m. Ofllc® boura froai tb® dal® of tbia notioa omtj uwar i writ®**1 wiab thea® you atorloa. wuubi' abetoiuarlird. tall na bow you**• Cto comer lot, *175. ctoae to MIrbigan Ava. F, owner leaving t„ P j. j to % asd 7 to 3 p. iu.j,„ to |•r®•®nt tb®lr rialma iDr,****^- i ctmipauiad oar iwrty wb«* told ua tli-i Ulack.. :^paclal treat- cll) at oD« • \V«?rth * 3ao. investigate. ent, Mr. and Mrn. I*. C. n< ruiier and Mb. I ^ a Ibaliy tiaeu 111 a batt% can't uudersiaiid how you tuke {•er ?®fH: !r hroDtc diacaaea. ! !nml Mr>- A. .'lutbn wen- Eureka vial FIKJIN FtttMiL FtRMH. Iiu'‘ li Auaust 2Iat. A. I}., 1913. VV’ImmI lia bad in^iwii o.d euouab to la* aoua. nmke them talk nnd do thiuir> <'MAHr.K8 M MKRRILU ''®l»r”"lh “In ‘^a«d wife are Jnat us if the, w/ere real." ^ acme g inllaa fmm I.««eiug, IV^ ralias froui good ir.arket. one- ri: iiavkns . yi i).— Judac <»f Probait*. "AnylMidy who tries can do It," he half mile Ironi ach«Mil. gooil bouse, fair bam, the very best of black l “ )>. ;m. «• ‘.n.'r l)niy b and Fort Huron visitors Hu. week. ^ ^ loam noil and level, perfectly tiled. If sold at once. |toa. Mi. I* L Hennett transacted busi- f****^*^^ b«.ii a I nloii a.>ldi^ .n in. refilled K .vl®. Au« 12 riftUMTE OntlKIL mi sj r*-» . II.11*® from Wllllamaton, on a rnllk route, fair build ­ _# nt —r- in, Owoaao on Monday. I•ultl*• of Ml®aiuuary Uldgc nnd .turtni; *•1 couldn't wiita a line." ings. on*' Ilf the nlc'si laying fferti.i* and aa good roll aa there ia in MICII 111 AN—County "HupiKia*.* you try I'll help you Rfi.uUT ( MI rK. M l>. dlfcaM-a of ‘ iaiu*U and F. liebrtng w. r*' bua- <*»«• Hkht. li.*arlUK u «Ty In some Uosbop. Ingham uot>. worth *4onu. owner will take *4f*ti0 if lakm at once the ey® ''.ir no?.* ur.d tbroat only, lueaa lUitors in Ht. Johns on Monday, i ** ”•* iPt'Ue tlicre Mini found u Uiby, li® Tbke for your clMra«*ters iierauoa you 109 acre.; i; nillea from Lan log. up-to-date In every way. rv^decod Sion of the l*robate C.iurt li B. Callup U having a new well b»ob tin* Uttlv rhap 'Hit of the tlgbl know- •• imir® o\fr i bajui.iui » store ti- oiint) of <'Union hold, a at for 15 days, frosai. Tbia Is a good value. put do«.n Ihi. week. and when onlere*! to march on tin* "Who. fur Instance?" 135 acre# une-baif mile from Perry, beautiful brick kouae. fur­ >bat> Office. In the City of St. "Well, there's Ferguson" J. U. ItOlH.i'I, M. 1). Oitice and real . ^ .... J « J . . -'lo*' Rawton and Mrs. I). Me- Iwliy waa adoftte.! by the .'omit.tny and nace htwt. tenant huure, water piped la bonne, fine lawn and shade, J.ihn^ on Tue^ay, the Cabc were Elsie visitors on Thursday. , carrtod along. The tlndar aflarwanl "And you." baaement tarn 30xk» -i >•"».•« «»■ «<• Steel. "I don't think you can amka any shad and com crib, all bulldinga painted aad In tbe bast repair. San reiuilvtw here thia week. ttUttg IntereoGng of me. but you arr orchard, good fenesa aad beat of aotl, $109 par acre. Btolniaaa Iba I'reaent, CIIARldCS M. MERRILL. | |*. c. Ileenier waa a St. Jobaa vial- ila waa now on bis way to rtott the malroma to uaa me. Tlhat*a two man cauae. If you wnat a fine farm, locatloa pctfact. laveatlpau at oaaR XML MARK C. CARHKNTER—Oatao- Judge of Probate. Jtor on Moafday. bat tlaSald with a riaw to toamlog patblr pbyalrlao at Staal Hotai •omatbing of hto parentage Now you need aitbar one or tma gMa 59 acraa 0 mllea from city, aant hip raM bara. fair boaoa. RMffi In tb# matter of the eats to of Jaa>l I^* t-- Pack la attaadteg the state fatr* ghiea this la your flaM alory. parbapa orebard. all ktaia at maall fmlt. |H par aarn. amr lanaa. ary Tneaday and Priday. 4tviy Hairr« deceased. Celeatia R. Mclmo. jthia weak. j mnngijiI raaMdaad mu H taefor youngaome timeman. atRunyan Chat ytm bad better confiaa yonraalf to a Mi acraa IH tnllaa from Graad Laipa* ll-ffMW baaaa, Maa MBIR adminlatratfix. with the will aanaaad judd Cox and family spent Sunday ; looking for aneaalura re flaw ebaraetera. One girl will dn. bba aamble roof, laaa-to ltx49. stallad for atoab. pPMary liaM, aww DE.^TMTR. of said eaute. having maia aSRllea- with (rianda In Harlland. Mleh. crib aad bngpy abad attacbed. baa b oaaa Itan, bas baaaa IdirtR att n ialn ad arlth me. I was awgagad In abnll be tbn barolon." tion for the allowance of bar Saal Wm. Campbell of Detroit vtoltod his bulldlnga patatad aad new IlgbtaataE roia. Saa yonag orabaiA, Ml account and for her diaeargo* parenu here over Sunday. certaia work on the hattlabeld of "In it to bn a love atoryjT* IMl. B C. IJSVANBELER. D. D. fr- "Wall, ynn; a kind of lava alory. ” kinda small fruit, fhnn to practically level aad well dmiaod. new tip OStoe over Slate Bank. St Johaa. Thereupon U la ordevod. That Wm. Arnold and wife have mooed to Chlekamaaga. and Runyan was engag rada of new wlro fiaca. 'liito banutlfiil home la radueai aai aMMl bP Tbora^ to SMb day of ! Chapin this waak. ed la bis own aaarrh Tbarw waa an "Wbat girl of my aeqoaintnnca abail I tab# for to borolnaT' aold in 10 days for I7900. $$990 raab. bnlaacc at 5 ^ par oaat la«to THOMAS MANN. D. O. S.—OSlee oiraf A. D. Ifll, at one o'clock In tba altar; M. Lewis. D. Campbell. Oao. Cord- oM nagtvi^ In tbe h'Sel,oha at andwhich I pabl we tlpatr nt oaca. __ Chapman's store. noon, be aaaignad for lb# axa^^ ray. Emory Rawaon and A. F. Ryder "Tounwir. Tou*ll do vary wall." .5, 10 aad 20 aerna oa the Mnana. Jaebaoa car line wftb or wMM lion of said account, at tba Probata ware Ithaca vlsltora on Saturday. bim tu do things for roa. Ba vras a "Ob. danr; I'm afraid I aball not be- out buildings, oa vary easy tarns. ARTHCR CORBIN, DanUat-^Oflea at Office In the City of St. Johns. And | Mr. and Mra. Ed. Chisholm of i Ingnb rlaua old fallow, and I navar but bam mjmalf beralcally." 30jKi0 arras of laad tn Tanaaaoaa mnglag bi priea from $M M the head of Clloton Araaua. it Is further ordered. That notlos ba i lay were in town on Monday. once aaw a smile on hts faca "Tbn baroto of a story to not al­ $S0 par acre. given to the persona Interaatad ta One day I aabed him why ha araa so ways baraic. Tba words baro and Do not buy. aali or trade until yon baaa aaw Hat. ITTORRBTB. M'es Fisher and family have moved np said estate, of tba time and plaea of Into the Arnold house. matancbaly. said bearing by causing a copy of B. B. Watbrldge. D. W. Kallay. F. C. I*eck and wife were Ovid vtn- "Dat are a atory by Its own aalf.* ‘ In this order to be published In the 8L Itora oo Sunday. was ble reply, with a aotomn shake of It to fnabioii ta J. J. BURKE WALBRlIXif a KELLEY, ACtoraaya Johns News, a newopapar printed at Law, over (!oniar Drug Storo. and circulating In aald county of Mrs. Sarah Sharpe la not Improving tba bead. tin 8L Jobaa. Clinton, for three auccaaalva waaka an well aa expected from bar opara- "Wall, unrta. ’* 1 mid to btaa. "you prevloua to said day of baartas. misbt aa wall tall me. for Pm oa cu- J. BARLE BROWN. Attomay at Ln«. (A true copy.) riaua tn knew that I won't let you ORcaa orar Stata Bank. St Johaa. MNPT Urr BARI BI7FPIB WIH aloaw till yoo da" Onr alary wM bn a CHARLES M. MSRRILU ■CmA ARD MUR MUIPtlOW. ws Judgo of Prob ata. Ba kaoMnad and hawed nwblla and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ WILL H. BRUNSON. Attoraay at lAw Babies need a p arfiaa Saally toM to story: "Wbobi to aai lab oMto wlU 8t Johaa, Mleh. i*RMA*n oniiL Ing. bkin aruptlom oanna ti *T mar barmd on a ptonbitlan on de M loaa wfIbT* only intanaa anflniing. bnt ♦ mu mm r rms. • STATE OP MICHIGAN—Oouaty of roRm. and aajr laara' war am ab da "Taw mmMI CUntoo-r-aa. their growth. DR. HOBRONH RC-* Mtt tot la I aiato wttb oalt bofm LTON A MOINVr, Attoraoy at IRMA OINTHRffT can ba rallai m bool yams aaon ta dn aoot 1 mar gib- balllaE waoar tbroagb ■L Jobna. Mleb. OReaa la At a aaaaion of tbe Probata Court for raltof and parmanant eum of auf- an In Mm by Ms fWMar mban hn mar MMfcmal Baab Bolldlat. for the County of Clinton, boldon ad fartng b ablaa wbona akin aruptlom ■artmi. Dm mar ant tang bnSF dn M. It tanaa Pbllllpa aai aaa. Rb the l*robate office In tba City of 8L *»but pran have made tbalr Ufa mtoarabla. '*Onr mnb baobn ooL My yonag aanaa* be PbiUlpa aad wtfp apaat Baa batwaaa ■onvr TV L0A1I. Johns on Saturday, the iSth day of had a Itttin pmatattoo ob bn oma. and faah HUl aai family aaw I baby waa aRHctad with branlHnt out Odd aai allvar anbroiiwlaa Saptembar, In the year one thoueand of tbe akin all over tba toe nbi bn wok It wttb ao me* *a a daaaa nig R. 1. Hull apaat WriMay at hla farm MOran- TO LOAN—Ob mortmmo ao- nine hundred and thirteen. Matliw Ih harraattaE tba baaaa. not be waabad. Bruob pMiUy aaR: sealp. Dootors and akto apaftiallate goba I mar a baone narraat and. bar- on a paper aprlmblad with eurlty at raaaonable rataa and on Present. CHARLES M. MSRRIUa fallad to help. Wa triad Dr. Hob- in* bnloogad to da fiarably fa* oa tang, mmf ba anelba r mbo mill am Frank Davto. wttb aai dauebtar. aaUafbctory temn at The Stata Bank Judge of Probate. r at tba rtf x aama ow naC amm Haaal. warn Bnaiay vtoHora at H. M. magneala; cover over with aoo'a Ecsama Otnunant and warn or- bad charge of abar ySag aad lay aalia tor a few i . of St. Johns. Large or amall In the Matter of the Estate of Em-^ erjoyad to aaa baby complataly eursdl "Dan da wah coma on. and rnara* be •Md till tf wbo mill ba a aw Boeda aad faaMly. aaMiunta. Call and aae us. J. W. niH Hawkins, deceased, on reading shabe wall, aad bruab with a li one box was used." wrltaa Mra. 8tmb go jtna da Confederate army When be tto** Mr. aad Mra. Gaopua Kallar aad bruah until It to bright. FItagerald. Cashier. tf and tiling the jwtttlon. duly verified, ler, T>ubuque. Iowa. All dmgglata, "fa ha to ba a surpr ise to you and two aoaa vlaltad har alotar. Mrs. Jao. , want away he say to me. *Joe. Ps More naedlawoman Aad It a pi of Alice E HuA, praying that the or by mail. 50c. Pfeiffer Chamleal gwtae to leab mr wife and ro.v chile Mr. Fsntuaoor Palmar, and family at 8t. Loula Sun ­ last will and testament of aald de­ task to launder embroidery at HONID' TO IiOAN—At low rate of In ­ Company. St. Louis. Mo.. Pblladal- what lan*t bawn yet In vn* car* ' - his "He’n ba a aurprlaa to nm. far the day. • ceased may be pmv®d and admitted I phla. Pa. VanBlckle A (llaspla and terest Farms and city property for Tolea tremided when he sfioWe oli de Indlratlons are tn favor of Ferghsfi" * ’ Mr. and Mra. Ed. McClure and aale. Inquire at office of H. E. to Probate and that she or some other Travis Drug Co. •What do yon mean by that?" suitable person may tie appointed ad­ chile —‘and I spert yo* to db »i|i )«' grandaon were guesta Sunday at th® Walbridge. home of his son. Claud, aad wife. ministratrix of said (Hitate. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa own life hafo ’ ro' let any troubU* hap Tt Is difficult of axpIsnatkN). hut I Rayniontl Hull and family of St. “ ' • Thereujion It 1» ordered; that a a pen 'em' will try. When an author sets out to tall a story it la like one moving to Johns wer*- Kiinday rallcra at .Nell IRGMKN VrST LKABN KF- • "1 tor him dat it (hurt iiuikr im> tll( 'Ttji?I MX*, bC'TATIT 1 A. 1 XL OAWRAMir fk V/POF! 11, Gefaber, \, ward an objart no distant that he can't l*ajme ’s. one uelock In the after- FHTENCT. a ference wedder It iH»'tlie'n «ir atiuthe'ii • noon, lie MSHignt-<| for the hearing of a fiusMon. I kill him If tie lom-h a lut'r of make It out. It may mm out ta be a ST. JOHNS bouse or a windmill or'* — A good lime to look at farms, flaaa 'i-aid iietitlon and that the heirs at law aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mlssle'a bead over 100 good farms, large and anajlR Si. Johns. Michigan. aiiil b-Kalee^ of s«Ui di'couoed and all •While he w«r :»way fightln' wo'd "An elephant." j "Just no .Vow. the story In the au | near Ht. Johns and tbr'uighout CRn> CGHMFNCI.IL .\ND HAYINGS. other (lerMins inierettied In said will. Kfficlency Is produrti\« power —the •'ome to mts«le many proficient pe - mn tn-rry -i' k. .-imf 1 cd to to htm notion. It may turn om to lie'* — ' List three years o'jght to < onvMaa M. WTCLLER. Vice President iV, Niill -hould not b. 'appnived And < fficlent They ar. m, t ink Win hike ear oU .1. you of fair dealing. ".%« t*l**phnnt “ it* leii HiiitMin P> Willard C. Jolly J. W. FITZCKHALl) Cashier . t irther oribr.-d thui notice be thoroughly vemi-d In the matter with till I eome iw.-k? I »a\. 'I >lio T ae«* .viMi iindersiatnl my denionstrn ' .ind wlf*-. th* p 7.5 re<'( in width of land .HGRK GOOD H.tKGIINS. E A TAM..M.\I>out d- tlon fierfei fly *’ J torn. 2'- roda h .if n«- cor of #«<■ 17, I'n/'to ’e.- l>**n*l«-m-Ing a y.<.p> th*of thishearin,; oV: the teehnleal knowl«-dge n*>cea»ary. baby ’s !*■ d nn.l what to do when .11 "I’nrtly I Hi .ro« refer to an onll • running i;; rds w .‘>tx rods n 13 mds M* acres, '< mllett from HI. Jobaa. E A TAI.I-MADC.E Teller heal level. *lark loaiii soil, poor bulkl- ha|i|ien and diit liap|*en till I iri nary elephant or a white one?** ! e tn pia*c Three fier rent Interest paid on rer-’*' know w.-d'ler I ** t on my ll*•.'»d or in "Why *1*1 von ask that?" ; Clam It. l.voti to Charles J. Howie Irits. price *70 (w* per acre, to cloaa ni ‘w»pi*i**'r prinie«l and rlr- till estate. tlficar. ? of dejKiiU and on savings " Whnt h larking -«*eine to be a cer­ he*-: Ji.-n »ln* w lit away "I w:i- thinking that If the hemine ' aii*l M lf<- ** of hs i* *>f s4*c 1 eon*, book Hi. (I itiia. Drautt i{>.-><.rd good on ' illnt iij uT «-*»iint;. of <'Itnti»ii for tain dir** tne' .. a certain continuous took *'lther *»f tin* • hnmct*T- she might ' .uT*'-., It* tigal. *1. Fine 1*;*» a«r* furin 2‘x mllf : from i:T< ,1 . .'.K, . . r-\ inn« |i "Mixsie hadn't lH* n i;*iiie la-rry any p-af f th* ’ nit'-tl .State- or Can ­ ffort Th r»' jir*- saleio. . n who fully gef”- Wlllian Hchav* * to Jain«-s C. Wuii;h, Ht Johns. *lo** per acre. ada :n the printli-al cities of o! l*•;lrllll■ ' .i* r-tatid the value of the goods they )»-!o* ih-i.- Wor f; lilt'' Mf Chi' k.iic'iin '•r*". ... .iiul I w !;••••.<.i| th- i. tl.i oiit I- "Siitnelhlng i*he dhln ’t want'-* th* nw '.of n* *4 and th* «• •/» of the Two good v*» ai-re farriiH. 1 alia Kunip . A»r K .I<)nei» to Krvliig Heti^t. gevd bitiUlings and oil. 17' aad t?r. !>;• tern.r an. --v.-rv juieomuda- Jud.- of Profial- ; .-r-. t'l.t wh<» hai* Indlffer. ut huc - lie l*.1ftl<' '*11 In- liotiM-ll f'lj.,- wor dr!' ■ pnrt- nigh into ilu pi;-. .■ story Was getting on In fw'-t, h** l*i**k j*•<>»'. 4*3 ri.i- ,S froii. th«- qnartertaist *gr.,oo | er acre. uoTi <‘\»inde .ire elo­ ;l*:u'*-ii .-•< '• ..n*i .4. niiiiiing w !♦; ban-;r.a Snjerior lacllltiea for iiiak- TI tCHKItS* i:X \MI'. \ rn»>.v quent l*ut n*it ronvln«inp njel fitf*T «l f d' rtjhlln si<*|*i*«-ii f.. ml verv glum Sh*- plueke«l a nsw th.il a* res. miles from Ht, Johaa. lenn«**l UiwnnI her fmiii "Its l*>v*-lv r*!-. n l‘< r*l?i < !*• r«|i e to pl«r*- *if Inr • oil*. ’i.>n- .ui kinds Cnul furiiiir n.-ii! .- . n t: ICi Tiler.' ill. t.'iu her; who^.- kn"w |*-*lve lout til. *' M' Drug;;'* uriny w*- ty.Aiit. A good one. :tii :nMtion^ will 'e held ue ' ll.w-: eoin|>.inlnns'' and huiid«sl it to him j h* ginning, "apl* Hapt'Is. _ , ,, , u n Mecur1- of ih* lr ; uhj*'t ' :id* quate and who i]o n Ih ' iw ..I- . ilt*' jiird flieii In- • " I.av C Mi.iri*-* Hawk, the - ^ St Johns, In Court Ho •**. b. gin at not Ittihlng in atdiltv to fimmun- up «M* top *.!• de I edit* M*-ailt:U.e iir, Quit*- likely this wns to etv -*unige lilni nine -ecoud Thursday of A .g..st. in* '4 ..I fh* >4 23. tiriMn- ' r-nd Hlver matj. UnMnr to Deirolu mUKt TtlRs te whst th'-y now hut who utterly -le «.oii:e l.;e U. .M‘-l whell de ulh to go en with the «-iin-trij< lion of thejj,^|_ • ri location and soil, Al ffn-rw, good St Johto in Court Ho ■»e. h.-ginnlnt f.iil i»* ge* their -iihjee* Into th*- pupils •iriuy I -.1 iiinpiil on de n-*lg«- i. story If hronclit almiii fh* Iijinge In i h. ' 'luirs-da' of Aviril. Marx I' H. h.iiiih to Char!.-* M M« r- ham* tnd o'lfbulld- Hr- At> O* - Ftiller. thought: Tlie; canno; urous* th*- In lie got t' ■ken -I K ..line ino'. him -be r property, i" 'id>. (Poernment and I* S Hlrltiry d- lietteT -ettle on who III* 1- to Iw*." f»i*-i!... y i lien It liiipp' ns iha? ih* r' "M’h.it III**'*! of hat*'* ill*- .'irik*-*! ? ;i Want a fur' lei m*' »how i-rn ’! dit' Miormni'. 'trwnimsT ripi HA PHIHtiitvix. i:m. • ‘ .'?ti Io4'.ifr yo inywhor*-. any : ■! . !«ioi.>t; Heading Afternoon ur- iii.irr !;• y ■ *1 =1**1 tm n nnd ••yv*-'; y«,u Ill st«ir\ making >'»’! ltHDIIG;ill. . • 'H'fncn who -re in*ffir ‘ nt t.ach*r;- nin-!| -UfcTU'St fnliitli what loii r,* a ■ ' pru'* ^ siu: r' to ;lt. If GRAND TRUNK R. R. .H. ' ! 1*, * .State Mani.a* a;.d C..urs I : In . !.I ! , • r ■'f .-f ;.t' \:g* t>ra. Hotnnv ,nd Phv- • qhir^ wh ii**w' f*. ’• will con- Ing to i|i> Tile mrtn sh«in**l !«• In t*:- trti ' I .11 uti > ' nitifoider- ond !ij < Ti!i»ce It • n u.^ . r* • *-ffi'rent han ttraad iUtpid- wilLJu rt-«umeii and all I ' Ti (Fo - first grnd.- appll th** e»'*l d ’ ■ Tt ,!•-> rtg f'r (iljj ; t Hlllll *>: s-tv -mI iaf*' ;.t r ■ no hx - train- will oiep ut w|. John- Train** < in* i>r:|\ I *:<-tii nii Hptor). f'hyslce i n. ■ ! t y i. '-illty to -cc- "Hut If we name ;;i*in«' 'Ui** in* ' I. •/. .>rf- V : ! !r '*it' ' ; if from . \v. -!• on farm will rail u* billows; isid '4 '>::-Try tlMiig dor I f It •- 1.1 n .1 sn ’h?*' ktKiii that hi*' *lnrk (i*.r-^i*. iinl If r : , ,U' “ n* ’ ■ .1 ***n;' |>oe- l«i know th ' 'her* l nai* '1* - 't. i rain- ).u*t Toni Hi. John- .! 1 e - *f all grades w||| h® - 1,1 I . will *p»i|l the Tory for tli f!--ti( \ ,• 1 I. Ilf Thi- tr ' ing o' • 7;:.'. a m. evanitnntlous In Aug Il‘ Ml e j,. n •It"It w*iuldiiwoiildii... I -roll It f*irf,hrold.U XII 1! <1*•' dr«- tb" ? <'T>;in,,T.». '..-i-^ la..md‘nili*-ii'r .Tti- ctb^ >77. O T' Apri; ’ '-n . nt; *i«nihi pl.t timr' em- .1** put n » iu. po ■■■ : .--.at »j.r *1 47 a. n;. pf;;:i- on »h. q illt.v of * ‘fflcienr> Th*' .1. - !. .|«- gun ' "III «ith«'i ivonl , y.iu lake no fnl* r»-it will t J>j<',i; • 2 p m. ■gill at functh'H ■ prieiuctlon in .aonomle o. "t ll 'Ml d.; ri- o - ••y I pu* I i„ .vi...... It.. m.rrt.- i».„„ It ..m-u 11 IT.t.-...!i«i i>™ JnL JD^C0) 'V(Q lt;»troit • d * 37 p. Ii*. . ‘ ty t’li ! en tn^inly m th'- hands of li:"Ul tiHik ll Theiv V, a -light I Imre .If r«'pr*ia* h ^^ ^ ^ ^ .onTnii drain on Ih- iA O CAO d----- Loc >m: • 7 o ', p. in. TlH^tt H TD'iVNSKND. tii*'t> iir pr iliM ti'-n w* 'T*' com- d'' hroiv tr-* '• Ih * Y si.^e.* III h. r f.me a sh.-said this allowance Th*- nuMit d.-Urairlv .-m- ' . . Irwin- Uf-t iroBi si. John** • omtulasionera of Seho'da S' .lohns, Clinton '' lunty. Mlehlaar. pelli ’d li . o T ihp ight on th*- «uli- • Ullie ri>;!i' ih I I' ■k *le gun Mill I "Not :il ."iM." fie hft-ten*'-; to erpl' ' i ro'd.-r*.! r.rtii le can l>,> ivrrir'Hifully tfT* • over .a . - lirsnti llai : t isl !t''2c a. m *li;et tt would tmt h< stronge If wotn- .. .. 1 .•Vfl..... I ----- • *• — - - - . - • vv.ir in de n ilill* a>deJ tight I tried..—J •.* 'Vlien I re ;d «»ther |*erHO*r'. , . st*ui*~. , < Tied .it home If th* fidlnwtng "'.i. ' uloii Phone Mi* iioeul * 11' 00 u. tu. *'n - ^S= = W.'T In tills r«—-.act were les- , , , , not mv own. I alwavs i.ad. :ii the en*f luicai • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ gif link til ll,' ilid wh«»ii I got .... gesTinnK ar* ‘ ohsen.d Farmers Phone t;9. p ni. than that of iron. It U. at any rate, a (u see h*>w It all turns •»ul Hteajiilioat r. %prea* 7 ;7 p. nr. ♦ ♦ tiar whsr 1 lef liiui In de Inish*-- h* All c.dorcd enihrold* r> should h*- ♦ hi :m. -b n to which th. Ir nft.-ntlon tn»y "lint this is your st.iry. Isn ’t It?* luteal a s (HI p ni. w*»r g«*iH' -'uik***! in salt w.it,-- for it* mlnul*- se I; w*d1 he dlr*'* fed “.XiMl yours?" • Dsllc. -V«t'Pt .-Ijndj;\ Dally. ♦ ♦ Huny;ifi while fh*- *iory was Ih Ii: for* '.va^xhing This III prei'^ne th* \\. Jiimr*«*«l III ml «ti<>')i***| Mr and Mrs K. .M Chadwiek. laaf r* |M>nr that the women They must work together Tliey would partlalli -ffi*-len* ). I If rounil or oval pii-i i-e sh«»w igne nn* 11 room hotis*-. giswl tenant bouaa .if ihU V. riling wmean must !»• ;tn •'fficlent woman. •Then • **»• -.IwfIge iiinsf la* mi re"- "Then I'm afmld It will not ba gathering 'ip after w;ishliig. i»er- l-iosve St .'ohn* for lui.'.-inv V fine Itam. 4nx«i4. goad 'uitbulldlBVI. 7;ia, 9-00. n tm. f m.. doo . s-oo . r?e fe''**altig i>« r^ons were ent-r- ll would .t.-eni r* asonntilc and proh- nana* | w;** rh.- tnhv ' on w.-re whe,- tnade" | hap- -I 1.=' due to the worker’s light new .11* 1, all kinds of fmlt. !tl1« ; 00, i ' I r . I a tain«d .i! fh*' horn* «»t Mr and Mri? A. abl* that *->;|i If worn* n and nu n ar*- Ing ..i'**nt Ml- .tiarv ildKC M’Ict ">*uj ful»ht at least fell *n>e who h* ■ ^tll* he- To rrai-di this. «iitch and Witt for lovnslng A. M.. 7 2&. «*:3*. ! lk>rot ■ .! day Mr and Mrs M. R to * oo|M-! more fr*'e!i and '—Tens’­ l*»i,..nnie ,,f tbe .lark h,*r*'«' " ipin *"il “n fnlrtttl towels w hil* wrt In * from Hi. John* f'ne »>f *h* • 3* '• M . « • •'* ' .T IM* li .iml family Mr- >! l» Ijowr**n< e ll i I?-tc .liiherio In the world s Tot: *|;t I Is I ••!f i.ui g«» '*11 with voiir story .von not "ivirc lUn • i r Temil*|e i*. !iav. fh* ' n *li' ' "iinty. ITjt * JHK* <:r in irirw ' ni.'t vf r Vl.itltdw la ’ 'f ’■ Will ainl w Tf Tn,'r. will ^lill . r, there h-- Ill'S r« (|, will lii'.l '.Tit all von wish to know" | pte** iF^ rf -rtl' -tralghf and fiat ».*r* Mt:' .j. ii' I>r>i*r "f Hath . ■ ''Tilled ihi nlwgi- n i; -isi.ie -Hii-ler. of labor fur ;» h ‘ *f liiff® ••Where i|*swi TomT t»aTt eotne It,?* ’ H,* alloyved «>d«7a demand careful ’ Th'T-'lMi t . :s-T-ui '-:ns; Iti.l, of work '«» U’RFK. No M V (M) 10 «*• 1* »W; Hue .1 *■.! •♦•h. (kirf' I'll write 'he ,'losr iri'Kf*' . f.t .Si-Vf-r i-ull fhei' ir shape ki ' II !((•* t i*»f*.': •■' l^juiaing i' each r-*!;r • .tr,.tr d<- 1 <'t1't • r than th* oth ■ n. -i 'C li f ut t). I Tticv hnd rewhe*! i *itn*>p,v forme*, h',' 'ghtli «" *► tV eg* h 'c.illoti In «i M 'Mimi ih« »«f. • w, m"\ ti- r da'.rsiti rsi •i.U''iatl'''ns will. pla* * -ind p!r. r :--' Ti Mr' I'orgi S’o:l' h*. th*' *|r,..,; I) l»r 1’ hes of trees n*i -So if '. -iiit-Mlltt.’i. .1 ;*intit!n*'il Ft !’'(S Hi, *>* r**tn<»i *-*1 bi lati If 111*' ' "'r.. houaa ■tlicnlir <; e'‘ n ' i'liprove a* It ;, . r i. .Iiipri ha, !>' Ills f;*f*'t '1 w t; !■ : *>ulij n,'! liej:omi or iMer j lomsing-Jat ksan IH« isioM. Irtepd* '(is »; 'fti, h fl hrip ,11 There he f, '*| her his i*«rt o' n- *! I' lri fa'- mndiffO' fir 'r-ilt. All ti, (i:tgbl f- M rh*! -1. . ' wil . j .iv'- ?ngth 'jf \ V.. : I’.arr- ; sll.- -rotii H' Johns. <(*-■ winstng 1* ‘ .jTowf laMp- ■». • - dent'i 1> * ; * Hh. ' T'-n*'4| to It attentive!- i ar*' T- , i-lai '• ,1 Mil • ? >»• . 'll ?0' , ■ . ■ 91 ed—A M *5 4G. .29. ■ “■> 'i-rjo, :, If. ...r s,n . •» v**!®!' :u * ’ tu'f Hath I,. - ! .-• f ifi»ati,-Ti- ’3, !..iv*' I "t niM.i r h.T w.i-Ht to draw her to him 50 \t IIFS I Tl I Muck loai.': soil. A. M !4 - lUi . .;i. r V I 1 |c r 11 , |U' h'T*. , •' known 'h has * n In fs I' 'h® ■ I -A wsn 'Ttrivin* .'d j •i* ’l tt ■- her dps I *•■ id h.'rr and * hr?'**® TWt 9:00. 4:09. f '*• ‘ ru. ; • M T'tiadwi.'k. hirtldttJX 01 the l.ori.c a^id tie- r r "f? •«t sf.iod h 7*r'>r*' • "N'tw tell tn® pow ta® story auda.* . ft .->od. * il' ^roh .Ht Johns. loaaslnv- Oww- ■e DDlsioa. nn anrt ifrs Klva I’pton «f Ih' fat.il'i. :ii whatever other flehl tl f,iT the nrsr ^ sski 1't'„ , $11 Oe.,, i^auve loihaiug a« Dtiinws. A M.. XV H. >1 'ueetlng at rfi., sh,' tuay display etfie'l-firr, in this om,? "flapflfy" ^ I r’imk • ;iL * r. : i . I M 12 •*'. J ii. • Mr jtiHl Mfs Xf *rs ileesT, 11! she must not fall .No **.eiai rhangbc !.«•• Tunny more deatrable far'*-F* 4;l&. 4.14. ‘ to " ! (W. • ■ ef Th :r^av l»ave yet been Wtie ^ til It Will e«T city re-*d®urea from *50t, to H'ltMiav Nan* I H*wl»«td ihe ltn|*orfanr, of thD hind "f w*irii. t', *Ht«i Come and aae me If you want HlWohws Ih" imporfanc. of thc^ Mnd "f worh^ Proteff raullSnver heads from ihw I ahhaga head* show signs 01 burst- ' trolt^• r- ^?skro I Ifft^l ll®e-r ,1^ to.^ 11®. •»»!‘'live Wm ' Mted Ada theirH.hhoi * ) ir»» .Mm.Wflv^i J Aad"hl.h there approxlmalaa is ao other in serredn^kind of work *"'othar hoi aua. laavaa thua: over Gather them aonwaad oftie theIn !<> Any. Nctf ar ExrlHIiNPw tfvHL Make, local sl«pa Lanaiog t .dli»»D. la noUlllt). to thla railing of Ing? Pull each heod a little ao an to | break a few of the roots aad ehe*-'*' ------A plawwant tlnie was , nj-iyad tl>a;thc wife, the moth^. the hwa I"**** ’ i' ____ growih. Sporrowc aad ovtatora are not In lantv liee, Saturday At their noxt The d«naod for efficteary here to the; »toJf»

    Ifsuaa *aauN' aad •wM. tarn dana la* Should receive more considermtioa than rMMMy uood iboM laammaglg.** ‘HMg SUlllit lieT “I ma't" ~Oh. yea. you coa. ITh farp oMpla Gentag a hiiMimM tnuiaiig will not malie you a iiiarii It thoac who buy on time: that ia why tagoa you unro eoiHi Ma Mm.** never hoB aad never tgUL Iti a grant hetor in tbe iiicrrMfiil enraer ■o woai «Ni to egplala It M am aoMg Mo fbaOHar iHustmUua at Mr mam M of nny yoirayperaon, Mo water whu Intoadud to glmat **lla •ar will auro uio: I uhaH dMaaa." bat gaM laaload “No aam dtatt aaam mm: I wW dmwa.- Tbua hr mm am Mo Sorae of the mont suceeraful men in the U. S. today never went Give UNITED STAMPS or ST. JOHNS raio Mr IT ab. aad wbaa to a busiiieM college, but they had the GRIT, and could **pliag" and NEWS COUPONS. Both Phones 92. Bharlrt art la a i nedaa i with ma they “got there” because they had the stuff in them. of bis aaglaantisa. i Our school, the Laming Dminera Uniunrait y, can do a8 waaM eurcalaly flarMd aap oao to aalg ■a. Bat I dMa t laU Mai aa. I iiimHy much for you as any other schiiol in the country, but diat mi*t n!i Wte 1 wmm mttogM laahad ao If It worn all ctaar ta om . there b to it. feif W tn» Mgh MtoMl €t ■a wao curtalaly mry klad M giro If you come to us, you will have to bring your brains with aw all Mia infnrwatlaa. aad If I had mam W • ■eSrlifty «■ vfiu, and work like the “ditkens ” after you get here to become pMlig. B* not ooljr ataai ta m had aay reaarlaam I ahaaid baea baau aabaoMd of myoolf that alawtaaMa of competent. Of course, we will help you all we esn, but the result JUam Bromd- It waa uniiarsaaary. 1 hartag mada tbo is “up to you. ” dM tMcS—. irrora oa pu rp oao I tbaahod Mm at well WM hU —0. aad at tho ttSM 1 tba aad of hla InatructloaB aad said The business man wants his work well done, and if you .ire fliat h«utl of blin aad bAo roMCfecMo tkut I would profit by tboai. which brain ba araa Oftaao yaaia old. Ue not competent to do it, he csn’t want \-«Iou ' a tlion;rlit Corner Washington Avenue. *ind Washtenaw Street. Opposi^^o out ol ba*] la a hurry. Try it. on nil- for a oonip:in^in. ainl y*-t. table ’’ lie kMik*-*! at u)«- With n inlngte«l pit> Downev House. Aad It'* iha smonth. lialirtoua flavor that adda the raal plaaaura to tha atal *ll*tr* —s uinl w.’Ut tj\*-r tin- grouiel braakiaat. T/ar Coffac la di«tinctiv Kich irrada but not high priea* —35c a again, w-hi-'h wan wliat I wlntiml him pound tor thia moat eacclleiit bland of traah roaatad coflaa. to du. fur I luid nin-l*- th*- hinmler |>nr All ta*ra« are not ahka —ao hare are thraa other blaoda it Tzar ia not (NHM-ly. At the ••n«l «»f hla a*siitMl #-x what you want. plaiiatlun In- :isk*s| ine fur nnutlier «-x Nero 30c ample I nald. ‘I lahl d<»wn to rest” Marigold 32c At this Ik * grew lmp.Atlenl and H|Mtke abarply tu me. wliereupuii 1 put lu} PIcMont YmOmr 40c bandkerrblef tu my eyoa to eunceai |U)V!l^iP 1avaal^^Vnaalaim. tears that I could nut shed At thin bo spoke to me not only gently, hut i kin on the table unfolded at restau­ Imply that while you relied upon tbe waa reJoi«'«*«l at iierceivtng tacMlernes* ♦ ♦ rants or when taking a single meal at kindneae of your friend y*ou question Vdley T«m In hla voice ♦ ALUAHD LAKE. ♦ a friend's home but on other ocenstons hls diacretlon. which would be a MNaadad ior yoti—gOa ♦ ♦ It should be folded and laid beside tb«- im ymmr order today. "Pardon me. Uloa Blown.* ’ be said: doubtful compliment to say the iaast. **1 will not be BO Imputtont with you ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ plate. again DouMtaw you will team all When a toast is promised In your Bo Tea Paar C« FnW V. teller, Parr t Bealar tbaaa polnta la conatroctloD In dme Krrd Cllbart raised a barn last honor, it ia only necessary that you .\o mattar bow cbroale yoar POWLKB BT. joaim 1 ham boon anilous tkut you abonkl Tuesday. bow your thanks without hslag. But cough or bow aavere yoar tlmat or uequim tbem ba cauaa jrou am oao of .Mr and Mrs. M. J. Tout of Lauialns If you are amoag InUmnte friends you lung allmaot la. Dr. King's Naw Dte- may prefer to mply in a f»w words or covery will surely help you: It mag Mr boat writeta In your ctaaa. I will spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frad Huot. you may prapose the banlth of boom anve your life. BtHlman Qrasn. at aat eall your attaatkm to tbaw again, Juice la obtainable, but peacbee, wbicb Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Culp vlaltad other woman preaenu It ia nsrer Malichite. Col., writes: '*Two daalata are even ftner for the akin, are too bat taUTo you to pick tbam up as you her paranta. Ur. aad Mrs. Thoman correct, of course, to drtak a tosat aaM I bad oonanmpUon aad coalfl PBgrKLKN JIND TAN dear to be uaed for such pnrpoue. Hafty In 8t. Johns Sunday. proposed In your honor. A men us­ not live two years. I usad Dr. Klagi "I never bellere that weuiins **Tau UMBO fbut yoo*fe ttrod of try- Mr. and Mrs. Orel HlldreUi vtaltsd ually rises aad tankw a brief spsseh. New DIa covory aad aai attra aaA bracelet* aad rinse helpa people to lag to taucb laa.** I wfiflaab. Mr. and Mm. Hoary Bow. la Water- It ta very asesaanry to have name woll." Tour moaay rafnadad If It fonret that your bands aad arms are ‘*Not at all: uot at all. I awurs yon town Saturday and Saadny. cards at a large dlnaar. They may IMla to baaafit you. Tha baat Iwwa rherr la a theory that the out- ualy. 1 am sure they only call at­ If you prefer It I will continue * ’ Mr. and Mr*. C. L. ReynoMa eo- be perfectly plain, or pninted in artia- reoMdr for congha. colds, throat amd brown maid la attrartlve In the aum- tention to the defects. **I do pmfor It** I sold, dryiag eyoa tertalned Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, tlc designs to auit apaetal oeeaalona. lung troubles. PHee 5fic aad fl.M. m«r 8o aht- la very often, but not "So don't try that remedy. Simply Into which I bud surceadod In fuming of South lyeWitt Sunday. Instead of being considered poor Guaranteed by VaaBlekle A aiaapie when fhe ia nut-brown In laiirhea — do all that you can to make your a bit of motature. Thao, taking my Mr* F. M. Trowbridge of Merle form to take the last piece on a dish, and Travia A Shilay. hrr hand* one ahade. her arms an ­ arm* rounded, pretty and soft, and eonay, i arent tu tbe duor. tbe prufeosur ileach and .Mrs Sarmh Stanton from lit Is now the correct thing to do. since other. her throat still another. There keep your hands equally aoft and your I politely opening It for me. I maintain Ada vinited Mr*. Fred lluol laar Fri- I to healute or refuse reflect* upon the people know so little about tbe U soinethlni; )arrtns about the woman nail!- pink and aliabtly polished, Ing my Ingnhrtoua •-oantenance till It «l«y. I bounieouaness of your host's table. | cause* of many past events it la n A letter is never sealed when de- wonder they are ao generally Inclined don* in different color*. j ‘it will l*e worth the trouble, for j bad cICMwd behind me Then I eoii- Oi-orge ilrown and family entertain- j tlvered hy a friend. To do so would i to predict about the future. “.Aim to hav*- your arn-a and hand* pretty hands and arms are a valuable irmtulated mynelf that I had made e«l J \V. Holme* of l.an*iiiK l**t Fri­ match The bleaehlnc proeeai* I* not I I |a*^et in one ’* upiwarance." ' considerable advance towanl ohtniuliig day and Saturday. dHli nit. really ^ rtrr mt nAitDBUKmxr to mt nw" .Mr* Murk Knapp entertained Mrs. ; the degree that was iieareat my heart - 1». I’ VVilliain* of IH-Wttt and Mr*. \ * K*-tahle acid* are n*-arl> always j You may ha\e nl>rerx**d that a pUe* ' M. A I.. or ml*tre*s of the art of K*-*i after I wm* aim Mr .iiid .Mr- Oilliert i^ipham e||. fr* ’i rtl*> .ind nnliiirn an«l **'nernlly ; 'lnih*-r -* to get h* r to »lo fh»- cookinK , u year ot my Ilf*- for a klii;;le w*ird 'ir Ing at this *l*-gree, at the ilcvlee*. the T'-rialiiiHl .Mr. and Mn^ WllUaiu Ter- aay a G. 5. Laahiar T- runi: up th, ^kln |r* «pilred . Victor Clavey *»f l**-V\'ltf Hn* .in iiftj-riiCMXi caller !-ft.ir- lir it,^* d ami mixed (Mon* ! ••*t In me lug th(- (H.-rt«1 al»»*r towels and III* by pt' • ! tl.* fri.it .1- i>.- .ir^’ «'\re||, nt i If you a.ok a Imi>. tb*- meanest man he Wiin mail*- ilaalatitllt prr of tinue*! a prep-ialtsl <*l>tu*M>ne«*t at ni>» Mr Fr-*l Hii.*t •nt*r?alned .Mr*. I..//II lvltl*-r ui S»i jth |u-\Vltt and r iai*-mi III fh.it tin- mujont) of Isiy* Ih* ’ .!>*- of individual towels. h .» ili<> ar< * 'penain ’ Strawberry th* «l«»(t *-«lcher. Kiiirllah llteratiin- at III* alma mat*-r ln*itnietl*»iii» that tl>**y inl.:ltt Iw re- I .Mr- .li’lian ll-urhui i»i la-troif .Mon- and glr! ;n th*- ntr.il ill*irlrt>. ut ' •tiiiwratlv.lv little attention ia TIm- unlvi'rslt) w.-m a ta* *•*! Iii«tliutl<>n. ■>**tton*. n)*-niir* to th«-ir health C. S. laasher cent, an found adjustable seal* and *if mes‘.-ng*-r fur Itliii w h.-n I wa-* a iroDe far away, ami I'la-fi-a-vir ltroaer r* ’ni. an- th»* seats and desks dutlen a* an liiatrm tor. wa* m>t awun- Turn hail ti*-ver uiic*» I*n ,u « .1 at or ItOK.tla. of In-Witt .Sunday. •-sitnc dlsi usalon of "Safeguanttng ! pn)|*erlv arraiigevl. the same sized tliat then- waa such a iK-rs ui aa my-.-If *l**ik*-n ti» III*- eXii-pt a* h«- would to a Mr. and .Mr*, lu-orge Myers -nt^-r- Rural Children ’ liefore tin- big liii**r- -* “*ts .md de*k* In the same rows anKUig the »imb*nt« I dhl not luak*' ^ chilli. laui-il .Mr. and Mr*, laxili* .Myers of iiAllnnal roiicri'iie of schiKil hygiene ’from front to back In 1.9.59 school* W£ .'irc* iu‘\ iT l«Mi lui<\ t«* l.ilk mytw-lf known to him ami I hatl -*•• I One day Tom cam*- fMiii hU faraway- .Merle III ami Mr. and .Mra. Paul hehl at lluffulo, .\, Y.. rerentl) Whll*- there ;ire not *a auffictent number of • •\*r \Mur |>n»|)]i-ni with chaiiffeil that lie did m>t ris-octitze lue home and vNI'isI me .-H (S(ih.ge III- lae(tke of l-Ia*! Olive .Sunday Mr. l.asber ronflned hla survey to sized seat* and desk* so that When my «-laaa n-n< h*-«l a |H»im wber*- ’ had lost Inick ol llrun.lw.-ll. hut. tak Mr. and Mr*. t!*org< ’ Ilrown .ind Mleiiigan. h* ’ c-ontende«l that th*- con ­ jihiuiaaiid* of younsiera have to sit \ i-ntert,iln*-«l .Mr and .Mrs ditions Iher* ’ w*-r*' considerably abov*- jail ilay with their feet swinging In the \\ urn-. I'lM^ Ll'Mr.l'.K is lu-st fm- handni them In for lnsp**etloii ami ixir anioiig thu-H- Ilf the faculty I-’raiik Ityaii, *011* Stuart and Henry, Ih** average, according to the ranking ulr and must distort their bock In or- li) the Carnegie ftiundatioii lnvt**tlga- ‘der to write liecaiise deakw are too ilu* lioiiu'-luiiltlrr. < if ctuifst- wp carry raetlon to him If then- waa a fncillty I "Timn my wonl" ’ he sxt lalmivl "My .iiid Willlaui |{i-«'i|uerT. of Kagle and for anythiui: In my f wble tn- ! high Small chairs and tables am old friend Alan llMailw«-ll i* here as Jereat; es|H*« tally as It gave concrete ­ I provided for the little one* In 7RS other kiiuls nf liiniher, anti we are will for acrilihlliig At *- bool my eomiHial Snnda\ I asalstant pn»fes«ur of Knghsh litera ­ ly what Michigan ia doing to improv** ; schools. 111}; i<» show you the merits of each UoBs always rreetved tlie highest ture** the altiialioii and recommendations The lighting of the sckool- OBork When l wrote my tlmt essay ns Till- hi-allng demulcent qualities of kiiitl. "Is her* I anld Indifferently for addevl efforts along that line. : rooms is causing children and tanch- a college student I took espeetal palua lie ran away n* hml hi* I'huin. ami Koley'a Honey and Tar t’oropound ari- not ilupllcaieii in any other med­ The survey of Michigan rural : ers to tieconie spectacle wearer* by with It—pallia III iwo ways, the one to that evening I m Inimdii-eil tu thi* •<’h(sils is one of the incNit unlqui ’ the hundred. In RR7 rooms, chihlran .Mmin .is }r,Mul .ill inve.'itinent as a trast my *utijeet aa well a* possible, professor a* T-uu s sister There wsa icine for coughs and coids. Any sub ­ stitute offered you Is an Inferior ar- lever niad«‘ and the figures proved fair­ jure forced to face open wlndoww man -.in m.ike now-a-tlays i.s to t»wn his tiw other tu make a lot of errom In the real aorpnse e\(i*e**e«l by tbe profe* ly startling In *2 of the ^3 counties ! while a alroilar fate falls to the teaek- roastruetlon of laenteoces In eiplaiM- llcle. Refuse to accept it for It can ' era In 2..57.5 schools. rrooe ligfeta aor and sham aiirpriae hy loe By this not produce tbe healing and sooth ­ [in .Michigan th^r*' are T.2J4 rural own home. ttoQ of this I will May that atudaota time I had made a different Impmooion -^-hoolrooms. Of this number 2.o7.'* impair ihe eyesight of children and ing effect of Foley's Hooey and Tar teachers In 6,4.57 schools, or per go to coilege for different pu rpooas upon my victim from that of a cMM. Compound. Insist upon the genuine I l' on tnk- gffts III the usher* and beat man. the .\ny«»nc can make hreatl —and j^cmmI hoine- **Mlua mown, you bUTo a gift for lag my da g rsa. hat that 1 mIgM tuba iger* of the common roller towel by lena for tbe great nMGofity. wiitlaa. and It to a pity that your odu- Ixwiquets for the bride and the maids, inatle hreatl can he inatle hy N’t K’ if you will that other doame of M a 1. before and ihi- carrlagi' In which he driven to rattaa to gmmoMr aad i naatructtou of taavtag him a prey to uttwr women, htnu-stlv try. The main thiii}; ahont j^tnitl hreatl ■aatuaeoa Nbonld he no dodrtoat. ’* ami from the rhureh. All other et- and I waa quite anrv that I could bring rmiiT Ho opooed my mannanipt. aad It |ien»ea an assumed by the bride ’s is jctiod fhmr. .\lo>t ttf yo\ir neijfhhors have I Um to a propooal wrhile iHmonlUag fainil) who makes all arrangemenia wuo a otgbt to liehoM Tbore wore to- j with Mm o|»o« tbe subject matter of ^■^OMAN'S delicate STstera requires irietl one hrantl ttf flonr after aimther tintil they numorablr arratehea. iiotbooka. P^s for (hr wedding \y - my omtioa It require*! half a doaen i Announcements are aeni out «lmpl, more than ordinary oora and at- wttb tbe tops tnmed the wrong way—to have sfli-etetl the hrantl that “^nits them best. I eana ultattanw to enob W me to select a I In order to Inform vour friends and t 'ntion rvnre cam and artentlan than mark new lainigraphs —word* Inter it n given by tbe average wotaon. ' anbjeel. half a donen more to decide Iariiuaintanr*-* (hat the wedding has lined here atsi there with little trtan : itpon Its treatment and a i-ouple of 'Ciki-n plar- ihi-retor* ’ iher* would be Ncflect it and IBs anan creep hi. and A larut iiiaioritN oi j^notl rook- are iisinj; gies nnder them lmlee«l, tbe whole ea- doaen more to ronelder 'haugww In the 1 ri' reason In sending then; tu thu«’ the look of oki age, aometlmoa qui^ly, oay looked a* If a da*lilv tonglega had j V ho liar: rr^elml wedding invta- m metiataa gradually fbllowa. waded through a (vwii of Ink. then teat after tt had lieen written I The eventug before rommencemont 1 inn* ‘Diatl fWOHaan anemg wwsMO, bvtag* vHtli H the senban elMat, the TUBE ROSE FLOUR •trolled over the (mi-er ir 11-.= InvHnilfWf* to VO :r dauglil* r * ■.tlr s, eesw's-feet. asd soae Sw yealkfal badg li aemseefeidk- . wre were «tttlna •kle by atde my nwDU- fei ui( -and ell beeanBe ef task mt oMaaMsa. •*One of the flrat mies of rhetoric. ’’ lerrlp* before oa There were iru Inter- • dinner pa'iv are to h*- lurii al one*. ill the time, h c.ni-t they have fonntl tmt that the profeasor w«-ni *»n. "Im that tbe ' • r tfrn In th* third perron they • tsoei ltd be as eator tssa t*, niMi; opening panirrafm ahonl-l he polatod Hneariotui no pothnolis. i>o erased l**a. ; -houht he -ent In h* nann-s of her nta toaeaetai Fraenafipm it can Ik tle|»cntl:-tl n|Km tor the pnalnclbHi was finished and and not I(n > kmu It alioiikl '-ateh the lliar*ni- hut i H; 'Unner Is to be in- We base attentl«»n of t‘t’ rea-ler aod tllre-'t It I rewdr for the nett il.-iy s um xiw pro : rms'. the nut -- u av ’><• written In t* 4vaard what I i*i totl**w I wntiM dl- fawe or. In«rea«l of making a puttaook If .!a:rhi ’” nsnv* -^he slei'ld. N onr ^roriT si-l)., 'I nltr Kosc. ' with hla pea on tbe manoampt. nmrie ride rewr t* p agraph hem" And i.,.>..,er. add '•oii I'hr^se indicating be put the Ik* **1 hl« r-enril on one of 'one with hhi arm arotiad my walat thill inttfaiiiin

    T. <1 tm m. APHAUD i B. l^MlMr la la Fllat Car a alMCt C Ufa. M. lapill kaa racaiM Piaal DISCOVERED la Hatfaav aflar ha wUI talw a» Ma Wmmm •Hi Baf Barrtaii Uaaiv OM ttaia »Hh Imt daughtar. Mra. h. T. Um 1 M four o ’clock Tucuiar a* Uia fHorrar. I “H^a brMaa oa Baalh I walub chlbich Ba»« or Mr. mini Mr« ‘Thomaa UtUlaa-1 Mr. aad Mra W. J. Hatluiarajr vara wlMdi a aaw eoaMai Bai haai la Laaaiaa. tbHr daugkior. Mtaa in BL Jobna Wodaoodajr avMlaB of laM wlU ha apaa tar taafl I aala. bccaior Hii* biiic oT Wlllla Cllf* laat aaak. |«Mak. Biy fov Coat dr Sak fioaC Joanaon. formatir of Orld. Tha. (lao rga Wilcox of la nala g oalladi BharaMa Paiaaai Mt 1 oajr vaBilas was a aimpla oaa. tha hrMa oa Oali Crtaaia 'ThuiaBajr. __ jAIhlaa whara ha arlll a aaB ac that apB BToaoi rwairlnc thair oara BaaaCa. { KL Mwaaia aaB aaa, OMtaai. af thia yaar. f^wapiljr at four o ’oloek thay alappai UtUa Baalu AHl. vlallaB ah tha hMaa) Baa. T. O. B. a cortala oT whlla af Phai OIBaat laat hawUI aB> C. J. Ki B. T. of BL Ji AaMrna tha aa T. M. C. A. haala paaaalva riac aarvtaa. littla Mlaa I Miaa Mahi PB DHUaphaai oT Bo alairllla ae tai aa'ai with har M. W. liDaa Buy it with somediing more Tha brMaW poora aaa al whlta lla faay aaaatto orar laoaaalhM. am iMh laaa aad whlta aatin. Bha I Mra. WIlhuB aaat «a Claaa-lwhaaa thap than the selling price in view. a Mioar ar beupa at of brMa'a laaB. Ohio. Pi whaaa aha will m aad llllaa of tha rallay. Qaaatl- rlalt har alalar. Mra. W. U. Barry. Ur C. Mind MFC don't bbIc jrou to pay mom for it tlap of ptak aad vhMa aalaia vara aa- 'a abort UaM. Vou mB)i pay Icbb. aB all throagh tha raaaM. Praa aaeh | A. Oraailay at LaaalaB aaa la OaM uaaai r at tha parlora piak haarts aad 'a tarn dajra laat waak ealllag oa old rtattor Ma But whetheryou pay more or leak, if you demand ■apir loaro* uxarr ntiaag erooolag In frtanda. | N. W. J la lla> tha ccatar at tb« nnauL Autumn | G. G. Huatar waa in St. Johaa oa trait for aaaatal aaoha la Maadtap a A coat or suit dut has style, finiBh, aad die highest de­ Bawrrr wcrr iiocd to draitc tbc win- bustaaaa oaa day laat woak. |faw daya with Ma MaMly. gree of senrice in it—you are buying sadshurtkin. doaa aad arrhp» | Hdward Strickland rain rood Prl-j Mra. William Baadall raCaraad Bal>- Tticra ww aboin oar hiindratf day fraui Kaiamaaoo. wbara ha baa urday tram Datrait ahara aha haa We have gathered u^pether a supeib collecdon gueoto prpooot at thp cpwiiony Tboac bora attending the numloa at tha boon rIalUag har daaghtar. Mra. Goa of new fall styles in women ’s wear. Every garment in who attendtf Frank Guile and Miss ^ Mildred Hollaad apent a part oat af It Koac rapaa tad certain con fore. and we emphasize qaarA|y because, it means sar- Jackson; Mr. and Mm. H. White, Holland were callem in ioat areek in Owoaoo. vocantloM ska had bad with bar fatkvr OflBB anti BMiiidBafjoBi lor you. Howard W'hile. Mr. and Mm Tom oatiauo Thursday. i I'btaaie Snyder of Blaie apaat on the sohjact of tha Inbaiitaarc. from You will find just as many garments represen ­ Shari' and son. Clarence. Mr. and Mm. Thomaa Scrnggle of Owoaao was in ^^aday with her parenU. Mr. aad Mra. wbicb 1 laiavrad that notklag datarrai Fred Dilllugbaiii of Fowlervllle; Mr. Saturday. Allle Snyder. hkn from leaving all bla property ted in our stocks at popular price —but they ’re better and .Mra. Wlltlam l>aliua. Mr. and Mra.' Mr. and .Mm. Henry Huilih were in Miner of Uwoa- Rosa bat tha fear that bis wife sroiPd grHids^ and its real economy to buy here. U G. Hoyoe and .Mlaa Belle Ruyee of .owoaao Saturday. '*** apont Sunday with her parents. I braak tbe e-||| He preferred to let ti>» W«*bliervllle: .Mr. and Mm Cheater xna». .Nellie .lenka of tlwoaao a|tent J*tnaa Woodworth. : law divide bis property aln<-e it would You will find preminent among the new fall WTlilte of \\ 111 latiiist on ; Mr. and Mra. ^uttjpduy at her hostile in Gvld. I Mra. J. f Woodard of Hlale ia the Clwh. HnilT of Howell. Mr and Mra. ^1^,, n voorhew and k‘“»t «f Mm. O. T. Crawford this week give hi* widow n third and bis daugb coats and juits the famous Wooltex garments, the high ­ John Caaaldy, Mr. and .Mrn. I». Fuller Mabel Ce^ ry W‘ re Owoaao cel-’ Mrfsra Don Kobaon. John Abbott, tar two-third* ThI* plan seemed safe- est type coats and suits for women, at reesonable prices. of Morrlr* , Mra M. Sim|MM>ii, .Noniian Tliumday. •* “> B< hoch. John I'oiter. Jamea Nell than any other B Siin|»eon and .Mr. aiietrolt vorre were R not for the fact that lie Mr. Johnfon t>. the oldcal won of .Mr. .Monday when- they will visit friends' H«i'old Beardalee and Kenneth hatl no caus«> which wouUI <-oiue withiu and Mra. Willi* Johnaon of Gvld and for u few days t’rawford were in lauialng .Saturday. J<^in Hicks the law. .iiitl his wife t4N*k cire to give Kmdunie*! fnmi the Gv 1 biifh ncbool Mlaa Jennie Hudson wa^ lui t)woe- '’laa Helen Hunter ha* reaianed her him no such raiise. .Vny such atteiniu *^Thm Store that SoUs Wooltex ’* in the clai**. of l!4li. Mr. and Mn* o of Iskt week |^*M^lti^m with the Clinton Reiitihllean on his part would niHloubtiilly cost him Johnun are visiting at the home of Frank ledyard returned to hi* *''*• J'*biia. 33 Clinton Avo. St. Johns, Mick hi* parent* on Hia*! Kn»nt kireei for a home In U<-<-heater Saturday after ''eorg«* Harvey a|K*nt a part “ dear few day*. >f*endlng a few day* in Gvld J**"' “Bh relallvea In Klale Rose and I woiiUI have lieeti married Fred Meidian i* )«|>etidlng the week -Mia* .Margaret Robson w«a in I-an- but tor the fan that I had t*een iin Mtwars. Harold Beardalee. Hnw.ird in Getmlt. •lOK last week visiting friends. lucky In the l»uslnc*s (iom RIoiis I had Jetik*. Jay Schoeh. Clare .-hone and Rev s. J. Porterfield of KIsie was Wilson of Katon Raplda occnpleil 'Two different Arms In wh<»i*c Kenneth Craarfoni were in St Johns .iH Gvid caller Saturday , wa* the guest of Mm. E. C. Smith lust amvltii I was rising failed successive Tiie-day ev«>ntng attending the play. .Mij.* Grace Voorheea of Owoaao '*'*^* ‘- ly I was now with the third, the “Shepherd of the Hills.’’ viaited at the home of her i>areatn. Mlw* Calls Jarvis, an experienced afivot of |Ni|wr mills, ainl jn*l getting The Junior tiad Senior claasea of .Mr. and Mm. E. B. V«iorheea. Satur- clerk of Charlotte, haa accepted a poa- a boM on tlie gvMsi will of ray employ the high school enjoyed a mamhme|. uay and .Sunday litlon with E. C. Smith A Co. i era So Rnoe went to live with an low roast Frida) evening In the Jack- iio> Stone of Saginaw visited with I Aity. G. (J. Hunter wa* in Ionia Frl- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ bta uncle a aunt. Mr. aad Mra. ! annt Gll I conld taka care of bar. • Wi Frank Hatniaa. his family in Ovid Sunday. |day transacting huainoas. Tha posltioa she ocenpie*! with ref- George Ixmg was in Lainaing .Satur- l*>lna Scott of laUngaburg! Mr and Mra. W’. R. Shaw went to ♦ WBMT AaaLBT. ♦ P. Helnlan was ia liknoa one day t PHCl. t I aranea to bar stepmother was vary Ir • Wl loot weak on buP day evening. ; was the gueat of Thomas Meehan. Jr., Plymouth Saturday to visit bla father, rftatlag to mo since It waa on woartng '♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mra Ada Waltara aad lltUc so la L. E. Eyer, who taught agriculture fhe latter part of the week. jThey will also spend a few dajra In opon my awuathi art. I loagad to rake !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ In the high Bicool laat year haa accept-1 Mrs. Olin Woodworth returned . ^Hh their child apaad ing a few days wlUi har I Mr. aad Mrs. Gna Walts aad Mr. oaow aort of vengeance oa tha “okl Mr. and Mra. Gkartay Bkraanl aad tbar. Mra. Anna HoBar. aad Mra. Will Daty vMtad friaadp In ed a posltioa with the dairy and toad ' home Friday from a short vlalt In The nine-montha-old little son of eat ” an I ealM har. InM coaM do noth innpeetor at louiaing. lOaroaao. Mr. and Mm. Joe Horn died Tuondajr family of Parrtaum api mt Soaday mith Mr. aad Mra Loan Onafc apant I Ovid last SnaSay aflanMa. Mra P. I). Fox left Wednesday for] Hubert tilaaaoo of Ihirand opant tat la tka pramlsM, 1 roald prepare Mr. aad Mra. John Olaoa. day with tkair paiwrta Mr. aad L, W. SotSn of St Jtikna M afternoon of choiara lalantum. ■ynMf k> give Bane wknt Mra. Tkora- Mrs. K. B. Voar haBB oaiartalaed Bari Gook aad fWfllly of Aak la y P. L, Ooak. at tha booMna of BDk. PMra tkia^m^ Meadville. Pa., where she will vlalt|Jaat week with hla parenta. Mr aad laa deprived her of. aad tknt man nil apant Sunday mtck hto paraata, Mr. A lltUa >^**^^«* Mrs. (Hmrge Gleaaon. fourteen of her frtaaia to a atx o ’cloek Mra. Mary Jaaaa apoat Moafipy < dinner Tuondnjr eraaing. aad Mra. P. L. Cook. har auat. Mra Ira PialMr. noar Mra OI ____ Mm. A. M. Hamas of lorarell and ^i** KlixabaCh Stock of Bllaagald mn ekaaap call It pat me In n wag day. daughter. Mm Peter McOougal of returned Friday to trim thia saaaoa, Mra 8. H. Sonthteorth is confined to ta Mr. and Mra. Glaaa Curry aad baby rtatoa. l.rised Rae Lewis at bla j withMm. tWid n V.friends Soule overof lainslng Sunday. visited 1^a MBKC^BI’MB. Aa dace a will laaring her all or the balk earc of the unltad brockiaa mkleh maa i l^eoaard Belcher has raturaad bonm this wrlttag. Mra. Vina Doty aad moiko r vialtad home on east FI mt St. Friday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs John H. Robson and I HBBKJIBI HB. ♦ of bis protiarty Rut whan ae wOl was held at the Hnat Waoktastoa U. B.!fr«n Imaoiag. foand I battavad 1 bad nUaJndgod bar church laat week waa larsaly attoad-1 John PlUpatrirk aad Jamaa Bat cher Mra. Jane Hunter a few daya laat Mr i«‘ft Saturday morning for ^na. John Jr., and George, and Mr. Iaaaa AAAAAAAAAAaa weak. Albion where he will enter the Albion and Mm K. I) Beebe and aon. Chaa . T ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ __ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ aad coaclndad that bar haahaad bad rd. Tbc church maa flilad to over- ! were in St. Johns on buslaaoa Friday flowlag moat every eesoUig. Tbe ( Florence OtN 111 It to Ionia George 'Troop aad Aug. Prlo ka aacB callem In Uons Sunday. | Anhur l>.wi. twi. adbared to bla Intention not to tanka s August Stephan of Owoaao was an Miss h:the| Clark of St. JohnsJlT " ^ weather was ideal aad paopio caaaa | *rueaday to attend tbe fuaaral of Jaa. had a new silo built last weak. will. Savanil montba paosod. doting from miles away. Tbay boid bapUomal i Seal lay. Kd. Howe of Lanaing viaitod at Boh Gvld caller Wednesday of last week. a|.ent Siindii) with her mother. Mra. I unv^mall and famllv anent wkicb tbe courts arete engaged in sot- Mlaa Marine Kennedy of Rig Rapids . f*rlce ’s loot Sunday. Mr and Mi>. Daniel Kinney and Ann Clark. tilag the estate, and Rose and I were services at Maple livar last Sunday son of Grand Raitni* risiiMi with hia tn ».• ISanday with Maple Rapids friends. at .’:;3A A large crowd gatbared at I is vlaillng relatives ia this viclaity. | *rhe Glaaaera of Prosper Arbor will imrtJier Mr* lHal»e|le Klunev a few »''*A*^* Norm, aud Elaine Graham Ray Tbompkina and family visited coogratnlating oursaives that she would this service. Rev. C. L. Wood of Alma James Pltxpatrlck fintohed putting | hold a apldar wab aa eia i at tkair !la« ll's. Kluney, a few of Gwoaao vi»i,.,l a|th their grand-,Ills brother near Ovid Sunday. raeatve two-tblrds of the estate or be was the presiding blobop. i up his new silo Monday. , hMlI Wedneaday night. Sept. 24. INory laires u i MaiL e«n in 81. tweeII pn.flOO and STtiJklO Mra. Ira Praker aad two daugbtan. Irve l^atUmer returaad home from ' itody invited. ghier Mm leon Miner In latter part of the week, j Johns helping care for her slater. Mm. Then nil of a sudden the widow pro Mlaa Susie, and Mra. Corlia Bagllab. Bay City and Elsie last week where he : Bingham (irange will give a daaoa ^ ” >woaao .Mr and Mr*. Henry Speckurt were j Baker, who is very III. dared n will executed several vearo he attended the Waohiagtoo Caatar Mann, has been viaiting friends. | Ml their hall September IB. BveryboSy i»» lisnsing Sunday. Mm. VnnVoorhe^s of .Near York vla- fore her hostMind ’s death, leaving all era Club held at tbe planaant home Mrs James l^nftua haa returned ' invited. G. I DeWitt of St Johns wa* In Janie* Austin Is attending the week Red her cousin. Mm. .Vina Sllvemall, tbe proiienr to her ex«*ept aomc swamp of .Mr. and Mr*. Ban Oltiman Inst home from Grand RapMa where she : (»vld on biislnes* last Thurada.v. in loiingsbiirg. the guest of his son. part of lust awek. land of no valor to Rime I believed Thursday. underwent a serious operation tour ! iKHi’i be In a hurry to gather tka .Mr*. W G. Hunter am] daughter. Herhen Austin. j Mr. Younglove and daughter. Mm. the moment I heard of this will that Mr and Mrs S. N. French, who I week* ago. Her friends will be*plaaa- grdhn stuff In the garden. Clover It Helen, .|>ent Thur*day afternoon In B R IW-ardalei left .Saturday even- ' Heyhm . of Mason visited hia brother. there wn* fraud In It and advised Rone apenl tbree weeks with tbitr non. laa- ed to hear she is doing nicely. up with old clothaa, carpata. pnpara G wo *m, shopping. Inr for a fw.. wreeks’ vlalt with rela-* Frank Yfuinglore, and family pan of ta contest It. I got a lawyer to take He French. In the northern part of Mr. aad Mrs John Rohen and dan. and tbiaga. It will be warmer attar .Mr*. Jam«-* Robert* »* UBCoosciously outaMe of It la Ckc pa ­ Mrs, lAiella Relaford visited friends wen- callers In Ionia over Sunday, I Corn shelled, par bwahal ___ in Gwosso a few daya last week. I'r and .Mr> Harold Hume and }('orn in ear ...... ; per baataana on taking op a oampla 1 Mr*. Robert Shingleton viallcd daughier. Patricia. «>f Gwosso were A Sofid Car Lokd ol Choice hand picked haana. oM always rubiiad It batwsaa my tkomk friends in St J..hn* the latter part of the gue.,* of her ,*renra Mr. and aad flager to learn Ita toatara Ckoa lost w».ek. Mr* K. D. Beebe, over Sunday. g cents off for >‘a«k Ib pick. haM It up to the itgbt to aaa tke mamr Mm. H Davi* was the gueat of Mrs. Mr and Mm. W. J. Hathaway aad r-joYar saad June It.OO Uaoa I bad no sooner tooekod tka aaa Harriett I•atr1^k in Grand RapMls last -on, Donald, and Mr. and Mm Chas.Mamimiaath M.OO and seen the otkar tkan I Week. i F^ton and family s|»ent Sunday In (Mover Alv^e .Mrs. All>ert White was in Ann Ar- latnsing. * It.OO tka paper on wbtfb tka mill bor last week undergoing treatment Rev Francis Bales of Clarkston ac ­ LITB BTBCB. ton —M sras oat oa a pfiniad tor her eye*. cuplsd tke pulpit at the ConrgagalF Skeap 13.00 « M 00 Mrs R. N. M’llkinsun. who haa al church Sunday and ia spending the,f,*'V* ’ ***'** .... ts-oo # rr.to way. I ra been spending some time in Gmaita,aha. week in Ovid. $•.00 • tlOBO Neb.. Is vtsiling her mother, Mra. Mm. George Smith was an Owoaa o 17.00 o laraka, par ewt •*»y Ann Pearl, caJIar Baturdny. _ IB.M • IMI a CM •a a Just received from the factor\ ’. Ever)’ one perfect Mr. aad .Mm. John Davtdaoa bava A. H Moulton has putrbasad the W. •OTMIaiy tkat N hod Bear, 4i and interesting examples of high grade workman ­ moved to a farm naar St Johaa altar H. Rohaea praparty oa North Mala Bt. Mfi ...... tiojo • nut Cpaaoa Jaoi aaNMMkm working the Ddoa Myara farm tor aad expacts to take pnraiailon saoa. aad $10.M ship, material and design. No seconds no thirds no BM haadlaS MTka two yaara. | Mr. aad Mm. Rajr Stoae are .packing Call ■aaad ...... tU.00 fourths. Only one grade, one quality in Round Oaks Mra. Richard Hayaa of Foatlac vto thalr baaaalio H gooda praparatory for ufB mwi. Itad her paraata. Mr. aad Mra. Walter mov tag to BobBuiw la tlw near totara Haaa. larfit. fai ...... IS was* mctklk a yoar. and that is abmutmy the highest poasible. They last Unicom, a few days laat woak. Mr. aad Mra Henry Bhaw and Mr. Brallara I4 they save, they please every user. You will like them Mr. aad Mra. Claraacc Ladyaid at aad Mra. Wllltaai Btavaaena knee op- DaalM. jrauag ------IS allru^t because they are genuinely good. We are pleased Bagtanw vialtad at tha boara of bta saad up tke kotal aad will eaad net aa^nlaTarolTtf^^ paraata a few day* laat weak aa up-to data plaaa. Turkafg. larfio. Ut to b£pw them and explain why they are superior to all Mlaa Mjrrtle BButley vlaMad friends Thomaa Hayaa of Flint callad on othem. You are invited to inspect them. We also in (torunan the first of tka weak. old Grid frlaads the latter part of the i,___ 11 I Mrs. Willlaai McKinley of Bt. Johaa weak. Inotna kIBaa ...... __ ^ have the AHmaite base burner and the J^hnBHBB hot visited with Mr. and Mra. Lioyd A band of gypsies arrived in towniQiif groan __ ■am maa mafctUm I gavu bar a blast. In fact we never before were in such, a good Westbrook Wadneoday of last sroafc shout aooa Thursday but did not —» TTwirnn Mdaa __ af taraiag