U.S. Department of Justice . Washington, D.C. 20530

Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the . Foreign Agents Registration Act . of 1938, as amended, for the six months ending December 31, 2009 Report of the Attorney General to the Congress of the United States on the Administration of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, for the six months ending December 31, 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS



ALBANIA...... 2

ALGERIA...... 3

ANGOLA...... 4


ARUBA...... 6


AUSTRIA...... 9


BAHAMAS...... 12

BAHRAIN...... 13

BARBADOS...... 14

BELGIUM...... 15

BELIZE...... 16

BERMUDA...... 17

BOLIVIA...... 19


BRAZIL...... 21


CAMEROON...... 23

CANADA...... 24



CHINA...... 32 COLOMBIA...... 34



COSTA RICA...... 40


CYPRUS...... 42


DENMARK...... 45

DJIBOUTI...... 46

DOMINICA...... 47


ECUADOR...... 49

EGYPT...... 50

EL SALVADOR...... 53


ERITREA...... 55

ESTONIA...... 56

ETHIOPIA...... 57

FRANCE...... 60

GEORGIA...... 62

GERMANY...... 65

GHANA...... 68


GRENADA...... 73

GUATEMALA...... 74

GUYANA...... 75

HAITI...... 76 HONDURAS...... 77

HONG KONG...... 78

HUNGARY...... 82

ICELAND...... 83

INDIA...... 84


IRAN...... 90

IRAQ...... 91

IRELAND...... 96

ISLE OF MAN...... 98

ISRAEL...... 99

ITALY...... 101

JAMAICA...... 103

JAPAN...... 105

JORDAN...... 116

KAZAKHSTAN...... 117

KENYA...... 118


KUWAIT...... 124

LAOS...... 125

LESOTHO...... 126

LIBERIA...... 127

LIBYA...... 128


LUXEMBOURG...... 131

MACEDONIA...... 132

MALAYSIA...... 133 MALTA...... 137


MAURITIUS...... 140

MEXICO...... 141

MICRONESIA...... 146

MONACO...... 147

MONTENEGRO...... 148

MOROCCO...... 149

MYANMAR (BURMA)...... 153


NAURU...... 155



NEW ZEALAND...... 159

NICARAGUA...... 161

NIGERIA...... 162


NORWAY...... 164

PAKISTAN...... 165

PALAU...... 168

PALESTINE...... 169

PANAMA...... 170

PERU...... 172


POLAND...... 175

QATAR...... 176

ROMANIA...... 178 RUSSIA...... 180

RWANDA...... 183


SAUDI ARABIA...... 185

SCOTLAND...... 188

SERBIA...... 189

SINGAPORE...... 193


SOUTH AFRICA...... 197

SPAIN...... 198

SRI LANKA...... 199

ST. LUCIA...... 200

ST. MARTIN...... 201


SUDAN...... 203

SWEDEN...... 204


TAIWAN...... 208

TANZANIA...... 214

THAILAND...... 215

TIBET...... 218


TURKEY...... 220

UGANDA...... 223

UKRAINE...... 224



VANUATU...... 234

VENEZUELA...... 235

YUGOSLAVIA...... 236

ZIMBABWE...... 237


APPENDIX B - SHORT FORM INDEX ...... B-1 Foreword To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Aiiiei-iea in Congress Assembled:

On behalf of the Attorney General, I have the honor to report on the administration of the

Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, pursuant to Section 11 ofthe Act (22

U.S.C. 621), which requires the Attorney General to report every six months to the Congress

concerning the administration of the Act, as well as the nature, sources and content of

informational materials disseminated and distributed by agents of foreign principals registered

under the Act. This report covers the administration and enforcement ofthe Foreign Agents

Registration Act for the six months ending December 31, 2009.

The text of this report lists, according to geographical area or nationality field, all agents who were registered at any time during the second six months of 2009, or who reported for the first time in that period activities, receipts or disbursements for the previous period. It includes the identities of the agents and their foreign principal(s), a description ofthe agent's activities, a total figue for monies received, a description of any informational materials disseminated, and a listing of all individual agents.

Improvements continue to be made to the Foreign Agents Registration Act computerized records system and mternet website, http://ww.fara.gov/.This report wil be made available through the website.

1- 1 The principal purpose of Congress in enacting the Foreign Agents Registration Act was to

ensure that the Governent and the people of the United States would be informed ofthe identity

of persons engaging in political activities for or on behalf of foreign governents, foreign political parties and other foreign principals, so that their statements and activities could be

appraised in the light oftheir associations.

Registration under the Act does not imply recognition by the United States Governent of the legitimacy of any particular foreign governent, or foreign political party. Furthermore, registration does not indicate approval by the United States Governent of the activities of any registered agent or the content of any informational materials they disseminate.

Statistical Summary

Durng the six-month period ending December 31, 2009, the Department received 24 new registration statements and terminated 41 registrations. A total of 385 active registrations, representing 547 foreign principals were on file during the period of July 1, 2009 through

December 31, 2009. Individuals acting as officials or employees or rendering assistance to a registrant for or in the interests of the latter's foreign principal filed 280 new short-form registration statements under the Act, bringing the total short-form registrations to 1,879 durig the period of July 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009. There were 71 new agreements with foreign principals reported by agents under the Act during this period.

1-2 Pursuant to P.L. 102-395 enacted on October 6, 1992, which authorized the Attorney

General to establish fees to recover the cost of administering the Foreign Agents Registration Act,

$161,848.00 in fees was received during the six-month period ending December 31, 2009. A total of$7,606199.80 has been collected since the program was initiated through December 31, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,

~Ronald Weich Assistant Attorney General


(T) fudicates registration terminated during this six month reporting period.

(t) fudicates foreign principal terminated during the six month reporting period.

The dollar figure included for each registrant represents the total amount of money received in the United States in furtherance of the agency purpose by agents working on behalf of the foreign principaL. This information is based on the registrant's reporting period rather than the calendar year.

The list is compiled alphabetically by country or location!; however, it necessarily wil . include foreign principals which have no association with the governent.

The report sets forth the name, address and registration number ofthe registrant, the identity of the foreign principal, the nature of their activities, and the amount of monies received, if any.

! Countr or location is not reflective of United States foreign policy regarding recognition of sovereignty. AFGHANISTAN

AGA Group, LLC #5600

1700 K Street, NW Suite 730 Washington, DC 20006 Anwar Ul-Haq Ahadi, Presidential Candidate in Afghanistan (t) 0

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials to discuss the foreign principal's manifesto.

Finances: None Reported

BlackBear Communications #5952 (T)

701 8th Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20001 ASR Organization Development forum (t) 0

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant will educate key media contacts and major news outlets; develop a press plan; seek opportunities on key radio and television programs and pitch stories to the press on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

DLA Piper US LLP #3712

500 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 Interim Government of Afghanistan, Embassy 0

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/ The registrant acted as counsel in Washington, DC on legislative, trade, investment and other matters. The registrant also contacted members of Congress and congressional staffers regarding immigration issues affecting Afghanistan and U.S.-Afghan relations. $300,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 1 of 237 AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA

BKSH & Associates #5402 (T)

1110 Vermont Avenue, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005 Democratic Party of Albania (t) 1

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

DUTKO Worldwide, LLC #5904

412 First Street, SE Suite 100 Washington, DC 20003 Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) (t) 1

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant informed relevant players in and out of the U.S. Government regarding the situation in Albania, raised the concern that the election might not meet international standards, and worked with interested parties to promote a solution ahead of their election. In addition the registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $60,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 2 of 237 ALBANIA ALGERIA

Foley Hoag, LLP #4776

1875 K Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006-1238 Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Embassy 1

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted congressional staffers, to discuss U.S. relations and respect for human rights, including the right to self-determination. $210,931.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 3 of 237 ALGERIA ANGOLA

OIC Services, Inc. #5481

12337 Jones Road Suite 301 Houston, TX 77070 Conselho Nacional De Carregadores De Angola (C.N.C.) 2

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant issued loading certificates to the shippers or its agents, collected fees from shippers or its agents and transferred same to the C.N.C. in Angola. In addition, the registrant processed the cargo manifest and kept records. $1,324,663.28 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Government of the Republic of Angola, Embassy 2

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Samuels International Associates, Inc. #4848

1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 950 Washington, DC 20036 Government of Angola 2

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment and Trade/Lobbying The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials to discuss U.S.-Angola bilateral relations and rendered miscellaneous services and counsel to the foreign principal in order to develop effective government-to-government relations. $506,135.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 4 of 237 ANGOLA ARGENTINA

DUTKO Worldwide, LLC #5904

412 First Street, SE Suite 100 Washington, DC 20003 RECREAR (t) 3

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant organized meetings and events during a visit in July by Argentine Government officials on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also provided advice to the foreign principal regarding organizing political offices in Argentina, U.S.-style campaign methods and strategy and applicability to politics in Argentina, as well as the political relations between the United States and Argentina. $15,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 5 of 237 ARGENTINA ARUBA

Aruba Tourism Authority #2987

100 Plaza Drive, FL 1-1 Secaucus, NJ 07094-3677 Government of Aruba 4

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Hills Stern & Morley, LLP #5965

1120 20th Street, NW North Building, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20036 Government of Aruba 4

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will assist the foreign principal in enhancing its relations with the U.S. Government.

Finances: None Reported

M. Silver Associates, Inc. #3131

747 Third Avenue, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10017-2803 Aruba Tourism Authority 4

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant provided public relations services entailing ongoing media relations including press trips, as well as preparation and distribution of press information. The press trips involved verbal and written invitations to travel writers and editors and personal escort of the journalists to the principality. $120,296.14 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

MITA Group, Inc. #5741

613 2nd St., NE Suite A Washington, DC 20002 Government of Aruba 4

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress and their staffs and executive branch agency personnel to advocate for the interests of the foreign principal. $75,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 6 of 237 ARUBA AUSTRALIA

Development Counsellors International #4777

215 Park Avenue South 10th Floor New York, NY 10003 Tourism Tasmania 5

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant provided a public relations program to promote travel and trade on behalf of the foreign principal. The public relations program included the dissemination of informational materials. $108,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Tourism Australia #1032

6100 Center Drive Suite 1150 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Australian National Travel Association 5

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Tourism New South Wales #4450

6100 Center Drive Suite 810 Los Angeles, CA 90292 New South Wales Tourism Commission (Government of New South Wales) 5

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted the State of New South Wales as a tourist destination though the provision of information and the distribution of printed materials concerning tourist attractions and other related facilities within the State of New South Wales. $193,459.86 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 7 of 237 AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA

Tourism Queensland #4146

6100 Center Drive Suite 1150 Los Angeles, CA 90045 Tourism Queensland 5

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Queensland by participating in travel conferences and disseminating travel information. $420,648.67 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 8 of 237 AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA

Austrian Tourist Office, Inc. #495

120 West 45th Street 9th Floor New York, NY 10036 Austrian National Tourist Office 5

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant engaged in marketing and public relations activities, and provided travel information to tourists, travel agents, airline representatives and tour operators. $1,400,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Austrian Trade Commission in the U.S., Southern Region #5041

3333 Riverwood Parkway, S.E. Suite 200 Atlanta, GA 30339 Federal Economic Chamber of Austria (Wirtschftskammer Oesterreichs) 5

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant assisted Austrian businessmen in the United States, prepared business contacts for Austrian companies, and reported business opportunities for Austrian companies in the United States on behalf of the foreign principal. $30,003.84 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 9 of 237 AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN

JWI, LLC #4990

1401 K Street, N.W. Suite 400, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Camelot Oil & Gas Development Ltd. (t) 5

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant represented the foreign principal in the United States by media relations, consultations with members of the executive branch, and U.S. Congress as appropriate. $10,117.11 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

JWI, LLC #4990

1401 K Street, N.W. Suite 400, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20005 International Bank of Azerbaijan 5

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials to discuss legislation and issues relating to the security and trade interests of the foreign principal. The registrant also reported orally or in writing on all U.S. Government actions of interest to the foreign principal as deemed appropriate. $284,029.73 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Livingston Group, LLC #5356

499 South Capitol Street S.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20003 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Embassy (t) 5

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant contacted members of Congress, and congressional staffers to discuss the status of U.S.-Azerbaijan relations, media freedom in Azerbaijan, and accompanied the Ambassador and Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan to appointments with members of Congress. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 10 of 237 AZERBAIJAN AZERBAIJAN

Melwood Communications #5846

13009 Collingwood Terrace Silver Spring, MD 20904 Embassy of Azerbaijan 5

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant assisted the foreign principal's media section in developing a communications strategy concerning issues related to the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan. $5,900.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Tool Shed Group, LLC #5916

21005 Rios Street Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan 5

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided consulting services to include organizing briefing/lectures, facilitate meetings with community members, elected and appointed officials, and writing and disseminate op-eds related to business development, strategic communications, and public affairs for the foreign principal. $33,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 11 of 237 AZERBAIJAN BAHAMAS

Bahamas Tourist Office #2310

Ministry of Tourism Post Office Box N-3701 Nassau, BAHAMAS Bahamas Ministry of Tourism 6

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to the Bahamas by participating in conventions, familiarization trips, expos, trade/consumer shows, conferences, and seminars. $12,450,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

CMGRP, Inc. #3911

700 13th Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Government of the Bahamas 6

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant helped develop and execute tourism promotions for the Bahamas.

$852,350.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 12 of 237 BAHAMAS BAHRAIN

CMGRP, Inc. #3911

700 13th Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Bahrain Economic Development Board 7

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided media relations counsel to the foreign principal.

$286,287.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 13 of 237 BAHRAIN BARBADOS

Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism #1995

820 Second Avenue 5th Floor New York, NY 10017 Barbados Industrial Development Corporation 8

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism #1995

820 Second Avenue 5th Floor New York, NY 10017 Barbados Tourist Board 8

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Berliner Corcoran & Rowe, LLP #5299

1101 17th Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036 Government of Barbados 8

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant monitored proposed U.S. legislation targeting tax havens (S.681 & S.2956), U.S. responses to WTO decision on internet gambling, and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations hearings on tax evasion; Section 450 of the Health Care Bill (HR 3200); and the Corporate Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act. $31,260.81 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Berliner Corcoran & Rowe, LLP #5299

1101 17th Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20036 Invest Barbados 8

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant advised on potential tourism agreements with U.S. states.

$20,320.53 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 14 of 237 BARBADOS BELGIUM

Belgian National Tourist Office #529

220 East 42nd Street Suite 3402 New York, NY 10017 Belgian National Tourist Office 9

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Belgium for individual travelers, press representatives, and travel agents. The registrant also distributed informational materials to promote Belgium as a tourist attraction. $343,752.81 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Tourist Office for Flanders, Belgium - New York Office #5840

New York Times Building 620 Eighth Avenue, 44th Floor New York, NY 10018 Flanders Tourism Board 9

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted travel to Flanders and Brussels, Belgium. The registrant also talked with trade representatives and distributed promotional brochures to individuals and travel agencies. $700,375.26 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 15 of 237 BELGIUM BELIZE

Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. #5623

305 Madison Avenue Suite 2145 New York, NY 10165 Belize Tourism Board 10

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 16 of 237 BELIZE BERMUDA

Bermuda Department of Tourism #430

675 Third Avenue 20th Floor New York, NY 10017 Government of Bermuda, Department of Tourism 11

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant distributed informational materials to travel agents on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also participated in various travel/trade shows. $187,500.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Darlene Richeson & Associates, LLC #5786

3211 Eleanors Garden Way Woodbine, MD 21797-7508 Government of Bermuda 11

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant monitored and advocated investment and tax policy and worked to improve relationships between the United States and Bermuda. The registrant also represented the foreign principal before Congress. $60,035.78 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Levine & Company #3971

7100 Millwood Road Bethesda, MD 20817 Government of Bermuda 11

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant monitored congressional and executive branch activity in the area of investments and tax policy.

$150,045.75 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Marston Webb & Associates #5929

60 Madison Avenue Suite 1212 New York, NY 10010 Bermuda Ministry of Finance 11

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant wrote bi-monthly news letters, and disseminated the informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $87,500.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 17 of 237 BERMUDA BERMUDA

Public Private Partnership, Inc. #5927

1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20004 Government of Bermuda 11

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted members of Congress, executive branch officials, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials to discuss US-Bermuda bilateral relations, meeting preparation, and Congressman's visit to Bermuda as well as Congressman's letter to Premier. $116,666.69 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 18 of 237 BERMUDA BOLIVIA

Latin America Information Office LLC #5609 (T)

2000 P Street, NW Suite 240 Washington, DC 20036 Fundacion Siglo XXI (t) 12

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted media representatives and congressional staffers, university professors, and civic groups to discuss Bolivia panel at forum. The registrant also assisted in organizing Bolivia event in Alaska, Bolivia event in New York, and events on Bolivia in DC on behalf of the foreign principal. $33,333.33 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 19 of 237 BOLIVIA BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA

Alston & Bird, LLP #5549

950 F Street, NW The Atlantic Building Washington, DC 20004-1404 Mims d.o.o. (t) 13

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant promoted the business interests, trade, investment and bilateral relations between Bosnia, Herzegovina and the U.S. Also, the registrant reached out to and met with U.S. policymakers for purposes of expanding the foreign principal’s ability to offer products in the U.S. and to raise awareness and involvement of key U.S. officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina-related issues. $60,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Dewey & LeBoeuf, LLP #5835 (T)

1101 New York Avenue, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005-4213 Government of Republika Srpska (t) 13

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided legal counseling concerning the foreign principal's legal rights and obligations under international law. The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials, members of Congress, and their staffs on behalf of the foreign principal. $89,947.24 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Picard Kentz & Rowe, LLP #5939

1750 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Government of Republika Srpska 13

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant advised the foreign principal on matters related to international law. This work includes the provision of written and oral advice to members of the foreign principal as requested. The registrant also provides information related to members of the U.S. Administration and/or Congress. $1,832,910.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 20 of 237 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA BRAZIL

Fierce, Isakowitz, & Blalock #5950

1155 F Street, NW Suite 950 Washington, DC 20004 Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo (FIESP) 14

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant arranged meetings for representatives of the foreign principal with members of Congress and congressional staffers, as well as met with members of Congress and congressional staffers to educate and advocate for an extension of the current GSP Program. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $20,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. #5801

200 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 Social Communication Secretariat of the Office of the President of the Republic of Brazil 14

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted media representatives, analysts and others to organize media events and public relations outreach and counseling on behalf of the foreign principal regarding its economic development and overall image. $1,286,621.76 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 21 of 237 BRAZIL BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

British Virgin Islands Tourist Board #3354

1 West 34th Street Suite 302 New York, NY 10001-3011 British Virgin Islands Tourist Board 15

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant provided services for the dissemination of tourist information by various means, including trade shows, promotions, seminars, and advertising. $802,700.15 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Hyman, Lester S. #5166

3826 Van Ness Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20016 British Virgin Islands Government 15

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided legal and consulting services to the foreign principal.

$50,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 22 of 237 BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS CAMEROON

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Government of the Republic of Cameroon 16

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided general advice concerning Congress and the Administration, as well as contacted U.S. Government officials concerning U.S.-Cameroon bilateral relations. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 23 of 237 CAMEROON CANADA

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP #3492

1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Government of British Columbia 16

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant communicated with U.S. Government officials regarding trade in softwood lumber.

$1,140,763.89 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Ari Fleischer Communications, Inc. #5925 (T)

P.O. Box 115 Pound Ridge, NY 10576 Office of the Prime Minister of Canada (t) 16

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided strategic communications advice to the foreign principal and his office with respect to communicating to the U.S. public the positions and views of the foreign principal with respect to issues discussed at the G-20 Leaders' Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy held in London on April 2, 2009. $44,533.65 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Development Counsellors International #4777

215 Park Avenue South 10th Floor New York, NY 10003 Saskatchewan Industry & Resources (t) 16

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal.

$42,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

DLA Piper US LLP #3712

500 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 Government of Alberta 16

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials, to discuss meeting arrangements, energy issues, and climate change legislation on behalf of the foreign principal. $175,007.11 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 24 of 237 CANADA CANADA

Finkelstein Thompson, LLP #5213

1050 30th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20007 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 16

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant represented the foreign principal in legal proceedings involving the distribution of cable television royalties. $266,735.62 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Garvey, Schubert & Barer #3047

1191 Second Avenue, 18th Floor Seattle, WA 98101-2939 Government of Canada, Embassy 16

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant monitored and analyzed (i) legislative actions relating to the Clean Air Act and other related statutes involving international environmental impacts, (ii) Environmental Protection Agency regulatory actions, (iii) legislative and administrative actions relating to the extraterritorial impacts of the Endangered Species Act, the Pacific Salmon Treaty, the Magnuson Fisheries Conservation and Management Act and related Pacific fishery regulations, (iv) legislative and regulatory actions, and possible litigation, stemming from the proposed development of water projects in North Dakota potentially affecting Canada, including the possible construction of the Devil’s Lake project and the Northwest Area Water Supply project, and (v) government policy pertaining to environmental cleanup responsibilities associated with closure of U.S. military bases. Finances: None Reported

Garvey, Schubert & Barer #3047

1191 Second Avenue, 18th Floor Seattle, WA 98101-2939 Province of Ontario, Canada 16

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant monitored administrative rulemaking, policies, and legislative proposals that may affect transboundary air pollution or control waste exports from the Province of Ontario to the United States. $35,314.50 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 25 of 237 CANADA CANADA

Global Water & Energy Strategy Team (GWEST) #5892

2020 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW #245 Washington, DC 20006 Enterprise Saskatchewan and The Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Energy Resources 16

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant organized meetings and hosted policy forums with key U.S. political and business leaders for the foreign principal. The registrant also obtained meetings with congressional staffers and members of Congress to discuss bilateral energy policy and trade issues between the U.S. and Saskatchewan. $ 6,463.70 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Hogan Lovells US LLP #2244

555 - 13th Street, N.W. Columbia Square Washington, DC 20004-1109 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, and Ministry of 16 International Trade and Investment

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant rendered advice on U.S. and international laws, regulations, and policies concerning Canada-U.S. trade issues. The registrant represented the interests of the foreign principal in the softwood lumber from Canada dispute. $976,988.47 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

M. Silver Associates, Inc. #3131

747 Third Avenue, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10017-2803 Via Rail 16

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided public relations services, ongoing media relations including press trips, as well as prepared and distributed press information. The press trips involved verbal and written invitations to travel writers and editors while providing personal escort of the journalists to the principality. $54,423.78 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 26 of 237 CANADA CANADA

McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP #5772

1900 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Province of Quebec & Province of Manitoba (t) 16

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided updates to the foreign principal on developments in Washington, D.C. in the executive branch and Congress in regard to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). The registrant also monitored public comments and U.S. Government actions in regard to WHTI and provided advice and counsel to the foreign principal on actions that should be taken in regard to WHTI. $81,162.91 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Native American Rights Fund #4832

1712 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036-2976 Pottawatomi Nation (Canada Keewatinosagiganing Pottawatomi) 16

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP #5928

1320 Main Street 17th Floor Columbia, SC 29201 Province of Saskatchewan 16

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant represented the foreign principal before elected officials and government personnel regarding policies that impact Canada, the Province of Saskatchewan, and these governments' relationships with the U.S. $315,182.82 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Nova Scotia Information Centre #3078

1800 Argyle Street Suite 603 Box 456 Halifax, CANADA B3J2R5 Nova Scotia Department of Tourism 16

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 27 of 237 CANADA CANADA

PD Frazer Consulting Inc. #5754

3 Click Solutions 805 15th Street, NW Suite 425 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Alberta 16

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided assessments of the evolving legislative process on climate and energy issues in the Congress. The registrant also provided analyses on aspects of draft bills developed or being developed by the House and the Senate. $90,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

PD Frazer Consulting Inc. #5754

3 Click Solutions 805 15th Street, NW Suite 425 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Ontario 16

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided assessments of the evolving legislative process on climate and energy issues in the Congress. The registrant also provided analyses of aspects of draft bills developed or being developed by the House and the Senate. $35,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Public Strategies Washington, Inc. #4486

633 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 4th Floor Washington, DC 20004 Office of the Prime Minister of Canada (t) 16

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted media representatives to arrange interviews with the Prime Minister of Canada.

$24,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 28 of 237 CANADA CANADA

Quebec Government Office #1787

One Rockefeller Plaza Suite 2600 New York, NY 10020-2102 Quebec Government 16

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant gave speeches and maintained contacts with business, educational, governmental and media representatives in the United States concerning Quebec affairs. The registrant also sponsored cultural events and educational programs, participated in trade shows and activities, arranged U.S. visits for Quebec officials, and promoted tourism by disseminating informational materials. $4,791,125.49 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Rude, Marianne Haslund #5767

6107 Tracey's Overlook Road Tracys Landing, MD 20779 Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade 16

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 29 of 237 CANADA CAYMAN ISLANDS

Cayman Islands Department of Tourism #2500

350 5th Avenue Suite 1801 New York, NY 10118-1801 Government of the Cayman Islands 17

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant distributed brochures to travel agents and participated in travel shows, conferences, and seminars. The registrant also contracted U.S. agencies to provide advertising and public relations services. $7,726,623.89 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. #5801

200 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 Cayman Islands Government, Portfolio of Finance and Economics (t) 17

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant engaged in telephone conferences with the foreign principal concerning strategic recommendations for the Cayman Islands Portfolio of Finance and Economics. The registrant also reviewed media activities, political reports and legislative initiatives daily on issues of interest to the foreign principal including tax havens, offshore banking, private equity, and carried interest, with internal memoranda and summaries prepared weekly. $94,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Missy Farren & Associates, Ltd. d/b/a MFA #5949

206 Bon Air Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804 Cayman Islands Department of Tourism 17

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will draft and disseminate press releases, promote tourism to the Cayman Islands by participating in travel conferences and distribute travel information to the travel/trade consumers. $2,750,345.76 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

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White & Case, LLP #2759

1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-2787 States of Guernsey 18

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant disseminated informational materials and contacted congressional staffers and U.S. Government officials regarding the MTC model statute, the "Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act", and the Tax Information Exchange Agreement with New Zealand. The registrant also provided general legal representation on behalf of the foreign principal. $443,470.21 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

White & Case, LLP #2759

1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-2787 States of Jersey 18

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant disseminated informational materials and contacted congressional staffers and U.S. Government officials concerning the tax information exchange agreement update on behalf of the foreign principal. $311,479.63 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 31 of 237 CHANNEL ISLANDS CHINA

Blank Rome, LLP #4929

600 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Watergate Washington, DC 20037 China Shipping Group Company 19

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant advised the foreign principal on Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) general matters under the Shipping Act of 1984, including U.S. regulatory requirements applicable to the liner shipping activities of China Shipping Container Lines in U.S. foreign commerce. $220,410.88 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

China Daily Distribution Corporation #3457

15 E. 40th Street, Suite 902 New York, NY 10016 China Daily of Beijing, China 19

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant printed and distributed the China Daily newspaper, after receiving photograph negatives of the newspaper which are prepared by the publisher in Beijing. The registrant also solicited paid advertisements for inclusion in the newspaper. $800,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

China National Tourist Office #3318

370 Lexington Avenue Suite 912 New York, NY 10017 China National Tourism Administration (formerly: China International Travel Service) 19

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to China by disseminating informational materials, and by participating in travel shows, expositions, and conventions. $350,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. #5968

437 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China 19

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant will produce a television commercial.

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 32 of 237 CHINA CHINA

Hai Tian Development U.S.A., Inc. #5143

136-40 39th Avenue Suite 508 Flushing, NY 11354 People's Daily Overseas Edition 19

Nature of Services: Distribution of Printed Material The registrant carried out the printing and distribution of the overseas edition of the People's Daily newspaper in the United States. $704,644.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Embassy of the People's Republic of China 19

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided counsel to the foreign principal on U.S. congressional matters, as well as contacted members of Congress, U.S. Government officials and congressional staffers to discuss U.S.-China bilateral relations. $270,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Xin Min International, Inc. #4969

1520 South Garfield Avenue Alhambra, CA 91801 Xin Min Evening Newspaper 19

Nature of Services: Distribution of Printed Material The registrant engaged a local printing house and distribution service firm in Los Angeles to print and distribute the Xin Min Evening Newspaper in the United States. $300,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 33 of 237 CHINA COLOMBIA

Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc. #4909

140 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia 20

Nature of Services: Advertising The registrant promoted the use of Colombian coffee through advertising, monitoring the proper use of the principal's trademark registered in the United States, and creating promotional programs to be used at points of sale. The registrant also met with a U.S. Government official to discuss issues associated with the upcoming/ongoing meeting with the International Coffee Council of the International Coffee Organization in London. $1,290,536.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Development Counsellors International #4777

215 Park Avenue South 10th Floor New York, NY 10003 Proexport Colombia 20

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant generated a positive public relations program to effectively communicate tourism and business advantages on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $72,500.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Endeavour Global Strategies #5946

201 King Street Suite 202 Alexandria, VA 22314 Government of Colombia/Colombia is Passion through The Fratelli Group (t) 20

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant, through the Fratelli Group, will provide services to include media/public relations and event planning on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 34 of 237 COLOMBIA COLOMBIA

Fratelli Group #5867

1300 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Government of Colombia, Embassy 20

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant contacted media representatives to discuss interviews for Ambassador Carolina Barco; Diego Molano, Director of the Colombian Presidential Agency for Social Action; and Luis Ernesto Araujo Rumie, Executive Director of the Cartagena de Indias Tourism Corporation. The registrant also disseminated informational materials and provided advice and counsel on media strategy. $221,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Glover Park Group, LLC #5666

1025 F Street, NW 9th Floor Washington, DC 20004 ProExport Colombia 20

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant assisted the foreign principal in developing and implementing a government affairs and lobbying program to include establishing communications with policymakers, as well as monitoring and reporting on legislation and executive branch activities which may affect the development and passage of the Trade Promotion Agreement between the United States and the Republic of Colombia. $40,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Holland & Knight #3718

2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 100 Washington, DC 20006-6801 Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia, S.A. (AVIANCA) 20

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided general legal advice and services to the foreign principal.

$35,395.54 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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Latin America Information Office LLC #5609 (T)

2000 P Street, NW Suite 240 Washington, DC 20036 Movimiento Poder Ciudadano, Siglo 21 (t) 20

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted congressional staffers to arrange meetings for representatives of the Colombian Government with U.S. Senators. In addition the registrant contacted civic groups to arrange meetings with Colombian representatives to discuss various issues of interest to the foreign principal. $21,624.98 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Mira Movimiento Inc. #5676

318 Indian Trace #207 Weston, FL 33326 Mira Movimiento Independiente De Renovacion Absoluta 20

Nature of Services: Fund Raising Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 36 of 237 COLOMBIA CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE)

Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. #5774

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo, through Trout Cacheris PLLC (t) 21

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant contacted a member of Congress, various non-governmental organizations, and media representatives regarding debt relief, a climate change event, the economy, the Congo Basin and other issues of interest to the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $530,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Gray Loeffler, LLC #5806

300 New Jersey Avenue, NW Suite 650 Washington, DC 20001 Office of President of the Republic of Congo through Trout Cacheris (t) 21

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant researched and analyzed issues of concern to the foreign principal, provided counsel on U.S. policies and pending relevant activity in Congress, as well as maintained contact with members of Congress and their staffs, executive branch officials, multi-lateral institutions, and non-governmental organizations. $229,166.67 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Moffett Group, LLC #5802

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Office of President of Republic of Congo through Amani Group 21

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials to discuss meeting requests, and Congo Basin issues, as well as President Sassou's talking points for visit to U.S. and his election. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $202,500.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Trout Cacheris, PLLC #5733

1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 Denis Sassou-Nguesso 21

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided advice concerning litigation affecting the interests of the foreign principal. The registrant also contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, U.S. Government officials, and media representatives to discuss 110 HR 6796, 110 HR 7205, the potential legislation against profiteering in defaulted sovereign debt conditions in the Republic of Congo, vulture fund litigation against the Republic of Congo, environmental issues, and the presidential election in the Republic of Congo. $2,619,691.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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Crescent Consultants, LLC #5944

4414 29th Street, NW Washington, DC 20008 Democratic Republic of Congo 22

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant met and corresponded with surrogates to prepare them to discuss the positive developments undertaken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the English-speaking media. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 39 of 237 CONGO (KINSHASA) (ZAIRE) COSTA RICA

Arent Fox, LLP #5882

1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-5339 Laura Chinchilla Miranda, nominee of Partido Liberacion Nacional (National Liberation Party) for 23 President of the Republic of Costa Rica (t)

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant will provide advice and presentations before members of Congress, the Executive Branch, and federal agencies regarding foreign relations with Costa Rica, trade, security, and health care. $25,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Burson-Marsteller #2469

1110 Vermont Avenue, NW, 12th Floor Washington, DC 20005-3544 Costa Rican Tourism Institute 23

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant monitored and analyzed news coverage of the foreign principal in the North American media; wrote press releases in English and distributed to media; organized events with travel industry partners for consumers and travel industry; fulfilled media inquiries and provided background information on Costa Rica tourist attraction and services; organized media familiarization trips to Costa Rica. $232,262.49 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Costa Rican Board of Trade #2370

108 East 66th Street 6th Floor New York, NY 10065 Camara de Azucareros 23

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant informed the Department of Agriculture on the progress of the sugar crop in Costa Rica and its compliance with the U.S. sugar quota by acting as a liaison with private organizations, commodity brokers, and international organizations on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant was involved with the International Sugar Organization meetings in London and the World Trade Organization in Geneva. $13,200.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 40 of 237 COSTA RICA COTE D'IVOIRE (IVORY COAST)

Kokora, Pascal D. #5687

1914 Carters Grove Drive Silver Spring, MD 20904 Government of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire 24

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

$30,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

LTL Strategies #5808

4545 42nd Street, NW Suite 306 Washington, DC 20016 Dr. Alassane D. Ouattara, Rassemblement des Republicains (RDR) 24

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Whitaker Group, Inc. #5539

1133 21st Street, NW Suite 405 Washington, DC 20036 Cote d'Ivoire Office of the President (t) 24

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 41 of 237 COTE D'IVOIRE (IVORY COAST) CYPRUS

CMS Strategies, LLC #5766

5500 Friendship Boulevard #1511N Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Republic of Cyprus, Embassy, through Patton Boggs LLP 24

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant contacted members of Congress, and congressional staffers, regarding the election results in the occupied area of Cyprus, the status of Cyprus negotiations, U.S.-Turkey hearing, briefing request, the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act trip to Cyprus, Hellenic Caucus information, and the Foreign Assistance Act. $43,125.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Independent Diplomat, Inc. #5860

137 Second Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 24

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant will meet with U.S. Government officials within the State Department on the behalf of the foreign principal to collect information regarding U.S. views and to provide communication strategies on government relations. $67,655.90 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Jacobs, Barry #5900

The Spectrum Group 11 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 103 Alexandria, VA 22314 Mehmet Ali Talat 24

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus #2619

821 United Nations Plaza 9th Floor New York, NY 10017 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Mehmet Ali Talat 24

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant met with various members and advisers of the United Nations, members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials to discuss and exchange information relating to Cyprus issues. $517,870.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Government of the Republic of Cyprus, Embassy 24

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided general advice concerning the Congress and the Administration. The registrant also contacted U.S. Government officials, members of Congress, and congressional staffers to discuss the U.S.-Cyprus bilateral relationship and the congressional research services report. $613,125.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Government of the Republic of Cyprus, Embassy, through Patton Boggs LLP 24

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided media relations counsel, assisted with the editing of draft opinion articles and press releases, disseminated informational materials, and provided media monitoring and analysis. The registrant also contacted media representatives concerning Cyprus issues. $150,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 43 of 237 CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC

Czech Center, New York #5115

321 E 73rd Street New York, NY 10021 Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs 25

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade/Culture/Tourism The registrant promoted the foreign principal (Czech Republic) in the U.S. in the areas of culture, tourism, and business. $279,841.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 44 of 237 CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK

Berry, Max N. #2216

3213 O Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20007-2843 Danish Meat Association (DMA) 25

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided the foreign principal with information regarding the status of the Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) (inspection of systems of meat plants new sanitary operating procedures) and statistical information on pork imports and exports, mad cow disease, and other diseases throughout the world. The registrant also kept the foreign principal updated on any legislation affecting the importation of pork and pork products. $30,262.39 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Global Communicators, LLC #5817

901 15th Street, NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20005 Copenhagen Consensus Center (t) 25

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant edited and distributed to news media advisory, bio, news release and expert panel findings on responses to global warming. $6,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

VisitDenmark #634

655 Third Avenue 18th Floor, Suite 1810 New York, NY 10017 Danish Tourist Board 25

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Denmark by participating in workshops, travel shows, and conferences. The registrant also provided informational materials to prospective tourists, tour operators, and travel agencies. In addition, the registrant distributed the Denmark Travel Guide 2009 to prospective visitors to Denmark. $750,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 45 of 237 DENMARK DJIBOUTI

Foley Hoag, LLP #4776

1875 K Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006-1238 Republic of Djibouti 26

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 46 of 237 DJIBOUTI DOMINICA

Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. #5334

32 Washington Street Fairhaven, MA 02719 Commonwealth of Dominica, Office of Ministry of Finance, Industry and Trade 27

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also registered and inspected vessels, as well as provided mariner certification and assessments on behalf of the foreign principal. $336,922.96 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 47 of 237 DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

Johnson II, Robert Winthrop #4460

801 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20004-2615 Government of the Dominican Republic 28

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant represented the foreign principal's sugar operations and other private sector members of the Dominican Sugar Commission in matters relating to the U.S. sugar quota, and provided legal advice to the foreign principal and its Washington Embassy in matters involving U.S. law. The registrant also disseminated informational materials and engaged in business travel to seminars, conventions, and conferences on behalf of the foreign principal. $187,531.10 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP #5864

700 12th Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Government of the Dominican Republic and Asociacion Dominicana de Hacendados y 28 Agricultores, Inc.

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted non-government organizations, members of Congress, congressional staffers, executive branch officials, and U.S. Government officials regarding human rights, birth registration and nationality, drug interdiction and trade, as well as other issues of importance to the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $300,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 48 of 237 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR

Fenton Communications #5945

1000 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador 28

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided media relations services to support the visit of President Rafael Corea to New York in July and assisted the foreign principal in its continuing media outreach. These activities included dissemination of information materials. The registrant also assisted in a trip to Washington, D.C. by the Foreign Minister, Fander Falconi, to participate in a meeting at the Organization of American States during July and during the UN General Assembly in New York in September. In addition, the registrant advised the staff at Ecuador's Foreign Ministry in Quito on strategic public positioning of the country and its leadership issues such as the environment, tourism, combat of drug trafficking and border security. $180,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Foley Hoag, LLP #4776

1875 K Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006-1238 Corporation for the Promotion of Exports and Investments of Ecuador 28

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Embassy of Ecuador 28

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided general advice concerning the Congress and the Administration. The registrant also contacted U.S. Government officials and congressional staffers regarding the U.S.-Ecuador bilateral relationship. $195,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 49 of 237 ECUADOR EGYPT

Brown Lloyd James #5875

250 West 57th Street Suite 1311 New York, NY 10107 Hassan Tatanaki - Challenger Limited 29

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. #5774

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Egyptian Press and Information Office, Embassy 29

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant contacted university representatives, think tanks, and media representatives to discuss Egyptian Government Representatives visits, interview opportunities, OP-Ed's, President Obama's trip to Egypt and the World Bank award as well as other issues of interest to the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $384,151.16 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. #5801

200 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, the Arab Republic of Egypt (GAFI) (t) 29

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 50 of 237 EGYPT EGYPT

Livingston Group, LLC #5356

499 South Capitol Street S.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20003 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy thru PLM Group 29

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant researched and analyzed issues of concern to the foreign principal; counsel the foreign principal on U.S. policies of concern, activities in Congress and the executive branch; developments on the U.S. political scene generally; maintained contact, as necessary, with members of Congress and their staffs, executive branch officials, and non-governmental organizations. $204,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Moffett Group, LLC #5802

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy through PLM Group 29

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials to discuss meetings and visits, Egypt foreign aid, Egyptian agricultural issues, recent Egyptian news items, Egypt-US relations, and other issues of interest to the foreign principal. In addition, the registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $72,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

PLM Group, LLC #5825

1001 G Street, NW Suite 900 East Washington, DC 20001 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy 29

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant itself is not engaged in representing the client. As of March 1, 2009, all representational functions have been performed by the following organizations as separate registrants: 1. #5356 - The Livingston Group, LLC 2. #5802 - The Moffett Group, LLC 3. #5926 - The Podesta Group, Inc. Payments from the client have continued to be made through the PLM Group, which then distributes the funds to the three registrants listed above. Each of the three registrants listed above files its own supplemental statements, reporting on the activities undertaken on behalf of the client, and is responsible for doing its other FARA-related reporting as required by law, such as keeping short-form registrations up to date, and for maintaining its FARA-related records. $277,500.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Podesta Group, Inc. #5926

1001 G Street, NW Suite 900 East Washington, DC 20001 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy, through the PLM Group 29

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and executive branch officials to setup meetings, and to discuss the current status of U.S./Egyptian relations, security issues, and potential meetings with Egyptian officials. The registrant also contacted a member of Congress to discuss a dinner invitation on behalf of the foreign principal. $248,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 52 of 237 EGYPT EL SALVADOR

Veve, Michael E. #4751

8300 Greensboro Drive Suite 800 McLean, VA 22102 Embassy of El Salvador (t) 29

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided legal services to the foreign principal.

$30,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

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Cassidy & Associates, Inc. #5643

700 13th Street, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Equatorial Guinea 30

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant advised the foreign principal on available U.S. assistance programs, contacted U.S. Government officials and members of the Executive Office and Congress to provide updates on the progress that the Government of Equatorial Guinea has made on various key issues, and developed and maintained an official website for Equatorial Guinea. $920,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Equatorial Guinea through Cassidy and Associates, Inc. 30

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant facilitated and coordinated media activity on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also provided assistance to the foreign principal in building relations with media representatives, academics, and think tanks. $45,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 54 of 237 EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA

Teckle, Tesfu Berhane #5707

7907 Wildwood Drive Takoma Park, MD 20912 Eritrean People's Movement 30

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 55 of 237 ERITREA ESTONIA

Enterprise Estonia in San Jose #5833

440 North Wolfe Road Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Government of Estonia 31

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant engaged in promoting investments, trade, research and product development contacts between Estonia and the United States. $63,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

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Dewey & LeBoeuf, LLP #5835 (T)

1101 New York Avenue, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005-4213 Government of Ethiopia, Embassy (t) 31

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant represented and advised the Government of Ethiopia with respect to various aspects of its dispute with the State of Eritrea, including proceedings before the International Boundary Commission and Claims Commission established pursuant to the December 2000 Peace Agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea. In addition, the registrant provided advice and professional services to the foreign principal on related matters as requested by the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party #4789

Post Office Box 73337 Washington, DC 20056-3337 Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party 31

Nature of Services: Lobbying/Public Relations The registrant addressed conference participants concerning the objectives of the party, as well as the political situation and the activities of the party. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $32,980.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Mark Saylor Company, LLC #5827

202 South Lake Avenue Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 Government of Ethiopia, Embassy (t) 31

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Oromo Liberation Front - USA #5888

1419 V Street, NW Suite 301 Washington, DC 20009 Oromo Liberation Front 31

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant held meetings to raise the awareness of the Oromo diaspora on the concept of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and development. The registrant also organized seminars to increase the leadership abilities of community activism and human rights advocates. The topics included; basics of leadership, teamwork, building organizational and communal harmony, conflict resolution methods, and time management. In addition, the registrant organized conferences to update the Oromo diaspora on the situation in Ethiopia in general and Oromia in particular with emphasis on the humanitarian challenges facing Oromo refugees in the Horn of Africa. $50,995.80 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Oromo Liberation Front Foreign Relations Office in North America (OLF-FRONA) #5895 P.O. Box 21762 Washington, DC 20009 Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) 31

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant attended meetings in order to inform Oromos in North America about human rights violations and the current political situation in Ethiopia. $3,200.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Oromo Liberation Front, North America Office #4610

P.O. Box 73247 Washington, DC 20056-3247 Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) 31

Nature of Services: Political Activities The registrant arranged meetings on behalf of the foreign principal with various groups to discuss human rights violations, and the political situation in Ethiopia. The registrant also arranged meetings between U.S. Government officials and a representative of the foreign principal to discuss the political and humanitarian developments in the Horn of Africa. $58,127.17 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

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Teferra, Mesfin #5961

850 Sligo Avenue #LL8 Silver Spring, MD 20910 Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party (Democratic) 31

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant agreed to contact members of Congress, U.S. Government officials, and the American public regarding the plight of the Ethiopian people. The registrant also agreed to disseminate informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

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Discover the World Marketing #5958

14350 N. 87th Street Suite 265 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Nouvelle Caledonie Touriisme Point Sud 32

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will provide public relations and sales promotion activities in the U.S. on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

French Film Office/Unifrance USA #2358

972 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10075 Unifrance Film International (formerly: National Center for the Cinema, French Ministry of 32 Culture)

Nature of Services: Promotion of French Films in the U.S. The registrant promoted French films and the gathering of commercial information concerning general interest in and the market for French films in the United States on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also arranged special showings of French films in the United States. $270,144.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

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Jackson Kelly, PLLC #5962

1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1110 Washington, DC 20009 SNCF DDI 32

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant will provide legal advice regarding the U.S. regulatory environment and procurement process; organize and participate in meetings and workshops with federal, state and local government officials; draft correspondence and other documents, attend hearings. Finances: None Reported

Jackson Kelly, PLLC #5962

1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1110 Washington, DC 20009 SNCF Voyages 32

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant will provide legal advice regarding the U.S. regulatory environment and procurement process; organize and participate in meetings and workshops with federal, state and local government officials; draft correspondence and other documents, attend hearings. Finances: None Reported

Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Air France 32

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided media relations, disseminated informational materials, and participated in special events to promote public relations on behalf of the foreign principal. $99,600.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

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Glover Park Group, LLC #5666

1025 F Street, NW 9th Floor Washington, DC 20004 Government of Georgia, National Security Council (t) 33

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations counsel to the foreign principal regarding communications and media strategy targeted to the general public of the United States. The registrant also contacted executive branch officials, U.S. Government officials and congressional staffers concerning foreign assistance to Georgia, meetings at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and to request a meeting for the Georgian Defense Minister. In addition, the registrant provided advice and support to the foreign principal relating to its communications efforts directed towards executive branch and legislative branch officials of the U.S. Government. Finally the registrant disseminated the Georgian President's speech summary to several civic organizations. $184,856.63 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Kunin, Daniel Louis #5911

226 Windmill Bay Shelburne, VT 05482 National Security Council of Georgia 33

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided strategic communications advice, assisted in the development of speeches, articles, op-ed articles, and position papers, contacted U.S. media representatives and U.S. Government officials on the behalf of the foreign principal. $127,917.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Maniatis, Gregory A. #5906

139 West 82nd Street Apt. 7F New York, NY 10024 National Security Council of Georgia 33

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided strategic communications advice and assisted in researching and drafting speeches, articles, op-ed articles, and position papers on the behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant contacted U.S. media officials and arranged a roundtable discussion at Columbia University to promote and develop support for the foreign and domestic policies of the Government of Georgia. Also, the registrant coordinated the activities of two public relations firms, Glover Park Group and Public Strategies, Inc., retained by the foreign principal. $255,834.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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Mark Saylor Company, LLC #5827

202 South Lake Avenue Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 Government of the Republic of Abkhazia 33

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also monitored media and government activities and provided strategic public relations counsel and services to the foreign principal in order to further world understanding of the history of its independence, its ethnically distinct population and its economic, historical, and political autonomy. $120,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Mark Saylor Company, LLC #5827

202 South Lake Avenue Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 Government of the Republic of South Ossetia 33

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also monitored media and government activities and provided strategic public relations counsel and services to the foreign principal in order to further world understanding of the history of its independence, its ethnically distinct population and its economic, historical, and political autonomy. $120,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Orion Strategies LLC #5437

918 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 Government of Georgia, National Security Council 33

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant will provide advice, guidance, and support for strategic communications, public relations, advocacy, and other related activities in the United States and in Europe on the behalf of the foreign principal's efforts to integrate into Western institutions, including its candidacy for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Finances: None Reported

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Public Strategies, Inc. #5913

98 San Jacinto Boulevard Suite 1200 Austin, TX 78701 National Security Council of Georgia (t) 33

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted U.S. media representatives of the behalf on the foreign principal to provide public relations services to enhance the reputation of the Republic of Georgia government. $402,235.23 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

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Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology #5647 Office for Economic Development 560 Lexington Avenue, 17th Floor New York, NY 10022 Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology 34

Nature of Services: Distribution Of Printed Material The registrant prepared several marketing strategies to promote direct investments and joint ventures with the foreign principal in Bavaria. These strategies included contacting U.S. companies, disseminating economic materials, and arranging seminars and informational events in the United States. $769,210.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Deutsche Telekom, Inc. #4419

14 Wall Street Suite 6B New York, NY 10005 Deutsche Telekom, A.G. (formerly: Deutsche Bundespost Telekom) 34

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment/Promotion of Trade The registrant participated in trade shows and attended investor conferences with U.S. Government officials and members of Congress. $4,593,519.77 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

DLA Piper US LLP #3712

500 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 German State of Rheinland-Pfalz 34

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided assistance in enhancing U.S. Rheinland-Pfalz relations, including issues relating to the U.S. military facilities in the State. The registrant also contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and executive branch officials to discuss issues related to the U.S. military facilities in Germany and visits by Rheinland-Pfalz officials. $141,075.99 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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German National Tourist Office #616

122 East 42nd Street Suite 2000 New York, NY 10168 Deutsche Zentrale fuer Tourismus (German National Tourist Board) 34

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 City of Heidelberg. Germany 34

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided analyses of the Military Construction Budget for the Fiscal Year 2010. The registrant also advised the foreign principal on the Department of Defense budget process and the role of the Quadrennial Defense Review in determining force structure in Europe. In addition, the registrant informed the foreign principal of the political appointments to the Department of the Army. Finances: None Reported

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Representative of German Industry and Trade #4274

1776 I Street, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20006 Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Deutscher Industrie - und 34 Handelstag)

Nature of Services: Public Relations/Promotion of Trade and Investments The registrant met with U.S. Governmental officials on behalf of the foreign principal to discuss trade policy matters, as well as energy and environmental issues. The registrant also disseminated informational materials to business associations and trade groups on behalf of the foreign principal. $412,388.77 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Representative of German Industry and Trade #4274

1776 I Street, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20006 Federation of German Industries (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie) 34

Nature of Services: Public Relations/Promotion of Trade and Investments The registrant met with U.S. Governmental officials on behalf of the foreign principal to discuss trade policy matters, as well as energy and environmental issues. The registrant also disseminated informational materials to business associations and trade groups on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

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Whitaker Group, Inc. #5539

1133 21st Street, NW Suite 405 Washington, DC 20036 Government of Ghana (t) 35

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Development Counsellors International #4777

215 Park Avenue South 10th Floor New York, NY 10003 Welsh Development Agency 35

Nature of Services: Industrial Promotion The registrant provided a public relations program covering trade and media including a press trip to Saskatchewan.

$157,900.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Gibraltar Government Office of Washington #4182

3970 Oaks Clubhouse Drive Apt 306 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Government of Gibraltar 35

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Holland & Knight #3718

2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 100 Washington, DC 20006-6801 Government of the United Kingdom, Embassy 35

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided general legal advice and services to the foreign principal.

$18,145.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

International Underwriting Association of London #5296

3 Minister Court Mincing Lane London, GREAT BRITAIN EC3R 7DD International Underwriting Association of London 35

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant met with members of Congress and executive branch officials on insurance and reinsurance matters, including the Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act. Finances: None Reported

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Lloyd's of London Market Representatives #4883

One Lime Street London, ENGLAND EC3M 7HA Lloyd's of London 35

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted and met with congressional staffers and other U.S. Government officials to discuss federal action to remove state-based barriers to cross-border trade in reinsurance services. Finances: None Reported

North of England #3844

444 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 411 Chicago, IL 60611 North West Development Agency, One Northeast, 35

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant promoted the foreign principal as a base for foreign direct investment. The activities included telemarketing, responding to inquiries, introduction of interested parties and campaigns. $456,394.11 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

O'Mara, Charles J. #5181

3213 O Street, NW Washington, DC 20007 Tilda, Ltd. (Tilda Rice) 35

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant followed developments related to the European Union's (EU) commitments under the Uruguay Round Agreement and the enlargement of the EU with regard to imports of rice and the EU's obligations under the World Trade Organization. The registrant also followed developments with respect to the above commitments and U.S. Government policy. $22,500.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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Oliver A. Dulle Jr. & Company, Inc. #5959

8000 Maryland Avenue Suite 1320 St. Louis, MO 63105 MIDAS: Manchester Investment Development Agency Service 35

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant will assist the foreign principal to achieve contractual performance targets through the provision of business intelligence services and identifying new qualified investment leads. Finances: None Reported

Overstreet, Larry L. #5246

8000 Maryland Avenue Suite 1320 St. Louis, MO 63105 City of Sunderland, England 35

Nature of Services: Industrial Promotion The registrant developed marketing materials, initiation of controls regarding establishment of business activity in Sunderland, England, and responded to requests for information. $38,541.38 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Urenco, Inc. #5137

1560 Wilson Boulevard Suite 300 Arlington, VA 22209-2463 Urenco, Ltd. 35

Nature of Services: Public Relations/Lobbying The registrant studied the demand of the uranium enrichment market in the United States including compiling data on both current requirements and future demands. The registrant also prepared proposals for bidding on uncommitted enrichment requirements and negotiated terms for new contracts and support services. $444,860.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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VisitBritain #579

551 Fifth Avenue Suite 701 New York, NY 10176-0799 British Tourist Authority 35

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant’s offices in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles provided tourist information to potential tourists to Britain, to the U.S. media, and to the U.S. travel industry. The registrant also took part in tourism promotion events, business conventions, training workshops and seminars. $2,731,577.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

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Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. #5623

305 Madison Avenue Suite 2145 New York, NY 10165 Grenada Board of Tourism 36

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Bracy Tucker Brown, Inc. #5878

1615 L Street, NW Suite 520 Washington, DC 20036 FundaSistemas 37

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided advice on how to verbally present systems-thinking ideas for promoting economic development in Guatemala and to introduce systems-thinking concept for hemispheric relations. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $10,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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Foley Hoag, LLP #4776

1875 K Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006-1238 Republic of Guyana 38

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC #5839

540 North Lincoln Street Hinsdale, IL 60521 CMO-HOPE 39

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant assisted the foreign principal in the preparation of memoranda, analyzed trade data, developed proposals for such amendments and related technical input, and scheduled meetings and various email exchanges with congressional offices, and other non-governmental institutions. $32,980.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. #5774

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Government of Honduras (t) 40

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and media representatives regarding setting up interviews, and the current political situation in Honduras, as well as other issues of interest to the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $131,538.46 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Global Communicators, LLC #5817

901 15th Street, NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20005 Fundacion para la Inversion y Desarrollo de Exportaciones (FIDE) (Foundation for Investment and 40 Development of Exports) (t)

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant wrote, designed and distributed newsletters and media and tourism hospitality fact sheets to selected news media. These activities are designed to introduce Honduras as an investment opportunity for U.S. businesses and investors. The registrant also led a hospitality/tourism familiarization trip to Honduras, and developed informational books for participating journalists. $33,717.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Gray Loeffler, LLC #5806

300 New Jersey Avenue, NW Suite 650 Washington, DC 20001 Hong Kong Trade Development Council through GrayLoeffler 40

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant researched and monitored legislative and administrative activities, identified and established access and contacts to members of the U.S. Congress and Administration likely to affect the interests of the foreign principal including economic and trade issues. $178,750.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Hong Kong Tourism Board #2110

5670 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1230 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Government of Hong Kong 40

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism To promote tourism on behalf of its foreign principal, the registrant distributed promotional material and provided information to all segments of the travel industry and traveling public. The registrant also participated in trade shows, promotions, and travel seminars with other tourist offices. The registrant's offices are located in Los Angeles and New York. $1,475,363.10 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Inc. #2181

219 East 46th Street New York, NY 10017 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 40

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant promoted Hong Kong trade with the USA, provided information to the foreign principal regarding market situations in America, assisted in promotional programs, established a databank of contacts for matching business inquiries, and served as consultant to Hong Kong businessmen. $3,467,516.11 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

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MPD Consultants, LLC #5540 (T)

5615 Bent Branch Road Bethesda, MD 20816 Hong Kong Trade Development Council (through the Loeffler Group LLP) (t) 40

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

$305.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Nurnberger & Associates, Inc. #5809

4870 F Old Dominion Drive Arlington, VA 22207 Hong Kong Trade Development Council through the Amani Group 40

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant monitored issues on behalf of the foreign principal including the US-China relationship and represented the interests of the Government of Hong Kong in international trade relations between the United States and Hong Kong. $45,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide #5807

1111 19th Street, NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20036 Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 40

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided strategic communications counsel to the foreign principal on multiple projects including crafting and editing speeches, conducting media training sessions, developing talking points regarding multiple economic and cultural issues, writing op-eds and providing daily news monitoring reports to capture all print, internet and broadcast coverage of Hong Kong within the United States. The registrant has also coordinated media affairs encouraging meetings with Hong Kong officials on a wide range of issues. $218,750.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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Podesta Group, Inc. #5926

1001 G Street, NW Suite 900 East Washington, DC 20001 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 40

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant at the request of the foreign principal, arranged meetings with members of Congress and their staffs, as well as with U.S. Government officials. $200,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Sidley Austin, LLP #3731

1501 K Street, N.W. 8th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 40

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided legal advice and services on trade related matters.

$196,191.61 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. #5872

50 West 23rd Street 11th Floor New York, NY 10010 Hong Kong Tourism Board 40

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant provided public relations and consulting services to the foreign principal regarding the promotion of tourism in the U.S. for travel to Hong Kong. $68,558.27 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Venable, LLP #5931

575 7th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004-1601 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 40

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant met with legislative branch officials to foster positive U.S.-Hong Kong bilateral relations, and to promote and develop Hong Kong's economic and trade interests in the United States. $111,273.50 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

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Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates #5265

1317 F Street, N.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20004 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 40

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided advice, support, and assistance in lobbying the Congress and the executive branch on legislation and policies affecting the trade interests of Hong Kong. For example, U.S./Mainland of China on trade relations; U.S. implementation of the World Trade Organization Agreements; trade legislation including presidential trade promotion authority, textiles bill and 301 status; U.S. free trade agreements with other countries; APEC; anti-dumping and safeguard legislation and actions, environmental protection, labor rights, investment and competition policy issues; gathering information which may affect the trade interests of Hong Kong; arranging for delegations from Hong Kong and Hong Kong officials based in the United States to meet politicians, members of the Administration, and other organizations. $202,549.80 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered #5815 (T)

One Thomas Circle, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Hungary, Embassy (t) 40

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

$34,143.50 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Iceland Tourist Board #2863

655 Third Avenue Suite 1810 New York, NY 10017 Iceland Tourist Board 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant distributed information on services to travel agents and individuals and disseminated travel information and travel literature. $705,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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BGR Government Affairs, LLC #5430

601 Thirteenth Street, NW Eleventh Floor South Washington, DC 20005 Republic of India, Embassy 41

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant monitored and advised the foreign principal on U.S. policy making processes and arranged meetings between the foreign principal and U.S. officials. The means employed included communications, meetings, briefings, and distribution of informational materials with U.S. Government officials and members of the U.S. media. $323,654.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Collins, Grace #5566

1725 I Street, N.W. Suite 300, #53 Washington, DC 20006 Government of the Peoples Republic of Nagalim/National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Nagaland) 41 (I-M)

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant spoke to a civic group and attended events to provide general public relations on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $24,780.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Council of Khalistan #5597

730 24th Street, N.W. Suite 310 Washington, DC 20037 Council of Khalistan 41

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant wrote letters to members of Congress and executive branch officials, and others regarding human rights violations of Sikhs and other minorities in India, as well as the preservation of the natural resources of Punjab and the promotion of fair prices for farm products. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

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Dentsu America, Inc. #5116

32 Avenue of the Americas 16th Floor New York, NY 10013 Government of India Tourist Office 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

India Tourism, Los Angeles #5873

3550 Wilshire Boulevard Suite No. 204 Los Angeles, CA 90010-2485 Government of India, Ministry of Tourism 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant participated in travel/trade shows and seminars, as well as disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $335,691.38 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

India Tourism, New York #2329

1270 Avenue of the Americas Suite 303 New York, NY 10020-1700 Government of India 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to India through advertisements, brochures, expos, travel shows, conferences, and conventions. The registrant also disseminated press releases and articles through print and electronic media to promote tourism on behalf of the foreign principal. $1,950,667.16 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

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India Trade Promotion Organization #2975

100 Park Avenue 16th Floor New York, NY 10017 Trade Development Authority 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided trade data and commercial information, and forwarded trade inquiries on products of trade interest to the foreign principal. The registrant also participated in trade shows on behalf of the foreign principal. $272,201.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Embassy of India 41

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided advice and counsel to the foreign principal regarding relations with the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. Government and discussed passage of H. Res. 890 and 3328, U.S.-India relations, and U.S. preference programs in India with members of Congress and congressional staffers. $291,665.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Africa - African Travel Association, Inc. (Africa Travel Association) #5967 166 Madison Avenue Fifth Floor New York,, NY 10016 Africa Travel Association 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted travel, tourism and transport to and within Africa, and strengthened intra-Africa partnerships. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $101,088.60 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Alpine Tourist Office #2052

C/O Austrian Tourist Office, Inc. 608 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10020 Alpine Tourist Commission 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant distributed brochures and press releases and placed advertisements promoting travel to the Alpine region. The registrant also participated in travel workshops and familiarization press trips on behalf of the foreign principal. $213,868.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Arab Information Center #876

League of Arab States 1100 - 17th Street, N.W., Suite 602 Washington, DC 20036 League of Arab States 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant collected public information of interest to the foreign principal and transmitted the information to the foreign principal. In addition, the foreign principal made use of the registrant's conference room for meetings. $372,734.41 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Caribbean Tourism Development Company #5910

80 Broad Street 32nd Floor New York, NY 10004 Caribbean Tourism Development Company 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal.

$158,767.87 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Caribbean Tourism Organization, USA Inc. #991

80 Broad Street 32nd Floor New York, NY 10004 Caribbean Tourism Organization 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourist travel to the Caribbean region through publicity releases and the distribution of tourist folders. The registrant also engaged in public relations concerning the joint interests of the foreign government islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, as well as the interests of allied members engaged in the operations of hotels in the Caribbean. $379,449.08 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

European Travel Commission #574 c/o Spring O'Brien 50 West 23rd Street, 11th Floor New York, NY 10010 European Travel Commission 41

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant disseminated informational materials, arranged meetings between media and tourism office directors, developed and produced a quarterly newsletter for distribution by email on behalf the foreign principal for promoting travel to member countries. $217,651.29 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301

607 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Special Court for Sierra Leone 41

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided counsel and public relations services, including raising awareness and support for the Special Court for Sierra Leone. $74,427.38 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Lou Hammond & Associates, Inc. #5935

39 East 51st Street New York, NY 10022-5901 Caribbean Tourism Development 41

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant prepared informational materials promoting tourism, organized press trips and special events, as well as contacted media representatives on behalf of the foreign principal. $137,717.46 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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Clark, Mark Edmond #5755

218 East 81st Street Apartment 4B New York, NY 10028 Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN 41

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided semi-monthly oral reports on U.S.-Iran relations. The registrant also supported the formulation of policy options, and met with a U.S. policy expert to discuss issues concerning U.S. policy on Iraq and Iran. $12,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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American Business Development Group #5810

2800 Shirlington Road Suite 401 Arlington, VA 22206 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant communicated and facilitated meetings for the foreign principal with members of Congress and congressional staff as well as executive branch agencies; specifically the Departments of Defense and Commerce. $60,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

BGR Government Affairs, LLC #5430

601 Thirteenth Street, NW Eleventh Floor South Washington, DC 20005 Kurdish Regional Government (formerly known as Kurdish Democratic Party) 41

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials concerning trade, and U.S.-Kurdish relations. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $344,428.67 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Bitar, Janet M. #5863

2600 Crystal Drive Concord Crystal City Arlington, VA 22202 Nahro Mohammad Abdul Karim Al-Kasnazan Al-Husseini, Secretary General, Coalition of Iraqi 41 National Unity (CINU) (t)

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

$21,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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Broydrick & Associates, Inc. #5859

400 E Wisconsin Avenue Suite 400 Milwaukee, WI 53202 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress and other officials on behalf of the foreign principal. Topics included relationships with Turkey, U.S. and Kurdistan; the incoming Secretary of State; cultural exchange program with the Oneida Nation and Kurdistan. $33,061.01 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Cassidy & Associates, Inc. #5643

700 13th Street, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Kurdistan Regional Government (t) 41

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress and their staffs who have jurisdiction over foreign policy and defense issues for the purpose of promoting Congressional delegations and other visits by U.S. Government officials to Kurdistan. $50,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, LLP #508

2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006-1801 Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Iraq 41

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant represented the foreign principal with respect to the restructuring of its external indebtedness and participated in meetings and telephone conferences with U.S. Government officials in this regard. $1,732,071.09 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP #5842

1301 McKinney #5100 Fulbright Tower Houston, TX 77010-3095 Republic of Iraq 41

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant represented the foreign principal in litigation in which the foreign principal is a party. The registrant also provided advice and information on matters relating to that litigation, including advice relating to proposed or pending legislation and other lawsuits of relevance to the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Greenberg Traurig, LLP #5712

2101 L Street, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20037 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided legal advice to the foreign principal in matters involving international law and immigration and edited and counseled regarding position papers. The registrant also contacted members of Congress, and U.S. Government officials to coordinate meetings with Iraqi officials and to discuss United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq report and Article 140 of the Iraq constitution. $250,213.97 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

ISCI-USA, Inc. #5885

1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 730 Washington, DC 20036 Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq 41

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant disseminated a newsletter to public officials, legislators, U.S. government agencies, newspapers, educational institutions, and nationality groups on behalf of the foreign principal. $101,874.42 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

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Kurdistan Regional Government - Liaison Office - USA #5783

1634 Eye Street, NW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20006 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant participated in trade/travel shows, seminars, conventions, and conferences on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also met with U.S. Government officials concerning various topics of interest to the foreign principal. These topics included political progress in Iraq and Kurdistan, the economic situation in Kurdistan, and the Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007. $2,996,844.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Maggs & McDermott LLC, Attorneys at Law #5845

910 17th Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 Government of the Republic of Iraq Office of the Prime Minister 41

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant facilitated and coordinated media activity, as well as disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $150,513.53 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

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Russo Marsh & Rogers #5682

770 L Street Suite 1400 Sacramento, CA 95814 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Slocum & Boddie, PC #5765

6225 Brandon Avenue Suite 310 Springfield, VA 22150 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided assistance to the foreign principal in complying with FAR filing requirements; obtaining a construction easement, responding to an unemployment claim, establishing a D.C. for-profit entity, and establishing a Virginia non-profit entity. $35,517.77 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

TS Navigations, LLC #5943

5205 Cathedral Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 Kurdistan Regional Government 41

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant performed media relations activities that included research, speech writing, memo writing, press interview creation, content creation for written materials and web sites on behalf of the foreign principal. $48,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Enterprise Ireland #2518

Ireland House 345 Park Avenue, 17th Floor New York, NY 10154-0037 An Bord Trachtala/Irish Trade Board (formerly: Coras Trachtala/Irish Export Board) 42

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided market research and investigated sales opportunities for Irish products and services in the United States and arranged introductions to U.S. buyers for visiting Irish exporters of products and services. $2,624,734.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Friends of Sinn Fein, Inc. #5006

45 Broadway 6th Floor New York, NY 10006 Sinn Fein 42

Nature of Services: Fundraising/Lobbying The registrant met with members of Congress, U.S. Government officials, U.S. organizations, media representatives, and other groups to provide information encouraging economic development and peaceful conditions in Ireland. The registrant arranged lecture tours, media presentations and fund-raising events to solicit contributions to support the activities of the foreign principal in Ireland. $147,796.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

IDA Ireland #1770

345 Park Avenue 17th Floor New York, NY 10154 Irish Development Authority, Irish Government Body 42

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant's U.S. offices in New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, and Mountain View, California solicited inquiries from companies and professional advisors concerning manufacturing, industrial development and services investment opportunities in Ireland. $3,663,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

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Shannon Free Airport Development Company, Ltd. #2467

345 Park Avenue 17th Floor New York, NY 10154-0037 Shannon Free Airport Development Company, Ltd. 42

Nature of Services: Industrial Promotion Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Supporters of Fine Gael, Inc. #5798

52 Duane Street 5th Floor New York, NY 10007 Fine Gael 42

Nature of Services: Fund Raising Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Tourism Ireland Limited #5594

345 Park Avenue New York, NY 10154 Tourism Ireland Limited 42

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Ireland by arranging familiarization trips for travel agents and writers, distributing travel brochures, placing advertisements in newspapers and magazines, contacting travel agents and editors, and participating in travel/trade shows in various U.S. cities. $7,091,970.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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White & Case, LLP #2759

1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-2787 Isle of Man 42

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant disseminated informational materials and contacted congressional staffers and U.S. Government officials advising facts about the regulations of the financial service industry. $143,979.46 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

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Arnold & Porter, LLP #1750

555 - 12th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20004-1206 State of Israel, Embassy 43

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant rendered advice to the foreign principal with respect to various financing vehicles and U.S. laws, regulations and policies relating to taxation, banking, international trade, customs, economic, and financial matters, Holocaust survivor insurance and other claims. The registrant also provided advice and assistance on the registration of debt securities with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and on the implementation through USAID of the loan guarantee program established pursuant to the Supplemental Appropriations Act. In addition, the registrant represented the foreign principal in various litigations. Finally, the registrant provided advice concerning existing, proposed and pending foreign aid, energy cooperation, and international trade-related legislation and/or agreements. $636,494.20 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Geoffrey Weill Associates #5773

27 West 24th Street Suite 305 New York, NY 10010 Israel Ministry of Tourism 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant performed public relations activities on behalf of the foreign principal to promote tourism to Israel.

$150,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Plasan Sasa, Ltd. 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant prepared and distributed informational materials and assisted in building relations with media representatives and congressional staffers. The registrant also contacted media representatives to discuss Modern Day Marine and AUSA tradeshows. Finances: None Reported

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Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 El Al Israel Airlines (t) 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided general counsel, engaged in media relations, special events and crisis communications on behalf of the foreign principal. $43,680.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Sidley Austin, LLP #3731

1501 K Street, N.W. 8th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Government of Israel 43

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

$15,891.28 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. #2278

633 Third Avenue 21st Floor New York, NY 10017 Executive of the World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant participated in workshops, seminars, and conferences and distributed materials to increase support for the foreign principal's educational, cultural, and religious goals. $2,797,979.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Berardi, Amato Libero #5853

191 Presidential Blvd. Suite 118 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Popola Della Liberta Italian Government and Parliament 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant is a member of parliament requiring him to perform the official duties and services of this office.

$110,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Cianfaglione, Quintino #5745

84 Beverly Road Wethersfield, CT 06109 Per L, Italia Nel Mondo Con Tremaglia 43

Nature of Services: Fund Raising Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Italian Government Tourist Board (ENIT), Los Angeles #1884

12400 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 550 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Ente Nazionale Italiano per il Turismo (ENIT) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted travel to Italy, offering services free-of-charge to the tour operators, travel agents, carriers, and other travel related associations catering to Americans traveling abroad. They also provide information to the public regarding tour facilities and other attractions in Italy. $202,312.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Italian Government Tourist Board, New York #568

630 Fifth Avenue Suite 1565 New York, NY 10111 Ente Nazionale Italiano per il Turismo 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Italian Government Travel Office, Chicago #1892

500 North Michigan Avenue Suite 506 Chicago, IL 60611 Ente Nazionale Italiano per il Turismo (ENIT) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta 43

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Draftfcb #2415

100 West 33rd Street New York, NY 10001 Jamaica Tourist Board 43

Nature of Services: Advertising The registrant provided general marketing communications and advertising services to the foreign principal in order to promote tourism to Jamaica. $4,313,625.71 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida #2360

5201 Blue Lagoon Drive Suite 670 Miami, FL 33126 Jamaica Tourist Board 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant visited travel agencies, group planners, and airlines to encourage travel to Jamaica. The registrant also participated in travel, trade and consumer shows, hosted seminars, organized familiarization tours, and disseminated travel brochures, posters, and videos on behalf of the foreign principal. In addition, the registrant hosted familiarization trips to Jamaica. $995,434.21 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP #5864

700 12th Street, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Jamaica through Harold Brady of Brady and Co. 43

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant met with U.S. Government officials to discuss treaty agreements between Jamaica and the United States. $49,892.62 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Jamaica Tourist Board 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant engaged in media relations, special events, provided general counsel, and crisis communications on behalf of the foreign principal. $483,132.95 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

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Amano, Kathy Y. #5972

10200 Carol Street Great Falls, VA 22066 Foreign Minister Jun Shimml with the Embassy of Japan 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will arrange informal meetings with senior representatives of the foreign principal with key members of Congress and congressional staffers. $11,200.00 for the period ending November 30, 2009

Butterfield Carter and Associates #5398

P.O. Box 76600 Washington, DC 20013 Institute of Cetacean Research 43

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided advice and assistance regarding communications with U.S. executive and legislative branches of government regarding whaling policy. $34,200.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Charles E. Butler & Associates #3544

187 Garth Road Scarsdale, NY 10583 Japan Iron & Steel Exporters' Association 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Garvey, Schubert & Barer #3047

1191 Second Avenue, 18th Floor Seattle, WA 98101-2939 Japan Fisheries Association 43

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant monitored congressional and administrative action with respect to high seas fisheries issues, including liberalization of trade for high seas fisheries and, implementing the Magnuson Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act. $20,480.50 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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Global Policy Group, Inc. #5290

1101 16th Street, N.W. Suite 310 Washington, DC 20036-4803 JETRO, New York 43

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided the foreign principal with research reports on defined contribution plans: an update on recent trends; organizations working on breast cancer; U.S. pension plans update; overview of recent developments in the U.S. retirement system. $25,500.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Goldman, Betsy M. #5857

110 Duane Street Apt. 4RW New York, NY 10007-1114 Embassy of Japan 43

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Government of Fukuoka Prefecture, Silicon Valley Office #5591

10 South Third Street Suite 302 San Jose, CA 95113 Fukuoka Prefectural Government 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted U.S. business professionals and others to introduce projects in support of industry in Fukuoka and to invite them to establish their businesses in Fukuoka. $70,168.22 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Hastings, Jay Donald #2867

1676 Parkview Drive N.E. Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-2349 Japan Fisheries Association 43

Nature of Services: Industrial Promotion The registrant monitored U.S. Government and industry activities on fisheries management and trade policy as these U.S. activities relate to Japanese fisheries and trade interests. The registrant provided advice to the foreign principal and its members on these policy issues. $29,469.77 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Hecht, Spencer & Associates, Inc. #5451

499 South Capitol Street, S.W. Suite 507 Washington, DC 20003 Government of Japan 43

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant rendered government relations and political consulting services to the foreign principal in connection with U.S. Government positions, actions and legislation regarding Japan and Japanese nationals, including corporations. The registrant's activities included communications with current and former executive branch officials, members of Congress and their staffs relating to legislation and actions of the executive branch and U.S. Government agencies that may affect the interests of the Government of Japan. Services by the registrant were coordinated, on behalf of the foreign principal by Hogan & Hartson, LLP (FARA Registrant #2244). $90,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Hogan Lovells US LLP #2244

555 - 13th Street, N.W. Columbia Square Washington, DC 20004-1109 Government of Japan 43

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant rendered advice and representation to the foreign principal on U.S. laws, regulations, policies and actions by the executive branch and U.S. Government agencies that may affect or relate to the activities and interests of the foreign principal, the bilateral U.S.-Japan/Japan-U.S. relationship, and/or Japanese nationals, including corporations, or policy regarding the United Nations. The registrant conducts services in international trade-related matters and litigation. In some instances, these services included representation in international trade-related matters and litigation. $234,514.32 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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Japan Center for Intercultural Communications (JCIC) #4998

2-7-7 Hirakawa-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 102-0093, JAPAN Japanese Government 43

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Japan National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles #2350

Little Tokyo Plaza 340 East 2nd Street, Suite 302 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Japan National Tourist Organization 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant disseminated news releases, participated in travel/trade shows and expositions, and conducted investigations and research to promote travel to Japan. $514,924.80 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Japan National Tourism Organization #769

11 West 42nd Street 19th Floor New York, NY 10036 Japan National Tourist Organization 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant distributed travel pamphlets, participated in travel fairs and expositions, and conducted investigations and research to promote tourism to Japan. $879,938.68 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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JETRO, Atlanta #4069

245 Peachtree Center Avenue, N.E. Suite 2208, Marquis One Tower Atlanta, GA 30303-1224 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided to public officials, associations, individuals and interested parties, information and materials related to various aspects of the Japanese economy and business, as well as U.S.-Japan economic and trade relations. The registrant also monitored the development of U.S. economic and market conditions for the foreign principal. $320,113.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

JETRO, Chicago #1850

1 East Wacker Drive Suite 600 Chicago, IL 60601 City of Osaka 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant distributed information and publicity materials concerning Japanese merchandise and Japanese companies. Finances: None Reported

JETRO, Chicago #1850

1 East Wacker Drive Suite 600 Chicago, IL 60601 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant conducted research on foreign trade in the United States, disseminated information on trade, and sponsored and participated in seminars to promote trade between Japan and the United States. $676,150.93 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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JETRO, Houston #2277

1221 McKinney Street Suite 4141 Houston, TX 77010 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant conducted market research on trade matters between the United States and Japan, organized trade exhibitions, conferences, and related events, disseminating information about Japanese industries, merchandise, and business practices designed to promote U.S.-Japan trade. $530,707.38 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

JETRO, Los Angeles #1833

777 South Figueroa Street Suite 2650 Los Angeles, CA 90017-2513 City of Yokohama 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant assisted the foreign principal in the promotion of mutually beneficial economic and business relations between the United States and the City of Yokohama Government. The registrant disseminated informational materials and monitored U.S. economic and market conditions for the foreign principal. $844,857.57 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

JETRO, Los Angeles #1833

777 South Figueroa Street Suite 2650 Los Angeles, CA 90017-2513 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant conducted research on matters concerning foreign trade between Japan and the United States, and disseminated information on the Japanese economy, business, and U.S.-Japan trade relations to American businessmen and public officials, newspapers, libraries, educational institutions, and other interested groups, in the form of films, seminars, speaking engagements, participation in conferences, and audio-visual presentations. $844,857.57 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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JETRO, New York #1643

1221 Avenue of the Americas 42nd Floor New York, NY 10020-1079 Ishikawa Prefectural Government 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided information and materials relating to the Ishikawa Prefectural Government. The registrant also monitored U.S. economic and market conditions for the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

JETRO, New York #1643

1221 Avenue of the Americas 42nd Floor New York, NY 10020-1079 Japan External Trade Organization 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant conducted research in matters concerning foreign trade between Japan and the United States, and organized trade exhibitions, displays, shows, fairs, and similar events. The registrant disseminated information to strengthen U.S.-Japan economic relations, and distributed publications on foreign trade. $5,989,589.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

JETRO, New York #1643

1221 Avenue of the Americas 42nd Floor New York, NY 10020-1079 Kanagawa Prefectural Government 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant promoted mutually beneficial economic and business relations between the United States and the foreign principal. The registrant also monitored U.S. economic and market conditions for the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

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JETRO, San Francisco #1813

201 Third Street Suite 1010 San Francisco, CA 94103 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant promoted business, trade, and investment relationships between Japan and the United States. The registrant also engaged in research and analysis of U.S.-Japan economic, trade, investment and business matters. $999,359.42 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Keene & Associates #4511 (T)

P.O. Box 161840 1400 N Street, Suite 8 Sacramento, CA 95816 Government of Japan, Consulate (t) 43

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant helped with arrangements for courtesy visits by the Consul General to the State Capitol on August 19, 2009. The registrant also assisted the foreign principal to reply to requests by CAL-EPA to participate in the Governor's Climate Summit. Finally, the registrant helped with coordinating the visit by Senate Transportation staff to the Consulate to discuss high speed rail. $10,675.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Kobe Trade Information Office #2438

1001 Fourth Avenue Suite 2328 Seattle, WA 98154 Kobe Municipal Government 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant assisted Japanese officials on visits to the United States. The registrant also distributed informational brochures and represented the foreign principal at meetings and product shows. $6,536.90 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

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KWR International, Inc. #5119

10 West 66th Street New York, NY 10023 JETRO, New York 43

Nature of Services: Distribution of Printed Material The registrant's services to the foreign principal included general monitoring and counsel, economic research and analysis, and publication of press releases and newsletters. $20,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization (MIPRO) #3196

2501 M Street, N.W. Suite 350 Washington, DC 20037 Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization (MIPRO) 43

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant gathered information regarding actual and prospective exports to be used to stimulate and facilitate export trade to Japan. $227,442.23 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Masaoka & Associates, Inc. #2521

1126 Sixteenth Street, NW Suite 210 Washington, DC 20036-4823 JETRO, New York (formerly: Japan Trade Center) 43

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Maseng Communications #4660

11305 Baroque Road Silver Spring, MD 20901 Japan Automobile Manufacturers' Association, Inc. 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided strategic communications counsel in conjunction with Porter/Novelli.

$23,939.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

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Mayeroff, Jerry M. #5067

2724 West Coyle Avenue Chicago, IL 60645-3018 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO, Chicago) 43

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

MITA Group, Inc. #5741

613 2nd St., NE Suite A Washington, DC 20002 Government of Japan/Japan External Trade Organization 43

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant conducted research and prepared documents and reports regarding US policy developments and analysis, focusing on trade, and security, with respect to other countries in the Pacific region. $20,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. #4490

100 Broadway 15th Floor New York, NY 10005 JNG Shareholders Group 43

Nature of Services: Rebroadcast Japan Radio and TV Programs The registrant engaged in the rebroadcast of Japanese television programs. The registrant also sold Japanese language programming via Echostar, a major DBS provider. In addition, the registrant purchases programming from Japanese and U.S. television networks at commercial rates. This programming includes news, entertainment, documentaries and sports. Finances: None Reported

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Osaka University, San Francisco Office #5631

120 Montgomery Street Suite 1270 San Francisco, CA 94104 Osaka University 43

Nature of Services: Information Service The registrant organizes and maintains a network for alumni of Osaka University in North America, organizes foreign exchange programs for students of Osaka University in the United States and U.S. students at Osaka University, supports researchers of Osaka University who are in the United States, and coordinates training of Osaka University staff in the United States. $127,094.18 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Podesta Group, Inc. #5926

1001 G Street, NW Suite 900 East Washington, DC 20001 Embassy of Japan 43

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted congressional staffers regarding hearing on international child support issues, and meetings with Japanese Government officials, and contacted members of Congress regarding current status of U.S./Japan relations. $15,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC #5753

1133 Connecticut Avenue, NW 5th Floor Washington, DC 20036 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) 43

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided regular reports on the state of deliberations with the and Administration regarding energy and environmental policy, arranged meetings for the foreign principal with members of Congress and their staffs in the energy and environment community, and advised the foreign principal on communications strategies. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 115 of 237 JAPAN JORDAN

Ravdin, Vivien #5630

80 South Van Dorn Street E104 Alexandria, VA 22304 Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan 44

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided communications and editorial consulting services.

$32,550.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC #5839

540 North Lincoln Street Hinsdale, IL 60521 Ministry of Labor Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 44

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant began implementation of work plan and drafting documents, scheduling meetings and various email exchanges with Congressional offices, media, private sector interests, and providing information to such parties on labor developments in Jordan on behalf of the foreign principal. $120,843.10 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

West Wing Writers, LLC #5838

1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 505 Washington, DC 20036 Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan 44

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant assisted the foreign principal with the draft preparation of various public remarks and written communications addressing issues including humanitarian, regional development, educational, environmental, women's and children's issues, and themes of cross-cultural understanding and peace. $45,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 116 of 237 JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN

APCO Worldwide, Inc. #4561

700 12th Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (t) 44

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

$64,340.23 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Policy Impact Communications, Inc. #5936

1401 K Street, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Embassy 44

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant met with U.S. government officials, members of Congress and staffs to advocate Kazakhstan's accession to the World Trade Organization and receipt of Most Favorable Nation status. Also, the registrant provided public relations support to the foreign principal including the development of a media strategy, creation of press releases, and monitoring of media about Kazakhstan. $900,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 117 of 237 KAZAKHSTAN KENYA

Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. #5774

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Republic of Kenya 45

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant contacted congressional staffers, U.S. Government officials, university facility, media representatives, international organizations, and think tanks to request interviews, event arrangements, and other issues of interest to the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $569,937.92 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Moffett Group, LLC #5802

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Republic of Kenya through Chlopak, Leonard et al. 45

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials regarding Black Caucus's perception of Kenya, Kenya in-depth interviews, Delta Airlines and Kenya, meeting and dinner requests for Kenyan officials, Kenya Government's concern over Somalia, and draft letter to TSA from members of Congress for Kenya as well as other issues of interest to the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational material on behalf of the foreign principal. $45,360.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 118 of 237 KENYA KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

Arent Fox, LLP #5882

1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-5339 Embassy of the Republic of Korea 45

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided legal and related services to the foreign principal regarding international trade matters, U.S. trade policy developments impacting the Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA), and non-trade related statutes and proposed legislation (e.g. immigration). $50,688.60 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

KBS America, Inc. #5684

625 South Kingsley Drive 4th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90005 Korean Broadcasting System through e-KBS Co., Ltd. 45

Nature of Services: Distribution of Film The registrant broadcasted the television news programming of the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) in the United States via satellite. The registrant also licensed other Korean broadcasting companies in the United States to broadcast KBS television news programming in their areas. $6,990,583.11 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Korea Business Center #1619

460 Park Avenue 14th Floor New York, NY 10022 Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency 45

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant's offices in Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, Torrance, Des Plaines, Virginia, Silicon Valley, San Jose, Miami, and Washington D.C. promoted two-way trade between the United States and Korea by conducting market research, assisting American companies with appropriate business contacts in the Republic of Korea, and distributing various publications on the Korean market, economy, and trade. $11,502,905.37 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 119 of 237 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

Korea Economic Institute #3327

1800 K Street, NW Suite 1010 Washington, DC 20006 Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) 45

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade and Investment The registrant engaged in information activities to promote friendly economic relations between Korea and the United States and to expand bilateral trade and investment. Activities involved contacts with U.S. Government officials and representatives of private industry. The registrant also published and circulated a bulletin entitled "Korea Insight." $961,534.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Korea International Trade Association, Inc. #2686

460 Park Avenue Suite 400 New York, NY 10022 Korea International Trade Association 45

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant promoted trade and commerce between the United States and Korea by providing information regarding the import and export of goods, assisting officials and businessmen of both countries, disseminating informational materials, and participating in seminars and conferences. $253,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Korea Local Government Center (KLAFIR, America) #5080

150 East 58th Street 14th Floor New York, NY 10155-0002 Korea Local Authorities Foundation for International Relations (KLAFIR) 45

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 120 of 237 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

Korea National Tourism Organization, Chicago #3069

737 North Michigan Avenue Suite 910 Chicago, IL 60611 Korean National Tourism Organization 45

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Korea by distributing informational materials and participating in travel exhibitions and attending various meetings to assist in developing new products. $424,850.52 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Korea National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles #2544

5509 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Korea National Tourism Corporation 45

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Korea through participating in travel/trade shows, placing tourism advertising materials on television, newspapers, and magazines, provided support to travel agents in developing tour products, and provided research regarding consumer market trends in the United States. $622,961.23 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Korea National Tourism Organization, New Jersey #2614

Two Executive Drive Suite 750 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Korea National Tourism Corporation 45

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Korea by mailing and distributing brochures to travel/trade representatives and the general public. The registrant also participated in meetings of international tourism organizations, and in travel/trade shows, meetings/conferences, and presentations. $607,200.49 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 121 of 237 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

Livingston Group, LLC #5356

499 South Capitol Street S.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20003 A.K.Capital NHB (t) 45

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant introduced a retired Korean military official, who is presently a visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution and a civilian advisor to the Korean military, to U.S. opinion leaders in the public and private sectors. The registrant also, when appropriate, accompanied the retired official to his meetings with the opinion leaders. $20,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Parven Pomper Strategies, Inc. #5781

1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW Suite 302 Washington, DC 20007 Republic of Korea Embassy in the United States 45

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided lobbying services including meetings with members of Congress and their staffs on the importance of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. $120,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Government of the Republic of Korea (t) 45

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 122 of 237 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

Scribe Strategies & Advisors #5673

1660 L Street, NW Suite 504 Washington, DC 20036 Embassy of the Republic of Korea (t) 45

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted members of Congress and congressional staffers regarding the U.S.-Korea General Bilateral Alliance, and the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. The registrant also provided strategic consultation and public relations advisory services on behalf of the foreign principal. $240,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Scribe Strategies & Advisors #5673

1660 L Street, NW Suite 504 Washington, DC 20036 Korea International Trade Association (t) 45

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted members of Congress and congressional staffers, as well as provided strategic consultation and public relations advisory services on behalf of the foreign principal related to the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement and other trade and economic issues. $60,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Winston & Strawn, LLP #5909

1700 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Korea International Trade Association (KITA) 45

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided analysis of U.S. policies, reported on developments affecting international trade between the U.S. and Korea, and assisted in drafting comments to the U.S. Trade Representative on the proposed Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS-FTA). $105,762.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 123 of 237 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF KUWAIT

Levick Strategic Communications #5649

1900 M Street, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 International Counsel Bureau on behalf of Kuwaiti Detainees Committee 46

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided public relations and media relations support; discussions with detainee counsel; contacted representatives of the media and non-governmental organizations to discuss Guantanamo Bay and the cases of the Kuwaiti detainees with regard to President Obama's plan to close Guantanamo. $496,231.90 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP #5198

2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1122 International Counsel Bureau, Kuwaiti Counsel for the Families of Kuwaiti Citizens at Guantanamo 46 Bay

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided legal services and interviewed with a media representative to discuss detainee issues.

$594,775.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 124 of 237 KUWAIT LAOS

Hmong Foreign Council #5554

6740 E. Ten Mile Road Centerline, MI 48015 Hmong Freedom League 47

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 125 of 237 LAOS LESOTHO

Whitaker Group, Inc. #5539

1133 21st Street, NW Suite 405 Washington, DC 20036 Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC) 48

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted congressional staffers, members of Congress, and U.S. Government officials to discuss the African Growth and Opportunity Act trade policy. The registrant also contacted business leaders to discuss Lesotho's Partial Credit Guarantee Fund. In addition, the registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $199,962.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 126 of 237 LESOTHO LIBERIA

JWI, LLC #4990

1401 K Street, N.W. Suite 400, 4th Floor Washington, DC 20005 AmLib United Minerals (t) 49

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials to discuss legislation and issues relating to the security and trade interests of the foreign principal. The registrant also reported orally or in writing on all U.S. Government actions of interest to the foreign principal as deemed appropriate. $50,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

KRL International, LLC #5788

1701 K Street, NW Suite 550 Washington, DC 20006 Edward McClain Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Office of the President of Liberia 49

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials, media representatives, congressional staffers, and members of Congress in order to ensure that assistance with bilateral relations, debt relief and support for security was maximized through Administration allocation and congressional appropriations. The registrant also contacted U.S. Government officials to ensure that the foreign principal remained eligible for bilateral programs. $40,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

LISCR, LLC #5490

8619 Westwood Center Drive Suite 300 Vienna, VA 22182 Government of the Republic of Liberia 49

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant collected taxes and fees with respect to the maritime and corporate programs of the foreign principal and disbursed those receipts either to the foreign principal or for the purpose provided under the legislation. $19,225,028.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 127 of 237 LIBERIA LIBYA

Hopps & Associates, Inc. #5948

1734 Ashland Avenue Evanston, IL 60201 Mission of Libya to the UN 49

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will engage in marketing, consulting services, advertising, public relations, event management, and new business development including trade and investment delegations on behalf of the foreign principal. $50,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Livingston Group, LLC #5356

499 South Capitol Street S.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20003 Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation (t) 49

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided the foreign principal with strategic advice and counsel. The registrant also arranged meetings with U.S. Government officials, business leaders, non-governmental organizations and other individuals of possible interest and benefit to the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Livingston Group, LLC #5356

499 South Capitol Street S.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20003 Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (t) 49

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant researched and analyzed issues of concern to the foreign principal; counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policies, activities in Congress and the executive branch, and developments on the U.S. political scene; maintained contact, as necessary, with members of Congress and their staff, executive branch officials, and non-governmental organizations. $569,685.74 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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White & Case, LLP #2759

1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-2787 Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 49

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided legal services in connection with pending or threatened U.S. litigation against the foreign principal. These legal services included communications with U.S. Government officials related to U.S. litigation and civil enforcement matters. The registrant also provided advice to the foreign principal regarding public relations issues related to U.S. litigation matters. $137,607.20 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 129 of 237 LIBYA LIECHTENSTEIN

Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered #5815 (T)

One Thomas Circle, NW Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20005 Principality of Liechtenstein (t) 50

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Covington & Burling, LLP #5852

1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Principality of Liechtenstein, Embassy 50

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant met with congressional staffers to improve the foreign principal's relationship with the U.S. Government and private sector officials. $375,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 130 of 237 LIECHTENSTEIN LUXEMBOURG

Dickstein Shapiro, LLP #3028

1825 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006-5403 Government of Luxembourg (Embassy) (t) 50

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Luxcore, Ltd. #4901

5 East 67th Street #3-A New York, NY 10021 Luxembourg Board of Economic Development 50

Nature of Services: Media Relations/Advertising/Promotion of Investment The registrant provided counseling, prepared and disseminated background information for magazines, supported meetings and other gatherings, contacted U.S. business organizations on the foreign principal’s behalf, and created and placed advertisements for the foreign principal. $34,297.53 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 131 of 237 LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA

Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC #5753

1133 Connecticut Avenue, NW 5th Floor Washington, DC 20036 Republic of Macedonia, Embassy 50

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted government officials and congressional staffs to provide the following services on behalf of the foreign principal: government relations and strategic communications; general lobbying and outreach to the United States government; assistance in connection with visits by officials of the Macedonian government to the United States; and assistance on issue and message development with respect to NATO membership. $207,856.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 132 of 237 MACEDONIA MALAYSIA

American Palm Oil Council #4575

21515 Hawthorne Boulevard Suite 690 Torrance, CA 90503 Malaysian Palm Oil Council 51

Nature of Services: Promote Palm Oil Sales The registrant continued to represent the foreign principal at various exhibits, conferences and seminars throughout the country. $294,280.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

APCO Worldwide, Inc. #4561

700 12th Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Malaysia, Embassy 51

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted congressional staffers and U.S. Government officials on behalf of the foreign principal to promote positive U.S.-Malaysia relations. The registrant also contacted representatives of various U.S. and Asian businesses for the purpose of assessing perceptions of Malaysia among the U.S. and international business community. $60,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Dickstein Shapiro, LLP #3028

1825 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006-5403 American Palm Oil Council 51

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided advice in connection with potential state and federal food labeling and advertising requirements, and monitored developments in related proceedings of the Food and Drug Administration and other agencies. The registrant also advised the foreign principal on potential state and federal requirements and developments with respect to the use of palm oil in the production of biofuels. $29,347.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 133 of 237 MALAYSIA MALAYSIA

EuroAsian Financial Corporation #5704 (T)

1146 North La Cienega Boulevard West Hollywood, CA 90069 Malaysian Government (Offices of the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister) (t) 51

Nature of Services: Gift or Money Transfer Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Global Communicators, LLC #5817

901 15th Street, NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20005 Sledgehammer Communications (t) 51

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations services in support of Youth Engagement Summit (YES 2009), generated public awareness of YES 2009 in the U.S. through print, broadcast, and online media; attracted the interest and engagement in YES 2009 of political/government and business influential’s through meetings and media support. $39,956.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board #2510

818 West Seventh Street Suite 970 Los Angeles, CA 90017-3432 Tourist Development Corporation, Ministry of Tourism, Government of the Federation of Malaysia 51

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to Malaysia by advertising, distributing brochures and pamphlets, and participating in expositions and media interviews. $555,557.61 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 134 of 237 MALAYSIA MALAYSIA

Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, San Jose #5350

226 Airport Parkway Suite 480 San Jose, CA 95110 Malaysian Industrial Development Authority 51

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant disseminated information pertaining to the investment environment and opportunities in Malaysia with the objective of promoting Malaysia as a destination for American investors. The registrant also contacted or was contacted by representatives of U.S. companies and individuals interested in exploring potential investment in manufacturing opportunities in Malaysia. $355,871.82 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Malaysian Industrial Development Authority #2331

875 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1515 Chicago, IL 60611 Malaysian Industrial Development Authority 51

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant communicated with U.S. corporations and individuals who were interested in exploring and establishing business relations with Malaysia. $738,550.34 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council (USA) #5444

3516 International Court, N.W. Washington, DC 20008 Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council 51

Nature of Services: Industrial Promotion The registrant distributed information about Malaysian natural rubber, as well as provided technical and general information to relevant industry and consumers. The registrant also participated in conventions/exhibitions, conferences and meetings for the trade and scientific community. The registrant attended a public hearing by the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health and testified against bills HB 2517 and SB 0857 which proposed to ban the use of latex gloves in food establishments. $171,720.93 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 135 of 237 MALAYSIA MALAYSIA

MITA Group, Inc. #5741

613 2nd St., NE Suite A Washington, DC 20002 Ranhill 51

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided advice and counsel on behalf of the foreign principal involving commercial activities and lobbying of U.S. governmental officials. Finances: None Reported

Prism Public Affairs #5841

1399 New York Avenue, NW Suite 550 Washington, DC 20005 American Palm Oil Council 51

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided the foreign principal strategic counsel and communications services including media relations, materials production and other related activities advocating the use of Malaysian palm oil. Also, the registrant submitted a letter to the New York Times. $38,040.75 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 136 of 237 MALAYSIA MALTA

Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP #5920 (T)

1301 K Street, NW Suite 600, East Tower Washington, DC 20005 Embassy of the Republic of Malta to the United States (t) 51

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided strategic counsel to the foreign principal in regard to their pending two-way tax treaty with the U.S. They also assisted in arranging meeting for government officials with staff and members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senate Finance Committee as well as monitor developments in regard to the treaty. Finances: None Reported

Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP #5920 (T)

1301 K Street, NW Suite 600, East Tower Washington, DC 20005 Financial Regulatory Authority of Malta (t) 51

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided strategic counsel to the foreign principal in regard to their pending two-way tax treaty with the United States. They also assisted in arranging meetings on behalf of government officials with staff and members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Senate Finance Committee as well as monitored developments in regard to the treaty. $82,500.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 137 of 237 MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP #3492

1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council 52

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant represented the foreign principal before Congress in an effort to obtain compensation for the taking of property and related damages arising from above-ground nuclear testing on the Bikini Atoll. Finances: None Reported

International Registries, Inc. #4533

11495 Commerce Park Drive Reston, VA 20191-1507 Republic of the Marshall Islands 52

Nature of Services: Maritime Support Services

Steptoe & Johnson, LLP #5848 (T)

1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (t) 52

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. #5401

101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Suite 600 West Washington, DC 20001 Rongelap Atoll Local Government 52

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant consulted and advised the foreign principal on various federal agencies and legislative issues. They also served between the foreign principal and Congressional staffers regarding issues of interest of the foreign principal. $5,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. #5401

101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Suite 600 West Washington, DC 20001 Utrok Atoll Local Government 52

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted congressional staffers and U.S. Government officials to discuss economic stimulus package and opportunities for U.S. territories and freely associated states as well as technical assistance requests on behalf of the foreign principal. $30,305.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

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Ryberg and Smith, LLC #5570

1054 Thirty-First Street, N.W. Suite 540 Washington, DC 20007 Mauritius Ministry of Industry and International Trade 53

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided legal advice and represented the foreign principal before congressional staffers, U.S. Government officials, and the Administration in connection with the African Growth and Opportunity Act legislation and similar matters expanding trade between Mauritius and the United States. $150,000.01 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 140 of 237 MAURITIUS MEXICO

APCO Worldwide, Inc. #4561

700 12th Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Mexico Tourism Board 54

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant conducted a survey of public opinion in the United States and conducted a series of focus group sessions with members of the general public in the United States. The results of this research was reported to the foreign principal for the purpose of assessing U.S. public opinion regarding HlNl virus in Mexico and to help promote positive U.S./Mexico relations. $710,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Arent Fox, LLP #5882

1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036-5339 Ministry of the Economy, Government of the United Mexican States (t) 54

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided legal and related services to the foreign principal on U.S. trade laws and policy initiatives related to tariff and non-tariff barriers, market access, WTO compliance and interpretation of domestic trade related legislation. $129,940.50 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP #5870

410 Seventeenth Street Suite 2200 Denver, CO 80802-4432 Embassy of Mexico through Kuykendall & Associates 54

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant through Kuykendall & Associates communicated with members of Congress, congressional staffers, U.S. Government officials, and media representatives regarding the implementation and enforcement of the international Court of Justice's decision in a case concerning Mexican Nationals, as well as other issues. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $92,376.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 141 of 237 MEXICO MEXICO

CMGRP, Inc. #3911

700 13th Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Government of the Federal District (Mexico City) 54

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided media relations services for the foreign principal designed to enhance the image of Mexico City in light of recent negative media reports involving the H1N1 virus. $700,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Covington & Burling, LLP #5852

1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 United Mexican States 54

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant advised and assisted the foreign principal on bilateral cooperation and coordination with the United States government concerning climate change and carbon markets, and assisted with interactions with nongovernmental organizations and environmental groups. Finances: None Reported

DLA Piper US LLP #3712

500 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 Senado de Mexico (t) 54

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided assistance in enhancing U.S.-Mexico relations. The registrant also contacted members of Congress and congressional staffers to discuss immigration reform legislation and Interparlimentary Group preparations. $78,108.94 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

DLA Piper US LLP #3712

500 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 State of Tamaulipas (t) 54

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 142 of 237 MEXICO MEXICO

Greenberg Traurig, LLP #5712

2101 L Street, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20037 Secretaria de Agricultura Ganaderia, Desarollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacion (SAGARPA) 54

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided legal advice to the foreign principal in matters involving international law and litigation. The registrant also edited and counseled regarding position papers but did not disseminate these papers. In addition, the registrant contacted U.S. Government officials regarding food safety, and the importation of live shrimp. $629,061.31 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Kuykendall, Gregory J., PC #5917

531 South Convent Avenue Tucson, AZ 85701 Government of United Mexican States 54

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted two lobbying groups, the Raben Group, and Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber and Schreck, LLP, who communicated with members of Congress, members of the executive branch and other public officials regarding the implementation and enforcement of the International Court of Justice's decision in the case concerning Avena and other Mexican nationals. $30,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

M. Silver Associates, Inc. #3131

747 Third Avenue, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10017-2803 Oficina de Visitantes y Convenciones de Vallarta Nayarit 54

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations services, ongoing media relations including press trips, as well as preparation and distribution of press information, etc. The press trips involved verbal and written invitations to travel writers and editors and personal escort of the journalists to the principality. $64,538.62 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 143 of 237 MEXICO MEXICO

Mexican Tourism Board #2209

2401 West 6th Street Los Angeles, CA 90057 Mexican Ministry of Tourism 54

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism on behalf of the foreign principal by advertising, giving sales presentations, attending trade shows, and distributing printed material to travel agents. $665,955.35 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP #5198

2300 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1122 Secretaria de Economia 54

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided legal representation and met with various U.S. State Government officials, U.S. Government officials, and congressional staffers to discuss food safety, and U.S.-Mexico cross border trucking issues. The registrant also contacted a member of Congress to discuss food safety. In addition, the registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $334,846.50 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Public Strategies Washington, Inc. #4486

633 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. 4th Floor Washington, DC 20004 Government of Mexico 54

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant gathered and analyzed information regarding U.S. trade policy and actions that relate to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The registrant contacted members of Congress and congressional staffers regarding NAFTA implementation. $135,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 144 of 237 MEXICO MEXICO

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Mexico Tourism Board 54

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided strategic online planning for marketing, media relations, and web support on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also contacted U.S. media representatives regarding the Aeromexico hijacking. $160,858.86 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Raben Group, LLC #5932

1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Embassy of Mexico through Kuykendall & Associates 54

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted congressional staffers and U.S. Government officials to introduce issues of support for potential Avena legislation. $90,295.52 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 145 of 237 MEXICO MICRONESIA

Staton, David Michael #5002

368 Jaguar Drive Inwood, WV 25428-3184 Federated States of Micronesia, Embassy 54

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant met with embassy officials, U.S. Government officials including members of Congress to discuss implementation issues regarding the five year review of the Compact of Free Association. $25,307.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Stovall III, James T. #3940

1725 N Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Government of the Federated States of Micronesia 54

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 146 of 237 MICRONESIA MONACO

Monaco Government Tourist Office #2327

565 Fifth Avenue 23rd Floor New York, NY 10017 Direction du Tourisme et des Congres 55

Nature of Services: Public Relations In order to promote tourism to Monaco, the registrant participated in several travel shows, conferences, and seminars. The registrant also distributed travel literature to promote tourism and contacted media representatives for advertising purposes. $869,435.82 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 147 of 237 MONACO MONTENEGRO

Orion Strategies LLC #5437

918 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 Republic of Montenegro through Reffe Group 56

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant will provide advice, guidance, and support for strategic communications, public relations, and advocacy on the behalf of the foreign principal to U.S. decision makers. $30,536.25 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Reffe, Paige #5902

3300 Lowell Street, NW Washington, DC 20008 Government of Montenegro Ministry of Foreign Affairs 56

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided guidance and advice on Montenegro's aspirations to join NATO and the EU and on their bilateral relationship with the United States. They also met with U.S. officials and members of Congress regarding topics of interest to the foreign principal. $260,525.54 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 148 of 237 MONTENEGRO MOROCCO

Avatar Enterprises, Inc. #5821

10349 Watson Road Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63127 Kingdom of Morocco, Embassy (t) 56

Nature of Services: Distribution of Printed Material Activities: None Reported

$69,906.80 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Beckerman #5877

One University Plaza Suite 507 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Moroccan American Center for Policy, Inc. 56

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant conducted media relations and disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $53,329.89 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Gabriel Company, LLC #5523

1220 L Street, NW Suite 411 Washington, DC 20005 Government of the Kingdom of Morocco 56

Nature of Services: Public Relations/Consultant The registrant provided advice to the foreign principal on U.S.-Morocco relations, including regional North Africa security issues and the creation and administration of advocacy institutions to promote Morocco's interests in the United States. The registrant also contacted congressional staffers regarding security and stability issues in North Africa. $200,012.50 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009 also received were airline tickets, lodging and meals

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 149 of 237 MOROCCO MOROCCO

Gray Loeffler, LLC #5806

300 New Jersey Avenue, NW Suite 650 Washington, DC 20001 Moroccan American Center for Policy 56

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided strategic advice on behalf of the foreign principal.

$125,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation #5901

Riverfront Plaza, East Tower 951 East Byrd Street Richmond, VA 23219 Kingdom of Morocco 56

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials to discuss business opportunities in the interest of the foreign principal. The registrant also attended events with U.S. Government officials, and members of Congress to discuss various issues of interest to the foreign principal. $164,932.14 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 150 of 237 MOROCCO MOROCCO

Moffett Group, LLC #5802

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Government of Morocco, Embassy 56

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted a member of Congress, congressional staffers, and a media representative, to discuss Morocco-U.S. relations, meeting conformations, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants event and U.S. policy regarding Algerian and Polisario treatment of Sahrawi refugees/Western Sahara, as well as a recent incident with Aminatou Haidar. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Moffett Group, LLC #5802

1850 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 Moroccan American Center for Policy 56

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted congressional staffers to discuss scheduling request for the Ambassador and to confirm meetings, as well as U.S. Committee for Refugees, Immigrants event and U.S. policy regarding Algerian and Polisario treatment of Sahrawi refugees/Western Sahara, as well as recent incident with Aminatou Haidar. The registrant also contacted members of Congress to discuss FMF funding, military finance, and refugee camp census. In addition, the registrant contacted a media representative to discuss US-Morocco relations. $40,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Moroccan National Tourist Office #1793

104 West 40th Street Suite 1820 New York, NY 10018 Moroccan National Tourist Office 56

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 151 of 237 MOROCCO MOROCCO

Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. #5648

1220 L Street, N.W. Suite 411 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Morocco 56

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided strategic counsel to the foreign principal on their bilateral relations with the United States. The registrant also briefed U.S. journalists and members of Congress and their staffers on issues related to U.S. -Morocco relations, political reform, human rights developments, Moroccan role in the Middle East peace process and other Moroccan concerns. In addition, the registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $268,012.50 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Nurnberger & Associates, Inc. #5809

4870 F Old Dominion Drive Arlington, VA 22207 Moroccan American Center for Policy through the Amani Group, LLC 56

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided consulting and lobbying services on behalf of the foreign principal.

$25,000.02 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Vision Americas, LLC #5907

1150 K Street, NW Suite 1411 Washington, DC 20005 Moroccan American Center for Policy 56

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant communicated with members of Congress, congressional staffers and executive branch officials on issues related to U.S.-Morocco relations including human rights developments in the region, Morocco's role in the Middle East Peach Process, the Western Sahara issue. The registrant also provided and continues to provide strategic advice on the aforementioned topics on behalf of the foreign principal. $90,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 152 of 237 MOROCCO MYANMAR (BURMA)

Independent Diplomat, Inc. #5860

137 Second Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB) 56

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials, Congressional staffs, and the U.S. Mission to the United Nations on behalf of the foreign principal and provided support on diplomatic communications including preparation for international meetings, speeches, letters, position papers, and briefings. $100,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 153 of 237 MYANMAR (BURMA) NAGORNO KARABAKH

Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in the USA #5342

1140 19th Street, NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 Government of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic 57

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted media representatives, members of Congress, Administration officials, and U.S. Government officials to discuss the Nagorno Karabakh Republic peace process, human rights issues, and to assist the foreign principal in arranging meetings, and planning itineraries for visiting officials. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $70,667.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Spencer, William H. #5760

4836 MacArthur Boulevard, NW Washington, DC 20007 Vardan Barseghyan 57

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 154 of 237 NAGORNO KARABAKH NAURU

Shaughnessy, Volzer & Gagner, P.C. #5556

1101 15th Street, N.W. Suite 202 Washington, DC 20005 Air Nauru 58

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Shaughnessy, Volzer & Gagner, P.C. #5556

1101 15th Street, N.W. Suite 202 Washington, DC 20005 Republic of Nauru 58

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 155 of 237 NAURU NETHERLANDS

Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. #5614

100 Independence Mall West Philadelphia, PA 19106-2399 Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency 58

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant is seeking to gain favorable consideration for the Netherlands among United States company executives, looking to establish and/or expand manufacturing and/or research and development operations in Europe. Advertising, direct marketing, and public relations are being utilized to influence these audiences toward a greater awareness of the Netherlands' advantages as a foreign investment location. $480,297.05 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301

607 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Association of Dutch Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars) 58

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided legal counsel regarding filing state documents by the Sjoa foundation.

$4,800.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) #619

215 Park Avenue South Suite 2005 New York, NY 10003 Tourisme Recreatie Netherland 58

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to the Netherlands by advertising, issuing press releases, providing promotional travel, attending conventions and meetings, and conducting trade workshops, educational trips, and joint promotions. $1,898,494.03 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 156 of 237 NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide #5807

1111 19th Street, NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20036 State of the Netherlands/Royal Netherlands Embassy (t) 58

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations services to raise awareness and enhance the image of the Netherlands in the United States through a branding campaign. $429,278.54 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 157 of 237 NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS ANTILLES

Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP #5355

499 South Capitol Street, S.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20003 Bank of the Netherlands Antilles 59

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided assistance in the representation of the foreign principal before U.S. Congress and executive branch agencies on issues of interest to the foreign principal. $230,025.76 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Livingston Group, LLC #5356

499 South Capitol Street S.W. Suite 600 Washington, DC 20003 Bank of the Netherlands Antillees 59

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant met with U.S. Government officials and congressional staffers regarding U.S.-Netherlands Antilles relations, tax and trade issues with the United States and the Netherlands Antilles, and regional security issues in the Caribbean. $474,654.81 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 158 of 237 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES NEW ZEALAND

Blank Rome, LLP #4929

600 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Watergate Washington, DC 20037 Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (t) 60

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided advice to the foreign principal on problems affecting the importation of dairy products into the United States, with particular emphasis on domestic efforts to curb access for various products. $ 16,894.57 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Blank Rome, LLP #4929

600 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Watergate Washington, DC 20037 Meat & Wool New Zealand, Ltd. (t) 60

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided advice to the foreign principal on problems affecting the importation of meat into the United States, with particular emphasis on the application of meat import legislation and department regulations including labeling. $12,145.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Blank Rome, LLP #4929

600 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Watergate Washington, DC 20037 Meat Industry Association of New Zealand (t) 60

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant advised the foreign principal regarding USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service with respect to New Zealand food safety protocols, particularly as concerns E. coli 0157:H7 testing and incidence. $305.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 159 of 237 NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND

Meat and Wool New Zealand #2526

1483 Chain Bridge Road Suite 300 McLean, VA 22101-5703 New Zealand Meat Producers Board 60

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant served the foreign principal as liaison and relationship management with U.S. livestock producer groups. Collected U.S. market intelligence; performed joint activity with New Zealand exporting companies to promote New Zealand meat and wool products in the United States. Engaged with lobbyists and regulators on issues of significance to New Zealand farmers, including Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (MCOOL), Farm Bill, and Natural product labeling standards. $444,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 160 of 237 NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA

Samuels International Associates, Inc. #4848

1140 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 950 Washington, DC 20036 Comision Nacional de Zonas Francas (CNZF) 61

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials regarding U.S.-Nicaragua trade and investment relations. The registrant also provided advice, expertise, and counsel to the foreign principal concerning issues related to the implementation of the DR-CAFTA and to the evolving issues in U.S.-Nicaraguan relations. $122,224.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 161 of 237 NICARAGUA NIGERIA

Carmen Group Incorporated #5903 (T)

1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Fifth Floor Washington, DC 20006 Bayelsa State Government (t) 62

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant arranged meetings between the Governor of Bayelsa State and U.S. Government officials during his visit to the United States. Finances: None Reported

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Atiku Abubakar through Weidenfeld Law Group (t) 62

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided advice and counsel to the foreign principal through the Weidenfeld Law Group.

$35,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) #5641

600 13th Street, N.W. Suite 790 Washington, DC 20005 Federal Republic of Nigeria (t) 62

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 162 of 237 NIGERIA NORTHERN IRELAND

Invest Northern Ireland #4364

2201 Waukegan Road Suite 150 South Bannockburn, IL 60015 Invest Northern Ireland 63

Nature of Services: Industrial Promotion The registrant promoted commercial and industrial development in Northern Ireland by conducting seminars, arranging exhibitions, placing advertisements in U.S. publications, and contacting U.S. business organizations. $1,505,618.82 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

O'Neill III, Thomas P. #4898

Thirty-One New Chardon Street Boston, MA 02114 John Hume, MP & Social Democratic Labour Party 63

Nature of Services: Fund Raising Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 163 of 237 NORTHERN IRELAND NORWAY

Norwegian Tourist Board #526

655 Third Avenue, 18th Floor Suite 1810 New York, NY 10017 Norwegian Tourist Board 64

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

West Wing Writers, LLC #5838

1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 505 Washington, DC 20036 Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 64

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant developed and presented a half-day seminar on strategic communications planning for the staff of the foreign principal. $5,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 164 of 237 NORWAY PAKISTAN

Cassidy & Associates, Inc. #5643

700 13th Street, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 64

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant met with U.S. Government officials, members of Congress, and their staffs to promote a U.S. policy favorable to Pakistan's economic goals, to identify opportunities for U.S.-Pakistan exchanges in areas such as education and law, assisted Pakistan government leaders expand their contacts in the public and private sector, and monitored federal policy and funding environment in the executive and legistative branches. $350,500.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 165 of 237 PAKISTAN PAKISTAN

Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. #5856

401 9th Street, NW Suite 400 South Washington, DC 20004 Pakistan International Airlines Corporation (t) 64

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant monitored U.S. Government activities, and media coverage concerning Pakistan, and provided strategic advice on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. #5856

401 9th Street, NW Suite 400 South Washington, DC 20004 Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP); Asif Ali Zardari, Co-Chairperson of the PPP 64

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant assisted the foreign principal (pro bono) in the promotion and the support for the newly elected ruling party in Pakistan by contacting members of congressional staff. Finances: None Reported

Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. #5856

401 9th Street, NW Suite 400 South Washington, DC 20004 The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 64

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant on behalf of the foreign principal contacted U.S. Government officials, members of Congress and their staffs to promote legislation, including HR 6387 Afghanistan-Pakistan Security and Prosperity Enhancement Act of 2008, S 3263 Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act of 2008, HR 1318 Afghanistan-Pakistan Security and Prosperity Enhancement Act of 2009, S 496 Afghanistan and Pakistan Reconstruction Opportunity Zones Act of 2009, and HR 1886 Pakistan Enduring Assistance and Cooperation Enhancement Act of 2009. $1,109,118.02 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 166 of 237 PAKISTAN PAKISTAN

Vision Americas, LLC #5907

1150 K Street, NW Suite 1411 Washington, DC 20005 Kestral Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. (t) 64

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided strategic advice relevant to the development of business opportunities in Pakistan. The registrant also requested meetings on behalf of representatives of the foreign principal with members of Congress and congressional staffers, and prepared and sent a brief situation report to the attention of U.S. officials organizing the U.S. response. $52,500.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 167 of 237 PAKISTAN PALAU

Farrow, Jeffrey L. #5938

1750 K Street, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20006 Republic of Palau 65

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant met with U.S. government officials and congressional staffers regarding the extension of United States assistance provided pursuant to the Compact of Free Association and related U.S. law and Palau's acceptance of Uighur detainees. $73,973.93 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 168 of 237 PALAU PALESTINE

Palestine Liberation Organization #5244

1320 18th Street, N.W. Suite 200 Washington, DC 20036 Palestine Liberation Organizations Office 65

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant met with U.S. Government officials and attended panel discussions, receptions, and luncheons on behalf of the foreign principal. $521,239.24 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 169 of 237 PALESTINE PANAMA

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP #3492

1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Embassy of Panama (t) 65

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided counsel on U.S. tax policy matters and communicated with U.S. Government officials regarding the Panamanian Free Trade Agreement. $133,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Clark & Weinstock #5914

601 13th Street, NW Suite 410 South Washington, DC 20005 Republic of Panama, Embassy (t) 65

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress, and congressional staffers, regarding the Panama Free Trade Agreement, and follow-up on ambassador appointment request. $100,030.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3634

200 East Randolph Drive Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60601 Panama Canal Authority 65

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided strategic counsel to the foreign principal on media relations interview requests, advertising opportunities, and upcoming projects. The registrant drafted and distributed press releases and email blasts, and drafted materials such as letters to the editor, speeches, and messages. The registrant also placed advertisements on behalf of the foreign principal. $497,888.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 170 of 237 PANAMA PANAMA

HDMK, LLC #5966

1000 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 Republic of Panama 65

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant will provide public relations counsel, as well as advice and support to the foreign principal regarding communications and media strategy. Finances: None Reported

Integrated Solutions Group, LLC #5855 (T)

601 13th Street, N.W. Suite 410 South Washington, DC 20005 Republic of Panama, Embassy through the Washington Group (t) 65

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant, through registrant The Washington Group, conducted government relations activities with members of Congress and congressional staffers on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Parven Pomper Strategies, Inc. #5781

1055 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW Suite 302 Washington, DC 20007 Embassy of Panama (t) 65

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided political advice and contacted members of Congress and their staffs in support of the US-Panama Free Trade Agreement. $30,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 171 of 237 PANAMA PERU

Development Counsellors International #4777

215 Park Avenue South 10th Floor New York, NY 10003 Peruvian Export and Tourism Promotion Board 66

Nature of Services: Export Promotion The registrant provided support, promotion, and development on behalf of the foreign principal in the United States to promote Peru in the U.S. and Canadian markets. $127,583.33 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) #5641

600 13th Street, N.W. Suite 790 Washington, DC 20005 Institute for Liberty and Democracy 66

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

$52,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 172 of 237 PERU PHILIPPINES

Covington & Burling, LLP #5852

1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Republic of the Philippines, Embassy 66

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant, through Mr. Eizenstat, met with members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials to improve the foreign principal's relationship with the U.S. Government and private sector. $249,999.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Eizenstat, Stuart E. #5851

1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Republic of the Philippines, Embassy 66

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials to improve the foreign principal's relationship with the U.S. Government and private sector. $249,999.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Gilman Group #5879

1146 19th Street Fifth Floor Washington, DC 20036 Republic of the Philippines, Embassy 66

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Ki, Fiona #5930

9 High Street Hicksville, NY 11801 Romula V. Manlapig - Commercial Counselor, Embassy 66

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

$10,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 173 of 237 PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINES

Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC #5839

540 North Lincoln Street Hinsdale, IL 60521 Department of Trade & Industry 66

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided the preparation of briefing materials, memoranda, and trade data analysis. In addition, outreach activities were undertaken with U.S. private sector and academic/think tank organizations, as well as meetings with congressional staff and Administration officials. $270,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 174 of 237 PHILIPPINES POLAND

BGR Government Affairs, LLC #5430

601 Thirteenth Street, NW Eleventh Floor South Washington, DC 20005 Embassy of Poland 66

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided the foreign principal with guidance on foreign policy matters before the U.S. Government, focusing on the area of defense and military cooperation. The means employed included communications and lobbying of Congress and executive branch officials. $187,237.36 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Polish National Tourist Office, New York #4762

5 Marine View Plaza Suite 208 Hoboken, NJ 07030 Ministry of Sports & Tourism of the Republic of Poland 66

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promotes and advertises the foreign principal as a tourist destination on the U.S. market. In this capacity, the registrant participated in travel trade shows, seminars, conventions, and conferences. $355,501.27 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 175 of 237 POLAND QATAR

BGR Government Affairs, LLC #5430

601 Thirteenth Street, NW Eleventh Floor South Washington, DC 20005 State of Qatar, Embassy 66

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant engaged in monitoring and advising on U.S. policy making processes with regard to the foreign principal. $212,368.17 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Fenton Communications #5945

1000 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 Office of Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned 66

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided strategic communications counsel on a public education campaign to protect and strengthen education internationally. The work included the development of a Website, strategic counsel on online tactics and strategies, coordination and planning of a student conference, graphic design services and preliminary work on a promotion for the website. $69,706.25 for the three month period ending December 31, 2009

Fenton Communications #5945

1000 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20005 Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (t) 66

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant finalized a communications plan for a public education campaign to protect and strengthen education internationally. $40,782.50 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 176 of 237 QATAR QATAR

Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301

607 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Qatar Financial Centre Authority (through Hill & Knowlton Qatar LLC) 66

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations counsel and assistance in creating awareness among the U.S. media of business and financial opportunities in Qatar. Finances: None Reported

McFarlane Associates, Inc. #5960

2300 Clarendon Boulevard Suite 306 Arlington, VA 22201 Government of the State of Qatar 66

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant agreed to advise the foreign principal in its initiative to sponsor and organize a peace process to resolve the conflict in Darfur and secure peace throughout Sudan. The registrant met periodically with tribal leaders from throughout Dafur to nurture unity among them and to assist them in the development of political, economic and security goals to be sought in the Darfur peace process. $1,236,825.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Government of the State of Qatar 66

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials to discuss the detention of a Qatari citizen and advised the foreign principal with respect to its bilateral relationship with the U.S. Government including security and commercial issues. The registrant also provided legal advice on matters involving international law, commercial investment, litigation, and contracts. $518,294.14 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 177 of 237 QATAR ROMANIA

Burhop, William J. #5479

3004 Oregon Knolls Drive, N.W. Washington, DC 20015 Government of Romania, Embassy 66

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Global Policy Initiatives #5954 (T)

1411 Johnson Drive #1315 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Partidul Social Democrat ("PSD") (t) 66

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant will provide government affairs, strategy planning, communications and public relations services to the foreign principal. $64,687.55 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Madison & Company, LLC #5770

815 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 220 Washington, DC 20006 Former Prime Minister of Romania Adrian Nastase Current Member of Parliament 66

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Romanian Tourist Office #2093

355 Lexington Avenue 8h Floor New York, NY 10017 Ministry of Tourism 66

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant disseminated informational materials, attended travel events/shows, and participated in public relations activities on behalf of the foreign principal. $206,750.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 178 of 237 ROMANIA ROMANIA

Williams Mullen Strategies, Inc. #5698 (T)

Two James Center, 1021 East Cary Street P.O. Box 1320 Richmond, VA 23218 Government of Romania (t) 66

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 179 of 237 ROMANIA RUSSIA

Alston & Bird, LLP #5549

950 F Street, NW The Atlantic Building Washington, DC 20004-1404 Russian Federation (through Ketchum, Inc.) 67

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant provided analysis of U.S. foreign policy developments regarding the U.S. - Russia bilateral relationship covering economic, trade policy, arms control, energy, climate change, and general U.S. policy issues toward Russia. $157,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Clark & Weinstock #5914

601 13th Street, NW Suite 410 South Washington, DC 20005 Gazprom Export through Ketchum Inc 67

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Council for Trade and Economic Cooperation USA-CIS #5748

445 Park Avenue, 10th Floor New York, NY 10022 City Government of St. Petersburg, Russia 67

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Endeavor Law Firm, PC #5934

2001 K Street, NW Suite 206 Washington, DC 20006 Deripaska, Oleg 67

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant provided general legal advice regarding on legislative, trade, foreign policy, investment, security, and philanthropic matters including the identification of potential business partners in the cement industry. $282,537.83 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 180 of 237 RUSSIA RUSSIA

Global Strategic Communications Group, LLC #5720

945 Michigan Avenue Suite #8 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Leadership of the Rodina Political Party 67

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Ketchum Inc. NY #5758

1285 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 Gazprom Export 67

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant arranged interviews between representatives of Gazprom and members of the media, monitored media coverage, developed message points for interviews, and prepared press releases, op-ed articles, and fact sheets on behalf of the foreign principal. $1,676,736.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Ketchum Inc. NY #5758

1285 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 Russian Federation in its role as G8 President in 2006 67

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant arranged interviews and podcasts between media representatives and placed op-ed pieces on the behalf of the foreign principal. $1,848,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Kreab Gavin Anderson (USA), Inc. #5824

515 Madison Avenue 18th Floor New York, NY 10022 OAO Gazprom (t) 67

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

$47,409.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 181 of 237 RUSSIA RUSSIA

White & Case, LLP #2759

1155 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-2787 Techsnabexport (Tenex) (t) 67

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided general legal representation on behalf of the foreign principal.

$210,855.67 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 182 of 237 RUSSIA RWANDA

GoodWorks International, LLC #5414

1700 K Street NW Suite 430 Washington, DC 20006 Government of Rwanda 68

Nature of Services: Lobbying/Public Relations Activities: None Reported

$75,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 183 of 237 RWANDA SAHARAWI ARAB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC

Independent Diplomat, Inc. #5860

137 Second Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 Government of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic 68

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided advice and support on diplomatic communications, met with U.S. Government officials regarding regional political disputes and human rights issues on behalf of the foreign principal. $8,837.82 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 184 of 237 SAHARAWI ARAB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC SAUDI ARABIA

DLA Piper US LLP #3712

500 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Commerce and Industry (t) 69

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301

607 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 SABIC Core Communications (t) 69

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations and business communication assistance to promote the interests of the foreign principal. $417,253.19 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301

607 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) (through Gulf Hill & Knowlton) 69

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations counsel and assistance with regard to the 2009 Global Competitiveness Forum, and with promoting investment in Saudi Arabia. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 185 of 237 SAUDI ARABIA SAUDI ARABIA

Hogan Lovells US LLP #2244

555 - 13th Street, N.W. Columbia Square Washington, DC 20004-1109 Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia 69

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided legal counsel for the foreign principal concerning foreign policy and related matters. The registrant also rendered advice on legislative, regulatory, and public policy activities of interest. In addition, the registrant advised the foreign principal on media reports and public affairs activities and specific advocacy assignments as well as met with U.S. Governmental officials and members of Congress and their staffs. $452,486.91 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through Qorvis Communications 69

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided a daily report of comments regarding Saudi Arabia by U.S. Government officials and opinion leaders. The registrant also contacted congressional staffers regarding Saudi counter rehabilitation policies, the Fiscal Year 2010 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill, Saudi Embassy tour of Capitol Visitor Center, and Senator Bond's planned trip to Saudi Arabia. In addition, the registrant provided analysis of the legal effects of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, the possible effects of Saudi climate change policies and the International Religious Freedom report. $225,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia 69

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant drafted and disseminated informational materials to promote public awareness of the foreign principal's commitment towards counterterrorism, peace in the Middle East, and to other issues pertinent to Saudi Arabia. The registrant also facilitated and coordinated media and press activity for officials of Saudi Arabia. In addition, the registrant contacted media representatives concerning education, the peace process, civilian recognition, Middle East issues, and President Obama's visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. $1,472,500.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 186 of 237 SAUDI ARABIA SAUDI ARABIA

Saudi Petroleum International, Inc. #5321

527 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 69

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Saudi Petroleum International, Inc. #5321

527 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) 69

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Saudi Refining, Inc. #4184

9009 West Loop, South Suite 10158 Houston, TX 77096 Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 69

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Saudi Refining, Inc. #4184

9009 West Loop, South Suite 10158 Houston, TX 77096 Saudi Arabian Oil Company 69

Nature of Services: Marketing Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 187 of 237 SAUDI ARABIA SCOTLAND

Scottish Enterprise #3013

28 State Street Suite 2300 Boston, MA 02109-1775 Scottish Enterprise (formerly: Scottish Development Agency) 70

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant publicized Scotland as a region for U.S. commercial and industrial investments and development, seeking potential U.S. investors, and developing links between Scottish Enterprise and such investors. $1,684,198.33 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 188 of 237 SCOTLAND SERBIA

30 Point Strategies, LLC #5884

7315 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 255E Bethesda, MD 20814 Embassy of the Republic of Serbia 70

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided the foreign principal with public relations and media advice and services.

$361,910.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Advanced Practical Solutions, LLC #5933

227 West Monroe Street Suite 2000 Chicago, IL 60606 Republic of Serbia 70

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant scheduled meetings and promoted diplomatic relations and relevant dialogue with the United States government to further raise the visibility on bilateral issues between the respective countries. $510,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Alcalde & Fay, Ltd. #5898

2111 Wilson Boulevard 8th Floor Arlington, VA 22201 Karic, Milanka, Bogoljub, Dragomir 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations services before members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials, to assist in the foreign principal's efforts to engage the United States Government to become an active advocate for protecting free speech, human rights, and the promotion of a sound economy in Serbia. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $125,651.77 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Footlik, Jay #5886 (T)

3035 Meeting Street Falls Church, VA 22044 Embassy of the Republic of Serbia through 30 Point Strategies (t) 70

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided public relations strategy development and counsel to the foreign principal.

$301,085.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 189 of 237 SERBIA SERBIA

Passacantilli, Daniel #5897

62B Commercial Wharf Suite 300 Boston, MA 02110 Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) through Rasky Baerlein Strategic 70 Communications, Inc.

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Picard Kentz & Rowe, LLP #5939

1750 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Agencija Za Konsalting Sigma Team Plus 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will advise the foreign principal on Serbia-U.S. political and economic relations, strategies for improving trade and commercial relations between Serbia and the U.S., and strategies for building relationships with U.S. government and opinion leaders. Finances: None Reported

Prairie Avenue Advisors, LLC #5940

430 North Michigan Avenue Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60611 Embassy of the Republic of Serbia through Advanced Practical Solutions, LLC 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided strategic advice to the foreign principal with regards to improving diplomatic relations and fostering investment and trade between the United States and the Republic of Serbia. $107,500.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 190 of 237 SERBIA SERBIA

Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC #5753

1133 Connecticut Avenue, NW 5th Floor Washington, DC 20036 Republika Srpska 70

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress, their staffs, and media outlets on behalf of the foreign principal to provide government relations services and communications strategies with the United States and the European Union. $735,438.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. #5893

70 Franklin Street 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02110 Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided strategic communications counsel on behalf of the foreign principal to educate media and public and private opinion leaders on the Serbian economy and opportunities for foreign direct investment. The registrant also contacted officials from the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. Government. $300,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, LLC #5791

1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004-2401 Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija 70

Nature of Services: Media Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

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Taylor, Simon #5896

2 Oliver Street Boston, MA 02109 Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) through Rasky Baerlein Strategic 70 Communications, Inc.

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant assisted the foreign principal's agent, Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications in coordinating travel of SIEPA staff and officials from the Serbian government to Washington, D.C. and Boston, M.A. $20,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 192 of 237 SERBIA SINGAPORE

CMGRP, Inc. #3911

700 13th Street, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Temasek Holdings 70

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant conducted media services on behalf of the foreign principal.

$150,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3657 (T)

250 Hudson Street New York, NY 10013 International Enterprise Singapore (t) 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations counsel for the foreign principal that promotes in the USA, Singapore as a destination for direct investment. $47,290.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301

607 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Singapore, Prime Minister's Office (through Hill & Knowlton, Singapore) 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant developed and executed a public relations plan to promote opportunities in Singapore to target U.S. audiences, including through press communications and media efforts, outreach to universities and other organizations. Finances: None Reported

M. Silver Associates, Inc. #3131

747 Third Avenue, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10017-2803 Singapore Tourism Board 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations services, ongoing media relations including press trips, as well as preparation and distribution of press information. The press trips involved verbal and written invitations to travel writers and editors and personal escort of the journalists to the principality. $96,578.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 193 of 237 SINGAPORE SINGAPORE

Miller & Chevalier, Chartered #5365

655 Fifteenth Street, N.W. Suite 900 - Metropolitan Square Washington, DC 20005-5701 Government of the Republic of Singapore Ministry of Finance 70

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided policy and legal advice regarding U.S. international tax legislative proposals. Services included contact with U.S. Government officials. $67,500.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Reed, T. Dean #5044

37277 Branchriver Road Purcellville, VA 20132-1922 Republic of Singapore, Embassy 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations/Consulting The registrant provided public relations advice and consultation to the foreign principal. The registrant also monitored news regarding Singapore, and assisted in editing a newsletter which is produced and distributed monthly by the foreign principal. $39,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Singapore Economic Development Board #2003

55 East 59th Street Suite 21 B, 21st Floor New York, NY 10022 Singapore Economic Development Board 70

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant promoted direct industrial investment and marketing opportunities in Singapore, the dissemination of information relating to the economic and business conditions in Singapore, and general assistance to the U.S. companies establishing business operations (i.e. manufacturing facilities, joint venture operations at subcontracting and/or licensing agreements with Singapore companies, regional sales/marketing offices in Singapore). $1,214,512.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

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Singapore Tourism Board #2414

5670 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1550 Los Angeles, CA 90036 Republic of Singapore 70

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant's offices located in New York and Los Angeles promoted and publicized the tourist attractions of Singapore by distributing informational literature, offering guidance, and responding to inquiries. $1,302,908.57 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 195 of 237 SINGAPORE SOMALI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC

Independent Diplomat, Inc. #5860

137 Second Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 Government of the Republic of Somaliland 70

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant met with a government official on the behalf of the foreign principal for international recognition before a Congressional hearing. Finances: None Reported

Puntland Development Office #5956

7537 Weatherman Way Suite A Columbia, MD 21046 Puntland State of Somalia 70

Nature of Services: Media Relations Prior to registration the registrant met with members of Congress, congressional staffers, U.S. Government officials, media representatives, and members of the academic community, to discuss issues relating to security and terrorism, human rights, social and economic issues, Presidential reception, and Diaspora relating to Somalia in various countries. $57,712.00 received prior to registration on October 19, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 196 of 237 SOMALI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC SOUTH AFRICA

South African Tourism #603

500 Fifth Avenue Suite 2040 New York, NY 10110-0002 South African Tourist Corporation 71

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant contacted representatives of the tourism industry to promote South Africa as a travel destination. The registrant also sponsored various events where travel/trade representatives and members of the travel media were present to establish business relations with the travel/trade media to promote South Africa as a tourist destination. In addition, the registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $8,017,543.81 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 197 of 237 SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN

Camara Oficial Espanola de Comercio #2400

Post Office Box 9020894 San Juan, PR 00902-0894 Spanish Ministry of Commerce 71

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Development Counsellors International #4777

215 Park Avenue South 10th Floor New York, NY 10003 Investment Promotion Agency of Spain - INTERES 71

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant assisted the foreign principal in attracting business to Spain.

$27,750.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

G2 Worldwide, Inc. #5667

200 5th Avenue New York, NY 10010 Instituto Espanol De Comercio Exterior 71

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 198 of 237 SPAIN SRI LANKA

Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods, Inc. #5905

303 W. Capitol Center Capitol Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Embassy 71

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant advised and assisted the foreign principal with issues relating to U.S.-Sri Lanka bilateral relations. The registrant also prepared speeches for the Ambassador and prepared informational materials for dissemination by the foreign principal to media outlets and governmental officials. $45,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165

2550 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037-1350 Embassy of Sri Lanka 71

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided advice to the foreign principal regarding its relations with the Administration, as well as the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. Government. The registrant also contacted various congressional staffers, a member of Congress and a U.S. Government official regarding U.S.-Sri Lanka bilateral relations. $239,024.59 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483

1201 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Government of Sri Lanka 71

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant agreed to provide public relations advice and counsel in addition to writing, and editing online internet support for the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 199 of 237 SRI LANKA ST. LUCIA

Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Bay Gardens Resorts 72

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will provide media, press and public relations activities on behalf of the foreign principal.

Finances: None Reported

St. Lucia Tourist Board #2668

800 Second Avenue 9th Floor, Suite 910 New York, NY 10017-4504 St. Lucia Tourist Board 72

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted tourism to St. Lucia by attending consumer and trade/travel shows on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational material on behalf of the foreign principal. $77,533.88 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 200 of 237 ST. LUCIA ST. MARTIN

St. Maarten Tourist Office #5294

675 Third Avenue Suite 1807 New York, NY 10017 Island Territory of St. Maarten 73

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant attended travel shows and seminars, and disseminated informational materials to travel groups and the general public to promote tourism on behalf of the foreign principal. $489,226.58 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 201 of 237 ST. MARTIN ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES

Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. #5872

50 West 23rd Street 11th Floor New York, NY 10010 Ministry of Tourism St. Vincent & The Grenadines 74

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant performed advertising and public relations activities on behalf of the foreign principal. These activities included media planning and buying, advertising creation and production, press releases, press trips, and identifying broadcast opportunities. $172,745.66 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 202 of 237 ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES SUDAN

Independent Diplomat, Inc. #5860

137 Second Avenue 2nd Floor New York, NY 10003 Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) 74

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant will provide support on diplomatic communications, preparation of international visits and meetings, and assistance with drafting of speeches. Also, the registrant will provide recommendations for tactics to achieve the foreign principal's goals. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 203 of 237 SUDAN SWEDEN

VisitSweden #4885

655 Third Avenue 18th Floor New York, NY 10017 Sveriges Rese-och Turistrad, A.B. 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 204 of 237 SWEDEN SWITZERLAND

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3634

200 East Randolph Drive Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60601 Embassy of Switzerland 75

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will provide strategic counsel and advice around the foreign principal's media, third-party and public affairs outreach activities. Finances: None Reported

Ebert, Douglas Karl #4757

3940 Olympic Boulevard 400 Olympic Corporate Center Erlanger, KY 41018 Mr. Francis Sermet, Development Economic Western Switzerland 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Parter International, Inc. #5260

135 West 50th Street 21st Floor New York, NY 10020-1201 Berne Economic Development Agency, (BEDA) 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Podesta Group, Inc. #5926

1001 G Street, NW Suite 900 East Washington, DC 20001 Swiss Confederation, Embassy through Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. (t) 75

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant through Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. contacted executive branch officials, members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials regarding the Isabel Toledo fashion show at the Swiss Embassy. The registrant also contacted congressional staffers to invite them to the Swiss Green Building Event. $42,400.00 for the two month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 205 of 237 SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND

Rancourt, Karolyn T. #5559

1648 South Orkney Street Philadelphia, PA 19148 Development Economic Western Switzerland 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Novartis, A.G. 75

Nature of Services: Advertising/Public Relations The registrant engaged in communications and public relations activities on behalf of the foreign principal.

$130,082.53 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Swiss Private Bankers Association 75

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant will provide media monitoring, materials development, proactive media outreach and story placement on behalf of the foreign principal. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 206 of 237 SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND

Switzerland Tourism #55

608 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10020-2303 Swiss Federal Railroads 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant participated in travel shows, arranged familiarization trips, and provided information to travel agents, the media, and the general public to promote tourism on behalf of the foreign principal. $1,396,777.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Switzerland Tourism #55

608 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10020-2303 Swiss National Tourist Office 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant participated in travel shows, arranged familiarization trips, and provided information to travel agents, the media, and the general public to promote tourism on behalf of the foreign principal. $2,130,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Tesolin-Hamilton, Elizabeth Leigh #5629

2048 Cambridge Avenue Cardiff, CA 92007 Development Economic Western Switzerland 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Van Sickle, Valerie L. #5592 (T)

750 Menlo Avenue Suite 200 Menlo Park, CA 94025 DEWS - Development Economic Western Switzerland (t) 75

Nature of Services: Distribution of Printed Material The registrant promoted Western Switzerland as a place to do business.

$78,800.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 207 of 237 SWITZERLAND TAIWAN

Alston & Bird, LLP #5549

950 F Street, NW The Atlantic Building Washington, DC 20004-1404 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States 75

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided policy advice to government entities regarding U.S.-Taiwan relations. The registrant also contacted members of Congress on behalf of the foreign principal asking them to join an impending delegation to Taiwan. $140,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Asia Associates, Inc. #5201 (T)

1484 Quilters Court Chambersburg, PA 17202 Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office, Republic of China (t) 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Economy and Trade The registrant contacted members of Congress and their staffs to discuss the latest economic and political developments in Taiwan. The registrant also contacted members of Congress inviting them to receptions and to visit Taiwan. $18,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Breaux Lott Leadership Group #5937

607 14th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Government of Taiwan 75

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided recommendations to improve relations between Taiwan and the United States, assisted the foreign principal in advancing its position at all levels of the departments and agencies of the U.S. government, and encouraged members of Congress and staffers to visit Taiwan. $197,580.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 208 of 237 TAIWAN TAIWAN

Cedar Group, LLC #5850

250 Cushman Street Suite 4-H Fairbanks, AK 99707 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) 75

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant conducted consulting services on behalf of the foreign principal concerning such issues as the democratic change of power in Taiwan, World Health Organization participation, and the Taiwan Relations Act. $60,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. #3988

1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 1275 Washington, DC 20004-2595 Board of Foreign Trade, ROC 75

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided consulting services on general bilateral trade matters, including the negotiation of a free trade agreement between Taiwan and the United States. $202,530.57 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco #2985

5201 Great America Parkway Suite 306 Santa Clara, CA 95054-1122 Taiwan External Trade Development Council 75

Nature of Services: Export Promotion The registrant assisted U.S. firms wanting to do business in Taiwan and Taiwanese firms wanting to establish American business contacts. The registrant also participated in and assisted with business conferences, trade shows, and distributed trade publications. $346,005.45 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 209 of 237 TAIWAN TAIWAN

Fonte, Michael Joseph #5514

8 Belmont Court Silver Spring, MD 20910 Democratic Progressive Party 75

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant attended conferences and Congressional hearings, held meetings with U.S. Government officials, Congressional staffs, and media regarding U.S.-Taiwan relations. $30,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Glover Park Group, LLC #5666

1025 F Street, NW 9th Floor Washington, DC 20004 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) 75

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided public relations counsel to the foreign principal regarding communications strategy in the United States, conducted daily monitoring of U.S. media outlets for news related to Taiwan, and produced a daily compendium of relevant news clips for the foreign principal. The registrant also contacted congressional staffers concerning a reception invitation and the US-Taiwan Extradition Agreement, as well as provided advice and support to Taiwanese officials relating to their interaction with the U.S. Government. $182,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

International Trade & Development Agency, Inc. #3690

2111 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 505 North Arlington, VA 22202 Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant consulted with the foreign principal regarding trade and economic matters, political developments in the United States, and international developments and their impact on the United States. The registrant also monitored Senate and House committee hearings and interpreted floor debates in Congress. $91,667.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 210 of 237 TAIWAN TAIWAN

McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC #5408

1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20036 Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. (TECRO) 75

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant sought to generate political support for Taiwan's participation in international organizations such as the World Health Organization and in the International Civil Aviation Organization. To advance U.S.-Taiwan relations, the registrant spoke or arranged briefings and meetings with members of Congress and their staffs, and drafted informational materials on U.S.-Taiwan relations or events that relate to U.S.-Taiwan relations. $133,426.77 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Miller & Chevalier, Chartered #5365

655 Fifteenth Street, N.W. Suite 900 - Metropolitan Square Washington, DC 20005-5701 Board of Foreign Trade (BOFT) 75

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided policy and legal advice regarding negotiations toward bilateral agreements between the United States and Taiwan concerning double taxation, foreign investment and government procurement issues, as well as general issues concerning U.S. trade policy. The registrant’s services included contacts with U.S. Government officials regarding issues of importance to the foreign principal. $135,450.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Orion Strategies LLC #5437

918 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20003 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) 75

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant provided advice, guidance, and support for the foreign principal's goals in the United States, including advocacy on behalf of the foreign principal with the U.S. Congress and executive branch. The registrant contacted Congressional staffs and U.S. Government officials to discuss Taiwan defense cooperation and the Chinese military buildup threatening Taiwan. $91,000.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 211 of 237 TAIWAN TAIWAN

Park Strategies, LLC #5908

101 Park Avenue Suite 2506 New York, NY 10178 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States 75

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant, on behalf of the foreign principal, contacted members of Congress and their staffs regarding Senate confirmation hearings and the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act, arranged meetings with Taiwan's Special Representation Ambassador Jason Yuan, arranged telephone conversations between members of Congress and President Ma, and encouraged state government officials to visit Taiwan. $108,325.34 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Pepperwood International Corp. #5912 (T)

3555 J Street Eureka, CA 95503-5419 Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. (t) 75

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant created press releases and fact sheets, and arranged media interviews on behalf on the foreign principal. $25,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Rosemont Associates, LLC #5668

49 Bridge Street Suite 2 Lambertville, NJ 08530 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. 75

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant assisted the foreign principal by supporting efforts to maintain and establish contact with members of Congress and key staff, and by encouraging the U.S. Congress to act favorably on legislation of interest and benefit to Taiwan. $75,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 212 of 237 TAIWAN TAIWAN

Taiwan Trade Center New York Inc. #3652

One Penn Plaza Suite 3410 New York, NY 10119 China External Trade Development Council, Inc. (CETDC) 75

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade The registrant assisted U.S. and Taiwanese manufacturers with trade inquiries, researched new possible American markets for Taiwanese goods, and distributed trade promotional literature. $349,995.45 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 213 of 237 TAIWAN TANZANIA

GoodWorks International, LLC #5414

1700 K Street NW Suite 430 Washington, DC 20006 Government of United Republic of Tanzania 76

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant is engaged in producing a documentary film about Tanzania which has not yet been released.

$750,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Navigators Global, LLC #5951

901 7th Street, NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20001 Ministry of Educational and Vocational Training, The United Republic of Tanzania 76

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant agreed to provide support for the foreign principal's communications and fund raising strategy to bring U.S. awareness to the great strides Tanzania is making in its educational sector, and to encourage further U.S. strategic and financial support for the eLearning Initiative. $64,975.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 214 of 237 TANZANIA THAILAND

Geoffrey Weill Associates #5773

27 West 24th Street Suite 305 New York, NY 10010 Tourism Authority of Thailand 76

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations activities on behalf of the foreign principal. Activities included radio, television, internet advertisements; print advertisements, and press releases. $63,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 215 of 237 THAILAND THAILAND

Global Communicators, LLC #5817

901 15th Street, NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20005 Office of Agricultural Affairs of the Royal Thai Embassy (t) 76

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant wrote press releases, fact sheets, and talking points on behalf of the foreign principal. They also promoted and raised public awareness of the quality, variety, and safety of Thai agricultural products. $50,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Global Communicators, LLC #5817

901 15th Street, NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20005 Office of Commercial Affairs of the Royal Thai Embassy 76

Nature of Services: Promotion of Trade Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Global Communicators, LLC #5817

901 15th Street, NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20005 Thai Trade Center, Los Angeles, Royal Thai Consulate General (Commercial) 76

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant promoted the Thai food industry, Thai ingredients, Thai food (cuisine) nationally and in the Thai Trade Center market of Los Angeles, New York, and Boston. They also advised the foreign principal and the Office of Commercial Affairs on public relations strategies and approaches, as well as trade issues. $45,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Reed, T. Dean #5044

37277 Branchriver Road Purcellville, VA 20132-1922 Royal Thai Embassy of Washington, DC 76

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided public relations advice and counsel and prepared daily media monitoring reports.

$60,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 216 of 237 THAILAND THAILAND

Tourism Authority of Thailand, Los Angeles #2178

611 North Larchmont Boulevard 1st Floor Los Angeles, CA 90004 Tourism Authority of Thailand 76

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted travel to Thailand by distributing tourist information to travel agencies and others in the travel industry. $1,001,260.52 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Tourism Authority of Thailand, New York #1897

61 Broadway Suite 2810 New York, NY 10006 Tourism Authority of Thailand 76

Nature of Services: Promotion of Tourism The registrant promoted travel to Thailand by distributing tourist information to travel agencies and others in the travel industry. The registrant also participated in conferences, travel shows, and familiarization trips. $970,839.55 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 217 of 237 THAILAND TIBET

Office of Tibet #1699

241 East 32nd Street Ground Floor New York, NY 10016 Dalai Lama 77

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant conducted meetings and discussions with groups and individuals to develop an understanding of the problems of Tibet and sought assistance. The registrant also contacted organizations and individuals to seek support for Tibetan refugees in India, Nepal, and elsewhere. In addition, the registrant published "News Tibet" in the Spanish language and disseminated other general information. The registrant also coordinated support for refugees and other associations in North America and managed the Dalai Lama's visit to the Americas. $378,815.54 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 218 of 237 TIBET TRINIDAD & TOBAGO

AGA Group, LLC #5600

1700 K Street, NW Suite 730 Washington, DC 20006 Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago 78

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials, members of Congress, and congressional staffers to discuss trade initiatives, and security concerns, as well as attended a conference at the Department of Energy to discuss doing business. $1,000,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Sanitas International, LLC #5963

1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 6th Floor Washington, DC 20004 International Waterfront Resources Limited on behalf of the Port of Spain International Waterfront 78 Centre

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will provide public relations and digital media support to the foreign principal in order to promote their interests to U.S. and international media outlets. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 219 of 237 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TURKEY

30 Point Strategies, LLC #5884

7315 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 255E Bethesda, MD 20814 Embassy of the Republic of Turkey (through Fleishman-Hillard) 78

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant assisted the foreign principal in strategy development and liaised with leaders of Jewish organizations in the U.S. to enhance the U.S. - Turkey relationship. $90,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Caspian Group, LLC #5915

1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW #1012 Washington, DC 20036 Government of the Republic of Turkey, Embassy 78

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant researched and analyzed issues of concern to the foreign principal; counseled the foreign principal on policies of concern, activities in Congress and the executive branch, and developments on the U.S. political scene in general. $84,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3634

200 East Randolph Drive Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60601 Government of Turkey (t) 78

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided media and online services to further United States/Turkey relations.

$29,000.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 220 of 237 TURKEY TURKEY

Dickstein Shapiro, LLP #3028

1825 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20006-5403 Republic of Turkey (through the Gephardt Group) 78

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided counsel for the foreign principal in connection with the extension and strengthening of the Turkish-American relationship and educating U.S. Government officials on issues of importance to the foreign principal. $270,000.00 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. #5801

200 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 Government of the Republic of Turkey, Embassy 78

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provided media/public relations and communications services on behalf of the foreign principal in connection with assisting the embassy in establishing a better image of Turkey in the United States. $682,098.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC #5874

1101 K Street, N.W. Suite 310 Washington, DC 20005 Republic of Turkey, Embassy 78

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant attended strategy meetings with the foreign principal approximately once a month. The registrant also pursued and proposed passage of legislation and other U.S. Government action that promotes the interest and provides a positive image of the foreign principal and its relationship with the U.S. $406,484.00 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 221 of 237 TURKEY TURKEY

Gur, Nazmi #5955 (T)

1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1250 Washington, DC 20036 DTP (Democratic Society Party) (t) 78

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will represent the foreign principal in meetings and conferences with officers and/or agents of the government of the U.S. personally and through appropriate media outlets. Finances: None Reported

Mercer & Associates, Inc. #5923

2550 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 Government of Turkey, Embassy through DLA Piper, LLP 78

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Neusner Communications, LLC #5883 (T)

7315 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 255E Bethesda, MD 20814 Embassy of the Republic of Turkey through DiNovo Strategies and Fleishman-Hillard (t) 78

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant performed outreach through communications to the U.S. Jewish community, its leaders, and organizations on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also worked on the creation of a working relationship between U.S.-based Jewish and Turkish community groups. This included emails, phone calls, and planning of events. $23,626.35 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 222 of 237 TURKEY UGANDA

Whitaker Group, Inc. #5539

1133 21st Street, NW Suite 405 Washington, DC 20036 Government of the Republic of Uganda (t) 79

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted U.S. Government officials and members of Congress to discuss matters related to the African Growth and Opportunity Act trade policy, In addition, the registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $222,863.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 223 of 237 UGANDA UKRAINE

Mariner Group #5941

4900 Clark Street Hamburg, NY 14075 Volodymyr Lytvyn 80

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

TD International, LLC #5775

818 18th Street, NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20006 Bloc - Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT) 80

Nature of Services: Media Relations TDI is the representative of BYuT in the United States. Its objective is to interface with U.S. Government officials, members of the media, business leaders, and non-governmental organizations in order to articulate in a clear and transparent manner, the democratic, market-oriented, anti-corruption platform of BYuT to the respective constituencies in the United States. TDI also advises officials of BYuT on U.S. and international perceptions of Ukraine and the BYuT party. $524,018.95 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 224 of 237 UKRAINE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP #3492

1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates 80

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant provided counsel to the foreign principal and consulted with U.S. Governmental officials concerning a broad range of issues affecting U.S. - U.A.E. relations specifically relating to foreign policy, national security, and international economic policy matters. $1,313,976.27 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

BKSH & Associates #5402 (T)

1110 Vermont Avenue, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005 Sheikh Khalid Bin Saqr Al Qasimi through California Strategies, LLC (t) 80

Nature of Services: Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Brunswick Group, LLC #5947

One Market Street 35th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant is expected to monitor media coverage and treatment of principal and issues of importance to the foreign principal; advise the foreign principal on responding to media or related inquiries; advise the foreign principal on developments affecting principal's public profile and perception. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 225 of 237 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

California Strategies, LLC #5889

980 Ninth Street Suite 2000 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sheikh Khalid bin Saqr Al Qasimi 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant communicated the foreign principal's public policy objectives for Ras Al Khaimah to government leaders and staff. Communicated economic and environmental agenda to U.S. business leaders; provided operational and logistical support for visits to the U.S. for visits with government and business leaders; developed new relationships with the U.S. non-profit organizations and think tanks; developed a website and online communications platform in English. $300,500.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3634

200 East Randolph Drive Suite 900 Chicago, IL 60601 CNIA - Critical National Infrastructure Authority, Abu Dhabi 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant created a comprehensive strategy for the foreign principal developing an effective internal communications system, improved identity branding and public awareness of its mission, while designing a plan for coordinating logistics execution of public relations events. During this reporting period the registrant transferred its foreign principal from FARA registration number 3657 to 3634. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 226 of 237 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3657 (T)

250 Hudson Street New York, NY 10013 Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company DBA Masdar (t) 80

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant conducted media relations services on behalf of the foreign principal.

$2,335,503.72 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3657 (T)

250 Hudson Street New York, NY 10013 CNIA - Critical National Infrastructure Authority, Abu Dhabi (t) 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant created a comprehensive strategy for the foreign principal developing an effective internal communications system, improved identity branding and public awareness of its mission, while designing a plan for coordinating logistics execution of public relations events. $280,883.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

DLA Piper US LLP #3712

500 8th Street, NW Washington, DC 20004 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates 80

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying The registrant contacted members of Congress, congressional staffers, and U.S. Government officials, to arrange meetings, and to discuss the 123 Agreement, upcoming CODEL to the region, and the trafficking in persons report. $328,368.17 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Everson, David E. #5891

Stinson Morrison Hecker, LLP 1201 Walnut Kansas City, MO 64016 Emirates 80

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 227 of 237 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

First International Resources #5964

One Parker Plaza 12th Floor Fort Lee, NJ 07024 RAK Ceramics 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant will perform strategic communications consulting work to defend and improve the reputation of the foreign principal and its members. Activities may include consultation with international media outlets, as well as overall communications counseling. $137,500.00 for the six month period ending November 30, 2009

Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. #5801

200 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 Abu Dhabi Department of Planning & Economy (t) 80

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant provided minor follow-up advice relating to the foreign principal's website.

Finances: None Reported

Harbour Group, LLC #5478

2300 N Street, N.W. Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20037 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates (t) 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant conducted daily monitoring of United States media outlets for news related to United Arab Emirates, met with U.S. Government officials, members of Congress and their staffs, and media representatives, and provided public affairs and communications counsel to create a public diplomacy program to improve bilateral, diplomatic, security, and commercial relationships. $998,563.38 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 228 of 237 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301

607 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20005 twofour54 FZ-LLC (through Gulf Hill & Knowlton) 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant provides public relations counsel and media management and monitoring, including for international media launch event, to promote Abu Dhabi's media content zone as an emerging and critical center for media production and content. Finances: None Reported

Kreab Gavin Anderson (USA), Inc. #5824

515 Madison Avenue 18th Floor New York, NY 10022 Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority 80

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant will promote tourism and business investment in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, one the seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 229 of 237 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Mark Saylor Company, LLC #5827

202 South Lake Avenue Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 Executive Office of Dubai 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

$69,485.58 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Mark Saylor Company, LLC #5827

202 South Lake Avenue Suite 300 Pasadena, CA 91101 Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab 80 Emirates (t)

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

$352,228.72 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Mercury Public Affairs, LLC d/b/a IGR Group #5953

601 Pennsylvania Ave, NW North Building - Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20004 Sheikh Khalid Bin Saqr Al Qasimi through California Strategies 80

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant will provide counsel and support in developing a positive relationship with the United States through arranging meetings with government officials and representatives in Washington, D.C. Finances: None Reported

Public Strategies, Inc. #5913

98 San Jacinto Boulevard Suite 1200 Austin, TX 78701 Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein 80

Nature of Services: Media Relations The registrant will provide media and public relations consulting to the foreign principal with the goal of enhancing, through the western media, awareness of the foreign principal's humanitarian, philanthropic, and volunteer work. Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 230 of 237 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Office of the UAE Pavilion for the Venice Biennale (t) 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant developed and implemented a communications plan, reported on progress and achievements, and represented the foreign principal to the public. $40,000.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481

301 East 57th Street New York, NY 10022 Tourism Development and Investing Company (TDIC) 80

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

$217,500.00 for the six month period ending September 30, 2009

U.S. - Emirates Alliance, LLC #5785

2300 N Street, NW Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20037 U.A.E. Embassy 80

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant developed and managed a public diplomacy and communications program in the U.S. which includes efforts to influence U.S. policy. It will also further expand a commercial relationship between the U.S. and the foreign principal by the formation of a business council. This program will include outreach to media, think tanks, businesses, experts, academics, students, and the public. $1,980,484.15 for the six month period ending July 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 231 of 237 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM

Glover Park Group, LLC #5666

1025 F Street, NW 9th Floor Washington, DC 20004 City of London (through the Latham Group) 81

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. #5872

50 West 23rd Street 11th Floor New York, NY 10010 International Business Wales a/k/a Welsh Development Agency 81

Nature of Services: Promotion of Investment The registrant will serve as a marketing consultant to the foreign principal. They delivered media buying, public relations activities, and miscellaneous marketing services to the foreign principal. $172,533.30 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. #5401

101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Suite 600 West Washington, DC 20001 Forensic Science Service, Ltd. 81

Nature of Services: Lobbying The registrant monitored and reported to the foreign principal activities in House Senate, Department of Justice related to forensics. In addition, followed press stories nationwide on crime lab backlogs of forensic evidence. $106,407.66 for the six month period ending December 31, 2009

West Wing Writers, LLC #5838

1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 505 Washington, DC 20036 Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 81

Nature of Services: Editor Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 232 of 237 UNITED KINGDOM UZBEKISTAN

Maynard, Cooper and Gale, P.C. #5716

1901 Sixth Avenue North 2400 AmSouth/Harbert Plaza Birmingham, AL 35203 Sunshine Coalition of Uzbekistan 82

Nature of Services: Legal and Other Services/Lobbying Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Sunshine Uzbekistan USA, NFP #5721

14525 SW Millikan Way #34692 Beaverton, OR 97005-2343 Sunshine Coalition of Uzbekistan 82

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 233 of 237 UZBEKISTAN VANUATU

Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs #4860

39 Broadway Suite 2020 New York, NY 10006 Republic of Vanuatu 83

Nature of Services: Registration of Vessels The registrant promoted the registration of vessels on behalf of the foreign principal. In addition, the registrant contacted individuals in the shipping industry to inform them of the Vanuatu ship registry and prepared official documents on behalf of the foreign principal for ship owners and financial institutions. $390,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 234 of 237 VANUATU VENEZUELA

Goumbri, Olivia #5957

6618 13th Place, NW Washington, DC 20012 Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 83

Nature of Services: Distribution of Printed Material The registrant agreed to assist in educational outreach to the general public about contemporary Venezuela, as well as serve in an advisory role in the areas of outreach communications, and building public relations. $10,000.00 for the six month period ending October 31, 2009

Latin America Information Office LLC #5609 (T)

2000 P Street, NW Suite 240 Washington, DC 20036 Embassy of Venezuela (t) 83

Nature of Services: Public Relations The registrant disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also contacted congressional staffers to identify ways in which to improve bilateral relations ahead of the Trinidad Summit of the Americas. In addition, the registrant contacted media representatives. civic groups, and university professors, regarding U.S.-Venezuela relations, Venezuelan elections, visit of Venezuelan professor, and other issues of interest to the foreign principal. $198,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Pertierra & Toro, P.C. #5731

1010 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 620 Washington, DC 20005 Government of Venezuela, Embassy 83

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant The registrant conducted research regarding legal issues and participated in a television interview and published media articles on behalf of the foreign principal. The registrant also disseminated informational materials on behalf of the foreign principal. $10,000.00 for the six month period ending August 31, 2009

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 235 of 237 VENEZUELA YUGOSLAVIA

American International Development Group, Inc. #5259

1029 North Royal Street Suite 350 Alexandria, VA 22314 Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Embassy 83

Nature of Services: U.S. Policy Consultant Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 236 of 237 YUGOSLAVIA ZIMBABWE

Farris, Melinda #5942

7307 Arlington Boulevard #185 Falls Church, VA 22042 Prime Minister of Zimbabwe (t) 84

Nature of Services: Public Relations Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

MDC Zimbabwe #5757

112 Airport Road Coatesville, PA 19320-5800 MDC Zimbabwe (MDC) 84

Nature of Services: Fund Raising Activities: None Reported

Finances: None Reported

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Page 237 of 237 ZIMBABWE Appendix A Registrant Index


(T) Indicates registration terminated during this six month reporting period. . (t) Indicates foreign principal terminated during the six month reporting period.

30 Point Strategies, LLC #5884 Embassy of the Republic of Serbia , SERBIA 1 Embassy of the Republic of Turkey (through Fleishman-Hillard) , TURKEY 2

Advanced Practical Solutions, LLC #5933 Republic of Serbia , SERBIA 1

Africa - African Travel Association, Inc. (AfricaAfrica Travel Travel Association) Association , INTERNATIONAL #5967 1

AGA Group, LLC #5600 Anwar Ul-Haq Ahadi, Presidential Candidate in Afghanistan , AFGHANISTAN (t) 1 Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago , TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 2

Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP #3492 Embassy of Panama , PANAMA (t) 1 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2 Government of British Columbia , CANADA 3 Kili/Bikini/Ejit Local Government Council , MARSHALL ISLANDS 4

Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. #5614 Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency , NETHERLANDS 1

Alcalde & Fay, Ltd. #5898 Karic, Milanka, Bogoljub, Dragomir , SERBIA 1

Alpine Tourist Office #2052 Alpine Tourist Commission , INTERNATIONAL 1

Alston & Bird, LLP #5549 Mims d.o.o. , BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA (t) 1 Russian Federation (through Ketchum, Inc.) , RUSSIA 2 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States , TAIWAN 3

Amano, Kathy Y. #5972 Foreign Minister Jun Shimml with the Embassy of Japan , JAPAN 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 1 American Business Development Group #5810 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 1

American International Development Group, Inc. #5259 Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Embassy , YUGOSLAVIA 1

American Palm Oil Council #4575 Malaysian Palm Oil Council , MALAYSIA 1

APCO Worldwide, Inc. #4561 Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan , KAZAKHSTAN (t) 1 Government of Malaysia, Embassy , MALAYSIA 2 Mexico Tourism Board , MEXICO 3

Arab Information Center #876 League of Arab States , INTERNATIONAL 1

Arent Fox, LLP #5882 Embassy of the Republic of Korea , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1 Laura Chinchilla Miranda, nominee of Partido Liberacion Nacional (National Liberation Party) for President of the Republic of 2 Costa Rica , COSTA RICA (t) Ministry of the Economy, Government of the United Mexican States , MEXICO (t) 3

Ari Fleischer Communications, Inc. #5925 (T) Office of the Prime Minister of Canada , CANADA (t) 1

Arnold & Porter, LLP #1750 State of Israel, Embassy , ISRAEL 1

Aruba Tourism Authority #2987 Government of Aruba , ARUBA 1

Asia Associates, Inc. #5201 (T) Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office, Republic of China , TAIWAN (t) 1

Austrian Tourist Office, Inc. #495 Austrian National Tourist Office , AUSTRIA 1

Austrian Trade Commission in the U.S., Southern Region #5041 Federal Economic Chamber of Austria (Wirtschftskammer Oesterreichs) , AUSTRIA 1

Avatar Enterprises, Inc. #5821 Kingdom of Morocco, Embassy , MOROCCO (t) 1

Bahamas Tourist Office #2310 Bahamas Ministry of Tourism , BAHAMAS 1

Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism #1995 Barbados Industrial Development Corporation , BARBADOS 1 Barbados Tourist Board , BARBADOS 2

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 2 Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, TransportBavarian and Ministry Technology for Economic #5647 Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology , GERMANY 1

Beckerman #5877 Moroccan American Center for Policy, Inc. , MOROCCO 1

Belgian National Tourist Office #529 Belgian National Tourist Office , BELGIUM 1

Berardi, Amato Libero #5853 Popola Della Liberta Italian Government and Parliament , ITALY 1

Berliner Corcoran & Rowe, LLP #5299 Government of Barbados , BARBADOS 1 Invest Barbados , BARBADOS 2

Bermuda Department of Tourism #430 Government of Bermuda, Department of Tourism , BERMUDA 1

Berry, Max N. #2216 Danish Meat Association (DMA) , DENMARK 1

BGR Government Affairs, LLC #5430 Embassy of Poland , POLAND 1 Kurdish Regional Government (formerly known as Kurdish Democratic Party) , IRAQ 2 Republic of India, Embassy , INDIA 3 State of Qatar, Embassy , QATAR 4

Bitar, Janet M. #5863 Nahro Mohammad Abdul Karim Al-Kasnazan Al-Husseini, Secretary General, Coalition of Iraqi National Unity (CINU) , IRAQ 1 (t)

BKSH & Associates #5402 (T) Democratic Party of Albania , ALBANIA (t) 1

BlackBear Communications #5952 (T) ASR Organization Development forum , AFGHANISTAN (t) 1

Blank Rome, LLP #4929 China Shipping Group Company , CHINA 1 Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited , NEW ZEALAND (t) 2 Meat & Wool New Zealand, Ltd. , NEW ZEALAND (t) 3 Meat Industry Association of New Zealand , NEW ZEALAND (t) 4

Bracy Tucker Brown, Inc. #5878 FundaSistemas , GUATEMALA 1

Breaux Lott Leadership Group #5937 Government of Taiwan , TAIWAN 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 3 British Virgin Islands Tourist Board #3354 British Virgin Islands Tourist Board , BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 1

Brown Lloyd James #5875 Hassan Tatanaki - Challenger Limited , EGYPT 1

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP #5870 Embassy of Mexico through Kuykendall & Associates , MEXICO 1

Broydrick & Associates, Inc. #5859 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 1

Brunswick Group, LLC #5947 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1

Burhop, William J. #5479 Government of Romania, Embassy , ROMANIA 1

Burson-Marsteller #2469 Costa Rican Tourism Institute , COSTA RICA 1

Butterfield Carter and Associates #5398 Institute of Cetacean Research , JAPAN 1

California Strategies, LLC #5889 Sheikh Khalid bin Saqr Al Qasimi , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1

Camara Oficial Espanola de Comercio #2400 Spanish Ministry of Commerce , SPAIN 1

Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered #5815 (T) Government of Hungary, Embassy , HUNGARY (t) 1 Principality of Liechtenstein , LIECHTENSTEIN (t) 2

Caribbean Tourism Development Company #5910 Caribbean Tourism Development Company , INTERNATIONAL 1

Caribbean Tourism Organization, USA Inc. #991 Caribbean Tourism Organization , INTERNATIONAL 1

Carmen Group Incorporated #5903 (T) Bayelsa State Government , NIGERIA (t) 1

Caspian Group, LLC #5915 Government of the Republic of Turkey, Embassy , TURKEY 1

Cassidy & Associates, Inc. #5643 Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan , PAKISTAN 1 Equatorial Guinea , EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ (t) 3

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 4 Cayman Islands Department of Tourism #2500 Government of the Cayman Islands , CAYMAN ISLANDS 1

Cedar Group, LLC #5850 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) , TAIWAN 1

Charles E. Butler & Associates #3544 Japan Iron & Steel Exporters' Association , JAPAN 1

China Daily Distribution Corporation #3457 China Daily of Beijing, China , CHINA 1

China National Tourist Office #3318 China National Tourism Administration (formerly: China International Travel Service) , CHINA 1

Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. #5774 Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo, through Trout Cacheris PLLC , CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) (t) 1 Egyptian Press and Information Office, Embassy , EGYPT 2 Government of Honduras , HONDURAS (t) 3 Republic of Kenya , KENYA 4

Cianfaglione, Quintino #5745 Per L, Italia Nel Mondo Con Tremaglia , ITALY 1

Clark & Weinstock #5914 Gazprom Export through Ketchum Inc , RUSSIA 1 Republic of Panama, Embassy , PANAMA (t) 2

Clark, Mark Edmond #5755 Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN , IRAN 1

Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, LLP #508 Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Iraq , IRAQ 1

CMGRP, Inc. #3911 Bahrain Economic Development Board , BAHRAIN 1 Government of the Bahamas , BAHAMAS 2 Government of the Federal District (Mexico City) , MEXICO 3 Temasek Holdings , SINGAPORE 4

CMS Strategies, LLC #5766 Republic of Cyprus, Embassy, through Patton Boggs LLP , CYPRUS 1

Collins, Grace #5566 Government of the Peoples Republic of Nagalim/National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Nagaland) (I-M) , INDIA 1

Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc. #4909 Federacion Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia , COLOMBIA 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 5 Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. #5334 Commonwealth of Dominica, Office of Ministry of Finance, Industry and Trade , DOMINICA 1

Costa Rican Board of Trade #2370 Camara de Azucareros , COSTA RICA 1

Council for Trade and Economic Cooperation USA-CIS #5748 City Government of St. Petersburg, Russia , RUSSIA 1

Council of Khalistan #5597 Council of Khalistan , INDIA 1

Covington & Burling, LLP #5852 Principality of Liechtenstein, Embassy , LIECHTENSTEIN 1 Republic of the Philippines, Embassy , PHILIPPINES 2 United Mexican States , MEXICO 3

Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods, Inc. #5905 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Embassy , SRI LANKA 1

Crescent Consultants, LLC #5944 Democratic Republic of Congo , CONGO (KINSHASA) (ZAIRE) 1

Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. #3988 Board of Foreign Trade, ROC , TAIWAN 1

Czech Center, New York #5115 Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs , CZECH REPUBLIC 1

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3634 CNIA - Critical National Infrastructure Authority, Abu Dhabi , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1 Embassy of Switzerland , SWITZERLAND 2 Government of Turkey , TURKEY (t) 3 Panama Canal Authority , PANAMA 4

Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. #3657 (T) Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company DBA Masdar , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (t) 5 CNIA - Critical National Infrastructure Authority, Abu Dhabi , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (t) 6 International Enterprise Singapore , SINGAPORE (t) 7

Darlene Richeson & Associates, LLC #5786 Government of Bermuda , BERMUDA 1

DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. #5968 Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China , CHINA 1

Dentsu America, Inc. #5116 Government of India Tourist Office , INDIA 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 6 Deutsche Telekom, Inc. #4419 Deutsche Telekom, A.G. (formerly: Deutsche Bundespost Telekom) , GERMANY 1

Development Counsellors International #4777 Investment Promotion Agency of Spain - INTERES , SPAIN 1 Peruvian Export and Tourism Promotion Board , PERU 2 Proexport Colombia , COLOMBIA 3 Saskatchewan Industry & Resources , CANADA (t) 4 Tourism Tasmania , AUSTRALIA 5 Welsh Development Agency , GREAT BRITAIN 6

Dewey & LeBoeuf, LLP #5835 (T) Government of Ethiopia, Embassy , ETHIOPIA (t) 1 Government of Republika Srpska , BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA (t) 2

Dickstein Shapiro, LLP #3028 American Palm Oil Council , MALAYSIA 1 Republic of Turkey (through the Gephardt Group) , TURKEY 2

DiNovo Strategies, LLC #5887 (T) Embassy of the Republic of Turkey through Fleishman-Hillard , TURKEY (t) 1

Discover the World Marketing #5958 Nouvelle Caledonie Touriisme Point Sud , FRANCE 1

DLA Piper US LLP #3712 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1 German State of Rheinland-Pfalz , GERMANY 2 Government of Alberta , CANADA 3 Interim Government of Afghanistan, Embassy , AFGHANISTAN 4 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Commerce and Industry , SAUDI ARABIA (t) 5 Senado de Mexico , MEXICO (t) 6 State of Tamaulipas , MEXICO (t) 7

Draftfcb #2415 Jamaica Tourist Board , JAMAICA 1

Duane Morris Government Affairs, LLC #5918 (T) Puntland State of Somalia , SOMALI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (t) 1

DUTKO Worldwide, LLC #5904 RECREAR , ARGENTINA (t) 1 Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) , ALBANIA (t) 2

Ebert, Douglas Karl #4757 Mr. Francis Sermet, Development Economic Western Switzerland , SWITZERLAND 1

Eizenstat, Stuart E. #5851 Republic of the Philippines, Embassy , PHILIPPINES 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 7 Endeavor Law Firm, PC #5934 Deripaska, Oleg , RUSSIA 1

Endeavour Global Strategies #5946 Government of Colombia/Colombia is Passion through The Fratelli Group , COLOMBIA (t) 1

Enterprise Estonia in San Jose #5833 Government of Estonia , ESTONIA 1

Enterprise Ireland #2518 An Bord Trachtala/Irish Trade Board (formerly: Coras Trachtala/Irish Export Board) , IRELAND 1

Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party #4789 Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party , ETHIOPIA 1

EuroAsian Financial Corporation #5704 (T) Malaysian Government (Offices of the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister) , MALAYSIA (t) 1

European Travel Commission #574 European Travel Commission , INTERNATIONAL 1

Everson, David E. #5891 Emirates , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1

Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco #2985 Taiwan External Trade Development Council , TAIWAN 1

Farrow, Jeffrey L. #5938 Republic of Palau , PALAU 1

Fenton Communications #5945 Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador , ECUADOR 1 Office of Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al-Missned , QATAR 2 Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development , QATAR (t) 3

Fierce, Isakowitz, & Blalock #5950 Federation of Industries of the State of Sao Paulo (FIESP) , BRAZIL 1

Finkelstein Thompson, LLP #5213 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation , CANADA 1

First International Resources #5964 RAK Ceramics , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1

Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. #5801 Abu Dhabi Department of Planning & Economy , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (t) 1 Cayman Islands Government, Portfolio of Finance and Economics , CAYMAN ISLANDS (t) 2 General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, the Arab Republic of Egypt (GAFI) , EGYPT (t) 3 Government of the Republic of Turkey, Embassy , TURKEY 4 Social Communication Secretariat of the Office of the President of the Republic of Brazil , BRAZIL 5

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 8 Foley Hoag, LLP #4776 Corporation for the Promotion of Exports and Investments of Ecuador , ECUADOR 1 Government of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Embassy , ALGERIA 2 Republic of Djibouti , DJIBOUTI 3 Republic of Guyana , GUYANA 4

Fonte, Michael Joseph #5514 Democratic Progressive Party , TAIWAN 1

Footlik, Jay #5886 (T) Embassy of the Republic of Serbia through 30 Point Strategies , SERBIA (t) 1

Fratelli Group #5867 Government of Colombia, Embassy , COLOMBIA 1

French Film Office/Unifrance USA #2358 Unifrance Film International (formerly: National Center for the Cinema, French Ministry of Culture) , FRANCE 1

Friends of Sinn Fein, Inc. #5006 Sinn Fein , IRELAND 1

Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP #5842 Republic of Iraq , IRAQ 1

G2 Worldwide, Inc. #5667 Instituto Espanol De Comercio Exterior , SPAIN 1

Gabriel Company, LLC #5523 Government of the Kingdom of Morocco , MOROCCO 1

Garvey, Schubert & Barer #3047 Government of Canada, Embassy , CANADA 1 Japan Fisheries Association , JAPAN 2 Province of Ontario, Canada , CANADA 3

Geoffrey Weill Associates #5773 Israel Ministry of Tourism , ISRAEL 1 Tourism Authority of Thailand , THAILAND 2

Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC #5874 Republic of Turkey, Embassy , TURKEY 1

German National Tourist Office #616 Deutsche Zentrale fuer Tourismus (German National Tourist Board) , GERMANY 1

Gibraltar Government Office of Washington #4182 Government of Gibraltar , GREAT BRITAIN 1

Gilman Group #5879 Republic of the Philippines, Embassy , PHILIPPINES 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 9 Global Communicators, LLC #5817 Copenhagen Consensus Center , DENMARK (t) 1 Fundacion para la Inversion y Desarrollo de Exportaciones (FIDE) (Foundation for Investment and Development of Exports) , 2 HONDURAS (t) Office of Agricultural Affairs of the Royal Thai Embassy , THAILAND (t) 3 Office of Commercial Affairs of the Royal Thai Embassy , THAILAND 4 Sledgehammer Communications , MALAYSIA (t) 5 Thai Trade Center, Los Angeles, Royal Thai Consulate General (Commercial) , THAILAND 6

Global Policy Group, Inc. #5290 JETRO, New York , JAPAN 1

Global Policy Initiatives #5954 (T) Partidul Social Democrat ("PSD") , ROMANIA (t) 1

Global Strategic Communications Group, LLC #5720 Leadership of the Rodina Political Party , RUSSIA 1

Global Water & Energy Strategy Team (GWEST) #5892 Enterprise Saskatchewan and The Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Energy Resources , CANADA 1

Glover Park Group, LLC #5666 City of London (through the Latham Group) , UNITED KINGDOM 1 Government of Georgia, National Security Council , GEORGIA (t) 2 ProExport Colombia , COLOMBIA 3 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) , TAIWAN 4

Goldman, Betsy M. #5857 Embassy of Japan , JAPAN 1

GoodWorks International, LLC #5414 Government of Rwanda , RWANDA 1 Government of United Republic of Tanzania , TANZANIA 2

Goumbri, Olivia #5957 Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , VENEZUELA 1

Government of Fukuoka Prefecture, Silicon Valley Office #5591 Fukuoka Prefectural Government , JAPAN 1

Gray Loeffler, LLC #5806 Hong Kong Trade Development Council through GrayLoeffler , HONG KONG 1 Moroccan American Center for Policy , MOROCCO 2 Office of President of the Republic of Congo through Trout Cacheris , CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) (t) 3

Greenberg Traurig, LLP #5712 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 1 Secretaria de Agricultura Ganaderia, Desarollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacion (SAGARPA) , MEXICO 2

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 10 Gur, Nazmi #5955 (T) DTP (Democratic Society Party) , TURKEY (t) 1

Hai Tian Development U.S.A., Inc. #5143 People's Daily Overseas Edition , CHINA 1

Harbour Group, LLC #5478 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (t) 1

Hastings, Jay Donald #2867 Japan Fisheries Association , JAPAN 1

HDMK, LLC #5966 Republic of Panama , PANAMA 1

Hecht, Spencer & Associates, Inc. #5451 Government of Japan , JAPAN 1

Hill & Knowlton, Inc. #3301 Association of Dutch Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars) , NETHERLANDS 1 Government of Singapore, Prime Minister's Office (through Hill & Knowlton, Singapore) , SINGAPORE 2 Qatar Financial Centre Authority (through Hill & Knowlton Qatar LLC) , QATAR 3 SABIC Core Communications , SAUDI ARABIA (t) 4 Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) (through Gulf Hill & Knowlton) , SAUDI ARABIA 5 Special Court for Sierra Leone , INTERNATIONAL 6 twofour54 FZ-LLC (through Gulf Hill & Knowlton) , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 7

Hills Stern & Morley, LLP #5965 Government of Aruba , ARUBA 1

Hmong Foreign Council #5554 Hmong Freedom League , LAOS 1

Hogan Lovells US LLP #2244 Government of Japan , JAPAN 1 Government of Ontario, Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry, and Ministry of International Trade and 2 Investment , CANADA Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia , SAUDI ARABIA 3

Holland & Knight #3718 Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia, S.A. (AVIANCA) , COLOMBIA 1 Government of the United Kingdom, Embassy , GREAT BRITAIN 2

Hong Kong Tourism Board #2110 Government of Hong Kong , HONG KONG 1

Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Inc. #2181 Hong Kong Trade Development Council , HONG KONG 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 11 Hopps & Associates, Inc. #5948 Mission of Libya to the UN , LIBYA 1

Hyman, Lester S. #5166 British Virgin Islands Government , BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS 1

Iceland Tourist Board #2863 Iceland Tourist Board , ICELAND 1

IDA Ireland #1770 Irish Development Authority, Irish Government Body , IRELAND 1

Independent Diplomat, Inc. #5860 Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) , SUDAN 1 Government of the Republic of Somaliland , SOMALI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 2 Government of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic , SAHARAWI ARAB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 3 National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB) , MYANMAR (BURMA) 4 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus , CYPRUS 5

India Tourism, Los Angeles #5873 Government of India, Ministry of Tourism , INDIA 1

India Tourism, New York #2329 Government of India , INDIA 1

India Trade Promotion Organization #2975 Trade Development Authority , INDIA 1

Integrated Solutions Group, LLC #5855 (T) Republic of Panama, Embassy through the Washington Group , PANAMA (t) 1

International Registries, Inc. #4533 Republic of the Marshall Islands , MARSHALL ISLANDS 1

International Trade & Development Agency, Inc. #3690 Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. , TAIWAN 1

International Underwriting Association of London #5296 International Underwriting Association of London , GREAT BRITAIN 1

Invest Northern Ireland #4364 Invest Northern Ireland , NORTHERN IRELAND 1

ISCI-USA, Inc. #5885 Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq , IRAQ 1

Italian Government Tourist Board (ENIT), Los Angeles #1884 Ente Nazionale Italiano per il Turismo (ENIT) , ITALY 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 12 Italian Government Tourist Board, New York #568 Ente Nazionale Italiano per il Turismo , ITALY 1

Italian Government Travel Office, Chicago #1892 Ente Nazionale Italiano per il Turismo (ENIT) , ITALY 1

Jackson Kelly, PLLC #5962 SNCF DDI , FRANCE 1 SNCF Voyages , FRANCE 2

Jacobs, Barry #5900 Mehmet Ali Talat , CYPRUS 1

Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida #2360 Jamaica Tourist Board , JAMAICA 1

Japan Center for Intercultural Communications (JCIC) #4998 Japanese Government , JAPAN 1

Japan National Tourism Organization #769 Japan National Tourist Organization , JAPAN 1

Japan National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles #2350 Japan National Tourist Organization , JAPAN 1

JETRO, Atlanta #4069 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) , JAPAN 1

JETRO, Chicago #1850 City of Osaka , JAPAN 1 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) , JAPAN 2

JETRO, Houston #2277 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) , JAPAN 1

JETRO, Los Angeles #1833 City of Yokohama , JAPAN 1 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) , JAPAN 2

JETRO, New York #1643 Ishikawa Prefectural Government , JAPAN 1 Japan External Trade Organization , JAPAN 2 Kanagawa Prefectural Government , JAPAN 3

JETRO, San Francisco #1813 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) , JAPAN 1

Johnson II, Robert Winthrop #4460 Government of the Dominican Republic , DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 13 Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP #5355 Bank of the Netherlands Antilles , NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 1

JWI, LLC #4990 AmLib United Minerals , LIBERIA (t) 1 Camelot Oil & Gas Development Ltd. , AZERBAIJAN (t) 2 International Bank of Azerbaijan , AZERBAIJAN 3

KBS America, Inc. #5684 Korean Broadcasting System through e-KBS Co., Ltd. , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Keene & Associates #4511 (T) Government of Japan, Consulate , JAPAN (t) 1

Ketchum Inc. NY #5758 Gazprom Export , RUSSIA 1 Russian Federation in its role as G8 President in 2006 , RUSSIA 2

Ki, Fiona #5930 Romula V. Manlapig - Commercial Counselor, Embassy , PHILIPPINES 1

Kobe Trade Information Office #2438 Kobe Municipal Government , JAPAN 1

Kokora, Pascal D. #5687 Government of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire , COTE D'IVOIRE (IVORY COAST) 1

Korea Business Center #1619 Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Korea Economic Institute #3327 Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Korea International Trade Association, Inc. #2686 Korea International Trade Association , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Korea Local Government Center (KLAFIR, America) #5080 Korea Local Authorities Foundation for International Relations (KLAFIR) , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Korea National Tourism Organization, Chicago #3069 Korean National Tourism Organization , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Korea National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles #2544 Korea National Tourism Corporation , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Korea National Tourism Organization, New Jersey #2614 Korea National Tourism Corporation , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 14 Kreab Gavin Anderson (USA), Inc. #5824 OAO Gazprom , RUSSIA (t) 1 Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2

KRL International, LLC #5788 Edward McClain Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Office of the President of Liberia , LIBERIA 1

Kunin, Daniel Louis #5911 National Security Council of Georgia , GEORGIA 1

Kurdistan Regional Government - Liaison Office - USA #5783 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 1

Kuykendall, Gregory J., PC #5917 Government of United Mexican States , MEXICO 1

KWR International, Inc. #5119 JETRO, New York , JAPAN 1

Latin America Information Office LLC #5609 (T) Embassy of Venezuela , VENEZUELA (t) 1 Fundacion Siglo XXI , BOLIVIA (t) 2 Movimiento Poder Ciudadano, Siglo 21 , COLOMBIA (t) 3

LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation #5901 Kingdom of Morocco , MOROCCO 1

Levick Strategic Communications #5649 International Counsel Bureau on behalf of Kuwaiti Detainees Committee , KUWAIT 1

Levine & Company #3971 Government of Bermuda , BERMUDA 1

LISCR, LLC #5490 Government of the Republic of Liberia , LIBERIA 1

Livingston Group, LLC #5356 A.K.Capital NHB , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (t) 1 Bank of the Netherlands Antillees , NETHERLANDS ANTILLES 2 Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation , LIBYA (t) 4 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy thru PLM Group , EGYPT 6 Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya , LIBYA (t) 8 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Embassy , AZERBAIJAN (t) 10

Lloyd's of London Market Representatives #4883 Lloyd's of London , GREAT BRITAIN 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 15 Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. #5856 Pakistan International Airlines Corporation , PAKISTAN (t) 1 Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP); Asif Ali Zardari, Co-Chairperson of the PPP , PAKISTAN 2 The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan , PAKISTAN 3

Lou Hammond & Associates, Inc. #5935 Caribbean Tourism Development , INTERNATIONAL 1

LTL Strategies #5808 Dr. Alassane D. Ouattara, Rassemblement des Republicains (RDR) , COTE D'IVOIRE (IVORY COAST) 1

Luxcore, Ltd. #4901 Luxembourg Board of Economic Development , LUXEMBOURG 1

M. Silver Associates, Inc. #3131 Aruba Tourism Authority , ARUBA 1 Oficina de Visitantes y Convenciones de Vallarta Nayarit , MEXICO 2 Singapore Tourism Board , SINGAPORE 3 Via Rail , CANADA 4

Madison & Company, LLC #5770 Former Prime Minister of Romania Adrian Nastase Current Member of Parliament , ROMANIA 1

Maggs & McDermott LLC, Attorneys at Law #5845 Government of the Republic of Iraq Office of the Prime Minister , IRAQ 1

Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board #2510 Tourist Development Corporation, Ministry of Tourism, Government of the Federation of Malaysia , MALAYSIA 1

Malaysian Industrial Development Authority #2331 Malaysian Industrial Development Authority , MALAYSIA 1

Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, San Jose #5350 Malaysian Industrial Development Authority , MALAYSIA 1

Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council (USA) #5444 Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council , MALAYSIA 1

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP #5864 Government of Jamaica through Harold Brady of Brady and Co. , JAMAICA 1 Government of the Dominican Republic and Asociacion Dominicana de Hacendados y Agricultores, Inc. , DOMINICAN 2 REPUBLIC

Maniatis, Gregory A. #5906 National Security Council of Georgia , GEORGIA 1

Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization (MIPRO) #3196 Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization (MIPRO) , JAPAN 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 16 Mariner Group #5941 Volodymyr Lytvyn , UKRAINE 1

Mark Saylor Company, LLC #5827 Executive Office of Dubai , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1 Government of Ethiopia, Embassy , ETHIOPIA (t) 2 Government of the Republic of Abkhazia , GEORGIA 3 Government of the Republic of South Ossetia , GEORGIA 4 Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates , UNITED ARAB 5 EMIRATES (t)

Marston Webb & Associates #5929 Bermuda Ministry of Finance , BERMUDA 1

Masaoka & Associates, Inc. #2521 JETRO, New York (formerly: Japan Trade Center) , JAPAN 1

Maseng Communications #4660 Japan Automobile Manufacturers' Association, Inc. , JAPAN 1

Mayeroff, Jerry M. #5067 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO, Chicago) , JAPAN 1

Maynard, Cooper and Gale, P.C. #5716 Sunshine Coalition of Uzbekistan , UZBEKISTAN 1

McFarlane Associates, Inc. #5960 Government of the State of Qatar , QATAR 1

McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC #5408 Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. (TECRO) , TAIWAN 1

McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP #5772 Province of Quebec & Province of Manitoba , CANADA (t) 1

MDC Zimbabwe #5757 MDC Zimbabwe (MDC) , ZIMBABWE 1

Meat and Wool New Zealand #2526 New Zealand Meat Producers Board , NEW ZEALAND 1

Melwood Communications #5846 Embassy of Azerbaijan , AZERBAIJAN 1

Mercer & Associates, Inc. #5923 Government of Turkey, Embassy through DLA Piper, LLP , TURKEY 1

Mercury Public Affairs, LLC d/b/a IGR Group #5953 Sheikh Khalid Bin Saqr Al Qasimi through California Strategies , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 17 Mexican Tourism Board #2209 Mexican Ministry of Tourism , MEXICO 1

Miller & Chevalier, Chartered #5365 Board of Foreign Trade (BOFT) , TAIWAN 1 Government of the Republic of Singapore Ministry of Finance , SINGAPORE 2

Mira Movimiento Politico Inc. #5676 Mira Movimiento Independiente De Renovacion Absoluta , COLOMBIA 1

Missy Farren & Associates, Ltd. d/b/a MFA #5949 Cayman Islands Department of Tourism , CAYMAN ISLANDS 1

MITA Group, Inc. #5741 Government of Aruba , ARUBA 1 Government of Japan/Japan External Trade Organization , JAPAN 2 Ranhill , MALAYSIA 3

Moffett Group, LLC #5802 Government of Morocco, Embassy , MOROCCO 1 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy through PLM Group , EGYPT 3 Moroccan American Center for Policy , MOROCCO 5 Office of President of Republic of Congo through Amani Group , CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) 7 Republic of Kenya through Chlopak, Leonard et al. , KENYA 9

Monaco Government Tourist Office #2327 Direction du Tourisme et des Congres , MONACO 1

Moroccan National Tourist Office #1793 Moroccan National Tourist Office , MOROCCO 1

Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. #5648 Government of Morocco , MOROCCO 1

Native American Rights Fund #4832 Pottawatomi Nation (Canada Keewatinosagiganing Pottawatomi) , CANADA 1

Navigators Global, LLC #5951 Ministry of Educational and Vocational Training, The United Republic of Tanzania , TANZANIA 1

Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP #5928 Province of Saskatchewan , CANADA 1

Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) #619 Tourisme Recreatie Netherland , NETHERLANDS 1

Neusner Communications, LLC #5883 (T) Embassy of the Republic of Turkey through DiNovo Strategies and Fleishman-Hillard , TURKEY (t) 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 18 NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. #4490 JNG Shareholders Group , JAPAN 1

North of England #3844 North West Development Agency, One Northeast, , GREAT BRITAIN 1

Norwegian Tourist Board #526 Norwegian Tourist Board , NORWAY 1

Nova Scotia Information Centre #3078 Nova Scotia Department of Tourism , CANADA 1

Nurnberger & Associates, Inc. #5809 Hong Kong Trade Development Council through the Amani Group , HONG KONG 1 Moroccan American Center for Policy through the Amani Group, LLC , MOROCCO 2

O'Mara, Charles J. #5181 Tilda, Ltd. (Tilda Rice) , GREAT BRITAIN 1

O'Neill III, Thomas P. #4898 John Hume, MP & Social Democratic Labour Party , NORTHERN IRELAND 1

Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs #4860 Republic of Vanuatu , VANUATU 1

Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in the USA #5342 Government of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic , NAGORNO KARABAKH 1

Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus #2619 Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Mehmet Ali Talat , CYPRUS 1

Office of Tibet #1699 Dalai Lama , TIBET 1

Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide #5807 Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region , HONG KONG 1 State of the Netherlands/Royal Netherlands Embassy , NETHERLANDS (t) 2

OIC Services, Inc. #5481 Conselho Nacional De Carregadores De Angola (C.N.C.) , ANGOLA 1

Oliver A. Dulle Jr. & Company, Inc. #5959 MIDAS: Manchester Investment Development Agency Service , GREAT BRITAIN 1

Orion Strategies LLC #5437 Government of Georgia, National Security Council , GEORGIA 1 Republic of Montenegro through Reffe Group , MONTENEGRO 2 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) , TAIWAN 3

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 19 Oromo Liberation Front - USA #5888 Oromo Liberation Front , ETHIOPIA 1

Oromo Liberation Front Foreign RelationsOromo LiberationOffice in NorthFront (OLF) America , ETHIOPIA (OLF-FRONA) #5895 1

Oromo Liberation Front, North America Office #4610 Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) , ETHIOPIA 1

Osaka University, San Francisco Office #5631 Osaka University , JAPAN 1

Overstreet, Larry L. #5246 City of Sunderland, England , GREAT BRITAIN 1

Palestine Liberation Organization #5244 Palestine Liberation Organizations Office , PALESTINE 1

Park Strategies, LLC #5908 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States , TAIWAN 1

Parter International, Inc. #5260 Berne Economic Development Agency, (BEDA) , SWITZERLAND 1

Parven Pomper Strategies, Inc. #5781 Embassy of Panama , PANAMA (t) 1 Republic of Korea Embassy in the United States , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 2

Passacantilli, Daniel #5897 Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) through Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. , SERBIA 1

Patton Boggs, LLP #2165 City of Heidelberg. Germany , GERMANY 1 Embassy of Ecuador , ECUADOR 2 Embassy of India , INDIA 3 Embassy of Sri Lanka , SRI LANKA 4 Embassy of the People's Republic of China , CHINA 5 Government of the Republic of Angola, Embassy , ANGOLA 6 Government of the Republic of Cameroon , CAMEROON 7 Government of the Republic of Cyprus, Embassy , CYPRUS 8 Government of the Republic of Korea , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (t) 9 Government of the State of Qatar , QATAR 10 Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia through Qorvis Communications , SAUDI ARABIA 11 Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta , ITALY 12

PD Frazer Consulting Inc. #5754 Government of Alberta , CANADA 1 Government of Ontario , CANADA 2

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 20 Pepperwood International Corp. #5912 (T) Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. , TAIWAN (t) 1

Pertierra & Toro, P.C. #5731 Government of Venezuela, Embassy , VENEZUELA 1

Picard Kentz & Rowe, LLP #5939 Agencija Za Konsalting Sigma Team Plus , SERBIA 1 Government of Republika Srpska , BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 2

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP #5198 International Counsel Bureau, Kuwaiti Counsel for the Families of Kuwaiti Citizens at Guantanamo Bay , KUWAIT 1 Secretaria de Economia , MEXICO 2

PLM Group, LLC #5825 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy , EGYPT 1

Podesta Group, Inc. #5926 Embassy of Japan , JAPAN 1 Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Embassy, through the PLM Group , EGYPT 3 Hong Kong Trade Development Council , HONG KONG 5 Swiss Confederation, Embassy through Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. , SWITZERLAND (t) 7

Policy Impact Communications, Inc. #5936 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Embassy , KAZAKHSTAN 1

Polish National Tourist Office, New York #4762 Ministry of Sports & Tourism of the Republic of Poland , POLAND 1

Prairie Avenue Advisors, LLC #5940 Embassy of the Republic of Serbia through Advanced Practical Solutions, LLC , SERBIA 1

Prism Public Affairs #5841 American Palm Oil Council , MALAYSIA 1

Public Private Partnership, Inc. #5927 Government of Bermuda , BERMUDA 1

Public Strategies Washington, Inc. #4486 Government of Mexico , MEXICO 1 Office of the Prime Minister of Canada , CANADA (t) 2

Public Strategies, Inc. #5913 National Security Council of Georgia , GEORGIA (t) 1 Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2

Puntland Development Office #5956 Puntland State of Somalia , SOMALI DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 21 Qorvis Communications, LLC #5483 Atiku Abubakar through Weidenfeld Law Group , NIGERIA (t) 1 Equatorial Guinea through Cassidy and Associates, Inc. , EQUATORIAL GUINEA 2 Government of Sri Lanka , SRI LANKA 3 Government of the Republic of Cyprus, Embassy, through Patton Boggs LLP , CYPRUS 4 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 5 Mexico Tourism Board , MEXICO 6 Plasan Sasa, Ltd. , ISRAEL 7 Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia , SAUDI ARABIA 8

Quebec Government Office #1787 Quebec Government , CANADA 1

Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC #5753 Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) , JAPAN 1 Republic of Macedonia, Embassy , MACEDONIA 2 Republika Srpska , SERBIA 3

Raben Group, LLC #5932 Embassy of Mexico through Kuykendall & Associates , MEXICO 1

Rancourt, Karolyn T. #5559 Development Economic Western Switzerland , SWITZERLAND 1

Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. #5893 Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) , SERBIA 1

Ravdin, Vivien #5630 Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan , JORDAN 1

Reed, T. Dean #5044 Republic of Singapore, Embassy , SINGAPORE 1 Royal Thai Embassy of Washington, DC , THAILAND 2

Reffe, Paige #5902 Government of Montenegro Ministry of Foreign Affairs , MONTENEGRO 1

Representative of German Industry and Trade #4274 Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Deutscher Industrie - und Handelstag) , GERMANY 1 Federation of German Industries (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie) , GERMANY 2

Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. #5623 Belize Tourism Board , BELIZE 1 Grenada Board of Tourism , GRENADA 2

Romanian Tourist Office #2093 Ministry of Tourism , ROMANIA 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 22 Rosemont Associates, LLC #5668 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. , TAIWAN 1

Rude, Marianne Haslund #5767 Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade , CANADA 1

Ruder Finn, Inc. #1481 Air France , FRANCE 1 Bay Gardens Resorts , ST. LUCIA 2 El Al Israel Airlines , ISRAEL (t) 3 Jamaica Tourist Board , JAMAICA 4 Novartis, A.G. , SWITZERLAND 5 Office of the UAE Pavilion for the Venice Biennale , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (t) 6 Swiss Private Bankers Association , SWITZERLAND 7 Tourism Development and Investing Company (TDIC) , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 8

Russo Marsh & Rogers #5682 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 1

Ryberg and Smith, LLC #5570 Mauritius Ministry of Industry and International Trade , MAURITIUS 1

Samuels International Associates, Inc. #4848 Comision Nacional de Zonas Francas (CNZF) , NICARAGUA 1 Government of Angola , ANGOLA 2

Sanitas International, LLC #5963 International Waterfront Resources Limited on behalf of the Port of Spain International Waterfront Centre , TRINIDAD & 1 TOBAGO

Saudi Petroleum International, Inc. #5321 Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , SAUDI ARABIA 1 Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) , SAUDI ARABIA 2

Saudi Refining, Inc. #4184 Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , SAUDI ARABIA 1 Saudi Arabian Oil Company , SAUDI ARABIA 2

Scottish Enterprise #3013 Scottish Enterprise (formerly: Scottish Development Agency) , SCOTLAND 1

Scribe Strategies & Advisors #5673 Embassy of the Republic of Korea , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (t) 1 Korea International Trade Association , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF (t) 2

Shannon Free Airport Development Company, Ltd. #2467 Shannon Free Airport Development Company, Ltd. , IRELAND 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 23 Shaughnessy, Volzer & Gagner, P.C. #5556 Air Nauru , NAURU 1 Republic of Nauru , NAURU 2

Sidley Austin, LLP #3731 Government of Israel , ISRAEL 1 Hong Kong Trade Development Council , HONG KONG 2

Singapore Economic Development Board #2003 Singapore Economic Development Board , SINGAPORE 1

Singapore Tourism Board #2414 Republic of Singapore , SINGAPORE 1

Slocum & Boddie, PC #5765 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 1

Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP #5920 (T) Embassy of the Republic of Malta to the United States , MALTA (t) 1 Financial Regulatory Authority of Malta , MALTA (t) 2

Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC #5839 CMO-HOPE , HAITI 1 Department of Trade & Industry , PHILIPPINES 2 Ministry of Labor Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan , JORDAN 3

South African Tourism #603 South African Tourist Corporation , SOUTH AFRICA 1

Spencer, William H. #5760 Vardan Barseghyan , NAGORNO KARABAKH 1

Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. #5872 Hong Kong Tourism Board , HONG KONG 1 International Business Wales a/k/a Welsh Development Agency , UNITED KINGDOM 2 Ministry of Tourism St. Vincent & The Grenadines , ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES 3

Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, LLC #5791 Serbian National Council of Kosovo and Metohija , SERBIA 1

St. Lucia Tourist Board #2668 St. Lucia Tourist Board , ST. LUCIA 1

St. Maarten Tourist Office #5294 Island Territory of St. Maarten , ST. MARTIN 1

Staton, David Michael #5002 Federated States of Micronesia, Embassy , MICRONESIA 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 24 Steptoe & Johnson, LLP #5848 (T) Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands , MARSHALL ISLANDS (t) 1

Stovall III, James T. #3940 Government of the Federated States of Micronesia , MICRONESIA 1

Sunshine Uzbekistan USA, NFP #5721 Sunshine Coalition of Uzbekistan , UZBEKISTAN 1

Supporters of Fine Gael, Inc. #5798 Fine Gael , IRELAND 1

Switzerland Tourism #55 Swiss Federal Railroads , SWITZERLAND 1 Swiss National Tourist Office , SWITZERLAND 2

Taiwan Trade Center New York Inc. #3652 China External Trade Development Council, Inc. (CETDC) , TAIWAN 1

Taylor, Simon #5896 Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) through Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. , SERBIA 1

TD International, LLC #5775 Bloc - Yulia Tymoshenko (BYuT) , UKRAINE 1

Teckle, Tesfu Berhane #5707 Eritrean People's Movement , ERITREA 1

Teferra, Mesfin #5961 Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party (Democratic) , ETHIOPIA 1

Tesolin-Hamilton, Elizabeth Leigh #5629 Development Economic Western Switzerland , SWITZERLAND 1

Tool Shed Group, LLC #5916 Consulate General of the Republic of Azerbaijan , AZERBAIJAN 1

Tourism Australia #1032 Australian National Travel Association , AUSTRALIA 1

Tourism Authority of Thailand, Los Angeles #2178 Tourism Authority of Thailand , THAILAND 1

Tourism Authority of Thailand, New York #1897 Tourism Authority of Thailand , THAILAND 1

Tourism Ireland Limited #5594 Tourism Ireland Limited , IRELAND 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 25 Tourism New South Wales #4450 New South Wales Tourism Commission (Government of New South Wales) , AUSTRALIA 1

Tourism Queensland #4146 Tourism Queensland , AUSTRALIA 1

Tourist Office for Flanders, Belgium - New York Office #5840 Flanders Tourism Board , BELGIUM 1

Trout Cacheris, PLLC #5733 Denis Sassou-Nguesso , CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) 1

TS Navigations, LLC #5943 Kurdistan Regional Government , IRAQ 1

U.S. - Emirates Alliance, LLC #5785 U.A.E. Embassy , UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1

Urenco, Inc. #5137 Urenco, Ltd. , GREAT BRITAIN 1

Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. #5401 Forensic Science Service, Ltd. , UNITED KINGDOM 1 Rongelap Atoll Local Government , MARSHALL ISLANDS 2 Utrok Atoll Local Government , MARSHALL ISLANDS 3

Van Sickle, Valerie L. #5592 (T) DEWS - Development Economic Western Switzerland , SWITZERLAND (t) 1

Venable, LLP #5931 Hong Kong Trade Development Council , HONG KONG 1

Veve, Michael E. #4751 Embassy of El Salvador , EL SALVADOR (t) 1

Vision Americas, LLC #5907 Kestral Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. , PAKISTAN (t) 1 Moroccan American Center for Policy , MOROCCO 2

VisitBritain #579 British Tourist Authority , GREAT BRITAIN 1

VisitDenmark #634 Danish Tourist Board , DENMARK 1

VisitSweden #4885 Sveriges Rese-och Turistrad, A.B. , SWEDEN 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 26 Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) #5641 Federal Republic of Nigeria , NIGERIA (t) 1 Institute for Liberty and Democracy , PERU 2

West Wing Writers, LLC #5838 Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , UNITED KINGDOM 1 Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan , JORDAN 2 Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs , NORWAY 3

Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates #5265 Hong Kong Trade Development Council , HONG KONG 1

Whitaker Group, Inc. #5539 Government of Ghana , GHANA (t) 1 Government of the Republic of Uganda , UGANDA (t) 2 Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC) , LESOTHO 3

White & Case, LLP #2759 Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya , LIBYA 1 Isle of Man , ISLE OF MAN 2 States of Guernsey , CHANNEL ISLANDS 3 States of Jersey , CHANNEL ISLANDS 4 Techsnabexport (Tenex) , RUSSIA (t) 5

Williams Mullen Strategies, Inc. #5698 (T) Government of Romania , ROMANIA (t) 1

Winston & Strawn, LLP #5909 Korea International Trade Association (KITA) , KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 1

World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. #2278 Executive of the World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem , ISRAEL 1

Xin Min International, Inc. #4969 Xin Min Evening Newspaper , CHINA 1

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix A - 27 Appendix B Short Form Index


(t) Indicates short form terminated during the six month reporting period.

Short Form Name Registrant Name

Abaye, Abrahim Oromo Liberation Front Foreign AbiNader, Jean Jr., Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. Aboye, Tegegne M. Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party Ackroyd, James Cameron JETRO, New York Adamkova, Kristyna Czech Center, New York Adashek, Jonathan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Ahn, Jaeyong Korea Business Center Ahn, Sang Keun (t) Korea Business Center Aihara, Kimitoshi JETRO, New York Akashi, Noriko Japan National Tourism Organization Akdogan, Zeynep Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Akerman, Judith V. Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Akil, Hilmi Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Akita, Naoko Japan Center for Intercultural Communications (JCIC) Al-Gobsani, T.H. Saudi Refining, Inc. Al-Louzi, Sami White & Case, LLP Alagno, Caryn McLeod (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Alavrez (Chrzastowska), Ludwika Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC Alb, Simion S. Romanian Tourist Office Albert, Alex McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP Alkhatib, Firas Harbour Group, LLC Allmann, Edward Global Communicators, LLC Almond, Brandon D. Covington & Burling, LLP Almusawi, Karim M. ISCI-USA, Inc. Altenburg, Jr., John D. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Altschuler, Irwin Greenberg Traurig, LLP Amano, Kathy Y. Amano, Kathy Y. Ames, Alexandra K. Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Amirhooshmand, Ali (t) Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Amorelli, Mark Edward Draftfcb Anderson, Frank R. MITA Group, Inc. Anderson, Jessica Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Anderson, Philmore B. Navigators Global, LLC Andres, Elizabeth (Betsy) (t) Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Annett, Alexander F. Patton Boggs, LLP Antelo, Cristina (t) DLA Piper US LLP Apelian, Vahe Quebec Government Office Appleton, Jesse Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Arai, Masyoshi JETRO, New York Araju, Mazlan Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board Archer, Edward E. (t) Bahamas Tourist Office Archibald, Jeanne S. Hogan Lovells US LLP Ardis, Jeffrey Graham Invest Northern Ireland Areikat, Maen Rashid Palestine Liberation Organization Armey, Richard K. (t) DLA Piper US LLP Arno, Michael Mariner Group Arouna, Omar GoodWorks International, LLC Asai, Yasutaka JETRO, Los Angeles Asano, Satoshi Japan National Tourism Organization Asghar, Kaiser Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc.

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix B - 1 Short Form Name Registrant Name

Ashby, Christopher B. LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation Atherton, Leonie R. Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Aulakh, Gurmit Singh Council of Khalistan Austin, Doreen JETRO, New York Avetisyan, Robert Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in the USA Ayares, Linda M. Silver Associates, Inc. Azarioza, Armando CMGRP, Inc. Babaa, Suhad Marwan Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Bachman, Kenneth L. , Jr. Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, LLP Bae, Sangbum Korea Business Center Baierlein, Daniele Podesta Group, Inc. Bailey, Harold G. Garvey, Schubert & Barer Baird, Fredrick "Tripp" Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) Baird, Kathleen M. (t) Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Bakar, Sukri Abu (t) Malaysian Industrial Development Authority Baker, Teal Podesta Group, Inc. Baker III, Charles (t) DLA Piper US LLP Banas, Melissa J. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Banda, Jaroslaw (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Barber, III, Edwin L. GoodWorks International, LLC Barnes, Michael D. Covington & Burling, LLP Barnett, Larry John (L.J.) JETRO, Atlanta Barnette, Justin South African Tourism Barr, Kathleen (t) Qorvis Communications, LLC Baskerville, Jennifer Arlene Qorvis Communications, LLC Basnayake, Vinoda Patton Boggs, LLP Bati, Len Cho Oromo Liberation Front - USA Bayh Jr., Birch E. Venable, LLP Beaudet, Christian Quebec Government Office Beck, Nancy Draftfcb Becker, Jonathan Quebec Government Office Becker, Stephan E. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP Bedard, Marc-Antoine Quebec Government Office Bekmyrza, Yerbol (t) Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Belcher, Amanda (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Bell, John Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Bellette, Fassika Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party Bellinger, Jonathan Martin Ketchum Inc. NY Benick, Eugene Joseph III Finkelstein Thompson, LLP Benitez, Juan Carlos (t) Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Bennett, Taylor (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Benson, Mark APCO Worldwide, Inc. Bentley-Jacobs, Jessica APCO Worldwide, Inc. Berenato, Kate Qorvis Communications, LLC Berger, Paul S. Arnold & Porter, LLP Bergman, Edward Africa - African Travel Association, Inc. Bergner, Douglas J. Global Policy Group, Inc. Bernard, Jean-Stephane Quebec Government Office Bernstein, Matthew DLA Piper US LLP Berry, Max N. Berry, Max N. Bhajan, Babita Draftfcb Bialek, Dean Independent Diplomat, Inc. Bilodeau, Fabienne Quebec Government Office Bishop, Lillibeth Hong Kong Tourism Board Bissen, Robert J. APCO Worldwide, Inc. Bitar, Janet M. (t) Bitar, Janet M. Bjorkner, Arthur C. Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs Black, William Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Black, Jr.,, Charles R. (t) BKSH & Associates

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix B - 2 Short Form Name Registrant Name

Blackett, Ryan Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism Blanchard, James J. DLA Piper US LLP Blanton, Alex Blank Rome, LLP Bloch, Sam World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. Bloomgarden, Kathy Ruder Finn, Inc. Bloomgren, David Erick (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Blumberg, Jessica (t) Dentsu America, Inc. Boddie, Richard F. Slocum & Boddie, PC Bodmer, Leonardo Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Boettrich, Katherine Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Boggs, Thomas Hale , Jr. Patton Boggs, LLP Boit, John Melwood Communications Bolduc, Frederic Quebec Government Office Bom, Cees W.D. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Bonker, Don L. APCO Worldwide, Inc. Boorstein, Tamara Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Bootsma, Svintha Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) Borland, Lydia Caspian Group, LLC Bosfield, Bradley Lincoln Bahamas Tourist Office Boucher, Marc Quebec Government Office Boudreau, Martha Miller Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Boyd, Robert W,. Nova Scotia Information Centre Boyle, Angela Scottish Enterprise Boyles, Bret Breaux Lott Leadership Group Bracy, Michael Bracy Tucker Brown, Inc. Bracy, Terrence L. Bracy Tucker Brown, Inc. Bradley, Alison Brown Lloyd James Bradley, Martin (t) Invest Northern Ireland Brand, Joseph L. Patton Boggs, LLP Brandsdorfer, Louis Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Brathwaite, Paul A. Podesta Group, Inc. Breaux, John Breaux Lott Leadership Group Breaux, John Patton Boggs, LLP Breit, Benjamin Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Brennan, Bradley Korea National Tourism Organization, Chicago Brennan, Gail Singapore Tourism Board Brennan, Janis Foley Hoag, LLP Brito, Efrain (t) Arent Fox, LLP Brooks, Caroline (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Brophy, Susan Glover Park Group, LLC Brossard, Nora Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Brown, Barbara Veldramp (t) Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) Brown, Christopher (t) Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Brown, Valery Bahamas Tourist Office Brownstein, Craig Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Broydrick, Cynthia Broydrick & Associates, Inc. Broydrick, William B. Broydrick & Associates, Inc. Brunner, Tone Norwegian Tourist Board Buchanan, Bryan (t) Fenton Communications Buchanan, Sheila Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Buchheit, Lee C. Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, LLP Buck, Daniel J. Patton Boggs, LLP Buckley, Mary IDA Ireland Bucknor, Glenton A. Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Budner, Amy Patton Boggs, LLP Budzillo, Elzbieta Polish National Tourist Office, New York Buerkle, Karen APCO Worldwide, Inc. Bujanda, Gustavo A. CMGRP, Inc. Bullock, Stanton (Tony) Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix B - 3 Short Form Name Registrant Name

Bulo, Fekadu W. Oromo Liberation Front, North America Office Bundy, Elliot Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Buraker, Kenneth Matthew Ketchum Inc. NY Burgoyne, Robert Anthony Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP Burke, Tim (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Bustamante, Michael California Strategies, LLC Butler, Charles E. Charles E. Butler & Associates Butterfield, R. Ian Butterfield Carter and Associates Buttry, Michael Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Byrne, Joseph Tourism Ireland Limited Cacheris, Plato Trout Cacheris, PLLC Cadrecha, Christina (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Caggiano, Rachel E. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Calamaro, Raymond S. Hogan Lovells US LLP Camilleri, Miriam Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Campbell, Ian AGA Group, LLC Campbell, Jean L. (t) DLA Piper US LLP Campbell, Sean A. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Canepa, Thomas V. Sunshine Uzbekistan USA, NFP Capacchione, Agatha Missy Farren & Associates, Ltd. d/b/a MFA Capel, Rodney S. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Caporizzo, Jeff Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Capps, Jennifer (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Cardenas, Jose R. Vision Americas, LLC Carella, Pat DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Carelli, Nicole (t) DLA Piper US LLP Carlin, John David Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Carlisle, Linda E. White & Case, LLP Carlson, Jessica L. (t) CMGRP, Inc. Carney, Jerome Quebec Government Office Carrillo, Marcelo Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Carroll, Philip Thomas Ketchum Inc. NY Carter, Gavin J. Butterfield Carter and Associates Carver, Thomas Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Cashen, Henry C. , II (t) Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Cassan, Dagmar A. Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Cassidy, Gerald S. J. Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Cassidy, Robert H. Saudi Petroleum International, Inc. Castillo, Sharon J. (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Castro, Mary Rosetta Bermuda Department of Tourism Cawley, Justin Picard Kentz & Rowe, LLP Ceccarelli, Daniel Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Cedoz, Frederick Global Water & Energy Strategy Team (GWEST) Cenzuales, Giovanni Italian Government Tourist Board, New York Cetera, Joan Catherine Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Chadha, Tanya Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Chan, Donny Eka Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council (USA) Chan, Ih Ming Singapore Economic Development Board Chang, Chong Xue Hmong Foreign Council Chang, Jeffrey Dang Hmong Foreign Council Chang, Kao Xong Hmong Foreign Council Chapdelaine, Kristin (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Chardavoyne, Nicole A. Qorvis Communications, LLC Charles-St. Jules, Anthea Lorine St. Lucia Tourist Board Chaw, Kue Hmong Foreign Council Checeanu, Camelia Cristina Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Chenard, Ginette Quebec Government Office Chiu, Dannie Nagm Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Inc. Choe, Kihyung Korea Business Center

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix B - 4 Short Form Name Registrant Name

Choi, Chun Ai KBS America, Inc. Choi, Hyun Soo Korea Business Center Choi, Jangsung Korea Business Center Choi, Kwang Soo Korea Business Center Chomsin, Tassanee Tourism Authority of Thailand, Los Angeles Chong, Joonwoon Singapore Economic Development Board Choo, Remy (t) Singapore Tourism Board Chorba, Timothy A. Patton Boggs, LLP Choynacki, Annette Belgian National Tourist Office Christie, Katherine (t) Global Communicators, LLC Christoffersen, Pamela Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Christy, David S (t) DLA Piper US LLP Chryssoulis, Konstantinos Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Chung, Eun Joo Korea Business Center Chung, Jane JETRO, San Francisco Chung, Jason (t) Livingston Group, LLC Chung, Jongtae Korea Business Center Church, Cynthia Renee Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Clack, Mark C. KRL International, LLC Claes, Michael (t) Burson-Marsteller Clark, Alice Slayton (t) Sidley Austin, LLP Clark, Ann (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Clarke, Diana Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism Cleveland III, Ollie Ancil (Tres) Maynard, Cooper and Gale, P.C. Cochran, Alexander BGR Government Affairs, LLC Coffee, Roy (t) Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. Cohen, Paul Douglas Ketchum Inc. NY Cohen, Yoram Menchem LISCR, LLC Colangelo, Lisa Cotter (t) BKSH & Associates Colella, Shane Qorvis Communications, LLC Collender, Stanley E. Qorvis Communications, LLC Collins, Arthur R. Public Private Partnership, Inc. Collins Jr., Lionel R. Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP Collinson, Eleanor Raben Group, LLC Colpitts, Jennifer O'Dell Ketchum Inc. NY Conconi, Charles N. Qorvis Communications, LLC Connell, William V. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Conochan, Kelaine APCO Worldwide, Inc. Conroy, Molly Brown Lloyd James Conry, Thomas JETRO, Houston Constantin, Michel Quebec Government Office Cooper, Austin R. GoodWorks International, LLC Cooper, Christopher Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Cooper, Doral S. Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. Cooper, Robert M. (t) Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Correcha, Carlos Andres R. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Cortinas, Juan (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Coulanges, Ashley (t) Moffett Group, LLC Cowan, Mark D. Patton Boggs, LLP Cox, Christine M. Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP Cox, Frances K. Fratelli Group Cox, James O. III Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Coyle, Melissa D. Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. Cozzi, Lauren (t) Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Cpin, John BGR Government Affairs, LLC Cresci, Frank W. Monaco Government Tourist Office Crocker, Thomas E. Alston & Bird, LLP Cronin, George F. Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Croson, Sean North of England

Printed as of: August 25, 2010 Appendix B - 5 Short Form Name Registrant Name

Cummings, Jennifer Fratelli Group Cuneo, Andrew Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Cunico, Julia (t) Korea Economic Institute Curran, Christopher White & Case, LLP Cusack, Tom Enterprise Ireland Cutin, Dario O. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Cynamon, David J. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP D'Alessandro, Alicia Public Strategies Washington, Inc. D'Amato, Alfonse M. Park Strategies, LLC D'Amato, Armand Park Strategies, LLC D'Amato, Christopher Park Strategies, LLC Dahl, Alexander R. Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP Dalbec, Bill APCO Worldwide, Inc. Daley, Cybele Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Dallaire, Paul Quebec Government Office Daniels, Michael P. (t) MPD Consultants, LLC Dark, II, Ralph Calvin Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. Darrell, Karin Angelyn Bermuda Department of Tourism Dastoor, Rustom DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Davenport, Rory Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Davies, Paul Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. Davis, Pauline Bahamas Tourist Office Davis, Smith W. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Dawicki, Angela M. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Dawicki, Eric R. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Dawson, Donald W. Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Dawson, Jane Invest Northern Ireland Deak, Robert H. Urenco, Inc. DeConti, Jessica (t) Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Deegan, Susanne Harbour Group, LLC Degnan, Kristin Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. DeHart, June L. Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Dehn, Torstein Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. DeKeyser, D. Armand MITA Group, Inc. Del Puerto, Jose Maria Barquin Mexican Tourism Board Delelle, Claire White & Case, LLP DeLeonardis, John Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Dellale, Dina Costa Rican Board of Trade DeLorme, Thomas Paul Ketchum Inc. NY Delpan, Lee A. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Demetriades Jr., George American Business Development Group Denison, Donna Jo Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Deri, Christopher (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Derman, Mitchell Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Dershowitz, Toby Ketchum Inc. NY Deschauer, John Anthony Qorvis Communications, LLC Deschauer, John J., Jr. Patton Boggs, LLP Desmarais, Aimee L. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Destito, Marc Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Deters, Thomas First International Resources Di Gregory, Kevin Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Di Martino, David (t) BGR Government Affairs, LLC Diaz, Sonia Virginia Burson-Marsteller DiBartolo, Christine Marie Burson-Marsteller DiGregorio, Jacob Joseph Qorvis Communications, LLC Dijkhoff, Brigit Aruba Tourism Authority Dill, Jr., Earlston T. Bermuda Department of Tourism Dilley, Dean M. Patton Boggs, LLP Dion, Jean Pierre Quebec Government Office

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Dionisio, Virginia M. South African Tourism Dionne, France Quebec Government Office Dionne, Marc Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Ditton, Jill Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Djaleta, Tefera Oromo Liberation Front Foreign Dobson, Christopher George Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Dodson-Thompson, Juanita Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Doering, Matthew J. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. DoIan Jr., Charles Halliday Ketchum Inc. NY Dole, Robert J. Alston & Bird, LLP Domingo, Roquena R. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Donaldson, Nancy (t) DUTKO Worldwide, LLC Donatelli, Frank J. McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Donovan, Eve Gallaudet Ruder Finn, Inc. Doory, Brian R. Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Dorton, Patrick (t) DUTKO Worldwide, LLC Dorval, Christopher (t) U.S. - Emirates Alliance, LLC Doucet, Shane Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. Douglas, Donna Willa-Mae Bermuda Department of Tourism Douglas, Tim Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Doungjit, Chanchai Tourism Authority of Thailand, Los Angeles Dowdall, Emmanuel (t) IDA Ireland Downes, Lawrence Friends of Sinn Fein, Inc. Doyle, Mark Joseph Prairie Avenue Advisors, LLC Drake, Michael Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Drake, Steve Global Communicators, LLC Drakes, Pearlie Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism Drew, Mark L. Maynard, Cooper and Gale, P.C. Driska, Kristen Draftfcb Dubner, Russell (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Dulle, Oliver A. Overstreet, Larry L. Dulle Jr., Oliver A. Oliver A. Dulle Jr. & Company, Inc. Dumke, David Livingston Group, LLC Dunagan, John Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Dunich, Chelsea DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Dupont, Richard Quebec Government Office Durant, Andrew Samuels International Associates, Inc. Duren, Neil TD International, LLC Duriaghli, Said Moroccan National Tourist Office Durling, James P. Winston & Strawn, LLP Durnerin, Veronique M. OIC Services, Inc. Dye, Trevin G. JETRO, Atlanta Dyer, Andrew W. Jr., Blank Rome, LLP Dyer, Thomas M. Blank Rome, LLP Earley, Eileen Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Ebara, Masashi JETRO, San Francisco Ebba, Fido T. Oromo Liberation Front, North America Office Edel, Stephanie Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Edelman, Renee (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Eden, Barbara Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Edwards, James R. MITA Group, Inc. Edwards, Samantha A. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Ehrlich, Alyssa (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Eichenauer, Steven Public Strategies Washington, Inc. Eiki-Law, Maya JETRO, New York Einwechter, John P. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Eizenstat, Jay L. Miller & Chevalier, Chartered Eizenstat, Stuart E. Covington & Burling, LLP Eller, Jeff (t) Public Strategies, Inc.

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Ellis, Steven George Mark Saylor Company, LLC Elston, Valerie Levick Strategic Communications Elwood, Philip Brown Lloyd James Emerson, Ed (t) California Strategies, LLC Emond, Jessica APCO Worldwide, Inc. Engle, Craig (t) Arent Fox, LLP Enright, John J., Jr. International Registries, Inc. Enslen, Alan F. Maynard, Cooper and Gale, P.C. Epner, Stephanie Moffett Group, LLC Epstein, Anita K. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP Epstein, Jonathan M. Holland & Knight Erb, Nicole White & Case, LLP Erucar, Ulku Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Esah, Sieh Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council (USA) Esber, Brett Blank Rome, LLP Essen, Jennifer Ruder Finn, Inc. Esser, Peter Joseph Christian Representative of German Industry and Trade Etchison, Debbie Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Evans, Alastair MacKenzie Lloyd's of London Market Representatives Evich, Peter J. Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Ewing, John Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Fabiani, Mark California Strategies, LLC Fabrizi, Pompilio Italian Government Tourist Board (ENIT), Los Angeles Fakes, Paul T. (t) Whitaker Group, Inc. Falk, John M. Vision Americas, LLC Fallecker, Stephane Quebec Government Office Fang, Xu Hai Tian Development U.S.A., Inc. Farrell, Edward J. (t) Blank Rome, LLP Farren Kincheloe, Mary E. Missy Farren & Associates, Ltd. d/b/a MFA Fay, Robert A. International Registries, Inc. Fazio, Victor H. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Fears, Gary Avatar Enterprises, Inc. Feinberg, Laura (t) Harbour Group, LLC Feldmayer, Scott Sanitas International, LLC Femia, Rocco Miller & Chevalier, Chartered Fenwick, Ryan Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Ferris, Robert D. Ruder Finn, Inc. Fields, Shantrel Alcalde & Fay, Ltd. Finkelstein, Maxyne World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. Finnemann, Nicole Marae Korea Economic Institute Fitz-Pegado, Lauri Livingston Group, LLC Fitzgerald, Jayne T. (t) Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Fitzpatrick, Maggie APCO Worldwide, Inc. Flaherty, Robert Ketchum Inc. NY Flanagan, Raymond Hugh Scottish Enterprise Fleiss, Will (t) Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Fliss, Allan S. Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. Flora, William B. Jr. Hong Kong Tourism Board Flores, Tenoch (t) Fenton Communications Flynn, John Breaux Lott Leadership Group Fogan, Byron Harbour Group, LLC Fois, Sonia Arnold & Porter, LLP Folsom, Roy D. Wexler & Walker Public Policy Associates Fontanez, Mary B. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Fonte, Michael J. Fonte, Michael Joseph Foong, Weng Loong (t) Singapore Economic Development Board Footlik, Jay 30 Point Strategies, LLC Footlik, Jay (t) Footlik, Jay Footlik, Jay K. (t) Global Policy Initiatives

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Forbes, Allan American Palm Oil Council Ford, Devon California Strategies, LLC Forke, Matthew R. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Fortin, Louise Jochimsen Quebec Government Office Fose, Jennifer M. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Foster, Stephanie Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Foster, William Draftfcb Fox, Megan Levick Strategic Communications Francis, Denise M. International Registries, Inc. Franck, Kelly (t) Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Frank, Ayal American Business Development Group Franklin, Jonathan S. Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP Franklin, Paula Denise Pendleton Geoffrey Weill Associates Franklin, Rob European Travel Commission Franze-Nakamura, Francis Arnold & Porter, LLP Frazer, Paul D. PD Frazer Consulting Inc. Freedman, Meryl Draftfcb Friar, Sarah Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Friedman, Francine Parven Pomper Strategies, Inc. Friedman, Seth DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Froemming, Courtney Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Frowein, Henrike Deutsche Telekom, Inc. Fujii (Nee Walters), Stacie Livingston Group, LLC Fukuyama, Hiroyuki Japan Center for Intercultural Communications (JCIC) Fullington, Marie Tourism Ireland Limited Funaki, Kentaro JETRO, Los Angeles Furst, Doniel First International Resources Gabriel, Edward M. Gabriel Company, LLC Gabriel, Edward M. Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. Gagner, Philip A. Shaughnessy, Volzer & Gagner, P.C. Gagnon, Laurence Quebec Government Office Gallagher, Terry Lou Hammond & Associates, Inc. Gallagher, William R. International Registries, Inc. Galloway, Michael (t) MITA Group, Inc. Gamburg, Zachary Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Gan, Chin Kiong Terence Singapore Economic Development Board Gara, Robert APCO Worldwide, Inc. Garman, Susan M. Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Garrett, John C. Patton Boggs, LLP Gaskin, David IDA Ireland Gauss, Anna Marshall Ketchum Inc. NY Gauthier, Charles Quebec Government Office Gavin, Stephen Diaz Patton Boggs, LLP Gbalekuma, Gloria (t) GoodWorks International, LLC Gee, Joshua (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Geiger, Cecil D. International Registries, Inc. Gelfond, Noam Ketchum Inc. NY Georgala, Lena Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. George, Maya South African Tourism George, Perla British Virgin Islands Tourist Board Gephardt, Richard A. Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC Gerard, Randall Podesta Group, Inc. Gerlings, Renate Qorvis Communications, LLC Gerson, Marc J. Miller & Chevalier, Chartered Giambra, Joel Park Strategies, LLC Gigl, Michael Alpine Tourist Office Gigl, Michael Austrian Tourist Office, Inc. Gill, Ainsley AGA Group, LLC Gilliland, John R. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP

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Gilman, Benjamin A. Gilman Group Gilman, Georgia Gilman Group Gilmond, Isaura (t) Latin America Information Office LLC Ginther, Jeffrey William Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Giorgio, Mara Patton Boggs, LLP Gladstone, Karyn (t) Fenton Communications Gladysz, Marian Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Glassco, Tim Podesta Group, Inc. Glinton, Eureka Bahamas Tourist Office Godbout, Yannick Quebec Government Office Godes, Niles L. Clark & Weinstock Godet, Aurelie French Film Office/Unifrance USA Godoua, Caitlin Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Godwin, Daniel Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco Gogol, Jill (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Goh, Kershing Singapore Tourism Board Gokeri, M. Kemal Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Gold, Martin B. Covington & Burling, LLP Goldberg, Donald F. Qorvis Communications, LLC Goldberg, Eric Geoffrey Weill Associates Goldberg, Judy Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Goldfield, H.P. Hogan Lovells US LLP Goldman, Betsy Goldman, Betsy M. Goldstein, Benjamin Jacob Ketchum Inc. NY Goldstein, Marissa Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Gombar, Emily Lael Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Gomm, Anne Fabry Hong Kong Tourism Board Gonzalez, Manuel Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Gonzalez, Sabina Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Gonzalez-Cadaval, Maria Luisa Mexican Tourism Board Goode, Catherine Ann Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC Goode, Christopher J. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Goode, Michael Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Goodwin, Jahaira Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Goodwin, Nicholas Reid CMGRP, Inc. Gordon, Douglas S. Fenton Communications Gordon, John Fenton Communications Goulart, Kimberly Raben Group, LLC Gould, Peter S. Patton Boggs, LLP Goumbri, Olivia B. (t) Latin America Information Office LLC Grabowski, Gene Levick Strategic Communications Grace, Neil D. Burson-Marsteller Graig, Ian C. Global Policy Group, Inc. Gray, Justin Gray Loeffler, LLC Gray III, William H. Gray Loeffler, LLC Green, Brian Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Green, Thomas C. Sidley Austin, LLP Greenberg, Eldon V.C. Garvey, Schubert & Barer Greene, Imani Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Greenwood, Maryscott McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP Greer, John (t) Invest Northern Ireland Griffin, Megan Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Griffith, Lanny BGR Government Affairs, LLC Griffith, Spencer S. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Grool, Robert Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Grundy, Mark (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Guertin, Johanne (t) Quebec Government Office Guest, Richard A. Native American Rights Fund Guida, Florigio Antonio International Registries, Inc.

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Gunn, Graham Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Gunset, Joseph P. Lloyd's of London Market Representatives Gunster, Chris (t) BlackBear Communications Gunster, Gerald (t) BlackBear Communications Gustavsson, Einar Iceland Tourist Board Guutama, Ibsaa Oromo Liberation Front Foreign Guy, Suzanne (t) Quebec Government Office Gynell, Sarah Lee Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Habegger, Peter William Ketchum Inc. NY Haber, Leo World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. Haddow, John M. Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Hagel, Rosalie M. Silver Associates, Inc. Haines, Terry L. McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Hall, Krystyna A. (t) Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Hamana, Harold (t) Burson-Marsteller Hamel, Gretchen Endeavour Global Strategies Hamidi, Saori JETRO, San Francisco Hamidi, Yasmin Fenton Communications Hamilton Jr., William W. Fenton Communications Hammerman, Rachel E. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Hammond, Lou Rena Lou Hammond & Associates, Inc. Hammoud, Reem Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Han, Allegra Covington & Burling, LLP Han, Jongbaik Korea Business Center Hanley, Gary Invest Northern Ireland Hannah, Mark (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Hanpeter, Elizabeth Whitaker Group, Inc. Hanretty, Karen Qorvis Communications, LLC Hansen, Harald Norwegian Tourist Board Hardeman, Rajene Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Hardy, Laura W. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Harff, James W. Global Communicators, LLC Harkins, Barnaby McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Harnaga, Edward Ruder Finn, Inc. Harper, Cheryl Ann Victoria Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Harris, Hadley (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Harris, Laurence E. Patton Boggs, LLP Harris, Marshall F. Alston & Bird, LLP Hartley, Gregory (Gregg) L. Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Hartley, Megan (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Hartt, Michael M. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Harvin, Christopher Sanitas International, LLC Hasegawa, Naoyuki JETRO, San Francisco Hashimoto, Ritsuko JETRO, Chicago Hastert, J. Dennis Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Hastings, Jay D. Hastings, Jay Donald Hatano, Yuichi JETRO, New York Hatzfeld, Richard APCO Worldwide, Inc. Haughian, Andrea Invest Northern Ireland Hausrath, Jan APCO Worldwide, Inc. Havens, Arnold I. Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP Hawkins, Tamika Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Hayami, Yutaka JETRO, San Francisco Hayes, Christopher Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Hayes, Paraic IDA Ireland Headley, Heather Movell Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism Healy, Michelle Invest Northern Ireland Heath, Joshua (t) Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Hecht, Timothy P. Hecht, Spencer & Associates, Inc.

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Hecht, William H. Hecht, Spencer & Associates, Inc. Hedberg, James I. Deutsche Telekom, Inc. Hefti, Marlin L. Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Hegg, Richard Venable, LLP Heinan, Thomas F. International Registries, Inc. Heine, Kristine E. Global Communicators, LLC Henry, Meredith M. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Henry, Ruby (t) Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Her, James Hmong Foreign Council Her, Soua Xue Hmong Foreign Council Herlein, Jennifer Quebec Government Office Herrmann, Alexander Switzerland Tourism Hertel, Dennis M. Livingston Group, LLC Hesse, Christine Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Heuer, Jennifer S. Global Communicators, LLC Hiatt, John Drew Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Higgins, Laura Supporters of Fine Gael, Inc. Hikino, Teruki JETRO, New York Hill, James W. Puntland Development Office Himes, Elizabeth Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Hirai, Mika JETRO, Houston Hirshberg, Jennefer Alcalde & Fay, Ltd. Hirst, Kristen North of England Ho, Weng-Si Singapore Economic Development Board Hodgson, Christina Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Hoff, Paul S. Garvey, Schubert & Barer Holley, Robert Michael Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. Holloway, Michael (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Holt, Terry HDMK, LLC Hong, Soonyong Korea Business Center Hoppe, John David Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Hopps, Keith Hopps & Associates, Inc. Hopson, Mark D. Sidley Austin, LLP Horn, Robert J. Patton Boggs, LLP Horowitz, Daniel Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Horton, Stephen A. McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Horwitz, Seth Harbour Group, LLC Hoskinson, Samuel M. JWI, LLC Hosny, Laura Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Hotmire, Erik J. Clark & Weinstock Houston III, Willam H. Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC Hovey, Elaine Scottish Enterprise Howard, Billee CMGRP, Inc. Howe, Sarah Elizabeth (t) Korea Economic Institute Hoy, Jessica BGR Government Affairs, LLC Hruby, Aubrey Whitaker Group, Inc. Huang, Qing China Daily Distribution Corporation Huddleston, Walter D. Hecht, Spencer & Associates, Inc. Huenemann, Jon E. Miller & Chevalier, Chartered Huffman, Katharine Raben Group, LLC Huftalen, Adam Gray Loeffler, LLC Hume, Virginia Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Hundley, John F. Trout Cacheris, PLLC Hunt, Shannon (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Hunter, Henry C. Public Private Partnership, Inc. Huot, Laurent Quebec Government Office Hur, Jin Hak Korea Business Center Hussein, Hassen Oromo Liberation Front - USA Hussein, Hassouna Arab Information Center

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Hussong, Annette Deutsche Telekom, Inc. Hutcheson, Ron Public Strategies, Inc. Hutchins, Coleman Roest Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Hutchinson, Tim Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Hutson, Zachary APCO Worldwide, Inc. Hyman, Lester S. Hyman, Lester S. Hyndman, Patrick Quebec Government Office Iacovella, Michael (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Ichikawa, Moto Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Ichikawa, Tagui JETRO, New York Ihara, Mizuho (t) JETRO, New York Ikeda, Kyo JETRO, New York Imai, Akira JETRO, New York Inforzato, Ralph JETRO, Chicago Iritani, Evelyn Keiko Mark Saylor Company, LLC Irons, Amanda Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Irwin, Kathryn Maniatis, Gregory A. Isom, Melissa A. Quebec Government Office Ito, Hajime JETRO, New York Jablonowska, Magdalena Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Jack, Samuel Jackson Kelly, PLLC Jackson, Timothy Sean Rosemont Associates, LLC Jacobs, Barry Jacobs, Barry Jacobs, Brenda A. Sidley Austin, LLP James, Gregory (t) Livingston Group, LLC Jane, Amanda McFarlane Associates, Inc. Jankowsky, Joel Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Janzen, Bernd Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Jarrell, Kent APCO Worldwide, Inc. Jaskot, John J. Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP Jatras, James George Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, LLC Jeavons, Kathleen Stone Ketchum Inc. NY Jenkins, Keith Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC Jenkins, Kelley (t) Qorvis Communications, LLC Jenkins, Kempton B. (t) JWI, LLC Jensen, Paul CMGRP, Inc. Jesrani, Vijay (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Jessen-Petersen, Soren Independent Diplomat, Inc. Jo, Deok Hyun Korea National Tourism Organization, Chicago Johansson, Christina Emmy Heinze VisitDenmark Johnson, Charlie Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Johnson, Janeice Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Johnson, Joel Glover Park Group, LLC Johnson, Ralph Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Johnston, Gregory Robert Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Johnston, Mark Andrew Invest Northern Ireland Jon, Miho (t) Korea Business Center Jones, Robert C. Alston & Bird, LLP Jones, Tina Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Joseph, Dan Ben Tourist Office for Flanders, Belgium - New York Office Joseph, Gerod Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Judd, Terry W. APCO Worldwide, Inc. Judice, Peter F. Burson-Marsteller Julihn, Lawrence S. Samuels International Associates, Inc. Jun, Young-Min Korea National Tourism Organization, New Jersey Jung, Kijung Korea National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles Jung, Won Joon Korea Business Center Kadzik, Peter J. Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Kahila, Ari W. International Registries, Inc.

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Kajita, Akira JETRO, New York Kalinowski, Keith Quebec Government Office Kalson, David Ruder Finn, Inc. Kamal, Irfan Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Kameyama, Shuichi Japan National Tourism Organization Kanfer, Laura Dentsu America, Inc. Kapla, Robert S. Patton Boggs, LLP Kapoor, Priya Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Kasperowicz, Pete I. Sidley Austin, LLP Kassim, Mohamed Salleh Bin Mohd American Palm Oil Council Kato, Reiko JETRO, New York Katz, Jason Tool Shed Group, LLC Katz, Maayan Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Katz, Peter Austrian Tourist Office, Inc. Katzive, David H. Ruder Finn, Inc. Kauders, Andrew Podesta Group, Inc. Kauffman, Susan Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. Kaufman, Lauren Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Kaur, Robinder Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board Kay, Michael G. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Kayes, Kevin D. Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Keane, Hilary (t) Enterprise Ireland Keating, Robert (t) Quebec Government Office Keene, Scott R. (t) Keene & Associates Kehoe, Louise Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Kehs, Michael D. Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Keil, Richard Public Strategies, Inc. Keith, Elizabeth Mallard (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Keller, Jill Rebecca (t) DLA Piper US LLP Kellner, Gary A. Mariner Group Keohane, Lynda Jill LISCR, LLC Kesberg, Christian Austrian Trade Commission in the U.S., Southern Region Kessler, Courtney Levick Strategic Communications Khetarpaul, Amit Burson-Marsteller Kho, Stephen Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Kikukawa, Toshikazu Japan Center for Intercultural Communications (JCIC) Kim, Dongjun Korea Business Center Kim, Ho Joon (t) Korea Business Center Kim, Jae Sung (t) Korea Business Center Kim, Jae Woo (t) Korea Business Center Kim, Joon Kyoo Korea Business Center Kim, Jun Sung Korea Business Center Kim, Keuk Soo Korea International Trade Association, Inc. Kim, Kijoong Korea Business Center Kim, Moon Young Korea Business Center Kim, Myongsun Korea National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles Kim, Myung Koo (t) Korea Business Center Kim, Sang Chul Korea Business Center Kim, Seungho Korea Business Center Kim, Sukhan Korea Economic Institute Kim, Sung Jae Korea Business Center Kim, Thomas S. (t) Scribe Strategies & Advisors Kim, Yangil Korea Business Center Kim, Young-Chun Korea Business Center Kim, Young-Woong Korea Business Center Kimball, Joan Marie Quebec Government Office Kimura, Makoto JETRO, Houston Kimura, Shigeru JETRO, Los Angeles Kincannon III, Benjamin Francis Fleishman-Hillard, Inc.

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King, Anthony Carson Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida King, Sean Park Strategies, LLC Kingery, John C. Arent Fox, LLP Kingham, Niahm Invest Northern Ireland Kingsbury, Cathryn J. Livingston Group, LLC Kinney, Jason California Strategies, LLC Kinoshi, Louisa (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Kinstler, Carina Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Kira, Daiji JETRO, Atlanta Kissane, Jack Enterprise Ireland Kjellander, Robert (t) Avatar Enterprises, Inc. Klein, Gary J. (t) DLA Piper US LLP Kline, Laura CMGRP, Inc. Klosterman, Margo (t) Arent Fox, LLP Kobayashi, Hiroto JETRO, Los Angeles Kochman, John M. French Film Office/Unifrance USA Koh, Cindy (t) Singapore Economic Development Board Koh, Kwang Wouck (t) Korea Business Center Kohama, Teruhiko JETRO, New York Kokora, Pascal D. Kokora, Pascal D. Kolodzinski, Anna Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Komiyama, Tomonari (t) JETRO, Chicago Koneschusky, Andrew M. Levick Strategic Communications Koo, BonKyung Korea Business Center Koolman, Clovis C. Aruba Tourism Authority Kop, Buket Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Kor, Sabrina (Ya-Rei) Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco Korkoian, David J. (t) DUTKO Worldwide, LLC Kosmas, Michael (t) Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, LLC Kotcher, Raymond Ketchum Inc. NY Kothiyal, Narendra India Tourism, New York Kotova, Anna Ketchum Inc. NY Koyari, Takashi JETRO, Houston Kozakos, Panayiota Burson-Marsteller Kraiem, Ruben Covington & Burling, LLP Krasheninnikova, Veronika Council for Trade and Economic Cooperation USA-CIS Kraus, Evan APCO Worldwide, Inc. Kraus, Margery APCO Worldwide, Inc. Krause, Charles A. APCO Worldwide, Inc. Krieger, Kathy L. Patton Boggs, LLP Kroon-Fiorita, Brigitta Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) Krug, Carolyn Harbour Group, LLC Kumar, Akshaya Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Kumar, Amit (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Kumar, Kiren M. Singapore Economic Development Board Kumar, Sunil Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Kunimatsu, Akihito NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. Kupiecki, Kimberly (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Kurfeessaa, Leenjiso Horo Oromo Liberation Front Foreign Kurita, Kaoru JETRO, Houston Kuroda, Junichiro JETRO, New York Kurtz, Fatima-Zohra (t) Gabriel Company, LLC Kutler, Ed Clark & Weinstock Kuykendall, Gregory Kuykendall, Gregory J., PC Kyme, Irene (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. La Rosa, Berta Olivier Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Labban, Ziad (t) Saudi Refining, Inc. LaBrache, Lisa (t) DLA Piper US LLP Lackey, Michiru JETRO, San Francisco

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Laflamme, Jean-Pierre Quebec Government Office LaFleur, Vinca West Wing Writers, LLC Lai, Steven Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Lake, Jennifer Anne Independent Diplomat, Inc. Lamb, Austin Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Lamb, Erika Soto Ketchum Inc. NY Lamm, Carolyn Beth (t) White & Case, LLP Lampkin, Marc S. Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Lancastle, Calum Scottish Enterprise Landguth, Nicole Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Langdon, Alison Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Lanning, Geoffrey B. (t) White & Case, LLP Lanphear, Whitney (t) Public Strategies, Inc. Lao, Ly (Phai Thun Li) Hmong Foreign Council Lapp, Alixandria Parven Pomper Strategies, Inc. Larson, Alan Covington & Burling, LLP Laschever, Ann Rebecca Geoffrey Weill Associates Lauer, Matthew Jay Qorvis Communications, LLC Lavalle, James Hong Kong Tourism Board Laverdiere, Liliane Quebec Government Office Law, Michael A. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Lawrence, Jessica Podesta Group, Inc. Laws, George Benjamin (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Lawson, Susan Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Lawter, John Joseph Ketchum Inc. NY Le, Annie Quebec Government Office Ledeen, Michael A. Trout Cacheris, PLLC Lederman, Erica (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Lee, Adams C. White & Case, LLP Lee, Bret E. Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco Lee, Bridget Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Inc. Lee, Dooyoung Korea Business Center Lee, Edison Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Lee, Hyeonjin Korea National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles Lee, In Kyu Korea Business Center Lee, In Sook Korea National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles Lee, Jeong Seon (t) Korea Business Center Lee, Kiseok Korea Business Center Lee, KunBok Korea Business Center Lee, Meng-Chuan (t) Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco Lee, Sar Tan Singapore Economic Development Board Lee, Seo Jin (t) Korea National Tourism Organization, Chicago Lee, Seung Ki Korea Business Center Lee, Teng Za Hmong Foreign Council Lee, Tsay-Ren Taiwan Trade Center New York Inc. Lee, Weisheng Singapore Economic Development Board Lee, Yang IL (t) Korea Business Center Lee, Yee Hmong Foreign Council Lee, Yer Hmong Foreign Council Lee, Young Geun Korea National Tourism Organization, Chicago Lefort-Knowles, Daniele Quebec Government Office Lefton, Al Paul Jr., Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Lehane, Christopher S. California Strategies, LLC Leibach, Dale Prism Public Affairs Leibner, Michael Aloysius Moffett Group, LLC Leiter, Tara L. Blank Rome, LLP Lemley, Norman W. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Leonard, Robert J. (t) Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Leong, Phui Khei Rachel Singapore Economic Development Board

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Lepillez, Karine Independent Diplomat, Inc. Letchworth, Elizabeth B. Covington & Burling, LLP Levene, of Portsoken Lloyd's of London Market Representatives Levick, Richard S. Levick Strategic Communications Levine, Andrew T. Development Counsellors International Levine, Jodi APCO Worldwide, Inc. Levine, Kenneth S. Levine & Company Levine, Solomon A. Qorvis Communications, LLC Levinson, Catherine (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Levinson, K. Riva KRL International, LLC Levinson, Lauren Kerry Glassner Ketchum Inc. NY Levinson, Lawrence E. DLA Piper US LLP Levinson, Melissa World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. Levy, Adam 30 Point Strategies, LLC Lewin, Andrew (t) Podesta Group, Inc. Licha, Rissig Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Liebermann, Mark Geoffrey Weill Associates Lim, Chuen Ming (t) Singapore Economic Development Board Lim, Divine Singapore Tourism Board Lim, Jaegeol Korea Business Center Lim, Sooju Korea Business Center Lim, Sze Ling (t) Singapore Economic Development Board Lim, Wey-Len Singapore Economic Development Board Lindbergh, Magnus VisitSweden Linden, Maggie Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Lindsay, Keith O'Neil Caribbean Tourism Organization, USA Inc. Lindsay, Nicole Manufactured Imports and Investment Promotion Organization (MIPRO) Ling, Margaret R. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Lipin, Steve Brunswick Group, LLC Lister, James M. Korea Economic Institute Little, Amy Harbour Group, LLC Livingston, Robert L. Livingston Group, LLC Lloreda, Nicolas Sidley Austin, LLP Lo, Ker Hmong Foreign Council Lockhart, Joseph Glover Park Group, LLC Loeffler, Thomas G. Gray Loeffler, LLC Loell, Keith Draftfcb Logan, John Invest Northern Ireland Lonsberg, John Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP Lopez, Istvan Aruba Tourism Authority Lorenz, Douglas Russo Marsh & Rogers Lott, Trent Breaux Lott Leadership Group Lott, Trent Patton Boggs, LLP Loud, Edward P. DLA Piper US LLP Lowe, Florence Myeong-Hwa Korea Economic Institute Lowe, George Park Strategies, LLC Lucien, Franciscka (t) CMGRP, Inc. Lukawski, Jennifer (t) BGR Government Affairs, LLC Lukis, Melissa Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. Lumet, Michele (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Luna, Gina Maria Patrice Bermuda Department of Tourism Lynam, Clare B. CMGRP, Inc. Lynch, Colm Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Lyngaas, Sean JETRO, New York MacDonald, Bonnie Ketchum Inc. NY MacDougall, Carmen E. U.S. - Emirates Alliance, LLC MacLean, Matthew Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP Madison, Alan M. Madison & Company, LLC Maguire, Jennifer (t) M. Silver Associates, Inc.

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Mahony, Richard Kreab Gavin Anderson (USA), Inc. Main, Alexander John (t) Latin America Information Office LLC Maitland, Guy Edison Clay International Registries, Inc. Maity, Hema (t) India Trade Promotion Organization Makino, Hiroshi JETRO, New York Malloy, Molly (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Manassero, Dennis Italian Government Tourist Board, New York Manatt, Charles T. Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Mancini, Elaine Parter International, Inc. Mangas, Robert J. Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Mangi, Michael Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Mangum, Jeff Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Mankiewicz, Frank Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Mann, Melissa C. Urenco, Inc. Mansfield, Carolyn Endeavor Law Firm, PC Mantz, Jonathan BGR Government Affairs, LLC Mao, Nathan K. (t) Asia Associates, Inc. Marcus, Richard Harbour Group, LLC Marino, Stephen J. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Mark, Molly Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Marks, Kristen Qorvis Communications, LLC Marquardt, Dana Mariam (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Marshall, Michael J. Alston & Bird, LLP Martin, David Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods, Inc. Martin, Heather L. (t) McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Martin, J. Allen Livingston Group, LLC Martin, Terry DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Masi, Kara Fenton Communications Massony, Richard Winston & Strawn, LLP Masters, Richard Qorvis Communications, LLC Mastin, Jennifer E. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Matcham, David International Underwriting Association of London Mathias, Robert F. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Matsui, Hideyuki (t) Japan National Tourism Organization Matsumoto, Koki (t) NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. Matsumoto, Takako JETRO, New York Matsumoto, Takashi JETRO, Chicago Matteucci, Rose APCO Worldwide, Inc. Matthews, Christopher L. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Maurer, Shannon (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. May, Benjamin Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Mayers, Peter Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism Mayorga, David Andres Qorvis Communications, LLC Mazur, Jane Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide McAllister, Singleton B. LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation McAward, Patrick J. Saudi Petroleum International, Inc. McBride, William G. Kreab Gavin Anderson (USA), Inc. McConnell, Mark S. Hogan Lovells US LLP McConville, Christine Allyson Ketchum Inc. NY McCullers, Scott Qorvis Communications, LLC McCullough, Katherine (t) White & Case, LLP McCullough, Matthew P. Winston & Strawn, LLP McCurdy, John Invest Northern Ireland McCurtain, Elizabeth Caldwell Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC McDonald, Michael Kirk Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP McEvoy, Thomas P. (t) IDA Ireland McFarlane, Robert McFarlane Associates, Inc. McGann, Katherine (t) Qorvis Communications, LLC McGettrick, Patrick Supporters of Fine Gael, Inc.

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McGill, Donald A.C. Charles E. Butler & Associates McGill, Susan Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. McGovern, Sean Lloyd's of London Market Representatives McHale, Stephen Patton Boggs, LLP McHugh, Philip Enterprise Ireland McKay, Barbara S. Burson-Marsteller McKee, Catherine Draftfcb McKellar, Kirstin (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. McKew, Molly Podesta Group, Inc. McKew, Molly M. (t) KRL International, LLC McMillen, Jeffrey (t) Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP McNabb, Stephen M. (t) Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP McNeill, Brian (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. McPherson, Harry C. DLA Piper US LLP McSherry, Michael T. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Meadows, Taj APCO Worldwide, Inc. Meister, Brenda G. DLA Piper US LLP Menard, Marie Kobe Trade Information Office Mendelson, Lisa Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Mercean, Laura Romanian Tourist Office Mercer, David L. Mercer & Associates, Inc. Merkle, Lucie E. Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Merrigan, John A. DLA Piper US LLP Messmer, Michael Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC Meszaros, James A. CMGRP, Inc. Metcalfe, Alison Tourism Ireland Limited Michel, Robert H. Hogan Lovells US LLP Miers, Harriet Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. Migdail, Evan M. (t) DLA Piper US LLP Miglionico-Phipps, Kerri Ann Ketchum Inc. NY Mignott, Roger D. Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Miller, David H. Gilman Group Miller, Freeman Burson-Marsteller Miller, Melvin H. Park Strategies, LLC Mills, Timothy B. Maggs & McDermott LLC, Attorneys at Law Min, Min Hong Korea National Tourism Organization, New Jersey Minakowski, Christopher Alcalde & Fay, Ltd. Minami, Ryo JETRO, New York Miner III, William A. Livingston Group, LLC Minjack, Gregory (t) Mariner Group Mino, Toshikatsu JETRO, Chicago Minor, William DLA Piper US LLP Mintz, Richard I. U.S. - Emirates Alliance, LLC Misselbrook, Laura (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Mitchell, Jackie Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Mitchell, Michael Orion Strategies LLC Mitsumata, Hiroki (t) JETRO, New York Mize, Lindsay Marie Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Mizuta, Yutaka JETRO, New York Mizutani, Tsuyoshi JETRO, Los Angeles Moaney, Gail L. Ruder Finn, Inc. Moeenziai, Ladan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Moeller, James Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Moffett, Anthony J. Moffett Group, LLC Mohib, Mona G. McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Moll, Daniel R. (t) Duane Morris Government Affairs, LLC Monfrini, Robert W. Tourism Australia Monroe, Loren BGR Government Affairs, LLC Montes, Luisa (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc.

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Montgomery, Joel R. Sunshine Uzbekistan USA, NFP Moore, W. John Qorvis Communications, LLC Morales, Michiko M. (t) Global Communicators, LLC Moran, John A. (t) Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP Moran, Kelly Coreen Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Morgan, Irene Tourism New South Wales Morgan, Lance Ian CMGRP, Inc. Morgan, Linda J. Covington & Burling, LLP Morgenstern, Ariel Eliahu 30 Point Strategies, LLC Mori, Kotaro JETRO, New York Morley, Ryan Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Morra, Elizabeth Podesta Group, Inc. Morrow, Jonathan Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Moschella, William Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP Muir, Frederick M. (t) Burson-Marsteller Mulder, Steven J. (t) Greenberg Traurig, LLP Mulhern, Lisa Marie Invest Northern Ireland Mulkey, Michelle (t) Fenton Communications Mullen, Kellie Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Mullins, Lauren Qorvis Communications, LLC Mullins, Roisin Enterprise Ireland Mulqueen, John Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Muranaga, Yuji (t) JETRO, San Francisco Murkowski, Frank H. Cedar Group, LLC Murphy, Aaron Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Murphy, Daniel R. BGR Government Affairs, LLC Murphy, Morgan F. International Trade & Development Agency, Inc. Murphy, Patrick M. (t) PD Frazer Consulting Inc. Murray, Aengus Invest Northern Ireland Murray, Tamara (t) Fenton Communications Murry, Roger Parven Pomper Strategies, Inc. Musteric, Marc J. Government of Fukuoka Prefecture, Silicon Valley Office Myers, Richard B. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Nadeau, Jerome Quebec Government Office Nagoya, Mamoru JETRO, San Francisco Naguib, Amgad (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Nagy, Stephanie Prism Public Affairs Nakaishi, Naritaka JETRO, New York Nakajima, Takeo JETRO, San Francisco Nakamaki, Toshiaki JETRO, New York Nakamura, Kyoichi JETRO, Chicago Nakamura, Toshihiko Kobe Trade Information Office Namsrai, Ariuna APCO Worldwide, Inc. Nardone, Silverio Italian Government Tourist Board, New York Nardotti, Michael J., Jr. Patton Boggs, LLP Narongchaisakun, Lert Tourism Authority of Thailand, Los Angeles Naru, Stephen R. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Naruse, Takashi JETRO, New York Negoita, Camelia Romanian Tourist Office Nelson, Chris Ketchum Inc. NY Nelson, Reid (t) Mariner Group Netek, Jonathan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Neuffer, Garth D. Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. Neuner, Catherine McFarlane Associates, Inc. Neusner, Noam 30 Point Strategies, LLC Neusner, Noam (t) Neusner Communications, LLC Nevell, Bill Parter International, Inc. Newberry, Edward J. Patton Boggs, LLP Newton, Kimberly Kelly Hill & Knowlton, Inc.

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Ng, Chong-Keat Singapore Economic Development Board Nguyen, Anh JETRO, San Francisco Nichols, April Mason Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Nicols, Christina Marie Mazzola Ketchum Inc. NY Nielsen, Anna VisitDenmark Nieto, Pamela Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Nishimoto, Keiichi JETRO, New York Nitta, Lindsey Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Nixon, William Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Noble, Erica (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Noh, Cathy M. Mark Saylor Company, LLC Noh, Jiyoung (t) KBS America, Inc. Nolan, Matthew M. (t) Arent Fox, LLP Nordenbaek, Susanne VisitDenmark Nordwind, William R. Venable, LLP Noriega, Roger F. Vision Americas, LLC Norman, Ann (t) Whitaker Group, Inc. Novey, Rogelio Patton Boggs, LLP Nugent, John (t) IDA Ireland Nunez, Alex Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. Nunez, Nurisell (t) Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Nunneley, Devon White & Case, LLP Nurnberger, Ralph D. Nurnberger & Associates, Inc. Nusbaum, Jessica (t) Fenton Communications Nyandak, Lobsang Office of Tibet O'Brien, Brett Glover Park Group, LLC O'Connell, Janice M. Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC O'Connor, Christine A. Cassidy & Associates, Inc. O'Dell, Jane Babcock Samuels International Associates, Inc. O'Donnell, Patrick E. Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, LLC O'Donnell, Thomas J. Gephardt Group Government Affairs, LLC O'Donnell, Jr., John Mariner Group O'Donoghue III, William Byrne (t) Fenton Communications O'Dwyer, Patricia Supporters of Fine Gael, Inc. O'Dwyer, Wm. Ryan MITA Group, Inc. O'Farrell, Sandra (t) Enterprise Ireland O'Mara, Charles J. O'Mara, Charles J. O'Mara, Matthew Gerald O'Mara, Charles J. O'Neill, Joseph P. Public Strategies Washington, Inc. O'Scannlain, Kevin DLA Piper US LLP Oakley, Kara Broydrick & Associates, Inc. Oh, Hyeokjong Korea Business Center Oh, Sarah (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Okabe, Tadahisa (t) JETRO, Houston Oleynik, Ronald A. Holland & Knight Olinyk, Sidney Moffett Group, LLC Olivier, Alain Quebec Government Office Olson, Madlene Marston Webb & Associates Omar, Norazmi Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board Onar, Gunes Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Opinsky, Howard S. CMGRP, Inc. Opsomer, Liliane Tourist Office for Flanders, Belgium - New York Office Orduz, Juan Esteban Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc. Orlowek, Charles Quebec Government Office Orme, Christopher VisitBritain Orr, Amanda M. U.S. - Emirates Alliance, LLC Orr, John H. Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Orr, P. Welles Miller & Chevalier, Chartered Ortiz, Manuel Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC

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Orzulak, Paul West Wing Writers, LLC Osborne, Jason (t) MITA Group, Inc. Owada, Takako JETRO, San Francisco Padley Jr, Gregory J. Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. Painter, Sally A. (t) DUTKO Worldwide, LLC Pak, Susan Jin Quebec Government Office Palkova-Claudino, Michaela (t) Czech Center, New York Palmer, Claire Rickard Miller & Chevalier, Chartered Palo, Vanessa (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Panagi, KayAnn N. Ketchum Inc. NY Parenti, Gary Mariner Group Park, Jenny Ji-Eun (t) Fenton Communications Park, Regina Korea Economic Institute Park, Sang Hyup Korea Business Center Park, Yoon S. Korea Economic Institute Park, Yoonsook Korea National Tourism Organization, New Jersey Park, Younghee Korea National Tourism Organization, New Jersey Parlin, C. Christopher (t) DLA Piper US LLP Parry, John Lloyd's of London Market Representatives Parry, Karen (t) Fenton Communications Parter, Alan S. Parter International, Inc. Parven, Scott Parven Pomper Strategies, Inc. Pastrick, R. Scott (t) BKSH & Associates Patch, Sarabeth V. Qorvis Communications, LLC Patrick, Von Bargen Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Patron, Jorge Gamboa Mexican Tourism Board Paul, Jordan Christopher Moroccan-American Center for Policy, Inc. Paul, Terry Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Pauser, Manuel (t) Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Pawluszek, Andrzej Polish National Tourist Office, New York Payne, Sandra Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism Payne, Jr.,, L.F. McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Peckham, Gardner (t) BKSH & Associates Pennas, Thaddeus (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Penny-Lewis, Jennifer Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Pereira, Shana Tourism Queensland Peretz, Michael Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Perez, Robert Fenton Communications Perol, Jean Philippe European Travel Commission Pertierra, Jose Pertierra & Toro, P.C. Peters, Elizabeth H. (t) Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered Peterson, J.E. APCO Worldwide, Inc. Petrovic, Milan Advanced Practical Solutions, LLC Petruzzello, Michael J. Qorvis Communications, LLC Petti, Agostino Italian Government Tourist Board, New York Pettit, Noble Gregory Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Phat, Richard Hou Hee Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Phelgyal, Ngawang Office of Tibet Phifer, Franklin C. Hecht, Spencer & Associates, Inc. Phillips, Steven R. DLA Piper US LLP Picard, B. Donovan Picard Kentz & Rowe, LLP Picard, Mael Solen (t) Quebec Government Office Pichs, Ana Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Pierce, William APCO Worldwide, Inc. Pietras, Seth Thomas Qorvis Communications, LLC Pigeon, G. Steven Mariner Group Pincus, Patricia K. Burson-Marsteller Pines, Wayne APCO Worldwide, Inc. Pipkin, Melanie (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc.

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Pitts, James T. Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, LLC Platt, Ronald L. (t) Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP Podesta, Anthony T. Podesta Group, Inc. Polskin, Philippa Ruder Finn, Inc. Pont, Victor Alvarez Camara Oficial Espanola de Comercio Pope, Wendell Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. Porter, Daniel L. Winston & Strawn, LLP Portzel, Adam C. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Posner, Ralph Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Poulos, Peter Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Prime, Ashley N. Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Pritchard, Charles L. Korea Economic Institute Prudencio, Ramiro E. Burson-Marsteller Pruitt, Steven Lawrence Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) Pryor, Walter (t) Podesta Group, Inc. Pulchin, Howard (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Purdy, Erin Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Purdy, John H. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Qu, Yingpu (t) China Daily Distribution Corporation Quinn, Gloria (t) Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Quinn, Jack Quinn Gillespie & Associates, LLC Quinn, Thomas Venable, LLP Raben, Robert Raben Group, LLC Rabgyal, Nawang Office of Tibet Rabin, Keith W. KWR International, Inc. Radcliff, Jules G. American International Development Group, Inc. Rademaker, Stephen BGR Government Affairs, LLC Ragone, Peter California Strategies, LLC Rajpal, Nikki (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Ramamurty, Anuradha (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Rancourt, Karolyn T. Rancourt, Karolyn T. Rand-Hill, Virginia Quebec Government Office Rangel, Nicholas Salvador Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Raphel, Robin Lynn (t) Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Rasky, Lawrence Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Raver, Jacob Collins, Grace Reeder, Joe R. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Rehg, Robert Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Reichler, Paul Stuart Foley Hoag, LLP Reid, Morris L. BGR Government Affairs, LLC Reimers, Barbara Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Rescigno, Dorothy A. Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs Reterska, Katarzyna (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Reynolds, Jenny E. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Reynolds, John Alan Ketchum Inc. NY Rhode, Thorsten Singapore Tourism Board Rice, Andrew (t) Mark Saylor Company, LLC Rice, Theresa J. Burson-Marsteller Richards Jr., John Thorpe Trout Cacheris, PLLC Richeson, Darlene Darlene Richeson & Associates, LLC Rickhoff, Hans Gray Loeffler, LLC Riegle, Donald W. Jr., (Don) APCO Worldwide, Inc. Rieras, Joseph Arent Fox, LLP Riley, Clyde Hugh Caribbean Tourism Organization, USA Inc. Ritcey-Donohue, Joanna White & Case, LLP Ritter, Deborah Quebec Government Office Rivelis, Daniel Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Rivers, Phillip Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. Roach, Christin Fenton Communications

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Robayo, Luis Enrique Mira Movimiento Politico Inc. Roberti, Vincent A. Navigators Global, LLC Roberts, John Walker BGR Government Affairs, LLC Roberts, Lindsay Ketchum Inc. NY Robi, Diriba W. Oromo Liberation Front - USA Robinson, Jonathan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Robinson, Rosetta (t) Bahamas Tourist Office Roche, Timothy Enterprise Ireland Rockland, David Ketchum Inc. NY Rodriguez, Paul M. Burson-Marsteller Roehl, Stephanie Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Rogers, Edward M. Jr., BGR Government Affairs, LLC Rogers, Richard (t) Livingston Group, LLC Rohrer, Donna Weatherly Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Rohrs, Kelly (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Rojas, Felipe Carlos Benitez Fenton Communications Rom-Povolo, Elysha (t) Fenton Communications Rongzhen, Xie Hai Tian Development U.S.A., Inc. Rooney, Kim (t) White & Case, LLP Rose, Philip Anthony Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Rosenberg, Eric Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Rosenbit, Scott Draftfcb Rosenbloom, H. David (t) Caplin & Drysdale, Chartered Rosengarten, Ilana Draftfcb Ross, Carne W. Independent Diplomat, Inc. Ross, Lisa Osborne Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Ross, Steven R. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Rougeau, Weldon J. LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation Rowe, Edward Picard Kentz & Rowe, LLP Roy, Stuart Prism Public Affairs Rubel, Steve (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Rudomina, Jan W. Polish National Tourist Office, New York Ruggieri, Kerry Elizabeth Slatkoff Ketchum Inc. NY Rupeka, Victoria Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Rusmini, Bealfan Teckle, Tesfu Berhane Russo, Salvatore B. Russo Marsh & Rogers Ruthven, Alexander Wyeth Qorvis Communications, LLC Ryberg, Paul Jr., Ryberg and Smith, LLC Sabnis, Shonali (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Saeger, Laura South African Tourism Saenz, Natalie Burson-Marsteller Saharko, Juliet C. Johnson Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Sailor, Elroy P. Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) Saito, Manabu JETRO, San Francisco Saito, Takeshi (t) JETRO, Atlanta Salem, George Richard DLA Piper US LLP Salmon, Matthew Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Samet, Andrew Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC Samolis, Frank R. Patton Boggs, LLP Samuels, Michael A. Samuels International Associates, Inc. Sanchez, Ignacio DLA Piper US LLP Sanchez-Zinny, Gabriel (t) DUTKO Worldwide, LLC Sandlin, Max A. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Sands, Carlton Emmanuel Jr., Bahamas Tourist Office Santow, Dan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Sarfo-Kantanka, Felix McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Sato, Taku JETRO, New York Satterfield, L. Kendall Finkelstein Thompson, LLP Sauer, Marcel Czech Center, New York

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Savio, Tatman Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Saylor, Mark Mark Saylor Company, LLC Scaldaferri, Maria C. Italian Government Tourist Board, New York Scanlon, Jennifer (t) Enterprise Ireland Scanlon, Raymond D. Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Scarlatoiu, Grigore (Greg) Korea Economic Institute Schechter, Peter Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Schelle, Analisa Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Scheunemann, Randy Orion Strategies LLC Schlabach, Kevin (t) JETRO, San Francisco Schmidt, Patrick L. Hills Stern & Morley, LLP Schmidt, Susan Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Schmitz, Michael E. Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. Schnee, Leslie Elizabeth Burson-Marsteller Schneider, Lawrence A. Arnold & Porter, LLP Schneider, Maria (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Schnoebelen, Kirk S. Urenco, Inc. Schoenfelder, Emily (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Schoolnik, Jesse (t) Arent Fox, LLP Schranz, Gerald Beckerman Schubert, Michael Ruder Finn, Inc. Schumacher, Barry J. APCO Worldwide, Inc. Schwadron, Steven (t) Avatar Enterprises, Inc. Schwantes, Jonathan R. Clark & Weinstock Schwartz, Stacy Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Scibetta, Nicholas Ketchum Inc. NY Scofield, John (t) Podesta Group, Inc. Scolese, Paul Gerard Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Seal, Jacob Scott JETRO, New York Seecharan, Neil Bermuda Department of Tourism Seeman, Jerrold Stephen Luxcore, Ltd. Sefl, Tracy Navigators Global, LLC Segal, J. Peter Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Segall, Wynn H. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Seley, Jennifer CMGRP, Inc. Sellhorn, Patrick Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Semimoto, Atsushi JETRO, New York Sengupta, Kalyan India Tourism, New York Senior, Kenton Washington Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Serio, Gregory Park Strategies, LLC Sforza, Scott Harbour Group, LLC Shapiro, Hal Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Shapiro, Ira S. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Sharif, Sohaimi Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, San Jose Sharkey, Darlene M. Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Sharma, Prabhat Chandra India Trade Promotion Organization Shastry, Mira (t) Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. Shattacharya, Rishi (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Shaughnessy, Brian W. Shaughnessy, Volzer & Gagner, P.C. Shaw, Lauren CMGRP, Inc. Shearer, Ean K. Dentsu America, Inc. Sheetz, Donald J. Office of the Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs Shelat, Mona (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Shelden, Sarah Burson-Marsteller Shelly, Rachel IDA Ireland Shelton, Douglas (t) JETRO, San Francisco Shepherd III, Raymond V. Venable, LLP Sherer, Paul Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Sheridan, Kevin R. Daniel J. Edelman, Inc.

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Sherif, Walid Mahmoud Sayed Ahmed (t) Arab Information Center Sherman (Colbert), Laura M. International Registries, Inc. Shesol, Jeff West Wing Writers, LLC Sheth, Purvi Dentsu America, Inc. Shibahara, Tomonori JETRO, Chicago Shimberg, Steven DLA Piper US LLP Shimp, Eric Alston & Bird, LLP Shin, Heesup (t) Korea National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles Shin, Seung Hoon Korea Business Center Shingleton, A. Bradley Deutsche Telekom, Inc. Shiozaki, Yuji (t) JETRO, Chicago Shishkin, Konstantin CMGRP, Inc. Shoval, Leah P.L. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Shriram, Kanika (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Shuford, David Covington & Burling, LLP Shulman, Allison Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Shupp, Michael A. Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Shusterman, Uriel World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. Shwirtz, Joseph First International Resources Siegel, Jason Qorvis Communications, LLC Siegel, Mark A. Locke Lord Strategies, L.P. Siluvaimuthu, Reta Malaysian Industrial Development Authority Silva, Abraham Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Silver, Morris M. Silver Associates, Inc. Silverman, Nicole Qorvis Communications, LLC Silvers, Curtis M. Livingston Group, LLC Silvers, Sharron Kreab Gavin Anderson (USA), Inc. Silverstein, David Qorvis Communications, LLC Simmons, Gail Lindsay Jackson Kelly, PLLC Sincere, Jr., Richard E. Scribe Strategies & Advisors Sinni, Jessica L. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Siracuse, Kraig Park Strategies, LLC Sirivajjakul, Chuwit Tourism Authority of Thailand, Los Angeles Skipper, William American Business Development Group Skladany, Jr., Barney J. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Slater, Rodney Patton Boggs, LLP Slimp, Ronald TD International, LLC Slocum, J. Michael Slocum & Boddie, PC Small, Travis L. Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Smirnoff, Susan Charles Ruder Finn, Inc. Smith, Anne D. (t) White & Case, LLP Smith, Brian D. Covington & Burling, LLP Smith, Esther Thomas Qorvis Communications, LLC Smith, Gare Foley Hoag, LLP Smith, Gordon (t) Covington & Burling, LLP Smith, Iverson British Virgin Islands Tourist Board Smith, Kathleen M. Hogan Lovells US LLP Smith, Leanne Independent Diplomat, Inc. Smith, Malcia British Virgin Islands Tourist Board Smith, Maureen R. (t) JWI, LLC Smith, Mike (t) Fenton Communications Smith, Stephen Fenton Communications Smith, Thomas Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Snow-Thomas, Silvie Missy Farren & Associates, Ltd. d/b/a MFA Snyder, Paul M. Public Strategies Washington, Inc. Snyder, Sara DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Sobel, Alanna Mariel Fenton Communications Sobut, Lauren (t) Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Socratous, Chris Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc.

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Soghier, Shereen Qorvis Communications, LLC Solarz, Stephen J. APCO Worldwide, Inc. Soldner, Stephanie Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Sommerlath-Pizzi, Ann E. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Son, Byongcheol Korea Business Center Song, Byungok Korea Business Center Song, Yoo-Hwang (t) Korea Business Center Sorensen, Britt Hougaard VisitDenmark Sorini, Ronald J. Sorini, Samet & Associates, LLC South, Garry (t) California Strategies, LLC Soysal, Murat (t) Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Spencer, Kathryn Diane Ketchum Inc. NY Spencer, Stuart K. Hecht, Spencer & Associates, Inc. Spindler, Natasha Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Spring, Chris Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Sproule, George Stuart John (t) Invest Northern Ireland Squitieri, Tom TS Navigations, LLC Stacey, Jill M. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Stangarone, Troy Korea Economic Institute Stanislawski, Howard J. Sidley Austin, LLP Stanko, Gregory Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Stanley, Zachary A. Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Startseva, Anna APCO Worldwide, Inc. Starzyk, Fred Broydrick & Associates, Inc. Statz, Klaus-Peter Deutsche Telekom, Inc. Stauffer, John Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Stearns, Matthew Herrick Ketchum Inc. NY Stefadouros, Chrysoula CMS Strategies, LLC Stein, Donald P. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Stein, Elana Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc. Stein, Lauren Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Steinberg, David I. Korea Economic Institute Steinburg, Craig Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Stember, Jonathan (t) BlackBear Communications Stephens, Matthew D. JETRO, San Francisco Stevenson, Alan Michael Invest Northern Ireland Stewart, Edward B. MITA Group, Inc. Stewart, Ingrid St. Lucia Tourist Board Stieglitz, Perry Gibraltar Government Office of Washington Stillings, Susan Brunswick Group, LLC Stillitano, Tom Patton Boggs, LLP Stokes, Patricia L. (t) Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Stoltz, Jennifer Baskerville Qorvis Communications, LLC Story, Mark Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Stovall III, James T. Stovall III, James T. Strauss, Nathan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Stuart, Sandra K. Clark & Weinstock Sugimoto, Yasunobu JETRO, San Francisco Suh, Gang Suk (t) Korea Business Center Sullivan, Shawn (t) Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Sullivan, Thomas M. Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP Sultanik, Kalman World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. Sumitani, Yasushi JETRO, Chicago Sung, Kevin Nye-Chen (t) Qorvis Communications, LLC Suringa, Dirk J.J. Covington & Burling, LLP Surrell, Jeff (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Sutherland, Janet Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Sutton, Alastair White & Case, LLP Suzuki, Zensuke (t) Japan National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles

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Swan, Ticole Bermuda Department of Tourism Swanson, Stacy A. Patton Boggs, LLP Sweeney, Eugene F. International Registries, Inc. Sweet, Paul Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Sweezy, Dallas Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Swerdloff, Peter (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Swett, Richard N. International Trade & Development Agency, Inc. Sylvestre, Rene Quebec Government Office Szlavik, Joseph Scribe Strategies & Advisors Tabach, Michelle Qorvis Communications, LLC Tabak, Ilana (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Taccini, Angelene Beckerman Tadesse, Yirgalem GoodWorks International, LLC Takahashi, Mitsuo JETRO, Los Angeles Takashi, Muneo JETRO, Chicago Takenami, Kenjiro Government of Fukuoka Prefecture, Silicon Valley Office Talabany, Qubad J. Kurdistan Regional Government - Liaison Office - USA Talbot, James E. Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Talignani, Robert Renato Italian Government Tourist Board, New York Talley, Randy Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Tamasi, David Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, Inc. Tan, Chui Huan (t) Singapore Economic Development Board Tan, Serene Singapore Tourism Board Tanaka, Chie (t) Osaka University, San Francisco Office Tanaka, Hiroyuki JETRO, New York Tanaka, Tetsuya JETRO, New York Tanaka, Yumiko JETRO, New York Tanimoto, Chikaosa Osaka University, San Francisco Office Taormino, Megan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Tapen, Teerasil (t) Tourism Authority of Thailand, New York Tapper, Jonathan M. Melwood Communications Tarakajian, Peter Jeffrey Draftfcb Tatsumi, Yuichi NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. Tavlarides, Mark J. Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Taye, Fanta Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party Taylor, Arthur N. Korea Economic Institute Taylor, Jeffrey L. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Teck, Ong Eng Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Teferra, Mesfin Teferra, Mesfin Tein, Andrew Crowell & Moring International, Ltd. Temple, Roy Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Tepfer, Kathleen Scottish Enterprise Tepper, Steven G. Arnold & Porter, LLP Terhune, Henry A. Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Tham, Ambrose Singapore Tourism Board Tham, Yen Hsiang Singapore Economic Development Board Thao, Teng Hmong Foreign Council Thiringer, Charlotta VisitSweden Thomas, Alyson Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Thomas, Doug (t) Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) Thomas, Eric Fratelli Group Thompson, Nina V. Bermuda Department of Tourism Thompson, Pauline Davis Bahamas Tourist Office Thompson, Scott C. Patton Boggs, LLP Thornson, Scott (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Tierney, Joelle Broydrick & Associates, Inc. Timen, Lauren Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Tolle, Rolf (t) Lloyd's of London Market Representatives Tomney, Amanda Grace (t) Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter and Associates, Inc.

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Torii, Yoichi JETRO, New York Toriyama, Takayuki JETRO, Chicago Torra, Veronica Cayman Islands Department of Tourism Torricelli, Robert G. Rosemont Associates, LLC Totten, Mary Elizabeth Quebec Government Office Tramontano, Karen A. (t) DUTKO Worldwide, LLC Travers, Donal IDA Ireland Tregaskis, Elizabeth Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Tremblay, Andree Quebec Government Office Triaca, Matthew Harbour Group, LLC Tropiano, Joseph (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Trostorff, Alex P. Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere & Denegre, LLP Trout, Robert P. Trout Cacheris, PLLC Tsai, Chia-Hsuan Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco Tsering, Dawa Office of Tibet Tsou, Chuang Ching Taiwan Trade Center New York Inc. Tucker, Jamie Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Tucker, Tracy Bracy Tucker Brown, Inc. Tuffa, Ashebir A. Oromo Liberation Front, North America Office Tuko, Taha Oromo Liberation Front - USA Tung, Meng Fai Singapore Economic Development Board Turcotte, Denis Quebec Government Office Turenne, William Joseph BGR Government Affairs, LLC Turner, Lauren Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Turquetil, Yoann Quebec Government Office Tuvanuti, Yurawat Tourism Authority of Thailand, Los Angeles Twine, Iain (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Tyre, Sarah Ketchum Inc. NY Uh, Jaesun Korea Business Center Umarov, Arslanbek Sunshine Uzbekistan USA, NFP Umarov, Gulam Sunshine Uzbekistan USA, NFP Urquiola, Claudia Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide van Lynden, Carel J.H. Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Van Scoyoc, H. Stewart Van Scoyoc Associates, Inc. Van Tiggelen, Conrad Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions (NBTC) Van Wyhe, Leon E. Cedar Group, LLC Vanarsdall, Ashley Prism Public Affairs Vang, Ge H.M. Hmong Foreign Council Vang, Nao Shoua Hmong Foreign Council Vang, Nhia Hmong Foreign Council Vang, Nou Xia Hmong Foreign Council Vang, Yang Hmong Foreign Council Vargo, Regina Greenberg Traurig, LLP Varma, Anurag Patton Boggs, LLP Vashist, Sanjiv India Tourism, Los Angeles Viirg, Andrus Enterprise Estonia in San Jose Viney, Bill BGR Government Affairs, LLC Viola, Melissa Richartz Fliss Clark & Pope, Inc. Viorst, Marla Rigel Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Virga, Natalie (t) Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Vogel, David Gray Loeffler, LLC Vogtman nee Gathers, Julie M. Covington & Burling, LLP Volin, Richard M. Finkelstein Thompson, LLP Vue, Chai Zong Hmong Foreign Council Vue, Chong Sue Hmong Foreign Council Vue, Kia Hmong Foreign Council Waessa, Laurent Quebec Government Office Wagner, Ethan Brown Lloyd James Wahlquist, Andrew Alcalde & Fay, Ltd.

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Waldman, Adam Endeavor Law Firm, PC Waldrip, Matthew Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Waldron, Jonathan K. Blank Rome, LLP Walker, Russell J. Saudi Petroleum International, Inc. Wallace, Bronwyn Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Walls, Thomas F. McGuireWoods Consulting, LLC Walmsley, James Stuart Mainprize Lloyd's of London Market Representatives Walsh, Allison (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Walsh, Ann Marie Enterprise Ireland Walsh, Ryan Thomas Qorvis Communications, LLC Walton, Franklin J. Ruder Finn, Inc. Wanapinyosak, Srisuda Tourism Authority of Thailand, New York Warburg II, Gerald F. Cassidy & Associates, Inc. Ward, Jacob (Jake) (t) Qorvis Communications, LLC Waskiewicz II, Stephen Andrew Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) Watanabe, Takayuki JETRO, San Francisco Watanabe, Takeshi (t) Japan National Tourism Organization, Los Angeles Watanabe, Yumiko (t) JETRO, New York Waterman, Charles E. JWI, LLC Waters, D. Bruce Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Watkin, Ami Fenton Communications Watson, Dornell Bahamas Tourist Office Watts, J.C. Jr., Watts Partners (J.C. Watts Companies) Webb, Victor Marston Webb & Associates Weber, John Vincent Clark & Weinstock Wegman, Richard A. Garvey, Schubert & Barer Wegner, Kirsten (t) Patton Boggs, LLP Weiler, David J. (t) Patton Boggs, LLP Weill, Geoffrey Geoffrey Weill Associates Weintraub, Jeffrey R. Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Weiss, David A. (t) DLA Piper US LLP Weissman, Chanan (t) Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Welschke, Bernhard Representative of German Industry and Trade Werber, Allen K. World Zionist Organization - American Section, Inc. Westcott, Rosemary Beaver Lloyd's of London Market Representatives Westermann, Carolyn Cawley Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Wexler, Benjamin Nguyen Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Whall, Kelvin William Meat and Wool New Zealand Wheeler, Samuel Alexander Bowman Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP Whitaker, Rosa M. Whitaker Group, Inc. White, Lodie Patton Boggs, LLP White, Mark Parter International, Inc. White, Maura Ellen (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Whiting Jr, David Smythe Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. Whitman, Bernard Mariner Group Wichterman, William Covington & Burling, LLP Wierzbicki, Joe Russo Marsh & Rogers Wihbey, Paul Michael Global Water & Energy Strategy Team (GWEST) Wilkins, David Horton Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP Wilkins, Robert Whitley Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough, LLP Wilkinson, James R. Brunswick Group, LLC Will, Mari Maseng Maseng Communications Williams, Amanda Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Williams, Rhonda DDB Worldwide Communications Group, Inc. Williams, Richard Barbados Investment & Development Corp. Barbados Tourism Williams, Sheila A. (t) Whitaker Group, Inc. Williamson, Sarah Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Wilson, Andrew Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Wilson, Thomas Ian Ketchum Inc. NY

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Winer, Jonathan APCO Worldwide, Inc. Wisecup, Trenton Navigators Global, LLC Wisner, Graham G. Patton Boggs, LLP Wolf, Thomas M. LeClairRyan, A Professional Corporation Wolff, Lester L. International Trade & Development Agency, Inc. Wolosz, Jakub Polish National Tourist Office, New York Wolska, Marta (t) Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Wolvin, Maria Patton Boggs, LLP Wong, Lap-Jong China Daily Distribution Corporation Wong, Stephen Che Keung (t) Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Inc. Wood, Erin Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Woods, Jonathan (t) Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. Wool, Ann Margaret Ketchum Inc. NY Woolcock, John Milton Jamaica Tourist Board, Florida Wu, Melissa Spring O'Brien & Company, Inc. Wyman, Samuel H. JWI, LLC Wynn, Albert R. Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Xiong, Chou Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Gnia Yang Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Long Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Phia Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Seng SalXooly Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Sy Khue Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Vansan Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Xeng Hmong Foreign Council Xiong, Yer Hmong Foreign Council Yajima, Haruko JETRO, New York Yalowitz, Kent Arnold & Porter, LLP Yamada, Ryohei JETRO, New York Yamada, T. Albert Masaoka & Associates, Inc. Yamade, Koji JETRO, New York Yamagishi, Yuki Japan National Tourism Organization Yamamoto, Minoru JETRO, Chicago Yamauchi, Makoto JETRO, New York Yang, Chang Vang Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Chao Lee Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Cher Yao Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Chong Sao Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Jerry Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Ji Hyun Korea Local Government Center (KLAFIR, America) Yang, Keng Fue Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Ki Mo Korea Business Center Yang, Leepao Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Leng Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Neng Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Nhia Long Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Pao T. Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Ted S. Far East Trade Service, Inc., San Francisco Yang, Thomas Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Wang Doua Hmong Foreign Council Yang, Zong Teng Hmong Foreign Council Yarrow, Steven E. Al Paul Lefton Company Inc. Yates, Kenneth A. JWI, LLC Yaya, Natashia Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Yeoh, Keat Chuan Singapore Economic Development Board Yeon, Sungwhan Korea Business Center Yinghuang, Zhu China Daily Distribution Corporation Yokota, Kunitoshi JETRO, New York Yorg, Michael International Trade & Development Agency, Inc.

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Young, Andrew J. GoodWorks International, LLC Young, Nicole (t) Podesta Group, Inc. Youngblood, Kristen N. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Yriarte, Jose A. Camara Oficial Espanola de Comercio Yu, Zhang Chao Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Registry, Inc. Yunga, Ebie (t) Dentsu America, Inc. Zagame, John Park Strategies, LLC Zagaris, Bruce Berliner Corcoran & Rowe, LLP Zakheim, Keith Beckerman Zausner, L. Andrew Dickstein Shapiro, LLP Zavlodaver, Tal Ketchum Inc. NY Zhang, Jimmy Xin Min International, Inc. Zhang, Xinhong China National Tourist Office Zhou, Gengxin (t) China Daily Distribution Corporation Zhu, Beibei (t) Policy Impact Communications, Inc. Zolandz, Jr., Michael E. (t) Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, LLP Zungu, Sphakamile Sthuthukile South African Tourism Zuniga, Evelyn Andrea Obando (t) Burson-Marsteller

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