New City Law Allows Alcohol Outside

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New City Law Allows Alcohol Outside A BLog-o-baMA FOOTBALL FACILITY TWIN ORDERED Check out stories and blogs during the TO COURT Democratic National Convention week at Walk-through Markieff Morris allegedly shot a woman KANSAN.COM Watch the video, narrated by Jim Marchiony, at KANSAN.COM with an airsoft rifle. COURTS1B The student vOice since 1904 THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2008 WWW.KANSAN.COM VOLUME 120 ISSUE 2 CITY COMMISSION New city law allows alcohol outside Lawrence bars will now be able to allow 70 percent to 55 percent of the establish- Street, an establishment with a high per- bring their drinks with them when step- Patrons of Lawrence bars customers to enjoy their drinks on the ment’s total sales. This means local estab- centage of food sales, to continue serving ping outside for a cigarette. sidewalk. lishments with alcohol sales comprising wine and food outside. Benjamin Lloyd Morgan, Lenexa junior, can now take beverages Frank Reeb, city clerk, said the demand less than 45 percent of total sales will be For bars, the ordinance allows the con- said the ruling would improve the social for outside privileges began when the smok- able to let guests drink on the sidewalk. sumption of alcoholic beverages outside aspects of downtown nightlife. in plastic cups out of ing ban was implemented in July 2004. The The ordinance passed with a four-to- as long as at least six feet of unobstructed “I think it’s going to be awesome,” Morgan ban forced guests of bars and restaurants to one vote at the city commission meet- sidewalk is available for public use. said. “People want to be outside when they venues, onto sidewalks abandon their cocktails when they wanted ing. Despite that limitation, Jerry Neverve, go out, especially during the summer. It will a cigarette. Mike Amyx, city commissioner, said the owner of the Red Lyon Tavern on definitely make the social scene better.” Under the new ordinance, bars could rules established in the ordinance made Massachusetts Street, said he was pleased Neverve said he had already started BY JOE PREINER allow people to take their drinks outside sense, in light of the success Lawrence the city commission finally approved the Red Lyon’s application process required to [email protected] with them, as long as they were contained businesses and police had during March ordinance. obtain the license made available by the in plastic cups. Glasses and bottles would Madness last spring. After the tournament’s “I think it’s fabulous,” Neverve said. ordinance. Lawrence bar-goers will no longer have not be allowed outside at bars. semifinal and final people were allowed to “We’ve been trying to get this passed for The ordinance will be effective imme- to abandon or finish their drinks when Reeb said the ordinance provides a more dink alcohol outside as long as it was in a three years. It’ll just be better for us.” diately, but individual establishments must going outside for a cigarette. relaxed policy through lower regulations. plastic cup. Neverve said he anticipated guests who apply for the proper license to follow the According to an ordinance passed by He said it lowered the necessary food Amyx said the city would allow res- smoked would benefit the most from the new rules. the city commission Tuesday night, many and non-alcoholic sales percentage from taurants such as Teller’s on Massachusetts new plan. He said it would allow people to ATHLETICS Ryan McGeeney/KANSAN Members of the KU football team can now be viewed practicing on the newly-constructed practice field from the vantage of the Mississippi Street parking garage. The team has started practicing inside Memorial Stadium so onlookers can’t watch practice. Football team chooses to practice in Memorial Stadium for privacy New facilities next to the Mississippi Street parking garage afford fans a view that athletics staff don’t want them to have BY B.J. RAinS Fans can stand in the garage and get an that. about players’ injuries and other infor- has practiced almost exclusively inside [email protected] unobstructed view of the team while it is “Mississippi Street is a public street,” mation that Mangino could want to keep Memorial Stadium. practicing. The old fields were visible from Marchiony said. “We can’t throw someone private, like new variations to his offense, “I’m not concerned about that kind of In contrast to the football team’s old prac- some of the rooms in Oliver Hall and a off of a public street.” such as Kerry Meier showing up on the stuff,” Mangino said. “I’ve got more impor- tice fields, which were tucked behind Allen few other small locations, but not nearly During his tenure, only a few minutes of field as wide receiver last year. tant things to do.” Fieldhouse and Hoglund Ballpark, the new as many views were as clear as those of the practice each week were open to the media “Most of the practices have been in the Marchiony said that the whole situation fields were built next to the Mississippi new fields. and the team held only two open practices morning so I couldn’t go because of work,” had been “irritating” to both the football Street parking garage, where passing fans Campanile hill, the Kansas Union, for fans during training camp. Mark Hays, Overland Park senior, said. team and the Athletics Department. He can easily stop and watch practice. Mississippi Street and several other spots Mangino even told former running- “But my friends and I plan on watching also said that everybody was aware of the “There was no real concern expressed,” all offer a clear view of the fields. Many back Brandon McAnderson’s dad, Ramon some from the parking garage once school situation before the fields were built, and Jim Marchiony, associate athletics director, locations even allow onlookers to clearly McAnderson, that he couldn’t watch prac- starts. It’s pretty cool that we can watch that nobody should be surprised with the said of the new practice fields being posi- hear coaches’ instructions to the players. tice after Ramon had been watching with practice because my friends don’t even way things turned out. tioned in plain view from pedestrians. Coach Mark Mangino and his staff binoculars from the apartments that over- have tickets to the games so this will be a “It’s not keeping anybody awake at But now that the fields have been built had been asking onlookers to leave at the look the old fields. way for them to see them play.” night,” Marchiony said. and the team has begun practicing on beginning of August, but were informed Fans who watch practice on the new Because it won’t be allowed to keep them, officials’ opinions have changed. that they no longer would be able to do fields could post updates on the Internet people from watching practice, the team —Edited by Kelsey Hayes CaMPUS FINANCIAL AID Libraries improve Web site, Misdirected records destroyed in Dallas librarian accessibility The United States Department of tions to a college district in Dallas. The the department’s mistake when confused The KU Libraries made changes this talk to librarians through text messaging, Education made a coding error that Dallas district asked University students KU students indicated they did not want semester to improve library services and and a relocated circulation desk at Watson wrongly sent an unknown number of to first enroll in one of its eight colleges to to enroll in the Dallas district. make them more convenient. New online Library increases staff visibility. University students’ financial aid applica- receive financial aid. The district realized search tools enable users to search multiple databases simultaneously. Students can also FULL STORY PAGE 5A FULL STORY PAGE 3A index MILES OF weather Classifieds. 4B Opinion. 7A TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Crossword. 6A Sports. 1B MEMORIES Horoscopes. 6A Sudoku. 6A Billy Mills, former KU track star, won the 81 66 87 68 86 62 Scattered T-Storms gold in the ‘64 Olympics. SPORTS1B Scattered T-Storms Mostly Sunny All contents, unless stated otherwise, © 2008 The University Daily Kansan SPENCER RESEARCH LIBRARY — 2A NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2008 quote of the day Welcome toWildart college, freshmen on the record On August 20, the KU Public “A man is a success if he Safety Office reported that: gets up in the morning and On-On Aug. August 20, the 15, KU $6,059 Public gets to bed at night, and in Safetyworth Officeof cleaning reported items werethat: between he does what he removed— On Aug. from 16, the a womanStructural was wants to do.” shotBiology with Center. a BB from The an items airsoft riflewere nearlater Jayhawker returned toTowers. KU —Bob Dylan Policepolice. located the alleged shooter-On August and issued 16, ahim woman a notice fact of the day towas appear shot within court a BB after from he a soft admittedair rifle nearto firing Jayhawk the Towers.weapon. The increased electricity Police— On located Aug. 17,the a alleged male KU used by modern appliances studentshooter reportedand issued that him five a no - is causing a shift in the Earth’s malestice to offered appear into courthelp afterhim he magnetic field. By the year moveadmitted into to his firing dorm the room, weapon. 23272327, thethe NorthNorth PolePole willwill bebe then-On stole August $1,200 17, worth a male of KU located in mid-Kansas, while personalstudent reported electronics. that The five the South Pole will be just off victimwhite maleslater reported offered thatto help the the coast of East Africa. itemshim move had beeninto his delivered dorm room, to thethen wrong absconded room.
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