Kansas sweeps Western Illinois Low-budget film ‘Crash’es Oscars Despite a rainout and player replacements, the “Crash,” the best picture winner, was a shock Kansas baseball team performed impeccably in a night full of predictable winners. Philip well this past weekend during its home opener Seymour Hoffman and Reese Witherspoon took at Hoglund Ballpark. PAGE 1B home the top acting honors. PAGE 8A THE STUDENT VOICE SINCE 1904 VOL. 116 ISSUE 108 MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2006 WWW.KANSAN.COM t SAFETY t PARKING DEPARTMENT New lot will benefit students BY RACHEL PARKER the construction thus far. The plan is for the buses to Crossing
[email protected] “The only obstacle right loop Becker Drive, running kansan staff writer now might be weather since from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. on we’re on such a tight time- weekdays, but these plans The new Park and Ride lot line,” she said. haven’t been finalized yet. on West Campus has been The project, estimated at Shenk Complex, on the cor- poses under construction since Feb. $10.5 million, will provide ner of Iowa Street and Clin- 13, with University of Kansas spaces for 1,500 students, ton Parkway, borders where c o n t r a c t o r s while the the lot is being built. working six he project, estimated old lot at the The complex is part of the days a week at $10.5 million, will Lied Center land owned by Kansas Uni- safety to get the lot T accomodated versity Endowment Associa- open for use provide spaces for 1,500 only 800 per- tion, but used by the Student for Fall 2006.