This student guide belongs to Kyu Level Date of Promotion Yellow Belt (6th Kyu) Orange Belt (5th Kyu) Green Belt (4th Kyu) Purple Belt (3rd Kyu) Blue Belt (2nd Kyu) Brown Belt (1st Kyu) 1st Degree Black Belt (Shodan) 2nd Degree Black Belt (Nidan) 3rd Degree Black Belt (Sandan) 4th Degree Black Belt (Yondan) 5th Degree Black Belt (Godan) Dojo Address: Unit 140, 12811 Clarke Place, Richmond, BC Phone: 604.724.5278 Email:
[email protected] Website: Dojo Rules and Etiquette he student must constantly be guided by a deep respect for the dojo, other students, instructors and for the purpose of the practice. Good manners, politeness, courteous T behaviour, and a degree of etiquette are part of a student’s training, and important for safety and for developing a proper attitude toward the art. Rules Uniforms & Personal Hygiene The uniform consists of a plain white karate or judo-style gi with a belt and our dojo crest. Students, both men and women, are also required to wear groin protection for safety. An official dojo t-shirt may be worn without the gi top for the first half of class before breakfalls, after which the gi-top must be worn. Personal hygiene is essential as students work closely with others. Fingernails and toenails should be kept clean and trimmed. They should also be filed if cut soon before class as freshly cut nails can be quite sharp. Bodies should be clean and students should use antiperspirant or deodorant. Uniforms should be washed on a regular basis. Long hair must be tied back.