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TJ. S. WEATHER BUREAU, Jane 24 3Last Hours' Rainfall, trace SUGAR. 96 Degree Test Centrifugals, 4.36c. Ton, $37.20. Temperature. Max. 80; Min. 71. Weather, variable. 88 Aralysis Beets, lis lKd. per Ton, Ir$87.00. ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 1S56. VOL. XLVII., NO. 8056. TERRITORY, THURSDAY, HONOLULU, HAWAII JUNE 4, 1908. PRICE FIVE CENTS. AFTER JOHNSON sun THE COLLEGE OF THE TRAINING THE DELUGE RESIGNS JOB AGRICULTURE SHIP PICKS UP THE Supervisors Vote to Elect New Gilmore Will Be at Head-Mone- y -- No REGIMENT Man to Supervise Goes Back to CASTAWAYS Roads. Treasury. Resignation , of Col. Sam Will Be Followed by The Board of Supervisors met last It seems quite certain that Professor The Benjamin Constant Rescues Twenty Ship- night. Nothing important came up for Gilmore is the coming president of tne Others Unless His Influence Can Restrain discussion with the exception of the faculty of the college of Hawaii. The-matte-r wrecked Men on Wake Island and resignation of Road Supervisor Sam is quite cleared up by a pant-grap- h The Adjutant General. Johnson who goes to Hawaii to accept in a recent letter from Governor Takes Them to Yokohama. a position as outside manager of the Frear to, Acting Governor Mott-Smit- h Hawaiian Mahogany Company. in which he says that Messrs. Gartley The resignation was accepted and and Hosmer had met Professor Gil- more The departure of Colonel Samuel months ago, and it required all the re- many kind words were expressed in and that they approved of his (Associated Press Cablegrams.) Johnson for the Island of Hawaii is straining and constraining force that appointment. This practically settles appreciation of the good work of Col- RIO DE The Ben- likely to have a profound effect on the Governor Frear could bring to bear at the matter as the Board of Regents JANEIRO, June 4. Brazilian training ship - that time to prevent a of resig onel Johnson and the pleasant rela number acting under the recommendation j janiin Constant, en route from Honolulu to Yokohama; picked First Regiment of the National Guard. nations by some of the most effective tions which have existed between him of When Johnson, then a captain, be- officers in the regiment. and the board. President Seharman of Cornell Uni- up twenty smpwrecKea men on wake island. lieutenant-colon- Keen I Present were: Chairman Hustace, versity had tendered office pres- came first, el and then Colonel Johnston has nlwavs ft the of Supervisors Dwight. Harvey Cox, ident to Professor Gi'more through Wake island is one of the chain of sand islands eolonel, .the National Guard consisted rallykig influence in the regiment, and extending northwestward largely through bis energy, effort and Archer. Fern; Clerks Kalauokalani. the gentlemen above mentioned who from this greup. companies, Dep-dow- n of four practically skeleton influence the friction has been kept f Buffandeau, Aea. Col. S. Johnson, accompanied Governor Frear on his companies, barely able to muster enough to a minimum, and very heartv ut' County Attorney Milverton, Coun-wor- k visit to Washington. men to keep from being mustered out. for building up the regiment has ty Engineer Gere, D. Kalauokalani. W. Another important item from Gov j I Frazee, Chief Thurston, Tom ernor Frear's letter was to the effect regiment nine companies, been dene. Fire HEAVY LOSS LIFE IN Now the has j OF Among the company officers who felt Cummings, and representatives of the that the unexpended balance of tha all well .filled, ao the men turning out Press- - Federal appropriation would not have constrained to resign when it became , well to drills. The .following - bills were ordered to be turned back to the Federal known that Colonel Johnson would Treasury. place AN AUSTRALIAN TYPHOON Colonel John- to leave regiment of j paid: This will the financial With the departure of have the because resources college in a very new engagements to Leahi $ 125 00 of the sat son for Hawaii, he feels it necessary to the as employment Home isfactory condition as has been Im- he had were Captains County office rent 150 00 it 4. resign as Colonel, and his resignation entered into, possible to expend any very large per- VICTORIA, June A typhoon is reported from West Australia which Costa, Gorman, Angus and Neely. Waianae road district 234 50 centage caused the loss of forty pearl luggers and two hundred and seventy will undoubtedly be tendered to Acting .. 74 60 of the amount received last lives. Colonel Johnson has been urging them County Attorney April. Board of Regents, how- Mott-Smit- 278 25 The Governor h this morning. to remain for the sake of the regiment, ( Waianae road district ever, are taking advantage of the large There was, up to a few hours ago, and it is likely that he has succeeded. Electric Light Department .... 1080 56 amount on hand to purchase a very every likelihood that Colonel Johnson's It will be a very hard thing to fill Police and fire alarm system... , 69 25 complete library which will include all THE PLAGUE IN ECUADOR. resignation would be followed almost im-- . Sam, Johnson's place in the regiment. Ewa road district 95185 of the standard works on the approved by the resignations of at least Few men have fhe organizing quality County Auditor 10 25 mediately subjects. Between ten and twelve GUAYAQUIL, June 4. The plague epidemic is now under control. Sine four eaptains of companies. If these that he has, combined with the ability Koolaupoko road' district 1464 40 thousand dollars will be expended in forty-tw- resignations do not follow, it will be to infuse a spirit of emulation and an Hawaiian Band - 46 50 this way and the subjects covered are the eight of May there have been o new cases and nineteen deaths. because Colonel Johnson has used his esprit du corps. The conditions which Keepers of parks 29 50 as follows: Eighty patients have been cured, and there are now thirty-seve-n on the sus- personal influence to' prevent, and has have brought about the situation that Poundmaster 5 72 Schedule A 1. Agriculture: 2, Horti- pect list. 390 03 appeals to the esprit du corps of the has existed for some time and which Koolaupoko road district . 3. Forestry; 4, Agronomy; 5, ; -- : hy culture: t- . ' National Guard induced them to re- Colonel Johnson's influence bridged County Clerk: 30 20 Animal husbandry; 6, Dairying; 7, main. over will make it the harder for a new (Continued on Page Two.) (Continued on Pag Four.) The trouble is one of old standing, man to step in and keep the regiment SOCIALISTS IN THE DIET. and widely known. Though it has never up to its present efficiency. At this publicly stated, it is known time, when it is the desire of the War PARIS,. June 4. Five Socialists have been elected to the Prussian Diet very gen- Department to build up the National rbeen the regiment and PEARL HARBOR CONFERENCE first time In history of body. among the public. There has Guard here, it will require, hard work' for the the that erally - l.een constant friction between Adjutant-- on the part of Governor irear to meet General Jones and the field and the . exigencies that have been thrust IN BRECKONS', OFFICE TODAY line officers of the regiment. This upon him in the matter of the First INTERNATIONAL PENNY POSTAGE. friction reached an acute stage some Regiment. There will be a conference this the representatives of the navy will LONDON, June 4. Penny postage between Great Britain and America will im- morning at the office of United States have the freest hand and the least be instituted October l. ..' ; - AND SICK IN pediments in making their surveys and DESTITUTE District Attorney Breckons between Mr. gathering their data, the least unnec- Breekons, Civil Engineer Parks of the essary destruction of growing crops will A Navy Department, and the representa- ensue. STRIKING STUDENTS. THE MIDST OF "RICH assistan- tives of the Honolulu Plantation, in re- Civil Engineer Parks and his t-G. S. with Captain Corwia gard to the surveys of the land owned Burrell, VIENNA, June 4. Twenty thousands students are out on a strike. CITY P. Rees, the commandant of the naval AND HEALTHFUL by the Navy Department at Pearl Har- station, went down to Pearl Harbor bor. This land is now covered with yesterday morning by the Iroquois. FLOODS IN MONTANA. fields of cane belonging to the Hono- They returned during the afternoon. BUTTE, Montana, June 4. Railway service here Is demoralized by a flood. thor- lulu Plantation under a license from The object of the trip was more . , and crying for something j . Army workers have in Chinatown Navy Department to oughly to engineers The Salvation to eat, and foraging by day for man- the cultivate the familiarize the in is-f- pur- them BIG STORM LOSS. found a case of very real distress goes and decayed bananas, is not like- land. The conference the with the location there and aid so of-the- ir work. 4. a wretched home on a lane back of the ly to get well. And the children are pose of arranging things that while in determining theplan VERNE, Pennsylvania, June A storm here has caused the loss of half Chinese Joss House on King street. likely to fall sick. million dollars. Do-min- ici make a strong Rican named Lorenzo Such cases as these t r A Porto plea for a Children's Hospital. and his Portuguese wife and ADMITTED TO PRACTICE THE PRESIDENT THROWN.