Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 SEE ALL Toronto Street News EDITIONS 7-10 here // Volume 11

FALL recent News // SUMMER Issue /SPRING ISSUE 2009

In September 2009, many of the aboriginal people in the remote west coast village of Ahousaht were innoculated with the tamiflu vaccine. Within weeks, over a hundred of them got sick, and the November 2009 sickness is spreading.

In the same week, body bags were sent to similarly remote URGENT cramnote native reserves in northern Manitoba that also received the tamiflu vaccine.

You must have this information before they On the face of things, it appears that flu vaccinations are causing a take down the website. You MUST go to sickness that is being deliberately aimed at aboriginal people across Canada, and this sickness will be fatal: a fact acknowledged by the Canadian government by their “routine” sending of body ml. Crucial, soul saving information. bags to these Indian villages.

Before you express your shock and denial at the idea that people are 11 07 09 Watch out CANADA, being racially targeted and killed, remember that murdering Indians with vaccinations is not a during January and February 2010, after a toxic, sugar, alcohol ( low oxygen state), stressful Christmas and then global new or abnormal thing in Canada. Indeed, it’s how we Europeans “won the land”, and it’s one of the ways we keep it. reunion at the OLYMPICS.

Knowing this history, it’s not surprising when Indians on isolated Native American History Canadian reserves start sickening and dying en masse from sudden illnesses, after receiving flu shots. After all, it’s still the law in Canada, under the apartheid Indian Act, that no on- The Mask Slips, for Those with Eyes to reserve Indian can refuse medical treatments or experimentation. So it’s small wonder that these reserves are the See: Preparing for the Real Pandemic by places being targeted first to be injected with untested, unsafe Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div. and potentially lethal flu vaccines. with- As an entire race of involuntary test subjects, eyes- Indians in to- Canada are a weather vane for what will befall see- all of us, and very soon. For the very techniques and weapons of genocide perfected against aboriginal people are now being deployed against “mainstream” Canadians.

I believe that the real pandemic is about to be unleashed through the very vaccines being pushed by governments and pharmaceutical giants like Novartis and Glaxo Smith Kline. The shots will be the cause, not the cure, of the pandemic.

Of course, those in power can disprove this by simply being the first people to take the swine flu shot: an event about as likely as these companies forgoing the multi-billion dollar profits they will reap from the mass vaccinations.

It’s indeed ironic that, very soon, many “white” preparing-for-the-real-pandemic/September 19, 2009 Canadians may be suffering the same fate that aboriginal people have for centuries. Perhaps it’s fitting. For if we are indeed being targeted for extermination, or at the least 1 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 martial law and dictatorship, we finally can have the 4. Solder all bare wire and cover with electrical chance to shed our complicity in the genocide tape. Wrap all 3 battery holder clips of other people, and get on the right side of together using electrical tape to prevent humanity - simply by having to fight the system that damage and short circuiting. is causing mass murder. 5. Test with a voltmeter to see if 27V of DC with-eyes-to-see-preparing-for-the-real-pandemic/ current flows thru the generator after connecting 3 9v batteries.

( car batteries and booster cables can be substituted for the Colloidal Silver, Gold and Titanium above. Also pure silver, gold coins will work) Kills Bacteria, Viruses and Fungus Gold has a higher frequency then silver, while the frequency of titanium is higher than gold. Nothing on planet OLEE H20™© ( Oxygen Living Earth in microbe form can survive the frequencies of Essential Elements) By colloidal titanium and colloidal gold, while colloidal silver will destroy nearly all of them. 6. Use 2 Pure silver wires for electrodes. We accept Barter Wrap pure gold and pure titanium wire and Trade around the silver wire. Attach it to the locally. positive electrode. 7. The 3 wired Colloidal + IONS will flow from the Positive electrode to the negative electrode. 8. Clip on 3 9v batteries. Test on voltmeter to see if it reads 27V. 9. Use reverse osmosis water (or distilled) if available. CLEANEST water is KEY! Colloidal Silver Homemade Generator Kit - HOW TO Ideally, purchase an RO ASSEMBLE your own generator system that connects to your kitchen tap. ( Some systems 1. Take 3 9v battery holders and solder them have UV light) together in series ( + to –) to (+ to –) to (+ 10. Put water in a large clear to -) glass jar. 2. Attach the red + end of battery holder to 11. Laser Light test the water. insulated wire (like phone cable) and to red If the laser shines thru the (+) battery clip water without creating a 3. Attach the streak, then the water is PURE with no particulates. black ( - ) end of battery holder to Now you can make OLEE H20™© insulated wire– end to 1. Attach the silver wires onto the neg and pos black (-) alligator clips. On the RED clip (+ positive), battery clip. wrap the gold and titanium wire around the silver wire.

2 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 2. Suspend the wires in the water ( glass jar), See videos at for demonstrations and keeping them apart with a clip or ruler ( at other details/products. [email protected] for any questions or least one inch). DO not get the alligator clips concerns. Blessings and MUCH Health and Happiness to all of wet. ONLY THE WIRES are in the water. you. Dana Horochowski 3. Put the glass jar with the generator in a dark place. Medical applications of Colloidal Silver 4. Check the colloidal concentration with a laser light to see if you get a cloudy streak Acne,Dandruff, Lyme Disease,Septic conditions (of eyes, ears, mouth now. (check light beam density every hour). & throat), AIDS, Dermatitis, Lymphagitis, Septicemia, Allergies, Diabetes, Malaria, Shingles, Appendicitis, Diphtheria, Meningitis, Skin 5. More ppm concentration in water, longer it cancer, Arthritis, Dysentery, Moles, Skin rashes, Athlete’s Foot, Ear takes. (about l litre / 1 hour is ideal). infections, Neurasthenia, Sore Throat, Bacteria, all forms, Ebola, 6. The ppm (parts per million) will increase to a Parasitic infections, Staph infections, Bladder infection, Eczema, Pavo virus, point, where eventually you will get too much Stomach flu, Bleeding gums, Encephalitis, Plant viruses & fungi, colloids and it will start to settle out as a Stomach ulcer, Blepharitis, Fibrositis, Pleurisy, Strep infection, Blood precipitate. Parasites, Flu, Pneumonia (viral, fungal & bacterial), Syphilis, Blood poisoning, Furunculosis, Prostate, Thrush (yeast infection), Boils, 7. Your solution should still look Gastritis, Pruritis, Thyroid Bubonic Plague, Gingivitis, Psoriasis, clear, like pure water. The Tonsillitis, Burns, Gonorrhea, Purulent Ophthalmia, Tooth decay (neutralize), Cancer, Halitosis, Pyorrhea, Toxemia, Candida, (yeast only difference is the cloudy infection), Hay Fever, Quinsy, Trachoma, Canine parovirus, beam of particulates by Hemorrhoids, Rheumatism, Trench foot, Canker Sore, Hepatitis, LASER light testing. Rhinitis, Tuberculosis, Chilblains, Herpes, Ringworm, Ulcerated Stomach, (ulcers), Cholera, Impetigo, Rosacea, Venereal diseases, Chronic fatigue, Indigestion, SARS Virus, all forms, Colds, Keratitis, 8. Store in a dark place in a clear container. Scabies, Warts, Colitis, Leprosy, Scarlet Fever (opaque/non-reactive). A glass jar or a milk West Nile Virus, Conjunctivitis, Leukemia, Scarletina, Whooping jug works fine if stored in a dark place. Brown Cough, Cystitis, Lupus, Seborrhea, Yeast infection. glass bottles are most ideal. Edited from-The Bellringer Writings -- The Phoenix Journal/Contact Newspaper Archive site is at -- Ozonate water with UV light or ozonator (This publication is to add more oxygen content. Luciferian, so be careful of RA and his LEGIONS/ Religion) I make herbal teas with my OLEE H20™© and drink it freely, about 3 glasses/day. NEVER worry about Vaccine Pandemic Genocide Videos and turning blue, like the medical cartel wants you to believe. Solutions to the Genocide Playlist

I also sun tan without sunscreen. The UV light heals your body Prevention and a healthy lifestyle with whole and also produces vit D. I am NOT BLUE and drinking OLEE foods, clean water/air and exercise is Key. H20™© for years/daily. Oxygenation and positive frequency solutions My cats prefer to drink OLEE H20™© and have noticed more like colloidal silver, Oxygenation of the Skin, by energy and weight normalcy in the older soaking in oxygen bleach or hydrogen peroxide cat, after I put her on (h2o2) in the nose and ears. OLEE H20™©. Drinking water with 32% food grade h2o2 (32% Candida is a fungus h2o2 for sprouting seeds has been removed from many health stores that is a culprit for to keep you toxic). bloating, fatigue and weight gain. UV light to ozone (O3) to h2o2 is how it is made in water. Aquarium Fish stores will have this light Titanium and Gold fused quartz crystals in RO water can also system to clean their tanks. Ozonators are at help to stabilize and purify water. 3 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Make a zapper (+ DC current deactivates viruses and other,, negative microbes) or purchase one at, Colloidal, Silver Gold Titanium Water OLEE H2O ( Oxygen, Living Essential Elements Water) demonstration with Silver Pulsar first and showing survival components such as Oxygen Home Made Colloidal Generator The red (+) connection to the silver is where the atoms are Bleach, ripped off the silver and suspended as a positive charge +. The virus in the DNA is a negative Gold plated or Titanium Plated quartz crystals which charge (-). The Higher the VOLTAGE, the smaller the + ions, rebalance the water. Herbal teas, back to ways of thus allowing for ready transmission to all cell organelles. Mother Earth, Survival with going local and global thru barter and trade. The DNA is Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains, the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning, of all known living organisms and some viruses., for gold quartz crystals, Adding the ozone ( O3) with the (+) positive charged , colloidal silver water colloid, places a (+) positive charge wire global company see, on the water and throughout the blood after you drink the colloidal silver ozone mix. The (+)ozone and (+)silver are combined to pass into the DNA via the RNA wall of the cell, killing the Jrgenius com OLEE H2O Water and Dream anaerobic virus in the DNA, thus restoring the DNA to normal and Cream Pt 2 OLEE H2O Colloidal Silver Gold the cell recovers. Titanium Water and Dream Creams, fun at home with cold pressed oil This will kill the swine flu or bird flu virus. The like extra virgin olive oil to make home creams. UN or USA will soon spread the Spanish Flu, Beeswax and coconut oil to make chapsticks, which is much worse and more deadly. It killed 55 million aromatherapy and water ( Olee water) for your own after WW1 when soldiers were vaccinated and took the virus in their blood back to their home nations then it broke out. perfumes. Need to redo video since cut off early.

The EVIL Vatican/British controlled governments and MEDIA WHORES are promoting the inoculation of the innocent masses with the live, deadly, triple viral, Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Healing Diet & toxic, adjuvant laced vaccine, that carries a Protocol- CANCER IS EASILY MICROCHIP which can demonically possess you ( CURABLE, the treatment is dietary/lifestyle, the response is immediate; the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable; the precise biochemical BUY PURE TITANIUM WIRE, since NO VIRUS breakdown point was identified by her in 1951 Survives this frequency. It is also MUCH CHEAPER than gold wire. see Reptilian Dracos cannot handle the frequency vibration of titanium also. Hopefully it will Dr. William Koch - The Koch Treatment help take them DOWN! Alex Collier states that UV light will deactivate Microchips, but this CHIP (Mark of the BEAST) is Dr.Koch’s main research area seems to have been in the oxidization different, says Shriner. process of the body. He hypothezied that the poor oxidization in the body was the cause of illness. He developed a way to increase this process. Jr Genius- About Colloidal Silver pdf or And here we are today. A re discovery, in mind, of what he did. He doc // See other free lessons here and Cure All was of course prosecuted heavily, by the Powers that Be, and his Disease discovery was buried, just like many others that dared to introduce healing methods that could jeopardize the money greased wheels of BigPharma. Colloidal Silver Gold Titanium Water OLEE H2O pt 1 // Jrgenius com OLEE H2O Water and Dream Cream Pt 2 4 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 11 05 09 WAKE UP CANADA... War Scrolls Essenes Prophecy Playlist 11 04 09 Your government is currently KILLING YOU! Alien Wars Coming November 04, 2009 Pt 1 Shame on Dr Arlene King Ont. Chief

Medical Officer and Dr Vivek Goel for David Wilcock let me down after Oct 2009 audio blog. Getting a lot of pushing the deadly H1N1 vaccine on hate mail due to his RA, alien alliances. Ra is the sun god ( Lucifer) See Terra Papers on and CANADIANS. "GET IMMUNIZED NOW to, . Good to learn reading with this ebook by Robert Morning Sky. Origins of Humanity avoid Hospitalization and DEATH, " she and EARTH by a star elder ET point of view. LIED. Terra Papers- EA/Enki is the creator and also the snake in the Garden of Eden. Sirian Dog (goD) star alliance and Orion Snake Queens. ENLIL You have Betrayed humanity for the sake of is Yahweh (made covenant with the iburus-Hebrews). Ra controlled your GREED for Money and Prestige. Earth with ISIS after EA and Enlil took off from Earth. LIEING NAZI DOCTORS for the Medical EA took off to Pleiades and ENLIL to the palace near ninth passage DEATH CARTEL! way. Sheti Lizards ( stone masons), kicked out RA and kept up business as usual. Ramen are the ROMANS. Vaticans are the NEW AGE pushers of RA and the ASS-ended masters. Wilcock is calling OBAMA Another criminal faction poisons our skies, nice guy? Vaccinating and unleashing deadly viruses does not make OBAMA a good guy. food and environment with viruses and Isis in NOT Venus other toxins, while they spread more lies Columba, Lady Liberty. Isis has black hair. thru their SATANIC MEDIA Cartels.. YOUR Osiris/Ra has a falcon head. Obama is the ILLEGAL TAX DOLLARS fund the whole reincarnation for GENOCIDE. Akhenaton a pharaoh. Japan bringing dragons in. Rocky Mountain Oh...they want your guns too, so make sure you Mystery School also in Japan with Benjamin Fulford. Dragons eat have them registered... NOT people. Alien wars are coming. OLEE H20- Colloidal Silver Gold Gun shooting going on in TEXAS military Titanium Water, Hydrogen Peroxide, Vit C, base. FEAR>>FEAR >>FEAR. D, Orgone. LOCKDOWN and 1000's of soldiers on that base. HERE COMES THE DRAMA NEIGHBOURS. Lots of 11's this month...Illuminati THANK YOU ALEX for confirming number. 11th month and 2009=11 my LAST POST as CORRECT! I DO NOT agree with Rare - Contactee Alex Collier - MUST SEE! // everything that David Wilcock is ALEX COLLIER at the Project Camelot Awake presenting. He has lost some serious and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009 credibility,as of lately. He is setting us up for the ALIEN Agenda ( NESARA), now that we have gained his trust. Channeling RA 5 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 was one thing, but taking RA's WORD as truth makes me want to Since bible believing Christians know about REVELATIONS, scream in frustration from the highest mountain. many will be exterminated by the ANTICHRIST (posing as RA with ISIS/Ishtar (whore of Babylon). -That is my conclusion. Should another twist enter the scene, I will keep you posted. Dana ox YES, we will see the ASS-ended MASTERS on TEEVEE soon. Who will be welcoming them to PLANET EARTH? David Wilcock and BARACK OBAMA. VATICAN's NEW AGE LUCIFERIAN DECEPTION is going to be PLAYED OUT. They are the RA-men NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. This alien ANTICHRIST ( Romens). after-all. Lots of Disinfo Wolves among the SHEEPLE. They will damn many souls to HELL in the process. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! agenda is thousands of years old in bible prophecy. You have been warned!

See I David Wilcock's October Blog here. ALIEN WARS COMING. See Shape of Things to Come. agree with some of what he says. Other stuff he throws in- Japan is predicted to befriend the DRAGON race. ( Reptilian DANGEROUSLY Poisons the POT. That is a Dracos- see Alex Collier videos PROBLEM. HIS Channeling of RA also sends and notes in October 16 to 31 09. ( Vatican and British EMPIRE). out HUGE RED FLAGS. I don't trust the FALLEN ANGEL from VENUS. HE is a LIAR. Also, I see the agenda -Benjamin Fulford in that Wilcock is being sucked into now. We had his trust, now he October's Jeff Rense was is bringing in the warning about a FAKE ALIEN Arsenic. invasion coming from Hollywood, later in 2009. His praises (NESARA?). He too is a NWO OBAMA as a False Prophet. Fulford then bribed the American People by good guy saying that they were owed about NOW. $10 million each. Beast OBAMA is Bribe AGAIN for the posing as Vatican WORLD Pharoah DOLLAR BULLCRAP. Just another side of the ALIEN wars for Akhenaton PLAN-ET EARTH. Benjamin Fulford on Rense - October 28, 2009 Part from the Cult 1-4 of ATON/ Amun RA/ RA/Marduk/Lucifer/Apollo. THIS IS THE Dark Rocky Mountain Mystery Side of the SUN! ( See Michael Tsarion at School head office is in Sad day for David Wilcock JAPAN. They await the and his believers. DRAGONS with excitement. here/latest-news/507-ifc-hear-david-on-c2c-audioblog Gudni teaches that THEY ARE OUR PARENTS. (Parents should not Shame on DAVID WILCOCK! Look for ISIS/ISHTAR eat their own not far behind these goons of Armageddon. Inconsistant CHILDREN). teachings with ISIS. He mentioned in one video that she was the fake Luciferian Goddess. Now..he is saying she is Lady Liberty. NO NO NO....wrong! We are headed for a Serious CLEANSE of ISIS/ISHTAR/LILITH has BLACK HAIR. ISIS Innocent Human Life. and RA changed the HISTORY books to make RA the Supreme sun gOD. Terra Papers The POWERS that BE are pushing vaccinations for a PANDEMIC that was engineered by THEM. VENUS COLUMBA is strawberry BLONDE like They want to depopulate. You will see HUGE loss Selene/Diana Lucifera/ of life in CANADA due to the NEW, more LUNA/Magdalene/Inanna. American Founding deadlier VIRUS that will be unleashed on the fathers accepted the statue of population in January and February 2010. This will LADY LIBERTY from FRANCE. target the OLYMPICS and OUR ECONOMY. Give us a

6 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 SOLUTION ALREADY! Cure All Disease. More on Heroic or FRIENDLY Reptiles appear in media and this later. children's stories. eg. Barney, Ninja Turtles.

SIRIANS Has Baxter Released A BioWeapon In Ukraine? ( ENLIL/Yahweh November 3, 2009 faction) are the Evidence appears to suggest that Baxter original creators of International may be responsible for a new deadly Religion used to outbreak of viral pneumonia in Ukraine. control mankind. Their Inquisitions, Terra Papers ( most credible source in my opinion). Papal Wars, Miracle sightings, numerous There is currently a battle for EARTH and MAN! Messiahs are all efforts to bring man back into their MAN and EARTH are surrounded by an folds. ELECTRONIC BLANKET, that prevents contact with the ET's. -EA's angels were assigned their own domain by Different crop circle formations are from different the CHURCH of ET YAHWEH/ENLIL. Starships CONTACT full of Heroic saviours are everywhere. attempts. TP 1 pg 49 10th-tablet.html -Orion ( Ary- ans) have snake like, -Downed starships are labelled as comets and fallen asteroids by the insect or bug REPTILIAN controlled MEDIA. like crop circles. ( most credible to me so far) - Sirians Terra Papers 1 pg 53 , ( ENLIL states that UFO's and ET's are faction) SELF SERVING. If man will not resemble ancient serve, then they will be expendable. Egyptian glyphs. WE HAVE ANOTHER Celtic crosses OPTION-since we are created and other cross formations to contact the Sirian guerillas to let them know that they are not forgotten. with the ROYAL BLOOD of ANU ( EA/ENKI was our creator and we have his DNA), - RA crop circles are football shaped to resemble the mouth then we HUMANS can CLAIM the of lord RA or a circle with a dot in the center ( sun god RA). THRONE of ERIDU (EARTH). (Marduk/Isis Ishtar). -EA wanted man to have FREE WILL. As long as - EA ( from Pleiades) signals to the beast MAN accepts OVERLORDS and GODS, then he ( humanity) to HOLD ON, using mathematical accepts the existence of Servitude. When MAN formations ( triangles, fibonacci sequence, mandelbrot). He has remembers that his THRONE was taken away, and not forgotten about his RENEGADE experiment. looks to himself as his own OVERLORD and GOD, then and only then will he be free of ET's and Orion ( Ary-ans) tried to destroy the rebel reptilians that Gods. control the Illuminati blood lines and HUMANITY. The White Brotherhood, Neo Nazi's and the Adolf Hilter movement are examples some of their attempts to take back the SOLAR SYSTEM.

7 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 YOU are the MASTER of your OWN DESTINY...if you can remember the TRUTH.

NESARA, Holy Grail, Crop Circles, Aliens November 04, 2009 Pt 2 Mary Magdalene's exile is related in the book of The Revelation, Alien Wars, Economic Collapse, Dragons, Book of Revelations, Whore which describes that she was pregnant at the time. It tells also of of Babylon, Woman (Magdalene) and the Man Child (Barrabas- Bar how the Roman authorities subsequently persecuted Mary, her Rabbi), IESU ( Jesus) married to Magdalene, See Terra Papers 2 son and his heirs: 'And she, being with child, cried and pained to be, delivered. And behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads for readers, Aliens brought in by and seven crowns stood before the woman for to devour her Obama ( Arab) with Maitreya, Sananda ( fake Jesus), child. And she brought forth a man-child. And the woman fled ENLIL faction Yahweh), NESARA, Sanat ( Satan into the wilderness. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and Kumara) also called Christ Michael, Big Cheese for NESARA ASS- went to make war forever with the remnant of her seed - which have ENDED masters. the testimony of Jesus Crop Circles EA/Enki faction are the Pleiadians with Math formations , Christ'. wants man to be free, Sirian ENLIL faction has crosses crop circles and religion/egyptian, Orion Snake Queens bug like crop circles- Aryans, It was to Gaul that Mary Ra football crop circles or circle with dot, was said to have carried IESU and Magdalene unites the tribes of two star systems, Sirius and the Sangréal (the Blood Orion with the Holy Grail bloodline. The Fisher Kings and the Avalon Royal: the Holy Grail), Queens. Ra-men/Romens changed the storyline and made Magdalene and it was in Gaul that the a whore and mother Mary a virgin. ( Anne conceived Mary famous line of Jesus and immaculately) so the LIE goes. Adam and Eve are Iesu and Mary's immediate Magdalene. See Nov 4 descendant heirs, the for detailed story. Fisher Kings, flourished for 300 years. The eternal Laurence Gardiner tells another story from the Illuminati point of view motto of the Fisher Kings ( reptilian bloodline). was 'In Strength' - inspired by the name of their ancestor, Boaz (the great-grandfather of King David), whose name similarly meant 'In Strength'. When *** translated into Latin, this became In Fortis, which was subsequently corrupted to Anfortas, the name of the key Fisher King in Grail romance. There are deceptions/omissions in everyones work. Only consistent, Objective Research allows an individual to Also from the Fisher Kings came another important parallel line of draw such conclusions. Each of YOU MUST come to succession in Gaul. Whereas the Merovingian Kings continued the your own conclusions. patrilinear heritage of Jesus, this other line perpetuated the matrilinear heritage of Mary Magdalene. They were the dynastic Queens of Avallon in Burgundy: the House del Acqs - meaning 'of SOMETHING SERIOUS is coming down SOON. I the waters', a style granted to Mary Magdalene in the early days will discuss the Shape of Things to COME, Terra when she voyaged on the sea to Provence. Papers 1 and 2 in more detail this week. See free lessons here for audios and videos as I build on the info. My intention is to Those familiar with Arthurian and Grail lore will by now have create independent thinkers, so that we can get to the recognised the ultimate significance of this Messianic family: TRUTH of the MATTER. the Fisher Kings, the Queens of Avallon and the House del Acqs (corrupted in Arthurian romance to du Lac). I AM A TRUTH SEEKER. This means "Chew the hay and spit out the Straw." This means that I have to look for truth in a mountain of disinformation at times. I welcome other truther contributions. We cannot trust everything we are told. That is why we need to create FORUMS FOR TRUTH. We all hold a piece of the TRUTH. I can only research what has been presented. It is like piecing a puzzle together. It will all make sense once the puzzle is complete.

8 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 The descendant heirs of Jesus posed an enormous threat to the Roman When formally instituting Christianity as the State religion of Rome, High Church because they were the dynastic leaders of the true Constantine declared that he alone was the true Saviour Nazarene Church. In real terms, the Roman Church should never Messiah - not Jesus! As for the of Rome (the popes), have existed at all, for it was no more than a strategically designed they were granted a fabricated Apostolic descent from St Peter, hybrid movement comprised of various pagan doctrines attached since the legitimate Messianic descent from Jesus and his brothers to a was retained within the parallel Nazarene Church. fundamentally Judaeo- Christian base. The only way for the Roman Church to restrain the heirs of Mary Magdalene was to discredit Mary herself and to deny her bridal relationship with Jesus. But what of Jesus's brother James? He too had heirs, as did their other brothers, Simon, Joses and Jude. For all its effort to forge a new scriptural history, the Church could not escape the Gospels, which state quite clearly that Jesus was the Blessed Mary's 'firstborn son', and so Mary's own motherhood also had to be repressed.

As a result, the bishops portrayed Mother Mary as a virgin and Mary Magdalene as a whore - neither of which description was mentioned in any original Gospel. Then, just to cement Mother Mary's position outside the natural domain, her own mother, Anna, was eventually said to have borne her Jesus was born in 7 BC and daughter by way of immaculate his birthday was on the conception! equivalent of 1 March, with an official royal birthday on 15 September to comply with dynastic regulation and the month of Atonement. But, when establishing the Roman Church in the 4th century, Emperor Constantine ignored both of these dates and supplemented 25 December as the new Christ's Mass Day - to coincide with the pagan Sun Festival with which his Imperial subjects were familiar. Later, at the Synod of Whitby held in England in 664, the bishops also expropriated the Celtic festival of Easter (Eostre), the Goddess of See also TERRA PAPERS 2, which are most LOGICAL and Spring and Fertility, and attached a wholly new Christian from a Star Elder, not a concocted SECRET SOCIETY FUNDED significance by aligning it with the Resurrection of Jesus. In so HIStory book. doing, they actually changed the date of the old festival to sever its traditional association with the Jewish Passover. (Magdalene and family travelled to France with Joseph Hence, today's two main Christian festivals (Christmas and Easter) of Arimathea, after the are spurious Roman inventions and, historically, they have crucifixion of her husband IESU. nothing whatever to do with Jesus. Christianity, as we know it, Joseph prepared a concoction to has evolved as a composite religion quite unlike any other. If prevent his death on the cross Jesus was its living catalyst, then Christianity should rightly be and placed IESU in his tomb. ) based on the teachings of Jesus himself - the moral and social codes of a fair-minded, tolerant ministry, with the people as its benefactors. But orthodox Christianity ('churchianity') is not REVELATIONS HERE based on the teachings of Jesus: it centres upon the teachings WE COME. TOO BAD! of the bishops, which are entirely different. Magdalene (LUCIFERA) will show up with the DIVINE CHILD There are a number of reasons for this, the foremost of which is that (now The "WOMAN and MAN- Jesus was deliberately sidestepped in favour of the alternative CHILD") to unite the true teachings of Peter and Paul: teachings which were thoroughly CHURCH denounced by the Nazarene Church of Jesus and his brother James - as BRIDE. teachings which the Nazarenes called 'the faith of fools'. -This will fulfill prophecy and unite the two tribes of the ARY-AN Orion Snake Queens and Only by removing Jesus from the Sirian DOG Star ANU Bloodlineof ENLIL.- the front-line could the popes and cardinals reign supreme. 9 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 - IESU/ YESHUA (YAHUSHUA)(Sirian) and Magdalene (Aryan/Orion), both ESSENES had children (the Eldest Barrabas aka Bar-RABBI). He will UNITE the tribes.

-I would think that PLANET X has IESU and the rest of the gang ( CHRIST's RETURN). Since there is so much disinfo about PLANET X/Niburu (where we get Iburu=Hebrews), my conclusion is that GOOD RIDDANCE- NEW PEGGY KANE is correct in saying that PLANET X is our Prison Break. HELP is on the WAY. see jrgenius channel playlist. WORLD ORDER.

Once known as ADAM and EVE, IESU and Magdalene (as the BRIDE) will bring in TWIN FLAME reunions, the New EDEN Paradigm, Christ Consciousness and close the Loop on the Circle of LIFE. HELLO Sovereign Holy Grail, EA/ENKI WAMPUM Solutions November 04, 2009 Pt CANADA! 3 Welcome to the Republic of Canada; A Magdalene, Iesu birthday Mar 1, Enlil is Yahweh, EASTER= Ishtar, Lucifera, Isis/Ra rewrote everything, Peggy Kane, Planet x carries our Proposed Iesu, Alien war, Left over, Sons of Light WIN in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Declaration of Tsarion, Morning Sky. David Wilcock disappointed in him. Fisher Kings, Avalon Kings, King Arthur Tales have been changed, Isis/ Ra or Independence reptilians changed everything. Vatican are the RA men, sun worshippers, British Empire, Queen is reptilian. Canada, French, Britain, Argentina going free first. Much drama before this according to OwenSoundsOff the SHAPE of THINGs to COME, with economic collapse, and the deadliest pandemic to hit during January, February 2010 Olympics, Nov 4 for details and for audio on the Shape of Things to Come in detail. Love is the answer, carnivorous humans need to change, Good ET’s are Pleiadians, Arcturian, Andromedans, HDTV will hypnotize you into a robotic state, chemtrails may light up skies. Pleiadians and EA/ENKI on our side. Humans need to look to himself for MASTERY. Enlil faction religion creation, Orion are the Aryans, Crop Circles, Colloidal Silver, Gold, Titanium to deactivate vaccines and adjuvants videos to follow. Mass unemployment especially with males, way., online trading on a WORLD WAMPUM.

Torontostreetnews Oct 16 to 31 2009 // Michael Franti: Hey World (Don't Give Up)

10 31 2009 NEW Declaration of Independence for Canada. See you in the Freedom Movement!

PRAY for AmeriKa. Get those guns ready neighbours. You are going to have some drama. ox D 10 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 “We The People Of Canada” Stand Commander in Chief of the three branches of full today truly Strong and Free as time military will be Canada’s Prime Minister with the electoral oversight of both the elected Federal -freeto seekitsown destinywithout aRepublic Parliament and Senate. Any act of foreign aggression foreign interference.United asCanadianswe or intervention by our military must be in full officially andpeacefully cease to compliance of our New Constitution, Parliament accepttheQueen of Englandnor herheirs / Senate Majority Support and People’s andsuccessorsas theExecutive Power of Referendum. Canada’s full time military must be Canada. TheGovernor Generalof Canada’s Federal dedicated to the sovereignty of our nation and Parliament and likewisetheLieutenant Governorsof the national defence of our land and each respective Province of Canadaare waterways. Each Province will draft its own herebypermanentlyrelieved of Constitution and at that point will have the theirdutiesasagents of the Monarchyin our authority to form its own militia, Air Force and legislatures,your positionsas of todayno longer Naval Reserve. (Current militia units will come exist.Your Positions under provincial jurisdiction respectively) Military will be replaced by connection, agreement and or treaty under the four publicly elected Security and Prosperity Partnership, NATO, UN, officials for NORAD and Civil Assistance Plan will cease as eachlegislature that of today. Canada must maintain a peaceful are publicly elected existence but at the same time adequately guard as“People’s herself from all enemies foreign and domestic. Protectors”of the“New All treaties, conventions, declarations and Constitution”and“ New Bill agreements that Canada has with the United ofRights”which will soon be promulgated to replace Nations and its affiliates no longer are valid as the originaldocuments of the same name. Each of today. International/ Foreign Relations in all Parliament of Canada will have a publiclyelected affairs will be negotiated and voted by majority Senate with two elected “People’s Protectors” with through a fully (New) constitutionally compliant two elected officialsof the same title in each Federal respective Parliament in Canada. Parliament and TheNewConstitutionwill be thefoundation of our Senate. Foreign nationlaying outall responsibilities of Policy and governmentandlimiting their International powerwhileensuring the protection ofthe Treaties will be freedom and health of all subject to Canadians.ConstitutionalProtectorswill ensureall People’s lawsandpoliciesareconstitutionally compliant. Referendum upon popular The Commander in Chief of the Canadian Army, public request to their respective elected Navy and Air Members of Federal Parliament and or Federal Senate. Foreign Diplomats and other non-elected force will no officials will explicitly not be able to implement longer be official rules, laws or policy that effects Canadians. the Queen of England Canada’s listing as a Privately Traded nor her heirs or Corporation with US Security and successors. As of Exchange Commission along with the today the

11 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 provinces will no longer be valid, we will no All issuance of monetary longer honour that contract as of today. currency in Canada will as of today will be maintained The Security and Prosperity Partnership, NAFTA and TILMA are no longer valid as of today. Canada’s federally administered natural resources are the property of the People of Canada, all corporations extracting those resources in Canada will be taxed in the amount required to fund the education, health care, infrastructure, defence and other costs that are incurred in through the publicly owned Bank of Canada. maintaining the highest possible living standard Money will be issued interest free to all levels of for Canadians. All non-corporate individuals in government in Canada. The value of Canada’s Canada will be exempted from personal currency will guaranteed by the total sum of Income tax, provincial tax and similar. The GST the resource wealth in our nation under federal will end as of today. Corporations will pay for all administration. Our policy must be for 100% self of Canada’s operational expenses, whether they sufficiency in a Canada that feeds itself, are foreign or domestically owned. Those individuals manufactures all the goods it requires and builds making a total personal income of over $100,000 its own and maintains its own publicly owned per annum will pay a 5% tax on all income over infrastructure and public services. Low interest that amount, these individuals will come under the financial credit will be made available to New Commercial Corporation Guidelines Act. individuals, groups and communities with The proceeds from this taxation will go directly to approved business augment funds available so that any needy plans to ensure Canadians can be supplied with the best quality Canada’s self food and natural health care possible. sufficiency, maintain and support free enterprise, build independent communities and encourage/ develop community and independent agriculture. Canada will cease to borrow money from any foreign banks, all current government debts will be cleared immediately at no cost to the public. All banking in Canada will be a federally administered publicly owned institution which can supply credit to corporations that operate within Canada’s New Constitution and New Commercial Corporation Guidelines. An alternate currency will be created for foreign exchange and for visitors to Canada to use.

12 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 All Canadians are Equal Share Holders in the canadastreetnews youtube channel now for canadastreetnews info. I Free and Fully Independent Republic of am transitioning. jrgenius channel will be for teaching various topics. Canada. No Canadian shall go without a high minimum standard of living and each individual Integrating the Divine Male and must be encouraged and supported to reach his Female Energies - October 29, 2009 or her maximum potential. Private Property is the Property of those deeded to the land under common law. Integrating the Male and Female Energies Non-Corporate Individuals legally Residing in Canada are in a realm of Common Law as of today. Integrating the Divine Male and Female Energies, Jrgenius International Schools concept of the I AM in a holyhealthy human. We need to balance the female/male positive energies within us all before As God Is My Witness—Douglas M Schapira we can manifest peace on the planet. See for cramnote and videos for homeschoolers/ jrgenius International schoolers. Covers all key topics Please contact Owen Sound Free Press with your up to gr 10 academic, including math and science. This topic is used as ideas and comments about this concept an example of the review method. SQ3R method. Survey, Question, Read, Write, Review. ( review is the presentation of your study note to [email protected] the webcam for others to learn. See powerpoint for International Schools which illustrates these male/female energies in a NEW PARADIGM school/community setting. See you as a holyhealthy $=SLAVERY S=SERENITY NEW PARADIGM human in the Aquarian Age, New Paradigm. DETAILS, WORLD WAMPUM vs NWO WORLD DOLLAR, Kinakwii nation- Integrating the Divine Male and Female Energies, Jrgenius united nations for children of the light International Schools, I AM, female/male, positive energies, manifest peace, cramnote, homeschoolers, jrgenius International schoolers, gr who honour the EARTH. 10, academic, math, science, SQ3R method. Survey, Question, Read, Write, Review, study note,, Aquarian Age, New Preserving our 7 colours of the rainbow for Paradigm 7 generations UFO Alex Collier - Reptilian Rulers 11 0f 12// UFO Alex Collier - Reptilian Rulers 9 // Reptilian Rulers 4 //

Terra Papers and NESARA Pt 5 October 21, 2009 see all at jrgenius channel

The Nation's Deathbed- HERE IS THE See Full view that will give you the Subtitles DOWNLOAD (flv) or go to jrgenius channel

Shape of Thing to Come Bill Cooper, dangerous man, exposing their deception, and - October 30, 2009 SITUATIONS-WHERE-she-WILL-BE-TEMPTED-TO-HATE, Knowledge is power,, and Threat to the Darkside. Name callling Shape of Things to Come pt 1 audio threats. Warning Book on, Barbara Brown’s work from, Shape of Thing to Come- Cliff High- vol0I2 09 15 Starseeds coming in now, Indigo incarnations, Sheti lizards Illuminati, 09 audio and See Terra Papers free tutoring at and - October 30, 2009, See 13 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009, lineage was often claimed by East Asian emperors, who were believed, to be able to change from human to dragon form at will.

Terra Papers and NESARA, Bill Cooper, sangrailian, dangerous man, Biblical The exposing their deception, Knowledge is power, Threat, Darkside, Bible mentions a Warning,, Barbara Brown, Starseeds, Indigo dragon in incarnations, Sheti lizards Illuminati,Terra Papers Revelation chapters 12, 13, 16, and 20. Revelation 20:2 10 22 2009 identifies the dragon, “He seized the PT 1-2. MUST WATCH WILLIAM M. COOPER dragon, that ancient serpent, SPEAKS OUT // PT 2-2 WILLIAM COOPER who is the devil, SPEAKS //New Alex Collier: Alien Hybrid or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.” The Bible mentions two Genetics creatures that seem remarkably similar to the dinosaurs, the leviathan and behemoth, in Job chapters 40-41. It is the view of Creation scientists that all the “dragon” myths came from real contact between Alex Collier UFO contactee talks about human beings and dinosaurs. draconians/reptilian- Nephilm also known as Draconian reptilians have a negative agenda for Mesoamerica humanity Quetzalcoatl in reptilian humanoid form Quetzalcoatl, the "feathered serpent", was the creator god and sky god of the Aztecs. He was variously depicted as a man, a serpent, or a reptilian // Reptilian Illuminati Bloodlines //Reptilians humanoid. Exposed // In cryptozoology Some adherents to the science of cryptozoology, which focuses on proving the existence of creatures Reptilian humanoids of varying depictions have considered fictional by science, argue for the factual existence of appeared in the myths and legends of various reptilian humanoids. They point to three main claims: the rumored cultures.Europe Cecrops I, the mythical first King of Athens Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp in South Carolina; a set of claims was half man, half snake. This is illustrated, for example, on a frieze regarding a reptilian humanoid known as the Thetis Lake monster they on the Pergamon Altar in Pergamum. In these images from posit to have surfaced in the 1970s in Thetis Lake, Canada; and the Pergamum, some of which depict gigantomachy, one sees the giant Loveland Frog, a set of alleged reports of a humanoid froglike Klyteros with huge serpents between his legs. Boreas (Aquilon to the creatures around Loveland, Ohio, since the 1950s. Romans) was the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by Pausanias as a winged man with serpents between his legs. The In UFOlogy In many of the modern claims of encounters with ancient Greek cult of Glycon worshipped a snake god who had the reptilian humanoids, a UFO is part of the encounter; alien abduction head of a man. The Lamia, a child-devouring female demon from narratives sometimes allege contact with reptilian creatures. One of Greek mythology, was half woman, half the earliest reports was that of Ashland, Nebraska police officer serpent. Herbert Schirmer, who claims to have been taken aboard a UFO by humanoid beings with a slightly reptilian appearance, and who bore a India In Indian scriptures and legends, "winged serpent" emblem on the left side of the Naga are reptilian beings said to their chest. live underground and interact with human beings on the surface. In some Conspiracy theory According to writer versions, these beings were said to have David Icke, 7-foot (2.1 m) tall, blood- once lived on a continent in the Indian drinking, shape-shifting reptilian Ocean that sank beneath the waves. humanoids from the star system Alpha Indian texts also refer to a reptilian race Draconis are the force behind a worldwide called the "Sarpa." The Syrictae of India conspiracy directed at humanity. He claims (not to be confused with the Sciritae of that the reptilians maintain their control ancient Greece) were a legendary tribe of through the generation of fear and men with snake-like nostrils in place of negative emotion, which is food to these noses and bandy serpentine legs. entities, by manufacturing conflicts, primarily wars. He contends that most of the East Asia In China, Korea and Japan, underwater realms are world's leaders are in fact related to these reptilians. Icke's referred to where the Dragon Kings and their descendants live, as theories now have supporters in 47 countries and he frequently gives well as a lineage of humans descended from a race of dragons. This lectures to crowds of 2,500 or more. 14 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Icke draws connections between the reptilian aliens in his theories and Pt 2 October 21, 2009 the Annunaki depicted in Zecharia Sitchin's 12th Planet, which has led to other conspiracy theorists referring to reptilian humanoids as the see all pts here jrgenius channel "Annunaki"; however, Sitchin himself has always described his Annunaki as purely humanoid. See Human and other Alien races. Selene is the Mother Goddess. As Above So Below, An Introduction to Fractal Lucifer (Sun god) is Apollo versus Artemis ( Moon goddess) moon Evolution 10 // // As Above So Below, An light Lucifera (divine Feminine). Nephilim will be coming to the surface of EARTH. Illuminati and human race are in danger. End of Introduction to Fractal Evolution 11 // UFO Alex Patriarchy. EDEN and mother goddess. RA-men or ROMAN came in Collier Reptilian Rulers 10 and destroyed the Goddess mentality. Holy Grail is the Uterus. Gnostic Christianity honour Eve who gives birth to Adam. Bible is a manipulation of the past stories. Sheti Lizards and Romans ( Ra- men) put that together for our mind controlling religions. Warring 10 21 2009 humans because we are confused. Macrobes are the 4d reptilian dracos. Up side down star is Lucifer, Diana, Cain. Yaldabaoth (Cain) never should have come into existence. The result of What is a starseed? // Who Are The Crystal Sophia emanating without her male counterpart. Alternative Gnostic names for Yaldabaoth, include Demiurge, "Samael", Children? // Who are the Indigo children? "Saklas", and "Kosmokrator", and several other variants. He is known as Ptahil in Mandaeanism, "Angel of YHWH" and the "Angel of Death". David Icke, Conciousness, DNA, Epigenetics & Gnostic myth recounts that Sophia (Greek, literally meaning Kabbalah 1/3 // pt 2 // pt 3 "wisdom"), the Demiurge’s mother and a partial aspect of the divine Pleroma or “Fullness,” desired to create something apart from the divine totality, and without the receipt of divine assent. In this abortive This video explains many of the concepts that David Icke speaks act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being ashamed of her deed, she wrapped him in a about, but it is in light of both the Kabbalah and what is known about cloud and created a throne for him within it. The Demiurge, isolated, Epigenetics.Please see this video-taped NOVA program about did not behold his mother, nor anyone else, and thus concluded that Epigenetics for background: 1-5 The Ghost In Your Genes only he himself existed, being ignorant of the superior levels of reality that were his birth-place. Angels did have sex with women and produced the giants. Their disembodied spirit became the demons i.e. Asmodus. It is there that I describe a programme of moral/spiritual rectification NESARA, Selene, Holy Grail, Lucifer, Diana, Cain, Yaldaboath, Aton, for the genetic damage that I describe in this video, adapted for today, Apollo, Artemis, Gnostics, bible, Adam, Eve, Snake, Kundalini, Psychic, based on classical sources. Remember, I pray thee, who ever Mammalian, Illuminati, perished, being innocent? Or where? were the upright cut off? According as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow mischief, reap the same. Job 4:7-8 These passages are so deep they cannot be 10 19 2009 fully translated. At least know this: The verb for sow that is used is z- r-a. Zera'im is seeds. Zera is sperm.

I am trying to make you understand that you and everything you are experiencing are what you *and your progenitors* have sown. You can either purify yourself in the hell of experiencing the horrors of what has been sown: your children being taken away, vaccination, FEMA camps and the like OR you can purify yourselves of the impurity by living a life of service to those whom your progenitors, and you, have harmed and are harming. The Hebrew root z-c-r, which is the first word in Job 4:7, means both memory and male. The concept of genetic memory is built into the Hebrew language. You can rectify not only the genetic damage that you have inhereted, not only prevent your mistakes from being passed on, but you can even rewrite your memories by living a life of service to those you and your progenitors have harmed. This written into Hebrew and is a basic principle in Torah - The Book of Life. I implore you to have mercy on yourselves and choose the latter way. It is not only easier on you, it is far more profound. On Google Videos I have a discussion called: True KABBALAH - Path of the Just docid=4481598379482431508#

Selene- In Greek mythology, the goddess of the Moon; daughter of the Titan Hyperion; 15 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 and sister of the Sun god Helios and Eos, goddess of the -"The name Apollo is Greek; they say that he is the Sun, and Diana [Artemis] they identify with the Moon . . . the name Luna is dawn. In later times she was identified with Artemis. derived from lucere 'to shine’; for it is the same word as Lucina, and therefore in our country Juno Lucina is invoked in childbirth, as is Diana in her manifestation as Lucifera (the light-bringer) among -Every night she crossed the sky in the Moon's chariot, the Greeks. She is also called Diana Omnivaga (wide-wandering), which in some traditions was harnessed with Artemis's silver stags. not from her hunting, but because she is counted as one of the She also visited her beloved Endymion, a beautiful seven planets or 'wanderers’ (vagary). She was called Diana youth who had been granted an eternal ageless sleep. By because she made a sort of Day (Dia) in the night-time. She is invoked to assist at the birth of children, because the period of Endymion, whom she loved, and whom she sent to gestation is either occasionally seven, or more usually nine, sleep in order to kiss him, she became the lunar revolutions, and these are called menses (months), because mother of fifty daughters. they cover measured (mensa) spaces." elene.html

-The Holy Grail is the womb, and it's contents menstrual blood, the sacred substance, "soma" the elixir of Life. The Moon Goddess rules the Oceans, the tides, the Sacred Menstrual Periods of Women. We need to Honor our bodies as we as individual women are Sacred Vessels of the Divine. We are each Goddesses in microcosm. Your periods, are essentially what marks us as females,it is what makes us women, this fact that we bleed. -Holy Grail, your womb the Sacred Cup that holds the Blood. It was intimated in The Da Vinci Code that Mary Magdelane was the Holy Grail but to be more precise it was her Menstrual Blood, the Holy Blood that is the essence, which each woman has, that is in Diana, or Luna was called Selene and Artemis by the itself the Sacred Cauldron of Life. Greeks, and many other names in other mythologies. The twin sister of Apollo was Artemis; also known as Diana, Phoebe, Selene, or Cynthia; goddess of the Moon, of maidens, -From the beginning of the time when female humans began their of hunting (the chase), and daughter of Zeus and Latona. Other menstrual cycles, they were seen as Immortal, like a snake who Greek moon goddesses included Pasiphae, the Leukippides, sheds its' skin but does not die. The connection between women, Eileithyia, Hekate, Artemis, Bendis, and Hera (who sometimes snakes and immortality are archetypal symbols. Snakes are also doubled for Selene in the Endymion myth). connected in Eastern Traditions with Kundalini energy, pictured -She had three aspects: Diana in the heavens, Luna on earth, and as a snake coiled within the bottom of the spine. Kundalini energy is Hecate, goddess of witchcraft, in the underworld. the human connection to the Divine, and menstrual energy is connected to that power too. CHILDREN OF SELENE Selene was the mother of the goddesses Pandia (All-Gifts), Ersa -In Sumeria around 3,500bce, the last Matriarchal era, the serpent (Dew), the Menai (Months), and some say of the four Horai symbolised regeneration and eternal life. It represented not only (Seasons). Her only mortal child was the poet Mousaios. the earthly cycle of life but spiritual renewal also. In these times property and the family name was passed through the woman. Women were equal both politically and socially, and held LOVE OF SELENE & ENDYMION (& PAN) authoritative positions in the The story goes that Selene comes down to this cave [on Mount temples as Priestesses. Latmos in Karia] to meet Endymion, (a man of unrivalled beauty). He was loved by Selene. When he was given a wish of his choice by -Unfortunately, at the turn of the Zeus, he chose to remain immortal and unaging in eternal patriarchal era, a cycle that sleep. Divine Selene watched him from on high, and slid from occurs every 2000 years, the heaven to earth; for passionate love drew down the immortal energies became more stainless queen of night. masculine, changing the way men viewed women. With political manipulation, the Hebrews and -The name Pan is most likely used metaphorically, i.e. as the god Christians concocted the story of the flocks he was the source of the fine fleece which of Eve eating a forbidden fruit, Endymion used to entice the goddess. A vase painting depicts blaming her for the downfall of Endymion waving such a fleece before the goddess' chariot. mankind, and plunging all her descendents into an Earthly life Alternatively, the story might be derived from a play on the Greek of toil and struggle, and cursing all women with the pain of word, panselênê, i.e. "full moon," and/or be connected with the birth childbirth. Eve was portrayed as a weak willed woman, the source of Selene's daughter Pandeia, from ZEUS] of 'original sin', and her snake energy was transformed into the manifestation of the 'devil'. This effectively severed women from 16 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 their powerful snake energy, and ensured that they would turn away from their own powerful feminine energy. Eve was now portrayed as a sexual temptress, and men were forbidden to 10 17 2009 Here Come the UFO's to the associated with the Priestesses of the temples, for worshipping the feminine, the goddess, was also forbidden. Where priestesses had rescue... once celebrated the sexual creative force of the goddess by making NOT! love in the temples, sacred sexuality was now looked upon as shameful and sinful. BEWARE Of The Deceiver Maitreya & Sananda Esu In India the Serpent Mother is Immanuel!! still revered today. Their devotion to the Goddess of Snakes signifies the importance of divine female power.

The Mother Goddess was identified with NESARA DECEPTION - link to Actual letter the figure of a single snake. Her from October 17 2009- messenger, Hermes the snake God, was depicted as the double snake, the male and female (Ida & Pingala of the Kundalini Here comes NESARA and STASIS again. system). He was symbolised by the Caduceus. Hermes was originally a RUN!!! ( Dana's asides- in purple. BEWARE Babylonian God, a god of Spring and fertility, and was associated THIS IS THE BEAST AGENDA) with the Spring sun.

The Gnostic Our future relationship with "ETs" Christians saw Eve Posted by: "Milson Macleod" [email protected] and Adam as the two Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:59 pm (EST) necessary parts within each human. Adam represented the soul, ones consciousness, and Eve represented the spirit. Adam *With the 'excitement' demonstrated in certain quarters right now about a claimed coming announcement by Obama of the existence of ETs by year-end, one has to wonder just how many represented the intellectual LIGHTWORKERS are still asleep!! If you did not know that we are on the functions of the personality, while Eve represented the spiritual brink of two earth-shattering events - "*STASIS* consciousness, ones higher self. " and the *NESARA announcement* Their sacred marriage was necessary to - (despite the fact that we will not be told the exact date) what comics have you create the perfect whole. been reading lately? Admitting the existence of other races in the universe has always been a given' and an essential part of the NESARA Announcement - - According to the gnostics preceded by the required cancellation of the order to the military to shoot down Eve gives life to Adam, not the other way any 'UFOs' around, as she is the creative/creator energy, the life giver. ( Stasis is the BIG SLEEP where 10 18 2009 they kill off the millions of people of Alien Species 1 - Humans // Classifying their choosing- known alien species, 57 were maybe the flu catalogued by 1989! // The Reptilian shot has the Race chemical to shut us down. OBAMA

17 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 looks like Akhenaton- bloodline of the pharoahs of RA. There are only TWO landings - Salt Lake City ( Mormon capital) see The Terra Papers videos ) and Vancouver BC /(there is also a 'Vancouver' in Washington State). A week or so after that First Landing, when it has been shown that people of Earth are ready to accept extra-terrestrial beings, there will be Barackhenaten further landings in other North American cities to allow *public access* to the craft that land and their crews - if a /telepath/ is available. Captain Helena of the Capricorn ( ISHTAR??) has said that If you had paid attention you would also know what the the original plan to land on a Saturday about a week after the 'announcement' has *SEQUENCE of events* is been put back, as the shock of the announcement will cause some confusion, to be. anger and chaos, and a second major event should be postponed a little to allow the general public to regain its composure. There are sources that have never accepted "NESARA" nor "stasis", including ET sources, but you One group is actively organising landing receptions in their locale under the name "*Amiable Contact*". We call this the *Second Landing* should know by now that just being an ET does not give you all knowledge - and . we have many instances which evidence that. There are benevolent races who want to come down and help us (such as Captain Helena / (who is in charge of North American 'operations')/ said Arcturians and Pleiadians, which I will look for), that after about NINE MONTHS there would be *Stage THREE* which is admirable, but some did not for some reason know who of "FIRST CONTACT" , when ETs would land to remain some time upon Earth to stinky BLUE CHEESE) " has made it quite clear that stasis' bring in new MUST happen, and is the first step in the technologies to hasten the rebuilding of the rehabilitation of the planet and its occupants./ planet in an environmentally-friendly [for those who may have missed this also, the Big Cheese is fashion.** ( YOU STOLE THOSE a nickname that Aton has given himself .....( Dana's TECHNOLOGIES from us a long time ago, you LIZARDS) aside-LUCIFER- or I call HIM Some sources only talk about "Stage Three" Antichrist ) but still erroneously call it "First Contact" and report it as the /beginning /of You will undoubtedly remember the "*14th October*" reorganisation on date - one year ago now - when one ET group inadvertently failed to recognise the Earth, when in fact it is the NESARA Announcement which kicks off the chain of command, and tried hard to cover up their mistake. Embarrassing for rebuilding. It is NOT/ "the first of a whole chain of events" /but the telepath, who reported the coming landing in good faith. ( Dana's aside- more rather the last step of the already planned chain of events. New lies and BULLCRAP as usual) technologies will start to flow after the NESARA announcement, but There is also a "sequence of events" in ETs coming down to help us, and that has been outlined for years, although some sources still ignore it undoubtedly after 'Stage Three' that flow will turn into a flood. ( FUNDING- for one reason or another. ( you have failed your arrival dates for THAT IS WHERE THE STOLEN BANK GOLD WENT!) years. We stopped believing you Lizard shapeshifters) You may have noticed that reports that present a distorted image of First Contact do NOT make it to circulation within the NESARA INTERNATIONAL Group, despite the otherwise good information they may obtain. Again, we have high hopes of a new beginning by the end The *FIRST LANDING * of non-perishable food and clean water, I would suggest you carry on as is often referred to as usual, practise inner calm - and at least think about studying telepathy. / "*First *Progredere in luce, Contact*" and is the first OFFICIAL Milson*/ landing of ETs in North America. The purpose here is for the AHHHHHHH....LUCIFER AND HIS GOONS media to attend, ask questions and report ARE COMING at the END OF this year? the news to the public. 18 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 FIRST OFFICIAL LANDING OF ALIENS IN world. First wife of Dumuzi. Killed Dumuzi and blamed Marduk. Vowed to come back and Rule Earth aka Ashtar Command. Osisis and Isis NORTH AMERICA ( Ra and Ishtar). Enlil is called YAHWEH. Morningsky, Tsarion, Wilcock, see Creator GOD as a DIVINE FEMININE. Merlin/ Arthurian legends, HISTORIC EVENTS IN USA AND CANADA Apollo/ Artemis children of ZEUS, Artemis is Magdalene is Lucifera. Aton, Akhenaton, Isis/Ra. EA EASU is OWL DNA. Reptilians fear that sound. Esu Immanuel Sananda, LOVE is the Answer. Credo says we need to think like Grandmothers. DNA transmutes salamander eggs into frogs eggs. When we die, we go back to the Stars. ONE HUMAN RACE. War not the answer. NESARA, GESARA. LIGHTS out this winter. Maitreya, Ascended Masters, want to take as many souls as possible. pt 3 - October Ashtar: The Imminent Changes, II 15, 2009

CANDIDATES FOR THE ANTICHRIST Divine Feminine, RA, Divine Masculine, Terra Papers. We are all female first before testosterone kicks in and creates testes from ovaries. Protection from 4rth dimension, Jade bracelet on left wrist, Orgone, Light around your body, line up charkas. Barbara Brown See Oct 11, 2009, did adobe photoshop to solarize photos to expose other Follow Up on "Little Tale of Discovery" http://educate- dimensions and alien possession. G20 summit solarization on Poly-tics and Pedofiles. EA is the serpent in Garden of Eden. Enlil wanted to enslave us. EA took the bird dna, gave us passion, sexual pleasure and free will, so we would not be enslaved. Also see and has alien races ( but I dont recommend NEW AGE INFO there). Bekti, Children of the feather are the problem for the Illuminati. Need to make UNIVERSAL LOVE our religion. Sophia, Hera, Diana, Yah are all of the DIVINE feminine 10 16 2009 according to Tsarion, Morning Sky and David Wilcock. pt 1 - October 15, 2009 Ishtar Sherry Shriner, David Wilcock , Robert Morning Sky, Michael Tsarion, Ishtar, the Babylonian Flu shot, deadly, Olympians, Pregnant women, babies, Indigeneous. goddess of love, procreation, and GENOCIDE and Microchip. Christians, Antichrist, important downloads war, was the daughter and at Apollo, Lucifer, Sanat Kumara, trick to enslave your soul. Hollow Earth, enlightenment, Planet X, earth consort of the air god Anu. Changes, get off coast. Vatican/Jesuit controlled Tsunamis now. She was known for Roman coin, Roman invasions, Isis/Ra Sun Worship. Roman destroying her lovers, Catholicism. Druids, Divine Feminine, Annunaki, Enki, Enlil Clan, Terra Papers, Zeus. Ea is Enki ( Snake in Garden of Eden). Yahweh is Enlil, including a lion, stallion, enslavement of human race. SUNday is lucifers day. Videos onTerra and shepherd. When the Papers. Orion System Sirius Dog ( god) Star System. ENKI vs ENLIL love of her life, the farm god Tammuz, died, she pt 2 - October followed him to the 15, 2009 Underworld, but she was unable to retrieve him. Ishtar was the heir to the Sumerian goddess Inanna but was more promiscuous. She is called the Cow of Sin (a moon god). She was the wife of a human king, Sargon of Agade SEE details here. Based on TERRA PAPERS- Annunaki Ea/Enki (MOSES). geneticist in charge of rebuilding planet. Enlil was LORD of the WORD/Command. Brothers wanting power over EARTH. Hollow EARTH, Zachariah Sitchin, Dont go into the Light, 4rth Dimension, is not Tsarion, Morning Sky, David Wilcock. Fulford is false prophet. Enki- EaSU were teachers for humans, Ishtar is ISIS and wants to rule 19 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Inanna Inanna was the oldest of the love goddesses of the Mesopotamian Woman Disabled by THIS YEARS FLU region. She was a Sumerian SHOT (10 days AFTER vaccination ) goddess of love and war. Although she is regarded as a WASHINGTON, D.C. - A few weeks ago, Desiree Jennings was training virgin, Inanna is a goddess for a half marathon. Now, she's struggling to walk, talk and even eat. responsible for sexual love, procreation, and fertility. She According to the Loudoun Times-Mirror , Jennings, who has been gave herself to the first mythological working with the Washington Redskins as an ambassador in hopes of becoming a cheerleader since April, developed severe and possibly life- king of Sumer, Dumuzi. She was threatening side effects from getting a seasonal flu vaccine seven worshipped from the third millennium B.C. and was still worshiped in weeks ago at a Safeway in Reston. the 6th century as a goddess driving a 7-lion chariot.

"Matronit: The Goddess of the Kabbala," by Raphael Patai. Twenty-five-year-old Jennings says she was healthy and active and History of Religions, Vol. 4, No. 1. (Summer, 1964), pp. 53-68. was not in a high-risk group at the time of her shot. She says she received the vaccine to earn points for her work health plan that gives perks for each level of wellness that is attained. It was not until ten days after she received the shot that she began to experience flu-like symptoms. Ishtar 666 - The Nephilim Mark of the Her physical therapist at Johns Hopkins Hospital say she is suffering Beast from dystonia, a neurological movement disorder where sustained muscle contractions cause body jerks, and abnormal or repetitive movements. People who suffer from dystonia often are required to re- learn even the most basic routines. It is a rare disease and is not completely understood. You realize your life is never going to come back the way it was, Desiree told the Times-Mirror. My goal in life was The stone carving of the Nephilim false "goddess" to one day be a CEO. Now, I dont know if I can ever return back to Ishtar is a Cryptography of a Pyramid, Swirling Thrust work. Source: Loudoun Times-Mirror -- The Flu, & a 'Shot to the System' and a Flying Saucer. The Number of The Beast 666 and is also hidden in the stone carving. The Mark of The Beast and The Number of his name. _shot_reaction_dystonia

The Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet Earth see 10 videos here. HENRY The Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet MAKOW- Earth 1 // pt 2 of 10)// pt 3 GOOD LUCK ON VENUS PROJECT - WHAT'S IN A NAME? YOUR ILLEGAL LAWSUIT !

Full Article - Automated Opposition: The Technocratic Undercurrent of Zeitgeist: Addendum by Paul & Henry Makow - Free Speech Threatened Phillip D. Collins in Canada, Zionism & The Elite Satanic Bankers dercurrent.htm 090716.php "The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes? I do. I am praying for you and my CANADA. Dana I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." - Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets 20 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 SEE DAVID WILCOCK and Michael Sherry Live 10-12-2009 - The Coming of TSARION here. Maitreya "The Destroyer" and His "Locust" Armies

Sherry Live 10-05-2009 - 666 & Chip Implanted Swine Flu Vaccinations, NasalSprays and RFID 10 15 2009 Bracelets

The Secret Covenant the Illuminati // New Sherry Live 9-28-2009 - Warnings and World Order Letter to the World Admonitions from the Most High against Vaccinations and Shots...Satan's Agenda Quotes by Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - Against Mankind 1626) English author, courtier, & philosopher Sherry Live 9-21-2009 - The Correlation Between the Swine Vaccine and RFID Bracelet Knowledge is power. // In charity there is no excess. // A and the Beast mark/chip of Rev. 13 wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. // Man seeketh in society comfort, use and protection. // Read not to contradict and confute, CONSTANTINE nor to find talk and discourse, but CONSPIRACY: to weigh and consider. // By far the best Christ, Constantine, Sol proof is experience. // Certainly virtue is like precious Invictus: the odors, most fragrant when they are incensed, or crushed: for Unconquerable Sun prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth best discover virtue. // Choose the life that is invictus.html most useful, and habit will make it the most agreeable. // One would have not heard about Christianity or even Discretion in speech is more than eloquence. // If a man will begin Judaism let alone Islam to have eventually been formulated, if with certainties, he shall end in Constantine had not utilised ancient doubts; but if he will be content to connections for his own political ends. begin with doubts he shall end in certainties. // In taking revenge, a man is but DIANA-LUCIFERA LIGHT BRINGER ARTEMIS even with his enemy; but FALLEN FROM GRACE OUT OF in passing it over, he is SIBERIA: superior. // I have taken all knowledge to be my province. // Some books are to Earlier Roman coins had depictions upon them of the Goddess be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others ‘Diana-Lucifera’ , who was Greek Goddess Artemis. to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and The Roman’s knew her as Diana. Artemis was with diligence and attention. // Natural abilities are like the twin-sister of Hyperborean Apollo and as a natural plants; they need pruning by study. // Praise from Diana-Lucifera mask of Hekate she was often depicted holding a the common people is generally false, and rather torch of Flame just as her twin-brother of a Sol follows the vain than the virtuous. // Reading maketh a full Invictus Apollo to hold the Globe of the Earth man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. // Seek whereby one finds Christ as the Light of the ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be World! The Germanic deity of Woden/Wotan/Votan to mean, supplied or its loss will not be felt. // They are ill discoverers that Ecstasy/Light Master, whose name of ancient origin to be of the think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea. // The Altaic/Turkic source word, Odqan, whom the Siberian Mongolan worst solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship. Kam/Shaman to know as the ‘Fire-King’; while Yal-un eke of 21 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 feminine counterpart was the Mother of Fire and that of his elder. MEEGWETCH DANA Diana-Lucifera was transformed into masculine fallen Angel ‘Lucifer’ by the Christians who made it an exceedingly bad habit to make everything patriarchal of hue due to their Middle-Eastern Judaic influence whereby their Anti- Christ of Beast be as their own Karmic Shadow now hunting them HiSTORY-I know down while the Singular of Eye to know the ‘Truth’ beyond their bloody deception of ages. that everything isn't 100% Zeitgeist [Religion] The Greatest Story Ever accurate here in the Sold (3 of 3) videos and info, since there are so many There have been many another ‘Saviour-figure’ of other cultures far more ancient to speak of who have the history to back them up as to their existence whether physically or spiritual of influence but if Holy Roman Empire Christian and Islam to have their way you would not know they had ever existed.

THE COINAGE OF SHEKEL SOL INVICTUS CHRIST, LIGHT OF THE WORLD GOLD, INSPIRING THE LEGIONS TO FIGHT FOR ROME! deceivers/deceived out there. The truth has been suppressed. A Roman Coin of Constantine has a depiction of the Sun God Sol Invictus, holding a globe with Many seek the TRUTH, only to realize that they right hand raised. The legend on the reverse of the coin to read ‘SOLI INVICTO COMITI’, “to Constantine’s companion, the have been deceived again. I know the feeling. unconquered Sol”; upon the other side one to find a Labarum. Don't give up on your quest for truth. Gothicus to claim the divine protection of Apollo-Sol Invictus. Unconditional Love for one another is Constantine perceived himself as being associated with Sol the ULTIMATE truth. We are all ONE on this Invictus, which was the last deity to appear on his coinage to have journey of awakening. become fused with Christ made Roman of focus Many however, will be deceived and choose the wrong path.

The Terra Papers by Robert Morning Sky It is every ONES accountability, to be as truthful and as loving as possible. There are 10 11 2009 no different races here....we Thank You Robert are one HUMAN Morning Sky for your RACE. Work on the TERRA PAPERS. You have Check out this the MOST LOGICAL explanation of our website to help the HerStory. scientific mind in each of you.see How to identify controlled 22 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 opposition NO MONKEY DNA! opposition.php just to keep you thinking and discerning.( this guy could be a WOLF in SHEEP's clothing as well. I am just reviewing his work) -work of SITCHEN translating the SUMERIAN TEXTS....remember SITCHEN is probably ZIONIST.. which means he will - No one has all the answers. How else are we suppose to not be honest about the nature of the HUMAN DNA.. including find the truth, without hearing what everyone has to say. We all NEED the BIRD TRIBES DNA totally kept out of his work AN EQUAL VOICE.

-INNER BRAIN + .. REPTILIAN.. that is NOT MONKEY BRAIN ( -We are all a little bit right and a little bit see NINHURSAG-FEMALE REPTILE WHO WORKED WITH EA wrong. I totally am opposed to RACIAL SUPREMACY beliefs. GENESIS SCIENTIST)

- We need to hear the truth from innocent -MIDDLE BRAIN +is mammal.. i.e.. dogs are mammal ~ VICTIMS and cultures that have been slaughtered in the from SIRIUS RRRR. DNA ...EA a dog tribe member annunaki gave us past- eg. Native, Indigeneous tribes, and those some of his DNA connected to the EARTH. I believe much of the truth lies with them, since the WHITE SUPREMACISTS have done so much to -FOREBRAIN +.. is BIRD... OWL.. eyes forward.. suppress and irradicate their voice. EA engineered from BIRD TRIBES GIFT of their DNA .. why the ANNUNAKI ENLIL ( LORD OF THE WORLD) decided to DROWN -That's my truth. I am not perfect, but I seek to see PEACE US>> IN THE FLOOD.. too challenging for them to CONTROL US and LOVE towards all of CREATION. >> AS WE R NOW A CHALLENGE TO THEM AGAIN i.e. BILDEBURGER MEETINGS.. deciding what to DO with us NOW.. i.e.. GENOCIDE US BACK TO 500 million they can CONTROL! UNFORTUNATELY those that control our minds, economy and futures DO NOT AGREE that this -NOW the individual DNA should be the CASE. modifications within those three definite FAMILIES were also through DNA changes.. Will we wake up in time? I am sad to example: take out ability DNA say...I DON'T THINK SO. to counter CANCER .. we do not manufacture vitamin C.... as ALL other mammals do.. that WAKE UP and let us UNITE as one was an example of ONE MODIFICATION ( RE- LOVING RACE, ENGINEERING)of the MAMMAL DNA OF EA.( DOG TRIBES- GOD TRIBES!) NOT A NEW WORLD ORDER under LUCIFER/Ra/Aton/Apollo/Atlas/Antichrist. -IN THE RE ENGINEERING>> THE BEAST WAS PROBABLY MORE REPTILIAN>> SINCE THAT IS THE INNER BRAIN>> which supposedly came from MARS>> WELL MARS HAS REPTILES!!!!! and during the time of ZEUS..MT OLYMPUS was owned by the R( when NAMASTE DANA ZEUS took over from ANU>> THE RRRR TRIBES there was a WAR IN HEAVEN etc)>. so it probably was some type of REPDOG THING....they brought here.. also See HUMAN DNA WE WERE ENGINEERED FROM THE ANNUNAKI R & S. -THE ANNUNAKI WERE A COMBINATION OF THE DOG SIRIAN TRIBES AND THE SNAKE PRINCESSES ( THE R & S) OF ORION; LIKE NINHURSAG AND ISHTAR THAT WERE TO MONITOR the DOG TRIBES FROM SIRIUS.. ( see the work of Robert MORNING SKY) >> FOR THE REPTILIAN ORION SNAKE QUEENS; didn't totally trust the RRRRRR.... >> THE ANNUNAKI HAD TO PAY TRIBUTE 23 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 AND WORK ON EARTH TO GO TO THE SNAKE QUEENS of ORION.. and still this MUST CONTINUE TO THIS DAY.. HENCE ALL THE LIES AND STEALING OF MONEY FROM ECONOMIES ALL OVER THE EARTH BY THE ILLUMINAZI FEDERAL RESERVE FROM HELL!.. THE TIME TO PAY THE ORION QUEENS IS SOON! http://w THE DIFFERENCES IN THE MIS CALLED 'RACES" the difference it what U ALL CALL THE RACES( WRONG WORD The Veritas Show - Show 13 - Robert CONCEPT) >> I.E. ASIAN. CAUCASIAN , INDIAN, BLACKS etc.. is just modification of the BIG 3 FAMILY DNAS.. as an example.. Morning Sky - the ASIAN PEOPLE RECEIVED MORE REP DNA>> NOTICE THE EYES ARE SLANTED SOMEWHAT>> the REP EYES ARE ALWAYS ON THE SIDE>> as example.. this was to give them certain traits.. A VERY, VERY, WISE MAN! Meegwetch, the CAUCASIAN..ARYAN.. in some respects was more DOG TRIBES DNA >> that should be OBVIOUS.. more RRRRR TRAITS.. Robert! the NATIVE PEOPLES OBVIOUSLY MORE BIRD DNA>> HENCE THEY USE THE FEATHERS ALWAYS IN THEIR Robert Morning Sky’s Grandfather helped rescue an well as THEIR SONGS .... the WHITE AND ASIANS DO NOT!..i extraterrestrial from a crashed UFO in 1947 (shortly after the never heard a HYMN START WITH EA as example.. but i have famous Roswell incident). After the six young Native Americans heard many NATIVE AMERICAN CEREMONIAL SONGS AND SOUTH found and pulled Star Elder from the crash, they hid him for PACIFIC ISLANDERS CEREMONIAL SONGS BEGIN WITH EA.. thanx for several months in their desert camp while they nursed him back to the FEATHER DNA EA!!! health. Star Elder later told them about alien visitations to the the BLACKS.. also have more BIRD DNA>> and that is also more earth over countless centuries. of a threat to the ILLUMINAZI.. because it is harder to control them.. same with the INDIANS.. NATIVE AMERICANS ETC>> these two groups use FEATHERS IN THEIR CEREMONIES( see Star Elder told them about the different races of star beings MORNING SKY)>> with the exception of say the POLYNESIAN and the wars they had fought with one another. He told them of GROUPS>> WHO LOST SO MANY BIRDS>> THEY HAVE TO NOW USE genetic scientists who created human life on earth by using ARTIFICIAL FEATHERS IN THEIR CEREMONIES.. their own DNA. He related to them the ongoing power struggle NEED IS SAY THIS>> IT IS A BIG BIG LIE THAT THE BIRDS CAME between the descendants of these star beings who have ruled FROM THE DINOS>> AND I HEARD RECENTLY THEY WERE SAYING earth since before humans became civilized. THE BIG DINOS HAS FEATHERS>> HOW ABSURD!.. think logically people.. they think you are all stupid.. and will believe anything "Neither my grandfather nor I have they say.. if they say it enough.. ever wanted to stay ’in contact’ with about the LANGUAGE DIFFERENCES the Star Elder. If we know where the MOST of our language is the ASARU/ENGLISH.. of the S & R.. Star Elder is, that obviously puts him constructs.. in 3113 BC.. they decided it would be better to change in jeopardy. When it is necessary, he languages ALL OVER THE PLANET .. so we couldn't lets us know and he will appear at communicate with our BROTHERS AND SISTERS.( TOWER OF the right time and place. If I need BABEL EXAMPLE in history,. WE WERE A THREAT! ) . so they created to talk to him, I simply leave a sign MODIFICATIONS OF THE ASARU LANGUAGE.. but it is rather easy to and he contacts me. But the see the ROOT LANGUAGE>> FEW KNOW HOW TO ANALYZE IT and originator of the contact is always understand the ReAL SIMILARITIES>. clever of them.. somewhat.. JOB the Star Elder. . for their computers.. some of the biblical history alludes to this without telling you "If you were walking in the mall and Star Elder walked by you, you exactly what it was or what happened.. btw i never understood would not know he is an extraterrestrial. It is the Indian trick of why MORNING SKY NEVER TALKED ABOUT BIRD DNA from the you are out there, you are in the open, but they don’t see you. Yes, HU_MAN OWL????!.. he’s made appearances. Yes, he has walked in the Canyonlands. He has walked in some of the big cities here. He has gotten around. He is out in the open, though, and he is very skillful at not being seen. Very skillful. MY INTERVIEW WITH DANIEL OTT..on THE EDGEAM.COM RADIO "His head is very large; out of proportion. You would probably look at him and think, ’What a queer little man,’ or ’Gee, he’s odd.’ But he ROWN_01.12.08.mp3 is very, very humanoid. He probably thinks we are real beasts. We’ve got no class, we have no style. We’re monkeys with potential. Sometimes we are very cute; sometimes we are belligerent. We are as difficult for him to Terra Papers Pt 1 and 2 Robert Morning understand as he is for us. We have a lot of questions about him. He Sky has the same curiosity, but his questions are obviously on a more galactic scale. ’Do you ever go to Mars?’ ’Does anyone do any dimensional shifting?’ ’Do you guys know how to shapeshift?’

24 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 "He interacts minimally with human beings because we are our Mankind’s knowledge of Star Beings was replaced with myths own worst enemy. We are programmed to self-destruct. We are and legends. really not programmed to be open, to be aware; we are not taught to think. That is why I am doing all these things. I am trying to wake Sheti dominance has been and continues to be challenged by us up, trying to give us a chance. Star Elder’s primary many other star races attempting to regain control of Earth -- mission is to undo the enemy system. And if in so and mankind -- for their own purposes. The struggle for power goes doing he also creates or provides an opportunity for the beast to on. become wiser, to become aware, to become evolved, to become enhanced, that is icing on the cake; that is a secondary benefit. Humans have been created by Prince EA and Princess Nin-Hur- Sag to be capable of passionate emotions, and sexual I grew up with the stories, I have done the research, and I have paid reproduction not only was useful as a breeding tool; sex ignites my price. I am very proud of what I have done and, in his own way, deep passions that make humans difficult to control. It’s Star Elder has said he is very proud of what I have done. I have necessary, though, that humans become aware of the power they exceeded expectations. have built into their being. To control us, the Sheti must create myths and legends that sidetrack our memories and histories into channels that can be used to limit our awareness of Teachings of the Star Elder Bek’Ti ourselves. Sexual prohibitions and limitations are programmed into http://www.real-dream our behavior by religion, education, and society in general. A galactic war is going on around us and above us with the Earth Robert and his fellow students learned that when the Earth was still and humankind as the prize. barren rock after an intergalactic war, “Star PA Kokopelli Wisdom Journeyeople” were here mining its resources and Robert Morningsky continues, revivifying the planet. Genesis experts brought in DNA from around the galaxy to create new species of plant and animal engineered for Earth (Eridu). Meanwhile, to maintain control of mankind, the Sheti have Robert Morningsky writes, introduced new devices to continue the bombarding us with a numbing and controlling electronic blanket. Many of these electronic instruments are carried on the person: tape and CD Much later, King An sent his son, players with Prince EA, and daughter, headphones, virtual Princess Nin-Hur-Sag (both reality gear, pagers, genetic scientists) to rebuild the pocket games, cellular destroyed world of Eridu and phones, beepers, etc. once again tap into the valuable are now commonplace. and much needed resources found Drugs of all kinds, there. They successfully restored legal and illegal the atmosphere; refilled the (including alcohol, seas with life; recreated plants, tobacco and trees and flowers; and narcotics) are part of hybridized many different kinds the control program of creatures. The planet Eridu to keep mankind (Earth) was reborn. docile. Behavior modification to New creatures were produced to inhabit the planet. One such prevent us from creature, Apa-Mus, was an ape-beast hybrid whose only purpose being motivated to was to serve and to slave in the fields and mines. But this beast fight for ourselves will require that no human being be allowed was different from the others. It could understand orders and status as hero. Those who do not fight back, but endure great could communicate. Princess Nin-Hur-Sag had genetically suffering will become the new "heroes" and role models: victims, engineered the ape-beast hybrid by using her own DNA. The martyrs, tortured POWs, and people who die in service to their beast grew in intelligence and began to teach his own quickly country. multiplying offspring. Morningsky is warning us that we are being controlled by chemical When another species of genetically engineered workers -- and psychological means. The use of white gold or marijuana as underground - dwelling Sheti Lizards, revolted and seized well as alcohol or prescription drugs are not short cuts to power, the ruling Star Beings power and freedom but are instead short circuits that block our fled from the planet. With the awareness of who we are and the possibilities our future holds. opposition out of the way, the Behaviors that express our royal blood and the gift of the Sheti used mind-control and Children of the Feather are being repressed and behaviors that programming techniques make us victims of the overlords are honored and promoted. they learned from their We are beings of power and passion unmatched in the universe…if we masters to alter the know WHO we really are and what we really are NOT. Morningsky memories of the remaining offers this advice: The battle lines have been drawn for a coming Star Being descendants. galactic war for the domination of planet Earth. As long as mankind seeks salvation "out there," he paves the way for beings vying to become his Overlords. But mankind has another 25 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 option. Though born of beasts and bred to serve, mankind was essence is projected through our DNA, through the Heart of the created by the genetic scientists, Prince EA and Princess Nin- Sun into the Heart of Orion where new stars are being born. Hur-Sag using their own DNA and their own royal blood. This royal line of Sirian Blood entitles mankind to claim Earth its If that seems to be too much, consider the programming that has own. This is the story that has been suppressed, the truth that was made it seem so. Ego is very programmable and usually reminds kept hidden. As long as mankind accepts Overlords and Gods, we us of how little and unimportant we are rather than the accept an existence of servitude. When we finally remember opposite. There is no single source of this wisdom. Rather, its that our own kingdom has been taken away, when we finally outlines can be seen, if vaguely, in the history taught by the Star look to ourselves as our own Overlord or God, then and only Elder, the images and stories of Kokopelli, and reflection on our then will we be free of extraterrestrials. human nature.

The author asks the reader to investigate for himself the information presented here. Accept none of it, challenge all of it. Decide for Pictures of Adam and Eve as Dumuzi yourself if the words of Bek’Ti are true. “You are your own god, you are the master of your destiny, if you can remember The and Inanna Truth.” Religious doctrine and dogma is one of the ways that the overlords program humankind and divert us away from our power and heritage. Governance and academia effectively create rules, propaganda and taboos that hide our true nature and deflect our discovery of our future. Ridicule and derision are fears that keep humankind weak and exploitable. Morning Sky has tried to tell his amazing story to undo the programming of our overlords, but he met with a programmed resistance:

The history of mankind and Earth as revealed by the Star Elder (Bek’Ti) is both exciting and frightening. Man’s creation and his place in the galaxy is made clear, but in the process, Man’s nobility and pride are injured. The abduction phenomena and the attending grey beings are integral parts of humanity’s history, and explained against a framework of the Star Beings’ purposes for mankind. STORY-OF-MANS-CREATION.html

The sources of Man’s religions and the origins of legendary figures like Zeus, Osiris, Isis, the Minotaur and a number of other ’mythological’ beings are explained and also placed into the framework of Earth’s The Symbolic Marriage of Adam and history. Eve

We are Children of the Feather who have been given unique attributes that other beings have found necessary to control. Our daily regimen ought to be something, anything that expresses our unprogrammability. We need to break whatever rule that is imposed on us, if only to help us remember our royal heritage and our gifts.

Kokopelli embodies that royal blood and attribute of the Children of the Feather. The power and passion of music, dance, and especially sexuality is evoked by his images and the stories have survived to be told among the people. Most of all, Kokopelli represents the possibility of who we really are. Church and society have emasculated him and made him dance fully clothed in the many images of contemporary artists. The overlords would prefer to keep Kokopelli safely neutered and harmless to their interests of control so that they can continue to exploit a powerful race of beings. These images project a lie for profit.

We have been designed to love extravagantly and exuberantly so that one day we might be ready to project that enormous love and light into the essence of a star. Together we might attune our love frequencies so that our loving 26 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 frequently violent character. In the mind of the modern oligarch, Luciferianism provides religious legitimacy for otherwise morally questionable plans... The Anunnaki: The Seven Great Gods and here: tm

The Pure Luciferian Doctrine Revealed -

William Cooper- "Read everything, Listen to everybody. Don't trust anything unless you can prove it with your own research."

William Cooper 1943-2001 “Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came” Architects of the New World Order “The Shining Ones”

These are some of the main men and women who have played a really important role in building up the future of this world the coming world government, world currency and >>>> <<<< world religion, know your enemies. Other men that contributed to this ancient evil cause are: Torontostreetnews Oct 1 to 15 2009 //

Wake up People of the World Arthur Edward Waite Dr. Wynn Westcott S. L. MacGregor Mathers 10 10 2009 The Secret Covenant- Dr. Gérard Encausse Luciferian Blood Oath Pact, Jesuits, Secret Societies, Dr. Theodor Reuss George Pickingill New World Order, New Age, Genocide, human slave, Tho I can be days typing the names of all the men and woman that Protocols of Zion have and are working for this cause, in the end they are slaves not masters, their master is Satan and their Poly-HICS section for writeup cause is Evil

The Luciferian Doctrine History Brotherhoods of the New World Order

The history of Lucifer and how he set himself up so that the whole world and even Christians may The secrets societies of the occult are the true power worship him without knowing it. of this world they are the elite and they control this world, know your REAL enemies Luciferianism constitutes the nucleus of the ruling class religion. While there are definitely political and economic RFID Human Implant Chip is designed rationales for elite criminality, Luciferianism can account for the longevity of many of the oligarchs' projects. Many of the longest and to kill you most brutal human endeavors have been underpinned by some form of religious zealotry. The Crusades testify to this Aaron Russo reveals the truth about RFID and the Elites agenda for the American people, and even more revealing information from CBS historical fact. Likewise, the power elite's ongoing campaign to news stating that establish a socialist totalitarian global government the implant chip designed for humans manufactured by Verichip is has Luciferianism to thank for both its longevity and 27 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 documented to be have created cancerous tumors in mice and rats. There is finally enough internet access to PROVE TO Are we the next guinea pigs? YOU THAT I AM NOT DELUSIONAL. THIS IS URGENT AND EXTREMELY SERIOUS 10 08 2009 ( 9:11 another one today) Vaccination depopulation began this month in USA. The grid system will go down. The Illuminati plan See MISSING LINK, ROMANISM, CONSPIRACY- to depopulate 3/4 of the population thru BLACK POPE readings here jrgenius channel. engineered disasters, wars, vaccinations, More to come. Stock market collapse of 1929 was on plagues, famine and violence. FEMA CAMPS are 10 29 1929. NOW 10 29 2009 is 10 :11 :11. hmm. ready to exterminate millions.

They want to enslave the 44yr old and under worker bees-A microchipped, mindless 10 07 2009 population.

This is JUST like in WW2, they will target revolutionaries dedicated to and the religious faithfuls such as- torah Jews and Muslims, bible believing Christians. all the Wage Slaves out The problem is in the secret societies such as the there, who long HIGH RANKING to be FREE and FREEMASONS and have no time to KNIGHTS. The THINK FOR manipulation is from the VATICAN and BRITISH THEMSELVES! EMPIRE. AshkeNAZI Alleluia! Jews are fake European Jews that are Luciferian Nazi Germany - A atheists. Creation of the Vatican and NEW AGE Agenda is A Jesuits// LUCIFERIAN PLOY to Important - STEAL YOUR SOUL. DO Answer to HOW NOT buy into any America has been destroyed Ascended Masters, RAPTURES or UFO rescues. They have underground cities on EARTH and bases on the MOON and MARS. You will be enslaved and 10 05 2009 (17=8 numerology used as food. REPTILIAN DRACOS occupy the 4rth 8=infinity/completion) dimension and possess humans. They will be visible soon. Download REAL PLAYER HERE and record the videos that you need IMMEDIATELY. Software Downloads and Teleport Pro will allow you to grab websites that you want. If you are out of work now and reading this website, then the CREATOR WANTS YOUR ATTENTION. STAY out of FEAR, don't believe the YOUR GOVERNMENTS, disinfo media. MEDIA, LAW and Clear yourselves of mind controlling drugs, RELIGIOUS LEADERS are alcohol or any food or habits that drain your energy, such as sexual promiscuity. Strengthen EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. your local communities and wait for EDEN. 28 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Once this drama dissipates (because there is CRAMNOTE HERE going to be a war for souls), the EARTH will experience EDEN once more. CRAMNOTE-Sept-2009-HERstory

LOVE YOU ALL....NAMASTE DANA Download videos like Michael Tsarion, David Wilcock (SORRY…DAVID JUST Warning! Sound the Alarm! Alternative SOLD OUT to THE ALIEN NESARA Media Infiltrated ANTICHRIST AGENDA- BEWARE OF THAT SECTION OF HIS WORK WITH RA Credo Mutwa on Barack Obama (LUCIFER) Nov 4 2009) and STAY out of FEAR and DON'T listen to the MAINSTREAM the Red Mass - Vatican Control of the MEDIA and Fear Mongers like ALEX Supreme Court JONES and Sherry Shriner! ( I have spent enough time for all of you, in these areas.) the Blue Mass - Vatican Control of the Police Force We have to clear the negative energies before we get to EDEN. URGENT - October 04, 2009 NAMASTE ALL

First Contact, Secret Societies, Catholic, Christian DANA churches, SUNday, full moon, Aryan, Human Sacrifice, GENOCIDE, Police, Judges, Jesuits, fourth Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins Of dimension, possession, York Catholic District School Civilization Excerpts Beard, OECTA, Jrgenius, Dana Horochowski, Rocky Mountain Mystery School, Black Pope, Eric Phelps, -Full 10 hour DVD Series available from: Thomas Richards, Bill Schnoebelen, Vaccination, In his companion DVD Series to The Irish Origins of Civilization, (Volumes 1 and 2), Michael Tsarion discusses the historical significance of ancient Ireland and takes us on a truly fascinating, journey through time, from the Emerald Isle to Egypt and back, again full circle. Along the way we are introduced to the Druids and, also to their destroyers, the Atonists. We discover the, origins of the world's most powerful secret societies and the New World Order they labor to create. We discover secret facts about the royal dynasties of Britain and Europe, the Empire of Rome, and about Masonic influence in America. Featuring over 560 illustrations, and rare source material, this DVD series dramatically revolutionizes our view of history and explains what can be done to combat the tyrannical forces that have long conspired to 10 03 2009 We have solutions, undermine truth, freedom and justice. Also see for all web domains. Intro by Chris let's SOLVE THIS MESS! Geo and MACBEATZ The Irish Origins of Civilization (Volume One) The Servants of Truth (Druidic Traditions and servers were down again. I Influence Explored) would expect that the other websites will be targetted soon. irishorigins2.html

DOWNLOAD LATEST The pagan Irish and their goddesses far predate 29 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 the Israelites and their preposterous brooding 09 30 2009 consortless Jehovah. More importantly, the Jehovah of the bible was a corrupt rescripting of the ancient FEDERAL RESERVE ACCOUNTING DUE god of the moon, worshipped in Egypt and Ireland from the earliest days. As we have shown, his name TODAY. THEY ARE BROKE! Have been (Yehew or Yahweh) originally came from the word for the printing money out of nothing for a very yew tree. Of course, the references to trees and nature were long time! Media whores haven't told you yet. stripped away by the mythmongers. If they were not deleted, the Druidic elements within Judeo-Christianity would have been all the more obvious to educated investigators and readers. Kurtis COOMBS- the 19 year old becomes After the biblicists completed their tampering we were left with the MAYOR of PARADISE, Newfoundland! wrathful god of the testaments - male, warlike, Now we are talking vengeful, and consortless. Yes, we have a renovated BRAVO! true democracy. god, and we have his followers now revealed to have been There is hope for CANADA's political nobles within Egypt, privy to the arcane system. Sucky baby, old timer mayor Ralph mysteries. Wiseman wants a recount

The Irish Origins of Civilization (Volume Two) Akhenaton, the Cult of Aton, and the Dark Side CTV ( Canada's Twisted of the Sun (Polemical Investigations into the Extermination of Druidry and the Rise of Judeo- View) Christianity) irishorigins1.html The TEEVEE isn't called the IDIOT BOX for NOTHING Aton is the god of NESARA= false god. UFO / Lucifer/ Media lying that the Sanat ( Satan) Kumara/ New Age/ VATICAN stock market and deception economy is fine.

SURPRISED ??? Gas fire in Mississauga Ont. 9 website is down now, after employees got out safely. Evacuation of buildings in the area I posted his work. Here is Thomas Richards' channel. Drug Companies are immune from any 10 01 2009 (11:11) liabilities and deaths caused by flu vaccine now. The Canadian NAZI government (our wallets) will pay for lawsuits that will arise from the massive genocide Pt 1 - October that this VACCINE will cause. 01, 2009 // Pt 2 GAG me with hypocrisy (where buggering Pt 3 // Pt 4 little children is the norm and vaccines and manufactured earth disasters are used for Toronto Street News Vol 11 # 6 Sept 16 to 30 genocides.) Edmonton ROMAN diocese removed holy water and no hand shaking 2009 // Credo Mutwa - Message To The World allowed, to protect against swine flu. They want us to be afraid of each other and not show September 2009 brotherly love...normally. 30 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 GOES TO SHOW you that the JESUITS will LUCIFER's NEW AGE cended betray even their own, if they get out of line. As More media dribble.... Raymond Lahey- masters Halifax Catholic bishop apparently caught with kiddie porn in a random security check at an airport. LOOKS LIKE HE WAS FRAMED. He fought earlier for a settlement for $15 million dollars, for Tourist up in SPACE? Space clown up in sexual assault victims of the Catholic Church in the SPACE. Getting us prepped for the UFO INVASION, past. I smell a Vatican RAT! when they rapture human MEAT off EARTH and beam it to the MOON and MARS. They go Swine flu vaccine last year will make you more susceptible to the flu this year. thru portals.

No more cell phones while driving. Another E Health scandal- McGuinty reputation losing excuse for the COPS to PULL YOU OVER for ANY ground (It's about time. By design to set up global REASON that they choose NOW. desire for a NWO).

CTV economist puppets saying the economy - VERICHIP- here we come- $1 billion isn't too bad. LIE LIE LIE. GDP (Gross Domestic spent and no electronic health records. Government Product) unchanged, but end of the quarter TSX up cabinet ministers getting big bucks but no 10%, American Markets did better 15%. Mining resignation. Obama is very aggressive spending sector down, Shoppers Drug mart down, Research in millions in the US. Shame on Paul Bliss in Toronto, Motion down. ACTUALLY...the stock market promoting the MARK OF THE BEAST (subtle) is rigged and the dollar died long time ago. THEY JUST HAVEN'T TOLD YOU SO. Dangerous Peter MACKAY hints- Canadian troops to stay till 2011 to massacre more Afghani's and leave our Canadian CANADA is not a corporation of boarder's open to invasion by UN World WASHINGTON! army. (not to mention the ALIEN hybrids they have breeding in WE NEED TO STRENGTHEN OUR underground bases.) ECONOMIES- LOCALLY AND TRADE GLOBALLY, without the corrupt NDP going to prop politicians, VATICAN, British Empire, up the Criminal Chinese Communists, secret societies, Conservative for mafia or any demonic entity- including government another week. Canadian parliament puppets, in all ZIONIST CONTROLLED parties are split between allegiance to their SATANIC puppet masters or the PEOPLE that THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO SERVE!

31 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Engineered environmental turn BLUE. LIE LIE LIE. Mass Media Deception The Blue Man disasters will be blamed for the collapse of the dollar. MASSIVE Toyota recall- 4 million vehicles to be recalled? (removable floormat-wedges gas peddle in 4 major disasters in the Asian and Pacific place). Replace driver's side floormat. region currently. ARE THESE MUSLIM NATIONS? GM to get rid of SATURN. Indonesia powerful earthquake today. NEW AGERS are waiting to bring in the WATER 6.3 (9) quake strikes southern Peru. powered cars and personal unrelated quake in 7.6 (13) Sumatra, S space ships. Pacific. 119 people confirmed dead (more satanic WHAT ARE numbers) YOU WAITING Hellary FOR? Clinton LUCIFER to saying that come in on WOMEN are his UFO- at the SHEMA STAR CRYSTAL CITY, during project forefront for bluebeam, to trick the survivors into thinking that protecting he is coming to SAVE US? (maybe for dinner). women and GESARA is the new gameplan. They haven't been children. ( able to succeed with any of their first contact plans, NOT YOU HELLARY!!! You use women as sex so far. We will have the Hinns, Hagees and the slaves in White House rituals. Ask Cathy O'Brien, other BEAST prophets (for profit) welcoming these who is luckily still alive to talk about it). You look demonic dragon shapeshifters. awful Hellary. You are losing your human cloaking. Need to drink more blood? How do I know who is in on the DECEPTION? Most gate keepers, who I contact, that are on the JESUIT payroll, are instructed to not respond to my emails. Ignore me and continue to FEAR MONGER Michelle OBAMA and or push the UFO, NWO, alien, NEW AGE OPRAH in Chicago deception. ALSO, they try like HELL to crash my campaigning for the 2016 website servers. Olympics. BIRDS of a Feather, FLOCK TOGETHER!,olympic-michelle- obama-oprah-winfrey-100109.article

Oprah is a major GATE KEEPER/Feminist/ very rich Disinfo agent. She will caution you NOT TO DRINK COLLOIDAL SILVER because it will make you

32 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

If you want to fix the THE TERRORISTS are in GOVERNMENTS and problem, I AM SUGGESTING other ILLUMINATI CARTELS. the UNSLAVERY, no USURY Serenity GLOBAL The Illuminati is clearly responsible for COOPERATIVE, WORLD 9-11 and other terrorist attacks. These WAMPUM proposal. What is are people who are in positions of the problem? Is it because I am a woman and want a Law, Education, Media, free, clean planet, healthy Insurance, Banking, Medicine, relationships and happy Business, Religion, Military, Drugs children? I have had enough witchcraft to dodge (legal and illegal), organized crime and from demons. NO POSITIVE influence from the Jesuit Politics. side, however. Yes, I blame the Roman Catholic Church for a great deal of the mess that is on PLANET EARTH- way before the crucifixion of ^^^ CHRIST and the continuous Inquisitions. Anyone who can not see that the Catholic Church So far, enslavement and dominates American Politics the microchip is what they are needs to look at these trying to photographs.http://www.spirituallys deceivingly pitch. $=SLAVERY S=SERENITY..... dude is pretty smart. I am not sure if he is 100% correct, HAARP? I since we all make mistakes as we research the wouldn't be disinfo masters, but he certainly makes my work a surprised. bit easier.

VATICAN- you are setting us up for LUCIFER and his NWO! Your days are numbered Illuminati Satanists. REVELATIONS is playing itself out. Black POPE needs to be read to keep an eye on these Satanic Jesuit Pedo-Zio- Murdering-CONS! The Planet is AWAKE! again ????

Tsunami hits Samoa- near New Zealand. Villages wash away. 8.3(11) earthquake, Cars and 09 29 2009 (9:11:11 satanic numerology people swept out to sea. Tsunami warning for again today. 4 big dragon dicks in this one.) Hawaii. 99 people confirmed dead. Earthquake under the ocean ( just the beginning). Lots of Satanic Numerology. 15, 000 (6) affected by disaster. 33 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 American Samoa and Tonga swept entire villages out DON'T get the FLU SHOT or any VACCINATION to sea.The nightmare began at dawn on Tuesday. 4 from the NAZI MEDICAL MAFIA who wants to make a lot of waves/20 feet (6), collapsing buildings and money off depopulating the HUMAN RACE! washing away cars. Lock down training for highschools -Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga-People when the Illuminati plot another dragged out to sea and others buried in sand. Japan to Hawaii TSUNAMI warnings. No phone or power. terrorist, manchurian candidate attack Satanic Red Cross major agency on the ground. on our innocent. THEY WANT your money, not supplies. Typical ploy, since the funds never end up going to 666$$$666$$$666 relief efforts. Tsunami alarms still ringing. The Black Pope AKA "Father General" FEMA (Fresh Earthling Meat Access). or Superior General of the Society of Jesus. DON'T be AFRAID and WE Nuclear Tsunamis-Weapons of Mass Destruction WIN THE GAME! Revealed At Last!!

-FEAR FEAR "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" FEAR is what they (Isaiah 54:17). want from you! FEAR and Disease gives the While the 4rth dimension full world suffers access to your aura real pain; the so they can feed off men in the your energy ( Loosh). Pentagon drink champagne!! Where is POPE Benedict Arnold...doing more satanic masses? ( drinking "Like a war zone"....Some of the devastation from a more blood and eating more of the flesh of Christ?) nuclear tsunami that hit Indonesia on Dec. 26, 2004, killing over 250,000 people!! Typhoon Ketsana hits Vietnam. One megaton nuclear bombs on board a Pentagon Philippines hit with worst flooding in 40 aircraft carrier. Each bomb has the explosive power of I years. MILLION tons of TNT.

& Each hydrogen bomb is 50 times Adil Charkaoui wants Ottawa to stop accusing more powerful than him of being an alCIAda terrorist. More racial the atomic bomb profiling and terrorism accusations for other men of that fell on Muslim descent or non whites. ( Big Brother wants Hiroshima, Japan in an excuse for a World War) 1945.

34 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 One such bomb strategically placed could devastate a murders: the CIA/FBI controlled attack on 911 country the size of England. The Pentagon has more destroying the World Trade Center and a portion of the than 10,000 of such monsters in its arsenal. Pentagon, and the man-made, mass- murdering tsunami in Indonesia. The hydrogen or thermonuclear bomb is just a nuke within a nuke. In other words, it uses the fission in a conventional atomic bomb (primary) to trigger a chain Therefore, contrary to the reaction (fusion) in another bomb (secondary) in order opinion of the writer of to create a nuclear explosion. A third or tertiary stage the following article, it is can be added yielding up to 20 million tons of TNT not the Jews and Zionist Israel that control New York City through its Black Pope's Tsunami Council on Foreign Relations, although the Pope's Masonic anti- Jesuit Superior General Torah Zionist government Peter-Hans Kolvenbach of Israel, controlled by the Archbishop's CFR to the ordered the man-made detriment of the risen Son of God's racially beloved 'tsunami in Indonesia on Hebrew/Jewish/Israelite People, may well have played Dec. 26, 2004. His political a subordinate role in the detonation. It was the Jesuit capital of the world, New Superior General---the Black Pope---in command of York City, was governed by the "infallible" White Pope, John Paul II and his Pope John Paul II through his Archbishop, Edward Hierarchy through the advisement of the Jesuit Cardinal Egan. Egan was overseen by professed Curia, who caused the massive destruction of the Jesuits of the Fourth Vow residing at New York City's man-made flood, deceptively called a "tsunami." Fordham University. Two of those most powerful We Americans, through our wicked, CFR-controlled, American Jesuits are Fordham University President and Fourteenth Amendment, Federal government in CFR Presider Joseph A. O'Hare (the power behind New Washington, D.C., have been used once again to York City Mayor and CFR member Michael R. further the global designs of the Society of Jesus in Bloomberg) and Avery Cardinal Dulles, nephew of the seeking to make the Pope of its making the late Director of the CIA, Allen, W. Dulles. Cardinal Universal Monarch of the World, ruling all nations Egan used his New York City-based Council on from a rebuilt Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem, its Foreign Relations (CFR) to orchestrate a Temple Mount now legally in the hands of the Papacy. thermonuclear detonation off the coast of Muslim Indonesia, furthering the Pope's Crusade against the Sincerely in Faith, Brother Eric Phelps Islamic peoples whose leaders are traitorous, high- level, Islamic Freemasons in conspiracy with the Papacy. Paul Wolfowitz, one of the Pope's Masonic Nuclear Tsunamis Jewish anti-Torah Zionists, is a member of the CFR and thus subordinate to Archbishop Egan.

??? Edward Cardinal Egan was responsible for being the Black Pope's tool in implementing two great mass- 35 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 What could possibly have Big Brother HAARPing up our weather again? HIGH so threatened by our small town winds in ONTARIO! More funnel clouds newspapers. HMM to destroy more farmland and property!

Hiding from parliament again...I see. Your media whores are liars too! is being updated here Federal Reserve- Sept 30th is deadline for OwenSoundsOff accounting. They are bankrupt. Hope you have your money out of the $ATANIC money $y$tem. Toronto Street news Sept 16 to 30 AND October 1 to 15 are on their way. US Naval Crew Vaccinated With Flu ZIONISTS are banning the paper from all Vaccine- Many Sickened, Two Dead free speech forums. THE NEW LOOK MUST With Flu From Vaccine- see video BE really making them TURN green with envy. SWINE-ELEVEN is an INSIDE JOB! We can have green parachutes for all you war criminals- when we release you over Iraq and now IRAN.

09 28 09 9 27 09 (another 09 09 09) YOU are a (I am watching LIAR, how things HARPER! play out. Scientist at work- Dana) Your ALLIES are not Canada's allies. Disinfo LEAVE IRAN alone. Your allies are Luciferian Media News starting the war! -blaming Iran for firing missiles in desert. LIARS like Sock puppet "BOBBY- I sell Free energy/cold fusion is the arms to other nations- RAE" SAY that ISRAEL way.....NOT POISONOUS, dangerous (ISis- RA-ELohiem=fallen angels=demons) feels NUCLEAR ENERGY! threatened. SATANISTS in ZION land are the 36 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 problem, along with the other rich global SATANISTS, Roman Polanski arrested for 1978 charges including the pedophiles in the VATICAN, not to mention for sleeping with a 13 year old girl. 42 AmeriKa, Canada, BRITAIN too. days spent in jail was not enough, in the past. (WHAT DO THE BOHEMIAN NEW WORLD ORDER.THE DEVIL IN THE GROVE BOYS GET for their MURDERS VATICAN!! (Excuse me- the Sabbath is from and RAPES of many innocent women Friday sunset to Saturday sunset and requires quiet and children? More BEAST MONEY meditation. SUN-day is the SUN-GOD's day. transferred into their bank accounts, LUCIFER is the SUN GOD!) See video section for stolen from the hard working other videos or go to you tube AMERICAN people! ). Polanski's wife Sharon TATE was murdered in the POPE Benedict Arnold saying satanic mass today in Charles Manson satanic murders. Helter the CZECH republic. All that energy can now go into Skelter movie was made to portray the their NWO SATANIC APOCALYPSE. STOP drinking the BLOOD and EATING the Body of CHRIST...LUCIFERIANS! massacres. Something very evil in Holly-wood ( holly wood is the wood NORTH AMERICAN UNION & RFID Chip used for wands in witchcraft). TRUTH! WHO CAN POSSIBLY STAND TO

OBAMA BEAST puppet wants to kill more people and LIVE on a PLANET SO CORRUPT. make more money off it. Need Health Care WE NEED A GLOBAL REVOLUTION reform to grab more money for the MEDICAL MAFIA. with all PEOPLE of INTEGRITY. Aspartame, Vaccines, Fluoridated- polluted water, processed food, poisoned meat and dairy TAKE BACK YOUR POWER BEFORE are NOT generating enough income for the THEY KILL US ALL! WE NEED AN SATANISTS, while destroying people and the ECONOMIC COLLAPSE to take the POWER environment. Oh- don't forget the mind controlling AWAY FROM THESE MURDERERS! deadly cell towers and the brain tumours from your H5N1 DNA in Flu Vaccine Must Watch cell phones. HDTV- has it made you into zombies yet?

SHAME ON Dr. Donald LOW-Wants pregnant Dalai LAMA is in Vancouver. PEACE? Practise what women and young children to get the DEADLY you preach. Why not FREE TIBET already! GENOCIDE flu VACCINE. This one does not have an adjuvant. Our LYING ZIONIST- SATANIC Gadhafi cancelled trip to St. John's New CANADIAN NAZI GOVERNMENT has also ordered Brunswick. Zionist Parliament PUPPET Lawrence some 50 million doses of adjuvanted vaccine for CANNON was not happy that Libya accepted the falsely accused Lockerby Bomber into Libya. NAZI Cannon kept Canada's own everyone else. Abdelrazik imprisoned in SUDAN on false charges. It is alleged that the - Medical Mafia puppet Donald Low says they WANT 70% of the incarceration of Abdelrazik was done at the prompting, request or population to be vaccinated. suggestion of Canada and as a result of incarceration, the plaintiff was beaten (during one period approximately 3-5 times per month), -THEY LIE THAT Adjuvants are compounds that boost the immune tortured, contracted malaria and typhoid, suffered from depression system's response to vaccine, allowing smaller doses to be used and later lived a "hand to mouth" existence. It is alleged that Cannon per person. Are they adding deadly aspartame, along with the was aware of Abdelrazik's constitutional right to return to Canada and other toxic chemicals already inside this concoction of MASS to be granted and emergency passport to allow him to do so and yet POISONS? IS THERE A VERICHIP inside this vaccine that will deliberately and flagrantly denied the issuance of a passport to demonically possess the masses of people? Abdelrazik in violation of his s. 6 rights. Evidence that the "swine flu" vaccine is toxic, especially the adjuvant squalene Jane Bugemeister says NO to Swine Flu Shot!

37 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 DOREEN will take the rest of the day with YOU ARE AWAKE now CANADA, so the below entries. She is not initiated into come to your senses before it is any secret society either. too LATE! The War Scroll - The Real Book of WHY NOT TRY Royal Raymond RIFE frequency generators, Hulda Clarke Zappers or make your own COLLOIDAL Eschatological Prophecy Silver for the flu and immunosuppressors that are sprayed The Book of Revelations is not a Biblical book deliberately by chemtrails and put into our food supply? of prophecy. It is the *script* according to BECAUSE IT WON'T DEPOPULATE the USELESS EATERS that the which the Vatican is working. Illuminati Satanists have always planned to KILL, before they enslave the 44 yr old and under-soul scalped, microchipped, worker bees that will succumb to the NEW WORLD ORDER. EI is running out and this is their solution to the MANUFACTURED sell out of our CANADA. This video will direct you to the true Book of Hr3200 resistance swine flu H1N1 kill Prophecy that will explain the coming war and shot verichip prepare you for it: THE WAR SCROLL of the Dead My thoughts on the legality of our freedom. Do not Sea Sect, HaYachad, also known as the oppress me with legislation that will steal my LIBERTY. I Essenes. will resist you. HR3200 page 1004 allows for implantable radio frquency devices! WHAT!? THE WAR SCROLL (Reference 1QM) The that's right RFID. The verichip. Here are the links Description of the Eschatological War. For the -the white paper on fluchip Instructor, the Rule of the War. The first attack of the Sons %20Paper.pdf of Light shall be undertaken against the forces World net daily of the Sons of Darkness, the army of Belial: the fa=PAGE.view&pageId=107588 troops of Edom, Moab, the sons of Ammon, the Amalekites, Philistia, and the troops of the Kittim REPTILIAN DEFENSE SECRETS: THE of Asshur. Supporting them are those who have violated REPTILIBORN REVEALED the covenant. The sons of Levi, the sons of Nothing on planet Earth in microbe form can survive the Judah, and the sons of Benjamin, those exiled frequencies of colloidal titanium. to the wilderness, shall fight against them with [ . DANA's TESTIMONY-I use colloidal silver/gold/titanium water . . ] against all their troops, when the exiles of the Sons of for all my herbal teas. I also sun tan in full sunlight often, without poisonous sunscreen. Vit D cures Cancer and promotes Light return from the Wilderness of the Peoples health and healing. I haven't turned blue like they want to you to camp in the Wilderness of Jerusalem. Then believe happens when you drink properly prepared colloidal water. I after the battle they shall go up from that place and the king like titanium because it DRIVES the LIZARD 4rth dimension crazy for some reason. It is also very affordable to buy the wire. of the Kittim shall enter into Egypt. In his time he shall go forth with great wrath to do battle %20Indexes/Pure_element/titanium.html against the kings of the north, and in his anger he shall set out to destroy and eliminate the Keeping my eye on the boys.I will pay strength of Israel. Then there shall be a time of Rense for his time in SERENITY WAMPUM salvation for the People of God, and a time of dominion for all the men of His forces, and later. The Dollar is DEAD! (lol). See eternal annihilation for all the forces of Belial. important vaccine danger audios, Tim There shall be great panic among the sons of Japheth, Assyria shall fall with no one to come Rifat and Ben Fulford here. BULFORD is to his aid, and the supremacy of the Kittim shall cease either totally mind controlled by the that wickedness be overcome without a VATICAN and his DRAGON SECRET remnant. There shall be no survivors of SOCIETY or enjoys their genocide mentality and all the Sons of Darkness. Please see this site for alien food/ rapture agenda. more information: 38 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Please also see my compendium of writings on the sometimes known as Dardaim Essenes on this link, including a true explanation of Rabbi Yihhyah what the s'pherot are: Qafahh TERRORISM AND THE ILLUMINATI Rosicrucians There is a video series on You Tube that is absolutely and Freemasons The House of Stuart superb. It's called: The Dead Sea Scrolls 1 (of 6) - Rageh Omaar The Vatican, Talmud and Kabbalah 1/3 // Pt 2/3 // Pt 3/3 Doreen's Reading List Hidden Theophoric Names And Angelology In The "War Scroll" I'd like to share my blog Hidden Theophoric Names And Angelology In The "War Scroll" with those who read JEWISH INFANTICIDE IN ISRAEL 1/2 // JEWISH Hebrew as well. INFANTICIDE IN ISRAEL 2/2 Please scroll down to the first blog entry. I also recommend this video highly: 09 23 09 Judaism, Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls September 23, 2009 Lawrence H. Schiffman's book RECLAIMING THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS is de rigueur for any student of the Scrolls New World Order straight ahead, World Dollar, Shriner, Bulford=Fulford, Gatekeepers, Canada/USA apathy, Overseas, Websites attacked, Orgone, Protection, Underground alien bases,Toronto, CNTOWER, SKY DOME, Isis, Osiris, WARRIOR energy, Inanna, Dumuzi, Zionist, Satanists, Frozen Beneath billboards, GET READY warning with ET in Ontario, Alien Hybridization, Aboriginal sock puppets, Karma coming to apathetic America,, ,,

09 26 09 Newscom-Cramnote-Sept-2009 Yahweh-Elohim's Historical Evolution The Goddess Inanna "The Queen of Heaven". (Pre-Biblical) the most important goddess of the Sumerian ( thanks for the homework Brother James oxox pantheon in ancient Mesopotamia. She is the goddess of love, fertility, and war. The Akkadians I love this Soccer MOM! Go Doreen! called her Ishtar. Ishtar/Isis is not the The Vatican, Talmud and Kabbalah Sumerian Inanna and to the cognate northwest Semitic goddess Astarte. Recommended Reading Path of Abraham What is Anunit, Astarte and Kabbalah? Path of Atarsamain are alternative names . Abraham The Zohar's Place in Judaism Inanna, twin of Utu/Shamash, Kabbalah and Jewish children of Nannar/Sin, first born on Mysticism Earth of Enlil. The first names given Anti-Maimonidean Demons by the SEFARADI are Sumerian, the second names derive from FEDERATION. Author. José Faur. the Akkadians, who are a Semitic people who Dor Daim, 39 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 immigrated into Sumeria. Adding an [sh] to a name is typical became the goddess of the Roman commonwealth. Akkadian, as Anu to Anush. She had temples on the Aventine Hill and the Forum. Libertas was depicted on many Roman coins as a The goddess represents the planet Venus. (A female figure with a pileus (a felt cap, worn by continent on Venus is named Ishtar Terra by astronomers today.) The double aspect of the goddess may correspond to the difference slaves when they were set free), a wreath of laurels between Venus as a morning star and as an and a spear. evening star. Baphomet = Lucifer = The name Inanna (sometimes Satan=Utu/Shamash spelled Inana) means "Great

Lady of An", where An is the god of heaven.

Together with the moon god Nanna or Suen (Sin in Akkadian), and the sun god Utu (Shamash in Akkadian), Inanna is the third figure in a triad deifying and personalizing the moon, the sun, and the earth: Moon (wisdom), Sun (justice) and Earth (life force). This triad overlies another: An, heaven; Enlil, earth; and Enki (Ea in Akkadian), the watery deep.

Symbol: an eight or sixteen-pointed star Sacred number: 15 Actually, Astrological region: Dibalt(Venus) and the Bowstar (Sirius) Sacred the name animal: lion, (dragon) "human" can be Dumuzi traced to Tammuz or Enki (a.k.a. Tamuz - EA). HU is a Sumerian transliteration of Dumuzi - was the the ancient name of a Babylonian Sumerian EA deity. In Babylonia, (Grimms' law of the month Tammuz interchangeable letters and sounds). Isis (pronounced Ish-Ish, was established in honor of the eponymous god Tammuz, who originated as a which is interesting, because in Hebrew 'Ish' means 'man) was Sumerian shepherd-god, Dumuzid or Dumuzi, the Enki's mother. Isis was not Nibiruan; she was consort of Inanna and in his Akkadian form the parallel of Sirian, with some Orion connections. His father Ishtar's consort, the Syrian Adonis who was drawn was Anu. (Anu and his offical wife, Antu, had a son named into the Greek pantheon. The name "Tammuz" seems to have Enlil.) HU was also Horus, by the way, therefore another been derived from the Akkadian form Tammuzi, based on early connection to Ninhursag, a.k.a. Hathor. What about Sumerian Damu-zid. EArth? EN.KI is "lord of earth." In the early days on Earth, Enki's symbol was the crescent moon with a Diana Lucifera= bearded, olden god surrounded with flowing water. The crescent moon relates to science, measuring, the oceans/tides - Enki's specialties. In later years, the crescent Inanna moon developed another association - keep reading. In other ancient as Liberty/Libertas As the Roman goddess of "mythology" Enki is known as Oannes, Ptah, freedom. Originally as goddess Quezecotl, even as his own son, Thoth. of personal freedom, she later 40 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Oasis – Isis Mother – Horus Son – noframes;read=25618 Osiris Father Drought, plague and Consider the information below very carefully and starvation stalked contemplate the reality that the elite of the world the Earthlings know something they’re not sharing with us. [Sitchin, Z., 2002, The The luciferian thinkers are aware, and use the Lost Book of Enki: 204 techniques of hypnotic trance manipulation to -205]. Enki and control and direct humanity. The information on Ninmah proposed this page is but one more example that the 3 teaching Earthlings dimensional space has been established through medicine for plague, subliminal suggestion to completely deceive sea-fishing as well as pond - and canal - building for humanity and to use horror and devastation to drought and famine. fabricate the curtain that disconnects us from our awareness state. oasisisisusa-jailhouse-rock-a-whole-lot-of-shakin-goin-on- Enlil (Yahweh), however, was still enraged at yellowstoneholystone-egypt-usa-hey-zeus-juice-mexico-cornucopia- Enki for creating the Earthling hybrids. Enlil capricorn-and-cancer-env-iron-mental-ism/ forbade any help for the Earthlings. "Let the Earthlings by hunger and pestilence perish," decreed The Final Blood Sacrifice To The Enlil. To speed the demise of the Earthlings, Enlil Luciferian God specifically ordered Enki to block Earthlings’ access But now we know! Now they’re going to unleash the to ocean fish. lunatic new world order, the age of aquarius, the flood of Noah, the Global Warming flood, the new age of enlightenment and the kingdom Sumerian Family Tree of god on earth. They’re going to do it for certain, because the majority of humanity believes it’s going to happen. ANUNNAKI DRACO -Why should it be any different now? They’ve come all this way, manipulating of all of humanity to shed humanities blood to the luciferian christ god. Why would they change their mind now? Of course, they’re not going to change their mind. by Zecharia Sitchin The hourdes of humanity are given a choice by the luciferian thinkers, where we can choose the devastation scenario most palatable. Whether you

Much still lies beneath the sands and it would be fantastic for humanity call it the new world order, new age thinking, the to be able to uncover the past in this region. Ur, between the Tigris age of Aquarius, the 2nd coming of Christ, the and Euphrates Rivers, was the birthplace of humanity in modern times coming of the Messiah, or the judgment of on Plan-ET Earth, the Garden of Eden, and everyone is entitled to have safe access to it. Therein lies many eophysical keys to Allah, it’s all the same event. Humanity chooses the remembering who we all perspective they find most appetizing, and unwittingly, the trance is solidified. Once solidified, the reality created within the trance comes are. to pass. _12.htm The most deceiving and manipulative scenario to melt all the nations illuminatiMATRIX - What In The together, and all religious, political and intellectual thought, into one sun god worshipping form, is Environmentalism. This World's Going movement is focusing, virtually all of humanity, into one On? imprisoned fear based society, ready and waiting for destruction.

41 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 The subliminal messages, the mysteries of god, banksters that own the Fed are being forced to put all (for this lunatic god does move in mysterious their derivatives garbage on the books by September 30th. If ways), are etched in this stone. These entities have promised they do that, they will be exposed as totally for 6,000 years, that the elite will live and reign bankrupt. with them in the afterlife. The elite have been The new financial system has been embraced by the Vatican, the promised to have all the riches, glory, worship British Empire and the Dragon family as well as the new Japanese and control that paradise on earth can deliver. government so it is hard to see how the Fed will be able meet the Read their holy books. They’re filled with blood, war, sex, demands. Also people are now on to them and without secrecy their entire fiat con-job ceases to function. " More at link: astrology, money and ultimately hell fire for all who dare not comply. For this reason they have manipulated and killed millions throughout the ( THESE GUYS ARE WALL STREET. The Vatican, the British ages. The World Trade Centre attack, a mere Empire and the Dragon family as well as the new drop in the bucket of blood to these guys, was just the Japanese government are the BEASTS/DRAGON/ start button for the final conquest before they enter SERPENT SEEDLINE. Nothing changes, just the 666 into the kingdom of their lunatic lord. Mark of the BEAST is in your face here. BEAST BRIBE first then a MICROCHIPPED population. DANA)

Secret space 2 part 8 - Reptilians (The I DON'T trust FULFORD! He is a False Prophet. Hathor history) The Dark Side of the Sun Secret space 2 part 9 -Masonic Reptilian // side-of-the-sun-pitt-t215145.html Secretspace 2 part 10 -Invasion of Sky Gods "Aton is, as we have demonstrated, Jehovah. And Jehovah is the Phoenician-Persian Yawnah, the Welsh Jawnah, the English Jon, meaning "sun." Aton is Adni or Agni, the Sun-Lord of the Hindus. He is Don of the ancient Celts and Phoenicians. The latter had founded 09 22 09 Next 999 date is 09 27 09. the cities of Thebes and Avaris in Egypt. 09 20 2009 was 11:11 ( 4 phallus The Druids at these symbols) (Yes..Pindar/Cain the cities, and at other locations, brought dragon is a big the world the Solar Theocracy, one DICK). which was corrupted later into Atonism and into Judeo- $$$ 666 $$$ Christianity. Akhenaton not only brought political Collapse Of US havoc to his Dollar Starting On country, he brought theological havoc to September 30th the world of religious ideas also. He and his coterie, the "Dr. Michael Van de Meer, is "Brotherhood of the Snake" (Bramley), did not worship the person predicting a light in the manner of the Druids. Their understanding of the sun financial collapse of the United and of light was not akin to that which we possess today. Judeo- States starting on September 30th. That is the Christianity is the child of Atonism, and is also controlled by end of the fiscal year and those elites, involved in the worship of the dark the final date for payments side of the sun. Another word for this kind of worship, that a the Federal Reserve. true Christian might use, is Luciferianism. Lucifer is a god of light, or rather, of the dark side of By Benjamin Fulford light. The secret fraternities, which preserve the (BULLFORD)9-11-9- most antique doctrines of the Chaldeans, The Wall street Druids and Medes, are also responsible for 42 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 turning the gnosis of light into a travesty, in paycheck if he did. The Priesthood is of Luciferian, order to deceive the human race and cause patriarchal male, Babylonian tradition)) See metaphysical incongruence. If one was to say that Aton Futuretalk: another conversation with David was Lucifer, they would not be too wrong. If one was to say that Wilcock for details. Jehovah was Lucifer, the Martian god of light and war, they would also be correct" *** Michael Tsarion ( thank you MICHAEL!!! You are the ANGEL of the DAY!) The Energies for September 2009- THE SEEDS OF THE NEW : COMPASSION, JOY AND SERVICE TO THE PLANET 2009

09 21 09 My Good Goddess Kali Ma - Liberator of Souls - News section was Destroyer of Negativity hacked, but now -Goddess Kali Ma is a goddess of death. However, She brings the restored. (I am not death of the ego as the delusional self-centered view of reality. buying the Turkish Nowhere in the sriptures is She seen killing anything but HacKer bullcrap either). demons nor is She associated exclusively with the process of human dying like Yama the Hindu god of death. Stick to the DIVINE FEMININE -Out of all the Devi forms, Kali is the most compassionate because She provides moksha or liberation to Her children. She is the and you will not counterpart of Shiva. They are the destroyers of unreality. When lose your soul to the evil doers. the ego sees Mother Kali it trembles with fear because the ego sees in Her its own eventual demise. An individual who is attached NAMASTE DANA to his/her ego will not be able to receive the vision of Mother Kali and She will The Awakening of the Goddess appear in a fear invoking or "wrathful" form. A mature soul who engages in spiritual practice to remove the illusion of the ego sees Mother Kali as very The divine feminine energy, Pistis sweet, affectionate, and Sophia, Diana Lucifera, Mary overflowing with incomprehensible love for Magdalene, Divine Sophia, WISDOM, Her children. Inanna. Ma Kali wears a garland made of 52 skulls and a skirt made of dismembered arms because the ego comes out of identification (ISIS/Ishtar is NOT Goddess Inanna, rather with the body. In fact, we are beings of spirit and not flesh. So her DARK STAR- she hijacked the throne. Look at liberation can only prevail when our attachment to the body comes to an end. Therefore, the skirt and garland are trophies worn the fruit. The phallus she by Her to represent the liberation of Her children from attachment to worships is the Phallus of the finite body. In two of Her hands, She holds a sword and a freshly the Dragon- severed head that is dripping blood. This represents a great battle in which she defeated the demon Raktabija. PINDAR/CAIN. Illuminati worship Isis and Osiris and the Egyptian Babylonian Luciferian HORUS. You will see the duality playing out soon. Christians should see it as Whore of Babylon (ISIS) and Bride of Christ ( Magdalene) in the Book of Revelations. Don't let your pastor tell you otherwise. He would lose his 43 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 espionage technology in Canada. This technology has the capability to, for the other party to listen, communicate and transfer toxic gases like biological toxins through satellites from one end to the other which would be via the transmitters implanted inside your body. Harris and the feds are violating many human right and crimes against humanity in where CSIS stated that Canada does not condone torture for intelligence, now torture is illegal 09 20 09 internationally and how are they torturing these victims, is not targeting civilians illegal in Toronto Street News Vol 11 # 5 Sept 1 Canada. Well this is another secret for you, Harris to 15 2009 COOL NEW LAYOUT. and CSIS are sabotaging the economy with biological agents like depleted uranium and Eat your heart out LUCIFER SUN / plutonium in micro doses since 2006 when Prime Minister Harper got STAR DISINFO MEDIA! elected. They enter homes and businesses at night with duplicate keys to sabotage the economy and innocent lives for money from foreign investors. All consumables are biological and chemical positive but all levels of the From an anonymous email writer to federal government have been corrupted by foreignors who hate Canadians and the federals assist them in their goals for large amounts of cash. Canada needs change of governments for all of our civilties and rights all we Canadian deserve. Canada has come to a stand still in every aspect. Canada is being controlled by satellite technology that no one wants but where forced because of fear, who's on the other end talking?. Canada has been victimized with these transmitters and depleted uranium and plutonium oxides. These micro chips are not acceptable in a civil society without reprocautions.


Brother R. James´ Newsletter The federal conservatives are implanting Brother R. James latest news: Main website: satellite micro transmitters in civilians and My Google group: government officials in British Columbia. They Personal implant them with a syringe and the transmitter fits email: [email protected] inside the needle. They do this to infiltrate and control all professions with intelligence. The About the Illuminati: CSIS director HARRIS is responsible for all 44 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Aside from Dan Brown´s popular novels and the movies made from the Fallen Angels, who were once the "Watchers" - Angels meant them such as "Angels & Demons" & "The Da Vinci Code", to guide humans in our development on Earth. the Illuminati is a very real organization that DOES INDEED Here is the general structure of the Illuminati, it is a hierarchical RULE THIS WORLD! The Illuminati are worshippers of Lucifer, organization, that´s why the pyramid is their symbol! And, the Fallen Angel, that hates the human race. Lucifer is the Lucifer Satan is the eye above the pyramid, watching and leader of a rebellion against the One True Creator. Most people controlling from the top down! that have even heard of this secret organization, heard that it was created in 1776 by Adam Weishupt, who was born a jew, a son of a Rabbi who later "converted" to Catholicism. But, the Illuminati goes way back beyond that time, to the beginning of the rebellion by

The Illuminati symbol on the dollar bill. Novus Ordo Seclorum means "New Order of the Ages". When a Hexagram(a witches conjuring device) or "The Star of David" or "Seal of Solomon" is transposed over this Illuminati symbol, it spells "Mason", as in "FreeMason" - an international secret society and criminal enterprise that worships Lucifer Satan - Man & God´s ultimate enemy! The "Eye in the 45 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Pyramid" is not God, but Lucifer that watches over his Earthly empire, which is a Hierarchy of power in the political, religious, Lucifer Rising By Philip Jones 5-13-9 financial, scientific, and all other modes of power, knowledge, fame, & fortune!

Israeli Now Taps All US telephones, faxes “It turns out that Israel has had a potential wiretap on every phone in America for years, along with the ability to monitor and record who any person is calling, anywhere in America; information of great value even if one does not listen to the calls themselves. Amdocs, Inc. the company which sub contracts billing and directory services for phone companies around the world, including 90 percent of American phone companies, is owned by Israeli interests. Yet another company, Comverse Infosys, is suspected of having built a "back door" into the equipment permanently installed into the phone system that allows instant eavesdropping by law enforcement agencies on any phone in America. This includes yours.” -From JMP Aurelius. More at link:

Another Shocking Warning About Swine Flu Vaccine "Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has said that there are many risks associated with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus." "The swine flu vaccine has been hit by new cancer fears after a German health expert gave a shocking warning about its safety." More at link: -Shocking-Warning-About-Swine-Flu-Vaccine.aspx

Avoid ALL VACCINATIONS (If you want to stay healthy!) warns Dr. Andrew Moulden. More at link:

Poverty hits 1 in 8 Americans "About 2.5 million Americans slipped below the 46 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 poverty line..driving Now, the Satanic Jew/Freemason controlled poverty to its highest level since 1998" More at media is promoting zoophilia link: and pedophilia, too! Can´t you see the plan of these people now? They are going to Dr. Len Horowitz - Pandemic Charges Filed enforce libertarian "freedom", to the point that anything With FBI In NYC including rape and murder is acceptable under "It is presumed by Dr. Horowitz and others that government Satan´s law: "Do thou will shall be the whole will of the law - Aleister Crowley, the "Great Beast" attempt to compel(force) vaccination(s)" "..the message indicates the first serious US legal action I have seen on... zoophiles-love-and-have-sex-with-animals-will-the-world-ever-accept- this issue as it affects states and localities, anticipating the need to file them injunction lawsuits vs. any government taking steps to compel ------vaccination." More at link: ------VIDEO: Media Disinformation on H1N1 Swine In India, the country's 1.2 billion citizens are to Flu be issued with a biometric identity card in order to control every "H1N1 versus tuberculosis" More at link: aspect of that immense society! Don´t you people see how this agenda is Obama: spreading from one nation to the next? It is all being controlled centrally by the Make Satanic Illegal illuminati Aliens which is run Legal-Give by the Zionist Them Free Jews as the Health leaders and Care - That way he won't be LYING!! "Barack Obama says that he opposes illegal aliens getting free health care. So, first he wants to make them legal, then they are no longer "illegal" Twisting of words and laws means the other hand, that Joe Wilson was right, even if he were rude. On the other hand, how rude is it for the President of the United States to play word games to lie to us. This is as sleazy as it comes--and it comes from the President!" their Freemasonic puppets that implement these policies More at link: as read=156090 "ministers" in every Gov´t in the world! It´s time to resist these sick and evil people that are aiding and U.N. ‘Climate Change’ Plan Would Likely Shift abetting the rise of the Evil system that will Trillions to Form New World Economy allow a Global Gov´t to form and have ALL OF "A United Nations document on “climate change” that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a THE huge reordering of the world economy, likely involving trillions of POWER over each and everyone of us. They will dollars in wealth transfer, millions of job losses decide who lives and who dies and what you are allowed to think and do. Is that the kind of world you people want to live in? and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, Rise up and resist while you still can! Read here: new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for greenhouse gas abatement biometric-id-cards schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body." More at link: American Zionist-controlled news buries story of protest by millions of Americans against Obama and his agenda, stating trillions-to-form-new-world-economy/ that 60,000 people showed up. Well, it´s obvious to anyone that 47 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 looks at pictures or videos that MILLIONS OF PEOPLE SHOWED UP Obama, AIPAC, Israel & Illegal Settlements TO PROTEST OBAMA AND HIS EVIL AGENDA. Also, the rest of pertinent and usefull news for those that care....or not! History Says US Is Headed For Hell On Earth Obama First US President To Chair UN Security Council "Something of historic proportions is happening. I can sense it because "Never in the history of the United Nations has a U.S. President taken I know how it feels, smells, what it looks like, and how people react to the chairmanship of the it. Yes, a perfect storm may be brewing," More at link: powerful UN Security Council. Perhaps it is because of what could German Man Injured By Swine Flu Vax Trial Talks arguably be a "The vaccination has made me ill! He says that within a few hours Constitutional prohibition after the vaccination, he had sweat on his forehead. "I felt against doing so. To wit: totally beat. On the third day, my kidneys and head were aching Section 9 of the and I got a fever. I then had a coughing fit - and the wash basin Constitution says: No was suddenly red - it was blood!" More at link: Title of Nobility shall be granted vaccination-injured-subject.html by the United States: And no Person holding any The United Nations wants your five year old to learn about Office of Profit or Trust masterbation in school! under them, shall, "Children as young as five should be taught about explicit sex without the Consent acts, of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of according to guidelines from the United Nations. The advice also calls any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State." More for youngsters to learn about abortion, same-sex relationships and at link: sexually transmitted diseases. The draft report on sex education has Another one of Obama´s "Czars" is trying to "reframe been compiled by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific homosexuality" and Cultural Organisation. for greater appeal to children! "In Massachusetts the effective More at link: reframing of this issue was the key to the success of the Governor's 1212274/Children-young-learn-masturbation-abortion-new-UN- Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. We immediately seized upon guidelines.html the opponent's calling card – safety – and explained how homophobia represents a threat to students' safety by creating a climate where New Jewish violence, name-calling, health problems, and suicide are common. organ theft gang Titling our report 'Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Youth,' we busted "yet automatically threw our opponents onto the defensive and stole their another Jewish best line of attack. This framing short-circuited their arguments and organ trading left them back-pedaling from day one." More at link: gang in the United States involved in the abduction of Algerian children. Obama Moves Bush's North American Union Forward With A Interpol found that New Name children in western "The Obama administration has "rebranded" and "refocused" the Algeria were Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, to abducted and advance the taken to Morocco Bush administration's agenda of North American integration under the to have their rubric of the "North American Leaders Summit," a less controversial kidneys banner, according to confidential sources in the U.S. Department of harvested.Their Commerce and State Department who agreed to speak with WND only organs were later if trafficked to the their comments were kept off the record." (R. James: But, the agenda United States and remains the same - a global kingdom for the Antichrist (Obama?) More Israel and sold for $20,000 to $100,000 each." More at at link: link: fa=PAGE.view&pageId=109347 id=105711§ionid=3510203

A million march to US Capitol to protest against 'Obama the Here´s a youtube video on the worldwide trade in illegal organ theft socialist' and murder by Satan´s "Chosen People" - The Ashkenazi JEWS! "As many as one million people flooded into Washington for a massive rally organised by conservatives claiming that President Obama Collapse Of US Dollar Starting On September 30th is driving America towards socialism." "Dr. Michael Van de Meer, is the person predicting a financial collapse More at link: of the United States starting on September 30th. That is the 1213056/Up-million-march-US-Capitol-protest-Obamas-spending-tea- end of the fiscal year and the final date for payments the party-demonstration.html Federal Reserve.." More at link: 48 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 "David Rockefeller's trust, that engages several powerful Hegel, Marx and One World Gov´t. A great explanation of the inner partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Ruppert Murdock, workings and plans of the Illuminati Satanists that run this sick planet Morton Zuckerman, Thomas and how they operate - A MUST READ! Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of world-government.html Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Obama Administration's New Quarantine Regulations Jerry Speyer, are "administration proposed giving the federal government the authority to order a “provisional quarantine” of three business days — or up to implicated in six calendar days — for those suspected of having swine flu or other advancing global illnesses listed in a presidential executive order." More at link: genocide," Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors. +++ "This 'partnership' Len Horowitz Releases Legal Affidavit - controls Private Global Biotechnology TRUST is biotechnology research and development globally. Health Behind Pandemic from Origin to commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this Vaccines trust that exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel's organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks BREAKING NEWS! medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building," Dr. Horowitz wrote. Release: No. H1N1-15 Mailed: Sept. 15, 2009 For Immediate Release Among the most Contact: Rob Potter--(959) 715-1520 or 310-877- stunning revelations from the Horowitz-Kane 5002 research are those linking Larry WARNING: Drug Cartel Exposed Creating, Silverstein of Releasing, Injecting, Infecting and Silverstein Depopulating Planet with Pandemic Properties, Inc., H1N1/H5N1 Viruses and Vaccines and the 9-11 terrorist Los Angeles, CA--World leading drug-industry investigators have attacks, to the uncovered stunning documents proving an international drug drug cartel's ring, operating from New York City, is behind geopolitical, the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination economic, and preparations. population reduction Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, America's leading consumer health expert, activities. Mr. Silverstein, leaser of the World Trade Center who and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released shocking proof in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology authorized to have Building-7 "pulled," "trust" are behind everything you ever heard about pandemic flu, meaning detonated, is a chief suspect in the "9-11 truth" including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their investigation. Silverstein is currently landlord and co-partner in the documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence biotechnology trust founded by David Rockefeller and implicated by powerful industrialists are operating a crime these new discoveries. ring within the "Partnership for New York City" (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic's creation, "If these people can get away with killing more media persuasions, vaccination preparations, than 3,000 people in 8 seconds on 9-11, they and health official promotions seen everywhere from are completely capable of murdering millions, supermarkets to health clinics. even billions, of people worldwide this flu season," Dr. Horowitz commented. "I pray these revelations will 49 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 save millions of lives and help activists call upon President Barack coming and the need to get ready. Woe be unto Obama to demand legitimate inquiries into these genocidal atrocities." those that have done this. Given the unprecedented nature and urgency of these findings, Dr. Horowitz has posted his affidavit for public review on, praying other activist will spread the information in order to I know Tonya Elizabeth Stacener is gone. Her soul is prompt governments worldwide to cease mass gone. Lizardbeth is inside that shell of hers. That is vaccination preparations to avoid becoming why all the videos are down at accessories to the crime of genocide. Treee was a good soul ( I think?) and wanted to see co exisitence. That is why she gave me her email access and wanted me to get the message out. "The last time I contacted the FBI I warned them about the This new entity is Queen impending anthrax attacks one week before the first mailings were announced in the press," Dr. Horowitz recalled. "It took Lizardbeth inhabiting her them 6 months to respond. When they did, they made me a suspect in body now. SOUL the mailings. This time I am warning the Justice Department a month SCALPED. So beware...she did before the deadliest genocide in history. I'm praying they'll take kindly this before to Treee in a past life. See to my appeal for a PNYC investigation, and Court-ordered injunction, the letters at to stop the vaccinations for public protection.";

09 19 09 WEBSITE is finally up again. Do the GATE KEEPERS have internet issues like I do! Treee was dying and weak enough to be overcome by this evil Queen websites LIZARDBETH who ruled from the UK. Now, she has succeeded completely. See for are down- September 15, 2009 the videos that Lizardbeth took off the site.

Anyway, I can't rely 100% on It is a crazy world, but the evil REPTOIDS need WHISTLEBLOWERS, so I have to keep to get lost, so that HUMANS can digging for truth. be free again. We are NOT out of the woods yet. NO one has all the answers. NO ONE SEEMS to want my job. the way, if you still think I am wrong Yes...we have a creator who loves us. about Rocky Mountain Mystery There is good and bad in everything. DRAGONS, School, Gudni Gudnason Humans and reptilians included. preached they are the Illuminati, want a NEW WORLD ORDER, that we don't The Creator granted funds to certain people, reincarnate; Jesus Christ is the not for their own greedy use, but so that they King of this world (his name is can use it to help humanity OUT of this Yahushua Ha-MASHIACH) (jeZEUS situation. Those that I have is the blessed financially, when I come rapist back and I find you have been Olympian storing up your money for a rainy god. Paul nicknamed day and letting the prophets and him Jesus. apostles go without that are to They are setting us up for Esu speak forth the prophetic words Immanuel SANANDA); around the world and tell of MY Sanat (SATAN) Kumara is 50 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 the Ancient of Days and the leader of Shamballah; flu" Just chew the hay and spit out the straw here ( like Shriner tells there is no 4rth dimension reptilian race; you to do). She is a gatekeeper of the highest sorts. I find it hard to believe that she would endanger 4 children and a husband to try DRAGONS are our parents; animals have no and speak the truth and still be alive and kicking. CONCLUSION- Her souls and that the Indigo/Crystal children need to be Orgone Blasters are demonic and useless. Her negative energy activated with Adam Kadmon (burn out their DNA with a goes into those crystals. Her pennies ( if they ever go in anymore) are not copper, but steel. She was always critical of my orgone crystal wand) and they all must be initiated into a stargate masters, but never added any magnets to power hers. She only or portal.( Adam Kadmon will put them into a beehive promotes hers. I know that making the blasters made me switch to mentality, much like the Mormon programming.) THEY are orgone masters to make them stronger and positive. I know that even the ORGONE MASTERS in puck size cannot protect the waterways that waiting for NESARA and the Ascended Masters that live surround my city. What about areas that have no water as an orgone in Shamballah (Hollow Earth) conductor.

Orgone takes a long time to make if you make it right. I cannot imagine a woman having time to raise 4 children, decifer bible codes ( that she says takes 40 hours), make orgone blasters to sell So...I have had to learn everything the hard internationally, do a radio show, keep up with all her yahoo groups, and go on road trips to plaster the country with orgone way. If I only just listened to ALEX Jones, Rense, ICKE, blasters. SHE ONLY HEARS from the MOST HIGH GOD also. WHAT SHRINER and all the others, MAKES HER so SPECIAL? who seem to have all the answers, then I would not have figured it out for myself. It took me a while to wake up, but as a scientist, I can only make conclusions when the experiment is completed and all observations are taken into consideration. One cannot keep their head GATEKEEPERS DO NOT TELL in the sand, spew out such detailed information about the ALIEN YOU EVERYTHING. I can only AGENDA without having some type of inside connections. SO>>>yes, conclude that MOST will be the time spent listening to her shows was never wasted, since she is deceived in the LAST DAYS. the only gatekeeper who speaks about NESARA, where the others take you down another rabbit hole. Why are my websites always knocked out? 09 15 09 (Numerology 969 =6 today) YES Why am I kept poor and tramatized? I have CANADA- WE HAVE A ONE PARTY learned to overcome this stuff and it has made me SYSTEM. NDP included. fearless. My own mother is mind controlled to make my life a living hell. Lizardbeth possesses her every once in a Thank you DAVID ICKE. We would not while (her name is Elizabeth and looked like her in younger years, too. MIRROR? DARK STAR?). Her life is not threatened, therefore I can go have been awakened without your all out and risk mine. Her death would bring me a nice inheritance and work. BLESS YOU! Too bad the they don't want me rich. Orgone ZIONIST SATANISTS have banned drives her insane when she is about to switch personalities. you from CANADA!

I was told many times David Icke One Party System Pt 1 & 2 that SHRINER is a Video gatekeeper. I had to draw my own conclusions, honestly and think for myself. David Icke World Banking System Pt Sherry Live 9-14-2009 - 1 and Part 2 Poisoning our Food! Cereal, Barley, Coffee, Why didn't the collapse happen on 09 "they're" putting outright poisons in our food 09 09? Lizards are trying to cover their to make people sick and claim it's the "Swine tracks? 51 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Too many know about the NWO. Not many The Hour of Our Time - The Legacy of know about the Cannibalistic alien William Cooper agenda. YES, the shapeshifting 1:26:11 - 2 years ago reptilians are HUMAN MEAT EATERS! William (Bill) Cooper was a former naval officer, decorated veteran, short wave radio broadcaster and world renound lecturer and author, he was shot and The Aliens Are killed November 5th 2001 under suspicious Coming! The Aliens circumstances. This is his story. Are Coming! http://educate- Milton William Cooper Death By 1998 Cooper was living in Arizona. There was a warrant for his arrest due to claims by a local doctor that Cooper made threatening actions when the doctor was loitering near Cooper's home. Cooper said he would meet with armed resistance any attempt to execute what he saw as "unlawful warrants." Later a warrant was issued for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, following a dispute with a local man who was stalking Cooper.[7] According to Commander X, in March 1999 Cooper sent his family out of the United States for their security. He lived and worked alone with his two dogs, one rooster, and one chicken until his death in 2001.[8] In July and September 2001, Cooper was accused of using a handgun to threaten a loiterer near his home in Eagar, Arizona. this billboard is all over the Algoma Ontario AREA. Hope the On November 5, 2001, officers of the Apache County Sheriff's Office decided to serve Cooper a warrant based on the above-mentioned ET's are ready for all that ORGONE IN THE charges. For reasons not explained,[citation needed]the Sheriff's Office WATER NOW. I love our NEW BLUE SKIES. Your sent deputies to Cooper's home at approximately 11:00PM, and CHEMTRAIL program is a FAILURE in the instead of knocking on his door and announcing themselves, the deputies attempted to lure Cooper from his house by posing as citizens SAULT..BIG BROTHER:)) Now perhaps we can playing loud music on or near his property. Cooper, who was an above get the fish back into our lakes again. the knee amputee, went down to investigate the scene in his truck. It is disputed whether the deputie s identified themselves or tried to serve an arrest warrant at that time. Nevertheless, Cooper announced The Ultimate Deception The Final he was returning to his house to contact the Eager Police Department, either to verify the warrant or to contact the local authorities in order Attack Video to report what he may have still believed was a real disturbance. Before he could do so however, the sheriff's deputies tried to apprehend him, at which point shooting began. Although it is Beware the ultimate deception, the final attack of the unclear who began firing, there are some who question the uncertain military industrial complex in an attempt to solidify circumstances, and who was responsible for first shots fired. Cooper their power and establish a one-world-government. was armed and one deputy was wounded. Another deputy returned fire, killing Cooper.[9] Milton William Cooper was 58 years old.

It will come in the form of a false-flag alien attack, William Cooper Exposes The Illuminati according to the words of Dr. Werner Von Braun. & The Secret Government

William Cooper exposes the dark side of the United States Government. THIS IS A MUST SEE!(William Cooper was murdered on 5th. Nov 2001) WRITE THE TRUTH ON THE MONEY!! Only write on the 09 13 09 HERE is a true HERO. HE IS light border of all your bills, as not to deface them, subsequently keeping them in circulation. Use their own control and tyranny against NOT a Gate Keeper like the other them. Allow our founding fathers to speak of freedom once again and WOLVES parading around as the paper will leave your hand carrying true value, knowledge. Write things like, “9/11 was an inside job”, etc. anything to get the message SHEEPLE currently. True warrior, out and inspire people to open their eyes. Do not deface the bills as they will be destroyed TRUE SAINT. Heaven holds this beloved, BRAVE man. 52 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 more aware of REVELATIONS, since they have filled 09 11 09 SCARY DATE today. most of the church pews. YES, the churches are apostate and worship Lucifer now. That is prophesy. SATAN KUMARA looks like this and will be a WAKE up CANADA. YOU monoatomic gold glowing god. He is the TOP ARE NOT A GODLESS EGOTISTICAL DEMON. Kicked out of heaven. He will look like he is coming to save the economy and rid nation. THEY are the you of the puppet masters in power now. That is a LIE. He only has 42 months to try and grab your godless ones. soul as they exit from the planet, when the net is ripped off by Planet X. DEADLY CHEMTRAILS in the sky. NEW WORLD ORDER, FULL SPEED AHEAD. I still believe that PLANET X carries our LORD Yahushua and the angels. I now think that SHRINER is WRONG on that. She does not believe Big Brother messing with my internet links that the BRIDE of Christ is a woman now. CIA controls the servers. THEY ARE either. SHE is deceiving you here, THE ENEMY! perhaps knowingly, since she hasn't responded to any of my emails for over 2 years now. EGO or something got to $164 billion deficit for Canada now? you SHERRY SHRINER. I haven't said Says Reptilian shapeshifter Flaherty. Keep anything, but now I AM. Silence on this issue makes blinking reptile. You are going to lose your cloaking you LOOK REALLY guilty. Did you really orgone soon. Soul scalped I see. If you are still human, then those areas or were you saving the money for you are very INHUMANE. Conservatives in a your BUNKER? I also have to wonder why we never panic. Liberals in a LIE. see you. What are you hiding? Did you always use all American pre 1983 pure copper pennies? NO! - People getting fired for reading Consider it a blessing -Why not use neodyne magnets for more power. It is in disguise. Get OUT of the Beast system and more of a hassle to look for pennies that are pure prepare for an economic collapse. The system is copper, rather than just buying bulk magnets which a house of cards. We will rebuild on our OWN will cost pennies. If you are a negative person, then indigeneous currency. WORLD WAMPUM. CANADA those crystals will generate that energy. ) first.

-FEAR NOTHING, other than losing your soul to PAGANs are not evil, they are county hicks who these SNAKES. GET the orgone master materials live off the EARTH. Yahushua was a pagan while your cars can still run and you have CHRIST. Now I expect that you will call me an antichrist. You will electricity to get water and supplies together. know them by their FRUIT, dear! I can't see your real fruit, but I can When the grid goes down, you will be grounded in sense that something is rotten in Carrolton OHIO. Thanks for your teachings, but I have to spit out some straw today. NAMASTE your towns. NESARA may look good after all this drama, but it is a BEAST BRIBE that will Get pure silver coins at the post office for DESTROY you all in the END. (most men will fall colloidal silver generation. Pure titanium is even for it. Lucifer's EGO will appeal to them. MONEY will better. You can make it with booster cables and car stroke their EGO. IT IS A LIE batteries later. 27v dc current in the purest water that will damn your soul. Many you can find. TAP WATER is POISON. (best is relationships will be destroyed distilled, then Reverse Osmosis, then rain/snow) because of this decision. Women will worry more about their children. Besides, they are 53 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Yes, they are spraying our skies with poison. If you Metal Resin. Environment science weather climate have flu symptoms, just detox with the above. modification chemtrails Environmental England UK Zappers kill parasites too. DC current. United Kingdom

Swine Flu Colloidal Silver Generator Make Your Own For Pennies adding a VERY STRONG Suggestion to above orgonite website. Bind the hyperinfinity of the I have a new website, I have been taking crystal in a clock wise copper coil, cleanse the Colloidal Silver since 2003. I have testimonials. Colloidal silver is 100% natural.It is scientifically impossible for disease/infection to exist crystal and charge in sun then all night full in the presence of ionized silver particles. I have painstakingly sought moon. Add a grounding stone, use neodyne out the highest quality silver verified to a 9999 (4 nines) standard of magnets when possible or add a copper penny if no purity which is 10x more pure than silver marked as 999 pure (3 nines). We are selling these quality machines for $100 and that magnet. Keep the orgone dome ( female) shaped includes the 9999 fine silver wires and FREE SHIPPING. Certificate of to manifest heart chakra, rather then phallus silver purity is included. I personally stand behind my machines for shaped. We have too much ego on the planet. Need life. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN SUPPLY FOR PENNIES... I also selling just the wires for $20 a foot. This is an actual picture of my machine. I to add more LOVE. See for have a limited supply in stock for immediate delivery. You can paypal directions on how to make ORGONE MASTERS. This me... You can look me up on ebay check my feedback is over 550 with will destroy the demonic realm as well as take 100% satisfaction. Available for local pickup, Fast shipping. I like to barter down their chemtrails. %20files%20to%20download/OrgoneMastersinfo-How-to-Make- Orgone-Masters.pdf HOW GOLD IS RECYCLED FROM COMPUTERS

Make Yer Own GOLD At Home - Bling New name as Quebecor exits Bling bankruptcy

Recycle Computers and Work Electronics

09 10 09 CHEMTRAILS sprayed over Sault Ontario during school time. Pics too follow. If you have the flu... Big Brother gave it to YOU! Our Illuminati controlled SUN and STAR How To STOP Chemtrails: A DIY Solution MEDIA is LUCIFERIAN. (Lucifer is the Sun god and the bright Morning STAR). Blue Sky Restoration Utilising Orgonite. Many concerned people from around the world are actively restoring their local environments with this simple ABOUT and effective solutions. Effects are widely confirmed THEM and easily reproduced anywhere in the world. For more info on how YOU can restore your skies.DIY Corporation, Sky Restoration Blue sky project orgone energy a wholly orgonite atmospheric ionization climate restoration owned grassroots activism. Orgonite Cloudbusters, subsidiary Chembusters, Towerbusters, HHG's Quartz Crystals of Quebecor Media Inc., is Canada's largest 54 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 newspaper publisher whose stated business purpose engaged in book and magazine publishing; and is to help connect and build better communities. companies engaged in the production, distribution With 43 paid-circulation and free dailies in Canada's and retailing of cultural products, namely key urban markets and more than 200 community Archambault Group Inc., the largest chain of music publications, Sun Media's English- and French- stores in eastern Canada, TVA Films, and Le language papers are leaders in providing local news SuperClub Vidéotron Ltd., a chain of video and video and information to more than 10.5 million readers game rental and retail stores. Quebecor Inc. has every week. Sun Media acquired in the operations in 18 countries. summer of 2007, expanding the company's footprint in Ontario. Sun Media Corporation is also involved in our national web portalCanoe Inc., Québec's Internet the operation of SUN TV, a general interest television leader, is an integrated company offering e- station commerce, information and communication services in and IT consulting. It owns the Canoe Network, which attracts 7.8 million unique visitors per month in Canada, including more than 4.2 million in Québec*. The Canoe Network includes content sites,, La Toile du Québec (, Canoe Money ( and, the TVA network site ( and the LCN site ( The Canoe Network also offers online Toronto. services in the fields of employment and Sun Media Corporation is a member of the continuing Quebecor family of companies.Quebecor Inc.. education (TSX: QBR.A, QBR.B) is a communications company (, with operations in North America, Europe, Latin housing America and Asia. It has two operating subsidiaries, (, Quebecor World Inc. and Quebecor Media Inc. automobiles Quebecor World is one of the largest commercial (, print media services companies in the world. personals (, social networks Quebecor Media owns operating companies in ( and classified ads numerous media related businesses: Vidéotron Ltd., ( the largest cable operator in Québec and a major Internet Service Provider and provider of telephone and business telecommunications services; Sun Their NEWSPAPERS Major urban markets Media Corporation, Canada's largest national chain of daily and community newspapers; TVA Group Inc., Paid circulation dailies Le Journal de operator of the largest French-language over the air Montréal, Le Journal de Québec, The , television network in Québec, a number of specialty The , , The channels, and the English-language over the air , The , station SUN TV; Canoe Inc., operator of a network of The English- and French-language Internet properties in Canada; Nurun Inc., a major interactive technologies and communications agency with offices in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia; companies

55 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 9 symbolizes forever- according to Illuminati owned 680 NEWS

HORUS version ( 24=6) Currently- in the rigged Stock market's virtual casino, banks are selling off. Free commuter dailies 24 heuresTM, Gold is now at $ 999. Montréal, 24 heuresTM, Ottawa, 24 HoursTM, Toronto, 24 HoursTM, Calgary,24 HoursTM, Get your money out of ILLUMINATI A$ Edmonton, 24 HoursTM, Vancouver $-ets before they are gone...FOREVER

Dailies (Ontario unless otherwise indicated) Barrie Examiner, Belleville Intelligencer, , Chatham Daily News, Cobourg Daily Star, Cornwall Standard-Freeholder, Fort McMurray Today - Alberta, Many people in Babylon (Vegas) are getting married. Kingston Whig-Standard, Niagara Falls Review, , Orillia See Packet & Times, Owen Sound Sun Times, , From our own Illuminati/ Lucifer SUN Media Peterborough Examiner, Port Hope Evening Guide, , Sault Star, , St. Catharines Standard, St. Thomas Times-Journal, Stratford Beacon Herald, Sudbury Star, , The Daily Herald Tribune - Grande Prairie, Alberta, The Daily Graphic - Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, The Daily Miner and News, , Welland Tribune, Woodstock Sentinel Review

Day Star=Daily Star In classical mythology, the morning star (the planet Venus at dawn), personified as a male figure. Lucifer (Latin: "Light- Bearer") carried a torch and served as herald of the dawn. In Christian times, Lucifer came to be regarded as the name of Satan before his fall; it was thus used by John Milton in Paradise paper Sault this Lost.

09 09 09 What Birds of a feather, flock together. Our do the occult city is dying thanks to these Goons.

No..I won't be buying the pic. See your free home delivery Diversion News issue. 09 09 09. BOARD 56 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 WALK The Gate Keepers never mention NESARA. I was Ontario Coordinator for First Sault Mayor John Rowswell, Prime Minister Contact in 2005. Exposing their "reptilian nature Stephen Harper and Minister of Transport John and microchipping volunteers" agenda landed Baird walk along the city’s waterfront last me in intensive care. Not nice demons. I learn Wednesday near the Waterfront Inn. things the hard way. and Harper was in town to announce funding for the expansion of the Canadian Customs Plaza at the NEW AGE ascended masters must be Mormon, International Bridge. since they are landing in Salt Lake City Utah, then going onto WELCOME to the New World Order! Good bye Jerusalem. CANADA. e=1733436 It will be one of the Greatest Deceptions Ever Perpetrated on Mankind... A Deception so good it will shake the faith of millions of believers in the Hope the orgone is making you churches today..And it is Coming our way in 2009. miserable! I added more since Sept 2. A Fake New Jerusalem...some refer to it now as Crystal City, or Rainbow Latest info on the DEADLY GENOCIDE City... VACCINE Pt 1 (right click save target as) Rocky Mountain Mystery School is Luciferian/SATANIC and teaches this stuff. I know the Pt 2 Vaccine Scam Exposed person who funded RMMS and was also attacked after realizing their true York Catholic District School Board and nefarious agenda. RMMS avoids me OECTA letter WARNING of Economic totally, because I am in their Face ABOUT THEIR Demonic TEACHINGS. Gudni Collapse- following himself stated that we will see the NESARA exposure to all Dragons and that there is nothing to fear first contact because they are our parents. NOT coordinators, my my parents! He looks a lot clients, like SATAN Kumara too. They tutors and email list. I also teach Viking Magick, Eroticism , was Ontario Kabbalah, Astral Travel, Alchemy, Ritual Magick, Egyptian Magick, Channeling, Coordinator for First King Solomon. You need to have the CASH and also buy into their Contact in 2005. BULLCRAP to be a part of them. If you make trouble (like I did and Exposing their "reptilian nature and still do) THEY HEX YOU and everyone around you. NOT VERY HOLY! microchipping volunteers" agenda landed me in intensive care. Not nice demons. I learn things the hard way. and There is a Dark side for every LIGHT side. THE DARK SIDE are these GOONS that are coming to save the $$ECONOMY$ $...NOT! They reverse everything. IMPOSTERS.

Toronto Ontario- The RAINBOW WARRIOR 09 07 09 ENERGY is here. They need to convince/deceive the people in this area, inorder to be successful in bringing in their NWO. I plan to continue to mess up their plans:)

57 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 AS prophesy states...LUCIFER/SATAN must come Babylon Yes...Treee is an actual hooker in first. He will gather his fallen, deceived, greedy worshippers and take them into the abyss. Yahushua is NOT coming to save the Vegas (Thus scriptural Whore of Babylon in banking system by bribing you with funds that have been stolen Revelations.) See her profile. (she is probably soul and releasing new scalped already. Queen Lizardbeth would have technologies that have been suppressed by the Illuminati. pushed her out).

The MASTERS of the PUPPET GOVERNMENTS will look like Whore of Babylon IS NOT the RC Church or heroes when they take down our MARY! That is INSANE! corrupt regional governments that we have now and set up a New World Order.

The remnant that remains and those that are reborn in Christ Mary Magdalene is will return this PLANET to EDEN. the BRIDE of Christ! Planet X, I believe carries that army of ANGELS that will lift the veil on Lucifer's charade that will -Yes..I feel that the last only about 42 months. Muslim religion, like all patriarchal religions Sherry Shriner and are Lucifer in disguise. Peggy Kane have/had different views on Planet Look at the fruit! The true Creator LOVES women X/Nibiru. I know that MysterySchool did not mention Planet X. and created them as equals to men. NESARA was going to blow up Jupiter to FAKE Planet X. Peggy Kane says that Planet X is a GOOD thing.

-Yes...I Futuretalk: another conversation with KNOW Alex David Wilcock Jones is a Gate - Sherry now says the SHEMA star is the 10,000 lightbulb fake Keeper. His starship that is in our atmoshphere. SpaceshipCapricorn was taken down by orgone. This is their New Ship. Bohemien Grove In my conclusion, Planet X has the good guys on it. SATAN has videos say always been here. 2012 is the deadline for the goons. They have they burn to go. Linear time will end in 2012 and we will be able to finally be an effigy. free...if we make it thru this upcoming DRAMA. ( If things change...I will let you know. I am always learning/experiencing new things) NO...they murder actual women and children. See He avoids the reptilian agenda too. So YES...I know first hand of what these FALLEN DEMONS are capable of and how EXTREMELY cunning and DANGEROUS they are! Be very, very careful. Dana ox Yes...I have no issues with men and women of Integrity. I have issues with those that have No & integrity.

Response to some emails, since is that use Viagra may have a guilty blocking my conscience. Love needs NO VIAGRA. emails. Pharmaceuticals are NOT good for you anyway. Try romance and foreplay with a woman that you truly Revelation love. Lose the Poisoned tap water, processed food 17-18 The and drugs. Get on a healthy diet, exercise and keep your heart pure. Whore of 58 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Big Brother blocks my emails. They continually its treee=PINDAR, THE DRACONIAN REPTILIAN IS take down my websites. They have ruined my BACK-ME & MASTER MASON BROKE THE SPELL IN business and disabled my toll free number. They OUR CHANT, RELEASING PINDAR FROM THE 4TH don't block Alex Jones' emails. Why is that? DIMENSION Truth will set us free. I am only seeking truth...not piles of more disinfo to siphon thru.

People possessed by these reptilians can be healed. There is recovery for those that ask for healing. NOT ALL IS LOST FOR THE ILLUMINATI.

Avoid the FLU SHOT. The ELIZ A BIRTH- that microchip will soul scalp you. The vaccine will means she is now finally POISON you. inside you! Treee is aware of my videos about Do not be afraid of Death or of speaking the her. I no longer have TRUTH. Be afraid of damning your soul! access to her email accounts. Oh well...she (Getting a video posted is challenging enough, must have a LOT TO let alone trying to make it perfect for the HIDE! audience. We are out of time) NAMASTE Dana

Benjamin Fulford confirmed on Jeff Rense show, 09 05 09 Hope you were all safe on that the economy will be finished by Oct 7, last night's full moon. D 2009.

I do think he is a Illuminatreee... SNAKE. He saw Henry Makow EARTH while in Canada, but was too busy "Bush MOTHER TO Wacking and drinking" to contact BE??? anyone else. (he added a crude remark to the "Bush Wacking" comment on the Show. I NOT! clearly picked it up as relating to women). If he is a heavy drinker, then his demons are controlling him. Here is the show.

59 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -I know Rense may freak about this, but if he is genuine, he will know that these (mostly male demons/FALLEN ANGELS) that this needs to be made public. If he is about are going to tell you. HELP is on the way with money and a gate keeper, then time will tell. We PLANET X. They will try and get you to believe that have no way of accessing this info, especially this Planey x is evil. I believe, at this point that poor people. Innocent lives will be destroyed by Peggy is being truthful. Once the Lizards are SATAN's SEEDLINE. MOST $$MEDIA$$ is destroyed or banished, EARTH will return to controlled by LIZARDS. EDEN.

Why should people Sherry Shriner's last show (her shows are FREE pay for DECEPTION? too, and she is harassed by the GATE KEEPERS on We have been other radio shows). We may disagree on some paying for it- issues, but that is because we are all learning. Her forever! Thanks Jeff heart is pure, nevertheless. SHE has warned us RENSE for your that the H1N1 vaccine has a microchip that great work. You cannot be will be truly deactivated. The blessed, if you are genuine and NOT a gate chip (666) will keeper. attract demons and this will allow for PLANET X is not to your SOUL to be be feared. It will scalped. DO NOT lift the veil on TAKE the FLU these DEMONS so SHOT! Those that we can deal pushing it, need to with them in the know the open. This is the information. If they real Christ's return still push it on you, according to Peggy then they are part Kane. I like her. She of the PROBLEM! is not about MONEY. SHE is about helping to Thanks Sherry, for your years of guidance and tough rescue those that are trapped in the abyss and love. ox D:) suffering at the hands of these fallen lizards. See user=peggykane1&view=videos and download the videos with Real Player, located in my video section, while BE PATIENT and pray for TRUTH. The true you still have time. Creator Loves us all and has heard our cries.

The Lizards are here, SATAN is an angry, jealous false god. He has in underground bases, tricked us all in his patriarchal religions. PLEASE be hollow Earth and in the careful and stay protected. See 4rth dimension. They while you still have time to make and order possess humans in 3D. materials. I am saving mine for CANADA's war. (I see You need to heal if you that the chemtrails are not sticking in the Sault anymore. They are are possessed by these spraying during school time especially.) evil doers before they take you with them. DO Teleport Pro important files to your computer. WE NOT believe their fake ARE OUT OF TIME RAPTURES, UFO rescues or anything Planet X, Important Warnings part 7 60 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 I along with others who listen to reverse speaking have heard many of Also, using your mental abilities to shield, and protect yourself the agendas of the reptilian race as they prepare to leave. They is important. Use you mind to create a very strong barrier are going because as the electro-magnetic force field around around yourself. It can be like a suit of armor, or an electrically Earth is broken up by Planet X, we will see them. Their facade charged field. Boost this with your mind, and your breath. will break down. When the planet first shows up, they will try to Pump yourself up as if preparing for the big game. grab as many people as possible. I am putting up these warning simply to inform people in the event This can be visual or just a feeling, but make it strong, no gentle that these "predictions" come to pass. I don't expect people to white light. It has to be a fortress. necessarily believe what I am saying, but just to hold this in the back of your mind. I will continue to "tell" the story of how I came to understand the So please, add your input and suggestions. I know it will be very dynamic of this hidden race here using my audio files. But feel that helpful for those here. time is of the essence and I wanted to at least try to warn people to keep them from harm. shielding/

Planet X, Our Prison Break, Part 8 Reptilian Dana add-ons Voices Try a Jade Bracelet on your left wrist to protect Planet X is much closer than assumed. Most people don't even your right brain (creative intuitive side) from know this planet exists. When it shows up, there will be a global psychic attack. A Ring of Return to give them panic. The incoming planet is our prison break. It is freeing us from the grip of the reptilian race. back what they tried to give you. This is a very disturbing audio that will be played on this video. I am putting this up because so many are either in delusion and thinking this race are allies with humans or that this is all just nonsense and Don't drink alcohol. Avoid all of their chemicals there is no such thing as a reptilian race. and drugs- both The audio is not meant to scare people, but alert us to the danger so legal and illegal. we can protect ourselves and loved ones.

We also have the idea that people in countries like the U.S. and other Eat whole foods more affluent countries, are exempted from the cruelty that is ( non hybridized happening in other parts of the world. We feel somehow that we seed). Monsanto deserve a wonderful life and others must be less deserving. seeds are POISON and the body does We are all in this together. The reptilian race are the quintessential bigots and that is one of the reasons they keep the power in the not recognize it as hands of primarily white power elite and the other races seem food. to be brutalized. The reptilians have also given us many reasons to fight and constantly feel separated. This has hurt humanity and served Drink clean, their agendas. Divide and conquer has worked wonderfully. unchlorinated, unfluoridated water. OZONE water with UV light, add a DC electric charge to kill any When PX shows up and the reptilian agendas are all exposed, microbes. Colloidal titanium has the highest humanity will finally be able to communicate directly with the Creator and see our true divinity. Paradise is close at hand and frequency vibration and knocks out all Planet X is the reason. anaerobes. ( maybe that is why Demons are afraid of titanium golf clubs:)) The Reptilian-Astral War. Know the Enemy. Part 1 // Angels & Demons, So Who Are They Really? Sex with someone possessed can possess you.

Fear and Disease lowers your vibration and auric field. Protection and Shielding. Roxanne suggested that we have this category for information about techniques to protect oneself, and loved ones. I know that we DO NOT vaccinate....ever. HEAL with Beck don’t have a whole lot of time to put up with the attacks both physical, mental, psychic and emotional but for now, many Protocol. Even Rabies can be treated by emersing your cat/dog here are targeted. in Colloidal silver/ gold/ titanium water. They can lick off the water. Keep it in their dish. Make it yourself for pennies. You can use rEVERSE OSMOSIS WATER/RAIN WATER/SNOW, if you can't buy My first and most important suggestion is to call upon the One, our distilled water. true Father/Mother God and Creator to help. This is the key as far as I am concerned. 61 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 ( DISCLAIMER-If we still have a JUST-US Illegal system after the Google Study? We are certainly headed for a War. ECONOMIC collapse, unjust lawsuits will result in payment with moldy flash cards, disinfo school textbooks and Mass mind Control. Same arrogant, patriarchal dude. dusty pop up books, :)) Dana Ra = Lucifer= Satan // Zeus= JeZeus = Stress, Anxiety, Drugs The Truth about; Satan // Nutrition by Natalie

The effect of drugs on your stress and anxiety. This video discusses, Zeus= Jesus = Satan= Allah // coffee, caffeine, smoking (nicotine), alcohol, anxiety medications (These medications are sometimes also called minor tranquilizers. These drugs include the benzodiazephines such as Yaldabaoth- (gnosticism) in Gnostic belief, the Valium, Xanax and Ativan. Buspar is also non-benzodiazephine name of the Demiurge or 'False God'. Created when anxiolytic.), ADHD Medications (Adderall, Concerta, Daytrana, Desoxyn, Dexedrine, Focalin, Metadate, Methylin, Ritalin and Sophia (one of the lesser aeons) tried to emanate Strattera.), as well illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, without her counterpart (Christ). crystal meth, etc. Part 2 in a series about Stress. Stress is an emotional reaction of anger or anxiety. The effects of stress on your physical health, mental health and emotional health. The symptoms of Yahushua Ha stress. Stress information. Stress management. Stress relief. Maschiah = true Messiah pt 1 - September 01, THE TRUE BRIDE emails are blocked, 09 09 09, video link dana utube, Teleport Pro software downloads, chemtrails are being OF YAHUSHUA sprayed, Toronto Centre warrior energy, Rocky Mountain Mystery School,, flashing neon lights distract reptiles, HA MASHIACH! clicking noises, internet /grid system down, system will go down, Ignatieff, Harper, Bronfmans, sock puppets, David Icke, George Galloway, Alex Jones gate keeper for Bronfmans, Coast to coast, pt 1 - September 01, 2009 Pt 2 - Sherry Live 8-31-2009 - H1N1 Vaccine Pt 2, Dana Horochowski,, Satan Kumara, Rocky and the War on the Saints Mountain Mystery School, Eve of Lucifer, Pindar, Cain, Draken=Satan, Phoenix, Reptilians will devour humans,, TREEE is controlled, being used, Whore of Babylon, orgone burns reptilians if made correctly, will take down UFO's, JeZEUS, rapist god,, FEMA =Fresh Earthling Meat Access pt 3- September 01, 2009- pt 3- September 01, 2009 continuing with Bronfmans, AlCIAda, whore of Vegas/BABYLON, sangrailian, Canadian Government, Lizardbeth, tube, facebook, Ottawa puppets, Benjamin Fulford, GESARA, SATAN, BEAST, Lizards hate orgone, Genocide, aboriginal sock puppets in Ottawa pt 4- September 01, 2009 pt 4 September 01, 2009, Omar Khadr, Harper, flu shot, Sex charges, Police State, no legal aid, BMO, Police predators, Tori Stafford, Queen James perversion, Obama Beast, CAP, Hillier, Ron Paul of Canada=CAP, Allah, Lucifer, ego, jeZeus, microchip, childfind, freemasons, Gordon Brown, Bernanke, whole foods, Monsanto, EI and flu shot,, Dana Horochowski

The Nag Hammadi Library

62 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

IS ALEX JONES A ZIONIST SHILL? By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2009


$atanic Money $y$tem- Who are the

The Bronfman family is a Jewish family. It owes its initial fame to Samuel Bronfman (1889-1971), who made a fortune in the alcoholic distilled Rockefeller/Rothchilds of Canada. Who beverage business during the 20th century through the family's really pulls the Parliament strings? The Seagram Company. Bronfman Family? These are not Jerusalem Torah Jews. The family is of Russian Jewish heritage. Most of its members are Canadian citizens, many of whom are based in Montreal and New York City. Ashkenazi Jews are from Europe. They follow the TALMUD Zionist Occult Satanic beliefs. Illuminati Vol 2 - The Antichrist Beware of the Handlers of the Puppets in Conspiracy Part 3 Ottawa! Liberals (Lizardals) and CONServatives are just Illuminati Vol 2 - The Antichrist CEO's fighting for power of the Canadian money system. CAP (Canadian Action Party) may look Conspiracy Part 2 innocent, but it is clearly controlled by ZIONIST Talmud satanists. Ashkenazi Jews ~Romanism -look at the fruit of these people! Not very holy. Money is Things are heating up! Hurricane Jimena in W their GOD! (Yahshua- the Essene died at the Mexico, arsoned fires in Arnold Swartzenager's Los hands of these Pharisees & Sadducees) Angeles, (the Terminator's City of Lost Angels).

THE CONTROVERSY OF ALEX CTV (Canada's Twisted View) says the economy is getting better. HUGE LIE. Baiting the hook- ‘BULLHORN’ JONES being an alleged Zionist shill has saying car sales and home sales are on the increase. now expanded to his apparent Zionist-Jewish connections on his 1) Personal Staff 2) Website Advertisers 3) Link To Time Warner This is to HOOK you into MASSIVE DEBT! President, Edgar Bronfman Jr. -Only people making any money are the cops, firefighters, banksters and illegal/LEGAL system

63 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 (which employ mostly secret society satanists $- sigil for serpent slavery. anyway). You can always join the United Nations WAKE UP SHEEPLE. You WORLD army and are out of time! DIE for the satanic NWO. Lady Diana died on August 31. She was ritually sacrificed by Mass Genocide is coming by Pandemic these DEMONS. She was going to marry a Arab. Flu and flu shots. Muslims, Torah Jews and Protestants are Politicians (even targets for NWO depopulation, since they WON'T aboriginal puppets bow down to the BEAST- Satan Kumara. If you are in parliament) are pushing for not careful, you will fall for their New Age agenda which will vaccination/poisoning of aboriginals and destroy atheism and Christianity at the same time. pregnant women first. Most will be deceived. I will keep nagging you all...because I HAVE TO! -Iggy in Sudbury blowing his Zionist hot air, saying that Conservatives have been carried by the Liberals The History of the Early Church and for 10 months now (perhaps he should have said "Liberals have Rabbinical Judaism: Tale of Two Jews! been in bed with the CONservatives "). Dion ( Liberal) and Here is the second in a series on the development of the Early Church NDP took down parliament in December 2008. and Rabbinical Judaism 400BCE-70CE: Check the following for further Sucky baby-Harper ran to Queen Lizardbeth for information. The Levites: help. That is why Ottawa closed parliament until book_id=4&chapter=3&version=31&context=chapter; War Scroll : The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls, Penguin; Rabbinical Judaism: James the after January 2009. They were scrambling for Brother of Jesus: Robert Eisenman; Sadducee: another SOCK puppet, who would do the bidding of; Pharisees:; Essenes: the Bankster/Zionist Satanists who control our beautiful country. Jesus= JeZEUS= Zeus- the Olympian rapist Madonna is a Zionist god. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. These rich atheists write all Kabbalah Talmud Satanist. Spiritual? your school textbooks and control all the corrupt Talmud is BLACK CORporations too. witchcraft. Look at her fruit. Not much of a Are the Images of "Jesus" Zeus - The Images Madonna. Unlike a Virgin. of "Jesus" has a very strongly resemble Zeus. Could that be why the More like a WHORE! translators changes the Hebrew Messiyah's name from Yahshua to Zeus. Selah!

Welcome To Good Fight Theater Mtv "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 "For the Everything in your MATRIX is REVERSED. If they say gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, it is Good..then it is BAD. Best to use the media as and there are few who find it." –Matthew 7:13-14 a measure of what NOT TO BELIEVE!

Madonna & Britney Spears Kabbalah Worship

64 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Toronto Street News Vol 11, #4 August 08 31 2009 BIG Brother is trying to 16 to 31 2009 spray our skies again with CHEMTRAILS before school starts. I will document everything. Here are the past pics of SAULT chemtrails (2006 to 2009).

Toronto Street News Features Site 41 Dump Site protests and arrests occurred August 2009 ;

Simcoe County- The County Council voted 22- 10 against the dump when they realized it was not just a matter of NIMBY but actual pollution happening. They had started to dig ahead of the vote in order to say they would have to complete the job having spent serious money Big to dig the hole.

The seams on the liner were only good for 2 years. Sister is telling!

The foreman on the dump-site came out onto the road with his large Sault Ste Marie Ontario chemtrails pick-up truck and spun his tires, gunning the truck through the protesters -- where are the cops when you need them? 2006 to 2009 see

They charged the natives with mischief and Why is our government poisoning our skies with our intimidation while the whites were only charged tax dollars? Flu pandemic is planned to depopulate with mischief. All charges and fines dropped. Canadians. Harper's solution to Unemployment. Welcome to the New World Order Toronto Street News asked the police to "out" themselves if they were Masons. Site 41 Dump Site protests and arrests occurred The natives don't want to lose their contact with the YOU ARE SLEEPING SAULT! Your politicians rest of Canadian citizens.Guergis changed his and professionals are LOOKING OUT for their mind once elected and tried to get it installed -- $$$??? PAYCHEQUES, NOT YOU!

65 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Is this your FLU PANDEMIC? PLANNED Satan Worship inside the church. Many GENOCIDE by our fascist government? men are involved in it-

I have ORGONED the whole area and I will Are Masonry and Christianity able to exist continue to do so, until I see ALL chemtrails together. The S.B.C. says no, but does nothing to correct the fact that thousands of men in their convention are Masons. Hireling dissipate quickly.(Your LEADERS would rather pastors are to cowardly to preach against Masonry for fear of ignore and degrade me, instead of helping you. losing their "job". How will men know that Masonry is an evil association filled with occult symbols, and blasphemy, if we Wake UP SAULT! ...Dana) don't expose it. If they are truly converted, they will choose to leave it, if they are warned about its occult influence.

ATTENTION ALL SATANIC VAMPIRES: 08 29 2009 if you are having trouble trying to decide which religious path to walk down, you could try Wicca, Paganism, Buddhism, Taoism, Dana's Tribute to maybe if you fear those religions then you could settle with DEAD TED Christianity anything other then Satanism works. For the person who chooses the Luciferian path is the person who freely chooses a KENNEDY permanent path of suffering, make your choice wisely, as I am now exposing this Satanic Vampire. Anyone knows to choose Satan is to choose Eternal Suffering, if you are already suffering from May you rest as Lucifer/Satan, the time to heal and save yourself is now, just peacefully as the choose any path other then Satan/Lucifer, if you want Christianity go home to Jesus, and if you have evil demons following you, do an ritually sacrificed exorcism in any faith, any spiritual path or religion other then children at Satanism/Luciferian will heal you. If you choose Wicca, just call the Goddess, if you choose Buddhism just meditate to reach Nirvana, It's Bohemian Grove. time to heal, and let Lucifer take care of his own business. No human May you get was ever meant to be a Satanist. Make your choices Wisely, I know I love being in the arms of the Goddess, and I know other people who buggered up the ASS love Jesus Christ, and I know other people who love and thank Buddha in the ABYSS for every day. 1000 years. Your MEDIA TV whores love they can join "Vatican Assassins: Wounded In The House Of you! Good Riddance! My Friends" ], in 1963, a Cardinal working in conjunction with the Jesuits was involved in the murder of an American political leader. The Cardinal was Francis Spellman, who had a special parlor (Room Sheeple!!! The Illuminati owns the TEEVEE. They are number three) at the Jesuit Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues in self made Stars for you to worship. WAKE UP before they Wernersville, Pennsylvania. The political leader was our President FLEECE / KILL US all soon! Lucifer (aka Phoenix, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), wounded in the house Satan, SANAT Kumara, Apollo, Thunderbird) is coming of his friends." to get his ego stroked again. Most people will be fooled. Their orchestrated economic collapse (09 09 09 plan) and "YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR BEAST BRIBE comes with consequences... YOUR DAMNED SOUL! FRUITS" m Freemasonry The worship of Lucifer, SATAN “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA- A ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men REPORT TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A ABOUT NEW AGE ANTISEMITISM good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know 66 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 them. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the I am continuing with my rant. I have spread the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord Lord, word about what is coming. WE NEED REAL MEN, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy REAL KNIGHTS-not just a handful who are close to name have cast out devils? And in thy name done me. Women can't do it alone. Police corruption- if I many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto am jailed for free speech, you will go down in them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that history. I assure you. This is NOT OUR work iniquity.” (Matt 7:15-23) GOVERNMENT. THESE SATANISTS MUST BE removed. GLOBAL GOVERNMENT for the Vatican Assassins Part 1 // Vatican people....not for SATAN/Lucifer. I will continue my Assassins Part 2 // Vatican Assassins rant until they kill me or we fix this mess. MOVE Part 3 have more to lose then I do

Tags: REAL MEN REAL KNIGHTS Police corruption Pope: Roman Catholic 'Church' only one GOVERNMENT GLOBAL GOVERNMENT SATAN/Lucifer true church? According to who? Peter- who NWO police corruption MEDIA LIES denied Christ (degraded women and Mary Magdalene (wife of Yahshua) and Paul who killed Christians? HARPER will genocide CANADIANS. Repeating centuries of history, Rome has once again Bohemian Grove murders are not revealed its own dominion theology of primacy, and enough for him. HIGH TREASON!!!! indeed, sole legitmacy, as the only true "church" on earth, in a document approved by the current false prophet occupying the antichrist Vatican, Pope Canadians are going to take you Benedict XVI, on June 29, 2007. This blasphemous, DOWN! SATANIST! perverted assertion is in fact just the opposite of the Truth. The false religion of Romanism is NOT Biblical Stephen Harper the Puppet // I'm willing to die Christianity, but is in fact a "Christianized" form of to expose that Devil Obama. (Honorable James the ancient pagan religion of historical Babylon. David Manning - A real knight/real man!) // FEMA CAMPS NOW READY IN AMERICA 01.DOC MARTIAL LAW 2009 AFTER DOLLAR COLLAPSE AND WORLD WAR 3 Vatican Assassins Part 4 // Vatican Assassins Part 5 // Vatican Assassins We the Sheeple of America Part 6 Codex Alimentarius is a very scary set of food 08 27 2009 Toronto Street News is on regulation to be enforced on December 31st, its way! Get your orgone materials while you still 2009. We should all get informed about the dangers of genetically modified foods, aspartame and other bad things that have time (they will be worth more than gold soon). we put in our bodies daily. Nobody knows the effect of all these Back up important files with Teleport Pro. Video chemicals being put inside an human body, we will only see soon.The downloads play on Real Player. song is We The Sheeple of America, Payday Monsanto Get food, non perishable and dried beans/seeds (for sprouting). No electricity means no freezer, no clean Benjamin Fulford = NESARA beware! No water. Food prices will SOAR soon. wonder you never responded to any of my emails!

CANADIAN CORRUPTION- August 22, 2009 Better delayed, yet posted

67 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 GESARA NOW Global Economic Security and But what worries the public most is the mass Reformation Act = World Dollar/Beast vaccination programmes governments are putting in place to combat the emerging Agenda of Lucifer and the Goons. pandemic, which could well be worse than the pandemic itself.

08 25 2009 HARPER HAS FLU SHOTS for all CANADIANS. This will fix the UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM in CANADA. WHO (World MASS GENOCIDE. You go first STEVIE! CON- servatives Holocaust and Liberals next! Then- Baxter International, GlaxoSmithKline, Organization) Novartis and Sanofi-Aventis and AstroZeneca. We can watch and mass the results when we PUT YOU all into FEMA vaccination CAMPS. MURDERERS! fever -‘vaccination Catherine Austin Fitts - The Crash & experts’ are What's Ahead dominated by the vaccine makers standing to gain from the enormously The Solari lucrative vaccine and antiviral contracts awarded Report gives by governments. But the decisive argument against mass you Catherine's unique perspective on what's vaccinations is that flu shots simply don’t work and really happening with world issues affecting are dangerous. your assets and your life. -Flu vaccines are equally useless for adults, including the Vaccines More Deadly Than The Swine elderly, giving little or no protection against infection Flu- by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins or illnesses including pneumonia

It is a messy combination of sequences from bird, human Toxic adjuvants in flu and swine flu virus lineages vaccines - Vaccines from North America and Eurasia. A themselves can be senior virologist based in Canberra, dangerous, especially live, Australia, told the press he thought attenuated viral vaccines or that the virus could have the new recombinant nucleic acid vaccines [10], they have been created in a the potential to generate laboratory and released by accident. Some analysts even virulent viruses by recombination and the suggest, without corroborating evidence, that it was made recombinant nucleic acids intentionally as a bioweapon, while others blame the could cause autoimmune intensive livestock industry and extensive trafficking of love diseases. animals over long distances, which provide plenty of opportunity for generating exotic recombinants. Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative 50 times more toxic than mercury itself [9]. At high enough doses, it can 68 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 cause long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and The last mass-vaccination in the US was a disaster. In 1976, behavioural dysfunctions. Also associated with mercury cases of swine flu were found in soldiers at Fort Dix, New poisoning are autism, attention deficit disorder, Jersey, and one of them died, most likely of physical overexertion rather than from the infection [7]. This led to the multiple sclerosis, and speech and language launch of a mass vaccination of 40 million against a pandemic deficiencies. The Institute of Medicine has warned that that never materialized. Thousands filed claims for injury. At infants, children, and pregnant women should least 25 died and 500 developed paralyzing Guillain-Barre not be injected with thimerosal, yet the syndrome. majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of -There are obviously safer and more effective ways to combat the pandemic than mass vaccinations: washing hands often, it. sneezing into a tissue that can be safely disposed of, avoiding unnecessary gatherings, and delay opening schools – all advised by governments - and we would add, eating healthily, -Another common adjuvant is alum or aluminium exercise, and getting enough vitamin D to boost your natural hydroxide, which can cause vaccine allergy, anaphylaxis, immunity and macrophage myofascitis, a chronic inflammation context=va&aid=14869 syndrome, CSNEWS Solution- BECK PROTOCOL. Learn -In December, a Baxter facility in Austria sent a human flu how to make a zapper and colloidal silver vaccine contaminated with the deadly H5N1 live avian flu virus to 18 countries, including the Czech Republic, where testing generator. Buy cheap zappers at showed it killed the ferrets inoculated [24]. Czech newspapers questioned whether Baxter was involved in a deliberate attempt to start a pandemic. MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat

-Norvatis, another big pharma, has produced a swine flu vaccine that contains Tween80, Span85, and squalene. In 08 24 09 studies of oil-based adjuvants in rats, the animals were rendered crippled and paralyzed. Squalene brought on severe arthritis symptoms in rats, and studies in humans given Future Antichrist & His Reign These are the squalene showed severe immune system impact and last days, and with it, a man will rise and death and hell will development of autoimmune disorders. follow. This video gives us a glimpse of the horror that must come. Are you ready to meet the Lord? If not, your time is -Novartis in a clinical trial of a H5N1 vaccine in Poland. the running out! vaccine was given to 350 homeless people, 21 died.

Sherry Live 8-10-2009 - Satan's Plan of Total - GlaxoSmithKline’s vaccine will be made up of Control Over Peoples Minds and The Elimination antigens of the recently isolated influenza strain with an of Free Will adjuvant is composed of squalene, DL-a-tocopherol and polysorbate 80. The H5N1 vaccine also contains thiomersal, as well as Polysorbate 80, Octoxynol 10, and various inorganic Sherry Live 8-17-2009 - Aliens in the Bible Part salts. The company is aggressively promoting various adjuvant 1 systems as its ‘adjuvant advantage’ that reduces the dose of vaccines. Sherry Live 8-24-2009 - Aliens in the Bible Part WHO Director-General, 2 Dr .Margaret Chan, and the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon, met with As The Days of Noah senior officials of vaccine manufacturers Were Return of the and asked them to reserve part of their production capacity for Aliens? poor countries that would otherwise have THE WATCHERS: Fallen angels, Dinosaurs, & no or little access to vaccine in the case of a UFOs // Misty Edwards - As In the Days of pandemic. Noah 69 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 away James, or it can all get a LOT worse... Just go under surveillance and get us Menard.." More to come as the story is updated... For more on Police, Politics and Corruption, check 08 23 09 WHO CAN YOU COUNT ON? out Hijacking Humanity - Not the Cops! They beat up on our homeless on Toronto streets when they G20 Woman Talks Of Her Injuries Inflicted By try to sell TORONTO STREET NEWS. Police // Evidence Police Cover up causing COWARDS with a gun. SHAME ON YOU! death // Canadian POLICE caught trying to start riot Vancouver Airport YVR Taser Killing of Robert by RCMP Police // Police Brutality: Woman 08 22 2009 FIGHT FOR CANADA- Beaten Off Camera (graphic) // MARTIAL LAW 9-11: RiseOfThePoliceState - Selling Torture BEFORE WE LOSE OUR CANADA. Your politicians won't help you. Beginning with a careful analysis of the brutal murder of Mr. They bow down to their SECRET Robert Dziekanski, this video provides a passionate, satirical perspective on Canadian society and some of it's most insidious SOCIETIES/ LUCIFER FIRST! and dangerous delusions, including the preposterous and self- serving claim that Vancouver is the "best city in the world." (Global Government DICTATORSHIP is coming) Thanks to the integrity and courage of Mr. Paul Pritchard, the world now has a glimpse of the true nature of "the true north, strong, and free" known as Canada. Orgone, Tornadoes & Toronto- August 22, 2009 The term RCMP once stood for Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Canadians were all so proud of their national force. Orgone, Tornadoes & Toronto, York Region-need to go to and get those Now RCMP only means Redneck Corrupt materials for orgone. I can't make them all. You have to learn to protect your areas. To the hybrid seedline that tried to get Murderous Pigs. The saddest thing of all is that Canadians rid of me a few years ago, you need to get over it and start will probably NOT do anything to motivate their government to fixing this mess. Service to self will damn you to HELL. Your make sweeping changes in that corruption riddled force. stolen funds need to be put into something with integrity such Canadians are just too self-centered, short-sighted, and plain as There is nothing of a solution out there old LAZY. that I see otherwise. RAE, HARPER, IGATIEFF are NWO satanic puppets. HARPER has a flu shot for you to kill you off when EI runs out. LEARN TO PROTECT yourself. Not one person can do it Canada's Child Crimes - Kid's Next alone. Door in detail about the CTV: RCMP using Taser on disabled man York Catholic District School Board

Speaking out -Vancouver Police Corruption & -I am discussing a bit more clearly what Brutality Part 1 happened to me at Holy Cross Catholic Highschool, York Catholic DSB and how things transpired, now that I am not so camera shy. James - Crawford III of the family Craig speaks out about his first hand treatment by the Vancouver Police Department. A THE MESSAGE (FREEDOM AT ALL COST) tale of Police Corruption and Brutality, it appears they make up the law as they go along, and then retroactively charge a person, to cover their own asses. What happens when you do FROM United States National Militia Soldiers not give your legal name? How are you treated as a human being? Do police really think they can "do whatever they For Freedom want"? James also relays the story of how the VPD tried to get DUE TO THE THREAT TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL him to entrap Robert-Arthur:Menard of ThinkFree by offering RIGHTS OF THE AMERICAN CITIZEN, I WAS him money, and to drop all charges... "We can make this all go CONTACTED BY ACTIVISTS TO RECITE 'THE 70 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 MESSAGE'. It is my honor, duty and personal choice to read HARPER LOVES HAARP. YOU ARE NOT this message online and have committed no crime in doing so, nor does anyone who speaks out on their own behalf. I read OUR LEADER!!! YOU ARE A ZIONIST that you are considered a 'TERRORIST' if you speak up on animal or human rights...Too ludicrous to even contemplate. SATANIC PUPPET for the NWO. GET Here is the Letter in it's entirety LOST! (Dana ) "When I travel throughout the country, simply as a public speaker, people from every political stand point ask me why i believe that a revolution is necessary, instead of working Chemtrails in Toronto to bring on the within the framework of the established political order and with the collaboration of the parties already in existence, for Hurricane August 20 /August 9 Storm the purpose of improving those conditions which we considered Tornado. unsound and injurious. Why must we have a new party, and especially why a new revolution? The answers I give them are: As requested by commenter, why did I not take pics. Well here The elements of confusion and dissolution which are making you g o, this mornings fab chemtrails pics gettin' ready for the themselves felt in American life, in the concept of life itself and hurricane. Toronto is getting them non stop. Harper wants a the will to national self-preservation, cannot be eradicated by a huge portion of his citizen's dead. And Toronto had a huge mere change of government. More than enough of those SARS event remember. changes have already taken place without bringing about any My lungs have never been the same. I take lotta vitamins essential betterment of the distress that exists in our nation. though. P.S All these Cabinet reconstructions brought some positive If they are taking us out....they will be well documented. Alex advantage only to the actors who took part in the play; but the Jones Toronto Chemtrails Man Made Storms Haarp Scalar results were almost always quite negative as far as the Weaponry Tesla Barium Arsenic Project cloverleaf project interests of the people were concerned. As time has gone on bluebeam the thoughts and practical life of our people have been led astray into ways that are unnatural to them and injurious. One of the causes which brought about this condition of affairs Another man made Tornado in Toronto must be attributed to the fact that the structure of our elected leadership and their methods of government are damning to our own national character, our historical development and our Severe Tornado Formation Downtown national needs. It is out of the question to think that such a revolutionary reconstruction could be carried out by those who Toronto 8/20/09 are the custodians and the more or less responsible representatives our current elected leadership, or by the political organizations founded under the old form of Tornado in Toronto Yonge + Bloor Aug government. Nor would it be possible to bring this about by collaborating with these institutions, but only by establishing a 20, 2009 new movement which will fight against them for the purpose of carrying through a radical reformation in political, cultural and economic life. And this fight will have to be undertaken even at Woodbridge tornado from the 400 the sacrifice of life and blood, if that should be necessary. In northbound this connection it is worthy of remark that when the average political party wins a victory no essential change takes place in the historical course which the people are following or in the Toronto, Tornado August 20, 2009 areas where outer aspect of public life; whereas a genuine revolution that the tornadoes touched down are: Durham, Vaughan, arises from a profound ideological insight will always lead to a Woodbridge, Maple, Newmarket, Pickering, Barrie. transformation which is strikingly impressive and is manifest to the outside world. In closing the need for our generations revolution is more then evident in America today. This war will change the course of not only our history but the history of the Angels Dont Play This HAARP - weather world as a whole. When that fateful day comes that our manipulation, chemtrails mind control, soldiers are called to arms may our men, women, and children maintain the courage and the will to preserver through what microwaves ever obstacles are thrown in our path. for our fight is that of righteous cause and may God's divine guidance lead WHO's Controlling the Weather? // us to victory. Weather Control for New World Order? Thank you for your time" AUTHOR KNOWN AS 'J' United States National Militia Soldiers For Freedom

71 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 and stated so in an English court. 08 18 2009 Divine Feminine vs Divine t=1562 Masculine. SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE & Lucifer, Apollo, Beast, microchipping, HELL vs FREEMASONRY // masonic handshakes Mary Magdalene, Diana Lucifera, & jahbulon & baphomet // The emissaries of Jahbulon 6\6 Gnostic bible, Nag Hammadi see August 15 issue and WAKE THE HELL UP! 08 15 2009 A Look on the B/RIGHT SIDE OF SPIRITUALITY. Pista Sophia-Jesus & the Divine Feminine by JJ Hurtak Maiden of Light-Holy Orthodox Temple From the original coptic Alan Steinfeld discusses the Pista Sophia (holy wisdom) w/ JJ Hurtaks from a new translation he did with his wife Desirea Hurtak's from the Coptic of Jesus's The Shift of the Ages (42,17-27) Nag Hammadi teaching of Sophia, the Divine Feminine. This takes place in his Scriptures post resurrection days to his male and female disciples inlcuding Mary Magdalene.

Now I have come the second time in Sophia (pronounced sew-fee'ah) in Greek, Hohkma in the likeness of a female, and have Hebrew, Sapientia in Latin, Celtic goddess-figure Sheela-na- spoken with them. I shall tell them gigs - all mean wisdom,. The Judeo-Christian God's female soul, of the coming end of this age, and source of his true power is Sophia. As Goddess of wisdom and teach them about the beginning of fate , her faces are many: Black Goddess, Divine Feminine, the age to come, the one without Mother of God The Gnostic Christians, Sophia was the Mother of change, wherein our appearance Creation; her consort and assistant was Jehovah. Her sacred will be changed. We shall be shrine, Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, is one of the seven wonders of purified in those aeons from which I the world. Her symbol, the dove, represents spirit; she is revealed myself in the thought of crowned by stars, a Middle Eastern icon, to indicate her the likeness of my masculinity. I absolute divinity. settled among those who are worthy in the thought of my changeless aeon. THE FALL OF LUCIFER --- When the Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome, he chose the Pauline version, marginalizing The Mark of Cain, Cross of Lorraine - the original beliefs of the family of Jesus. Lucifer's Children Who are those of the Most of the Gospels of the New Testament Merovingian Bloodline ? Don't believe the lie were written hundreds of years after Jesus, not by the Apostles, but by others told to you in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. They who used their names for authority, as was are the Descendents of Cain and thus Lucifer's the habit of the time. Some may have been Children. rewritten Paganizing or adding to the original versions. Stories were changed to vindicate Church Hierarchy and political aspirations. In 1054 the Bishop of Rome schismed from Who Was King James Really? the Orthodox Church for political reasons.

History will tell you that King James was - Artemis became identified with the indeed a pedophile who enjoyed sex with small Roman fertility Goddess Diana "Goddess of boys while bathed in animals blood, which makes the Hunt". The Roman Moon Goddess Luna "Luna that shines by the use of scripture to denigrate gays, all the more ignorant. night". She had Temples on the Aventine Hill and the Palatine Hill. The decadent King thought that Jesus was in love with John, 72 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Luna was replaced by Diana also known as "the bright Goddess", and the ancient matriarchy, the place of women as leaders of Christianity, became know as the Goddess Diana Lucifera. and the rise of a male dominant hierarchy in the Catholic Church

-Many believe Diana to have originated in prehistoric matriarchal The love of Miryai is common to all world societies as the Mother Goddess. According to mythology, Diana was born with her twin brother Apollo on the island of Delos, religions Pagan, Jew, Christian, Manichean, Muslim, Hindu, daughter of Jupiter and Latona. Buddhist, Miryai descended from the House of David.

-Diana was part of an ancient trinity, the female Pagan Trinity, with The first heresy of the spiritual teachings of two other Roman deities. Miryai was Peter's rejection of Miryai as leader or Christa because she was a woman. The Essenes -"The Latin Diana was conceived as a threefold unity of the divine of Mount Carmel believed in strict gender equality. After the huntress, the Moon goddess, and the goddess of the nether split in the apostles, resulting from the first heresy of Peter, world, Hekate." This is the origin of the Holy Trinity used in the Miryai sent the apostles to teach the faith on their own accord, Christian church after Paul. in cells or groups, with each apostle forming their own belief system within the main The earliest Jewish Christians, and the family of Jesus, believed teachings. that Jesus was a "Servant of God", not the "Son of God". They did not believe in the divinity of Christ, the annunciation, the The second heresy was resurrection, or the virgin birth. We read in the writings of James, the rewriting of the the older brother of Jesus, not the miraculous stories of the gospels by Paul, the Gospels, but of Jesus as a human being, the way he would have distortion of the early taught and of doing good works. In the Letter of Jude the spiritual Christian younger brother of Jesus we read the warnings of following the teachings into Roman false teachings that were overtaking the new movement. Paganism, the false deification of Jesus. Jesus -"In Italy the old religion of Stregheria had followed John the embraced goddess Diana as Queen of the Baptist, the special Prophet, as the leader of the Essene Witches; witches being the wise Movement. Jesus women healers of the time. Goddess appointed Miryai to follow Diana created the world of her own being him as leader. Her youth having in herself the seeds of all creation prevented the immediacy of her becoming leader, thus James, the yet to come. It is said that out of herself she brother of Jesus followed as interim leader until Miryai matured. divided into the darkness and the light, Although the Essene Movement believed in strict gender equality, keeping for herself the darkness of creation Jesus had appointed his apostles in equal numbers, from each and creating her brother Apollo, the light. of the three Jewish sects, to represent each branch of Judaism, Goddess Diana loved and ruled with her brother Apollo, the god the ancient Essene belief, with the two more conservative sects of the Sun. the Saducees and Pharisees, from which Peter came. Miryai herself was from a Conservative Jewish family, a family of wealth, she was priviledged and As time went on, the Earth was created and Diana educated. A woman she was able to pass Jewish descended to Earth, as did her brother Apollo. Diana lineage, according to Jewish Law Judaism may taught magic and witches were born. One night using only be inherited through the witchcraft in the form of a cat, His most beloved animal, Diana mother's family lineage. She was a tricked Apollo. She gained entrance to His chamber likely successor to John the Baptist where She seduced Him. From this union a daughter was and Jesus as leader of the Essenes. born, the goddess Aradia." Thus, only Miryai fulfills the prophecy of the Messiah. Thus the relation of the Sun God Apollo, Diana Lucifera, and Hekate. In the Gospel of Aradia it was Diana who gave The meaning of the term "Christ" in birth to the stars, and created the world. The "Morning the feminine "Christa" is only the Star" is used to describe both Lucifer and the prophet Jesus in Greek term for the leader of the the Bible and in the Catholic Encyclopedia. Essene Movement. Thus to the Jewish Essenes Miryai, Jesus, and John the In the Christian era much of the beauty of the ancient Goddess, Baptist could all be considered to be the ancient matriarchy, and the importance of women in early Christs. Christianity was repressed with the faulty sermon of Pope Gregory I in 591, defaming the image of our The Age of Aquarius will bring with it the realization of our Lady Christa as the leader of early Christian Lady Mary Magdalena Miryai, to some it will bring the thought. The sermon of Pope Gregory which was never duality of Jesus and Miryai as a co- accepted by the Orthodox faith, led to a repression of the beauty of Christ. Miryai she who is accepted by all religions, she who will rebuild the "Temple of Jerusalem" through unity of world 73 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 religion. The Age of Aquarius will be followed by the Age of The Perfect Prayer Capicorn (the maiden-goat), in which Diana Lucifera will be revealed as Goddess, the fulfillment of both ancient prophecy and the Procession of the Equinox. Our Father and Mother Who art in Heaven; Holy is Thy Name. Thy Kingdom is come! The Aquarian Christine Church Thy Will is being done! Heaven and earth are one! Universal, Inc. Give us today the Bread of Heaven. We are forgiven, As we have forgiven others. Lead us unto Thy Kingdom, For Thou hast delivered us through Thy Salvation. For Wisdom, Honor, Glory, Power, Riches, Blessing, and Strength are is based on "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" (1907) yours, O Christ, for ever and ever. Amen. transcribed by Levi H. Dowling from the Book of Life called the Akashic Records. "The Aquarian Gospel" tells the story of Jesus' whole life including the missing years from ages 13-30 when he traveled 666 to India, Tibet, Persia, Greece and Egypt. "Aquarian" refers to the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age and "Christine" means "Christ bearing." Some of our teachings include: the femininity of The Peacock Angel/ Sanat Kumara / the Holy Spirit, the Mother God; liberation from the cycle of rebirth through the Ascension process; and Ascended Masters. Lucifer/ Apollo / Aton~NATO / Atlas / The spiritual concepts of the Age of Aquarius, good/bad vibrations, Apollyon / SATAN ~ NASA karma and reincarnation that have become popular and widespread in modern American and other Western societies in the last century, is due in part to the influence of "The Aquarian Gospel." ( PROUD as a PEACOCK /Phoenix) Some of our teachings include: * God is a Trinity: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. To us the Holy Spirit is feminine and is The Mother God. We speak of the Trinity as The Father, the Mother and Christ, The Son. * Christ or God the Son is synonymous to Life, Light, and Love. Love pervades the Universe. Every planet that is a world has experienced Christ, God. Jesus manifested Christ and so was God and man - He is Divine. * Seven Divine Spirits emanate from the Trinity and are called the Seven Elohim. They are represented by the Seven Archangels in the Angelic Plane. * We are composed of body, soul and Spirit. * Everyone's Spirit is Divine and Immortal. It has always existed. We refer to It as one's Divine I AM Spirit. * Heaven and Hell are states of mind. The devil is an allegory for our self-centered, lower nature. Evil and discord are synonymous. In Tibet the Peacock Angel appears to be manifest as Amitibha, the * We are co-creators peacock-riding dhyani buddha who sits upon his Peacock Throne in the of our own Destiny. heaven of Sukhavati and occasionally takes a physical incarnation as The Kingdom of the King of the World in legendary Shambhala, the land of Heaven is within. We immortals that flies the Peacock Flag. Shambhala, meaning the all must work to create "Place of happiness," is a place designed as eight territories or Heaven on earth. "petals" and recognized to be the heart chakra of planet Earth. * The cycle of rebirth or Reincarnation is ended when we accept Christ or the The Peacock Angel and Theosophy Light and become One with God, - Madam Helena Blavatsky- Tibet at Shigatse, was Divine. This process of a seat of the Peacock Angel in the East and perfecting oneself connected by tunnels to Shambhala. through discipline and illumination is known as the Within the information received by Blavatsky (as well Ascension. as by her early student Alice Bailey) Sanat * Many humans have Kumara was referred to as the King of the World, the World Guru, and as the soul of Earth, the "Planetary Logos," 74 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 which is defined as the Earth's collective mind and will manifesting this lineage to Jesus, who in turn passed it to through the actions of all Earth's inhabitants, including all humans. It has been speculated that if there ever was an actual "fall" when the John the Apostle and Mary Magdalene. From there Peacock Angel or Sanat Kumara did indeed become Lucifer it it moved down a lineage of masters all named John until it was must have occurred after he became the Planetary Logos. passed to the Knights Templar following the First Crusade. Following this union, Earth humans began to develop an intellect and ego, and development that in turn caused the collective consciousness The Peacock Angel in the Holy Grail Tradition of all humanity, Sanat Kumara, to also develop an ego. The result of this evolution was that both humans and the planetary soul "fell" from grace together. Since that time, the ego has been The Peacock Angel figures prominently in the Holy Grail legends as operating powerfully within all humans, and the primal Fisher King. This is most evident in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival, where the seeker of the Holy Grail, Parzival, Sanat Kumara has been ruling the Earth as the encounters the Fisher King Anfortas wearing a hat or crown of peacock egotistical and self- feathers. Anfortas was the latest of a long line of Fisher Kings, each of whom reflected the Peacock Angel, the first and archetypal Fisher serving Lucifer. King, the primal Guardian and Embodiment of the Holy Grail. The power of the Holy Grail is the life force, the power wielded by the Fisher King. Through his life force power the Fisher King, The Peacock Angel who is thus a manifestation of the Green Man, would annually make his kingdom green with prolific and the Hopis vegetation.

The Hopis know the Peacock The soul of the Peacock Angel was Angel as their Masaw, the apparently passed down along the King of the World during lineage of Fisher Kings, all of whom this era of the Fourth World. had a propensity for falling from According to their tradition, grace due to pride. Each became self- Masaw, whom the Hopis serving with their supernatural address as the "Great power and wisdom, thus leading to a Spirit," was ruler of the battle where they are cut down and Third World but then fell left crippled. They loose their life force from grace because of his power and their kingdoms become pride. He subsequently lost barren. There was only one cure of their his position as planetary ruler but was then reinstated to that exalted ailment: a passer by must ask them the office at the beginning of the Fourth World. question "Who does the Grail serve?" This question apparently triggers In the history of the Hopis it is said that they came from the East by an awakening within the "island hopping" across the Pacific. It appears that they may have paralyzed Fisher King and a acquired their knowledge of the Peacock Angel as Masaw subsequent healing of both during the earliest years of their existence in the East. himself and his kingdom. Such a healing is the direct result of the revelation that the king had been The Peacock Angel among the Knights Templar using the power of the Holy Grail for his own purposes when it was really meant for all people. The Knights Templar were initially introduced to the Peacock Angel as the Sufis' Al-Kadir, the "Green One," whom they came to know as St. George. The root of the name George is "geo," denoting the The Peacock Angel and Earth. Thus, George is the "Earth man." Evidence of the connection the Sumerians between Al-Kadir and St. George is conspicuous in their mutual annual holiday, April 22nd. According to the Sufi Idries Shaw, the Order of St. Khadr was taken by knights to Great Britain where In the religion of Sumeria the it evolved into the Order of St. George, also known as the Order of Peacock Angel was manifest as the Garter. Enki, the Lord of the Earth, who was also the Lord of Wisdom and the Serpent on the Tree of Dilman, the The Knights Templar may have also learned of the Peacock Sumerian Eden. The Sumerians may have adopted Enki from Yezidi Angel directly from the Yezidis, some of whom were living in Syria emissaries from India who played a role in the fledgling Sumerian near the Middle Eastern castles of the Templars. But there was one civilization. Or they may have received him from the gnostic sect of more plausible source of the Knights' Peacock Angel wisdom. It is Mandeans who were also assimilated into Sumerian civilization after known that the Knights were initiated into a "Johannite" lineage migrating from the East, specifically Sri Lanka, the island patronized of gnostic masters that had originated in the East, possibly by the Peacock Angel as the Hindu Murugan or Sanat Kumara. with the Peacock Angel as Sanat Kumara, or one of his students. This lineage was taken west with the gnostic Mandeans, who merged with the Jewish Essenes to found the Nazi Germany - A Creation of the Vatican and Nazarene sect, within which were born John the Baptist and Jesuits Jesus. John the Baptist passed the succession of 75 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 NEW WORLD ORDER.THE DEVIL IN THE VATICAN!! pt7 The book of Revelations. DO NO HARM When we ignore our heart we break it. ...But we ignore our hearts to save ourselves heart break -MANY HISTORIANS BELIEVE THAT FROM Life tells us that we are all here to give our love we have to others DEMONS, CHRISTIANS COINED THE NOTION OF And in particular: ONE TRUE MATE, THEN CHILDREN, THE DEVIL. THE CHURCH DEMONIZED MANY FAMILIES, FRIENDS AND ALL ELSE-IN THAT ORDER GODS AND MANY ORDINARY PEOPLE. THEIR NAMES But when we refuse to give this love in fear of the pain, WE ARE INCLUDED IN A LONG LIST OF THOSE THAT ARE CLAIMED TO BREAK OUR OWN HEART HAVE HAD POLYMORPHIC QUALITIES OF DEVILS BAAL ANTICHRIST Thus causing ourselves pain and this is the way we harm ourselves. ANUBIS APOLLO ARIEL ASTARTE BELPHEGOR BELUS BRAHMA We also harm others as we block the natural flow of love CHARON EROS HECATE HERMES ISIS IRIS JUPITER MERCURY MITHRA MOLOCH NEPTUNE ODIN OSIRIS PAN PHOENIX PLUTO SARACEN THIS HURTS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE VENUS VULCAN and ABBADONA ABIRON ABORYM ACAOS ACHAM To practice DO NO HARM: LEVIATHAN LUCIFER MAGOG MEPHISTOPHELES MINOS SATAN SIN We must help the natural flow of love - To do this we must make sure TEUTATES VULCAN ZABULON ZIZIMAR Among many other artists we listen to our HEARTS drew THE CONFLICT BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL ANGELS in his "WAR Giving that love to whom or where it would naturally go IN HEAVEN" SHOWING note other "DWARFS or DEMONS or MIDGETS Angel or LITTLE PEOPLE"

Our other sites: Candle In The Wind: A Princess Diana Tribute- Lady Diana was a ritual sacrifice by the Illuminati Satanists. She was murdered in the Ponte Alma tunnel, passage of the Moon Goddess Diana- 13 pillar, 31st day. Her baby was taken out and is being raised by Queen Lizardbeth. They plan to put PINDAR ( dragon) into this child and have him be the next ANTICHRIST. Timing is a bit off, but time will tell what happens with the hijacked ROYAL bloodline throne. D Who Killed Princess Diana?

08 13 2009 (numerology 8:13:11)

Toronto Street News Vol 11, #3 August 1 to 15 2009

Love from Lovecry

LoveCry, The Streetkids Org.facebook

This is for a non-profit that runs in Toronto, Canada. Its for the 08 11 2009 (numerology 8:11:11) homeless and the Abused. We work on all abuse issues.

We do many things for the homeless, we also spread the word of - August 11, 2009 Abuse. We supply the Toronto Street News(A paper) to the homeless, so they have something to sell other than just asking for money. We are all over the internet. We have many sites containing 4 horsemen, hyperinfinity of crystals, orgone, information on Abuse. Donations are always welcome. May they be reptilian bloodline Illuminati; Eunice Kennedy clothes, food, bathing supplies, blankets, sleeping bags or money. We Shriver, Arnold Swartzenegger, Maria Kennedy need all the help and compassion we can get. If you wish you know more about us, check the websites. If you wish to get in contact with Shriver, imbreeding reptilians, ritual sacrifice, JFK us for volunteer work or donations, please feel free too. Our door is sacrificed for wanting to get rid of Federal Reserve, always open for the Abused or people who want to stop abuse or help Ashkanazi Jews vs Semetic Jew, Queen Lizardbeth, the Abused. 76 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Tim Rifat, Occult Science, wars, demonic access in 08 08 09 crystals and bones/blood (will power manifests thru blood ritual alchemy) Jessica's Message to Humanity Pt.1 // Message, to Humanity Pt.2 // Humanity pt.3 // Humanity, pt.4 // // Rainbow Warriors

REAL REPORTING -Tim Rifat discusses When the chief priests and scribes of the Jerusalem Temple cringe at SATANISM and HDTV Mind Control the din of children crying "Hosanna to the son of David," Jesus scolds them: "Yea, have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected July 20 2009 TIM RIFAT- New World Order praise?" (Matthew 21: 16). Derails with 08 07 09 08 09 09

Orgone Masters and New Paradigm People. July's TORONTO STREET NEWS Indigo Children, Crystals, Integrity,, Sherry Live The Children of Light awaken in the Seventh 7-27-2009 - Day of Creation The Shema Star is losing The tone brings out to you that which you have its brilliance, always known and now know you can align to going to the vibrations that install the programs that will crash...Bible develop into the Seventh Sun, the final universal Codes on the tone that brings about the Andromedan Shema star Enlightenment. Align and ascend with the River of Heaven as it flows into the Central Sun. The Mother of Creation gives life to the Feminine Christ Within. The Father of Creation aligns with the Central Sun within and the Family reaches the higher light. The family is held together by the love of all that is and all that is establishes itself both within and without and in all futures and the past. I am that you are and you are that I am there is no other way. Feel the words circle upon the waves and become the dreamtime. Beyond the dream there is union in the fullness of spirit Sherry Live 8-03-2009 - My Conversation with where all souls combine in the greater world in Cisco Wheeler http://www.s oneness of being. The perfect circle of being is born in the safe world of the loving arms of the Re: Exposing The Rothschilds 1/6 // mother guarded by the strength of the father and both are fulfilled as the children of the Re: Exposing The Rothschilds 4/6 // Seventh Heaven, the Seventh Light, the Aquarian Age and the new Golden Age Re: Exposing The Rothschilds 5/6 // 77 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Re: Exposing The Rothschilds 6/6 December 02, 2008 Harper SHUT DOWN parliament

08 06 2009 Full moon tonight. Hide your Re: Real News people-Victor comments-I was glad to see the clip but they are just babies from the SATANISTS what you would call "gate-keepers". The audience was away ahead of them -- Treee's tales , Reptilians ,QEii Bohemian Grove the audience wanted to see some real blood -- they had none. They were mamby-pambies! and Hope // its treee -DAVID ICKE WROTE TO

ME AND WANTS TO FOLLOW UP ON OUR EARTH And now they're asking for money when they STOREY already have lots!-- Victor

Donald Marshall Jr- REST in PEACE - to avoid confidence vote, stay in power & force thru his rightwing agenda. Opposition parties make agreement to defeat Harper government on belt tightening economic plan. The Liberals and Written about Donald Marshall Jr., who at the young age of the New Democrats had a deal to form a coaliton government and push the Stephen Harper Conservatives out of office. The agreement 17 was wrongfully convicted of a murder that he did not commit. He was also signed by the Bloc Quebecois although they were not to be was targeted by police who had previous run-ins with Marshall and part of the coalition. Liberal leader Stepahne Dion and the NDPs Jack decided based on his skin that he should go to jail for the homicide Layton signed the accord which would see the two parties work because he was in the area. Marshall spent 11 years of his life in jail together until June 2011. Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Quebecois also before they admitted they were wrong. This song was written for him. signed the agreement which would see his party support the coalition till June 2010, though the BQ would not be part of the coalition. The 08 05 2009 move came after finance minister Jim Flaherty tabled an economic and fiscal update last week that did not include a stimulus package for the recession that has gripped the Canadian and global economies. In the Clinton to the Rescue- satanist rescues N Korean package was a plan to end government funding of political parties implemented by the Chretien government to stop journalists from prison. GAG! politicians from being beholden to the corporations that give them money, a decision to take away the right to strike for public service unions, a move to cut financing for litigation in ARSON- recycling plant outside Toronto goes up in pay equity hearings, and selling off government assets. The an explosion. opposition quickly jumped on the Harper and Flahertys austerity and belt More Media Fear, gun confiscation, racial profiling, tightening proposals and laissez-faire attitude at a time when nations NWO propaganda, BLACK POPE death agenda, FEMA, around the world were pumping money into their economies to boost world army, HAARP, mind control weapons, consumer confidence and threatened to bring down the government. economic collapse, Hurricanes, BC forest fires, Rape Fearing theyd made a blunder Flaherty removed the abolition of party funding and backed off from taking away the right to strike for public and racial profiling to prep for race war, biker gangs, workers from the bill. The Prime Minister also postponed the vote on cops, native, BIG BROTHER, sink holes, more the bill by a week to December the 8th. In the meantime the jail/arrests for the poor, more bailouts for the rich. opposition got together to discuss a coalition and spent all weekend working on the deal and had told Governor General Michaelle Jean that they had enough votes to form a goverment. Involved in the EI running out for many + Federal Reserve negotiations were former Prime Minster Jean Chretien and former NDP Corruption/Counterfeiting- leader Ed Broadbent. The Conservatives had attacked the idea of a coalition saying it was unconstitutional and went as far as recording a conference call by the NDP caucus trying to say that this was not Illuminati's Solution =FLU SHOT+ PANDEMIC + about the economy but a power grab. The Bloc and NDP responded by reminding Harper that he had asked for a similar agreement in 2005 Economic Collapse + Genocide when he tried to topple then Prime Minister Paul Martins minority government. The deal by the Liberals and the New Democrats would see a 24 member cabinet with the Liberals getting eighteen ministers Help George HELP!- There are DRAGONS in our and the NDP getting 6 as well as 6 parliamentary secretaries. This Government and other Corporations!!! would be historic because the New Democrats have never formed or been part of the Federal government in Canada. The question remained of who would lead the coalition as Liberal Leader Stephane Canada ban: Galloway faces his Dion stepped down after the Liberal Leadership convention. Sunday Night in Toronto the 3 Leadership candidates Michael Ignatieff, Bob accusers a Jewish Defence League Rae and Dominic LeBlanc came to an agreement, and at a liberal (JDL) "Terrorist" caucus meeting on Monday the vote was unanimous. Free download: Category: Nonprofits & Activism

78 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Jewish Canadians: "We are ashamed of the media uNscrEWS- Canadian government's support of Israel's August 02, 2009 pt 2, genocide of Palestine" outside of conservative MP Peter Kent's office - 01.17.2009 999, NY airport bombthreat 9-11, terrorist threat, Liberals, Conservatives, NESARA, , Luciferian, Apollo, xxx Jehovah, Hinn, Hagee, more fear, chip children waking up, orgone,, Hollywood movies, World Wampum,, 08 03 2009 (today is 11:11 too) positive energy, opera, frequency vibration TREEE is back with her story. Clunker cars are the only Bohemian Grove, Reptilians, Michael Rodgers, Pindar-bringing miracles back 2 life PART 1 OF cars that will operate 2 // PART2 OF 2 when the grid goes down.


MICHAEL LEE RODGERS & THE REPTILIANS How pervasive is the microchip? If you took the microchips out of PART 2 OV 2 every application in which they are now used, the results would be stunning and frightening. Microwave ovens, dishwashers, and many other kitchen appliances would stop working. Televisions and VCRs See more at Secret Societies would fade to black; stereos would grow mute; and most clocks would stop. Cars wouldn't start, and airplanes would be unable to leave the ground. The phone system would go dead, as would most streetlights, 08 02 2009 ( yesterday was 8 01-2009 or 9-11 numerology. thermostats, and, of course, a half-billion computers. And these are Boy it was obvious. .D) only the most obvious applications. Every factory in the industrial world would also shut down, as would the electrical grid, stock exchanges, and the global banking system. Pacemakers would stop, media uNscrEWS too, as would surgical equipment and fetal monitoring systems in August 02, 2009, Pt 1 obstetrics wards. Read more: digital-day-how-the-microchip-is-changing-our-world- 38075.htm#ixzz0Mx4YGxSr July 31 was 11:11, Aug 1 was 9-11. Fires on W coast encana pipelines, UFO, neg orgone, Alberta massive storm, HAARP, Edmonton. Missing children, Tori Abaddon/Apollyon/Apollo Stafford father Childfind. Underground bases, sinkhole Finch/Dufferin, Cn tower, skydome, Bush Clinton, Calgary, Witchcrft ritual sacrifice of our The Nation's Deathbed cities. Afghanistan invaded by US, Canadian British troops. Revelations. Clunker cars are needed. No THIS VIDEO IS TIMING OUT. HERE IS chip will run without grid system. Abaddon, THE DOWNLOAD (flv) Appolyon, Apollo, Y chromosome, A, chromosome X is maternal. Aggression is Y. Baby dropping ritual. real media player is in video section Sikh school explosion suspicious. Harper, Encana, RCMP, Toronto, Arturo Gatti, wife blamed due to Google Video has frozen the view count since change in will. Probably innocent if media says February 2009 and has also reduced the 5 star guilty. Wampum Way, ratings by over 100, which effectively censors this film. Please spread this link and support 79 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 the filmmakers by obtaining a high quality DVD. Solution Will we let the elite pull the plug on Canada's sovereignty? A documentary exploring the Security and Prosperity Partnership and how it is a stepping REX 84 & the Operation Garden Plot // stone for an eventual North American Union. The film Operation Garden Plot // Moon Rising also explores the resistance movement to the SPP and the protests of August 2007 in Montebello, pt 6 Canada. To obtain a high-quality DVD, please visit: -Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a plan by the United States federal government to test their ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of massive civil July 2009 unrest or national emergency. Exercises similar to Rex 84 happen periodically. Plans for roundups of persons in the United States in times of crisis are constructed during periods of increased 07 31 2009 (11:11 numerology) We have the safe political repression such as the Palmer Raids and the McCarthy Era. For example, from 1967 to 1971 the FBI kept a list of persons to return of our astronauts today! be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the "ADEX" list.

IT'S COMING....MARTIAL LAW, FEMA According to scholar Diana Reynolds: The Rex-84 Alpha Explan (Readiness Exercise 1984, Exercise Plan; otherwise known as a Trains and CAMPS. That's not all... continuity of government plan), indicates that FEMA in association with 34 other federal civil departments and agencies conducted a civil readiness exercise during April 5-13, media 1984. It was conducted in coordination and simultaneously with a Joint Chiefs exercise, Night Train 84, a worldwide military command uNscrEWS July 31, post exercise (including Continental U.S. Forces or CONUS) based 2009 on multi-emergency scenarios operating both abroad and at home. In the combined exercise, Rex-84 Bravo, FEMA and DOD led the other federal agencies and departments, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secret Service, the Treasury, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Veterans Administration through a gaming exercise to test military assistance in civil Police State, Obama and defense. The exercise anticipated civil disturbances, Beer Summit at the major demonstrations and strikes that would affect Whitehouse, with Henry continuity of government and/or resource mobilization. To Gates and white cop. fight subversive activities, there was authorization for Media making cops look the military to implement government ordered movements of corrupt/ racist/ civilian populationsat state and regional levels, the arrest of certain unidentified segments of the population, and the controlled. Economy, USA imposition of martial rule. and credit. 999 federal reserve year end is Sept. Reptilian bloodlline, Lizardbeth Just-us system, admiralty law. Prisons for Existence of a master military contingency plan, "Garden Plot" and a similar earlier exercise,"Lantern Spike" were originally the poor, taxes for the middleclass and Big Bonuses revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour, who summarized his findings in for Big Brother. Melissa T and Stephanie Rengel "Garden Plot and the New Action Army." murder- 7 years in prison, tried as adult. Earl Jones gets out on $30 000 bail. Ianiero Woodbridge, Gatti Rex 84 was mentioned during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported on by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987. A murder Problem, reaction, solution- world court sset number of websites and alternative publications that span the political up. Gatti- gash in back of head, Knife went away, spectrum have hypothesized upon the basic material about Rex 84, wife not charged with murder now. Gatti died many and in many cases hyperbolized it into a form of urban legend or conspiracy theory. Rex 84 is sometimes cited as an extension of the times in ring, now police say suicide. Sink hole fictional King Alfred Plan, a strategy to detain African Americans. Toronto may be underground base. Underground Nonetheless, the basic facts about Rex 84 and other contingency bases everywhere. See videos on planning readiness exercises--and the potential threat they pose to civil liberties if fully implemented in a real operation-- for review of today. Hollow are taken seriously by scholars and civil liberties activists. EARTH, AGARTHA, Blue Bloodline, Illuminati 13 (thanks Tony...D) bloodlines, Atlantis, Apollo, Phallus, Patriarchal. 80 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

Sink Hole of Death- sink hole in Toronto could be NESARA , GESARA, stargate Atlantis, Lemuria, World similar to the sink hole in Guatamala. UFO's appeared after that point. Dollar, Capricorn2, Hydron Collider, portal, Enki, Could Toronto's sink hole be an underground base? Hollow Enlil, Garbage, Tim Mclean, manchuran candidate, Earth, Hyperborea, Agartha, Shambhala~ 11:11, TORONTO=DISASTER, Endeavour, Hubble (2of7) telesocope, robots, sinkhole, water to St. Clair, East soggy, . orgone neutralizes negative weather, mylar UFO Hunters - Underground Bases - Dulce blankets and water purification pills 1/5 // Dulce 2/5 /// Dulce 3/5 //

Dulce 4/5 // Dulce 5/5 // Hollow Earth, Agartha, DNA, Serpent Magnetism media uNscrEWS - July 28, 2009 pt 2 Winnepeg shooting, Bus beheading, Iran-Is_ra_l; Alberta oil refinery shut down, Moosavi-puppet British Gov't., 4 horseman of apocalypse, murder 07 30 2009 suicide, airlineand rail bargains drain your income. Need to prepare for survival. Michael Jackson, Atlantis patriarchial-Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, Satan; Lemuria- Matriarchal- mother EARTH Peggy Kane Interview Volume 1 - ; Michael Jackson- murder much like Reptilian Agenda others, CANADA is a POLICE STATE

In the first-ever DVD of the "UFO Hypotheses" series, UFO researcher and talk show host Peggy TROY REGAS-OWNER OF HELLS ANGELS Kane ("UFOAZ," "Off The Record," and "The Cutting CORP.YOU ARE ANGELS AND WE ARE IN HELL, Edge," all public access talk shows originating out of PLEASE PROTECT US & OUR WORLD-PLEASE& Tucson, Arizona) discusses her odyssey into the THANK U FROM TREEE strange realms of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and RS (Reverse Speech), which led BOHEMIAN GROVE,REPTILIANS, her into ongoing conversations with the dead PINDAR,DRAKEN, QEII,TROY REGAS,HELLS now residing in the lower astral world. Her ANGELS,BY TREEE research also led to a multi-year contact with one Francis Haley, an endentured servant-turned adventurer who died in 1830. As she explored further, Ms. Kane clarified decades worth of research Revelation 17 Whore Babylon Antichrist - Part and began to formulate her own UFO hypothesis. Ms. 1 Kane is now convinced that a reptilian ET race from Orion has taken control of this lower This is a study of the Book of Revelation chapter 17. The Apostle astral realm. Her hypothesis also suggests that the John's vision on the island of Patmos in 96AD. The Bible identifies the reptilian ET "gods" colonized our Earth long Roman Catholic Church as the harlot and Mystery Babylon. - Part 1 ago, and continue to use Earth humans as a slave race and food source. (Not intended for anyone under 18 years of age or skeptics.) ______reptilians UFO Peggy Kane reptoids astral 4th dimension mars spirit net matrix hybrids MATERNAL BLOODLINE MOTHER starts with EVE- GOODNESS planetX cover up manipulation cycle karma HUMAN. ADAM is her twin flame. ( likeness of Dumuzi and Innana) control angels ETs aliens pleiadians lower astral higher astral cloaking leaders crafts LILITH is 3/4 Annunaki 1/4 human. Father was either Enki or Enlil. ( discrepency) clones etc Until we come together as a forum and unearth the suppressed 07 28 2009 media books and true history (much tucked away in the Vatican vaults and under the Iraq/Iran, we well never know the real truth. uNscrEWS- July 28, 2009 pt1 81 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 The British ROYAL family IS a reptilian bloodline of CAIN Samael/Satan/Enlil (brother of Enki) raped Eve in ( serpent seed). Pindar and something that inhabits Queen E controlled the entire global corporation of PLANET EARTH SLAVERY. Could that be the Garden. Eve gave birth to Cain (Lucifer (glows Lilith in there? Lilith is a confusing term. English is a confusing like his father) and Lilith. Cain and Lilith are language. Translations were left to the satanists who invented sister/brother/husband/wife. English ( reverse of Hebrew). British=English= global language= satanic reveral of Hebrew. Illuminati = Enlil/ /Lucifer/Lilith

Diana is the ARYAN human half WARNING: This page is NOT suitable for children due and Pindar the Reptilian half of the new Antichrist king. The to the sexual and bloody nature of the Lilith legend. fetus was taken from Lady Di's womb during her ritual sacrifice/murder under the Ponte LILITH...ISIS...DIANA...ATHENA: 'WHO WAS THAT Alma Bridge ( passage of the moon MASKED WOMAN? goddess, 13th pillar, 31st day.) (Icke) Millions of women worldwide have been Q Lizardbeth has the child increasingly drawn to the story of Lilith apparently says Treee) because they have heard she was some sort of "equal" to Adam in Jewish legend. This "feminist" version of Eve Preflood- Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu. These sons of the supposedly has become the patron- gods did not look Reptilian. Reptilian /human apparently saint of the lesbian movement as well crossed to make good WARLORDs (slave drivers- cold blooded, as witches, New Age adherents, and a heartless killers) for the human race according to Michael Tsarion. wide variety of musical performers Christian writings say that fallen angels lost their looks when they hoping to ride the wave of Lilith curiosity. disobeyed the creator and mated with the human women to But just who is this Lilith? Where is the produce a race of giants, nephalim. Mythology needs to be origin of her legend? more here analyzed and the whole CREATION story figured out with integrity. Get those hidden books. The Reptilian ascended masters will try and push another truth on us soon. EVIL DOES RULE THE Occultism & Religion - WORLD, so prepare to be deCEIVED. D) Gnostism - The Nag Hammadi - Thomas & Phillipe Gnostic Gospel.mp3

Marduk - Holy Blood, Holy Grail.mp3 ??Discrepency and HUGE contrast in who is who?? 2_William Cooper - Mystery Babylon 12 - Hierarchy Of The Knights Templar - Ishmaelites SAMAEL/SATAN is - WTC Bombing.mp3 ENLIL (illuminated) in ????????

LILITH: The Reptilian version next (I disagree with the next Uncensored explanation of Satan- Gardiner says ENKI is SAMAEL.) ( SEE WHY IT IS SO Version HARD TO PIECE THIS MESS TOGETHER!...D)

THIS summary link IS FROM LAURENCE GARDINER- lluminati- shapeshifter satanist

82 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Laurence Gardner - Lecture 1 (April Lilith was also the consort to Jehovah (her grandfather) as well as '97) - Bloodline of the Holy Enki and Adam. Lilith was said to have re-incarnated as Hagar and Queen Sheba. Hagar = wife of Moses. Queen Sheba = wife/consort Grail.mp3 of Solomon. Moses = Akhenaten; Nefertiti = wife of Moses; Amenhotep-III = father of Moses; Tiye (Queen) = mother of radio - Laurence Gardner - Lecture 3 (June '98) Moses; - Genesis of the Grail Kings.mp3 Luluwa = Daughter of Cain & Lilith; Atun = Son of Cain & Lilith; Nenokh = Son of Cain & Lilith; Atun = King of Kish (3500 BC) Gene Isis of the Grail Kings full version pdf // Atun = King Etana; Henokh = Enoch Gene Isis of the Grail Kings summary here[email protected]/msg26108.html Ham = son of Tubal-Cain (bible: son of Noah is incorrect); Emzarah = wife of Noah; Canaan = son of Noah (not grandson) ?????????????????????? Goat of Mendes is associated with Ham. here- Samael/Enki & Lilith = Tree of Ham was archon of 10th Age of Capricorn. His symbol was the Knowledge of Good & Evil http://www.mail- inverted pentagram; (Capricorn is also the name of NESARA's[email protected]/msg26108.html Serpent was space ship that is carrying Lucifer or guardian of knowledge. Serpent = Enki; Enki = Lord of Euphrates. Aton).

Enlil = Llu-Kur-Gal = Ashur = Amurru = El- Elyon = El-Shaddia = Jehovah http://www.mail-[email protected]/msg26108.html

Enlil = used blackheaded people as slaves // Enki = wanted blackheaded people educated/freed.

Satan = sons of gods = servants only for aggressive actions of the gods.; Satan = brother/don of Jehovah.

(or is SATAN=JEHOVAH=Enlil- who liked to eat flesh! D )

Adam was first earthly priest-king of ancient Sumer approx 3800 BC with wife Nin-Khawa (Eve).

Adam/Eve = Atabba/Hawah; Eve's first son was Cain = Qayin (Adam was not the father) Father of Cain was Enki = Samael = Lord of Sama- Mesopotamia. 2nd son was Hevel = Abel (father was Adam)

Lilith and Kali are Titles. Q as in Queen/Quayin associated with the Moon/Lunar Cycle. Q = Venus Symbol = Isis = Lilith = Nin-Khursag = Kali.

83 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Hermes Trismegistus = Thoth/Djedi; (7 :9:11 or 9 numerology today. Scary days July Thoth = scribe of the gods. Thoth = Ham 07 27 2009 (Grandson of Tubal-Cain) = Egyptian 29- 7:11:11, and July 31-11:11) Khem; Thoth = Melchizadek (wrote book of the dead); Ham = Zarathustra (Zoroaster (not the son of Noah) ?? BIG BROTHER!!- Why are you blocking comments, email, web access and video capabilities. because...I AM Iran = Aryan (Followed Enki/Samael/Ahura Mazda); Grail Kingship RIGHT! See important MESSAGES BELOW, AND GET INTO = Cain, Lamech, Tubal-Cain, Ham, SOLUTION MODE. Nimrod. (tubal cain ring looks like the facebook logo) ILLUMINATI WILL TANK THEIR OWN STOCKS AND SATANIC MONEY SYSTEM SOON. Ptah = Vulcan of Eqypt; Ma'at = goddess of truth and law; CTV uNscrEWS - July Gold/Platinum in mono-atomic hi-spin rate can activate the 27, 2009 pt 1 endocrinal glandular system.

Pt 1- Strikes-VIA, LCBO, GARBAGE, disruption of Star-Fire & Milk from goddesses caintained an enzyme called Telomerase services, increased animosity with strikes. When Gas that goes up- get use to the farm look in your city, prolongs life. Scarlet women were Liquor-Illuminati adds carcinogens to products. Still source for starfire; Scarlet Woman = Sacred woman; Sacred woman = disabled by utube and other web communications. Hierodulai (greek); Sacred woman = Harlot (english) Sacred woman = Hores/Whores/beloved Ones (german) Palin- Scarlet Women- Whore of BABYLON. Reverse symbolism. Antichrist gang will take their parasites Rose of Sharon = Sha (Orbit) Ron with them. Then we can finally live in PEACE on (Light) Sha-Ra-On = House of EARTH. Light; Melatonin = Night-Worker (boosts immune); Treee is back from Bohemian Grove. Iridium was key fire-stone element. Big Brother Cops escorted her out of town. They Powder of were going to charge her with - public nuisance.In gold increases the satanic money system, we are the nuisance melatonin; Powder of (goyim). Iridium increases Seratonin In the Serenity System, we are the RAINBOW WARRIORS. Get going Treee- EARTH MOTHER for Mark of Cain is oldest grant of arms = Cross the West Coast. We need real KNIGHTS...not with-in Circle (Ouroberos) = snake clutching it's those murdering global elites at BOHEMIAN GROVE. tail = Midrash/Phoenicians. Mark of Cain was legacy of the Tiamat the Dragon Queen. Royal court of the dragon origins 2170 BC. Rosy Cross = Rosi-crucis; Rosi = Dew/Waters; Hope the orgone burned their balls while they ran Crucis = Cup/Chalice; Enki = lord of the sacred eye; Alchemy = Al naked, pissing on trees, buggering eachother, (The) Khame (Blackness) = The Blackness while raping, killing and eating stolen women and children. Here is where the problem lies. Not -5% of brain is composed of iridium and rhodium. When single ruthenium atoms are placed at each end of the DNA double helix with US, it is with those that CONTROL OUR MONEY it becomes 10,000 more conductive. Anti-aging compounds = $$$$$$.The Beast system. iridium & rhodium. DNA cellular levels contain ruthenium and platinum.

Vlad III = Count Dracula = son of Dracul (Dragon)

84 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 WW1 and now again. This MUST END NOW. WaKE UP! ( See July 26 audios) Dedicated to Magdala 07 26 2009 (numerology =8) ( Mary Magdalene- True Queen of Heaven and Earth) media uNscrEWS - July 26, 2009- Fires in BC, EUROPE.. Tim Rifat, "When the earth is dying Fulford, World Economy update, VIA RAIL on track there shall arise a new for now, planes, trains, automobiles still a target for tribe of all colours and all Illuminati NWO. Sarkozy,, GATES creeds. This tribe shall be professor and OBAMA- racial profiling theme. called The Warriors of the Toronto pt 1 Rainbow and it will put its faith in actions not words." Canadastreetnews CTV uNscrEWS- July 26, 2009 utube blocking comments and views, NESARA, "There will come a time Fulford, Palin, Clinton, gun violence, Queen when the earth is sick and Lizardbeth, shootings, Arctic Sovereignty, NWO, the animals and plants CONservative, Oppo-sames Pt 2 begin to die. Then the Indians will regain their spirit and gather people of all nations, colors and beliefs to join together in the July 20 2009 TIM RIFAT- New World Order fight to save the Earth. Derails with

AMERICAN INDIAN ANCIENT PROPHESY June 24 2009 -Benjamin Fulford - War On Illuminati with A day will come when the animals, winged ones and those who swim will begin to disappear. The eagle, July 22, 2009 -Benjamin Fulford World bear, wolf and buffalo will be scarce because people Economic Crisis update with will become greedy and will not love each other. The sky will become black and the trees and plants will Palin Pics die. The beautiful rainbow will disappear because people will not remember to keep the Mother Earth Sarah Palin, Whore of Babylon - Demon-crats sacred and will destroy its beauty. and Reptil-licans are opposames. Palin and Hillary are HIGH SATANIC WITCHES. Playing Children of the Rainbow Warriors will come before all out the Book of Revelations. destroyed and they will love the trees and the animals. They will love and respect each other and 07 25 09 NEXT- DEATH, DRAMA, FEMA they will help people to live in peace with all TRAINS, FEMA CAMPS and Martial LAW for creation. The rainbow in the sky will return as a sign TORONTO. BEWARE of the UNDERGROUND of the Creator's grace. bases under Church St. and Jarvis in Toronto Centre. & Tell the Global Elite to stop raping, Tim Rifat warns that the SWINE "experimental" murdering and eating our BABIES! Did vaccine that they will force you to take in the fall is the police arrest the Illuminati this week at loaded with microchips( BEAST 666), heavy Bohemian Grove for these crimes? poisons, and the BEAST virus that was deliberately dug up in 1918 to kill us off again. Beast emerges in

85 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 I could not have said it better- Check out 680 media on Jeff Rense uNscrEWS- July 24, 2009-

The Black Pope- Eric Phelps- missing link in the VIA RAIL, PANDEMIC, CONservatives, martial law, global conspiracy Read online selling, rain, arenas in Toronto full of garbage, it...Freemasons gave it to me. Markets- finished by 9-9-9. School boards to close schools. Toronto is going DOWN! FEMA Trains MASS Letter to OECTA Union UNREPRESENTATIVE ED Graves CHUDAK All that I warned the York Catholic BOARD about is coming true before your eyes. SATANISTS What Bills and run our school systems. By September, schools will close, and the MILITARY Build up MARTIAL LAW? pensions will be gone on. Illuminati Rockafeller/Rothchilds banking LAWS are being PASSED now? Are they against the CONSTITUTION ? system is broke. They are caught. With the monetary system collapse, YES a deliberate introduction of the PANDEMIC VIRUS, depopulation will devastate our economy. Everthing will shut down. Forced vaccines will kill more people and enslave the living masses. That is the plan. You Mount Forest relives murder Greg Layson can thank the bureaucrats (who have been bribed by the $SATANIC money $y$tem) to KILL YOU OFF.

REAL REPORTING -Tim Rifat discusses SATANISM and HDTV Mind Control

Dana's comments on utube and facebook videos and varia

[email protected]

MOUNT FOREST — A lone OPP officer following a hunch did much more than find the remains of eight-year-old Victoria ‘Tori’ Stafford when he intuitively searched a lonely little laneway southeast of Mount Forest on Sunday afternoon. Det.-Sgt. Jim Smyth simultaneously reminded a close-knit farming community of the tragic death of eight-year-old Erin Burkholder, who in 1988 was sexually assaulted, murdered and dumped in the woods near a gravel pit Update on located not far north of where Stafford was utube discovered. comments, facebook. Monitored and utube functions disabled by BB. Fix for the homeless. Not only were the two-eight-year olds found Thoughts for today. Stay tuned for uNscrEWS. dana within kilometres of each other, Smyth uncovered Stafford’s remains in a wooded area Pt 2 video counter zero again, text comments blocked from good folk. nearly 21 years to the day after Burkholder was Clarify-the poor need to go into the NEW cities and small towns, cottage areas. Not TORONTO or other major cities which are ritual found under nearly identical circumstances. sacrifice vortex centres for the NWO. Fema trains and camps to come July 25 09 NOTE- block your web cam and mic when not in use. BB spies on you. But the eerie similarities in the two cases go beyond the time and place where the two girls’ INTEGRATING the MALE and FEMALE bodies were found. more here ENERGIES- researched by Dana Horochowski 86 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Rideau Canal murders Family was prepared for the worst, says Tori's uNscrEWS- July 23, 2009 Rideau Canal murders are dad probably linked to more police corruption coverups and ritual sacrifice. Ex-homicide cops troubled by Tori's case media uNscrEWS- July 23, 2009- , Martial Law, SATANIC Global Elitists, Canal murders, racial profiling, race Two ex-detectives, one who investigated the Cecilia Zhang kidnapping-murder case, weigh in on the strange developments in wars, Bohemian Grove, OPP, RCMP, Illuminati, the case of missing Woodstock, Ont. girl Tori Stafford. New World Order, Swine flu, utube, Tori Stafford, NATIONAL FN CHIEF Shawn Atleo, From mystery to tragedy: The Tori Stafford WAMPUM, Police Chief Steve Tanner, Police timeline STATE & UNITY, DANGEROUS corruption,

GENOCIDE, Queen Lizardbeth May 28 Terri-Lynne Mc Clintic is charged with first-degree murder. Jeanine LeRoy, the accused's lawyer, said her client was continuing to co-operate with police in their efforts to locate Tori's Canadastreetnews Rideau Canal murders body. Hal Mattson, Rafferty's lawyer, had advised his client to (2)uNsrEWS - July 23,2009 KINGSTON Rideau not co-operate with authorities. Canal murders are probably linked to more police corruption coverups and ritual sacrifice May 29 Police tell Rodney Stafford they might never find his daughter's body.

Re: R.I.P Victoria Stafford { Her body has now July 17 Accused Michael Rafferty gets a new lawyer. Toronto been claimed - Tuesday , July 21st 2009 } lawyer Scott Reid, who replaced Hal Mattson, said he would "vigorously defend" his client. It would be a "safe assumption" Rafferty would not be pleading guilty, he said. Mattson said Rafferty likely won't face trial until some time in 2010. Summer recent News // July 23 to 31 2009 // July 15 to 22 09 / July 8 to 14 / July 1 to 7 / JUNE 23 TO 30 / June 9 to 21 / July 20 Police announce they have discovered human remains near June 1- 8 /SPRING ISSUE May 2009 Mount Forest, Ont. It is a rural town in Wellington North Township. While the identity had to be confirmed by forensic testing, investigators said the remains are likely Tori's. 07 22 2009 DANGEROUS July 21 Police hold a news conference to confirm that the remains discovered the previous day were those of Tori Stafford. Forensic CENSORSHIP! I must be experts used dental records to confirm her identity. Tara McDonald, Tori's mother, asked for privacy. right about my claims. BIG BROTHER BLOCKING freedom of speech! UTUBE comments/ views counter to TORI STAFFORD video links and my jrgenius Remembering Tori Stafford - Rest In channel are blocked. I cannot post my thoughts to the public. Peace

Sherry Live 7-20-2009 - The Shema Star Will (we are going to fix this Tori...I promise CRASH, Revelation 12 and Upcoming Events baby...d)

Bohemian Grove- 7:22 am/pm HUMAN Victoria "Tori" Stafford Memorial RITUAL SACRIFICE of Jesus Christ by Tribute our Global Elitists. Three arrested in Rideau Canal deaths Media ScrEWS- unscrewed VIA Rail cancels trips in light of strike threat 87 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 First Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 case found in OURS-There are both evil and those repitilians that Canada heave learned love. 6+6=12 mirror 21= 7+7+7 , Jesus, Magdalene Chiefs from across Canada are electing a new National Chief in Calgary.

Afghan girl killed in accidental shooting An Afghan girl has been killed in an accidental shooting by Canadian soldiers in Kandahar province.

Health-care debate : CTV National News: Joy Malbon on Obama's health care plan

U.S. President Barack Obama went on primetime television Wednesday night to sell his plan to make sweeping changes to the American health care system. Some critics are using the Canadian system to discredit him.

Latest : H1N1 spread : CTV News Channel: Dr. Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet This Richard Schabas, former Ontario chief medical Week for Satanic Rituals by Henry Makow Ph.D. officer H1N1 spread

Dr. Richard Schabas says all the evidence suggests that the fall flu speard alert is a false alarm. He suggests it is the responsibilitiy of The Satanist cult that has colonized mankind is public health officials to 'look beyond possibilities and also consider meeting this week at Bohemian Grove 80 miles north probabilities.' of San Francisco. Jackson investigators seek manslaughter Over 2000 members -- the political, corporate, cultural and evidence military elite of the world -- will be gathered for Satanic rituals, possibly including human ritual sacrifice. They have been meeting here since the 1880's. West Kelowna evacuees allowed to go home

According to "Treee," a young Las Vegas woman who claims to have NWO mess- how it all started // Accountability contacts inside the secretive club, a ritual sacrifice of Mary Magdalene takes place Tuesday July 21; and the ritual sacrifice in Professions // The Awakening of the of Jesus Christ takes place Wednesday, July 22. A human body Goddess IsIs or effigy is burned in front of an large owl symbolizing Moloch, the pagan Canaanite God. Alex Jones filmed a similar ceremony called "Cremation of Care" July 15, 2000. It can be viewed here. 07 21 2009 - If having our world leaders belong to a satanic cult weren't bad enough, the Las Vegas woman says the Illuminati are actually an Illuminati ritually sacrificing women alien reptilian species that occupies human bodies and feeds off our energy. I find this hard to believe, but then I would also find and children today. Ritual Sacrifice of it hard to believe the world leadership is making sacrifices to owls. So, Mary Magdalene at Bohemian Grove, I listen and reserve judgment. California. see treee's truth

Talking about Mary Magdalene, Troy Regas property where I had my vision, Bohemian Grove & Reptilians // TREEE--SHARING SOME IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT BOHEMIAN GROVE-QEII & SANGARIAN REPTILIANS-MY GOAL IS TO MEDIATE BETWEEN THE HUMANS AND REPTILIANS-SURVIVAL OF THEIR SPECIES AND 88 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 She says: This reptilian species is called "Sangerians;" they are a Modern Mystery School by Gudni Gudnason "fourth dimension race" and make up 3% of the world's population. She claims to have met "more than one, more than once." They have three-hearts, shift shapes, are cold blooded, but are developing human feelings from devouring human flesh and 07 20 2009 (7:2:11 or 9:11 numerology today) blood. "Ten per cent now get their blood from the Red Cross." Except for sacrifice, their every ritual involves sex. Queen GOOD LUCK Elizabeth is a leading reptilian. "It all sounds sci-fi and Treee goes to Bohemian Grove today. unbelievable," the woman says. "But TREEE!!! GET YOUR MIRACLE! Be safe, especially tomorrow JULY 21 everything fits." 2009 ( 7: 7+7+7:11) - when the Illuminati hold the Ritual Sacrifice of Mary Magdalene DAY. google illuminatreee The Las Vegas woman plans to or earthmother2b demonstrate outside the gates of Bohemian Grove this week dressed in a luminescent robes. She invites people to Media ScrEWS join her. She says we must send the Bohos the message that we know who Apollo plans to go to they are. She says humans must open a dialogue with these MARS- or is APOLLO creatures or else both species are coming from MARS? PLANET doomed. more here X or UFO CIRCUS SOON TO ARRIVE with the ASCENDED (fallen angels) MASTERS. REAL REPORTING -Tim Shape-Shifting, Rifat discusses SATANISM and HDTV Mind Control Monoatomic gold glowing gODS are coming to save the economy and bring false PEACE on EARTH.

ALIEN AGENDA and rescue Human remains found mission- Project LUCIFER gets closer by the day. in Mount Forest Ontario. OPP They need to reveal more screw ups on TeeVee, so cops saying it could be Tori Stafford. (Ritually Sacrificed? that the public can cry out for TRUTH and Cops said she died on April 8, not passover JUSTICE. These goons know nothing about April 9, in media news, so they must know how bringing in the DIVINE FEMININE. http://inspiritus- she died. ) Julian Fantino, High Freemason OPP Police Commissioner said it is probably her. The body was found near rocks, in the woods, remote, only to Mennonite crossing. Big Brother is doing more than weenie roasts there.

Victoria Stafford (numerology =6) went missing 04 08 2009, before passover (04 09 2009=6), before a full moon. Blonde, blue- eyed MANY WILL BE DECEIVED in the coming Aryan child. innocent. Born 07 15 2000= 6 (perfect age 8-number of completion). Parents are getting harrassed by Big Brother Cops. Woodstock-hippy/dawning of the aquarian age. AMBER ALERT- LUCIFERIAN promotes microchipping of children. Problem NEW AGE. Reaction Solution

Cecilia Zhang (9) ( born 03 30 1994=11) Lucifer wants was also found in a similar state. Her occult ritual halloween murder (11 31 2003 to possess =11) was also blamed on the wrong guy! you and Chen was represented by well known criminal lawyer John Rosen, who had STEAL your defended killer and serial rapist Paul Bernardo.[4] Min Chen was sentenced to life SOUL! imprisonment with a chance of parole after 15 years. (The LARGE funeral was held at PEOPLES CHURCH in Toronto. ALL THE BIG BROTHER PUPPETS attended. Very symbolic. Zhang's parents and Adam Kadmon DNA activation will put Pastors at Peoples church got a video. ) There are you into a beehive trance. many examples of ritual murders that the MEDIA proudly STRUTS 89 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 on TEEVEE, in your face, while you sit apathetically doing NOTHING Egyptians depict Aliens on there walls so that isn't Modern. They have about it. They are coming for you soon....WAKE UP! a "secret" agenda, but the bible lets you know if you want to know, what that is. Lets learn and research this together. Here's what I know according to the bible... other names for Nephilims and what they Kelowna BC fires raging on coast as 6000 people stand by for mean are... DO A BIBLE WORD SEARCH AT BIBLE.COM (Nephilim) evacuation. 40% fire under control, 150 hectares 0% contained. means "Those who fell, or ... the fallen ones" Nephilim translated by King James as Giants other names for Nephilim NOT COMMONLY KNOWN. Edmonton Alberta hit with wild wind, hail and storms this •Rephaim - from the root rapha = spirits, shades Gen. 14:5 weekend.

•Anakim - race of giants Num. 13:33 descendants of Nephilim Where is BIG BROTHER? Bohemian Grove Party in Full swing? •Emim - the proud deserters, terrors, race of giants Gen. 14:5

•Zuzim- the evil ones, roaming things Gen. 14:5 BOHEMIAN GROVE, JULY 2009, THE REPTILIANS, QUEEN ELIZABETH ii, iLLUMINATI •Zamzummims - the evil plotters, Deut. 2:20

BOHEMIAN GROVE, REPTILIANS, SANG ARIAN •Zophim - watchers, angels who descended Num. 23, distinct RITUALS // Treee's talking about the Jews, from "holy watchers" aligned with God King Herod, Jesus and the Romans, explaining what really happened •Sepherim - the many. . . . DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. ...many links to videos that will open your mind to lies that you've Satan's Seedline Pt1 Aliens, Reptilians, Hybrid, been told, from How money really works to Free Energy Available Nephilim // Today!

Pt 2 // Michael Tsarion - Serpents, Lizards, 07 17 2009 (8= numerology) Reptilians & Humanoids // pt 2 Media ScrEWS All the credit for this description and video go to morningsun29 . Please watch my other videos on the subject to give yourself a expanded view and a greater understanding who the nephilim are. It H1N1 FLU DEATH THREATS and vaccine would be wise also, to read the book of Enoch, Satan and genocide MEDIA PROPAGANDA continues. His Fallen Angels have a seed line or (offspring children) here on the earth. CANADA says that it will have plenty of H1N1 vaccine for the fall. They have it already? This "...they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men." Dan will GIVE YOU THE FLU and kill you. 2:43 They are mixed in with the Humans so you sometimes can't tell. According to the bible it started in the Days of Noah and possibly FREAK ACCIDENT- Falling concrete from 18 floor of before that! Marriott Hotel kills woman in sushi bar in Montreal, Thursday evening. A slab of concrete came crashing thru the hotel glass roof, Matthew 13:38 killing the 33 yr old woman who was celebrating her birthday with her partner. The field is the world; the GOOD SEED are the children of the kingdom; but the TARES ARE The CHILDREN OF THE WICKED ONE; Bombs go off in Jakarta Indonesia, targetting tourists in 2 hotels, killing 9, injuring 50. Suicide Numbers 13: bombers posing as guests apparently- says zionist 33And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of media. (pope/queen controlled Al-CIA-da blamed). The blasts at the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels, located side-by-side were in their sight. in an upscale business district in Jakarta, blew out windows and scattered debris and glass across the street, kicking up a thick plume This is a Must Watch Video, The Scripture of the Bible are clear, of smoke. Facades of both hotels were reduced to twisted metal. Fallen Angels have slept with the Humans and Created Hybrids. They were the Giants in the Time Past, & the Mythical Creatures and Gods, and Even Aliens of the Present Day. Although, 90 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Encana BC- pipeline bombs going off. Fear induced since Media ScrEWS last bombing on 07 04 2009 (11:11). An anonymous letter warned EnCana that if it doesn't shut down its operations in northeastern B.C., the bombings that have damaged the company's pipelines and PROBLEM/REACTION-McGuinty wants to give wellheads since last October will only get worse. you up to a $10,000 rebate if you buy an electric car. GM crushed the ELECTRIC car years ago, and now they want to introduce it. Don't trust Illuminati controlled Corporations or Tory Stafford's accused killer is switching lawyers. Tory was Government. a definite OCCULT RITUAL SACRIFICE by BIG BROTHER. See May 20 CSNEWS issue. TORONTO's MASONIC BUREAUCRAPs- DO YOU NOT TORONTO HAVE ENOUGH GARBAGE PILING UP IN TORONTO with your ILLUMINATI- Garbage controlled UNIONized, 24 day Strike garbage strike? LOOMS ON to destroy the Economy of this SOLUTIONs-Get the warrior energy Comuunity Currency city. California going. Hire the unemployed born Mayor for S10/hr to clean up. David Miller trashed by Macleans. CONVERT the CARS to WATER ENGINES.

Storms to BUILD HIGH TECH TRAINS in those empty car HAARP factories and let's get going by RAIL to reduce our CARBON central FOOTPRINT and energy consumption. Canada this weekend. Cool weather has reduced bee population and productions. LINK UP our small communities and start bartering and trading among small communities sell music to try to squeeze SONY (Shell Oil New York) ( usury free). CANADIANS do not want to be more money out of Michael Jackson's murder. microchipped, enslaved by BIG BOX STORES that promote global slave labour and poison the Ianiero murder in Mexico- Police now blame the security masses with their CARTEL CRAPPY products. guard for the ritual murder of this Woodbridge Ontario couple. Cops blamed two Thunder Bay women originally. The former hotel worker had military training and disappeared after the crime. No one has seen *** him since. Blas Delgado Fajardo, who had befriended the couple from Woodbridge, Ont., is now the only suspect wanted for their Feb. 20, 2006 , slaying. Governments too slow to help with flu, so First Nations looking elsewhere POPE BEAST Benedict broke his wrist last night. 2 rods in his wrist. Fell last night in his vacation home in the alps. SHAPE for the attempt of the SHIFTING was he? BLAST OFF- 6:03 pm est (9) 6th space shuttle ENDEAVOUR. 2.4 billion dollar space laboratory piece for Japan is to be delivered by this mission. 2 Canadians Manufacturing jobs going extinct in Canada- by to meet up. Scary to see what fate is planned for this mission. 16 design. Population extinction NEXT DAYS, 5 SPACE WALKS. Canada's Julie Payette on board. 15th flight for Canada. Unusual amount of debrise falling from 07 15 2009 (7:6:11=24=6 numerology) shuttle. Also carrying maple syrup, beef jerky and our water from 3 great lakes. Too symbolic for no AGENDA. Spiritual attacks increase as the deception is further uncovered TODAY. Morph Hillary Morph- Lots of numerology used in the Zionist, Satanic, Hillary Clinton on TeeVee spouting her NWO SATANIC agenda to INVADE JESUIT-controlled MEDIA IRAN next! Can't see her mouth clearly anymore. Gotta drink some 91 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 blood there... Hillary, you're de-cloaking. Time Running Out for Iran B.C. newspaper receives second letter to Join Nuclear Talks, Clinton Warns connected to pipeline bombings

IRAN AIRLINE flight 7908 (6) HIT-16 minuters after Mexian drug cartel seeks vengeance against takeoff from Tehran, an jet explodes. 168 (6) people die horrifically in an IRANIAN plane crash. Russian made jet. . On route to Armenia. federal forces, escalating violent drug war Just the beginning of Terror for IRAN. Definite occult satanic ritual sacrifice. OMAR KHADR needs to be released from Guantanimo prison. His truth about CANADIAN gov't corruption and what Pandemic Genocide TARGET-3 summer camps in S happened to him needs to be exposed. (Put Stephen Harper in that Ontario, 227 (9) people ill with H1N1 flu. 43 related deaths in Canada, cell. McGuinty can be his bunkie:)) says zionist CTV media.

LAPD treating Jackson death as homicide, TMZ China two faced economy. Car industry growing but says. Michael Jackson's drug addiction = he was possessed by millions of migrant workers are unemployed (goyim or vermin as the demons. Illuminati call them.) -Israel soldiers expose for their horrific "shoot Gunfire erupts near U.S. Capitol, 1 man shot first" policies in GAZA.

Gallup Poll: Honduras ousted president more Tsunami warning cancelled after 7.8-magnitude popular than replacement earthquake hits off New Zealand

Guilty verdicts for three Toronto gang members ><> ><> ><> who killed bystander Sherry Live 7-13-2009 - UFOS and Star Ships Loonie rises for a third day as stock markets are Crashing! Upcoming Events jump and greenback tumbles

Family of missing Brampton woman offer Gallery of shame.. the Jews that perped 911! reward

Oldest woman to give birth dies at 69 in Spain, They are Misleading You/ The Trouble leaving twin toddlers with the Truth Movement

Heavy combat in Iraq may have been a factor Dr. Norman Geisler writes, "The first real parallel of a dying and rising god does not appear until A.D. 150, more than a hundred in soldier slayings at home years after the origin of Christianity. Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. J.P. Moreland write, "Not one clear case of any alleged US military presence in Colombia would expand resurrection teaching appears in any pagan text before the late second century A.D., almost one hundred years after the New with deal for greater use of air, sea bases Testament was written." Charlie Campbell says, "To insist that Jesus Christ is a myth—that He never existed—as the Swarms of Flies invade a Zeitgeist movie does, is foolish. Beside the twenty seven New community Testament documents that verify He lived, there are thirty nine sources outside of the Bible, written within 150 years of Jesus life that mention Him. These sources include the Jewish Talmud, the Roman RCMP say officer shot B.C. man after he historian Tacitus, the Didache, Flavius Josephus, Pliny the Younger, rammed police cars in attempt to flee Suetonius, the Gnostic gospels (e.g., the gospel of Thomas), etc. These extrabiblical sources reveal to us more than 100 facts about His life, teaching, death and even resurrection. N.W.T. joins cross-border Pacific-Northwest group of states, provinces "Blavatsky, Theosophy: THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY: Its Origin, Plan and Aims 92 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009, Lucifer Magazine Publications availble for purchase on, 07 12 09 Jordan Maxwell:, Kersey Graves:,Christ Conspiracy, Alice Bailey: (UN NGO) The Destiny of the Nations by Alice A Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age 2 Volumes by Alice A Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey, The TIM Reappearance of the Christ by Alice A. Bailey, UN Charter (focused on RIFAT chpt 8 11):, The Garland of Nation-Souls: Complete Talks at the United Nations By Sri Chinmoy; with the THE NEW AGE INFLUENCE AT THE UNITED NATIONS,http://www.aqu Real Deal on WORLD EVENTS URGENT article entitled, "A New World Religion", by audios to download (right click-save target as). William Jasper, Share International/Benjamin Creme:; On Masons worshiping Lucifer:; On Masons deceiving: Albert Pike, father of the Scottish Rite, writes: "Masonry conceals its secrets The Truth about Remote Influencing http://educate- from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the elect, and uses false expla nations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Secrets of the Knights Templar - Part 7 Light, from them, and to draw them away from it...." Media ScrEWS NWO DISINFO Agents Exposed (revised version)

7:13 pm est launch delayed for the Endeavour Space Shuttle. Trying The purpose of this video is to inform and spread awareness by on 7-13 2009? AT 6:46 PM? If not, then on 07 29 1009 ( 7:11:11). exposing disinformers. New World Order propaganda. Has been grounded 4 times, yesterday due to lightning strikes. Hmm...Pray for their safety. NASA is satanically controlled, of course. -Some do not spread disinformation intentionally (caught up in a lie or a multi level of lies). Canadian Boxer Arturo Gattu found dead in a hotel room yesterday, in -Some do, which makes them double agents. Brazil. Wife charged with murder. PROBABLY INNOCENT.

The following people tell half truths mixed with China- violence/riots out of control. Bloody ethnic clashes in the streets. Government crackdown. lies,and or misinformation...Alex Jones, Dylan Avery (Loose Change), Barbera Walters, Peter Joseph (Zeitgeist), Jeff Rense, David Icke, Alan Somalia- UN peacekeepers and fighters clash. Watt, Leo Zagami, Leonard Horowitz, Jordan INCO Sudbury plans strike/Garbage strike in Toronto Maxwell, George Bush, Barack Obama, Michael Tsarion, Eric Von Daniken, Acharya S, David Conspiritus - Part 1 Wilcock, Ron Paul.

This is all part of the NWO agenda. If they can stage someone like Ron About homosexuals and secret Paul in Politics, then who said they can't produce agents within the societies Truth Movements? Learn to see they have planted in some areas of alternative media - controlled opposition. Who is Benjamin Fulford? And Why You Should Who is Jesus? Does it matter (1 of 2) Care

2012 debunked (1 of 2) // 2012 debunked (2 of STATEMENT FOR POPE BENEDICT XVI ABOUT 2) // Persecution or a Great Awakening THE PATTERN OF THE CRISIS IN THE UNITED STATES Conspiritus - Part 3 // Conspiritus - Part 4 // Pope.html Conspiritus - Part 5 // Conspiritus - Part 6 // Conspiritus - Part 7 // Conspiritus - Part 8 // The pattern and practice of priests in positions of responsibility for Conspiritus - Part 9 // BEST SHAPESHIFTING the training of men for the priesthood—rectors, confessors, EVIDENCE TO DATE spiritual directors, novice masters, and other clergy— 93 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 who have sexual relations with seminarians and Oh, dear HENRY! I was almost killed by the Sabbateans in ASHEVILLE other priests is rampant in the Catholic Church NC! Go to and read my reports on in the United States. I have reviewed hundreds of Asheville satanism! The coven I uncovered in Asheville had MANY documents that record just such behavior and interviewed scores of Jewish Sabbateans in it...Dr. Phillip Kittner, Dr. Benjamin Weiss, priests who have suffered from this activity. Priests, sexually active and many others in a list given to me by a former long term member in the above manner have frequently been appointed by the come out finally to tell me all. Vatican to be ordained bishops or even created cardinals. I wrote a letter pleading with KITTNER to come out of this horrible darkness, reminding him of his Jewish heritage that forbade such horrors. After that,I was warned by the satanic crime investigator in that area, that now that I had challenged them and written a They ALL OFFER letter to KITTNER, they would move against me to KILL ME! HUMAN Meaning abduct and sacrifice! And they tried. And KITTNER would have been one of the major people murdering me on SACRIFICE! Whether their altar there. torturing and raping and murdering innocent children A satanic crime investigator confirmed the Jew Phillip Kittner from teens, adults, etc., and then NJ (an abortionist now retired i n Asheville) was a major part of the sacrificing on crosses or altars, power people coven in Asheville, NC. SO did others from the coven. this is what they do fervently and continually. -More Sabbatean Jewish satanists include: Leonard Millman, CIA drug money launderer and SILVERADO SCANDAL figure from AND A LYING NEWS Denver Colorado, a BIG human sacrificing/child raping/nailing MEDIA WILL NOT Christians abducted for sacrifice to crosses SABBATEAN. His former son-in-law told me a lot and my father's former high priest TELL YOU THE warned me against him. They claim he is deceased, but I don't know. TRUTH! Up to one MANY of them finally fake their death in the papers to go MILLION innocent victims underground to escape die on satanist altars every legal consequences. single year in America alone, yet 99 percent of all satanic cult crimes are all covered up...whether by satanist judges, lawyers, mayors, police and sheriff departments The BRONFMANS are Sabbatean satanists. infiltrated with SATANISTS/ILLUMINATI to Joe Lieberman is cover up for them from the inside. one. George Soros is one. And the list goes disc=149495;article=124980 on and on and on. They all aspire to be the rich, the elite Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati and the powerful like THE Satanists ROTHSCHILDS. And March 31, 2009 by Henry Makow Ph.D. everyone who investigates such crimes knows that the ROTHSCHILDS offer brutal human sacrifice to Satan for power continually. The Ted Gunderson Files You see, AL GORE was a hard-core human sacrificing satanist from TN, multigenerational, confirmed to me by my Pentagon source, Al Cuppett. The ONLY kind of VP Gore would ever have, would Monarch Mind Control Victim, Brice be a satanist himself. Satanism is rampant throughout the Senate Taylor:GHW Bush-PEDOPHILE and House and Capitol building. They are called DC SATANISTS.

Just read HAROLD ROSENTHAL'S INTERVIEW, secretary to JACOB The 'Regent' Of Satan, Maitreya, & The False JAVITZ. He admitted that JAVITZ WAS ONE ALSO! Prophet Part 7of9 The Dragon & False Prophet I say Gore WAS, because AL GORE IS DEAD! You only now see his DOUBLE. That is why even magazine articles coming out write things Sabbatean Satanists notes July 10, like, "THE NEW LOOK OF AL GORE." 2009 from Pam Schuffert to Henry Gore was sacrificed by the Bush Illuminati SKULL AND BONES gang for daring to challenge that BUSH WON THE ELECTION. Rival Makow at factions of the Illuminati were vying for that position. The Bush shortened Illuminati bloodline wanted THEIR SON to have it.

Gore dared to challenge it with the backing of OTHER Illuminati 94 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 factions who wanted HIM in power, as SHERMAN SKOLNICK confirmed in one revealing article about AL Gore being the choice of 07 10 2009 some Illuminati to win that election and bring America down under the NWO and MARTIAL LAW. HAARP wrecking havoc I read a shocking article by several independent investigative journalists who feared for their lives after uncovering and writing the report about Al Gore being sacrificed in retaliation by SKULL AND on BONES right after the election. In one ritual they were able to gain Canada with odd access to , they heard and wrote about the words uttered at that ritual tornadoes, lightning storms of human sacrifice, "REAM HIM LIKE YOU REAMED AL GORE!" and hail the size of tennis balls. Meaning brutally sacrifice and hack into pieces, etc. Look carefully at all modern pics of "AL GORE." Compare with much older ECONOMIC ones. You will see immediately that THIS IS NOT AL GORE! But to cover their murder crime, they must use a double to carry on his COLLAPSE role. URGENT- BANKs to show zero balance conspiracy

Just like SADDAM HUSSEIN. He was NESARA!!!???? NEVER executed nor tried!REAL SADDAM HUSSEIN...perfectly white We are going to wake up one and perfectly aligned teeth...the one morning and Matt Lauer will they tried and allegedly killed. inform us of the following. "I've CROOKED AND YELLOWED TEETH! A got good news and bad news for fake trial to appease the masses. you, America. The good news, for most of you, is that there CHRISTIANS WERE THE MAJOR is no more debt. No TARGET in the future, because they government debt, personal would never accept their NWO debt or corporate debt. You because of the BIBLE THEY BELIEVE IN. And they further told me that every Christian arrested under martial law would count as ONE MORE SACRIFICE to get power to bring get to keep what you down their NWO. Therefore, they told me, brutal rape and torture have, your house, your and death awaited them once they start arresting them under cars, your flat screen martial law in America and Canada. TVs. You owe nothing. The bad news, for This is what they do to Christians once they abduct them for some of you, is that sacrifice. They brutally rape, torture, humiliate and tempt them there are no assets. to deny Jesus. And if they will not, they are sacrificed. And they Your bank accounts LOVE to use crosses to sacrifice Christians on...especially are empty, all stock is Jewish Illuminati Sabbateans. worthless, and there is nothing in your 401K Great Smoky Mountains of TN. (A place Gore and family often or IRA." joined in for sacrifice rituals.) None of our "leaders" in D.C. will want to take the blame for this, and Sabbateanism is big in NYC and NJ. Many aspire to be rich and will need an excuse for this. Most people will understand and even powerful like the who once had their base in NYC. Same in forgive how this happened when Matt goes on to say: WASHINGTON DC region well. And FLorida. And California. It is everywhere. "...What I have told you is the direct result of a computer virus SATANIST FRONT CHURCHES in America. By day the pastor that has infected the worldwide financial complex that preaches a person, and by night he offers sacrifice with the completely melted the balance sheets so that no one knows members that attend. who owes what to whom anymore. This is why we have to start over. Just think of it as hitting the reset button. Details on the Satanism is big in the Vatican! And in the Mormon "Church." new government monetary system will come out shortly." Problem solved, all absolved.

One former CIA told me, "Oh all of us in the CIA know what the When the firestorm arrives, you will be glad you live in New camps are for! We all know they are to TERMINATE THE Hampshire. At least here we may have a chance. During the dark days FUTURE RESISTERS OF THE NWO under martial law!" of the 1930's peoples faith and morality held society together. Not so today sadly. Talk with your family, friends and neighbors. Come up Maitreya Antichrist ready to Emerge! with a plan. Things are about to become ugly. Very Ugly. By: Roy_F_Grieder [email protected] 95 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Antichrist From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia God so that his dupes may adore him as the Christ..." (St. Irenaeus)

The Ballad of Mary "Antichrist will exceed in malice, perversity, lust, wickedness, Magdalen - Cry Cry Cry // impiety, and ruthlessness and barbarity all men that have ever The Broken Road Mary disgraced human nature. Hence St. Paul emphatically calls him `the man of sin the son of perdition, the wicked one, whose Magdalene// The lost birth and coming is through the operation of Satan, in all Gospel of Mary Magdalene manner of seduction and iniquity.' (2 Thess., 2). Through his great power, deceit and malice he shall succeed in decoying or forcing to his worship two thirds of mankind; the remaining third part of September 9 2009, 9-9-09, men will continue true to the faith and worship of Jesus Christ most 999, and Prophecies for steadfastly. But in his satanic rage and fury, Antichrist will 2009 persecute these brave and devout Christians during three years and a half, and torture them with such an extremity of barbarity, with all the old and newly invented instruments of pain, as to exceed all THE TIME OF past persecutors of the Church combined. He will oblige all his followers to bear impressed upon their foreheads or right ANTICHRIST? - AS PREDICTED BY CATHOLIC hands the mark of the Beast and will starve to death all those PROPHECY ( pic-Sermon and Deeds of the Antichrist who refuse to receive it." (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)-"And the (Close-up of the devil instructing the Antichrist) churches, too will wail with a mighty lamentation, because neither Luca Signorelli, 1499-1502 oblation nor incense is attended to, nor a service acceptable to God; (TCW PRESENTS SCHOLARLY WORK BY YVES DUPONT) In Today's but the sanctuaries of the churches will become like a garden- Catholic World (TCW) November 26, 2006 A.D. watcher's hut, and the Holy Body and Blood of Christ will not be shown in those days. The public service of God shall be extinguished, psalmody shall cease, the reading of Scripture shall not be heard; but for men there shall be darkness and lamentation on It is quite clear, that Antichrist will come after the Age of Peace. lamentation, and woe on woe. At that time silver and gold shall be The Age of Peace, which will also be the Age of Mary, will cast out in the streets, and none shall gather them; but all things coincide with the reign of the Great Monarch which is to follow shall be held an offence. For all shall be eager to escape and to immediately after the collapse of Communism hide and they shall not be able anywhere to find shelter from the woes of the Enemy; but as they carry his mark about them, Antichrist will believe in God. But, like Lucifer, he will rebel they shall be readily recognised and declared to be his. There against God and, worse still, he will proclaim himself to be God; shall be fear outside, and trembling inside both by night and by His spirituality will be that of the devil... he will be a Jew leading day. In the streets and in the houses there the dead shall lie; in the Jewish nation. Israel may still be a negligible power on the world the streets and in the houses there shall hunger and thirst be; in the scene today, but by the end of the reign of the Great Monarch, it will streets there shall be tumults, and in the houses lamentations. And be very powerful indeed. beauty of countenance shall be withered, for their forms shall be like those of the dead; and the beauty of women shall fade, and the desire of all men shall vanish. But in spite of all this, not even then Israel, then, will accept Antichrist as the Messiah and will rule will the merciful and benignant God leave the race of men without over the whole world (or nearly) for a short time. Thus will be some comfort; He will shorten even those days to the period of three fulfilled the Talmudic dream of world domination and One- years and a half, and He will curtail those times on account of the Worldism. remnant of those who hide in the mountains and caves, that the phalanx of all those saints fail not utterly. But these days shall run Thus we first had the Reformation in the 16th Century at the close of their course rapidly; and the . And then, finally, in the twinkling of the 1000 years of peace within the Church. In a world of believers an eye shall the fashion of this world pass away, and the power of men such as it was then, the preaching of an atheistic philosophy was shall be brought to naught, and all visible things shall be destroyed." unthinkable. The purpose of the devil was to weaken and, (St. Hippolytus) possibly destroy the Catholic Church by substituting a watered- down form of Christianity. He failed, for the Catholic Church is still -Antichrist will be possessed by Satan and be the illegitimate son alive; but he did succeed in sowing seeds of discord and division, and of a Jewish woman from the East." (St. John Chrysostom) in promoting the philosophy of Liberalism that came with Protestantism and gradually passed from the religious field into the economic and political areas. "Antichrist will heal the sick, raise the dead, restore sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, raises storms and calms them, re-names mountains, make trees blossom and wither at a -having realised that atheistic Materialism was still powerless to word, re-build the temple of Jerusalem, and make Jerusalem the destroy the Kingdom of Christ, the devil shall try yet a different capital city of the world with the vast wealth of hidden treasures." scheme: he will raise Antichrist, not in order to deny the (Rabanus Maurus, private) existence of God, but in order to be adored as God Himself. For if the hearts of men cannot do without the notion of God, let us tell them that I am God. Such will be the purpose of the devil -(Note). Antichrist cannot work genuine miracles; he cannot give through Antichrist, and the Fathers of the Church tell us that it is life back to the dead. But he can raise again those who appear to be so.-"For when he is come, and of his own accord concentrates in his dead according to human knowledge and experience, but are yet not own person the apostasy, and accomplishes whatever he shall do really dead. He can also re-animate dead bodies by the power of according to his own will and choice, sitting also in the Temple of 96 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Satan so as to make them appear alive. As for his healing powers and Nazareth is not the son of God, only a deceiver who gave himself out his dominion over the elements and plants, as God; and the Church instituted by him is only superstition'. The true Christ has come in his person. He will say, `I am the Saviour of the world'. Especially will he try to convince the Jews that he is the -"Ireland will undergo English oppression for a week of centuries Messiah sent by God, and the Jews will accept him as such. His but will preserve her fidelity to God and His Church. At the end of doctrine of faith will be taken from the Jewish religion and this time Ireland will be delivered and the English in turn must seemingly will not differ much from the fundamental doctrine of suffer severe chastisements. Ireland, however will be to the unity Christianity, for he will teach that there is one God who created the of the Faith." (St. Patrick, 12th century) world, who is omniscient and knows the thoughts of man and is just, who rewards the obeyers of his commands and the trespassers he (Note). This prophecy was made four centuries before the (heretical) chastises, who raises all from the dead in due time. This God has Anglican Church was founded. spoken through Moses and the Prophets, therefore the precepts of the Mosaic laws are to be kept, especially circumcision and keeping the Sabbath, yet by his moral laws he will try to reverse all order on earth. "The English will betray each other, as a result of which their Therefore he is called in Holy Writ the `Lawless One'. He will think sovereignty will be broken, and they will stain their swords and battle- that he can change time and laws. He will discard all laws, morals and axes with blood . The English and the Irish of Ireland will unite in religious principles, to draw the world to himself. He will grant entire one confederation against the forces of the Saxons ... One freedom from the commandments of God and the Church and permit monarch will rule in Ireland, over the English and the pure Irish. From everyone to live as his passions dictate. By doing so he hopes to the reign of that man, the people shall suffer no destitution." (St. be acknowledged by the people as deliverer from the yoke, and as the Senanus, 6th century cause of prosperity in the world. Religion he will endeavour to make convenient. He will say that you need not fast and embitter -When the fear of God has been disregarded everywhere, violent and your life by renunciation, as the people of former times did when they furious wars will take place. A multitude of people will be had no sense of God's goodness. It will suffice to love God. He will let slaughtered and many cities will be transformed into heaps of the people feast to their heart's content so that they will pity the rubbish. unfortunate people of former centuries. He will preach free love and tear asunder family ties. He will scorn everything holy, and he will ridicule all graces of the Church with devilish mockery. He will The Son of Corruption and Ruin will appear and reign for only a condemn humility and foster proud and gruesome dogmas. He will tear down that which God has taught in the Old and New Testament and maintain sin and vice are not sin and vice. Briefly he will declare the road to Hell is the way to Heaven.

-When the great ruler (the Great Monarch who is to rule Europe after the collapse of Communism) exterminates the Turks almost entirely, one of the remaining Mohammadans will be converted, become a priest bishop and cardinal, and when the new pope is elected (immediately before Antichrist) this cardinal will kill the pope before he is crowned, through short time, jealousy, wishing to be pope himself; then when the other cardinals elect the next pope He will not be Satan himself, but a human being equalling and this cardinal will proclaim himself Anti-pope, and two-thirds of the resembling him in atrocious hideousness. His mother, a depraved Christians will go with him. He, as well as Anti-christ, are woman possessed by the devil, will live as a prostitute in the descendants of the tribe of Dan. desert. She will declare that she is ignorant as to the identity of his father, and will maintain that her son was presented to her by God in a supernatural manner, as was the Child of the Blessed Virgin.

-His mother will seldom let any one see him, and yet by magic art, she will manage to gain the love of the people for him. He will be raised at different secret places and will be kept in seclusion until full grown. When he has grown to full manhood he will publicly announce a hostile doctrine on religion. He will lure and attract the people to himself by granting them complete exemption from the observance of all divine and ecclesiastical commandments, by forgiving them their sins and requiring of them only their belief in his divinity. He will spurn and reject baptism and the gospel. He will open his mouth to preach contradiction. He will say, `Jesus of 97 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 The mark (of Antichrist) will be a hellish symbol of Baptism, and the King of Tyre he will say he is God and man and so represented because thereby a person will be stamped as an adherent of Antichrist he will sit in the temple." and also of the Devil in that he thereby gives himself over to the Antichrist will be destroyed by the spirit of the mouth of Christ. influence of Satan. Whoever will not have this mark of Antichrist can That is, by the Holy Ghost or by Christ's command in that Michael neither buy nor sell anything and will be beheaded.-The streets will kill him on Mt. Olivet whence Christ ascended into Heaven just as of Jerusalem, will then shine in the bright- est gold with the blood of Julian (the Apostate) was extinguished by the divine hand Christians which will flow like water. Simultaneously Antichrist will try to increase his wonders. His executioners will work such "Antichrist will enjoy the use of free will on which the devil will miracles when they torment the Christians that the people will operate as it was said of Judas: `Satan entered into him,' that is, think Antichrist is the true God. The executioners will not permit by instigating him. He shall deceive both by worldly power and the the Christians to win the martyrs' crown easily for they will endeavour operation of miracles. In the matter of worldly power, St. John (Apoc. to prolong their pain until they renounce their faith. Yet some will XIII) says `He will control the treasures of gold and silver and receive a special grace from God to all the previous things of Egypt.' The power of miracles will be die during the torments. simulated. `He will do wondrous signs and even make fire come upon the earth' (Dan. XI) and thus, he will lead many into Antichrist will make the earth error even, were it possible, the elect' ( Matt. 24). move, level mountains, dry up rivers, produce thunder and "After the two prophets, (Henoch and Elias) are killed the lightning and hail, remove the greatest power on earth will be given to Antichrist. Then they leaves from the trees and will set up cauldrons on the streets with boiling contents, and return them again to the trees, drive the men who are known as Christians, and their wives make men sick and cure them, and children, there, to choose either to profess in the Deity of exorcise devils, raise the dead Antichrist and thereby to keep their family and be rewarded with to life. He will appear to be riches and a home, or to profess the Christian faith, and thereby, crucified and rise rom the dead. death in the boiling cauldron. Thereupon the women and their All in all, Christians will be children, who will choose to die for love of Jesus, will be thrown into a astounded and in grievous doubts pit of fire covered with wood and straw and burnt. while the followers of Antichrist will be confirmed in their false faith. "The Angels will enlighten men and in the Finally, when he shall have third week they will wonder converted all his plans into action, if this is truly the Antichrist, he will gather his worshippers and realising that it is they about him and tell them that he will either have to fight will presently ascend toward to overthrow him or Heaven. However, at the moment become his slaves. of the ascension a bolt of lightning will overwhelm and annihilate Antichrist will be recognised him. The planned ascent into heaven will have been prepared by by various tokens: in the artful employment of ingenious devices, and the moment at which the event was to have taken place, leading to his destruction, especial he will will produce a cloud that will spread an unbearable odour. Through this massacre the many people will again come to their senses and to understanding. priests, the monks, the Then the people should prepare for the last judgment, the day of which is indeed veiled in women, the secrecy and obscurity, but children, and the not far distant." (St. aged. He will show no Hildegard) mercy, but will pass torch in hand, like the barbarians, "As in Christ dwells the yet invoking Christ! His fullness of the Godhead words of imposture will so in Antichrist the resemble those of fullness of all Christians, but his actions wickedness. Not indeed in will be those of Nero and of the Roman persecutors. He will have the sense that his humanity an eagle in his coat of arms as also his lieutenant, the other wicked is to be assumed by the ruler - this latter will be a Christian who will die when cursed by the devil into unity of person ..., Pope, who will be elected at the beginning of the reign of Antichrist. but that the devil by suggestion infuses his wickedness more copiously into him than into all After the destruction of Rome, Antichrist will appear and exalt others. In this way all the wicked that have gone before are signs of himself above pagan deities and the Trinity. His name signifies Antichrist." (Summa III:8:8)-"The crime of Antichrist is duplex: He one who is against Christ. Begotten, of a sinful man and of a woman is against God and he puts himself before Christ. In opposing God, into whom the devil has entered, Antichrist will be born of the tribe of he puts himself above the true God, in place of all false gods and even Dan in the city of Corozain. The good angel assigned to him at his denies the participation of humans in the Godhead. The pride of birth will be obliged to leave him as witches, necromancers and other Antichrist surpasses that of all his predecessors and like Caesar 98 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 disreputable characters take charge of his education in Bethsaida. of the Kittim shall cease that wickedness be overcome without a Coming to Jerusalem, he will proclaim himself Christ and at first remnant. There shall be no survivors of all the Sons of Darkness. feign to be holy. He will succeed through false preaching, Please see this site for more information: miracles, gifts, terror, aided throughout by the devil. An evil Please also see my compendium of writings on the Essenes on this spirit will come out of the air and descend upon his followers. link, including a true explanation of what the s'pherot are: He shall feign a resurrection from the dead, cause rain to fall, stone images to speak, and perform other wonders, all through the power of the devil. The recalling of the dead to life will be only apparent; devils entering the dead bodies will cause the illusion. I Always Thought Orion an Unfitting Name Antichrist will be the greatest tyrant of all time. His adherents will be - marked with his sign. Devils shall be let loose from hell. The Jews will welcome him." (Richard Rolle of Hampole Apocalyptic at Qumran Following the reader will find a selection from the famous "War Scroll"- one of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The significance of this scroll is its apocalyptic fervor and its description of the famous war to end all wars at the end of history. After reading it, we will discuss the apocalyptic ideas of the -"At the time when Antichrist is about twenty years old, most of Qumranites. the world will have lost the faith. Antichrist will be descended from the tribe of Dan. The people at that time will be very corrupt. He will preach to the people The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons while flying through the air. Many fervent priests and religious in of Darkness War Scroll (1QM) the wilderness and desert will be miraculously sustained by God. Some of them will travel about to encourage the Christians to 2a.htm remain firm in the faith till death. Belial From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Papal Prophecies - End Days Saint Malachy 07 08 09

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Whore of Babylon Reptilian Shapeshifters are starting to lose their cloaking. Look on TeeVee. Look at the Eyes (slits) UFOs and "alien" abductions: diabolical and the it clear or morphing? manifestations quotes.htm Harper very nervous around media at the G8 Reptilian Hybrid Zionist Illuminati Summit in fascist Italy. The WAR SCROLL, the True Book of Where is your soul? I can't see it in your eyes? Did you leave it at a BOHEMIAN GROVE SATANIC RITUAL? Men in Black- G8 leaders found Eschatological Prophecy- The Book of Revelation consensus on economy but not on greenhouse gases. Maybe they will is not a Biblical book of prophecy. It is the have lot's of gas while they meet with POPE BEAST this week. Meeting *script* according to which the Vatican is follows Russian Summit. Crazy 8 will discuss their massacres in Iran, working. This video will direct you to the true Book of Prophecy Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Meeting moved to previous that will explain the coming war and prepare you for it: THE WAR earthquake zone in Italy. WHY? Staging another SCROLL of the Dead Sea Sect, HaYachad, also known as the event? Essenes. THE WAR SCROLL (Reference 1QM) The Description of the Eschatological War For the Instructor, the Rule of the War. The first attack of the Sons of Light shall be undertaken against the Perfect Day of Completion= 8 with Dr. Len forces of the Sons of Darkness, the army of Belial: the troops of Edom, Moab, the sons of Ammon, the Amalekites, Philistia, and Horowitz- must LISTEN and SHARE - the troops of the Kittim of Asshur. Supporting them are those who have violated the covenant. The sons of Levi, the sons of Judah, Update on flu and how to fix this MESS ON and the sons of Benjamin, those exiled to the wilderness, shall THE PLANET! fight against them with [ . . . ] against all their troops, when the exiles of the Sons of Light return from the Wilderness of the Peoples to camp in the Wilderness of Jerusalem. Then after the battle they shall 528 Hz Frequency Transformation and Miracles go up from that place and the king of the Kittim shall enter into Egypt. (DNA Repair) These original sound frequencies were apparently In his time he shall go forth with great wrath to do battle against the used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. kings of the north, and in his anger he shall set out to destroy John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were and eliminate the strength of Israel. Then there shall be a time of lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to salvation for the People of God, and a time of dominion for all impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony the men of His forces, and eternal annihilation for all the forces during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered of Belial. There shall be great panic among the sons of Japheth, by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Assyria shall fall with no one to come to his aid, and the supremacy 99 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I give honor to both of As a biblical figure, she has been described as a co-partner of God these gentleman for the part theyve played in helping return these lost and sometimes as THE female God. The early Christians sometimes frequencies back to humanity. used her as a metaphor for Christ.

Ascension-Raising Your Vibrational Frequency Her origins are almost impossible to trace. She can be traced to every era, culture and society. She is the manifestation of the Divine Feminine and can be linked with practically every goddess. Including: The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include: Lilith, Isis, Inanna, Hecate, Spider Grandmother, Ishtar, Sekmet, UT 396 Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear Maat, Hera, Anath, Virgin Mary, Eve, Mary Magdalene, Juno, Tara, RE 417 Hz Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change Demeter and Persephone. MI 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) FA 639 Hz Connecting/Relationships SOL 741 Hz Awakening Intuition LA 852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Order She is symbolized by a dove, crescent moon, stars, a cup or a tree. Russia has always adored and venerated Sophia. Sophia is also known as the Grail Goddess. The Grail legend can be traced back to pre-Christianity. A black goddess (Sophia) guards the grail with the interests of the Returning to Spiritual Order For example, the third earth at heart. (Interesting note: note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and the grail was originally depicted as derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." a cauldron.) Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to When the Knights Templar were repair broken DNA the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! arrested and tortured in October, Music composed by Jandy AKA JezebelDecibel 1307, they were convicted of heresy. One of the supposed heretical charges was worshiping, BAPHOMET. There have been Ascension 2012 Higher Vibrations vs Lower many different explanations as to what BAPHOMET is. There is one Vibrations // The Road to Ascension: David Wilcock that relates to Sophia. One important piece of information first....The (Pt 4 of 4) Templars are said to be the protectors of the Grail, which many say is actually the lineage of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Some believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene.

In the 1980's, a Dead Sea Scholar used the Atbash Cipher, which has been used as far back as 500 B.C.E., to decipher BAPHOMET. He got Sophia was, and is, one of the SOPHIA. In the Gnostic Gospels, Sophia is the creator of the most worshiped Goddesses. world. She is greater than Jesus. So, did BAPHOMET = goddess Even today, a huge Sophia cult still worship? exists. Her name means "Wisdom". Sophia is the Greek <><><><><> version of her name. Others include: Hohkma (Hebrew), Sapienta (Latin), Mother of 07 07 2009 (7:7:11 numerology with a Full Moon in Capricorn/ All (Gnostic), Holy Spirit partial lunar eclipse) (Early Christian) DANGER!- CANADIAN MEDIA Propaganda THRU the ROOF! MEDIA LIES. VATICAN-JESUIT- ZIONIST Committing yourself to Sophia will lead you on a difficult path. If you respect her she will lead you to your truth and your justice. TERRORISM world wide! We find wisdom inside ourselves through Sophia. She is associated with alchemy. Her alchemical processes take place inside you. Red is definitely the color most associated with Sophia. She is often SATANISTS ALIGNING this week. depicted as a red winged woman with a red gown. There are many traits associated with Sophia; righteous, wise, loving, communicative, knowledgeable, creative, protective, giving and truthful. "A Sophia woman sees it and tells it as it is; she has no Media Screws fear of the truth." (

100 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 *Sony was started by the Rockefellers *who owned Standard PUPPET PM Harper running off to meet BEAST Oil of New York ... = S.O.N.Y.!! Pope Benedict and the G8 Satanists in ITALY on Wed. Michael Jackson Vs. Sony RECORDS- speech at content=20090707_084529_712 london Taro Aso, 'The New Jerusalem Covenant Project', to the Japan's first creation of the infant 'United Religions'- Catholic prime minister, 6 Canadian Soldiers NEEDLESSLY DIED in meets with Afghanistan, so far this month. These AMERICAN- Pope British- Zionist GENOCIDE WARs must be Benedict EXPOSED. Soldiers killed in chopper crash given ramp XVI ceremony farewell. The military has not said what caused the crash. Body of Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan returns to Canada. content=w072441022. Aso is the first of the world leaders gathering content=20090707_111040_2264 for the Group of Eight summit in Italy to meet with the pope. content=20090706_161732_9520. President Barack Obama will visit the Vatican on Friday.

Domestic terrorism-6 Pipeline bombs put OBAMA meets PUTIN in Moscow today. Russia community on edge. It's a MYSTERY. doesn't trust USA. No one does.

Anniversary date of deadly UK transit bombings. Palin popping up in the NEWS. Says she can't Prince Charles was at HIGH PARK for the Memorial predict what she plans to do after retiring as ALASKA (guilty again?). On 07 07 2005 (7:7:7) 4 attackers, GOVERNOR early (blaming legal fees in fighting ethics charges bombed 3 subway trains and a bus. from opposers). BULL CRAP know exactly what is planned for you. ZIONIST MEDIA doesn't put you on ////// TeeVee for nothing. Washington bound no doubt. Sarah Palin: Not a quitter, a fighter, but The Illuminati and The Council on Foreign politically speaking, 'if I die, I die. So be it. Relations One-World-Government Conspiracy and The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Proof &

What do the popes do? They take money from the poor US community relieved at death of suspected and give it to the rich; hoarding it in the Vatican's serial killer, but still looking for answers vaults (creating mass poverty) - the OPPOSITE of what Christ said His followers must do. EU rights agency says EU is not doing enough IF the popes work for Christ, why do they do to prevent child trafficking the OPPOSITE of what they were commanded to do? It is because they serve mammon NOT God. Energy stocks send TSX lower, oil falls for fifth day; N.Y. also declines content=b17035013

No deadline to legislate striking Toronto workers back to work: McGuinty 101 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 would die a "strange death." This was obviously due to the massive content=20090706_184829_5536 radiation. The ark itself was constructed of acacia wood overlaid with gold and built to specific dimensions. The ark was topped by two golden cherubim and was carried by two poles, also made of Travel writer advises against visiting Toronto acacia and overlaid in gold. ; due to strike content=20090707_082237_5560 -A well-known online travel writer has warned Americans not to travel to Toronto due to the city's civic workers strike, which has shut down parks, ferry service and garbage collection. Not since SARS has Toronto attracted this kind of negative publicity. In Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle , writer Larry Habegger included Toronto on a "world travel watch" -- a list that included Honduras, for its military coup, Libya, for its outbreak of bubonic plague and Thailand, for its tourist extortion schemes. But, number one on the list is Toronto. Habegger told the Toronto Star he was not trying to dissuade tourists from visiting Toronto, but merely make people aware of situations that could affect their travel plans. Flash Floods in Calgary. More rain to come. be-unveiled.html

Quite the MEDIA CIRCUS distraction, Pretty obvious that Michael Jackson was an while WW3 presses on. OCCULT SACRIFICE. SONY RECORDS will make more money with Jackson dead. Who owns Michael Jackson STAPLES Concert in Los SONY? Angeles (lost angels) area flooded with police and helicopters. Many thousands are planned to gather *If his FANS See This IT IS THE END FOR SONY - WORLD WIDE BOYCOTTS* Rayelan, Sunday, 5th July, 2009 04:21:22 for the memorial to be broadcast at 1 pm EST. OCCULT RITUAL? ( Celebration 7:7:11; Born 08 Remember, /even if denies it/ ... most researchers agree 29 1958= 6 Died on 06 25 2009= 6, Michael Joseph that *Sony was started by the Rockefellers *who owned Standard Oil of Jackson= 8 ( number of completion); name means New York ... = S.O.N.Y.!! If Michael's fans see this video, their anger Who is like God? Gift from God. In the Bible, St. Michael was will spill out over the the conqueror of Satan and patron saint of soldiers.The world and pound SONY into the earth. It will be the END of SONY and their control over artists!! But will Michael's fans ever learn the REST seventh child of the Jackson family) of the story of SONY, the Rockerfellers, the City of London and the slave state they want ALL of us to live in. With good fortune on our side, they WILL learn the truth!! What will happen? ...hmm. Will they chemtrail the people with the flu virus? Cast an occultic spell on the people? Harness the energy I knew that Michael was slimed with the pedophile charges. I of sorrow into the Earth's grid system? The West Coast is due to go figured it was because of his work with Gunther and the pedophile underwater soon. California is out of money this hunters, now I see that MONEY was the root of it ... the money month for welfare. Arnold didn't tell you? and power of the New World Order who were trying to bankrupt Michael in order to gain control of the Beatles catalog of songs, which Michael was going to give back to WEIRD? I sense a NEW AGE AGENDA Paul McCartney. HERE! Will Michael rise from the dead? I think I now know who was behind the delay in getting Michael help ... it was the delay that killed him. However, I am convinced that Why is his body at the Staples Centre? Even Michael had a double who was a dancer and a singer. I was told that Michael had no problem doing the 50 concert tour because of this though Michael converted to ISLAM, his family is double. It makes me wonder which one was killed ... and if only ONE giving him a Jehovah's Witness burial in a gold of them was killed ... plated casket with $25,000 US. (he'd better get to heaven where is the other one? before the dollar goes bust) . Sounds like the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was a gift from aliens to Moses. This gift was This kind of thing is done by Faction Two all the time. Deaths a plutonium powered manna making machine. In many different are faked to keep people alive long enough to bring people to texts it says that only certain people, such as the elders or the justice! SONY needs to start repairing their public relations asap ... religious leaders, could go near the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of before the anger of the fans overtakes them. If you have time ... the Covenant was eventually locked up since anyone who came near please send both these posts to as many MJ fans as you know!! 102 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 MJ vs Sony - I am convinced he was murdered. In this video It is the Talmudic Jews and the Michael talks about how Sony crushes an artist spirit, that he own 1/2 of Sony's music publishing, and that Tommy Noahide Laws that are really Mottola is behind the New World Order the devil. I am convinced he was murdered. and the enforcement of the ======NESARA INTERNATIONAL- Posted by: "Milson Macleod" coming persecution of *FOOTNOTE: Yes, he was murdered and it was observed - one of the Christians. Dark Entities present was forced to leave as he could not take it any more, Light having been focussed upon him by a Lightworker - - - but it was not enough to stop the plan altogether ...... This one is now in a Hell of his own making ...... NOAHIDE LAWS = Decapitation for Confessing "JESUS or The Truth about The Ark of The Covenant- Yahushua IS LORD" more TRUTH by Jah at THE TALMUD UNMASKED- THE SECRET 666 RABBINICAL TEACHINGS CONCERNING CHRISTIANS By Rev. SHAME ON the VATICAN-ZIONIST puppet I. B. Pranaitis (Roman Catholic Priest) politicians who do not represent the VOICE of the People. WAR CRIMES galore. APATHETIC fence sitters included. Your NESARA SLAVE MASTERS plan to remove/kill you anyway. from the ever delayed BEAST AGENDA-

THE OCCULT AND WORLD REVOLUTION Two main themes are covered: http://www.hlinc-

-The New World and its connection with American Freemasonry and the Jesuits.

-The link between Europe Freemasonry and the principles of world revolution._ SATANISTS planning a MASS ritual sacrifice? This event was first brought forward as removal of the Illuminati Michael Jackson Memorial today. Media shows pics of other famous had to be carried out as a priority before the announcement. They will people who were ritually sacrificed by the Jesuit Vatican Puppets. be taken off-planet to many destinations, where they may ( Kennedy, Lennon, Elvis, etc. IN YOUR FACE) experience the Void or relive Stone Age conditions. Some will be uncreated; some will finally decide to join the Light. In the meantime there has been delay after delay, as Aton awaits the most propitious -JACKSON EVENT distracting from the takeover of AMERIKA. STAPLES moment.- During this time increased photon activity will also concert- Illuminati owned CORporation. BEWARE of MIND CONTROL eliminate those of highly negative vibrations; their bodies will COMING THRU the DIGITAL TV. . be gathered up and cremated, the souls passing on to a more suitable location. Humanity will be spared from observing this )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( unpleasant scene.

The Full Moon is a time of illumination, crazy (loony) behavior, Satanism In The Vatican! http://www.jesus-is- revelation, celebration and high spirits. %20Catholicism/satanism_in_the_vatican.htm 103 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 This Full Moon in Capricorn is followed by a partial lunar also, in many of his readings tells of a more gradual change and a new eclipse, which can bring startling events. A showdown between birth for our world. A world with stronger religious ties and a global the values of compassion and those of greed will continue through unified family. According to Cayce, Jesus second coming will be the summer. spiritual with a reawakening of religion and unity. He relates the coming changes that are necessary prior to this unified world to mankinds wanton use and disregard of natures resources. Will it be a summer of love, or a summer of hell (as predicted by some). Jimi Hendrix pretty much summed it up with his famous quote, "

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

-This full Moon/eclipse accelerates whatever purging and eliminating we're doing in our lives.

It's a great time to let go of what's hurting the heart. There's light shining on how we deny our emotional reality, in order to keep up "appearances." Lots of people these days are harried and stressed, trying to make ends meet. The lightbulb goes off on where you're exerting serious effort, and asking yourself, "Where's the Love?" in return... This full Moon reveals whether the life structure, particularly pursuit of wealth and career, is in balance with your home life. Do you have downtime? Do you unplug from worldly concerns, to let yourself relax?Do you find time to play and giggle -- to be a child?

*** The Prophecy: A Great Purification and Earth Changes By Medicine Grizzly Bear Lake-Thom Edgar Cayce and Future Prophecies Traditional Native Healer and Spiritual Teacher www. (April 2006). We should begin to purify our mind, body, and soul prophecies-23367.html by use of the ancient rituals and ceremonies that, since time immemorial, have been done with the Earth, and according to sacred laws and natural cycles. It is now time to give back to the Earth to do healing ceremonies for the Earth, and to pray for and help each other. And the Elders further advise, perhaps we should begin to prepare for survival, by helping each other prepare for the Great Purification; let the rich help the poor, let the wise help the ignorant, let those who have plenty share with the poor. And this approach must be done with a good heart and in a spiritual way. As for the Native American people, our Elders advise: We are the original caretakers of this land. Bring back your sacred dances, rituals, and ceremonies. Perform the religious activities with cleanliness and according to traditional custom and law: No alcohol, no drugs, abstain from sex, avoid Moontime (menses power and energy), do not record or photograph these activities, and do not sell the religion for profit; otherwise it will not be spiritual. The sacred dances and ceremonies are the tools and knowledge that was originally given to us in the Beginning to help keep the world in balance

Myth, Magic and mystery

-A woman's bleeding was considered a cosmic event, relating From earthquakes to fire from the skies and the second coming of and connecting one to the moon, the lunar cycles and the tides. Jesus. The possibility of the book of Revelations coming true, etc... She was thought to be at the height of her power at this time, And yes Edgar Cayce does hint at some of these things coming to pass and for this reason was encouraged to spend time listening to in the near future. A major earthquake in Japan where half or her inner voice which would often offer suggestions and more of Japan falls into the sea. A restructuring of our wisdom which would benefit the whole tribe. continent. NYC under water or destroyed in some fashion. But he 104 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 This 'Moootime' 07 04 2009 was later distorted into a perception ( 11:11 numerology) of 'uncleanness' and women were forced to go apart, unable to participate in the preparation of food for men or ceremonies (although to be honest, the women probably still enjoyed the Happy Birthday AmeriKA. May you oust break, whatever the reason!) and the criminals in government NOW. their wisdom was denigrated, called lunacy, and forced underground. Around 5,000 years ago the pendulum began to swing away from Goddess- centred worship and towards the patriarchal, militaristic and mechanistic position that we find ourselves in today, where women occupy a secondary place in society in many ways, and anything which interferes with linear thought, productivity and efficiency is regarded as a waste of time.

Menstruation, which can involve altered states of awareness and often the need for solitude does not fit within these Lady Liberty crowning parameters, and therefore we are encouraged to ignore it, and moment today. She was shut suppress with tampons and vaginal deodorants what can be the most down since the 9-11 satanic ritual creative and spiritual time of the month for many women. New York sacrifice of September 11, 2001. (Occult sacrifice target) Lady Liberty is ...... ISIS/Semiramis/Inanna/ Mother Goddess/ Athena/Aphrodite. She will kick SATAN's ASS in the end. Also known as the BRIDE of CHRIST. The Statue of Liberty America's Last Stand-Devvy and Freemasonry Kidd

America Under Seige- Devvy Kidd;;

THE REVOLUTION: BOOTS ON THE GROUND, COUNTY BY COUNTY By: Devvy June 1, 2009 © 2009 HOW MANY MORE LIES? By: Devvy July 6, 2009 © 2009 -; Isis: "Queen of Heaven" by Carl Teichrib


105 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 EVIL HAARP HARMONICS, Flooding and WARNING- ROMANISM and Droughts, EARTH CHANGES, War and Death, Disease NESARA DECEPTION (Still waiting for your email and Pestilence continue to plague the planet. back BEN FULFORD! It has been over a [email protected].) Japanese Royal Bloodline in Canada for a few days to strengthen diplomatic relations. Careful who NESARA is going to deceive us with the ANTICHRIST/ALIEN you choose to trust. Satanists are not trustworthy. AGENDA. Canadians DON'T NEED an ASIAN MONEY BRIBE to enslave us. KEEP YOUR NESARA OUT OF CANADA. Liberals and CONservatives are infested with Gangsters/Murderers are not going to bring in SATANISTS. a DIVINE PLAN.VATICAN is not to be trusted. It is SATAN CENTRAL Beware of the "New Age" Alien Agenda coming to DECEIVE the world...NEXT! Fulford vs the Illuminati Part 1--IS THIS FOR REAL?!!!

The Lucifer Time Code Part 1 By Goro Adachi In this video Benjamin Fulford announces the end of the financial elite crime syndicate's "New World Order" plans for massive population reduction together with Illuminati representative Prince Leo Lyon Zagami of Santa Elia, Sicily. Prince Zagami came to Tokyo Sarah Palin stepping down as Alaska Governor. to meet Fulford and negotiate plans for future changes to benefit the Aiming for a White House position. Whore of people and the planet??????(See also part 2.) Babylon? _the_whore_of_babylon Eric Phelps quotes and audio exposing ALEX Hillary Rodham CLINTON wants the Jones as a Jesuit PAWN. president's CROWN. HIGH MOTHER OF DARKNESS has worked hard for that position. Leo Zagami, Ted L Gunderson and More (Perhaps we have something for you BOTH in the ABYSS. ) HE'S SMART! North Korea firing short range missiles today (7 Bill Cooper - Alien Agenda - Are Aliens Real? so far), and 4 last week. USA says it is worried Nephilim, Mars, Moon, Pyramids about being hit with these missiles. WORRY about the BUSH/CLINTON cronies and the rest of the William Bill Cooper Alien Agenda Broadcast. Originally Aired August Reptilian Shape Shifters. Worry about the 22, 1997. He starts out by talking about, 1000 points of light and ASCENDED Masters who will come to the rescue. What is Lucifer - the bright and The morning star. He answers the Jesuit-ZIONIST Hollywood previewing this week? Ice question, what does the illuminati (mystery schools) have to do with what is happening in the world today. The people in these mystery Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs/Harry Potter- Potter and schools follow the religion of the cosmos. They have a goal to the Half-Blood Prince present an external threat to this earth (like they did to the US with Saddam Husein & Osama Bin Laden, a fake external threat that was made to be believed was real), a superior race from another & planet. This will be used to get rid of all nation states and religion to form a one world government. Nasa is one of the main instruments of this deception. Also, the Vatican is behind this and OBAMA is done by September 30, 2009. The heavily involved. end of the fiscal year for the SATANIC Money MARKET. End of the FIAT currency called the Apollo space program is a reference to the ancient god, Apollo. American Dollar. NESARA (GESARA now, will try Apollo space program crest carries symbolism of Apollo the sun (aka osiris)(isis the moon), constellation of orion, in the center, the 3 and introduce a WORLD DOLLAR) Same problem, pyramids in egypt, and the earth represents the full body of initiates different costume. June 23- From Tokyo - known as horus. Nasa's photos have been proven to be faked, so none of them can ever be trusted. John Dewey said that someone told Benjamin Fulford - War On Illuminati him that the best way to end all wars forever and unite all 106 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 humanity on this earth in a world government would be if we WORLD CONQUEST THROUGH WORLD were attacked by some other species from some other planet. Also see JEWISH GOVERNMENT- THE PROTOCOLS OF He said this in 1917. It was tested in 1938 with Orsen Wells Radio THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION program to see if people would believe this story. They will say that mars was populated by an ancient race who destroyed their planet in warfare. At some point in history, they came to earth and populated it with the survivors. When they came here, they ><> ><> ><> had relations with early man and the human race was the result of that mixed group. This will be the thrust of all that we will hear and it will be used to destroy Christianity. This is the We need to strengthen the LOVE story that the illuminati will push. They will point to Genesis in the Bible to say that the sons of G-d had relations with the daughters of VIBRATION on the PLANET's ENERGY GRIDS to men and that the sons of G-d are aliens. The nephilim will be said stabilize this CHAOS. Stay out of FEAR and they can't to be the children of humans and aliens. For Biblical truth on feed off your energy. nephilim, visit

How can Christianity or any other religion survive when the 07 03 09 world will be presented with what they will believe to be proof that life on this earth was not created by God, but by some advanced extra terrestial advanced race from some other Sherry Live 6-29-2009 - Ark of the world. And that we have been owned by them and shepherded in our existence all through the history of the world. This is the true Covenant? Upcoming Events purpose of the UFO's, flying saucers, and abduction reports.

Alien abductions are the result of serious mind control MONATOMIC GOLD INFORMATION experimentation. UFO's exist and are operated by US government and probably several other governments.

Recently there has been much written about Monatomic Gold. Ancient Eric Phelps Leo Zagami debate on cultures such as the Egyptians and Sumarians used it to feed Investigative Journal 2/19/08 their light body and encourage spiritual transformation and see more enlightenment and promote optimum health. Recent advances in modern science and tireless investigation by credible researchers have started to confirm that this fascinating substance indeed has "exotic" Newsflash: Zagami and Eric Phelps appreared on Greg properties and can literally, according to lab data, alter space, Szymanski's Investigative journal Feb 19 from 7pm EST to 9pm and time and gravity. discusssed Zagami's involvement with Thomas Michel SJ and his statements regarding Alberto Rivera's testimony which can be read in the book The Prophet. Bottom line. Zagami did not retract any of this Zero Point Technologies, Monoatomic Gold, and but justified himself and further stated that Jerusalem should be an The Secret of Modern Alchemy International City and stating that Jesuit Cardinal Bea was a Zionist infiltrator and purposely fed Alberto with "Zionist disinformation." (The anti-Zionist crowd is going to love this!) White Powder Gold Superhealth Through Modern Alchemy Zagami literally mocked (LOL'd) the idea that their may be Jesuit Coadjutors trying to infiltrate this huge anti Vatican movement. This is all A Typical Jesuit Coadjutor protocol. Sadly, Eric Phelps retracted his accusation that Zagami is a Jesuit Coadjutor. But I don't. I remain believing that Zagami is working with the Vatican covertly and openly now. This is my opinion from the all the details I have been This cutting edge technology is summed up in only a few words: given from Zagami's own words. -Independant Journalist, Thomas monatomic (or monoatomic) and diatomic elements. Classical science Richards teaches us that the three phases of matter are gasses, liquids, and solids (but now there are the newer plasmas, condensates and liquid crystals). Some solids crystallize into lattice structures we call metals. Eric Phelps Vatican Assassins Interview What classical science does not teach us is that there is, in fact, another phase of matter called "monatomic." Liberty and Justice For All. This interview discusses The Jesuit Order, Freemasonry, and who is behind the scenes creating order out of chaos. Eric Jon Phelps reveals same basic history of the United States. This is a great introduction to his 2nd Edition of his book. He recently published a 3rd edition. Check out more information at

107 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Laurence Gardner's contention is that the Biblical Ark of the Every mind effects the other and our unification creates this reality Covenant was in reality: a capacitor that made it a powerful around us. However, we are not the only intelligent consciousness in and deadly weapon, a superconductor that allowed it to levitate this universe. Our planet Earth, the sun, and all of it's sister stars are above ground, and a machine for manufacturing a substance very much alive and consciouses. And they evolve on a macro scale called "Mfkzt" by the ancient Egyptians, "manna" by the just like the amoeba evolve on a micro scale. 2012 marks the Hebrews, and the "philosophers stone" by alchemists. At first evolution of our world. glance, these propositions seem preposterous, and yet, after following his trail of logic, one wonders how it could have been anything other The spectral rapture in which our DNA will unravel and unify than what he insists it was. human beings who are bound by an ancient cosmic prophecy.

By a special process of arc heating, gold and other platinum group metals, can be Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice From Ken turned into a single atom or Monoatomic Adachi substance, that has superconductive http://educate- properties. Superconductive materials are capable of levitation above magnetic fields, and Gardner speculates, that the powdered substance contained in the ark might have given it such capabilities. How else, he asks would it have been possible for four men to carry the ark when the lid alone, which was made of pure gold, has been calculated to have weighed around 2,714 pounds. It has been determined that a superconductive material will lose about 40% of its weight as a result of repulsing the earths own magnetic field. This could have made the transport of the ark manageable and therefore consistent with biblical references of the ark being marched around the city of Jericho for example.

The ark's design gives credence, as well, to stories of the destructive powers of the ark. Biblical records clearly specify that the ark was constructed of wood sandwiched between layers of gold. Gardner realized that these are the specifications of a simple capacitor, and calculates that the ark would have charged to several thousand volts, making it a powerful and deadly weapon.

Numerous ancient references of mfkzt, often called "white bread" or Ormus also pertains to Gnosticism in the ancient world. Ormus is "manna" relate to it being eaten for its healthful affects. Recent also the Hebrew words for “golden tree”, which David finds biochemical experiments have confirmed that Monoatomic appropriate since this white gold is the elixir of life that the sho-bread platinum group metals have shown anti aging affects by (& manna) was made from. This is said to be the reason the Priest increasing melatonin production, stimulate the pineal and glowed when he came out of the Holy of Holies, after eating the sho- pituitary glands, and in turn reactivation "junk DNA." bread. David Hudson, told co-author Fritz that he was supportive of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. Because Hudson knew the cabala very well, it seems likely that he understands what Spontaneous DNA, The Rapture, and The Rise Adam Kadmon is really all about. Monarch slaves of to Fourth Density the House of Rothschild have revealed how the Illuminati are able to do what they call Everything in the universe vibrates and oscillates. Therefore the Proxying. connecting link between all forms of energy is vibration, sympathetic harmony, and resonance. Dr. Dan Burisch, David This is a Mind-Spirit transfer, Wilcock, and others have discovered that a simple quartz crystal, done by the 1.twinning electricity, and water are all the ingredients needed to create a traumas, 2. channeling, 3. medium for spontaneous DNA to appear in the vacuum. telepathic communication, and 4. astral projection so that all slaves worldwide are being pulled into one single interlinked Demonic One World Mind [this is the so called 'hive mind' characteristic of the Reptilian alien groups that dominate and interbreed with the human Illuminati..Ken Adachi]. 108 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 during the Second World War. While in no way downplaying the (9:11 numerology) 07 02 2009 terrible events of the holocaust, such a massacre does not compare to the severity to the torture and murder that took place under Papal Western, authority during the 605 years of the Inquisition. From the beginning of the Papacy, until the present time, it is estimated OCCULT, by credible historians that more than 50,000,000, men and mind women have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy charged controlled against them by Papal Rome. This Video contains actual photographs of some of the instruments of torture that were used. MEDIA Since we consider this Video on the Inquisition one of the more WHORES important message that we have given, please make it known to report others, and if possible post the link on your own website. invasions of Hyperinflation Nation countries, NIA National Inflation Association The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation and helping Americans not only survive, but prosper in assassinations, murdering of innocent civilians, the upcoming hyperinflationary crisis. replacing stable governments with puppet presidents, potential missile strikes from North With an $11 trillion national debt and $55 trillion in unfunded Korea, and select bombing of planes, trains and obligations for programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, it is our belief that the United States for all intents and automobiles with delayed rescue response. purposes is bankrupt and Americans need to take steps immediately to SATANIC NWO full speed ahead. YOU ARE NOT protect themselves from the potential loss of the purchasing power of IMMUNED to their devil deeds. WAKE UP! their U.S. Dollars.

The U.S.'s recently passed $787 billion stimulus plan along with the TORONTO is currently under attack. But Federal Reserve expanding its balance sheet by over $1 trillion in a sheeple are still sleeping. single day brings the total potential outlays from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury during the financial crisis up to $13.1 trillion. It is our belief that the rest of the world is unlikely to lend the U.S. Watch for July 4 ((07 04 2009 = 11: 11) Satanists this money and the Federal Reserve will most likely have to print the may attack USA and blame N Korea.) Watch for 9- money out of thin air. The U.S. has abused its status of having the world's reserve currency for far too long. We are on an unavoidable 9-9. IRAN needs to be controlled by the SATANISTS path towards hyperinflation. At this point, we believe it is only a by then. Britain, USA, ISRAEL, and puppet matter of time before the value of the U.S. Dollar collapses. With ZIONIST governments (like Canada's) are to China likely to become a net seller of U.S. Treasuries to fund their own rightfully deserved $586 billion stimulus plan, we believe there blame for their involvement in war crimes, apathy will soon be a run on the Dollar and a rush into Gold and Silver. and crimes against humanity. You will reap what you have sown. WE NEED TO DENOUNCE THESE 07 01 2009 GOVERNMENTS.

Don't forget about the VATICAN. They are the Happy Birthday My Canada. It is my wish that you wake up, take back your sovereignty, integrity and soul top SATANISTS. birthright. are Multi-Dimensional Infinity.

Where is Michael Jackson? 17500 (13) Canadian free tickets for Staples memorial concert on 7- 7-2009 ( 7-7-11) Concerns He sold his soul to the devil! Canadian Sovereignty, America-Style By Catholic Inquisition and The Torture Ryan McGreal Tools

Most people have some knowledge of the holocaust. The 6 years of torture and atrocities that the Jews suffered under Hitler and the Nazis 109 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 america-style_746.html

Jack Layton Spoke Out Against North American CONSPIRACY ALERT! Union in 2007 But Says Nothing During 2008 Illuminati taking down Planes, Trains and Canadian Election Campaign Autombiles that oppose the EU's NWO agenda. UNITED NATIONS is a NAZI SATANIC world ton_spe.html. government. Canada's sovereignty has been 'castrated' Airbus with 153 (9) passengers goes down near MORONI in the Indian Ocean. Yesmin airbus was banned from EU airports. 66 passengers switched to airbus 330 before the rest continued to the -Garbage strike continues to Plague Toronto, by design. Indian Ocean. - France airbus crashed recently, as well as a post 9-11 airbus in New York. OCCULT SACRIFICE? Not too obvious. (Mormon- You need to fire your politicians and bureaucrats. Many are Moroni is his son. Mormon SATANIC Church is in Salt Lake City, UTAH. satanists. Set up local community currency and get the people NESARA's antichrist planned arrival in UTAH before going to the New with nothing to do...busy! Train the next garbage guardians, home Jerusalem. ( Mormon god is Jehovah- jealous, flesh eating god of daycare workers and learn to work out of your home. You are going the bible).) ( thru drama for a reason. You have to change your ways! Gods of Eden e book pg 79-Early human writers often portrayed mankind's Custodial "gods" as bloodthirsty creatures prone to excessive violence. Sadly, those lamentable qualities did not improve THROW IT OUT? IN A GARBAGE Where's the Beef? with Jehovah...When the Hebrew armies reached Canaan, Jehovah STRIKE!? Illuminati Cartel President Choice is recalling 2700 kg (9) displayed a genuinely psychopathic bent. To establish the Hebrews in of beef products due to ecoli. Ecoli and parasites are always on meat. their new homeland, Jehovah ordered the Hebrew armies to embark The agenda here is to tank the CANADIAN Beef Industry and raise on a campaign of genocide to depopulate all of the region's existing the prices LATER. With no electricity in the near future, you may want cities and towns.) to start learning how to make recipes with sprouts and things that don't require refrigeration. Seeds will be worth more then the paper currency that is called the DOLLAR. With $15.3 million (9) of the EU pushing for a list of airlines that are being deemed UNSAFE to fly. Canadian Mint Hijacked, you might as well kiss the value of our WHY>>>because the SATANISTS are blowing these planes up? dollar goodbye and start over...before the ILLUMINATI tries to shove the AMERO down our throats. Watch for Hillary and Al Gore to take the scene again. (Put them in jail already) PESTILENCE Trains explodes in Italy killing at least 13 people. Is Italy being punished for trying to oust the PM PERVERT SATANIST Berlusconi from his lizard throne?? Mandarin offering free food til 8:30 pm around the country. We may hear drama targeting Asian food again. Car bombs exploding in Iraq killing at least 24, as US troop attempt Famine Alberta and Saskatchewan- worst drought in decades could to withdrawl from the cities. SYMBOLIC day today for the US role to be remedied with a proper dose of HAARP. IF WE HAD A GOVERNMENT leave IRAQ and cease invasion and genoide by 2011. Problem reaction WHO CARED, they could send rains to that area- immediately. solution. Zionist car bombings and media lies will try to convince the SHEEPLE that we need a POLICE STATE for SECURITY ( from the SATANISTS blowing up these cars in the first place).

Apparently the Elections in Iran were fine. The rest of the story? MOOSAVI is supposedly the British, zionist satanist pawn that is June 2009 trying to oust the government. June 19 - Tim Rifat - British Satanic Attempted Coup In Iran / June 23 - Tim 6=month for Rifat - The Illuminati Occult Nemesis from SAMAEL in the Illuminati WAKE UP CANADA! We have to build a global world bank from here. Cooperative, covanent, global community with no usury. What are you 06 30 2009 ( 6- 3- waiting for? 11 or 9-11 numerology)

06 29 09

110 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 For now, it seems the stench will stay. The City of Toronto is still Currently- HAARP and EARTH Changes negotiating with the members of two locals from the Canadian Union will add DRAMA to the 4 horsemen of of Public Employees representing the 6,200 outside workers and the Apocalypse-PESTILENCE, FAMINE, 18,000 inside workers. Saskatchewan marks first swine flu-related death as numbers also rise in Quebec

LIAR-Prime Minister Stephen Harper said during a stop in Halifax on Thursday that he's concerned about the health of native people on reserves. He said federal health officials are trying to determine why aboriginal people appear to be harder hit by this illness. (DELIBERATE GENOCIDE)

-While aboriginals only make up about 10 per cent of Manitoba's population, they account for roughly two-thirds of the people who have required intensive care for swine flu. Saskatchewan is still waiting for the full picture to emerge from some of its isolated DEATH and WAR communities. (History repeated-Targetted genocide)

June 23- From Tokyo - Benjamin Fulford - War On The federal government has asked Illuminati to be ready for universal vaccination programs starting in November. ( EI will run out by Sewage levels high in Ontario waterways, report then...depopulation is their solution). says 680News staff HARPER and Ignatieff are NAZIs! VACCINES An environmental group said billions of litres of untreated sewage are WILL GIVE YOU THE FLU! gushing into Ontario's waterways due to aging infra-structure and poor provincial oversight. SATANISTS want CANADA's resources, not Garbage strike won't affect Pride report says 680News HEALTHY CANADIANS. staff. Mayor David Miller said that talks are progressing but union officials disagree, and have said that they are prepared for the strike to continue for a long time. Abousfian Abdelrazik faces continued challenges River levels despite joyful rising after homecoming areas of Manitoba -Abdelrazik claims he was tortured doused with before Sudanese 100 authorities millimetres eventually released him and says CSIS of rain River and American FBI and lake levels in eastern Manitoba, from Whiteshell to Little Grand officers interrogated Rapids, will be unusually high and cottage owners are being asked to him over alleged check on their properties. Levels in the Red River, which runs through terrorist links. Winnipeg, are expected to rise significantly but the water is expected to remain well within its banks Both the RCMP and CSIS cleared him of any involvement in terrorism or crime and Abdelrazik has also denied ties to Osama bin Laden. Toronto residents and tourists turned off by -Abdelrazik spent the past 14 months living on a cot in the Canadian stench of streets as strike enters second week embassy in Khartoum. Even though supporters chipped in to buy him a ticket home, his passport had expired and he could not leave Sudan "If it goes as long as Windsor has, it will be a big problem. Especially without one. In April, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon in a big city like Toronto," said Savoni, who added frustration is reneged on a promise to issue Abdelrazik an emergency passport if he mounting in the southwestern Ontario city as a similar strike enters its could get a plane ticket. 12th week. 111 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 It was not until the Federal Court of Canada ordered the Harper Notes government to issue him a passport earlier this month that he was The Age of Aquarius is Upon Us finally cleared to come home -His lawyer Yavar Hameed, who travelled From Twin Flames Erica and Dwaine to the Sudanese capital to bring his client home, notes Abdelrazik's listing on a United Nations no-fly list at the request of the United States means he will live with a string of restrictions.

"He has a freeze of assets, it's a federal offence to employ him, to give him money," Hameed said. "There's all sorts of barriers to him just leading a normal life."

06 26 09


Toronto Street News June is HERE!! vol 10 23 June 1 to 15 2009 /// vol 10 24 June 16 to 30 2009 aquarius-is-upon-us.html

-The Aquarian Age is dawning, and its influence will gradually free humanity from the bondages of mind and spirit, which we have suffered for billions of years. The song does announce the actual start of the age within the first lines… "When the Moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then peace will guide the planets, and love will steer the stars." This alignment happens on Feb. 14 Michael Jackson Conspiracy - The O'Reilly Factor - 2009, Valentine's Day. It is offering hope and assurance Interview that frees the mind and spirit and allows it to soar to yet undreamed- of heights.

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died yesterday (06 25 2009 -The Aquarian Age will assist us to break out of the shell of numerology =6 ). Gentle souls RIP. DON'T trust JESSE JACKSON! ignorance, lack of self-esteem, and fear so that we can become, Jesse Jackson Killed Martin Luther King-. pt 1 Steve cokely . for the first time in history, truly free. As we become free to explore our own inner nature, the world around us will become self- No other CTV MEDIA DISTRACTION at this time! Too quiet out there. actualized. In the Aquarian Age, it will not be whom you associate Stocks going up, means drama soon, to bring them down with but what you can do yourself that will count. PERMANENTLY! Personal skills, wisdom, and character will be valued. Everyone will be considered capable of living his or her passion and truth. We will gain our own sense of self-worth through unconditional oxoxo love for self. Each of us will be aware of our own divinity. Each of us will set our own goals for self-development and service. As we look at our own inner nature, soul qualities will begin to be valued. Age Of Aquarius ~ "There's Only One of us We will experience freedom and creativity. Here- (Gregg Braden) We believe the Age of Aquarius is that time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its divine birthright. As such, humanity will become the "Essence of God". We believe that the keywords for The Age of Aquarius are enlightenment, freedom, creativity, hope, humanitarianism, idealism, awakening, philanthropy, universal love, and peace. The destiny of humanity in the Age of Aquarius is the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness. In the Aquarian Age, exploration, boldness, and courage will be aspired to. The Aquarian Age will be characterized by intellectual development. We will want reasons for our beliefs and 112 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 will want, as much as possible, to acquire knowledge first-hand for YOUR PRECIOUS DNA AND MORE ESPECIALLY THAT TERMED JUNK ourselves. DNA, IS WHAT MAKES THE 'YOU' AND 'YOUR' FIRE TWIN FLAME TOTALLY UNIQUE UNIVERSAL CREATIONS. DON'T GIVE IT AWAY AS it IS GOLD DUST AND NOW YOU ARE BEING DRAWN BACK TO FORM -In the Aquarian Age, we will all be THE WHOLE AGAIN! expected to develop the Light within to guide our own lives. We can only learn to guide our lives if we are free to make our own choices and if we can see the consequences of our choices, and The Time is Now ~ Age Of Aquarius ~ then learn from our experiences. 2012

-As a new Aquarian, we will judge our creations by our own standards, not UNITING the TWIN FLAMES by what others think. We will be guided by our inner vision, not by external praise or criticism. When we resonate with the world around us, we can learn to live in harmony with it. Your heart has been sad When we can resonate with Source Consciousness, we can understand through most of time. It has not been the Divine Law and Plan and can understand what we need to do to filled with what it so desired and move forward in the scheme of evolution. The Aquarian Age is an remembered to be the one true age of individual freedom love. You now move towards one and responsibility ~ we will another as the magnetic pulse of the learn to control and direct One Heart draws you closer and our own life. closer. This magnetic pulse escorts you into a place of We suggest if you want help remembering and reconnecting with navigating through the this divine union, but first you Aquarian Age, you should must reconnect with the leave room for silence in your life; create a center in One heart within self. your life, involving a http://www.awakening- connection to Source; maintain a compassionate HNewsLetters/Twin%20Flames%20Anthology.htm heart; connect with a community of like spirits in For the actual meeting up once more as Twin Flames, proves one universal friendship; become of the hardest, if not the most testing joint journeys of all. This is more self-reliant; avoid where 'ALL' the baggage inherited through life times, has to be being hypnotized by the "group trance"; take control of your everyday clearly recognised and placed on the table, no secrets, then attitudes and let go of external events for your inner fulfillment and challenged head on if hoping to move onwards and upwards, release the negatives of your world. In this way, we release together. The actual journeys naturally vary depending on life's materialism and superficiality and replace it with living and situations and specific circumstances for Twin Flames. loving things. It is time for us to look at the world with the eyes of a child and co-create a Harmonic Utopia NOW. Don't worry, as the greater creation ensures you meet up with a final -Remember that everything is energy. Anything can be morphed, link, but of course you have to play your part by remaining aware, transformed, re-created in the moment, simply by shifting our while also calling through your minds eye for the meeting to vibrational reality. evolve. You have to feel lessons are learned so this automatically draws your other divine half forward just as soon as they too are ready. Age of Aquarius -Do not hold or limit yourself from journeying forward by retaining any negative thoughts, bitterness or indeed regret one single aspect or moment of your life. Rather take all experiences as positives and Age of Aquarius From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia journeys you had to take, then things can progress forward as that originally designed. If there are still negatives attached, then merely holds one back from the other half and for longer periods. This Age Brings Forth The ReUnion Of Might even miss a divine opportunity and need to wait for another life The Twin Flames period to evolve. . In Order To Restore The Unity Of God's Creations And Collapse Duality Twin Souls - Twin Flames By Kirsten Jones maintext.htm 113 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 It is said that each and physically and to look beyond the ego, physical limitations and every soul has a age differences. spiritual counterpart or a twin that is their -The energy combined from both Twins, is different from that of exact polar opposite. individuals. It is a special offering that the Twins give to each When the soul was other and expend in their service to humanity. On our planet, out created it was of the darkness light will emanate, illuminated by an increased manifested in a number of flames. Each flame represents the conscious and God/Goddess image harmonious relationship between Twin Souls. As the numbers of from the infinite Twin Soul couples come together, there will be a multitude of flames; source. One twin an abundance of light and a profusion of energy on the Planet which polarized to the yin or would act as a catalyst and help to effectuate the expected female side and one breakthrough in consciousness for the evolution of Earth. twin polarized to the male or yang side. -Enlightened people are preparing themselves Each of the twins for this in their own ways, realizing it is time for us to awaken to our retained a seed of origins and our potential and take responsibility for their counterpart. These spiritual counterparts are linked together ourselves and for the earth. We believe that twin souls throughout eternity. Twin souls or flames embody a deep have a special contribution to make; their coming together in numbers unconditional love that is eternal, pure and of the highest form. at this time has a reason at both the individual and planetary level. When twin souls join, they generate a vortex of energy that may The love is "divine" in nature and is representative of the love that be seen as a light in the darkness of society's unconsciousness. the universe evokes. It is said that through a gracious dispensation granted by the Creator, Twin Flames from all frequencies are reuniting again in order to restore the Unity of all creations and to collapse duality. Gnosis_Secret_Gate_to_Garden_of_Ed en. However, before an individual can meet and unite with their Twin Flame there is a myriad of work to enhance the consciousness; such as releasing, healing and becoming an Inanna From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia integrated whole. The heart must be strong and resilient through suffering grief, pain and loss as well as experiencing many unified and loving soul mate relationships; which would The Marriage of INANNA & DUMUZI* contribute to the intensity of being finally united with the twin flame. A love correlation cannot exist in a co-dependent, ego-based relationship or from a perceived 'need' that another person would Sumerian Minor make them whole and complete. Each half must initially balance their inner male and female energies before they can unite. A Gods and Goddesses powerful resonant magnetic energy field with a flow of total and unconditional love can attract twin flames, invoking a spiritual connection between the trinity or triad of the Divine All That Is and the twin flames, joined by their one soul and eternally allied to God.

When each twin has achieved an equivocal equilibrium and both resonate to an identical vibration of the higher consciousness; the Twin Flame should automatically appear, as the creator has orchestrated the union. It will happen because the Twin Flames have been sealed irrevocably together from the moment of their creation.

-The meeting of another Twin Flame calls upon the individual to grow spiritually; heal Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth emotionally, mentally and

114 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 ENKI SPEAKS Messages From Enki: Humanity's he takes them on an unforgettable excursion Beyond Zero Point. Flower of Life, Drunvalo, Gregg Braden, Shift of the Ages, 2012, Father Marduk foils marriage of Enlilite Inanna & geologist, sacred journey guide, spiritual, Gregg Braden: Enkiite Dumuzi Scientist of Compassion (with a profound intuitive insight regarding the changes that we are undergoing)

Dumuzi and Inanna Awakening to Zero Point (Gregg Braden 1996) part2

Inanna & Ereskigal Awakening to Zero Point (Gregg Braden 1996) part3 Awakening to Zero Point (Gregg Braden 1996) part4 06 24 09 06 23 09 Garbage strike in Toronto will create the economic, health, environmental disaster needed to Sherry Live 6-22-2009 take down this "Rainbow Warrior Energy" city. Perfect time for the summer. Blame the Union leaders and government officials, who are Illuminati Demand the removal of FLUORIDE and puppets. Unions are BIG MONEY. Aspartame from our FOOD/Water SUPPLY. Liquor Board of Ontario strike?- Bad idea for the government cash flow. Best to drain peoples bank "Paid out professionals" know that it poisons you, accounts and create a STRIKE SCARE. With an dumbs you down and they need to be held Oshawa liquor warehouse the size of 10 accountable for the death and destruction of so HomeDepots, who can afford to keep it full. That many lives. Vaccines are deadly too. would hurt the government's payroll. $17 million made in ONE DAY- yesterday, for the bottled bad CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS need to be started. dream. Drain their bank accounts of the blood money stolen from the -You will now have less money for survival enslaved masses. necessities, once they cut off the electricity to the city. Booze is needed for mass mind control, FLUORIDE IS RAT aggression and depression. They won't suppress the POISON !!! SPIRITS too easily. (Alcohol gives low vibrational ASPARTAME !!! spirits access to your soul). Don't trust Big Brother. They can also manipulate what goes into the BOOZE The TRUTH About products too. Fluoride! Fluoride is Poison! Don't use it! Awakening to Zero Point (Gregg Braden 1996) pt 1

Water Fluoridation

"We are going through a time of tremendous change". archaeological research and stunning visual evidence, Braden reveals POISON? You bet your sweet the geophysical shifts predicted centuries ago – how the shift to "zero-point" influences our emotions, immune systems, and aspartame! even our genetic code – and how each of us can use the Five Essene Tenets of Compassion to help trigger a new era for humankind. Are these the lost keys to the next phase of human evolution? Gregg 'DIET' DRINKS ARE SPIKED WITH Braden invites viewers to watch, listen, and decide for themselves – as POISONOUS CHEMICALS! The world is 115 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 There was recent press coverage reporting that Barack Obama is a being poisoned by chemicals & sweeteners! cousin of Vice President Dick Cheney. What are we to make of the People are dying and the word isn't getting apparent fact that Obama is related to his political nemesis Cheney? In addition, when journalists asked Obama about Cheney being related to out, the media are covering this up! him, Obama replied something to the effect that he was not worried, although he was not going to go out on a hunting trip with him. That was a way of passing off a very strange political fact with a tongue-in- Vaccine Dangers By Ken Adachi never explained the uncanny fact that he and Cheney were indeed cousins. United States Presidents and The Masonic Power Structure. If you study the of famous Masons, just looking at a name means very little. When you date and place those names in the proper time line Vaccine Nation - Director's Cut (Gary Null) and placement of power you begin to see the deception and vastness of this power elite. What will shock you even more is to learn who the powers are behind the Freemasons. For most people, vaccinating themselves and their children seems like Notice the death's of non Masonic presidents or those who lost favor, a good idea. Vaccines are safe, effective and are supposed to protect and the shuffling of the vice presidents to get them in the position of us against dangerous infectious diseases - Right? Wrong! takeover before the presidents were killed or removed. Note also the number of presidential running mates who lost the race for presidency What you don’t know can harm you or kill you! were Masons also. A win win situation regardless of the outcome of the election. The Mason's have controlled this country from the In this groundbreaking film, you will: beginning.

* See the truth about the dangers of vaccines 06 21 09 Zionist/Vatican owned MEDIA and their direct relationship to autoimmune diseases, infections, allergies and a massive CONTINUES TO LIE TO YOU. increase of developmental learning and Emergency Broadcast! New World Order Ahead! behavioral disorders in children, such as NWO Programming: Autism. * Discover the truth about the history of vaccines and Problem- Iran elections Illegal as usual, unrest how they have NEVER been proven to be safe and effective for breaks out, fueled by provocateurs and UN anyone. * Witness the legacy of governmental deception and cover-ups associated with vaccines. * Learn about the corruption ROBOCOP within the scientific community and how vaccine studies are MILITARY seriously flawed. * You’ll also follow heart-wrenching, real life stories POLICE. of the parents and children devastated by the effects of vaccines. Join director Gary Null PhD and over 40 of the worlds foremost vaccine Reaction- experts in this shocking expose’ that will shatter the truth as you know HELL-ary it. DVD copies are available at and OBAMA ** on hand to show concern. Ignatieff and *** Netanyahu Barack Obama Related to Six US express their FALSE compassion for Iranians. (These SATANISTS are Compassionate and Presidents Concerned about controlling IRAN and the OIL) The New England Historic Genealogical Society released their genealogy report Tuesday after tracing the family trees of the top Solution- FALSE PEACE? MAITREYA coming soon? presidential candidates. Why Are Most If Not All U.S. Presidents UFO FAKE RAPTURE? ANTICHRIST SANANDA and Related to Each Other? A very bizarre fact of apparent political SANAT KUMARA? FALSE SAVIOURS after reality is that the majority of U.S. Presidents are related to one another in their family trees, as well as having lineage to the royal orchestrated economic collapse and global unrest? families of Europe. We are supposed to be a Republic, a kind of That's the PLAN! laissez-faire representative democracy, so what is up with these NWO Connections: Project Bluebeam and Presidents being related to each other? Is it coincidence? If we discover this to be the case with one, two, or possibly three examples, Scientology? then yes, an argument can be made that the matter was purely BBC Caught In Mass Public Deception coincidental, but there apparently are many examples of these strange hereditarial family tree relationships. With Iran Propaganda- News corporation uses photo from pro-Ahmadinejad rally, claims it 116 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 represents anti-government protest Morgellons From Wikipedia, the free with-iran-propaganda.html encyclopedia Where will the BOYS of DEATH BE- ONE MONTH Rense Morgellons FROM NOW? Bohemian Grove California Radio Specials %20Witchcraft/bohemian_grove_exposed.htm The Bohemian Grove Exposed George Bush, John Kerry, David Gergen, and many others have admitted their membership of the Skull and Bones AKA the Bohemian Grove. Woe unto America! Many of our nation's highest leaders worship Satan, and are willing servants of EVIL. They are controlled by Satan, Reported Positive Treatment for Morgellons the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls these By Daisy Baleen men through the occult (i.e., "hidden" organizations). Jesus said "in (I would suggest trying Oxygen bleach powder vs the suggested secret have I done nothing" (John 18:20), because He had nothing to chlorine products in the article above-Dana) hide. Why the secrecy from our nation's top leaders? It's because they are of the Devil. Skull and Bones is of the Devil. Freemasonry is of the Devil. The bizarre pagan ritual of the Bohemian Grove, the Cremation of Care ceremony, is practiced by its members (all men), including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger 06 18 2009 (8=numerology) to name but a few. About our CANADIAN Criminally -Just as Lilith is the demonic god of Bohemian Grove, so is Baphomet (the son of Lucifer and Lilith) the demonic god of Selected Government that our Illegal Freemasonry. Do you see how all these demonic occult organizations are linked together? TAX DOLLARS get wasted on! In modern Luciferianism, Lilith is considered a consort and/or an Parliament recesses on Friday to waste another aspect of Lucifer and is identified with the figure of Babalon. She is summer doing nothing for CANADIANS. Those who said to come from the mud and dust, and is known as the Queen of destroyed Canada and think that they will be safe now, in an off-shore the Sucubi. When she and Lucifer mate, they form an androgynous haven or underground are in for the surprise of your life. A being called "Baphomet" or the "Goat of Mendes," also known in well deserved one. Luciferianism as the "God of Witches." -SOURCE: The Church of Lucifer. Harper is a REAL NWO AGENT /// The Bohemian Grove is rooted in Luciferianism!!! The writings by Michael Ford, "The Foundations of the Luciferian Path," Big Picture: NWO in Canada contends that Lilith forms the Luciferian Trinity, composed of her, from Victor Toronto Street News Samael and Cain. Likewise, she is said to have been Cain's actual Dana::: It is likely that Rae's 25 trips to Sri mother, as opposed to Eve, but through her. Lilith here is seen as a Lanka involved the arms trade. goddess of witches, the dark feminine principle, and is also known as He was already exposed by ourselves for his the goddess Hecate. Maoist brother-in-law Gary Perly who smuggled chinese into Canada with the help of Maurice Strong who was known as "uncle 06 19 2009 (9=numerology) Moe" to Bob Rae as his decades long family friend. You know from a recent previous issue on page 14 Here comes the NWO. HAARP weather wars, the story about the Israeli zionists sending plagues, famine, pestilence, WAR. All in the fighter pilots from Israel name of GREED and EGO! Prepare for the "SHIT to Sri Lanka to kill Tamils. TO HIT THE FAN!" Canada is awake!! No More Tricks from NWO! The zionists have been selling arms to both Canadian Government Corruption sides and get weapons from Cambodia for at least The Zionist Elephant In The Room The David Icke one country. Newsletter 6-14-9 Zionists assassinated the leader of Sri Lanka George Galloway exposes Zionist propaganda // about 12 years ago and tried to get the Tamils blamed for it. The false The illuminati, the Middle East, & media charges fell through because they were innocent. propaganda // Mass Murder in Palestine Rae's latest lies claiming he is concerned for Tamils in his riding is just crap. m Bob Rae has achieved nothing in his so-called career except make contact with Wall Street bankers and other international intrigue.

117 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 His brother horribly bullied Ben Fulford when climate-change pact with the U.S. that would see Canada provide a their fathers were Canadian ambassadors to secure supply of oil and gas in exchange for adopting common Mexico. standards and mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gases. He tried to sell Ontario Hydro to Enron. This Question Period Lowlights guy was never an NDPer -- he is an international outlaw. lowlights.html Also, Ignatieff's riding has been a source of PM appointments - the local riding association Iggy-Tics picked their own candidate NAZI and in Chretien's day he appointed a black woman there -- the Liberals have embedded in their policy the quota of 5 MPs which they can appoint against the wishes of the local riding association. Chretien picked 5 in Toronto alone. Currenty, Dalton McGuinty also has the same powers given to him by Ontario Liberal Party. -- Victor 06 17 2009 IGGY manages to keep CANADIAN CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT afloat for now. "liberal" Ignatieff trying to take over HUMAN RIGHTS and WAR CRIMES CONTINUE. No Help for CANADIANS in a SATANIC NWO. CANADIAN APATHY Canada, OBAMA CONTINUES. style. We have no leadership. Does anyone care? GENOCIDE NEXT. EI -He was colleagues and close friends with Samantha Power, the won't fix our unemployment problem. Obama foreign policy adviser who resigned last spring after referring If you can't lead the country, move over so someone can. YOU to Hillary Clinton as “a monster” but has since fallen back into HAVE FAILED MISERABLY. COWARDS clinging to money and false favor with The One. hopes. Your children have been sacrificed for your greed and If Barack Obama were a Canadian his language would not be apathy. unlike that of Michael Ignatieff Fort McMurray wildfires burning near oil sands by who shared his design. thoughts on STEPHEN HARPER WANTED FOR POLITICAL America after the September 11th TREASON attacks in the March 2002 issue British literary magazine 06 16 2009 (6 numerology) Granta: DRAMA by design? Will we have a CANADA -While Obama was speaking out after this summer? When the Government against America collapses, it may just stay going to war in collapsed. Iraq in 2002, Ignatieff was writing editorials in favor of it. In the January 5, 2003 edition of POLY-TICS The New York Times Magazine, Ignatieff writes: We're In A Lot Of Trouble Obama's speech, filled with unctuous flattery toward the mythology of Islamic Supremacism Tehran’s Answer to Obama

Singing from Obama’s song sheet from-obamas-song-sheet-3197/ . Shortly after Obama became president-elect, Harper and his key ministers floated the idea of a 118 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Iraq lays bare the realities of America’s new role. Iraq itself is an "cradle to grave government dependency" programs imperial fiction cobbled together at the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919 by the French and the British and held together by force and kill incentive and ultimately hurt people violence since independence. Now an expansionist rights violator holds Ignatieff Grovels to Please The Lobby it together with terror. The United Nations lay dozing like a dog before the fire, happy to ignore Saddam, until an American president seized it ><> ><> ><> by the scruff of the neck and made it bark. Multilateral solutions to the world’s problems are all very well, but they have no teeth unless Osiris - The Ancient Egyptian God America bares it fangs. Ron Wyatt talking about JESUS blood sample Austrian Bishop Derides Orgy Claims -some 40,000 photos and videos found by church officials on computers at the seminary. While the Austrian Bishops' Conference issued a statement declaring that "homosexuality and pornography" could have no place at the seminary, Bishop Krenn refused to resign and appeared to compound the crisis by saying: By August 2007, just as the U.S. military surge was beginning to reap "This has got nothing to do with homosexuality. It's just boys' rewards, Ignatieff reversed his position on Iraq calling it “an unfolding pranks." catastrophe.” He was now in simpatico with Obama. Anger at Vatican Plan to Ban Altar Girls If Obama is America’s savior then Ignatieff is Canada’s prodigal son. After more than a quarter century abroad Ignatieff returned to A heated battle has been joined in the Vatican between moderates and Canada in 2005 to become a visiting professor at the University of conservatives over a directive, called for by the Pope, that would bar Toronto, his alma mater. However, the principle reason Ignatieff altar girls and stop millions of Roman Catholics around the world came home was because prominent Liberals wanted him to run dancing, or even clapping, in their churches. for Parliament and also viewed him as a successor to then Prime Minister Paul Martin. -Ignatieff sought the Liberal nomination in a $85m for church's sex victims Toronto riding for the January 2006 federal election. He won the nomination although some Ukrainian members of the riding objected "McMARTIN" RITUAL ABUSE CASES IN because they believed his 1995 book on nationalism Blood and Belonging to be pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian. Although MANHATTAN BEACH, CA Ignatieff was elected to the House of Commons, the Liberals lost to the Society needs to Conservatives after being in power for 12 years. Martin immediately know this information. If it is not done now, there will be incomplete resigned as Liberal Party leader thus intensifying speculation that data available to combat the next disaster of this general type. Three Ignatieff would be his heir apparent. Ignatieff jumped into the race to hundred years ago, Salem, MA became convinced that the area was succeed Martin in April 2006. His ascension was too fast, too soon for infested with witches; about two dozen innocent people were killed. In some. While Ignatieff did not crash and burn he made a couple of the 1980's, seven people were tried for imaginary ritual abuse crimes missteps which kept him from winning outright two years ago. The against young children. The next calamity may be sooner than three downside of his enigma would erect a temporary roadblock to his centuries from now. We need to be on guard. The best defense is to political career. fully understand the past. Many Liberals had reservations about Ignatieff’s position on Satanic Ritual Abuse Makes Gang Iraq. While Canada had troops in Afghanistan even the Tories did not dare send troops to Iraq. Although generally regarded as Stalking Seem Likelier pro-Israel, Ignatieff also raised the ire of some Jewish members of the Liberal Party in October 2006 when he accused Israel of -Members of the general public don't believe gang stalking can be committing war crimes in Qana, Lebanon during the Israel-Hezbollah happening. Linked are some news clippings about the equally horrible war three months earlier. His comments prompted the resignation of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) arena, which in fact practices the type of his campaign co-chair and then Liberal MP Susan Kadis as well as the child torture that produces MKULTRA-style "Manchurian Candidates". defection of several prominent Jewish Liberals to the Conservative Party. Lucifer's Lodge: Satanic Ritual Abuse in -Ignatieff earned Harper’s respect especially when Ignatieff emerged the Catholic Church as one of the few Liberals who supported the continuation of Sunday, 30 December 2007 by William H. Kennedy Canada’s military presence in Afghanistan. In May 2006, Ignatieff persuaded 23 other Liberals to join him in voting with -One fellow told me about being abused in a Catholic boy’s home in the Conservatives to extend the mission in Afghanistan to February what he called “the black room”, a ritual chamber used by priests 2009 (which has since been extended to July 2011.) After the vote, to rape young boys. Another man who also lived at this home told Harper crossed the floor of the House of Commons to shake me about certain devilish practices that occurred in the black room. Ignatieff’s hand. Ignatieff probably saved the Conservative After reading the Irish journalist Alison O’Connor’s book /A Message government from falling that day. from Heaven/ (2000) about the priest crisis in Ireland, I learned that a certain Irish priest used what victims (who like to referred to as Liberals: wolves in sheep’s clothing By “survivors”) called “the devil’s room” to molest children. Lloyd Marcus Monday, June 15, 2009 There seemed to be a network of these ad hoc ritual chambers being Liberal used by Catholic priests all over the world. This was all very hard to absorb. 119 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -My theory concerning the history of this cult that appears throughout we are not slaves any more but free citizens with the ability to dig for this study is certainly within the realm of conjecture and is not offered gold for ourselves, or so we think. Are we doing the digging and as being absolute. It acts more as a vehicle to initiate debate on the storing the gold for someone else? origin of this strange sect within the Church of Rome. (6-13-11 numerology) It must be categorically and emphatically stated that this study does 06 13 2009 not comprise a blanket indictment of Catholic priests. The vast NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO ESTABLISH a majority of Roman Catholic curates /keep /their vow of GOVERNMENT, BANK, EDUCATION, ECONOMY celibacy and never have sexual relations. Father Malachi Martin – himself a lifelong priest of the Church of Rome – claimed satanic and JUSTICE system of the PEOPLE, for the pedophile priests constitute only about one to two percent of PEOPLE. S=SERENITY all Catholic clerics worldwide, an estimate based on a secret Vatican Media sex study conducted from 1994-96 and which also concludes that well over 90 percent of Catholic clergy have never had sexual contact in ScrEWS their clerical lives. IRAN protesters -The major precept of a truly free society is its tolerance of and RoboCops clash on spiritual beliefs even if those beliefs are offensive to others or Tehran streets after oneself. elections, claiming -However, there are priests of the Church of Rome who have FRAUD. Ahmadinejad combined elements of Satanism and Catholicism in the rape of selected, but many say women and children and it is these individuals I am focusing on in that Mousavi won by a this book. In this regard I refer to them as “Satanists” and landslide. The VOTES “Luciferians” and I should point out that I am only referring to the have always been Catholic priests who were involved in SRA cases. Basically, Satanist fixed in a system priests invoke Satan’s name in magical hexes and offer sex OWNED by BIG BROTHER. rituals to Satan. Luciferian priests are those priests who mimic OBVIOUSLY IRAN is very upset with this selected LEADER again. The the actions of Lucifer and invert the Christian rites with election was for change, not to get the perverted sex rituals. Both sorts of Catholic priests have been well continuation of the same PROBLEM! aware of each other and have sometimes shared information. - A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story By Nancy Dunn 3.html -Satanists are an organized group; they even have a satanic calendar dictating what type of ritual should happen when. For example, Halloween requires the blood sacrifice of an infant; other dates require the sexual sacrifice of a teenage virgin. They attempt to control and destroy lives through a systematic dehumanization of the soul. That first memory—of seven hooded men standing round me—was of my seventh birthday. Because I was born on Easter Sunday, this made me somehow “special.” They would make a mockery of Christ’s -The Iranian President knows the Talk, SO.. Let's see the WALK! Resurrection as they abused me on each of my birthdays. -PEOPLE knew that it was fraud, but were TOO afraid of BACKLASH - I discovered that I was used as a baby breeder. I was from the government. Who would vote for a fear-based man? impregnated by my father or someone else in the group several George Galloway - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad times so that I would have a baby that they could use as a human blood sacrifice to Satan. A credible birth certificate conspiracy theory (Iran Election) | Revealed, six decades of 'ritual' child abuse: Catholic schools and orphanages damned in report The Daily Mail 2009-05-21 1184828/Revealed-decades-ritual-child-abuse-Catholic-schools- orphanages-damned-report.html The Gold Mission and the Christian Hell Is the Christian Hell some invention of the Church or have they copied the concept from a real Hell here on Earth? June 13 2009 | Steve Schippert -ALL of us NEED to turf that system of voting. They should vote online. hel.html One name, one vote. ALL AGES. We vote this way for a number of This real Hell was the creation of the alien gods who’s Commander things already. Enlil later became Yahweh and God. They could use as many slaves as they needed as gold miners and even as servants in their homes. ^^^ Our ancestors had no possibility to escape 'the hand of Nergal'. Today 120 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

Clinton in Canada with Canon discussing Buy America. GO 06 11 2009 = (6 -11- 11numerology) HOME HELL-ARY. You are a TERRORIST THREAT TO CANADA. Foreign Minister Lawrence Canon and CLINT-on discussed Iranian elections. Canon concerned about intimidation, and unfair ballot counting. CLINT-on..just WELCOME HOME CANADIAN wants a SATANIC NWO. TROOPS. STAY HOME! Hillary Clinton Also Worships Satan 1 year ago Harper apologized to First Nations for the GENOCIDES of the past. BUT...OBVIOUSLY that was a lie. ENGINEERED FLU PANDEMIC KILLING OUR FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE we speak. Cure All Disease. Shame on Dr. Donald Low-pandemic di$-Ea$e $peciali$t PANDEMIC ALERT- SCARE LEVEL 6 TODAY. Endeavour didn't fly today. NASA said there was a H2 leak WHO's (Whole Holocaust Organization) Margaret Chan said and was too dangerous. Why not go thru a wormhole like they that 27,737 (8) cases of h1n1 flu cases in the world, always do. Why the archaic machinery? For show? 2978 (8) cases in Canada, 141(6) deaths , in 74 (11) Digital MIND CONTROL TV kicks out rabbit ear analog today, in the USA. Be prepared to be ZOMBIED. SO much investment countries . Now they want to send antiviral drugs to third world for TeeVee, but nothing to help the Americans. MUST HAVE AN countries and get a vaccine by fall. ( Tamiflu expiring this year and AGENDA? YES, of course. Hypnotic MIND CONTROL and MASS $money$ needs to be spent on this poison. Also, the vaccine will GENOCIDE. Ufo's and NESARA deception with holographics. kill millions because BAYER and other PHARMA CORPS-es have Amanda Knox ( Seattle student) accused of murdering her British, designed it to kill you and infect millions of others. Mass college roommate is on trial, in ITALY . After all night police depopulation, Martial Law, Economic Devastation, and interrogation without a lawyer, she signed a statement that wasn't Enslavement after our inflation SOARS. true, because they said she was a stupid liar and she forgot. -Down with the CORRUPT JUSTICE SYSTEM! She talks about being -This will infect our paper currency/paper passports and the innocent, yet the COPS forced her to say that she killed her roommate, Illuminati will want to go CASHLESS. Millions dying and those that but didn't remember, beating the message into her. THAT IS THE WAY remain will have chip implants (in cards for the ELECT) (and inside COPS interrogate EVERYWHERE. JAIL and the ILLEGAL/LEGAL system the enslaved MASSES of WORKER BEES) . are BIG $MONEY$ for Big Brother. They are interested in JUST-US, not Justice. JUNE 2009 - MY DIRECTED ENERGY AND You need to WAKE UP. If you listen to them, you will perish. NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION CASE SUMMARY BY DESIGN- EDUCATION is pumping out Personhood Tour in Ottawa June 20, 2009 with drops outs in mass numbers. NO JOBS, but David-Kevin: Lindsay LOTS OF ARMY RECRUITMENTS. Your children The Energies for June 2009 are going to be sacrificed for the SATANIC NWO.

*** You will know them by their FRUIT Why are we in Afghanistan? Iran leader in Bush 'Satan' claim George Galloway vs. U.S Senate (5/17/05) The president has been making light of the risk of any confrontation with the outside world. According to the Iranian media, Mr Ahmadinejad said he had inspirational links to God, and went on George Galloway Defends Afghan Fighters at to say that if you were a true believer, God would show you miracles. Islam Peace Event Then the Iranian president said Mr Bush was similar to him. According to Mr Ahmadinejad, the US president also receives inspiration - but it is from Satan. He repeated: "Satan inspires Mr Bush." Taken from the Global Peace and Unity Event 2006 broadcast Live on The Islam Channel. George Galloway condemns the U.S. and George Galloway talking about war with Iran // Great Britain for killing "Afghans who reject the foreign Clinton Circus // Reacts To "Obama Will Bomb occupation of their country." He then accuses the U.S. Iran" government of faking interest in the genocide of Darfur only to get access to steal oil resources, effectively condemning any future U.S. intervention in the area. 121 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Get off the mind controlling MEDS, clean up ASPARTAME - Monsanto Bio terrorism - your air, water, land, mind, body, life, aura and Rumsfeld take back your children, country, soul, and ZIONIST funded Bob RAE MP, (King of Toronto integrity. DO NOTHING and they will GENOCIDE Centre)was turned and enslave the planet. away from SRI LANKA ONLY you..can by the government. change you! Only you can create WHO Foreign affairs said that CANADA's treatment YOU CHOOSE TO BE. of this Tamil genocide was unacceptable. CORRECT- our country Tell me why-gaza has been hijacked by the ZIONISTS, who funded the genocide in BRITISH MP GEORGE GALLOWAY ADDRESS SRI LANKA. Jason "Kiss Ass Kenney" was appalled at the Sri TO UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Lankan rejection. BE APPAULED WITH KENNEY. Kenney is also a ZIONIST PUPPET. Who would welcome ISRAELI MOSSAD terrorist supporters into their country. Want a hero cookie? Welcome to MISSISSAUGA WATCH. Please visit our website at News Roundup: Raitt not sorry, Rae stopped in (Banned from Canada) British MP George Galloway's complete address at the Univeristy of Toronto Sri Lanka and Fiat-Chrysler deal on the move Missisauga (UTM) From the Mississauga News: By: John Bkila March Posted: June 10, 2009, 9:42 AM by Shane Dingman News Roundup 31, 2009 11:09 PM - During his video appearance in Mississauga CANADA will have their genocide NEXT, if we keep this APATHY tonight, banned British MP George Galloway thanked Canada's GOING. immigration minister "for giving the anti-war movement such a Washington Holocaust Museum- An 89 year old white tremendous boost." Galloway lashed out at Federal Minister of supremacist shooter went into a Museum, killed the guard. CIA Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason Kenney owned media said that it was another 9-11 security scare.COPS when he was beamed into, via the Internet, a nearly full 588-seat were quickly on the scene to LOOK like HEROES. Washington has MiST theatre at the University of Toronto Mississauga. The scared! BOOO! Classic manchurian candidate victim controversial Brit was speaking from New York City because the again. Canada Border Service Agency ruled he was a threat to our It must be linked to the Illuminati in some way because they are national security and banned him from entering the country. "What responsible for 9-11. The numerology is IN YOUR FACE! (Most was meant as a four-city tour has turned into a national and terror is Illuminati orchestrated.) They are trying to start a race, international story. Mr. Kenney, thank-you for giving the anti-war religion, WHATEVER WAR, just to watch us kill eachother off. They movement such a tremendous boost with your eternal feed off fear. DON'T FEED THEM! blundering," said Galloway. You can read more at:

*** 06 10 09 ( numerology =9) IF YOU BELIEVE THE museum.html BULL ON TEEVEE, then your LIFE IS IN Richmond BC school district under "KIDNAPPING WARNING" . An anticipatory note SERIOUS DANGER! was left at the police station. That's all..just Toronto- SAY NO to Vending Machines, Soda or SCARE THE CHILDREN and PUSH a MICROCHIP Aspartame in SCHOOLS. Kick-back$ for the $chool board SOLUTION ON THEM AGAIN. If the note is at the are not worth your child being poisoned by PEPSI /COKE or any POLICE STATION..worry. Many of the POLICE have other Illuminati CARTEL "MODIFIED" products! Grow an organic pledged allegiance to a boy's SECRET SOCIETY and they are garden on your property, go hiking for some natural teas, set up a involved in this NWO agenda. Many are too stupid to know it, but bubble tea stand with ozonated clear water and other natural foods, are attracted by power and greed. Some are afraid to DO THE and have the students run it on community currency. You FAT RIGHT THING and others are BLACKMAILED. More like CHICKENS, CATS at the School Board don't give a Rat's Ass Not MEN. about those kids. It's about the money. PERIOD! Anybody pushing Aspartame should be sentenced to prison for attempted murder. 122 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

-Their gOD is Jah-bul-on. Lucifer- the dark JESUS=74 side of the sun.) Esus (Hesus ), i, m., I. a Gallic deity, to whom human blood was offered, Inscr. Orell. 1993; Luc. 1, 445; Lact. 1, 21, 3. One reads:... "Hesus-Mars is appeased in this mannner: they hang a man from a tree until his members fall off from the loss of blood"). The other reads: ... "They think that Esus is Mercury, although he is honored by the merchants, and as war leader and great god of the heavens they have Taranis-Jupiter, who was once appeased by human heads but who is now content with herds"). THE NAME OF THE GREAT DRAGON The followers of Satanas name him with heroic names, such as "Angel of Light"; "The Sun"; -they discredit yahweh, change the y to j, jah... after all they "The Saviour"; "Jahbolos" worship satan/lucifer, morals and dogma, albert pike. doesn't correspond with their great heroe; that fact is revealed only to few of them. For that reason, -also wahe = yhwh = yahweh, sikhs say wahe-guru, reader must have present all the as creator/source, the sound is the same as time who is the person that names yahweh/yhwh. ek onkaar = one creator. this very wicked angel. In Genesis "the order worships another being, the Great Architect of the Universe, 3 he is set as enemy, adversary Jahbulon, whose nature bears a strong resemblance to that of Lucifer. of the man, that is Satan. In The freemasons are compelled to believe in TGATU (the Great Ioannes 8:44 he is named Architect of the Universe). According to the freemasons, Jahbulon is Murderer and liar; that is the Creative Being. The Thrice Grand Master Builder, the Jahbolos. Most of the names that Nameless Spirit with a Hundred Names." he gives to himself have more that "Above the altar is seen the Star of David, sometimes the red one meaning, such as AL. He also fivepointed star with a G in the centre. The G stands for the God of divided the sounds of his names the freemasons, Jahbulon. This is a compound of the names of three and gave one sound to some, and gods: Yahweh of Israel, Baal of Canaan (or Bel of Babylon) and other sound to others; for the Egyptian On (another name for the god of death Osiris). The instance, some called him JAH, and others BOL http://iesous- last two are also called upon at black magic and Satanist ceremonies. The G officially stands for Geometry. Only upon attaining Revelation 20:2 kai {and} ekrathsen a high degree is the freemason informed that the Great Architect of {he laid hold of} ton {the} drakonta the Universe is called Jahbulon. In the degree called the Holy Royal {dragon,} ton {the} ofin ton {serpent} Arch (13th), the appearance of the masonic god Jahbulon is arcaion {ancient,} oV {who} estin {is} revealed. He has a spider's body and three heads - that of a cat, DiaboloV {Jahbolos} kai {and} SatanaV a toad, and a human head. In this way the father god, the god {Satanas,} kai {and} edhsen {bound} auton of the heavens and the god of death were united. {him} cilia {a thousand} eth {years,} -"G means also GENERATIVITY. Compass and square mean male When the Hebrew Saoul asked "Who art and female. I translate the square also as V, the mark of Lucifer. - (SoF note) Thou, Lord?", In Authentic and perfect "As is well remembered the masonic deity Jahbulon has the body Hebrew, the Lord said: IESOUS. He never said, of a spider. Spiders tend to spin their nets." So internet is the web "Iesus", "Iesu", "Jesus"; certainly the "J" was introduced later, as it is of spider Jahbulon. We use in our e-mail the sing '@' that it is a well recorded serpent spire. WWW means VV VV VV = 6 x V. (SoF note) -The Islamism, the Crusades, the Inquisitions all were planned and conducted by the Secret Societies in order to destroy the true books of the evangelios and the books of the Hebrews Persons as Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, Jack Chick, Pat Robertson are workers and worshippers of the Antixristos JESUS CHRIST. BIBLE=BIBLIA=BIBL-IAH which is "the Writings of IAH". The reader must understand that the Roman Church destroyed the real Scriptures in order to give to the nations the scripture of the beast IAH, that is BIBLIAH. Dear reader, please Wake UP, King James and his fellows belonged to the same secret societies that Wescott and Hort, Nestle, the popes, Jack Chick, Graham, Benny Hinn, and thounsands of satanic preachers that hate IESOUS XRISTOS, you never hear these sounds in their mouths. (SHIVA has many limbs too)- spider/human Atlantean hybrid gone haywire? 123 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Was Hitler a Rothschild), on behalf of his friends and backers. Xristos=The king of the Jews= the Iesous Xristos Savior of the World. Those who hate the divine nature of our savior have destroyed the right sound by placing the strange name Christ, THE FOLLOWERS OF THE MASONIC JEHOVAH'S which is not in the source sound and can not reproduce the original WITNESSES name JESU (IESV, Ie?u) is the highest jewish The satanic leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses know very well that Jehovah is Satan, for that reason they insist in placing him in . So, without any doubt, when a curse the New Testament as it was placed in the Old Testament for the evil person says "Jesu Xristos" is saying "Damn pharisees; Sadly their followers don't pay any attention to same words Xristos", and when he or she says "Jesus of their leaders: Christ" he/she is really saying "Anti Xristos". If The Watchtower says in The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the the reader wants to read more about the Greek Scriptures, 1984, p. 12, "While many are inclined to view the blasphemous word Christ, please go to Anti pronunciation 'Yahweh' as the more correct way, we have retained Xristos, Hoaxology; Fact is Fact. The reader the form 'Jehovah' because of people's familiarity with it for must search for the real meaning of the word centuries." "GOD", because not by chance is the relationship DOG-GOD. http://iesous- Odin/Woden;The Gauls used to appease Hesus and Teutas with human blood;Hu=Hesus;196.105. Lactantius, Lucanus and Minutius Felix say that they had three gods who they in their language were called Esus, or Hesus, Teutatem and Taranis. The learned mostly take them to be Mars, Mercury and Iupiter, -Muhammad became suicidal- And, as a result of his experience Muhammad became depressed and suicidal. Muhammad had a mental disease that caused him to live in the darkness of doubt and fear. Is the true God the author of In many of their publications the masters of the organization have said Muhammad's horrible so: Jehovah is not the name of Theos, but their followers don't experience? Or did Satan care and lie to themselves affirming 'Jehovah is the proper name of cause him such pain? theos', and hide the rest: Je-ho-vah is the name of the god of this evil world AMERICA UNDER THE CURSE OF THE MASONIC MORMONS JOSEPH SMITH WAS AN ADULTER AND FORNICATOR -Be this enough to demostrate that Jesus, AL, Eloah, Allah, Jah, The Pastor of the First Satanic church and the author of the Satanic Jehova, Yahweh, Jeshua, Yahshua, Jehoshua, the tetragammaton, Bible , Anton Lavey, wrote in the book under internal gods one of Messiah, are some of the blaphemous names mentioned in Revelation them is listed as Mormo, which is the God of the living dead, and 17:3, all of them lead to hell far from Iesous Xristos whose name the king of the Gouls. The followers of Mormo, are called Mormons. doesn't change: Through the ages and countries Iesous Xristos has -There is substantial evidence to show that Joseph Smith was sealed been the same name: The apostle Saoul and the demons knew the to the wives of other men. This occurred while the men were still name Iesous Xristos without hesitation: The apostle Petros never legally married to their wives. Sometimes these second marriages changed the name of his Lord and friend Iesous Xristos: even occured outside the presence of their husbands. -The founders of both "faiths", the Mormons and Jehovah's Many of the poor guys were witnesses, were of the Illuminati bloodline. Charles Taze Russell, on their missions when who founded the Watchtower Society (JWs), was of the Illuminati Joseph Smith married Russell bloodline, which also founded the infamous Skull and their wives. The most Bones Society at Yale University. Charles Taze Russell was a unfortunate men came back Satanist, a paedophile according to his wife, and a friend of the from their missions with Rothschilds. Indeed it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's their wives pregnant. How Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers, would you feel if the Prophet through "contributions" by organisations like the Rothschild-controlled asked you for your wife? B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key How would you feel if you people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President came back from a business of B'nai B'rith. Why would an organisation set up (in theory) to help trip or a mission to find your Jewish people and promote the Jewish faith, be funding into existence wife months into pregnancy? the Jehovah's Witnesses?? I think the name Rothschild answers the question. Russell was also a high degree Freemason and Knights Templar. He promoted Zionism, another Rothschild creation (see 124 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 WITHOUT ANY DOUBT: MORMONISM IS A GATE TO HELL -Children are put in a situation where they believe they are -Joseph Smith, along with Hiram Smith and Brigham Young, were going to die, such as being buried alive or placed in a plastic bag and the key figures behind the creation of the Mormon religion. They were immersed in water. Prior to doing so, the abuser tells the child to of the elite of the elite Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian or pray to Jesus to see if He will save her. Imagine a seven-year-old "Holy Grail" line, and were all high degree Freemasons. They girl, having been told she is going to die, praying to Jesus to save her were also Satanists and formed their "church" as a front for Satanic and nothing happens — then at the last moment she is rescued, activity which very much still goes on today. Why wouldn't it, that is but the person saving her is a representative of Satan. He uses what it is there for. The Mormon empire was funded into existence this experience to convince her that the only person who really cares by the Rothschilds through their Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded about her is Satan, the Russian Revolution and Adolf Hitler, and yet again B'nai Brith, the she is Satan's child Rothschild intelligence arm and defamer of genuine researchers, was and she might as well involved. become loyal to him. -The Mormons were also created as a front for Satanism and, -Just before or shortly like the Watchtower Society, Enochian magic.When I spoke in Salt after their baptism Lake City near to the Mormon Temple, I came across the fascinating into the church, book by William J. Shnoebelen called Mormonism's Temple of Doom. children are Schnoebelen was initiated into the Wicca religion, then into baptized by blood Freemasonry, before going through the Mormon initiation in the Salt into the satanic Lake temple. He shows in great detail that all three initiations were the order which is same. The same oaths, secret handshakes, and garb. Of course they meant to cancel out are. We are looking at one face here hidden by many masks. The Salt the baptism into Lake temple is covered with Illuminati symbols, like the All Seeing the Church. They will Eye, and it is built with granite, a rock which has been used be asked if they throughout the ages for temples on earth power centres and for understand or have esoteric initiation. The Mormons also use the bee symbol, a classic ever felt the Holy symbol of the Merovingian bloodine which people like the author, Ghost. When they reply that they have, they will be reminded of the Sir Laurence Gardner, want to kid us goes back to "Jesus" horrible things they have participated in and will be told that they have when in fact it is the "Holy Grail" bloodline of the Illuminati, become a son (or daughter) of perdition and, therefore, have no the "purest" reptilian line. choice of being saved or loved by our Father in heaven or Jesus. Most Joseph Smith carried a dove victims are suicidal. They have been brainwashed with drugs, medallion given to him by an hypnosis, and other means to become suicidal as soon as they English masonic lodge. The dove start to tell the secrets. They have been threatened all of their lives is Illuminati symbolism for that if they don't do what they are told their brothers or sisters will Queen Semiramis, the female die, their parents will die, their house will burned, or they themselves deity in their Babylonian trinity. will be killed. They have every reason to believe it since they have The Mormon Church, like the seen people killed. They believe they might as well kill themselves instead of wait for the occult to do it. Some personalities feel it is the right thing to do. (more) -Of course, Benny Hinn is just one of the thousands pentecost satanists in every place in the world, among them: William Marrion Branham, Kathryn Kullman, Ellen White, Charles Russell, and all of those that can not identify that the Lord Iesous Xristos is the same one of the Old Testament:

Watchtower Society, is also a front for trauma-based mind control. Many survivors have told of their horrific torture in Salt Lake City in Mormon buildings and centres. The Mormon genealogy operation is also a front behind which the Illuminati keep track of the reptilian bloodline, who has it to a "pure" enough level and who has not. -Ritualistic child abuse is the most hideous of all child abuse. The basic objective is premeditated — to systematically and methodically torture and terrorize children until they are forced to dissociate. The torture is not a consequence of the loss of temper, but the execution of well-planned, well thought-out rituals often performed by close relatives. The irony is that one of the objectives of the occult is to create multiple personalities within the children in order to keep the "secrets." They live in society without society having any idea that something is wrong since the children and teenagers don't even realize there is another life occurring in darkness and in secret. However, when sixty witnesses testify to the same type of torture and murder, it becomes impossible for me, personally, not to believe them.

125 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -Albert Einstein, and other Scientists and philosophers worshipped the Phallic Worship or the worship of the male sex great god PAN BAPHOMET. Pan (Greek Pan, genitive Panos) is the organ. Greek god who watches over shepherds and their flocks. He has the ^^^ Sir Laurence Gardner & William F. Buckley Jr, Reptilian Shape-Shifters?http://educate-

hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a satyr, and is one of the deities within the archetype of the Horned Merovingian Bloodline God. His parentage is unclear; in some legends he is the son of Zeus I have most strongly contended in my own books and talks that this and in some he is the son of Hermes. His mother is said to be a claim about the bloodline of "Jesus" is a diversion from the fact nymph. that the "Holy Grail" or Merovingian bloodline is a key reptilian -THE GREAT RULERS HAD NOT HUMAN MORAL: AKHENATEN WAS A bloodline from which vast numbers of people in royal, political, TRANSEXUAL AS BAPHOMET TEACHES - Akhenaten was 14 1/2 economic, religious, and military power today, genetically feet tall, not counting his headdress. When I stood next to this, the descend. It is the desire to maintain this reptilian genetic top of my head came up to the widest part of his hips. Nefertiti was structure which has led to the obsessive interbreeding for aeons to ten feet-something. She was actually small for her race. The the present day of the "elite" families. daughters were also very tall. This is according to Thoth. Sir Laurence himself calls these "Holy Grail" bloodlines the "dragon" bloodlines, but claims that this term derives from the use of crocodile fat in the royal ceremonies of ancient Egypt. I would contend that the word "dragon" has a much more fundamental meaning than that. These bloodlines, which have invariably ended up in the positions of power since pre-history, have a much more dominant reptilian genetic code which has resulted from interbreeding thousands of years ago between a reptilian race (the "Serpent" race of endless legend) and the mammal- dominated bloodlines which we call "human". A great deal of truth, spun with the idea that these dragon bloodlines are not literally reptilian and are, instead, the genetic stream of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. In an article in Nexus Magazine, he acknowledges that ancient legends said these lines were literally shape-shifting reptilians, but in an obvious swipe at The Biggest Secret, he says that it is astonishing in these more enlightened times that anyone can still believe it. -According to Arizona Wilder and now Stewart Swerdlow, however, Sir Laurence Gardner has other duties also. Here I am going to outline in Swerdlow's own words what he says his experiences have been of Sir Laurence, and indeed William F. Buckley Jr., the head of the elite Janus mind control operation based at NATO headquarters in Belgium: Obama as Stewart Swerdlow told me: Manchurian In the ceremony they would have Candidate by sacrifices and during the Webster Tarpley / bloodletting, especially if there Barackhenaten were infants involved, these beings would change into a THE MASONS reptilian form. And the interesting CONTROL AND thing about it is that there would MANAGE THE be this yellow-green slime residue PORNOGRAPHY after the ceremonies. It would be Masonry has on my body and on the altars and incorporated into its symbolism 126 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 on the flooring. I have also since found it on my children as well, which However, when they do that their psychic abilities are not very is disturbing to me. strong and that's why they have the ceremonies and why they -During the ceremony Gardner would be the one that would need a mammalian form with the human harmonics in order to actually take over from the Mother Goddess. There was also a access higher levels of awareness. (This is why people like Arizona male counterpart to the Mother Goddess and he (Gardner) would Wilder are mind controlled to conduct the ceremonies for them). actually take a blade from the male figure and he would plunge It is the resonance or the vibration of the blood, which creates an it into the infants body. And then he would, having shifted into energetic field that they can access. And they get plugged into it. reptilian form, he would devour the intestinal body of the That's why infants and foetuses are so important to them, because it's infant.-William F. Buckley Jr. (the American publisher who so energetic and so pure that they can really access the switching heads the elite Janus mind control project at NATO from one point to another very easily. headquarters) was the most awful of all of them. Quite -HISTORICAL BACKGROUND honestly he used his teeth a lot. He used to bite a lot. He got The reptilians were the first ones pleasure out of hurting people by biting them after he shape-shifted. to colonize this planet. That's why To this very day I have an aversion to that kind of thing. they consider it theirs. When this In his shape-shifted form, Gardner was like a whitish-grey other group, a more human form colour and had a very pointed back of his head. His eyes were kind of came and colonized, and there were elongated, but not so reptilian, it was almost like they were a cross battles here, the human form between human and reptilian. But dark, like a dark, golden brown. And actually won on the surface and he was not very tall, he was only about six-foot when he shifted. the reptilians went underground Buckley was taller, he was around seven feet when he shifted, and that's where the rumours of hell and he had a split in his crown, in other words it looked like horns and stuff came from. That was about instead of the top of his head. And he was rounder, more of a greenish 200,000 years ago. It's not as white colour. recent as people think. You see we were indoctrinated a lot at Montauk. We were told that The original reptilians are coming there were seven levels of the reptilian race and the heirarchy of back, they are here now, and the ones who remained on this them were very similar to the Hindu caste system. So there were planet developed their own little sub-culture, which went accordingly different shapes that occurred. The lower levels never against what the overall plan was. And now they're afraid of their really shifted, they were the little worker drones, if you want to call it own people. There's a lot of scurrying around, if you want to call it that. The top of the line, the Brahmin-type, were very tall and that, to protect against the original population that's coming back and winged (the Draco I talk about in the Biggest Secret and Credo there's going to be a gigantic battle on this planet in the next few Mutwa describes in The Reptilian Agenda videos). years. I think there's going to be war and the human-reptilian hybrids -SHAPESHIFTING that are here are going to defend themselves against the originals, the There are locked sequences true-breds. and open sequences in This planet does not have any greatness to it, in or of itself, it's the DNA. Open sequences location it has within the galaxy and the location it has within manifest physically as a inter-dimensional travel that makes it so desirable. That's why characteristic. These this place is so important." people have the ability to So make of all that what you will. If Sir Laurence Gardner has any lock off certain genetic reply to what Stewart Swerdlow is saying, please send it to this codings while they open website and I will make sure that every word is printed with equal others. When that prominence. happens there is a literal David Icke transformation of the Web posted at: cellular structure, which changes from a mammalian to a reptilian 06 09 09 form. So it's not like the HERE COMES THE FLU PANDEMIC- human form goes anywhere, it just shifts, it By Design. Don't get that vaccine! changes into a reptilian form because those GENOCIDE. Cure for All Diseases- sequences are opened. They also have the ability to shift Hulda Clark ebook here MUST READ/SAVE! and the it back. BECK PROTOCOL But they do need mammalian hormonal levels in order to -Manitoba first nations people are the targets of maintain the human form. Their base-line form is reptilian. the first mass outbreak of the NWO FLU PANDEMIC (Princess Diana's confidant, Christine Fitzgerald, told me that the House of Windsor wanted to interbreed with Diana's genes GENOCIDE. They need to remove the ones that are because they were in danger of becoming too reptilian in their spiritually connected to the CREATOR and the genetics and would not have been able to maintain a human form for populations who will resist the NWO. YOU'RE NEXT many more generations - see The Biggest Secret) . All humans on this planet have reptilian DNA. That's why we have WHITE MAN! They want our land and water. the reptilian brain. Just watch a foetus in the womb and you'll see Unions, civil society force Harper retreat on it go through a reptilian form before it becomes human. And Colombia free trade that's what they are doing. They are able to shift that DNA back to The Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) was withdrawn the reptilian form and manifest that physically. from the table while being debated for its second reading in Canadian 127 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Parliament on May 27, 2009. Stalled for now, the CCFTA will certainly be back: it has not been defeated, and its proponents (the Conservatives and some of the Liberals) await an opportunity to bring it back. The following set of questions and answers are intended to help those in Canada trying to stop the CCFTA (or see to it that it stays down). Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the CCFTA represents "modern economics". Is this true? Redeye What's wrong with Canada- Colombia FTA May 1, 2009| Manuel Rozental is the elected member of the Directorate Democratic Pole political party in Colombia. He says free trade cannot be achieved without repression and violence. OOO Montauk Project From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment Montauk Project and Reptilian Mind 06 08 2009 (numerology=6/8/11) Control 1 of 12 Media ScrEWS North Korea's problem, reaction, solution WOW- MUST REVIEW Stewart Problem- North Korea Swerdlow apparently holding Author Stewart Swerdlow spoke about a Reptilian race which lives journalists from Al Gore TV underground and first came here over 800,000 years ago. This captive in North Korea to information was imparted to him, he claimed, during the 13 years he use them as pawns. served as an experimental subject in a government-sponsored mind control project in Montauk, NY. Reaction- HELL-ary Between 200,000 to 300,000 people were experimented on in Clinton says 'Something Montauk, and most of them did not survive, he said. Now, mind control can be employed worldwide via satellites, he noted. must be Done to Avoid a Among the details Swerdlow shared about the Reptilians: War! North Korea are the They originated in the Draco star system, and arrived in our Terrorists.' solar system via hollowed-out asteroids. They colonized a Pacific content called Lemuria and later battled with Solution- Another war the Atlanteans. blamed on AmeriKa, orchestrated by the Eventually they formed a hybrid race with the Atlanteans. It is from this group that the Illuminati or ruling families descended. Vatican/Queen/Bush Boys & Talmud Zionist There are seven different species in the Draco empire. One type has Satanists of IsRAel, and funded by YOUR white segmented skin, cat-like eyes, wings, and a pronounced jaw and BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS! Reptilian Al Gore is teeth. The Illuminati are planning a "staged alien invasion" to trick going to try and negotiate their release from prison. people into forming a one-world government and they'll use Goody for Gore! He will help bring in NESARA- the holographic technology to project imaginary battles, Swerdlow BEAST BRIBE. warned. Ultimately, they seek to send millions of people out to voa59.cfm colonize habitable moons of Jupiter and Saturn, he added. Literary Credits include: Blue Blood-True Blood, The Healers Handbook, The Hyperspace Helper George Kavassilas is back with new information. He has very important information to share with us regarding our soul journey and ascension process. "Please understand the Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Council of Light of which I am a part is not the same as a group calling themselves the Galactic Federation of Light. At the time I gave my 2004 presentation I too was being manipulated by the Galactic Federation of Light, however the majority of information provided is valid. As you read and understand my work this distinction will become important to each and everyone of us. " ~ George Kavassilas 128 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 The Japanese Herbivorous Man...the NEW MAN / the Wholly Healthy Man! Finally an end to future wars. WELCOME INDIGO and CRYSTAL CHILDREN.

06 07 2009 (6 numerology) NESARA- 18th May, 2009 SEQUENCE CHANGES- BEWARE of this DECEPTION- ATON represents the DARK SIDE OF the SUN.This is the BEAST BRIBE. (Annunaki, Real Problem-look who is telling the story and project bluebeam, false prophet, anti-christ. Messiah doesn't come to save the economy. Those that choose the money trail, choose funding the global usual. Kick these NESARA ($$$$$$). Others will be tricked into thinking that UFO's will Shape-Shifting Reptilians off their throne take the healthy off planet, to another world. already! -HUMANS are FOOD for these guys, so *** you will be farmed as sheeple. -Acapulco Mexico TARES are those that do not tourism destroyed due to gun fights between the listen/hear the call to return to World fascist army and the the ways of the CREATOR (pure CIA drug cartel gun gangs. love, truth, knowledge). Those who remain on Civilians and tourists EARTH are the WHEAT. All Things Common caught in the CROSSFIRE. and WARNING e books ILLUMINATI NESARA BRIBE for your SOUL-These hollow earth tanking the airline aliens can't get their act together. Their ships keep crashing from the economy now. Blaming the orgone saturated skies, apparently. Ridiculous promises of airline crashes on poor pilot training. How about "mystery crashes" $MONEY$,after the total takeover of our planet, with DEATH and with an agenda...sounds more realistic here. DESTRUCTION. Raitt gets Ratted on- Mystery tape in the Parliament -Due to Investigating these conspirators myself, I have been attacked by their energy weapons and black majik. Needless to say, you learn washroom revealed a damaging conversation for Lisa Raitt. to protect yourself. Realize that these are LIGHT WORKERS ( LIGHT - Natural Resources "Selected" Minister for the Steve "LACKEY" Harper manipulators). puppet government called the Medical ISOTOPE crisis SEXY in - MONEY, POWER, PATRIARCHY, January. The crisis is about the money and Lisa thought it would help MASONIC/SATANIC connections with her political career, if she took the credit for FIXING IT. the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City, Her AID MacDonnell, was let go for leaving the SECRET ISOTOPE Utah and the NEW JERUSALEM in CHALK RIVER documents at CTV last month; now her TAPE recorder Israel-( the heart of ZIONISM). (found in the parliament bathroom last February with damaging - ATON is their LORD. If you think evidence against LISA) appeared in the Halifax Chronicle Herald Office. ATON is a nice guy, then why is their Has LIBERAL PARTY Scandal written all over it. KEEP UP leader going to destroy the ILLUMINATI You will save ( those that follow the ways of this THE POLITICAL APOCALYSE. GOD of WAR and DEATH). I'm glad you Canadians a whole lot of misery. Will we see feel safe, cause I wouldn't. holographics next? St. GERMAIN is the same VAMPIRE LISA also cut up the Health Minister. Quotes from the Raitt Tape: 'I'm who incarnated as Sir Francis Bacon ready to roll the dice on this' (aka Shakesphere) and gave us the King PEDOPHILIA JAMES Version of the /quotes-from-the-raitt-tape-i-m-ready-to-roll-the-dice-on-this.aspx BIBLE. Wanna believe this guy again? HARPER STILL wants you on board. WHY ARE YOU TWO SO TIGHT? Bribe- MONTHLY COMPENSATION Compensation for banking Bound by Secrecy ...NO DOUBT! and tax fraud, paid to all citizens and permanent residents, a sum Have a nice day LISA....your EI cheque will NOT BE IN THE MAIL! reportedly to be about $75,000 monthly over a ten year period, >>> was originally stated to start about one year after the announcement. RE-PRICING OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Reduced to 1/10th of their current value. Initially planned for 30 days after the 129 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 announcement, then about 90 days after, but as this will entail -MOSES/Akhenaton, now pharoah, closed all the temples of the equivalent action in other major countries throughout the world, the Egyptian gods, building new ones to Aten, an omnipotent God who actual timing is still somewhat up in the air. In due course the use had no image-the equivalent of Adonai (Lord). Akhenaton was the of money will be discontinued. (Why BRIBE them with MONEY last important ruler of the 18th dynasty and notable as the first IN THE FIRST PLACE? WHY THEN DISCONTINUE MONEY historical figure to establish a religion based on the concept of LATER?) monotheism. He, MOSES established the cult of Aton, or Aten, the Who is going to work if we have all that money? That money bribe is sun god or solar disk, which he believed to be a universal, worthless unless someone gets to be enslaved. Money doesn't plant, omnipresent grow and process food...people do. spirit and the sole Michael Tsarion - Akhenaton and the creator of Dark Side of the Sun the "Aton is, as we have demonstrated, universe. Jehovah. And Jehovah is the It was upon Phoenician-Persian Yawnah, the the mountain Welsh Jawnah, the English Jon, at Sinai that Jehovah first announced his presence to Moses. meaning "sun." Aton is Adni or Agni, Being an Aten supporter, Moses asked this new lord and master the Sun-Lord of the Hindus. He is Don who he was - and the reply was 'I am that I am', which in phonetic of the ancient Celts and Phoenicians. Hebrew became Yahweh (Jehovah). However, for the longest time The latter had founded the cities of afterwards, the Israelites were not allowed to utter the name Jehovah, Thebes and Avaris in Egypt. The except for the High Priest who was allowed to whisper it in private Druids at these cities, and at other once a year. The problem was that prayers were supposed to be said locations, brought the world the to this new godhead - but how would he know they were to him if his Solar Theocracy, one which was name was not mentioned? corrupted later into Atonism and While the deaths of other gods in Sumerian history are recorded, into Judeo-Christianity. Akhenaton not only brought political gods such as Timat, Mummu, Apsu and Dumu-zi, this new god havoc to his country, he brought theological havoc to the world Jehovah, on the other hand, is said to be from everlasting to of religious ideas also. He and his coterie, the "Brotherhood of the everlasting. (Psalm 90:2) Snake" (Bramley), did not worship light in the manner of the Druids. According to Gardner, the Israelite exiles from Egypt knew that Their understanding of the sun and of light was not akin to that which Jehovah was not the same as Aten (their traditional Adon or we possess today. Judeo-Christianity is the child of Atonism, and Lord), and so they presumed he must be the equivalent of the great is also controlled by those elites, involved in the worship of the State God of Egypt - even if not one and the same. It was decided, dark side of the sun. Another word for this kind of worship, that a therefore, to add the name of that State-god to all prayers thereafter, true Christian might use, is Luciferianism. Lucifer is a god of light, and the name of that god was Amen. To this day, the name of Amen or rather, of the dark side of light. The secret fraternities, which is still recited at the end of prayers. Even the well-known Christian preserve the most antique doctrines of the Chaldeans, Druids and Lord's Prayer (as given in the Gospel of Matthew) was transposed from Medes, are also responsible for turning the gnosis of light into a an Egyptian original which began: 'Amen, Amen, who art in heaven travesty, in order to deceive the human race and cause ...';wap2 metaphysical incongruence. If one was to say that Aton was As for the famous Ten Commandments, said to have been conveyed to Lucifer, they would not be too wrong. If one was to say that Jehovah Moses by God upon the mountain, these too are of Egyptian origin, was Lucifer, the Martian god of light and war, they would also -Not only were the Ten Commandments drawn from Egyptian be correct" ritual, but so too were the Psalms (which are attributed to King lucifer-the-dark-side-of-the-sun-pitt-t215145.html David) reworked from Egyptian hymns. Even the Old Testament Michael Tsarion Michael Tsarion was born in Northern Ireland and is a book of Proverbs - the so-called wise words of Solomon - was researcher of the occult. translated almost verbatim into Hebrew from the writings of an & Egyptian sage called Amenemope. These are now held at the British Michelangelo 's Moses with horns. Museum, and verse after verse of the book of Proverbs can be from attributed to this Egyptian original. It has now been discovered that Volume 2 Where Were You Before the Tree of life? even the writings of Amenemope were extracted from a far older work;wap2 called The Wisdom of Ptah-hotep, which comes from more than -The boy, Aye or Amanda (born around 1394 BC), was one day to be 2000 years before the time of Solomon. known as Moses. He was educated by the Egyptian priests of Ra, In addition to the Book of the Dead and the ancient Wisdom of and went on to live in Thebes as a teenager, taking the name of Ptah-hotep, various other Egyptian texts were used in compiling Akhenaton because of his believe in the one god, Aton, rather than the Old Testament. These include the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin believing in the pantheon of Egyptian gods. By this time, his Texts, from which references to the Egyptian gods were simply mother had gained more power than the queen who had not been able transposed to relate to the Hebrew god Jehovah. to bear sons, only a daughter,Nefertiti. -What is particularly interesting is that, historically, this was not fully -Akhenaton (Adminadab/Moses), married his half-sister Nefertiti. contrived in the time of Abraham, nor even in the later time of Akhenaten drew his power from his wife Nefertiti, the heiress Moses. It did not happen until the 6th century BC, when tens of thousands of Israelites were held captive by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Until that time, the Hebrew and Israelite records referred to any number of gods and goddesses by individual names, and under a general plural classification of the Elohim. -Through some 500 years from the Captivity, the scriptures existed only as a series of quite separate writings and it was not until after the time of Jesus that these were collated into a single volume. 130 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -In Canaan, the title Lord (or Lofty One) of the Mountain, was the early pharaohs of Egypt, to King David and onward to defined as El Shaddai, and this is particularly significant for, as Jesus), in his words, was purpose-bred to be the earthly previously mentioned, this was precisely the name related to Moses purveyors of the Light. They were the true 'sons of the gods', when he asked the Lord to reveal his identity. The Lord said 'I am who were fed firstly on Anunnaki Star Fire from about 3800 BC that I am (YHWH); I am he that Abraham called El Shaddai'. YHWH and, subsequently, on high-spin metal supplements from about became eventually transposed to the name Jehovah but, as related in 2000 BC .Peter Farley Jasher (and as confirmed in Exodus when correctly read), this Lord Roswell, NM was not a deiform god at all; he was Jethro the El Shaddai, the great vulcan and Master Craftsman of the Hathor Temple. -In the translation of The Book of Jasher by Alcuin Flaccus Albinus, MORE HERE THE VATICAN AND THE CULT OF Abbot of Canterbury (Longman, London, 1929, section Testimonies AKHENATON AND THE DARK SIDE OF THE SUN and pdf Jordan Maxwell-The Book The Church Doesn't Want You To Read download video

Notes, 14:9-33) says there is no mention of Jehovah. Another very important aspect of the book of Jasher is that it explains that it was not Moses who was the spiritual leader of the tribes who left Egypt for Sinai; their spiritual leader and chief counsellor was Miriam, the half-sister of Moses who receives only passing mentions in the book of Exodus. Indeed, as detailed in Jasher, Miriam's position posed such a problem for Moses in his attempt to create an environment of male dominance that he imprisoned her - as a result of which the Prometheus is also knows as a light bringer (knowledge and Israelites rose up against Moses to Illumination) and have read somewhere he is also Lucifer. secure her release. Jahbalon the light bringers of the emissionaries of Jahbalon - Jah Bal There is no doubt that, for all the scribal On (Sol OM On) 3 words/languages for the word sun (also deities sun manipulation of old texts, Miriam Gods) Sol Greek deity/Latin - Om Sanskrit - the sound of the divine as (Meryamon of Egypt) emerges outside in OMMMMM or AUMMM Hindu/Buddhist which I think also relates to the canonical Bible as a key character of the sun. And On - the last part of Aton the Egyptian deity the era but, just like Mary Magdalene in New Testament times, she which is like the word play on IS RA EL has been ignored and forgotten by Church establishments there's different spellings (EDIT of Jah bal ON) such as this founded as male-dominated institutions. Of Miriam, the book of Aaron (credited to Hur, the grandfather of Bezaleel) relates: The Lost Name of God Miriam from hence became the admired of the Hebrews; every The Blue Lodge Masons, encompassing the first three degrees of tongue sang of her praise. She taught Israel; she tutored the Masonry, are instructed that they are seeking the Lost Word or the children of Jacob and the people called her, by way of Lost Name of God... It isn't until they reach the level of Royal Arch eminence, the Teacher. She studied the good of the nation, and Masonry (seventh degree, York Rite) that they discover that the Lost Aaron and the people harkened unto her. To her the people bowed; to Name of God wasn't lost after all. It's at this level that they learn the her the afflicted came. sacred name of Masonry's God. -To Gardner, the true relevance of Miriam, however, is that she was a recognized Dragon Queen of the matrilinear Grail bloodline. It was primarily from her that the dynastic line ensued to culminate in the Royal House of David, which owes its kingly origin to Miriam's pharaonic descent, rather than to any patriarchal heritage from Abraham, as we are generally led to believe. It is with Abraham's son Isaac that Jehovah establishes his covenant. This line of succession (from Cain and the Mesopotamian dynasts, through 131 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 They find that the sacred name of (the Masonic) God is composed of three names representing the three identities of God. It is so sacred it takes three Royal Arch Masons to be able to speak it.. Jahbuhlun. The three Masons grip hands high and low and chant, "Jah- The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock - buh-lun, Jah-buh-lun, Jah-buh-lun, Je-hov- ah." The name Jahbuhlun has three 1:35:47 - Mar 10, 2008 syllables representing a composite God - made up of three subordinate deities. 2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David The Masonic material identifies the three as Wilcock exposes many great secrets: YahYahweh), Baal, and Osiris. Logically, DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred the name should be spelled Yah-Baal-On, geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, but Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor (or admits that over the much more! Part I: CONVERGENCE The Movie, consciousness energy years the spelling has been "corrupted" by Freemasonry until it field, Edgar Cayce reincarnation, Da Vinci Code, Inconvenient Truth, reached its current form.1 galactic alignment, dodecahedron, 2012 / DNA crop circles, sacred - Askenazi-could Akhenaten be a play on the word Askenazi - if so geometry as vibration, tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees Part II: Hans Jenny it adds up to the theory and all the info about Askenazi Jews. Which / Cymatics, space and time inverting, wave-particle duality, ties in with the OT/Talmud/Rothschilds Buckyballs / fullerenes, DNA as a wave, Kaznacheyev, psychic healing, Dewey Larson, 3D time, space-time fabric, time-space Part III: Fairy - Rothschilds are Khazars/Ashkenazi and we know they have blood circles, natural stargates, ESP, nested spheres, channeling, chakras, relatives in high places all Pineal gland, Sumerian tablets, Osiris, kundalini, pine cone symbolism, Tammuz, Shiva, Third Eye, Bindi, Bacchus, Dionysus, Roman domination Jesus, the Vatican Part IV: Pyramid sarcophagus, cathedral windows, Main article: History of Roman Egypt the World Tree, melatonin, DMT, ayahuasca, Dreams, Out of Body Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire in 30 BC, following Experience, the Silver Cord Part V: Mark of the Beast, the defeat of Marc Antony and Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra VII microclusters, synchronicity, shamanism, holographic sound, reverse- by Octavian (later Emperor Augustus) in the Battle of Actium. The engineering the pineal gland, Dan Burisch, Project Looking Glass, Romans relied heavily on grain shipments from Egypt, and the Roman CONTACT Part VI: The Last Mimzy, the Roswell Crash, the Cube / army, under the control of a prefect appointed by the Emperor, quelled Yellow Disc, Hellraiser, election tampering, pole shift, time-viewing rebellions, strictly enforced the collection of heavy taxes, and technology, the Iraq War, DCTP / Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline prevented attacks by bandits, which had become a notorious problem Paradox, human-lineage ETs Part VII: Tree of Life, Illuminati, during the period.[63] Alexandria became an increasingly important Rothschilds, Hitler, New World Order, Lucifer, Luciferian philosophy, center on the trade route with the orient, as exotic luxuries were in Catholic church, Philadelphia Experiment / Rainbow Project Part high demand in Rome.[64] VIII: Phoenix III, Montauk chair, time travel, Dec. 21, 2012, 20-year cycle, Stargate SG-1, Outer Band Individuated Teletracer / OBIT, The -Although the Romans had a more hostile attitude than the Outer Limits, Time Vector Generator / TVG, Mars pyramids, Greeks towards the Egyptians, some traditions such as underground bases, jumproom, Total Recall, Minority Report, X-Men / mummification and worship of the traditional gods continued Cerebro, Rifts in Time Part IX: Forbidden Planet, psychic conduit, -From the mid-first century AD, Christianity took root in LSD trips, zero-time, 2012 dimensional shift, Edgar Cayce readings, Alexandria and spread. Incompatible with paganism, Chandler’s Wobble, pole shift, Library of Atlantis / Hall of Records, Christianity sought to win converts and threatened popular California earthquakes Part X: Create your own reality, 2012 not religious traditions. This led to persecution of converts to cataclysmic, Russian physics, Dr. Sergey Smelyakov / Auric Time Christianity, culminating in the great purges of Diocletian starting Scale, Mayan Calendar, spiral imploding into 2012 changing in 303 AD, but eventually Christianity won out.[66] As a consciousness, Ascended abilities, spiritual growth consequence, Egypt's pagan culture was continually in decline. While the native population continued to speak their language, the 06 06 2009 (6/6/11 numerology) ability to read hieroglyphic writing slowly disappeared as the role HAARP weather wars-SNOW STORMS hit S Alberta, of the Egyptian temple priests and priestesses diminished. The Saskatchewan and other agricultural economies of CANADA. Forest temples themselves were sometimes converted to churches or Fires in BC interior, frustrated by high winds and warm weather. abandoned to the desert. Christianity is a monotheistic[1] religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in Weather Network LIES LIES LIES. TEACHING you the New Testament. that CHEMTRAILS are contrails in moist weather. NO...there is a HUGE difference. New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection LIARS!. WHY WOULD ANYONE PAY EXTRA FOR LYING PROPAGANDA MEDIA. SATANIC money system has to fall and take the whole OUTHOUSE PYRAMID with it! -DO CANADIANS apathetically plan to pay taxes to the ROBBERS of our pensions, banking system, our rights, and our country? DOING NOTHING>>>will get you chipped or killed. WE MUST TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK. Our political system is NOT WORKING. CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL leadership pawns are committed by BLOOD OATH to the ILLUMINATI'S Brotherhood of DEATH. MANY may have to just start over again. If you are luke warm in this Awakening, you will not SURVIVE. You are EITHER of the LIGHT OR DARK. CHOOSE, because CANADA is headed for NWO HELL. 132 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 American CIA behind all of this Terrorism ? across the world! CIA behind all of this Terrorism ? - Natural Herbs Remedies, The Free Is the COLD W AR really over? Was it ever real? Here's a good place to Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity start your research! President Kennedy began to end the Vatican’s Down Brown- Gordon Brown, UK Parliament hoax known as “the Cold War,” the American CIA and Russian KGB having secretly worked together since World War II. Why? Prime Minister asked to stand down. PLEASE Because the appointed time has arrived for the Jesuit General to take CANADA's HARPER and IGGY with you! destroy both the Dome of the Rock and the Al AqsaMosque in 2012 - The Future of Mankind // Alex Jones Jerusalem, secretly using his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Zionist Mossad in conjunction with his CIA/Nazi-trained,Masonic Islamic Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus pt1 Intelligence Agencies, including Osama bin Laden’s MAK and Pakistan’s ISI, while shrouded in the confusion of a huge aerial war. This will enable the General’s crusading Knights Templars (the Conspiracy of Silence - Illuminati Pedophiles in present day Shriner Freemasons)to rebuild Solomon's Temple for Washington D.C. (documentary) - 55:12 - Jan the Pope & his Vatican. And how could the Black Pope destroy 22, 2006 these Moslem Mosques, they comprising the third most important Islamic religious site in the world behind Saudi Arabia’s Mecca and Posted to Google by John Conner & The Medina, without causing an uncontrollable Moslem holy war, called a Resistance - “jihad”, resulting in the destruction of Pope Pius XII’s creation of From Senator John Decamp: In mid-1993, after The Franklin Cover-Up Zionist Israel? (Osama bin Laden having been directed, financed had been circulating for almost a year, the British-based TV station, and trained by the CIA for at least ten years — just like Jesuit- Yorkshire Television, sent a top-notch team to Nebraska to launch its trained and CIA-financed Fidel Castro before he, like bin Laden, own investigation of the Franklin case. Yorkshire had a contract with became a false enemy of the CFR controlled American the Discovery Channel to produce a documentary on the case for government.)Islamic Intelligence operatives under the domestic American television. Finally, the big day came. Their documentary was control of CIA notoriously instructed as Islamic pilots at the Venice to air nation-wide on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994. It was Airport (a Florida facility used by the CIA since 1948) in order for advertised in the TV Guide and in newspapers for that day. But no one Archbishop Egan’s controlled American Press to spread the prepared ever saw that program. At the last minute, and without explanation, it news release that the doomed airliners were hijacked by “Arab was pulled from the air. It was not shown then, and has never been terrorists”in the employ of bin Laden when in fact, to the horror of the broadcast anywhere since. I have a copy of that program, which American pilots, the airliners had been taken over and guided to arrived anonymously in my mail in late 1995. When I watched this their targets, remotely controlled by American Military pirated copy, I could see clearly why the program had been Intelligence operatives overseen by the Black Pope’s CIA/NSA. suppressed. Conspiracy of Silence proved, beyond doubt, that the This attack was an act of war carried out by the slaves of the Black essential points I had stressed in the book (and more) were all true. Pope, both domestic and foreign, thereby enabling the White Pope’s Search Words: Conspiracy Illuminati New World Order Satanism American fascist puppet, George W. Bush,while the tools of the Jesuit Order have tyrannically implemented domestic martial law by means of the "Patriot Act"in U.S.& ”Bomb Bill C-36 Act”in Canada. God help us! Bloodlines, Mars, Tom Cruise, Star 06 04 09 Wars, and the Black Pope All that being said, there's no doubt in my mind that the governments of the world as well as the Vatican are rotten to the core.. and have Quiet out there... in been for quite some time. The Coming World War III, NWO Mafia Martial Law Ready & Waiting, David Icke CIA MEDIA LAND.

06 05 09 TOO QUIET.

CANADA is still a Cure for All Diseases- Hulda Clark ebook here MUST READ/SAVE! POLICE STATE! TAKE Sherry Live 6-01-2009 - "Swine Flu" will be back BACK YOUR POWER! with a Vengeance....

Important e-books from jrgenius. com. ZIPFILE FOR ALL ARTICLES. Includes Royal Rife Cure for all Diseases, Crow Indian Recipes & Who Killed KILL BILL? David Carredine, found hung, dead in his Bangkok room. 72. They say it was SUICIDE. THAT IS SUCH A Herbal Medicines, God'S Healing Leaves LIE!!!! and-kill-bill-star-david-carradine-found-dead/ 133 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 The Obama Fraud: Welcome Back to Reality

Barack Obama is being hailed by his supporters as one of the greatest leaders to ever guide America. He is the voice of hope and change that this county is dying for. Unfortunately, when you look past the side issues and media hype, you discover that there is little meaning to his rhetoric. He is controlled by the same corporate and globalist interests that Bush and Clinton were controlled by. He is a C.F.R. puppet and it is very dangerous to blindly support him. For the record, I hated Bush too.

The false left right paradigm is what got us here in the first place. If 06 03 09 you strongly support Barack Obama, please watch this video and comment on how you feel. Give it one star if you want; I don't care. Just think for yourself. CIA owned MEDIA LIES! DEFEND YOUR CANADA. If you don't, you The Complete Idiot's Guide to the New World will LOSE ALL FREEDOMS soon. Order // Indian Boarding School Abuse

BIG BROTHER Cops and Robbers, Cowboys UNREPENTANT: KEVIN ANNETT AND CANADA'S and Indians, at it again. COPS FLASH THEIR GENOCIDE (documentary) Kevin Annett & The Truth Commission... - //Indian FAKE PHALLUS WEAPONS as CANADA gets Residential Schools in Canada the painful FURTHER ENSLAVED by the NWO. legacy SAM GEORGE DIES at home at age 56 There Was No "Tiananmen Square Massacre" Posted by Richard Roth Air France still missing.

Massacre in Beijing's Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square, CHINA- 20 years ago, Chinese Gov't massacred innocent free speech The images are shocking. Armoured tanks plow into crowds of people, protesters. TODAY, still no flames from burning buses light up the night sky, and bleeding bodies are rushed to hospital. For weeks student protesters in Beijing's free speech. Tiananmen Square have been demonstrating for political reform of China's communist government. A declaration of martial law has failed to quell the protests, and now the government has called in the Quebec- 600 cops military. Death is all around as the CBC's Tom Kennedy reports. raid 30 locations to arrest 50 people suspected in dealing drugs. If they The massacre begins shortly after midnight as tanks and armoured personnel carriers roll through the streets, crushing hastily erected want to stop the drugs, barricades and into Tiananmen Square. After launching tear gas and arrest the CIA and the using loudspeakers to order people to leave, the army starts shooting. WHITE COLLAR traffickers But the protesters fight back, beating army officers or simply standing their ground. They form human walls around foreign press to make at the upper levels of this sure the story gets out to the world. Revolution and Evolution Illuminati Drug Ring. in Modern China (June 4, 1989) // Lone Gunman in Tiananmen Square? interview "suicide"* sur le 11 septenbre 2001 Uploaded by killuminatis. - Watch the latest news videos.

OBAMA in EGYPT. ISIS/OSIRIS LAND. OBAMA making a deal with the PATRIACHAL MUSLIM nation. 134 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 DO women have a say in this MESS that you IDIOTS -Nice matching suits today. Both STEVIE and LISA wore Black and Red today. HOW UNPATRIOTIC. WHY IS HARPER HIDING FROM are creating on this PLANET? PARLIAMENT? IT IS SINKING LIKE THE TITANIC Lisa Raitt, AECL sell-off - 090528 ...AT THE SAME OBAMA touched down to A binder, marked "Secret", full of confidential Canadian government Egypt... Al-CIA-DA's BIN LADEN appears on TeeVee nuclear documents was left by Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt in again..showing off his big guns and threatening more the studios of CTV television 6 days ago. The TV news station sat on the binder of nuclear secrets and the story, until today. violence on AmeriKa. (Did the big brother bad boys decide this- at the last SATANIC ritual?) leaves.html Chalk River produces most of the isotopes distributed by MDS Nordion, a subsidiary of Canadian health sciences company MDS Inc, and about AL QAEDA or AL CIAda (CIA) - Z. a third of the global medical isotope supply. Brzezinski CTV news said the Lisa Raitt nuclear documents showed the Canadian government would spend Canadian $72 million or around US $66 Al Qaeda = Al CIAda million on the Chalk River nuclear power reactor along with around C$100 million in supplementary funding.

In May 2008, then Canadian Foreign Minister Maxine Bernier resigned Thousands of forestry workers protest after leaving secret government documents in the apartment of a girlfriend who had ties to organized crime. in Ottawa Last Updated: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 | 5:06 PM ET leaves.html CBC News

^^^ Police call off blockade of Mohawks at Cornwall IBM, VERICHIP and the FOURTH REICH - 08:29 Canadian border post deemed 'too - Jul 21, 2006 We the people will not be chipped risky' to reopen Last Updated: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 | 4:36 PM ET CBC News This is a video to awaken the sheeple who believe microchipping the human population is a good thing. So now are you going to do your POLY-TICS homework and understand these words and terms below?: Human Chipping, Verichip, IBM , Nazi Germany , Hollerith Machine, George Orwell, 1984 , Mark of the beast, DNA chip, Forced chipping, identity protection, world database, cyborg, biometrics

><> ><> ><>

The Spiritual Solution to political skullduggery. Lisa Raitt leaves SECRET Chalk River "gov't spending blitz" God's plan to end state terrorism... and all documents at CTV for 6 days. When asked to resign, she lets her wickedness staff member go. When asked WHY?- HARPER said LISA gets to stay 'cause she didn't lose these documents while having sex like Bernier did. ' She lost them on the job, not off her feet.-DUH! give her a raise. A terrible, soul destroying lie - ie. blasphemy She needs some acting lessons. It is my belief - after reading books such as 'The Holy Blood and the The drama in parliament about 'women being subservient' attack Holy Grail' that high-masonic and other occultists guard a didn't fly. ACT LIKE A LADY and we will treat you like one! secretive heresy that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdalene producing at least one child. These occultists promote the myth, theme/article1167548/ which many actually believe, that they are guardians of Christ's secret bloodline. As they don't believe the gospel accounts of Jesus they think their bloodlines will bring forth the 'true' messiah (God's anointed one) a man who will be revealed to Jesus' followers as the antichrist. The 135 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 highest 'secret' of the freemasons, it seems, is the identity of someone who is Jesus' direct living descendent today. But this 'secret' is a Tidbits From The Talmud dismal lie. Disclaimer: this is NOT Like at the fall of Rome present-day monopolists and business supporting the TALMUD but Revealing what's elites are getting arrogant. Thinking they can bring the world under their control. INSIDE THE TALMUD They think they are in control. They are not in control. Jah in control. "who hath ears to hear, let him hear" Matthew 13:43 EXTORTION SYSTEM of the RULING More quotes ELITE

-You may wish to acquaint yourself WARNING ABOUT today's Psychics and Psychic with some of the occult Fairs- from "RCMaria" Toronto. institutions used by satan, freemasons and intelligence agencies SEND me your VOICE on voicemail 1-866-992- 9862. WAKE UP AND FIX THIS "The New World Order which MESS><>CANADA! they wish to bring about is but another name for Hell. If through them Evil prevailed, every man and woman of every race and colour would finally be enslaved, from the cradle to the grave. They would be brought up to worship might instead of right and would be taught to condone, or even praise, murder, torture and the suppression of all liberty as 'necessary' to the 06 01 2009 = 18= 9 numerology welfare of 'the State'.

"In the New World Order all family life will be at an end, except HERE COMES THE VERICHIP! for the conquerors, and only the worst elements, spiritually, will be allowed to procreate fresh generations to populate a world divided into DON'T buy the "PROTECT masters and slaves. The right to homes and children of their own would be reserved to the Overlords; the rest would be CANADIANS LIE!" herded into barracks and reduced to the level of robots without the right to read or speak or even think for themselves. There could be no revolt, because every officer, priest, deputy, editor, The New World Order is Here! magistrate, writer and other leader of free thought and action in the conquered countries would already have been executed by the firing- squads; and leaderless herds cannot prevail against tanks, tear- Air France AIRBUS 330 (6), Flight 447(6) -(with gas, bombs and machine-guns. 228 people) disappeared on route from Rio De Janiero Brazil to Paris France.After severe turbulence "And unless men are free how can they progress upon the great and a short circuit, the new airbus disappeared off spiritual journey which all must make? the radar around the equator in the tropical convergence zone.( feels like a Left Behind Series). CIA "This war is not for territory or gain or glory, but that Armageddon controlled media says that it disappeared into the ATLANTIC OCEAN. which was prophesied of old. That is why all the Children of Light. (Atlantis?) Black Hole? Portal? wherever they may be, captive or free, must hold on to their spiritual integrity as never before and must stick at nothing, physically, in the fight, lest the whole world fall under the domination -Edmonton Alberta- 160 Seniors Homeless after of these puppets who are animated by the Powers of Darkness." fire swept thru their Senior's Home, last night.

-Fires Raging in Stanley Park. BC. 06 02 09 -HAARP continues to soak Southern Ontario with rains, winds and lightning strikes Toronto Street News May 16-31 2009 is HERE!!! - North Korea WW3 plans on schedule. Distraction from the Middle East. Did South Korean President commit suicide on May 23 2009, or did someone push him off the balcony? Wouldn't be the first

136 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 time. North Korea about to LAUNCH a long missile, that can REACH ALASKA. . McGuinty said it allows Ontario Crowded SPACE- All space agencies are in SPACE now. to control 17% of the N AmeriKan market. MATH doesn't Canadian (ZIONIST-Talmud) Jewish Congress event add up. attended by Harper, yesterday. Iggy supports IS_RA _EL too, and the TERRORISM that it unleashes on the world-hidden in PLAIN - UAW SITE. owns 17.5% $$$ GM AmeriKa stock. GM= Government Motors. US Gov't's will own 60% of the Illuminati's GM COR-poration, with bits to the UAW, Stake new bond holders and 12% to the Canadian Government . GM filed for holders bankruptcy protection. Existing shareholders are wiped out. GM stock all is $0.75, and not trading. Meanwhile, CANADA's corrupt government is enslaving Canadian tax payers will a $10 B debt to save 10,000 GONE. 10% goes to new bond holders GM jobs. Ya right. That money is GONE!. We didn't even have a say in it. Meanwhile, CANADIANS go without food, while the COR-porates GM cars aren't selling anyways...You feed off the innocent.LARGEST manufacturing own the debt. The GOVERNMENT OWNS YOU! Why didn't they bail out the rest of CANADA...just the choice BIG BROTHER COR-porations?!

The federal and provincial governments had to provide more funds than anticipated in a $3.8-billion deal in April to help Chrysler survive, almost twice as much as was initially promised to cover both Chrysler and GM. gm-bailout-regrettable-but-needed-harper

"Had we failed to come to the table, after bankruptsy in American History. the Obama administration made it clear they were prepared to participate in the restructuring plan, our choice would be GET ALL OF AMERIKA WORKING? OBAMA beast's to give up the entire industry ultimately WALL ST. solution for the slaves of AmeriKA!. here in Ontario or to participate."

Harper has made it clear in recent -60 to 90 days for the NEW GM restructuring time statements that he didn't want any federal money being used to help prop OBAMA 'S AmeriKA- $30 B additional taxpayers up GM's pension plan, which has an estimated $7-billion shortfall. money+ the $20B loans = $50 Billlion for 60% stock in GM AmeriKa. NO Pensions saved McGuinty insisted Monday that it was up to GM to decide how to spend the OBAMA said- $10 B Canadian Taxpayers money = government money, but admitted some of Ontario's contribution would go to the 12.5% stock in GM AmeriKa. 10, 000 jobs saved. $1 pensions. mill/job saved. gm-bailout-regrettable-but-needed-harper

-MAGNA takes interest in GM. ONLY AMERIKA's GM is DEAD! The other ones around the GLOBE are FINE! You trust these -HARPER SAID-$10.5 B from CANADA to have stake guys? Bankrupcty for GM means restructuring in GM AmeriKa. $3.5 B of it was added by ONTARIO 137 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 and dumping the $173 B DEBT and With the Verichip, they will have total control of your mind, body restructuring the $82 B assets. and SOUL. MOVE IT!

Enhanced drivers licenses make it easier for U.S. citizens -DEBT to the SATANISTS means your to cross the border into the United States because they include a PENSIONS! and those that relied on GM. vicinity Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip that will signal a secure system to pull up your biographic and biometric data for the CBP officer as you approach the border inspection booth, and a -Chrysler filed for Bankruptcy and merged with Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) or barcode that the CBP officer can FIAT in April. Dumping the Debt, meant read electronically if RFID isn't available. The top 39 land ports of dumping the Pensions and those that relied on entry, which process more than 95 percent of land border crossings, are equipped with RFID technology that helps facilitate Chrysler. TOO BAD for the SHEEPLE..says the travel by individual presenting EDLs or one of the other RFID-enabled SATANISTS documents. m This's REAL JOURNALISM. Glenn Beck Uncovers Biggest Scam/Conspiracy Ever, Obama's -Arm guards and ACORN we'll shut border: Mohawk Warriors- Natives say giving border guards guns violates sovereignty, puts zzz people at risk

KEEP UP THE APATHY will see Warriors/1648079/story.html -The Akwesasne leadership has long warned against the move to guns where you end up. in letters to federal politicians. "We seriously consider your government's actions in arming the (CBSA) guards as a direct assault on our sovereignty, which resonates into an act of war against our No people," wrote Thompson in a 2008 letter to Stockwell Day, the public PASSPORTS, safety minister at the time and now minister for international trade. ENHANCED (chipped) ^^^ driver's licenses or SEX OFFENDERS REGISTRY? NEXUS card? CON-servative conspiracy to get more DNA 70% Americans don't info, track and control whomever they choose. have passports or the MANY white collar crime SEX OFFENDERS enhanced driver's will not be chipped. THOSE in the licenses. Goodbye BROTHERHOOD of DEATH do not offend the tourism and JUST-U$ $ATANIC system.-I'll bet the economy. Keeps the BOHEMIAN GROVE BOYS are not on that Sheeple in their SEX OFFENDERS REGISTRY, but MANY countries for Martial DEAD WOMEN AND CHILDREN are Law. They tattooed OFFENDED! the prisoners in WW2, now they will CHIP you. Border officials are thrilled however! Gives them more time to TERRORIZE the "SHADY CHARACTERS".

Who is a prisoner? Anyone is at risk. NO one is SAFE from the NWO. CANADA needs to wake up and hold this government accountable now. The MIND CONTROL is BAD now- <<<<<<><><><><><<><><><><<<<<< 138 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 general, these matriarchial societies tended to be more peaceful, Jobs: Is Working Online At Home The art-and-craft oriented, and more prosperous overall. In Next Gold Rush? http://www.los-angeles- Matriarchy, the community's women are allotted the roles of leader, priestess, healers, seers, land-owner, etc. Everything or most everything belongs to and passes down to the next generation through the mother, including the children- and is 888 almost always passed to the daughters. Women were allowed and expected to choose their own mates, for either a brief time or for longer periods. Often, they were encouraged to have more than one mate. Throughout much of the world, matriarchy was the way all Goddess movement From Wikipedia, primitive agricultural peoples ran their communities. One thing I the free encyclopedia will go into here is the question of how this Kurgan culture is possibly the first European, Russian, or Near Eastern culture that recognized patriarchial-based worship and lineage- and how they spread this belief rampant over Europe and the Near-to-Middle East, possibly even down into Africa and Egypt.

-The ancestors of the Nordic traditions were the first known of the European and Near-to-Middle Eastern community traditions to give up the matriarchial concept in favor of the patriarchy. Hitler and Neitszche both considered these peoples to be the "True Aryans", the original Germanic people. The early North-Central Russian (Kurgan) and Caucasus tribes that eventually became the Slavic, Nordic, Germanic, and Teutonic tribes made the switch to Patriarchy The Norse Structure- Origins of (Father- or Male- lineage power-base) long before any others- possibly as early as 5000-7000 BC. In fact, they are credited with bringing the Patriarchy? idea of patriarchy to the Near and Middle Eastern, Egyptian, Persian, Sumerian, and many other peoples.

-If all of the world's agriculturally-based societies at the time -The Earth was changing- there were often earthquakes, big glaciers were matriarchial, how could this one group have evolved into a were moving around, food was scarce- they were not pleased by this. patriarchial society? Was it because they were nomadic in nature, They became grumpy and hostile, determined their system of religion rather than agricultural? Is it possible that they were at one time and culture wasn't working for them, and decided to make some matriarchy-based also, and, if so, when did this change to patriarchy changes. These tribes became what we now call the Kurgans, about come about? 3000-4000 years later. It is noted that they began to worship Thunder and Sky gods sometime during this change in social structure. I found that interesting as a side-note, since the ancient -Most people who study Asatru or Odinism devote their worship to Norse and Vikings also believed the Gods lived in the sky's Odin (also known as Odhin or Odhinn) or one of his kindred Gods. Northern Lights, the Aurora Borealis. Did this idea originate with the There are actually many different gods and goddesses within the Sky God concept of the ancient Kurgans? There is also some Norse Pantheon who are worthy of mention, and I hope to go into discussion among historians as to whether these people are also them on another page soon. One thing a lot of people overlook is the somehow culturally related to the Hebrews, possibility that Odin or one of his many alter personalities received which is the only other patriarchial tribe of the their powers and authority from a female deity, probably an same time period- also very aggressive and run early form of Freyja (Odin's sister and wife to one of his alter exclusively by male priests and generals. personalities, Odhr) known as Nerthus or Niartha. There is evidence to support the theory that she or someone like her was the primary deity in the Norse pantheon (long before it actually came to be called -Also, they were said to "Norse") for many centuries before that culture turned to a be very aggressive in patriarchial-based system. But as with all historical perspectives, their war efforts- in "History is written by the victor." the relics of their camps, the bulk of the bodies would often be -Patriarchy is the system we see most often today. It is so common, non-Kurgan females, we as a race generally consider it the standard for all time and all indicating they took places. In truth, all agricultural societies began as matriarchial. slaves as prizes and Archeological evidence of this goes back more than 25,000 years. In 139 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 killed mostly the men and children of their foes when they went to more important in an early people's lives. Interestingly, here in the war. These tribes tended to stamp out completely the religions of their Norse Pantheon we again see the typical pattern of patriarchial conquered foes, replacing it with their own. They usually did one of takeover- the male god (Odin) is born from or marries the two things- A) married their princes to the priestesses of the female head goddess (Niartha/Nerthus/Freyja). Also interestingly, conquered foes, thus becoming the central power figure, or B) Freyja is said to be constantly wandering, searching for her completely destroyed the temples and forced the priestesses into husband Odhr, who is none other than her brother (another often- harems of a sort or had them killed. Occassionally, a prince-priestess used formula in mythology) Odin in an alter personality! While the marriage would yield a son, who took over the power of the female deity is relegated a silly, mundane task like tracking down her community leadership instead husband, the male deity eventually takes over and all the deeds of his father taking control. previously attributed to the female goddess become the credits of a male deity. Suddenly the whole pantheon is male-dominated- and the community that followed them becomes that way as well, with -Typically, this is how few exceptions. Goddess-based religion was destroyed the world over.The male deity (the -So, if this is the case, what happened to the worship of conquering prince) was Niartha/Nerthus? She is still somewhat respected in the Norse married to or born from the Pantheon, as The Original Mother Earth- apparently, more often Goddess (the community thought of as an island, one part of a dual-gender deity (the male High-Priestess), and usurps aspect is called Njord, The Water, though he is considered a god in her power or kills her to his own right) - the original meeting of Water and Earth, the remove her from power, "Primal Soup," so to speak. The names are actually irrelevant- they thus taking her place. Bingo- are both derivatives of another word that is used for both male and no more Goddess worship, female- Nerthuz. There is one tale of Njord begetting Freyja and no more ladies in power in the Freyr on a "nameless sister". The older tradition of Royal Sacrifice, community; no more female rights to or King-Killing, comes into play here as well- one of the most possession or advancement or important symbols of Nerthus is a necklace, much like the one Freyja family artifacts, estates, or power. is said to have possessed. In the Ynglinga Saga, a necklace is a bridal Usually this switchover would take gift to a young woman from her father, and is later mentioned in a only a few generations to long line of mysterious deaths of kings of the Ynglings by their brides. accomplish- it was very swift and This tale hearkens back to the early rituals of king-death (most often sure, and very deadly to the ones as tribute to the goddesses Ishtar, Astarte, or Inanna) by their who clung to the "older" path. This is high priestess. This is usually as a sacrifice following the Great also how early Christianity Rite. Of course, the "son" born of their union will be sacrificed again at dispersed with much of the the appropriate festival, in the form goddess-worshipping sect- by of another king's body. implying that their god was born of woman, and so assumes her I suspect the stories all originated power. When you think about it, in the same place, many, many even the most powerful Christian sect still reveres the female that centuries before- only the names gave birth to their god. Early Catholicism kept Mary Mother of were changed as the roving bands Jesus around because it was easier to convert and integrate dispersed and settled different areas heathens to a church that already had female symbolism present of Europe, Russia, and the Near and than to expect them to give up everything they were familiar with. In Middle East. Most of these roving effect, The Catholic Church never truly denounced goddess- bands settled and kept the old worship! It is still being practiced, only to a lesser degree and in religion, applying new names to different ways. their goddesses as they went. The Kurgans, and subsequently the -I have doubts that this group, the Kurgans, was always patriarchial, Norse and Teutonic and but that is largely based on some recently-dug archeological sites in Germanic peoples, apparently Russia, consisting of female warrior graves complete with horses did not keep the old belief (the legendary Valkyries?), some other sites where the inhabitants of system. They chose to re-invent the graves appear to be almost entirely female royalty (with no the stories to reflect a male-dominant perspective that suited evidence of male counterparts) dating back to roughly 2500-2000 their society and war-like nature. It seems very fitting of the ones we BC, and the existence of the Seidre, who go back several thousand now call the Vikings. years and were almost exclusively female until around 200 -500 A.D. It is said they received their special power and ability from the early form of Freyja, before Odin was even a demi-god. For over The Seidre (Teutonic and Norse Shamans) two thousand years, Odin has been given credit for being the primary discoverer of the Runes and the abilities of astral sight and travel, as gifts to the Seidre. These traits had been around for at least 3000-4000 years, already given to the Seidre by Nerthus/Niartha. Frigga and Freya are the same goddess. Odin is even credited with having the extraordinary ability of changing his sex at will. This is a convenient and often-used way of negating the idea that a female goddess had previously been 140 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

Right? Venus, Isis, Opening A Door qid=20071109150005AAb07EO

-The goddesses have the knowledge which even Odin himself depends on for counsel. In effect, Odin obtains all his knowledge second-hand. He sacrifices for it and discovers it within himself, although even this assertion is not entirely true: after he has hung on the Tree, he says, “Nine lays of power I learned from Bolthorn.” Therefore somebody else taught him. When he goes to the well of Mimir and sacrifices an eye to gain more knowledge, it is Mimir who gives him permission to drink from the well. He conjures up the dead Volva and receives knowledge from her, but he is only able to do so because Freyja taught him necromancy, which is part of seidr. And mediumship, a traditionally female preserve, is akin to necromancy. Thus all of Odin’s occult knowledge is second hand, coming mostly from female sources, while Frigga, Freyja and the Norns possess knowledge which nobody taught them.

-Frigg’s animal is the heron and her magical weapon is the distaff. -The Harmonic Concordance of November 2003 was a field of Modern recovered lore suggests the owl as a power animal of Frigga. sound. The Venus Passages of 2004 and 2012 will be fields of When working magic of divination it might not be a bad idea, before light. you gather your magical weapons, to invoke Frigga in order to gain access to the prima material The Venus Transit has always preceded great breakthroughs in human consciousness and played a very significant role in the Mayan -In fact, at first glance, Freya, the Calendar. Whether one views this moment of opportunity through the independent and fearsome Queen of myths of the Maya, for whom Venus is associated with the the Valkyries, seems an odd choice of plumed serpent Quetzalcoatl, Lord of Light; or in the context of deity to connect with marriage. Yet Western astrology and symbolism, the play of light is the common Freya loved and married; her element. husband was variously Odin, Odhr, Odur or Od. Unfortunately, her husband enjoyed wandering. Once -Venus is Isis, the feminine archetype, higher frequencies of love, he was gone so long, others claimed he light and consciousness. Love Goddesses .... One soul playing must be dead, yet "Freya finally started the roles of Venus, Aphrodite, Freya, Isis, Ishtar, and the out in search of him, passing through female creational force in every culture. SHE goes by many many lands, where she was called by names to teach about love and light, and the return to oneness, in different names, such as Mardel, Horn, different civilizations that evolved/manifested in parallel realities. Gefn, Syr, Skialf and Thrung ..."8 -- yes, even more names for Freya!

Freyja From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-it is written that many temples and statues of native pagan gods and goddesses were raided and destroyed by Olaf Tryggvason and Saint Olaf during the gradual and violent process of the Christianization of Scandinavia. During and after the extent that the process of Christianization was complete, Freyja and many things associated with her were demonized[18] by the growing influence of Christian missionaries. After Christian influence was cemented in law, traces of belief went increasingly underground into mainly rural areas, surviving into modern times in Germanic folklore and most recently reconstructed to varying 05 31 09 THE BEST FOR LAST- The NEW degrees in Germanic neopaganism. PARADIGM that is evolving.

In the End, the MEEK will Inherit the EARTH.

141 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 05 30 2009

GLOBAL REVOLUTION. The PEOPLE stand up against corrupt Governments.

HOW many deaths do we need in CANADA, until we wake up?

Your apathy will backfire!

Sherry Live 5-18-2009 - Yellow "Stars" ....Alien Star Ships...The Coming Economic Collapse and the Coming Locust Invasion

HAARP ruins another weekend in S. Ontario with rain and severe hail storms. Weatherman lied to you again!

Conrad Black applies for BAIL! Got $$$$$$, you can get out of jail. FAIR?

Phil Spector says He's Innocent! THE PROPHECYKEEPERS WISDOM Phil Spector to be sentenced in TREASURY VAULT murder case at 11 a.m.

Allegedly murdered Lana Clarkson. Phil had an arsenal of 11 guns, all registered to him and many of them fully loaded, but the .38-caliber revolver that killed Clarkson was not registered to him or to anyone else. "Does it make any sense?" Cutler said. "She was a stranger to him."Spector, 64, who created rock 'n' roll's "wall of sound" recording technique, is charged This is Russell Mean's First Prophecykeepers with murdering Clarkson at his Alhambra mansion known as "the castle" in 2003. He is free on $1 million bail. Radio Interview on our new broadcast platform at Phil Spector -- On the Assassination of John Beware- NESARA has infiltrated Lennon the LAKOTAs and trying to set up a bank for them. St. Germain is a VAMPIRE. NESARA is the BEAST Marilyn Monroe murdered AGENDA. ANTICHRIST. INFO here is truth mixed with June DiMaggio breaks long silence on details surrounding mysterious arsenic. death of her friend rticle_2306.shtml -If, in fact, Marilyn died from a rectally-administered barbiturate enema, the question is who prepared and administered it. 142 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 yn_monroe/9.html __<><><><>__

-"Marilyn Monroe was in a position to bring down the Opel newest gem in MAGNA Frank Stronach's presidency. She was cognizant of Jack Kennedy's marital infidelities crown. Coup for him as his auto parts giant and other private matters. She had his notes and letters and was privy Tony Van to Kennedy's involvement with Sam Giancana. That the Kennedy gains control of GM European unit- brothers had discussed national security matters with the film star Alphen added to an astonishing array of (STAR-Illuminati paper) indiscretions." celebrity/marilyn_monroe/9.html (link has disinfo-dh) Frank Stronach, who once made parts and then delivered them in his own car to General Was Anna Nicole murdered? Motors in Oshawa, and a Russian partner have gained control of the auto maker's giant murdered/ European subsidiary.

-Sure, she was on Top Magna officials, including Stronach, hammered out terms with the diet pills and who German government and teetering GM on an unidentified investment knows what else, to save Opel, a well-known European brand that could boost the but Smith also had Canadian company's international fortunes dramatically. a brand new husband partner, her lawyer Howard Under the deal, Magna will take a 20 per cent stake in Opel and the K. Stern. Seems a bit odd that her and her son would both die within Russian-owned months of each other, and you know, there’s a lot of money at stake. Sberbank will take a 35 per cent stake, giving their consortium a majority. -Meanwhile, evidence has emerged that Anna Nicole's will - which left GM will retain a 35 per cent everything to her dead son Daniel - was faxed at 2.18am on 03.02.07, holding, while the six remaining 10 per cent days before she died. will go to Opel employees. It lists a phone number with the initials RAR - believed to be Ron A. Rale, Stern's lawyer. Magna currently has $1.7 billion in cash on hand to weather the Now sources tell Star that Anna Nicole's life with her attorney and industry's storm and bid for ailing companies such as Opel. companion. Howard. K. Stern, was a sham romance apparently built on mental abuse and manipulation! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Smith made Stern sleep alone on the couch and starved her own NOTE THE PYRAMID LOGO- It benefitted Stronach's MAGNA baby, according to reports, yet all corporation to have Belinda Stronach shuffling around in the while, Stern seemed to be Federal Government . Not CANADIANS. They will go offshore. controlling their relationship for EUROPE will be MICROCHIPPED! his own good. Behind closed doors, their life was truly $$$$$$FAIL BABYLON$$$$$$ disturbing and unfathomly bizarre. red_by_howard_k_stern_lawyers_claim.php

143 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 BEAST BOYS- BUSH and CLINTON pushing their NWO Bullshit at the Toronto Convention Centre, Anti- war protesters outside the Toronto Convention Centre, Ball game, Tamil Protests, S. Asian music at the Dundas Square.

-With some Protest Police Provokateurs, Toronto Centre could have a RACE WAR.

Traffic already snarled downtown at 2 pm. Subway along Lawrence and St. Clair shut down. Everyone heading out to cottage country and out of the central core. 680 news will let you know when it is TIME TO GET SCARED...MIND CONTROL.

-Outside the convention center where the event was being held at 3:30 pm (6), amid heightened security, a few hundred protestors gathered, shouting "jail George Bush" and "war criminals 05 29 2009 = numerology= 9 not welcome here." iticslead A New World Order song by Kurt Lewis -At $200 to $2500 a crackpot, these SATANIC PERHAPS it will be a ritual MURDERERS lied about a list of topics, SHOVELLED at 6000 $heeple for about 33 sacrifice- Minutes of combined lip disservice. Masonic ml Phallus (CN Tower) and The World Trade Center September 11th, 2001 (Sky) Dome- TORONTO -The number 9 is left out because it is sacred to the Illuminati. 5/1/1776 is when the Illuminati was founded. 5 + 1 + 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 => 27 = 2 + 7 = 9. -“The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments 9 days after COPS announce TORI is DEAD...Police tell Tori and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is Stafford's dad they may never find her remains an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy The Canadian Press Woodstock, Ont. | Friday, May 29th, and solar energy and the dome represents the 2009 12:35 pm.( NOTE THE date/time is 9/11). female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. -HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT TORI STAFFORD IS DEAD? WHY ARE THE ACCUSED not SPEAKING to the PUBLIC. WE NEED TO astrology-and-washington-dc.html FIND out WHO TOOK TORI and WHAT THEY did with her. CLASSIC SATANIC CASE at the hands of BIG BROTHER. THE POLICE and high paid BUREAUCRAPS cannot be TRUSTED. TORONTO CRAZY Tonight? MANY are LUCIFERIANS. 144 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 9/11 Numerology - Undeniable Proof 9/11 & From the PHOENIX STAR (Illuminati ) (from danah) War on Terror are Secret Society/NWO Creations other+Toronto+speeches/1644777/story.html

-Only Bush acknowledged the hundreds of thousands of dollars the two will receive for the event, saying "Clinton and I used to believe in free speech, so thanks for coming." (VERY TRUE) Invisibly Visible (Identifying Masonic Symbols) -"The UN is a vital institution, but it is not really meant for problem solving," Bush said. (PROBLEM CREATION) Police Accused of attempting to incite violence -"No one believes that there is a terrorist cell in Toronto made up at SPP August 22, 2007 Protestors at Montebello are accusing of Canadian citizens that wants to destroy Detroit," BUSH said. police of trying to incite violence. Video on YouTube shows union But he also cited Millennium bomber Ahmed Ressam as a reason to officials confronting three men that were police officers dressing up as demonstrators. The union is demanding to know if the Prime Minister's keep the border as secure as possible. (WHAT?!) Office was involved in trying to discredit the demonstrators.

Bush, Clinton get standing ovation after Toronto 'conversation'. Berlusconi faces new embarrassment over New Year's Eve party for 50 young girls Former U.S. presidents perplexed by By Nick Pisa last updated at 2:07 PM on 29th May 2009 moderator's passport question. Iraq faces the mother of all corruption scandals conversation-toronto.html?ref=rss Allegations of kickbacks rock key government Last Updated: Friday, May 29, 2009 | 10:50 PM (9/6 department as 1,000 officials face arrest and Trade Minister is forced to resign By Patrick Cockburn the-mother-of-all-corruption-scandals-1692571.html

05 28 09 MEDIA ScrEWS

-CPP ( Canada Pension Plan)- a government plan lost $24 BILLION. 5 upper managers of the CPP, STOLE 17 million in bonuses, for losing all that money in 2008, 2009. CON-servatives say they don't want to politically interfere with the government plan. (don't rattle Big Brotherhood assets) numerology) MEDIA owned by LUCERIANS

That's okay. Harper said. CPP is guaranteed. LIAR! Not if we lose our -both Clinton and Bush admitted they were surprised to learn borders to the NAU, and not when the dollar becomes worthless. Canadians and Americans will require a passport or an enhanced driver's licence to cross into the United States as of Monday. DUH Clearly PARLIAMENT is merely a STAGE. A joke. Harper and Iggy play the opposing sides, but they are merely playing the SAME GAME. ENSLAVING CANADA to the SATANISTS! Harper can't even keep a -The event was closed to traditional media coverage, though straight face. WANTS to create chaos and hopelessness. bloggers from a number of media agencies were sprinkled throughout the audience. Among those spotted in the crowd were federal Industry Minister Tony Clement, former Reform $50 Billion deficit?- Last week, CTV reported that the deficit would be Party of Canada leader Preston Manning and Liberal strategist over $120 billion. David Herle. -WHERE's the MONEY? ASK the CORPORATIONS that fund the government agendas. OFFSHORE in a new investment, while the PEOPLE of Canada await MASS GENOCIDE! The World is at WAR! BY DESIGN

145 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -AND then their UFO's will come to save the day again...the BEASTS Satan controls Rome, The Roman Jesuit Order will try and enforce the MARK OF THE BEAST to enslave the living WORKER BEES. These beasts are your Ascended New Age controls Freemasonry, and the Freemasons Masters, who live inside the Earth. TALL, VERY NICE LOOKING, but control all of US.....Got it!!! they will shape shift into their true essence, when they get angry. PROJECT BLUEBEAM will deceive many -United States of America The year they infiltrated America?...... 1776!!! ( the very same year that America - ARE YOUR SURPRISED that the S. Korean Presicent "committed declared its Independence)who (Weishaupt) then a few years later suicide" on Saturday, May 23, 2009. This was a day before the North merges the Black Nobility (Old World Money families and Royalty) of Korean (US Pd for) nuclear explosion on Sunday. The SATANIC Europe with the Vatican through the Jesuit Order, along with the BROTHERHOOD have their script too. WW3- compliments of the Senior and Original Freemason Lodges of the British Empire and BROTHERHOOD of DEATH. You are all accountable. The PIT awaits France Into the current order of the Bavarian Illuminati that plagues your arrival! us to this very Day.

This large scale European merger was accomplished in 1789. The very year the US Constitution was signed into Law! Coincidence??...... Nope!, no such thing!!! Baphomet Rome, or more aptly put...The Jesuit Order tells Police corruption // Girl, 15, left all Freemason's the what, when, where, and bound for hours in prison cell// most Importantly the "How too" of all that they do. The Jesuit Order created and controls to this day, American Freemasonry. Which has become the leading power in and of world Freemasonry itself. Thereby Rome, having its dirty little hands meddling in our "Internal Affairs". - Breast Cancer Tests Flawed. Many women Retaining absolute affected. Do yourself a favour and look into Hulda control of Clark and The Cure For All not only the Diseases Political and Corporate power in our before the Illuminati iinquisition this Beautiful info and the people who support America, but holding sway natural therpies. over the American people itself. Gov't selling AECL /our Nuclear Chalk River The ultimate Plant To Private Owners. Sure, they will blow that aim of the Jesuits, which is and place anytime the feel like. Who cares...owners always has been to conquer and or subdue a mighty Protestant aren't Canadian! SAYS wants to strengthen nuclear reactor Nation!. business...CON-servative LISA RAITT says. Medical Isotopes will not be availble for 3 months. bad for those who DIE in the waiting process. Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is no coincidence that the Catholic sell-aecls-nuclear-branch/article1156625/ Church, The Jesuits, Freemasons, the "Suns Rays", on the Left is the Masonic emblem, on the right is the Symbol of the Jesuit Order. If you will notice, they are of the same design and more WHY NOT FREE ENERGY? COLD FUSION? importantly Intent. For those of you who do not know, Sun worship from ancient times all the way up to today, always has and still does represent Lucifer worship!. You see gang, in the occult they truly believe that it is Lucifer who is the true son of god, not Jesus!, this is also a Freemason ideology. Albert Pike who is the author of Morals and Dogma, which is today considered the Freemason bible. and the Illuminati all use Sun symbols and pyramids!

05 27 09 %20Globalisim.htm 146 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 BY "As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the Here COMES the WAR... CANADA! seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does DESIGN! TORONTO and our not mix with clay." Dan 2:43 (NKJ) BORDERs are the targets now. Homeland inSecurity said so. "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the ILLUMINATI will attack us soon world; and the reapers are the angels. and blame the TERRORISTS. RACE As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so WARS, No more border crossing shall it be in the end of this world." Matt 13:38-40 (KJV) and trade. Martial Law. Murder on our streets. By design. Foreign The seed of the Serpent are the goats among us who like Cain, troops are waiting in underground have a burning desire to destroy all God's children the sheep. bases. NOW you will have a taste of what The Serpent Seed is made up of non-humans that are bent on destroying all human life from this planet in the name of the rest of the worn-torn world is going thru. YOUR Lucifer. This is a birthright war, and they feel that they are the ones APATHY has run out of time! GET right with that are to have sole supreme dominance over the earth. your CREATOR! Stay away from the UFO's! You will be ALIEN FOOD! 666 To Serve Man: The Aliens Are Coming And They're Cannibals! By Sherry Shriner ITALIAN (ILLUMINATI) PRIME MINISTER BERLUSCONI RESIDENCE WITH CROWNED REPTILE EATING A I have been sounding the alarms for over two years now that the aliens are not our friends. They are hostile carnivors, I refer to them HUMAN as cannibals out of preference since when they are not trying to possess humans they eat them. And when they do invade the earth, there will be plenty of famine here because of the natural disasters and wars that happen before their arrival. And yes, mankind will be on their menu.

According to the Center for Exploited and Missing Children, over 300,000 children per year are missing. That does not include adults. And other than this being mentioned on a milk carton it's quietly swept under the rug away from the public’s eye. The aliens aren't going to come to eat humans, they already are. It will just get worse when they arrive and there is no food to feed them. They will feast openly on humans, human body parts, and yes, this will happen in America.


Serpent Seeds Among Us- Masonic Orders and the Number Nine Notice that Alfa Romeo has According to the book "Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic 9 letters. Virtues" by W. W. Wescott nine holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret societies. He said, "There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights in which nine roses, nine lights, and nine Note the Alfa Romeo automobile symbol knocks are used." In fact the number nine is the number of "the Exact same thing is seen with the earth under evil influences." crowned serpent eating the human. What has been added on the left is the red cross on white symbol of the Masonic Knights of the In summary, the number 9 is an important numeric symbol to many Templar. occult groups and sole practitioners. Unlike the number 13 that almost all people know has some superstitious implications, the number 9 would be considered "just another number" by the average " And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between person. your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Gen 3:15 15(NIV) enmity: A state of opposition; hostility & 147 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 CTV announced Tori's death on a day which totalled 9, after 6 POLICE are INCREDIBLY CORRUPT NOW IN CANADA. SHAME weeks of searching, they would look for her body for 6 days. See SHAME SHAME. Not all, but the higher up you go, the more you have details below in past issues for Tori. to lose and the more you have covered up. Repent and fix this mess. The people DON'T trust the police. Rightfully so. Classic Ritual sacrifice with all the occult symbolism review from 04 17 09 issue of CSNEWS- 05 20 2009 LIARS LIARS LIARS- CANADA is a POLICE STATE! Victoria Stafford (numerology =6) went missing 04 08 2009,3:30 pm= 6, before passover (04 09 Tori Stafford is DEAD!- Cops say after 6 weeks, 2 people were 2009=6), before a full moon. Blonde, blue- eyed arrested in the case. (Today-numerology is 9). THEY HAVE THE Aryan child. innocent. Born 07 15 2000= 6 (perfect WRONG PEOPLE. CTV has just ruined their lives with these allegations. age 8-number of completion). Parents are getting They did that to Tori's mom last month. A 28 yr old man is charged with her murder. Police were stressing that she was murdered on harrassed by Big Brother Cops. Woodstock- the 8th of April ( not passover). They say that this 18 yr old hippy/dawning of the aquarian age. AMBER woman is the one who took her and is an accessory to the crime. ALERT- promotes microchipping of children. Problem Reaction Solution Tori Stafford Murdered?

Reptiles, Aryans and Horror -

Satan’s children ggestsecret15.htm

-And the Brotherhood manipulates its Satanic initiates and ‘gofers’ into the positions of political, economic, business, military, medical and media power, and into influential positions in the world of entertainment. Therefore the ratio of Satanists and child sacrificers at the top of these professions and institutions is staggeringly high compared with the general population.

Where have all the children gone? ggestsecret16.htm

The Alex Jones Show 5/26/09 Part X and link to other parts

AJ talks with Kevin Trudeau, the infomercial marketer ordered by a federal judge to pay more than $37 million for violating a 2004 stipulated order by allegedly misrepresenting the content of his book, The Weight Loss Cure They Dont Want You to Know About. Alex also talks with Daniel Estulin, Bilderberg researcher and author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group,and attorney, small farmer, and Executive Director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, Judith McGeary. Alex makes an appearance on Russia Today, covers the important news items of the day, and takes your calls CLASSIC CASE FOR SATANIC MURDERS BY THE ILLUMINATI. You have no chance in Their JUST-US System, so forget it. They are all in BED TOGETHER. (Often Literally). Their witchcraft spells can 05 26 09 THE AWAKENING MUST COME manipulate judges and individuals to perform what is needed to secure FROM CANADA! an outcome. Money pays for Black Magic.

ARE YOU SURPRISED? North Korea’s Nukes: Paid For By The U.S. Government

148 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 mind-controlled assassin and sex slave. These are part and parcel government.html of the mind control trade -- and these things are being done to other children as we speak. Kathleen Sullivan's story suggests almost anyone can be turned into a psychopath given the right drugs -Both the Clinton and Bush administrations played a key role in and "training" -- which Karla got. helping Kim Jong-Il develop North Korea’s nuclear prowess from the mid 1990’s onwards.

-You will never hear the testimony of the accused patsies. The The hypocrisy being spewed forth COPS and the JUST-US SYSTEM bully people around and hide from all sides in reaction to today’s behind their FREEMASONRY SATANIC BOYS CLUB BLOOD OATHS! news that North Korea tested an underground nuclear device equivalent to 10 times the power Kathleen Sullivan comments: (you go Sault girl!) of their first test in October 2006 is akin to when the U.S. cited Iraq’s possession of chemical and biological weapons as a This information may be too upsetting for reason to invade in 2003, having some to read. There is a need, first checked the receipt of course, however, for the public to become since it was Donald Rumsfeld who more informed about the reality and brokered the deal to supply extent of criminal ritual abuse in our Saddam with those weapons in country. the first place. The majority of incarcerated child The Planned World War molesters were abused themselves, as children. They have 3 - A Play in Numerous reportedly abused an average of several hundred children each. Acts Many recovering adult ritual abuse survivors have begun to realize World War Three in Brief that they were used in far more than just occult rituals. Some have remembered having been forcibly used, as children, in govt. mind- control and radiation experiments. Some have been used as children and adults to courier drugs. Some adults have A Three remembered having been used to courier illegal arms and black- World War scenario was developed several decades ago (see marketed children. Some have been used as top-secret mental Conspiratorial History). Two World Wars have already been achieved, couriers of messages between heads of state. Some have been used and the Third and final World War envisions an attack on Iraq, to "sexually service" politicians and their associates. Some, Iran and/or Syria as being the trigger to set the entire Middle East like myself, were used to do highly illegal into fiery conflagration. Once America is firmly entrenched into the Middle East with the majority of her first-line units, North Korea is to "kills" for covert agencies and politicians. attack South Korea. Then, with America's forces stretched well beyond the limit, China is to invade Taiwan. This will usher in the start of World War Three.


SURPRISED?- Problem- Tori Stafford is taken from school and now believed dead ; REACTION- PUBLIC OUTCRY FOR SECURITY; SOLUTION- Government & Mind Control http://www.illuminati- ILLUMINATI will introduce their and MICROCHIP PROGRAM and enslave map.htm you for good.

MEDIA & MIND CONTROL "Spin" by Brian Springer -THEY took TORI STAFFORD. They use puppets like Karla Homolka and PAUL BERNARDO and other mind controlled manchurian candidates to do the DIRTY WORK for the Brasscheck TV Imagine...TV about what's really FASCIST MEDIA. going on

Trauma-Based Mind Control - was Karla programmed? Karla Homolka's story, as detailed in Stephen Williams' two books, bears a startling resemblance to that of Kathleen Sullivan, who as a child was put into a secret military program that turned her into a 149 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 laws and jailing offenders is a multi-billion dollar a year business that employs tens of thousands of people. Hemp may soon be joined by hundreds of other plants:

Bill C-51: Too Hard to Swallow - 1:17:28 - Sep 19, The Moonies -Everything you wanted to know 2008 NHPPA / Northica Media - about Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church (Why Does Evil It's about the future of natural health products and your rights and freedoms. A presentation by Shawn Buckley, constitutional lawyer and the president of the Natural Health Products Protectioon Association speaking about the reality behind bill C-51 & C-52

Jail 'a lazy response to poverty'In the GTA, there are postal areas where it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to jail inmates serving sentences of less than two years, based on a daily cost of $160 per inmate. Torontonians in federal prisons – where it costs $255 a day per inmate and sentences are longer than two years – will cost Canadians $535 million before their Exist? The Fall of Man sentences are up. -new laws from the Conservative government – which add more minimum sentences for gun crimes and propose the same for a host of drug offences, increasing federal incarceration costs, which CON-servatives are stepping up the LAWS for SMOKING are already $2 billion a year. TOBACCO. PUMPING UP THE POLICE STATE. This way you can go to jail for almost anything now. Don't BOTHER asking- WHY People are SMOKING... Just stress them out, watch them light up a fag and Has 'mass incarceration' failed? throw their butts in jail for up to $375/day- billed to the taxpayer. -This will also create MORE MASS HATRED for the Demon Marijuana POLICE and the JUST-US SYSTEM, cause a bloody civil war that will finally TAKE this CORRUPT Grown worldwide for millenia as a source of SATANIC House of CARDS DOWN! MANY LIVES WILL BE LOST HOWEVER food, medicine, fiber and CANADA AND UNITED STATES MOVING TOWARDS FASCISM // paper, THE CANADA-ISRAEL "PUBLIC SECURITY" AGREEMENT. hemp was banned AMERICA'S GUILLOTINES AND FEMA COFFINS // Why for the marijuana is illegal // The True Story of Marijuana in first time in the New World human history in 1938 by the United States.

The original impetus for outlawing the hemp plant came from the DuPont and Mellon families with an important assist from William Randolf Hearst. Hearst owned timber rights for millions of acres of forest land, the raw material for newsprint. DuPont had patents for numerous synthetic products that hemp is competitive with. Harry Anslinger, the virulent racist who headed the Bureau of Narcotics and spear-headed the campaign against "demon marijuana" was married to the niece of Richard Mellon of the Mellon banking family. For those who believe that the world is run by and for the benefit of a few interlocking families, this episode provides evidence for that position. Enforcing marijuana 150 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 CANADA IS DOOMED. CANADA is WITH THE POLICE. Police have $$$$$$ to work in their 05 25 09 usual. STILL SLEEPING. FEDERAL ELECTION will destabilize CANADA by design. WHO WILL ^^^ STAND UP TO THE NWO? CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES Media Screws PROTECT SATANISTS not CHILDREN!

HAARP A Children's Gulag Corruption, Child hitting NAFTA Abuse & the Business of Children in HIGHWAY areas of Quebec Red River Manitoba about 50 mm of rain in 24 From a provincial population of 7.5 hours. NW to NE million, up to 30,000 children were storm crossing into seized from families by youth ONTARIO's North. The authorities in 2006, processed in flooded river (by secret trials, and placed in group design) will take a homes, institutions or forced adoption huge hit again. programs. The majority of warehoused children are cut off from Massive Unemployment. GM's pension shortfall of parents and extended family, often 70B will not get a government bailout. 1000's will be laid off anyways. physically, sexually and emotionally 60% of Canadians don't have pension plans, so WHY should they abused, and held until the age of 18 when they are dumped on city streets. bail out other pension plans? WHY ARE WE BAILING OUT THE CORPORATIONS? THEY created this debt. BY DESIGN Years of secrecy and a total lack of accountability have created a culture of impunity and corruption among bureaucrats and the judiciary, and destroyed the lives of 100,000's of children and RCMP CORRUPTION TASER inquiry still underway. COPS families. Shattered survivors, forbidden from revealing corruption blame Dziekanski's death on his weak heart and his drinking, NOT and abuse under threat of contempt of court charges and jail, THEIR COWARDLY, NEEDLESS, multiple TASERING of a create succeeding generations of angry and broken families, frustrated, stapler guaranteeing repeat business for the state. The business of wielding, Polish children in Quebec is now a growth industry, worth over one speaking tourist, who billion dollars (USD $1,000,0000,000) per year to bureaucrats, waited for hours in an judges, lawyers, social workers, psychologists, pharmacists, airport without any institutions and contracted guardians. assistance. SHAME on you! FASCIST NAZI'S White Supremacy and Child Protection fight in Winnepeg. Cops still searching people's homes and other areas Child had drawn a Swastika on her own arm. Swastica symbol goes way in the Woodstock area. If the cops said that she died on April the 8th back into ancient Sumeria and was (stressing NOT PASSOVER), then they know where and how she died. used for the symbol of the sun. NAZI's QUIT WITH THE SNOOPING, FEAR based martial law invasion of our took the symbol and perverted it, like CANADIAN homes. WHITE COLLAR CRIME KNOWS WHERE THEY SATANISTS do with all symbols, to TOOK TORI STAFFORD. CLASSIC MEDIA (CIA) PLOY of manifest DARK ENERGIES. PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION with a SATANIC RITUAL for the signalling to the Brotherhood of DEATH, of WHO DID IT. -Child Protection Services VILLANUEVA INQUIRY FAILS TO ADDRESS POLICE NEEDS a MAJOR OVERHAUL! Lots of paid off corrupt BRUTALITY in Montreal. Key baby robbers in the $y$tem. JESUITS found another witnesses will not participate in the way to ABUSE/TAKE your children. Residential inquiry, since JUDGE only will look at 5 min before and after the shooting of Schools are too OBVIOUS NOW.The WHITE an 18 year old. OUR CORRUPT SUPREMACY is ALSO IN THE CHILDREN'S AID. COURTS AND JUDGES are in BED 151 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 A 10yr old Boys Hunt for Justice in Canada A boy 120 B deficit for exposes the abuse his younger brother suffers at the hands of a CANADA now. CON- private corporation in Ontario Canada. Sheila White speaks SERVATIVES are spending about CAS at Queens Park Sheila White, the executive taxpayer money to pay off assistance to MPP Andrea Horwath speaks before a public audience in the BIG BROTHER front of Queen's Park regarding the need of oversight of CAS agencies CORPORATIONS (very in Ontario.All readers are encouraged to email their own Ontario MPP secretive about spending). and to request that they review the videos taken in front of Queens YOU will PAY FOR IT. They Park. Pass the links on to your MPP's with your own message and help will be off in their turn the tide for accountability with the CAS. underground cities or off- shore resorts. LIED about the deficit amount too (said MPP Randy Hiller speaks about Children's Aid 80B). Society // CAS Corruption In Ontario Has to Stop!! -TOO BAD for the POOR. Too bad for the pensioners. Too bad for the entrepreneurs. TOO POLY-TICS BAD for CANADA! CON-servative, bum-kissing John BAIRD (MP transportation minister) yelled his point What is the REAL story behind in Parliament, saying that 52 weeks for EI eligibility Grunt Grunt North Korea? North Korea flexing it's is good. BAIRD's pension trough is full. muscles-bible style. China and Russia upset Grunt WHERE IS YOUR HANDLER- HAARPER today? too. Korea conducted a NUCLEAR Explosion HIDING AGAIN? underground, the size of Hiroshima, Yesterday. The Great Nuclear Conspiracy: Benazir Bhutto Carried Nuke FINANCE FLAHERTY meets with other $$$ finance Secrets To North Korea. ministers in MEECH LAKE Quebec. June update on the Orchestrated CANADIAN DEPRESSION. Pension, EI, CPP, and AXIS OF STUPIDITY by Ann Coulter When President Bush retraining on the agenda. FLAHERTY said included North Korea in the axis of evil last year, foreign policy experts that 'They are DOING in CANADA what concluded that he was a moron. they are doing in USA and UK." That means... NEW WORLD ORDER agenda. 50 Billion stimulus package for the country. WHERE is the MONEY GOING? HOW DOES -OBAMA and the UN BIG BOYS are concerned. a LAWYER get to be FINANCE MINISTER? WHY...they want all the guns and power for their NWO?" We will work Perhaps his prior school's influence at with our friends and allies to stand up to this behaviour. " says OBAMA Loyola, a Jesuit school, had something to BEAST, WALL Street President. do with his current LIFESTREAM. He has worn many political HATS in the BROTHERHOOD. IGGY AND HARPER = NEW WORLD ORDER.

(In a July 9, 2007 interview on Business News Network, former NDP Jack Layton Conservative Alberta Premier Ralph Klein criticized PM Stephen speaking out for Harper and Jim Flaherty for their mishandling of the Income Trust issue and for not keeping their word on Income Trust the Unemployed. taxation. [2] According to the Canadian Association of Income Trust Please keep your Investors the change in tax rules cost investors $35 billion loyalty to dollars in market value. Stephen Harper specifically promised "not to raid Senior's nest eggs" during the 2006 Federal Election. [3]) CANADA, when

OBAMA tries to -(The Toronto Star determined that several people who supported manipulate you Flaherty when he was an Ontario cabinet minister or who supported this summer. his two failed bids to lead the Ontario Tories were awarded employment contracts or given appointments. )

Harper and Iggy's gang are controlled by the -More EI for those who qualify for EI. Pension obligations are NWO, so don't expect any solutions for the people of CANADA. The provincial and corporate says FLAHERTY. His trough is full too, so WHO GLOBALISTS want our land and water. These GOON PUPPET MP CARES. OINK OINK OINK. No one expected the whole leaders have bought into the global bribe already. If they back out now, they get a bullet in the head. country to be unemployed, other than the 152 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 BANKSTERS and the CORPORATE Secret Society -Episkopon's luminaries include Bill Graham, a former Liberal politician and Trinity chancellor, and former governor general SATANISTS. Adrienne Clarkson.

- Ontario Finance Minister calls for 360 hours of EI Episkopon seems to have answered Toronto's multicultural evolution eligibility for those who need it NOW....across the board for by becoming more regressive. It added racism and homophobia to CANADA. -Morphing MP's a roster of insults that already included obesity and gender. It became more frat-like and alcohol-fuelled. But regardless of how Diane Finley and Flaherty much the college wanted to, it could not destroy Episkopon. said that their crumbs from January and their discriminatory rules for EI (500 to 700 hours -In reality, upper-year students launch venomous tirades range), should do. Finley's husband against fellow students: publicly insulting them for being is HARPER's 2nd man, so she is promiscuous or obese, outing young gays, sneering at students certainly a NWO BITCH for the with debt and those they feel fail to uphold Trinity's elite reputation. Illuminati. The once venerated society has begun to engage in frat-house hazing.

This frustration in government CLOSING RANKS will force an ELECTION with Each winter, in a hazing ritual, Episkopon inductees are led around the Liberals LYING promises the city blindfolded and fantastically drunk. Blindfolds are about fixing EI. IGGY is removed at the top of a hill in Trinity Bellwoods Park and boozed recruits fling themselves down the steep slope. OBAMA-nated. Bobby Rae has an underground city under his riding. They have a lot to lose if they GO -a student who criticized the group was doused with a bucket of urine CANADIAN! We would and excrement. probably put them on trial like traitor Mulroney. BOBBY RAE-Where do all the homeless on Toronto NESARA (Beast Agenda Bribe) is suppose to Streets end up? No one ever misses them. wipe out all the Unholy TRINITY Governments soon, so this is just a SHOW. ***

U of T's Trinity College tainted NESARA 2009 SEQUENCE of EVENTS Last updated: by secret society Ritualized 18th May, 2009. ORGONE-SALT LAKE CITY debauchery, hazing tarnish UTAH and the NEW JERUSALEM. Crash that venerable college's traditions UFO. May 25, 2009 Iain Marlow STAFF REPORTER -There won't be too many men left on this planet, once this mess is OVER. They will kill eachother off- EGOS and all. If they don't, they will take the Microchip and the BEAST BRIBE and be DOOMED that way. Love and the Aquarian Age is too Airy Fairy for most testosterone tripping males.

-The rowdy ballad glorifies their secret group and the debauchery of Trinity, with the cadence and NESARA/ Dove/ Omega Scam Yields Millions lyrical nuance of a Frosh cheer. This is one of the three annual public gatherings of Episkopon, a channelid=102&contentid=1416 contentious and pseudo-secret organization that dates back to 1858. DOCTRINES- HELL AND THE LAKE OF FIRE -In a sense, it is a crass, northern version s/Hell_and_the_lake_of_fire.htm of Yale University's mysterious Skull and Bones society, which counts George W. Bush among its alumni, as well as Quetzalcoatl From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia countless politicians, captains of industry and judges. -Quetzalcoatl was related to gods of the wind, of Venus, of the dawn, of merchants and of arts, crafts and knowledge. He was also 153 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. The “ideological divisions include gay rights, gun rights, God in [5] Quetzalcoatl was one of several important gods in the Aztec the classroom, environmentalism and projecting American pantheon along with the gods Tlaloc, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli. power,” adds the story.

-the feathered serpent was a symbol of fertility and internal political structures contrasting with the War Serpent symbolizing the outwards military expansion of the Teotihuacan empire.[8]

-Feathered Serpent was part of a triad of agricultural deities: the Goddess of the Cave symbolizing motherhood, reproduction and life, Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder and the feathered serpent, god of vegetational renewal. The feathered serpent was furthermore connected to the star venus because of this stars importance as a sign of the beginning of the rainy season. To both Teotihuacan and Mayan cultures Venus was in turn also symbolically connected with warfare. [9]

-The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in colonial traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice.[11] Mesoamerican priests and kings would sometimes take the name of a deity they were associated with, so Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan are also the names of historical persons.

05 24 09 SATANISTS in TORONTO. Okay with Canada's Immigration?

Bush and Clinton, together in Toronto Media Screws

On May 29, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, United States June 1, 2009- if you don't have a passport, you presidents 42 and 43, will appear together on stage for the first can't leave the country. Poor- stay here. This will time since Bush ended his presidency in Jan 2009,” says says, going on »»» devastate tourism. The next plan is the Smart Card ( assets/drivers license/personal info with Bush made his first post-presidential appearance in Calgary in tracking chip), then MICROCHIP the population that March. Although speakers’ fees are not divulged, there were succumbs to the NEW WORLD ORDER. reports Bush received as much as US $162,000 for his March appearance in Calgary, and Bill Clinton earned US $31 million in speaking fees between 2001 and 2005. Are you still sleeping CANADA? THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU NOW! STAND UP for your Clinton’s fees were disclosed in the Senate ethics reports of his COUNTRY, the INNOCENT and your CHILDREN. wife, now-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. WE ARE OUT OF TIME!

The conversation at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre is expected to last two hours and cover the global and domestic -Sri Lankan Refugees imprisioned in concentration challenges looking ahead and of the last 16 years. It will reflect camps. Government will not release them. MASS the ideological differences between Clinton, a Democrat, and Bush, a Republican, but not generational differences, as they GENOCIDE and now...FEMA (Fresh Earthling Meat are close to the same age. Access). This will enrage 154 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 the Tamils in Toronto. Police planted Protest Bribe and let reporters in" excuse for the provokateurs will lead the Tamils into violence and increase in SECURITY, thus increasing your SLAVE bring in Martial Law to Toronto. TAXES to protect the very PERSON WHO ENSLAVES YOU. - Does Toronto care? We shall see. LIZARDS await their feed. Are they just under Church and Illuminati PUPPET Canadian Gerrard St. in Toronto?-UNDERGROUND CITY. Government will bail out off Parliament St. needs a huge hit of ORGONE... Illuminati owned Auto So DOES THE TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE, Companies, but leave the before May 29, 2009. Canadian PEOPLE homeless. The PEOPLE FLIP THE TAX BILL. TOO - meanwhile 44 people down with the JOKE Flu in BAD>>>your apathy gave you a FASCIST COUNTRY Chile. "You should be scared and get vaccinated or while you were paying your illegal war tax and using BUY expired TAMIflu" ...says the SATANIC WORLD U your SIN number to save for your STOLEN N Gov't. NOT PENSIONs. Thank $atan- god of MONEY and GOV'Ts WANT TO VACCINATE EVERYONE IN SELFISHNESS. AMERIKA! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE...only your enslavement and providing them -LIBERALS and with a food source, CONSERVATIVES are a when needed. ONE PARTY SYSTEM. It's all for TeeVee! They really attend the same secret meetings together - N.E Florida flooded behind the scenes. Bilderberg, with sewage backing Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, Secret Brotherhood up into homes, Meetings, backroom negotiations with OBAMA/BUSH Admin, threatening disease and etc. Nothing to worry about? These are DANGEROUS economic devastation. PLANS FOR THE HUMAN RACE! Mostly blacks targetted and lower middle class. - Very Violent Movies of Apocalyptic Nature BY DESIGN. ( mini coming out of ZIONIST/JESUIT owned KATRINA?). They have a nice FEMA CAMP WAITING FOR YOU. DON'T GO. We may never see you again. They want to Vaccinate HOLLYWOOD. What are they trying to program you to protect you???? The same crime ring probably flooded us with now?- the place to begin with. VAMPIRES, REPTILIANS, SATANISTS and UFO propaganda in Rio De Janiero. Programming for DRAGONS Eat Humans (Sheeple). the real thing. HUMANS eat COWS, PIGS, CHICKENS, and SEA SWARMS of BEES is New York City. ANIMALS and other mammals. ZIONISTS/VATICAN may be behind this. Check the name of the place that these bees were collected and sent to. 05 23 09 THE MEDIA IS REALLY LYING UP A STORM LATELY. THE BULLSHIT IS COMING FROM THE GOONS WHO FASCISM -- "9-11" -- MIND CONTROL The CAN AFFORD TO PUT IT ON TEEVEE! Mother Of All Black Operations http://9- tml Queen Beast is scared for her Reptilian Life. Wants to beef up security at the Blue Blooded Buckingham Palace. Using "Chauffeur took a 155 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

HOLY BLOOD HOLY GRAIL-THE BOOK - You may ask yourself how is this being covered Give it to your PRIEST and RELIGION TEACHER up. The same group working with the greys and reptilians which is MI6, CIA and the MIEC, own Holy Blood Holy Grail audio book- this will blow the and control the mainstream media. roof off the Vatican. Finally. ENCORE -My name is James Casbolt and I worked in MI6 covert cocaine trafficking operations with the IRA in London between 1995 and 1999. My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6 and worked with the Big Brother CIA and mafia in Rome in 1993 on covert cocaine and heroin trafficking operations. 05 22 09 -These projects are being run by a secret, unelected international Toronto Street News May 1-15 09 governing body connected to the available now U.N.

-The global drugs trade run by -When the many factions of the global day of intelligence community co- operating together (MI6, CIA, Martial Law MOSSAD etc) is worth at least £500 billion a year. This is more than begins the 6 the global oil trade. MI6 control many of the other intelligence agencies in the world. MI6 created the CIA in 1947 and still control million UNISF them today. and UNMNTF troops in -This ‘black ops’ drug money or in classic Orwellian terms, America and MI6/CIA ’non-appropriated funds’ is being used to fund government and military projects classified ‘Above top secret’. -These operations Canada will be include a huge worldwide UFO cover up and the building and deployed to maintaining of deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.S). round up, There are many of these bases worldwide but here is small list: Dulce in New Mexico, Brecon Beacons in Wales, Los Alamos in Mexico, gangrape and kill millions of Americans whose Pine Gap in Australia, The Snowy mountains in Australia, The names appear on the CIA Red Hit List and the Nyala range in Africa, West of Kindu in Africa, Next to the CIA Blue Hit List. Do not think it won't happen, Libyan border in Egypt, Mount Blanc in Switzerland, Narvik in Scandinavia, Gottland it most definitely will. You have been island in Sweden and warned. many other places 05/discussion.cgi.37.html - There are at least 1400 of these D.U.M.B.S worldwide. 131 in the US. With 2 underground bases being built per year in the US at the moment. The average depth of the bases are four and a quarter miles underground ( some shallower and some ound25.htm deeper ).

There is a massive number of missing children in Britain, -The bases are on average the size a medium sized city. Each DUMB America and other places connected to these underground base costs between 17 and 26 billion dollars to build which is bases. The figure in Britain seems to be at least twenty thousand funded by MI6/CIA drug money. Each underground base employs children disappear without a trace every year. In a 1995 1,800 to 10,000 workers. A nuclear powered drill it used to dig classified CIA, DIA (defense intelligence agency) and FBI report, underground. This drill goes through rock at a tremendous rate and it stated that one hundred thousand children and one million literally melts the rock away to form a smooth glass like surface adults disappear and are never found in the US every year. around the edges of the tunnels.

Phil Schneider - Underground Bases & Greys - last video before -By executive order the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law, which basically means being killed (1995) - 1:11:00 they can do whatever they want and are answerable to no one. 156 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 This is because of its interaction with extra-terrestrial species and are taken from people. Your mind may want to go into denial that its twisted view that the people are children and cannot handle this is happening but if you start digging you will find this is 100% the truth. true. -The workers said the Dulce facility goes down at least seven levels. Level six is privately called ’nightmare hall’amongst workers. They tell of bizarre experimentation and multi-legged humans -The grey and reptilian that look half human and half octopus, reptilian humanoids, aliens working together furry creatures with hands like humans that cry like a baby, with the military in the and mimic human words. underground bases is called MIEC (military -Also a huge mixture of lizard humans in cages, several cages industrial extra-terrestrial of winged humans, three and a half to seven feet tall bat like complex). This is a creatures and gargoyle like beings. In level seven are malevolent organization, thousands of rows of human and human genetic mixtures in as you shall see with the cold storage, humanoid embryo storage vats with embryos in following information. various stages of development. There are also benevolent ET’s on this planet. These groups are not part of the MIEC and are from: the Pleiades, Andromeda, Lyra, -“I frequently encountered Procyon, Tau Ceti, Sirius A, Ummo. These groups seem to work humans in cages, usually together in some kind of protective ‘federation’. These peace loving dazed or drugged, but ‘human looking’ beings refused to be co-opted into the sometimes they cried and emerging military industrial extra terrestrial complex (MIEC) in begged for help. We were the US, Britain, Russia and elsewhere on the planet. told they were insane and involved in high-risk drug -On July 11, 1934 the first treaty with the greys from Orion tests to cure insanity. We occurred aboard a naval ship in Balboa. This was one of the were told never to speak to most important events in human history because it thrust us them at all. into a role we were not prepared for as regards to being a host to a malevolent extra-terrestrial race. -The US federal government -one in ten people have been abducted and implanted by the disregarded the constitution of the United States by not telling the Greys and reptilians and returned with their memories erased. people, that the agreement was first made between the greys This report has been sent out to one hundred and ten thousand clinical representing the reptilians from Orion and representatives of the US psychiatrists in the US. The Roper report also states that women are intelligence community. being raped by reptilian ET’s as part of a ongoing genetic program by them. -The treaty stated that in return for the greys providing high technology (anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environment, free energy -They say that because of the and medical technology) the government would allow the greys to alien/government treaties this proceed unhindered with human abductions. amounts to government sponsored rape. According to the -In the cave large metallic vats were found filled with human body Roper report 99.3% of the parts, generally glands. In the vats were high tech stirring devices abductees being used in this that stopped the blood coagulating. ongoing genetic ET program are female and 0.7% are male.

- photographs of human mutilations they had found near the heavily guarded Breaken beacon DUMB in Wales. These photos were taken -I have personally seen intelligence at a sealed off area where UFO activity had taken place. The photos documents of studies into the Grey showed a girl of sixteen and a boy of twenty who had their and Reptilian problem that genitals removed, eyeballs removed, lips removed and directly show they are involved in genetic sabotage of the human race. half of their skin was missing. The Grey and Reptilian alien agenda is to slowly and covertly take over the planet in the next thirty years, reduce the population and run the planet from underground using the surface -Aleister Crowley had performed many satanic rituals at a cottage population as food to be taken when and how they wish. The in Zennor (there seems to be a close connection with Satanism and British, Russian and US government is shooting down around one the greys and reptilians). Grey and Reptilian craft a month with particle beam weapons developed from Tesla technology. -So what is going on with these human mutilations and missing people?. The truth of the matter is that the greys and reptilians feed off the glandular secretions and hormones through a type of osmosis. This is why major organs 157 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -The headquarters of the secret international governing body in charge vats of Humanoids, in various stages of development. "I frequently of dealing with the ET phenomenon is in Geneva, Switzerland. The encountered humans in cages, usually dazed or drugged, but ruling body is made up of representatives of the governments involved sometimes they cried and begged for help. We were told they were as well as the executive members of the group known as the hopelessly insane, and involved in high risk tests to cure insanity. "We Bilderbergers. As I have said the British, American and Russian were told to never try to speak to them at all. governments are working very closely together because of the Grey/Reptilian threat to the -"They were interested in intelligent "Disposable planet. Biology" (Humanoids), to do the dangerous atomic (Plutonium) rocket and saucer -Although the situation is so experiments. "We cloned "our" own little horrendous that these Humanoids, via a process perfected in the Bio- governments have shattered Genetic Research Center of the World, Los into panicked factions, some of Alamos! which have ’sold out’ and are directly helping the Greys -"Now, we have our own `disposable' slave- and Reptilians. race. Like the alien `Greys' (EBES), the U.S. government clandestinely impregnated - The Greys and reptilians females, then removed the hybrid fetus, from Orion have been (after about 3 months) and then accelerated their involved in an ancient war with the Benevolent Pleiadians and growth in the Lab. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is other groups. The Pleiadians are a very powerful group and are the instilled; they are `implanted' and guardians of this solar system. I personally do not believe they will controlled at a distance through let the grey/reptilian agenda fully unfold. They have helped us in the regular RF (Radio Frequency) past, are helping us now and will help us in the future. transmissions.

-There is also the CIA ‘finders case’. This involved negative factions -"Warning: Manipulation and Control, of the CIA directly involved in child kidnapping. There were Fear and Favor...The Pentagon, the instructions on impregnation of female teenagers and also CIA, NSA, FBI,DEA, NSC, etc. seek instructions on how to avoid police detection. The destination for the to capitalize on the beliefs of the children in the instructions was New Mexico. American public. The Secret Government is getting ready to `stage' a contact-landing with -anonymous man says batches of children numbering one, two Aliens in the near future. This way and three thousand were kept in cages piled up to the ceiling of they can `Control' the release of Alien large hangers. He says these cages are called ’woodpecker grids’. related propaganda. These are electrified and the children were tortured with electric shocks. Children are today still being transported to china lake naval base by train, car and air. One of the main delivery routes for children - staged version, using the beliefs of into China Lake is by plane from the Santa Rosa airstrip near the American people in regard to Bohemian Grove. the BOOK OF REVELATION, wherein entities would be expecting the return of Christ after some kind of event or situation that might lead to a kind of Armageddon. This -Evidence seems to point to the ET’s promising these humans certain Awareness indicates that the only thing about this is that there is, in powers when this happens. The name of the powerful secretive group fact the threat of the Reptilian invasion; ‘The Trilateral Commission’ is taken from the Orion Grey/Reptilian flag known as the Trilateral insignia. This shows how much trouble the Human race is in. - there is the conflict and agreement between the Grey Reticuli and & the Reptilians; that of the Grey Reticuli, the orange group as being the more hostile to the Reptilians; that it is also the more hostile group in regard to Grey/human relationships. This Awareness SPECIAL indicates, however, that it does offer a potential for shifting of REPORT alliances between the Greys and "NIGHTMARE the human HALL" http://www.think- -"They are untrustworthy manipulator/mercenary agents for another extraterrestrial culture (the Draco), who are returning to earth (their ancient `outpost') to use it as a staging area. But, these alien cultures are in conflict over whose agenda will be followed for this planet. All the while mental control is being used to keep humans `in place,' especially since the Forties." -"Level 7 is worse: row after row of thousands of humans and human-mixtures in cold storage. Here too are embryo storage 158 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -it would appear that there is the potential of a situation occurring on Mount Greenough, CANADA Functions: Industrial Base. Supplying this planet in which if the the planet's bases with machinery. Reptilians arrive, the Notes: Base has two parts; parts for ships, the other one for refined human race would not machines such as medical and spying devices. Therefore different survive for any meaningful technicians are used.Broken parts are brought here where they are length of time in any quality of repaired or modernized. life. It would, it appears, deteriorate in such a -Their handling of machines is different than ours, as if those machines manner that the human are more part of themselves, which makes their understanding of the race would simply become machine's problems much easier to spot. This Base would be a delight useful as food for the for any of our engineers. Amazing, but this is a very peaceful Base, Reptilians; this in the they work here as they are used at home. event sufficient numbers of Reptilians came and were able to control the masses of -Composed of: ET's 450 - Hybrids trained as technicians 550 - No humans, and through their present allies, the Greys, it would appear ships of their own as they receive those for repair and if needed use this would be possible. Without the alliance between the Greys them. They must also make tests to see that they function properly. and the humans, it would appear that the Reptilians would have very little obstruction to their total dominion of the planet. The Nahanni Valley, Canada Notes: This valley is inhabited only by animals as people entering the valley are usually found headless and quite dead. The Indian tribes of the area avoid this valley. (These tribes include the Ojibways, the CANADA'S UNDERGROUND These areas Slave, the Dogribs, the Stoney, the Beavers and the Chipweyans.) This and waterways MUST be orgoned valley is often referred to as "the Valley of the Headless Men. IMMEDIATELY http://www.think- Newfoundland Iron Mine, CANADA Notes:located is near the CANADA'S UNDERGROUND Banff, Alberta, Calgary, Newfoundland-Quebec Border Alberta,(Bovine Genetics), Lake Ontario, Ontario, CANADA Notes: Alfred Scadding of Toronto, Kanta-Notes: Kanata, just west of Ottawa, Canada is reportedly the the sole survivor of the 1936 Moose location of an alien projects test center. Huge facilities for U.S. and River Mine disaster, insisted that right Canadian military corps, the research center provides projects and before the disaster occurred he saw a storage for Area-51 or Dreamland. light swinging 2 feet above the ground in a side-shaft where no one This site is also involved in an ongoing battle with an alien collective else was supposed to be, and that has succeeded in infiltrating much of the governmental/military following the collapse he and Dr. complex via sell-out by Industrialist, Fraternal and Intelligence Eddie Robinson [who did not survive until rescue] heard for the space agencies. Some joint US/Canadian forces are apparently resisting the of 24 hours the sounds of shouting and laughter, "as of little people takeover - infiltration - assimilation on the one hand and attempting to having fun".

Richardson Mountains - Mount Hare, CANADA Functions: News Control System. Notes:Interested in data told about them. Confusion is OK. They love miss information. They want us to use Satellites, Internet & Computers in order to have an easy access to the planet's information. It just has expanded faster than they thought and some is getting out of hand for them. Also they send things at their convenience. Now they are a bit confused, things do not run exactly as they have planned. Seems as if some of us, Homo Sapiens, are waking up.

Masses they have no real problem with, but there are INDIVIDUALS making things known. In this Computer age data is been spread with a speed no one has expected. All their misinformation is not able to drawn the right data. Their disadvantage is to work only with long term programs and are not used to make fast changes of their plans. Even they get overwhelmed with the amount of information they have to go through. They have their own satellites in order to have a world buy time via further appeasement on the other in order to develop wide information available. defensive technology. Composed of: ET's 200 - Hybrids trained as robots to check on their machines 110 - Hybrids for menial work 65 - 55 Homo Sapiens, 159 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 needed for language problems. Once they are there, they cannot leave again. IS DEAD. SACRIFICED by the MICROCHIP Propaganda SATANISTS! Most amazing machines, but mostly SMALL. Getting lots of things SCREAM UNTIL JUSTICE is PROPERLY through rays. Can even have devices outside as the area is deserted. SERVED!

For them it is a natural thing to control everything as they consider themselves the rulers even though they are hidden leaders. Used to CANADA is A POLICE STATE! control this way throughout the Physical Universe. Ships they do not need. This shows the organization system, each Base has exactly what POLITICIANS and CORPORATIO NS it needs. $OLD us to the NAZI's.

Schefferville, CANADA Notes: A deep iron-mine near the Quebec-Newfoundland border has ^^^ been the site of unusual disappearances. Three men who visited the mine discovered an automatic door in the rock which led to an underground alien system of tunnels, chambers and strange machines. NDP Jack Layton was contacted by the OBAMA Gov't to meet this summer.SAY NO to the New Wor ld Order. He flinched on In one chamber they saw a disc-like craft sitting on a platform, part of ctv's power play, when they mentioned the meet. Canada is which became transparent revealing the inner mechanisms. Also in watching you. Very carefully:)New Democrats getting down to work - this same chamber a diminutive human like being appeared on a view- helping the middle class and the most vulnerable screen and gave a speech stating that they meant no harm and condemning those "picayunish deceivers" on the surface who would demonize the inhabitants of the inner world and their intentions. The Jack Layton's Letter to the President: Open three men then fell unconscious when an energy field illuminated the markets key to recovery room, ad awoke outside of the mine. Shortly thereafter two of the Posted: February 19, 2009, 8:00 AM by Kelly McParland young men reportedly died of radiation poisoning, and the remaining survivor's notebook about the incident mysteriously spontaneously 9/02/19/jack-layton-s-letter-to-the-president-open-markets-key-to- combusted into ashes. recovery.aspx

Toronto , CANADA Notes:There is a small opening to the underground tunnels off 666 Parliament Street in downtown Toronto. (The entrance is between two Birds of a apartment buildings, and leads to the tunnels via the sewers.) The underground city (abandoned?) beneath Toronto has its center Feather, FLOCK beneath Gerrard Street and Church Street. Above this area, Together strange magnetic effects have been observed. STRONACH CANADA, SOUTHERN Cave explorers reportedly entered a cavern in southern Canada and discovered a perfectly circular polished shaft KNEW ABOUT from which a "humming" sound emerged, when suddenly the group THE NEW was attacked by "strange looking beings/creatures/humanoids" WORLD ORDER wielding heat-ray weapons. The only survivor, who was knocked into an alcove, was badly burned, and came to only to find the rest of his SINCE 2004 party missing. When a nearby village heard the story they dynamited the cave entrance shut. Belinda Stronach's DADDY MAGNA in NewMarket, Ontario has interests off shore. Wants to build cars now.MAGNA makes the car parts already. WHY NOT HOG IT ALL.

05 21 09 BEWARE OF THE QUEEN, the -BELINDA STRONACH still VATICAN and the ZIONISTS ( Ashkenazi Jews/ needs your MONEY to buy not torah JEWS). THEY HAVE THE BLOOD OF OUR CHILDREN ON POISONOUS, cheap Mosquito nets THEIR HANDS! for the poor children in the 3rd world. Her and SATANIST TORI STAFFORD 160 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 TONY BLAIR think it is a good preventer of MALARIA. POISON the children directly with pesticides and keep the mosquitoes alive. 9/04/01/congress-end-amber-alerts-by-2010-microchip- newborns.aspx -Cleaning the water in the area would FIX THINGS. Can't Have that now. THESE AREN'T ARYAN BLOODLINES. -THE PROBLEM are the ACTORS on TV and those who still keep a high gov't pay check. Start asking some questions. Meet Bill Clinton's Mistress: Belinda Stronach BIG BROTHER knows where TORI IS.

Bill Clinton, Gina Gershon, They are guilty of taking her. SATANISTS! Belinda Stronach....

Bill Clinton: Hillary can’t live with him - can’t live without him -Big Brother trained terrorists or Illuminati gangs caused a LOCK DOWN in a TORONTO ESL School today. Also some terror in New York. Adulterers in Chief By Steve The ones who can get away with these ATTACKS are those that have Benen, Washington Monthly access to the cameras on all our streets now.

EXPOSÉ: THE “CHRISTIAN” MAFIA Where Those Who Now Run COPS search your house TO SPY ON the U.S. Government Came From and Where They Are Taking YOU! Us By Wayne Madsen Part I

False alarm triggers school lockdown BILDERBERG MEETINGS Rottach-Egern, Germany 5-8 May STAFFORD 2005. On the 2005 agenda: Iran, Iraq, The Middle East, Non- Proliferation, Asia, Economic Problems, Russia, European- American relations. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS If it is on ZIONIST MEDIA TV/ RADIO/ NEWSPAPER, it is CREATED and MANIPULATED by ZIONIST, JESUIT, NAZI, FASCIST DICTATORS who want to MIND CONTROL YOU and genocide the USELESS EATERS. ???

YOUR LIFE AS A HUMAN TEST SUBJECT. OK to reproduce for - If the police knew that Tori Stafford died on April the 8th, education. before Passover, (and not ritually sacrificed on the 9th at full moon), then they MUST know >>> where TORI's BODY is. WHY God's plan to end state terrorism... and all wickedness THE HELL ARE THEY SEARCHING for her and disinforming, Age of Aquarius scaring the PEOPLE. -What does Age of Aquarius mean? THEY WANT TO "What lies ahead for Humanity? With all the problems we have, it's hard to believe our future is bright. Inflation and recession, MICROCHIP YOUR CHILDREN! environmental deterioration, diminishing resources, unrest and oppression in developing countries, and apathy, loneliness and lack of Congress: End Amber Alerts by 2010, MicroChip direction in developed ones all combine to severely cloud the horizon... Newborns - you will certainly be aware that life on planet Earth seems to be going off the rails in one way or another.

-This is characteristic of the changing of the Ages as people struggle to adapt to the new energies. You will also have noticed certain major developments - such as science, computers and technology, all of which are now forming the backbone of our society. UFO's, alternative medicine, astrology, vegetarianism and other subjects previously considered weird or cranky are growing rapidly in popularity, and are 161 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 all subjects associated with the sign of Aquarius. These subjects will become more and more commonplace, and astrology and other NESARA DECEPTION ALERT-Last 'mystical' methods of self-help and understanding will help people to updated: 12th March, 2009 become more in tune with their spiritual selves in preparation for the New Age. ST. GERMAIN, PROSPERITY PROGRAMS - The more enlightened members of society will welcome the New and the ILLUMINATI-This man is no Dawn with its emphasis on humanity, kindness, truth, spirituality and enlightenment." [2] Saint....count St. Germain...the man that never dies...a VAMPIRE. St. Germain is the FALSE - The Age when PROPHET. Sananda Esu Immanuel is the everything becomes ANTICHRIST. The WORLD is not going to be unified "In the New Age rewarded for SINS. we break free of centuries of false doctrines, destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas, and children’s stories about God, education, medicine, and love. The corrupt foundations of false society crumble.

-Mystically, Aquarius signifies friendship.

-This is the era of peace, of unity, of love. SEPARATION of the WHEAT and the -This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all TARES. The Earth will be cleansed of the religious regimes and TARES. Many will die. MOST will be deceived. Those free the minds of ignorance and delusion that take the MARK of the BEAST will belong to forever. Once the BEAST. The WHEAT will survive and thrive in enlightened, each the end. They will have remained loyal to the true human being will begin his or her individual journey WORD. within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans Children of the Light will rebuild EDEN. NESARA will awakening seekers of mimic the Aquarian Age with the NEW AGE first. Truth and the eternal Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and You have been nations in the process. In WARNED. oxox this new millennium Project Bluebeam there will be no more falsehoods or derision, but spiritual living and third-eye vision. The Human Family is truly entering the Age of mystic revelations and the mind's true liberation which is broadly known as spiritualism or New ***Predictions Millennium Religion. about the Spiritual

BUT FIRST- BEWARE OF THE DECEPTION of the FALSE PROPHETS Mother before the coming of age. NESARA and the ANTICHRIST Sananda and St. Germain.

03 29 09 In a book published in 1887 titled “The Mystery of the Ages” by Marie, Countess of Caithness (Page 316-317) the following prediction 162 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 appears:- “It was generally considered, at the turn of the next 888 century, that the next Divine incarnation was about to come to earth and would be female, the advent of Divine Wisdom, or Theo-Sophia, and that the present age would be the age of making known all that Tori which has been kept secret from the beginning.” Stafford -9.11-For she knows and is DEAD!- understands all things,... Cops say after 6 weeks, 2 people And what of Sophia, of Wisdom, of were arrested in the Holy Spirit, Comforter, the case. (Today- Counsellor, Redeemer? Well numerology is 9). people say She is here, residing THEY HAVE THE within each and everyone of us as a WRONG PEOPLE. sleeping potential, an inner life CTV has just force, known widely as the ruined their lives Kundalini energy. Further it is said with these that the one who resurrects this allegations. They inner Divine Life Force, en-masse, is did that to Tori's mom last month. A 28 yr old man is charged with her the Divine Mother, Goddess, Holy murder. Police were stressing that she was Spirit, who is verily a Comforter, Counsellor, murdered on the 8th of April ( not passover). Redeemer. They say that this 18 yr old woman is the one who took her and is an accessory to the crime. -It’s the age of truth. But it’s a Last Judgement. -CLASSIC CASE FOR SATANIC MURDERS BY THE ILLUMINATI. You -we have to take to wisdom, and that is only possible when the brain have no chance in Their JUST-US System, so forget it. They are all in is enlightened by Kundalini. BED TOGETHER. (Often Literally). Their witchcraft spells can manipulate judges and individuals to perform what is needed to secure an outcome. Money pays for Black Magic.

POLICE are INCREDIBLY CORRUPT NOW IN CANADA. SHAME -Absolute knowledge only comes SHAME SHAME. Not all, but the higher up you go, the more you have from the Spirit, and so unless we to lose and the more you have covered up. Repent and fix this mess. know the Self, the Spirit, we The people DON'T trust the police. Rightfully so. cannot know what is absolute and what is Absolute Truth. Otherwise, when we live in the review from 04 17 09 issue of CSNEWS- relative world we will be always quarrelling, fighting and having wars. Victoria Stafford (numerology =6) went missing 04 08 2009, before passover (04 09 -Aquarius means both “water 2009=6), before a full moon. Blonde, blue- eyed gatherer” and “eagle gathered.” Aryan child. innocent. Born 07 15 2000= 6 (perfect age 8-number of completion). Parents are getting 05 20 09 LIARS harrassed by Big Brother Cops. Woodstock- LIARS LIARS- CANADA is a POLICE hippy/dawning of the aquarian age. AMBER ALERT- STATE! promotes microchipping of children. Problem Reaction Solution

Holy Blood Holy Grail audio book- this will blow the roof off the Vatican. Finally. Reptiles, Aryans and Horror ______Satan’s children being sprayed currently above Sault Ont. Check your Chemtrails ggestsecret15.htm skies. It could be your next dose of Government Swine/Bird/Human Flu. Perfect timing for school recess 10:30 am and 2:30 pm so far. Pics to follow. I am watching the day unfold. -And the Brotherhood manipulates its Satanic initiates and ‘gofers’ into the positions of political, economic, business, military, medical and media power, and into influential positions in the world of 163 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 entertainment. Therefore the ratio of Satanists and child sacrificers at - I do think though that rather than a dyadic conflict between the the top of these professions and institutions is staggeringly high Reptilians and Anunnaki, as you suggest with your Lord of the Rings compared with the general population. metaphor, that there is a third force involved here which comprises the kinds of ET groups that I referred to earlier which most regard as benevolent, e.g., Andromedans, Pleiadians, Arcturians, etc. So Where have all the children gone? the competition or struggle for Earth is triadic. We have two interventionist factions, Reptilians and Anunnaki who have ggestsecret16.htm different approaches to how to manage the Earth, kind of like the Republican and Democrat approaches, and we have a third faction which is primarily non-interventionist and use consciousness *** raising.

So, who was Yahweh? Was He one of them? Was He an Canada Sucks Part IV-B "Toronto Corrupt extraterrestrial? Police & Judges Smugglers" nters14.htm Canada Sucks Part IV-B "Toronto Corrupt Police & Judges Smugglers" - -In the Mesopotamian versions it is Enki, the Chief Scientist, who 06:21 - Nov 4, 2008 suggests the genetic engineering to create the Earthling to serve Canada Sucks Ltd as a Primitive Worker, and it had to be Enki whom the Bible quotes as saying " Let us make the Adam in our likeness and after our Canadian Totalitarian ended to worst possible corruption among image." An Epithet of Enki was NU. DIM.MUD, "He who fashions;" the Judges, Lawyers and Police. This documentary video is mixed by funny Egyptians likewise called Enki Ptah - "The Developer," "He who videos o...all » Canadian Totalitarian ended to worst possible fashions things," and depicted him as fashioning Man out of clay, as a corruption among Judges, Lawyers and Police. This documentary video potter. "The Fashioner of the Adam," the Prophets repeatedly is mixed by funny videos of Ali G to reduce the harshness of crimes called Yahweh ("fashioner," not "creator"!); and comparing Yahweh committed by Canadian Police. DJ Mehrbod, trial of Fim "Ghysar" to a potter fashioning Man of clay was a frequent biblical simile. Iranian Artist Behroz vosoghi & Bijan Mofid. And honry donkey after -Enki’s emblem was that of the Entwined Serpents, representing Toronto Police as joke the double-helixed DNA - the genetic code that enabled Enki to perform the genetic mixing that brought about The Adam; and then (which is the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden) to again genetically manipulate the new hybrids and enable them to $$$ procreate.

-Indeed, in the very tale - the tale of the Deluge - where the Mulroney on the stand today, being questioned by Schreiber's identification of Yahweh with Enki appears the clearest, confusion in Lawyer. Obviously, he has some serious charges against him. WHY IS fact shows up. The roles are switched, and all of a sudden Yahweh HE SMILING? MILA TOO. If I was being charged with something I plays the role not of Enki but of his rival Enlil. In the Mesopotamian didn't do, I would not be smiling during trial or breaks. He is full of it! original texts, it is Enlil who is unhappy with the way Mankind has turned out, who seeks its destruction by the approaching calamity, and who makes the other Anunnaki leaders swear to keep all that a secret Police Encourage Citizens To Report People from Mankind. Who Drive Nice Cars Paul Joseph Watson -In the biblical version (chapter 6 of Genesis) it is Yahweh who Prison voices his unhappiness with Mankind and makes the decision to Wednesday, May 13, 2009 wipe Mankind off the face of the Earth. is Enlil who is attracted by the pleasant smell of roasting meat and (with some persuasion) accepts the survival of Mankind, forgives Enki, and blesses NEW WORLD ORDER - THIS WILL MAKE YOU Ziusudra and his wife. In Genesis, it is to Yahweh that Noah builds an altar and sacrifices animals on it, and it was Yahweh "who ANGRY! // Unity smelted the pleasant aroma."

-So was Yahweh Enlil, after all? A strong case can be made for such an identification. If there had been a "first among equals" as far as the two half brothers, sons of Anu, were concerned, the first was Enlil. Though it was Enki who was first to come to Earth, it was EN.LIL ("Lord of the Command") who took over as chief of the Anunnaki on Earth. It was a situation that corresponds to the statement in Psalms 97:9: "For thou, O Yahweh, art supreme over the whole Earth; most h.htm supreme art Thou over all the Elohim." (Enki, interchangeably called in the Mesopotamian texts E.A. - htm - "Whose home is water" - was thus the prototype of the sea God 164 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Poseidon of Greek mythology, the brother of Zeus who was head CARS for CHEAP. After stealing BILLIONS from the of the pantheon). AmeriKan tax payer, Illuminati Corporate Car Criminals are now unloading cars for cheap. This will RUSSIAN ADVICE TO AMERICA FOR WORLD WAR further enslave you financially, if you have any money left. After this, III !!! // THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS SHUTTING DOWN THE your brand new car will be useless. MICROCHIPPED cars can easily be turned off at will. Look for something before 1983 or start learning INTERNET!!! to rebuild your own vehicles.

Cashless Society and Virtual Reality- Soon the GOV't will ban paper money due to the SWINE FLU conspiracy. Smart Card, then Microchip in your hand or forehead. They will also have 05 19 09 ONTARIO CANADA contol of your mind at this point. How will they get you chipped? You will not be able to buy, sell or trade without the MARK of the BEAST, in AWAKENS TODAY.Will they fix this mess or continue to their system of Big Box Stores, Big Brother sleep and lose their souls to the Satanists? The INNOCENT HAVE toll Highways and mass transportation NOTHING to FEAR. We are the Majority. Start talking and waking up systems. FDA APPROVES MICROCHIP 666 a the others. This website and others will be censored soon. Reality In Our Day?

Tamil Protest agent provocateurs and NWO COPS arrest Botanists- police set up Tamils and Toronto for MARTIAL LAW Oka Ouebec Mohawk reserve and Race Wars. Toronto 680 NEWS repetitive was invaded by NWO COPs and Marijuana MIND CONDITIONING propaganda helps to move confiscated. Freedom Fighters and Medicinal Shamans under attack as usual. this process along. COPS say they are worried about the MOHAWKS safety. Some of THESE cops were speaking French, not English and were not understood. The white man has NEVER worried about our First Nations PEOPLE. ( They worry only about the spiritual access and awareness that the indigenous have. They worry about the resistors of the NEW WORLD ORDER).

Lindsay Ontario INVASION OF KANEHSATAKE AND KAHNAWAKE,MOHAWK TERRITORY (close to OSHAWA GM truck plant which just shut down) has FEMA trains ready to go- Massive drugs raid at Mohawk reserve near Montreal ( Zionist media for the arrests of many protesters and fails to mention the other side. SHAME> no wonder you eventually the MASS genocide of the are in DEBT. Your media LIES! Someone send me the REAL STORY! trouble makers and USELESS EATERS! Why don't they outlaw Alcohol? Alcohol lowers your vibration and allows demons to access your drunkenness ` and your aura. They ride on that BUZZ and possess you. Demons and trapped souls wait in the astral and taunt victims to take that first drink. Concentration Camps After that...they have you. I bet AA being built for U.S citizens never told you that. AA is controlled by ///more fema trains Free Masons. They keep good tabs on you here. You NEVER will obtain SERENITY. CANADA going down -POT increases your vibration, opens up your airways and allows you into the NWO to connect to SOURCE. You can heavily tax Alcohol too. REMOVE the hands...quickly Medicinal plants and the only thing you can relieve your FEARS and PAINS with- is THEIR DRUGS! Alcohol nauseates you. Pot encourages eating.

-DRUG companies handing out free prescriptions for Welfare is managed by the Ontario Gov't those with no$$$, who take anti- depressants and now. Electronically, they can cut you off when it is time to starve you VIAGRA now. This obviously will keep you dumbed out. This homelessness and anger towards the rich will create the down and toxic, then kill you in the end. SLOW chaos needed to arrest the "trouble makers". Homeless Reality in DEATH is a PROFITABLE DEATH. America.. Where they gonna live? FEMA CAMPS?

165 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 000 needs reforming. Far too much corruption in the House of Commons. (as in the Old World, so in the New World- Canada). Michael Martin tended to go after the ones exposing the system, not the ones causing Bank Of Canada- almost 0% interest rates. Not a the corruption. SHAME and GOOD Riddance! good time to invest in the housing market. The housing market will CRASH!. Once it crashes, you will be stuck with a Mortgage- Wall House of Commons Ottawa not in this week. Better do some cram note Street style. homework. The people in your areas are awakening to the NWO deception. Flyers covered a good chunk of Ontario this weekend to get to this website and I have waited for the HYDRO ONE owns and controls all the Electricity. PRICES will GOV't and their high paid puppets to do something about this SOAR. ELECTRICITY will be cut off to those with no $$$$$$. NWO DEATH AGENDA since 2003. MOVE IT. I won't quit until it Alternative is fixed, so put down your NWO agendas now, before you dig Current is horrific your holes even deeper! on the human body. Our Nervous System heals and Mulroney on the stand discussing his dealing with the American relies on POSITIVE Illuminati Puppets such as Reagan and Bush. Birds of a feather...flock DIRECT Current together. Guantanamo awaits you and the rest of the NWO Devil (DC). THEY DON'T Doers. Your Peace Keeping lies are WANT YOU TO manifesting their truth. You helped fund HAVE FREE the global army for the NWO. You are a ENERGY. You are a traitor to CANADA and the innocent people SLAVE>>>NOT of the world. You serve the ILLUMINATI FREE! $ATANI$T$. Your bank account shows your allegiance.

-looks like Hydro One and Fema Trains go hand in hand from pic Near -Mulroney finally paid tax on $225,000 in Lindsay, Ont. ( Off 401) 1999, after being exposed for getting cash from SCHREIBER (in return for bribe building light armored vehicles for See all pics here from Ontario Flyer trip or download zipfile the NWO army). HE ONLY HAD TO PAY 50% of the taxes on CASH he had for 6 years, that he didn't claim.

If the leader of the country can do it, so can the followers ( the people). We should also get 50% tax savings for not filing for 6 - Oshawa south has years...CORRECT?! ACTUALLY scrap the illegal war tax. Big Brother a HUGE death tower just behind a low rental apt doesn't pay it...yet they want the war. building. When that goes off, prepare for voices in your head and microwave zapped brain cells. Deactivate it with ORGONE. INCOME TAX IS WAR TAX. INCOME TAX is ILLEGAL!

Iggy says that the attack ads that called him a FOREIGNER are paying off thru donations from LIBERAL SUPPORTERS. The only people who would have money left over to promote the LIBERALS are the corrupt corporations who control the LIBERALS and the OBAMA administration. IGGY and OBAMA had a secret MEETING in Poly-Tics and pedo-files WASHINGTON in April. HARPER is going bye bye- by design

Soul Scalping Reptilians- - Iggy morphs on TV. Look around the eyes and the lips. They are not clear. HARPER's eyes are DEAD. Eyes are the windows to the soul. NDP JACK LAYTON- no morphing. Just a scientific observation. What happens to people who give their souls to the SATANIC cult? They become possessed by demons and reptilian 4d entities. Do you really think Angelina Jolie and Madonna Reactor shutdown 'catastrophe' as medical isotopes love children? Are the children being soul scalped to bring in the Reptilians? When dry up- Chalk River Nuclear Medical Isotopes, which supplies to you sell your soul to SATAN, there is a cost. $ 50% of the world market and 80% of North America with important $$$$$YOUR SOUL$$$$$$ diagnostic isotopes, shuts down at week's end. This will endanger lives, destroy our global business relationships- BY DESIGN. Maple reactors were suppose to be built. I suspect when we have PAID UK House of Commons Speaker HEALTH CARE, then the plant will resume under the NWO gov't Michael Martin is resigning his position controls. by June 21, 2009. He can't take all the corruption revelations. MP's say the system 166 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 CARBON TAX HOAX. C02 does not increase a better world. Then I think all of you will agree that something needs to be done and now. We can unite and find a way to stop this without global temperature. Temperature increases bloodshed or a bullet fired. CO2. Men Like Gandhi did it, have we come so far from that? If things get - CTV ( Canadian Twisted View) stated today that the Premiers of out of control then all options are on the table, however at this point Canada and the Governors of AmeriKa are all coming together for we must remain smart and organized and work as a team to build a this US Auto Emissions Plans and Implications for Canada. Will their plan to stop these events. So I will present my ideas to fix this. I hope meeting be in at Bohemian Grove July 2009? all of you help me with this. I see no one else with ANY plans.. so I will be the first to come out with one.... Links -They will force you to buy the Petroleum cars for cheap, hike up gas and then outlaw Petroleum based cars. Around the corner, the; Antichrist Sananda or OBAMA Beast will introduce the cars that run on,- water ( Hydrogen). They just haven't told you so. Slow product 111.357422&spn=35.796953,63.896484&z=4 introduction = more profits for the ZIONISTS and SATANISTS. Hillary may be running the show by then. They plan to assassinate OBAMA, start a race war and put this HIGH MOTHER OF DARKNESS in charge. ^^^

-Hillary Clinton and Barbara Bush are both Grande Damme's of the STUPID SYSTEM OF Justice in Toronto, Mothers of Darkness group, but they don't have the power to rule over the entire occult world. CANADA (JUST-US)! Guess who provides the Mind Control Musicand propaganda at Petro Canada Stations? The Dog Star- Sirius. Lucifer's star -IGNORANCE of the LAW is no EXCUSE. My mail was found in a garbage bag dumped in the parkette, near where I board from time to ANTI CHRIST/ NESARA time, in Toronto. The landlord's son dumped it there. It was a common thing that he did, before the garbage police started with their stupid DECEPTION/ALIEN INVASION-2009 garbage investigations of public waste recepticles. I was charged $365 SEQUENCE of EVENTS. Last updated: 18th May, 2009. dollars for having junk mail with my name on it, in that garbage and I They have been trying to get this UFO/ALIEN invasion going since was home to get the ticket. 2003. ORGONE is crashing their crafts. BURN BABY BURN! -Going to court- if you claim guilty for a garbage crime that you Concerning Owl Symbolism & Bohemian didn't commit- the fine is reduced to $100. If you plead innocent, you Grove. get punished with court delays and charged with $175 in fines for g-owl-symbolism.html wasting court time. Your name was on garbage. You are guilty. The Garbage Police get a nice paid day in court, with no garbage to smell that day. Joe Biden Knew about the Flu - proof this is a set up - Part 1 Realization I would think that TIM HORTONS has some major fines by now. He is a real LITTERBUG. His name is everywhere. This is part of the New World Order Depopulation plans... Think about it, every year its something. Katrina or the Tsunami. Every year now.. Hurricane Andrew, Ike,Ivan,Gustav - Since the late -(I will tell you more about my GARBAGE COURT EXPERIENCE when 50's we are getting more and more, and if you research the HAARP you get caught up on the important issues of NOW and how you you will find it was built after Vietnam... I mean connect the dots have been TOTALLY LIED TO. ) everyone. This is all meant to depop the planet. How many rich important people happen to die when this stuff goes down? NONE! How many people like me and you die when this stuff goes down? <><><><><><><><><> MANY! The media wants you scared so bad you cant think straight. But the sad part is that most the horrible things they report on are happening. GO TO MAY 1 to 14 2009 HERE

They hype it up, but never the less its HAPPENING! People are dying SEE CRAMNOTES for details about topics right now! If its 5 or 5,000,000 does it really matter. No one should be dying because of the HAARP or man made flu's! Or false wars, False covered. I cannot repeat things. Too much Flag attacks, Poison in our food,water and air. This all must come to going on now-DAILY. DO YOUR HOMEWORK an end. I could show hours of videos where people are suffering at the QUICKLY! We have a solution. We need to hands of the elite but you already know that. I could show you shocking god awful things... but you dont need to see that! awaken the masses.

So my next video will be a plan to make this stop. If you are awake *** and aware of whats going on. If you have a good heart and really want 167 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 - weird that Schreiber fell ill after his testimony last week, with Learning to read?...this is a MUST gallbladder complications. Expected back in court next Thursday. READ! && 05 14 09 Obama covering up torture photos of NWO War Crimes. He doesn't want us to get any more ideas, when it comes THEIR time to Media ScrEWS obey the very laws that the ILLUMINATI expected the Sheeple to follow. The Great Reversal...oh...God is Good! Come get your verichip BOYS! HAARP weather wars rock N Missouri with tornadoes, 160 km/hr winds, downing power lines and the economy. 30,000 people without power in QUEBEC due to high winds. Does HYDRO ONE CANADIAN DOLLAR AND ECONOMY GOES BYE control the whole grid in CANADA now? BYE!

-Long holiday weekend. If it is a repeat of last year, we will -GM truck plant in Oshawa closes today after 40 years, have nice weather during work hours. If it is rush hour or a week-end, 2600 jobs. Down-sizing and closing of many auto plants/dealers in expect some kind of drama. Poor Weather- cold , high winds and rain AmeriKA. STAY HOME AND LEARN TO CONVERT THESE CARS ALREADY for Ontario and Quebec. Reptilian Queen's Victoria Day is on Monday. MADE to run on WATER or other sources.

& -Who needs BIG BROTHER and THEIR SLAVE LABOUR! WE STILL HAVE the INTERNET and U TUBE. Learn/save as much info as you can, before the grid goes down and they switch to Internet 2. Internet Mulroney on Shutdown trial with CANADIAN Tire may be our version of AmeriKa's WALMART Wolson cross- SOON. Competitive convenience, without the Slave labour would be a examining good selling point. ACCEPTING COMMUNITY'll today. have our attention FOR SURE! Keep it MICROCHIP FREE for the Children of the LIGHT.

Interesting how Schreiber and Brian only -CAE (make flight simulators) lays off 700 in Montreal due to failing met for "coffee" from time AIRLINES (BY DESIGN). to time, not stressing that there was at least $75K at each meeting, or that Schreiber was pushing the New Gov't to take on his project. Brian said that US Wholesale food prices have soared and won't stop there, Schreiber fell in love with the Liberals and wanted Marc Lalonde to since the cheap,hard labouring Mexicans are banned from the farms in lobby the Chretien Gov't to put a factory in E. End Montreal, where AmeriKa, due to the Swine Flu conspiracy. jobs were badly needed. He failed to mention his own dealings however. Brian said he wasn't asked specifically about the money that he had in his safe at home/ or in the New York Pierre Hotel safety Where's the Infrastructure Money? Harper Gov't says it is being deposit box. or he would have responded truthfully. ( he hung out with implemented, but secretive about who, where, how, why and what it is being spent on. George Bush Sr. remember). -Wolson questioned why he volunteered the Marc Lalonde info, but not this. Harper threatening to call an election over EI. Is this a set up for IGGY to take-over- the NWO takeover of our country? -Brian attempted to sue the Canadian Gov't for accusing him of being a criminal for $50M. He settled for 2.5 M on the steps of the courthouse. Of course secret hotel meetings, $1000 bills of CASH in STOP THIS WORLD WAR NOW! brown envelopes passing hands, hotel safety deposit boxes, don't arouse suspicion. Brian said that coffee was served, and that this was a non-criminal legal, commercial relationship. In 1994, under OATH, Tamil Hospital abandoned due to heavy attacks. Doctors needing to Brian testified that he NEVER had ANY business dealings with hide in a bunker, hearing the screams of the injured. Dividing the sick Schreiber. (but there was this $1/4 M cash that had been passed to into 2 groups- ones that are dying and those that can be saved. him in at least 3 secret meetings, prior to this time.) Pope Beast and ISRAEL PM Netenyahu meeting - Brian said, "Had he given me a cheque, I would have taken it. It was today. Ben wants Benedict to tell Iran to stop bad mouthing the Israeli an error in judgment." (lol lol lol ) DEATH AGENDAS. Are they discussing the NWO tactics or is this a distraction from the ISRAELI GLOBAL GENOCIDES that are currently occurring. Satanists! 168 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Strange Ebola Vials enter Country. Doctor had them hidden in his car? Didn't want to start his homework over again. acive-in-tamil.html

Hubble sees light, Euro Space Mission, which put 2 telescopes into orbit sends back infrared info. Read It To Believe It: Israel's Ties in Sri RELEASE Aung Sang Suu Kyi! EVERYONE NEEDS TO SPEAK OUT FOR Lanka FREEDOM FIGHTERS! What will you do when they come for you? e8bef

Sri Lanka mimics Israeli Gaza massacre ~ encircles & attacks 150K Tamils ~ bans journalists

Sunanda Deshapriya is a Sri Lankan Journalist and former Editor of 05 13 09 Yukthiya Newspaper. He is a founding member of the Movement for Interracial Justice and Equality (MIRJE) and the Movement for the Defense of Democratic Rights (MDDR). His life as an social activist started as a Polite Bureau member of the youth insurrection of 1971 in Media ScrEWS Sri Lanka. This was also the time he first developed an interest in human rights activism and journalism. Mr. Deshapriya is a founding member of the Free Media Movement (FMM). He is also a member of Toronto Tamil protests continue the Editors Guild of Sri Lanka. for 3rd week. Today there was an emergency UN inSecurity Meeting on Sri Lanka. Obama, Clinton and Britain & made statements on the Illegal Israeli invasion of Sri Lanka. Illuminati Gun Gangs continue gun violence in West - ( Israeli fighter pilots and arms are End Toronto. Where do these guys get their guns and drugs from? Big being sent to Sri Lanka to kill Tamils. Brother smuggles them in. Big Brother Cops declare War on the Israel is an arms dealer profiting from Toronto Street Gangs. ( See the armies here). To date, giving both sides arms to kill each other. approximately 90% of the Conspiracy plan has been fulfilled on The Mossad assassinated the schedule. leader of Sri Lanka about 10 or 12 years ago -- no Tamils were blamed after -When discussing gun control or ownership sometimes people may ask ”Why do you need to defend yourself? The police and the military are investigations. In fact, no one was blamed -- but it there to defend you?” Usually when dealing with those who worship was the Mossad that set up the following deadly the State the reply involves the economic inefficiency. However, as wars for PROFITS!! -- Victor) alluded to there is a much more potent answer: “I may have to defend myself against the police.” "Gaza II" order/ unfolding in Sri Lanka - Mossad fingerprint? Monday, May 04, 2009 / Do the Illuminati run the Street Gangs?


Tell BC LIBERAL Gordon Campbell that C02 does not inc rease Temperature. Temperature increases CO2. His Carbon / Tax is an Al Gore Cash Grab. Did Arny invite Gordy to Bohemian Grove this July? Israeli Military Deeply Active in Tamil Tigers Massacre- Saturday, May 09, 2009 169 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 - Will the controversial carbon tax cost the Media Screws Liberals – or kill the NDP? Read more: "B.C. carbon tax, B.C. Liberals | BCBusiness" - stories/2009/05/06/air#ixzz0FRXY92q6&A Mulroney on trial today.(Looking a little haggard there... Brian.) Interesting how he mentions that the money was related to UN initiatives for light armored vehicles to be made internationally for - Unemployment and bankruptcy continues to soar. By PEACE KEEPING missions. Brian was chosen by James Baker ( Bush Design. Meanwhile, some "unnamed" corporations are overpaying Boy) to become the Secretary General of the UN. (WORLD Revenue Canada and getting up to 7% interest back on their GOVERMENT..Impressive). He did not take that position in the end. overpayments, costing Canadian taxpayers $90 million. We are due for a TAX REVOLT! He taught us that there are 15 members of the inSecurity Council of the UNITED NATIONS. 5 are permanent- China, Russia, UK, Tax protester Sixteenth Amendment arguments From France,USA. Any one of the 5 can veto a vote. (THEY RULE THE Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia WORLD.. they think). The other 10 seats are elected in. They are the powers after WW2. Time to dismantle the United Nations and their CORRUPT PYRAMID BANKING Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (Part 3) by Dr. Sue Arrigo SYSTEM that enslaves the world!

Brian said that USA's Jesse Helms ( N Carolina) was going to cut Cosmic Ascension 2012 The Bright Side - David funding to the UN. Brian said that 'he didn't want to see a collapse of Wilcock the UN. We would have paid an enormous price if that happened.' ascension-2012-the-bright-side-david-wilcock/ ( We...meaning Big Brother?). Canada was involved in 10% of the peace keeping missions back then. Now it is 1/10th of 1% ( wow...some improvement on the UN watch). >>> & Mulroney tears up over talk about Airbus allegations Wednesday, May 13, 2009 | 12:45 PM CBC News Dhalla Denies all.

Brian Mulroney, Stevie Cameron, Greed, Ruby Dhalla (Liberal) states that this current caregiver scandal is a Ambition, and Canadian Fate (Part One) by Robin Political Conspiracy, since Jason Mathews- Kenney is in her riding and these caregivers that are now slandering her name are conspiring to win favour Book Review. William Kaplan, A SECRET TRIAL, Brian Mulroney, Stevie with the Immigration Minister Cameron, and the Kenney to stay in Canada. Kenney is the same dude who called Public Trust, McGill- George Galloway( UK. MP), a security threat to Canada (excuse Queen’s, 2004. me...Zionist/Vatican Canada). Intuition tells me that Ruby is being targeted. She is a strong, successful, beautiful, ethnic woman and a Brian doesn't like threat to Big Brother. She has to go. NOT! Stevie Cameron's blog Canada's Zionist Politicians ******* THE Coverup OUR OWN VPF- TSNEWS comments on ***We love you George Galloway! Tamil Protests- ***CANADA oxoxo

George Galloway 2009 04 01 Democracy Now Danah:::::::::: remember that Wiseman, the zionist //GEORGE GALLOWAY WARNS CANADA immigration lawyer on Bay St. with the Tamil secretary front woman is probably a Mossad informer -- he is the one who sent that copy full of lies about Toronto Street News.

05 12 09 It is possible for me to send 500 Tamils to his office on 170 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Bay Street. Ammon, the Amalekites, Philistia, and the troops of the Kittim of Asshur. Supporting them are those who have violated the covenant. The sons of Levi, the sons of Judah, and the sons of Benjamin, Israeli fighter pilots and arms are being sent to those exiled to the wilderness, shall fight against them with [ . . Sri Lanka to kill Tamils. Israel is an arms dealer profiting . ] against all their troops, when the exiles of the Sons of Light from return from the Wilderness of the Peoples to camp in the giving both sides arms to kill each other. Wilderness of Jerusalem. Then after the battle they shall go up from that place and the king of the Kittim shall enter into Egypt. In his time The Mossad assassinated the leader of Sri Lanka he shall go forth with great wrath to do battle against the kings of the about 10 or 12 years ago -- no Tamils were blamed after north, and in his anger he shall set out to destroy and eliminate the investigations. strength of Israel. Then there shall be a time of salvation for the People of God, and a time of In fact, no one was blamed -- but it was the Mossad that set dominion for all the men of His forces, and up the following deadly wars for PROFITS!! -- eternal annihilation for all the forces of Belial. Victor There shall be great panic among the sons of Japheth, Assyria shall fall wi th no one to come to his aid, and the supremacy of the Kittim shall cease that wickedness be overcome without a remnant. There shall be ooo no survivors of all the Sons of Darkness. Please see this site for more information: Please also see my compendium of writings on the Essenes on this -Shocking Update -- Sunshine Can Actually Decrease link, including a true explanation of what the s'pherot are: Your Vitamin D Levels There is a video series on You Tube that is absolutely superb. It's called: The Dead Sea Scrolls 1 (of 6) - Rageh Omaar I'd like to share my blog Hidden Theophoric Names And Angelology In The The Pharmacratic Inquisition "War Scroll" with those who read Hebrew as well. Please Thousands of years ago, in the pre monarchic era, scroll down to the first blog entry. I also recommend this video highly: psychedelic/entheogenic substances where publicly known world wide Judaism, Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls and were respected for their ability to bring forth the divine, Yahweh, God, The Great Spirit, etc., by the many cultures who Lawrence H. Schiffman's book RECLAIMING THE DEAD SEA used them. Often the entire tribe or community would partake in the SCROLLS is de rigueur for any student of the Scrolls entheogenic rites. These rites were often used in initiation into adulthood, for healing, to help guide the community in the decision process, and to bring the direct religious experience to Muslim, Jewish, and Christian End-Times anyone seeking it, that might take these psychedelic Prophecy Comparison sacraments properly. In the pre literate world, the knowledge of psychedelic plant sacraments, as well as fertility rites and astronomical knowledge surrounding the sun, stars, and zodiac, known as astrotheology, were anthropomorphized into human/god like beings so their stories and practices could be passed down for Of Course There Are Angels // Judaism, generations. Weather changes over millenniums caused environmental Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls changes that altered the available foods and plant sacraments available in the local vicinity. If a tribe lost its shamanic El-der (El - God), all of the tribe's knowledge of their plant sacraments as well as astronomical knowledge would be lost 05 11 09 GO CANADA GO! 888 Tamil Protestors in Toronto The WAR SCROLL, the True Book of demanding that Canadian Government intervene to stop the MURDEROUS Eschatological Prophecy terrorism in Sri Lanka, which is trapping 50,000 civilians in a combat zone between The Book of Revelations is not a Biblical book of prophecy. It is NWO troops and TAMIL tigers. Blocked the *script* according to which the Vatican is working. This video GARDINER Hwy traffic, refusing to leave until will direct you to the true Book of Prophecy that will explain the coming war and prepare you for it: THE WAR SCROLL of the Dead someone from the Federal Government did Sea Sect, HaYachad, also known as the Essenes. THE WAR something. Big Brother King COP Bill Blair called it SCROLL (Reference 1QM) The Description of the Eschatological an unlawful protest- 1000's of people blocked the War For the Instructor, the Rule of the War. The first attack of the highway! NDP gov't urging the federal Sons of Light shall be undertaken agai nst the forces of the Sons of government to intervene. HARPER had Darkness, the army of Belial: the troops of Edom, Moab, the sons of NOTHING TO SAY! Iggy says he is the hero for 171 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 calling the MEDIA to clear the highway. KEEP Ottawa Mayor Larry O'Brien on trial this week for trying to obtain an appointment for Terry Kilrea and paying him $30,000 to UP THE PROTESTs!!!SERENITY NOW! drop out of the last election race. Several politicians John Beard, John THAT's MY CANADA! Reynolds, Doug Findlay, and lots of CON-servative federal links here. Mr. X too! A look at Larry O'Brien's troubles

-GM, Nortel and Illuminati Mulroney on the hotseat in the OLIPHANT ENQUIRY corporations wanting bailouts before this week. How, when, where, why and WHAT did you do with that bankruptcy. Sorry...join the rest of the planet! $225,000 CASH that you got from SCHREIBER!?

Pakistan worries Peter Mackay. (Should the proper nouns be reversed Harper And The Destruction Of Canada/US Relations here?)

-4379 people down with the flu globally. 500 healthy pigs in Alberta killed in one farm as a result of a few pigs down with the flu there. MEDIA CONTINUES TO LIE LIE LIE about 05 09 09 Full Moon tonight! SEND OUT the dangers of this flu. If the ILLUMINATI cartels really cared SERENITY! about people, they would not have created this current global war and economic collapse- BY DESIGN! Bilderberg meetings and Secret G20 summits. Your taxes have been WASTED again to ENSLAVE Media Screws YOU....are you waking up finally?

666 Tell Arnold to HAARP shift some CPS, Satanism, MK ULTRA & Drugs Connecting the Dots 4/4 heavy rains into the arsoned SANTA BARBARA area, that has displaced 30,000 people so Pope Beast is in Israel today. far, due to fires that are raging They want him to apologize to the out of control on the California Torah believing Jews for not doing Coast. BY DESIGN! Sundowner anything, while the Ashkenazi winds 50 km/hr are blamed for Talmud Jews slaughtered them in the massive fires. As WW2. (Vatican and NAZI's both Governator of California, surely worship LUCIFER/SATAN. What do he has the power to FIX/HIDE situations! Is he busy picking out a you expect!?) dress for Bohemian Grove PLAY NIGHT?

The Vatican, Talmud and HAIL HAARPS SOUTHERN ONTARIO!- getting Kabbalah - pounded with golf ball hail and 90 km/hr SEE the whole series. Eye Opener- winds. Bad for car, agriculture and the economy. BRAVO girlfriend!! Good for NWO thieves ready to collect from the victims. The New World Order and the Talmud-;; Swine Flu in Japan now. 3 travelers from CANADIAN SCHOOL trip (tourism hit)- CBC newscasters are having trouble reporting on this JOKE BUG with a straight ^^^ face. Your jobs are finished soon. Zionist media has used you successfully. RETIRE! For those down with the Hunger Strike for DYING DARFOUR- Mia Farrow, Sir Richard Branson, and Peter Gabriel and all doing their part to protest is JUST THE FLU! The SATANISTS the foreign aid expulsion. are trying to scare you into getting vaccinated with the REAL THING! their expiring Atlantis ( shuttle) is rising/launching today. Hubble space telescope set TAMIFLU...NOT! Government does not want to to receive its final overhaul. 11 days crew will perform 5 spacewalks to repair Hubble. MAYBE we will see PLANET X coming in! save your life. There are too many useless eaters for them to control right now. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! SWINE FLU MEXICO DO NOT TAKE POLY-TICS TAMIFLU 172 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 PIGS BEING SACRIFICED IN ALBERTA- food for Congo volcanoes erupting and displacing 1/2 mill people in Goma the Reptilians. There was nothing wrong with City those pigs. They don't want too much food around when they depopulate CANADA. Jacob Zuma becomes S. Africa's 4rth president. Zuma vowed to check poverty, improve education and healthcare and reduce unemployment. Darfur- Congo Africa is dying...why isn't anyone racing to save these people!? NO $$$$$$? Not Aryan John Ivison: The PMO strikes again as Kevin BLOOD? Instead they are cutting off aid and allowing Lynch gets Giornoed them to DIE! BIG BROTHER wants that MINERAL WEALTH! Superclass - The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making By David Rothkopf Queen Beast struggling to hold onto her LAND GRABS/CLAIMS. Losing land=losing power. GOOD Guy Giorno, foot soldier Adam Radwanski, May 8, 2009 at riddance! Leave the crown, 1:11 PM EDT grab a broom and go clean up the war effort. RCMP Commissioner Zaccardeli- Why Zaccardeli Pope Beast on Middle wasn't fired by Harper? Now working with INTERPOL (global East Tour. Scary man! police force). Warns Muslims about mixing religion with politics. HYPOCRIT!!!!! &

Harper hiding in Mulroney and Schreiber-wasting more the Middle East, avoiding Canada. In Afghanistan this CANADIAN TAXES on judicial expenses. We should week, trying to divert our Canadian troops into doing vote their DEMISE by internet court. Much cheaper. more positive duties now and not murdering Canadians are unemployed and at home anyway. civilians. WHY? Are the terrorists growing poppies at Need a jury anyone? Was this crooked deal done at this time, for the CIA drug cartel? Mackinac Island Michigan (Bohemia North)?

Pakistan- 1 million people displaced by the NWO Illuminati Families and Their Associates armies and Taliban battles. Pack up the refugees and bring them to CANADA. We have a NEW Confessions of a White House sex PARADIGM to build. WE NEED GOOD PEOPLE! slave, MKULTRA victim EXCERPTS We will swap you-our Bohemian Grove BOYS IMPORTANT READ! who want this WAR! WHAT A DEAL! :)). We just need to remove the women and children from -My family routinely vacationed at Mackinac Island, Michigan which is that area- for their OWN SAFETY! a small island positioned in the Great Lakes close to the Canadian border. Mackinac Island, with the Governor's Mansion and historical Grand Hotel, was a political playground where I was prostituted Breadbasket of the World-Alberta Canada is by my father to, among others, pedophiles Jerry Ford, Guy more than doubling the Grain Planting this year to VanderJagt, and later U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd. reach out to the global famine. That's MY -When Pierre Trudeau was elected Prime Minister of Canada in 1968, CANADA. oxox Watch for HAARP Weather wars and NWO Arsonists now. I often heard it said, "Pierre Trudeau is one of Ours, you know." 70 Mile House BC and Alberta wild fires. Making Way for the NAFTA HIGHWAY! -my father had just literally SOLD me to Senator Byrd in an exchange for lucrative military contracts that made him a N Brazil flooded after 2 weeks of rain and still continuing for millionaire overnight—a millionaire on a sixth grade education—a another10 days, displacing 800,000 people. perverse, child exploiting criminal, immune from prosecution, working 173 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 as a CIA operative for the U.S. government! That mind shattering security resort, enclosed with military barbed wire fences, that swings occult ritual I endured in Nashville marked a new life of wealth and its guarded gate open to the local public for country music concerts. prestige for my father while thrusting me into a new phase of my The small Amphitheater covers the cover activities occurring inside, tortuous existence—and I had which includes U.S. Government CIA cocaine and heroin no choice in any of it! distribution operations and mind-control projects.

-U.S. Senate Robert C. Swiss Villa, like the Mount Shasta, California compound, was also Byrd said-Our country's used as a training and operations camp for the Shadow Government's paramilitary projects referred to by Senator Innoye (D.-HI). I learned involvement in drug that this not-so-secret military buildup, sanctioned by corrupt distribution, pornography, and members of our government, consisted of special forces trained white slavery was "justified" as a robotic soldiers, numerous black unmarked helicopters and the means of "gaining control of highest technological advancements in TOP SECRET weaponry and illegal activities worldwide" to "Star Wars" electromagnetic mind-control equipment. These fund Black Budget covert activity that would "bring about world peace paramilitary compounds were intended for global policing of the through world dominance and total control." He adhered to the belief New World Order through the Multi-Juisdictional Police Force. that "95% of the (world's) people WANT to be led by the 5%" and claimed this can be proven because "the 95% DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what really goes on in government." Byrd believed that in order !! for this world to survive, mankind must take a "giant step in evolution through creating a superior race". To create this "superior race," Byrd believed in the Nazi and KKK principles of "annihilation of BRIAN MULRONEY! OFF TO underprivileged races and cultures" GUANTAMINO! through genocide, to alter genetics and breed "the more gifted—the blondes of the world." SHAME ON YOU!

-Wayne Cox. During the three Tales of a Government Sex years I was with Cox, he ritually Slave by David Icke- Cathy impregnated and aborted me six O'Brien was used as a sex slave to times, consuming several of his pander to the bizarre sexual desires of big name politicians and to own offspring and preserving the compromise other world leaders. They can then be blackmailed to go others shaped in ceramic for sale in along with the demands of the Global Elite for fear of exposure. Among his interstate occult body parts those who raped and sexually abused either Cathy and/or her business. Cox's protected cocaine and daughter Kelly, are US Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, body parts distribution routes Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford; Dick Cheney, the US Defense included Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Secretary in the Bush administration; the Canadian Prime Tennessee, and Florida Ministers, Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney; King Fahd of Saudi Arabia; and the President of Mexico, Miguel De La Madrid. -In the early 1980s, my base programming was instilled at Fort This is without naming the long list of other United States politicians Campbell, Kentucky by U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino. and famous entertainers which I highlight in 'I Am Me, I Am Free', and Aquino holds a TOP SECRET clearance in the Defense Intelligence Cathy and Mark detail in 'Trance-Formation Of America'. Agency's Psychological Warfare Division (Psy Ops). He is a professed Neo-Nazi, the founder of the Himmler inspired satanic Temple of Set, and had been charged with child ritual and sexual abuse at Trans-Formation Of America CHAPTER 20 - the Presidio Day Care in San Francisco, California. But like my father NEW WORLD ORDER OF THE ROSE and Cox, Aquino remains "above the law" while he continues to traumatize and program CIA destined young minds in a quest to reportedly create the "superior race" of Project Monarch Mind- CHAPTER 21 - GLOBAL EDUCATION 2000 Controlled slaves. I quickly learned that Aquino did not adhere to his profoundly professed occult superstitions any more than I did. His "satanic power" was in the form of numerous variations of high Transcription: Cathy O'Brien's Presentation voltage stun guns, which he used on me regularly. Although Mind Control Aquino used occultism (blood trauma) as a trauma base, his programming was high tech and "clean"—not muddled in a proverbial witches brew of ignorance. He quickly dispelled the Cox influence, and Trans-Formation Of America THE BOOK!!!!! began programming me according to Byrd's specifications as his "own little witch" for sadistic sex, covert CIA drug muling, black mail, and prostitution operations. 'I Am Me, I Am Free' THE BOOK!!!!!

My CIA Operative mind-control handler, Alex Houston was often 05 08 09 scheduled to perform at the Swiss Villa Amphitheater in Lampe, Missouri, which is yet another installation where I was programmed. Swiss Villa was a cover for a CIA Near Death Trauma Center of which there are several across the country. It is a remote, high 174 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Grove as servants so this party is fairly well established.) How to rebuild the global financial system and save the planet by Ben Fulford -local community newspaper, Santa Rosa Sun (1993, July) reported on the Cult of Canaan and the legend of Moloch in place at Bohemian The US financial crisis is a historical Grove. The Moloch Pagan Cult of Sacrifice is human sacrifice. About the mid 1980s there were rumors of murders in opportunity for world by Ben Fulford remote parts of the property. A local police investigation went nowhere. State investigators on related criminal acts went What the G20 need to do by Ben Fulford nowhere. These cults were based on human sacrifice. Why would a 20th century resort reproduce the cult ceremonies? At the minimum, it demonstrates an attraction to the ceremonial practices of 05 06 09 the cult, i.e. adoration of destruction, blood, barbarity and sacrifice of children.

Bohemian According to an Grove Guest List observer and near victim, who 2008 included can describe the Canada's PM Bohemian Grove inner hideaways, Stephen S. the closed Harper sanctum, even the decor at secret locations, places where no Blair attended Bohemian Grove-Jul 2006. outsider goes (or Others included Schwarzenegger, Clinton, Murdoch, servants Shultz, Peres, Gore, Gingrich, Beane, Summers, according to our sources) there is an UNDERGROUND Bono all in San Francisco that weekend lounge (sign spelled U.N.derground) a Dark Room, a Leather Room and a Necrophilia Room. Recent [O'Brien and Phillips, TRANCE Formation of America (pp 170- 1)] information may radically change this perception of Bohemian Grove. Here is one of O'Brien's quote "Slaves of advancing age or with failed programming were sacrificially Not merely drunkenness, unbounded use of murdered at random in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove and I felt it was only a matter of time until it would alcohol and drugs with vague homosexual be me." tones (confirmed by our sources) but reported activities much more serious - kidnapping, rape, pedophilia, sodomy, ritual murder. Investigation is blocked under the 1947 National Security Act. (!) And like the Omaha child abuse case, includes illegal detention of children.

For decades, there have been vague rumors of weird goings on in Bohemian Grove in more remote parts of its 2200 acres. Reliable reports claim Druidic like rituals, druids in red hooded robes marching in procession and chanting to the Great Owl (Moloch.) A funeral pyre with "corpses." (Scores of men work in the Bohemian

175 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 -As these world leaders, who have all the creature comforts candidates to us via the media which they own. Important issues that they could ever desire, look around for something new and and facts are omitted from discussion in the press, or slanted to suit interesting to do to amuse themselves, is it not reasonable to assume their goals, but they are discussed frankly at the Grove.

-The most famous ritual that occurs at the Grove every year is the Symbolic Pagan Worship of Molech–the ‘god’ of Child Sacrifice. A bound effigy is burned in a "Cremation of Care" ceremony under a 40ft Stone Owl. Remember that political figureheads from around the world attend this sacrifice ceremony.

-Employees now have to hand scan to gain entry and to leave the Grove. It seems that security has been stepped up since Alex Jones infiltrated over five years ago. The members are able to forego this scanning and simply have ID cards. -lots of Satanic themed imagery, the Grove is also very Pagan in nature. There is a large statue of the Goddess Diana, the main Circle is named Diana,

-multiple "effigies" for use in the Cremation of Care Ceremony in that they eventually will revert to pagan ritual rites, mind addition to the one inside the Hollow Stone Owl. There is a body that control, pedophilia, necrophilia, homosexuality, they drive in on a hearse, one that is bestiality, prostitution and yes - human rowed across the lake by the grim sacrifice? reaper and a third that is burned in the Molech Owl.

-Although women are not allowed in the Grove, members often leave at night to enjoy the company of the many prostitutes who come from around the world for this event. -every Republican president since Coolidge has been a member. In modern times, participants have included secretaries of state -The most powerful men in the country do their "networking" (Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker), Jimmy Carter, here, despite the Grove's motto "weaving spiders come not here" William Randolph Hearst Jr., Walter Cronkite, David Gergen and (don't dobusiness in the Grove). At these gatherings men representing David the government, Rockefeller. military-industrial, Notables have and financial sectors also included meet and make major the presidents policy decisions. The of CNN and the Manhattan project, Associated which produced the Press. first atomic bombs, was conceived at the Grove in 1942 Banker Told It -This close-knit group Like It IS determines whether By Henry prices rise or fall (by Makow Ph.D. their control of October 6, 2007 the banking system, money supply, and markets), and they make money whichever way markets fluctuate. They determine what our rights are and which laws have effect, by -As incredible and bizarre as this sounds, a satanic appointing judges. They decide who our highest officials (cabalistic) occult society has taken control of shall be by consensus among themselves, and then selling the planet through the central banking system. It 176 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 seeks to impose its tyranny through the ruse of the "war on terror" George W Bush Battles Jesus Christ and "globalization." Every war was a trick used to slaughter and brutalize humanity and to increase the wealth and power of this cabal, which is based in the Bank of England. He says Liberals and Conservatives "serve with the stamp of our approval but they are not allowed to present the real issues. By creating controversy on all levels, no one knows what to do. So, in all -" We have full control of the earth and its finance, along with the of this confusion, we go ahead and accomplish what we want with no major media propaganda, and there is simply no way any nation or hindrance." power can defeat us... We can send American or European troops to wherever we like, whenever we like, and for whatever purpose we like, and you dutifully go about our business...How much more evidence do -He says the media occupy the masses with sex and violence so you need? ...Does it not seem reasonable that you simply obey and people are programmed to fight mindlessly and "do not have the serve us?" integrity or brain power to deal with the really important matters which are left entirely in our hands."

I caution you material like this can induce a kind of schizophrenia because it provides a vision of reality so different from the one -China and Russia do not present a challenge: "We have no fear we are given by the mass media. of Russia or China for we are already in full control of their system of things. China knows that we can freeze any number of its corporations in America and all of its capital at the stroke of a pen." -"Our kingdom is the kingdom of money," our globalist friend writes. "We have given you a piece of paper or some numbers on a computer screen that we have termed 'money.' It is backed up CONCLUSION- We are taught that society is participating in an age of by nothing and proven by nothing but what we say it is. We enlightenment and progress but this is a ruse. In fact a brutal claw create it from nothing, we print it, we loan it, we give it its reaches out of the past to impale mankind on its sharp talons. value, and we take its value away. All things that have to do with money are in our hands." We are witnessing the culmination of a diabolical conspiracy against mankind. Human -"We want you to be in the system. When you are buying a house, events only make sense when we realize disciples of Lucifer are we not only receive the tax revenue to use for our purposes, but we establishing a global regime dedicated to their evil god. I know gain large increases from the interest on the loan. You may pay for this sounds too bizarre to be true. They count on that. your house two or three times over from the interest alone. The interest is also taxed which is again placed for use in those sectors of influence we choose. We do not want you to escape free and that is -We are living in a fool's paradise. Unfortunately people won't why we have made it as we have." wake up until they take away the goodies, and then it will be too late. DARK SECRETS: INSIDE BOHEMIAN GROVE Then what's the use of this information? At the very least, we are free of their mind control and can plan our lives accordingly. -education. He says our taxes pay for "the indoctrination of your children in the public schools we have set up. We want them to Bohemian Grove From Wikipedia grow up well trained into the system of our thinking. Your children will learn what we want them to learn, when we want them to learn it, and you pay for it."

-"You are our property. We will not permit you to buy or sell unless you submit to our mark of authority. If you go to court against us, we will wear you out there and in the end you will lose. If you use violence, we will end up having you in one of our labor camps, more specifically called prison industries. You need our -if there are such evil activities as murder being conducted at the money, our entertainments, our fuel, and our utilities to function and if Grove, as bizarre as it may seem, this is comparably insignificant (but you don't have them, you feel deprived. By this, you are made to yield not in itself) when you look at how the mindset of the elite is being to our will." flooded with corruption of greed and hedonistic value. These are the -Our political leaders are chosen from the ranks of criminals and people who are deciding who is to live and who is to die in the perverts because they can be made to obey using blackmail. global control structure of the 'New World Order' and to call this 'harmless fun' is a dangerous attitude to take. -He cites Sadaam Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic as leaders who refused to obey. "There is only glory in following our purposes and doing what we say. If one does not, there will be such a sad and BOHEMIAN GROVE, THE REPTILIANS, SANG ARIAN tragic result. I would really have you spared of such an end." RITUALS//

- As for smaller fry, he says rebellion will merely serve as an excuse for more repressive laws. They can tie dissenters up in Reptilians possess your soul - Gamma Ray - court, which they also control. They can destroy people like David New World Order Koresh and discredit them at the same time. Uploaded by Volksfuhrer 177 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 BOHEMIAN GROVE, JULY 2009, THE FIND THIS SWINE FLU ILLNESS. You would think lots of reporters REPTILIANS, QUEEN ELIZABETH ii, iLLUMINATI are looking into this, but you would be wrong. -In the case of what the CDC is calling Human Swine Flu, THEY MUST BE ABLE TO PRODUCE, FOR INSPECTION AND treee & hells angels #burgess busted //IS TROY CONFIRMATION, the whole virus. The whole thing. The one thing. REGAS, OWNER OF THE HELLS ANGELS IS GUILTY The Swine-Bird-Human combo virus, in pristine form, taken from the swab of a human patient.

05 04 09 SOCCER MOMS UNITE! Take -I see NO evidence. And that's just the beginning of the trouble. Because, even if researchers could produce that pristine combo virus CANADA BACK from the BAD BOYS! in complete structure and form, taken from the body of a human patient, they are not saying there are HUGE NUMBERS OF THESE VIRUSES in a given patient's body. And guess what? In order to Pleiadian Alien With an Important Message, claim a person has a disease, you have to ID GIGANTIC NUMBERS BEWARE OF A GIVEN GERM AT WORK IN THE BODY, DOING THEIR BUSINESS. Otherwise, you have NOTHING.

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

Unconscionable Police Raid on Family's Home and Organic Food Co-Op

True Insanity -- Psychiatrists Promote Psychiatric Drugs as Weight Loss Tools

Fruit and Vegetable Allergies Soaring

05 03 09 REPTOIDS - Reptilian Extraterrestial THIS VIDEO is for IGGY- for his NEW DAY/ Race- will they get to benefit from the needless slaughter of all those innocent pigs? We will be left with only unemployed NEW WAY campaign as the next SELECTED PRIME HUMANS for FOOD SOON! MINISTER for this side of the NAU (North American Union). Was that a BAD CAMERA at the LIBERAL Luow? You JON RAPPOPORT look like you were MORPHING during your throne speech! 05 02 09 Give the conspiracy media writers some creative writing lessons. Their stories are too predictable. lol lol lol. Swine Flu Deaths-16 CONFIRMED SWINE FLU DEATHS IN MEXICO? And from this core of the outbreak, we have school closings in the South Pole and warnings about travel to Mars? More people in Bobby Rae Krowns King IGGY at the Mexico die every day from exploding balloons. But of course, who LIBERAL LUOW- Rae calls it a "NEW DAY cares? The pandemic is spreading and everyone needs to stop breathing and stay in their cellars. A man in an airport line coughs and a NEW WAY". aka NEW WORLD ORDER! Looking once and people stare at him as if he's a serial killer. for an election IGGY? OBAMA will vote for you! After this "they say" that the LEADERSHIP voting will be more fair. One Member/One Vote, RIGHT NOW...they need to enslave Swine Flu Myths for the Gullible- One thing is certain. News CANADA! about (A)H1N1 Swine Flu Mexican Flu pig-bird-human flu is effectively crowding out news about the economy. It's quite a sensational diversion. Harper says Ignatieff has no moral compass The Canadian Press Updated Wed. Apr. 8 2009 10:07 PM Swine Flu: Pig In A Poke -First of all, people die all the time all over the world. That some of them exhibit what could be *** called common flu symptoms DOES NOT mean we have a new disease. Second, you have to examine HOW the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are TESTING TO 178 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are implicated PIGS, Albertans, Mexicans and the through collaborations and publications involving private contracts Economy get SWINED with Swine Flu- with Novavax, a company that obtains its biosimulars through CDC Influenza Branch director, Ruben O. Donis, and Dr. Rick Bright, previously working with Donis at the CDC, now Novavaxs Vice Now "APPARENTLY" a Mexican traveling President of Global Influenza Programs. Alberta man with the sniffles, who works on a pig Descriptions of this virus is pathognomonic, or diagnostic, of a virus farm has infected a pig with H1N1. CTV (Canadian that came from Robertsons circle of friends, Dr. Horowitz charges. No Twisted View) then elaborated that 2 men and 220 pigs (6-numerology) were down with the bug. My other group in the world takes H5N1 Asian flu infected chickens, brings them to Europe, gAWD! Get these guys some colloidal silver! extracts their DNA, combines their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu H1N1 Swine Flu Hoax/Fraud isolate, additionally mixes in swine flu genes Conspiracy Theories from pigs, then reverse engineers them to infect humans. The end product could only have ended up in conspiracy-theories Mexico via the United States from Britain in care of the CDC. The CDC had to have sent them to Novavax, where Rick Brights team is now implicated in a conspiracy to commit genocide—the mass killing of Not Another CONspiracy When pigs fly- people for profit. Swine flu H1N1 - Bird flu H5N1 The CDC's Vaccination Genocide Swine Flu Alert Clears Old Stock of Tamiflu It is almost three years since we faced the hysteria of an avian flu This shocking clip from The LOVE CODE Seminar by Dr. Leonard G. epidemic, when governments bought billions of dollars of Tamiflu Horowitz proves the government has been lying about – the same anti-viral now being promoted to combat a supposed swine flu pandemic. The shelf life of Tamiflu also happens to be three vaccination safety, and conducting GENOCIDE at years. the expense of our children, families, national security, and general prosperity. This segment displays the CDCs secreted science marked CONFIDENTIAL . . . DO NOT COPY Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009: SPECIAL REPORT OR RELEASE proving a gross cover-up of scientific evidence by Dr Leonard Horowitz condemning drug industrialists for knowingly intoxicating our children with deadly levels of mercury. The Thimerosal VSD This unprecedented H1N1-H5N1 flu outbreak implicates the Ango- Study Phase I is suppressed science that proves drug companies and American Vaccine Pipeline, says world leading consumer health their political prostitutes on Capitol Hill are capable of doing anything protector, Dr. Leonard Horowitz for money and population control! Genocide conducted under the guise of public health is satanic, Consider the skyrocketing stock values of Novavax, Inc., according to Dr. Horowitzs reasoned commentary. precipitated by dozens of alleged flu deaths in Mexico. Then investigate the leading Anglo-American network of genetic engineers manipulating, mutating, and distributing these viruses. The evidence compels you, for the benefit of public health and safety to seriously 05 01 09 MAYDAY MAYDAY! consider, even decree, a conspiracy to commit genocide, according to this Harvard trained expert in emerging ILLUMINATI's BIRTHDAY! diseases. -4 horsemen of the Apocalyse on schedule- Here, Dr. Horowitz urges an investigation of Dr. James S. Robertson, Englands leading bioengineer of flu viruses for the DISEASE,WAR, FAMINE, DEATH vaccine industry, and avid promoter of U.S. Government funding for lucrative biodefense contracts, along with collaborators at the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). These suspects “Swine flu: ‘All of humanity under threat…’” FACT or helped Novavax, Inc., in Bethesda, Maryland, produce genetically- LIE? CDC ( Center for Disease Control) wants to give you the virus by modified recombinants of the avian, swine, and Spanish flu vaccine. Still spreading fear in US, school closures, keeping people viruses, H5N1 and H1N1, nearly identical to the unprecedented away from eachother. This is a total LIE. This flu is nothing out of the Mexican virus that is allegedly spreading to the United States at the ordinary. The VIRUS is the ZIONIST MEDIA and time of this posting. The outbreak was precisely timed to promote the companys new research and huge vaccine stockpiling the ILLUMINATI PUPPETS who worship $$$$$ contracts. $.

179 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

- HIN1 swine flu is the DEADLY MEDIA VIRUS On Tuesday this week, the HUMA Committee studying a federal role SAME 1918 BLACK PLAGUE pandemic that killed millions. This virus for a poverty-reduction strategy heard gripping and passionate was supposedly extracted from a WW1 victim and revitalized for the testimony from well-known national organizations/activists: NWO PANDEMIC to COME. Chemtrails are giving people flu-like Armine Yalnizyan, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives symptoms now, but if you get a will get the VIRUS! Dennis Howlett, Make Poverty History YOU may LIKELY DIE! Nevertheless, the Mexican economy has Kelly Law/John Courtneidge Canada Without Poverty (formerly NAPO) tanked, pig farmers have been needlessly hit, businesses have been forced to close and people are afraid of eachother. MEDIA MASSAGE successful? Will the SHEEPLE run to get their PLAGUE injected directly As Armine said so well, . Unless you're prepared to act, we into their bodies? Natural Selection= stupid sheeple die+crazy are looking at a massive wave of economic people live to rebuild Eden! dislocation—a disaster in the making that is utterly preventable. In the 1930s what propelled us out of that was, “There but for the Iggy- tries to seduce LIBERALs at the Vancouver Liberal Luow grace of God go I”. We need protections for us all. We need social with his NEW insurance for us all. That gave rise to the unemployment insurance ENERGY/ NEW system in the first place. THINKING approach. Jean Chretien To read the entire testimony for the three organizations, go to should tutor http://prismprod/intranetdocuments/CommitteeBusiness/40/2/HUMA/ Meetings/Evidence/HUMAEVBLUES16.HTM him on the Illuminazi 9- It for the most part is in English (all witnesses spoke in English) 11 videos that although at this stage it is in the language spoken by the MP. It eventually will be in both official languages. he received in March 2003. In Solidarity, Was this speech Tony Martin MP rehearsed at the Big New Democrat Poverty Critic Brotherhood Secret Meeting in WASHINGTON last week with the NWO OBAMA bankster boys? Iggy has new $$$ (where- from Obama?) 04 29 09

IGGY wished STEVIE HARPIE a Happy 50th Bday on April 30. He did Chemtrails (Project Cloverleaf?).We are interested in just the same with Brian Mulroney on his b-day. I thought they didn't like the opposite — in the diminution, the killing out of the eachother? Your horns are showing IGGY! Your allegiance is to the SECRET BROTHERHOOD...NOT to CANADA! goyim. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he Chrysler gets their $14 B bail out from US and CANADIAN will not find in his own authorities either strength or taxpayers. We will never see that money again- just the massive energy to set against our will. - Protocol 3:7 from The debt enslavement that is being FORCED on us by the Illuminati Protocols of the Elders of Zion. puppets in government. They are lining the pockets of the SATANIC BROTHERHOOD CORPORATES, so that they can start over- offshore. OUR DOLLAR WILL BE WORTHLESS SOON! THANKS to the ILLUMINATI puppets in our CANADIAN Bureaucracy PYRAMID . For the past 3 years the heavily populated areas of WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE! the USA, Europe, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Mexico have been sprayed frequently with a mix HALIFAX is burning- RED CROSS spies to the rescue. of nasty pathogens; mycoplasma, including Why is Spryfield prime property in Nova Scotia burning? Is there Mycoplasma Fermetens Incognitus (the SAME something being built there of NWO interest in the future? Halifax bioengineered pathogen that Dr Garth Nicholson had Harbour is nearby. DO they need more space for NWO movement of discovered in about 45% of the veterans who came down goods from the SLAVES of PLANATATION EARTH?! Red River Manitoba is clear for the NAFTA highway now. IS this Halifax property needed with Gulf War Illness), fungus, virus, bacteria, for International AIR and MARINE PORTS? chemicals and particles of heavy metals (molybdenum, aluminum, copper). As an example, Denver CO has been sprayed about 4 out of every 7 days from an Poly-HICS (Having Integrity Canadian altitude of approximately 20,000 ft by large tanker aircraft. Style) It's been visually determined using higher power scopes and binoculars, that the planes that started this spraying Studying the federal role in poverty-reduction at Parliamentary were MILITARY jets! Specifically Air Force KC-135 Committee TANKER planes and NAVY Tacamo planes were identified. It's also interesting to note that the NAVY had 180 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 filed the PATENT on contrail powder generation and they're mere non-contagious chemical problem, according to the closely tied to the CIA. The perpetrators are world US govt that has lied to us time after time? leaders at the highest levels, i.e., those that are part of the one-world-government movement whose agenda is rapid For those of you who still may not know: the US created population reduction and centralized control of the world. AIDS in its laboratories and CDC and WHO (World Health Organization) methodically injected it as a Prototype flu vaccines combined with the Chemtrail contaminant in Hepatitis B and other vaccines in substances already in your body are a major threat Africa and certain US cities (including New York s to your health. The US government is gearing up for a and San Francisco s homosexual populations). Just as worldwide flu pandemic which is expected to be a killing AIDS was known to be in the US blood supply long before event many times larger than the normal 20,000 people its presence was announced, the contagious aspect of the that die from flu each flu season in the US alone. CDC Gulf War Illness is now in our blood supply. The French (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta GA) were the only Gulf War troops that did not take the Gulf estimates that 200 million Americans will be effected to War vaccines and they were the only ones not to acquire one degree or another by the flu pandemic. Gulf War Illness. This killing has been orchestrated by the few on the many. The bottom line is about power and control by the For those of you who still may not know: the US funded few of the many. By reducing the numbers of the the most of the Iraq side of the Gulf War and the US, many, power and control can easily be maintained - Russia and China provided Iraq with both chemical and great profits (medical, pharmaceutical, etc.) can and biological weapons prior to the war. be reaped by the few during the process. The educated and armed citizens of the US are a threat to the few.

Huge numbers of people have developed a wide variety of ailments as a result of the spraying, usually within a day or two after the event. Symptoms include a long-lasting upper respiratory infection typically caused by mycoplasma and/or fungus. This often produces pneumonia. Fungal infections treated with antibiotics typically get worse. CDC has named certain antibiotics that it hopes to convince doctors to use this flu season. If you get sick, will your doctor test you for mycoplasma and/or fungus? -unlikely, unless you insist.

CDC has admitted in writing that all flu vaccine tobe used in the year of the flu pandemic will be a prototype (experimental). When the nasties now in our bodies from breathing the spray are combined with contaminated prototype flu vaccines, the results will undoubtedly kill many otherwise healthy people. The flu pandemic may arrive this flu season that is nearly upon us. We will personally never take another vaccine of any kind.

It is interesting to note that the oldest satellite photo of obvious CHEMTRAILS is over the GULF WAR theater in 1991. MANY soldiers came back from that war SICK and many DIED. Most of the 20,000 deaths of Gulf War veterans were caused by prototype (experimental) vaccines. See It contained, among other things, mycoplasma. 77% of Gulf War spouses and 66% of their children now have the communicable Gulf War Illness. Does this sound like a 181 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Educated guess: The coming flu pandemic will contain contained high levels of Barium (6.8 ppm) and Lead very little actual flu. The illnesses people get will be (8.2 ppm) as well as trace amounts of other flu-like but will result from the sprayed chemtrail chemicals including arsenic, chromium, cadmium, nasties and the prototype flu pandemic vaccines. selenium and silver. Of these, all but one are metals, Many some are toxic while several are rarely or never found in will nature. The newscast focuses on Barium, which its die research shows is a hallmark of chemtrails. KSLA found Barium levels in its samples at 6.8 ppm or more than six times the toxic level set by the EPA.

KSLA also asked Mark Ryan, Director of the Poison Control Center, about the effects of Barium on the human body. Ryan commented that short term exposure can lead to anything from stomach to chest pains and that long term exposure causes blood pressure problems. The Poison Control Center further reported that long- term exposure, as with any harmful substance, would contribute to weakening the immune system, which many speculate is the purpose of such man- made chemical trails. [email protected] Chemtrails hidden for g20 meeting !! WATCH AND SHARE !!! rapidly and many will develop lingering and/or latent Forbidden to take photo's in London debilitating illnesses that will be given names other than flu (perhaps fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, cancer, etc.). Perhaps one of every 10,000 people is even dimly MSG is being sprayed right on fruits, nuts, seeds, aware of the spraying. Even fewer know the dangers of grains, and vegetables as they grow -- vaccines. Most people, when confronted with such even those used in baby food information, choose to ignore, not investigate, or bury their heads in the goo of comfortable ignorance. Many say that if such were true, then it would CGI Lance: Chemtrails and Bio-warfare be on the evening news. Which group will you choose to be in? Please prove that our analysis is wrong. Self-protection noframes;read=142616 and ways to prevent the coming illness are simple and inexpensive. In Response To: Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Concerns About Chemtrails Given Fresh Impetus Sent to 18 Countries (J) As you, we, are well aware of, the first part of this contagion has been spread through the The Obama administrations announcement to explore skies far and wide for well over a decade. geo-engineering the environment in the name of preventing global warming has given fresh impetus to Lyme's Disease, Morgellons etc are al part and parcel of concerns about whether such programs are already a mycoplasmic attack on the immune systems of each underway in the guise of chemtrails. and everyone of us. This is proof positive of the second wave of this war against we the people whom endowed by Chemtrails differ from ordinary contrails in that they our God, have certain unalienable RIGHTS. hang in the sky for hours and are often observed to be emitted from planes that fly criss-cross routes, leading to The release of the 'flu' (whatever the heck that really the formation of X and grid-like patterns in the sky. means) may be the start of the end for those whom have Chemtrails also directly effect localized weather by turning not shown signs of their daily ration of heavy metals, a clear blue sky into a hazy overcast. mycoplasma, etc. falling from the sky. Those of us whom feel debilitated or show signs of fighting this menace will Last year, a KSLA news investigation found that a be the ones whom do not succumb I pray. We are being substance that fell to earth from a high altitude chemtrail warred upon by those whom presume power. 182 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Why are there no chemtrails in China? Because they intentional? already own North America and are depopulating it. Why biological-weapons-live-avian-flu-virus-placed-in-baxter- are there chemtrails in Europe? Because they are vaccine-materials-sent-to-18-countries/ owned to? By whom I dare not presume. Israel?

The weakening of our immune systems was a ploy to garner money for big Pharma by the 'mask the 04 27 09 MEDIA SPREADS FEAR and LIES about the FLU! symptom' routine. This did not work because of the Internet. My black mold poisoning has spread to various fungal infections and I'll be damned before I go see some white suited lab technician idiot whom knows nothing about anything, and simply wants to prescribe me something and take a kick back.

Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries Mike Adams /Natural News March 5, 2009- There’s a popular medical thriller novel in which a global pandemic is intentionally set off by an evil plot designed to reduce the human population. In the Depopulation Plans -full speed ahead! Chemtrail programs book, a nefarious drug company inserts live avian flu last week successful? viruses into vaccine materials that are distributed to countries around the world to be injected into patients as "flu shots." Those patients then become carriers for these Orchestrated Swine Flu Bio-Warfare followed by Orchestrated Economic Collapse. Biowarfare targets highly-virulent strains of avian flu which go on to infect the Mexicans first. No more Mexican economy, no more world population and cause widespread death. immigrants to garden our food for cheap wages. Welcome to the NAU (North American Union). CTV JOKE?-CTV said Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company that it didn't come from a pig, but PIG farmers were cursed Baxter International Inc. has just been caught with the label of SWINE flu ...then CTV said that it came from a pig farm in Mexico. DUH!. shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" (if you can call it that, see below…) was TORONTO tourism targetted again. SHEEPLE were discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in reminded of the SARS CRISIS which punished CANADA for not going to war in IRAQ with SATANISTS-BUSH & BLAIR in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and 2003. YET CANADIAN NWO government pumping tax panic spread throughout the vaccine community as health money into BIG BROTHER tourism organizatons, much like experts asked the obvious question: How could this have the dolled out bonuses for the ILLUMINATI AUTO happened? INDUSTRY.

"Baxter International Inc. in Austria ‘unintentionally They have a Vaccine to kill you with, should you decide to contaminated samples with the bird flu virus that were listen to the NWO LIES and get a SHOT! used in laboratories in 3 neighbouring countries, raising concern about the potential spread of the deadly disease’. Washington apologizes for 2 low flying jets in NEW YORK, Austria, Germany, Slowenia and the Czech Republic - which scared the public into another 9-11 reminder. these are the countries in which labs were hit with Illuminati is priming us for a disaster. dangerous viruses. Not by bioterrorist commandos, but by Baxter. In other words: One of the major global pharmaceutical players seems to have lost control over a Mind control- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia virus which is considered by many virologists to be one of the components leading some day to a new pandemic."

But there’s a bigger question in all this: How could this company have accidentally mixed LIVE avian flu viruses (both H5N1 and H3N2, the human form) in this vaccine material? Was the viral contamination 183 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Government Mind Control- emotions Hundreds of people in the US and Europe claim their government 6. Reading thoughts remotely is experimenting on them using electromagnetic and neurological 7. Causing pain to any nerve of the body. devices. This is a concerted effort of all technologically advanced 8. Remote manipulation of human behavior from space countries to ultimately gain total control of every person on 9. Harassment, stress symptoms such as helicopters flying earth. overhead 10. Seeing, as in a camera, through your eyes, i.e. to see what you see exactly Electromagnetic 11. Control of sleep patterns. Weapons 12. Computer-brain interface, control and communication Microwave Weapons 13. Complex control of the brain such as retrieving memories, Non-Lethal Weapons implanting personalities ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) Weapons Directed Energy - Weapons Acoustic Weapons Psychotronic Weapons RF (Radio Frequency) Weapons Soft Kill Weapons Less-Than-Lethal Weapons

THE INVISIBLE THIRD WORLD WAR- BY W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton

HOW TO DEFEND YOURSELF Rational self-reliance and an understanding of how the human mind works are the best protection against IW. Don't look to national governments for help, they're attacking you. Don't look to psychiatry, they're developing weapons to destroy the very seat of liberty -- your mind. Don't rely on authority. Obedience to authority is the first act of submission to schizophrenia (paranoid psychosis) would explain it completely. suggestibility. Suggestibility is the first step of surrender to mind control. If it isn't true for you it isn't true. Your own The external symptoms of current day mind control include: integrity is your best hope. Ethical scientists may develop IW countermeasures. Good men may reform governments. But ultimately your own survival depends on yourself. As long - Noisy telephones and many wrong number calls as people know this, freedom will survive. The world is what - Frequent movement of household and workplace items so that you make it, or what you fail to make it. Freedom is a continuing the target struggle, won one moment at a time. There are many who knows this has been done by an intruder but cannot prove it. would take it from you, but no one who can give it to you. Skewing of furniture and bedding is common. - Sabotage of possessions at home, in the car, and at work, so MIND CONTROL- Reported Symptoms they\ become useless far sooner than their normal life. Some appliances 1. Microwave hearing. will The hearing of voices in remain non-functional for some weeks or months, then suddenly the head from an outside "fix source, but nobody else themselves" can hear the voices except - Ongoing theft of small dollar value possessions, sometimes with the targeted individual. the 2. Transmission of specific item being returned to where it was stolen from commands into the - Theft of personal papers and records, particularly those which subconscious the 3. Visual disturbances, target doesn't access often visual hallucinations - Sabotage of tools and work in progress at the workplace 4. Inject words, numbers - Computers at home and the workplace are chronically erratic into brain via and don't electromagnetic radiation work as designed waves - Emails and postal mail blocked or delayed 5. Manipulation of 184 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 - Tradesmen frequently arrive late, have to be pushed to Some of the MKULTRA subjects who were informed faced even accomplish their more inhumane treatment: during one experiment in Kentucky, work, make far more noise than necesssary, make a terrible seven volunteers were given LSD for 77 days straight. mess, break something else, botch their job, and overcharge LSD can be very powerful. When it comes to toying with the mind, - The targetted person finds stores always crowded LSD can be so unpredictable. MKULTRA was something to - The targetted person often finds their car blocked by other remember, one of the agents cried when he came down, he didn't vehicles want it to end. I mean hell the CIA were slipping it to eachother - The targetted person often finds the product they like out of just to see the effects of people not knowing they've been giving stock something. - Instances of being blocked while walking or driving are far, FAR above what statistics would allow - Neighbors turn inexplicably noisy or unfriendly at inconvenient One 1955 MKULTRA document gives an indication of the size and times, range of the effort; the memo refers to the study of an such as a meal or bed time, and especially when trying to nap assortment of mind-altering substances which would:

Reptilian humanoid From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public" "increase the efficiency of mentation and perception" David Icke- victim of mind control? "prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol" "promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol" "produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a Arizona Wilder also claims that the Royal family are shape reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc." shifters, also that Sitchin and Gardner are reptoids. Then she "render the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its targeted Sitchin and Gardner and said they take part in blood usefulness" rituals with the Royals where shapeshifting happens. Considering "enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture Gardner's books are revealing profound insights into the ancient and coercion during interrogation and so-called 'brainwashing'" knowledge, I am not surprised they wanted him demonised. "produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use" "produc[e] shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use" She states the royal lizards change back to lizards when asleep. "produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute Considering how many of them were educated in schools where anemia, etc." they also lived amongst hundreds of others in dorms, and how "produce 'pure' euphoria with no subsequent let-down" many of them were in the armed forces, you would think someone "alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the would have noticed this little thing! recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced" "cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under So what do you think, AW lying by the seat of her pants? Is its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under David under some sort of reptilian mind control now? questioning" "lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when -A person that knows something isn't probably true yet administered in undetectable amounts" believes it out of fear. This is what we have today. People today "promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing are stupid, people back than had fear but also didn't know any faculties, preferably without permanent effects" better or have the logic we do today.

-Actually, within my understanding of quantum mechanics, shape I think David Icke shifting SHOULD be plausable...... possible even. tapped on something within -I've read many of David Icke's books and have seen people who reality that was are as he describes (except for the reptilian shapechanging). Hell, way too close to I was married to someone who worked for a well known member the truth. Ickes of the Illuminati (or, as they call themselves, the Olympians). theories range from Matrix like multiple realities The CIA knows how to party. Or perhaps he's been a target of all the way to his LSD Mindkontrol? infamous reptilian agenda. However I The CIA's LSD experiments were conducted on many unwitting do believe when subjects, most often prisoners or patrons of brothels set up he discovered this, and run by the Agency, which had installed two-way mirrors in the power in control (NWO, Reptilians, Republicans...etc) the establishments to allow for observation of the drug's effects suppressed his information. Rather than making him a (these studies were referred to as "Operation Midnight Climax"). marauder, they decided to make him a 'loon' to the attempt 185 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 of disclosure, thus discrediting the entire movement extreme leftwing Marxist socialists and communists to identify altogether. each other.

Chinese mythology- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia &

04 26 09 So much for COAST to COAST AM! How many sheople have seen the following Art Bell Logo and didn't get the message? How many will look now and not see all the hidden symbology that can only come from an "adept" with a very high Secrets of Lucifer (3 of 7) >>>>>>>>>Secrets of Lucifer (4 degree in the ancient Mystery School of Babylon? of 7) Did you notice the hidden messages, "A.L." and "R.T. Bel"? Can you decipher them? Did you notice that a "capstone" is in place? Did you notice "Bel" is placed above the capstone by the flying arrow? Do you know what that means? 04 26 09 I'll give you one clue... A.L. is the abbreviation for the Latin which translates "Year of Light" referring to the year 6,000 A.L., (which Art occurs on or shortly after the year A.D. 2000) when the Illuminati believe Lucifer, Baal, Bel, Satan, the angel of light who was "bullshit" cast out of heaven, will triumph over God and mount the throne Bell in the north. All who say they are "Light Workers" are engaged in the battle against God on Lucifer's behalf. You solve the rest of the puzzle. Art Bell's Wife Died &&

I have long recognized that Art Bell is a shill for the New World Odor. It is confirmed in his book "The Quickening". In fact that is the entire theme of the book.Art Bell's book "The Quickening" is one of the most blatant, in your face, pieces of new world order propaganda that I have ever seen. It shamelessly advocates the formation of a world totalitarian socialist government. "Will there be a global government with a benevolent dictator, overseeing global law, global police and a global judiciary in an attempt to make the world cleaner, peaceful and prosperous? If that's what it takes to achieve these ends, so be it." -- from The Quickening by Art Bell, page 309


Apparently, the night before last, a relative of the renowned Patriot Cleon Skouson was a guest on Bell's show. He talked about the policy of the United States government to absorb a "first atomic Unexpectedly? strike" from Russia should one be launched.I was amazed to hear the comments of Bell and his callers about the information disclosed in the previous nights broadcast. They were aghast that such a policy Art BULLSHIT Bell is a Judas Goat. Follow him could exist. and he will lead you to the pens to be sheared and then to the slaughter. That is always the T he demonstrated ignorance of Art BULLSHIT Bell and his audience fate of sheep(le).by William Cooper was absolutely amazing. It has never been a secret that we would have to absorb a first atomic strike. All of our "Civil Defense Shelter" projects were cancelled after the 1950s. I

Just exactly what did these sheople think would happen in a nation without an active and effective "Civil Defense" plan? If Russia were to launch a "first atomic strike" our civilian population would panic if warned. The population would find absolutely nowhere to go to find shelter. They would block all highways and roads. They would loot and kill each other. Training programs to prepare the civilian population for heard a caller ask Art Bell if he was a Freemason. Bell replied, "Yes, such an occurrence no longer exist. are you a fellow traveler?" The term, "fellow traveler" is used by

186 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 !! Light" working in silence "behind the veil" of clouds in the heaven to bring about the necessary changes? By our own admission, and with our best defensive weapons deployed, all major population centers, industrial and military targets would take World government means the complete destruction of the MULTIPLE hits from the atomic and hydrogen weapons of Russia sovereignty of the United States of America and its (Soviet Union). The terrible truth is that we have NO defense and Constitution. Anyone who supports such a notion is a TRAITOR. very little retaliatory capability left. Bell ridicules anyone and everyone who attempts to steer his audience in the right direction, identify the REAL enemy, and stir the audience to valid and meaningful action. Today the Russians would WIN such a conflict hands down. The Russians (Soviets) have NOT DISARMED but instead have moved their strike capability underground. The fact that I have "outed" this Marxist/socialist change agent is most probably the reason he told the bold faced lie last night (August 11, 1998) during his broadcast. Art Bell is a Marxist, a Freemason, a shill Because of these facts it is the official policy of the United States for the artificial alien threat, a shill for world totalitarian government. government that they WILL NEVER WARN THE CIVILIAN POPULATION. This policy is in line with the governments stance regarding "population control" MAJESTYTWELVE by William Cooper Copyright © 1997 William Cooper All Rights Reserved &&&

Art Bell has a propensity to promote lies, misinform, and HOUR OF THE TIME - Bill Cooper - Jordan intentionally mislead his audience. He redirects their energy into Maxwell interview chasing rainbows, aliens, UFOs, bigfoots, cities on Mars, ghosts, voices from hell in a well dug in Siberia, and many other loony toon subjects so that his audience is always lost in woo woo land. His audience is Milton William Cooper so bombarded with lies that they will never know or address the real enemy or problems that we face. Death &&&& By 1998 Cooper was living in Arizona. There was a warrant for his arrest due to claims by a local doctor that Cooper made threatening actions when the doctor was loitering near Cooper's home. Cooper said he would meet with armed resistance any attempt to execute what he saw as "unlawful warrants." Later a warrant was issued for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, following a dispute with a local man who was stalking Cooper.[7] According to Commander X, in March 1999 Cooper sent his family out of the United States for their security. He lived and worked alone with his two dogs, one rooster, and one chicken until his death in 2001.[8] In July and September 2001, Cooper was accused of using a handgun to threaten a loiterer near his home in Eagar, Arizona.

On November 5, 2001, officers of the Apache County Sheriff's Office decided to serve Cooper a warrant based on the above-mentioned charges. For reasons not explained,[citation needed]the Sheriff's Office sent deputies to Cooper's home at approximately 11:00PM, and About 95% of all subjects and guests on his show are frauds, instead of knocking on his door and announcing themselves, the fantasies, fakes, con-artists, and escaped mental patients pedaling deputies attempted to lure Cooper from his house by posing as citizens bullshit by the barrel. He IS a change agent for the new world playing loud music on or near his property. Cooper, who was an above order. the knee amputee, went down to investigate the scene in his truck. It is disputed whether the deputie s identified themselves or tried to serve an arrest warrant at that time. Nevertheless, Cooper announced Did you know that the sea (mare or Mary) is a symbol of vast he was returning to his house to contact the Eager Police Department, numbers of People, the masses in socialist lingo? Did you notice that either to verify the warrant or to contact the local authorities in order the pyramid rises from the sea (People) and dominates the scene as a to report what he may have still believed was a real disturbance. promise, or savior? Did you know the pyramid missing the "capstone" Before he could do so however, the sheriff's deputies tried to represents the "Great (unfinished) Work" of the Mystery School of apprehend him, at which point shooting began. Although it is Babylon? Did you know that the "Great Work" represents social unclear who began firing, there are some who question the uncertain engineering (socialism) working toward the apotheosis of the race circumstances, and who was responsible for first shots fired. Cooper (perfected god-like "sixth root race") as promised to Adam and Eve by was armed and one deputy was wounded. Another deputy returned Satan, and a "New World Order"? Did you notice that the name "Art fire, killing Cooper.[9] Milton William Cooper was 58 years old. Bell" straddles the capstone signifying that he is the "Light Worker," or "Illumined Man," or "Master Mason," or "Horus," or "perfected god-Man" who completes the "Great Work"? Did you notice the "Bright Star" fallen from heaven just above the "capstone"? Do you know what or who it represents? Do you see the "Thousand Points of 187 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

William Cooper Exposes The Illum inati more. & The Secret Government More links and info - live radio show about flu topic William Cooper exposes the dark side of the United States v=0x_Md2Cjg1w&feature=response_watch Government. THIS IS A MUST SEE!(William Cooper was murdered on 5th. Nov 2001) WRITE THE TRUTH ON THE MONEY!! Only write on the light border of all your bills, as not to deface them, subsequently supporting information keeping them in circulation. Use their own control and tyranny against them. Allow our founding fathers to speak of freedom once again and v=D5BskUSC6j0&feature=response_watch the paper will leave your hand carrying true value, knowledge. Write things like, “9/11 was an inside job”, etc. anything to get the message v=vJkMirp0ypE&feature=response_watch out and inspire people to open their eyes. Do not deface the bills as -more info, they will be destroyed v=mjEfyQEdSlQ&feature=response_watch -more info you need to know, 04 25 09 - Do you believe the bird flu conspiracy?? topic_id=26847510 More info soon,

Well I just heard of some weird conspiracy that the Today, seeing how fast this video spread, that the US government is trying to spread the shady people behind the New World Order have Bird flu virus around, I don't get why people nowhere to run... well it gives me personally hope... would think the government would do that Everyone who is in this fight, who is true to this Here is the link to the youtube video I watched of it, deserves a pat on the back. I never been this proud it's some lady saying she seen people in trucks to be a American or Just a man on a small pale dot transporting stuff, and it's the bird flu virus. in a endless sea of stars then now. We have the power to change things....

Is this just another weird conspiracy, or does the "Mary", caller to the Power Hour on March 30, 2009, government want to spread the Bird flu gives many details that the Dept of Homeland Security is transporting and distributing bird flu in virus around the world and kill mass quantities. everyone?? Further information: p=2433 UPDATE April 24 2009 - Call Genesis Communications, The Power Hour, 1 877 817 9828 with any further information or tips you may have. Live Radio show, about this topic. ~~ Another Update! Did you hear Alex Jones "debunking" this video? Can - Part 2 is up with more info and answers to you find ANY of these false "straw men" that HE questions. PLANTED? I did my best to get it up as soon as possible! • hysterical people running up to railroad cars • witness protection program v=Da3iU8Iv1w4&feature=response_watch • govt using "random" truck drivers - • govt telling truckers what they're carrying • "schizophrenic" truck drivers - • hyperventilating woman caller If you have questions or want more proof then these links will answer your questions and give you the proof you seek, remember I can ONLY upload 11 minute videos, otherwise this video would show a lot Why didn't he use this to spark responsible 188 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 discussion of the salient points? OUR WATER OUR AIR MASSIVE COMPANIES DESTROYING FAMILY RUN BUSINESS Alex - sorry you are so hurt that Mary didn't call your BANKS OWN US!!! show first. Maybe she had the same problems I did MASS DEBT trying get vital information out through your NO ONE CAN MAKE BOTH ENDS MEET DESTRUCTION OF THE MIDDLE CLASS! organization. MY FATHER CRYING AT NIGHT People ARE discussing the Baxter distribution of flu, MY MOTHER LOSING HOPE and connecting the dots to your information. I WILL I EVEN MAKE IT TO SEE MY KIDS GROW UP thought we were working TOGETHER. By all means - WILL THERE BE ANYTHING LEFT IN 10 YEARS verify or disprove. But don't plant straw men to stifle WHAT IS GOING ON! discussion, simply because you don't control it. WHY IS OUR GOVERNMENT BEING CONTROLED BY BANKS BY THE You admitted that the government uses NWO BY 13 FAMILIES independent contractor FedEx to transmit bird flu - but you call Mary's info "baloney" because, WHY ARE THEY LIEING TO US!!! WHY DID I HAVE TO BURY MY BEST FRIEND! according to you, the government wouldn't use WHY IS MY FATHER STOCKING UP ON AMMO independent contractors??? The government hires independent contractors for most of their black I WILL TELL YOU WHY ops precisely so their regular employees are none WE WERE SOLD OUT! the wiser! Why is it only OK for YOU to go by "gut" BY THE PEOPLE WE TRUST THEIR GREED KNOWS NO LIMIT THEY WOULD KILL THEIR OWN FAMILY FOR A BUCK and "instinct" but everyone else is just a psy op?I THEY ARE PLOTTING ON US RIGHT NOW! love ya Alex, but I have to wonder if you are controlled opposition. WHILE I WILL NOT STAND BY AND LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS, I It is 3:41 in the morning, again I find myself without WILL FIGHT TILL THE END. I WILL FIGHT ON THE SIDE OF GOOD FOR sleep. Can you think why? This video will explain ALL THE DEAD SOLDIERS THAT DIED FOR NO REASON! FOR MY FAMILY THAT HAS BEEN KILLED BY THEIR WARS,THEIR now the sad HORRIBLE! connection I have just POISON,THEIR LIES! found, for any shills and skeptic, you may doubt now, but this video will change that! I WILL BECOME THEIR WORST NIGHTMARE I HAVE LOST EVERYTHING!!! CAUSE OF THESE MEN MY LIFE, MY DREAM, MY FAMILY PROTECT YOUR FAMILIES THE NWO I WILL NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS I WILL TAKE BACK MY COUNTRY THAT MY GRANDFATHER AND GREAT ARE MAKING MOVES GRANDFATHER FOUGHT FOR THE TIME IS NOW THE TURN IS OURS STAND UP AND FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are hidden but not for long

Give me liberty or GIVE ME DEATH! The hidden Covenant of the Illuminati/Reptillian agenda and the GAS IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL four horsemen Part 1&2 FOOD IS UP 800% LOW PAY CANCER UP Must see shows which parts of USA will AIDS UP CRIME UP be gone Agenda 21 DEATH UP KIDNAPPINGS UP SUICIDE UP Lincoln - Freed slaves against the illumnati; WEATHER IS OUT OF CONTROL MASS HUNGER JFK he was against the NWO knew to much; RFK same thing; Marilyn WAR! monroe - JFK told her to much; Princess Diana? She knew to much; LIES Christopher Bollyn - exposed 911 they killed his whole family...Serge DECEPTION Monast (1994) Reasearched project bluebeam, Dead along with his OUR GOVERNMENT HAVING SECRET MEETINGS! whole family. John Todd - Was once one of them turned on LIES LIES LIES them..dead...Prabhupada - Prophet of the 70s taught love and peace PEOPLE GETTING SICK FOR NO REASON against the NWO - poisoned...Philip Schneider - Spoke out about a fire LACK OF HEROS fight in underground base - dead; William Cooper - Navy Intel exposed POSION IN OUR FOOD 189 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 the truth about JFK and Their deals and plans for us...Gunned down by to keep their secret... Whos next? They have spent alot of money and Cops...Most recent time on finishing their plans... Trust no large company or Any Benazir Bhutto - tried to make peace in the middle east wanted to Governmeny, Only trust your heart and your fellow man (The more expose why the radicals were still in power and Osamas death, Killed. poor the more trust I say) Join me before its to late I am leading many Look at all them....Those are just a few of the people they have killed and I need you to wake up now...

04 24 09

Mosque attacked in Iraq killing innocent people. ZIONISTS call MYSTERY ILLNESS in Mexico (BIRD for more security after saying women detonated the mosque FLU!)- Illuminati depopulation program working well here. with suicide belts. Often terrorists like alCIAda, plant bombs on GET THE COLLOIDAL SILVER/ORGONE OUT! Swine flu in innocent civilians and detonate them when they desire. Watch California and Texas. 66people dead in Mexico, but 100's are the media spin. MEDIA is owned by the RICH with a globalist sick. DON'T TOUCH THAT MEAT/beast. SYMPTOMS- fatal NWO agenda. You never hear about atrocities of the instigators cases in Mexico starting with Influenza, leading to such as the Akanazi's (NAZI TALMUDIC FAKE JEWS) pneumonia/death. Targets all ages. MARTIAL LAW and QUARANTINES just around the corner. OBAMA wants to get rid of the toxic loans. (selling out AmeriKa to Russia and China? (Calling in loans and evicting people to RUN from THE FLU SHOT!!!!!!!!RUN! FEMA CAMPS?) (Free Earthling Meat Agenda)

OMAR KHADR- US calls him a terrorist. WHY? What is the big BIRD FLU PROTECTION By Walter Last secret here? Why is HARPER keeping him locked up? Probably has LOTS TO SAY! Dr. Rebecca Carley is on Alex Jones Show. Her web site is She is giving a lot of information on Wild Fires Burn in South Carolina- Myrtle Beach ( golf /peak what to keep in your cupboard for when the Bird Flu is released. tourist season). Saint John's river flooding worries warn people IN NO WAY to get the bird flu vaccine. You will drop dead within to PACK and be ready to go. days. If it does break out, more than likely they will do total city lock down and if you are in a city, you will be locked CRAZY SNOW and SEVERE WEATHER in the WHEAT BELT of Canada-by design. Warm and sunny for the S. Ont. work week. CTV- Belinda and Blair? Interesting couple of SAVE SOME NON- HYBRIDIZED SEED for NEXT YEAR. Illuminati has their ARTIC SEED VAULT ready before the mass elitists discussing their NWO visions for the future. Stronach deforestation of planet earth. focuses on Malaria prevention and electric cars, while Tony Blair wants to FIGHT climate change and set up a FAITH FOUNDATION in AFRICA. lol lol lol. Cheap ways of reducing child Canadian FEMALE soldier found dead in KHANDAHAR, due to a NEEDLESS, ORCHESTRATED NWO, SATANIC WAR, that wants and adult mortality due to malaria-cheap mosquito human GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT! Michelle Mendes- mystery death nets soaked in insecticide! BELINDA-Have in her accommodation room-she is based in Ottawa Ont. 30 yr old. 3rd female soldier to be killed in the ILLEGAL war in you gone mad? You have known about the NWO agenda Afghanistan. for YEARS NOW. Still playing the genocide game?! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! Malaria is caused by a parasite that is carried by a mosquito. Dirty Chrysler-CAW want to secure a $$$ deal. Why...they are going water has parasites. off-shore to build water cars, anyway?! Fill the bank accounts of the BROTHERHOOD!? Bankrupt the CANADIAN TAXPAYER! Bring in the microchip! CLEAN UP THE WATER! OZONE (h2o2), Frequency generators, AIR CANADA Boeing 777 flight from SYDNEY to VANCOUVER experienced unusual severe turbulence 100 SW of Honolulu. colloidal silver/titanium/gold. 19 passengers hurt so far. Not a good year for Canadian Airlines. SUPPRESSION makes you an Helicopter nose diving distractions in March, now the Air Canada "heaven shaking" and Can Jet "HiJoker" Dramas. accessory to the CRIME!

Jim Flaherty in Washington today for Big Brother Bank$ter Income tax is illegal? Did BASH. IMF wants GLOBAL CURRENCY CONTROL... QUICKLY! you guys know that there are no laws that require americans to pay income tax, so the IRS is just lying to us when they say it is the law for our wages to be taxed 190 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 declare what could be illegal income, which would result in the Canada's Federal Income Tax is seizure of assets. unconstitutional-The constitution gives the Federal If they don't declare what could be illegal income, they could Government the right to issue its own currency be found guilty of tax evasion. Sound familiar? It's the same strategy that nailed famous Chicago gangster Al Capone in the 1930s. The plaintiffs are alleging that because they are forced to Anti-gang tool under fire in Federal Court declare their income, they are giving up a right to silence Updated: Wed Apr. 01 2009 The case offers an interesting insight into the face-to-face meetings between auditors and alleged gangsters -- many of The U.N. gang -- named by police as among the most violent them happened in the middle of the night, and some outside a gangs in the Lower Mainland -- has been under investigation by suburban movie theatre. "They were shaking people out of police since at least 2006. bed in the middle of the night, restraining people from leaving," said Peters to the court. "It was heavy-handed and Police have been trying a relatively new tactic to corner them -- abusive." The case is being heard this week using the rules in the Income Tax Act, demanding that they

LIST OF FAMOUS SATANISTS, PEDOPHILES, Al Gore, Vice-President to Clinton, and front runner to be the AND MIND CONTROLLERS by David Icke "Democratic" candidate "opposing" George W. Bush. Illuminati, Satanist, serious blood drinker. Reptilian shapeshifter.

Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Richard The following list has been compiled from the wealth of research Nixon, Lyndon B. Johnson. Presidents of the United States. I have put together over the last ten years. I would suggest Satanists. Users of mind-controlled slaves. that all of these are reptilian bloodline, but I only mention shape-shifting where it has been witnessed. John F. Kennedy, assassinated President of the US. User for sex of mind controlled slaves. Probably a lot more we have yet It is only an initial list and will be added to. If you can add to know. names, and give the supporting evidence, that would be most helpful in exposing these horrors. By "Satanists", of course, I mean those involved in human sacrifice. Ted Kennedy: US politician, and head of the Kennedy clan currently. Brutal abuser of mind controlled slaves. David Icke Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, and one of the Illuminati's foremost master minds of the William F. Buckley Jr: Head of the elite JANUS mind control agenda. Satanist, mind controller, child torturer, creator of wars operation based at NATO headquarters in Belgium which trains of mass murder and destruction. Shape-shifter. Works closely mind-controlled psychic assassins; child killer, Satanist, shape- with the UK's Lord Carrington. shifter

Mikail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union, now George Bush: US President and Vice President, head of the working in the US for the Illuminati Gorbachev Foundation CIA, and a stream of other leading roles in the Illuminati. which campaigns for World government, world army, etc., etc. Satanist, mind controller, torturer of children and adults, Satanist and shape-shifting reptilian. pedophile, shape-shifting reptilian, and major drug runner. Serial killer. Nice man. House of Rothschild. Satanists, child sacrificers, mind controllers, torturers of children and adults. Guy de Rothschild George W. Bush, Jr. - front-runner to be next President of the heads the dynasty and he is one of the top trauma-based mind United States. Son of his father. controllers in the world. They are shape-shifting reptilians.

Bill Clinton, President of the United States. Satanist, serial Habsburgs: See Rothschilds. killer, based on orders he has issued for assassinations, sexual abuser of mind controlled slaves. Rockefellers: See Rothschilds. Hillary Clinton, wife of President and now running for political office in New York. Announced her intention to run at a place Astor's: See Rothschilds. called Pindar. This is the code-name of one of the foremost Illuminati human sacrificers and operatives (See The Biggest DuPont's: See Rothschilds. Secret). High Illuminati witch and Satanist. Abuser of mind controlled women. Mellon's: See Rothschilds.

191 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary under President Bush. Winston Churchill, Britain's war-time Prime Minister, and Satanist, torturer of children and adults. Mind controller. bloodline of the Marlborough family, one of the elite aristocratic bloodlines of the British Isles. Satanist. Robert C. Byrd, "Democrat" senator for West Virginia. Satanist and brutal torturer of adults and children. Mind controller. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: US war-time President: Satanist.

Quote added by Hard Truth “It is money, money, money! Not Stalin: Russian war-time leader. Satanist. ideas, not principles, but money that reigns supreme in American politics.” -- Senator Robert Byrd, West Virginia Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader in Germany. Rothschild bloodline. Satanist. Bob and Bill Bennett, well-known US political figures closely connected to George Bush. Satanists, mind controllers, torturers Tony Blair, current British Prime Minister. Satanist. of children and adults.

Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada when he and Lt Col Michael Aquino, US Military Psychological Warfare President Bush introduced the NAFTA "free trade" Department: Satanist (founder of the Church of Set), torturer of agreement, which has devastated the Canadian economy. children and adults in trauma-based mind control projects. Satanist, rapist of mind controlled women.

Kris Kristopherson, actor and singer. Works with Aquino. Pierre Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister. Satanist, rapist of Torturer, mind controller. mind controlled women, paedophile.

Boxcar Willie, country music singer. Satanist, pedophile. Edward Heath, Prime Minister of the UK from 1970-74 and the man who signed Britain into the European Community, now Bob Hope "comedian". Life-time asset of British Intelligence, Union. Satanist, child torturer, paedophile, shapeshifting mind-controlled slave handler, and manipulator of the reptilian. "entertainment industry" on behalf of the Illuminati. The "Rat Pack", including Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Junior, and Willie Whitelaw, Deputy Prime Minister to Margaret Dean Martin were all heavily involved with Hope and others in Thatcher in the 1980s. Satanist. the same line of work.

Lord McAlpine of the McAlpine Construction dynasty in the UK. Billy Graham, "Christian" hero who has been funded from the Satanist, paedophile. start by the top Illuminati families and operatives like the Rockefellers and newspaper tycoon, William Randolph Hearst. Satanist, involved in mind control projects, close friend Mohammed Al Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed, who died in the of Bush and Kissinger. Bloodline of the Satanic Illuminati Frank car with Princess Diana. Satanist. family which created the Satanic movement known as Frankism. I'm Giving Reptilians Out Of Body Experiences Queen Elizabeth II of the UK: Satanist, child sacrificer, shape- LINK HERE, since the one posted yesterday is shifting reptilian. Major Illuminati figure. not available right now (right click "save target as")

Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother: As above. 04 23 09 Prince Philip: As above. I'm Giving Reptilians Out Of Body Experiences Prince Charles: As above. I'm Giving Reptilians Out Of Body Experiences Uploaded by ooobe Prince Andrew: As above.

Princess Anne: As above. Not seen to shape-shift. Woman has sex with 6ft. Reptile Shapeshifter Lizard Lord Mountbatten of the British Royal Family and World War II "war hero". Rothschild bloodline, and therefore a shape- Uploaded by neverknwo shifter. Satanist.

192 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Liberals trying to 04 22 09 prostitute Mulroney and Trudeau JUNIORS to the Big Tell Reptilian Al Gore that Temperature Brother CLUB now. increases CO2. CO2 does not increase Temperature. Afterall, it is a one Try another SCAM to party system and enslave the global economy. they will need them as blackmail backup- once they use and radical islamic discard the puppets alCIAda negotiated they have release of 2 canadian now...HARPER , diplomats (Fowler and Guay), held in Illuminati IGGY and controlled Niger/Mali. RAE. French and Canadian Intelligence? negotiated ransoms as usual. Harper knew of their captivity since at least February. They have been IGGY off to a BIG BROTHER closed door meeting in held hostage by vatican trained alCIAda for 4 mths now.. Washington now. Is the Secret Brotherhood reunion STEVIE stressed 3 times in a speech-that the Canadian prepping Iggy to be the next potential puppet prime Gov't doesn't pay ransom. Other foreign peaceworkers are minister of Canada? Harper needs to take some acting still being held, including 2 women. (Does this mean they lessons, after that last CanJet Drama hiJoker incident. get ignored, much like our women army casualties?) (Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt -our cars can run on water....brown noser!) HELLary Clint-on calling for more National Security of our Borders. aka NAU- North American Union under Satanic HARPER government has $money$ for control. She looks panicked lately. those who have $money$ ONLY! NWO Plans not calls for for the going well? High LAYTON New Economy Mother of people. Darkness wants to be president of AmeriKa, after Tamil protests in Ottawa got the attention they bump off of Jack Layton ONLY. Iggy is getting ready for his date Obama and start a with Obama and Harper is STILL hiding from Canadians. race war. I thought PALIN wanted to play the 0.25% BANK OF CANADA RATE- lowest usury since the Scarlet Woman- 1930's. Gas is also becoming worthless ( in the $atanic WHORE of BABYLON? Ca$ino of the bank$ter$)

AMERICA WRECKED BY UN NATURAL DISASTERS Weird Weather could kill off any germinating seedlings this week. Stay tuned for a famine this year. Calgary temps will crash to -2 C Thurs from 23 C Tues. 100 km/hr McDonalds junk food sales are up. winds will HAARP S. Ont. Could knock out Illuminati controlled HYDRO ONE and force a crisis of unnatural proportions...AGAIN! IMF calling for global economic slowdown and

depopulation, until PLANATATION EARTH Now flooded-NAFTA highway planned Red River area is can be enslaved and micro-chipped. getting offers from the government to buy up properties. BY DESIGN! OBAMA trying to change the prosecution rules for those Big Brothers who TORTURED NWO victims. CIA was Did MONSANTO also sell faulty seeds to Canadian farmers obama-whipped on Monday. Trying to appease everyone. this year, much like they have been doing in the third All over the place...bad batch of coke or trying to secure world to create a famine? himself a nice room at Guantanimo?

Who is CLEOPATRA? Who is MARK ANTHONY? Markoff- Craigslist robber and murderer of women due to gambling. Sounds like another manchurian candidate.

193 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 possession by the reptilian entities and so the cycle goes on. The phrase that comes to mind is "...forgive them for they know not what they do."

P.S. Apparently, this DNA infiltration is known within the LIST OF FAMOUS SATANISTS, PEDOPHILES, AND inner circles of the British royal family as the "family MIND CONTROLLERS by David Icke disease". They are actually in fear of it because they know that once it is activated they will be taken over. THE REPTILIANS: WHY THEY ARE But of course they are caught in a world of constant ritual and ceremony designed specifically to activate their OBSESSED WITH BLOODLINE AND possession. It is catch 22. Without the ritual they cannot RITUAL By David Icke be the royal family, but with the ritual they are activated and possessed.

What we need to do is break the "time" circle and thus the prison. !!! We are now in that part of the circle that is most vulnerable to PAY your way into the Brotherhood of LIGHT with this because of the vibrational Rocky Mountain Mystery School, which reinforces illuminati changes taking place in this part rituals and Adam Kadmon DNA Activation. ( Adam of the Universe and this is why the Kadmon is really CAIN). Unholy trinity = Lucifer, Diana control of humans has tightened so and Cain (This is where Eve got raped in the GARDEN of rapidly in this period - they are EDEN) doing everything they can to defend their prison from the awakening of the inmates. The NAZI doctors PUSH free vaccinations with OHIP micro-chip is crucial to that.]

[This activation is now also being . Our Booster shots take a good chunk inflicted upon the general population through of our skin and DNA, and our blood is recorded when we technology on Earth and in space, no doubt, and this get vaccinated (SHOTS of poisons and viruses. laced with channeled entity said that the cloning programme is microchips) . Poisons are used to disconnect us from there to develop designer bodies for the reptilians of SOURCE. (lose our psychic ability) the "in between world" that would not require the overpowering of an already incarnate consciousness.] RED CROSS and other Illuminati controlled BLOOD DEALERS have fresh blood on hand for the agitated Once activated, the DNA opens the body to vampire who needs a fix. TWILIGHT movie and other possession by these reptilians and other beings, and PROGRAMS are preparing us for the MASS DECEPTION. this is what is happening, for example, to Freemasons in KISS a VAMPIRE? I don't think so. the rituals that most of them deliver parrot fashion while having no idea of their vibrational significance. This is why We need a Revolution!. ..Like chickens going the Illuminati are so obsessed with knowing a after Colonel Sanders! FLY or be Kentucky FRIED! person's bloodline. They know which have the potential for this activation and possession and which do not. The Mormon Church genealogical data base and now the DNA data banks are designed to identify those with the bloodline. These are the people who are given jobs and roles that serve the Illuminati agenda, while most of them have no idea what is really going on and what they are being used for. Their DNA is then activated and they go through a change of character (a phrase I have heard so many times in relation to such people once they advance in the system) and a very different consciousness takes over their mental and emotional processes.

Each new generation of the Illuminati bloodline families is exposed to the appropriate ritual to activate their

194 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009


“This is the time of humanity’s transformation to higher density. I hereby join together with other aware people to create a world that recognizes this and my responsibility to help make it happen.

“By combining my individual energy with that of others, I help to create a new level of conscious living: • “I accept that I have responsibility for helping to create mankind’s current enslavement.

• “I support only that which serves the highest good of all humanity; I turn my back on that which does not.

• “I take personal responsibility for my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

• “I envision a new civilization based on truth, love, peace, free energy, sufficient wealth, fair allocation of Earth's abundant resources, a rejuvenated environment, universal health, and all people living in harmony with Nature.

• “I hold the vision of a fully conscious humanity. I am aware that we are but one of countless civilizations in this universe.

• “I seek community with all humans of this planet, as well as our sisters and brothers from other star systems with whom we are in Oneness with God.

• “I hereby send unconditional love to Earth and all my brothers and sisters in the universe.”

195 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 04 20 09 SHEEPLE- Get your shovels out! Wolf droppings ahead.

Terrorism in Toronto?- Better let Canadian Immigration 666 know that the Clintons and Bushes, plan to visit/invade Toronto in

May. Get out the Orgone! Say "vinuru"- SEE IF THEY SHAPE- OBAMA beast gets on TV for more programming. SHIFT INTO REPTILIAN FORM. Speaks to the secret CIA and thanks them for their efforts and keeping good SECRETS ..especially after the Illuminati Stephen Hawking - Black Hole expert, rushed to hospital funded 9-11 terrorist attacks on their own American with a serious chest infection, N of London Ont..Someone bring him people. BRAVO! HAIL SATAN! What Heroes! You should be real proud some colloidal silver! Or was he poisoned? He has lots to say. of your HIDING and spying! You really know how to start a war! The whole planet is PISSED off at AmeriKa! Expect HAARP Weather Wars- to pound NAFTA highway areas and economies of Columbine Shootings 10 year anniversity Winnepeg and Southern Ontario again today. today- Guns! Danger! No where to run, no where to hide....from the Illuminati's manchurian candidates. Stress is GOOD for CANCER!

Canada Boycotts 5 day Global Racism talks- Why? >>> prime minister HARPER, along with OBAMA Beast and the Bohemian Grove BOYS, support the murderous Airline Terrorist FEARS -another 9-11 ZIONIST/SATANISTS in IS-RA-EL. Iran's PM plot?- says ZIONIST OWNED MEDIA- laughed as much of the NWO clan (with viagra tails between their legs) exited the convention today, as the crowd CHEERED. WHO HA! Send me that video! CanJet AIRLINES and 9-11 terrorist style hi- jacker scare in Montego Bay, Jamaica.YA RIGHT! Prepare for another orchestrated 9-11, by the same Rockefeller/Rothchild bankser SATANISTS!

Hijacker or High Joker?-Held by a "mentally challenged" man, who stormed through security, (siser works at the airport?). Canadian Hostages (enroute to Cuba) ran off the plane without their belongings, after the "gunman" let them go, leaving mostly crew members on board. After 8 hours, Jamaican SWATT team finally comes to the rescue, with the cooperation of USA's FBI. THANK gOD!

Solution- more airport security! Arm the employees. Problem Reaction Solution...DUH!

Stephen Harper ALSO offered his support for these 167 Canadian passengers ( since when?). Corporate selected Steve Harper conveniently in Kingston Jamaica parliament today. WHY THE HELL ISN'T HE IN CANADA? AVOIDING HIGH TREASON ACCUSATIONS? Offering Jamaican scholarships for the people. Don't do to JAMAICA -what you DID to COLUMBIA! STEVIE- your fear shows clearly on 04 19 09 TV! You know you are SUNK. Get your are going to clean up the war effort! Guantanimo style!

Was this DRAMATIZED, OBVIOUSLY STAGED takeover- IGGY-TICS planned this weekend at SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS? Nice work..taxes well spent again!

196 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Ignatieff, The Say Anything Leader future, where our families, homes and jobs are at permanent risk.

Don Martin: Opposition parties compete for most-panicked-by-recession prize

George Jonas: The Liberal party's very bright, wrong-headed new leader

Ignatieff launches scathing attack on Harper (Canadian Cynic Sunday, January 18, 2009). The Liberal's reptilian new master has hedged his bets on the idea of the coalition, I for one would not support him as the leader of a coalition. January 23, 2009 - Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff launches a scathing He attained his leadership without a vote and while a coalition is a attack on Stephen Harper during his first keynote speech at a valid possibility in theory, I'd be loath to see Ignatieff named Prime luncheon hosted by the Canadian Club of Toronto and the Empire Club Minister without facing the people in a proper election. of Canada.

To my reckoning Ignatieff is certainly an alternative to a Dion or a Rae Peggy Kane Interview V olume 1 - but not much of an alternative to Harper. The current crop of Liberals is salted with foetus fetishists and crackpots that see no Reptilian Agenda wrong in Israel's murderous policies against the Palestinians. Ignatieff would have had us in the thick of things in Iraq had he been In the first-ever DVD of the "UFO Hypothe ses " series, UFO researcher in charge at the time and his ruminations on torture are on the and talk show host Peggy Kane ("UFOAZ," "Off The Record," and "The record. Cutting Edge," all public access talk shows originating out of Tucson, Arizona) discusses her odyssey into the strange realms of EVP It was Ignatieff that corralled 23 other Libs to vote in support of (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and RS (Reverse Speech), which led her extending Canada's mission in Afghanistan in 2006, earning him a into ongoing conversations with the dead now residing in the lower handshake from Steve Harper. astral world. Her research also led to a multi-year contact with one Francis Haley, an endentured servant-turned adventurer who died in 1830. As she explored further, Ms. Kane clarified decades worth of The clever politic is to leave Harper and Flaherty holding the bag for research and began to formulate her own UFO hypothesis. Ms. Kane is the ongoing multi-car pileup that is the economy. now convinced that a reptilian ET race from Orion has taken control of this lower astral realm. Her hypothesis also suggests that the reptilian It bears noting that he did not return to Canada until 2005, after a ET "gods" colonized our Earth long ago, and continue to use Earth quarter century abroad. It hardly falls to him to claim that decade humans as a slave race and food source. (Not intended for anyone of surplus when he was living and working elsewhere and heavily under 18 years of age or skeptics.) Ending of this video : engaged in the politics of foreign lands. > uploaded by : AgentJoannaDark tags : reptilians UFO Peggy Kane reptoids astral 4th dimension mars spirit net matrix hybrids planetX There's fear all right, fear that there isn't a leader cover up manipulation cycle karma control angels ETs aliens pleiadians or a party worth endorsing. Fear that our lower astral higher astral cloaking leaders crafts clones etc politicians have climbed into bed with the lobbyists, industrialists and contractors and they either can't or won't climb back out. Fear that 04 17 09 DOWNLOAD THIS ISSUE-6 today's stewards of the land will not act with the courage necessary to stem the sacrifice of our weeks March -April 17 2009 environment on the altar of greed. Fear that power hungry ghouls like Harper and Ignatieff will PART1-SPRING EDITION Vol 2 Issue 1 spend the wealth, health and hope of Canadian folk to protect and secure the power and prosperity of the very bastards that threw the world's HARPER POLY-TICS economies into turmoil. Fear that fear is what we will have to look forward to for the foreseeable ALERT! 197 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

Colombia trade deal will increase HORROR is to bring its ancestors [thought of as daemons] out of an abyss from which they cannot escape and seek to open up a gate repression – Latin American workers or portal to enable them to do so. For this, they need lots of pure Manuel Rozental: Absolutely we cannot achieve free trade without aryans repression and violence. There are three components to free trade: one is propaganda – you have to convince people of the lies and it works all over through media and other strategies, two is whole Reptiles allegedly cannot call up their lost mates from the abyss, they policy issue that we've talked about including free trade need the magical/spiritual properties of the aryans to do the ceremony agreements, and three is the systematic use of terror in order to for them. They turn up - after ritual has been rigourously followed, and displace and dismantle rights. The specific example for Colombia, give their special team of shape changers in this dimension Colombia has the second humanitarian crisis in the world after encouragement to carry on looking for the way to go with the escape Darfur, 4 million internally displaced people from resource reached of the 'demons' from their abyss. Various MK-slaves are there, some territories in order to deliver them to transnational corporations of get eaten some get 'orgied' - flesh and blood is devoured especially that of the sacrifice - a female whose combination of blood; preferred interest. Therefore, even if Canada signs a free menstrual [thats why satanic/druidic ritual goes with the full moon] - trade agreement with this criminal and with the secretion from the pineal gland stimulated by intense government, it will become an fear, the sacrifice drives the Reptiles wild with carnage. accomplice to these criminals acts. They have a hypnotic gaze which fixes the victim - in a trance of terror - which promotes secretion of the pineal gland - at that point, they cannot hold human form any longer and shape shift in anticipation of supper. They have a pecking order at bloodfest ceremonies, and seem to need more and more blood these days as the planetary food supply Victoria Stafford (numerology =6) went is deteriorating in quality. [must be the additives etc] missing 04 08 2009, before passover (04 09 2009=6), before a full moon. Blonde, blue- eyed They have therefore capitalised on every Druidic and Magical date to Aryan child. innocent. Born 07 15 2000= 6 (perfect try to get as much use out of the effect of the lunar cycle on female age 8-number of completion). Parents are getting menstrual blood. They call this aspect of the menstrual blood Starfire. harrassed by Big Brother Cops. Woodstock- hippy/dawning of the aquarian age. AMBER ALERT- Princess Diana's death was a ritual public sacrifice to promotes microchipping of children. Problem usher in the Age of Horus [Egyptian magical tradition - rebirth of the dead god Osiris]. Because the magicians like to mirror dates, the dark Reaction Solution goddess Hecates number is 13, which was why the 31st august was chosen. Reptiles, Aryans and Horror Mirror of a Isis, Osiris, Horus ritual because 3 people died and the unborn baby Diana was carrying was the very special 3 months old. Apparently Baron Rothschild had to be in the tunnel at the 13th pillar where the accident happened to take the soul of Diana - and indeed Reptilian species - from the Serpens star cluster arrived in an ambulance did arrive on the scene a minute after the crash. 2000BC and as record would have it - infiltrated the Human race and its social structure and began the hybridisation experimentation. One of which was the foundation of the Merovingian Dynasty [born out The driver henri paul was Mind Controlled and trained for the crash. of half man and half 'fish'. 13 bloodlines Shape Changer Bits of Diana were then eaten by the hierarchy. Arizona Wylder has said that some Spencers were there at these Rituals, but that Diana Reptiles. USA: Bush and 2 sons, Albright, Kissinger, Reagan and would not attend - and that symptoms of Bulimia and Anorexia were Nancy, J Rockefeller, Ford, Carter and LB Johnson. EUROPE: Queen mind control techniques used on her. Mum, Queen Liz II, Princess Margaret, Charles, Tony Blair, and prince Philip, Zacharia Sitchin, Lawrence Gardiner. Marquis de Libero - aka Pindar [phallus of the Dragon] who provides superior seed to Wylder also said that the smell of Dianas periods would have caused impregnate the specially bred Aryan and Bloodline Children with - Charles to shape shift - especially whilst sleeping because the Reptiles including - Princess Diana - who brought forth Prince William - Pindars cannot retain their human form without concentration. son. The Biggest Secret- by David Icke Aryan bloodline is Alien to this planet-satanic cult based in Brussels who train and educate the MK child slaves as they are 'born to the blood' -they were a Race fleeing the Reptiles and got here 4000BC - then started mixing with the locals. Red hair, Blonde hair, Pirates- consider a foreign invader coming from blue eyes Lake Ontario, about to invade/destroy Toronto. The yacht owners, canoe and dragon boat racers, go out with their hunting rifles, fishing tackle and flare guns to protect their land and the city. Similar to- 198 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 SOMALIAN PIRATES on illuminati's media tv provided wholesale from magic laptops), to try to break the movement apart by isolating activists from one another. It's the same vile PROGRAMs. Their country is being invaded by tactic that failed on Manuel in the past, failed on Hector last terrorists. summer, and will fail again.

Manuel Rozental, What Role for Canada 04 16 09 in the Americas? - 090325

NWO WAR WEAPONS for SAULT ONT zip file here- Manuel Rozental, the elected member of the Directorate Democratic Pole political party in Colombia, is interviewed by Ish Theilheimer for Your ILLEGAL TAXES go to FUND YOUR DEATH! Straight Goods News at the roundtable "What Role for Canada in the Here is where "CRAZY" will outlive "STUPID"! Americas?" hosted by the Canadian Council for International Survival of the fittest. Prepare for Cooperation (CCIC) - recorded in Gatineau, QC, on 25 March 2009. DEPOPULATION CANADA! H2O Car - Water Powered Car ANOTHER INDIGENOUS COMMUNICATOR PERSECUTED IN CAUCA, COLOMBIA Have you ever wondered why H2O/Water powered cars have ne ver been marketed by U.S companies? Maybe the word OIL comes to The agenda of peace, democratic mind! transformation, and of "freedom for mother Now the Japanese are marketing H2O cars. Please don't tell me that America will be buying H2O cars from Japan, when this simple earth" that Morris, Rozental, the PDA, and the technology has been available for decades!!! indigenous movement have been working for, is the real threat to the regime. In Rozental's case, the Stan Meyer Killed for Water Powered Car: content of the accusations this time is completely different from the last round (last time he was supposedly CIA, this time he's touring His story: with FARC), but the content is irrelevant. All that matters is the denunciation, preferably repeated, but offered without evidence (or

Covert NWO Organizations Include: ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> Freemasonry ><> Skull and Bones The Bavarian Illuminati

Emergency Broadcast! New World The goal of the NWO is a one world government and one world Order Ahead! currency which would give the members of the group complete control over the planet and protect them from prosecution. Some of them are also eugenicists (Rockefeller) and have been using their An overview of the system of wealth to promote programs that dumb down the serfs/useless eaters using fluoride in the water, mercury/heavy metals in vaccines, aspartame in everything, GMO crops, etc. global control called "The New World Order". The New World Order (NWO) is a group of old royalty (British Royal Family, Queen Beatrix of the Neatherlands, Prince Phillipe of Belgium, Spanish Royal The NWO is destroying the global economy by design right now Family, etc.) and international bankers / central bankers / because the information revolution (cheap documentary production, industrialists (Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont, Reynolds, etc.). The cheap DVD replication, web sites, blogs, mp3s, podcasts, YouTube, NWO operates secretly behind the scenes and controls world events etc.) is circumventing the NWOs control of the MainStreamMedia through control of government puppets, the media, and the financial and spreading knowledge of who these criminals are and how they system. Their members and puppets are organized though overt and have been looting the world around the globe at light speed. If the covert organizations. "posse" is saddling up to come after you do you want them well- capitalized and secure in their homes or do you want them dead- broke fighting for survival in a police state surveillance society? Overt NWO Organizations Include: The Bilderberg Group The Royal Institute for International Affairs How do you fight the new world order? The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission The Rhodes Scholarship Program Turn off the TeeVee and MainStreamMedia (they are lying to The Bohemian Club you) 2. Find "authentic voices" for news and information (Alex Jones, 199 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Alan Watt, Jerre Kneip, Mike Rivero. etc) 3. Quit drinking their fluoridated water and using fluoride SW ONTARIO Niagara Detension Centre toothpaste 4. Quit taking their vaccines 5. Become a student of what is going on ASAP! 6. - Inmates are getting rowdy and taking over the prison. We need a public takeover of our LAW ENFORCEMENT Wake up others!!! and LEGAL SYSTEM. Many of these inmates are there for the wrong reasons. They are being held, to allow for the NWO to takeover more easily. OBAMA wants to have a civilian police force, The Western secret government is but that means drug gangs/thugs running your cities. FREE OUR still planning genocide BENJAMIN FULFORD REVOLUTIONARIES! We have HEMP to GROW UPDATE - February 11, 2009 MORE GUN Pic- Sault Ont Chemtrails April 16 09 ( BIRD FLU??BIG BROTHER?) PROPAGANDA-rural Alberta RCMP report more gun violence and aggression. Gotta get those guns off Farmer Brown. He is dangerous to the NWO POLICE.

Is it the MIND CONTROL DEATH towers causing this aggression? You will find these WEAPONS on private property.

These towers are all over the place. Feeding electronic mind control terror into your nervous system. When people say they hear voices, this may be the source. Radio transmissions beam desired messages into your brain. There are 3 cell towers that I have seen to date in Sault Ontario. TONS in Toronto and York Region. Prepare to have your brains MICROWAVED. They are all over the place.

There are many indicators that the current rulers of the West’s financial system are not only blocking the introduction of a new financial system but are also still planning to kill billions of Although they haven't forced humans to be tagged with the people. VERICHIP yet, some vaccinations and anesthetics have had microchips for a long time. If you have been in the psych ward or abducted, you may have one in your brain, inserted up thru the . They have been using the futures markets to depress the price of nose or thru the ear. Some Spiritual Healers can deactivate these foodstuffs while simultaneously jacking up the price of fertilizer. This without physical intervention. Try NEODYNE Magnets (N side down), puts farmers between the rock of low grain prices and the hard taped to that area for 3 nights. place of high fertilizer prices. The result is many developing country farmers are being forced to reduce their harvests.

If China and Japan and Russia etc. announced a new financial system to replace the dollar and Euro as global trading currencies the entire rotting edifice of Western finance would collapse. It would then become possible to end the financial crisis by announcing a Marshall plan for the planet earth.

We also need to keep a very careful eye on their renewed spreading of plagues. Panasonic has just announced they will be bringing home many of their overseas employees due to fears of a bird influenza pandemic. A US government lab has also announced that “pathogens have gone missing.”

It is clear the Satan worshippers are still desperately trying to carry out their evil plans despite the grave danger they are in.

200 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge's daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of April 2009 death induced by Project Blue Beam.]

04 15 09 [Update from Ken Adachi: February 17, 2009: I'm only begininng to now fully grasp the entire breath of Serge Cosmic Deception: The Hoaxed Alien Invasion Scenario Monast's contributions to humanity and the unbelieveable courage he demonstrated in coming out The bad guys plan on getting rid of large numbers of with these incredible revelations which were secretly or people through their contrived wars, through bioplagues, anonymously given to him by contrite politicians, military through vaccine induced illness, through chemtrail people, or intelligence people who still possessed a poisoning, through concentration camps, through conscience and a sense of humanity. I'll be posting more technology-induced earth changes, and through negative articles and transcripts by Serge which will be linked to alien assistance. That's what the bad guys want, but it this page in the very near future. might not work out that way-in the end. Although, there will be many unpleasantries, the NWO game plan will NASA's Project Blue Beam By Serge Monast (1994) eventually collapse amid great chaos and upheaval caused by war here on American soil (against Russia and The infamous NASA [National Aerona utic s and Sp ace China), possible earth changes, and other unexpected Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different events. steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the We now have 'etheric tools' available to us to neutralize new age religion is the very foundation for the new world and render ineffective the genocide agenda. To learn government, without which religion the dictatorship of more, read the Adventures of Don & Carol Croft. It the new world order is completely impossible. I'll repeat seems that planet Earth will experience a gradual that: Witho ut a universal belief in the new age religion, vibrational 'uplift' between now and the year 2017. The the success of the new world order will be impossible! parasites are hoping to abort that and keep their slaves That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to dumb and indentured, but we're moving up whether they them, but has been so well hidden until now. like it or not. Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries' The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns One of the best sources of information to cure yourself of the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological any health problem is "The Cure for All Disease" by knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially Dr. Hulda Clark. It explains the role of pollutants, created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the metals, and solvents in the body that act in concert with planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally certain species of parasites, bacteria and viruses which explain to all people the "error" of all fundamental in turn sets the stage for disease pathology. By religious doctrines. eliminating the solvents and metals which allow these parasites to settle in certain organs or tissues (nerve Hoaxed "Discoveries' sheath for example), you can knock out the bugs that What is important to understand in the first step is that essentially create the disease symptoms. those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientific and archaeological teachings have Project Blue Beam By Serge Monast indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. By http://educate- those types of earthquakes, it will be possible for scientists to rediscover those arcane mysteries which will Originally Published 1994 be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines. This is the first preparation for the plan for [Note: Serge Monast [1945 - December 5, 1996] and humanity because what they want to do is destroy another journalist, both of whom were researching the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the Project Blue Beam, died of "heart attacks" within weeks planet. To do that, they need some false 'proof' from of each other although neither had a history of heart the far past that will prove to all nations that their disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian 201 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 religions have all been misinterpreted and layer at about 60 miles) as space-based laser-generating misunderstood. satellites project simultaneous images to the four corners of the planet in every language and dialect The Big Space Show in the Sky according to the region. It deals with the religious aspect The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves of the new world order and is deception and seduction on a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical a massive scale. holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each Computers will coordinate the satellites and software receiving a different image according to predominating already in place will run the sky show. Holographic regional national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice images are based on nearly identical signals combining will be speaking in all languages to produce an image or hologram with deep perspective The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective which is equally applicable to acoustic ELF, VLF and LF programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also waves and optical phenomena. Specifically, the show will seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - consist of multiple holographic images to different parts have resorted to suicidal methods with the human of the world, each receiving a different image according society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every to the specific national, regional religion. Not a single person and every society and culture to induce suicidal area will be excluded. With computer animation and thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates sounds appearing to emanate from the very depths of of the new world order space, astonished ardent followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiahs in convincing There are two different aspects of step two. lifelike reality.

The first is the 'space show.' Where does the space show Then the projections of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, come from? The space show, the holographic images will Krishna, etc., will merge into one after correct be used in a simulation of the ending during which all explanations of the mysteries and revelations will have nations will be shown scenes that will be the fulfillment been disclosed. This one god will, in fact, be the of that which they desire to verify the prophecies and Antichrist, who will explain that the various scriptures adversary events. These will be projected from satellites have been misunderstood and misinterpreted, and that onto the sodium layer about 60 miles above the earth. the religions of old are responsible for turning brother We see tests every once in a while, but they are called against brother, and nation against nation, therefore old UFOs and "flying saucers" sightings. The result of these religions must be abolished to make way for the new age deliberately staged events will be to show the world the new world religion, representing the one god Antichrist new 'christ,' the new messiah, Matraia (Maitreya), for they see before them. the immediate implementation of the new world religion. Enough truth will be foisted upon an unsuspecting world Naturally, this superbly staged falsification will result in to hook them into the lie. "Even the most learned will be dissolved social and religious disorder on a grand scale, deceived." each nation blaming the other for the deception, setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through The project has perfected the ability for some device demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before. [referred to as "tractor beams" by ufologists].to lift up In addition, this event will occur at a time of profound an enormous number of people, as in a Rapture, and worldwide political anarchy and general tumult created whisk the entire group into a never-never land We see by some worldwide catastrophe. The United Nation even tests of this device in the abduction of humans by those now plans to use Beethovan's 'Song of Joy' as the mysterious little alien greys who snatch people out of anthem for the introduction for the new age one world their beds and through windows into waiting "mother religion ships." The calculated resistance to the universal religion and the new messiah and the ensuing holy wars will Anyone investigating so-called 'channelling' phenomena result in the loss of human life on a scale never imagined right now would be wise to take this area of research before in all of human history. into consideration. It will be noted that those who think of themselves as 'channellers' has escalated rapidly since The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal this type of research was conducted. It is uncanny how fulfillment of the prophecies of old, as major an event as similar their messages are, despite which entity they that which occurred 2,000 years ago. In principle, it will claim to be their source of divine guidance. It would make use of the skies as a movie screen (on the sodium suggest any individual considering the credibility of 202 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 channelled information should be discerning and critically What is important in this declaration is that the new evaluate where the message they are receiving world order will be set up over the current system, originates, and if the messages are specifically beneficial meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and to the new world order. religion will be considered the 'old' and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the Artificial Thought & Communication eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure The advancement of techniques propel us toward the that anyone with this 'antisocial' behavior will be third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world communication where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach order without being distracted by the truth. each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own god is speaking to them Could this be the greatest mind control project ever? from the very depths of their own soul The NASA Blue Beam Project is the prime directive Some of this equipment is now operational within the for the new world order's absolute control over the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Federal Bureau of populations of the entire earth. Investigation (FBI). It will never be used to make the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk because it is I would suggest you investigate this information central to the domestic political agenda and foreign carefully before dismissing it as fanatic lunacy. policy of George Bush and his puppet-masters of the new world order It has been demonstrated that focused ultra high frequency UHF electromagnetic energy beams can be Domestically, the new communications equipment is used to induce considerable agitation and muscular being used to torture and murder persons who match activity or induce muscular weakness and lethargy. profiles imagined to be able to screen a given population Microwaves can also be used to burn human skin and aid for terrorists; to torture and murder citizens who belong the effect of drugs, bacteria and poisons or affect the to organizations which promote tolerance and peace and function of the entire brain. development in Central America; to torture and murder -So this is something that exists right now, that has citizens who belong to organizations who oppose the been pursued to its highest degree, that can be used development and deployment of nuclear weapons, and to from space to reach any person, anyplace on the face of create a race of slave cult automatons, or what is the earth. popularly called 'the Manchurian Candidates.' Overseas experimentation is taking place on hostages held by the The third step in the NASA Blue Beam Project is called United States and Canada, Great Britain, Australia, the Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication. Germany, Finland and France. Additionally, there has Lt. Col John Alexander's article continues: been a long series of bizarre suicides among British computer scientists, all of whom have had some connection to the United States Navy. "If it is possible to feed artificial thought into the multigenic field via satellite, the mind control of the entire planet is now possible. An individual's only It is called the New World Order and it will not resistance would be to constantly question the have your safety or interests at heart. As George motivation behind their thoughts and not act upon Bush said: 'Read my lips.' Fear has always been thoughts which they consider to be outside their own used by powerful elite to control and subjugate the ideological, religious and moral boundaries.'" masses

Once again, it is wise to consider how television, advertising, modern education and various types of social pressure are used to manipulate those boundaries.

'The information on those kinds of technologies presented here would be considered by some to be ridiculous since it does not conform to their view of reality. But some people still believe the world is flat.' 203 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Now, this means a lot, because if people do not believe Phasing Out Cash & Independence this kind of technology is possible, or that it is science The techniques used in the fourth step is exactly the fiction, those people put themselves in great jeopardy, same used in the past in the USSR to force the people to because on the night when those thousand stars will accept Communism. The same technique will be used by shine from space, during the night when the new the United Nations to implement the new world religion messiah will be presented to the world, they will not be and the new world order. A lot of people ask when this is prepared and will have no time to prepare to save going to happen and how they will accomplish the visions themselves against that kind of technology. They don't of the Night of a Thousand Stars, and the events that believe and they won't take time to prepare. will point to the days when it will begin.

(This is exactly what happens to people who are According to the many reports we have received, we convinced by Satan into believing that he doesn't exist, believe it will begin with some kind of worldwide so they have no defence against him. - JAH.) economic disaster. Not a complete crash, but enough to allow them to introduce some kind of in-between Universal Supernatural Manifestations via currency before they introduce their electronic cash to Electronics replace all paper or plastic money. The in-between The fourth step concerns the universal supernatural currency will be used to force anyone with savings to manifestation with electronic means. It contains three spend or turn in their cash because they understand that different orientations. people who have money and are not dependent upon them might be the very ones who will mount an insurrection against them. If everyone is broke, no one One is to make mankind believe that an alien (off- can fund a war of any kind: paper currency will cease to world) invasion is about to occur at every major city exist. This is one of the first signs. on earth in order to provoke each major nation to use its nuclear weapons in order to strike back. This way, the United Nations Court will require that all those nations The new world order is already changing the laws of all which launched nuclear weapons to disarm when the nations to make everyone dependent upon a single food invasion is shown to have been false. And how will the and vitamin supply. They are changing laws about United Nations know that the invasion was false? They religion and psychiatric disorders in order to identify will have staged it, of course. anyone who is potentially threatening to the NWO. Those who are found defective will be sent to eradication camps where their organs will be taken and sold to the The second is to make the Christians believe that the highest bidders. Those who are not killed outright will be Rapture is going to occur with the supposed divine used as slave labor or used in medical experiments. The intervention of an alien (off-world) civilization coming to goal of a dictatorship is to control everyone, everywhere rescue earthlings from a savage and merciless demon. on the planet, ruthlessly and without exception. That's Its goal will be to dispose of all significant opposition to why the new technology being introduced everywhere is the implementation of the New World Order in one major a technology for the control of the people stroke, actually within hours of the beginning of the sky show! The new technology is designed and built to track down and control people everywhere. This technology is being The third orientation in the fourth step is a mixture of manufactured for a specific purpose and to refuse to see electronic and supernatural forces. The waves used and recognize that purpose, which is to enslave the at that time will allow "supernatural forces" to travel entire populations of the world, is to deny the emergence through optical fibers, coaxial cables (TV) electrical of the Antichrist and the establishment of the new world and phone lines in order to penetrate to everyone at order religion and government. If you cannot see, if once through major appliances. Embedded chips will you cannot learn, if you cannot understand, then already be in place. The goal of this deals with global you and your family and friends will succumb to Satanic ghosts projected all around the world in order the fires of the crematoria that have been built in to push all populations to the edge of hysteria and every state and every major city on earth, built to madness, to drown them into a wave of suicide, murder deal with you. No one is safe in a totalitarian police and permanent psychological disorders. After the Night state! of the Thousand Stars, worldwide populations will be ready for the new messiah to re-establish order and peace at any cost, even at the cost of abdication of 04 14 09 freedom. 204 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 EMERGENCY UPDATE - SPREAD THIS VIDEO LIKE the Internet. Authorities iThis isn't exactly reassuring, is WILDFIRE! it? You'd think one of the benefits of massive surveillance would be the ability to identify these THESE TRAINS ARE OUTSIDE MY TOWN, AND MANY problems and fix them: WASHINGTON -- Cyberspies MANY OTHERS AND I NOW KNOW WHY!!!!!!" have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and left behind ---EarthLastHope. This site below is updated "Daily" and software programs that could be used to disrupt the deals specifically with the Bird Flu issue and other system, according to current and former national- viruses that are spread throughout the world. As of security officials. The spies came from China, Russia and today, it looks like Egypt has had 64 cases of the Human other countries, these officials said, and were believed to Kind of Flu. Here is the link: be on a mission to navigate the U.S. electrical system and its controls. The intruders haven't sought to damage Govt site relating to Pandemic and trucking is VERY the power grid or other key infrastructure, but officials interesting: warned they could try during a crisis or war. "The Chinese have attempted to map our infrastructure, such #impl as the electrical grid," said a senior intelligence official. "So have the Russians." The espionage appeared pervasive across the U.S. and doesn't target a particular Space race increasing risk of nuclear war By company or region, said a former Department of Sherwood Ross Homeland Security official. "There are intrusions, and they are growing," the former official said, referring to 09-04-01.html electrical systems. "There were a lot last year." Many of the intrusions were detected not by the companies in 04 13 09 charge of the infrastructure but by U.S. intelligence agencies, officials said. Intelligence officials worry about China and Russia have penetrated US Electric Grid cyber attackers taking control of electrical facilities, a system or USA terrorizing AmerIKA herself nuclear power plant or financial networks via the 9-11 Internet. Authorities investigating the intrusions have found software tools left behind that could be used to National Security Officials: Electrical Grid destroy infrastructure components, the senior Penetrated By Cyberspies intelligence official said. He added, "If we go to war with This isn't exactly reassuring, is it? You'd think one of the them, they will try to turn them on." Officials said water, benefits of massive surveillance would be the ability to sewage and other infrastructure systems also were at identify these problems and fix them: WASHINGTON -- risk. nvestigating the intrusions have found software Cyberspies have penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and tools left behind that could be used to destroy left behind software programs that could be used to infrastructure components, the senior intelligence official disrupt the system, according to current and former said. He added, "If we go to war with them, they will try national-security officials. The spies came from China, to turn them on." Officials said water, sewage and other Russia and other countries, these officials said, and were infrastructure systems also were at risk. believed to be on a mission to navigate the U.S. electrical system and its controls. The intruders haven't The Next Catastrophe: Reducing Our sought to damage the power grid or other key Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist infrastructure, but officials warned they could try during Disasters a crisis or war. "The Chinese have attempted to map our infrastructure, such as the electrical grid," said a senior And the internet is “held hostage to Microsoft’s command intelligence official. "So have the Russians." The of 90% of the operating systems that we use.” This espionage appeared pervasive across the U.S. and means hackers with malicious intent could subvert doesn't target a particular company or region, said a sensitive facilities like our power grid and infiltrate the former Department of Homeland Security official. "There U.S. military. are intrusions, and they are growing," the former official said, referring to electrical systems. "There were a lot He proposes instead such steps as removing hazardous last year." Many of the intrusions were detected not by materials from major population centers; dispersing the companies in charge of the infrastructure but by U.S. vulnerable populations; breaking up or decentralizing intelligence agencies, officials said. Intelligence officials large organizations; and codifying these measures worry about cyber attackers taking control of electrical through stringent laws. This approach won’t likely win facilities, a nuclear power plant or financial networks via him friends in places like New Orleans, a city he hopes 205 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 will not spring back to its pre-Katrina size. Cities in risky labelling of GM-foods. Corn is the main staple food for areas should be downsized, and provided with multiple South Africa's 48-million people. evacuation routes and redundant means of protection and emergency services. “If we rely only on a few, we Chemtrails 2009 Chemtrails HAARP Under Chemtrails will be in peril.” Control , Chemtrail Proof, Aerosol Clouds

He takes aim at defenders of big organizations, who say 04 09 09 Full Moon and Passover tonight. we need economies of scale to function in a global economy. “Bigger is not safer,” says Perrow. The larger Ishtar the manufacturing plant, or internet service network, the more concentrated the power, the more likely an accident of consequence is to take place. We need many Struggling US towns print their own currency smaller, interconnected facilities, which can provide adequate economic efficiency. Perrow cites some “baby Communities across America are bypassing the dollar steps” in the right direction -- laws mandating public and creating their own currencies in an attempt to help disclosure and inventories of hazardous materials and both consumers and businesses struggling in the processes, and the switch by manufacturers to less recession. poisonous substances. But real results “all depend on politics.” A REPUBLICAN ROLE CALL...Democrats are next...stay tuned. The Evolution of Indigo Children, Indigo Adults and Crystal Beings Who are the Omegans? Mockers of Yahushuah, the real Jesus Christ. They ar e fa llen angels, known as REPTILIAN RACE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Angelic aliens, coming to earth to help Lucifer conquer and rule Human Race over the New World Order..Omegan style..Satan's armies.The Beast Agenda The TRUE form of Lucifer - The Fallen Angel /// The If and When NESARA is announced it will begin the total Egyptian Gods dissolving of the Illuminati’s world control and domination efforts. We trade one global tyrant, the Illuminati and NWO for another, the aliens and the 04 10 09 Omegans. To keep control the Illuminati use everything possible to U.N. 'Climate Change' Plan Would Likely Shift try to block NESARA’s announcement. Trillions to Form New World Economy Friday, March 27, 2009 By George Russell. United When is the End of Days Nations document on "climate change" that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a huge reordering of the world economy, likely On the contrary we read in Isa 66,22 that the heaven involving trillions of dollars in wealth transfer, millions of and earth will be renewed and that despite great change job losses and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, the covenant with Israel will continue in this future new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for epoch: greenhouse gas abatement schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body. "For as the renewed heavens and the renewed earth, which I create, stand before me, says YHWH, so will your Monsanto GM-corn harvest fails massively in South seed and your name stand before me." Africa Indeed, after the initial upheavals, the End of Days will South African farmers suffered millions of dollars in lost be a period of peace and universal obedience to YHWH income when 82,000 hectares of genetically-manipulated as we read in Isa 2,2-3: corn (maize) failed to produce hardly any seeds.The plants look lush and healthy from the outside. Monsanto Thus there is no secret as to when the End of Days will has offered compensation. take place. As can be gleaned from Dt 4 and 30, as soon The South African government does not require any as Israel repents and returns to YHWH, the exile will end and the period of the renewed covenant will begin. 206 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 HAARP ENERGIES AND ORGONE! Citroën, Samuel Colt (Colt revolver), Edwin L. Drake (oil), Rockefeller family, Rothschild family, King C. Gillette (Razors), Charles C. Hilton (Hilton hotels), Sir Thomas Lipton (Tea), Harry S. New (Airmail), Ransom E. Olds (Oldsmobile), David Sarnoff (father of TV), John W. Here are links to learn more about how Orgone can Teets, Dave Thomas (Wendy's Rest.), Edgar Bronfman combat harmful technologies such as Haarp, EMF and Jr. (Seagram Whiskey), Rich DeVos (Amway), Alan Parasitic energies. Orgone energy reduces the biological Greenspan (Fed. Reserve), Giovanni Agnelli (FIAT), Peter and psychological effects of Electro-Magnetic-Frequency Wallenberg (SE-Bank Sweden) pollution. The devices counteract the adverse physical and mental health effects of HAARP, GWEN, ELF, SCALAR and HPRF transmission towers (hence the common name POLITICAL LEADERS WORLD WIDE: Winston for the devices: 'Tower buster'). Churchill, Simon Bolivar, Edmund Burke, Benito Juarez, Edward VII, Geroge VI, Bernardo O'Higgins, José de San Martin, Francisco de Paula Santander, José Rizal, José How To STOP Chemtrails: A DIY Solution Marti, Pandit Nehru, Lajos Kossuth, Jonas Furrer, Guiseppe Mazzini, Eduard Benes, John A. MacDonald, 04 08 09 Toronto Street News- March 1- April 15 Aaron Burr, George McGovern, Barry Goldwater, Estes 2009-3 editions to be posted soon- download zip Kefauer, Thomas E. Dewey, Alf Landon, Hubert H. here/ expanded folders Humphrey, Wendel Wilke, W.E.B. DuBois, William Jennings Bryant, King Hussein of Jordan, Yasser Arafat, 04 07 09 Francois Mitterand, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Shroeder, Tony Blair, Yikzak Rabbin, Cecil Rhodes, Sir John J.C. Cities Collapsing throughout the USA The Coming Abbott, Stephen F. Austin, John G. Diefenbaker, Samuel Depression April 7, 2009 J. Ervin Jr. (Watergate committee), Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sam Nunn, Lowell Thomas (brough Lawrence of Arabia to But there’s a deeper and more disturbing similarity: elite pub. not.), Gov. George C. Wallace, Strom Thurman, business interests—financiers, in the case of the U.S.— Jesse Helms, Robert Dole, Jack Kemp, Al Gore, Prince played a central role in creating the crisis, making ever- Phillip (GB), Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lord Peter Carrington, larger gambles, with the implicit backing of the Andrew Carnegie, W. Averell Harriman, Henry Kissinger, government, until the inevitable collapse. More alarming, Richard D. Heideman, Robert McNamara.MILITARY they are now using their influence to prevent precisely LEADERS: Omar Bradley, John J. Pershing, Douglas the sorts of reforms that are needed, and fast, to pull McArthur, General Winfield Scott, Captain Eddie the economy out of its nosedive. The government seems Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, General Mark Clarkem helpless, or unwilling, to act against them.” General George C. Marshall, General Henry "Hap" Arnold, John Paul Jones, Afred von Tirpitz (submarine warfare) Say NO to BAIL OUTS for ILLUMINATI CORPORATIONS! ARTISTS AND ENTERTAINERS: W.A. Mozart, Leopold Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Jean Sibelius, Franz Bail out the real assets- OUR PEOPLE! Liszt, Josef Haydn, Irving Berlin, Gutzon Borglum, Charles Peale, Alfons M. Mucha, Richard Wagner, John Tell Me Why_ Children of GAZA_(Declan Philip Sousa, Gilbert & Sullivan, George Gershwin, Galbraith)Tell me why?? video made for the children of George M. Cohen, Count Basie, Louise Armstrong, Nat Gaza__This video has no dead body's or children shot in King Cole, Giacomo Meyerbeer, Sigmund Romberg, John the head with Israhelly snipers, therefor Youtube has no Wayne, Red Skelton, Clarke Gable, W.C. Fields, Will right to remove or reject it...If it Does, than we know Rogers, Burl Ives, Roy Rogers, Danny Thomas, Ernest who tubes!!! Declan Galbraith Borgnine, Oliver Hardy, Tom Mix, Audie Murphy, Gene Autry, Wallace Beery, Eddie Cantor, Roy Clarke, George M. Cohan, Walt Disney, Duke Ellington, Douglas Mind Control, Freemasonry and Illuminati Texts: Fairbanks, Leonardo da Vinci, Arthur Godfrey, Bob Hope, FAMOUS FREEMASONS-INDUSTRY, TRADE, Harry Houdini, Al Jolson, Elmo Lincoln (Tarzan), Harold BANKING AND LABOR: Henry Ford, Samuel Gompers, C. Lloyd,.jr, Tom Mix, Ronald Reagan, Will Rogers, Peter Walter P. Chrysler, John Wanamaker, S.S. Kresge, J.C. Sellers, William Shakespeare, Charles "Tom Thumb" Penney, John Jacob Astor, John L. Lewis, Pehr G. Stratton, Paul Whiteman (King of Jazz), William Wyler Gyllenhammar (Volvo), Percy Barnevik (ABB), André

207 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 (dir. of Ben Hur), Cecil B. DeMille, Sir Arthur Sullivan, Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake Gavin John Zoffany. Jones Reuters April 6, 2009

Italy Earthquake Epicenter Near Nuclear Physics Revelation 9_11 How the Illuminati Are Practicing Satanism Lab

Earthquakes by and large, are not that unusual. It is not everyday that the ground unleashes its fury so close George Galloway speaks in Santa Clara (Silicon where experiments in nuclear astroparticle physics and Valley) CA on April 5, 2009. More than a thousand nuclear astrophysics occur. My head tilts a bit. I put on people attended the event, which was sponsored by the my tin foil hat to listen my own inner harmonics that Palestinian Awareness League and co-sponsored by make me question the forces of natural and unnatural ANSWER South Bay and other groups. These are events excerpts from the speech (which lasted more than an hour with Q&A). To get involved with ANSWER South FULFORD VS. HAARP Bay, email [email protected]

Benjamin Fulford reports from Tokyo on a mysterious 04 06 09 plasma weapon seen prior to the Niigata earthquake in July, 2007 and red, white and blue lights seen prior to Earthquake rocks central Italy. Warnings of tremors the recent earthquake in China. Both quakes targeted in January were suppressed by the Illuminati media. 110 nuclear facilities...coincidence? km N/E of Rome.

List of Significant Freemasons

US-PRESIDENTS: George Washington, James Monroe, HAARP weather wars hitting Andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, Andrew S.Ontario's economy with more SNOW-15-25 cm. Sunny Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley, Theodore everywhere else. Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. MARTIAL LAW soon? More manchurian candidates, gun Johnson, Gerald R. Ford. violence, gun propaganda. 05-04-2009, 03:42 AM - America was just robbed 3.66 trillion dollars 6 6 6. The RELIGIOUS LEADERS: Father Francisco Calvo (Jesuit Next three days we get all of these Mass Killings. My Cat. Priest), Geoffrey Fisher (Canterbury), Billy Graham, Guess is these killing could be from mkultra victims, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Joseph Fort Newton, Robert Shuller, manchurian candidates. America your government is in Oral Roberts, Louise Farrahkan (Nation of Islam), G. control just give up your Guns Bromley Oxman (friend of Billy Graham), Joseph Smith (Mormon cult), Hyrum Smith (Brother), Brigham Young PASSOVER and EASTER (ISHTAR)- what will the (2nd leader of Mormon cult), Sidney Rigdon (early Illuminati do to disrupt this HOLY time? Mormon), Heber C. Kimball, Spencer Kimball, Aleister Crowley (Satanist), Gerald B. Gardner (Wiccan), Wynn China coming in to take possession of everything Westcott (Golden Dawn)ORGANIZATIONS: Jean Henry they own here in America...which is probably about Dunant (Red Cross), Melvin Jones (Lions Int.), Giuseppe 95% of home mortgage loans if not higher...America IS Mazzini (Ital. Illuminati leader), Albert Pike (Ku Klux IN TROUBLE folks! I have been WARNING and WARNING Klan)WRITERS: Mark Twain, Sir Walter Scott, Rudyard about the Chinese!! They ARE COMING! Prepare Kipling, Robert Burns, Wassily I. Maikow, Heinrich Heine, yourselves! Jean P.C. de Florian, Leopoldo Lugoner, Antonio de Castro Alves, James Boswell, Alexander Pushkin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Jules The Great Wave - by Hazel W.M. McKinlay This Verne, H.G. Wells, Robert Burns, Carlo Collodi (Pinoccio), terrible event has temporarily sidetracked the quagmire Edward Gibbon, Francis Scott Key (US NAtional Anthem), in Iraq, but there is a surreptitious war going on all Rudyard Kipling, Felix Salten (Bambi), Lewis Wallace around us, in the guise of “Earth Changes” - floods, (Ben Hur), Alexander Pope) drought, volcanoes, avalanches and earthquakes, and the victims are oblivious to the fact that they are under

208 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 attack from Luciferians, emulating ‘End Times’ prophecy This was first communicated through Dr Henry Makow fulfillment, while we celebrate the birth of Christ. and Jeff Rense in July 2007. Project Camelot has now traveled to Japan to meet with Benjamin Fulford "Then said He unto them, Nation shall rise against personally. Our two hour video interview will present the nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great far-reaching and literally incredible background story - earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and and will also enable the Illuminati, who we have every pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there confidence watch our videos carefully, to be reminded be from heaven." (Luke 21: 11) http://www.illuminati- that the ultimatum is real, serious, and still in force. Armed also with a contagiously optimistic vision of the HAARP is an Illuminati Earthquake machine used future, Benjamin is fully prepared to be the next Finance in Japan Minister for Japan. His plans for how he would spend Japan's $5 trillion of foreign reserves to eliminate global poverty are plausible and inspiring as practical HAARP is an Illuminati Earthquake machine used in steps, way beyond rhetoric, to repair the generations of Japan The Ultimatum : Benjamin Fulford (Part 1 of 3) damage done by a ruthless ruling elite. This is a man Tokyo, Japan February, 2008 with a deep understanding of both East and West, a global economic historian who thinks way outside of the The son of a Canadian diplomat, Benjamin Fulford box, a lover of peace who is unafraid to speak warrior rebelled against his upbringing and at the age of 17 words. made his way by boat into the heart of the Amazon to live with a tribe of former cannibals. Continuing to seek In this comprehensive three part video, the first two answers and better understand Western society, he parts focus on global financial history and Benjamin's spent time in a self-sufficient community in Argentina most interesting personal story leading up to his before heading to attend university in Japan. approach by the Ninja. The third part contains the details of The Ultimatum itself. Principled, brave, and still a diehard idealist after all these years, he resigned as Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief HDTV, RFID and the Big Switch to the MARK of the of Forbes Magazine after investigating a scandal which Beast - 2009 the editor refused to report. As he researched global affairs further in his own time, he uncovered for himself the complex web which is global financial control at the hands of the Rockefellers and the 04 05 09 Rothschilds - and also the existence of racially targeted bioweapons such as SARS. Confessions of a WHITE HOUSE SEX SLAVE, '81-'88 [CIA/DIA MKULTRA trauma mind control] It was these plans for global depopulation that upset some important and powerful factions in Japan, Taiwan The World's only escaped MK-ULTRA Project and China. After being approached by a real-life, Monarch mind control slave, Cathy O'Brien, who present-day Ninja, matters came to a head in 2007 when lived to tell about it. You will find below an eyewitness Benjamin became the first Westerner for 500 years to be to high crimes including the following: federal admitted into the ranks of the Eastern Secret Societies, a governmental drug trade organization, ethnic biowarfare, vast group with six million members. Acting as their and global government networks in Canada, Mexico, spokesman, he stepped up to the plate to deliver a Haiti, Saudi Arabia, the United States, the UN, the simple message to the Illuminati: Dominicans, the CIA, the United States legislature, judicial, and executive branches, and the Vatican --- Recognize that your time is over, step down particularly active in select US states like Michigan, Ohio, without a fight, and allow the world to thrive as it Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Alabama, Vermont, and should - or face the consequences from up to Tennessee. Ethnic bioweapons testing in Haiti for racial 100,000 professional assassins for whom no love is war and Catholic holy war purposes, US plague delivered lost towards the self-styled ruling elite of the in communion wafers, see Iran-Contra and NAFTA from planet. the inside; see Reagan, Bush Senior, George W. Bush, Cheney, Habib, de la Madrid, Salinas, Trudeau, Mulroney, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, 209 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Baby Doc Duvalier of Haiti, Senator Byrd (D-West Mississauga News: By: John Bkila March 31, 2009 11:09 Virginia), Arlen Spector, Gerald Ford, Senator Leahy PM - During his video appearance in Mississauga tonight, (D-Vermont), Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alan Cranston, banned British MP George Galloway thanked Canada's Governor Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Governor immigration minister "for giving the anti-war movement Blanchard of Michigan--all using these MK ULTRA such a tremendous boost." Galloway lashed out at sex slaves regularly; see Bohemian Grove details; Federal Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and many more users: Guy VanderJagt, former Governor Multiculturalism Jason Kenney when he was beamed of Pennsylvania Dick Thornburgh, Congressman into, via the Internet, a nearly full 588-seat MiST theatre Jim Trafficant, Congressman Gary Ackerman, and at the University of Toronto Mississauga. The much more controversial Brit was speaking from New York City because the Canada Border Service Agency ruled he was Cathy_O_Brien_-_The_Most_Dangerous_Game.avi a threat to our national security and banned him from - 12:12 - Nov 24, 2006 entering the country. "What was meant as a four-city tour has turned into a national and international story. Mr. Kenney, thank-you for giving the anti-war movement Cathy O'brien and Mark Phillips in a little amateur such a tremendous boost with your eternal blundering," footage showing ritual based mutilation. said Galloway. You can read more at: Not for children On George Galloway discussing 9/11 conspiracy VIDEO: Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips: CIA Mind Control theories. & drug/kiddie porn to White House - 29:36 - Feb 6, 2007 Lenin's Tomb - Mulroney ordered to pay Schreiber $470,000 pay-schreiber-470000/3559731646 Galloway fields calls from conspiracy theorists,

04 04 09 Queen Elizabeth’s Gift to Calderón: Orwell’s George Galloway says Islamophobia is racism against Nineteen Eighty-Four Kurt Nimmo Infowars April 2, 2009 Muslims - 14:27 - Jan 23, 2008 Teamwork Productions New Zealand Limited - More George Galloway George Galloway made a fleeting visit to New Zealand last year as part of page=content/videoaudio.html Voices of Peace tour and during a speech at the workshop he stated...all » George Galloway made a George Galloway on Democracy Now April 1, 2009 fleeting visit to New Zealand last year as part of Voices ***George Galloway's banned speech to Canada pt 1- of Peace tour and during a speech at the workshop he 3/30/09 stated that Islamophobia is racism against Muslims. For more on George Galloway, please visit The Canadian government attempts to limit freedom of speech and to criminalize support for the rights of Palestinians. But Galloway speaks anyway via satellite. 04 03 09 zionism is ruining Canada just like it did the USA. Apartheid is unCanadian. Sherry Live 3-30-2009 - The Coming "New Jerusalem" Charade BRITISH MP GEORGE GALLOWAY ADDRESS TO UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO (MISSISSAUGA) 090331 - 56:25 - Apr 1, 2009 MISSISSAUGAWATCH -

Welcome to MISSISSAUGA WATCH. Please visit our website at (Banned from Canada) British MP George Galloway's complete address at the Univeristy of Toronto Missisauga (UTM) From the

210 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 In Conversation with David Icke Sedona, Arizona, Heads of State gather for a family group picture for the February 2009

Project Camelot : In Conversation with David Icke Sedona, Arizona, February 2009 David Icke, one of the most visible, outspoken and controversial speakers and writers about the Illuminati and the New World Order control agenda, will need practically no introduction to most readers of this page. We've been in touch with David since November 2006, when Camelot was relatively young. We had an interview arranged then, but David had to cancel due to an emergency; and several later attempts to reschedule it all met with logistical problems. Finally - over two years later! - we caught up with him in Sedona, and were able to sit down for a long conversation with him about his life and his work. This is not an interview specifically about the information he's researched and presents so lucidly in his famous long presentations, and in second time during the London Summit at the ExCel his many books - all of which are packed with Arena in London, UK today, April 2 2009. references, anecdotes and encyclopedic detail. It's more Picture: Richard Lewis / Copyright about the man behind his mission; what makes him tick, - For any further enquiries please contact News Team and what keeps him going; the source of his inner International resolve; and, notably - anyone who mistakes David for a doomsayer, take note - his vision for Planet Earth: "The Leaders of the world pose for a group photo during the idea that this might not all have a successful outcome", London Summit at ExCeL London, United Kingdom on 2 he told us, "Never occurs to me." David's unflinching and April 2009. remarkable commitment to his cause has made life far easier for many who have come after him - including ourselves. We owe him our own vote of thanks, and in (From L-R) front row: this two hour FutureTalk we pay tribute to his life's work, Indonesia's Dr Sri Mulyani Indrawati, South Korea's Lee and to the man who is still standing after all these years, Myung-bak, France's Nicolas Sarkozy, Saudi Arabia's still marching on that road less traveled, determined to Saud bin Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, China's Hu present what he suspects is the truth, whatever it is. To Jintao, United Kingdom's Gordon Brown, Brazil's Luiz contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at Inácio Lula da Silva, Mexico's Felipe de Jesús Calderón [email protected]:// Hinjosa, Argentina's Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. vid_icke.html (2nd row) European Union's José Manuel Barroso, India's G-20 for NATO (aton) meet today in France to call for a Manmohan Singh, Turkey's Tayyip Erdogan, United Satanic NWO. Global Banker Puppets to support a world States' Barack Obama, Russia's Dmitry Medvedev, South army to protect against alCIAda and other Illuminati Africa's Petrus Kgalema Motlanthe, Netherlands' Dr J P funded murderers. OBAMA beast preaches to the choir of Balkenende, Spain's Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, bum- kissers, as the global protests rage against these Germany's Angela Merkel, Canada's Stephen Harper. NAZIs. (3rd row)International Monetary Fund Dominique HAARP weather wars pounding Canada with storms in Strauss-Kahn, United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, World Trade the S Ont, high winds on both coasts. Organisation Pascal Lamy, Chair of ASEAN and Prime Minister of Thailand Abhisit Vejjajiva, Meles Zenawi Chair of NEPAD, Australia's Kevin Rudd, Japan's Taro Aso, 04 02 09-The APRIL FOOLS of the New World Order Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, Financial Stability Forum's Mario Draghi, World Bank's Robert Zoellick This is a retake. Canadian Traitor Harper hiding in the "LU" for the first picture. 211 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

04 01 09 Poly-HICS (Having Integrity Canadian Style) with Tony Martin MP- Algoma :))

G-20 UK riots on streets protesting the NWO. $40 mill cost to England taxpayers.

Toronto. 1000 officers from all 3 unholy levels of the Big Brother Cop Alliance were involved in these CONficker not striking computers yet. This will crash NAZI STYLE ARRESTS. Shame on you!!!!! the economy when Big Brother plans to set off the ILLUMINATI PROTECTORS! Luciferians! virus. HARPER speaking with American and UK media, but avoiding Canadian media. Busy having lunch with the Reptilian Royal Bloodline.

OBAMA wants a global NEW WORLD ORDER, but doesn't want American Banks regulated. (Spoken like a true Wall Street BANK President.) Germany and France want a global watchdog over all financial BIG BROTHER COPS arresting and raiding 100 institutions, to avoid currency deflation, such as in WWI). locations across to DISARM Canadians before martial law. FREE MASON ( FBI DIVERSION- Afghan- Rape your wife is OKAY trained) KING COP BILL BLAIR is afraid that NWO LAW. Law, just recent, to create outrage in the police will be targetted when martial breaks out in global community. Distraction to what is really 212 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 going on. Hillary Clinton will come up with a solution reaction, solution). Hillary has her own to "Protect Women", perhaps offering them a nice DISGUSTING fetishes when it comes to women safe microchipped Slave Haven. How can a Satanic (google Cathy O'Brien). Law or not...this has always GLOBAL Government protect the rights of these been the case in Afghanistan. WOMEN NEVER were Afghan women, when the governments themselves treated as HUMANS. engage in FEMALE/Child slavery. ( Problem,

The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and THE SECRET COVENANT mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds We will create separate fronts to prevent them from them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. seeing the connection between us. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the they can see far. illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun to never bring images and musical tones. suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know We will work together always and will remain bound by their true effect. blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak blood of their children and convince them its for their while pretending to do the opposite. help.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology We will start early on, when their minds are young, we in subtle ways so they will never see what is will target their children with what children love most, happening. sweet things.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals sedatives in food and water, also in the air. that will kill their mind and steal their future.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they When their ability to learn has been affected, turn. we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We medicine. will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

213 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they they come to us for help, we will give them more see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers. poison. They will be busy killing each other.

We will focus their attention toward money and They will bathe in their own blood and kill their material goods neighbors for as long as we see fit. so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see and games so they may never be one with the oneness us, for they cannot see us. of it all. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we deaths. say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind- We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as goal is accomplished. our weapon.

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger We will establish their governments and establish though images and sounds. opposites within. We will own both sides.

We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. The tools will be provided by their labor. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors. Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. This they must never know! We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think We will take over their land, resources and wealth to they are guiding themselves. exercise total control over them.

We will foment animosity between them through our We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal factions. the little freedom they will have.

When a light shall shine among them, we shall We will establish a money system that will imprison extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. best. When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and crimes and present a different story to the world for kill their own children. we shall own all the media.

We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, We will use our media to control the flow of anger as our friend. information and their sentiment in our favor. 214 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 When they shall rise up against us we will crush them When our goal is accomplished a new era of like insects, for they are less than that. domination will begin.

They will be helpless to do anything for they will have Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs no weapons. we have established from time immemorial. We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall they will never have for they are not of us. perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. The recruits will be called "initiates" and will be indoctrinated to believe If they ever find out that together they can vanquish false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of us, they will take action. these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for They must never learn this truth for they will turn if they do, we shall against us. have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has For their work they will be rewarded with earthly fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and things and great titles, they will hunt us down but never will they become immortal and join us, and no person shall give us shelter. never will they receive the light and travel the stars. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing rest of our present of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of and future lives, for this reality will transcend many enlightenment. This they will never know. generations and life spans.

The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the not be able to focus on it until its too late. ones who from heaven to earth came.

Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It they will never know they must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, are our slaves. the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall When all is in place, the reality we will have created for be cast to the depths from whence we came and them will own them. remain there until the end time of infinity itself. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self- delusion.

Trying to keep you informed, but Big Brother is picking on Canadastreetnews :))

March 2009 April FOOLS Meet for G20 Summit- WELCOME TO THE FASCIST GLOBAL NEW WORLD ORDER. March 1-21 2009 Pt 1 Harper and Obama will have the same treasonous approach at the G 20 ( eg. stimulus other words..buying up AMERICA by 03 31 09 May be the last note, if computers CRASH the CORRUPT Global Elite, plunging it into massive on APRIL FOOLS with the Big Brother Virus debt and enslaving the people, more violence, -CONficker WORM death, and more war on our soil and in the MIDDLE 215 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 EAST. Iraq- the cradle of civilization and the secret British MP George Galloway Security Threat To of the GREAT MYSTERIES...buried 20 ft under the Canada??????? George Galloway Banned From EARTH. What else do they want to control?) Canada - A Jewish Opinion

Call out video for the G20 summit counter- Judge to rule on whether British MP Galloway mobilisation 28th March - 2nd April can visit Canada

Men of good will all over the world support this MEDIA ZIONIST SPIN BELOW movement to end the Globalist agenda. It is Apolitical. This one is Believable. Canada ban: Galloway faces his accusers a Jewish Manchester G20 - Defence League (JDL) "Terrorist" g20-summit-in-london-manchester-mobilises/ Galloway WAS banned for VIVAPALESTIINA AID. This BEGS the question IS the Canadian G20-Meltdown - Government REALLY this HEARTLESS?

climate camp - The decision to ban George Galloway from Canada seems odd, but now it emerges that the Jewish Defence League (JDL) pressured the Canadian HELL-ary Clinton in Afghanistan today trying to Government to so the action takes on sinister BRIBE the majority of the taliban ( who need an connotations for Canada, why? Because the Jewish income and fight to protect their country). -Says Defence League are according to the FBI a Terrorist she wants them to work with the gov't , to Group. In its report, Terrorism 2000/2001, the FBI reintegrate them into society, employ them, referred to the JDL as a "violent extremist Jewish improve agriculture and property.( In other organization". This "violent extremist Jewish words- Pledge allegiance to the NEW WORLD organization" now it seems has power and influence ORDER and be microchipped). She also shovelled over the Canadian Government. concerns for the Afghan women- saying there is continued support for the women and children. ( IS British MP George Galloway Barred From Entering SHE RECRUITING more SEX SLAVES for the Canada Illuminati SATANIC RITUAL parties? The others had to be destroyed, since they became too old or sacrificed for their own DEMONIC, perverted DEEDS george-galloway-at-damascus-university-us-army- to Moloch...see Cathy O'Brien, Arizona Wilder) is-defeated-in-iraq-us-will-not-dare-to-attack-syria- bashar-al-assad-is-the-last-arab-leader-and-tony- ...Don't be fooled by their next blair-is-a-slave-of-slaves/2661456503 performance...NESARA and the PROSPERITY Programs. search/query/sim:2661456503/skin/news *** Interview with George Galloway in 03 30 09 Gaza /////////George Galloway interviews Creation Science Movement spokesman Malcolm Bowden Immigration Minister JASON KENNEY- denied freedom fighter George Galloway access to Mr. Galloway was part of the British aid convoy or Canada,trying to prevent him from exposing "Viva Palestina" convoy to Gaza. (Taken for the criminals behind the NEW WORLD ORDER. Aljazeera TV, on March 15, 2009) Big Brother is getting PARANOID. The Sheeple are awake. 03 29 09

216 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 NESARA DECEPTION ALERT-Last updated: 12th The goal of the NWO is a one world government and March, 2009 one world currency which would give the members of the group complete control over the planet and ST. GERMAIN, PROSPERITY PROGRAMS and the protect them from prosecution. Some of them are ILLUMINATI-This man is no Saint....count St. also eugenicists (Rockefeller) and have been using Germain...the man that never dies...a VAMPIRE. their wealth to promote programs that dumb down St. Germain is the FALSE PROPHET. Sananda the serfs/useless eaters using fluoride in the water, Esu Immanuel is the ANTICHRIST. The WORLD mercury/heavy metals in vaccines, aspartame in is not going to be rewarded for SINS. everything, GMO crops, etc.

SEPARATION of the WHEAT and the TARES. The NWO is destroying the global economy by The Earth will be cleansed of the TARES. Many design right now because the information revolution will die. MOST will be deceived. Those that take (cheap documentary production, cheap DVD the MARK of the BEAST will belong to the BEAST. replication, web sites, blogs, mp3s, podcasts, The WHEAT will survive and thrive in the end. They YouTube, etc.) is circumventing the NWOs control of will have remained loyal to the true WORD. the MainStreamMedia and spreading knowledge of who these criminals are and how they have been looting the world around the globe at light speed. If Children of the Light will rebuild EDEN. NESARA the "posse" is saddling up to come after you do you will mimic the Aquarian Age with the NEW AGE first. want them well-capitalized and secure in their homes or do you want them dead-broke fighting for You have been WARNED. oxox Project Bluebeam survival in a police state surveillance society?

><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> How do you fight the new world order? ><> 1. Turn off the TeeVee and MainStreamMedia (they Emergency Broadcast! New World Order are lying to you) Ahead! 2. Find "authentic voices" for news and information (Alex Jones, Alan Watt, Jerre Kneip, Mike Rivero. An overview of the system of global control called etc) "The New World Order". The New World Order 3. Quit drinking their fluoridated water and using (NWO) is a group of old royalty (British Royal fluoride toothpaste Family, Queen Beatrix of the Neatherlands, Prince 4. Quit taking their vaccines Phillipe of Belgium, Spanish Royal Family, etc.) and 5. Become a student of what is going on ASAP! international bankers / central bankers / industrialists (Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont, 6. Wake up others!!! Reynolds, etc.). The NWO operates secretly behind the scenes and controls world events through Global Warming? or Global Governance? control of government puppets, the media, and the Documentary that exposes Global Warming for the financial system. Their members and puppets are hoax it is. organized though overt and covert organizations.

Global Warming Hoax Overt NWO Organizations Include: The Bilderberg Group The Royal Institute for International Affairs George Galloway in Canada this week. The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Canadian Illuminati feels threatened. Commission WELCOME! The Rhodes Scholarship Program The Bohemian Club Galloway on Israel and lebanon 06/08/2006

Covert NWO Organizations Include: (I LOVE THIS MAN!!! ..George Galloway for UK Freemasonry Prime Minister) Skull and Bones The Bavarian Illuminati 217 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Video Israel Doesn't Want You to See from the south RED RIVER. HAARP WEATHER Israeli army embarrassed by video broadcast WARS- for Monday, forecast more snow and high Last Updated Tue Mar 19 19:52:12 2002 winds for this planned NAFTA highway area. JERUSALEM - The Israeli army has expressed a note of contrition after a television station aired a OBAMA pushing Global Warming SCAM today. videotape showing an army assault on a Palestinian Illuminati hijacked Canadian government plans to home in which a mother of five children died. When have a similar policy. CBC News spoke with Ismail Hawarjeh at Bethlehem's hospital earlier this month, there was Canadian Parliament QUESTION PERIOD... TODAY? no way to verify the story he told about how his WHY the urgency? Harper to discuss American wife had died, until Israel's Channel 2 broacast the made stategy on the Global Corporate takeover tape last weekend" of our planet by the 13 Illuminati bloodlines?

American Muslim Women unveil truth about ... SW ONTARIO Niagara Detension Centre

GHOST Spy Network-103 countries, 1300 gov't computers affected. eg. Dalai Lama's, Iran, South - Inmates are getting rowdy and Korea, Tibet, NOT USA, England and France. taking over the prison. We need a public Blaming it on Chinese computer origin, but it could takeover of our LAW ENFORCEMENT and LEGAL be ANYONE. Spyware can turn on your computer SYSTEM. Many of these inmates are there for the WEBCAM and microphone as it did at the NEW wrong reasons. They are being held, to allow for YORK times this weekend. ( I think the gov'ts not the NWO to takeover more easily. OBAMA wants to affected are guilty. REALLY BOLDLY STUPID lately.) have a civilian police force, but that means drug gangs/thugs running your cities. Burnaby BC- Mystery Oilspill affecting creek and wildlife, leading into larger water systems. FREE OUR REVOLUTIONARIES! We have HEMP Petroleum killing our planet again. to GROW

Fargo ND- FLOOD seeped thru breeched dike and submerged a multi-million dollar school/facility. Manitoba concerns- ice jams and also flooding

MORE GUN PROPAGANDA-rural Alberta RCMP report more gun violence and aggression. Gotta get those guns off Farmer Brown. He is dangerous to the NWO POLICE.

Is it the MIND CONTROL DEATH towers causing this aggression? You will find these WEAPONS on private property.

These towers are all over the place. Feeding electronic mind control terror into your nervous system. When people say they hear voices, this may be the source. Radio transmissions beam desired messages into your brain. There are 3 cell towers that I have seen to date in Sault Ontario. TONS in Toronto and York Region. Prepare to have your brains MICROWAVED. They are all over the place.

Although they haven't forced humans to be tagged with the VERICHIP yet, some vaccinations and anesthetics have had microchips for a long time. If you have been in

218 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 the psych ward or abducted, you may have one in your brain, inserted up thru the nose or thru the ear. Some Spiritual Healers can deactivate these without physical intervention. Try NEODYNE Magnets (N side down), taped to that area for 3 nights.

North Korea- Surrounded by warships. Are they launching FINANCIALLY. KEEP IT THAT WAY. NO BIG BROTHER a long range missile or a communications satellite, like BAILOUTS they say they are? HARPER is in WASHINGTON, New York, travelling to GM/Chrysler-cartels want BILLIONS for BAIL OUT. USA London, then Germany and France (NATO) this week. $18 Billion dolled out so far. GM wants 16.5 billion more and Chrysler $5 billion. CANADIAN- CAW and Alberto Gonzalez and USA torture. GM/CHRYSLER CANADA have not reached an agreement. ( March 31 meeting to discuss) Storms and tornadoes ROCK Central USA- Tennesee, Indiana, Kentucky Giving bankrupt GM/CHRYSLER money = enslaving Canada with BIG BROTHER DEBT + losing the industries to the Alaska Volcano spewing Ash for a week now...distrupting third world ANYWAY. air travel.


FLOOD DISASTER-FARGO ND and Red River Strip Clubs- on an increase for escapism. More booze, sex, Manitoba- Right in the middle of the planned NAFTA drugs, guns, violence will give more reasons for MARTIAL HIGHWAY. LAW.

Mississippi- twin twisters touchdown.17 Hurt After HARPER- Governments have had to take over and Tornado Rips Through Miss. nationalize banks globally. Canada is in the BEST POSITION as a FREE MARKET GLOBALLY and

OBAMA sending about 25, 000 US troops to protect the drug trade and NWO agenda in Afghanistan. (like he promised he wouldn't). PRAY FOR AMERIKA- karma is coming home to them.

Harper, Charest trumpet $2.3 billion for infrastructure- making a joint transportation Infrastructure agreement. $money$ for NAFTA highway and also for water "TREATMENT".(Compostable toilets and black/grey water treatment pools I hope. What nut designed a system- where our sewage goes back into our drinking water? Are you ozoning the water or still poisoning the public with chlorine and fluoride?)

A look at the impact the recession is having on Canadian governments-$$18 billion deficit budget currently...and falling FAST

219 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Is CANADA a corporation? The government a corporation? FREE SHEEPLE NEED A CORPORATION AND THEIR OWN CURRENCY THEN.

Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet Cancer treatment AGAIN?- more money for the MEDICAL CARTEL. We have natural cancer %20Religions/Wicca%20& cures. They just want to OUTLAW FOOD and %20Witchcraft/bohemian_grove.htm natural cures. Once they depopulate and get everyone chipped, then you can pay for the Shame on Ian Lee - wants a global bank run by CANCER CURE. the IMF=SLAVERY+NWO. Says 1/2 financial sector is not regulated. NON- Banks- not regulatied. circumcision- removing the foreskin is a symbol of Therefore need more regulation. OBAMA'S Timothy your dehumanization. Initiation into slavery. Guitner telling the banks how to measure risk; micromanagement. Entire financial sector needs to Eating during labour good? Not?- Listen to your be brought under the regulatory umbrella. body. real food, not stuff in a box YA>>>YOU GET CHIPPED FIRST> I'LL just watch. made by some secret cartel.

OBAMA-nice tie today...looking and talking real Energy Drinks are made to mind contol you. good. WHERE are the results? NESARA PRIMER PERIOD.

G20 AGENDA- GLOBAL BIG BROTHER watching CHILD EXPLOITATION-RCMP-Project Salvo- Sgt. you. Global Surveillence system suggested. Get David Fox - are you really trying to fix this child your MICROCHIP! NOT ! Shame on David exploitation tragedy? May I suggest that you Dodge-Supporting GLOBAL NWO set up of this google Cathy O'Brien, Arizona Wilder. I have system. They will be using DEBIT cards to posted the videos throughout the site. If you don't purchase their $beast$ belongings. start LOOKING at the WHITE COLLAR CRIMINALS, then you are clearly another -We are losing CANADA today. All our borders SERIOUS CANADIAN PROBLEM. SO far, I see are going down and everything is being RCMP lies and corruption. centralized. They are collapsing the economy, the web and the old corporations...and are starting over You protect the Illuminati, NOT CANADA. on the AMERO. SHAME ON YOU!

Bikers are getting arrested. Gotta get those Suspected Outlaw biker gang member, Explains weapons. We don't want a revolution of CANADIANS the worst economic collapse ever? who will RESIST the NWO. This could get BLOODY. Quebec Police providing details on arrests More on The NAFTA Super Highway And American ALLEGEDLY linked to gangs. Keep them in jail? YA Union (part2) think you can pull it off? AMERIKA/CANADA is

heavily armed and awake to this mass NWO agenda. Perhaps this is the terrorist attack prep for Montreal ( See video below)Police arrest 10 people, Mind Control Microchip Verichip Welcome to seek one other person in Quebec biker war murders the Machines

CTV MEDIA UNSPIN The Obama Deception: A Film {by Alex Jones} The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The -Pushing phamaceuticals again. Try Colloidal international banks plan to loot the people of the Silver, Beck Protocol INSTEAD. AVOID THE NAZI United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works DOCTORS funded by OHIP for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and 220 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 how his initial appointments and actions prove he THE NEW WORLD ORDER has a world court. The serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American Ass-ended Masters (annunaki/Galactic Federation), people. when they come to "Save the Planet", will kill off the make themselves look good. 03 25 09 NEW WORLD ORDER REVVING UP> Enjoy your time in the abyss. If you see AL GORE WEB WILL GO DOWN. and Hillary Clinton- go the other way!

Earth Day 8:30 pm lights out- Give it a go...look :(( for the UFO. Intra or Extraterrestrial? People are dying and homeless, yet the Cartels have enough CANADIAN LEGAL money to advertise a 3rd annual EARTH DAY. 03 28 and EDUCATION 2009 = 6/ 8:30= 11 numerology. DISCOVERY SYSTEM- We pick up also heading back home. MUST HAVE AN AGENDA. the tab for a systemfull of ROBOCOPS, crooked black magic JUDGES/Lawyers,

MIND CONTROLLED A LEFT-BRAINED P ROBOTS and their R broken barnacle I support staffs . ALL FOR $$$$$$. Get out of line and L they will BLACK BALL YOU from SOCIETY. Many are homeless because they chose not to WORSHIP THE BEAST. Jail beats being homeless.

The EDUCATION SYSTEM IS JUST AS DANGEROUS AND CORRUPT. When the people feel safe to speak and the true stories come out, you will hear from countless parents and innocent people who were RAPED by these SYSTEMS.

FOOL!- that is what you are...If you have stock in To the TRAITORS of the microsoft at that time. Bill GATES and the human race...your time ANTIVIRUS boys want to retire off-shore, while is VERY SHORT! No need AmeriKa's stock market tanks. Reptilian AL GORE to pack...we have a is ready to rescue you, while internet 2 comes out special green jump suit for those who still can afford it (or pledge allegiance just for you. No house to the NWO). arrest...assets will be confiscated. Making oaths Need to back up your computer files on hard of office to protect people discs...cause the CONFICKER WORM is set to and getting paid to freeze your computer system on Apr. 1. If you have KNOWINGLY do JUST the opposite is- lying to the MICROSOFT, that is. The virus mutates every 15 people that you serve and stealing a wage that is hours, so you are SOL. If you are not AWAKE to the not worthy of your crimes. ILLUMINATI DECEPTION BY THIS computer access means that you only have MASS HAARP weather wars picking on St. Johns and MEDIA directions to access. DON'T FALL FOR Winnepeg today. MORE DISASTERS TO COME. IT> MOST PEOPLE WILL THOUGH. DIGITAL tv is there to mind control you if you do fall for it. AGENDA?- St. Johns- Irving OIL putting in an ENERGY COMPANY to sell electricity to NEW Orwellian...The Law makers will fall under their ENGLAND; Winnipeg and Dakota a border town? own insane laws soon. The economic collapse will NAFTA needs that area? (Just a guess. Can't collapse this unholy trinity government in CANADA. research much today. Just have the TV Illuminati 221 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 NEWS. Computer shuts down when I access the web. NOT A COINCIDENCE. My apologies if I am inaccurate. This is the reason. I have only my intuition to go on at this time. Illuminati does not like their laundry aired)

Manitoba- Dominion City in a state of emergency. Red River still hasn't hit dangerous levels YET! Is Harper or the provincial gov't sending out aid for these people or are they just busy merging Sales and GST taxes, and upping the NWO POLICE STATE , securing the borders and moving their final assets off-shore. more taxes are needed for McGuinty's police state budget. They are afraid of the Sheeple.

We are awake and we are hungry!We will resist the NWO, so we will be jailed and then killed.


They are moving fast...but can they pull off the final plan? Up to the EARTHLINGS to WAKE UP.

CBC and other MEDIA CARTELS going DOWN- get your stocks out...cause they are out of money. Perfect time for a media black out.


*** CANADIAN ACTION PARTY FOUNDER- $250,000 for a good bye to the military party for Paul Hillier. WE obviously have good people in Too bad CAP is broke. Government. The WOLVES are showing their fangs clearly on TV. The PUBLIC MUST ALSO Canadian Action WAKE UP AND HELP OUT. Party -Going out of business? ONE PERSON CANNOT DO IT ALONE. Will the other federal THE GOVERNMENT WON'T fund a grass roots parties follow? revival to FREE THE SHEEPLE> all Integrity RULES! have to wake up now. It is a matter of LIFE or DEATH. Information- that if you take the time to read, will shock you and perhaps make you very upset. You should be.


MORE POLY-TICS 222 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Kevin Page- Independent economic watchdog for federal gov't.- Says the same as DAVID DOYLE. Canadian Economy is in SERIOUS TROUBLE! CON-servatives, Jim Flaherty and NWO liberals accuse Page of having an Agenda. PAUL First Nation- Children die from ECSTASY WHERE is the mirror? DRUG OVERDOSE. These children have hopeless lives, live in poverty, with no vision for the future. Page's last series of forecasts have been spot on. STILL abused by the WHITE MAN's ways. The Sacred Loop is closing soon. Let us hope that this is CON-servatives are hiding information.SOLD out the END of the MISERY for our humble FIRST to the NWO long ago. BLOODY OBVIOUS. NATIONS PEOPLE. My heart is with you.


Problem- Prescription screw-ups; Reaction- Need better records; NWO Solution- Smart Card and Verichip.


2 for 1 credit for felons- Federal gov't

controllers and McGuinty Fake & Corrupt US War on Drugs trashing time spent in custody. The JUST-US SYSTEM is a DISASTER and only serves the ILLUMINATI, their puppets and the needs of the rich Columbia War on Drugs (who worship the $beast$). Our jails are full of confused children and our courts are flooded with Death by coca immigrants and poor people.

!!! ><> ><> ><> Peter MacKay needs to bring our Troops home. They are for Canada's protection...not the Rescued whales keep beaching themselves and CIA's.Why is our CANADIAN army protecting the dying. Leaving the planet. SHITS going to hit the poppies in Afghanistan? Has Peter MACKAY lost his fan. mind? IS he also part of a SECRET BROTHERHOOD? Livent-Drabinsky and Gottlieb- CEOs say- I didn't SOLUTION- FIRE the CIA and we will stop the war know that the accountants and staff were in Afghanistan and reduce the illegal drugs and defrauding the company. House arrest for the rich. crime on our streets. If they can't ship the drugs POOR and MIDDLE CLASS-Steal a cookie and you from Afghanistan, we won't have the drug dealers get serious jail time and your future life record trafficking it over here. DONE! destroyed. Rich felons can always work for daddy.

Ticket Master- hoarding for the rich and maxing out ticket prices for the sheeple.


SWATT RCMP CANADA-Benjamin Montgomery Robinson and Robert Dziekanski - ROBOCOP 223 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Robinson unqualified to use a taser and not CANADIAN POLY-TICS-get your shovels out! I recertified for 1st aid for 5 years, IN CHARGE as SMELL AN ELECTION. superviser, tasered the Polish visitor to Canada needlessly and irresponsibly. WHO trains these 03 24 09 rookie cops to use these deadly weapons on tourists? Thank the independent cameras for some Question Period in Ottawa parliament is better real evidence... cause the COPS ARE CLEARLY than the Soaps lately... LYING. Do they get jail time or house arrest at a nice fishing/hunting resort. Diane Finley says EI crisis is fixed?- benefits easier to claim ( electronically) and financially, the Vancouver Airport Tasering: Another cop extension is for 5 weeks. NO JOB STIMULUS or caught lying, killed someone else in the retraining. WHAT ABOUT when it runs out? Big meantime Brother moved their corporations to the third world for cheaper labour permanently.We won't have GLOBAL NATIONAL: VANCOUVER, CANADA: MARCH electricity with EARTH CHANGES and orchestrated 23,2009. RCMP Corpral Benjami n Robinson chaos. They are planning on taking down the web describes the circumstances under which he gave before they convert to the NWO censored internet. the order to murder Robert Dziekanski, an agitated passenger who was armed with a stapler. This -1/2 mill on EI in CANADA now and 21% report illustrates how the cops could not get their Bankruptcies (reported numbers WAY OFF.. over stories straight and were caught in numerous 60% are ineligible for EI, massive numbers on lies.Dziekanski was tasered a total of five welfare or just homeless now.) hardest hit... times.Robinson is currently on PAID leave from the RCMP after an October 25, 2008 drunk driving collision in which Robinson killed 21-year-old Orion . Hutchinson, whose motorcycle was hit by Robinson's jeep. Robinson failed a roadside breathalyser test. A public inquiry is being held into If you didn't work in the SIN system, you don't get the circumstances involving Dziekanski's death. $$ from the SIN system. Welfare pays less than Under Canadian law, nothing Robinson or any other slave wages. cop says at the inquiry can be used against him in a subsequent prosecution.Robinson is part of the WE HAVE NO INDUSTRIES HERE>>>BY DESIGN. RCMP's integrated security team for the 2010 THEY plan to depopulate and steal the resources of Winter Olympics, to be held in Vancouver. CANADA.

Who is Bibi Netanyahu working for? They will bail out the car industry but not forestry. (Can't move the trees) Barry Chamish explains who is Bibi Netanyahu is working for and when it started. Barack OBAMA ( the tv star) will plan to gather the world powers next week for a NWO plan. Beast is in Who controls the economic scum? Who controls the PLAIN SITE. ARE you sleeping AmeriKa? Read the media? Why? Book of have the time now.

Look at the sheep with the pipe... David Icke often GET your communities on community currency talks about this: The Illuminati don´t need to and work together. Don't wait for the gov't to help control us: we control ourselves mutually! We are you. They are part of the problem. holding this togehter, this crazy system... if we don ´t play the game further, the Illuminati pyramid will Bernanke and Geithner say that failure of AIG could crash down! DO THEY SAY "SERPing" "Serpent?" have triggered a thirties style meltdown. WE WILL CEO in the beginning? HAVE A MELTDOWN ALRIGHT. WORSE THEN THE THIRTIES. The markets WILL NOT RECOVER. BY DESIGN! The white collar boys want their money to fund their off-shore investments and hide-outs when the DRAMA goes into full gear. Terrorist 224 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 attacks, earth changes are next. How can the George Galloway British MP - NWO Canadian taxpayers ever benefit from the bailout? WALL ST gov't contollers are trying to ban his free speech and the gang...are the ones BAILING OUT...on the and entry into Canada. NDP encourages free American people. speech. BOBBY RAE does not like Georgie boy (calls him a crank and an odd ball) . Supporters Chrysler and Ford will not stay in Canada/USA. ramp up efforts to bring British anti-war MP Good riddance. We can convert our cars to run on Updated: Mon Mar. 23 2009 11:31:46 AM water now. We have enough water in CANADA. News Staff

Canadian Dollar should see a rise, while the US$$ TERROR vs TERRA- Use illuminati mysteries to $ tanks. We have time to get our act together. free Terra not create Terror. Community- locally owned banks/ cash on hand...are your best bets. On-line Global banks like NDP is keeping Harper accountable. YAY! Keep paypal would be a cool place to keep your up the REAL WORK! Harper is upset that the NDP is currency- in a foreign currency (not US$). The picking on him. major banks are tied to the Bilderberg Agenda. DO your homework. Buy stuff that will help your Harper and Iggy shed Crocodile tears for our community survive while you still can. sacrificed children in Afghanistan.

NWO POLICE gathering force, civil unrest, Harper admits to con-servatives, behind closed disinformation, confusion, TASERING, war on doors, that OBAMA's bailout isn't going to work. (CIA's) drugs, NAU gov'ts signing agreements for No KIDDING...THAT IS THE PLAN! NATIONAL SECURITY (secure the sheeple..they're awake). Illuminati mind controlled TV programs POWER PLAY- CTV- Big brother bum kissers really (Digital tv -trance within minutes), CELL phones/ stood out today. They look panicked. NAKED death towers/ HAARP/ tesla weapons/ ( needing viagra) chemtrails/drugs/ vaccines/ plagues/ taxes/ globally detail/power-play-monday-march-23-chief-political- controlled education/ are NOT FOR OUR OWN correspondent-craig-oliver/4050732375 GOOD>>>SHEEPLE!

Illuminati propaganda trying to start a fight Whales beaching themselves and dying- they are between Canada and US via FOX NEWS- CANADIAN trying to tell you something ARMY INSULT. (FOX=666).

03 23 09 NOSE DIVING PLANES= NOSE DIVING STOCKS for PLANES HAARP WEATHER WARS, FLOODING and Volcano alert all in one day- TUESDAY! Peter MacKay needs to bring our Troops home. PREPARE. Perfect time for the gov't to react... They are for Canada's protection...not the wrongly CIA's.

OBAMA paying off the banks with stolen Why are we in Afghanistan? American taxpayer money.( Martial law is just The Real News Cafe: Recorded live at the Gladstone around the corner. Foreign armies are ready to in Toronto, a Real News panel takes on the Afghan invade to confiscate their assets. ( sounds war familiar AMERIKA?- your bullying and apathy is coming back on you.) Why are we in Afghanistan? Uploaded by therealnews Canadian economy will tank, under the control of the Illuminati puppets in Ottawa. We do not control our Bank of Canada anymore. Our Illegal income taxes go to pay off this national debt to these Illuminati Bankster slave-drivers. DAVID DODGE- knows what he is talking about. 225 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 all other video parts Harper tells the rod and gun gang to keep their toys. They aren't the problem...the Illuminati is. ( I said that...he didn't...dh) 9/11 Conspiracy - Crash Course #4 of 4 - video powered by Metacafe Ask them if they are loyal to Canada or to the BROTHERHOOD? 03 22 09 AmeriKa- Why nationalize the banks?...THEIR IGGY-TICS PROBLEM. They can't why would they get a raise. They need to be fired. Return all their ASSETS... STOLEN from the PEOPLE. Iggy grovels a new tune to Quebec.

FREEDOM ROAD-Create your own currency... (I am changed man...Harper isn't). usury free, with the First Nations CONSTITUTION.

SAYS-Will plan to change the EI crisis. ( I hope it is BIG BROTHER only wants to ENSLAVE YOU. not the Illuminati depopulation). How are NOTHING HAS CHANGED. People who have the troops in Afghanistan fighting for Canada? We pledged allegiance to LUCIFER are demon have no business being there. Why are you looking possessed or soul scalped. will see to OBAMA to solve the problems? THEY ARE THE deception...over and over again. You choose to put PROBLEM! up with it...Like a BAD MARRIAGE. LOOK INTO THEIR it a clone? Is there a soul there? You are a TRAITOR!...IGGY.The Brotherhood will be The deception is setting us up for some serious held accountable soon. The sheeple are awake. The drama. trough is empty and they are hungry! I have a hunch that Big Brother Why wont Ignatieff fire Kinsella? (Vatican/Queen/Zionists) is kidnapping the foreign AID workers, so that they can be sent Ignatieff miraculously manages to make home, the poor can be left to die and there Harper appear competent would be no reporters in that area,(that the NWO March 3, 2009 by Olaf wants to depopulate and control). The televised terrorists are owned by the Illuminati, much like Ignatieff Has Friends In High Places In they control/own everything else. Beheading is a Obama's White House Saturday February 14, SATANIC ritual sacrifice. THEY WANT A RACE WAR! 2009 Joan Bryden, The Canadian Press Violence Against Foreign Aid Workers: Why? - CHUP The audacity of Michael Ignatieff- Naive and Correspondent egotistical, Canada's Liberal leader isn't the saviour his supporters believe him to be Find more videos like this on Michael Stickings, Monday 23 The March 1 2009 interview February 2009 17.30 GMT with Prime Minister Stephen Harper on CNN by Fareed Zakaria Michael Ignatieff: Desperate To Be Relevant In America Jim Flaherty on the Recession February 22, 2009 — Raphael Alexander David Icke on the Alex Jones Show:Obama & Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff addresses Reptilians Pt 5 - The best home videos are here caucus on future plans Who is Sarah Palin, the NEW DC/ American/ $$$Harper Poly-Tics Columbia Goddess & JFK OBAMA!

226 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 March 1-21 2009 Pt 1 office and allegiance. The proper remedy ... you remove the traitors. The Good News 666

Toronto Canada is the STRONGHOLD for the New World Order. It has the Rainbow Warrior Energy. If we wake up Toronto, we have a chance of reversing the NWO DEATH AGENDA. Up to Torontonians though. Big Brother has you enslaved REAL GOOD! You are in serious danger. Look at all the CELL Towers set up to Fry your MINDS! Matrix mind control

Ontario government logo

...looks like baphomet

Transformation of the Species

The New Age of Aquarius- will usher in harmony, peace, understanding, sharing, and an unprecedented time of love, as we wake up and realize that we are all ONE family.

All of humanity will be affected by this change. Those whose actions are rooted in fear will have a difficult time of it. The days of ego-based thinking are over.

Over the past 50 years or so there has been an unmistakable resurgence of the feminine energy *** on this planet. ...Now, men will cry more because of their greater sensitivity, and women will be Food Allergies Truth honored as equals, The Vatican Agenda By: Joel Bainerman ... as they should be. The Black Magicians from the book

*** These societies are instead extremely esoteric with secret grades of initiations, where each Kathleen Moore HABEAS CORPUS CANADA help member has sworn loyalty foremost to the Brotherhood. This means that if this person has a The NAU is treason; those who are certain post in outside society (let's say President of perpetrating it have voided their oaths of some country), his first loyalty is to the Brotherhood and second to his duty as President. So he has in fact double loyalties and 227 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 whatever the Brotherhood decides for him to do, he the highest point on the Pentagram (our has to obey, even if it goes against the survival of consciousness) its self the focal point of spiritual his country and its citizens! energy, followed by the hands that can be used to direct this spiritual energy into the physical It is extremely important that the secrets are world to cause change. kept. If not, the Brotherhood loses its power over the people and the whole pyramid falls apart. The Illuminati does not want publicity unless it suits the Its meaning to early Christians was that it Agenda; they are afraid that the public will kill represented the 5 wounds of Christ, and was a them in fury when they find out about their symbol of Jesus on the cross, just like the horrible crimes. crucifix is today, but over time Christianity has changed it into a symbol of the devil, which seems All known Secret Societies with secret grades of to contradict history, as it predated the invention of initiation are owned and controlled by the Satan by 1000s of years. Christianity’s growing Illuminati, and Freemasonry is perhaps the best belief that the Pentagram represents Satan known of them all. The powers that control the probably comes from its connection with the star societies and the Illuminati are occultists and Venus, the roman Goddess of love that would black magicians. Their God is Lucifer, "The Light over a period of time do a Pentagram movement Bearer", and by occult practices they manipulate through out the celestial sky. and influence the masses. It doesn't matter if you and I believe in this or not, as long as they do. What also confuses many today is that although And they take it very seriously. Lucifer/Satan has been seen as the Morning star in the Bible, Jesus also refers to himself as the The reward will be power and money, in exchange Morning Star...... for selling the soul to the above forces (click here to find out how Black Magic is practiced. Magic deals A New Dawn? The age is commonly seen and with controlling energy and the one who can control known as “The Age of Aquarius” however most energy the best will have the most power. Christians might see it more as an evil time, and have associated it with their “End Times” where You've heard the expression "selling your soul to humanity is apparently near to total destruction, the Devil". Although a person who is selling his soul but many would just see it as Christianities is not doing so to any entity called "the Devil" per end times, as more and more people are moving se, he/she is selling his/her soul to very dark away from Christianity because of its dogma and energies from which he will not be able to escape “bigotry, hypocrisy and contradictions” that no once he joined. longer work in a modern world, and that it is Christianity itself that is nearing its end. The pagan's Pentagram The Goddess is at her closest on a full moon, so that Goddess energy is going to help spirits manifest them selves and to effect the living world. The Pagan belief in the Pentagram is that its four points The moon is also associated with fertility represent earth, air, because of the 12-13 full moons of the year, and fire, water. The top also the women’s monthly creation of a egg in the point representing womb, which would also connect the moon with the spirit or the higher Goddess of fertility. power, it also represents the minds eye. The figure of a person can be seen as the Pentagram, with its The word "lunatic" probably comes from people arms and legs out stretched, it represents the acting crazy or different on a full moon, the moon higher self of man, the mind and consciousness of being lunar, lunatic seems to make sense. man, or our natural divine self, its why many Pagans use magic and the Pentagram to perform his or hers magic(k) as they believe that the power of the divine is within us all, and is represented by Mind Managed Media 228 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 DAILY SCRews- WOW>>>how long can one's OBAMA flexing his Zionist ego muscles at IRAN. nose grow? Iran sees OBAMA for the ravenous wolf that he is. Israel controls AmeriKa 03 21 09 Barack made a remark about special olympics and Harper in Toronto speaking to rod and gun gang. his bowling skills on TV last week. Foreign born Hide your toys. Arnold Schwarzenegger came to his relative's defense. The TERMINATOR wants to be president once the NAZI's fully contol AmeriKa. (bush family Canadian troops being sacrificed on the web). Afghanistan altar for the Illuminati NWO. Bring them home. Send the traitors to the middle east for cleanup.

emergency and disaster relief. Toronto doesn't have OBAMA & ILLUMINATI ANUNNAKI BLOODLINES one. Go figure.

Mafia and the Illuminati videos Are we forgetting our homeless neighbours to the South? No one is DOING ANYTHING to help them out. Secrets of The CIA - We wait for HARPER to announce our fate. Afghanistan and more SECRETS HERE ////////Child Slavery Worldwide WORSE yet...have the Galactic Federation save us from the Earth Changes, Economy and Illuminati ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition government...later. After everything is in CHAOS and - Full Production. What does Christianity, 911 and The the traitors are no where to be found.. Most will be Federal Reserve all have in common? deceived and fall for the BEAST AGENDA...NESARA or GESARA ( global economic security and refomation act) now...since they are way overdue for their Project 03 20 09 Bluebeam Holographic arrival. EARTH DAY is always a perfect time to show your lights off. OH...the Drama has very quiet today. Not a good thing Leaving our fate to the king pope, the queen and unholy trinity government will only bring us into JUST-US System- If you got can always SLAVERY/NWO with the USA. buy a get out of jail free card. If not...your jail time gives big brother about $350/day to house your poor butt. WAKE UP CANADA. YOU need to take back your power. It Keeps your free spirit bound, while the NWO depopulates has been hijacked by the SATANISTS. the SHEEPLE, keeping only their microchipped worker bees KARMA returns to you-what you send out...amplified. Electrical Terrorists? I smell a conspiracy brewing in Toronto. Explosions in electrical rooms? People evacuating $$$ apartment buildings? Doesn't look good on Ontario Hydro. Let Bobby Rae's brother know.

Why isn't anyone getting the West Coast ready for the Tsunami? This isn't fiction. OBAMA is busy being a TV STAR.

Weather drama this weekend. Always be prepared. Many under-employed people will not have these necessities. Your community needs to have a plan for

229 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 He called Himself SAINT GERMAN (SANCTUS 03 16 09 GERMANUS which means holy brother). He would know what letters or newspapers contained without reading Something in the air....warnings about Artic ice them. He could speak any language perfectly. He refused melting, to accept any presents or benefits. He influenced the lives of many famous persons and people in governmental OBAMA and the BEAST AGENDA- Obama allowing positions. Wall St to RAPE American taxpayers, as he slowly brings He played a great part in the political world in AMERICA in the AMERO enslavement to the small business owners. as well as in EUROPE during the eighteenth century. The He is a SLIMY one original system of secret diplomacy as instigated by Him. Paul Martin trying to sell the INDIANS another business DEAL -WHITE MAN style. DO you really want SAINT GERMAIN influenced the founding of many secret to borrow money from this man? Don't repay your loans societies in various places, such as the ROSICRUCIANS, back to PAUL, the way he paid for his steamship lines. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, You are not above the law like he is...(was). Is he pushing KNIGHTS OF LIGHT, THE ILLUMINATI and MASONRY. the AMERO here? Kinda/sort of?

Occult symbols in Canadian government George Bush in Calgary at a SECRET MEETING. NAU prep in full swing. Montreal, The Next Terror Target? - Part 1/10 Russian Space junk headed for international space unravel this mystery...very cool station as discovery shuttle arrives tomorrow. Nice timing. Space junk info Deprogramming from the Matrix [Interactive Program] No word on the SELLING out of our CANADIAN The New World Order - What Is It? Believe It Or economy by the HARPER and LIBERAL gov'ts. (your Not!!! It's Already Here!!! British system of governing has failed...bankrupt - Believe it or not, America is engaged in a war for its yourselves already). very survival!At present it is a subtle, invisible, but very real war. This war is not about bullets and bombs, but The AMERI-CON gov't predicts good news for the USA about the absolute control of information and the way we economy. (Good for the Illuminati) think, an unceasing war of conflicting words and ideals, their causes and their effects upon our character as a Helicopter crash looks more like a CONSPIRACY every nation. - day. Classic symptoms. - - List of 2006 Bilderberg Attendees Don't buy real estate in USA. With Earth Changes, even State Farm isn't insuring homes in many areas "The High Priests of Globalisation" Will Hutton starting in April. Florida is one state. They are going down. Banks and insurance companies interlock. Plan for some chaos for AmeriKa. The world knows the Has The New World Order Taken Over America's Free Will, game...many Americans don't. Wake up your Neighbours. Leaving People Unable To Think For Themselves? Wind speeds will topple many properties soon...globally. - Alan Watt has been fighting to wake-up America for more than a decade, saying people need to understand Fake Outrage By Politicians On AIG history before ever having a grasp on what is happening in America today - - by Greg Szymanski, May 09, 2006 - Cathy O'brien presents: TRANCE Form America Pt. 2

*** Helicopter crash diverts sheeple's attention from orchestrated Canadian economic crash...pushed in 03 13 09 by the Liberals this week.

Washington style 230 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 What are your DRAMA plans for OUR MARCH BREAK? Harper is hiding I see.

To the treasonous criminals who knowingly destroyed our are accountable. We are watching you carefully. We know the game. You look like fools...hanging yourselves in plain site.

Santelli's rant and America's response. America is being robbed blind while the treasonous criminals escape prosecution. Ignatieff and Harper: Separated At Birth? stoned monk at the toronto police Ignatieff is a neoconservative and he is busy headquarters changing the Liberal Party to match his neocon views. Although it was the latte Liberals of Toronto The New Children - Indigo Children, Crystal that helped shove this guy down our throats, you Children can bet his neoconservative views on Iraq and torture will cost us votes in that city. Fortress Arizona Wilder on Government Mind Controlled Toronto will start to crumble in the next election. Slaves, pt 1

More videos from Arizona Wilder

231 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

Basic math for Poly-TICs


we have an Illuminati Controlled Canadian Government $$$$


Infrastructure Investments + coming Earth Changes

=BAD IDEA for sheeple

= good for NAFTA highway and NAU/NWO

= good for queen and pope beasts

**Bailout $ + failed economy= fuel +firestorm

***Canadian Government = Accountability+Tax $ Wasted

Canadian dollar=American Dollar $$$+ DISASTER + SLAVERY

Harper Polytics= rapid Canadian ENSLAVEMENT to the Illuminati

Ignatieff = Independent Senate lie + other Canadian problem

Ignatieff Grovels to Please The Lobby

This shyster and neocon/neoliberal, American ‘academic’ torture apologist, Iraq war proponent, and generally smarmy slimey duplicitous, ambitious opportunist, knows who to please. An article in the National Post condemning the critics of Isr-eli terror is sure to win him favour amoung the top Zionists in Canada.


Jack Layton's response to IMF (International Monetary Fund and World Bank)= Harper budget huge Third World nations loans + their natural resources after default New Democrat leader Jack Layton's address to the House of Commons in response to the Harper 232 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 government's 2009 budget. "The Conservative budget Electronic communication is like the eyes and ears of will not protect Canadas most vulnerable or the planet and by its very nature is creating a adequately save and create jobs." decentralized and true global democracy

' Worst economic collapse ever' Up to now we have been in an era of positivistic materialism. In this picture, nature is something to be manipulated and controlled by humanity. The US Collapse Of 2009 666666666666666666666666 The most important issue in our Freedom Movement- Personhood redefining law

Kathleen Moore HABEAS CORPUS CANADA help

Libertarian Stan Jones Montana TELLS TRUTH


we don't need your worthless fiat currency...we have real products and skills:))

The next Copernican revolution- The New Paradigm Of Healing

The light at the end of the tunnel is the new consciousness and the new ways of thinking which are rapidly occurring on the plant enhanced by new forms of electronic communication, particularly the internet.

Sir Francis Bacon (1626)- His philosophy was based on the idea that we could control the planet just as we can control and subjugate women and children. He was a great misogynist.

233 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009

Belief is that Bacon took on the name "Saint Germain" kiss for 30 pieces of silver. as an Ascended Master. Some say that Judas was caretaker of the writings of the teachings of Yeshua, and sold them for 70 pieces Under James I, Francis Bacon translated the King of silver to the cohorts of Saul. James Version of the Bible. He was anonymously Some also say that Saul was hired by Rome to working with a group of some of England's best poets keep track of and thwart Yeshua and his writing the plays credited to William Shakespeare. followers, and that he did this by taking over Christianity and redirecting it. Did the Church Pervert Jesus's Teachings? The Essene Gospel of Peace more closely reflects the actual day-to-day teachings of Jesus/Yeshua Jesus Christ's real name was "Yeshua" and Emmanuel. (The Essene Gospel of Peace is accepted "Immanuel". by the Eastern Orthodox Church.) "they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us". Matthew 1:23, previously "a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" Isaiah 7:14. Beware of ravenous wolves in Paul (who was no saint) renamed him Jesus Christ. sheeple clothing King James followed this in translating Yeshua to "Jesus". Rocky Mountain Mystery School

What did the Gnostics believe that was so heretical? THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA- A The core of their teaching was to go within and REPORT TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE experience God directly: "Gnosis" was greek for ABOUT NEW AGE ANTISEMITISM "knowing". They did not agree with the overstructurization of the Roman Catholic church, so they were a direct threat to Papal dominion. The god who "created" man: Sanat Kumara. The Pope had to get rid of them before their beliefs spread and the Pope's infallibility was questioned He has other titles as well: "Ancient of Days", "Lord of further. the World", "Youth of Endless Summers" and "The One Initiator" erwise" compared to the Adon Olam of Mary Magdalene the most Beloved Disciple of the Jews. Although SK's level of enlightenment Jesus? - Peter's Jealousy In the Nag Hammadi earned him the right to enter into "Nirvana", he documents, Peter is portrayed as jealous of Mary, and instead made the "supreme sacrifice" of turning back views Mary as a woman who does not know her to creation and taking the responsibility to create place. us into gods. Bailey relates that he "came down" to earth in the middle of the Lemurian age, taking physical form, and although he later returned to the Roman Emperor Constantine through the Councils of spirit plane, he "has remained with us ever since." [As Nicea and Constantinople, succeeded in hiding and we saw above, Bailey disciple Benjamin Creme makes perverting the actual teachings of Yeshua identical claims for Lucifer, but this is not accidental, Immanuel (Jesus Christ). as we will see.]

Who is the "Hierarchy"? NA history teaches that Judas Iscariot betrayed Yeshua Immanuel with a they appeared (the word used is "descended") on 234 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 earth 18 million years ago, during the Lemurian already inhabited. As for the ostensible intention to Age, introducing themselves in both physical and help mankind, an ulterior motive for a spirit entering etheric bodies [presumably apparitions] as "Brothers a human host is inadvertently identified: self- of Light". They made their home in "Shamballa" advancement in the "Brotherhood". (when on the spiritual plane) and (on the physical plane) in the Gobi Desert, Shigatse and the The one queer exception to the "walk-in" Himalayas. They are most often referred to as the possibilities is Mr. Logos himself, Sanat Kumara, "Hierarchy of Ascended Masters", and sometimes who for all his great power is "not able" [or should as the "Space Brothers" or just the "Brotherhood" that be, not permitted ?] to function in a physical - a group of ancient beings, many of whom once body. The take-over of spirits "entering directly into started out on our (earthly human) plane, but have adult bodies" is apparently a ticklish maneuver and now evolved to the level where they are no longer must be coordinated by certain "Brotherhoods" shackled by physical matter and can be considered specializing in this service. divine (to be addressed as "great Lord" or "Master"). FREEMASONRY PROVEN TO WORSHIP LUCIFER Sanat Kumara is therefore considered the Head of the Hierarchy as far as earthlings are concerned Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, K.T., in his book, Initiates of the Flame boldly admits Freemasonry is The number 666, revered by many occultists as from Hell; Lucifer's sacred number, is to be used wherever possible to hasten his appearance. "Those who follow the path of faith (or the heart) use water and are known as the Sons of Seth, while This number 666 -"the number of the beast", an those who follow the path of the mind and action are evil being empowered by "the dragon" to make war the Sons of Cain, who was the son of SAMAEL , the against the Jews and Christians who refuse to Spirit of Fire. Today, we find the latter among the worship him - see New Testament, Revelation 13. alchemists, the Hermetic philosophers, the This creature corresponds to numerous Jewish Rosicrucians and the Freemasons." [p. 20] aggadot (legends) describing "Armilus", an idol that Satan brings to life and that is accepted by the Hall places Freemasonry among the circle of the nations as "god" and "messiah"; he also makes war damned -- Sons of Cain , who rebelled against God; against Israel when they refuse to acknowledge him. alchemists who are known sorcerers, Black Magicians, As for Satan himself, the Jewish tradition refers to and worshippers of Satan, and the Rosicrucians who "Samael" have so desecrated the precious cross of Jesus Christ with Pentagrams and Hexagrams as to make you sick. The New Age Trinity, or Logos. Sanat Kumara [SK], Maitreya the Christ [M], and Lucifer [L] are presented to the world as a trinity.

Bailey affirms that Sanat Kumara's job is indeed to destroy, using the Shamballa energy, to make room for the new.

Walk-ins number into the "tens of thousands [as of 1979]". It is common for disincarnate spirits to approach a human host and ask for entry.

[No one seems disturbed at this peculiar situation. Here are perfected beings, who "when unburthened [sic] of their terrestrial tabernacles, their freed souls [are] united forever with their spirits [and] rejoin the whole shining host." (Blavatsky, _Isis Unveiled_ II, p.159) Now they suddenly need a primitive vehicle again - and cannot acquire one by simple reincarnation, but insist on confiscating a body 235 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Hall's major revelation was that Freemasonry is the According to the bible in Rev.3 there will come an son of SAMAEL. being careful not to confuse Samael hour of testing for the whole world in whose side we with the beloved prophet Samuel. SAMAEL is one of will be on. All will have to choose which Christ they the Infernal Names of Satan. In fact, House of will serve and follow , the new age one or Jesus. Theosophy author, writing under the influence of her demon possessing her -- Master D.K. -- identifies SAMAEL as Satan! [The Secret Doctrine, p. 378] In fact, Satanists have a symbol of SAMAEL.

The pentagram with the one point up represents the Divine Man specifically and Lucifer the good god generally;

the pentagram with two stars up and the goats head is called the Goats Head of Mendes by most Satanists, but Black Magick Satanists call him SAMAEL . H. P. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, identified Thus, Hall is admitting that Freemasonry is the worst the Maitreya "Christ"-the New Age Messiah-to be kind of Black Magick Satanism possible! Now you the same figure as Hermes (also known as Cush, the should no longer be deceived, no matter what father of the Babylonians god Nimrod). Blavatsky propaganda Freemasonry is trying to put forth to traced the lifeline of this false "Christ," showing that deceive you! the coming New Age world ruler is none other than the "serpent" from the garden, Who the bible calls Let Us Reason Ministries the deceiver but whom they embrace as the knowledge giver. LUCIFER the same deceiver who offers the same line of Godhood today to those who Maitreya calls himself the prince of peace he also reject the scriptures. magnifies himself in his heart. This was all said of Lucifer, which was the cause of his fall from Gods presence. It was the Devil who taught the doctrine of exaltation to Adam and Eve with the appeal to be like God. In the day you eat of it you will be like God. Mormons, New Age Leaders, including Masters of the Illuminati, Theosophists, Masons, new agers have tasted the worship the Lord of this World, whose name is same fruit of the tree and want you to bite into it. Sanat Kumara. Bailey goes on to explain that Sanat Anti-christ will exalt himself to be God and will teach Kumara is the "life and the forming intelligence", people to believe the lie. the ultimate deception, evil presiding over the Council of Shamballa [the and blasphemy is to call oneself god. God does not Heaven according to New Age doctrine]. Further, tolerate those who do so. Sanat Kumara is "the eternal youth from the Plant Venus. Lucifer is known in occultic lore as Venus. Therefore, Sanat Kumara is merely another name The offer of the new Christ will be financial security for Satan or Lucifer. (Cumbey, Hidden Dangers of with the mark as well as spiritual enlightenment by the Rainbow). uniting in mystery Babylon. This will work because it appeals to the fallen sinful state of man. The Shamballa force is destructive and ejective ... inspiring new understanding of The Plan....It is this To go Gods way is by humility not self esteem. The force ... which will bring about that tremendous road to self enlightenment is a hard climb upwards. crisis, the initiation of the race into the mysteries of Its hard to tell where your headed when darkness the ages." becomes light, and light is considered darkness. That is the great deception.


236 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 What is NESARA? An excuse to plunder and Plan. The unsuspecting masses hang in the balance, pillage America under the false pretense of peace inhabiting a fool's paradise like children. and prosperity and a return to constitutional law. This struggle is not between nations, religions or NESARA is a foot in the door for Satan's alien between ideologies of Left or Right. This occult elite forces. If they can get people to buy this "peace creates and controls both sides of every conflict in and prosperity" agenda then they are getting order to obscure and at the same time advance its acceptance to come on earth and implement it. long-term agenda. Once these Reptiles and Lizards are in control they will ratify parts 2&3 of NESARA that nullify part 1 and begin their own agenda of cannibalism and murdering the inhabitants of America.

2009 NESARA SEQUENCE of EVENTS ...oh really

Nesara - National Economic Security and Reformation Act updated 11-24-2008

First contact - They lied again!! No Show by the gods

Do not be deceived. Hollywood has prepared us well for deception. redefining law The elite plan NASA's Project blue beam - NWO - (PART 1 of is to remake the planet as its private neo 2) feudal preserve. This involves the reduction of the world's population through plague, catastrophe NASA's Project blue beam - NWO - (PART 2 of or war; mind control/breeding of the survivors 2) as serfs; and the enshrinement of Lucifer as god.

Lucifer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia FULL MOON ALERT! Goddess Diana Deactivate the Negative NWO satanic rituals with prayers and actions of Worshippers adored Goddess Diana so much that the only way the Christians could rid the people of LOVE, PEACE, and SERENITY their Goddess was by assimilating her into their new religion. Thus Ephesus became a place of Mary, HAARP weather wars are headed this way. Mother of God. The church even invented stories of Mary living at Ephesus and being entombed there. HARPER already stated his war on CANADA on 03 10 09 In Babylonia, and in the nation of Assyria, she was known as "ISHTAR" The Phoenicians called her "ASTARTE". The Israelites knew her as "ASHTORETH". Diana was also the goddess of the An Illuminati Primer Latin commonwealth where She ruled with Her brother Lucifer. Lucifer being a Latin word for The struggle is between an international financial “Light Bringer”. elite dedicated to Satan, led by the Illuminati, and the remnants of humanity that still uphold God's 237 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 Lucifer- who is so proud of his beauty, and who "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the for his pride is driven from the Paradise of the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening Goddess -is the tale of Lucifer falling from Gods wolves" (Matt. 7:19) grace. This same man who was the principle able "mover" Who Really Was King James? and "author" of this deceitful book, that some call "Bible." It is truly sin against God to call this King James I, among his many other faults, wicked, evil king "most sacred" as the official preferred young boys to adult women. He was preface does. There have been many attempts to a flaming homosexual. His activities in that regard changes or pervert sacred scripture and history to have been recorded in numerous books and public fit the lies. They have fooled many trusting and records; so much so, that there is no room for ignorant people. debate on the subject. The King was queer. Geneva Bible Notes (1599) The very people who use the King James Bible The Geneva Bible is a critical, yet almost today would be the first ones to throw such a completely forgotten part of the Protestant deviant out of the congregations. Reformation. Driven out of England by the persecutions of Bloody Mary, several future leaders of the Reformation came to Geneva to create a pure The depravity of King James I didn't end with and accurate translation of the Holy Writ. sodomy. James enjoyed killing animals. He called Concerned about the influence that the Catholic it "hunting." Once he killed an animal, he would Church had on the existing translations of the Bible literally roll about in its blood. Some believe that from the Latin, these men turned to the original he practiced bestiality while the animal lay Hebrew and Greek texts to produce the Geneva dying. Bible. This made the Geneva Bible the first complete Bible to be translated into English from James was a sadist as well as a sodomite: he the original Hebrew and Greek texts. enjoyed torturing people. While King of Scotland Geneva Bible in 1591, he personally supervised the torture of From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia poor wretches caught up in the witchcraft trials of Scotland. James would even suggest new Geneva bible online tortures to the examiners.

History has it that James was also a great coward. On January 7, 1591, the king was in Edinburgh and Super Bowl Commercial Lizard Lake- prepping us emerged from the toll booth. A retinue followed that for the coming veil uplifting..when we will see them included the Duke of Lennox and Lord Hume. They without their cloaking fell into an argument with the laird of Logie and pulled their swords. James looked behind, saw the The Simple Truth videos steel flashing, and fled into the nearest refuge which turned out to be a skinner's booth. There to The latest from the Simple Truth crew in Austin, his shame, he "fouled his breeches in fear." Texas. Bob Dacy responds to critic: Christopher Hayes, Video clips of Canadian police attempting to In short, King James I was the kind of despicable incite riot at SPP protests, Police state alert, tribute creature honorable men loathed, Christians to patriot fimmaker: Aaron Russo, and more news would not associate with, and the Bible itself orders on the NAFTA highway. The Simple Truth is hosted to be put to death (Leviticus 20:13). Knowing by Bob Dacy(guest host of the Alex Jones show). what King James was we can easily discern his Produced by Kelly Taylor and Jeff Kantoff. The motives. Simple Truth is a weekly political news show based out of Austin, Tx covering topics such as 911, the Problems with the King James Version ( Queen North American Union, the NAFTA highway, SPP, James Perversion) police state, the UN, Codex, tollroads

Jordan Maxwell - Who controls the world Pt 1 238 subsidizing the homeless, handicapped, underemployed and dying. Our current issue is on the street. 1-866- 9-WAY-TO-A to buy copies. We sell to vendors. Need help surviving? Advertise and share your VOICE with us [email protected] Canada Street News Cram Note- Volume 2 FALL Issue 2009 How the World has been Controlled by Powerful More videos by Len Horowitz People Without Your Knowledge which vividly exposes the hidden webs of powerful people that run the world behind the scenes. Find out what is really hiding behind all those occult symbols you Holy Harmony- This profoundly sacred DVD see in your everyday's life as this world known reveals the hidden/esoteric name of Jesus:Yod-He- author takes you to an unforgettable journey on the Shin-Vav-He: Jeshua...That which was, that which origins of religions, law, politics, secret societies and Is, and that which shall be... Upon watching this much more. This short but highly revealing work program one may come to comprehend the Love , will graphically show you that you are being fooled Wisdom,Power and Beauty of this most sacred of all every day because you just don't understand the names. Holy Harmony, an initiatory experience, origins of various systems you encounter during reveals the Ancient and Eternal Wisdom in a new your lifetime. From a researcher who spent many and beautiful way. decades studying and then finally exposing the true origins of the power elite and their secret manipulation of the world. The Energies of March 2009

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