Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL — Tuesday, 18 September 2012] p5966d-5967a Hon Alison Xamon; Hon Helen Morton

ENVIRONMENT — PRESCRIBED BURNING PROGRAM 5862. Hon Alison Xamon to the Minister for Mental Health representing the Minister for Environment I refer to page 801 of the 2012–13 Budget papers regarding fire preparedness, and I ask — (1) How much burning is planned for Urban Bushland areas on the Swan Coastal Plain? (2) Which bushland areas on the Swan Coastal Plain are slated for burning in 2012–13? (3) What burning, if any, is expected to take place in the Hills in 2012–13? Hon HELEN MORTON replied: The following answer is for prescribed burning by the Department of Environment and Conservation. 1 There are 32 proposed burns planned to be carried out on the Swan Coastal Plain during 2012–13 covering 11 977 hectares. Additionally, approximately 4 500 hectares of burning is planned within the pine plantations at Gnangara, Pinjar and Yanchep. 2 Parts of the following bushland areas on the Swan Coastal Plain are planned for burning in 2012–13: i. Regional Park ii. Melaleuca Park State forest (3 burns) iii. iv. (2 burns) v. Paganoni (Rockingham Lakes Regional Park) vi. Cardup Nature Reserve vii. Leda Nature Reserve viii. Pinjar State forest (2 burns) ix. Austin Bay Nature Reserve x. Boonanarring Nature Reserve (2 burns) xi. Caraban State forest (2 burns) xii. Moore River National Park (2 burns) xiii. Treasure State forest xiv. RAAF unallocated Crown land xv. (6 burns) xvi. Yeal unallocated Crown land xvii. Fynes Nature Reserve xviii. Lot 101 Beermullah West Road xix. Burns Beach xx. Alfred Cove Nature Reserve 3 Burning in the following areas is planned in the metropolitan area of the Perth Hills during 2012–13: i. Illawarra forest block ii. John Forrest National Park(2 burns) iii. Zamia forest block iv. Serpentine forest block (2 burns) v. Gordon forest block (2 burns) vi. Lesmurdie High School(Korung National Park) vii. Perth Hills Visitor Centre () viii. Glen Forrest unallocated Crown land ix. Chandler forest block (2 burns) x. Churchman forest block xi. xii. Araluen Botanic Park xiii. xiv. Paxwold (Korung National Park) xv. Avon Valley National Park (2 burns) xvi. Pomeroy Road (Crown reserve)

[1] Extract from Hansard [COUNCIL — Tuesday, 18 September 2012] p5966d-5967a Hon Alison Xamon; Hon Helen Morton

xvii. Welshpool Road (Korung National Park) xviii. Gosnells (Banyowla Regional Park) (2 burns) xix. WalyungaNational Park xx. (3 burns) xxi. Sawyers forest block xxii. Chidlow (Crown reserve) These total 30 burns and 14 375 hectares. Further details will be made available on the DEC website.
