August 2005, Volume 26 Number 1
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August 2005, Volume 26 Number 1 This newsletter is printed on recycled paper NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2005 by Rabbi Robert Barr created the place I now tour. Did they have a vision that reached out decades, scores, Founded in 1980, Congregation Beth or even 100’s of years? Would they even Adam this year reaches a significant recognize the place that I now stand in line anniversary - our 25th. If you had to see? asked me 25 years ago, when Beth Adam was still in its infancy and I was begin- Obviously, I realize that Beth Adam hasn’t ning my rabbinic career to predict the reached that level. You won’t find us in a future, I don’t know what I would have Foder’s or Frommer’s Guide to Cincinnati (if said. While in those early days, I was one even exist). Our building hasn’t been simply hopeful that Beth Adam would declared an historic site and our anniversary grow and could afford me as its rabbi, remains within the lifetime of a generation. I don’t know if I could have imagined But, 25 years is quite an accomplishment what we have become over the years. and I sense that in time these first 25 years During my travels this summer, I fre- will be remembered as the early years. quently thought about our history, our accomplishments, and our future. But the goal of an institution is not merely to survive not simply to mark the pass- When I enter an historic building, be ing of another year. What has made these it religious, governmental, cultural, or past 25 years so significant is what Beth such, I wonder if those who first tread Adam has become in our lives, in the life inside imagined that their “institution” of the Cincinnati Jewish community, and in would continue to exist centuries after the ever evolving experience of the Jewish its “founding.” As I wander about his- people. toric sites and learn their histories, I cannot help but to consider what were Speaking not as the rabbi, but as one who the hopes and aspirations of those who calls Beth Adam my religious home, I can’t imagine my Jewish life without this will indeed be memorable. During community. Beth Adam provides me the course of this year there will be and my family a place to give voice opportunities to celebrate, reflect, and to my Jewish identity and allows me a remember I’m delighted that we can home in which to educate my children. share it together. Mazel Tov. Happy At Beth Adam, I have celebrated life’s 25th and may we celebrate many more. joys and drawn strength and comfort at times of challenge. I know that I am not alone in my feel- Rabbi Heyn recently wrote, recorded, ings. Over the years, many have told and circulated some original songs, me of the how important Beth Adam which have received some attention in is in their lives. Of all of our congre- acclaim in various circles. He is grate- gational accomplishments, I am most ful for the graphic design expertise of proud of the role we have played in Alan Brown and his staff at Phototonics peoples’ lives. Graphics, Inc. He is also grateful for the vocal talents of Michelle Rothzeid. Beth Adam has become a significant voice in the Jewish community both In the month of June, Rabbi Heyn offi- locally and nationally. As a congrega- ciated at seven funerals and memorial tion we have taken on a responsibil- services for Cedar Village residents and ity other congregations do not. We other members of Cincinnati’s Jewish actively engage in adding a liberal community. On June 15, he attend- Jewish voice to the chorus of Jewish life. ed a meeting of the Association of Whether it is creating new curricula for Humanistic Rabbis in Detroit. On July 9, our religious school, developing new he participated in the EarthSpirit Rising adult education programs, or publish- conference on ecology, spirituality and ing original liturgy, Beth Adam reaches community at Xavier University. beyond the walls of our building. Our congregation touches not only the On September 25, in honor of Jewish lives of our members but is making a Heritage Day at the Great American contribution to the Jewish people as a Ball Park, Rabbi Heyn will be leading whole. I am proud that we are adding the singing the national anthem at a our unique chapter to the Jewish expe- Cincinnati Reds game, along with the rience. two other members of “The Cincinnati Tenors.” He hopes you’ll be there to Marking our 25th Anniversary, is about sing along and to enjoy the game. celebrating what we have achieved even as we look toward the future. I Dr. Mark Rothschild gave the invoca- know that this year, highlighted by tion at the 107th Annual Meeting of The special events to mark our anniversary, Ohio Osteopathic Association. September 25th with a lunch at Lake Isabella Park, following the morning’s by Vicky Mary religious school classes. Our November 4th Friday night service Much like we approach any life cycle honoring 18-year and new members will event, whether it’s a child’s high school feature a retrospective of our history. gradation, a thirtieth college reunion We’ll start with a potluck dinner before or a golden wedding anniversary, we the service and sweeten the evening with invariably ask ourselves, “How did we a special Oneg. get here so fast?” Actually, every Beth Adam celebration So it is with the anniversary of our includes food! We’ve got two events own founding: on September 4, 2005, focused exclusively on eating and fun th Congregation Beth Adam will be 25 – a cooking class on November 6 and years old! And we plan to celebrate! a Shabbat potluck dinner on January 13th at the temple, before our service. As with any Beth Adam event, we began planning our year-long celebration Beth Adam social events also provide by determining what we want it to say opportunities to share opinions. We can about who we are and what we believe. expect a lively conversation following our February 11th Movie Night. We’ll Although we want the wider Jewish com- have separate films for the adults and munity to share in our celebration, we kids, and babysitting will be available. decided that the focus of our quarter century anniversary will be on our mem- In the spring, we’ll invite the wider com- bers. Since our founding, Beth Adam munity to share in our celebration. Art members have provided Rabbi Barr, and 25 will take place on Saturday March th th later, our rabbinic interns and staff with 4 and Sunday March 5 . Art 25 will a steady infusion of new ideas and new feature the work of local, regional and energy. Without our members – old international artists – as well as the work and new – Beth Adam wouldn’t have of many of our members. Every artist made it to this important anniversary. will donate a portion of the proceeds We plan to spend the year celebrating of the sale of his or her work. Our 2005 the caring and dynamic community we Art event was a successful fundraising have built. event, and we expect Art 25 to be sig- nificant as well. The 25th Anniversary committee, led by Marce Epstein has a number of member- Our celebration will culminate in a gala th focused events in the works: dinner to be held on Sunday, May 7 . We’ll kick things off on Sunday, Our own Jay Gilbert will MC this elegant event. We’ll have a chance to look back worked on was the design and production on 25 years of memories, and hear from of "A Benediction for Life." As a designer, a number of people who have made an I cannot remember another project that impact on our congregation. We hope to has touched me more deeply, and as a see many of our friends from throughout Jewish professional, I admired the efforts the Cincinnati area. of the Congregation to produce liturgy that reflects what you believe. I designed Most of you know that our congregation the mezuzah in the entryway to Beth Adam has left its mark throughout the Jewish in honor of Jim Salinger's 80th birthday - world. Everyone should know that we - not sacred words unseen rolled in a con- are able to do what we do because we tainer, but rather ancient words bordering have so many members who are willing your words open and welcoming for all to to get involved. That’s why our 25th see as they enter this building. anniversary events are designed around Beth Adam members – from those who Another attribute I will remember is team- are among our founders to those who work. Between moving into this building will join our congregation in the coming and dedicating it we experienced a flood months. of biblical proportions. But the teamwork was extraordinary and we did not miss As we begin the next 25 years, we cel- a beat. Two days later we experienced ebrate Beth Adam as a House of the something no one could have imagined People, and as a progressive Jewish voice -- the events of September 11. I vividly in the wider religious and secular com- remember two members coming into the munity. Plan to be part of the fun. building in a state of shock -- looking for and finding a place to regain their foot- ing -- and slowly a plan emerged for an A FAREWELL FROM evening service to which all members could ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR come to offer and gain comfort from one PHYLLIS BINIK-THOMAS another.